#and fucking. midori. oh my god midori.
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my-past-disgusts-me · 2 months ago
And to the surprise of no one I am once again staying up far too late drawing Shin and Sara interactions
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kkoct-ik · 6 months ago
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painty doodle from earlier this evening
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midoribai · 2 years ago
i have no self control... i would make you wear silly things despite knowing you'd look like shit... for the sole purpose of ,, it would be funny,,
but honestly..? turtle neck ... maybe ... perhaps ... idk i'm not into fashion!!
- 🎐
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"Me neither. I just wear whatever looks nice.."
0 notes
d3spairisart · 6 months ago
I finished logic route :(
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My thoughts on Chapter 3b logic route,,,,
I feel really bad for feeling relief after realizing Hinako was chosen over Gin,,, and I let out a cry when Hayasaka was the first doll to be picked!!! ToT
When midori picked anzu,,, good god,,, I was so emotionally devastated I couldn't go on
But I had too!!! So when Ranmaru died,,, my partner changed the final dialogue to "Sara, I'm sorry." And I had to do a double take while watching the spinner animation go offfff ToT oh my god I felt DEVASTATEDDDD
I'm glad gin is okay,,, he's my baby boy but,,, at what cost ToT
Midori showing fear,,, it was really nice to see Maple almost get him. And Midori's death,,, it was satisfying,,, I like him as an antagonist, he's really interesting
Now,,, Keiji,,, I've never been so happy to see that stupid fake blonde. At the end of the trial!!!! I was so happyyyy!!! ToT Sara needs a friend to rely on,,, just anybody,,, Sou is a little prick, Gin shouldn't have to be so burdened,,, Q-Taro,,,
I DIDNT EVEN LIKE HIM THAT MUCH!!! He was a nice character ig and I thought of him pretty fondly, I think his final words with Gin was really sweet,,, Even though he's a shitty guy,,, I'm glad his final act was a selfless one
I think after all this,,, I just want Sara to be happy :(
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animeyanderelover · 1 year ago
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, overprotective behavior, jealousy, paranoia, abduction, violence, death
Tags: @saiyara05 @shellofthewell
Words: 8.1k
The CEO and her bodyguard Pt.2
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Months flew by faster than he had expected as he grew familiar with his duties as well as the people around him. It wasn't quite as boring as he had initially assumed. He wouldn't complain about it obviously, not with the amount of money he earned every month by following you and successfully intimidating about everybody that crossed his path.
It wasn't like he had much action within the job besides glaring at someone when they got a bit aggressive or irritated with you, something he had started doing when Yukimaru Aki had told him that no one was allowed to disrespect you or question your position as the CEO. As much as the little lady was bickering with you daily, she genuinely cared about you. Sone Kazuma wasn't much different as Toji had quickly realized. Both of your closest friends and assistants were more shady than what they initially appeared to be like and it was all done for your protection and reputation.
The most entertaining part about his job was actually watching you three who honestly appeared sometimes more like a trio of comedians than three of the most influential figures in Japan with your company. So whilst he wasn't able to beat anyone up as you usually were against any form of violence due to only minor incidents, he at least got a good laugh out of watching Sone, Yukimura and you at times. He had some memories he dared to title as fond since they had managed to elicit a chuckle out of him or had pleasantly surprised him.
His head was leaning back as he stared at the wall of the room, your gibberish white noise as he tried to somehow survive the sheer boredom of the presentation you were currently presenting to a few of higher-ranked members of your company. A presentation with fucking 39 foils plastered with statistics, charts and numbers. Aki had helped you putting everything together as she had essentially imprisoned you in your apartment for hours the last few weeks, discussing and planning everything with you.
Initially he had seriously thought that you couldn't do it as you had whined and begged and protested for her to let you off the hook because the both of you had still time but your best friend had remained firm in her decision. But in this moment you were doing surprisingly well, looking professional as you stood in front of the long table and had memorized everything that was written on the foils. You appeared to be in your flow as you fluently explained everything and suggested changes and adjustments for the feature. You almost looked like a different person.
Until suddenly someone stormed through the door, panting and gasping for breath, her cheeks flushed red as she sputtered out some apologies before flopping down onto her chair as Sone, who just happened to sit next to her, offered her a bottle of water. The younger woman wheezed out a "thank you" before taking a few gulps of the water. And just like that your focused appearance vanished into thin air as a grin stretched your face.
"Midori-chan! You came? Does that mean that...?" You didn't finish your question but he could see that you were slightly bouncing on your heels as you giddily looked at her with expecting eyes. She gave you a nod as a grin also broke free on her face.
"I'm officially an aunt now."
"Oh my god! Congratulations! What's his name? Is your brother fine? Is your sister-in-law alright? Is it really alright for you to be already here? I wouldn't have minded if you would have just taken the day off to spend some time with your little nephew! Tell me everything!" You rambled excitedly as you walked quickly over to her and grabbed her hands in your own, your eyes sparkling with joy and happiness. Midori on the other hand seemed a tiny bit flustered with your sudden intimacy and the onslaught of questions but she most likely didn't say anything because you were her boss.
"Both are doing fine. They're just a bit exhausted from everything. His name is Hayato." She answered you, the sheer brightness of your eyes almost overhwelming her as she averted her eyes elsewhere.
"I'm so happy for you. What does he look like? Do you have pictures? Please tell me that you have pictures of him. Can I see them if you a few? Can I-"
Aki suddenly loudly cleared her throat as he interrupted your happy ramble and adjusted her glasses.
"As happy as I am also for Midori-san, I think you're forgetting that we're in the middle of a meeting here, (y/n). You can interrogate her all you want after we are finished with this presentation. We're only halfway done." She reminded you with a dry yet sharp voice that made your shoulders lift up as a look of discontent deformed your face. It was obvious what you would have rather done right now but then your shoulders sagged in defeat as you plodded back to the front of the room.
You opened your mouth as Aki switched over to foil no. 21 yet nothing came out as you suddenly furrowed your eyebrows, wrinkles appearing on your forehead as your eyes were focused on the ground. Aki gave you a slightly confused look that morphed into a look of horror when you lifted your head and gave her an apologetic and bright smile.
"I forgot what I was supposed to say, Aki-chan."
A collective groan echoed through the room as Aki pinched the bridge of her nose, her nostrils flaring as she released a deep breath through them.
"Can we like...start over from the beginning? Because that's the only part I remember. I'm sure that it'll come back to me whilst I'm talking about what I recall. Midori has missed half of the presentation anyways."
Your suggestion was spoken with a tad bit of guilt and embarrassment audible in your voice as you gave everyone a sheepish grin whilst scratching your cheek. You braced yourself for a few scathing comments from Aki's side but instead a deep chuckle cut through the groans of your workers and you turned astonished around only to find your bodyguard leaning back in his chair, failing to hold his laughter in.
In hindsight he probably shouldn't have laughed because the mood of the room hadn't exactly called for it and Aki had given him her infamous death stare when she had caught him laughing. It had been the combination of everyone's tired and done faces, Aki's twitching brow and your sheepish face that had suddenly caused him to to splutter. All heads had turned around to him as he had quickly attempted to hide his laughter behind coughs. When his green eyes had met yours though, he remembered being sort of surprised to see you actually smiling at him as if happy to see him laughing.
He even remembered that within two days after this conference, you had woken him up by ringing his door bell persistently in the early morning.
He hadn't exactly been able to guess beforehand who it was that dared to knock on his door at such a godforsaken hour but when he opened it and saw you standing there with the same apologetic grin he often saw you giving others when your airheaded behavior got in the way, he couldn't bring himself to be surprised.
"Good morning, Fushiguro-san! Have I interrupted you?"
He leaned against the door frame as his green eyes locked onto the package you tried to hide behind your back. That combined with the impatient and eager spark in your eyes despite your somewhat guilty grin told him that you had something for him and in typical (y/n)-fashion you couldn't wait until his shift started and you would see him for over half of the day anyways.
"Just get it over with quickly. I'm trying to get some sleep."
You tilted your head rather adorably before glancing outside the window.
"Have you been up late again? I mean, it isn't any of my business. What you do with your time after I'm in my apartment and don't have to go outside anymore isn't of my concern because that is your free time. I just want to kindly remind you that in 2 hours I have to go back to work which means that you have to get back up by then too. I don't care too much personally but Aki will probably chew you up if you're sloppy in your job to protect me."
You were rambling again and Toji was absolutely not in the mood to hear it. Not when he was tired and lost money when he had been out to gamble a bit. He still had more than enough left of course but it had irritated him nevertheless. So instead he suddenly grabbed the package you were hiding behind your back and ripped it out of your hold.
"Hey!" You yelled before quickly covering your mouth as you remembered that Aki was inhabiting the apartment right next to Toji's. You glanced somewhat scared over at the door leading to Aki's apartment, ready to dash away if she should have woken up because both of you knew that she wouldn't take it well if she would find the both of you still awake instead of sleeping and getting some rest. When a minute passed by and nothing happened, you relaxed a bit.
"That was supposed to be a surprise for you. You're such a fun killer." You now whispered to him in a hushed down, pouting and glaring at him cutely that he couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle.
"You're quite bad at hiding a surprise if you shouldn't have known that already." He whispered back, playing around with the package in the palms of his hands.
"At least open it then. I want to see if you like it." You replied, gesturing at the package to urge him to open it. He shook it a bit in his hands as he couldn't help but question what you had bought in what had most likely been a sudden and unstoppable impulse of yours. The package was quickly torn open and you eagerly gauged his face as he saw what was inside. He arched one of his brows before looking at you.
"Well, you always look quite bored when we have a meeting. I understand that, I also feel that way. Unfortunately your job is to protect me and my job is being the CEO which also includes all those conferences. Since it isn't your job to actually listen to what I have to talk about during such meetings though, I thought buying you one of those might keep you entertained at least a bit. I also bought a couple of games you can play. Some of them aren't even available yet."
You explained in hushed giddiness as he pulled out the Nintende DS you had purchased for him. He remembered vaguely some adds he had seen about it as it was a very new and portable device. There were also some games inside the box that he could play with this thing. Now, he wasn't quite sure how to feel about this but he also knew better than to tell you straight in your face that he didn't know what to do with a Nintendo.
"Do you not like it?" He had perhaps remained quiet for a few seconds too long which gave him away to you.
"Let's just say that this isn’t what I was expecting to receive from my boss at such an early hour. I must admit, I’ve never really played much before.”
“But I thought you liked gambling!” You exclaimed confused before remembering that you had to keep quiet in order for Aki not to hear you. Toji gave you a weird look when you said that before he huffed out some air, somewhat amused by your statement.
"That's not the same, you know?" He told you after a few moments where he was thinking about what to say. He knew what Aki thought about his gambling habits and he knew that even Sone-san, despite being much more respectful and calmer about it than Aki was, also wasn't a big fan of it. He didn't know how you felt about gambling though.
"I know that of course. But seriously, isn't this the healthier option? You can still waste hours of your day doing something that won't do anyone any good, not even you, but at least you don't spend huge amounts of money on something that has only a little chance of earning you money anyways. You won't lose any money playing some games on a Nintendo. Can you tell me what the appeal in gambling is?"
You were genuinely curious as you looked at him and perhaps it was this look that you gave him that actually managed to overwhelm him for a short moment. You weren't really judging but instead asking him why he gambled as often as he did. And for the first time, he couldn't find a good reply. At least not one that every other person addicted to something would give you. "It's...just fun, alright? " He answered you after a while, although even you caught on to the slight hesitation in his voice.
You gave him a very long observant look as if searching for something in his body language or facial expression before you sighed and nodded thoughtfully. "I see. Well, I don't really care what you do in your free time as long as you do your job. Do not gamble in my presence though." "Weren't you gambling too the first time we met? Or is it alright for you if you gamble because you have enough money to waste?" Toji scoffed as he referred to the first time you had met him in the izakaya.
"That's true I guess... It was a one-time-thing though, understood? I won't do something like this again. I just...had some stuff on my mind back then." You spoke after a few seconds as if you had also been searching for a good enough answer to justify your participation in a small gamble without repeating what everyone addicted to gambling could have said too, although you still failed. Much like him. Then silence befell the both of you. Not the comfortable one, the awkward one where both of you grew slightly uncomfortable.
Toji didn't even know why he of all people suddenly felt so weird, so much aware of any blink he did with his eyes around you. He wasn't used to it so he was the first one to decide to end this conversation. "Thanks for the gift then." He finally said as he turned around in the doorframe and felt briefly embarrassed when he repeated his own words in his head and wondered if he could have said something that would have sounded better. He didn't even know what else he could have said but somehow the gnawing feeling in the back of his mind didn't want to leave him alone.
"See you in about 2 hours then." You muttered awkwardly as you turned around and walked towards the elevator. You turned one last time to wave him temporarily goodbye before you realized that he had already closed the door to his apartment.
"Well, that was weird." You muttered to yourself as you pulled out your key to enable the lift to reach the 4th floor.
"Furukawa-san, please calm down and have a seat." You said with a painfully forced amicable smile as you made some appeasing movements with your hands in hopes of calming the older man down.
It wasn't hard to see that you were slowly reaching the end of your patience though and Toji had to admire you for even holding out for as long as he did. He knew for sure that he would have snapped minutes ago with the bitter and entitled attitude the businessman was giving you as if forgetting that between the two of you, you were definitely the financially more successful CEO by a long shot.
He had been arguing with you for a while now about a contract you had crafted for a cooperation between your company and his smaller and insignificant one. He wasn't satisfied, wanted to play a bigger part within your company.
"I understand your frustration but your business has only been existing for a few years now. Frankly spoken, I fear you still lack a bit of experience in this business so I think it's better for you to learn a bit more about how to handle your own company before I assign you a bigger role." You told The older man, barely able to swallow the annoyed sigh back that desperately wanted to be let out whilst you were enduring his angry rants.
Toji was sitting on the couch in your office in the main building of the company in Tokyo, only focusing half-heartedly on the Nintendo as he constantly glanced at you and Furukawa-san, his eyes narrowing the more he heard him arguing stubbornly back at you, ignoring your logical approach to his discontent. Couldn't that old geezer just shut the fuck up? His jarring voice was giving Toji and probably even you a headache by now.
"Furukawa-san, you're not looking at this from a logical point of view. You can't expect me to put someone who has so little experience in handling a company to a higher-ranking position just li-"
"I do not have to listen to someone younger than me berating me like this! Especially not to someone who just one day conveniently appeared after the death of the previous CEO and his father and took over the company just like this! That's quite suspicious, wouldn't you agree?"
You didn't have enough time to even feel the anger making your blood boil as he accused you as bluntly as he did. No, instead both of you heard a sudden slam as Toji snapped the Nintendo closed and stood up from the couch as if the insult directed at you had struck the wrong cord in him and not you. All of a sudden there was a shift in the atmosphere as it felt heavy and oppressive, for Furukawa more than for you as his angry expression quickly dropped when Toji took a few huge strides to him before shamelessly towering over the smaller man.
"Wanne repeat that again?" He asked in a sneering tone as green eyes looked down on him as if he was a mere piece of trash laying uselessly on the ground somewhere. Furukawa's mouth went dry instantly as he stared at your bodyguard who so far had spent the entire time playing some games on the Nintendo you had gifted him. He nearly jumped up when Toji pressed a hand on his shoulder and applied a bit of pressure. His legs instantly gave up under him as Toji forced him to sit down again.
"Stop acting like a little brat. You ain't shit here, your age must have made you already quite a bit senile, hmm? Show some fucking respect to her because between the both of you, she is the one who makes all of the decisions. She's important, you are not. So stop acting like you're anything special because you are replacable to her. Be grateful that she even made time for you in the first place."
He'd gone visibly pale in his face and all he could manage to do was a weak nod, his whole body rigid. You gave Toji an appreciative nod as he continued standing behind Furukawa, glaring down at him. When you realized that he actually intended to stay there, you dismissed him with a wave of your hands.
"Fushiguro-san, that's enough. I think our dear Furukawa-san here has received his reality check. You're going to give the poor man a panic attack if you continue glaring at him like this."
For a moment Toji's gaze met yours as if telling you that such behavior wasn't enough before he let out a "tch" and stuffed his hands in the pocket of his trousers before flopping back down on the couch, resuming the game on the Nintendo. You could still see how he was glaring sharply every once in a while at Furukawa.
"So, Furukawa-san..." You began again, your voice snapping the older man only partially out of his tensed position.
"Let's talk about our contract again, alright?"
"That turned out easier than expected." You told him as you were putting on your jacket, about to leave your office. Toji was leaning against the wall on the other side, watching you as you stuffed everything into your handbag. You glanced shortly at your watch and let out a thoughtful hum. "I actually have time left. You really intimidated Furukawa-san for good. The poor guy just agreed blindly to everything I suggested. I appreciate your help of course but can you try to be a little bit less intense?"
Toji rolled his eyes at your words. "So now I'm being scolded for doing my job too good? It really is quite difficult to please Yukimaru and you." He told you, although at least he didn't seem to be deeply offended by your words. "I only did what Yukimaru asked of me. Complain to her, not me."
"I am aware of what Aki-chan told you but I didn't expect you to react quite as...well, ferocious as you did today. I mean, don't you think that you were overdoing it a bit? There isn't much use in me negotiating with partners if all they do is agree with everything I say. It takes a bit of fun out of it, although Furukawa-san definitely was a pain in the ass today."
You grinned when your last sentence elicited a light chuckle out of Toji as he trailed lazily behind you the moment you left your office and finished your work for the night.
"Hey, how about going out for a drink? I still have time and don't really want to go back home already." You abruptly asked him as both of you stepped into the lift and you pressed the button for the first floor.
"Don't really have a choice, do I? My working day only really ends when you're back in your apartment so as long as you're still outside, I can't really leave your side." He answered, although he definitely wouldn't mind going out for a bit. He had been stuck the entire day in your office, dealing with more or less tolerable people whilst playing some games on the Nintendo you had gifted him.
"That's right, I guess. Well, just means that I don't have to worry about anyone or anything as long as I have you with me." You replied with a slightly flustered grin as if just remembering that there had been very specific rules in his contract that he had to follow as your bodyguard. Your words caught him off-guard and he didn't know why. He glanced briefly over to you, gauging your expression as if trying to detect any dishonesty on your face. When he didn't find any and realized that you were actually being honest and had just given him a compliment, his eyes shifted to the buttons in the elevator as he sensed a weird warm sensation somewhere in his chest.
"How about going to that izakaya again?" You asked him as both of you left the huge building as every other worker on the first floor bowed down to you and wished you a pleasant night and you did your best to bow your head to all of them and thank them for working so well today.
That izakaya? What did that mean?
It seemed to be important to you and judging from the expectant look you had in your eyes, he realized that you assumed that he knew what you were talking about as well. All he could do was give you a surprisingly clueless and confused stare. A look of theatrical hurt crossed your face as you gasped shocked at him.
"You don't know what I mean, do you? How could you forget?" You spoke slightly dramatically as you placed a hand over your heart. It was only a playful gesture from your side but it bothered Toji much more than he had expected. Not your dramatic reaction but the fact that he had forgotten something that involved you. He was silently brainstorming for the memory that you meant by "that izakaya" but he had probably been to quite a lot izakayas in his life before which he couldn't even recall anymore. Had there ever been a special izakaya before in...
Oh. That's what you meant.
You snorted when you saw his face morph into one of realization as he finally understood to which izakaya you were referring to.
"Wow, seems like the gears finally started spinning. Took you long enough to remember. I'm talking about the izakaya where we first met, Fushiguro-san."
He narrowed his eyes but instead of glaring at you for laughing at him, he glared at the pathway beneath his feet as he silently strolled with you through the busy streets of Tokyo, the city bright with all the lights and adds from the buildings. He had forgotten, honestly he couldn't even remember very detailed what he had been doing with his life much before meeting you. He only vaguely remembered gambling a lot, accepting requests from others for the right amount of money, he remembered killing people for money. Only fleeting memories though, he couldn't even recall very well the faces of people who had hired him. But that wasn't the case with you, was it?
He started walking a bit slower when he realized that he could recall almost everyday he had spent with you more detailed than he could recall the almost last two years of his life. His eyes focused on the back of your head as you took the lead and walked through Tokyo in a good mood, heading for the izakaya. Had he been paying that much attention to you?
You tilted your head slightly to look at him and when your gazes met, he instinctively looked away. He didn't know why. But looking at you somehow only made him recall everything even more, flodded his mind with images of you laughing, pouting, goofing off and being silly.
"You don't have to feel bad for forgetting, you know? I didn't really expect you to remember."
What? What did that mean? Green eyes instantly shot up from the ground as a strange feeling took over him as he mulled over the words you had just told him. Unfortunately you didn't seem to have any intention of explaining yourself further as you walked on. Honestly, he had heard worse in his life, he had been treated worse in his life and nowadays he couldn't even be less bothered if anyone would try to get under his skin. So why...?
Why were your words bothering him so much?
You were a bit surprised when his steps suddenly quickened and he stood in front of you within an instance, forcing you to slow down and eventually fully stop. You were occasionally still amazed with how tall he was, especially since you would go as far as considering yourself quite tall in comparison to many other women in Japan. Now was one of those moments as you looked up at him, slightly confused as he was staring down at you with narrowed eyes as if you were a riddle he was desperately trying to solve.
"What do you mean?"
Hearing him speak so normally without any sneer, cockiness or slight annoyance came totally unexpectant and suddenly you found yourself being overtaken by awkwardness. You had never seen him quite as honest-looking as he was right now and you were taken aback by green eyes staring at you, silently wanting an answer from you.
It was the only thing you were able to blurt out as you were unable to tear your gaze away from Toji, your heart pounding in your chest due to his shift in attitude. Honestly, you wouldn't have been alarmed by anyone else acting this way. However, you couldn't help but be worried by Toji suddenly acting so out of character.
Before you could even grasp the situation, Toji seemed to snap out of it. It was if someone had just pulled him out of a trance. He blinked down at you as if he had just woken up from something before his face twisted into an unreadable mask that you couldn't fully decipher. He stepped out of your way, avoiding your own eyes vehemently. When he realized that you didn't move and were still standing there, looking at him with those eyes, he suddenly turned his back to you and walked on his own.
"Forget it." He muttered as he quickly moved to the izakaya. You stood there for a while, staring at his back as you were silently contemplating whether or not you should try to ask him about what had just happened. You could see though that he absolutely didn't want you to try to dig deeper so eventually you forced yourself to move and trail behind him.
Four glasses of beer and a plate of buttery and delicious tuna sashimi later and you were full. He'd accompanied you already a few times for a couple of drinks before so by now he kind of knew what was coming for him. Both of you had sat down on an empty lower table, the izakaya not nearly as full as it had been back when both of you had met for the first time.
"You probably shouldn't drink too much. Yukimaru will probably only scold you as soon as you get back to your apartment." He spoke as he watched you ordering another beer. You let out a tired and exhausted grumble as you rubbed your eyes.
"t's not my fault that I'm not built as you are. Sseriously, do you ever get drunk?" You slurred as you looked up at him through half-lidded eyes. Even if you tried to be serious right now, it was impossible for him to take you as such as he stared at your face. His eyes took in your hair, your eyes, your nose, your cheeks until they finally zoomed in on your lips...
"What are you lookin' at? my eyes are up 'ere." You spoke, your words snapping him for the second time tonight out of a daze. What was wrong with him?
"...'ey, anser ma question. What's your secret behind not getting drunk?" You repeated yourself, a pout on your lips as you snapped your fingers in front of his face as if hoping to get his attention.
"I don't know. I guess that I was just born with it." Your bodyguard spoke after actually considering it for a while before he also took a sip from the sake he had ordered. Honestly, sometimes he wished that he could get drunk and his inability to do so hadn't made him the biggest fan of alcohol. He enjoyed it though when he was around you as he just joined you whenever you were drinking.
"Hmm...So it's all thanks to your body." You muttered to yourself as your eyes shifted from his face to his toned chest, your gaze narrowing thoughtfully. His brows went up to his forehead as he noticed where your gaze was lingering, your eyes squeezing as you stared bluntly at his chest.
Before he could make any cocky remark about it though, one of your palms suddenly laid itself flatly on his chest, close to his own heart.
As his skin suddenly started heating up a tiny bit and he could feel his own heartbeat picking up its speed, he wondered briefly if perhaps alcohol had an effect on him after all. The warmth from your palm seeped through his shirt and spread throughout his entire chest. His gaze was glued to your hand resting on his chest, probably feeling his own heartbeat through the tip of your fingers. He was struggling to say something and a part of him didn't really want to say something either in favor of just having you touch him.
"C'n I borrow your body then? I wanna drink without gettin' drunk. That's not possible though, is it? Aaah, I'm jealous of you. Ye have such a beautiful body."
You pulled your hand back from his chest as if the sudden realization that swapping bodies wasn't possible had just immensely disappointed you. Toji on the other hand was attempting his best to figure silently out what the fuck was going on with him.
“Beautiful…?” Was the first word he was able to say to you after he had calmed down a bit, although he was still painfully aware how the heat of his skin and the own throbbing of his heart only got worse as he looked at you.
“Yeh. I mean, come on! Look atch you! You look like the guy people either wanna be with or want to be!” You spoke up as your hands gestured wildly at him, trying to make your point obvious.
He knew what you meant. Toji was highly confident in his abilities, he knew that his body and the physical strength that had come with it was one of a kind. All of his clients all of the women who had approached him in his past had known that too.
Yet hearing it from you, half-drunk and looking like your head was about to bang on the table because it was too heavy for you and you were quite tired at this point, just sounded so much more sincere.
He swirled the small cup of sake around in his hand, watching the clear liquid spiraling around as he did so. He wasn’t sure if he would have been able to say those words as easily if he would have continued looking at you.
“Thank you.”
There it was again. Sincerity. You peeked over to him as you heard it but you didn’t know what to say. Then the silence came. The same silence that made him itchy and more aware of every breath he took around you. You didn’t seem to mind as much, already happily drunk to care about the infamous awkward silence and in that moment he envied you for being able to just say whatever came to your mind and to remain so unaffected in a situation that had him acting so unusually stiff.
“Do you…actually want to know my answer to your question from before?”
That seemed to be enough to gain his attention as you felt his green eyes resting on you as you were playing with the chopsticks. It had been bothering you the moment he had asked you this question and you had been silently thinking about an answer in your head the entire time. At least up until you had downed your first glass of beer and had temporarily forgotten about it. It had just randomly came back to you now.
"...Do whatever you want."
You took that as a yes from his side.
"I didn't think that you would remember because to me you looked back then like the type of guy who doesn't care about his surroundings and the people in his life unless money is involved."
He couldn't really deny your words and his vague memories from his life in the years before he had met you only proved your point. Yet it wasn't true. At least not fully. Not when it came to you.
"That's sort of rude to say to your bodyguard, don't you think?" He chuckled as he tried to overplay the strange emotions your answer had awoken inside of him.
"Probably. But I am happy to see that I still made the right choice by picking you. I'm sure that if I would have chosen of Aki-chan's selected choices, I wouldn't have such a good time right now. You really are a nice drinking buddy, although it isn't quite as fun if only one party gets drunk."
You tried to give him a small smile without looking stupidly drunk before you took a glance at your watch and realized that it was about damn time for the two of you to leave.
"Aight! Time to head home." You declared as you slowly stood up, your head slightly spinning as the sudden shift of gravity due to you standing up after having only been sitting for the last two hours was almost too much for your drunk self.
Toji quickly grabbed you, his hand wrapping around your arm to stabilize you.
"Are you going to be fine walking like this around the streets?"
He asked, his tone somewhat laced with amusement as he also stood up from his seat.
"That's what you are for. Aki-chan will kill you if you lose me." You replied with a grumbling tone as you pinched the bridge of your nose. Perhaps you had overdone it a bit with your beer tonight.
"I'm more than capable to walk on my own two feet, y'know?" You complained to him as he led you through the crowds, his grip on your arm tight enough to not lose you yet also loose enough to not hurt you.
"You look like a gentle gust of wind could knock you off your feet." He instantly shot back, grinning as he looked at your slightly wobbly figure, swaying gently left and right.
"Now you're the one who is being mean. I'm your boss." You whined as you swatted his arm lightly when you took notice of the grin on his face. At least he seemed to be back to normal again. You had been low-key a bit worried when he had been so strangely sincere with you.
Your eyes lazily flew across the people walking all past you as Toji led you the way back to the main building. Your car was still in the parking facility where only workers of your company were allowed to drive their cars into. You wondered if Kazuma had already taken Aki with him and if both of them had driven home already. If Aki was still waiting for you, she would most likely insist on driving the car because she would never let someone on the wheel who had just consumed alcohol and Toji's apparent immunity against it was something she couldn't care less about.
You nearly tripped when Toji's strides suddenly increased in length and speed only to feel yourself suddenly be pulled closer against him, your body pressed against him as his one arm wrapped around your waist.
Subconsciously you noticed how incredibly warm his body was but you were more confused with his action. You glanced up at him only to notice that his green eyes were focused on something behind the two of you. You tilted your head around to search for whatever he was noticing but there were just too many people among the crowd.
A short skip of his own heart as you suddenly called him by his first name before his senses went back to focusing on those same footsteps he had been noticing for a while now. Someone was following you two. No, someone was following you.
He didn't answer you but you could sort of tell by his focused look that he was sensing something you couldn't. You didn't know why but for some reason his senses were so much more enhanced than those of everyone else around him.
"There's someone behind us, isn't there?" You asked, although you were already pretty sure that you were right anyways. Toji could tell from the look in your eyes that he didn't need to confirm what you already suspected so he didn't answer your question at all. Green eyes were darting over all the people in the crowd, trying to figure out which one of them it was. Until his eyes landed on a young man whose face was partially hidden by a mask he was wearing.
"Listen, there are still some members of the same group out there who murdered the two previous CEO's of the Ito company. One of them walked a few months ago just like that into our main building with a knife. It's clear that they're out for (y/n)'s life too. That's why I wanted her to get a bodyguard. And for some reason she has gone for you, a random man she met on the street. So as her bodyguard, you have only one job to do. Protect her. Protect her no matter what."
Those had been Aki's words to him a few weeks after he had been recruited by you and it had been her first words to him in a while as she had generally avoided conversing much with him when he had been new. She had obviously still been a bit resentful that you had chosen him over every other bodyguard she had suggested for you.
As his green eyes were scrutinizing the man standing there amongst the crowd, Toji stopped walking. He just stood there, silently staring at the guy who had also stopped when he had noticed that Toji had stopped. He had apparently finally realized that he had been spotted and Toji could tell even from the distance that he clearly hadn't expected to be spotted.
You had been about to say something to Toji but when you looked up at him and saw the look in his eyes, you quickly decided against it. Green eyes were fixed on someone within the crowd you still couldn't make out, focused and gleaming with something that made you swallow a bit.
There was something dangerous in his eyes and even the man could sense that from the distance as he slowly stepped away. Toji never left him out of his sight, his eyes following him and following him until even he couldn't make him out amongst the full streets anymore.
Only then did he finally turn his gaze back to you and released his hold on you, although it took him more willpower to do so than he had expected, your warm body pressed against his own causing pleasurable shivers to travel through his body.
"He's gone. You don't have to look so worried anymore." He reassured you when he noticed the look in your eyes. You glanced back at the crowd for a short moment before you nodded slowly.
"What in the world happened? (y/n), have you been drinking too much again?"
You let out an exhausted groan as Aki's voice pulled you out of your little nap. God, had you fallen asleep? The last thing you could recall was getting into the car and after that everything was sort of blurry. So you had perhaps fallen asleep whilst Toji had driven you home. Why was Aki making such a drama out of it though? It wasn't like you had never drunken a glass or two too much before.
"Aki, you're too loud." You grumbled as you cuddled yourself against the hard but very warm surface beneath you. It felt nice, what was it?
"Ooh, you're enjoying that right now, aren't you Fushiguro? I would appreciate it if you would let her down."
"What was I supposed to do? She fell asleep in the car and didn't want to get up when I tried to wake her up."
"You could have just told me and I could have helped."
What were those two arguing over again? You slowly forced yourself to lift your head, blinking with heavy eyelids to adjust to the light in the first floor. When you finally cracked them open fully, you understood why Aki was causing a little scene right now. Since when had you been on Toji's back?
Toji was the first one to notice that you had partially woken up and Aki noticed only a bit later.
"(y/n), would you please get down from him?"
Your sleep and alcohol-addled brain needed a bit to process her words before you slowly got down from his back with a slight look of discontent in your eyes.
"Why do you look so unhappy?"
"Toji is so warm, Aki."
"He's your bodyguard and not your plushie! Wait, did you just call him 'Toji'? Since when have the both of you been on first name terms?"
You considered her words for a bit. She had a point. So far you had only referred to him by his last name and he had done the same. However, he had been working for you closely for nearly a year now so honestly, at this point you thought that it was appropriate.
"Since today. I think the both of us are close enough now to call each other by the first name. Hey Toji, call me (y/n) from now on and not (l/n)."
You said as you turned around to look at him.
You didn't know if you had imagined the short expression on his face that almost looked flustered before a grin spread across his face.
"(y/n), huh?" He muttered, more to himself than to you or Aki before he locked eyes with you.
"Can't do much but do as you say. You're the boss after all."
The lift stopped on the third floor as Toji stepped out of the rather cramped room since he took up a lot of space within the elevator. You and Aki were staying as the both of you were heading for the fourth floor. You were still drunk after all so Aki planned to escort you to your apartment and make sure that you would instantly head to bed and sleep because you had work to do today again. You hadn't mentioned the fact that someone had been following you to Aki yet and whilst he initially thought that you might have forgotten about it temporarily again because of all the alcohol, you had thrown him a short glance when Aki had asked him if everything had been fine. He understood though. You were drunk and had a bit of a headache so Aki's overbearing questions if she would find out tonight probably would only add to your pain. You'd tell her tomorrow about it.
"Good night, Toji."
"You better not have a hangover tomorrow, Fushiguro-san."
With those words, the doors to the lift closed and he was left alone. He unlocked the door to his apartment, didn't bother to turn the lights on as he went to the living room and flopped down onto the couch. He leaned back against the pillows propped against the furniture, his gaze focused on the wall. Were you already in your apartment or was Aki still trying to stabilize your staggering and much taller figure than hers?
He clicked his tongue frustrated when he realized that his thoughts had drifted once again to you. He sighed as he leaned his head back. Today...had been strange. And now that he was all alone in the darkness with little sounds surrounding him, he became all the more aware of the fact that his heart was still pounding against his chest. It hadn't stopped doing that ever since you had touched his chest and he swore that he could still feel the weight, the warmth and the shape of your palm resting so close to his beating heart.
And then there had been the guy who had been following you... And when Toji had noticed, his body had instinctively clutched your body protectively to his own. When the fuck had he ever done this for one of his clients? He had no doubt that the guy was the pathetic leftover of the assassination group Aki had warned him about and he had also no doubt that he would have most likely attempted to do something if Toji hadn't been with you.
He would have tried to hurt you probably.
That thought struck the wrong cord somewhere inside him again and even worse than when this Furukawa guy had insulted and belittled you in his presence as anger tensed up his muscles before he forced himself to relax again.
Seriously, what was wrong with him?
It almost felt like...
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goblin-the-clown · 2 months ago
I started listening to the yttd musical last night. I haven't finished it yet but I decided I'm going to tell you all my opinions on the songs in the first act. I probably will make a more in depth review at some point but it was really late when I listened to it so this is just me being autistic over it 👍
Majority - I absolutely love the carnival type instrumental and Shin's maniacal laughter at the end of the song it's so good gfhgfjgdf
I'll walk you home - This is probably one of my favourites if not my favourite song from the musical it's so upbeat and catchy and it's been stuck in my head for so long SARA SARA I'LL LET YOU HOLD MY HAND!!!!!!!
Sara's house/Majority reprise - I think this is mainly just Sara and Joe talking and then Shin singing majority again so i don't have much thoughts about this but I love the way Winchi captures the panic Sara must be feeling in that moment
The first trial - SUE MILEY'S LAUGH OMG IT'S SO GOOD!!!!! I don't remember much about this one but I think there's a lot of fast moving quick lyrics which I'm always a fan of lol
Meet the cast - Kanna's part at the end literally sent chills down my spine oh my fucking god fgjdjgtjfr also I love the voices Winchi does for all of them Mishima's is very accurate lol
Might as well - I love how this is basically a duet between Shin and Sara and the tune is just really good I don't have anything else to add other than I love Shin's voice
Cause you're cute - I was kind of disappointed when I found out this wasn't a song and just them talking over music because I thought a Keiji song would be cool but nvm
Steady hands - Steady haaaaands steady mind heavy hearts aren't haaard to fiiiind
I won't leave you alone - I absolutely love the contrast between Joe saying the title and Kai saying it. When Joe says it it sounds comforting but when Kai says it it sounds like a threat
Kanna's song - Oiujgjyyut this was so emotional I absolutely love the little melody that's associated with Kanna and if Shin sings it at any point I will be inconsolable for at least a week
Moving forward - Another Joe and Sara duet let's goooo
I eat this shit up it's so fucking good I really hope Winchi is still working on it bc a Shin solo would be so fucking good and a Midori song would literally kill me
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aceonn · 8 months ago
My two hyperfixations right now are Ensemble Stars and Project Sekai, so of course I had to think about what enstars and pjsekai characters I would want to see interact. And of course I made a list that has been sitting in my Notes app for God knows how long…
Units I want to see interact:
WonderlandsxShowtime and RYUSEITAI: There has been FANART of this for Gods sake (here and here) BECAUSE THEY ARE LITERALLY EACH OTHERS COUNTERPARTS. Like they’ve got the confident leader, the hyperactive group member(s), That One Guy, and the only semi-normal ones! I want to see Emu, Tetora, and Sengoku practicing poses together, Rui studying Kanata like a lab specimen, and Nene and Midori looking at each other, exhausted, saying “you too?” “sigh…yeah…”
Vivid Bad Squad and Knights: MY TWO FAVORITE UNITS INTERACTING!! YAY!! EVERYONE CHEERS!!! Akito would be even more exhausted now that he has more idiots to take care of…He would fucking HATE Leo…and I CRAVE Kohane and Suou interactions. I think Ritsu would probably use Toya as a lap pillow, he’d probably like the fact Toya would be too scared to move. Also I want to see An gay panicking over Arashi. I will accept no substitutes.
More More Jump and Ra*bits: EEK EEK EEK!! This would be so adorable like I just realized how similar Nazuna and Airi are…like they’re both energetic and responsible tsundere types (also did you know tsundere autocorrects to reindeer??) and Tomoya and Minori would be so precious…Shizuku would LOVE the Ra*bits members, she’d probably have so much fun playing with them. It would just be the cutest most wholesome group interactions ever.
Characters I want to see interact:
Hiyori Tomoe (Eden) and Mizuki Akiyama (Nightcord At 25:00): None of you understand how deeply I CRAVE this. I would commit FELONIES for this. I would murder someone or give someone toe curling backshots for JUST ONE HIYOMIZU INTERACTION. I want to see these two girlbosses girlboss together. They’re both mischievous transgender (With Hiyori it’s just a headcanon for Mizuki it’s practically confirmed) gremlins who love shopping and tormenting their two loyal servants (Ena and Jun) who they are most definitely in love with. (And Ena and Jun are probably trans too tbh) I want them to shop and try on clothes together. THAT IS ALL PLEASE
Rinne Amagi (Crazy:B) and Akito Shinonome (Vivid Bad Squad): YAY REDHEAD TO REDHEAD COMMUNICATION!!! I feel like Rinne would see through Akito’s “good boy” persona IMMEDIATELY and would be having the time of his life teasing Akito and trying to make him drop the persona. Akito would probably either try to keep up the persona to the end out of spite or drop it immediately to yell at Rinne. Either way it would be hilarious and a repeat of the AkiMizu interactions.
Sena Izumi (Knights) and Ena Shinonome (Nightcord At 25:00): Bro…they are literally gender bent versions of each other…Like come on. Two tsunderes who are hell bent on looking good at all times, are crushing on transgender gremlins (Leo and Mizuki) and are extremely fixated on social media and makeup?? Like yes please?? I want them to shop for makeup together, shit talk everyone, Ena force Izumi to take her social media pictures for her, and see them share skincare routines. I am BEGGING for this I DON’T CARE WHOSE DICK I HAVE TO SUCK PLEASE
Natsume Sakasaki (Switch) and Rui Kamishiro (WonderlandsxShowtime): I mean…I don’t think I have to explain this one…
Arashi Narukami (Knights) and Shizuku Hinomori (More More Jump): I would KILL for these two to model together and try on cute outfits. Arashi would get extremely worn out by having to watch over Shizuku 24/7 but would find her too precious to leave alone and honestly same. I imagine it to be a lot like when Mafuyu and Honami had to babysit Shizuku during the 2024 April Fools event. And to top it off, them as a duo would give everyone gay (and straight) panic. An would spontaneously combust with just one look.
Subaru Akehoshi (Trickstar) and Saki Tenma (Leo/Need): Honestly Trickstar and Leo/Need have so much in common! Their uniforms both suck!! (/j but not really) Subaru and Saki are both the energetic golden retrievers of the group, and I would LOVE to see them both interact, especially with characters like Shio and Midori. Just little wholesome bundles of sunshine!
Kaoru Hakaze (UNDEAD) and Mafuyu Asahina (Nightcord At 25:00): I’m just imagining Kaoru flirting with her (DW MAFUYU IS CANONICALLY 17/18 SO IN THIS AU SHES 18) and Mafuyu being completely unaffected by it…Kaoru would probably know something was up with her and be freaked out, similar to Emu, but would keep on regardless
Midori Takamine (RYUSEITAI) and Nene Kusanagi (WonderlandsxShowtime): Part 3 of They Are Literally Each Other! They are both the only normal members of their groups with crushes on their group leaders (POLYSHOW AND MIDOCHIA FOR THE WIN!!) and are both cynical and have a love for mascots! Him and Nene would go to the arcade together and absolutely EMPTY the crane machines. They would also play video games together and he would probably just backseat her lol
Kuro Kiryu (AKATSUKI) and Kohane Azusawa (Vivid Bad Squad): Like imagine how wholesome this would be. Kohane would probably be intimidated by Kuro at first, but she would warm up to him pretty quick. Kuro, on the other hand, would probably think she’s adorable and precious and treat her kinda like a small animal. THEY WOULD BE THE ONLY DUO EVER and honestly would work as a ship…Think about it…
HiMERU (Crazy:B) and Emu Otori (WonderlandsxShowtime): OK OK HEAR ME OUT Emu would probably be like a toned down, less assholey Rinne in the sense she would wear HiMERU down to no end but he would kinda subconsciously take care of her, like an older brother with a hyperactive little sister!
Mika Kagehira (Valkyrie) and Minori Hanasato (More More Jump): OH MY GOD TWO SILLIES WITH AUTISM AND EXTREMELY VISIBLE CRUSHES!! OH MY GOD!!
Leo Tsukinaga (Knights) and Kanade Yoisaki (Nightcord at 25:00): Two mentally ill composers with savior complexes meet…what could go wrong…They would probably like each other and compose songs together, and I think Leo would try to force Kanade to go outside and she would try to reject him in the nicest way possible but would just go along with it in the end…And then she would pass out and Leo would dump cold water on her or something (because he’s STUPID and I love him)
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madeofcc · 10 months ago
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MomBzzz at Edgewave 2024 part 1 : The text !
The MomBzzz will perform on June 17 th !
@aniraklova ♥
??? : Yes, auntie Dori is coming soon to see you don't worry love. But you have to promise me to be good with your sister okay ? Ahahaha ! I bet you are ….
??? : Give me back the phone honey, mommy needs to talk … I swear, these kids are killing me sis ! Especially Georgie, he seems super agitated lately
MIDORI : He seems fine Yukari don't worry ! I swear you should really relax sometimes otherwise you'll get burned out !
YUKARI : I know … What about that gig you told me about ? Any news yet ?
MIDORI : No … Still zero answers but I'm pretty sure we won't be selected anyway …
YUKARI : Why do you think so ?! I mean, I'm kinda counting on that gig to get out of the house for one night !
MIDORI : We're not that famous and that good for the Edgewave … I mean, there's usually massive bands there ! Have you seen who's confirmed so far ?! This is insane !
YUKARI : I actually have to check it but … Wait a minute … Georgie leave your sister alone ! Drop that glass right now ! Drop it ! I have to go sis, call you tomorrow !
MIDORI : Ahahaha !!! Byyyye …
MIDORI GETS A TEXT : Hi this is Kari from Edgewave, we're happy to announce that your application has been validated and that you can have your own gig during our festival this year. As you may know, the main bands have already been announced so feel free to choose a free space during the day (after all, we're here to enjoy rock'n'roll all day long). Please reach back to me as soon as possible for further details.
Love, Kari.
HEN : What's happening ?!?
MIDO : Oh my god ! Oh my god ! Oh my god !
HEN : Babe ! What the fuck ?!
MIDO : Guess who's going to the most iconic rock'n'roll festival of simblr this year ?
HEN : No fucking way ?
HEN : This is really huge Midori ! Gia is going to be so excited !
MIDO : Totally ! We have to tell her !
HEN : Not after I made love to you sweetheart !
MIDO : It's going to take hours !
HEN : So what ?
MIDO : I'm already thinking about our outfits actually … Karim and Vincent are going to be sooooo happy as well !
HEN : This is huge my love, our band is finally getting somewhere !
MIDO : Let's go far away and beyond then 
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ciellunee · 1 year ago
Seeing him tonight, it's a bad idea, right?
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Pairing- nanami X reader
Chapter 1- Yes, I know that he's my ex, but can't two people reconnect?
Synopsis- kento Nanami is your ex-boyfriend. He's cold, stoic, and more importantly, the crush of your new friend. Being the good friend you always are, you should keep your hands off him....but can you?
You and Nanami kento were that golden couple at jujutsu High. You made the monotonous man smile. He found his peace within you, the way you understood his wants and needs, how your lips curled into a perfect smile everytime you wished him 'morning' saying the same words ever so lovingly in his ears, he was mesmerised.
High-school nanami was emo. He hated loud parties, never spoke much, and was always tired. You, however, were the exact opposite, loved wild parties, spoke a lot, and were never tired from all the adventure jujutsu sorcery provided. The only thing you both enjoyed equally was poetry. Gojo always teased Nanami how him and you were polar opposites and how one day you might dump him for someone more like you. However, what actually happened was quite contrasting to Gojo's prediction. Nanami was the one who dumped you. Why? Because he wasn't sure if he could handle another heartbreak.
After haibara's death, nanami made sure to never get attached to anything. Attachment only leads to heartbreak, and that scared Nanami to the core. You, you were someone he deeply cared about, but he'll choose loneliness over attachment after all he's supposed to be that way, lonely, tired, and awaiting his death.
Months passed, and you both graduated. It's now been 3 whole years since your breakup. You heard nanami started working as a Salaryman, but rejoined as jujutsu sorcerer. You worked in the medical department alongside shoko and your friend Midori.
Gojo wouldn't shut up about how happy he was that "NANAMI FINALLY UNDERSTANDS WHERE HE BELONGS". That helped you in no certain way. Even after so many years, you felt anxious and nervous, just the thought of Nanami working in the same place as you made your stomach bubble. You hated to admit it, but you never truly moved on. How could you? He was everything you ever wished for. Your mind was overwhelmed with thousands of questions. "Should I go greet him?" "What if he gets awkward?" ..... "Should I call him kento or Nanami-san"....."is he seeing someone?", "what if he was married ?" ...
Hearing a knock on your door, you finally give rest to your thoughts. Opening the door you're met with a very tired looking shoko and behind her is Utahime and Midori.
Utahime gives you a smile while midori gets in blabbing something you're not really focused on. "You weren't there to greet him" said shoko catching you by surprise. "I thought he might get awkward seeing me so I stayed here."
Shoko and Utahime know you better, they can see you diverting your eyes whenever his name is mentioned, a little pink blush settling on your cheeks. Smug smiles on both their faces.
'Y/N...... do you know the grade 1 sorcerer who rejoined jujutsu high today? Oh my god he's a dreamboat!!!!' Midori squealed. You felt your heart sink, her eyes gleaming with excitement as she spoke about the blonde man. ......
After about an hour or so, Utahime decided to drag shoko and midori to principal Yaga's office to discuss a few things. "Least you can do is text him a greeting." Shoko whispered to you as they left, leaving you contemplating if you should text your ex boyfriend and friend's possible crush or not.
Texting the stoic sorcerer sounded like a bad idea but you had nothing to lose......
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haught-ish · 10 months ago
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frenchkanna1808 · 1 year ago
So i made an experience, i wanted to see how safe were the other apps in terms of yttd content. I only use tumblr for yttd so i thought "uhhh let's go and search yttd on pinterest".
tw sex talk nothing explicit
here was the experiment, i would search every character in the game and use a timer to see how long it would take to see some weird shit. What qualifies as weird shits would be, problematic ships, extreme violent stuff and sexual imagerie. The more time it would take the better. And well i regret doing this i am now cursed forever.
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I am traumatised it took a litteral second to find weird shit with sara, the first image was lierraly p*rno of her. It took 1 minutes 18 to find one of keiji, it was keisara of course. IN FOUR SECONDS I SAW SHIN NAKED, SHIN NAKED AGAIN, SHIN GETTING BEAT UP, AND TWO TIME SHIN GETTING FUCKED SILLY. WHYYYYYY. Also it took seven seconds to find kanna weird shit, it was an art of kanna x midori. Weirdly it took 9 seconds to find things with mishima. And if somebody ask yes the kai one was kaisara art (ew).The worst one by far was midori oh god i'm traumatised by that one.
but a big reminder that i did not specifiquely search for anything special, i was just on the home page. Because if you search you will find. I found nothing before with joe but accidentaly i saw some joe and keiji ship art. I'm pretty sure that everyone here has weird shit too and some of them might be horrid but my goal wasn't to explicetely find them. It was to be in the place of somebody who just searched randomly the cast on pinterest searching for cute pics and see how much time it would take to be traumatised.
the site is plagued by keis*rass, soushit, souk*** and even weirder ships, for gods sake is saw gin x shin fanart. Pinterest has no filter at all it's the wild west there. i don't even wanna see on other app now especially twitter, i heard that's where all the keis*ara shippers hide.
So my advice is, if you don't want to see stuff like that avoid pinterest at all cost, but if you have to use pinterest, use it only for some characters the ones wheres it's more difficult to find weird art. Also avoid searching stuff about midori if you don't want to bleach your eyes.
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midoribai · 2 years ago
...midori crack...??????
- 🎐
yes. one hundred percent. make him into a fine powder so i can-
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sword-symphonia · 1 year ago
A comprehensive list of every fictional character I have ever been mentally unwell over for any amount of time (that I am able to recall)
Buckle the fuck in I'm bored (mentally unwell in this case does not specifically mean horny, sometimes they are just my little scrumblies)
Number one pooksters of all time are in bold if you even care
God help us all.
Zenkichi Hasegawa (and the crowd expected it completely, ladies and gentlemen)
Takuto Maruki
Ryotaro Dojima
Tohru Adachi (sighs loudly)
Yusuke Kitagawa
Kanji Tatsumi
Mitsuru Kirijo
Akira Kurusu
Naoya Toudou
Haru Okumura
Maxie and Archie, but only sometimes (stares at tumblr user gleaming_glasses)
Avery (very short-lived, actually)
D*NGANR*NPA (Listen shut up it's a pipeline):
Leon Kuwata
Kazuichi Soda
Kaito Momota
Rantaro Amami
Kirumi Tojo (I'll save you baby)
Hajime Hinata
...Kokichi Ouma. SIGHS
Gonta Gokuhara
Byakuya Togami (both versions)
Aoi Asahina
Nagisa Shingetsu (save him please oh my god)
Shunsuke Hayasaka
Naomichi Kurumada
Nao Egokoro
Reko Yabusame
Alice Yabusame
Kazumi Mishima (I don't want to talk about it)
Tia Safalin
Q-Taro Burgerberg (I still don't want to talk about it)
Joe Tazuna
Mika Kagehira
Mayoi Ayase (my girlfriend. My wife. We're legally married, actually)
Adonis Otogari
Nazuna Nito
Hajime Shino
Mitsuru Tenma
Arashi Narukami (someone rescue her for the love of god)
Tsumugi Aoba
Niki Shiina
Chiaki Morisawa
Midori Takamine
Mao Isara
Yuzuru Fushimi
Makoto Yuuki
Akiomi Kunugi
Jin Sagami
Jun Sazanami
Hiyori Tomoe
Madara Mikejima
Koga Oogami
Souma Kanzaki
Divus Crewel
Sebek Zigvolt (born on Paddy's day Irish rep get in lads)
Epel Felmier
Floyd Leech
Azul Ashengrotto
Riddle Rosehearts
Ruggie Bucchi
Jack Howl
Vil Schoenheit
Kalim al-Asim
Arataki Itto
Sangonomiya Kokomi
The otters. I can't even make this shit up the fucking OTTERS
Affogato Cookie (I thought he was a girl)
Espresso Cookie (I also thought he was a girl)
Strawberry Crepe Cookie
Red Velvet Cookie
Roguefort Cookie
Almond Cookie
Sour Belt Cookie
Wizard Cookie (the silliest of guys, and also my son)
Pancake Cookie
Clover Cookie (You won't fucking believe this, yall)
Black Raisin Cookie
Pistachio Cookie
Whipped Cream Cookie
Peach Cookie
Mocha Ray Cookie
Captain Ice Cookie
Croissant Cookie
Earl Grey Cookie
Aloe Cookie
Butter Pretzel Cookie
Abyss Monarch Cookie
Stardust Cookie
V Cookie (he counts. I do not go here however)
Captain Caviar Cookie
Elder Faerie Cookie
Andrew Kreiss/Gravekeeper
Martha Behamfil/Coordinator
Luca Balsa/Prisoner (The tragic, tragic origin of my name.)
Aesop Carl/Embalmer
Emma Woods/Gardener (Dressed up as her for Halloween once)
Joseph Desaulniers/Photographer
Robbie White/Axe Boy
Naib Subedar/Mercenary
Freddy Riley/Lawyer (fucking awful as a person but his gameplay is nice)
Helena Adams/The Mind's Eye (Main for life. Love you, baby) (I cannot kite for shit) (I also haven't played in about 8 months)
My Pocket Camp villager. She's a little train conductor I adore her
Tengen Uzui
Giyuu Tomioka
Shinobu Kocho
Kyojuro Rengoku
Tanjiro Kamado
Seteth (Horny reasons.)
Vander (...Also horny reasons, unfortunately)
Griss (...Don't look at me)
Catherine (She is so... oughhh)
Cockrrin (It is spelled like that for a reason, hi Sunny)
Red Son
Monkey King
Ne Zha
The Mayor
Damien LaVey
Oz (my main for life forever n ever)
Amira Rashid
Scott Howl
Nicolas Cage (I downloaded a Nic Cage mod therefore he counts) (I care not for the man himself)
Calculester Hewlett-Packard
Hazel (I do not know if she has a surname)
Watermelon Tourmaline
Phos. I refuse to try to spell their full name
Lapis Lazuli
MHA (I don't like it anymore but I gotta save my boys):
Denki Kaminari (Whenever I tell someone I like him they nearly always go 'yeah' and I have no idea how to reply to that)
Eijiro Kirishima
Yuga Aoyama
Koji Koda
Gentle Criminal (It was because he's an old man. He's like 30 or somethin but. Idk whisht)
Boyd Cooper
Sasha Nein
Quentin Hedgemouse (Silly)
Hollis Forsythe
Lizzie Natividad
Augustus Aquato
Razputin Aquato
Fred Bonaparte
The stupid fucking maternity ward easter egg the entire thing oh my god
The Tockles
Kurt Lynos
Cypher Lynos
Peri Lynos
Lazzi (he is a platypus)
Ainsley Laurent
Charlotte Laurent (Peri's girlfriend)
April Kosova (Ainsley's wife and also her lawyer before they got married)
Myron Bouras
Mizuki Suou (May or may not be an x canon oc... glances away)
Abebah Kopiona
MISCELLANEOUS (Not enough people to justify a category):
Nathan Pandit (Season one; Grimsborough)
Frank Knight (Season 2; Pacific Bay)
Diego Alejandro Montoya Esteban del Lobo (Season 4; Mysteries of the Past)
Jacob Arrow (Season 7; Supernatural Hunters)
Richard 'Dick' Wells (Season 4)
Rose Zhao (Season 4)
Maddie O'Malley (Season 4) (Hon the Irish boy)
Felix Reed (Season 7)
Sanji Vinsmoke- One Piece
Sabo- One Piece
Alfendi Layton- Professor Layton series
Clive Dove- Professor Layton series
Anthony Herzen- Professor Layton series
Cinnamoroll- Sanrio
Pompompurin- Sanrio
Larry Butz- Ace Attorney
Rosalina- Mario
Luigi- Mario
Espio the Chameleon- Sonic
Princess Luna- My Little Pony
Flash Sentry- My Little Pony (I was eight unfortunately)
Stitch- Disney (I am in fact one of those girls sorry)
Timber Spruce- My Little Pony (I was still eight)
Winnie the Pooh- Disney
Anakin Skywalker but specifically the animated Clone Wars one- Star Wars
That one guy from Rebels with the fuckass manbun- Star Wars
Mr. Tumble- British Television (He was like crack cocaine to me)
Chase Devinaeux- Carmen Sandiego 2018 series
Tulio- the Road to el Dorado
Shiro- Voltron. Derogatory.
Hunk- Voltron
Dr. Montgomery Montgomery- a Series of Unfortunate Events
Jacques Snicket- a Series of Unfortunate Events
Jem- Hetty Feather books (Nick Sharratt made him look a right fitty)
Fizzy- Moshi Monsters (THE ONLY MOSHLING EVER I LOVE FIZZY I HAVE EIGHT OF THEM IN MY MONSTER'S HOUSE [Six of them are plushies tho])
Tingaling- Moshi Monsters (Okay Tingaling can stay)
Daffodil- Spiritfarer
Astrid- Spiritfarer
Akane Hino- Smile PreCure! (Made me realise I was queer)
Captain Barnacles- Octonauts
Vyn Richter- Tears of Themis
Artem Wing- Tears of Themis
Vincent Brooks- Catherine (I could fix him) (Alternatively we could get worse together)
Shizuku Hinomori- Project Sekai
KAITO- Vocaloid
Camui Gackpo- Vocaloid
Octodad. Do you think I'm fucking around? Not round here, brother.
The entire cast of Fantastic Mr. Fox. I CUSSING LOVE that movie what the CUSS
Howl Pendragon- Howl's Moving Castle
Lego Batman, and SPECIFICALLY Lego Batman- DC
Reigen Arataka- Mob Psycho
Saiki's da- Saiki K
Marina Ida- Splatoon 2
Wheatley- Portal (Steven Merchant has captivated me)
Rodney Copperbottom- Robots (I had the FATTEST crush on him as a child stop)
The villain guy I'm too lazy to google him- Robots (also on him)
Timmy- Shaun the Sheep
Mr. Bean- Mr. Bean (my goat)
Harvey- Stardew Valley
Simeon- Obey Me (my obey me phase was rancid lads)
Satan- Obey Me
'N das all for now :3
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lesbiansayaishii · 10 months ago
thoughts on the greys s19 finales? s19 kinda underwhelmed me (marina is cute but the baby thing bores me to no end which in turns makes them as a ship dull to me sacrilege i know lol but it’s the truth) and i never got super into yasuda/helm but im kinda loving the possibility of yasuda/jules? idk what’s going on there but the chemistry>>>
ohh boy. so i have a lot of thoughts on the finales LOL. it got really really long and it only aired yesterday so spoilers are under the cut for those that haven't seen!
sooo. i hated it. as a writer, as a viewer, i fucking hated it. honestly, i should have come into the fandom earlier because this season being my first to watch live sucked ASS and was more losing than winning. narratively speaking, the vast majority of the writing choices made ZERO sense. not winston/monica (AFTER ALL THE MONMELIA BUILD UP??), not julesmika (sorry, i love them, but they make no narrative sense. unless they're trying for a mertina type relationship which im not sure i entirely like either), and not whatever bullshit was going on with catherine. i know she has played big bad boss lady in the past but honestly this season the writing for her was very... flat? one dimensional? it was almost like she could ONLY be the antagonist and she wasn't allowed to have any other role in this season. i don't think we saw her outside of the hospital at all in the whole 10 episodes. while i DO understand they had to make some necessary cuts because of the shortened length of the season... was it really worth keeping catherine fox in this season if they were going to ruin her?? because i do NOT think so. and what was UP with her firing half the hospital in one episode??? fuck that??
to be completely honest lol, i'm tired of this show and the way they hate their gays. helmika breakup, no monmelia ANYTHING -- making monica hook up with winston after zero build up?? if you want to write a bisexual character this is NOT the way to do it -- schmitt leaving next season, trying to build up the julesmika relationship when midori is leaving in the next season?? i admit they're cute, but there's no way the relationship is sustainable. and it makes me so sad.
and... oh my god don't get me started on mernick. to preface everything i say about them: i think they're cute! genuinely i do! i don't hate them at all, which makes it so much harder when i have to say that they make no sense together long term. meredith is very clearly not as in love with him as he is with her (he said he wanted to marry her, walked out, and she had. zero reaction. to any of it. if anything she kind of treats him like a child?😭) and she only really fights for him when it looks like he's going to leave. she'll only fight for her stability if there's a real threat of losing it. in a way, i suppose it's not surprising. they mirror merder but only in all the bad ways, the way that merder was starry eyed intern x dreamy neurosurgeon turns into the way that mernick is essentially idol x fan. there's no way either of those relationships could have lasted in the long run -- BECAUSE of their foundations. and it makes me so sad bc why is meredith doing the same fucking things after 20 SEASONS. she of ALL the characters deserves to have some character development after all this time.
station 19:
loved it. cried so many times. the episode ended and i walked around feeling so empty. i will admit i have only seen marina spoilers and have not watched any of the seasons until season 7, so my view might be a bit skewed. cried with the marina family (maya's development from season 1 to season 7? 🥹), cried when travis went with vic (someone finally choosing to put first the Put Everyone Else First Person??? hello tears). the flashes forward and back were so interesting, definitely kept me engaged. i was so scared tho when they kept showing the burning gear when andy was missing 😭 i was like they BETTER NOT have killed her. and then all was well <3 more or less.
overall for station 19, i think they really did the best they possibly could have with how many episodes they were given to wrap up the series if it doesn't end up getting picked up. i liked it a lot more than grey's, for sure :)
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my-past-disgusts-me · 4 months ago
Ask game ask game <3
🪓If you could design a first trial, what would you do?
💭What is your favorite yttd AU idea?
🏆Who do you think the ultimate survivors will be?
🪓 If I could design a first trial, huh? Man... I've been asking myself this, actually, because of my Mr Beast AU (I'm just calling it that, it doesn't have anything to do with Mr Beast) and I uh, haven't had any good, concrete ideas yet. My most interesting one is thematically potent for the characters I put in it. Ironically it's also the least clear. It's in my notes as "something to do with the moon" so. I guess the only one I've actually thought out is the mirror room puzzle. It's pretty much the one Sara did before the first game, but with communication issues this time! One contestant is in each room, and they have to talk with each other to make the rooms mirror each other, before the time runs out. Normal stuff. I've also got a character in just. A normal escape room. So that's fun.
💭 Which AU is my favorite? You're killing me here, my god. So. Obviously there's my survivors AU, the one I've made a few sketch comics for. Both Sara and Shin survive, they can't get rid of each other, they become friends on accident, etc. etc. Ryoko is there. I might be bringing Midori back for that one too but ehhh idk. The stuff I've written for that is interesting but it's straying too far into whump territory for this AU. It's a cool way to fuck with their character arcs though.
There's also my two new silly AUs, YTTD Hoodwinked AU and YTTD Nerdy Prudes Must Die AU. They're pretty fun. I don't think they're my favorites though. Oh and Ranpo in the Death Game AU but I haven't touched that one for a while. Not since the yaoi.
And then there's the other big contender. The Mr Beast AU. AKA I put 100 fictional characters in the Your Turn to Die death game (said in the mr beast intro voice)! Oh man. What a whopper. And I have lore reasons for it too. Now picture this: The death game is over. Sara wins. She goes on with her life, distraught for a while, but then only numb. When the time comes, she takes over ASU-NARO. With her at the helm, research pivots from recreating people artificially to regaining them for real. Flesh and blood. That's right baby, they're playing 5D chess with multiversal time travel, and they're about to find out what happens when that shit goes wrong. Meanwhile, in 14 other worlds, shit goes haywire there too. The cast of YTTD wakes up in their old bodies, from the start of the death game, with all their memories intact. And a hundred newcomers awaken too.
Mm... I think the mr beast AU is more interesting to me currently, just because I loooove crossover AUs and banging my toys together like rocks. I put all my favorite niche media in there. We've got My Student Spirit, we've got Rhyme and Reason, we've got Ghost Junk Sickness, we've got 7Seeds. I even have The Neverending Story! We've got extra scientists, we've got actual robots, we have a cat with a job, there's a man who is literally a ghost and another who can talk to ghosts and they are both the nicest (lyinggg the ghost is an asshole. Just like me fr). And freaking out at the center of it all is our good old primary cast, trying to survive all over again.
I'm having fun with it. Tsukasa Tenma is dead. Herlock Sholmes is dead. Dima PAFL is dead and Dr. Temnova doesn't know yet. Olezha has a real body again but he can't go tell his roommate because his roommate is in the death game and they can't have people moving willy-nilly from the administrative side to the game side, now can they? Emu Ootori has blood on her hands. So does Kotaro Mita. Man I love this AU. I have to make something other than a spreadsheet for it.
🏆 Who do I think will win? Sara, obviously. I don't think there's any way that she doesn't. I don't think Keiji will, or Shin. If she does get to take someone with her, I think it'll be Gin in the logic route. I also think that maybe we'll get a choice in the emotion route. To save either Kanna or Gin. Which kid gets to live. Kinda fucked! But what about this game isn't lmao. Regardless, I'm excited to see what happens.
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running-tweezers · 8 months ago
~ Pictures of You - Part 4 ~
It’s been weeks, and Zephyr is over the moon for this Mercutio guy. Maybe it’s just petty jealousy, but Nate can’t quite shake the feeling that something here feels off.
1807 Words
Rated T
CW: Alcohol, Manipulation
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Tumblr media
~ June 2, 1989 ~
Fucking Mercutio.
Every time Zephyr brought up that name, Nate felt a lead weight drop in the pit of his stomach. But he couldn’t put a finger on why. Was it really just jealousy? Just some part of him that wished Zephyr was spending their Saturday nights with him instead? Or was it something else? Something worse? He hoped he was wrong, but something about the whole situation just seemed icky.
Zephyr seemed to be having the time of their life, though. The last three weeks, they’d been raving about this guy with stars in their eyes. Nate went from barely knowing his name, to learning more than he ever wanted to know.
Mercutio owns the biggest and most exclusive goth club in the city. Mercutio is practically an A-list celebrity when it comes to the local scene. Mercutio has a lot of influence and a lot of friends who follow him everywhere. Mercutio hung out backstage with Peter Murphy once. Mercutio drinks imported Shiraz and smokes Djarum Black clove cigarettes and smells like Drakkar Noir.
Ok, maybe it was a little jealousy.
“But anyway, when the club shut down for the night, we hung around until the sun started coming back up. Just us and a couple of his other friends who work there. I drank way too many Midori sours. I barely remember those last couple hours or so.” Zephyr laughed as they continued their story. “I don’t think I’ve ever been that drunk before. But I mean, he kept getting more rounds, and what am I gonna do, say no?”
Alarms started going off in Nate’s head. Back when he first started watching, they told a story about the first time they got drunk. They’d bought a bottle of cheap vodka on their 21st birthday and their cousin offered them $5 for every shot they took.
“I had just blown out the sole of my good boots the week before, and I needed $25 to get some new ones. I wasn’t gonna turn that down,” they’d said. “So 5 shots later I puked in her kitchen, tripped over the corner of a rug, hit the counter, and gave myself a black eye. She had to drive me home and we both got an earful from my grandma the next day. I swore I’d never drink like that again.'' Nate remembered laughing when they kicked their feet up on the desk in front of them, showing off a pair of well worn pointy toe buckle boots. “But these have lasted me a couple years now, so I say it was worth it.”
Nate smiled at the recollection, but that sour feeling returned quickly. They said they’d never drink that much again. That they didn’t drink much when they went out.
“I don’t even know how I got home, honestly. Had a nasty hangover when I finally woke up, but it was worth it. Best night ever.” Zephyr was practically swooning. “I don’t remember much, but I do remember him saying he wished he could do this with me every night.”
Something here was very wrong.
Nate’s arm reached for the phone like a reflex. He didn’t know what to say, he just knew he needed to talk to them. He didn’t even need to look at the number on screen anymore, his fingers pressed each button guided by muscle memory. He was about to press the final two numbers when the familiar phrase echoed through the speakers.
“Oh, we have a caller!”
Dammit. He set the phone back down on the end table. Someone was faster.
“You’re on the air.”
“Guess who?” A low, smoky voice snaked through the speakers, and Zephyr sat up at attention.
Nate’s face twisted in disgust as soon as the words hit his ears. Just those two words were enough to send Zephyr into a state somewhere between elation and panic. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind who this was.
“Oh my god, Mercutio? You’re watching?” Zephyr asked in flustered disbelief.
“Of course I am. I wanted to check out your little show. Since you talked so much about it Saturday night.” His voice was velvety smooth, but it was a thin cover for a thick layer of condescension. “I like it. It’s very… stripped back. A little DIY. Underground. It works for you.”
“Th- thanks. I just kinda threw all this together. I know it isn’t much.” Zephyr was clearly struggling to strike a balance between their nonchalant apathetic mask and the fact that they looked like a teenager kicking their feet over their crush. Their eyes darted around their barebones set, looking suddenly very aware of how low budget things appeared. “I’ve only been doing this for about a year now, I’m hoping to invest more into it as soon as I can.”
“I’m sure you'll get there,” Mercutio said. “We all start somewhere, don’t we?”
“Right.” Zephyr’s cheeks flushed a little redder. “I just wish I would’ve known you were gonna watch. I would’ve planned something more interesting.”
Mercutio’s laugh felt just as fake as the rest of him. “It’s alright, Zephyr. I’m enjoying hearing about our night all over again.”
The dull unease he felt, for a brief moment, flared into something stronger. He hated the way their name sounded coming out of his mouth.
“Good to see you’re doing alright now, by the way,” Mercutio continued, dripping with smug amusement. “Last time I saw you, you could hardly walk on your own.”
“Oh god.” Zephyr buried their face in their hand, embarrassed. “Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry I was such a mess.”
“Aw… it’s ok, Zephyr.” His words were cloying, like the pitying voice you’d use with a pet. “You make a very cute drunk.”
That flame of hatred ignited once again.
Stop saying their name like that.
“And I can answer your question, by the way. How you got home? I called you a cab. Paid the driver upfront. Plus some extra to make sure you were taken care of.” Something in the way he spoke made it clear he was expecting effusive praise for revealing this. “I assume you were taken care of?”
“Yes! Or, I think so at least. I don’t remember anything bad, so I guess it was fine?”
“Good,” he said matter-of-factly. “If you remembered any differently, I’d have to hunt that taxi driver down. Show him what happens when you mistreat my Zephyr.”
Zephyr visibly melted on screen and Nate had never felt so close to punching one of his couch cushions.
They are not “your Zephyr,” stop fucking saying that.
The swift realization washed over him. They weren’t his Zephyr either. He leaned back into the couch, defeated as they continued their flirty conversation. He had no right to feel the way he did. This was childish. Mercutio was definitely obnoxious, but he was making way too many assumptions about his character from secondhand stories and one phone call. This was obviously the kind of guy Zephyr wanted. Not him. They were more Mercutio’s than they’d ever be his.
“So, um, since you’re here,” Zephyr shifted the subject, fidgeting with the rings on their fingers. “I wanted to ask you something. I meant to ask the other night but… you know.” They trailed off, half laughing about the obvious reason they would’ve forgotten.
“I just— I wanted to know if you might want to come on the show sometime in person? Do an interview. We can talk about you, and the club, and stuff like that?” They asked cautiously, already on the defensive. “I mean, I know it’s just some stupid little show, but it could be fun maybe?”
“I don’t see why not.” Mercutio answered. “I’d love to help you out. Get some eyes on your work.”
Zephyr grinned. A real one. Nate debated turning off the TV.
“That would be awesome! Are you doing anything next week? If you are I get it, that’s soon, and I’m sure you’re really busy, but if you’re free I’d lo—“
“Anything for you, my dear.” Mercutio interrupted. “We can talk more about it on Saturday.”
Nate’s finger rested on the remote’s power button, but something kept him from pushing it.
“I wish,” Zephyr lamented, resting their chin on one hand. “I can’t be there Saturday.”
Mercutio’s voice turned on a dime. The sweetness and affection were gone in an instant, replaced with sharp indignation and authority.
Nate lowered the remote.
Zephyr also noticed the shift, tensing a bit. “Yeah, I have a family thing.”
“You told me you’d be there.”
“Did I?”
“You did. You told me you were coming to see the band Saturday.” Mercutio grew more agitated with every word.
“I’m sorry, I— I must’ve forgot.”
“Oh no, it’s fine,” Mercutio shot back, voice biting and thick with sarcasm. “I just thought you’d want to get backstage with the band. I hear they’re about to sign a record deal. You could be the first to get them on your show. But I guess you don’t care about that.”
“No, no I do! I wish I could be there, but I can’t miss this it’s been planned for months—“
“I’m going out of my way to give you all these opportunities, you know?” He was more frustrated now, just on the brink of yelling. “And you seem to be taking them for granted.”
The bigger Mercutio got, the more Zephyr seemed to shrink. “I’m sorry, it’s my grandma’s birthday, I have to be there…”
Nate watched the exchange, sick to his stomach. There was something in Zephyr’s eyes that Nate had never seen before. An anxiety and fear that made his skin crawl. And to think he’d just tried to convince himself that maybe this guy wasn’t so awful. He should've trusted his gut. He’d never felt so terrible about being right.
The airwaves went silent for an agonizing few seconds, Zephyr stiff with the fear that they’d upset him further. When Mercutio finally spoke, he softened a bit. “No, it’s ok. I understand. It’s just—” He let out a heavy sigh, now sounding sadder. Hurt, almost. “I told you last week I wished I could spend time with you every night. I’m just so busy all the time, I don’t get a lot of nights like that. I don’t know… I’m sorry I snapped at you, Zephyr. I just really wanted to see you again.”
They let out a breath. “No, I’m sorry.” Zephyr apologized. “I’ll be there. I said I would. I’ll find a way. I can probably sneak out early or something.”
“You promise?”
“Yeah, I promise.” Zephyr smiled weakly.
Nate switched off the TV and headed back to his bedroom for the night, the phone still left abandoned on the end table. He couldn’t watch any more of this.
( @pinksparkl @definetelynuwonhere @phantasmechanical )
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