#and chat with you since we both love FMA a lot
aquaburst3 · 2 years
So my friend, @stormkitty97, and I were voice chatting last night, trying to finish our outline for the Belle/Vil crossover fic we were writing. When we got to a certain part of the outline, I joked about how Lizzie would reacted much differently in that situation. Then it dawned on us. Both Adriana, my own "Yuu", and Lizzie, the "Yuu" from our HP/TWST crossover fic that we share, are both like corrupted versions of Jasmine and Belle respectfully. Okay, neither of them are outright villains on par with the "Great Seven"—far from it, but they are similar to the Night Raven Students and share a fair bit of traits in common with who their love interests are based on.
Adriana and Jasmine share a lot in common. They are both rich girls, who grew up a privilege lifestyle. Both are feisty and sassy young women, who are quick on their feet, adventurous and empathic/kind to those dear to them. They are both cat people. Jasmine has Rajah while Adriana has a pet cat named Morgana back in her world. (Adriana also has some similar traits with Tiana and Cinderella, but Jasmine is the main one.)
There's a lot that separates them as characters as well. For one, Jasmine is an only child with a dimwitted, but loving father who wants what's best for her and a mother who died when she was young. Meanwhile Adriana was afforded a lot more freedom growing up and instead has a book smart older sister, a Japanese-Canadian stepfather who shares a lot in common with Roy Mustang from FMA and a mother who is a cutthroat business woman like an older, female Azul, who is the CEO of a huge company. There's also the fact that Jasmine is vaguely Swana or Desi (the movie is kinda a mishmash of both) while Adriana is a latina (half Mexican and Cuban/Sicilian) from Vancouver, Canada. Adriana is in her own head and analytical while Jasmine is much less hesitant about things. Adriana, thanks to growing up in a predominantly East-Asian and white environment and being autistic, has experienced things like racism and ableism that made her less naive about the world compared to Jasmine who grew up in a homogeneous environment where everyone is a similar racial background as her.
But what really sets these two apart are Adriana's dark, or twisted, if you will, traits. She's a former popular mean girl. As one could imagine, she wasn't the nicest person back then and did a lot of questionable things that came back to haunt her, which I can't get into because of spoilers. She was betrayed and knocked off her pedestal, leaving her isolated and alone.
Even the present, some of these traits remain. She's rather cunning, manipulative, deceitful and cut throat like Jafar. She is much more willing to go to dark lengths to get what she wants as long as it wouldn't hurt anyone dear to her or get her in trouble. While Jasmine has dabbled into that like with her pretending to seduce Jafar in the animated movie, Adriana is far worse. Not to show all of my cards, so to speak, that version of Scarabia will be much different thanks to these traits and being more actually helpful for Jamil. I can't ever see Jasmine doing the same thing. She also has her other darker moments as well, during Heartslabyul after Ace told her that Riddle is trending on social media for what he said, she says something along the lines of, "Good. He deserves it." I don't see Jasmine reacting like that. Then there's her internal monologue about her saying that the Great Seven had good traits and some of their less shitty actions like murder were in the right, which...yeah, speaks for itself.
While I can't analyze Lizzie nearly as well, since she's more of my co author's creation, she shares a lot in common with Belle. Both are rather smart, bookish, curious, outspoken and willing to stand up for themselves and those they care about.
But Lizzie also shares a lot with Grimhilde (The Evil Queen) as well. She's spiteful, petty, vindictive, selfish and quick to anger. She is much more willing to stoop to darker lengths than Belle. Not to go too much into spoiler territory for a future project, there will be a plot point where Vil will do something rather morally questionable, and Belle freaks out about it. But I think if Lizzie was in that same situation, she would've not only condone his actions, but also encouraged him to do worse.
I think those darker aspects are what makes them more suitable love interests for them in some regards. While we ship them with those princesses too, there is always a disconnect since they are more virtuous people who are naturally more off put by some of their more twisted actions. Lizzie gets Vil's jealousy and anger towards Neige, because she always felt the same way about her brother going to Hogwarts while she never could. She is much more understanding and supportive of him. While Adriana never grew up under far different circumstances than either of the Scarabia Dou (because Adriana's rich, but not Elon Musk or Kardashian levels like Kalim), she understands why Jamil is so angry at his current circumstances as a servant thanks to her being less naive about the world around her and compares his living situation to how shitty people trait their domestic workers. Because of her dark traits, she is much less off put by his darker actions that he will take to bring the Asim family down. But thanks to their lighter traits being similar to the princesses, they are still able to balance them out and bring out their good sides. With them doing the same in return, makes them both better people.
Idk, I just thought those parallels were interesting.
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kingofthewilderwest · 6 years
A thought just occurred to me about the different types of alchemy that all the characters in FMA do. Because the Elrics can pretty much do all sorts of things with their alchemy and they don't have any big restrictions, whereas Roy pretty much only does flame alchemy and is even deemed useless in rain because he can't use it. So does that mean that he can't use any other type of alchemy? If he can why doesn't he, in the rain in example? Why does he have this limitation when the brothers don't?
Ooooo this is a fun topic bless bless.
I don’t remember where I first read it, but I think it describes the Elrics well. I remember someone saying both Ed and Al embody the jack of all trades. They don’t seem to be profound experts in any one alchemical field, but they know key information here and there about multiple fields. So, following from that, I think where Ed’s greatest strength is his ingenious application of alchemy; it’s his creativity that gets him out of binds (sometimes), and it’s his out-of-the-box thinking that makes him realize he can trade his alchemy abilities to bring back his brother’s body.
What makes the brothers shine more than anything, though, is clap transmutation. As you say, the Elrics can do all sorts of things with their alchemy, and it does make them appear less “limited” in some senses. They’re at least more diverse and creative in what they do with alchemy. They’ve got the advantage because they’re not restricted by having to draw transmutation circles. I’m not sure if they need to have the circles memorized in their heads, or what sorts of scientific information their minds need to process prior to clap transmutation, but that form of transmutation has obvious advantages: they don’t have to draw or carry around “prepared” circles. They can just do whatever they need to, with whatever they need to, on the fly.
All other State Alchemists are “limited” to their specialty and what transmutation circles they carry/wear on them as part of that specialty. Part of this limitation is the natural thing that happens when you become a specialist. The more specialized you get, the more information you know about an increasingly smaller scope. Of course, these guys all would have had to start with alchemy’s basics (we see this referenced when young Mustang visits Berthold) before moving to advanced topics. 
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Background basic knowledge solidified, they then would have been able to go into more complicated forms of the science, specialize, and attune their focuses. Shou Tucker is going to keep all his concentration on chimera research. He’ll know a lot about those things, but probably only the basics of other forms he doesn’t really use. And especially for actively fighting State Alchemists in the military, they’re going to focus on their special alchemical attacks. Soon enough, all of what they easily recall and can do, will be their area of specialty.
Each State Alchemist seems to hone one particular alchemy attack and that’s about it. They have their circle pre-formed by wearing gloves, gauntlets, or tattooing it on their body. Solf Kimblee, Alex Armstrong, Basque Grand, Roy Mustang… I see all of them on the same “par” for how they handle their alchemy. They perfect the attacks they can do with that one transmutation circle they wear on them. Maybe they could’ve been more resourceful and carried other pre-drawn circles for secondary attacks, but welp. 1). The State Alchemy program is new. 2). Well-educated adults often specialize into narrow interests. 3). Most day-to-day alchemists don’t need to have their transmutation circles prepared ahead of time. 4). Because of their unique abilities, State Alchemists are probably pretty confident on winning their fights with their one prepared attack form. 5). And maybe there’s something to be said about holding to their own “brand recognition” and sticking to the alchemy they’re famous for. ;)
It’s not that they don’t know other transmutation circles and alchemical information, but it’s the practicality of being an active fighter that we see people like Mustang be so “limited”. Roy won’t have time to grab chalk and start scribbling circles on the ground when an enemy rushes him. He’s going to rely on Flame Alchemy because that’s the alchemy he has available with that transmutation circle on his gloves. Unfortunately, that comes at the cost that, when he’s wet, he can’t light sparks with his gloves and use his one prepared transmutation circle. Ergo, he becomes useless in the rain for any average fight.
There are many indications Roy knows more forms of alchemy. We could talk about the 2003 show, where we see his notes of complicated formulas for human transmutation research, but I’m going to stick with Arakawa’s intended chronology only. There are multiple instances I recall in FMAB / the manga where Roy uses alchemy that isn’t Flame Alchemy.
First, he makes a “body” to fake Maria’s death. He knows the needed “ingredients” off the top of his head; while they’re not complicated, he’s not looking anything up for what he knows he’ll need. He quickly jots his list down inside a phone booth and hands the note straight to Breda. Roy knows he’ll be able to form those into a fake corpse. It shows some non-Flame Alchemy knowledge here. It’s possible he then did some reading before making the “corpse” with alchemy, of course, but books or no, he regardless does non-Flame Alchemy. He even matches Ross’ tooth record for his crafted dummy.
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And he knows ahead of time what the teeth will need to be made of.
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Second, Mustang transmutes the sign on a truck into a different logo. We’ll get more to this instance of alchemy later. I like this instance.
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Third, Mustang uses an oh-so-common combat alchemist tactic: reforming the ground before him into a shield. Clap transmutation moment for the win! Now that he’s not required to draw circles, he’s taking advantage of non-Flame Alchemy in combat.
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Fourth, there’s the omake where Roy’s using Flame Alchemy techniques with the same transmutation circle, but in non-Flame Alchemy ways. We know for Flame Alchemy, Mustang manipulates oxygen concentration levels to direct his flames. Changing oxygen concentration levels can also… get people to pass out. Oh dear. Buddy. Buddy, we need to talk.
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Last, Roy thinks he can use Lust’s Philosopher’s Stone to heal Havoc. Mustang says, “Medical field alchemy is outside of my expertise, but by using this to increase my abilities…” I don’t know how the Philosopher’s Stone exactly works since, again, you don’t need to draw a transmutation circle with it. How much are you still doing yourself with your own abilities and practice, and how much will the Philosopher’s Stone “fill in the gaps”? But the way that Roy is talking, he seems to at least think that the Philosopher’s Stone isn’t going to do the alchemy for him - it’s used to increase his abilities rather than give him new ones. I say that indicates that, while medical alchemy ain’t his specialty, he thinks he can do something with it. There’s still some questions I have about how working with a Philosopher’s Stone goes down, but regardless. Roy knows how to do some basic biological alchemy!
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Honestly I’ve always found the ice cream truck moment most interesting when it comes to Roy’s non-Flame Alchemy. You see lots of alchemists do something like rearrange the earth to block attacks. Given he’s a soldier, knowing bits of medical alchemy is obviously practical. But changing the outside appearance of a truck is somewhat random - not necessarily complicated to do, but random and menial alchemy nevertheless.
We know Roy wouldn’t be carrying books on him to look up the transmutation circle for changing the truck logo. He would’ve used his memories to draw that transmutation circle. In FMAB he casually comments, “Changing the outer appearance of the vehicle is no trouble at all.” For whatever reason, Roy recalls what to do off the top of his head. It’s no trouble. And if he remembers some small random trick like this off the top of his head, what else does Roy actively recall about other forms of non-Flame Alchemy? I think this moment indicates Roy actually does carry around with him some decent memories of non-Flame Alchemy transmutation circles. Exactly because it’s some small random trick, it makes it all the more an indication Roy’s got a decent memory and practice for other forms of alchemy. Especially, I imagine he likes to remember some alchemy for deceptive stunts, since he has his fair share of tricks everywhere.
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Honestly, even the fact that he decoded Berthold Hawkeye’s tattoo and learned Flame Alchemy shows that he’s got to have great understanding of alchemy as a whole. Prior to this, Roy knew nothing about how to do Flame Alchemy. At the same time, Berthold said that his alchemical notes (on Riza’s back) were “indecipherable to the average alchemist.” Either that means they were attuned specifically to Roy (which I find somewhat doubtful), or they were difficult to crack and understand - in which case Roy being able to learn this information is a feat to his prowess in alchemy as a whole. He’s no average alchemist; he’s a gifted and brilliant one able to learn a novel, new field.
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He’s got his expertise, Flame Alchemy, and he’s damn amazing at it. He’s specialized, as we’d expect an advanced State Alchemist to do. Roy also shows that he has dabbled and remembers the information to some other forms of alchemy.
So I think that, in summation, to answer your question:
Roy (and other State Alchemists like Alex) narrow their alchemy to a specialty and almost exclusively practice that one form in combat. They’d enter more diverse research and application (though still circled around their expertise) in calmer scenarios. However, Mustang’s going to primarily use Flame Alchemy because that’s what he knows best, that’s where he can consistently do the most damage, and that’s what transmutation circle he has on his gloves to work with. In combat you only have the chance to use what you’ve prepared ahead of time in alchemy - unless, MAYBE, you’re a very fast drawer, have some time, or can clap transmute.
Roy’s useless in the rain and doesn’t use other forms of alchemy mostly from time constraints. He wouldn’t have time to scribble out new transmutation circles on rainy days in the middle of a fight. So… once his gloves get soaked, he can’t use Flame Alchemy. He’s done. He better shoot his gun or stay back. He’s also not going to be an expert in other alchemical forms. But time would be his biggest constraint making him “useless”.
Roy and the other alchemist’s “limitations” (compared to the Elrics) come from the fact they can’t clap transmute and they rely HEAVILY on their specialty with their pre-drawn circles. The Elrics, meanwhile, can clap transmute and are jacks of all trades.
That’s how I see it, anyway! Would be interested if you have any other thoughts, though, that I missed!
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meta-squash · 4 years
Brick Club 1.3.4 “Tholomyes Is So Happy, He Sings A Spanish Song”
I think this chapter title is actually yet another pun. In a later chapter, Favourite mentions that Tholomyes’ first name is Felix, which is Latin for “happy.”
This first paragraph feels like a pretty blatant comparison of the group to the nature mentioned. The flower beds are balmy with perfume, as the ladies may have been, the boughs are gesticulating as the men (and maybe the women) were, the bees pillaging the jasmine is certainly a pretty obvious metaphor, the “bohemian crew of butterflies” would probably be the men, landing briefly on these women for a year or so and then taking flight elsewhere.
(I just looked up bindweed and flashed back to elementary school, where it grew as a weed all over the campus and we’d pick it and put it to our noses and inhale so the petals stuck to our faces, so now I’m imagining them doing that.)
The fact that everyone but Fantine is kissing everyone else is yet another clue that she doesn’t exactly fit in. It also seems like another indication that Favourite should have been paired with Tholomyes.
Fantine’s “dreamy, fierce resistance” (FMA) or “dreaminess and wildness” (Hapgood) is an aspect about her that I feel comes out a little more when she’s back in Montreuil-sur-Mer and has unfortunately hardened a bit. She has quite literally no lines of dialogue until 1.3.8, and her lines up through the letter are superficial, except perhaps for the line about the stagecoaches. Everything we see of Fantine is observational; she’s watching her friends to follow suit, we’re watching her. Later on, in M-sur-M, she’s fiercer, more willing (or perhaps more desperate) to talk back, to talk aloud to herself. The fierce part of her is very inward here, and it’s poverty and desperation that really brings it out. Her confrontation with Bamatabois later, and the moments just before it, bring the “dreaminess” and the “wildness/fierceness” together quite violently.
(Sidenote: The more I read and think about it, the more I’m loving the Fantine-as-autistic headcanon. She’s quiet here because she’s working hard at masking and mimicking; once she’s at her lowest points in M-sur-M, she’s totally given up that effort because she absolutely does not have the energy or mental capacity. So we then get her talking to herself, self-soothing by wringing her hands, shrinking back, etc etc. Idk who came up with that headcanon or where I read it mentioned, but I love it.)
This entire massive paragraph about love in springtime feels very romantically pastoral in its imagery. It certainly fits with the whole leaving urban Paris to go to the park and nature in Saint Cloud (despite the weirdly dark aspects of the area). He continues the theme by mentioning Honore d’Urfe, a pastoral romance author, and Watteau and Lancret, both painters of light, colorful, Baroque style paintings. Watteau painted “The Embarkation for Cythera,” a painting of a fete galante, which is essentially what’s going on in this scene. Cythera is the Greek island said to house a cult of Aphrodite. I’m not sure what the Diderot reference is doing there; I know about his reason vs feeling philosophy, and I know he wrote a “naughty” novel, but I’m not sure how either of those fit into these themes in the rest of the paragraph?
"Beautiful girls lavish their charms with sweet prodigality. We imagine it will never end.” What an interesting pairing of sentences. The second line takes on a tone of quite dark foreshadowing when reading the Brick again. But that first line is interesting to me for the idea of women wasting their charms on men. It feels like an expansion of his “poverty and coquetry are fatal counselors” line, but from a different angle. Flirting or falling in love with a man who is only going to use you for his own pleasure and then drop you is a waste of emotion, not to mention painful if you’re not ready for it. Lavishing “charms” on men only for them to treat a woman in a way that could potentially ruin her is Bad. But if you don’t realize that’s what’s happening, if you think that instead of shallowness or emotional manipulation, you’re actually getting real love and connection, you’re not going to ever want it to end. And then when it does that shock and hurt is so much the worse. Again it’s the difference between Fantine and the others; she seems to think it’s real love on Tholomyes’ side like it is for her, while everyone else seems fairly aware that it’s just a fun little fling and nothing more.
Riding donkeys seems like kind of a ripoff in terms of a date? Maybe another example of Tholomyes’ cheapness as a date as well as an example of his charisma. If he can sell riding an ass as a fun and cute outing instead of a bit of a let down, then no wonder he’s the one in control of this whole endeavor.
I have no idea what plant it is they’re viewing at the Jardins des Plantes, and it’s really bothering me. The only thing I could think of is wisteria, but that can’t be right, since it has leaves, and I have no idea how to search that on google. I’m also wondering what the “mannikin anchorite” at the Chateau d’Issy was. There’s a statue of the actual St. Cloud (Clodoald) in Saint Cloud, but they’re in Issy at this point as far as I can tell, so I have no idea.
As far as I can tell, the satyr-millionaire/Turcaret-Priapus lines are just a joke about rich horny people. I’m not sure why the hall of mirrors is an aphrodisiac? But I suppose the joke is something about voyeurism and watching the person you’re attracted to via means only available to those with lots of money to build a hall of many mirrors? Unless I’m interpreting the entire “cabinet of mirrors” wrong and it’s not even real mirrors. I’m just making guesses at this point.
I think the “Abbe de Bernis” line is a reference to Casanova, but I’m not 100% sure.
Fantine refuses to swing, and Favourite thinks she’s being superior. This seems like another moment pointing out Fantine’s modesty; the “flying skirts” produced by the swinging are maybe a little much for her taste. But it’s another thing that makes me think that maybe the other girls don’t like her very much and are maybe a little frustrated at her prudish behavior compared to the others, or think that that modesty is her thinking she’s better than them.
They’ve now been out and about for about 10 hours, which is a lot. There’s a post somewhere on tumblr about the Russian Mountains, but I love that there was a rollercoaster in Paris in the 1810s. The roller coaster also seems like perhaps an interesting chance at a metaphor for what’s coming: a big climb upward, a rush, and then suddenly much lower than you were a moment ago. For the other women, being back down on the ground is expected at the end of the ride, but for Fantine, it’s an unexpected, painful let down.
Ten (or more) hours is a long time to wait for this “surprise.” I’m wondering if this whole outing has a sort of twofold objective: one as a sort of “last hurrah” date, where they do all the fun things and then there’s the cruel “surprise” at the end. And two, as a way to tire everybody out, so the women would do exactly what they do later on in 1.3.9: get distracted with chatting or just gazing out the window in thought until they suddenly realize how much time has passed, giving the men plenty of time to get away.
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shekissesturians · 4 years
Animes Watched Since Quarentine Started ~
So I just sat down and realized... I have developed a problem X’D  BUT it could be worse! So I figured I would share for those looking for something new to watch! Also, what have y’all been watching!?
Full list below the line + reviews! * No spoilers, I promise! I wouldn’t do you dirty like that! *  ;-*
1. Kakegurui 
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This show took me by surprise, I had no idea gambling could be so thrilling! Plus let us take a moment to appreciate the facial expressions animated in this show! Beautiful, just beautiful. Beware though, this anime gets dark, and sick, and you will definitely forget to breath at times. It is a thorough joy.
2. Steins;Gate
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3. Steins;Gate 0
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Honestly, Steins;Gate + Stains; Gate 0 is one of the best animes I have EVER seen. Legit. Also, It is one of the best stories of time travel I have ever encountered. The way it is explained in the anime is brilliant! Compelling, thrilling, emotional, so much amazingness. I watched in chronological order instead of season order which I really enjoyed. Also one of the most moving anime endings I have seen. All the characters you will fall in love with, and their character development is one heck of a ride. A must watch, 100%.
4. Fullmetal Alchemist
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This was a nostalgia back flash for me! It was been years and I felt like reliving it all over again. Which I am glad I did, cus boy was there a lot of heavy themes and topics I did not pick up on when I was younger! One of the biggest themes was this existential undertone throughout the whole show that explored the ideas of humanity, authority, morality and race.
5. Fullmetal Alchemist Conqueror of Shamballa
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A must follow up to the original FMA series. It just ties the whole story up in a pretty bow. I remember when I first saw this movie, it was my first encounter this the idea of multiple dimensions and it just blew my mind. The whole this felt so exciting and surreal, and I loved the addition of our timeline playing a part. Watching FMA + Movie over again leaves me a bit torn on which is better, Brotherhood or first adaptation. I think both should be watched for a full understanding of the lore. The first anime series definitely has some holes and details missing, but it’s also so nostalgic and they really give you a better development of characters and feels than Brotherhood does, as they rush through that to get back to the main plot.... so grab some popcorn and watch both and just enjoy the ride :)
6. Angels of Death
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This anime has such a unique premise!! And morally it is just all sorts of twisted, which I love! The music is fantastic in it and all the characters you encounter are very unique and fun... it’s dark though, don’t get me wrong.. and twisted. BUT a fun ride if you are down for that kind of adventure!
7. Another
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WHOOOO BUDDY! If you want to go on a journey THIS IS ONE! It’s a mind bending premise and each episode ends in so much suspense. I literally could’ve watched the whole thing in one day. This anime is like a jar of Pringles, once you start you just can’t stop!
8. Death Parade 
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This anime gets the prize for the most misleading opening ever! X’D But it is such a BOP Please watch if you can. The anime overall is a joy, its very thought provoking and touches on the darker topics of death and mortality. Who is really good? Who is evil? Where do they seamlessly blend into each other? Besides the premise being so unique and tantalizing, the artwork is breathtaking! The background and environments the characters exist in are gorgeous. As an artist and a writer, I appreciate this anime on so many levels.
9. Sekkou Boys
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Oh god, this anime is a joy. Just pure, clean joy T.T The episode are VERY short so you could finish the whole thing in an evening. But if you are an artist, a Renaissance history lover, or a J-pop fan, you will especially appreciate this joy of a creation. Watch it for your soul, you will feel better afterwards.
10. Kokoro Connect
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This is a very intriguing coming of age story to say the least. There is an element of fantasy/science fiction that comes into the picture that stirs all sorts of trouble for our dear group of friends. It makes you really reflect your own intra- and interpersonal relationships and how we perceive and interact with one another. Overall a fun trip to go on.
11. Occultic; Nine
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HOLD ONTO YOUR HORSES CUS THIS ANIME IS FAST! Omgsh, if you watch in Japanese like I did, get ready to have tired eyes cus the pace and speech of this anime is like nothing I have encountered before, but it is soooo much fun! It is mystery combined with the supernatural. It’s one of those animes where there is a lot of characters involved and some how everyone is connected in some way, like Baccano! if you have seen it. I would say to watch this AFTER you watch Steins;Gate if you have any interests because it is written by the same writers and there is little things that reference back to Steins;Gate which are really fun to pick up on.
12. School-Live!
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I didn’t know what to expect when I started this series. It is not the kind of art style I am normally drawn towards but I am soo glad I watched. The characters are all really fun and cute! Especially the puppy!! <3 You deal with psychological stress as well as a nice mix of slice of life all in the midst of a zombie apocalypse! It’s a combination I never knew I wanted in my life, but now I am glad I have it. Don’t let the cute animation style fool you... it gets DARK. I was full out trying not to sob at one point, but I think that just shows how many levels are involved in this story. Have fun with this ride my friends <3
13. My Hero Academia
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GUYS ARE YOU FREAKING READY!? This was the story I never knew I needed in my life, but now I don’t know how I lived without it. Dear god, I binged this one so hard I think I forgot to breath for a week. All of the characters are so dynamic and the overall tone of the series is so uplifting and positive. If you are in a depressive slump just turn this one on. I promise you, you will be smiling and feeling better in no time! It is so motivational as well. Humor, action, suspense, thrilling, emotional- I don’t think there is anything they don’t touch on. Uhg gosh, I could prob write a dissertation on all the themes and undertones expressed in this work. I promise you, this is a journey you will not regret taking <3
14. My Hero Academia: Two Heroes
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I’ll be honest, I think sometimes series’ movies miss the mark, or just feel lackluster, like a power hour of filler. This one my friends.... DID NOT. I was really glad I watched it too, because I felt as though it added so much to the main story line. Plus you get to see college years All Might... so bonus! X3 But seriously, it is a very fun movie and it gives you more background to the world you wouldn’t otherwise get.
15. Shiki
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First off... THE ART. This anime’s art is so unique and fits so well into the overall narrative. But honestly, I feel like this anime is a work of art, it feels like an old folk tale/dark fairy tale you would elders talking about in a pub late at night. The narrative never went where I expected it to, and by the end I was so morally conflicted I didn’t know what to do with myself. It’s a dark fantasy that really explores all the little nitty gritty grey areas that are often passed over in stories. There were definitely a few scenes that made me so uncomfortable I was squirming. Human nature is truly a sight to behold, and this anime shows it to you.
16. Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress
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The Feudal Japan- Post apocalyptic- Steam punk journey you never knew existed! Gosh this anime is amazing. First off the art is breathtaking and many scenes reminded me of Miyazaki. Second, the music is SO GOOD. It’s a concept on the undead that I find to be very unique and truly thrilling. Most of the anime takes place on a train which is such an intriguing element. You also go into human fear of the unknown and how our nature can truly be our biggest hindrance. The characters are great and you get to the point of really rooting for them. Get ready for this feast for your senses!
17. Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress Movie: Battle of Unato
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After watching the series I felt like my heart was still missing something. Honestly the whole thing felt like it went by too fast. I still wanted more! This movie helped fill the void in my heart. You get to see relationship begin to form between characters as well as more insight into kabane and all their abilities. Standing alone, this movie is a really fun adventure and gives more insight into the state Japan is in overall.
So THERE YOU HAVE IT! I hope you might have found some new things to watch. I would love to see others lists of things they have watched, feel free to leave in the comments! Or if you have watched any of these, I would love to hear your thoughts! Let’s chat <3
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randomfandomimagine · 5 years
Homecoming (Alphonse x Reader)
Characters: Alphonse Elric, Edward Elric, Winry Rockbell, Lust, Greed Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist Categories: Gender Neutral Reader, Human Al Warnings: Mild spoilers Word Count: 4k words Requested by anon: OK I JUST HAD AN IDEA FOR AN IMAGINE FOR THE ELRIC BROTHERS. So, for the imagine, reader is sent to spy on the Elric brothers by Father and eventually has to assassinate them. But reader doesn’t want to. They soon develop a friendship and reader is at a crossroads when they meet Father // Requested by anon: Yesss imagines are open! Imagine for Al (FMA) surprising his s/o when he got his body back and his s/o takes care of him and even bakes him something since they are a baker? Notes: It’s been really long since I last watched/read Fullmetal Alchemist, so I apologize if the plot if a bit messy. Also, the Alphonse ship part is very very subtle.
Remember that requests for oneshots are currently closed!!
I noticed them, the two brothers, they were staring at me. The short one’s gold eyes focused on me, but then they looked ahead and he passed me by. The other one, however, kept staring. I couldn’t see his eyes because of the armor, but I noticed his walking got slower and he tilted his head to the side slightly.
Waiting for the right moment, I carefully looked around me. I didn’t want to arise too much suspicion. It was about to happen any moment, and I had to be ready. I had a mission.
Interrupting my focused thoughts, a figure jumped up and blocked the brother’s path, a tall and slim figure that I knew very well. Her long fingernails then became a weapon as they stretched out to the two. They were quick to act, however, nimbly moving out of the way and ready to retaliate.
I jumped in between them, though, drawing my sword out and swiftly swinging it to break her extended fingernails that turned into blades. Lust cried out in pain but didn’t retract. The two brothers continued their defense, with the blond one with the ponytail briefly staring at me as he passed by.
“Be careful!” The one with the armor took me by the arm. “It’s dangerous!”
I squirmed in his grasp when he tried to push me back for my own safety. Finally managing to set myself free from his gloved hand, I spun my sword around in preparation.
“Don’t worry, I got this” With that, I ran to help the short one again.
Injuring Lust with my weapon, she fell to her knees. She glared at me, then looking back to the other one, and surrendered. She slowly held her hands up, eyeing me caerfully. Neither of us moved until she started to walk away, still eyeing us with contempt.
I stood there, breathing heavily from the battle. Lust and I exchanged a glance of rapport, and she didn’t look back again.
“Hey” The short one finally acknowledged me. “Good job”
I tiredly smiled at him, saving my sword back on its sheath.
“Wow” The other’s voice echoed inside his armor. “I didn’t know you were so good, thanks for helping us!”
“Yeah, thanks” The one with the ponytail held his hand out for me. “I’m Edward”
“Y/N” I introduced myself, giving his hand a firm shake.
“I’m his brother Alphonse” The other said, shaking my hand as well.
I looked up to meet with Alphonse’s tall stature, then glancing back to Edward.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you both” Even if maintaining my usual neutral voice, I tried to sound polite and kind.
“Why don’t you come with us?” Alphonse suggested happily. “We were about to grab something to eat!”
“I don’t know” I casually shrugged my shoulders. “I’m not really…”
“Yeah, sure” Edward tilted his head at me. “Consider it a thank you for helping us”
“Exactly!” Alphonse excitedly grabbed my hand. “Come on!”
With a reluctant sigh and a soft smile, I allowed him to take me with them. I had to suppress the urge to smirk in satisfaction. The plan was working perfectly so far.
After several weeks, I had earned their trust. We had gone through many things together, including accompanying them on their journey and helping them as much as I could and even visiting their hometown in Resembool.
The more time I spent with them, the less I wanted to carry on with the plan. Ed was short-tempered and hermetic, but worked hard to do the right thing and protect his loved ones. And Al was innocent and too friendly, but his warmth and kindness were unique. I grew especially close with him.
It came to a point where I refused to do them any harm. They had welcomed me, treating me as a friend, looking after me and caring for my safety and wellbeing. And even though I had many opportunities to accomplish my mission once and for all I just… couldn’t. Not only couldn’t, but didn’t want to.
My mind was burning with thoughts as we left the Rockbell’s home. They were the closest Edward and Alphonse had to a family, and they had spoken about a lot. That included their purpose, and Ed’s automail, and Al’s armor. Upon learning about their stories, I felt even more sympathy for all of them. For the sacrifice they had made, for their journey and their goal, for their capacity to love and selflessness. And I admired them for it.
“Bye!” Winry waved her hand at us from the balcony. “Come back soon!”
“Thanks for having me” I waved back at her, who smiled in return.
“You too, Y/N!” Pinako said, positioning herself next to Winry.
“Yeah!” The girl exclaimed so I could hear her with our increasing distance. “We had a lot of fun!”
“Yeah, yeah” Edward pulled at my arm, making me smile in spite of myself. “Let’s get going”
“I knew they would like you” Alphonse told me, his voice dripping with kindness as usual.
With a last wave to the Rockbells, I accommodated my slow pace to their quicker one. It felt a bit sad to leave them behind and abandoning that comforting feeling of home they had introduced me to. But then again, Edward and Alphonse were like another home, wherever we were.
“I’m really sorry about that, by the way” I had the need to say, explaining myself after their attentive stares. “About… you know… all of it”
“Oh” Edward’s expression darkened a bit, and he closed his metallic fist. “Never mind”
Noticing it was a subject he was not willing to talk about, I mentally told myself not to bring it up again, but knowing about it gave me a whole new perspective. The old me arose for a moment, saying that it could be a weakness I should take advantage of. But the new me, the one that had grown fond of them, replied that I shouldn’t. That I wouldn’t.
“It must be especially hard for you” I whispered to Alphonse, even if it was strange talking to him now knowing the truth behind his empty armor.
I had tried to keep my voice low, but I heard Edward sighing at my words.
“It’s okay!” Alphonse said, seemingly carefree. “When I get my body back, I’ll eat all the foods, I keep them on a list! Especially apple pie, I can’t wait!”
I noticed Edward walking ahead of us, hanging his head low. I didn’t comment on it.
“I‘ll look out for more delicious foods for your list” I nudged Alphonse, even with his empty armor. “Especially desserts, since you like them so much”
“Thank you, Y/N!” He replied. “Your company is helping us a lot”
“Don’t mention it” I replied, feeling a certain guilt eating me alive from the inside.
I considered telling them everything, confessing the truth about the actual reason behind our first meeting. But how could I? Edward would definitely hate me, and even Alphonse would be mad at me. And I wouldn’t blame them. So although I wanted to open up about it, I knew that I never could. I just wasn’t brave enough.
We continued walking in silence, prepared to carry on our adventure. To keep on searching for a way to return Ed’s arm and leg and Al’s body.
Living with Father used to be horrible. It was sad, dark and oppressing. I was always scared, fearing that he might abandon me and that I would be alone again. Frightened that I might disappoint him and in his anger he would lash out at me. Aware of his conditioning and manipulation, I put up with it because it was all I ever had. I only ever had him.
All that seemed to be in another life, as travelling with the Elric brothers was the complete opposite. We laughed, we chatted, we looked after each other. We joked and had fun, but also worked together. We were together, I was not inferior to them. Perhaps only inferior in alchemy knowledge, but not in self-worth.
However, almost as though he sensed my happiness and was ironically envious of it, Father intervened. During our voyage to Rush Valley, taking advantage that we were alone and vulnerable, he appeared. Or rather, one of his puppets, just like I had been.
This time it was Greed. He stood there, tall and arrogant as always.
“What…?” I stopped myself in time, before confessing I even knew him.
“There you are, Y/N” I felt the blood escape my face when he spoke. 
“Wait...” Edward muttered in awe. “You know each other?”
I frowned, not capable of looking at them. Instead I stared at Greed.
“Father sent me, you were taking too long” He said in exasperation.  I could picture Father’s eyes glistening with fury as he commanded him. “When were you going to finish your task?”
“Task?” Alphonse turned to me, tilting his head in confusion.
“I knew it” Edward pointed an accusatory finger at me. “I knew it! I knew it was too good to be true!”
“No” I choked out, feeling tears welling up in my eyes at the look of absolute disgust that he dedicated me. That look caused a pang in my chest. “Please, Ed, you have to listen to me”
“Why haven’t you killed them yet?!” Greed continued, completely ignoring my crippling heartache. “Do it now!! Rid me of this nuisance!!”
“No!! I won’t!!” I pulled out my sword, ready to use it against him.
“You dare defy him?” He was about to attack, but a wall suddenly erected before me.
I instantly looked over to Ed, whose hands rested against the ground. His alchemy provided us with some safety for now.
“Y/N…” Alphonse’s soft voice said behind us. “How could you?”
“It’s not like that, I… I really care about you…” My sobs interrupted me before I even realized they had taken over. “I would have never hurt you… You’re my family now, you… You are the only people that have ever looked after me. They were the only thing I had before I knew you, but they never cared about me and… When we met, I…I realized I could never hurt you…”
“You lied to us” Edward was frowning, still looking at me like that. Like an enemy, like the traitor I was.
The wall that surrounded us and kept us safe began shaking. Greed was about to tear it down and expose us. I refused to be vulnerable and afraid anymore. After knowing love, I refused to go back to that. I preferred being alone to being miserable with them.
“I’m sorry” Tears were now rolling down my cheeks as I looked from one brother to the other. It felt strange, letting my emotions out after holding them in for so long. “I’m really, really sorry”
Just at the wall collapsed, I jumped and sunk my sword into Greed’s chest. He gasped in surprise, and so did the Elric brothers behind me. Greed didn’t think twice to strike back, as I felt a sudden sharp pain in my stomach.
I grit my teeth and ignored it, reminding myself of his weak spot. I could just rip the stone out from him and give it to them, to help them. But they wouldn’t take it if they knew how it was created.
Edward pushed me as he went forward and attacked Greed. I felt Alphonse’s hand on my back, keeping me from stumbling, but he retrieved it soon.
“Al, I…” I stuttered, but he only looked away. There wasn’t a need to any facial expression to read the sorrow in his countenance.
“Get the hell out of here!” Edward yelled at me over his shoulder, not interrupting the duel. “I don’t want to see you ever again!”
“But I want to help!” I tightened my grip on the sword. “I can help you, tell you how to-“
“No!” Was his response, refusing to say anything else.
I hated myself for what I had done. For lying to them, for not telling them the truth, for not doing something! Maybe I could have warned them. Maybe I could have confessed everything in a healthy way. But I had been too scared, and now was too late.
Turning to Alphonse, I dedicated him a last pleading look. He refused to meet with my eyes. I understood. I didn’t deserve their forgiveness.
With tears still streaming down my face, I told myself to move. My body didn’t obey. It just stood there. Something told me that if I left, it would be the last time I saw them.
Mildly injured and deadly hurt, I faltered in the spot. They weren’t paying attention to me anymore, too involved in the battle to mind me. I preferred that to Alphonse’s stunned silence upon my betrayal. And I especially preferred it to Edward’s hurt look of contempt.
I clutched my wound and forced myself to take a step forward. Another followed, and another, until I distanced myself a little. The noise of the battle died down as the distance grew. I forbid myself from looking back.
It couldn’t have been more than a week, but those days felt like an eternity. I journeyed endlessly, moved only by guilt and remorse. The only two people that ever cared about me felt betrayed, and I didn’t blame them. The very inception of our friendship was based on a lie, on a ruse to fulfill a mission, an elaborated plan to end up killing them. But how could I go through with it? Even if it meant angering Father, even if it implied earning his hatred and contempt.
After so many hours trapped in my own head, alone with my terrible thoughts, I found myself in a familiar place. Resembool. While my tortured mind went over all the awful emotions I felt, my feet acted on their own accord. They were moved by my heart, who guided me to the only other place I could ever call home. The only other place where I was accepted, with the only other people that had ever cared for me. Truly cared for me, unlike my old family.
“W-Winry?!” I shouted out as I made it to the house. “Hello?”
I looked down to my wound, grimacing at the sight. I had covered it with an improvised bandage, but blood was seeping through it. The days of travel hadn’t helped either.
My legs began feeling shaky and heavy, I couldn’t tell if it was because of the exhaustion of the blood loss. I dragged my feet as I almost made it to the door.
Just then, I noticed something with the corner of my eye. Up in the balcony appeared a blond head looking down at me.
“Y/N?!” Winry exclaimed, running to meet with me. Soon after, she dashed outside the main door. “You’re hurt!!”
“I’m okay…”
“What happened?!”
“I… I did something terrible…”
“But… Ed and Al!! Are they okay?!”
“Yeah, they should be. They’re better off without me”
Winry frowned in concern, wrapping an arm around me to help support my weight. I knew she had a lot of questions, and I was willing to answer them. 
But she insisted on treating my wound first.
It seemed like I had become bound to the bed of the guest room. I didn’t have the energy to stand from it other than to eat or go to the bathroom.
Pinako and Winry had been far too kind with me. Even after I told them with happened with the homunculi and Father, they allowed me to stay with them. Winry was reluctant at first, saying I was a traitor, but Pinako insisted even if I wanted to leave and not take advantage of their kindness. But Winry eventually forgave me. She probably heard me crying myself to sleep every night and noticing how I punished myself with the overwhelming guilt.
Learning from my mistakes, I had adressed it and apologized to her. Winry was mad at me, but she said that I had gotten hurt defending them after all. That I had changed my mind and decided not to hurt them but protect them instead. That was the only reason she was able to look me in the eye.
As time passed by, the tension slowly dissapeared. I had tried to leave many times, feeling unworthy of that home, but Pinako and Winry welcomed me. They forgave me and accepted me, knowing how much I had suffered. I did all I could to give back for everything they had done for me.
One day I jumped up, startled, when Winry screamed out downstairs. I stopped reading the alchemy book I was holding and paused, trying to hear something. There was a lot of movement in the house, and I thought I heard the Elric brothers’ names. Moved by a hunch, I stick my head out the window and gasped at the sight. A familiar figure with long blond hair was walking towards the house, accompanied by someone I had never seen. But judging by the similarities with the other person, I had a very approximate idea of who it was.
“Edward and Alphonse!” Without thinking twice, I ran down the stairs and opened the door just as Winry was receiving Edward.
I suddenly froze at the door when their eyes fell over me, realizing I wasn’t exactly welcome amongst them. Winry had been clear about her opinion of me when I first arrived, and by the glare Edward was giving me, I could tell he was still resentful.
I looked down in shame, thinking about going back into the house and isolating myself like I had been doing for so long now. Only Pinako had been somewhat kind towards me seeing as I had nowhere else to go. And she was still a little wary despite it all.
“Y/N” Alphonse mumbled my name in a way that made my heart skip a beat. He said it with excitement, like he had missed me, like he was genuinely glad to see me.
The sound of his voice stirred something within me. Overall, it was the fact that it wasn’t echoed inside an empty armor. It had a human body to accompany it now. And I had missed him, I didnt’ realize how much until he was there. 
I smiled up at him, cautious, and he reciprocated the gesture. Then he did something I would have never expected he’d do, because I didn’t think I deserve such kind treatment. But Alphonse opened his arms, inviting me to hug him.
I didn’t think twice, I didn’t lose my chance. I ran towards him and we collided in a tight tender hug. I buried my face in his shoulder and held him tight, fascinated by the physical feeling of his body for the first time since I knew him. There was no empty armor anymore, he got his body back. There was flesh and bone now.
“I’m sorry, Alphonse…” I sobbed, feeling terrible for what I put them through, for what I did to them, for ruining our friendship by betraying their trust even if I didn’t have a choice. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t really want to do any of it, but…”
“It’s okay” His soft voice interrupted me as his gentle hands rested over my back. Every single gesture, every time our bodies somehow got in contact, it was so tender and warm. “That doesn’t matter now”
I couldn’t help but to cry a little, feeling equally repentant for what I did and emotional because he had forgiven me. He lovingly squeezed me against him, bringing me a wonderful feeling of belonging.
“Y/N…” There was the sound of my name again, this time spoken with apathy and even contempt. A mere acknowledgment of my presence, which was more that I could ask for.
Alphonse and I slowly broke away and I looked over to Edward, who glared at me still. Winry was by his side, giving me a not as harsh but definitely wary glance.
“Hello, Edward” I dedicated him my best smile, but he seemed unimpressed.
Right after, he walked away with Winry, the both of them chatting as they came into the house.
“Your brother hates me” I mumbled to Alphonse, sighing in resignation.
“Give him time” He chuckled a little. “He’s a little pigheaded, but he’ll come around”
I took a good look at Alphonse and realized he looked very thin and tired. After his body was locked away for so long, I could tell it had been neglected. I felt the impulse to look after him to make up for everything. And anyway, I wanted to look after him, I was fond of him after all.
“You’re more or less like I had imagined” I said with a sheepish chuckle as I headed back towards the house. He followed, taking his time.
“Really?” Alphonse smiled wider, allowing me to link my arm with his and let him lean his weight over me. After so long being an empty armor, a body was probably a heavy burden until he got used to it again.
“Yeah, but you look very thin and… honestly, exhausted” I admitted, worriedly looking at him. His cheeks were sunken and there were bags under his eyes.
“I’ll be okay” He brushed it off with a simple shrug, even if his smile grew tired, like he was actually letting his outside to reflect the inside for the first time .
“I’ll look after you until you get better” I said happily, deciding to add something in case I had overdone myself. “If you want me to, of course”
“I could use some rest”
“I’ll spoil you a lot”
“Well… helping you however I can and… baking for you!”
“You bake?”
“I learned since we were apart, I can make a lot of things from your list!”
“I would love that”
Just then, we walked into the house to meet with Edward, Winry and Pinako. The three of them turned to us when we did. Pinako seemed endeared that I was so willing to look after Alphonse, and so was Winry. Edward had this expression, like he hadn’t noticed he should have helped his brother walk into the house but was glad that I did. Almost like he was considering giving me a second chance seeing as I cared so much about his brother. Almost.
“I’m hungry, actually” Alphonse muttered to avoid the embarrassing moment.
“I’ll bake you something right away! How about apple pie?” I remembered that was a part of his list, he had been looking forward to eat it.
“That sounds delicious” He nodded, earning a smile from me.
Excited, I held his hand and took him into the kitchen with me, then helping him sit down in the chair so he could rest after the long journey.
“Do you want some apple pie too?” I shouted to the hall, my heart beating in anticipation.
“Okay” Replied Winry and Pinako.
“Edward?” I tried again, hopeful that I could eventually earn his forgiveness.
“No…” He sounded doubtful, and after a brief pause he corrected himself. “Maybe”
“Coming right up!” Feeling renewed and with a newly found energy, I quickly picked up the apron and put it over my torso.
I smiled at Alphonse as I gathered the ingredients necessary to bake the pie. He smiled back in a gesture filled with love and fondness.
Tag list: @overpowered-insanity / @dancewaterdance02 // If you want to be added or taken off the tag list for these fandoms or characters, let me know!!
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thaliangeldraws · 5 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @cybzilla !!!
it's criminal (ba dum tss) that i haven't drawn these two since belle's design update. i was a little worried they would suddenly look related ;v; but i think i have peace of mind now (though this may give me an excuse to change doyle's palette once again and give him darker hair which would make more sense genetically for him anyway TvT we shall see~). it's funny thinking that belle would still have to be standing on a box or something in order to make it that high up doyle's chest bc he's 6'9'', but even if doyle is a giant, we all know who is in charge in this ship ; ) cyyyyyyyyb i love you lots! whether it's about fma, mushishi, bleach, one of the other fandoms we both enjoy, or just chatting about life in general, i always treasure our interactions! <3  hope you have had an awesome bday!!
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buffintruder · 5 years
001: FMA and 003: Aziraphale for the ask thingy! (I'm so proud of myself I actually spelled his name right on the first try lol)
Thanks for the ask!!
Favorite character:In most ways, Ling is probably my favorite character, but at least part of that is because of Greed? I also really love Izumi Curtis
Least Favorite character:Probably Kimblee
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):Greedling, Al/Mei, Ed/Winry, Winry/Paninya, Izumi/Sig, 
Character I find most attractive:Not really any of them? Maybe because I’m ace, but most of the characters seem more or less the same amount of attractiveness in different ways
Character I would marry:Maybe Winry? She’s a wonderful nerd who I like seeing get excited about things, a great cook, and seems generally less prone to dramatics as a lot of other characters. Like she’s still dramatic, but I feel like it’s in far less stressful ways than most of the other characters I like
Character I would be best friends with:I’m not sure I have a lot of common interests with any of the characters, but I feel like Al would be a super cool guy to chill with
a random thought:What do you think happens to Yoki afterwards? He’s a pretty shady guy, and he doesn’t seem to have gone through a whole lot of obvious character development over the course of the anime. At the same time, he’s shown as risking himself to help others and wanting to be brave and useful on the Promised Day. Since Scar is no longer a fugitive, Yoki wouldn’t go back to following him around in the same way, but maybe he helps efforts to rebuild Ishval? Is that too much of a stretch for his character?
An unpopular opinion:You can’t convince me that Winry wasn’t supposed to be Wendy, and I honestly hate the way her name is spelled in the manga and anime and stuff
My Canon OTP:There’s not a lot of confirmed canon otps, so maybe Izumi and Sig? I enjoy seeing their relationship, though I wouldn’t necessarily seek out fanwork of them (honestly, maybe i should though. They’re both very cool)
My Non-canon OTP:I’m going to say Greedling, but I do ship it more platonically than romantically
Most Badass Character:All of them???? They’re all so incredibly badass. At the moment, I think Mustang might be the most badass though
Most Epic Villain:Wrath. That guy just does not die. Plus he’s the head of the government, which gives 
Pairing I am not a fan of:Ling and Lan Fan. I think as they are in canon, if they entered a relationship, it would be pretty unbalanced, though I’m more open to the possibility in aus. Also I like the idea of them growing up kind of like siblings when they were really young and then more distance being put in between them because of their positions in society as they grew older.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):I don’t think any of the characters were screwed up. I would have liked to see Greed with friends after his realization of his deepest desire, and I thought Sheska would be more important but then she never showed up again, but even with those, I don’t think they were “screwed up”
Favourite Friendship:I’m ridiculously fond of Mei and Scar because it’s so weird and unlikely, but somehow it works
Character I most identify with:I don’t think I really identify particularly strongly with any of them
Character I wish I could be:
Probably Izumi? She’s really cool, isn’t complicit in genocide or any kind of murder, she’s strong in every kind of way but can also be soft, and honestly she has her life together a lot more than many of the other characters
How I feel about this character:He’s wonderful and soft, but he’s also a lot trickier and more of a bastard than people give him credit for. I love him and want to be him when I grow up (at least the parts like running a bookstore, hanging around feeding ducks with someone you care about a lot, enjoying food, etc)
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Crowley, and I think that’s it
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: I just think he and Madam Tracy could be really good friends after the whole Apocawasn’t. They have some similarities, and I can picture them having tea once a week and chatting about their respective husbands/partners/whatever terms you want to use.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I saw a post about how Aziraphale would have to be really good with technology to do taxes on a computer in 1990, so now I see him as being secretly tech-savy
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:Hmm, for the show, I get why they wouldn’t want to do this, but it also would have been cool if we could see Aziraphale (and Crowley) having different bodies throughout history. It would have made their existence seem more separate from humanity, which makes them choosing humans over heaven and hell more powerful in my opinion, plus they wouldn’t be white the whole time. Like since the first humans were black, it makes no sense that Aziraphale’s human body from the start looks like how some humans in the future will look.
Favorite friendship for this character:I’m also going to say Crowley for this one. They just have such a great dynamic, with a certain softness and comfortableness to their interactions, plus the complement each other very well
My crossover ship:
Not a ship, but since I’m already thinking about fma, he and Sheska would get along so well, and I think being friends with Aziraphale would help Sheska grow more confident in herself
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alchemic-elric · 6 years
You’ve met the muse, Now meet the Mun!
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Hello Hello my lovelies! I’m the mun behind Alchemic-Elric. You can call me Kira. The name I’ve been using for myself online / at conventions for the last 14 years has been Kira Elric, so you can call me that. 
I’m 31 years old, married to my best friend and an avid cosplayer!  I work as a freelancer. I freelance, art - making t-shirts and other merch I sell online. I freelance sewing - I make costumes for people since I’ve been cosplaying for so long. I also do wig styling. The first wigs I ever started with were Yugioh so I’m not afraid of the crazy stuff.  I also freelance Photography - I just love to take pictures in general but I specialize in Cosplay Photography (big surprise right?) 
I’ve been drawing since I was 5, sewing since I was 14 and I’ve been doing photography since I was 23. I just started getting paid for photography in 2017 though. I’ve been freelancing since about 2014, after a car accident broke my pelvis and it landed me on a walker for a couple months and a cane fore the next few years.  The hubby told me to ‘focus on my art and achieve my dream!’ So here we are. 
I’ve been roleplaying since I was about 12. I started on Yahoo! Messenger back in the day and moved to chat rooms and then to LiveJournal, and then to GaiaOnline and now I’m here. Tumblr by far is my favorite format. I’ve been roleplaying on tumblr for abour 8 years now. 
I’m an animation major, even though I don’t think I’m very good at it, but always feel free to send in a meme when I’m offering free art. It might take me a minute to get to it, but I will. I love to draw for people!  As for sewing, my mother taught me the basics when I was 14 because of a desperate need to cosplay and I taught myself the rest. I got a job working in the professional industry in 2012 making things for fraternities and such.  I learned a lot working that job, so my standards for sewing became stupid high. 
I currently have 3 costume / wig commissions in the works so I’ll be kind of slow some days, but I work from home so I’m always checking in. I have some photoshoots still to edit from the last convention I went to too. 
But I just, I love FMA with all my heart. I got addicted to it when my cousin made me play the first PS2 game. I played both the PS2 games for hours upon hours. They were clunky and beautiful all at the same time. 
I love Edward (and Alphonse) with everything I am and I love to write out extensive headcanons. Please always feel free to ask me or Edward anything - on anon or not.  Sometimes he just wants to talk and not to actually write.  Also never be shy about sending me a direct message. I love to talk to people and make new friends. 
Also I live in Michigan, I live in  Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5). 
Thank you everyone for following my blog and sharing your time with me and Edward.  We appreciate it. 
If you’d ever like to see any of my other work, please feel free to ask or you can find things at my personal tumblrs (I don’t update my photography and cosplay tumblrs much. I use other pages for them.) 
Personal - @kiraelric​   Artblog @kamuiyamato​   Cosplay @costumingofkira​   Photography @aquamoonphotography​
Finally, Hatsune Miku is my face claim, because if you’ve seen a picture of me you know why. 
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dustfleda · 6 years
ღ ☀ ❤hee
no one wants to hear about me but here we are ! / mun related asks - accepting
ღ ━ favorite canon ships for your muse(s). are there any you dislike?
everything is canon don’t you know that? uh i suppose for my actual canon muses, ones i’m rather fond of are reno//ra, ark//os, clo//qwork, and rom//eo is growing on me for sure. kimi/poppy is also a favorite of mine. and god if i don’t fucking love it and have loved it since it’s conception. also roman/vanil. fight me it’s canon. and maeve/skye but i don’t get to write them often here. soon tho.
as for ones i dislike, there’s the one where people for some reason ship roman with ruby and it?? makes me incredibly uncomfortable. also people who ship oscar with qrow just because he’s ozpin?? like nah i’m good.
☀ ━ how long have you been roleplaying? how did you get into it?
uhm....sophomore year of high school ? so 2009/2010. tho that was like chat rps through facebook messenger when it first came out. i didn’t do para rps until i joined tumblr in 2012 in the fma fandom. a friend of mine was the one that got me to do both. we had ocs and wrote them with each other but then we learned there was an actual community for it here and she got me to join with her. i’ve been around ever since.
❤ ━ do you have any crackships for your muse?
nothing is a crackship ! if you say ‘haha, hey i kinda ship them’ i am that gif of chandler form friends pulling back the blanket. even if something starts as a crack ship i end up hardcore shipping them. that’s sorta how roman/vanil started. they were fuck buddies and then kona and i went down the rabbit hole where they ended up being in a relationship its wild.
i guess there is one i would say is a crackship for me and that is jun/penny? idk i think androids dating is amusing but i also think they’d have a lot in common and could bond. i was thinking about it the other night don’t @ me.
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