#and big pharm losing money
thegranddewru · 2 years
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theilustrado · 5 years
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*pictures above: Downtown Houston + our apartment/bookshelf 
BLOG UPDATE!! never thought I’d be updating my blog again. Never posted regularly because I’m always tired, sleepy, and I lose my train of thought so fast.
Few weeks ago, Conor and I went to Houston, Texas ( 4 hour drive time from Dallas, TX) to watch UFC event featuring Jon Jones vs Dominick Reyes + Valentina S. This is our first time watching a UFC event and seeing all the famous fighters like Dustin, Ortega, Jon Jones, Lewis, Valentina in person is unbelievable. Unfortunately, I was also sick for 2 weeks so my energy is not as usually high and my body gives up so fast. That weekend went by so fast and just wish there’s more UFC fights to come in Texas (which does not happen too often. Usually they do it in Las Vegas/New York) PS: There’s only 1 jollibee in Texas and that’s located in Houston. SO siyempre I spent so much money for a freakin jollibee and I loved it. Nakakamiss! Btw, Jollibee Plano texas coming soon in spring.
As you can see, our apartment is growing. We renewed our lease for year 2020 and we have a lot of junk (Lol) to add to our tiny space. I love the The Mandalorian poster that my sister and I got from 5 Below. We also started displaying all the stuff we got from our travels from Asia. Btw, we have another REALLY big bookshelf for our Board game collection and Conor’s starwars collection + BOOKS everywhere. Honestly, we need more bookshelf for all our things but we can’t just find a space to put it. Lol. Probably find a bigger apartment next year! 
As for my work, I’m still employed at the same company and although the job seems to be tedious, I’m still loving being a senior pharm tech. Can’t say too many things about my work because it’s just the same old stuff, but if you still have questions about my job, I’d gladly answer any of them. I recently renewed my license so I’m good to go for another 2 years! (20 CPD units required). 
I also did my taxes for this year (and Conor’s Lol), Had my annual eye check up that I always dread to have, Renewed my Apartment lease, electricity, & renters insurance for another year. -- ALL those adulting stuff. February pa lang, feeling ko pagod na pagod na ako for this year!  so here’s an entry for you. still doing the same old thing from 2019, still lives in Texas, same job, same place. Adios!  
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lisaskate4 · 5 years
Faith, Works, and Dental Care in America
By Lambert Strether of Corrente
October is National Dental Hygiene Month, and this month’s Health Affairs has an illuminating review of journalist Mary Otto’s Teeth, which gives an institutional explanation for why we tend to see dental care as optional:
Like a man possessed, Chapin Harris, the father of modern dentistry, traveled across nineteenth-century America honing a specialty that was undeniably linked to, yet kept separate from, the rest of medicine. In Harris’s time, teeth were a commodity to some, a nuisance to others, and deadly to many. While it was relatively easy to ask patients to perform regular brushing and flossing and to fill caries with gold, the formation of a dental society and school was burdened with infighting among Harris’s associates. For reasons that are more fable than reality now, a school of dentistry was not established at the medical school of Harris’s local university, the University of Maryland. Rather, a new school was formed: the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. With this act, medicine and dentistry were officially and forever segregated, and the consequences for Americans would echo loudly, and at times disastrously, to the present day.
(Imagine if the same institutional separation applies to orthopaedist, and we had “Free Bone Clinics” with thousands of poor people lining up to get treatment.) Of course, this is nuts, since teeth are implicated in every aspect of our heatlh, as well as income. From the Kaiser Foundation:
Untreated oral health issues in adults can affect appetite as well as the ability to eat, often leading to nutrition problems. In addition, poor oral health can cause chronic pain that can affect daily activities such as speech or sleep. Oral health problems also affect the ability to work; employed adults lose more than 164 million hours of work a year related to oral health problems or dental visits. Adults who work in lower-paying industries, such as customer service, lose 2 to 4 times more work hours due to oral health-related issues than adults who have professional positions.
Bad teeth are also a class marker. From the New York Times:
People with bad teeth can be stigmatized, both in social settings and in finding employment. Studies document that we make judgments about one another — including about intelligence — according to the aesthetics of teeth and mouth.
About one-third of adults with incomes below 138 percent of the poverty level (low enough to be eligible for Medicaid in states that adopted the Affordable Care Act Medicaid expansion) report that the appearance of their teeth and mouth affected their ability to interview for a job. By comparison, only 15 percent of adults with incomes above 400 percent of the poverty level feel that way.
Naturally, you’re more likely to end up in Pain City if you’re poor or otherwise marginalized. Kaiser once more:
Overall, 26% of nonelderly adults ages 19-64 have untreated dental caries. But the rate is highest among adults with income below 100% the [Federal Poverty Line (FPL)], who are more than three times as likely to have untreated caries as adults with income above 400% FPL. Also, African-American and Hispanic adults have higher rates of untreated caries than White adults – 39% and 41%, compared to 22%. And adults with any health insurance are less likely to have untreated caries than uninsured adults (22% versus 43%)
However — perhaps because dentistry isn’t really medicine? — “Medicaid coverage of adult dental services is a state option. Also, states define the amount, duration and scope of the benefits they cover.” (Children are covered.) As a result, we have the usual nutty, random patchwork of coverage, where some citizens are first-class, and others are second- or third-class:
So, and as usual, if you want dental care, be sure that you choose a wealthy family to be born into, and failing that, pick the right state.
Now, you may have the option of attending a free dental clinic. Thousands do. A sampling of coverage:
“Free dental services to be offered in New Haven” [WTNH (2017)]. “The Connecticut Mission of Mercy will be holding a free dental clinic in New Haven. The clinic is made possible with the help of some 1,300 volunteers. Just to give you an idea of how big this is, in 2016 the free dental clinic was held in Hartford. More than 1,700 patients were treated over the course of two days.”
“Thousands Expected for Free Dental Care Offered at the Minneapolis Convention Center” [KSTP (2018)]. “The Mission of Mercy event is expected to benefit as many as 2,000 patients in need of dental care on Friday and Saturday. The goal is to reach underserved communities and about 1,500 volunteers—including dentists, hygienists, dental assistants, therapists, and even translators—will be treating them….. The event is open to anyone, regardless of insurance status or ability to pay…. Organizers will not be asking for identification…. The event is first come first served, and due to the large number of people expected, anyone who goes to the convention center for the event should plan to make a day of it.”
“Thousands to get free dental care” [Tampa Bay Times (2014)]. “Thousands of people hoping to get cavities filled or teeth pulled are expected to attend Florida’s first Mission of Mercy event today and Saturday. Up to 2,000 patients could receive free dental care at the event….. Many dentists do pro-bono work out of their private offices, Cullinan said, but these large-scale gatherings allow them to see more patients…. [O]rganizers expect to reach the daily quota of 800 patients by 10 a.m. Patients will be seen on a first-come, first-served basis.”
“Thousands of Free Dental Procedures Provided to Patients in Need at Mission of Mercy in Moorhead” [Minnesota Dental Association (2016)]. “The Concordia College Memorial Auditorium was transformed into a giant dental clinic that included 75 dental chairs, 16 sterilization units, and 7 x-ray units. Over the course of two days there were 1,391 patient visits, resulting in over 7,655 total dental procedures, including 1,003 fillings, 1,394 extractions, 1,418 x-rays, 292 cleanings, 81 partial dentures, and 59 root canals. Patients treated included those from Moorhead and Fargo, as well as many who drove from other areas of the state and even other states. Over 800 volunteers from all over Minnesota and North Dakota were used to staff the two-day event….”
“Thousands receive free dental care in Woodstock” [Journal Constitution]. “Mark Williams went without sleep for his teeth. What was remarkable about that was he was joined by about 2,000 other people Thursday night doing the same thing in the dark outside a church in Woodstock. They lined up for the miracle of free dentistry…. Patients were arrayed on either sides of five long work stations, six patients to each side, with signs labeling work stations: Extractions, Fillings, Cleanings, Root Canals. Assistants hurried from station to station while a large garbage bin on wheels made the rounds and discards from the procedures – spent needles, and absorbant materials — were tossed in… Dentists came by and grabbed instruments with odd names (scalers and cowhorns) by the handful and scurried away. Upstairs a lab was set up and the smell of melting wax and Bunsen burners tinged the air as technicians built in a few hours bridges it would normally take two weeks to get on order…. The work was done by one of hundreds of dentists who volunteered for the two-day Georgia Dental Mission of Mercy that ends Saturday.”
“Free dental care for thousands at upcoming Augusta event” [Savannah Now (2018)]. “Augusta dentist Michael Vernon remembers driving up to the first Georgia Mission of Mercy event in 2011 in Woodstock. ‘When we got there at 4:30 in the morning there were 4,500 people in line,’ he said. They are hoping for around 2,000 this Friday and Saturday at James Brown Arena for the fourth Mission of Mercy, sponsored by the Georgia Dental Association and its Foundation for Oral Health…. They are hoping for 1,300 volunteers, including 24 dentists from the Augusta area as well as dental hygienists and others, to help ensure patients work their way through the system and around the arena to 100 dental chairs that will be set up there.”
“Thousands to get free dental care at Phoenix event” [FOX 10 (2017)]. “Jose Hernandez has suffered from a major toothache for the past year. He finally underwent a root canal this morning and was waiting for a new crown. ‘I didn’t have no money to fix it, you know, social security, you don’t have much money to live on,’ he said. Hernandez is one of 2,000 people who will receive up to $2 million in free dental care this weekend, thanks to the Mission of Mercy or M.O.M….In the six years since the event started, a total of 10,000 people have received $10 million in dental care.”
This is a random sampling from Google, I swear! (OK, as much as anything from Google can be said to be a random sampling.) You did notice the common element, right? From the “Mission of Mercy” About page:
An independent nonprofit 501 (c)(3), faith-based community organization, Mission of Mercy receives no government funding. Because of this, we can provide healthcare without any pre-qualifications. None of our patients must prove their poverty or residency.
Founded in 1991 and launched in 1994 by clinical pharmacist, Gianna Talone Sullivan, Pharm D., headquartered in Pennsylvania and serving clinics in Arizona, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Texas, Mission of Mercy now has 17 clinics providing more than 25,000 free patient visits each year.
Being cynical — or, given our experience since at leaat the Bush administration, realistic — when I hear “faith-based” I think proselytization, and when I see “faith-based” in combination with service delivary, I think forced proselytization. That’s not backed by evidence (see the coverage above) but it’s also not compatible with the Mission (capital M) of the founders:
The Board of Directors, staff, and volunteers that have been attracted to Mission of Mercy were first people whose own prayer life had led them to seek a greater intimacy with Our Lord. While not all of our volunteer staff are of the one faith, in Mission of Mercy each of us has found an expression of that intimacy and actively try to see the suffering Christ in each of the poor we serve. We are a charitable, not a religious organization, and we specifically do not proselytize, yet for the most part we gaze on Our Father and the poor through Christian eyes. For this reason it is not so difficult for us to see the rejection, loneliness, abandonment and suffering that Our Lord endured in the poor He brings to us and allows us to serve.
Hence the refreshing lack of complex eligibility requirements that is the hallmark of neoliberal programs like ObamaCare.
Now, I would be the last to trash Mission of Mercy, even though I am very much not a person of faith, or “churched.” They’re doing wonderful work alleviating suffering in a very unassuming manner — I checked the Board of Directors, and there are no marquee evangelical names, or at least none with whom I am familiar — and are a terrific example of what De Tocqueville called “the American genius for cooperation.” That said, you have to look at the numbers. M.O.M claims “25,000 free patient visits.” I think that’s modest, so move the decimal point: 250,000. That’s still a drop in the bucket in a country where “26% of nonelderly adults ages 19-64 have untreated dental caries.” But there is a solution that scales.. Senator Sanders’ Medicare for All:
… covers all sorts of things. Sanders proposes generous coverage that goes well beyond what Medicare currently covers, and even well beyond what many people’s private insurance plans cover. His plan would cover dental and vision care, for example, which are, for the most part, not covered by Medicare.
It’s hard to see why I can’t find an endorsement of the Sanders plan on the M.O.M. site. Surely Medicare for All is the biggest mission of mercy of all?
This entry was posted in Guest Post, Health care on October 2, 2018 by Lambert Strether.
About Lambert Strether
Readers, I have had a correspondent characterize my views as realistic cynical. Let me briefly explain them. I believe in universal programs that provide concrete material benefits, especially to the working class. Medicare for All is the prime example, but tuition-free college and a Post Office Bank also fall under this heading. So do a Jobs Guarantee and a Debt Jubilee. Clearly, neither liberal Democrats nor conservative Republicans can deliver on such programs, because the two are different flavors of neoliberalism (“Because markets”). I don’t much care about the “ism” that delivers the benefits, although whichever one does have to put common humanity first, as opposed to markets. Could be a second FDR saving capitalism, democratic socialism leashing and collaring it, or communism razing it. I don’t much care, as long as the benefits are delivered. To me, the key issue — and this is why Medicare for All is always first with me — is the tens of thousands of excess “deaths from despair,” as described by the Case-Deaton study, and other recent studies. That enormous body count makes Medicare for All, at the very least, a moral and strategic imperative. And that level of suffering and organic damage makes the concerns of identity politics — even the worthy fight to help the refugees Bush, Obama, and Clinton’s wars created — bright shiny objects by comparison. Hence my frustration with the news flow — currently in my view the swirling intersection of two, separate Shock Doctrine campaigns, one by the Administration, and the other by out-of-power liberals and their allies in the State and in the press — a news flow that constantly forces me to focus on matters that I regard as of secondary importance to the excess deaths. What kind of political economy is it that halts or even reverses the increases in life expectancy that civilized societies have achieved? I am also very hopeful that the continuing destruction of both party establishments will open the space for voices supporting programs similar to those I have listed; let’s call such voices “the left.” Volatility creates opportunity, especially if the Democrat establishment, which puts markets first and opposes all such programs, isn’t allowed to get back into the saddle. Eyes on the prize! I love the tactical level, and secretly love even the horse race, since I’ve been blogging about it daily for fourteen years, but everything I write has this perspective at the back of it.
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Source: https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2018/10/faith-works-dental-care-america.html
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castlehead · 7 years
[identity vices]
[who the fuck were we?, we didn’t know, but when we had a shred of a notion, it was the biggest thing in the real world, i get my shreds and move on think of something about myself as im quietly stocking shelves and the whole time it’s just there, in my heart, and I’m just doing what I do cuz nobody cares I say, how was your weekend ah, slept in, didn’t do much the mundane is the single most common mask, precisely because it is what it says it is, it’s foolproof, locked I mean people do care, friends do, but you don’t pay people to be your friend, and that’s what ****** was: just a bunch of fucked up rich kids thinking they were making way, myself included, because we paid people to congratulate us for the most insignificant shit       hahahaha hahahaha that’s not psychology it’s pedology it’s infantile So basically, they were making up for us all having fucked up parents?        or fucked up childhoods?                      there’s something my mom says to me: "it’s never too late to have a happy childhood" I think that’s the best piece of advice I’ve ever gotten. As crazy as it is, I feel like I’ve stabilized in a way. Maybe it’s premature, but I feel like that level of depression is behind me, not because I won’t ever be that fucked up again, but because I can rationalize it and deal with it better now. And the past is just that — it’s something behind me.         I feel powerful, like I have a choice in my own life again. that’s amazing and that’s giving credence to your will to move at all it starts not with the choice but with the belief that there is one, after all. inertia means powerlessness, fated to be nothing, do nothing, achieve nothing just a marble rolling across frictionless space that’s for the universe to give a will to, if there even is a thing so wild the will to salute yourself      that’s what I’m glad you’ve found I mean, our own interpersonal relationships weren’t compliment based, I don’t think   in a way, they were but they were also driven off of needs that we still have to this day I think between you and I, there’s one night in particular that comes to mind
you were crying in ***********
and I consoled you         it was a very human experience for me but I’m not complimenting, just saying that the seeing of choice in one’s life through the depressive whatever-fog, is maybe a shred I’d keep close, because it’ll always be the first thing people who are depressed will need to do before they act: find the will.           .  [SIDETHOUGHT: [The ‘proper’ way to read a poem or novel should be interpreted by the majority who read it, not the minority consisting of scholars and schoolmarms. The good perception of words is what effect taken in by the greater good. That, after all, is why she^ lasts. The greater good has taken its opinion over to sit with her after you slept all night on the park bench, wouldn’t even get up to let the great hunk of their collective ass hunker down next to you—once you moved that silly raincoat, it already stopped pouring five seconds ago. On top of your drenched body, the common good reads The Wasteland as your skull slowly crushes beneath the incontinent hams of a bubbling, a farting girth of what even though just metaphor must weigh as much as the continent itself, or western hemisphere if you prefer a lil meat. On bones.]]] ? ?           .  Who: Kafkazzzo, Freckett K. Where: Frumple of a/my bedroom, (a) Earth, getting ready to head to—a party— When: 4:42AM. Though it’s probably already happy hour somewhere. As the saying goes. What Dimension: Third Possibly Askew And Flattened Like A Very Delicious Pancake Into What Dimension: 4th, time Background: Mobile lamp way too bright. Cigarette resting in glass ashtray. Empty glass of water, purposelessness, general purposelessness. I am evading that space of it tho. And silence only stopped by the glum entreaty of the air conditioning system. Noises, kds. playing baseball in the courtyard, downstairs. Drugs Ingested: Pot. Any Pharms?: Klonopin, maximum required dosage, Lithium, Cymbalta (duloxetine HCI)               And I punch him in the face. You by me a soda YOU BUY ME A SODA "You buy me soda?" Said RANDOM FRENCH GUY. “Sure.” Reached into pocket. Gave RANDOM FRENCH GUY four dollars. My Wallet has Hawaii on it. There are two pictures of HAWAII on each side of the wallet. They are the same picture. Somewhere there is a person who I am a reflection of, a year’s ago same picture, and everywhere I see and repel this sameness if that is I see it in others, however small the observation. Except, of course, if I observe such things in her. I do not wish however for others to have the same glitches. Human character is diverse enough to go a night at a party without reminiscence, eh? She is in the left ventricle of my heart, clearly seen by microscope, eating away at the cement walls there. That to the human eye, is mere idiosyncratic dominion. They say. And they say to me should I just gulf out one person from another if I have some chick who used to have big boobs chewing on my left ventricle, by now a block of pure cement fresh from the whisking mixer? How could I tell them that if so then both aren’t to be found again in the other, which is me, together; I lose her I lose myself. Then who would we be, remain as? Perhaps it does not matter to her. Or like to be even, who would I get to be if I can grant myself that? I guess what I am trying to say is that I “I need more dollar. Buy pizza.” “Only because you’re French. Consider it a war bond for the next time those Germans come to kick your sorry ass.” I gave him three dollars without thinking about it. Don’t think about it. Not often. Always willing to spot. Never have money to spot with. Because I spot so much. Drunk thinking. Here’s half a forty I’m chugging. The liquid goes down my esophagus. It is meant to be drunk to make you drunk. Everything should have meaning. That is how life should work, but it doesn’t work that way at all. It’s groping for good in life and scratching [searching] out for crumbs like tickets, no lotto, again, and the chaff of once purposed greatness led on its way up higher and higher from conscious desire, throwing away everything, only to come upon none other than unconscious desire: and then the desire is all that remains, ah so I guess that is what I would be. A lustfiend. Surviving in and of himself as a medical-grade loner. Him the result of his own destruction, the result itself, seen safely from a distance of billions of miles into his head, somewhat like a black hole. And I am like a dog forever biting its tail in an effort to gnaw the thing off. Except we are MAN, and so we hack off our tails with bare bodkins and pursue our efforts and dismays daily, diffusing it all as like a poison of the tragically mundane. Life goes well spooned together with a nice molasses of confused sensations to create the pastiche that is for our lives and for life, yes, but this becomes rather what we see in life: it might be equally as false or true, it might be: LIFE, yes, that grand, technical, way-out-there celebrity in gloves, and hardly enjoying himself at the awards ceremony, his smile attempting to reach to the ceiling, and to look maybe for a vent or some means of escape or even a deadly event as tragic as ever: well yeah who cares he is merely at a cheap height of the cosmos after all is said and done but no one knows where exactly it is done saying, so this image goes and rakes in the cosmopolitanism around him anyhow. Hungry, not for that, but having no other means to sate himself. Well, nothing like the stacks of cash this demiurge counterfeits on regular to land a celeb in jail. All the time? For years, yo. Nobody figured it out. And well don’t you know, I might say back, that God doesn’t do cash, that’s some stairway to heaven shit. God says this to me, in a toys-r-us of course, buying his fifth monopoly game board this week, opening it up, and stuffing the monopoly money in astounding pants. I suppose he is just as anyone who does this would be, now, officially desperate to pay rent:
GOD say: For, we whom are not yourselves live in coves, and do not disrupt the willing men and women of the surf to splash upon our chapped land and get up foot to foot and dust off themselves, off. It is they do not bother. The only off is on in the cave of the Removed. Stalactites filled in full rings by the petrifying jelly of screams and shrieks, of you—clear, consumptive squawks. You continue to at least darken this prison cell with your resignation, bars thick enough to shrink the teeth of my steel monster, you all beneath my skin, lingering on the meddling cusp of what I don’t know—what I don’t understand, perhaps we don’t, I know I don’t—I look at the world as though on a merry-go-round that blurs things. People smiling and looking with pleasant face. Every still phantasm, you, staring back and looking into a deep lecherous void in my eye I see. Meanwhile, it is OK: we the Removed have already supplanted that steel monster with a giant, happy frog to distract you [when you weren’t looking]. It gaily farts and bubbles in the mud and says with his blank eye [as though frogs could speak at all!] no, that we cannot go, o no, o no, NO, cannot go to heaven. Enough of farce. I’m listening to twee music. What does it matter. What does any of it matter any more. Twee crap blends in with the rest of this mess. I’ll try and get sleep, later. So many memories. Touching me. Wresting my heart from its bone prism. All the horrible memories, the forgetting me by friends I thought would stay, the forgotten sadness I too have let pass painlessly out of recollection. Sadness, sadness, deep sadness. Friends out somewhere getting wasted all alone, [as I was, am, tho it used to b among people] with just their good company to keep. Eaten by the night. Wake up, scratch leg, bug bite. Lighted I am and my recollections only by the perfidious youth sense nowadays and leaking out with regularity. Anyway let them say that was all they ever had. Ha! And yet already as I see them in my mind’s eye, through film: musty, shitty film that ratchets against the projector like a master the axe to hitch in his steed the leftover stump from last Spring, doubled with mosses for whatever reason considered consumptive to the land, or was it, they were poisonous?, my friends, they are all so very old. I am so very old.
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dietpillswatchdog · 8 years
FitMiss Z-Slim PM
FitMiss Z-Slim PM is an offering from Muscle Pharm, which is a relatively new entrant in the supplement market. There are already a number of products in their FitMiss line, and Z-Slim PM is the latest addition, which is marketed as a nighttime sleep aid and metabolism booster. It relies on the fact that your body repairs itself during sleep and burn fat as well. By promoting better sleep, not only can you improve your overall health, but you can lower weight as well.
Z-Slim PM uses a combination of sleep-inducing and fat-burning ingredients, which are supposed to work seamlessly to help you lose weight while sleeping. We have reviewed the supplement to help you decide whether it deserves your attention and money. Here are our findings.
FitMiss Z-Slim PM Pros
May help induce better sleep
Essential nutrients and natural herbs
Money-back guarantee
FitMiss Z-Slim PM Cons
Not efficient as a fat burner
May have several side effects
Not safe in pregnancy
Watchdog Rejected Diet Pills
WATCHDOG TIP: Consider using the consumer #1 rated weight loss product – CLICK HERE
What You Need To Know About FitMiss Z-Slim PM
FitMiss Z-Slim PM is a dietary supplement that uses a combination of vital nutrients and some natural herbs to promote better sleep and weight loss. It claims to metabolize fat while sleeping. The concept seems quite impressive, but unfortunately, it is not effective.
You might want to lose weight while you sleep and do nothing, but that is where Z-Slim PM fails miserably. It contains certain nutrients, such as zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B6, which may help induce better sleep, but it is not going to help you shed pounds while asleep.
What Are The Side Effects Of FitMiss Z-Slim PM?
While the manufacturer says that Z-Slim PM is safe, they have also highlighted a number of contradictions on their official website. It contains vital nutrients that can cause side effects when you do not have a deficiency. Moreover, it is not safe for children as well as pregnant and nursing women. Check out our ‘Side Effects’ section for more details.
How Much Does FitMiss Z-Slim PM Cost?
You can buy it online directly from the official website for $15 a bottle. You can also order it from third-party retailers. The price is relatively affordable, considering the fact that you get a 30-day supply at only $15.
Our Verdict On FitMiss Z-Slim PM
Z-Slim PM contains several ingredients and is not all that expensive, but that does not mean it deserves a place in your life, especially if your main objective is to boost metabolism for weight loss benefits. Its “get sexy during sleep” concept is only a gimmick, as it does not use a scientifically proven formula and literally has no fat burner included in it.
It uses a properties blend of natural herbs, which makes it difficult to confirm if it has enough of those herbs to produce desired results. Moreover, you may also feel nauseous and dizzy during the day, which can make things a lot difficult to manage. Overall, Z-Slim PM is not something you may want to try to lose weight, and even for better sleep, there are better products with scientifically proven formula, free trials, and a money-back guarantee.
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Key Features
Side Effects
Where to Buy
FitMiss Z-Slim PM Review
FitMiss Z-Slim PM is the latest addition to an already popular FitMiss line of supplements from Muscle Pharma. By using several ingredients, it claims to improve sleep habits, which are essential for overall mental and physical health. It claims to support nighttime metabolism, improve levels of sleep, and reduce recovery time. Unfortunately, it does not have enough fat-burning ingredients to boost metabolism, and the formula is not potent enough to induce better sleep in a short time.
FitMiss Z-Slim PM Facts
Natural ingredients
60 capsules per bottle
Affordable price
FitMiss Z-Slim uses a proprietary blend to treat sleep disorders and promote weight loss, which is another reason why it makes sense to avoid it and look for something with more concrete information about its formula. It uses 5-HTP, which as many benefits related to mental and physical health, but an overdose can cause stomach discomfort, nausea and vomiting. It is also linked to a serious problem, called eosinophilia myalgia syndrome, which can cause severe muscle pain, trouble breathing, cramping, and swelling in the body.
It includes magnesium that is supposed to help you relax and sleep better. However, many people fail to stay asleep when they have a sleeping disorder like restless leg syndrome. Studies show that people with restless leg syndrome may already have high magnesium levels. Therefore, taking Z-Slim or any other magnesium supplement is not going to help in this case.
How to Take FitMiss Z-Slim PM
You have to take 2 capsules about half an hour to an hour before bedtime. It is better to take it on an empty stomach to get desired results.
The most notable fact about Z-Slim is that it fails to cause any weight loss. It has valerian root, which actually helps improve your appetite. It may relax your system a bit and promote energy production, but you are likely to feel hungry and may end up overeating. The same holds true for lemon balm, which acts as a relaxant but at the same time improve your appetite. It means that instead of lowering your weight, you may actually be putting on some more after the use of Z-Slim. That is probably the reason why many people never experience any weight loss benefits after using this dietary supplement.
The only ingredient with a remote possibility to burn fat is raspberry ketone. However, it resembles stimulants that can cause certain side effects, such as increased blood pressure, jitteriness, and rapid heartbeat. There is only one study showing that raspberry ketone may help with weight loss, and even that included capsaicin, synephrine, and caffeine in the mix. In the absence of other ingredients, it is actually quite useless.
FitMiss Z-Slim PM Concerns:
Inefficient as fat metabolizer
Long-term use required
May have several side effects
The price is relatively affordable, but that may start to look unreasonable when you consider it does nothing to help you lose weight. If you only take it as a way to improve sleep, you cannot call it inexpensive, as many popular sleep aid supplement cost you a lot less than what you pay for each bottle of Z-Slim PM.
Overall, it would be a big mistake to take Z-Slim PM to lose weight – it has nothing to promote weight loss at rest. And there is no point in spending this much of money to buy Z-Slim only to regulate your sleep patterns, as you can buy more potent sleep-aid supplements with scientifically proven formula and a price a lot less than Z-Slim PM.
What Does FitMiss Z-Slim PM Claim To Do?
FitMiss Z-Slim PM claims to promote better sleep, and believes that over time, it will improve metabolism and help you burn weight. Here are some of the claimed benefits of Z-Slim PM:
It has natural ingredients suitable for women
It helps women fall sleep quickly
It supports nighttime metabolism
It promotes deep sleep and regulates sleep patterns
It helps you wake up feeling refreshed in the morning
Does FitMiss Z-Slim PM Work?
FitMiss Z-Slim PM promises great results and claims to be a fat burner that works while you are sleeping. It has a combination of nutrients, such a zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B6, as well as natural herbs, such as lemon balm, valerian root extract, raspberry ketone, and 5-HTP. While these natural ingredients may help some people find it easier to fall asleep, even they experience no benefits in terms of weight loss. Do not expect it to be a fat burning supplement, especially considering the fact that there is only one real fat burner (raspberry ketone) in it.
The price is relatively affordable, but you are only going to waste your money if you do not have real sleep issues and are only interested in trying it to boost metabolism. We believe you should look for a better alternative with a scientifically proven formula and positive customer reviews – FitMiss Z-Slim PM is not what you may want to use.
What Are The Ingredients of FitMiss Z-Slim PM?
Z-Slim PM has some nutrients included in the formula – the list includes vitamin B6, zinc, magnesium, chromium, and copper. It includes a proprietary blend of natural herbs, including the following.
Zinc: It offers a number of physiologic benefits and is essential for the health of your immune system. It also improves your reproductive health. Higher doses can cause coughing, fever, stomach pain, and other complications.
Magnesium: It is essential for protein synthesis, digestion, and ATP formation. Higher doses of magnesium are not safe during pregnancy.
Valerian Root: It helps you deal with tired feeling, stomach pain, dark urine, loss of appetite, and jaundice. It can cause certain side effects, such a upset stomach and headache.
Lemon Balm: Generally used as a relaxant, lemon balm is also supposed to help you with gastrointestinal problems, such as flatulence, stomach pain, etc. There is little evidence that it helps with anxiety, insomnia, and loss of appetite.
5-Hydroxytriptan: Used to support your mental health and immune system, 5-HTP may help treat sleep disorders, anxiety, cerebellar ataxia, hyperactivity disorder, migraines, and depression. Higher doses may cause digestive issues.
Raspberry Ketone: It is included to help trigger your metabolism, but there is no scientific evidence to support its benefits. It may actually increase blood pressure, as it acts as a stimulant.
Melatonin: Made synthetically, melatonin helps improve your sleep patterns. It can make your symptoms of depression worse, cause seizures, and increase blood pressure. It is not safe for children and pregnant women.
Does FitMiss Z-Slim PM Have Any Side Effects?
The official website has stated that Z-Slim PM is not for pregnant women or children. They have also mentioned that you may experience dizziness after taking Z-Slim PM. It contains zinc, and if you are not already deficient in zinc, you may experience problems like stomach pain, fever, coughing, fatigue and other problems.
Your upset stomach and headache may also be due to the use of valerian root. Higher doses of valerian root extract may also cause side effects, such as strange dreams, dry mouth, thinking problems, and daytime drowsiness.
It is worth mentioning that many people may feel nauseous after taking Z-Slim PM, and improper use of zinc and magnesium can certainly lead to this problem. However, the supplement also includes 5-HTP, which can also cause nausea, diarrhea, heartburn, decreased appetite, and stomach discomfort.
They have included lemon balm in the blend to promote better sleep, but it does not always work for everyone and may also lead to side effects such as skin irritation, sedation, and hypersensitivity reactions. If you are already on thyroid medication to treat your weight problems, you should not take a supplement that contains lemon balm, as it can interact with your medications and other sedatives.
Caution: This product may cause drowsiness. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery after taking this product. Do not take with alcohol. This product is only intended for use by healthy adults over 18 years of age. Do not use this product if you are pregnant, expect to become pregnant or are nursing. Consult your physician before using this product if you are taking any prescription or over the counter medications or supplements. Do not use this product if you are at risk or are being treated for any medical condition including, but not limited to: high or low blood pressure; cardiac arrthythmia; stroke; heart; liver, kidney or thyroid disease; seizure disorder; psychiatric disease; diabetes; difficulty urinating due to prostrate enlargement or if you are taking a MAO inhibitor. Discontinue use and consult your health care professional if you experience any adverse reaction to this product. Do not exceed recommended serving size or suggested use.
Are There Any Customer Reviews For FitMiss Z-Slim PM?
Z-Slim PM does not have many reviews, and most of whatever is available is only a testament to the fact that it is ineffective as a metabolism booster.
Didn’t notice anything helpful as far as metabolism/fat burning, but I DID sleep a lot better (which is always welcomed).
This did NOT let me sleep! I felt my heart racing with just one capsule.
Helps me sleep if I take an hour before bed.
It does make me fall right asleep, which is great since I work midnight hours and sleeping in the AM is hard for me. It does however, make me extremely nauseous.
Does FitMiss Z-Slim PM Offer a Money-Back Guarantee?
Yes, it comes with a money-back guarantee when bought from the official website, but you cannot find free trials, and the return process is quite tedious too.
Where Can I Buy FitMiss Z-Slim PM?
You can buy it directly from the official website or get it from third-party sites, such as Amazon.
The post FitMiss Z-Slim PM appeared first on Diet Pills Watchdog.
0 notes
ouchmynardz · 8 years
I started thinking again today about why Obama and Hillary are stressing the "peaceful transition of power", them being our two top Democratic leaders. Then I thought that maybe if we get too angry with our political system, we'll force actual change on Washington. We'll forcefully push for change when it comes to getting big money out of politics, and tighten down on some of the issues we face and collectively agree on. And it's this change that'll loosen their grip on us as a people. Democrats and Republicans would start losing money from Big Oil, the NRA, Big Pharm, Wall St, etc. and they're afraid of that. Hillary lost the election because she rigged the DNC and failed to recognize how average Americans were feeling, no doubt about that. But look at the fire in the hearts of the politicians who were protesting this administration on Inauguration Day and at the Women's March -Bernie Sanders, John Lewis, Elizabeth Warren, etc. These people are resonating with Americans better than anyone else. This election has taught us that politics in this country is broken, badly. We're stuck in a perpetual loop of greed and corruption. We need to stay angry. It's the only way we can make it through the next few years without losing everything we value in this country.
0 notes