#and concluded i would not have been able to watch the rest of the series
impishtubist · 2 years
I got halfway through the first episode of Netflix’s Inside Man before I said “you know what, this is too much for me”, in case anyone was wondering where my line was.
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justkending · 4 months
Mr. & Mrs. Hunt (Chapter 1)
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Mini-Series Summary: Two of the most stubborn people in the group partnered together for an undercover mission are also the two people with the most hatred for each other, so what could go wrong? Or is it, what COULDN’T go wrong?…
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger Reader
Word Count: 2700+
A/N Note: OK! Here we go! I'm excited to share this mini-series and what's to come in it. It's a lot more in-depth than I thought it would be, but I love it. I hope you do as well :) Anyway! As always, please let me know what you think, and all comments are welcome!
“And you chose those two to go on a task together?” Steve exasperated, running a hand over his face as he looked over the video footage in front of them.
“Everyone else was on a mission,” Tony exclaimed. 
“That and it doesn’t matter what their petty vendettas against each other are. They’re professionals at the end of the day that better get their God damn acts together before I personally make them regret it,” Fury countered. 
“Undercover newlyweds seems like a risky assignment for them,” Nat added. “Steve and I have done it before. We can-”
“No, you can not,” Fury cut them off and clicked a button on his desk that swapped the video footage of druglords to a file slowly scrolling. “You both have an assignment I’m sending you in the next hour in correlation to this case. So without your work, theirs is pointless. Got it?”
Nat and Steve shared a quick look before the blonde gave him a curt nod for him to continue. 
Fury went on to explain how an insider of the criminal group had confirmed shipments, including hostages working as drug mules and other illegal substances that hadn’t been tested yet across US borders. A whole operation in itself, but Bucky and Y/N’s job would give them information the current insiders they had on the job weren’t able to attain. 
Y/N and Bucky’s undercover assignment was to act as newlyweds, infiltrate the front runners of the group, and try to become a proven alliance in hopes of joining the group in their ‘business’.
“So we’re on standby with information until they have leads to help our end?” Steve concluded. 
“Yes. And vice versa. You’re running tactical, and they’re running intelligence, although a mix in between,” Fury nodded, handing them a paper copy of the mission.
“And it can’t go the other way?” Nat asked. 
“Your faces have become much too well known in the last few years for it to be passable,” Tony added, arms crossed and reclined in the rolling office chair he couldn’t see to keep stationary. “Bucky doesn’t care for the public eye and has changed appearances since his run from the government, and no one can forget America’s sweetheart over here,” he motioned to Steve.  
“I’ve changed identities enough to get by,” Nat shrugged, watching the brunette carefully. 
“Yes, but Y/N’s face hasn’t graced the nationwide flatscreens nearly as much as yours,” he smiled spryly and fluttered his eyelashes. “Plus, it’s already been decided, so we’re moving on from the argument.”
“How long of an operation are we talking about here if the two have to create a relationship with the front runners of this?” Steve asked.
“Depends on how well the couple can sell it,” Fury crossed his arms. “Speaking of the couple.”
“Shove me again, and you’ll lose another limb that you’ll miss far more than that arm,” Y/N growled as she pushed past the massive body blocking her way into the meeting room. 
“There’s a thing called manners, and it’s free to use them,” Bucky grunted as she shoved him with surprising strength that made him slightly teeter. 
 The group outside of the new additions gave each other a hopeless look. 
“I give it two days,” Steve sighed, resting his head on his fist and watching them as they struggled to find the last open chair. Y/N came on top of the scrabble and shoved him again for extra measures. 
“Jackass,” Bucky mumbled as he leaned against the wall behind her, kicking her chair in extra annoyance. 
“Bitchass,” Y/N retorted, throwing a middle finger behind her. 
“I think you give them too much credit,” Nat let out a dry chuckle before turning to Fury. “Please, break the news to the two idiots so I can have a highlight of this night.” 
“What news?” Y/N furrowed her eyebrows to Fury. She was one of the few people who didn’t show fear towards the walking intimidation of a man. 
“Your next mission,” Tony answered in a long breath. “Where you and Barnes will be known as Mr. and Mrs. Hunt.”
“Excuse me?” Bucky gawked and stood straighter in his spot.
“What’s the date today?” Y/N asked at the same time. 
Bucky came around from her back and gave her a worried yet disgusted look. “I’m sorry. For what reason are you worried about the date?”
She never took her eyes off Fury. “I’m just trying to clarify if it’s April 1st or not because this is a poorly done April Fools joke,” she held an equally intimidating stare at the master in front of her. 
“It’s June. You’re off by a few months,” he replied, unphased and unbreaking. 
“Then I’d like some clarification on who needs a fucking lobotomy, considering that’s the dumbest fucking idea I’ve heard today. And I’ve been around this dumbass for the last 12 hours already,” she jabbed a finger back at Bucky, whose nostrils were flaring. 
“Real classy, Princess,” he said lowly. 
“Thanks, I like to keep it that way, Cyborg,” she replied without turning to him. “But seriously, is it you, Fury, that needs a Psych eval because there is no way in hell you thought this idea would actually work out in your favor.”
The room was silent as the two most intense people in the room had a stare-down. Eventually, Fury spoke up with a smirk on his lips. 
“You better figure the fuck out how to make it work in my favor because any other way isn’t really an option for you, Sergeant Y/L/N.” 
Before Y/N could fire another remark that would likely have put anyone else six feet in the ground, Bucky cut her off. “What’s the mission?”
Y/N finally gave Bucky her attention with a stern face freckled with annoyance. “Teacher’s pet.” Bucky made a face at her before she turned around. 
Fury went on to explain the mission on both their end and Nat and Steve’s. From the sounds of it, it was going to take months of convincing some dicks in the drug trafficking business (covering as presidents of the homeowner association club) that they wanted in on their scheme in order to get the information no one else seems to be able to steal.
“How many sundresses do you own, Y/N? Because I don’t think your rock band, ripped jeans, and Doc Martens are going to convince anyone you’re the baked-you-a-fresh-pie-as-a-hello-to-the-neighborhood-kind of wife,” he added, emphasizing the label he had already created for her undercover character.
“How are they going to take to a half-robotic husband?” she shoved his vibranium hand off the back of her chair.  
“I have technology for that,” Tony jumped in. 
“And I have your credit card for a new wardrobe, so I guess that solves both those problems,” she flashed a fake smile at Tony before crossing her arms snuggly across her chest. 
“You’re gonna have to leave that attitude at home, too,” Bucky got down to whisper in her ear, and he moved fast enough before she could sucker punch him in the face.
“Why not just arrest these two? Why go through the whole process of undercover work if we know they’re running the operation?” Y/N questioned, pivoting side to side in her chair as she thought aloud.
“Because there isn’t solid evidence, thanks to their associates being connected enough to cover shit up,” Fury answered. “And we believe there are multiple parties of their stature in the game. Meaning, we arrest them, the others scatter, and we risk losing a lot of information and take 20 steps back from where we’re at.” 
“Hmm,” she nodded as she stared off into a void space in the room, calculating her approach to this. 
“You’re actually considering this?” Nat asked. “I expected more of a fight.”
“I’m telling myself that it’s the drugs and possible human trafficking I’m doing this for, and tormenting Bucky along the way will be a bonus instead of a nuisance,” she replied with a weak smile like she was still convincing herself that.
“Smart,” Nat shrugged and gave an agreeable face.
“Your flights are leaving in four and a half hours, so I suggest packing your bag of necessities before we ship you off,” Tony sat up from his chair, stretching. “Any other things you need will be provided at the house already set up for you two to play the part of newlyweds. And get used to that word because it's about to become extremely annoying hearing it on repeat. Barnes comes with me to get that looking more human-like,” he pointed at his arm before walking out. 
Bucky scanned over the file in hand and let out a sigh. “We couldn’t get stationed beach somewhere in Hawaii?” 
“You’ll find the mountains rather eye-catching this time of the year,” Fury typed a few things on his desk and clasps his hands behind his back. “And that you don’t have a choice either way. Dismissed.” 
The amount of junk they had pawned off to us as “newlywed cargo” seemed excessive. Brand new appliances were still in boxes unopened, letters on them saying who had gifted them to us as our “wedding gift” littered the kitchen and entryway. 
I was currently in the guest room unpacking a box of linens and bedding in the spare closet. My mind was a hundred miles away from my physical body, but somehow, I had managed to organize the closet in a surprisingly efficient manner while on autopilot. 
“Honey,” Bucky’s voice came from the hallway, and I took advantage of the times I wasn’t being watched to roll my eyes at the pet name. Before I could respond with a snarky comment, he followed up with, “The next-door neighbors are here to introduce themselves. Wanna come say hi?” 
“Be right out!” I shouted back, standing from my spot, crouched to the ground, and brushing off one of the many new sundresses now taking up space in my closet.
For clarity, it’s not that I was against them; it just wasn’t my usual taste. Though the freeness of no pants was starting to rub off on me…
Coming around the corner of the hallway to our homey new abode, I plastered an award-winning smile on my face and scanned the two individuals in front of Bucky. I gave Bucky a silent look that read, “Hey sweetheart,” to outsiders and, “The assholes in question?” to a trained eye. 
“Doll,” Bucky started, nodding his head once at my true question and matching my step to wrap an arm around my waist, pulling me close for extra show. “This is Reginold and Bethanne Bauer. They’re our neighbors right across the street from us,” he introduced, adding a squeeze to my hip that I countered with a pinch to his side that he chuckled off. 
The physical touch was for show, but I knew he used it as a way to irritate me further, too. Lucky for me, it’s a two-player game. 
“Please, call me Reggie,” the middle-aged man offered his hand.
The man looked like he played the role of a typical white male living in a cookie-cutter home, but his build showed he wasn’t on the unfit side of things. From the files, he was 42 years old, and he obviously had kept his health a priority because he could have been in his mid 30s, from what I gathered. 
“You must be Charlotte,” Bethanne said, jumping in when her husband didn’t release my hand in a timely manner. “My my, you’re far more beautiful up close,” she said with a sweet smile, though any woman could recognize the hint of judgment in them. 
Bethanne Bauer was a 5’6”, 38-year-old lady with darker blonde hair and a figure that showed she likely was a pilates guru who didn’t take many days off. Her Lululemon leggings and slicked-back bun confirmed this assessment. 
“Well, aren’t you sweet,” I replied with a nose crinkle and a firm squeeze of my hand before drawing it back to rest on Bucky’s chest. “We appreciate you coming by and introducing yourself,” I smiled up to Bucky, who was already looking down at me (what a showman). I leaned my head in the nook of his shoulder as I turned back to them. “We were so nervous about starting over in a new state and weren’t sure what the community would be like. But everyone’s been so kind here in Montana, and you guys are just proving that point.” 
“Oh, this neighborhood is like a family,” Reggie replied, keeping his eyes on me. I'd feel uneasy if I didn’t know how to disarm a man in five hundred ways, but I knew more than 500 ways to get a man like the one in front of me to grovel. “So much so, you may be under careful watch for a while,” he winked, and I forced a laugh out, Bucky pulling me closer to his side at the harmless threat. “I’m just joking with ya,” he waved off with a boisterous laugh of his own, and Bethanne rolled her eyes. 
“He thinks he’s a comedian,” she playfully patted his shoulder. “But really, if you guys need anything at all, we are just a shout away. Or, our welcome to the neighborhood gift basket has our phone numbers in it, too, if you prefer to call.” 
Off to the side, I noticed a cellophane wicker basket with baked goods, a wine bottle, and some gift cards in it. Bucky must have accepted it before I got in here.
“You all are too kind,” I gushed, putting a hand on my chest in appreciation. “See honey,” I swatted Bucky’s chest, getting a tiny grunt from him. “I told you we would find a home here. I have a good feeling about this community,” I winked back at them with a wide grin. 
I could see the studying eyes on the woman and decided to act oblivious to her assessing. 
“Can I ask y’all a quick question?” I asked, a twinge of a southern accent I hadn’t pulled in ages coming out casually. “Where is the best grocery store around here? I’ve heard mixed things about the two stores y’all have, and you guys seem to have great taste, so,” I motioned to the gift basket. 
Bethanne listed a few of the stores they go to, ones I had researched on our flight here to get a better grounding of our new home. Of course, they were the more high-end stops. Eventually, the Bauers excused themselves for a neighborhood meeting they had planned, and Bucky and I were left alone. As soon as the door shut, I moved to the kitchen to grab a notepad. 
“Have we unpacked the pens, Beau?” I asked loudly, using Bucky’s fake name, which he seemed to know why right off the bat.
“Second drawer by the fridge,” he motioned, opening the basket and going through it, our charades still continuing. 
“I had a few things we need to grab from the store and thanks to our helpful neighbors, we know the best spot now,” I mindlessly talked as I wrote on the note; Check for bugs.
A welcome basket was fine and dandy, but considering who it was from and how quick they were to be at our doorstep—not even two hours into the moving vans' pull-up—I knew the drill, and so did Bucky as he listed out aloud what was in the gift. 
“Wow, they got us Doordash gift cards,” he smiled, placing them on the marble counter. “Wanna eat in tonight? Maybe a local spot?” 
“Sounds good to me,” I hummed, coming around the island corner and placing the notebook beside it. “Oh, did you find their number? We can ask if they have any suggestions.”
Placing the pen on top of the notepad for Bucky to respond, I moved to look in the basket myself and grabbed the note they had attached to it. 
“Eat in, drink some wine, and,” he circled the word ‘bugs,’ confirming the suspicion before leaning on the counter and looking at me with communicative eyes that didn’t match his words. “Watch a movie if I can get the TV set up by then.”
“Sounds like a date,” I smiled, but the annoyance that we had to be playing our characters until we could dispose of the bug was playing in my eyes.
Marvel Tags:
@thejourneyneverendsx​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @death-unbecomes-you @mythos-writes​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​  @srrymydood​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @xa-dia​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @redhairedfeistynerd​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @morganclaire4​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @connie326​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @captain-asguard​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @mollygetssherlockcoffee​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @teenagedreams-bucky @shower-me-with-roses​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @livstilinski @basicallylool​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @starryeyeseunbyul​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
My Lovelies forever:
@natura1phenomenon​ @lauravicente​ @kakakatey​ @traceyaudette​ @notyourtypicalrose​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​ @sandlee44​ @thorne93​ @thefaithfulwriter1​ @essie1876​ @greyeyedsmile14​ @capsiclehan​  @xostephanie​ @averyrogers83​ @awesomenursingstudent​ @gh0stgurl​ @cs-please​ @jjlevin​ @rainbowkisses31​ @deannotmoose​ @their-bibliophile​ @kitkatd7​ @willowbleedsonpaper​ @mariaenchanted​ @snffbeebee​ @couldabeenamermaid​ @rebekahdawkins​​ @alyispunk​​ @billyseye @hallecarey1​​
Bucky Barnes Tags:
@chloe-skywalker​ @charmedbysarge​ @jbarness​ @bellamy-barnes​ @katiaw2​ @aikeia​ @stopjustlovethemcu​ @enchantedbarnes
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intothegenshinworld · 10 months
Fate’s Destiny ~ Chapter 8.5 || The Cavalry Captain
You somehow, not being able to explain it, had fallen into the Genshin world you know oh-so-well. You were no new player and had explored most of the nooks and cranny’s of the world. When you first had woken up in Windrise you wondered; it might be a dream, after all, you were behind your screen usually and now- here? It made no sense, and the world was keen on keeping it that way.
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Warnings: Spoilers for main story.
Word count: 2.6k+
Summary chapter 8.5: What happens after you teleport away and land in Liyue? When you're gone, what will Kaeya do?
Auteurs note: It's been over a year. I will start a new taglist, so comment if you want to be notified at the next update!
Thanks to: @m1shapanda for giving me the motivation to continue posting this series :DD you're the mvp <3
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Some time ago, in Mondstadt:
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Kaeya watches the healer scan his body with their elemental power. Their hands hover over his chest, emitting a soft glow as they check his lungs. The cavalry captain had insisted he'd be alright many times, yet Eula persisted in having him checked out, hence how he ended up in the med bay within the Favonious headquarters.
Whatever happened on Dragonspine, he knew it had to do with the Creator disappearing. After that blinding flash of light, he felt as if he died, only to painfully resurrect moments later. As good as the healers were, they wouldn’t find the answer to the ache in his chest. That much he was certain of.
An involuntary shudder washes over his body, making the healer pause and look up with concern. 
“Don’t worry.” He tries to humor the situation, “you can't make me feel worse than before.”
Almost instantly, Eula smacks the side of his shoulder and sends him a stern glare. “You’ve got some nerve joking in a situation like this. I will have vengeance for that.” 
Despite her words, Kaeya knew she cared, probably too much, considering what he’d done behind the Knights’ backs. 
“Alright, alright.” He lays back against the pillows of the bed and accepts his fate silently. 
There was no use arguing and no use talking about the situation, not with the healer present. Any word about what happened, and chaos would ensue. 
Mondstadt had been through enough already.
Kaeya and Eula would both keep their silence until they were alone in the med bay. 
The healer continues to carefully examine his state with the help of their vision until they conclude nothing was wrong. At least, nothing physical.
In the end, Kaeya got diagnosed with overexertion of his body and mind, with the simple cure of needing bed rest. It's something he despised more than grape juice or people prying into his private affairs, especially with the situation as confusing and dire with the Creator disappearing.
“Well,” Kaeya breaks the silence in the medbay once the healer had left. He lays comfortably against the pillows as he looks up at his companion, “I did tell you I felt fine.”
Saying that had been a stupid jab at Eula’s worry for him. As the words leave his mouth, he instantly regrets them. Kaeya can’t place why he’s feeling so worked up. 
“You might have fooled that healer, but you can’t fool me. I suggest you stop lying and be honest with me, or I won’t be so patient in the future.” Eula’s voice snaps back at him, cold and sharp.
He places a hand on his chest. “If there ever is another time where I’ll be hiding the Creator from my friends, you’ll be the first one to know.”
“Do not tell me you actually believe that nonsense!” Eula gestures her hands angrily in the air, “ ‘The Creator?’ How could you be so foolish?”
He frowns. It seems yet another person failed to sense the aura of the Creator.
Kaeya wonders what caused this troubling phenomenon.
He lets out a deep sigh. Even if he wanted to argue back, there was no way Eula would believe him. That, and the fact that his chest felt as if it had been caving in on itself. 
Eula brushes a strand of light blue hair out of her face. She seems to have grown calmer, or perhaps simply tired of the same back and forth arguments. ”Kaeya, you cannot hope that Amber or I will be able to keep this quiet from Jean.”
”I was never planning to.”
Eula raises an eyebrow, urging him to continue. 
”She already knows. Or so, I assume. There is no reason why Albedo or I would keep silent after what happened.” 
The cavalry captain watches Eula’s expression shift. She first seems to thoroughly inspect him and his own expressions, then, she glances away and mulls about his statement. 
When she turns her head to ask him for more, the door is slammed open. 
In a fury of rage, a familiar person dressed in red and black enters the rooms like a raging inferno. Red hair frames a face that radiates both coldness and burning hate.
Kaeya had somehow anticipated Diluc, of all people, to come and scold him of all the things he’d done. He just hadn’t expected it to be so soon, and in the Favonious’ headquarters as well. 
” You .” Diluc’s voice is filled with resentment.
With the element of surprise on Diluc's side, he’s already at Kaeya’s side before Eula could interject. An angry glare is glued tightly onto his face. If Kaeya hadn’t been laying as pathetically on the flimsy bed, he was sure Diluc would’ve grabbed him, trying to shake some sense into his brain as he did. 
“How stupid could you be.” Diluc continues, his tone shifting from anger to disbelief. “Trying to help an imposter?” He lets out a chuckle of disbelief, turning away and back at Kaeya as his mind tries to catch up. “I knew the Knights were incapable, but this truly takes the cake of it all.” 
Eula steps forward, her arms crossed as she interjects. “Excuse me?”
“Oh please,” Diluc turns his attention towards the woman. “You’re telling me you weren’t there when the imposter ran away?”
“We were busy fighting. Kaeya–” She whips her head towards the cavalry captain as she speaks, “is the one who caused this situation.”
Diluc seems to agree with that statement, crossing his arms and closing his eyes for a tense moment. Still, he argues her own actions. “Busy fighting each other over capturing the imposter?”
“No we were–” Eula’s words remain stuck in her mouth. 
“You were… what…?” Diluc taunts her. He seemed close to bursting into flames out of anger.
It is Kaeya who finishes the sentence for her. “We were busy fighting the other Albedo, though, you seem to know about that already.” 
Despite the situation, Kaeya’s voice holds a teasing tone and he seems comfortable laying in the bed as the two remain equally angry as confused. 
“You cannot believe me to trust your or Albedo’s words after you so inadequately helped bring yet another disaster to Mondstadt.” Diluc seems done with Kaeya. He speaks the next words to Eula instead, “Care to explain?”
She lets out a chuckle, “I don’t have to explain anything to you, Ragnvindr.” 
And because Diluc no longer is affiliated with the Knights of Favonious, she really doesn’t have to. This puts the redhead in a tough situation that leads to him being even more frustrated. Red eyes watch as Eula leaves the medbay with confidence and silent pride.
Diluc utters a few profanities as he follows Eula.
One last glare gets sent into the cavalry capitain’s direction before the door is slammed shut one final time. 
Kaeya sits alone on the bed until he passes out.
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A few days have passed since the incident on Dragonspine. The place has been closed off for the time being, with the sole exception of Albedo who remains on the snowy mountain, although unlikely in solitude. 
Kaeya had carefully approached the topic a few times with Jean and Lisa, but both had kept their lips sealed, and thus Kaeya was left to speculate what had happened with the doppelganger and the missing Creator.
What connection could the two have…? 
Moreover, Kaeya had no opportunity to inspect the situation. While Jean was as forgiving as kind, she too had her limits, and she’d do anything to keep Mondstadt safe and running for as long as she was Acting Grand Master. 
“Thought we had it bad, but…” The patron in Angel’s Share talks loud enough for the full tavern to hear his story, including Kaeya. “The assassination of the geo archon, or Rex Lapis– whatever , is bound to bring ruin to Liyue Harbor.” 
Another person laughs heartily, raising a glass in a toast.. “I’ll drink to that!”
“Mondstadt doesn’t have an Archon either, though.” Laughter falters and Kaeya hears a loud smack echo over the general chatter of the tavern.
“Just drink up, asshole.”
Whatever brought the cavalry captain to Angel’s share, it gave him more information than he could hope for. 
A happy coincidence, the first stroke of good luck in days. 
“Oh my,” Kaeya grabs the half-empty glass of Death After Noon and turns around in his seat. “How unfortunate must I be to hear the news later than you do.” 
With him facing the group of gossiping patrons, he’s able to note that most of them are Fatui. Their masks are all discarded, forgotten at the Goth hotel, no doubt, but they continue to wear their uniform in the tavern. It’s likely that they’d been overworked and drank a few too many glasses of wine or beer and had forgotten their loose lips. 
“Hey… isn’t that… ” 
Before the group can grow suspicious, Kaeya waltzes over to the table surrounded by Fatui, dragging his own chair with him and inserting himself into the group.
Kaeya smiles, “Now now, I’m just an ordinary costumer.” He puts on his best mask despite the increasing pain in his chest. “Though, I know the best gossip before anyone else. Seems like you were ahead of me this time.” 
One of the more inebriated Fatui members laughs loudly, his belly shaking as he does. “You hear that! This guy thinks he’s something, huh?” 
“Shut up, idiot!” 
“Nu-uh. You’ve been ruining our fun ever since we started drinking. If you’re gonna be such an uptight prick, leave .”
“Whatever. It’s your funeral.”
Tension rises amongst the Fatui, and it’s clear that not everyone has forgotten to keep their mouths shut. Kaeya had to tread lightly if he wanted to prevent causing harm to the diplomatic alliance of Snezhnaya and Mondstadt. But luck seemed to be on his side, and the Fatui member that previously tried to silence the group stood up and left.
Probably the best thing they could do, given their superiors. 
Kaeya was only half sorry for the punishment these Fatui would get once he’d gather the intel and share it with Jean.
“How unfortunate.” Kaeya smiles as brightly as he can, “Some people just can’t seem to loosen up.”
The group agrees with him, and he’s considered one of them by the time he gives them a free round of drinks. Kaeya no longer has to put in any effort to retrieve the information as it’s handed to him on a silver platter.
“So,” one Fatuus stares at another, “He was just killed?” 
“Fell straight out of the sky. Believe me, Alexey swore to the Tsaritsa he saw it with ‘is own eyes.” 
A fatuus shoves the other nearly out of his seat, “You’re lying. You can’t just kill an Archon. Don’t be stupid.”
“But if it’s—”
“You think…” 
There’s a brief silence after the murmurs, and Kaeya instinctively leans closer. The Fatui look at each other and then hang their heads low. The cheerful atmosphere from before has instantly dissipated.
The Fatui seemed to have realized that their superiors might have been involved, something that doesn't seem too far-fetched in Kaeya's eyes.
The cavalry captain makes up his mind and leaves whatever is left of his Death After Noon on the table, making a half-hearted excuse to leave so he can report back to Jean.
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Before going to the headquarters, Kaeya stops and thinks that the death of the geo Archon might be too far-fetched to be true. However, with the recent descent of the Creator and their defect aura, nothing seemed ordinary anymore. For the small chance the intel to be true, he’d have to try.
So, he shared everything with Jean. If he were to be caught keeping any information from her at this point, he’d be digging his own grave. And for the slim chance of the news being true, he’d bring in extremely valuable information.
Jean crosses her legs. “We know.”
“You know?” Kaeya blinks. 
He’s stunned. 
The Acting Grand Master simply smiles and tells him not to worry, but that only causes the pain in his chest to rise.
Lisa chimes in. “Say, what were you doing in Angel’s share during work hours?”
Drinking to chase away the feeling of impending doom,
“Gathering intel, as you heard.”
Kaeya leans back into the chair across Jean’s. Certainly doing nothing wasn’t good for Mondstadt either. Why would Jean choose to ignore the death of Liyue’s Archon, especially if she confirmed the news to be true?
The mask of confidence falters and Kaeya’s voice turns to something unrecognizable to himself, “I don’t think this is good.”
“What isn’t?” Jean shares a quick look with Lisa before returning her gaze to Kaeya. 
“Doing nothing.” He sighs and puts his hands on the desk, leaning closer. “I know you don’t believe me, really , I don’t blame you.” He hesitates, “But now with the death of Rex Lapis?”
Kaeya puts his weight on one armrest, leaning with his arm over to the side. He thinks about all the stupid ways he can put this, a way to see the Creator again, but the situation continues to grow more and more complex. 
He can no longer act alone. 
“Jean,” Lisa’s voice interrupts the silence. “Perhaps it would be time to send a diplomat to assess the situation in Liyue.”
Kaeya can’t believe his ears. Was he hearing this correctly?
She continues, “The situation is growing beyond our control and it’d be best to confront this problem before rumors can spiral and cause panic.”
The cavalry captain turns his head from Lisa to Jean. Whatever prompted the librarian to come to his aid, he’d be reaping the benefits. 
“Oh my,” he starts slickly, ”That does seem like a good idea. After all, if the Fatui already knows, we should have all the juicy details as well.”
Jean sighs, she rubs her thumb between her eyebrows in a helpless way. After a moment, she looks up again. 
Her voice sounds exhausted, ”So, who do you suggest?”
Lisa chuckles, ”Without any cavalry, our captain here might have the most free time on his hands. Especially if he’s been caught drinking in Angel’s share during work hours.” 
A small jab in his direction, but Kaeya takes it as a compliment. ”Excellent idea, Lisa.”
While he shares an equally mischievous glance with the librarian, he hears Jean ruffle some papers. ”Okay–”
Kaeya smiles-
” –but only if you take Diluc with you. ”
Kaeya´s expression darkens.
”Diluc, really?” he suppresses the disappointment in his voice. 
”He was the one who told me about Liyue’s predicament, and he is more than capable of handling situations like these.”
If Diluc had heard of the incident before Kaeya, it was most likely due to a city lockdown, which might have delayed his business between Dawn Winery and the partners he had in Liyue. This meant Diluc would be going to Liyue regardless of this conversation, and considering Jean's adamant decision, going with Diluc would be better than not going at all.
Jean seems to relax and sends him a warm smile. ”I’ll be expecting you to act as the Mondstadt’s diplomat, keep that in mind. Report to me if you find anything noteworthy.”
Kaeya stands up from his seat. ”You know I won’t disappoint, Acting Grand Master.”
When the door closes shut behind Kaeya, Lisa moves to sit in the now vacant chair across Jean. She sends her a warm smile, which fails to bring ease to the Acting Grand Master. Jean throws her head into her hands in a desperate attempt to hide her stress. 
“Lisa.” The blonde lifts her head, “Did you really think it was wise to send him? Shouldn’t we keep this between the four of us?”
The librarian leans back into the chair, crossing her legs comfortably once she’s settled, and calmly sighing. “If he stays here, he’ll pry until he figures it out.” Lisa turns a finger in the air. “And I do believe Diluc would keep a close eye on him for us.”
“Don’t worry so much,” Lisa places her hand over Jean's. “We’ll figure out what’s going on.”
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© intothegenshinworld. Do not copy, repost, translate or take heavy inspiration from my content. Thanks for reading.
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Now I'm your "pretty please anon". I would like to see a situation where everyone in the unit decided to celebrate something and get drunk. Maybe even Vergil? The only sober ones are Dante and Charon, because Charon is driving, and Dante just can't (but they really wants to). pretty please
An important clarification, if you can write this as a situation, not as headcanons (if you find it difficult, then choose the second option), I would like to see it from a sober person, that is, from Dante
Sorry anon, Vergilius isn't getting drunk this time...
They had a successful day hunting another distortion, so when the sinners asked Dante for a little time to unwind before going back to the bus, they couldn't say no. Vergilius gave them a look, but instead of saying anything, he smiled. Dante should have interpreted that gesture as a warning; more precisely a bad omen. They were known for being oblivious to certain cues, unfortunately.
They arrived at the restaurant of the sinners' choice earlier, and once everyone voted on paying the meal out of their paychecks, everything started going off the rails. They were so excited to be doing something other than killing things and going back to the bus corridor that Dante couldn't say a thing. They counted on the sinners being able to exercise a little caution and good sense. They were expecting them to drink responsibly. Oh what a series of terrible decisions.
Right now the three tables that the sinners occupy are absolutely chaotic, all of the restaurant's patrons have steered clear of their corner. That's good because then nobody will be picking fights with strangers, but that doesn't say a thing about picking fights with each other.
< Guys, please calm down... > They try to reach out to Heathcliff and Ishmael who have been barking drunken insults back and forth for five minutes. Their words don't get through and they can't help but wonder if they'll need to rewind sometime soon.
It is Outis who steps in on their behalf to placate the fight but she's just as intoxicated and ends up joining the argument. In the midst of this battlefield, somehow, Yi Sang disappeared.
Dante walks by a Don Quixote who's joyfully reciting a speech from one of the many series she enjoys. The staff was smart enough not to let them in with their weapons, so she's wielding a spoon. Valliantly brandishing it into the air, standing on top of a table. Her performance could bring tears to anybody's eyes. It doesn't even look like she's drunk, but they know it.
Gregor lays with his head on the exact same table she stands on, his glasses are resting near his face. He covers his eyes with a hand while he groans. Hong Lu is right by his side, eyes sparkling as he applauds the play before him and pokes Gregor, calling his attention so they watch Don Quixote's performance together. Dante didn't have the presence of mind to suggest that Gregor moves to a less... eventful table.
Eventually they find their way to the table where Faust and Meursault still sit, sipping their drinks quietly while they watch the events unfold. This is where Yi Sang was, and from where he disappeared.
< A-are you sure you haven't seen him go anywhere...? > Dante asks them. Faust and Meursault give them looks of pity.
"The executive manager hasn't found him yet, Meursault." Faust says and Meursault frowns, "Pay."
"Most unfortunate." Meursault replies and with a sigh reaches for his wallet.
< YOU WERE BETTING ON THIS?! > Dante exclaims while they watch the transaction conclude.
"He's under." Faust says cryptically and then leans on the table with a slight smile.
< If only you gave me precise directions... ah, wait. > Under? Realization finally hits them.
They crouch under the table and there is Yi Sang. He's curled on the floor, looking slightly green but otherwise unharmed. Dante almost sighs in relief, but behind their back, Don Quixote's 'play' has grown livelier and louder.
Somehow Don Quixote managed to pull Ryoshu onto the 'stage' and gave her a spoon, goading her to fight a fictional battle. Sinclair has climbed the table in hopes of disengaging them, but his voice is not going through. Don Quixote and Ryoshu face each other, ferocious looks in their eyes.
Were it another person, Dante wouldn't worry too much, but knowing Ryoshu, they are certain she is capable of inflicting bodily harm even with a spoon. They quickly apologize to Yi Sang in their mind and rush to help Sinclair.
On another table, Rodion joined the arguing trio of Heathcliff, Ishmael and Outis. Unlike Outis, she didn't join in with the intent of placating, instead Dante could observe her give small malicious comments that seemed to stoke the flames of discord. They make a mental note to bring that up in a future consultation, but decide that Ryoshu vs. Don Quixote is a bigger problem currently. That's until Ishmael lifts a chair.
< Ishmael, no! > They take a detour and hurry to the ginger's side.
From the table where he safely sits with Charon, Vergilius frowns.
"Tick-Tock seems to be in trouble." Charon comments while she eats Vergilius' dessert.
"It is loud, Vergie." She complains.
"Yes, we will be going back to the bus soon."
"Yay." She replies without any visible excitement.
Vergilius told himself he wouldn't interfere unless they started breaking down the restaurant. They're almost there, of course, but not yet. It's good to let Dante make these decisions on their own, after all if he continues babying the manager and their sinners, none of them will learn a thing. He sighs and keeps an eye on the commotion, not moving a single finger to help the struggling executive manager.
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chocolatebageltje · 1 year
I've just finished watching the Fear Street trilogy and I'm. I am living for these movies omg they've been spinning in my head like a hamster in a wheel for the past few days. They're so good, I haven't had a movie that kept me so fully engaged all throughout in a while and especially the sound design is what does it for me. I will be watching them all over again soon just to see if I didn't pick up on some things that were concluded later. Despite being a pretty rounded whole I'd almost wish they'd make more sequels about the individual Shadyside killers just to get more content out of the universe. The series is going into my favorite movie catalog for sure.
Also, I deadass need someone to do a thorough character analysis on Nick Goode specifically lol. @ me if you're that person bc I need to DISCUSS. (Spoilers below)
I found him sus on so many occasions throughout the series but every time I ended up letting my guard down regardless because he was just portrayed as so likable to me?? After he turned his back on Ziggy at the end of part 2 I felt he might've known something and that it was a dick move, but I also kinda felt that there might've been a good reason for it and that he'd get a redemption arc. But BOI that turned out...different. Deadass though, as evil as he ended up being, I kinda felt there had been some shreds of good left in there as well, just heavily overpowered by all of the rest.
Idk if this is supposed to be the actual meaning of it but, to me it seemed that as it was said the Goode's were able to get whatever they wanted through the deal with the devil, Nick desperately wanted Ziggy survive her injuries and so she did. (Like deadass the chick got stabbed big time how tf does one survive that??) And if that was the case, that they could technically wish for whatever they wanted, couldn't he technically also wish for Ziggy to stick with him regardless? But that could blow his cover so... But when they met again at the mall, I found his expression quite hard to read. I felt maybe he had a moment of guilt maybe? Feelings coming back to the surface? But then he deadass tried to human sacrifice her right after so even if so it was pretty meaningless in the end 💀 Maybe his ego was just too big to be fully real with himself? Am I giving this man too much credit?
Also what I found interesting is that it seemed like the dudes could pick the name of the sacrificed person themselves. Did they just pick at random given the killers ended up so random or was it deliberate in some way? Would they know when it'd happen? (Bc if so it'd be kinda stupid of Nick to choose Tommy, the boyfriend of the sister of the girl he crushed on, with a camp coming up where said girls both would be at. 😂)
I'll probably have more to rant about after I get some sleep, but his character was something that I found particularly interesting. Every character honestly was so layered to me with both bad and good perspectives to them and how they behaved. I'm gonna stop so this won't become endless lol, but pls tap in if you too want to gush about these movies!
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lilyoffandoms · 1 year
WTD Drabble - Troy x Saeed
For @moodmusicmonday’s Luck of the Draw. My draw was Because You Loved Me by Celine Dion.
Warnings & A/N: Didn’t got too literal with this song prompt but love the idea that my Saeed would find stupid and not so stupid things for Troy when out scouting because gift giving is his love language and he would definitely want to do this because Troy surprisingly chooses to love him each and every day. Anyway, I’ve not finished WTD yet as I just picked it up again and I’m only on chapter six, so forgive any errors in canon compliance.
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He looked out over the gardens, thriving in the late summer light, and counted the garden gnomes that dotted the rows of vegetables. Silly little things that brought a smile to his face each time he discovered a new one.
It had been a joke between them at first. Saeed asking Troy about them when he saw a faded and torn ad for them in an old gardening magazine. And Troy telling a story with a fond smile on his face about his neighbor maybe having some from back before. Slowly, week by week, and month by month Saeed found new ones to joined the ranks among their garden at Olympus.
Anything to see you smile, Saeed had said to Troy.
He glanced at the book in his hands, flipping it over and chuckling at the cover. A cheesy sci-fi series that was missing books two and five with the most gaudy cover on it that looked little like what the pages contained, but that he enjoyed nevertheless.
Book one had been his father’s from before the end of the world. It was the only thing he had of his family any longer. Books three, four, six, and seven were lined up in the bookshelves of their bedroom.
A fond chuckle escaped him as he thought about the little inscription Saeed had placed in each and everyone them upon giving them to Troy.
Anything to see you smile, Saeed had said.
So many little gifts that meant so much to Troy. If they talked about something from back then, Saeed made sure to find it or at least have one of the other scavenger teams keep a look out for it.
Hand held video games that didn’t work anymore, and he would never be able to play but in his imagination as he mimicked what he had read they sounded like. A fun game of make believe. Fashion magazines that meant little to him, but whose glossy pictures of people in absurd clothing and ridiculous looking hair and makeup in the most unnatural of colors, fascinated him. Comic books, crosswords, word searches that once would have been used to pass the time on road trips now found their place in a large basket in the corner of their room for this lazy rainy nights spent before the fire.
What must the world have been like back then? they would always ask each other and imagine.
Rather dull without your smile, Saeed always concluded.
The sun dipped below the tree line as he looked out at the perimeter patrols, barely visible in the growing dark.
They should have been back by now, he worried the corner of his lip. His mind wandered to places he knew he shouldn’t let it. But the past always seems to come haunt you in those moments of weakness. He didn’t understand why Saeed was insisting on going along on more of those scavenger excursions and that too worried him.
He shook his head free of those nightmares and climbed into bed with his book, reading until the light faded along with the words.
It was later than they had planned on returning but the chance for those farm tools had been worth the risk, Saeed sighed as he entered the still room.
He took the book from Troy’s hands and set it on the nightstand and pulling another two from his pack, placed them atop his father’s copy. He climbed into their bed, lying on his side, head resting on his arm, as close as he could get without jostling Troy so he could watch him sleeping.
Softly he caressed one of his exposed shoulders, tracing random curves on Troy’s skin in a gentle attempt to let him know he was back.
“You’re late,” Troy mumbled.
“Yeah,” Saeed smiled. “Took a bit of a detour on the way back from the city, but it was worth it.”
Troy opened his eyes.
“And before you ask, yes, everyone is safe and sound back here.”
“Good,” Troy replied with a yawn. “What was so important?”
“Farm equipment we can put to use. Some spare parts. Good stuff. Now go back to sleep,” he whispered and placed a soft kiss to Troy’s head.
“Did you get everything we needed from the city?”
It had been a dangerous trip venturing into territory that was as infested as cities tended to be, but the supply list was desperately needed.
“Yeah, we did. Even got a surprise for you too,” Saeed grinned.
“You need to stop risking that,” Troy scolded but smiled at the possibilities.
“Never!” Saeed scoffed. “It’s worth it to see you smile.”
“Don’t be stupid. My smile isn’t that great,” Troy said and flashed him a devastatingly perfect smile.
“Don’t give me that. You know exactly what that smile does to me. And you know I can’t actually see you smiling right now, right?” Saeed laughed.
“Ah but I know you are remembering just how perfect a smile it is,” Troy said and Saeed could hear the pleased smirk.
“Go to sleep.”
“Only if you give me a kiss,” Troy said.
After fumbling and laughing in their blind attempts to find the others lips, they settled into each others arms. Saeed listening to Troy’s even breaths as he feel back to sleep.
“There’s nothing I wouldn’t risk for you,” he whispered.
All Choices Tag: @storyofmychoices @peonierose @aallotarenunelma @inlocusmads
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msnihilist · 8 months
fuck just read your take on that jennifer ep and it made me want to watch it again,some ppl say it's super dark for a kids show but dark eps and stories are always fun in ben 10,ngl even kinda hated it when they made it like nothing happened in that eps in OV with carl,why did they have to make everything funny and comedic in there?it would've been cool if we could've saw things more serious and emotional in ov instead of always comedic or annoying lol
OV be like: *unplastics your surgery*
But on a more serious note, I agree with you, kind of. I love all versions of Ben 10 for different reasons. Omniverse definitely makes me laugh the most and I don't think that makes it inherently lesser than a show with a more dramatic tone. Different strokes for different folks, y'know?
I do wish that Omniverse could let something just... be, though, instead of undercutting the serious moments with a joke. Like, the series finale when Ben jumps into the void to save the universe, it's supposed to be this tense, dramatic moment, the climax of the Maltruant arc and the show's themes as a whole... And then Ben says, "I can't believe my last words are 'snot rocket.'"
The rest of the episode concludes in a tonally consistent/appropriate way, but why did they need that line there? To make the six year olds at home giggle over the word "snot"? Ugh.
There are tons of moments where OV does this, and tons where they don't... Maybe it's a writer thing. I've never paid attention to which writers work on different episodes, so I couldn't say.
Example of OV doing good with a serious moment: Ben confronting himself over his feelings of inadequacy/blame regarding what happened with Feedback. No joke to cut the tension, just Ben being open with himself and then being a badass in the fight. 10/10, no notes.
Example of OV doing bad with a serious moment: Everything with the B-plot on Anur Transyl. If the writers wanted to do a boring, tepid "don't judge people based on appearances" subplot for the kids watching, then fine, whatever.
But why did they use Ben to do it? Y'know, the guy who has befriended monstrous aliens before? The guy who holds a lot of pride in being able to relate to so many different species? The guy who really wants to respect and understand everyone?
It would have worked just the same if the aliens of Anur Transyl found Ben to be terrifying. That's fine. But Ben has not only seen way worse, he's been way worse. And then they try to hammer home the "lesson" that Ben didn't need to learn by giving him acne for an episode and making him "ugly"?? (I'm sure none of the kids at home will internalize that going into their teen years.)
Bleh. Just bleh. Hate it.
I like when OV is silly when it's okay to be silly. I like when they're serious when it's okay to be serious. I just wish they had learned that there's a time and a place for jokes, and the end of the universe isn't one of them.
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oseytorvan · 2 years
"A destroyed house is not the reason": why did Astrid Hofferson leave the Dragon Riders team?
Warning: Good command of English has never been my strong point :(
Some were confused by Astrid's behavior in "Team Astrid". Before the release of this series, it seemed that fires and the destruction of houses for Berk's Vikings were commonplace. After all, they have been waging a war against dragons for a long time, and this caused real chaos in the village!
Yes, then came peaceful times, but do not get your hopes up – the dragons remained dragons. In TV shows and movies, we have been shown many times that since then they have not acquired grace and good manners. However, so are the Vikings themselves. 
At the beginning of the first film, Hiccup says that all the huts in the village are new, as they constantly had to be rebuilt after the attacks of dragons. So, for the Vikings, this is a familiar thing – it wouldn't be difficult for them to build a new hut. Then why did Astrid Hofferson, who has a genuine Viking mentality, get so excited about a house that has been destroyed many times? Why did she decide to leave the team of riders? I have a couple of thoughts on this.
In order to understand this, I propose to plunge into Astrid's childhood. Unfortunately, we know almost nothing about her parents. But thanks to the deleted scene, we know that Astrid got the battle axe from her mother. Also, in another deleted scene, Astrid is seen hugging her father before he sails off in search of the Dragon's Nest with other Vikings. From this we can conclude that Astrid's parents were warriors. 
"Is this some kind of joke for you? Our parents' war is about to become ours. Find out whose side you're on" (Astrid)
This suggests that Mr. and Mrs. Hofferson were very busy people – they had to defend the village from dragons (mother) and sail away on long business trips in search of a Nest (father). And, since Astrid was the only child in the family, no one else could take care of the safety of the home during the attacks. (Among Astrid's mentioned relatives there is also an aunt, Uncle Finn, grandmother and grandfather, but they were probably involved in protecting Berk from dragons like all adults. In addition, Astrid's aunt and uncle most likely had their own families and homes that also needed protection).
Thus, we can conclude that the care of the house from an early age fell on Astrid's shoulders. By "caring" I mean extinguishing fires and repair. We all remember how deftly she wielded a hammer in "Gift of the Night Fury":
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Do not forget that before becoming a warrior, Astrid worked in a fire brigade with other teenagers. She continued to help the tribesmen in extinguishing fires even after the end of the war with the dragons, as shown in "Legend of the Boneknapper Dragon". 
The Hoffersons' house was razed to the ground, burned to the ground by Dagur's men, and it's great luck that Astrid's parents went to the yak races. They lost a roof over their heads and they could have lost their lives. It's not that it's easy to fix, but that it shouldn't have happened at all. Since childhood, Astrid had been accustomed to the fact that protecting the house was her duty, and she believed that by flying away from the island, she had framed her parents.
One more detail – initially Astrid organized Dragon Riders' Auxiliary NOT because she understood that she could not do all the work alone. This reason was just a cover. Astrid was strict with her students not because she was a "domineering coach" and not because they were worthless. She planned to deliberately stretch out their training so that the Hofferson house would be under her watchful eye for as long as possible. And only in the end did she realize that the A-team could really be trusted, that she would not be able to "be in charge" for the rest of her days.
One of the most important advantages of Astrid Hofferson is her amazing sense of duty. She is ready to make many sacrifices for the sake of her family and what is dear to her. Despite the fact that over time Astrid learned to trust people and became less ruthless to herself, she will forever remain the first defender of the Hofferson house and its main mistress.
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anongalactic · 1 year
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As I've been getting back into Black Butler after all these years, I have noticed something among the wider fan base (and among modern fan culture as a whole).
Warning, im talking about yee old anime fujoshis and sebaciel. Both these things are very bad and I will be talking about that.
The anime and the early manga (cannot speak for the manga as a whole as I have not read it all), is rife with weird fujoshi-bait fanservice moments. This is an UNDENIABLE fact. Yet I have seen so many people deny its existence outright; particularly in comments on youtube videos, tiktoks, instagram posts, etc., where people will outright say that there's nothing to have ever given people the idea to ship characters like Sebastian and Ciel together. Which is just,, flat out wrong?? Admitting it exists because you have eyes and can see does not mean you condone it or are some weirdo. Scenes like that and every other eyebrow raise kinda moment we're included for a reason, that reason being appealing to fans of that kinda content. It's a definite flaw of, at the very least, early Black Butler. Denying the existence of these scenes does not mean people who are skeeved out by it/want to address it are somehow the bad guys here.
There's a similar issue among villain characters in media as well. Just because a character, written as a villain and clearly shown to be in the wrong, does something morally fucked up, does NOT mean the writer nor the fans condone that behavior. There's a difference between romanticizing or trying to act like a characters actions are okay vs. when its clearly a villain doing villainous things. On the fandom end, there's a difference between analyzing a characters actions and condoning them. My favorite character of all time is Dio from jjba, that doesn't mean I condone all the bad shit he's done, in fact I love to discuss his motivations and actions because he has a lot of depth. Does that mean I think any of what he's done is okay? Absolutely fucking not, obviously.
It's basic critical thinking skills and media literacy that seem to be lacking amongst some fandom spaces today, and I've been seeing it more and more. But don't use this as an excuse to bully newer people in fandom, stfu we've all been there before. Just as I was a preteen kid watching Black Butler in 280p on Youtube, there are also new kids on the block when it comes to anime. The issue arises when it's people who HAVE been around the block, or are grown ass adults, trying to act like every interaction Sebastian and Ciel have had ever is completely innocent and lacked any kind of ulterior motive. Try to show someone the corset scene and tell them that there's absolutely nothing weird going on there. Yes it was a joke scene, but what was the intent?? fujobait. fanservice. THATS the joke, the joke is FOR those audiences. And yet there is so many people just flat out saying that interpreting these scenes for what it was intended to be, fujoshi bait, and pointing out how weird it is, are wrong. They're saying that only weirdos would be able to see it at all, like its a reach to say that the gross fanservice scenes are, in fact, gross fanservice.
Before I conclude this rant I'd also like to point out that there are some series that I believe are indefensible with its questionable-at-best content, and i don't think Black Butler is one of those. Black Butler actually has a plot outside of the fanservice moments, and from what I've heard about the rest of the manga, those moments are now few and far between. It's when a series has little to no plot, or a lack thereof, aside from the gross stuff that being a fan of it is inexcusable.
This is getting long but i assume you get the gist at this point. Acknowledging that something problematic is present in a series does not mean you condone it, nor is it bad for people to recognise the issues in the first place. You can address a series' flaws, it doesn't mean that you are weird for seeing those flaws in the first place. Rant over.
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mark-of-chrysus · 2 years
[This might be part of my AU but I haven't decided yet so...Enjoy! And thank you @leekeira for the prompt! Also, I think you can tell I had a lot of fun with this one :) ]
The darkness ahead was familiar to him. Whenever he looped there would be a period of rest in the inky abyss, while the next loop was prepared for him to enter. It had taken a bit to get used to, but now he was no longer bothered by having to wait like an immaterial little ball of something. That was what his soul looked like, he had concluded. It was actually kinda funny to try to move around and change his shape, like trying to shape hardened honey, he never could stay in one shape for long, but it was fun to try nonetheless.
This time, however, his space wasn't empty. Intruder! was the first thought that flared in his mind, but he quickly stumped the irrational anger down. This was something that had never happened before.
Tentatively, he reached towards the glowing blob hovering a little ways away from him. It flinched away, but that didn't deter him from trying to touch it again. A small blue tendril brushed across the little green light. Warmth bloomed over Danny's soul in a way he had never experienced before, and he quickly retracted the tendril. If he would've been able to speak he would've tried to interact with the strange new soul in a way that would probably allow him to gather more information, but as he was there was nothing he could do but touch.
The surface of the blob rippled like a puddle, and Danny watched fascinated as the little soul tried to clumsily gather a portion of itself and reach toward him. The motion strangely reminded him of a child trying to imitate its parents.
Before he had the chance to prod and poke more at the newcomer, the world exploded in light and he found himself laying on his bed like a starfish.
"Well, that was new..." Danny rubbed at his forehead, already reflexively looking around the room, trying to spot a calendar.
Instead, his eyes settled on a picture of him and a person he didn't recognize. In fact, when he tried to look closer at the framed picture, the person's face seemed to be blurred, alongside with any distinguishing features.
"What the hell?!" He rubbed his eyes until they stung, but nothing changed.
This loop included what he could only guess to be a sibling, whose face he couldn't see for one reason or another. He gave a long-suffering sigh. Brilliant, that was exactly what he needed, an anomaly! As if looping through different versions of his life wasn't weird enough anyway.
"Daniel, come to breakfast!" His mother's voice came a bit muffled from the other side of the door.
It was going to be okay. He would just act natural. It wasn't like having a sibling was so odd, besides, they couldn't possibly have their face blurred out like that in real life.
Good news: he could see their face.
Bad news: whenever he tried to remember it got blurred again.
So not really the best situation, but at least there was no way to lose them in a crowd when they kinda had a cloud for a head.
Apparently, they were just as bewildered as him, judging by how they tried and failed, to hide little slip-ups and awe-filled looks sneaking in his direction when they thought he wasn't looking. Just plain brilliant!
Danny made a mental to-do list as the tree ate the most awkward and fake family breakfast in history. Interrogating the new sibling was at the top of said list and he was already planning on how to proceed with it after eating. They had a lot of explanations to give, and he would make sure to squeeze every single bit of information out of them.
He could understand dimensional traveling. Weird name his mind could process but his mouth couldn't say like "(Y/N)" (he just defaulted to calling them Wynn) was stretching it, but still understandable. Finding out that he was a fictional character from a webtoon series that was currently looping through time at the behest of a deranged fanfic author was what sent him over the edge.
Worst of all, for whatever reason, he believed them.
Danny downed all the alcohol he could get his hands on that night. It just wasn't worth trying to process that sober.
They figured out a system of sorts. Now, if only Wynn could stick to that bloody system FOR ONE DAY!
The menace that was his little sibling was not only an apparent magnet for trouble but also somehow got themselves stuck in the loops with him. Daniel began debating the merits of a vacation after the third person he had to stop from hitting on them and seriously considered murder after the eight. Whatever shitty dimension-time traveler aura they had attracted the worst types towards them, including but not limited to his schoolmates, various gangsters, and several unsavory characters the likes of Gun and Goo.
At least they were supportive of him and Jay, going as far as to explain to their increasingly bewildered big brother about the entire fandom that had been created around their relationship. They called it a ship, and named it Janiel?! The looper was hovering between mortified and oddly satisfied. In a weird way, it pleased him that people saw a fictional him and Jay (with who apparently he didn't have an official relationship in this webtoon????? Like?!?!) and decided 'yes, these go well together and we will now worship this pairing'.
The mind-fuck he got from learning that didn't disappear for a few weeks when Wynn revealed yet another concept that sent his brain into overdrive so hard he almost completely forgot about 'Janiel'. (He also almost got into an alcohol-induced coma because of it, but I digress.)
AO3 Lookism smut. Online...steamy...pieces about his universe...
That was another wild WILD ride that he didn't care to repeat.
7 notes · View notes
thedivinefish · 1 month
TGIWednesday: What the leak are you talking about?
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TGIWednesday News 📰
In Florida our summers are something you just endure. 🌡️ Never had an issue with the water bill before.  I cringed when I watched my little girlfriend spray the hose in the air while the birds flew through the mist. Sure enough, it nearly doubled!  I called the lovely folks at the water company that said they would re-read the meter. 🚰 The man came out, glanced at the meter and left a tag on our front door that the meter was moving and concluded that we had a leak. Thank God for video cameras everywhere 📷 because we could see how fast he haphazardly decided that. I spoke with a fast talking know-it-all at the utility that said, "You probably have a leak somewhere for it to do that."  We checked every toilet, sink and shower - all of which were bone dry.  I went out to check the meter myself and chuckled when I had to dust off the cover just to even read any numbers at all!!! 🔢 Wowza, what a joke! Will I be raising cane again tomorrow?  Of course. 😒 When dealing with relationships with folks like these you have to document things like you're registering for a patent, remain calm and persistent! At some point it is no longer about the money, but about principle!  Join us this month for our monthly Zoom as we clear off the dust, cobwebs and regret of your relationships! Oh and some of you have reported issues with paying and scheduling sessions.  Calendly, Stripe, PayPal and Shopify are the systems we use and all are ultra-reliable companies with zero down time disruption issues in the last 3 months.We ask that you check ALL your email addresses and spam folders for confirmations - and also please try your transactions from multiple devices and browsers that can do the trick and get you there faster. We all know it's Mercury Retrograde and that's a possibility too.  The most IT help I can give you is to shut everything down and reboot your phone, laptop or tablet and try again, and if all else fails please write in to [email protected].  
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ON DECK 🚢 🎂 Monday August 19th - Jimmy Mack's Annual Birthday SALE begins in the shop with a special 19% OFF all digital download products.  Thursday August 29th - Join us for our Monthly Zoom all about Relationships!  Limited seating, sign up here.!
September    Aligning With Your Cosmic Financing Flow. An astounding new Audio MP3 due out in the Fall, different from the others.. we're calling it "a spiritual re-alignment". And just like it sounds, it can transform and reinvigorate your current financial status, and perhaps catapult you into the wave and frequency of wealth, abundance for good!
Get on my schedule today and let's get you back on course!  🧭 🎣 View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments
TGIWednesday Video Download ▶️
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 ~ BEING PATIENT WITH OTHERS ~ I believe think, know and feel that I will be patient when dealing with others and how I relate to them. I am ready, willing and able to let go of limiting beliefs and remain in allowance and acceptance of infinite possibilities.  I know when, where, how and why to let go of expectations of outcomes and remember that Spirit has the wheel. I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. Remember that making a little daily progress can allow the rest of your life to be the best of your life! ▶️ Watch here on YouTube - Please Like 👍 and Subscribe 🔔
 Next LIVE  Zoom Event 💻
Our Clearing the 7 Well-Springs of Life monthly Zoom series has been outstanding!  Did you miss one? Get the replays below. Call #1 - Body Clearings - Download replay Call #2 - Mind Clearings - Download replay Call #3 - Spiritual Clearings - Download replay Call # 4 - Relationship clearings (Register below) next up... Health, Money, Work/Job/Career/Purpose
THURSDAY AUGUST 29, 2024 4:00pm ET  |  1:00pm PT  | 10:00pm UK Registration fee = $22 30 minutes live | Includes replay access 👉 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/7w-relationships
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Call #4 Theme:  Relationship Clearings: Past/Present/Future We're basically house plants requiring air and water just with more complicated feelings and relationships!   Even if you consider yourself a loner type, human beings are all about relationships, family and we're part of the fishing tribe. Often relationships from our family and loved ones from our past haunt us and negatively affect our current ones, so it is vital to clear and recalibrate ourselves. 
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: After registration, Submit your Top 3 words/statements in the format below by Wed. the 28th to [email protected]  Be kind to our editors: please KEEP IT BRIEF :)
1) Clearing out past relationships ie: Release me from past relationships and their negative, lingering, traumatic effects that haunt me like:______ (poor treatment from mom or dad, siblings, teacher, authorities, friends - including abuse, mistreatment, injustice, betrayal, gaslighting, and narcissism)
2) Clearing out present relationships ie: Release me from the ill effects of ______ (a horrible/unfair boss, fair weather friends, a cheating spouse, children who are acting out, parents' disappointment, relationship burdens, addictions)
3) Clearing the energy of future relationships ie: Release me from the fear of/or help me create ___ (I'll never find great love, that I'll get hurt by love, future pain of losing loved ones/a child, create a greater relationship with money, with nature, create a space for humans to live in harmony and care for the planet and future generations.)
During this call #4, we'll clear relationships off all kinds ...and if your relationship with family, children, pets, work/job/career and your past are flawless, that is wonderful! Please write to me, I'd love to hear about that too.  For the rest of us you'll want to join our gathering and let's co-create some profound changes together!    
Register Here - $22
FREE Live Appearances 🎙️
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COMING AUGUST 15TH  The Ascension and New World Wealth Summit with hosts Gabrielle Spencer and Nicki Hu I will be one of over 40 leading-edge speakers sharing how to expand your consciousness, elevate your frequency, and unlock the rapid potential to heal your body, mind, and soul. Free to register - Join us Now! https://pillaroflightactivations.com/Jimmy
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
From the Fish Box 📧
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     Thank you for fitting me in earlier this week!  It was probably one of the best calls I’ve had with you (but of course they're all great!) Will update you as the magic happens:) Thank you -  Megan / Florida
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Fish Food 😇📣
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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AUGUST 14TH "Today I will leave no stone unturned. I will be vigilant, checking locks, windows, and doors and the safety of myself and my family. I will make certain that everyone has brushed their teeth, buckled their seat belt and is wearing clean underwear just in case."
The Fish Market 🎧⬇️
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Our online shop is getting a makeover! Get a preview now as you look over the 40+ audio titles in our MyBeliefWorks Audio Collections. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s)  We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family. 🏆 Best Sellers
💸 The Prosperity Collection  🧘 The Body, Mind and Spirit Collection 🙂 The Improve Your Life Collection 💻 Access 50+ Videos in the Zoom Replay Collection 
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy🙏
Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you. Looking for a new job?  Going through a court proceeding? Upcoming surgery scheduled for you or a loved one?  Need help selling or buying a property? Troubled times in your relationship? These are just some of the life at the crossroads events that are ideal for My Daily Prayer program.
30 Days of Daily Prayer (single month) - $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY.  👉Click here After the 30 days, you will receive an email from Jimmy and have the opportunity to renew for an additional month plus update your list, but you are under no obligation.
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
**NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time. Monthly subscription - $95/month on auto-renew 
👉 PayPal for subscription Click here 
👉 Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request.
Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
​Visit our ​O​nline ​Training Center 🖥️ "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" - Lao Tzu
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All are welcome to CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT to access the NEW and IMPROVED My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple Basic Training Course. Anchors Away Masterclass:  Sustain and clear and sovereign energetic field of dark energies and anomalies. Life Force Energy Masterclass: Enhance your fishing practice by approaching from a deeper, numeric level. MLF Mastery & Advanced Practitioner Certification Courses
Visit now, Click Here!
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Jimmy Mack ​​​ Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Appointments | FAQs View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 min www.jimmymackhealing.com Free Resources: Learn MLF for FREE | Videos on YouTube | Radio Show Archives Advanced Training: Masterclasses | Mastery and Practitioner Certification Clearing Audio Downloads​ and eBooks http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com ©1996-2024 All Rights Reserved.  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.sandybidinger.com
0 notes
divinefishingtips · 1 month
TGIWednesday: What the leak are you talking about?
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TGIWednesday News 📰
In Florida our summers are something you just endure. 🌡️ Never had an issue with the water bill before.  I cringed when I watched my little girlfriend spray the hose in the air while the birds flew through the mist. Sure enough, it nearly doubled!  I called the lovely folks at the water company that said they would re-read the meter. 🚰 The man came out, glanced at the meter and left a tag on our front door that the meter was moving and concluded that we had a leak. Thank God for video cameras everywhere 📷 because we could see how fast he haphazardly decided that. I spoke with a fast talking know-it-all at the utility that said, "You probably have a leak somewhere for it to do that."  We checked every toilet, sink and shower - all of which were bone dry.  I went out to check the meter myself and chuckled when I had to dust off the cover just to even read any numbers at all!!! 🔢 Wowza, what a joke! Will I be raising cane again tomorrow?  Of course. 😒 When dealing with relationships with folks like these you have to document things like you're registering for a patent, remain calm and persistent! At some point it is no longer about the money, but about principle!  Join us this month for our monthly Zoom as we clear off the dust, cobwebs and regret of your relationships! Oh and some of you have reported issues with paying and scheduling sessions.  Calendly, Stripe, PayPal and Shopify are the systems we use and all are ultra-reliable companies with zero down time disruption issues in the last 3 months.We ask that you check ALL your email addresses and spam folders for confirmations - and also please try your transactions from multiple devices and browsers that can do the trick and get you there faster. We all know it's Mercury Retrograde and that's a possibility too.  The most IT help I can give you is to shut everything down and reboot your phone, laptop or tablet and try again, and if all else fails please write in to [email protected].  
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ON DECK 🚢 🎂 Monday August 19th - Jimmy Mack's Annual Birthday SALE begins in the shop with a special 19% OFF all digital download products.  Thursday August 29th - Join us for our Monthly Zoom all about Relationships!  Limited seating, sign up here.!
September    Aligning With Your Cosmic Financing Flow. An astounding new Audio MP3 due out in the Fall, different from the others.. we're calling it "a spiritual re-alignment". And just like it sounds, it can transform and reinvigorate your current financial status, and perhaps catapult you into the wave and frequency of wealth, abundance for good!
Get on my schedule today and let's get you back on course!  🧭 🎣 View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments
TGIWednesday Video Download ▶️
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 ~ BEING PATIENT WITH OTHERS ~ I believe think, know and feel that I will be patient when dealing with others and how I relate to them. I am ready, willing and able to let go of limiting beliefs and remain in allowance and acceptance of infinite possibilities.  I know when, where, how and why to let go of expectations of outcomes and remember that Spirit has the wheel. I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. Remember that making a little daily progress can allow the rest of your life to be the best of your life! ▶️ Watch here on YouTube - Please Like 👍 and Subscribe 🔔
 Next LIVE  Zoom Event 💻
Our Clearing the 7 Well-Springs of Life monthly Zoom series has been outstanding!  Did you miss one? Get the replays below. Call #1 - Body Clearings - Download replay Call #2 - Mind Clearings - Download replay Call #3 - Spiritual Clearings - Download replay Call # 4 - Relationship clearings (Register below) next up... Health, Money, Work/Job/Career/Purpose
THURSDAY AUGUST 29, 2024 4:00pm ET  |  1:00pm PT  | 10:00pm UK Registration fee = $22 30 minutes live | Includes replay access 👉 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/7w-relationships
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Call #4 Theme:  Relationship Clearings: Past/Present/Future We're basically house plants requiring air and water just with more complicated feelings and relationships!   Even if you consider yourself a loner type, human beings are all about relationships, family and we're part of the fishing tribe. Often relationships from our family and loved ones from our past haunt us and negatively affect our current ones, so it is vital to clear and recalibrate ourselves. 
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: After registration, Submit your Top 3 words/statements in the format below by Wed. the 28th to [email protected]  Be kind to our editors: please KEEP IT BRIEF :)
1) Clearing out past relationships ie: Release me from past relationships and their negative, lingering, traumatic effects that haunt me like:______ (poor treatment from mom or dad, siblings, teacher, authorities, friends - including abuse, mistreatment, injustice, betrayal, gaslighting, and narcissism)
2) Clearing out present relationships ie: Release me from the ill effects of ______ (a horrible/unfair boss, fair weather friends, a cheating spouse, children who are acting out, parents' disappointment, relationship burdens, addictions)
3) Clearing the energy of future relationships ie: Release me from the fear of/or help me create ___ (I'll never find great love, that I'll get hurt by love, future pain of losing loved ones/a child, create a greater relationship with money, with nature, create a space for humans to live in harmony and care for the planet and future generations.)
During this call #4, we'll clear relationships off all kinds ...and if your relationship with family, children, pets, work/job/career and your past are flawless, that is wonderful! Please write to me, I'd love to hear about that too.  For the rest of us you'll want to join our gathering and let's co-create some profound changes together!    
Register Here - $22
FREE Live Appearances 🎙️
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COMING AUGUST 15TH  The Ascension and New World Wealth Summit with hosts Gabrielle Spencer and Nicki Hu I will be one of over 40 leading-edge speakers sharing how to expand your consciousness, elevate your frequency, and unlock the rapid potential to heal your body, mind, and soul. Free to register - Join us Now! https://pillaroflightactivations.com/Jimmy
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
From the Fish Box 📧
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     Thank you for fitting me in earlier this week!  It was probably one of the best calls I’ve had with you (but of course they're all great!) Will update you as the magic happens:) Thank you -  Megan / Florida
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Fish Food 😇📣
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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AUGUST 14TH "Today I will leave no stone unturned. I will be vigilant, checking locks, windows, and doors and the safety of myself and my family. I will make certain that everyone has brushed their teeth, buckled their seat belt and is wearing clean underwear just in case."
The Fish Market 🎧⬇️
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Our online shop is getting a makeover! Get a preview now as you look over the 40+ audio titles in our MyBeliefWorks Audio Collections. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s)  We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family. 🏆 Best Sellers
💸 The Prosperity Collection  🧘 The Body, Mind and Spirit Collection 🙂 The Improve Your Life Collection 💻 Access 50+ Videos in the Zoom Replay Collection 
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy🙏
Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you. Looking for a new job?  Going through a court proceeding? Upcoming surgery scheduled for you or a loved one?  Need help selling or buying a property? Troubled times in your relationship? These are just some of the life at the crossroads events that are ideal for My Daily Prayer program.
30 Days of Daily Prayer (single month) - $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY.  👉Click here After the 30 days, you will receive an email from Jimmy and have the opportunity to renew for an additional month plus update your list, but you are under no obligation.
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
**NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time. Monthly subscription - $95/month on auto-renew 
👉 PayPal for subscription Click here 
👉 Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request.
Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
​Visit our ​O​nline ​Training Center 🖥️ "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" - Lao Tzu
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All are welcome to CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT to access the NEW and IMPROVED My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple Basic Training Course. Anchors Away Masterclass:  Sustain and clear and sovereign energetic field of dark energies and anomalies. Life Force Energy Masterclass: Enhance your fishing practice by approaching from a deeper, numeric level. MLF Mastery & Advanced Practitioner Certification Courses
Visit now, Click Here!
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Jimmy Mack ​​​ Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Appointments | FAQs View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 min www.jimmymackhealing.com Free Resources: Learn MLF for FREE | Videos on YouTube | Radio Show Archives Advanced Training: Masterclasses | Mastery and Practitioner Certification Clearing Audio Downloads​ and eBooks http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com ©1996-2024 All Rights Reserved.  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.sandybidinger.com
0 notes
TGIWednesday: What the leak are you talking about?
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TGIWednesday News 📰
In Florida our summers are something you just endure. 🌡️ Never had an issue with the water bill before.  I cringed when I watched my little girlfriend spray the hose in the air while the birds flew through the mist. Sure enough, it nearly doubled!  I called the lovely folks at the water company that said they would re-read the meter. 🚰 The man came out, glanced at the meter and left a tag on our front door that the meter was moving and concluded that we had a leak. Thank God for video cameras everywhere 📷 because we could see how fast he haphazardly decided that. I spoke with a fast talking know-it-all at the utility that said, "You probably have a leak somewhere for it to do that."  We checked every toilet, sink and shower - all of which were bone dry.  I went out to check the meter myself and chuckled when I had to dust off the cover just to even read any numbers at all!!! 🔢 Wowza, what a joke! Will I be raising cane again tomorrow?  Of course. 😒 When dealing with relationships with folks like these you have to document things like you're registering for a patent, remain calm and persistent! At some point it is no longer about the money, but about principle!  Join us this month for our monthly Zoom as we clear off the dust, cobwebs and regret of your relationships! Oh and some of you have reported issues with paying and scheduling sessions.  Calendly, Stripe, PayPal and Shopify are the systems we use and all are ultra-reliable companies with zero down time disruption issues in the last 3 months.We ask that you check ALL your email addresses and spam folders for confirmations - and also please try your transactions from multiple devices and browsers that can do the trick and get you there faster. We all know it's Mercury Retrograde and that's a possibility too.  The most IT help I can give you is to shut everything down and reboot your phone, laptop or tablet and try again, and if all else fails please write in to [email protected].  
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ON DECK 🚢 🎂 Monday August 19th - Jimmy Mack's Annual Birthday SALE begins in the shop with a special 19% OFF all digital download products.  Thursday August 29th - Join us for our Monthly Zoom all about Relationships!  Limited seating, sign up here.!
September    Aligning With Your Cosmic Financing Flow. An astounding new Audio MP3 due out in the Fall, different from the others.. we're calling it "a spiritual re-alignment". And just like it sounds, it can transform and reinvigorate your current financial status, and perhaps catapult you into the wave and frequency of wealth, abundance for good!
Get on my schedule today and let's get you back on course!  🧭 🎣 View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments
TGIWednesday Video Download ▶️
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 ~ BEING PATIENT WITH OTHERS ~ I believe think, know and feel that I will be patient when dealing with others and how I relate to them. I am ready, willing and able to let go of limiting beliefs and remain in allowance and acceptance of infinite possibilities.  I know when, where, how and why to let go of expectations of outcomes and remember that Spirit has the wheel. I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. Remember that making a little daily progress can allow the rest of your life to be the best of your life! ▶️ Watch here on YouTube - Please Like 👍 and Subscribe 🔔
 Next LIVE  Zoom Event 💻
Our Clearing the 7 Well-Springs of Life monthly Zoom series has been outstanding!  Did you miss one? Get the replays below. Call #1 - Body Clearings - Download replay Call #2 - Mind Clearings - Download replay Call #3 - Spiritual Clearings - Download replay Call # 4 - Relationship clearings (Register below) next up... Health, Money, Work/Job/Career/Purpose
THURSDAY AUGUST 29, 2024 4:00pm ET  |  1:00pm PT  | 10:00pm UK Registration fee = $22 30 minutes live | Includes replay access 👉 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/7w-relationships
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Call #4 Theme:  Relationship Clearings: Past/Present/Future We're basically house plants requiring air and water just with more complicated feelings and relationships!   Even if you consider yourself a loner type, human beings are all about relationships, family and we're part of the fishing tribe. Often relationships from our family and loved ones from our past haunt us and negatively affect our current ones, so it is vital to clear and recalibrate ourselves. 
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: After registration, Submit your Top 3 words/statements in the format below by Wed. the 28th to [email protected]  Be kind to our editors: please KEEP IT BRIEF :)
1) Clearing out past relationships ie: Release me from past relationships and their negative, lingering, traumatic effects that haunt me like:______ (poor treatment from mom or dad, siblings, teacher, authorities, friends - including abuse, mistreatment, injustice, betrayal, gaslighting, and narcissism)
2) Clearing out present relationships ie: Release me from the ill effects of ______ (a horrible/unfair boss, fair weather friends, a cheating spouse, children who are acting out, parents' disappointment, relationship burdens, addictions)
3) Clearing the energy of future relationships ie: Release me from the fear of/or help me create ___ (I'll never find great love, that I'll get hurt by love, future pain of losing loved ones/a child, create a greater relationship with money, with nature, create a space for humans to live in harmony and care for the planet and future generations.)
During this call #4, we'll clear relationships off all kinds ...and if your relationship with family, children, pets, work/job/career and your past are flawless, that is wonderful! Please write to me, I'd love to hear about that too.  For the rest of us you'll want to join our gathering and let's co-create some profound changes together!    
Register Here - $22
FREE Live Appearances 🎙️
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COMING AUGUST 15TH  The Ascension and New World Wealth Summit with hosts Gabrielle Spencer and Nicki Hu I will be one of over 40 leading-edge speakers sharing how to expand your consciousness, elevate your frequency, and unlock the rapid potential to heal your body, mind, and soul. Free to register - Join us Now! https://pillaroflightactivations.com/Jimmy
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
From the Fish Box 📧
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     Thank you for fitting me in earlier this week!  It was probably one of the best calls I’ve had with you (but of course they're all great!) Will update you as the magic happens:) Thank you -  Megan / Florida
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Fish Food 😇📣
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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AUGUST 14TH "Today I will leave no stone unturned. I will be vigilant, checking locks, windows, and doors and the safety of myself and my family. I will make certain that everyone has brushed their teeth, buckled their seat belt and is wearing clean underwear just in case."
The Fish Market 🎧⬇️
Tumblr media
Our online shop is getting a makeover! Get a preview now as you look over the 40+ audio titles in our MyBeliefWorks Audio Collections. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s)  We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family. 🏆 Best Sellers
💸 The Prosperity Collection  🧘 The Body, Mind and Spirit Collection 🙂 The Improve Your Life Collection 💻 Access 50+ Videos in the Zoom Replay Collection 
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy🙏
Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you. Looking for a new job?  Going through a court proceeding? Upcoming surgery scheduled for you or a loved one?  Need help selling or buying a property? Troubled times in your relationship? These are just some of the life at the crossroads events that are ideal for My Daily Prayer program.
30 Days of Daily Prayer (single month) - $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY.  👉Click here After the 30 days, you will receive an email from Jimmy and have the opportunity to renew for an additional month plus update your list, but you are under no obligation.
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
**NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time. Monthly subscription - $95/month on auto-renew 
👉 PayPal for subscription Click here 
👉 Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request.
Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
​Visit our ​O​nline ​Training Center 🖥️ "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" - Lao Tzu
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All are welcome to CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT to access the NEW and IMPROVED My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple Basic Training Course. Anchors Away Masterclass:  Sustain and clear and sovereign energetic field of dark energies and anomalies. Life Force Energy Masterclass: Enhance your fishing practice by approaching from a deeper, numeric level. MLF Mastery & Advanced Practitioner Certification Courses
Visit now, Click Here!
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Jimmy Mack ​​​ Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Appointments | FAQs View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 min www.jimmymackhealing.com Free Resources: Learn MLF for FREE | Videos on YouTube | Radio Show Archives Advanced Training: Masterclasses | Mastery and Practitioner Certification Clearing Audio Downloads​ and eBooks http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com ©1996-2024 All Rights Reserved.  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.sandybidinger.com
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TGIWednesday: What the leak are you talking about?
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TGIWednesday News 📰
In Florida our summers are something you just endure. 🌡️ Never had an issue with the water bill before.  I cringed when I watched my little girlfriend spray the hose in the air while the birds flew through the mist. Sure enough, it nearly doubled!  I called the lovely folks at the water company that said they would re-read the meter. 🚰 The man came out, glanced at the meter and left a tag on our front door that the meter was moving and concluded that we had a leak. Thank God for video cameras everywhere 📷 because we could see how fast he haphazardly decided that. I spoke with a fast talking know-it-all at the utility that said, "You probably have a leak somewhere for it to do that."  We checked every toilet, sink and shower - all of which were bone dry.  I went out to check the meter myself and chuckled when I had to dust off the cover just to even read any numbers at all!!! 🔢 Wowza, what a joke! Will I be raising cane again tomorrow?  Of course. 😒 When dealing with relationships with folks like these you have to document things like you're registering for a patent, remain calm and persistent! At some point it is no longer about the money, but about principle!  Join us this month for our monthly Zoom as we clear off the dust, cobwebs and regret of your relationships! Oh and some of you have reported issues with paying and scheduling sessions.  Calendly, Stripe, PayPal and Shopify are the systems we use and all are ultra-reliable companies with zero down time disruption issues in the last 3 months.We ask that you check ALL your email addresses and spam folders for confirmations - and also please try your transactions from multiple devices and browsers that can do the trick and get you there faster. We all know it's Mercury Retrograde and that's a possibility too.  The most IT help I can give you is to shut everything down and reboot your phone, laptop or tablet and try again, and if all else fails please write in to [email protected].  
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ON DECK 🚢 🎂 Monday August 19th - Jimmy Mack's Annual Birthday SALE begins in the shop with a special 19% OFF all digital download products.  Thursday August 29th - Join us for our Monthly Zoom all about Relationships!  Limited seating, sign up here.!
September    Aligning With Your Cosmic Financing Flow. An astounding new Audio MP3 due out in the Fall, different from the others.. we're calling it "a spiritual re-alignment". And just like it sounds, it can transform and reinvigorate your current financial status, and perhaps catapult you into the wave and frequency of wealth, abundance for good!
Get on my schedule today and let's get you back on course!  🧭 🎣 View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments
TGIWednesday Video Download ▶️
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 ~ BEING PATIENT WITH OTHERS ~ I believe think, know and feel that I will be patient when dealing with others and how I relate to them. I am ready, willing and able to let go of limiting beliefs and remain in allowance and acceptance of infinite possibilities.  I know when, where, how and why to let go of expectations of outcomes and remember that Spirit has the wheel. I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. Remember that making a little daily progress can allow the rest of your life to be the best of your life! ▶️ Watch here on YouTube - Please Like 👍 and Subscribe 🔔
 Next LIVE  Zoom Event 💻
Our Clearing the 7 Well-Springs of Life monthly Zoom series has been outstanding!  Did you miss one? Get the replays below. Call #1 - Body Clearings - Download replay Call #2 - Mind Clearings - Download replay Call #3 - Spiritual Clearings - Download replay Call # 4 - Relationship clearings (Register below) next up... Health, Money, Work/Job/Career/Purpose
THURSDAY AUGUST 29, 2024 4:00pm ET  |  1:00pm PT  | 10:00pm UK Registration fee = $22 30 minutes live | Includes replay access 👉 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/7w-relationships
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Call #4 Theme:  Relationship Clearings: Past/Present/Future We're basically house plants requiring air and water just with more complicated feelings and relationships!   Even if you consider yourself a loner type, human beings are all about relationships, family and we're part of the fishing tribe. Often relationships from our family and loved ones from our past haunt us and negatively affect our current ones, so it is vital to clear and recalibrate ourselves. 
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: After registration, Submit your Top 3 words/statements in the format below by Wed. the 28th to [email protected]  Be kind to our editors: please KEEP IT BRIEF :)
1) Clearing out past relationships ie: Release me from past relationships and their negative, lingering, traumatic effects that haunt me like:______ (poor treatment from mom or dad, siblings, teacher, authorities, friends - including abuse, mistreatment, injustice, betrayal, gaslighting, and narcissism)
2) Clearing out present relationships ie: Release me from the ill effects of ______ (a horrible/unfair boss, fair weather friends, a cheating spouse, children who are acting out, parents' disappointment, relationship burdens, addictions)
3) Clearing the energy of future relationships ie: Release me from the fear of/or help me create ___ (I'll never find great love, that I'll get hurt by love, future pain of losing loved ones/a child, create a greater relationship with money, with nature, create a space for humans to live in harmony and care for the planet and future generations.)
During this call #4, we'll clear relationships off all kinds ...and if your relationship with family, children, pets, work/job/career and your past are flawless, that is wonderful! Please write to me, I'd love to hear about that too.  For the rest of us you'll want to join our gathering and let's co-create some profound changes together!    
Register Here - $22
FREE Live Appearances 🎙️
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COMING AUGUST 15TH  The Ascension and New World Wealth Summit with hosts Gabrielle Spencer and Nicki Hu I will be one of over 40 leading-edge speakers sharing how to expand your consciousness, elevate your frequency, and unlock the rapid potential to heal your body, mind, and soul. Free to register - Join us Now! https://pillaroflightactivations.com/Jimmy
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
From the Fish Box 📧
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     Thank you for fitting me in earlier this week!  It was probably one of the best calls I’ve had with you (but of course they're all great!) Will update you as the magic happens:) Thank you -  Megan / Florida
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Fish Food 😇📣
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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AUGUST 14TH "Today I will leave no stone unturned. I will be vigilant, checking locks, windows, and doors and the safety of myself and my family. I will make certain that everyone has brushed their teeth, buckled their seat belt and is wearing clean underwear just in case."
The Fish Market 🎧⬇️
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Our online shop is getting a makeover! Get a preview now as you look over the 40+ audio titles in our MyBeliefWorks Audio Collections. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s)  We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family. 🏆 Best Sellers
💸 The Prosperity Collection  🧘 The Body, Mind and Spirit Collection 🙂 The Improve Your Life Collection 💻 Access 50+ Videos in the Zoom Replay Collection 
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy🙏
Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you. Looking for a new job?  Going through a court proceeding? Upcoming surgery scheduled for you or a loved one?  Need help selling or buying a property? Troubled times in your relationship? These are just some of the life at the crossroads events that are ideal for My Daily Prayer program.
30 Days of Daily Prayer (single month) - $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY.  👉Click here After the 30 days, you will receive an email from Jimmy and have the opportunity to renew for an additional month plus update your list, but you are under no obligation.
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
**NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time. Monthly subscription - $95/month on auto-renew 
👉 PayPal for subscription Click here 
👉 Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request.
Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
​Visit our ​O​nline ​Training Center 🖥️ "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" - Lao Tzu
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All are welcome to CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT to access the NEW and IMPROVED My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple Basic Training Course. Anchors Away Masterclass:  Sustain and clear and sovereign energetic field of dark energies and anomalies. Life Force Energy Masterclass: Enhance your fishing practice by approaching from a deeper, numeric level. MLF Mastery & Advanced Practitioner Certification Courses
Visit now, Click Here!
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Jimmy Mack ​​​ Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Appointments | FAQs View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 min www.jimmymackhealing.com Free Resources: Learn MLF for FREE | Videos on YouTube | Radio Show Archives Advanced Training: Masterclasses | Mastery and Practitioner Certification Clearing Audio Downloads​ and eBooks http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com ©1996-2024 All Rights Reserved.  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.sandybidinger.com
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slttygeto · 3 years
I saw you take requests so I thought about one. Can you continue getos part in the jjk characters in the film industry?? Or maybe whoever you want but PLEADE INCLUDE GETO AND MAKE IT SMUT, if u want to. Like how would the sex scene go, and what would happend after, people's reaction, them being asked about it in interviews... SORRY IF TS TOO MUCH
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"fuck me like I'm famous,"
synopsis: getting carried away because he was balls deep inside someone wasn't on geto's to-do list, and yet it happened.
featuring: geto suguru
warning: unrealistic events, i don't think actors actually fuck...but who knows, mild-humping, riding, praise, hints of dacryphilia.
author's note: thank you for showing the series support! it means a lot to me 🤍
reblogs are appreciated!!
that's how geto would describe how he felt the moment he finally had you naked underneath him
the cameras were never a bother to either of you, it's your job and you've always been surrounded by them
yet this time, being asked to quite literally fuck on camera was quite of a shocker
geto's done it before with other actors but with you? it's as if he was being asked to show the world exactly how he could easily make you crumble
but he had to follow the script
almost like a porn movie
harsh hands gripped the back of your thighs, pushing them towards your chest as his hips didn't halt their movements. you were still fully clothed on the bed, hands searching for anything to cling onto while the man above you worked wonders on your body without even having to strip you naked.
geto suguru was a god.
you had no idea he was this good in bed, you've always fantasized about him, about his pretty lips and big hands, his long, thick fingers buried deep inside your tight cunt. it made you dizzy.
and to finally be able to experience it left you breathless.
"now pull away and stare down at her, you know exactly what kind of look I'm searching for—" the director's voice was drowned out the moment you and geto locked eyes, your breath hitching in the back of your throat at the man's stare.
geto concluded that he'd never want to hold back if he were to sleep with you again, because god did you look perfect under him. as if you were made to be caged between his strong, tattooed arms.
the flush on your face definitely matched the one on your chest, trembling fingers tracing suguru's biceps as he leaned down towards you slowly, nose and lips brushing against yours in feathery touches, hesitant to fully kiss you. not until you pulled him in.
locking your legs around his waist, the pull towards your body jolted geto's body forward, his lips finally crashing against yours in a long awaited kiss. the accumulation of many lustful stolen glances and touches finally manifesting in the form of a make-out session, the script totally long forgotten.
you weren't in a rush but you weren't the most patient person either. stripping geto naked was something you would've never imagined yourself doing, let alone on set.
"fuck," you whispered, a hand trailing up and down his abdomen, the grin on his face as he watched you admire his body couldn't be wiped even if he wanted it to be.
geto didn't utter a single word as he made his next move, and one thing lead to another, you found yourself on top of the man, thick, veiny cock splitting your cunt in ways that had you holding back tears.
"it's—it's—," geto shushed you with a finger on your lips, two fingers resting on your clit as you tried to move away from the sensation. you were far too sensitive and suguru hadn't even started to fuck you properly.
grabbing your hips, suguru slowly raised you on his cock before dropping you with a small cry from you. the stretch was almost too much but the way the tip of his cock kissed your sensitive spots had your thighs trembling on geto's sides.
"gonna be good for me, pretty? gonna take me like a fucking champ, right?" geto's whispered praises drove you so close to the edge, a feeling of embarrassment hitting you at the thought of cumming so fast.
"s—slow down,"
"slow down? pretty, i haven't even started yet, are you cumming for me?" suguru's teasing had you whimpering in retort, jolt of pleasure shooting through your spine at the realization that he was making a mess out of you in front of all of the staff members.
fuck was it hot.
holding you close to him, geto was quick to thrust up into you at a dizzying pace. eyes locked on your face as you threw your head back for him, exposing your neck and giving the black haired male an opportunity to litter the skin with open mouthed kisses.
"atta girl, so good for me," he whispered in your sensitive ear, feeling you crumble even more against his body as you tried to push away from him, from the intense orgasm that was about to hit you far too soon into the scene.
"no, look at me—" geto held your jaw with one hand, the other one manoeuvering you so that you were under him again, your hips in the air and angled in a way that had your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
"look at me when i fuck this pretty cunt,"
none of what geto is saying is going to be added to the film, you knew that they were going to take just a few shots and somehow make it work, and god were you grateful for it because his words felt like actual filth.
his words were so obscene but your reactions to them pushed him to say worse.
slapping your clit once, your cry as your hand tried to push his hand away made geto grin, delivering yet another slap, and another and another—
fuck you were cumming so hard.
"come on, give it to me," geto's words were the final straw, body seizing up under him as you trembled in his hold, his bigger frame covering you and your face when he noticed the small tears streaming down your face.
"gonna help me cum, or do you need a minute?" in the haze of your orgasm, you could care less if it hurt you, so when you started moving your hips to help geto reach his own orgasm, his strong hands pushing your knees to your chest told you that you didn't need to help him.
you've done enough for him by being so fucking hot.
it took suguru a few thrusts before he was emptying himself on your stomach, hot puffs of air hitting your face as his toned body hovered over you, pressing his forehead against yours.
"did i do well?" you chuckled at the question, planting a small kiss to the corner of his lips.
"it's up to the director to confirm," you teased in response, watching as he gave you a warning look.
how could he even ask if he did well when you had the best post-sex glow?
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thesecretwriter · 3 years
fantasy reading (remus lupin) - 1.
Disclaimer: This blog is strictly 18+, minors please do not interact as that is not something I am comfortable with. Thank you!
Pairing: Remus Lupin x female reader
Summary: You like reading every sort of genre there is to romance. From angst to smut. Remus uncovers this little secret of yours and makes a move which he has been wanting to make for a long time. Warning: Angst? – idk if it is lol, fluff – its Remus, there’s always fluff with him, smut theme – minors dni.
part two
harry potter series masterlist
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“Until the next meeting, I suggest those without an assigned mission have a rest. We don’t know what to expect in this dark time and need everyone well rested and prepared if anything happens.” Dumbledore glances to everyone in the room as he concludes the meeting for the day.
The meeting was held at Grimmauld Place. Sirius had happily welcomed the order to hold meetings here as it was not known to many.
“I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t be able to rest when chaos could happen at any moment.” Bill said nudging your shoulder, you nodded your head in agreeance.
Everyone woke up from there seats and left the room. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and the others were upstairs – Dumbledore didn’t want to concern Harry more than he already was.
As you made your way out of the room and to the livingroom, with Bill following closely behind, you failed to notice the lingering gaze of Remus.  
When your thoughts dawdle to him, you think of a very strong man who has lived a difficult life. Remus was kind, interesting and always managed to make those around him happy.
You admired him very much, and it was only Sirius who could recognize this admiration as something else. You were so oblivious to your own feelings for him that it made Sirius wonder how you were the most skilled witch he had known.
“Y/n dear, would you please help me with laying the table. It seems the children are too caught up in seeing one another.”
“Sure, no problem.” You replied kindly.
Excusing yourself from the livingroom, you walked down the narrow hallway which led to the kitchen and was about to enter when you bumped into a tall figure.
“Pardon me.” You apologized and looked up, meeting the eyes of Remus.
“My fault, it’s okay.” He said gently resting his hands on your shoulders to steady you.
You smiled at him nervously before slipping into the kitchen. You briefly looked over your shoulder and saw that he was still watching you.
A kind smile on his lips, you gave him a tight-lipped smile before going to Molly and letting her hand you the many plates to set on the table.
While it may make sense to just use a spell to set the table, you took comfort in the domesticity of small household tasks. It reminded you of home.
“Dinner is ready everyone!” Molly’s booming voice echoed in the large house.
Soon you heard the hurried footsteps of Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny. Fred and George, who recently become of age to perform magic out of Hogwarts, just appeared beside a startled Molly.
“One of these fine days I’m going to be the mother of 5 children instead of 7.” She grumbled.
“I agree mum. I personally vote for Ron and Bill to be put up for adoption.” Fred said nonchalantly.
Ron sent him a glare, while Bill came in laughing at the fact that he was very much over the age to be put up for adoption.
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Soon everyone was at the table. Harry sat next to Sirius, telling him all about what has been going on in his life, Ginny and Hermione were gossiping, Ron was eating, and the twins were discussing what spells they wanted to try out later.
Bill was sat beside you, speaking very lowly about Fleur and how she is so eager to meet his family, when funnily enough, they didn’t even know he was seeing her.
“I don’t know how to introduce her to them… you know how they can be.” He said with a sad smile.
You understood him, Molly had wanted him to end up with Tonks, who was too busy focusing on her own career to worry about settling down.
You, Bill, and Tonks were all the same age, 24 years old, and attended Hogwarts together.
"If you feel your relationship with her is strong, then I think you should introduce her to them. From what you tell me, Fleur seems like an amazing person.” You give him a reassuring smile.
All he could talk about was her, so he most definitely felt that their relationship was strong.
He took your hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze as a way to thank you.
The small gesture didn’t go unnoticed by Remus. He had been watching you since dinner had begun.
Remus viewed you as a fire to be reckoned with. While you may seem like the kindest witch in the world, you wouldn’t hesitate to put someone in their place if they did anything wrong to you or someone you cared about.
He bared witness to this when you and he accompanied Mad eye and Tonks on a mission to bring Sirius to safety from dementors.
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After dinner, you had helped clear the table and clean up for the night.
It was already late and the majority of everyone had gone to bed since the next day was going to be a long one.
“Do you need help with that?” Remus’ voice spoke from behind you.
You had been trying to put away a plate which was kept in a very high place.
“Yes, please.” You reply softly.
You were about to move out of the way when his hand was placed on the counter in front of you, trapping you between him and the counter. As his other hand reached up to put the plate in its place, you felt his chest briefly brush against your back.
“You know… for a witch you sure do things in a very muggle way.” His voice was soft as he spoke.
“Before becoming a witch, this was my normal. Doing things manually.” You said with a smile.
You were born to a muggle family and got the letter every 11-year-old dreamed of receiving. Your life changed after that, but not everything changed.
“… besides, we could all use a little normalcy around here.” You said turning around to face him. He took a step back, otherwise your face would literally have been pressed into his chest.
“That’s true… I’ve been meaning to ask you more about the muggle books you recommended to me-“
“Remus, you’re needed in the livingroom!!” Sirius voice called from down the hallway.
“We can talk about this later?” He asked, to which you nodded.  
You and Remus had one thing in common, you both enjoyed reading. While he may have been older than you, you two got along like a house on fire when it came to books. Which is why in between breaks from missions you two would recommend books to one another.
He would tell you about magical books, while you would tell him about muggle books.
You stood there for a moment, processing what happened. It was a normal interaction, but the body language you two had exchanged with one another made your heart speed up and your thoughts roam wildly.
“Calm down y/n, he was just helping you with plates.” You told yourself before exiting the kitchen to join whoever was awake in the livingroom.
Bill was sat with Fred and George discussing a few things while Sirius and Remus were conversing quietly.
Remus’ eyes met yours briefly before his attention was brought back to Sirius’.
You were about to excuse yourself to go and prepare for bed before Bill noticed you and motioned you over.
“I was summoned.” You joked and sat beside him.
“Yes, I need you to convince these two to continue attending Hogwarts before wanting to join the order.”
Your eyes widened at his statement. Fred and George were still too young to be involved in such business. Even if you were just a few years older than them, you still looked to them as children.
“Your choice in wanting to join is very honorary, but it’s too dangerous right now. You just started to perform magic out of school, there’s still so much more for you to learn at Hogwarts. You can join at the right time, it’s just not right now.” You say with a sad smile.
You could understand their choice, they watched their parents work endlessly and contribute so much of effort into the order, but the last thing Arthur and Molly would want was to put any of their children in harm’s way.
They both looked upset but understood where you were coming from.
Bill, Fred, and George soon decided to go to bed as it was already late.
“I’ll be doing the same as them. Tomorrows a long day for us all. Goodnight.” You say to Sirius and Remus.
“Goodnight y/n.” Sirius waved enthusiastically. Remus lightly pinched him, which made him slightly jump.
“Goodnight.” Remus said with a smile.
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You had been tossing and turning for the last hour.
Sleep seemed miles away for you at this point. You had experienced many nights where you weren’t able to sleep and instead stayed up reading, which is what you resorted to now.
You were a hopeless romantic when it came to books. Love for you always seemed like a fantasy thanks to the books you read. Remus noticed this when all the books you recommended him was romance based. Although none of them was quite like the one you were reading now.
“I think it would be better if you left.” He whispered only for her to hear.
“Why should I? Why must I deprave us both from what we both crave the most?” Tears welled up in her eyes as she watched him turn his back to her.
A chocked sob left her lips, which made him turn around and look at her.
“It’s not what you want darling-“
“How do you know what I want, or what is good for me? There isn’t anything except you that is preventing this. For the both of us.” She said on stuttered words.
His eyes watched her, he could see the tears falling down her cheeks and the sadness in her eyes. As he watched her, an emotion of realisation washed over her.
“Unless… unless you don’t want me. Oh my god, I didn’t even think of that. I’m so sorry.” She began to take steps back and away from him.
His eyes widened at her words, and he stepped forward and reached out for her.
“No, that is anything but what I feel… your life would be much better without me in it. I’ve already caused you too much pain.”
A knock at the door took your attention away from your book.
“Come in.” You called out softly.
Remus’ golden-brown eyes peered from behind your door, “I hope I’m not disturbing you. I saw your room light on while I was on my way to bed and wanted to check in.”
“You’re not disturbing anything at all, I was just reading a book since I couldn’t sleep.” You explained holding up the book.
“What book are you reading?” He said stepping into the room, he closed the door behind him.
You sat up straighter when he leaned against the door and waited for your explanation.
“Its another romance novel, about two people who can’t be together… at least that’s what I’ve collected from what I’ve read so far.” You gave him a tight-lipped smile, leaving out the fact that the book had some other scenes which you were too shy to mention.
“Seems interesting, what’s it called and who wrote it?” He asked curiously.
“Its called ‘the ghost of you’ by Zenith.” You answer hesitantly. (haha, see what I did there?)
“I’ll add it to my book list... ” He said leaning off the door and moving to open it, “I don’t want to keep you up any longer. Goodnight.”
He stood in the doorway smiling at you.
“Goodnight, Remus.” You said back politely.
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The next day was a rush. The Weasley’s were taking their children, along with Hermione and Harry to Platform 9 and 3 quarters.
After a heart felt conversation between Sirius and Harry. You and Remus went back to Grimmauld place to take care of a few things. Bill went to visit Fleur as it had been quite some time since she saw him.
“I suppose now we just do as Dumbledore said and ‘relax’.” You said taking a seat on the sofa.
“I suppose so… although I can’t exactly relax with the full moon approaching.” He said jokingly.
You smiled at his attempt of a joke but knew deep down that the next few days would be difficult for him.
“Where are you going to be during the full moon?”
“There’s a cottage not far from here that no one goes to. Dumbledore found it and said I could use it whenever I needed.” He stated.
Remus had to go through a lot of full moons alone. When you would try to say you’d accompany him, he would insist you didn’t as he didn’t want to put you in harms way.
“Are you going to be alone again? You know I have no problem keeping you company-“
“I appreciate it y/n, but like I said, I prefer to keep you safe. It’s too dangerous, he is too dangerous.” He said leaning his head on the back of the couch and looking up at the ceiling.
“I know Remus, but I don’t like you going through this alone. You have me, Sirius and so many other to help you.” You sighed.
“Everyone has bigger worries at the moment.” He turned his head slightly to look at you.
“Not me, I worry about you.” You said honestly.
A smile made its way to his lips, “That’s the thing about you, I admire how you worry about others.”
A silence embraced the two of you.
There was no one else in the house, but you and Remus. The gaze his eyes held on you was intense and had so much of emotion.
“You’ve got really pretty eyes.” He said reaching his hand over and tucking a stray lock of hair behind your ear.
“So do you.” You said ever so softly.
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The next day Remus had taken it upon himself to loosen up a bit, explore and be as carefree as his life would allow him to be.
He found himself at a familiar bookstore which he frequently visited at one stage. He was in search of a specific book. One that you had recently mentioned to him.
A worker at the store assisted him and found it, “Thank you so much.” He said with a smile and went to sit and read a bit of it.
Before Remus knew it, about 2 hours had passed by and he had read quite a few chapters of the book. As those 2 hours passed by, Remus grew flustered by the words that described very explicit scenes to him.
He had always known that this sort of books existed, but he never knew that you would be one to read it.
When he realised how much time had passed by, he went to purchase the book and make his way back to Grimmauld place.
As soon as he stepped in through the front door, he could hear the voices of Arthur and Sirius coming from the livingroom. He caught sight of you, Molly and Bill in the kitchen preparing some dinner.
“Remus, I was wondering where you disappeared to.” Sirius’ voice brought your attention to the hallway where you briefly made eye contact with Remus who smiled at you.
His small gesture from the previous day brought emotions you felt only when you read about romance you craved.
“I was just at a bookstore and got lost in time while reading.” You heard him explain to Sirius.
Soon he disappeared into the livingroom with Arthur and Sirius.
“Be careful, you might drool from how hungrily you’re looking at him.” Bill teased as he passed by you.
You flipped him off, which earned a chuckle from him.
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“After tonight, I’m going to leave for a few days since the full moon is approaching.” Remus explained as you all sat at and ate dinner.
You perked up at his words and watched as he avoided eye contact.
“I’m coming with you this time; it’ll be like the old days.” Sirius stated.
Remus and Sirius shared a knowing smile with one another. It was no lie that Sirius, James, and Peter would help Remus with his transformations.
You unknowingly released a bit of a loud sigh, which had everyone’s eyes on you.
“Y/n dear, are you okay?” Molly asked concerned.
“Just fine, a little tired from the passed few days.” You quickly explained.
Everyone’s attention was diverted to Sirius who went on to explain some of the days he experienced at Hogwarts.
Bill, who had been sitting next to you, placed his hand on your wrist and silently asked if you were okay, you assured him that you were. Remus had watched the small interaction, feeling concerned at the unsureness in your eyes.
As soon as you were done eating, you excused yourself and made your way to your room.
You knew you should respect Remus’ wishes to not come along with him, but you couldn’t help but worry about him having to go through so much alone. Even with Sirius being there. You saw the damage that was done to him when they first reunited.
Just as you changed into your nightdress, someone knocked at your door. Having a feeling that it maybe Bill, you opened the door with saying, “I told you I’m fine Bill. I’m just tire-“
There stood Remus with his hands in his pocket.
“Hi.” He said amused.
“Hey.” You said slightly embarrassed.
“I… uh- I noticed you weren’t yourself during dinner and came to check on you.” He said matter of fact.
“I’m perfectly fine, just a bit tired.”
He looked at you suspiciously, waiting for you to explain properly because he knew you weren’t being truthful.
“Come in.” You gave in and moved a bit so he could walk inside your room.
He stood aside as you closed the door and walked past him to sit on the bed.
“I don’t want you to be upset, and I know it’s not my place but I’m not happy with you being alone during this full moon. Especially with just coming off from a tiresome mission.” You explained not meeting his eyes.
He smiled at your concern for him.
“I’m not upset. You’ve always expressed your concern, but I won’t be alone this time.” He assured you.
“I know, but I want to be there for you.” You said a bit frustratedly.
He grew silent at your words. Remus didn’t know what to say.
“Its too dangerous darling.” He said sadly.
You knew he wasn’t going to give in.
“Promise me you’ll be careful and the moment you need me, you’ll send Sirius to get me.” You said trying to negotiate.
“You have my word.” He took your hand in his and gave it a squeeze.
Wanting to make light of the situation you decided to ask him, “So, I heard you telling Sirius to a bookstore. What book did you get?”
Now this would be interesting, was the first thing that crossed Remus’ mind.
“The one you said you were reading the other night. I’m already about halfway through it.”
Your eye darted to his and you visibly grew tense, “Is that so? What do you think about it?” You tried to play it off cool, like there wasn’t a war going on in your mind.
Nobody knew you read books like that, especially the fact that you liked what you read.
“Very interesting, the details in the book are impeccable. I don’t believe I’ve come across quite such a book.”
He was smiling at you almost on the verge of laughing.
You sigh and know you must explain yourself; you were caught red handed.
“I know its not the usual book you’d think of me reading-“
“Y/n, its okay. You don’t have to explain. There’s no shame in enjoying such things.” He said turning his back to you.
“Not when you haven’t exactly experienced it.” You mutter softly, your eyes widened once you realised, he heard what you said.
He stopped in the middle of his pacing and turned his head to look at you.
“Haven’t experience it?” He questioned.
You wish the ground would open and swallow you whole. It would be much better than exposing the fact you had no sexual experience but enjoyed every moment in what you had recently been reading.
“I haven’t done it before.” You say, trying to play it off cool.
Remus was shocked at your words. To him it was shocking that no one had come along and made you feel enough love to experience such a beautiful thing.
When he saw that you had grown a bit tense from what was being said, he knew he had to ease it and not make you feel guilty about it.
“There’s nothing wrong with that, everyone takes their own time with things.” He assured you, which had you feeling slightly better.
“I know, I guess the only romance I’ve been experiencing is what I read in books.” You joke.
He could see that you were avoiding eye contact, which he didn’t like. You had beautiful eyes which he liked looking at when you spoke to him. He stepped forward and reached up so that he could make you look up at him.
“You deserve to experience a love that could only be found in books.” He said with a genuine smile.
His words brought you happiness. No one had said something like to you. You’d never been in an actual relationship before, there was no time for that when there was so much going on around you.
“You do as well Remus. You deserve a love which makes you happy about who you are. Someone who accepts you for all of you.”
The look in your eyes at that point made something snap in Remus, in that moment he knew what he felt for you was strong, and he knew you reciprocated those feelings.
Which is why he leaned down and connected your lips.
The shock of it took a second to sink in, but the moment it did, you began to kiss him back. Once you did, Remus pulled you closer to him and placed his hand around your neck.
You moaned at the feeling of his hand around your neck, which only encouraged Remus further.
His hand roamed down your body and pushed you on the bed, he then placed himself between your legs and continued to kiss you.
Remus could feel himself growing feral for you, which is why he had to pull away in order to collect his thoughts.
“What’s wrong?” You asked confused.
“I just needed a moment.” He said taking in a deep breath.
“Is something wrong?”
Your brows began to furrow, and you started to feel nervous. Remus could tell you were feeling embarrassed.
“It’s nothing wrong with you darling. With the full moon nearing, my urges become stronger than usual. Having you like this isn’t making that easy.” He chuckled.
Now you were nervous for another reason.
“Oh, I didn’t know that happened.” You said surprised.
“Yeah, besides I want you to have a good first experience, not something that just happened in the moment. You deserve more than that.” Remus said caressing your face.
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