#and getting experimental with it lol
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gotyouanyway · 4 months ago
Narvin began, hesitantly, to pull up memories of his own: an engineering workshop, an overfull House, his old office as sterile as a medical lab. Funny, Romana thought. She never thought he liked that office, but in his mind it looked as welcoming as her own bedroom did to her. She offered that to him, brushing her thumb under his eye - rest, comfort, loneliness. Did he flinch at that? She felt stubble scratching across her palm as he shifted. Not flinching, she realized. He was leaning in. Narvin pressed his cheek into her hand and mirrored her, cradling her face gently. Then his memories turned. Loneliness, he echoed back to her, louder than the rest of it. Romana had no time to brace herself as his thoughts turned to a flood of faces: Leela first, Eris, then Brax, Hallan, and Wynter, then Andred- no, Torvald- no, Andred- no, a pair of jackboots- no, a head of blond curls and a staser- and then Vansell, which made Romana flinch, but then he was gone too and there was nobody left. It was only herself and Narvin, clinging to each other in the dark.
bit of a sad telepathic conversation between romana and narvin circa time war 3 🫶
(btw idk where i got it in my head that andred ii is blond but that's my story and i'm sticking to it)
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hotdogmchiggin · 2 months ago
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Company Mandated Fancy Fits on the Tulpar 😏
Also had to include the REAL star of the show (and a bonus)
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Based off of this and this. Thank you very much joetastic for being inspirational 👍
The REAL reason this is late
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monmatch · 6 months ago
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Everyone loves Kim Kitsuragi
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marblerose-rue · 2 years ago
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click for better quality!
mothwing (and hawkfrost)
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mblue-art · 1 year ago
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BAD SANSUARY // [14] tears for owl-bones's event !
"...Killer, it just looks like I have running mascara."
"it's such a look though."
messy kisses and post-nuzzles
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lunewolf13 · 29 days ago
Damian: Drake.
Tim looks up from his phone: Yeah?
Damian: Yesterday one of my peers used the term 'invasive thoughts.' I am currently researching and must collect additional data on a particular thought.
Tim: Okay? What's that?
Damian: Do you often have 'invasive thoughts' pertaining to world domination, the subjugation of mankind, or the like?
Tim frowns a little, thinking. He hums: Yes, actually. At least once day. But I thought that was normal?
Damian nods: As did I. Richard and Todd claimed it was not, and specifically asked that I do not approach you on this manner. Brown and Thomas advised that your input would be useful.
Tim can imagine what sort of fun Steph and Duke was looking to create from this.
Tim: I have a lot of invasive thoughts, honestly. But I've never studied them all before to figure why I get them. Would you want me to help you with your research?
Damian: You can be my test subject. Come, let us go to the Cave.
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shaadowmilkcookie · 7 months ago
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skill issue? skull issue!
if tumblr compresses it... pls open it for better quality o|-< sobsob
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al-luviec · 6 months ago
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went crazy while drawing this
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etourvol · 4 months ago
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mark and recapture
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kimikaami · 10 days ago
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it’s been quite a while since I did one of these!!
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bigcats-birds-and-books · 13 days ago
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Books of 2025: METAL FROM HEAVEN by August Clarke.
This is pitched as For Fans Of GIDEON THE NINTH (by which they mean: ow, and messy lesbians, with a side of immersive worldbuilding) and THE PRINCESS BRIDE (by which they mean: Inigo Montoya and Fantasy Politics). Personally, I would also comp it to ARCANE, for the aesthetics and Loadbearing Mysterious Malleable Resource and class warfare and explicit sex scenes lol.
The titular metal from heaven is ichorite, a weird and versatile substance that's kicking off an industrial revolution. The book opens with the brutal strikebreaking massacre that sets young Marney (our hella dyke--sorry, crawly--MC) on her quest for revenge: She's going to kill the foundry owner who had her entire family of striking workers gunned down. She gets adopted by crawly bandits and becomes a notorious highwayman and prepares for her revenge (because we hate capitalism in this house, and we're working for our Hereafter beyond it).
I loved the prose, I loved the POV fuckery, I loved the worldbuilding and religions and names and community and colors and aesthetics and the ichorite weirdness. I loved the exploration of gender and of grief, of revolutions and of cycles of violence. As soon as I finished, I immediately reread the first paragraph, and holy shit it broke my brain a little (affectionate, astounded).
If you're looking for a messy, raw, tragic, brutal struggle with grief and takedown of capitalism, this might be the book for you--it's definitely not for everybody, but it sure was for me!
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theprinceandthewitch · 7 months ago
I really do find it incredibly irritating how TOH plays all sides of the shipping board just because they don't want to upset shippers.
It's why you get Evelyn looking more like Luz than Willow - it's also why her face is never shown. Even if Dana didn't want to get into the Caleb/Evelyn and Philip murder drama, there isn't any reason for her face to be obscured UNLESS the goal wasnt to upset shippers
It's why you get Luz's type of of boy being angsty warrior princes like Hunter - it's also why all of Hunter's important moments involve Luz and not Willow.
This is why you get Hunter dying and coming back to life looking like Caleb pleading with Luz to help him fight Belos in TTT, but then his entire arc culminates with him holding pinkies with Willow FTF. This is why all the interesting themes Hunter brought to the table were completely kneecapped by his relationship with Willow.
It's fucking bizarre LMAO.
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lovely-------lady · 7 months ago
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Decided to start work on another jacket since the first one went so well. Going to be cherry blossom themed this time.
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bestworstcase · 4 months ago
Anything from Volumes 1-3 that is setup that you don't think is given enough attention or respect for good setup?
Sidenote to this:
Open seat with no person in it + Salem having someone looking for the Choice Relic was hinting at Summer Rose. Did we have anything hinting at her pre Beacon's Fall or just things that she fits given additional context?
regarding summer specifically, while i wouldn’t call them hints per se, there are a handful of beats in v1-3 that smell like foreshadowing to me:
the first is “she was right about you; such arrogance.” – cinder might well be referring to salem here, of course. however. what strikes me about this remark is that arrogance is not a characteristic that salem seems to perceive in ozma; rather she describes him, in her soliloquies and songs, as a self-destructive, deceitful, manipulative fool blinded and trapped by his faith in the old gods. cowardly. fallen from grace. think of what she says to oz in 8.9—look how you’ve diminished, how you’ve lessened yourself—she sees him groveling at the feet of tyrannical monsters and sees debasement.
does it follow for salem to characterize ozpin to cinder as, primarily, arrogant? i’m not convinced it does. but summer rose? well… hm. consider, also, that the full line is “this whole time, right beneath our feet… she was right about you; such arrogance…” <- i think it is more likely than not that “she” is someone inside the brackets of “our,” and in context “our” is either [cinder + ozpin] or [cinder + her associates physically present at beacon].
in the event that “she” is not part of “our” the more naturalistic phrasing is “beneath our feet… salem was right about you” – because “she” otherwise has no antecedent. of course, some allowance here for this to be a narrative choice not to name salem yet, but we’re one (1) episode off from revealing her face and by this point we’ve known for a while that cinder works for someone else, so the choice to drop the name here or in the volume credits is of fairly trivial importance. unless of course cinder isn’t talking about salem.
second: “Oh! We've also stopped some bad guys, too! I guess it's like they say: "like mother, like daughter"! I still wonder why Ozpin let me into the school early…” [laugh track] – obv this part of ruby’s address to summer’s memorial headstone foreshadows ozpin’s conspiracy and team strq’s involvement therein. but it also foreshadows this exchange:
RUBY: We don’t have to kill you to stop you, and we will stop you. SALEM: Your mother said those words to me… she was wrong, too.
and i think it bears pointing out that ruby is wrong here, and later in the volume qrow specifically calls attention to this and lays out why she’s wrong. team rwby didn’t stop the bad guys; they cut off one avenue of attack and cinder circled around from a new direction that took advantage of torchwick’s imprisonment, and this also resulted in the public break between ozpin and ironwood which eroded the cohesion of the inner circle. ergo, ruby thinks she stopped the bad guys but in the long run the consequences of the breach all benefited salem.
looks into the camera like im on the office.
like mother, like daughter!!!
further, that sequence of events ultimately leads to the final confrontation between her and torchwick – wherein he declares “if you can’t beat them, join ’em,” and shortly gets eaten by a grimm right after making it clear that he intends to kill her. torchwick’s death is thematically motivated – a narrative rejection of his cynical every-man-for-himself, dog-eats-dog outlook – but consider that:
summer rose, if she is indeed salem’s willing agent, is certainly at beacon tonight – because she’d be the one who stayed behind to hold the fort.
summer is thus the one salem instructs to “reinforce our numbers at beacon,” meaning the grimm; that instruction only makes sense if the person receiving it can communicate with or command grimm. ergo, summer must have some degree of control over grimm.
ruby is disarmed and on the ground getting beaten by a man who fully intends to kill her, and a grimm swoops down out of nowhere to eliminate him faster than he can blinks. and then… the grimm rears up, roaring at her, and comes down with a sweep of its wings that creates a blast of air that pushes her away. that isn’t aggression!! that’s a defensive threat display!! (the feilong in v4 does the exact same thing – trying to push the boat away). it’s ruby who charges the gryphon, and while it lunges forward in reaction to her charge, all that happens is she gets her feet on its head and pushes off to leap over it, and the grimm goes fucking flying so hard it crashes into the ship’s interior and never emerges. the point being,
it’s plausible that the grimm was drawn to torchwick’s murderous rage. but the way it behaves immediately after it swallows him – that very clear “get away from me please” body language, and ruby -apparently- kicking a grimm the size of a goddamned clydesdale dozens of feet and then through the hull of a literal warship? ruby is strong, but she’s not… that strong. but if the grimm didn’t want to engage her and propelled itself under and past her at the same time as she vaulted off its head? that would explain what happens perfectly – ruby’s kick altered its launch trajectory just enough that it crashed.
minutes later, someone loyal to salem scraped a very badly injured cinder off the top of beacon tower and left ruby alive where qrow would find her. salem’s vested interest in keeping ruby alive is VISIBLE throughout the battle for beacon, and notably include a perfect opportunity to capture her while she’s in a coma atop beacon tower that isn’t taken – suggesting that salem makes her singular attempt to capture ruby solely to reassure cinder that Something is being Done.
and if summer rose has command over grimm and was at beacon that night… the gryphon’s behavior is exactly what i’d expect if all the grimm had marching orders to insure this one girl in particular – the spitting image of their commander – doesn’t come to serious harm. there’s a nonzero chance that gryphon did in fact save ruby On Purpose!
…and that happens in the context of a fight between ruby and the bad guy she thought she stopped (but she was wrong), who joined salem because “if you can’t beat em, join em.” (salem voice) she was wrong, too…
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<- like mother like daughter. summer had a nevermore’s eye view of the battle for beacon, in this essay i will –
third: this one is something i didn’t really Think About until v9 and specifically the v9 ost dropping, but some of the things cinder says in v2-3 strike me as like – she got that from summer im sure of it. for example, in midnight, cinder’s view of huntsmen is that they’re free, they have power, they can go anywhere and do whatever they want, and rhodes never contradicts this. where did she get “huntsmen and huntresses should conduct themselves with honor and mercy”? who taught her the aspirational moral ideal?
summer rose, maybe.
but in the deeper sense,
where did cinder get the ‘destiny’ conceit? her underlying beliefs about how the world is are a product of her childhood, but the overt framing of fate/destiny isn’t present in midnight; nor has salem ever spoken of destiny and her philosophical views are in many ways a rejection of destiny – salem does not believe in fate, she is the woman who dedicated her life to toppling the gods.
and on close examination this looks like yet another suspiciously summer rose shaped hole!! “you’re special, ruby […] special the way your mom was special […] it was said that those born with silver eyes were destined to lead the life of a warrior.” – in after the fall, ozpin gives coco an entire pep talk whose central conceit is embracing and submitting to the turns of fate – sacrifice “show them gods and deities/blind and keep the people on their knees” & guide my way “you were born to hypnotize them all/they all said their prayers/can you hear me up there?”
cinder, of pyrrha: “people assume she’s fated for victory, when she's really taking fate into her own hands. interesting. add her to the list.” & “it’s not about overpowering the enemy; it’s about taking away what power they have.”
<- that second statement is salem’s strategic doctrine, through and through. but the ‘power’ cinder is talking about here is derived through manipulating the perception of destiny; the self-fulfilling prophecy. the invincible girl cannot be touched because she makes subtle adjustments to insure that no one is able to try. it is pyrrha’s belief in destiny that destroys her, as it destroys ozma. ozpin invokes fate to justify and explain his choices. those born with silver eyes are destined to lead the lives of warriors.
summer rose was destined to live and die fighting the grimm – so the world promised her. maybe she believed, maybe she felt like she had no choice but to accept her prescribed fate. until she met salem, and took fate into her own hands. made a choice. broke the chains. it’s about taking away what power they have, like salem did when she tore the scales from summer’s eyes, like summer did when she refused her destiny and joined hands with the grimm instead.
what does summer rose look like through cinder’s eyes? she was a huntress. she was literally destined to be one of the greatest huntresses in history, a hero, the shining pillar upholding the world order that chose the enslavement of children as a fair price for peace. fate dictated that she be the icon, the idol, the embodiment of the system that brutalized and subjugated cinder – she had every privilege cinder could ever dream of, freedom and security and a home, a loving family – and she chose to walk away.
and if they talked about that like, ever, and specifically if summer talked about that warrior’s destiny as a cage, a curse she had to escape – is it any wonder that cinder would adopt that framing to make sense of what happened to her? if summer rose was fated to stand at the pinnacle, then does it not follow that cinder fall was fated to be ground into the foundations? and likewise, if summer rose can shatter her pedestal and fall from grace, then cinder fall can shatter her chains and rise. summer proves that the idea of destiny is powerful but not inviolate. and it is hollow, it is a lie, a fiction, and that means it can be taken away. revealed as a deception. destroyed.
to the broader question
i think people really, really do not give the jaundice arc enough credit for the long-term set up it’s doing.
(or the very overt textual statement from THE HISTORY PROFESSOR! placing the blame for the violent radicalization of the white fang squarely on human bigotry and persecution of faunus in general; the white fang arc is clunky and hamstrung by the inadequacy of its vocabulary, but the fandom talking point that the narrative perspective on this subject has “evolved” or “improved” is just. not true. v1 is very emphatically clear that 1. terroristic violence is not activism, 2. ascribing the terroristic violence of a few to an entire minority group to rationalize bigotry is bigoted in and of itself and completely unacceptable, and 3. violent radicalization is created through relentless discrimination and hate, which creates a self-reinforcing circle wherein the justifiable outrage of the persecuted outgroup and the extreme violent reactions provoked by the persecution are distorted into a justification for further persecution by those of the in-group who materially benefit from perpetuating this cycle!!! all of this is explained in an almost afterschool special manner by the main character faunus rights activist and the history professor!!! in volume one!!! what changed is that the writers developed the skill and vocabulary necessary to weave these ideas into their storytelling in a more effective and more cogent way!!! literally begging the rwby fandom to start listening to the actual words the characters say)
ahem. the jaundice arc lays so much of the groundwork for jaune’s and ruby’s character arcs reaching all the way to v9 and undoubtedly beyond; it sets up the first pieces of the ozlem fractal; it foreshadows the white fang arc and sets up blake’s character arc of self-reclamation and figuring out how she wants to use her voice as an activist; it draws attention to the misogynistic cultural norms that define and are defined by the history between ozma and salem; it lays the foundation for the scene in v2 where ozpin questions blake, which hits the way it does because we have the context of anti-faunus harassment occurring openly at ozpin’s school and nobody doing anything about it, and by extension is the first stroke of the salem-faunus connection that is almost certainly the keystone holding the entire narrative together because it is her relation to the faunus that provides the key to decipher the lost fable.
the jaundice arc is a crucial load-bearing pillar that supports the entire narrative and people revile it because nobody in this fandom can be fucking normal about jaune. lmao
#in general i don’t think rwby gets enough credit for how much gets set up in the first two volumes#or how well the dominoes falling in v3 is executed#like the fandom gets properly excited when things from v1-2 come to fruition but like#i think there’s a really strong tendency across the board to kind of#mentally compartmentalizing the beacon arc as this sort of#experimental prelude to the actual story. the writers figuring out how to write by trial and error#and by extension to treat these long game narrative culminations as just. ''callbacks''#or post-hoc stitching together from the raw material of the early volumes#when really it’s just. the story was planned out from the start! lol!#''oh but the maidens didn’t even exist until v3'' salem and cinder are in the first goddamned episode.#their narrative arcs were planned in advance but probably had a hole (like ‘what is cinder hoping to get out of this specifically’)#that was being actively workshopped while they worked on the first couple volumes#until someone came up with the idea that the keys to the magic vaults salem needed to open#could be people whose magic you can steal and that’s what cinder wants#this is how planning a story works you block things out roughly and refine more and more as you go!!!#ahh!!!!!#there is too much foreshadowing and critical setup in v1-2 for it to be anything but on purpose and planned#nobody has any business being surprised at this point when seeds planted in v1-2 sprout. and yet
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zytes · 9 months ago
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fragile transformation
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ikemenomegas · 6 months ago
good-ending!kakashi and itachi need to have a little former traumatized geniuses cooking club where they get comfortable with making little "mistakes" and putting imperfect dishes on the table and improvising without needing to explain themselves like it's life or death
#the “former” is aspirational and v cute#probably sai and tenzo also join at some point#of course gai joins in occasionally because he's not to be outdone by his rival with cooking of all things#and also with these four it can get depressing quick#iruka is invited once as a courtesy when he shows up to work with one too many kitchen injuries lol#if there's one thing they're not the cooking club is not clumsy#... unfortunately he is quietly assigned a buddy any future attendances#usually itachi because itachi can put out fires very quickly#or sai because sai is (frustratingly) talented in the kitchen and doesn't feel he's missing out on practice#neji might also participate sometimes! he wasn't ever anbu but he probably needs the therapy-ness of it#he's not a huge group activities person but sai invites him and he's surprised by how low-key it is#he gets a little competitive with itachi lol#since itachi doesn't care about things like using all whole-grains or only organics or attempting to make a recipe vegan#he's very good at following directions don't get me wrong but he's not much of an experimenter unless he knows a dish super well#while neji just knows which replacements to use after doing it for so long#neji isn't super militant about it but he watches his diet to make sure it isn't imbalanced/overly protein heavy#and like itachi he doesn't care for strong tasting meat so he'll preferentially choose fish or plant proteins#this is what finally makes things more easy between the two of them! some of the others want to make a meat-heavy dish one time#but itachi isn't feeling it and neji shows him how to do a tofu alternative!#long tags#naruto#from the margins#hatake kakashi#uchiha itachi#hyuga neji#sai#yamato tenzo#umino iruka#omegaverse
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