#and does the most flustering-worthy love declaration 'for the bit' in it
icharchivist · 2 years
(sorry i’m still on it) but how funny is it that Banri just downright wrote that the person he admired the most is the director while Tsuzuru had to physically restrain Masumi from writing “The Director” on all of his corrections for the association corner.
Like Tsuzuru was out there trying so hard to have Masumi’s behave and Banri just looked at it, looked at the mayhem, looked at the fact Masumi was forcefully stopped from raving about Izumi, and he went “lol anyway, i don’t have a reason to hold back, so, Director <3333″
It’s so funny, for the casual audience they might just think Masumi is apathic EVEN to their director and Banri is the one liking the Director the most. 
All i’m saying is that it’s not impossible Masumi is hunting Banri for sports as we speak.
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hellcatinnc · 8 months
My Next Life As a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! - Pirates of the Disturbance - Game Alan Stuart Review
Will Include Spoilers
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Oh thank you creators for making this guy my type he is a sad boy/tsundere who is shy and blushes alot and is easily flustered. This is the kinda guy that I'm sweet on easy. From his greyish/white hair to the way he wears his sexy earrings... yeah Alan is my guy in this game. Rozy still has me curious though so we shall see. Anyways Alan is a good guy to the point he is always worried about hurting his brother if he was to let Catarina know he loved her. Its funny because he didn't even realize he loved her until she got sick then he realized a world without her he just couldn't live in. I also respect him cause as soon as he knew he was in love with her he went straight to Mary to call off the engagement they had. I mean she didn't want to at the moment until they could be with the person they wanted then she said she would bow out.
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He is just so protective of Catarina, like when they get attacked by pirates he is willing to fight to his death if nothing but to keep her safe. He is a prince but he never lets it get to his head, he is still same boy that grew up with her. He picks on her about not being lady like and all but at the same time these are the things he loves about her more. He is adorable when he realizes she kissed him by accident. He gets on her and seems mad when she does something that can hurt her but I honestly feel like its to prevent from breaking down. He finally gets through to her how he feels and even in his last fight with Frederic I was so not expecting him to push her back and catch the sword with his hand. Like seriously dude is bleeding out yelling at Frederic that he will not let him harm Catarina cause she is the only on the matters to him and she is important. That was such a declaration of love that should make most girls swoon.
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The CG's were beautiful in Alan's route and I really love how both of them eventually expressed their love for each other it was so sweet especially with blushing Alan awww he is always swoon worthy. I love in best happy ending they end up engaged though. I hated how Mary and Geordo made them wait almost a year to be together because everyone else selfishness of wanting her. I do love Geordo was willing to let her be happy with Alan however I agree with Alan his last words may have sounded nice but he was practically saying my brother fucks up and I will be there. I love his special show he puts on for her in the lounge as well. I don't know everything about this couple I love and I love Alan so much.
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The alternate ending with Mary abducting her was plain creepy. I mean I always knew the bitch was psycho but she really proved it now. She would rather kidnap Caterina than let her be with the man she loves that was sickening to watch. The sweet love story in the mix of Ryle and Liliana was sweet to watch unfold as well. I hate on good ending although together its more in secret because Caterina has yet to call off her engagement to Geordo. Plus on this ending when she told Geordo he wanted more time he sounded more selfish in this part cause he made it sound like he didn't believe Alan could make her happy. I dont see how this was a good ending because Caterina talks about Alan being a dunce and not sure she romantically loves him. The doom ending being killed by Frederic was anticlimactic though if it was a doom ending would be more entertaining.
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Alan really is a special kinda guy and I would say he is like tsundere, meets sad boy, meets best friend/big brother trope. He is a bit of them all and every interaction I had with him was either sweet, intimate, or I could feel how much he cared. I posted alot of his pictures but some of the things he says is even sweeter take a look at the video its the last scene where they announce their love. If your ok with the spoiler you will see how adorable they really are together.
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wowtobio · 4 years
Hello! May I ask fall in love, confession and relationship haedcanons for Miya Atsumu please? Good luck!
of course! tysm for the request and i hope u enjoy! 💕
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Fall in love
• The Inarizaki volleyball team found themselves in a minor problem. They needed a manager who actually knew what they were doing. This was the third girl this year who proved yet again they only managed (horribly) to fawn over the Miya twins. The team grew agitated at this, especially towards Atsumu as he particularly fed the fuel for these fangirl managers. To get his team off his back, Atsumu promised he would find a good, worthy manager. 
• With that promise established, it was actually more difficult than he thought it would be. As proven, only fangirls volunteered to the position, however was rejected by Atsumu and his correct assumption of the girls true intentions. And then potential managers would later turn down the role due to fear of backlash from their fanclub and the volleyball team’s prestigious title within the school.
• Atsumu makes an inaudible sigh to himself, casually strolling through the halls to practice. That is until he heard a small commotion around the corner, 
“You’re so stuck up and you are not worthy to tell me off like that!” Atsumu was intrigued and hid behind the lockers to eavesdrop, soon he hears a bored, monotone voice respond nonchalantly back. 
“Truth hurts love, so please excuse me I am trying to go home.” He recognized the monotoned girl in his class, (y/n) (l/n). You were known to be quite cold and quiet and kept to yourself. Atsumu tried to rack his brain if you were in any clubs but his thoughts interrupted by the latter girl starting to become aggressive. 
“Haha! I knew it you are scared of me! Of course you would be!” The girl then grabbed your collar and attempted to shake you, however on instinct Atsumu broke you two apart. The other girl’s eyes widened at the sight of Atsumu protectively hiding you behind his arm.
“Oi, the girl said back off so back off.” He lowly says. That was more than enough to scare the girl off. You wear the same face you’ve had for the majority of the events that unfolded and you turn your back towards the blonde twin, walking away. 
“OI!” Atsumu chases after you, “Not even a thank you?” You continued to walk.
“Thank you.” You mumbled. Atsumu scoffed and stood in front of you, forcing you to stop your tracks. You sighed out
“Look, it was already annoying enough dealing with that one girl. And I definitely do not want to deal with you of all people.” You mumbled. Atsumu was taken aback at your words, I mean this was the most he has ever heard you speak. 
“Okay okay, how ‘bout we make a deal,” You raised an eyebrow. “I assume yah aren’t in a club, and since I saved yah back there, wanna manage the volleyball team?” You eyed him oddly. 
• It was true, you did not have many friends nor a club to confide yourself in. You thought hey screw it, what could go wrong? So you nodded your head slowly, sealing your fate. Atsumu smirked at this and grabbed a hold of your wrist and started to drag you to the gym. 
“That’s great! You can start today.” You barely trail behind him, the dusting of pink on your cheeks go unnoticed by the setter. 
• At first, the team was skeptical of you of course. But you quickly proved yourself worthy. By the time the first practice was done, you had already learned the terms and gameplays and quickly cleaned everything up afterwards. The next day you even went around asking the members for their names, roles and strengths. 
“Miya Atsumu, setter, and the man of your dreams.” His teammates couldn’t help but cringe. 
“Yeah I think you’re the one dreaming.” You casually say back, not even batting an eyelash at him. That caught him off guard as his teammates snickered. As you walked away, the members start to praise you
“You know Atsumu, she’s actually a lot better than I expected.” Aran says.
“Yeah..” Atsumu’s heart beats faster, watching your figure walk away, your hair sways along with your hips as he can’t help but have a weird feeling in his chest. A feeling that has never occurred towards anyone. 
“She really is..” 
• It has been a few weeks since you first became manager and now one of the games came up. You did as much research on the other team as you could and devised a game plan and a few tips and tricks for your team. 
• It was game day and after warm ups you huddle the team together and state your game plan for the day. And you went ham. 
“Alright, so their number 8 is quite cunning from what I’ve learned, he does not fall for predictable stunts and communicates that to his team. So, Astumu and Osamu i want you two to switch between setting and spiking at random times to catch them off guard and keep them on their toes. Suna, keep your eye on the ace, you’ll be able to block his spikes I can tell. After a few blocks their ace will feel frazzled and that will give us time to score big time. As for Kita, keep doing..” 
• Not a single stutter in your words, you spoke with authority and with confidence as Atsumu lopsidedly grins at your grown determination to help the team. Everyone was somewhat caught off guard but listened to your voice tentatively. 
“And that’ll be it for now, I’ll be on the sidelines cheering you guys on and taking further notes. Good luck out there I know you guys got this!” You clicked your pen and gave your team high-fives and they smile, thank you and even give you pats on the back and the head.
“Will you be cheering for me (y/n)-chan?” Atsumu flirtatiously whispers in your ear. You push him away slightly and just laugh 
“You know I will idiot. Make sure not to mess up that first serve drama queen.” You wave off Atsumu’s complaints of people not knowing how to be quiet during his serves and you stand nearby the bench coach sat on.  
• The game was a breeze with your game strategies as Inarizaki wins easily. You jump up and down and cheer with your team as they smother you with hugs and thank yous. You have proven your worth to the team and the coach your true intentions and what you could do for them. You felt warm being around the team and you enjoyed watching them practice, play, and especially win. 
• Your attention turns to Atsumu, his casual smile on and his arms crossed as if he was expecting something from you. You playfully roll your eyes and walk towards the guy. 
“Congraaaagulations oh great Miya Astumu!” You mockingly state, Atsumu couldn’t help but laugh. 
“What the hell was that (y/n)?” You giggled. 
“What? Did I nail the role of your fan girl?” Atsumu shakes his head and laughs.
“Besides I enjoy being on this team, so thank you for dragging me into this situation.” You smile lightly. Atsumu has never seen this side of you, he almost stutters as he says 
“Well, I mean you owed me I did save yah back there.” You giggled and give him a quick peck on the cheek. 
“No silly, I partly said yes because I knew I end up falling for you.” You then left it at there and went to help tear down. Atsumu feels his face getting hot and the lingering eyes of his teammates.
“W-wait. does that mean..?” He mumbles to himself. 
“Idiot brother.”
(this won’t be as story-telling, more casual (??) idk lol)
• He’s soososo clingy to you, it’s almost like he’s glue. And he ofc doesn’t mind pda. If anything he is so for it, only if you are comfortable
• He always has to be touching you, whether it’d be hand holding, hand on the hip, arm around the shoulder. Hugging, kissing, etc. He always craves for your touch
• And if you aren’t comfortable with it, he still finds his way. Hiding your hands when holding them somehow, holding pinkies, hand on your thigh underneath the table
• Since your the manager, he stares at you a lot during practice. Both teasingly or just without even realizing it. He loves it when you notice it too and get all embarassed. And during water breaks he takes that chance to talk to you. 
• Probably has had make-out sessions in the locker rooms before or after practice. He loves taking risks and throwing caution towards the wind with you. And you would never admit it, but it gets you excited and he knows it ;)
• Really cares for you though, if you’re not at school he’s texting you. Not responding? He’ll ditch school and run to your house ignoring Osamu’s yelling
• He shows you off all the time, maybe a little too much. He will never pass up the opportunity to show off you’re his amazing girlfriend by either declaring it to others or physically showing it off with hugs and kisses
• BACKHUGS he loves them. Surprising you from behind with a hug is his favorite thing in the world that he does daily, bonus points for your cute, flustered state it results in 
• He’s probably tried to convince you to skip practice on days he isn’t feeling it. Most of the time you scold him. But on rare occasions you give in, and end up cuddling with him alllllll day. He doesn’t regret it one bit, feeling you encased in his big arms and hearing your soft snoring and breathing, face flush on his chest. You’re so adorable omg 
• ok maybe he does regret it the next day when Kita triples his drills as punishment and you can’t help but snicker with his teammates from a distance
• Free time is literally just with him. He prioritizes you as much as you do him and you two are quite busy so when alone time does come around it won’t be long until the other joins in
• You cook for him every now and then too. Although Osamu knows how too, he preferred you cooked for Atsumu as it’s less hassle and bickering for him to deal with
• Atsumu is surprisingly a picky eater, but when it comes to what you make for him he always eats it, no complaints. As a prank you sometimes purposely burn a few things and you silently laugh at his attempts to eat them
• A loving kiss to thank you for the meal that may or may not escalate to something else ;)
• Be warned, he will spam your phone with “i miss you” texts. You’ll be gone for literally 5-10 minutes and come back with 40 new messages 
“‘tsumu i was showering…”
• He treasures your down time together though. Cuddling while watching tv, cooking together, teasing each other, etc. 
• He loves it when you sit on his lap. You two will be on the couch watching a movie, he grips your wrist and pulls you on top of his lap. Your face buries itself in the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent. His chin propped on your shoulder, arms wrapped around your waist pulling you impossibly closer to him
• You know how to put this annoying little brat in his place and he lowkey finds it hot. And in a way Atsumu appreciates it since you’re literally the only girl who has the balls too
• Even with his endless amounts of teasing, he truly loves and cares for you and he will do anything for you. As he kisses your neck lightly he reminds you why he loves you every single day you’re together and he plans to someday claim you once and for all with a ring. Someday
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mostfacinorous · 4 years
Stoki Whumptober Day 30: Now where did that come from?  (sorry it’s so late! I made it long to help make up for it.) [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29]
Steve stayed abed for three days-- the longest, Loki was told, and by him no less,  that he’d ever followed orders to relax for, and then only because Loki came down to spend the time with him. 
If the other Avengers found this odd, they did not say as much to either Loki or Steve, and if they would have preferred their time alone with Steve during their visits, Loki would have been quick to go-- save that none asked. 
And so, over the course of three days, he found himself in a myriad of odd social interactions with people he’d tried to kill or manipulate, and was surprised at how… simple it was. Easy. 
There was some tension still, of course; none of them would pretend there wasn’t. However, the suspicion he’d expected, the derision or outright hatred? That was nowhere to be found. They were cautious, but varying levels of polite. 
The widow was witty and interesting to talk to. She challenged him to a game of chess that he very much looked forward to, and Steve joked again about their combined likelihood of wrecking the rest of the team in any competition due to unfair mental advantage. 
Barton came to visit, bringing pizza with him, and they broke bread and had beer, and while he was a touch skittish, it seemed that Steve’s presence had a calming effect on both he and Loki. 
Banner came to check on Steve with his own medical knowledge, and to be certain that nothing was going awry, no bones mending improperly or anything. Not, he insisted, that he doubted Loki’s knowledge, but simply for his own peace of mind. 
He and Loki and Steve had ended up discussing differing medical techniques from each of their own homes- Steve’s being so far in the past that half of it was forgotten, like, apparently, telling asthmatics to smoke for the good of their lungs, and forcing anemics to eat large helpings of offal to help their iron levels. In addition, Loki learned that Steve’s mother was a healer in his youth, which, Loki thought, explained much of his urge to help others and save those who needed saving.
Loki was more familiar with herbal and magical remedies, and though Banner insisted repeatedly that he wasn’t that kind of doctor, his knowledge of modern science based medical practices was fairly impressive. 
And while clearly they all wondered where this was going, only Stark and Barnes were so bold as to ask directly. 
Separately, of course, but with an amusingly similar lack of tact. 
“So uh-- you guys hooked up on your little time adventure?” Stark asked, during a lull in his questions about the power outage and its cause. Loki would have spluttered had he not been trained in how to hide responses from years in court. 
Steve on the other hand, had been in the process of drinking, and he genuinely choked on the water in his mouth. 
Loki was up in an instant, patting him on the back and glaring at Stark, who raised his hands defensively. 
“Just saying, you come back and you can’t seem to get enough of one another. You can’t blame a guy for wondering.”
“We did not hook up, we nearly died, repeatedly!” Steve protested, his face glowing red under the scrutiny.
“So that’s a no?” Stark asked, looking to Loki for confirmation.
“Stark, our lack of sex lives is really none of your concern. I care for the Captain, which I think is your real question. Beyond that-- we shall see.” Loki glanced at Steve to make sure he hadn’t overstepped, and found such adoration on his face that for a moment, it took Loki’s breath away. 
“Oh. Yeah, well, alright.” Stark seemed taken aback, but recovered quickly. “I feel like I should… you know, give you a minute.” He got up and made his way to the door, and Loki followed him.
“I promise you, Stark, he is in good hands.” Loki said softly. 
Stark shook his head. “I don’t doubt it. And call me Tony. Have you talked to your brother?” 
Loki looked away. “I do not imagine he would take so kindly to this news.” Loki hedged, speaking softer still. “And I do not believe he wishes to see me.”
Tony shrugged. “I get it. I won’t say anything. But it might be worth seeing if you can fix the family drama. Family’s kinda important to Steve, after all-- I imagine he’ll want you to try, too.”
Loki felt a wave of anxious nausea hit him at that, but he just nodded and closed the door behind Stark. 
He hadn’t even made it back to Steve’s room when the next knock came, and Barnes let himself in shortly after, not waiting for Loki to answer. 
Barnes looked Loki up and down, crossed his arms, and met his eyes dead on. 
“You and Stevie an item now?” He asked, point blank.
Loki sighed. 
“Your people have so many ways to ask this question. I care for him a great deal, yes.” 
“Buck? Stop harassing my guy and get in here.” Steve called from the other room, and that was that. 
Barnes was far more interested in the stone, and the stories of the effects of it that Loki had suffered. 
He seemed, grudgingly, to accept that long jumps were a bad idea, and that something like remaking his past was… perhaps not the greatest of plans. Especially given that he was closer to whatever Steve was than what Loki was, and he couldn’t handle it near so well. 
He left, with much to mull over, and Loki relaxed into the idea that the stone might, at last, be safe.
At length, even Loki had to admit that Steve was well again. He healed fast and he needed no more rest-- he was back at the top of his abilities. 
Which meant it was time to have their conversation, despite having had parts of it through others. 
“So. You care for me, huh?” Steve asked, grinning. 
Loki felt his anxiousness bubbling rapidly to a boil within him. 
“I should hope that was fairly obvious.” He said quietly, carefully not looking Steve in the eye. 
“It is. It’s just nice to hear.” Steve assured him. “Because I feel the same.” 
Loki smiled and looked up, then.
“So, where does that leave us?” 
“Not enemies, I hope.” Steve started, and Loki laughed. 
“No, hardly that.”
“Would you consider-- in my time, we called it going steady. Now I guess it’s just… dating?”
“Is that the same as courtship?” 
Steve flushed at that, and Loki smirked a little, charmed. 
“Yeah, uh, I guess it’s similar.” 
“Good. Then I would like to declare my intent to court you, Steve Rogers. If you’ll have me.” 
“Oh, uh yeah. I don’t… know what courtship entails, but yeah, I’ll have you. And um, if you’ll show me how, I want to do the same. Court you, I mean.” Steve was adorably flustered, and it made Loki feel a little steadier on his feet. He stepped forward and took Steve’s hand. 
“On Asgard, it’s gifts. Treasures and prizes won, deeds done in your name. It’s a matter of proving oneself worthy of the person they love, and making their partner feel wanted and adored.” 
“Oh.” Steve said quietly. “That’s uh, nice, but you don’t have to buy me gifts.” 
Loki tilted his head, then nodded. 
“I’ll prove myself in deeds, then. And to that end, I would invite you to consider me, if not part of your team, at least at your disposal, if I can be of help in any matter that affects you or your friends.” Loki paused, then added,  “So long as it doesn’t involve my using the damned timestone again.” 
Steve cracked a smile at that, though he looked like he was thinking very hard. 
“Is there anything in particular that you can think of you’d like from me?” He asked, sounding the most timid that Loki thought he’d been for this entire conversation. 
Loki squeezed his hands reassuringly and lifted a finger to his lips in a pretense of thinking. “Hmm.” He said. “I can think of one thing, right now.” 
Steve seemed to perk up a bit at that, endearingly eager to please. 
“What’s that?” He asked. 
“Kiss me?” Loki responded, trying not to feel too shy or embarrassed for asking. 
However, Steve seemed entirely happy to oblige. 
It was a little clumsy, as if Steve had had little experience, but that was hardly a problem; by the time they pulled apart, Loki was panting a little and Steve had turned an incredibly fetching shade of pink. 
They rested their foreheads together for a moment and just held one another.
It was an altogether perfect start.
And so it was that, a day or two later, when the Avengers were called out to do some world saving mission, Loki found himself following Steve to board the quinjet and report for duty. 
He was stopped, though, with a powerful grip on his shoulder holding him back. 
He turned to find himself face to face with Thor, and swallowed. 
He’d been so happy with Steve, he had fully forgotten his once-brother was still on Midgard. 
“Thor.” He greeted, cautiously but trying for politeness.
“Whatever this game is, abandon it now and return to whatever cave you crawled from.” Thor was stern and his voice thunderous with threats unspoken. 
“Thor.” Steve’s, on the other hand, was commanding, and Loki looked up to see him at the top of the steps, one hand on the body of the quinjet. “Loki offered to help us. Same as you. Don’t endanger the team with your drama. That stays here, or you do.” 
“I?” Thor asked, shocked that he should be benched in a competition between he and Loki. 
It made butterflies flit through Loki’s stomach. 
“You’re the only one who seems to have a problem with working with him.” Steve said simply, and Loki realized that was true. Even Barton seemed to be coming around; albeit on his own time.
Thor, clearly annoyed, brushed past Loki to board the quinjet, stopping beside Steve to drop a heavy hand on his shoulder. 
“I hope,” Thor said lowly, “That you know what you are doing. Not everyone deserves redemption.” 
Steve turned his head to look him square in the eye. “Everyone who wants redemption should be allowed to claim it.” Steve said, loudly enough for it to carry to both Loki and everyone inside. 
Thor shook his head, but entered the plane with no further words, and Steve deplaned to take Loki’s hand in his. 
“Are you alright?” He asked quietly. 
In honesty, Loki was shaking. But he pushed it down and refused to let Steve know how affected he was. He didn’t want to be left behind for it. “I am. Let’s go save your people.” He squeezed Steve’s hand, then dropped it to board their transport. 
It was a fast ship, as fast if not faster than an Asgardian vessel, and it landed them at their destination less than two hours after they left. 
“We’re about an hour outside of Lakhimpur, near the Ghaghara river.” The widow explained. “There are reports that SHIELD vehicles have been spotted around here-- Fury, however, didn’t send them, and doesn’t have any record of missing assets, which means we’re probably dealing with Hydra. And, it seems they are taking hostages, mostly in the medtech field. We’re going to find them, free them, and put a stop to whatever Hydra’s doing. And, on the off chance it has anything to do with samples they took from Steve…” She trailed off and looked from Loki to Barnes, “We have two experts on destroying that present.” 
“Thanks, Nat.” Steve said, standing up. “We’re not too concerned about being quiet. I don’t want any innocent deaths, if we can avoid it, and no harming any landmarks, if they’ve taken over anything that might be culturally important. This isn’t our country, let’s be respectful. Everything else, though? Anything that Hydra is proud of? I wanna see it go up in smoke.” 
There was a shared expression of pleasure at that, and Loki noted that Thor was, again, staring at him. He kept his eyes on Steve. 
“Okay, so, we’ve got sightings on this road here,” Steve pointed on the map,”that leads into the trees. Locals who have tried to see where they go have not returned. My thought is to stage an ambush, steal a vehicle, work our way into the compound in disguise, and destroy them from the inside out. But, we could use a distraction, to get everyone scurrying. So, once we have the car, I want Tony and Thor overhead to give them something to focus on and something to fight. Stay out of range if possible, but draw their attention away from us on the ground while we get the lay of the land.” 
Tony and Thor nodded. 
“Bruce, Nat, Clint, you three are together once we get inside. I want you to get to the medical labs. Nat, get whatever you can off of their machines, and then wipe them, as fast as possible. You three have some Hindu and some Urdu between you, so you should be able to talk to the hostages. I want you to head up evac for the civilians. Loki, Bucky and I will handle the higher ups. And then on my signal, Tony, Thor, Bruce, feel free to tear it to the ground.”
“I like this plan.” Tony said, intentionally overly chipper, and there were scattered nods throughout the ship. 
The plan went mostly as it was laid out. They took down the soldiers in the car and climbed aboard, Barton, Bruce, and Natasha donning their clothing and Steve, Loki, and Bucky hiding in the back. 
Loki could hear the sounds of thunder just as they crossed the bridge that led up to the building their car had been headed towards, and the distracted Hydra guards let them in in a hurry. 
Once parked, they split up to see to their assigned tasks. 
Loki used his trick of diverting the eyes of onlookers, so that Steve, Bucky and he were all but invisible. They made their way deeper and higher up in the building, watching where the more decorated soldiers emerged from, and following that path. 
The first problem arose when it became clear that some of the civilians were being held here, close to the officers, and not down with the others that Natasha, Bruce, and Barton were meant to be getting out. 
“I’ll take them.” Barnes offered, once he’d broken the neck of one of the men guarding the cell, and Loki had buried a knife in the throat of the other. 
Loki was quick to agree; though he had the Allspeak, he was loathe to leave Steve on his own, particularly after what a similar group had done to him. 
So he spoke to the people inside, learned that they were the missing doctors, and told them that he was here with the Avengers, and the man with the metal arm would be leading them to safety. 
“Just get them down to the other group, if you can-- I don’t want you trying to take them all out on your own. Meet up and help the others, so you have someone on your six.”
Barnes snapped off a sarcastic looking little salute. 
“Yes sir, captain sir.” Barnes said, and Steve huffed and rolled his eyes, but smiled. 
“How long have you known him?” Loki asked as they continued moving deeper into the Hydra hold. 
“My whole life, really, save the part where we were on ice or brainwashed, respectively.” 
Loki shook his head. 
“It is a strange life you’ve led, my captain. Stranger than most.” 
They found the room that was home to those in a position of command, and found them all on phones or huddled around visual feeds of Thor and Tony, raining down annoyance on them from above. 
“But why?” One was saying. “They could be destroying us, why are they toying with us?” 
“Because,” Said one man, who looked distinctly unlike the rest. Something about him reminded Loki of Barnes, when they’d first met. He was standing very straight, coiled and ready to spring, and he all but vibrated with barely contained power. Most importantly, he was looking directly at Steve and Loki. “Their friends are inside.” 
Loki darted forward, immediately placing himself between the man and Steve, which proved to be a good decision. The man pulled out a throwing knife and Loki caught it, reversing it and throwing it back towards him. It landed, and he pulled it from his shoulder and let it fall to the ground as if it was no more bothersome than a fly.
“Steve, take care of the rest, they still have a hard time seeing you!” Loki instructed, squaring off against this one.
The man lunged forward, one hand still holding a knife, which he brought up and under Loki’s ribs, but Loki blocked it-- the blade bouncing harmlessly off of his bracer. The man’s other hand was empty but the fist that made contact with the side of Loki’s head may as well have been concrete. 
Loki’s vision blacked out briefly, and he felt himself get stabbed in the side, but it didn’t seem to have done much damage. When he could see properly again, he wrested the knife free of the man and caught his arms in Loki’s own, turning it into a test of sheer strength. 
And the man was strong-- stronger than a run of the mill human. 
“He’s been modified!” Loki yelled for Steve’s benefit, the words coming out strained as he spoke through his teeth. 
“I understand I have you to thank!” the man told Loki. “You left him, and they made me from part of him.” 
Loki snarled and took the man’s legs out from under him, landing neatly atop his chest and pinning his arms with Loki’s knees. 
“Shame it took you so long to find us; there’re dozens of men like me, now. Cut off one head--” 
Loki felt another body crash into his back, but he stayed focused on the man beneath him. Loki summoned another of his knives-- the longer ones for close range fights, this time-- and slid it home through his trachea. 
The man fell back and was no more. 
Loki turned his attention, then, to the body that had fallen on him-- it was not Steve, which was all that mattered. 
He found Steve at a bank of computers, holding a dead man’s hand to a fingerprint reader. 
“A good trick.” Loki commented, as he sidled up to him. “I’m afraid I have some bad news, though.” He said, nodding at the man he’d taken out. “It seems we did not get every sample.” 
Steve set his jaw. 
“Yeah, I’m seeing that. Jesus-- there’s four of them here. We have to warn the others.” 
Loki nodded, and watched as Steve inserted a drive into the computer, which then went to work, downloading files and leaving its own behind. 
Loki used the communications device he’d been given. 
“In case you’ve not run into them yet, there are soldiers as strong as Steve here. Three of them, at least.” 
“Fuck!” he heard from Barton, and Steve shook his head but got the drive removed as all of the screens around him began to malfunction. 
“Buck, you with the main group?” 
“I’m here, the civilians have all been rounded up, according to them we got everyone. On our way out to the car now.” 
“Great.” Steve answered. 
“Bruce, you wanna go join Tony and Thor, maybe get a little green?” 
“On it.” 
“As soon as everyone’s clear, I want this place reduced to rubble.” 
Steve said over the intercom, before cutting his mic. 
“Then let’s get ourselves out of here.” Loki said. “Here, I’ll lead-- just in case they send more of those soldiers our way. I can put up a shield that covers more than yours.”
Steve smiled. 
“Real glad you’re on our side, now.” He told Loki shortly, and dropped a quick peck to his lips. “Let’s go.” 
Loki did as he said he would, erecting a shield and leading them to safety. They did not encounter the advanced soldiers, which he considered a mixed blessing, and by the time they gained the outside of the compound, the Hydra troops were attempting to fall back. 
They let them, checked in with Natasha, and gave the destruction crew the all clear. 
Without a car, and with the Quinjet parked on the other side of the wooded area, that meant they were on foot. But at least the company was pleasant, and the enemy was distracted. 
“Not bad for a first outing.” Steve said, but his attempt at joviality sounded pinched. 
“We will find the rest of these advanced soldiers.” Loki promised him, guessing at what was bothering him.
“Yeah, we’re going to have to.” Steve ran a hand through his hair, still looking distressed, and Loki reached out for him, taking his hand and marveling again at the warmth of him, and how well they fit together. 
The adrenaline was starting to wear off, and he could see it in the slant of Steve’s shoulders. He leaned in and kissed him, really kissed him, this time, no quick mid-battle peck, and Steve pulled him in close. 
When they broke apart, Loki was light headed, and Steve was looking besotted. He reached up to push some of Loki’s hair behind his ear, and froze. 
Steve stumbled backwards, and Loki saw why: his hand was covered in blood. 
Loki twisted and twitched aside the cape that was sticking to his side, only to see the knife wound he’d forgotten about earlier. 
“Ah.” He said. 
The lightheadedness, it turned out, was perhaps at least partially due to blood loss. 
“I’ll be fine,” he assured Steve, pressing his hand to his own side with the bloody cape to put pressure on the wound. 
And then, from the trees, the three missing soldier attacked, as if they had smelled his weakness. 
“Awh, shit.” Loki heard Steve say, just before something was shoved over his head, and he was knocked unconscious.
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justimajin · 5 years
A Wilting Rose╰ Epilogue╮
➺ Pairing: Jimin x Reader
➺ Genre: Angst & Fluff~
↳ (2.5k) Actor and Actress AU
➺ Summary: It seems that instead of spiraling down as a tarnished actress for what felt like centuries, you have finally started to leave reporters speechless and taste success like never before (and maybe, just maybe, it pays to have someone so endearingly adorable by your side with each step of the way).  
➺ Warnings: some swearing, fluff that is definitely smile worthy
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➺ Moodboard Prologue Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Epilogue
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Wincing when bright flashes keep continuing to go off, loud muffled roars are heard coming from outside the car and you almost want to laugh. 
Surely if you were here a couple of months ago, you wouldn’t be seeing all these curious eyes and pure excitement that you were witnessing right now. 
“Should we go and say hi?” The voice to your left asks, causing a chuckle to escape from you as you peer out of the long black limousine. 
“I’m not too sure, they seem more excited about the movie’s release then we do.” You point over to the array of fans patiently waiting for you past the reporters and journalists. You can’t recall how long its been since you’ve seen so many of them together in one place like that, simply waiting for you and you only.
Jimin laughs, “That’s definitely true.” With a deep sigh, he adjusts the tie to his red suit for perhaps the seventh time, wiping his hands down on his pants right after. 
A faint smile surfaces on your lips, “It’s not that bad, trust me.” 
A brief smile flickers on his features and he nods. You slowly open the door, jolting back a bit and alarming Jimin behind you when shouts and screams suddenly enter the confines of the limo. Although you’d like to reassure Jimin about situations like these, you can’t help but also find it quite daunting to see so many people surrounding you at once. 
You strain your eyes against the abundance of flashes when you step out, dragging out your sparkling red dress. Jimin is right behind you, adjusting his suit once again as he helps you get your long skirt out of the limo. The wind breezes through and the dress glides effortlessly through the red carpet, causing you to smile and wave back at the fans anticipating your movie. 
As Jimin stand beside you, reporters soon surround you and are darting quick questions back and forth amongst each other. Most of the questions are fair game - inquires about your movie being made and the type of performance the audience would get to witness. A huge smile is on you when Jimin gets special ‘debutant’ questions and he answers them all with loads of excitement, wanting to properly explain how grateful he was for such an opportunity. 
However, reporters will be reporters. 
“The fans have been dying to know about your personal lives, is there any hint you can give us towards a relationship between the two of you?” 
Glancing over at Jimin, you wonder if talking about this specifically here was a good idea. However before Jimin even has the chance to say anything, the reporter begins to persist, spiking up a conversation you were definitely not huge on talking about, “Rumours have spread about your ex-husband’s appearance on filming. Could it be perhaps the two of you are now back together?” 
You hesitantly open your mouth and the dirty mike is only shoved closer to you despite no words coming out. You close it again, thinking what you could possibly say to get this reporter out of your personal and certainly emotional place, but then you feel a small nudge at your shoulder and you turn to Jimin, who has a huge grin on his face. 
He kisses you. 
Screams suddenly erupt from behind you and yet Jimin doesn’t stop. You had turned to him in such a perfect angle that he was able to reach your lips instantly and he separates from you with a cheeky smile on his face, the faint blush on his cheeks still there as always. 
You on the other hand, are too caught up in wide eyes and shock from the interaction that looking back at the reporter just leaves you purely flustered. 
You shrug, “T-There’s your answer…” 
With a faint awkward chuckle, Jimin loops an arm around your waist and walks you away from the reporters. The fans are still going absolutely ecstatic at the interaction and you hear a spread of words from among them about how adorable you looked together to even how much your pairing looked better than the one you had with Seokjin. 
“Now that was a little bold.” 
Jimin laughs, walking inside the hall with you and helping you with your dress above the steps, “Sorry, I didn’t know what else to do.” 
You shake your head at that but then you place a hand on his arm, stopping him from walking forward, “I’m a little surprised though...all these fans, being this excited for us.”
“Well the movie has been getting more and more good reviews.” A small smile emerges on his lips, despite his best efforts to conceal it, “And maybe thanks to Yoongi.” 
“Yoongi? What does he have to do with this?” 
“Remember how after Seokjin decided to show up at our set, he found out about those journalists posting all those horrible articles about us? He knew it was an attempt at jeopardizing the movie’s image, so after doing some research...it turned out it was the same media that supported Seokjin when you broke up with him.” 
“What?” You harshly whisper, glancing away and trying to connect the dots, “So the media that labeled me as being the heart-breaker were affiliated with Seokjin from the start?” 
Jimin nods and you cover your mouth, “I-I can’t believe this…” Gritting your teeth, you shake your head, “That bastard!”  
“He paid off all of them Y/N. He just wanted to hear them sing praises about him in those articles and have this movie perform horribly in the box office.”
“But you know Yoongi.” Jimin laughs, “He wasn’t going to let this go. So he might of pulled some strings here and there, to get an article about the truth out.” 
A chuckle bubbles out of you at that, “I swear Jimin, this director of ours…”
“You can thank him yourself right now if you want.” Jimin points to the end of the red carpet and your mouth drops wide open when you see Yoongi clad in a gorgeous grey suit, walking along the carpet as reporters ask him questions. He has a huge gummy smile on his lips, one you’ve never seen him ever have and after the reporters move away, he starts posing in absurd ways, causing both you and Jimin to laugh. 
“I do owe him a huge thank you, but I think he’s a little busy right now.” You gesture Jimin to continue walking down the hall and he smiles, joining you and intertwining your hands. 
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The movie is a huge success. 
The high numbers rake in, the fans are buzzing with excitement and multiple articles come out about you with headlines declaring that the industry has just found a new promising newcomer and how one of it’s best actresses was back with an excellent movie. 
You don’t truly realize how much you and Jimin both needed the praise until the last one settles in and you’re soon off at your prime again, everyone surrounding you and wanting to know about it all. 
It even opens more doors than you could have imagined, especially when you’re seated at a huge award function and are choking down on your wine when the best debut actor gets announced. 
He stands up hesitantly at first, looking first at you with wide eyes when there’s tears forming in your own and you quickly usher him to go onto the large stage. Fans are chanting his name in the background and a gold trophy is awarded into his hands, looking out into the sea of a crowd with words slipping at the tip of his tongue. 
“First of all, I’d like to thank Director Min Yoongi for giving me a chance with this role…” 
He goes further on, thanking every single member of the cast and staff, causing you to be a bit surprised at how well he was able to remember everyone, before he reaches the end of his speech. A part that makes you want to cover your face bashfully with a hand, but at the same not take your shining proud eyes off of him. 
“....and lastly but definitely not the least, I’d like to thank my co-star and girlfriend for giving me so much support during the making of our movie. Thank you so much Y/N L/N...and I love you.” 
He whispers those last words so quickly in the mic before jogging away from the stage and yet you can hear them perfectly all the way from where you’re seated. He runs away to you to be greeted with a soft kiss and you can’t stop grinning at the shining trophy he places on the table. 
“So?” You lean over, “How does it feel best debutant actor?” 
Jimin shakes his head, sounding breathless before smiling, “I can’t believe it. I know I worked hard for this but it just feels like...a lot.” 
You hold his hand, “You know you deserve it right? You played a seriously good General.” 
Jimin playfully smirks at you, “You sure sound like you enjoyed me playing that role.” 
“What can I say? I miss the blue hair.” You play around with his now back to black hair. 
“I really don’t. I would have gone bald with the amount of times Yoongi made me dye my hair.” 
You laugh at that, covering your mouth with one hand and Jimin soon joins in as well, but your laughter is suddenly cut off when you hear the next category being said. 
“And the award for best movie goes to….” 
You and Jimin simply stare at each other for a moment, utterly speechless until you suddenly hear a huge uproar from another side of the room followed with unison clapping from the entire audience. You turn your head over to the source of the uproar only to witness a smug Yoongi walking over to the podium with confident strides, a huge smile on his face once the award is placed in his hands. 
He frowns for a moment, wondering why the stage was so empty as he leans towards the mic, “I don’t think I was the only one that made this movie possible.” 
The audience laughs and he shakes his head, “Where’s my entire cast and crew?!” 
Suddenly everyone from your movie is heading up the stage and it causes the realization that you and Jimin will have to go as well so you carefully begin to stand up and Jimin helps you with your dress once again. 
Yoongi speaks into the mic when everyone has come up except for you two, “Y/N. Jimin. That means you guys too.” 
You glare at him when your struggling with your dress and you walk up to the stage with Jimin helping you, joining Yoongi’s side as he begins to thanks everyone. He then tugs over you and Jimin, setting both of you in the front of the mic. “This movie couldn’t have been made without these two and I want them to know that in the future, if they ever are in need for work, not to hesitate in coming to me.” 
You and Jimin look at him with huge smiles and he gives you both a hug. Once he brings his arms around you, you whisper into his ear, “Really Yoongi? How many times are you going to keep helping me?” 
“As long as you stay as the actress you are.” Yoongi smiles, “You got potential. Don’t throw it away because some guy caused the media to go after you.” 
You nod, holding onto Jimin’s hand and then giving a grand bow to your entire cheering audience. 
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“What a night!”
Jimin flops onto the bed, discarding his suit jacket to the side and sinking down into the mattress as you face your dresser mirror to take your earrings off. “I forgot how long award shows can be. There’s literally no end to them.” 
Jimin sits up on his arms, sticking out his fingers, “Four hours!” He slumps back down, “And I thought filming was bad enough…”
You turn around, smiling at him, “Welcome to the world of acting~”
He lets out a low chuckle, “By the way, did you get a chance to talk to Yoongi afterwards?” 
“I did.” You get up, walking over to comb out your hair, “But he was still busy. This time with having a staring contest with his trophy.” 
Jimin laughs, “He was talking about wanting to win badly after all. And you did end up being right, Yoongi’s scary...but he is a genius.” 
“Yep.” You plop down onto the bed with a sigh, rolling over to be closer to him and he lets you rest your head on his arm, “That’s Min Yoongi for you.”
You stay like that for a moment, the remains of the night slowly beginning to fizzle out and the tiredness seeping in. 
“Hey Y/N?” Jimin whispers when he sees your eyes slowly closing. 
“Do you want to go somewhere tomorrow? We finally have a day off without any filming schedules planned.” 
Your eyes flutter open, looking up at him, “Are you asking me out Jimin?”
He smiles, his eyes crinkling, “That depends on whether you still have those floppy hats and sunglasses.” 
“As a matter of fact, I still do.” You raise an arm, pointing over to your closet, “So don’t worry, no one is going to recognize us.” 
He laughs, turning over to his side to face you lying down as he whispers.
“Sounds perfect.” 
Roses are typically grown with such care and love, blooming fully without any other factors stunting their growth or causing them to wilt. They start off as only mere stems with a tip, which slowly expand and form multiple petals to create an entire layout, unique to each individual rose. 
They are plucked when those passing by see how beautiful they’ve become and of course, the prettiest ones are always the most favoured ones. 
However, each rose has thorns. 
They aren’t immediately visible to the plucker’s eyes right away and are only discovered when the plucker looks past their pretty petals to find out indeed, a rose can have thorns on its stems. 
Thorns can be pulled off, they can be cut away and yet they will still grow back every time. 
Therefore it’s only seems right to accept that such pretty flowers will always be accompanied with excruciating sharp thorns. 
He stares at one, touching its thorn with the tip of his finger carefully, “But is it possible for roses to have no thorns at all then?” 
You shake your head, smiling as you pluck up one that looks especially beautiful, having many hidden petals as well as some of it’s own thorns, however upon plucking it you aren’t pricked to the point of drawing out blood. 
You tuck behind his ear. 
“There are some roses that can be extremely rare,” A huge grin is on your lips, eyes flickering over to his curious one, “and those ones have just the right amount of thorns.”
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namelessarcher · 5 years
hcs for gil with a master who genuinely believes his absolute standard for a partner is artoria and when made advances on, just says that they’re not saber and asks why he’s fooling around with someone second place or lower especially when artoria’s already in chaldea? would there be a difference between how archer and caster would try to rectify this? how would both react if the master reciprocated or still wasn’t interested?
All Gils
Every time Gil says some sort of praise or treats you kindly, it throws you off into a loop. Especially if it’s archer Gil. Caster Gil is more reasonable, logical, and just… easier to talk to in general between the two older Gils. Though kid Gil will disagree, both are horrible and you should stay far far away from both of them - not like you ever listened, nor could you when Archer Gil would hound you for days if you ever ignored him even once.
Archer Gil
He’s not afraid of being open and honest about his feelings towards people. Sure, it comes off as arrogant and condescending, but how else do you expect him to communicate with you? It’s Gilgamesh. And though you’re used to his arrogance and superior-to-all attitude and tone of voice, it peeves you how he throws out “compliments” like that towards you.
You’re not his beloved Artoria. And trust me, you know how much he adores her even if he never says it himself. You find his love for her borderline annoying and borderline creepy. It kind of reminds you of a tsundere sometimes with how he refuses to be completely honest about how much he likes her. So it’s strange that he’s now directing that affection towards you.
You don’t openly say this to him the first couple of times. You had thought it was nothing more than a joke. You didn’t think much of it. At least, not until Gilgamesh directly confronted you himself. Why were you ignoring him? Why weren’t you giving him the time of your day outside of checking his profile? It insulted him, yet when he finds the answer to it, he’s baffled.
How could you even compare yourself to Artoria? She was a king, and you, his Master. The two of you were completely different entities. He has many things he wants to say, but he doesn’t find himself able to continue when he sees the disbelief in your eyes. It’s quite clear to both of you that you don’t believe that he sees you romantically at all. It frustrates him and when he loudly declares that he’ll make you understand, you shrug it off as another one of his fits that he throws every now and then.
However, every time after that incident, he tries his best to be more honest and expressive with his feelings towards you. He knows that you don’t quite believe him yet, but gods be damned if he doesn’t get it through your thick skull that he genuinely likes you.
Should you reject him even after all of this, he’s not the type to give up right away. He’s so persistent about it, it’s on the verge of being annoying - actually, no, it is annoying. But once he sees that the problem isn’t that you don’t like him at all, but rather it’s just platonic, he’ll stop. He may be a King, and definitely one of the most renown/infamous of all kings, but he cannot dictate one’s feelings, no matter how strong his are.
In the case you accept though, he’s taken aback. He’s expecting your usual dismissal of his emotions and he’s confused, pleasantly so, when he sees that your cheeks are flushed a pretty pink and that you’re flustered when he’s being so loud about his love for you. Needless to say, he will continue to be loud about his feelings towards you and there’s nothing you can do to stop him about it.
Caster Gilgamesh
While not as loud as his archer counterpart, he is still loud. When you bring up the argument that you are nothing compared to Artoria, he doesn’t care. More so than his Archer counterpart, he knows that comparing you to her is like comparing freshly made wine to aged wine. And he doesn’t compare either of you to each other - it would be stupid and offensive to both parties if he does so.
He’s more likely to be calculative and calm in convincing you that he likes you romantically, much more so than the King of Knights. Besides, he doesn’t really interact much with her anyways. Just because she’s infatuated his Archer counterpart doesn’t quite mean that he is. They may be the same entity, but Caster Gil recognizes that he is just a smidge smarter than his other part. After all, he’s not wearing that stupidly heavy and gaudy armor that restricts his movement.
While you’re stunned that the King of Heroes would like you in such a way, he finds each and every little change in expression from your original uninterest and cold demeanor a him that perhaps you’re warming up to him. It’s not until he notices how you start letting your guard down around him that he thinks it’s finally time to confess to you again.
Should you reject, whether it’s because you don’t think you’re worthy of him, or because you truly don’t like him, he’d be okay with the 2nd reason, but not the first. If it was all because of whether you were “worthy” of him, you were worthy since you summoned him.
In the case you accept him though, he’s pretty smug about it, which may or may not peeve you a bit. But he’s happy. And you can tell. The fact that he immediately scoops you into his arm and spins you around with that ridiculously wide smile on his face is evident enough. He may be a king, but even he is allowed to indulge himself with the love of his life.
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hirakdesherrani · 7 years
Leela Sanera and Gauri Kumari Ssarma: Heroines let down by shitty script
Today was another one of those days where I just stare at the perfection that is Deepika Padukone and obsess over her songs. One of my all time favorite songs, is the Nagada song in Ram Leela. Resisting with difficulty the wish to gush over the song, I’ll get to the point. There is this small shot where Ram (played by Ranveer Singh) enters the Sanera Haveli, and Leela sees him. Leela breaking the dance for a second goes to Ram and quickly touches his feet, which Ram stops, and then she moves back to the dance. 
Though the movie was pathetic, reflecting back to this bit got me thinking. Why would Leela touch Ram’s feet? Sure they both believe that they’re married. But I didn’t figure Leela as a girl who would touch her husband’s feet, considering she’s the bolder and more assertive of the two in the relationship, and without doubt his equal. And then suddenly the bells started ringing in my head, who does this remind me of? But of course, Gauri Kumari Sharma! (Maybe I’m seeing GKS everywhere, ‘cos I’m so obsessed with her/Rikara nowadays). 
The more I thought about it, the more I saw similarities between Leela and Gauri. Sure on the surface there is nothing common between them, but the more I dug deeper, the more they seemed personality sisters to me. Let me explain. 
First of all the script of DBO/IB never allowed Gauri to be as amazing as she is and has the potential to be. Secondly, there are some obvious and heavy limitations that are imposed upon Tellywood heroines in general, and they can hardly break out of of their ‘sanskaari’ mould. Still let me attempt this character comparison.
Both Leela and Gauri have A-level badassery. While Leela’s favorite way to announce celebrations seems to be shooting, Gauri is also willing to bulldoze and stab, be it rage or in self-defense. Both are unwilling to give-up in the face of circumstances unless almost forced to do so (thanks to the godawful script). The word damsel-in-distress does not apply to them, in fact, Gauri is rather the savior of those in distress. Both have a calculative side to them, and whatever their actually nature is, can effectively be the matriarch when needed to be. Cue to when Leela was forced to become the chief of Saneras and drive a hard business bargain with Ram (her lover), while Gauri was forced to impersonate as Thakurain and confront Om (her husband). 
A huge amount of screen space was devoted to display Leela’s sexual boldness (to the point that it became the only thing shown in the first half of the movie). While I don’t need to elaborate on Leela’s sensual side, and though Gauri is not as bold as Leela in the gulaal scene, she didn’t hesitate to pluck off leaves from a flustered husband in the most sensual manner possible (who knew such a thing could be sexy). Or posing as a goddess to resurrect the dead artist in her husband ( parallel it with Leela’s sensual af dhanchi/dhuaan dance). 
However, both characters had to suffer injustice at the hands of the makers. Lets start with Leela. The first half of the film heavily focuses on the sexual attraction between Ram and Leela. To the point that it looks like there is nothing to their relationship except lust. Only after they elope from their village, does it seem that indeed they are in love, and it is not just a relationship based on sexual tension. Its only in the second half that a clearer picture emerges and we get to see different shades of Leela. 
At first, it seems annoying that why would Leela continue to love Ram, who killed her brother, who soiled her name in the community after they eloped, whose friends molested her sister-in-law, who is thought to be the conspirator behind an attempt to murder her mother, who is above all, the avowed enemy of her clan and family? (although he is guilty of none of these things and framed by others). Because, “Besharam, badtameez, khudgarz hota hai....par pyaar toh aisa hi hota hai.” Leela is ready to lose herself in love, because her trust in him is unwavering and she is rewarded for her trust because if she loses her finger, then Ram chops off his own too. Leela’s true strength emerges when she is compelled to take the reigns of her family business and clan, just like Ram. Thats when we get to see the real Leela, who is strong, shoulders her responsibilities and doesn’t run away at the prospect of a face-off with her lover, who she knows loves her equally. 
Gauri is perhaps equally insane and annoying at times. Unlike Leela who is motivated by love, Gauri is motivated by devotion. At first it was very annoying to see Gauri so devoted to a man who thought the worst of her. Her over-the-top patnidharm was the only thing that was shown in DBO. Its only when the real Gauri started breaking out, the clever, badass, bold version, that Gauri truly started to shine. Still, Gauri’s parmeshwar jaap does annoy me. But then I realized that just because she says parmeshawar doesn’t mean she isn’t Omkara’s equal, she is assertive, does as she pleases, and obedience is a word that is missing in Gauri’s dictionary when it comes to Om, toh phir kaahe ka parmeshwar?!? 
Brings me back to the scene that actually made me think of the similarities when I saw Leela touching Ram’s feet. Touching their husbands’ (however unbelievable the marriage was) feet does not mean that Leela and Gauri were not equal to Ram and Omkara. This is just a gesture which is a result of their upbringing. Yes! I abhor this feet-touching business but also I have to respect that its their choice and feminism is also about respecting people’s choices, especially when in the case of Leela and Gauri, we see two women who are devoted but not doormats. 
Like Leela who had unflinching faith in Ram, and continued to love him and face-off with her family for him, Gauri continued to forgive Omkara for misjudging her because she knew that he was under a misconception, because he is essentially a good person at heart, and because his life was always at stake. Only when Omkara refused to use his brains and trust his heart instead of his eyes, did Gauri give up and move out of his life, because thats when he no longer deserved her devotion. 
Coming to how the script did a disservice to Gauri, the excessive focus on the patnidharam without emphasizing enough that it is only because Gauri’s Shankar ji had chosen Om for her, was how the script made her look regressive. On top of that, the numerous character flips in the name of Nayi Soch like that stupid English track to become “laayak” or coming back for SP’s mandatory Diwali celebration. Ugh! 
Despite the obvious injustice done to these two characters, Leela and Gauri both shine when they are allowed to shine. Leela shines more because she reacts out of love, while with Gauri we have an unique problem. 
I mentioned in another one of my post why Rikara story is problematic. While Gauri is suited for Om, Om does not suit Gauri. Thats why we have no proper love story in Rikara, because by no logic can Gauri love Om. Thats why she is made to marry Om, and be devoted to him, because devotion and at best a sort of spousal love, is what Gauri can feel for Om. 
It doesn’t matter that Gauri says she loves Om, because it doesn’t make sense, even if I put my brain in the freezer. Omkara is a good ML but he is not suited to Gauri. Gauri is suited to someone like Ram. Someone who she can in fall in love with, someone who would love her back with equal intensity (and I don’t mean in the sexual sense). It doesn’t matter if Omkara uses big words like “ibaadat” when there are no actions to back up such declaration. Which is why Rikara story is phuski. 
Leela and Gauri have both suffered at hands of incompetent scriptwriters, but at least Leela got to love a lover worthy of her, while Gauri is saddled with Om, who is great, but cannot match up to her devotion (’cos I refuse to call it love). 
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crimsonworkplace · 4 years
The Unfortunate side-effects of Karyoke
So on the a6 tumblr @andromeda-six  I saw one of the ask saying Aya liked singing and singing poorly and it inspired this short story with Aya and F!traveler set between chapters three and four (also on ao3)
Though it probably comes as a surprise to pretty much no-one, there isn’t that many forms of entertainment aboard a moving spaceship. While I enjoyed looking out the window as much as the next guy, it gets a bit old after a few days and we’d been in transit near a week. Suffice to say, I was getting a bit antsy with my isolation. Despite this fact however, I was still felt a bit of hesitation when I stepped out of my room and it was mainly due to my reluctance to interact with the crew. While yes, the response over my identity had been mostly positive, I still couldn’t shake the fact that my father had pretty much been responsible of most of the tragedy in their lives. That when they looked at me they saw his eyes, his jaw, his face, and my inaction. I know I did, it’s a good thing there aren’t many mirrors on board.
Thankfully, it seemed like most of them were in their rooms at this time, so my little walk around the ship was rather uneventful. I don’t think I could deal with any of them at the moment, even the ones who had been nice to me so far. I think the kindness almost made it all harder than if they all just hated me, or better yet, listened to Damon and turned me in so I wouldn’t have to feel the overwhelming guilt of indirectly hurting them even if she assured me it was fine and didn’t change anything and she enjoyed the kiss. That stray thought almost made me trip on the staircase. So, I suppose if we’re being honest, while I do truly feel bad for all of them, there’s been a certain crewmember at the forefront of my mind since pretty much that first night.
Ayame Ikeda had the unfortunate effect over me that caused me to feel feelings leaving me a flustered mess on the best of days. Her flirtations hadn’t stopped once she found out who I was, in fact, it seemed to her nothing had changed at all and I was still someone she enjoyed friendly teasings and making blush until the day of the Valen festival. That day it felt like something… changed in the air between us. She asked about love and I got a deeper look in the pain she kept so skillfully hidden. She deserved love and someone to help with the hurting, she deserved the entire universe and I told her. That was also the moment when I realized I could never be the one to give it to her. She deserved better than the naïve princess that let her planet burn and I was determined to hold back my feelings and do everything in my power to help her find that person worthy of her. My unwavering declaration lasted about ten seconds before I kissed her. Like a moron. This set in motion the slight change in our normally lighthearted dynamic, there was a bit more weight on the flirting. My response was to stay away, avoid her and maybe the feelings there would go away too and we could focus on finding someone actually good enough for her. That was my heads’ plan. My feet however had taken advantage of my deep overthinking and led me right to the bridge.
I’d noticed in time to not be spotted by anyone, and very stealthily attempted to sneak back the way I came when I heard Aya yelling and was overcome with the need to make sure she was ok, and honestly, I really should of just walked away to save myself the mortification of bursting in on Aya when she was singing (note, not screaming because she was in danger, but singing, you know, like a normal person.) Causing her to yell out in alarm causing me to yell out in alarm tripping over one of the seats up there. 10/10 recon mission Peg’asi, you saved the day. I managed to pick myself up from the chair in time to come face to face with a concerned looking Aya.
“What happened? Are you ok?” she asked looking me over. “ Yeah, yeah, I’m fine” I answered attempting to brush her off “ Jeez, you almost scared me half to death, what was that about?” she questioned after noticing I was fine to which I cleverly responded taking away from my previous blunder and charming Aya along the way: “I uhh, you weren’t in trouble. Keep singing, it was great. Goodbye.” Or I could just respond with that instead, we’re really batting a thousand today aren’t we? I turned away to go back to my room, or the airlock when I felt a hand on my arm and turned around to see her laughing at me. “Aww not you too!” The puzzled look on my face made her laugh again before continuing “most of the crew has… opinions on my singing, I figured I’d at least have you on my side!” she said with a mock pout. “I am! I said it was great!” “Oh yeah, that admission was sooo convincing” she said dryly giving me her little smirk. You’re a jerk Peg’asi, fix this! “No, no, come on it was great let’s keep going!” I moved closer to the music source and started vocalizing along to the song. I think I’d heard it before, but not enough to know the lyrics which made Aya laugh again “Wow, ok, you definitely aren’t allowed to make any more comments on my singing.”  “I can sing! I just don’t know this one” “Really?” She challenged, giving me a grin “Absolutely” I said matched with one of my own. “My angelic voice would make you weep.” “Alright then angel” despite the sarcasms, the emphasis on angel made me blush as she walked over to the music device and gestured for me to sit on the seat next to her. “Pick something and let’s see what you got.” She winked.
Now, between you and me, I don’t really have an “angelic” voice, it’s decent enough I suppose, but the real reason I was being so boastful was to make sure Aya wasn’t insulted over my reaction to her earlier performance. Does she seem the type to really mind such things? No, but it never hurts to make sure. And maybe there was also a part of me that missed spending time with her, but we’re not going to acknowledge that now, or ever hopefully. “You’ve been staring at my playlist for a while, do you really not recognize any of it? No normal music allowed up in your castle?” Aya’s voice drew me out of my thoughts. “No, just making sure I get the right one to properly astound you with my skills” I winked at her “Oh of course maestro please take another twenty minutes finding the proper piece” she said sarcastically, but I could still hear the smile underneath the words. Still, her playful overexaggerating did have a point and I hurriedly selected the first song I was semi-confident I knew the lyrics to. It was a pop-y love song from a few years back and sitting up straighter in my seat I stretched out my arms and began a bombastic performance, which only lasted a few seconds before Aya bursted out laughing in the seat next to me.
“This is what was hyped up? I expected better!” “Better? Ugh, the indignity! I think you’re just jealous of my superior talent!” I responded continuing in my overdrawn attitude to which she laughed again to, brighter this time. It’s really nice hearing her laugh like that. “Let’s hear you then, since you seem so convinced you could do better”  I said to which she met with a stare before beginning in her unique Aya voice and fixing me with a look I returned while resuming my own singing. Our duet probably wouldn’t get us invited to preform at anything official, but I still loved the way our voices sounded together, the slight jeering one would give the other when we stumbled over a line from laughing to much or smiling too wide. Near the end of the song was a long note we began together but I quickly dropped off after looking over at her. Her eyes were closed and she was belting out the note with such a free and happy look, one that made it seem like she had momentarily forgot all the pain she normally keeps hidden down, one I hadn’t seen since the Valen festival and it was the most beautiful thing I had seen in my entire life. I wanted justice, wanted to do right by the galaxy, but more than all that, I wanted to make the freedom in her face now a permanent fixture of it and I would do anything to make it so.
Aya noticed my voice had dropped out and my silent, awed staring “Careful there, you might tempt me to sing more often if I know it could make you make that cute little look” she teasingly smirked at me and I, the fool, responded slightly breathless with red cheeks and without thinking “You should, you look absolutely beautiful while singing” which caused the teasing to pause and a slight blush to grow on her face, mirroring my own. “Haha, really?” she said trying to tame her blush and steer the conversation back to a lighthearted back and forth, for my sake or her’s I couldn’t tell. “Don’t think I forgot what happened earlier-” “It was still true then.” I cut her off quietly, unable to look her in the face but wanting to make sure she knew. I bet she was used to the ribbing for her singing, but it seemed to make her smile, genuinely smile, and I wanted to support everything that made her happy. Like she deserves I thought to myself while finally meeting her eyes again. This moment between us felt more than playful bantering or casual flirtation and it scared me how these feelings kept going and how I doubted I would ever be enough for her. Thankfully, she spoke again defusing the tension “Well, I guess I’ll have to add a singing portion to the private show I owe you” she winked. “Oh my goodness” I said getting up to retreat from her brazen flirts. As much as I loved spending time with her, I was grateful for the out, I didn’t want to stay too long and do something either of us would regret later. Before I could get too far away, I felt her hand on my arm again, gentler this time with a genuine smile on her face as she said “I did really have a good time, we should do it again sometime.” “Yeah, we should” I replied with a genuine smile of my own. She gave my arm a soft squeeze before turning back to piloting the ship. I don’t think my smile left my face for the rest of the day. I’m screwed.
If you’ve made it this far thank you so much for reading! This is the first time I’ve written something like this so any feedback would be greatly appreciated but don’t feel any pressure! I hope you have a fantastic day!
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