#and cooper is purty
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vampireninjabunnies-blog · 2 years ago
💭what would Esther think of Cooper?
Esther sped down the hill toward a massive jump. Her helmet long gone, laughing loudly. There were easily hundred different ways to get to the Moonflower trailer park; all of them safer than the path she chose. But none of them were nearly as fun.
She bounced in her seat as she cleared the jump landing hard. Honking as she sped toward the trailer park. Sharky looked up, and tapped his friend Cooper on the shoulder.
"Her she comes man. You're gonna love her she's nuts."
Cooper looked up as she came skidding to a halt and climbed out of the car. She smiled broadly at them, her copper waves a tangled mess.
"Hey Sharky! No starting any fires right?"
Her tone was bright and only a little nagging. She noticed Cooper with his friendly grin and golden curls. He tipped his cowboy hat to her.
"Howdy Miss"
She couldn't help but smile at him.
"Hello to you too sugar. I'm Esther and you must be Cooper. Sharky's mentioned a few times. I hope you two aren't getting into too much trouble."
Esther glanced over at Sharky with a mischievous grin.
"Sharky you didn't tell me your new friends was so cute. Almost as pretty as my hummingbird. At this rate Hope County's gonna be able to make up one those dirty calenders."
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bunniekittiee · 1 year ago
A/N: this is my first TCM fic and also the first self-insert fic I’ve written. I forgot whose post it was, but someone had made a conversation (a v silly one) between Drayton and Johnny about him liking the meat to be tenderized and I just wanted to mention that lol. I tried to make them all in character but I probably did not do the best job. I know it’s kind of short and on a cliff hanger, but I just wanted to crank this out. Maybe I’ll return to it :)
Also not proof-read.
His eyes raked up and down your body, waiting for a fight back. Waiting to rumble. Waiting like a predator. But all the fight in you was gone, and as your eyelids fluttered and your mind went in and out of consciousness, he paced around your body that had laid on the dirt road. This was too easy, he thought you had so much more to show for. However, he was proven wrong.
“Ya’ know sweet pea, I hate bein’ proved wrong.” A chuckle slipped past his lips, sweet and smooth like chocolate. If he was a normal man, opposite of mentally unhinged, his voice would be beautiful to the ears. But all you felt was repugnance.
“Awe, ya’ ain’t got no fight in ya’ no more?” He questioned with a smirk. “Ya’ had one hell of a mouth, cat got your tongue?”
Gritting your teeth, you scowled at him despite the upper hand he had. If you were going to die, why not make it miserable for him?
Kneeling down, he stared into your eyes with his body tense at your defiance. “Ya better fix that face of yours, sunshine, before I have ta’ fix it for you. Otherwise, Bubba will enjoy carving that pretty face of yours off.” He grinned wildly like a deranged creature.
You whimpered at his words as you tried to move back, but your body did not cooperate. It was weak, exhausted, and badly injured. His grin almost seemed to get wider as he watched you try to move away from him.
“I ain’t that scary, am I darlin’? You ain’t seen scary yet, the Bad Man hasn’t made his appearance yet.” He moved from his position and began to pace around your strewn body. “Ain’t nothin’ to be afraid of.”
The revolting sound of a powered chainsaw bounced around in the air as it echoed into the night. “Well, the only thing you need to be afraid of is my family. They ain’t take too kindly to strangers.” He clucked his tongue. “Not at all.”
Your breathing was uneven as you closed your eyes to try to ignore the fiery pain that your body felt engulfed in. The anxiety pooled in your stomach, waiting for your misery to end.
“Why can’t you just kill me already?” You asked as your voice wavered.
His eyes seemed to light up in the wake of your question. “Easy answer darlin’, I just like ta’ watch innocent girls like ya’ suffer.” He laughed manically as your tears slid down your face. There was no way to make it out alive. “Oh don’t ya’ cry now, sweet thang. I promise I’ll go easy on ya’.”
Crying out, he picked up your body like a rag doll. You were limp as your bones held an awful ache. It ached to the core. The screeching sound of the chainsaw got closer and closer as he neared the house he called home, but you knew it was your own hell.
“Y-you got her, d-d-didn’t ya’ Johnny?” The one with the red birth mark jittered out as he twitched uncontrollably. He was the one who caught Ana in one of his traps. Poor Ana. Your heart broke as you realized you were the last of all your friends to be alive. And you were being taken into their home while your friends laid dead somewhere at the hands of your captors.
“Sure did Nubbins.” Johnny said proudly.
“She’s quite a purty one.” The girl giggled as she studied your limp body and face. “She would fit into Bubba’s collection of masks perfectly.”
“She ain’t for a mask. At least, not yet.” He laughed as you whimpered in dread. “Not until I’m done with her.”
You could not see very well, all you could see were the filthy wood flooring that was long overdue for a cleaning. You saw the corner of a table come into your vision as he set you down, quickly tying you up tightly to the chair. The man with the birth mark and the girl followed you both to the table to sit. The big, burly man with the chainsaw entered the room as well. You started to scream, noticing you were sitting in a chair that had human body parts attached to it. The others cackled like a pack of hyenas with the exception of Bubba. As you wailed, Johnny tried to concentrate as you thrashed around with what little energy you had left in your body.
“Sit still! Would ya’?” He said angrily as you continued your little outburst. He placed a hand on your cheek to calm you down, until you moved your head and latched onto his hand. You bit down on his tender flesh hard. He was still human. He could still get hurt, feel pain.
Pushing your head back forcibly to unlatch your mouth, he snarled as he slapped you hard. It reverberated across the room. Bubba flinched at the sound and made quiet, concerned grunts. “Ya’ better be fuckin’ grateful ya’ stupid slut! Ya’ might end up on the menu yourself if ya’ do that shit again.” Nubbins began to laugh uncontrollably at your degradation.
“What in the hell is all this damn noise!” yelled the old man who led you and your friends to this hell. The man at the gas station. He whipped his head in your direction. “Oh you bastard! You better get rid of the girl quick Johnny! We don’t need another situation like last time!”
Johnny finished tying you up and began to gag you to avoid future bites. “She ain’t like the last one. She’s different, ain’t that right, sweetheart?”
Your sobs were muffled by the gag. Eyes wild like a frantic prey animal, you tried to fight your way out of your bonds. But the rope dug into your soft flesh, burning and ripping into your skin.
The old man shook his head. “We don’t need another mouth to feed, let alone a love child of yours to spring out! You know how your mother would feel about that.”
“Oh lighten up, Cook!” The girl said as she looked in your direction. “Sometimes a girl like her just needs ta’ be taught a lesson so she knows her place.”
“Last time the kid tried to keep a girl captive, her death brought too much attention! We don’t need another situation like that again! That’s why this one is sitting in the chair.” He grumbled as he got closer to you and Johnny. “I reckon it’s a bad idea!”
Johnny’s expression looked annoyed. “I know what I’m doin’ old man. Don’t you like your meat tenderized before cookin’?” He said as he smirked with pride.
The Cook’s face scrunched up. “You are disgusting, boy. Raised like a pack of wolves, all of ya’!”
They all laughed at his statement except for you who cried more and more. Your cries fell on deaf ears. There was no remorse here. You fell right into the devil’s clutches.
Another woman entered the room who eyed you with such revulsion as if your presence was a huge nuisance. “Oh no you don’t boy!”
Johnny looked up and slightly smirked. “Come on, Ma. This one just needs to be taught a lesson. Sissy even said so.”
“To hell you are! That girl ain’t nothin’ but trouble, boy!” She spat as she argued with her son.
“Oh Ma, I already caught the girl and took extra precautions! It ain’t that big of a deal.” His blood pressure began to rise as he continued his argument. You knew your fate was bouncing between these two maniacs.
“No means no, son! You ain’t keeping her!” She said as she sat down at the table. “You best say your goodbyes soon.”
Animosity lingered in his eyes as his body trembled with anger. You felt it radiating off of him and it spiked your heart rate. The snakes in your stomach coiled tightly as you began to sweat in fear of your inevitable death. “I’m keepin’ her whether you like it or not.”
“You are so defiant today Johnny. This girl is changing you already and it hasn’t even been that long since you tied her up.” His mother said as she shook her head in disappointment.
You noticed there was one more seat missing next to Nubbins. How many people were in this damn family?
“Man, cut the damn arguing both of ya!” said another man with the same exact birth mark on his face but on the opposite side. He had long hair, but he looked extremely ill with his pale skin. “We need more peace in this house for cryin’ out loud!”
“Yeah, yeah, more peace!” mimicked the other who you presumed was his twin.
“Shut it, Chop Top!” The Cook yelled out. “Tired of all this damn yelling. Just eat!”
They all began to serve themselves questionable meat that made your stomach churn more and more as the smell invaded your nasal passages. It tickled your throat as you felt the urge to vomit.
“Want some darlin’?” Johnny offered as he waved the food underneath your nose. You clenched your eyes shut and turned your head to the opposite side to avoid throwing up.
“Sh-she ain’t like our food.” Nubbins stuttered as he ate sloppily. “Hopefully she c-comes around one day.”
“Oh she’ll come.” Johnny said quietly as his voice deepened slightly. You internally felt sickened.
Chop Top giggled. “Nasty bastard.”
Dinner was an awkward and fearful affair for you. But for everyone else, it was their normal. Bubba continued to glance at you but you felt it was out of curiosity rather than perversion. He must not be used to having a meal sit at the table with them. You avoided locking eyes with any of them and stared down at the table. You accepted your defeat which made Johnny much more happier. You wouldn’t put up much of a fight anymore. Closing your eyes, images of your friends’ dead bodies filled your head. Their bloodied, beaten bodies that tried to escape the hell they crossed into.
As time passed achingly slow, you began to doze off from exhaustion. You weren’t sure what was going to happen after dinner. You did not know what Johnny had in mind, well, you did but you did not want to think about it too much.
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bambchi1 · 1 year ago
Today I orgasmed in my diaper thinking about this story. I have loved this story for years, and if such a place really existed, I'd purposely commit crimes just to be a prisoner there.
DIAPER REFORMATORY Beth Taylor felt exhilarated as she sped down the Georgia back road in her new convertible. She was a pretty, vivacious 17 year old who had just graduated from high school. The convertible was her graduation present, and she was spending the last week of her summer driving from her home in New York to her Atlanta, where she would begin attending Georgia Tech.
Her parents were not thrilled with the idea of Beth's driving alone all the way to Atlanta, but Beth had to get the car to school, and didn't have any friends who were headed anywhere near. Beth convinced her parents that being a college girl meant that she should be trusted to take care of herself. They reluctantly accepted the idea, but made Beth promise that she would stick to major highways, drive safely and within the speed limits, and that she would keep her doors locked, her top up and her windows closed. But Beth had gotten bored with the unchanging monotony of the Interstate system. She wanted to see some more of the countryside she was travelling through. She was also tired of driving sealed up in her car, breathing sterilized air-conditioner air. She wanted to smell the greenery and feel the warmth of the beautiful late-August Georgia sunshine. And so here she was, driving along with the top down along the country roads of northern Georgia.
Beth wasn't paying much attention to how fast she was going, just enjoying the feeling of of the wind blowing through her hair as she zipped through the countryside. Suddenly, her reverie was interrupted by the sound of a police siren approaching. "Oh, damn!", she thought. "I'm going to get a speeding ticket, and Mom and Dad will be furious." She pulled over to the shoulder and waited for the police car to join her.
The officer sauntered over to Beth's car, looked in, leered and drawled, "Well, well! What have we here? Such a purty chicken breakin' the law. You know you were doin' 65 in a 35 mile an hour zone?"
"Yes, sir", stammered Beth.
"Well, git out of the car and give me your license and registration", said the officer. Beth did as she was asked.
"A New Yorker, I see. Where y'all headed?"
"I'm on my way to Georgia Tech in Atlanta".
"A College girl, huh?"
"Well, an entering freshman".
"Now, what're we gonna do about this speedin' violation here. The law in this here county is twenty-five bucks for each five miles over the limit, so thats a hundred and fifty bucks, and since you're an out-of-stater, it's gotta be paid now, and in cash."
"Officer, I don't have nearly that much cash with me. Will you take travellers checks?"
"Nope, I can't, I'll have to take you in to see the judge. Most likely he'll hold you in jail until we're sure the check will clear."
Beth began to look very frightened, and almost started to cry. The officer put his arm around her, and with a leer in his voice said, "Well, maybe, if you're cooperative, I can bend the rules a little. Do you dig, honey?" He began to paw at her.
Beth understood exactly what the officer had in mind, and she immediately reacted as she was trained to in her female self-defense class, surprising the officer with a swift knee to his groin. The officer, however, was well trained in his craft. Before Beth knew what was happening, she found her hands cuffed behind her. The officer's mood changed from amorous to angry.
"Well, now, babe, that little move's going to cost you plenty. I'm booking you on a charge of assaulting an officer. That's a lot more serious than a little speeding ticket." He bundled her into the squad car, and took off for the county jail.
The desk officer at the county jail saw Officer Denny enter with his handcuffed captive. "What you got there, Bo?"
"Oh, just a sassy chicken who attacked me when I was givin' her a speeding ticket. Lock her up, and send a tow-truck down about 8 miles on route 243 for her car, a red Toyota. I'll go talk to Uncle Teddy. I want to get her good!"
Beth had her handcuffs removed, and soon found herself in a small cell. "Hey," she yelled to the jailer. "Don't I get to see a lawyer or make a phone call?"
"Well, now, you should have thought of that before you attacked Bo Denny. With his Uncle Teddy bein' the judge, he can get away with an awful lot of rules-bending. As far as I'm concerned, he read you your rights, and you waived 'em."
Beth was now terrified. She had no idea what was going to happen to her now. She had read stories about what went on in these small-town southern jails, but she thought that things like this couldn't happen any more. She slumped down on the cot in the cell and began to sob uncontrollably. The jailer must have been used to this sort of behavior, and just ignored her.
Meanwhile, in Judge Ted Denny's chambers in the county court house, the judge was laughing as Bo told him the whole story. "Hey, Bo, I thought that no chick could resist your charms. I bet your pride was heard at least as much as your balls!. What do you want me to do?"
"Well, Uncle, I reckon I'll try once more to make her. Maybe a night in the jail will soften her up. If she still won't give in, you can send her to that bad-kids home that that crazy minister runs up in the hills. The assault charge should be enough to put her in there. That'll fix her!"
"Boy, she must have really got your dander up for you to want to put her in there. If she goes in there, she doesn't come out till she's 21. Still, the state pays us an allowance for every kid we put in there, and our deal with the minister is for a lot less than the state pays us, so we make money on the deal. So, why not. Go try your luck again, and let me know tommorrow what you want. We can railroad through a hearing, and add her to the bunch of juvenile delinquents being sent up there day after tommorrow."
That night, Bo Denny approached the still crying girl in the jail cell, and tried to comfort her in his smoothest seduction manner. Beth knew that if she gave in to the officer she might improve her plight, but on the other hand, the idea was so repellent to her that it outweighed any of the fears she had for her future. She told him off. "You think that wearing a policeman's badge gives you the right to seduce any girl who's unlucky enough to fall into your clutches? Well, you should be locked up yourself, you sex pervert!!"
"That does it, kiddo. You've just sealed your fate. We're going to have a little hearing tommorrow morning, and then you'll find how we treat sassy girls in this county!" Bo left the jail, an evil grin on his face.
Next morning, Beth was brought to the courthouse for a hearing. Naturally, Bo's uncle, Judge Denny presided. First, Bo told his story. He stated that he caught her speeding, and when he attempted to question her, she kicked him in the groin. Beth jumped up and started to yell, "He's lying", but the baliff quickly sat her down, and the judge said, "Young lady, you will stay in your seat and only speak when spoken to in this courtroom. Otherwise, we'll have to tie you down and gag you. Now continue with your testimony, Officer Denny."
Following the officer's testimony, Beth was brought to the stand. She was instructed to only answer the questions that were being asked.
"Were you driving at 65 miles an hour on route 243 yesterday?"
"Yes, your honor"
"Did you kick Officer Denny in the groin as he was questioning you?"
"Yes, but..."
"No buts, just answer the question, yes or no"
"Yes, your honor"
"That is all. You may step down."
"But, your honor, Officer Denny tried....."
"I said that was all. Baliff, remove her from the stand."
Beth was led back to her seat, and told to stand as the Judge addressed her.
"Young lady, speeding is serious enough around here, but assaulting a police officer is a felony. If you were an adult, you could be sentenced to prison term. But since you're only 17, you're still considered a juvenile. You obviously haven't been brought up well enough to have respect for the law. Therefore, I'm remanding you to a home established for teen-agers who need extra supervision and training. It is not a county-run facility, but rather a home operated by a minister who feels he can best serve his God by setting wayward children back on the right path. You will live there until you reach 21 years of age, after which you will be released and all record of this proceeding will be destroyed."
Beth was speechless. Whatever the judge called it, it was clear to her that she was being sentenced to four years in a reform school. She tried to protest that her parents had no idea where she was, that she was entitled to a lawyer, that Officer Denny tried to seduce her, but her pleas were drowned out by the judges gavel ending the hearing. As Officer Denny passed her on the way out of the courtroom, he crowed "Well, I hope this'll teach you, you brat!" Beth was escorted back to her cell in the jail in tears.
Early next morning, Beth found herself chained with handcuffs and leg irons and herded, along with six other similarly restrained teenage boys and girls, into a prison van, and driven out into the country. After about an hour's drive, they approached a large stone Victorian-style mansion, which had a dark forbidding look. A very discreet sign identified the building as "Reverend Jeremiah Brown's Home for Wayward Children". The group was led through a heavy massive steel door into an imposing enterance hall, where they were met by a pretty 20 year-old girl, dressed in a very juvenile-looking outfit, and very obviously well diapered under her shorts. "You can remove their restraints and leave them with us now," the girl said to the officers accompanying the group. The handcuffs and leg-irons were removed, and the officers departed, the door closing and locking behind them with a resounding clang.
"Hi! I'm Susie! Welcome to the home," said the girl. I will summon Reverend Brown, who will introduce you to our routine here. I hope you all enjoy your stay." Susie smiled sweetly and, picking up a phone, informed the Reverend that the new group was here. Shortly, a tall man in his 50's dressed in clerical garb entered the room and addressed the group in a thick Georgia drawl.
"Good Morning. I am Reverend Jeremiah Brown, the founder and director of this home. I know that the county has sent you here because you were all bad boys and girls. As I'm sure the judge told you, you're all to live here until your 21st birthday. During that period, you will be subjected to a novel treatment that has worked marvelous results. Your past misbehavior indicates that your parents didn't bring you up well enough. So, we're going to try it again. You're going to be returned to your babyhood, and slowly allowed to grow up again. And this time we're going to make sure that you grow up into sweet, docile boys and girls who'll never cause any trouble again."
"First, you will be returned to infancy. You'll be made as helpless as a newborn and we will undo your toilet-training. By the end of this period, which usually lasts about a month, you will all be wetting and messing your diapers uncontrollably. I should tell you that we've found that almost all of our children never regain control again, and, like Susie here, you'll probably spend the rest of your life in diapers. Consider it a memento of your stay in our home."
"After your infancy period, you will be given a little more freedom and turned into toddlers, and with good behavior, you will slowly advance in age and priveliges. The best of our residents, like Susie here, are allowed to become aids who take care of the "younger" children. But if you break the rules at any stage you can be returned to an earlier group, and for serious infractions, all the way back to infancy. We find that even our most rebellious "problem children" can be turned into sweet angels after several trips back to infancy."
"Well, children, that's about all I have to say to you. Enjoy your second childhood. Susie, call for some attendents, and have the group brought to the nursery for the beginning of their treatment."
Beth had no idea what to expect from a reform school, but it was certainly not this. She was led into a large room filled with about 20 adult-size steel cribs with locking tops. As she walked past the occupied ones she gasped as she saw what here fate was going to be for the next month. The attendents quickly removed all her clothing, and led her to an empty crib. She was lifted onto the mattress and her hands and legs were fastned spread-eagle style into restraits built into the crib. Her body was rubbed all over with a white cream which she quickly learned was a depillatory. Shortly, all her body hair was removed. No sooner did she begin complaining than a large pacifier gag was strapped into her mouth. All she could now do was suck on the large nipple and sob softly to herself.
They rubbed baby oil into her skin, and then unfolded three thick adult sized diapers which they expertly fitted around her and pinned up. They explained that diapers were only changed twice a day at the home, before bedtime, and after breakfast, and therefore had to be extra thick at all times. Her legs were unfastened one at a time and a large pair of plastic waterproof panties were pulled on over the diapers. Then she was released from the crib and dressed in a thick flannel baby-style sleeper. As she inserted her arms and legs, she found that not only were there built-in feet, but the sleeves ended in thickly padded mittens which rendered her hands helpless to do anything. There were snaps down the legs which enabled her diapers to be changed without removing the sleeper.
Then, her gag was removed, and a canvas hood was placed over her head, and attached to the collar of the sleeper. The hood was designed to block off all light and most sound. There were breathing holes for her nose, and a large hole for the mouth, into which the nipple-gag was once again inserted and strapped back in place. Her hands were placed in leather restraints and attached to a belt around her waist with six inch chains. Her ankles were also restrained and attached to each other with another six inch chain. Once again she was placed into the crib, the side pulled up and the top locked. She was deaf, blind, restrained and thickly diapered, and so she would remain for the next month.
An hour or so later, Beth felt someone attaching something to the outside of her gag, and shortly thereafter liquid began streaming through it. She had no choice but to swallow the liquid as it came in. To Beth, it seemed that there must have been a gallon or so fed to her, although in truth it was only a quart. The liquid was a mixture of Pedialite (an electrolyte designed to add fluid to a dehydrated child), a stong diuretic, a muscle relaxant and a tranquilizer. It was designed to insure that she would wet her diapers frequently. Within half an hour, her bladder was aching for relief. She knew she had no choice in the matter, and struggled to let loose and wet her diapers. It was hard at first, as she had not wet herself since she was about 3 years old, but before long a warm stream of liquid was soaking into her diapers. She would be fed a quart of this mixture every few hours, and it was hoped that after awhile, her wetting would become automatic and uncontrollable.
Not long after her liquid feeding, her nipple gag was removed and a different sort of device inserted into her mouth. She felt a pasty cereal-like mixture being squeezed into her mouth. This was a specially made mixture which would provide Beth with the necessary nutrients to sustain her, as well as add a large amount of bulk to her system. She would be force-fed this mixture three times a day. As soon as the feeding was done, her nipple gag was returned to her mouth.
By evening, Beth had wet her diapers half a dozen times, and each time the wetting got easier. Her diapers had become quite wet, but nothing leaked out through the plastic pants. Her diapers were changed, and she received her final liquid feeding, which contained, in addition to everything else, a strong sleeping medication, so that she quickly fell into a deep sleep. Her high liquid intake and her drugged state caused her to wet several time during her sleep, and when she awoke the next morning and felt wet diapers, she realized that she was quickly turning into a helpless bedwetter, just as planned.
Beth's second day as an infant proceeded much the same as the first. Once again there was the endless cycle of liquid feedings, solid feedings and wettings. Her diapers were changed twice a day, in the morning, after her feedings, and in the evening, before her final feeding. The combination of the sensory deprivation and the medication caused her to become very disoriented. She found her mind floating, and it was hard to focus her thoughts on anything. She had no idea of how much time was passing, how many times she was fed, or how many times she had wet her diapers. By now, the wetting was becoming close to a reflex. Whenever she felt the slightest pressure in her bladder, she would just relax and let it flow out. After only two days, she was beginning to lose her control.
On the third day, something new was added. Shortly after her morning change, she felt a familiar feeling in her abdomen, and realized that she hadn't had a bowel movement since she came to the home. She hadn't even thought about it, but now it was clear that she was going to have to soil herself, and stay in the messy diaper until nighttime. She resisted doing this much more than she resisted wetting, because the thought of messing her diaper and laying there in the mess really disgusted her, and so she tried to hold back. She was successful for several hours, but eventually, nature will have its way, especially when helped along by the bulk laxative that was a part of her every solid feeding. The pain got stronger than she could take, but she found that she couldn't release her bowels while lying down. She eventually assumed a position on hands and knees where she could finally push the bowel movement out.
Unknown to her, most of the nursery staff was standing around her crib watching Beth take this final step into infancy. They saw her rear end puff up as the results of two days of bulk feedings filled her diapers. Beth felt very relieved after she finished, and she relaxed and layed down on her stomach, so as to avoid having to spread the mess around any further. Seeing this, one of the aids unlocked her crib, turned her over on her back, and strapped her down, so she would be forced to feel the slippery mess spread across her whole backside. By the time they unstrapped her before her noon feeding, it didn't matter which way Beth lay, for several more wettings had spread the mess all over the diaper.
Once Beth experienced her first soiling, they added some stool softener to her diet so that further soilings would come easier. Just as with the wetting, within several days, she was soiling several times a day without thinking much about it. It wasn't quite involuntary just yet, but both Beth and the staff knew that it would only take another week or so for that to happen as well.
By the end of three weeks, Beth was completely incontinent of both bowel and bladder. She would wet while awake without even knowing she was doing it until she felt the wetness fill her diaper, and she was wetting heavily, and even sometimes soiling, during her sleep. It was decided that she was ready to be advanced to the pre-Toddler stage. She was removed from her crib, and brought to a dark room where her hood was removed. She was told to keep her eyes closed as the light was increased, and gradually open them. It took about 15 minutes for her eyes, which had not seen light for 3 weeks, to accustom themselves to the dim light. The process was repeated several times at increasing levels of light, and it was over an hour before Beth could experience normal levels of light without problems. She was still kept gagged, and her sleeper, with its mittens, remained on. Her hands were still chained to her side, and her feet attached by a small chain, so she found that she could barely walk, especially as she hadn't stood up for three weeks. She was instructed not to try to walk but rather to crawl like a baby, on her hands and knees, and she found that she could move around much better that way. Then, the rules of the pre-toddler stage were explained to her by one of the aids.
"You will spend most of the day in the playroom. Sometimes we will let you crawl around and play with the other babies, other times we will put you in your playpen and let you play with your toys. You will now be fed liquids from a bottle, and solid baby-food in a highchair. If you give any resistance to the feeding , you will be returned to the infant treatment. You will still be kept gagged so you can't talk. You will continue to wear your footed and mittened sleeper and your hands and ankles will still be restrained. Your diapers will still only be changed twice a day, as this is the rule for all inmates of the home. Remeber that any sign of misbehavior will result in a return to infancy, and I should warn you that there are some extras added to the infant treatment if it is because of misbehavior. In a month or so, if you are a good girl, you will be allowed to walk and talk, and become a full-fledged toddler. Come on now, let's go to the playroom, and meet some of the other babies."
The aid led the way, and Beth crawled behind, as they proceeded down the corridor to a large room filled with large playpens, and oversized children's toys. About ten other teenagers were in the room. Some were gagged and restrained just like Beth, others had various additional degrees of freedom. Some were sitting in playpens, and others sat on the floor. Most of them were playing with children's toys or dolls. The aid said, "Good morning, children. This is Beth, a new pre-toddler. She can't walk or talk yet, but you can play with her and show her how to use the toys." She then led Beth over to a group of the children and handed her a doll. "Be a good girl, now", said the aid, as she left.
Beth sat down on the floor and absent-mindedly began to play with some blocks as she considered her situation. She was determined to escape or at least to get word of her whereabouts to her parents. But she was smart enough to realize that gagged and restrained as she was there was no chance to do anything immediately. She had to get "promoted" to a higher degree of freedom before she made her move, and the best way to insure that was to play along and be a docile and cooperative baby. Therefore she resolved to behave herself, while still keeping her eyes open for anything that might present an opportunity later.
So, as the days went by, Beth quietly endured the feedings and diaperings, and crawled around the playroom seemingly content to play with her dolls and other toys. As to her wetting and soiling, that was completely beyond her control. But one day, as she was being led down the corridor from her crib to the playroom, she noticed that a door that was usually closed was slightly ajar, and just inside was a telephone on the wall. She was determined that someday she would reach that phone and call her parents.
Her resolve to do this was strengthened even more by a visitor she had one night. She was lying in her crib, gagged and restrained as usual, with her thick diapers already wet and messy, when Officer Bo Denny walked over to her crib. "Well, little girl, I hope you are enjoying this wonderful place I got you sent to. Maybe next time an officer offers to be nice, you'll be a little more cooperative. Then again, I doubt any man would want you once he found out you were in diapers and plastic pants permanently. Well, wet and pleasant dreams, Beth". He gave her an evil smirk, and sauntered out of the room. Beth wanted to scream, but all she could do with the pacifier-gag strapped in her mouth was quietly whimper. She had to get out of this place. She just had to.
Her good behavior was rewarded when four weeks after she had been made a pre-toddler, she awoke one morning, and after her breakfast and morning diaper change, found herself being dressed not in her confining sleeper, but rather in a cute romper suit. Her ankles were still restrained, but with a longer link between them, allowing her to walk comfortably, as long as she took short, baby-like steps. Her hands were no longer restrained at all, but a large leather harness was placed around her, and reins attached. Finally, the pacifier-gag was unstrapped from her mouth. As she was led by the reins into the playroom, the attendent who was leading her said, "Congratulations, Beth. You've been advanced to the stage of Toddler. You can now walk and talk, although your walking will still be limited by your ankle restraints, and we will often want to control you by means of this harness. There will be some other changes as well, as you will soon find out. But remember, this added freedom gives you much more of a chance to get into trouble, and any misbehavior will lead to you being returned to pre-toddlerhood or even infancy. Come and introduce yourself to the other babies." Beth sat down in a group of other teenagers dressed very much like herself and introduced herself. Before long, the group had all exchanged stories of how they found themselves in Reverend Brown's home. Their ages ranged from 14 through 19. Some of them had been real juvenile delinquents, involved in shoplifting or car-thefts. Others had just been problem children, whose parents had given up on being able to control them and asked the county to send them here. Still others were orphans or products of broken homes and were here because the county had no other place to put them.
One other boy, Billy, had a similar story to Beth's. He was driving home one night with his girlfriend when Officer Denny stopped him for speeding. When the officer started making a pass at his girlfriend, Bill socked him in the jaw. The officer answered with a haymaker of his own, and when Billy revived he found himself in a cell at the county jail. Once again, Officer Denny's uncle the judge obligingly sentenced Billy to the home. Billy's parents had recently died, and therefore there was no one even to care what happened to him. Beth wondered how many other innocent teenagers were trapped in babyhood due to Officer Denny and his corrupt uncle.
Billy and Beth, because of their mutual fate, became fast friends. Billy had already been here for two years, but was still a toddler because he was slow in curbing his rebelliousness. He had been punished by being reduced to infancy three times already, and all told, had spend almost six months of his time at the home as a helpless infant. Billy warned Beth that each time an inmate was reduced in status, it got harder to work back up the ladder, and in fact he had little hope of ever advancing beyond the toddler stage at this point.
Beth found that besides the ability to walk and talk, full toddlerhood brought more priveleges at meal-time as well. Although she was still placed in a highchair for meals, she was allowed to feed herself certain things with a spoon. She was now fed less babyfood, and more grown-up food cut into little pieces. During meals, she was allowed to drink from a child's cup with a spout-lid, although the rest of the time, she was still given bottles to drink. At bedtime, she was still placed in a locked crib, and wore her confining sleepers, but she was no longer restrained in other ways, nor did she have a pacifier gag strapped in her mouth. However, somewhat to her surprise, she found that she enjoyed sucking on a pacifier before going to sleep. Her diapers, of course, remained. She knew that she was stuck in diapers for life. One morning, as Beth was being led by her harness into the playroom, she noticed that the door to the room with the phone was once again ajar. She was sure that sometime during the morning, when none of the aids or attendents were watching, she could sneak out of the playroom and make her phone call. When Billy came into the playroom, Beth told him of her plan. He warned her that should she be caught she could expect a very severe punishment, but she replied that she was willing to take the risk for a chance at getting out. He agreed to help by watching out for anyone in the corridor, and he told her he would signal her by pretending to hurt himself and crying loudly. Beth thanked him for his help, and began to watch for a good opportunity to sneak out. When she saw that she was unobserved, she began to quietly slip toward the door. "Good luck, Beth," whispered Billy. Beth made it safely into the room and picked up the phone, got the operator, and asked for a long-distance call to her parents. Her parents' phone began to ring, but before anyone answered, she heard Billy howling loudly. She dropped the phone and began to look for a place to hide just as she heard her mother answer. But it was too late. Strong arms grabbed Beth, and a hand was placed over her mouth before she had a chance to yell into the phone.
As soon as she was hustled out of the room, and the phone hung up, the attendent scolded Beth. "Naughty, naughty girl," she said, as she swatted Beth hard on her rear end. "I'm sure you know that the telephones are off limits to all children here. This little prank will earn you a large punishment. Reverend Brown will have to betold, and he will decide what to do about you. Meanwhile, you are confined to your crib." Beth was placed back into her crib, and the pacifier gag was strapped back into her mouth. Not long after, she saw Billy being dragged in and locked in a crib alongside hers. The attendents had figured out that his scream was a signal to Beth, and decided that he should share her punishement. They were left locked in their cribs for several hours, unable to talk because of the gags, but the look of fear in both their eyes communicated all that was necessary.
Finally, Reverend Brown entered the room. "Beth, I'm dissappointed in you. It seemed like you were growing up to be such a nice little girl, and now you have to go and pull a stunt like this. Well, you'll be happy to know that it will cost you two months in the infant punishment ward." "You, Billy, I'm not too surprised at. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if you got Beth into all of this. Well, this is the fourth time you'll be back as an infant, and I don't think its worth the trouble to try to have you grow up anymore. You'll be an infant for the next three months, and will be kept as a pre-toddler for the rest of your two years here." The Reverend then left both babies to the care of the attendents.
Once again, Beth was dressed in the confining sleeper, hands encased in mittens, and her wrists and ankles restrained. The mask was placed over her head. For the next two months, she would see nothing, and hear very little. Before she was masked, she saw that Billy, in the next crib, was receiving exactly the same treatment. Beth discovered that although the routine in the infant punishment ward was similar to that in the regular infants ward, there were some differences. For one, there weren't any tranquilizers or sleeping medication placed in her liquid feedings, but rather stimulants were used. She wouldn't be allowed to spend much of her day napping, but would be wide awake to endure the forced feedings and severe confinement. Moreover, twice a day, at diaper change time, she was spanked heavily. Several times a week, just after her diapers were changed, she was subjected to a two-quart enema, which she was forced to retain for half an hour by means of an inflated balloon in her anus. When the balloon was finally deflated, she erupted into her diapers, which she then had to lay in for the next 12 hours.
After just a week of this treatment, Beth was sure that she would never survive the full two months. She also resolved that she would never try anything bad again. She decided that she would rather serve the rest of her four years in relative peace than ever be subjected to this punishment again. But, unknown to Beth, her phone call actually accomplished its purpose. Beth's parents had been frantically searching for her for the past three months, their only clue being the place at which Beth last phoned home from. But Officer Denny and friends had done a good job of covering their tracks. Her car had long since been turned over to a car-theft ring that operated out of California. Her trial transcript had conveniently been misfiled, so that her parents' inquires at the county clerk's of every county in South Carolina and Georgia had been for naught. But the mysterious long-distance phone call led her mother to investigate. When nobody was at the other end of the line, she tried to find out where the call originated. It took the phone company a while, but they eventually tracked down the operator who placed the long distance call, and they got her to write a sworn statement to the effect that a call was placed from Reverend Brown's Home for Wayward Children to Beth's parents phone. The next day, Beth's parents, accompanied by their lawyer, presented themselves at the county seat and demanded to see Beth. Judge Denny tried to deny that he had ever heard of the girl, but the operator's statement was presented, the lawyer threatened to bring in the state investigators, and he finally produced the "mislaid" records of the trial. Knowing the sort of girl Beth was, her parents suspected that there was somehting phony about the whole thing. Finally, after more threats from the lawyer, the judge agreed to have Beth released into the custody of her parents, provided they left the county immediately and did not cause anymore trouble. The lawyer did not want to make any such agreement, but Beth's parents were insistent that the most important thing was to rescue Beth, so they agreed.
Beth was quite surprised when after only a week and a half in the punishment nursery, she was released from her crib, readjusted to the light, and given back her regular clothing. For the first time in more than three months, she was not wearing diapers. She was cleaned up, and then escorted to the entrance hall that she last saw when she was admitted to the home. There she saw her parents, and immediately rushed into their arms. She also proceeded to flood her panties, and formed a large puddle on the floor. The attendant explained, "Beth has been ill, and somewhat incontinent. Maybe we'd better put her back in diapers." Her parents, seeing the evidence of Beth's incontinence, agreed, and so Beth was once again pinned into her familiar diapers and plastic pants. As soon as they were out of the door of the home, Beth began to tell her parents the entire story. Her parents were furious, and demanded that their lawyer do something. The lawyer promised to try, but warned them that it was very difficult to close down these homes, because the county residents for the most part wanted them there. The lawyer did promise to try to get Billy released, if Beth's parents agreed to take custody of him, and with Beth's prodding they did agree.
Beth tried to return to a normal college-girl's life, attending a local college so that she could live at home. She was in diapers and plastic pants twenty-four hours a day, and her doctor gave her little hope that she would ever be out of them. She also found that she kept having nightmares about her ordeal, and would often fall out of bed, so her parents reluctantly obtained an adult sized hospital crib for her to sleep in. Every night, her mother pinned on her diapers, and tucked her to sleep in her rubber-sheeted crib, just as she did when Beth was a real baby.
The lawyer did succeed in getting Billy released in Beth's parents' custody, and he was in much the same state. So Beth's parents obtained another crib, and were resigned to taking care of two college-age babies. Before long, Beth and Billy decided to become engaged, and after another year they were married. When they set up houskeeping, they furnished their bedroom with a large double-bed size crib, and found that they also enjoyed using other baby equipment such as footed sleepers, bottles and pacifiers. And so they lived happily ever after, wet and happy in their diapers.
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DDR Psychiatrie,GDR Psychiatric Straitjacket
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askdawnandvern · 5 years ago
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Vernon: Er...I don't know iffin' I want to touch on that.
Zach: C'mon now Vern, the little Miss ain't here fer this one. So it ain't like it's gonna make her feel bad.
Vernon: What if she reads this later?
Vanna: Not to put more strain on you Vernon, but if I recall Dawn is quite adamant about facing the truth in order to heal. She doesn't want to 'forget' what she did so that she can continually strive to be a better mammal.
Vernon: Yeah, but hearin' the same stories constantly can't be good fer long term moral. How many times we gotta talk about these experiences before it's 'enough'?
Dorian: One last time then? Fer the sake of who asked it. After that, we'll try and avoid this kinda talk from now on.
Vernon: *Sigh* Fine...Well....Durin' the incident I was in college, studyin' architecture. When it first came to light that preds were goin' 'Savage', most of the folks at school thought it was some sorta disease.
Vanna: There was a similar sentiment at the ZPD. Although there were a few who feared-.
Vernon: That it really did have something to do with a preds 'nature'?
Vanna: *Nods*
Vernon: Well there were no shortage of them folks too, especially among the prey students. Eventually, protests broke out, prey protestin' preds goin' to school durin' the epidemic, preds standing up for their rights to go. I tried to keep my head down and out of it, focusin' on the schoolwork and leavin' my personal worries about the howler fer when I was home. But eventually things got so bad most of the pred folk were permitted to stay home and finish out their classes online to avoid any trouble on campus, and I took the out.
Zach: We had to deal with a lot of sheep protestin', neighbors we thought we knew startin' to look at us sideways.
Dorian: Prey became more aggressive outta fear, made 'em less cooperative with us preds in law-enforcement. Then as things got worse a bunch of our pred officers started stayin' home and refusin' to work. They were afraid of turnin' on a neighbor or innocent citizen at the drop of a hat due to whatever the howler was. That left us purty strained, lots of long shifts on nothin' but coffee fumes and collapsing into bed as soon as we finally got home only to get about two to three hours sleep at most.
Vanna: The ZPD also started losing officers in droves. Those preds who didn't see themselves shifted to out of sight desk positions either resigned or took out all their vacation days in order to wait out the storm, even if there didn't seem to be an end in sight.
Yuri: Seaodder didn't see to much of a frenzy over it. I mean there were o' course the hushed whispers of stuff among the preds on the force and a few prey perps, but generally the fact that it hadn't spread outside of Zootopia's borders kept it from affectin' thangs all too much.
Xavier: It was similar in San Francisgoat, although it was definitely more talked about. Nearly every public television was constantly fixed to ZNN, keeping the howler epidemic on almost every mammal's mind.
Malcolm: It was a frequent topic of conversation at the diner. Pred and prey musin' over the cause, arguments sometimes breakin' out whenever someone started to lean on what that bunny said might of been the cause. Had to kick a few customers out over them kinda scrapes.
Xavier: On the streets however, most mammals were still civilized. No riots, no protests. If it wasn't in our state, it wasn't urgent.
Trenton: Durin' the Howler scare, I got a lot of uncomfortable glares from the various burrowfolk I had to deal with. Not that I didn't get them before, there just was a sharp uptick. It weren't all that much of a surprise though. In the burrows, old beliefs die hard, and new 'evidence' just provides vindication.
Qali: It was hard not just for my family, but our community. Foxes glen is largely a pred town. Foxes, wolves, a stray puma or bear. Our prey population is very small. But during the howler epidemic it got that much smaller. A lot of the prey folk went on long term trips to stay with family, and some went as far as moving out entirely. Thankfully it didn't cut into the local economy too sharply, but it took a bit of a toll on moral, and it made a lot of us scared that our farms would go under due to the pervading fear of predators cutting our customer count during harvest season.
Wade: I was put behind a desk, as was my partner. Of course, it was a huge strain on Precinct three, not just because we were put behind the desk, but more than half of our staff was. I mean, it's no secret that the Tundratown ZPD is made up largely of pred officers. The other precincts had to help pick up the slack, and they were already strained as it was. As fer my personal life, I played it like Vern. Kept my head down, limited myself to work and home, and to occasional grocery pick up. I was just prayin' it would all blow over soon.
Ada: While it may have been easy for ol' Yuri dere, da hospital was hell. Wese always had an issue wit employee retention, but neva was it more strained den durin' da night howler ting. I mean, da hospital was considad ground zero at da time in toims of gettin' infected. Most preds taught it was a disease, and so woikin' a hospital was a big risk in most o' dere eyes. It also made prey patient more scared of bein' treated by pred doctas' to da point where we always had to have a big, honkin' prey nurse accompany every prey docta around to put da patient at ease.
Audrey: Thankfully it wasn't the season for corn and pies or I'm sure my stall woulda suffered fer it, but I still got looks from the neighbors, hell even old friends. Mammals I knew since I was a pup even hesitated around me just a might. They may not a thought I noticed, but I did. I can't say it didn't make me sad, but I can't say I blame 'em either.
Vernon: Afterward? Well I mean things mostly went back to how they was. Sure, there was a few pred supremacist marches and so on, but the quickly tapered off as the majority of the city seemed more interested in mendin' the wounds. Most mammals weren't willin' to hear out folk blamin' 'all sheep' fer what happened, rather than the actual...er...culprit...and I'm thankful for that.
Dorian: It was worse up here, as y'all know. The native wolves dug in sharply, takin' the opportunity of what Dawn did to try and draw more folks into their way of thinkin'. And of course, y'all know what happened next...
Zach: I still don't regret it. If not for saving that little lambs life, than for the damage the shooting did to that little attempt at a native wolf revival movement. Pretty much all support fer anti-prey sentiment dried up thanks to that nut and his pistol.
Wade: Me and my partner went right back on duty. It was almost as if nothing had changed, which was kind of a relief. I was afraid there would be a dark cloud hanging over the station ferever after what happened. But hey, that's the Tundra Town way I guess, resilient in the face of unyielding cold and what not.
Qali: While the mammals who moved away never actually returned, maybe because it was easier, or maybe out of shame, the other families did. Most of the prey who returned went above and beyond to apologize to everyone they could, of course most refused to accept the apology, my Dad included.
Ada: Dat's cold.
Qali: Not like that. I mean they felt that their neighbors had nothing to apologize for. Most of them felt that had they been in the shoes of their prey neighbors, they would have done the same, especially if the had kits. Still, that didn't stop most of the pred families from getting buried in baked goods. *giggles*
Vanna: I transferred to the North Meadowlands, so my experience was muted significantly. By the time I was working with Zach, the tension in the community was fading fast.
Macolm: Things purty much went back to normal at my diner. The arguments over what was the cause o' the whole night howler problem went right back to arguin' over who's sport team was the best.
Xavier: Only thing that changed for me at that point was an uptick in discrimination suits. Most of the prey discriminating predator out of fear of the whole night howler issue when it was thought to be an illness or mental problem. Despite the case being solved, those civil suits still needed to be settled regardless, although if I remember most of the prey mammals in those cases ended up settling.
Ada: Da hospital was still strained o' course, but it was less bad den it was durin' da whole epidemic. Da patients got less finnicky about who took care of 'em, and we even managed to snag some new recruits afta a few weeks to lessen da load on da rest of us.
Audrey: After what happened to Zach, any bit o' hesitation on the part of my neighbors and friends kinda vanished overnight, instead replaced with guilty admissions and lump sum payments in baked goods.
Vernon: I hope y'all got what ya wanted to hear from this...I don't imagine it was too entertainin'...
Wade: Kind of a downer really...
Vernon: But now we never have to talk about this again...I hope.
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forkanna · 6 years ago
Trigger warning for gross male behaviour and attempted sexual assault. And continuing racism.
And yes, I know it's a dumb thing to throw in a Back To The Future easter egg when that has nothing to do with the Wizard of Oz. Leave me alone and let me have my fun! I had always intended to have something like this happen in this chapter, but seeing the #MeToo stories after Harvey Weinstein was accused (yes, it was written that long ago) made me feel it was necessary to make sure it was part of the fic, to not just gloss over it. Writing these kind of scenes is always very tricky, especially to make them real and graphic enough to make an impression on the reader without making it seem like I enjoyed writing them. I don't, didn't, and can't. Hopefully this hits the intended note.
"I said, wake up, girl!"
The word "up" had been punctuated by a slap across her face. Elphaba jerked up, eyes fluttering as she tried to shrug off the disorientation.
She was in some sort of office. The trimmings were bare and grubby, and a wooden desk was off to one side of her, laden down with papers and assorted odds and ends. Much more of interest to her were the two men, wearing some sort of domed helmets with emblems on the front of them, and blue button-up shirts with stars over the left breast. One had a handlebar moustache, curling up at the ends; the other a full beard.
"She's comin' 'round," one of them muttered. Her eyes were still a bit blurry to focus fully on which had spoken.
"Wha… where am I? Munchkinland?" The blue was her only hint so far.
"Police station," the bearded one said shortly.
"You're in a heap o' trouble, missy," the other one chuckled. "What 'n the Sam Hill d'you think you was gonna do with that poor li'l girl? Or don't I wanna know the answer?"
Now her brain was beginning to demystify, and she sat up a little straighter. "Me? What are you doing with her? Drugged up so badly she can barely move, she can't control her bladder! It's disgraceful!"
A hand reached up to fist in her hair, drawing her head back. Elphaba felt her heart drop, pain flare along her roots, but she kept her eyes narrowed and stabbing up into his all the while. "What you say to me, negro? I oughtta-"
"Jeb," the other man sighed warningly. A half-second later, Jeb sat back and released her, and he rolled his eyes toward the ceiling before he said flatly, "Y'know you ain't supposed to be in there. Staff only, and that don't mean cleanin' girls."
"It seems to me that you should be asking why a perfectly normal girl has been shocked, and beaten, and given medicine that she doesn't need," Elphaba snapped immediately. She saw Jeb straining to react, but he seemed to remember the other man's warning and restrained himself.
"Ain't your business, y'hear? An' what were you tryin' to do with all that in the pack?"
When Elphaba didn't respond right away, not sure she should, Jeb stood and retrieved said pack. Inside were her spare dresses and the fruit. "Ain't never seen no dress like these before. You straight from one o' them boats, come to America?"
"Excuse me?" Not that she knew what an America was.
"Maybe she ain't coloured in the same way," the bearded man mused, stroking it as he thought. "Could be an Injun girl. Skin ain't dark enough."
"Is that what this is about? My skin tone?" That was the most absurd thing she had ever heard. She'd finally gotten rid of that absurd green hue, and it still wasn't good enough for these uniformed hooligans! And her current colouring was perfectly normal! Some people just wanted to find something to fight about, no matter how preposterous.
"Hush up," Jeb snapped. Then he leaned a little further forward. "Seems to us you was about to kidnap that poor filly. Don't know what a coloured girl wants with a white girl, 'cept to sell 'er off."
She moved to fold her arms over her chest, and only then did she feel metal enclosing her wrists and keeping them behind her back. The metal was warm by now, which might have been why she didn't notice right away. "You- those are my things. Didn't have a thing to do with Dorothy; I only wanted to stop in and see how she was doing, and good thing I did!"
"You really don't know what you done wrong? I ain't never heard a coloured girl try and weasel her way outta trouble so bad as this. Know what I think?"
"Think you're one o' them queer women. Like the widows over yonder in Boston." He stood and began to walk in a slow circle to stand behind her. "Kidnappin' a poor li'l farm girl… or maybe you's thinkin' you'd ransom her back to her folks, if she had any. Or white slavery, like I said afore."
"Enough." Sighing again, the bearded man turned back to Elphaba, all business. "Don't matter why you done it. Trouble is, even if you ain't been caught doin' more than just bein' in the wrong place, we can't turn y' loose into the street; gotta make an example of you."
The man with the mustache smiled at his companion. "Put her in the pen for the night? Ought to make her think twice."
"Reckon that'll do it," he sighed, looking distinctly queasy about the prospect. Not that Elphaba understood much of this; she understood she had trespassed, due to needing a key that didn't belong to her in order to enter Dorothy's room, but given that the girl was being kept against her will and mistreated, she couldn't summon any remorse for her own actions.
"Fine," she snapped in irritation. "Put me in this 'pen' of yours." After all, she wouldn't be in there for more than half of a day at the most before a magic belt would rescue her. The simplest solution was to stop fighting against these matters and wait for them to resolve themselves with her complete and utter disappearance.
They seemed to readily accept her suggestion. In short order, she was dragged out of the chair and thrown into a small cell bordered by iron bars, taking the cuffs off just before shutting the door — or gate, as might be a more accurate description when it was made entirely of bars. A handful of other prisoners were in there already, but most of them were seated against the wall or curled up against the bars. One bench was in the cell, and it was already taken up by a lump of someone trying to sleep.
"A night in there oughtta make you more cooperative," Jeb sneered.
"As if I haven't been entirely cooperative up until now!" she shouted at their retreating backs, completely affronted. "You're the ones who've been treating me without any shred of courtesy!"
Realising they weren't going to bother with her any further for the rest of the night, she watched as the bearded man chatted with Jeb for a moment before leaving the room, then Jeb settled himself in a chair. Bored, she turned back to the rest of the cell.
Immediately, she noticed several sets of eyes focused upon her. Some felt like leers, some were openly hostile. But some of them were merely curious. Elphaba looked around for somewhere to sit away from the door. There was no empty space. So she stepped to one side of the gate and leaned back against the wall, trying to make herself comfortable.
It was some time, perhaps the greater portion of an hour, before one of the men staggered over to the latrine. Elphaba averted her eyes.
"Whassa matter, girl?" One of the other prisoners was addressing her, not the one relieving himself. "Never seen one o' those before?"
"I haven't," she told him firmly through her teeth. "And I've survived this long without it, so no thank you."
"Whoo-ee! You sure do talk purty."
Elphaba decided against acknowledging the dubious compliment. Instead, she pretended to be vaguely interested in a spot on the ceiling. After a moment or two, another man joined in: "Yeah, one of them educated coloureds. Bet we can find more better uses for that mouth."
While a couple of them chuckled, one in the corner with extremely shaggy hair, beard and eyebrows groaned, "Lyle, will you shove it? Some of us is tryin' to sleep."
"And I'm tryin' to have a little fun here. We got us a woman in here with us, can't go nowhere, an' all you wanna talk about is sleepin'? You ain't a real man."
"And you ain't no gentleman or you wouldn't talk like 'at." There was some booing, so the man fell silent, but he had made his point known.
Things grew silent for a while. Elphaba was beginning to think maybe the novelty of her arrival had worn off, and she would be able to pass the time in relative silence. It was a bit premature.
"Listen," said "Lyle" as he approached her an hour or so later, voice quieter. He smelled strongly of some powerful kind of drink, and looked as if he normally shaved but hadn't bothered in several days. The hair atop his head was thinning and he was missing a tooth, and even without these factors, he wasn't a terribly appealing specimen. "You and I both know you ain't a lady, so it ain't any kind o' discourtesy for me not to be no gentleman."
"We do, do we?" she muttered shortly.
"Yeah." His hand came to rest on her waist, and she had to resist the urge to immediately fling it off. But she was biding her time. "C'mon, now… let's have some fun, girl. Stuck in this hog pen… we can have ourselves a waller."
Her smile was ingratiating. She had seen Glinda do it enough times to manage a similar effect, even if not quite. But the man was drunk enough that he couldn't catch the biting sarcasm. "Enlighten me. What is a 'waller' and why should we have it?"
"You know."
"I don't. But perhaps if you explain it, we could find out my opinion on the matter."
One of the men whistled and then laughed, and Lyle shot him a glare. But he didn't bother to divert his attention from his current goal any further. Turning back with a grin, he leaned in close to her ear to whisper, "I'll make a woman outta you. Right here up against these bars. Open you up and see if you's brown on the inside, too."
"Mmm," she cooed. "Well, I definitely know exactly what the chances of that are."
"Oh, you do, do you?"
There was something about Elphaba and her habits during their days on the run from the Wizard's forces and Morrible's wrath that almost seemed unimportant. Even though she did learn a few spells that would help she and Glinda clean and keep house, mostly, they had learned to do it by hand. Two years of housekeeping, scrubbing, shifting boulders or furniture, woodworking to make new furniture. It got even worse during the weeks at Kiamo Ko Keep; there was a lot of work to be done, and they all pitched in to make the space liveable. Once they had made the Royal Palace their home, Elphaba had fully intended to put those days of hard physical labour behind her completely… but she had only spent a few nights lying awake, feeling too restless to sleep, before she figured out why. After that, she had resumed a regular amount of work; when the Palace staff rebelled, telling her that it was their job to take care of such things and not the job of a Councilwoman, she began doing some of the same actions without any obvious gain other than maintaining that use of energy to which her body had become accustomed. And a bit of woodworking as a hobby; Glinda and she had done it together, and occasionally, Nessa joined them.
All of which might appear to some as irrelevant… until Elphaba grasped the man's wrist and forced it away with relative ease, despite his superior size.
"O-ow, hey, what're-"
"The chances are less than zero," she told him in a firm tone, her smile turning cold and sinister. Something else she had a lot of practice with now. "I am not a 'girl', and I am not interested in a 'waller' with you. And regardless of what hue I am on the inside, you will never discover that. Do we have an understanding?"
"Listen, you bi- AH!" The twisting of the wrist in the direction that it certainly didn't go cut off his protestation, and his face contorted in sheer pain. "Giddoff, giddoff!"
"Do we… have… an understanding?"
"Yes'm! Leggo, please!"
Finally, she did, and he cradled his arm as he slunk back to his corner of the cell. Now she could tell most of the eyes were on her, regarding her with suspicion, wariness. Anger as if she had disappointed them by not being at all what they had been expecting. Only one man looked faintly amused and pleased, and that was the one who had told Lyle to calm down earlier.
It was going to be a much longer night than she first predicted.
                                              ~ o ~
It was the wee hours of the morning when Lyle struck again. Elphaba had been dozing off and on, as had most everyone in the cell. The man who had been sleeping on the single bench was released by Jeb at some point, and another man along the wall took his place when no one else claimed it fast enough. She felt somewhat offended that no one had thought to offer it to the single lady present, but then again, these men of Kansas seemed to have no idea about proper manners. It was the kind of thing that would have had Glinda screaming at them to behave.
The thought of Glinda had made her smile as she curled up against the wall, where the man now in the cot had been. Feeling the slight warmth of the floor in the spot and finding it comforting in a moment when she had little comfort. That, and the thought of her beloved.
That's what she was, after all. They were right to plan for a marriage. She had only been resistant to the notion because such pomp did not suit her preferences, which were to keep to herself and her circle of friends. Being in charge of the fate of Oz, even partially, had not been something she sought on its own merits — only to ensure that their world was not made any worse. Now that Ozma could be in charge, taking the larger share of the spotlight and being the people's favourite, she was much happier.
But Glinda wanted to do things properly, and she wouldn't deny her that. Besides… even if she didn't feel the same need to show her off in front of Lurline and everyone, she was proud of her roommate. Proud and highly fond. Two lovers often married if they intended to remain lovers, and if that was expected of her, she would gladly do it. For Glinda's sake.
She couldn't know how much time had slipped past while she slept when she felt a hand somewhere it certainly didn't belong. Her eyes flashed open to see Lyle's smirking face as he continued to pet up and down the back of her thigh.
"Now, now, I gave you time to think on it," he whispered, not stopping in the slightest. "Hopin' you'd see sense on yer own. But you ain't."
"No, Lyle."
His smile vanished, replaced by a colder look. "Ain't no negro woman gonna tell me 'no'. We can either have a good time, or you can have a bad one, an' I'll have a good'n anyhow. Really want it that way?"
All the while he spoke, her stomach had been churning to feel him doing something that was not his right to do. If she had her magic, he would have been incinerated for daring to ignore her wishes. As it was… "You're not going to have any kind of time. Get… your hand… off."
"Suit yerself." And he began to pull her dress up.
This time, when she grasped his arm, he was ready, and his other hand came up to stop hers. The arm beneath her body was trapped, so she couldn't use two on him, and was busy struggling with the one as his hand was free to keep pulling until she was partially exposed. Her face flushed with embarrassment and anger, and she wanted nothing more than to kill him where he stood. Why did she feel trapped? He was nothing to her, and his strength negligible. Somehow, the fact that he was attacking her in such a disgusting way made her feel a certain shame that she couldn't quite articulate. As if speaking out against him, or forcing him away, would be admitting that this was happening in the first place. And she didn't want that.
"Don't fuss now," he kept on as he pet her bare thigh. Bile tried to make its way up her throat, and her eyes stung. "A little fun an' you can go back to sleep." When she tried to sit up, he shoved her back down. "I said… don't fuss."
But she was definitely going to fuss. It seemed that he had thought that little show of force was going to be enough to quiet her protests. It wasn't; instead, it was just enough to prompt the stubborn witch into action.
"GUARD!" she shouted in a voice that might even have carried outside the building. "Handle your prisoners!"
The hand on her arm moved up to clamp over her mouth. That might have cut off another shout, but it also was the wrong move. She was able to pop up to a sitting position with her other arm propped up against the ground. Even better: due to the way he was crouched over her, it was a simple matter for her other arm to flash upward and injure the part of his anatomy driving him to perpetrate such acts of perversion.
The howling of pain was what brought Jeb to the door of the cell. By the time he arrived, a few of the other prisoners were awake and staring at Lyle as he curled in on himself, rolling around and clutching between his own legs. Elphaba was fully sat up with her back straight, eyes narrowed down at him.
"Wasn't that��fun?" she flung at him in a growl.
"Alright, alright!" the guard snapped at all the men who were either wincing or chortling at Lyle's misfortune. "You already causin' trouble, girl?"
"She got me good! Oh… oh, I ain't never gonna have no kids!"
"Like you was gonna have kids, anyway, Lyle." His eyes swept back to Elphaba and he glared right back at her. "Don't make me come in there after ya."
Grin dark and vicious, she snapped, "I don't care what you do, pissant. Clearly, you are tasked with keeping order in this place, and clearly, you are not up to that task."
There was a whistling and a laughter of a different kind coming from the rest of her fellow inmates now. Jeb didn't appreciate it, as the way his cheeks flushed and his eyes narrowed seemed to suggest. Curling and uncurling his fists, he reached for the keyring and snapped at her, "Get up, girl."
"What if I don't?"
"I'm gonna put you in a different cell. Don't get up, and it'll be just you and Lyle."
"Fate worse 'n death," said the man who had also jeered at her along with Lyle. A few chuckles accompanied her as she pushed her dress back into place, then slowly stood and approached the bars.
"Hands behind your back, and turn around." She obeyed. Once the door was open, he immediately put the manacles he'd used before around her wrists. They were of an unusual design, and tightened just enough for her wrists; even while she was still furious about what had happened, annoyed that no one seemed to care, she was curious about how such a device was made.
"Can we come, too?" asked one of the men in the corner. He was ignored, though a couple of the others laughed. They seemed to do that a lot.
Jeb took her around the corner to another cell. This one was much smaller, filthier, and had only a wooden plank in the corner to serve as a cot. He unlocked the door and shoved her inside, and she staggered to lean against a wall before she could regain her balance. Then she whirled to glare at him.
"You know, the way a man treats his equals is not a measure of his character. It's how he treats those in an inferior position. Think about that every time you remember how you shoved a woman in handcuffs around."
Jeb glared at her for a long moment. Then he drew his hand back and brought it hard across the side of her face. She felt her body collide with the wall, the room spun, but she did not fall. She fought off the dizziness and forced herself to stand again, to glare at him as a copper flavour began to blossom along her taste buds.
"Had just about enough o' your mouth, whore. Come in here, makin' me look bad in front o' Hoss, in front o' the other prisoners. An' you jus' a coloured girl, ain't nobody important, actin' like you is. That's enough outta you, y'hear?"
Elphaba glared daggers at him for a long moment. Then she worked her mouth until she had a good, thick gob and spat it into his face. The splotch of red blood mingled with the saliva made quite a pattern outward from his cheek, and he flinched in shock.
"What colour is that on your face? My blood. That you don't deserve to touch, but you caused it to be there. What a disgusting excuse for a person you are."
He reached up to backhand her again, but this time she ducked the blow and he connected with the wall instead. Taking her opportunity, she lashed out with her leg and shoved at his stomach so that he staggered back out of the cell. Desperately, she wanted to break free, to run, but he was already struggling to his feet, he would definitely catch her with minimal effort. She didn't even know if she could turn the knob to the entrance of the building with her arms pinned in such a way.
So she kicked the door to the cell shut. It latched with a loud CLANG.
"Damn you!" he snarled, rattling the bars. He went for his keys, but she spat at him again, and this time he pulled back out of the way. "SICK! I don't want none o' your… your darkie diseases!"
"Then you'd better not come in here again, or I'll spit on you until you're covered in them!"
They regarded each other for a long moment. He seemed to realise that she meant business, and that nothing he could do would change the situation. Then he grumbled, "Lyle's plum crazy. Wants anything to do with some girl like you… plum crazy."
Then he was gone. For the first time since that moment in the closet, she felt well and truly alone, and found it to be a relief. Even if she would have wished for Glinda to be there, to put her arms around her and tell her everything would be alright… if she couldn't have that, she would take solitude with a glad heart.
                                              ~ o ~
Uncomfortable though it was to lay down with her hands still bound in the small of her back, Elphaba did manage to get a little more sleep once her racing pulse left her alone. It took a long time. Thoughts continued to crash through her mind. When she wasn't dwelling on Lyle or Jeb's misdeeds, differing in variety of transgression as they were, she was worrying about Dorothy's wellbeing. Missing Glinda. Everything had turned into such a mess in a small fraction of a day. How could the Kansas girl ever have wanted to come back to this awful place?
She was awoken by a banging on the bars. "Get up," said another voice she didn't recognise. Blinking stupidly, she tried and was unable. "Hurry now."
"I can't," she croaked, throat dry. Only then did she realise she hadn't eaten since before she first arrived. Or had more than a brief drink of water.
There was a put-upon sigh. By the time the man had entered, she realised this was another uniformed person, but not either of them from the evening before. His mustache was of a more traditional sort, bushy and covering his upper lip, unlike Jeb's which had been waxed to curl at the points. He reached down behind her, and she tensed all over-
And hated herself for doing it. After one single incident, one she thought was stupid and ridiculous, she had expected that he would do what the prisoner had done. Her stomach tightened, her pulse ticked up in speed, and her breath stopped entirely until she heard the key sliding into the lock of the restraint. Only then could she breathe again.
He noticed. As he was drawing the metal cuffs away, he squinted at her reaction, but then continued to stand. "Up ya get, girl. C'mon."
Elphaba managed to stand. He neither helped her nor further tried to chivvy her along as she worked to regain her footing. Once she was standing, swaying slightly, he turned and exited the cell, then waited for her to do the same.
As he led her past the bars of the other cell, Lyle saw her and scrambled to his feet to throw himself up against the bars. His eyes were full of unbridled fury, and his knuckles turned white where they clutched at the bars. Spittle ran down from the corner of his mouth as he watched her go.
"You'll git yours, slut! Just you wait an' see!"
"Here, now!" the officer barked, and drew out a smallish wooden club from his belt and slapped it against the bars. Lyle leapt backward in alarm; it had just barely missed his fingers. "Settle down in there."
"You'd better do as the man says," the shaggy one who had admonished Lyle before said, merriment in his eyes. "She ain't nothin' to ya, and you ain't nothin' in the first place."
While everyone else was guffawing and chiding him for his outburst, Lyle's face burned with mingling rage and embarrassment. Good, Elphaba thought. Now he knows the tiniest fraction of how he made me feel.
The officer was leading her to a tiny office, one with a door, unlike the desk she had been at when she first awakened in this gaol. The door shut behind them. On the desk were two simple metal platters, piled with a sticky-looking greyish substance. A little clearish-yellow puddle was in the dead center.
"Et up," he told her as he sat down on the other side, taking up his spoon.
Elphaba sat. After a moment of watching him stir the muck around and begin eating it, she did the same — and it hardly tasted like anything. She pulled a face. Still, it was food, and she was starving. Once the muck was stirred a little more, the flavour seemed to gain a hint of saltiness that hadn't been present before, which made it more palatable. Enough to stomach the rest of it.
About halfway through, she paused and wiped at her mouth, swallowed. Then she asked, "What are you feeding me for?"
"Hm? Ain't you eat?"
"Well… I do, yes."
"Then eat."
Left with no other choice, she finished her plate. Then she sat back and sighed pleasantly.
"Good." He took the time to dab at his mouth, then looked up at her. "You aim to tell us what you were doin' slinkin' around the loony bin?"
"Loony…? Ah." Caught off her guard, Elphaba fumbled, "I, um… well, I was visiting a friend."
"That girl, Dorothy? Ain't got any friends, way I heard tell. Her Ma and Pa dropped her like a sack of ol' potatoes."
"Uncle and Aunt."
"Eh?" He glanced down at a notepad that was open in front of him. Until that moment, Elphaba had paid it no mind in the slightest. "So they were. Orphan girl, I hear."
"That's right. Her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry took her in after she lost her parents." As often as she heard Dorothy mutter those two names, she practically had them tattooed on the inside of her skull.
"Mmm. Poor thing. But I can't figure how a coloured girl'd know Miss Gale, or why she'd sneak in to see her. I mean, what with negroes bein' free an' all nowadays, cain't be their kept girl."
Again, the stipulation that she was "free". As opposed to what? Costly? But Elphaba was trying her best not to let it become readily apparent that she was not native to the Land of Kansas. So she merely shrugged her shoulders and muttered, "She's a friend, as I stated before. And I was worried about her welfare — and rightly so! Do you know they've got her locked in a room with practically nothing? Dosed until she can barely move, shocked with… with I don't know what!"
By now, the bristle-mustached officer was a little surprised at all of her unnecessary explanation. She could have kicked herself, but it was too late for that. So she merely waited for him to finish nodding down at his plate, and then to speak again.
"Yep. So you says. Reckon you wouldn't have much use for her otherwise, and you ain't have anything like a gun on ya to scare off anybody tryin' to stop ya. Mighty stupid… and I don't peg you for a dummy."
Elphaba only understood every third word the man said, but it sounded like he was agreeing with her, so she didn't try his patience. "Sorry for the trouble I've caused."
"Mm. Jeb was jammerin on this mornin' that you spit on 'im, kicked him outta the cell. That true?"
"I… I'm afraid it is." Her entire body braced for the impact of his retribution. Instead, he only chuckled, eyes crinkling in a way that his mouth couldn't show from behind that mustache. "Sir?"
"Funny as heck to me, miss. Coloured girl with her hands cuffed licks one o' my men? He oughtta be tarred and feathered, and thrown out into th' streets. Not fit to be an officer of the law."
"Begging your pardon, but I'm glad he wasn't very fit, or I might not be alive."
He nodded, his laughter finally petering out as he scrutinised her face. Then his nods finished up with a stronger one. "Maybe so. Too much fire in that boy's belly. Glad you gave 'im a little humility; good for 'im."
"If you say so."
"Tell you what. Y'ain't seem t' me like much of a risk, or a dangerous type. Another night in the cell, I'll turn ya loose. But you better see Little Miss Dorothy through proper procedure next time, y'hear?"
"Well, I suppose I ought to find her aunt and uncle first. Do you know where they are now?" An idea occurred to her. "Ever since the storm, I'm afraid I'm not sure where they're living."
"Not sure? Ain't you their mammy?"
Elphaba had no idea what he meant by this, though it sounded like he was implying she was Dorothy's grandmother. Deciding that probably wasn't it, she said, "Just a family friend" and left it at that.
"Fair 'nough." He thought for a moment, tapping his chin with the end of his pencil. Then he said, "Tell you what. On account of you rilin' up the men in the drunk tank, how's about I take you down t' see Hank an' Em? Maybe we can straighten this whole thang out."
"Oh, they wouldn't remember me," she said with a laugh. "Dorothy does, but…" Still, she might be able to work this to her advantage. "But I would like to speak with them all the same. The doctors really weren't forthcoming at the asylum, because they couldn't seem to believe I was Dorothy's guest."
"Ain't many coloured women want anythin' to do with that place."
"Maybe not, but I don't appreciate being called a kidnapper."
"Might be one. I ain't seen any proof different." Still, he was already standing, reaching beneath his shirt to hitch up his pants. "Let's git to goin'."
                                              ~ o ~
Apparently, this "goin'" was to be accomplished in a horse-drawn cart of some sort. Elphaba's escort took them outside the city proper and its drab, lackluster buildings, into the surrounding cornfields and featureless pastures with somewhat odd beasts grazing in them. The way was quite bumpy, and she felt obliged to hold on for dear life as they bumped over the road toward their destination. The police captain, whose name turned out to be Will, said very little along the way, but he did ask a question or two that Elphaba did her best to answer. Some of them, such as "Where at in Africa your kin from?" meant literally nothing to her, so she had to throw out such winning responses as "Don't remember".
Eventually, after what felt like a year of unpleasant riding, they reached a small farmstead. The house was much larger and more noteworthy than the tiny shack that had landed near Nest Hardings; there was a tiny amount of pale yellow paint adorning the eaves and the shutters. Elphaba found herself wondering if they had entered the Vinkus before she caught herself.
A brief knock brought a young woman to the door. She looked to be about Dorothy's age, perhaps a bit younger, and her russet hair reminded her strongly of Ozma's. Bare feet stuck out the bottom of a dingy dress of muted colours that swished around her ankles, still moving quite a bit from her most likely having run from several rooms away to see whom had knocked. After smiling at them, she seemed to be startled enough by the mismatched pair that her smile vanished, and she ducked her head shyly.
"Evenin', missy," the man said, doffing his hat. Underneath, he was very nearly bald, and what hair was left was grey and wiry. "Might I inquire after Hank and Em Gale?"
It took her a moment of staring openly at Elphaba before he found her voice. "M-mama?" she asked distantly. But a moment later, she seemed to come back to herself and called more loudly, "MAMA! Policeman at the door!"
Not long afterward, another woman, her own hair a darker blonde and wispy, came to the door to greet the strangers. She was more primly dressed, more polite, and had a better handle on her own manners, curtsying in front of the officer and then showing them into the parlour. Her daughter was shooed upstairs to hide away, since she was clearly uncomfortable around strangers.
"Sorry about my Frances," she told them in a pleasant-yet-flustered tone, shooing him into a chair. "Afraid we don't get many visitors out these parts. Can I fetch you a drink, sir? Cider, or anything stronger? I could put the kettle on…"
"No, no, ain't stayin' that long, miss," he assured her with a crinkle at the corner of his eyes. Elphaba resisted the temptation to comment on their host not offering her a beverage; she was beginning to accept her hypothesis that her skin tone meant she was of lower social standing, ludicrous as that was.
"Begging your pardon," she said, startling the woman and causing her to blink rapidly, "but might there be a Henry and Em Gale here?"
The woman didn't answer right away, but looked to her escort. When he nodded, she still directed her answer toward him. "Indeed there is. Sad story, it is; poor old things."
"Nasty twister, that one was," he sighed with a slow nod, staring off toward the parlour window. "Bunch o' folks lost good homes. Land."
"That's why we took them in, y'know. Em's so good with livestock, and my Frances, and Hank can work all day like I never seen; good and decent, Christian folk. Shame about their niece."
That most certainly caught Elphaba's attention. Sinking down onto the settee next to the "policeman", as the girl had named him, she asked, "What about their niece? I went to pay her a visit, and everyone behaved as if I was trying to kill someone."
But this woman, mother of Frances, was highly distracted. The way she was looking at Elphaba was the look of someone who had seen something highly unpleasant. She hadn't looked at her that way before. When no answer came right away, she glanced over at Will, hoping for some sort of revelation. He, too, seemed vaguely surprised, but not nearly as shocked or affronted as the hostess.
"I… well, alright. It's alright." Turning back to the hostess, Elphaba caught her sighing and passing a hand over her forehead before continuing, "We're part of the Union, after all. Just haven't ever had any…"
"Dorothy, ma'am?" the officer prompted.
"Right. She's off her rocker, I'm sad to say. Can't be all that shocked, as a good many people saw her go up in that house. Darned if I know how she survived! But that kind of thing can't be good for your mind, y'know. So… well, when she came back down, they found her and took her name, and brought her back to Em and Hank. Only she wouldn't quit jawin' on about nonsense, flyin' monkeys and I don't know what all! Well, that ain't the sort of thing I want fillin' my Frances' head, so… well, Em and Hank took care of it on their own, o' course. My Seamus never had to say a word, they already knew what was best."
That completed the picture that Elphaba had already more or less filled in along the way, save for a few details. So she had come back, been reunited with her family, only to have them dismiss her tale as the ramblings of a madwoman and have her sentenced to eternal isolation. It was abominable. Worse — it was unfamilial.
"And you and Seamus let them take care of the matter," she supplied in a numb tone. Again, she saw how uncomfortable the woman looked whenever she spoke, but she paid that no mind. "Could I ask them a few questions? The poor girl was so distraught when I tried to see her, I thought if I might learn a little more, I could talk some sense into her the next time I try."
"And… no offense intended, miss, but what good's a coloured woman from the big city goin' to do Dorothy?"
"Big city?"
"Sure. I mean… obviously, you come from New York or somewheres, talkin' like you do. Educated negroes don't much live 'round here."
Her jaw tightened in annoyance at all the sidetracking, but she tried to remember that shouting at her — or slapping that strangely condescending-yet-afraid look off her face — wouldn't make any strong progress toward her goals. So she forced the grimace into something like a smile.
"Listen, miss… what was it again?"
"Maggie, yes. I'm an acquaintance of Dorothy's; we had a good many conversations, and she's a charming young woman. At least, she was before all this happened." She just barely kept from mentioning that the 'all this' to which she referred was what the doctors had done to her. "I'd like to see if we might restore her to who she once was."
Maggie scoffed a little. "And how on earth can you do that? Voodoo?"
"Might be. I do have a trick or two up my sleeve." When the hostess gulped, actually frightened now that she hadn't denied it, she turned back to Will. "Hope you don't mind? If we could get everything straightened out today…"
"'Course not," he sighed. He did look weary, but also as if grateful for the shortest route to settling the matter. "Ma'am, if you could point us in the right direction? Cain't take but a few minutes."
Curtsying slightly to show her deference to him as an authority figure, she shot Elphaba another wary glance as she whispered, "Right this way." But her eyes remained on the woman as she led them away from the parlour. Elphaba repaid that courtesy in kind.
Emily and Henry Gale were out in the barn. Both of them were hard at work, though not at any sort of frantic pace; happy to be of use. Elphaba spared a thought for how much their lives must have changed in the past months, since losing their home and everything they had ever held dear. Including Dorothy. Still, she wouldn't forget what she had seen — what they had done to their niece.
Henry was a man with about as much hair as Will, skin spotted with age and from working in the sun all his life. He swiped his forearm across his forehead as he got up from where he was helping another man, hair as bright red and blazing as the sun itself, fixing some sort of wheeled contraption meant to help them move produce from one place to another.
"Maggie!" Seamus called out, shadowing his eyes. "Who's this yer bringin', then?"
Unlike him, she didn't shout back, but waited until they were closer to call, "Officer William, from in Topeka! Says he has questions for Hank and Em!"
"Me?" asked Henry. He had been about to make himself scarce, believing this to be none of his business, but now turned back again, stunned. "Whatever about?"
In short order, they had all gathered around a horse trough while Seamus and Will shook hands, and Maggie went inside to fetch Em. Again, Elphaba felt soundly ignored, but she decided that soon enough she would be back in Oz and could forget all about the unprecedented rudeness she had found in Dorothy's homeland.
From everyone except Angeline, and to a lesser extent, Will. That would bear some remembering, even if everyone else had made the worst impression imaginable.
"Alright," Will said once they had all been introduced. Toto had come out of the barn, and Elphaba felt a slight flare of surprise to see him there; she had almost expected they would sell the dog off once Dorothy was no longer there to take care of him. "We had a couple o' questions about your Miss Dorothy, is all. Well… Miss Elphaba?"
The elderly couple looked a little surprised that the query would be coming from someone they had been ignoring since they got to the barn. Elphaba decided to sidestep that frustration and begin with, "I don't believe you'll remember me, but I'm an old acquaintance of Dorothy's. In passing, I heard that she had been put in that awful asylum and I tried to visit her. Can't begin to even explain how unacceptable the treatment I received there was, and what I've seen-"
"Sorry, but I don't know of any negro women our Dorothy was acquainted with," Em said in an astonished voice. "Fact, other than a few farmhands… I don't reckon she knew any negroes."
"You know, you all spend a lot of time using that word," Elphaba observed with a little more bite than she intended. "As if it automatically settles a lot of things that it most certainly does not! How about we forget 'negro' for a moment, whatever that's supposed to connote, and focus on the heart of the matter: that Dorothy is being gravely abused in that institution of yours!"
"Abused?" Henry blustered immediately, hands curling into fists as Toto barked to hear his stern tone. "What've they done to 'er?"
"Only fed her medicine that caused her to drool like a toothless old kalidah! Shocked her with…" It took her a moment to come up with the word. "'Lectricity, and even beaten her when she was uncooperative! It's bad enough to have shut her up in a room where she can be forgotten conveniently, but in my opinion, physical injury is a step too far! This would never happen in Oz, you know!"
Everyone fell silent at these accusations. However, it wasn't the sort of silence Elphaba had been vainly hoping she might enjoy. They were not outraged, they were not angered. Only saddened and uncomfortable.
"Well… yes, I s'pose that could be," Em said.
"Oswego?" Seamus mused quietly, having misheard Elphaba. "Never been that far south, can't say I've heard they have an asylum there."
"Didn't you say she was demented?" Will prompted, hoping to keep their discussion focused. "Saw nonsense things, talked 'bout 'em?"
"She was," Henry admitted, as distraught as the others. "We tried t' reason with her a bit more, get her to admit she dreamed up the whole mess, but when she got Frances all aflutter and scared, seemed only right we give her over to th' doctors. I ain't any expert on brains."
Elphaba wanted to scream. At them, and in general. This was really all the regret they could summon? But she forced herself to fire at them through her clenched teeth, "She's your family. Why aren't you more upset that she's being hurt on a daily basis?"
"Ain't that simple," Em said, though she was squirming. "The doctors know best; we're simple folk, mind. Can't know what to do with a child who's got a head all twisted up like that."
Finally addressing Elphaba himself, Seamus seemed to come to a realisation — even if he was the only one, and even if he only grasped a piece of the problem. "Look, lass. None of us wanted to have her sent away, did we? But she was ill of the mind, she was. Not a place for her here if she was ill. Had to take her somewhere she might get looked after better than by us, bein' uneducated farmers."
That much made sense. Even if they were quite wrong about the Topeka Insane Asylum being somewhere "better". Her rage had nowhere to go, so she spun on her heels and faced away from them, eyes threatening to stream tears as she stared out over the fields at the setting sun. The countryside was somehow beautiful when lit up in such a manner, even if it couldn't hold a candle to Oz and its splendour. A simple kind of elegance.
"Well, I reckon that's it," Will observed once a short silence had passed. A fresh sob burst from Em, but she still didn't turn to acknowledge it. "Thanky kindly for your time, sir, ma'ams."
"No trouble," Maggie said quickly, ever the hostess.
"Wait," Elphaba said, mastering her emotions and turning back to regard them coldly. It was the best she could do; Glinda might have been able to summon a smile after all that, but she wasn't Glinda. "I would appreciate some kind of… I don't know, decree, that I may visit her. The persons in charge there were highly opposed, and had me imprisoned for attempting to force my way in."
"An' somehow, she ain't the crazy one," Will muttered. But he wasn't trying to stop her.
In short order, Henry and Em signed a brief note stating Elphaba Thropp would be entitled to visit Dorothy — after they had finished with goggling at her unusual name — and the officer signed it as well, bearing witness to the event. Then they walked the guests to the front door.
"Take care, now," Henry told her in a pained voice, scratching behind Toto's ears.
"Tell Dorothy we'll come an' see her soon as we're able," Em said.
"I will. I will tell her that." Perhaps her tone, if not her words, conveyed that she would think far less of them if they never followed through on such a promise.
                                              To Be Continued…
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jovialgiverchild · 3 years ago
बिहार फसल सहायता योजना छति पूर्ति Fasal Sahayata Yojana 2021ऑनलाइन एप्लीकेशन अनुदान लिस्ट
बिहार फसल सहायता योजना छति पूर्ति Fasal Sahayata Yojana 2021ऑनलाइन एप्लीकेशन अनुदान लिस्ट
Bihar Fasal Sahayata Yojana apply Online before Last Date | Bihar Fasal Chhati Purti 2021 | Bihar Fasal Yojana | Bihar Fasal Sahayata Cooperative | बिहार फसल सहायता योजना Bihar Fasal Kalyan Yojana online application 2021-22 | बिहार फसल सहायता योजना ऑनलाइन एप्लीकेशन कैसे भरते हैं लास्ट डेट क्या है और उसके पति का लाभ कैसे मिलेगा इन सभी पर इस लेख में पर चर्चा करेंगे तो आइए देखते हैं कि आपको बिहार…
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shinelumiere · 7 years ago
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@vexed-wench  I trekked out to see how the creek looked, so you get more snow clips. Tumblr isn’t cooperating with uploading them though.
Ewok village. Built for our Star Wars party, so it likely will forever be called Ewok Village ;)
I think mother nature heard my complaining about lack of snow on @kotyonoksnz‘s purty snow art and is now telling me to shush it.
Let me tell you Mother Nature, you do not understand my full joy and love of snow, giving me snow will not make me shush about lack of it for very long.
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lizapuspa · 7 years ago
Phantom 4 Pro - Best Phantom Drone
The Phantom 4 Pro from DJI boasts a 3-axis-stabilized gimbal camera with a 20MP, 1" CMOS sensor capable of shooting up to 4K/60fps video and well as photo bursts at up to 14 fps.
The hull has been updated from the previous Phantom 4, now featuring magnesium alloy construction for increased rigidity and reduced weight.
Phantom 4 Pro with FlightAutonomy system adds dual rear-vision sensors plus infrared sensing for a total of five directions of obstacle sensing and four directions of obstacle avoidance.
Compared to the Phantom 4 Advanced variant, the Pro features the noted four, rather than two, directions of obstacle avoidance and offers a 5.8 GHz channel for the Lightbridge link, in addition to 2.4 GHz.
Date: 2018-01-09 03:06:38
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mrandmrsfit · 7 years ago
Date: 2016-10-17 18:01:51
Sky Dad and Mom get a Surprize visit From the Imaginators Lightlessness Editionss PACK and get our Hand on our first Blind Bag Imaginite Thorax That comes the Lightlessness PACK. It Gives you 9 Imaginator Body s/Weapons/Accessories. However, Sky Dad Forgetfulness to Presses on the ability sooo.. yeah, well you’ll see who Gives us a Kepala up on That Anyways, After the goof, we take on the Monster That appears at the end of the Sky Fortified level, or Moreso in That level Chapter & Fizzland ( is up next)! The Monster is so imPressesive but the is Just Using Dirigibles and not as Petik1 / Hand on as we’d hope although he Scrawny AMAZING! So since we couldn’t get up close to Punched the Advocado Glob in his Using the Lightlessness Editionss PACK Golden Quene, & Ha-Melekhpen we to try out a Sensai we’ve Been Hear about. We and Collects From the Xiansheng Where we get Ha-Melekh Aiua Gem (Snowball) is Purty neat!
(SPOILERS) No Commentary: SUPER !! Imaginators Fight! (NO COMMENTARY)
All Doomlander Skirmishes No Commentary: ALL DOOMLANDER S in IMAGINATORS! 10 Classes (No Commentary)
1: MASTER OF KISSING!?! Imaginators 1 Mortriden MODE! (CRADLE of Creation Full Level)
2: EVERYONE’S DEAD!!! Imaginators 2 Mortriden MODE! (MUSHROOM Riverine Full Level)
3: ‘ BIG MAGIC! Imaginators 3 Mortriden MODE! (SCHOLARVILLE Full Level)
4: PUNCH a SUCKER SHARK! Kaos @ the Beach! Imaginators 4 (SHELLMONT SHORES Full Level)
5: MOM & DAD CHALLENGE! Kaos’ ���S” Word! Imaginators 5 (SKY Fortified Full Level)
6: GUACAMOLE Monstor Fighting + Sensai Imaginators Lightlessness Editionss Unboxing 6
7: SPRITE-LANDERS! Mortally Challenge w/ Mini-Cooper Blob of Globs! Imaginators 7 (FIZZLAND Full Level)
Specicl Ghostly Deliver of Imaginators (THANKS Babies SHAWN):
Wave 1 & 2 we’ll be Playful : Tae Crow, sss Barbella, Hoodsickle, sss Ha-Melekhpen, sss Starcast, sss Air Strike & the Gryyfins Observatory PACK, sss Mysticat, himself, sss Ember, Crashers Bandicoot, Dr. Neo Cortex, Dr. Krankcase, sss Ambush, sss Chopscotch, sss Tri-Tip, & Golden Quene and the Lightlessness Variants. on CHOMPY MAGE!
============================================== ►Our T-Shirts:
►Our music on iTunes:
Please, Opposable up & Subscribe! We Appreciate it!
We are a Grandkids Dedicated to ! – The Boy and Girl
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Royalty FREE Mucic & by audiomicro.com epidemicsound.com videoblocks.com incompetech.com bensound.com jinglepunks.com
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karmadash-is-fandomtrash · 7 years ago
Date: 2016-10-17 18:01:51
Sky Dad and Mom get a Surprize visit From the Imaginators Lightlessness Editionss PACK and get our Hand on our first Blind Bag Imaginite Thorax That comes the Lightlessness PACK. It Gives you 9 Imaginator Body s/Weapons/Accessories. However, Sky Dad Forgetfulness to Presses on the ability sooo.. yeah, well you’ll see who Gives us a Kepala up on That Anyways, After the goof, we take on the Monster That appears at the end of the Sky Fortified level, or Moreso in That level Chapter & Fizzland ( is up next)! The Monster is so imPressesive but the is Just Using Dirigibles and not as Petik1 / Hand on as we’d hope although he Scrawny AMAZING! So since we couldn’t get up close to Punched the Advocado Glob in his Using the Lightlessness Editionss PACK Golden Quene, & Ha-Melekhpen we to try out a Sensai we’ve Been Hear about. We and Collects From the Xiansheng Where we get Ha-Melekh Aiua Gem (Snowball) is Purty neat!
(SPOILERS) No Commentary: SUPER !! Imaginators Fight! (NO COMMENTARY)
All Doomlander Skirmishes No Commentary: ALL DOOMLANDER S in IMAGINATORS! 10 Classes (No Commentary)
1: MASTER OF KISSING!?! Imaginators 1 Mortriden MODE! (CRADLE of Creation Full Level)
2: EVERYONE’S DEAD!!! Imaginators 2 Mortriden MODE! (MUSHROOM Riverine Full Level)
3: ‘ BIG MAGIC! Imaginators 3 Mortriden MODE! (SCHOLARVILLE Full Level)
4: PUNCH a SUCKER SHARK! Kaos @ the Beach! Imaginators 4 (SHELLMONT SHORES Full Level)
5: MOM & DAD CHALLENGE! Kaos’ “S” Word! Imaginators 5 (SKY Fortified Full Level)
6: GUACAMOLE Monstor Fighting + Sensai Imaginators Lightlessness Editionss Unboxing 6
7: SPRITE-LANDERS! Mortally Challenge w/ Mini-Cooper Blob of Globs! Imaginators 7 (FIZZLAND Full Level)
Specicl Ghostly Deliver of Imaginators (THANKS Babies SHAWN):
Wave 1 & 2 we’ll be Playful : Tae Crow, sss Barbella, Hoodsickle, sss Ha-Melekhpen, sss Starcast, sss Air Strike & the Gryyfins Observatory PACK, sss Mysticat, himself, sss Ember, Crashers Bandicoot, Dr. Neo Cortex, Dr. Krankcase, sss Ambush, sss Chopscotch, sss Tri-Tip, & Golden Quene and the Lightlessness Variants. on CHOMPY MAGE!
============================================== ►Our T-Shirts:
►Our music on iTunes:
Please, Opposable up & Subscribe! We Appreciate it!
We are a Grandkids Dedicated to ! – The Boy and Girl
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Royalty FREE Mucic & by audiomicro.com epidemicsound.com videoblocks.com incompetech.com bensound.com jinglepunks.com
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