#and decide to be a crusader in a situation you have no idea how to solve
tacosaysroar · 1 year
People’s lack of self-awareness never ceases to amaze me
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satoshy12 · 11 months
Danny learned from the Ghost Writer that other worlds exist, even his favorite world. The Justice League!
However, Ghost Writer has always been hesitant to use his portals to explore other realms. This is due to the immense power and danger lurking on the other side.
Danny's curiosity gets the better of him, and he can't resist using Ghost Writer's portals to go into the DC universe.
Danny was here to have fun, so he decides to dress up as various DC villains, but with his young age, it has an adorable twist: he appears as a tiny child version of them.
To his surprise, Danny realizes that these costumes give him access to the powers of the villains. He seemed to mimic them, like he did in a few of his fights against his enemies attacks.
Like Ghostly wails with Dan or Cloning with Vlad.
And just seeing this would be much more fun! He started his playful journey to meet iconic heroes and villains.
The first one Danny met was the Flash family while dressed as Reverse Flash. He stumbles upon a face-off between Flash, Kid Flash, and the real Reverse Flash. With his childlike innocence, Danny manages to confuse all three speedsters, much to Kid Flash's chagrin. Danny began to tease Kid Flash about a prank he played on him. "It was me, Wally; I shoved the coffee table ever so slightly so that you would stub your toe right before you were sent off to school." "It was me who made your mother and father see your adult magazine!" Thawne laughed as he heard what the boy did. Leaving after Eobard was defeated, leaving very confused Speedsters behind.
Next, Danny decides to become Ares, the God of War. This leads to a comical confrontation with Wonder Woman. Ares is perplexed by how this young boy possesses his godly powers, and Diana is equally confused by the mysterious demigod child.
The one he had most fun was the Ra's al Ghul cosplay, complete with a sword. Danny found himself entangled in a battle between the League of Assassins and Green Arrow with his sidekick Speedy. Ra's was puzzled by this unexpected child version of himself, and Green Arrow can't help but be amused and confused by the whole situation. After the battle, Danny poured the ectoplasm from his bottle on the ground and jumped into it. Which made it look like Green Arrow and Ra's that Danny just jumped into Lazarus water and was swallowed by it.
Sinestro and Hal Jordan were bewildered by the appearance of a child wearing a Yellow Lantern ring. The notion of such a young Yellow Lantern throws them off balance during their battle. Sinestro and Hal Jordan are utterly baffled as to why a child could even wield the power of fear.
Dressed up as the Ocean Master, Danny intervenes in a conflict between Aquaman and Aqualad against the vengeful Ocean Master. Initially mistaking him for Orm's son, Arthur planned to talk with the boy, only for him to leave after the fight.
When Danny dons the Lex Luthor Warsuit, he finds himself in a confrontation with Superman, catching the attention of Lex Luthor. Lex is intrigued by the young boy's capabilities and is somehow proud of him, even though they aren't fighting on the same side. If Lex sees potential in him and contemplates offering some guidance, the boy would go far. The Suit was like his own.
At Last, The Mr. Freeze Costume, Danny intervenes in a showdown between Batman, Robin, and Mr. Freeze in Gotham City. The Caped Crusader is intrigued by this young "villain" and contemplates whether the boy can be taught to use his abilities responsibly. As Danny was just talking about Dr. Victor Fries inventions and theories, Victor saw that the boy had good ideas and theories.
Danny had his fun, and he tried to return home, only for the portal not to work.
He used it many times and had to wait a short time. Well, what are a few days here?
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silent-sanctum · 18 days
HIII I LOVEEE YOUR WORKS !!! can i request jotaro x reader but where by a stand attack jotaro was now part 6 jotaro with the teen reader ? How shocked and flustered would be rrader by seeing jitaro in his 40's ! Ty!!!
hiya anon! Thank you for the kind words 🥹 Sorry it took so long for me to get your request out. It was supposed to be yesterday but then some mishaps happened and it was delayed to today. But here we are! Hope you enjoy this quick lil crack(?) fic I wrote 💌
A Mild Inconvenience- 6!Taro x Reader
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word count: 2.7k
You have no idea where he went nor when he disappeared.
It was strange as it happened when you think about it again; one day, you and Jotaro were out and about investigating the area for any suspicious activity, and then out of the blue a random stranger jumped out from the shadows and made a weird proclamation of sorts about taking down the Crusaders.
It wasn’t anything surprising given he was the nth enemy Stand user they faced throughout this trip and judging by the way he presented himself, he’s also boasting a fragile ego thinking he was all that.
But an enemy was still an enemy so you and your delinquent partner had no problem beating him to a pulp. It was rather easy compared to the previous opponents they faced. His Stand wasn’t anything grand at all; just a small ratty pouch filled with sparkling purple sand.
The weird aspect of the whole situation was when the guy was about to tap out after being at the receiving end of Star Platinum’s punch barrage, only then did he decide to get a fistful of sand from his tiny bag and throw it straight at Jotaro’s face.
Some of it ended up on yours and caused you to close your eyes for a brief second, covering your face as an extra barrier, and when you opened them, you furrowed your brows at the sudden lack of both Jotaro and the knocked-out Stand user.
You waved the remaining plume of sand away from your face as you surveyed your surroundings. Don’t tell me- You double-checked the structures surrounding you, the locals walking about, and the general weather. Nope. I’m still in Cairo. The possibility of me in an alternate universe can be crossed out now.
But that didn’t answer the prevailing question of where the fuck did those two go?
“Jotaro-ssi?” You called out to him as you headed your way somewhere. You don’t know where but anywhere will do if it helped finding him. Not that it would be hard to spot a 6’5” tall teenager among the average-height people. “I don’t know if you’re trying to get back at me for teasing you but leaving me by myself isn’t exactly the best decision, asshole.”
You kept scouting the area for any signs of him, turned corners, and explored every alleyway. And still… nothing.
This went on for what felt like 45 minutes and at this point, you sweated a lot and your thighs started to cramp. With your hands on your hips, you groaned in frustration, head tilted to the sky. “Wah, who would’ve known you’d use Mr. Joestar’s family technique against me. Foul play,” you scoffed. “I get it, alright? Just show yourself already.”
Just as you were about to call it quits and assume he just went back to the inn where the others were, something caught your eye at the corner of your vision. In the midst of a parting crowd, you could spot someone standing out from the rest. Someone with a signature ripped hat and coat.
You smirked. “You and your tall ass.”
With a confident stride, you stalked past the unbothered locals and made your way to the towering figure. However, as you neared him, it was only then you noticed the stark difference in his appearance; instead of his primarily black school uniform, he was decked in a purple-dominating outfit with gold accents all over. The design of his chain was different too, changed from the simple golden hoops to one that ended with a golden hook or anchor.
But aside from his grandfather, you knew no one else as tall as the delinquent, so you pushed forward and poked the man’s shoulder. “Hello, I believe you left something valuable back there.”
“Excuse me?”
You stepped back and gaped at the subtle difference in his voice. Not like there were any major differences. It’s still deep and gravelly, but somehow his voice was… milder for lack of a better term. As if it was polished to be more refined.
And as he turned around to look at you, you gaped at the visible changes found in your supposed 17-year-old boyfriend.
Jotaro looked older… way older than he’s supposed to. His cheekbones were more prominent, his eyes a bit sunken, gray streaks of hair lined segments of his head underneath his purple hat, and his hair was trimmed short. Not only that, it seemed that underneath his new flashier coat, he seemed to be built… a bit more. Resembling that of young, about-to-be silver foxes?
You cleared your throat and hoped the warmth in your cheeks faded as instantly as you wished. “Jotaro-ssi?”
He squinted at you, equally confused. “Y/N-ssi?”
“I don’t know if it’s just the heat starting to make me see things, but you look really different… and older.”
“Likewise. You look like your vibrant, youthful self.”
You coughed, trying not to succumb to bashful flattery from the compliment said by the gruff voice of this seemingly more mature Jotaro. “Clearly- well first off, thank you for that- but I’ll have to clarify some things.”
Jotaro tilted his head in curiosity. “I have questions to ask myself. But go on.”
“This might sound stupid but how old are you?”
You remained silent, speechless with your brows furrowed and mouth agape as you processed what he said. “F-Forty? 4… 0?”
But he dismissed your surprise and simply asked, “What year is it today?”
Jotaro cursed under his breath, crossing his arms. “Figured… how the hell did this happen?” He let out a deep sigh. “Good grief, I’m too tired for this. Just as I was about to finish paperwork as well.”
“Hey Jo- err mister,” you said. “Can we talk about whatever the heck is going on somewhere that’s not in the open?”
He turned back to you and with one sweeping look around his surroundings, he nodded. “Sure.”
It was out of nowhere when he found himself standing in the middle of a marketplace.
Not even a minute passed and with a blink of an eye, Jotaro was no longer in his office signing documents but found himself getting pushed and shoved by a passing crowd of dark to tan-skinned locals. He recognized these buildings and streets. With a cock of his head, he said to himself, “What… Why am I here?”
Just then, someone poked his back. “Hello, I believe you left something valuable back there.”
Wait. “Excuse me?”
He turned around and he grew even more confused as he saw you- or rather, a younger you- behind him, looking up at him with an expression that mirrored his.
This was odd. The last he saw you was mere hours ago as you- a 40-year-old version of you- kissed him goodbye as you headed off to the Foundation to resume work while he stayed behind to focus on tasks related to his day job as a biologist.
But then he considered a couple of things: The buildings of Cairo, the locals, a stunned you being a teenager…
It meant one thing and as he asked you that question, you confirmed it and he was appalled. Nothing happened to him in his timeline, but it wasn’t the case for his younger self.
You offered to bring him back indoors where they could continue the discussion somewhere more private, and with nothing else giving him any solutions to his dilemma, he agreed.
Hence, here they were- sitting a couple of feet apart in a room of an inn with the rest of the Crusaders out still doing their agendas for the day. You sat on the foot of the bed while he remained leaning against the wall, finger under his chin as he tried to figure out what to do.
“Knowing you, I guess you’d rather we talk about possible solutions to your current situation?”
“It won’t be necessary,” Jotaro said. “As it always was with the others, it’s a Stand attack and it caused your Jotaro to swap with me, a future version of him. And since I’m here it means that the ability is currently active. The usual solution to this is to find the user again and tamper with his Stand to bring everything back to normal.”
“We’ll simply approach the old man or the agent currently working with him now to find the latest intel on the Stand user. That way, we can track him down faster. However, since they’re currently out wherever, we’ll simply just wait for them to arrive here and then we can ask for the important details.”
You stared at him with awe. “Woah, you’re much more knowledgeable about this whole Stand business than I thought.”
He shrugged. “Years of experience do that to you.”
“I mean yeah but it’s just wild how age can change a person because look at you!” You said as you made a sweeping gesture over his body. “Not only did you age like fine wine, but you actually grew out of your ‘tough guy’ act into this sage-like adult! Look at you openly sharing a strategy that isn’t just punching.”
Jotaro might have blushed at the ‘fine wine’ comment but pretended to not notice it and said, “I’ve always thought about strategies ever since my teenage years. It’d be dumb if the only solution to everything was a heavy punch or two.”
“I did say ‘openly’, didn’t I?” You raised a brow at him. “Let’s be honest, you did often resort to a classic Star Platinum barrage when it’s offered on the table.”
He thought back to his youth and took into account how often he resorted to simple violence as a quick solution to everything. Huh. I guess you weren’t wrong. “Well… you have a point. But let’s say it’s simply me still learning how Star worked. He did just manifest the same year as the trip.”
“You also called him an evil spirit,” you said. “Poor Star when all he did was protect you.”
Jotaro rolled his eyes and he could’ve sworn a part of his soul did the same thing in him. “I didn’t know better. Besides, he’s grown to be a reliable companion over the years. That I can acknowledge.”
Then there was a moment of silence where you just stared at him without a word. He kept silent as well, staring out the window as he waited for time to pass. “Oh by the way mister,” he glanced at you. “Is that a wedding ring snug on your finger?”
Admittedly, he never expected you to bring up that specific observation but he should’ve seen it coming when he had his arms exposed and crossed for you to eventually see. “Yeah. What about it?”
With a smug look, you interlocked your fingers under your chin and said, “Who’s the lucky person Mr. Kujo?”
Jotaro stared at you and various images of an aged version of you flashed in mind; memories of you during your wedding day, to when he accompanied you as you joined the Speedwagon Foundation, down until you brought your daughter Jolyne into the world and watched her grow into a confident woman with him by your side.
He broke his gaze with a cough and feigned casual stoicism. “I can’t disclose future events.”
Being the same perceptive individual as he knew you in the future, you smirked with a knowing look. “I see. I must say, how lucky they were to bag someone so intellectual and strong. What do you do again aside from tracking Stand users of course? I’m curious.”
“Primarily, I work as one of the leading marine biologists in the institute I’m under, but I part-time as a biology professor at a university in Florida as well.”
“Ooh~” you drawled with an impressed yet bashful smile growing behind the hand covering your pink cheeks. “Such accolades. Guess that interest of yours really took off, huh?”
Jotaro curled his lip, proud of himself for once. “It appeared so.”
“Gotta take notes for when 17-year-old you return,” you snickered. “Got any kids?”
“How many? Girl or boy?”
“A daughter.”
You cooed, holding back a squeal of wholesome adoration. “I knew it. I figured you’d be a girl dad! I can only imagine how cute she is.” Jotaro smiled again. Jolyne was his little bundle of joy indeed. “Though if I’m gonna be honest, I thought she had siblings.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, weren’t you going at it as passionate lovers?”
Jotaro choked on his spit, caught off guard at the sudden question. “Well we are busy adults so we didn’t get many opportunities, but in the occasional moments we do, it is indeed… passionate. You did have the stamina and vigor to ravage me when you could.”
You stared at him, stunned. “What?”
He stared back, not registering what he said. “What?”
And then silence again between two staring individuals.
“Y/N! Jotaro! We’re back!”
Both you and he snapped out of the unintentional staring contest, each of them covering their embarrassed faces behind their hands as they looked anywhere but at each other. You dumbass. Why did you say that?
“W-Well,” you started. “They’re here now. I guess we start finding the guy responsible for this?”
Jotaro reeled from his minute-long foolishness and put his default stone-faced expression back on. “The sooner the better.”
Just as he said, beating the enemy Stand user the second time did the trick.
To start, upon seeing one of their companions aged up significantly, the Crusaders reasonably questioned both of you about what the hell was going on and you explained half of what had happened, only for Jotaro to help you out by continuing the other half of the conversation.
And you weren’t going to lie, but learning that he was able to voice out his thoughts more openly than before was both admiring and attractive. But your apparent affinity for hot older men with kids will be tackled on another day. Probably never.
After disclosing the need to locate the pocket sand Stand user, Mr. Joestar and the agent working with him were able to track his current location and the first second it was revealed, both of you wasted no time and hurried over to the man responsible.
Luckily for both of you, you didn’t have to resort to any more violence as the user- already beaten down and recovering from his injuries- complied with whatever you wanted out of him and let him hand over his magic Stand sand.
You and old man Jotaro said your goodbyes. It was nothing too special nor was it anything emotional. You were surprised to see a future version of your boyfriend, got fascinated by his progress in life, and now not only were you about to meet up with the current Jotaro and spill the news about what he was to become, you also got to bring back the adult to his timeline.
A win-win for everyone.
Little did you know just as the sand struck him again, the plumes still managed to fly onto your face and caused your eyes to shut and your brain to fuzz out momentarily.
When you opened them again, you were met with the classic punk delinquent Jotaro that you knew and love.
He coughed and waved the remaining sand cloud hovering around you and said, “What the hell was that?”
“An inconvenience that’s what,” you said. “Oh! By the way, I have something to share with you!”
“Same. You go first.”
“Alright, so…” You started with enthusiasm, only for your words to trail off as your mind ran blank. “I… uh, I don’t remember what I was about to say actually.”
Jotaro crossed his arms. “Oh really?”
“You know I don’t joke about this,” you whined. “Well, how about you go ahead and tell me about your day then, hm?”
He didn’t say anything as he looked elsewhere, eyes deep in concentration as he was trying to search for a specific memory in his brain, and after a minute or two of nothing, you smirked at him. “Well? Where’s the story time, Jotaro-ssi?”
“Fuck, I can’t recall anything.”
You chuckled. “I thought so. Serves you right for doubting me.”
“H-Hey, can I go now?”
You and Jotaro turned to the meek ex-enemy Stand user, hands up under the heavy weight of your stares. He looked at you and cocked a brow. “Your call.”
At that, you shrugged. “Sure.” You turned to the delinquent with a content smile. He, in turn, averted his gaze away from yours with faint reddened cheeks. “I already got what I need from you.”
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traegorn · 7 months
i say this with as much openness as im capable of. why is everyone so eager lately to defend christianity. i dont actually need to have a history degree to be able to see that christianity is Bad For Everyone. i can see it when i look out the window. the great commission is colonialism writ large.
the GOAL of christianity is genocide, eliminating as many other religions as possible in the pursuit of mass conversion. HOW are people deciding that *this* of all religions needs some kind of "well not ALL missionary work is physical violence" hedging. what is going on. im so frustated because i have seen up close and personal the death cult that it is and to see so many people screaming "nuance!!!!" about the closest thing to a full blown Sauron Level Religion Of Evil makes me feel like im in a twilight zone episode
So I disagree with your fundamental principle that all Christians have that goal. Certainly a large potion, including the politcally powerful Evangelical movement has that approach. And I'm all for calling it out and pointing at it when it happens. And I usually have no problem with people saying "Christianity does [X-Horrible Thing]" when we're really talking about "[Major portion of the politically powerful right wing Christianity] does [X-Horrible thing]."
But here's the fucking thing - what I'm here for is being fucking accurate.
You want to talk about how awful the crusades were? Great. How missionary work is colonialism? Of course it is. But people have just made shit up, and guess what -- I'm going to fucking debunk it when I find it, and I have no patience for misinformation just because it lines up with an ideology that makes someone "comfortable."
Deal with it.
And the reason some people scream "nuance" (not all, I'm sure some are just looking for a way to excuse something) is because NUANCE IS FUCKING IMPORTANT. Black and white thinking is never helpful. Understanding that things can be both positive AND negative at the same time is important. Understanding the world is complex is important. Because guess what, some day you might find that something you find is good and has value is actually bad. But black and white thinking could prevent you from recognizing it, because you're incapable of understanding the good parts don't justify the bad parts.
Like say a missionary does tangible good in a community. They are also doing real harm there too. How do you convince someone who only sees the good that they're harming people if they're just looking at it in black and white thinking? How do you make them understand if they can't see the nuance of the situation?
Likewise, if you can't see nuance, you can't make incremental change in society. Not all changes are sweeping, and sometimes making something a little bit better is more progress than doing nothing. But black and white thinking leads folks to rejecting the ideas that could make things better right now.
Sometimes you need to build the well to keep people from dying of thirst, and evaluate where that well came from afterwards. And sometimes you need to see that what's being offered has consequences, and you might not know to say no unless you look harder.
Life is fucking complicated, and if we don't recognize that, we fuck everything up.
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cmrosens · 11 months
Worldbuilding Thoughts 3
Ok so one thing I don't see very much in medieval fantasy settings with a royalty system is the issue of the monarch travelling with a retinue. If you're writing one like GoT and you're into the whole idea of the monarch needing to travel (trust me, if it's medieval, they really do need to do a circuit of their kingdom, even if administration and judicial system has been centralised. If you don't, you can't monitor the nobles on the periphery, and you ... really need to do that).
If this is something you've considered, ignore, if not, I was just thinking about the medieval England situation for the earlier kings (William I to John).
Do you know how many the king travels with?? How many guards how many horsemen, lads to take care of the horses, courtesans, scribes, courtiers who need to stay close, accountants, etc? Now have a look at the size of the castles. They're not that big. You have to scale the castle to the landscape (and really seriously consider how long it takes to build a big one). You've got space for a prestigious guest, and then like. 20 extras. At an absolute push, in some cases. Ok, bigger ones, yeah ram 100 in.
The king's got 200 men. He doesn't scale down to stay at a castle or fortified manor that fits 50max and already has 30 occupants. He just rocks up. People do not want him to, but he does anyway.
What used to happen in Medieval England was - there wasn't ever enough space. Literally none. There was also no system, it was King gets the best guest room, everyone who needs to be immediately close to him crashes on the floor, and if you're not fast enough and a bit further down the pecking order, you're marching into someone's house and saying "I'm staying here tonight" and sleeping downstairs with the goats. There are sources of courtiers bitterly complaining they had to sleep in barns and some "camping" (sleeping rough in the rain) in the forest because there was NO SPACE FOR THEM in the castle/fortified manor or in the surrounding villages because they came late due to their admin duties holding them up. And they don't have a tent. They have to literally sleep outside with their cloaks over them. Did they die of exposure? I mean, sometimes. Did they catch chills and die of those? Sure, yeah. Did it really piss them off? Every time.
(Peasant perspective: So many young* angry men with swords with untreated PTSD from all the war/general life trauma, chips on their shoulders and complexes about being younger sons (the spare not the heir) and desperate to prove themselves in a chivalric context of fighting/shagging prowess but they've been give a lot of admin duties to do, drinking a lot of alcohol every single day. Since being on the road they have had to cut down on the alcohol which hasn't improved their mood. And they're all coming to your village. And you can't feed or house them all.)
Then the king decides to leave.
It takes a good few hours to let everyone know because **nobody knows where anyone is**. You have to prep the supply wagons and the horses. And the king stands up after breakfast and says "I want to leave NOW"
Then he changes his mind.
Now you're leaving tomorrow afternoon.
If you're trying to picture this, with a lot of highly strung horses in an enclosed space being yelled at and dragged into position to cut down time, and people running to comb the villages and the woods for stragglers and leave messages for others coming through later, it's chaos. Absolute chaos.
Now imagine being put in charge of it.
So many plot points to play with there.
*For reference, because I've been watching Robin Hood adaptations lately, Richard 1 "the Lionheart" is depicted as an older man in all the films but he was only 42 when he died (b. 1157, d. 1199). The Third Crusade was 1189, when he was 32. He's played by Sean bloody Connery in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, when he actually was around the same age Richard Armitage was when he played Guy of Gisborne in the BBC Robin Hood series. (For context). Prince John was 33 in 1199 when he became king and only 23 when Richard went off to war. We're often largely talking about an intensely homosocial group of men in their 20s and 30s. ladsladslads
In the 14thC, one of the Earls of the March led his first campaign in the Hundred Years' War at the age of 17. ladsladsladsla-
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vivalioo · 1 year
heyy! hope you're having a good day so far! i was wondering if i could have some headcannons of the stardust crusaders reacting to the fem! reader who's stand powers are mostly based on dreams that she had in the past? forgive me if this all is confusing (i've never really thought deep into a made-up stand power before 😅), but basically, whatever happens in a particular dream (ex: a person slips and falls on the floor), as long as the reader can remember certain details or events, when her stand touches a person (doesn't even have to be a punch, the stand could literally poke them for a brief second if it wanted), that person will be affected (as stated in my example: a person slips and falls in the reader's dream? the affected person will also slip and fall). however, the funny catch is that the reader tends to have strange dreams (some range from "ok, well that was weird" to "WHAT IN THE HELL WAS THAT?! DID I ACTUALLY DREAM THAT?!"), so the weirder/intense/funnier the dream, the more powerful the attack is. sometimes there will be moments where a stand user is defeated in the most hilarious way, which always leaves the reader laughing her ass off at the end of the battle LMAO. apologies again if this all sounds confusing! feel free to change some things up if you want to :) ty! <33
This is my first time writing headcanons for characters so I thoroughly enjoyed this, especially because this idea was so fun, thank you for requesting! I hope it's to your liking ^^ I also hope you don't mind me tagging you just to make sure you see this! I know sometimes questions I ask don't give me notifs when people answer lol
No warnings needed I don't think except uhh the reader's gender isn't mentioned because of 2nd person pov, and this is mostly platonic but Polnareff's section has a flirty comment because c'mon it's Polnareff. OH and no Iggy :(
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Jotaro Kujo
-Jotaro is still relatively new to the whole situation regarding stands, and although he had thought he'd seen it all by now boy he couldn't be more wrong!
-I think he'd definitely be skeptical of the nature of your ability at first. You're practically able to change fate itself with a simple touch of your stand, it isn't until he sees it in action does he really start to accept how weird but strong the power can be
-Even if he won't admit it he's definitely curious if you've had any dreams involving him lol. Once he starts to believe your ability he'll grumble out something along the lines of "Keep that damn thing away from me" in fear of getting into an embarrassing accident as a result of the dreams
-If your stand happens to swoop in and save the day with some freak occurrence that rivals the likes of Joseph's most ridiculous plans, he's left in disbelief and tries to hide it by pulling his hat down and saying his most famous catch phrase. Expect to hear "Good grief." Every time your stand helps to incapacitate an enemy.
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Noriaki Kakyoin
-Kakyoin is very polite when approaching the topic of your stand ability
-He's fascinated with the idea of you being able to control someone's fate in such a way, and is one of the ones who sees the most potential in this stand
-He'll try to protect and lead you in battle more often than not, because he also recognizes that this ability is not really suited for combat. Which is very sweet!
-He doesn't pressure you but definitely makes it known that he'd appreciate any heads up for any dreams that involve him. He doesn't really want to make a fool of himself anytime soon
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Jean Pierre Polnareff
-Polnareff is like the second most fascinated with the nature of your stand, he's definitely curious if any of your dreams happen to mention him too. -He'd somehow find a way to make a witty one-liner out of the situation, it's just in his nature. "Ah, so you've been dreaming about me have you?"
-If you decide to tell him of any embarrassing fate that might befall him that day he'll kinda blush a bit and subconsciously shy away from you and your stand's touch while saying "O-oh? Is that so?"
-Please forgive him he's had enough embarrassment on this trip. Mans is traumatized lmfao
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Muhammad Avdol
-Avdol, being a fortune teller himself, is probably the one most fascinated with your stand ability! He'll enthusiastically encourage you to tell him of your dreams every morning, so much so that it becomes routine
-He'll always thoughtfully and politely nod along, strategizing about how your premonitions can be used in battle against enemy stand users
-He gets embarrassed if any of your dreams involve him, especially if it's something silly. He feels like he has to apologize for you seeing such an uncharacteristic display
-He will definitely give a hearty chuckle about anything else you tell him about the crusaders though. You've seen how mischievous he can be at times, if it's something non life threatening he'll even subtly encourage you to touch them with your stand. It's like a little inside joke you both get to be on!
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Joseph Joestar
-If there's even a mention of himself in your dreams you bet your ass he wants to know every detail! If it's something funny/ridiculous he'll sort of scoff and hide his embarrassment, claiming that such a thing would never happen to him!
-Until it does.
-He'll never get used to seeing this ability in action against enemy stand users, like Jotaro he might even be skeptical and teasing/condescending about it at first (because that's just how he is), and has never been humbled so fast than when you cause some sort of terrifyingly hilarious fate to befall someone
-After that he's like a persistent child, constantly inquiring about your dreams and abusing your stand's power to the fullest, especially to help him out of a tough spot
-He'll get a bit ahead of himself, so you'll have to remind him sometimes that your ability works in a specific way, and no you can't make something happen to an enemy naturally because they're kicking yall's ass in battle lol
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skysquid22 · 1 year
What Makes Jotaro Kujo The Most Powerful Stand User
Sorta. Arguably he’s beaten out (with good reason) by GER Giorno and Johnny’s Act 4 Tusk in terms of power, but in-universe he’s considered to be the world’s most powerful Stand user both by characters within the text treating him as such and the overall narrative.
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Case shut, post over it seems, but let’s dig a little deeper into the why… besides being the main character.
The above screenshot frames Jotaro as the most powerful Stand user, but he doesn’t even have the most powerful version of his Stand in Diamond is Unbreakable (it’s actually the weakest). The Stand stats page for Stone Ocean’s Star Platinum reveals that the most powerful version of Jotaro is “when Jotaro was in his prime (18 years old).”
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Narratively, the most powerful Stand user is Jotaro at the very tail end of Stardust Crusaders, after he has gained Time Stop. This is his prime. Another way to pop the bubble on my own analysis here is point out that canon focuses on this moment because it’s right when he kills DIO. Very much usurping a king to take the crown.
But before the story ended, we saw Prime Jotaro do something else which I believe is (also) what makes him the most powerful Stand user in existence. It’s a small, almost forgotten moment. Tucked in between Jotaro learning about Kakyoin’s death and reviving his grandfather.
It’s the time when Jotaro tries the impossible.
SDC Time Stop Jotaro isn’t considered the most powerful Stand user because he’s in his physical prime with a powerful ability. He’s considered that because this was the very moment he decided to try. That’s what makes him the most powerful Stand user.
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Which makes it all the more painful meaning that the times that Jotaro fails are the moments were he doesn’t try enough.
More analysis below the cut. Spoilers for part 6 btw.
There’s that common joke pointing out how ridiculous it is that Jotaro tells Josuke that “you can’t bring back a life once it’s lost” after Josuke’s grandfather dies because Jotaro was literally able to do just that. Sure, the circumstances were different especially with the vampire blood giving immortality, but Jotaro’s attempt was to see if flushing Joseph’s body back with his Joestar blood would revive him, with no intention to turn him vampiric (which it doesn’t. Or it does and Joseph gets the immortality but not the rest of the bad side effects. Joestar blood is too op pls fix in next patch dev team). Regardless, it’s pretty odd and perhaps unintentional parallel that two grandfathers tip the bucket and one survives and the other’s grandson is told that the dead will always remain dead.
Speaking from a in-universe perspective, Jotaro’s speech to Josuke should be taken at as the truth. Bruno dies against Diavolo during their first encounter, with him essentially living as a ghost(/soul) within his own withering corpse thanks to Giorno’s intervention. More obviously in Stone Ocean, when Pucci finds Perla’s body and gets a memory of DIO telling him that there’s no way to bring back the dead.
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So the one exception of cheating death outright is in Joseph being revived by Jotaro. It could be explained by the aforementioned vampire/Joestar blood BS. It could be a simple retcon that got established in DiU so a situation like Joseph wouldn’t happen again. Both interpretations make sense and I would agree with both.
However, I would like to argue that Joseph’s miraculous survival is not a narrative oversight. His revival is proof of Jotaro’s power as a direct result of Jotaro’s willingness to try. Jotaro plans for DIO and Joseph’s body to be put into the same ambulance to return the Joestar blood back to his grandfather. It’s an idea he’s not even sure that works, he asks the doctors if it was possible to transfer blood between the corpses. Joseph is very much dead at this point. If Jotaro calling Joseph’s body a corpse and seeing his soul float off wasn’t enough proof, the doctors immediately call the revival plan impossible/useless.
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I want to stress this is the worst night of Jotaro’s life.
Right before this scene happens he overhears the radio confirm that Kakyoin is dead. He went into the final fight with DIO knowing Avdol and Iggy were both dead, upping the pressure to keep the rest of his friends/family alive. He watched his grandfather die right in front of him and DIO promptly desecrate the corpse. If it weren’t for his own actions, Polnareff would be dead too. He doesn’t know if he killed DIO in time either, from his perspective his mom could’ve died before he could save her in time. (Ha. Time.)
I suppose, in a sea of despondent despair, there was no other options than to cling to the impossible. After all, against all odds, he was able to learn Time Stop and kill DIO. He had to make it worth it. He was there to save his family, his friends died to save his family, if Joseph or Holly died… well.
He wanted to beat the odds again. And he did. In a way, this is him beating fate or at the very least—fate was literally in his hands and he made the decision to bring his grandfather back no matter what.
In DiU and beyond, Jotaro becomes resigned to fate and thus the weakening of his power overall. If fate determined that his friends would die in Egypt, then that would lessen the weight of blame on him and put their deaths as more of an inevitability. Fate is final. You can’t change it.
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Jotaro doesn’t feel pressured to act upon something until he has to, then he does what he needs to be done. In SDC he doesn’t really care about women until they need to be saved or protected. In DiU he says he “hates doing anything tiring” as he saved Koichi from Sheer Heart Attack. He doesn’t visit Jolyne until she’s in jail because of a plot against him (and he couldn’t let DIO’s resentment ruin his daughter’s life).
The actions he takes are what he believes to be the best option, but that option is probably a compromise, not an attempt at the best possible outcome. His treatment to Jolyne is the subject here. He focused his priorities on keeping his family safe by baiting his enemies to himself instead of them, instead of trying to find a compromise where he could be with his daughter and protect her. I can’t blame Jotaro for this decision, but I also can’t avoid the simple fact that he hurt himself and his family for being distant. When fate does catch up, as he expects it to, it bites him in the ass—the stubbornness of DIO’s followers outlived Jotaro’s and he ends up in a coma, unable to act and unable to protect his daughter.
I don’t mean to say that effort isn’t shown by him, he’s extremely observational and analytical and uses those skills to his advantage in practically every fight he’s in. I think the Anubis fight is good proof of that, being brought to his physical limits to the point he can’t move after it. He tries plenty, but it seems clear to me that he tends to only lose when he’s not trying hard enough.
He almost died to a rat because he didn’t plan ahead and figure that the bullets would ricochet. In Stone Ocean, his Time Stop isn’t long enough to save everyone from Made In Heaven. He didn’t maintain his prime Time Stop or sought to expand it, because that was DIO’s goal or, more simply, he didn’t bother to. He went ten years of not needing to use it until Josuke forces him to.
Even with his ability becoming duller in later parts, the story and characters still treat Jotaro like The Most Powerful Stand User. In DiU, after the culmination of the Gang’s efforts, it’s up to Jotaro to stop Kira from reactivating BtD. In Stone Ocean, it’s up to Jotaro to kill Pucci when no one else is literally able to. Stardust Crusaders’ final fight is when Jotaro is completely alone, when there’s no one left but him to stop DIO.
The narrative again and again reenforces the idea that Jotaro is the strongest Stand user in the story, that everything falls on his shoulders and he is the one to make sure the evil dies and who’s left, lives. Past part 3, the narrative continues to say that he’s the most powerful Stand user, but it’s also clear that it’s not true anymore. His Time Stop isn’t as strong as it was in his prime. He no longer lives up to the expectation he made for himself in the few minutes after he killed DIO.
That moment in the ambulance, that’s the moment Jotaro tries without the pressure of death—the dust has already settled—or his own sense of justice—the evil has been fought. Joseph is dead and DIO is dead. Out of the desire and the off chance that he could hear his grandfather share stupid trivia with him, Jotaro reaches for the impossible, the best possible outcome, and gets it.
After the end of Stardust Crusaders, Jotaro no longer is at his ‘prime’. For someone who hates useless things, he becomes what he deems as useless. He’ll live the rest of his life in the shadow of his own self, the self that proved that he could do the impossible.
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enigma2meagain · 2 years
Things to Remember about the RT Situation, Kdin Jenzen and the CRWBY:
In response to Kdin Jenzen’s expose on Rooster Teeth’s horrid behavior towards her and others harmed by Rooster Teeth’s abuse, as well as a master list of the horror stories:
1) Kdin Jenzen is the only person who can decide if she wants to forgive people who apologized about mistreating her in the past. The people who were harmed by this are the only ones who can decide if they want to forgive the awful treatment they were subjected to. It doesn’t matter how convincing the apologies might sound TO YOU, or how much YOU want to forgive them because you feel uncomfortable about the idea that someone you liked turned out to be a not so great person.
2) DO NOT use this situation as an excuse to harass the people who have been negatively affected by Rooster Teeth’s abuse, ESPECIALLY if you were one of the people who engaged in that same abusive behavior in the past towards ANYONE on the team. You should NOT be taking advantage of Kdin’s expose to go on your own self-righteous crusade against RWBY, against the animators and creatives for your own petty grudges, or whatever other things to claim that this “proves” how shitty their media is, and patting yourself on the back for it. Likewise, this is ALSO not the time to be using this situation to validate your own anger towards the critics, RW/DE, or HTD/M.
3) The CRWBY and other creatives are NOT the same as Rooster Teeth! While they tend to be used interchangeably, the CRWBY and others are as much victims of Rooster Teeth’s horrible practices and corporate management, and Kdin has made it clear that she still supports the majority of the team and their work. Support the CRWBY. Support the Animators. Support the Creatives. Not Rooster Teeth. This is a workplace and management culture problem. Passionate and decent people are trying to do their best under the reign of a terrible corporation, and taking your ire out on them will not help in the slightest. If some of them don’t speak up, it’s likely because they’re not in a situation where they CAN speak up, even if they otherwise agree and support those who have been brave enough to speak up.
4) If you want to support the people who were hurt by Rooster Teeth without giving the corporation money, FIND the creators’ pages/patreons/Twitch/etc. While boycotting Rooster Teeth is fine (like cancelling their FIRST membership or something like that, pirating their media, etc.), we also need to provide whatever support we can to the people affected by this. As such, try to find their pages, patreons, Twitch, etc. and give them money that way. Support their endeavors. Here is a list.
There’s probably some other important detail that I’m forgetting, but these are the primary things I needed to get out of the way, but the ultimate point is that we need to stand with Kdin, with Matt, with Arryn, Jen, Samantha, EVERYONE who was harmed by Rooster Teeth. We need to keep our ire directed at the HR/management/higher ups. REMEMBER THAT.
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gear-project · 10 months
Do you know why Axl seems to have such a strong rapport with Sol, of all people, throughout Guilty Gear?
It's interesting that you ask this question in light of everything that has transpired.
Early on, Axl started out as a drifter, having wandered in to the 2100s from his time-travelling mishap, and really, there was no precise reason for him to get involved with anyone.
Axl first met Sol during the Sacred Order Tournament in 2180, and while they didn't exactly fight one another directly because of Sol's other objectives (i.e. destroying Justice), Sol did witness Axl's fighting capability and effectiveness in Flame Magic.
It wasn't until the Golden Disc incident that Axl really got caught up with trouble involving Sol... in that instance the Postwar Administration Bureau were posing as "fake police" and kidnapping anyone involved with Blacktech or had knowledge of it for their own personal gains.
Besides almost burning down a bar, they also almost picked a fight with Jam Kuradoberi and Sol even ended up fighting Ky over the disc.
Since that point, Axl had only just begun to get a handle on his powers, and accidentally Time Slipped back to 2172 and ran in to Sol during the Crusades, even cracking jokes about his outfit (which probably contributed to Sol's desire to desert the Sacred Order).
He also ran in to Kliff Undersn who gave him a massive lecture, AND he fought Justice by accident and just barely got away before she could try and kill him!
He had to use a "proxy" of himself to Time Slip back to a regular-ish era but still had to deal with a Time Loop that somehow triggered from his interactions with Sol.
Sometime after this, he managed to time slip sometime BEFORE the year 1998 back when Sol was still a child and was interested in visiting the Houston Space Center... it wasn't Axl's intention to get that deeply involved with Sol's past (and he apologized profusely later on)... but part of the reason is I-No's involvement with that past.
(Keep in mind this is old lore information back during the GGXX days, so it may not entirely be canon anymore...) Axl claimed he found an old photo of I-No wearing a "lab coat" and she was standing among other Scientists at one point!
Ky Kiske even claimed that I-No might have once been a former soldier or military project at one point... (of course that was Ky's limited speculation at the time... as he didn't have much evidence to her true origin, which was the Crusades itself...)
Now, whether or not I-No got involved with any of Asuka's Gear Projects remains to be seen, but... she has witnessed the Fall of Rome several times (as has Axl) in their offhand conversations. And she did serve under Asuka for a while...
Of course, I-No makes it a habit not to influence the timeline as much as she used to, so it's hard to trace what she's been involved with in the past.
Anyway, back to Axl's involvements with Sol... sometime after becoming close drinking friends with Slayer, Axl learned a bit more about Sol's situation from Slayer and decided to be as helpful a friend as he could given his growing powers.
And because of I-No's attempts to kill Sol using a Time Paradox, it wasn't something Axl could necessarily let I-No get away with.
Eventually Raven and Asuka punished I-No for messing with Sol, and she was frozen for a while... Axl still wanted to get in contact with Asuka to understand the "real history" behind the Crusades, but Sol had his misgivings about Axl doing that and even Anji Mito got in Axl's way for a time.
It wasn't until Bedman attacked Axl and I-No rescued him that things began to turn in his favor. Initially, Axl had no idea how to use his powers, so at first he consulted with Dr. Faust, later Slayer, and finally the Original Sage (or at least, a future phantom of the Sage).
After meeting with the Sage, Axl was given the task of "passing a message" on to Asuka R. Kreutz that was encoded by the Sage so that only Asuka could receive the message (even I-No wasn't allowed to hear the message).
This was, of course, before Axl learned about the existence of Happy Chaos, though he was semi-aware of Ariels because of Bedman.
Given the depths of his growing powers, Axl felt he was unsure of what to do... so he consulted Sol and Bedman on the subject.
Sol simply said "don't cause more trouble"... which Axl could immediately comprehend. But after speaking with I-No and Bedman, he felt that simply "doing nothing" wasn't what his girlfriend Megumi would want him to do.
After pulling Sol and Jack-O' out of their "pinch", Sol promised Axl that drinks were on him and they celebrated their victory over Ariels sometime after.
Sometime after that, Axl began to study his powers in earnest and realized that Megumi was the "other axis" of his own existence... or in other words: the other balance of the Scales (possibly connected with the Scales of Juno).
And while he had his suspicions that I-No was a "paradox" of his other half... Axl just couldn't convince her to stop her actions... as she became too far desperate to listen to him.
Despite her defeat however, I-No passed a message to Axl stating she would show him just how "unfair" her world was by passing Megumi's existence in to Axl's reality so they could finally meet.
While it hasn't been openly stated, Axl likely holds no grudge against Sol for beating I-No... as he ended up going under cover. And he's still friends with Sin, Ky, Dizzy, and Slayer of course, even Jack-O' (whom he affectionately calls 'Jacky' for short).
It hasn't been revealed what will happen with Axl and Megumi moving forward, but they are likely taking their time getting used to the modern era and probably won't use Axl's powers (if he has any left, that is...) unless it's a major emergency.
I wouldn't be surprised if Axl Low was on Ramlethal Valentine's "List of Consultants" in terms of Magic knowledge and the Backyard.
Given how powerful an incident involving Delilah was... it wouldn't be that difficult to expect Axl to help in any way possible in comprehending that level of power... and given he respected Bedman in their last encounter, meeting with his sister one day might just be in the cards as well...
Finally... with regard to the "theory" that Axl and Raven are paradoxes of one another... that's more true of I-No now than it was of Raven, but since Raven's just as immortal as Axl Low potentially is... (and Sol, given his Gear body), that's not to say that they won't be caught up in future incidents... but Raven himself once stated that Axl is a "light of hope" for Mankind's future... that is, if Axl himself can help it!
Given Raven's role as "history's observer"... you'd think he'd of course be keeping an eye on the likes of Axl, Megumi, Slayer, Sharon, Sol... and other immortals like himself... maybe even Nagoriyuki!
Of course, someone as powerful as Axl Low probably has his own intentions... but he likely won't cause Humankind too much trouble if he can help it... he promised Chief Sol he wouldn't after all!
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lifesver · 9 months
@johnnysslaughter said: ❛  oh, i’m not going to rush this. i’m going to take my sweet time.  ❜ @meatriarch said: [  HYDRATE  ]   after some time of torturing, sender’s muse offer’s receiver’s muse a drink of water.(maria for nosy; we can say that johnny was a lil nice after going ham w/ lee and has her try to get him to eat/drink mayhaps?)
cw for like... nothing good hostage situation (': (mostly) implied torture blood injury etc kinda emetophobia mention. sorry sorry-
❛ i thought you were tougher than that. ❜
johnny had laughed in a way that bared his teeth, when he kicked him back down into the dirt. wasn't a nice smile. it was all just fun, for him.
( you weren't tough. and it was tiring to pretend. )
this, of course, is johnny's idea of another lesson. not for escaping — which the insane bastard found positively gleeful; in being able to hunt them down and catch them again. in making them think they had a shot, only to reveal it was all a game. all for them to find dead ends, to find tunnels that went on and on like a maze in every direction.
they had only made it about as far as the slaughterhouse underground, before johnny caught up.
leland liked to think he'd gotten a few good shots in, knocked him flat, too — before he ran into the big guy. mountain of a man with the mask all but eclipsed his path. got his wrist crushed before he could even take a proper swing. got thoroughly bashed senseless into the wall — before johnny finally came to collect him again himself. dragged him, bloody and dizzy, back the way they came. and maria had just looked exhausted, frustrated, close to tears. she'd tried it all before. they should have known it wouldn't be that easy.
so, back down under johnny sawyer's heel, and then back to their god-awful basement cells.
and for you? back to being strung up like an animal.
tongue runs along bloodied teeth, feeling for damage, where fist had landed across jaw. vision sways with residual vertigo — one eye stuck shut, and the other glassy with unshed tears. he feels nauseous. feels sure there's nothing left in his stomach to throw up. he'd have to give this crusade up, if he didn't want to starve.
how long have they even been down here?
( some part of you had thought you'd be saved by now. both of you. some part of you thought they'd come back. that their friends would tell the police about this house. that someone, anyone, would come looking.
... and every day he played the radio for you. every day you never heard your names. not once. )
johnny stopped circling him — to curl fingers idly in his hair — and suddenly yank his head back. leland hisses, pulls uselessly at purple-bruising wrists, locked high above his head. johnny holds him there, to see if he'll reject the glass of water in his hand, again. ( or maybe he's merely inspecting the damage he's done to your face, this time. )
— he does reject the water again, lips pulled into a stubborn frown. johnny's expression dances in his peripherals, sharp features all unreadable. leland thinks he sees him set the water down. he'd surely get bored of playing this game with him, eventually. and though there's undeniable proof in maria, kept alive by the very monster in front of him — leland has a hard time believing that he would be afforded the same treatment, that behaving would prolong his own life in any meaningful way. as far as he could tell, the sick bastard just wanted to play with his food.
he had more to worry about than himself, though.
❝ are you done? ❞ leland bites out, eyes flicking sideways in disdain. and johnny grins like a wolf. there's a beat, where hand tightens in his hair.
❛  — oh, i’m not going to rush this. i’m going to take my sweet time. ❜
leland shudders, involuntary, eyes shut tight to avoid staring into those teeth. swears he catches the last shred of hope in him leaving the building.
johnny lets go of him — maybe deciding against pouring the water on him outright — and allows leland's head to drop between his shoulders again. blood drip-drops from his lips to the floor.
by now, feet barely want to keep him upright, unbroken wrist all but taking his weight. his entire body burned hot and cold, old and new cuts flaring with every shift in his restraints.
come on. just endure it, like everything else. you have no other choice, anyway.
from the shadows in the corner of the room, maria's softer features swim into view. sad. scared. for him. guilt curls a tight fist around his ribs. she's had to watch this entire show. and he's done his best, for her sake, not to make a sound. not to cry.
and in between, he found his mind wandering to his friends. thankful, so thankful none of them were here instead. and still, he couldn't help but wonder; if he were smarter, like connie, like sonny and julie. if he were tougher, like ana, like danny —
— he wondered if he would be able to save maria, and himself, then.
if he would have been good enough, then.
good eye flicks at johnny, hateful. and then, when he returns look to maria, he's something docile, something apologetic, again.
she doesn't fight with their captor like he does. doesn't try his patience, and try to turn the tables at every chance she gets, like he does. a miserable thought sticks in his mind; like back in the tunnels, maybe she just knew better, by now.
and leland doesn't do what he's asked — hates this man's guts.
and in return, sometimes it's the skinning knife along his arm. sometimes it's the threat of taking more than a slice off the surface. bruises, of course, would heal. a bone broken, stitches reopened and bleeding anew, ( — his own doing. he'll be fretted at, and scolded by that older woman on the property, when she sits him down to fix them again ).
and when it had been just he and maria, in the dark, finally alone for a moment — she had pleaded with him, with tear-stung doe eyes. against his stubborn pride, his anger, his nauseating bitterness. to stop making it worse than it needed to be.
he hadn't understood her, then. her acceptance. her passive method of survival. and yet, she had survived. all this time, without anyone else. without him.
( how do you survive a monster? how do you survive the dark? )
— she asks him not to fight, anymore.
then she says, like a nail in a coffin; ❛ nothing is worth losing you. ❜
and that's when he folds, then and there, silent and empty-eyed. ( if he gets tired of you, if he slits your throat in front of her? who will protect her then? )
a pause, a smile. something he hoped was reassuring; you're not gonna lose me, he had promised.
she's standing in front of him with the same glass of water he'd declined from johnny. and she doesn't even need to say anything, for him to fold for her, again. gaze moves once, sidelong, trains on johnny in the background distrustfully. wary, as ever, and being watched pointedly in return. to maria, he gives a half-nod of assent, lifts his head enough for her to tilt his chin. she's tender when she moves his mussed hair from his face, and tips the drink to his lips. he coughs a bit, choking on blood and water and acid.
once cough settles, his half-glossy gaze finds her face again.
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❝ hey, ❞ he gravels out, and somehow like a gentle, sincere apology; i didn't get us out. i couldn't do anything. i'm sorry. ❝ ... ’m fine, maria. don't worry. ❞ he forces the barest twitch of a smile, stings the nerves of his split lip. cheek settles helplessly against her palm, for a fleeting warmth in the chilled basement air. eyes rest closed, and for a moment he feels safer. for a moment he forgets about this windowless room. that they're far from home.
( how awful, that this should be the place you find her. how awful that you are not back in your dorm room together, looking over your notes for finals papers. planning summer trips. to visit julie in california, and connie in illinois. )
his vision is blurring, but he's back to watching johnny turn that skinning knife in his hands. take a step closer again; a reminder. and dull, reflexive panic reanimates leland's nerves. and he suddenly got the feeling that losing this man's interest, and patience, was a very dangerous place to find yourself.
— but you're not going to cry. not again, not now, not in front of her. not in front of him —
leland eyes the glint of the knife again.
— you promised her. don't be stupid. don't make this harder than it has to be. teeth sink into tongue, not for the first or last time, to stifle vitriol, seething, sandpaper frustration. eyes flick up, or try to. deadened in their exhaustion.
you could both still be rescued. you could still escape. if you're smart.
brows furrow down, and he forces the words;
❝ please. i-i'm — sorry. ❞
this time he addresses johnny, in something painfully stilted, and quiet. it tastes bitter. it tastes like defeat, and shame. ( you hate how it makes you feel under his eyes. ) gaze drops just as quickly, hangs on the floor, the cracks in the concrete. he's far away from himself, when his voice speaks the words aloud — just like all the other victims that came before him probably spoke it. in a whisper, in a surrender;
❝ please. just — stop. i-i'll do what you want. i swear. ❞
maybe you weren't really missing. maybe you were just dead.
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dmagedgoods · 2 years
Have you already written Salvadore and Daeran's first kiss? I'm still reading your work on AO3 and haven't seen it, but I'd love to so here's the prompt: finally kissing the person you've been pining for
The soft wide seat cushion shielded them from the cold of the ground while the battlements of the city walls kept them hidden from prying eyes. He felt the warmth radiating from the candlestand behind him, but even stronger from a place deep within his chest.
Daeran gestured in his natural elegance, punctuating his speech with vivid merriment while he answered his question about the events of his day with a small anecdote about a servant’s mishap with an order of Chelish wine and his ideas on how to proceed with the five unexpected crates. There was not a trace of his usual sharpness in his words. His comments lacked their biting edge and he seemed utterly at ease. As it happened so often, Salvadore found himself captivated by his words, entranced by his voice, wishing he could freeze this moment and stay in it forever.
“So, here we are, alone, at this utterly insignificant, tedious business meeting,” Daeran finished his story and came back to what he refused to call a date.
“Would you be so kind as to suggest a conversation starter? We need something boring and practical to talk about. Boring and practical, as you know, is not exactly my forte.”
Salvadore raised a brow, although more in amusement than in irritation, and hoping for the insolent count that he didn’t mean to imply he was more familiar with this field, well, at least not with the first part of it, in terms of practical, he could be superior, indeed.
“Army logistics,” he joined Daeran’s little game and suggested something that should qualify. It was his own least favorite part of the Crusade management, mainly since no one in the sector seemed to be vaguely competent or capable of following through with his orders.
“A fine choice,” Daeran answered, as expected. “This topic is boring and complex enough that two people who are completely uninterested in each other could spend an evening discussing it. In fact, I do have some understanding of logistics.”
And therefore, you are now the proud owner of five crates of Chelish wine instead of five bottles?
Salvadore didn’t interrupt him with the mocking question, but he was sure Daeran could read it on his face.
Gracefully ignoring his amused expression, he continued: “– sometimes it takes a great deal of effort to get the goods you need shipped from distant parts of Golarion. So, get ready to listen to my lecture on the best companies specializing in magical teleportation services. I must alert you in advance – the list is quite long. It consists of around … two dozen enterprises. With all their terms and conditions, including their pricing policies …”
Should Daeran hope to actually bore him, he was tremendously mistaken. If anything, a list of companies specializing in magical teleportation services was exactly what they needed to finally improve the logistic situation.
There only was one problem: He definitely didn’t want to deepen this topic right here and now and Daeran knew it all too well, toying with him as usual.
Soft snowflakes got caught in his hair, shimmering like molten gold in the shine of the candles’ light. It was tousled as if it had decided to join the levity and lighthearted freedom of the moment. He yearned to sink his hand into those soft, irresistible curls, feel them around his fingers like the finest silk, smell the scent of wild herbs and roses … Gods, he had dreamed about it for too long, of how this insufferable man would feel captured in his arms, trembling at his touch, breathing his name. He wanted him. He wanted him so much the sensation grew into a hot tearing in his very core.
“Are you absolutely positive you don’t want me to stop now?”
It was difficult not to drown in the view of his angelic face, not to sink too deep in the gleaming of his eyes, sparkling in mocking joy, or to lose himself while watching those wide, impertinent lips, adorned with a smug little smile.
“I think I know one way,” he answered, voice low and with quiet determination.
So?, his mischievous eyes seemed to ask in silent taunting, until, without further hesitation, he gave into the fierce desire. Cupping the count’s head – heaven, his hair felt even softer than in his imagination –, he claimed his lips in a demanding kiss.
Daeran held back. Motionless and disinterested, he refused to return the kiss.
His heart dropped.
Just when he wanted to retreat, preparing an agonizing, humiliating apology, Daeran kissed back with vigorous passion, pulling him closer with his hands around the collar of his coat.
Salvadore melted against him. Relief shot through his veins, a hint of anger, and the renewed eagerness to finally explore those irresistible lips. Daeran opened his mouth to meet his tongue with his, gently flicking it in a most enticing way. A quiet sound left his throat, causing him to deepen the kiss further.
When they parted after a long blissful moment, Daeran moved closer ever so slightly to take his hand. The small touch left him trembling inside, overly aware of the intimate tenderness. “I wonder if I shall come to regret this? You’re dangerous, I know it.”
Now it was for him to smile, more than pleased about the statement. But as much as a part of him enjoyed this hint of fear, to be seen like this, he wanted nothing more than for Daeran to finally trust him.
Once more he closed the distance, this time to move his fingers through his golden hair, not hiding his devotion, not hiding his strong affection. “I’m no danger to you. Stop running away from me.”
Something in Daeran’s face seemed to soften. “No more running,” he promised.
His heart pounded hard in his chest when he raised his hand to his lips. Then, his expression now sincere and without a hint of mockery, Daeran leaned forward and captured his lips in another passionate kiss.
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amethystina · 2 years
Excerpt from Gravitational Pull
Everyone is being so disorientingly kind to me today that I don’t know what to do with myself. Like, you people in the Devil Judge fandom? You blow me away. Truly. I cannot stress this enough — you are wonderful and I don’t know how to respond to all the love you shower me with.
Especially @nuttypeachpirate. You know what you did, you crazy, wonderful person you. I can’t decide whether to yell at you or hug you.
Anyway. I wanted to give you all something in return, but, as I’ve mentioned, chapter 22 is being difficult right now. So here’s an excerpt from my not-yet-published fic Gravitational Pull instead. It’s set during episode 13 in a “what if” scenario where Ga On actually finds out about Yo Han getting shot (though at this point he only knows that Yo Han is injured, not the specifics). Enjoy!
Ga On closed his eyes and let out a slow, slightly trembling exhale. He just wanted to find out how Yo Han was doing, then he could leave again. He wasn't going to linger — Yo Han might not even want him to, after Ga On had chosen Soo Hyun over Yo Han's violent crusade.
Ga On would leave as soon as he knew that Yo Han was okay.
That decided, Ga On raised his hand and knocked on the door. Had the situation been any different, he might have waited for Yo Han to open it himself — or at least give an answer of some sort — but, according to Elijah, Yo Han had orders to remain in bed. He shouldn't be forced to get up and answer the door. Best case scenario, Yo Han might even be asleep, allowing his body the rest it no doubt needed after whatever injury he'd sustained.
Knowing this, Ga On only waited a couple of beats before pushing open the door, taking extra care to be quiet in case Yo Han was sleeping. What Ga On hadn't expected was to find Yo Han sitting on the edge of his bed wearing one of his black robes, hands braced on either side of him and gaze fixed on the floor. The sight caused an immediate flare of concern — exasperation, even — since Yo Han definitely shouldn't be sitting up right now.
Before he even realized what he'd done, Ga On had taken a step inside the room.
"Chief, what are—"
Ga On froze in his tracks when Yo Han's gaze flicked up to meet his. Yo Han hadn't moved in any other way, but Ga On still felt a sharp jolt of genuine fear shoot down his spine. The look in Yo Han's eyes was chilling, dark and dangerous — vicious — in a way that warned some primal, instinctual part of Ga On to turn and run, before it was too late.
The unspoken threat was enough to cause a sudden surge of adrenaline.
But, just as Ga On was about to follow his instinct to run, Yo Han's expression shifted — turning nonchalant, almost bored. It happened so suddenly, between one blink and the next, that Ga On almost thought he'd imagined those tense, terrifying seconds. The only thing that convinced him he hadn't was the fact that his heart was racing in his chest, spurred on by the still-lingering fear.
Ga On had no idea what might have caused that look, but he knew Yo Han well enough to recognize that he probably hadn't been the intended target. Perhaps it was aimed at Jung Sun Ah — who had dared to approach Elijah while Yo Han wasn't present — or maybe it was simply remaining vigilance from whatever situation had caused Yo Han’s injury. Either way, Ga On didn't hold it against him.
Ga On swallowed, intending to break the slightly awkward silence that had settled over the room, but Yo Han beat him to it.
"Judge Kim, what brings you here?"
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silent-sanctum · 2 years
✧ Polaris ✧ - Jotaro x Reader
PART V. Stranger in the Shadows
— The previous parts of the fic can be found in the pinned post of my profile. Hope you enjoy! —
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cw: afab! reader, reader is a stand user, sfw, paranoia, mentions of death, joot still being in denial of his feels
Word count: 7K+ The journey continued on but the further you progressed, the more your mind started playing tricks with you when you spot an uncanny figure from the past looming in the background among the sea of people.
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You didn’t know when it started and you weren’t even sure if they were actually there, but seeing them pass by in the background blending with the crowd sent an uneasy feeling throughout your body.
The first recollection of what could have started your initial stage of paranoia was on the train ride to Calcutta, India. You and the other Crusaders left first thing in the morning to make it in time for the boarding and even when all 6 you had to find your seats, all was well in a compartment filled with civilians of different cultures.
You had no problem joining in on Joseph and Avdol’s conversation about the discussion of Indian culture, practicing friendship handshakes with Kakyoin and Polnareff, or even engaging in a playful tease-off with Jotaro once you noticed how he was unable to face you directly without having his face turn faint red, probably still not over the “one-bed” situation.
It was only when you decided to take a nap beside an already-napping Polnareff did you start sensing them.
You blinked your eyes open to the music of a piano, only to catch a glimpse of one of the random passengers near your seat hunched over his table, staring at you with unknown yet seemingly malicious intent in his eyes. The worst thing was that you recognized him… from 11 years ago.
The slouched posture and crooked fingers. The jagged scar across his neck. The one streak of blond dye that ran down his deep brown hair. One of the-
Your pulse spiked just then and you shot upright, your Stand nearly manifesting. However, after a double take, it was simply an unknown person chatting away with his companion. You were lucky the Frenchman didn’t wake from his peaceful nap.
You wished that was the only circumstance of it happening, but as you followed the men out of the train having arrived at their destination, a chill brushed past you as someone pushed past your shoulders. You were about to call out a “hey” until you saw those watchful eyes again, staring at you with a dead gaze as he continued walking.
You shuddered, your hand balling into a fist against your skirt as you watched him disappear into the crowd. He can’t be here. That’s not possible. He’s in prison back in my hometown. Was it not over after all this time-
“Oi.” You snapped your attention away from the masses to focus on Jotaro, looking at you with one brow cocked. The first time he was able to face you since the hotel stay. “Something wrong?”
 Brush it off. It’s nothing. You swallowed your made-belief paranoia and put up one of your reassuring smiles despite your chest still closing in on itself from the idea of that guy looming around the corner, waiting for the right moment to approach you. “Nope. I saw something that reminded me of a clumsy mistake I made back when I was in middle school. So horrible, I tell you.”
You skipped ahead to walk by Kakyoin’s side to continue your talk about his love for cherries amidst the approaching eager locals without having to notice the delinquent’s doubtful response to your excuse.
Every step you took forward made you conflicted about whether to look around you or not look at all, afraid of spotting the familiar stranger hovering about in the middle of the busy street. You tried to keep yourself busy and bounce back and forth with your companions with that pep in your speech.
But you could have sworn he was there even if you knew he shouldn’t. In the alleyway beside you. In front of a merchant’s booth. In a room looking out an open window.
Despite that, you laughed at Joseph’s witty comment about one of his business dealings in New York and mused at the Frenchman’s apparent culture shock. And every time you shared glances with your raven-haired friend, you kept up your usual beaming expression and sent him tiny gestures of acknowledgment (a wave, a peace sign, a wink, etc.).
You kept it up even if you didn’t know what went on inside that reserved mind of his. You could only hope Jotaro was somewhat dense so he doesn’t have to keep staring at you as if you were a madman that escaped an asylum.
As Joseph led the group into a restaurant for lunch, you tried not to glance at the silhouette sitting nearby with that slouched form of his and instead focused your attention on the menu presented to you. Without knowing, you were the first to sit followed by the delinquent taking his spot beside you.
Minutes passed, orders were made, the dishes were served, and Pol excused himself to the bathroom. You giggled at a comment he made about the toilets in the area, but this led to the mistake of looking up as you saw the same man stand from his table.  Just don’t pay attention and he’ll pass. In your peripherals, he walked away from his table and in your direction. You gripped your thighs. Don’t pay attention.
“Hm?” You hummed in acknowledgment, turning to Avdol with wide eyes and a slight tilt of your head. “Yeah?”
“Do you have to relieve yourself too? You seem to be gripping onto Jotaro’s thigh a bit too tight.” You were about to question him until you realized that one of your hands was on the latter instead of your own. You jerked your hand back, flustered for a second as you muttered a quick “sorry”.
Jotaro didn’t reply, holding his share of the food without eating.
Sparing the awkward silence, Kakyoin chuckled and got up. “I’ll tell Pol to hurry up then.”
“You should. Who knows if that guy’s having a crisis dealing with foreign toilet systems back there,” Joseph commented. “Ought to teach him a lesson on foreign manners.”
“A lesson you yourself don’t adhere to when it comes to the Japanese?” The old man shushed Avdol in a second, prompting the latter to bask in his seldom moment of smugness.
You wanted to giggle at his remark, but that looming aura grew uncomfortably close. As if it was standing behind you. You knew that wasn’t possible since the others would’ve noticed if so. But why is it those uneven fingers are able to brush your hair and caress your shoulders? For a second, your breath hitched in sudden anxiety. Why-
The abrupt shattering of glass alarmed everyone within the establishment. Fortunately for you, the looming aura vanished and you let out a deep sigh of relief, only to tense up again at the sight of Polnareff rushing out of the comfort room, angered and distressed.
In a second, your paranoia switched to concern as you hurried to follow the Frenchman bolting out of the restaurant, calling out to him to wait. Though you could already tell that it was most likely a Stand attack related to the incident that happened with his sister.
 “Pol! Wait!”
You hurried after him, worried that he might have run into the mix of people crowding the busy street. Fortunately, the Frenchman halted right by the entrance as he surveyed his surroundings. Behind you, sets of footsteps trailed after you, no doubt it was the others who grew concerned at his outburst.
“There’s too many people…” Polnareff cursed under his breath. “Damnit.”
“What’s the matter?” Joseph asked.
“If that Stand I faced in that room was what I think it was, then…” He clenched his fists. “Then it means I finally found him.” He turned to look over his shoulder, making eye contact with you and Jotaro. “The Stand user who uses the mirrors… he’s here.”
You paled. Could it be that guy? Your chest ached in that growing paranoia once again, taking a risk to look at the many locals crowding the bustling street. No. It couldn’t. I would’ve seen his Stand when I was still a kid since Sanctuary was already with me.
“That bastard who killed my sister… my angelic sister…” You never heard the man this serious in a while and hearing him with that grit in his voice and a tone so sullen and angry, sent a bout of concern throughout your conscience. “The scum who heartlessly trampled her life, soul, and pride…”
“He who destroyed the world’s purest heart!” He cried out, all his pent-up revenge coming alight. “Finally… finally we meet!”
 “Pol, are you sure it was him?” You asked in return, still dubious at his current attitude.
But the Frenchman ignored your concern, too deep in his mindset of vengeance. “It’s settled Mr. Joestar. I’ll be traveling on my own from here on out.”
“Pol!” You shook your head, not favoring his bold decision, and based on the subtle gasps behind you, they weren’t either. “Please think this through. You’re just caught up in the heat of the moment.” 
You kept your gaze fixed on Polnareff’s eyes, hoping he’d see the plea in yours, but the moment he turned a bit more to face the group, there was a near-crazed look in his eyes. He didn’t hear your remarks. “With her murderer within reach, I’ll be damned if I have to wait for him to come after me.”
“I’m screwed if he gets the drop on me and that’s just not my style,” he let out an empty chuckle. “I’ll find him. I’ll find him first then kill him the second I spot him!”
“You don’t even know what he looks like Polnareff,” Kakyoin butted in an attempt to rationalize with the heated adult.
“I told you already that he’s got 2 right hands,” he said. “And that’s enough for me. If that bastard dared to attack me, then he’s expecting me to come after him.” Polnareff slung his bag over his shoulder. “That should put him on the defensive, giving me the advantage.”
He spared one glance at you before turning around. “See ya.” As he started taking a few steps forward away from the group, your breath shook as a sudden flashback of the past replayed in mind- one of a boy a bit older than you with a bag on his back.
“I have to go now… Yah, you don’t worry about him. I’ll deal with that stranger before he could reach you.”
“But you don’t even know what he looks like! Plus no one knows you enough to help you fight him!”
“Hmm, I’ve always handled these things by myself. Besides, who needs to know what he looks like when he’s always around you? I’m always around you too. So, I’ll protect you if some weird guy comes close.”
The person who swore to protect you never returned the second he turned his back on you. You barely remembered what had happened then but you knew you were only 4 when he walked away the same way Polnareff did just now.
The pain you’d felt back then was- You bit your lip. You never wanted that to happen ever again, no matter who was leaving or what their intent on leaving was. With a shaky breath, you prepared to call him only for the Egyptian to beat you to it.
“Tough talk for a man who’s digging his own grave.”
You snapped your head to Avdol, surprised. However, the footsteps came to a stop and the Frenchman spoke. “And that means?”
“Just as it sounds friend.”
Polnareff scoffed, walking towards Avdol. “Are you implying I’m gonna lose?”
“Yes. Can’t you see? The enemy attacked to isolate you,” the latter calmly said. “He’s exploiting your biggest weakness.”
You stood on the sidelines, watching your two companions engage in an argument. This isn’t right. You’re making it worse. “Y/N?” You heard a deep voice call out to you, but you couldn’t pay attention to that when the Frenchman bit back at Avdol.
“Listen up. I’m only gonna say this once… Never once did I give a damn about DIO. I told you back in Hong Kong that I would only go along with you so that I could get my revenge.” He swept his gaze from you to the 2 Joestars behind you. “You 3 knew that.”
“I’ve been alone from the beginning- I’ve…” He gritted his teeth. “I’ve always been fighting alone!”
“I’ve always handled these things by myself.”
The crowd came to a halt around you, witnessing the heated argument between the 2 men before them, and while you tried to not dwell on them too much, you heard the faint tune of a piano in the back of your mind as you caught a glimpse of the stranger with the blonde streak and jagged scar among the people.
No. Please no. You could’ve sworn he was grinning in the back. 
“You selfish fool!” Avdol butted forward, pointing a finger to the other’s chest. Please stop. Stop making everything worse. You weren’t aware of your nails digging into the palm of your hand. “Did you forget you were brainwashed by DIO?! Or are you so foolish that you forgot he was the root of all this?”
Stop it. Stop it. Stop it.  “You have no idea how it feels to have your sister murdered so you don’t have the right to dictate what the hell I should do you divine-believing cowar-“
“Shut up! Can everyone just shut the hell up?! For fuck’s sake!”
You yelled as loud as you could, immediately drawing both everyone’s attention to you. Polnareff. Avdol. Kakyoin. Joseph. Jotaro. Even the stranger as he scowled, disappearing into the mess of people, disappointed.
“Y-Y/N?” Polnareff turned to you, shoving the dark-skinned man back.
“Look what you 2 are causing!’” You said and motioned a hand to the gathered crowd, prompting them to avert their focus and continue with their day. You pushed the 2 adults away, glaring at Polnareff. “We’re all aware of what happened to your sister ‘cause you told us the moment you decided to tag along. Don’t blame us if we just wanted to help out.”
You snapped towards Avdol next. “And I expected you out of all us to be the one with the even temper yet here you are.” Avdol cast his head to the side with what appeared as shame.
“Why do you have to be so reckless about this…” You breathed, trying to calm yourself down. “Why couldn’t you just tell us what had happened and we could have helped you immediately?”
The Frenchman tightened his lips, conflicted. “And what could you guys have done? Knowing Mr. Joestar and the rest, you all would still waste time thinking things out while that bastard is out there probably making his escape because you are keeping me chained here for god knows how long now-“
“You think you’d be able to go in there and win?” You said, your own emotions rising in you. “Knowing how unpredictable everything is? You don’t even know the full extent of what his Stand could do nor if he had brought another user to kill you while you were distracted-“
“You don’t know what it feels like to lose your precious sibling to some stranger out of fucking nowhere-!”
“But I do!” You yelled back at him. Polnareff took a sharp intake of breath, stunned. “I know what it feels like to have someone say they’d deal with the problem only for them to come back dead… murdered.”
“What would Sherry feel?” Pol sucked in a breath at the name of his sister and made a move to turn away, refusing to talk about her, but you grabbed his arm. “Look at me.” He did. “Polnareff look at me, I swear to god bless her soul but if you walked into some area where he’s waiting to kill you, do you think Sherry would rejoice knowing her brother mindlessly walked in blind without caring about himself? For her sake?”
“She… she’d be….”
“You and I both lost someone important to us, but for the love of god, don’t be stupid and walk away like you’re invincible just because you’re grieving and vengeful.”
The adult turned pensive, his previously frustrated expression giving way to a semblance of sadness. “I… I don’t know what happened with your brother, and I’m sorry, but I know I won’t know peace until I at least get to know who killed her. He’s here and I just- I need-“
“Then let us help you.” You said with a gentler voice, bringing your other hand to join the one holding his arm. “Don’t be rash.”
Polnareff gave you one sad smile and shook his head, gently prying your hands off his elbow. “It’s a bit too late for that now. I’ve sworn I’d do this myself. Meeting DIO was the only mistake I regret doing and admittedly, I appreciate you guys for helping me out of his grasp.”
“But just like Mr. Joestar and Jotaro over there, I have my own goal to finish while you guys have your own. Don’t let me stall any more of your time.”
“I’ll be fine mademoiselle,” he said, slinging his bag over his shoulder once more. “Trust in Silver Chariot’s exquisite swordsmanship, okay?”
You couldn’t say anything back.   
“Get going now.” He patted your shoulders as he cast one glance at the speechless crew behind you. “Who knows? I might be able to catch up.”
With that, he turned on his heels and walked away on a more positive note than earlier, but you couldn’t convince him regardless.
The persistent muffled song of the piano that seemed to follow you grew a bit clearer just then.
Aggressive outbursts were always his thing ever since he turned to delinquency.
But witnessing you do exactly that with the same words he always uses made his previous moments of yelling seem petty and childish. Just as how Polnareff and Avdol reacted, Jotaro was stunned. He never saw you so violently upset before to the point you had to scream for the 2 hotheads to break off.
No. You were already upset before the argument had happened. You were just skilled at not showing it through a show of optimistic friendliness towards others, but Jotaro knew better than to pretend he was dense about it.
He saw how you paled on the train ride to India as you stared off into the background, how you shivered when somebody brushed past you, and how you were so rigid on the way to the restaurant the old man suggested going, eyes focused on the shoes of others or making direct eye-contact with the crew as you avoided taking glances at the people around you.
The way you gripped his thigh with a shaken tinge to your expression all the more confirmed his suspicions.
 And with the sudden mention of your sibling…
You shared a lot of details about your day-to-day back before everything, but never once about your past. He figured it was for a reason and your uncharacteristic intervention as a response to the Frenchman’s stubbornness revealed why.
But that was just one fragment of your history. Who knows what other awful shit you kept hidden for so long?
And here you are now- standing with your head hung and your arms stiff by your side in the middle of a student and 2 adults consoling you the best that they can. Jotaro wanted to help, hold you in some way, and offer support but…
“Y/N we should head back inside. Anyone could attack us out here.” All he could say was what his logical brain could conjure, with the thought that thinking about her safety might flatter or ease her even just by a bit. Though, with the tone of his speech, he doubted the intention would be interpreted correctly.
You slowly looked at Jotaro with your furrowed brows and shining eyes, and he could notice the tiny beads of tears threatening to spill out from their corners. He hesitantly looked away, not wanting to offer something half-assed as an excuse to comfort you. But god he wanted to. His chest ached and his hands balled in response. Goddamnit Polnareff, look what you fucking done.
“Jotaro’s right. We’re too vulnerable to Stand attacks if we continue to stay here,” Joseph said, placing his gloved hands on your shoulders. “I’m sure the food inside would take your mind off of things-“
“Mr. Joestar…,” you suddenly spoke, calm and composed yet were able to make everyone, especially Jotaro, stop and turn to you. “…I don’t think food will fill this appetite.”
“What do you mean?”
The delinquent watched as you steeled yourself upright, combing through your hair with a deep breath, before looking at the group with a newfound determination in those eyes of yours. “Right now, a close friend of ours thought he succeeded in escaping this situation I put up to stop him.”
“But he didn’t because I’m going after him,” you said with no hesitation. “No way in hell will I let him go there by himself.”
“But he’d just send you back if he noticed you following,” Kakyoin said.
“He won’t if I don’t make myself obvious.”
“What if you were the one who got hurt?” You widened your eyes as you faced the raven-haired student the second he uttered those words. Recognizing what he just did, he was as surprised as the other Crusaders. Did… Did I just- “I mean… The enemy could be watching from any angle at a distance… they might use you as leverage against him.”
Whether you noticed or not, a flattering smile graced your stubborn face. “Did you forget Silent Sanctuary’s main feature? If she can defend me from a speeding punch in close proximity, then she can defend me in this one.”
Jotaro didn’t say anything back in return, given that you were right. Damn.  
“He must have walked a fair distance away right about now.” You faced the crowd, ready to run after the Frenchman, only pausing for a second to look over your shoulder and spare a glance at the crew. “I’ll be right back… and I’m bringing Polnareff with me.” And you were off.
What- Jotaro turned to look at his companions, waiting for at least one of them to respond to your departure. Why aren’t any of you fuckers doing anything?  Without him knowing, his foot began tapping on its own, reflecting his impatience. He could chase after you himself but he didn’t know why he couldn’t. Was it because in doing so, it would make him look desperate?
The delinquent shuddered. Was he really?
Then the old man moved and he snapped his head to his grandfather. “Oh my god…” The old man took off his hat to rake it through his grey hair.
That’s it? He was a second away from ditching the group and just making a run for you. “Are you fucking-“
“We’re already involved in this,” Avdol suddenly spoke, still flustered by his actions judging from him averting his eyes away from the rest. “We should follow their footsteps. Lest we let them fend for themselves.”
“I’ll find us a car,” Kakyoin said, bolting off into the direction of the vehicle while the remaining men agreed to find you and Polnareff.
Jotaro sighed. Finally.
You rushed past person after person with cautious nimbleness, minimizing making your footsteps too noticeable for Polnareff to hear.
Though the drive to provide support for your friend overran the majority of your mind, you still tend to avoid looking too much into the mess of locals around you just so you could avoid spotting the stranger that kept taunting you throughout the day.
Ideally speaking, finding a white man among a sea of brown-skinned people shouldn’t be difficult, and yet here you still were, scanning every individual, alley, booth, and building unable to locate the aforementioned adult. Sweat beaded down the side of your face and you cursed, wiping them off. “Where are you, Pol?”
With perfect timing, another crowd formed at distance, watching whatever was happening in their bustling town. Figured nothing else stood out, you made your way to the commotion and wormed your way through the locals until you breached past the front.
In the space before you stood Polnareff laughing alongside someone you weren’t familiar with- an obvious Westerner. American if you were to be specific judging from the blond hair, cowboy-looking outfit, and general vibe of his personality.
Though once they let whatever funny thought out of their systems, both men turned alert and in synch said. “I’ll kill you!”
And while Polnareff’s Silver Chariot was an entity with a rapier, this Stand user summoned a gun to point in his general direction. Wait a gun? Kinda lame but it’s there, I guess. At first glance, you could say it was just a gun Stand probably with unlimited bullets as its main quirk.
You tilted your head in confusion. Was this really the murderer? Doesn’t seem like it. You were sure that your friend would be able to fend off a single bullet with his speedier Chariot. 
However, as the tiny projectile drew closer to Silver Chariot’s blade, it swerved itself around the Stand as if it had a mind of its own. The Frenchman gaped at the sudden change of trajectory and stood frozen, bracing for impact.
You rushed forward, a single rose-gold fabric shooting out of you in a split second, making itself taut in front of Polnareff’s face, deflecting the speeding bullet into the sky, and away from burying itself in his head. You made it past the countless puddles and stood before the Frenchman. “See how right I am you big dumb dumb? Sherry would be so disappointed.”  
“Y/N you… followed me?”
“Honestly you should’ve expected me to follow you,” you said with a lighter tone to your voice and a small slap on his arm.
“Hey hey hey pretty missus, how rude of you to interrupt our little showdown.” A voice spoke with a clear accent of American descent.
You scowled at him. “You’re in Calcutta India, not Texas USA, so your whole showdown-duel shtick doesn’t quite apply pardner.” You drawled out the accent on the last word and the guy scoffed, albeit slightly amused at your passive-aggressiveness.  “Who the hell are you anyway?”
He kept on that smug smirk as he said, “The name’s Hol Horse miss, and the gun and bullet you skillfully blocked off is my Stand Emperor.” He splayed out his hand and a revolver-pistol hybrid manifested in his grip.
“Wow…,” you said, unimpressed. “Such a prestigious name for a shit Stand. Truly amazing how naming works.”
Polnareff stifled a laugh and you stole the smug smirk off of the American’s face, successful in bruising his ego a bit indicated by the subtle eye twitch. Sadly, his smirk returned though there was something… off-putting in his eyes.
“Big words for a small mouth. I highly consider you take back what you said before you regret it forever.”
You cocked your head, unsure what he was getting at but with Polnareff now back on the defensive, you were too. “What… do you mean by-”
“Y/N! Watch your back!”
Out of nowhere, Avdol called out, and having only a second to take in what he said, you flinched as Silent Sanctuary’s impenetrable cloths instantly surfaced from your shoulder, feeling something sudden prod against your upper back. Most likely a blade that’s supposed to pierce through you. “Another Stand?! Again?!”
The Frenchman cursed. “It’s that bastard’s Stand. I recognized it from the mirror earlier.”
“Magician’s Red!” Both you and the adult looked at the Egyptian as he called out his flaming bird-human Stand to shoot a fireball past you, making you flinch yet again from the blazing heat. “The other man’s bullet made a turn towards you so I was courteous enough to melt it before it happened.”
You were about to say your thanks until you caught a glimpse of the other Stand, crawling towards Avdol, blade raised and ready to strike. “Avdol! Move!” More alert than you were, the dark-skinned man immediately jumped forward, losing his reflection in the water and dodging the attack.  
“This Stand’s power is done through the reflective surface of the puddles…,” you snapped your fingers and turned to the Egyptian. “Avdol-san, can you get rid of the water on the playing field?”
Understanding your intentions, Avdol nodded and summoned Magician once more to radiate a hotter heatwave blended with the sun above, resulting in the collective evaporation of the puddles surrounding you and your group mates.
Hol, still standing at a distance, noticeably shifted from where he stood with a rising worry etched on his face. “Well, I’ll be damned for your travel buddies to have a fire-wielding Stand at your disposal. Kinda unfair, don’t you think?”
“Yeah? And the Stand that moves through water surfaces is?” With Sanctuary still hovering close to you, you stepped forward to confront the nervous American together with Polnareff and Avdol.
Though at your snide remark, whatever confidence he lost returned to him as he snickered. “Oh, you think his Stand just moves through water reflections?”
“What do you-“
 A gasp left you as your Stand moved quickly on its own to wrap your midsection just as an invisible force mimicking a knife in motion attempted to cut you in the stomach. However, the sound of 2 different surprised grunts a few steps back told you that your companions weren’t so lucky.
“Pol! Avdol-san!” You called out, looking behind you to see the 2 men pressing a gash inflicted on their bicep and waist respectively. Though your instinctual reaction would be to help them, you averted your gaze to the sidelines, scanning.
Then your eyes caught sight of the shining metallic pipes, polished mirrors, and clear glass windows surrounding you and your friends. It clicked. It’s not just the water. It’s any reflective surfaces it could find.
“We should get out of here.,” you said, stepping close to the 2 with your Stand’s fabrics unraveled. “The thing’s traveling through any reflective surface it can access within the area.”
Though Avdol agreed to your suggestion, Polnareff shifted on his feet with conflict in his eyes. “Pol-“
“Hey forgot about me? Sure, my ally got some fancy mirror Stand, but-”
“You’re the least of our worries right now,” you said, snapping back to Hol Horse’s bored sentiments and cutting him off before he adds to your current list of frustrations. “So shut up.”
“Why you little sh-“
 An abrupt honk of a car interrupted the cowboy’s dialogue. In the next minute, an old rusty pick-up truck drove into the scene, sending large clouds of sand and dust up to the air as it swerved itself around the place until stopping in between you and the enemy.
You waved off the dirt blowing past your face and squinted to make out the intruding driver. You beamed as you caught a glimpse of bright red hair and green uniform. “Hey! Do you need help?”
“Kakyoin!” Polnareff exclaimed, happy as you were upon seeing the student, though the brief relief of backup cut short as you were able to shield the Frenchman from an incoming attack thanks to the glass surface of the store near you. “Right, no time for pleasantries.”
He rushed past you and hopped into the car seat beside the cherry-haired teenager and quickly said, “His Stand’s still chasing after us, but knowing my connections to her, it’s after me first.”
You caught something glinting on the surface of a 2nd-floor window with a silhouette moving about, blade raised and ready to strike, and you called out to the student on the driver’s seat. “Enough talking! Get moving!”
Kakyoin, despite being as confused and startled as he was with the situation, nodded and floored the gas pedal and drove off at high speed, and just as Polnareff had speculated, the same glinting you saw by the windows trailed after the speeding vehicle.
This left you and Avdol alone with Hol Horse.
Not that it was a bad thing- it was a great thing given how disadvantageous his Emperor was against the blazing flames of Magician’s Red and the tough fabrics of Silent Sanctuary.
However, the cowboy knew what luck he had left in the situation and took advantage of Kakyoin’s intervention to get a couple of steps away from the duo.
With no further notice, you and the Egyptian made a run for the fleeing enemy Stand user.
For someone who looked like he rode animals to get by, he was doing well for himself getting away from you and Avdol. That speedy shit.
If you were to guess, 5 to 6 minutes might as well flew by, chasing after a Western man all around Calcutta. It was a miracle your legs still hadn’t given up on you.
Hol Horse swerved into an alleyway to his left and just as you and your companion reached the entrance of it, the cowboy flew back onto the ground in front of you. Mildly ticked and very much tired, Sanctuary’s fabrics manifested and bound his arms and legs together so he wouldn’t have any other ideas of fleeing.
“Y/N. Avdol.” From the alleyway he shot back out from, Jotaro and Joseph stood there with the younger of the 2 cracking his knuckles as the one responsible for preventing him from escaping.
“Mr. Joestar,” you acknowledged and looked at the delinquent with a smile. “Jotaro.” He tipped his hat to greet you back.
“Seems like Polnareff and Kakyoin’s still not here. I’ll assume that he’s still dealing with somebody else’s Stand,” Joseph said as he looked at the 2 of you with a relieved sigh. “Glad you 2 made it out of the situation alive.”
“Your predictions would be correct Mr. Joestar that alongside this runner, there was another user whose Stand is being handled by the other 2 somewhere else,” Avdol replied and patted your shoulder once. “And you should thank Y/N. Without her, I would not have known about the mirror Stand and would’ve been killed.”
You flushed from the praise and shook your head. “Ah, it’s nothing really. Just looking out for all of you.” Both the old man and the Egyptian chuckled, all while you caught Jotaro staring at you with what appeared to be adoration in his gaze together with a hint of a smile.
You smiled in return.
A rough drag against the dusty ground brought everyone’s attention back to their captive enemy. Hol Horse trembled within the binds of your Stand, writhing around as if that would help him out. “The guy who tried to shoot Polnareff and me, and a living distraction to aid the other in attempted murder against Avdol…” 
The Westerner squeaked in fear at the intense glare of the Crusaders. “What shoulder we do with him?”
“Help me!”
Everyone’s attention shifted yet again, this time behind you to the scene of a woman standing by the ledge of a nearby building as 2 burly men walked toward her. Without realizing it, her foot slipped, tipping her back, and fell with a scream.
All of you were too far for anyone to catch her, leaving you with no choice but to let your Stand unwind the fabrics keeping Hol Horse down and direct them to catch the falling woman instead.
You rushed forward as Sanctuary slowly brought her to the ground, while the rest of the 3 focused more on dealing with the men that were after the lady. “You okay?” You asked though she didn’t answer. The group returned and asked the same question.
But instead of an appropriate response, she turned to look ahead and called out, “I’ve done what I can darling! Hurry and run!”
Wait. You snapped your head to where the cowboy was supposed to be, only to find the aforementioned man getting away on horseback with a cocky smile on his face. “Well done my little sweetheart! I’ll gladly accept your feelings and keep on living baby!”
You were about to make another run for it to allow Sanctuary to be in range to wrap him again, but a hand stopped you from doing so. “Let him be. He no longer had any intention of fighting with us anyways.”
“Mr. Joestar…”
He turned to the fallen woman and pulled out a clean strip of white cloth, bending down to wrap a bleeding wound you failed to notice on her arm. “Besides, we have no time to deal with him. We have to forge on.”
“He’s right. It’s already been 15 days so we don’t have much time to waste,” Avdol added.
“Hey! What’s going on now around here?” The group looked to their right and saw both a bleeding Kakyoin and Polnareff waving their hands as if their wounds were non-existent. “Where’s that bastard with the gun?”
“He fled,” you sighed. “She diverted our attention to her, allowing him to escape.” 
Polnareff threw a hard glare at the silent woman and made a move to approach her. “Why you-“
“Pol,” you firmly held his bicep, shaking your head. “Hurting her won’t do anything. Calm down.”
It took him a full minute before he could let out a heavy exhale and stepped back. “Guess it can’t be helped. What matters is that that my sister’s murderer is dead. At least there’s that.”
“What now?” Kakyoin inquired while Joseph is tending to his gashes. “With your goal accomplished, what do you plan to do now?”
“We continue onward to Egypt of course!” You and the rest of the group widened their eyes at the enthusiasm of the Frenchman. “Listen up! In order to defeat DIO, we have to fight as one.” Polnareff looked at you and Avdol. “I’ve learned that we can’t go off on our own or else we’ll play right into the enemies’ hands. Right?”
Everyone, especially Avdol, smirked and nodded.
Polnareff pumped a fist up. “Now let’s get a move on!”
“Ugh, could you at least give us a short moment to breathe…” Kakyoin said, still reeling from his wounds.
You hid a giggle behind your hand and went to stand beside the delinquent. He turned to you and you cocked a brow at him with a teasing smirk. “Come on. You heard what the man said.”
 “Good grief…”
Boarding another vehicle shouldn’t be this nerve-wracking and yet here you were.
With the adrenaline from the enemy encounter and chase dying down, your paranoia returned full time and you resorted back to staring at the floor or ankles of the person in front of you, not wanting to see that stranger again. The muffled piano tune resonated yet again and you would give anything for that damn sound to go away.
You found yourself sitting beside Polnareff on the seat by the aisle, and though you had no qualms in having him as your seatmate, you had to be conscious enough to not look up and around while also being able to entertain to the Frenchman’s lighthearted conversations and not look stiff.
I can do this. You closed your eyes and released a shaky breath.
“Oi.” You opened them again and found Jotaro standing by your seat, hands in his pockets as he sent a hard stare to the friend beside you. Polnareff, in response, turned to him and waved only to be cut off by a stern, one-word declaration. “Move.”
The latter whined, clearly wanting to be in your presence, but the delinquent remained firm and repeated. “I said move.”
Polnareff sought defense from you and you shrugged. “There’s no fighting him. We can talk when we get there.” Defeated, the adult sullenly left his spot, excused himself past your legs, and occupied the empty seat beside Kakyoin.
Jotaro turned to you next and gestured for you to move to the window seat. You followed and let the raven-haired student occupy your previous seat.
From your new spot, you were able to see less of the passengers boarding the bus thanks to the delinquent’s massive frame blocking the view. You huffed and gave him a light nudge. “If you wanted to sit with me that bad, you should’ve been a bit faster.”
“I’m fine sitting elsewhere, but it’s annoying to see you have to tolerate his bullshit while you’re trying not to look like you want to disappear.” Your teasing remarks stuck in your throat and caught light of his intention. Did he know?
“The old man told me the next destination is a bit far from here. I suggest sleeping but do whatever,” he said without looking at your stunned expression, his hat tipped over his face as he began to doze off himself.
The engine roared to life and the bus trembled for a moment and in the next moment, the vehicle started to move out of the terminal.
 Was your paranoia that obvious? No, it couldn’t. The others didn’t notice and you thought the delinquent didn’t as well, but it was him, out of everyone, who did and you didn’t know whether to feel grateful or worried.
But what you did feel as of now was temporary peace and for that, you were thankful that he intervened.
With the gentle motions of the moving bus, you allowed yourself to lull into relaxation and followed his advice of falling into deep slumber. 
He often felt embarrassed if he does anything remotely friendly, but this was a different case.
He knew you were bound to return to your unusual stiffness once the action was over and seeing that fear linger in your eyes was something he couldn’t tolerate. He wanted to help you in a way he could, and by doing this seemingly nonchalant gesture, he hoped you would notice it.
Though from the corner of his vision, he could make out your widened eyes turning soft, your agape lips closing into a small smile, and your cheeks blooming a faint pink.
You didn’t say anything back but your reaction was enough of an indicator for him.
It was still strange for him to behave like this around you and he was still unsure of the reason behind it.
However, as the trip progressed on, Jotaro woke to a gentle thud against his shoulder. Opening his eyes, his heart raced a bit faster than before at the sight of your head resting on his shoulder. He subtly tried to look behind him, wishing the rest of the crew wasn’t watching, but you nuzzled closer to him and he froze.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He wasn’t panicking but he might as well be.
He opted to repeat what he had done back in that hotel room in Singapore- settle you off of him and onto a more comfortable position and do whatever it is he was going to do. But at the same time, he anticipated that this won’t be the last time you would do something like this.
In the end, Jotaro refused to think further and overcomplicate things, and returned to slumber with your head on his shoulder. You experienced moments you wished you hadn’t and revealed information that you preferred to not say.
You should at least have this as compensation for your worries.
Without you or him knowing, in the middle of his sleep, Jotaro had his head resting against yours.  
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sharoscylla · 1 year
i don't have time to do any more tmnt AUs so here are some free ideas I had over the past day
GF/TMNT au where Stan is Splinter (AKA: Mutated Fighting Rat Man) and he's got four turtle sons (and a human son, Soos, obvis) I'm feeling like 1982-1999 are pretty much identical to how they go in GF canon but him and his turtle sons get mutated like in 1999 as well and the boys are roughly the same age as Dipper and Mabel. given the setting they're probably more likely to have cloaking amulets or whatever?
rottmnt movie AU where, when Casey gets sent back to 2020, Old Ass Leon gets sent back 550~ years and now he has to figure out 1 how to get to Japan from Pre-Colombian North America to help deal with the uhhh fuckin shredder situation 2 whether he even should try to change his own personal history in such a way since it was due to the direct influence of the shredder that his family was personally able to resist the krang for as long as they managed to 3 what he actually can be capable of changing without creating an unrecognizable world completely unlike his own
tmnt but they got mutated during like WW1. could be set in the 20s and have a combined Call of Cthulhu/Great Gatsby vibe tbh. i might decide to do this one later because it sounds cool as hell to me lol
kind of a body horror-focused reverse-mutation AU where the turtles in fact start out as humans and get turtled. i know this is what happens to jennika anyway but i am Envisioning It In My Mind and I would like to see it.
TMNT au partially inspired by Neil Gaiman's "Whatever Happened To The Caped Crusader?" where, upon having realized he has four turtle sons driven to grief-stricken despair about their places in the world, Splinter just fully invents bad guys and ninja cults (and dresses up as the shredder) just to Give Them Something To Do, it ended badly with one of the turtles dead, and the fic itself is taking place years later as the three surviving sons get together to try to make sense of their lives and figure out how to move past this.
kind of a mutagen bomb background where the event that mutated the turtles and splinter also mutated like 100,000 other people, so mutants are a fully recognized class of American citizen and it's also a lot harder to train your turtle sons to be literal ninjas when they are in fact fully expected to go to normal high school and do normal high school things. then again if you're allowed to have a passport as a rat and four turtles you can also travel to and from japan where your cousins and parents live lmao
the turtles are in their late 30s/early 40s but there's no apocalyptic wasteland or anything they've just been getting progressively weirder and weirder as the world moves on without making a space for them. mikey in particular is relating way too much to the Eve 6 guy. every time one of them moves out he ends up moving back in within a year because none of them has ever lived alone and the quiet is too much when they try.
another Dark Tower crossover, but what if Roland had 4 teenage mutant ninja turtle friends when he was a teenager. There's no way Susan Delgado dies in that timeline, there's too many child soldiers around for that to happen.
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voidofryu · 2 years
Please don't go...
[Clingy[and a bit possessive]!Jotaro Kujo x reader]
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I got this idea while throwing out the trash today so i had to write it out. (gender neutral reader who uses they/them pronouns) EVERYONE SURVIVED!!!!
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After the battle of Dio, Jotaro was immediately tired and fatigue accompanied his face. You slowly walk to Jotaro, limping as you had broken your leg and had a few broken ribs resulting from crashing into a window and landing really hard.
Jotaro managed to catch you in his arms and when the ambulance came, managed to nurse you back to health.
Holly eventually lets you come and stay in the Kujo residence. You also slept in Jotaro's room, soundly as you were too tired to even think.
The next morning, you got up earlier than Jotaro and immediately smelt fresh breakfast from the kitchen. You decided to help Holly out as your cooking skills also weren't really that bad.
Well, as you're about to get up however, you were quickly pulled down by a sudden force and your face landed on the pillow. It was really dark in the room and you couldn't see who pulled you down but that doesn't mean that you can't feel them.
The person had broad shoulders, is muscular and their calloused hands slowly grip your waist. Of course, your mind is set to someone straight away. It was Jotaro Kujo.
You could feel him shifting and squirming while holding you, his head was buried in the crook of your neck and he was growling or purring, I don't know, it was like vibrations being sent throughout your neck.
You held his shoulders for a while before pushing him down and letting him lay on his back before slowly getting up. You made sure to hold onto his shoulders, assessing the situation before letting go. You pecked his cheek with a light kiss, smiled to yourself before walking your way to the bathroom to freshen up.
After a few moments....
You were helping with the breakfast with Holly and chatting away when the door slid open and you saw Jotaro standing in the doorway, his usual glare plastered on his face.
"Good morning, Jotaro!"
Holly happily greeted her son but she only received a grunt as a response.
"Go and spend time with Jotaro, (Y/n)! I can take over this!"
You nervously nodded your head and immediately ran to your boyfriend's side, who gladly took your hand in his and led you out of the kitchen.
Jotaro pulled you into his lap and immediately started holding you close to his chest, stroking your hair while one of his hands was on your thigh. He started to kiss your cheek and nuzzled his head into your neck, this kind of behaviour from him was really surprising since he was not really that affectionate.
"I love you so much, (Y/n)"
"I love you too, Jojo"
Jotaro then suddenly stopped his affection giving and looked at you sternly.
"How is your leg?"
He said with a serious but concerned voice.
"It's alright, I'm lucky that it's not severely injured or anything. What about your injuries? Have you recovered?"
You asked him back, with that same concern in your voice.
"It's nothing, I can handle it. I'm more worried about you"
You giggled softly at him when your moment was interrupted by Holly announcing that breakfast is served. You got up slowly (and with the help of Jotaro) to go to the dining room and have that wonderful cooked breakfast that Holly made.
After eating your breakfast, you travelled back to where your house was and took your school bag and packed everything before meeting Jotaro outside and walking to school together.
Jotaro was a bit shaken up today and his glare hardened even more when the fangirls came up to meet him and shoved you away. You could see him angrily glaring at the girl who did that to you when a certain red haired boy caught up to you.
Seeing you walking away with another boy, who is also his best friend, Jotaro shoved away the girls and eventually caught up to you and Kakyoin.
He wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer, you looked at him, a bit confused but he didn't look at you.
After school, you were about to head to your house when Jotaro caught you by the wrist.
"Please, stay for one more night..I can't bear the pain..if i really do lose you.."
"I'm just heading to my house, Kujo. It's not a big deal"
"It is to me, (Y/n). When i saw you limping to me with a broken leg and blood flowing down your lip, I couldn't bear to see you hurt again, that pained expression on your face is forever imprinted in my mind. I want to protect you and hold you close, I don't ever want to see you in pain and screaming with pain again"
Upon seeing his desperate and worried expression but still accompanied with his signature glare, you couldn't help but feel bad for him. He must've gone through so much during the battle, he also almost lost you during it but was surprised to see that you're still in one piece.
"Ok, just one more night.."
You said to reassure him and calm him down, you caressed his cheek and pressed your lips to his. You could feel him melting under your touch as he grasped gently on your waist. When you pull away, you could hear him deeply whine, wanting your lips again. You chuckled at his behaviour and said:
"C'mon, let's go inside. You can have all my kisses tonight"
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erigold13261 · 1 year
How are the Goolings members, Mystery Man, The Grove of Musicians and Yurik’s band feeling about the situation in FRAU?
Hmmmm... That is a tricky question because I haven't fully thought about those relationships in this AU at all (or really how they are in OG either).
I'll start off easy by saying that Yiruk doesn't have a band at all. They never really had the talk with B2J about the airforce, or at least I don't see that as happening. If it did then that would just give them something to have to rethink. They never saw how cool B2J were in defeating 1010 so they never went to start their own band.
I would say Mystery Man is probably disappointed in how everything has turned out in general. I can see him as someone who always advocated for more genres to be added but was always ignored by Tatiana. He is just more frustrated that he is not being listened to, similar to Neon, but he is also busy with more internal affairs of NSR than with the external affairs or artists of NSR. (I really need to make more info on this guy).
For the Goolings... I don't know. I never really decided on whether I wanted the Goolings members to know that Tatiana and Kul Fyra were the same person (like they know Fyra so well they could tell Tati was her no matter what) or if I wanted them to not be able to tell they were the same person because of her cutting contact and changing almost everything about herself (which is what I think I am leaning to).
If they know that Tatiana is Kul Fyra, they would stay away from Vinyl City entirely because they had such a bad break up that they wouldn't want to see her. The only one maybe brave enough to visit Vinyl City would be Joust, and that's for fighting clubs and stuff. Nothing to do with NSR. They would think that NSR has gone to Tatiana's head and she needs to be stopped, but after seeing what 1010 did they would not try to fight NSR or Tati on their own (since Joust, Elivy and Quida are no longer in contact with each other. Maybe Joust and Elivy talk once in a while, but not enough to try and start a new revolution)
If they don't know anything about Tatiana and Kul Fyra, I would say they just think NSR is on a power crusade. They most likely wouldn't be looking that much into the politics of Vinyl City other than maybe seeing what new music is coming from it. None of them live anywhere near Vinyl City so it wouldn't be something they pay much attention to. It would obviously be news to some degree in their lives as they do still love music and Vinyl City is the music capital of the world. They just wouldn't try to be activists or something like that.
And as for the Grove of Musicians, I have absolutely nothing on them. I have no ideas, headcanons, or anything that would allow me to give you any kind of information on them. I've been meaning to work on these guys but just haven't had time or energy. I don't even know if I wanted them to be Papa's friends that Mama pushed away or if I want them to be older people who were like the judges of the Goolings or even the first Lights Up Auditions. (I think I am leaning towards Papa's friends but slightly older and had similar political power to the Goolings, but idk).
So yeah, I don't want to talk about those guys and accidentally write myself into a corner. At least with Mystery Man I have an IDEA what his personality is like, but with the Grove of Musicians I have absolutely nothing yet other than their names, some pronouns, and the instruments they used.
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