#and bioengineering
nnctales · 9 months
Types of River Protection Works by Water Resource Engineering
Rivers play a crucial role in shaping the landscape and supporting ecosystems, but they are also susceptible to various natural and human-induced threats. Water resource engineering encompasses a range of techniques and structures designed to protect rivers from erosion, sedimentation, and other potential hazards. In this article, we will explore the various types of river protection works…
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squidthusiast · 4 months
“The oven has a goofy face”
Octo-Oven Moment?
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Just some past work experience
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uglydbzmerch · 3 months
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…despite not only hating sugary junk cereals AND being allergic to peanuts I had to buy this. Thankfully my partner, much like Goku, will eat anything, and was willing to consume the cereal and give me the box. Still trying to find the Piccolo…
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reality-detective · 7 months
They put unknown poison in everything 🤔
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virginyathevamp · 27 days
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16 Kinetic Drive. ⚙️
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berensteinsmonster · 3 months
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Lt. HRM :) tbh he's not too much of an opposite when compared with RHM, he just fights on the side of justice.
If there's any keypoints I'd say about him it's the fact that he's a really good detective, he's got expertise in making logical deductions, control of his temperment and tone when interrogating suspects, and perfect memory recollection....Though it's not always a great thing considering what he's been through.
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galactic-mayhem · 5 months
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made minos prime out of gmo e. coli
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orsanedraws · 3 months
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tenspontaneite · 5 months
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Sigs make interesting bodies for themselves sometimes 🙏
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wildcat2030 · 3 months
 These are some absolutely wild ideas, so before we get started, it's important to know that Michael Levin is no fringe scientist or crackpot. He's a director of the Allen Discovery Center at Tufts University, as well as the Tufts Center for Regenerative and Developmental Biology, and a co-director of the Institute for Computationally Designed Organisms. He's co-authored several hundred research papers, with nearly 30,000 citations, and has a list of distinguishing awards as long as your arm. All of which is to say: we can see why Levin's work might have flown under a lot of folks' radars; this quick summary is gonna get pretty 'out there.' But over more than two decades, he's earned the right to be taken seriously.
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suddenly-frankenstein · 4 months
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so uh i just drew some random modern!AU (university AU maybe) Clerval and Frankenstein design???
(i hate myself so i did it in acrylic yeah, better click on pic for slightly better quality)
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mindblowingscience · 6 months
Their results in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry offer a new path forward in the development of drugs that could potentially help cure—rather than treat—HIV. Although effective treatments are available to manage HIV, a cure has remained elusive due to the virus’s ability to hide from the immune system, lying dormant in reservoirs of infected cells.
Continue Reading.
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blazing-arsonist · 6 months
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Aqua incident (aka Arthur giving people owies)
A remake of the original I made a little while ago (under the cut). Sorry for all the inactivity, I still have art block and just came back from a vacation. Most of this was made on a plane.
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cringefail-clown · 6 months
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found more ttglstuck stuff in my files
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copepods · 8 months
thinkin about spearmaster... i imagine them as a super fucked up beast with a ton of health problems. not out of malice on suns account but because of 1) exclusively liquid diet and 2) a pearl half the size of their head wedged in their chest. i think that their organs (eg heart and lungs) are a lot smaller than normal to make room for the pearl.. which means they tend to get out of breath really easily and faint a lot. also they're probably malnourished because having to do all that workout just for a little Lizard Soup is probably not getting them a ton of calories in the long run. like living inside suns' superstructure is probably fine for them, there's plenty of neurons to eat without straining themself too much, but i dont think this thing is built for living in the wild long term
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rikushka · 1 year
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this art :)
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