#and guess what… he wasn’t
unbroken-teacup · 1 year
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kendall roy core
i miss you, stop going by the water i swear to god
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goldensunset · 3 months
when people refer to canon story-relevant kingdom hearts games as ‘spinoffs’ it makes me sad not only for the obvious reasons i always say but also bc like man i WISH this series had spinoffs. imagine what they could do if they had permission from nomura to truly go off the rails and ignore the greater canon for a second and just do some fun whimsical plotless thing in an alternate universe. imagine a fishing/boating game on destiny islands. kh fighting game. it is an injustice that we have been deprived of kingdom karts. can anyone hear me
#in terms of alternate gameplay and lack of reliance on plot#i feel like melody of memory is the closest thing kh has actually had to a spinoff#but even that is important in its own way in the end#union cross to a certain degree as well what with being an online multiplayer gacha type game#its original concept i would definitely classify as a spinoff game#bc it was set in a totally different world and time period and was supposed to be about customization and fun with friends#and nomura or someone said it wasn’t meant to be connected to the plot#but then like. he did very much go and give it a plot. like he went back on that almost immediately#and even then. given that the game is still very much combat and exploration#even from the beginning can it really be called a spinoff? it’s just kh in a different format#i’m talking like a game in which the objective is something totally different.#racing game or cooking game or fighting game or (another) rhythm game#ace attorney style detective game. dancing game. dude i don’t know#there are so many different flavors they could go with here#alas nomura is allergic to genuine whimsy which is hilarious given that this is a disney series#like he apparently was like ‘ohhh should we really let sora in smash? would it make sense in the story?’#my brother in christ surely we’re not supposed to interpret this as canon to kh right? right????#i guess it’s just that the kh franchise has a very specific pristine vibe he wants to maintain#which is disney shenanigans as a seasoning on top of a main dish of Stone Cold Serious Anime Plot#kingdom hearts#kh#mine: kh
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panakina · 8 months
Maybe I’m just too attached to comic, but i don’t buy Bruce’s speech at the end of the UtRH movie.
The whole speech about not being able to come back from it if he killed joker, he’s too calm and controlled, it sounds rehearsed to me. I could picture him saying that weeks early but not in that moment.
I vastly prefer the overwhelming emotion shutting down any sensible debate like it goes in the comic: The face of his dead son is in front of him demanding he break his vows and kill his worst enemy. Throwing all his Worst trauma in his face, After weeks of Bruce losing control of the very city those vows are meant to protect, after being forced into a vicious fight with said dead son. This isn’t the time for Making a Case for Restraint, this is the time for freaking the fuck out and throwing a batarang without thinking it through. This is the time for Batman’s iron will to crack.
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sefynarose · 26 days
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I love how assured he is like it’s so sexy!! yes you ARE the only one i need now!!
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shadowofaghost5 · 1 year
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Give it up for everybody’s favourite street rat!!!
Fanart of Aaron from Fox’s Tounge and Kirin’s Bone, an incredible book by @muffinlance
I worked hard on this an am incredibly proud of how it turned out. If you wanna hear about the process, feel free to check out me rambling in the tags.
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1driedpersimmon · 1 year
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More Sesame doodles!! Also. Can you guys tell when .. *that* happened.. yeah
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blahblahbih · 4 months
Imola recap
Me the entire race
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Me the last 4 laps
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That’s it thank you
We got yoints
No one got buried in the gravel
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unforgivingchorus · 1 month
Think it’s underrated how when five was in the apocalypse and all he had was Viktors book to cling on to remember the family. It wasn’t a happy book. In 60 years as memories faded and deteriorated, what could have became memories tinted by nostalgia into something happier was grounded by the only physical remnant of them left. A sad book that realistically talks about how broken the family was. A book where the wallflower of the family drills into the cracks of the public images.
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lovvelorrn · 4 months
i think i’m entering a new hyperfixation and oh man it’s fucking bridgerton
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pookie-mulder · 10 months
The X-Files mythology is like:
The plot thickens.
It thickens again.
Even thicker.
Now the plot is so thick, it’s a solid piece of matter, yet it still somehow gets even thicker.
Pretty soon it thickens so much that it becomes denser than a neutron star, then collapses under the weight of its own thickness and becomes a black hole, pulling the show’s viewers into it and never letting them escape.
Yet somehow it’s still full of holes?
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rainintheevening · 3 days
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Part I - Part II ... Part XVIII - Part XIX
It hurts to see Peter hurting.
More than the state of their city (still theirs), more than the shattered buildings (he imagines the inferno of Christmas with a little shiver), even more than the dark smudges under their mother's eyes (he and Susan make all the meals during the holidays), it's Peter who wrenches at his heart, ache welling behind Ed's sternum.
He sees how Peter yearns for a sword, an enemy, a way to make all the brokenness around them right. More than sees, though, Edmund knows.
Knows the hunger that eats at the back of the throat, the way a single page in the newspaper swamps security like a tidal wave, the helplessness that weighs shoulders and hands till falling to fury or despair seem the only choices available. Hunger and helplessness had been his old play-fellows, back Before, and now he finds their heads reared again, but he also finds himself too taken up with watching over his brother to pay much attention to them. He forgets himself in his concern for Peter.
Peter does not cry again, not that Edmund sees or hears at least. He sleeps little, laughs less.
The girls too are shaken by the alterations to what had once been their world, but Lucy laughs more than she cries, and Susan steps easily into the motherly role.
Peter does all the shopping. In the span of their three weeks holidays, he also fixes all the bicycles in the garden shed, digs up the whole bed of the Victory garden, mends two broken chairs and a chest of drawers, takes a broken clock to pieces (Ed is the one who finds the problem), and fights four different boys, two of them more than once.
Many of the children who had stayed through the whole of the bombing are quick to sneer at those who did not.
“As if we chose to go!” Edmund complains.
“Cowards,” hisses Daisy Moore as she passes them in the churchyard, and her brother laughs.
“Got scared by a few rockets, and left your poor mother all alone in her shelter, listening to us all burn?”
Ed does not relax his grip on Peter's arm until Daisy and Danny have disappeared, until the tremble of taught muscles under his hand has melted away, until the growl has died in Peter's throat.
“Look,” Ed says with forced lightness, guiding Peter toward the street where Lucy leans against a small tree, singing to herself. “I know it was terrible, but there's no call for talking like that. It might make you feel better for a moment, but it makes someone else feel horrid for awhile, so it's definitely a sum-total loss.”
Peter does not answer.
The next day he and Susan come home from a walk, and his sleeve is torn and there is blood on his knuckles.
“They insulted Susan,” is all he says to Edmund in the mirror, bent over, washing wounded hands.
Edmund is glad when they go back to school.
At St. Maurice’s, Peter's responsibilities are clear, he's respected, he has the wide open sky and the wild moors to ride over.
They step off the train at the village station, and Ed sees him breathing deep, smiling at Colin's enthusiastic greeting, leaping to catch a stolen cap and prolong a wild chase along the platform.
Ed joins Peter very early for a ride the next morning, slapped awake by the cold wet May air, but he sees the light in Peter's eyes, the way he greets each horse in turn, and Ed strokes Rose's neck, tickles under her chin as he smiles himself.
“Perhaps he'll be alright.”
But then this term Wollers is gone, graduated, good, steady old boy off to the war, and the new Head Boy ticks Peter off twice in the first week for ‘interfering’, slaps Alexander Morrow in Ed's form with a hundred lines (in French!) for cheeking him in the hall, and generally does his best to let everyone know he's in charge, while also making everyone hate him for it.
Ed hates it, especially for Peter's sake, when Peter's only a year younger and also named head of the Sixth Form. A few weeks in, Peter joins Ed on the way in to lunch, and his brow is drawn low over still-smouldering eyes, jaw set in a hard line.
“Beaumont”, he says, without preamble. “Trying to tell me what to do about Gilly when it's a Sixth Form matter. Now who’s interfering?”
“Not you,” Ed says mildly, watches Peter's shoulders drop, watches him exhale. “Just don't give him the satisfaction of marking you up for anything,” he adds.
“I know, I know,” Peter sighs. “Jolly well wish I could box him, but I can't unless he starts it. I don't know why they chose him.”
At least Pete has rugger to shine at, Ed thinks. Peter had sat his Junior Cert at the end of last term (and passed with Credit or Distinction in all subjects, which Ed is very proud of him for) so he's more relaxed with his own studies, making time for more tutoring of the young ones, and making the rugby team.
Edmund tries out for the Junior team, gets named a spare. He knows he's not strong, but he is fast, and slippery.
A letter from Dad comes, forwarded from Mum, and it is cheerful, telling them things they already know about the successes in North Africa, expounding on his work learning Arabic, giving a brief written sketch of the desert sunset that strikes up vividly at them like heat from the sand till Edmund can see it as clearly as the view west from Tashbaan.
Peter is quiet though, broody for days after. Ed watches, wonders, worries.
Three months and Peter will be 17, a year off of signing up. Sometimes Edmund is certain Peter would have already gone, fudged his age and signed his name; he doesn't doubt they would take a strapping youth like Peter with very few questions. But he'd promised Mum, and Peter Pevensie is not a promise-breaker.
He's also not the only one hurting, not the only one missing Dad, missing Narnia, but Ed doesn't like to worry his brother, doesn't want to add to the concerns Peter carries.
There are questions sitting somewhere in his stomach, and he tries to ignore them, but they've grown heavier over the days, weeks, months. Time ticking by, another spring, and something about the sunrises, the green flush racing across the quad, rising in the victory garden, the apple trees by the stables bursting into bloom, it makes the longing flare bright in him.
As always the memories stay hazy, sometimes fearfully so, only brought back in sharp relief, a cleared streak in fogged up glass, in odd moments. Ed thinks there's a pattern in it—when a lie hovers on the tip of his tongue, he hears Oreius's voice; when Peter turns with an angry word, he remembers tense council rooms; when an apology fails to melt Edmund's own shame, he sees Tumnus's face. But there are smaller, less specific flashes too, and one day, hard at work with the violin in one of the practice rooms, he gets lost in the music, notes dancing under his fingers, spinning, swooping, diving, soaring, and he plays and plays and plays until he coasts to a halt, stands breathless and a little dizzy, feeling exactly as he had after his first real flight on the back of a gryphon, and his hand on the bow grips involuntarily tighter, as if feathers and fur are slipping through his fingers.
“Oh, don't stop.”
A hoarse whisper making Ed spin round, but it is only Peter leaning in the doorway, yearning writ large across his face, until their eyes meet and it twists into sorrow.
Only then does Edmund realise his cheeks are wet, and he pivots quickly back, lays the violin down gentle, deliberate.
Peter says nothing, but he comes across the room, stands close behind, close enough that Ed decides he doesn't care, and turns, falls into Peter's chest.
Arms wrap strong around him, smile bunches the cheek that presses against his head, but still Peter says nothing, and Edmund is glad. Just for a minute he hides his face in his big brother's shoulder, and lets himself cry. Peter holds him, safe and tight, and he stays, sniffling into Peter’s vest, until Peter says, “It sounded like Narnia. What was it?”
Ed sighs, pulls away to scrub a sleeve across his nose. “I don't know. It just sort of… came over me. Or out of me. Or to me– I don't know.”
Slow grinning pride breaks across Peter's face. “So you're a composer now too!”
And Ed must needs shove him away, rolling his eyes. “I didn't exactly write it down, so I'll probably never be able to play it again.”
“That doesn't change how beautiful it was,” Peter says, hopeful and true like Edmund needs him to be.
He fingers the violin strings, plucking them gently, tick tock tick tock tick, and he says it quiet.
“It's been about ten years. In Narnia. Without us. If the time difference between the professor's visit and ours is consistent.”
“Corin will be a man,” Peter murmurs in the surprised tone of grown-ups talking about nieces or nephews they haven't seen in ages. “And what would you bet Aravis and Cor are married?”
“Peridan and Anna must have several children by now.” Ed’s voice catches in his throat at the thought of his friend, who had sworn he would make Edmund godfather of all his sons, as well as letting him teach them all how to fight. And oh, Ed had stood up at his wedding as best man, hadn't he? While Peter had given Anna away, in lieu of long-lost father or brothers.
“Erah and Pearl–” Peter starts, but can't finish.
“We weren't trying to leave,” Edmund says. “I wish they knew that.”
“We were only following Lucy into another adventure.” Peter has a little half-smile on his lips, and then his arm around Ed’s shoulders is warm.
“The professor said it wouldn't all be easy.” Edmund rests his head on Peter's shoulder.
“Do you ever wish-?” Peter starts, but cuts himself off with a decided “No, I don't.”
Edmund knows, he's wondered himself, once or twice on difficult days, but he always answers the same as Peter. He'll always be grateful they had been brought to Narnia.
But there's one question he does hesitate over, as the seasons change, and the clock ticks on, and he voices it now, barely above a whisper: “Are you so sure we'll go back?”
“Of course,” Peter says at once. “Aslan said we would always be kings and queens of Narnia. We'll get back somehow.”
“You're sure?” Edmund pulls away enough to look hard up into Peter's eyes, searching for a hint of doubt.
“Quite. We have to.” Peter swallows hard, looks away out the window where the rain falls steady in the quad. “We have to,” softer now.
Ed sees the longing in his brother's eyes, and he wishes suddenly that just being here with Edmund and the music and the rain was enough for Peter. But he loves his brother anyway.
“Alright, your majesty,” he says lightly. “Now come on, the supper bell will ring any minute.”
He snaps the clasps on the violin case closed, leads the way out of the room, humming the whisper of wings in a blue sky.
Behind him, Peter is silent.
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I am once again going down the rabbit hole of trying to figure out the ages of the Gallifrey characters
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The implication that Arthur’s such a dummy that in every timeline where he makes his own decisions instead of having them made for him by an external force he invariably ends up dead is my favorite thing
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twilightakiishi · 1 month
do you guys think chika would’ve gotten anything endo drew tattooed? because I feel like since endo did all those lil drawings that were scattered all over the ground (so super cute btw) he decided on his own they weren’t good enough, considering how nervous he was to show takiishi his design (also so fuckin cute). and like! chika doesn’t even know what it really means to endo! I bet it makes endo feel really good that he said yes immediately to something he thought about so deeply…which is also really cute >.<
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killa-trav · 2 years
so mick was told in a hotel lobby he was dropped from haas, steiner berated him in public race after race when it was bc of him and his strategists mick wasn’t able to score points, didn’t let him do donuts bc they was more focused on making sure they didn’t run out of spare parts bc of hulkenburg being in the car for post season testing, baring in mind all teams would’ve had the same issue with it being end of season and all and then laurent mekeis from ferrari was the one to tell mick before steiner that he was dropped from haas??
wallah and i can’t stress this enough i hope haas never score a point in their lives and forever remain a backmarker bc if this isn’t a clear indication that all steiner cares about is sponsorship and looking good for netflix and is in way over his head and out of depth by being a team principle then idk what is
steiner and haas only cared about mick for his sponsorships and the pr that came with being michael’s son and u can tell bc of the way they dragged mick through the mud this year
n the funny thing is that haas only had so many fans because of mick and sponsorships are already leaving the team n i’m sure more will follow suit
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tonariofjananda · 1 year
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Based on a this ask
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