#and cole is gay now
parachutingkitten · 4 months
Dragons Rising is like if a bunch of fans got to run the show, not in a bad way, but also... not in a fun way, you know?
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mittenslikescats · 6 months
fruity ninja
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somelegobird · 1 month
It was 2am, the phrase "alive but gay" was circling around my brain non stop, and then suddenly, this materialized before me
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Ta da :3
I also wanted to make matching bracelets and they accidentally ended up being Bruiseshipping colours so uh
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it was fate
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rainofthetwilight · 4 months
"chriscreator0 is a ninjago fan" - and other hilarious lies you can tell yourself
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manu-maow · 5 months
The Cole homophobia on Instagram has woken me up from my Ninjago slumber. Like I just know these are people who haven't been into the show since they were little boys, and probably don't even know what's going on anymore. Basically they're not Ninjago fans. None of the Ninjago characters have confirmed sexualities, and to create a petition against a sexuality of a character who is just chilling is so wild. They're so obsessed with gay people they wanted other people to suck their dicks and agree with their opinion that a LEGO isn't gay (he technically isn't by the way, which is the icing on the cake). This was fr not on my 2024 bingo card.
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skrunklydoo · 4 months
@vostokmcclellan’s EPIK theory on why cole brookstone is GAY
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it was so obvious,,,,,,,,,, right in front of us,,,,,, yet we didn’t see it,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,
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sea-jello · 2 years
me watching kai and cole interact in the pilots: oh they're BROS
me watching kai and cole interact the rest of the show: oh they're GAY
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they absolutely FUCKED these outfits UP, so i had to draw them <3
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noiresweetie · 9 months
cole phelps – "your effect in my appearance is starting to get me worrying."
roy earle – "like it or not. we're a dysfunctional couple now."
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alttheloco · 1 year
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[offers you season 1 ghostkicks]
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uglygirlstatus · 1 year
had a dream I was driving around South America with my sister, several coworkers, several people that don’t exist, and Cole Sprouse who I was refusing to call anything except Jughead and he hated me so much
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hickoryblossom · 1 year
Happy Pride!!
(I know it's like the end of June, this took longer than I wanted it to)
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So finally after literal weeks I've finished royal AU Cole and Jay! (The fic in question: All That We Can Give) Seriously everything on this planet was trying to stop me from getting these two dorks done. But now they're here!
I really wanted to make Cole's outfit super cool and interesting to look at but honestly I got really tired so I did my best with the energy I had. I still really like the way his cape and sleeves came out and his boots are honestly really doing it for me! The colors of his outfit were a nigh mare though! oh my god it literally took for ever to even get something I KINDA liked. I'm probably going to draw him again in the dance scene with Zane and so I'll probably up the antics on his outfit then (it's in the fic if yo want to know)
As for Jay I don't have much to say about him other than this is my first time drawing him and I wanted top hat and top hat is what we got. Honestly I don't think he really keeps up with fashion trends very well so he's been wearing the same kind of suit for years because why fix what aint broke is his motto! As for colors I went pretty basic with electric blue for his eyes (get it) and stuck with blues and greys (kinda like a storm) and some orange for some fun contrast!
Anyway in the fic they're pretty close since they're basically unrelated cousins (everyone's got 'em) with Jay's father being the grand duke. They went to the same boarding school and bonded while there (Cole went for dance and I like to think Jay went for literature/writing) Honestly I love these dorks, they both fall firmly in what I like to call the DumbSmart category of characters and I love that for them!
In conclusion I'm so happy to be back at my drawing tablet T-T
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You guys don't know how long I've been waiting for this twink to die
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ambassadorquark · 9 months
what i'm reading rn is "the department of truth" which is pretty good but will require more thinking to adequately review since it's a) basically a cop drama* and b) super political, but IS extremely stylish with amazing art. however it is reminding me of mike flanagan's very stupid house of usher series for the fact that they've given the male protagonist a barely there husband instead of a similarly offscreen wife. nothing wrong with that it's just making me chuckle a bit
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nerdyenby · 2 years
Breaking down my headcanons/interpretations of the ninja’s relationships:
Jay and Nya: they dated s1-s3, friends after that and later developed into a qpr. Jay had a crush on her pilot-s3/4ish when Nya realized she was aromantic. She enjoyed spending time with him and affection but the whole love triangle debacle helped her realize she doesn’t love anyone like that. Jay needed some time to get over his feelings so things were stilted for a bit but they were still friends. Nya found herself missing some of what they had before around s9 and they settled into a qpr not long after that.
Cole and Nya: pals. Cole is a giver, he enjoys and prides himself on supporting others. Nya didn’t get a lot of emotional support growing up so they tend to fall towards each other. Their side of the love triangle was Nya struggling with comphet and Cole largely being clueless with a little “messing with Jay” on top. Cole figured out he was gay and aspec before the pilot, and was the one to tell Nya about aromanticism. They talked a lot out together, Nya landing on aroace and introducing Cole to his label (grayromantic (his full identity is gay grayromantic asexual)) during her research. They’re close and are who each other go to when they’re going through something.
Kai and Nya: siblings of the “no one gets to bully my ______ except me” variety. They really rely on each other when it comes down to it. They don’t spend too much time one-on-one nowadays because they have a larger support system now, but they’re each other’s core and always will be.
Zane and Nya: probably the most conventional friendship either of them have. They’re close, they matter to each other, they’re good at reassuring one another, but they’re just friends. Except that Kai and Zane are a thing, then Zane’s the in-law Nya likes better than her own brother.
Lloyd and Nya: siblings. Evolution from “if I have to watch this child for ten more minutes I will throw him into a wall” to “lowkey my best friend but I’ll sooner throw you into a wall before saying it to your face” on Nya’s side. “She’s so cool” to “we’re so cool” on Lloyd’s side. Classic younger sibling idolizing their older sibling. The love each other so much but Kai was their only real model for affection so it manifests exclusively in hair ruffles, shoulder punches, and the occasional motivational speech.
Pixal and Nya: bffs. They don’t talk a ton but they trust each other with their lives and that’s good enough for them. They work in amicable silence most of the time, 90% of their dialogue is affectionately roasting the others.
Jay and Cole: guys being dudes being bros being boyfriends. They teeter the line of /p and /r, and no one knows for sure except Nya until like… s10, everyone else is too embarrassed to ask at this point. Some paparazzi took a picture of them kissing so that kinda blew their whole schtick with the gang, but the still mostly deny it publicly. They’re the “you’re my whole world, bro” meme. They are snarky bffs first and romantic partners second, as it should be.
Jay and Kai: not actually dating but fluctuate between flirting and bickering enough that people get confused. They don’t clarify anything because they think it’s funny and their boyfriends agree.
Jay and Zane: bffs. Jay often recruits Zane to be a part of his pranks or bounce ideas off of for his creations. They info dump to each other regularly and watch a ton of movies together. Basically qprs but have never made it official and don’t feel the need to.
Jay and Lloyd: brothers that steal each other’s comic books. They annoy each other to death and are 10x as unbearable when around each other, unclear whether or not it’s planned. Surprisingly protective of each other when it comes down to it.
Jay and Pixal: friends. Jay thinks she’s amazing and Pixal appreciates his cleverness that usually goes under everyone else’s radar. They don’t usually work together because their styles clash but they really value each other’s strengths and ideas. They occasionally have brainstorming sessions together and no one sees them for the next five days.
Cole and Kai: ambiguously romantic. They don’t call each other their boyfriends unless it’s for a joke but their respective boyfriends ship it. They’re a “thing” starting in or shortly after s10. They care very deeply about each other but are pretty casual about it.
Cole and Zane: guys being dudes being pals. They’re platonic but pretty physically affectionate with each other. They don’t talk a ton just the two of them but lean on each other regularly (literally). Their friendship is a soft and quiet one. As many, if not more, casual “I love you”s between the two of them than any of the actual romantic relationships. They are friends, your honor. They also like to tease their boyfriends together.
Cole and Lloyd: brothers of the more understated but just as earnest “I’m proud of you, kid” variety. That dynamic where they’d love to be closer but the age gap never really gave them the opportunity (just vibes, Cole and Kai are the same age, lol). The love each other in a way conveyed through supportive gazes more than words. They trust each other to take care of themselves but look out for each other regardless. Every now and then they spontaneously break out the “I have never seen that man in my life, your honor” energy and it catches everyone not in the family off guard.
Cole and Pixal: insane mutual respect. Cole has next to no understanding of machinery but he’s good at and willing to follow instructions and Pixal appreciates that in a man. They are friends. I’m running out of steam lol.
Kai and Zane: for as much as Kai flirts, he’s rather private with his actual relationships. They were a “Thing” starting in s3 but didn’t tell anyone except Lloyd, Pixal, and later Nya for a while. There wasn’t a specific moment where they leveled up to officially dating (idk, maybe in the year between s7 and s8?), but they were more open about it when Kai and Cole got together. They’re pretty understated unless playing it up to annoy someone. They love each other and convey it through looks and acts and physical affection more than words. They’re that couple that can convey paragraphs of information with 2 seconds of eye contact.
Kai and Lloyd: brothers of the “I got you, pipsqueak” variety, canon and real.
Kai and Pixal: friends who fluctuate between pretending to hate each other and flirting like there’s no tomorrow. They play-argue a ton but it’s all in good fun. Kai flirts with literally everyone, but Pixal matches his energy and they just run with it, it drives Zane insane /affectionate.
Zane and Lloyd: siblings of the “put on your seatbelt” “no” *reads entire handbook full of statistics on why seatbelts are lifesaving* variety. Need I say more?
Zane and Pixal: dating since s3. Everyone knows they’re together but they aren’t very public about it. Neither of them are very verbally affectionate so people who don’t know them well think they’re arguing or just don’t like each other but they love each other very much.
Lloyd and Pixal: pals. They really appreciate and rely on one another. It’s not very acknowledged but they both know how much they need the other and it’s very wholesome. They literally never talk about it but they would die for each other.
All this was spontaneous brain spew so it’s probably not very cohesive but have at it, hope you enjoyed :D
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