#and domestic merlahad feels
hi! merlahad prompt: during the lancelot trials Eggsy and Roxy bet on whether Harry is in a relationship. Eggsy says he's single but Roxy is convinced he has a wife. so they try to find out which one of them is right, but since harry is a private person and merlin for some reason doesn't indulge their need for gossip they don't get an answer. until one day Eggsy comes to harry's for a spontaneous visit and finds harry&merlin being horribly domestic and welp now they both lost their bet.
Hi! Thanks for the prompt! This is mostly Eggsy failing to out-spy the spies, but hopefully there’s enough Merlahad feels at the end to compensate (:
Continue beneath the cut, or read on AO3.
“You what? Harry ain’t married!”
Roxy remained unfazed by Eggsy’s retort,spluttered as it was through a snort of laughter. “I’m sure he is,” sheinsisted. “There’s absolutely no way a man like him could possibly be single.”
“But he’s a spy! I’m pretty sure they haveregulations about that kinda thing.”
“They do, but there are always exceptions.And if ever there was a Kingsman unafraid to bend the rules, don’t you think it’sGalahad?”
Eggsy couldn’t argue with that, but neithercould he quite picture Harry with a wife. Maybe it was because he didn’t thinkHarry would be so unkind as to bugger off on missions with no idea if he’d everreturn home, the poor woman never knowing if she would see him again. Or maybeit was something more tangible.
“But he don’t wear a ring!” He grinned intriumph, certain he had hit upon incontrovertible proof.
Roxy rolled her eyes heavenward, unconvinced.“Of course not, he’s a spy.”
His own argument turned back on him, Eggsyscowled in the face of her logic. She was right; Harry would hardly riskproviding enemies with details of his private life, gifting them potentialtargets.
“And why else would he have been so eagerto hurry home tonight?” Roxy continued, stacking up her evidence with glee. “He’srarely on time for anything, so it must be important. Maybe today’s theiranniversary, or her birthday…”
“Or maybe he just wanted to catch the XFactor results,” Eggsy countered. Roxy’s withering look told him exactlywhat she thought of that suggestion. “Yeah, okay, but you still ain’t gonnaconvince me he’s married.”
“How much?”
“How much what?”
“How much do you want to bet you’reright?”
Eggsy wasn’t exactly flush, but hecouldn’t pass up on a wager with a mate, which Roxy was fast becoming. “Twentyquid says he’s single.”
“You’re on.” 
Roxy offered her hand and they shook,sealing the deal.
Proving he was right turned out to be moredifficult than Eggsy had assumed it would be. Thankfully, that meant neitherwas he being proven wrong, which was something at least, and his moneyremained safe. For now.
A naturally private man with years of trainingand successful service as a secret agent, Harry was an infuriatingly hard nutto crack.
“So, how do you spend your downtime then?”Eggsy enquired of him during one of the rare times the candidates were granteda breather.
“How do you mean?”
“I dunno. I mean, you must get the odd daywhen you ain’t off saving the world. Do you watch the footy? Play Xbox? Chillwith your mates?”
“Even if I knew what those things were, I’mquite certain the answer would still be no.”
Eggsy was sure Harry was beingdeliberately obtuse, but every attempt to switch tactics was met with furtherevasion.
After receiving a text from his mum—therewas news of a free sim deal and she’d let him know if she got a new number andhow was he getting on?—Eggsy took one final punt.
“Must be hard not being able to sharestuff with your loved ones.”
“Is that something you think you’ll have aproblem with?”
“Nah, bruv. You know I can keep me mouthshut. But it must suck not being able to talk about it when you’ve had a shitday.”
“We all find ways to deal with the shit,as well as celebrate our triumphs.”
“Yeah? What do you do then?”
Harry smiled a small, private smile. “Itusually involves a nice martini.”
The subtle approach was getting Eggsyprecisely nowhere. Harry was accustomed to withstanding more refinedinterrogation than Eggsy’s clumsy attempts at prying into his private life.Short of coming right out and just asking him, Eggsy was soon out of ideas.
Except one.
“You’ve known Harry a long time, right?”
“I have.”
“What’s he like when he’s not being AgentGalahad? Is he always that posh?” Merlin was just staring at him, faceunreadable, so Eggsy forged on, aiming for casual. “I’ll bet he’s properromantic. Does he have a girlfriend?”
“Why the sudden interest?” Merlin quirkedan eyebrow. “You don’t have designs on Galahad, do you, Eggsy?”
“What?! Fuck no! I mean, he’s pretty fitfor his age and that, I suppose, but I ain’t…” Eggsy trailed off when he sawminute smile twitching at the corner of Merlin’s mouth. “Bastard. I was justwondering.”
“Perhaps you should apply your mind to themore pertinent matter of taking down those targets.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Eggsy turned his attentionback to the range and fired his remaining shots. Thanks to his Marine training,this was something he was actually decent at, so it didn’t much matter that hismind continued to wander.
Merlin had been a crap choice of subjectfor information gathering. Their stoic quartermaster was clearly not so easilydrawn into gossip.
But before Eggsy could come up with PlanC, everything went tits up.
When Harry was lying unconscious in theinfirmary bed, he received notably few visitors. The other agents popped in,and Arthur, of course, but the only person who spent more time at his bedsidethan Eggsy was Merlin.
Roxy argued that they probably didn’tallow non-Kingsman personnel on site, but Eggsy was convinced they would makean exception for a spouse whose husband was in a critical condition.
When he woke up, at least Harry had Merlinthere to look after him.
“Guess where I’ve been?” 
Roxy glanced up at Eggsy and waited to beenlightened.
“Harry’s house.”
“Oh!” Now she looked properlyinterested. “And?”
“No sign of a wife, I’m afraid.” Eggsytried not to look too smug.
Roxy frowned, thinking over this newinformation. “That makes sense, if you think about it. We were only grantedtwenty-four hours, so she must have offered to go out and give you and Harrysome time alone.”
“Ah, but you didn’t see his house. It’s atotal bachelor pad, no sign of a woman’s touch anywhere.” Harry’s decor hadperhaps been a little eccentric, but there had been a notable lack of the kindof things Eggsy guessed women usually liked to have around the home. He wasonly basing this conclusion on his own mum, really, and he wasn’t so shallow asto think all women were the same, but he thought his general theory held.
“So you checked the bedroom? The bathroomcabinets?”
Eggsy deflated. Roxy had a point. MaybeHarry’s hypothetical wife shared his taste in the mildly bizarre, but she wouldcertainly have her own set of toiletries and stuff. A grin split Roxy’s face,proclaiming her small victory.
“We was a bit busy,” Eggsy said,defensive. Learning how to make the perfect martini had taken precedence oversnooping through Harry’s underwear drawer, although he was now cursing themissed opportunity.
He soon set about rectifying hisoversight.
Harry had said he was welcome to visit,but turning up unannounced on his doorstep might be a bit rude. Thankfully,Harry didn’t seem pissed to see him, and Eggsy was invited in. 
“We’ve already had dinner, I’m afraid, butyou’re welcome to join us for a drink.”
Eggsy perked up at the we, hisheart sinking a little at the confirmation that Roxy had been correct allalong. Nonetheless, his curiosity had been piqued, and he followed Harrythrough to the living room only to pause in the doorway, baffled.
Kingsman’s tech wizard looked up from thetablet perched on his knee, glanced at Harry over Eggsy’s shoulder, thenreturned his attention to Eggsy.
“Good evening, Eggsy.”
It was obvious he was confused by Eggsy’sunexpected appearance, but Harry took control, ushering Eggsy to an armchairand fetching another glass to prepare him a drink. He also took the opportunityto refresh his own and Merlin’s before taking a seat beside Merlin on the sofa.
Merlin tapped a few final times on thetablet, then set it aside on the small table beside him, giving his shrewdattention to their guest. With dawning realisation, Eggsy guessed he must haveinterrupted some kind of casual work meeting.
If that was the case, Harry didn’t seem tomind, smiling at Eggsy as he sipped his martini. “To what do we owe thepleasure?”
“I just wanted to say thanks.” Eggsy waswinging it, but went with his heart. “For believing in me, giving me thisopportunity. Not many people have ever done that for me, y’know.”
“I am very pleased my gut instinct provedcorrect, and I have every faith you’ll be equally successful in your next test.Don’t you think, Merlin?”
“He has performed admirably so far, aye,but I’m afraid I must remain impartial.”
“Of course.” But Harry gave Eggsy a lookthat said not to take any notice.
They continued to chat, Eggsy relaxing inthe company and happy not to have seen any sign of the elusive wife. About halfan hour later the conversation waned and Harry yawned with a hand to his mouthand a word of apology.
He was probably still recovering from thecoma, and Eggsy felt a bit of a dick for imposing on his rest. He was about tomake his excuses and leave when Harry leaned across Merlin to place his emptyglass on the end table. Rather than straightening up, he remained pressedagainst Merlin’s side, settling comfortably as if he fully intended to staythere. After a moment, his head dropped to Merlin’s shoulder, his eyes droopingshut.
Merlin froze, awkward, his gaze flickingfrom Eggsy to the man lounging against him. He gave Harry a gentle nudge.
“Perhaps it’s time you took yourself offto bed,” he suggested, tone carefully neutral.
Harry gave a sleepy smile and raised ahand, trailing his fingers lazily down Merlin’s chest, suggestive heat in hisvoice when he spoke. “Only if you’ll join me, darling.”
Merlin grasped Harry’s hand, halting itscaress. “Harry.” The mild warning in his tone was enough to rouse Harry, whoimmediately sat up, aware and contrite.
“Shit, I’m sorry. That was terriblyinappropriate of me.”
The silence that followed was filled for amoment with embarrassed uncertainty, until Eggsy grinned at the pair of them,everything finally slotting into place. It was incredible that neither he norRoxy had figured it out sooner, it just seemed so…obvious. So right.
His reaction must have been enough toreassure Merlin, for he hooked an arm around Harry’s shoulders and hauled himback in, the tension in his rigid posture visibly ebbing. “Come here, you daftbastard.” There was such fond affection in his voice, in the way he looked atthe man curled up against his side, that Eggsy wondered how he had ever thoughtMerlin so terrifying. No doubt he’d be reminded soon enough, but at that momenthe was granted the honour of sharing in their happiness.
It did, however, quickly become a bit toosappy, and Eggsy decided he had overstayed his welcome.
“I think it’s time I was getting back. I’llsee meself out.”
There was a mumble from the sofa as Harryand Merlin bade him good night, quite happy to remain where they were.
As he left, Eggsy took care of one finalpiece of business, snapping a quick photo with his phone and sending it to Roxywith an accompanying message.
Call it a draw?
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kingsmansecretsanta · 7 years
The Summer 2017 Kingsman Secret Santa is officially over!
Thank you so, so much to everyone who participated this round, whether as a creator or reader, and an extra special thanks to all of our amazing pinch hitters. We hope you all had as wonderful a time as we did!
Authors have been revealed and works are de-anoned -- all works can be seen here in our collection on AO3, so please do take a gander for any awesome works you may have missed! (I know I still have some on my to-read list.) As a final reminder for all participants, now is the time to find your gift and leave some thanks if you have not already done so. And please do leave some love for any work you enjoyed while you’re in the collection, our creators worked hard and deserve all those kudos ♥♥♥
Under the cut is the official masterlist for your viewing pleasure! Go forth and see who created all your favorites :D
5 Times Eggsy was Totally Oblivious, and 1 Time He Wasn’t by @haywirecompass (heyitslee) for @breathtakinglybrutal [merhartwin 2k T] For all that Eggsy is completely gone on his two mentors, when faced with their advances, he's a lot less observant than a Kingsman agent should be. Eventually, though, he realises just what is going on.
A World Of Honour And Of Reverence by @childishzombiejellyfish (Damned_Writers) for @annaofaza [hartwin 50k M] Featuring a small host of heroes, villains, scheming politicans, arranged marriages, dubious morals, swordfights, betrayal, forgiveness, and far too many people who are idiots when it comes to matters of the heart. I'm sad to say there are no snakes or spiders, unless we count peoples personalities as such.
At the Bottom of a Bottle by @hartwinorlose (mitslits) for @mustardprecum [hartwin 7k T] Harry is assigned the worst possible mission: He has to attend Alcoholics Anonymous. It isn't fair, Merlin. He'll die. He's not made to be sober.
Blind Dates Are the Best Dates by @fanciesofanenglishmajor (lifegivingwords) for LadyEmrys [merwin 2.5k G] Eggsy is being set up on a date. Everything doesn't go to plan.
breaking new ground by @tastymoves (Sway) for @arlessiar [hartwin, merwin, merlahad, merhartwin 15k E] “For the time I’m away, I’d like to put Merlin in charge.” |“In… charge of…. me?” Eggsy’s mouth goes dry. "As in…” | “As your Dom, yes.” | Eggsy is on denial. Harry is called off to a mission. Merlin is put in charge.
Breathe with me by @madpineapple for @thegeekylibrarian [merlahad 4.4k T] It takes a moment of shared relaxation to know one man's heart.
Bugger It by @reeperwriting for @technopat3 [hartwin, merlahad, merhartwin 12k NR] Harry was bored.  Not in an average spent-too-long-on-holiday bored, but more of a let’s-stalk-the-neighbors sort of bored. He has been sentenced to house arrest, courtesy of Morgana and her entire staff at the medical bays of well-meaning (but clearly uneducated) nurses and doctors.  And therapists.  And the R+D department.  And Merlin.  And Arthur.  Bugger them all.
Dance Me to the End of Love by @anarchycox for @roseforthethorns [merlahad 13.5k T] It is the 1920s and the realms of magic have decided it is time to shut most of the doors between their world and ours. Humans no longer deserve or even want what they have to offer. They no longer believe in magic. But fae Eggsy disagrees. He loves people madly and he is determined to give them one last gift before he is forced to depart.
Dipped in Ink by @fand0mfancies (Kez) for @hartwinorlose [hartwin 6k M] The scars Harry carried as a Kingsman, had rarely bothered him. This latest scar however... However, getting it covered, proves somewhat more difficult than he'd been hoping...
Finding Home by @roseforthethorns​ for @haywirecompass​ [merhartwin 2.1k T] Without realizing it, Eggsy started to fall in love. What he didn't know is that Harry and Merlin were falling in love with him too.
five times they shared a bed as friends (and the one time it was more than that) by @sherlocksbuttonhole for @withinmeloveresides1 [hartwin 5k T] "Your files say you’ll find a double room acceptable at the location?” Merlin says. | Harry ignores the look Merlin throws him over the rims of his glasses, “yes, we might as well save the company some money when we’re comfortable enough to share.”
For the World by @ataraxetta for @faedreamer [hartwin 1.6k M] It's been a while since Harry and Eggsy have seen each other, and there's no reunion too sweet.
For they have the same hiding place by @sassafrasx for @thesilverqueenlady [hartwin, merlahad, merhartwin 9k E] Harry doesn’t think much about it at first. Doesn’t think much of anything at all beyond the way the sun glints off Eggsy outside a police station, the stubborn, contained belligerence in his body, how Harry can’t help but smirk a bit as he tilts his head in consideration. This will be fun. Eggsy turning out to be the changeling son of the faerie queen herself is a bit more fun than Harry had bargained for.
Front Page Heroism by @galahadthelate (mentalstrainatdawn) for @pomegranatepusher [hartwin 7.5k M] Fearless reporter Eggsy Unwin keeps getting himself into scrapes but luckily the mysterious gentleman superhero known as Galahad is always there to save him. This time, however, a darker plot leaves a famous super villain dead and it's up to Eggsy and his coworker Harry Hart to solve the mystery.
Harry and Eggsy, snapshots of two spies in love by @paxdracona for @galahadthelate [hartwin fanart G] Here be drawings! Featuring domestic Harry and Eggsy fighting together; digitally this time. Also: same-age Hartwin in a magic au
i get along without you very well by @hisreindeerjumper (reindeerjumper) for @mamaliza [merlahad 4k T] Merlin and Harry, as far as Eggsy is concerned, are two of the biggest idiots he's ever met. For being two of the smartest people he knows, he can't believe that he has to play matchmaker to two mutually pining adults. Luckily for them, Eggsy is willing to do what he has to for their happiness.
i hope we never meet again by @takeanotherpieceofmyhartwin (Blackbeyond) for @ilokheimsins [hartwin 2k T] Harry and Eggsy attend the Hart Family Reunion. They're the two top spies at Kingsman, they should be able to handle dealing with Harry's family for a few hours. It'll be a breeze! Spoiler: It is not, in fact, a breeze. aka the fic where Eggsy looks fine as hell, Harry needs more whiskey, and Cordelia Hart is having the time of her life.
i wanna take you (for all that you got) by @futuredescending for @childishzombiejellyfish [hartwin, roxelle 15.5k E] “Last night, a painting was stolen from the gallery at which you’re employed. Records indicate your security card was used during the time of the theft, and your fingerprints were found all over the scene. Suffice to say, Mr Unwin, you’ve just become our primary suspect.”
I will protect you from all around you by @lady-mephistopheles for 100ottersonaplane [hartwin 4k T] They had been together from that moment at the airfield, but their life wasn’t really idyllic. They didn’t really sleep together, or in one bed, for that matter, because of Harry’s very violent and very, very frequent nightmares. More often than not, Harry woke up from them screaming and not able to fall asleep afterwards.
Idyll of the King by Ellipsical for AnneWriothesley [hartwin 6k E] For AnneWriothesley and their truly excellent prompt: What does post mission look like in this relationship? Do they have habits when one agent comes home, or is this unique? Is it sweet? Hot? Desperate? Chill? Sad? How do they respond to each other now that they're back together?
In Which Eggsy Makes Some Assumptions by @mamaliza (Schuyler) for @marveliciousfanace [merlahad, hartwin, merhartwin 3.9k E] Eggsy turned on the charm with the smile that he knew made Harry weak. “Come on. You like Merlin. Would it be that bad to spend a week with him on a yacht?” | “I like Merlin. That doesn’t necessarily mean I want to pretend to be his husband.” | Out of the corner of his eye, Eggsy saw Merlin flinch.
Into My Faith by sarkany for @eggsy-youcheekytart [hartwin 2k G] “What do you mean he’s quit?” Harry asked, feeling the new scar on his temple flare into fresh pain. Out of all the possibilities he had calculated during his long convalescence in Kentucky and then recalculated during the flight back to London, he hadn’t thought that Eggy would be gone. Angry, hurt, betrayed, welcoming, grieving, but not gone. Never gone.
It’s A Hart Knock Life by bluepatootieme for @tastymoves [hartwin 3k E] In the thirty years that Harry has been an escort, he’s confident that he’s seen and encountered everyone and everything. The universe, however, had other plans. (In short, Harry has attracted a clingy-borderline-stalkerish customer. And for some reason, his attractive and extremely nice neighbor gets mixed in.)
Kill Streak by @thegeekylibrarian for @deepdarkwaters [hartwin 2.7k T] Harry takes on a Russian kingpin with help from Merlin. At the end of the mission, Eggsy's waiting for her.
Kingsman Gymnastics by @withinmeloveresides1 (withinmelove) for @lady-mephisopheles [hartwin 8.5k G] Eggsy is an Olympic gymnast training under the elite coach Harry Hart.
Leave Your Mark by AnneWriothesley for @paxdracona [merhartwin 5.5k E] It's been a long day for everyone. Eggsy's trying to pick himself up, Harry is bored to the point of being dangerous, and Merlin is just trying to hold everyone together. Fortunately, they work it out and the day ends far better than it started.
My Soul Calls for You by @marveliciousfanace (AgentStannerShipper) for @fand0mfancies [hartwin 19k E] Normally Eggsy wouldn't give a shit about werewolves, but Kingsman just might be the solution to getting rid of Dean for good. The only thing standing in his way is the Alpha: one Harry Hart, who is an absolute dick...and surprisingly alluring. Harry just wants to keep his pack safe and not make the same mistakes he has in the past. And Eggsy Unwin isn't the only one making things very difficult for him. But still. It's mostly Eggsy.
Of bruises, love letters and song lyrics by @agent-eggy (BakaDoll) for @sherlocksbuttonhole [hartwin 10k T] The Agents get sick of watching Harry and Eggsy pine for each other, so they decide to take matters into their own hands. Meanwhile Lee watches from the sidelines as they all fuck up spectacularly (and wonders why a group of grown-ass men is so invested in his son's lovelife), Roxy tries to make Eggsy ask Harry on a date, and Harry and Eggsy just want some peace and quiet to figure out what this thing they have is.
(Physical) Therapy by @galahard for @fanciesofanenglishmajor [hartwin 13.5k M] Prompt: Harry is a survivor of V-Day. He is assigned a physical therapist who is supposed to get him back to normal. Their increasing interactions and sexual tension become the shining light in Harry's life.
Regrets, and Other Broken Things by @pomegranatepusher (intotheblue) for Knowmefirst [hartwin 5k T] Coming back from the dead is rarely uncomplicated.
Seige Perilous by @concernedlily for @ataraxetta [hartwin 13k E] It was a normal Friday night: Harry had charmed open the locked gates of Hyde Park and was carrying on an enjoyable argument with one of the ancient ashes there, a discussion that had been going on since it was a mere sapling.
Small Conveniences by @litindecency (kissingandcrying) for @sassafrasx [hartwin 4k E] Harry and Eggsy bump into each other. They’re both only semi-decent spies.
Spies and Tailors and Dragons, Oh My! by @thesilverqueenlady (TheSilverQueen) for @flarewarrior [hartwin 3k G] Because Harry Hart is a drama queen, he crashes his own bloody funeral with a parachute and an open rainmaker and a great big eye patch, like some sort of pirate Mary Poppins drifting down to grace the mortals with her presence.
Ten Conversations by @deepdarkwaters for @futuredescending [harroxy 5k E] The first major interaction Roxy ever has with Harry is when they're assigned on a long-term undercover mission together, posing as a romantic couple. This is fine. 
The bartender and Mr. Superhero by @cosenangel for @theanisplanet [merwin 2k T] They met at a speed dating event. One of them was a Superhero in disguise and the other was a bartender. Dating a superhero wasn't as easy as comic books made it to be.
The Battle at Stonehenge by @paxdracona for @reeperwriting [hartwin fanart G] Here be art! Strange occurrences have been reported at a rather conspicuous place. Harry and Eggsy go to take a look, but it might prove to be not such an easy job.
The Legend of the Night Sky by @flarewarrior for @litindecency [hartwin 24k T] Harry has returned to the Hero force after a gunshot wound altered his superpowers. Merlin finds him a partner to help.
The One Where Merlin Will Eventually Weaponize A Dildo by @ilokheimsins for @elletromil [hartwin, roxlin 5k E] Eggsy works in a sex toy shop, Harry buys way too many dildos in way too short a time span, Merlin is not very helpful, and Roxy saves the day. Or at least saves Harry from himself.
The Study of Love (Is Not for One) by @technopat3 for @cosenangel [hartwin 3k E] Eggsy, a student at Kingsman Preparatory Academy, walked into the wrong classroom. Embarrassed, he was about to leave until he noticed the teacher, Professor Harry Hart. Now he doesn't want to leave.
The Taste Of Honey by @arlessiar @hisreindeerjumper [merlahad 10k G] What Merlin thinks of as Harry simply having a bad day quickly turns into a nightmare of pain, guilt and uncertainty and a throwback to memories that both of them had problems to cope with.
the way you turn the world around by @annaofaza for @missbeckywrites [hartwin 22k M] After dropping out of the Marines, Eggsy meets someone. He knows his mum and soon-to-be little sibling need him, that he needs to find a job, that he needs to dodge Dean's suspicions and blows, but for now, he's got Harry Hart. If only that were enough. 
The Yellow Spirit by @mustardprecum for @takeanotherpieceofmyhartwin [hartwin 7.5k M] With the kingdom cursed and the people falling ill, only Harry Hart can find a creature that might save them all. Now if only he knew where it lived or what it looked like.
There isn’t One Person in the World by @eggsy-youcheekytart (0ut0f_MyMind) for bluepatootieme [hartwin 8k M] “I’ll see you later in the day, then?” Harry asked, finally ready and with his work bag in his hand. Eggsy felt a surge of emotion and he could almost feel his heart swell, the moment so domestic and he had the sudden feeling that this was something he could get used to.
This could be everything by @elletromil for @anarchycox [merlahad 10.5k G] Be they gamers, ghost hunters, retired spies turned detectives or fairy tales characters, Merlin and Harry always meet and fall in love. This is their love story told through the universes.
This Much is True by @missbeckywrites (missbecky) for @concernedlily [hartwin 3k T] "You know people don't get us, right?" Eggsy says. Harry knows this is true, but he doesn't care. He has a good life now, one he wouldn't trade for anything; as far as he's concerned, the sacrifices he's made to get here are all worth it.
Try Lullabies by @theanisplanet (kettlepillow) for @agent-eggy [hartwin 7k E] Lee Unwin's last request sounds simple: 'Take care of Eggsy. Win his heart.' Harry soon realizes it's the toughest mission of his life...
What a Way to Make a Livin’ by Scandalmuss for Ellipsical [hartwin 12k E] A boring recon mission for Arthur, aka Harry Hart, gets a lot more interesting when his young boyfriend, Galahad aka Eggsy Unwin gets brought in to assist.
what i’ve been looking for by @breathtakinglybrutal (biacnaib) for @madpineapple [roxlin 3k T] When Merlin had kissed Roxy goodbye it was supposed to be an ordinary mission. When Merlin had pulled her close he thought that he would be able to do that again in a couple days. When Merlin had inhaled her scent, he never imagined that he would have to hold on to that memory so desperately. But when Merlin saw Lancelot’s feed go dark he suddenly wasn’t so sure anymore.
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elletromil · 7 years
elle’s self rec list
So I figured out that with the billions of fic I have written for Kingsman I would do a little list of those that are dear to me and I think you should all read. (I could legit put everything on this list, but 138 completed fics is a bit much even for me)
Of Flowers, Thunderstorm and Tranquility - M, Hartwin, AU
The fresh snow crinkles satisfyingly under his feet as Harry slowly makes his rounds of his part of the Forest. He is seconds away from humming when a whimpering sound from a bush nearby gives him pause.
Harry carefully makes his way towards the sound, on his guard. He gasps in surprise when he parts the foliage. He doesn’t know what he expected, but one thing is certain, it wasn’t the unconscious Summer Child curled up around himself.
This is quite frankly the one I think of as my masterpiece. (though that will probably change when Red and I post the bang). It took me over a year to complete, but oh boy am I proud of the result.
I'm not calling you a ghost - G, Hartwin
He closes his eyes for a few seconds, before opening them again. Hun. Still there. He must be on the really good drugs.
In the chair besides his bed, Harry Hart is sitting reading what must be a report, a little frown that only accentuates the scar on the left side of his forehead.
Definitely my most popular fic. Way back in the beginning, before we knew we would get a sequel, when everyone was sure Harry Hart was dead for real and not coming back.
Before getting 101 dogs, you need at least 2 - G, Hartwin, 101 dalmatians au
JB loves his human, but he's getting rather fed up with how Eggsy won't even look at the nice gentleman he's clearly interested in they keep seeing in the park.
He's going to take the matters into his own paws.
Short and sweet and I am still amazed at how much people liked it :D
Merlin, dogsitter extraordinaire - G, Merlin-centric, background Hartwin and Percilot
All through his childhood, he has had dogs and he’s always enjoyed their company and unconditional love. Then he had left for college where he just hadn’t had enough space to keep one and after being recruited into Kingsman he had just been too busy to even think about welcoming one puppy into his life and training him or her accordingly.
You like Merlin? You like dogs? You like ocs? This one got it all
I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice - G, Hartwin
“What I don’t understand is why you thought it was necessary to make a montage of every time Galahad appears in someone else’s feed though.”
“No, what you watched is every time an agent looked at Galahad’s when the boy was looking at you.”
I wrote this based on a prompt I got, but damn I still adore the way I chose to write this.
A Boxful of Kittens - G, Merhartwin
While he's taking a walk around the manor, after coming back from dealing with Valentine, Merlin finds four kittens and their mother.
After what he just lived through, he cannot bear living them outside to fend for themselves.
Kittens and out three favourite men... What more do you want?
Only a fool would deny love - G, Hartwin
A princess' kiss might have been Eggsy's highlight of that horrific day. Because seriously who can honestly say they’ve never dreamt about kissing a princess (or a prince, because Eggsy is many thing, but picky isn’t one of those)? Until he got back on the plane and finds out Harry's back from the dead.
The first long fic I started writing in the fandom. I really love it even if it shows that this has been written 2 years ago and I have definitely improved since then
Messenger of War - T, Hartwin, AU
He shivers at the brief contact of a hand on his shoulder and he forces the ripple of familiarity back down, but something in Harry’s eyes before he turns back and leaves hints that he is not the only one feeling it.
I am still stupidly proud of this fic okay and I’ll forever will be.
Kisses Like a Thousand Snowflakes - G, Hartwin, Roxlin, Percilot
“I wanted to know… What’s Kingsman’s stance on Christmas’ decorations?” It’s hard not answering to Eggsy’s enthusiasm with a grin of his own and he doesn’t really try. “Well since the Angels Incident of ‘97, the Garlands Debacle of ‘02 and the Reindeers Nightmare of ‘09, the late Arthur had put a ban on all the stuff and confiscate it all.”
This Christmas, mistletoe is everywhere and nobody is safe.
Okay this is a christmas fic, but who cares? It’s also the ultimate fix-it where everyone is alive and nobody’s dead.
Baked Love - G, Hartwin, AU
There were no other customers, but he didn’t think he was wrong in assuming it had more to do with the hour, after lunch but before the afternoon rush, and the awful weather, than anything wrong with the shop. For one thing, the interior was decorated really simply, but with enough nice touches to make it feel cozy. For another, the smell permeating the air, a mix of baked goods and coffee, was quite mouth-watering. The gorgeous young man walking out of the backroom with a polite but genuine smile wasn’t a slight against the shop either.
Or in which Harry is really a tailor and Eggsy works in a bakery shop.
Food and pining is a think one of the best combination in the world.
A Summer's Day - G, Pre-Hartwin
Harry doesn’t sigh when he notices the empty bench in the familiar corner of the park. He had not gone on a walk with the intention to come here, but since Mr. Pickle has died a month ago, his feet continuously lead him to what had been their usual spot to waste a lazy afternoon away.
In which Harry recites poetry to a pug in a park.
Because meet-cutes are the best
Kingsman's Nursery - G, Gen, AU
It is by sheer luck that James witnesses Princess Tilde’s kidnapping.
He’s only walking in the area, minding his own business, when he notices the infamous criminal mastermind Valentine and his deadly bodyguard Gazelle forcing the princess into a car.
In which they are all children except for Chester and Valentine, but they're all spies too (or princesses).
That one was just too fun to write and I think more people should read it
Room for Three (Not Only You and Me) - G, Merhartwin
The first time it happens Merlin honestly doesn’t know. Though, in Merlin’s defense there is nothing indicating that this is any different than usual.
Wherein Merlin date-crashes Harry and Eggsy's dates without realising it at first. Except, when Merlin tries to give them some space, they don't seem to be happy about it.
This one will always have a special place in my heart because this is the one that made me meet Red. Also writing about oblivious Merlin was very fun xD
Stay (A)head of the Case - G, Roxlin, Pre-Hartwin, Sleepy Hollow AU
In the relative comfort of the carriage bringing him to Sleepy Hollow, Merlin scoffs as he revises the facts that are known about the case he's being sent to investigate.
There are already three victims, the Heskeths, father and son, as well as a certain widow Winship, and the only suspect is a Headless Horseman? Who could ever believe such rubbish really? Whoever the true perpetrator of those murders is, they must be having a jolly time indeed.
In which Merlin is a constable from New York sent to Sleepy Hollow to investigate a series of murders.
I just love what I did with this AU and seriously there isn’t enough Roxlin in the fandom
Come Sail Away (Into the Light of the Dark Black Night) - G, Hartwin, soulmate AU
Eggsy had always known his soulmate would be older than him.
Or no, that wasn’t entirely right. He might have been hearing his soulmate all his life, but it had been a while before anyone had explained to him what it really meant.
It’s a soulmate au, if you like those do you really need more? :D
Labyrinth of Love - T, Merhartwin, Labyrinth AU
It is not the first time that a mortal catches the fancy of the Goblin King, but it is the first time one catches the eyes of both Kings.
In which Merlin and Harry are co-rulers of the Goblin Kingdom and Eggsy makes what he thinks is an unfortunate wish.
Who doesn’t love the movie Labyrinth? Who doesn’t want to imagine Merlin and Harry as the Goblin Kings?
From your hearts, I make a home - T, Hartwinrox
Since he’s started living on his own, Harry has always done everything so that the house he goes back to feels like a home. Sometime it was all that kept him sane while he dealt with whatever trauma that came with being a Knight.
And sure, nowadays he doesn’t see much field work, but the rituals have stayed and being able to offer that sense of home to not one amazing being but two? It is priceless.
Because domestic fluff and Harry/Roxy/Eggsy is always a must
I Get a Little Bit... - G, Merlahad, Ghenghis Khan AU
Merlin is putting his two children to bed when his phone starts ringing with a too familiar alert. He curses under his breath, thankful that Roxy is already fast asleep and won’t reprimand him on his language.
It’s the Genghis Khan Merlahad au everyone wanted but nobody was writing really.
Love is a fabric which never fades - G, Hartwin, Dragon AU
When Harry started his hoard of clothing, it has come as to no surprise to either him or his parents. After all, he has been drawn to fabrics and texture and colors for as long as he can remember; one of his earliest memory the soft cashmere of his father’s brown sweater and the rough red scales of his mother’s skin.
Harry has been courting Eggsy dragon style for a while now without telling him because he's a self-sacrificing idiot who doesn't believe he can be loved. Luckily for them, Eggsy is no such idiot.
Quite honestly, I am very surprised by how much people seem to enjoy this??? Like sure it’s dragons, but I never would have expected the kind of response I got :O
Fairy Tale Ending - G, Mercival, werewolf AU
If it had been anyone else, if he had been stranded in the woods with, let’s say, Lancelot instead, he would have believed the words to be a very ill-timed joke.
But this was Merlin, Merlin whom he trusts with his life.
And Merlin's a werewolf.
It’s a werewolf au. Need I say more?
Warm and safe, like a home - G, Merwin
It starts simple enough, with Eggsy bringing Merlin a cup of tea.
But before it can become anything more, Harry comes back from the dead and Eggsy realises he never truly had a chance.
Pining and misunderstandings but with a happy ending. I am sure I can’t be the only one who loves that
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anarchycox · 6 years
FTH Auction
Here is my full listing for the auction:
anarchycox Auction #1 Organizations this auction benefits: ConPRmetidos, Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN), The Trevor Project, Planned Parenthood (See full list.) Type of fanwork: fanfiction Subtype(s): N/A Fandom(s): Kingsman, MCU (all) Highest rating: E (explicit) Length/size: I cannot set a specific word count or words per bid, because it really depends on the idea itself. No matter what it will be a minimum of a 5k story but really will go more based on the idea than the bid - but the larger the bid I will do my best to write a story I feel lengthwise fits what won. Especially interested in: Things I love to write: AUs. I adore writing AUs above most anything, or at least canon adjacent. If you are looking for slid completely into the canon, I'm probably not the best writer to bid on. For Kingsman, I tend to write that no one has died, and in MCU only pieces of Ultron and Civil War happened. I love for Kingsman domestic aus/different profession aus, for MCU someone not an avenger or such. I enjoy writing friends to lovers, pining, idiots in love, fake relationship, sci-fi/fantasy aus, slight horror aus, matchmaking friends, a/b/o dynamics, historical aus, etc. Happy to write anything from G to E. Ships I will write: Kingsman: Merwin, Merlahad, Mercival, Roxlin, Harcival, Harroxy, Perciwin, and you can talk to me about ships from The Golden Circle. MCU: Phil Coulson/pretty much anyone, ironhawk, winterhawk, amerihawk, bruce/clint, tony/pepper, pepper/natasha, ironstrange, and you can talk to me about Agents of Shield ships Unwilling to address: I will NOT write these topics: Rape/Dub-Con, Major Character Death, Student/Teacher relationships, Fire, Kinks that involve bodily fluids, No happy ending, Infidelity, Time travel, Gender swap, All angst all the time, Hard Enemies to lovers, Anything involving a universe that I have already personally written (eg no asking me to do a sequel to a pre-existing story of mine). I will NOT write these ships: Kingsman - Hartwin, Reggsy, Cheggsy, Any ship with Whisky; MCU: Stony, Stucky, Phil/Daisy, or anything else not listed in my Will write ship list Notes: If you have any questions before bidding on me about tropes or ships, please feel free to ask. Minimum Bid: $5 Auctions run from 8:00PM EST, 26 February 2019, to 8:00PM EST, 1 March 2019. Bids before or after this period are invalid and will not be counted.If you would like to bid on this auction: Step 1: Check the bidding spreadsheet to find out what the current high bid is. (Note: It may take up to five minutes for a bid to appear.) Step 2: Fill out the seller’s bidding form with a bid that is higher than the current high bid. If you want to make it harder for someone to outbid you, bid higher! You will NOT be notified if someone outbids you, so please bookmark this page and check frequently. You will only be notified if you are the high bidder after the auctions end.
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kingsmansecretsanta · 7 years
Day 5 Round-Up
And that’s the end of Day 5 everyone! If you haven’t had a chance, you should definitely check out all of the works below and give our wonderful creators some well-deserved love ♥♥♥
What a Way to Make a Livin’ -- hartwin, 11.6k, Explicit A boring recon mission for Arthur, aka Harry Hart, gets a lot more interesting when his young boyfriend, Galahad aka Eggsy Unwin gets brought in to assist.
In Which Eggsy Makes Some Assumptions -- merlahad, hartwin, merhartwin, 3.9k, Explicit Eggsy turned on the charm with the smile that he knew made Harry weak. “Come on. You like Merlin. Would it be that bad to spend a week with him on a yacht?”
There isn’t One Person in the World -- hartwin, 8.2k, Mature “I’ll see you later in the day, then?” Harry asked, finally ready and with his work bag in his hand. Eggsy felt a surge of emotion and he could almost feel his heart swell, the moment so domestic and he had the sudden feeling that this was something he could get used to.
what i’ve been looking for -- roxlin, 3k, Teen When Merlin had kissed Roxy goodbye it was supposed to be an ordinary mission. When Merlin had pulled her close he thought that he would be able to do that again in a couple days. When Merlin had inhaled her scent, he never imagined that he would have to hold on to that memory so desperately. But when Merlin saw Lancelot’s feed go dark he suddenly wasn’t so sure anymore.
breaking new ground -- hartwin, merwin, merlahad, merhartwin, 15k, Explicit “For the time I’m away, I’d like to put Merlin in charge.” “In… charge of…. me?” Eggsy’s mouth goes dry. “As in…” “As your Dom, yes.” Eggsy is on denial. Harry is called off to a mission. Merlin is put in charge.
Dipped in Ink -- hartwin, 6k, Mature The scars Harry carried as a Kingsman, had rarely bothered him. This latest scar however… However, getting it covered, proves somewhat more difficult than he’d been hoping…
Regrets, and Other Broken Things -- hartwin, 5.1k, Teen Coming back from the dead is rarely uncomplicated.
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