#and for this ONE panel it's supposed to be showing time passing while he does stuff
frankenfossil · 1 month
Oh! I nearly forgot, but can I ask the significance of this panel?
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It comes directly after Dee explains that he can’t come and see her from the future whenever he wants. (Which is one of my favorite moments where Dee’s true eldritch horror leaks in to the story), so I assume it’s… sort of a metaphor? How Emily finds herself at the foot of something she realizes is much, much bigger than she contemplated before?
(Also, I just wanted to compliment you for this panel)
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(The first time I saw it, I imagined Dee was showing her this on purpose, time traveling from sometime the same day to really show her what it would be like. An object lesson.
The second time I saw it, I started to wonder
Because Dee himself doesn’t really look aware of what is going on behind him.
And maybe, just maybe, this one moment in time has become the only moment that Dee allows himself to come back to to see Emily, the one moment where he can get lost in the crowd with every other time he came back to look. The one moment where he’s explaining why he can’t come back.
Just… Makes me sad, and I wanted to say thank you for that too, because I love these characters and the story they tell, the sweet and bitter.)
(Quick test of my ability to find which chapter stuff happens in)
I love your reading of that Uluru panel!! I think I probably didn’t intend anything that deep with it; these time skip montage style chapters are pretty choppy and I’m usually trying to figure out a way to touch on all these brief scenes or moments that I don’t want to spend a whole chapter on for whatever reason, and arrange them in a way where the cuts aren’t too hideously abrupt. For visual reasons I try to contrast different locations and not put 2 dialogue heavy moments directly next to each other. Mood wise, I don’t really want to cut from something serious and angsty to something that’s a complete backflip on that. I also sometimes just feel like drawing a nice landscape and hope it achieves my aims on these fronts haha.
I think also here I was trying to move from that final sentence, “The present is more than enough”, to demonstrating them appreciating having that present together - being able to go do cool and enriching stuff, something not completely mundane but not completely fantastical either. (I mean... sightseeing within your own country is extremely normal, but going to Uluru from Melbourne... not a convenient day trip, since it’s 2000km; 25 hour solid driving, or you can fly in a few hours but I think you have to go via Sydney, so that makes it take at least twice as long I guess. Not that it's specified how long they're there for. I haven’t been myself but I’d love to one day...)
So, yeah!! More of a mechanical/compositional rationale than an intentional metaphor, but I think your reading makes complete sense and actually improves the page! (Sometimes I do intend visual metaphors... but sometimes they’re just happy accidents.)
And thanks for the compliment re the crowd of Dees!! I also love the moments I can lean into his eldritch qualities... they’re sadly few and far between but maybe that helps them be more surprising?? Definitely your first reading was what I intended, that he zigzagged back pretty quickly, probably even from within the conversation, but there is an inherent ambiguity to Dee’s time travelling where unless I take pains to spell it out, there really is no way to know when he’s come from. Even if he can be assumed to be taking every interaction chronologically, there’s no knowing how much time has passed for him between each visit. I don’t even know how to estimate how long his experience of time is, when he’s zigzagging back so densely all the time; even the number of living things on Earth any moment is an incomprehensibly mind-boggling number. That eldritch horror again!
Truth be told I hadn’t thought of him coming back to this moment and blending in with the crowd for the rest of the future ;_; but that’s so real... he could well be, the sad sack...
I had a different sillier thought from slightly misreading your question on first pass, which is that maybe he doesn’t originally know what’s going on behind him, but then later on as he’s just going about his business he goes “oh I know exactly how to punctuate that thing I said earlier!!!” and then does it as an afterthought. Oh to have the ability to add the things you wish you’d said to an earlier conversation 😂
#kind words#man i could ramble on about dee's time travel for so many words but i PROBABLY shouldn't#there's a page coming up (in chapter 54) where on one panel i have drawn dee multiple times#and for this ONE panel it's supposed to be showing time passing while he does stuff#but because he's a time traveller and every single other time i've ever drawn him multiple times in a panel it's been him doubling up#it's way less obvious a use of that device than it is when I do it with emily!!!#i have also commented on this on the alt text on that page#because i think it's fun and whatever i'll repeat myself i guess#ALSO. deciding when i can imply that dee has teleported off panel and when i feel it needs to be drawn explicitly... tricky!#for the panel above i decided i didn't need to draw it but it sure leaves that ambiguity#on a different page in chapter 54 i originally left it implied but then changed my mind and added it explicitly to the page#idk. ask me about which moment later if u remember and/or care to lol.#and the funny thing is i think there is an in universe version of this#where - in my head at least - dee can teleport and return with great subtlety and precision when he wants to#such that he could do it without people noticing unless they're watching very closely maybe#so he adds a bit of performativity to when he teleports so that emily always knows (or doesn't know that he can be sneaky)#BUT this will probably never come up unless i can either find a clear way to indicate it or for some reason Dee decides to mention it#so it will probably remain non-canon#i only consider the comic itself canon. i say all sorts of stuff outside the comic that i change my mind about later#plus death of the author and whatever
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mixelation · 1 year
brainworms of the day: reborn au con shenanigans
i posted before about tori and kakashi going to a ninja fiction con like a tired older sibling taking his kid sister to a con. and i like the idea of them repeating this, because like. kakashi isn't super into interacting with fandom but he likes merch and he gets a kick out of seeing cosplays, and tori likes company and kakashi is pretty cill when he's not actively being a troll. so cons are like Their Thing and kushina gets very mushy over the idea of them bonding so obviously minato always gives them the time off
anyway i had some thoughts for shenanigans
thought one: minato canonically really likes icha icha and i think he deserves to have some fun. at first i was like "i don't think the hokage gets many vacation days, and surely if he DID take a vacation he'd spend it with his family?" but then i remembered he can teleport. minato takes days off all the time with the idea his assistant will just summon him back if there's a problem. he shows up unannounced in a pair of sunglasses
minato: i'm incognito :)
random passerby: the fourth hokage and hatake kakashi group cosplay? this place gets less and less original every year
kakashi and tori are unsure of this addition to their group because this is Their Thing. kakashi gets over it pretty quick because he does like getting casual time to hang out with minato, actually, but tori is annoyed because first of all. how is she supposed to behave normally* if her boss is here. secondly now everyone keeps asking her why SHE'S not in matching cosplay.
minato: do you want my cloak? lotta people in cloaks
*everyone who knows tori would like to point out that the only change in her behavior is a 15% reduction in swearing.
anyway i am getting a kick out of imagining actual hokage and infamous ninja namikaze minato waiting in the same-day registration line. squatting in a two hour line to get into one of the big panels. taking photos with other minato cosplayers. holding back tears because there's a fourteen year old kakashi cosplayer with a sERVICE DOG ALSO IN COSTUME!!!!!!!!
thought two: sasori crashes a con because he wants to pass on intel about orochimaru or soemthing
tori: oh my god WHY are you HERE
sasori: because you're closer than deidara >:(
tori: no i mean, in public? in the crowded dealER'S ROOM?
sasori: who's going to notice?
(a group of sasoris in ugly wigs pass by)
anyway the true shenanigan-y part of this is that initially kakashi thinks a weird 25 year old man is chatting tori up. which like. yes? technically true? but kakashi thinks this is just tori falling for the wiles of a hot cosplayer and that he needs to intervene immediately because she's FIFTEEN, you PERVERT--
kakashi: hi :) who's this :)
tori, feeling her spirit leave her body: he likes my sasori fic
sasori, in pain: yup. i. do. that's what this is.
kakashi: oh :) how nice :) then i'm sure you won't mind me standing here while you chat :) sharpening my kunai which are totally just props :)
thought three: i think in her later teens/early twenties, tori starts falling back on I HAVE A BOYFRIEND really frequently to get out of conversations. like in theory the card is for "a guy is hitting on me" but she'll also play it for "someone is talking to me and i don't want them to be."
in konoha this strategy works because even if you were just telling her the cafe is closing in five minutes, "but i'm waiting for my boyfriend, uchiha itachi :(" is enough to give this random poor employee pause. these words have meaning in konoha. however i think there's some Shenanigans to be had for her doing this without thinking about it at a con where context is very different.
man she's trapped with bc they're in line and he won't stop trying to get her to give him her room number: boyfriend? prove it.
tori, exasperated: (pulls out a photo she keeps on her)
man: that's uchiha itachi
tori: exactly
man: .....you honestly expect me to believe that? you clearly just have that on you because you're a fan
tori: .....fuck
for bonus shenanigans repeat a similar exchange but it's at a kitty girl stabby ninja con so itachi is there and immediately wonders up afterwards with like. cat ears on.
man: (eyes darting back and forth between the photo and itachi himself, terrified)
itachi: the food options weren't great but i brought you some bread. did the line move?
man: (now looking around to see if anyone ELSE has noticed this)
tori, very blatantly taking his hand: no they just made us rearrange to stop blocking the hallway
itachi: i see
thought four: something cute
i don't want tori to be as well known as deidara/itachi in civilian circles, mostly because it'd be funny. but also i don't think she's as flashy as them and a lot of the stuff she does relies on her not being recognizable. and i like the humor of interacting with itachi/deidara stans and cosplayer who just don't recognize her. so there isn't much in the way of tori cosplay/fic/etc even when she's older and has her own Reputation among actual ninja. but okay. imagine. at the ONE con tori can't make there's a lone tori cosplayer. she's sort of haunting the place-- obviously socially awkward and shy. kakashi loses his mind. he summons minato. minato brings kushina. they bother this girl for like hours and low-key make her day even though it's also kind of scary?
kushina has to physically hold tori back from stalking her after she sees the photos. SHE'S JUST GOING TO BREAK INTO HER HOME AND SEE WHAT FANFICTION SHE'S READING NOTHING VIOLENT OR SCARY--
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euphoricimagination · 2 years
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𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑯𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒍
A small thing for my favorite boy<3
Warnings: suggestive, mentions of sex
Kenma hates you right now
You are basically the backbone of his channel, helping him from the very beginning with video ideas, merch ideas, reading fans questions, contacting people, making sure he was okay. He may be the one visible in the videos, but you were always there to help him out behind the scenes. And he’s incredibly grateful and loves every part of it.
But why did you have to suggest doing a review of a love hotel for a video? And why did you have to mention it on his stream?
He knew that you did it just to embarrass him, it wasn’t the first time you mention something like this whenever you bring him food, but neither really expected that his chat will be super on board with the idea, especially wanting you two going.
The idea in itself makes him incredibly uncomfortable. It’s not like you two were innocent in the sex area, but he doesn’t want to go to a place where other people do it. How is he supposed to act in this video? Do you want to do it there? Are you just curious?
“Do we really have to do this?” he asks you when you were outside of the hotel. He had no idea what type of room you had rented, but he knew that you had use his fans request
“Unless you want your chat to keep spamming you about it, yes” you tell him while accommodating his mask “Sorry, I didn’t think it would get this far”
“It’s alright…but we have to make it as family friendly as we can”
“Of course, but it's going to be hard” you chuckle nervously “the room is quite normal, but the most requested was a prison theme”
“You saw the other one?”
“Yeah, the photos on the website, there was no way to do a video on there” you say making him sigh, of course guys fans will want him to go there, thank god he has you there
You two enter to the place and got the key, Kenma visibly cringing the closer you went to the room. The only thing that kept Kenma sane in this situation was the fact that you were the one with him, you always find a way to make him feel better. He thought about bringing Kuroo as well, but he doesn’t really want to talk to his childhood friend about these type of things
“Babe, relax, it's not going to be that bad” you squeeze his hand “what are you thinking?”
“It’s just awkward, going to a place where other people have sex”
“I know, I know. If it helps, I read that this is one of the cleanest place out there, so we shouldn't worry that much”
“It does help a little. Fuck it, let’s do it” he passes you the camera as he adjust his hoodie. You were going to be recording like you normally do in the rare occasions he films outside.
“Hi guys, kodzuken here. Guess your… persistence paid off, so my girlfriend and I are here showing you a love hotel. This is not the one you guys requested, but I don’t want to be demonetized” he introduced himself, stopping to release another sigh
“You ok? We can still back up” you ask with worry, you hated whenever he does something forced by others
“If we don’t, they’re never going to shut up. Let’s just get over this” says opening the door “Hey, this is way more normal than I thought”
“It’s actually really pretty” you look around
“It is. Let’s walk around it” he says we he grabs your hand
With that he starts doing a mini tour of the place, with lots of chuckles from your part by the explanations that he makes to make it PG. Surprisingly, he is pretty smooth about it, since it was just a big hotel room with little changes to make it more…exciting. Kenma, however, didn’t want to let go of your hand; while he wasn’t as uncomfortable as he thought he will be, your hand gave him more confidence for this unfamiliar type of video.
“I’m pretty sure this is a lights panel; we can mess around here” he looks at the panel in front of him, multiple switches with different drawings on them
“It depends in the amount of love happening?” you joke when looking at the drawings, some of them in different poses
“Did you have to put it like that?” he glares at you as you sit down in the corner of the bed “But I guess so; let’s keep this dim, my eyes hurt”
“Oohh what is this?” you say taking a black bag and passing it to Kenma so he can open it. He does it without thinking much of it, seeing him blush, passing it back to you immediately
“I think you should open it” he takes the camera and points it towards you, a rare thing that happens whenever he fell uncomfortable
“Sure, make me the responsible of your channel… anyways, we have a sleeping mask and a…it’s this” your face scrunches when you see a small pink cylinder that started vibrating the moment you press the button “Yep, it is. I’m assuming we can take this home, maybe we can give it a good use later, right babe?”
“You can just say that…” his face even more embarrassed than before, but soon a smile appeared “let’s see the TV, I think there’s more interesting things in there”
You took the camera back before moving in front of the TV, finding a wide selection of of movies and toys that you could rent/buy. While he was talking and making it less obvious what this whole thing was, your eye catches a section of costumes
“Should we order a costume?” you ask making him choke on his water
“I'm not putting a costume on” says immediately, knowing exactly your plan
“But you will look so good! We have to get the full experience of this place; besides, it's nothing too crazy, it’ll be like cosplay!” you point to the screen while passing the costumes; nurse, police officer, student, and much more “I’ll order a cheerleader one”
“Fine, but you'll wear it” he sighs once more as he take the control it off your hand. After ordering it you waited a few seconds before heading a knock one the door. He goes to open the door, taking the costume in and tossing it to you “there, put it on”
“Gladly” you went to the bathroom, which had absolutely no privacy considering the glass door, and changed. It was a very tight fit, barely covering your butt. You go outside to where Kenma’s is, his eyes widening at the sight “See, it isn't awful. It's quite sexy”
“You look good” he gulps hard before turning the camera to his red face “anyways guys, this is all for today, see you in the next video”
“You're done?”
“Yeah, with the video at least” he looks at the camera, making sure that is turn off before looking at you with dark eyes “Well, I paid for the room and that costume, so why don't we put it in good use?”
“Eh? I thought…”
“Come here love, let's review this love hotel properly”
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tokiro07 · 11 months
Undead Unluck ep.2 thoughts
[Getting the Shaft]
(Contents: Animation, ch.2-3 comparison, OP/ED analysis)
So I found out that a number of people employed at David Productions were formally members of Shaft, and dang does it show. Fuuko practically did Shaft's signature head tilt like three times! I wonder if they weren't allowed to go all the way with it specifically because it's iconic to Shaft so they have a copyright or a trademark on it?
Admittedly, I don't think I ever considered Shaft as a possible studio for UU, and in certain respects I kind of wish I weren't seeing that future come to pass. The excessive use of negative space and the lack of background characters makes the world feel lifeless, and the occasional full-body shadows literally drain the color from the frames whereas I feel based on the volume covers and color pages is the opposite of the blinding neon vibe that I would have expected. I also worry that using the trappings of a Shaft production's visuals will result in UU looking like any other Shaft work rather than having its own visual identity, though I suppose we'll have to wait and see on that
However, this is the future we got, and all in all, those are just gripes. The combat has exactly the energy that it needs to, the comedic moments are given a lot more gravitas than they had in the manga, and once again David Pro loves to add in fun details. My favorite in this week's episode was Andy realizing what the source of the Unluck was going to be and slowly inching closer to Shen and Void so they'd be more likely to get caught up in it. I don't believe I saw the almost electric trail of blood from Andy's finger as he prepped his Parts Bullet against Void, but maybe i just missed it. If I did, let me know, I'd love to be wrong about this one
As I (and many others) predicted, episode 2 covered chapters 2 and 3, and I think it did it quite well. I'm not sure if it's because I read the manga, because it's an anime, or because the director specifically was trying to do this, but I felt like the anime made the exposition and details a lot easier to absorb than the manga did. If I had to attribute that to something, I would say that a panel can cram in multiple details and layers that the reader needs to be active to pick up on while an anime has to show everything individually and any deviation can be detected through movement. I don't know that for a fact, but it's the impression I get
The difference between Unavoidable and Shen's ability was pretty difficult for me to wrap my head around at first in the manga, but I feel like this iteration will make it a lot easier to differentiate them, hopefully. I wouldn't say that UU is obtuse in general, but I imagine a lot of it is going to be clearer going forward
We also got the opening and ending themes, both of which had great songs and animation. Both were definitely odd, though; they were kind of subdued compared to a lot of other shonen anime openings, with the OP spending about half of it on abstract fractals rather than establishing the characters or setting as one might expect and the ED being extremely somber and heavily symbolic. Even as a manga reader, both of them gave me a bit to chew on, which isn't something I usually expect from OP/EDs
I'd really like to read over the lyrics, but I don't think they're up anywhere yet, and even once I find them I imagine they won't pertain to the story and instead will just match the vibe more than expounding on the themes
Without going into spoilers, my favorite part of the ED animation is Andy waking up under the sakura tree with Fuuko after drifting along the River Styx and passing under dead trees; it's said that under every sakura is a corpse, so the idea that Andy is, in effect, burying his past and leaving his previous life behind him for a brighter future with Fuuko is extremely poignant and touching
If there's anyone worried about Andy and Fuuko's relationship based on the first two episodes, just know that that one bit right at the end of the ED is a better representation of their ongoing relationship than the first couple of episodes are. They are easily the best romantic couple in shonen manga, at least that I've ever seen, so just know you have that to look forward to
I'm particularly excited for next week's episode, cus I really like the Union member they're going to meet. I only recently came to like this character as much as I do, but they make a strong first impression at least, so I hope everyone out there enjoys them too. See ya then!
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ashes-2-ashes57cba · 5 days
The Bad Batch: Valkyrie
Episode 3: The Solitary Clone (part 1)
This is something new. While the title may be the same, this episode does NOT follow Crosshair and Cody's story. This is an original episode that will follow Specter! I hope you like it :) warnings: references to Cher, references to the Great Gatsby, smoking
Tech carefully concentrated on his work; the flight console needed maintenance, and he was more than happy to take the time and accomplish the task. He rather enjoyed the silence and peace of working alone. Wrecker and Echo were relaxing at Cid’s parlor, and last he knew, Specter was giving Omega another combat lesson with Hunter’s supervision and participation.
“Hey, Tech,” Specter’s voice cut through his silence. He startled a little, jumping his head on the panels above him. “Sorry!” she sheepishly apologized as he slid out and rubbed his head.
“Don’t worry, I’ve dealt with worse,” he said. “I thought you were training Omega with Hunter.”
“Oh, uh,” she hesitated. She thought of the two now, currently in their bunks after an exhausting sparring session, resting their sore bodies and nursing any bruises. “They’re taking a break,” she excused, running a hand through her hair. “How’s the leg?” She gestured to the bandages still wrapped around his left leg.
“Ah, much better. I will be back to a more than satisfactory status with some exercise,” he said. 
“Great!” A silence passed between the two as though Specter were waiting for something else to happen; she wrung her fingers together, and her feet shifted. “Do you need any help?” she asked, almost hopefully. 
“I do not. I am quite capable of finishing repairs on my own,” he answered. Specter deflated, but she tried not to show it.
“Oh… okay then.” Tech’s head tilted in curiosity, analyzing her stance and tone. He knew he may not always be emotionally aware, but Specter’s downtrodden demeanor was quite obvious. 
“Specter, you have now started to find constant activity and stimulation more than you usually would and more than I usually would,” he said, “What appears to be wrong?” She slowly sat down, hugging a leg and resting her chin on her knee, facing him but not meeting his concerned gaze.
“I still can’t read it. And now, if I’m not doing anything, I end up thinking about it when I don’t want to,” she admitted. He sighed, knowing she was talking about what they dubbed, the Valkyrie File. 
“If I may be blunt?” he asked, remembering Omega’s advice that not everyone wants honesty all the time. 
“I can’t stop you.”
“You must get through that obstacle and either read it in full, or completely purge it from your mind. Otherwise the distraction will make you a liability,” he said. Specter scoffed.
“Well, that’s putting it gently,” she said with a rueful smile. “I know you’re right. I just don’t know how I’m supposed to move on once I read it. I don’t want to change.” Tech took a breath, hoping with sincerity that his words would reach her. 
“Specter,” he started, adjusting his goggles, “change is inevitable. The chances of whether the change will be good or bad is perfectly balanced. Although, knowing you, I do not think your change will be a negative one.” It seemed to strike a chord with her. When she didn’t respond, the words echoing in her head and throughout her body, Tech ducked underneath the control panel again and began to work once more. She sat there, watching him in silence until her comm chimed.
“Go,” she answered.
“Cid asked for you. Said she’s got a job,” Echo reported.
“Yeah, and she said that bringing the others are ‘optional’,” Wrecker added. Tech didn’t react to the message and she knew Omega would still need to rest. 
“Okay, I’ll bring Hunter. En route,” she sighed, standing herself up and making her way over to Hunter’s bunk.
“So you want us to steal treasure, again? After what happened last time?” Hunter questioned, incredulously. 
“Of course not! I want her to steal a particular piece of treasure. There’s a difference,” Cid clarified, pointing at Specter, then the projection of the diamond she had tasked her to steal. 
“It’s not even the real diamond. Why bother?” Echo asked.
“Because it’s an excellent copy,” Cid said, quieting everyone and gaining their interest. “Very few people know it’s a fake. And those who know it’s a fake are smart about it and keep it to themselves; it passes every test and inspection. I need it so I can dupe a buddy into thinking I’m paying him what he’s owed.”
“Well, how much is this fake one worth?” Wrecker asked.
“A million credits, give or take,” the Trandosshan shrugged.
“Then how much do you owe?” he asked, stunned at the amount of credits.
“More than a million,” Cid rolled her eyes. “A lot more.”
“How do you end up owing that much money?” Hunter asked, seething. Cid waved it off, obviously ashamed and unwilling to go into much detail.
“It was a recent business venture that didn’t turn out so good. But who cares—are you doing it or not, sweetheart?” Cid wanted a final answer, turning her sneer to the woman, who had only been listening and absorbing rather than contributing to the conversation. Hunter noticed she was gripping her arm rather tightly and bore her eyes into the image of the diamond and the mansion it was housed in. Specter turned and walked away.
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It was dark inside and out; most of Ord Mantell City was asleep, including the occupants of the Marauder. All except for Specter, who had gone straight to her bunk after walking out of Cid’s, but had failed to fall asleep. No one had tried to talk to her about the mission or anything else, probably at Hunter’s request. 
Tech’s warning—the possibility of her becoming a liability—echoed in her head, along with every other troublesome thought. Cid trusted her with a job, they all trusted her with their lives, and yet she couldn’t even trust herself. Tears escaped from the corner of her eyes as she willed herself to reach over and grab a datapad, plugging in the Valkyrie file. Anything beyond the introduction was a mystery.
“Change is inevitable,” she heard Tech’s voice. It was amplified by whispers, more and more of them until she realized it was the Valkyries.
Now I’m really going crazy, Specter thought, shaking her head. The Valkyries—her sisters—refuted the fact, encouraging her to read the file. Here goes, I guess.
Supplementary log: Author: REDACTED While training regimens and weapons have been designed for the Valkyries to achieve the utmost success, it will all be made moot if the sororal bonds are not properly cultivated and implemented. Individually, they must all be able to withstand near-extreme strains that would be caused by frontline combat while also being able to excel within coordinated team attacks. Yet, that is merely the physical aspect that must be trained; the emotional relations—best described as that of a sisterhood—must not be forced, yet its presence is imperative. Without that bond, the Valkyries as a whole will fail. Even if individual specimens are strong enough to succeed, they will not be able to meet the expected results set forth by the program. In the case of the project’s failure, it is possible for an individual to excel without the desired support from the Valkyries or any other teammates, but too many variables are present to accurately calculate the possibility. That is all to say that this is an attempt to do something never done—intentionally—in the history of Kamino’s cloning: to create a family. 
She stopped reading, unable to see through her tears. She put down her datapad and took a steadying breath, wiping her eyes. Not just because the information was too much for her, but because it had taken her months to reach this moment where she figured out what was wrong and accepted it. 
She was grieving. For the life she never had and the part of her she thought she knew. It was a life she would never be able to get back; even if Crosshair came back and they were together once more, it would not be the same. She had to let her brother go and embrace what she had now.
The Valkyries—her sisters that never made it to life—haunted her dreams, whispered in her ear as Cid had shown them the diamond she wanted stolen, sang to her on Serenno to calm her. Throughout the time she had “known” them, Specter did her best to ignore their presence and shut them out; it had only ever brought her turmoil, nothing she did felt right. But now, as she let them dry her tears, she wanted to listen to them and let them guide her. She wanted to see what kind of Valkyrie she could be, rather than keep living the lie that she was a clone. It’s why she turned down Cid’s job; a clone, even one of her standing, would have no training for anything the mission could entail, let alone be assigned to anything of the sort. 
But Specter knew it was what the Valkyries were made for: what she was made for. Whether she liked it or not, she was born a Valkyrie, and it was time she started acting like it. 
The Trandosshan groaned, stirring her porridge as she entered her office. Cid was still slightly hungover from last night and getting up in the early morning was no help to her. She was still riding on the bet that Specter would change her mind and take the job, but with the way the boys have been worrying about her, she couldn’t be too sure. Cid would either have to find someone else to do the job, or find a way to accumulate the money she owed, which was not preferable in her taste. Placing her breakfast on her desk, she turned, grabbed one of her checking books and went to take a seat.
Cid gasped in surprise, startled by Specter’s sudden appearance in front of her.
“Jeez, it’s too early. What do you want?” she hissed.
“I’ll do it,” the woman simply said. Cid smiled, interlacing her claws.
“Well then, I can’t wait to get started.”
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“The plan itself is so simple, if you somehow managed to get it wrong, I would be very insulted. I came across an invitation to some rich and pretentious party, hosted by some fellow with the name Jaerono Gatsaebyn, and swiped it before it got to its destination. It’s well known that currently possesses the… ah the name is too long-”
“The Heart of the Eternal White Point Star.”
“Thanks, Shorty. Anyway, it’s not as valuable as the real thing, but my ‘buddy’ and Mister Gatsaebyn are idiots, so they’ve got no clue. Security for the night is going to be loose enough so our leading lady here can sneak right in.”
“So I get in while you guys monitor me, get the diamond, and get out.”
“And you’re sure you can do it, Specter?”
“More than sure, Sarge.”
Specter gingerly made her way up the stone steps leading to the grand manor, picking up her dress so she wouldn’t trip on the fine fabric. She wore heels and a red, shimmering, floor length gown that hugged her torso and hung down from her hips with a slit up the side of her leg. A fur wrap covered her collar, shoulders, and back. Shimmering gloves covered her arms, and more importantly, her tattoo sleeve; and much to her protest, the maroon and teal dye was washed out of her hair and styled to the best of their ability. She carried herself as though she were a noble socialite like the guests that made their way up the stairs. Her confidence never faltered as she approached the single guard at the door, calmly handing him the invitation. The man scanned: she knew he would find the invite genuine.
“Enjoy the party, Miss Valentine Pierce,” he said with a smile and a nod. She jutted her chin and entered the lively house. 
“‘Valentine Pierce’? She seems a bit pretentious, Tech.”
“She is an heiress and debutante. She bears a similar likeness to you, surprisingly.”
“How do we know the real Valentine won’t turn up?” asked Hunter.
“Miss Pierce was last seen on a private cruise with her current lover.”
“I didn’t know you read the tabloids.” Tech glared at Specter. “Well, with the dress I’ve got, I think I’ll be convincing enough.” 
“I’m in,” she muttered into the comm hidden beneath her glove. In her other glove, a beacon that would allow Tech to track her and ping her signal throughout the household, allowing them to map out the household.
“Copy. Standby while we find the control room,” Omega came through her hidden earpiece. Specter grabbed a flute of champagne as she stepped into the ballroom; she couldn’t help but marvel at the architecture and atmosphere. Polished floors, light fixtures of crystal, intricately carved wood: she’d call it a palace. A small group of musicians were fixated on a circular stage in the center of the dance floor, guests danced in rings around it.
She was both enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life, Specter knew at least Omega would find the whole thing entertaining, and also knew the boys had no taste for such finery; the Valkyries fluttered in her thoughts, seemingly enjoying themselves. She wove in between guests, nodding to those who acknowledged her presence. 
“Spec?” Hunter came through.
“Head towards the eastern stairwell, just past the kitchens.”
“Copy.” Specter finished her champagne and placed the empty glass on a passing tray; as soon as she stepped to leave, someone tapped her shoulder.
“Might I have this dance, Miss Pierce?” A bright blue Pantoran with golden hair offered his hand to her. She wanted to refuse, but didn’t want to risk appearing out of character to the real Valentine. So she smiled and placed her hand in his.
“You may indeed,” she said in a lilted accent. The man escorted her to the dance floor just as a waltz began to play. Specter had taught herself to dance as an imaginative girl, but she had brushed up on any information she could cram in before the mission. The whirling 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, was more fun than she’d like to admit, but she couldn’t help but smile as she danced with the man. “Have you been to many of these before?” she dared to strike up conversation.
“Believe it or not, I haven't,” the Pantoran admitted. “I’ve been to a few here or there, but nothing as grand as this.”
“Mister Gatsaebyn knows how to throw a party,” she said with a giggle. “I’ve never actually met him.”
“No one has, from what I heard,” he said as he spun her around. “Apparently, no one even knows what he looks like. People just know him from his parties and wealth.” Specter only hummed in response. 
“I wonder why a recluse would host a party, but attend like a mere guest,” she wondered.
“Perhaps for the chance to dance with a lovely woman like you,” the man said with a smile. She was caught off-guard by the compliment, almost missing the end of the waltz. Specter quickly recovered and bowed to her partner, walking with him to the edge of the dancefloor as another dance started… right by the kitchens. “I suppose I should offer to get you a drink, but then I’d be jealous of the glass,” he flirted. 
“I wonder how often that line works for you,” she teased, having to give him credit for the bold approach. 
“As often as you'd like, Miss Pierce,” he said with a wink. She smirked. 
“...If you're patient enough, good sir. Until then, if you'll excuse me for some air?”
The man chuckled and kissed the top of her hand. “As you wish.” 
Specter smiled and turned to go, casually heading toward the doors to the kitchens until whispers in her head turned to shrieks of caution. The Valkyries were restless; instinctively she wanted to ignore them, but considered their warnings to abandon the set path. 
He’s still watching me, she realized. Specter winced as she passed by the kitchens and opened the glass doors to the balcony.
“I need a reroute. I had eyes on me and couldn’t go through the kitchen,” she reported into the comm, leaning over the rail. The Valkyries quieted to their dull hum, though she could easily imagine at least one of them smugly telling her they told her so.
“You're on the balcony closest to it?” Tech asked.
“On your right there is a window. Do not go through that one, enter the one below it. That will have you bypass the stairwell and place you in the hall where we need you,” he instructed. 
Specter looked over, indeed finding a window that looked into the kitchen. Staff hustled to refill drinks and organize hors d’oeuvres; something broke, followed by shouting. Below the scene was a window into a dim hallway, with one side opened; it was about fifteen feet off the ground, a fall she wouldn’t easily walk away from. She hissed, finding there was no easy way to climb into it, especially in heels. 
The window ledge from the kitchen stuck out far enough, but the staff would see her hands, and the frame from the window below was just under half an inch, her fingertips would never be able to hold on. With no other leverage, Specter considered cutting her losses and sticking to their original plan, even if she was spotted. 
But she took a breath and looked again, tilting her head before formulating an idea. Glancing behind her to make sure no one saw her through the glass doors, Specter climbed over the rail and wedged herself between the two windows, forming a solid triangle with her heels on the bottom frame, and her hands pressed against the upper ledge. 
Just as she was about to jump down, the other side of the window opened—her hand slipped as she quickly recovered—and a raspy voice was heard.
“Hey, the boss said no distractions,” said a man.
“I’m just taking a quick smoke. What are you, my professor?” said another, more playful voice, closer to the window, lighting a cigarette and taking a deep breath.
“Please, like you ever made it to school.”
Specter held her breath as a wisp of smoke flew up to her face; her hands and ankles ached, her fur wrap tickled her neck, but even so, she stayed perfectly still. Another puff of smoke rose up. 
“Where did you even get those?” the raspy one asked.
“The boss gave ‘em to me.”
“No he didn’t.”
“Fine. I found them in the study. You know, for a rich guy, this is one of the cheap ones,” the playful one said. 
“Who cares? Come on, we’re behind schedule,” the raspy one hissed.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming.” He took one last huff before flicking away the cigarette and walking away. Specter waited a few seconds, listening to the footsteps grow further away from the window, before swinging herself inside the hallway and pressing herself against the corner.
“I’m at the hallway, now what?” she whispered into her comm.
“Third door on the left side,” Tech instructed.
“Copy. Standby.” She waited as the guards’ footsteps disappeared past the other end of the hall, before cracking her neck and getting into character.
“Ddo You beilieeeeve in life after luuuuuv?!” Specter drunkenly sang, bursting into the room, stumbling in her heels. 
“Guest, you can not be in here,” the droid on guard stood up and replied, waving its arms as she wobbled closer.
“Oh quiet you,” she muttered, smacking at its hand. “‘M jus gonna be a bit, gotta fix mah haiyrrr.”
“Guest, you can not be in here,” the droid repeated.
“Yooooo sssound like a funny butler, hahaaa,” she draped her arms over the droid’s shoulders, brushing her fingers on the back of its head.
“What do we do about the security system?” Omega had asked.
“That’s the hard part. Gatsaeban has an older system, one that can’t be hacked into from any network or external force. It’s all controlled and monitored from a room inside,” Cid explained.
“Human or droid?” Specter asked.
“Droid. I found receipts of custom work he had done. It’s a combination GU-series Guardian police droid and a KX-series security droid; normally it patrols the property, but for the party, he’s keeping it in the security control room.”
“I can create an override switch, but Specter will have to access the charging port on the back of its head,” Tech offered.
“Done. Plus then we can kill two birds with one stone and find where exactly the diamond is,” said Specter.
“Guest, you must leave,” the droid ordered. Specter only smiled, slipping the chip out of her glove and inserting it into the droid’s charging port. The droid flailed its arms—she took a step back, ready to fight—before it went limp where it stood. 
“...Okay?” Specter whispered, wondering if anything went wrong.
Suddenly, the droid's eyes flickered and it hummed back to life, standing up straight and observing the room. It came upon her, slowly raising a hand and robotically waving it. 
“That you, Tech?” she asked. 
“I have access to its motor functions and data retrieval,” Tech said through the comm. Specter giggled.
“Alright then. Well, how much access to the house’s systems do you have?” Droid-Tech turned to the control console, taking inventory of what he could and couldn’t do.
“Not much. I can keep you off of cameras and get you through most doors. Cid was right, this system is old but secure.”
“What about the diamond?”
Droid-Tech walked—albeit, much like a newborn—to the access port, plugging in and scanning through the data with flashing eyes.
“Second floor. West wing. There is a private vault you should be able to access from the master closet,” Tech reported. “There is a service lift on your right when you exit this room; I'll be able to override it.”
“Thanks. I’ll let you know when I’m up there,” Specter nodded, heading out the door and slipping into the lift. Once the doors closed and she started rising, she slouched and took a breath.
It felt strange to be on a mission without the others, but Specter also realized that she was excelling. The Valkyries fluttered and whispered their praises, though she swiped away at them.
Maybe I’ve just gotten too into it, she sighed to herself.
The lift stopped and the door opened to a dim hall. Specter peeked out the doors, finding there weren’t any guards in sight, before heading toward the Western wing. Oddly enough, doors were opened just enough to see what was inside. She passed by the study the guard from earlier had mentioned, as well as an observatory and a display room filled with antiquities and other treasures. But Specter continued on to find the-
“Master closet,” she whispered to herself, coming upon a large room, filled to the brim with luxurious clothes and accessories. “I’m here, Tech, but I don’t see any vault.”
“Try the right-hand wall,” he said. Specter pushed aside designer coats, capes, and everything that was in her way, growling in frustration when she was met with only a blank wall.
“That’s not possible. You’re standing right in front of it.” Specter clicked her tongue; if Tech sounded confused, then they were in real trouble. She knocked on the wall, finding that the section in front of her was indeed hollow, but there was no way—at least that Specter could see—to access the vault. She ran a hand through her hair, trying to figure out some sort of plan. 
I hate to do this, but we’re running out of time, she thought to herself, taking a breath and closing her eyes, listening to her inner self and the Valkyries. They whispered, convincing her to move. 
“Specter, where are you going?” Hunter came in. Her eyes snapped open.
“I guess to the main showroom. There’s something in here…” Specter slowly entered the chamber, marveling at the glittering jewels and exotic weapons. The Heart would not be in there, she knew that, but the Valkyries were restless nonetheless. 
Something out of the corner of her eye got her attention. A beautiful, single-edged axe was displayed on a pedestal; scratches and wear on the blade and handle told her the classic weapon had seen combat, and without any chips or cracks, had survived for many years. She took it off the display and felt its weight in her hands. It felt almost… familiar. If not familiar, then correct. The Valkyries urged her to take it, they too praised its correctness. It had called to her.
And it would do nicely to break down the wall.
“Wrecker, are you ready with that cover?” she asked, walking back over to the master closet.
“Oh yeah! Just tell me when!” he eagerly replied. Specter shifted the weapon in her hands, raising it up and testing her swing before giving the order to-
“Light ‘em up.” 
“I do have one more question.”
“What is it, Shorty?”
“...How would they feel about impromptu fireworks?”
Cid grinned.
Guests ogled and cheered for each color flash; no one noticed Specter striking the wall with the axe with every boom and bang. The wall chipped away, enough to where Specter could pull away the panel to climb inside the private vault.
See what happens next in part 2! I had to split this episode in two parts because this covered 14 pages in my master doc lol
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katatonicimpression · 4 months
Avengers (2023) Retrospective
ok technically the series isn't over but they've changed the lineup so it counts
I hadn't been following news on this so when I clicked on this week's I was genuinely surprised to see Steve... and then I was annoyed. So, I guess I'll sort this rant into sections so it looks like I am capable of logic and reason even though this is entirely vibes:
i. Jed's Style
So, McKay has this really noticeable tic in his writing where he structures an action sequence with a bunch of shit simultaneously, and then the panels flit between each tableau with a narration saying Something Meaningful about each moment which then builds to a climax.
This genuinely works really well to build to dramatic moments and to have the entire team feel present in the story. It does, perhaps, just a bit, get a little repetative and maybe didn't need to happen as many times as it did in 13 issues. 13 issues is long enough to devote longer to individual characters, and provide a more personalised story moment for everyone outside of the ensemble. So, yeah, effective at showcasing the team as a whole but not the most efficient use of time for more in depth storytelling.
That said, while I wasn't massively moved emotionally by what happened in this series, I did like it a lot. He's a good writer, his characterisation was mostly very good, and I had a good time.
ii. The SamChalla of it All
My absolute favourite thread in this series has been the relationship between Sam and T'Challa.
The pre-amble to this is that T'Challa made Sam's wings way back when, and he made his shield. He's just staggeringly down to help him and give him vibranium for nothing, just the sheer love of the game I guess. But then, in Symbol of Truth (SoT), Sam sneaks into Wakanda for superhero reasons and T'Challa is like "you're not supposed to be here" and Sam is like "can you not see the nazi I was chasing he is literally right there" and then they fight. They fight and Sam wins.
Sam wins, in jeans and a t-shirt. No wings, no shield. And to Sam, it's like whatever he just wanted to get out of that situation, but to T'Challa, that seems like a big deal. It shows that Sam doesn't need him, never did. It rocks his sense of superiority which, love the guy but he definitely has one.
It's important to remember that T'Challa is currently Going Through It when it comes to feeling rejected by his country (they want democracy) and having a bit of an identity crisis. This informs how he acts in Avengers (2023). How does he act? Pettily.
He nags Sam, condescends towards him, insists on calling him by his first name and not his code name. It's petty, it's mean spirited, but also oddly intimate. You can tell Sam bothers him, gets to him in some way.
For Sam's part, he doesn't sit back and take it, but he doesn't rise to the bait either. He pushes back a little, but avoids a real conflict. This is in character, and indicates that Sam does still respect T'Challa, despite his pettiness. I doubt Sam would have a huge amount of empathy for T'Challa's current angst (because lol) but he does want to be friends, he wants this weird phase to pass.
And then in Blood Hunt (which is ongoing and yes that means I should probably be saving this retrospective until after it ends but whatever) we see T'Challa sacrifice himself to save Sam. The other avengers too, but Sam first. Sam is his priority.
Now, isn't that just a fabulous moment. Everybody, please, write me some fanfics.
iii. Art (Comic Book go Brr)
It's fucking stunning let's be real.
The art is CF Villa, who knocks it out of the park. Everyone looks great, especially Wanda, and it's just fabulous to look at. Like, I don't have anything to say here because it's not like it's super stylised or there's anything unique about the art. It's just really solid in a really pleasing way.
I also like the way he drew Sam. I like it when Sam gets to be pretty and youthful, and not always so "big massive hulking monster of a dude" - Admittedly this is weird because obviously he is a big masculine guy, but adjusting for inflation (i.e. adjusting for the fact that all marvel dudes are massive), he's not supposed to be a mountain. He's a gymnast ffs. And yes, he's not technically that young in canon, he is approximately the same age as the o5 x-men, and younger than, like, Emma Frost, and yet he gets drawn like he's middle aged half the time and they all get to be fresh faced 20-somethings. So, yeah maybe my preferences are silly but they're not formed in a vaccuum - I like it when Sam gets the physical appearance that has been denied him in the past. And I don't think it's a coincidence that artists over the years have decided to make the black guy visually the biggest, most masc and oldest of the group time and time again even when it makes no sense.
That was a long way of saying that I preferred Sam's look in Avengers (2023) compared to SoT. And his writing tbh.
iv. Why am I so Mad?
I didn't love his writing though.
There were a few moments scattered here and there that felt really weird. I think McKay's choice to associate Sam with this abstract idea of being The Symbol could have worked, but he never really filled in the blanks there. A symbol of what? A symbol to whom? I think there are potentially really interesting and relevant answers to these questions with Sam, but I can't help but think they're what he had in mind when writing it.
No, rather I think he just had a vision of Sam as a Steve stand-in... but if #14 is anything to go by, a stand-in who he is considerably less interested in than he is in Steve.
Steve is a symbol of America, of patriotism and courage and valour, hope in desperate circumstances and punching nazis. He also symbolises american ideals of white masculinity, and functions as a kind of ubermensch much to his own annoyance. That's the irony of Steve - he represents things in many people's eyes that he doesn't stand for, and his grappling with that is a big theme for the character. In general, Steve is hyper aware of his own symbolic import - it comes up over and over again. Moreover, he deliberate evokes that power - his assumed status as a figurehead - in order to get people to do things.
Sam's status as a public symbol is very, very different. He is not seen as the embodiment of America - in fact many people seethe and cope at the very idea of him being associated with it - he's not a universal symbol of anything really, given how controversial he is. And, again, that's the twist with Sam - he's politicised no matter what he does and his dilemmas and decisions are all in the context of having radically different expectations on him than Steve does. That said, Sam does care about his symbolism; he specifically cares about how young Black people understand him, how they respond to him. He wants to inspire. His priority is not symbolic - he's all about actually helping people on the ground - but it is still an important thing to him that could've been explored.
But it isn't.
The worst part of this is that moment when T'Challa sacrifices himself. The villains want to take Sam and vampire-ise him because they think it'll be symbolic. T'Challa saves Sam, but literally says it's for symbolism reasons (very "the people need captain america because he gives them hope") but like...? No, T'Challa doesn't believe that. No, Sam is not seen like that by the public tbh. No, the villain is not right actually. The scene would have been so much stronger if T'Challa's reasoning was because he likes Sam, because he cares about him. That way the villain's cold, strategic perspective is contrasted with something human and loving, and it's a more apt final beat to their relationship arc.
And, anyway, I don't think the rest of blood hunt is going to heavily feature Sam as a beloved symbol of hope the world over. Maybe I'll stand corrected, but I doubt it. Especially because #14 continues the event but with Steve and oh what's that? He's the world symbol of hope and courage and whatnot?
Yeah. The man wanted to write Steve the entire time you can tell.
The other way Sam felt less than present in this series is obviously his powers. I know I go on about this every time, but seriously. He uses his powers once in #2, never again. There are missed opportunities with this, especially when they're dealing with Nightmare/existing in a dream state. Worse, the very first episode shows Sam being recruited with Carol's argument being "I would take Steve because obviously he's better but Sam is a powerless everyman so he's more humbly relatable." I'm paraphrasing but it's literally that patronising.
No, Sam is literally superhuman. No, he would not find this convincing. No, your otherwise good writing doesn't make me any less mad at you, Jed.
McKay's obvious glee at finally having Steve in his lineup is incredibly off putting. It's clearly what he wanted all along. But there's this other thing. Namely, that while Sam is clearly playing a stand-in role for Steve in this series, he's not really getting the full Captain America treatment either.
vi. Did Carol Danvers ruin my life?
At some point in the mid 2010s, Marvel made Carol Captain Marvel (she'd been Ms Marvel for years) and decided to actually treat her with dignity and gravitas. To respect the character and make her important. To portray her as the heavy hitter and major player she should be. And to make her a team leader.
Now, this is great obviously. Lovely to see them give her the respect she'd been often denied over the years.
She's the team leader in this comic. And then there's Tony - the writer's pet to end all writer's pets - and the rest of the team. So, if Steve were on this team, he'd be the leader. Tony would still be there and in charge of a lot, but Steve would be the shot-caller in action scenes and the guy framed as the lead. If Carol was on the same team as Steve (in the modern era) maybe they'd split this role, but Steve would still be calling shots and, idk like, pointing at stuff.. telling the avengers to assemble, you know the drill.
Sam's not doing that, though, is he?
Sam's just another part of the team here. He's not in a leadership position, not even when they're out in the field. He's kinda just in the background half the time. He gets to be the horse whisperer to the impossible city - which I genuinely love as a character beat it suits him - but aside from that he's just kind of there. To be clear, this is way better than that godawful infinity comic that insults him at every opportunity (and physically beats the shit out of him) but it still feels odd, right? He's call "captain" sometimes in Avengers (2023), but he doesn't get even a whif of authority in the series.
I'm left wondering if there really is room for a Captain America, a Captain Marvel and Iron Man in an avengers series. Like, that's too many bosses, too many team leaders. And that sucks.
But of course, if Steve were here, they'd find a way to put him in charge wouldn't they? This also sucks.
Anyway, it's not like I massively, desperately need Sam to be giving orders all the time. Honestly, I think as a guy he's in his comfort zone when he's not in charge. But that's why it's important to push him into a leadership role sometimes - because it challenges him. That's the entire point of him being Cap ffs.
v. Conclusion
I don't want to sound like I hate this series. I'd recommend #1-#13 and I do genuinely think it's really solid.
I'm also aware that a lot of what it failed me on are things that really belong in a Sam solo. But we don't have a Sam solo right now. We did have one, and it was kinda meh. It had many of the same problems and some entirely different ones. Although, it had a bit more fun with his powers, I'll give SoT that at least.
I guess maybe my hopes were a little too high? I was so caught up in the high of Sam being in a good comic that I forgot that company wide failures to do Sam justice existed.
But overall I think it is genuinely very good. I'm not a big avengers series person at all, and I still read this every month and anticipated each new issue. I had fun. I'm just also full of bitterness and resentment.
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kumeko · 3 months
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For risquetendencies, for the FE Three houses Spring exchange!
Prompt: For, Dorothea marrying someone else (maybe Hanneman bc the fact that they have a paired ending with kids blew my mind) because it was the best option at the time. She and Linhardt were mutually pining while at the academy but he lazed around too much then instead of shooting his shot and missed the chance to say anything. Years later, they cross paths again and old feelings are rekindled.
A/N: I absolutely love the idea of a reunion like this! Immediately it ate my brain and I had to write it. I was tempted to have her married to Manuela/Ferdinand, I think that would be a fun ot3, but I wanted this to be a more tempered piece and Hanneman fits a lot better than “whirlwind romance of 3 divas”. I also find Hanneman’s ending with her funny, I wonder how many years it took before she said “Yep, those are my kids and my husband.”
A woman Linhardt hadn’t thought about in over a decade. A woman he hadn’t seen in even longer. Yet, despite the time that had passed, he knew the woman standing in front of him was her all the same. Her face had matured over the years, soft cheeks giving way to more defined cheekbones. Where before her hair had been loose and free, her wavy locks were pinned up, giving her an elegant look. And her clothing…
True to her wishes, she had clearly moved up in the world, swathed in silks and satin as she was.
Her green eyes widened as she caught sight of him. Despite her surprise, she recovered faster than he did, her ruby red lips curving into a provocative smile. “Linhardt. It’s been a while.”
Even now, her voice had a musical lilt. Tongue-tied, all Linhardt could reply with was, “Yes, it has.”
The Crimson Flower was a small but fancy coffee shop. Despite his passing knowledge, he could tell with a single glance that the red velvet seats and the intricately carved wooden paneling were of the highest quality. The last time he had entered such a refined establishment, he had still numbered amongst Fódlan’s nobility.
Now, as a mere researcher, it cost more than a year’s salary for a single meal here.
A problem Dorothea didn’t have, with the familiarity she perused the menu. A red fingernail traced the fine stock paper listing a variety of deserts. Her lips pursed as she tapped one before sighing and setting down the menu. At his curious glance, she smiled wryly and explained, “Tragically, now that I have a show in production, I have to maintain my figure.”
 Even in his relative hermitage, Linhardt had heard passing tales of her performances. “Your fans wouldn’t mind.”
“That’s sweet.” Dorothea bit her cheek before signalling a waiter and ordering the smallest slice of cheesecake. “I suppose it can’t hurt to have just one. It is a special occasion.”
Special. Throughout their school days or the war, they hadn’t been the most intimate. Just two acquaintances who’d bump into each other every now and then in the quiet corners of their school. His most vivid memory was of her sitting beside him in an alcove, her crossed ankles grazing his, her chin propped on her hand as she idly looked out the window.
Of her green eyes filled with silent mirth whenever she noticed his stare, her lips mouthing, “Like what you see?”
And now here she was, sitting across from him, more than a table between them.
“You look good,” Linhardt finally said after their coffees arrived. He hadn’t been keen on the drink until Hubert had all but foisted it on him. Now he could hardly handle a day without one.
Dorothea chuckled. “You? Giving Pleasantries? Since when did you care for social norms?”
His fingers curled around his hot mug. “I’ve had to adapt. It’s hard to get research grants otherwise.”
“Hmm, so I’ve heard.” Dorothea stirred her coffee twice. “I suppose time really does change everything. Even you.” She tapped her spoon on the rim as she studied him. “I wish I could say the same, but you look terrible. Have you been sleeping?”
He resisted the urge to turn to the window. Without looking, he knew what he’d see: dark bags under his eyes, pale skin, messy strands of hair escaping his ribbon. It had been a while since he’d last groomed. Suddenly, he wished he had. “Exhausted,” he explained. “The problem with research, I suppose.”
Dorothea frowned. “Ah, yes. Research. My bane.”
Linhardt paused. She’d never seemed to hate her studies in the past.
“What are you researching?” Dorothea asked before taking a sip of her coffee.
“Crests.” Was there an easy way to tell her? He usually talked to fellow academics; it had been a while since he had to translate to the layman. “To be precise, the variations of Crest strengths, especially on those that have diverged from other Crests over the centuries.” Cutting himself off before he could ramble, Linhardt looked away. “It’s hard to explain simply.”
Despite his fears, Dorothea didn’t look confused in the least. Her fingers rapped the table as she considered his words. “Is it just about the skills connected to the Crests or also about power levels?”
“The former.” Linhardt blinked, surprised. “I wouldn’t have pegged this as an interest of yours.”
“I know enough,” Dorothea said with a delicate shrug. “A passing knowledge, though far more than I desire.”
There was a story there that she wasn’t telling. Linhardt sipped his sugary-sweet coffee. “You’re in a lot of shows now.”
“Dozens each year,” Dorothea confirmed with a confident smirk. There was that fire in her eyes, the one he’d seen whenever she’d marched past any of her detractors, the one that he couldn’t help but follow even if he was across the room. “I doubt you can pass a corner without a poster—though, then again,” she tapped her eyes. “you’re not going out, are you?”
He couldn’t deny that. “Research takes up too much time.”
“Research and napping, right?” Dorothea asked with a wink. She giggled when he reluctantly nodded. “Still lost in your own world. I’m glad that much hasn’t changed.”
The fondness in her voice almost took his breath away. It was strange. They hadn’t met in years and yet, it was all too easy to talk to her, to slip into old patterns. He’d asked her to dinner once, but they’d never gone—he’d kept putting it off. The war, the rebuilding, the research; there was always something else to do.
Would it be too late to do so now?
“Dorothea—” Sunlight through the window hit her and something glinted around her neck. It was a golden chain looped through a small, simple golden band.
Noticing his stare, Dorothea glanced down and softly gasped. “Oops.” Sheepishly, she pulled out the chain, her hand curling delicately around the ring at the end. Her expression softened. “My little secret. I can’t let my adoring audience know about this just yet.”
“You got married,” Linhardt replied automatically, putting two and two together.
She gently dropped the ring under her dress’s collar. “Yes.”
This time, his breath did get knocked out of him.
“I didn’t think I would, after…everything. Especially when Ingrid…” Dorothea’s eyes darkened as her voice trembled. Even after all these years, their former friends’ deaths still hit hard. “When they all died. It was hard to want that anymore. Though I…” She peeked up, her eyes meeting his, her gaze lingering as she continued, “I did have second thoughts. I waited…though I’m not sure for what.”
He could hear the unsaid words, the pointed barbs that led back to that delayed dinner, to that chance that he’d never taken.
To that chance he could now never take.
She broke eye contact first. “Anyways, I thought I’d just throw myself into work. Become the second Manuela, so to speak. It was hard at first, but I started to get bigger and bigger roles in the local opera troupes.” Dorothea sipped her coffee. “I didn’t have too many fans at first, but…well, I had one consistent one. Hanneman made sure to come to every single opening. Sometimes with Manuela, sometimes alone…”
Her gaze grew tender. “He’d promised I’d always know kindness, and despite my doubts, he proved it.”
Linhardt stared down at his coffee, at the murky darkness. He’d heard about her shows, from Hubert, from Bernetta, from Hanneman himself, the times they’d collaborated on Crestology. Once, just once, he’d bought a ticket, but he’d never been able to bring himself to go.
“One time, he’d missed the show. It felt so wrong—even after the curtains fell, I didn’t feel right until he came running as everyone was leaving, flowers in his hand.” Dorothea giggled, shaking her head. “The silly man apologized. He was so flustered—it was adorable.”
Now she looked up, locking eyes with him once more. “I remembered what you said. I’m not the kind of girl to wait—I do what I want, with my head held up high. So I asked him out.”
“And then I had to ask him out a few more times because he thought I was just teasing.” Dorothea clicked her tongue. “As though I would take courtship lightly. He ruined all of my plans of nobility and marry rich.” Her hand rested on her chest, tapping the hidden ring. “But I can’t say I regret any of it.”
He couldn’t say the same. Linhardt curled his fingers. “Are you happy?”
“Very much so. It isn’t the whirlwind romance I’d imagined as a girl, or the quiet practicality I’d accepted as a teen but…” Dorothea smiled softly. “Love is a more complicated thing than that. It’s not the life I pictured but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
She sets down her spoon. Just when had she finished her meal? His own coffee had grown cold.
“No, I suppose that is a lie.” Dorothea reached forward, her warm hand covering his. Despite the passing years, remembrances of the war didn’t fade easily and he could feel her scars and callouses. She squeezed his hand, lingering for a moment before pulling away. “I do have one regret.”
Linhardt turned his hand and squeezed back before she could escape. “Me too.”
She closed her eyes. Her smile turned bittersweet as she stood up, her hand slipping out of his grasp. “It was good seeing you, Linhardt.”
He could only watch as she left, as her figure appeared outside the window and she stepped into a waiting carriage. The seat across from him was empty, only a lipstick stained cup and some cheesecake crumbs proving that Dorothea had been there, had been so close and yet so far at the same time.
The coffee was cold. Linhardt picked it up anyways, turning slightly to stare out the window. Across the street, a giant poster for Dorothea’s latest opera was plastered on a wall, her enigmatic smile dominating the paper.
He took a sip but all the sugar in the world couldn’t stop the bitterness filling him now.
Let’s have a proper dinner, she’d asked him once. Not in the dining hall, but out. The two of us.
He should have taken her then.
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pyroclastic727 · 3 years
Notes from the crossover panel
Watch it here
Matt looks forward to the role reversal where Anne takes care of the Plantars
Anne’s parents will be fully-fledged characters and core cast members
Amphibia and Earth time travel at the same rate
Clip from Amphibia Season Three
“Marcy’s alive. She’s just gotta be. And with her and Sasha still stuck over there, one thing’s for sure: we gotta find a way back.” -Anne
Anne hides the frogs in the trash
“Oh, and I’m not gonna tell them that I plan to go back and stop Andrias. Or that Andrias betrayed us. Or that Marcy did. Or that Sasha did. And not a WORD about my weird glowing blue powers!” - Anne
Sprig doesn’t know what the blue powers are
Polly says that they’ll fix Frobo up in no time, and then meets a furby
Anne’s dad passed out when he saw Sprig
Anne’s parents have Thai accents!
Anne’s dad doesn’t like her hanging out with Sasha--a scene that was supposed to be in Reunion before being cut for time
Crossover Table Read
Dana and Matt have been anticipating a crossover table read for a while
“If you wanted me to help, you should have mentioned something two apple bloods ago” - Eda, to Luz
Hooty was a kitten, apparently
“I can’t believe it- another Anne? And better dressed!”
Anne called Luz her “bestie”
Sprig thinks that Maddie Flour would love to meet Luz
Eda likes Polly’s “chaotic energy”
“kid friendly hellscape on top of a giant carcass” Bonesborough is officially a carcass
Anne wants a sleepover with Luz
Anne and Luz have a dramatic sleepover breakup and the voice actors strongly imply that we should make sleepover AUs
Anne, to Luz: “Never give up! You can do it! We’re both gonna get home, I just know it.”
Luz: “You’ve got that right. Take care, Anne! I love your hair.” gayass
Eda stole Hop Pop’s wallet
Amity, rehearsing talking to Luz: “Hey, Luz? Remember that kiss thing? Well I don’t! We can just go back to normal! Hey, do you wanna help me study, for, uh...Titan, I forgot what kind of magic I use!”
Q and A
The hardest part of this for Brenda Song was to visualize the world and “enter” it
Marcy’s death and Anne’s relocation shocked Brenda Song, as did the character development
Justin Felbringer sees himself in Sprig’s adventurous nature, how he jumps into things and quickly makes friendships
Justin Felbringer loves Sprivy and finds them adorable. His favorite thing is their similarity in interests and passions
Bill Farmer related Hop Pop to onion layers and enjoys adding to Hop Pop’s character
Bill Farmer thinks that Hop Pop was right to bury the box, but not to keep it a secret. (It’s notable that Anne intends to keep her Amphibian life a secret)
Amanda Leighton is proud that Polly has legs, and that her adventures have given her metaphorical legs and growth
Sarah Nicole Robles was surprised by how emotional Owl House got to go with Luz; the character is mostly an open book and doesn’t keep secrets
The most challenging acting, for Sarah Nicole Robles, was Luz in the season 1 finale, due to the action scenes. She does not want to show the efforts (action grunt noises) on camera
Brenda Song says that her efforts are elegant, while Sarah Nicole Robles says hers are...spit-covered
Matt Braly can do the cartoon head shake sound. He is very good at it.
Brenda and Sarah struggle with drinking and eating sounds sometimes
Brenda Song recorded in her closet during covid, so a lot of the sounds had hanger effects
Wendie Malick finds it relatable that Eda “dances to her own drum.” She likes seeing Eda’s hodgepodge family as an example that there’s a place for everyone. It’s a reminder for everyone: figure out what makes you uniquely you, and spend time with people who celebrate and empower that
Eda is a sassy badass, yes Wendie said that, yes they blooped it out
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i wont go home without you
Jay Park x Idol!Reader
Summary: Jay has had a crush on you for years, but you were always too busy or out of reach for him. But now that he's got you walking around his company because of your collaboration with Simon Dominic & Mokyo, he thinks it's a good time as ever to get the show on the road.
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: Pining, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: idk why i felt really inspired to write this but here you go! I hope you enjoy it @bird-pinkxx lol i hope i dont have too many typos i havent gone through this yet.
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I open the door and poke my head inside the studio. I break into a smile when I see Ssam-D and Mokyo staring into the bright screen wordlessly while arranging some .
"Ooohhh, so serious," I tease as I walk in. The two turn to me and I hold up some iced coffee drinks, "want to spill this all over the mixing panel?"
Mokyo chuckles while Simon Dominic clicks his tongue, "ya, you really know how to drive Jay nuts."
I knit my brows as I hand them the beverages, "this has literally nothing to do with him, but okay."
"Ya, everything you do here has everything to do with him. He owns the floor you're standing on."
I narrow my eyes at him, "okay? What do you want me to do, levitate?"
Mokyo snorts at that as he gets his share and passes Ssam-D the other, "he's trying to be a wingman for Jay." He sips on his drink, "he came in a minute ago, thinking you were here, then played it off and left when you weren't."
"Right," Ssam-D agrees, sipping on his drink, "he's so stupid when he's around you. It was cute at first," Kiseok sighs, "now it's so annoying."
I purse my lips and shrug, "again... not sure what I'm supposed to do with that information."
Kiseok takes a big gulp then pulls the straw away from his lips, "what do you think of him anyway?"
"Wah," I shake my head and raise my hands, "I think he's Jay Park."
Mokyo makes a dramatic pained sound and places a hand on his left rib cage. I raise a brow at that and narrow my eyes. I proceed to shove him just as he's about to take a sip. He pulls his cup away and looks at me with wide eyes, "Ya! What would you did if this gets on the equipment?!"
I click my tongue and give him a look, "make Jay daddy pay for it, obviously."
Kiseok wheezes and cackles at that , nearly shooting out of his seat in amusement. I break into a chuckle as Mokyo snorts.
"But seriously, I don't you like him, even just a little bit?" Kiseok inquires.
I take a moment to respond, "I mean, we don't really talk much and I personally don't like guys who can't even admit they like me, you know."
Kiseok nods his head slowly at that. Mokyo agrees, "Fair."
The three of us brainstorm and talk about our ideas and vision for our collaboration. We've been going through stuff all day now and only just had a break. For a while, we take turns discussing our thoughts, then we begin to freestyle verses.
Having had a eureka moment, I am promptly told to go into the booth and record the tune we suddenly thought of.
I walk into the room, put the headphones on and practice the bars we got. I pull out my phone and go over the lyrics we made. I repeat it a couple times and do some spontaneous riffs.
"Wah!" I hear an exclaim.
I look outside the booth and see their looks of astonishment. Mokyo chimes in, "can you repeat that again?"
"This one?" I ask and proceed to repeat what I did last.
I am quickly praised and encouraged.
The minutes melt like seconds as I'm singing my heart out to this improv. I have only one side of the headphones against my ear and I close my eyes as I throw my head back and belt.
I nod each time I get a signal to repeat, redo, or tweak something but keep my eyes fixed on my phone, typing away the pointers I'm given.
By the time I'm done, I finally look out the booth and shape my hands into a heart. Only then do I notice Jay is outside smiling back at me with the other two in his label.
"Great job," Kiseok praises, raising a thumb, " I got chills when you did the riffs."
Mokyo agrees and so does Jay. I break into a laugh and shake my head, but nonetheless thank them.
I turn to Jay, who was already looking at me, "oh, you're here? When did you come in?"
"In the best moment, I think, when you were going over the end of the verse," he says with a grin.
"Oooh, I really like that part too."
Simon Dominic and Mokyo exchange looks, the former clears his throat, "yeah. I think we're good for today. We can contine tomorrow."
I nod, placing a hand on my belly, "I'm starving. It feels like I didn't have lunch."
Concerned, Jay's eyebrows quirk, "you didn't have lunch?"
"No, I said it feels like it," I click my tongue, "I had lunch, but these two stayed back and recorded some rap lines."
Jay lets out a breath. Mokyo defends himself, "we ate a big breakfast!"
I roll my eyes, "and you should have ate your shoes while I ate a sandwich for lunch."
"How about we," Jay raises his hands and claps them together, "all have dinner together? My treat."
The two of them instantly agree but I don't, which is why all eyes fall on me. I hesitate, "I don't know."
"Ah ya," Kiseok scolds, "you're not going to skip dinner on my watch."
"Trust me I won't. I just have an early schedule tomorrow and I know you'll all be drinking and I'd rather not drink and be shitfaced the next day."
Jay doesn't miss a beat when he responds, "I won't drink either."
The three of us turn to him. Mokyo snorts. Kiseok calls him out.
I take a moment to respond before ultimately shrugging and agreeing.
On our way to the restaurant, Jay does nothing but compliment me as he drives. Although the three of us decided to sit back and make it look like Jay was our driver, he didn't mind and still went out of his way dote about everything, from my appearance, to my singing, to my career, to my personality, to downright things that he probably only just thought of in the spur of the moment, like being able to put up with Simon Dominic and Mokyo at the same time.
I mean, I don't know what they're like around him but they aren't that insufferable.
We promptly arrive to a restaurant and walk in.
We arrive at a table and Jay pulls out my chair for me. I thank him, adding a polite smile.
"Ya," Kiseok kicks Jay after helping me sit down, "quit it. It's too much."
Jay turns to him and breaks into a chuckle, "ya, you're the one who said our vocal star likes dudes who are upfront about their emotions and I'm about to show everyone just how upfront I can get."
Mokyo sighs and sits down next to me.
Jay turns to him, "Ya."
I turn to Jay and Ssam-D, "of course you two talked about me."
Kiseok clicks his tongue in annoyance, "the idiot won't shut up about it. I had to throw him something."
The two sit down. Jay decides to sit in front of me after Mokyo's adamance to staying in his seat.
"So," Jay leans in, elbows resting on the table, "are you seeing anyone?"
I snort. The other two collectively groan.
"I'm sure you can be seen just fine," says Mokyo.
I can't help but mirror Jay's actions though, placing my elbows on the table, "I'm not."
Jay dramatically leans back and places a hand on his chest, "wah, my heart just skipped a beat after being so near your pretty face."
Mokyo is disgusted. Kiseok is oddly endeared and can't help but grin at the interaction.
I decide to jest, "Too bad the feelings aren't mutual."
Jay leans forward and taps the table with his finger, "how do I make the feelings mutual then?"
"Good evening, are you ready to order?"
We turn to the waitress and I break into a smile, "Chicken and ice cream."
Jay firmly pats the table then points, "okay, chicken and ice cream for my future lover."
"That's it," Mokyo pushes himself back and stands, "I'm fucking leaving."
"Ya, Choi Myung-hwan," I turn to him and catch his shirt in my fist, "sit down."
Mokyo sits down.
Jau randomly blurts, "that was hot."
It's Kiseok's turn, "Ya!" he breaks into a chuckle but then makes an annoyed sound, "how was that hot."
Jay doesn't spare him a look and smacks his lips, "well a hot person said it."
For the first time in our banter, I find my cheeks tingle at his comment. I clear my throat and motion to the lady standing by our table, "ya, she's been waiting for our order for five years."
The rest of the night continues like this. Jay says something cheesy, the two grow more annoyed, and I grow a little bit more willing to hear him out more.
By the time we finish eating, Jay purposefully calls out that he's only driving me home. I'm about to protest, but the two quickly agree that there was no way they were going to listen to Jay's compliments for me any longer.
The lack of people present in the ride back, partner with me now sitting in front out of courtesy made the first few moments of the drive a little awkward. Jay was quick to lighten up the mood though.
"Now, imma be real with you," Jay says, eyes fixed on the road as he makes a turn, "you drive me insane cause I have to actually will myself to be confident around you. You get it? I will myself to be confident."
I turn to him as he says this.
He continues, "I don't know what it is about you. Maybe the fact I've know you for a long time and yet we don't really talk, or maybe it's cause every time I see you have another great comeback after another great comeback and you just look prettier than ever."
I bring my hand to my lips in an attempt to hold back a smile.
Jay turns to me and catches this, chuckling at that, "gosh you don't know how elated I am to have you finally acknowledge my presence."
"Ya. Why are you acting like I've been ignoring you?"
Jay raises a brow, "well I couldn't get one good conversation out of you before, so it's just as good as being ignored."
I roll my eyes, "so dramatic."
Jay scrunches his nose, "so cute. Gah. A big part of my brain is yelling that I shouldn't go home without you but I don't play like that-- unless you want to, of course."
I clear my throat and cross my arms, "save that for another time."
I am taken aback by Jay suddenly bursting out laughing and gripping his fists in victory, "hell yeah! Here's to another time coming soon!"
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charnelhouse · 3 years
🔥🔥 Char(mander) 🔥🔥
In your humble opinion, do you see our beloved Thor being able to handle spicy food? Is he the type to eat a Carolina Reaper just because he can (and he wants to show off) or is he the type who says he can eat spice but ends up with teary eyes and a sore tongue you need to kiss better.😌
Is this random? Yes. Have I been thinking about this to procrastinate from writing? Also yes.
Love you! ❤️
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A/N: Thor Odinson x F!Reader. Mentions of sex. floof. omg I took this idea and RAN. I used this gif BC it kind of lewks like he ate something spicy.
They’d been on a mission: you, Thor, Natasha, and Sam. The trip home had been peaceful enough up until Sam and Thor had started pouting about the cramped backseat.
This is dumb. Stark owns a jet.
I can fly.
There's not enough AC back here.
I could call Heimdall.
If you play the Greatest Showman soundtrack ONE more time.
What's wrong with it? I like it.
You would.
What's that supposed to mean, Wilson?
They'd fully worked themselves up into full-blown whining and only shut up once you said Nat would stop at the next restaurant.
It’s one of those barbecue joints off the highway. All wood panels and seeping smoke and the scent of oak and hickory and hot meat. Most of the tables are just picnic benches outside. Paper napkins and plastic cutlery. The sun burns the nape of your neck as you lean against Thor's heavy shoulder.
Around them is nothing but flat landscape and weighted blue sky and the crawl of an Indian summer breeze. It's kind of nice, though. It's almost normal.
The restaurant - if you can call it that - is fucking good. The food is dry-rubbed and slow-smoked as you eat pieces of brisket on top of potato salad and pickles and square-cut white bread. Sam stuffs two juicy-thick links into his mouth at once without chewing. You’re ready to tease him with a lewd comment until you glance at your boyfriend who is housing four of them.
“This is delicious,” Nat remarks as she spoons syrupy peach cobbler onto her tongue.
“Need more rice,” Sam grunts while scraping at his near-clean plate.
“Ribs,” Thor growls before standing up and going back inside. You are already sure he's going to clear out the rest of their food for the next week.
“Didn't he already eat like three racks of ribs?”
You shrug. “He’s a hungry boy.”
Nat cocks an eyebrow. “Yeah,” she smiles. “We could tell.”
You narrow your eyes. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
You grab your beer and take a heavy sip - the liquid is cold and hoppy as it slips down your throat. You wouldn't mind getting a little drunk - just enough to help you pass out in the backseat of the SUV. You'd barely gotten any sleep last night.
"We could hear you."
“The motel walls were thin,” Sam clarifies.
You choke - splashing your thin shirt with beer.
Nat presses a hand to her chest before she opens her mouth: “Oh fuck - Thor - fuck right there - right there - oh you’re SO big -”
“I did not say that!”
“Yeah,” Sam laughs. “And then Thor was all does that feel good my pretty one - i bet that feels so good - now call me daddy while I tear that ass up.”
“Okay - Thor has never asked me to call him that, Wilson.”
“Whatever - you two were getting into some kinky shit,” He stabs more meat before gesturing it at you wildly. “I was jealous.”
“Yeah - invite us next time,” Nat says.
Sam’s head snaps to Nat. “Speak for yourself, Romanoff.”
Thor bursts back out onto the patio balancing four trays. He’s in jeans and a white tank - his muscles gleaming beneath a faint coating of sweat. The other patrons watch as he moves through the tables - broad and large and golden. His blonde hair is tied up in a low ponytail and when he spots you, his lips peel back into a handsome grin. You’re stupidly in love with him.
It’s almost disgusting.
He plops down next to you - shaking the entire table. He grabs you roughly by the shoulder and kisses your cheek. He’s in a far better mood now that he’s eaten. “I have news, friends.”
“They had this sauce for the wings that they said no man can handle and I said that I’m no mortal man and they said if I eat this whole basket we get it for free!”
“We charged it all to Stark already,” Nat reminds.
Thor frowns. “Well - I’m still trying it.”
You pat his arm gently. “You do that, baby.”
The wings are bright red and you’re certain they’d burn your tastebuds off. You don’t know Asgardian food though. You don’t know if he’s used to spice or if it’ll even affect him.
“I’d be careful, man,” Sam pokes his fork into the basket with a suspicious gaze. “That shit is no joke and I grew up in Louisiana.”
“Does Asgard have spicy food?” Nat asks.
“Of course!” Thor exclaims as he sinks his teeth into a wing before speaking through a mouthful of chicken. “You know - we had nuts with spices on them and stews - and -”
He blinks a few times before his lips part - his face beginning to grow rosy. Water pools beneath his lashes as he sniffs. He drops the wing and it rolls off the table into the dusty concrete.
Both Sam and Natasha sport matching expressions. Their eyes wide as their mouths open in realization.
“Thor,” you murmur as you curl his hair back over his ear to see him better. He turns to you and he looks fucked - his nose leaking as his breath catches in his throat. He sniffs again and smears the back of his hand across his brow just as you yell: Wait! Don’t!
“Fucking hells,” he howls out as his eyes turn pink - the skin around them beginning to swell and twitch. Nat runs back into the restaurant to hopefully find milk or ice cream or anything while Sam just stares at him with a horrified expression.
Thor plants his hands on the table and there is the faint surge of power in the air - the taste of ozone and a spark of electricity around his knuckles and you can’t have him light this whole damn place up. You need to distract him or soothe him in some way. You grab him roughly by the face, your thumb sweeping through the tears that are trailing down his cheeks and catching in his beard.
You squeeze his jaw before yanking him down to you and smashing his mouth to yours. You devour his lips like that - your tongue sliding behind his teeth with frantic urgency. You’re licking at the spice and the tang and it’s all beginning to burn and it’s probably not doing shit for him, but at least it’s taking his mind off turning into a full lightning bolt in the middle of the damn state.
He moans softly and you’re not sure if it’s from you or the pain overwhelming him, but finally you have to come up for air and so you release him. Your mouth hurts - your nose stuffed full and achy with the lingering toxic venom of that stupid Carolina reaper heat.
He blinks at you stunned just as Nat rushes back to the table with a carton of ice cream and a glass of milk. She thrusts it into Thor’s hands and he chugs the whole thing - white liquid dripping into his dark beard and staining his shirt.
You snatch the ice cream from her and heave a healthy spoonful into your mouth. You’d only gotten the spice secondhand, but still - it fucking stings - feels as if you’d gotten punched in the sinuses.
“You okay, dude?” Sam asks while he quietly snags another rib from Thor’s plate.
Thor nods as he wipes at his chin. “Wasn’t - uh - too terrible,” he coughs. He turns toward you, leaning forward until his nose knocks against your own so he can clumsily kiss you. “That was so sweet of you.”
You shrug - your tongue slightly numb from the cold ice cream.
“I’ll pay you back later, my love,” he grins - wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. He picks up another wing before you smack it out of his hands.
“Eat that and you’re not putting that tongue anywhere near my vagina."
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anonymousfiction211 · 3 years
Meeting Tom Hiddleston
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Summary: Meeting Tom Hiddleston for the first time! (A girl can dream...)
Word Count: 3502 words
Warnings: Smut
The line moved slowly. You were already waiting for a very long time, but it would definitely be worth it. Luckily, you were not alone. Your best friends Eline and John were with you, who happened to be in a relationship with each other. This was your fist time at comic con, since none of your other friends ever wanted to go. And you were extremely nervous to see your favourite actor in real life. Finally, the line moved a few paces. The more the line moved the more nervous you got. You were about to be eye to eye with him. With possibly the most charming and handsome men on the planet.
You were wondering if he would be in a good mood, or would pretend to be in a good mood. He had been giving out autographs for a few hours. Since your friends wanted to go to another panel first, you barely made it in time to stand in line. You had thought long and hard about what you wanted him to sign. Eventually you decided on a book about Loki, which you have read quite a few times. It was not about the Loki that he played, the Marvel version, but the one from the Norse mythology. Your thoughts were disturbed when Eline let out a little shriek. ‘I can’t believe we’re finally going to meet him!’ she said excited. The two of you had planned this a few years back, when you both discovered that you were massive Loki fans. The deal was, if Tom Hiddleston ever came to your country, the two of you would go.
‘Oh my god, I’m so nervous. I don’t know what to say’ you replied. From the moment you had tickets to this event you were thinking about what to tell him. Everything you came up with sounded like a cliché, and he sure would be tired to hear the same thing for the hundredth time today. After some sleepless nights and driving yourself crazy, you thought you would come up with it while waiting in line. Well, you couldn’t be more wrong. Now that you were standing in line, you had forgotten every series and every movie you had ever seen him in. You knew he was your favourite actor, but why that exactly was you couldn’t explain if your life depended on it.
The line moved along again and you were now next in line. The two girls before you were giggling loudly and you heard Tom chuckling. You started to feel overwhelmed and thought about backing out. ‘(Y/N), relax. It will be fine’ John encouraged you. ‘I don’t do well with first impressions and if I screw this up I will never be able to sleep’ you argued. Your friend just laughed at you. The three of you had have this argument about a million times when you discovered that you would meet Tom. The girls before you left and now you stood eye to eye to Tom Hiddleston. He made eye contact with you and your mind just lost it. You froze in your spot. John laid a hand on your shoulder and whispered to you ‘This is the part where we walk towards him’. From his tone you heard that he was quite amused by your state and you felt like you had embarrassed yourself already.
The three of you walked towards the table. ‘Hello there’ Tom greeted you. Your friends immediately greeted him back and started to introduce themselves. ‘.. and this is (Y/N)’ you heard Eline say. ‘Nice to meet you (Y/N)’ Tom said to you. God that voice was going to be the death of you. ‘What can I do for you today’ he continued. Your two friends gave him each a Loki funkopop to sign and after that you handed him the book. He eyed the book and looked at you. ‘Have you read it?’ he asked you. When he saw your questioning face he just laughed to himself ‘Sorry, of course you have. Stupid question’. Out of nervousness you laughed too ‘No, stupid questions don’t exist right?’ ‘I have read the book, one of my favourites actually’ you explained. ‘From all the books and stories, I’ve read about Loki, I quite agree’ he told you. ‘So, who do you like better MCU Loki or Norse Mythology Loki?’ he asked you. ‘Not to be insulting, but Norse Mythology Loki, actually’ you said, hoping he didn’t notice the blush on your cheeks. His face looked amused and you saw a twinkle in his eyes that confirmed your suspicion, that Tom and your all-time favourite trickster shared some qualities. ‘And why is that?’ he asked in his low voice while leaning a bit more forward.
‘Well, the Loki from Norse Mythology wouldn’t be stupid enough to try and kill Thanos with a butter knife’ you replied. You were shocked to hear yourself say that. The words had left your mouth before you even registered what was happening. Like you said, you really weren’t good in first impressions. You heard your friends laugh beside you. You were relieved when you heard Tom laugh also. ‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to insult you’ you quickly added. ‘You didn’t, darling’ he said. Great, if the blush on your cheeks wasn’t obvious, it sure would be now. ‘But remember, Loki does everything for a reason’ he said and gave you a wink. ‘I hope he does, I’m really excited for the series’ you said as steady as you could. Hoping you didn’t show how much that one wink effected you. ‘Glad to hear you say that. Do you want me to sign the cover or the inside?’ he asked you. A bit disappointed that after he signed it and you left this meeting, you would never see or speak to him again. ‘Inside, please’ you replied. Tom wrote something inside, but cut of the view with his arm. He closed the book and handed it back to you. ‘Best not to read it with your boyfriend standing next to you’ he said while handing it back to you.
Eline immediately grabbed John and pulled him closer. ‘Actually, John is my boyfriend. (Y/N) is single’ she said. The meaning behind her words couldn’t have been more obvious. If you could, you would have fainted right there and then, just to escape this embarrassment. You shot her an I’m-going-to-kill-you-for-this-look, but her look said that you would have done the same in her situation. And who were you kidding, you would have. ‘Really?’  Tom asked. The tone of his voice made your knees weak. ‘’Yeah, still wating for prince charming on his white horse, I guess’ you chuckled, not knowing how to respond to this. ‘Not for a skilled sorcerer with a God complex? Tom replied teasingly. ‘If Loki really existed I would take that chance’ you replied in all honesty. At this point the security guard behind Tom cleared his throat. ‘Mr. Hiddleston, we need to get going’ he said. Tom nodded at the security guard before turning his attention back to you. ‘Unfortunately, that is my que to get going. But I would love to explain to you why Loki tries to stab people with butter knifes. If you like?’ he said to you. You nodded quickly, more time with Tom was not something you would turn down. ‘Yes’ you said a bit too enthusiastic. Tom just laughed a little at your energetic reaction. He grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down the address and room number of his hotel ‘Here is the place I’m staying. Let’s say around 10pm if that’s not too late? I think it’s going to be a long day today. We can have a drink and talk more’ he said to you. ‘Your friends are more then welcome to join if they want’ he quickly added. You smiled at him ‘Sure, see you tonight’ you said. With that the three of you left and Tom got up to go to his next event.
‘Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god’ your friend started to chant once the three of you were in the main hall. ‘I can’t believe that he asked you out!’ she exclaimed. You furrowed your brows ‘Look, I can’t believe either that he wants to spend more time with me. But it isn’t a date. I’m not going alone, you two will be there as well’ you answered. Your friend shot each other a look before the shifted their focus back on you. ‘You’re going alone’ the said simultaneously. ‘What? How about you two come with me for moral support like good friends are supposed to do?’ you asked them. ‘We are making you go alone so you can have some time with your all-favourite actor. Who knows what will happen when you two are alone’ John said to you. ‘That is what good friends are supposed to do’ Eline added with a smile. And you knew it didn’t matter how much you argued, you were going and you were going alone. 
The day passed and you had a blast with your friends. The nerves within you were building up about tonight tough. At the end of the day, you and Eline went shopping for an outfit for tonight. She insisted that you wore a dress, but you had successfully declined that. Dresses weren’t really much your thing and you didn’t want Tom to think that you were expecting or trying something. After all, it was just a talk about Loki, a drink and he even had invited your friends. Eventually, you found a pair of black jeans and a dark green t-shirt. It was a bit Loki styled, but your friend assured you that Tom would appreciate that.
In the evening => You got out of the cab and were more nervous when you saw the luxury of the hotel. Maybe you were a bit underdressed you thought. After a few deep breaths you mastered the courage to walk into the hotel. The man behind the desk eyed you and asked if he could do anything to help you. You knew that he was really asking what the hell you were doing here. You told him that you came to visit Tom in room 325. After a quick phone call, he smiled politely at you, explained how to get there, and told you to have a nice evening. You got into the elevator and pressed the button for the third floor. You took a few more deep breaths. Maybe you should have brought something you started to contemplate. Why hadn’t you thought about that before? When the elevator reached the floor, your breath hitched when Tom was standing suddenly in front of you. Amused by your reaction he greeted you politely. To your shock he even hugged you once you were out of the elevator. ‘Are you alone?’ he asked you while walking towards his hotel room. ‘Yeah, my friends rather wanted a quiet night alone’ you lied to him. I mean, you couldn’t possibly tell him why you were here alone. ‘That just means we have the chance to get each other better’ Tom replied.
Tom’s hotel room was pretty big. It was still a simple hotel room but he had a large sitting area with comfy couch and a tv. He told you to make yourself at home, so you sat down on the couch. ‘Sorry, I didn’t think to bring something’ you said to him. He just told you that you didn’t had to bring something. He asked you what you wanted to drink. Luckily for you he had wine, maybe alcohol would calm your nerves a bit. He poured two classes of red wine and sat next to you on the couch. You noticed that he sat fairly close to you. Something you both love and hated at the moment. ‘I like the colours you’re wearing, very Loki-like’ he said to you. ‘Thanks’ you blushed, not knowing how to take this compliment. Luckily, Tom changed the subject about Loki and the Marvel Universe. After some time, your nerves calmed down and you actually had a blast. It was fun to talk to Tom about Loki, hobby’s, and he even took an interest is your life. When Tom handed you a glass with only a little wine in it he said ‘Sorry, I’m afraid that the second bottle is already gone’. You were shocked ‘The SECOND?’  you asked him. He just laughed at you ‘Time flies when you’re having fun I guess’. That is when you looked at the clock. It was past 1 o’clock at night. ‘Oh shoot, it’s already late. Sorry. I should go’ you stammered a bit. ‘No apologies, I’ve had a great time. And do you really think I’m letting a woman go home alone at this time at night?’ he said while raising his eyebrow.
‘Assuming from your tone, I guess not?’ you replied. ‘You’re staying here. You can have the bed and I’ll sleep on the couch if you want to. But I’m not letting you travel alone at this time’ he said. You saw him think over his words ‘I mean, if you really want I will take you home. I don’t want you to feel forced to stay here’ he added. You already heard your friends voice in your head telling you what an idiot you were if you actually went home right now. And to be honest, you didn’t want to go home. Things with Tom felt naturally. ‘If you don’t mine I’d like to stay for the night’ you said and immediately saw Tom’s face lit up. ‘But either we sleep both in the bed or I’ll sleep on the couch. I’m not having you sleep on the couch in your own room’ you added. It was a bold move, but the alcohol made you forget all your nerves. Tom just gave you a wide grin ‘Bed it is’ he said to you. The two of you talked and laughed more and eventually finished the wine. Tom had put his arm on the armrest around you and you sat to face him. The two of you sat really close to each other. When you put down the glass you looked in his eyes. He met your gaze and there was a long silence. His hand cupped your cheek and he leaned in ‘Can I?’ he asked while maintaining eye contact. ‘Yes’ you replied to give him your consent. You felt his lips on your, it was soft and he kissed you slowly.
When you kissed him back the kissing got more heated. Tom grabbed your waist to pull you closer and you laid your hands around his neck. After a make out session that made you feel like you were a teenager again, he broke the kiss. ‘Should we go to the bedroom?’ he asked you while catching his breath. You nodded and he laughed at you. He got up and stretched out his hand for you to take. You took his hand and he led you to his bedroom. When you entered he closed the door behind you. He immediately starting to kiss you again while walking you back to the giant bed. While you were walking you started to undo the many buttons of his white shirt. Once they were all unbuttoned, your hands roamed his chest and his abbs. You felt Tom slightly moan at your touch. He pulled the shirt of himself and you felt the back of your legs against the bed. Tom laid you down gently and grabbed the hem of your shirt. You moved your arms up so he could take it off you. For a moment he froze and eyed the sight of you laying underneath him on the bed in your bra. You chuckled at his reaction and pulled him closer for a kiss.
You undid his belt and opened his pants. He slides his pants down and was now laying on top of you in nothing but his underwear. You clearly felt his erection against your core, making you more wet. Tom unhooked your bra and started to kiss down your neck. When he reaches your breasts, he took his time. He started to kiss them, bite them, and roll his tongue around your nipples. Your nipples hardened and you moaned shamelessly from his actions. Once he was satisfied he trailed his kissing downwards. He reached the top of your pants. He looked up to make eye contact with you, while he undid the button of your pants. He hooked his fingers from the top and pulled your pants and underwear down simultaneously. ‘I wanted to do this the first moment I saw you’ he said to you. His tongue was circling your clit, but his eyes never left your gaze. The sight of Tom between your thighs looking at you was adding to the intensity of the pleasure he was giving you. When you were starting to pant from his tongue you saw him smile.
He trailed his kissing back upward and reached your mouth. You could taste yourself on him, which was adding to your lust. You took charge and moved so Tom was on his back. You slowly trailed his underwear down and he shuddered in anticipation. He quickly pulled open his nightstand and grabbed a condom. He handed it to you. You grabbed his hardened cock and he moaned immediately when you touched it. Slowly you started to move your wrist up and down and Tom was bucking his hips to create more friction. After some time, Tom was all worked up ‘Please (Y/N), ride me’ he begged you. You opened the condom package with your teeth and slowly put the condom around his cock. You startled his legs, grabbed his cock, and slowly let him enter you. You started out the same slow pace when you teased him with your hand. Tom grabbed your hips to increase the pace. You leaned downwards to kiss his neck and discovered his sweet spot. When you kissed the crook of his neck he almost yelled. ‘Oh god (Y/N)’ he said loudly. You were still riding him and gasping for air. He hit all the right spots and it felt so good to have him inside of you. You felt his hands trail down to your lower back and he carefully laid you on your back.
He was on top of you and thrusting faster inside of you. He tried the kiss you but the two of your were moaning uncontrollably. At this point you were more breathing each other in then actually kissing, but you loved every second of it. The way his breath felt on your skin, his lips ghosting over yours and his tongue occasionally sliding in your mouth. Suddenly a wave of pleasure flooded over you and you came hard crying out his name ‘O god Tom!’ you screamed. You laughed when you saw the smug look on his face. You grabbed his ass and squeezed it. He began to moan out loud again. His thrusts were getting wilder and you knew he was close. After a few more thrusts he thrusted one more time as deep as he could. He grunted loudly and stayed in that position for a few seconds. After that he collapsed on top of you, but supported himself a bit to make sure he didn’t crush you. Once he caught his breath he moved to his side of the bed. He went to the bathroom to get rid of the condom and after that you went to clean yourself. When you came back Tom laid in bed, waiting for you with a large grin on his face.
You crawled into the bed and he immediately pulled you close to him. The two of you cuddled in silence for a while and you felt yourself become sleepy. ‘So, what are your plans tomorrow?’ he asked you. ‘I am going with my friends to a museum, then some sightseeing and at the night we grab a bit to eat and go out you replied. ‘What are you going to do?’ you asked. He sighed loudly ‘Oh, well. I fly back in three days and in the meantime I have time to kill, but don’t know anybody here. It sure would be lovely to spend a day like that in your company’ he said a bit too obvious while pulling you close. ‘Are you trying to invite yourself?’ you giggled. ‘Hm.. maybe I am. Would you mind that?’ he asked you. ‘No, you are more then welcome to join us. I just thought that after tonight you maybe didn’t want to’ you replied. His face nuzzled in the crook of your neck ‘Darling, the first thing I’m going to do tomorrow is ask your phone number, because I really like to see you again’ he whispered. And with that you fell asleep.
Tags: @delightfulheartdream​
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ninhaoma-ya · 2 years
Chapter 1050 — Honor
And the conclusion! Finally!
German’s Cold Blooded Voyage is great, really enjoying Anana
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And then.
The conclusion.
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A touch of Star Wars’ “let’s drop them in a pit of death” going on, but illustrated with a lovely section drawing.
I like the shifting from black and grey to the more contrasting and illuminating white glow of the underworld as Kaido breaks through the Earth.
However, those chutes cracking up from Law’s pit of death don’t look too good, leading all that heat up to the sea.
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Two things about this page.
First, I really like the symmetry of Kaido and Luffy. There’s the neat layout of the text panels, with the revision of the earlier statement that Kaido won. Both have fought to their limit and are on the threshold of death: one will pass it and the other will keep on living. Kaido is drawn in stark contrast, with heavy whites and greys and blacks, while Luffy is drawn bruised and unconscious, yes, but with the same light lines he’s usually depicted with.
Second, there’s the whole juxtaposition of the Flower Capital. They have been celebrating the one night of the year they can; their breather of freedom. They have no idea what’s been happening in the skies above, but mere hopes and whispers of rumours; “did you hear that there’s a raid on Onigashima tonight?”
Onigashima still towers over it, but so does Momo. Momo’s dragon coils rise to the top of the palace in the city, showing how he’s grown and how he now can protect it: he’s big enough, both physically and mentally (in this moment at least; he’s still an eight year old brat at heart).
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Damn you Oda for making me cry, again, for Yasuie.
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And all the happy people! They’ve won!
I wonder what Apoo’s fate will be. He betrayed them but was then betrayed himself and then fought with Drake against CP0….who knows.
And where is Drake? I hope he makes it.
Speaking of…
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Not looking good for a whole bunch of people. Poor Chopper, getting so overwhelmed his eyes turn to spirals :(
Going slightly in the wrong order here due to narrative, but I just really like the composition of these panels:
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They depict two completely different places in the castle, but are still clearly showing the general victorious mood. Of course, the noise in the background is the visual thread, but the grey shading on Hyogoro and Komachiyo helps glue them together as well. Furthermore, the poses, obviously, are all the same with the exception of Mr Cool Pineapple over there — but even he and Hyogoro, the old foxes who’ve seen a battle or two, have the same pose and face!
And the battle is definitely over.
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Pool of Magma? Well, a more certain death than Chasm of Death on the Deathstar.
Great contrast in the panel, horrible visual.
And nice how the tangible leftovers of Kaido’s reign are trembling! His time really is over.
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And speaking of, this whole page is great.
You have a teeny, tiny Zunesha in the corner there, to show just how humongous the explosion is. You have a gentle smile on Luffy’s face: he can rest now.
And the great introduction of Momo to the citizens of Wano!
Remember, this is how the night was supposed to end in Kaido’s original plan. Onigashima, crashing down and a great dragon in the skies, crushing their one moment of freedom under the yoke of New Onigashima.
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And of course, the living ghosts who again walk this Earth.
Great chapter!
I give it a star for storytelling and a high-five for art.
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one-piecee · 3 years
The amount of spoilers I had to avoid this week because of this chapter... and I'm so happy I did. I have been waiting for a chapter like this, centred around Zoro where we see more of his past, and more of the swords for so long and Oda has delivered. Anyways, let's just,,, get into it but bear in mind it's too difficult to put into words what I felt reading this when all I wanted to do was scream--
The chapter title is 'Shimotsuki Kozaburo'
From the title alone we can guess what the chapter will be about, because Shimotsuki is the swordsmith who forged both Enma and Wado...
The chapter starts off where it cut off last time with Zoro vs King, and Enma is still draining Zoro's power...
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He can't seem to gain control over it, and that gives him a disadvantage with King, who keeps his attacks coming one after one - whereas Zoro's attacks don't seem to faze him at all...
According to Queen, who at this point honestly should just narrate the show with the amount of talking he does, thanks for the info, Zoro doesn't stand a chance against King, who's a Lunarian and a monster who "could thrive in any inhospitable environment the world threw" at him. Meanwhile King is preparing an attack against Zoro, setting himself on fire again and before that - let's just take a moment to appreciate the parallels between Sanji vs Queen and Zoro vs King
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Both amazing panels of the two wings of the pirate king.
Even Shishi Sonson, one of Zoro's most notorious attacks did absolutely nothing against King
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Meanwhile Enma keeps draining Zoro's haki, and he can't seem to gain control over it. At this point Zoro is trying to control Enma, and evade King's attacks at the same time.
While trying to avoid King's attacks he drops his swords, and while collecting them-
which by the way is another ode to how important they are to Zoro, because even King says 'so you're risking your life to save the swords? have you lost it?'
-he reminisces about how he got all of them.
And then he thinks about an 'old geezer' who lived on his old village, Kuina's grandfather, and that's where he connects the dots that Enma and Wado's creator was none other than that person (which by the way, is hilarious. You're telling me Zoro heard all about Shimotsuki Kozubaro and the Shimotsuki clan but never once said, 'hold up, isn't my village called Shimotsuki Village?' but then again, of course he didn't.)
This chapter is one of my favorite chapters of Wano so far, because we got so much more lore for the swords and swordsmen in general, and much more into Zoro's character as well.
Before we dive into the more serious topics, let's just cry together over HOW ADORABLE BABY ZORO IS LOOK AT HIM I MISS HIM
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Anyways, so Zoro is talking to this 'old geezer' who happens to be the forger of both Wado and Enma (of course, unknown to Zoro at the time) and Shimotsuki starts talking about swords, who are creating initially to 'cut down people' -
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My favorite part about the whole conversation Shimotsuki had with Zoro, was when he was talking about the cursed swords in particular - there's no such thing. Swords "exist to cut people down" and a sword that does that, even without his 'master's' approval is just doing what it's supposed to do, only the weak believe that deadly swords are cursed.
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Enma, the lord of the underworld, was testing Zoro. And he just didn't 'live up to it's standards'.
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Zoro finally understands, Enma doesn't just drain your haki, if you learn to control it, it can flow Haki around it, and 'taming' Enma, or controlling it, is what helps Zoro coat his swords with his haki - but not just any Haki! The characters on the above panel who all passed out because of Zoro's power only elude to one thing - conquerors haki. Zoro's main power-up in this fight is conquerors coating.
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The conqueror's haki is flowing out of Zoro, but he uses it to coat all three swords - and it is at this moment where we all knew... King is over with. It was nice while it lasted.
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I mean, has a Zoro fight ever lasted long after he smiles like that? Plus the fact that he mentioned his dream, and Luffy along with Kuina (my oldest friend, tears on my face guys, tears).
No break next week, but I'm betting Oda is going to cut to another scene, seems like the appropriate place for him to focus on somebody else before coming back for the grand finale.
And like always...
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inkandpen22 · 3 years
The Princess and The Pogue (pt. 2)
Pairing: JJ x Reader / Topper x Reader
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: swearing, underage drinking, mild fluff 
Part Summary: After the Labor Day Gala, the Pogues take Y/N back to the Chateau. There, JJ takes the chance to finally talk to her and Y/N starts to show the group that not all Kooks are the same. 
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JJ offers you his hand as you climb off of the HMS Pogue. He takes note of how soft your hands are, silently loving how tightly you're squeezing him. It makes him feel needed, but then he starts to wonder why would a girl who has everything possibly need him? You have the world at your feet and he only has loose change in his pockets.
The ride over to The Cut helped your intoxication ease up. You're still not confident enough to drive a car but capable of staying awake and be witty. You and the gang of Pogues approach the chateau, a place unlike anything you’ve ever been to. It’s colorful lights illuminate the yard and fire pit waiting to be used. JJ presses his palm to your back, worried that you may lose your footing, whether it be because of the uneven ground or your state of mind. Kiara leads the way into the house while John B and Pope linger behind, observing as JJ dotes on you. As he arm wraps around your waist slowly but surely, they exchange knowing looks. What JJ might see as progress, you view as a friend of Sarah’s being helpful. It’s not that you don’t find JJ attractive. You’ve noticed him around over a dozen times. You’ve always been friendly, but JJ has been nothing but reserved around you. You just wish you had spoken before tonight, under these circumstances. You figure he must view you as most Pogues do Kooks, as stuck up and spoiled. The screen door leading to the porch squeaks, breaking the silent stroll.
"OBX Princess has probably never been on this side of the island before," Kiara teases playfully as she enters the house to fetch you something to drink.
"I have actually," you state loud enough for Kiara to hear from the kitchen. "There's a little shop I like over here but even then, I will confess, it’s a rarity that I get to see this side of the island.”
“You talk about The Cut like it’s something worth seeing,” Pope jokes.
“Of course it is,” you reply though knowing he was only messing around. “It’s far more natural looking than what we call “nature” on the Figure 8. John B’s yard is more welcoming than the meticulously gardened one at my house,” you giggle lightly as you look around the porch. 
The three boys all exchange quick glances, surprised by your backhanded comment about your half of the island. They would’ve predicted that you’d have nothing bad to say about your well-do neighborhoods considering you’re supposed to be the ultimate Kook.
"Sorry, it's a little messy in here," John B apologizes as he begins to toss things- from bathing suits to cereal boxes- off the couch.
You still linger by the front door with JJ close beside you, watching his best friend fuss. "It's perfectly fine, John B," you assure the boy with a soft smile. "Thank you."
"You never clean up for us," Pope mocks his friend in passing as John B heads inside with his pile of clothes.
"Oh shut up," John B nudges Pope in the shoulder, making him fall back into the armchair. His action only making Pope chuckle harder.
Shyly, you step over to the old couch, taking a seat at the end closest to Pope. JJ rocks on his heels nervously, unsure where to put himself. He wants to sit next to you and place his hand on your leg but he also doesn’t want seem like a total creep. Awkwardly, he determines to lean against the frame of the screened-in-porch. He's thankful that your attention is focused on Kiara as she returns, handing you a water bottle.
"Thanks," you smile, earning a similar expression from the Pogue. She settles down on a folded chair across the coffee table from you, watching as you crack open the bottle lid.
"How are you feeling?" JJ checks as you swallow.
"My heart feels like it's in my throat," you confess, swallowing hard, wondering if that would help. "But the fresh air from the ride helped immensely."  
Pope frowns in the chair just beside you. "How many grams do you think you smoked?"
You shrug, starring off at the coffee table to think. "Couldn't tell you. It felt like I was in that locker room for ages though. I think Rafe buys his joints from a buddy of his from this side of the island," you glance between the three Pogues.
John B pops back out of the house. "Well, I suggest never taking anything from Rafe again," he exhales deeply as he settles down on the spot at the opposite end of the couch from you.
JJ internalizes a scream as he watches his best friend share the couch with you. ‘Look how easy it is you idiot!’ He thinks to himself. ‘All you had to do was sit next to her, it wasn’t like you had to put on a performance or anything!’
"Noted," you nod with a chuckle. Your brows scrunch together as you reach up into your hair. "Geez, this thing hurts," you huff under your breath. You begin to remove all the bobby pins your mom shoved into your hair and place them in your lap. She insisted on you having your hair up to show off the dress she picked out. Your hair begins to fall naturally in strands. Relief already spreads across your head.
JJ's lips part as he watches your perfectly shiny Y/H/C hair fall over your shoulders. If it didn't sound so creepy, he'd ask if you'd need help. He squeezes the wood panel behind him, suppressing his urge to run his fingers through your hair. "If you... uh..." he stammers, capturing your attention.
When your Y/E/C eyes meet his blue ones, it only makes him blush more. His fellow Pogues stare at him with a confused expression. Kiara wonders to herself what he was even trying to say. John B slouches in his seat as he turns his face away from you, begging for his friend to pull himself together.
JJ clears his throat, "if you... uh... want a change of clothes I could grab you something."
You nod, appreciative of his offer. "That would be great, thank you!" You hated this dress and everything required underneath it. You much rather be in shorts and t-shirts all day if you could. There's always been a piece of your that's been envious of the Pogues, it doesn't exactly matter what they wear as long as it's functional. Being a Kook means being done up 24/7.
JJ presses his lips together, giving you a sharp nod before jogging inside to find you something to change into. John B follows behind him, claiming that he's going to grab a case of beer for everyone. He watches as JJ has a quiet but expressive hissy fit all the way down the hall to the guest bedroom.
“Oh my God! Could I be anymore ridiculous!” The boy jumps up and down.
"JJ and Y/N sitting in a tree..." John B sings over his best friend's shoulder.
"Shut up, man," JJ grumbles, shoving his buddy away from him.
John B doesn't leave him alone, following him to his bedroom and standing in the doorway. JJ's room at John B's is utter chaos. He's in and out constantly that it's never been completely put together. All he has is a bed, an old butterfly chair from Kiara, and a chipped dresser. JJ's satisfied with though, as long as he doesn't have to go back to dad's house.
"You haven't stopped starring at her since I picked you guys up," John B snickers, watching his friend dig around his drawer for something clean. "Since when do you let people borrow your stuff?"
JJ stops his actions, pressing his palms down on the dresser. "She's... I don't know..." he struggles to find the right words as he focused down on his ring-covered hands. "I mean, you’re seeing it right? She's not like the other Kooks. I don't why she hangs out with those guys."
"Have you spoken to her before tonight?" John B asks, moving to sit on the end of JJ's bed.
JJ turns, leaning against his dresser with his arms crossed over his chest. "No, but you remember that night at the Boneyard?"
"How could I forget? You wouldn't shut up about her for weeks!" John B teases.
JJ grins, recalling the first time he ever saw you. "I didn't even know her name. Then, I saw her at the Cameron's here and there. I learned her name from Topper of all people. He called for her to join him in the pool. Whenever I was over there, she's smiled and waved at me. Then again, does that with all the workers the Cameron's have over there I guess. She’s just a nice person, treats everyone the same. I kept telling myself that the next time I saw her I'd talk to her... obviously I chickened out each time. Have you talked to her before?"
"Uh yeah, on occasion," John B exhales, trying to recall the times. "The first time I met her after the Boneyard, she and Sarah were tanning on the Cameron's dock while I was cleaning their boat. Topper and Kelce came over and Sarah went to go get them. I accidentally dropped a wet cloth on Y/N while cleaning off the side railings. Any other Kook girl would've had a fit, but Y/N just laughed. I don't know if she would've reacted the same way if Sarah and others were there, but I like to think she would've."
A soft smile appears across JJ's lips, his admiration of you only deepening. He envisions you laying out and the wet rag landing on you. No doubt John B freaked out and rushed out random apologies. You wouldn’t have been pretentious or hostile about the accident, that's not you. A reassuring smile would’ve immediately appeared on your face as you tell him it's alright.
"She tossed me the cloth with the brightest smile," John B continues with a soft snicker, proving JJ’s prediction. "And actually offered to help. Right when she was about to lend me a hand, Rafe and Topper came jogging down the dock. They got all defensive and led Y/N toward the house. It was ridiculous."
"I honestly hate those guys," JJ clenches his jaw.
"Y/N's cool though," John B tells his friend, pushing off his bed to stand up. "One of the most real Kooks I've come across."
"I can't believe I've never talked to her before," JJ huffs, tossing his head back.
"They're untouchable, you know? It's always been us vs. them," his buddy pats him on the shoulder as he heads toward the door.
"Not anymore. I don't care if it's impossible. I have to know her," he states with determination.
"She's here now, use that to your advantage," John B advises.
"Plan on it," JJ mutters to himself as his friend steps out into the hallway.
He had you here, within reach. JJ wasn't going to just let this opportunity pass him by. Topper, Rafe, the guys he hated that constantly have you in their hold aren't anywhere near here. He may never get a chance like this again. JJ's had this overwhelming feeling in his chest since he first saw you last summer. He knows you're meant to be his, not Topper's, not Rafe's, his.
As you and Pope continue your conversation about the history of the island, JJ appears in the doorway. He offers you a neatly folded stack of clothes ranging from an old AC/DC t-shirt that he stole from his dad to some old shorts of his that no longer fit. The Pogues wonder how long it took him to perfectly fold everything together. Your hands glide over his during the exchange and he ponders the sensation of your skin against his.
'You're so warm,' he thinks to himself.
"Thanks again, you have no idea how uncomfortable strapless bras can be!" You giggle as your rise to your feet to go change.
"The actual worst," Kiara agrees dramatically as she stands from her seated position. "Hey, I'm gonna come with you, I left my change of clothes in the bathroom!"
"Awesome!" You grin, following the girl inside.
Once you and Kiara have disappeared JJ plops on the couch next to where you would've been. He rests his elbows on his knees and hides his face in his hands. “Jesus and all that is good!" He yells, muffling the noise into his palms.
"What?" Pope laughs at his friend's expense. "Hoping she'd ask you to help undress her? 'Oh JJ, you're so sweet!' 'JJ, brush my hair!'” Pope mocks in a high-pitched voice.
“‘JJ, I loovvee you'," John B adds to the mix, pretending to pucker his lips at his friend.
"I think I'd actually go for a dive in the swamp if she asked me too," JJ concludes, coming to terms with how bad he has it.
"Just tell her! Put yourself out of this misery," Pope advises, earning a laugh from John B.
"It's not that easy," JJ groans, resting his head on the back of the couch.
"Why not?" John B presses.
"Because I don't wanna scare her off!" JJ snaps.
John B hosts a reality check for his friend. “Dude, you and almost every guy in the OBX are pleading for Y/N’s attention, including Topper and Rafe! You’ve seen how close Topper is to her, that’s what you’re competing with,” he reminds, making JJ’s heart sink. “Pull yourself together and impress her!”
“Be yourself of course,” Pope adds, ever the level headed mind. “But yeah you really need to step up your game. You’re sinking like the Titanic,” Pope mocks.
“It’s painful to watch,” John B adds with a laugh.
JJ exhales deeply, taking in his friends advice. How could he possibly compete with boys from the Figure 8. They’re your closest friends and have so much more to offer you. What you have with Topper is what JJ wants with you. Now he’s stuck wondering how he’s going to get it.
After you finish changing, you find everyone outside. JJ swings in the hammock while Kiara and Pope sit on a log by the firepit talking. You approach the pair, feeling much better in JJ’s clothes.
"So, what did I miss?" You ask, clasping your hands together.
JJ didn't hear you coming, so when he glances in your direction and sees you in his clothes for the first time, he feels as though his head just exploded. His shorts are nowhere to be seen underneath the t-shirt that lands just above your knees. The collar is so worn that it nearly hangs off your shoulder, completely bare. Your loosely curled hair rests tucked over your one shoulder. He sits up to get a better look at you and nearly loses his balance in the hammock. The object rocks to the side and JJ curses loudly, catching himself from almost falling out. When he looks up, you and his fellow Pogues are staring at him, suppressing your amusement.
"Anyway...." Kiara breaks the silence and answers your question. "We were just about to start a fire. I actually promised Pope I'd help him find sticks-" she explains, rising from her seated position. "-He's afraid of going into the woods by himself," she adds in a whisper as she passes by you.
You giggle. “Anything I can do to help?" You offer.
"Nah, John B is looking for the lighter and more beer, so I think we're all good," Pope sighs and gives your arm a gentle squeeze. "Rest!"
As the pair disappear into the woods, you turn your head in JJ's direction. Right as he sees you turn, he falls back onto the hammock, pretending to have not been paying attention. You approach the blonde boy with a charming smile. JJ feels his heart skip with each shift of gaffle beneath your feet.
You stand over him, hands interlocked in front of you. "Can I join you?"
"What-" JJ's mind goes blank, forgetting how to speak English for a second. "Oh! Yeah! Yeah!" He rushes out, sliding over to the far side of the hammock to make room.
You lay down beside him, your body pressing against his. JJ finds it hard to breathe with you so close. You simply stare up at the stars. They're not as visible on the other side of the island with everyone's mansions blasting out so much light pollution. Your hand brushes against JJ's and he holds a ruthless internal battle. Does he hold your hand? Does he not hold your hand? What if you don't want him to hold your hand? But what if you do want him to?
"So, when you're not making drinks for Kooks, what do you like to do in your free time?" You ask the boy, not realizing that he's losing his mind.
JJ remembers what Pope and John B said, he has to pull himself together. He swallows hard, trying his hard to speak to you without stuttering like before. "Surfing mainly, hanging out with my friends, taking the boat out," he lists fluently, internally patting himself on the back. "What about you?"
"I love to travel, swim and go sailing," you name and there's a pause between you two.
JJ longs to hear more, but your mind begins to wonder as you stare up at the stars. JJ turns his head to the side, admiring how the glow of the Christmas lights in the trees shimmer against your tanned skin.
"Sometimes I'll be on my parent's boat by myself, and it takes every bit of me not to sail away," you mutter quietly, distant-mindedly. "It doesn't matter the destination. I find myself looking out to the horizon and dreaming of sailing out forever. I don't even think I'd look back..." When JJ shifts, you embarrassingly comprehend how much you rambled on. "Sorry, that just got really deep."
On impulse, JJ places his hand over your's giving it a slight squeeze. "No, no, I liked it! Tell me more?"
Your eyes flicker down to his hand resting over yours on your thigh. JJ hadn't even realized what he had done until he followed your gaze. He prepares to move it, but then you begin to flip your hand over, allowing your fingers to interlock. A rush of electricity rushes up JJ's arm from your hand. A wave of peace consumes him, something he hasn't felt in... well... forever. JJ watches as your eyes glide up and meet his own, the ones that made you awestruck on the boat ride here.
"What would you like to know?" You whisper into the small space between you two.
He shrugs, starting to feel relaxed around you and not a total spaz. "What else do you like? What's your favorite song? Movie? Show?" He lists one after the next.
You giggle at his enthusiasm, earning a grin from the boy. "Um okay..." you lick your lips, deep in thought, not noticing how the action made JJ swoon. "Well, that's kinda a hard one because I can't really select just one movie or song or show. What about you?"
He raises his brows, not having expected to answer himself. "I like The Beach Boys, Rusted Root, The Animals, Simon & Garfunkel-"
"Ah, Mrs. Robinson," you name with a smirk.
"You know them?" JJ looks surprised.
You laugh, kind of offended. "Do you think the Figure 8 is under the water like Atlantis or something?" You joke as your eyes fall shut with laughter.
JJ grins, glad to see you coming down from the events of earlier tonight. He was really worried for a while there. "I like your laugh," he mumbles before he has the chance to stop himself.
Taken aback, you turn to attention back to him. His eyes pour into yours with such admiration that it nearly makes you lose your breath. "I like your smile... when you show it," you add at the end with a smirk.
"I smile!" JJ pops himself up on his elbows, smiling with amazement at your remark.
"I think I may have seen it one time ever and that was earlier tonight," you describe with a giggle. "I always smile and wave at you whenever I see you with John B at Sarah's and you just ignore me. If you didn't help me tonight, I would've thought you hated me," you admit shyly.
JJ's face falters. He never realized that his shyness could make you think he ever hated you. If he wasn't kicking himself before, he surely is now. As you avoid his gaze, he lays back down beside you. Your eyes remain up toward the starry sky, too embarrassed to look at him.
Turning onto his side, JJ reaches out and tucks his fingers under your chin to make you meet his gaze. You do so, seeing his blue eyes starring into yours with a glimmer of guilt. "I don't hate you, Y/N... that would be... impossible," he whispers.
His words make your chest sink, but not with dread, with longing. How is it that this is the most you and JJ have ever spoken to each other? When you're with him it feels so normal, natural even. "Well good, I'm glad," you reply, feeling your cheeks warm up.
JJ leans forward, closing the space between you two even more. His brows scrunch together and his hand glides across your cheekbone. "You care about what I think of you?"
"Of course, why wouldn't I?" You wonder. You cared about what everyone thought of you, as every teenage girl does. Yet, for some reason, you care most about what JJ thinks. You suppose because of the circumstances of how you met. You'd hate for him to judge you or make assumptions because of a bad night.
"I'm just some Pogue," he shrugs, dismissing himself as nothing. "And you're..." he swallows hard, his eyes falling from your eyes to your lips.
"I'm what?" You press further, eager to hear what he has to say.
"The Princess of the OBX," he recites your nickname across the island.
You roll your eyes, focusing your eyes back toward the sky. "That name is so superfluous." You hated being called that. It made you feel like you were constantly on display, for everyone to gaw at, or worst, ridicule. Plus, it was Sarah's title first. It feels like you're always being compared to her, especially when you're out in public with Topper.  
"I don't know what that means but I bet it is," JJ snickers.
You giggle lightly at his confession. You appreciate his quickness to agree, despite not knowing what he's agreeing with exactly. Growing more confident as he talks with you, JJ gains the courage to reach up and brush strands of your hair away from your face. Subconsciously, you lean into his touch, your lips brushing against his palm.
"I like your hair. It's so shiny and soft," he compliments softly.
Your eyes flicker in his direction as you turn your head into his hand. "I like your eyes. I like how blue they are, they're the bluest eyes I've ever seen. They remind me of soft blue sea glass." They're intoxicating to you. If weren't so shy around JJ, you'd be staring at him every second.
"I like how nice you are, even to those you don't have to be," JJ names next.
"I like how generous you are, even to a Kook like me," you continue the exchange of compliments with a self-deprecated snicker.
"No, don't say that," JJ shakes his head repeatedly, disapproving of your remark against yourself. When you roll your eyes, dismissing his words, he slips his other hand from yours and brings it to your face too. "I like you!" He confesses, much to your surprise and his own. "...Even if you are a Kook," he adds jokingly under his breath.
Your heart races as your chest rise and fall rapidly. JJ's eyes flicker about your face, anticipating some sort of reaction. Even if it's a rejection, he needs to know what you're thinking for his sanity.
"I like you too," you lick your lips nervously. "Even if you are a Pogue," you smirk.
JJ chuckles softly at your play on his words and is in disbelief that this is happening. For a year he's been so obsessed with you and one night has opened you up to him. He's afraid that he'll wake up soon and it was all a dream.
JJ props himself up on his elbow again, bringing his other hand down your cheek to glide around the side of your neck. "I'd like to kiss you," he mutters a matter-of-factly, his eyes locked on your lips.
Gently, you bring your fingertips to his hairline, brushing his disheveled blonde locks away from his face. "I'd like that too."
Goosebumps course over your skin before JJ even brushes his lips against yours. The anticipation is enough to drive you wild. Despite wanting this moment since forever, JJ is hesitant to make a move. Slowly, he brings his face closer to yours, hovering mere centimeters from your lips. With hooded eyes, your focus remains on his lips, eager to feel them against your own. After reminding himself of how much he wants this, JJ swiftly presses his lips against yours. They're as soft as silk and taste of spearmint. Your fingers slip through his hair to the back of his head and your gather the strands into a fist, deepening the kiss. JJ releases a deep moan at the action. Needing more, he moves to hover over you. As his legs become intertwined with yours, he glides his free hand down your side to grip your waist. You bring your hands to the back of his neck, pulling him down closer to you. You feel as though you'll never be fully satisfied. His touch is like a drug to you.
"We got the sticks!" Kiara shouts as she and Pope emerge from the woods, startling you both.
"Got the beer!" John B announces he steps off the porch.
JJ breaks the kiss, flying up from his position too quickly. He loses his balance on the swinging hammock and sways to the side. "Oh fuck, here I go!" He swears, rushing to catch himself on the ground.
You yelp as JJ falls off the hammock onto the dirt beneath you. Followed by a thud, you lift yourself up, peeking over the edge of the swinging object. "JJ! You okay?!"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm good," he groans, his eyes squeezed shut as he catches his breath. "But I think my leg went the wrong way there for a second."
Kiara and Pope are oblivious to what just happened to their friend as they start up the music and fire. You slide off the hammock and land on your feet. "Here, take my hands!" You offer the hurt boy as he continues to exhale shakily.
"I don't think-" Before JJ can finish, he's flying up off the ground with a good yank on the arms from you. "Damn, Kook! You're strong," he compliments, making your heart race. Grinning ear to ear, he presses his palm to your lower back and pulls you into him.
"Are you sure you're okay?" You check again, worry woven in your tone and on your face.
"Absolutely Baby," he nods, leaning in to plant a kiss on your forehead.
"Come on guys!" Pope calls over to you, tossing sticks into the pit. He does a double-take, processing that he just saw JJ leaning down and giving you a kiss. "Did you guys see what I just did?"
"Yep," John B rushes out as he clears his throat awkwardly.
"A thousand percent," Kiara confirms, pretending as though she didn't.
"And here it goes!" John B exhales deeply to his fellow Pogues. Despite being happy that his best friend finally has his girl, he and the rest of the Pogues are well aware that a pairing like this comes with severe consequences. 
Tags: @starkeythinker @bethii1 @thegunnerkelly @cc13723things
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sys-garden · 2 years
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Here are some Gender bent Tintin designs! This was super fun to do since I love history and I love fashion so looking up the History of Fashion was just *chief’s kiss*  I also got to practice drawing from a reference without tracing and alot of these drawings came out really good and simliar to my refs (maybe you recongize what reference photos i was using!). Im Gonna explain the choices under the keep reading
 For anyone curious Tintin’s designn was based off roaring 20s fashion since tintin in the land of the soviets was published in 1929 and the most dated aspect of tintin’s orginal design is the plus fours pants that came into popularity in the 20s. Luckily the fashions of the 20s woman were perfect for the type of tintin i wanted, Boyish, free spirited and feminist. Tintin does strive for a respectful but practical look, showing that they are simultaneously the most polite and unhinged people to exist and neither misogyny or concusions will stop them from saving the day. The masculine aspect of the boyishness of 20s fashion shows that Tintin’s open mindedness and strive for change while also exploring gender as a lesbian since I ship haddotin and being sapphic gives you a interesting relationship to gender when so much of feminity is centered around men and your life isn’t centered on men. And the youthful aspect of the 20s fashion shows a carefree spirit and connects to how the youthfulness of tintin made him such a beloved character and relatable character for children despite being an adult. the exceptions to the 1920s fashion were the tintin inspired by tintin’s new 70s look in tintin and the picaros on the top right and the tintin to the left of it inspired by this one drawing herge made of tintin where he was wearing 1680s clothing.
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For fem Haddock I didn’t deviate much from their original design because I wanted her to have a Butch and more mature energy which the mainstream fashions of the 30s and 20s didn’t have. When designing her I was inspired by lesbian director Dorothy Arzner, photos from lesbian bar Le monocle and a drawing for a lesbian focused issue of an old french magazine (I espeically took infleunce from the picture when designing haddocks’ formal wear)
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For the side character I think Chang is the one I’m most proud of, they came out so cute, giving off a humble gracefulness that is true to chang’s character. I was inspired by 1930s women’s fashion in china, after the loser clothes of the 20s the 30s went back to clothes that huged the curves and showed off femininity a bit more and this applies to the qipao in china, when fashion trends pass and are replaced with something new they often are replaced with something that is the opposite of the trend they are replacing. So Chang’s more feminine tight fitting clothes are almost opposite of tintin’s boyish loose clothes and I love the opposite attracts look it creates between them. But Chang’s adventous spirit is still shown in the modernity of their clothes, the striped textile made easily possible by modern texile manufacturing techniques and the knitted cardigan combinding western aspects to a tradtional chinese outfit. It shows that although Chang is a bit more sentitive than tintin they share the same open mindness and taste for new experiences while visually telling a story of China history when it comes to modernity that was visible in the fashions of the Chinese women of the time.
For Abdullah I was inspired by the fashion and modesty expectations of Saudi Arabia since Khemed is suppose to border the red sea so I guessed by that and a panel in Tintin in the land of black gold that features a woman that Khemed was possibly based on Saudi Arabia. Girls don’t tradtionally start wearing modesty clothing until puberty But since some people do hit puberty at nine years old (like i did (isn’t it interesting that abdullah is one of the only characters with a spefic age he is 9 years old) I drew Abdullah in a Niqab and Abaya, Alot of Abayas are plain black but I added some simple geometric shapes to it to add a sense of nobility (hey this kid can afford patterns and other colors) without being ostentatious about being nobility. Abdullah is a very expressive character but the niqab covers most of the face I tried to show in body langauge and eyes that abdullah is a kid that will ruin your day and laugh about it. I don’t get to draw muslim characters alot so this was great practice for future character designs!
Men’s fashion isn’t as diverse as women’s fashion especially back then because toxic masculinity is like “men can’t have fun” but I decided to subvert that for Bianca’s design. Bianca’s design is probably the 3rd design i’m most proud of because I wasn’t even planning on doing it because I thought it would be boring. But I decided to look at the classic fit fitting with lose pant legs tuxedo’s of the 1930s and spice it up with color of Bianca’s classic dress and jewerlly. Even as a man Bianca would be dramatic and want to stand out from the crowd so while many men were turning to more simple clothes and still wearing boring colors Bianca would try flaunt wealth and personailty where ever they went.
You know how Caclulus’ design is basically just scientist Auguste Piccard? While for this design I decided to make their design basically just Marie Curie but with caclulus’ classic color scheme and trying to keep the shape of caclulus’ original shape. Caclulus’ original outfit doesn’t quite fit into the fashion of the time with being just a tad too formal and too bright. And the marie curie inspired dress does give this caclulus a vibe of being an eccentric older person as he did before, and the hairstyle also gives calculus a vibe of not only being too busy to care if their hair is out of place, but also not caring if other people think their hair is out of place or if other people think they dress weirdly. Calculus is smart, eccentric, unhinged, and free from social anxiety and I hope I communicated that with this design.
Nestor was simply inspired by a tradtional maid outfit with the added yellow stripes as seen on nestor’s orignial design. And their the only character I added makeup on because the simple eye and mouth design of most of the male characters made putting makeup on them feel weird. But since Nestor has this eye design that is hooded I felt comfortable adding black eyeshadow to the ensamble. 
Thompson and Thomson were difficult because I couldn’t look at female cops of the time to be inspired by because there were none. But I decided since this is before cops had uniforms so they just had to buy simple cheap clothes to wear on the job (such as a black suit) I wanted to go with a simple black and white outfit inspired by 1930s fashion. I also had to not make them too fashionable because I wanted them to have a older vibe to them and make it so they look really simliar but there is something keeping them apart. I decided on wide long collar, a belt for a more form fitting outfit, long skirts, bell shaped sleeves, a classic slouch hat and short wavy hair for aspects of 1930s fashion to intergate into their outfits and I made the dresses soild color as many afternoon dresses at the time where, making them acturate to the times but luckly the fashion trends did give them the mature vibe I wanted since 1930s fashion seemed to go mature and feminine where the 1920s were young and boyish. I decided to make the dominate color white instead of black because something in my character design brain was like “if thats way too much black in this outfit” but im still debating if that was a good choice. The things to tell these two apart is that one has glasses, the other doesnt and one has a curl at the ear the curls inward and the other one has a curl that curls outward...though I’m not sure which one I made thompson and which one is thomson
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hamliet · 4 years
Twisted Skeletons of the Past, Masks of Justice, and Dreams of the Future: the Burden of Legacy
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This arc has been heavily hitting us with the idea of legacy, and this chapter in particular shows Compress musing about Dabi and Shigaraki’s heroic legacies and Dabi exposing Hawks’ villainous one. So, let’s examine the foiling between Dabi and Shouto, and to an extent Deku, Shigaraki, and Hawks. 
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Hawks having to hide his identity to be a hero parallels Dabi hiding his identity as a villain, and hero society as a whole (cough Gran Torino cough) hiding Shigaraki’s true identity. Gran Torino claimed that he did this because no matter what Shigaraki’s heritage is, he’s still a villain:
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Except now we know hero society is just fine with covering up a villain’s heritage to allow him to be a hero; they know heroes and villains aren’t just born. . It’s good that they allowed Hawks to be a hero (though questionable how much Hawks chose to be on his own since he’s more than once implied to be at the mercy of the commission). Still, they won’t let Hawks be himself as a hero because of his legacy, and thereby objectify him by grooming him into a tool. Now because the hero commission forced Hawks into a double-agent role that he did not want, now they’ve only hurt their own reputations when he killed Twice (this isn’t to absolve Hawks).
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Hero society focuses on the present at the expense of the past and of the future. While putting on a face of only caring about the present, the hero commission is very concerned about maintaining present appearances, even if it means allowing skeletons to rot in their closets. They prefer to deal with villains heroes and everyday folk as they are, but pay no mind to what made them what they are, nor what they could become in the future. Only what you are at the moment matters. It’s a well-known platitude that is more often than not cheap and overly simplistic, and doesn’t have a place in determining fate. 
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Shouto, for one, has always been grappling with legacy as part of his arc, defining himself in opposition to his father rather than as an extension of his father (as Endeavor defined him for a lot of his life). Or so he claims. 
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I say “or so he claims,” because Shouto’s actions show that he is well aware he cannot just do away with his heritage, and seems to walk back this claim slightly when he takes an internship with his father not just once, but twice.  On the one hand, he might be trying to learn from his past and that’s good, but on the other, he still clearly struggles with seeing his fire quirk as part of Endeavor, rather than his own. It’s fine if he wants to reconcile with Endeavor (and the series is clearly setting him up to do so eventually), but it’s hard to say this isn’t also symbolic of Shouto regressing after his fight with Midoriya.
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After all, we have seldom seen Shouto use his fire quirk after that fight with Midoriya. He lost to Bakugou because he would not use his flames (and Bakugou was pisssssed because of it, thus attracting the attention of the villains who would then kidnap him). Shouto’s inability to use his flames thus helps bring Touya back into his life--and part of the reason Shouto then loses Bakugou to Dabi during the kidnapping is because, well, Shouto does not once use his flames. 
So as much as Shouto says he believes this:
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He needs to show it and live it himself, because he hasn’t done this yet. Yeah, there’s probably going to be an eventual “agni kai” between brothers, but I don’t think winning is the purpose. Touya is not just Endeavor and hero society’s shadow; he’s also Shouto’s, much as Shigaraki is Deku’s and Himiko Ochaco’s, and you don’t burn your shadow. You reconcile with it. 
So regarding Touya as a shadow for all of these... as @linkspooky said in her brilliant meta last week, Touya believes his flames are Endeavor’s.
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Through challenging Dabi that he can be his own person, that he doesn’t have to be defined by his abuse or even by his villainy, Shouto will likely himself reconcile with his own shadow side. Touya has always assumed his purpose is to be an extension of Enji, because that’s what Enji believed as well:
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Touya still views himself that way, attempting a murder-suicide with Endeavor this chapter. Like, his comment about DNA testing likely refers to “test from my dead body” given his suicidal plunge this chapter. 
Touya needs to learn he exists as a person, and because of this he can decide his own purpose, he can take responsibility for his actions (like how Endeavor will probably eventually by sacrificing himself to save Touya): 
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The irony is also that Endeavor’s legacy is still, indeed, likely to be defined at least in a major way by Touya. The paneling is brilliant this chapter: Touya is on the back of a mountainous giant monster that is very symbolic of what Endeavor is facing. Endeavor’s words about what he hoped Touya would become are likely foreshadowing: his legacy will be decided by what he does with Touya. Saving Touya might just crush all the frustration/envy/ugliness in Endeavor’s heart to dust. Well, not really. It won’t likely be crushed into nonexistence, because that’s not how the past is portrayed here and not how shadows work in stories. But it might well reconcile Endeavor with his family (this isn’t me commenting on whether I want this or not, just predicting based on what I see in the story). 
Returning to the idea of existing as a person outside of legacy... let’s talk Shigaraki, who is literally being somewhat possessed by legacy right now. AFO is trying to control him, and Shigaraki refuses, keeping his agency... or is he? 
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Shigaraki is still driven by his own trauma, trauma that was used by AFO to groom him from Shimura Tenko into Shigaraki Tomura. Even before AFO tried to literally possess him, Shigaraki has not been allowed to exist as a person and discover his own purpose; he’s been groomed as a weapon by AFO since AFO saved him. (It’s also not a coincidence AFO is a long-past-his-time monstrosity: the embodiment of the worst of the past.)
Shigaraki struggling to wake up this chapter is symbolic on a few levels. 
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Being controlled by the past, even past trauma, leads to broken bodies and pain. It destroys you as well as the world around you. However, narratively it’s not time for Shigaraki to wake up to this reality just yet, though I believe Deku will get through to him eventually. Shigraki is yes, literally a symbol of the world in that the more he destroys the world the more he hurts himself, which means to save the world is to save Shigaraki.
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Deku himself will have a decision to make. He literally carries the past One for All holders around with him. How does Deku want to define not just his legacy, but theirs? Because they certainly have not been perfect; despite good intentions, Nana hurt Koutarou who passed on that pain to Shigaraki. The past continues. The past is the present. Unless those twisted skeletons are exhumed, the future will be poisoned by them. OFA’s legacy is supposed one of saving, but because of Nana’s mistakes (even if instigated by All for One!) is also one of abandonment. If Deku really wants to carry on OFA’s glorious legacy, doesn’t he have to take responsibility for the pain this quirk has caused as well? If he really wants OFA to be used to save everybody, should that not include even the scariest of villains? Shouldn’t Deku confront the burden of having a quirk and being a hero in addition to the opportunity? 
It’s your power, Deku. You get to choose what to do with OFA regardless of the hero commission’s wishes.
The thing about legacy is that it's complex. It will provide links that will likely help Shouto and Deku want to save Touya and Shigaraki, respectively. But it also objectifies, makes it difficult to see someone as a person rather than as a cog in a machine, a tool in a system. Because that is how the hero society views the kids, as we saw with Hawks. Legacy isn’t good or bad: like heroism, it can be used for good or bad, to empathize or to condemn (cough, all the takes good victim/bad victiming Shouto/Touya and Eri/Shigaraki). It’s up to you what to do with it. 
Likewise, the characters can’t bury the past. But they cannot let it claim them, either. They need to decide what they want to do with it: to declare it doesn’t matter at all, the perspective Gran Torino, who was symbolically taken out during this fight, advocates? Or to reconcile with it in order to heal what it left broken and behind, and move forward? 
It’s likely both Deku (with Bakugou) and Shouto (with Endeavor) will save Shigaraki and Dabi respectively by giving them the empathy they are both crying out for (and Ochaco giving Himiko empathy too). 
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