#and ben resents her for 'trapping' him
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marinerainbow · 1 year ago
If Poppy and Ben had a child, I imagine they'd have a son named Timmy (Timothy being his full first name).
Definitely not thinking about another angsty timeline with this information.
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burymeinblack13 · 8 months ago
There’s a lot wrong with season 4 of The Umbrella Academy but I also wish there was more of an emphasis on the fact that the umbrellas LITERALLY LOST THEIR POWERS?!?
I wanna know more about that. How does that affect them?
I mean does luther find himself with more scrapes and bruises? He tries to pick up a couch and throws his back out because he can’t lift it
Does diego find himself more clumsy? He’s bumping into things more. Grace plays catch with him and he misses every throw
Alison hears someone playfully tell her that ‘they heard a rumour that there’s a new casting call’ and he blood runs cold
Does Klaus start off as the same adrenaline junkie? Until he gets more sick than he’s ever been, his body can’t handle everything in his system, when he truly realises his mortality. But then he realised the ghosts are gone.
Five comes to the realisation that he’s just a boy. His 60-odd aged mind even more trapped than it ever was. Is this the retirement he was wanting or is he now more on edge for the next earth shattering event?
(Sparrow) Ben is truly alone. His powers being the only thing left of what family he had and it’s gone. He’s surrounded by people who only know him through the lens of someone he isn’t.
And Viktor is ordinary. Again. Is he pleased with it? Does he still harbour some resentment? He moves to get a fresh start but he really can’t seem to start it with anyone. Is he emotionally distant-I mean quite literally every relationship he’s been in manages to get fucked up. Maybe he doesn’t even realise that he’s being cold?
I wish the show did more to show the long-standing effect of the loss of the powers that are apart of them!!
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hannahhook7744 · 17 days ago
hc for The Heart Siblings ?
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Quinlynn, Hardy/Hart, and Red/Róisín were born on the isle of the lost. When the barrier was brought down Quinlynn was 21, Hardy was 18 (almost 19), and Red was 10.
Hardy's birthday is February 14th.
Hardy has been rumored to be an affair child: the rumors on who exactly cheated aren't really clear and the Heart siblings aren't really sure there's any truth to it at all.
When asked why they look so different from one another, they always respond with one of two things: "Genetics are weird" or "Wonderland genetics".
Hardy is a part of Uma's crew, Quinlynn is a part of Harriet's crew, and Red is a bit of a loner but eventually joins the Badun Detective Agency.
Out of the three siblings, Red is the only one who didn't really mind working at her mother's salon. She hated having her as a teacher, though (they all did).
Hardy (along with the rest of the crew) ends up briefly working at Auradon Prep (because Uma asked him to and he's not saying no to Uma).
Hardy and Quinlynn both avoid getting trapped in Wonderland when their mother took control (when Red was twelve or so) but Red wasn't so lucky.
They both hold a grudge against Beast for this since he did it while Ben and Mal were away (Ben was not happy to find this out and never ever left the kingdom in control of his parents again).
Hardy hated working at his mother's salon but would do it to keep the peace because he didn't want to deal with another fight.
Quinlynn gave her parents the hardest time, both when it came to working at the salon and at life in general.
Red is the only one who really yearns for her mother's love and approval still. Her siblings both gave up ages ago on that (she doesn't give up on it until after she resets the timeline the first time).
Quinlynn and Hardy are both protective of Red.
The three of them get along quite well. As well as siblings can, anyway.
Hart's full name is Prince Hartmann Hardison Hearts of Wonderland. He hates it and refuses to go by anything other than Hardy or Hart, even if it does cause a fight.
Quinlynn's full name is Princess Quinlynn Mirana Hearts of Wonderland. She is the only one who doesn't hate her actual first name.
Red's full name is Princess Róisín Evangeline Hearts of Wonderland. She also refuses to go by her actual name.
Quinlynn, Hardy, and Red all hold varying degrees of resentment towards their father for not protecting them, but none of them outright hate him (they claim to hate their mom, but well...she's their mom and they can't actually bring themselves to hate her. Not that they'll admit that).
Hardy taught Red how to do graffiti: Quinlynn pretends that she has no idea this has occurred but she's fully aware and pretends otherwise to keep up appearances as the 'stern older sister'.
Hardy spends as much time as he possibly can on the Lost Revenge without his mother storming over to get him.
Quinlynn became bitter and disillusioned with love because not only did Lil Yaz die before she could tell him how she felt but after she tried moving on with Cheekbones Stabbington, he died too. After losing them, she swore she'd never love again and she might just keep that promise. One might even call her depressed.
Hardy's weapon of choice is a pole axe, Quinlynn's weapon of choice is a Bardiche, and Red's is a flamingo croquet mallet (which her siblings made sure she knew how to use): though she's also handy with a sword and with things she can swing.
Hardy walks around and sleeps with a knife in his sock (inspired by this post).
Red's time traveling shenanigans erased Hardy/Hart from existence—which means the affair child allegations might be true. Though that doesn't explain his extreme resemblance to his dad and the fondness Qoh seems to have for him/the fact she claims him as hers.
Her time traveling shenanigans also brought two new Hearts siblings into existence: Couper and Pink.
Couper is a year younger than Red and Pink is two years younger than Red.
Pink’s full name is Princess Primula 'Pink' Euphrosyne Gulisa Diamond Hearts of Wonderland. She, like most of her siblings, prefers her nickname to her actual name.
Couper’s full name is Prince Copernicus Bayard Kingston Hearts of Wonderland.
Pink’s weapon of choice is a spear while Couper’s is card-shaped throwing stars. Pink is also handy with a staff and Couper's handy with an axe.
Couper is closer to Red than Pink is in the reset timeline. This is because he's not as close to his mom as Pink is because he gets dreams about the main timeline—the one Red was from.
He's still conflicted about how he feels about his mother. In this timeline, she isn't the Queen of Hearts: in this timeline, she didn't neglect them or abuse them by turning their friends into mindless objects loyal to only her.
She didn't do what she did to their cousins in this timeline where he exists. But she did it in Red’s.
Couper loves his mom but Red’s hurting and grappling with the guilt of erasing Hart and others from existence with her time traveling.
Pink is oblivious to this: she doesn't know why Red hates mom, while Couper can hardly look at her. All she knows is that Quinlynn is happy and loves mom, and that she herself is happy and loves mom. She doesn't know why her sister hates their mom and her and why she tolerates their dad more. It doesn't make sense to her and it hurts her.
It would be one thing if Red got along with her and didn't like their mom. But that's not the case and she just doesn't understand why Red hates her.
(Pink reminds Red of how Bridget and herself used to be when they were young and innocent. It scares her. She's afraid that something will make Pink snap like Bridget did or that Pink will do something she can't easily take back like Red, who's been grappling with whether or not she should try to fix what she did).
(How can she make Bridget back into a monster that hurt tons of people? How can she ruin her dad's happiness in this land? How can she erase two siblings and a third’s happiness to bring back another who wasn't happy to begin with?).
(How can she sit by and allow Hadie and Chloe to flounder with the knowledge they technically don't exist anymore despite the fact they're still here?).
(How can she—how could she—what did she do? What did they do? Nothing about this is right—can she even fix this?).
Pink is the most like their mom. She loves baking, loves the color pink and cutesy stuff, sometimes struggles to make friends, struggles with social cues, and is a people pleaser. It took her forever to start making friends other than her mom but she eventually managed.
Managed by getting into sports and making friends with the eventual other contestants in the Auradon Kingdom Cup Games.
But the games end up coming between them and make things stressful.
Pink is jealous of how close Red and Couper are, and wishes she could have that kind of relationship with one of her siblings. Quinlynn’s cool but the age gap between them means they don't get to spend a lot of time together and Pink feels like they barely know each other.
(Maybe she should have been named Green instead).
Pink is determined to beat Red, Couper, and all their friends at the games in the hopes that it will finally get Red to see her and start respecting her. To start seeing her as something other than pathetic for their mom being her best friend.
Couper and Red are oblivious to Pink’s struggles until the games.
Eventually Red makes the hard decision to go back in time with Chloe and the others they time traveled with (in my fic) to undo everything they did.
With the help of the Wonderland Stone, Chloe and Red (along with the other person who had time traveled with them) are able to ensure the continued existence of the kids their meddling created by making a wish with Its remaining power.
In the reset timeline all of the Hearts Siblings were born on the isle.
When the barrier is brought down Quinlynn is 21, Hardy is 16 going on 17, Red is 10, Couper is 9, and Pink is 8.
Red, Couper, and Pink are closer than they were before but Red feels guilty for making their lives worse. No matter how much they claim not to hold any resentment towards her.
The three of them, being the only ones who have memory of the other timelines, have mental health issues due to it all. They find ways to cope though.
The Hearts Siblings are all very protective of one another (and their cousins, to an extent).
The third timeline is a bit of a mix between the other two timelines: meaning it's better than the first timeline but not as good as the second. It's the preferred one for Red.
(It's the preferred one for Chloe too, who's happy to have her big brother back and to have Wonderland no longer separated from Auradon).
Red's favorite color is red, Pink's favorite color is pink, and Couper's favorite color is red while Quinlynn and Hart's favorite color is black.
Quinlynn, Hart, Couper, Pink, and Red all used to shout 'off with your head!' when angered when they were little. It's something none of them are proud of and have agreed not to talk of.
They all have gotten in an argument with the Hooks, de Vils, and Hearts over which shade of red is the best. No one won the argument but it did succeed in getting the three groups of vks to side eye their own siblings/cousins.
Quinlynn's first word was 'no', Hart's first word was 'fuck!', Red's was 'uh oh', Pink's was 'mama', and Couper's was 'Boo-Boo'.
Anyone who has babysat them or gotten in a fight with them or taught them can tell you these two things about them: 1. They all have horrid tempers and 2. They can and will bite without a second thought, but they will bite hard enough to draw blood.
Couper liked working at his mom's hair salon but has been banned from it because he lopped off a ton of hair on a customer for insulting him. He still claims it was warranted.
(On an unrelated note, Couper is Princess Debbie Tremaine-Westergaard's favorite Heart sibling and the only one she'll do business with).
Pink is the only Hearts sibling who can cook.
Hart is the sailing master of the Lost Revenge Crew.
Quinlynn is the 'personal hygiene expert'and 'hair stylist' of the Queen's Fury Crew.
Quinlynn likes doing nails, playing cards, baking, potions making, chemistry, doing hair (especially crazy hair), listening to music, and dancing.
Red likes science, reporting/writing for the school newspaper, art, parkour, sports, and detective work, among other things.
Pink likes sports, baking, cutesy fashion, and interior designing, among other things.
Couper likes hairstyling, sports, parkour, darts, throwing stuff, vandalism, and playing cards, among other things.
Hart likes sailing, parkour, sword fighting, vandalism, playing cards, dumpster diving, cryptid hunting, swimming with the sharks, pickpocketing, and hairstyling (he just doesn't like doing it for his mother).
Quinlynn at the request of @trashfr0g , eventually ends up getting her happily ever after with Ty Rabbit, Mother rabbit's kid.
Those are all the headcanons I have for now but thanks for asking.
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fayes-fics · 2 years ago
A Helping Hand
2k Celebration Masterpost
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader, modern AU
Summary: Modern AU. Benedict walks in on reader whilst she’s fantasising about him...
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Warnings: 18+ smut, minors DNI, masturbation, voyeurism, vaginal fingering, female orgasm.
Word Count: 2.9 K (hahah "250-word drabble")
Authors Note: Eighth in my 2k follower celebration "drabbles". This is a request fill for @silverhallow from their ask HERE. This went WAYYYYYY over a drabble, sorry, I tried to reign it in, I really did. Unbetaed. Enjoy! <3
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The uttering of his name is what catches his attention. 
It’s muffled and distant to his ears as he quietly closes the front door. He's just here to visit his little sister El, but he knows some of her flatmates' work shifts, so he always enters quietly, almost furtive. Tucking the key into his pocket, he shakes his head, convinced it was just an auditory ghost. 
But then he hears it again, closer now that he has moved down the corridor. It’s female but sounds edged with desperation. The hair on the back of his neck prickles, suddenly filled with concern that someone may require assistance, trapped perhaps under some heavy furniture. The fact no one knows he is even in the flat doesn't occur to him.
You wish you didn't. 
Want him as much as you do.
Benedict bloody Bridgerton.
He's your best friend’s older brother, never a good idea, but damn if he isn't every single thing you desire in a man. Tall, lithe, chestnut hair, hazy eyes, large, artistic hands and a troublesome crooked grin that makes butterflies erupt every time. Every. Damn. Time. And so, almost reluctantly, he is to be the star of your masturbatory fantasy tonight, indeed most nights lately. 
Freshly showered, you peel off your robe, turn down your bedside light to a faint glow, and climb into your newly made bed, savouring the clean scent and the fluffiness of your pillows. Choosing to lay right in the middle of your double bed, your hands start to wander over your body, thoughts of him, his smiling face, filling your mind. As your fingers brush your nipples, you can't help his name escaping your lips.
“Ben…” it's breathy and feels wonderful in your mouth as your mind swirls with the image burned into your retina. It’s of him getting out of the pool last summer, water sluicing down the slim toned lines of his body as he shook out his hair like some bloody model. You almost bit through your damn lip, trying to keep in the sigh.
Your hands wander lower, swirling patterns over your belly that make you giggle in that same coquettish way you do when he cracks a joke in your presence. Part of you resents him for making you so damn giggly, to begin with; part of you wants him to make you laugh every day forever.
Then your fingers slide between your legs, and you call his name for real now as you encounter slick wetness, which is entirely his fault. 
“Benedict…” you moan, louder this time, using his full name.
Suddenly overheated as you begin to make little circles with your middle finger, you throw back the covers around your ankles and screw your eyes shut, concentrating even harder on that mental Rolodex of memories of a man you should not be fantasising about. 
“Benedict…” There is no disguising your moan now. Or your apparent addiction to saying his name. A slight clench deep in your gut every time you do, just heightening every sensation.
He pushes open the door, filled with concern.
And screeches to a halt.
Oh god. It's YOU.
He didn't know this was YOUR room.
And oh fuck you are entirely naked, eyes closed, and… holy shit, you are masturbating.
His entire being is haywire. Chemicals flood his system making his head pound and his chest restrict. And his blood flow is entirely redirected southwards.
If there is one person who has always been on his ‘danger, danger’ list for as long as he can remember, it's you. But you are his little sister's best friend, which somehow seems wrong. But now. Dammit, nothing in him can remember why that is such a bad idea. 
His eyes can't help sliding down your body, knowing how wrong it is to do this. To watch, to spy, to be a voyeur without your permission. And yet…. He doesn't stop. In fact, he does the opposite—slumping back onto the door so it accidentally clicks closed. Gaze roaming, drinking in your naked body, the line of your neck, the peak of your breasts, the flare of your hips, the shape of your legs as they writhe and oh god, the sound. The sound of your moans, your feet as they drag on the sheet, and best, or perhaps worst of all, the sound of your body, the slick wetness of your arousal as you finger yourself, dripping onto your hand.
Oh FUCK. He is in trouble now—just throbbing hot and insistently against his fly. He shuts his eyes and tilts his head back, knowing it's wrong. His logical brain trying to fight its way in. It's possible that you could be thinking about a different Benedict. Yes, that’s it, he tells himself, trying desperately to calm his arousal. It's probably that Cumberbatch fellow she is all hot and bothered about. The thought it's not about him seems to work, shaking the hypnotic state, and he turns around and grabs the door handle, trying to escape silently without you realising. 
“Bridgerton… please,” you groan, muffled as you turn your head and bite your pillow, still oblivious to his presence.
His forehead hits the door. Well, that's fucked it. Now he couldn't leave even if he wanted to. Which he really, really doesn’t. He's just going to have to style this out, and hope you will accept his presence. He's trying to decide the best approach that isn't creepy when you call out, and his instincts just take over.
“Oh god, please make me come…” 
“I will,” he growls, whipping around to face you.
And all movement in the bed ceases.
Your eyes fly open, and for a split second, you blink, utterly nonplussed; your fantasy object appears to have actualised by your bedroom door.
Then he moves, and you squeal, realising that it is very much not a mirage. That is Benedict. The real Benedict.
You grab at the duvet around your ankles and scramble under it. 
Oh god. Oh god. Oh god!!!
How the fuck are you going to explain this???
Calling his name and…. Wait. 
Did he say….?
You peek out from under the covers, and he is still there. One pace closer but not invading your space.
“Wh… what are you doing here?” 
“I heard my name… I thought maybe someone needed help…” he seems sheepish.
I do! I do need help, your mind screams; I need those long fingers inside me!
You pull down the cover a little more so your face is visible. “Did you…?” You can't even bring yourself to complete the question.
“Yes, I saw, and I am so sorry,” he offers mutely, contrite. “I genuinely didn't mean to invade your privacy,” his tone sincere.
You sit up a little, your gaze falling to his jeans and holy fuck, he is aroused. Very aroused. 
Is there a chance?! He wants you back?
“Don't be,” you try for nonchalance, unable to look away from the outline in the denim, your mouth salivating.
“Do you want some help?” his ask is so soft that for a moment, you swear you misheard, but your gaze cuts to his face, and his eyes are burning intensely, pupils blown. 
“Yes, please,” you murmur back without thought. The warm smile that spreads across his face makes your heart gallop.
“Lay back down,” he says; the tone has changed. It's husky and deeper, and oh god, yes, please. “Pull down the covers.”
You do as bidden, your frame almost shaking with victory and apprehension as he takes a seat on the bed next to you.
“Touch me.” 
It's out of your lips before you can stop it. Then an entirely different, wolfish grin breaks out.
“Where?” he challenges.
“Anywhere…” you offer, desperate for his hands on your body.
He is staring at you like you are a buffet of delicious options; all you can do is lay there, breathing unevenly, awaiting his choice. When fingertips brush the inside of your wrist, you want to swoon. It's light, almost imperceptible, causing a shiver to run down your spine; goosebumps breaking out all over your limbs. You meet his fiery gaze and have to bite your lip as those warm fingers make their way slowly up the sensitive skin of your inner forearm, then onto your bicep. The tease of it is completely enthralling. When he reaches your shoulder, he changes to a drag of his palm as he maps your clavicle.
“May I kiss you?” he asks so sweetly that something warm blooms in your chest.
“Please…” your response soft.
He leans in, then his lips meet yours and something inside you melts, bends, alters. It’s chaste at first, but your hunger for him is barely slaked, so when you open your lips, and his tongue brushes yours, the atmosphere changes. He senses your need, and while you kiss ferociously, over and over, his hand slides to cup your breast. He flicks the pad of his thumb over your nipple, making you cry out into his mouth. Your own body shocking you, how much that touch is a lightning rod straight to your core.
“How do you want me to be?” he murmurs as he drops kisses across your cheek.
“What do you mean?” your voice unfocussed, pressing up into his touch, his thumb still brushing teasingly over your pebbled nipple.
“Do you like silence or talking? Light touches or a firm hand? Praise or be called a bad girl? Do you like to be treated like a precious jewel or bossed around?” the casual way he asks hot into your ear, his lips catching your earlobe, makes your mind boggle. No one has ever asked what you want; they just sort of guessed and hoped you liked it. Or had no idea how do to anything different to what they did.
“I…” you stutter; all of the above are the words blinking like a neon sign in your mind.
He chuckles outwardly at your lack of an answer but inwardly is indignant at every man who has ever been with you and not thought to ask.
“How about I try some things, and you tell me if you like them?” he suggests, enjoying your enthusiastic nodding, which makes him chuckle again, feeling you shiver under him as the vibration moves from his chest into you. So very responsive.
“What about you? Your preferences?” you ask belatedly with closed eyes as his lips map the column of your neck, tasting your shower gel and the warmth there, his thumb delighting in circling your areola.
“Irrelevant,” he dismisses into your skin, then pulls away to clarify after feeling your slight pout against his forehead. “Tonight, let's focus on your pleasure. Then if you enjoy yourself, perhaps we can discuss mine another time?”
He watches as you exhale a shaky, almost disbelieving okay, your stare locked on his. Again he is almost angry on your behalf that this appears to be the first time someone has offered you something expecting nothing in return. Part of him wants to yell at you for accepting mediocrity; part of him - the competitive, possessive part - wants to make this so good you never desire another man.
He kisses a line from your neck to your breast, feeling your weighted, anticipatory stare as he runs his nose lightly over your nipple before drawing it into his mouth, suckling hard, tasting the sweetness of your skin, the puffiness under his lips. Victory crests in his veins as your hand flies into his hair, silently asking for more, pushing up into his mouth. As he suckles, he runs a hand down your body, a firmer touch over your tummy that you appear to appreciate, and he can feel your pulse and breaths quickening under him as his destination becomes apparent.
“Now you were already so occupied here when I entered…” he rumbles into your breast, his fingers slipping between your thighs, which he is pleased to note seem to fall open on instinct. He revels in your sharp inhale and moans as he ploughs his fingers into your soaked flesh without a moment's hesitation. The viscous heat making his cock throb hard in his jeans. “Wow,” he breathes, kissing over to your other breast, “you are absolutely soaking, aren't you?”
It's rhetorical, but you appear incapable of answering anyway, just squirming into his touch, almost as if you want more and less all at once. 
“Harder,” you implore mutely, and he looks up from your breast.
“What was that?” he teases, watching micro-expressions of desire and abashment flutter over your features.
“Touch me, go harder,” you puff, almost cringing, which he happens to find utterly charming.
“Now we are getting somewhere…” he smirks, the press of his fingers becoming more determined. Finding your swollen clit with unerring precision and teasing flicks over it. The engorged nub feels delightful under the pads of his fingers; he has to tamp down the urge to pinch it and make you scream—for another time, perhaps.
He definitely needs to be the best you've ever had, a burning need under his ribs.
You mutter nonsense and his name as he sucks on your nipple and nudges your clit at just the right speed to make you burn hot, mouth going slack, eyes fluttering shut.
“That’s it,” he murmurs into you, something about the praising tone firing your synapses. 
“Don’t stop,” your voice wrecked, almost a sob, as you feel yourself ascending an invisible ladder. “Please, just don’t stop.”
“I won't,” he promises duskily, “in fact…..”
And that is all the warning you get before he drives two fingers inside your weeping pussy, and you almost rocket off the bed. Those long elegant fingers reaching places you never have or could, the swell of his knuckles pressing your walls open. It's even better than you ever imagined. 
You chant his name and grip his arm, loving the flex of tendons as he rhythmically rocks into you. He watches you as you spiral, his eyes sparkling in the low lamplight. Being his sole focus makes everything melt away, turning molten and sweet, like warm toffee. 
Needing to reciprocate in some way, make him as unleashed as you, your hand falls instinctively to his lap and grasps his rigid cock. He groans loudly, his fingers inside you flexing, his teeth scraping your breasts, lighting a fire over your skin. 
He senses your urgency, your need for more, to push you higher. So his motions get stronger, firmer; he snags your nipple between his teeth and tugs gently, his thumb presses harder onto your clit, circling faster as his fingers start to hook and graze your walls, knowing when he has reached a sensitive spot by the flex of your fingers around his clothed cock and your biting of your lip.
“That's it, good girl,” he murmurs, moving up to capture your lips with a searing kiss. 
His other hand, which has been taking his weight on the mattress next to you, moves to cup the back of your neck, pull you up off the pillow slightly, grasping the hair at the base of your skull. Not painfully, just enough to heighten things.
“Look at me,” he demands gruffly, and you do, panting and mouth slightly agape, his eyes hungry and expression proud as you dangle so close to a precipice. “You look breathtaking, untamed, wild; I want to fuck you so hard you scream my name,” he confesses in more of a snarl than words, diving in for another kiss.
“Please….” you beg, uncertain what for, except more.
No one has been this primal with you before, meeting a need you didn't even know you had. Your cerebral processes taking a backseat, just rooted in your body and strung out on a tide of chemicals and sensations.
A few more moves of his fingers and you are palpitating inside; the pressure breaking like a dam, sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body, so much he has to angle himself over you to hold you down as your muscles convulse; he has to push hard to keep his fingers inside you as you clench and release with a strength that makes him growl. You are crying out so loud the hand entwined in your hair moves and clamps over your mouth, gagging you and hushing you, leaning into your cheek with hot breaths, reminding you there are others in this flat, that you need to be quieter. Although all the while, as he says it, you can see the trace of smug hubris on his face that he is the cause. It makes you want to suck those fingers between your lips and bite him. 
As you flop, still panting, he withdraws his fingers and, just to tease, slides them into his mouth as you watch, disbelieving, clenching around nothing as his face contorts into ecstasy at your taste. Then he kisses you deeply, rolling your own flavour onto your tongue as his hands draw delicate lines over your torso.
“How was that?” he smirks as he pulls away. 
Your eyes are still closed from the kiss, suddenly awash with a drowsy sated pull deep in your being. Unfussed with words, in response, you move the hand idly twisted in his lap and grab his cock again, squeezing hard. 
“Stop that,” he groans but doesn't bat your hand away; he pushes into it, in fact. 
You just ghost a smile, eyes still closed, and lick your lips, pressing the flat of your palm against his length.
“Don't make me come in my underwear like a teenage boy,” he hums, tinged with recklessness.
“Take them off then,” your goad in a whisper, eyes popping open and meeting his, re-energised by the feral hunger you find there.
“Lock. The. Door.” he orders slowly and deadly, staring you down.
You can’t scramble for the door fast enough.
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Benedict taglist: @makaylan @foreverlonginguniverse @iboopedyournose @colettebronte @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @margofiore @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat @baebee35 @crowleysqueenofhell @bridgertontess @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld @angels17324 @broooookiecrisp @queen-of-the-misfit-toys @eleanor-bradstreet @divaanya @musicismyoxygen84 @benedictspaintbrush @miindfucked @sorryallonsy @lilithseve @cayt0123 @hottytoddyhistory @truly-dionysus @fictionalmenloversblog @zinzysstuff @malpalgalz @panhoeofmanyfandoms @kinokomoonshine @causeimissu @delehosies @mlovesbridgerton @m-rae23
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elysian-33 · 15 days ago
Who is the Quartet? - More Theories
Before today’s episode proves all my theories wrong, here’s who I think the remaining Quartet members could be with my reasons why.
These aren’t facts, they are ramblings.
Ben Alder
Was first seen in a therapy session with Raoul Greenstreet in Violations, who is killed by the Quartet in the very next episode, Violences. He could’ve been scouting Raoul out as a potential target.
Misgenders Percy twice in same session, even after being corrected by Raoul. Maybe he’s too traumatised for pronoun etiquette. Nevertheless, the Brass Mask also deadnames Percy, perhaps Brass knows his deadname from an old piano his family once owned~?
Was among the Coda mob when they went to hunt for Shank. Makes sense the Quartet would want to see and ensure the Coda attacked and enraged Shank to bolster their message of ‘hate the monsters’ and maybe aggravate Shank to fight back to do so as well.
Perhaps Ben’s trauma from finding Broken Teeth’s corpse (Solomon’s fiddle ghost), has left him wanting monsters out of Scout City and inoculated him to the Quartet’s homophobia.
Maybe he copes with/blames his Percy/ghost trauma by channeling his inner Solomon. Using some messed up version of “if you can’t beat them, join them” logic.
Seems to resent the Instrumentalist for the harm he’s cause his family. Wouldn’t make much sense to follow his example.
Jemimah Wicker
When Cole asks why the Quartet killed who they’ve killed in Plots, Fiddle answers first by explaining Abraham Walker was a “faggot” fabulous man who stood against Fort Freedom when they wanted to kill Big Mikey. Suggesting one member of the Quartet was affiliated with Fort Freedom
Seeing how Buck is in France and Rick is yet to rejoin society. The only remaining characters of interest in FF are the Wickers
Jacob, “a sister”, and “a brother” are confirmed to be elsewhere when the Quartet encounters Percy in Ignitions. Johannah, Jed, and Joel are with Jacob when they visit Russell in Tripwires, suggesting Jed or Joel might’ve left the group in Ignitions.
Jedediah did seem fine with the Church wanting to sacrificing him in S3 but he is described as “meek and apologetic for his family’s actions”, not seemingly vengeful.
Considering Clem’s attempt to help the Wicker family, makes me believe Jocelyn wouldn’t want to harm her as Quartet do in S4
This leaves the youngest Wickers Jemimah and Jessica. Assuming Jessica too young to be a murderer, that leaves Jemimah.
In their fight with Shank, Keys is briefly referred to as a ‘she’ (Vendettas). This could be a mistake as Drum is also being called a ‘she’ was we’ve learnt who Drum is at this point.
The Piano mask’s dialogue and nature comes across as more childish than the rest (yaps and taunts more) Examples: “Run, piggy piggy”, “He’s the sheriff’s boy, he’ll tattle”, and “Do you think he would have loved us more, if we were his children?”
Keys is also familiar with Scout City’s “classrooms” claiming they promote Queer and Monster acceptance, “make the abnormal normal” (in Plots).
Jemimah, being raised my Kellyanne, would be familiar with a religious and homophobic viewpoint.
Joshua Wicker was one of the Quartet’s displays, although he was killed out of mercy after being left for dead by Shank, Jemimah would have to be okay with this. Additionally, it’s suggested that Fiddle killed Joshua on their own in Cases: “What I did was a mercy”. Maybe Keys didn’t have to be there for it.
Jemimah’s only been mentioned directly once throughout the entire show, in a bonus story. Perhaps she’s taken to a life of murder in order to be noticed by her family.
Mulder Allen
The Quartet’s first appearance was when Fiddle captured Shelby and trapped her in a coffin. The Fiddle talks with Shelby and mentions how they want her to see their reckoning come to fruition: “This is where you should be. Quiet. Hidden. While the angel of death passes from door to door.” - Cases
But why didn’t they straight up kill her? Leverage against Clem? Probably not, the Quartet find her pretty quickly in Puppets. Does a Quartet member want to keep Shelby safe?
Mulder too was part of the Coda mob, and grows suspicious when they find Shelby outside her shop where she lies about Shank being housed inside. Moments after this encounter Shelby is captured.
That’s about it
Mulder is an architect for Scout City, a useful skill set for the Quartet to have on their side for planning attacks/getaways 
Mulder is a letter different than Murder… so it’s gotta be him
My weakest guess for sure
If Mulder is part of the homophobic group of killers then he’s hidden his homophobia quite well from Shelby and Clem
When Fiddle speaks to Shelby, she doesn’t recognise their voice, possibly suggesting she’s never met them before.
If Mulder is Fiddle, then he changed into uniform and broke off from the Coda fairly quickly in Calculations to catch Shelby. Not an impossible feat to do tho.
Mulder seems close to Shelby, I’d doubt he’d be on board to put her in a position where she’d end up losing a hand.
Charybdis Blackletter
In Plots, Cole enters the “Church of the Black Eternity”, a title belonging to Urnandurn who the Blackletters ‘likely’ have a covenant with.
The Fifth string is described as “prone” and lies on cushions, suggesting they suffer from injury or old age. Perhaps Friday’s fire hurt Blackletter quite a lot
Blackletter is familiar with Solomon’s work and ghost binding method, as Clara gave it to her in a S1 bonus story. Blackletter would also be capable of securing another Spooky Cabinet for ghost-binding means
The Fifth’s mask shows six sunflowers made from brass pipes. Mimicking the floral aspect of the painting where Tiberius (The Church of the HN’s founder) was imprisoned.
Blackletter shouldn’t have any beef with Scout City. Unless she randomly just decided to avenge a very late business partner of her’s one morning.
Blackletter isn’t homo/monster-phobic, might be using the Quartet’s hatred to get them to do her dirty work. 
Downing Hill had beef with the Church of the Hallowed Name, which the Quartet supposedly works with. Charybdis kept the painting of Tiberius among her collections, so why work with his church later?
Harrow seem quite confident xir mother is in the her library
Seeing how Indrid Buckley retrieved Tiberius’ painting at the end of S3, it might make sense that she’d be the Fifth string. However that raises question like: “Why is she following Solomon’s example when the Church shunned him” and “how is she binding ghosts without his exact methods?”
Here’s my lineup, I doubt I’m 100% correct here but until I figure something new I believe…
Fiddle might be Mulder Allen, but probably isn’t...
Brass could be Ben Alder
Keys might be Jemimah (or Jessica) Wicker
The Fifth String might be Director Blackletter
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princesspastel8 · 4 months ago
Chapter 75
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Third POV
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"Sir, what are we supposed to do now?" Kate questions, her voice lace with irritation.
Toby is leaning against the wall next to the door, arms crossed over his chest. It's been two weeks now. Eboni has shown no signs of waking up, still trapped in her vegetable like state. Due to this, she has been taking most of the supplies saved up - the most being healing serum. Healing serum is only used when an injury, such as a broken bone, takes longer to heal and affects the proxy's chance of taking more missions.
So after the situation with Eboni, Slenderman has become more demanding- sending his proxies on mission after mission. These missions become more and more dangerous thanks to Zalgo somehow becoming more powerful. No one understands how, nor why. That's what Slenderman has been doing each time he leaves the mansion for long periods of time - trying to figure out what is making Zalgo so strong in such little time?
"Her state is draining all of our supplies. It would take months for X virus & Ej to create more batches to sustain us." Kate said, motioning to her broken arm in a case.
Toby scoffs, looking at Kate. "S-So, what do you expect h-him to do? Cut Eboni off l-life support?"
"Yes! She's practically dead! There's no reason to keep her on life support! It's a waste!"
"Jeff would never allow it. He'd kill you before you pull the plug, and you know it. We a-all know it. H-He isn't who he u-used to be."
The room falls silent at Toby's words. Yes, it's true that Jeff isn't who he used to be. He's become more aggressive, more threatening, and far more dangerous. He's a ticking time bomb, snapping at anyone who so much, as says Eboni's name. He hasn't been taking proper care of himself either. He spends every day in Eboni's hospital room, watching her like a hawk.
Sometimes, he'll whisper pleas, begging her to wake up. Other times, he's yelling all types of profanities, blaming her for his unbearable pain- calling her selfish on multiple occasions. He barely eats, drinking his days away. Alcohol has become his new high. Drinking seems to be his only form of escaping his pain. The only time he's able to sleep peacefully is when the drinks knock him out cold.
Nightmares plagues him. Trying to sleep without a drink is impossible. Consistently seeing his hands stained in her blood. The visuals of the bullets going through her, the blood spattering into his face. His nightmares make those events more extreme, going as far as to mock him using her voice. Spurring hateful words at him. Things he'd always say but failed to do.
The atmosphere within the mansion has shifted as well. Taylor hangs out more with Jane & Clockwork, replacing Nina, who is now a mindless doll awaiting orders. Nobody likes them. Nobody speaks to them unless told or forced to. Everyone holds a disdain towards those three. Rather than mourning Eboni's lost, they never miss a beat on praising the fact Eboni is down under.
Helen has lost count on the many times he almost attacked them, Dina and others being forced to hold him back. It's a side of helen that no one ever thought he had. A side of rage. BEN & EJ seem to be doing worse. They've met Eboni before her move to the mansion. She became like a sister to them. It seems that a part of them went with her. EJ holds so much guilt for not being able to save her. He truly tried his best, keeping his composure even after realizing there was nothing he could do.
He has a feeling that Jeff resents him. Jeff has never asked nor begged for a promise to be kept so desperately. Jeff became vulnerable with him for the first time since knowing each other, and he couldn't keep his promise. Ani tells him time and time again that he isn't to blame. No one is to blame but Zalgo.
Speaking of Zalgo, Luna is now on her way to Slenderman's office. Playing both sides has been straining her, but it's all coming together. Her plan to take down her father is finally being set in motion. It's unfortunate that Eboni's sacrifice had to come before his death but also plays a great part in her plan.
Slenderman sighs heavily, patiently waiting for Luna to arrive. Her answer to his many questions regarding Zalgo will determine if he'll allow Eboni to continue on life support. With those thoughts, a knock sounds at the door.
Toby goes to open it, smiling softly as his dull eyes lighten at the sight of Luna. He leans down to kiss her cheek before allowing her inside and closing the door. Luna steps forward, taking a seat in front of his desk. She smiles, greeting the faceless ceature.
"Good evening."
"Likewise. We are both aware of why you're here, so let's cut to the chase."
"Right. I know of the situation with Eboni using most of your supplies & Zalgo growing stronger. For now, I request that you continue with Eboni's treatment & no longer pursuing Zalgo."
These requirements leave Slenderman speechless & Kate frustrated. "Continue her treatment? You want us to continue treatment on a dead girl?! Sir, you can't quite possibly be considering her request! And stop pursuing Zalgo? Our job is to collect souls to empower you! Why would -"
"Sh-Shut up and let her finish." Toby said darkly, warning Kate.
"Eboni isn't dead." Luna states boldly, tilting her head at Kate and smiles.
"...Impossible! She can't breathe on her own. Her brain isn't active. How is she -"
Before Kate can finish, a hatchet comes flying - almost slicing into her head. The girl dodges just in time, Slenderman's tendril catching the weapon while facing Toby.
Slenderman narrows his eyes at Toby, returning the weapon to his holster on the Male's back. "Watch yourself, Toby. I will not have bloodshed in my office."
"I-I warned her... she didn't listen sir." Toby said robotically, reaching to throw it again, but Luna uses her magic to keep him in place.
"Toby...look at me."
And he does, feeling his raging over-protectiveness calm down almost instantly. He grunts, Luna releasing her hold on him. Toby moves to sit next to Luna, laying his head on her lap, and closes his eyes - the witch now running her fingers through his hair. Kate and Slenderman are taken aback by these actions but wait for her to continue speaking.
"Her soul is still inside her body. The serum is keeping her alive, yes, but all Eboni needs is a bit of a supernatural charge - I unfortunately don't have the power to do that yet. However, I do have the power to create an unlimited supply of healing serum."
"No way. X virus & EJ spent two years creating and perfecting the formula with the little materials and supplies they've managed to gather. How could you possibly make the serum become unlimited?" Kate questions instantly, Slenderman waiting for Luna to continue.
The witch smiles, shaking her head. "Magic has no limitations."
Kate rolls her eyes, knowing she won't be getting an answer. "Then what about -"
"Zalgo played himself. Yes, he put a curse over Eboni's life, but he ordered the hit. My father grew stronger from Amara & Damien's death only because he didn't fully get his hands dirty. Yes, he cursed them, but ultimately, it was Damien's family that did the setup. With Eboni, he intentionally interfered instead of letting the world decision on its own."
"What advantage does that give me?" Slenderman questions.
"Zalgo can't curse people. It's a gamble. His words may seem absolute, but he's given a fifty fifty chance of the curse playing through or not. It either pulls through and makes him stronger or falls flat and weakens him. Yes, he appears to be stronger, but it isn't because of Eboni. It's due to the mass amount of souls I've collected for him over the years."
"So why should slenderman not pursue Zalgo when he's clearly in this weaken state?" Kate questions.
"That's it. He isn't weakened. He's far more powerful than ever. But in a year from now, he'll be at his lowest. As long as Eboni is still in this half alive half dead state, he will become weaker and weaker. Pulling the plug on Eboni will be the wworstdecision you could make for all of us."
Meanwhile, during this important meeting, Jeff is in Eboni's hospital room- staring aimlessly at the wall with a bottle of liquor in hand. He stinks, smelling like alcohol & musk. His hair is greasy from not having washed it, and his blonde roots are starting to show. He spends his days in here. He's done nothing but cry over Eboni, scream over Eboni, and pass out next to her - holding her hand or resting his head on her hand. He can't part from her, no matter how hard EJ & BEN make him try.
Liu walks into the room, EJ & BEN in tow. They know how hostile Liu can get, and triggering Jeff while in this state is an extremely bad idea. The homicidal killer tilts his head, leaning against the wall crossing his arms. He takes in the sight before him, liquor & vodka bottles littering all around the bed and his brother in such a low- defended state.
"Mhm...trouble in paradise?"
The room is suddenly filled with a dark tension that puts BEN & EJ on edge. They watch as Jeff clocks his head back, eyes slowly moving to stare at Liu. He doesn't move, staying in his threatening pose, waiting for Liu to say something else.
"Looks like everyone was right. You do ruin everything you tou-"
An empty bottle is thrown right at Liu, barely giving him time to dodge it. Jeff stands, stumbling a bit due to his drunken state. He glares at Liu, waiting for him to speak again - waiting for him to give a great reason to kill him.
"Look at what you did, Jeff. You took my advice and actually killed her! You took your eyes off of her for a second and she fucking died!" He laughs, eyes wide and manic. "You listened to your little brother. She was worthless for you Jeff, completely useless. But it's okay! She deserved this, you deserve better. You deserve m-"
Jeff moves too fast for BEN & EJ to stop him. He broke the bottle in his hand, the rest of the drink spilling to the floor. He lunges at Liu, punching him in his nose - breaking it again. Liu stumbles back, falling onto the ground as Jeff tackles him. He raises the broken bottle in the air, fully prepared to kill his brother.
But green chains wrap around his wrist. Jeff tilts his head at BEN, giving Liu time to throw his older brother off of him. He raises his hand to his broken nose, laughing at the blood on his fingers. He stands, feeling Sully try to surface.
"Oh wow....you really tried to kill me..." Liu frowns.
"No one... disrespects...my girl...and lives." Jeff threatens horsely, about to pounce on BEN until the doors swing open.
Slenderman wraps Jeff with his tendrils, holding him in place. The faceless man doesn't bother questioning anyone, considering Liu is there among them. Luna steps through, frowning at the poor state Jeff is in. She moves closer to Eboni, placing her hand on her forehead - a sky blue hue glowing from her palms.
Jeff eyes widen, thrashing around in Slenderman's hold. "WHAT IS SHE DOING!? GET AWAY FROM HER!" he shouts in hysterics.
Luna looks at him, her eyes glowing brightly, and she smiles. "Do you wish to speak with her? Her soul is still inside...I can pull her out half way so you two can talk...No one is pulling the plug Jeff, but this is the one and only time I'll be able to do this."
Jeff relaxes only slightly, Slenderman letting him go. The smiling killer stumbles forward, moving to sit down on the opposite side of Luna. The witch nods her head, putting her magic to use.
Void. It is an endless pool of darkness. Eboni has no idea how long she's been here. She remembers getting shot once, but after that, it's blank. She can't hear anything. She can't feel anything. Only see-
Only watching.
Her mother is with her. Keeping her company and answering any questions she may have. Amara watches on, tilting her head at the sight of Jeff. He truly is a wreck without her daughter.
"It's ashamed Zalgo gotten to you too." She said, though smiles. "Your father and I miss you."
"Mhm. I bet." Eboni said boredly, eyes souly on Jeff's weeping face.
"Eboni, I apologized to you many times. I know you love him, but your father and I think it's a great time for you to come with us..."
"NO!" She shouts at her mother. "I'm not leaving with you. If something were to happen before meeting Jeff... Maybe during that month when he was gone - I would've left with you, but now... I can't leave him, mom. This has nothing to do with who you actually are, and I don't care. I...can't leave him, mom. Not like this.." Eboni said, turning back to the screen on a continuous loop of her memories with Jeff only to show his tear stricken face.
"Then why take those bullets, hm? You claim to love him, sweetheart, but you and I both know it's more than that." Amara challenges. "You're as selfish as I am. You're just as obsessed with him as I am your father. If Damien were to die first, I would've killed myself just to be with him. You would've done the same if those bullets hit Jeff. Am I wrong?"
Eboni bites her tongue, struggling to keep herself from snapping at her mother. They truly are too much alike. Eboni knew what she was doing. She knew if Jeff died that night, she'd be taking her life the following day. Her home is with Jeff. Her entire world is Jeff. Without him, she'd have nothing else to live for. Life would have no meaning. Her thirst for revenge wouldn't be enough.
But Jeff, he's stronger emotionally, physically, and especially mentally. Though he's broken down in his pit of despair, his anger will soon consume him - washing away all guilt & replacing it with revenge. He has the strength to live on even after revenge is taken. Jeff the Killer is far too prideful to take his own life.
Yes, it was selfish of Eboni-, but she doesn't regret her decision, even now - witnessing Jeff crumble. However, her vision is distorted by a blinding blue light shining and filling the darken void with light. Luna appears, holding her hand out towards Eboni.
"...what the hell? How are you -"
"My time is limited. Do you wish to speak with Jeff?"
"Yes! Hell yes, I do! Are you bringing me back? We can be together again!?" Eboni said, getting her hopes up far too soon.
"Only your soul will be shown to everyone. I won't be able to wake you up until two years from now." Luns explains quickly. "So please, take my hand. Jeff needs to hear from you....more than ever."
So Eboni does, taking Luna's hand as the light becomes brighter. The light suddenly dims, giving her a chance to open her eyes. The girl sits up, feeling lightweight yet heavy at the same time. She turns her head, eyes widening as tears begin to form.
Her voice, so faint-, almost a whisper. He raises his head, eyes widening as they well with tears. Eboni, his girl...her soul - speaking to him. The sight...is the most beautiful he's seen her. She's glowing, yet the glow is so faint but blinding. He stands, slowly reaching forward. He needs to touch her and feel her close again.
Jeff gently touches her cheek, the connection distance, ghostly. He wraps his arms around her, Eboni doing the same with the little strength she's given. The killer cries out, clutching onto her for dear life - the warmth melting the coolness of his skin.
"You bitch! You fucking bitch! Any idea what you put me through!? Those were meant for me! Not you! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO STILL BE HERE!" Jeff shouts, letting his pain spill for all to see. "You...you selfish little shit..." he whispers, body trembling from his chest wracking sobs.
Eboni doesn't say anything, smiling softly as her glistening tears fall - each tear drop disappears once off her face. When Jeff doesn't get a response, he pulls away shouting in her face. "SAY SOMETHING!"
"I'm sorry..." her voice is low, a ghostly wind passing through his ears. "I know I'm selfish... I know they were meant for you, but Jeff....if this were you on this bed- I'd really be dead."
Jeff shakes his head, "no the fuck you wouldn't...you'd be alive...pregnant...with my damn kid..."
Eboni's eyes widen at the news. She had left a bit off before this incident, but she paid no mind to it. She had no idea she was pregnant. Does that change things? No. She wouldn't want to deal with a baby without Jeff by her side through it all. The thought of baring his children never came to mind, but the thought also didn't bother her has much. This... must be how her mother felt pertaining to her father & the subject of having kids.
"I'm too weak... I'd always be too weak compared to you, Jeff. Your will is stronger. You're more headstrong. You....are able to continue leaving without me near you. I know you -"
Jeff pulls away, shaking his head as he falls onto his knees- lying his head onto her lap as he grips her fading hands. "YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT- FUCK!" he cries, voice withering.
"You don't fucking get it Eboni. I don't think you ever did. I manipulated you. I controlled you. I fucking destroyed you. I did everything I could to make sure you only relied on me. I showed you just how much you'd need me. I showed you just how much better I am than the fuckers you got close to. I fucked with your damn psyche so all you'd think about was me. You think I'd waste all that time on any random bitch? You really think I'd do this shit all over again with someone else? You really think I'd let you leave me after all the hard work I put into you!? I WAS AFRAID TO LOSE SOMEONE I GOT SO ATTACHED YOU!"
"Jeff I'm-"
"SHUT UP! FUCK! YOU'RE ALL I THINK ABOUT NOW! I can't get you out of my head no matter how many drinks I take! You're....Y-You're everywhere. In my dreams... when I close my eyes...in the corner of any room I'm in that isn't here. You're voice...your laugh...your fucking eyes....you didn't have to go. You didn't deserve this...Just come back. Just come back already! I can't keep functioning....I..." he gulps, struggling to admit this. For the first time in his life he- "....I fucking need you...I..I-I love you. So just wake up...come back...please Eboni just come back..."
This is what he's been afraid of. This is why the smiling killer faught tooth and nail to keep Eboni close to his hip. He's grown attached, so much so that having her gone like this leaves him so empty. He isn't used to this, this feeling of deep loss. The freedom he felt, his breath of fresh air, his new more fulfilling excitement in life gone, within an instant. Jeff prided himself on not having a weakness, throwing caution into the wind. Nothing else mattered, but the fun he'd make & experience for himself.
He never knew he was missing something, but he knew he needed a newfound sense of freedom, control & dominance. He never knew this need would come in the form of a person. He never knew what he was missing was Eboni. She's.....irreplaceable.
Eboni leans down, moving her hands and places both of them on her cheeks. She trances the outline of his cut smile, leaning further down. She can feel her connection quickly fading, her light dimming quickly. She kisses his tears, moving to his lips. The kiss is faint, like a feathery touch - almost nonexistent, but enough to soothe the guilt & sorrow gripping Jeff's heart.
"Two years Jeff....wait for me...for two years." Eboni said, her voice now a low echo.
"I can't hold the connection much longer. Only a few seconds left." Luna said, stuck in a trance fixed state.
"What!? Two years!? Eboni, I can't wait that long! What am I supposed to do!? Princess I-"
"You can. And you will." She told him gently, leaving trails of kisses along his cut smile. "You'll watch over me. You'll continue to collect souls. You'll take care & protect my body. You'll.....avenge me."
"A-And after? And after all that, then what?!"
"I'll come home. I'll wake up, and I'll never leave your side. So please Jeff....just wait for me. I....love....you.."
Her light dims, her soul disappearing back into her body - fragments of her words still lingering in Jeff's ears. He looks at her body, grabbing her hand, and cries onto it. "Damnit....you bitch! FINE! I'll wait! I'll fucking wait...I...I love you too princess..."
He continues to cry, vowing that this will be the last time he'll weep over Eboni like this. She said he's strong, so he'll be strong. He'll live. He'll do everything she instructed him to do. He'll swallow the loneliness he may feel. This time, he'll protect her and wait.
Jeff will wait, no matter how long it takes....
Just to see her smile.
To hear her laugh.
To see those honey brown eyes again.
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myalchod · 2 years ago
AU where Rose Harvey is both alive and well and still with Ben post-Aster Dell 😌
But is it really an AU? Is it really? I guess we'll never know. Thanks, showrunners. 😒
1. She knows there are things he saw during his time in Rosalind’s battalion that she won’t ever be able to understand, because she's been a soldier but the battalion was a different thing entirely. They'd always talked in the past, though, sharing as much as they could; that promise had been in their wedding vows, codifying something she'd always thought they were in perfect accord on ... but the man who comes back from the war is not the man who swore to always open his heart to her. (She is not sure if the woman he finds waiting is the same, either, though she does not examine that thought too closely.)
2. They had talked about having children when the war was over. Her pregnancy in its final years is unplanned, the failure you never think will happen to you of all people, and she thinks long and hard before deciding to keep it. The why is more complicated, a thing she isn't entirely sure she understands sometimes, but once she decides that is that, and she does not know if he is relieved or resentful when she leaves the front lines.
3. She has made herself a home and a life by the time he comes back, battered and bruised but with the truest wounds inside. There is space for herself and the son who clings to her leg and looks at him with uncomprehending eyes and the infant who does not know hands that had once been warm and steady and always so ready to reach. He tries to fit into it, and she tries to make space for him too, and for a few years it very nearly works. But their home is full of ghosts and secrets and unspoken wounds, hers as well as the multitudes that have followed him back, and by the end their fracturing feels all but inevitable.
4. “I’m your wife!” she all but screams at him, when he says that he can’t explain things to her for what feels like the hundredth, thousandth, millionth time. It would be easier, she thinks, if he were to explode in response and they could give vent to all that remains unspoken, but he only looks at her like some sad kicked animal and that just makes her more irritated in turn. How dare he, when she keeps reaching and reaching and he only withdraws into his secrets and into himself? She knows he is hurt, but what is she to do about it when he won’t let her in? (What is she to do when she has her own wounds and pain and scars and it feels like he doesn’t even see them? What is she to do when she shares a house and a family and a life with a stranger?)
5. “I still love the man I married,” is what she tells him when he finds her packing a bag, “but that's not the person I see in front of me — and I have to take care of myself, Ben. No one else here will do it.” (He has Farah and Saul, both as changed as he is, bound together in their shared secrets. She has no one within Alfea’s borders and she needs someone to turn to, someone who can help her find her footing again. She can’t wait any longer.) “I love you,” he says, like it can solve things, but she can see that he believes it as little as she does right now, no matter what they both might want. (She doesn't tell him that there are days when she looks in the mirror and doesn't recognise herself either. She may not have seen the same parts of the war that he did, but it left her no less changed.)
6. Distance helps. She has to be Rose before she can be anything else — before she can support anyone else — and without having to worry about what she is for others, she can for once focus on herself first of all. She hopes he can learn the same lesson, though she is doubtful when he remains trapped by a past he cannot seem to let go of. But, however much they both do or do not change, the space makes things easier for her, and for now, it’s what she needs.
7. There was a time when he had meant home to her, and she had been the same to him. She hopes, despite all that has happened, that some day she will be able to find her way back home again, whatever that ends up meaning.
[ ask me another ] [ all answers ]
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rowinablx · 11 days ago
Backstory: The Fall of the Four
The Fantastic Four were once idealists—Reed, a brilliant scientist; Sue, his steadfast partner; Johnny, her reckless brother; and Ben, their loyal friend—working on a clandestine project to harness cosmic energy as a clean power source in a dying world. Funded by a shadowy corporate alliance (a front for Roxxon and Oscorp), their experiment went catastrophically wrong when the corporations sabotaged it, exposing them to unstable radiation. The blast didn’t grant them heroic gifts—it broke them: Reed’s body warped, Sue’s form flickered, Johnny burned, and Ben petrified. Their lab was razed, their funding cut, and they were branded fugitives, hunted for the tech they’d unwittingly perfected. Now, they hide in a crumbling Baxter Building—a derelict skyscraper in a ruined New York—fighting to survive and undo the damage they’ve caused.
Reed Richards / Mister Fantastic
Absolute Twist: Reed’s genius led the experiment, his ambition blinding him to the sabotage. The radiation stretched his body into a malleable, rubbery form, but it’s unstable—his limbs ache from constant distortion, his mind frays from guilt. His “suit” is a patched lab coat, his tools scavenged from junkyards.
Personality: Obsessive and withdrawn, Reed’s intellect is his shield, his once-curious spirit now a relentless drive to fix what he broke. He’s distant, haunted by the team’s suffering, his apologies hollow to those he’s hurt most.
Conflict: Reed seeks a cure for their conditions and the world’s decay, but his experiments fail, draining their resources. His body stretches thin—literally and figuratively—each stretch a painful reminder of his hubris. Sue’s faith in him wavers, straining their love.
Powers in Flux: His elasticity lets him reach and reshape, but it’s erratic—limbs snap back or sag, his focus falters mid-task, a genius trapped in a failing shell.
Sue Storm / Invisible Woman
Absolute Twist: Sue was the heart of the team, her calm balancing Reed’s zeal, until the radiation made her fade—her invisibility and force fields a flickering defense. Her body tires from the strain, her skin pale and bruised, her “costume” a torn jacket and scarf.
Personality: Resilient but frayed, Sue’s warmth has cooled into a quiet resolve. She’s the glue holding them together, but grief for their lost life and anger at Reed erode her strength. Her voice cuts when it needs to, a leader by necessity.
Conflict: Sue protects the team from external threats—corporate hunters, rogue mutants—but her powers drain her, headaches splitting her focus. She mourns the family they could’ve been, her love for Reed a battle between trust and resentment.
Powers in Flux: Her invisibility cloaks them, her fields shield blows, but both falter—she flickers visible mid-fight, fields crack under pressure, leaving her vulnerable.
Johnny Storm / Human Torch
Absolute Twist: Johnny was the reckless spark, eager for the experiment’s glory, until it set him ablaze. His flame powers burn from within, his skin charred and cracked, his control shaky. He wears scavenged fireproof scraps, his bravado a mask for pain.
Personality: Brash and volatile, Johnny’s quips are sharp, his anger hotter than his flames. He’s a live wire, lashing out at Reed and the world, his youth lost to a fire he can’t quench. Sue’s his anchor, but he tests her patience.
Conflict: Johnny hunts the saboteurs who ruined them, his flames a weapon of vengeance, but each blaze scars him deeper—lungs cough ash, eyes water from heat. His recklessness endangers the team, a spark threatening to burn them all.
Powers in Flux: His flames sear foes and light the dark, but they’re unstable—flaring wild or guttering out, his body a furnace that’s breaking down.
Ben Grimm / The Thing
Absolute Twist: Ben was the team’s rock, a pilot and protector, until the radiation turned him to stone—a jagged, orange mass of cracked rock, his human face a distant memory. His “suit” is his hide, his fists chipped from endless fights.
Personality: Bitter and steadfast, Ben’s gruff humor hides a soul crushed by his form. He’s loyal to a fault, but resentment festers—Reed’s fault, his life stolen. He’s the shield, taking hits no one else can, a martyr by force.
Conflict: Ben guards their hideout and battles corporate enforcers, his strength a bulwark, but his body aches—joints grind, fissures widen. He longs to be human, his grief a silent roar, his bond with the team his only tether.
Powers in Flux: His rock hide absorbs blows, his fists shatter steel, but it’s crumbling—chunks flake off, his strength wanes, a titan eroding under his own weight.
Team Dynamic
The Fantastic Four are no longer a family in the warm, adventurous sense—they’re a unit fractured by blame and necessity. Reed’s guilt drives him inward, Sue’s resolve holds them steady, Johnny’s rage pushes them apart, and Ben’s loyalty keeps them from breaking entirely. They fight as one—Reed stretching to disarm, Sue shielding, Johnny burning, Ben smashing—but their cohesion is strained. Arguments erupt: Reed’s experiments waste time, Johnny’s recklessness risks exposure, Ben’s bitterness sours morale. Sue mediates, her voice cracking under the strain, their love a threadbare lifeline in a world that’s taken everything else.
Key Encounter: The Four raid a Roxxon lab to steal tech for Reed’s cure. Sue cloaks them, Johnny torches guards, Ben breaches walls, and Reed snags the device—but drones swarm, Johnny’s flames falter, and Ben takes a hit. They escape, battered, Sue snapping at Reed: “This better work.” It doesn’t, and their silence speaks louder than words.
Loss, Grief, and Agony
Loss: Their old lives—science, family, hope—are gone, replaced by a hunted existence. The world they meant to save now chases them, their lab a memory, their unity a casualty of the blast.
Grief: They mourn what they were: Reed his vision, Sue their future, Johnny his freedom, Ben his humanity. Each failure—Reed’s cures, Sue’s shields—deepens the wound, a collective grief for a life they can’t reclaim.
Agony: Their powers hurt them—Reed’s stretching, Sue’s fading, Johnny’s burning, Ben’s cracking—a constant torment. Emotional agony festers too: guilt, resentment, the slow bleed of a family unraveling under pressure.
Role in the Absolute Universe
The Four intersect with the Absolute Avengers and X-Men as reluctant allies, their tech and grit a wildcard in the war. Tony Stark clashes with Reed—genius versus genius—while Steve Rogers respects Sue’s leadership. Namor sees them as surface fools, Magneto a cautionary tale. Peter Parker quips with Johnny, a rare lightness, but their isolation sets them apart—they’re not saviors, just survivors, fighting a personal battle in a broader collapse.
Tone and Themes
The Absolute Fantastic Four are a story of brilliance turned to ash—a family not of choice but of consequence, their powers a punishment, their bond a fragile defiance. Loss strips them bare, grief binds them, agony breaks them—yet they endure, a fractured unit in a fractured world, chasing a cure that might never come. They’re not the first family of heroes—just four souls clinging to each other, scarred and unbowed, in a universe that offers no reprieve.
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sagetheenbymage · 2 years ago
Okay so. I was thinking about how it seems that Ian has better chemistry with Addison than her actual fiancé. Working off of that, I'm thinking of writing a fic where it turns out that Ben and Addison, after years of leaping (and after Ben returns home), decide that they no longer work as a domestic partnership. The parting is a sad but there is no anger or resentment; they agree that they are different people now who don't work together as they ought to, and that after they both take some time off, they can at least be civil to each other at work, and maybe rebuild their friendship. After a respectful half-year, Ian comes to Ben to ask if them asking Addison out would cause drama. Ben says that it would hurt, but it would be unfair for him to cause drama or demand that Addison never falls in love again. Ultimately he gives his... blessing, for lack of a better word, by saying that he will not allow his feelings on the matter to effect his relationship with either of them. He tells them that he was already so glad that Ian was there for her as a friend before Ben could be, and that he knows they'll be good for each other. An hour later, he has a similar conversation with Addison, who appears to be completely unaware that Ian's been looking at her with a totally in love expression for months now. A month later, and Ben's tired of Ian and Addison pining at each other. Magic is tired of Ian and Addison pining at each other. Jenn is tired of Ian and Addison pining at each other. Janice disappears because she is sick of the mutual pining. And neither of them have spoken to each other. Eventually, it's Ben of all people who traps the pair into talking it out.
I wanted to know your thoughts on this?
I’ve heard people talk about how Ian & Addison have more chemistry then Addison & Ben and honestly…they’re not wrong.
I’m thinking…longfic slow burn romance, it would be my first longfic, and I’d probably post it on ao3 if I were to guess.
it might take me a bit since it is a long fic…I’m currently in Hawaii, (which is like, amazing, I went to a luau last night and it was incredible!!) ANYWAY
I might get started on Tuesday if I were to guess…if that’s OK with you of course? I won’t start it until you give me the go ahead because it is you’re idea, (and of course I’ll give you credits in the summary.)
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hannahhook7744 · 3 years ago
A light for nobody:
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Requested by @captainthomasrobbie for my sad lyric/quote descendants writing challenge.
The Quote: Behind every sweet smile there is a bitter sadness noone can see or hear. It hurts to leave a light on for nobody.
The character: Chad Charming.
Trigger warning; child neglect, sadness, death, Cinderella and Kit being bad parents, etc.
Behind every sweet smile there is a bitter sadness noone can see or hear.
It hurts to leave a light on for nobody.
Nobody knows this better than Chad charming.
He isn't the person most people would think of when they think of the word 'alone' or the word 'lonely' or the word 'unloved' but that was exactly what he was.
He hadn't always been that way, however.
Once when he was younger, he had, had it all.
A loving grandpa.
Loving staff in the form of Duke and Prudence.
Two loving uncles.
A loving fairy Godmother and her kids.
A loving aunt and four loving cousins.
3 loving mice.
A loving dog.
A loving horse.
A loving cat.
5 loyal and loving friends, and a sure way to college in the form of sports.
A loving little sister.
He had the world at his fingers as a child and hadn't even known it.
But as all things do, everything changed.
His uncle James was dragged off to the isle and then a few years down the line, Anastasia was too.
Then his grandpa died.
Then Prudence and Duke followed.
Then Fairy Godmother and Jacob started to notice just how much Chad stayed over, and started asking questions, and then he wasn't allowed to go over as often anymore because it upset his parents.
Which meant that he was trapped in the castle, left to notice just how often his parents took his younger sister out without even asking if he wanted to go.
Left to realize just how little his parents cared for him.
His friends started to drift away from him except for Audrey, leaving him to cling to what little remained of all their friendships.
Doug started to resent them.
Jane started to see a stranger.
Ben got busy.
Lonnie got tired of Auardon's bullshit.
Audrey got obsessed with Ben and her crush on him.
And Chad was left behind yet again.
He had to adapt or die, and adapt he did. Though not necessarily for the best.
He straightened his hair. Neglected his school work. Threw himself into his looks and sports, and began resenting his sick little sister who he knew his parents loved more.
He acted out, desperate for their attention. Good or bad.
He lashed out at his friends, driving them away further.
Chad was almost unrecognizable by middle school. The old him was gone and dead. Much to his uncle and Fairt Godmother's displeasure.
Audrey was his only confidante and was slowly spending more and more time with Ben, who soon became her boyfriend.
He became M.V.P of the swords and shields team, and the Tourney team. Colleges everywhere were looking at him, waiting for him to graduate and then the vks showed up.
Behind every sweet smile there is a bitter sadness noone can see or hear.
It hurts to leave a light on for nobody.
Chad, at 18, wasn't proud of the person he became or how he acted towards the vks. But he knew that he couldn't change it.
And he knew that he'd never have his world back.
Now he had left the prince life behind and everything that came with it. Had vanished in the night to see how long it would take anyone to notice he was gone.
4 weeks.
It had taken 4 weeks and his 10 year old sister, Chloe, had been the one to notice when she had been reintroducing their aunt, Anastasia, and their cousins, and their uncle James (and his son Carlos) to the castle and everyone in it.
Chad knew then that he was never going to return.
Why would he when he wouldn't be missed?
It hurts to leave a light on for nobody.
Chad knew this still at 24 though the pain had lessened as he had come to expect it.
It had been 6 years since he had left home. Since he had left Auardon. And he had slowly but surely made a life for himself as something other than a wannabe trophy husband prince.
He had stopped straightening his hair and and had let it grown out.
He had built a beautful little cabin in the woods and lived alone with his many pets.
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And as he sat in a rocking chair on his porch, staring out at the sun set, Diamond (his cat) in his lap. Swiggles (his dog) asleep at his feet.His mice (Dagger, Cobalt, and Starlet) rocking in their own chairs across on his side, squeaking at his white horse, Colonel...
Gil chopping wood in the front yard.
Chad thought that maybe, just maybe.. it wasn't all bad. And that maybe. Just maybe... this could turn into something more.
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faillicya · 4 years ago
This isn't an art request I'm just curious! Which pastas know each other in your canon?
—Great question, thank you for asking!
So first of all, I could go on and on about the various dynamics. I was about to write a full-on essay, but I realise that it would take way too long, for a simple question. If you want more details about a certain relationship, don't hesitate to ask, I would love to talk about it! :)
( Bloody Painter and Puppeteer are also missing, I haven't figured them out yet. This HC is subject to change, for now, it will do.)
Jeff & Liu —
Liu wants his brother back and convinces him to stop his mindless killing, but Jeff is resentful, he doesn't want to remember or connect to anything of his past. In his mind, his brother is dead. The only reason why Jeff didn't kill Liu yet is because Sully always gets in the way.
Liu & Jane —
Liu feels pity for Jane, but because their goals are opposite they do not get along. Sully feel different toward Jane, he doesn't feel bad for her, but he does have some level of respect for her. On the other hand, Jane just thinks Liu is an imbecile for running after Jeff.
Jane & Jeff —
Jane hates Jeff deeply, I don't believe I need to mention why. Jeff is more amused by her tentative at killing him, he could have killed her many times, but in the end it creat a source of entertainment for him.
Jeff The Killer & Eyeless Jack—
Jack was starving, he made a mistake with managing his stock of meat, and he wasn't even able to go out since it was daytime. He crossed paths with one of Jeff targets in an abandoned building where he was living. Jack devour them without a second taught, and Jeff witnesses the whole scene with his very own eye.
Jeff The Killer & Ben Drowned —
Ben previous victim had buried his game far from electricity and technological device, so he was trapped there, his spirit buried deep underground. Eventually, Jeff walked near Ben location and out of despair, made contact with him. Jeff has never come across a supernatural entity, so he helped him out after some taught.
Jeff The Killer & Masky —
They were both arrested around the same time and happened to be sent to the same asylum. Masky blunt personality peeked Jeff interest, they both planed an escape, succeed, and went back on their respective track.
Masky & Hoody —
Hoody personality has almost completely taken over Brian. He's neutral and at the same time aggressive toward Masky. Tim feels bad for Brian, but at this point, have lost all hope that Brian would even come to normal.
Slenderman & Hoody —
Has completely ruined him mentally, he's at his complete order, what is left of Brian is insignificant. Even if he could come back, he would be too scared to fight back.
Slenderman & Masky —
He's much more rebellious than Hoody, Tim is still there, somewhere. He hates Slenderman but has no choice but to obey him. If he dares to fight back, his life will be on the line.
Slenderman & The Rake —
Slenderman try to tame it for his profit, failed, try to lock it in the basement, almost killed Masky, try to lock it in a cage, the creature broke the door and escaped. Slenderman will catch him, eventually.
Slenderman & Laughing Jack —
Slenderman try to blackmail Jack into working with him, but I never found a reason good enough, he tries to manipulate him, but you can't fool an old clown. Jack knows better but to avoid this entity at all cost.
Slenderman & Eyeless Jack —
The tall being has been observing the demon for a while. Slenderman want's E.J. as his proxy, but Jack think differently. He wants nothing to do with Slenderman. Slenderman is just waiting for the right moment.
Slenderman & Zalgo —
Very tense conflict. A direct fight could cause the end of both parties. This is the main reason they are enemies because they are a mutual threat to each other.
Candy Pop & Laughing Jack —
Candy respect Jack craftsmanship, but he doesn't understand him as a person or his motive, although he never cared to find out.
Laughing Jack finds Candy Pop annoying. Jack prefer to be alone and having this loud-mouthed individual bothering him just irritates him.
Laughing Jack & Sally Williams —
The clown hates her to no end, many times she got in his way, trying to save children, and since she's a ghost, there wasn't much he could do. Sally on the other end, despite the clown. In the end, they mostly avoid each other.
Jason The Toymaker & Laughing Jack —
They accidentally target the same prey, turned out poorly and are now consider enemies. They did have a few decent encountering after this, Jack does understand Jason loneliness but at the same time find him foolish and naive.
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ponderosus · 1 year ago
layla didn't exactly resent benj as much as she might have that many years ago, rather just offered no sympathy. she found no reason to soften her words to make him feel any better. the facts were the facts. "can't say that five years ago i wouldn't of been thrilled to know i could make you hyper aware of your actions while trapped in a metal box." a bout of laughter escapes layla lips, shaking her head. the comment comes out as a joke, however it's very true. the universe must have known the only way to get a serial denialist to deal with his actions was in a confined space. "i'm not trying to be mean to you, ben. it's just the truth." a shrug rolls off her shoulders, "whether you agree, or care, is your business."
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That he did, Ben cannot and will not argue. It'd been a selfish choice, nothing can be said to change the very nature of it. "Maybe while not trapped in a metal box?" That'd been the worst part of it, but he just figures it's karma really getting him this time. It's easier to let her negative feelings roll off his shoulders when he can make a run for it.
He leans up against the wall, arms crossed defensively over his chest, and he shrinks into himself. Trying to make himself smaller, lessen his presence as if that would save him from anything else to be said.
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"Oh. Thank Christ," he sighs out in relief. "I feel like I can breathe now."
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autisticandroids · 3 years ago
before we begin this post is about lisa so let's get that out of the way. anyway one thing about me is that i tend to read the really bad things dean does to those around him as not just an expression of his control issues and his objectification of the people around him, but also like. unconscious expressions of deep-seated resentment.
like this is reasonably canonical with sam - dean does resent sam, that's explicit. he's spent his whole life having to take care of sam, and has no identity outside of this. and this isn't sam's fault - in childhood, it was john's fault, and then once john was gone, dean kept them both locked in that pattern because it was all he knew and he didn't know how to get out, or who he would be if he did. and he resents sam for all sorts of reasons in adulthood, too. like he resents sam for getting out of their family, and for leaving him, and for wanting to leave him and be free, for not loving him enough, for making decisions that dean later had to clean up the consequences of, etc. etc. etc. whether all of this is true or not, it's what dean believes, and what dean resents sam for.
i think it's reasonable to say he resents cas, for similar but very different reasons, as well as some other reasons. like he resents cas because he feels responsible for cas (because he sees cas as a child) and cas is constantly fucking up. he resents cas because he gets angry with cas but still cares about him, so he resents the fact that he still has to maintain a relationship with someone that he's angry at (because he loves them). he resents the fact that cas forgives him for things, which makes him feel like a tool when he's mean. i think you could even argue that he resents the fact that he desires cas, because he doesn't want to, even though i think that's less evident from the text.
he resents mary because (again this is more explicit) having her around as a real person destroys the perfect motherfantasy that he was raised on, and also because he feels like her presence should restore the comfort and safety of his childhood, but it doesn't. like he wants to yield the title of head of the family to her so that he doesn't have to run things anymore, but he also literally wants to go back to being a four year old child who never lost his mom and was never abused by his dad and etc. etc. etc., and she both refuses to give him the first and is incapable of giving him the second.
he resents lisa (and lisa-and-ben) because he feels trapped and unhappy in his relationship with her, both because he promised sam to get with her and because he feels like his relationship with her is something he should want, even though he doesn't.
(i don't think jack fits into this model because i wouldn't call dean's feelings towards him "love poisoned by resentment" in the way that's true of the others. they're more suspicion and dislike and even hatred eventually tempered by affection.)
and like. none of this is rational. and if dean spelled it out to himself he would recognize that it isn't rational. but it's like entirely unconscious. this is the logic his emotionbrain is working off, not his reasonbrain.
and i think that whenever he does something terrible to one of these people like, for their own good/to keep them on the straight and narrow, it is mostly because he doesn't really see them as full adults/humans (mary is kind of exempt from this because he sort of sees her as an equal. i don't know if he ever does anything particularly bad to her for these reasons), and because he needs to control everything, and because he doesn't really perceive his family members as separate from himself, and because he believes in preserving family over everything, and because he doesn't want to be alone, and all of that. but he also does it as a covert expression of his resentment. he is hurting them on purpose, because they've hurt him. he doesn't know he's hurting them on purpose, he doesn't think that's what he's doing, but in some back corner of his mind it is.
anyway this is why i could never get into deanlisa.
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strangermarvelss · 4 years ago
breathe- p.p
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Pairing: Ex!Peter Parker x Female!Reader
Summary- Peter was just outed as Spider-man and has no idea what to do
Warnings- angst, panic attacks, fluff in the end, please don’t read if any of this is triggering towards you
Word Count- 1.8k
A/N: hello all! Idk why but I feel as if I am catching up on the ideas I’ve had since the last time I’ve written anything and catching up on where the MCU left off. Plus the No Way Home trailer being released gave me extra motivation. Enjoy! -sava
“Spider-man’s real name in Peter Parker!” Mysterio’s voice booms as the video clip played on multiple screens in Times Square. 
You brought your hand over your mouth, gasping harshly. Peter’s identity was just exposed, and you felt like the entire world just stopped. You had just saw him and MJ swinging through the city as you were walking to the MoMA with Betty, taking a cut through Times Square since you loved watching people fall for that tourist trap. But in that moment, you could only think about Peter, and how he was feeling and what he was doing to take this all in.
“Oh my god! Peter is Spider-man?” Betty exclaims, looking to you, then looking up at Peter, who was perched up on a light, looking as if he was freaking out. You heart clenched looking at him up there, knowing how he was anxious a lot, especially after everything with Uncle Ben, and now with Mr. Stark. You knew how important it was to keep is identity a secret, and now that it has not only been revealed, but Mysterio made him out to be a criminal, which you and all his friends knew was a lie. You also knew that Peter’s stress was at an all time high.
Yeah, the two of you haven’t been a couple since everyone got snapped back and Peter “needed time to himself”, which lead to him immediately getting with MJ on the trip a few months later, you still felt for him. You were his girlfriend for two years, and best friends ever since the 5th grade. Yes, you resented him for breaking up with you and having to watch him chase after MJ all through your trip to Europe, but seeing the news break now about his identity pushed those feeling out of the way, as the only thing you could think about doing is comforting Peter, since he was still your best friend.
“Do you think Ned knows? Or MJ? I bet that’s why they’re swinging away right now! OMG, Y/N, did you know?! You’re Peter’s best friend, who am I kidding, of course you knew!” You hear Betty ramble. 
“Look Betty, I really have to go check on Peter, I’m sorry to cancel on our plans. Can we go to MoMA some other time?” You ask, your voice sounding rushed and panicked. She nods and you silently thanked her with a nod, taking off down the street towards Queens.
You try to call Peter probably 40 times as you made your way back to your apartment. You text him more than enough times too, telling him to meet you there. You knew going to his apartment was probably the worst idea, as May was probably freaking out and Peter seeing May upset and scared would just put even more pressure and hurt onto him, and the cops might be on their way to his apartment to look for him and bring him in for questioning, which he didn’t need right now.
As you got into the elevator of your apartment, you let out a big sigh. You knew Peter was going to be safe no matter where he was, and hopefully he would see all your notifications about telling him to meet you here at your place, since he always knew it was a safe haven, no matter the circumstance. The two of you spent countless nights at your place, when you were little, and when you were dating. He would rant about the stresses of Spider-man or vent about his grief towards Uncle Ben, and you would always listen and be there for him however he needed.
You unlock your front door and closed it slowly, letting your back press on the cold wood. Your mother and father weren’t home, as it was the middle of the work day and wouldn’t be back until 6 or 7, depending on traffic and how late they needed to stay. You throw your purse onto the couch in your living room and rub your face carefully, trying not to rub the makeup off with your frustration. You swing into the hall and make your way to the end, turning to your bedroom and opening the door, a scream accompanying.
“Oh my god, Peter!” You scream, rushing into your room and shutting the door quickly behind you. The curtains were drawn already, which you knew was his doing. Your lamp on your bedside table was on, letting some light into the dark room. You noticed that Peter’s mask was off and his head was in his hands, visibly shaking. You kneeled down by your bed where he was, rub his arm, trying to comfort him.
“Y-your window was unlocked, so I-I hope that was okay,” he says, breath shaky. You sigh and look at him. He’s never been like this before, not even when Uncle Ben died. This was this most distraught and nervous you have ever seen him, and it only hurt you more. 
“That’s okay Peter. I’m glad you got my messages,” you say, trying to sound as cheerful and hopeful as possible. He looked up at you with tear filled eyes, still shaking and breathing heavy. 
“Peter, are you okay? Can I do anything to help you right now?”
“I-um-I…I don’t know. I can’t b-believe that this is h-happening,” he try to make you, his breathing becoming heavier. You see that tears are coming out of his eyes as he continues to breathe harder, his chest rising and falling at a rapid pace and a look of panic plastered on his face. You get up and sit beside him, rubbing his back to try and somewhat soothe him. 
“Peter, try to breathe for me okay? Try to get your breathing back to normal okay?” 
“I-I can’t Y/N..I’m just so-“ he began to say, his arms moving in circles as he tries to talk, but can’t formulate the words. You turn his head to you and start to breathe slowly, inhaling and exhaling. 
“Try to match my breathing Peter. In, and out. In, and out” You explain to him, demonstrating the pattern of breathing for him. You see him try, tears still streaming down his face. You continue to breathe with him, holding him as he does so. You wipe away a few tears, trying to get him to clear his mind and come back to the regular, less stressed Peter you knew so well. You notice his breathing is starting to regulate more, making your heart not clench as much.
Seeing Peter this stressed and in this much pain always made you sad, if not equally sad. You two have been through so much together, between your friendship and your relationship, the biggest being snapped away together and no longer existing for five whole years, really shakes people up. It was weird coming back and not immediately seeing Peter, but you knew he went with Stark to help defeat Thanos, so the job needed to be finished. 
Pulled back into reality, Peter’s breathing was back to it’s usual pace, his chest not working so hard to accompany the extra work his lungs were doing. You smiled a little, sighing as a sign that he would try to relax a little. He rested his head on your shoulder and you ran your hand through his hair. 
“Tell me what to do Y/N. How do I get through this?” He asks you, looking straight ahead.
“I know this is going to come out as a shock, but, for once in my life, I don’t have the answers for everything,” he explained to him playfully, trying to lighten the mood a bit. You heard him chuckle softly.
“I’m really sorry all of this is happening to you Peter,” you say softly. 
“It’s not your fault, Y/N.”
“Doesn’t mean I can’t feel sympathy or empathy for you,” you say, turning your head towards him. He lifts him head from your shoulder and turns to face you. His eyes are red and puffy from all the crying, his face looking stressed with the redness. Peter sighs, getting up from the bed and starting to pace a little.
“I just don’t know how any of this happened. He’s dead! When did he even record all of this, I was with him the whole time!” He started to exclaim. You noticed his breathing was starting to pick up again and started to panic yourself.
“Peter, okay, try to relax. Try to walk yourself through it without working yourself up too much, okay? You explain to him, trying to remain calm so he matches your energy.
You see Peter stop and take a deep breath, letting it out slowly as he rests his hands on his hips, his head pointed down. He tilts his head back up, looking at the ceiling as he lets out another deep breath. 
“I was with him on the bridge, the whole time, until he died. I checked to see he was gone…I don’t know how he could’ve recorded that message,” he tells you calmly.
“You said he was a master of manipulation, right? Did he use any illusions on you while you were on the bridge?” You ask him. You seem his demeanor change, as if a lightbulb went off in his head.
“Yeah…yeah he did! I had to use my Peter tingle- I mean, spidey sense, to get through it, maybe he did it during that time!” He shouts, anger starting to come out. He turns to you and notices you trying to be calm still, and tries to come back down from his anger high. 
“Okay, that’s some progress. That’s good,” you say, trying to be as optimistic as possible. You send him a small smile and he just looks at you.
“Thank you Y/N, I appreciate you helping me today, it means a lot. But I know what I have to do next,” he says, confidence dripping out in his voice.
“And what is that, Spider-man?”
“Well first, I have to go check on May, because I know she’s freaking out right now,” he pauses, taking a second to regain his thoughts as you see sadness appear on his face. “Then, I have to go to the police, and try to clear my name. I don’t know how I’m going to do it, but I have to try” he explains to you. You nod, silently signaling that it’s all a good idea. 
You didn’t know how he was going to do it either. The video is evidence against him, which definitely won’t help him. But no matter what, you know that you, and Ned, MJ, May, and a lot of other people will be there to support Peter no matter what it takes, or whatever the outcome of going to the police to try and get his name cleared. But you did know, that he needed a backup plan as well, better to be safe than sorry.
“And if that doesn’t work?” You ask.
“I have another plan.”
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skyesu · 3 years ago
Your takes on the pastas are really cool, especially for ben and BEN, pretty interesting way of having both canon and fanon designs included in the art! Do you have any headcanons for the pastas personalities?
Aaagh thank you!! I did separate Ben & BEN to represent Ben the actual kid & BEN the program but having originally designed Kid Ben in like. 7th-8th grade???? He is the more fanon-y out of the two of them.
- Natalie is a diagnosed psychopath & is very blunt, rash, violent and ridiculing, basically ur classic creepypasta boye. She is v flirtatious too in certain settings but it’s impossible to tell if she means it or not lmao. She’s unleashed a lot of her repressed anger already since running away & has mellowed out a bit—she can even grow to care for certain people, tho it takes a lot of time & a lot of trial and error for her to begin caring in an “acceptable” way.
- Jeff is very Tired. That’s like the most concise way I can describe it. He’s schizophrenic and has trauma-induced BPD which can make him seem very volatile and destructive, when really they’re both incidental to him being a killer. He kills mostly for survival and while not outright violent off the bat, is usually very dismissive of others and would rather be left alone. Needless to say this causes Problems when he comes across someone he actually ends up liking
- Jack might be the most well-adjusted out of all of them, besides maybe Ben?? He’s very snarky and resigned, kind of like a more peppy Jeff but he has way more refined social skills and would be pretty open to others if not for his.,predicament. Which is he kind of needs to be a cannibal to live. He distances himself from a lot of the bad things he does and dismisses them as “part of the job” or “just survival,” both of which are true but..you can only have so many excuses buddy
- Ben (kid version) is actually pretty normal!! But like the others, he’s pretty resigned to his station by now (being dead AND trapped in a shitty little n64 cartridge) and is also very used to being passed around like a hot potato that nobody really wants to be stuck with—so abandonment issues on that end as well!! But even so, he’s usually very “”chill”” and tries to be a good person and friend, though is gripped by the fear that he’ll end up hurting someone he cares about (as has happened before).
- BEN (evil evil dude) is the thing Ben is afraid will hurt people. It’s his “”other half,”” as Ben calls it, or even “that thing” but it resents those labels a bunch because it believes it has just as much of a right to be residing in Ben’s soul as he does. It’s very chaotic, manipulative, & maniacal and rarely shows any true emotional depth when toying with victims, though if you say the right (extremely hurtful) things it will be caught off guard and be genuinely upset. Which isn’t much better because it will actually want to kill you so maybe don’t try that
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stark-tony · 4 years ago
underrated irondad and spiderson fic recs part 1
Men's Synch 3m Platform by loudestfandomsoftheworld
summary: or 5 times Peter Parker goes dumpster diving, and one time he does something else... " “You took my nephew dumpster diving?” Ben asked incredulously.
 His wife stood tall with a toddler strapped to her chest, tugging at one end of a couch with all her might. “I did not,” 
“Twash!” Peter yelled."
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
do you even remember what the world looks like? by iron_spider
summary: Tony’s heart has been working on overdrive since this whole thing started. Friday has a countdown clock plastered on the heads up display, but it feels like hieroglyphics to him at this point, like some ancient language he could never master.
Because when Peter Parker is missing, things start losing their meaning real quick.
“Should be around here,” Rhodey says on the com. May is still on the other line, listening in, because once a certain amount of time goes by without word from Peter, things move into Extremely Worried Aunt territory. They’re already in Tony Is Panicking territory, and when both of those territories overlap it’s never a good time for anybody.
Time? What the hell is time? His mind is blanking numbers out entirely. Minutes are seconds are hours are years.
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort
warnings: none
Empty Casket by Jen27ny
summary: After the Vulture, Tony should have known better.
He should have listened to Peter.
But he didn’t.
And now, Peter is dead.
pairings: none
tags: angst
warnings: none
Patient #2252 by TheSoulOfAStrawberry
summary:  When a warehouse comes down on Spider-Man’s head and leaves him with a brain injury, Queens social worker Bianca Browne and Dr Grace Li of NY-Presbytarian Hospital find themselves racing the NYPD to uncover Spidey’s identity and get him help before he can be charged with a litany of crimes.
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort
warnings: police brutality
That's why they call me mr. fahrenheit by SparrowFlight246
summary: Peter’s on fire.
He wakes up fast, and before he even gets the chance to feel the pain, the aches, the dizziness, he feels the heat. It’s all encompassing, a raging inferno blooming from within him and burning him up from the inside out, and god, it—
—god, it hurts.
Peter gets whammied by a 24-hour superbug, and Tony’s left to keep him alive until tomorrow morning.
It sounds a hell of a lot easier than it ends up being.
pairings: none
tags: angst, hurt/comfort
warnings: none
not like megatron by iron_spider
summary: “Hi! This is Peter Parker, I can’t get to the phone right now, so leave a message and I’ll call you back later! Hopefully not too much later, but don’t get your hopes up!”
Tony knows that message by heart. He’s heard it hundreds of times, in a greyer world, and it sends shivers down his spine as he climbs into the car.
He doesn’t think about that place. That half-world. No way, that’s done, that’s over, that’s history.“Hey, kid, don’t you know it’s bad etiquette to go and disappear on your birthday? Not allowed, really, really bad vibes from the universe. What’s going on with your suit? I wasn’t watching. Nope. Just got an alert. What’s going on? Uh, call me back.” He clears his throat and hangs up like a moron, driving out into the street.
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort, fluff
warnings: none
Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater by frostysunflowers
summary:  ''Dying.''
''You’re not dying.''
''Totally am.'
'''God, I hope not, otherwise May will skin me alive.''
A weekend visit to the cabin doesn't go according to plan.
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort, humor
warnings: none
an irondad's misguided approach to homesickness by livingtheobsessedlife
summary: Peter mentions it once. Once. That he’s maybe kinda sorta vaguely somewhat homesick. MIT is no Queens, that’s all really. All in all, Pete’s having a great time at college. Really, truly.
The thing is that Tony’s never really taken the whole ‘only mentioning it once’ thing all that well. Not when it comes to Peter at least.
This time is no exception.
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
you held your pride like you should have held me by searchingforstars
summary: “I had to take the risk!” Peter snaps. “I saved your life.”
Tony’s stare hardens. “Yeah, and nearly ended your goddamn own. This isn’t a trade-off. It wasn’t your call to make.”
“You would have done the same thing to protect me,” Peter points out. Tony just seethes at the statement.
“I don’t care about what you think I would have done. You are not me. And I don’t know who you think I am, but I’m perfectly capable of looking after myself."
or, as the timer ticked down, Peter knew his only option was to take things into his own hands. He just didn’t expect Tony to be mad at him for saving his life.
pairings: none
tags: angst, hurt/comfort
warnings: none
always on duty by parkrstark
summary:  Peter manages to convince Tony to take him to a gala, but when Tony is hurt, he realizes that it's just as dangerous to be Tony Stark as it is to be Iron Man. 
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort, fluff, humor
warnings: none
Out of Left Field by blondsak, seekrest
summary: Even if Tony didn’t end up becoming a big fan of the Mets, Peter knew they’d still have a great time at the game. And the fact that Tony wanted to go with Peter badly enough to make it clear that he should buy a pair of tickets as a birthday gift?
Peter shakes his head fondly.
Maybe for once the month of May was going to work out for him after all.
pairings: spideychelle
tags: fluff, humor
warnings: none
three weeks, two days, seven hours by crowkag
summary: It was a mess. A real mess. Peter had been gone for three weeks, two days, and seven hours, taken right out from under their noses.
And Tony was laying on the floor.
(AKA “you’ll always get there first”, but from Tony’s POV.)
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort, fluff
for as long as i live and as long as i love (i will never not think about you) by searchingforstars
summary: When Tony first started to forget things, Peter thought maybe it was just age. People’s memories fade as they get older, right? Minds get weaker. It’s just natural.
But Tony has arguably the sharpest mind of the 21st century. Peter should have realised that it was never going to be just getting weaker. It was never going to be just age.
No - not when the sharpest mind of the 21st century also happened to come into contact with the deadliest amount of gamma radiation known to man five years ago.
or, Tony’s sacrifice is still haunting them five years later. Peter has to come to terms with the fact that Tony’s memory is fading.
pairings: none
tags: angst
warnings: none
a dream is a wish by floweryfran
summary: Tony seems to panic for a moment, shifting his weight foot to foot, before spitting out in one mouthful, “I have a business trip in Florida right before your spring break and I talked to May and she says I can bring you to Disney for the week once it’s done ahhh.” He then breathes, grins plastically, and holds his hands out, like, I’m Tony Stark, hold your applause.
Peter runs the words through his head no less than three times to make sure he had understood them properly. “Disney—you and me—spring break?” he repeats.
Tony nods, hair flopping. “I mean, like, don’t feel obligated to say yes, but I thought it would be fun since May says you’ve never gone and she would’ve been working for your whole break anyway, y’know, at least this way we won’t be worrying about you sitting home alone for hours doing G-d only knows what—building accidental robot armies or something, or, worse, becoming a couch potato and forgetting every bit of knowledge I’ve ever carefully placed in that rat trap you call a brain—”
“Tony,” Peter says, waving his hands to shut Tony up. Something warm sits in the core of his chest, hovering. “Yeah,” he says. “Yeah, yeah, for sure, let’s—Disney. Let’s go. Wow.”
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
Of birthday cake and millennium falcons by frostysunflowers
summary: "You still haven’t answered my question," MJ says, taking another sip of her juice.
 "Isn’t it obvious?" Tony replies, scratching at one of the scars on his neck with the end of a screwdriver. "It’s Ben’s birthday."
"And Ben’s birthday warrants a…" MJ waves a hand vaguely, "what the hell is that thing anyway?"
Tony has no self control when it comes to birthday parties and his grandson.
pairings: spideychelle
tags: fluff
warnings: none
what i have, i give to you by aatticsaltt
summary:  Tony would give everything to Peter Parker, if he asked for it. When May calls telling Tony she thinks Peter isn't feeling well, he drops everything to go check up on his favorite spider kid.
pairings: pepperony
tags: fluff, hurt/comfort
warnings: none
Smile! by aatticsaltt
summary:  Taking Peter to Disney World was one of Tony's better ideas.
pairings: pepperony
tags: fluff
warnings: none
and when it's hard, i'll place your head into my hands by hopeless_hope
summary: “Tony,” Pepper sing-songs to get his attention. “Your mother hen is showing.”
“What?” he snaps indignantly. “I am not a mother hen. This is just... concern. Of the average kind. Perfectly normal.”
“Of course,” Pepper humors him, and he shoots her a dirty look as he types out a quick text to Peter.
It's been five days since Tony's heard from Peter, who's away at college, and Tony is not coping well. (Neither is Peter.)
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort, fluff
warnings: none
Of Wally-Crawly Harnesses and Over-Enthusiastic Hat-Bestowing Capabilities by TheOceanIsMyInkwell
summary: Tony raises a brow at him in triumph, then sniffs and rubs the side of his nose. “Besides, think of it this way. Now you got a bullet-proof neck.”
“Nobody would even shoot a sad-looking orphan bundled like a spring roll in Red Heart yarn,” Peter points out. “That’s just low.”
“Excuse me, young buck, I resent the implication that I would let Red Heart come within an inch of your skin.”
“You’re insufferable,” Peter says flatly. “I hate you.”
“And just for that, I think this calls for those wool socks I was working on,” Tony says brightly.
“No--no, wait--”
“It’s time to learn that your consequences have actions, Parker--”
“Wait, wait, I love your knitting, I think it’s super healthy and fulfilling and honestly the best thing that’s ever happened to you since you retired!” Peter hollers at the man’s figure as it retreats quickly down the hallway. -- After Peter faints into hibernation because he can't thermoregulate, Tony isn't taking anymore chances. Out come the wool skeins and the knitting needles.
pairings: none
tags: fluff, humor
warnings: none
how do you sandwich!? by killerqueenwrites
summary: “Why are you buttering toast before you toast it?
”“I’m not toasting this.”
“Then what are you doing?” Peter demands.
“I’m making a sandwich.”
pairings: none
tags: fluff, humor
warnings: none
What I Can't Live Without by aatticsaltt
summary: Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. Heavy lies the heart of the father who has to watch his son bow beneath the weight of the world.
or: When Peter calls Happy needing a ride out of the Netherlands, it's Tony who comes to the rescue.
pairings: none
tags: angst
warnings: none
Tales from Quarantine by just_a_hungry_author
summary: Peter, Morgan, and Tony are all stuck inside during the Coronavirus quarantine. Morgan learns to play Monopoly, Tony struggles to help with 1st grade math, and a prank war ensues.
God, this is the longest two weeks ever.
pairings: none
tags: fluff, humor
warnings: none
if we have each other by ftmpeter
summary: "Do you ever just, like, feel like you’re upside down?"
"You are upside down, Pete."
"Sounds fake."
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
What Happens in the Blanket Fort Stays in the Blanket Fort by TheOceanIsMyInkwell
summary: “Well, I was gonna discuss with May some legal particulars about changes to my will that involve you,” Tony drawls, “but looks like I’ll just have to change my plans.”
There’s a beat. And then a yodel: “I’m just a poor boy, I need--”
“If not for this goddamn quarantine, I’d be there in a flash to shut you up myself, Spidey-Tighties.”
“You made these ‘tights’.”
“Mr. Stark.”
“Mr. Stark. I’m begging you. What does that even mean.” -- Tony comes over to keep Peter company during the quarantine while the kid waits for May to come home from work at the hospital. Bants are had. Feelings are spilled. And maybe, just maybe, a hug or two is shared.
pairings: none
tags: fluff, humor
warnings: none
On his Shoulders by snarkymuch
summary: “Please, please,” Tony begged, “Keep breathing, kid. Don’t do this to me. You can’t leave me like this.” The morning started like any other for Tony. He kissed Pepper good morning and sipped his coffee. He scanned his emails and chatted with Pepper about the vacation they were always planning but never took. The calm should have been a warning, as the storm always followed.
Peter and Tony get trapped in a building collapse and Peter is gravely injured.
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort
warnings: none
coronapocalypse by peterstank
summary:  “This whole quarantine thing shouldn’t even apply to me.”
“Uh, I beg to differ, it’s very serious,” replies Tony’s voice, slightly muffled like he’s got his phone pressed between his shoulder and chin. “We’re all on lockdown, which means no leaving your place unless it’s for emergencies.”
“And what qualifies as an emergency?”
There’s a pause.
“Why do I get the feeling you’re not in your apartment?”
pairings: none
tags: fluff, humor
warnings: none
Little White Lies by snarkymuch
summary:  Peter gets injured and tries to treat it himself, hiding it from Tony, but he can't keep it hidden forever.
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort
warnings: none
Peter Parker and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Semester by just_a_hungry_author
summary: "So tell me, Kid." Tony said, patting the space next to him. "What's been going on?"
"Nothing's been going on." Peter denied, but he sat down anyway.
"Pete, don't bottle your emotions up. Only I'm allowed to do that."
When Peter again didn't smile at his joke, Tony continued. "I know you're stressed, Bud. But tell me why so I can help you."
"It's nothing you can help." Peter mumbled.
"Can I at least try?"
"I've just been having a bad week."
OR: Peter’s been having a rough time at college, Tony tries to jump in and help. 3000 words of pure fluff.
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
Windy Webs by silentsaebyeok
summary:  And that was it. He was officially an idiot. Peter didn’t mean to be dramatic, but this was one of the most embarrassing things to ever happen to him, even if there was no one around to witness the fall of the century. -- Peter goes web-slinging in dangerous weather and gets seriously injured. It doesn't help that he has to spend the whole summer living with the consequences.
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort
warnings: none
Peter gets the chickenpox by snarkymuch
summary:  Peter and Morgan both catch the chickenpox. Morgan's case is mild, but Peter's is severe. Tony takes care of them both.
pairings:  none
tags: hurt/comfort, fluff
warnings: none
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