#and even when she gives the counselor her consent
navysealt4t · 1 month
my school district has like a student ran instagram page that's supposed to like give us non biased info about everything happening . and they just did a post about all the board representatives. and ughhhh. every single person on that god damn board is dedicated to parental rights in education (which basically just means parents controlling everything their kid learns) and being very anti trans and very conservative which is. so fucking fun. smiley face.
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ariesqueencobra · 10 months
what we used to be | ll
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Pairing: Eli Moskowitz x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your expectations aren't met when Eli doesn't ask you to the dance. You're left heartbroken for a multitude of reasons and Eli wonders if he can fix it.
Warnings: bullying, slut shaming, mentions of violence
Word Count: 3k
A/N: Here's part two! I'm enjoying the story so far and I hope you do to! Make sure that if you want to see more of this story to comment and reblog! Comments let me know what you like about the story and reblogs help others see the story! Thanks!
I don't consent to this work being copied, translated or reposted.
“Cyberbullying is no laughing matter,” Counselor Blatt said into the mic.
You cringed as you listened to Counselor Blatt talk about bullying, specifically targeting Eli with her “a mother called about her kid crying with a facial deformity” statement. 
Was she really that oblivious? 
You sent a reassuring glance Eli’s way, your smile causing him to drop his hand from his mouth. 
He tipped a small smile towards you and you reached for his hand under the table. A small gesture you both have been doing more and more.
“This Friday is our Halloween dance,” the counselor continued. 
You half-zoned in on her announcement of dressing in appropriate and inclusive costumes. You thought to yourself about your costume, part of you hoping Eli would like it. Speaking of which, you hoped he would actually ask you to the dance. 
It had been a week since you both confessed your feelings for each other. While you enjoyed the hand-holding, you were still waiting on a date. Maybe you should ask him out, you tend to think to yourself. But you never had the guts to. 
“You should come by my karate dojo tonight,” Miguel told Eli. “We’re still looking for recruits”.
Eli smiled, nodding slightly.
“Hear that Eli?” Demetri began to speak with sarcasm. “You’re gonna learn to kick some ass with a little karate training,” he beamed, making movements with his hands.
You frowned slightly just as Eli dropped his smile and pulled his hand away from yours. His mind already rethinking the possibility of actually joining a karate dojo.
You chewed on your lip, pulling your hand back in your lap, trying not to dwell on the ache it left in your chest.
“Still no luck on your sketchbook?” Miguel turned to you after the announcements were done.
“Nope, checked the lost and found, all my classes,” you huffed. 
You were pacing the entire weekend, waiting until you arrived at school this morning. You even had your mom drop you off at the earliest time to search for it.
“I’m sure it’ll turn up,” Eli reassured. 
You nodded just as your gaze briefly brushed over the popular table, your bullies snickering your way. That feeling found its way into your gut again but you looked away, hoping to ignore it. 
As the bell rang, you picked up your stuff and said bye to Miguel and Demetri while Eli fell into step beside you. 
“I’ll meet you after school?” Eli asked when he walked you to class.
“For sure,” you clutched your books to your chest. 
You forced a smile, trying not to let your regret show. This was a perfect time to ask you. Why didn’t he? You wondered. 
Sitting at your desk, you dropped your head into your folded arms, hoping you weren’t giving up on the idea too easily.
He had a week to ask you, there was plenty of time.
You sighed as you stared in the mirror, placing the last flower in your hair. 
Eli didn’t ask you out to the dance.
While you were sad about it, the hopeful feeling in your heart deflating, you didn’t want to let not having a date ruin your chances of a fun night so you got yourself ready. 
After your dad had dropped you off, you walked through the gym doors and stuffed your phone into your pocket, thankful your skirt had them.
The boys’ gaze found yours and you grinned as you made your way towards them.
“Frida Khalo?” Miguel asked, the corner of his lip turning upward when he pinpointed your costume. 
“Yup,” you smirked, twirling in your skirt.
The movement and vivid color of your skirt entranced the guys, Eli taking a minute longer to bring his attention back to you. 
You smiled to yourself, thankful the dark gym did well to hide your flusteredness.
“Nice costume by the way,” you grinned, complimenting Miguel’s skeleton costume. “What are you guys?”
“Necromancer,” Demetri said.
“I’m a plastic surgeon, I fix lips,” Eli stuttered through the mask, glancing down at the end.
While he was wearing his mask to hide his lip, you couldn’t help but admire how beautiful his eyes were. The blue of his scrubs only illuminated how bright his blue orbs were.
You averted your gaze, staring out to the dance floor. 
“To think we traded our movie night for this,” Demetri exhaled while you stood by the bleachers.
“It could be fun,” Miguel disagreed. “We should ask those girls to dance,” he nodded to the three girls out on the dance floor dressed as Dragon Queens.
“Dancing could be fun,” you added, glancing at Eli. 
“We should go before we lose our chance,” Miguel encouraged, siding with you but the two boys showed a lot of reluctance.
When the girls found other dance partners a moment later and Eli remained silent, you knew you’d be standing here all night. 
“I’m gonna get a snack,” you pressed your lips together, walking over to the snack table.
You weaved through the crowd, your eyes set on the cheese platter at the table.
“Dude, you should’ve asked Y/N to dance,” Miguel scolded, hitting his arm. 
“She didn’t want to dance,” Eli said, watching you walk away. “She’s not a dancer,”.
He figured he was right, he knew you best out of the three of them.
“Does it matter? She wanted to dance with you,” Miguel sighed, rolling his eyes. “You missed your chance,”.
Eli glanced down as regret bubbled in him. 
“Don’t you guys like each other?” Demetri butted in. “Y/N isn’t getting the message, I mean look how hurt she looks,” the three of them turned to look at you. 
You had your arms crossed as you looked over the food at the table. While they were talking to themselves, you were contemplating where you went wrong that Eli didn’t like you anymore. 
If he still liked you, he would’ve asked you out, right?
“It’s still new, we haven’t even kissed,” Eli shrugged, staring at you. “What if she doesn’t want to kiss me because of my lip?” he voiced a concern.
“You’d be closer to kissing if you actually show her you like her,” Demetri explained. 
“She’s probably doubting herself, you have to make the move,” Miguel said. “Strike first, remember?” he jabbed his fists.
Eli nodded, hiking his shoulders up as he inhaled. It was a lost cause, hiding behind his mask wasn’t giving him the courage he thought he needed.
You chewed on your lip when you briefly met Eli’s eyes at the other end of the gym. Your mind was plagued with thoughts. From how much you wanted to ask him out to how much you were hurt by him.
Throwing your napkin away, you almost bumped into someone, your face recognizing Aisha.
“Nice sodium costume,” you complimented, hoping a friendly conversation will give you the much-needed distraction. 
The antennas she wore on her head were cute.
“Thanks,” she smiled. “What is your costume exactly?” She pointed at you, her face contorted in confusion.
“I’m Frida Khalo,” you answered. “It would make more sense with the unibrow and mustache but frankly, I didn’t want to give Yasmine a chance to make fun of me, so,” you trailed, pressing your lips together. 
It would’ve tied it all together but you could already hear the comments coming from her. You wished you had the confidence to ignore it but sadly, you didn’t. 
“No, I get it,” she sent you a reassuring smile. “It’s a cool costume by the way,” she grinned. 
“Thanks,” you beamed. “Is it cool if I chill here? My friends are kinda boring,” you snickered. 
You glanced at the three, watching as they sipped on their drinks. 
“You’re welcome to stay, but it’s not much of a party over here,” she raised a brow, gesturing around. 
“It’s okay, I think what I really need is some feminine energy,” you giggled. 
You didn’t have a single girl friend your entire life. You stuck to Eli and Demetri all your life. That didn’t mean there weren’t moments where you wished you had one female friend with whom you could have sleepovers and do all those girly things they did in movies. 
As you spoke to the girl in front of you, you thought she was the perfect person to finally share that with.
“Every girl needs that once in a while,” she nodded. 
“This might sound a bit forward, but do you want to hang out sometime?” You wrung your fingers together, gripping onto the ounce of confidence you felt.
She blinked in joy, quick to reply. “Yeah, that would be fun!” 
“Great, I have you on Insta so I’ll DM you,” you said. “I gotta get back to the guys, but I’ll see you,” you bid before you turned around.
Making your way back to the guys, you were filled with hope, and excitement.
“I made a friend,” you squealed. “A female one!” 
“Looks like Y/N’s had more luck with women than us tonight,” Miguel shook his head.
You frowned. “Don’t give up just yet, the night is still young!” you encouraged. “There are plenty of girls waiting to be asked to dance,” you glanced out at the floor again but your eyes trained on Eli, hoping your encouraging speech was connecting dots in his head. 
“I think it’s best to scope out here the rest of the night,” Demetri said before going back to his drink. 
You frowned but Eli handed you a cup and you pressed a smile, deciding to join them in their wallowing for a little bit. 
But when thirty minutes passed and there were no signs of Eli making a move, you grew defeated once more. 
“Is anyone going to ask a girl out to dance?” you hiked your shoulders up, staring at the three. 
“I kinda gotta go to the bathroom, this punch ran straight through me,” Demetri dodged your question. 
You dropped your head. 
“Same here,” Eli agreed. 
“I think I’m gonna go,” you played with your fingers, pointing to the exit behind you. “I’m gonna call my mom to pick me up,”.
“You sure, Y/N?” Miguel asked. 
“Yeah, unless you guys are gonna do more than stand at the punch bowl all night?” your tone rang with obviousness. 
“Admit it, Y/N, we’re not the guys that ask pretty girls to dance,” Demetri stated. 
Your arms dropped to your sides and you glanced at Miguel and Eli, both of their faces reading in agreement.
“Okay,” you gulped, pain circling behind your eyes as tears threatened to form. “Well, good night,” you bid the boys, sending Eli a look before you walked out. 
To think he actually liked you. Who were you kidding?
You went home that night heartbroken. 
Eli: are you okay? You haven’t answered any of our messages.
He watched as another text was read by you but was left unanswered. 
Hopping off his bike, he made his way to your front door, ringing the doorbell before your dad opened the door. 
“She doesn’t want to see you,” he narrowed his gaze at him. 
“Sir, I’m not even sure what I did,” he gulped. “I just want to talk,” he tried to reason.
“I’m sorry, son, but I can’t let you. You’ll see her at school on Monday,” he bid him goodnight before shutting the door.
Unsatisfied, he sent you another text before walking over to your window. 
He was thankful your room was on the first floor just as he brought his fist to the window. Through the curtains, he could see the light of your room and your shadow moving about the room. 
Anticipation filled him as the shadow approached but it quickly fell when the light dimmed out, signaling you didn’t want to talk. 
You heard his footsteps fade away and that’s when you laid back down, deciding it was best to sleep the rest of the weekend away.
The next day, you found yourself at school. You kept your conversation cut with the guys, especially Eli, your heart hurting every time you looked at him. 
What you weren’t expecting to see at school though was a beaten-up Miguel. Apparently, Kyler and his gang cornered him at the dance when you had left. 
It was brutal.
“I think what you did was brave,” you said, countering Demetri’s point that it was bad karate was boosting Miguel’s confidence. “You actually took a shot even if you knew things could take a bad turn,” you pressed your lips tightly.
The boys shared a glance before turning to Eli. 
“Yeah, for sure,” Miguel trailed. 
“I thought it was cool that you stood up to Kyler,” Eli glanced at him with a small smile. 
“Are you insane? Take it this way, what is the best superpower to have?” Demetri began one of his tangents to prove a point.
“Super-strength,” Miguel answered easily. 
“Wrong,” Demetri disagreed. “Invisibility, or super-speed to run away really fast,” he moved back to his work.
“Run away from who?” Kyler’s presence was made.
All four of you stilled. 
“We were just leaving,” you all grabbed your things, making a move to run but Kyler got Eli, gripping him by the jaw.
Your heart clenched. 
As much as you were hurt by him, you hated seeing him get bullied, especially by Kyler. 
You swore if you could punch anyone, it would be him—behind Yasmine and Moon of course.
“Look at this freak,” he snickered. “What girl would kiss that?” he got up real close to his face. 
You would, you knew that for sure. But you cowered in fear when Kyler shook Eli, the movement caused you to flinch, catching the bully’s attention.
“Maybe you, since you’re a slut and all,” he smirked, shoving Eli in your direction. 
You almost fell from the contact but Demetri was able to catch you. 
“Bet you’d kiss anything,” he made a face that had you revolting. 
You didn’t understand why he was slut-shaming you out of all people, but then you remembered he was friends with Yasmine.
When Miguel attempted to stand up for all of you, Kyler gave you a mercy pass. 
Without another thought, you all booked it. 
After spending the rest of school away from Kyler, you were trying to get home but seemingly, Eli wouldn’t let you out of his sight.
“I kinda want to be alone,” you stared at the floor, your books clutched to your chest as you approached your locker. 
“Y/N, did I do something wrong?” he stopped you in the empty hallway, a hand on your arm.
“Eli,” you sucked in a breath, about to tell him but a loud laugh disrupted you.
Blonde hair and designer brands filled your vision, her heels clicking against the floor. 
“Oh, hey! Y/N!” Yasmine beamed when she spotted you. “We’ve been looking for you,” she walked towards you with Moon at her side, her arms behind her back.
“We wanted to give this back,” Moon said just as Yasmine held out a similar yellow book with lavenders painted on it. 
Your heart dropped and you froze. 
She wagged it in your face but you couldn’t move. 
Eli just stood beside you, his eyes trained on you, searching for any sign of expression.
“Oh, well, if you don’t want it, I guess it’s trash,” Yasmine shrugged, dumping it in the garbage next to you guys. “Later, slut,” she spat towards you.
The two began cackling like crazy, leaving you with tears welling in your eyes. 
You sensed Eli moving next to you and you saw him reach into the trash, pulling out your sketchbook. 
“I’m so sorry, Y/N,” he said. “Do you want me to look?” he held it in his hands. 
“I can look,” you gulped, blinking away your tears as he handed it to you. 
You opened it, finding all your sketches and paintings ruined. 
Red and black marker filled the pages, and scribbles and scratches graffitied all over. Words like “slut”, “whore”, “piece of shit”, and even comments about the actual drawings were littered everywhere. 
Eli sucked in a breath as he read over your shoulder. 
You closed the book, a sob racking through you as you turned and slid down against the lockers, your book pressed against your chest. 
“Why would they do something like that?” you frowned, staring at Eli who sat beside you. 
“I never thought they’d do something like that, I’m so sorry,” he scooted close so your arms touched. “Do you want me to get the counselor?” 
You shook your head. Setting your books down beside you, you rested your head against his shoulder, looping your arm through his. 
He stilled for a moment but welcomed your touch as he held onto your hand. He allowed his head to rest on top of yours, your hair rubbing against his skin, but he liked the feeling. 
Especially having you so close never felt closer to home.
You finally spoke up after you sat there, letting your tears dry.
“I was sad because you didn’t ask me out to the dance or even asked me to dance,” you licked your lips. “But I’m not sad about that anymore,”.
“I didn’t know you wanted me to,” he glanced at his feet. 
“I did, but now I’m just wondering if you actually like me or are you just playing with my feelings cause I can go-,” you were cut off by his lips pressing against yours. 
You stilled in shock but quickly melted, allowing your first kiss to happen. 
“Woah,” you blew out, staring at him, cheeks burning.
“I do like you,” he reaffirmed. “I’m sorry I’ve been taking forever to show you,” he licked his lips. “And I’m sorry about what Yasmine and Moon did,” he said. 
“Me too,” you glanced at his lips. “Thank you for being here,” you smirked. 
He smiled before leaning in to kiss you again. 
For a few minutes, you forgot how sad you were.
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fanandfiction · 2 years
For Lunch
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How Arcane Characters Would Eat You Out... (part 2)
Summary: A balanced diet usually consists of three meals a day. Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. Which will you be joining us for today?
AN: Surprise, I live! One minute I’m having a manic episode, writing every day for a whole two weeks, the next thing I know 4 months go by and my will to live has been completely nonexistent. Don’t you fear though bc low incomes got your back and for the time being I’ve got my ✨sparkle✨ back! (take your medication kids! you wouldn’t have it if you didn’t need it!)
Word Count: 2.06k words
Warnings: +18 MDNI, Cunnilingus, Oral (F receiving), Fingering, Cheating, Overstimulation, Jayce is a switch lmao, Threesome, F/F/M, Mild Exhibitionism, Mild Voyeurism, Spanking, Corruption kink, Mild Dubious Consent.
Characters: F! Reader, Jayce (ft Mel), Cassandra, Silco, Vi. (You can tell who my favorites are 😣)
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Cassandra sips a glass of red wine from her office balcony most mornings. As the councilwoman’s secretary, you usually scurry around the office or run small errands for her in the city.  Some days, when her silly little husband or naive daughter works her nerves just right, Cassandra needs to release her pent-up frustration. That’s where you come in. It’s your job to alleviate her stress and workload; what better way to relieve stress than having your secretary bent over your desk for brunch? You were always so good to her, never causing her the stress her daughter did, always willing to try the things her husband would shy away from.
One of Cassandra’s dainty gloved hands massages your ass, squeezing the supple flesh as her other hand is lodged in your sopping pussy, slowly fucking you with her long, slender fingers. It’s a privilege to have an audience with the councilwoman like this, so if you want to cum, you must beg for her, she says. At the same time, she’ll exhale lightly against your clit, teasing you all the more. You have no choice but to beg for her, not that you weren’t seconds away from dissolving in a blubbering mess anyway. The stimulation from her fingers alone was divine, but they were nowhere near enough to get you close to the edge. So you do, like a pathetic little puppy, you beg for her. You plead for her to let her anger and frustration out on you.
            “Please, Miss,” you whimper. “Use me, give me all your stress. I’ll take it, all of it.” 
 If Cassandra’s feeling nice, she’s quick to give you what you asked so nicely for.  She’ll move you to your back with your legs spread to make it easier on her own - you will never catch the counselor on her knees for anyone. She’s quick to press her de-gloved fingers back into your pulsing entrance, her mouth joining them this time, nibbling and suckling your clit. You try your hardest not to scream in pleasure- the last thing you want to do is alert someone to what is happening. But with all her stimulation, you can feel yourself tumbling toward the edge. Failure is inevitable, and you moan loudly when your orgasm consumes you. 
Cassandra slows for maybe a minute as you're coming to, your pussy is pulsing around her fingers, and you’re trying to flinch away from how sensitive you feel, but she’s not stopping. She chuckles into you, steadying you with her free hand, “I’m still very frustrated, my dear. And we haven’t even gotten to the main course. I’m afraid you might need to readjust my schedule after lunch.” 
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Jayce would have you at the grand table in the conference hall after a relatively gruesome meeting. He would claim that after such a long boring conference, he needed a snack- he was “just absolutely famished.” You were quick to offer yourself to him, and he wasn’t hesitant to accept your offer. Jayce happily lapped at your cunt, savoring your juices almost as if he had been without food and water for weeks. There was nothing more Jayce wanted than to taste your sweet release, and he had you close to cumming relatively quickly. Jayce is incredibly skilled with his mouth; while his tongue works dutifully, leaving long broad strokes through your folds, one of his hands stimulates your clit. His thumb circles it without remorse, and you’re sure you’re falling apart then and there. But to your surprise and dismay, he halts his movements. 
“Well, don’t stop now that you’ve gotten caught,” Councilwoman Medarda stood tall and as elegant as ever in the doorway. You didn’t hear her come in. In shock, you try to get up, but Jayce halts you. Heeding her wishes, Jayce continues, holding you in place with his free hand. 
“I- Councilwoman- I-I’m sorry!” You squeak, trying to shuffle away from the persistent counselor between your legs. 
She strolls into the room, her hips delightfully swaying as she makes her way to join you. “Don’t be. You’re not the one in trouble- What a good aide you’ve been, helping this greedy dog get his fix,” Mel says. She stands in the inner portion of the table, near your head, peering down at you. She reaches down and begins gently massaging your breasts. “I think if the poor dog wants to eat so bad, we should let him eat, and eat, and eat until his heart's content.” 
There's no time for you to ponder or even process what she means. Your first orgasm comes crashing over you as Jayce takes your clit between his lips and pushes his fingers into your dripping heat. He doesn’t stop, and you can quickly feel the familiar tension returning in your lower abdomen. You attempt and fail to choke back sobs from the overstimulation. His fingers thrust in and out of you with remarkable precision and consistency. As you cum a second time, Mel comforts you by wiping the sweat from your brow and cooing gently in your ear. “There, there. If you waste all your tears night now, you won’t have any for the main event.”
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Silco was a busy, busy man. It’s hard work running the undercity and raising a daughter with a loaded, trauma-filled past. So naturally, after a relatively long week of chem barron negotiations that went virtually nowhere, Silco’s patience was wearing thin. He didn’t have time to entertain you or put up with your bratty antics. That, however, has never stopped you, and you don’t take neglect from your beloved too well. If anything, it makes it ten times harder on Silco. You ramp up your brattiness and constantly interrupt his work until he snaps, deciding nothing can move forward until you’re punished. 
Paper and pens are strewn off his large oak desk in seconds, and your body replaces them just as quickly. You're bent over the cold surface, standing on the tip of your toes as you present yourself to him. Your knuckles pale as your grip tightens in anticipation around the edge of the desk. “Is this what you wanted, my attention?” Silco says as he makes quick work of discarding your undergarments. You hum “yes” happily when the cool air hits your sopping cunt. 
“Well, now you’ve got it, my little dove,” he says, groping and massaging the globes of your ass. Don’t be fooled. Silco isn’t letting you off scot-free. Not after all the strife you’ve caused him. His right hand lifts from your ass, and before you have time to register what he might do with it, it’s coming back down hard against your behind. You let out a surprised squeak, tensing when Silco grabs the tingling flesh.  
“ Count them,” he says simply. With little warning, the next one comes down as ruthlessly as the first. 
One, two, three, four, five. You heed his command and count each one. Every harsh slap is heavy and quick, causing your breath to become quick and shallow. 
Your ass is on fire, but that doesn’t stop your pussy from clenching desperately around nothing. As Silco harshly squeezes your burning flesh, his thumb makes its way to massage your tight button hole and your pussy entrance, teasing you. You whine and whither in his grasp. “Do you need something?” Silco’s low vibrato causes shivers to run down your spine. 
“ I need you, please,” you whimper pathetically. 
“We’ll get there, dove…Right now, we’re teaching you a thing or two about patience,” You can feel Silco’s warm breath graze against your entrance. “Keep counting.” He says as laps at your pussy.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten. He slaps your neglected left side just as aggressively as the other. Both sides tingle, radiating heat as Silco devours you. It’s hard for you to focus, but you manage all while grinding back into Silco’s mouth. 
Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. Silco can tell you’re close by how you tense around his tongue, and your legs start quivering. He moves to suck on your sensitive clit, and you grind backward onto his nose. Moments later you're tipping over the edge, Silco guiding you through every second of pleasure. 
Once you’ve caught your breath, Silco retreats, you don’t dare to move or get up. You hear him lick his wet lips and the metal buckle of his pants come undone. “Now onto the main course, my dove.” 
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Due to her hostile nature, Vi had spent the first several years of her sentence alone within the concrete walls of Stillwater. The only human interaction she’d had was between meal times when the guards would bring her a tray of gray slop and stale bread or during hygiene hour when she is granted daily access to the showers. One day that changed, instead of being delivered the usual atrocity that was lunch, you’re delivered. Whether it be because her behavior improved or because the prison had reached a certain capacity, Vi didn’t know. When she got a good look at you, she quickly decided she was grateful to have a new cellmate either way. 
This innocence radiated from you, something Vi craved and hadn’t had for a long time. Something about you just screams, “she doesn’t belong here.” There's no way you were in this shit hole on anything more than petty charges, false ones even, Vi pondered. 
You fall into your place in the natural hierarchy so easily as well. Vi didn’t have to fight or intimidate you for anything. She was in charge from the beginning. Food, necessities- anything she asks of you, you give her. You never ask much of it. She kept peering guards off your back and ensured no bigger fish came to snatch you up. Although, maybe you should’ve been more aware of the peering eyes just behind you or the monster sleeping above you, waiting for the perfect moment to devour you whole. 
Before long, the tension you seem too naive to notice becomes almost overbearing for Vi. She’d asked you to scrub her down in the shower, wash her hair, and dry her off. You had done so dutifully, assuming the way she twitched beneath your fingers was due to stress and fatigue. It wasn’t until you found yourself face down against the cool bathroom counter and stripped of your lower garments that you considered anything else. 
“V-Vi!?” you stammer. Alarmed, you begin to thrash, trying desperately to face your cellmate. Only you find it’s futile. With one hand, Vi has your arms in a firm, unrelenting hold behind your back. 
“So innocent, so precious,” She drags out her words like a snake, grabbing and massaging your bare ass with her free hands. “I could just eat you whole.” 
Vi leaves you with no time to ponder her words before her warm mouth finds your cunt. She moans loudly at the taste sending vibrations coursing through you. You try to fight her, but your resolve is already weakening drastically, and your thrashing only serves to push you further into her warmth. 
“Mmh,” she hums. “You taste even better than I imagined.” 
“Please…” you whimper. 
“Please what? Do you want more?” She teases. Before you have time to deny her accusations, two of her fingers join her mouth, thrusting into your dripping hole. The feeling immediately shatters what’s left of your will to fight back. Kitten-like mews and whorish whimpers erupt from your throat. 
“There, there,” she coos, as your walls tense and un-tense tightly around her fingers. She can tell you’re close already.
Her mouth finds its way to your sensitive clit, and she begins sucking hard. With the combined efforts of her mouth and fingers, you're cumming in no time. Screaming out her name as your release finds you, your juices spill down Vi’s face. 
When she stands, her reflection in the mirror serves as your only method of looking at her. She wears a proud smirk on her face, watching as you pant and twitch beneath her. “What a good little slut you are. When we are done, everyone in Stillwater will know who you belong to.”
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Next part- For Dinner - Set to include: Sevika, Renata Glasc, Finn, Jinx, Ambessa Medarda
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saltsicklover · 1 year
Part One
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Here is part one! I hope you enjoy!!
Title: Once an Asshole, Always an Asshole
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1400+
Rating: R
Warnings: Drinking, Loneliness, Talk of Therapy/MFLAC, Mention of Deployment, swearing.
Second Chance Romance!
Disclaimer: I do not own Bob Floyd, or anything related to Top Gun Maverick within this piece. Not Proof Read or BETA'd. All mistakes are my own.
I do not consent for my work to be edited, reposted, or translated.
You are responsible for your own media consumption. This is a work of fiction that may contain mature themes. If you are sensitive to those subjects, please do not read.
Natasha Trace has always been one to stay focused, pedal to the metal, the kind of woman who wouldn't let anything get in the way of her education, her career, her dreams. It wasn't until she hit flight school that she really learned how alone in the world she seemed to be. Going home on leave meant seeing her parents and a few 'friends' that she kept in contact with once she left college. They mostly met with her to rub their career advancements, engagements and children in her face. Their lives always the picture perfect, white picket face dreams while hers stories were full of chaos and jet fuel. 
Finally, after her first off shore training, when no one was there to greet her, she finally shuffled into the MFLAC office at the nearest Navel Base after they docked in Pensacola. The counselor was kind and listened while Natasha poured her heart out about no having anyone. No romance, no friendships, she felt like she was completely slipping. Twenty two years old, too young to take on so much alone and too old to bother her mother with everything. So she settled for the Military resources available to her- even if they came in the form of a hippy looking man with too thick glasses and a potted plant problem. 
After what felt like ages, with tissues crumples and used clutched in her fist, she dared a glance at the man in front of her. He wore a kind smile, a goofy beanie, and a chunky cardigan. He was truly a man who looked out of another world compared to the uniforms she was usually surrounded with and that she couldn't decide if she trusted him more of less because of that fact. He offered her a few suggestions before finally holding out a sticky note with a website scrawled across it. 
"What's this?" She questioned him with a sniffle, staring down at the blue ink. She knew it was a website, of course she did, Natasha Trace is not a dumb woman, nor does she live under a rock. What she was failing to see was the significance that little website would end up being. 
"That," The counselor sits back, a confident gleam in his eye, "Is the beginning of at least one new friendship," She gives him a confused look, eyebrows furrowed together. "Its a website for digital pen-pals. You go in, create an account, fill out some get-to-know-you type stuff and then you get a list of emails from people who have similar interests as you! Then you can email back and fourth and make connections!" The counselor seemed way too excited for his own good, but Natasha stuffed the small piece of paper into her pocket anyway. 
She never planned on looking at it again, she almost forgot it was in her pocket. The note stuffed down deep in the pocket of her BDU's, no doubt heading for a watery grave in the barracks laundry room. It was only after a couple more weeks and an intense few rounds of mission training, she came home with the plan of killing a bottle of wine and forgetting everything having to do with the Navy until she had to report in again on Monday, did she think of that pesky little note. 
Halfway through that bottle, she couldn't kick the loneliness that burrowed itself so deep within her chest that she could no longer decipher it from herself. So, after digging through a pile of laundry to procure the bright pink sticky note, she positioned herself in front of her computer. 
By the time the bottle of wine was empty, she had filled out so many questions about herself from her favorite movies and foods to her hobbies. Under the "Things to Discuss" prompt, she didn't know what to write, and the cursor blinked at her for far too long before she entered "Anything but work!". It was supposed to be funny, and to her well liquored mind it certainly was. 
Before she knew it, the wine fully took her over and she was drunk typing emails to random strangers, ones that the website guarenteed she would have something in common with. They came up after the end of the almost never ending list of questions. 
She passed out after writing fifteen. 
The next afternoon, she woke up hungover, the emails all a hazy mess in her brain. But, she had one reply, one that would start a friendship that would last a lifetime. 
"Dear Nash, How wonderful it is to finally hear from someone! I started on this site a few weeks ago and had yet to receive anything until your very *colorful* email last night. I will say, it was a surprisingly vulnerable email for a first one, but I am happy to return the favor! 
I have to admit, the fact that you are a pilot is so badass! The only pilots I know fly rickety, two seater planes. What do you fly? Do you fly for one of those big airlines or maybe cargo? 
I am so sorry to hear about your feelings of loneliness and isolation; being the new kid on the block is never a fun experience. I would love to help you feel less lonely any way that I can! 
You can call me Sunny, it's not my real name, but I'd like to curate a more adult persona going into college. I ditched my tried and true nickname the minute I graduated and I'm not looking back! 
I am 18 years old, starting college out in Minnesota. I am hoping to get a degree and become a writer one day! I left home a little over three months ago, leaving my Brother and Uncle to tend the family ranch themselves. I am worried about them not having the extra set of hands but I am so glad that I can work further on my education instead of having to do heavy labor. I will miss taking care of the beehives, though! 
I really hope to hear back from you, but if you're not interested in talking to someone so much younger than you, especially when you have such a cool job. Being a piolet must be so awesome. 
With warmth, Sunny. 
PS: Were you drunk when you wrote that last email?"
That singular exchange changed Natasha's whole world. From then on, they began emailing back and fourth every few days, slowly learning more and more about each other. They also agreed on rules, ones that they wanted to use to keep themselves safe. 
No specifics about their hometowns or their families. Best to keep private information private. They used nicknames for almost everyone they talked about, which was a lot easier on Natasha's end when everyone was given callsigns. She told Sunny all the names were made up, what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her, and it was easier to keep everyone straight in her head. 
Sunny had to get more creative, but it was a challenge she loved. After getting a few silly nicknames from Natasha's side (Which were actually call signs) she started giving people from work stupid nicknames too. Her boss was Toilet Plunger. Her brother became St. Mary. Her Uncle was Pitchfork. As the years went on, names began to stick and writing the nicknames in emails became second nature. 
Much to Natasha's dismay, though, Sunny only ever referred to her as Nash. A drunken mistake turned lifelong nickname. 
No photos, that was a big one. It was always easier to say what you really wanted to say when you couldn't picture the other person's look of disappointment. They also agreed on no phone calls; that meant no calling and singing 'happy birthday' or wishing the other a safe flight. 
That rule first bothered Natasha when she got an email six months later from Sunny, letting Nat know that Sunny had left college. She wasn't adjusting well, not to the city, or the campus or to her crazy roommate. She was close to failing out. The email made Nat's heart ache- she wanted nothing more than to call Sunny in that moment and tell her that everything would be okay, that she was smart and capable and would find her place in the world. 
Sunny wanted to call Natasha a year after that, right when she found out Natasha was being deployed for the first time. Sunny wasn't an idiot but she was also a civilian, thus having no idea what a deployment could actually mean. All Sunny knew was that she wanted to hear Natasha's voice and tell her that everything was going to be just fine. She wanted to tell Nat that she could do this. She settled for an email that read 
"I know this is scary but you can do it. You're a badass bitch, you'll get through this. Do it scared. I'll be waiting for an email. I love you, be safe." 
Nat would never admit it, but she printed that email out and stuffed it in the chest pocket of her flight suit over her heart. "Do it scared" became her motto; the motto got her home safe. 
The men on the carrier with her teased her relentlessly. They thought she was hiding some boyfriend or lover. Rumors swirled around her, and though she would never admit it to them, it made her question her sexuality. Sunny was the first person she came out to. She confided in Sunny about not being able to decide if she should say yes to the date offer from the man in her she met in line at the DEFAC or if she should say yes to the woman she met at the clinic on the day of her UA. Sunny liked to tease her about it, all out of love, saying neither were good enough stories to tell her children about. "Yeah, I met your Dad over piles of brown mush" or "Yes, I met your Mom while we were waiting to piss into cups" neither romantic in the slightest. 
They were there for each other through the toughest parts of life, and all of the moments that were worth celebrating. The years rolled on and the women became closer and closer. Having never met, they were closer than most anyone they had ever met, deciding to be each other's best friend seemingly the easiest decision either ever made. 
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fenmere · 10 months
Sup! an ask about DID diagnosis: how is it ableist, and you've chosen not to go for it?
I dont think it can't be ableist and troublish, but i just want to know how exactly, to understand problems of systems better.
OK, thank you so much for asking! So.
The most direct and immediate problem we've run into regarding a DID diagnosis is that in both the U.S. and U.K. (and likely in other countries), it can be used to legally remove your rights as a human being. It can be used in court as evidence that you cannot give informed consent, which can be used to deny you access to medical care, custody of children, or even to force you into a conservatorship, among other dangers.
We are transgender. We were figuring out our plurality just between having been granted HRT and trying to get our surgery lined up. Our therapist was very worried for us, when we started talking about our amnesia, blackouts, and changes in personality, even though we were all in agreement that we needed transitional healthcare.
She resisted giving us a diagnosis of DID because it could potentially halt our transition. And we were able to demonstrate to her satisfaction that we had effectively integrated (not through final fusion, but through cooperation). So we both agreed to forgo that diagnosis.
We were lucky we got such a good counselor.
That's one way in which DID is ableist. The diagnosis can be used to deny patients of things they desperately need, or that they should have the right to access regardless.
The other way is how the diagnosis is conceptualized as a disorder to begin with.
It's maybe getting better as medical academia is getting a better understanding of it, but the original diagnosis of DID is a step back from Multiple Personality Disorder.
Part of the whole purpose of replacing MPD with DID was to deny the autonomy of alters and system members, and to refer to them as "dissociative identity states" rather than people. Which is not how most pluralities experience themselves.
But also, just at the very basis of it, both MPD and DID have been classified, studied, and defined almost solely by singlets. Not pluralities. Not people who are actually experiencing these things. So the diagnosis is rife with misunderstandings, mischaracterizations, and bad assumptions.
And it's all based on the assumption that being a singlet is the default, healthy state of a human being, and that deviation from being a singlet is somehow disordered and wrong and needs to be fixed.
Sure, if someone experiences genuine distress at being plural, they should be able to seek help regarding it. And there is now language in the diagnosis to accommodate some of those who are not distressed by it. But it was originally rooted in that saneism, and most clinical professionals still exhibit it, and prove themselves to be dangerous to their patients and their patients' human rights.
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dr-lizortecho · 7 months
I'm a delena lover too and wanted to know any delena UOs you have? A few of mine if you promise not to make fun of me - 1. I honestly don't think delena is nearly as "toxic" as it's made out to be? I mean, context matters, and this is a show about screwed up monstrous vampires, so no ship is going to be the epitome of 'healthy' lol. But I actually find delena a lot more honest and real than stelena was and a lot less toxic than klaroline. They communicate and adapt much more than antis give them credit for and are genuinely loving and supportive. I'm dying on that unpopular hill :) 2. I actually think s5 is my favorite delena season? It leaned in to the "but they're not healthy!" stuff too much, but it also showed them at their best, most loyal and passionate and adoring, without the icky shadow of the 'sire bond' crap that ruined s4 for me. And Elena is so...free that season? I don't know, I just love it. S6 has great domestic moments but yet another unpopular opinion is that something about the 'falling in love all over again with no memories' storyline felt really inauthentic and rushed to me. I like it in theory, just not the execution. 3. Delena is NOT just about physical attraction. At all. Like I truly believe that even if they could never have sex again they'd be very happy together. They connect on a much deeper level imo, seeing each other for who they truly are. 4. I do not in any way buy Elena as a doctor or even a science person---in my mind she became a teacher or a counselor :) 5. Elena is thought to be similar to Stefan but imo in actuality she's more like Damon imo---super passionate, follows her heart and instincts to a degree that some see as selfish, reacts in the moment rather than focusing on the past or future etc. 6. I actually think Damon has a better, softer heart than Stefan. He's crazy and impulsive and self-destructive and a whole bunch of other things, but he's also a lot softer and more willing to acknowledge his flaws and try to change than Stefan is. Again, these are all just my very UOs! Can't wait to read yours too!!
Hi anon! I adore them- like there’s three ships that I really feel encapsulate romantic love for me, that taught me what it is and how it works, and Delena was the second of those ships so it means a lot to me personally
So I am so far removed from fandom I barely know what counts as popular opinions and unpopular opinions, but feel free to ask me specific questions at any time! Though my two fav characters are Tyler and Bonnie if that counts <3 I’ll start by kinda saying my thoughts on the things you mentioned as your unpopular opinions- which I fully understand even when we slightly disagree! Below the cut so it’s easier for my non-tvd followers
On Delena being called toxic- I talked about it in part before (but alas I can’t find the post) and contrary to popular belief I think they’re not toxic (granted after they get together) outside of the regular amount you should expect in all teen dramas regardless of supernatural elements or not. Unlike a lot of the other relationships they have a lot of communication and consent involved from the start, because they have to with the precarious Stefan ties and the sire bond. On top of that they both acknowledge the parts of their relationship that aren’t the best and actively work towards making them better, however, with the flaws and missteps afforded for drama ✨
I can’t be impartial about s5- definitely not enough to be able to decide about Delena in it. I wasn’t a fan of that brand of angst tbh (sorry anon I do get the appeal) and the racism throughout just hurt my heart too much- but they definitely had some top tier sexy moments. Personally, I loved season six because of the approach of them sharing a best friend and all the little moments and musical beats. Like- watching Damon want to live became something so important to me and really felt like the conclusion for his character arc.
As for the sexual aspect- I do think it plays a part (as with every relationship that involves sex) but it definitely isn’t the peak of it or the draw, it’s a perk. Because if it was the sex they’d have been done with each other after that long hot summer. But there is a tendency in fandom to try and remove all romance and depth to relationships they don’t like- because if it’s shallow they can be rude and dismissive to shippers.
In regards to Elena- I don’t think she’s too similar to either Salvatore, I think she shares common traits with both. But at the end of the day it wa she’d similarities to Stefan that drew them together and her differences to Damon that drew them together. Which is why Stefan was a relationship that let her heal and come back to herself and Damon was the relationship that pushed her out of her comfort zone and helped her grow.
As for Stefan and Damon I don’t think there’s anything to be gained from claiming any one character is “softer” or more “moral” than another. It’s all about action and reaction and growth. However, I think you might be catching onto the sensitivity of their triggers, which Damon’s trauma responses are way more easily triggered throughout the series because unlike Stefan he hasn’t sat with them and worked through near as much of his traumatic experiences. Which is why his healing process through Elena learning of and reminding him to be kind to himself you watch him heal and grow. Which isn’t to be confused with him being “defanged” for a romance- because it was happening regardless of if he and Elena stayed friends or not.
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roselyn-writing · 1 year
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When a rose turns black chapter 11
(A rotten fruit from a virtuous tree)
A/N: This Chapter includes mention of bleeding, disfigurement, Child Sacrificing, and stuff, so beware! It’s been a while since I wrote gore and stuff, and won’t be my last <3 Btw; This photo is taken by me ;)
The Queen of Morbidia sat alone in her office, devastated by the loss of her kingdom’s economy and financial resources. One of her councilors suggested loaning from other countries, she found this idea great but she doesn’t want to drown her country in debt. One of the councilors suggested that she goes to a mage and tell her of a magical quest that will benefit her financially.
She found this idea an absolute waste of time, she doesn’t trust mages or sorcery, But that idea gives her motivation to kill Donovan and sell his magical artifacts, Or anything related to him.
One of her councilors reminded her of her pact with King Midas, the second richest man in Virginia, she rolled her eyes in pure annoyance and scoffed.
“Of course, I remembered my pact with that arrogant fool!” She scolded him.
“I know, your majesty, but-“ he muttered, but the Queen interrupted him
“Do not! Remind me of this again!” She warned.
“Yes, Yes your majesty,” he replied.
All the councilors are shocked because of the Queen’s attitude toward the first councilor of hers, they silently disdain the Queen, One of the councilors changed the subject to a different one.
“My Queen, words spread of a different entity that eats children!” The counselor started,
“Ugh, Great! Another monster!” She scoffed, It’s like Donovan alone isn’t enough for her, another monster in the picture is way worse, How can she cope? What if the two monsters teamed up together and decided to fight the queen and her kingdom? That is too much to bare.
“It’s like that abomination isn’t enough! He attacked us, he destroyed our economy and my kingdom is not in a good condition anymore!” She grumbled she hates everything and everyone now, she even hates King Midas more.
“Your Majesty… don’t be negative, you know that most monsters do not want rivals or competition in their place,” One of the councilors pointed out, there is some truth to his statement.
“I guess you’re right,” She consented, they are right she should be positive not negative about life.
“Your Majesty, I heard that new entity only hunts Near Khÿeroma’s villages only!” One of the councilors told.
“That’s such a relief! Our Kingdom cannot bare any more problems” She breathed.
There was a hastily knock on the door, the Queen commanded them to enter.
“Enter!” She commanded.
A maiden came, “your Majesty! It’s King Midas, he is here” the maiden said.
“Good, I will come immediately!” The Queen muttered, and the maid left to do her work.
The Queen excused herself and left, as well as the councilors.
Most of the councilors are tired of the Queen, they hoped that she will soon die and her daughter rule instead of her. But, they cannot afford to show their secret perspective about the Queen, they cannot afford to let their dark secrets slip into the light. They thought that this incident would teach her something but it didn’t, she never changed, she was still the same old Queen Elysia, and nothing changed about her.
They still remembered her father, King Xavier, the kindest and wise king of Morbidia, A King who is not going to be repeated in history. But they quoted the old saying “ there is a bad seed in a virtuous tree, or, A Rotten fruit from a virtuous tree” King Xavier was Kind and wise, but not his daughter, A shame to his legacy.
If anything, There are rotten fruits from virtuous trees.
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Some say children grow up to be like their parents, Wise, Righteous, and Kind-hearted, But not all children grow up to be like their fathers. Not for Ashure Ro’bey. The infamous Mage of Omenvalley.
Ashure mind’s drifts into a deep dark place, where his sick fantasies appear, Money- that’s all he thinks of Wealth, anything that he did not have as a young man. Anything that his father had taken from him to earn by working.
It never crosses anyone's mind that Ashure is a rotten fruit from a virtuous tree. Just like the case with Queen Elysia. Both are rotten, and both are bad, but their parents were good people.
Borēm, one of Ashure's best friends and personal assistant, he gave him a dagger, that is only used for sacrificing. Borēm, A Powerful mage himself has doubts too. He knows what they are doing is unforgivable, But the love for wealth and fame had blinded their eyes and their hearts. It’s such an unfortunate thing when people value money over someone's life.
Ashure Took the dagger, he looks into it. He remembered using it too many times in sacrificial rituals only. He took such sick pride in doing it too many times, even though, he didn’t earn anything for it.
But this time he will, or as he thinks so, it is nighttime in some desert area, the place is dark and eerie, and it didn’t help to ease the cries of the children That Ashure Kidnapped a while ago. If anything, they weren’t calmed at all.
The place is dark, creepy, and scary, With a huge altar sacrificial for these children. A place these horrible mages chose to be the last resting place for these poor souls.
“Please... S-Sir.. let us go” the children begged
“Hehehehahaah” Ashure only laughed at them.
“Sir… please.. we beg of you... let-let us go!” the children begged again but their pleas weren’t enough to spare them from such a fate.
“No” Ashure simply replied to them, then he motioned for Bōrem to bring them, so they can start the ritual.
“Ahhhhh. No.. no.. please sir.. no” the children cried, If only can someone hear them.
But alas, it was only a mere second and they were silenced forever, Ashure used his magic to grab them and put them on the altar table. To begin the rituals.
Ashure precisely had cut the arteries of their stomachs, necks, and their hands, Ashure, and his friend can hear the children scream in pain and agony, but they didn’t care at all, the bloodstreams were in the place like a river. In quick seconds Ashure had drawn some runes symbols on their bodies while muttering a language only the mage can recognize it. The blood still runs under them, it didn’t stop until it turns black and thick, The sand quickly absorbed their blood. Leaving only faint spots.
Arlem, the leader of the guardians that guard the underground treasures, every time, he remembers these mages doing a ritual he laughs at them. Because they can’t do it right, they can’t find the right child to sacrifice, and that child must be a “Zoris”, or otherwise, it won’t work at all.
“Ah! Ashure, reminds me again how many times you did this ritual?” He mocked them.
“Laugh all you want! But the treasure will be mine!” Ashure shot back.
“Ha! Keep dreaming!” He mocked again.
“So… you are saying the sacrifice didn’t work?” Bōrem chimed in.
“What do you think?” Arlem cruelly cackled at them
The two mages stand there in utter silence, They just sacrificed two lives for nothing at all, and the disappointment that washed over Ashure is showing. But he deserves it for doing such terrible things, if anything, this is too little compared to what he did, and what he deserves.
“Next time, please understand the context well, so that you won’t waste my time again” Arlem advised, then he left them.
“Ah damn it!” Ashure Cursed, Anger, and disappointment are showing in his voice.
“Calm down,” Bōrem told him
“I’m Calm!” Ashure declares angrily.
“Welp, If you remember; We have bigger problems at hand,” Bōrem started
“Oh yes,” Ashure muttered.
“Raqoul. We must get rid of him,” Bōrem added.
“Indeed,” Ashure replied.
“Let’s go to find a solution to this problem,” Ashure suggested, then both of them left.
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Today is the day that Hadi Aepel return to his family, he missed them so much, it has been two weeks since he left. But he can’t wait to return home to his family.
Hadi finished packing all his possessions in the bag, He is now ready to leave with his friends for Al-Jahra, His hometown. He is coming home. Coming to the place that shaped him, the place he grew in with his parents. The place where the spark and love are.
It will take three hours from here but he doesn’t care, he will walk all these three hours, To return home.
“Hey! Guys! Are you ready?” A man called.
“Yes, I am ready,” Hadi replied, looking at his shoulder, He saw his friend packing their bags.
“Give us a minute!” Nadeem answered the man
“Okay,” The man said
Hadi Inhaled a large amount of fresh air and then exhaled, after he freshened up, he started to walk with his friends.
All the men are now ready to leave the camp, they left in groups on the journey to reach their hometown. Al-Jahra City.
He missed his home and his family so much, he can’t wait to see them, As they do too.
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When someone thinks of a monster, they will think of an ugly scary-looking beast with huge teeth, But that’s not the case for Donkey Lady.
The Donkey Lady is a beautiful young woman with long black hair, fair skin, and light brown eyes. She resembles most of the girls in Virginia. But that’s not the case, she is a monster, a child eater, a servant of the devil donkey patron.
The Donkey Lady, unlike all monsters who love to hunt at the night, she hunts in the afternoon. Normally due to the hot temperatures in the afternoon. She picks her victims very carefully.
And, one of her victims today is two persons, A woman, and her freshly-born baby girl.
Donkey Lady had been investigating the situation of her would-be victims, she saw a young woman carrying her baby girl, the woman’s husband always leave for his work. Leaving them vulnerable to monsters or killers.
Donkey Lady changed her form into a young alive woman, she was in her undead form. But now, she isn’t. She Gracefully walks to the house where she intends to kill the owner in it.
She gently knocks on the door, and moments later a woman opened the door.
“Hi! Can I help you?” A woman beamed.
“Yes.. yes... Actually! I’m new to this city.. and..” Donkey Lady answered.
“And?” The woman repeated.
“Well... I just want to know where the market is!” Donkey Lady lied.
“Oh.. sure! Do you see those huge palm leaves? The market is on the left of them,” The woman replied, as she gave her the directions.
“Thank you!” Donkey Lady uttered then she walk away.
The woman noticed something strange about this woman, something that made her blood runs cold, she noticed that the woman has donkey-like legs, so she hurriedly closes the door and prays that she won’t come again.
But that didn’t happen.. because the same woman with donkey-like legs came again. The next day. She came again asking the same question. “Where is the market?”
The woman answered the same as the last time, “it is near those huge palm trees”,
The donkey lady leaves again, and that woman and her baby are scared to death. But the woman decided that she won’t be silent anymore, she told her neighbors of this incident, She gathered people, neighbors, family, and such, to tell them what she encountered.
“You have to believe! It is real! I’m not imagining or anything!” She pleaded.
But their response was only a deafening silence. They only gave her looks of pettiness and she is insane glares.
The woman knew that she and her child are in danger, but no one believed her or even wanted to fake believing her. She felt letdown, Everyone failed her. It is really cruel and painful when you see something and no one believes you, not even one person believed her.
they didn’t believe her, even her husband didn’t believe her. That made her devastated and sad, no one believes her, and that means no one can protect her now.
On the third day, the Donkey Lady decided that she had had enough of those mind games, she will feast today, she will eat that baby and she will enjoy such a lovely, tender meal.
She used her donkey-like ears to hear the sounds, what her ears caught is the sound of a baby crying, she knows it is the child of that woman, whom she asked where the market is.
“Ooh.. what a lovely tot!” She mused as she spins around gracefully.
“I will enjoy today~” she creepily whispered.
The donkey Lady left again to that woman, her new victim, She gently knocked on the door.
She knew that the woman is inside, but she didn’t open it for her, because she is deathly scared, Scared of her.
The Donkey Lady knocks on the door again, but there is no answer, she knocked thrice, and the last time she knocked on the door.
The donkey lady had enough now. She used her magic to open the door, it opens gently and soundlessly.
The woman was hiding under the bed, she tried to get her baby to stop crying, but she couldn’t, she is crying and crying, the mother's heart is breaking from sadness and pain, she can’t take this anymore, her heart is swelling with sorrow. She prays that someone helps her, but no one answered her prayers.
“I know you are here!” She softly says, walking near the bed, She lowers her head to see them.
“Noo nooo. Please.. please.. no.. let us go-“ the woman wailed, as she hold the tot between her arms, Her tears flood non-stop, Begging for mercy and mercy only.
“Shh... I will give you a painless swift death~” The donkey lady whispered, With a quick move of her hand, she plunged it into her chest ripping her heart out and squeezing it until it breaks and turns into dust.
The mother's corpse fell lifelessly near her baby, the baby kept crying, not knowing that her mother had just died.
“Shhh~ Beautiful thing~” Donkey Lady whispers,
Donkey Lady had scraped the woman’s face, her cheeks were bruised and bleeding, she licked the blood, enjoying it’s taste.
The baby kept crying, giving the donkey lady a thrilling, sick sensation she enjoyed to the core, she bears her fangs to the baby girl who is crying, she gently hold her as she took a bite of her cheeks, leaving a bloody gaping hole on her cheek, she munches it, she smiles as she enjoys the tender flesh of the baby, in all likelihood, if a killer had seen her, he would hate the moment he killed. She looks beastly, otherworldly, And sure, she is an abomination.
She took another bite from the cheek of the other cheeks, and the child wept in pain, but the donkey lady decided to silence the child, she sucked the child’s life essence hastily, and as the child crying died down, she finally sighs and kept feasting on the poor baby.
If only the walls can talk.. rather than just be a silent, dirty witness splattered with blood, a silent witness of this bloody hunting...
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Raqoul hates everything and everyone now, Lucifer had just survived one of his ambushes, which made him boil with anger and hatred, Soon, Lucifer will fall on Raqoul’s ambushes, and he won’t survive them.
He couldn’t get why some humans love lucifer, he just can’t fathom why they love him, Lucifer betrayed Souma, the first godfather of all demons, and Lucifer killed him by poisoning his heart and taking his place. Raqoul.. will one day resurrect Souma and they together will rule the realms. He kept thinking and thinking until someone came to annoy the crap out of him. It is his half-sister. Vamonessyia.
Vamonessyia came to Raqoul, she is wearing a red seductive, short lace dress. She is beautiful, but Raqoul isn’t interested in the slightest in her, She is as he calls her “abomination” a half-Lucifer blood half-Souma blood, she is a succubus, an evil spirit, who feeds on men's life essence.
While Raqoul is a demon of desolation, he feeds on people's misfortunes, tension, fears, and Chaos. He feeds on a lot of things, especially people’s Chaos, His birthright, something linked to his name, and that is Chaos.
“Brother-“ She started, but Raqoul interrupted her harshly.
“What! You abomination!” Raqoul harshly interrupted her.
“Brother~” she whispered to him.
“I’m not your brother,” He dryly reminded.
“Eww, you are so cruel” she replied, as she faked hurt in her tone, she loves mind games, but sadly, they don’t work on Raqoul, not even one bit.
“Go away,” He dismissed her, Then he looked at his huge mirror to spy on his enemies.
Vamonessyia only gives the reaction “meh” and then she left to find new victims, she can feed on their life essence, and She will soon find them.
Raqoul didn’t care about her being happy or annoyed, he just doesn’t want her near him ever again, he soon forgot that she ever existed and kept dreaming about what if Lucifer died. What will happen? Will he be the new ruler? Or he will resurrect Souma to take his place again on the throne. A lot of questions raced to his mind. But he kept dreaming, about the day of his victory over Lucifer. The pretender, the betrayer, and the vilest creature ever.
If only.. it is a dream comes true.. but. Some dreams must die, Forever.
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problemswithbooks · 1 year
God can hori be any more heavy handed with the "DONT YOU WANT TO BE NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL" bestie, shes drinking other kids blood, thats not just "not normal". This weird retcon thing is annoying, Idk why hed bother putting her backstory in when he didnt give much of a shit about it 😭
The thing is, I actually don't think trying to say Toga's blood drinking is normal is necessarily bad or something that can't be done well. Quirks are a major part of the world and the story overall--it's not that far fetched that blood drinking might be a normal thing a person with a Quirk would want to do. If people can accept people that can make explosions which could also be dangerous to kids and people (and very much was for Izuku) then it's not a huge stretch to accept that blood drinking for Toga is normal and she should be accepted as such.
The issue is that Hori didn't really make that the issue. I don't think he really sees it himself given how he wrote Mineta, but Toga's main problem and why shes not accepted is a matter of consent not because she's seen as a creep.
This is why her backstory doesn't work very well, besides the fact it's way to late and very short. Yes, her parents freak out about her Quirk and obsession with blood. The problem is that they don't freak out for zero reason and are the only ones who reject her.
No child should be drinking the blood of birds. Whether she killed it or not, birds carry many diseases and parasites harmful to people. Her father shouldn't have hit her (because, I guess he did even though it's poorly conveyed), but the shock given what she's doing is understandable. Especially if they think she killed it (which is weird, and suggests she might have done something they found disturbing before this or were bad parents regardless of her Quirk).
Then they yell at her because she's biting her finger bloody. That's self harm and something you would want to send a child to therapy for. Sure, the counselor didn't help, but it's not like they can give Toga what she wants.
That's hammered home when they yell at her again when she drinks another kids blood. Hori messes up and doesn't show us what happens so we don't know if she hurt this other kid, or if they were scared of her or if they were fine with it.
Just giving us a look at her parents reaction doesn't give us any idea how she was seen by her peers. Because of that it's hard to make the case that she was only rejected for her Quirk alone, rather then her actions. In fact the only time we see other students they say she was popular and well liked until she attacked a boy in the class.
Given how young she looks when her parents yell at her for sucking another kids blood, and the fact she fled school after she attacked her crush, it appears these were separate events. If that was the case people in her school might have already heard about her sucking a kids blood earlier, and clearly not cared. In the very least we have to assume they knew her Quirk involved blood because Hori doesn't make any suggestion that it was hidden.
And that's why the theme of acceptance and Toga being normal because blood drinking is a part of her falls flat. No one ever said shit about her Quirk ever, except for her parents in sparse flashbacks. Ochako never thinks her blood drinking is gross nor do any of the the other Heroes or class 1A students. Hell, Tenya doesn't even bad mouth Stain for drinking blood even though he hated the guy so much he wanted him dead. This doesn't make it seem like the world rejected her for her Quirk.
No, the entire problem is that Toga doesn't understand consent or boundaries. We never see her ever ask anyone, even as a kid if she can drink their blood (that would have been a better scene then her drinking birds blood imho) and get rejected and told off and bullied/ostracized for her desire. Which if that did happen would explain why she never asks again and feels no one will accept her.
And, you could blame her parents and the therapist for this, but I'd just wager Hori doesn't really grasp that consent is the issue here. Mainly because Ochako never addresses it in anyway, even though she does bring up Toga's crimes. She offers her blood to Toga for life, but does not say that difference between Toga drinking her blood as opposed to anyone else's is because she is giving permission.
In the end Toga doesn't learn anything and just gets what she wanted given to her. Maybe Hori will address this next chapter but it really should have been brought up sooner. That or he should have had Toga actually not be accepted what-so-ever and shunned by all her peers for her Quirk even before she attacked her crush.
And this is part of the reason I really don't like the queer reading of the chapter is because by doing so it is suggesting that queer people are dangerous. If we read Toga's blood drinking as the same as kissing--which she seems to say (though her expression while drinking blood suggests something more...problematic) then she has been going around kissing people against their will to fulfill her own needs. If we read this as queer, is the story not saying that repressed gay people will sexually harass people because they can't understand consent when they inevitably snap?
I'm not saying this was or is Hori's intent. I think it's pretty clear he just didn't see how big an issue of consent there was with Toga and her Quirk. He wanted it to be all about how she wasn't accepted as normal, but didn't put in the work of showcasing that well. He has a lousy track record with female characters getting way less attention and with his rush to finish on top of that, Ochako and Toga got screwed with a half baked climax. Unfortunately that's also left it with less then great implications if you think about it for a coupe of minutes.
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killed-by-choice · 2 years
Dawn Ravenell, 13 (USA 1985)
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Dawndalea Ravenell, who went by Dawn, most likely would have had a bright future. She was a 13-year-old musical prodigy on the honor roll at school. She loved to sing —especially gospel music— and sang with her school’s glee club. Her parents were the pastor and minister at their church and had a family singing group. With her love of music, Dawn was the lead singer. She had parents who loved her dearly and was very close to her family. She had 3 biological siblings and 2 adopted siblings. The family of 8 was very happy together. Dawn’s mother remembers that Dawn would help with the cleaning and helped take care of her younger siblings.
Up until her death, the only real issue between Dawn and her parents was her relationship with her steady boyfriend for the last part of her life. He was 15 years old. Mrs. Ravenell was concerned about their relationship, which seemed more serious than she would expect from a couple at that age, but Dawn thought her mother was being old-fashioned. Eventually, her parents dropped the subject because there didn’t seem to be any problems with the two teenagers.
But when she was in 8th grade, Dawn got pregnant. She was too embarrassed to tell her parents, so she turned to a school counselor. Under New York laws, the counselor was not even allowed to give a student an over-the-counter pain medication without written permission from their parents, but it was legal for the counselor to secretly arrange for a 13-year-old girl to have an abortion.
Dawn was 21 weeks pregnant when she and her boyfriend took the subway to an abortion facility called Eastern Women’s Center (EWC also killed Dawn Mack and Venus Ortiz). The young couple didn’t know the danger Dawn was in and did not have informed consent for the risks. They were two minors alone in New York City, their parents didn’t even know where they were and Dawn was about to have an invasive operation.
Dawn’s boyfriend used a relative’s credit card to pay the hundreds of dollars to the abortion facility. Apparently nobody cared that a teenage boy was using someone else’s credit card to pay for an operation. Even though Dawn was terrified, the abortionist inserted laminaria dilators and told the children to return the next day. When they did, the abortion facility didn’t bother to record her weight or age. Despite the fact that Dawn was 13 years old, they made her sign a consent form to be put under general anesthesia and have a second-trimester abortion. Dawn was also not told in advance not to eat or drink, which is crucial for anyone about to be put under general anesthesia. As attorney Thomas Principe suing for Dawn's estate, later told the jurors, "This child was just another piece (of meat) on the assembly line."
Dawn’s abortion began at 1:10. She was given only half of the anesthesia needed for a 10 to 15 minute operation. Only 5 to 7 minutes after the abortion started, Dawn woke up on the operating table.
The poor girl was terrified. Because she was not given any instructions on what to do before the anesthesia, her stomach was full. She choked on her own vomit, which aspirated into her lungs. The abortionists quickly gave her a higher dose of anesthesia and shoved a 75 cent plastic tube down her throat. It would later be discovered that body parts from Dawn’s baby were left inside of her after the abortion.
At 1:25, Dawn was placed in a recovery room and left completely unattended. Nobody even bothered to remove the plastic tube from her throat.
Soon, Dawn woke up again. She was once again left choking and gagging on the plastic in her throat and the stomach acid in her lungs. This time there was nobody there. The terrified 13-year-old choked on her own vomit, literally drowning in it. In the process, she suffered cardiac arrest and extreme brain damage from oxygen deprivation.
Eventually, a nurse noticed what was going on and called 911. It was much too late.
Dawn was rushed to the hospital and put on a respirator. Then she was transferred to St. Luke's Hospital, which contacted her family.
Dawn’s parents were never even told that she was pregnant until the hospital called them and told them that Dawn was in the ICU. The family rushed to see her. At St. Luke's they encountered Dawn's boyfriend, who was scarred for life and sobbing uncontrollably. The traumatized 15-year-old had not had any warning that Dawn could be killed.
Even though Dawn was placed on a respirator, it was too late to save her. She was brain-dead. After 18 days without the slightest response or brain activity, she was removed from her life support.
Her heartbroken family sued for Dawn’s painful death. The trial was painful for the Ravenells. One of the more horrible bits of trial testimony occurred when a lawyer cross-examining Klein(one of the abortionists), asked whether Dawn's age bothered the abortionist. Klein callously replied, "Oh, no. I've done 13-year olds before. When they're 10, maybe I'll notice."
Although the Ravenell family originally asked for a verdict in the amount of $1,000,000 against defendants Klein and Augente (the two abortionists who killed Dawn and her baby), the jury declared Dawn's death "an abomination," and returned a verdict of $1,225,000. Klein was held liable for 20% of the award and Augente for 80%. The jury award was also the highest amount ever won in the state of New York for a wrongful-death abortion case, eclipsing the previous record by more than a half million dollars.
Unfortunately, the trial judge felt the amount was excessive and reduced the award to just $400,000, which the bereaved parents decided to accept instead of enduring another trial. Unlike the abortion clinic itself, Klein and Augente both carried malpractice insurance and their insurers paid the damages.
Dawn Ravenell was killed by an abortion done without her parent’s knowledge or consent. Parental consent laws and restrictions on abortion could have saved this bright young singer from an excruciating death choking on her own vomit.
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voraciousvore · 11 months
In the Belly of the Giant (21/39)
Chapter 21
For the entire day, Dr. Rajak and his giantess wife were tense. The doctor had contacted Joey and informed the giant officer that he was willing to play the role of bait to aid the investigation to save the missing humans. Joey was overjoyed and told him that he would call when everything was arranged and set up a time. Apparently, he would need some time to procure trackers small enough to plant on the human. He said he might have to borrow equipment from the human police department on the other side of the wall. 
Nurse Rajak, despite giving her reluctant consent to her husband’s involvement in the plan, was not happy about it. As they went about their regular shift at the hospital, she was clingy and overprotective of her tiny husband, constantly grabbing him up and holding him close whenever he wasn’t directly occupied with a task. She showered him with affection every chance she got, hugging him against her giant boobs, petting him with her fingers, and kissing him.  
As much as he liked the extra attention, she was embarrassing him in front of patients and coworkers. He usually tried to maintain a detached air of professionalism and authority. Since he was so small, sometimes the giants around him did not take him seriously. He had to be assertive, even aggressive, in order to be heard and respected. With her handling him like a doll, emasculating him, he was concerned he was opening himself up to ridicule and disrespect. 
Even so, he was patient with her. He understood how she felt. She loved and cared for him intensely. He felt the same way about her. If their roles were reversed, he was sure he'd be acting the same way. Besides, he was beginning to get nervous about the operation himself. He needed some comfort from her, maybe just not in the excessive quantity she was currently supplying. Deep down, he had to admit he had a twinge of regret for agreeing to put himself in danger. However, he wasn’t going to back out now. 
They ended their work day, went home, and cleaned themselves up. Before the duo had a chance to settle down and relax, though, Dr. Rajak’s phone rang. Nurse Rajak eyed him anxiously, kneading her hands, as he answered. It was Joey. The police were ready. Joey asked if he could come to the police station now, and Dr. Rajak replied in the affirmative. He hung up the phone and made eye contact with his wife. 
“It’s time.” She nodded stiffly, biting her lip, and held out her graceful hand for him to step into. He gently grasped her finger and climbed into her palm. Clutching him securely, she carried him to the police station without speaking. They enjoyed each other’s company as the sun began to set below the buildings, tinting the firmament with a deep orange. The windows on the buildings reflected the sky, setting the town on fire with light. 
When the couple set foot in the police station, the place was buzzing with chaotic activity. Ray spied the two and guided them over to Joey, who was in the middle of discussing his plan with a few other cops. He spotted the doctor and grimly nodded. 
“Are you ready?” he asked. The doctor confirmed that he was committed. Joey had his wife set him on the table and sat down to explain how the operation was going to work. The other officers whom Joey had been briefing stared at the human with curiosity. 
“Since you’re essentially going undercover for your role, we need to give you an alternate identity, in case you’re asked any questions. Your story is that you just got hired to work at the boarding school as a human counselor. Since most of the abducted humans attend the school, we suspect the kidnappers will be looking for victims in that general vicinity. So, we’re going to have you walk around near the school and try to lure them out. With me so far?” Joey adjusted his glasses. The doctor gulped and nodded. 
“We have a business casual outfit for you to change into, and shoes with trackers in them so we know where they take you. We won’t be able to monitor you directly within visual range: Otherwise, we’d scare them off.” Joey pushed a bundle of clothes across the table to the human. “Other than that, you don’t need to know much. Just act scared when they catch you.” 
The doctor didn’t think he would have a problem with that. He was already feeling jittery and a bit overwhelmed just being briefed. Being snatched up by violent criminal giants with ill intentions, even with the police observing remotely, was a frightening thought. He hoped nothing would go wrong.  
“One more thing,” Joey added. “We’re looking for this giant in particular. Keep an eye out for him. He was the one who was last seen with my girlfriend before…” He had to stop briefly, to contain himself. “Before she went missing.” He held up a photograph of Jake the Snake so the doctor could see. Dr. Rajak absorbed the details into his memory and felt a chill at the rough, sordid appearance of the giant, particularly his dark eyes and yellowed teeth. He didn’t look like the sort of person he’d want to run into on the street, especially late at night. 
His wife carried him over to a discreet spot where he could change his clothes in privacy. He didn’t see much point in having an “alternate identity,” but he went along with what the police wanted from him, since he was sure they knew what they were doing. The clothes weren’t the best fit, but he could manage. The shoes were looser on his feet than he would have liked and heavier than usual due to the electronics inside them. 
Once everything was set up and ready, the couple left the police station, without any cops with them so as not to raise suspicions. As instructed by Joey, they went to a local coffee shop and stayed for a while, so they wouldn’t be seen leaving directly from the police station. Before the couple separated, the giantess embraced her husband and kissed him lovingly, and he kissed and hugged her lips passionately in return. She left the coffee shop and went one way, and he left a few minutes after, heading in the direction of the boarding school. 
By now the sun had dipped below the horizon, bathing the sky in red before it faded to starry black. The streetlights came on, illuminating bright halos of light that carved into the impenetrable darkness beyond with a striking contrast. The thrum of insects and toads filled the warm evening air. The effect was highly aesthetic, with almost a fantastical magical quality to it, too serene and bewitching to exist in real life.  
The human may have found the scenery pleasing, if not for the situation he was in. Normally, he knew better than to be out at night alone, when he was so small and could effortlessly be picked up or stomped on by any giant who happened to pass by. He was working against his instincts and rational judgement, and it made him very on edge. He felt conspicuous and exposed, like a mouse without the cover of grass. He simply had to wait until a hawk swooped down and clutched him in its sharp talons. Even though the night was warm, he hugged his arms with a shiver. 
The doctor was so accustomed to being chauffeured around by his giantess wife, he hadn’t realized just how far away the school was when he had to travel alone on foot. The shoes the police provided were too large for his feet, forcing him to shuffle with small steps. He was starting to get a blister on his heel from the shoes rubbing. As he walked alone with his thoughts, he began to get paranoid. What if his shoes slipped off his feet when he was grabbed? The police wouldn’t be able to track him anymore. He would be in a terrible situation then. He would never make it home, never see his wife again. He couldn’t imagine a worse fate. 
Dr. Rajak was a brave man, but he wasn’t immune to fear by any means. In fact, he felt a rising terror as the night seemed to darken around him with foreboding shadows. He glanced behind him, over his shoulder, half-expecting to see some twisted phantasmagorical horror from the depths of the earth clambering towards him. However, the streets were eerily deserted. Not a living soul was nearby, perhaps due to the late hour. 
As he became increasingly agitated, every second he was outside felt excruciating. He was tempted to run off and hide somewhere, out of the glare of the streetlamps where he wouldn’t be visible. Even though the streets were empty, he saw apparitions behind every corner, silhouettes of faceless giants within every inky pool of shadow. Nevertheless, he remained steadfast, trudging onward with obstinate determination. He had a mission to complete. 
In the far distance, he could see the school, with its big metal gate and towering hedges. He still had a ways to go before he would actually be at the gate, however. He slowed his pace a bit. He was growing weary. He had been walking for a couple hours now, in clunky oversized shoes, and it was very late at night. Typically he’d be in bed by now, tucked snugly in his wife’s cleavage, fast asleep after a long day of work. He yawned and stretched his arms. Maybe this whole thing was a waste of time. Nothing was happening. He began to grow complacent, a little less afraid. Joey must’ve been wrong about kidnappers hanging out near the school. What human student would be foolhardy enough to be out this late by himself anyway? 
As he made his way closer, the gate seemed to grow larger, stretching up out of the ground into the sky. Joey had instructed him to continue walking around until the early morning hours, so he figured he would walk past the gate and circle around. A mild gust of wind ruffled the leaves of the hedges, then the air went still. Dr. Rajak suddenly felt uneasy, although he couldn’t explain why. The night was quiet, after all. Nobody was around. 
He stopped and cast a furtive glance behind him. That unsettling feeling was growing stronger. He realized with a chill that the night was too quiet. Once the wind had died down, his unconscious mind had picked up on the silence. The symphony of crickets and frogs around him had vanished—not a single chirp. He broke into a cold sweat and started walking again, faster this time. The fine hairs on his arms stood on end. Something was definitely wrong. 
He was nearly on the cusp of breaking into a sprint when suddenly the halo of light he was standing in was extinguished by a gigantic shadow. His body went rigid and his heart leapt into his throat. In his peripheral vision, he saw enormous black boots on either side of him, dwarfing him in size. He spun around and looked up to behold a tremendous behemoth of a man standing over him, blocking out the light, dressed in all black with his face concealed by a black mask. 
The doctor didn’t have to pretend to be afraid, not at all. He turned tail and bolted like a rabbit. All rational thought fled his mind as he broke down with instinctive fear. Despite his swift action, he didn’t stand a chance. The giant pounced like a lion and caught him with ease, forcibly engulfing the small man entirely with his gargantuan hand. Dr. Rajak fought with all his might against the inside of the hand as he felt himself raised up rapidly to a dizzying height. The hand squeezed him to reduce his squirming. He cried out, more with fear than pain, but any sound was muffled by the thick flesh surrounding him. He was encased within folds of skin and blind darkness. 
He felt the vast strides of the giant as he briskly walked a fair distance, wondering where the hell he was being taken. The experience of being abducted was much, much worse than he expected, even when he knew it was coming. He couldn’t quell the panic within him and kept squirming futilely in the hollow of the giant’s hand. He cursed his own foolish bravado for ever getting mixed up in this situation. 
He felt the giant swing his arm around and heard the sound of a car door opening. He was jostled about as the giant sat down in the car and slammed the door shut. 
“Drive,” the giant’s loud guttural voice growled. Dr. Rajak trembled. 
Chapter 22
Chapter 1
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dojimakaichou · 1 year
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SENT FROM @stingslikeabee​ ―            
( unscripted ask / always accepting )
Even for a normal human with no telepathic abilities, Daigo could see that the visit of his counselor to the captain's ready room had a particular meaning. For once, it wasn't about him - the last few months had been very fruitful and the captain had been taking his court-mandated therapy seriously. Melissa approached his desk with an uncommon expression on her face - it was clear that she wasn't making any effort to keep emotions or thoughts muted and considered herself within a safe space, despite the role she had to fulfill in that ship. But upon taking a seat, the first thing she did was to place both arms upon his desk, turning her palms up and leaving them within reach - an Inadian gesture that symbolized openness and respect for their interlocutor, a heritage from when they thought that connection of minds required connection of flesh, too. (Melissa's home world science had advanced to disprove that, but the preference lingered; sometimes, physical touch boosted emotions or unlocked memories, and it wasn't an entirely useless technique even for the current times.) "I have been made aware of a particular situation and I'm here with the consent of the parties involved, although I will not disclose their names for the moment," Melissa said with a soft voice; despite the rather official tone, it was not difficult to note that she was anticipating some sort of issue, but the counselor appeared to be trying to offer herself as a bridge and tool for solution rather than the bearer of conflict, "A member of the crew is pregnant; the other progenitor is also part of the crew. They are aware of your stance on families and children aboard the Tojo, but they... Would like to check if you'd be willing to reconsider it." The honey-colored eyes of the mind-reader kept the captain under focus the entire time, but they were not unkind. Rather, they appear to recognize that a crossroads was up ahead, and offered company for that moment of decision. "They have reason to believe that their children would be safe among us, and they have also said they would not like to terminate the pregnancy. However, they also understand your word is final, so they accepted to have me as a mediator. I'm an uninterested party, Daigo," the shift to his name was done on purpose; she was speaking as a friend, too. "I'm here to hear your thoughts on the matter, however you desire to do it," the black stones of her bracelet clinked against the desk, reminding the captain of the alternative to spoken words, "And to be your sounding board, if you wish."
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★. ―
Daigo looked up from his work. The sight of Melissa did something strange : softened the harsh lines in his tired face and caused the corners of his lips to tug up into a ghostly smile. ― until, of course, he realized that she was in his ready room on business. Daigo gestured for the Inadian to take the seat across from him and closed the diagrams flickering at his elbow. With that, the Captain sat back, giving her the floor.
As she spoke, Daigo's hands knitted together in his lap. He tilted his head, frowning thoughtfully, at the news that Melissa was here on behalf of others. Not unusual for a ship's counselor by any stretch of the imagination, but . . . he couldn't think of any fights or other conflicts that had been reported to him recently.
At the reveal of the reason, the captain's expression darkened. Coarse fingertips dug into his short beard, scratching at it. Melissa's presence made sense now.
"There is a clear path of action for this sort of situation laid out in all of the crew members' handbooks," Daigo finally said. "The expecting party will be given the remainder of their commission and escorted off of the Tojo at the next safe port in Federation space. Should the other parent be present, they may depart with the same promise of pay, if they would like ; I have no intention of breaking up families just to keep the roster looking full." He shifted his weight in his chair and sighed. "I highlight this policy with every new crew member that I meet, and it is introduced in all materials specific to this ship."
Daigo raised his hands to accentuate his next point. "It is also important for this discussion to remember that the Tojo does not have the necessary support systems to raise a child. When she was being built in Tokyo's yard, I was given a say in how she would be outfitted. There is no nursery . . . no school, no adjustments to recreational services for children. If I ever change my mind about allowing families onboard, the Tojo will have to be docked and the empty decks re - planned to account for these requirements."
The captain's palms fell heavily onto his crossed thighs. His shoulders sagged slightly, and Daigo's breath left him with a long exhale. With his usual speech for this very delicate matter gone from him, he was free to discuss the more emotional center those strict manuals and lack of accommodations protected.
"I have been called heartless before because of this," Daigo said, voice lacking the sharp edge of moments prior. He purposefully kept his fingers away from Melissa's offered hands. It would help her to have a visual aid, but he was not prepared to share one with her. " ― but I have my reasons. I was an upstart young officer on another vessel once. It specialized in ferrying passengers from port to port in Federation space : an easy, mindless purpose. The captain got comfortable taking bribes to accept too many individuals onboard, however. During my final run, the ship failed. I and my fellows had the task of taking crying children and mothers to the emergency shuttles. Parceling out if there was enough space for all of the little ones. I have never forgotten the mother who begged me to make room for her baby."
Daigo hesitated, gaze angled toward the floor. The captain couldn't remember speaking of this incident to anyone beyond the investigative council established after it all happened. Melissa possessed a curious way of dredging his nightmares up and laying them bare, it seemed. Perhaps it was because he trusted her, trusted her deeply ― Daigo didn't think even his spiritual brother and First Officer knew about what occurred on the Galiant all of those years ago. Why the renegade captain of the Tojo grew visibly nervous when visiting persons brought babies or children onto his ship, no matter how brief.
"That day," he eventually continued, swallowing thickly, "is why the Tojo is set up and established the way she is. We are always too far away for help ; any efforts that the Federation would make to retrieve us if we take crippling damage would require days of planning and another vessel like the Tojo. I cannot in good conscience condemn a child ― who cannot speak for themselves regarding a choice most grown adults call suicidal ― in that situation."
Daigo stood up, clearly fueled by a mix of agitated energy and old ghosts. He shook out his hair and pathed toward the fabricator for coffee. For something to put in his stomach to settle the rolling feeling in it.
"I am sorry for the pair that you represent, Lieutenant Drysdell," the captain said. His words hardened again. "I have long said I would only consider changing the Tojo's policies if I encountered a case where the expectant party or their child would be endangered should they leave the ship. If one of the parents you refer to now would like to make a case to me arguing that, I would be willing to listen. They are welcome to come to me with you alongside them to act as a mediator, of course. As it stands, though . . . my position remains the same."
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motorclit · 17 days
I've mentioned several times as posts that I make (like this one) as well as sharing my story via reblogs about how I went to counseling to try and get therapy for my body image issue (relating to my face and the fact that my body didn't look "womanly" enough to me because I was so skinny) and abandonment issues, only to have an eating disorder specialist tell me, without asking about my history with food or how often I use a weight scale (see: almost never), tell me I was anorexic because she wanted to make money off me by trying to get me to consent to put me into in-patient care. She spent the whole fucking time telling me the only reason why she diagnosed me was because of my BMI and spent her efforts trying to convince me to go into in-patient care. She ignored everything else I've said and even ignored my muž when he was brought in and took *my* side instead of hers. (Context, I have a fast metabolism and didn't know how to eat properly for my metabolism to gain weight.)
While I'm at a healthy weight now (no thanks to her), her ass and my years of trauma still have me feeling like shit when I look into a mirror. When I got a second tattoo (my first one was about a decade ago), I felt improvement in how I felt looking in the mirror.
But before the second tattoo, I tried very hard to find a therapist that met my needs, and all of who I found not only live across the state, but cost way too much money and don't take my insurance.
Tattoos and tarot cards are far more affordable and accessible to me and don't care that I'm Autistic.
I bring up being Autistic because the help a neurotypical or an allistic person would get will not be helpful to me. My brain is not wired for that kind of help. But the moment I mentioned to that counselor that I wanted to be assessed for Autism, her professionalism devolved into her seeing me as easy cash if she got me into patient care because she wanted to milk my insurance. (She had a smirk when I inquired about the assessment and she said, "Oh don't worry. We'll get to that." Like it was a funny joke or something.) If I was formally diagnosed, I probably would have been submitted to in-patient care for a disorder I didn't have against my will and who knows what else, but because I wasn't, she had to try and convince me to consent to it.
Tattoos and tarot cards are safer for me than seeing a therapist. That is why I still have a good chunk of my stimmy money in a box as well as money I make from my dad paying me to do certain chores he can't do around the house squirreled away into another box. (Luckily I have just three decks of tarot that I got over time. I dont like collecting decks, just needed to find what deck worked for me.)
As far as my face is concerned, I want ear piercings and a septum piercing, but I'm beyond terrified of any piercing getting caught on something. Otherwise, I'd jump at that opportunity, too. Don't know if clip-ons exist or not for septums.
I have a loving muž who says there's nothing wrong with my face or body. The problem is that despite being together for almost 20 years, the trauma from all the bullying I've had to endure growing up has done some serious damage to me. It's to the point where I can't wear shorts without tights. I still don't feel fully comfortable being around the man that I married despite how enthusiastic he is when talking about how much he loves the way that I look. That's how bad it has affected me.
Tarot has helped me with abandonment issues, including giving me the courage to talk to my muž about it. Tattoos are gonna help me feel comfortable in my own skin. This second one has made a noticeable impact on how I feel when I look in the mirror. And I hope to get more once I get concept sketches of my third one doodled up for the artist to give an idea what I'm going for. I hope to get 2 or 3 more before winter months (to avoid covid). Then I'll start getting more during the spring (avoiding the spring peak of the avoidable but inevitable covid wave). If things go according to plan, I'll be covered enough by the end of next year to start wearing shorts with no tights in public, as well as more tanktops more often.
It's ridiculous how tattoos and tarot cards are more accessible to me than quality therapy...
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tittyinfinity · 6 months
*tw for rape & abuse.
Can we talk about how a good portion of people who have falsely accused someone of rape were actually being forced by someone else to make those allegations? Usually under threat of violence?
The fathers who were angry about who their daughter slept with? The jealous ex who found out that their ex slept with someone else? The abusive spouse that wants to punish their partner for trying to leave?
And I don't just mean the person being like, "I guess I'll accuse them of rape in order to make this other person happy," I mean "this person is actively threatening to harm me/is harming me until I do it."
I'm going to use some examples, including a personal example, but again tw for discussions of rape and abuse.
The biggest issue when it comes to false rape allegations is that it has been used to inflict racist violence for hundreds of years. In many cases, false rape allegations that are willingly made by the "victim" are for racist reasons.
But this also extends to the family. In the case of fathers having an issue with who their daughter slept with, more often than not, it was a Black man or another PoC. The father then files the false charges himself and/or abuses the daughter until she agrees to say what he wants. (I didn't specify white fathers because anti-blackness exists in more than just white families.)
When it comes to jealous exes/partners, I have a personal story for that.
About a decade ago my ex left me for my best friend, who also happened to be his best friend's girlfriend. After a few months, me and his ex best friend started hitting it off. We eventually fucked. It fell off, and I started having feelings for a different guy.
When my ex found out about those things, he rushed over to my house and broke in through the window. I got hit. He held my phone up to my ear with his fist in my face and made me report his ex-friend for rape. When he heard my parents coming, he hid in the closet. Next time he had the chance, he came out and made me call the guy I had feelings for, and told me I had to call him a stupid ugly faggot.
I had to go to the school counselor and talk about the "rape." But he noticed my black eye. He knew who gave it to me. And thankfully, he knew I was being forced to lie.
I never wanted to make those allegations. But I had someone hiding in my closet and physically abusing me.
It all stems from mosogyny. I've heard of several woman with a story similar to mine. Abusive men forcing a woman to make false rape accusations in order to "punish" her. A lot of times, they don't even care about what happens to the accused, they just want to make sure that the woman knows that the only person she's allowed to give consent to is them. "Your body belongs to me, and if anyone else touches you, expect the worst to happen."
So many jealous men are behind false rape allegations. And that needs to be part of the discussion.
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genderqueer-karma · 2 years
so i’ve been vague-ing about an individual on here for a while now so much so that i will now be giving him a name: “v”.
tws for creepy (not the good kind) behavior //
today v saw me getting out of my mother’s car to go into the school, because where i’m normally dropped off at happens to be near where he parks. i did not know this until today.
that being said, i was trying to tell my mother a quick story before i left, only for her to stop me and say “oh, look, v is behind us.” to be 100% honest i saw him as we were driving up, but chose to ignore him.
i pause, then finish telling my story. she tells me he’s walked away. just as i move to get out of the car, she says that he turned around. i’m still in the process of getting out of the car. there is a high chance he’s seen me. beyond this, he recognizes the car.
i can’t tell my mom to drive up and away, because i’m still getting out of the car, so i have to get out and basically book it to my normal morning spot. this was not my spot originally. i am a creature of habit (for the most part), and i have had to change morning spots multiple times this year because of v. i deeply dislike that fact.
as i’m walking to my spot, i hear the faintest scratch of shoes on pavement from behind me. my anxiety jumps to the conclusion that it is v and i start walking much faster until i reach my destination. being around him has made my anxiety
when i get there, i sit down in the ground, i turn on netflix, and i out my headphones in. i did not want to be bothered by him. still, v shows up not a minute later and stands over me while i watch my show. when i continue to ignore him, he moves away, but doesn’t leave. he stands on the other side of the nearby vending machine instead.
this particular action really sets off alarm bells for me.
not because it was awkward, but because of the context of other actions in the past: for example, touching me (without consent) and following me around.
i try to be very nice to people and give them the benefit of the doubt. i’ve had many times where i’ve said “oh well maybe he’s bad at understanding social cues”, but this has gone on for far too long. i don’t feel 100% safe. i can’t say “fuck off” or get aggressive despite the fact that i want to because it would be rude and it wouldn’t properly communicate how i feel. i’m struggling.
i’ve brought the issue to my mom multiple times, and she just makes light of it, saying that i don’t like him because i “don’t like black boys”. as someone who is a black boy (sometimes), that’s insane to say, even as a joke!
i don’t like v because he is a creep and makes me feel unsafe. his race has nothing to do with that.
people have said to tell a counselor. i have no character witnesses! i have no way to prove what has happened beyond word of mouth! to put it plainly: i have no case!
and even beyond that i don’t want to make a huge stink out of it. i’m not a confrontational person, and am averse to being involved with “drama”.
i don’t know anymore. i’m tired of it.
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Love Languages for the Counselors
A/N: Sorry Max’s is so short my brain wasn’t cooperating. Also I pulled these out of my ass when I was supposed to be sleeping enjoy <3
~ I’m going to say quality time
~ he does that introvert thing where he just *exists* in the same room as the people he loves and it’s more than enough for him
~ that’s not to say he would never talk to you he wants to get to know you he’s just a little awkward about it
~ please help him he’s struggling
~ will eventually let you listen to his podcasts with him just don’t ask so many questions mid episode
~ he will happily clear things up for you afterwards❤️
~ words of affirmation with a little bit of physical affection thrown in
~ ik he loves goofy pet names and probably tires to embarrass you with them while just sitting with you
~ “My cinnamon sugar apple. My honeybun sugar plum. My sweet peace of ass”
“Dylan wtf”
“Okay sorry. Can you hand me that pen over there”
~ does the traditional babe/baby too
~ also not shy to voice his love for you. Not a day goes by where he doesn’t tell you
~ likes to top off his sugary words with a peck on the cheek to leave you wanting more of him
~ Acts of service
~ In cannon she has trouble expressing herself and I think that shows in her relationships too
~ She can’t always get the words out or let herself be vulnerable but she will hold the door for you and save you a seat wherever you go
~ thank her and she’ll scoff
~ I can imagine her helping you style your hair and if it’s long she’ll chastise you and say that if you can’t handle it you should cut it short like hers
~ you never have to ask her for anything, she’ll always do whatever she can for you but she might call you stupid in the mean time
~ “here I brought you some water”
“Oh thank you that’s so sweet of you :)”
“Yeah well someone has to keep you from getting dehydrated. Now shut up and drink”
~ do I really even have to say it
~ physical👏🏻affection👏🏻
~ once you give him the go ahead for PDA (if you are okay with it) prepare to be picked up and squeezed at any given moment
~ doesn’t matter how big you are he’s stronk
~loves kissing u. Will do it until your lips are swollen if you don’t stop him.
~I can also see him as an ass slap man if you consent to it before hand
~ if he’s wearing jeans pls put your hand in his back pocket while walking around. He’s beaming the whole time it’s so gross
~overall just a big teddy bear who will smoosh you with his man boobs if you ask
~ another words of affirmation counselor
~ she’s a little different in her approach than Dylan
~ she will use pet names if you like them but also just loves to compliment you
~ “Did you change your hair? I love it!” “You always look beautiful/handsome/attractive but you looks especially good today.” “That color looks so good on you!” That kind of stuff
~ will not be at all embarrassed to post you on her social media. Brags about you all the time actually
~ “This is my S/O! I love them and if you’re mean I’m blocking you”
~ includes you in her videos if you want to be in them
~ she’s my blorbo
~ gift giving but not in the way you might think
~ @bloodverz wrote a post about the counselors bringing you back little trinkets from hikes and stuff and I think that fits her character very well
~ “this rock made me think of you :)” you will end up with a rock collection whether you like it or not
~ I hc that she has a garden at home and she grows flowers and food for you
~ this might be more on the side of acts of service but I also see her doodling on your arms and legs if you let her. It’s a little gift to remember her by later
~ bonus points if you get something she drew on you as a tattoo she’ll be so flustered so give her some kisses
~ Another snuggly boy but less obvious that Jacob
~ pretty shy about pda
~ he’ll hold your hand, give you hugs, and give chaste kisses but that’s about it unless you want him to turn red and forget how to move and talk
~ in private he won’t let go of you
~ pulls you in his lap to get the kisses he was too shy to ask for in public
~ a hand kisser too he’ll grab your hand and kiss all your fingers wait let me stop before I need to lie down 😮‍💨
~ he runs pretty hot which can get annoying in the summer but during the winter you can latch onto him like a Koala and he won’t stop you
~ Rub your nose on his and make him blush. Do it.
~ mmmmm I’m going to go with acts of service
~ we get to see her interact with Max in the game but they’re in a dire situation most of the time
~ however idk if every relationship is strong enough that you will literally kill your camp director for but Laura did
~ she would do anything for you and she tells you that often
~ on top of that she’ll do little things for you like making your breakfast in bed once in a while
~ takes such good care of you when you’re sick she’s not leaving until you’re better
~ words of affirmation
~ he loves you and he’s not afraid to shout it from the rooftops either
~ constantly reminding you how much you mean to him he’s so soft 🥹
~ I can also see him being very touchy but putting physical touch again feels like a cop out djejaodih
~ expect a good morning and good night text every day
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coochiequeens · 2 years
A male judge just awarded custody of a teenage girl to the rapist who attacked her mother when she was the same age as the girl is now.
A watchdog group in Louisiana has asked outside authorities to investigate a recent ruling by a judge that granted an accused rapist full custody of the daughter his accuser — who became pregnant when she was 16 and the father was 30 — birthed nine months later.
Court records obtained by PEOPLE confirm that Judge Jeffrey Cashe also ordered Crysta Abelseth, 32, to make monthly child support payments to John Barnes, the man she alleges raped her in late 2005. 
Cashe awarded Barnes, 46, full custody of the girl on March 21, 2022, despite allegations made by a child that Barnes had been sexually, physically and verbally abusive. Those allegations were first brought to the state's Department of Children and Family Services by a school counselor. Barnes has not been charged with a crime in connection with those allegations.
"I just want my daughter home safe and my perpetrator out of our lives for good," Abelseth tells PEOPLE. "My quality of life has suffered tremendously and it has bankrupted me financially. It is my faith in God that has kept me strong for my daughter because this is truly more than anyone should ever have to endure."
The court documents, which were viewed by PEOPLE, include DNA test results, which confirm that Barnes is the biological father of Abelseth's daughter. Abelseth got pregnant when she was 16 and Barnes was 30, which means the encounter, even if consensual, would have amounted to statutory rape. In Louisiana in 2005, the age of consent was 17, as it is today.
According to WBRZ, the Metropolitan Crime Commission, a corruption watchdog group, has asked that an outside agency investigate the ruling.
Sean Cassidy, an attorney for the non-profit Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault, tells PEOPLE he finds Cashe's decision "awfully baffling," given the allegations. "I don't know how something like this happens," Cassidy says. 
WBRZ reports that Barnes owns a web company called Gumbeaux Digital Branding that counts the Ponchatoula Police as a client. (Abelseth alleges Barnes raped her in Ponchatoula.)
"I have seen some bad decisions. I've seen some indifference by law enforcement. I've seen what looks like bias from some judges," Cassidy continues. "But I have never seen the father of a child born out of a rape not only be awarded custody and some sort of payment, but also, that person even seeking custody. It is not something you see."
We 'Absolutely Dropped the Ball,' Police Admit 
In 2015, Abelseth filed a complaint with the Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff's Office against Barnes, alleging he'd raped her on Dec. 13, 2005, after they'd both been drinking at a bar in Hammond, where Abelseth said she got in with a fake ID.
Abelseth told investigators Barnes had offered her a ride home. Instead, she said, he took her to his place in Ponchatoula. "I had woken up on the bathroom floor nude," Abelseth wrote in her statement, saying she was unable to give consent as she was unconscious during the encounter. Abelseth further alleges in her written statement Barnes had threatened to seek full custody of the girl, should she ever pursue criminal charges against him.
Barnes has never been charged with a crime. 
Abelseth's 2015 complaint wasn't assigned to a detective until this year, the court records show. The Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff's Office in a statement acknowledged they did not properly investigate that allegation and said the case was turned over to prosecutors on Wednesday.
"In tracing this case back to the time the initial complaint was filed on July 1, 2015, it was discovered that the report never made it through the proper channels within the department to be assigned for investigation," reads the statement. "Therefore, our department absolutely dropped the ball, and we simply must own our mistake. This is a mistake, however, that simply has never been a problem before or since, and we must make sure to keep it that way."
Abelseth alleges in the filings that she didn't report the alleged rape for years because she thought victims had only 24 hours to go to the police after such crimes occurred. She ended up reporting the rape after learning the statute of limitations for rape was 30 years after the victim turns 18.
Custody Battle Began After Barnes Learned He Had Child 
The custody battle began in 2011, after the girl turned 5, and Barnes learned he might have a child; Abelseth tells PEOPLE she has no idea how he discovered the daughter's existence. Barnes took Abelseth to court, and once paternity was established, Barnes sought and was awarded shared custody of the child, despite their ages at the time Abelseth became pregnant. 
"I was under the impression I had no choice to let him be involved in my child's life," Abelseth tells PEOPLE. "He was threatening me. My attorney at the time knew he raped me and she didn't advise me of my rights."
According to documents obtained by PEOPLE, Barnes started paying $428 a month in support for the child in April 2013. 
Judge Cashe took over the case in August 2015 — a month after Abelseth reported the rape to police, and several months after Barnes asked the court to find her in contempt for allegedly violating some of the terms of their custody agreement.
Six months later, a split-custody agreement was reached, and Abelseth was ordered to pay $78.41 to Barnes each month. That sum increased to $117.72 per month in 2017.
Abelseth requested that Barnes' custody be limited, but Cashe denied that motion. Months later, Barnes began filing motions seeking to have Abelseth held in contempt after giving the daughter a cell phone; in a previous decision, Cashe barred the girl from owning a phone.
On Feb. 2, 2022, Cashe found Abelseth in contempt over the phone, and she was ordered to pay $500. He again told the mother not to get the girl a phone.
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In a March 18, 2022, hearing before Cashe, a child's abuse accusations against Barnes were brought up, and Abelseth asked for full custody. But Cashe said criminal charges were never pursued against Barnes and that the evidence failed to support allegations he had abused a child. 
Days later, Barnes filed for full custody, claiming Abelseth provided their daughter with a second phone. Cashe granted the request the same day. Abelseth tells PEOPLE the allegations made by Barnes she provided her daughter with a cell phone were "false."
Cashe did not respond to PEOPLE's repeated requests for comment. But on Wednesday, he filed a Reasons for Judgement, a document explaining his decisions in the case. In it, he says the allegations Barnes abused a child were only put forward by Abelseth after Barnes had asked to have her held in contempt.
Custody Trial Scheduled for July 15 
Cassidy tells PEOPLE the judge should have realized the 2005 sexual encounter between Barnes and Ableson — consensual or not — amounted to statutory rape. He notes that state law bars men from having contact with any child that is the product of rape. 
Barnes did not respond to requests for comment at press time. Neither did the Tangipahoa Parish District Attorney's Office or Gov. John Bel Edwards, who is the brother of Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff Daniel H. Edwards as well as Frank Millard Edwards, the chief of police in Independence, a town in Tangipahoa County. 
The issue of the daughter's custody is set for trial on July 15, PEOPLE learns.
"This case is the ultimate example of a judicial system that has failed this rape victim and her daughter deplorably," says Stacie Triche, founder and executive director for the non-profit SAVE LIV35 Foundation, who is working with Abelseth on her case. 
"I thank God for the trauma counselor who advised her of her rights to file charges against her perpetrator in 2015, because her attorney at that time failed to do so. She has been drug through the mud in this court system by her rapist for ten years. I cannot fathom how this mother was forced to not only hand her 5-year-old daughter over to the man who raped her, but also forced to pay him child support and legal fees by the same system that is supposed to protect her rights."
Adds Triche: "I pray justice is served and that child is brought home to her mother where she belongs — and the perpetrator is put behind bars where he belongs."
Abelseth tells PEOPLE she hopes her story "will encourage women going through similar situations to have hope and to not give up."
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