#extended descendants verse
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hannahhook7744 · 20 days ago
hc for The Heart Siblings ?
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Quinlynn, Hardy/Hart, and Red/Róisín were born on the isle of the lost. When the barrier was brought down Quinlynn was 21, Hardy was 18 (almost 19), and Red was 10.
Hardy's birthday is February 14th.
Hardy has been rumored to be an affair child: the rumors on who exactly cheated aren't really clear and the Heart siblings aren't really sure there's any truth to it at all.
When asked why they look so different from one another, they always respond with one of two things: "Genetics are weird" or "Wonderland genetics".
Hardy is a part of Uma's crew, Quinlynn is a part of Harriet's crew, and Red is a bit of a loner but eventually joins the Badun Detective Agency.
Out of the three siblings, Red is the only one who didn't really mind working at her mother's salon. She hated having her as a teacher, though (they all did).
Hardy (along with the rest of the crew) ends up briefly working at Auradon Prep (because Uma asked him to and he's not saying no to Uma).
Hardy and Quinlynn both avoid getting trapped in Wonderland when their mother took control (when Red was twelve or so) but Red wasn't so lucky.
They both hold a grudge against Beast for this since he did it while Ben and Mal were away (Ben was not happy to find this out and never ever left the kingdom in control of his parents again).
Hardy hated working at his mother's salon but would do it to keep the peace because he didn't want to deal with another fight.
Quinlynn gave her parents the hardest time, both when it came to working at the salon and at life in general.
Red is the only one who really yearns for her mother's love and approval still. Her siblings both gave up ages ago on that (she doesn't give up on it until after she resets the timeline the first time).
Quinlynn and Hardy are both protective of Red.
The three of them get along quite well. As well as siblings can, anyway.
Hart's full name is Prince Hartmann Hardison Hearts of Wonderland. He hates it and refuses to go by anything other than Hardy or Hart, even if it does cause a fight.
Quinlynn's full name is Princess Quinlynn Mirana Hearts of Wonderland. She is the only one who doesn't hate her actual first name.
Red's full name is Princess Róisín Evangeline Hearts of Wonderland. She also refuses to go by her actual name.
Quinlynn, Hardy, and Red all hold varying degrees of resentment towards their father for not protecting them, but none of them outright hate him (they claim to hate their mom, but well...she's their mom and they can't actually bring themselves to hate her. Not that they'll admit that).
Hardy taught Red how to do graffiti: Quinlynn pretends that she has no idea this has occurred but she's fully aware and pretends otherwise to keep up appearances as the 'stern older sister'.
Hardy spends as much time as he possibly can on the Lost Revenge without his mother storming over to get him.
Quinlynn became bitter and disillusioned with love because not only did Lil Yaz die before she could tell him how she felt but after she tried moving on with Cheekbones Stabbington, he died too. After losing them, she swore she'd never love again and she might just keep that promise. One might even call her depressed.
Hardy's weapon of choice is a pole axe, Quinlynn's weapon of choice is a Bardiche, and Red's is a flamingo croquet mallet (which her siblings made sure she knew how to use): though she's also handy with a sword and with things she can swing.
Hardy walks around and sleeps with a knife in his sock (inspired by this post).
Red's time traveling shenanigans erased Hardy/Hart from existence—which means the affair child allegations might be true. Though that doesn't explain his extreme resemblance to his dad and the fondness Qoh seems to have for him/the fact she claims him as hers.
Her time traveling shenanigans also brought two new Hearts siblings into existence: Couper and Pink.
Couper is a year younger than Red and Pink is two years younger than Red.
Pink’s full name is Princess Primula 'Pink' Euphrosyne Gulisa Diamond Hearts of Wonderland. She, like most of her siblings, prefers her nickname to her actual name.
Couper’s full name is Prince Copernicus Bayard Kingston Hearts of Wonderland.
Pink’s weapon of choice is a spear while Couper’s is card-shaped throwing stars. Pink is also handy with a staff and Couper's handy with an axe.
Couper is closer to Red than Pink is in the reset timeline. This is because he's not as close to his mom as Pink is because he gets dreams about the main timeline—the one Red was from.
He's still conflicted about how he feels about his mother. In this timeline, she isn't the Queen of Hearts: in this timeline, she didn't neglect them or abuse them by turning their friends into mindless objects loyal to only her.
She didn't do what she did to their cousins in this timeline where he exists. But she did it in Red’s.
Couper loves his mom but Red’s hurting and grappling with the guilt of erasing Hart and others from existence with her time traveling.
Pink is oblivious to this: she doesn't know why Red hates mom, while Couper can hardly look at her. All she knows is that Quinlynn is happy and loves mom, and that she herself is happy and loves mom. She doesn't know why her sister hates their mom and her and why she tolerates their dad more. It doesn't make sense to her and it hurts her.
It would be one thing if Red got along with her and didn't like their mom. But that's not the case and she just doesn't understand why Red hates her.
(Pink reminds Red of how Bridget and herself used to be when they were young and innocent. It scares her. She's afraid that something will make Pink snap like Bridget did or that Pink will do something she can't easily take back like Red, who's been grappling with whether or not she should try to fix what she did).
(How can she make Bridget back into a monster that hurt tons of people? How can she ruin her dad's happiness in this land? How can she erase two siblings and a third’s happiness to bring back another who wasn't happy to begin with?).
(How can she sit by and allow Hadie and Chloe to flounder with the knowledge they technically don't exist anymore despite the fact they're still here?).
(How can she—how could she—what did she do? What did they do? Nothing about this is right—can she even fix this?).
Pink is the most like their mom. She loves baking, loves the color pink and cutesy stuff, sometimes struggles to make friends, struggles with social cues, and is a people pleaser. It took her forever to start making friends other than her mom but she eventually managed.
Managed by getting into sports and making friends with the eventual other contestants in the Auradon Kingdom Cup Games.
But the games end up coming between them and make things stressful.
Pink is jealous of how close Red and Couper are, and wishes she could have that kind of relationship with one of her siblings. Quinlynn’s cool but the age gap between them means they don't get to spend a lot of time together and Pink feels like they barely know each other.
(Maybe she should have been named Green instead).
Pink is determined to beat Red, Couper, and all their friends at the games in the hopes that it will finally get Red to see her and start respecting her. To start seeing her as something other than pathetic for their mom being her best friend.
Couper and Red are oblivious to Pink’s struggles until the games.
Eventually Red makes the hard decision to go back in time with Chloe and the others they time traveled with (in my fic) to undo everything they did.
With the help of the Wonderland Stone, Chloe and Red (along with the other person who had time traveled with them) are able to ensure the continued existence of the kids their meddling created by making a wish with Its remaining power.
In the reset timeline all of the Hearts Siblings were born on the isle.
When the barrier is brought down Quinlynn is 21, Hardy is 16 going on 17, Red is 10, Couper is 9, and Pink is 8.
Red, Couper, and Pink are closer than they were before but Red feels guilty for making their lives worse. No matter how much they claim not to hold any resentment towards her.
The three of them, being the only ones who have memory of the other timelines, have mental health issues due to it all. They find ways to cope though.
The Hearts Siblings are all very protective of one another (and their cousins, to an extent).
The third timeline is a bit of a mix between the other two timelines: meaning it's better than the first timeline but not as good as the second. It's the preferred one for Red.
(It's the preferred one for Chloe too, who's happy to have her big brother back and to have Wonderland no longer separated from Auradon).
Red's favorite color is red, Pink's favorite color is pink, and Couper's favorite color is red while Quinlynn and Hart's favorite color is black.
Quinlynn, Hart, Couper, Pink, and Red all used to shout 'off with your head!' when angered when they were little. It's something none of them are proud of and have agreed not to talk of.
They all have gotten in an argument with the Hooks, de Vils, and Hearts over which shade of red is the best. No one won the argument but it did succeed in getting the three groups of vks to side eye their own siblings/cousins.
Quinlynn's first word was 'no', Hart's first word was 'fuck!', Red's was 'uh oh', Pink's was 'mama', and Couper's was 'Boo-Boo'.
Anyone who has babysat them or gotten in a fight with them or taught them can tell you these two things about them: 1. They all have horrid tempers and 2. They can and will bite without a second thought, but they will bite hard enough to draw blood.
Couper liked working at his mom's hair salon but has been banned from it because he lopped off a ton of hair on a customer for insulting him. He still claims it was warranted.
(On an unrelated note, Couper is Princess Debbie Tremaine-Westergaard's favorite Heart sibling and the only one she'll do business with).
Pink is the only Hearts sibling who can cook.
Hart is the sailing master of the Lost Revenge Crew.
Quinlynn is the 'personal hygiene expert'and 'hair stylist' of the Queen's Fury Crew.
Quinlynn likes doing nails, playing cards, baking, potions making, chemistry, doing hair (especially crazy hair), listening to music, and dancing.
Red likes science, reporting/writing for the school newspaper, art, parkour, sports, and detective work, among other things.
Pink likes sports, baking, cutesy fashion, and interior designing, among other things.
Couper likes hairstyling, sports, parkour, darts, throwing stuff, vandalism, and playing cards, among other things.
Hart likes sailing, parkour, sword fighting, vandalism, playing cards, dumpster diving, cryptid hunting, swimming with the sharks, pickpocketing, and hairstyling (he just doesn't like doing it for his mother).
Quinlynn at the request of @trashfr0g , eventually ends up getting her happily ever after with Ty Rabbit, Mother rabbit's kid.
Those are all the headcanons I have for now but thanks for asking.
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rendiamberspirit · 18 days ago
Arranged marriage / omega verse AU
Butsuma is dead, leaving Hashirama as the clan head and Tajima has stepped down after a serious injury he sustained the that last battle with Butsuma.
Now that Hashirama and Madara are clan heads they decide to pursue peace.
When peace is agreed upon the Uchiha demand a marriage to prove the Senju 's commitment.
As an omega of the main line Tobirama is the obvious candidate.
The Uchiha decide that is acceptable and a marriage happens between Tobirama and Madara (an alpha).
Things are going well they have been married for 6 months and Tobirama is already expecting.
It's Izuna's 19th birthday and there is a big party to celebrate with extended family, friends, and the elders.
Tobirama ends up admits his is only 9 days later.
Madara asks him if he is turning 19 or 20? He wasn't sure how old Tobirama actually was.
Tobirama gives him a weird look and says no, I'm turning 17.
Absolute silence descends. No one is speaking and everyone is staring at Tobirama in horror.
But none more so than Madara who looks like he might throw up.
Izuna says he must surely be joking. They joined the battlefield at the same time! They have to be closer in age.
Tobirama's just tilts his head and says his father had him joining the battlefield when he was 7. He was actually more surprised to hear Izuna was that much older than him. He too assumed they were the same ago.
Tajima, his face red with rage, asks how could his brother sell him off in a marriage when he is still a minor. That's beyond fucked up.
Tobirama defends his brother saying that Hashirama was the only thing that had stopped him from being married off when he was 15, he was grateful for the extra year of being a shinobi.
Everyone looks even more shocked and outraged. 15?!? That's beyond messed up.
Tobirama says it's a common practice. His mother had been married to his father on her 15th birthday.
Tajima swears and asks how old his father was, to which Tobirama responds with he was 21. He, like all the clan alphas had to prove they could survive long enough to be gifted an omega wife.
Tajima swears and says if he had known he would have tried harder to kill his father.
Tobirama is completely confused as to why everyone is looking so shocked and angry. How old are the Uchiha when they marry?
One of the elders inform him that they do not let anyone, alpha, beta or omega Mary before they are 18.
Tobirama is confused. How do they keep their numbers up waiting so long for children?
Then he is even more shocked to hear some couples even wait a couple of years before having children. Tobirama tells them that in his clan omegas are expected to have a minimum of 3 children in the first 5 years.
Izuna chokes and asks what if one of the omegas doesn't want to have 3 kids or doesn't feel ready for them when they marry.
Tobirama simply says it's not for them to decide. That decision rests with their alpha.
He hears someone in the back actually puke.
Madara, pale as a ghost, asks him if he had actually wanted to have a baby right away or if he would have wanted to wait?
And his response breaks the Uchiha's hearts.
Did I have a choice? Tobirama asks.
Making it clear to all of them that no, he hadn't wanted a baby. Or at least not yet
Madara looks close to tears.
Tajima is livid.
Izuna looks horrified.
Tajima declares that they will never have a joint village. He will not risk his clan being subjected to such barbaric practices.
Tobirama is now horrified. He never should have mentioned his birthday. He was shocked the Uchiha clan was so different. Both he and Hashirama had assumed they were the same.
Tobirama asks why? He tells Tajima that if it's such a big deal his brother will change tradition in the interest of peace and a joint village. The safety of children in all the clans of fire was his priority.
Tajima, the elders and Madara agree they will discuss it at another time and that they will request more information from Hashirama as well.
The party is pretty much ruined at this point, thankfully Tobirama's comment came towards the end of it.
The head family all leave for their joint home silently. Madara is having trouble even looking at Tobirama.
He asks Madara if he is angry with him.
Madara explains that no, he is angry on his behalf. And that from now on he will do the right thing and remain away until Tobirama is 18 and has had time to decide what he wants.
Tobirama is horrified, he has come to really like his husband, and he doesn't want to go to an empty nest alone. Why was Madara abandoning him? He was sorry he said anything.
Madara tries to explain it's not right, but all Tobirama is hearing is rejection.
Tajima intervenes and tells Madara they are already mates. He needs to continue to be a good and attentive mate. Just because they had different cultural beliefs and that it felt wrong didn't mean he could pick his beliefs over Tobirama and their baby's health and happiness.
Madara is conflicted, but he sees the hurt written across his mate's face and apologizes for saying he would leave.
Madara spends the next months conflicted by what he knows is wrong and his mates health and mental well-being. In the end he decides he was being selfish and his mate and their baby have to be his priority.
They have a happy healthy baby, but Madara puts his foot down on having more. They will not until Tobirama is a minimum of 18 and actually wants to. If he wants to. Madara is perfectly content to only have their little girl. She will grow into a wonderful clan head.
Hashirama doesn't fight Tajima on his demands. After his engagement with Mito, who was 20 and allowed to choose when she married and have children, he started to think that it was a much better practice. And less risky for the mothers health.
Tobirama ends up being the last omega ever used as an exchange in a marriage and the last one under 18.
Despite what Madara worried about, Tobirama actually did want a big family. He wanted at least 4 children, but if Madara allows it, he would like to still be a shinobi. Madara has no issues with that. He won't go on many missions as the clan head and he can absolutely be a stay at home dad.
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fandomtrumpshate · 2 months ago
Unlisted Fandoms Challenge
While we pull together the post on the various types of fan labor being offered so far, here's a quick update on the *hundreds* of write-in fandoms we've received ...
At the top of the list we have Jeff Satur holding onto the lead with 7 entries, but Zhen Hun/Guardian is right on his heels with 6. And then there's a three-way tie for third place with 5 write-ins each for BBC Ghosts, Control (Remedy Game), and Dungeon Meshi / Delicious In Dungeon. Schitt's Creek claims fourth place with 4 entries, and in fifth there's a 14-way tie:
Alien Stage Cabin Pressure Dungeons and Daddies (Podcast) Fire Emblem Awakening Fire Emblem Fates Iron Widow Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Roswell New Mexico Stand By Me/The Body by Stephen King The Goblin Emperor Series - Katherine Addison Transformers Voltron: Legendary Defender White Collar Zhen Hun / Guardian (drama) RPF
All it would take to upset the apple cart and reset the leader board is one signup. Manage two and it's a whole new ball game. Yes, we're mixing metaphors. And we're not done yet!
Below the cut are the 133 fandoms that have so far received only ONE signup. Want to really shake things up? Get two more signups for any of these and watch them leap into the fray on the leader board ...
10 Things I Hate About You (1999) Among Us Arctic Monkeys/The Last shadow Puppets Around the World in 80 Days (TV 2021) Baseball RPF BBC’s Musketeers Bendy and the Ink Machine Beyond Evil Black Doves Boygenius (Band)(RPF) Brokeback Mountain Bullet train Canji Baojun De Zhangxin Yu Chong (The disabled tyrant's pet palm fish) Cassette Beasts Castle Challengers Charmed (1998) Danger Force (TV) Dark Deception Dark Rise Dead by Daylight Descendants Destiny 2 Dimension 20 Downton Abbey Dr. Stone Dragonball Dragonlance Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McCaffrey Due South Dune (Villeneuve) Emma - Jane Austen Etta Invincible Fangs of Fortune Farscape Fields of Mistria Finder no Hyouteki / Finder Series Flight Rising Formula 2/3 RPF Frieren Fruits Basket Gangsta (Anime & Manga) Giselle Grantchester (TV) Grimm Hatoful Boyfriend Haven (TV) Helluva Boss Henry Danger (TV) High School Musical (Movies) Hikaru no Go HLVRAI - Half-life VR But the AI is Self-Aware House MD In Other Lands In Stars And Time IndyCar RPF It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Jeeves and Wooster Jet Lag The Game RPF Jurassic Park (Extended Universe) Kamen Rider Gotchard Kane and Feels Kraven the Hunter Kuroko no Basuke / Kuroko's Basketball Law & Order Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Lays of the Hearth-Fire Series - Victoria Goddard Lies of P Live A Live Lord Seventh/Qi Ye Mass Effect 1, 2 or 3 Mononoke (2007 series and 2024 movie) MotoGP RPF My Time at Sandrock Mystic Messenger NBA RPF Nerdy Prudes Must Die Norah Grant Bruce's Billabong books Oh No! Here Comes Trouble Once Upon A Time Order of the Stick Outlast games Over the Garden Wall Pacific Rim Pathologic Peaky Blinders Persuasion - Jane Austen Phandom Pirates of the Caribbean Power Rangers (2017 movie) Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen Prodigal Son Puella Magi Madoka Magica Quantum Break Ranma 1/2 Resident Alien Resident Evil Rise of the Guardians S.C.I Mystery S.W.A.T. (2017 show) Saint Seiya Saw franchise Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated (2010) She-Ra Netflix Shipwrecked Comedy Sonic the Hedgehog (Games) South Park Spinning Silver (Novik) Spirited Squid Game Starkid Musicals (no hp) Stephen King's It Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical Super Sentai That 70s Show The A Team (either the 2010 movie or the 1980s series) The Coffin of Andy and Leyley The OC The Pairing - Casey McQuiston The Paradise of Thorns The Radiant Emperor The Silt Verses The Umbrella Academy the vampire diaries universe The Venture Maidens The Walking Dead The West Wing Thousand Autumns Tokusatsu Tron Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles Turning Universal Century Gundam video games by Arkane Studios Wander Over Yonder Warriors / Warrior Cats Watcher Entertainment/BuzzFeed Unsolved RPF Wind Breaker Wonka Word of Honor Yellowjackets Young Wizards (Diane Duane) บ้านหลอน ON SALE / Peaceful Property (TV)
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unluckycryptid · 7 months ago
An Unnecessary In-depth Analysis on the Movie and Soundtrack versions of "The Fight of Our Lives" from Descendants 4: The Rise of Red
Hi all, before I get started, I just wanted to say that I enjoyed watching The Rise of Red after being constantly bombarded about it on Tiktok, so now I've been listening to the soundtrack nonstop. I know "Fight of Our Lives" is one of those songs that are either on the top or the bottom of someone's favs list, and for me, it's at the top. I've been listening to this one song on repeat--moreso than any of the other songs.
Now, let's get into it.
There are 3 different versions of the song I'm going to try to analyze side-by-side: 1) the extended version on the official soundtrack 2) the movie version and 3) the visuals of the movie version.
So as some of us know,
The extended version features a conversation between Red and Chloe:
[Extended Version] How naive to still believe you'll get a happy ever after A privileged little princess, a fairy-fail disaster Spoken like a slacker, Red, you're seeing someone else I've worked hard for every single trophy sitting on my shelf You need helpYou're a poser with a bad attitudeThat's not true, you don't know the things that I've been throughNeither do youWell, then tell me, little goody two-shoes What do you think we should do?
Whereas the movie version, the conversation is cut down to Red's lines on the matter
[Movie version] Give me that! *Makes a grab for the watch* I don't need the help of some princess goody-two-shoes. I'll handle this myself
Already we're starting out with a difference in subtle characterization between Chloe and Red. The extended version gives it to us explicitly how they see each other upon their initial interaction, one that the audience may also have initially assumed. Red calls Chloe "naive", "privileged" and a "fairy-fail disaster" whereas Chloe calls Red a "slacker" and a "poser". Their shared defensiveness in the line "you need help" is hilarious, but also keep in mind it is also their first shared line in the song. Taken out of context within their conversation, but held up to the rest of the song, it all comes back to the purpose of the song and the whole movie in general where the two need the help of each other to complete their mission.
Individual characterizations can also be found here. With Chloe, of the three insults that Red throws at her in the extended version, she chooses to respond to being called "privileged" by talking about how hard she's worked for her trophies and whatnot. We see this later come back in the movie in her interactions with Ella and Ella's own views on privilege, but it is nice to see how it is first brought up here.
As for Red, her response after being called a "poser" gets her a little more defensive. She's already been called a "slacker" by Chloe, but "poser" means she's pretending to be something. Is this because of how she sentenced Ella to treason in an attempt to please her mom? Is Chloe referring to their first interaction, where Red immediately tries to threaten her? Or does it touch a nerve due to the fact that she genuinely tries to express herself (aka her clothing) but is always shut down by her mother? Either way, Red's shown to be misunderstood and most likely a loner with the exception of Maddox. Getting called a poser probably cut a little more for Red who is still trying to figure out how she wants to be seen (it doesn't help that she already threatened to feed Chloe to the jabberwocky).
Additionally, the next verse is prompted differently by Red. As opposed to the movie version, the extended/studio version has her prompt and ask Chloe what Chloe thinks they should do. I'll keep touching on this a little more, but this shines a light on the difference between the two versions. In the extended version, you'll see that it is formatted as a conversation between the two characters, which I absolutely love.
Alright let's move on to the actual song now.
Chloe's Verse [Movie/Extended] I'll tell it to you straight to your face There isn't any time left to waste My kingdom back home needs to be saved Give me the pocket watch or you're getting slayed You best behave [Extended only] Tell your pack of cards I'm coming back to cut their deck I could beat your evil army in a millisec I'll slice them up like cheddar My mom won't have forever The clock is ticking and it's time That's why it's now or never
So the movie cuts out a good portion of Chloe's verse which I understand since they need to save time and the second portion of her verse isn't too important in terms of the story since we already know this part. However, I will say that I still think they should have kept it in since: this is the first time Chloe sings. She doesn't have any songs sang by herself and the two songs she is most prominently featured in are duets. In "Get You Hands Dirty", Ella starts the song and leads it for the most part, and Red has her own intro song. Again, while I understand why they cut it out of the movie, the second part of Chloe's verse serves to add more to what we may have picked up about her. The first three lines of that second verse lets us know that Chloe is confident in her skills as a sword fighter and that she's willing to fight. The last three lines add to her desperation to go back to the past to help her mom.
Chloe's chorus [Movie/Extended] I'm running out of hope, running out of time I'll do what it takes just to change your mind Or we'll cross swords, hope not to die We're on opposite sides in the fight of our lives [Extended] There is no future in the past We gotta move forward, not stay back The moment is now, but it won't last We're on opposite sides in the fight of our lives
I think this is where the major difference between the extended and movie version come into play. If you've only listened to the movie version, an additional voice is added in the 2nd and 4th lines as a short bit of harmony and it sounds as though Red is singing it. However, the extended version doesn't emphasize that second voice, keeping it focused only on Chloe's voice making it Chloe's chorus. Again, like I said, the extended version emphasizes the conversation between the two characters and Chloe's the first one up to share her thoughts on the matter. Going back to the point that this is the first time that Chloe sings in the movie, this is the only time she gets a chorus to herself--and like her verse, it's cut short. :/
Now onto Red:
Red's verse Use your brains Going back will just cause more pain We agreed we gotta make a change To beat the queen above everything You're on my side or you're in my way You wanna leave but I got to stay There's a reason we're here today For past, present and future's sake, wait Pre-chorus Got too much at stake to go home (That's not true) Guess I'm gonna do it on my own (I'm here too) You're not gonna catch me if I fall (Maybe) Got me runnin' on these walls Dippin', flippin' somersaults (Stop) 'Bout to risk it all
So unlike Chloe, we do end up getting to see the full version of Red's verse. I'm not going to touch too much into it since its fairly straightforward but I did want to focus during the pre-chorus. I want to touch on little bits that Chloe cuts in because, in a way, it reflects and foreshadows their relationship.
When Red goes "Got too much at stake to go home" and Chloe responds with "That's not true" this is currently where their relationship is at. Chloe doesn't know what stakes are on the table for Red, while alternatively, Chloe's sang about what stakes are in it for her in her verse.
Now when Red goes "Guess I'm gonna do it on my own" and Chloe says "I'm here too" I find this interesting because up until this point, we're lead to believe that if Chloe gets hold of the pocketwatch and is able to leave without any interference, she would have done so already.
I want to bring in a bit about what what visuals we see in the movie right now, but I have more to say about other parts of the visuals separately at the end. Anyway, we see that, yes, Chloe has the watch and she stops to listen during Red's verse and turns around to leave once Red gets to the pre-chorus.
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She could keep walking away, hell she could run off and use the pocket watch on her own. What incentive does she have to take Red back to the future with her? At this point, Chloe hasn't decided to trust Red. But Red runs up to her, unarmed mind you, and the two end up circling each other--almost as though Chloe's decided to listen to her.
So now, Red says "you're not gonna catch me if I fall" and its kind of hard to hear and some lyric websites don't show it, but Chloe says "Maybe" in response to the line (it's clearer in the live/studio version). It's small but its the first time Chloe verbally shows that she might be willing to trust Red and not just cooperate with her. But it could go the other way: maybe she won't catch Red, maybe she will, but what's important here is that she's not outright denying that she won't work with Red.
They're still circling each other during this point, and again Chloe didn't need to fall into circle with Red, she could have just left. But it also shows that Chloe doesn't want to want to just abandon Red in the past. At this point, she still wants to go back to the future, but she's just hoping to get Red to agree to return with her which could be a reason she says "stop" in a hilariously exasperated tone in response to Red talking about "running up on these walls" and "dippin, flippin somersaults".
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Before we get into Red's chorus, we should note that in the visuals, it's at the last lines of the pre-chorus that we see Red decide to get a weapon to fight for the pocket watch. I've talked about how Chloe could have just kept walking, but alternatively, why didn't Red make a grab for the weapon/flag earlier? She could have done so just as Chloe turned her back with the pocket-watch. She spent the entirety of her verse and pre-chorus trying to convince Chloe, but only now does she decide to even the match between her and Chloe.
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I know it sounds like I'm reaching here but it could have something to do with Chloe's first insult at Red in calling her a "slacker". The main weapon we've seen Red use so far are her words (both in the song and in the act of accusing Cinderella of treason). Yes, she's been trying to convince Chloe to stay in the past to fix things, but it's starting to get too long. She's just going to have to speak another language to fully convince Chloe--and what's a better language to convince a girl with a sword than the language of fighting?
Red's Chorus I don't need your help 'cause the watch is mine If you hear me out, then you'll change your mind Let's not cross swords, hope not to die 'Cause we're on opposite sides in the fight of our lives Change the future in the past We gotta move forward where we're at The moment is now, but it won't last We're on opposite sides in the fight of our lives
Even though Red contradicts my earlier point about trying to convince Chloe with the line "I don't need your help 'cause the watch is mine", she immediately contradicts herself with her next line "If you hear me out, then you'll change your mind." I'll analyze the line "Let's not cross swords" later when we go over the shared chorus.
In terms of visuals, Red is definitely giving Chloe a fight. She's attacking while Chloe is defending and it all comes to a culmination at the end of the chorus when Red manages to knock the watch out of Chloe's possession.
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At this point she can keep fighting Chloe and go for the watch herself. It's the same as 'why didn't Chloe just walk away with the watch' and 'why didn't Red grab the flagpole sooner?'.
Alright this takes us to the bridge/breakdown:
Bridge Let me ask you something Why should I trust you? Your mom just staged a violent coup For all I know, you're gonna stab me in the back too Think what you want to, boo I'm nothing like my mom Her power trip was way too strong, I knew that she was wrong Well, maybe we'll get along, maybe we're not that different Maybe we need each other to complete the same mission I'm glad you put your pride aside to make the right decisionWe'll work together until history is rewritten
You'll notice that Chloe actually backs up from Red's attack with the pocket watch as she starts her portion of the bridge.
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She's waiting for Red to attack her, hence why she hasn't sheathed her sword yet. But you'll also notice that Red isn't poised to attack. The staff is under her arm, not in front of her. I think, at this point, Red's goal in attacking Chloe with a weapon is actually achieved. The goal being: separating the watch from Chloe before she could return them to the future. Also, you'll notice that they're finally on even ground-literally in that they're both standing on the same level on the balcony, and that they both have weapons they can use to attack each other. Neither of them have the advantage here. So when Red starts her next line "think what you want to boo, I'm nothing like my mom" and throws the staff down, it really brings home the point that she's being sincere in trying to convince Chloe to work with her.
And Chloe is convinced as she sheaths her sword once Red drops her weapon. I skipped this part earlier but the dialogue where the second part of Chloe's verse is cut is where Chloe has the sword on Red while Red says "What are you going to do? Run me through and steal my watch? I think there's a word for that actually...it starts with a V... oh right: Villain." Here, with Red throwing down her weapon, she trusts that Chloe wouldn't do that to her.
Back to the bridge, Chloe's next line is full of the word "maybe" calling back to her first "maybe" during Red's pre-chorus. While that initial "maybe" in the pre-chorus can be thought of as how Red might be able to rely on Chloe if she falls, these "maybe"s reflect the same questions but from the opposite perspective. Can Chloe trust Red to have her back and complete their mission? The initial "maybe" calls into question if the two can rely on each other while these latter "maybe"s call into question how much can they rely on each other.
The bridge ends with their second shared line before going into their shared chorus. If we put the first shared line to this second shared line:
"You need help" -> "We'll work together until history is rewritten"
This almost sounds like it an problem and solution. Yes, the "you need help" line refers to their personalities clashing with one another, but the double meaning of "you need help, you can't complete this mission on your own" is solved by "working together until history is rewritten".
Final Chorus We might not be a team, but we gotta try Did you change your heart, or just change your mind? So cross our swords, hope not to die I'm kinda surprised, are we on the same side? Change the future in the past We gotta move forward where we're at The moment is now, but it won't last So we're on the same side in the fight of our lives Fight of our lives The fight of our lives We're on the same side
So going into this final chorus that they both share, I want to look into the music a bit. Both in the movie and the extended soundtrack version, you'll notice, neither of them take the harmony. They're both singing the melody signifying their equality in this team/relationship. With how the movie is named after Red, you'd think that it would be a main character-sidekick kind of relationship, but the overall movie really makes sure to emphasize that-no, Chloe is needed and she's just as important as Red to make this story work. (So I guess one could come up with an AU where Red makes it into the past but without Chloe. How would things have turned out?)
Now I want to analyze the three chorus's side by side and I want to look in particular at the first three lines.
I'm running out of hope, running out of time I'll do what it takes just to change your mind Or we'll cross swords, hope not to die I don't need your help 'cause the watch is mine If you hear me out, then you'll change your mind Let's not cross swords, hope not to die We might not be a team, but we gotta try Did you change your heart, or just change your mind? So cross our swords, hope not to die
The first two lines of both Chloe and Red's chorus reflects the conversation between the two. Both of them making "I" statements and how each one is trying to change each other's mind about what they should do next. What gets me with the second line of both of their choruses is that Chloe's "I'll do what it takes to change your mind" leaves no room for compromise or work with Red, while Red's "If you hear me out, then you'll change your mind" shows Red wants Chloe to hear her out and that Red is the one extending the possibility of the two working together.
This point is further hammered home by each of their third lines. Chloe's third line reads a bit like an "or else" threat. 'Give me the watch "or [else] we'll cross swords".' Red's reads as 'I don't want to have to fight you' so "Let's not cross swords".
For someone who is a VK, you'd expect them to want take the lone road in getting what they want--that they'd be jumping at the opportunity to fight someone for what they want. But not Red, no this shows that Red really isn't like her mom and that while she may have some bad attitude, she doesn't want to be selfish, she's not doing this for personal glory, and she is even willing to work with others to defeat her mom.
The third line of the shared chorus "so cross our swords" now ends up reading like a handshake, maybe even a pinky promise to get through with their mission without dying because now they're on the same side in the fight of their lives.
Before I end this analysis, I did want to bring up a couple more stuff about the visuals that I couldn't find a place to talk about.
Mainly I wanted talk about Chloe as a swordsman and Red's initial perceptions on that.
First, I wanted to talk about Chloe's physicality on the field. We've already seen her fight her dad (and she's pretty impressive given that she was able to disarm him using her non-sword arm) so we know she's a great swordsman, but I will say this about her: she's not exactly the most graceful one out there.
Case 1:
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Girl throws herself a the wall with her sword just to get in front of Red. You can see that Red absolutely does NOT expect that she'd jump in front of her like that. It's unconventional but effective.
Case 2:
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Her little shuffle to dodge Red's staff always cracks me up cause you'd think there would be more finesse in her dodging ability. But again, its effective-she was able to dodge Red's attacks.
Case 3:
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Miss ma'am chooses to full send off a balcony that had stairs (which Red takes).
Case 4:
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Jumping for the pocket watch hoping to catch it with her sword, and not getting any on-screen assistance from Red at all. (Although I do wish that we saw Red help her in some way by either giving her a boost or using per parkour skills so that they could work together to grab it and hammer in the point that they're working together now.) She does eventually get it down though.
So while yes, Chloe isn't necessarily the most graceful swordsman, her moves are-for the most part-effective.
But now I also want to talk about Red's perceptions of Chloe as a swordsman.
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When Red initially has the watch and Chloe makes a grab for it, they're running around and Red turns around to basically taunt Chloe. From Red's perspective, the only other swordsman that she's encountered are her card soldiers (that we know of) and she easily runs laps around the handfuls of guards in her opening scene. She's not initially intimidated by Chloe and her sword because she's confident that she can outrun her. So when Chloe pulls the unconventional move of (again) running full speed at a wall in front of Red with her sword drawn, the surprised face Red makes probably comes from "oh sh*t, I may have underestimated his girl".
Remember, at this point Red's called Chloe "naive" and in the scene prior, she's says to Chloe "I thought you were supposed to be the smart one" so with Chloe being a swordsman, she may have extended the same thought process in the other girl's skills on the battlefield. But I think that Chloe pulling that move just to catch Red and then Chloe's subsequent move in using her sword to catch the watch's chain to pull it out of Red's possession, it shows Red that this girl can hold her own in a fight.
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Once Chloe takes possession of the watch, we see Red considering something before she starts her own verse. I think it's at this point where she's fully considering trying to convince Chloe to work together or at least see her point of view instead of just doing it on her own, and she ends up doing so as her verse starts.
So yeah, this kind of brings it all full circle. We watch Red and Chloe going at it, Chloe's swordsmanship skills impacts Red's perception of Chloe, going against Red's initial impression of Chloe's naivety and privilege, which leads Red to decide to convince Chloe to work alongside her. On the opposite end, Chloe's initial impressions of Red being a slacker and being a poser are challenged once Red matches her skills in physicality and weaponry as well as finally seeing Red's genuine intentions in convincing Chloe to help her. When the two finally are on the same side, its reflected in the music in which both sing the melody, and in the subtle lyric changes that show the initial formations of their team/duo relationship.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading. I was hoping to get this out in one afternoon but this actually took a couple sessions to fully lay out everything I've noticed and wanted to talk about this song. Again, its my favorite song in the movie, so hopefully I've convinced some more people about how awesome this song actually is.
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witchofthesouls · 3 months ago
Look at these three:
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It's from that TFP barbarians/city-dwellers twist on a really out there verse where Others from Earth managed to make Cybertron a home AU I was talking about.
D-16 here is doing his best to get these two acclimated to Neocybex, both the Common and Ilmentite (a dialect that's utilized by deep underground miners). He has treats hidden in his hands if they can get specific glyphs right. Scraplet/Orion is very much motivated by food. Juno is highly motivated to get the language down so she can wholly curse the mecha that stole her away and be understood by everyone.
Because D-16 no longer has companions his age, he latched onto the two little 'newcomers.' as they're the only ones that can venture out and do their part to help the cohort. He's happily 'mentoring' as he mimicking what the adults do for the fresh newbuilds. The adults around him think it's both cute and disheartening as no one has the spark to tell D-16 that there's a really high probability that those two won't make it (Spoilers: they do.) as sparklings that get sold to the mines typically have issues that surface-dwellers refuse to take.
Although Orion is the oldest of the three, D-16 had more consistent meals and the protection of an adult cohort to ensure he was able to develop normally. While Orion is shorter and less ornate due to delays, he has a far greater tolerance for different fuels, denta capable of crushing rocks, talons on agile hands, and very advanced sensory systems. Hence why his audials and antenna are detailed. Right now, he's pinging and listening around them in case anything (or one) tries to sneak behind them. That box is his best friend as Orion can't believe these mecha just try to throw away decent food! (It's a disposal crate meant that's currently meant for minerals. And yes, Orion sleeps curled up to it.)
Juno (a June Darby that descended from a Cybertron/Earth hybrid) is fretted upon by the adult miners around her. Because of her heritage, her armature is relatively weak, and those 'thin' robes are a part of it. Unlike a usual Cybertronian sparkling that can not remove their armature until a later stage in adolescence, her kind can due to their extended duration of frame development and constant manipulation due to a cross of Earth shapeshifters/humans and Cybertronians over the generations. (Their communities developed a strange relationship between wearable clothes and their natural-born armature.) The mask is part of her tribe's way of life. Less about hiding identity and more to help the young tap into latent abilities by drawing on the blank slate to invoke simple spells or transformations. That blank mask with those empty and dark optic holes creeped out many until she took it off. Nor does she have a 'proper' helm as she has an exposed mess of thin cabling that she can control. She has them tucked away in low buns whenever she needs to follow D-16 or his parent's cohort out of the Den. D-16 likes poking them since he never seen anything like that in his life. Despite her small stature and dainty appearance, she's a little menace that's currently full of rage and would absolutely bite the throats out of the mecha that stole her.
The harness she has isn't from her tribe but from the Snatchers. It's actually a specialized inhibitor and a tracker. The raiding caravan was hoping for the nearby Wilders to launch a rescue so they could track exactly where the main of the communities since young creatures, practitioners, and Seekerkin would fetch the highest credits and prizes from high rollers and the elite. Since her robes have sigils and runes carved inside to hide her and she lacks a T-cog, she was sold to the Tarn's mines as she seemingly had none of the 'exotic' and powerful abilities of the Wilders.
Some little extra details:
The boys are far more dirty since Juno has some sigils to keep herself clean for longer periods of time
D-16 is playing 'I spy'
Those blocky thick stripes on D-16 are harzard stripes and doubles as a unique identifier to his creators' cohort in case anything happens since D-16 doesn't count as a full person yet
The miners are trying to figure out how to keep it on Juno
Orion has it on his back
The box in Orion's hands has two Cybertronian scripts. The top is Common Neocybex (TFOne glyphs), which reads DISPO. Shorthand for disposal. It reads left to right. The other is the written version of Ilmentite (glyphs from Gen 1 comic and Transformers video games). It actually skips vowels and reads top-down. It's cut off, but it says MINERALS.
Orion's antenna and audials make subtly clicks and can move independently.
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aer-arts · 19 days ago
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Fish’s parents
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Fish for reference
Fish’s mother is somewhat distantly related to King Dynal, so like, Her mother was Dynal’s great aunt and she just decided that Royal life was not fulfilling and fucked off to the dinaurian country side
The family lives in a costal town not too far from the capital, but far enough away that it’s considered rural. Fish’s mother runs a small salt water filtration plant that supplies some local towns with additional fresh water. Fish’s father works at a family owned seaweed farm
Also, Fish’s father looks like that because he’s a plesiosaur subspecies of dinaurian. In my head canon verse of Fossil Fighters there’s 3 distinct subspecies of Dinaurians, the main one and the one the canon Dinaurians are, are the dinosaur/terrestrial Dinaurians which have dinosaurs as their ancestral species. The more uncommon one are aquatic Dinaurians who have plesiosaurs/other aquatic reptiles as their ancestral species, they’re typically taller and longer but slimmer, and have find and more bright colorations. They can’t breath underwater but can hold their breath for an extended period of time and can drink salt water similarly to iguanas. The rates are pterosaur/flying reptile descended dinaurians, these guys have wings
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zapreportsblog · 2 years ago
Hello. Yandere Miguel O'Hara and female reader. The reader catches Miguel's eye after she joins the spider community. After a while, Miguel realizes that he wants to find the reader waiting for him to come home from work at the house where they will live together. And with at least five children.
❝a new spider in my web❞
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✭ pairing : yandere miguel o’hara x reader
✭ fandom : spiderman into the spiderverse
✭ summary : the moment Miguel laid his eyes on here he knew she was it for him, he didn’t care if they couldn’t be together, he’d make something work. He always did
✭ authors note : none of these are my art just a heads up I found them on Pinterest
✭ spiderman into the spiderverse masterlist
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In the bustling heart of the Spider-Verse community, where spider-folk from countless dimensions converged, a new arrival was about to catch the attention of one particular spider.
Miguel O'Hara, known in his dimension as Spider-Man 2099, stood atop a towering skyscraper, his sharp eyes scanning the sprawling metropolis below. His costume, a sleek blue and white suit, shimmered in the city's neon glow as he maintained his vigilant watch over the Spider-Verse.
It was an ordinary day in this extraordinary place, or so it seemed until Gwen Stacy, the Spider-Woman of her dimension, swung by with effortless grace through a portal and landed beside Miguel. Her white and black suit glistened like moonlight against the darkened skyline. Gwen had been one of the few to join the Spider-Verse community, and she had seen her fair share of newcomers.
"Hey, Miguel," she greeted him with a friendly nod. "Got a moment?"
Miguel raised a brow at her but nodded, curious. Gwen had a way of making even the most routine days interesting or troublesome in his eyes. "What is it, Gwen?"
Gwen smiled, her eyes sparkling with a hint of excitement. "Well I know you’ve been trusting me more and more for the mission we’ve had so far and so I brought someone new to the community today, and I think you'll want to meet her."
Miguel arched an eyebrow, intrigued. "Another spider-person? What makes this one special and why wasn’t I alerted of this beforehand? You know you can’t just bring someone random without going over it with me first.”
Gwen's grin widened just slightly, “She's different, I swear! In her universe, she's their Spider-Woman, obviously but when she got bitten, look just check her out miguel. What’s the harm in it, plus she's... pretty unique."
As Gwen spoke, the night air suddenly crackled with a strange energy. Moments later, a figure swung into view, suspended by clear glistening webbing. Miguel's eyes widened as he saw her for the first time.
Her form bathed in the eerie glow of the main room labs lights, descended gracefully from her webline. She was a striking sight, like something out of a dream and a nightmare all at once. Her lower half was a delicate, iridescent exoskeleton, resembling that of a spider, while her upper body remained unmistakably human. Her costume blended seamlessly with her arachnid lower half, creating an otherworldly fusion.
Miguel couldn't tear his eyes away. This newcomer was unlike any spider-person he had ever encountered. Her presence exuded an air of mystery and power that was impossible to ignore.
Gwen chuckled at Miguel's reaction. "See what I mean? She's going to be a game-changer around here."
Miguel finally found his voice. "You brought her to here to the spiderverse already? Since you didn’t bother telling me of her arrival does Jess at least know.”
Gwen nodded. "Yes, and I think she's going to be a valuable addition to our team. (Y/N) is her name, by the way."
As (Y/N) touched down gracefully on the rooftop, her multifaceted eyes met Miguel's. There was a brief, electric connection between them, an unspoken understanding of the extraordinary circumstances they had both found themselves in.
Miguel extended a hand, a smile playing on his lips. "Welcome to the Spider-Verse, I would say I’ve heard good things about you but I didn’t know of your existence until now.”
That earnt him a laugh from the woman, “It’s all cool, I’ve come to notice that Gwen tends to do her own thing at times. But it’s a pleasure to meet you, I am (y/n).”
“(Y/n) huh…nice name. I’m Miguel, the spiderman of this universe and creator of the spiderverse.”
With that simple gesture, a new chapter in (Y/N)'s journey as an extraordinary spider-being began, and Miguel couldn't help but wonder what incredible adventures lay ahead in this web of endless possibilities.
Miguel couldn't deny his fascination with (Y/N), and as the days passed, he took every opportunity to get to know her abilities, her strengths, and her vulnerabilities. Gwen's intuition had been right; (Y/N) was unique, not just in her appearance but in her spider-powers as well.
Their missions together became a testing ground, and Miguel found himself in the dual role of mentor and admirer. (Y/N) had an uncanny ability to adapt to any situation. Her agility and dexterity were unmatched, her spider-silk threads stronger and more versatile than any he'd seen before.
As they swung through the city, tracking down threats and facing down villains, Miguel couldn't help but watch (Y/N) in action. Her movements were like a mesmerizing dance, fluid and graceful. Her eyes, a mesmerizing blend of human warmth and arachnid determination, held a fierce focus that drew him in.
Yet, his captivation came at a cost. There were moments when his preoccupation with her put him in harm's way. A misplaced web-swing, a delayed reaction, or an enemy's surprise attack—it seemed like Miguel's attention was often divided.
One fateful night, in the midst of a heated battle with a formidable foe, Miguel found himself momentarily caught off guard. Before he could react, an energy blast was hurtling towards him. In that split second, (Y/N) moved with lightning speed, positioning herself between Miguel and the danger. Her spider-silk shield absorbed the brunt of the blast, saving Miguel from serious injury.
As the dust settled, Miguel's heart raced, and he couldn't shake the feeling that (Y/N) had shielded him not just out of duty but out of a deeper connection. It was a thought that haunted him, and he couldn't help but wonder if there was more to their partnership than met the eye.
In the aftermath of the battle, as they regrouped with Gwen, Miles, and Hobie, Miguel's thoughts were a tumultuous whirlwind. He kept his inner musings to himself, not daring to voice the growing obsession that whispered in the recesses of his mind.
Hobie, ever perceptive, gave Miguel a knowing look “Dontcha think you’ve been watching the new girl a bit too hard there mate?”
Miguel blinked, caught off guard by the question. "What? No, I—"
Gwen chimed in with a playful grin. "It's okay, Miguel. We all see how you look at her. Told you she was something special.”
Miles nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I mean sure there’s a T-Rex that’s a Spiderman? Spider-Rex? But like a whole half humanoid spider? That’s pretty wicked too.”
Miguel couldn't deny it any longer, not that he’d voice it. His feelings for (Y/N) had grown into something more than just admiration. He cared for her deeply, and the thought that she might feel the same way both thrilled and terrified him.
“You three know nothing. I don’t have feelings for (y/n) im simply assessing her skills. Nothing more, now leave me be.” Miguel says turning his back to the three youngsters.
He couldn't risk their partnership by letting his emotions get the best of him. So, like always, he kept his feelings locked away, buried beneath his stoic exterior, all while secretly cherishing every moment he spent with (Y/N), the extraordinary spider-woman who had captured his heart.
Miguel had been waiting for the right moment to talk to (Y/N) about the upcoming mission. He knew it was crucial, and he needed to ensure her full attention and commitment. As he walked down the corridor towards her quarters, his mind was filled with thoughts of the mission's details, but also of his deep affection for (Y/N). He couldn't help but smile as he thought about their future together.
However, as he approached her door, his smile faded. He saw Riley, a fellow agent, standing in front of (Y/N). Riley was flexing his muscles and engaging in conversation with her. A wave of jealousy and possessiveness washed over Miguel. He clenched his fists, feeling a surge of anger. (Y/N) was his; he couldn't stand the thought of her being with someone like Riley.
Miguel hesitated for a moment, debating whether to confront them. Instead, he turned on his heels and walked away. He couldn't bear to see (Y/N) with someone else, not when he loved her so deeply.
Retreating to his office, Miguel locked the door behind him. He needed to clear his mind and focus on something other than his jealousy. He sat down at his desk and began reviewing clips and videos he had taken of (Y/N) in action. Each time he paused a video, it was at the moment her face was on display. He couldn't help himself, his obsession with her consuming his every thought.
Miguel started to mumble to himself, reassuring himself that (Y/N) was his and that she loved him, even if she was too shy to say it. He envisioned a future together, a family they would build. He wondered if their children would inherit his or her looks, or perhaps a perfect blend of both. He imagined their first born would be a girl, their very own daughter, a mommy's girl just like him, adoring (Y/N) as much as he did.
He envisioned her carrying more of their children, would they be eggs or would she carry them like a regular mother did in pregnancy?
In his isolated office, Miguel was lost in his fantasies. He couldn't wait for the day when (Y/N) would truly be his, and he was determined to make that future a reality.
As Miguel continued to grapple with the complexities of his relationship with (Y/N), he couldn't help but think about the obstacles they faced. The idea of two Spider-People together raised concerns of potential conflicts or even the risk of creating a catastrophic event in their world. Society had its expectations, its rules, and its fears, but Miguel knew deep down that he couldn't simply let (Y/N) slip away.
Each time he pictured (Y/N) with someone else, whether it was their own MJ or Gwen, or even a complete stranger, an unsettling feeling gnawed at him. It was as if the universe itself was protesting against any scenario where they weren't together. It was in these moments of doubt and insecurity that Miguel realized their unique connection.
He whispered to himself in the solitude of his office, "No one else would accept our flaws." He understood that they were perfect for each other precisely because they could see past each other's imperfections and still love each other deeply.
Miguel knew the risks, the potential consequences of their love, but as he thought about a world falling apart, it didn't matter to him. In his heart, he knew that having (Y/N) in his arms was worth any sacrifice, even if it meant the world crumbling around them. Their love was a force that defied the ordinary, and he was willing to defy the world if it meant they could be together.
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scifrey · 6 months ago
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Hob Adherent Series
(The Sandman, extended Gaiman-verse)
Hob Gadling is a clingy bastard, and he’s not ashamed to admit it. He clings to life. He clings to hope. He clings to his love of humanity. He clings to his Stranger. He also, unfortunately, has a habit of clinging to his name.
Which means that when the BBC is looking for a new pet history expert to appear in their educational docudrama series “Elizabethan Manor,” they’re overjoyed to find a professor who (according to their meticulous research) is actually descended from the Master of the National Trust building they’re filming in - Gadlen House.
Only Hob knows how right they are.
Cling Fast
Carpe Diem
Hold Tight 
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The F-Words Series (the Rovai-verse)
(Loki, MCU; based on the art of @alicerovai)
Loki has fallen for false promises, fallen for Odin's lies, fallen off of a bridge, fallen into the wrong hands... can he let himself fall into the arms of a potential rescuer? Or will he just end up falling for another trick?
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To A Stranger
(Sherlock, Performance in a Leading Role by @madlori)
Here - for the first time - is the screenplay for the unexpected and sizzling hit which swept awards shows; was lauded in Time, Variety, and major publications the world over; snagged a Best Actor Oscar for first-time nominee John Watson; heralded a revolution in LQBTQA+ cinema; and was the catalyst for the incredible romantic journey of two of the greatest actors of our generation.
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The Heart of the TARDIS
Rose: Feels to me like a temper tantrum because it can't get it's own way.
The Doctor: It's scared. Come on, you were a kid once.
Rose: Yes, and I know what kids can be like. Right little terrors. I've got cousins. Kids can't have it all their own way. That's part of being a family.
The Doctor: What about trying to understand them?
Rose: Easy for you to say. You don't have kids.
The Doctor: I was a Dad once.
Rose: What did you say?
--"Fear Her"
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(Stargate: Atlantis, Torchwood)
Ianto Jones only wanted a nice, quiet beer. And maybe some damned respect, already.
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Tobogganing Series
(Stargate: Atlantis, Casper)
When Johnny Sheppard was ten years old, he begged his father for a toboggan for Christmas.
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He Kissed Me First 
(Stargate: Atlantis, The Farm in Iowa-verse by @sheafrotherdon)
"Rodnies? Rodneys? Rodni? How do you conjugate the plural?" John wondered.
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The Once And Future Kingdom 
(Stargate: Atlantis, Merlin)
"I am Prince Arthur of Camelot!" the boy in the chainmail said. For a small, infinitesimal moment, Rodney considered losing it.
"Right, Prince Arthur, the Prince Arthur," Rodney scoffed instead. "And I'm Merlin."
The dark haired boy that stood a few paces behind his golden Prince cleared his throat. "Uh, no," he said, shifting uneasily from foot to foot, "Actually, I am."
Right, of course. Because this totally was Rodney's LIFE.
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The Driver 
(Agent Carter, Captain America, British Royalty RPF)
“What?” Dum Dum asked, prodding his seatmate in the ribs with his meaty elbow for the umpteenth time. “Seriously, Falsy, what?”
“Squirfle,” the Brit said, or something like it. His face, under the mustache, had turned an amusing shade of puce that was rapidly verging on the alarming.
“Yeah, buddy, I know she’s pretty, but she’s just a dame, ain’t she?” Dum Dum said. He jerked his head at their driver. She was just a short brown-blonde coif from the back, though from his position against the side of the transportation jeep, Dum Dum could make out a smooth, pale cheek, an archly-painted eyebrow, and impeccable red lips.
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The Nihongo Series
(Stargate: Atlantis)
In Japan, it is not too much to say that a great deal is about appearances. It is a habit cultivated over a life-time, and not one easy to break.
This is just a partial list of my most popular fics. Please visit my A03 and FF.NET profiles for the full list of fics.
You can also find a master post of my original fiction here.
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be-encouraged · 4 months ago
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This verse speaks deeply to the heavy burdens I’ve been carrying. Despite being a Christian and knowing God’s promises, the mental and emotional weight I feel is overwhelming. Grieving, battling low self-esteem, and feeling left behind in life often leave me crying at night. During the day, I wear a mask, pretending I’m okay, but inside, I feel like everything is slowly eating away at me.
In John 8, Jesus speaks of true freedom to the Jews who believed in Him, saying, “If the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed” (John 8:36). The context of this statement is profound: Jesus was teaching that freedom is not merely political or physical but spiritual. The people thought they were already free because they were descendants of Abraham, but Jesus pointed out that sin enslaves us, and only He can break that bondage. This freedom extends to every area of life, including the emotional and mental burdens we carry.
Reflecting on this passage reminds me that I cannot free myself from the burdens of grief, insecurity, and doubt. Only Jesus has the power to release me from the chains of pain and fear that weigh me down. He understands my struggles even better than I do and invites me to bring them to Him.
This verse also encourages me to believe that God doesn’t waste pain. He promises to use even my brokenness to strengthen me for the future. While I don’t always see it in the moment, I am reminded to trust Him and rely on the freedom and healing that only He can provide.
Lord, I feel so weighed down by grief, insecurity, and doubt. Please help me to surrender these burdens to You, because I can’t carry them on my own anymore. Thank You for being patient with me, for setting me free through Your Son, and for working to bring healing in my life. I trust You to lead me through this and make me whole. Amen.
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teecupangel · 1 year ago
pops in here bc I’ve been writing Resident Evil crossover AUs for fun (and angst) and I have a fun little idea for you!
so, re4make has dropped some interesting and tasty lore about Los Illuminados, aka the parasite cult that makes up the main bad guys in this particular game. according to the new lore, they popped up in 1554 and were exiled from their old place in 1741. now, we know that mutations and parasites and viruses can possibly extend somebody’s life in REverse beyond their natural lifespan and also make them far more durable than humans. I was thinking—Edward Kenway gets killed in 1735. this we’re well aware of. but what if he wasn’t?
say that Birch is aware of Los Iluminados and their work. he wants to keep a closer eye on them since he hears a lot about Las Plagas and its hive mind abilities, but he’s not about to risk becoming a part of their hive mind—he doesn’t entirely trust this cult. and he has a pesky Assassin who’s just found out that he’s actually a Templar, and who has a book and a son he would defend. if he survives the night—and it’s damn near a guarantee that he would, Birch has heard that he once cleared a whole deck of a galleon on his own—there’s nothing stopping him from taking up his sword and beelining to Birch and just cutting down every last member of the British Rite. but he can’t do that, if he has a bug inside his head.
so Edward gets knocked unconscious, and dragged off to the cult. now Birch has a reason to keep an eye on the cult, and he’s taken Edward out of the picture with no one the wiser for it.
years later—hundreds of years later—Desmond Miles, 17yo runaway, gets kidnapped along with Ashley Graham for whatever reason. maybe he saw too much and immediately launched himself at Krauser and actually managed to acquit himself pretty well in a fight, only to get stuffed into a van along with a very terrified First Daughter. Leon goes to find them.
in the meantime, Saddler has a very fucked-up Edward stand guard, and Desmond starts to talk to this guy, bc something about him seems…not quite the same as the rest of the cult. there’s some core of humanity still holding stubbornly on inside him, even if he looks pretty bad off, if not heavily mutated by now. which is how Leon ends up finding both Ashley and Desmond having managed to get a very snarly pirate to help break them out and has to gently convince said pirate that yes he really is here to help them please put that pitchfork down sir.
Oooohhh, if you wanted to, you can even include one of Ezio’s or Aquilar’s descendants in the lore as well, maybe even both? 1554 is around the time Flavia and Marcello would be 20~21 years old. Old enough to be Assassins that would be sent to foreign lands to help other Brotherhoods. We can even have them be sent by the current mentor of the Spanish Brotherhood because of this cult that supposed worship something ‘strange’. The mentor thought that the Italian Brotherhood who had a mentor who had been quite verse in strange things would have an idea of what they’re dealing with. Flavia or Marcello (or both if you want) asks to be sent because it seems connected to the precursors and, as Ezio Auditore’s children, it’s their duty to continue their father’s legacy.
They meet up with Aquilar’s child (or grandchild maybe?) and they help in exiling Los Illuminados, making the cult hate them and the Brotherhood in the process.
It’s because of their hatred for the Brotherhood that Birch was able to have a distant alliance with them and it’s because of his connection with the cult that Edward starts to suspect him as being a Templar.
(To sprinkle more angst, how about Haytham saw his father being dragged away and tried to save him, killing one of the kidnappers which ends with Teresa seeing him as a cold blooded killer and he is indoctrinated by Birch as a way to try and find Edward but never found him. After learning Birch was the leader of his father’s kidnapping, he gives up on Edward because Birch burned all evidence that will link him to Edward and the Los Illuminados)
Okay, so we go to the Ashley and Desmond part of the story.
Ashley is around 20 years old when she was abducted so, if you’d like, she could be in New York to shop or something when she was kidnapped. Desmond was on his way to his first shift in Bad Weather and saw a woman struggling while being dragged into a car with men looking like professional bodyguards (suit, sunglasses, wired ear pieces) on the ground, unconscious maybe? Dead even?
Desmond didn’t have time to think, his body reacted and he punched one of them. He starts to fight them off while telling the girl to run and the girl tried to, screaming for help but there were more men than they expected but her screaming (and his battle cries, they were not screams, they were battle cries damn it) was attracting attention so they had to book it quickly and Desmond was swept alongside the girl in the process.
Leon is briefed that an unknown man with no past of his own may be with the president’s daughter and he’s a low priority. The most that Leon is expected to do is find out who he was and if he was truly just taken alongside the Ashley because he tried to be a good Samaritan.
Now Saddler though…
Saddler had planned to kill Desmond from the very beginning but then he noticed something peculiar.
Desmond looked familiar.
So he let Desmond live because he needs to find out why Desmond looks familiar at all. He orders Edward to guard them and to keep them there.
Leon starts doing his job and Saddler gets sidetracked.
When he heard that Edward had ‘betrayed’ them, he realized why Desmond looked so familiar.
In one of the oldest journals written by his ancestors, there were sketches of the three Assassins who led to their fall and exile.
And two of them…
… looked very similar to Desmond Miles.
So now, Saddler believes Desmond is a descendant of those who exiled them and wants to infect him as well.
Because what better revenge is there than to have a descendant of those who wronged them become their ‘property’?
Unorganized Notes:
I like to imagine Ashley and Desmond become friends immediately, with Desmond helping Ashley stay calm while Ashley gives Desmond something he wanted ever since he was a child, a close friend.
Ashley would definitely not leave without Desmond and Desmond would do everything he can to keep Ashley safe.
Edward ‘recognize’ Desmond, in a way that Desmond reminds him of his young son, but he doesn’t understand it, because the infection inside him mutated thanks to his ‘bloodline’, so he’s not exactly the same as the others.
Edward will be conflicted though because his infection would make him want to obey the cult but he can't hurt Desmond at all. He doesn't want to and his body will never allow it.
Is it his own free will? The reminder of a past long gone? Or...
The Calculations at work?
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 2 years ago
on the shroud parents helmet thing, I'm pretty sure Idia's mentioned before that his ancestors (including his parents) use magic tech to deal with their curse and the blot or something like that. In which case, my theory is that's what the helmets probably are?
It does make me wonder then, if the curse also transfers to whoever marries into the Shroud family - seeing as Both Mama and Papa Shroud wear the helmets.
[Referencing this post!]
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Oh, thanks for reminding me of that lore. I went back in the main story to double-check the details!!
In 6-42, Idia actually says that his dad and grandma (not his mom) use technomantic devices to enhance their own magic. The reason for doing this is not to better handle their curse or their blot; the Shroud family curse is such that their bodies naturally burn blot (in which case, they wouldn’t need additional help burning through it unless maybe they were very distraught (as emotional state contributes to blot) and/or accumulating blot as a magical byproduct at an extremely rapid rate like Idia did before his OB).
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So it could be that Grandma Shroud and Mr. Shroud have low levels of magic and felt that they had to supplement what they were able to do via other means, OR they have pretty normal levels of magic but needed or wanted their magic enhanced for the sake of performing certain tests or procedures. The latter would compensate for general STYX staff having low levels of magic (a safety precaution to minimize the blot they accumulate). The same is not true of Idia, who is magically inclined enough to attend a prestigious school, so we can infer that low magic levels don’t necessarily apply to members of the Shroud family on staff.
The curse seems to only be applicable to those in the Shroud bloodline; it originated as a means of punishing the first head of the Shrouds for rebelling against the Jupiter family. Not only was the first generation cursed, but it extended to their descendants. (If we think about it, the Shroud blood thins with every subsequent generation so… either it’s possible the curse wears off once the percentage of Shroud blood drops below a certain number, or the curse is such that even a single drop of Shroud blood dooms you.)
Pulling in outsiders that marry into the Shrouds seems… logistically dubious (even if we dismiss it as “it’s magic, so it doesn’t need to be explained”)?? Like, how does the magic for the curse even know when the marriage is technically “official” and it’s time to inflict itself on the spouse… Because laws for marriage change all the time, not to mention a couple could still be in love and have kids without technically being married. Would the S/O be cursed even if they don’t produce a child with their Shroud partner or never hand hold get physically intimate? Is just loving a Shroud enough grounds to be hit with the curse? But then how does the curse define “love”? What if they fall out of love or divorce/break up with a Shroud, is the curse revoked? Or is the S/O just kind of screwed? Why would the Jupiters even weave the curse to punish people not even remotely related to the original uprising? (It’s still unfair that the Shroud descendants also get cursed, but at least it can be argued that it follows the theme of “the sins of the father are the sins of the son”.) To hurt the Shrouds more by dragging their romantic partners down with them? But isn’t the original curse enough, why rub more salt into the wound? If you make them afraid to get close to people because the curse might pass to them, then doesn’t it defeat the purpose of continuing the line and thus prolonging the curse? Am I boring you yet 😂
Curses have rules and conditions outlined (like when Vil uses his UM) to govern how the magic behaves and how/when it releases. If the Jupiters spun such an elaborate curse to cover all their bases, we might need an attorney that’s well-versed curses and blessings on the case/j
To close off, I’ll share a funny idea a friend pitched! They said that if the helmet is really what Mr. Shroud uses to enhance his magic, then Mrs. Shroud must have decided to also wear a helmet to be supportive of her husband’s decision and/or to be a cute matching couple 💕
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mrxadreamin · 11 months ago
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"Wait, I need to delete my browser history first!" – Jeon Chiaki, Son of Solomon, Circa. 2024
After a millenia(not really), I finally made an oc for WHB and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders!
With that, I offer you my son, Chi-chi Jeon Chiaki <3 now if you will excuse me I am going to rest my achey hands adjfgfdhd
Voice Actors:
(KR)Lee Sang-ho (Lilac Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom, Wise from Zenless Zone Zero)
(EN)Howard Wang (Xie Lian from TCGF, Louis from Morariarty the Patriot)
(JP)Daiki Yamashta (Ritsu Sakuma from ensemble stars)
Personality: Most of the time Chiaki is level-headed and calm, not one to jump the gun onsite. Also quite sarcastic and sassy, it’s a form of coping as well as a defense mechanism for himself. Despite his calm demeanor, he’s not the type to sit back and take things. As someone who’s quite observant, he’s the type to analyze first and act after. However, all trains of thought are gone when his loved ones are on the line and his fury will set ablaze that even makes Satan blush(literally…). Chiaki, despite having gone through enough, has carried an outlook on life that extends far beyond optimism, always the type to believe that things will turn out okay while sticking to reality. In his own way, Chiaki can be rather playful and cheeky with most and due to his charm alone, he can coax others into doing what he wants to meet his own goals– for the greater good of course! Considering his past experiences, he acts as a maternal figure for many, especially those who lacked such internal warmth, but has a spot big enough for Chiaki to hold them. Chiaki is a chivalrous pervert, but with some virtue. He tends to get distracted by his own lewd thoughts and has always been open about his sexuality. Sex positive, Chiaki indulges others in their sexual interests and endeavors! Interestingly enough, he’s also one of the densest people on Earth, so it will take a lot for his man to even get a single hint!
Confidence point: Shoulders and thighs
Favorite food(s): grilled brisket
Hobby: writing songs and reading erotica novels
Ideal Type: someone more dependable and carefree
Backstory: Chiaki had a loving childhood, his mother was a piano teacher and his father was a lawyer. Coming from a humble past, he wanted to get involved with music like his mother. Thus, he aspired to be a songwriter and musician when he grew older, but that dream was crushed when he lost his family at an early age and was later taken in by Minhyeok and his family. Chiaki had nothing left from them except for a key necklace that his father gave to him. “No matter what, hold onto this, there will be a time when you will need it most,” his father urged, only a few days before he was brutally murdered alongside his wife. Chiaki didn’t get what his father meant–not until he witnessed his best friend getting hurt right before his eyes and having made a contract with the King of Fury to save him. Only then did he truly understand.
Is bisexual, and is a verse-switch(do not let his looks fool you!). Learned that he was bi when he was around 14 years old and his first crush was Minhyeok.
Before he went to hell, he worked at a bookstore and also read to children on occasion. Also worked part time at a music store and would teach music lessons on occasion.
Attended the same college as Minhyeok as a Music theory major, with a minor in  Literature
Talented singer and dancer. When he was still attending university, he would be seen dancing in the studio or recording songs in one of booths of the music buildings.
Knows how to play guitar and piano. Knows music theory.
Having lost his family, he learned to cook for himself and with the help of Minhyeok.
His father is Korean and his mother is Japanese. 
Speaks both Korean, Satoori, and Japanese. Satoori comes out when he’s angry.
Does in fact have a skin care routine even after descending to hell.
His favorite sanrio characters are Kuromi and Pochacco 
Before his ascension to Hell, some of his friends called him Qiqi because he used to play genshin impact(or whatever equivalent), and whenever he pulled for a character, he got Qiqi instead, losing the 50/50. They also call him Chichi due to his "impressive" chest size, which he refuses to acknowledge.
Has written and composed his own songs, some of which are saucy, raunchy in their own way. He keeps them in a journal, but regrets not taking said journal with him before leaving to Hell.
Going in depth with his hobbies aside from songwriting, he collects erotica novels and manga, but doesn’t have a porn collection like the original mc, but that doesn’t mean he owns a few toys himself.
owns a light purple galaxy z flip5, but uses it for selfies and nudes. He uses the phone Satan gave him for contacts.
In terms of combat, he was able to wield various weapons during his time in hell, more specifically weapons made of Sitri's blood. He wields both a glade and a hammer.
Can make barriers out of silver/gold
Can summon large extraterritorial monsters from his coffin(given by Leviathan) and hang people on command if need be.
Design Notes:
Character inspo: Cealus and Dr. Ratio(Hontai Star rail), Epel Felmier(twst), Eiden(Nu:Carnival), Shoto(Vtuber/indie), Uki Violeta(Noctyx, Nijisanji EN), Solomon(Obey me & WHB), Joenghan(Seventeen)
concept outfit: white v-line shirt, dark purple cuffed pants, white converse(platforms), and has a purple cardigan/jacket. 
Chiaki is a man of comfortability hence he would be seen wearing cardigans, sweaters, etc.
His main outfit as derived from Eiden(Nu:carnival) but instead of a jacket, I decided that a cardigan would fit him best due to lax personality and nature. Not to mention his previous occupation as a bookseller/keeper and a music tutor and musician.
Since his favorite color is purple, he can be seen wearing lots of cool, warm purples and sometimes blues and pinks.
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ashreclaimed · 2 months ago
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paul mescal, homosexual, cis male + he/him/his → isn’t that ryker feinhalnaar? i’ve seen them wearing the crest of varlinnis. i hear they’re 29, but they’re also a sorcerer. they’ve risen up the ranks to become the youngest prince of varlinnis. they seem to be compassionate & tenacious, but also stubborn & naïve. if you look closely, you’ll see their aesthetics include long days training in the art of fighting and magic, resulting in sweat, grime and grit dirtying armours and clothes; hidden trips out of the castle walls into the city; dipping fingers into other people's pockets.
born during a windy red moon night, it was said that the queen's bed caught fire for the briefest of moments. it rained heavily for a whole day after... during a period of no rain in the year.
has been training and honing both his fighting skills and his magical talent since he was a child, becoming somewhat of a protégé.
as the youngest, even though he was taught about the world, he is a still a little naïve in his worldviews, believing in the general good of people.
with his position as the youngest, he is also carefree and a little rebellious, enjoying secret trips into the city without his guards... bar one most of the time.
he can be so soft towards people he cares for.
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valentine-cafe · 5 months ago
˖⁺. ﹙ the rebel reaper. ﹚:  zhào hàoyŭ 9948e .𖹭 ݁
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. . . heavy metal lover !! 🍒 : “   i swear to you, you have my heart, my eyes, my mind, my very soul. so will you please allow me to keep you safe instead of watching you jump out into danger so recklessly — please  ”
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꒰ verse ꒱ 9948e
꒰ species ꒱ grim reaper
꒰ ethnicity ꒱ chinese
꒰ age ꒱ 26
꒰ gender ꒱ male
꒰ mbti ꒱ enfp
꒰ alias ꒱  looming darkness, midnight orchid, filth-blood ( by the heavens ), pest orchid ( by his father ).
꒰ story ꒱ 
the second oldest reaper son of two well known reaper families, with a mission and a goal to put down the corrupt government of his city. . . and something way beyond that.
meddling with the gods he does, he loves to taunt them, pulling at their strings to get all of their sour sides out — the more gods he can piss off the more he can show just how corrupt they are. he is tired of the injustice they put upon the world, his family — *the people he loves the most*.
working as a librarian at the elritea university library at day while working at the society of shades at night to investigate more on it’s leaders together with his younger brother haitao. the second oldest reaper son of the zhào family is well on his path to becoming a high reaper.
and after he has achieved that goal? well, you’d like to know, wouldn’t you.
꒰ appearance ꒱
long, straight black hair that extends down to his midback 
dioxazine purple eyes with slitted pupils. has a vertical piercing on his left brow 
round decorative glasses with silver chains 
pale skin, a mix of masculine and androgynous features from certain angles 
standing at 6’8” (207cm) height and fit build comprised of lean muscles 
dark talons extending from his fingers that don silver rings 
silver snake bite piercings on his lips
two standard lobe and the stacked helix piercings on both ears along with the industrial on his right
punk gothic and vintage aesthetic, both in makeup and clothing, can also switch to dark and elegant hanfus 
silver midline tongue piercing 
nipple piercings and a frenum piercing 
꒰ personality ꒱
chaos incarnate — if it was not for his habit of cussing out the gods, you would think he would descend to the underworld and become the new god of it. this man is *everywhere* everything all at once and is not afraid to show it.
though to most he is not close to, hàoyú displays a calm, quiet and almost shy facade — to both shield himself from potential ulterior motives against him and also for the reason he is just. . . unsure about new people.
 is a very artistic and poetic individual, often taking great pleasure in sitting himself down after a long day and doing some sketching or poetry. sometimes full-blown illustrations depending on how he is feeling.
but beneath all those layers, the reaper is energetic in nature and loves running around laughing loudly, while teasing his friends and siblings.
has habits of throwing around jokes in situations where he feels like they’re in need of some light, trying to cheer up the people around him, because the truth is. he hates when things get gloomy. it makes him feel dead.
though that is not to say he cannot be mature and serious, because he can, and trust us when we say, for the most part he keeps himself collected.
not one to snap when things get frustrating or jumbled up — though usually, one finds him still dashing out a few jokes into the conversation. his humoristic behavior is one of his coping mechanisms
it is something to keep him sane, from all of the overwhelming emotions that come crashing down on him when his world is silence and reality hits him.
he has already experienced enough times where he was crying and screaming to the point he lost his voice, and instead of dwelling, he decided to turn the pain into humor, to cope and laugh instead of cry.
he is an extremely empathetic and sympathetic man, deeply caring with the people that surround him.
despite his chaotic demeanor, he is quite soft-spoken, whether it is because of his line of work as a university librarian or it is because of his missions around the society of shades — this caused him to pick up on quiet mannerisms, to maintain stealth and deceptiveness.
can be quite intimidating when he wants to be and will not hesitate to shut someone down when they open a smart mouth and give him insults. he knows how to throw down people verbally and physically if he needs to.
hàoyú overall, is a confident, loyal, honest and hardworking reaper. do not let his facades get to you, they may just be your downfall.
꒰ with a lover ꒱
incredibly affectionate both physically and verbally
prides himself on taking care of his lover. always presents a shoulder to cry on and is a very good listener. loves listening to you ramble and gets lost in your voice 
power knows no bounds and he can be quite the touchy lover — he’s especially touch-starved 
can be very teasing, always enjoying the idea of flustering you with words and actions.  he’ll throw you off with little teases and flirts only to snatch you by the waist and turn your head to him when you try to hide from embarrassment
always has his hands on you, whether they are on the swell of your hips, your waist, your thighs and sometimes even randomly bites you during the day 
can be quite clingy. this can also bleed into possessiveness which can become a bit more than he wants it to be. while it never turns toxic, he usually always feels terrible after
spoils you rotten, affectionately or financially, in whatever way he possibly can 
dances you around the garden and whispers sweet nothings to your ear
writes poems and songs for you, loves reciting and playing them for you
can be quite chaotic around you but calms down if it is not something that you fancy
very careful with you, not wishing to cross your boundaries or drive you away
꒰ strengths ꒱
soul-reaping: he has the ability to reap more than 100 souls and carry them on his scythe until he can send them away to the afterlife.
vapour teleportation: can shift his physical form into a dark vapour and can move at high speeds towards a different location.
dark vapor production: produces a dark vapour from his back and shoulders that can blind and disorientate enemies greatly.
acrobatic fighting: very flexible and graceful in general, he is able to move his body in a fluid motions and exert his physical form a bit more than others.
illusionary trickery: spells that he has taught himself, the ability to cast certain illusions.
dark magic: the ability to cast spells and incantations using dark magic, this branches out into various fields
skilled martial artist: trained from a young age in various martial arts and uses a combination of these in combat.
can see souls/ghosts: as a reaper haoyu has the ability to see ghosts, spirits, wraiths, etc. along with the souls of both living and dead.
increased bodily function: advanced strength, speed, agility and durability.
 heightened senses: advanced sight, smell, hearing, taste and awareness of surroundings.
healing factor: a dull healing factor that heals his injuries far quicker than an average human
꒰ weaknesses ꒱
peaches: has a very bad allergy to peaches and can be hospitalized due to it.
attachment issues: has severe attachment issues that can trigger him to severe episodes of despair. he cannot stay very long without the ones that he loves.
daylight: as a nocturnal reaper, daylight and other bright sources of light can weaken his senses of sight as he is used to the darkness of the night.
d’akar: an anti-magic material that can greatly weaken him if he comes into contact with it.
extreme emotional attachment: while reapers may remind one of humans, they are not. they are beings with very empathetic instincts and have souls bigger than the average mortal being — a thing that has been with them since their creation. they become extremely attached to things they love and it may cause them to become erratic if enough they love is taken away from them.
fading: occurs when a reaper goes through immense hurt and pain. their physical form quite literally begins to disappear, making them appear transparent. it can be a very painful process, both emotionally and physically. until their physical form eventually fades away and their soul moves on to the afterlife
꒰ relationships ꒱
zhào talisen: older brother, irish twin, from another universe ( verse 781)
zhào jìngyì: older brother, irish twin, deceased.
zhào haitāo: younger brother
zhào xīyáng: younger brother
zhào yizé: younger brother
zhào yŭ xī: younger brother/sister/sibling
zhào mùchén: deadbeat father
yuè mèng yáo: mother
lorenzo agresta arias: younger brotherly figure, friend
alessio agresta arias: ex-best friend.
alessio arias 781: best friend, from another universe ( verse 781)
rishen aryielus: rishen’s bullying victim, friend
rishen hererra 781: haoyu’s bullying victim, friend, from another universe ( verse 781)
shalika vaishya: best friend. . . complicated 
shimada takara: friend.
xú yíngtái: the one fatherly figure in his life
꒰ extra ꒱
he speaks chinese ( mandarin ) and a little bit of spanish ( castilian )
he knows csl and asl
he is an exceptional song writer and musician, he plays bass
he writes poetry and is an artist
he has a pet bunny named essio
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ivystoryweaver · 2 years ago
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"Upside Down" based on this request by @mintellaine: Miguel married prompt #12 - being a chill couple when there are others around, but getting touchy/freaky behind closed doors
Content: f!spider!reader, fluff, suggestive, lot of kissing, no smut
Word count: 1250
"Welcome to the party," you greeted the new kid, extending your hand.
"Uhh, thanks," the newest spider recruit chimed, returning the handshake.
Gwen bumped their shoulder, introducing you by name. "She's the best," she added, grinning at you. Since Gwen had arrived, you had taken her under your wing (spider legs) and shown her the ropes (webs).
The whole Spider Society thing blew Gwen's mind, and she knew it would be the same for the newest member. You were a much easier person to meet than the big Blue Panther, as Gwen jokingly named him. He didn't like the joke.
Speaking of Big Blue, right then, a portal opened with a whirl of rather sensational, glowing light. A hulking, imposing Spider-Man clad in a reverse color suit appeared to be clawing his way from an unknown dimension back into yours. A dramatic, red, skull-looking spider stretched down the length of his impressively narrow torso.
Standing to his full height, he towered over everyone in the room, especially you. His hands landed on his hips, showing off a set of predatory talons. The slits covering his eyes narrowed as he leaned in with a mild air of condescension.
"Who's this?" He knew who it was.
With a knowing grin, you pushed up on your tiptoes to kiss his mask-covered cheek.
"Guys, this is my husband, Miguel O'Hara," you introduced.
"Pleasure," Miguel chimed, his mask disappearing. Brushing past the three of you, he got right to work, typing away on the orange, holographic computer screens.
"Newest recruit?" He tossed over his shoulder, already pulling up the new spider's file.
You hummed an affirmative, filling him in on a few details of Gwen's new friend.
You and Miguel both knew the implications - what was at stake every time a new spider was introduced into the Spider Society.
"All set up?" He chimed.
You all waited a moment, expecting Miguel to launch into his Very Serious Speech about all things Multi-Verse and Canon Event. Miguel had absolutely no chill whatsoever, but with you, he had found a sense of tranquility.
The thing of it was - he didn't feel calm at all. He had missed you terribly on his latest mission and he wanted these two minions out of here so he could get his hands on you.
Without another glance, he ever-so-casually made his wishes known. "Briefing at 1800 hours. Dismissed."
Gwen eyed you questioningly, wondering how in the hell Miguel O'Hara's dramatic ass wasn't salivating over the chance to descend from his sky-high platform and deliver his Very Serious Speech.
With a wink and a nod, you encouraged them to leave you alone with your husband, casually flipping up to hang from the ceiling as soon as they cleared the door.
Miguel kept right on working, swiping his gloved hands, narrowing his crimson eyes to scrutinize the data.
"Lyla, seal the doors," he commanded, "and leave us alone."
Suspended in the air above your husband, you smiled to yourself.
Lyla snarked out a reply - funny as ever, and, at last, after a week apart, you were alone with your husband.
"You're not gonna make me come up there, are you, mi corazón?" He piped, making you giggle.
You slowly descended to where you were hanging with your face right in front of his - only you were still upside down.
"You don't have to come up here," you breathed against his cheek, gently swinging closer to him. "But you have to kiss me."
He rolled his eyes at the idea of the upside down spider kiss.
"Come onnn, it's a canon event," you pouted, wetting your lips with the tip of your tongue.
"That is such bullshit," he chuckled, even as he stepped forward, planting his feet and reaching up to cradle your head in his strong hands. "Isn't your mask supposed to be halfway on for a canon event?"
"Shut up," you giggled, pressing your lips to his. Warm and soft as ever, you sighed at the feel of him after missing him so badly.
"Come here," he murmured, frowning cutely at the way your little exhale robbed him of your lips. Rubbing his thumbs soothingly over the soft skin of your neck, he shared your breath, making your heightened senses tingle - not from danger, but from anticipation.
Your husband was full of passion - old torments had formed him into a desperate man. Loving you was unexpected...but the chance to wrap his heart up in another -to entangle not only his body but his ambitions and passions with someone who understood: he was hopeless to resist.
"Missed you so much," he whispered, sucking your bottom lip with vigor, "mi hermosa esposa."
He licked slowly into your mouth, frustratingly carefully. Your chest bloomed with warmth and desire as he tasted you, careful to avoid slicing your tongue with his sharp fangs.
Because of his non-retractable fangs, Miguel kissed like the sweetest, most gentle lover, making you tingle all over and your heart burst with love - like the end of a rom com.
That was the only thing he did gently. You knew, as soon as he got riled up, he would not be so tender. But sometimes he kissed you like he didn't know where he wanted to taste next - one sweet lip or another, the heat of your tongue, the roof of your mouth...
You hummed out a breathy affirmation, sucking tauntingly on his top lip, a literal push-and-pull forming between you as your knowing smile halted the brush of lips between you.
"Can't take any teasing today, mi corazón," his husky voice scolded, even as he nibbled once on your chin. Releasing the tender cradle of your head caused you to gently swing backward slightly. Massive arms folded over his chest as he pretended to be done with you.
Having none of that, you fired a sticky web from your wrist, trapping him in place, although you both knew even your strong, organic webbing wouldn't hold him. The corner of his mouth curled knowingly. Willingly, he stumbled toward you, drawn forward by the allure of your eyes, until his mouth was on yours again - this time, hungrier.
Hands on your face, his fingers stroked your upside down jaw line, kissing you for a brief eternity until he couldn't go another second without more.
Breaking your webbed hold on his shoulder, you slid your fingers up over his shoulder, along his neck to tangle in his luscious, dark waves, yanking just enough to pull the tiniest growl from his throat.
His hot, breathy kisses across your jaw caused your breath to stutter. "What do I have to do to get you down from there?" He breathed, teasing the sensitive spot below your ear with the slightest drag of his fangs.
Lowering yourself down his body, you stopped right where the technology of his Spider-suit was being forced to...readjust.
"I don't know - I think this is the perfect position," you teased, stretching your fingers out to trace the tight muscles of his abdomen. "But I can just get down, if - "
"No. No," he admonished, his burning, ruby eyes fixed on the diamond shape of your suspended legs. Reaching out to grasp your gorgeous, thick thighs, he inhaled deeply, nearing the center of you. "Perfect right here."
You never imagined, when that radioactive spider bit you, the absolute delights you would get to experience while hanging upside down.
✧ ˚ · .✧ ˚ · .✧ ˚ · .✧ ˚ · .✧
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dc-extended · 6 months ago
Heya 👋 Intro time
I’m Bloom or Blossom (she/her). Main blog’s @eahravinqueen & Sideblog for disney & Disney Descendants stuff is @descendants-extended (niche blogs stuff XD).
My DMs are open in case anyone wants to chat DC stuff! (& other fannish things too). I'm on here a lot even if I don't post as consistently
Made by own DC universe called 💫DC-Extended or Earth-Ext✨.
It’s kinda an overhaul of DC. It’s a blend & mixture of cool stuff from all over. Comics (Golden age to present), Elseworlds, shows & movies. I wanna do right by characters & make it a cool interesting thing.
Gonna let people age, let some villains kick the bucket & have more consistency than DC. Justice to the love interests & other character dc messed & skewed for the heck of it. Gotta have characters value their good past relationships too. Multishipper.
I want to write a fic verse but currently just been planning the world in docs with canon character info and things (like favourite foods, bdays, plot things & all). But that’s probs be a later thing. Will post (hopefully) about my dc family lineups & other things. Also got next gen & future of the dc universe prepped too from all the diff canon stuff we have.
Compositing, revamping underrated & obscure characters as well.
Also gonna reblog some cool & interesting meta too. Check: #meta. Plus there's so many fun & interesting universes other have made so you may see reblogs from there too.
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