#and carrots and cucumbers into little flower shapes
fernweh-s · 1 year
It is 12am and once again I am watching 'pack lunch with me' videos and have been filled with the yearning to be someone's cutie little wife who lovingly packs cute bentos/lunchboxes for them and our kids. 😭😭😭
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Ahh just two things, I love your blog so much :)! I’d love to see what you think the bachelor's parenting styles would be like? And also you’ve been spelling Elliott's name wrong D:
Oh god I keep forgetting the second t in his name don’t I 😂😅 entirely my bad I gotta get better at checking my spelling lol I kept having to go back and respell Haley’s name for a bit too 😂 I’ll go fix that lmao, also thank you!! I enjoy writing these little blurbs and stuff, and interacting with y’all! Also reading tags y’all leave on reblogs gives me so much joy cause some are so funny, most of it’s written at like five am cause sleep evades me lol
Alright! Parenting styles!
Elliott: he strikes me as a very gentle parent, he doesn’t like to give timeouts unless absolutely necessary since he always feels bad, especially if your kids only a toddler still since Theyer only learning right from wrong and it’s all brand new, he would love to read with your kid and colour pictures with them, he definitely loves doing bedtime with them because thats when the most stories are read! Also loves taking them to the beach to play in the sand or swim for a bit
Harvey: I don’t think he really knows what he’s doing to well, honestly it’s all a learning curve for him but with doing comes learning and he sure can learn, he’ll make healthy meals and a large variety of snacks for your kids and always takes them on walks, he’s the best when it comes to little ouchies and booboos like scraped knees or paper cuts, always has colorful little bandaids on hand for them! Cute little junimo themed ones and woodland creatures, will panic if they break a bone or something serious though, kids can be quite clumsy
Sam: he’s definitely a cool dad, he’s teaching your kids to skateboard and play guitar, feeding them pizza and joja cola. You have to inform him they can’t live off of those things and teach him how to make healthy foods and snacks for the kids but he picks up on it pretty easy, will probably call his mom for advice more then once but she’s always happy to help
Sebastian: he’s not entirely clueless in the baby department since he was around when maru was a baby, he likes to play games with them, teaches them how to play video games when They’re older so he can have a player two, also gets them into solarian chronicles, he’s the ultimate cool dad, will buy your kid a sword (probably a few honestly, it’s a collection they have together now) won’t however let your kids in the mines because he’s heard your stories of what’s down there and he doesn’t want them to get hurt
Shane: he’s been around jas a lot, he’s definitely applying whatever skills he’s gained from that to his own kid, loves to get them new toys. They have a whole Lego chicken coop complete with Lego chickens that they put together as a bonding activity. He does not know how to cook very many things but he will try, he doesn’t want to be seen as useless so he’s definitely putting in the effort! He asks you to teach him how to cook and how to put together cute snack plates (he definitely has those little shape cutouts for veggies so he can make little cucumber flowers and carrot bunny’s for your kids).
Alex: definitely an active parent, literally. Loves taking the kids on jogs and walks through town, will 100% use your toddler as a weight while he’s doing squats, just holds them on his shoulders the whole time, they think it’s hilarious and he gets in a workout, it’s a win win. If your kid wants to help him make breakfast he’s thrilled, tells them all about the nutrition and how it helps with the farm work and keeps your muscles fed and happy, of course he doesn’t deny the kid of sweets either, it’s all about balance,
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fettesans · 2 years
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Top, screen capture from BROS BEFORE, directed by Henry Hanson, 2023. Via. Bottom, Julia Scher, Mama Bed, 2003, Bedstead, steel, wood, foam, plastic, 2 monitors, 2 surveillance cameras, VHS player, VHS tapes, cables, bed sheets, books, leather whip, Dimensions variable. Via.
A sweating body already offers a show of erotic repulsion and attraction. The body’s primordial temptation to cover itself with its secretions. A mere trickle of water flowing over a smooth stone is enough to make it erotic. Everything that slides evokes sexual pleasure, even the wind. Sliding would thus seem to be the source of all pleasure, and perhaps of meaning.
Jean Baudrillard, from Cool Memories, 1987. Via.
Stirred not only by men but by women, fat and thin, naked and clothed; by teenagers and children in latency; by animals such as horses and dogs; by certain vegetables such as carrots, zucchinis, eggplants, and cucumbers; by fruits such as melons, grapefruits, and kiwis; by certain plant parts such as petals, sepals, stamens, and pistils; by the bare arm of a wooden chair, a round vase holding flowers, a little hot sunlight, a plate of pudding, a person entering a tunnel in the distance, a puddle of water, a hand alighting on a smooth stone, a hand alighting on a bare shoulder, a naked tree limb; by anything curved, bare, and shining, as the limb or bole of a tree; by any touch, as the touch of a stranger handling money; by anything round and freely hanging, as tassels on a curtain, as chestnut burrs on a twig in spring, as a wet tea bag on its string; by anything glowing, as a hot coal; anything soft or slow, as a cat rising from a chair; anything smooth and dry, as a stone, or warm and glistening; anything sliding, anything sliding back and forth; anything sliding in and out with an oiled surface, as certain machine parts, anything of a certain shape, like the state of Florida; anything pounding, anything stroking; anything bolt upright, anything horizontal and gaping, as a certain sea anemone; anything warm, anything wet, anything wet and red, anything turning red, as the sun at evening; anything wet and pink, anything long and straight with a blunt end, as a pestle; anything coming out of anything else, as a snail from its shell, as a snail’s horns from its head; anything opening; any stream of water running, any stream running, any stream spurting, any stream spouting; any cry, any soft cry, any grunt; anything going into anything else, as a hand searching in a purse; anything clutching, anything grasping; anything rising, anything tightening or filling, as a sail; anything dripping, anything hardening, anything softening.
Lydia Davis, In This Condition, from from Almost No Memory, 2001.
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muchi13kitty · 20 days
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Gift for @eskariolis-con-salsa she is Fake Meadow, her real name is "Eddie" she was a test experiment called "D-234" she suffered a lot Fake Meadow mistreated beaten tortured even se*****y abused her pink eye can not move because if she moves it her eye will explode with blood she has to wait 5 weeks for her eye to return to normal but Fake Meadow loves everyone no matter if you are a human or not if you are good or a villain a clone like Fake Peppino or Fake Noise it doesn't matter Fake Meadow loves you but Fake Meadow hates people like pizzahead to death
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Fake Meadow She loves flowers very much fake Meadow smells like flowers her braids smell like honey Fake Meadow she has can run between 300 and 1,000 m/s like a bullet in the air. You can tame her with heart lollipops, heart gummies, or heart cookies. fake Meadow eats apples, carrots, cucumbers, bones, whether human, animal, or creature, frogs, candies, Taro, waffles, cookies, meat, pizza, tortillas, tacos, chips, nopales, chops, beef head, hearts, pears, chicken, pozole, bread, etc. Fake Meadow's blood is pink with glitter and tastes very delicious and sweet like a filling in a gum Another thing about Fake Meadow She is very intelligent, her brain is very gigantic and her skull is very impossible to break, something like the pachycephalosaurus fake Meadow plays 4 musical instruments: the saxophone, the trumpet, the violin and the piano Fake Meadow doesn't speak backwards like Fake Peppino Fake Meadow speaks normally she has the voice of Unikitty Alison Brie. Well Fake Meadow speaks 2 languages ​​English and Mexican Spanish Fake Meadow's voice in Mexican Spanish is done by "Cristina Hernandez" the voice of "Osito Bimbo"
Fake Meadow belongs to the "Flower Clan" [represents kindness, harmony, friendship, intelligence and being faithful fun and teamwork] Fake Meadow has elements that is a flower-shaped kunzite Fake Meadow doesn't know what love is? but well fake Meadow loves Meadow canssidy Fake Meadow takes care of her friends and Meadow canssidy (Fake Meadow is a faithful friend with a puppy)
fake Meadow has many wounds from experiments, blows, electricity, burns and se*** abuse all over her body, which is why she never takes off her long white gloves (they are to hide her arms and hands that look like they belong to a zombie but she is not a zombie) Fake Meadow's eyes at night can be used with a candle lamp [it can even kill vampires, ghosts or evil spirits] there are times that Fake Meadow can electrocute fake Meadow is sweet and tastes very sweet but don't eat it because it can give you diabetes from eating too much sugar [Fake Meadow is made of a lot of powdered sugar a lot of gum a little of Meadow's hair glitter human blood human eyes a drop of seal blood baby Weddell axolotl veins and a Jack Russell terrier puppy and an Abyssinian kitten]
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Fake Meadow is very huggable by the way I didn't draw this, "Cute or scary?" did it, it's a YouTube channel
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Fake Meadow be like:
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whiskeynovember · 11 months
so, I'll say it took about 3 days to get the garden back in some kind of order, but not without casualties (some of which I committed myself when I returned. 😂)
in plot 2, the eggplants, purple basil, and peppers look great. radishes in the center of the peppers are taking shape. Bok Choi a little slow to sprout, but sprouting nonetheless. I'd like to add more, tbh, it's just hard to maneuver around.
I pulled the carrots too soon, and then tried to put them back. 😆 we'll see if it works (i should water them, now, actually). I also planted more carrots in 2 rows. not the rainbow carrots this time, but I might plant more once I pull the squash.
the squash is haggard. as are the long beans. as is the stevia. I cut the squash vine to the last fruit and I need to just prune what dies off. the long beans still have some life, but also need a decent pruning, tbh. I need to pull the stevia and pot it. I'll work on getting either the 7 or 10 gallon grow bag ready. I cut a lot of flowers yesterday, but I should have enough left for some seeds.
Plot 1 is doing ok. planted more Chinese cabbage and mesclun greens, got rid of a few tomato plants, and trimmed some basil. the holy basil is doing really well in ground. even the one that was tattered is stable. also, the beefsteak is finally doing something. A little late, but I plan to leave it in ground to overwinter anyway.
moved the 2 cherry peppers over to where the serrano seeds were. lost 2 of those so I have 2 left and one isn't looking hot, so I hope it will be a little easier to manage being out from under the squash leaves. the peppers are... peppering. even though that fat ass caterpillar fucked up my biggest jalapeno plant.
again, trimmed the squash down and need to continue pruning. the Cucamelon plant is going ham. need to continue training it to go up it's pole. same with the cucumbers, I'd like to keep them separate for as long as possible.
my poppy bushes are too cute for words. I kinda wish I could be assed to train it to go along the border of the house.
the potted plants are ok, but I need to figure out what's going on with the black diamond watermelon and yellow squash. neither are doing great. I think aphids and... who knows.
as for the potted herbs, well, not bad. mostly pruning, clipped some chocolate mint, some fucked up strawberry leaves (hopefully I caught the worms that have been having a field day.) and threw a few more purple basil seeds in the pot... just because. lol.
Sent my brother a list of seeds I have so hopefully I can send some to him by the end of the week.
tomorrow should be easy. pull the stevia, prune the beans and squash. should probably also pot the eggplants that I have in cups.
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puzzlesprintcom · 1 year
The Difference Between Fruits and Vegetables: Explained
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We are excited to announce our latest addition to our collection of wooden jigsaw puzzles – Fruits and Vegetables, Nouveau Larousse Illustre puzzle. This beautiful puzzle features a vintage poster of fruits and vegetables with names of each fruit and vegetable. With its vibrant colors and intricate details, this puzzle is sure to be a hit with puzzle enthusiasts of all ages. But, before we delve into the details of our new puzzle, let us take a moment to talk about fruits and vegetables in general.
How Many Fruits Are There?
Fruits come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. From apples to pineapples and everything in between, there are over 2000 types of fruits in the world. While not all fruits are available in every part of the world, there are still many options to choose from. What Fruits Are Good for Diabetics? For people with diabetes, it is important to choose fruits that are low in sugar and high in fiber. Some examples of fruits that are good for diabetics include berries, citrus fruits, apples, and pears. What Fruits Have Protein? While fruits are not typically known for their protein content, some fruits do contain small amounts of protein. Examples include guava, kiwi, and passionfruit. What Is the Difference Between Fruits and Vegetables? Fruits and vegetables are often confused with one another, but there is a clear distinction between the two. Fruits are the mature ovaries of flowering plants and contain seeds, while vegetables are any other part of the plant that is edible, such as leaves, stems, and roots. How to Steam Vegetables? Steaming is a healthy way to cook vegetables as it helps to retain their nutrients. To steam vegetables, place them in a steamer basket over boiling water and cover with a lid. Cook until tender, but still firm. What Are Starchy Vegetables? Starchy vegetables are those that contain higher amounts of carbohydrates and are often used as a substitute for grains. Examples include potatoes, sweet potatoes, and corn. What Vegetables Are in Season? Eating seasonal vegetables ensures that you get the freshest and most nutritious produce available. In the spring, look for asparagus, artichokes, and peas. In the summer, enjoy tomatoes, cucumbers, and zucchini. In the fall, savor pumpkins, butternut squash, and beets. How to Saute Vegetables? Sautéing is a quick and easy way to cook vegetables. Heat a little oil in a pan over medium-high heat, add your vegetables, and stir-fry until tender and lightly browned. What Are Root Vegetables? Root vegetables are those that grow underground and are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Examples include carrots, turnips, and parsnips. We hope you enjoyed this little detour into the world of fruits and vegetables. Remember, a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help prevent chronic diseases and promote overall health and wellness. And, don't forget to try our new Fruits and Vegetables, Nouveau Larousse Illustre puzzle – a fun way to learn more about the many different types of fruits and vegetables available, check out our other Cool Puzzles as well. Read the full article
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Forbidden snacks unforbidden
Disclaimer: do not eat anything you are allergic, intolerant, or sensitive to! Moderate your diet according to your needs. Seek a dietician's help with this if needed.
CTRL + F to search for keywords in the list
* = only taste safe-- not meant to be eaten straight but eating a little won't kill you
Bar soap: avocado, banana, mango, dried papaya, peach, pear, ice, cereal, cheese, peanut butter oat balls, giant pretzels/pretzel bites/pretzel bun, crackers, steamed rice cake, butter, flan, cake, chocolate bar/melts, candy melts, gum*, candy corn, freeze dried ice cream, popsicles, taffy, Charleston Chews, tootsie rolls, fondant, valentine heart candies, Rice Krispie treats
Bone, teeth, metal: white foods, silver foods, bone/tooth-shaped foods, ice, raw baby carrots, almonds, walnuts, other nuts, frozen fruit/vegetables, ribs, chicken legs, bone-in wings, T-bone steak, uncooked pasta, edible tree bark, edible skins/shells of some foods, pretzel sticks, cereal, cookie straws, candy canes, valentine message heart candies, Takis, hard candy, snowcone, suckers/lollipops, chocolate coins, Whoppers candy, frozen chocolate/candy, popsicles
Chalk, coal, makeup: Parmesan cheese, spices, seasoning, puffed rice cakes, cereal, powdered/icing sugar, edible sands, drink flavoring, ground up crackers/chips/cookies, Whoppers candy, smarties, sweet tarts, mints, freeze dried ice cream, sprinkles, fun dip, pixie stix, cotton candy, valentine message heart candies, mints
Cosmetic creams, whipped soap, spackle: yogurt, peanut/etc butter, cream cheese, sour cream, hummus, condiments, butter, thick drink, Nutella, frosting, whipped cream, ice cream, pudding, candy gel, marshmallow fluff
Dice, marbles, coins, trinkets: ice, polyhedral candy, frozen peas, frozen fruit, banana chips, other dried fruit, Kix/Cap'n Crunch/Cocoa Puffs, Lucky Charms, other cereal, cheese cubes, snacks shaped like trinkets, mini pepperonis, seed beads, jawbreakers, Whoppers candy, jolly ranchers, candy shaped like trinkets, chocolate chips, Tic Tacs, mints, decorative sugar pieces, valentine message heart candies, sugar cubes, candy coins, candy legos/bricks, gum*
Dog/pet treats: foods cut into bone/fish/etc shapes, banana, blueberries, sweet potato, dried fruit, deli meat, fish, red meat, bacon, pepperoni, poultry, bread, pasta, crackers, Cheerios, Rice Krispies cereal, other cereal, human-safe dog treats, cookies, oatmeal, peanut butter oat balls, granola, jerky, Slim Jims, cooked bugs or worms, mints, gummies, sprinkles
Dough, clay, puddy: mashed potatoes, sweet potato, avocado, peanut/other butter, peanut butter oat balls, noodles/pasta, gravy, pancakes, fondant, yogurt dough, Kool-Aid dough, cocoa dough, peeps playdoh, Nutella dough, peanut/etc butter dough, warm chocolate, warm candy corn, taffy, egg-free cookie dough, ice cream, thick frosting, Charleston Chews, caramels, marshmallow fluff
Fabric, foam/sponge, slowrise squishies: peach, apple, pear, cucumber, watermelon, dried fruit, puffed rice cakes, Chinese steamed rice cakes, bread, pita bread, muffins, shredded jerky, giant soft pretzels, Rice Krispies, cake, donuts, pancakes/waffles, fondant, soft cookies, freeze dried ice cream, pop tart bites, cotton candy, marshmallow, dried apple
Glitter: cake luster dust, crushed/ground ice, warmed sugar, crushed/ground hard candy
Glitter bottles, potions, glowsticks, cleaning products: cake luster dust in any beverage, edible fluorescent colorant in any beverage, citrus juice, water with lemon, water with orange, water with grapefruit, water with other citrus fruit, dyed beverage
Inedible plants and flowers: lettuce, spinach, kale, cabbage, peas, carrots, corn, pumpkin, other veggies, watermelon, peach, apple, mango, banana, dragonfruit, pineapple, grapes, cherries, strawberries, other fruits, dried fruits, skins of some fruits/vegetables, mushrooms, seeds, nuts, herbal tea, dandelions, other edible flowers, herb seasonings, edible tree bark, breath strips, edible rice paper, edible sugar paper, edible money wafers, edible grass candy, cotton candy, gushers, wax bottle soda candies, decorative sugar pieces, gel/juice-filled gummies/candy, gel/juice-filled gum*, shredded gum*
Jelly soap: peaches, other fruit, dried papaya, pumpkin, jelly/jam, gummies, Jell-O, agar, candy gel, gel/juice-filled gummies/candy, gel/juice-filled gum*, gum*, edible/xylitol-based toothpaste*
Lava, liquid soap, molten glass, wax: hot drink, thick drink, soup, oatmeal, sauce, gravy, dip, dipping/nacho cheese, honey, nectar, jelly/jam, condiments, beverage flavoring syrups, soda/juice, syrup, pudding, caramel, melted candy/chocolate, melted butter, candy gel, edible/xylitol-based toothpaste*, fondant, milk duds, gum*
Lipstick, candles: cheese, Baby Bell cheese, butter, avocado, mango, dried mango, dried papaya, banana, raisins, pepperoni, pasta, gummies, wax bottle soda candies, candy melts, chocolate melts, frozen pudding, fruit rollups, gushers, marshmallow, fondant, starburst, candy corn, pudding, taffy, tootsie rolls, milk duds, candy buttons, jolly ranchers, Charleston Chews, candy gel, valentine message heart candies, caramels, gum*
Mochi squishies, silicone/rubber, fungi: peaches, pears, avocado, dried mango, dried papaya, mushrooms, eggs, beans, tongue, fish, medium red meat, other meats, dried fruit, noodles/pasta, dumplings, cheese, yogurt, Chinese steamed rice cakes, butter, seed beads, cheese curds, gummies, caramels, taffy, tootsie rolls, marshmallow, milk duds, Charleston Chews, candy gel, agar, gum*
Orbeez, animal eggs: eggs, peas, blueberries, grapes, baby tomatoes, peaches, acini di pepe/pastina, boba, dippin dots, gummies, Jell-O, agar, seed beads, mini marshmallows, gumballs*, candy buttons, milk duds, Kix cereal
Paint, ink, makeup, glue: soup, sauces, gravy, dip, peanut/etc butter, honey, nectar, syrup, caramel, condiments, cream cheese, sour cream, frosting, icing, whipped cream, ice cream, dyed beverage, pie filling, pudding, candy gel, melted candy/chocolate
Paper and cardboard: skins of some fruits/vegetables, iceberg lettuce, spinach, kale, cabbage, puffed rice cakes, Kix, Cheerios, Rice Krispies cereal, other cereal, breath strips, edible rice/sugar paper, edible money wafers, crackers, ice cream cone, pizzelle, fruit rollups, fruit by the foot, frozen chocolate, frozen pudding, freeze dried ice cream
Pills and medicine: ice, beans, nuts, seeds, frozen peas, frozen blueberries, corn, acini di pepe/pastina, rice, cereal, soda/juice, dyed beverage, empty gelatin/edible capsules, jellybeans, jolly ranchers, Tic Tacs, mints, Mike n Ike's, sweet tarts pills, nerds, gushers, smarties, sweet tarts, valentine message heart candies, sprinkles, small hard candies, gel/juice-filled gummies/candy, gel/juice-filled gum*, fake blood capsules*
Pottery, ceramic, porcelain: nuts, seeds, ice, dried fruit, avocado, banana, cheese, puffed rice cakes, granola, cereal, pancakes/waffles, bread, crackers, pita chips, pita bread, uncooked pasta, uncooked Ramen, Ice Chips, ice cream cone, pizzelle, frozen chocolate/candy, frozen pudding, freeze dried ice cream, popsicles, cookies, Whoppers candy, smarties, sweet tarts, mints, chocolate bar, valentine message heart candies, edible rice/sugar paper, edible money wafers, hard candy, mints
Rocks, crystals, beads: nuts, seeds, ice, table salt, beans, tea, jerky bites, meat chunks, acini di pepe/pastina, couscous, cheese cubes, uncooked Ramen, popcorn, popsicles, crystallized honey, jelly/jam, frozen honey/syrup, dyed beverage, boba, mints, crushed crackers/cookies, chocolate rocks, crystal sticks, freeze dried ice cream, jawbreakers/gobstoppers, nerds, hard candy, decorative sugar pieces, Cheerios, other cereal, sprinkles, jellybeans, chocolate chips, candy legos/bricks, ring pops, dippin dots, crystal/rock sugar, sugar cubes, frozen chocolate/candy, jolly ranchers, suckers/lollipops, ring pops, gum*, Whoppers candy, dippin dots, valentine message heart candies, seed beads, candy necklace, candy bracelet, mints
Sand and soil: couscous, quinoa, rice, poppy seeds, other small seeds, Parmesan cheese, spices, seasoning, edible fake dirt, ground up cereal, ground up crackers/chips/cookies, brown sugar sand, flour sand*, Kool-Aid sand, crumbled cake, sugar, powdered/icing sugar, pixie stix, fun dip, ground up hard candy, crushed Whoppers candy
Sea glass, plastic, resin/rosin: ice, Ice Chips, uncooked pasta, iceberg lettuce, cucumber, watermelon, chips, pita chips, crackers, sorbetto/flavored ice, frozen honey/syrup, caramels, popsicles, breath strips, mints, edible rice/sugar paper, edible money wafers, jolly ranchers, fruit rollups, fruit by the foot, crystal sticks, crystal/rock sugar, fondant, clear suckers/lollipops, clear hard candy, crushed hard candy, mints
Slime, puddy: thick soup, thick beverage, melted/liquid cheese, sauce, gravy, jelly/jam, dip, yogurt, edible oobleck*, fondant, candy gel, Jell-O, Nutella slime, pudding slime, pizza slime, seed slime, syrup slime, psyllium slime*, starburst slime, chocolate slime (1-2-3-4-5), bubblegum slime, Kool-aid slime, milk slime, taffy, caramels, egg-free cookie dough, gum*, edible doughs, marshmallow fluff
Tide pods: seaweed water pouch/bubble/bottle, baby tomatoes, peas, grapes, blueberries, pb&j, Uncrustables, gushers, pop tart bites, gummies, mentos, wax bottle soda candies, jelly donut holes, Reese's, Jell-O, tide pod jello shots, tootsie pops, gel/juice-filled gummies/candy, gel/juice-filled gum*
Wood: ice, uncooked pasta, edible tree bark, edible tree bark tea, pine/tree tea, puffed rice cakes, granola, almonds, pine/tree nuts, other nuts, seeds, sunflower seeds with shell, poppy seeds, dried fruit, jerky, uncooked pasta, uncooked Ramen, chips, crackers, waffle cone, Kit Kat's, Twix, pretzels, pretzel chips, cookie straws, ochre, canned bamboo, canned sugar cane
Yarn, string, wire: spaghetti squash, pumpkin, shredded fruits/vegetables, grated fruits/vegetables, banana, pulled pork, celery, honey sticks, string cheese, shredded/grated cheese, noodles/pasta, Ramen, mozzarella sticks, jerky, hot pizza, shredded gum*, Spaghettieis, sour straws, nerds ropes, gummy worms, cotton candy, fruit by the foot, fondant strands, edible candy grass
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kalpasio · 2 years
Working From Home
You Better Eat That While It's Fresh
A shorter Kalpas x reader fic based off the Golden Courtyard mentioned in the summer event. Chapter 2 below the cut!
A week had passed since you started working in your apartment. You expected to get a plate of food at lunch as you always did, but instead there was a lunch box shoved in your face.
“Take it,” Kalpas growled. “You’re always running back to work anyway. Quit taking up space in my cafeteria.” There was plenty of space for all the residents to eat, but most of them were at work or out right now, so there was absolutely no reason you couldn’t eat here. He was right though, after lunch, you usually had a meeting, so you had to book it to your room to make it back in time.
“Thank you Kalpas, that’s very thought—”
“Scram. You better eat that while it’s fresh!”
“Aye, aye captain!” you gave a mock salute and ran before he could start throwing things at you.
When you opened the lunch, it was the same meal everyone else had gotten, but the salad on the side had carrots cut into the shape of flowers, and one of the rice balls was in the shape of a little bear head (with ears and a face!) It was all so cute, you felt bad eating it, but everything tasted amazing. Kalpas was always complaining about you not eating vegetables, if this was his plan to make you eat more, it was working.
At dinner, you thanked Kalpas for the lunch, but he just brushed you off and handed you your food. Despite his lackluster response, the next day he gave you another packed lunch. This one had little rabbit shaped cucumbers, with tomatoes in the shape of stars, and you were living for it.
When you found out your job had picked up a new project, everyone was happy. When you found out the project had to be done on short notice and you were all forced to crunch, everyone was not happy. Kalpas included, apparently.
You missed dinner for a week straight and were really only eating in your room. The coffee maker in your kitchen was nearly as overworked as you were, and as much as you hated to admit it, there was at least a week’s worth of unwashed dishes. Your whole apartment was a mess, papers scattered on every table, post-it’s sprawling along the wall. It was so bad, when you finally had a chance to breathe, you dreaded picking everything up.
So, you went down to get a good nine pm snack. When you got down there, you heard angry muttering, and you were hesitant to go in. Kalpas stood at the counter, kneading dough and didn’t hear you come in over his grumbling.
“Hey, can I just—” you spoke hesitantly and when Kalpas’ head shot up so he could glare at you, you froze. His glare was more intimidating than you had ever seen, and you suddenly thought that maybe cleaning the mess in your room might be better than being here. “Why are you so angry?” you asked. Really a great question in your opinion.
“I’m always angry,” he snorted. He made a fair point.
“I mean, yeah, but you’re about to turn your bread dough into rubber you’re kneading it so hard.”
“Shut up,” he punched the dough, and you heard the counter groan from the force. “Have you eaten,”
“I was just going to grab a snack—”
“Yes or no.”
“Sort of?” you received a glare and corrected yourself. “No…”
“Sit down. I’m making you dinner.”
You weren’t going to argue with him at this point. Sitting down at what was essentially a bar in the kitchen, you watched as Kalpas put the finishing touches on his dough and placed it in the oven. After that, he quickly placed a snack in front of you and started preparing a full meal.
“This is really good!” It was a small snack, just some crackers and cheese, but you could taste the quality. And you were hoping Kalpas might be less mad if you complimented him.
“Of course it is,” he scoffed. “Stop moving around. If my bread doesn’t rise because of you…” he didn’t need to finish the sentence to send a chill up your spine. After you stopped wiggling however, he actually let you talk to him, and the both of you made light conversation while you ate. The smell of fresh bread was perfect and accented by the fettuccini alfredo you had for dinner.
It was late by the time you thanked Kalpas and left the kitchen. Back in your room, you were mildly disappointed that the mess hadn’t disappeared while you were gone, but at this point you were too tired to care.
The next day you got to cleaning and finished a few hours before dinner, just in time to hear excited yelling. Opening your door, you were able to identify Pardo’s voice. She really got excited over everything, but the only thing that could get her this amped up was Kalpas’ baking. Since you didn’t really have anything to do, you decided to go check it out (and maybe snag a sample if you were lucky).
“Oh? What brings you down here?” Elysia asked while giving you her signature smile. It didn’t surprise you at all to see her here, she and Pardo were always the first to know about Kalpas baking.
“You can hear Pardo from a mile away,” you laughed, “I figured I’d come see what’s cooking.”
“Orange glazed cheesecake! Doesn’t it look amazing?” Elysia always knew what was going on, and you were glad she answered. Once he was focused, Kalpas would rarely speak unless it was to snap at someone.
He was sprinkling some sugar on top, and just when you were about to agree with Elysia, he pulled out a blowtorch and all that came out of your mouth was a very concerned ‘um.’ There was definitely a maniacal grin. You couldn’t see it under his mask, but you were positive it was there. Pardo let out a shriek and Elysia just clapped her hands as though it were a show.
When Kalpas turned the blowtorch off, you were able to get a good look at the cheesecake. The sugar had hardened, and the once completely orange glaze now had brown streaks that reminded you of a certain mask. The dessert was distinctive like It’s creator, and you had no doubts the sugar would add a texture that made the piece all the more delicious.
When Kalpas started cutting the cheesecake, you felt your mouth water and the two girls next to you were no better off. Elysia tried to charm her way into the first piece while Pardo was determined to beg until he gave in. The disappointment was clear on their face when he placed the slice in front of you.
He said nothing, but you knew he was waiting for your opinion of the taste, and there was only one correct answer. Nervously, you picked up the fork and took a bite. The flavor was perfectly balanced, not too much sweetness from the cake, and just enough bitterness from the orange. The glaze melted in your mouth rather than being slimy, and even the crust had a pleasant taste, not just something there to hold the cheesecake.
You could feel his gaze as he waited for your assessment, but there really were no words for how good this was. “Kalpas, this is…it’s just…I could die happy having had this. Holy shit. It’s beyond amazing and brilliant, this is perfection.”
“What’d you expect. I don’t make bad food.” He scoffed, but you could hear the grin in his voice. Now that he knew the dessert was up to snuff, he readily gave the other two a slice. They both agreed with your opinion of the cake and ended up finishing it off before you even got another slice.
My weeb is showing with this lunch I am sorry. Also thank you for dealing with me spamming the Kalpas x reader tag I promise I'll slow down for a bit. I have to fucking post on ao3 first not just because I want to link it but if I copy straight from word to tumblr, it brings in weird shit and it's just easier to copy from ao3.
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ohhicas · 3 years
hey I got bored at work and made a KH Cafe ‘Menu’ but entirely Org13 themed some are suppose to be the ‘main’ things while the others are me panicking and like “WELL, SHIT,” throwing ideas out against the wall
all for funsies cause im fully aware these won’t look cute on a plate, but hey. it’s the org. they’re the edgy emo kids.
   Meal: Hayashi rice with pickled ginger on the side and the cream swirl. The rice is dyed yellow and in the molded to the shape of a heart. Complimentary clear red chopsticks come with the meal.    Drink: Shaken espresso served in a martini glass. Lightly flavored with vanilla and a cinnamon sugar lip    Dessert: Affogato with vanilla ice cream, cinnamon sugar dusting, and shaved chocolate. An acrylic of his weapon (however hard it is to make two laser swords look cool) comes laying against the serving plate.
   Meal: Pumpernickel, cream cheese, and salmon half-sandwich. Side of a spicy cucumber salad and toothpick skewered tomatoes. The acrylic of the arrow gun is attached to a toothpick, which is holding the sandwich closed.    Drink: Black peppercorn infused blackberry syrup with club soda. Served not stirred for layering effect. Comes with an acrylic of his arrowgun attached to the stir-stick       Dessert: Two slices of roll cake, chocolate outside with an anko cream filling. Plated so they're half laying on each other with a thick chocolate drizzle going across the left side of both cakes. The plate is dotted with whipped cream with a fanned strawberry leaning against it. 
   Meal: Chicken omurice with three strips of seaweed across the egg. Comes with three mixed skewered vegetables on a small bed of lettuce.    Drink: A delicately layered drink with blackberry puree at the base, a rose jelly and syrup layer,  and carefully topped with soymilk. Stirring with the provided berry skewer on a themed Xaldin lance stick will blend the flavors.    Dessert: A single slice of a dense chocolate cake with edible, dried rose petals. It’s more of a torte than a true ‘cake’, and has three blackberry glaze drizzle stripes across the slice.
   Meal: A small bowl of cold cucumber soup with four cream cheese tea sandwiches. Each tea sandwich has two to three small heart-cut pink radish across the top.    Drink: Blue cream soda carefully layered to fade to clear on top. It’s topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and some white snowflake shaped sprinkles.    Dessert: Two scoops of coconut flavored ice cream dressed up with whipped cream and coconut shavings. The ice cream balls have a stripe of strawberry preserve and a few dots of mango to pose as buttons to theme it like a snowman. An acrylic standee of his Snowman shield is stuck in the whipped cream
   Meal: Curry plate with chicken katsu cutlet. Instead of laying on a bed of rice, the chicken lays against side vegetables with the rice is shaped into a mound, placed center of the curry. An acrylic image of Lexaeus's skysplitter is placed into the rice, handle sticking up.    Drink: Hot orange spice tea. Nothing too special, but there is a slice of orange pressed to the bottom of the shallow cup that can be eaten after, if you’re in to warm fruit.    Dessert: A caramel cake baked in a rock shaped mold. It sits on a bed of five banana slices and drizzled with caramel sauce. A few dark brown and orange candy chocolate rocks are also scattered around the base.
   Meal: An open face sandwich on toast, layered with lettuce, cheese, and ham. The top of the ham is decorated with the Organization's logo in mayonnaise. Comes with leafy side salad and fruit.    Drink: Blueberry fruit syrup layered with club soda and edible pearl powder to give the drink an illusionist shimmer. Topped with just enough cream to reach the top of the glass and a dusting of dried blueberry powder.    Dessert: Six small shortbread cookies decorated in icing fondant to look like the cover of his book. Served with dipping chocolate. Comes with an acrylic souvenir of his book.
   Meal: Hamburg steak plate with a decorative X shape of mayo across the sauced top, served on a small bed of rice. Comes with a side salad of mixed vegetables and crescent moons of baked kabocha squash. An acrylic of the Claymore is pressed into the center of the steak as if it was slammed in.    Drink: Lavender syrup mixed with American lemonade only until the drink resembles a light grey color rather than a heavy lean into yellow or purple. Decorated with a lemon slice cut to resemble a moon.    Dessert: Dome mousse cake with a deep blue finish. The mousse is lightly lemon flavored with a center of blueberry jam, and resting upon a vanilla cake base. The cake is decorated with a fondant crescent moon and a dusted golden X. Comes with a candied lemon wedge.
   Meal: A slice of pepperoni pizza, piled high with small cupping pepperoni, and dusted with chili flake. A side of a tossed, leafy salad is provided to help cut through the heat. A chakram acrylic comes attached to the salad, skewering a tomato wedge.    Drink: Tomato juice and beet juice layered together to make a light gradient-- heavier on the tomato than the beet. Top is sprinkled with cayenne for a little bit of an added kick. Decorate with a small celery leaf.    Dessert: A blood orange flavored cake, square cut and layered into three small tiers with raw edge sides. The top is sugar crusted and crisped in a brulee, with a sun fondant decoration wedged into a few peaks of cream. A twist of candied orange is also placed as decoration
   Meal: Small dish of seafood doria with a side of green vegetable to cut through the heavy dish. No broccoli is in the doria itself, and is instead decorating the side leafy salad. An acrylic of his sitar is laid across the salad.    Drink: A tall glass with a clear, bubbly ramune flavored soda. Blue soda-candy jelly is at the base. It’s served cream soda style, with a scoop of vanilla ice cream balanced at the top and a long blue straw.    Dessert: A raindrop cake with a soft blue-green gradient. The top is dusted with kinako powder. For how simple the dish is, it comes with a side of seasonal fruit and a plastic spork styled at the top to resemble his sitar's handle that you can take home.
   Meal: Caprese bites on a bed of lettuce. The cheese and basil base remains the same for each, but the cherry tomato on top varies between a bright red tomato or a dark purple skinned tomato. The salad has a balsamic drizzle and card suits cut vegetables.    Drink: An espresso served with a small container of cream and two sugar cubes, chocolate-dotted to be dice.    Dessert: Chocolate lava cake with a deep red filling, dusted with powdered sugar. It's served alongside thin cookies decorated into playing cards. It can be turned into a meal set with the drink option. 
   Meal: Salad full of mixed greens and colorful radish. Designed to be incredibly colorful, it’s got a few little blooms of edible flowers wedged around the plate. Comes with a few flower shaped breaded chicken ‘nuggets’ along the rim.    Drink: Rose syrup infused sparkling lemon soda, decorated with dried rose petals. There’s the smallest bit of strawberry syrup at the bottom of the cup to really make a pink color. A wedge of lemon decorates the rim.    Dessert: A thin, crisp almost crepelike shell in a low dish holds mixed berries, mint, and thick soft chunks of pound cake. The whole thing is drizzled with a sweet rose syrup. An acrylic of his scythe hangs out among the cake bits.
   Meal: Two skewers of karaage laying on a bed of cabbage with tartar sauce and two wedges of lemon. The other side of the plate has fries with a bit of mustard drizzled across the tips.    Drink: Layered cream soda, blue syrup at the bottom that fades into a pale yellow. It's topped with whipped cream and comes with sour popping candy meant to be mixed into the drink to activate the light carbonation. Comes with an acrylic charm of one of her daggers.    Dessert: Shaved ice with yuzu and orange drizzle. It’s a stretch to include it under the Larxene umbrella, but the sour notes should bring forth thoughts of lightning and shocks.
Roxas & Xion:
   Meal: Roxas and Xion share the same half sandwich, as if it was once part of a whole sandwich and split into two meal plates. They differ in that Xion gets a side leafy salad with radish and carrot, and Roxas gets french fries. [ and then i gave up makin them desserts & drinks, since they have the seasalt milk ‘drink’ at the actual cafe ]
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snail-care · 4 years
Snail Feeding
Hello I'm finally back! I'm gonna run over a few things you can feed your snails, and things to avoid. Let's gooo
Most vegetables, some good ones are carrot, pumpkin, sweet potato, spinach (see calcium section below), broccoli, corn.
Most fruits, some good ones are apple, pear, banana, peach.
Certain herbs. Safe ones include coriander (cilantro), basil, mintand dill.
Mushroom (don't feed wild mushrooms, stick with ones from stores)
Cooked oats
Wet cat or dog food (LOOK AT THE INGREDIENTS. get organic and avoid high sodium)
Goldfish flakes (again, look at ingredients. some have garlic and salt, do not feed these!)
Small amounts of unseasoned raw meat
Certain outdoor plants. Ribwort and Broadleaf plantain, dandelion (see calcium section below), grass, chickweed, clover, marigold flowers and rose petals are some safe ones. If in doubt or you can't 100% positively identify the plant, just don't feed it to them. Make absolutely sure there are no herbicides or pesticides.
Algae wafers/tabs for aquatic snails. Feed in moderation but can be good as a backup food if you have no produce!!
you need to absolutely avoid these!! they can seriously harm or kill your snail.
Anything salty. for obvious reasons. salt draws out the moisture they need to live
Anything sugary. Sugar has a similar effect to salt.
Processed foods. This will essentially avoid the first two things, as processed foods are usually very high in salt and/or sugar. Includes meats like ham, bacon, etc.
Anything with garlic or onion. Both dangerous to snails. This includes other things in the garlic/onion family like chives, leeks, shallots, spring onions etc.
Starchy foods or things made of grains. This includes pasta, rice, bread, and such. Starchy things absorb water and expand inside the stomach and can cause impaction (a blockage in the digestive system), dehydration and death.
Certain vegetables - Celery, leek, rhubarb.
Certain fruits - Citrus (Orange, lemon, lime), Avocado, Chilli peppers (bell pepper or capsicum is fine, just not spicy ones)
Canned foods. Canned foods, even vegetables or fruit, are preserved with high amounts of sugar or salt.
Just some important things about snail feeding and nutrition!!
Snails ALWAYS need a calcium source available. the best option is cuttlebone, you can get this in pet stores, usually in the bird section. Don't collect cuttlebone off the beach, it will be full of salt. If you don't have cuttlebone yet, finely crushed hen eggshells is okay, but I would only use that short term.
You can make a calcium "brick" out of pure calcium powder for reptiles by adding a little water, shaping it then leaving to dry. Make sure there aren't any other additives if you do this.
Don't sprinkle calcium powder, cuttlebone powder or eggshells onto their food. They will eat the calcium as they need it, and giving them too much can cause a condition similar to kidney stones and can be dangerous. Just keep the calcium available 24/7.
Be wary with kale, dandelion leaves and spinach. They are quite nutritious but high in oxalates which can interfere with calcium absorption. Feed only once or twice a month, and in small amounts.
Snails need protein once or twice per week.
Protein rich foods include:
Beans, spirulina, peas, sunflower, hemp and pumpkin seeds, lentils.
Eggs, raw meat, cat or dog food.
Bloodworms, mealworms or crickets (dried, frozen or freshly killed, live bugs can bite)
Fish food and algae wafers/tabs
Some foods are better than others. Things like lettuce and salad leaves as well as cucumber, watermelon and zucchini are mostly just water and don't have many nutrients. Give in small amounts a couple times a month.
On a similar note, snails have been knows to get "addicted" to cucumber and refuse to eat anything else, becoming malnourished and starving. Feed very rarely and with caution, as a treat.
Higher nutrient foods are: Carrot, sweet potato, mushroom and broccoli. Sweet potato and mushroom are the main staples of my snail's diet.
Vegetables will be the main food source for your snail. Fruits are a treat, and protein is supplementary.
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greenheartart · 4 years
Monster Food Theories (part 2)
(A multi-part essay because I love world-building.) 
In part 1 I discussed the theory that monster food is actually made from physical food that’s been infused with magic, and therefore monster food is limited to what can be farmed in the Underground.
In this next part, I’m going to springboard off that idea and talk about what foods exist in the Underground (and therefore what crops and livestock monsters likely have.)
The very first thing I want to look at is what food canonically exists in the game. I’m going to break this up into two sections...
1) Food We Interact With Directly (Healing items we can pick up and get information on.)
* Monster Candy - Has a distinct, non-licorice flavor.  Heals 10 HP. * Spider Donut - A donut made with Spider Cider in the batter.  Heals 12 HP. * Spider Cider - Made with whole spiders, not just the juice.  Heals 24 HP. * Butterscotch Pie - Butterscotch-cinnamon pie, one slice.  Heals ALL HP. * Snail Pie - Heals some HP.  An acquired taste. Heals one less than max HP. * Nice Cream - Instead of a joke, the wrapper says something nice.  Heals 15 HP. * Bisicle - It’s a two-pronged popsicle, so you can eat it twice.  Heals 11 HP. * Unicicle - It’s a SINGLE-pronged popsicle.  Wait that’s just normal... Heals 11 HP. * Cinnamon Bunny - A cinnamon roll in the shape of a bunny.  Heals 22 HP. * Astronaut Food - For feeding a pet astronaut.  Heals 21 HP. * Crab Apple - An aquatic fruit that resembles a crustacean.  Heals 18 HP. * Sea Tea - Made from glowing marsh water.  Increases SPEED for one battle.  Heals 10 HP. * Abandoned Quiche - A psychologically damaged spinach egg pie.  Heals 34 HP. * Temmie Flakes - It’s just torn up pieces of construction paper.  Heals 2 HP. * Dog Salad - Recovers HP (Hit Poodles.)  Heals 2/10/30/ALL HP. * Instant Noodles - Comes with everything you need for a quick meal!  Heals 4/15/90 HP. * Hot Dog...? - The “meat” is made out of something called a “water sausage.”  Heals 20 HP. * Hot Cat - Like a hot dog, but with little cat ears on the end.  Heals 21 HP. * Junk Food - Food that was probably once thrown away.  Heals 17 HP. * Starfait - A sweet treat made of sparkling stars.  Heals 14 HP. * Glamburger - A hamburger made of edible glitter and sequins.  Heals 27 HP. * Legendary Hero - Sandwich shaped like a sword.  Increases ATTACK when eaten.  Heals 40 HP. * Steak in the Shape of Mettaton’s Face - Huge steak in the shape of Mettaton’s face.  You don’t feel like it’s made of real meat... Heals 60 HP. * Popato Chisps - Regular old popato chisps.  Heals 13 HP. (Note:  I’ve chosen to leave the Hush Puppy off of this list, as its description refers to it as a spell.  I’m also excluding the foods that can only be found by digging around in the game files - Puppydough Ice Cream, Pumpkin Rings, Rock Candy, Croquet Roll, Ghost Fruit, and Stoic Onion.)
 2) Food We Only See, or Hear About Through Character Dialogue (I did my best to be thorough here, but please let me know if I missed any and I’ll add them in!)
* Hamburger  (For sale at Grillby’s) * Fries  (For sale at Grillby’s) * Cheese Fries  (Undyne likes them, for sale at Grillby’s) * Ketchup  (Found at Grillby’s / Sans’ Hot Dog Stand) * Mustard  (Found at Sans’ Hot Dog Stand) * Relish  (Found at Sans’s Hot Dog Stand) * Spaghetti  (Made by Papyrus and Undyne) * Lasagna/Ravioli/various other pastas   (Mentioned by Papyrus) * Brewskis (aka Beer)  (Mentioned in a prank call) * Sugar  (In Undyne’s kitchen) * Soda  (In Undyne’s kitchen / Alphys’ Lab) * Hot Chocolate  (Mentioned by Undyne) * Marshmallows  (Mentioned by Undyne) * Golden Flower Tea  (In Undyne’s kitchen / Offered by Asgore) * Grapes  (Undyne talks about Mettaton eating them) * Pizza  (Undyne and Alphys both talk about ordering some) * Limes  (Undyne mentions eating them whole) * Cucumbers  (Come up when Undyne and Papyrus talk about spa treatments) * Carrots  (Mentioned by Asgore on the tapes in the true lab) * Lollipops  (Papyrus mentions getting them from the lady who runs the inn) * Ice cream  (Mentioned multiple times by multiple characters) * Espresso (Mentioned by Red Bird at Grillby’s) * Cake  (Mettaton specifically breaks the ingredients down into SUGAR, MILK, EGGS during his cooking segment) * Artificial Ingredients and Chemicals  (Also mentioned by Mettaton)
(Note: I’m leaving edamame off the list because while Toriel mentions it, she does it as a joke because she’s after the pun.  It’s possible that monsters have edamame, or it could just be something she’s aware exists in the world in general.)
So! Looking at this list, and cross referencing with recipes to find the most basic necessary ingredients to make everything, I can break things down more neatly into categories of available food:
STARCHES * Wheat  * Potatoes * Barley
FRUITS AND VEGETABLES  * Apples * Grapes * Limes * Tomatoes * Cucumbers * Spinach PROTEIN AND DAIRY * Snails * Water sausages * Eggs * Milk 
HERBS AND SPICES * Cinnamon * Mustard Seed
MISC * Salt * Sugar * Oil  * Coffee * Chocolate * Assorted artificial ingredients and chemicals  * Golden flowers (unique to the Underground?) * Hops (only because of the mention of “brewskis”)
(Note: I’m excluding a few healing items from contributing to this list.  The Astronaut Food’s origin is nebulous - it sounds like it could possibly be human food that fell from the surface and landed in the dump.  Temmie Flakes are construction paper and not actually food, even if they are technically consumable.  Dog Salad is clearly an outlier and should not be counted.)
When broken down to its base components, it’s a pretty small list.  Monsters don’t seem to have a lot to work with.
A lot of their foods revolve around the same few staple ingredients: Flour, eggs, sugar, and milk products.  From that we can take a guess that there are wheat fields somewhere in the Underground.  Likewise, they likely keep chickens as well for eggs (though other birds like ducks might be a possibility too.)  Sugar and milk have more options.  Sugar might come from sugar cane or sugar beets, while milk could come from a variety of animals, but I think goats or sheep are more likely than cows for a variety of reasons (mainly that cows might be too much of a resource drain to support long term.)
Interestingly, we never get any indication that monsters eat animals besides snails.  The information we get on the hot dogs and steak make it clear that they’re not made out of meat (and if the steaks aren’t meat, it feels reasonable that the hamburgers aren’t either.)  This makes sense, since the Underground has limited space and resources and might not be able to support farms dedicated to raising animals for meat, and/or might not be able to meet the demands of a populace that wants to eat meat regularly.  If it’s eaten at all, meat might be a rare treat.  Otherwise, it looks like the monster population could be largely vegetarian.  
With a basic list of crops, we can also make a guess at what sort of alcohols might be available in Grillby’s bar. Monsters have apples, grapes, potatoes, and sugar, so we can guess that in addition to beer (since it gets mentioned specifically), monsters could also have hard cider, wine, brandy, whisky, rum, vodka, and moonshine. 
If we want to be a bit more generous and include possible foods and foods that didn’t quite make it officially into the game, we can add back in edamame, pumpkins, and onions.
And, just for fun and going off of nothing except the environment of the game, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to think monsters might be able to round out their pantries with a few other foods that occur naturally in the caverns.  Mushrooms show up in the damper areas of the game, so it’s not far fetched to think that there might be a few edible varieties available. Likewise, we see streams and marshes in Waterfall that support life.  It’s possible that there are fish, crayfish, or shellfish living in there, or possibly other edible plants besides the water sausage.  
This went a bit longer than I originally planned, so in the next part I’ll talk about what might make monster food inherently different from human food (even without monsters intentionally doing anything to it), and possibly theories about how and why monsters ended up with this specific, limited variety of foods they seem to be working off of.
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danganronpastories · 4 years
Veggie snacks
(Hi this is a gift for @cinnaspringbon and @broth-y, i said i would write this and here we are, have a good day!) Kazuichi had gotten a new project from one of his customers, it was proving to be quite difficult, he had stayed awake for hours on end tinkering with this motorbike. Meanwhile Gundham was in the kitchen, hair up in a cute little ponytail, brushing his bangs behind his ear he took some vegetables out of the fridge. Gundham hummed some peaceful songs to himself and took out a veggie knife. Gundham cut some carrots into cat faces, cucumbers into hamster faces, tomatoes into flowers and more and more.  Next Gundham took out some fruits. He giggled, he enjoyed making these snacks for his boyfriend. He adored watching his boyfriends face light up with joy when he would bring the box out. Gundham grabbed the strawberries, “can’t forget those” Gundham whispered softly. Last time Gundham forgot the strawberry hearts kazu got the saddest look in his eyes. It had broken Gundhams heart in two. Gundham got the happiest love filled shine in his eyes as he cut them into heart shapes. Then he made a smiley faces with watermelons and blueberries, some suns with mangos and crecent moons with pineapple slices. Gundham arranged them all in the pink bento box then put grapes to outline the display. Gundham skipped over to the door, opening it and strutting in with bravado. “Kazuichi, my paramour i have arrived with the box of snacks!” Gundham fully announced himself, a laugh pouring from his mouth. Kazuichi looked up in happy excitement. Kazuichi ran up to him yelling “baby!”. Gundham hugged his paramour to him and Kazuichi giggled. Kazuichi looked up at Gundhams pale face, “did you bring me my snacks?”. Gundham chuckled and sat Kazuichi down on the steps, “of course i did my paramour.” Kazuichi lit up, stars in his eyes. Kazuichi giggles this joyous christmas bells laugh that sends Gundhams heart aflutter. Gundham reached down and kissed him on the cheek and lips over and over, overrcome with emotion. Kazuichi blushed as pink as his faushia hair before kissing him back on the lips. Gundham pulled away, breathing in to get some air, before kissing Kazuichi on the forehead. Kazuichi smiled while eating his strawberry hearts. He picked up a grape and held it to his darlings mouth, “open up darling” Kazuichi asked, pure sweetness and adoration dripping from his lips. Gundham smiled and opened his mouth and Kazuichi popped the grape in.  Once Gundham swallowed Kazuichi sat on his lap, kissing his forehead and cheek. Gundham blushed and buried his face in his scarf. Kazuichi laughed and hugged him, wanting affection. Gundham hugged him, petting his hair softly. Kazuichi whispered, “thank you for my snacks, my gothic darling”, Gundham kissed his hair, “of course baby, i just love seeing you happy.” 
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rachel1987 · 4 years
GWCFT Part 4
Hold onto your hats! June has arrived in town and Hare might faint if she does just one more white glove test. Hatter tries to hold things together during the tea party and the Tweedles are up to something...
xposted on ao3 and FF.net
Part 4:
Hatter made his way to his Hat house quickly, getting all the kettles on the burners in his kitchen before emptying the pink boxes of desserts he had purchased. He had loaded up his arms and made his way through the OUT door when someone made their way through the IN door.
"Mr Hatter? Can I help you with anything?"
"Oh, Alice!" Hatter heaved, seeing her follow him through the OUT door. "Yes, grab some of the sandwiches from the kitchen and bring them out! I'm not used to setting up tea parties without the Hare's help."
Alice nodded and went back through the IN door, leaving the Hatter to empty his arms out onto the table. He tried his best to make the setting look as nice as possible, knowing June would inspect every little thing to make sure it was in order. He was filling the sugar bowls with little cubes in the shapes of carrots when Alice appeared next to him.
"What is Mr Hare's mother like?" Alice asked as she placed little finger sandwiches on pink and purple platters. She looked in surprise as the Dormouse peeked out from around a teacup, eyeing the food she was putting out. Wordlessly, she handed him a cucumber sandwich and he zoomed back to his teapot.
"She looks just like the Hare," Hatter shivered. "Only in a dress."
"No," Alice laughed. "I mean, is she nice? What did she say when you met her?"
"Oh…" Hatter shrugged. "I suppose so." He was more focused on setting the table up right, not too overcrowded but not too empty either. He kept switching teacups and saucers around, ignoring the sounds of the kettles whistling from inside, as well as Alice's inquiries. He also kept swatting the Dormouse away from the food. It seemed the little guy wanted to horde away everything they were setting out.
"Mr Hatter…" Alice looked at him with a confused expression. "Is everything alright? You seem tense."
Hatter shook his head and leaned his lip on the table. "Oh, Alice… Hare's got me all worried about his mother. We have to make sure everything goes well tonight. She expects perfection from him and he's worried about what she'll think. And I can't show him that I'm nervous too because it'll make him more upset."
"Oh, I see…" Alice nodded. "Sometimes my Mom expects things out of me like that too. All you can do is your best. I'm sure she'll love you, everyone does."
"Thank you, Alice," Hatter sighed, tearing himself away to rush into the house, returning with two kettles and filling up the numerous tea pots scattered around the long table. Alice followed along, helping out here and there where she could.
It wasn't long before the other guests started arriving at the party.
First the Tweedles came through the gate, Dum holding a camera and Dee a pad and pencil, both in their editor hats.
"We're covering the party for the Wonderland Bee!" Dum announced. "It's going to be on our front page for tomorrow."
"We already have our headline," Dee nodded. "Meet the Harent! Hare's mother visit's Wonderland!"
Hatter considered this for a few moments, before deciding he'd allow it. "Well… alright. Just make sure you only get my good side," he said, turning to the right, a finger on his chin, and giving them a smarmy smile. The Tweedles looked at each other and blinked, before Dum snapped a photo.
"Who's taking photographs that aren't of me?" came a billowing voice from the gate. The three men turned to see the Queen gracing everyone with her presence, Rabbit following behind holding a bouquet of red roses.
"For the Hare's mother," Rabbit offered, handing the vase to Alice, who put them in a place of prominence on the tea table. The Dormouse had his head out of his teapot, nibbling on a slice of cheese from one of the sandwiches, and gave the flowers a sniff.
"That's very kind of Her Majesty," Hatter commended, a tilt of his cap.
The Queen beamed at the attention and waved her hand in a sense of false modesty, rings sparkling in the sunlight. "Oh, it was nothing," she laughed.
"Literally," Rabbit muttered to Alice. "I'm the one who had to root through the garden to pick them."
The Queen shot him a look and he gave her a nervous smile, fiddling his fingers at his bow tie as he led her to her chair at the table.
"Who else still needs to get here?" Alice asked the Hatter, who kept glancing at the gate for the Hare and his mother. He was getting nervous again, but he was doing his best to hide it.
"Is everyone waiting for me?" the Caterpillar droned as he, somehow, moved his way through the opening in the gate. His legs were working hard, moving his impressive size slowly to the table.
"I think they're waiting for both of usss," came the Cheshire Cat's voice from the tea table. The Cat was pursuing the buffet, eyeing all the snacks, trying to decide which one he was going to eat first.
"Nooo," Hatter furrowed his brow, watching everyone get settled at their places. "We're waiting for the Hare and his mother, thank you very much."
Hatter let everyone get settled, watching as they helped themselves to tea and crumpets. He kept glancing at his pocket watch, then back at the fence, then back at his watch again. The conversation was growing a little, so Hatter took the moment to speak to all his friends before the guests of honor appeared.
Clinking a spoon on a purple tea cup, he called everyone to attention.
"I'd like to thank everyone for coming to this special dinner tea party that the Hare and I are throwing," Hatter started, using his most professional voice. "Before the Hare and his mother show up I'd like to say a couple words."
"Can we start eeeating or do we have to wait for the Harrrrre to come?" came a disembodied voice. Cheshire Cat kept fading in and out so much none of them were sure he had actually stayed or had left for the night.
"Do what you want, Cat," Hatter sighed, not even bothering to look for the source of the voice. "You have no master."
"Darn right!" the Cat said, letting out a cackle before a number of pastries poofed from the platters and into obscurity.
"What is it, Hatter? My tea is getting cold!"
"Sorry your Majesty," the Hatter tapped the brim of his hat nervously, taking a sip from his tea to wet his whistle before continuing. He was already considering opening one of the bottles of wine to calm his nerves and also to get the Queen to take it easy. "The Hare's mother is expecting everything to be very orderly at this party, so we need to keep things under control. So this is going to be different from my usual shindigs. We need to keep things jovial, but not too jovial, not too crazy and certainly not mad. Am I making myself clear?"
"No, actually," the Rabbit shook his head, his ears flopping. "You're telling us to behave ourselves when you're the one who-"
"That's beside the point, Rabbit, hush!" He put a finger out and held it in front of Rabbit's face to shush him. He got to his feet and took a step onto the tabletop, looking down at everyone. "Point is, no throwing china.." he said as he picked up a cup and saucer, "or food at this party" he added, picking up a pastry from a platter. "And certainly no getting up on the table." As he finished, he tossed the cup, saucer and pastry over his shoulder, hearing them clamor as they hit the ground. "You know, table manners are very important things to remember while at a dinner tea party!"
Suddenly, and without warning, the Hatter started tapping his toe on the table and a cane was thrown to him from somewhere stage left. All the Wonderlandians looked at each other and picked up their tea cups, scooting back a little from the table, giving the Hatter room to move. Alice passed both the Dormouse's teapot and the vase of roses to the Caterpillar for safekeeping while the Hatter performed.
Crooning jazz music started and the Hatter flailed his legs around in what might have been an attempt at a tap dancing routine, swinging the cane around wildly and singing about the importance of good table manners. The cups and saucers clanked around as the table shook, though none of them fell to the ground somehow. He walked up and down the lengthy table, dodging platters of food and sweets with nimble feet, none of them being disturbed. He swayed and stumbled around on his toes, causing some of his friends to reach out in fear to try to help him, but he never fell or managed to move a single setting on the tabletop. And, as suddenly as it started (about a minute later), the music stopped, leaving Hatter standing where the roses had originally been, tossing the cane over his shoulder and onto the roof of his Hat house.
There was a cough from the gate and Hare stood there, a look of absolute horror on his mug. Beside him was his mother, dolled up in her best tea dress and gloves, looking at the Hatter with a confused expression. There was a sudden flash from a camera, followed by the chuckles of both Dee and Dum.
"Hare! June!" the Hatter greeted them, taking a bounding leap from the table and striding to the gate, holding it open for his special guests. Alice moved when he bounced off the table, replacing the roses and the Dormouse's teapot in their original positions. "So nice of you both to join us. Welcome to my home!"
"Hatter, what are you doing?" Hare hissed, eyes darting around in anger. "Were you singing and dancing about the importance of table manners again?"
"And doing it while on that table?" June added, giving him a once over again as if her first inspection of him had yielded incorrect results.
"Oh, well…" the Hatter laughed nervously, tapping his top hat as he thought to himself. "Just a party trick, nothing to worry about," was all he managed before Alice swooped in to rescue him.
"Hello, Mrs Hare! My name is Alice, it's lovely to meet you!" she said, giving her best curtsy. Everyone awed and even the Queen was impressed, telling everyone how she had taught her that.
June was, of course, very pleased by Alice's manners and had gotten completely sidetracked. "How kind of you, Alice!" she squealed, balling her hands up together. The girl lead June to the tea table, leaving the Hare to give Hatter a warning glance, muttering about how they hadn't done a song and dance number this whole way through and how it was rude of him to do one without him, before following them to start introductions. They made their way to Hare's usual spot, pulling the chair next to it out for his mother to take a seat. He then took the place on her right, Alice taking the spot on her left.
"Well, now that that's out of the way…" Hatter chuckled nervously, clearing his throat a little as he picked up the kettle to his left. "Who would like a top up?"
Tea was served and the food was passed around the table, everyone filling their plates at least twice. Hare introduced his mother to everyone and she seemed quite taken by all of them. There was a slight glimmer in her eye as she reached a lace glove out to Rabbit, nobody seemed to notice it but him. He gulped and snickered nervously after kissing her hand, resisting the urge to wipe his mouth off in her presence. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get the thought of Hare in a dress out of his mind when he looked at her.
After everyone had eaten a little and the kettles had been taken into the kitchen to be refilled, they decided to open the wine and conversation started.
"Hi, Mrs Hare," Dee said as he shook June's hand, squeezing between her and Hare. "I"m Dee and this is my brother Dum and we're from the Wonderland Bee."
"We'd like to ask you a few questions for the paper," Dum added, after taking a photo of her at the table.
June was completely delighted and looked at her son with eyes that swelled with pride. "How exciting! Of course! Ask me anything you'd like!"
"Great!" Dee smiled, taking out his pad of paper and a pencil, licking the tip as he looked at the Hare while he spoke. "First question: what pet names did you have for the Hare while he was growing up?"
Hare furrowed his brow and he shot the Tweedles an angry glare, while the Hatter leaned in to hear June's answer.
"He had so many! I was always coming up with names for my little Marchie. Let's see..." June's eyes scrunched up as she gazed off, trying to remember. "When he was a baby I called him Bubba Boy, because he'd always laugh when he made bubbles in the bath. Then there was Angel Voice, when he started singing. Have you heard my boy's voice? He always got the solos at the church recitals. And Baby Face because of his pinchable little round cheeks…"
Dee and Dum snickered as they wrote notes down, shooting glances at Hare every so often to see his face getting a deeper shade of red.
He sat through a few more questions, feeling sick to his stomach that his mother was actually answering them. She covered his weird Liberace obsession with when he was six, the time he locked himself in two separate closets in the same day and the time he got lost in the shopping mall and security had to lock the whole place down in order to find him.
"And they found him asleep face down in a planter under a purple fountain grass plant, his little bum in the air," June beamed, looking at her son with complete adoration. Hatter was listening to all of his, his elbow leaning on the table and his chin resting on his hand.
"One more question, June," Dum said, scribbling on his pad. "If you had to make a guess about what the Hare's most embarrassing moment in his life was, what would it be?"
"And if you can't think of just one, you can give us a couple," Dee added quickly, waiting excitedly for the answer, pencil at the ready.
Hare's jaw dropped and his fingers flexed, reaching out to stop his mother from answering. Alice stepped in before he could do anything too embarrassing.
"What was Mr Hare like when he was young, Mrs Hare?" Alice asked politely before taking a bite from a fluffy cream filled pastry.
"Yes, do tell…" Rabbit asked with a snicker. He had already finished his first glass of wine and was more than halfway through his second, so he was looking a little tipsy.
"He was an absolute delight," June grinned, taking a sip from her tea. "You wouldn't want to see pictures, would you?"
"Oh, yes please!" Alice clapped her hands and sat up, excited.
"Oh, Mom, you don't have-" Hare tried, only to be cut off by the Hatter.
"I'd love to see them too!"
Hare covered his eyes as June reached into her purse and took out a small album packed full of photos of a very young Hare. Every yearbook picture, birthday and occasion was documented inside. June removed a number of snapshots and passed them around the group, making Hare cringe. If he could, he would have crawled into the Dormouse's teapot and not come out.
"This one is cute," Hatter remarked, showing Hare a photo of himself with a very round face and glasses that were far too large for him. He had a crooked grin and was sitting in a sandbox next to what must have been a mud pie and had pink bandaids on his knees. He also had a rubber chicken wearing a party hat sitting in the sand next to him. "You were a fan of chickens even then."
"Oh, I love this one!" Hare's mother grinned. "Hare's first bath!"
"Ooh!" Dee reached out, taking the photo from June. "This would be great for the front page! Don't you think so, Dum?"
Dum snorted as the brothers looked at the photo, trying to hide their laughter behind their hands.
"I have an excellent idea!" Hare squealed out at the top of his lungs, nose twitching as he ran around the table and grabbed the photos out of everyone's hand. "Let's change the subject!" Dee held his photo out above his head, making Hare jump for it. He had to climb on the table in order to reach it.
"Your Majesty," Hatter offered as a distraction. "Why don't you tell us all about the, uh… plans for your next fashion show! I'm sure June probably caught your last one on television."
"Oh, yes! Well, ha ha… I didn't plan on doing another fashion line after that last one," the Queen admitted, swirling her wine around in her glass as she spoke. She had been growing tired of all the Hare talk and was desperate to get the attention back to herself. "But once the fashion bug bites you, it's hard not to create."
"I've always disliked bugs," June admitted. "Especially mosquitoes."
"It isn't really a bug, Mrs Hare," Alice explained. "That's just a saying."
"Oh… right," June replied, blushing a little at her ignorance, helping herself to some more tea. "So, your Majesty, has my son been a dutiful subject? Has he been helpful in making the kingdom a more pleasant place?"
"Helpful?" The Queen questioned, giggling a little as she gazed across the table at June. "Oh, he's been a help alright. A helpful pain in my-"
June grinned and looked at her son, reaching out and giving his arm a squeeze before turning back to the Queen. "You know, when I heard that you had saved him from that quicksand, I couldn't stand idly by and let him not fulfill our family duty. I insisted that he stand by your side until he could do a good deed for you as repayment. And it was lucky, because you nearly were swallowed up by quicksand as well. So, in a way, I saved your life that day too."
The Queen stared back at June with a look of total confusion. Maybe the wine was going to her head, but she really didn't know what to say in response to such an outrageous statement.
"And I was thinking," June said, adding a cube of sugar to her tea and stirring it. "For everything that Hare did for you that day, I feel that he should have gotten more recognition. Maybe a plaque or an award or something. Or a proclamation at the very least."
The Queen's eyes looked like they were going to bust from their sockets. The Hare chuckled nervously. "No, your Majesty… Mom, there isn't any need for any of that. It's enough to do a good deed, that's all. I don't need any recognition for it."
"And our Queen thanked you," Rabbit butted in, putting a hand on the Queen's arm to distract her, refilling her glass of wine to the top. "I believe we all sang a song about it, if I remember correctly…"
"All the same, Hare, you did a very noble thing that day and I'm very proud of you."
"Thanks, Mom…" Hare blushed a little, waving her away. "But it was really nothing. Really."
The tea party continued and the food was gobbled up. After a while, the attendants slowly made their way home. Alice left because she had to get back before her parents noticed she was missing, Caterpillar had to leave because it would take him so long to journey all the way home and Rabbit practically had to carry the Queen away because of all the wine she'd ingested. Dee and Dum were kind enough to offer to help them back to the palace. Nobody knew when the Cat left the party, but he was long gone as well and the sound of snoring could be heard from deep within the purple teapot on the table.
"Well, that was nice," June said from her seat, a smile on her face. The sun had gone down and the courtyard was lit up with little round string lights and lanterns that filled the area with atmosphere. The energy of the night had slowed down and you could hear the sound of the evening off in the distance.
"Yes, it was, wasn't it?" Hatter said, very proud that the party had gone over so well. Everyone had had a good time and nobody had done anything that had caused Hare to pass out from embarrassment.
Hare returned from the Hat house, holding a pot of coffee and two mugs. He had managed to sneak away and brew a pot without the Hatter noticing. "Here you go, Mom," he said absently, pouring the brown liquid into a mug with pink flowers on it. He added cream and sugar to it, just the way she liked it, leaving it a caramel color before passing it to her.
"Thank you, son," she smiled, blowing on it before taking a sip. The travel and excitement of the day was starting to show on her and she was looking a little tired.
Hare turned and offered some of the coffee to Hatter, who declined with the wave of a hand, not to much surprise. He was still working on his last kettle of warm tea and wasn't much of a fan of coffee anyway. Hare took a seat between the two of them, pouring himself half a mug of coffee, feeling Hatter's eyes on him the entire time. He was looking a little more calm now, though that might have been because he was getting sleepy from all the stress of the day.
"So, June, we didn't get much of a chance to talk at the train station. Or the tea party for that matter…" Hatter said with a chuckle and soft smile. "How was your trip?"
"It was relaxing," she nodded, ears bouncing a little. "I don't get to travel much, so a lot of it was new to me. Very exciting."
"And what did you think of the party?" Hater asked, looking at her over the rim of his cup as he drank. Hare could see that Hatter was really putting on the charm and it made him smile a little. He wanted to reach a hand out and touch him but decided against it, with his mother right beside them.
"It was lovely. Thank you for going through all the trouble, it was really marvelous. The food, the tea and the company," June kept her posture straight and upright, like she had spent hours of her life on a church bench. She was rather prim and proper, but Hatter couldn't help noticing a little bit of a goofy streak that he saw in Hare often. Or maybe it was because they just reminded him so much of each other. "I can't remember the last time I had this much fun."
"Well, that's nice," he replied, filling his cup up with the last of the tea from the pot. "And it really wasn't any bother. It was a pleasure being able to throw this party in your honor."
Hare slid a little jar in the Hatter's direction as he took a sip from his coffee. "Honey?" he offered.
"What is it, Darling?" Hatter asked, who was clearly looking down into his tea cup and not paying attention to the Hare's actions.
There was a clatter and a groan and Hare was brushing coffee off his shirt, June tisking. "I meant for your tea, Hatter…" he grumbled through clenched teeth.
"Baking soda will get that out, dear," June said, hiding her smile behind her coffee cup.
"I know, Mom…" he muttered. "I'll be right back."
He left the two of them alone, the soft snoring of the Dormouse filling the vacant space.
"So, Hatter, tell me about yourself…" June said with an interested smile.
His nerves crept up a little, but he managed not to show it at all. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time, knowing he'd eventually meet Hare's mother and be left alone with her, and it really wasn't as bad as he'd thought it would be. Maybe it was the comfortable atmosphere or the wine he'd had earlier in the evening, but he felt quite relaxed.
"Well, I'm a hatter, a tailor, an inventor," Hatter started. "I also part time as a professor, painter, chef, candy maker, amateur dancer, party planner, diagnostician, cave explorer, ghost hunter, private eye, and I work for the department of missing royalty... among other things. I'm multi-talented and like to keep myself busy." He paused and took a sip from his cup before adding, "I think next week I'm going to try being a cowboy."
"My my, you do seem to like to keep busy," June said, not being able to hide her amusement. "Does Hare do all of these things with you or do you work separately?"
"Oh, no, Hare is always helping me with what I do. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have him around to assist me," Hatter said with a chuckle. "We're always working together on projects and jobs and things. I don't think there's a single job that I've done since I met the Hare that he hasn't played some role in. We just can't keep our hands off each other."
There was a clatter as the OUT door bumped against the Hare, who stood at the doorway with a shocked expression on his face. He was wearing a white button down shirt now, his yellow one in his hand, covered in baking soda. The three looked at one another for a moment, Hare with a look of panic on his face and June and Hatter one of slight confusion. Apparently Hare had only caught Hatter's last sentence.
"Is something wrong, son?" June asked. "Did the stain come out alright?"
"Uh…" the Hare looked at them and blinked. "What were you talking about?"
"Work," Hatter said with a shrug. "I think we're going to be cowboys next week, by the way. Think you can pencil that in?"
Hare furrowed his brow and took his pocket calendar out, glancing over their plans. "Should I move working on the time machine till the next week?"
"Oh, no!" Hatter said, aghast. "I'll want to work on the time machine so I can go back to today and live it over again. Better pencil it in for the week after then."
Hare nodded and June took another sip from her coffee cup.
"So, Hatter, what is your family like?" June asked as Hare returned to his seat, tucking his calendar away in his jacket. "Do you speak to your mother often?"
"I do," Hatter replied quickly. "I speak to my mother every second and fourth Wednesday of the month. I don't see my extended family often, but I write to them. And my no-good cousin drops by from time to time."
June looked at Hatter in surprise, her mouth gaping a little, before turning to Hare. "I thought you said that you liked his cousin and that she was very nice to you!"
Hare thought for a moment, blinking, before shaking his head. "No no, Ma. That's his other cousin, Hedda. She's the one who beat all of us at the triathlon. He's talking about his second cousin thrice removed, the Glad Hatter."
"Or as we call him, the Copy Catter Hatter," Hatter said with a little bit of a glare and a sneer, just the remembrance of his cousin and his evil deeds ruffing his feathers.
"Oh, I see," June relaxed a little, though a little nervous hearing about the dubious side of the Hatter family. "And your parents support you and the work that you do?"
Hatter raised his eyebrows and nodded, sipping from his tea lazily. "Yes, they do. They have always supported me in my many fascinations while I was growing up and gave me room to grow and find my way. I really couldn't have asked for anyone better. I think it's important to give them their freedom to find their own way in life and really express themselves in their own way, don't you?"
She smiled and nodded, leaning back into her chair a little. "Yes, that is important. That reminds me of a time when Hare wanted me to paint all the walls in his bedroom the most awful shade of orange I had ever seen. But he insisted and I wasn't about to tell him otherwise." They could see her remembering the story, little lines squinting under her eyes as she laughed to herself about it. "Or when I'd have to sleep with earplugs in because Hare would practice his tuba late into the evening. Sometimes you just have to let them find their own way."
Hatter looked at Hare and saw that he was getting uncomfortable with the line of questioning. Hatter didn't see why, but he supposed it was because he was afraid she'd say something embarrassing about him.
"Well, that kind of parenting really brought up a great guy," Hatter said with a smile. "I'm really quite fond of him." Hare felt a foot touch him under the table from Hatter's direction, making him hop out of his seat from the surprise. In an attempt to cover his blushing face, he started to clear the table. This was unusual behavior, it wasn't uncommon for them to leave the dishes out until the next rainstorm would wash them, but it didn't take Hatter long to get the hint.
"Oh!" he overreacted, waving his hands around and jumping to his feet to help pack the dishes and food up. The Hatter raised his arm to shove the table clean of its settings on impulse, only to stop suddenly and make eye contact with Hare, who looked at him with a "you'd better not" look, face still a little pink. Hatter sighed enthusiastically and calmly started to clear the table, stacking the dirty dishes neatly and placing them in bins to be cleaned. "This would be much quicker if I did this on my own…" he grumped to himself.
Seeing that things were being wrapped up, June got to her feet and started straightening up as well.
"Oh, June, thank you but you really don't have to…" Hatter remarked while Hare also made a move to stop her. "Just take a seat, we have this under control."
"Oh, nonsense. I don't mind helping," June said with a wave of her hand as she started gathering plates and silverware. "You know what they say: Many hands make light work." She loaded up her arms like she had been a waitress in a past life and followed Hare into the Hat house to the kitchen.
The Hatter stood by the table, watching the pair walk away, before glancing over at the Tea Fountain on the other side of the fence. "But… we usually… do the dishes there…" Furrowing his brow a little, he picked up the bin and strode into the house and to the overly crowded kitchen. The small sink was already overloaded and dishes were piling up on the counter and on the kitchen table.
"Hare, why don't we leave-" he started, only to get The Look from Hare. He was standing at the sink, his jacket already off and hung up carefully on a hook, gloves and apron on with his mother beside him turning on the faucet. "Okay…" he stopped. Putting the bin down on the table, he retreated outside to gather up more dishes.
An hour or so later, all the dishes were clean and dry, sitting out on the countertops and table in neat stacks. June looked very pleased with how nicely everything looked and Hare had a similar proudness about him. Hatter looked like he wanted to push both the bunnies out of his house and lock the doors for making him clean everything tonight.
"Much better," June said, removing her rubber gloves from her hands and setting them over the sink to dry.
"Yes, thank you both so much for your help," Hatter grumbled. He had taken off his jacket and had an apron wrapped around his middle, soap suds splattering him from his stomach down.
"I can't help but notice that some of these are chipped…" June frowned, picking up one and examining it meticulously. It was obviously one from Hatter's collection that got thrown in among the gifted ones Hare had supplied.
Hare grimaced and gave Hatter a worried look, waiting for the inevitable.
"Oh, yes…" Hatter nodded, sitting up and reaching out for the chipped piece of china. "You know, you have parties all the time and accidents happen. Nothing to worry about. This one should be retired to storage."
June's eyes narrowed a little as she gave him the cup. It had seemed that she had accepted his explanation.
"Would you like a tour of the house, Mom?" Hare offered, removing his own apron and putting his blazer back on. "I don't know if you'll have time tomorrow, with the talent show and everything."
"Talent show?" June's eyes brightened, ears perking a little.
"Oh, did I not tell you about that?" Hare asked, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Hatter put together a talent show for you tomorrow night."
"Everyone in Wonderland will be performing for you, June. It's sure to excite and delight," Hatter explained, coming up behind Hare. "Even Hare put together an act for you."
"You did!?" she squealed, reaching out and grabbing her son by the arm, giving him a squeeze. "Oh, I'm so excited!" Hare looked at Hatter with a pained smile on his face, wordless asking him to help.
"Uh, it'll be tomorrow night, so you both can spend the day together and then you'll come here after," Hatter said, stealing in and taking June by the arm to lead her further into the house. "But, for now, let me show you around."
They toured the house from top to bottom and Hare's mother seemed rather impressed. Hare was relieved to see that she didn't make any mention of anything being out of place and was rather enchanted with how eclectic the Hatter's style was. Everywhere was something new or interesting for her to see and she loved it. She also ogled over all the photos that were scattered around the house of the two of them. She found one at the foot of the stairs and put her hand on it, squinting to get a better look.
"I like that one," Hatter said with a smile, taking it down off the wall and handing it to June so she could get a better look. It was of the two of them and one of their inventions, posing with it as if they had invented air conditioning and not a consonant/vowel separator.
"You know…" June said in a hushed voice, so Hare couldn't overhear as he fussed about behind them. "He looks just like his father in this."
Hatter blinked and looked at the photo and then back at June. They still looked like mirror images of one another.
"You don't say…" Hatter grinned.
June pursed her lips and nodded slowly, handing it back to Hatter.
"Would you like a copy?" Hatter offered, only to be cut off by Hare.
"What are you looking at?" he asked suddenly, making them both jump a little, brow furrowing as he looked over his mother's shoulder.
"The Consonant/Vowel separator," Hatter replied. "She was asking how it worked."
"Oh, well not very well," Hare shook his head. "We didn't win a prize at the fair or anything for it."
"But we did get some scrummy funnel cake," Hatter added, making Hare nod in agreement.
"And fried twinkies."
They made their way up the stairs and to the attic, where June stood and just gazed at the array of items that it contained.
"Oh my…" she muttered to herself, gazing at boxes of holiday decorations, hats of various sizes and styles, chipped teapots and broken umbrellas, stopping at the Hatter's worktable to take a gander. There was also a mannequin in the corner that made her feel uncomfortable.
"This is where most of my work happens," Hatter said proudly, patting the battered wooden surface with a gloved hand. "The old workbench."
"It's a wonder you can work up here with all the clutter…" June managed, eyes wide behind her glasses as she browsed. She had her hands balled under her chin, a finger under her lip, and Hatter smiled as he recognized it as something Hare did often. She looked like she was afraid to touch anything for fear that it would bite her.
Hare started to panic a little. The area was clean of dust, sure, but possibly not as organized as it could have been. Hatter had noticed a tear in one of his best gloves earlier that morning and stole away up here to fix it without telling him about it, leaving a small mess at the table by accident.
"Hatter uses a lot of these things in his inventions, Mom," Hare tried to explain, reaching for a helmet with a lamp attached to its top. "He pieces things together to make them new again. He really is a genius."
Hatter blushed and shrugged his shoulders a little. "I think genius might be a strong word…"
"Do all your inventions involve headgear?" June asked, reaching out and adjusting the lamp that was attached to the helmet Hare was holding.
"No, not all of them," Hatter shook his head. "Just the reliable ones."
"Are the others… here?" June asked, looking about the clutter.
"We have a pretzel machine around here somewhere, but it doesn't turn off once it's on," Hare said. "And there's a house key homing device that's supposed to help you not lose your keys, but we can't find it."
"What happened to the invention in the photo downstairs?" June asked curiously. "The Consonant/Vowel separator?"
"We sold it," Hatter shrugged.
"To whom?"
"A man for spare parts," Hare said, shrugging his shoulders a little as he put the lamp helmet back in its home. "We needed the bus money home from the fair."
"We got too many funnel cakes," Hatter explained, patting his stomach. "And fried twinkies."
June's features softened and she smiled, reaching a hand out and patting her son on the shoulder. "All these inventions look amazing, son. You both worked so hard on them, I can tell. And, while they might not look like much, or work all the time, at least you're making the world better with them."
Hatter swore that he might have seen a tear come to the Hare's eye as his chest puffed up with pride at his mother's accolades. And he couldn't wipe the grin off his own face if he tried.
"Thanks, Mom," was all the Hare managed, a shy smile on his face.
"Let's get out of here," Hatter said a little after the moment had passed. "It's a little stuffy in this attic. How about one more mug of tea for the road?"
The trio made their way down the staircase, congregating in the living room at the sofa. Hatter made one last pot of tea and split it up between the three of them. They were all three tired and the tea was putting them in a relaxed mood. It didn't take long for the Hares to decide it was time to head home.
"I think I'll powder my nose before we head home," June whispered to her son.
"Sure, Mom," Hare said, getting to his feet. "First door on your right down the hall. It has a yellow teacup on it."
June nodded and followed his directions, leaving the Hatter and Hare alone for a moment. They stood by the front door, Hare adjusting his jacket, looking like he didn't want to leave.
"Will you need help setting up the stage?" Hare worried, biting his thumb a little, only for Hatter to take his hands in his and give them a squeeze.
"Don't worry about it," Hatter tried to ease his mind. "The Tweedles are coming early to help set up the stage and Alice will spend all day here helping me. Just enjoy your time with your Mother."
"I don't know if I can do that…" Hare wheezed. "I'm still too afraid that she's going to find something wrong."
Hatter tisked and shook his head. "Bunny, you worry too much," he muttered, before stealing a kiss.
Hare blushed and wanted to say more, but his Mother appeared over the Hatter's shoulder. He gave his hand one more squeeze, before letting go. "You ready to go home, Mom?"
"Yes," she nodded. "Is it chilly out?"
It was never chilly in Wonderland, but Hare looked at Hatter and sighed, taking his jacket off and draping it over his mother's shoulders. It engulfed her, but she pulled it closed around her front and smiled.
"I'll see you tomorrow afternoon, June," Hatter said with a grin. "Have a safe trip home."
June lead the way out the front and Hatter tugged Hare back for a second, giving him one last kiss and pat on the bum before pushing him out the door.
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sneakend · 5 years
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Hyvää joulua, @fruzsislangblrstuff  !!! I had the honor of being your substitute santa for @langblrsecretsanta this year. I made a list of interesting Finnish Christmas traditions with related vocabulary. And since you like baking I added some Finnish recipes at the end! Hope you have a great year 2020!
♢ food ♢
Casseroles are a staple of Finnish Christmas, enough so that most people get sick of them by December 25th. The traditional Christmas dinner includes casseroles made of potatoes, carrots, liver and rutabaga. My family usually also includes a macaroni casserole even though this is a food that people eat throughout the year. It’s great for kids too since they’re often not that into the other casseroles. Moreover, sweet potato casserole has gained popularity in recent years and I think I even saw parsnip casserole at the grocery store this year.
laatikko = a casserole (the same word also means box so a cardboard box would be pahvilaatikko). The name of a specific casserole can be formed just by adding the name of a vegetable in front of this word, peruna (potato) + laatikko = perunalaatikko (potato casserole) just like in English.
bataatti = a sweet potato
lanttu = a rutabaga
palsternakka = a parsnip
peruna = a potato
porkkana = a carrot
makaroni = macaroni
maksa = a liver
A bound salad eaten mostly as a cold side dish, in particular as part of the traditional Finnish Christmas meal.
Rosolli is made of cooked, diced root vegetables, especially beetroot, carrot and potato, often combined with one or more of pickled cucumber (of either the vinegar or brine type), raw onion and apple. It is often served with a dressing made of whipped cream or a soured cream product available in Finland called kermaviili (being a type of viili made with sour cream), laced with vinegar or the pickling liquid of beetroot, which also colours the cream pink.
My personal opinion is that rosolli is gross but each to their own.
punajuuri = a beetroot
suolakurkku = pickled cucumber (literally “salt cucumber”)
etikka = vinegar
kermavaahto = whipped cream (literally “cream foam”)
Rice porridge (riisipuuro)
A warm porridge eaten with cinnamon and sugar. Can be eaten either as a dessert or breakfast on Christmas. A whole almond is hidden in the porridge and the one who finds it in their bowl gets to make a wish.
kaneli = cinnamon
sokeri = sugar
manteli = an almond
Christmas tart (joulutorttu)
A Finnish Christmas pastry, traditionally made from puff pastry in the shape of a star or pinwheel and filled with prune jam and often dusted with icing sugar. Lately people have also started using different jams or even caramel as a filling for these. Some years back there was some controversy in Sweden over the fact that some people think these pastries resemble swastikas. But not to worry, there are several different shapes one can choose from!
luumu = a prune/plum
Chocolate boxes
These are one of the most traditional (and lazy) gifts year after year. Every Christmas everyone gets at least a few of these, eats their favourites and leaves the rest to gather dust until they’re inedible. Every Christmas the supermarkets have special deals where you get a bunch of chocolate boxes relatively cheap (what’s really cheap in Finland?). The most popular are the ones by Fazer and Panda. Other popular Christmas sweets include green jellies, Julia and Budapest.
suklaarasia = a chocolate box
Glögg (glögi)
A Scandinavian, spiced, usually alcoholic drink, served warm. There are many different types in Finland, including a good selection of non-alcoholic glögg that’s sweet and even fit for children. The prices vary from under one euro to 20 euros (potentially even more). Some people add raisins and almonds to their glögg.
mauste = spice
rusina = a raisin
Little Christmas (pikkujoulu)
A Finnish traditional party held to anticipate Christmas. The Pikkujoulu party is non-formal, highly festive, and themed after Christmas. Pikkujoulu parties are held by various communities, organisations, companies, or just among friends. Pikkujoulu differs from Christmas as more free-form and less religious.
Saint Lucy’s Day (Lucian päivä) 
A Christian feast day observed on 13 December, commemorating Lucia of Syracuse, an early-4th-century martyr, who according to legend brought food and aid to Christians hiding in the Roman catacombs, wearing a candlelit wreath on her head to light her way and leave her hands free to carry as much food as possible. Her feast day, which coincided with the shortest day of the year prior to calendar reforms, is widely celebrated as a festival of light. Falling within the Advent season, Saint Lucy's Day is viewed as a precursor of Christmastide.
Saint Lucy's Day is celebrated most widely in Scandinavia and in Italy, with each emphasising a different aspect of her story. The Finnish celebrations have been historically tied to Swedish culture and the Swedish-speaking Finns. The St. Lucy of Finland has been elected since 1949 and she is crowned in the Helsinki Cathedral. Local St. Lucies are elected in almost every place where there is a Swedish populace in Finland. The Finnish-speaking population has also lately begun to embrace the celebrations. (Santa Lucia)
marttyyri = a martyr
pyhimys = a saint
seppele = a wreath
valo = light
Declaration of Christmas Peace (joulurauhan julistus)
Christmas Peace is a tradition based on old Scandinavian legislation created by Birger Jarl in the 13th century, extending the tradition of the Truce of God. Offenders who committed crimes on religious holidays like Christmas were given harsher punishments. The Declaration of Christmas Peace has remained in Finland where it is an essential part of the Christmas tradition.
Declaration of Christmas Peace is announced in several Finnish cities on Christmas Eve. The oldest and most popular event is held at noon at the Old Great Square of the former Finnish capital Turku where the declaration has been read since the 1320s. The Turku declaration has been broadcast by the Finnish Broadcasting Company since 1935. (on YouTube)
julistus = a declaration
rauha = peace
Kauneimmat joululaulut
Literally the most beautiful Christmas carols. An annual event organized by and held in local churches is numerous cities before Christmas. People gather to sing the most beloved Finnish Christmas carols and have a chance to donate money to a charity. The event has become an important Christmas tradition to a lot of people and many attend even if they aren’t religious.
kaunis = beautiful
laulu = a song
kirkko = a church
Heavy Christmas (Raskasta Joulua)
A music project from Finland founded by Erkka Korhonen. Raskasta Joulua have recorded traditional Christmas carols and Christmas hits in a Heavy metal style. Their albums and tours have featured appearances of many notable Finnish metal vocalists.  Raskasta Joulua have toured every year since 2005 and the 3 concert tour has become an annual tradition. (on YouTube | x | x | x)
Depressing Christmas carols
Many of the most beloved FInnish Christmas carols are quite melancholy and depressing. Here are some examples:
Varpunen jouluaamuna (The Sparrow on a Christmas Morning) - About a girl meeting her dead little brother who visits her in the form of a sparrow. (on YouTube)
Sylvian joululaulu (Sylvia's Christmas Song) - About a caged bird that can never return to its homeland. Zachris Topelius who wrote the original poem opposed the custom of trapping birds and piercing their eyes so they could be used to attract other birds. (on YouTube)
Konsta Jylhän joululaulu (Konsta Jylhä’s Christmas Carol) - About a little child visiting their mother’s grave on Christmas. (on YouTube)
Christmas sauna
You absolutely can’t have Christmas without sauna! It’s common to clean the sauna before Christmas and to use candles and lanterns to create a cozy atmosphere. It is also possible to buy a frozen vihta/vasta (a bunch of leafy, fragrant silver birch used to gently beat oneself) in some stores and thaw it for Christmas. Moreover, in Finland elves aren’t limited to Christmas elves but it’s believed that every sauna has its own elf that takes care of it.
Though candles are common in many places during Christmas, in Finland one should visit a graveyard during Christmas Eve to either light a candle or to simply admire the hundreds of candles already burning. For the Finnish independece day on 6th of December many also buy special blue and white candles (the colors are the same as in the Finnish flag).
kynttilä = a candle
hautausmaa = a graveyard
This is a very popular Christmas flower in Finland and can be found in nearly all stores that sell flowers in December. It is called joulutähti in Finnish, which literally means Christmas star. People often gift this to others during Christmas. Hyacinths are another common Christmas flower and stores sell them in many different colors.
kukka = a flower
hyasintti = hyacinth
Elf door (tonttuovi)
A tiny decorative door through which the Christmas elves can wander. These are a rather recent craze in FInland but every year it’s possible to find more and more acessories for elf doors in the stores. There are tiny mailboxes, snowmen, sleds, presents, lanterns, Christmas trees, brooms etc. It’s possible to make an elf door by yourself, to buy one you have to paint or to get one that’s completely ready to set up.
ovi = a door
tonttu = an elf (like a Christmas elf, not Legolas)
kelkka = a sled
lumiukko = a snowman
lyhty = a lantern
Advent calendar (joulukalenteri)
Though many Finns swear by the traditional chocolate advent calendar, other options have become available in the recent years. There are the ever popular tea, toy and cosmetics calendars but also ones for cats and dogs, calendars filled with fishing equipment and the most Finnish of all, a salmiakki advent calendar. Additionally, this year an ice cream calendar was released by Vanhan Porvoon jäätelötehdas. Nokian panimo also created a beer calendar consisting of 24 000 beer cans and costing 48 000 euros.
salmiakki = salty liquorice
jäätelö = ice cream
kalja/olut = beer
Santa’s hotline (Joulupukin Kuuma linja)
A tv show shown every Christmas in which children can call Santa. People can also send Christmas greetings through email and they are read during the show. In between the calls different Christmas themed cartoons are played. (on YouTube)
The Joulukalenteri
Finnish for "The Christmas Calendar"; the English word "the" is part of the name, making it approximately "The The Christmas calendar". It was a 1997 Finnish television miniseries produced by MTV3 that was broadcast again in 1998, 2007 and 2017. It was based on the Danish series The Julekalender from 1991. The series came out in December 1997 with one episode per day, concluding on Christmas Eve. It’s still popular to this day and caused nightmares for me when I was a kid. (Different advent calendar shows for children are popular in Finland but this one’s aimed at adults.)
Santa Claus and the Magic Drum  (Joulupukki ja noitarumpu)
A 51 minute long Finnish-Hungarian animation released in 1996. The story is based on a 1995 children's book of the same name by Mauri Kunnas. The movie has been recorded in Finnish, English (British) and Swedish. It was made for TV broadcasting and was first shown on Christmas Eve 1996, and has been broadcast on YLE TV2 nearly every Christmas Eve since. (on YouTube)
joulupukki = Santa Claus
noita = a witch
rumpu = a drum
potato casserole
carrot casserole
rutabaga casserole
macaroni casserole (I’m vegetarian so I always make this without eggs and replace the meat with soy)
rice porridge
Christmas tart
More Finnish pastries
Runeberg torte (Runebergin torttu) = a Finnish pastry flavored with almonds and arrack or rum. It usually has raspberry jam encircled by a ring of icing on top. The torte is named after the Finnish poet Johan Ludvig Runeberg (1804–1877) who, according to legend, regularly enjoyed the torte with punsch for breakfast. Runeberg tortes are typically eaten only in Finland and are generally available in stores from the beginning of January to Runeberg's birthday on February 5.
Pulla = a mildly-sweet Finnish sweet roll or dessert bread flavored with crushed cardamom seeds and occasionally raisins or sliced almonds. Typically coated with egg wash and then sprinkled with white sugar or almonds.
Semla = a traditional sweet roll associated with Lent and especially Shrove Tuesday. Today, the Swedish-Finnish semla consists of a cardamom-spiced wheat bun which has its top cut off, and is then filled with a mix of milk and almond paste, topped with whipped cream. The cut-off top serves as a lid and is dusted with powdered sugar. In Finland, the bun is often filled with strawberry or raspberry jam instead of almond paste, and bakeries in Finland usually offer both versions.
pancake (pannukakku) = Structurally, the Finnish pancake resembles a hotcake, and is baked in an oven instead of using a frying pan.
Karelian pasty (karjalanpiirakka) = traditional pasties or pirogs from the region of Karelia. Today, the most familiar and common version has a thin rye crust with a filling of rice. Mashed potato and rice-and-carrot fillings are also commonly available. Butter, often mixed with chopped-up boiled egg (egg butter or munavoi), is spread over the hot pasties before eating.
spoon cookies (lusikkaleivät) = Lusikkaleivät are Finnish "spoon" cookies so named because they are shaped with a spoon. The inside of the spoon cookies is filled with a berry jam, either raspberry or strawberry.
mocha brownies (mokkapalat) = perhaps the most common treat in every child’s birthday party.
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March 28, 2019
It’s officially Spring Break week for me so I’ve been taking the time to focus myself on some projects and get things settled around the house. Among those projects is getting my plants settled and getting ready for the growing season!
Our apartment has nearly all South facing windows, and a South facing balcony, so I decided I wanted to turn our balcony into a food garden using containers. I started some seeds (minimally successfully) back at the end of February for early Spring crops and then later for a spread of flowers. 
My kale seeds came up easily, and so I transplanted the four best seedlings into larger containers. After growing a little more in front of our big window that opens out to the balcony, I moved them outside. It’s still getting pretty cold at night, even as we’re starting to have some days in the 60s. We’re still having frost warnings too. But Kale loves it! I have one in a 10″ terracotta pot, one in a mushroom plastic container, and one in a gallon milk jug out on the balcony, and after the temperature dipped down, the plants look even more happy and resilient than before. 
The spinach, not so much... From the seeds, I only had 2 of 8 sprout, and of those two only one survived transplanting. I put it outside with the kale, but the cold seems to have withered it significantly. However! I have a volunteer spinach plant that is doing fantastic! How do you get a volunteer plant, Kecheri? No idea! Last year I dropped lettuce seeds into a glass coke bottle just for fun and the lettuce grew as well as can be expected. Then I pulled it out, used it, and put the bottle away somewhere. Then this year, I happened to leave the bottle I assumed was empty sitting out while surveying my different planting containers for this years garden. Well, a few days later, something sprouted in my SUPPOSEDLY EMPTY bottle! It’s been growing very nicely since the bottle makes a sort of miniature greenhouse, and the leaves are pretty spectacular! It’s definitely a spinach plant by the shape of the leaves. I have no idea how it got there, but I’m definitely not complaining. So that spinach plant  has continued to grow really well outside on the balcony and started filling out the little stem of the bottle. I’m not sure what the effect the confined space will have on it’s growth, but we’ll have to just wait and see. 
Also successful is the German chamomile (the kind used to make the tea) seeds I bought in February. I’ve had close to 100% seed germination and the little stalks are looking pretty strong. I have some sprouted in my seed starter, pending a transplanting into a more permanent home, and some started in a mini greenhouse I made from a plastic clam-shell salad bar container. The ones in the salad container are doing particularly good, look strong and healthy. I’m excited they came up so quickly and so successfully, but I’ll have to figure out what I’m doing with them as e enter warmer weather. I don’t think they take particularly well (according to some google searching) to transplanting and would rather be planted in their final containers later in the season, but we’ll see! I still have plenty of seeds so I can always do that once the weather is warmer and I’m ready to do more work outside. 
To no surprise, the catnip I planted in the seed starter and a salad bar container greenhouse like the chamomile has sprouted fairly successfully as well. Mint plants are particularly easy to grow and spread, so I’m not too surprised, but as this is the first year I’m trying to grow catnip, and my first year with a cat, I’m excited all the same. 
I’m growing a number of other herb plants as well this year. In addition to the chamomile and catnip, I’ve picked up some starter plants from our small, local plant nursery. I have Italian oregano and a rosemary that I’ve transplanted into gallon milk jug containers, and a lavender still waiting to be re-homed. As much as I use spices in my cooking, the herbs are a must. (Even though I can get good herbs at the spice and tea shop where I work, nothing beats fresh.) Once weather gets a little warmer and I can start moving things outside, I think the herbs will really take off. So far, they’ve really been thriving in the big window. 
I’m also focusing on growing vegetables this year since we’re in such a nice sun situation here. Already I have some potatoes that sprouted in our cupboards growing pretty well in five gallon buckets. My crop last year ended up rotting out after we got so much summer rain, and I’m not entirely positive the buckets have sufficient drainage. The first year I grew potatoes and had a really successful crop, I had mixed my soil with a lot of moderately sized rocks, which I didn’t do last year or this, so we’ll have to see how it goes. Good news is that if these rot similarly, I know how to correct the problem and will still have plenty of growing season to correct the problems. 
Vegetables I have seeds for this year are cucumbers, zucchini, broccoli, cabbage, and bush beans. Some of the seeds are a little old, so I’m unsure about germination success, but others like the cucumber, zucchini, and beans are new. My mom is moving houses this year and has offered to lend me her self-watering planters for this summer, which will be great and I think will be enough room for one of these big vining plants. I also want to try my hand at tomatoes in buckets, but haven’t taken steps towards starting them yet. 
I still have our living blue spruce Christmas tree outside on the balcony. I picked up a couple 15″ pots, one of which I plan to transplant the spruce into. Then, I can transplant my avocado tree (that I started from a pit two years ago) into the spruce’s current pot, and stick something else in the avocado’s pot. 
I’ve gotten into researching and trying out regrowing plants from kitchen scraps this year too. I regrew a bok choi from the base in January or February, but killed it by harvesting leaves too quickly and not actually planting it in dirt. Even so! It lets me know that I can grow a bok choi NEXT time with some precautions. I regrew and transplanted carrot tops for the carrot greens, and those have been growing really happily in the kitchen since planting. At the moment, I’m going to try and regrow some leeks, and be sure to transplant them when new growth comes up. Growing from scraps is pretty exciting because I’m really into sustainability, and have been since I was a kid, and limiting food waste by replanting and growing more food is excellent. 
Speaking of limiting food waste, I also have a compost going in the corner of our balcony. Eric’s sister gave me an empty, locking-top kitty litter plastic bin that I’ve been throwing shredded paper scraps, exhausted dirt, and food waste into for a few months now. It needs to be turned, and is pretty full since we eat mostly whole foods and generate a fair amount of scraps, but I think it’s doing what it’s supposed to, which is super exciting! It doesn’t smell much, and the food does seem to be breaking down. My mom has kept a compost since I was a little kid, and aside from the lack of grass cuttings that always made up a lot of her compost piles, my little kitty bucket compost looks like proper compost! I’ve been adding it into a few of my plantings already, like the potatoes that are heavy nutrient feeders. I think when I have the proper planters, the compost will really come in handy. 
Some background here, my mom is a big gardener and I’ve been helping her in the yard and with the vegetable garden since I was a kid. We were part of a neighborhood sustainability club that focused on community beauty through gardening, sustainable practices, and environment friendly projects and events like Sweep the Creek. In high school, I helped to found a gardening club at my school in senior year, and we dug up a courtyard to install a vegetable garden to be used and maintained by the home ec and horticulture classes. I’ve always had strong beliefs in the value of food gardens and I have a significant love of plants in general. SO the fact I have the opportunity to take advantage of all South facing windows has been thoroughly utilized and my indoor plants have thrived through the winter. Now that it’s almost warm enough to star utilizing the opportunity to use a take advantage of a South facing balcony, not obscured by trees and the like? I am itching with excitement to start laying the garden out in my small space and planting things. I really want it to be successful, and we’ll just have to wait and see, but I have a good feeling about it. 
April and May are really when planting season starts where we are, so I’m jumping the gun kind of significantly, but once the weather warms up and starts staying warm, I will really be able to launch into this project. 
Stay tuned for more updates and some pictures! 
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dsfsposts · 3 years
Health Benefits of Peanuts
Surprisingly, peanuts are not actually in the nut family. They are classified as legumes along with foods like green peas, soybeans, and lentils. The peanut plant likely originated in South America in Brazil or Peru. Scientists have found 3,500-year-old pottery in the shape of peanuts, as well as decorated with peanuts, in South America.
Peanuts grow below ground as the fruit of the peanut plant. In the early 1800s, Americans started growing peanuts as a commercial crop. On average, Americans eat more than 6 pounds of peanuts per year. Today, 50% of the peanuts eaten in the United States are consumed in the form of peanut butter.
Health Benefits
Many people believe the peanut is not as nutritionally valuable as true nuts like almonds, walnuts, or cashews. But actually, raw peanuts have many of the same health benefits as the more expensive nuts and should not be overlooked as a nutritious food.
Heart Health
Much attention has been paid to walnuts and almonds as “heart-healthy” foods, given their high content of unsaturated fats. But research suggests that peanuts are every bit as good for heart health as more expensive nuts.
Peanuts help prevent heart disease by lowering cholesterol levels. They can also stop small blood clots from forming and reduce your risk of having a heart attack or stroke.
Weight Loss
Foods with a lot of protein can help you feel full with fewer calories. And among nuts, peanuts are second only to almonds when it comes to protein count. Studies have shown that people who include a moderate amount of peanuts in their diet will not gain weight from peanuts. In fact, peanuts could help them lose weight.
Longer Life Span
Eating roasted peanuts might help you live longer too. A large-scale study found that people who regularly ate any kind of nuts (including peanuts) were less likely to die of any cause than were people who rarely ate nuts.
Because the study was observational, it cannot prove that peanuts were exactly what caused the lower death rates, but they are definitely associated with them.
How to Save Seeds
1. Know what to grow
Start With Open-Pollinated Seeds
Open pollinated varieties, aka OPs, are like dog breeds; they will retain their distinct characteristics as long as they are mated with an individual of the same breed. This means, with a little care and planning, the seeds you produce will be true-to-type, keeping their distinct traits generation after generation as long as they do not cross-pollinate with other varieties of the same species.
Annual, Biennial, Perennial
Not all plants flower, set seed, and die in a single growing season. Those that do, like lettuce, tomatoes, and peppers, are called annuals. Biennials, such as carrots and onions, don’t flower until their second growing season, after they have gone through a cold period. Some long lived plants, like apple trees and asparagus, are perennial, surviving and flowering for many years.
Learn About Species
A species is a group of individuals that are able to reproduce together. In the garden, most crops are different species from one another, but not always. There are several species of squash and two distinct species of kale - meaning some varieties of these crops are not able to cross pollinate with each other. On the other hand, Cucumis melo, commonly categorized as a melon, also contains some varieties that are sold as cucumbers like ‘Armenian’ because fruits of the variety are unsweet and sometimes pickled.
2. Plan for seed saving
Start With Easy Crops
Some crops like peas, beans, lettuce, and tomatoes are great for beginning seed savers. These annual, self pollinating crops require little to no isolation, and only a few plants are needed to reliably produce seeds.
Grow Enough Plants
Some crops have a hard time producing seeds when too few plants are around. Others can reproduce with just a single plant. If the population size of a seed crop is too small, some genetic diversity may be lost and over many generations; in time this can result in a noticeable decrease in plant stature, overall vigor, germination, and yield.
Put A Little Space Between Varieties
In order to produce seeds that are true-to-type, a little garden intervention is needed to prevent unwanted cross pollination between different varieties of the same species. For some crops like lettuce and peas, all that is needed is a little extra space between varieties. For others, more advanced methods can be used, including larger isolation distances, pollination barriers, or hand pollination.
3. Collect Your Bounty
Know When Your Seeds Are Mature
For crops that produce wet fruits, the seeds are not always mature when the fruits are ready to eat. Eggplant, cucumber, and summer squash fruit are eaten when the fruits are immature and still edible, but before the seeds are actually mature. This means that seed savers need to leave a few fruits to fully mature in the garden when they want to save seeds. Dry fruited crops, like grains, lettuce, and beans, can be removed from the plant once seeds are dry and hard.
Know How To Harvest Seeds
Garden crops can be classified as either dry fruited or wet fruited. Collecting seeds from dry fruited crops, can be as simple as going out to the garden, handpicking a few mature seedpods, and bringing them into the house for further drying and cleaning. Fruits from wet fruited crops must be picked when their seeds are mature. The harvested fruits are either crushed or cut open, and the roasted seeds are extracted from the flesh and pulp before the seeds are dried.
Store Seeds
Raw seeds are happiest when they are stored in a cool, dark, and dry place. A dark closet in a cooler part of the house or a dry, cool basement are both good spaces to store seeds for a year or two. Once properly dried, seeds can also be sealed in airtight containers and stored in the refrigerator or freezer for several years. The seeds of some crops are naturally longer lived. Tomato seeds and beans can be left for many years in adequate storage conditions, while onion and carrot seeds are notoriously short lived. Don’t forget to label your seeds with the crop type, variety name, and any useful notes about your seed source, when you harvested the seeds, and how many plants you harvested from.
Snack foods
Snack foods are a very broad category with a wide range of processing steps. In general, snack foods have a more robust flavor profile and require a standard or reduced-flavor sage or rosemary antioxidant. If possible, the antioxidant should be added to the dough of the snack food. This could be predispersed in a water or oil phase or added directly to the blender. If adding without predispersion, an antioxidant should be chosen with a less concentrated form of antioxidant and used at a higher dosage rate (i.e., 0.2%). This will allow for even distribution throughout the dough and avoid “hot spots” that could occur when using a more concentrated product. If the snack food does not have a mixing step (i.e., potato chips), the antioxidant could be added to the frying oil or after preparation as a spray-on step. For snack foods, the easiest way to measure oxidation is use of GC to measure hexanal or another marker compound.
Is peanut butter good for you?
Peanut butter is a firm favorite among adults and children alike. Although tasty, many people wonder about the health benefits of peanut butter.
Peanuts and peanut butter contain nutrients that may boost a person’s heart health and improve blood sugar levels.
Depending on how people use peanut butter in their diet, it can help them lose weight, or put on pounds during weight training or bodybuilding.
However, peanut butter is high in calories and fat, so people should enjoy it in moderation.
In this article, we look at the benefits of eating peanut butter and explain the risks associated with consuming it.
Peanut butter provides a good amount of protein, along with essential vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, and zinc.
Most notably, each 2-tablespoon (tbsp)Trusted Source serving of smooth peanut butter provides the following nutrients, minerals, and vitamins:
Protein. Peanut butter contains 7.02 grams (g) of protein per 2-tbsp serving. This counts toward the
recommended dietary allowances (RDA)Trusted Source
for women of 46 g and 56 g for men, which varies by age and activity level.
Magnesium. With 57 milligrams (mg) of magnesium, each serving helps towards the
RDATrusted Source
of 400–420 mg in men and 310–320 in women. Magnesium is essential for health, playing a role in over 300 chemical processes in the body.
Phosphorous. Each serving contains 107 mg of phosphorus, which is about 15.3 percent of the RDA of 700 mg for adults. Phosphorus helps the body to build healthy cells and bones and helps cells to produce energy.
Zinc. A serving of peanut butter provides 0.85 mg of zinc. This is 7.7 percent of the
recommendedTrusted Source
daily intake of 11 mg for men, and 10.6 percent of the RDA of 8 mg for women. Zinc is necessary for immunity, protein synthesis, and DNA formation.
Niacin. Peanut butter contains 4.21 mg of niacin per serving, which makes a useful contribution towards a person’s recommended intake of 14 to 16 mg. Niacin benefits digestion and nerve function and helps produce energy.
Vitamin B-6. With 0.17 g of vitamin B-6 per serving, peanut butter provides almost 14 percent of an adult’s
RDA of 1.3 mgTrusted Source
. Vitamin B-6 plays a role in over 100 enzyme reactions in the body and may be necessary for heart and immune system health.
However, there are also nutritional disadvantages if a person eats more than the recommended amount of peanut butter.
Peanut butter is high in calories, saturated fats, and sodium.
Each serving contains 3.05 g of saturated fats, which is 23.5 percent of the American Heart Association’s maximum recommended daily intake of saturated fat for those consuming 2,000 calories a day. People should aim for less than 13 g of saturated fat per day.
It also contains 152 mg of sodium, which is 10.1 percent of an adult’s ideal daily upper intake of sodium of 1,500 mg.
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