#and figures out WHY he got into this business (he still is trying to prove something. he’s still trying to prove he’s worth it)
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leathfaic · 3 months ago
Ghost thinks he's cracked the code when he gifts Johnny an ultra complicated lego set for Christmas. Something to keep his hands and mind busy for a while.
He's watching, with terror and awe as Soap burns through a 1000+ pieces in an hour, with half a bottle of whiskey in him - drinking more while he's at it. He smiles the whole way through, though - and Ghost gets a tipsy peck on his cheek. Which might or might not have made the whole endeavour worth it.
"Thought that might keep you busy a while longer." he admits later, when he's deep into his own cups.
"Ach, dinnae sound so disappointed Ghostie, not'ing in there tha' can explode. Can work fast and sloppy."
Ghost just spent an hour staring at Johnny's hands and the concentration painted on his face. He knows there was nothing sloppy about that assembly. But he has to admit that compared to Soap's usual jobs, this is bound to be rather calming.
His eyes meet Price's over in another corner of the room. And the message, conveyed by a single raised eyebrow is clear. Ghost is not to add explosives to any gifts, even if it would make Soap very happy.
So naturally the next time - at Johnny's birthday - he slaps down a timer and a fully assembled lego set.
"Better get it done in time Johnny. And no cheating."
The way Soap's face lights up at the implication that there might be a bomb in his birthday gift should be concerning. But all it does is make Ghost wish there actually were some.
Johnny is a good sport about properly disassembling the marzipan compromise inside though. And just to prove he can immediately rebuilds the legos into the other figure they can form - taking a shot every time he has to look at the manual.
And when he carries his way too drunk partner to bed, Ghost vows to apply for Christmas leave. Which is something he hasn't done since...well for a long, long time.
Johnny, being the man that he is, never questions why they are going to spend Christmas in the countryside. A small cottage barely worth the name, as far away from other people as you can get on the Isles.
He just takes the chance to kiss Ghost every chance he gets, enjoying the fact that their isolation means he's getting an unprecedented amount of mask-free Simon.
"Got a surprise for you out in the shed, sweetheart." Ghost whispers when he catches Soap from behind while the man is about to open a bottle.
"Sounds like what a serial killer would say to lure ye into the open."
Ghost decides not to ponder that. With the reality of their jobs that answer... more than he's willing to argue right now.
"Should wait with that until you've had the surprise." he says instead, gently taking the bottle from Soap. Who for the first time frowns.
Ghost relents and they bring the scotch to the shed.
When Soap sees what he cooked up, he whistles low, no need to confirm that what he's seeing is the real deal.
It has taken all of Ghost's knowledge about explosives to craft the abomination. The two lego sets combined with a new third one, 6 sets of cables - all the same colour, and of course a live charge inside.
Johnny goes all still. Stalks closer like he's trying to get the drop on the inanimate object.
Watches it from all sides before turning to Ghost, "Do Ah need to follow protocol?"
His voice clearly tells him he hopes he does not have to. Ghost once again feels vindicated in his choice to move them out here, just pressing the bottle back into Soap's hand with a smile.
If this is what takes them both out then it's already worth it for the unhinged grin it gets him. Johnny's feral joy is infectious, and when he finally steps away raising his hands like he's expecting a crowd to cheer, Ghost honestly couldn't tell you how much time had passed.
He doesn't get a chance to ponder it either because the next second he's tackled by a full grown Scot with a half empty bottle of scotch in his hand and taken clean of his feet.
And if he hadn't already convinced this had been worth it, then the way Johnny makes sure to say thank you certainly is.
They do not make it back to the cottage for a good long while.
(This whole thing was inspired by my dear beloved @dismightyman who's singlehandedly holding it down in the Ghoap trenches with me)
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thelostconsultant · 6 months ago
Instant dad - pilot
pairing: Oscar Piastri x ex!reader
summary: You have no choice but to tell Oscar he has a five years old son. Now he wants to be a part of his life to make things complicated...
note: A little warmup chapter. Oscar is in his early 30s, so yeah, there's a time jump.
[part 1]
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“We would like to meet Oliver’s father. His biological father,” the principal clarified as he glanced over at your boyfriend. You’d been together for three years, he had been by your five-year-old’s side for over half his life, why wasn’t he enough?
But he insisted on meeting him, saying if he was dead and you could prove it, or if your boyfriend was your husband, they would move on with the enrollment, but you had confirmed that you weren’t married and the biological father was alive, so now they wanted to have a chat with him. He didn’t even care about the tiny little detail that said father had absolutely no idea he had a child. What a bunch of morons.
In the evening, while your son was reading a book about cars in his bed with your boyfriend, you sat by the dining table with your phone in hand, trying to figure out what to do. This fancy private school was perfect, they knew how to handle intelligent kids like Oliver, and you wanted the best for him. You wanted to make sure he didn’t get bored, that he would get the kind of intellectual challenge in school that he needed.
At the age of five, he could read on his own just fine, he even learned some Spanish from your boyfriend, and he was a quick study in general. It was infuriating how he was a mini version of his father, from his intelligence to his looks, everything reminded you of him. And if you met F1 fans together, someone surely went, “He looks so much like Piastri at his age!” Sadly, that wasn’t a coincidence, and the poor kid picked up on the whole you-look-like-him thing and chose him as his favorite driver.
Sometimes you consider telling him. Oliver, not Oscar. God, there was no way you would ever tell him the truth. He had his own, certainly busy life and he probably didn’t need a child in it. Yes, you saw the photos, he was good with kids, but meeting one for a few minutes wasn’t the same as having your own. Your son on the other hand could find out when he got old enough to understand why you had left and went no contact with his father. That was over ten years away, of course, so you had time to figure out what to do. Until then, you made sure the few photos of you and Oscar were stored somewhere safe in case he wanted to see them when the time came.
Now you were cornered, your hand forced by that damn principal. You had no idea if he was still using that old social media profile of his, but you had to try. So, you took a deep breath and started a call, deep down hoping he wouldn’t answer. You weren’t ready to talk to him, not yet, but you had no choice. And then his face showed up on your screen, the sight bringing back memories you’d been trying to forget for years.
“Hey. Are you sure it’s me you wanted to call?” he asked, although there was a hint of a smile on his lips.
Nodding, you let out a sigh. “Hi. Yeah, um… I don’t even know where to start.”
“At the beginning?”
Silence followed his words, your brain in overdrive as it tried to find the best way to start. But maybe being straightforward was the right answer. “I have a son. He’s five,” you added, hoping the meaningful look you were sending his way could be seen over the screen.
After a few seconds of heavy silence, you could see the wheels turning in his head as he did some math. “Wait, five? We… That was a bit over five years ago. Could he…?”
“Yeah,” you confirmed. “He’s your son.”
His face was emotionless for a while as he tried to process the news, but this was nothing new, he was the king of hiding emotions. But then, just as you thought he would end the call, he let out a sigh. “Why now? What do you want from me? Money?” he asked, although you could tell he was unsure about this whole situation.
The fact he assumed you wanted money only made you angry. “It’s not your money I need. Hell, I don’t even want you to meet him,” you snapped. “The thing is, there’s this private school I want to send him to, and they have this stupid rule to have both parents present at a parental interview. Since my boyfriend and I never got married, they want to see the biological father. That’s all I want. A meeting with the principal.”
Oscar put up a finger as he bit on his lower lip, his eyes focusing on something behind his phone’s camera. “Let me get this straight. After all these years, you say I have a son, but I’m not allowed to meet him?” he then asked, looking back at you.
“One meeting,” he then stated, his voice serious. “You let me meet him once and I’ll talk to that principal.”
“Oscar, come on.”
“That’s the deal I can offer.”
You didn’t have a choice, you knew that. If he didn’t do it for Oliver, he would have to go to another school. Letting out a sigh of defeat, you nodded. “But we don’t tell him that you’re his father. He watches F1, and since he looks a lot like you, he decided that you’re his favorite driver. That’s all you’re gonna be, nothing more.”
“I don’t know, I,” Oscar began hesitantly, and you could see as he sat down on his couch and looked up at the ceiling. “You just told me I had a son. What do you want from me, to forget it? I want to meet him. I want him to know who I am.”
“He’s five. If he finds out, he’ll want to see you again. He will want you to be a part of his life. I don’t want that.”
You could see he was uncertain about this. He probably understood that becoming his father would mean he would have to regularly visit the two of you, and even if you all kept it a secret, there was still the risk of the truth slipping out and making it into the headlines. “Is he anything like me?” he suddenly asked, his eyes softening as he watched you. 
A smile crept on your lips as you thought about this, because it was so painfully obvious to you that you couldn’t deny it, no matter how badly you wanted to do that. “He’s a highly intelligent little smartass, just like you. And his looks… A mini you, no doubt.”
Oscar nodded. “Then I want to be a part of his life. Let me spend time with him,” he asked, seeming relaxed. 
“Two hours.”
“No, I’ll stay for a week, and I want to see him every day,” he was quick to clarify. “I can look out for him while you’re at work.”
Whatever happened to the idea of meeting Oliver once? That’s not what you had just discussed, and now he was changing his demands? “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” was all you said in the end.
“You said it yourself, I’m his favorite driver,” he pointed out with a smug smile. “We’ll be fine.”
You were doing this only because of the school. You remembered what Oscar could be like; if he made up his mind about something, he definitely wasn’t about to let his plan go. Now he wanted a week with his son, and you knew that was the only way he would do what you needed from him. “All right. Can I send you the school’s number so you can make an appointment? I told them you travel a lot, so they’ll need to be flexible.”
“Sure, I’ll call them as soon as I can.” You thanked him, and were just about to say goodbye when he spoke up again. “Wait, can you send me a photo or a video?”
“Yeah, I have a few hundred of those,” you replied with a smile.
Oscar remained silent, but he let out a sigh and you knew something was on his mind, something he wanted to tell you. “I still have a hard time believing it, you know.”
“You seemed pretty confident when it came to getting to know him.”
“I wanted to use my chance to corner you,” he admitted. “But this? That I have a son? Hard to believe.”
“Well, he’s yours. You’ll understand it when you meet him,” you told him kindly. 
After you said goodbye, you went up to check on Oliver and your boyfriend, but by the time you got there, they were sleeping soundly with the open book resting on your son’s chest. With a smile, you took the book and leaned down to give both of them a soft kiss. You couldn’t help but wonder how your little family’s dynamics would change with Oscar’s presence. 
Well, it wasn’t really your son you were worried about, the main issue was your boyfriend. Oscar was a famous F1 driver, someone your son idolized, of course he felt threatened. You told him it would be okay, that you didn’t have feelings for him anymore, but he didn’t seem convinced. Maybe if they met and he saw you were indifferent, he would finally trust you a lot more. One can hope, right?
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oceantornadoo · 3 months ago
too sweet (simon riley x f!reader, possessiveness turned into fluff)
"i don't know why you keep coming back here."
you poured him a whiskey, neat, and slid it across the table. simon caught it with grace, signaling his thanks by lifting the glass your way. he raised it to his scarred lips and your breath caught in your chest, captivated by the way his throat moved as he swallowed his drink. shaking yourself out of that haze, you busied yourself with cleaning the bartop. "jus' like to keep watch." he murmured over the low din of bar chatter.
"thought we weren't dating." you said nonchalantly. "we're not." he was leaning over the counter now, making searing eye contact. "then why-"
"'scuse me." a man appeared, raising his two fingers to signal an order. you closed your mouth, ending the conversation effectively, and put on your customer service smile. "what can i get you?" he smiled, and you noticed he had a nice one. you had been too caught up in simon at first realize the stranger was quite attractive. "gin and tonic, ma'am." the nicety made you smile, his low southern accent quite endearing.
simon turned towards the stranger, pissed off your conversation was cut short. he’s as american as apple pie, all southern charm and a moonshine smile. "fuckin’ yank." simon grumbles, turning back to his drink. you try to hide a grin at his annoyance, ducking to find a clean glass for the stranger’s drink.
you pour it in front of him, years of practice letting the gin out of the bottle with a giant flourish. he gives you another one of those charming smiles, teeth so white he could be in a toothpaste ad. “wouldn’t peg you for a gin and tonic kind of guy.” you try to talk to patrons for a good tip, toeing the line of flirty. with simon’s pissed off mood, refusing to label the two of you and choosing to act like a guard dog at the same time, you decide to have a little fun. at the end of the night, you’ll hopefully get an orgasm with either guy you choose.
“and what kinda guy would’ya peg me for?” he leans on the counter, calloused hands raised loosely to grab his drink. he pulls it to his mouth sensually, drinking half in one go. his tongue darts out to clean a stray drop, all while his eyes sparkle in the dim light of the bar. you grow bold, left hand reaching to touch the brim of the actual cowboy hat he’s wearing. you rub your thumb over the edge for just a second, then bring it back down to your bar counter. “mint julep. maybe an old fashioned.” he laughed at that and you could practically feel the laser eyes simon is sending your way. an old fashioned is one of his go to’s, right after his whiskey (neat), something he orders without fail. and for you to casually throw that around? you obviously didn’t understand your agreement.
“just cause of the accent don’t mean i’m a mint julep kinda man. too sweet for my taste.” he drained the other of his drink and you watched his throat work, strong neck muscles straining. “another?” he cocked his head, assessing. “surprise me, sugar.” you giggled and simon stood up, chair squeaking with the weight of him. you cocked an eyebrow. no way he was giving up that easy. “goin’ for a smoke.” you nodded and he disappeared, like his namesake. you plopped the drink down in front of your stranger, and much to your delight, he gave you a genuine laugh. “i’ll be damned, a long island iced tea. you just got yourself a 30% tip, sweetheart.” you smirked. “all these nicknames and i still don’t know your name.” he eyed your name tag. “you’ve got a pretty one yourself.” you cocked your head, waiting. “philip graves. pleasure’s all mine.”
simon was stewing. did you not understand that once you fucked, you were his? you were claimed, he belonged to you as much as you belonged to him. he even had the bite mark to prove it. so he'd wait, like a good soldier. he could wait for eternity.
you figured simon had left. it was two hours later, and graves was still at your bar, flirting up a storm. he had nursed the long island awhile, a bit tipsy but nothing more. if simon wanted to give up and leave you at the first sign of competition, fine. all the more reason to go home with the cute stranger who'd been sending you looks all night. your shift was ending and graves noticed you wiping down the counters and counting out your till. "that guy earlier yours?" you shook your head. finally. you'd been waiting for this all night. "don't have a guy. i'm a free agent." he hummed thoughtfully. "can i walk you home?" you smirked. "sure."
you were walking out the door with graves when you felt it. a dark presence just outside the bar, lurking in the alleyway. simon. in a flash, your walking buddy was against the alley wall, simon's forearm pinning him to it. "y'r gonna walk y'rself home and never come back. copy?" graves seemed to be weighing his options, eyes darting from yours to simon's. seemingly, he decided you weren't worth it (bitch), and nodded to simon. "copy." simon pressed him harder into the wall, then let him go. graves walked off without a second look back, oozing sliminess that seemed to be hidden by the bar lighting.
your feet kept moving towards your apartment, ignoring the glowering man behind you. no one asked him to go all caveman, yet here he was. his steps echoed behind you, making them heavy on purpose so you could hear him. always so calculated. "stop." you kept walking. "said stop." you turned down your street instead. "baby, please."
you spun on your heel, marching towards the imposing figure he cut in the night. "you can't call me that." simon cocked his head at the finger you pressed into his chest. "why not?" a frustrated breath of air passed your lips. "because we're not dating. that's what you said." he stepped closer, your finger on his chest turning into a splayed hand to keep him away. "you were goin' t' leave with him." you shook your head. "you don't get to say that. you left." he pushed closer until he was towering over you, hands finding your waist. "was jus' waitin' f' you." some force moved your hand up his chest to find his neck, thumb brushing his pulse point. "you're so stupid." he squeezed your waist in admonishment. "an' y'r bossy." you squeezed his neck back in a fake choke. "you gonna kiss your girlfriend? you seem to be all talk no-" and he shut you up with a kiss.
um so i hate this. but it's been in my drafts for months so:
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harrywavycurly · 4 months ago
Worth the Fight Part 2: City of Love
Masterlist: Here
CW: Mentions of pregnancy, language, bit of light arguing, brief details of the hook up in the bathroom, miscommunication and a touch of panic attack symptoms mentioned.
Tag List: @kookjipao @msolbesg @lomlolivia @namoreno @outofthisworl-d @mema10 @watarmelon212 @natykn @sassamanda77 @st-ev-ie @ghayda0 @hannah9921 @indierockgirrl @chaoticthoughts2022 @lizsogolden
A/N: I know it’s not Thursday but I just wanted to get this up because this week is a busy one for me! Hope yall enjoy it!!✨
Summary: Harry gets the confirmation he needs but wasn’t really expecting while you try to be as nice as possible to him, oh and Harry meets your cat! So enjoy getting a little look at the way your personalities work/clash together✨
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“So uh-you’re actually pregnant.” Harry says with a heavy sigh as he watches you dig around in your purse for your car keys. You pause your search so you can look up at him just in time to see him run a hand over his face. “I just really thought maybe your tests were wrong? Like maybe you got a bad batch or something and-”
“A bad batch? Harry I took four different kinds of tests.”
“Well yeah but still I just don’t know how this happened?”
“Did your parents not have the talk with you about how babies are made? Surely you know how this happened.” Harry ignores your snippy remark as you resume your search for your keys as he presses the down button for the elevator.
The two of you just got done visiting with your doctor who confirmed you are in fact pregnant and suggested a well known obstetrician and gynecologist, Dr. Andrews that could take over and do the paternity test once you call and set up an initial appointment with his office and see exactly how far along you are. You weren’t shocked by the news, but Harry on the other hand sat there with his mouth hung open as if he didn’t expect it at all and you aren’t sure why considering you told him how many tests you took and how they all said pregnant in different ways. You know he had to be reminded of how the two of you met, seeing as he meets so many people and all but you just assumed that once he had his moment of clarity and remembered meeting you that the memory of the rest of the evening would also begin to not be as fuzzy for him but he’s proving that theory very wrong with every confused glance and silly question he tosses your way.
“I thought we were careful?” He questions once the elevator doors open up allowing the two of you to step inside, you let out a chuckle as he moves to stand next to you crossing his arms over his chest while he shoots you a glare. “Are you giggling? What’s so funny about this?” You just shake your head as you finally feel your keys on the bottom of your purse.
“Oh you-you’re being serious?” You ask as you look over at him with a raised brow making him nod his head in response. “I wasn’t aware that the pull out method was really even considered a form of being careful?” Harry’s eyes go wide as his arms fall to his sides and that’s how you figure out he really is struggling to put the pieces together of what exactly happened in that bathroom so you decide to give him just one more detail to help him understand how the two of you really ended up in this situation.
“And by the way in order for that method to work you actually have to pull out.” You add casually as you reach over and press the button for the lobby while Harry’s cheeks turn a light shade of pink as he looks down at the floor in an attempt to hide his embarrassment.
“So are you going to want to be at all the appointments?” You ask a few minutes later as the two of you enter the lobby of the medical building your doctor’s office is in. Harry looks around and brings a hand up to rub at the back of his neck while you adjust the strap of your purse on your shoulder as you wait for him to answer.
“I don’t know? I just-this is a lot.” He finally replies a few moments later making you purse your lips and slowly nod your head before you turn and head for the front entrance of the building. Harry doesn’t know what to do but he knows the two of you have things to discuss so he just quickly rushes to catch up to you and when he finds you heading for a small beat up looking car that’s parked in a very obvious no parking zone his eyebrows pinch together while his hand reaches out to grab your elbow causing you to stop walking and look at him over your shoulder.
“Look I’ll tell you how my next appointment goes and when they can do the paternity test-”
“Is this your car?” Harry asks interrupting your little rant, you watch his eyes go from your face to the car directly behind you.
“Yes. She’s very reliable even though she looks a bit rough.” You say in your car’s defense as you take a step away from him making his hand fall from its hold on your elbow as he stares at you in almost disbelief as you take your car key and unlock the passenger side door and toss your purse inside before closing it so you can turn and face Harry with your arms loosely crossed over your chest.
“This can’t be safe for you to be driving around in.” You roll your eyes at his statement as he takes a step to the side so he can give your car a proper once over and when he sees a dent on the front bumper he raises an eyebrow while pointing at it. “You run into things a lot?” He asks as he looks over at you from where he’s now stood near the front of your car.
“Leave Melanie alone okay she’s nice and gets me where I need to go.” You snap at him as you turn and place a hand on top of your car so you can give it a little pat. “I’ve had her since I was seventeen so yeah she’s got a few bumps-”
“Melanie? You named your car? Have you really had this thing since you were seventeen?”
“Yes Melanie just fits her and yeah Harry I’ve had this thing since I was seventeen because most people keep their cars for a while since we can’t all have a driver to take us places or have a fancy collection of cars we don’t use.” Harry doesn’t say anything in response so after a few moments of silence you take that as a sign the conversation is over so you just turn to round the front of the car and get into the driver’s seat.
“You’re in a no parking zone you know that right?” Harry says breaking the silence just as you open your door, you look at the sign that’s posted on the sidewalk right above where you’re parked and just shrug making Harry let out a huff as he rolls his eyes.
“I was in a hurry.”
“You mean you were running late?”
“No I mean I was in a hurry.”
“Are you late to a lot of things? Is that something I should get used to?”
“I don’t know Harry do you want to get used to me?”
“What? That’s not-not what I meant I just want to know if you’re late a lot?”
“I wasn’t late today was I?”
“No but clearly you were worried about it since you were rushing enough to just park in a no parking zone-what if your car would’ve gotten towed? What would you have done?” While he’s speaking you take the time to look him over and that’s when you notice it, his hands are clenching and unclenching fists by his sides and his cheeks are slightly flushed and his eyes are a bit wide, he looks like he’s on the verge of a panic attack of some sort and him asking you these pointless questions is his attempt at holding it off.
You ignore his eyes that dart to various parts of your face and upper half of your body as if his mind can’t decide where it wants to focus as you close the driver’s side door with a bit of force making sure it stays closed and round the front of your car so you’re standing in front of him. You wonder for a moment as you stare at him if it’s your hormones already kicking in that makes you feel the need to make him feel better or if it’s just Harry who has this extremely annoying power to drive you to the brink of wanting to smack him a few time with your purse and leave him standing on the sidewalk alone and confused to all of a sudden switching it up to were you’re wanting to make sure he’s okay when he shows you any signs of distress. He watches your hands as they reach out and grab his and when you fill the gaps between his fingers with your own and give his hands a nice solid squeeze you watch his chest fall as he lets out a deep breath and his shoulders slump a bit. You look him in his eyes and give him a small smile while still giving his hands little reassuring squeezes.
“Would you like to come over? Have some tea?” Your question not only shocks Harry but you as well, not sure what came over you to even let the words slip out of your mouth, surely it’s just the hormones. Harry chews on his bottom lip for a moment before he looks down at his watch on his right wrist, checking the time before he looks back up at you.
“Uh sure yeah-yeah I can come over for a bit.” He answers with a nod. You just let go of his hands and reach over for the passenger side door handle so you can open it for him. Harry quickly looks at you with worried eyes and begins shaking his head and backing away from you while trying to reach into the front pocket of his jeans for his phone.
“Oh no I’ll just call my-”
“Harry.” You say with a sigh as you continue to hold the door open for him, he stops fumbling for his phone and stares at you making you roll your eyes as you gesture to the passenger seat with a tilt of your head.
“Just get in the car.” With that Harry just lets out a groan as he reluctantly takes a step towards the open door and bends down so he can pick up your purse off the seat. You bite back a laugh as you watch him have to duck down a bit to get into your car and he makes a show of buckling himself in nice and tightly once he’s sat in the seat. You give him a smile as he places your purse in his lap just as you close the door for him so you can go and get into the driver’s seat and take the two of you to your apartment.
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“Do you have a cat?” You look at Harry over your shoulder from where you’re making yourself a cup of herbal tea in the kitchen and smile when you see him messing with a random stuffed mouse that somehow ended up on your table.
As if on queue Harry looks down as he feels something rub against his shin and you see a small smile tug at the corners of his lips when he sees your orange cat greeting him with a few purrs but it’s when you see him rub his head against Harry’s ankles that you feel obligated to warn him about something.
“Oh but watch out he might-” your words get cut off by a tiny squeal from Harry as he takes a step towards you with his eyes set in a glare aimed at the orange cat that’s decided to now head into the living room since Harry didn’t allow him to fully chomp down on his ankle like he wanted.
“He just bit me.” Harry states as he watches your cat jump onto your sofa and quickly flop down into a comfortable laying position. “He bit my ankle.” He explains while turning to now give you his full attention making you just shrug as you reach for the honey to add to your mug.
“Yeah well his name is Paris so he kinda has a thing for ankles.” Harry stares at the side of your face as you go about making your tea while explaining why your cat just bit his ankle and he rolls his eyes at how casual you are about it, but that’s something Harry is learning about you, you don’t seem to take a lot of things that seriously.
“What’s the city of love have to do with ankles?” He asks as you give the liquid in your mug a nice stir, he watches the way his question makes your brows pinch together and when you turn to look at him he sees your face looks almost concerned and he can’t imagine why considering the two of you are just talking about your cat.
“He’s named after Paris as in the one who killed Achilles.” When Harry just raises an eyebrow in response to your explanation you let out a long sigh as you pick up your mug. “Have you heard of Troy?”
“The Brad Pitt movie?” You have to fight off the urge to reach over and flick him in the ear at his answer but you just shake your head and walk past him and into your living room.
“No not the Brad Pitt movie I mean the actual story of Troy? With Achilles and Hector? The Trojan horse and all that?” Harry follows you into the living room and makes a mindful choice not to sit on the couch with the orange cat that just tried to make a meal out of his ankle, opting for the loveseat that’s placed across from the couch with a little coffee table in between the two pieces of furniture.
“Hector and the little horse thing are in the Brad Pitt movie though.” Harry explains as you get comfortable on the couch making Paris lift his head and look around to see who has come into the room and disturbed his peace.
“Little horse thing? Are you-you know what it’s not important.” You take a sip of your tea to help calm yourself down before placing it on the coffee table, Harry takes the opportunity to glance down and he quirks an eyebrow when he sees the name of the tea on the little tag hanging out of the mug.
“Paris shot Achilles in the ankle so that’s why I named him Paris…because he attacks the ankles of people he doesn’t like.” You smile as the orange cat stretches out next to you placing a paw on your thigh while Harry just lets out a scoff at the idea of your cat not liking him.
“You drink peppermint tea with honey? That’s criminal. And also there’s no way he doesn’t like me considering he just met me.” You laugh as you reach over and run your hand over Paris’s back making him purr while still keeping his eyes closed.
“Oh and it’s so hard to imagine someone not liking you after just meeting you?”
“Well yeah because he doesn’t know me so how can he not like me?”
“He knows enough to want to bite your ankle the first chance he got.”
“That’s because you’ve probably poisoned him against me.” You laugh and roll your eyes as Harry leans over and grabs your mug of tea off the table and brings it to his lips so he can taste it. “And that’s disgusting by the way.” He states with a face of disgust making you glare at him as you lean over and grab the mug from his hand before he can set it back down on the table.
“And I remember you being taller.” You mumble while Harry just glares at you from his spot on the loveseat. “What? You insulted my tea so I’m allowed to insult your-”
“I can’t really do anything about my height but you can and absolutely should fix the way you make tea because no one should be mixing honey with peppermint.” He argues as he watches you with a narrowed glare as you take a sip of your tea, you watch as he leans forward and rests his forearms on his knees and clasps his hands together.
“Is this how you always act when someone invites you into their home as a way of calming you down when you’re on the verge of a panic attack? You just insult them and-”
“I wasn’t having a panic attack.”
“You were maybe two minutes away from one and please stop interrupting me it’s so rude and isn’t your whole thing about treating people with-”
“How are you not panicking? You’re having a baby possibly my baby and you’re just sat there with your nasty tea and-”
“That’s it.” You say with a huff and Harry flinches slightly as you all but slam your mug down onto the table before standing up causing Paris to jolt awake at your sudden outburst. “You’ve insulted my car and my tea today and I was going to let it slide because that’s fine we can have differences in opinions on tea and cars but that’s on top of the fact you don’t even remember what happened between us that night and you think the story of Troy is just a Brad Pitt movie and I just-I think you should leave now.” Harry blinks up at you as your hands fall to your sides in what he almost thinks is a sign of defeat, as if you lost the internal battle you were having with yourself on trying to keep your cool with him and that makes his mouth droop a bit into a small frown.
“I remember plenty about what happened that night.” He counters as he slowly stands up while you grab your mug and turn towards the kitchen. Harry reaches for his phone in his front pocket so he can text his driver your address and a message to please come get him as soon as possible.
“If that were true then today wouldn’t have been such a shock for you.” You explain before you disappear from Harry’s sight, he can’t really put a finger on the exact feeling that comes over him as he stands there in your living room knowing that everything you said is true. He doesn’t remember exactly what went on between the two of you, at least not very clearly.
He knows that the two of you had an intimate moment in the bathroom because the evidence was shown to him this afternoon when the doctor handed him a piece of paper that told him you are truly pregnant and this is all really happening. Since then he hasn’t been able to think straight or focus on much of anything and if he’s being honest he really isn’t good in stressful situations in general, he tends to either overreact or just panic and this by far is one of the most stressful situations he’s ever found himself in and he knows he isn’t handling himself the way he should be. And your calm and relaxed demeanor just seems to make him even more unnerved because he doesn’t get how you’re not in the same panic riddled boat as him.
Harry runs a hand through his hair, giving a tug at his roots as he glances down to your couch, he catches Paris do a lengthy stretch before he sits up briefly just to look at Harry and decide that even he is fed up with him so he jumps off the couch and walks off into the kitchen. Now in that moment Harry knows he should do that as well, follow your cat’s lead and walk into your cramped kitchen so he can at least attempt to apologize for a few things but he doesn’t. Instead he just runs a knuckle under his nose as he sniffles a bit and when he feels his phone vibrate and sees a text letting him know his driver is on his way he lets out a heavy sigh. He takes one last look at your kitchen entryway, hoping that maybe you’ll come back and sit down on the couch and he thinks that he wouldn’t even mind if you didn’t say anything but just sat there not looking at him so that way he would at least be able to tell you goodbye and prove to you that he’s capable of being polite but the sound of the sink being turned on quickly wash away any traces of hope he might’ve had.
“This is so fucked.” He mumbles to himself as he walks towards your front door, he knows better than to leave the two of you like this, with certain things needing to be spoken and unkind words being the last ones said but he doesn’t have much of a choice since you won’t come out of the kitchen. So Harry opens your front door and walks out into the hallway making sure to close it as quietly as possible deciding that maybe this is for the best and at least he’s giving you exactly what you asked for, him leaving.
You watch the last bits of your tea go down the drain as the sound of your front door opening and then closing hits your ears, you take a few steps back from the sink so you can poke your head out into the living room and when you see it’s empty you just let out a sigh and go back to cleaning your mug. You didn’t want to end your afternoon like this, standing alone in your kitchen because your patience was worn too thin for the man who somehow managed to charm you into agreeing to a quickie in a bar bathroom over a month ago.
You almost don’t even know how that man and the one who was sat in your living room not even five minutes ago are the same person. The Harry you met at the bar was fun and flirty and even though he teased you throughout the night it was never with any real intention to hurt your feelings while this Harry can’t help but take every chance he can get to insult you or toss a jab your way about something. You don’t know why the corners of your mouth turn downwards at the idea of the night you two met never really meaning anything to him aside from being the night he got you pregnant. You don’t get to think about it for too much longer as Paris jumps onto the counter and makes his way over to sit next to the sink momentarily taking your mind off the curly haired boy.
“We can do this right? We’ll be fine won’t we?” You ask him while he sits there looking at you with his big green yellow-ish eyes that all of a sudden remind you a bit too much of the man who just left your apartment without even saying goodbye. “Next time bite him a bit harder okay?”
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xo-adeline · 4 months ago
“If only you knew…”
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⋆°• ☁︎ - “Why did you choose me?” “You know very well why.”
Feat. Michael Kaiser
AN - Michael Kaiser angst hits hard. Prove me wrong.
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Besides the ragged breaths of your boyfriend, Michael Kaiser, the room was silent. The moment he stepped into your shared apartment, he broke down and started yelling. It was something you had never seen before. The sight in front of you was one that the blonde and blue-haired had tried so hard to keep under wraps from you. The part of himself that he hated, the part that reminded him of his father, and the part that reminded him nobody could ever love him. Not even you. There was silence after he had finally stopped yelling as you tried to figure out what to do. Should you hug him? Probably not, he’s not good with physical touch. Should you try and calm him down? No.. You saw how that worked before with one of his teammates, most likely not the best idea. So you did the best you could. Staying a little bit back from him, your hand slightly out just so he could take it if he wanted to and you asked him the only question you could think of.
“..You okay?”
You knew it was a dumb question. I mean look at him, he obviously wasn’t okay. But what other choice did you have in the matter? Maybe he’d tell you now that he knew you were concerned.
He looked back up at you from his place on the living room floor, eyes glossed over, and streaks of tears running down from them. No matter how many times he had run his hand across his face, they still kept flowing. Through a broken voice, one you thought could never even come from the man there was only one thing he said, something you had no idea why he would even question.
“...Why.. Why did you choose me..?”
The question shocked you. Was he joking? What did he even mean by that? You chose him because you loved him. Did he not get that?
“What are you talking about? You know very well why, Micha..”
The carpet in front of him seemed to interest him more than your words. He knew exactly what you meant by that. The times that you would be together, whispering sweet nothings to each other as you tried not to laugh when he ticked you. The times when you went on vacation in his off-season and spent days relaxing together and watching movies. The moments when you showed up to his games, even when he knew you had a busy schedule to cheer for him when his parents wouldn’t show up.
His parents…
That’s what sparked this whole thing.
He couldn’t help but start crying again when he relived the moments of his game. In the VIP seats of the stadium his team was playing in sat his Mother. The lady who had not only given anything to him but also walked out and let him live the life of abuse he had. The only thing he could ever thank her for is because, without that life, he wouldn’t have ever met you. Luckily, he didn’t notice her til the end of the match but just watching the lady up there stare down at him, it was too much for him. Watching her looking at him like she was better, like she regretted nothing of what she had done to him, even if she never knew about it. He kept it all in until the end but the second he got home he couldn’t help but lose it.
He shook his head as he spoke up again
“No.. no.. nobody loves me. Not her, not him, not you.”
He paused for a second attempting to wipe off more tears, and much to his dismay, they continued to blur his vision.
“I need to go.”
And with that, he got up and left again. Leaving you standing there in the middle of the living room, looking at the place he had just stood up from. There was nothing worse than those 4 words… They brought the dread of thoughts. What if he never came back? Was that the end of it? Does he believe that you don’t love him? You couldn’t help but cry yourself as you thought about what Kaiser was possibly thinking. From the corner of your eye, the light of the sun had just perfectly hit one of the pictures on the wall. Your first anniversary. He was so upset because he had a game that night and he wasn’t able to do anything about it to instead take you out to a nice restaurant, so as he sat on the pitch, upset as hell, you couldn’t help but cheer out from one of the VIP sections. Sporting a Bastard Münich jersey, ‘Kaiser 10’ on the back.
Right after the game he had ran over to you, hugging you. Which is where the picture came from. A couple of onlookers couldn’t help but ‘Awww’ at how soft the striker had become in your presence. That was the moment that you knew you loved him. Seeing how he changed the instant he saw you, no matter how far away the two of you were.
If only he could’ve seen that as well. The moments that even when you were tired, and could’ve left due to all his busy work and never being around. You stayed. You stayed because you loved him, and wanted him to have the support he deserved.
You sighed and looked back at the front door. His keys missing from the key holder next to it
Maybe one day he’ll understand that through everything, you could never stop loving him.
With that, you grabbed your keys and went to the only place you could think of. The same park where he had learned how to play football when he was a kid.
You wouldn’t have ever sat there in the cold, looking out at your boyfriend messing around with an old football kicking it around the abandoned park if you didn’t love him.
If only he could see that you would risk anything, just to still be with him…
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maxlarens · 6 months ago
driver!reader and engineer!george spiel:
I can just imagine if driver had a tyre blowout or smth George just becomes so apologetic and feels terrible-
“I’m so sorry I didn’t notice it in the data-“
*driver sighs* “for the a thousandth time, it wasn’t your fault.”
also when driver first moved to the team George had no idea how to comfort them after a bad race, unsure if they wanted space, or just someone to be with them. George decides to keep his distance until one race where driver just sighs and mutters “stay…please.” George’s heart melts and combusts simultaneously at this.
i love this it’s so sweet!!!! hope y'all enjoy!!! i feel so bad for not posting anything recently so i wrote this sooo quickly before i had to get ready for work lol😵‍💫😵‍💫
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You know the disqualification wasn’t your fault.
You know that. How could it possibly be your fault anyway? Sure, if you twist it into something utterly unrecognisable you could make it into a personal failing. But you’re trying not to blame yourself for every little thing, and you’re trying hard not to micromanage.
You’re new at Mercedes anyway, you don’t want to come off too strong. Scare them off before they start to really trust you. It's a miracle in and of itself that you're here. A rookie driver, a woman, at Mercedes of all teams. Alongside Lewis Hamilton. You've got Susie and Toto Wolff to thank for that you suppose.
Anyway, you're trying hard not to think about the car just on the other side of the wall. Trying not to grab a tape measure and measure the chassis yourself. Like you'll find anything different than the FIA, like it'll change anything at all.
It's only P8 after all— four points— which is four points you'd have really liked to have to your name. Especially so early on in your rookie season. Toto knows that, had been apologetic on behalf of the team during the debriefing. You'd understood.
You'd tried to understand at least.
He'd said it wouldn't happen again.
Still, it hurts. There this ache in your chest that makes it feel like your hopes and dreams are slipping away through your fingers. This was the first race you felt you'd really begun to prove yourself and your position on this team and now everyone will be able to point to the disqualification and say this is why. She doesn't have the raw skill, it's because of the car—
"There's next week."
You snap your head up, startled at the noise. It's George, in the doorway. You'd not heard him come in, too busy navel-gazing, feeling sorry for yourself. God, you're pathetic.
"Hm", you question, trying not to let on that you're utterly miserable.
"There's next week," he repeats, inching into the room and closing the door gently behind him, "You'll do it again next week."
Your mouth twists involuntarily, skeptical. Even though you know it wasn't you. It was the car, it was some silly mistake from the warehouse. You couldn't have done anything. It just inexplicably feels like the world is crumbling in on you and you can't figure out why.
"You think?"
George nods, expression serious, a little harrowed. But sympathetic, like he understands, like he knows how it feels. You're inclined to believe that he does, he'd not given you a reason to think otherwise in the six odd months you've known him.
"Pretty sure," he says in such a way that you're sure he means 'unequivocally yes', like he believes in you wholeheartedly, like he'd never doubt you.
You're not sure what you've done to deserve that from him. This unwavering loyalty to you that he seems to have already. You just know you feel it too. Inexplicably.
You watch him, long-limbed and slightly out of place, shifting from foot to foot under your stare. He makes a move to leave after a long minute, giving you a cursory nod— you feel something open up in your chest at the thought of him leaving right. Some pit of yearning, some ache that you cant quite place.
"Wait," you say, feeling brave.
His hand falls from the door knob, he turns, tilting his head at you in question. His eyebrows furrowed.
"Would you stay? For a bit?"
He's nodding before you've got the words out, crossing the room to sit next to you on the couch. Not too close, but enough that you can feel the body heat radiating off him, smell him, a little sweaty from being out on the pit-lane, but mostly the smell of his cologne.
"Yeah," he says gently, "Of course, I can."
You nod in thanks, feeling a little exposed, a little vulnerable from your shame, from begging for a friend in him.
"Thank you, George. I just—" don't have anyone else, you don't say, feeling like that might be too far. Instead you let you sentence taper off and sigh, letting some tension leech out of you, "Yeah."
George moves closer, fractionally. Feeling brave again, you lean your head onto his shoulder, hoping he doesn't mind too much. You decide he doesn't when his arm comes around so he can rub little comforting circles into the top of your shoulder.
Slowly but surely, you feel all the anger and the sadness make way for some warm fuzzy feeling in your stomach. From then on, George becomes a regular fixture in your driver's room, especially post-race, especially when you feel like your heart has been stomped on. It's hard to feel like shit when George acts like you're capable of anything.
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headcanon: george is a former driver turned engineer!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 months ago
HIII I LOVE YOUR SEB X READER FIGHTING OVER THE BLACKLIGHT and wanted to request smth similar to it? Mutant!reader still, ( maybe the same as the other fic) who helps the Expendable(s)/MC much more than sebs when explaining how each monsters works (giving more info than sebs) and sebs getting annoyed by it? especially if mutant!reader sort of roams alongside with then expendable(s) and is seen chatting with them (bc maybe mutant reader misses being human?) until sebs pulls reader away to complain abt it (how reader shldnt be so relaxed in this situation)
Aw thank you! I'm happy you liked that one ^^
"So you keep dying to creatures that are classified as an Angler, but none of them are the Angler itself, and he just...refuses to tell you how to avoid them?"
"Um, yeah..pretty much. The file said they were only discovered after the lockdown, so maybe he doesn't know-"
"Oh, he knows damn well how they behave. He's just lazy and expects you to figure it out on your own. Which one got you last time?"
The expendable abruptly stopped in their tracks, trying to recount their most recent untimely demise, while you--one of Urbanshade's mutant experiments--waited for them to gather their thoughts.
You two were just casually walking down one of the blacksite's long corridors....or rather, they were walking and you were slithering.
The only reason they were still alive and didn't have their gear detonated was all thanks to your own little scrambling machine. It was attached to your belt, being a lot easier to carry compared to that massive thing Sebastian lugged around.
You were lucky to find them during the chaotic lockdown, and now you were able to chat with expendables without worrying about HQ finding you and/or killing them for talking to you.
Even though you hated Urbanshade for turning you into this creature, you couldn't hate the folks who were just trying to earn their freedom. You knew nothing of why they were even here in the first place--and quite frankly you didn't care to know. There's no point to it.
You were once a sociable human being, and this was how you could still pretend you were.
Of course, that proved difficult as many expendables would rather run, use the flash beacon, or hide in the nearest locker whenever you showed your face. But you reassured them you mean no harm and just wanted to talk.
After overhearing a few grumble about Sebastian treating them like idiots due to their recent deaths (especially with Wall Dwellers), you took it upon yourself to give them better advice.
Advice that would actually stick with them.
While the documents mostly explained the monsters' behaviors clearly, information on the Angler's variants was severely lacking. That was understandable and something you were more than happy to elaborate on should they ask.
"Oh, I remember now...it was some big..creepy frog thing. It had a lot of teeth."
"Ah, that's Froger. She's different, alright. And a smart girl at that." You chuckled. "I've been watching her movements for a while. Wanna know a secret?"
"Sure...do I need to pay you data or..?"
"No. I don't need that stuff."
"Anyways, you know how frogs like to hop around? Well, she does something similar. She'll pass you by, and then do another sweep of the room because she knows you're there. Then after awhile she'll hop back to wherever you are to catch you off guard. Does that make sense?"
"That...actually does. I did get caught off guard the third time because I thought she was gone. Um..thank you." They smiled a little bit.
"Of course. All you need to do is make sure she passes you thrice, and you'll get to keep your pretty little head." With a tiny smile, you patted the top of their head for encouragement. "Now I have business to attend to. I can't chat for too long, or else-"
"I think you've chatted with them long enough, [y/n]."
Blinking, you saw Sebastian pop his head out through a nearby vent, frowning at you.
"Ah. Why hello, Sebastian." You smiled innocently, tilting your head.
"We have a erm..business meeting, remember?" His eyes shifted to the expendable, who seemed utterly bewildered at his presence outside the shop. "If you'll excuse us."
"Yes, please excuse us...and don't let my advice go to waste!" You hummed, bidding them farewell before following Sebastian into the vent, making sure it closed behind you.
For a few moments more, they stood there in silence.
Until the lights in the room flickered and made them dash to the nearest possible hiding spot.
And of course...it was Froger.
"That's my job, you know."
"Well you kinda suck at it." Flicking your tail, you climbed onto the stack of crates within Sebastian's shop, smirking up at your fellow fish monster. "If you're tired of meeting them in the same place when they die, at least give them better advice."
He just turned to face you, looking almost offended.
"You think Urbanshade is paying me to spoon-feed their expendables every tiny detail?! Should I start making Powerpoints for every damn thing that crawls their way?!" He spat.
"..all I'm saying is that calling them "morons" and "idiots" isn't going to help them get very far."
"And chatting them up isn't going to help us get very far, either." With a small huff, he slithered over to a desk cluttered with documents and other assets previous expendables have delivered to him, sifting through the piles. "We can't let them reach the crystal. Not yet. We need more time."
"Ugh, how much more time do we possibly need?" Taking a small DNA vial, you examined it closely between your fingers, admiring its blue glow. "I can only be your little scavenger fish for so long. This place is bound to run out of data. I say let 'em take the crystal, and while everyone at Urbanshade is distracted by that-"
"Jeez that sounds like a GREAT plan...FOR GETTING US KILLED!!" He snarled, swiping the glass vial from your hands. "And be careful with this! It could shatter and explode all over my wares! And I'll be making you pay for them!"
Normally, his anger would scare even the toughest expendable, but you weren't fazed in the slightest and just chuckled. "Woah, no need to get your fins in a twist, Sebby. I was only kidding."
"See? That's exactly your problem...you're too relaxed over all of this." He gently set the glass vial down like it was a baby deep sea bunny. "Those prisoners aren't our buddies, you know."
"I'm not trying to make friends with any of them. I'd just like to see them live a bit longer. It's interesting to hear about their experiences. Plus, they're willing to fork over any data they might have on 'em. So I'm completely focused on our mission."
"Still, we're trying to get out of this place before they terminate the Expendable Protocol. And that means getting out of here before anyone reaches the crystal-"
"And we will. I promise they won't get any closer just because I told them how to evade that dumb frog." You huffed, slithering off the crates and grabbing the nearby lantern. "I'll go pay Painter a visit. See what data he's gathered so far. You mind if I borrow this?"
"...why would I care?"
"Oh nothing. I'm just glad we've moved past fighting over blacklights like toys." You grinned cheekily.
Sebastian's eye twitched. "I wish you'd stop reminding me of that.."
"Well you gave me the marks. So it's hard to forget." You chuckled, crawling into the vent and making your way to the heavy containment sector.
'They're probably gonna go chat up some other expendable.' He thought, annoyed as he went back to organizing his wares.
"Heads up."
"Who said tha---OH SHIT!!"
His ear fins perked up at the distant sounds of your shouting, which was quickly followed by a loud static buzz and a red light that he noticed sweeping through the adjacent room.
Seconds after that, your head popped back through the vent, your expression bewildered. "SEBASTIAN WHO THE HELL WAS THAT?!!"
"Oh? I thought you knew everybody here." He snickered. "He's just another acquaintance. Don't worry. You probably won't see him again."
"...I better not. Bye."
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cherie-doll · 3 months ago
Love your blog! 🩷 Perhaps some x celeb reader headcanons?
ty anon for finding my blog <3 glad you enjoy it
★ Price, Ghost, Soap, Gaz, Roach, Alejandro, Rudy, Phillip Graves, Makarov, Keegan, König, Horangi, Nikto
COD Men x Celebrity!Reader
۶ৎ Price...
these newer celebrities have no true talent, they're all nepo babies and can't act nor sing not even if their life depended on it, everything is handed to them on a silver platter
but you... you're different, working from the bottom of the latter you've made your way up to where the spotlights are, right in the middle... where you belong
he knows true talent when he sees it, you've proved everyone else wrong and he's one of your biggest investors
you may not know where exactly the money flows in from, but you're building a path for yourself, and he hopes one day he can be as selfish as to imagine you recognize his contributions to your new status
that is until you find yourself noticing him in the background of every scene you are in, from lavish private parties to more business like meetings with your managers
little did you know your curiosity would make you to want to know more about him and enable becoming close with him, in this world of blinding lights that spins you dizzy you are able to find a safe, stable point in him
you like those moments filled with tranquil walks, or an intellectual conversation while sipping coffee and finding out you have more in common despite your circumstances being so different
maybe you like this unusual pairing and can't wait to see what it leads to
۶ৎ Simon...
probably the guy who you meet at a meet and greet with your fans and when it's his turn instead of being happy to see you he tells you your acting/music sucks, why is he even here then?
turns out one of his friends who is a huge fan had won an extra ticket and dragged him here despite his protests of staying home
for some reason this irks you and you can't get it out of your head so you got out of your way to looks for them around the city for the next couple of days since you got a concert coming up anyways so most fans are staying in the city until then
you spot them and imagine the scene of you running out of the still moving car, your personal driver is panicking and yelling at you to get back inside and your bodyguard isn't even there because you had said you didn't need them as you weren't planning on getting out
you run up to him and demand a proper explanation from, why doesn't he like you? everyone does, you're trending right now!
him seeing you raging in front of him amuses him and seeing that smug smile on his face just makes you want to slap him, he only counters back with saying that with how many fans you have and how fast you got popular you should be releasing better stuff
so you propose taking him along with you, literally everywhere, the recording studio, having him watch with the rest of the crew so he can witness how hard you really work for your fans to be satisfied, he surely can't say that you release mid stuff when you care this much
۶ৎ Johnny...
is perhaps your biggest fan, he enjoys kicking back and watching your shows, movies and interviews you appear in, he especially loves buying magazines you're on and displaying them all over his place
it almost looks like a shrine dedicated to you, it's a little concerning to be honest, he also happens to know almost everything about you because he remembers all the answers you give at interviews
he leaps at any chance of meeting you, whether that be concert tickets, tickets to one of your events, or just being out and around a location he figures you might be at from looking at the background of your videos
he's not a stalker... he's just a little obsessed and maybe it is a problem to make your life revolve around a person that you'll never form a personal relationship with, but somehow he's okay with that
he doesn't even try to contact you or send you letters, unless you're accepting fan mail then he likes to spend the money he has saved up to send you nice gifts he's either handmade or expensive ones that stand out from all the rest of things you receive by other fans
he gets a sense of pride when you open them on camera and see when you're actually impressed by gifts, and it's always the stuff he sends in
۶ৎ Kyle...
is perhaps the only guy you'd ever think of dating
while everyone else either treats you like you're an idol that needs to be pleased at all times or like some newbie who doesn't know what they're doing, he sees you for who you are and doesn't treat you according to your accomplishments or status
he focuses more on your persona and even if his honesty can sting it helps keep you grounded, you know there isn't anyone else you'd rather go to for comfort or advice
even if you call him late at night asking for him to come pick you up because you're a sobbing mess and sick of it all he'll come rushing to help you stand back up on your feet
and when the hate gets to you and the fame overwhelms you, you can still count on him to be there for you and help you see that eventually you'll be able to walk away from it with his help if you ever come to need it, just say the word and he'll do it
it often makes you wonder if he sees you as someone he's into and that's why he does all this or if you've tugged at his heartstrings and are a creature to be pitied and taken under his wing, either way you enjoy it
asking "what are we" after he's picked you up from some private party where you had too many drinks and he goes "i don't know, you tell me" but he almost whispers it with that leaning in his heart towards what he wants the answer to be
he just wants you to be the one to realize it and take the initiative for it, after all, he's done so much more for you and never asking for anything back than all those who have said to be close to you
۶ৎ Roach...
he has known you for a very long time; you were childhood friends but you grew apart through the years when you moved away
but after all these years he finally found you...
on tv, he actually almost fell out of his seat when he was watching the new series everyone had been talking about
he wonders if you even remember him, he's heard you'll be traveling close to where he lives for filming so he secretly hopes to run into you, perhaps there is something that you can recognize in him even after all these year
you're the one who recognizes him in fact, he hasn't even spotted you from across the street, but you follow after him, he still carries old canvas bag even you had made for him
you focus on getting back your old friendship, but it's so hard when you're busy trying to find the balance with your newfound fame
he's stuck on your waiting list while you first run around with your new celebrity friends and because he's so understanding he'll patiently wait like a dog for their owner
still, the few bits and pieces he gets from you he treasures dearly, knowing they're worth so much more than anything else
he can feel this relationship slowly but surely turn into something more one day, and until then he'll continue supporting you just like day one
۶ৎ Alejandro...
being an international actor that you met at an award show
and you got along exceptionally well, what started out as accidentally being assigned to sit in the wrong section lead to something more
the show was boring and long to sit through, yet he made you laugh the entire time, now...
how do you hide a relationship from the public eye if you're both famous?
but you find him charming and all too caring
no matter how packed his schedule is he's finding ways to see you, doesn't matter if he has to wait outside with a bouquet of flowers and a beautiful piece of jewelry
now and then he wishes you two could be more open about your relationship without fearing the backlash
just how stars can go up they can also come falling back down, when your careers start getting unstable it can be hard to remember what your priorities are and if they ever shifted
except he misses you and it's not enough seeing you on tv starring in another commercial that you're doing just to get by, he wants to hear your voice, to see your familiar form in person and be able to embrace you
۶ৎ Rudy...
probably that guy you bumped into when you're running away from the obsessive fans that spotted you out
he doesn't even know who you are and doesn't understand what's going on but he helps you out thinking someone is trying to hurt you, he offers you a ride and you hesitate but weighing your options decide to take the offer
he acts completely normal, as if he doesn't know who you are, when you ask him this he says "of course i don't know you, we're complete strangers", and that kind of humbles you but stuns you, you appreciate his kindness for helping you out back there despite him not knowing the entire situation, you offer to repay him somehow but he declines
a few days later he's scrolling on his phone an article of you appears on his recommended with a your picture on the cover, he didn't even know you were famous but now he regrets not asking for an autograph
you weren't able to thank him properly but you wish you could find him "by accident" again
۶ৎ Phillip...
you're both famous but in very different entertainment sectors, you're the stylish, always dressed up singer who never appears in any photo looking unfashionable, seriously any pic of you looks like you came out of a vogue magazine
so imagine the public's surprise and outcry when they found out you were dating the well known rodeo rider from texas??? (everyone when lana del ray married)
there is no relation at in all your professions yet you with the recent announcement of your relationship you two have been seen enjoying going out together, he travels to see you perform and you'll tag along with him when he's out in the ring kicking up all that dust and dirt
despite the initial reaction from fans they now love seeing your interactions as a couple and think your relationship is goals, he's actually so sweet and caring, not arrogant at all like they thought he'd be
you've almost seemed to have been inspired and are now writing songs that are hitting them charts and getting you streams on your new albums, it's a lot of support you're receiving on both sides and now everyone is asking when the wedding is
۶ৎ Makarov...
you're both actors on a set and don't exactly get along but have to forget that when the cameras turn on because you're playing the main leads in a romance film and have to create that chemistry for the connection to feel real
fans can't deny how palpable the scenes are and are making edits not only of your characters but as actors when you're at award shows or the movie premiere, they ship you both when in reality you can't stand being in the vicinity of one another
there's outlandish theories of you two possibly being in a romantic relationship, and what's worse is that the suspicions seem to line up, you're spotted attending the same party even after promotions for the film have wrapped up, going to the same events even if one you didn't have a role in it, wearing similar outfits or jewelry that makes it look like a matching couple thing
all things that to the public eye are dead giveaways for a secret relationship when really you're both rolling your eyes when you read the articles, still you can't help but try to think of what it'd be like to be in a romantic relationship with the other when you see them
which inevitable draws one to the other :))
۶ৎ Keegan...
you're his secret celebrity crush, he hasn't had many relationships and they almost never last long enough for him to get attached so having a celebrity crush you can't commit to sounds great
he knows the other guys would think it weird and out of characters for him, but he actively enjoys watching shows and movies you star in
you never star in a shitty or low-budget show and he respects that, which is why he's watched every one of them and awaits a new one
he doesn't have things like posters or merch of you because where would he even hang it up on?
he knows he might never have a chance to meet you in real life, you live on different sides of the world, you're the icons, starlets and hot celebrities while he's... well, doing a dirty job out in pockets of earth no one even knows about
until fate seems to prove him wrong? why did he just run into you here? turns out you used to live here, for a short amount of time because otherwise he would've seen you
such a small town only has so many people and for the amount of cute celebrities you've met he seems to catch your attention in that way
seriously, his looks alone could land him a modeling gig, but it's not for just how he looks that made you into him, maybe it was his low voice and striking eyes that made his demeanor all the more appealing
how have the tables turned...
۶ৎ König...
you used to be pretty big in his country until you mysteriously withdrew from the public eye, he was once a pretty big fan of you and was saddened to see you no longer were releasing music or films
it's been years yet one day when he's at the public library he thinks he caught a flash of you walk by him, he turns and follows, surely that can't be you, can it?
oh, but it is! what a surprise it is to see you at the self-help section... he also sees you glance at the biographies and memoirs where a book you published years ago when you were peak is still displayed
nervously he approaches you and asks for an autograph, you can't help but be caught off guard, you didn't expect to still be recognized, especially when you're wearing glasses, a cap and basically clothes that wouldn't give you away, still he was able to recognize you under all that
he hesitates to ask why you left the industry but you're so nice and sweet to him, not having interacted with fans for years made you appreciate this moment so you answer nicely, even when he asks if you're thinking about making a comeback
you shrug and only give him a smile, he's probably freaking out on the inside that he met a celebrity he thought he'd never have the chance of seeing ever again, you like his personality and ask for his number, you're curious about him
۶ৎ Horangi...
he's seen how toxic and deteriorating the celebrity culture is, as fun and fast-paced as your life can be he makes sure you have a moment to be grounded and slow down
often he'll book secluded places where nothing will disturb your peace as you rest for a few days, he talks to you and will listen to anything you have on your mind
he's the type of boyfriend to just kinda be in the behind of scenes of it all, he's got plenty of money himself and will let you know you can fall back on him and depend if you ever need to, you don't have to work excessively if it all becomes too much for you one day
when you come back late from a filming session he'll surprise you with jewelry and expensive things you might be wanting, he just loves showering you in gifts you can wear out in public to show off
the public knew you had a boyfriend but weren't too interested in unmasking his identity, until a picture taken by the paparazzi with him in it blew up and now everyone wants to know about your hot boyfriend
he didn't expect this and is stunned until you elbow him playfully joking about how he'll overshine you, he welcomes the polite public at first but draws a line not wanting to steal your spotlight
sometimes you ask him why he doesn't just go for the offers that are probably piling up in his email and on his social media he turned private now
he shrugs, "maybe one day, not right now"
۶ৎ Nikto...
your big, built bodyguard who doesn't even know you that well because you just recently blew up on the scene
all he focuses on is his task of protecting you everywhere you go, that's all, right? then why does he find himself caring for you a little more
sometimes when he's in the car accompanying you to your home, he'll be looking out the window and when the car arrives at the destination he looks over and you're asleep, instead of waking you up he watches you for a moment, your head resting back on the headrest and he can't bring himself to wake you up
so he carries you out and up to your apartment, all the way he's careful not to bump you into anything, he has the keys because you've given him a copy just in case and he enters and lays you in your bed, he only removes your shoes and covers you with a blanket
he thinks about leaving but then he sees the messy state your apartment is in, surely he can't leave it like this can he? now he feels compelled to clean it all up and by the time he's done it's daylight and when you groggily walk into the kitchen, attracted by the good smell of food cooking you see him already laying out a nice meal on the table
"for you" is all he says but you're ready to drop to your knees and propose
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thecapricunt1616 · 8 months ago
capriiiiiii can i pretty please request something with carmy and a gf who is dealing with being stiff / sore and tired. i acc just need him to take care of me. maybe cook me a meal. :(( ily
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My loveeeee Hello I'm sorry this has been rotting away I've been dealing with such writers block I hope this doesn't suck aaa! I'm sorry I haven't been writing as much / around tumblr this week i've been busy with other things but I hope to write more soon <3 I finally got my new laptop so i'm going to try and cook some stuff up really soon! Warnings for btc: None really, pure fluff & happy carmy!not edited sorryyyy WC: 1638
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You had helped Sugar set up her nursery last night. All the moving of large boxes, and helping build the crib, changing table, and dresser, you were wiped out to say the least. You got home around 4 am, and  When Carmy had left for the restaurant that morning, you were still crumpled on the couch where he’d left you, snuggled in a blanket and softly snoring. When he came home that night and nudged you, you jumped like a sleeping cat 
“I’m awake!” You said quickly with an unintentional snore, rubbing your eyes tiredly. 
“Brought you a sandwich and some fries. Back still hurts?” He asked softly. 
You whimper gently as you stretch out your sore muscles, sitting up once again in the dark living room. “How’s work?” You mumbled with a yawn, taking the takeout container as he plopped next to you and planted a kiss on your head. 
“Doesn’t matter, m’here for you baby, why don’t I get you a bath set up mm?” He flicks on a lamp and you blink a few times as your eyes get adjusted to the light.  
“You’re too good to me, you know that right?” You gave him a peck on the lips. He smiled a bit and rubbed your side 
“I can’t even count the amount of back massages you’ve given me after a long week. I’m just repaying the favor.” He watched as you took a bite and sighed in relief, your stomach growling- likely in thanks as you hadn’t moved from your spot all day long in your blanket nest. 
“This is really good, Bear” you mumble as you chew. He hums happily at your approval, giving you one more kiss to the temple before getting up. 
“Good, I put a piece of princess cake in the fridge for you for after your bath if you want” he said on his way to the bathroom, and you could cry at the bliss that was being taken care of. 
He makes sure to clean out the tub with bathroom spray and rinse it fully, before starting the water at the very hot temperature he knew you liked after plugging the tub. He got one of the little herb sachets with different flowers and herbs and hung it over the faucet so it infused into the water, causing it to be a pretty light pink color.
From the bathroom closet he grabbed your little bath tray and set it up for you, as well as the little bath head pillow that suctioned to the tub for you to rest back on, and got those set up before taking out the waterproof electric candles and setting a few out for you for a comforting ambiance. After he put a good amount of the muscle relaxing herbal epsom salts in the bath for you, as well as plenty of bubbles the way you liked and agitated the water for you, he popped your favorite fluffy towel in the warmer. 
He cut off the water and went into the bedroom, grabbing your fluffy bathrobe and a comfortable pair of panties for you as well as the book you were currently reading from your nightstand and got them all set up on the bathroom counter for you, as well as your hair brush. He opened the bottom drawer where you kept all your sheet face masks, and picked out a bedtime one and set it on the bath tray for you next to your book. 
By the time he came back out to let you know your bath was ready you had already finished eating and were once again slumped on the couch, you figured you had pulled or overworked something in your back because even holding yourself up was proving to be exhausting very fast. “Did you want some wine my love” he crouched down next to where you were snuggled on the couch, brushing your hair from your eyes gently. 
“Yes please” you said softly. He planted a gentle, lingering kiss on your forehead before going to the kitchen. He got your favorite wine out of the fridge, popping open the bottle and pouring you a glass. He brought it to the bathroom and put it in the little slot on the tray made for wine glasses, before coming back to collect you. 
“Alright, up” he held his hand out to you and wiggled his fingers for you to take it. You sighed softly knowing moving meant pain, but when you grabbed his hand he lifted you to your feet with little effort, being sure to steady you with his other hand on your hip since you weren’t expecting it. 
“Woah” you giggled, the action having woken you from your tired state and following him to the bathroom. When you saw the state of it, you pulled him into a tight hug, kissing his neck gently. You didn’t want him to see the fact there was tears pooling at your eyes, since he hated when you cried. But the fact that he had a nearly 14 hour day, and came home to you- and still went out of his way, above and beyond to take care of you. To make you feel loved, cared for. You’d never had another partner who was so attentive and went out of their way for you how he did.
“Love you…” you muttered before pulling away with a sniffle. He cupped your cheeks, giving you a gentle kiss 
“Your towel is In the warmer waiting for you baby, I’ll get your pajamas set out for you” he gently tucked your hair behind your ear and rubbed his knuckle over your cheekbone before heading back to your bedroom, leaving the door cracked behind him. You noticed after he left that your skincare was all set up for you as well as your favorite body lotion and its matching body mist which just made you smile even more. 
After undressing you sit in the warm bath, sighing in relief as the hot water did wonders for your sore muscles, resting your head back on the comfortable pillow as you sip your wine and hum contently to yourself. For a while you just sat, reading your book and sipping your wine and after about 30 minutes when the water had gone lukewarm, and your glass of wine had been finished - you decided to drain the tub. 
Carmy heard you getting out of the bath, so he went and got your pajamas that he’d been warming in the dryer for you and got your side of the bed all made up after filling your reusable water bottle with iced lemon water.  By the time you had gotten your lotion on and did your skincare as well as brushed your teeth, the house had already been shut down for the evening. He had made sure to clean up the kitchen and living room, as well as shut all of the shades and get your coffee pot set up for the next morning like usual. 
“Hey pretty girl” he takes your hand, kissing it gently “got some warm pajamas for you, house is taken care of you just have to get in bed” he motioned to the bed where your pajamas were nicely folded for you. 
“And you say you aren’t romantic” you mused, causing him to chuckle a bit as he wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head 
“What can I say, I guess you bring it out of me. Get your pajamas on I’ll rub your feet for you” he said and you hum happily, closing your eyes and planting a kiss on his neck
“Can I be babied like this all the time?” You joked, he huffed a laugh, handing you your pajamas. 
“The days that I’m not too wiped out from work, I can try” he plopped down on his side of the bed with a soft grunt of relief after being on his feet all day. You slipped out of your robe, and his eyes rake over your frame as you unfolded your soft, fluffy nightgown and slipped it over your head. “Mm mm mm” he said jokingly. You giggled as you crawl on the bed, resting your legs over his lap and wiggling your manicured toes teasingly. 
“Get to massaging this isn’t a free peep show” you said and he took your ankle, bringing it to his lips and giving it a chaste kiss
“What- so you can put me to work, and I can’t even eye the goods?” he joked as he put your leg gently back in his lap and grabbing the massage oil that he’d put on the nightstand and warming some in his hands before starting to massage your foot. You hum happily, lips curling into a small smile and your eyes fluttering shut in bliss. 
“Mmmm, keep doin’ that and I’ll let you see whateeever you want” you said happily, your voice nearly a purr from how expertly he was massaging your calves and feet. “Can I turn on Big Brother?” you asked and giggle at the way his face lit up
“You really waited?! Fuck yeah I wanna see whats up put it on” he said and you smiled, shaking your head jokingly as you turned on the TV. He had whined before about not wanting to watch ‘trash reality tv’ all the time, but over the course of the many nights he came home and you were watching it - he had eventually starting asking you to wait for him to watch ‘your show’ together, and you would tease him and tell him how you thought he said it was boring and gossipy, just to get his cheeks to go that cute shade of pink.“Of course I waited, it’s our show now”
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borkunlimited · 13 days ago
Take Your Time, Miss Deer (Sylus x Reader) - Ch. 7
In a tailor shop tucked in the calmer side of the N109 zone is a little room where all clothes of many different designs come together under the delicate hands of an unassuming deer living in the den of all sorts of beasts and sitting on them is the dragon who wears your clothes.
Your many interactions with Skye, Mr. Sylus’ messenger or-
-Sylus is waiting for you to finally figure out he is playing his own messenger.
A Deer Hybrid! Reader x Dragon Hybrid! Sylus Fic
Tags: Sylus x Reader, Hybrid AU, Suggestive Themes, Fluff, Angst, Predator/Prey
TW: Trauma, Implied Sexual Harassment, Implied Sexual Assault, Guns, Mentions of Violence
Chapter Summary: The trees have fully shed their leaves, a sign to a new season and with that, he gives in to one of your little favors, no matter how peculiar the reasons behind them.
Author's Note: Life has been long! Finally got new batteries for my pen so I am off to drawing a fanart for this on top of the drawings I actually need to do. Enjoy the chapter!
Ch. 1 / Ch. 2 / Ch. 3 / Ch.4 / Ch. 5 / Ch. 6 / Ch. 7 / Ch. 8
7: My Dearest, Troubled
The tree in front of your shop has lost most of its leaves, a herald to autumn finally coming to an end and a new season arriving.
“Close the shop?”, you asked, confused while you watch your father put on his coat.
“Take it slow for today, twig,” your father smiled, giving himself a once over. The last train station to the city from N109 zone this morning would leave in an hour and he has to catch it to go to the hospital. “You had a long day yesterday.”
“But why?”
“You’re already ahead of schedule. You might crash out if you do too much.”
“Alright but just today though. Mister Sewing Machine wouldn’t like it if I am gone too long.”
“Mister Sewing Machine will understand, twig,” your father replied, amused at how you treat every item inside your studio as if it is a living thing but it makes sense, he did raise you to look after and take good care of the objects that ensure your livelihood.
“Daisy and I will hold the fort then!”, you answered cheerfully and your crow friend also let out a beep.
Your father smiled at you and briefly glanced at the crow who always used your antlers at a perch. Most of Sylus’ business associates had expressed unease towards this odd friend of yours who always quietly assesses them every time they converse with you in your studio.
Every word this mechanical crow hears will also reach Sylus’ ears.
He wouldn’t deny that he used to be also uncomfortable under its observant gaze.
Yet, with time comes familiarity and your father admitted to himself last night that Sylus proved to be a gentleman around you, completely different to how the people around him paint him to be, especially when he watched the dragon hybrid carry you upstairs as if you are the most fragile treasure he ever held.
That dragon isn’t as bad as people claimed and you were the first person to see past rumors and his rough exterior. 
Your father, the first person you managed to convince.
Still, he still can’t help but worry about this recent development. He is sure word has spread fast after hearing from neighbors that Sylus had taken a time-off yesterday just for you.
Which is in fact, a very, very rare occurrence.
“Twig, one last thing,” he said slowly, and he looked at your crow friend then back at you, holding both of your arms gently, “Just in case. I put Mister Louis’-”, he took a deep breath then continued, “- gift at the first drawer of the front desk.”
With Sylus’ watchful eyes, your father knows that no one would dare try to come near you with any malicious intent and he doesn’t doubt that the dragon hybrid would be here before anything bad happens.
But it will only just take a few seconds before something irreversible happens.
You looked down on your shoes and he grimaced. He knows you tend to be very touchy at the subject, initially very apprehensive on the thought behind the present and the implication of the words that the young deer hybrid left. 
Louis, despite his wealthy upbringing, tends to be too straightforward, too protective of the other prey hybrids that settled in this area and your father knows Louis left the same gift to other households.
“Skye isn’t a bad person-”
“I know he isn’t. I have complete faith in him.”
“Then why do we still keep it?”
“I have no doubts about your favorite visitor, twig,” he insisted gently, hoping to correct the assumptions already forming in your head, “But he is a very influential man.”
And many people would do anything to snatch the crown from its bearer.
The gaze of your crow friend is heavy but your father maintained his eyes towards you until you nodded slowly, “Okay, I’ll keep it in mind.”
Your father let out a  sigh of relief, letting go of you, then patting your shoulder.
“I’ll catch the first train on the way back then we will have dinner together, is that good?”
“Alright, can you bring me something from the bakery when you get back?”
“Your favorite?”
You nodded and your father ruffled your hair before stepping out, making sure the sign says ‘Closed’.
It is not the first time your father left you by your lonesome here in the shop and usually, sewing keeps you preoccupied that you don’t even notice he is gone but his simple request of taking a break is quite foreign.
“What do you do when you are taking breaks, Daisy?”, you asked your crow friend who is busy preening the braid on the side of your face.
Mephisto tilted its head and if you can understand it, it is telling you right now that visiting you is break time, a privilege it takes advantage of too often.
“Organize your treasures?”
That is usually scheduled at the end of the month so again, it shakes its head.
“Catch up with your crow friends?”
Mephisto decided to not do that for now, especially when the largest crow in the group tried to pull the ribbon you made for it off its neck.
“Do you clean your nest?” 
It knows it has to give you an answer because you will keep asking, not that it minds.
So, Mephisto nods.
“Really now? I do enjoy looking after the house as well,” you smiled, folding your sleeves until your shoulders and putting your hair up. “Where should we start?”
You follow Mephisto, carrying a broom and laughing gently when it leads you to your studio, perching at the handle while it waits for you to give your verdict on its choice.
“Am I that messy, Daisy?”
It lets out a beep, which you took as a yes, and then opened the door.
“You are a very honest crow,” you chuckled and Mephisto wagged its tail.
It doesn’t think you are messy, no, not at all. It is because out of all the rooms inside your shop, this is where you and it spends time the most.
It only makes sense that you both start cleaning its nest first.
Sylus woke up earlier than expected, mostly because he is looking forward to checking if you managed to pick up the hint he left last night.
The chimes at the entrance of your shop announced his entry and while he didn’t expect you to come and greet him, he certainly did not expect your studio to be empty.
Boxes are scattered around, clearly a sign you are in the middle of organizing fabrics and sewing materials. Spools of threads in the middle of being shifted and arranged from darkest to lightest, assortment of buttons that got lost are reunited one by one to their siblings. 
It was clear you are doing a quick sweep, a break, he assumed, but where are you?
“Sweetie?”, he called out.
There was no response except for a chirp.
It was Mephisto, diligently lifting blankets that covered the mannequins one by one as if looking for someone.
Or, looking for you.
It only took him moments to realize that in the middle of cleaning up, you and Mephisto had your attention diverted and now playing a game of hide and seek.
What even made it more amusing is you don’t know there is a new player joining in. For now.
“Where is she?”, he asked, watching as Mephisto perched on his shoulder and tilted its head, as if repeating the same question he asked albeit sarcastically.
If crows can shrug, Mephisto certainly did but it knows you haven’t stepped outside the shop, a rule both of you set before starting the game.
“Electric wires that connect the shop to the grid are not a hiding place!”, you quickly added earlier before running away when Mephisto started chirping with pause in between, a countdown.
Sylus rolled his eyes. Of course, he can immediately find where you are. He just had to shift through the scents, old and new, that lingered on your shop and follow it but where is the fun in that?
“No hints?”
Mephisto shook its head.
Sylus heard a giggle from behind him, the scent of cotton and wildflowers that is unmistakably yours hung briefly in the air but then faded away together with your soft footsteps padding further from him.
You already know he is here through the gap of the half-opened studio door.
Smart girl.
The familiar click of the heels of your shoes are gone, clearly having taken them off and carried them to not make a noise.
“Now, miss seamstress, is this how you welcome a new player in your game?”, he called out, making sure his voice was carried from your studio to every room of your house until to the very corners and crevices you may have thought were safe hiding spots.
Of course, Sylus did not expect you to reply but he took his time, walking casually and aimlessly at items that decorated your home, making sure his footsteps are loud.
Each step calculated, a movement under the pretense he is exploring rather than actively searching for you. He doesn’t have to close his eyes to know you clearly climbed up the stairs, hearing you gasp softly when you accidentally stepped on the fifth step that always creaked.
“I am starting to think you don’t actually want me to find you, sweetheart.”
Every living thing emits a certain scent when being hunted down and prey hybrids have the most potent ones but there is not even a trace of it in you.
In fact, Sylus can only pick up excitement.
You are clearly happy he still came over to visit you even when you and him had spent the entire day together yesterday.
You can’t help but smile when you peeked from the second floor and saw the tip of Skye’s tail passing by. Daisy glanced up but you put a finger on your lips, a gesture that it is you and your crow friend against the dragon hybrid.
Will Mephisto choose you over Sylus any day? An absurd question.
It decided to buy more time for you, flying towards the receiving area, pretending to check if you were under the front desk.
“You’re a little traitor, do you know that?”, Sylus chuckled, crossing his arms while Mephisto feigned indifference.
The bird is clearly siding with you, he already knows when Mephisto’s gaze lingered on the top of the steps for a second too long.
One of the doors upstairs bang loudly followed by another carefully opened, a clear misdirection.
Daisy can only buy you a little time and you know Skye is bound to find you soon.
Predator hybrids have outstanding senses, that’s what you were told by others. They can hear the beating of your heart. They do not need your name, your scent alone is already a unique identifier.
You haven’t really asked Skye how true it is, if you already lost the game the moment he stepped inside your home but you don’t care much how different you both are, if he already had the edge between the two of you.
In this little corner of the N109 zone, all the rules your kind had imposed upon you are forgotten.
You held your knees close to your chest inside the floor of the cabinet, your ears twitching and listening to his footsteps. The fifth stepped creak and and his silhouette passed by briefly  to your room only for it to return immediately after checking your father’s room.
“I know you’re in there, sweetheart.”
You put your hands on your mouth, stifling your giggles.
“I’ll give you a headstart to change your hiding spot before I come in, darling deer.”
There was no sound, no movement. You stayed where you are and if that’s your decision, then Sylus would take it.
Every person in every room Sylus steps inside would immediately avert their eyes to avoid his gaze but there will always be a handful who will lock eyes with him with subtle defiance and Sylus would always pick up the scent of fear, even the slightest ounce.
Narrow it down further and among the handful, there is only person that will meet his eyes, a vast ocean he will always come back to.
And that person is-
“Found you.”
The cabinet door opened, and there you were, hugging your knees and a shy smile on your lips as you looked up at him.
“Hello, Skye.”
“Hello, sweetheart.”
He crouched down to your height, slowly reaching out to you to play with the small braid on the side of your face and his eyes flickered on one of your antlers.
Tied around it is the red good luck ribbon he had left last night.
You leaned towards his hand, smiling.
“How did you find me, Mister Dragon?”
“I’ll always find you, Miss Deer.”
At first, you find Mister Louis quite rude.
You don’t have to open his gift to know what is inside. Everyone who enters your studio just to watch you always carries one of various sizes.
They usually keep it hidden behind their coats while others carry suspiciously long boxes, the wooden floor creaking every time they put it down on their feet before looking around your studio, making conversation with you.
Cold. Heavy. Powerful.
You only get to hold one when the twins come over, Luke carrying a rifle and Kieran, its case. They let you take a peek at the scope once when they saw two rival groups about to tear each other’s throats just past the boundaries set by the boss himself to all the denizens of the N109 zone.
“Have you ever held one before, Miss Deer?”
Kieran asked you before, noticing your fascination when they let you examine the rifle, making sure the safety is on.
You shook your head, focused on the little fight that was about to unfold between Mister Louis’ pride of lion hybrids and a pack of wolf hybrids.
The two chuckled, their tails wagging.
“I don’t think the miss needs to. She already has us and the boss looking after her.”
They never referred to Skye using his real name.
They always call him ‘boss’.
The distant gunshots rattled the utensils you have brought with your favorite visitor upstairs in the small rooftop garden you keep, the tea making small waves against the walls of your porcelain cups.
“It looks like the neighbors are being rowdy today, Skye,” you chuckled softly but Sylus did not miss the slight tremble when you took a piece of your favorite cake.
The entirety of N109 zone isn’t paradise, that Sylus knows.
Yet, he is very specific to everyone living here to not even dare cause not even a single ruckus within 500 meters of your shop.
“They just don’t know how to behave, do they?”, he mused, adding more strawberry macarons on your plate.
Your eyes fell on his hands. It was clear that he is familiar with defending himself using his fists. His hands were rough, the skin on his knuckles stretched tight against the bone.
As always, he checks the cut on your finger and your eyes trace the calluses on his palm and the finger he uses to pull the trigger.
With his pointed horns, a powerful tail, and senses so sharp, he doesn’t have to worry much about anyone hurting him.
“I have a request,” you started slowly, your eyes watching the last leaf of the tree land on your tea, floating quietly.
You have always welcomed each season with open arms but the end of autumn means it will only be weeks until you say goodbye to your antlers.
With them gone comes the feeling of defenselessness, of terror, and each distant gunshot reminds you that your kind-
-Really is pitiful.
“What is it that my sweetheart wishes for?”
“You can turn me down, alright?”
“Let me hear you out first, miss seamstress, then I’ll make the call.”
“I want to learn how to shoot,” you replied, and you immediately averted your gaze, looking down at your lap.
You know he uses one but he always keeps it on his back, covered by the coat he hangs on his shoulder but you always spot it when he shifts closer to you to study your work.
Sylus was expecting you to bring up your many plans of tying bows on his horns and tails but certainly not this. He had always told himself you don’t need to wield a weapon. Not because he thinks you are completely fragile but because holding one means you are pointing it to another person.
Your hands, they weren’t made to destroy.
They were meant to create.
“That’s not a small request, little doe, are you sure?”
“If it is fine with you?”
“Why do you want to learn, sweetie?”
“I am going to lose my antlers soon,” you admitted sadly, your ears drooping and Sylus’ gaze softened when he realized the cause of your anxiety.
The red ribbon tied on your antler sway gently against the autumn breeze together with the good luck ribbon on his horn.
It is hard to say no when his favorite deer is looking at him as if he ate her last macaron.
Sylus already knows he is a goner.
Still, he relished that you chose to ask him this favor over Luke and Kieran and he chuckled, his resolve gone.
“You’ve got me wrapped around your little finger, do you know that, sweetie?”
You know Skye’s services do not come cheap. He already did so much for you, carrying favors and messages so it is only fair you compensate him just as before when he helped you.
“Here,” you said, tapping your right cheek, “My downpayment.”
“You’re quite a charmer, aren’t you, little doe,” he whispered, reaching out to lean closer to you then pressed his lips on your cheek.
If Sylus has it his way, he would be demanding more, to shower you kisses. Will you be blushing madly when he does? Or will you just laugh and tell him he missed a spot?
As much as he wants his answers to those questions that come while he waits for sleep to come, he will take what he can have right now as long as it is from you.
“Downpayment received,” he murmured softly in your ear and you caught the red tints of his ears.
Among the quiet rustling of the dried leaves on the floor of your garden and the sounds of ceramic pots and bottles being lined up, he can only hope that his wishes carried by the autumn breeze will be heard.
Daisy gave you another reassuring nuzzle on your cheek, sensing your frustration and embarrassment.
Sylus knows you are clearly upset and he knows exactly why.
Thirty bullets in and your chances of hitting a target should be at least greater than before but every time you pull a trigger, it is as if the bullet ricochets itself and hits the wall.
Is this the universe's way of telling him that his precious deer shouldn’t wield a firearm? He is starting to think it is.
“Skye, they kept missing,” you sighed, your ears drooping, and he had to stifle a chuckle because even with tears threatening to spill from your eyes, you just look so adorable.
“Sweetie, it takes time handling a firearm,” he began, stepping closer with his thumb wiping a tear on the corner of your eye, “Just like when you were learning how to use your sewing needles.”
“Did it also take you years to learn how to use them?”
“Not years but it took practice and patience.”
“Don’t rush it, sweetie,” he murmured against your ear, standing behind you, his chest brushing against your back, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”
An erratic heartbeat.
It isn’t the quiet and steady rhythm you have. A tune trying to sync itself against the conductor’s lead but ahead by one note.
“Breathe for me,” he said quietly and your ears brushed his cheek, flicking. Your shoulders relaxed against him followed by a sharp intake of breath, an attempt to match the cadence of his heart.
Trembling hands.
The gun, a foreign object, your body’s natural reaction to push it away from you but your determination supersedes, holding on.
“Eyes forward,” Sylus continued, his warm breath fanning against your neck, soft but firm. His other hand moved from your waist to grip your wrist, a stable guide. 
Shaky aim.
Every time you pull the trigger, the close sounds of the gun unloading startles you. The sound, much different, compared to the distant firing of the rowdy citizens of the N109 zone. Your deer instinct takes precedence over everything, telling you to flee.
“Ignore everything else.”
His hand holding your wrist rested on top of yours, his finger on the trigger with you. His voice a low, soothing rumble as he rested his chin against your shoulder.
You are as much a human as you are a deer.
The last bullet inside the firearm discharged, the golden casing shining against the afternoon sun until it finally met its target, the pieces of the old ceramic pot shattering.
Sylus was watching you closely, your stunned expression of finally hitting one of the targets both of you set up slowly replaced by a wide smile, relief and triumph.
Victory . 
A small one but a victory nonetheless.
“That’s my girl,” he praised you, his hands moving around your waist to pull you closer against his chest.
“Did you see that, Skye?”, you asked, looking up at him, your nose brushing against his in the process.
“I did, sweetheart, I did.”
“You’re a good teacher.”
“And I have a willing student.”
“I supposed I should pay you in full now for the lesson,” you smiled, then pointing at your right cheek, “Here.”
Sylus is sure the twins and even Mephisto had a hand at this. The three of them most likely made you assume that little favors are to be paid by hugs and kisses, always seeking affection from you just like he does.
Unbelievable but it worked.
He chuckled softly, his lips hovering just above your skin before he planted a lingering kiss on the spot you pointed.
“Payment accepted, sweetie.”
Sylus had already given himself the role to be your protector and he knows what it takes to be one.
To you, he is your dragon, always yearning for your touch, content.
To others, he is the big, bad and will always be bad dragon and if he has to take, bite, and claw at every single being that is a threat to your small forest, then so be it.
Evening comes by too fast, the breeze entering the open windows of your shop becoming colder and stronger and you know it is time for your favorite visitor to go when he glances at his watch and lets out a heavy sigh.
The passage of time always picks up speed every time he is here and his shoulder slumps just slightly when he sets one of the boxes he is helping you move on one of the tables.
“Duty calls?”, you asked, his frown turning to a smile when you peek to check on him.
He nodded, “It’s time for me to go.”
You observed him thoughtfully, studying him and your eyes lingered on his watch, a new one, clearly expensive. He always wears a different one every time he comes over.
There is a question that you put at the back of your head when morning came where you were met with an unexpected surprise after you removed the wreath that Skye made for you.
“What is it like to be Mr. Sylus’ bodyguard?”, you asked, accompanying him to the door of your shop.
“It’s a demanding job but it pays well.”
“Does it also include making sure that not a lot of people know what Mr. Sylus looks like?”
“That’s one of the job requirements, sweetie.”
“If I tell you I now know what he looks like, what would you do?”, you asked, tilting your head with a knowing smile.
Who would have thought a little hint is all you need to piece together who is the man in front of you?
This is the face of someone close to solving a puzzle, a breakthrough. You have a question in your mind slowly taking shape.
All Sylus needs now is for the words to come from your lips.
A confirmation and there is only one correct answer.
“That depends, sweetie. Prove it to me and I’ll take you to him,” he replied playfully.
“You will?”, you asked, wagging your tail, “Really?”
“Really,” he affirmed, and his tail flicked in excitement, “We’ll go straight to the base if you give me the right answer.”
You paused for a moment, your eyes looking at your shoes and the dusty clothes you are wearing then you chuckled softly, “Tomorrow. I want to look my best when we meet Mr. Sylus.”
You want to doll up for him.
You want to be presentable.
He wanted to tell you that you don’t need to, that all he needs is for you to call him by his real name.
“You already look cute just the way you are, if you ask me,” he said, pinching your cheek one last time before opening the door and he was about to step out when you reached out to hold the end of his coat hanging on his shoulders.
“Miss me already, sweetie? Don’t we have an appointment set tomorrow?”
“You forgot something.”
“Did I?”, Sylus answered, a slow smile spreading on his face while he pretended to pat his pockets and scan his clothes, “I supposed I did.”
Late autumn. 
His car parked just outside your shop at the front in this corner of the N109 zone while the lone tree standing tall near the curb had finally completely shed its leaves. Your wool cardigan rustles gently, the wooden floor creaking when you stand on your tiptoes.
This time, your lips finally hit the mark, right on his cheek. 
A small noise, he doesn’t know if it is his, yours, or maybe both but it is clear that it is for your ears and his only, an intangible treasure, a song that will always play in repeat, forever sought.
Small memories, so small, but even then, all the precious gems are.
After he waved goodbye, Sylus had tucked the stray leaf on the dashboard of his car that day.
Tomorrow can’t come any sooner.
A classical tune filled the room, the papers and record books shuffling while you pile them up together for your father who is running late.
Your eyes occasionally land on the door, hoping you will see the familiar antlers and the package from your favorite bakery that makes the best strawberry shortcake, a little treat he promised from earlier and also, most likely to make up with you..
The chimes rang.
“Welcome home-”
“I always loved those antlers of yours, branches.”
Every part of your body froze, and your wool cardigan suddenly was not enough to keep you warm.
How long was it when you heard that voice? Your mind was close to putting a number to the distance you and your father had put between that voice but before you could even come up with an answer, you stopped.
Every cell that makes you up refuses to acknowledge his presence, no, his existence .
There is no person in front of you, the chimes did not announce a visitor. Maybe it did not ring at all and it is just you and Daisy in this shop, waiting for your father’s return.
But there is.
He is a human, that one you are sure. 
No tail.
No horns.
Normal ears. 
His voice?
A broken record, too many scratches but it still plays a distorted song, the lyrics a horrid amalgamation of disjointed tracks.
His face? 
A mess of black threads all tied against each other, there is no way to tell where it began and it started. It is as if they have been there ever since and will always be there.
“Who would have thought that the deer Sylus is keeping for himself is you? I have been looking for you everywhere.”
Three strides. It also takes him the same number of steps from the store front of your old shop to stand beside you in the front desk when you used to be the one greeting customers.
You keep your eyes on your shoes, your hands behind your back and even when you try to move at least an inch, your body refuses.
Deers must stay still under the gaze of a predator.
An actual predator.
Predator hybrids. 
Prey hybrids.
Put all three of it in a diagram and you will find that you are as much as capable of harming each other.
The only question is- Will you?
Can you?
“It looks like he knows how to look after livestock,” the human continued, and your lips trembled when his breath was a little closer to your neck.
His name? What was his name?
Your mind refuses to cooperate. Do not put a name on this tangled mess of black threads that he calls a face.
Names only make them more real.
How does it even speak? No, there is certainly a face underneath it but if you even try to pull a loose thread, it will only just unravel itself further.
You might get caught in it too if you do.
“Lost your voice? But you were just talking to Sylus earlier,” he prodded further and your gaze moved from your feet to the drawer of the front desk. “Gave him a kiss too.”
Breathe for me.
Skye’s words echoed and his voice, always so gentle, is now distant.
“Too bad your little league isn’t here anymore,” the human continued then he gazed at the crow.
He clearly recognized this one. Its appearance is the reason why Sylus suddenly left a very important negotiation back then and who would have known, that beast really does keep an eye over you.
Oh, you aren’t Sylus’ emergency ration. 
Not a feast either. 
You are so much more to that dragon, alright.
Sylus is going to regret crossing a human.
“Hey boss, the packages have arrived.”
The twins weave their way towards him through the maze of boxes and crates scattered inside the main hallway of the base and more are waiting to be brought in outside the double doors of his home.
Experimental drugs.
The whole nine yards, waiting to be opened by him one by one and all of it will fetch a hefty sum as long as it is sold to the most eager buyer.
Who would have known he will be doing a similar clean-up here at the base as well?
“Let’s get started. Time is money.”
It was the usual routine, Luke will hand him a package to open while Kieran continues to put everything inside.
The blade cuts across the tape holding the flaps and each item inside promising.
Sylus always notes the senders, these are from business associates after all. How the product performs is a test, an evaluation to know if the venture is a worthy pursuit or not.
“Say, boss, I thought you had that group blacklisted,” Kieran said slowly, approaching his desk and carrying a box.
A cardboard box. 
No sender details.
Yet, it was faint, very faint, but Sylus knows why Kieran asked.
The box holds a faint stench of the black market that deals with prey hybrid meat.
“I did,” he frowned. He was clear to those sick bastards he had no intentions of dealing with their wares, “Open it.”
“I wonder if they are sending those vials again. That was creepy,” Luke said, standing closer to Kieran while he watched his brother rip the old parchment paper wrapping the box.
“Or those horns. That was nasty.”
“Or a bomb.”
“What? Nah, this box has been sitting outside for a while.”
“Let’s get this over,” Sylus said, sighing heavily, already thinking how he would dispose of these ‘samples’ as those people called it.
Sylus has always been decisive when giving orders and every decision comes with consequences, both good and bad.
Yet, there are many times that the universe is quick to remind him that he isn’t invincible as he thinks he is even if it gifted him the prowess to assert his claim against those who stand his way.
And right now, the universe is pointing at a chink on his scales.
The box is full of photos of you, all circled with a red marker. 
His eyes traced the antlers decorated with threads, then at the crown of flowers and finally-
-At the glassy eyes of a taxidermized head of a deer resting on the white linen holding a note in its mouth.
And it says-
“Boss?”, Luke said slowly.
“Boss, what does it say?”, Kieran asked, the usual calmness in his voice slowly overcome by nervousness.
Pretty little deer.
Sylus had never been much dependent on fate. Every action is calculated, all variables considered and every odds must be in his favor.
But tonight, when he and the twins raced back to your shop, never he expected the day would come his car would roar on the highway as he stepped on the accelerator.
Let this be a sick prank.
Let this be an empty threat.
Let this be a cruel joke.
God, please.
Author's Note:
Do you know that part in the rollercoaster before you plunge at the speed of 80kph or more? Yeah, this chapter is that chapter. See you next Thursday!
My inbox is open~ (If you wanted to be mutuals, I will be happy!) I am still navigating how fandom etiquette is since it is my first time being active in one here in Tumblr.
Ch. 1 / Ch. 2 / Ch. 3 / Ch.4 / Ch. 5 / Ch. 6 / Ch. 7 / Ch. 8
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el121a · 1 year ago
Being Elijah's Wife would include
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Your flirtatious and magnetic confidence lingered in the memories of those you met, making you a topic of conversation long after the event had ended.
1 word to describe you would be genuine.
Elijah would never tell you, but even though it was too dangerous for a human to accompany him, he believed you made him look better and enjoyed having you around.
You are Elijah's pride.
Being Marcel's friend, you navigated the supernatural world with grace and charm.
Even when you're mad at Elijah, you can't help but believe in him. "Elijah has re-constructed diplomacy to bitchy insults and it still works, so… Yeah, I think he’s got this."
You may have not been a vampire, but you knew how to take care of one.
You were warm and approachable but commanding, a perfect balance that captivated those around you.
You and Elijah would work out together, finding entertainment in witnessing what a vampire could do.
Being the closest to Kol and Davina, you bridged the gap between the Mikaelsons and their extended family.
Being a mother figure to Kol, and of course Davina now that they're married.
You're just as much of a fashionista as he is, You wore only the finest. Picky is an understatement . No zippers,glitter, or anything that looked cheap to you.
Elijah was possessive of you since you were his greatest treasure.
Having children with Elijah after a thousand years of not being able to reproduce was a blessing and a testament to your unique bond.
You didn't care to insult anyone like your husband did, but your sharp wit was a force to be reckoned with.
Elijah is a sex god in your eyes- or anyone's of reason, and you're not shy about expressing it to his praise kink.
Elijah is busy, but you take on some of his responsibilities willingly, understanding the weight of his duties.
At first, he was afraid to ask for sex, but that notion quickly faded as he realized your desires matched his.
Elijah always buys you flowers on your monthly dates, a tradition that never fails to make you feel cherished.
He married the most gorgeous person in the world — you! And he tells you it's his biggest feat, a sentiment that never fails to bring a smile to your face.
You and Elijah share great laughs, finding joy in the simplicity of each other's company.
You teased him for losing his Viking demeanor to a suit during sex, and he's gotten less snobby trying to prove himself to you. Everyone has noticed, but no one will ever know why.
You both walk around the quarter at night, immersing yourselves in the timeless charm of New Orleans.
He's comfortable being a vampire around you.
You both read and write together, creating a world where words are your shared language.
After your showers, he braids your hair into Viking braids for the night or the rest of the day, a small intimate ritual.
And you braid his, a gesture that signifies the intertwining of your lives.
You guys cook together. Taking your time and talking about your day or upcoming day with him. The most relaxing part of your day as his Wife.
You knew him since you were a teen, so you feel like you know him in and out.
He's mostly submissive, except in bed. He tries to be, but he just can't keep his hands off you.
You didn't drink vervain because you felt that to be an insult to your husband, trusting him completely. You were an amazingly powerful sorcerer though.
Elijah fell inlove with you becasue of your love of Ideas, always having critiques, theories and your philosophical rants encouraging him to talk. How you listened to him like no other.
You created another type of magic for vampires in your studies of the supernatural because the human sacrifices weren't cutting it for you — pun intended.
When you first came back into his life, he was scared to love you because you were all he owned. Nothing Klaus had. By loving you, you taught him how to love himself. Congrats to you.
He has a secret breeding kink, One that you take advantage of. Along with his sir, Mr, and teaching kink. Nothing too wild, He's more of a romantic.
He grew a stubble for you when you told him you thought it made him look more like a DILF, embracing his role of a father.
Elijah doesn't want you on the tip of your toes to kiss him, so he lifts you effortlessly, creating a height equality you both relish.
He's your best friend, and he can say the same about you — a companionship that transcends time and immortality.
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sugarushwriting · 10 days ago
ot7 vampire — human blood bank
s3 p5
i am hoping to have my masterlist updated this weekend or soon
3:14 am
leaves crunched from underneath your bare feet. your feet walked across the muddy ground, over twigs, skipping over snakes, other insects,
you soon stopped in front of a small stream of a river. across the way, a little boy stood.
you both stared at each other. when you looked down, you couldn’t see your feet. you gently caressed your rounded belly.
you looked up to the little boy. he waved, then you waved.
when you looked back down, you saw your feet, a frown across your face.
“mommy don’t you love me?” the boy asked coming closer.
“mommy are you going to save me?” his voice was getting closer.
“mommy you have to help me!”
“mommy why won’t you help me?”
4:30 am
you jolted awake, next to sunghoon. eyebrows knitted tightly, as if he was calculating something in his dream. he looked handsome as ever of course.
you looked to the doorway seeing the familiar outline of the tall figure, and carefully got out of the bed, meeting ni-ki in the library.
“these dreams are getting worse.”
you swallowed and nodded, “i know but i still don’t want them to know, not yet.”
“jay nearly killed you.”
“he was mad at his father that had nothing to do with me!” you argued.
“and for some reason, i think it does.” before you opened your mouth, ni-ki held up his hand, “that is not me blaming you, by the way.”
you turned around to face the window over looking the backyard of the house. it was dark, as expected, now wondering what secrets laid out there in the forest.
“i went to chan and asked if there was anyway a human and vampire could have a child.”
you quickly turned around, but any hope was washed away seeing ni-ki’s frown. “what happens?”
“the only known case, the child died after birth. i did some additional reading on it, the human carrying the child suffered extremely. barely survived the 10 months of pregnancy.”
“it’s 9 months.”
ni-ki held up a finger, “actually it’s 10 months, full term is 37 to 40 weeks, closer to 40 weeks preferably.”
you smiled. “okay my future OB.”
ni-ki shuddered, “absolutely not.”
“just, wait to tell them, okay?”
“if you have another sleep walking terror-scare trying to yeet yourself to death, im not waiting, understood?”
you nodded. ni-ki, nodded as well, saying good night and went back to his room for bed. you sighed and your body felt awake so you decide you grab a random book and try to read to relax your mind.
only you couldn’t. so you did what any normal human being would do.
you researched ways a human could get pregnant by a vampire.
you had fallen asleep at the desktop in your library. you only realized when ni-ki woke you up the next morning.
“when i told you goodnight, i meant sleep in a bed and not research ways to get pregnant by a vampire.”
your search history was still up. you embarrassed, quickly shut it off. “none of your business.”
“find anything useful?”
“no.” you answered shortly as you stood up with a stretch, walking out the library to the hallway. “still can’t have babies with dead sperm.”
you walked around the hall to use sunghoon’s bathroom, unknowing sunoo and jungwon heard the conversation between you and ni-ki.
they gave him an odd look. “inside joke.” ni-ki waved off, his bottom lip jutting out. “no need to worry.” ni-ki quickly walked off down stairs.
“should we be worried?” jungwon asked.
sunoo thought for a minute, “probably, but then again, knowing them two, most likely not.” sunoo shrugged.
when ni-ki got downstairs, he saw chan and changbin talking with sunghoon and jay. he bowed greeting the olders, as minho and seungmin were there also.
“ni-ki, you shouldn’t be here.” sunghoon stated with worry.
“no, it’s okay. he proved he can control his anger.” chan said with a smile.
“what’s going on?” ni-ki asks as sunoo and jungwon came down the steps.
“where is she?” jay asked looking around for you. hoping you wouldn’t be bouncing down the steps soon.
“she’s upstairs in sunghoons bathroom.” ni-ki answered. “why?”
chan looked over to seungmin and minho. “can one of you go pick the lock to ensure she does not come down? changbin, have your men bring him in.”
“bring who in?” jungwon asked, eyebrow raised.
minho and seungmin went up the stairs to pick the lock to stop you from leaving the room, to as well block the door. changbin’s guards brought in sunwoo, chained by his hands, ankles, and a gag in his mouth.
“he’s been deprived of any blood for the past week. he’s weak but can answer questions.” one of the guards answered and stood by sunwoo as he kneeled on the carpeted floor in front of all the men. the gag was removed from sunwoo’s mouth.
ni-ki balled his fists, “what’s going on?”
“tell your girl congratulations for me yet?” sunwoo coughed with a smile.
“congratulations for what?” jay spat.
sunwoo kept the smile then pouted, “haven’t noticed any differences with your girl yet? what a shame. you all claim to love her so much.” he scoffed. “can’t even tell she’s pregnant.”
the guards stopped any of them from running up to sunwoo. jay, sunghoon, and even ni-ki ready to attack.
“explain yourself. now.” chan demanded. he had enough of sunwoo’s antics, even behind a jail cell.
sunwoo rolled his eyes with as much energy he could muster up. “has she been losing energy lately? feeling nauseous? emotional? hornier?” sunwoo smirked. “oh she was a good lay with the short time i got with her.”
jay pointed in his face. “you’re the reason my father called her a skank believing she willingly cheated and got pregnant!”
“you should be thanking me park!” sunwoo attempted to stand but the guard pushed him back to his knees. “that poor girl just wants kids and a family and i granted her that wish.” sunwoo spat back.
“because of you she could potentially die! she’ll just feel more heartbreak because the baby will die!” ni-ki exclaimed.
“i’m done here.” sunwoo said. “take me back to my cell.” he closed his mouth looking at the guard. “keep an eye on her. she’s a feisty one, yeah?”
the guards escorted sunwoo to the waiting car outside to disperse back to the other world.
ni-ki suddenly felt panic, and a rush of energy to jump. “fuck, she’s thinking about jumping out the window of sunghoon’s room!” you fucking insane, ni-ki thought.
“minho, seungmin, open the door!” chan yelled while running up the stairs, sunghoon and jay following.
“i need air.” ni-ki stated to the other four and walked out the front door.
the two opened the door to sunghoon’s bedroom, you halfway out the window, which led to the roof, that was overtop of the back porch.
“oh, hi.” you waved, coming back into the room. “hi chan, looking handsome as ever. and minho, see you’ve been working those thighs out.”
“what about me?” seungmin teased.
you pouted. “still paper thin, but adorable as ever.”
“don’t push it love.” jay stated.
sunghoon ran to the window and pulled you in, pulling you closer to his chest. “jeez, what were you thinking?”
“i was thinking i didn’t appreciate being locked in this room! what happened? why was i locked in here anyway? ni-ki felt tense.”
truth be told you weren’t really thinking. you just happened to look out the window, see a small shadow, felt ni-ki tensing up, then next thing you knew you were halfway out the window!
sunghoon looked at you then the other guys. “we need you to take a test.”
“what kind of test?”
“a pregnancy test.” jay stated.
you laughed and when they didn’t, you stopped. “not funny. i don’t appreciate being joked about knowing damn well how much i want kids and a family with you all! what a shitty thing to do!” you pushed sunghoon away.
you went to walk away from them, but chan grabbed your hand gently. “please, for them, okay? this is serious. your life and potentially your baby’s if you are pregnant, could be in danger.”
“the only way i could be pregnant is if some idiot talked with a warlock or witch. so who’s that idiot?” you pulled your hand away from chan to place your hands on your hips.
your hands dropped, your heart dropped, your shoulders dropped, your teasing smile dropped.
“sun—sunwoo?” you gasped out. “ho—how?”
changbin came into the room. “we don’t know exactly how, but we believe that as he was planning to get back at jay by kidnapping you, he had contacted a warlock or witch who practiced dark magic to make you pregnant with his sperm.”
then chan explained, “it’s been a few months since everything happened. he doesn’t necessarily need to be intimate with you to get you pregnant with the warlock or witches help, although it increases the chances of the sperm taking.”
you swallowed. “he was intimate. more than once. i was out of my mind. losing sense of reality.” you admitted with shame.
sunghoon held you close. jay wanted to, but he might’ve held you too tight.
“if you have any sickness, nausea, unexplained emotional up and downs, or any other odd occurrences, this could be why. this could also be the reason behind your dreams ni-ki told me about.”
“dreams?” sunghoon looked down to you but you didn’t respond.
“when do i take the test?”
“now.” seungmin said and pulled out three different pregnancy tests from a black plastic bag he was holding.
“if you don’t need to pee, we can get you some water.” minho said.
“uh, i’ll try to manage.” you stated. “more than ever, i wish the sserafims were not traveling the world.”
and when all three read back positive, you wish you had sakura here with you to pat your back and let you know everything would be okay.
because now you were pregnant. you would get that full belly you wanted. but it wouldn’t last. you knew it would be taken away from you. the baby. the family. the love.
you cried sitting on the bathroom floor, knowing the men could hear you from outside, just thankful they left you alone.
next update — march 10
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bakugoushotwife · 1 year ago
kinktober day thirteen: somnophilia kink
>>> y'all i worked breeding into the plot again officer take me away!! i just love soft and domestic sho, and it also totally feels like something he'd love!!
>>> starring: shouto todoroki x curvy!fem!reader >>> cw: fingering, oral (fem receiving) somno, breeding, reader hates working lmfao, creampie obviously, mating press. >>> wc: 2.6k >>> event masterlist
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 shouto loves relaxing. he was sure this was something everyone enjoyed, until he met you. you seemed to stay occupied at all times, delving into hobby after hobby to keep yourself busy. being professional heroes was draining enough, he thought, so why were you indulging in running clubs and extra gym sessions? why did you spend more time learning new recipes and anxiously cleaning the house these days than lounging in bed with him watching tv like you used to? of course, his first assumption is that he has done something to push you away or upset you, as he’s prone to doing. he’s naturally aloof and a bit distant, all things he tries to push past to connect to you, the only person who makes him feel warmth were his coldness usually lies. you know how he is, how he can come off a bit frigid and almost mean without thinking about it, or how he struggles to read your body language and cues—always missing the hints you throw him. you’re used to it by now, far more accommodating than a grown man like him deserves, so he figures this time he needs to get to the bottom of this and make it up to you and prove he can be in tune with your emotions too. 
you had grown restless, but it wasn’t all your husband’s fault. you felt so out of place these days, feeling awkward in your own role in life. you enjoy being a hero some days, other days you can hardly motivate yourself to get out of bed. work had become monotonous and meaningless, the streets of japan were safer than they had been in years past, so most of your days were spent patrolling and training if they weren’t consumed in paper work. you felt stagnant, and things were only complicated further by your conflicting emotions. all your friends from school were retired to spend time with their families or in the process of retiring to go home and take care of their parents or kids—and then there was you. a family would be…perfect, but it was a touchy subject with shouto and you didn’t want to press the matter just because you needed a change in life. so yes, you started tinkering around with hobbies to try and get your mind off of things, knowing you had accepted the possibility of not having children when you agreed to be his misses todoroki. he hadn’t taken the possibility completely off  the table, but you knew he wanted to broach the subject whenever he was ready. so you started using the home gym a little more, picking up books your girlfriends recommended, even working on your cooking skills all in an effort to feel something other than bored.
you didn’t associate your issues with shouto, still acting as normal as possible in other regards other than your drifting away. you really didn’t think he’d notice given the lack of emotional fluency he had, hoping if you could replace the void growing within you that everything would go back to normal and you could be as happy as you were five or ten years ago. but he had noticed, of course. he missed his wife alongside him, but it wasn’t his fault that he had trauma associated with family and was unsure of himself as a father. it certainly wasn’t his fault that when you got married right out of high school you hadn’t cared—knowing that you love him either way. this is still true, of course, but back then you hadn’t imagined  you’d feel this way, this tired of the life you worked so hard for. so ready for the next chapter, especially as ochako welcomes baby midoriya number two and you’re left in charge of the elder brother at the hospital. 
the little boy was only about four or so, absolutely adorable and the image of his father. he was a giggly kid, clinging to his “auntie” with excitement to meet his baby brother or sister. ochako called as soon as she was sure she was in labor, and you dropped everything to go support your closest friend, not that you needed an excuse to leave work early anyway. shouto was still working, of course, as a top five hero he was often kept busy. but that left you to wrangle the toddler on your own. it was way easier than you expected, even with the energetic little boy bouncing all over the waiting room waiting for his dad to come get him. he still conversed with you and ate his lunch like a good boy—though that’s because his parents were so good at raising him, but what would you expect from them? 
all the day proved to you was that you weren’t just making up solutions to your problems, having a family really is what you want. but still, you love your husband more than this want, so you’ll double down on your hobbies until you find something that sticks. 
he reads your texts over and over, waiting on you to get back from the hospital. he had set up a date, truly romantic when he tries to be, and when bakugou answers his calls. following his advice, he had your favorite dinner made and the dining room table was intimately set. ochako had her second baby, and that threw a minor wrench in his plans even lthough he was overjoyed for them, and for you for being their dependable friend in that moment. he sits at the table, all the food keeping warm in the oven as the wax of the candles starts to wane. he had flowers, wine, all the things he knew to try and connect with you and get to the center of your sleepless nights. 
when you walk in, he stands, smiling sheepishly. you smile back, though it doesn’t reach the entirety of your eyes. then you notice he’s guarding the table, and you creep closer. “hey, honey.” 
“welcome home, sweetheart.” he nods, stepping aside to show you the lovely dinner scene just for you. your heart melts a little at his effort, knowing it was always a great show of his love to do something like this, much preferring cuddle sessions and shared showers over grand displays of affection. 
“aw, shou.” you pout, giving him a big hug, “this is so pretty, to what do i owe the pleasure?” you giggle like everything is normal. he hums in thought, slender arms holding your waist as he stews over what to say. 
“you’ve been distant as of late.” he says without a trace of malice or disappointment. his words catch you by surprise–he did notice. he lets you go, pulling out your chair and tilting his head for you to sit. “why?” 
you clear your throat and sit, any charade you wanted to drum up crumbling in your brain. you can’t lie to him, but how could you approach this without feeling like you’re betraying his trust and wishes. you sigh. “i… i’ve just been trying to find new hobbies.” 
“you’re hardly sleeping, and i feel like i never see you anymore.” he frowns, making his way to the oven to retrieve the dinner the chef made. “what is it really, sweetheart? do you feel as if you cannot talk to me? is it something i’ve done?”  
you chew the inside of your lip as he assembles food on your plate. “i don’t enjoy hero life anymore. i’m ready for the next chapter, to feel important for other reasons.” you reply, not wanting to make him at fault for your whirlwind feelings as of late. 
he takes in what you say, smart enough to connect some dots. the picture you sent him of you holding baby midoriya in your arms and big brother proudly sitting on your lap was the happiest you’ve looked in some time. “the next chapter…as in, motherhood?” 
you look up at him, studying his mismatched eyes for a hint of how he feels. you sigh, “i know, i know. i guess that’s why i’ve been a little withdrawn…i feel bad about it, i know what you want.” you chuckle sadly, sipping at the wine provided. “really, i’m trying to get over it, i guess. maybe we could get a dog?” 
now he was disappointed. not in your desires, but that you put his possible feelings above your actual ones without ever speaking to him about it. just like you, he had changed as well. he wasn’t the same unsure eighteen year old he was when you married him, and though he still held trauma from his childhood, he had long accepted the concept of being a father since you were by his side. he could do anything if he was with you. he cuts into the meal and gives you a sympathetic glance. 
“you should have told me. a family…i think i’m ready for that, if you’re saying you’re ready to stay home in that way.” he hums, knowing you wouldn’t put yourself in harm’s way after becoming a mother. you gape at him, replaying his words over in your head. 
“wh–i don’t want you to do it just for me.” you double down, blindsided by his revelation. had you really put yourself through all of this for nothing? 
“i would do anything for you.” he replies instantly, and he meant that with no restrictions. “but i had considered it again around the time izuku welcomed his first.” 
“meaning you were ready four years ago?!” you almost cry out just from the shock alone, and he chuckles softly. 
“not ready to have one then, but i knew i would want some eventually. now is a good time. we’re stable. you made me nervous.” he sips at his wine, eating his food nonchalantly. 
“i made you nervous? i–” you sputter, still grappling with the fact that shouto was more than willing to try for a baby. 
“i thought i messed up, you were drifting from me. i wish i had known all you wanted was a child.” he hums thoughtfully, a full plan coming together in his head to comfort both of you. “and you haven’t been getting enough sleep for weeks, so i’ll make sure you get both tonight.” 
you took that to mean that he’ll fuck you to sleep, another thing he’s prone to do at times. so you shower and meet him in bed, trying to repress your giddiness. you didn’t notice the devious smirk your husband gave you as you sink into his arms. he pulls the blankets over you both, leaning in to give you the routine kisses before bed, and then he turns over like he’s going to sleep. 
you look at the ceiling in the dark with confusion. did he forget or change his mind? 
“you have to go to sleep before i’ll give you that child, sweetheart.” he speaks into the night, making your heart pound with a mix of frustration and intrigue and warmth at how he cares for you, as worked up as you were for him now, you groan and turn over. your brain is quiet as it’s your heart that races for once, and eventually you’re able to drift to sleep. 
he waits a few hours to make sure you’re good and asleep, his whole plan would be ruined if he woke you up. shouto loves you more than anything, and he hadn’t been exaggerating when he said he was worried. you had to be well rested, especially if you hoped to give him a baby after all. so only when he hears your quiet snores and deep breathing does he scoot closer, gently positioning you on your back. you dressed in a little nightgown in anticipation of him anyhow, so it was easy for him to locate your waiting bundle of nerves. he rubs you carefully, drawing small circles over your hood as you squirm the slightest bit beside him. he slides his fingers down to the familiar hole beneath, nodding at the feeling of slick appearing, your sweet body was responding to him. he crawls between your legs and carefully pushes your nightgown up over your chest, completely bewitched at the sight of your nipples perking up and goosebumps covering your perfect body. 
he thinks it’s almost ridiculous to think he wouldn’t want children with you. you’ve been in his life since his ua days and no one knew him like you did. you were someone so clearly meant to be a mother, it would be a crime not to give you the family you deserve. he easily parts your thighs, massaging and kneading the thickness he finds there as he lowers his face to your slick cunt. he’s always so gentle, but no time more than now as he hopes to remedy all your problems in one fell swoop like a good husband should. he laps at your center, angular nose bumping against the sensitive clit nestled above until he can hear your breathing change. he didn’t think he’d like it this much, but knowing that your body responds to him even subconsciously has his dick growing in his pants. you taste just as good as usual, growing wetter against his face with every passing second. he slides his fingers in, needing to know when you came. you spasm around the digits as his mouth focuses your swollen clit, and he knows you won’t take much longer. he may need his time understanding emotions and the like, but he knew your body like he knew his own. a few more flicks of his tongue over your nub and pumps of his fingers tickling your insides has you unraveling, and even in your sleep you look majestic cumming on his face. 
he shoves himself out of his boxers, admiring the way you still jerk when he presses his his fingers to your sensitivity. he draws your thighs around his slender hips, angling his pretty cock to your folds. he nuzzles the length along your folds to coat himself despite the pre oozing from his pink tip, taking a second to enjoy that sight in and of itself. then he sheaths himself, careful not to hiss too loud. you feel amazing, clenching him so tight even in the r.e.m stages of sleep, it’s almost too much for him to process. this was the first attempt at a baby, a family he never imagined himself having until he married and matured with you. it’s intoxicating, really, the way he rocks his way into your waiting pussy, silky walls guiding him in and out without any resistance. he has to bite down on his lip not to grunt and moan at how you feel, promising himself that he’d stay quiet and fill you to the brim. he pushes your legs to your chest, watching your face for any signs of discomfort. you only pant softly as he draws in and out of you, figuring this deep angle would be the best for his seed. 
all you did was follow his orders, getting the rest he demanded in exchange for his cum, even though he really won in the end. getting you to sleep, getting to see your body recognize and beg for him, getting to shove his cock deep and impress himself on your womb was more than a fair trade. a soft grunt slips past his lips as his hips stutter. his balls feel unimaginably heavy and then they don’t, his heavy load being fucked even deeper by the determined man you married. even when his warmth pools around his own dick as it goes soft inside you, he doesn’t quit, rolling his hips until he’s too sensitive to continue. 
he’s the one that doesn’t get any sleep that night, watching you sleep with his seed tucked in you only inspired him to take breaks and keep pumping you full, resigning himself to rest hours later  when he can’t possibly cum anymore.
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bigtreefest · 1 year ago
Touch My Butt
Pairing: Jake Jensen x reader one-shot
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Summary: Dating Jake is great, he’s such a gentleman
Word count: 1,506
Content/warnings: mostly fluff, is this what a meet-cute is?, allusions to smut if you squint, the lightest thigh grinding, adorkable awkward Jake, accidental pervy statements, butt-touching, I don’t think I used any pronouns (aka gn!reader), no use of Y/N
A/N: I’ve been wanting to write this for awhile, and it’s one of those things that came out pretty much exactly how I had it in my head, so that makes me really happy.
Who doesn’t love a hot nerd who doesn’t know he’s hot??
Comments, likes, reblogs, and asks are so appreciated. Thank you for reading!!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Main Masterlist
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You and Jake had been going out for nearly a couple of months now. You had met originally at a coffee shop where he had complimented your pants, standing behind you as you both were waiting for your drinks.
“Hey, I really like your pants. So many pockets. And the buttons are really cool on the back ones, here.”
You slowly turned around, eyes trailing up from a slim waist to a broad chest, and eventually a pair of blue eyes, tucked behind glasses, just as they started to go wide with realization at what he had said.
“Oh my gosh, I-uh, not that I was looking at your back pockets on purpose, I mean- I didn’t mean to look at your butt at all- not at you at all”
His cheeks began to tinge red and his gaze was glued to the floor, scared to look back up at your eyes, worried for the confrontation that could come from his awkwardness and inability to read the room. His buff arm was rubbing the back of his neck, bicep bulging as you dipped your head in an attempt to meet his gaze.
You instantly giggled “It’s okay. I think I know what you’re trying to say. Thank you for the compliment, I really like these pants, too.”
You turned back around before you got the chance to embarrass yourself in front of the hot, dorky stranger just as your name was called. You grabbed your drink, turned and winked at him, and left to continue the errands on your list, heading to the grocery store.
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You were making your way through the produce aisles, figuring out which fruits and vegetables would be best for your meals for the next couple weeks when your eyes landed on the sign for an amazing deal on peaches.
You pushed your cart towards the display and grabbed a bag, examining for varying degrees of ripeness so you could have some sooner, and others wouldn’t peak until next week. Just then you heard the stray squeaky wheel of a cart stop behind you, thinking it was just another shopper going about their business until you heard a familiar voice.
“That’s a nice peach. You like peaches? Wait! No- I, uh, that wasn’t supposed to come out so creepy like that.”
You did your best to suppress a laugh as you paused your produce search and whipped around to see the man from the coffee shop bent at the waist with his head in his hands resting on the handle of his grocery cart. His frosted tips the only thing left on display to you.
“So, uh, is all you’re capable of doing…making allusions to my ass?”
From behind his hands, you heard a muffled “no” before he wiped his palms down his face and looked at you sheepishly. “I don’t know why that keeps happening. I really just wanted to start a conversation with you. And I promise I’m not stalking you either, I’m just out running errands today.”
“Wow, you really know how to convince a girl you’re not an axe murderer, that’s for sure.” Your eyebrows raised, but there was still a smile on your face. You believed him. He seemed genuine.
“I promise I’m not! And I promise I’ll never talk about your butt again” He bursted out, hopeful that he wasn’t blowing this. “Can I, um prove it to you? Over coffee? I mean- n-not now, obviously, you’ve still got your cup-”
“Yes.” In an attempt to save him from his adorable rambling you interjected. “Yes, I’d like to see you again, sure. In a more planned manner. But how about dinner? Tomorrow night?”
“Oh, yes, that’s perfect.” You watched as he stood up taller, shoulders back in a new-found cockiness, and grabbed a peach off the display. He tossed it up in the air and caught it in his hand a few times before you cleared your throat gently to get his attention again.
“So do you want to exchange numbers? So we can figure out the details later?” He went to reach for his phone, losing focus on the peach and fumbling it, grasping as it fell out of reach and you both watched it splat at his feet almost in slow motion.
He bent down and picked it up, placing the newly lopsided peach in his cart. “I, uh, I’ll pay for that.” He rubbed his neck again in embarrassment and looked down, scared to make eye contact. Sensing his nervousness to take another step and mess up again, you softly grabbed the phone from his hands and replaced it with your own. The two of you put your contacts into the other’s phone and handed them back.
“Ah, well, it’s nice to meet you officially,” you looked down at the new contact “…Jake. I’ll message you soon.” He was speechless and still red with embarrassment, so he just stood there and waved with a grin on his face as you left the produce and made your way to the frozens.
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Dinner with Jake was great once the two of you had loosened up a little. Conversation flowed easily and you were caught up in his charm that you were sure he didn’t even know he had. This led to another date later in the week at the science center, followed by three other dates the next week, until the two of you were at one another’s apartments each night of the following.
You truly enjoyed spending time together, but you could tell Jake was trying to keep some respectful distance. He’d hold your hand when you walked or drove together, or occasionally put his hand on the small of your back, but it rarely went past that, besides the occasional times where you’d smack his butt and he’d look at you with a playful warning glare. You couldn’t help yourself, it was just so plump. It didn’t necessarily seem to go the other way, though. The one time the two of you had come close to having a heated make out session, he left his hands on your waist while yours roamed through his hair. He did look delicious with it all messed up, though, pairing well with his fogged up, crooked glasses.
Besides that, he would sit on the opposite side of your small 3-seater couch from you, allowing your legs to be tangled, and not much more. That’s what was going on tonight. It was Friday and Jake had come over for a movie marathon. You hoped this would lead to being closer to him, but he seemed enthralled with what was on the screen.
You had gotten up to get snacks, and when you came back, you plopped yourself down right next to Jake, hip to hip. He didn’t seem to mind at all. Maybe he was just trying to do everything on your terms? You snuggled up against him, lifting his arm and placing it over your shoulder, and he let you, for the rest of the movie.
Once the credits began to roll, he groggily stretched and you looked over your shoulder and up at him through your eyelashes. He smirked back down at you. Oh man, how he loved that look. He leaned down do give you a peck. This was your opportunity to push it a little farther, so you shifted to straddle his thigh.
“Is this ok?” He looked up at you in response as his hands gravitated to your waist.
“Yeah, baby. It’s perfect. You’re perfect.”
You placed a hand on his cheek. “If I’m so perfect, why don’t you touch me ever?”
He looked back at you intently, eyebrows furrowed. “What are you talking about? I’m touching you right now.”
You giggled and rolled your eyes playfully. “Yeah, respectfully. You always touch me respectfully.”
His cheeks tinged pink. “Yeah, uh, I want you to know I respect you. And that I’m not trying to sexualize you, especially after my accidental pervy statements when we first met.”
You smiled and shook your head at him, leaning down so your foreheads met as you squeezed his cheeks softly. “And I appreciate that, I really do. You’ve been nothing but a gentleman and I see the reverence in your gaze. I hope you see it in mine, too… And how many times do I have to tell you? I didn’t really think you were a perv” you giggled quietly, still meeting his gaze, “I found it endearing.”
You sat back up and lowered your hands to grab his wrists, guiding his palms to snake around your back and down lower over the back pockets of your jeans.
“And I want you to know, it’s okay to sexualize me a little bit. Touch. My. Butt.” You punctuated with pecks, before leaning in and kissing him hard. He returned the passion with a moan, kneading where you had placed his hands and you ground against him as your hands moved back up to tousle his hair.
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*screech* I love Jakey. Thank you for reading
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weepingtalecowboy · 5 months ago
Wars got tuned lol
Usually Tune never says anything to Wars during Hyrule warriors (because timeline and everything)
But what if Tune was just thinking that he can win his older bro over without telling him they once were brothers
Because Warriors managed it as well so he would figure it out too he will just be affectionate and shit (Warriors was doing the same so he obviously has to prove that he can do it better)
So when Wars met Tune
Tune was just acting like they already knew each other for years and then proceeded to wipe the floor with Cia
(he overheard time and Warriors talking about her and now that he is in on the conflict he ain't letting her into a 30 mile radius of Wars if he can beat her beforehand)
So Wars pushed him away in the beginning out of anxiety because his only other stalker was Cia and he knows how that turned out (an entire war)
That convinced tune to try harder because he ain't losing to baby time at being the best younger sibling
So Wars had to deal with Tune giving him fairy food (which made wars question how and why he has the exact same measurements of HIS own personal fairy food recipe )
Creepily hovering next to his window with his face pressed against it and awkwardly attempting at making conversation with him (Tune was busy fighting Lana for this spot lol he EARNED the right to protect his brother from her likes)
Break into Wars apartment and then raid the fridge like he lives there yet leaving when asked because he respects the other’s privacy (considering how much he breaks in he might as well be no matter how often Wars changes the locks )
And asking if he can be friends with him at every single opportunity
Wars was NOT enjoying Tune's company at all (Tune was hearth broken lol)
But because Tune was reliable and unsettlingly ready to DIE for him when necessary and loyal to an undesirable degree (like Lana but more effective)
He would just have to accept that he is friends with a lunatic who has a very bad habit of asking him if he can join him in his fucking bed (Wind wants comfort he really doesn’t realize that he sounds like an absolute maniac)
But accepting Tune is a force that can’t be stopped gives him a few advantages
For example Lana is afraid of Tune so if he stays close to the maybe serious criminal then she will stay in line
That applies to every single person in Hyrule who has a crush on him
At first he thought that Tune also has a crush on him but Tune quickly corrected him because in his words “that is fucking disgusting you are so disgusting ew,… ewwww”
So because it is not a creepy crush he really has no idea what that guy's deal is
Because what else is there that would explain why the other wants to go kill somebody for him just because
But at some point he decides that the pros of having someone crazy that asks very intrusive questions but respects decisions like NOT getting to stay at his place
Are better then the cons of having no crazy friend to scare away undesired other crazy people
So Tune forcefully got to make friendship bracelets with wars
Wars pointing at Tune : sometimes you need a crazy friend to scare away other crazy people
Tune not explaining shit to him : We are friends finally :3
Wars : how the fuck are you still in my apartment !?,”,!? I changed the locks twenty times already!
Tune : ;) friendship
During linked universe Warriors had the biggest realization of history because why the fuck was Wind so bad at keeping their relationship from the future (past..it’s complicated) a secret
He obviously was much much better at it (.. he isn’t Wind just has no sense of boundaries and doesn’t care if a random guy is offering him a scarf in his sadness so warriors is correct in his books)
Time is disappointing in every single aspect of their life but learned from his own adventures that telling those idiots that they are idiots doesn’t diminish their idiocy
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polarisjisung · 2 years ago
synopsis: when you tell your best friend that you don't have a date for senior prom, you never thought you'd also end up telling him why
wc: 1.1k
pairings: best friend!mark lee x fem!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: like one cuss word maybe
notes: I saw this cute kid on tiktok taking his best friend to prom and my mind instantly went to mark
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To you, Mark Lee genuinely looked as though he'd gone insane.
His wide eyes bulging from their sockets, hair slicked back with a hand atop his head, mouth agape.
"Dude, you're playing" he confirms another time, and you don't understand what about the situation seems so difficult to grasp for the older, not when the words were spilling from your mouth in front of him.
"No mark, I'm not, I don't have a date" you deadpan and his eyes physically can't grow any wider if they tried to, so instead he begins shaking his head frantically, and shock isn't an expression mark wears regularly but he certainly wears it with full meaning, you realise.
You didn't have a date to prom. It was surprising to most, you had no shortage of people asking you out, no negative attributes to stop people asking you out, no reason for you to politely decline them the way you did, it made no sense to anyone, not your parents who simply didn't understand your logic or your friends who didn't see why you'd turn down the hottest guy in your year, not your best friend, mark, who didn't understand why you of all people didn't have a date to prom.
"Like you really don't have a date? like seriously?" you'd always been impatient and as your eyes bore into his mark puts his hands up in defeat
"okay okay I got it"
He seems tense for a moment, worried, and you know that expression, the one where his brows furrow and his lips turn downwards at the corners so very slightly
"You look constipated" you tease, mark doesn't seem to take notice however, lost in his own world, until you lightly smack the crown of his head.
"What?" he squeaks, staring up through the strands of brown hair that cover his eyes.
"don't stress markie" you take a seat on your bed next to him, "I'm happy without a date" and mark searches for anything in your voice that proves otherwise, but he can't find a single ounce of hesitance
You giggle at him from across the bed, standing up and marching over to your wardrobe
Mark remembers his prom last year, the one kid who didn't show up with a date ripped to shreds for being a loser, still famous in his uni life for being the nerd who couldn't score a date to prom— he knew your case was a little different, you were well liked at school, but people would talk no doubt
"You can't go without a date," he sighs, the hand in his hair now holding one of your decorative fluffy pillows painfully tight
"yes I can mark" you don't turn around, searching for the long plastic protected dress in your closet.
"people talk a lot of shit, I don't want you to be the brunt of their jokes y/n" he's serious, you can tell from the way he's not using all those mark words he'd use to address you, how he uses your name
"i don't want to go with anyone else, though," you pout, quickly upturning your lips when you find the baby blue dress at the back of your closet
Mark chooses to ignore it, the part of your sentence that awakens the disgusting feeling of the green eyed monster inside of him at just the mention of you having someone who you liked, he certainly didn't need details
"Come on, you know what people are like"
"yeah mark, and I dont care, they'll talk their shit regardless, if not today then another day, its none of their business if I have a date or not, that's all up to me"
He doesn't respond, trying to figure you out, why you're so defensive all of a sudden when, just as you said, you usually didn't give a shit what people had to say, mark included on the matters you'd already made your mind up for
"besides" you're whispering, hoping that Mark only hears your words if they'll end the way you want. "If you want me to have a date so bad, why don't you take me?"
Mark freezes, the pillow in his hands falling to the floor and in the reflection of your floor to ceiling mirror you notice two spots of bright red spreading across his cheeks and over his ears.
He heard you, that was for sure.
"don't ask things of me that you don't want me to do" he scoffs, bright and beady eyes turned dark in a second, when suddenly mark, who'd never been noticeably taller than you seems to tower over your figure.
"and who's to say I don't want you to be my date" you have no fear left in you, you'd hidden it for years, cried yourself to sleep the night mark had taken someone else as his date to prom, sent him those anonymous letters every valentines day, watched as he played volleyball with the guys on the beach with his wet hair matted to his forehead, heart thumping at every sight of him "whos to say you're not the reason I haven't said yes to a single promposal"
"You don't mean that," marks usual excited, enthusiastic voice is gone, a soft tone coming from somewhere within his throat now replacing his carefree way of speaking
"I don't want a date if its not you"
Your own tone drips with sincerity, so genuine, so tender, so sweet that he doesn't know how to respond, not with those eyes of yours staring so expectantly into his, not when he feels the heat of your breath against his neck, not when you take his hands into your own, interlocking your fingers as you flutter your eyelashes with each blink
"I think I love you" he spits out, and this time he freezes in place, not a thought in his mind until your voice breaks through his trance
"Enough to take me to prom?" you smile, those pearly whites that had his heart skipping a beat on perfect show as you pressed your forehead against his
"Enough to take you to a thousand proms"
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