#and even if gg thinks that one person can't change the team I think that he himself proves that idea wrong
myauditionfordrphil · 6 months
Gautam Gambhir's return to KKR has improved the team dynamics and strategies by a mile and even if I'm not that fond of his opinions it is undeniable that he's a brilliant cricketer with a very sharp mind who knows his stuff thoroughly.
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gateau-au-earl · 5 months
kuroshitsuji s4e1/ED thoughts
ok yall now that it has been over 24 hrs and I've seen the ep over three times, I have THOUGHTS. mostly very positive, everything was beautful to look at and the 1:1 comparisons between the manga and the anime made me very happy as a veteran kuro fan that had to live through the mess of s1 and s2 plots (even tho they might have a sentimental place in my heart just because of nostalgia).
but i wanted to come on here and yap about the ending theme and how it encapsulates sebastian and ciel's complicated and very interesting relationship. idk abt yall but im a big fan of the op and ed this season!
first things first just to get this outta the way, I dont interpret them as a ship so please dont come in here with that interpretation 👁️ I'm serious .
that being said -
the ending theme is beautiful in both its animation and what it says about the butler and earl's relationship. I'm just gonna get the gushing outta the way first but it was aesthetically GORGEOUS in its animation. the way ciel fell so gracefully and the colors with SID's music is cinematic perfection. the change in animation style is very easy on the eyes as well! gg cloverworks animation team!
this has been marinating for a while, but what really gets me is the scene where ciel falls. he is falling into darkness, when it suddenly becomes lighter, with the sun illuminating the clouds. sebastian "saves" him and they fall together across this very pretty backdrop.
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the demon might've caught him, but that doesn't prompt him to rescue ciel, to stop him from falling to his death.
sebas instead gently takes ciel's hand to guide him there. he gives ciel a false sense of security, of trust, catching the boy when he's at his darkest place, but instead of saving him, he drags him to down to his hell. he is deceiving ciel with a beautiful view and promises in their contract that will ultimately hurt ciel. its cruel and will only lead to pain for our earl.
sebas is a demon (obviously) who is leading ciel to his doom, but the path they take is twisted and tragic but strangely beautiful like the gorgeous sky in the ED.
ciel enjoys the power and omnipotence he has with sebastian, knowing full well the demon is leading him to his demise. he knows that this relationship will end him being sebastian's dinner. ciel knows he can't trust sebas, but does anyways because sebas is the only person who can't hurt him until he inevitably does.
the fall might result in an ugly death, but the view is pretty nice on the way down. the beautiful sky colored with deception, manipulation and misplaced trust.
yeah, sebastian will end up hurting ciel the most at the end, but the boy doesn't care at the moment. sebas is the only ""person"" who knows him with all the ugliness of his past, yet still protects him, serves him, and doesn't treat him like a helpless creature. so ciel is forced to place trust in a fundamentally untrustworthy creature knowing he is inches away from the demons bared fangs.
sebastian helps him survive his living hell now and get what he needs to get done, so he doesn't care what happens after. his descent to darkness becomes much more beautiful as a result.
shippers may have one interpretation (which I'm NOT a fan of...), but this is how I see it, and I think it makes this ending all the more impactful and tragic. but here I am, and I'm enthralled by the beauty and can't look away.
anyways, thanks for reading my brain dump, and looking forward to ep 2 folks!!! hope yall liked my micro analysis/semi organized gushing, and r enjoying this kuro renaissance as much as I am! here's a professor michaelis for reading this far
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
CPN : 3/24 LRLG Post
As if the excitement that we all have today, the eve of Weibo Night where they will be at the same event isn’t enough, LRLG had to go ahead and bless us with an update. A very recent one at that. Usually, the contributions shared to us are events that happened months ago. This is why we are able to match which is which fairly easily or notice something we haven’t before.
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It starts of saying “today”, meaning this happened 3/24, XZ’s arrival in Shanghai. I have thoughts on LRLG deciding to share this today and who allowed it. If we’re going by the assumption/speculation/clownery— whatever you wanna call it, that these contributions are sent out with xz/wyb’s “blessing” then there must be a reason why they are switching from the usual pattern. They could have easily shared this after the whole weibo night craziness. As what they did in previous events, but they didn’t. So what’s changed? I’m not looking at this as a negative in any way, I am just curious. Did they see how excited BXGs are so decided to give us something? Are they also just dying to be in one place again so they are sharing this happiness to us? No matter the answer, All I can say is : “Bless Shanghai!🙏🏼”
now onto the fake rumor itself. same disclaimer applies. this is all fan fiction. ‼️
It starts with a phone conversation ( i think ) between the boys and it’s mostly yibo. As you will notice in this entire scene/s, it’s all on WYB’s perspective ( literally only one red circle in the entire post ) so again, we have an additional “clue” that this lrlg person is from wyb’s team.
WYB: "Wear more when you come"
XZ: "Okay, I'll use it for you..."
WYB : "sock"
WYB: "I can't see your news anymore, you tell xx"
WYB: "good"
This exchange is so simple and sweet. Their love language is being attentive towards each other and what the other might need, even as “simple” as needing extra clothes to wear because of the weather. And so GG decides to wear a Tod’s biker jacket that makes him look so sexy instead ( as seen in photos / videos of him boarding the plane today and arriving ). 😂😂😂 I mean, WYB & I are not complaining with his choice of clothes but I hope it does keep him warm. and GG’s “ i’ll use it for you..” he really can’t say No to his puppy. He will do it if his puppy wants it. I just. I’m done with them.
The next part is his staff ( a woman based on the emoji ) is saying how unfortunate it is that he has work today and he is mildly pissed that has to because if he didn’t, then he can pick GG up at the airport. I mean. That’s interesting. I wonder if he did that before and i’m surprised at how brave he is to even consider “planning” to do that out of all days. It’s the day before WB night, paps are waiting for all the celebrities to arrive at the airport so if he goes — there is a higher chance for him to get spotted compared to just the normal day. Or maybe he knows the ins & outs already as he’s almost always filming in Shanghai over the past years so he might know how to make it happen.
Then you have a scene where people are playing cards, and I think there is drinks involved. but he ( wyb ) can’t come and join because he has works. The people are telling him to try and join because tomorrow ( WB night ) is busy and there will be lots of material to shoot. I just love WYB’s dedication to work and cackling at the emojis LRLG is using for him — I can totally picture his face like this and going “what are you all doing???”
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in the meantime when the subject is XZ, he all sweet smiles.
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and this exchange is just too much —
WYB: "Get me the power bank"
👧"Hurry up and play, you won't be interested in playing with your phone tomorrow.
WYB: What are you talking about?"
👧: Would you like to see how you smile now
WYB: XZ is coming why won’t i be smiling.
and he goes on to say 恋爱脑 with that smiley face. I don’t know if he’s fuckin trolling himself at this point, because this is same/similar label said about him by that yangyang paparazzi. the same one he refuted was false because they were saying he single then the next sentence has ambiguous relationship with an older woman and so on.
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so i am looking at this like, he’s trolling and this only applies to GG. It’s not necessarily real for him, cause i highly doubt it— looking at how they live and thrive as individuals too. He’s using it and also making fun of that ridiculous rumor spread about him.
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he just smiles differently when it’s connected to ZZ. I think no one can deny that. It’s so radiant ✨✨✨
I AM ALSO CURIOUS ABOUT WHAT THIS EXCHANGE MIGHT MEAN: ( the people talking aside from wyb is his staff )
“Those who didn’t know thought that xx stole our boss”
"they're here"
"it's here"
WYB : "Finish xx this afternoon, we will record together tomorrow"
"I have sorted it out and sent it to xx for confirmation, no problem with me
WYB "Good job"
WYB "What time will the filming be, you can tell me when the time comes"
Shoot with who? I mean, I’m not really expecting XZS to share a bts of XZ’s photoshoot because they are together soooo ( based on this cpn ).
The next is his his ( wyb ) staff telling him they will prepare food for him and put it in the car cause it will be hard to eat tomo because of the show and how busy it would be. They said they will fix just small things he can carry and also provide him warmer. Awwww. They are so sweet and caring of Bobo 🥹
👩🏻‍🦰: “you are really so happy today”
🟢: “im happy every day”
👩🏻‍🦰: “nonono there is a difference”
🟢: “😊”
👩🏻‍🦰: “that’s great”
I’m thinking this girl who commented is probably part of the cast/crew. not sure why i get the feeling, cause the emoji is different form his staff. lol. I’m so giddy thinking about yibo being all radiant and happy knowing that he will be with ZZ very soon. ☺️
LRLG also has a message for us at the end:
Be Safe. Have a long and fun weekend!
What a great treat to all turtles, setting all of us in a good mood before the day of the show. I have no expectations. I’m looking forward to seeing what they will wear and to see the photos. I’m proud of the awards/ recognition they will get — all well deserved. everything else is just a bonus. 💕
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userlaylivia · 6 months
it's been so long since I watched a gg episode so I'll probably start over gilmore girls because I can't stand going so long in between episodes and it's been so many years since I watched idk if I'll like rogan now I just can't see it because they were such a huge notp for me, like I quit watching because of them and I'm older but I just can't see myself liking them like I'll give it a chance and we'll see but even if somehow I do I'll always be team jess and rory/jess are my bbs forever and one of my biggest otps so I don't think I will like rogan like I'll watch s5 and see but it's har to see it and also as much as I love matt I also couldn't stand logan that's partly why I couldn't ship rogan, he cheated on her multiple times, he turned her into someone who did things she never would've, he never took accountability or changed imo like you can say what you want about jess - no he wasn't perfect yes he treated her badly at times but he was a messed up teenager who was pretty much abandoned by his dad and even his mother he didn't have it easy but he grew and matured and became a better person and imo without rory I don't think that would've happened, he literally wrote a book because she inspired him!! amy said once that r/j were supposed to be endgame but then she left and milo didn't come back and the revival happened but milo/alexis used to date so that would've been awkward probably but my point is jess/rory are my babies and even if I like rogan a little more than I used to when I rewatch it'll never ever come close to my love for j/r!!
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Feel like making a giant post of some of the new songs I've heard in the past weeks... None of them are particularly good...
Let's start with Eunbi, because I like her. As usual, her music has that kind of tacky, dated sound that somehow charms while sounding cheap. I can't tell if I hate it or like it. She hasn't topped Glitch by a long mile, but she's very consistent. I think Sabotage is as good as any of her previous releases, like Underwater, but I remember liking her albums and this one, which is just 3 songs, isn't great. Unnatural is very forgettable, Bad Blood is better but also forgettable.
Let's talk about the Sabotage MV and choreo for a sec. The MV confused me, because I'm shit at understanding the obvious, but it seemed like she was hooking up with a guy and a girl, separately, and then found out that the girl and guy were hooking up alone and that was "sabotage" lmao? The lesbian subtext was pretty much text. It was certainly a bold video. Had me hooked. The choreo was... a choice. It's mostly pretty average gg choreo, but I really don't get the choice to have her support herself on a male dancer and twerk her ass at the audience, or the choice to have her dramatically lipsync two high notes like it was even remotely realistic (hate it when idols do this, it looks so fucking ridiculous and like they're insulting our intelligence), or why the song ends with a guy twirling a chair on the floor - where does the chair even come from? Can't even remember seeing it in the choreo... Anyway, choices.
Moving on to SVT, I wanted to talk about two songs. They're doing a lot of unit stuff now, it seems. I honestly only enjoy their tts - most of their music is very mid to me, and I don't get how they're overflowing with talent. A lot of the members don't have amazing stage presence, vocals, or anything and it's the half that does that people brag about. Anyway, Wonwoo and Jeonghan did a song together, which was... not great to me. They went all out on the MV, and the song itself isn't terrible, but Jeonghan has very weak vocals and can't carry a song by himself with just another person. Wonwoo is also nothing special imo. I watched their M Countdown stage and it was pretty boring.
The performance team released a song a while back, Spell, and it was... another choice... I thought the MV was lowkey pretty ridiculous - it was well edited, had some cool visuals, but the outfits were so outlandish and it was so maximalist... I think I'm being prejudiced because that much makeup and femininity was a bit uncomfortable to me, and I would probably like the video more if it was a gg - but, Dino saying "everyday I'll give it to you" while dramatically thrusting his hips was hilarious. You have 4 guys who, imo, are not sexy, trying to make a sexy song. Their vocals also aren't anything special, apart from Hoshi's. But kudos on them for making a bold MV - especially Jun, for his cropped top, short shorts and knee high boots combo - but, performance wise, nothing about it worked for me. The song itself is okay? It's probably a grower.
I've listened to so many other songs...
WayV She a Wolf - what a mess. Some parts were good, but some of the choreo and that antidrop chorus were a disaster. Only heard the song once though. Kudos to them for nailing the Korean.
RIIZE Boom Boom Bass - I started paying more attention to them when I saw they are all adults (young, but still). Their last song was better imo, but this one was pretty decent. Very Exo instead of NCT, which is different for SM.
Everglow Zombie - I liked the song on first listen because I was expecting worse, but it's pretty plain. I feel bad for them. They had their first comeback in a year or more, they don't tour... How do they make money?? (They probably don't). I imagine they're close to disbanding even if they're pretty well known among kpop fans. I thought fans would appreciate the chiller song after Pirate, but maybe not. Kpop fans always hate it when groups "change concept", but stop liking said concepts when they become dated... Have to listen to their other new tracks.
ARTMS Virtual Angel - An okay song... Nice... But the MV was... the strangest I've seen, like it was on actual crack. Have to listen to the album.
Treasure King Kong - First time I listened to it I had second hand embarrassment and couldn't understand why 2nd gen music was making a comeback. It has a certain charm - it's very camp, very kpop - but it's also the type of song people think of when they mock kpop. Wouldn't in a million years show it to a non kpoppie...
XG Woke Up - Choreo slaps in it's simplicity, the girl always doing the chorus has sick facial expressions (that smile), the girls are actually pretty good rappers, and some verses are amazing. But XG are definitely hard to digest. It's all about shock value. A lot of their lyrics are painfully cringe, and the whole wolf concept they did was both brilliant and yikes (MV was magnetic in it's weirdness - they made the members look kinda ugly and didn't care, but it was also so cringe; definitely for the shock value - those teeth... why are idols doing this now?).
WOOAH Pom Pom Pom - Have to listen to it again, but it didn't sound great, and, wow, they really went for the sexiness, I guess. Very different for them.
H1-Key Let it Burn - Please stop with the pop rock in kpop.
There are a million other releases I could comment on, but I'll stop here.
While I'm letting it all out, Nayeon's performances have been so dull. She has bright vocals and a fun personality, but on stage she's been emotionless and stiff. ABCD is a powerful song, supposedly mature and sexy, but she's unconfident on stage. She's just doing the choreo and moving her lips. It doesn't look like she's happy, and it's not sexy or cool at all. She doesn't have the skillset to pull off this choreo and song. The MV was one thing, but live... And her performance video was bad. JYPE tried to be hip and failed.
Okay, goodbye now.
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potteresque-ire · 4 years
Hello! I have a question related to your answer for your previous anon's question (WQ and WWX backup plan).
So the book fans knew about the backup plan and the actress who played W/Q got cyberbullied. I wanna ask why did that happened (sry if this is a dumb question), because even though she's the one who's playing W/Q, wasn't she just went with the script? I mean she wasn't the one who get to decide wether to film a backup or not.
I can understand the displeasure of the book fans, but is it 'normal' (I can't find the right word for it, English isn't my first language, sry) to get to the point where she was bullied for that? Is there any similar incidents occured to other actor(s)/actress(es) in the past because of the change of script/story?
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Hello Anons! I apologise for the especially long wait for one of you. I was debating for a while whether I’d like to get into the old rumours surrounding The Untamed that weren’t immediately related to the genre of its source material. 
I’m not really a follower of the finer details of c-ent—my interest in it wanes rapidly with the subject’s distance from Gg, Dd and BL/Dangai as a genre. I’m also a very late comer into the BJYX fandom, and I’m never quite in The Untamed fandom to begin with. 
The more important reason, however, is this: it’s very difficult to pull out facts. There are just so many rumours, so many lies told about … everything and everyone. All for the sake of profit.
So this is likely the last time I’ll address rumours concerning the actors of the show. I’m answering these asks as you two reached me before I make this statement.
First of all, I’d like to kindly ask everyone to please consider disregarding the negative things said about The Untamed’s development and its participants. The series is about to reach its 2 years old birthday by airing date, and 3 years old by its start-of-filming date. Many things ... don’t really matter anymore. The Untamed has become an international success, and whatever was told about anyone has very likely changed.
(People change.)
To answer these asks, it’s important to understand that despite being a Communist country by name, China is at heart a highly capitalistic society, and money REALLY talks in the major industries including c-ent. Corruption is also rampant and is often associated with families with political power; anti-corruption laws are inconsistently and selectively enforced. Both the acts of corruption and the acts against corruption are therefore intimately tied to politics and related to politics, something that I haven’t talked about largely because it’s highly complex and my knowledge of it is limited — the infighting between the different factions of the Chinese Communist Party. Supporters and beneficiaries of one leader—a faction—competing for power, for money and resources with the supporters and beneficiaries of another, often equally powerful leader.
The main point of mentioning Chinese factional politics here is this: what seems to be a regular business war in c-ent, a simple competition for viewership and profit by different media companies, can actually be a battlefront of top political factions fighting for power, or more accurately, for the money that comes from with the power—not only the profit, but the bribes paid to different departments to make things happen, to bypass different laws and regulations. 
Facts about the cash flow in c-ent are therefore very difficult to track down, as both the powers-that-be and the media they control make sure the political ties and conflicts, the under-the-table negotiations and the money changing hands, are kept well away from the public eye. Example: c-ent used to be an even more lucrative industry than it is now, before President Xi began an anti-corruption campaign around 2018. There have been whispers that while corruption was indeed a major issue in the industry, the campaign was also a ploy to funnel c-ent’s profit, a significant fraction of which was once held in the hands of the Jiang faction (supporters of former President Jiang Zemin), into the hands of Xi faction (supporters of President Xi). (Here’s a good article about the once top actress Fan Bing Bing, who was made an example in the anti-corruption campaign, and how the campaign affected the people who actually worked in the industry). 
What this also means is this: c-ent is an industry where rumours and lies can REALLY thrive, their spread propagated by powerful commercial interests that are often (secretly) backed by even more powerful government interests. These are people who can afford to pay, who often have the right connections to not have to worry about the legal consequences. 
With these two factors alone, they can make almost any rumour sound true. 
I’ve looked more closely into c-ent in the recent months, and as of today, the lesson I’ve learned is this—I can’t believe in almost any of its so-called “entertainment news”. For every article that sells a viewpoint, a set of facts, there’s another one that sells exactly the opposite, and the pair of articles happily sit beside each other, waiting for their readers to pick the one they wish to read—the one praising the show and actors they like; the one dissing the shows and actors they don’t. 
Yxh, water armies...c-ent is an industry where “facts” are often constructed by money.
Entertainers are often swept into the whirlpool of falsehoods just because they happen to work on a project / for a company another side or faction wants to take down. With the exception of a very few, they don’t have much of a way to defend themselves. There have also been longstanding whispers that beautiful actors and actresses are often forced to … service, for lack of a better word, the higher-ups in the government / commercial forces (and their families) in exchange for opportunities or even survival in the industry. While such “unspoken rule” (潛規則) is, to a certain extent, true in many entertainment industries around the world, that the higher-ups in China hold very concentrated power makes it much more difficult for the entertainers to refuse to cooperate, or ask for help.
That entertainers are traditionally held in very low regard—their “career ancestors”, 戲子 (roughly, “showperson”), being one of the “lowest 9 professions” (下九流) that included prostitutes—doesn’t help their case.
Back to your questions, Anons: the consequence of c-ent money flow often being hush-hush and potentially politically sensitive is that, when a production team receives money, it doesn’t always try to look very hard at where the money comes from. Because of this, it’s easy for Yxh and Antis to make up rumours about participants of a project bringing in cash in exchange for making themselves more at the centre of the spotlight—increase the screen time for an actor / actress, for example. And when it’s pointed out that a starlet, in particular, cannot possibly have that kind of money to bring into a project, the rumour mill can conveniently explain away this lapse in logic by implying that the starlet is sleeping with someone.
This was essentially what happened to the actress who played WQ, despite her denying the rumour with a public statement and no evidences existed to suggest any truth in the rumour — that she‘d brought in money into The Untamed’s production team in exchange for a romantic plot w/ WWX as the female lead. She wasn’t paired with WWX in final version of The Untamed; WQ died pretty early on in the show. Nonetheless, the rumour (and the poor reputation it brought) has stuck with her since. It can still be found on the internet.
About the actor who played Wen Ning… I haven’t really paid much attention to him (sorry!). A quick search online shows that at some point, he said something that was interpreted to be not as friendly towards Gg, compared to how much he seemed to like Dd. After 227, however, he spoke out for Gg and personally, I think that’s what really counts because anyone who spoke out for Gg at the time also risked being harassed and boycotted. I don’t know of any successful effort in creating a popular cp between him and Dd. Since all that is required to create a supertopic on Weibo, including a cp supertopic, is sufficient seed membership (10 people) plus a moderator with demonstrated familiarity and popularity in the platform, however, is it possible that this cp, if it existed at some point, was simply because some fans wanted to explore this rare pair? I don’t know (if anyone would like to jump in with more info, please do!). But I think it doesn’t have to translate into judgement of the actor’s character at all.
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angelfireeast · 3 years
The Flash: Armageddon 8x01
We have entered Iris West-Allen's news media empire era
My Thoughts as the episode aired
Saving money on CGI right out the gate changing the baddie into a human.
Caitlin asking questions the same from one she would ask in s1. This so cringe. It's like they don't know what to write for Caitlin so they going over old ground. How hard is it to write for women?
Omg not Frost and ChillLame garbage 🤮 She's dragged out this toxic relationship with her stalker all summer and fall? Barry said she was always a romance? Really?😒🙄
Barry doesn't give a rats about Caitlin's love life. He's so disinterested. The writing is flat in the scene and GG is giving nothing. It feels like Caitlin is living out s1/s2. Eric rebooted Frost in s6 & s7 to stories she should gotten in s4 as if YEARS hadn't past which left a very cringe and jarring story. When I say rebooted I mean in s6 Frost was being mentored by Barry to be apart of TF two years LATE. S7 Frost realized she should take responsibility for her criminal actions after the cops came for her YEARS LATE. It feels like that is happening with Caitlin now. As if her life hasn't been paused for 7 years and just pretending those years didn't happen.
Omg not Frost and ChillLame garbage 🤮 She's dragged out this toxic relationship with her stalker all summer and fall? Barry said she was always a romance? Really?😒
Sue brought the whole building and now Iris has her sign on the outside but I think they only are renting/taking up one floor. I could be wrong
The new CCC expanded:
3 new reporters 
A office manger 
A intern too 
Allegra senior editor
More office space
Glad Frost was sent away for 2 weeks. Wish she was sent away longer but I know she will be back sooner since this takes place over 7 days.
Last season took place over like a month and they did a time jump over summer and fall between s7 and s8.
Poor Ray deserves better from the Legends. I'm glad he's thriving in his research career and with his wife. I hope Ray and Jax get to hang out with their families. Ray is such a nice guy. I hope Chester and Ray get to be besties.
I'm glad Ray is happy not to start another tech business. He gave his business to FeFe the man doesn't have good business sense. 😂 Chester wanted to pitch a business didn't he? That's why he's so upset?
Mentor Iris is the best! She's so good with people and she brings out the best in them.
Why was Chester's comment about 'being dead to Ray' so offensive to Ceclie? Can someone explain?
Caitlin literally offered nothing in that team scene in SL. She starred at board. Asked questions and offered no help. Chester and Barry came up with all the answers. Even Ceclie did more. The writers really don't know what to do with Caitlin it's so cringe. It's sad that they can't come up with anything.
Iris interviewing Ray! Loving it! This what I want.
Not Barry giving a speech to prop up team flop when it’s held him back for so long.
The CGI hasn't improved😬 keep him human looking
Barry leveled up but got taken down so easy🙄
Ray is founding a foundation in chester's father's name🥺
Let Chester become a business icon. Let him have have his own company not someone else's company. Give my man the things Cisco was denied!
They keep updating us on Frost's relationship with ChillLAME and not one person cares. Not Frost's stans, not general viewers and not the rest of us. Can Eric stop trying to make fetch happen? No one is feeling it. No one wants it.🤮
Allegra got a lot of growth in her professional life in this episode. I hope they remember that Allegra has career through the season.
This ep really highlighted how much I miss Ray Palmer. How much I miss Brandon. He's too good and always underused. If they cut those flashbacks then we could have had more time with Ray.
Why should Caitlin's scans mean jack when her scans in Elseworld said Oliver!Barry was man "fine" too. Ceclie had more to offer
There Barry goes revealing himself to a villian. 🙄 Fans don't have to worry about Barry revealing himself at the end of series like SG cause everyone will know by then.
Iris doing the heavy hitting interviews like she should! With Ray. She on the podcast. She still being published in the newspaper. This what I've always wanted. I wish building CCC media being built up didn't happen off screen but I'll take what I can get.
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Iris has so much going on in her life! She's expanded her business in different media, new employees, a great mentor to Allegra, getting great interviews, & trying for a baby & still involved in the hero business. The leading lady has a BOSS life! Thriving. Boss ass bitch
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retphienix · 3 years
I Have A Lot To Say So I'll Read More This.
The short of it?
I'm glad I played Joker- I played it because I wanted to know how DQM evolved when it reached the DS and I got my answer.
It's mediocre. Not bad exactly, I enjoyed playing it, it adds some REALLY appreciated features to the DQM series and if you were playing it at release it had online play which plays well with the post game content which I haven't touched by the time I wrote this:
-but there are some engine/console specific things that made it a drag and there are some parts of the game that are just weaker than the previous games which is amusing since the previous games were simple GBC titles.
And finally, I don't really recommend playing through Joker 1. Can't speak on the sequels, but Joker 1 was a pretty middling experience for me so I'm the wrong person to get a positive recommendation from.
And since the opportunity presents itself: If you like monster RPGs and haven't tried it- go emulate Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 for the GBC, it's really good and also if you emulate you can fast forward the GBC era grind if that's your taste- really a win all around.
On to my rambling:
I debated on writing, rewriting, rewriting, and better presenting my thoughts on this game and the series as a whole but nah, Joker ain't getting that, I'm ramblin'- lol
I will split it slightly between "The ending" and "The game as a whole" though.
1:07 - This is slightly a 'game a a whole' thing but honestly it's funny to me that you unlock a permanent repel in this game by doing the main quest. I entered this dungeon feeling strong enough to beat the game, so I just avoided 90% of encounters entirely.
5:00 - I genuinely got a laugh out of Sparkpug's whole deal in this finale. Not story wise, that's fine, no complaints- I mean that Sparkpug is clearly built to be a monster that can carry an ineffective team. He's clearly meant to be bred a few times and a god tier member of a potentially inexperienced player's team- but I literally never used him after the intro.
So during this scene it's supposed to be like "I'm a demi-god monster, you can't possibly beat me" and I'm thinking "Dude, you're like level 10 and shit tier, you can't win, this is hilarious."
Obviously it's a real boss fight and not 'face the monster you once had' but I was having fun roasting him behind the scenes of this recording.
45:00 - What an entirely unexpected change of pace.
Like, I had it spoiled for me by a screenshot that Dr. Snap becomes a monster or something- but I thought maybe he was always a monster or something, and also I got a bad look at him.
Genuinely a highlight of the game.
52:00 - I fucking laughed what a meaningless exchange where the payoff is saying "He was stupid!", it's honestly just silly and dumb but not necessarily bad just dumb lol
55:00 - Not a great 'you won' victory lap. Like at all. Kinda feels like they should have just made this all a cutscene where I appear back at town and see that Solitaire is the leader now etc etc.
I kinda don't understand why it's a victory lap at all? Because all anyone says is "They picked a weird successor to Snap >:(" or "Snap went to the island? I bet he was stopping the calamity :)"
If you have 2 lines of dialogue prepared, maybe don't make a victory lap???
1:00:00 - What a fucking stupid payoff lol
Like sincerely, Solitaire does NOTHING the entire game! She's meaningless from start to finish! And the 'surprise' is that she's the new commish??? And she got the position because she's a rich spoiled brat??? Like LITERALLY that's why????????
What a stupid fucking ending lol
Now her proposed evolution of the contest is fair enough, I mean it's childish as hell, but to be fair- more contests is a fine idea especially since prior games and this game demonstrated the public's interest in watching monster fights. And the goal being to fight her as the final fight is fucking egotistical and stupid- BUT- it does play into the fact that the player didn't get to fight her the whole game so it's whatever?
1:03:00 - This is both the best and worst lol.
This game has no story, like at all, it's fucking empty front to back, and only explodes with like- 1 event at the very end.
This moment is a montage of memorable moments with your 'best friend' Sparkpug. It's cinematically very nice to be honest! Even includes a moment I don't remember at the arena which probably didn't happen lol.
So visually it's cool- I dig seeing the camera zoom out as we run across the beach, and the flashback moments intersplice over us making our way to the scout memorial- that's very well done.
The content is empty lol
As I said there's no story, these moments are nothing lol
And that's that.
All said the ending was a very nice challenge to face with my team- I had to abuse items like mad but I MADE IT! It was a GOOD fight.
The rest I've already said.
On to the game as a whole:
I have issues with this game, but there's good too. It's really like 4 steps forward 6-7 steps back it's weird, it's really weird.
Positives are neat!
> First and foremost- TRAITS!
Monsters in Dragon Quest Monsters have always had a problem with keeping their identity for long. The way I'd explain it to an outsider to the series is that Monsters DO have special stat variance and intended movesets and all that jazz- but the breeding system completely and entirely destroys that relatively early into the game.
While a monster might normally have really high defense and low other stats while knowing buffing magic- breeding, EVEN UNINTENTIONALLY, will have that same monster come out with 9 billion attack and all ice magic.
Monsters in DQM have a habit of becoming canvases for the breeding effects rather than their own mons- and this is undeniably a downside. It makes the game feel unique, it doesn't 'hurt' it, but when by mid-game monsters are more easily identified as sprites rather than strengths and weaknesses or even types (family) it's a slight downer on the series.
Traits fix this a lot by making every specific monster have unchangeable traits which offer things like "immunity to x type of damage" or "higher crit chance"- it's small, but it gives each monster more identity.
> Second and secondmost- SKILLS!
The older games didn't use trees, it used each individual spell as a potential pass on during breeding.
Each monster could have 8 spells, and when you breed two monsters you pass on all 16 spells to the offspring (they don't learn them all at once, they learn them as they level up) as well as the natural spells the monster would learn by level up.
So in the older games it is really easy to end up with a refined and overpowered list of 8 spells on each of your monsters.
Now spells are tied to Skill trees and your monsters can have 3 skill trees total (which are passed on as OPTIONS when breeding).
All to say skills do a lot for removing the "Master of all, weakness of none" spell lists that the older games made trivial to make, now you have to limit your builds and be more specialized- also they added skills like "Attack up" to add more variance to a build- instead of having spells you might just have high stat buffs as skill trees.
Overall I think Skills are an improvement because coupled with Traits it makes each monster feel much more specialized and unique and less like a sprite with no identity.
> Breeding is improved.
This is very much because of skills and traits- again- but also the system is just improved in general. Instead of being told "That's a monster you haven't had before!" and judging your decisions based on the name of the offspring breed, now you get to see a small sprite of the resulting monster to help you decide- ALSO instead of getting 1 result for every combo (to the point where you have to back out and choose Monster A + Monster B and Monster B + Monster A as separate options), you now get up to 3 results to pick between for every breeding opportunity.
It's just better.
> The engine is impressive.
At least to me. This is a DS title using (from what I read) a rework of the DQ8 PS2 game's engine- it certainly looks like it.
Combat models are nice, using moves looks nice, overworld exploration looks nice- it looks nice.
Now for some negative and general nonsense- all of which is more often than not 'weird'.
> I gotta be unfair and say "The Story" first and foremost.
DQM 1 and 2 are not intense story games. They aren't.
But they both knew how to handle their story well for what they wanted to tell, I can and will praise both for their narratives because they know what they are and do it well.
DQM:J does not. It's fucking bad.
Basically: The overall story doesn't exist- you're told to be a spy, but that comes up 1 time towards the end of the game and LITERALLY doesn't matter at any other moment INCLUDING the one time it comes up.
You have NO meaningful objective from the start up until near the end of the game. You show up and have no goal- so you get told to get some crystals with no meaning behind it (not even a lie because they are clearly evil- not even a lie to motivate you! NO MEANING IS PRESENTED! JUST DO IT! TO DO THE CONTEST I GUESS! WHY? SHUT UP!)
So 90% of the game time you're not doing anything meaningful. So what about the islands? Any small narratives to keep things moving?
So you go 90% of the game having no real objective, just kinda wandering forward mindlessly- and then the game suddenly goes "Oh! Guy who seemed sus! He's evil! He's gonna unleash the calamity that you were 'kinda but not directly' working towards with your dog! You know, that plot point that's kept vague and paid 0% attention to the entire game? Yeah it's happening! Aaaaand you're done! GG!"
Basically there's just nothing going on in this game, it's all background noise until the last 10% of the game. And that's lame.
DQM1 had a light story- but from the very intro cutscene you have a clear objective which makes every action you do seem relevant as you are working towards that goal.
From the start of the game you know "My sister is gone! The king says a magic wish can get her back! I'll go do that!" and then you do!
DQM2 has a much better story!
You have a goal from the start (The kingdom is physically dying and you have to save it by getting a new plug!) AND it has stories for each world you visit!
Anywho. Story is lacking and empty and lame especially when DQM2 has a similar format but does every part better- you have a clear objective you're working towards AND side stories to keep the light narrative moving!
The spy plotline doesn't matter! It could have been used to build suspicion on who's the good guy!
The islands are so empty of story!
DQM2 has a fun mix on how a rival character works which makes every world interesting to see how they get involved!
This game has a rival that does NOTHING!!!!!!!!!
It's just such a step back from the previous games, it's weird to see DQM 1 land a solid simple story and DQM 2 build a great format to expand the story going forward- and then DQM:J just slams its head into the dirt and wipes out.
> Game's slow.
The engine switch is a good thing overall, but it makes combat slower (a lot), adds loading screens to combat (primarily), and they didn't bother speeding up the grind from previous games.
Because of the grind still existing which isn't a problem in and of itself- the game becomes SLOW AS HELL because the engine makes that grind take longer.
Also world exploration is slow which is to be expected when moving from 2d to 3d, but this is countered by adding things to the world to find or do- and Joker tries but it's still noticeable. The world exploration isn't a problem, it just stands out alongside the combat being slow as hell.
The engine change was a great thing- but it feels like they should have put more work into speeding up combat to counter the slowdown of load times and flashy animations.
> Music ain't great in my opinion.
DQ has amazing music. This game has some weak renditions in my opinion. The CELL HQ theme song is a pretty good poster child for the worst there is, but just in general even the better music is lacking compared to the chiptunes of the GBC or the better mixes of the main series.
Maybe it's unfair, it's a DS game, I don't know, I just know I ended up just muting most of the game because it didn't sound great. I played the GBC games OSTs instead for a large portion of my playthrough. I listened to videos instead for the bulk of the game.
It's just not pleasant to me, sorry to say.
> XP!!!!!!!
I'm being a spoiled ass on this but yeah!
There aren't good placed to grind until you beat the game! (apparently)
The first level blatantly has too low xp which makes you grind before you can tackle the boss of the island- and the late game has you mindlessly grinding low xp rewards in order to be ready to face the final boss.
Why is it so low!
> Tech is weird!
I could ramble on this alone but here's the short version:
DQ has a unique fantasy world aesthetic that each game has explored in its own way. It's basically "swords, magic, monsters, and charm- things feel light but aren't afraid to get scary sometimes :)"
This game... doesn't.
This game has fuckin' tech watches, jet skis, TOWER PCS????
This ISN'T dragon quest on a world building level.
It's like, contemporary modern world but with slimes.
And that could be good I guess, but it feels so fucking weird to see PCs right alongside swords and axes and a dracky.
Like... why?
It's a poor aesthetic according to my tastes. Maybe I'm an ass for that. The tech is weird.
All to say, in a poor rambling "I gotta get this out of me" kinda way, is Joker was fine.
I enjoyed breeding. I enjoyed seeing the engine. I enjoyed the unique additions like a 'hero monster'.
But I also had to grind mindlessly on a slower game.
I had to endure a story that forgot to show up until the very end.
I sat there thinking about replaying the older ones the whole time.
It was fine.
It's mediocre.
I'm glad I played it.
I'm done now :)
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