#and good call on the train being a lancaster
tumblrisweird · 1 year
okay the Lancer builds all sound great to amazing (props for the big brain dual ferrous lash) but i need to know the Dusk Wing build and also the locomotive if you feel like it (its a Lancaster right? right?!?)
Here's the Dusk Wing (call sign Perun):
-- SSC Dusk Wing @ LL6 -- [ LICENSES ] SSC Dusk Wing 2, HA Barbarossa 3, SSC Metalmark 1 [ CORE BONUSES ] All-Theater Movement Suite, Superheavy Mounting [ TALENTS ] Siege Specialist 3, Ace 2, Tactician 2, Nuclear Cavalier 2 [ STATS ] HULL:2 AGI:4 SYS:0 ENGI:2 STRUCTURE:4 HP:13 ARMOR:0 STRESS:4 HEATCAP:6 REPAIR:4 TECH ATK:+1 LIMITED:+1 SPD:8 EVA:16 EDEF:8 SENSE:10 SAVE:14 [ WEAPONS ] SUPERHEAVY MOUNT: Siege Cannon AUX/AUX MOUNT: SUPERHEAVY WEAPON BRACING FLEX MOUNT: Burst Launcher [ SYSTEMS ] Flak Launcher, Flicker Field Projector, Stable Structure, Reactive Weave, External Ammo Feed
and here's the train (call sign Locomotive Breath)
-- IPS-N Lancaster @ LL3 -- [ LICENSES ] HA Genghis 1, IPS-N Lancaster 2 [ CORE BONUSES ] Improved Armament [ TALENTS ] Juggernaut 3, Vanguard 1, Nuclear Cavalier 1, House Guard 1 [ STATS ] HULL:0 AGI:2 SYS:0 ENGI:3 STRUCTURE:4 HP:10 ARMOR:1 STRESS:4 HEATCAP:9 REPAIR:10 TECH ATK:+1 LIMITED:+1 SPD:7 EVA:10 EDEF:8 SENSE:8 SAVE:12 [ WEAPONS ] Integrated: Latch Drone FLEX MOUNT: Tactical Melee Weapon MAIN/AUX MOUNT: Shotgun / Thermal Pistol [ SYSTEMS ] Explosive Vents, Personalizations, Restock Drone x3, Cable Winch System, MULE Harness, Whitewash Sealant Spray
gameplay loop is alternating turns of using Juggernaut 3 and stabilizing [venting heat through explosive vents and clearing a status on a nearby ally]. It would look like a Lancaster with big treads and a ton of brass piping [the personalizations, which include train whistles fitted to the explosive vents]. Also you can shout "All Aboaaaaaard" when people use the the Mule Harness. At LL4 you could grab Blackbeard 1 for the axe and synthetic muscles or Tortuga 1 for the shotgun and siege ram. Either way, it may be beneficial to change your core bonus to one of the Northstar bonuses like Up-Armored.
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razorblade180 · 4 months
9 days of Lancaster Day 8: Beach Day
Ruby:Jauuuuuune! You ready for next week’s team environmental bonding training!? AKA, the beach!?
Jaune:Umm, yeah. I’m sure it’ll be fun.
Ruby:..Don’t tell me you can’t swim?
Jaune:I can swim fine. Although if I’m honest I’m probably build a sandcastle or something. Maybe read.
Ruby:You sound like Blake. I need you amped! We gotta wipe Yang’s smug look off her face in volleyball.
Jaune:As long as Nora’s on our team.
Ruby:Obviously. Hey, are you already done packing? I didn’t even see you shop.
Jaune:Ren got most of the travel stuff like sunscreen.
Ruby:You owned beach clothes already?
Jaune:I mean…sorta? I have trunks and y’know, a cozy top.
Ruby:Like a divine shirt?
Jaune:More like a…beach hoodie.
Ruby:Jaune, it’s gonna be in the triple digits when we go.
Jaune:I’ll live.
Ruby:Yeah in an emergency room! What’s with you? Do you have a weird scar or something?
Jaune:No. I…*rubs arm* I don’t know. Being shirtless really isn’t my thing. Never had the confidence.
Ruby:Really? I mean i get it; especially before training but you look good! Nora calls you Mr. Muscle.
Jaune:Hehe, yeah it’s a wild thing. I know it’s in my head but after getting picked on when I was younger I kinda became self conscious. Hoodies have always felt cozier after that.
Ruby:….Wanna make a deal?
Jaune:A deal?
Ruby:I actually have been trying to gain more confidence in myself and shake off some awkwardness. I was planning on wearing this older one piece I own. But, there’s also a part of me that wants to try a bikini for the first time. If you step out of your comfort zone then I will do it too. We can be awkward together.
Jaune:I bet you would look nice in a one piece though.
Jaune:..Yeah, that didn’t sound quite right coming from your boyfriend in this situation.
Ruby:I got the sentiment, but yeah. Not your finest moment. *holds his hands* Let’s take the plunge together. We can even be a little gross and get matching outfits. *smiles*
Jaune:Haha. That would be something, wouldn’t it? I…eh, why not? Sure, let’s try.
The fateful day arrived. After lots of second guessing himself, Jaune stood on corse hot sand underneath a recently planted umbrella . His hoodie was nowhere in sight and his new white swimming trunks fit nicely. All he knew about the design was the at the right leg had a gray pail pouring water out of it like one of those watering buckets.
???: Nora might be onto something with Mr. Muscle.
He turned around to see a red reaper holding her beach bag. More importantly, on her was the bikini she picked in secret. It was the average cut for a standard bikini, with the top being green on the straps and upper rim. Meanwhile, the cups and bottom were bright red with a few yellowish specks. Jaune quickly realized Ruby was a red as the strawberry design she chose.
Ruby:S-So? Any thoughts? How do I look?
Jaune:That’s not- I mean- *covers face*…. You look really nice. Man this hasn’t been my week.
Ruby removed the boy’s hands to get a good look at him. He wasn’t as cut as her but man did he bulk up! Not too much though. Jaune was still pretty lean and Ruby found that wonderful. She moved her arms under his own and gave a gentle hug while her fingers traced his back.
Ruby:If ya ask me, you look, feel, and smell good. I’m one lucky gal.
Jaune:*red* Thanks. I’m pretty lucky too. *hugs her*
Ruby:Well your luck isn’t over. I kinda need your help. *pulls out sunscreen*
Jaune:..You’re really trying give me a heart attack.
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 4 months
9 Days of Lancaster: Dealer's Choice/First Date
I struggled to consider what I was doing right now my first date. Especially with the context that recollections of some of Pyrrha’s and I’s ‘outings’ provided.  
Not dwelling on that. 
By any other measure, a stroll through some town market with a guy and a girl who were now a thing was a date, right? Even though it was a patrol and we did basically the same thing yesterday, now it was different. Now we were ‘together.’
Ruby didn’t seem to mind at all, though, she flowed from place to place with her typical energy. It was as though she’d never been through these streets and past these stalls. She could just walk up to some person and talk to them. 
I… I really liked that about her.
She called me over from some RV that seemed to be a permanent feature in the square. Some short-term-long-term food-truck-restaurant? I wasn’t sure, but when she spun and called to me with a wave, I felt my jaw and was struck by the realization that I wasn’t sure just how long I’d been holding my teeth clenched together.
My face ached but she made me smile anyways as I paced over to her.
She smiled right up at me and I had to look away. I really wasn’t sure how I was even supposed to look at her. I almost meant that literally. Could I just, like, look at her now? Whenever I wanted?
I was trying not to be stressed about her of all things right now. Still, though…
“What’s up?”
“They’re moving people in from around the area.” She explained. I cocked my head. Beihfing and I had both been united about a panic. “They started a few weeks ago. I guess after the tower fell, a lot of people moved to bigger places, weird.”
Oh, maybe they hadn’t all died. Huh. “It's not that weird,” I disagreed, I eyed the woman Ruby had been talking to. She was twenty-five--thirty with blonde hair which made her stand out a little here, but her skin tone made her a match for some of the locals in terms of origin. “You had to run?”
“Well we couldn’t order dust or anything and it was pretty scary being mostly alone.” She shrugged, her casual ease with her emotions struck me. I was a total fucking stranger to her. Well, I was also a huntsman, so I didn’t analyze it and just nodded. “It was a good thing too, what with the other villages.”
I figured it was an open secret in GaiLong at this point, but I wasn’t sure. That kind of news would travel fast until everybody knew it at which point, why bother pretending? It was common knowledge.
“What’d you need?” I asked the two. 
It was Ruby who lured me in. “They wanted to pull the motor and alternator out of it and use it as a winch for other stuff. They’ve already pulled out all the bolts, but they don’t - well, if they already had a winch then they wouldn’t do this. 
She rolled her eyes, “so nobody but you can lift it.”
The woman looked down at Ruby. “I’m telling you it weighs, like, four hundred pounds, easy.” I walked around and looked down into the hood. It was some dust-based thing with Atlas stamps, all smooth edges. It wasn’t designed to be repurposed. It was designed, perhaps, to not be able to be repurposed. Some technology was like that.
I reached down with one hand and, with a heave and a grunt, I lifted it and set it down. Ruby absolutely could have lifted it.
The woman blinked at me. “Oh uh.” Her eyes flicked to Ruby and back to me. “Could you set it over here? Then? If it’s not too much trouble?”
“Uh, no.” I returned.
She glanced at Ruby again. “No?”
“No, it’s not any trouble.” I clarified or tried to. “I didn’t mean… Not ‘no’…” I sighed. “Where do you want it?”
Ruby was laughing at me. I could see it as I passed her, following the woman to some cinder blocks. Our reward was something which I was assured was not ice-cream but was some kind of frozen custard-yogurt-stuff with sugar in it. 
To me it was good, for the time that I had it, that is. When we returned to the inn I still hadn’t showered after Ren and I trained that morning. Then I made the mistake of entrusting my teat to Ruby who had already nearly finished hers. 
When I got out of the shower there were only a few bites left of mine. “Ruby-“
“I left you some!” She pouted at me. I watched her take the last bite of hers from where she sat on her bed and set it daintily on the nightstand. Then she looked up and her smile never changed but she leaned forward onto her hands and stared at me.
I abruptly felt like covering myself, the towel and shorts I had on still showed off most of what I looked like. “Are you just going to stare at me?”
She blinked like I was alien. “Yeah.” Fair enough. I started putting on clothes anyways as she rolled around the bed. “I mean you stare at me, too, right.” I did. I had more than usual today, too, I didn’t want to hide what I felt from her. She continued, though. “I mean maybe not. Maybe, you like to look at girls like Sahov more?” 
“Who?” I wondered.
She tossed a pillow to my face. “The girl we were just talking to!” 
“Um…” I trailed off.
She slumped down into the covers. “Forget it.” 
“Ruby,” I started. I pulled a shirt over my head and began walking over to the bed. 
“I said forget it!”
I sat down. “Rubes you know you’re incredibly good looking right?”
“What?” She sat up from under the covers. “Yang’s the pretty one, I’m the cute one.”
“Ruby, if I didn’t know you and you came up to me on the street and started talking to me, I would assume I was being pranked somehow.”
“Ugh.” She let me know her disgust, but she wasn’t under the covers anymore and she was giving me this much sort of… sly smile.
I’d never seen that one before and it wasn’t something I usually associated with her. She crawled onto my lap and turned to face me, burying herself in the crook of my neck. I hesitated for a moment but let my arms rest around her slightly. 
“You really don’t think I’m cute.” She blushed. “I mean…”
“Oh yeah I just can’t stand to look at you,” I kissed her. Her bottom lip fit between my two and my ego was fed when I felt her relax in my arms. I chuckled as I pulled away.
She hit me and she was as red as I’d ever seen her. “Butt.” 
When I started laughing, she shut me down by kissing me again. 
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destinygoldenstar · 6 months
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A Fanganronpa Concept
Sara Fumihito is an 18 year old high school graduate in Clovis California who became popular in her teenage years for her YA Books. She’s willingly closed off from the rest of the world due to her anxieties and introverted nature and only found happiness in writing stories where real world rules didn’t apply.
In her lowest point in mental health, she wrote a book called ‘Despair’, a murder mystery horror fantasy about a villain protagonist convincing the privileged and talented to kill each other to save humanity from tragedy. This book was accidentally leaked to the world and it became a quick best seller, making everyone know Sara Fumihito’s name and many more of her works and always treating her like some celebrity who could factory produce fiction.
And Sara hated all of it and it made her even more closed off with people outside of her loved ones. She never wanted to become anyone noteworthy, she just wanted to be in her own little corner and live life her own way. But instead her own corner became a spotlight with people not knowing her loving her and hating her when knowing her more because of her fame.
So, you know, if there’s no say you have why try? Why fight? Why tell anyone no? Just do what people want, take what you get, and move on.
Life wasn’t awful though, as she too was decently privileged with a cozy home, a loving family who supported her status, and a romantic partner, Katie Sharma, who despite not having the same talents as Sara, knew the real her and became a person of comfort and acceptance.
With that support and hope, Sara thought she could go back to her corner and be her indie novelist self who could do what she wants, until she got an acceptance letter to Hopes Peak College as ‘The Ultimate Young Adult Writer’.
An opportunity like that was super rare and only went to the most talented high school graduates all over the world. It was a campus in Japan that helped found so many careers of privileged talent to shape the works. And when the acceptance presented itself, Sara’s parents were proud and honored to send her there to have her be set for life.
Sara did not want to do. It was not what she wanted. But she had no courage to tell her parents no. This decision was the best one for herself, right?
Katie was able to convince Sara that wherever she went, things would open up to her in ways a small corner couldn’t do. The two young women would promise to contact whenever they could and see each other again.
But in the transport there, Sara gets kidnapped.
She wakes up in a classroom with covered windows. Quickly upon awaking, she’s found by a robot plushie called Momobunny, one of the ‘staff’ of Hopes Peak. She finds Sara on the list of ‘new students’, and takes her to her class.
The class consists of fourteen other college students from all over the world with varying talents:
Jo Minamino, The Ultimate Musical Sensation, Miki Peridot, The Ultimate Scientist, Kiyoshi Aiko, The Ultimate Poetry Writer, Rose Nicholas, The Ultimate Good Cop, Rain Nicholas, The Ultimate Bad Cop, Riyuko Kurai, The Ultimate Vigilante, Mox Gammale, The Ultimate Video Game Modifier, Pierre Meiya, The Ultimate Archer, Akira Takahashi, The Ultimate Environmentalist, Hibiki Hino, The Ultimate Arsonist, Lyric Lancaster, The Ultimate Violinist, Dante Fabbri, The Ultimate Renaissance Student, Eireen Alarie, The Ultimate Dance Streamer, And Senri Endo, The Ultimate Assistant Teacher, who… more on this one later.
As it turns out, these students were taken here to live on campus for the rest of their lives without traditional escape, ruled by a staff of robotic bunny plushies, the principal being Monobunny.
They are to attend a schedule of classes on this campus to learn valuable subjects to prepare them for life, such as detective training, how weapons work, and methods of committing murder. And every weekend has a prize of a ‘motive’.
This is because the only way a student will be allowed to leave is if they kill another student and get away with the murder by winning a class trial. Losing the trial means punishment.
Everyone is devastated by the revelation of this situation with seemingly nothing they can do about it. But Sara is the first to have a mental breakdown, storm out to hide, and cry. She had no skill to kill and was physically and mentally weak, so in her mind, not only was she never going to see her loved ones ever again like she promised Katie, but she was for sure going to be the first victim of murder.
Or would she?
Senri Endo, with bunnies, including MomoBunny, comes in Sara’s room to check on her, assuring her he’s going to help her out. And then decides to force their meeting to be classified information she can’t tell anyone about (otherwise death penalty), to tell her that he is the Mastermind running the killing game and the school.
He’s a descendant of a member of the Ultimate Despair cult, and after the cult lost, he had been born and raised within walls away from the world rebuilding itself and its talents.
Because his experience of the real world is little to none, he found ‘Despair’, Sara’s book, when it became a best seller, and became heavily inspired by it. He took the books story and applied its theming to real life, and had himself and his many Monobunny creations take over Hopes Peak to model this story. ‘The privileged people, especially the talented ones, are all narcissistic and the world would be better and free of tragedies if the privileged died and/or were taken down a peg.’
And this whole killing game is his dream come true, especially since the books author is one of the students, a person who he’s had platonic feelings for. If anyone would be his first ever BFF in his whole entire life, let alone a friend, it would be her.
So that’s why he’s chosen Sara to be his ‘traitor’.
Work for him as a spy, and help come up with the motives to carry this killing game out. In exchange, she would be given safety by the monobunnies, and she, along with him, would be the two survivors the game allowed.
Senri promised that if she took this offer, not only would she be guaranteed safety, but absolutely zero harm or form of death would come to her family or that girlfriend of hers.
The only condition was that no matter what, she could not let anyone find out about this meeting, about Senris role, or about her status.
Otherwise, she could say no. He couldn’t help her though.
Sara decides to accept this deal and become The Privileged Traitor.
While Senri is enthusiastic about gaining his new BFF and Killing Game buddy, Sara has absolutely no idea what she’s gotten herself into and the many consequences that are going to come as a result of her decision.
Sure, she’s saving herself and her loved ones, but she’s also helping a sociopath kill other people who too have lives to obtain that. How moral is that choice, really?
But she’s on the leash now, and she can’t say no. Take it and play your part and move on.
While she’s oblivious to how murders play out unlike Senri and has to solve those cases for the sake of herself and those people, the biggest mystery is one she already has the answer to. But she can’t let any of the other students solve that mystery, as it would mean certain doom for her if she is found out as a traitor.
What she doesn’t know is that Katie, suspicious of the broken promise, is determined to find out what happened from the outside, figure out how to get in, and save Sara. Not knowing it’s already too late.
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darkrubymoon · 6 months
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Food Auction and Shady Maple trip
Yesterday I went with my middle sister, my father, my attendant and a sweet lady named Lucy who helps me cook to a food auction at a place called Root's Country Market & Auction in Manheim, PA not far from Lancaster.  They have a huge Amish food market, food stands, craft stands and every Tuesday a food auction.  If you have never been to a food auction before, it is quite something to see.  Generally, if the farmers grow too much of something and they can’t move it to market fast enough, they will send it to these auctions just to get whatever they can so it’s not a total loss.  Likewise, some smaller grocers that have large quantities of food that is nearing the expiration date but is still good will sell at auctions’.  Lots of small restaurants go to these, buy large quantities of fresh produce very cheap to add to their menus the next day.  Frequently it is like an entire pallet of food, but they sometimes break it down into smaller bundles.  So for example, might bid on peppers.  The auction price is by the bag.  Bids might be for a quantity of 3, so if win a bid at a dollar you pay three dollars in cash only for three bags.  Any leftover go for same price or get added to essentially a grab bag at end of auction.  Can get food crazy cheap but bidding is crazy fast and if not careful could be paying cash for a giant pallet of turnips.  It is not just vegetables that are sold but also store goods and day old pastry from the adjoining food market.  By the way…if ever go to this…you must buy 1 fresh cream filled donut from the farmer’s market.  You might be able to buy the day old donuts cheaper at the auction …but for one of those fresh donuts it is well worth the splurge. We bought so many items we could barely fit in the van…I was precariously in danger of being crushed by a couple of pallets of strawberries my sister bought at auction.
From there we went to Shady Maple Smorgasbord 129 Toddy Dr, East Earl, PA 17519 .   My eldest sister who could not go with us had given everyone a gift card to this restaurant.  The restaurant was really quite an experience.  It was expensive and where it not for the generous gift from my elder sister and her husband, we would have probably never gone as it is an all-you-can-eat restaurant and I could never eat that much food.  It was worth it however just to check out the place.  When we pulled up, I honestly thought GPS accidently took us to a church with a huge school attached.  It wasn't easy to find, not many signs, and it didn't look anything like a restaurant.  We couldn't believe how packed the huge parking lot was with it being Tuesday.  Seeing all the Mennonite and Amish with their unique clothing entering and others in their Sunday best outfits, was really worried we were entering a church on some special occasion. 
The entry area too was somewhat formal.   I can't quite express how big this place was other than to say they had a you are here map as we went in search of the restaurant portion.  They also must have a couple of banquet rooms, one of which was holding an auction.  As we walked around the outer parameter, all along the walls were these beautiful works of art shown.  It is difficult to get an idea of these 3D works of art from a flat 2D picture nor get the scale, but most were at least 4 feet wide.
The smorgasbord was humongous.  The food area was much less formal...more like a typical smorgasbord with the exception of size and quantity of food and number of people.  You sort of enter a mass migration of people like are in a busy train station and the afternoon train has just arrived and find row after row after row of food.  We went on their seafood night, so i never got past the shrimp isle...it just went on forever.  They apparently also grill steaks to order, but never made it that far. 
After becoming totally stuffed... I went with my sister and Lucy to take an elevator down to walk around the gift shop.  I have been to many gift shops before, and I wasn't quite prepared for this one.  It spanned the entire length of the restaurant...imagine if you will a gift shop packed to the brim the size of a Super Walmart.  We lost Lucy a couple of times, so we tried to stay close.  My attendant apparently came down later to get us as we disappeared for so long and immediately gave up the search upon seeing the size of the place.
Copyright © Eric Ovelgone DarkRubyMoon Be sure to check out my artwork on all sorts of fantastic items from T-shirts and prints to clocks and more at my DarkRubyMoon stores following web locations. Main Website: http://DarkRubyMoon.com * DarkRubyMoon Store CafePress: http://www.cafepress.com/darkrubymoon * DarkRubyMoon Store Zazzle: http://www.zazzle.com/darkrubymoon * DarkRubyMoon Store I DO NOT GIVE ANY COMPANY, PROGRAMMERS, OR PROGRAMS INCLUDING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENT DATA COLLECTION DEVICES THE RIGHT TO GATHER, USE, TRAIN FROM OR SOURCE ANY OF MY IMAGES, TEXT, OR USE ANY OF MY WORKS OUTSIDE OF MY EXPLICIT CONSENT. ANY USE WITHOUT MY CONSENT AND COMPENSATION IS THEFT AND WILL BE TREATED AS SUCH.
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retaliationrp · 1 year
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So I got edges that scratch And sometimes I don’t got a filter But I’m so tired of eating all of my misspoken words.
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𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄: Ezra Hoffman 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 & 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒: cis man & he/him 𝐀𝐆𝐄: 43 𝐎𝐂𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: Owner of Sapphire 𝐀𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: Sinful Ones 𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐊: drug manufacturer 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌:  Jon Bernthal
+ generous, friendly, clever - callous, destructive, violent
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Ezra Hoffman was born on a hot and humid night in New Mexico. A middle child, he was often overlooked, which meant he was often in trouble. There was just something inside of him that was restless, too loud for him to quiet. He wasn’t good at school, better with his hands than his mind, at least when it came to what school had to teach him.
Making it to senior of high school required a lot of work and people rooting for him. Because if Elijah was one thing back them it was charming and easy-going. Sports had help him settle down a little but meeting her was what did the trick. His high school sweetheart, the woman he thought he would love his whole life. For her, he could be gentle, sweet. For her, he would have done anything. And he did. He proposed right out of High School but she wanted to make sure he could help provide for them before she agreed. Before he knew it, Marine training started and he was gone.
Elijah was good in the corps, feeling like he had found his calling. He liked the brotherhood, those who became his family. Next to her, he would have done anything for them. Elijah thought the day he got married was the happiest of his life but all of that changed when his first child was born. And it took his second born to understand how infinite his heart could be. He had the perfect family, the perfect life.
But perfect never last long. His deployment were hard on his wife and when he was home, they fought more and more. Until his first born get sick. He came home as soon as he heard, spent all the time he could with them and stood tall as the little body was lowered into the ground.
He went right back on mission after, not even taking a break to be with those who remained. He couldn’t stand the house, couldn’t stand how much he hurt. Being oversea, forgetting something else existed was all he could do. Until their mission went wrong and he was discharged. Coming back to divorce papers should have been expected but it still took him by surprise.
He was restless and good in trouble too much. He started to hand out with members of the Sinful Ones and with them, he felt the same sense of brotherhood he had before. He started to heavily get involved, Ezra not doing anything half-hearted, and he was patched within a few years. From then, he climbed the rank until where he is today. The MC gave him back the life he thought was gone, that sense of belonging, some quiet in his restless mind. For the club, he would do anything and if that required setting fire to Lancaster, so be it, he would set the place in flame with a smile.
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howlingday · 2 years
Dumb lancaster request)
Ruby and Jaune were fighting in the are. Jaune was able to disarm Ruby but then (thanks to yang training) ruby put Jaune in choke bold, between her thighs and Jaune just gave up. Stopped fighting, adopted a smile on his face (not perverted one, but one of content) and let his consciousness fade.
Now, i would love to see everyone reaction to this and
Scene later when Jaune woke up and his friends (much to ruby's embarassment) decided to talk about it and please add line similar to these:
(whoever you chose): Jaune, you were almost choke to death by ruby's thighs!
Jaune: And i enjoyed every second of it! If these legs will by my demise then by oum i will accept it my fate with smile on my face!
"You lose, Craterface." Jaune said with a cocky smirk.
Ruby's weapon was knocked away easily. She expected this, since the condition for this matchup was not to use semblances, and since Jaune hadn't unlocked his yet, the match-up was a bit easier... for him. For her, it was slightly more difficult.
Crescent Rose was a weapon for killing the creatures of Grimm, finely tuned to be a lethal weapon in the hand's of the red reaper. Ruby never intended to use the weapon for harming people. She figures that's part of why she lost her weapon so easily; she couldn't stand the idea of hurting her cr- friend, Jaune.
Luckily, Ruby had been trained for this event. Yang and her Dad made sure she didn't leave home alone with learning a few self-defense techniques. Rushing forward, she side-stepped a swing from Jaune's sword arm, grabbing and pulling herself into the air. She threw a leg around Jaune's head, bringing the other around the other side, using her momentum to spin around his head, feet clasped together as she spun three times before twisting and sending them both to the ground.
Jaune dropped his weapons and slapped his hand on the floor. It was fun while it lasted, but he knew he was beat. Professor Goodwitch called the match, and Ruby loosened her thighs.
"You did good, Jaune." Ruby praised. She thought he would take the loss hard, but that wasn't the case. Instead he seemed calm, happy even. When she tried to part her legs, he grumbled.
"Yo, what's going on, Rubes?" Yang asked from the bleachers.
"I think I knocked Jaune out!" Ruby called back. "What should I do?"
"Step away, Miss Rose." Ruby split her legs apart and moved away. Jaune instantly sat up and yawned. "Are you alright, Mister Arc?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." Jaune rubbed his eyes. "I must have fallen asleep."
"Our fight wasn't that boring!" Ruby fumed.
"Wait, we were- Oh, right! We we were fighting!" Jaune smacked his fist into his palm. "I remember you grabbing me, but then I suddenly felt sleepy and passed out."
"Hm, in any case, the match is over. Please return your weapons to their lockers and return to your seats."
"Yes, Professor Goodwitch." Her students replied.
The two returned to their seats next to one another, with their teams on their respective sides. Ruby's sister glanced between the two with a mixture of worry and anger, while her partner paid more attention with interest to their leader.
"So," Yang began, "what exactly happened down there?"
"What do you mean?" Ruby asked in return. "Jaune knocked Crescent Rose away, so I had to use that move you taught me."
"Oh, so you taught her that move?" Blake's attention shifted to the blonde brawler.
"It's just a move I taught her to keep her out of trouble." Yang defended herself. " I didn't teach her how to wrap her legs around a guy's head, though. It was supposed to be a kick to the backside."
"I improvised." Ruby shrugged.
Weiss refused to comment. Instead, she glared at the oppsing team's leader, who was being pelted by his own team's questions. How a perfect being like Pyrrha Nikos could stand to be under that buffon's leadership is something she would never understand.
"Are you sure there's nothing going on between you two?" Nora asked.
"It was just a sparring match, Nora." Jaune answered.
"That ended with her legs wrapped around your head." She added.
"It just happened!" Jaune held his hands up defensively. "I didn't have a say in any of it!"
"Are you sure?" Nora asked. "Maybe Ruby's got a-"
"Nora," Ren spoke with an admonishing tone, "it's none of our business."
"Thank you, Ren." Jaune smiled.
"If Jaune and Ruby are dating, then that's not something we should worry about."
"Oh, come on, Ren!"
Pyrrha gave a half-hearted pat to Jaune's shoulder. "I'm happy for you, Jaune."
"There's nothing going on between us!" Jaune groaned, a hand over his face, while his other hand held Ruby's behind them.
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dragonking10 · 3 years
Lancaster Wedding Party
Jaune’s and Ruby’s families and friends are all gathered celebrating that Jaune and Ruby are finally married, everyone was dancing and having a good time, but Ruby was looking for her husband after losing him in a crowd of friends and families dancing. Ruby was about to give up until she heard a voice, her husband’s voice. “Everyone can I have your attention please.” said Jaune. The crowd stopped with whatever they were doing and looked at Jaune. 
“I wanted to dedicate this song to my lovely wife Ruby, she’s always been there for me when I’m in lowest and I do the same for her, when everyone doubted me or called me a coward or said I wasn’t fit being a Huntsman, hell even my family never believed in me, and it hurt a lot to the point I was so close to giving up.
But there was one person who never gave up on me, the first person who believed in me, the first person who had my back when I was surrounded by these insults and that person was Ruby.” said Jaune.
Ruby slowly walked to the first closest to the stage, to Jaune, Jaune looked at Ruby and smiled before tearing up a bit, he quickly wiped is on coming tear and continued with his speech before his song.
“If it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t have been a Huntsman, I wouldn’t have tried to be close to my team who’s been family to me, hell I wouldn’t be alive today I’ve lost track how many times she had to save my ass, she could’ve walked away, but no she stayed by my side and gave me the courage to be a leader, if it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t been, as my sister in all but blood Nora likes to call me, a Fearless Leader, for my team, so Ruby, hun thank you for everything, this song is for you.” said Jaune, Ruby smiled as tears started to fall down her face.
Yours - Russell Dickerson
I was a boat stuck in a bottle
That never got the chance to touch the sea
Just forgot on the shelf
No wind in the sails
Goin' nowhere with no one but me
I was one in a hundred billion
A burned-out star in a galaxy
Just lost in the sky, wonderin' why
Everyone else shines out but me…
Jaune always wondered why his father never bothered to train him or why his mother always tried to get him to do stuff that he never wanted as his sisters got to live their dreams but why not him. He felt so empty inside.
Until Jaune looked at Ruby and started to sing the chorus.
I came to life when I first kissed you
The best me has his arms around you
You make me better than I was before
Thank God I'm yours… 
Ruby doesn’t know what to say, she was filled with happiness and love and all she wanted to do is get on stage, tackle Jaune and give him non-stop kisses unleashing all of her love to him.
I was a worn out set of shoes
Wanderin' the city street
Another face in the crowd
Head looking down
Lost in the sound of a lonely melody
Empty pockets at a roulette
Always landin' on a lost bet
Just live for the spin and hope for the win
Go all in, just to lose again… But
I came to life when I first kissed you
The best me has his arms around you
You make me better than I was before
Thank God I'm yours
The worst me is just a long-gone memory
You put a new heartbeat inside of me
You make me better than I was before
Thank God I'm yours
Jaune grabbed Ruby by the hand and pulled her up to the stage and held her close, touching her forehead with his and they smiled staring at each other’s eyes. Ruby was so lost in his beautiful ocean blue eyes that she drowned out the crowd and focused on her husband’s singing.
I was a boat stuck in a bottle
That never got the chance to touch the sea… 
They then started dancing like it was a slow song, holding each other close
I came to life when I first kissed you
The best me has his arms around you
You make me better than I was before
Thank God I'm yours
The worst me is just a long-gone memory
You put a new heartbeat inside of me
You make me better than I was before
Thank God I'm yours
Thank God I'm yours
Thank God I'm yours… 
They stopped dancing as Jaune reached his hand to feel her wife’s beautiful face, while Ruby was leaning her head to his hand as tears started again and grabbed his hand enjoying this moment wishing that this would last forever. Jaune chuckled a bit before wiping the tear off her face. They both leaned over and gently connected their foreheads as Jaune was finishing the song
Thank God I'm yours
The crowd was bursting with cheers, but Jaune and Ruby was so focused on each other that they couldn’t hear them. Ruby quickly pulled him in for a tight hug not wanting to let him go as she was overjoyed with happiness and love. They stopped hugging and continued to stare at each other with love “You know something Jaune?” Ruby asked, “What?” said Jaune “Thank God I’m yours too.” Ruby said before grabbing his head and pulled him in for a very long kiss, Jaune was caught off guard but quickly closed his eyes and held her close and kissed her back.
And the crowd continued to cheer.
I hope y’all like it. Sorry if this is not good enough or doesn’t make sense, I tried but every time I write something as big as this my mind keeps going blank If y’all want you can repost this and most likely do it better than me anyway. But any way hope y’all enjoyed it and tell me what y’all think.
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rachetmath · 3 years
Lancaster vs Rosegarden
Oscar: Jaune!
Jaune: Oh hi Oscar.
Oscar: You think you better than me?!
Jaune: Wait what?
Oscar: You think just because you're tall, muscler, an awsome semblance, and cool armor that'll make Ruby yours. Well too bad buddy, she's mine.
Jaune: I'm sorry, my mind is wondering where are you going with this.
Oscar: Ruby is mine. She will be mind.
Jaune: Okay. But what does this have to with me.
Oscar: I'm not an idiot Jaune. I see everything.
Jaune: What are you-?
Oscar: The train.
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Ruby’s scroll.
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I know what you're thinking and trust me she will soon know that chocolate is better than vanilla.
Jaune: Look Oscar-
Oscar: I'm the goat here. I've gone through shit. I do more for this group than anyone.
Jaune: Okay. Noted. Now Oscar just hear me-
Oscar: I'm better than you in every way.
Jaune: Okay but-
Oscar: I'm-
Jaune pimps’ slaps Oscar across his face. The hand was so strong it almost threw Oscar off. However, once Oscar recovered a little, Jaune slaps him again, knocking the drool off him.
Oscar: Ow!
Jaune: You good? A-are you done? Can I finish?
Oscar: Yeah.
Jaune: Thank you. Now let me tell you something um Pyrrha is dead.
Oscar: Okay, so what? What does she... oh.
Jaune: Yeah, she was reckless, she didn't think and she burdens everything on herself. Does Ruby not do that herself?
Oscar: Um..
Jaune: Okay then shut up. If you like Ruby that much then tell her. This has nothing to do with me. We are not even like that. We're just friends.
Oscar: *feels bad*
Jaune: The only girl I seem to have a relationship with is Yang. And it's not even a romantic one, its playful and sisterly. I mean have you seen her with Blake.
Oscar: True. Wait what about Nora?
Jaune: ... ... ...
Oscar: ... ... ...
Jaune: Teammate. A bit of a sister. Nothing less. Nothing more.
Oscar: Wow. That's low.
Jaune: Now, you are better than me but guess what that ain't much. Like what have you done? What sacrifices have you made? What are your reasons?
Oscar: Um I told James the truth about Salem. I saved everyone at Heaven. I helped in the battle with Cordovan. I saved everyone from Salem.
Jaune: Okay. Ironwood shot you. Cordovan was insane and did not deserve to live or have a job after her recklessness. Plus, Ruby stopped her. You were on a plane. And Ozpin helped more than you in Heaven. And if Hazel didn't buy you any time you would have died. In fact, Hazel is the reason you’re alive.
Me: And the reason your journey started.
Oscar: Well I persuaded him to join the good side.
Jaune: Really, how so?
Oscar: By telling him how to use the lamp. Then he freed me and made me do it myself.
Jaune: So, Hazel just let you go because he didn't believe you?
Oscar: Yep.
Jaune: So, if Hazel called Jinn's name and she appeared, what would have happened then? Like would Hazel have freed you then? Or would he had killed you and just let that be the end?
Oscar: ...
Jaune: So Hazel just showed you pity or you guilt tripped him into helping.
Oscar: I helped with James.
Jaune: Who we jumped.
Oscar: The evacuation.
Jaune: The worse plan we ever made.
Oscar: Oh man.
Jaune: Now, I need to say this, STOP being random. Like first you suck for some reason then you start being cool. Like what the hell?! Oscar, I don't know why I should be wasting my time trying to help you, let alone worry about you if you're somehow going to prove how irrelevant that is. Like I could've been helping Mantle instead of helping you. I could've been trying to talk to James instead of helping you. But no, you're my friend so of course I'll help you.
Oscar: But I'm your partner.
Jaune: No. No you are not. I'm the healer. I'm everybody’s partner.
Me: Basically the brother or the father of the group. No, wait a minute, maybe the mother? Still.
Jaune: Now, for your reason. Why are you here? What is your personal goal?
Oscar: To finish this. This fight with Salem needs to stop. I need to stop the cycle of reincarnation.
Me: Bra, that has nothing to do with you reincarnating. Ozma's mission. Remember?
Oscar: Oh.
Jaune: Basically, until the gods show up and we pass, you have no choices here so... you're here because Ozpin and I fucked up. Mostly me.
Oscar: Oh my brothers.
Jaune: Yeah. Now, listen. Ruby has been going through it. Ask her out. Trust me, you'll be making her day. Believe me. Please, enjoy what little life you might have left because in all honesty you barely have one. Considering your just a mini version of everything I was supposed to be.
Oscar: I'm sorry what?
Jaune: Later. *leaves*
Oscar: Um RatchetMath.
Me: What?
Oscar: Do you hate me?
Me: Yes and no.
Oscar: Why?!
Me: Oscar, I’m not going to lie but in all honesty you should not exist.
Oscar: …
Me: Like I’m not going to cap. You’re just Jaune but with everything else.
Oscar: How?
Me: How? Bra, let me tell you something, have you ever notice how you and Jaune are similar? Like coming into a field with no experience whatsoever. You were getting bullied by others. You were in need a pip talk.
Oscar: But I’m black.
Me: Bra, I’m light skin and I don’t even care for you. I’m fine with black representation but I prefer Ilia over you.
Oscar: What why?
Me: Bra Ilia is black. From a poor neighborhood. Her parents worked in low paying jobs. Her parents are dead. She literally went and lived in Atlas, so she has more awareness of what’s going on there. Plus, team RWBY has one faunus and team JNPR doesn’t. Especially if the said faunus is rich and has some nobility.
Oscar: Shit.
Me: And to be honest Jaune looked like Ozpin. He even looked like Ozma. Other than that if Jaune was Ozpin reincarnation then everything would be some levels the same. Hazel hates Ozpin so will Jaune because what Ozpin has done so far. He sees Ozpin’s life and he would have been even more furious cause none the events needed to happen if Ozpin- no Ozma wasn’t trying to get laid like many so-called heroes. He gets out-casted like he was back at Beacon except Pyrrha’s gone. See where I’m going with this?
Oscar: Yeah.
Me: So, in all honesty Oscar you are just black Jaune Arc. You are just a mere shadow of Jaune’s character. Hint to why I like you. And you know what it’s our fault because we didn’t want Jaune to overshadow Ruby. Even though the sad truth is everyone overshadows Ruby. Plus, our writers refuse to give him a purpose or a character.  
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ay0nha · 3 years
The Race That Launched a Thousand Ships: Part 5/?
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(Working) Summary & Title: Niki Lauda, the rookie starting his career requests the help of a mechanic,  Margot Lancaster who has a buried past that he’s seemed to uncovered.  
Pairing: Niki Lauda x femme!OC (mechanic)
Word Count: ~3K
A/N: This is a semi-FILLER because ironically enough my car broke down and I’ve been stranded at my cousins apartment.  VERY long story short, I left my phone in the tow truck and just got it back and wrote this on it so please mind the errors lol. Anyways, this chapter is inspired by the fact I wish Niki could fix my car, it has nothing to do with that, but still. Enjoy!
And if you want to be tagged let me know :)) (I hope I got everyone, since I’m on my phone, I didn’t have the og list from my laptop, so bug me again if I missed you!)
Inspired by THIS POST (go take a peek, you won’t regret it!)
Taglist: @scuttle-buttle @creme-bruhlee @hardlyinteresting @ginger-abreu  @livvyshmiv​ @eater-of-corn @apparrio @whatawildone @greeneyedblondie44 @fictionlandslanddreams
Masterlist - Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6
"What are you doing here?"
"Don't act so surprised to see me here,"  I smiled when I saw Niki approach me, then asked a rhetorical question, "I work with the team don't I?"
I truly tried to stop the smile from spreading even further on my face. However, it had been a few weeks since the last time I'd seen Niki. With the mark of 1975 racing season officially over, that entailed the winter break. The break was intended for rest, recovery, and some off-season training, however, this time was also reserved for a mountain of charity events. I had always hated the in-between, the impatient waiting before I could properly feel the rush again. I knew Niki related to this like no other. This was our element and it was hard to leave it behind even for a day.
"I stood up Clay last time," I answered sincerely this time, crossing my legs in my seat at the bar to create some room for Niki to stand, "Didn't really have the heart to do it to him again."
"Such a people pleaser."
"It's called being polite," I countered as he just rolled his eyes away from me.
It was partially me being polite, however, the drive could be found in my curiosity about the event itself. I'd been invited to a handful before, as Martin Lancaster of course, but every time I'd decline, never show up, and for some wasn't even invited. Regardless, I'd never been able to fully indulge in the championship life no matter how much I wanted to. So when Clay offered to take me as his plus one, I tried to be as blasé as possible when in reality I was buzzing to attend the brunch. I knew I wouldn't enjoy it, all the podium places schmoozing and giving speeches about the 'toughest season yet' and the wealthy teams showing off their drivers to the people rich enough to attend hoping they'd write a hefty check. That's exactly why I became the fly on the wall near the bar, experiencing the world I'd once been a part of from an intimate distance as if crossing it off a bucket list.
"You look...strange," Niki's bluntness pulled me back to his demanding presence.
"Niki, you have such a way with words," I blinked a few times, feigning amazement to cover my insecurity under his gaze,  "Truly, it's awe-inspiring."
I knew I looked different and I didn't need Niki to tell me that. Him making that comment only fueled the self-consciousness I felt on the way over here. I couldn't remember the last time I wore a dress, let alone something as feminine and floral as this one.  It was brunch-appropriate and oil-stain-free, something that would help me blend in, but it felt so strange and foreign on my body.
"You look strange," I started the conversation again lamely. He too was dressed more casually, but he looked good as much as I'd hate to admit. But he looked strange in this setting, not quite belonging in the same way as the others. The difference between our strangeness was that he did this to himself on purpose. He didn't want to be here and he would never actively choose to be, but I knew it had to be contractual of some sort.
"You prefer my other suit?" Niki asked. His tone took the same form as my previous rhetorical question, however, there was a hint of something new in it that I decided not to question, but to argue.
"I wasn't asking," His eyes were nowhere but on my own.  
"Then you have some assumptions," I started to glare slightly. For some reason, one that was still a little hazy for me, Niki had been acting different since his win and my drunken night. I expected the days, even weeks following to be awkward, angry, bitter. They were anything but. Niki was more curious now, overall more thoughtful and lighter in his spirit. I chalked it up to his win, anyone in their right mind would be like that after a win. But now, as Niki carried this win with him, he was proving it wasn't just that.
"Are they wrong?"
"Shame," He flirted softly, then gestured towards the bartender behind me for a drink of his own.
I took it as an opportunity to study his expression a little closer than usual. He even looked surprised at his words impulsivity. I  took a small sip from my drink to stop myself from revealing any of my own secrets. I almost threw the entire thing back, but I wouldn't let myself get caught in the trap of bottomless mimosas.  When Niki finally received his own drink he took a few steps forward to receive and to thank the bartender. I thought he'd take those same steps back, but he remained within a short arms reach of me. He sipped what looked like water, ever responsible of him, and surveyed the area around us in our secluded corner. He began shifting his weight on his feet, back and forth, once again, shuffling forward slightly. These few steps were no longer in the realm of my personal bubble as he burst it with a few more steps. I couldn't help but start to get confused about why he had gotten so close, especially since I  thought he would have left me to sit alone at the bar by now.
"Niki, you're starting to smother me," I said pushing him back slightly by the shoulder, the touch automatically making me feel awkward. I added a light flit of laughter in an attempt to seem less stiff with my statement, "I can barely  reach my drink without hitting you with my arm."
"I am not trying to," He  squirmed slightly, coming even closer than he had if that was even  possible, "Only trying to give the caterers room when they pass."
"Whatever," I mumbled, trying to lose his attention before he saw how his proximity made my face warm.
But I was too late, he had already seen how my cheeks tinged pink. So before he could say anything I went on to complain.
"Niki, you're doing it  again," I fussed as he was starting to block my view of the emcee of the  event, "How am I supposed to see what's going on?"
"Don't worry I'll tell you if anything interesting happens..."
"You're not even facing the right way! Now move," I tried again to laugh at the situation and once again moving  to physically push him but only being met with resistance, "What, wait-  Are you blocking me on purpose?"
"Lying isn't your strong suit, Niki."
"Fine," He caved after a few beats. Annoyed with himself he continued to explain,  "Those people are looking over here.."
I glanced over his shoulder and sure enough, there were a group of tabloid vultures ready to find any roadkill. I frowned a bit, shrinking behind Niki's body again for the moment. I remained confused as to why Niki was acting so cryptic about it, "Alright, so let them look, we can't control their eyeballs."
"I'm not sure that you want those people to know that you're here," He pointed out, "They've already begun spinning a story."
My mind wasn't preoccupied with whether or not they would know who I was, at this moment I couldn't care less as I was too focused on how when Niki was talking I could feel his warm breath next to my ear and on my neck as he leaned over to grab my drink to hand to me without asking. However, the thought of thinking I'd be written up as Niki's arm candy was another thing.
"I'm going to go say something," I started to get up from the high chair, but Niki refused to move. He blocked my legs from even thinking about swinging down to the floor.
"There's no need." He went as far as to reach for my legs and gently push them back to their previous position.
"What does that mean?"  I  searched his face for an answer. I was quick to find one, "You already  said something and that's why you're over here."
"Something like that," He brushed his nose as if it covered up his response. His arm came to rest behind my chair now, practically encircling me and excluding me from the outside world.
"And let me guess, by doing so you've made it worse." His silence answered my previous statement, "Seriously Niki?"
"It wasn't my intention..."
"Then what was?" I asked him but he just let me continue with my next comment, "And here I thought you wanted to keep me company."
"Sorry to disappoint,” He gestured with his hands, but the one behind me brushed my shoulder slightly.
Niki was an intentional man, everything thought out and if it wasn’t, still level-headed. It wasn’t hard to recognize his behavior patterns, he knew what he was doing. His touches were brief and fleeting, but they were there. Experimenting and learning how I would squirm under it. He was testing the waters with me, completely unafraid of exploring waters that he didn’t know the depth of.
"Don't you want to know which team will receive the most funding? Enzo won't be happy if it's not Ferrari,” I shivered as his hand left me.
"No," He answered readily, "All that affection, all those smiles, is a sign of disrespect."
"Disrespect?" I couldn't help but laugh which caused a small smile to appear on Niki's face, "You know what Niki? This is probably the first thing you've said that I  agree with."
He gave me a look to tell me he thought I was just entertaining him.  
"I'm serious. You're right, all the fake smiles, don't get me started on the charities they pick," I scoffed at the idea of the cherry-picked event,  "Fuck dying children, you know?"
"Maybe I should call those reporters over." His lightness was back in an instant.  
"Niki don't look at me like that!" My face burned in what I thought was embarrassment, but I knew better than that, "Not 'fuck dying children'. I'm not heartless...It's more like...'fuck, the dying children'..."
"Because that makes it so much better."
I  was feeling a warmth in my chest that felt strange yet familiar. Niki was different today and him being different made me different. Again, to his advantage, he had nothing to worry about since he had already won and he was in that sweet spot of time where he had a break before starting the next season. But today it seemed like more than that. Something more than he wasn't telling me. Something more  I've been trying to avoid. But the sun hit a little warmer today than before making it that little bit harder to disregard.
"I should go find Clay." I avoided Niki's suddenly heavy gaze.
"I'm sure he's missing your company," Niki made no effort to move, and for the first time neither did I.
"I think I could get away with one more drink."
"Another mimosa?"
"Welcome back!"
Niki didn't have a second to react before the massive bottom of champagne was poured down his back by the Ferrari team.  As fast as they did it, they ran off in case Niki decided to angrily charge after him. If they knew him any better they would know he'd just stew with anger, which he was already getting a jump start on.
"Don't look at me like that," I put my hands up in defense, at Niki's solid glare, "I didn't know they were going to do it."
It was my idea. I was afraid if I fessed up, we'd stop talking again and that was the last way I wanted to go into the new Grand Prix season. We needed to be on the same page, but I was still going to have my fun.  I laughed as he continued to wipe the sticky liquid from his eyes. While he complained, I took the opportunity to grab one of the towels from the stack for him to dry off with.
"This is not funny," He objected once again as my laughter didn't stop, "I have only just arrived and-
"Here," I threw the towel over his head and started to ruffle his hair through it. This unexpected action for both parties caused Niki to stumble forward slightly, bumping into me. The light touch reignited my laughter once again, another wave of entertainment to ride.
"Margot," I thought I could hear a laugh starting to break through Niki's voice as he said my name. Then he grabbed my wrists to stop my actions. I ruffled his hair one last time and wiped his face gently before fully revealing it. Only then did I start to pull back the towel, could I make out the real reason he said my name.
My actions slowed down exponentially, the towel still in my now nervous grip. If I let go, I wasn't sure I could trust myself enough to know what I'd do next. Niki, though, seemed to be one step ahead of me, trusting himself a bit more in his actions. His grip on my wrists was still firm as he pulled me forward by them, causing the air we breathed to mingle. A once humorous moment quickly turned into something much more intimate than it intended to be.  It was always a look here, a glance there, a something I thought I had looked too far into that I brushed off.  But now, while Niki's hooded eyes flickered between my own and my lips I knew we were on the same page. When he started to lean in a bit further, our lips only a centimeter away from each other, that's then when I snapped back into reality. I pulled my hands back to my chest so I could create some distance between Niki and me, it all becoming a little too much for me to handle.
The butterflies and the blush caught up to me as I walked around the car to make as much distance between us as I could. I couldn't look up at Niki, but I could still see him standing right where he was. I refused to look up so I found comfort in the only thing that could provide me comfort.
"I came in a few days ago, to get started on your car," I was surprised I even had a voice, "The new parts came in, so your tires should be better than your last, and I'm still waiting on the alternator, but we've got time, and uh, and you, you uh were going to kiss me..."
I trailed off with a quiet, nervous sigh. I knew I'd be met with silence, so I dared to glance up at Niki. He too was avoiding my gaze. He used the corner of the towel the wipe across his mouth as if wiping away our nonexistent kiss. Before I had the chance to look away, his eyes locked with mine.
"I was."
"Don't," I looked back down at the car.
"Why not?" He shrugged, not seeing the problem.
"Why not?" I repeated his question with a dry laugh, "I didn't even want to do this," I pointed to the car now, "But here I am. So I'm definitely not doing this." I pointed between him and me now. I looked at him, already regretting my words. His expression looked guilt-ridden, "Niki-
"You don't need to do this," He took a few steps forward to the car, "I'll rip up the contract, it's the start of the season anyways."
"No, you're not going to mess this up," I knew he hadn't meant it as an ultimatum, only responding to my comment, but I wanted him to know where I stood and that I wasn't planning on going anywhere anytime soon, "I just don't do racers. You guys are nothing but bad news-
"You taught yourself how to drive you taught yourself how to do all of this you got yourself to first place don't you ever want someone there to acknowledge your accomplishments?" Niki asked his question over me.  His response told me he was well prepared for this conversation. Clearly, something he's already given thought to.
He was starting to know me a little too well for my liking, he knew exactly what u wanted as if he read it from my diary.  
"You are not that. You don't want to be that," I tried to reason, "You just think that you want this because of my....position...I'm a girl who fixes your car, I may as well bring you a beer."
He gave me an amused look as if saying don't flatter yourself. It was a bit ironic since he and I were pretty on par with each other. However, this wouldn't be the first time someone was attracted to me purely out of the fact I fit into a main, stereotypical male fantasy; women and cars. I was just another commodity that they wanted. I refused to put myself in that position after everything I had been through, no matter how much I wanted to.
"It's just misplaced feelings you're feeling right now so please, just-" I couldn't finish the sentence anymore, "Look, go get yourself cleaned up, I'll start with the car and..."
"And what, huh? Pretend that we weren't both leaning in for the same thing?"
"Don't say my name like that."
"Like what?"
"Like you hate me, hate this," He was now at the car. I hadn't even noticed the steps he had taken to get here, "Because you don't-
"Don't,” I held up my hand as a warning, “Make something out of nothing.”
"Nothing...right," He inhaled a quick short breath through his nose to act as if he was unbothered.
But I'd never seen him so bothered before. At least not like this. Sure he'd be bothered by some of the FIA rules or the errors people would make, he would be bothered though but now he was upset. His hand was running through his hair, his usually collected mannerisms now frazzled, and his stance slightly awkward and unsure of what to do next. I tried throughout the break to bury anything Niki related and now with him standing in front of me, I knew I had messed up. I had jinxed myself. I had put myself back at square one.
"Now, go clean yourself up and I'll get the others to help fit you to the cockpit."
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Her Majesty. || 20
The palace halls' are bustling just like my thoughts are overflowing and seizing to stop. I haven't spoken to or seen Harry since we fell asleep last night. Everything was great until it wasn't.
It is partially my fault for what occurred last night. I shouldn't have glanced at his desk and picked up the file, his work is his business, and I had no right to look. I was intrigued. I didn't anticipate recovering photos of what transpired the night my father died, and I didn't expect all the emotions to boil over and cause me to break.
I walk to the stables, the last resort of attempting to attain Harry. When I woke up this morning, I had hoped he would be close by. He habitually tries to linger when he knows I need to be awake at certain times, but I received no greeting this morning. No text, no call, nothing.
I mindfully lead down the hill; strands of thin light come from the sky, springing in between the cloudy May morning. The malachite-green fields appear covered in a bright sheen under the morning rays. The sparkling morning dew is making itself present as I slide on the soggy grass, almost sliding down to a host of daisies dispersed at the bottom.
I find myself safe and sound at the bottom of the hill and in the presence of the horse stables. I discover Harry standing at the fence, leaning his arms on the top panel as he watches a few of the horses being moved around by trainers. Harry glances over his shoulder and sees me but diverts his attention back to the horses. My breath hitches in my throat as I inch closer, I had assumed our issue from last night had subsided, but from the look on his face, I was wrong.
"Been looking all over for you," I break the silence as I stand beside him.
Harry proceeds to stare at the horses, intently observing them. I can only presume he is out here for some fresh air and to clear his head for a few moments before going back to work. "Been here," Harry responds.
"Are we okay?"
Harry breaks his stare from the animals and cocks his head to the side to glance at me. Then, Harry takes a deep breath and nods, "Your horse is doing well," Harry gestures to Meadow as she leads with the trainer.
"Yes," I agree, "Why are you out here?"
"I am watching the horses."
"Why?" I press.
"See the horse on the left?" Harry questions, and I nod my head, "She's going to be racing with yours. They're both good contenders for the Ascot."
"Where did she come from? Mum's horse is grey."
"She's mine… Well, she is ours," Harry responds, "Been watching her train for the last six months."
"When did you have time to buy another horse?" I cross my arms over my chest. I don't know half the shit Harry does, but I am not surprised by him having another horse.
Harry shrugs his shoulders, "Well, the man next to Mum started training her, but he couldn't do it alone. He asked if I would help, and I couldn't, so he brought her down here. Your Mum said she could stay in the stables."
I raise a brow, "Okay… We can discuss the horse thing later, but why are you bouncing around my question on why you are out here? You don't hide out here. I have been looking for you for an hour."
"You know how you need alone time? So do I. You should go inside and get your cuts cleaned up properly," Harry gestures back towards the Palace.
"I am fine," I mutter, "What is wrong, Harry?"
Harry sighs and bends down, picking up a black file from beside his feet and handing it to me, "You want us to be an open book; here it is. I don't want you snooping through the office, I have nothing to hide, but there are sensitive things in that office that you do not need to see." Harry begins as I take the file from his hands, "This file… I am hesitant to give it to you, but if it stops us from arguing, so be it. This is information and pictures of all the suspects that could be linked to your father's murder. Matthew and I have been working with an undercover cop that Parliament hasn't paid off to keep quiet. I have a private detective working with us as well. Every person in this file are suspects and people to be wary of."
"Why are you—"
Harry cuts me off, "I don't want you arguing with me over it. That is why I am showing you. These people are all dangerous. I know what to look for when I am out. I can protect myself and don't need protecting. Matthew has enough faith in me to know I don't need security at all hours. I am safe, Anna. But you need to be aware of these people. Remember their faces in case they come around."
"Just because you can look after yourself, it doesn't mean something can't happen."
"I am trained to do what I do; I am qualified to deal with situations. Let me worry about safety, and you worry about governing the monarch. I am not trying to be condescending, but I don't want to fight with you over my safety. I also don't want you finding things you don't need to see."
"I didn't mean to find what I found. And I don't want to argue; I am just worried about you."
"I know," Harry nods, his eyes ultimately softening, "I am fine, Anastasia, Matthew and I know what we are doing. You wanted us to uncover who did this, and we are. You need to let me do my job as security personnel, and you need to let me do what needs to be done."
I become withdrawn and open the file, my eyes momentarily skimming the photos and the information written under each image. No surprise, half of these members are part of Parliament. "I am working on proving they are immoral. Your mother and I are coming up with a plan."
"My mother is in on this?"
Harry nods, "Yes, sweetheart."
"You're not a detective or an assassin, and you can't do this."
"I promised you I would find who did this. We know what we are doing. Can we please leave this conversation alone now?"
I hand Harry the file back and clear my throat, deciding that sometimes what I do not know will not hurt me. I understand where Harry is coming from. "So, you have another horse in Ascot? How rich are you?" I chuckle.
"Not very," Harry responds. "Speaking of money though," Harry begins, "There is a house up for sale in the countryside. Would you like to take a look at it? It would be a good escape for you, so you aren't always on royal grounds."
"I haven't even looked at the Duchy of Lancaster. I have no clue what is in that trust that I have now inherited."
I have no clue how the trusts work. My father took care of everything, making sure I had everything I needed. Now, I have no clue how much money is sitting in my name or what to do with it.
I know there is land, estates, and God knows what at my disposal. My father never prepared me for financial things; he prepared me for hosting banquets and talking to world leaders.
"Baby, I didn't ask if you would pay. I asked if you wanted to look at it and discuss it."
"We can," I agree, "But I don't want our homes to be a part of the royal estates or trusts."
"As you wish," Harry nods, "I will send you what I found. Look for something you want. I am going back to work." Harry steps away from the fence, beginning to walk away from me.
"Harry," I call his name, and he turns around to look at me, "Are you sure we are okay?"
Harry nods his head and steps closer to me, "Yes. I am going to work. I love you. But before I go," Harry leans closer, "There's a hidden trust; you might want to find it." Finally, Harry whispers before he kisses my cheek and shuffles away, leaving me alone near the stables.
As much as he says we are okay, there's a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. No matter what, I am not going to like the idea of Harry and Matthew doing what they are doing. When I was in an emotional rage, of course, I wanted them to avenge my father's murderer, but not I want them both safe. I know they are knowledgeable and highly trained men, but I don't want the wrong person to find out what they are doing and turn the tables. Likewise, I don't want Harry getting caught up in anything more than what he already has.
♛ ♛ ♛
With Harry being tied to me, he is at a greater risk than he was beforehand. I don't think he quite understands, but I need to trust that he knows what he is doing.
I convene at my desk, carrying on my day of signing documents, writing letters, organising the royal tour with my assistant and doing my best to come up with ideas for the charities I represent.
On top of everything, I also have the task of discovering more about the armed forces. As the Queen, I can declare war and peace under the Royal Prerogatives, meaning I must stay updated with all foreign affairs. This type of pressure is something I do not want. If there is anything, my father was best at understanding his troops and knowing what to do in every situation. My father may not have been the most beneficial at opening charity events or attaining the right charities to represent. Still, his military was at the top of his priority list. I can only assume his devotion is due to him being a military member himself.
My father served in the forces before I was born. I must continue his work and devotion to the troops, not just as Queen but also as his daughter. With each day that crosses, the list of things I need to tend to is getting more comprehensive, adding pressure to my shoulders. I am drowning in the depths of the royal monarchy.
I glance towards Estelle and hit my pen on the paper in front of me, "Estelle," I distract her from the letters she is sorting through, "Will you get me the report of the day's parliamentary proceedings and find me someone who knows something about the military... Who helped my father?"
"Your Majesty, Prince Louis was the one who helped him the most."
"Great, tell him I want him in my office, please," I smile towards her, "I don't care if he is busy with Madeleine."
Estelle chuckles and nods her head, "I will, and I will get you the report," she responds, standing from her position and marching out of my office, leaving me alone for the first time today.
I take a moment to adjust my task from royal duties to hunting for a property that will not be associated with the royal family-- something that will be mine and Harry's. I explore the internet, unsure of what I am looking for. All I genuinely recognise is I want something homey, something that isn't just four walls and a roof, something that will be a nice escape from a life that I have never wanted. I want a small, cosy place where I won't have to worry whether staff will be watching or if the security cameras are on. I want something ordinary, maybe something with a vegetable patch or a small garden for me to look after. I don't want anything substantial.
"Ah, Anna, my darling friend," Louis enters my office with his arms spread out with an extensive grin across his face, "This better be good because I was-- Well, nevermind what I was doing," Louis trails off with a shit-eating grin, prompting me to shake my head.
"I don't even want to know, Louis," I screw my nose up at the possible thoughts of what he was up to. "I need some help."
"You're beyond help."
"Oi," I laugh, "If I wanted a smartass, I would have summoned Harry."
Louis nods his head, "I would say he is more of the prick than a smartass," Louis laughs, "He is a prick but also a standup guy."
"I didn't call you in here to discuss Harry. I need some help with this military stuff," I gesture towards the paperwork on my desk, "I don't know the first thing about this. You were my Dad's second hand."
Louis moans and slumps down in the chair beside me, "That is privileged information, and so is whatever I tell you, so what is in it for me?" Louis questions, holding the papers in his hands and flicking through them.
"Well," I begin, "I will let you continue staying at the Palace rent-free while you screw my other friend," I respond with a smirk, "And I will keep your secrets about what you do in the rooms that you are not meant to be in."
Louis stares at me with his lips wide apart, "Yeah, my husband is second in commands with security, and he watches the cameras. So he views every dirty thing you have done between events."
"Bloody Harry," Louis shakes his head, "Okay, well, since the cat is out of the bag, I shall help," Louis accepts, taking my laptop and commencing to take control over the word document, typing away and explaining as he goes. "Before I get too deep into this, who else knows about the shenanigans I have done?"
"Just Harry, he turns the camera's off to shield your dignity."
Louis shrugs his shoulders, "Hm, good man," Louis nods, "So, I-"
I cut him off, "So you should continue to help me unless you want Harry to stop hiding your sex tapes."
"Ouch, that is so dirty. They're not sex tapes, Anastasia. I was hoping you wouldn't act like I haven't seen you and Harry sneak off."
"So, the military," I change the subject, gesturing towards my laptop, "You type and explain," I command, not wanting to address private matters any further, he may be my best guy friend, but we do not discuss these things when the Palace staff can hear us.
I glance up from the desk and recognise Pippa waltzing in with papers in her hands. Pippa grants me a smile and stares towards Louis, "What are you doing here?"
"Nice to see you too, Cruella de Vil," Louis mutters.
Pippa places the papers in her hand on my desk, not breaking her gaze from Prince Louis, "The thing is, I was born brilliant, born bad, and a little bit mad. I'm Cruella. So don't piss me off." She recites a line from the real Cruella.
"Oh, you bring shivers to my spine; how will I ever sleep at night?" Louis leans back in his chair, amused by the banter.
"On a bed of nails with any luck," Pippa mutters, "I need you to sign these," Pippa pushes the papers towards me, "Parliament needs to be opened."
I nod my head and bring the papers closer to me, and Louis takes them from me, "So, do you plan to let me be reinstated in Parliament or are you still banishing me?" Louis questions, taking me by surprise.
When was Louis part of Parliament to begin with?
"Louis, darling, you're not fit to be in Parliament. We have been through this."
"No," Louis shakes his head, "You have been through this. I suggest you let me in."
"And I suggest that you sit down. Little boys should be seen and not heard."
"Pippa," I scold, "He is still a Prince. You will show respect," I inform Pippa, reminding her of her position. Pippa may be prime minister, but she still has an obligation to respect all royal members. "I will open parliament when I am ready."
"Anna, I don't need to remind you of the symbolism of the unity of Parliament's three parts."
I heavily groan and nod my head, "Yes, the Sovereign, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. I know, I am not a moron, as I said, I will open it when I am ready, Pippa."
"I suggest you make a wise decision and open it sooner rather than later."
"Pippa," I begin, "I will force the dissolution of Parliament through a refusal of royal assent if you don't leave me alone." I threaten her, not wanting to open Parliament until I know what I want to do. I do not wish to open Parliament with the members I currently have.
"You cannot do that alone," Pippa shakes her head, "So, sign and open."
Harry descends into the room, and I perceive him wander closer, his eyes staring at Pippa from behind as I begin to speak, "Pippa, all due respect, but I will do it when I am ready."
Pippa has no desire to take my word.
Louis clears his throat, "Cruella, she has told you she will do it when she is ready."
"Better men have called me worse things," Pippa returns bitterly.
"I doubt that they were better men," Harry interrupts the small feud that is happening in my office, "Now, I suggest you curtsey to the Queen and walk out." Harry advances forward as Pippa turns around to observe him. "Don't look at me like that. Your stare doesn't scare me."
"It ought to."
"It doesn't," Harry responds, "Now, get out. I want to speak to my wife."
"Your wife is busy."
"Pippa," Harry settles himself, taking a breath and closing his eyes for a brief moment, "Sometimes dead is better, you know a little something about that, don't you?" Then, Harry questions, "Now, if you don't get out, you will find yourself with Henry."
"Is that a threat, Harry?"
Harry shakes his head, "No, merely a comment, now walk," Harry points towards the door.
Pippa doesn't speak, and she keeps her lips tight as she half curtseys to me and begins to make her way to the door.
"Oh, so him she listens to," Louis mutters, crossing his arms over his chest.
Pippa glances over her shoulder, "He has the power to kill me, and he's better looking," Pippa responds, waving her hand and walking out of my office.
I stare at Louis and Harry before I shake my head, unsure of what just happened in my office. "Harry, my best pal." Louis grins, his cheery tone not working magic on Harry.
"What do you want?" Harry sighs, walking around the desk and coming towards me, leaving a kiss to the top of my head before he leans on my desk.
"Pippa seems to be scared of you, and I want to be back in parliament, make it happen."
Harry shakes his head, "I can't, I have no power over Parliament if I did… Well," Harry pauses, "Nevermind, I won't finish my sentence."
Louis pauses for a moment, looking towards me for help, but I don't intervene. I had no clue Louis wanted to be a part of political matters. "You're King, and you have just as much power as Anna."
"Sure, Louis, run in parliament, I don't give a damn," Harry responds, his tone of voice coming across as agitated.
"You're a bit hostile," I point out, regarding Harry's tone of voice and the way his mood hasn't changed since Pippa marched out. "What has you all rattled?"
"Is he not always hostile?" Louis chuckles, causing Harry to break a small smile.
"I am," Harry nods, "I don't feel the best, and Pippa irks my nerves. Can we please get rid of her?"
Louis looks back down at the paperwork Pippa wants me to sign, "Since you have the means to kill her, why don't you? Do us all a favour."
"Oi," I interrupt the two men, "That is not how we speak around here. We do not condone murder. We have had enough murder."
"We can discuss a plan later," Louis shakes his head. "When she isn't around," Louis gestures towards me.
"Mhm," Harry hums, "You were so sweet when I first met you. So what the fuck happened?"
"He hung out with you," I murmur while Harry moves a few things around on my desk, purposely making sure they are not in their proper position. I don't know why Harry enjoys rearranging my desk.
"Anyway," Harry begins, "I came here to tell you that it isn't a good idea to open Parliament right now. I would recommend you don't listen to Pippa."… "With that being said, I am going to go lay down before I have to escort your mother through the tunnels."
"What do you know?" I instantly ask.
Harry shrugs, "She wants it open to try and gain more control. Goodbye, Louis. Goodbye, darling," Harry kisses my cheek before stepping away from my desk, not giving me much more detail to work with.
I wake up to a refreshing breeze tapping my skin that the soft sheets haven't covered.
When I finished my impromptu meeting with Louis, Harry wasn't back home; he was still on my mother's service. I am not sure where they went or what they were doing— all I know is that when Harry came home, he collapsed to the bed and fell asleep, barely managing to mumble a Goodnight to me.
I stretch my arm over to Harry's side, surprised when I notice it empty. I sit up in the bed and glance around, my eyes settling on the white balcony curtains whirling with the inadequate breeze. I get out of bed and follow the draft. My hand pushes the sheer white curtains to the side, and I step out on the balcony.
The early morning air is a little crisp for my liking, but it's soothing. The breeze drifts through my hair, the summery feeling still evident as another day of June will wake in a few hours. I cross my hands over my chest, shielding myself from the light breeze.
"Waking up alone is getting old," I softly make Harry aware of my presence, and he turns to gaze at me.
"Hey, why are you awake?" He asks, his voice low and flat, his arm resting in an L shape.
"I'm not sure. Are you getting ready to go to work?" I ask, considering it's around the time he obliges to start getting ready. His hours are all over the place, and I can never keep track. I rarely wake up to him still in bed.
Harry shakes his head, "I don't feel too well."… "The pain is getting worse." His voice is flat and laced with pain he’s trying to hide.
"In your shoulder?" I softly challenge, and Harry nods his head just as enough light touches his face for me to recognise the fullness of his eyes and most of the colour drained from his face. "Go sit down, and I'll be right back," I instruct as I step back into the room and grab a robe.
I wrap the robe around me and exit my room. The door closes behind me, and I look both ways of the hallway, stopping when I recognise Matthew with his arms crossed and his figure stepping closer to me.
"Where exactly are you planning to go?" He questions.
"I need an ice pack or two. Will you accompany me?" I softly request, already knowing the answer. There's no chance of Matthew allowing me to walk around at this hour by myself.
Matthew and I wander the hushed hallways, passing closed doors and darkened rooms. The Palace at this hour is quite eerie. There's no staff bustling around, and if there is, there's very few of them. Everyone is mostly asleep. The only people awake are the security team and the kitchen staff, who get up early to prepare for the day. "Do you ever sleep, Matthew?"
Matthew laughs and shrugs his shoulders, "On occasions, Her Majesty."
"Why must you address me formally?" I groan, nudging him as we progress to walk back to my room.
"You are the Queen."
"My name is Anastasia," I correct Matthew. "So, when are we letting my husband take over as head of security?" I half-heartedly joke, wanting to proceed with the walk with conversation and not silence.
"Perhaps, when I retire," Matthew responds, "Thought you wanted him out of the security business?"
I shrug my shoulders, "I do, but I know he wants to work, so who am I to stand in his way?"
"He's good at what he does. Best worker I've had in my entire career."
"Mhm," I hum, "So, how much closer are we to finding my fathers murderer?"
"Anna, I will not discuss that with you," Matthew shakes his head, "On a rare occasion, I made a deal with Harry. I promised him I wouldn't tell you."
"Go figure," I roll my eyes, "I just want to be in the loop."
"You know enough, focus on running the monarchy and let me and him do our job," Matthew presses in a polite manner. No matter how hard I press, I don't foresee Matthew or Harry giving me too much information.
I am sure they have leads and their suspicions, and I am sure they can prove who killed who, but I want to know.
While walking back, I think about Louis. He told me earlier that he had the opportunity to be in Parliament and was running until Pippa knocked him down. After that, Pippa refused to let him be in the office, and my father agreed with her, stating he was too young to be playing in the business.
I don't think Pippa declined him and banished him for his age, but more so because she knew he would not be on her side. Louis joined the political party, but Pippa refused to let him stay on.
He was forced into his royal duties since Pippa refused his entry into Parliament.
Louis' life is a bit complicated. He isn't a royal on standard terms. Louis' parents are royals of the Kingdom of Sweden. He will never become a King; he is a very distant Prince, around tenth in line for the throne. He will only ascend the throne on the death of the entire family. Despite being born a Prince, Louis was not born in Sweden. He was born in the United Kingdom, therefore making him a citizen here.
Due to my father's tight ties with Sweden, they agreed to allow Louis to represent both countries as he got older. When Louis turned eighteen, he kept his title as Prince but showed his dedication to upholding both ties, wanting to be a part of the British notions. My father agreed, taking him under his wing. Louis spent most of his childhood here with me. At the time, I am sure our parents thought we would grow up to get married. Instead, I married a commoner, and he is dating an heir to the throne. Madeleine will ascend the throne on her mother's death; she will become the Queen of Denmark.
Louis wants to regain his role in Parliament, and I think he would be exceptional, but I don't believe Pippa will allow it. She will fight me tooth and nail, and I don't want to fight her on more issues. Louis will have to find a way to enter Parliament. Perhaps Harry can help him figure something out.
I move into my room and close the door behind me, surprised when I don't recognise Harry on the balcony or in the bed. I follow the dim light to the bathroom and locate Harry leaning over the sink with the water running and his arm in an L shaped being held by his hand.
"What happened?"
"I moved my shoulder the wrong way, and the pain… fuck, the pain was so bad it had me throwing up," Harry breathes out, "Go back to bed, I'll be fine."
"I'm not going back to bed," I respond, caressing my hand to his back and rubbing soothing circles, "Do you want me to call the doctor up here?" I offer, clutching a face towel and running it under the water before holding it to his forehead.
"I don't think she can do anything."
"She can give you something for the pain," I suggest, dabbing his reddened cheeks and shifting away from a few stray and fallen curls from his forehead, "How long has it been like this?"
"It has been getting progressively worse over the last month. I can't move my shoulder much," Harry confesses.
"You've been lying to me."
"I didn't want you to worry," Harry responds, "I'm okay, really, please go back to bed." Harry leans away from the face towel and gestures towards the bedroom, still cradling his arm.
Harry and I step into the bedroom, and he sits on the edge of the bed with a groan. I grab the ice packs I ventured out to get, and I gingerly sit beside him on the bed. "It's going to be cold, but it'll help with the pain," I inform Harry.
"Anna, please don't touch my shoulder, I'm begging. I can't handle more pain."
"It won't be painful. It's just a cold pack," I assure Harry, holding the cold pack to his shoulder ever so gently. Harry instantly lets out a breath and bows his head. "Why didn't you say anything?"
"Been a bit busy," Harry responds, "Don't have time for this. Have the Ascott coming up and your royal tour."
"Well, you're going to have to make time," I sigh, holding the ice pack in place. "How are you feeling?"
"I am wonderful," Harry sarcastically responds, "Never felt better."
"No need for sarcasm," I mutter, rubbing his lower back while he takes a few deep breaths.
Harry has never been one to complain. On the contrary, he has barely missed a day of work since he began working at the Palace; even when he is sick, he has always showed up and done his best.
The royal doctor steps into the room and looks at me, "You look fine?" She challenges, scanning me up and down. I shake my head and gesture to Harry on the bed.
It is a change of events. For once, it isn't me calling for her to assist me; it is him.
"I am guessing you didn't follow up post-surgery, huh?" she questions, stepping towards Harry and bending down to kneel beside the bed.
Harry grunts and shakes his head, not bothering to defend himself. I had no clue things were this bad with his shoulder. I was under the impression the surgery went well, and he was on the road to a full recovery. He didn't show too many signs of pain until just recently. The doctor begins to check his vitals before taking a breath and touching his shoulder, putting pressure on him just enough to cause him to hiss. "I barely touched you," she defends, "Can you lift your arm?"
"If I could, do you think you would be here?" Harry snarls, letting out a heavy breath before apologising for his tone of voice.
"I am not going to stand here and waste time, and I am calling for you to go to the Hospital. I'll call for an ambulance."
"No," Harry shakes his head, "I can drive."
"Not a chance," the doctor shakes her head, "I know you are aware of what protocol is, and this is my protocol. You need surgery, and you're getting it, now," she informs him, taking her phone from her pocket and unlocking it. Harry groans in the background and continues to shake his head. He disputes the idea of an ambulance, arguing until we agree to find another way to get him to where he needs to be.
He's pretty stubborn, but I understand why he doesn't want an ambulance. He doesn't want attention drawn to him and doesn't believe he needs to take an ambulance from someone else when he is in perfect condition to wait.
♛ ♛ ♛
I remain in the hospital room with Matthew, both remaining in silence and staring at the oblique walls. At four in the morning, there isn't much to do or say. Against Harry's wishes, we brought him to King Edward VII's Hospital; he refused to be taken by ambulance, so we compromised and took him to the private Hospital by a car Matthew drove. He had exactly two minutes to sign medical papers before he was whisked off to surgery.
The Hospital is modest, with 56 beds and boasting more than four nurses to every patient. The Hospital has been in the family for decades. The Hospital was established in 1899 to treat injured soldiers fighting in the Second World War.
Just down the corridor from reception is the well-stocked library. It baffles me that there is such an extensive library, but others may want to read while waiting in anticipation. I don't want to read a novel about a love story, science or really anything. I want to be told that the surgery went well and Harry is okay.
I hear my phone go off, and I ignore it, continuing to stare at the walls, my foot tapping against the floor.
Ding, Ding, Ding.
I tiredly grab my phone, the dinging sounding every second causing me to glance towards Matthew. Matthew raises a brow, the irritating noise also coming from his phone.
I blink a few times at my screen, "You've got to be kidding me," I sigh profoundly, reading the banner on my phone that displays breaking news. "How? How does anyone know?" I immediately ask, clicking the link and beginning to read the article.
"Breaking news, on the advice of the Royal Highness's Doctor, one of Britain's royal members has been taken to Hospital. It is unknown which royal has been rushed in. The unknown monarch was taken by private car to King Edward VII Hospital in London.
All official engagements for this week, including the Queen's trip to Rome, will more than likely be postponed. The Queen is likely not to attend the Ascott. More information to come soon."
I glance towards Matthew, who shakes his head before he taps the phone screen and touches it to his ear. "I need Police officers to guard the entrance of King Edward VII Hospital, now." Matthew speaks into his phone, "And I need two guards at the entrance of room 15." Matthew ends the call and peers towards me, "Either someone saw us, or there is a palace snitch."
"What do we do?"
"Good question," Matthew bites on his lip as he operates his fingers through his hair. "I uh... I do not know. It is your decision... What should we tell the press?"
"It is none of their business. Harry is a private man."
Matthew nods, "He won't be too happy if we release his name."
"Can we say the articles are fake?"
"There are pictures…" Matthew shakes his head, "I'll think of something, don't stress over it. I'll handle it."
"Okay," I agree, "What do I do about a snitch? I don't want a snitch in my Palace."
"I will handle it. But, unfortunately, there are a few new guys who Harry and I didn't trust."… "Do I have permission to fire anyone I deem unfit?"
"Be my guest," I agree, putting my phone down.
I do not want my trust broken within my Palace. I should trust that all staff will keep their lips tightly sealed when it comes to private matters.
Harry will be pissed to find out that the media have written about this.
If there is a snake in my Palace, I will not allow them to get away with speaking to the press. Over the years, staff have been known to sell stories to the media for the right price. It drove my Father insane, but sometimes he understood the circumstances. As much as the staff are paid as well, there have been times during the years that the staff have not received enough to make ends meet.
♛ ♛ ♛
Harry and I relax on the balcony overlooking the beautiful garden behind the hospital, both of us taking the time to inhale the morning air and watch the gardens come to life as the sun continues to rise. Harry has a light blanket draped around his shoulders while in a shoulder sling to stop him from moving his shoulder too much. He looks miserable, but he isn't in as much unbearable pain that he was in and throwing up.
His free hand holds his cup of orange juice, and he screws his nose up with every drink he takes. "It isn't coffee," Harry huffs, "A little coffee won't hurt."
"You're on morphine, no," I shake my head, leaning back on my chair and enjoying the quiet morning.
"Fair point," Harry sighs, "Your first Royal tour is coming up. How do you feel about that?"
"Why are you making small talk?" I curiously ask, "You're meant to be sleeping."
"Hasn't fully kicked in yet," Harry answers, "I'm asking because I'm not going to be able to make it for the first part of your Royal tour."
I grow quiet, well aware that there's a good chance he won't be on tour with me. However, I had an idea after the events of the last few hours. Harry being in as much pain as he is in can only mean one thing— his surgery wasn't successful, and he will need another.
I have no desire to do the tour alone, I want him with me, but it isn't his fault. There comes a time I have to be a big girl and do what Queens do— keep moving forward.
I can do it on my own; I do not need him. I want him. I know the difference.
"I know," I softly sigh, "I suppose I'll think of something."
"I'm sorry, Anna."
"I know, I heard from the doctor… it was crucial to get it fixed," I remind him of the words she told him. She was very blunt with telling him.
"I don't think I can physically go; they're not going to let me. They want to do another surgery in a few days to fix the last part." Harry begins.
"I don't want you to push it back. I'll be fine. I've done tours before. I'm sure this will go smoothly. And maybe you'll be able to meet me for the last part of the tour?" I ask, and Harry nods his head.
"I'll do my best if I ever make it out of this hell hole."
"It isn't that bad," I glance over at him, and he raises a brow, disagreeing with me.
Harry cocks his head to the side, "Darling, if you weren't here, I'd be staring at the wall. But, unfortunately, all they have for entertainment are books."
"Well, you love to read."
"Not when I'm in pain and can barely see from my meds."
"Makes it even more fun," I joke, gently nudging him, "Do you want to go to the Palace? They might release you."
"Baby, they're not going to let me go until I have my last surgery. Then, according to them, I'm at flight risk of not coming back," Harry laughs, "And they're right, that's why I'm in this position because I didn't listen."
"You never listen," I respond, "Well, once your surgery is done, we can have you taken to the palace and have you cared for there."
"Can you be my nurse?"
I shake my head, "No, you have a smirk on your lips, which means one thing."
"Oh, come on," Harry whines, "I need a little TLC."
"You get enough TLC." I chuckle, shaking my head, "You're getting sleepy. Back inside, you go," I gesture inside, standing to my feet and holding his arm as he stands up as well.
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Highlights from the interview with Eric Wright of The Puppet Kitchen:
* Jonathan talked about working with puppets in Little Shop of Horrors, and collaborating with the puppeteers Eric and Teddy Yudain to achieve a reaction from the audience, and being so impressed with the skill of the puppeteers. 
* Eric said for someone who had never puppeteered before, Jonathan was “very good at it in a way that was just maddening”, assuming it was because he had existing skills. Jonathan said he thought it would be much easier than it was, but it was ultimately challenging and rewarding
* Jonathan said it was like learning to play an instrument, like the piano or the guitar or drums, using motor skills in a different way. 
* Jonathan is asked about the marionette theater production of The Sound of Music which includes his voice as Rolf. Jonathan says he saw the production when it came through Pennsylvania “and it was so cool”. 
* Around 29 minutes in Jonathan’s doorbell rings and it turns out to be his new neighbour in Lancaster County, who brought over muffins and a bag of greens. Jonathan says he set up a meeting with the neighbour for the following day, and later says he should think about what to make them.
* Jonathan says getting to do physical comedy for Little Shop was one of the joys of the character. 
* Jonathan says he has had no training in anything, or any formal process, so part of the fun of each job is starting from scratch. Each job is an opportunity for growth and to learn something new. 
*Jonathan says the biggest thing he kept consistent during the pandemic was the film club with friends, where they would watch four films each week and then discuss them (later four movies every two weeks). It ended in May and last week they had their first in-person movie club and went to see Fellini’s “8 1/2″ at the Film Forum (”which was awesome”). He says now that life is coming back to normal they will continue to meet in person and watch classic films.
* Other quarantine activities that kept him happy were exercising, a Little Shop reunion zoom every month or so, a cocktail hour every Friday with friends {”that was really fun”), and being in Pennsylvania with family, the rooster and goats. 
* Jonathan says he hasn’t heard anything about Mindhunter returning.
* He talks about Lost Ollie, where he voices a bunny. Jonathan says that’s been really fun and has been able to record from his home in Pennsylvania. He says that it has been cool to be creative from a place where he can look out the window to where he used to put on plays as a child. “That’s the only thing I’m working on right now... officially.”
* Jonathan calls Matrix 4 “very exciting”. He said he found out how got the part while they were in tech rehearsal for Little Shop, and then started the training for the fight training in November. He said it was like learning a technical choreographed dance, and it was “so fun” and put him in the best physical shape of his life. He has kept up the same training at least four days a week as he finds it therapeutic and “it has changed my life”. He says getting to do the fights was like being in a childhood dream and the fight scenes were “so freaking fun”. He said it was intimidating at first looking at Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Ann Moss fighting, and coming from playing Seymour was a 180 shakeup, but it was fun.
Eric in closing: “Jonathan, it has been just a dream talking to you, as usual. It has been so inspiring working with you and getting to know you and seeing how you work and stay joyful and playful in everything that you do.”
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summion7 · 3 years
Nora: hey Jaune I’ve been wondering for a while what is with that you wear on your neck.
Yang:yeah your not in a relationship and your not a suffer dork.
Jaune: oh well this lets me call a spiritual mount named torrent she is great.
Weiss: your semblance is a ring?
Jaune: no no the ring is magic along with the mount.
Blake: ... magic isn’t real.
*ozpin and Salem sneeze at this moment *
Jaune:then explain this. *blows into ring summioning torrent* or this *casts urgent heal* or even this *throws a fire ball at a training dummy as cinder who is walking by sees this is rather surprised there is someone else who uses fire*.
Pyrrha: is.. is there anything else you can do that we don’t know?
Jaune: I’m a walking arsenal of weapons and armors and I am surprisingly good with twin swords.
Weiss: why haven’t you been utilizing these abilities? You would not be seen as the weakest leader.
Jaune: because I have serve ptsd as my time as a tarnished. I can recall all the people I was to weak to save and the creatures that would hunt me at every point of the land. By the way if you see a bald man named Patches be on alert he attacked me with the intent to kill.
Ruby: holy ... how long ago did this happen?
Jaune: well time is distorted there so over there I was there for a little over two years but in over time it was over the four day weekend
Rwbynpr:LAST WEEK?!!!!
Jaune: ah I suppose it was that long for all of you. I’m so tired hahaha .
Pyrrha: Why didn’t you tell us. Do you not trust us... trust me?
Jaune:NO no I just was scared you see me crazy and I didn’t want to lose you all. I’ve seen so much lost. And Pyrrha your so so fucking pure that I would die for your honor!
Pyrrha:Don’t day you’ll die for me please say you’ll live for me instead your to important to me to lose.
Jaune: Pyrrha... then by your grace please keep me by your side now and forever.
Jaune: I mean I was offering my loyalty but if she wants to go out I would be more than-
Pyrrha: YES. Go wash up so we go on a date now!
Blake turns to Nora: ARKOS FOREVER !
Blake: there ship name a lot of people have been hoping they get together.
Ruby: what other ship names are there?
Nora: well there is dragonslayer when Jaune is with yang. White knight with Weiss, knightshade with Blake, Lancaster with ruby, Nora’s arc with me and martial arcs with Ren.
Ren: I have one ?
Blake: there is one with him and good witch too it’s called Excalibur!
Weiss: why would anyone want him???
Blake: he kind, innocent or at least he was , the prefect house husband an-
Ren: Nora no need to yell that.
Yang: wait vb has a shlong?
Ren: gives new meaning to ARC.
Cinder: is he open to polygamy?
Nora: actually I think being the last male arc as his dad died make him the next arc clan head so technically he has to taken multiple wife’s by law.
Ren: it’s kinda the same for me...
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the-romantic-lady · 3 years
Can you talk more about Edmund? I always wanted to know more about him than I know.
YES, I CAN. I love that boy. His death is so incredibly tragic but we have some interesting tidbits from his life too. First, we know that his parents were head over heels for him. When he was born, his father literally booked Rouen Cathedral and the font that was used to baptize Rollo the Viking for the service. I mean come on...Getting christened in this:
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That's what I call privilege. It was a very lavish affair and some historians think that his father was setting him up to be a French lord of sorts. He grew up basically like a twin to Edward. They always did everything together. He was also closely raised with his sister Elizabeth. I wonder if the Duke of York was doing that to compensate for the fact that he was separated from his sister and never had a brother. He seemed to learn from his experiences to better it for his children (I love that man honestly). Anne, Edward, Edmund and Elizabeth had a French nanny. When he was king, Edward was known to speak very good French and I am sure Edmund would have been similar. The boys were essentially French.
When he was 8, his father made him the Chancellor of Ireland which ummm... ok. He was present at all councils which makes me laugh. Imagine an 8 year old just sitting there confused lol. To me, it seems that Richard, Duke of York was trying hard to find some land and power for Edmund. Richard Duke of York had lands in France that he intended for Edmund but once Somerset lost France, there was no chance of that so he turned to Ireland where he was Governor.
At 8, Edward and Edmund were also put into knightly training in Ludlow Castle under Richard Croft. Its always interesting to me how Richard, Duke of York never send any of his children to other noble households. He raised his children himself which was rare. I digress. My favorite thing from this time are the two letters that Edmund and Edward wrote to their father. It is so incredibly sweet and just reminds us of how human they were. If you are interested in the letters, I have copies of both and would love to share and discuss them.
By 1459, when all hell had broken loose, Edmund pretty stuck with his father. Also in October 1459, he properly met his younger siblings for the first time, which is so odd to me lol. But yes, he fled to Ireland with his father. When his father made the claim to the throne, Edmund was present but I would love to know what his reaction was. He seems absent in the sources. There is a source that says that Edward was told to tell his father to negotiate with the council instead of planning his coronation. Edmund was never mentioned.
Unfortunately, in December 1460, he was killed and his body treated with so much cruelty. I will never understand why any of that was necessary but of well. I sometimes wonder how Edward must have felt. That was his literal companion of 17 years just dead. I would have lost it. Edward must have channeled his anger into more important things and managed to destroy the Lancasters. Edmund was reburied with his father 1476. Edward cried when he saw his father's effigy but I wonder how much of those tears were for Edmund. A brother and companion he was never able to bury. I will never understand why he had to be killed. We don't know the exact circumstances but if the Clifford story is true then why Edmund? York was the criminal so he should have bore the consequences. Poor Edmund was fleeing. Ugh, it makes my blood boil. Some sources say that when he was dead, his arm was reaching out for the chapel. Meaning he was still attempting to reach it and save himself. How tragic :(.
History would have been so different if he had lived. I often think that he would have been the mediator in the York brothers. George would be less ambitious and he likely had no deference to Edward. He could be blunt without being jealous like George or having a hero complex like Richard. Someone Edward really needed. And I really hope that his father never found out that his son had died in such a cruel way because of him. That is a very sad way to leave the world.
Also, an interesting tidbit about Edmund's appearance:
"While this battaill was in fightyng, a prieste called sir Robert Aspall, chappelain and schole master to the yong erle of Rutland ii. sonne to the aboue named duke of Yorke, scace of y age of. xii. yeres, a faire getlema, and a maydenlike person…."
He was apparently very soft and feminine looking. Although it must be said that the quote is from Edward Hall who definitely never met or saw Edmund and even gets his age wrong. However, he might have heard about him when he questioned around. He is also the source that desrcibes Edmund’s mother, Cecily, being a woman small of stature but high of honour. This also says something of Edmund's appearance and character:
"By the side of the Duke fought his second son, the young Chancellor of Ireland, whose years had not past their teens, but who, under a fair and almost effeminate appearance, carried a brave and intrepid spirit."
This is from the historian Hume who studied Irish archives and likely Hall too and he gets Edmund's age right! So we might assume that this was said about Edmund. Which makes him even more vulnerable in my mind. Poor boy. Gosh, I tear up just thinking of him.
Anyway, this is way too long! I hope I didn't bore you :D and you learned something new about Edmund. Let me know about your thoughts and opinions.
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Rhonda Fleming (born Marilyn Louis; August 10, 1923 – October 14, 2020) was an American film and television actress and singer. She acted in more than 40 films, mostly in the 1940s and 1950s, and became renowned as one of the most glamorous actresses of her day, nicknamed the "Queen of Technicolor" because she photographed so well in that medium.
Fleming was born Marilyn Louis in Hollywood, California, to Harold Cheverton Louis, an insurance salesman, and Effie Graham, a stage actress who had appeared opposite Al Jolson in the musical Dancing Around at New York's Winter Garden Theatre from 1914 to 1915. Fleming's maternal grandfather was John C. Graham, an actor, theater owner, and newspaper editor in Utah.
She began working as a film actress while attending Beverly Hills High School, from which she graduated in 1941. She was discovered by the well-known Hollywood agent Henry Willson, who changed her name to "Rhonda Fleming".
"It's so weird", Fleming said later. "He stopped me crossing the street. It kinda scared me a little bit -- I was only 16 or 17. He signed me to a seven-year contract without a screen test. It was a Cinderella story, but those could happen in those days."
Fleming's agent Willson went to work for David O. Selznick, who put her under contract.[5][6] She had bit parts in In Old Oklahoma (1943), Since You Went Away (1944) for Selznick, and in When Strangers Marry (1944).
She received her first substantial role in the thriller, Spellbound (1945), produced by Selznick and directed by Alfred Hitchcock. "Hitch told me I was going to play a nymphomaniac", Fleming said later. "I remember rushing home to look it up in the dictionary and being quite shocked." The film was a success and Selznick gave her another good role in the thriller The Spiral Staircase (1946), directed by Robert Siodmak.
Selznick lent her out to appear in supporting parts in the Randolph Scott Western Abilene Town (1946) at United Artists and the film noir classic Out of the Past (1947) with Robert Mitchum and Kirk Douglas, at RKO, where she played a harried secretary.
Fleming's first leading role came in Adventure Island (1947), a low-budget action film made for Pine-Thomas Productions at Paramount Pictures in the two-color Cinecolor process and co-starring fellow Selznick contractee Rory Calhoun.
Fleming then auditioned for the female lead in a Bing Crosby film, a part Deanna Durbin turned down at Paramount in A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (1949), a musical loosely based on the story by Mark Twain. Fleming exhibited her singing ability, dueting with Crosby on "Once and For Always" and soloing with "When Is Sometime". They recorded the songs for a three-disc, 78-rpm Decca album, conducted by Victor Young, who wrote the film's orchestral score. Her vocal coach in Hollywood, Harriet Lee, praised her "lovely voice", saying, "she could be a musical comedy queen". The movie was Fleming's first Technicolor film. Her fair complexion and flaming red hair photographed exceptionally well and she was nicknamed the "Queen of Technicolor", a moniker not worth much to her as she would have preferred to be known for her acting. Actress Maureen O'Hara expressed a similar sentiment when the same nickname was given to her around this time.
She then played another leading role opposite a comedian, in this case Bob Hope, in the The Great Lover (1949). It was a big hit and Fleming was established. "After that, I wasn't fortunate enough to get good directors", said Fleming. "I made the mistake of doing lesser films for good money. I was hot – they all wanted me – but I didn't have the guidance or background to judge for myself."
In February 1949, Selznick sold his contract players to Warner Bros, but he kept Fleming.
In 1950 she portrayed John Payne's love interest in The Eagle and the Hawk, a Western.
Fleming was lent to RKO to play a femme fatale opposite Dick Powell in Cry Danger (1951), a film noir. Back at Paramount, she played the title role in a Western with Glenn Ford, The Redhead and the Cowboy (1951).
In 1950, she ended her association with Selznick after eight years, though her contract with him had another five years to run.
Fleming signed a three-picture deal with Paramount. Pine-Thomas used her as Ronald Reagan's leading lady in a Western, The Last Outpost (1951), John Payne's leading lady in the adventure film Crosswinds (1951), and with Reagan again in Hong Kong (1951).
She sang on NBC's Colgate Comedy Hour during the same live telecast that featured Errol Flynn, on September 30, 1951, from the El Capitan Theater in Hollywood.
Fleming was top-billed for Sam Katzman's The Golden Hawk (1952) with Sterling Hayden, then was reunited with Reagan for Tropic Zone (1953) at Pine-Thomas. In 1953, Fleming portrayed Cleopatra in Katzman's Serpent of the Nile for Columbia. That same year, she filmed a western with Charlton Heston at Paramount, Pony Express (1953), and two films shot in three dimensions (3-D), Inferno with Robert Ryan at Fox, and the musical Those Redheads From Seattle with Gene Barry, for Pine-Thomas. The following year, she starred with Fernando Lamas in Jivaro, her third 3-D release, at Pine-Thomas. She went to Universal for Yankee Pasha (1954) with Jeff Chandler. Fleming also traveled to Italy to play Semiramis in Queen of Babylon (1954).
Fleming was part of a gospel singing quartet with Jane Russell, Connie Haines, and Beryl Davis.
Much of the location work for Fleming's 1955 Western Tennessee's Partner, in which she played Duchess opposite John Payne as Tennessee and Ronald Reagan as Cowpoke, was filmed at the Iverson Movie Ranch in Chatsworth, California, (known as the most heavily filmed outdoor location in the history of film and television). A distinctive monolithic sandstone feature behind which Fleming (as Duchess) hid during an action sequence, later became known as the Rhonda Fleming Rock. The rock is part of a section of the former movie ranch known as "Garden of the Gods", which has been preserved as public parkland.
Fleming was reunited with Payne and fellow redhead Arlene Dahl in a noir at RKO, Slightly Scarlet (1956). She did other thrillers that year; The Killer Is Loose (1956) with Joseph Cotten and Fritz Lang's While the City Sleeps (1956), co-starring Dana Andrews, at RKO. Fleming was top billed in an adventure movie for Warwick Films, Odongo (1956).
Fleming had the female lead in John Sturges's Gunfight at the O.K. Corral (1957) co-starring Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglas, a big hit. She supported Donald O'Connor in The Buster Keaton Story (1957) and Stewart Granger in Gun Glory (1957) at MGM.
In May 1957, Fleming launched a nightclub act at the Tropicana in Las Vegas. It was a tremendous success. "I just wanted to know if I could get out on that stage – if I could do it. And I did! ... My heart was to do more stage work, but I had a son, so I really couldn't, but that was in my heart."
Fleming was Guy Madison's co star in Bullwhip (1958) for Allied Artists, and supported Jean Simmons in Home Before Dark (1958), which she later called her favorite role ("It was a marvellous stretch", she said).
Fleming was reunited with Bob Hope in Alias Jesse James (1959) and did an episode of Wagon Train.
She was in the Irwin Allen/Joseph M. Newman production of The Big Circus (1959), co-starring Victor Mature and Vincent Price. This was made for Allied Artists, whom Fleming later sued for unpaid profits.
Fleming travelled to Italy again to make The Revolt of the Slaves (1959) and was second billed in The Crowded Sky (1960).
In 1960, she described herself as "semi-retired", having made money in real estate investments. That year she toured her nightclub act in Las Vegas and Palm Springs.
During the 1950s, 1960s, and into the 1970s, Fleming frequently appeared on television with guest-starring roles on The Red Skelton Show, The Best of Broadway, The Investigators, Shower of Stars, The Dick Powell Show, Wagon Train, Burke's Law, The Virginian, McMillan & Wife, Police Woman, Kung Fu, Ellery Queen, and The Love Boat.
In 1958, Fleming again displayed her singing talent when she recorded her only LP, entitled simply Rhonda (reissued in 2008 on CD as Rhonda Fleming Sings Just For You). In this album, which was released by Columbia Records, she blended then-current songs like "Around The World" with standards such as "Love Me or Leave Me" and "I've Got You Under My Skin". Conductor-arranger Frank Comstock provided the musical direction.
On March 4, 1962, Fleming appeared in one of the last segments of ABC's Follow the Sun in a role opposite Gary Lockwood. She played a Marine in the episode, "Marine of the Month".
In December 1962, Fleming was cast as the glamorous Kitty Bolton in the episode, "Loss of Faith", on the syndicated anthology series, Death Valley Days, hosted by Stanley Andrews. In the story line, Kitty pits Joe Phy (Jim Davis) and Peter Gabriel (Don Collier) to run against each other for sheriff of Pima County, Arizona. Violence results from the rivalry.
In the 1960s, Fleming branched out into other businesses and began performing regularly on stage and in Las Vegas.
One of her final film appearances was in a bit-part as Edith von Secondburg in the comedy The Nude Bomb (1980) starring Don Adams. She also appeared in Waiting for the Wind (1990).
Fleming has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. In 2007, a Golden Palm Star on the Palm Springs Walk of Stars was dedicated to her.
Fleming worked for several charities, especially in the field of cancer care, and served on the committees of many related organizations. In 1991, her fifth husband, Ted Mann, and she established the Rhonda Fleming Mann Clinic for Women's Comprehensive Care at the UCLA Medical Center.
In 1964, Fleming spoke at the "Project Prayer" rally attended by 2,500 at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, California. The gathering, which was hosted by Anthony Eisley, a star of ABC's Hawaiian Eye series, sought to flood the United States Congress with letters in support of mandatory school prayer, following two decisions in 1962 and 1963 of the United States Supreme Court, which struck down mandatory school prayer as conflicting with the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Joining Fleming and Eisley at the rally were Walter Brennan, Lloyd Nolan, Dale Evans, Pat Boone, and Gloria Swanson. Fleming declared, "Project Prayer is hoping to clarify the First Amendment to the Constitution and reverse this present trend away from God." Eisley and Fleming added that John Wayne, Ronald Reagan, Roy Rogers, Mary Pickford, Jane Russell, Ginger Rogers, and Pat Buttram would also have attended the rally had their schedules not been in conflict.
Fleming married six times:
Thomas Wade Lane, interior decorator, (1940–1942; divorced), one son
Dr. Lewis V. Morrill, Hollywood physician, (July 11, 1952 – 1954; divorced)
Lang Jeffries, actor, (April 3, 1960 – January 11, 1962; divorced)
Hall Bartlett, producer (March 27, 1966 – 1972; divorced)
Ted Mann, producer, (March 11, 1977 – January 15, 2001; his death)
Darol Wayne Carlson (2003 – October 31, 2017; his death)
Through her son Kent Lane (b. 1941), Rhonda also had two granddaughters (Kimberly and Kelly), four great-grandchildren (Wagner, Page, Lane, and Cole), and two great-great-grandchildren.
She was a Presbyterian and a Republican who supported Dwight Eisenhower during the 1952 presidential election.
Fleming died on October 14, 2020, in Saint John's Health Center, Santa Monica, California, at the age of 97. She is interred at Hillside Memorial Park in Culver City, California.
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that-scouse-wizard · 3 years
Hphm profile: Amelia Booth
Just to clarify some things:
-This exists in David’s (Jacob’s brother) AU, so to reiterate: Merula isn’t the mole, the girl version of Rowan is David’s best friend and only Orion from the Quidditch characters is in Hufflepuff.
-Some more things:
-Amelia is two years behind David, starting her first year when David is in third year.
-Her ‘Rowan’ is the boy version and is called Alder in this AU.
Lastly, I hope you guys enjoy!
General Information
Full name: Amelia Margaret Booth
Nicknames: Amy (usually by friends and family).
Gender: Female
Age: 11-18 (1986 - 1993) 
DOB: 22/01/1975
Species: Human
Blood status: Muggleborn
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alignment: Neutral Good
Ethnicity: White-British
Nationality: English
Residence: Lancaster (During her Hogwarts years and a brief time afterwards).
Edinburgh (After opening an apothecary there as a side business).
Myers Briggs Personality type: ISFJ, the Defender
Character Summary: Quiet and hardworking,  muggleborn Amelia Booth initially finds the wizarding world intimidating. With the right guidance though, she can become a great source of knowledge should one require advice on Potions, Herbology or Care of Magical Creatures. A love of gymnastics and cycling made her the perfect candidate for a keeper on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team.
Calm: It usually takes a lot to get a rise out of Amelia, there was however one instance when she snapped at Jacob in year 6.
Competitive: David’s competitive streak rubbed off on her once she became a part of the Quidditch scene. Though like him, tries to keep it to a healthy degree.
Hard-working: Despite being intimidated by the wizarding world at first, Amelia persevered in her studies at Hogwarts. Allowing her to become a well-respected member of the Hippogriff club for her expertise in Potions, COMC and Herbology.
Insecure: While she does appear to not care, she’s always worried if people are staring at her scars. She even briefly developed an insecurity around people in her year wanting to get close to her just to hang around with David (who keep in mind was considered a ‘Hero of Hogwarts’ as well as a relatively popular Quidditch player). Other ways her insecurities can manifest are as jealousy and pettiness.
Loyal: Amelia’s family and friends mean the world to her, she’d do anything for them.
Quiet: Amelia tends to keep her head down, preferring to study in silent contemplation.
Witty: Though she normally doesn’t joke about, there are certain occasions where Amelia has an incredible comeback
Face claim: Maisie Williams
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Voice Claim: Emma Atkins
Game appearance: 
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Physique: Athletic and lean, trained to be very flexible from a mix of her gymnastics and cycling.
Hair colour: Dark brown
Hair style: 
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Wears her mid-length and neat (1st-3rd year).
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Grows her hair out a bit and keeps it in this wild mane look (4th-post graduation)
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Wears it in a pony tail during gymnastics practice, potioneering or when tending to magical creatures.
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Usually wears it like this for formal events
Eye colour: Grey (Blue in-game)
Height: 5′2′’
Weight: 75kg
Scarring: A diagonal scar on her left cheek, running from just next to her nose to the middle of the cheek, A vertical scar on the right side of her forehead. One on her right forearm. Finally, one that runs from her left shoulder to her chest.
Body modifications: Both ears have a triple lobe piercing, three simple gold bands in each lobe from third year onwards. Gets three small tattoos on the inside of her left forearm, the leaves of a chestnut (her wand wood), an alder (Alder Khanna) and a willow (David, her step-brother).
Inventory: Her wand, feathers from her hippogriff (Valkyrie), a fragment of crystal from her fire crab (Garnet), and a copy of the books Fantastic Beats and Where to Find them, and Advanced Potion Making.
Fashion: Prior to attending Hogwarts, Amelia used to wear smock dresses. Much like David, has a love of punk fashion when in the muggle world. Although thanks to Andre, grew an appreciation for wizarding world fashion and even Victorian fashion.
-Amelia had a fairly happy life, being quite well-off financially thanks to her mother’s accounting work and her father’s job as a plumber. 
-Though she loved her older siblings, Alex and Sarah, the age gap of six and four years respectively meant some obvious differences in the closeness between the Booth siblings.
-Sadly, when Amelia was just five years old, she was involved in a car accident. A driver going too fast rear-ended her father’s car. While her father was killed on impact on account of not having his seatbelt on at the time, Amelia had hers on and was knocked unconscious. This event resulted in her scarring and subsequently, her ability to see Thestrals.
-The accident took a heavy toll on all of the Booths, Lyra though was determined to stay strong for her kids. Getting them involved in various activities in the hopes that it would get their confidence back, for Alex it was muay thai, for Sarah it was shooting and for Amelia, gymnastics.
-While Amelia regained some confidence in herself despite the scars, the accident caused her to develop motorphobia, she can’t stand the thought of being trapped in an automobile. However, she can still ride bicycles and broomsticks, at least then she has control over the vehicle in question.
Year 1 (1986)
-Amelia first comes to Hogwarts when the school is in the grip of the curse of the Vault of Fear.
-This also where she meets Alder Khanna, Rowan’s younger brother, who would become her best friend.
-When she first encounters a boggart, it turns into a Vauxhall Viva (the car her dad used to drive), blaring its headlights and revving its engine. Understandably, this troubles her.
-That event, combined with her insecurity over people wanting to befriend her just to get closer to David causes an argument between the two. This is where she gets closer to Rowan, who even though she’s the older sibling in her relationship, feels somewhat overshadowed by Alder. 
-She reconciles with David thanks to the advice from Rowan and even an assurance by Alder he’s not her friend because she’s close to David.
Year 2 (1987)
-Open Quidditch positions are announced, for Hufflepuff’s team, it was keeper. Having expressed an interest in it, she sought out Orion.
-Orion asked her to balance on her broom, expecting her to fail a few times before she got it. However, thanks to her gymnastics training, she stood up on it first time no problem, something that visibly surprised Orion. It almost immediately made him consider her for a position on the team.
-She got the position and was noted for incorporating her gymnastics into her Quidditch manoeuvres, something that greatly helped in defending the goals from the opposing team.
-Because of this, she becomes quite popular in the school Quidditch scene.
-She comforts David when his friends Chauncy and Philip are killed by a Red Cap while under the sleepwalking curse. Hagrid introduces them both to the Thestral herd on the Creature Reserve.
-Admits to David that she doesn’t trust Rakepick.
Year 3 (1988)
-She selects COMC, Divination and Study of Ancient Runes as Electives. Though Divination isn’t what she hoped, she takes to COMC like a fish to water. While she had experience with certain creatures through her first two years on the reserve, she mentioned wanting to take COMC as soon as was feasibly possible.
-Is there to witness David emerge from the Portrait Vault, shocked to learn of Rakepick’s betrayal.
Year 4 (1989)
-Jacob comes back as the DADA teacher, Amelia confronts him about the pain he caused David last year. This culminates in an argument in which Amelia slaps him and screams, “He’s my brother, you selfish bastard!” Before she storms out the room.
-The biggest event for Amelia is when R comes after her, to truly make sure the condition that David must see a loved one die so that he may enter the Sunken Vault.
-However, Alder intercepts the attack meant for her, resulting in his death. The R assassin, Nisus Snyde leaves, believing the distraught reaction from David is enough to determine that Alder was suitable for the condition to be met.
-She’s distraught as well, blaming herself for being too weak to not help David or protect Alder, a fact that isn’t helped by Rowan also blaming her. This results in an argument between David and Rowan which climaxes with shouting “I wish I’d never met you David Willows!”. Amelia feels even worse after, believing herself to be the one who caused the argument.
-She insists on joining David for the expedition into the Sunken Vault and helps in bringing down its guardian.
-She becomes heartbroken when R murders Jacob but even more so when David leaves in the middle of the night, having snapped his wand.
-Moody tracks her down and talks to her as well as a few others, promising to bring David back and keeping them at Grimmauld Place.
-When David is brought back, it’s here that she alongside David and Rowan form the Circle of Khanna in remembrance of Alder.
Year 5 (1990)
-She assists in keeping David hidden in the Room of Requirement, knowing R is going to come after him. Using privileges she obtains as the 5th year prefect to wander the halls mostly unchallenged.
-She joins in the final battle against R, facing of against Nisus alongside Rowan. The battle ends when Valkyrie (Amelia’s hippogriff) grabs Nisus’s skull with enough force to fracture it, killing him.
-She’s able to complete her O.W.Ls and helps in winning the Quidditch cup for Hufflepuff, David appoints her captain seeing as he’ll be graduating.
Year 6 (1991)
-Takes Alchemy as an Elective.
-(Note may not actually happen but I find the thought of Amelia taking the Golden Trio under her wing to be an intriguing idea).
Year 7 (1992)
-Her status as a powerful Muggleborn makes her a prime target for the Basilisk, resulting in her petrification. 
-Saved by the efforts of the Golden Trio, though forced to cram and take her N.E.W.Ts in the summer.
Post Hogwarts
-Gets in touch with a contact provided by Professor Kettleburn as a trainee magizoologist. Starting up an apothecary business on the side.
-She attends David and Merula’s wedding in 1994 as one of the bridesmaids.
-She joins the Order of the Phoenix in 1995, using her apothecary as a safe house and providing potions for the Order when they’re needed.
-In 1997, her apothecary is destroyed, luckily she’s able to escape and goes on the run from the death eaters.
-She assists in the Battle of Hogwarts in 1998, once again providing potions and healing magic to those who need it. That being said, she takes down a fair few death eaters herself.
-She continues to work as a magizoologist after the war, even managing to rebuild her apothecary.
Peter Booth (Father, deceased):
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Face Claim: Ben Whishaw
A fun-loving family man, Peter worked as a plumber known for his warm attitude. He taught all of his kids how to ride a bike, one of the last things Amelia really remembers about her father.
Sadly, he was killed in a car accident when Amelia was just five years old.
Matthew Hall (step-father):
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Face Claim: Ben Miller
A stern but fair CIMA-qualified accountant, Matthew first came into Amelia’s life when she was just seven. When she was eight, Matthew and Lyra officially got together, something that upset Amelia, thinking her mum was trying to replace her dad.
The two would reconcile, though it would take time with the assurance that he wasn’t there to replace Peter. It was he who recognised Amelia’s magical abilities when they manifested shortly before her eleventh birthday.
Lyra Booth (nee Robinson) (mother):
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Face Claim: Ruth Wilson
Another CIMA-qualified accountant, Lyra and Amelia are very close. She was shocked when she learned her daughter had magical abilities. It was her demand to invite David over for Christmas in 1984. Something which ultimately proved comforting knowing there was someone looking out for her.
Alex Booth (brother):
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Face Claim: Jody Latham
Her older brother, Alex is very much protective of his little sister. Her going off to a boarding school that was part of a world that he had no idea about was worrying. That being said, he begins to worry about her less when she and David try to explain Quidditch to him.
Sarah Booth (sister):
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Face Claim: Emilia Clarke
Amelia’s sister, initially very highly strung about Amelia joining the wizarding world and being far more vocal about it than the other members of her family. Though she becomes endeared to David eventually and is even fascinated by stories told to her by Amelia about her magical creatures.
Jacob Hall (step-brother, deceased):
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Face Claim: Tom Holland
Amelia was highly of suspicious of Jacob, largely for causing David pain. To the extent she slapped him when they got into an argument after Jacob said “David is my brother, so-” *SMACK* “HE’S MY BROTHER TOO, YOU SELFISH BASTARD!”
That being said, their relationship becomes more cordial over the course of the year and is one of those who mourns Jacob’s death.
David Willows (step-brother):
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Face Claim: Dave Franco
Initially intimidated by her future step-brother, Amelia didn’t know what to make of him. After he gave her a demonstration of a Lumos spell, she started thinking he was cool.
Though there’s been the occasional rough patch, Amelia considers David a blood relative and would gladly protect him with her life knowing he’d do the same for her.
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Affiliations: The Circle of Khanna, The Order of the Phoenix, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Professions: Trainee magizoologist (1993-95)
Potioneer (on the side) (1993-95 then 1998-present) (Full-time) (1995-1998)
Magizoologist (1998-Present)
Hogwarts Information:
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: P
Charms: A
Herbology: O
History of Magic: P
Potions: O
Transfiguration: E
Alchemy: E
Divination: A
Study of Ancient Runes: E
Hufflepuff Keeper (1987-1991)
Hufflepuff Captain (1991)
Extra Curricular:
Hippogriff Club
Hufflepuff Prefect: 1991-93
Favourite Professors
Professor Sprout: Her head of house and the one who suggested she become a Prefect, Sprout was there to comfort her after Alder was killed. Amelia often assists in tending to the greenhouses.
Professor Snape: Despite Snape’s dour and very much intimidating presence, Amelia found potion making a subject she often practised in her free time, using Snape’s instructions of course. Though not quite as enthusiastic about him as Penny Haywood, Amelia will admit Snape can be a good teacher.
Professor Kettleburn: Though considered nuts by most staff and students, Amelia very much respects Kettleburn for still working with creatures even they’ve maimed him so many times. She’s even talked with him about her insecurities around her scars.
Least Favourite Professors:
Professor Binns: Like many Hogwarts students, Amelia would rather sleep through Binns’ lessons than study. Even the most fascinating of magical history go in one ear and out the other when Binns is teaching her. 
Best canon friends:
-Barnaby Lee
-Liz Tuttle
-Charlie Weasley
-Penny Haywood
-Orion Amari
Love Interest:
I’ve not decided on a love interest for her or even if I’ll give her one. If you’d like to suggest your MC to be her love interest, let’s chat!
Best MC friends:
David Willows: David is Amelia’s step-brother, being introduced to each other in Christmas 1984. Becoming Quidditch teammates in Amelia’s second year, David would go on to appoint Amelia captain of the Quidditch team
Judith Harris (@judediangelo75​): Judith is the beater on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. During a match, Amelia trusts Judith to keep the bludgers off her back. Judith sometimes supervises Amelia on the creature reserve and will even have races between her Swedish Short Snout and Judith's Ukrainian Ironbelly. 
 Lizzie Jameson (@lifeofkaze​): Lizzie is one of the chasers on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team and was over the moon when Amelia joined as the keeper. Outside of Quidditch practice, Amelia sometimes spends time at the magical creatures reserve with Lizzie and Charlie.
If you’d like your MC to be friends with her, let me know!
During Qudditch: Andre Egwu, Erika Rath, Skye Parkin, Charlie Weasley, Oliver Wood, Cato Reese (@catohphm) and Katriona Cassiopea (@kc-needs-coffee​).
Otherwise she doesn’t really have any.
Death Eaters
Magical creature poachers
Magical Abilities
Wand: Chestnut, phoenix feather core, nine and a half inches, rigid.
Chestnut wands prefer witches and wizards who are skilled tamers of magical beasts, those who possess great gifts in Herbology, and those who are natural fliers.
This is the rarest core type. Phoenix feathers are capable of the greatest range of magic, though they may take longer than either unicorn or dragon cores to reveal this. They show the most initiative, sometimes acting of their own accord, a quality that many witches and wizards dislike. Phoenix feather wands are always the pickiest when it comes to potential owners, for the creature from which they are taken is one of the most independent and detached in the world. These wands are the hardest to tame and to personalise, and their allegiance is usually hard won.
Animagus Form: N/A
Misc magical abilities: 
Occlumency: David teaches her Occlumency when he can to keep her safe from certain threats, especially in relation to R and other magical effects such as the legilimency of the wampus cat. 
Boggart form: Her dad’s Vauxhall Viva, blaring its headlights and revving its engine.
Riddikulus form: The car shrinks and turns into a wind-up toy playing a musical horn.
Amortentia (what do they smell like?): Damp earth and straw
Amortentia (What do they smell?): Lavender and mint.
Patronus: Abraxan.
Patronus memory: The feeling of freedom and wind in her hair as her dad let her bicycle go. She knows he would want his little princess to keep going forward.
Mirror of Erised: Her dad is back, telling her how proud he is of all of her accomplishments.
Specialised/ Favourite spells:
Bombarda (and Maxima): Taught to her by Rue, David’s mother, thanks to that teaching she’s learned to concentrate the spell so it’s much more powerful. Especially useful against creatures with magic-resistant hides such as dragons and trolls
Conjunctivitus curse: Not having the luxury of being a legilimens means Amelia has to get a bit crafty in her spellwork, especially when facing highly dangerous creatures. Blinding them is a guaranteed way to distract them.
Incendio: Useful for starting a campfire on her expeditions as a magizoologist, it helps that it can be used as an offensive spell.
Protego: Always useful when blocking projectiles and other spell attacks.
Misc Information:
She has far more creatures on the reserve than David: A niffler (Glimmer), a porlock (Macha), an Abraxan (Emerald), a fairy (Pearl), a Bowtruckle (Twiggy), a hippogriff (Valkyrie), a Thestral (Skull), a Unicorn (Bismuth), a frost salamander (Sapphire), a salamander (Ruby), a Swedish Short Snout (Torak), a fire crab (Garnet), an Imp (Clanger) and a Quintaped (Angus).
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