#and during our call earlier we were kinda just laughing abt everything
tennisarchives · 3 months
sometimes a really bad situation can actually be kinda fun in hindsight when you get to laugh about it with someone you love yknow
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ironmandeficiency · 4 years
13 x 7 = 28
pairing: no pairing (no reader mentioned)
word count: 1907
summary: naturally is in deep shit. he got in over his head during sabaac with a member of the five-oh-first and now owes the man in blue more credits than he’s ever had at once. luckily, his ori’vod have his back.
a/n: apparently a sequel to “who’s my commander” was something ppl wanted, and i was all too eager to write something with my darling twenty-fifth boys. heads up, this is a dialogue-heavy piece. tagging @boba-thot​, & @morganas-pendragons​ . please ask me abt my oc boys!! i have so many of them, i would love to share them with y’all!!!
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“jort! ba! wait up!” the men in question slow down upon hearing their names being frantically shouted. if there was something bad happening that pertained to combat or one of the carnivorous felucian plants, they wouldn’t be the ones sought out. so they realized that it must be something of a personal nature and that allowed their heart rates to slow back down as they turned to identify the vod calling for them.
naturally was in deep shit. he had made the poor decision to join a few members of the five-oh-first in a game of sabaac and now owed them ninety-one credits, which was more than he’s ever had at once. the credits he had now only added up to half of that and knew that if he didn’t think of something, he’d be stuck on sanitation to pay off his debt to the cog-headed man.
jort would not admit that his mood softened a little upon identifying the distressed man as naturally. ba, however, knew that the man beside him was indeed sympathetic (sometimes too much for his own good) and that jort was now planning his evening around the needs of the frantic kih’vod in front of them.
“naturally, what’s wrong?”
“i was playing sabaac with the five-oh-first and got in over my head! i owe jesse more credits than i’ve had since i left kamino and i-“
the rookie was almost trembling and that was it, the older troopers were done for. naturally was now officially under the protection of him and jort, jesse be damned.
a metaphorical lightbulb lit up over jort’s head. ba could see said lightbulb the way he always does when his batchmate has an idea. the lightbulb hasn’t been able to distinguish good ideas from bad ones yet, but there was hope for jort yet.
“ninety-one, you say?”
“yeah, ninety-one credits.”
“well nat’ika, i’ve got just the trick to help you out.”
the youngest was almost too busy preening at the term of endearment to realize that his ori’vod was indeed going to help him. ba helped snap him back to reality as jort found a stick, beginning his lesson in the felucian mud.
ba had to admit that this plan was not only kriffing insane, but extremely world-tilting if executed right. it was jedi-level insanity and he didn’t doubt for a second that his batchmate learned the trick from the general.
after running naturally through the trick two more times, he felt that his training was paying off. ba had made the point of jesse knowing if naturally was lying about the credits he had on him and they both nodded their agreement. the youngest pulled his credits from his pouch and counted out twenty-eight, dropping the rest of them into ba’s hand.
jort takes this as a cue to continue. “now remember, you have to let him work some of it out himself towards the end. if you did it right from the start, he’ll be thinkin’ like you the longer it goes on and he’ll fall right into your trap.” naturally is soaking in the information like a sanitation duty sponge, part of him still reeling from the fact he’s being given such attention by a superior.
“does this trick help you a lot?”
jort smiles at the question. “only when the total i’m weaseling out of is ninety-one.”
ba rolls his eyes and butts in, “you say that as if you don’t try your damndest to make the total ninety-one as much as possible.” jort playfully scoffs at the insinuation as ba turns to naturally and grins like a loth-cat, enjoying the laugh he earns almost a tad too much.
this kid was making him soft.
to be truthful, ba would have taken the rookie under his wing the same as jort was currently doing if given the chance to do so in his own time. they’ve discussed as much with fortune, who led oracle company, about snagging a company transfer for the bright-eyed brother. fortune was on board with the idea because he saw how the newer medic worked, the way vode lost the panic in their eyes while being treated by him. it was a valuable trait to have as a medic and even more valuable to the men who fell under his care.
footsteps were heard around them and jort quickly went to mess up the numbers written in the mud. he didn’t want his information being spread where he didn’t want it, and judging by the look on his vod’ika’s face, the man approaching was indeed jesse.
“you think you can do it?”
“i know i can.”
“good man! find me when you’re done!”
ba and jort departed as jesse neared, and naturally was on his own.
“hey, naturally! you owe me for that game!”
naturally moved a hand to his pouch and made a show of getting every credit out. he let them clink together in the outstretched palm of the man in blue. “here’s twenty-eight credits, i’ll see you later-“
“alright, i- wait just a minute! there were seven rounds, and you bet thirteen each time. that’s way more than a measly twenty-eight!”
“that comes out to twenty-eight, vod.”
jesse’s wondering whether this guy’s tube was cracked. this rookie medic owes him ninety-one credits! on what planet does thirteen times seven equal twenty-eight? “did you get dropped on your head as a cadet?”
naturally suppressed a grin. “not that i can recall.”
“do you mean to tell me that you can prove that thirteen times seven is twenty-eight?”
“it’s gotta be, i owe you twenty-right credits.”
“tell you what: if you can prove it, you can keep the credits. if you can’t, you’ll owe me double.”
naturally stiffens a little at the prospect of having to owe one hundred and eighty-two credits to the cogged man who doesn’t seem to be the type to forget things like this. but he has faith in himself and the trick jort taught him, so he agrees to the deal and grabs the stick from earlier and begins the trick.
“seven into twenty-eight’s gonna come out to thirteen, watch.”
naturally draws a large seven in the dirt, followed by a significantly smaller twenty-eight separated by a slash, then another slash on the other side of the twenty-eight.
“can seven go into two?”
“no it will not.”
“that’s a giant seven to fit into that little bitty two.”
“... yes it is.”
“but we’re not gonna hurt the little two, so i want you to hold onto it for me.”
naturally “grabbed” the two from where he drew it in the dirt and “placed” it into jesse’s outstretched palm. that was simple enough so far, but there was still so much farther he had to go before getting out of this mess.
jesse was going with it only because he wanted his credits. that’s the only reason he was entertaining the bullshit of this rookie medic.
“can seven go into eight?”
“right, so i’m gonna put the one over here,” naturally drew a one next to the second slash. 
“now we’re gonna carry the seven, because it’s a big seven and it’s getting kinda heavy, and we’re gonna drop it down here below the eight.” as naturally speaks, jesse nods and follows along intently. “and seven from eight is?”
“one.” come on, jesse thought, i’m not that kriffin’ stupid.
“alright, now you’ve had that two long enough, give it here.” naturally holds his hand out for jesse to give him the two, and the older trooper isn’t sure as to why he’s playing into the little game this rookie’s got going but he “drops” the two into his palm nonetheless.
“you see that twenty-one? how many times can seven go into it?”
“three times.”
“so the three goes over here,” naturally continues as he draws a three into the dirt next to the one, “and look at that, thirteen.”
sure enough, there was now a thirteen drawn into the dirt next to the twenty-eight. jesse didn’t completely believe what he was looking at, much less the fact it made sense! he had to get more evidence, surely this wasn’t right.
“nah man, you’ve gotta prove it better than that if you expect me to believe that your math checks out.”
“alright, certainly.”
“you gotta multiply it.”
apparently there was still more to say and write if he wanted to save his head from being mounted on a five-oh-first bunk. thank the maker for jort’s extensive explanation or else naturally would have been screwed.
so he smeared away the numbers with a gloved hand, not bothering to care as to how it dirtied the leather, and continued on.
“let’s see here,” naturally mumbles to himself as he begins to draw in the dirt once again, tongue poking out between his teeth. a thirteen is now in the dirt with a seven below it, with a line under the seven. “okay. so we’ve got thirteen times seven. three times seven is?”
“exactly, so we bring a twenty-one down. now one times seven is…”
naturally hums in agreement as he draws a seven below the one in twenty-one. “now twenty-one plus seven is-“
“twenty-eight.” jesse seems to be contemplating the lesson very hard, putting it side by side with everything he had been taught prior to then. it looked like it made sense, and his brain said it made sense, but to make him feel better he had to check it one more time.
“but now we gotta add it, just to be sure.”
“of course.”
this is where naturally sees if his hard work paid off, if jort’s lessons paid off. if he did his part good enough, then jesse would follow along and this would be easy peasy. most importantly though, he wouldn’t be bucket deep in debt to the trooper next to him.
smearing the mud one last time, he began to give jesse the final piece of the puzzle. “i’m gonna our down seven thirteens and add ‘em from there, alright?”
he puts the numbers down, one above another, and draws a line below the last. taking his stick, he begins to count by threes when the other man cuts him off halfway through. “no no no, let me do it this time!”
jesse starts to count by threes and ends on twenty-one, like he should, but also jort was sure to tell him that if he didn’t take over now that the plan was doomed to fail.
so in an effort to save his plan, naturally began pointing to the ones with his stick as he counted, “twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight!”
he spoke the numbers with confidence as he wrote the twenty-eight into the dirt, turning to give a dignified smirk to the cornflower painted trooper next to him.
jesse looked so lost and had no idea as to why this made a lick of sense, but had to concede that the young medic was right. to answer his earlier question, felucia is a planet where thirteen times seven is twenty-eight.
with a grin naturally collected the credits that had still been clutched in the other’s hand, stepping on the numbers casually enough to not raise suspicion as to why he was stepping on them. he was saved from a terrible fate and got to keep his money; it was a good night for naturally.
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firekyoshi · 3 years
i can't believe yall havent thought of a sambucky the handmaiden au LIKE GUYS LOOK AT THE POTENTIAL
anyways here's a very self-indulgent sambucky the handmaiden! au that i wrote at midnight literally 7 hours before my exam
tw // mentions of suicide
- sam is sook-hee and bucky is hideko obvs
- sam is a criminal working for the power broker aka sharon while bucky or in this case, the winter soldier, was a test experiment for HYDRA / is now an assassin + bodyguard for their leader, alexander pierce
- sharon is conducting business w hydra to obtain some weapons and idk black market stuff which forces her to go to siberia, but obviously the ultimate weapon she wants to take home is the infamous winter soldier
- she asks sam to pretend to be her butler/bodyguard but is actually hiring him to get information on the winter soldier program and obtain the code words needed to control them
- they end up staying in pierce's mansion in like a really remote place in siberia
- sam gets acquainted w the other butlers and housekeepers, they tell him that the area is haunted because they would always hear a man screaming just before daybreak followed by complete silence. they also tell him that the forest is haunted by the spirit of a man who killed himself there
- just like the housekeepers said, sam wakes around 3-4 in the morning to the sound of a man screaming followed by complete silence
- anyways the next morning he accompanies sharon to her first meeting w hydra officials, and that's where he encounters bucky
- after the meeting, sharon is all like, "change of plans. we're going to steal the winter soldier." sam's like "and who's that?", "the person u were standing next to earlier,"
- afterwards, sam starts to spy on bucky. he doesn't talk much, sam notices, actually scratch that this man does not talk period
- they were standing by the door a few feet away from where their bosses were talking. "so uh, what do i call you?" sam asks one day, but bucky is like a statue, his response being a mere blink
- sharon and pierce always have their business meetings in the morning, but they also have spend time at night, usually supper or dinner, that's more casual. sam notices that pierce's bodyguard is less stiff and more human during the later hours of the day
- sam and bucky are again standing by the door. "what do i call you?" bucky asks quietly, almost like a whisper. "uh sam, you can call me sam. and you?"
- he freezes for a while before replying, "james barnes"
- another thing that sam notices is that bucky is NEVER alone. either he's with pierce or he's escorted by other bodyguards (who look like they couldn't even take him down altogether)
- one morning, after the usual distant screams, sam decides to figure out where the screams were actually coming from. he goes to the main house, pretending to bring tea for sharon (there's a small camera hidden in the tray)
- he sees the usual group of bodyguards escorting a half-naked and disheveled bucky from the stairs to the basement. when they see him, the group looks like a pack of deers in headlights, one of them reaches for their gun, "i'm bringing tea for ms. carter," he quickly says.
- "go ahead," the leader, rumlow, says, "but next time use the main hallway will you?"
- "right, she just said it was faster this way, and she's really peculiar about the temperature of her tea."
- he shows the video to sharon and she's like "i need u to find out wtf is going on in that basement."
- one night, sharon and pierce are having dinner tgt "since we're on the topic of legends and fairytales, i have to ask about something," sharon says,
- "go, on," pierce replies
- "the winter soldier program, does it really exist?"
- the hydra leader chuckles, "i was wondering when you would ask that," then points toward bucky, "my dear, you're looking at the winter soldier."
- sam listens in on the conversation. the winter soldier program was a program created by hydra in the 1940s with the first successful test subject being an american ww2 soldier named steve rogers. apparently he was given this serum that made him super strong and for 10 years, while the other test subjects were cryogenically frozen, hydra worked to find ways to control him but failed and they had to keep him restrained most of the time.
- one night, rogers broke out of the facility, stole all the remaining formulas, and threw them away before blowing his brains out in the nearby forest
- after rogers' suicide, hydra brought out its second test subject, bucky barnes, and used the remaining serum on him. afterwards hydra froze him again while they worked on something to keep his mind under control.
- around the 1960s they created the trigger words and since then they've been using bucky to do their dirty work for them. "this, my dear, is our greatest creation." pierce says as he approaches a stand displaying a red book. "his trigger words. say them and he will do anything you want. if you need some errands taken care of, i'd be happy to lend him to you. we can talk about the costs later."
- "i don't have anything i can't take care of myself at the moment, but i'll keep that offer in mind." sharon replies
- now sharon's like "okay we HAVE to steal him and the codes." she figured out that all of the mansion's surveillance turns off for an hour to reboot from 1 AM to 2, and tells sam to basically go to the basement and manipulate bucky when he's not under hydra's control. "make him trust you, that way we won't have much of a fuss taking him to madripoor."
- that night, after the clock strikes 1, sam sneaks into the basement and finds a cell with bucky inside. there's a bed, well, more like a mattress, but bucky's not sleeping on it. instead he's sitting in a corner, head against the wall, knees tucked in his chest, hyperventilating and,,,crying???
- "hey," sam whispers, "you okay?"
- the winter soldier stares at him with red rimmed eyes and a tear stricken face. "you're sam, you're her bodyguard."
- "yeah and you're the winter soldier, or do you prefer james?"
- "bucky. it's bucky"
- yeah basically sam visits bucky's cell every night for exactly 45 minutes before he has to sneak back out. he tries to gain bucky's trust and manipulate him but guess what they fall in love surprise surprise
- bucky tells sam his true story. how he and steve used to be ww2 soldiers that were experimented on by hydra. he remembers being frozen and the first thing he sees when they woke him up was steve's dead body. "they told me he shot his head in the forest." the first thing he felt was pain as they injected the serum into his veins then tried to erase his memories. he remembers going into cryo and being woken up over and over again to kill someone or destroy something.
- he also tells sam about the one night he broke out, ran as fast as he could, and jumped off a cliff, only for him to survive. he lost an arm, but hydra replaced it with another weapon. "i thought i would end there, but i just became more of a weapon"
- so sam starts to feel unsure about stealing the winter soldier bc goddamnit bucky's a person and he doesnt deserve any of this.
- also the more time he spends with bucky the more he realises that the actual james bucky barnes is a fucking piece of shit that still uses 40s slang and petnames and makes outdated jokes and is actually a big fucking flirt.
- and sam's heart breaks every time he looks at bucky's crestfallen face when he realises that their 45 minutes are over
- of all the people he could fall in love with, it just had to be a brainwashed assassin
- sharon tells him that in a few days, she and pierce will leave for a week to actually get the business transaction done. basically she tells sam that he should break bucky out of the mansion while they're away, take the trigger word book, and meet with torres so he can take them both to madripoor.
- while sharon and pierce leave, sam continues visiting bucky during the night. also he doesn't see bucky during the day bc they have no reason to bring him out of the cell, and he kinda misses him aw
- one night, he wakes up to noise, lots of it. everyone in the house is running. in the midst of all the chaos, sam hears, "find the soldier!"
- the first place sam goes to is the forest, and there he finds bucky kneeling by a frozen lake, with a gun in his hands. sam tackles him and throws the gun away
- "what the fuck were you thinking huh?!" sam shouts, tightly holding the front of bucky's shirt, and he can't help but cry at the thought of bucky's dead body. and all of a sudden he feels like shit. for manipulating bucky and taking advantage of his trauma for his own gain. so he gathers bucky in his arms and tells him everything. about what he and sharon were actually planning, what his true motivations were when he first went inside the basement, and how he actually grew to care for bucky
- bucky just laughs and says, "i know,” he reveals that sharon's plan all along was to take bucky and the trigger words for herself, and frame sam as the mastermind behind everything. she'll then fake bucky’s death and offer sam as another test subject for the winter soldier program as compensation for stealing (and “killing”) bucky
- "how do you know all this?"
- "she visited me the first night you arrived and we talked. she told me she'll take me away and all i had to do was manipulate you into breaking me out." bucky confesses, "i didn't realise you were a sweetheart, that made everything so complicated."
- anyways sam knocks bucky unconscious and basically helps hydra guards put him back in his cell. "just saying, maybe we shouldn't tell pierce abt this yknow" and the hydra guards r like yeah no totally cause if he knew we're all fucked
- anyways bucky and sam come up with a plan to escape together. sam contacts a friend known as baron helmut zemo, who's basically sharon's biggest enemy, but more importantly, owes sam a big ass debt and asks him to give the two of them safe passage to sokovia
- they plan to escape two nights before sharon and pierce return to siberia. on that night, sam wakes up at exactly 1 AM like he always does, and kills everyone in the house. he puts a bullet in every hydra guard, every housekeeper, everyone. he disables all the techs in the house, steals the trigger word book and breaks bucky out of his cell.
- "wait. there's something i have to show you." bucky says. he takes sam to the facility. the place where they tortured him and experimented on him. the place where every other test subjects were kept frozen.
- (if you've watched the handmaiden, yes this is a reference to the library scene) sam can't contain the anger he feels when he looks at the room. "is this where they tortured you? is this where the screams come from every night?"
- bucky nods. he points at a chair in the centre of the room, surrounded by machines and computers. "every morning they would drag me out of my cell, put me on that chair, and-" he swallows a choked sob, "and read the trigger words,"
- sam can't control it anymore. he grabs a metal rod and starts destroying the place. he breaks every machine, tearing them apart until they are nothing more than wires and buttons. he kills all the frozen test subjects, because they deserve better than this. he rips apart the pages of the winter soldier's mission reports, and gathers them into a pile.
- from afar, bucky watches as sam lights up the pile and everything in front of him starts to burn. when sam turns to look at him, he can't help but think about how magnificent he looks as the fire roars behind him. his hero. his guardian angel. his sam.
- sam approaches bucky and pulls him in for a hungry kiss. something he feels he should've done earlier. "no one will ever control you again." he says, and for once its a promise that bucky believes in.
- sam reaches in his bag and pulls out the red book. bucky starts to cry bc no one, not even before hydra, had ever loved him like this. "i mean it. no one." sam says. bucky throws the book in the fire and watches and both paper and leather melt into ash
- the end they escape using zemo's private jet and live happily ever after haha
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ragnarachael · 6 years
opening up
Word Count: 2,095
Request: oh God lolol I'm the anon that sent the one request abt sleep?? Lol I meant to put "it takes me a long time to open up to people, sorry" with 10k and doc. My thumbs are dumb
Summary: this is directly after the events of my one fic on ao3 that was based on @bluezombiejesus​’s post. Remember when 10k said it’s a story for another time? Well, it’s another time as they take watch that night after getting Murphy to rejoin the party.
“So, kid,” Doc started as he carefully sat himself next to 10k on the back of the truck bed as they started their shift to take watch. “Can I ask why you and Murphy are still pissed with each other over Cassandra?”
10k sighed, he knew this question was coming. He just wished it was well later in the apocalypse when Murphy wasn’t so close in range. He shifted on the truck bed, leaning against the metal frame as he worked on changing the bandage on his stump.
“It’s not over Cassandra, Doc.” 10k hissed as he finally got the duct tape off, the knife clattering onto the metal bed. Doc tensed up when he heard the knife hit the metal, carefully moving to pick it up and hold onto it for 10k as he made sure everyone in the truck was still sleeping.
“What is it over then, if you don’t mind my asking?” 10k balled up the tape and placed it next to his bag, grimacing at the slightly bloody bandage. Putting the tape on it was a mistake, he thought.
“I-It’s really over nothing, Doc. Murphy’s rubbed me the wrong way since I joined you guys that day you offered me a ride in the beginning,” 10k reasoned carefully, Doc noticing how his hand was starting to shake bit as he slowly unraveled the bandaging on his arm. Doc scrunched his nose up as he watched.
“Are you sure? You know you can talk to me about anything, right?”
10k smiled slightly once he got the bloody bandage off, balling it up and placing it next to the tape ball, moving his hand into his bag for his roll of bandages he’d taken from Altura.
“I know I can, Doc. I just still don’t know how to feel about Murphy anymore, that’s it, I promise.” Doc let out a small sigh before nodding and letting the topic be before he put down the knife and started to help 10k with finding his bandages.
Once they’d found it, Doc took the roll and started to be what his name reigned true to.
“Hold out your stump for me, please,” He said in a deeper octave, trying to get 10k to laugh. 10k smiled a bit wider before propping his elbow up to hold up the stump for Doc to tend to.
“I kinda miss it, you know. The old group. You, Warren, Garnett, Addy, Mack, Cassandra. And that Vasquez guy. He was super cool- ouch!”
“Sorry kid! I’m tryin’ to be gentle here,” Doc said with a strain in his voice as he finally covered a majority of the wound.
“I’ll be fine, no worries,” 10k said as he took in a deep breath to try and ignore the pain, “What ever happened to Vasquez anyways?”
Doc finished wrapping up 10k’s stump and let out a small hum, leaning back to admire his work as he thought back to three years ago.
“Now that I’m thinkin’ about it, I’m not too sure, kid. That’s more of a Warren question for the morning, or whenever you wake up after our shift.”
10k nodded as he watched Doc place the bandaging stuff back into his bag where he’d found it before there was comfortable silence. 
Doc was looking ahead at the empty dirt road while 10k just looked up at the sky, counting the stars, just like he did when he was under Murphy’s control back when he was first bitten.
He couldn’t shake the memories that were coming back to him. He really tried. Every time he started to think back to those days three years ago, the back of his neck ached. 10k closed his eyes and shook his head, trying to see if that would help him this time around with the memories, but it just made his head start to ache.
“You alright?” Doc asked suddenly. 10k’s eyes snapped open as he stilled from shaking his head, looking right at Doc like a deer in headlights.
“I asked if you were alright,” Doc said, raising a brow in concern for him.
“O-Oh, uh.. yeah. Y-Yeah, I’m fine.” 10k forced a smile before he shifted around to get out of the truck bed. “I’m just gonna go for a little walk down the road.”
Doc visibly tensed up a bit, noticing the change in 10k’s tone.
“Do you want me to come with ya?”
“Nah, I won’t be going that far, I’ll stay in range if you’re that worried,” 10k said quickly before he grabbed his knife Doc had put down earlier for protection to make him feel better about going on a walk before making his way down the middle dirt road they were on a little fast at first before slowing down to try and clear his mind.
His neck was still throbbing, and he hated it. 10k was staring down at his hand where there were small scars from where Murphy had made him play the knife game.
It was almost as if he could just hear the words Murphy said to him that day and he could hear the tapping of the knife speeding up constantly. He felt like his body was trying to surrender to Murphy’s control again.
10k grunted before he threw the knife down the dirt road, taking in heavy breaths as he watched it fly before thudding onto the ground. He really hoped Doc didn’t see that.
The voices and the tapping in his head seemed to stopped once he’d tossed the knife. The pain in his neck stopped too. 10k slowly moved to sit down to try and slow his thoughts and heart rate down.
10k felt stupid. He really did. He tried not to show emotion during certain “missions” the group and him were doing, it made it quick and easy to get in, get out, move along before anything bad happened. He bottled up everything, even from a young age.
“10k!” He turned his head around to the sound of his name being called, his mind going away from the memories just for a minute to look back at Doc, who was now standing and cupping his hands around his mouth to call for him.
“Are you good?” 10k threw Doc a thumbs up with his hand, a little smile appearing on his face. Doc couldn’t really see it, but at least letting him know he didn’t wander into the woods is a good thing.
10k didn’t really hear anything after that. It was oddly quiet. He didn’t particularly like that either, until he heard footsteps coming his way.
10k quickly got up to his feet and held his fist up, ready to punch with his hand until he only saw Doc with a worried expression on his face.
“Kid, you’re looking pale as the moon right now,” Doc stated carefully before moving his hands onto his shoulders. “Have you been cryin’?”
10k didn’t even think of that. He was getting congested and didn’t care to find out why.
“Jesus,” Doc huffed out before gently pulling 10k into a firm hug, his arms wrapped around his middle. 10k tensed at first before slowly moving to wrap his arms around Doc, letting out a shaky breath.
“You’re burnin’ up too, are you sure you’re okay? Are you sick? Do we need to get you back to Sun Mei-”
“Doc, I-I’m fine it’s just,” 10k rushed out, starting to feel tears come up to his eyes again, taking in the heaving breaths once more. Doc pulled away quickly to look at 10k’s face and lead him through some breathing techniques.
“Easy, bubba, in and out.” Doc took the breaths with 10k, moving to grab a cleanish cloth from his pocket to give to 10k for his tears.
Eventually, 10k was breathing normally and tears were slowing on his cheeks. Doc spoke up first.
“Do you want to talk?” Doc bit the inside of his cheek, really hoping that 10k would nod so they could talk out whatever’s been bothering him. He’s been worried sick ever since Sarge met her demise, and he got his hand chopped. Doc let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding when 10k slowly nodded as he looked down with a sad sounding sniffle.
Doc smiled sadly and patted one of 10k’s shoulders before he started to lead him back to the truck before he was tugged back by 10k.
“Here, p-please. I don’t want anyone eavesdropping.” Doc couldn’t argue with that statement and nodded before turning back to face 10k and slide his hands into his pockets.
“Okay bud, I’m here for ya, I promise,” Doc said encouragingly, moving a hand back to 10k’s shoulder to rub gently. 10k smiled a bit before nodding, taking in another breath before clearing his throat to speak up.
“Y-You remember around three ye-years ago? When I..”
“Died?” Doc added gently, nodding. 10k nodded and pointed up at Doc.
“Yeah, that. Uh.. before all of that happened I was with Murphy in his stupid community,” 10k started slowly, his grip tightening on the cloth Doc gave him.
Doc rose a brow and nodded, waiting patiently for 10k to keep going.
“And uh, you know how he used his blends a-and stuff? For like, “Prisoner Of War” kinda junk, like Warren put it?”
“Yeah, I remember that.”
“Well, I was one of them, I guess? H-He ordered me to kill W-Warren,” 10k said, trying to speak easily, feeling his throat tighten as a new wave of tears stung in his eyes. Doc quickly moving to wrap an arm around 10k as he took in this new information.
“Really?” Doc questioned, feeling 10k move to wipe his eyes with the cloth again, nodding as he took another breath.
“He did mo-more stuff with me for his s-stupid Murphytown idea, but it wasn’t as bad as being sent to k-kill Warren.”
Doc was holding back the anger that was boiling in him now. Murphy bit 10k to use him for his quote-unquote safe haven? That didn’t sit right with him at all.
“Did he make you do anything else?”
“T-The knife game, I got injected with a buncha stuff too, if that counts,” 10k added quietly as Doc just nodded.
“I-I’m sorry I’m just now telling you about this I-I just-” 10k cut himself off to take an extremely deep breath to finish- “it takes me a long time to open up to people, I’m sorry.”
10k started to cry into Doc’s shoulder as quiet as he could, finally letting out the bottled up emotions for the time being. Doc was quick to hug him into his body again, letting him get everything out of his system.
Doc was really trying his best not to wake Murphy right now and give him a piece of his mind. He may talk with Warren about this and get her opinion on it, but for the time being, he’s more than willing to be 10k’s rock and give him a shoulder to cry on. The kid deserves it after all the shit he’s been put through.
After a while, 10k was back to being calm and rubbing at his eyes with his hand as he kept a tight hold of Doc.
“Do you feel any better, 10k?” Doc asked softly, not wanting to startle him too much. 10k took a few breaths as he sat still on Doc’s shoulder before replying with a small confirmation.
“That’s good, that’s great,” Doc said with a small smile as he gently rubbed 10k’s back.
“How’s about you try and get some shut eye in the truck while I keep watch? I’ll handle Warren when her shift comes up,” Doc reassured, feeling 10k pull back to look up at Doc’s face before a small smile broke across his own.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay awake with you?”
“I’m positive, kid. You should rest, that may even help you with relaxing, as much as you can in the apocalypse, anyways.” 10k let out a weak laugh from that, completely removing himself from Doc’s arms. Doc grinned at the laugh before wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
“C’mon, let’s get back to the truck,” Doc offered before they fell in step with each other as they faced the car on the walk back.
Doc made a mental note to talk to Warren later and try not to kill Murphy whenever he woke up and sees his ugly red face for the first time in a few hours.
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m0onbean · 6 years
friends to lovers!au mark lee
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i was inspired bc my sister recently confessed to her best friend and the way she did it was hella cute soo....
when you first entered high school you didn't know anybody since you just moved in town
nd it was rlly hard trying to adapt since you were a new kid + u were socially awkward 
on ur first day of school u sat down in ur seat in English nervous as hell bc there are so many... unfamiliar faces.... hELP
and next to u is your seat partner who is this guy who has brown hair and is wearing a pink sweater nd ur like .... ok u can do this u can make conversation with him
but then the teacher interrupts and ur like WeLP THERE GOES MY SOCIAL LIFE AND MY CHANCES OF MAKING FRIENDS :)))))))))))))))
ur teacher basically just talks about the syllabus and other boring stuff nd honestly his voice is so monotone that u just feel like napping
nd u notice that the guy next to you is also trying hella hard not to sleep and you smile to yourself at how his head cutely falls down as he's dozing off but then he immediately wakes up nd pretends like nothing happened
your teacher just keeps on talking and at one point he's like "i hope nobody's fallen asleep yet! :D" jokingly 
and under your breath you're like "... we're literally all about to pass out" 
you expect nobody to notice but then u hear the boy next to you let out a small laugh nd u look over and ohmygod he looks so cute whenever his face scrunches up from smiling!!
when the bell rings you're about to get up and the boy suddenly approaches u and is like "hi... i'm mark... i'm from canada" 
nd you just laugh and go "hi mark from canada i'm (y/n) from ___" nd then he gets rlly embarrassed bC WHY DID HE SAY THAT
but its ok bc u thought it was cute
nd from then on he introduces you to his friend group which is just filled with a bunch of crackheads honestly
u join their squad and for the next highschool years you basically become best friends with all of them
but mark... he becomes your #1 bff immediately
you're both awkward & dorky so when u two are laughing to eachother about some dog meme on Instagram haechan and jisung judge you two so hard 
you two like to go on adventures together in town like maybe riding bicycles to a park OR going into costume shops just to have fun trying on wigs 
during English the teacher probably hates you two bc instead of focusing on how to write an analytical essay u and mark are listening to music while playing endless rounds of tic tac toe
anyways the whole school year passes nd now u two are sophomores 
a lot of people gossip about u two and speculate when u two are gonna start dating but ????? you don't see mark that way and ur 2971301% sure he doesn't see you that way either
in fact u two like to make a lot of dating jokes and pretend to be a youthful, happy couple so y'all can get free things from cashiers who can't resist your adorableness
yet sometimes.... u wonder what it would be like to actually date him but u convince urself that a) mark doesn't like you THAT way and b) being best friends is just as good
jeno is your #2 best friend because he's actually the most normal one in your squad + he's actually rlly compassionate and reasonable like DAMN husband material
nd u tell jeno that u always wonder what it would be like... to have mark has ur boyfriend and he'd be like Well not much would change right? 
whenever ur away from mark u two are either facetiming or texting
whether it's just sending eachother funny memes or tagging eachother in videos of cute animals ... u never go a day without interacting
one day he suddenly doesn't reply to any of your texts or calls and you're ??? ok mayb he's just busy bc he does play basketball a lot with the boys
but then..... u start getting worried so u ask ur groupchat where he's been
you: has anyone seen mark? he's not responding to any of my messages
dream groupchat~
bitch #1 (renjun): why ???? r u worried about him ;)
bitch #2 (haechan): OOooOoOo bc u care about ur Boyfriend?!!
bitch #3 (jisung): omg i'm blushing u 2 are so cute uwu
you: omg shut up i hate you three
jeno<3: i heard he's at the hospital
nana<3: yea he injured his foot
dolphin: yah not to be a snitch BUT he told us not to tell you
you: wait what?!
you rush to the nearest hospital on ur bicycle and when you find mark just chilling on a hospital bed with a cast on his foot u almost pass out
nd he's rlly surprised at first but when he sees tears stream down ur face he immediately feels like the worst guy on Earth
he has to hug you nd tell you 194820 times that he's OK and that he's sorry for not telling u abt the injury
when u find out that some guy ran over his foot with a skateboard u immediately find the guy at school and almost kick him but the whole squad holds u back
at school chenle privately tells u that mark didn't want to tell u abt the injury bc he didn't want you to worry about him but ??? that's BS!! 
chenle tries to imply that mark cares about u in a Special way but u completely miss it
in fact, the rest of the dream squad always talks about u two behind your backs and are like "when tf r they gonna realize their feelings"
even tho haechan wants to just leave you guys in a room to talk about it the rational ones (aka Jeno & RenJun) are like "no just let them figure out on their own"
junior year starts!! and u feel...... different
everyone around you starts to date and you wish you could too
some ppl have asked u out before but u kindly rejected them all.... but why?? why don't u have feelings for them?? they're cute and probably ur ideal type yet u still don't want them
nd whenever all ur frieds are in relationships u feel left out 
Jaemin tells u that u don't need to date to "fit in" but you don't understand why u're not attracted to anyone
so imagine how ... lost ... you feel when mark starts dating someone
he's mentioned this girl a couple of times before and how she's pretty nd u would always agree and encourage him to make a move
but it's all too sudden and unexpected when he texts you about it
chat with mark-
morkypoo: (y/n) i'm dating her
you: who? that girl you mentioned a few times?
morkypoo: yea
morkypoo: you're not mad right?
you: no! i'm happy for you! why would i be mad
morkypoo: idk 
and you WERE happy for him!! but u kinda just relied on him to stay single forever with you so y'all can make fun of the other dream boys when they date 
besides that.... you sort of feel.... jealous?!
so ur on a phone call with jeno panicking and ranting abt how you're so confused!!!
and jeno just calmly listens and is like "okay let's see here... why would you be jealous?"
nd u would be like "because i want him to be my best friend and i don't want him to ditch me for someone else i guess!!!"
"any other reason??"
and you would think hard about it and suddenly
oh shit
you like mark.
in your panic you hang up on jeno and throw your phone somewhere 
and your heart.... aches. 
like there's this sharp pain around it and wow. This sucks.
the tall boy from Canada whose face scrunches up whenever he laughs, the boy who you share blankets with during movies, the boy who you have as your lockscreen is actually ... your first love...
so in order to forget your pain you try to deny it 
its normal for friends to sometimes feel attraction right??? it's okay for you to think about kissing your friend right???
without even realizing it, you start distancing yourself from mark in an attempt to figure out your feelings
mark is confused about why you stopped tagging him in Canada memes and why you always go to sleep earlier nd can't call him anymore
during school you two still talk a lot ofc but whenever mark's gf comes around to kiss or hug him you immediately turn around and leave 
the dream squad watches this happen for a month before they finally decide to deal with this shit themselves
haechan: ok squad our lovely couple is falling apart we need to save them
renjun: haechan we aren't going to lock them in a room!!
jeno: well (y/n) is sad about mark dating someone else
jisung: that idiot... why'd he have to date that girl
jaemin: idk bc we all know he doesn't really like her
chenle: ur right she's annoying af
haechan: i watched them talk before... the conversation was STALE
and as the boys try to figure out a plan, you lay on your bed contemplating everything with your heart feeling stuffy
junior year ends and summer starts 
but now, you're certain of your feelings
mark offers you to get ice cream at night and you agree
when you both arrive at the ice cream store you realize how much you loved just spending time with mark
and how you would die if your friendship fell apart bc of your stupid feelings
after you two are done, you say your goodnights and you enter your car with a clouded mind
and you sit in your car, not even budging, just thinking
before u know it, you grab your phone and you dial mark's number
he answers after the first ring and is like "(y/n) what's up?"
"i know this is really embarrassing and i'm probably going to regret saying this but... i think i like you. no. i like you, mark."
the line goes silent and you can tell he's shocked
after seconds you hear him go, ".... oh okay." nd you scramble to hang up the call, thinking you messed everything up
he sounded really surprised and you start beating yourself up over it
when you drive home, you get a text response from mark that says
morkypoo: i think i like you too
morkypoo: no, i like you. 
after your confession it seems like things are back to normal except now you cuddle closer to him and hold hands with him a LOT
your favorite thing is to surprise him with pecks to his cheeks bc it gets him so freaking embarrasing and flustered!! and now he's scrambling for words bc u literally made him forget what he was about to say
u two decide not to tell the dream squad abt your relationship until a few days
but ofc the plan goes wrong bc suddenly as u two are watching Netflix while sharing popcorn mark gets a call from haechan
nd mark is ? and answers it 
AND haechan is like "hey mark let's meet at the library tomorrow at 2:00pm"
mark, suspiciously: u never go to the library...
haechan: uHHHHH i want to read books ok bye see you there!!!
then he just hangs up and mark is is hella confused and you're just staring at him with the same ? expression
not even a second later your phone starts ringing and guess who it is. yup, haechan.
haechan: let's meet at the library tomorrow at 2:10 pm! oh yeah and don't tell mark!! ok bye!
after discussing it with mark, you 2 come to the agreement to just play along with whatever game haechan was pulling
and once you arrive at the library you're immediately pushed into a study room by haechan and he's like"TALK OUT YOUR FEELIINGS" then locks the door
hmm and guess who else is in that room? mark.
u 2 look at eachother then start laughing bC HAECHAN WAS TRYING TO set you guys together but y'all were one step ahead
to surprise haechan (who was trying to pretend like he wasn't spying on you two from the door's window), you kiss mark on the cheek 
the door bursts open and haechan is like ???WTF that fast???wow i'm good at this-
you: no we were already together
haechan, pulling out his phone: i'm telling the squad that you two are fake friends for not telling us this earlier
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(Now with favorite lines! bc why not, right?) (favorite lines either there bc I like the lyrics in that part or I really like how it sounds within the song)
I’m not a professional music person (I’ve been in band for several years and I’m pretty good, but I don’t know anything about music theory or anything abt singing) but AH WELL, I LIKE RANTING ABT MY SPECIAL INTERESTS AND THE INTERNET IS A GOOD PLACE TO FEEL LIKE I’M TALKING TO SOMEONE, SO HERE WE GO
(also there’s definitely going to be Twisted spoilers under the cut (for act one, at least), so watch out if you haven't seen it)
(also also I split this into two parts bc it’s getting late and as you can see by how this progresses, I got sleep deprived quickly plus it got way too long. This is part one with all the first act songs, part two will have the second act songs and should be up by tomorrow.)
OK THE OPENING NUMBER RIGHT?? THE INSTRUMENTALS?? THE HARMONIES??? THE GENERAL SAJKFDASJKFHDSJK???!?!? Like, it literally sounds like a Disney song but they cuss! It’s amazing!! (And all the citizens?? Comedy gold, every one of them, I swear) (AND THE FUCKINGJDSJKJDSKL SOPRANO PART???!? I’M C R Y I N G I FORGOT WHAT HER NAME WAS BUT SHES SUCH A GOOD SINGER THANK YOU FOR YOUR VOICE)
Favorite lines: 
“May the Rats ejaculate upon you!” “Thank you, thank you very much!”
“Why is everyone in the kingdom white?” “Uhh... Jafar?” 
“But ugliness permits a man to use his wits, ‘cause pretty people never have to try”
pretty much  the whole song past the line “Why am I the only one who sees things as they are?”
Specifically “I want to be a cat!” “Wha-” “FUCK YOU!”
But more specially “Whistle while you swallow a spoonful of sugar and your dreams will come true upon a star!!!!” bc OH MY GOD IT’S BEAUTIFUL
Everyone listing how they want Jafar to die
ALSO SPECIALLY THE LAST 30 SECONDS BC AHJSAHJKADS (everything at and past the lines “and if we dream a little harder/ our patience and our honor...” etc.)
OK I STEAL EVERYTHING TIME! ULTIMATE CHAOS SONG, AND I LOVE. BE THE EVIL GREMLIN YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD. Also: the jazziness?? the opening instrumentals??? it’s so good. To the people playing the instrumentals for this musical: ,,,thank you,,,.,. (Also I learned recently that most of Jeff’s songs are in my range so guess who’s gonna try and learn this song?)
Favorite lines:
“Fetch, ya fucks!”
Did I mention the instrumentals?? bc hfhhhjdklsajk They seem simple but they’re also going ham and I love it
“Monkey thought we should just kill you, but I said ‘No, monkey, that’s crazy’ but now I’m thinking, yeah, no more fucking raisins...’“
“Thanks but no, thanks, ‘The Man’“
Honestly every line in this is golden, but I can’t put them all in and that sucks
“You’re only in trouble if you get caught!” “Aladdin?” “I’m in trouble!”
“Just one question, why, man?” “’Cause you stole my daughter’s hymen!” “That’s completely fair, but, in my defense, dude, your daughter’s hot!”
EVERYTHING AND MOOREE!!! SHE WANTS IT ALL AND I’M CRYING BC SHE SOUNDS BEAUTIFUL WHILE DOING SO. (I just realized that there’s 14 songs on this soundtrack and I’m sorry in advance for how long this post A) already is and B) is going to get) This song is so dramatic and that somehow fits the mood of her character and I love it so much and just ahdshjkds. Also it’s just?? So pretty????
Favorite lines:
“But it’s just like, whatever”
“I just want to be free so badly! You slaves could never understand. :(”
“You’re probably thinking, she’s got everything. Well, it’s true, ‘cause I do, but so the fuck what?”
“I WANT THE MOON! I WANT TO LIVE ON THE MOON! And eat it in a pie! And keep it as a pet! and wear it like a gemstone in my hair!”
“As I laugh in their faces of moonbeam pie!!”
“It’s enough to make me with I were lowly and poor... But like... with money!”
THA GOLDEN FUCJKLCIODIGN RULE. LIKE HOLY SHIT I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH. AND THE DANCING THEY DO WITH IT IN THE SHOW ITSELF??? IT’S THE BEST. THE FIUCUING BEST. I’M CRYING. THE DANCING IS SO  GOOD. AND SO IS THIS SONG. Also, it’s the #1 Starkid song I’d be comfortable showing to my mom, which is a definite plus! (I could also show this to my church pastor and he’d?? definitely like it, so that’s also a definite plus) And everyone’s so nice to Jafar, espically compared to the opening number and it just makes me so sad and let me give Jafar a hug, goddammit. ALSO also please let me meet the saxophone player and shake his hand, I don’t play saxophone but what he’s doing here is amazing. WAIT ALSO ALSO ALSO MAY I MEET THAT FLUTE PLAYER BC I’M JUST NOW HEARING THE FLUTE (AND HOW DID I NOT NOTICE IT BEFORE, I PLAY THAT INSTRUMENT???) AND I’M FUCJKIGDFONG HOLY SHIT JSUT FUCKINGJDSJKL ;BOUNCE AROUND ON THOSE NOTES WHY DON’T YOU I’M SAJDSKCDSJS
Favorite lines:
“Why it’s as easy as a 1,2,3,4!”
“Always treat others like sisters and brothers!” 
all of the lines just sound so good, I can’t choose 
The way Dylan Saunders says “Man” that that first time, like holy shit
The whole conversation between Omar and the thief
[completely monotone] “My hunger blinded me and forced me to act like an animal.”
The “boop boop bop doop zeep do-wow!” in the background during that part
“Good luck Jafar! And! Re! Mem! Ber!”
And then the whole ensemble sings it and it sounds so good
oh good god we’re not even 5 songs in yet i’m so sorry 
GOLDEN RULE: EVIL REPRISE, OR, AS I CALL IT, “GOLDEN RULE WENT EMO BUT I STILL LOVE AND SUPPORT THEM”. Those dissonant sounds at the beginning? beautiful. All the random evil laughter? amazing. Whatever the heck the saxophonist is doing at the end? breathtaking, give me more. Joe Walker’s voice?? just fucking dhdsfjkfdlashjdsfklhfdsjkl
Favorite lines:
“Lets him rule the land WITH an iron fist!”
“The prize for winning? MORE GOLD, HAHA! And the game begins again!”
[sarcastically] “’Follow the golden rule’? Boy don’t be such a fool!”
“Follow the gold! Follow the gold! Follow the gold!” “AND RUUULE!!”
the final “And Rule!”
Don’t be fooled bc this one is so short, it’s nearing midnight for me and also this song is really short. In reality, I fucking love this song and it’s one of my absolute favorite starkid villain songs and also one of my absolute favorites from this musical.
A THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS IS SOME FUCKINGNDSKLJ; GOOD SHIT I’M. Also, I don’t listen to it enough, so I’m giving y’all a running commentary as I listen to it for the first time outside of watching the whole musical 1) I love accidentals and key changes, and i’m,,, crying just the first verse is so good already, why haven’t I listened to this song enough 2) I’M CRYING I WANT TO KNOW THEIR STORY TOO THIS IS WHAT LOVE IS I’M CRYINGHJFDSJKSD 3) they keep using the word “’twist” and i’m ahsdhjkds bro 4) DYLAN YOUR VOICE. YOUR VOICE, IT’S TOO GOOD. IT MUST BE STOPPED, YOU’RE TOO GOOD, DYLAN 5) “LINGER OVER EVERY PART” OH MAN IT SOUDNS SO GOOD. SO GOOD. AHHHHHHDSHJDSFKLHJK 6) OK I’M LIKE ACTUALLY CRYINGN NOW THEY’RE IN LOVE. THIS IS WHAT LOVE IS. OH  GOD OH FUCK 7) AND THEY SOUND SO GOOD, TOO, WHY HAVEN’T I LISTENED TO THIS SONG ENOUGH AHDHJKLDAS
OK I haven’t listened to this song enough to have favorite lines just yet, also I want to at least get to the end of the first act before I go to bed and it’s already midnight rn, so we’re going ahead and moving on (so sorry!)
IF I BE-FUCKIN-LIEVED. OH GOD. THIS ONE. THIS ONE IS SO GOOD. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. THE FLUTE, THE WORDS, THE SINGING LIKE GODDAMN. This one is also kinda within my range so I’m also trying to learn to sing it bc it’s just that good (cons of being a contralto: you get no female songs in musicals, pros of being a contralto: you get all the cool higher tenor songs) The raw emotion in his voice??? I’m crying??? The strength and soul and beauty and just ashjdskl;jdsfkl; it’s so, so beautifully and wonderfully amazing
Favorite lines:
“Science says you’re dead and gone forever! Reason says I’m talking to the air! But something in my heart, some secret, hidden part, illogically insists that you are there! Somewhere!!”
“Perhaps it’s not too late, to change the course of fate?”
“‘Cause after all, I must be pretty great... if you believed in me...”
Again this song is really short and there’s not a lot of lines to choose from and also I love them all and dfhjskdskjl this is just such a good song
I’m still crying
ORPHANED AT 33!!! [insert Peggle 2 gif] CHAOS... T W O!!!! HE’S MR ORPHAN, AKA CHAOS MAN (NOW WITH A MUSICAL NUMBER!) (I’m also trying to learn this one bc let me splurge in trying to teach myself Twisted songs, ok?) He’s being tragic and over-dramatic and it’s a beautiful song! and I also love how in the studio version, he doesn’t mention that they died earlier that year, so it almost comes as a shock when he says “when I was orphaned at... thirty-three” and it just makes the song that much funnier, trust me
Favorite lines:
I know I said this abt most of the other songs up to this point, but can I say all the lines? because all the lines
“[My parents are] dead... that makes me an orphan :’(”
“‘Cause my story’s just too saaad!”
“They call me a jerk off! a burn-out! A punk! But I can’t let that stuff in my head!”
“All things considered, I think I turned out pretty good! I pulled myself up by my bootstraps and started s t e a l i n g  a l l  I  c o u l d!”
”I’ll make it through somehow, despite being so sadly and crushingly all alone...”
“I’ll BREAK THE CHAIN!! YOU’LL SEE!!! I’M GONNA L I V E  F O R E V E R!!!!1!111!”
The last “thirty-three” bc Jeff oh my god what is that voice
HAPPY ENDING TIME, HECK YEAH!!!!! THIS SONG,,,, SO, SO GOOD, I’M A FUCKING SUCKER FOR SONGS WITH MORE THAN ONE PART THAT ALL END TOGETHER IN A HARMONY. THAT IS PEAK MUSICIANSHIP AND JUSTHSDHJFKSAD Also someone pointed this out to me, but the way to goes from Aladdin’s weirdly horny lines straight to the princess going “oh Aladdin, you poor, innocent soul :(” is just the funniest thing to me. And how it calls back to thier own solos, I’m???!? OH AND INSTRUMENTALS AGAIN. THE BAND FUCKING KILLED IT WITH THIS MUSICAL, IT’S SO, SO GOOD JUST AHDSJKLAKKFAnd the energy in it?? The excitement for the next act??? I’m pumped!! Are you pumped?? WELL GET READY BC YOU WILL BE
Favorite lines:
Yet a-fucking-gain I love every goshdarn line in this song, it’s just too good
“They’ll throw a parade in my honor, with peacocks and monkeys galore!”
“The people will cheer!” [cool guitar bit]
[Jafar’s relatively calm part ends] [electric guitar starts back up and Aladdin jumps on stage] “I CaN’T wAiT tO bE A RicH DUdE!!!11!1!″
“Stealing is so much easier when you’ve already got tons of gold!”
“I’ve got my eye! On what money can’t buy! ‘cause that princess is OH! Hella tight! I’ll be the one who plunders her cave of wonders! I’ll get my happy ending tonight!”
“My innocent Aladdin!”
Yes i’m fully aware I put pretty much Aladdin’s full part in there, stop judging me, it’s a good part
“It puts a damper on our love if you don’t have a head” 
“So with with your permission, I’d like to bring back your bride!”
just. Jafar’s whole fantasy where he’s happy with his wife. I’m crying again, please just let him be happy
Ok yeah that’s the end of the first act of songs! I should have the next part up by tomorrow, so get ready for more capslock and keysmashes and me generally being excited abt music bc MUSIC HECK YEAH DFFHADSJKHDAS
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