#and ears my nemesis I have finally beaten you
mjonesing · 3 years
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MJ & Peter
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charliedawn · 2 years
So how would the slashers react to the main nurse being Batman`s partner in fighting crime? She doesn't say anything about it and they don't know about it until the reader and batman show up, gliding through a glass window together. Also she doesn't have a mask like batman does so they see her face, she is also has the same outfit as batman. And she comes in with a bunch of blood and dirt on her body and face, while the bat just has dirt on him. I know norman freak out 😂
(I decided to spice things up a bit and make them react to you arresting them as a vigilante and the Justice League ruling the world because.....I like sad stuff. 😅)
Arthur Fleck :
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"You have to be kidding me ?", was Arthur reaction when you came in his bedroom wearing your superhero costume.
He thought he would finally be over with pesky superheroes once admitted in St Louis, but he should have known..There is no escape.
You started asking him questions about things going on in Gotham and he couldn't help but laugh.
"Not a lot of people can claim having ever surprised me..But you ? You fooled me good, nurse..Well played."
You had saved Arthur from being beaten up by Batman many times, so he never suspected you..but, he should have known. He felt incredibly hurt, and foolish for having believed that there was somebody so nice as you out there who wouldn’t side with the superheroes.
"You know what I hate more than heroes, Y/N ?"
He discreetly hid a gun underneath his sleeve and when he had the perfect angle shot, he raised his arm with a big grin and tears in his eyes.
He was about to shoot you when Batman came crashing in to stop him. I mean..You saw it coming. 😂 Joker is not very forgiving and as he is Batman’s nemesis, his hate for the guy would make it hard for him to let you live.
Batman smashed the window next to him and before he could pull the trigger, tackled him to the ground. However, with his sudden movement, he made Arthur unconsciously pull the trigger in his fall and the bullet hit you.
You fell to the ground and both men shouted at the same time.
"Y/N !"
Batman ran to your side and once he was sure your heart was still beating, he turned towards Arthur that still had a gun in his hand.
"What did you do ?!"
He then yelled reproachfully, which seemed to get Arthur out of his momentary stupor and then, he started laughing uncontrollably. It was just too much.
He laughed and tried to stop, but couldn't. Batman stood up and punched him. It made him stop after a few more punches and Batman then yelled again.
"You better help me save her ! Because if you don’t ? You can be sure I’ll kill you !"
Their mutual hate for each other would make things difficult..but their affection for you would make Arthur put aside his hate for the Bat to save you.
"You’ll be alright, sweetie. I promise..", he whispered against your ear before bringing you to one of the doctors in St Louis. However, as soon as he was sure you would be taken care of, he escaped.
When you woke up, Joker was gone..You were expecting it, but it was still disappointing.
You didn't see Batman either, probably gone after him..But, you then noticed a man sleeping by your side, one that you didn't know. You gently shook him awake and the man rubbed his eyes sleepily before glancing up at you.
"Who are you ?"
The man only smiled amicably at you before answering calmly.
"Hello, Y/N. My name is Bruce, and you and I need to talk.."
Freddy :
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You were used to Freddy getting in trouble, but you really thought his slashing days were over..until you found Nancy's body, two distinctive gashes running from her throat to the middle of her abdomen.
You really didn't want it to be true..But, the proof was there and you couldn't turn a blind eye, not this time..
When you came back to the hospital, your heart felt heavy and you didn't even try to hide your identity as you stepped into Freddy's room with a certain resignation..You knew he would fight it.
Freddy's eyes widened as he saw the deplorable state you were in. He immediately rushed by your side and held you before you could collapse.
"What the heck happened to you, sweetheart ?! You were ran over by a garbage truck or what ?!"
He tried to joke to hide his nervousness, but you couldn't laugh, you could only think back at Nancy's lifeless body and the tough decision you would have to make in a few minutes..
"We found Nancy, Freddy..She's dead."
Freddy's smile fell as he automatically knew what that meant and took a couple of steps back. He then shook his head and stammered.
"I..I didn’t do anything !"
You glared up at him and shouted.
"Stop lying !"
You pulled out your gun and aimed it at his face. He was shocked and rolled his eyes at the threat—thinking your were bluffing—before taking a step forward, but you shot at his feet..A warning.
"I’m not ! I swear !"
He replied desperately while covering the sides of his head with both of his shaking hands, his head filled with the memories of accusations the children's parents had made all those years ago..
Stop lying, Krueger...
We know you did it...
You're a monster, Freddy...
He then chuckled and your eyes widened at his sudden change in demeanor as Freddy started laughing uncontrollably and threw his head back, his eyes gleaming in the dark..
"I should have known..You are all the same..You would never believe me. I'm still the bad guy.."
Your hands were trembling now and tears starting rolling down your cheeks as you silently prayed he wouldn't make you shoot him. But, just as Freddy was reaching a hand towards you, Batman glided through the window and kicked Freddy in the face, sending him to the floor.
"It's over, Krueger.."
But, Krueger only laughed at Batman's bold claim before looking up at the both of you—blood dripping down his nose—and shook his head.
"That's where you're wrong, Batman..It's only the beginning. A bad guy you want ? A bad guy you’ll get.."
Freddy’s face melted and his heavily burnt face came back with the same bloodcurdling smile you had seen so many times in your nightmares. You reassured yourself by the fact that Freddy couldn’t inflict real damage outside of his dreamworld..But, in a second, he was behind you with his gloved hand wrapped around your throat.
"Oh, ~sweetheart..Who says you’re even awake ?"
Your eyes widened at the revelation and you closed your eyes, knowing there was nothing you could do about it..until someone shook you awake.
You woke up with a loud gasp and someone was holding you..You recognised Batman’s shape in the dark and sighed loudly in relief.
"Freddy knows.."
You then informed him and Batman nodded.
"I know. Don’t worry. We’ll get him next time.."
But, this was the thing. You weren't sure you wanted to catch him ? The way he sounded so hurt at being accused..You had this gut feeling that—somehow—you had made a mistake somewhere..
Jason :
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Jason didn’t mean to kill that civilian, he got lost on one of your field trips and couldn’t find his way back to the group, so he asked for directions. However, the civilian recognised him with his mask and fired before he could utter a word.
It upset Jason who tried to take the gun away from him, but broke his arm in the process and when the man wouldn’t stop screaming, he panicked and accidentally snapped his neck.
When you and Batman finally found him, he was still near the body and looked up at you with pleading tearful eyes.
"I..I didn’t mean it..He just..wouldn’t stop screaming.."
You covered your mouth with both hands in horror and thought about the repercussions..As long as they were inside the hospital, Batman had no jurisdiction over the slashers and you could have settled the matter accordingly. But, this wasn’t St Louis. And, you couldn’t save Jason here.
You could feel Batman’s anger radiate from him and tried to calm him down by defending Jason.
"Batman..He didn’t mean it. He’s just a boy..Please."
But Batman’s eyes were staring at the cold lifeless body of the civilian and then—very slowly—turned his face towards you. Your breath hitched when you saw the fury in his eyes and couldn’t do anything but watch as he walked towards Jason and mercilessly hit him. He started beating him up and you tried to get him off Jason, but Batman effortlessly shoved you aside.
You and Jason were both taken by surprise and you immediately stood back up, but Batman raised his hand warningly.
"You do this..You can forget our partnership and I’ll make sure he spends his days in a highly-secured prison in Gotham. I already have the papers signed."
Your eyes widened at his threat, but Batman’s expression then softened as he explained.
"Jason is a highly dangerous criminal. He’ll kill again, and next time ? You’ll be the sole responsible."
You looked at the both of them hesitatingly, but finally nodded in resignation. You couldn't fight him.
"I know..It won't happen again. I promise. Please..Let him go."
Batman's jaw twitched and he looked back at Jason before sighing and indulging. Batman walked away, signifying it was over and you let out a relieved sigh. However, Jason then fell to the floor and you rushed towards him to pick him up, but he swat your hand away.
He yelled loudly and your eyes widened as you had never seen Jason so angry before..His face twisted with rage and when he reached forward, you instinctively put you hand on the holster of your gun.
He noticed it and you tried to explain yourself, but he didn't let you and wordlessly got into the hospital car you had arrived in. He didn't speak to you for the whole drive and you didn't try either. You had no idea of how to make things right..
Once home, you brought him to his bedroom and when he pulled off his shirt to go to bed, you saw the red marks and bruises already forming on his skin and closed your eyes.
Batman’s methods weren’t morally acceptable, but they were for the greater good and you knew that they worked better than most.
The Justice League had assigned you as his partner early in your superhero career and you had not seen the hidden reason behind it at the time.
But, you knew why now..If you want to destroy an enemy ? Destroy their last hope..
He hadn’t hit Jason to just physically hurt him, but to show him your helplessness, to make him understand that he would always remain a danger in your eyes.
You let a single tear roll down your cheek and whispered.
"I’m so sorry..Jason."
He didn't reply..But his eyes showed more emotion than words ever could and the deep feeling of betrayal he felt was quickly replaced by numb resignation..You didn't know what was worse ?
You tried to speak, but the words stayed stuck in your throat and you decided it was best for you to leave.
You closed the door behind you.
Brahms :
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"Brahms isn't bad, he just has trouble knowing his own strength and it is a constant struggle for him", or so you had tried to explain to Batman.
Brahms had been playing with a little girl in a public playground and someone had yelled at him for playing with the kids, summoning a disapproving crowd around him, making him panic and enter into some kind of violent transe.
He had punched the person in front of the children and frightened bystanders until the person's face ressembled a pile of mush and his clothes were splattered with blood.
He didn't want to kill them, he just panicked and couldn't control himself. He tried to apologize and convince everyone else that it was an accident, but they had all ran away screaming.
However, instead of running away, he had come to find you. You had tried to handle the situation and help him, but it wasn't up to you anymore..
Unfortunately, the mother of the little girl had pressed charges against him and multiple witnesses had testified seeing Brahms flee the scene.
Batman was the superhero who had the jurisdiction over the city and even though you had tried to tell him it was only a mistake and that Brahms was not responsible, he had been adamant.
Brahms was to be arrested and sent to Arkham..
When you returned to St Louis and Brahms tried to apologize, you shook your head and kissed his forehead lovingly.
"I'm sorry, Brahms..I'm so sorry.."
He frowned in incomprehension until a shadow appeared at the door and Brahms took a couple of steps back, frightened beyond anything as Batman entered.
Brahms looked at you with pleading eyes and fell to his knees, gripping the end of your superhero cape and crying against the fabric.
"I..I'm sorry, Y/N ! I'll..I'll be good ! I promise ! Don't let him take me away !"
You looked away and turned balled your hands into fists, trying not to break down and cry..It was too late now. If you didn't give them Brahms, the Justice League would be there tomorrow and arrest all of the slashers you were trying to protect.
It wasn't fair..But, you couldn't take on the Justice League on your own and besides, St Louis had already capitulated.
It was over.
You closed your eyes and didn't move when Batman grabbed Brahms and dragged him away, ignoring his cried for help and his his outstretched hand, begging for you to stop him.
But, you couldn't.
When you finally walked out of the room, your eyes widened as you we saw all of the other slashers waiting for you.
They watched as Brahms was taken away and once he was out of sight, they all turned their eyes towards you.
You gulped and couldn't help but feel as if they were silently judging you and then, Freddy spoke up.
"Who is going to be next, huh Nursy ? When your boyfriend the Bat is done with the kid and your pals in the Justice League decide that we're all 'dispensable', who will he decide to go after ? Michael ? Penny ? Me ?"
You opened your mouth to tell them you wouldn't let him, but truth be told ? You had no idea of what would happen next..You didn't answer and walked away, feeling heavy with all those pairs of eyes staring at you on your way out.
Patricia :
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You had been working on a case of missing teenagers for months now and even though you didn't want to believe it, all the clues led to the Horde.
You had tried to convince Batman that it couldn't possibly be them, as they had always been under St Louis' supervision. But, a camera had caught the Horde leaving the establishment and you knew there was nothing left to dissuade Batman of who the culprit was.
The Beast must have gotten back in their good graces and it broke your heart when Batman had been adamant on what was going to happen. You knew that as they had already killed multiple times and were already in death row when they were admitted. There was little hope a judge would be merciful and accept to give them a lightened sentence. They would get the highest sentence one could get..
This was the reason why you had hesitated before carrying the mission of retrieving them.
As you were closer to them and knew the hospital better than him, Batman had agreed for you to take them in..He would wait outside.
You had expected the Beast to pounce on you as soon as you would take a step inside, or at least for Dennis to try to protect the Horde.
But, nothing could have prepared you to the sight of Patricia; staring absent-mindedly at the scenery with a small melancholic smile on her face, as if she knew she would never see it again..
You didn't even need to tell her why you were there.
Patricia stood up and very calmly turned towards you, her eyes betraying no emotion :
"It's alright, darling. We knew this moment would come..We are ready.", she claimed reassuringly at you.
You felt a lump in your throat as you replied with a weak broken voice, tears already rolling down your cheeks.
"But, I'm not.."
Patricia smiled softly at you before taking a few steps towards you, but you took a step back as you remembered the Beast was still inside. But, Patricia shook her head before stroking your cheek affectionately.
"We love you, darling..We would never hurt you."
You gritted your teeth and broke into tears as Patricia cradled your face tenderly and rested her forehead against yours with a small smile.
"We know you did your best..We never thought we would be this happy. Thank you, Y/N. Thank you for bringing us back to the light, even if we couldn't stay there forever."
She kissed your forehead in a motherly fashion and you wiped your tears before looking at the handcuffs in your hands. They felt so heavy now..You gazed up at Patricia before shaking your head and tugging them away.
You then took a deep breath before smiling and offering her your arm.
"Would you do me the honors, Patricia ?"
Patricia laughed heartily before wrapping her arm around yours.
"Of course. Lead the way, my dear."
You could feel her hand shaking and covered hers with yours to comfort her. You both knew where you were going, but you didn't leave Patricia's side until she was brought into custody and you couldn't follow her anymore.
A few days later, the news of the Horde's arrest and mysterious escape was published everywhere. However, while the whole world trembled in fear, you smiled to yourself behind your coffee mug and wondered when Patricia would come back to visit ?
Penny and Pennywise :
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Penny and Pennywise had been allowed to leave St Louis after a few years of being on human-free diet and you knew it would be difficult to convince them to come back, but you had to try..
There had already been a raise in children' disappearances in Gotham and you knew there was a high probability the two clowns were behind it. You asked Batman for help to track them down as there had been signs of them in his city.
You had succeeded in finding clues that eventually led you to an abandoned werehouse on the outskirts of the city and even though you insisted that you had to go alone, he didn't listen.
You both entered the werehouse and decided it was best to split up and cover more ground so he Penny Brothers couldn't escape. You saw Batman go to the right and took a big breath before going to the left.
You didn't take three steps forward that something tackled you to the ground and you were raised off ground by the throat. You immediately knew who it was as Penny started sniffing you and his eyes widened as he recognized your scent.
"NURSE Y/N ?! What are you doing here ?!"
Before you could answer, he embraced you in a bear-crushing hug and giggled.
You had trouble breathing, but managed to breathe out with difficulty.
"N..Nice to see you too, Penny. W..Where is Pennywise ?"
Penny seemed to notice your discomfort and giggled again before putting you to the floor.
You furrowed your brow worriedly, wondering if Pennywise had actually caught Batman, when a voice raised behind you.
"Right here, sugar. And guess who I found ? Nice of you to bring us dinner.."
You both turned towards Pennywise who dramatically stepped out of the shadows with a very tightly wrapped Batman on his shoulder. Batman tried to protest, but Pennywise tossed him down over his shoulder and ordered him.
"Quiet ! Adults are having a conversation over here, Brucy-boy.."
You frowned a little at the strange nickname before looking down at Batman who seemed very trapped, but succeeded in showing you the knife he was hiding behind his back. You knew you ah to buy some time and decided it was best to just ask the brothers about the murders. You knew Penny couldn't lie and Pennywise had no reason to.
"Listen, boys. I'm here because there are some rumors about children being kidnapped and I was wondering if you two knew anything about that ?"
Penny tilted his head curiously at you before glancing Pennywise, as if waiting for permission to talk, but Pennywise shook his head before shrugging.
"Nope. No idea..We just got here and besides, we still receive our daily meals from the hospital.."
You frowned at Pennywise' answer and by how Penny seemed genuinely clueless, you knew they were telling the truth and sighed before sitting on a nearby haystack.
"If it's not you..Then who ?"
Pennywise smirked before sitting down too and snickered at your dejected expression. Both clowns knew you would have preferred them to be guilty, at least you would know where to start..
"The list is long..Do you wanna know how many of you "humans" have already thought or committed acts of crime against children ? We are a reflection of your fears..But, guess what ? Fear has to come from somewhere. Everything we did. We learned it from you. You can accuse us all you want. For once, we didn't do anything."
You believed them. The Penny Brothers were many things, but they never lied about killing people, because they didn't see anything wrong with it.
However, you had forgotten about Batman and your eyes widened significantly when you saw him standing behind them with a broom in hand. You jumped to your feet and tried to stop him, but too late. He brought it down on Penny's head and he let out a loud screech as he held his bloody head between his hands.
Pennywise's eyes turned red with fury as he pounced on Batman and bit his arm. And even though you knew it would destroy all trust they had in you, you had to save Batman.
You shot Pennywise's shoulder and he let out a guttural scream of pain..You thought you would never have to use silver bullets, but it seemed you were wrong. Penny's eyes widened as he heard his brother's scream and immediately covered his body with his to protect him, growling lowly at you.
"Penny..I didn't mean.."
You tried to apologize, but he roared.
Your heart raced, as you has never seen Penny so upset before as he cradled his brother's body.
You knew you couldn't talk when they were both hurt and decided it was best to leave. You grabbed Batman and dragged him to the exit with tears streaming down your face.
You had broken your own code to save him.
And it was only when you were in the batmobile, driving away, that you realized you could never take it back.
Michael :
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Michael had escaped from St Louis while sleepwalking and even though you knew he had more control over Myers now, you also knew you couldn't leave him wander on his own.
You called Batman to help you and you started searching for him. Fortunately, every patient had a tracker, so it wasn't too difficult to find him.
The hard part was convincing him to come back..
He had settled into a remote cabin near a lake and you found it actually quite peaceful and you knew nobody would find him there. So, you were wondering if you could actually leave Michael there ?
However, Myers came back in mind and then Laurie..She was the last of Michael's direct keen alive and you had promised her to watch over Michael and make sur he would never hurt anyone again.
It wasn't only because she was scared that he may attack her children or anyone else, but also because she knew it would destroy Michael if Myers succeeded in taking over.
Michael thought he could control Myers and you knew that if you made your presence known, he would flee.
Besides, maybe this cabin was even inhabited and Myers had found a way to get rid of the owner ? Permanently.
You shuddered at the thought.
You shared your thoughts with Batman who agreed and you both started thinking about a way go bring back Michael safe and sound to St Louis.
"We'll wait until he sleeps and take him back ?"
You suggested half-jokingly, but Batman seemed to actually consider the idea. Michael was a heavy sleeper, you knew so much by his very strange escape.
Batman finally agreed and you both waited until night fall, until there were no more lights on in the cabin and discreetly made your way inside.
As you had predicted, you found Michael sound asleep in his bed and smiled tenderly as he looked so peaceful like this..That's when you noticed a small picture frame near his bed and your eyes widened in recognition at the man and the woman as well as the little boy on the photograph..Michael's adoptive parents and himself.
The cabin belonged to them..
You closed your eyes and stopped dead in your tracks.
It wasn't right..Michael felt at peace here, and you weren't the person who would deprive him of that.
However, Batman suddenly groaned loudly in pain and you opened your eyes to find that Michael had stabbed Batman with a knife he had hidden under his pillow. You were prepared to fight, but Michael walked right past you, as if he couldn't even see you..You squinted your eyes and found that even though Michael had stabbed Batman, he was still unconscious.
You looked at Batman and asked if he was okay and he nodded. He would need to get his shoulder checked once you were back, but he would survive.
You sighed in relief before turning towards Michael. You had an idea and called him firmly.
He stopped dead in his tracks and even though he couldn't see you, you knew now he could hear you.
"It's time to go. The others are waiting for you outside for our picnic. We wouldn't want to make them wait now, would we ?"
He still recognized you as his trustworthy nurse and nodded slowly in agreement. He turned towards you and you smiled before taking the knife away from his hands. It was endearing. Even though he was asleep, he still obeyed you and trusted you. You had to hold back the tears as you knew he wouldn't see you the same way when he would wake up..
But, you had to do it. For him.
Batman helped you tie him up once on the boat and you then sailed away.
When Michael woke up, he felt the gag around his mouth first and frowned as his eyes opened wide and he could now see he was on a boat. He tried to move, but he was tied with very a very strong rope and looked around, confused and disoriented.
Michael glared at you, but you pretended not to be affected by his very intense stare. You knew he was upset, but you also were convinced it was necessary.
When you arrived and decided to take off the piece of cloth in his mouth, he was still glaring at you. You barely could make out the difference when Myers took over, not until Myers started spurting out words with difficulty.
"He...will never...trust you...again."
You knew he was referring to and nodded understandingly before opening the gates to St Louis. It hurt.
"I know, Myers..I know.."
Five :
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Five was working with you on a case of missing people and you thought it would be good for him to get back on the field.
But, obviously, it was too soon..
Two men wearing suits and carrying suitcases walked past you and even though you had told Five multiple times that not every person wearing a suit was some special agent on the Comissioner..He couldn't let go.
He followed them and it was only a few minutes later that you noticed that Five was missing.
"Where is he ?"
Batman didn't answer you, but the screams coming from the alleyway where you had seen the two men go in did. You both sprinted towards it and ran inside, only to find a blood carnage..Five standing on the middle of it.
He seemed completely unbothered as he turned towards you and grimaced at the blood on his suit.
"Really ?! That stuff is impossible to remove.."
You looked at the two very dead gentlemen now on the floor and couldn't believe your eyes..This wasn't right. It couldn't be..
"Five ! What did you do ?!"
You shouted and Five frowned at you before looking around, as if wondering what you were talking about ?
"What ?! I just saved you ! These were Time agents sent to kill you !"
He threw their badges at you and opened the briefcases to show you their content. Batman still had his brow furrowed in disapproval and you shook your head.
"They were still human beings, Five ! I don't care if they were guilty ! We arrest, we don't kill !"
He didn't understand why you were so mad..He had only tried to save you and he was tired of being treated like a child.
"They were agents ! Don't you understand ?! They kill people ! They killed all those missing people ! I won't apologize for killing monsters !"
You blinked your tears away and took a big breath before looking back at Five with a sorrowful smile.
"I tried..I really tried, Five..But, I just can't anymore..I'm so sorry.."
Five frowned in incomprehension before your turned around and walked away. He didn't understand. He had only gotten rid of some bad guys, what was so wrong with that ?
However, when you were gone, Batman walked towards Five and Five glanced up at him warily, waiting for the vigilante to judge him or belittle him.
"What ? You're gonna scowl me too for doing my job ?"
Batman remained silent, but raised his hand to pat Five's shoulder.
"You did good, Five."
Five's eyes widened at Batman's words of approval and the time he got out of his moment of stupor, Batman was already walking away..
Five smiled.
At least, someone could appreciate his hard work !
However, it would only be a few days later that he would understand the true reason behind Batman’s words, when he would receive a warrant from the Justice League for his arrest.
He did good, but it was not enough..
The Justice League wanted him to be locked up in a prison where his powers wouldn't work and he couldn't escape.
Turns out, you had fought against the decision and the mission was a way to be sure Five was a good superhero and would be a good addition to the team..
And he had failed. Miserably..
He now realized you only ever wanted to help him and when you came to arrest him, he didn't fight it.
Maybe, was it for the best after all ?
Norman :
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Norman knew something was wrong when you came in and you were covered in dirt and dry blood..He immediately stood up and asked you worriedly.
"What happened to your face ?!"
You didn't reply and Norman could barely see the outline of your body in the darkness. However, when he tried to reach for you, you didn't let him and hid yourself deeper in the shadows.
"I told you, Norman..I am a vigilante now and I have to go on missions. Missions that can be messy. I need to help.."
Norman frowned a little at your sudden recoiling, but didn't extend on the subject. Norman shook his head in disbelief at your selfless and foolish answer before stepping forward to grab your hand.
"You already are ! You are helping the slashers. They need you."
You looked away guiltily, but responded confidently.
"I can do both."
He could feel you shake and thought it was because you were cold and hugged you tightly, ignoring the feeling of dirt against his skin. But your shaking didn't stop. He then soaked a cloth in hot water and proceeded to wash your face, but you grabbed his wrist to stop him. He was about to protest when he noticed how you were looking at him now—the light exposing your expression to him—and what he saw, he didn't like. Your look was accusative and sorrowful.
"W..Why are you looking at me like that ?", he asked with a small nervous smile, suddenly unable to meet your gaze.
It was like you were mad or upset at him for something he didn't have the knowledge of. However, you then explained and his whole body tensed. He wished he had never asked..
"I saw the corpses, Norman. I went to Nerval's graveyard and digged them up..How could you ?"
He took a couple of steps back and it was only at this moment that he noticed your red puffy eyes and the shovel in your hand. He now knew why you were being so distant..
"I did it for you..I swear I tried to stop. But, I had to protect you."
He said pleadingly, but you shook your head. It was too late..It was out of your hands now.
"If you had told me, I could have helped you..but, now ? My partner knows and I can't protect you anymore. I'm sorry..I'm sorry, but it's not enough. Batman gave me the chance to bring you in peacefully..So, please. Don't force me to fight you, Norman."
His expression hardened as you mentioned fighting him and he stared at you with an unusual emotionless expression.
"So..this is it. You are going to arrest me ?"
Your expression softened as you knew there was no easy way to say it, you couldn’t save Norman, not this time..
"I know what you’ve done, Norman. All the people you killed..I thought you had changed. I genuinely thought I could change you."
You took a couple of steps forward and he stiffened as he noticed the handcuffs in your hands. He was prepared to fight if necessary..He had spent a lot of time in prison and wasn't ready to come back.
But, one look at your face, and he knew he didn't have it in him to fight you. Not you.
You were surprised when Norman only let out a deep sigh of resignation before gently stroking your cheek affectionately, tears straining both of your faces as Norman tried to comfort you.
"I understand. I'm not mad at you. I could never..I will always love you, my little monster. No matter what happens, or how badly you think of me..I'm proud of you."
You bit down on your lower lip as you didn’t expect Norman to actually accept his fate so easily, without even a fight..He didn’t even seem mad. It only made the pang in your chest worse as you choked out.
"I love you too.."
Norman’s smile broke your heart, as he seemed resigned to his fate and so very calm, while you were a wreck inside. Out of all the slashers, Norman was the last one you thought you would have to betray. He had always been there for you, the first slasher you had ever befriended, but this was a cruel world and your hands were tied.
But, he knew that too and wasn't mad at you.
He squeezed your hand one last time before your stepped out of the house.
Batman then arrived and took Norman away. You waited until they were out of sight before crumbling to the floor and sobbing loudly.
He was gone..Norman was gone..
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writtentodeath · 3 years
Hero always knew they would go out fighting. It was in their blood, and had been ever since they put on the mask and went out to get beaten up the first time. And from the looks of this fight, it seemed their gut was in the right place after all.
Villain, on the other hand, had no such thoughts of a grim ending. 
“Your feeble attempts to stop me will amount to nothing,” they yelled, shooting and narrowly missing Hero with their gun. “You will amount to nothing, and once I’ve finished killing you I’ll make sure to kill your family, and then this beloved city of yours.”
“I wouldn’t call it beloved,” Hero grunted, “but I don’t love it when people tear it down on purpose. I mean, the local infrastructure could use a lot of work and I know the corruption is pretty bad-” 
They cut off as Villain threw them into the wall in one smooth hit, the air solidly gone from their lungs. 
Villain walked past the groaning Hero, not even glancing down at them as they moved to the control panel at the side of the hall. 
“Wait-” Hero gasped out, a sliver of desperation peeking into their voice. “Stop- what are you gonna do?”
Villain hesitated for a half second when Hero first spoke, but as soon as they asked that question their face split into a grin, a barking laugh breaking the sudden silence. “How long have you been playing at hero?” they replied, tapping a few commands into the computer, only paying half attention to Hero.
Hero tried to sit up, but something in their chest scraped against something else and they gasped. “Eleven years,” they said.
That was true, too. They put that mask on at fifteen, scared and cold and above all angry. They weren’t scared anymore (except sometimes), and they’d burned through the anger a while ago... most of it, anyway. 
“Eleven years,” Villain repeated. They stopped typing, finally, walking over to stand in front of Hero. “Would you like to know something before I kill you?”
They kicked out, catching Hero in the chest and sending them flat on their back, a yell tearing out of their throat before they could stop it.
“In all that time,” they whispered, leaning down to whisper in Hero’s ear, “I never once gave a damn about you. You were never a threat. And now you’re going to die, not because you’re my arch-nemesis or because you were the one thing standing in my way.”
Hero couldn’t breath with the boot on their chest, the air right there and yet not moving into their lungs. 
“You’re going to die because I don’t care enough to save you,” Villain said. “You’re going to die because it doesn’t matter whether or not you live.”
They stepped away, the pressure mercifully easing from Hero’s chest. 
They still couldn’t breathe, though. 
The muscles in their throat contracted and jumped, desperately trying to suck in air, but nothing came. 
 Villain’s footsteps echoed down the hall as they walked away, until they were replaced with the slow but sure clicking of a countdown. 
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nobodyfamousposts · 3 years
My-Crack-Ulous: FOP Crossover
*Coughs* Ahem.
Fairly Odd Parents.
Oh, but not what you think! We’re not getting Cosmo and Wanda for a sad Marinette or Adrien. Oh, no...that would be easy.
No, no. Instead, we’re getting Norm the Genie.
Norm the Genie who wants to be free of his lamp but needs a magical stooge to trap in his place and, hey! Kwamis are magic, aren’t they? Not that he knows much about them since they predate the known universe and even Norm isn’t that old, but still!
So somehow Norm’s lamp ends up in Paris. And just happens to end up in Lila’s hands.
Lila, of course, tries to use it to her advantage.
It goes about as well as you should expect...
It took a few years before Norm’s lamp found itself back in the human world. And of course, it was only a matter of time before it ended up in someone’s hands.
Granted, he hadn’t expected to end up in Paris, France.
Or for his new beneficiary to wear an incredibly unfashionable jacket and have sausages in her hair.
Oh wait, that was her hair. As sausages. Gross.
“So you’re a genie?” She asked.
Norm had to avoid rolling his eyes.
Teenagers. They thought they were so special, so smart. That if something were to happen to them, that it was only for good and because they deserved it somehow. And for how smart they liked to think they were, none of them ever really questioned what the catch was. Or if their wishes were something they should make at all.
This one was no different.
“And you can grant me any wish?”
“ANY wish?”
“I just said for the seventh time, yes. Any wish. Three of them. Rule-free.”
Not that she knew what Da Rules were, but meh. Details.
“Then I get sucked back into the lamp.”
Of course, he didn’t mention his propensity to twist the wishes for fun. Seriously, if these people were stupid enough to just take advantage of his powers without considering consequences. Or the complete lunacy of just expecting a magical creature to grant them whatever they wanted for no reason just because they ask for it.
Seriously, these chumps never learn.
Now all that remained was for this latest chump to start and he can begin his fun of finding the best ways to twist her wishes for entertainment…
Lila smirked.
“Well then…I wish for Ladybug to be beaten and forced to bow before me!”
Norm raised an eyebrow.
He shrugged.
Suddenly, there was a POOF!
And when Lila blinked, there before her was the image of red with black spots.
By which is meant the lowercase insect “ladybug” kind instead of the uppercase superhero “Ladybug” kind, much to Lila’s disappointment.
As if to further insult her, the bug proceeded to point in her direction, in a facsimile of a bow.
Lila stared.
Norm sighed.
“Ya know, kid, normally people don’t make it this easy. I barely even had to do anything. I feel kind of cheated.”
“WHAT IS THIS?!” Lila demanded, gesturing to the insect.
“It’s your wish. Duh. I mean, I knew people made stupid first wishes but...wow. This is actually worse than the sandwich.”
She wasn't even going to ask.
“My wish was about Ladybug! Not just a normal ladybug! I’m talking about the superhero, Ladybug!”
Norm shrugged. “Well you should have been more specific.”
She practically growled. “Who else would I be talking about?!”
Norm, for his part, was less than impressed.
“I’ve been in a lamp. How should I know?”
Lila huffed before storming over to her computer and turning it to face Norm, showing a picture of a heroine in a red leotard with black spots in mid-swing between buildings.
“THIS is Ladybug. A magical do-gooder who protects the city from Hawk Moth. I want to see her destroyed. Brought low in every way that matters and forced to beg me for mercy.”
“I see.” Norm said, not really getting it at all.
Kids these days, was he right?
“So grant my wish.” She demanded. “I wish for Ladybug, the superhero, to be beaten and kneeling before me.”
Upping it, wasn’t she?
He shrugged. “Fine.”
Some distance away, in the middle of an akuma fight, an injured Ladybug was sent flying back into a delivery van full of discarded papers to be shredded for recycling, scattering the papers around her. Winded, she fell into a kneeling position. It just so happened that one of the many papers that on the ground right in front of her was a poster of Lila from one of her photo shoots with Adrien.
Ladybug took no notice of this, being much more concerned with the akuma attack. She quickly pushed herself up and leapt back into the fray.
Lila and Norm watched this on a television from the safety of her apartment some distance away.
“What the hell was that?!” Lila demanded, spinning on Norm.
“Your wish.” He answered bluntly. “She’s beaten. She kneeled.”
“But not to me!”
“Technically, she did.” He corrected her, gesturing to the TV where the now rumpled and sad-looking poster of her image rested where Ladybug had once been. It seemed the hero had even stepped on it once as she took off. Norm bit down the smirk at the unintended irony.
Lila glared at him.
Then she seemed to realize something as she suddenly gained a thoughtful look.
“Can I wish for more wishes?”
Oh, NOW she starts asking smart questions.
Norm stared at her, considering.
He should lie.
He really should lie and say she couldn’t.
From what he’s seen of her so far, this girl seemed a few wires short of a Crock-pot, and speaking of, he was starting to get some flashbacks. His previous time working with Crocker reminded him full well why it was a bad idea to let the humans know they could wish for additional wishes. Plus this girl was already giving him the feeling that the sooner he was away from her, the better.
…but he had spent years as a urinal cake and given what Lila had told him about magical-based superheroes, well, how could he turn away from an opportunity?
“Sure.” He finally answered, much to Lila’s glee.
“Then I wish for three more wishes!” She exclaimed. “And for my first wish, I wish that Ladybug—the superhero Ladybug whom you just saw would be forced to kneel before myself—the me that is right here before you.”
Lila smirked, figuring that it was specific enough that there was no way this could be turned against her.
How little she knew.
The POOF of Norm’s magic was immediately drowned out by complete chaos as something came crashing through the wall and into Lila’s bedroom.
Lila screamed as she was blown back, and covered her face in a limited ability to protect herself from further onslaught.
Coughing could be heard, but it wasn’t just Lila. She dared to peek through her hands and…
Of all people, it was Ladybug crouched on the floor of her room, coughing and waving away the dust and debris.
And sure enough, her position of trying to regain her bearings had her turned in Lila’s directions, head bowed and on her knees. Just as Lila had asked for.
But not in the way she had wanted.
Norm had conveniently vanished from sight, so there was no one else for Ladybug to see besides Lila. Realizing where she was and who she was in front of, Ladybug couldn’t hide her initial scowl before she was able to mask the expression and focus in on the task at hand.
“My apologies, civilian.” She bit out. “Akuma attack. Just stay here and stay safe for now. This won’t take much longer.”
And without another word, she shakily got to her feet and turned back to the attack.
Given Ladybug’s state, Lila could have been in a perfect position to try to interfere. Grab her. Maybe even get her earrings.
But the crash had sent Lila herself falling back, and she was even more unsteady than Ladybug.
She tried to push herself up, but realized that in the chaos, some debris had landed on her leg, preventing her from moving.
Of all the rotten luck!
Ladybug left without further ado and Lila was stuck in her room with a hole in her wall and no way to move from her spot on the floor.
Conveniently, Norm reappeared once she was alone.
“Soooo…just a suggestion, kid, but maybe you should try wishing for something else. Something that doesn’t involve superhero ladybugs.”
“Shut up.” She groused as she struggled to push the broken bits of her desk off her leg and grunting in pain.
Norm, of course, did not shut up.
“I take it you want to use your second wish to restore your room? And your third to wish for more wishes?” He asked, but it was clear he wasn’t actually asking.
The sooner the better.
With another POOF, her room was restored and her leg, while still injured, was no longer pinned. Cautiously, she rose to her feet, hanging onto her bed for stability.
As if to further mock her, it seemed that Ladybug had successfully defeated the akuma as the Miraculous Cure swept through the area, restoring everything else.
Norm blinked in surprise.
“Huh. Didn’t know that could happen. Well, that was a waste of a wish, huh?”
Lila twitched.
“Okay. Okay.”
She had thought about this long and hard.
Much to her frustration, it seemed wishing anything against Ladybug directly was doomed to failure. Lila attributed it to Ladybug’s magic and natural luck. There could be no other reason for it. Lila’s phrasing and intentions had been fool-proof.
Norm’s smirks and passive aggressive comments didn’t mean a thing.
As such, Lila reluctantly turned her focus away from her arch nemesis to the more civilian side of things and decided to target someone who had no such protection.
The only one to figure out she was a liar: Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
She didn’t know how the other girl knew so quickly. Or what led her to the truth.
And Lila didn’t particularly care.
Marinette was just another thorn in her side. Not nearly as irritating as Ladybug, but still enough to want her gone. And since Lila had a genie and three more wishes to use to her advantage, it seemed Marinette would serve as the perfect way to test it.
And so, Lila made the first of her next three wishes.
“I wish that Marinette Dupain-Cheng was forced to leave Francois Dupont.”
A bit on the extreme side, admittedly. If she was being honest, Lila would have preferred to keep Marinette around and wish her to be miserable in some other way instead. But she had the power of a genie at her command and given Marinette’s annoyingly clever and intrusive nature, it would likely only be a matter of time before she caught on to Lila’s new advantage and tried something to relieve her of it.
So the brat had to go.
And oh, what a wonderful scene it was when two serious and official looking men stepped into the classroom to ask for Marinette to go with them to the Principal’s office. The goody-goody left the room looking scared. Everyone whispered and looked to each other in confusion, questioning why and what happened. Who were those men and what could they want with Marinette?
Lila practically felt downright giddy at the sight! She couldn’t wait to see the other girl in tears!
It was almost two hours later when Marinette was brought back to the room by Principal Damocles. Both looked pale and fatigued. But Marinette in particular looked almost tearful.
“Pardon us, Ms. Bustier, but Marinette is just here to gather her things.”
Lila had to hold herself back from grinning and instead put on a fake look of concern.
“Oh no! Marinette, are you all right?”
"Girl, what happened?" Alya asked, worriedly.
“What did those guys want?” Adrien questioned in concern.
Marinette shook her head. "I'm being transferred.”
Here, Lila did smirk even as everyone else around her gasped in dismay.
Damocles patted Marinette’s shoulder, his fatigue giving way to cheer. “Those gentlemen were representatives of one of the most highly acclaimed private art schools in Paris, and they came to interview Marinette for a place in their program!”
Any smirk Lila did show immediately dropped.
“They saw my hat at the fashion show and other designs from my website, and once they heard that I was complimented by Audrey Bourgeois, they decided to offer me a scholarship to come to their school." Marinette explained, looking a mix of excited and anxious.
“That’s wonderful!”
“You deserve it, Marinette!”
“That’s right! It’s a great honor!” Damocles continued. “Of course, they were rather insistent about arranging the transfer, but it’s early enough in the school year and—”
Lila didn’t pay any attention to anything further of Damocles’s prattling and barely even noticed the way everyone else in the classroom cheered and showered Marinette in congratulations and praise.
Nobody paid much attention to Lila for the rest of the school day. Which was just as well, as it allowed her to skip out and storm back home.
Where she found Norm. Sunbathing on her balcony. And messing with her laptop.
He only noticed she was there when she slammed the door open.
“What?” He snarked. “Not what you wanted?”
“Undo it. NOW.”
“You sure?” He asked. “I mean, she’ll still be gone. There’ll be no one to call out your depressingly obvious lies. And with her not being around as much, your little followers are bound to lose touch with her over time and be all yours to screw with.”
“The point is for her to be miserable! UNDO IT!”
The next day, it was with some disappointment as Marinette informed her classmates that while the school had wanted her, the school only had limited slots and apparently the men who came to interview her hadn't been aware the vacancy had already been filled.
"It was still a bit too early for me to start there anyway." Marinette added. "I double checked, and they're a fully fledged lycee. They were apparently figuring I could skip ahead a grade and start there sooner."
"But impressive!"
"Yeah, you totally deserve it, dudette!"
"You'll just have to try for next year." Alya said, moving to wrap an arm around Marinette’s shoulder. “But I’m glad you’ll be with us for a while longer.”
Marinette smiled back, happy and relieved. “Yeah!”
Lila glared at the happy group from around a corner.
So this fell through. But next time would work.
She was smarter than some shut-in genie. She was bound to find a way to make a wish that would give her exactly what she wanted.
And when she did…
Lila smirked.
Ladybug would be as good as gone.
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tell me how to balance my coins
Summary: When Spencer falls down the stairs one morning he decides not to tell anyone, his insecurities about not being enough winning out. Too bad insecurities don't matter when they end up trekking through miles of barren land on a search and rescue mission, and his injuries finally become too much. The team knows exactly how to make it better.
Tags: hurt!spencer, whump, hurt/comfort, hiding medical issues, insecurity, angst with a happy ending, fluff, team as family TW: self-esteem issues
Pairing: GEN / Spencer Reid & Derek Morgan
Word Count: 3.2k
Masterlist // Read on AO3 // Bad Things Happen Bingo
Set in S1 but there's no Gideon because he didn't really fit the plot, so it's just the five other field agents here. This entire fic was inspired by this post by @i-write-whump so credit goes to them for the premise! Title from this poem by Zahraa Surtee <3
Maybe it’s embarrassment that stops him from telling the team. Spencer runs headfirst into dangerous situations every day, puts his life on the line repeatedly and escapes unscathed more often than not, but his nemesis this time is the single flight of stairs in his apartment building he descends each morning.
He’s later than he usually is, and already feeling a little flustered from both his toaster and coffee machine breaking, leaving him with a cup of instant coffee and an overripe banana from breakfast, which only makes the situation worse. As if lying sprawled out in a public stairwell wasn’t bad enough. He gingerly pulls himself up, catching a glimpse of a “Caution: Wet Floor” sign he somehow missed, and winces as pain floods his body.
His ankle is screaming at him, throbbing and burning, and for a moment Spencer has to close his eyes against the gut-wrenching pain of a twisted ankle flaring up his calf. A couple of thankfully undisturbed minutes later, the pain eases enough for him to open his eyes and inspect the damage. It’s already swelling slightly, and he’s certain he’ll be covered in bruises by tonight if the aching of his entire body is anything to go by.
For a brief moment he considers calling Derek or Penelope or someone else on his team; maybe even calling in sick, but he quickly pushes that thought away. It’s not embarrassment that stops him from telling the team. It’s a good cover story to keep him from addressing the real reason, but it isn’t the truth.
The truth is that the only time he ever feels valuable is when he’s contributing to a case. That cruel voice in the back of his head will waste no time in piping up, telling him how worthless he is, what a burden his friends see him as, how insignificant he is to the team if he doesn’t suck it up and head into work.
Fighting back the tears burning hot behind his eyes with ardent determination, he drags himself up by the stair handrail until he’s upright. His ribs ache and his ankle burns something fierce, but he compartmentalises it, breathing deeply and taking a few tentative steps, one at a time until he’s limping towards the train station.
The moment he walks into the bullpen, JJ grabs his elbow. “You’re just in time, Spence,” she says, marching towards the briefing room with a pace Spencer can’t quite keep up with. “We have a new case. Rural Kentucky.”
Everyone’s already seated at the round table, and no matter how much he tries to disguise his limp, putting far too much weight on his battered ankle, he can’t get it past a room full of profilers.
“Hey, pretty boy, you alright? You’re limping.” Derek’s tone is light, carrying the cadence of joking banter, but he can see the concern in his eyes, and that’s just unacceptable. He can’t have people worrying about him: he’s not worth their pitied looks or vapid attempts at comfort, especially not when they have a far more important case to be focusing on.
He slips into a seat, and manages to conceal a wince at the movement of his ankle swinging forward. “Oh, uh, I just stubbed my toe pretty hard on the way in.” It’s not convincing even to his own ears, but luckily it’s enough of a time-sensitive case for JJ to barrel on regardless, drawing everyone’s worried glances away from him and towards the board full of grizzly crime scene photos.
Even though he’s been on the team for close to three years now, he still feels like the new kid. Elle is newer than him, but she’s still far more confident in her place on the team than he is. He suspects that’s probably because someone like Elle doesn’t have trouble fitting in anywhere. It’s never been quite that easy for Spencer.
Pushing his insecurities aside like he always has to do in these meetings, he reads the case file thoroughly before offering his own contributions. The unsub is snatching young women from bars and clubs and holding them for weeks before leaving them to succumb to the elements in the rural countryside of Kentucky. With a missing woman and the expected deadline for the unsub dumping her fast approaching, they don’t waste any time in boarding the jet and flying the short way to West Kentucky.
It’s a short enough flight that there’s no time for personal conversation — no time for Derek (or anyone else for that matter) to confront him about his blatant lie and obvious injury — since they spend the whole journey discussing the case. Thankfully, throwing himself head first into theories and hypotheses keeps his mind off the pain a bit, but he can’t fully keep it from bothering him.
He’s just thankful that he has enough experience in disguising his true emotions that no-one’s attention is drawn to him by poorly hidden winces.
They dive straight into the investigation when they arrive at the sheriff’s station, everyone laser focused on finding Marissa Williams. By mid-afternoon, though, Spencer’s gritting his teeth as he forces himself to persevere through the pain despite it increasing incrementally every hour, and he curses himself for not being able to dedicate 100% of himself to the case. If he can’t help everyone find this woman, then what is he good for? His stomach twists at the thought.
“You gonna tell me what’s really going on, Spence?” Derek asks him as it approaches 4pm, cornering him at the coffee machine.
Spencer looks around as subtly as he can for an escape, but he quickly succumbs to his fate. “I’m fine, Derek,” he promises. It’s so far from the truth he wants to cry.
The concern in Derek’s eyes only intensifies at that. “Seriously? You’ve been quiet this whole case, I catch you wincing when you think no-one’s looking, and you’re still limping. A stubbed toe wouldn’t do that, kid, and you know it.”
He sighs, knowing the jig is up. “It’s nothing I can’t handle, Derek.” He’s not sure it’s the truth, but it’s close enough to it that it doesn’t bring burning tears to the backs of his eyes.
Derek’s about to say something when JJ calls out for him. They both turn to look at her, Spencer feeling relief flood his chest, while Derek’s expression quickly morphs into one of frustration, sighing heavily as he curls his hands into tight fists.
“This isn’t over,” he says, levelling him with a serious look before walking back over to JJ, leaving Spencer to stir his bitter coffee in peace. It definitely doesn’t make him want to cry.
They finally get a break in the case at nightfall, a call on the tip line combined with their profile leading them to a secluded wooded area down by a small river. Knowing there’s nothing more for them to do at the office, Hotch gathers them all up, insisting they join the search party to find the poor, beaten woman currently suffering exposure, awaiting their rescue.
Spencer’s heart sinks as everyone gathers their equipment, and he’s almost relieved when Derek speaks up.
“Reid can’t go,” he insists to Hotch, only barely in earshot of Spencer. If he doesn’t go out in the rescue party, then he’s still served his purpose hasn’t he? He helped with the profile that narrowed down the area she’s likely to be in, he worked the case until this point, he can rest and still be worth something. Right?
Besides, it’s not exactly like he can don the heavy walking boots everyone else is pulling on. If he goes out, he’ll have to wear the same loafers that have been squeezing his swelling joint all day, and that’s hardly going to work. Hotch will let him stay back, and for once, he’ll accept the rest he’s offered.
His hope is quickly dashed. “We need all the manpower we can get,” Hotch says, clearly distracted in the same way he has been throughout the entire case. Spencer likes his boss but he has a tendency to wear blinkers when on a job, not noticing anything that doesn’t pertain to the ultimate solution. “He’ll be fine.”
Derek sighs again, clearly frustrated.
“I’ll be fine,” he says as Derek comes over to sit with him, not sure who he’s trying to convince. His ankle is still burning in pain. The last time he checked it, it was bruised and swollen, tender to the touch. It’s nothing short of a nasty sprain.
“You stick close to me, Spencer. I mean it.”
He can’t help the small smile that crosses his face, genuine happiness warming his heart at the concerned protectiveness of his friend. “Sure, Derek,” he says softly.
The pleasant temperature of the mid-Spring day drops to almost freezing as the sun sets, the moon and stars taking over the clear night sky. Even Spencer’s thickest coat isn’t enough to keep him from practically vibrating with the force of his shivers as they trek across the miles of terrain, staying as quiet as possible to listen for anything that could indicate their victim’s whereabouts. They’re spread out a little, but for the most part they all walk reasonably close together, the beams of their torches criss-crossing as they fight their way through the windy countryside.
Thankfully, it’s only a couple of hours into the search and rescue mission that a call crackles over the radio, telling them that Marissa had been found, beaten and weak but alive. Spencer can’t even bring himself to feel any kind of victory or relief, nothing being able to penetrate the haze of pain he’s in. Everyone else chatters happily enough as they converge back together for his silence to go mostly unnoticed.
His obscurity doesn’t last long, though.
“Are you ever gonna tell us what happened to your foot, Spence?” JJ asks, raising an eyebrow at Spencer’s heavy limping and Derek’s worried hovering. By the second mile of their walk, Spencer had given up trying to hide the limp, instead focusing on gritting his teeth and breathing through the pain as it flares up his leg.
She’s clearly voicing what everyone else is thinking, judging by their worried expressions. Part of him wants to give in and tell the team, but the part that wants to continue to hide his embarrassment away, the part riddled with fear and insecurity wins out. He stubbornly shakes his head, closing his eyes tightly. In the kind of terrible timing so emblematic of the life of Spencer Reid, in the short second he has his eyes closed he manages to stumble into a small divot in the ground, and he trips, twisting his ankle all over again as he falls down.
His vision whites out, the pain suddenly all-consuming, punching nausea through his stomach and he can’t help the cry he lets escape as he lays helplessly in the grass.
Derek crouches next to him, laying a hand on his shoulder as he checks him over frantically, and Spencer can’t help but lean up into it, craving the kind of comfort he can only get from his best friend. Hotch joins them quickly as JJ and Elle stand close enough to offer support without crowding him.
“That’s it, Spencer,” Hotch says firmly, blinkers well and truly off by now, “you need to tell us what’s going on.”
As the blinding pain slowly fades into something minutely more bearable, Spencer forces his eyes open to face the team. “I fell down the stairs this morning,” he finally admits, sullen and teary. “Pretty sure I sprained my ankle.”
Hotch wastes no time in gently rolling his trouser leg up, exposing his ruined loafers and the bruised, swollen joint to the torches of his teammates. Derek audibly winces as he positions himself behind Spencer, supporting his back as his tired, aching body starts to collapse.
Hotch levels him with a stern glare after he finishes his tender inspection of his ankle. “Spencer, it was incredibly irresponsible to hide something like this. You not only put yourself in danger, but you put the rest of the team at risk, too—”
He doesn’t get any further in his lecture before the tears he’s been holding back all day, finally spill over and a dry, sudden sob, his bruised and aching rib cage heaving as he starts to unravel at the seams. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
Softening immediately, Hotch puts his leg down gently and shuffles closer, taking Spencer’s hand in his. “Hey, it’s okay, I’m sorry for yelling,” he says soothingly, watching as Spencer presses closer into Derek’s hold. “You’re not in trouble, I’m just worried about you, Spencer. Why didn’t you tell us you were hurt?”
He squeezes his eyes closed again: it’s as much dignity as he can hope for when his face is crumpling and he’s sobbing on the cold, hard ground as it nears midnight. “I just… I just wanted to be worth something.” It’s an admission he’ll regret later, he already knows that, but he’s so so tired and all he wants is the comfort that only his team can provide.
Derek pulls him into an even tighter hug before anyone can react, holding him against his chest fiercely while his hand plays gently with his hair. “Spencer, you are worth something whether you’re injured or fully intact, you hear me? We’d love you with a broken leg, with a bad case of the flu, if you quit the team tomorrow and decided to never work again. But most importantly, we love you now, kid. No matter what. Nothing can change that, alright?”
“He’s right, Spence,” JJ says softly, sinking to the ground along with Elle. “I know you think we only tolerate you because of your brain and what you bring to the table on a case, but you’re so much more than that. We love your nerdy rambles and your awkward waves and the way you love so openly and protectively, no matter how many times you’ve been hurt before. We love everything about you, Spencer.”
“Yeah, if you’re hurt, Reid, we wanna know,” Elle chimes in, sounding a little hesitant as the one who’s known him the shortest amount of time, but firm in what she’s saying nonetheless. “I know I haven’t been on the team that long but this is a group of people that watches out for one another, that supports each other, that builds everyone up leaving no person behind. That includes you, Spencer Reid, even when you don’t feel like it.”
“Everyone is right, Spencer,” Hotch says softly, still holding his cold and shaking hand protectively in his gloved one. “I’m just sad that you still prioritise your work over your own health. You are not this job. You are an incredibly talented and multi-faceted person that oftentimes needs a little TLC, and until you’re willing and able to do that for yourself, we’ll be here to do it for you, okay?”
Tears are streaming down his face as he nods, feeling warmer than he has all day despite the cold dark night they’ve found themselves in. The strangest part about it all is that he’s actually starting to believe them. It’s not like they haven’t all said similar things before, but hearing them all vehemently corroborating each other’s stories, hearing it all laid out in front of him as they promise him with earnest expressions that they’re telling the truth is doing something to shift the leaden weight of insecurity and low self-esteem that presses on his chest each and every day.
“Now, come on,” Derek says. “Let’s get back to base and I’ll go with you to the hospital to get you checked out, make sure it’s nothing more than a sprain.”
He shifts behind Spencer, using his already firm hold on his waist to help gently pull him up to a standing position, taking most of his weight as Spencer whimpers at the pain that swiftly reignites at the movement.
Derek turns around and bends at the knees slightly as Spencer leans on Hotch, before looking over his shoulder, his signature grin returning. “Hop on, pretty boy.”
“What— Derek! I’m way too heavy!”
Everyone immediately breaks out in amused laughter, even Hotch chuckling fondly.
Derek rolls his eyes. “Come on, Spencer, you’ve gotta weigh what, like, 140lbs? 150? You can’t exactly walk on that ankle anymore and it’s the only way we’re getting back without calling for a search and rescue team of our own.”
“Reid, I’m pretty sure I could give you a piggy-back ride,” Elle points out, raising her eyebrows. “Just let him carry you back.”
Let us take care of you is implicit enough in everyone’s words and expressions that it doesn’t really need to be said, but Spencer hears it anyway.
Hotch helps him up onto Derek’s back and they begin the long trek towards the search and rescue base, and Spencer’s never appreciated the easy banter they all share more. Hotch is visibly relaxed with the case solved and his youngest team member soon to be taken care of, so he joins in with the conversation, his light and happy expression that he only ever wears around his family or the team on rare days and nights off, replacing his focused frown.
Spencer clings on tightly to Derek and presses his face into the space between his neck and his shoulder, closing his eyes as he listens to the conversation, the vibration of Derek’s laugh and the shameless flirting between Elle and JJ taking his mind off the pain that throbs in his ankle with each step Derek takes.
When they finally get back to base, they all gather round the ambulance that’s been designated to take Spencer and Derek to the hospital.
JJ steps forward to give him a hug first. “Love you, Spence. Let us know what they say, okay?”
Hotch surprises him by stepping forward and wrapping him in a hug as well, forgoing the macho pats on the back for a short but close embrace that feels fatherly enough for tears to prick the back of Spencer’s eyes. “We all love you, Spencer. Remember that okay. And actually listen to what the doctors tell you. Morgan, you’re my eyes and ears.”
“Well now I want a hug, too,” Elle says dramatically, squeezing him in a tight embrace for just a moment before stepping back, lining up with JJ and Hotch to present a united front of people on his side.
“We’ll see you both in the morning,” Hotch says as the paramedic starts prepping for the journey, moving Spencer onto the gurney and rolling him in.
“Hope they don’t keep you too long!” JJ calls just as the doors close, making them both chuckle.
Derek takes his hand in both of his, staying out of the paramedic’s way as she quickly places a line of mild painkillers before sitting back, knowing that there’s not anything more she can do for Spencer until they get to the hospital.
Derek must see the anxious look on Spencer’s face, because he’s quick to reach a hand out and brush his cheek gently. “Hey, I’ll be with you the whole time. I’m not gonna leave you on your own, okay? You’ll be alright, pretty boy, you’re gonna be just fine. I promise.”
And on the flight home the next morning he realises that Derek’s promise was kept. He’s fitted out with a crutch and a temporary wrapping around his ankle, resting comfortably with his head in Derek’s lap while his foot sits elevated on a pile of cushions carefully built by JJ, surrounded by people who swear up and down that they love him while proving it to him in a thousand little ways, and he’s really not sure it gets any more alright than that.
taglist: @criminalmindsvibez @suburban--gothic @strippersenseii @takeyourleap-of-faith @negativefouriq @makaylajadewrites @iamrenstark @hotchseyebrows @temily @jellejareau @reidology @spencerspecifics @bau-gremlin @tobias-hankel @garcias-bitch @oliverbrnch @physics-magic @sbeno22 @im-autistic-not-stupid (taglist form)
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Oh my god eremika as a academic rivals 💪😤😫❤️😍
Academic Excellence
prompt: THIS art
Eren has been stewing about his run in with his arch-nemesis for about a week now. He hates her for so many reasons, HATES her, and that’s saying something Eren considers himself to be a pretty mellow guy, but he hates Mikasa Ackerman with the fiery passion of a thousand suns. First of all, she’s his mortal enemy: An engineering student. Disgusting.
Secondly, threes the original reason which is the fact that she has beaten him at every quiz, test, and term paper mark in their shared psychology class. To make matters worse, she also somehow seems to be immune to his playboy charm? She doesn’t find him attractive? Eren does not understand, he is very pleasing to the eyes. Of course, she is also very pretty, but he’s attractive too damn it!
He’s grumbling as he makes his way to his apartment, the one he’s rarely in because he spends more of his time at the library and his weird neighbour listens to way too much classical music. He unlocks the door, dropping his stuff in the entrance and making his way to his room to change into sweatpants, leaving his shirt because he’s sweaty and tired from the gym.
For a second as Eren starts dinner it’s blissfully silent, and Eren is thankful his neighbour doesn’t seem to be home yet, he can eat early and maybe go to bed.
Ten minutes later as he starts frying up his chicken and spinning lettuce for a salad, he hears it. Mozart. No. Not today, fuck his neighbour, he’s having a terrible day. A six-hour Organic Chemistry lab with his lab professor having a temper tantrum because someone broke the mercury thermometer, followed by the gym, no he does not need this on top of it. Eren turns on his Bluetooth speaker and begins blasting hard death-metal. He doesn’t even like death-metal he’s just feeling spiteful.
Eren wins when a few minutes later he hears an angry knocking on his door, vibrating the structure on its hinges. When he opens the door just a crack, poking his head out, he’s not prepared for what he finds. It’s just another reason he absolutely fucking hates Mikasa Ackerman.
She’s cute, wearing red shorts an oversized t-shirt and a jacket, if he didn’t hate her on principle, he’d probably be excited about his cute neighbour. Unfortunately, they are star-crossed mortal enemies.
“Eren?” Mikasa asks her anger dissolving into confusion. “Mikasa?” “You’re my next-door neighbour?”
“You’re irritating Mozart girl?”
She scratches her head bashfully, “Umm yeah sorry, I can turn it down if you’ll turn yours down. I thought the unit was still vacant.” Eren sighs deeply, he doesn’t have it in him to fight with her today, no witty remarks. “Yeah, I’ll stop it, I’m just gonna head to bed after dinner anyway, just don’t play your Mozart too loud.”
He hits the pause button on his phone and he’s about to just shut the door in her face when she stops him. “Wait!” He opens the door up again fully this time exposing the entirety of him and Mikasa lets out a little gasp as she observes his shirtless form.
AHA! So, she does think he’s attractive!!
He resists the urge to smile smugly, keeping the corners of his mouth firmly downturned.
He raises his eyebrows at her and gestures for her to speak.
“Do you um want to have dinner with me? I feel bad about the whole Mozart thing, I didn’t realize someone else lived in the unit, I thought it was empty until now.”
He looks over at his partially cooked chicken, he supposes he can put it in the fridge for tomorrow. “What are you having?” “Pizza.” “What kind?” “Pepperoni.” Eren nods, that’s acceptable. “Okay,” he grabs his keys and shuts the door and Mikasa lets out a little squeak, “Umm don’t you need a shirt?” This time he allows his lips to upturn into a smug smirk, she’s not so feisty now, is she? “It’s hot, it doesn’t bother you does it Mikasa?” “N-no, not at all!”
He grins evilly as he locks his door, following her into her apartment, maybe he can win this little competition of theirs. She’s cute as hell and she’s smart too, maybe the key to winning is to distract her with his physique. Oh well, as the old saying goes ‘if you can’t beat em, join em’ and that’s exactly what Eren plans to do. Nothing distracts a girl like an irritating boyfriend. As he looms over her shoulder while she calls the pizza guy, breath hot on her ear, he thinks he can nail the role.
Maybe she’s not as immune to his charms as he first thought.
He might just beat her at their final exam after all, especially if her little shivers are anything to go by.
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crystalirises · 3 years
A Duel of Grave Importance
They <3
TW: Fighting
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28886223/chapters/81924931
He was strolling along the walls of L’Manburg, hands grazing the rough blackstone when he heard the screaming in the distance. Usually, he would stay away. It wasn’t time for a war and he doubted the Essempy would be cruel enough to ambush a lone soldier who was still within L’Manburg lines, but he was alone in L’Manburg, and that lone soldier could be anyone he loved. He reached down towards his sheathe, glad to know that he hadn’t forgotten to bring his sword with him. With one last glance towards L’Manburg, he headed into the forest, low-hanging plants clinging to the bottom of his pastel blue pants. He walked amongst the shrubbery, ears straining to find the direction of the battle. After a moment of bumbling through and nearly tripping a few times, he finally stumbled into a clearing… where a crowd had formed between two swordsmen.
Fundy walked up to Eret, a disappointed look on his friend’s face while they watched the skirmish ensue. No one seemed to be trying to break it off. Eret turned towards him, a small smile appearing across their face. “You should have stayed home, Funds. As… entertaining and amusing as this bravado is, I believe your presence might not be too… welcome right now.”
“You absolute scum, how could you ask such a request from me?! I’ll have your damn head for that!” It took a while for him to recognize the voice, that was his dad. He spun towards the center of the crowd, breath stuttering in his throat. His dad was fighting Dream. His dad was fighting Dream, oh gods. Was this a sudden fight that broke out? If so, why hadn’t Dream called in his soldiers? Why hadn’t Wilbur called on his own? Eret winced beside him, both of them flinching as Wilbur’s sword clanged against Dream’s. “You don’t have my blessing, you little green fuck!”
“I asked politely, Wilbur Soot. No need for such language and violence.” Dream parried off Wilbur’s attack, his stance relaxed and easy. “It isn’t a terrible request, you know we’ve been—”
“They’ve been at it for nearly half an hour now.” Niki’s voice cut through the screaming, easily attracting Fundy and Eret’s attention. She moved towards them, a small frown on her face, her eyebrows creased with worry. “Neither seem to be backing down… should we intervene?”
“I believe we shouldn’t. This seems to be a personal matter.” Eret glanced back towards where Dream and Wilbur were. Surprisingly, Wilbur had somehow gained an upper hand and was now on top of Dream, pushing down against Dream’s sword. Fundy glanced over towards the treeline, catching a glimpse of Sapnap and George. Why weren’t they doing anything? Their leader was pinned and helpless! Fundy’s hand itched towards his sword, an action that was noticed by Niki. He quickly changed course and wrapped an arm around himself instead. He wouldn’t want anyone thinking that… he would never. “We were walking through the forest when Dream jumped down from the treetops. He had wished to speak with Wilbur in private for a moment.”
“Good conversation that must have been, they’re now fighting.” Niki giggled, shaking her head as Fundy gestured to where Wilbur was currently trying to murder the leader of the Essempy. He could feel his heart beat faster, Wilbur wouldn’t hurt Dream all that badly… would he? He moved a bit closer towards the fight, pushing against the crowd until he was right in the front.
In the corner of his eye, he could see Tommy, Tubbo, and Jack cheering Wilbur on from the sidelines, Tommy’s voice being the loudest of the three of course. He swallowed down his fear, eyes following the fight intensely. Dream wasn’t giving up, of course he wasn’t. His hand inched towards his sword again. This wasn’t an ordinary fight between two leaders. It was a duel between two men. It wouldn’t be so wrong for him to intervene if it went too far, they wouldn’t want to aggravate the Essempy any further, not when George and Sapnap were waiting by the treeline. He gripped the leather hilt of his sword, readying his stance to pounce into the fray.
After a few more seconds, a sword flew into the sky, the crowd dispersing to avoid getting hit by the stray blade. It landed a few feet in front of Fundy, and he was embarrassed to admit that he had let out a startled yip when it impaled the ground in front of him. The crowd turned silent. He looked at the sword, looked at the orange ribbon that was tied to its hilt. He glanced down at his own sword. He had a lime green ribbon tied around the hilt. Oh fuck. He looked over at Wilbur and Dream, his dad pressing his sword against Dream’s neck while Dream raised both of his hands in surrender. The porcelain mask turned towards the crowd, pausing the moment Dream met Fundy’s eyes. He felt his face redden, worry and excitement battling in his heart. While he was happy to see Dream, this wasn’t the best circumstance for them to meet. “Well, Wilbur. It seems you’ve beaten me… congratulations! But you see, I do have one last trick up my sleeve.”
Dream moved so quickly that Fundy hadn’t even realized that his feet had left the ground. He gripped the man’s shoulders, terrified for a moment before he realized that Dream had just swept him off his feet. The porcelain mask was tilted a bit to the side, a familiar smirk crossing Dream’s face before he reached down again to pick up his sword. If he could see his face, he knew it would be the color of a tomato. The crowd moved away from them, but Fundy quickly buried his face in Dream’s sweater before he could see the people’s surprised looks. “As you can see Wilbur, I think between the two of us, I’m the one who really won this duel. Bye!” Then Dream suddenly took off, and Fundy had to wrap his arms around Dream in fear of accidentally getting dropped. They ran into the woods, his dad’s cursing and screaming fading in the distance.
“You were fighting… because you wanted to kiss me?”
“I wanted your dad’s blessing before I could kiss you.” He rubbed a healing salve on Dream’s arm, watching the skin stitch itself back together. Dream had found a great hiding spot, a small canopy of little plants that shaded them from the sun and from any prying eyes. He leaned a little bit closer to Dream, resting his head against his boyfriend’s shoulder. “He got extremely mad at me for asking… Did you tell your dad we were dating or was he supposed to find out from me?”
“Would you have told your dad that you’re dating his supposed arch nemesis?” Dream’s silence was enough of an answer. Fundy sighed, nuzzling into Dream’s neck. “You can kiss me, babe.”
He reached up, hand poised above the porcelain mask. He waited for Dream to pull away, but he only relaxed. Fundy took that as his que, gently reaching back to untie the black string that held the mask in place. It fell into Dream’s open hands, those beautiful forest green eyes stared down at him with such love that Fundy couldn’t help but smile. He moved up, wrapping an arm around Dream’s neck. He could hear the thump of his heart, or maybe that was his tail wagging against the ground. He could feel Dream’s breath against his lips, the warmth of his skin underneath his hand. “It was sweet of you to ask for dad’s blessing. But I’ll love you no matter what, Dream.”
He pulled Dream closer, and they had their first kiss underneath the shadows of the forest.
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sup-hoes-its-me · 4 years
That’s What Friends Do (Bakugo x Reader)
A/N: It took me quite a long time for me to like bakugo, but here we go. Friends to lovers. Ur all mights daughter too (bc i love him so much i want him to be my dad tbh) 
word count: 5413
“You know, Y/N? You’re kinda an airhead,” Bakugo said bluntly, flicking the girl directly on the top of her head to make her hair fly in all directions. She sighed and brushed down her hair, glaring over at the boy who walked home with her everyday. They lived on the same street so it only made sense to follow each other. Not that she particularly enjoyed it. He wasn’t always rude to her, saying offhanded things once in a while. Honestly, she didn’t even know if he meant the rude things he said, it was almost natural for him to say that kind of stuff. 
She went to protest, defend herself, but Bakugo just had to have more to say.
“I mean like, you’re always dropping things and making mistakes. No doubt the only reason you’re in class a is because of your dad. And you almost never use your powers.”
She bit back her arguments, knowing she would never win. He always had a counter, and was better than her at it. She twisted her bracelets around her wrists, feeling heat starting to emit from her wrists. They had similar powers, Bakugo and her. He would turn his sweat into explosives. She could convert her negative emotions into intense body heat. They could definitely be good friends if they tried; she was so kind and open to everyone much like her father. Yet, it didn’t seem like he had friendship in mind most of the time.
“You know it’s because I have to feel bad before using it.”
“Well then you just need to be angry all the time like me maybe. It won’t do you any good to be happy all the time if you want to be a hero.”
“But I don’t want to be like that. I-I have so many friends because of my personality,” she said nervously, not really thinking about the repercussions of what she would say next. “People like me, but they don’t really like you…”
He froze where he was, his head turning swiftly to glare down at her. “Is it really better to have people like you if you’re just a useless idiot?”
He was right, she was useless. In fact, just him saying that had searing hot tears springing up in the corners of her eyes. She bit her lip, trying to keep the crying at bay. He always did make fun of her for being a crybaby. 
“This is why you don’t have friends, Bakugo,” she whispered, even though she knew she was crossing another line, only to make him angrier with her. 
“”Oh yeah, well then why do you follow me around? You hate me so much yet you try to act like friends? Pathetic. Stick up for yourself once in a while.”
Her body heat was intense, and he had to take a step back when it started to hit him hard. He knew he’d made her upset, it was obvious when anyone did. He felt a bit bad about it. She really was a nice girl. He shouldn’t make fun of her, only it was so unfair that she was All Might’s daughter. She was weak, and never wanted to use her powers. Someone else would make a better hero, would benefit more from the praise and privilege that came with being in that family. 
Maybe he was just jealous, but he hated that thought. He was jealous of her for having powers strong enough that if she used them right could rival the level of All Might. He was jealous of Midoriya, who he suspected had somehow inherited All Might’s powers. Bakugo was strong, stronger than any of them. Why did he have the short end of the stick? 
“Fine. If that’s how you want it to be-”
Just as she was about to say her final goodbye and run back to her home, they failed to notice the cracking of a tree branch right above them. At the last second, she turned her head up to the sky, gasped, and lifted her hands to shield them from the branch. Surely, she couldn’t catch it, and they wouldn’t be able to run in time. 
Her hands glowed a bright red, and upon contact with the huge tree branch, the wood burnt to a crisp and shrunk to the size of burnt and ashy twig. She fell down to her knees, exhausted afterwards. 
“Owie.” Y/N stared down at her burnt hands, blisters already starting to show up on her palms. Her knees stung, and after inspecting them, they were torn up and bloodied, dripping onto the sidewalk.
“Shit, Y/N. I-I...let’s get you home, alright?” Bakugo tentatively said, placing his hands under her armpits and lifting her gently from the ground. She forgot about their fight just a couple seconds ago, the pain in her hands being nearly unbearable. The blisters would go away throughout the night as part of her quirk but god, it would hurt like hell until the morning. 
It wasn’t that far away, thankfully, only a couple streets further. He held her around her waist, making sure she didn’t fall. He felt bad though, since the blood had dripped down to her uniform socks and stained them crimson with blood. He was surprised that, despite the pain, she didn’t cry.
 Carefully, he helped her walk up each of the steps to her front door and rang the doorbell. All Might answered the door, in his hero form, and just as quickly as his smile showed, it sunk deep into a frown. 
“My goodness, what happened, sweetheart?” he asked, taking his daughter in his own arms from the boy who carried her home. 
“I, uh, there was a really big branch…” she struggled to say, too embarrassed to say she used a huge chunk of her power just to burn up a tree branch. “Burned my hands and fell down and yeah,” she added, looking down at her burns and cuts. 
All Might turned to Bakugo and nodded his head firmly. “Thank you for helping her home, young Bakugo. You’re not hurt are you?”
“No- Y/N, she saved me.” He said softly, actually really impressed with what she had done, whether she hurt herself or not. “Y/N? Thank you. You really came through back there.”
The girl tilted her head to look at her schoolmate and smiled weakly. “It’s all good. That’s what friends do, I guess.” 
“Well, you better head home for the night, Bakugo. Y/N needs rest to heal her burns,” her father said calmly, waving the boy off with his free hand. They shut the door and left the boy standing on the front porch of their home. 
That weak little girl saved the both of them in a moment. He felt terrible for letting her get burned like that, but he was amazed at how much raw power she possessed. He turned on his heel and walked back down the steps, heading down the street to his own home. Maybe she wasn’t so useless after all.
The second Y/N learned her father was back at UA, in the infirmary being taken care of by Recovery Girl, she ran to see him. Tears had been running down her face as she watched the news, seeing the horrible things All for One had done, hearing her father struggle and seeing him lose his form in front of the public. Her friends all looked to her with wide eyes, as if they were questioning why she kept it a secret that her father was injured all this time. 
Why would she tell a nation of united people that the one person keeping them together was just about to run out of power? If she felt judged, she couldn’t even imagine what her father was going through, having every single person in the world know how weak he was. Endeavor would take over his role as number one hero, and the people would lose their symbol of peace. 
It was heart wrenching.
She opened the door to the infirmary, seeing All Might laying in the bed with bandages wrapped around most of his body. He looked tired and sore after all the work he had done. 
“Oh, Y/N, I’ve been waiting for you to show up,” Recovery Girl announced, walking right by her with a bottle of pills to give to the hurt man. “He’s going to be just fine; no longer a pro-hero, but relatively healthy.”
A breath of relief left the girl as she walked to her father’s bedside. “Dad, I-I saw what happened...I-I never thought that you would have to fight him again. I’m sorry,” that was all she knew what to say. When she found out her father was going to fight his one true nemesis much like years before, her heart sank. She remembered how terrible it was the first time he fought All for One, and this time felt even worse.
“Y/N, sweetheart, I thought the same thing-more like I prayed it would never happen. But you heard Recovery Girl: I’m going to be fine. You should rest. It’s been a long day for everyone.”
Her ears turned red out of pure frustration, and he quirked a brow. “Calm down. I’m still the same ol’ dad.”
“One for All...is it really gone this time?”
“Just about. That’s the last of it. I told you that my next battle would be my last.”
“How can you just accept that? You’re our hero, no one else means as much to the people as you do? We can’t lose you,” she pleaded, grabbing her dad’s beaten hand and squeezing for dear life. “If it’s really gone, what are we going to do? Who will fight?”
“For now, whoever can do it. Later on, you and your classmates will most likely surpass me. If Midoriya can-”
She sighed, shaking her head. “Midoriya is trying, but I can’t believe he will be better than you.”
He smiled softly, shaking his head. “He will. You know.”
With a drop of his hand, she tightened her fists at her sides. “I know, I don’t want to believe it though,” she paused, biting her lip angrily. “I have to go check up on the others who are just getting back. Midoriya and Momo-chan and all…”
“I’m genuinely surprised you didn’t go with them.”
“I’m not heroic like them. I’m just an assist.” It saddened her, saying those words. “Besides, no one would be happy if All Might’s daughter was breaking the hero laws again.”
The girl said goodbye to her dad and the others in the medic bay shortly after that, but her heart was beating a million miles a minute, and she felt like all the air had been sucked from her lungs. She could only remain composed until she left the room and the door shut behind her loudly, echoing through the near empty hallway.
She clutched at her uniform, right over her heart. She could feel her skin heating up under her finger tips, the air drying up around her. Angrily, she bit at her lip and squeezed her eyes shut, tears threatening to burst down her face. 
Seeing her dad in that state once again, this time in his weak form, it was heartbreaking. In times like this, she was truly reminded of her father's mortality just like everyone else. He wouldn't always be there for her. 
Her eyes snapped open and she lifted her head swiftly. Tears started to run down her reddening cheeks. Hurriedly she tried to hide that she was crying, desperately wanting to avoid the boy's teasing. He always said she acted like a baby…
"Bakugo? I-I...shit," she choked on her words, sobs crawling up her throat. 
He took a hesitant step forward, reaching his hand out to touch her shoulder. Before she had the chance to yank it out of his reach, he burned himself on her scorching hot skin. "Ah fuck!" The blond hissed, blowing on his hand to cool it off. "Forgot you did that when you're crying."
"I-I know. I'm sorry, I can't help it."
He shook his head, brushing off her apology. It was his fault for not noticing, and also not respecting personal space. He wasn't exactly sure why he reached out for her, but he did know that his heart was currently consumed with heavy guilt. It plagued over his heart. That's why he was going toward the infirmary: to peek into the window, just see how All Might was doing.
"Y/N, is it Al- I mean, you dad? He's gonna be okay, right?"
"He's alive, I guess that's something to be happy about. I just can't be positive right now about anything."
"Listen, Toshinori, it's gonna be okay-"
"Why are you being so calm? Shouldn't you be yelling at me by now for something? Crying? Burning you? Being in your way?" Y/N asked bitterly. The streams of tears on her cheeks were beginning to sizzle up against her skin, steam floating off. 
He was taken aback, but really, should he be surprised? He was always rude to her in one way or another, whether he wanted to be or not? He mocked her on more than one occasion for being a crybaby. She was rightfully a bit scared of him, and it buried into his guilt further. He grimaced, his eyes trailing to the floor and his hand going to rub his other arm. He never meant to be malicious though. He supposed that was just the way he was.
Damn, he felt kinda bad. He really didn’t think he’d ever been that mean to her. Genuinely, he liked Y/N. She was not only a cute and sweet girl (despite being a bit of a “hot” head), but also the only child of his greatest hero. All Might was probably everyone’s favorite hero, to be real.
"This isn't really the time,” he muttered awkwardly.
"I should be going," she mumbled, moving to walk past him down the hall to the classroom where most of her friends were still waiting for updates on if it was safe to go home yet. Not that she would go home anytime soon. She would wait until her dad was ready to go home, and then they would leave together, her pushing him in a wheelchair no doubt. 
He stopped her though, reaching out to grab her hand. It burned, but not as badly as he thought. She stopped mid stride, turning to peer at him in shock. He never touched her so gently, yet he was serious. His eyes were pained, she could see it written plainly for her eyes only. 
"Y/N, I'm sorry for how I've treated you recently, alright? I'm sorry all of this happened, and now your dad is hurt, and fuck, everything is so shitty right now. I'm sorry, Y/N."
"Why are you saying this?"
"Can't you just accept an apology?" He hadn't realized, but her skin was slowly cooling down to normal. "This is all because of me."
"No, it's not your fault."
"Listen, I gotta make a promise to you, okay? Just take it and don't say nothing, got it?" She nodded, genuinely curious as to what he was doing to say. He was a crazy guy, unpredictable to a certain point. He squeezed her hand tightly in his warm, clammy one. "I'm gonna watch out for you from now on. When no one else is there, even that damn Midoriya, I will be there to protect you." 
He refused to meet her eyes for longer than a second. Her beautiful eyes made him remember just how flustered and awkward she made him feel. He glared at the ground and grunted. "It's nothing personal. I just owe you."
"For wha-"
"Didn't I tell you not to say anything? Ugh, so stupid as usual," he grumbled. 
He dropped her hand roughly, eyes trained on the floor tiles again. "Just get out of here, Y/N."
The only thing she knew to do was nod silently and rush off back to the classroom.  It was strange, the fuzzy feeling in her chest when he held her hand and told her he would watch over her. Maybe it was just the words, but something about Bakugo made her feel dizzy. 
"You know what's kinda scary, Y/N?" Jirou asked in between bites of her rice. The girl peered up from her lunch to her friend, raising a brow in question. She continued to slurp up her warm noodles as the girl continued. "Hot head Bakugo's been eyeing you down a lot lately. He's actually looking at you right now-"
She choked on her soup, turning her head roughly to find Bakugo in the swarm of tables and students. 
"Way to be subtle, dude."
Almost immediately she met eyes with Bakugo, who was staring directly at the back of her head. Her cheeks turned a bright shade of pink, embarrassment sending shivers through her body. Just as quickly as before, she swung her head back to the table in front her, wanting to bury her head in her hands and whine. 
"That's so weird. Did something happen between you two recently?" Momo asked offhandedly, waving her empty chopsticks through the air. 
"N-no, nothing happened." Way to be smooth, Y/N.
Aoyama, who was sitting with the girls that day smirked as he munched on his cheese. Cheerfully, he piped up, "Aaaaanddd now he's heading over here. Mentally prepare yourself." Jirou laughed a bit under her breath and Momo smiled. They never liked Bakugo, he was annoying and rude, but it was fun to see Y/N red in the face and socially awkward.
Her friends loved to torture her. That's what she gets for being such a pushover, after all.
"Toshinori! You were looking at me?" He said quite loudly as he approached her. Ears turned red and she felt her hands growing quite warm, not burning but heated. She turned in her chair to peer up at him. His eyes were carrying his normal fury, but he seemed mildly calm. "Did you need something?"
"I...uh, no! It was an accident."
He noticed her red cheeks and her tinted ears, and out of pure frustration, he grabbed her soft hand in his rough one. Heat flared up inside her, embarrassment stabbing into her from almost every angle. She could feel her friend's eyes widen and staring at the two of them. 
"Why are you hot? Am I making you feel bad?"
"No. I'm just embarrassed."
He dropped her hand back on the table and crossed his arms. "No need to be. That’s what friends do, yeah? Friends talk to each other, right?" She nodded. "We should hang out tomorrow. After classes, come to my room."
"That's pervy, don't you think?" Aoyama purred. “Plan on making a move on our innocent little heat lamp.” God, she hated the nicknames Aoyama had for her.
"Of course not, you stupid French idiot! You're the only one with a pervy mind if you think that, fucking asshole! I-I'll kill you-"
Y/N placed a gentle hand on his arm and nodded, successfully quieting him. "We can hang out. I have to study a bit so can I bring my books?"
"Yeah, that's cool or whatever." He shifted awkwardly, shoving his hand in his pants pockets. "See you later."
As he stalked off, Momo let out a loud scoff, pushing her friend on the shoulder jokingly. "You said nothing happened between you two! Lies," the girl exclaimed, laughing loudly with the rest of them. 
“You gotta tell us the scoop, Toshi,” Jirou added, leaning her face in one of her palms, staring intently at the girl in question. 
Y/n blushed, but tried her best to explain what had happened recently. “So about two weeks ago when Bakugo and I were walking home, we were fighting and he was yelling at me and stuff like usually, but then there was this super massive tree branch that was gonna fall on us and I burned it up with my quirk. But in the process I fell and hurt myself pretty bad so he walked me home and stuff and then I said something like, “That’s what friends do” or whatever.”
“Interesting. Maybe he respects you more since you potentially saved his life,” Momo pondered. 
“But that’s not the weirdest part, guys.Then, about a week later after that incident with All for One and my dad, i was leaving the infirmary and he ran into me. And he apologized for ever being mean to me, and then said- well, this is kinda embarrassing actually…” she laughed nervously, wringing her fingers together as her face turned even darker red. “He said that he would protect me no matter what because he owes me.”
Three mouths formed ‘o’ shapes, just staring at her as she told the unexpected story. How could you expect something like that to come from someone like Bakugo? It was just crazy. 
“Wow, okay, so that’s crazy as hell,” Jirou chuckled. “Maybe he has a little crush on you, Y/N.”
“What!? No way! He’s just being nice!”
Momo casts another glance back at Bakugo, noticing that he was once again peeking up at Y/N every once in a while. Bakugo caught Momo’s eyes and quickly lowered his gaze, having been caught doing something so unlike him. “Mhmm, looks like your right, Jirou. He was looking at her again.”
Y/n squealed, dropping her head to the table so no one could see how embarrassed she was. Just what was Bakugo feeling? There was no way he liked her. He never acted like it or showed her any affection since they met at the beginning of the school year. She would just have to wait until they hung out to see what was up with him. She would ask him how he felt about her and that would be the end of it.
Maybe this was gonna be harder than she thought. Classes had ended and she was walking very slowly back to the dorms. It’s easy in theory to just go to a boy’s dorm room to hang out and study but when it actually happens, so many feelings pour into you. 
It was just Bakugo, it wasn’t like she didn’t know the guy. Plus, they were just friends, but that didn’t make him any less cute-what the hell? Y/N brought her book up to her and whacked her forehead, expelling the thought from her mind. Bakugo Katsuki was not cute, not in a million years. More like a demon. 
She shifted her bag on her shoulder as she walked through the dorms, walking past hers and down the hall to Bakugo’s. He said right after class, right? Hopefully he was already home. It would be so embarrassing if she showed up too early and he  saw her being eager to see him. Not that she was excited for this hangout, definitely not. It was just studying while he did whatever Bakugo does.
As she stood in front of his dorm, she pulled down her skirt just a bit to cover her as much as possible, and adjusted the collar on her button up. She felt so exposed, even with no one looking at her. Must just be the nerves. It’s fine, she thought, everything is going to go smoothly and then she can head to her bed later than night.
She knocked on the door and within a few seconds, the door opened. 
He was undressed from his uniform, instead wearing a black shirt and cargo shorts. Typical Bakugo clothes. Still, this made her anxious; maybe she should have gotten into casual clothes before heading over. Does it really matter though? She didn’t know, and as the anxiety grew she felt herself getting hot. 
“You good, Y/N?”
“Yeah, haha, of course. Just ready to get studying.” He nodded, moving to the side to let her in the room. When she saw the inside, she was quite surprised. It was nearly spotless, not a single thing seemed out of place, no clothes on the floor, perfect dorm. She scanned the bookshelves on the walls, and noticed a particular manga immediately, one she also had in her own library.
As she walked over to the bookcase and swiped the volume off the shelf, he quickly shut the door and rushed to her side. “Uh, lets just put that back-”
“You like Maid-sama too?”
She turned the book in her hands, a smile growing on her lips. “I have all the volumes in my dorm, too. I’ve got to be honest, Bakugo, I did not expect you to read the same manga as me.” He grabbed the manga from her and put it back in it’s organized place on the shelf. “No need to be embarrassed. Just between you and me, my dad sometimes reads my manga without telling me.”
The boy could only gawk. “No fucking way. All Might reads shoujo manga?” he asked, eyes wide with surprise.
“Maybe, but you didn’t hear it from me.”
She placed her bag down on his desk and took a seat at his swivel chair, sinking into the comfy leather. Then, she pulled out her textbook, opened to the page she was working on before she left class, and started to highlight what was needed. He watched her for a couple minutes before sitting on his bed and taking out his phone, leaning back and playing a game on his phone to pass the time. 
He expected her to be a bit quiet, but completely ignoring him for her work was really disappointing. He invited her over so they could talk about themselves maybe, and he could learn more about her. They used to talk every day on their way home from school, and he sorta missed that now that they had dorms.
After about twenty minutes, he took a peek to see what she was up to, only to notice her eyebrows furrowed and her fist clenched around her pen. “What’s up?”
“It’s nothing. I just can’t focus on my work,” she sighed. “Jirou and Yaomomo said something to me the other day at lunch and um, I just can’t stop thinking about it.”
“Wanna talk about it?”
“No, not really. I just wanna hang out now. No use studying if I’m not focused.”
He shrugged, but internally he was happy. She would finally spend time with him in his own room all alone. He wouldn’t have to worry about other people looking at him like he was a softy either for being so nice to the girl. He waved her over to his bed and pulled out his laptop. “Wanna watch anime with me?”
“Yeah, sure.”
After she hesitantly took a seat beside him in his bed, she felt herself getting a bit warm again. Their thighs were close enough to touch, same with their shoulders. She crossed her arms over her chest to hide some of her awkwardness, surprised that he seemed completely unphased being pressed to her side like that.
Little did she know, he was going insane. He could feel the heat from her body and it was making it go crazy. He had to hide it though. The last thing he wanted was to scare her away. It wasn’t like he was obsessed with her, and he definitely did not like her in a romantic way, even if she was adorable and kind and super selfless having saved him a couple weeks ago from near death. 
He turned on some show she had never heard of, and they sat silently watching it. Y/N wasn’t really into mechas so she couldn’t get into the show. Her mind just kept circling all those Bakugo thoughts. He was cute and definitely attractive. Their thighs and arms were touching and if she wanted she could lean her head over and rest it on his shoulder easily. Not to mention her friends had planted in her mind that the boy had a massive crush on her, making the situation ten times more stressful.
Finally, during a scene where the lame main character was talking to one of the sides, she turned to him and blurted out before she could stop herself, “Bakugo, do you have a crush on me?”
He jumped a bit at her sudden question, turning his whole body to see her. “Y/N-”
“Jirou and Yaomomo told me that everything you’ve been doing for me lately means you’ve got a crush on me, and um, I want to know if they are right.”
He paused for a second, trying to think of an escape plan, yet his mind was blank. He grimaced, looking down at the bed. “I don’t know. Maybe, probably. What does it matter?”
Y/n fiddled with her hands in her lap and confessed, “I-I don’t know. Maybe I might like you too, I guess…” when he didn’t say anything she added before things got too much more awkward, “But we can totally still be friends if that’s what you want.”
He nodded in agreement, but his mind was on other things. This sweet girl, someone powerful and brave and kind, liked him back. He hadn’t expected this when he started to talk to her and be nice to her for the past couple weeks. He maybe assumed that she wouldn’t hate him anymore, but this was on another level.
He also had no experience with girls. They never got along with him and he never gave them the time of day. Y/N was the first girl he ever really liked. He was right to be hella nervous.
"So, um, do you wanna keep watching or uh-"
He nodded trying not to let how he felt show through. He placed the laptop back on their legs in front of them and played the next episode. 
But he kept feeling her eyes glancing over at him. Each time he would look to see if what he felt was true, she would turn away and pretend she had been watching the show.
"I think maybe I should go." She started to shift off the bed, her legs dangling off the side when he grabbed her wrist. She looked back at him only for his other hand to grab her cheek, forcing her to look at him.
"I don't want you to go. I think you should stay. Just for a little longer."
"But, things feel awkward now. I feel kinda weird about confessing and all." She rubbed her arm, lowering her eyes to the bed. "I really like you and all, you seem like such a fun guy…You've been one of my good friends since school started. I don't want it to be weird."
"It won't be weird," he argued, pulling her closer to him. "Y/N, I'm going to kiss you now."
She nodded, hopelessly giving in to the boy. He leaned forward just enough to press his lips to hers which were warm and soft. He pulled her face closer to his, running his thumbs over her cheekbones and his tongue across her lips. He'd never kissed, but he'd read enough manga to know what women liked.
She moved without breaking their kiss so she could kneel in front of him, her hands going to wrap around his neck. The kiss was intense, lips moving against each other smoothly for so long. He moved his hands from her face and opted for placing them up her thighs pulling her legs around his waist so her chest was pressed to his, as close as they could be. 
Y/N pulled away, ducking her head down against his shoulder. "My dad won't like this."
"Oh shut up. He doesn't have to know."
And then he kissed her again. Over and over again.
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lemonietrinket · 4 years
Be Nice to the Baby ||| San x Reader
Summary: Your boyfriend is ‘at war’, though you can’t understand as to why Genre: Crack/humour, some angst, happy ending with fluff Warning(s): Foul language (2x s**t, 1x f**k), mild jealousy over something rather trivial Word Count: 1913 Song(s): Cheer Up - Twice AN: this is an apology for how empty my blog has been if you ignore my reblogs. truth be told i have been writing, but everything ive written so far is birthday presents (so will come out on the day) or still not ready to be published so, here is a short thing in consolation :((
“Well good afternoon, little shit,” San announced as soon as his eyes narrowed upon his nemesis. He slunk over to the sofa before crouching to be eye level, a sour pout upon his lips. “I see you’ve already decided that you rule the goddamn roost here, but unfortunately for you I’m here to remind you that this is my house, and therefore my rules, and so you better give me back my fucking chair.” When he received no response, he spat a sigh, “Wow, how immature—silent treatment? Wow. What a... childish… child you are.” 
San rose to his feet, folding his arms as he would if lecturing a child or one of his group mates and stood his ground against his arch-enemy. He was met with a stony glare, unwavering in its force that quickly forced him to back down—not that he would admit it. As soon as he found his stare skittering away he sat down once again, raising his finger in an accusatory, jabbing point.
“I know what you’re up to,” he whispered, a snide laugh picking at his words, “yes! You can’t fool me. I know what your game is, what you’re playing at. You are a fool to try and best me in passive aggressive battle for I am the king!” Once again he was met with silence, that unblinking stare harrowed in on San and him alone, analysing his every move. The look was unreadable and he loathed that fact. He figured he could have ignored it, learned to get along with it but he had figured wrong—he had underestimated that look’s power, and he vowed to never make the same mistake again. This was the tipping point, something had to be done. He would not be beaten again.
“I know you believe that you are invincible but it is an arrogant belief, and I will prove it to you, as I will not let you steal my cuddles again.”
His opponent’s bright knowing eyes slid away from him as she licked her paws indignantly, paying no attention to his ‘threat’ in the slightest. 
San scoffed a shocked gasp. “How dare you—you feel no remorse do you?! You will do it again—you believe there’s nothing I can do to stop you! Well, mark my words I will get my hugs and kisses before you can get a word in edge-ways, you under—?!” 
A flat click resonated through the apartment as a key was slid into the lock on the front door. The creature before him immediately sat up, head raised and ears turned towards the origin of the sound, before she scarpered across the sofa towards it.
Before he could even reach the doorway into the next room, the speedy lump of fluff had disappeared, followed by the creak of an opening door and concluded with a scream mixed with cooing.
“Awww, hello babie! How’s my lil sweet lionheart hmm? Yes I’m back now! I missed you too sweetie, I know you want cuddles, let me put my stuff down first ok?”
San crumpled to his knees upon the rug. It was littered with cat hair, only reminding him further to resign himself to his fate—one of which he couldn’t have even imagined back when he’d agreed to get a pet. He understood all the pros and had weighed the cons carefully but it still hadn’t been enough. He was being replaced by a cat. What a way to go out.
“Love, I’m—! Oh, you’re right here, hello!”
So preoccupied in his own wallowing he hadn’t noticed you head further inside until you chirped a greeting. You were smiling your classic beam that always raised his spirits, hobbling towards him as you tried to slip off your shoe without using your hands. Confused as to why you were making life harder for yourself he didn’t have to look far as there, cradled in your arms like a baby, was none other than his nemesis.
“Awww, was Sannie giving you a game?” his girlfriend cooed at the cat, who responded by rubbing her cheek against your shoulder. You continued to baby talk to her as you glanced at your boyfriend still moping on the rug, “Aw, baby, are you and Sannie getting along now? Are you playing well together?”
When he didn’t answer despite the fact it was aimed at him, the small clues fell together like a jigsaw and you were left sighing, “San, were you bullying the baby again?”
“What? No!” he spluttered, at last pushing himself off the floor, “Of course not! What do you take—she’s bullying me!”
“San, really?” You shook your head incredulously, stroking the cat’s with the back of your finger. “Honestly what is up with you? Why don’t you two get along? You’re not jealous are you?” you snickered. 
You had been joking, teasing almost, with the last part. It seemed too nonsensical—who got jealous of a cat? It made no sense. 
Cats were amazing, yes, and you knew it. You totally understood why people often chose cats and other pets, because they were just so good; they were soft and fluffy and adorable and warm and offered company even if they couldn’t talk so to speak. Each one had their own personality and preferences, it made total sense. However, to you, your boyfriend was all of that plus more—well, minus the fluffy bit for the most part, but his hair was! He was kind and supported you in a way that only another person could, he understood you and you couldn’t imagine life without him—hence why you suggested adopting a pet together. How could he be compared at all?
And yet, as soon as those thoughts crossed your mind you took one look into his guilty eyes and realised that that was exactly what he was doing. 
Unfortunately the empathy part didn’t quite make it into your reactions in time. “Oh my god you are!” you exclaimed, mouth hanging open as you watched him face sour into a scowl. 
“I am not jealous.”
You shook your head earnestly, a guilt-humour concoction fizzling in your gut. “No, San, wait, it—!”
With lips pressed shut he turned his back and strode off in the direction of the kitchen, leaving you alone in the living room. Exhaling carefully so he wouldn’t hear you let your cat down onto the sofa. She appeared confused, little head tilting upwards to question why you would abandon her so, leading you to hush her with a scratch behind her ear, “I’m sorry sweetheart. I love you very much I promise, I’ve just got to sort out the bigger baby of the house real quick, I’ll be back.” 
Leaving her to her own devices as you chased after your boyfriend, you found him rummaging around aimlessly in one of the cupboards, mumbling the words ‘stupid’ and ‘silly’ to himself. If you hadn’t known he was grumpy then this would have been a dead giveaway. Listening carefully to what he was muttering, you worked out that he was having a go at himself rather than anyone else, and that sealed the deal for you, relief tingling in your chest.
You approached him, rolling your eyes and hiding the smile that kept threatening to twitch at the corners of your lips.  “San?”
He turned but didn’t look at you because his head was kept down, having finally procured an old glass at the back of the cupboard. As he headed towards the fridge you spoke up again. 
“Ok, so, if you’re not jealous, then what’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong is that my girlfriend loves a cat more than she loves me!” he whirled around, features hardened yet wet at the same time, before the regret dripped from his face much like the colour did. He swallowed thickly as he waited for you to call him out as he knew he deserved.
“So... you are jealous, then.”
“Yeah,” he admitted, a bite in his blunt confession. He didn’t look at you, feeling like he’d made a right fool of himself which now thinking about it, probably didn’t help his cause whatsoever.
Unable to stifle it any longer, you let out a breathy chuckle. Yes he was a fool, but he was your fool and you wouldn’t want him any other way. While making your way over to him his mouth opened, but you cut him off before he could speak by reaching up to cup his jaw gently with your fingers and planting a kiss on his cheek. 
“That,” you began, placing one on his other cheek, “is not,” and another upon the tip of his nose, “true,” you finished with a chaste one upon his lips. As you pulled away to find he seemed to gravitate towards your touch, you got your words out before he could interrupt them with passion of his own. “I love you more than anything else in the world, Choi San, and no one or thing can change that, so don’t you ever doubt it or yourself again, ok?”
He nodded and his hands swept to your back pulling you in close like he wanted. His kiss melded with yours heavily this time as the crease of his concern slowly faded away. His caress was laced with sincerity as he ran his hand to stroke your back, body melting into you.
His love would never get old, you knew that, just as you hoped his touches would never cease. His lips were warm, his embrace comforting and he smelt of home; there was nothing more that could make you happier.
When you pulled away, your breath thoroughly stolen, you leant your forehead against his as you ran your hand through his hair. Once he’d pressed a light-hearted kiss to your nose he whispered, “I’m sorry.” 
You couldn’t help but giggle. “It’s ok, I just can’t believe you were jealous of a cat. She doesn’t even do anything!”
“Yeah, I know, it’s silly,” he gushed, “please don’t tell the others.”
“Well,” you pretended to think over on it, until his softened eyes widened and you decided to ease up on him if only a bit for now, “only if you don’t tell them about the time when I dropped paint on the floor and cried while trying to scoop it back up with my bare hands.”
He brought up his pinky for you to take, “Deal?”
After interlocking your fingers, you took advantage of how he was leant against the counter top and laid your head on his chest, wrapping your arms around him like a teddy bear. He reciprocated by nestling his cheek into your crown while his fingertips played with the ends of your hair. He twirled the locks round the pads, easing knots out of them and very gently tugging every now and again, knowing full-well how therapeutic you found it. 
“So I’m guessing this means you want more hugs and kisses,” you finally uttered, words flowing effortlessly as you relaxed fully.
“Yes, please.”
“Wow, even more?” you chuckled, inhaling deeply, “Do you want them before the baby gets them?”
San hummed. “I mean, ideally but I suppose she usually beats me to it.”
“I dunno, you could sit by the door and wait for me to come home—”
“Like a dog?”
“No, not like a dog. You’re not much of a dog… now a puppy? That’s more like it.”
“I’m only teasing. So do you want the baby talk too?”
AN: i wrote this out of the blue from a random idea i had in the morning. meanwhile i cant write anything long even tho i plan them out and have many ideas literally every week for them. make it make sense, please.
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laylacooke · 4 years
Let’s Get Saucy || Morelia & Layla
timing: the last week of the Mime POTW parties: @morelias & @laylacooke (ft. Layla’s Mime & Celine Dion) summary: a wolf following a fae following a mime leads to an icky situation. warnings: a mime, the sauce, and some hallucinations
There were several things Morelia had still trouble with. The first one was her telephone. The whole concept of having a mobile, what was it called? cellphone? Was extremely weird for her, and despite having the latest iPhone (according to the salesman, they’re easier to use), she still found herself not using it at all. The second one was airplanes. Really, they were just glorified metallic flying coffins. And the third one was, of course, the internet. It’d taken her approximately a whole year to learn what was google, then another one to learn how to use it. But eventually, she had managed to blend in with the modern crowd, finding her safe haven in what many would call trolling. It wasn’t personal, really. She just enjoyed doing it. Bullying Layla had been fun for a while, but quickly became boring when she started getting few to none responses. So, the moment her eyes spotted a not familiar, but definitely recognizable silhouette striding inside the woods when she was doing her evening jog, Morelia just had to follow. Terrorizing her a little in real life had to be as fun as it was online, right? Especially when the other had no idea she was following her.
Now that Layla wasn’t looking over her shoulder everywhere, she turned, she found time to be a rambunctious teen going on and exploring things she probably didn’t need to explore, and the woods just happened to be one of her favorite places. She could get out of town and just think. Take in nature and not have to worry about who she encountered. However, today wasn’t exactly what she had expected it to be. Instead, she had seen a familiar face so hellbent on following someone, that it made her curious. So, instead of making herself known, she worked on quietly slipping through the woods unnoticed while she followed Morelia. She would eventually pop out and scare her, or at the least, just ask her what she was doing, but for now, she quietly trailed along interested in what the woman found to be so fascinating off the beaten path.
Following the girl had proven to be a little more difficult than Morelia had expected. There was no reason to go that deep into the woods, at least not a reasonable one. There was something off about her, all she knew about her were things she’d learned behind a screen, but the way she walked, how it always seemed like she was disappearing behind a tree… it was shady, to say the least. Despite her high heels, the fae gracefully made her way through branches, leaves and dirt, Layla suddenly disappearing from her sight for a moment, confusion washing over her. Where had she gone to? A small clearing popped in her sight, a weird pond in the middle of it. Was that … Ooze? Oil? Her face scrunched in disgust, as she looked around, searching for the redhead as she surely hadn’t gotten far.
Layla continued to follow Morelia, confusion and curiosity permanently etched on her features. When they had finally come to a clearing, the young wolf stopped. Debating if she wanted to reveal herself, she finally decided to, “What are you doing? And why are you wearing heels in the middle of the damn woods?” She came forward to confront Morelia, but the goo in the middle of the clearing had caught her attention, “And what the fuck is that?” She slowly moved closer to it to inspect. Was Morelia in some kind of cult? Had Layla made the wrong decision in revealing herself? And why did the black pit of yuck smell so good? Questions she all wanted answers to.
The voice made Morelia quickly turn on her heels, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Wasn’t she on the other side of the clearing? Her right hand pointed to the opposite direction from where the red-haired woman came from, her mouth forming a perfectly rounded o. “I was following you.” It didn’t make sense for there to be two Laylas, but she was sure it had been her who she was chasing. “Do you happen to have a twin sister I wasn’t aware of? Does she lack sense of humor like you do?” Ignoring the criticism towards her fashion sense, despite the girl desperately needing to take advice from her, Morelia closed the space between them to get closer to the pit, crouching to get a better look. It didn’t look like anything she’d seen in her life. “How the hell should I know?”
A twin? Was this woman on something? And why did she look so surprised? “Am I really much prettier than you thought, because that perfect O you just formed with your mouth two seconds ago seems to say so.” She grinned. Layla was a lot nicer in person. Sass just wasn’t her thing when there was the chance someone could easily kick her ass. “And I’m the last person on this planet to have a twin.” Focus back on the black goo, Layla slowly leaned over further, “It smells like freshly baked bread.” Sticking her finger down in it, she quickly pulled it back up to inspect it closer, before shoving her finger towards Morelia, “Here. Try it and tell me what it tastes like.”
Despite the urge to snap back, Layla had been partially right. It was creepy, borderline stalkery, but Morelia had visited her profile multiple times, mostly to add a face to the username. “Maybe you are.” She quietly admitted, her brows furrowing and eyes closing for a moment as she inhaled deeply, in case she recognized the smell from somewhere, but the only image forming her head being the Strawberry Tarts from Yours, Mime & Ours. “What?! No-- Sto-- ” She couldn’t finish her sentence, as her attempts to move away from Layla’s finger had made her lose her balance. In the panic, the fae didn’t think of anything better but to try to hold onto the girl, only to make them both fall into the pit.
Before Layla could lower her hand and back away, she watched Morelia grab onto her. It was like slow motion as they both toppled over into the pit of goo. Head submerged, she quickly forced herself back up to the surface of the thick sludge gasping for air and spitting out goop. She was covered. Her red hair was now stained a dingy color and she struggled to get to the banked area. But her foe? Where did she go? Layla searched around for her frantically. However, when she tried to call out to her nothing came out of her mouth. Panic setting in, she tried to scream again, but nothing. It was like everything she wanted to yell was stuck in her throat but couldn’t break free.
There were few things that scared Morelia. The sticky, dense ooze surrounding that didn’t let her breath was definitely one of them. Her heartbeat accelerated as her hands desperately tried to find anything to hold onto, panic engulfing her for the few seconds that took her to surface, her head barely out of the pit while the rest of her body was still under. Morelia was panting and coughing out whatever it was they had fallen into, which to her surprise it was extremely delicious, one hand wiping her face to clean the goo. What the fuck, Layla. She mouthed in anger, her eyes suddenly opening wide. What? She tried again, and again, and again, nothing but air leaving her mouth.
Layla was still splashing around trying to find her nemesis. When she noticed Morelia resurface, she found relief, but now she had to find her way out. Doggy paddling to the edge of the ooze’s surface, she threw her arms up and latched onto a clump of grass with each hand. It took all she could muster, but Layla managed to pull herself up and out. Looking back, she realized Morelia was still struggling and offered her a hand to pull her out of the goop the rest of the way.
Reluctantly, Morelia accepted Layla's help to leave the pit of despair. She could swear she had felt a hand brushing her feet, but, again, as far as she knew, ingesting the goop could have hallucinating effects. Maybe she was talking but was too high to notice. After all, how could one just lose their voice from one second to another? Despite the other’s help, Morelia struggled to crawl out of the hole, but once she did, she flopped on her back, ooze everywhere as she breathed heavily, yet silently.
With Morelia free, Layla was able to crawl away from the hellish hole of yuck that they had just survived. Laying on her stomach and her face resting on her forearm, she tried to process everything that was going on, but couldn’t. Instead, all she could hear was the sound of Celine Dion singing “My Heart Will Go On” loudly in her ears and when she tried to speak again, nothing. Layla had only ever gotten high a handful of times in her young life, and it had been in the comfort of her girlfriend’s arms. This was different though. This was more extreme, and as she looked to the world around her, any color that she was able to see after becoming a wolf, was now gone. It was like she was living inside an episode of I Love Lucy, but everything was extremely messed up. And when she turned to look at Morelia, her eyes grew wide at what she was seeing.
A whole different kind of panic started to settle on Morelia. Whatever that thing was -because it clearly wasn’t just a weird, polluted pond-, not only had taken her speech, but also her ability to distinguish color, since a grey palette was now covering everything. She was still coughing, the unwanted goop although delicious had travelled down her throat leaving a stingy sensation. Eventually she sat, cleaning the substance from her clothing as much as she could and failing miserably, only now noticing that she’d lost one of her heels in the pit. Awesome. This was clearly not her week fashion-wise, and now not only she’d had to (potentially) say bye bye to a favorite shirt, but also to a pair of precious shoes. She turned around, pretending to yell at Layla for her stupidity, but once again only air came out, and no matter how much she tried to scream, not even a whimper left her lips. Morelia brought a hand to her throat, and what felt like the first time in her life, she felt like she was about to cry. She moved one hand to her ear, and then pointed at Layla, as in asking can you hear me? 
Layla’s eyes remained focused on Morelia. Why did it look like she had four eyes and two heads wearing berets? What had she consumed? Blinking a few times and shaking her head, she managed to shake off the image to see Morelia looking normal, aside from being in black, white, and gray. What the fuck? All she could hear was “My Heart Will Go On” playing loudly in her ears, and it made her want to howl in pain. Releasing what she thought was a howl, her mouth made an O shape and she held her head up to the sky, but nothing. Nothing guttural at all. Just silence aside from Celine. Looking to Morelia, she leaned in and watched her once more. Barely understanding her, she shook her head ‘no’.
A different kind of feeling started bubbling in Morelia as she stared at Layla. What was she doing? But most importantly, where did all the trees from the forest go and why were they all black hands and fingers? She could feel a stomachache started to form inside of her, the back of her neck suddenly colder than she remembered. Never in her life she had tried drugs - they always felt like an unnecessary way to doom oneself, numbing her senses and, apparently, making everything seem like a weird adult cartoon from the 80’s. She’d make sure to ask Felix about this later on. Morelia’s eyes blinked repeatedly trying to get rid of the shadowy fingers that replaced the branches, but they continued moving, mocking her and building even more frustration, and the fae felt like screaming again.
The young werewolf just wanted this all to end. Not being able to speak or see what limited colors wolves were privileged to or even howl was just downright annoying. And the next time she watched Titanic, she knew she’d be watching one part on mute. What was this town? Never, in her short life, had she come across something so vile, but smelled so good, yet left her in such a state, that she just wanted to go home and curl up under a blanket. Oh gosh...What would Ari or Celeste think? Well, even if they had said something to her, it’s not like she could have heard them, what with NEAR, FAR, WHEREVER YOU ARE! coming to a crescendo in her head, while the song repeated itself. But she did want to be out of these clothes and into a tub filled with clean, hot water. It’s why, when she got up, despite feeling woozy, Layla walked over to Morelia to grab her so they could at least get away from whatever the hell that stuff bubbling from the ground was.
Being yanked off the floor made her stomach ache even worse, the urge to barf settling inside of her and Morelia had to find all her strength to keep everything in, taking in deep breaths through her nose while her eyes were locked on the floor, knowing that watching the dark hands would only sicken her further. The difference of height due to the missing shoe made her stumble as she walked alongside Layla, and the woman found herself grabbing her arm back in an attempt to keep her from balancing, and maybe because touching the girl  gave her a sense of stability in this weird dream-like situation. She wasn’t completely sure where they were going, but she still appreciated the initiative to at least drag them far enough from the smell. After a minute or so of wandering in the woods, Morelia finally looked up from the dirt and leaves, finding that the trees were back, although still colorless. So, it was the smell that had created the weird illusions. A shaky breath escaped her lips before she looked over at the girl, applying some pressure to her grasp to get her attention. Thanks, she mouthed.
Layla had just wanted to get out of the woods. She wanted to be so far away from it all. She knew whatever the repercussions were would probably last a little while. How was she going to explain this to the people she was living with? Especially with no voice. Feeling Morelia put pressure on her arm, Layla looked over just in time to see the word thanks being mouthed. No problem was her return, but it was all silence. In fact, she had noticed Celine Dion had started to fade out, and she was starting to hear the birds and the rest of nature again. That had brought her some peace of mind. Maybe the effects of whatever this stuff would be gone sooner rather than later, and if they were both lucky, maybe by the time they both got home. I’m sorry for being so mean to you online. She didn’t know if More could read her lips, but she truly was sorry for how snippy she had been.
At some point, Morelia’s grasp on Layla’s arm had softened and shifted so she was now holding her hand, and for a second she thought how funny it would be to walk into someone; the sight of the two of them still covered in goop, aimlessly walking through the woods must surely been a scary one. She could feel the tug of her lips to form a smile, but it only lasted a second, a new bitter feeling settling in her stomach. Anyone else would’ve left her to drown in the pit, it’s what happens when you’re a bitch to ninety percent of the world population; so, in a way, she owed her. Not that she quite minded, as returning a favor could be easily done with some word trickery. She tried to read her lips, only understanding the words sorry and online, but that being enough to know what she meant. Awkwardly, Morelia shook her head slightly, mouthing back: Me too. At least they were nearing the road to end this weird encounter, the mystery of the second Layla unsolved.
Layla was slightly surprised when she felt Morelia take her hand. It had meant that whatever beef they had online no longer mattered. They were in a good spot. Of course, falling in a pit of goo and almost drowning would do that to a person. But seeing me too come from More’s lips brought a soft smile to her face. There was relief in knowing they had found mutual ground. And it was something Layla wouldn’t forget anytime soon. She was just relieved knowing that they were safe and well on their way to hot showers and hopefully never speaking of this horror again. Let me rephrase that. Thinking of this horror again, because Layla wanted her voice back, and she’d hoped it would come back sooner rather than later. But she knew one person she would be a little kinder to the next time they crossed paths, whether that be online or in person.
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What Makes You Weak
Every hour that passed was agonizing. Every minute that went by felt like a thousand needles being stuck in her back. The tension in the air was suffocating. Its tendrils were wrapped tightly around her as she waited.
Waited, waited, and waited.
This was what she imagined that being on death row would feel like. The feeling of impending doom that you cannot escape from heavy on your shoulders. The feeling of dread wrapping tight around your throat like a wire around your neck. This was her sentence. This was her penance. Punishment for her cowardice. And payment for the monster she’d created.
Rachel had made a legally enforceable will and testament a long time ago and it still stands. All of her belongings are already arranged to be divided between Hank and Bianca should she die.
But she wasn’t facing death. Not in the traditional sense.
No, here she was facing something much worse. She’d already told Connor and Hank to investigate Howard’s mansion for all evidence of his spying and every trace of his accursed project. But this? This was her last stand.
After so long of avoiding Howard. After so long of being vaguely aware of his presence around her every hour of every day of every week, here she stood. In an empty warehouse awaiting his arrival like a grim reaper wearing a golden cloak and scythe. She knew that his project was dangerous. It spelled doom for humans and androids alike, and she couldn’t let him walk away freely. He may have had the commissioner in his pocket, but Rachel wasn’t concerned about her career at this point.
Not anymore.
All that mattered was stopping Howard. Live or die, this madness ended today. And it was going to end with her. She created this monster, so it was her responsibility to put him down. Live or die, she’d pay her debt to the androids of Detroit.
After what felt like an eternity of agony, finally, finally Howard showed up. He wasn’t clad in his usual attire. He wore something simple and basic, a shirt and pants that were tight-fitted, likely to show off his muscles.
She wasn’t here to talk. Rachel was here for one thing, and it was facing off against her nemesis once and for all. But as he stood there, that bastard still had that smarmy smirk plastered on his face. And it wasn’t undeserved. He was likely going to win. Rachel may have had her advantages, but he was bigger and stronger than her and he knew all of her weaknesses.
But that didn’t matter. All that mattered was buying the others time and keeping Howard here. As long as it took.
“So, pet.” Howard drawled in a sickeningly sweet fashion as he stepped forward, approaching. “Where are your companions?” He asked mockingly, a soft chuckle escaping him. “Did I scare them off?”
Rachel wasn’t fazed. She was too focused to let Howard’s usual antics rile her up. She only had one goal, and she wasn’t going to stray from it. No matter what. “This fight is between you and me, Howard.”
Howard’s face fell into one of disappointment as he let out an exasperated sigh. “So…that’s how it’s going to be, then.”
Rachel narrowed her eyes at him, her dark thick eyebrows knitted together in fury. “That’s how it has to be.” She said firmly. “It’s always been me you’ve been after. Well? Here I am. But only one of us is leaving here unscathed.”
Howard’s smile returned, confident and brazen as he took another step forward. “You won’t win, my dear.”
Rachel nodded, closing her eyes as she steeled her resolve and solidified her resignation. “I know.”
And like that, the air crackled with electricity.
Howard was prepared, however. He always was. He dodged her attempt to shock him and grabbed her by the arm and threw her across the room with ease. She was nothing more than a paperweight to him, tumbling away on the ground like a ragdoll.
Already off to a bad start, but she was also prepared for Howard to make an immediate go for her as she scrambled away and back onto her feet. She made a swipe for his face and missed, Howard dodging her attacks like she was nothing more than a small and intimidating kitten he was playfully sparring with.
But Howard’s stance was weak, so her next move was to try and break it.
She forced him back. Slashing and thrashing wildly, electricity in her palm making the air around them crackle with static and loose bolts.
She took another swing at him and Howard caught her wrist and dug his thumb right under the junction of her wrist and her hand, causing the electrical current in her palm to fizzle and die. One of her methods of protection was gone like that.
She was now at a great disadvantage.
On and on the fight continued. Punches, kicks, slashes, and wounds, Rachel left a sizable slash across his face and his neck was covered in his blood that Rachel had torn from him.
But even with her sheer ferocity, she was no match for Howard. She felt battered and bruised. The man had practically thrown her around and beaten her like a ragdoll. But each time she was knocked down, she got back up, stubbornly refusing to give up. She wasn’t someone that went down without a fight, and this was that instance.
“You’re going to lose this fight. You’re weak!” Howard laughed at her. “You’ve always been weak! You’ve always been fundamentally broken. That’s why everyone you’ve ever loved never stayed. Because of you.” His words stung. They hit Rachel right where it hurt most. Right where it stung the worst. “You’re too broken for anyone to love. But I can fix you. I can make you whole. I can make you anew, and you will be loved. After all, no one can love you more than I. And your connections to others? They only serve to make you weak.”
But Rachel wouldn’t give up. She knew Howard was wrong. She wasn’t unlovable. She wasn’t broken. She was whole. She was always whole. And the people she loved? They didn’t make her weak. “I am not weak!” Rachel spat at Howard as she hauled her broken and battered body back onto its feet. “Bianca taught me strength.” She huffed, fighting through the pain in her whole body and the warm feeling blood dripping down her chin. “Frank taught me love. My friends taught me courage and temperance. And I’m stubborn…I get that from my parents.” Howard’s only reaction was the raising of an amused eyebrow. “But my connections made me strong! They taught me something about myself! They don’t need me to be anything to love me! I was always enough! Something you can never understand!” She felt the adrenaline coursing through her veins as she stared this vile man down. “So I don’t care what happens to me here. I can die happy knowing that I was loved. I can die knowing that I’m doing this for them!”
Without waiting, Rachel charged at Howard, her claws outstretched and ready to tear his throat out.
But then, she was on the ground, Howard’s hands clasped around the back of her neck, and all was lost. Her limbs slumped forward and she was limp and weak, her brain a haze where coherent thoughts were, but couldn’t motivate her or her body to move or speak.
The only thing that there was left was Howard’s influence and power he forced on her. “And it is exactly that reason that your compassion for others makes you weak.” He mocked her. “You faced me alone, insisted that your companions leave you to fight a losing fight just to save them from an inevitable fate. You push everyone away because you care so much about protecting them from harm, only to leave yourself weak and helpless.” He leaned down to whisper into her ear and caress her sensitive neck. “Without them, you’re nothing.” He then hauled her up onto his shoulder, knowing she wouldn’t protest or fight him any longer. “But I will make you greater.”
As he walked out of the warehouse, he put her into the back of his car and strapped her in with her own handcuffs. As the car started moving, Rachel realized that Howard was not driving in the direction of his mansion. She was being taken someplace else.
“You will be exalted.”
Once again, this was how her life ended. Hooked up to machines and strapped to a bedside. She felt so hopeless. In this unknown laboratory where no one was coming to save her, Rachel had never felt so hopeless.
This was worse than death. She’d failed. Everything she had ever done was all for nothing. Everything had been lost. Howard played her. He played her like a fool this entire time and at every turn, she fell right into his clutches.
And now, he had finally had her. Her head was strapped up to a horrid set of machinery. Rachel was unable to move and she had no choice but to comply. Even though she had resigned herself to her fate, she was still scared.
Terrified…of what she was going to become.
As the cold prick of a device was pressed into her temple, she braced herself. For blackness, oblivion, pain, or-
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donttellpeterparker · 5 years
Your Arch Nemesis Part 1
Summary: Peter Parker, you hated him with a passion. Though over the years that seemed to dwindle into something else..
You couldn't like your arch nemesis, right?
Requested: Yes, thank you! (if anon would like to be tagged please lemme know)
Word Count: 1.9k+
Warning(s)?: Peter!Reader enemies, Fluff, Angst, soFTNESS so ummm that's it??
request (x) masterlist (x)
Your Arch Nemesis
The day of a decathlon meet always had you nervous. Yes, you were confident in your capabilities but you knew you would however be beaten, yet again. It happened every year for the past three years, the school that always managed to defeat yours was Midtown high. A Science school of course, everyone who went there was practically a genius. Yours was just any old public school with a variety of pupils.
Growing up you had always loved solving problems, math problems in particular. You were fairly good at science but started getting confused once the black hole theory entered. You were in all AP subjects yet still felt out of place, like you didn't quite belong. There was always many people smarter than you, you knew there would be. The only strength you considered to have was maths.
''How much further? We've been on this bus for hours'' One of your fellow decathlon members whined, you think her name was Wendy but wasn't quite sure. You were quite the loner and tried not to mingle with others when possible. You were the walking definition of 'nerd'.
''It's been 28 minutes, Penny'' Penny, you really had to pay more attention to those around you. However, you heard a loud excessive groan from ahead, assuming it to be Penny and soon the thought of interacting with these people immediately flew from your brain.
''Let's do some brain teasers! Keep our minds warm'' Almost everyone piped up, eager to do something until we reached Washington.
''Okay, What's the atomic number for Fluoride?'' The Captain, Hannah called out with a smile.
''9, are you going to give us real questions?'' Of course Hannah only threw a teaser to make sure we were awake and alert. She just laughed and soon began reading out more, harder and harder with each question. Of course it was weird, you being on a science decathlon team when obviously you wanted to be on the math one. Unfortunately, that one was full and this was a close second.
''Y/N? Are you going to answer?'' The whole bus had turned to face you expectantly. You hated attention. Gulping nervously, you shook your head honestly, not even knowing the questions. God, right now is not a good time to start having a panic attack.
''Keep focused everyone!'' You knew that was directed at yourself but appreciated that she didn't point you out in front of everyone.
''Okay, how about...''
The building was huge and already filled with heaps of other school students. The bus pulled up and your teacher strode to the front, going over the rules and times for the next two days. The motel you'd be staying at was shared with the other schools. After the teacher went over everything she led you all inside, over to one of the tables set up to get name tags, room keys and schedules.
''Please stay with your assigned buddy at all times! I am not losing another kid on a field trip...'' You were pretty sure she meant the last part for herself but still managed to hear.
''Hey Peter! Look at this, isn't it so cool?!'' Your head spun around to the source of the sound. You saw two familiar faces not too far from you, staring at one of the sculptures near the water fountain.
''Yeah Ned, totally cool...'' The other voice belonged to no one other than Peter Parker. Your rival, your arch nemesis, your crush...
It was silly to have a crush on a boy who went to a completely different school, you only got to see him four times a year and yet that was enough.
''Do you think they're here yet?'' Peter whispered to Ned, hoping to not be overheard by others. Ned squinted his eyes and glanced around them.
''You mean if she is here'' Peter scowled at his best friend and adjusted his backpack on his back.
''I really don't get the rivalry between you too, does it really matter who wins?'' Peter looked at Ned with wide eyes, not believing the words leaving his mouth.
''Yes!'' Peter practically screamed incredulously. Ned shook his head and did one final take of the crowd, he spots you and shakes Peter's arm.
''There'' Peter turned around to were Ned was facing and stopped short once he saw you. The last time was only 4 months ago yet you had looked different. Your hair was longer, framing your face nicely in his opinion. Your clothes weren't as baggy anymore, looking like you had grown too.
Peter starred too long. Ned had to fake cough to get his attention.
''Sworn enemy huh?'' Ned just nudged Peter before going to check in. Peter sighed to himself and glanced at you one last time, this time managing to catch your eye. His eyes widen fast as his heart rate picks up a little. He soon faces away and follows Peter, ignoring your gaze still on him.
A few hours had passed, everyone had settled into their room, unpacking a few things before immediately leaving their rooms to explore despite the rules. You had decided to stay in, catch up on some reading to ease your nerves for tomorrow. Your study notes and science books were all on the desk ready to go after you ate some dinner later.
''A bunch of us are heading down to the pool, wanna join?'' Your roommate Sydney had asked, you looked up and shook your head with a soft smile, adjusting your seating position on your bed. She smiled back and closed the door, hearing her and a few others laugh and giggle as they made their way to the pool.
After half an hour you decided to put your book down. Grabbing your hoodie from your bag you slipped it on, popping outside your room with the key and your phone. Some how you had managed to turn around so quickly, knocking into someone who was walking past your room.
''I am so sorry!'' You apologized to the poor person you had just unintentionally made fall back. You didn't even get the chance to notice who it was before reaching out your hand to help them up.
''You have a mean push'' You recognized the sarcastic voice but still didn't twig.
''I didn't push y-'' You finally glanced up and notice Peter Parker standing in front of you, his eyes glancing down. Your cheeks immediately flamed up at the attention he was giving causing you to advert your gaze.
''Hey, Peter'' It was always awkward talking with him outside of an event, when you were in the zone trying to beat him it was easy, he was your rival then. But out here? What was he? You knew what he was supposed to be but yet you didn't hate him, no where near as much as he probably hated you.
''Hey'' Short and sweet, keeping this conversation going would be disastrous for the both of you.
''Hey'' Didn't you already say that? You mentally shook your head and wanted to crawl back into your room, hide from him and everyone till tomorrow.
''You can let go now'' You glanced up at him in confusion, not knowing what he was referring to. All he did was look at you then down, you followed his gaze and noticed your hand was still in his from helping him up. You retracted your hand so quickly, blushing madly in the process. Your heart had already being beating so fast yet this seemed to make it beat triple the speed.
''Oh, sorry'' You were starting to apologize too much to him. After all, he was your arch nemesis. Arch nemesis, if he was that then why were you so comfortable holding his hand? So what if you had a teeny weeny, almost minuscule crush on him, he hated you and you hated him, simple.
Without another word he moved pass you without sparing a glance. You smiled to yourself, stealing feeling the warmth that was left by from his hand. Great, now you needed to study extra hard to even focus during tomorrow's event.
An entire two hours and there was no sign of Peter. He had never missed a decathlon event ever. Your eyes had skimmed over the Midtown high team and there was nothing, no Peter anywhere. It wasn't like you were worried or anything.. just simply curious.
However even without Peter you had still managed to lose. The whole team felt guttered by losing yet again to Midtown but didn't dwell too much on it seeing it was an often occurrence.
The whole team decided to go over the Washington Monument straight afterwards seeing as it came free with the packages we were given.
''Alright everyone! Please stick together, we only have an hour before our bus turns up'' An hour to do the entire building was no where near enough time but you were going to try. Even if you had to leave the group...
''Peter, are you okay?'' You ignored the hush conversation Ned was having over his phone near the security gate. Though on hearing Peter's name... you tried to listen carefully.
''Don't worry, it's safe, it's in my backpack'' You were getting confused but just decided to line up behind Ned to go through the scanner without looking obvious
''Please empty your pockets into here'' The guard said behind her desk, grabbing a tray for you stick your things in.
''You missed the decathlon, I covered for you'' So Peter did miss it but why? You knew it was none of your business but you were curious, definitely not worried.
''We're at the Washington Monument, wait hold on a second my stupid bag... here'' Without thinking, Ned passed his phone over to you as the lady Guard began to reprimand him for taking so long.
Surprised didn't even cover how you were feeling right now. The sound of Peter's voice yelling through the phone however snapped you out of it. You placed the phone to your ear.
''Y/N? Why do you have Ned's phone?'' Peter asked, sounding a little out of breath. You shrugged your shoulders but soon realized he couldn't see.
''Ned gave it to me, he's going through security'' Peter sighed to himself, worry getting the best of him. He tried to ignore Karen, his A.I which kept bugging him about your name.
''Is this Y/N? You should tell her how you feel'' Karen had said, only to Peter so he was the only one who heard.
''Not right now, god, Y/N please put Ned back on the phone, it's important'' Unfortunately Ned had just walked through security, the lady now turning towards you with the same scowl she had with him.
''Sorry he just went through, I have to put the phone down, sorry'' You ignored Peter's pleas as the phone got disconnected through the x-ray machine. Once you walked through, Ned collected his things and his phone from your tray.
''Peter sounded hurried, is he okay?'' You found yourself asking Ned with slight concern. He looked at you and shook his head with a boyish smile.
''It's Peter, he's just late and doesn't like to be'' Ned smoothly lied, hoping you wouldn't notice. You detected the lie but decided not to think more into it, it had nothing to do with you. With a smile, you went to rejoin your school team and begin the tour, unknown to the events that were about play out...
A/N: Here's part one! Part two soon?? Lemme know if you want Part two! 
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welcometohashihigh · 5 years
Tohru Adachi: Yu
Yu gazed up at the ominous tower in front of him. The three groups had decided to come the next day after they found out about Nishi, hoping that they could clear the tower before it was too late. Luckily he had enough time after school to change out of the stiff dark blue blazer and opted to just wear the gray undershirt with his sword holster. 
Arisato’s team was nearby, waiting for the signal to head in. Yu didn’t particularly like working with the blue haired boy, but the rest of S.E.E.S. was rather endearing. Especially Amada, who was fencing with Iori at the moment. Yu had to admire the child’s speed and strength. He wanted to talk to Amada before they went in, but Arisato spoke up, sending a small flash of annoyance through Yu. 
“I think everyone’s here now.” Arisato rested the flat of his blade on his right shoulder, absentmindedly tapping his foot against the ground. “S.E.E.S., we’re going to break a path for the other two groups to follow behind. Stay on guard.” He swung his sword into the doors barring them from the dark temple, breaking them off their hinges. Yu shivered as the three leaders stepped inside. This place had such a different feel from the rest of the Chaos Realm, almost heavier and more dense. 
The area lit up as the rest of the teams flooded in, looking oddly like some kind of storage room for a store. They wandered about, looking for Hokori. Yu wondered why some cultist would build their temple to resemble something like this, but before he could think too long, two people in identical black robes walked up to them. Their hoods were pulled over their eyes so it was hard to make out their facial features. Upon noticing the Persona users they got into fighting poses. 
“How did you get in here? Who are you?” One had a rather feminine voice. These aren’t the normal cult robes. Who are they? 
The other quickly shushed them. “Be quiet! Those are the god slayers the Acolyte was talking about! We have to get rid of them!” This one had a deeper voice, and was slightly taller than the girl. “Come to me! Shadow of the Soul!” Dark energy swirled around the cultist as a shadowy monster rose from them. Is that a Persona?  
“Watch out!” Yamagishi’s voice echoed in his head. “He just summoned a Shadow from himself. It’s a lot different than a Persona, so stay on guard!” Yu nodded and pulled his sword from its sheath and pulled it smoothly into his palm. With his weapon firmly in his hands, he turned to watch as the girl also summoned a Shadow. He glanced from Arisato to Kurusu, both of whom had pulled their weapons forth. The two cultists sent their Shadows forward, and Yu ran forward to meet them. 
The girl’s Shadow was a humanoid creature with an axe, and it swung the weapon as Yu swung his. There was a loud clang as metal hit metal, and Yu could feel the impact travel up his arms. The two broke away for a moment before clashing back together. This happened a few times before he started noticing the attack patterns. It’s so unpracticed, only swinging to try and hit me. No elegance or skill at all. Only power. And that was fine, he could deal with power. 
Yu planted his feet in preparation for the next strike. This time when the axe hit his blade he poured his strength into a parry, knocking the Shadow backwards. It stumbled a bit before falling to the ground, apparently not used to such skill. Now that he had time to take a short breather he was aware of Iori and Amada beside him, weapons drawn. He looked at both of them, thankful for their help.
“I’ll give you support from Nemesis!” Amada shot his gun through his chest, the Persona rising from him to join the fight. Yu clenched his fingers around his sword, turning his attention back on the Shadow, who was back on its feet and rather angry. It charged forward as Amada sent blades of light to intercept it. The Shadow didn’t show any signs of stopping, but the magic certainly slowed it down. 
“It has no skill. We’ll be able to take it down with ease.” Yu was ready to parry its attack again, and hopefully Iori would follow up with a strong strike. His blade met the axe, slamming the Shadow backwards, and thankfully Iori slashed through its body with a heavy attack. That paired with more of Amada’s magic sent the Shadow into dust, with a high pitched scream from the girl. 
There was a screech from the boy, and Yu looked over to see that the other Shadow had been taken care of. The two cultists collapsed to the floor, unmoving. Are they just knocked out? He nudged the boy with his foot, a low groan escaping them. Oh good. He turned back to Kurusu and Arisato. “We should-” 
“Oh very well done!” An oddly familiar voice oozed through the area. Yu could feel his muscles clench in retaliation, something about the voice set all of his instincts on edge. He looked around for the source, eventually seeing that same man who had kidnapped Nishi earlier. Hokori. “You dispatched my Followers with such ease. Just what I would expect from you God Slayers. Good thing I’ve been preparing myself and gathering strength.” Hokori started laughing, and Yu could feel power radiating from him. He braced himself, anticipating some sort of attack. “See how powerful I really am!” 
There was a sharp pain in Yu’s head. He gripped his forehead hard, trying to ride out the pain as Hokori laughed. When it finally subsided, he wasn’t in the same place as before. Instead, he was deeper in the storage room, with Kurusu and Arisato on either side of him. 
“What the hell?”
Yu whirled around to come face to face with the Investigation Team. I thought they were left behind to follow S.E.E.S.! “What are you guys-” Yosuke cut Yu off with a shout, pointing past him. 
“Is that… Adachi?” 
Before Yu could turn around that sickeningly familiar voice rang out through the corridor. “Oh, so you remember me.” He faced the dark haired man, his fists clenching hard. No. “Come here, Yu, you missed me, I know you did.” Yu gritted his teeth hard. Adachi’s twisted smile made his gut wrench, his head spinning as suddenly he was thrown into his memories of the past school year. 
“Don’t you remember how we first met, Narukami?” Yu could see the police station, Yosuke and Chie on either side of him. He couldn’t hear what was being said, but he recalled that Adachi had been saying that Yukiko was the murderer. He felt his stomach lurch and twist in pain. All this time you were covering your own crimes. 
“And eating dinner with me, and Dojima-san, and Nanako?” He was taken into another memory, sitting cross-legged on the floor of his uncle’s house. Seeing Nanako across from him made his heart leap with joy, but Adachi on his right sent his head reeling again. Yu struggled to breathe with the memories being pulled out of him. Leave me alone, get out of my head!
“Of course don’t forget when we fought, our Personas so alike in every way. You battling that fog, and I battling against you.” A deep chuckle. “You won of course.” Yu could feel the pain in his body from the fight, his own Persona struggling against Adachi. Shut up, shut up! He felt like crying angry tears, his fingers digging into his palms. 
“And don’t you forget when Nanako died.” Yu resisted the urge to vomit. His throat burned with fire as his memory opened up of seeing his cousin’s hospital bed. Her hands cold and lungs empty. He remembered the horrible anguish that had filled himself and his friends at seeing her lifeless. “Wasn’t that fun.” 
Yu felt something in him stir. Something that sent chills through him. His gray eyes rose to meet Adachi’s, his body shaking. Fun? “You shouldn’t have beaten me, you idiotic, empty boy. I’ll kill you this time!” No. You’re not the real Adachi. 
“You’re not real. The real Adachi cared for Nanako, and he knew that my bonds were far from empty!” The fire in his chest blazed forward, pulling him from the depths of his mind. The Chaos Realm flooded back into his vision, the screams of his friends begging him to stop rushing into his ears. In front of him was that fake Adachi, holding its hand out for Yu’s sword. He realized he had been handing the weapon over to the strange Shadow thing, and now that he was awake, his fingers clenched around the hilt tighter. 
“Get out of my face!” He slammed his fist into the side of Adachi’s head, knocking the person backwards. The Investigation Team cheered for him, and Hokori’s voice rang out in disbelief. 
“How? You weren’t supposed to be able to get rid of my control that easily! What on earth are you? You were supposed to be weak!” 
Yu rolled his shoulders around. Silently, he cursed himself for even giving into the mind control, but now wasn’t the time to lament the state of his head. Testing the confidence of his arm, he tapped the tip of his sword against the floor. “I’ll show you true power!” He ran forward to the Shadow, the white lights glinting off the sharp blade. With a scream he slashed towards Adachi’s body, his blade clanging off the Shadow’s own weapon. So that’s how it is. 
He fought with fury and anger in every strike, but every swing was calculated. He was wearing the Shadow down, sapping its strength with powerful strikes and jabs. Adachi was stumbling, barely able to keep up with the boy’s intense movements. Now! Yu caught Adachi’s blade with a hard thrust, knocking him back. Quick as a flash he pulled his sword back and jabbed it through the Shadow’s chest. There was a sickening sound of the blade tearing through flesh and bone, blood spurting around the sword. Yu felt fire threatening to rise in his throat, but he swallowed it down. What kind of Shadow has blood? 
He didn’t give himself too much time to think. With an angry cry he pulled his blade free, holding it firmly in his left hand. Drops flew through the air, landing upon his arms. His limbs shook upon seeing the crimson there, but he fought against the gut wrenching feeling. Time to end this. “Izanagi!” With a cry he crushed the tarot card between his fingers, power blazing to life within him. Static flooded the air as his Persona rose to life, staring down at the Shadow-Adachi, who was clutching the deep sword wound. 
“You don’t have the guts to kill people.”
Yu’s face didn’t change as electricity sparked all around him. “Good thing you’re not a person.” The hairs on the back of his neck rose as Izanagi shot a white hot bolt from his hands, slamming the electricity into the fake Adachi. There was a screech from the Shadow before being cut off as it disintegrated. Yu retracted Izanagi and turned his attention to Hokori. 
“Very well done. I should not have underestimated the power you God Slayers have.” Hokori stood on the shelf he was perched on and clapped. Yu looked away, not wanting to give the cultist his attention. The blood that covered his sword dripped to the floor rather rhythmically, though looking at the red made his gut churn. “But I’m not done with you yet.” 
There was another sharp pain in his head, lights swimming over his vision. He clenched his eyes shut until the pain subsided. Upon opening them he saw a different section of the storage room. The Investigation Team had disappeared, instead, the Phantom Thieves were standing nearby. The hell? Hokori laughed, and Yu looked up to see the robed man sitting on another shelf. A Shadow appeared on the ground, sporting long brown hair and yellow eyes. 
“Who is that?”
There was a snarl from Kurusu. “Goro Akechi.”
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jenniferhawke · 5 years
Bitter jealousy
Summary: So long as the mage made her happy, he would remain silent. Even when she sits in Anders’ lap after having too many drinks at The Hanged Man, even as she kisses him openly and without uncertainty. Fenris tolerates these things, even as it wounds him like a poison burning him from the inside out. He will not interfere, so long as she smiles. Until, one day, she isn’t anymore. 
A continuation of my recent Fenris drabbles (but reads well enough as a stand alone). 
------------- It is hard to remain quiet. But Fenris remembers a time not so long ago when he could not speak freely. When he had no voice. When he was a slave. 
Watching Hawke with Anders is agonizing those first few months when she is all smiles and eager glances. When the two of them can barely keep their hands to themselves during Wicked Grace in Varric’s suite, slender fingers running down the back of a shabby coat, calloused fingers caressing a soft cheek in return. Eyes of longing gaze through her silken fringe at the man to her left, faint lines of glee crinkling at the corners. She’d once glanced at him that way, Fenris thinks to himself, tossing another copper into the growing pile of coin as everyone places their bets. When his eyes meet Varric’s, the dwarf smirks, a look that says ‘I know what you’re thinking, elf’. He ignores it, instead returning his eyes to his cards as if they hold all the answers to every burning question ever asked. Even with a winning hand, even as his pockets feel much heavier at the end of the night, all Fenris can fixate on during his lonesome walk home is that look of adoration in Hawke’s eyes. Venhedis, how he aches to think of it, to know that it is no longer reserved for him but another.
Time is a cruel mistress, Fenris soon learns. It does not heal wounds, as others have said. Long months pass, and with them, Hawke’s relationship with her fellow mage grows. Taking to the streets one sunny afternoon, his keen ears pick up the gossiping of two housewives.
“Did you hear about the Champion?” one asks.
“That she is living in sin? Of course I heard. Any respectable man would ask for her hand in marriage before rightly moving in!”
The words sting as if vinegar poured on a fresh wound. It is a wound that festers, refusing to heal, no matter how he tends to it, no matter how busy he keeps his mind. Fenris takes odd jobs during the days when Hawke does not call upon him, and in the evenings, he catches up with contacts he’s made in his never ending search for his sister. But during quiet moments at night, when sleep eludes him, when his treacherous mind thinks of nothing but that night with Hawke, his heart lurches, breath catching in his throat as he pictures the hands of another roaming the valley of her skin, counting her silver scars, relishing in the feel of her inside. When he finally drifts to sleep, he dreams of nothing but what could have been, if only he hadn’t walked away, if instead he had chosen to stay.
The next day, Hawke collects Fenris, asking for his assistance along the Wounded Coast. Varric and Anders accompany them on their travels, and for a time, Fenris remains quiet. But even as his tongue refuses to form words, misery consumes his mind. Being in the very presence of the Darktown healer has his heart consumed with bitter jealousy. As feet cross sun beaten sand, Varric and Hawke take the lead, and soon, the blond mage trails to his side. For a moment, Fenris loses himself, unable to remain silent a moment longer. 
“You … are living with Hawke now?” 
“What’s it to you?” Anders barks in response.
“Be good to her. Break her heart, and I will kill you.”
The mage rolls his eyes at this, quickening his footsteps until he catches up to Hawke, wrapping an arm around her slender waist. Fenris knows Anders well enough to know this is his petty way of showing Fenris whom she belongs to. But Fenris is not one to take ownership of another. Hawke would always be free to make her choice. And if Anders was what she truly wanted … then so be it. He had walked away from her, had thrown away his chance at a life with the woman he cherished. It would always haunt him, but he had no right to voice his distaste. So long as the mage made her happy, he would remain silent. Even when she sits in Anders’ lap after having too many drinks at The Hanged Man, even as she kisses him openly and without uncertainty. Fenris tolerates these things, even as it wounds him like a poison burning him from the inside out. He will not interfere, so long as she smiles.
Until, one day, she isn’t anymore.
Two years pass, and slowly her smile fades into something resembling indifference. At first, Fenris thinks little of it, assuming her relationship with the healer has turned into less a novelty and something resembling routine. But then Anders stops coming to Varric’s suite for cards. Hawke brushes it off the first few weeks, saying that his work at the clinic has him overburdened. It is not completely out of the usual for the apostate to be swamped with patients from time to time. But weeks turn into months, and the mage’s absence becomes something of habit.
One evening, after everyone has piled out of Varric’s suite and have said their goodbyes for the night, he watches as Hawke returns to the bar. A mug of whiskey is poured for her, and she knocks it back as if it’s nothing, immediately ordering another. She’s already drunk, that much had been made clear during their game of Diamondback with her constant insistence of more rounds and her speech beginning to slur. As Fenris approaches the bar, he can see the frown on her face, the one she desperately tries to hide from her friends. 
“Hawke” he says as she knocks back her second mug as if it is merely water.
“Fenrissss,” she drawls out his name, giving him a sloppy grin. “Want another round? Isss on me.”
“Perhaps another time,” he politely declines. “Would you like me to walk you home?” he asks, as if he wasn’t already planning on escorting her home in this state.
“I suppose that might be wise.” Hawke reaches in her coin purse to pay her tab, several coppers dropping to the floor in her clumsy effort. Fenris bends to pick them up, handing them back to her. Soft fingers grasp them from his palm, and even now, after all this time, he aches to remember how she once felt against him.
“Thanks,” she says, plopping them down on the bar. Together, they leave the Hanged Man, and begin their walk home.
It takes twice as long to reach Hightown, with Hawke’s stumbling and her refusal to let Fenris help her. Three times she has to stop to relieve herself in an alley, muttering half apologies and shouting the words of a song he does not know in an attempt to cover up the sound of her emptying her bladder. Fenris shakes his head, but even so, a wry smile tugs on his lips. Even in her drunken stupor, it is impossible for him to find her anything less than charming.
As they reach Hightown, her sullen mood from before suddenly returns, and when Fenris glances at her, her eyes carry the weight of the world within them. Loudly, she sighs.
“I’ve been lying, you know.”
“About?” he asks, perking a curious brow.
“Anders. He’s not busy with his patients. He’s … “ she stops.
“He’s what, Hawke?”
“I don’t know,” she says quietly. “He’s never home anymore. And when he is, he wants nothing to do with me. He’s always working on that … that Maker forsaken mani--manisessto,” she slurs.
“And this surprises you?” he asks, colder than he intends to.
“You don’t know him like I do!… Like I used to,” she says defensively. “I used to mean something to him. But now, all I’m good for is a warm place to sleep.”
“You know you are worth far greater than that,” Fenris says and Hawke suddenly stops mid step, eyes upon him.
“How should I know? No one ever stays for long.” Her eyes shine with sadness and uncertainty, but before Fenris can stumble on something to say to comfort her, she picks up her pace once more. They walk in an uncomfortable silence as her house nears. “You know, he doesn’t even kiss me anymore.”
Fenris feels fuzzy, and not from drink. He doesn’t wish to know anything about her intimate life with the apostate, nor does he think she wishes him to know such personal details. “Hawke, you are drunk. Perhaps we can discuss this in the morning when - “
“Nothing will change. Not tomorrow, or the day after that or … “ she chokes out a sob. Fenris’ lips pinch together in a thin line.
“Then he is a fool,” he says quietly, walking her to her door. Under the light of a lit lantern, she peers up at him, sapphire eyes seeking his own.
“You really don’t like him, do you?” she asks, and Fenris scoffs.
“Have I ever made a secret of my distaste for the mage?” he asks.
“No. I suppose not,” she says. “I never meant to fall in love with him, you know.”
“Hawke -- “.
“He was supposed to be a simple distraction. But I suppose with Anders, he would always want more. I was hurting. I missed you and … it just … happened.” A shaky breath flutters past her lips. “You don’t hate me, do you?”
“Why would I hate you?”
“Oh … I dunno. For sleeping with your arch emasis?” she slurs yet again, in that ever so endearing way of hers.
“The mage is far from my arch nemesis,” he corrects. “Besides, I could never hate you Hawke. Do not think such things.”
Before he can realise what he’s doing, Fenris brushes an errant hair away from her cheek. Hawke responds by nuzzling against his hand, and as if pricked by a needle, he pulls away. Even as he yearns for her touch, he cannot take what she cannot rightfully give. A single taste, and he would be starving for more. “If you are unhappy, I think you should bring it up with the mage.”
Hawke sighs. “He’s never home long enough to have a real conversation. And when he is … he won’t listen.”
“Then make him listen, Hawke. If he truly cares for you like he should, he will fight to keep you in his life.” The words taste pungent as breathes them to life, for he has thought of them far too often. I should have fought for you, he thinks bitterly, then is even more perturbed upon realising he is consoling the woman he endlessly yearns for about her relationship with another.
They stand there, lantern light hanging above, casting a soft glow around Hawke’s lovely features. “I guess I can try,” she finally says. “Thank you … for walking me home.”
“It was no trouble at all. Drink some water before you retire,” he says, offering her the smallest hint of a smile.
“Probably a good idea,” she says. Pulling out a key from her pocket, she turns it into the slot of the door. As she tugs the heavy door open, she stumbles back, and Fenris catches her before she can fall head over heels. He slowly rights her posture, their eyes meeting once more. A shallow puff of her breath caresses the skin of his throat, and he is all too aware of their proximity. “Fenris,” she whispers, as if a familiar lover, and he does not fail to notice the longing held within her eyes … the look he has yearned for desperately so. He wants nothing more than to close the distance between them and kiss her, to taste the whiskey on her lips and replace it with his own flavour. But it would not be right. She is drunk and still lays with another. It matters little how often Anders returns to her bed, it is the fact that he is still free to do so if he so wishes. And Fenris … he has yet to resolve his own circumstances. If he were to kiss her now, he would not be the man she deserves.
“Goodnight, Hawke,” he says, slowly backing away, as reluctant as he is.
“Goodnight Fenris,” she sighs, shutting the door behind her. As Fenris walks the short distance to his manor, the tickle of her breath still lingers on his neck, the hunger in her eyes still haunt him, for it is a hunger that matches his own. The fire in his belly that burns for her burns all the brighter now, knowing that perhaps, after all this time, she might still care for him as she once did. He wants to quash this newfound hope, to extinguish it before it grows. Before it can hurt him more than he already aches. Drunken confessions matter little if they are not spoken with a clear mind. But even as he retires to bed, Fenris does something he hasn’t done in a remarkably long time. He smiles. For even though he cannot yet be with Hawke, it no longer seems such an impossible dream. As he falls asleep, it is finally a dreamless sleep, with no stolen memories or lost lovers to haunt him.
A week later, the first letter from Varania arrives, and it changes everything. 
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tommyparkerr · 6 years
Like a Date | Peter Parker x Reader
I GOT ANOTHER REQUEST DONE! I am so sorry for it taking so long! School has been a little hectic lately! But anyways, here you go! And to the others who requested something...I haven’t forgotten about you, I promise! I’m on it! And I’ll try to get it done as soon as possible!
Requested by @tomhollandholland: “Can I get a Peter Parker imagine where he asks the reader to prom but someone beat him to it. I don’t care if the ending is sad or happy. I LOVE YOU!!! ❣️💖💗💓”
Side Note: AWWW I LOVE YOU TOO!!!! This request was so darn cute thank you so much for sending it in! 💕
Words: 3.8k
Warnings: Insane amounts of fluff (In the words of @yoinksholland)
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L I K E  A  D A T E :
“Dude, just ask her already!”
Peter shook his head at Ned, shutting his locker door and readjusting his book bag straps. “No, Ned. She’d never say yes.”
“And you know that...how?” Ned pointed out.
“Look at how last year went,” Peter said glumly.
“Last year you didn’t even ask! You just stood in front of her and sputtered until she smiled and walked off!”
“Yeah, exactly! I couldn’t get myself together enough to say hi, so what makes you think I’d be able to land her as my date?!”
“It’s our last year, Peter,” Ned said softer. “It’s your last chance.” Peter was going to retort, but at seeing the sincerity in his friend’s eyes he stopped. “What’s the worst that could happen?” he finished.
“She says no, I get humiliated, and I’m forever known as the nerd who tried to get Y/N Y/L/N to go with me to prom,” Peter quickly spewed off.
“Forever as in the next two months until we’re all done with this school and moving on to college?” Peter opened his mouth again but Ned beat him to it, rolling his eyes and adding on, “Well, some of us. Not all of us have Avenger-level jobs.”
Peter hated to admit that Ned had a point. He’d made it through almost four years of Flash’s harassment, so what was two months more with just a little extra taunting? And if Y/N did say yes, which was doubtful but technically plausible, then those two months would totally be worth it. Maybe they wouldn’t bully Peter at all if he got the insanely beautiful, wildly intelligent, unbelievably kind girl he’d had a crush on for two years to go to prom with him as his date. Surely it couldn’t be any worse than his last experience with Homecoming; he didn’t have an arch nemesis at the moment, but even if he did, he’d seen Y/N’s family—spoken with Y/N’s family—and knew they weren’t capable of any evil whatsoever.
“You really think I should?” Peter asked Ned, eyes hesitant but shining with hope.
“That’s only what I’ve been saying for the past year!” Ned exclaimed a little too loudly, surely attracting the attention of all the people around him. But what surprised Peter was that no one—not one single person—had looked their way. And, with a sinking heart, he soon found why.
“Never mind,” Peter mumbled, turning away from Ned to shut his locker. “Forget it.”
“What?” Ned said, confused at his friend’s sudden change of heart. What alarmed him even more was that the determined shine he’d just seen was completely gone now, replaced by disappointment and dejection. “Why?!”
“Because,” Peter said, pointing over Ned’s shoulder but making a point not to look, “I’m already too late.”
Peter walked away then, leaving Ned to spin around and take in the sight of no other than Flash Thompson holding some cheesy promposal sign and a bouquet of roses, kneeling in front of Y/N and asking her to be his date—for the second year in a row.
Not waiting for the rest of the inevitable scene to play out, Ned ran to catch up with Peter who was already out the front doors and headed to the nearest alleyway. Because Peter Parker was heartbroken and disheartened and everything in between, but Spider-Man...Spider-Man wasn’t.
His mentor’s words ran through his head, the dreaded but true: If you’re nothing without this suit, then you shouldn’t have it, but he still couldn’t bring himself to connect his two identities tonight. No, he wasn’t Peter Parker tonight. Tonight he was Spider-Man. Tonight he was an Avenger.
Tonight he would ignore the shattered pieces of his heart.
Whispers were everywhere—on the streets, out in the schoolyard, in the hallways, in class, at lunch—everywhere. And no matter where Peter went, he couldn’t escape them.
“Did you see Flash’s promposal? So cute!”
“I wish Flash would ask me to prom!”
“Those roses were so beautiful! I wonder how much money he spent on them?”
Eventually Peter learned how to tune them out, but he was already too crushed for it to do any good. It only confirmed that he messed up, that he should’ve listened to Ned, manned up, and asked her sooner. But he didn’t, and the fact that it was Flash who’d beaten him to it made him both angry and miserable: angry because out of all the people to beat him asking Y/N to prom it just had to be Flash (again), and miserable because he knew he could never compete against someone like him. Flash had the looks, the money, the popularity, but Peter…well, Peter just...didn’t. And he’d been okay with that. He was Spider-Man—he was an Avenger. He had way more going for him than Flash ever would, but the problem was that no one but Ned, May, and the other Avengers knew that. He couldn’t boast, he couldn’t taunt, he couldn’t fight back, he couldn’t get the girl.
Because sure, he’d love to play football, but he couldn’t then so he shouldn’t now.
Ned had been trying to get Peter to talk all day, but it was to no avail. Peter didn’t want to talk, didn’t want to listen, and most certainly did not want the subjects of Y/N or prom to be brought up which would have been impossible if he opened his mouth or ears now. So Ned obediently trailed along in silence, letting his friend sulk in peace.
“Are we still on for movie night?” Ned spoke up when the final bell rang.
Peter nodded. “Sure.”
“Same time as usual?”
Ned awkwardly shuffled, unsure of what to say to get his friend out of his sulking mood. Eventually he asked whether or not Peter was headed home right away to which Peter shook his head and told him to go on without him, that he had to grab some materials from Mrs. Lowski’s room for the upcoming research project.
The older lady wasn’t in her room when Peter walked in, but he’d already talked to her about borrowing the supplies earlier in the day so he knew she wouldn’t mind. He was able to fit two of her books in his—may he add—brand new backpack, but he had to balance the rest of the supplies in his bare hands. It was difficult to keep the stack upright as it kept wobbling and was in danger of falling at any misstep, but he was managing.
That was until he ran blindly into something and fell to the floor, the pile of books, loose-leaf paper, and brightly colored pencils flying everywhere.
Peter’s blood ran hot and he looked up with fists clenched, expecting to see Flash sneering down at him, but his anger quickly turned into shock when he saw the familiar Y/H/C head of hair scrambling to gather everything that had dropped.
“I am so sorry, Peter! I didn’t think anybody else would be here so I wasn’t watching where I was going!”
Luckily she wasn’t looking at him, too distracted by the scattered materials to see his wide eyes, red face, and open mouth. Peter couldn’t believe that she was the one he’d bumped into, that Y/N was the one who’d knocked him to the ground.
His brain was panicking for a response as it tried to process everything she’d just said in his state of shock, and Peter just knew that it was going to be last year all over again—that he would sputter and stare until Y/N smiled and walked off—until it wasn’t.
It’s your last chance. What’s the worst that could happen?
Suddenly Peter’s eyes were narrowing back down, his face was cooling, his jaw was lifting, and a small, “It’s okay,” was spilling out of his mouth.
“No, it’s not! I should’ve been more aware of my surroundings! I’m such a clutz,” Y/N groaned, guiltily shifting to meet his stare. Peter was surprised when the sight of her beautiful Y/E/C eyes didn’t make him freeze up all over again, instead just making the corners of his lips turn up.
“Really, it-it’s okay,” he said. “I should’ve really figured out a better way to carry all this.”
Y/N stubbornly shook her head, turning away again to pick up another book. Peter helped, grabbing whatever paper he could and organizing it into a neat little stack.
“What do you have all this for anyway?” Y/N curiously asked.
“It-it’s for the math project,” Peter explained. “Mrs. Lowski said that I could-that I could borrow some stuff.”
“Right. I forgot about that,” she sheepishly said, ignoring his stutter. “The one with optional partners?”
“Y-yeah,” he affirmed.
“Are you working alone?” she frowned, taking note of his solitude. “I figured you and Ned would be together.”
Peter decided not to dwell on the fact that Y/N knew his best friend’s name, furthermore that she knew Ned was his best friend, because if he did he’d probably clam up and turn the situation right back to where it began and ended last year.
“He’s, uh, he’s not in the same period I am,” he explained, sheepishly scratching the back of his neck. “Ned’s fourth, I’m fifth.”
“Oh,” Y/N said, her eyebrows pulling together as if disappointed in herself for not remembering that fact. “Yeah, all of my friends are in fourth period too so I’m working alone as well.”
“Really?” Peter asked surprised. “I figured you’d have a bunch of people asking to be your partner.”
“I do,” she admitted. “But the problem is that none of them want me as a partner because they’d like to get to know me better; they want me because they could simply leave the project in my hands, never show up to work on it, and it would still be done. An effortless ‘A+’.”
A wild blush spread across Peter’s cheeks as he blurted, “I wouldn’t do that if I were your partner.”
Instead of screwing her face up in distaste and quickly fleeing the scene, Y/N smiled and said, “Well, in that case, would you like to be partners?”
Peter’s heart skipped a beat, and he took a moment to respond. “Really? I mean—yeah! Yeah, I’d love to.”
“Great!” she said as they stood up. “Now, can I help you carry any of this stuff? Seeing as you are kinda my partner now and everything.”
“Oh, no, it’s-it’s okay. I-I can get it,” Peter stuttered, carefully adjusting the tower of supplies.
“You can’t even see over the top of that!” Y/N laughed, and Peter swore he’d never heard anything more beautiful. “Here.”
Suddenly his books, the stack of paper, and the pencil box all came off his pile and went into Y/N’s arms. She slowly lowered the skyscraper to the ground and loaded whatever she could into the same book bag she’d had for years, leaving just one book each for her and Peter to carry.
“There. Now you can see where you’re walking without having to worry about balancing anything,” Y/N said as they exited the school. “When do you want to work on it?”
“Oh, um, any night really,” Peter answered. “I’m not too busy.”
Y/N eyed Peter suspiciously. “Don’t you have that Stark internship, though?”
Peter resisted the urge to ask her how she knew about that and instead focused on what he was going to say to get himself out of the hole he’d dug.
“I-well, Mr. Stark said that I’ve been working a lot lately, so he told me that I could take a day off when I-whenever I needed it.”
“Oh,” she quietly said. Silence, then, “That’s nice of him.”
“Y-yeah,” Peter agreed. “Real nice.”
“Would, um, would tonight work for you?” Y/N asked. Peter almost said no, but he quickly stopped himself; he and Ned could reschedule. Besides, when he told Ned why he was canceling he knew his friend would be nothing but supportive.
“Sure! Uh, yeah! Tonight’s-tonight’s good,” Peter said, his heart skipping another beat. “Your place or mine?”
“My mom usually works a couple hours after I get home from school, and she works from home so I don’t want to disturb her if I can help it. If it’s okay with you and your aunt, your place might be the better option,” she said, biting her lip after all the words left her mouth.
“Oh, it’s more than okay with me, and-and it’s always okay with May, so it shouldn’t be a problem,” Peter rushed on.
Y/N smiled, ducking her head back down. They fell into a silence, but instead of the awkward one Peter had expected, it was rather comfortable. There was something comforting about being the silence in the storm—something comforting about hearing the whirr of voices and the purr of engines, the honking of horns and the crying of babies, but doing nothing to contribute to it. The only noise they made were their steps on the cement walk, but even those were drowned out by the blur around them.
When they finally reached a point where things were a little more quiet, Peter decided to finally bring up the dreaded subject of prom. Not that he really wanted to, but he knew if he didn’t now then he would spend the entire night distracted and unable to get much work done; and if that happened, he was afraid Y/N would think Peter was just like the rest of their peers who asked to be her partner, and that was much, much worse than him not being able to stutter out a simple ‘Hi’.
“So, uh, you and Flash, huh?” Peter lamely started.
“What?” Y/N asked, being pulled from her thoughts.
“You and Flash,” Peter said, feeling the tips of his ears burn red. “You know—prom.”
“Oh,” she said, understanding. “What about it?”
“Well, um, I guess...are you, ya know, happy about it?”
“My friends all think I’m nuts, but I’m actually really happy. Maybe even a little more confident in myself,” Y/N said with a genuine smile, making Peter’s heart sink like a rock. He was about to say something to quickly end that particular conversation, but Y/N continued to speak. “Last year was an absolute mess. First he showed up half an hour late to pick me up, then he got the corsage all wrong and managed to blame it on me, took me to dinner at this fancy restaurant I told him I couldn’t afford when he mentioned dinner plans earlier on but made me pay for my half anyway, and to top things off he only danced with me once! Once!”
Peter blinked in shock at her outburst; Y/N was known to always have a cool head, so to see this side of her was shocking to him. Shocking...but relieving. Not that it made her any less perfect in Peter’s eyes, but witnessing her rant did make her a little more human—a little more approachable. But there was still something he was confused about.
“If it was such a mess last year, then why did you agree to go with him again?” Peter asked, feeling stupid. Surely there was something he was missing.
“Agree?” Y/N repeated with a confused scrunch of her brows. “What do you mean, why did I agree?”
Peter blushed; yes, there was definitely something he was missing. “Yesterday, in the hall after school. Flash asked you to go with him to prom.”
“He did…” she slowly confirmed. Then it dawned on her. “You didn’t watch, did you?”
“Uh-,” He anxiously chewed his tongue, trying to think up a reason as to why he would’ve left. “Uh, no, I didn’t. Internship stuff, you know. Had to go.”
She pursed her lips. “I told him no, Peter,” she softly said, paused, then went on to say, “I turned him down.”
He blinked once. Twice. Three times. “Why...why would you do that?”
“Did you not just hear me?” Y/N giggled, cupping a hand over her mouth.
“Well, I mean-yeah, I-I heard you, but I...yeah, okay,” Peter sputtered. It was all he could do after finding out Y/N Y/L/N was still date-less to the senior prom—after finding out he stood a chance.
Y/N giggled again, making Peter turn an even more embarrassing shade of maroon. “Besides,” she said a little more seriously when her laughs died down, “I was hoping someone else would ask me.”
“Oh,” Peter said, disappointment shining through his tone. Just like that, his hope had diminished once again; as quick as it had come, it had gone. He supposed that was good in a ‘rip the band-aid off’ sort of way, but the initial sting still hurt.
They were quiet again as they crossed the street onto Peter’s block, as they climbed up the stairs to the apartment, as Peter knocked on the door, as he waited for May to let them in. Just like he’d expected, his aunt brought Y/N in without a problem, only asking if she was staying long enough for dinner to which she politely declined. They had to break the silence when they got the project started, but even then the speaking was minimal, only relaying information they thought could be potentially useful in the books they’d each chosen to skim through.
At about a quarter ‘til six, Y/N announced that she had to go if she wanted to make it home for dinner like she’d told her mom she would. Peter insisted on walking her home and wouldn’t accept it any other way, so after a hurried goodbye to May with a promise to be back soon, they set off again, another silence between them. And this time it was awkward.
“Do you wanna work on it again tomorrow?” Y/N quietly asked, keeping her head down. “I mean, you don’t have to since it is the weekend and all, but I’m free if you are.”
“Uh-—yeah,” Peter stumbled. “Yeah, I’m free. My place again? Same time?”
“Sure,” she agreed, and the rest of the walk was finished in the same silence they started with. Y/N went to let herself in her apartment building when they got there, then stopped. She stood frozen for a few moments as if contemplating something, then turned and looked Peter in the eye as she said, “It’s you, Peter.”
He frowned in response, not knowing what she was referring to. “What’s me?”
“Who I was talking about earlier—the someone I was hoping would ask me to prom,” she answered quiet and cautious, as if she were afraid to hear the words exit her mouth. “It’s you.”
Now it was Peter’s turn to freeze; he didn’t move, didn't speak, and the only thing he could hear was the rapid beating of his heart. He blinked and breathed—well, at least he thought he was blinking and breathing—but that was it. He was too much in shock to believe what he’d heard come out of Y/N’s mouth was really true, that it was how she really felt. In fact, he was half-expecting Flash to jump out from behind the corner of the building waving a camera and taunting Peter for actually falling for it.
It wasn’t until Peter saw the hurt dance across Y/N’s face that he knew it wasn’t a prank or a nasty trick; plus, if Flash really was recording the whole thing, Peter knew him well enough to know he was too impatient to still be hiding at this point.
“But now I know I can flush that hope down the toilet,” Y/N hurriedly said with the unmistakable shine of tears in her eyes.  “Goodnight, Peter. We can just pretend this never happened, okay? Okay.”
Peter wanted to tell her that he didn’t want to pretend, that this was quite possibly the best thing that had ever happened to him, that he’d been so helplessly in love with her ever since she first stepped foot in Midtown—but he was drawing a complete blank. Y/N was not so subtly wiping her cheeks as she was desperately trying to unlock the door, and Peter couldn’t think of a single thing to say to make her realize he felt the same. The words just wouldn’t come.
So, he did the next best thing.
Grabbing the sleeve of her sweater, Peter tugged Y/N back, spun her around, and, before she could process what was happening, pressed his lips against hers. She was surprised but quickly caught on, placing a hand on each of Peter’s biceps to keep her rooted to the spot as she kissed him back. It was hurried and desperate and tasted a bit like the M&M's they’d snacked on earlier, but it was better than Peter could’ve ever imagined.
“I-I couldn’t think of anything else to do,” Peter tried to explain when the kiss was over, panicked at the thought of Y/N not particularly liking his spontaneity. “I-I hope that was okay. I guess I didn’t even think to ask you before I kissed you, and—oh no, I completely messed this up, didn’t I?” he groaned, shaking his head and tugging on his curls.
“Peter,” Y/N giggled, “it was perfect.”
“Really?” Peter asked, a bit skeptical.
She reached to plant another, softer kiss on his lips. “Really.”
Peter lopsidedly grinned and a curl fell messily out of its place and down his forehead, reminding Y/N of a young puppy. “I don’t have flowers or a sign or anything, but would you maybe like to, uh...would you like to go to prom with me? Like a-like a date?”
A smile broke out on Y/N’s face, and her teeth found her bottom lip in an effort to tone it down. “I’d love to.” A short pause, then, “Like a date.”
Peter turned a bright shade of red. “And maybe you’d...maybe you’d like to get coffee sometime…?”
“Like a date?” she teasingly asked.
Peter smiled, holding back an awkward laugh as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Well...yeah. Yeah, like a date.”
She grinned. “I’d love to.”
Two short kisses later and Y/N was back at her door again, this time with a rosy red on her cheeks instead of tears, but before she shut it she peered back out at Peter to wave a bashful goodbye. She watched out the window as he walked off, a triumphant grin on his face. She couldn’t stop her grin as she amusedly repeated, “Like a date,” to herself and left the window, already daydreaming of the boy with brown eyes, pink lips, and a heart of gold.
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sammysreelreviews · 6 years
Gather Around Y’all, It’s Time We Talk About Insatiable.
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(Pictured above, Debby Ryan)
Okay so if you have Netflix or ears you know the commotion about their newest original series Insatiable starring Disney Channel alum Debby Ryan. You might also have heard the problems people have had about it. I’m here to tell you that while the show isn’t the best thing I’ve ever seen it’s also not as offensive as it seems either. In the next few paragraphs I’m gonna break down, in my opinion, why the show did and didn’t leave me wanting more.
First of all let me explain the plot of this unhinged show. Patty (Debby Ryan) is an overweight girl who one day gets punched by a hobo, please bare with me this is literally only 15 minutes into the first episode, has her jaw wired shut the whole summer and loses a ton of weight. On the other side of town we have Bob Armstrong (Dallas Roberts) a lawyer who moonlights as a pageant coach but his reputation is on the line from being accused of sexual assault. He didn’t do it but when he has to represent Patty he sees how beautiful she is and figures by making her a pageant queen winner he can save his image. Although Patty may be extra hot on the outside, Bob has no idea how ugly she is on the inside.
WHEW! Anyways, from here on out there will be some ***MAJOR FUCKING SPOILERS!*** so you have been warned ***probably some trigger warnings to drugs and sexual misconduct***
Let’s start off with the bad in Insatiable so we can end this on a happy note. So, the show got a bad rep because the trailer they complied for it made it seem like she got skinny and all her problems were solved WHICH WAS NOT THE FUCKING CASE!!! So I’m gonna tell you right now the whole skinny is magic plot like you think they’re promoting is not true in the slightest. The fat shaming wasn’t the problem it was the lazy ass writing. The show is pretty decent and funny up until like episode 7. It goes off the beaten path and there is way too much going on. Patty with the two love interests, the two bobs getting together, and the fucking demon Patty thinks she has are three things that NEVER needed to happen.
Patty beteen the two guys in this one short season was a lot and they could’ve have saved a boy for season 2. It didn’t add to her story at all and was honestly pointless. The two Bob’s getting together I guess was cool but we already had one really good lgbtq storyline I feel like the two Bob’s getting together was for shock factor and ruined the awesome coming out of Nonnie (Kimmy Shields). They also made some jokes about bisexuality that weren’t very tasteful that I didn’t appreciate. I understand it was a joke but they didn’t get to the punch line fast enough. Speaking of relationships the show didn’t need, Brick (Michael Provost) and his dads’s arch nemesis Regina Sinclair (Arden Myrin) sleeping together. Especially in the wake of the #metoo movement a story about an underaged boy sleeping with a older woman was stupid and honestly it’s very played out. It’s 2018 like come on. The demon story line I’m not even going to get into but at one point Patty thinks there’s a demon in her cause she’s just the worst and has an exorcism... yeah you read that correctly. There’s a scene with Patty talking to a trans woman about not feeling good enough to be in a bikini that also lowkey pissed me off. Like I don’t think you can compare yourself getting skinny to a trans woman’s transitioning into a whole new body that they knew they wanted... like that was just a tad fucking tone death.
Lastly the thing I think that pissed me off the most was Magnolia Barnard’s (Erin Westbrook) drug and alcohol use. I feel like it was so fucking random and being black I was mad that the only black girl on the show had to be the drug abuser like come on.
We are done with the bad! On to the good!
The show if anything is funny and I really did like the message! Patty going from not to hot played out differently than I anticipated. I thought it was just gonna be her being skinny and popular but Patty is so much more than that. She’s truly evil and insane. If anything Instiable is a cautionary tale. The people you bully aren’t always so forgiving and they could want revenge and that’s exactly what Patty wants to do.
The cast was phenomenal in my opinion. There really wasn’t a weak link at all everyone held their own and gave the show life. I watched the show Jessie religiously so I’m glad to see Debby Ryan doing something more grown even if her character is in high school. Nonnie was my favorite character because having her there you realized that maybe Patty was awful this whole time and she’s the only one who realized it. In a weird way I hope they have a season two because we were left off with a crazy cliffhanger and I really wanna see how this is going to play out.
There were also some very real moments Patty had. At one point she is trying on bikinis and breaks down because she thinks she’s gross. That really resonated with me. No matter how much weight I lose I always feel like I’m never exactly where I need to be and that moment made me tear up. The other moment was on Patty’s birthday where she binge eats a cake and the scene has no sound all you can hear is Patty eating the cake and crying. It’s chilling.
Insatiable has its issues but there are enough moments where the good outweighs the bad. I really hope that if there is a season 2 they get on a more linear track and deal with the mess that was the season finale. The best line was “being pretty on the outside means nothing if you’re ugly on the outside,” and I need everyone to think about that. Insatiable taught us that skinny isn’t magic but Bob Barnard shirtless 100% is.
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