#and because the word is confusing and ik someone is gonna ask:
codgod-moved · 1 year
ben affleck smoking dot jpeg. don’t fucking follow me if ur a proshipper pls
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thepixelelf · 6 months
and the universe said,
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07 - "bro, chill"
genres/tags: soulmate au, idol au, comedy, romance, dumbassery relationship(s): ot13 x reader chapter warnings: coarse language. kithing. a liiitle svt on svt violence note: ik it's been a long time please be nice to me <3 (this isn't edited... I'll take a look at it when I have the time)
When soulmates are suddenly thrust upon the world, you are one in a million who wishes they weren’t – and that’s before you meet the person (people?!) making your life much harder than it needs to be. And before someone asks you to sign an NDA.
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prev ⭒ chapter seven (4.0k) ⭒ next
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“Where are they?” Myungjun asks as soon as Jihoon and Junhui enter the room they agreed upon.
Junhui braces both of his arms on the back of a chair. “What do you mean?”
“Your soulmate—” Cutting himself off with a sigh, Myungjun pinches the bridge of his nose and answers his own question. “You didn’t bring them.”
Yejung, who was sitting at a table with her laptop, shuts it with a frown. “Why not?”
Junhui shrugs. “I’m just here because Jihoon dragged me out.” He shifts between looking at the three other people in the room. “You guys know I just met my soulmate, right? I don’t like not having them here with me, either.”
“Well then why didn’t you—”
“They don’t know.” Jihoon cuts off Myungjun’s words, then pulls out a chair and drops himself in it. He stares at a random spot on the table. When he doesn’t elaborate any further, Yejung sends a furtive glance Myungjun’s way.
“Don’t know…” She leans her forearms on the table and scoots her chair closer. “...what? That you’re their soulmate? That there’s more than one of you? That you’re famous?”
Junhui snorts. “All of the above?”
At Junhui's quip and Jihoon's continued silence, Myungjun raises a cynical brow.
"You didn't tell them?" Yejung asks, softly shocked. "Why?"
Junhui's eyes skirt to Jihoon; he's unwilling to share his own reasons, though he doesn't quite understand this about himself, either.
Jihoon sighs. "I don't know. It's complicated. Things happened too fast the first time we—"
"The first time?" Myungjun echoes. "So you've been with them multiple times."
“Don’t say it like that.” Jihoon almost pouts, but the facial expression just makes him look angry. “Look. I ran into them when the vocal team was on the way to that radio show. We’d stopped by a cafe and there wasn’t much time and I was so out of my mind that I—” He cuts himself off. “It doesn’t matter. I got their number, and then they left. I asked to meet today and we did. Jun was already there for…” With his arms crossed, Jihoon looks over at Junhui, remembering that he still doesn’t really know what Junhui was doing at the same cafe you apparently frequent. Is this the same cat cafe Junhui is always talking about? “…some reason. Then someone started singing, and they told us their soulmate is stupid and annoying because their mark…”
“It’s not like ours,” Junhui finishes for Jihoon, though this only deepens the confusion written on Yejung and Myungjun’s faces.
“If it's not like yours, then how do you know they're your—”
“It's them, Hyung.” Jihoon can't help noticing the hopelessness in his own voice. It's you. He knows it's you.
But you don't know it's them— him.
And he's not sure you want to know.
“Their mark, like, grows,” Junhui explains. “Ours just stay on our hands, but when one of us sings, the notes go all over their arms and neck. Maybe other places — I don’t know — but they obviously don’t think it’s either of us since we weren’t singing when their mark did its thing.”
“So…” Myungjun crosses his arms and taps his finger on his bicep. “They don't like their mark.”
Junhui doesn't nod right away, but he does eventually.
Myungjun turns to Jihoon. “And you think that means they don't like you.”
Groaning and rubbing his hands over his face, Jihoon doesn't dignify that with a response. “Even if they did like their mark, it’s an insane situation. Thirteen soulmates? They’re gonna run for the hills when they find out.”
“That’s not necessarily true,” Yejung says, to which Jihoon gives her a dry look and Junhui’s eyes light up. She clears her throat. “We just need to find a way to calmly inform them of the situation — preferably in a safe, comfortable environment.”
Myungjun recognizes a Yejung Game Plan brewing when he sees it. “Basically, what she’s saying is…”
“Let me talk to them.” Yejung opens her laptop again and begins typing away. “We just need to go about this in a calm, logical manner.” She gives a little nonchalant wave of her hand. “This’ll be easier than a design meeting.”
You’re sitting on the floor of your apartment, arms crossed, legs too, as you stare down at the shiny black credit card lying there between you and Heejun. His position mirrors yours, head tilted while he studies the card.
“It could be fake,” you say. Your knee bounces up and down, up and down.
Heejun lifts his head to give you a look. “Why would it be fake?”
“He said he doesn’t believe in banks.”
“It doesn’t look fake.” Heejun reaches out and takes the card, flipping it over in his fingers to read the back. “Looks like any other credit card. We should test it.”
You frown. “How?”
“Uh,” Heejun speaks like the answer is obvious. “Buy something?”
Okay, it is obvious, but the idea doesn’t sit too well with you. “Isn’t that stealing?”
“He gave you the card.”
“Yeah, but the police don’t know that,” you argue. “If I got charged for fraud, it would be his word against mine— no one would believe coffee guy just handed me his black card.”
Without moving his head, Heejun glances up from the card to look at you. "Why would he lie?"
"Um, because he already has? Who knows— maybe this card is connected to illicit activities and he planted it on me to implicate me."
“Which he would do because…?”
You throw your hands up in the air, then let them drop emphatically at your side. “I don’t know! Why did he do any of what he did?”
He raises a brow. “Because he’s a weirdo who likes you?”
“Okay but have you ever given your credit card to a person you’ve only met twice?”
Heejun’s shoulders rise in a shrug. “I’ve wanted to.”
“Seriously?” You can’t imagine your friend going that gaga over a crush, but then again, there was that girl in fourth grade whom he gave all his choco pies to. Heejun loves choco pies.
“Mine would decline though. It wouldn’t exactly impress.”
You lightly shove his shoulder. “Oh come on, it wouldn’t decline.”
“It would if they went over the limit. People only give people their credit cards for expensive stuff. You know that, right?”
The black card gleams up at you, almost tauntingly.
“Expensive stuff like what?”
He shrugs again. “Like a car?”
“You’ve been watching too many CEO dramas.” You exhale and place both hands on the floor with a pointed slam. Standing, you pick the credit card up and brush imaginary dirt off your pants.
“You won’t be so sarcastic when Park Seojoon tells you to keep that thing.”
You roll your eyes as you toss the card into the same trinket dish you keep your keys and other miscellaneous things in. “Isn’t that guy like six foot?”
“So was Huijun,” he counters.
“So are you. Is that all it takes to be a CEO nowadays?” you joke, pulling out your phone. “Height?”
Heejun scoffs, then frames his chin with his thumb and forefinger. “That and my devilish good looks.”
“Please.” You tap on a notification from an unknown number. “If that were true, you’d be the one handing out black…cards…”
At the way you trail off, Heejun furrows his brow and walks over to you. “What’s up? Did you fall for another online scam?”
Not this again. “Okay, first of all, that was not a scam, and I did not fall for it—”
“You didn’t fall for a not scam?”
“Shut up. What do you think this means?” You turn your phone towards him, and he takes it from your unsteady hand.
He reads aloud. “‘Hello, this is Shin Yejung of Pledis Entertainment.’ Did you apply there?”
“No,” you say, then shake your head and wave your hand. “I mean. I don’t know. Maybe. I applied to like five hundred places. But this isn’t that. Keep reading.”
Heejun takes a breath and starts reading like he’s holding a new edict. “‘It has come to my attention that you are in possession of one of my coworker’s bank cards.’ Oooooh, you’re in trouble.” He drags out the last syllable. “‘Please meet me at…’ whatever building, numbers numbers numbers… ‘so I can retrieve it. Please reply to this number for more information, and thank you for your time.’ Hm.”
“What do you think… am I getting arrested?”
Lowering your phone, Heejun gives you a seriously? look over it. “The cops are texting criminals now?”
“So you agree I’m a criminal.”
“You get annoying when you’re nervous, you know that?” When you roll your eyes, Heejun mirrors the expression and pokes your forehead long enough that he pushes you backward. “Look bub, you wanted to give the stupid thing back without using it, and now the opportunity has been handed right to you.” He waves your phone in the air like evidence. “The only question is why coffee guy didn’t just text you himself.”
You cross your arms. “Maybe he doesn’t like me as much as you thought.”
“One more self-deprecating comment out of you and I’m posting those pictures from your twentieth birthday.”
A gasp wrenches from your throat. “You wouldn’t!”
Joshua Hong doesn’t think he has that many unread messages on his phone.
He looks down.
Oof. 682.
Well, it’s not his worst.
Notifications fly by at the top of his screen.
[vernon] where is this guy
[chan] hyung this is important!!
[wonwoo] when have we known that guy to answer anything
[soonyoung] someone text yejung!!
It’s probably not that important, whoever they’re talking about. His members are likely just freaking out over this whole soulmate thing again.
Joshua lifts his hand and stares at his weird, natural — supernatural — tattoo. He still can’t bring himself to believe it.
Soulmates? Really? In this economy? This isn’t Tumblr.
At least… Joshua looks around the dance practice room… He’s pretty sure this isn’t Tumblr.
His phone rings, which is weird since he always has it on silent. Sliding the answer button, he brings the phone up to his ear. “Yejung?”
“Where are you?”
“The practice room,” Joshua answers plainly. “Isn’t this where we’re supposed to be today?”
Yejung sighs on the other end of the line. “I said in the group chat that we were dealing with soulmate stuff. Upstairs.”
Ah, so that’s what has everyone in a tizzy. “Alright, okay. Where am I going?”
“Room eight-thirteen—” He hangs up and starts to pack his things before Yejung can say, “Wait, no, nine-thirteen. We'll start when you arrive. Joshua? Hello?”
You check your phone for what must be upwards of the fifth time.
Yup, Shin Yejung of Pledis Entertainment definitely told you to meet her in room 813, and yet here you are. In room 813. Alone.
You shift on the leather couch. It’s a lounge-like room you’re in. You don’t really understand the purpose of such a room in an entertainment company, but whatever. You’re only here to return something you never should’ve had in the first place.
You turn the card over in your hand, watching the way the fancy lighting bounces off of it.
Why would Jihoon give it to you if he was just going to get it back like this?
Also, now that you really think about it, Jihoon did say something weird when he left yesterday with Huijun. Something about not letting “the rest” scare you off. Whatever that means.
The rest of what?
Or… whom?
You know Jihoon must work for the company in some capacity. The fact that both he and Huijun were wearing masks makes you think they could be artists…
Oh. Duh. Why didn’t you think of this earlier?
Switching apps, you tap the search bar and start typing. Just as you’re done with the last character of Jihoon HYBE, the door you entered through opens. You hastily slip your phone into your back pocket as you stand to greet the person coming in.
“Hello, you must be…” Your eyes scan over his face. He’s… delicate looking, until you move your gaze downwards a little, and his broad shoulders and thick arms are decidedly not delicate looking. “…Shin Yejung?”
You tilt your head. With no mask on the lower half of his face, he seems familiar. Now this guy must be an idol — you probably saw him on the walls when you were making your way through this maze of a building. 
He just raises a brow. “Who are you?”
“Oh, uh…” You stay standing in front of the couch as he approaches you, his arms crossed over his chest. “I’m just here to return this.” Lifting the black card up, you hold it out between you and the man. “It’s Jihoon’s.”
“Jihoon’s?” he echoes, then moves to take the card from you, pinched between his thumb and forefinger. 
You both see it at the same time.
His mark, five black lines, clear as day.
Yours, peeking out from where your sleeve is pulled halfway up your hand.
You look up from your not-really-joined hands, then look down again.
No fucking way. 
“Twinkle twinkle, little—” The notes, whatever they are, dance across his mark.
No fucking way. 
You meet his eyes. “...Songbird?”
He doesn’t say anything for a few seconds. A few too many seconds.
Then, “So it’s you.”
At the same time as you try to jerk away, he attempts to turn your hand over and get a better look. Neither plan really works out. You stumble backwards, and with your hand in his, he gets pulled down with you onto the couch. His free hand shoots out to keep himself from slamming into you, but, persistent as the universe is, your faces end up very freaking close to each other anyway. Warmth from his knee on the couch cushion next to your thigh seeps through your clothing.
He doesn’t move. You don’t either.
For some reason, you feel stuck in place. Not in a bad way, necessarily, but… you just feel like you should be exactly where you are.
You’re almost too close to make real eye contact, so you just watch the way his eyes study yours.
“Songbird?” you whisper, though you have no idea what you’re trying to ask.
He stops analyzing you and finally looks at you. “Yeah?”
“…Are you leaning towards me on purpose?”
His lips (since when were you looking at those?) curl down at the corners. “Are you?”
Slowly, like your mind is trying to catch up to your body, you shake your head. “No…”
He drifts closer. Or you do. Or you both do.
Or something.
Your lips brush over his, and you feel just as much as you hear him whisper. “Then neither am I.”
In the span of a second, his free hand moves from the back of the couch to cradle your jaw, his thumb grazing gently just under your ear. He kisses you, lips moving over yours in a way you’ve felt before, but also in a way you’ve never felt before.
It’s strange.
Not bad strange, but strange in the way that it feels like you’ve just put the last of the groceries in the fridge. It’s like folding that final piece of laundry. Like coming home to the bed you made when you left in the morning.
It’s… satisfactory?
But that’s not the word people normally use when they think of putting their tongue in someone else’s mouth, right?
You’re running out of breath, but Songbird is insistent, and so are his lips, which you find yourself unable to get enough of. He pulls back for half a breath, registers your kiss me again or so help me facial expression, and dives right back in. He’s kissing you and you’re kissing him and you’re soulmates and…
“Wait,” you say, though it comes out more like, “Mmaem” Climbing both your hands up his — whoa — strong arms, you cup his cheeks in preparation to push him away, but he seems to like your touch. He covers the back of one of your hands with his warm palm, and he hums in a way that is not PG-13.
The sound has you melting, unfortunately.
Not for long though.
He’s ripped from you just as quickly as he fell onto you, pulled back by some guy with fluffy black hair, cozy attire head to toe, and… shit, a you’re in trouble glare the likes of which you’ve never seen before. He’s not even looking at you, yet you feel scolded.
“Yah!” he yells at your soulmate, who’s now on the floor. Then, after glancing at you for half a second and apparently finding zero more words to say, he shouts at him again. “Yah!”
Your soulmate opens his mouth, but then he turns to look at the now-open door, which leads you to do the same. A mob of prettyboys stands just outside, some with their jaws dropped and some looking like murder just got legalized and they’re on the prowl.
Someone’s despondent voice shouts, “Hyung!”
You feel like hiding under a blanket. Before your flight instinct kicks in, though, you recognize two familiar faces. “Jihoon?” His eyes meet yours when you say his name. “Huijun?”
One of the many boys among those you don't recognize echoes, “Huijun?” while sending him a weird look.
Someone pushes through the crowd — more like slinks through, occasionally nudging one of the other guys out of the way. His eyes stay firmly on you as he approaches, but you find no fear rising despite that. For some unknown reason, even as this completely unfamiliar man strides over to you with a frankly alarming amount of eye contact, you feel… safe.
Or at least, something close to it.
He kneels in front of where you're still seated on the leather couch, hand resting mere centimetres from leg. “Are you okay?” he asks, voice slightly nasal, but so, so gentle. 
“Uhh…” Self conscious, you wipe at the corner of your mouth with your sleeve. You spot your soulmate catch you doing so, and a look of hurt crosses his face. His own reaction, though, seems to startle him, and his hand rises to gently prod his shiny bottom lip with one of his fingers. He looks confused.
Well, that makes two of you.
Taking in the man right in front of you — pretty, lithe, concerned for you despite his unfamiliarity — you fail to answer his question. “Are… you Shin Yejung?”
He lets out a laugh, relieved, maybe, that you're not not okay. “Jeonghan,” he says simply.
You nod. “Jeonghan.”
At your voice echoing his name, the man’s eyes light up. “Yes?”
“Oh, uh…” You weren’t trying to call on him for anything, but as you study his gaze, you find yourself lost in his confident ease. Something in his eyes says that he knew this would happen.
Maybe not this, exactly — your soulmate has found a spot on the floor and has not stopped staring at it, while the rest of the strangers are still watching you — but taking up the same space as you, facing you, smiling at you with a soft quirk at the corners of his lips.
“Ugh!” A woman’s exasperated voice makes you look up at the crowd by the door. “Get— out of the way, you… ugh—” She breaks through, pushing aside a tall guy who looks like he’s about to cry. “—you men!”
Stumbling to her feet, she rights herself and brushes her bangs out of her face with a huff. “Now, what is—” She spots your soulmate still on his ass and mutters something you’re pretty sure can’t be aired on any broadcasting network. “...my life.”
Your eyes meet hers as she takes another breath. “Please tell me you’re Shin Yejung.”
“Yes, we spoke over the phone.”
“Thank god.” Shaking off all the weird feelings you’d accumulated in the last — what? Two minutes? — you stand from the couch and sidestep Jeonghan. The black card fell at some point during that lapse of judgement (aka kiss), so you swipe it up off the floor and hold it out to her with no preamble. “I swear I’m not a stalker fan or anything. And I didn’t use it, so…”
You glance over at Jihoon, whose expression gives off an oncoming panic. Is he scared to see you? Why? Huijun looks just fine, happy even, with you here. You can practically hear the ‘hello’ he wants to say out loud.
You clear your throat. “Anyway, um. I didn’t mean to, uh…” As you nervously cross your arms, you nod towards your soulmate. “I’m his— I mean, we are… sorry. This is… I wasn’t exactly expecting to find the person who’s…”
Maybe you shouldn’t say you’ve been annoyed by your soulmate since you got your stupid mark. At least not while he’s in the room.
“That’s actually what I brought you here to talk about,” Shin Yejung tells you, a bit like a doctor who’s about to deliver the bad news first. She doesn’t even take the card from you. “Would you like to take a seat?”
You scrunch your eyes shut for a second with a little shake of your head, trying to manual reset your brain because clearly it’s still muddled. “Sorry, what? You want to talk about…?”
The mob of men in the room get hidden from your vision as Yejung strategically places herself between them and you. “Soulmates,” she says.
You look down at the black card, then back up at her again. “Soulmates.”
“Yes. Your soulmates. I was hoping to talk to you alone first.” She sends a pointed look at the men behind her. “But it’s not exactly easy to get these guys to lis—”
“Sorry.” You wave a hand in the air to get her to stop, unable to comprehend any of her words after— “Did you say my soulmates? As in… mates, multiple? Mates with an S at the end? I don’t think I heard you correctly.”
Remaining calm while your mind spins, Yejung nods. “I know this is a lot to take in.”
“Know what is a lot to take in?”
Yejung opens her mouth to answer, but a voice blurts out behind her, “We’re your soulmates!”
Maybe you haven’t known him long enough or talked to him that many times, but you recognize Jihoon’s voice, and something in your gut suddenly grows sharp. Not painful, but begging for you to feel it. Yejung shifts so your field of view is once again filled by men too pretty to be all in the same room. Jihoon’s standing there, fists clenched at his sides, out of breath for no discernable reason other than…
We’re your soulmates.
Seeing your hesitation, Jihoon huffs and tears a bandaid you never really noticed off the back of his right hand. Even before he completes the motion, you know what must be under the bandage. He holds his hand up, though, and the evidence is very near damning.
Next to him, Huijun smiles and lifts his arm, pointing to his own five lines with his opposite hand. 
Most of the guys behind them show you the same thing. Five lines on the smooth backs of their hands, near the base of the thumb. Dear lord, you don’t even know how many of them there are.
The angry one who pulled the man off of you earlier, at least, just looks lost, like he once had control and now has none. Relatable.
You stumble back a bit. Instinctively, you say, “Songbird?”
Though quite a few of the men seem to perk up at the nickname, only the one you already gave the moniker to truly reacts. Your soulmate — god, one of your soulmates? — looks up at you from the floor and answers, “Yeah?” before realizing he’s even doing it.
“Never mind,” you dismiss with a wave of your hand. “Ms Shin?”
“Yes?” She steps closer, a worried look on her face.
Jeonghan, too, moves toward you with a similar look on his face.
You try to take a steady breath and fail. “I think I’ll take that seat now.”
Swaying backward, your body falls onto the leather couch. 
You hear approximately ten panicked shouts as you go down.
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new chapters for atus are not on a schedule nor guaranteed. there is no taglist. thank you for reading!
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n3ptoonz · 8 months
Hi I’m a bit embarrassed to say this lol, that’s why I’m anonymous. Can you please write headcanons for Bi Han, Liu Lang, Geras, Tomas and Raiden with someone who uh, really really likes to suck their cockk 🫣
i sure as hell can anon🫦
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knowing bi han stubborn ass he's gonna claim it gets in the way whenever you ask more often than not, but as soon as he picks up on your fixation...you can literally do no wrong
most times he takes control, other times the dome is so overwhelmingly good he grunts constantly and gets lightheaded, but don't tell nobody 🤫
you'd be surprised with the amount of praise he gives you. it would even go to point of him noticing differences and similarities between present and past with how skilled you were. leave it up to him to make everything into fighting terms (he doesn't know how to express his emotions give him a moment😹)
Liu Kang
at a loss for words tbh. he knew you loved getting intimate with him but specifically giving him oral caught him off guard. this is only bc he's used to being dominant and making sure your pleasure comes first that he's like woah, you're quite eager there 😲
he wouldn't be one to deny you though. in a way he's still prioritizing your pleasure since you are indeed receiving it from giving him head, and was not one to ever complain!
he's not one to have or show his ego, but damn, the lewd sounds that come from your mouth and the sight of you clearly enjoying yourself does make him feel like the luckiest god there is. to have you all to himself in this portion of his lifetime is the absolute highlight and he'll never forget it
ik geras isn't some giant monster man but he absolutely has a giant monster co-
you can barely even reach past the middle, and you want to keep doing that? okay, he thinks, by all means do what makes you both happy in the end
secretly worried for your jaws and sometimes your throat. he's gonna keep asking if you're okay and would prob be very confused/concerned if tears started falling from trying to take all of him. you gotta explain it's all part of the process and you enjoy it. he might not ever understand everything about mortals, but he sure loves the pleasure while he learns
i 1000% believe that tomas is super sensitive around his dick. like, regular sex is already one thing. but...superb head from you? he MIGHT just die
theoretically speaking you wouldn't be able to pin him down while you suck him off but a girl can dream, let's throw logic out the window real quick. he'd lose his fucking mind and start muttering praises in czech
he does prefer to pleasure you BUT who would he be to say no to you?? he gets bomb head on a regular basis and a hot partner to do it. he wouldn't even have time to ask you for it because you keep telling him you will/you want to. if you really bout it, you'll discover he'd definitely be into getting oral in a secluded public space like the bathroom or training room
like i always say, he may come off as a shy cutie (which he is) BUT when that dark side comes out it's over
i feel like he's a switch. so, whenever you ask if you can do a lil vacuum action it always starts the same way, but never ends the same way
it starts with him shyly agreeing letting you do your thing then bam, he either starts pushing your head down more and makes you go at the pace he wants OR you're just too good and make him squirm, buck, whine, and tremble. it's always a gamble but hey, i like these odds, don't you? you two equally go back and forth with pleasuring each other and he even worries he'd get selfish but like who cares mf im tryna hear you 😮‍💨
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etherealising · 5 months
hey vee! omg i’m so glad you extended your celebration. i’ve been drowning in schoolwork and kinda losing my mind but i totally wanna participate at least once!
ik we’re team barmy in this house but i’m curious to see a drabble on what this day was like from camry’s perspective.
that day baby came to work and he was on a date with claire. how did he bring himself to even go especially after their previous night together. (ik this may be a lil agnsty, i’ve been loving that kind of stuff lately) 💞💞
stawph!!! this request excites me every time i read it and idk why lol. i love writing pre-aiekoy barby it's so much fun to just invent a bunch of lore!!
thank you so much for requesting!!! i see you in my inbox bestie and i promise i’ll get back to you love!! also your constant support really is one of the reasons i keep posting so thank you so much for indulging me 🫶🏽
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After baby leaves the berzatto household carmy literally has zero clue what to do with himself, like man is just staring at his bedroom door 30 minutes later trying to figure out if what just happened was real or just his imagination.
He definitely brushes his fingers across his lips a couple of times, tingles racing through his body every time he thinks about your lips on his.
Carmy goes to sleep happy that night his mind full of visions of you as he finally lays his head to rest.
Sunday rolls around and he’s feeling a bit anxious that neither of you have seen or spoken to each other since that night.
Carmy is freaking out like it genuinely hasn’t even been a full 24 hrs since the moment the two of you shared and he’s sure he scared you off. Maybe you just kissed him back because you felt sorry for him man is running through all the worst scenarios in his head.
He’s definitely picked up the phone to call you and typed out messages but was too scared to do either one in fear of rejection or worse in fear of ruining your already rocky friendship.
At some point, he just relegates himself to finishing some English final essay to keep his mind off of you (it obviously doesn’t work).
It’s getting later as the day passes by and Carmy’s just staring at the few words in the notebook and the eraser marks decorating the page.
The sound of his phone vibrating against the table pulls him from his thoughts and that boy is racing from his seat to answer it, no hesitation no checking the caller ID nothing.
He answers breathlessly and calls your name with a smile on his face because who else would be calling him?
The devastation radiates off of him as Claire’s voice rings into his ears. He gives her an uninterested “Oh, hi.” Mans is not happy at all but he was raised right so he indulges her.
Carmy zones out as soon as he realizes it’s not you, moving through the living room to peek through the curtains at your house, your car is still in the driveway so you must be home, maybe he can go see you after this phone call.
Claire’s voice drifts through his ears asking where he’s at and homeboy is confused most of his focus going to how he’s gonna get his girl who isn’t yet his girl.
And then he remembers before his moment with you, before he knew what it felt like to feel the soft caress of your lips, the weight of your body in his lap. Claire asked him to lunch and he said yes!
He stumbles over his words, he can easily tell Claire that he’s not interested, that there’s someone else. But only an asshole would do something like that over the phone. So with one last look at your car, he decides he’ll meet up with Claire, let her down easy, and then you and him can figure out what this is between the two of you.
Carmy uses the back entrance not wanting to engage with any of the many people crowded in line at the front of the shop, easily finding Claire alone at a table a sigh of relief escaping him that she hadn’t chosen yours and his special table.
It’s awkward for the first few minutes after he sits down. He promised himself he’d start by admitting to Claire that he thought she was nice and pretty even, but that he realized he was in love with someone else.
Claire breaks the ice before he can even get his little speech out, maybe he’ll wait till the end of this little hangout maybe that would save the awkwardness of having to eat with someone you admitted you didn’t have feelings for.
Somehow the two of them go from awkward conversation to joking around about the previous night at prom.
Carmy’s back is to the entrance so he doesn’t take notice of your presence but he watches as Claire’s eyes drift from his face her eyes lighting up hand waving with gusto as she says your name.
Carmy doesn’t even need to turn around to see you, a heavy weight growing at the bottom of his stomach, but he does anyway and the way you avoid his eyes is enough proof that this whole situation upset you.
He doesn’t even give Claire a second thought before he’s out of his seat trying to find you, the muffled cries leaving the walk-in lead him straight to you, and he can’t help the annoyance that builds up in him at hearing Mikey’s voice.
His older brother, always there to save the fucking day. He stays a bit longer just listening to you sob and he knows he was the cause of your anguish.
Carm returns to Claire and apologizes for leaving and he doesn’t explain anything but he can see the sadness in her eyes as a silent conversation passes between the two of them her eyes watering with her hurt and realization.
Claire was kind enough to offer him a ride home, but Carmy decided to walk home, he didn’t know how he could live with the weight of making two girls cry in one day.
On the tedious walk home, Carmy comes to the decision that it’s best if he just lets you believe what you want. You’ll be gone soon and there’s no point in clearing anything up, no point in putting his feelings about you into words if the two of you will be apart soon.
So he self-sabotages allows you to think he’s the bad guy (i mean he kinda is lol) doesn’t clear up what you think you saw, and doesn’t address the kiss and intimate moment he initiated.
And as the days tick down to your departure he watches you grow closer to Hayden, ignoring Claire’s questioning looks as she tries to understand why you and Carmy aren’t together yet.
The time comes for your departure and he’s built up some false confidence about telling you the truth about everything but he chokes. Wishes you luck in college and mutters promises about keeping in touch, promises he knows are a lie as soon as he speaks them because he doesn’t think he could pretend to be happy for you knowing his own happiness lies with you.
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a/n: gosh do i love making these two suffer, there’s some tidbits in here that i might expand on in a carmy interlude i have planned but only time will tell. enjoy!
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Hello....I saw the fluffy+nsfw headcanons for Deidara you did earlier and I loved it sooo much I can't even tell you! I was wondering if you could do something similar with Hidan as well if it's not too much trouble? Specifically with someone who's really kind to him and insists on treating him nicely, because let's face it, both in anime and manga pookie bear just gets tossed around like he's nothing by both himself and everyone else. He's such an adorable ball of sunshine and I'd really really appreciate it if you could write something for him 💕
Ah !! I'm gonna be honest, I haven't seen enough of Hidan to make that good of a story, but I'll really, really try!!
From the few scenes I've seen of him, all I can really see is that he's sarcastic, religious, and loud, so I can totally see all the members just hating him, and I wanna see him loved.
Some NSFW, mostly Fluff, and a fem!reader in the NSFW parts.
If you meet the other members before him, your view will definitely be altered. "Yeah, he's pretty rude, so just ignore him."
He knows everyone says that to the new member, so when you approach him with bright and welcoming energy, he's thrown tf off guard.
He obviously covers it with a sarcastic comment, saying his name and rudely saying you're not worth his time. He, again, is thrown off-guard when you react with a smile and walk away.
— The next day, you wave to him and say a quick "hello." What you don't know is that he stayed up thinking about you. Why were you so... Nice?
He comes up to you and asks bluntly, "Are you religious?" Which, causes you to be confused. He soon introduces you to his God.
Soon after that, you spend night after night praying to whatever God he believes in, which he finds extremely sweet but he won't admit it. That's something he believes in, and this random girl is now believing in him too???? He may fall in love a little too soon.
Speaking of love, the first time you saw him blush is when he told you he did. He seemed so... Not sarcastic and rude, which was different for him. "H-hey... I don't care if you feel the same, but I have feelings for you." He tries to sound confident... And fails.
When you tell him you reciprocate the feelings, he pauses, as if he didn't expect that whatsoever. The first date you had was so unworldly and romantic. It was at a local park at about ten at night, candles all around while fucking star gazing. How. Romantic.
He's not that touchy with you but is completely fine if you are. He's just really into your voice. His love language is definitely words of affirmation. He just loves hearing complaints and nice things about him, or even just you talking to him and not at him.
Your first kiss was... Interesting? Idk. He was doing the ritual he does after he kills someone, as we're you. And after you were both done, he sat up and looked at you, not saying anything. Then he just leaned in and kissed you. There was no rhyme or reason. He just did it. Was it romantic? I mean, if you think kissing over a dead person is romantic... — He gave you a better kiss the next day.
He hogs the blankets. I'm not sorry, and he does. You sleep in the same bed as him? You're gonna get cold. This bitch is the embodiment of "I don't care so I don't share" when he sleeps. Maybe it's on purpose. Maybe it's not.
He's so dramatic. In everything he does. The nicknames he calls you, when he tells everyone you're dating, (when he breaks the Fourth Wall and tells the viewers watching he's dating you, BECAUSE IK THIS MF BREAKS THAT WALL SO MF MUCH–), in just everything he does. That's another thing you love.
He likes necks. Yes, I will elaborate on that. You're welcome. – If you're both walking, he'll gently push your head down and poke at your neck. If you have a nape piercing he will CRY. He's gonna be fidgeting with that all day. — If your little spoon, he'll kiss and bite little marks into the back of your neck. He just likes how intimate and sensitive it is.
Why not bedazzle his sword, too? Not the blade, just the handle of it. I'm not gonna say anything else, sorry.
He gives off the oldest child's energy. He kinda bullies you, playfully, while you take it while giggling. That's part of why he loves you, you just accept him as him and all he does.
A few NSFW headcanons here. Minors look away, and if ur uncomy, ignore this part!!!
He's a dom. No doubt.
Okay, here's how it starts. You'd be reading a book while sitting on him. He starts poking at your clothes like he usually does, getting more and more bold as he does. He's softly moving you around, pulling down your shirt and pants like a doll, while you barely realize. He always messes with your clothes. What's different today?
The difference is where his hands are. One hand goes to your clit, the other massaging your nipples. That earns a loud moan from you and a chuckle from him, as you set down your book, looking up at him.
He loves when people hear you, if we're talking kinks. An exhibitionist, if you will. (Is that another one of my biggest kinks? Yes, now stfu you horny bitch)
He has fucked you in the hallway of the place you and the other members stay in, and he will do it again. Each reaction is different. (Itachi doesn't leave his room, DeiDei stares before running and squealing like a girl, Pain just stares before walking away, Konan is speechless, and Sasori goes to warn the others.)
I have one more headcanon. A blood kink. I'm not going into that, use your imagination.
Thanks for requesting, I hope you like it, and request more in the future !!
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infiniteko · 7 months
👁️👄👁️ why is correcting misinformation / contradictions / massive over complications considered "mean"? these people realize they’re on the internet, right? if you’re still learning about ND/AV, you can literally just write down your thoughts in a private journal so you’re not responsible for spreading myths and false info on the internet to confused, vulnerable people. i’m sorry to be harsh but so many young people enjoy the title of being a "blogger", but without any accountability or experience in what they’re actually claiming to "teach". people are allowed to publicly criticize other people’s public claims, it’s the internet and it’s part of having a platform. 🤷 any ounce of criticism doesn’t equate to bullying or hatred. be open to discussion that’s not always positive and don’t take it as such a personal attack…
when people are tagging their posts with ND/AV, but aren’t using these concepts at all accurately, it’s totally fair to correct them. the same way if i came on here talking about how jewish theology considers jesus to be a messiah, i’d expect someone to tell me otherwise. it’s just blatantly untrue lol. it’s harmful and also extremely pointless to talk about things you don’t know anything about as if you know, when you can just take a tiiiny break from the internet, go within and… actually know it for yourself?
it’s veryyy transparent who here speaks from experience of knowing themselves (you + RW mainly, also i think Ada was mostly right just massively over conceptualized) versus who simply says whatever words they think sound good lol. it’s a shame to see people be wilfully ignorant but oh well🤷 it’s only themselves that they’re keeping seemingly stuck and unhappy, forever chasing (as that anon themselves said) "manifestations" and "desires" that bring about no meaningful or lasting happiness. 👎
sorry btw ik you probably can’t post this because of 🫨the controversy!!!1!1!🫨 but i had to indulge myself just a lil in the pettiness… i was bored, and i’m so tired of hearing people label SHORT + SIMPLE sentences as "riddles" just because they don’t want to put on their big girl pants and know this for themselves
Oh Anon you're speaking from the depths of my soul. I couldn't agree even more. Most of these "ND/AV" "bloggers" talk nonsense and get extremely defensive whenever they are corrected. They enjoy having people who listen to them and you can always tell who is talking from straight direct experience and who isn't. It's considered rude and "bullying" because they're asleep. But I'll be quiet🙆🏻‍♀️
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sugawarassoulmate · 2 years
okok im back with incel!kenma
whats even worse is if you really can’t tell if you’re a guy or a girl, the type of person that gives gender envy. if you have longer hair he just assumes your like him and can’t be bothered to cut it.
also ik this isn’t one of your hcs for kuro but nerd/loser!kuro x mean!goth!gf but maybe you’re not mean to him but everyone else, people even look at him the wrong way and you have them absolutely terrified. and during your face chats with him you never have your makeup or you daily clothes on. normally just bare faced and in something of kuros. surpising how he didn’t pick up kuros old nekoma jersey
number one: maybe kuro posts a picture of you on his story possibly at your pc playing with incel!kenma. or it could be one of the spicy mirror pictures you made him post because why the hell is the dumb bitch from class feeling up on your man for. maybe you even rant to kenma about this dumb bitch who can’t keep her hands to herself, and why the fuck is she touching a taken man. (okay i think incel!kenma is misogynistic but not homophobic because why the fuck would anyone want to deal with some needy whore constantly.) but that rant solidifies the thought that you are infact a guy maybe not one who hates women on the same level as he does but a man nonetheless. but once kuro posted that picture he figured it out and was disgusted.
number 2: kuro is at your house studying, so to keep your boredom at bay you hop online with kenma, it’s about two hours in when he hears a knock shuffling in the back ground followed by the sound of someone falling onto your bed when he asked about it your response is casual “oh its just my boyfriend.” and he doesn’t pick at it anymore. but then the mic catches a familiar voice in the background. “pretty girl when are you gonna be done, i want to take a nap with you” you give a hum in response to his question. “alright bro gotta leave after this round, so we have to win don’t wanna lose the last match of the day.” obviously you land up losing because kenma can’t get his pretty little head around the fact that he couldn’t tell you were some fucking bitch, you never told him either so that makes you a fucking liar (even tho he didn’t ask). when the game disconnects he’s seething.
number three: this is the worst option really kuro begs him to come hang out with him at his girlfriend, he swears up and down that she’s not the type of woman he’d hate. promises that they have a lot of the same interests. maybe he sends a picture of you cosplaying as one of his favorite characters but that just lowers his opinion, in the photo he can’t even tell its you though. so he’s even more confused when he meets you guys at the arcade. he cautiously calls you by your in game name and you respond with a smile and respond with your irl name. he’s genuinely not sure how to react. not just bc you’re the person he’s been gaming with for almost a year, but with your thick ass platforms you’re just as talk as kuro if not taller. you literally look down at him, can he even talk shit about a bitch like you with out getting his as beat.
anyway this drug out for way longer than intended. but yeah incel!kenma making assumptions and being totally wrong. how funny would it be if he had a crush on kuros gf
bestie.....my beloved......all of the options just sound so amazing to me omg *kisses u*
the absolute torture incel!kenma has to go through upon finding out that 1) his favorite gaming buddy is a disgusting female, 2) she's dating his best friend and somehow he never knew, and 3) she's so fucking hot that kenma can't stop picturing her face every time he rubs one out.
and you just won't let him live you're so fucking mean to him that kenma can't even get a word in when you're roasting him. the only thing that reels you in is kuroo's soft, pleading voice asking you to be nice.
kenma's embarrassed that his friend has become such a simp but fuck if he didn't wish he was on the receiving end of your sweet words.
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stargirlrchive · 1 year
Hey girl!!! I’m back!!! ⚠️⚠️⚠️ Imagine the first time with Miguel not having thoroughly thought about how big he is??? He definitely preps you w/his fingers & mouth for what feels like hours. Your body tremors as you watch him crawl his way up the bed. He’s placing soft kisses along your body as you’re fighting to catch your breath. Your hand goes to his back the other into his hair as he kisses & sucks the delicate skin on your neck. “We’re doing this,” he breathes, looking into your eyes. You eagerly nod in agreement although there’s no need, he was making a statement. Not asking. He kisses your lips before swiftly ridding himself of his undergarments. A breathless “woah” comes out as you stare down at it. Of fcking course the bastards got a very proper massive hammer on him. “Eyes on me.” He smirks as he lifts your chin. His hand goes to the back of your knee, to wrap around his waist whilst he kisses your jaw. You’re not sure if your body shakes in excitement or nervousness. Definitely both. Nonetheless you’re determined… until you feel him press against your center. “Wait,” you nervously giggle hesitantly pressing against his shoulders. He looks genuinely confused. “Give me a second.” You tell him and he growls. “We’re doing this,” he repeats and you immediately nod. “Of course…” you swallow bringing his lips to yours, “just…” you breathe against his mouth before he cuts you off with a feverish kiss. He squeezes the back of your thigh in some sort of warning as he fervently grinds against you. He’s about to go in when you break away the kiss in a mess of nervous giggles, “wait wait wait!” He desperately groans this time. “Just another sec-“ you’re cut off again as he rolls you both over. “Set your pace,” he grumbles. Oh? How polite? His hands travel up your thighs to your hips, gripping tightly. You place both hands on his chest as you slowly sink down. You gasp and stop. He groans, silently curses. Then pulls your body lower onto him. You reach midway before stopping him, hand pushing against his abdomen and the other clasping his wrist as you hiss. Thighs trembling. Not adjusting. You shake your head, grimacing. It’s not happening. That’s as far as you can go. He sits up. You mewl at the movement. “Estrellita,” he grunts against your ear, “take it all.” That was an order. He moves a hand to work up your clit. Loosening you up some more. You moan and whimper, slowly taking all of him. You’re too full, it stings. “So fcking tight,” he hisses, soothingly rubbing your hips. Kissing away your wince he huskily whispers, “I got ya, baby. I got ya.” After encouraging you w/more praises & kisses he gently rocks you against him, “good to go?” You nod wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “Great. Can’t hold back any longer, estrellita.”
Mans is gonna take ya to pound town baebee 🐎
GURL!! Tell me I’m right but Miguel would definitely use the pet name ✨Estrellita✨ Ik he does! He calls me so himself 😤 I mean like who wouldn’t wanna be called someone’s “little star” 🤩 am I right or am I absolutely right?? This is also a lil teeny PSA! for all the brilliant wonderful Miguel writers to use the pet name estrellita cause it’s so darn cute!
Sorry for how long this is, I’ve lost my marbles. This heckin bloody man gots me spiraling! I just KNOW he hangs looooow. That cheeky bloke 😑
why am i twirling my hair, kicking my feet?
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but like after awhile he fully just gives in and let’s you take control because he’d stuff you full of his cum and have you walking on wobbly legs if he didn’t. he’s trying so fucking hard not to just succumb to the feeling of pleasure you’re giving him, and your hips finally find their pace, and miguel’s grabbing at any part of your exposed skin, mumbling quietly, “doin’ so good estrellita, like you were made for this.”
i’m h word bad nonnie why do you do this to me, also if you aren’t a writer??? UM WHAT THE FUCK??? DO IT NOW PLS
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circular-bircular · 5 months
Sup! I’m not a part of the whole be nice to persecutors squad, but I do rehabilitate persecutors sometimes as an ex-persecutor myself and I would like to hear your thoughts on my opinions (genuinely I am open to change. Ik I'm harsh). This is going to be a long one and I’m sorry if I sound dismissive of other feelings it’s more of a how it all feels to me.
This is all persecutor discussion that may be upsetting. Please read with caution or delete from your inbox as you see fit.
So yes of course persecutors should not be treated like monsters they are a part of a system. They are people (or whatever word refers best to one’s conscious collective) and they deserve love and respect like anyone else. So are the people they hurt though. I feel that’s really forgotten in this positivity around the guy that hurts people.
So in my villain era I just chose to be an asshole. I was pissed at the system and wanted to make their lives hell. Letting me front was a mistake I was purposefully off putting around our friends (no they didn’t bloody deserve it I knew what I was doing. I also wasn’t mean I was off putting, to be clear). I wasn’t a confused protector. I wasn’t protecting us. I made the conscious decision and effort to hurt or disturb anything I came into contact with because I was mad. Not all persecutors are like this but my annoyance is at the whole persecutor positivity that includes people like me.
I didn’t change because the system was nice to me. I wouldn’t have changed because someone got me an ice cream or sympathised with me (and they tried) I changed because I happened to be fronting one night and someone was vulnerable in front of us. I’d been nothing but an asshole up until them but I was trusted because in that moment I wanted to change and trusting that I would try I was allowed to. I masked and helped the guy.
That’s not advice btw that’s just, what happened. No one being nice to me or trying to get me to change made me change it was having room for the decision to change that changed me. Getting mad at me for being an ass, making me say sorry for being an ass and treating me like someone who was an ass didn’t stop me from recovery. I whole heartedly believe that you don’t owe all persecutors kindness.
I was reforming a dipshit and I’ve been nothing but kind to her and she was still a dipshit. She understood she was being a dipshit but was fulfilling a role she thought had to be fulfilled and while I slowly undid that the person she was “tasked” with being a dipshit toward was allowed to be angry and upset and hurl insults back. You should be allowed to feel like you’re protecting yourself.
And finally my most controversial statement. System jail is fine. Locking up parts of your system for being assholes isn’t good for them but when you can no longer take the constant abuse or you have too many other problems that’s fine. I don’t understand the weird obsession with being nice to the bully. In my experience that wont stop em and sometimes there is no space to give them room to change all you can do is protect yourself until there is space.
I’m not a persecutor hater. I’m just an internet guy that says the online advice f being nice ignores the people that get hurt. It’s a nuanced and individual situation. Internet advice does not fix that. I am nice when there’s room to be nice and I believe that prosecutors will heal but the shit they fucking did should not be overlooked.
& If any recovering persecutors are reading this. I see you. You’re on a difficult path. You deserve love and respect and to live life.
This wasn't one of the eaten asks, but I've honestly been trying to work out how to respond to this for a long time. I'm gonna try and break this down for myself. And by that I mean, here's Debbie with the weather.
So yes of course persecutors should not be treated like monsters they are a part of a system. They are people (or whatever word refers best to one’s conscious collective) and they deserve love and respect like anyone else. So are the people they hurt though. I feel that’s really forgotten in this positivity around the guy that hurts people.
Absolutely, anon. The people we've hurt need to be rewarded for the shit they've survived from us. I was a complete and absolute bitch, and I apologize for how much of a bitch I was -- but not for the reasons why I was a bitch. I'm not going to apologize for my trauma. For any persecutors reading this, nobody here is asking you to apologize for who you are. We're just saying, acknowledging that you hurt someone is a good place to start.
So in my villain era I just chose to be an asshole. I was pissed at the system and wanted to make their lives hell. Letting me front was a mistake I was purposefully off putting around our friends (no they didn’t bloody deserve it I knew what I was doing. I also wasn’t mean I was off putting, to be clear). I wasn’t a confused protector. I wasn’t protecting us. I made the conscious decision and effort to hurt or disturb anything I came into contact with because I was mad. Not all persecutors are like this but my annoyance is at the whole persecutor positivity that includes people like me.
Anon, take this whatever way you want, but that to me sounds like protecting your system. I purposefully made myself unpleasant to be around. I fucked with my friends and purposefully pissed them off, not "to protect us UwU" but because they were fucking stupid to be friends with these idiots. The other fuckers in my head were weak, pathetic, and pointless. I pretended to be other parts, just to pull the rug out from under my friends, because god was it easy to, and it was absolutely hilarious to see their reactions. I tortured my other parts innerworld, because god was it fun to make them realize just how pathetic they were, just how much better I was than them. My goal was to get the other parts to kill themselves (what I understood as dormancy after some time) and let me just take charge, because I wanted to live.
And yeah. That's me protecting my system.
Because the more I bashed us, the more I said, "let me take over because I'm better than you," the more I pushed away all my friends... It was the more I "kept us safe" from getting hurt from the outside. Rice won't be hurt if she doesn't exist. Rice won't break down from trauma memories if fill her brain with trauma memories 24/7. Rice won't lose her friends and break down if she has no friends to begin with.
I didn't do that on purpose, of course. I didn't look to help these assholes. I wanted them GONE. But now that I'm reformed, now that I can look back at what a mess I actually was, instead of the perfect being I thought I was, I can understand that all of that was my misguided way of protecting us. Even if I didn't understand that at the time.
I made that conscious decision to hurt, and it was influenced by the unconscious decision to protect.
Now, maybe you really were just a pissy lil bitch who wanted to hurt people, whatever, I really couldn't care less about you. But at the end of the day, alters in DID systems split for a reason -- to cope with trauma and make it bearable to survive through. So regardless of what edgy pre-teen bullshit you're spouting, if you're an alter, you're a form of protector in some way. At least in my eyes.
I didn’t change because the system was nice to me. I wouldn’t have changed because someone got me an ice cream or sympathised with me (and they tried) I changed because I happened to be fronting one night and someone was vulnerable in front of us. I’d been nothing but an asshole up until them but I was trusted because in that moment I wanted to change and trusting that I would try I was allowed to. I masked and helped the guy.
Cool! Glad you worked your shit out. I started getting better because someone was really fucking mean to me. I mean, I had food poisoning, was running out of the room to vomit, and my friend still sat me down for like a 2 hour or so lecture about how I was a fucking awful person and she wouldn't stop lecturing me until I shaped the fuck up and understood why she thought I was bad. That fucking BROKE me.
Being nice to your persecutor is one way. Torturing them after fucking cafeteria mozzarella stick induced food poisoning is another. To each their own, y'know? (Side note, I know you don't follow me here bby but I love you, thank you for slapping the shit out of past me with your words and anger <3)
That’s not advice btw that’s just, what happened. No one being nice to me or trying to get me to change made me change it was having room for the decision to change that changed me. Getting mad at me for being an ass, making me say sorry for being an ass and treating me like someone who was an ass didn’t stop me from recovery. I whole heartedly believe that you don’t owe all persecutors kindness.
I wholeheartedly believe nobody is owed kindness. Kindness is a choice I make -- one that can easily be decided against if it is no longer beneficial to be kind. I owe no loyalty to kindness. I choose to be kind, because why the fuck wouldn't I be, you fucking idiot?
I was reforming a dipshit and I’ve been nothing but kind to her and she was still a dipshit. She understood she was being a dipshit but was fulfilling a role she thought had to be fulfilled and while I slowly undid that the person she was “tasked” with being a dipshit toward was allowed to be angry and upset and hurl insults back. You should be allowed to feel like you’re protecting yourself.
Ok but that was a kind thing to do. Like. That's what I mean when I say to be kind to your persecutors. Letting them BE ANGRY IS A GOOD THING???? So confused why this isn't seen as being kind. You took the time out of your fucking schedule to help give that person a space to be upset and angry. That's kindness. That was a choice.
And finally my most controversial statement. System jail is fine. Locking up parts of your system for being assholes isn’t good for them but when you can no longer take the constant abuse or you have too many other problems that’s fine. I don’t understand the weird obsession with being nice to the bully. In my experience that wont stop em and sometimes there is no space to give them room to change all you can do is protect yourself until there is space.
God you're so fucking hilarious tbh.
Yeah, sure, whatever, system jail is fine, esp in cases like. Where you're still in an abusive situation. That's because you're allowed to make mistakes, and system jail is a mistake. It's perfectly valid and fine while also being really fucking awful and stupid.
The "weird obsession" with being nice to the bully isn't "it will stop them." It's "that's an entire ass part of yourself, stop fucking airing your self-hatred out in public for everyone to see, it's nauseating."
TL;DR: Being kind to your persecutors is a choice. Obviously, it's not one you HAVE to make, but it's highly suggested. The issue is, "kindness" looks different for everyone. For me, it was "kind" to have someone do the equivalent of a guttural scream for 2 hours. For others, it's fru-fru shit that makes them feel all warm and fuzzy. For you, it was just giving someone the time and space to be angry. Making mistakes is okay. Do what you want forever and who even gives a shit? And FFS, OBVIOUSLY, LET'S NOT IGNORE THE VICTIMS OF OUR ABUSE. (But yknow, let's not ignore the fact that persecutors are also victims of abuse and they get blamed for literally every fucking thing jfc).
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idk if this counts as a vent but its kinda long i just need to rant
so i told my friends im asexual yesterday.
im still struggling to figure out with my sexuality where i lie within like who im attracted to, but i do know that im at least ace. i mean i didnt tell them exactly, i didnt use the term asexual, but i told them i dont ever want to have sex and i dont really feel that kind of attraction.
theyre my two closest friends, and the first people ive ever told. really just cuz its never come up, its not like im actively hiding the fact. we were playing this game of would you rather, but it was a card game someone got me for my birthday so like you played it a certain way to fit the game idk. and one of them (which confused me bc it was rated 14+??) asked would you rather "give up swearing forever or give up sex for "do it" for 2 minutes every day or have a 30 minute makeout session every day. and they were supposed to try to guess what i would choose, and i said the latter.
and they were really surprsied?? like no i dont really wanna do that thats weird, and they told me oh thats not weird some people do that and i was like do they?? idk i just dont like that. and they were like ok whatever and we moved on. and then later there was another (i really do wonder why this is only rated 14+ bc 14 year old me would not like these questions) that said would you rather give up swearing forever or give up sex for 12 years.
and i chose the second obviously. ik i do online but irl i dont swear that much so that wouldnt be hard, but also im asexual so like thats easy lol. and they were trying to guess what i would choose and they both got it wrong and they were shocked. and i was like yeah i mean i dont have sex now?? and they were like yeah but youre a teenager now what about when youre older??? and i was like no i dont really want to, i dont ever really plan to have sex
and they were shocked. they thought i was crazy they thought i was joking. and they were like youre gonna change your mind and i was like no im not i dont want to have sex????? i never have??? like ive told you i dont want to have kids thats part of why.
and they were like but what about when you get married? dont you want a boyfriend? it would lead to that!! and its just so baffling to me that some people think that way. its absolutely absurd to me that i had to explain the difference between a romantic and a sexual relationship. like i told them theres plutonic, romantic, and sexual relationships, everything in between, and not one is higher or more important than the other.
and they were like "but what about when you get married? what are you gonna do?" uhh im gonna love them?? im gonna love my partner romantically and be happy with them and not have sex??? marriage doesnt need to include sex. "what are you gonna do after the wedding?" uhh go home and take a nap?? idk we can cuddle but im not insane for not wanting someone inside me thats nasty. (no offense yall im just sex repulsed).
one of them literally said "but once your relationship reaches a certain point you almost have to" AND I WAS LIKE NO WHAT THE FUCK YOU DONT HAVE TO DO ANYTHING EVER?? and they were like "i gUeSs". i told them id rather die than have sex like thats just not for me and they thought i was insane. they said if someone came up and said do that or die, youd die?? and im like yeah because if i dont want to then thats sexual assault and yeah id rather die than be sexually assaulted??? "what if your partner wants to and you dont?" then uhh if sex is that important to them we'll break up, i can respect their opinion and hopefully they can respect mine?? its not that confusing??
i dont know i just think its so weird to have that perspective in life. i guess its technically "normal" but the idea that all romantic relationship leads to sexual is weird. and the idea that giving up sex for 12 years is harder than not saying a few words is even weirder.
i mean the only good thing that came out of that whole conversation is i got over that imposter syndrome of not being "queer enough" because they acted like i told them i was an illegal alien getting transgender operations in prison
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brainddeadd · 4 months
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Overall thoughts
They’ve been on the run and fighting for their lives for so long, they’ve forgotten how to exist peacefully and without fear - without the suspicion and without feeling like everyone and everything is out to get them 
S5, ep 1
Were they forced into being pieces of shit at Terminus ????
‘Now’ ok 
They gassed them ?!?!?!?!
They gonna chop them in half or something ?????
And now the place is being blown up
Jesus christ 
“Bitch looked like a weapon with a weapon.” You’re correct but don’t you dare call her a bitch 
Carol not believing a word that dick says - queen shit 
“Horrible shit just stacks up..” You are the horrible shit man 
Carol I love you 
On fire zombies.. well shit 
Rick what a man 
The shit from all the people they’ve killed - the teddies from children 
Eugene is full of shit 
100% full of shit 
That’s quite a group they’ve got 
Who the fuck took over terminus tho???
“You’re either the butcher or the cattle.” Yeah but y’all chose the wrong cattle this time 
S5, ep 2
“Will you have us?” Dude you’re her family 
Daryl just.. being there for Carol, knowing what she needs, accepting that she doesn’t wanna talk about it 
“We surrender.” He’s so funny man 🤣🤣🤣
Not Daryl being confused that the Pastor is puking after seeing them kill walkers like pookie not everyone is like you 
Gabriel - I don’t trust him
The loyalty to Rick is amazing 
Gabriel is too scared to not be hiding something 
Bob, this is the world now. It’s not gonna get better. Eugene is full of shit. 
DROPPING THE WATER AS HE’S ASKING IF SHE WANTS HIM TO CARRY ONE OF HERS 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 HER LIL “hmm no” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 that was 100% a blooper they left in 
“It was a stack of boxes.. and a mop.. and I tripped.” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
‘YOU’LL BURN FOR THIS’ well fuck 
Where is Bob going 
Tara thank you for telling Maggie the truth 
Oh damn Rick ok slay 
Who the fuck
What the fuck
Its the Terminus fucks 
“If it makes you feel any better, you taste much better than we thought you would.” HOW IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MAKE HIM FEEL BETTER 
S5, ep 3
I’m still reeling from the fact that they’re cannibals 
“You join us or feed us.” That’s not much of a choice buddy 
Gareth wanting Carol - gonna have to go through Daryl and me first buddy boy 
Bob losing his shit laughing because they’ve just eaten him when he’s been bitten - karma 
There’s the ‘A’ again - what the fuck does that mean 
I get Abraham wanting to leave but come on man, Eugenes full of shit 
Gareth is a fucker 
They got what they deserve 
Where’s Carol?
Who ?????
S5, ep 4
Beth ?!?!? 
In a hospital ?!?!?!
Police ?!?!?!?
“So you owe us.” FUCK NO
Ok yeah I kinda skipped the rest cause I don’t really like Beth - but ik wack shit happens to her 
S5, ep 5
Eugene is so full of shit holy fuck 
Who the fuck is beating the shit out of someone ???? Pls don’t let it be Rick 
ABRAHAM - flashback ??? Yep 
“Really need some ass first.” Why would you.. don’t.. no yuck.. ugh men 
He put crushed glass in fuel line 
Oh god what was the fire truck keeping locked away 
Yo what the fuck is going on in Abrahams past 
He is Insane 
“I’m not a scientist!” THE FUCK YOU MEAN BOY
Fuck Eugene 
S5, ep 6
They really want Beth back 
A woman’s and children’s shelter that Carol went to 
Daryl stopping her from killing the walkers of people she probably knew - doing it for her and burning them 
Whos following my people around 
“Looks like a dog sat in paint and wiped its ass all over the place.” 🤣🤣🤣
I love the way Daryl says ‘stop’ when someone’s (Carol’s) saying funny shit and he doesn’t wanna laugh 
“You don’t know me.” “Yep. You keep telling yourself that.”
Is that the dude from the hospital?? The one that tried to help Beth escape ??
Daryl taking a child abuse survivor book, I love him 
“It’s like you were a kid. Now you’re a man.” 
“We ain’t ashes.”
“I already helped you once. It ain’t happening again.” Damn ok 
S5, ep 7
I still don’t trust the pastor man 
Maggie pulling a gun on Abraham when he threatens Rosita slayyyy
Fuck Eugene 
Fuck the guys in the hospital - those cops are shit 
The walkers on the ground that’s a lot in the burnt area 
Don’t hurt Daryl fuck 
Handful of Dixon ass - mood 
What is the pastor man doing??
Beth being sneaky is not what I thought I’d ever see 
Fucken pastor man 
Why the fuck would you trust the cop you just kidnapped ?!?!? Are you stooopidddddd
S5, ep 8
I mean.. at least he didn’t let the walkers get him
Maggie and Glenn are back finally
Go get Beth
Beth killing that dickhead cop
Don’t fucken ask for the kid - let him go 
Daryl and Rick squaring up for Noah 
DARYL KILLING THE COP - shit he’s pissed 
Daryl carrying Beth out and Maggie falling to her knees 
Holy shit 
That.. fuck ok
S5, ep 9
Noah’s family 
Finding his mother like that 
Cutting off his arm like that 
Holy shit 
Who the fuck decapitated those walkers???
S5, ep 10
Daryl don’t eat the worm
Please don’t eat the worm
Oh for fucks sake
He ate the worm 
Y’all can’t die like this cmon 
How they keeping the baby alive ?!?!?
Carol telling Daryl to feel it and then kissing his forehead in what is probably one of the only moments of kindness and gentleness he’s ever experienced is WAY too much for me to handle 
The feral dogs - good lord what are they going to do 
Daryl putting the cigarette out on his skin fuck
The water being left for them - who the fuck ??
Carl covering the baby with his hat so she doesn’t get too wet 
Bby Carl sleeping finally 
“We tell ourselves that we are the walking dead.” “We ain’t them.”
He cleaned the music box for Maggie 🥹🥹🥹
Aaron ??
How does he know Rick ?!?!?!
S5, ep 11
Daryl going absolutely insane when Aaron is brought in 
“Audition for membership” the fuck 
“Long enough to see that despite a lack of food and water, you never turned on each other.” They’re family dude 
“You can trust me.” They’re running a bit low on trust at the moment buddy 
Driving through the walkers like that is wild 
Why so freaked out over a flare gun ???
S5, ep 12
“We brought dinner.” 🤣🤣🤣 
Don’t mind them, they haven’t been house trained yet 
Deanna and Reg 
The beard really makes Rick look feral 
“I’ve killed people.” Yeah how many now?? 
“Sounds like I’d wanna be part of your family.” me too lady, me too 
“I want you to help us survive.”
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Carol struggling 
Jessie - Ron & Sam
“I won’t bite.” He might 
“The boy and the baby, they deserve a roof.” Pookie 
Them thinking that being neighbours is too much distance - staying in one house together 
I love everyones collective shock at Rick’s shaved face 
“And I’m just trying to figure Mr Dixon out, but I will.” I wouldn’t count on it hunny 
Daryl please for the love of God, have a shower 
Rick’s panic - bless him - “I was in the middle of losing my mind.” 
Mikey and Enid 
Oh poor sweet baby Carl - bless you child 
“I didn’t just lose her. I killed her.” Jesus 
They’ve been on the run and fighting for their lives for so long, they’ve forgotten how to exist peacefully and without fear - without the suspicion and without feeling like everyone and everything is out to get them 
“They’re weak. And I don’t want us to get weak too.” I genuinely don’t think that’s possible Carl 
“Have you taken a shower yet?” “Mm-hmm.” When? The 80s???
“Im gonna hose you down in your sleep.” Please do. I think he has to smell like a bio-hazard by now. 
“You look ridiculous.” How kind of you Dixon 
Enid sneaking out ok 
Aiden and Nicholas 
Who took the gun Rick hid???
They WHAT with the walker ??? The fuck ???? 😐😐😐
Aiden swinging on Glenn - Glenn dropping him with a single hit - Daryl immediately jumping in - Daryls growling and feral dog pacing - yes 👀
When your own mother thanks someone for knocking you on your ass you know its bad 
“.. Then we’ll just take this place.” Oh FUCK
S5, ep 13
Sleeping on the floor in their own places cause its what they’re used to 
Olivia - pantry and weapons 
“They just keep getting luckier.” .. “We’re here now.” Facts 
Them pretending to be teaching Carol how to shoot while they make plans - iconic considering she’s a queen 
‘W’ on the walker’s forehead ????? Or ‘M’ ??
Imagine trying to get the jump on Daryl - could never be me 
Daryl’s extra hot these last 2 episodes 
She has high hopes for a world in the middle of a zombie apocalypse 
“People are the real threat now.” They kinda always were tho dude 
A welcoming party ??? Seriously ???
“We can’t use Daryl. They’re watching every move he makes.” Leave my Pookie alone 
“I get to be invisible again.” DFNDWOSKNFLKDKNFIJ I HATE YO EX HUSBAND 
Knowing that Norman is terrified of horses makes this hilarious to watch 
“I ain’t gonna hurt ya.” Pookie 
“You used to be somebody’s huh? Now you’re just yours.” That’s oddly profound 
Tobin - weapons 
“The more afraid they get, the more stupid they get.” 
Daryl going to save the horse 
Walkers eating animals - I knew it but fuck it sucks 
Killing the walkers that kill the horse 
Daryl lurking outside the party 
“I said try. You did.” 
Pete - doctor 
Pete and Jessie have red ‘A’ on their hands 
Idk how I feel about Jessie 
“I’m just saying, we all lost things.” Yeah but you’ve been behind a wall for god knows how long while Rick and his family were fighting for their lives from cannibals and rapists
Spencer - one of Deanna’s sons 
Pookie, baby, stop eating like that 
Aaron has a job for Daryl - and a bike 
“You want me risking mine, right?” Such a fair comment 
Was that a flicker of emotion on your face I just saw Daryl Dixon ?!??!
“Thanks.. 👹I’ll get you some👹 rabbits👹” 
God Carol don’t get caught 
Not the fucking kid 
“You’ll be outside the walls, far, far away, tied to a tree.” Fuck ok 
Why are people expecting them to just.. bounce back into ‘normality’ after god knows how long fighting for their lives ???
It’s a zombie apocalypse and you’re worried about your book club ???? The fuck is wrong with you 
S5, ep 14
Pastor man ripping up the Bible 
Reg agreeing to teach Noah about architecture 
I’m just waiting for shit to hit the fan 
“Now you’re going to die.” On the music is ironic and not at all helpful 
Why are you questioning Glenn?!?!?
Aiden you are a fucking idiot and I hate you 
Glad he’s dead
Tara pls don’t be dead 
Eugene pls die 
This fucken kid is really annoying Jesus 
Fuck Aiden’s not dead 
“Let’s be friends man.” Why you being threatening then Pete ?
Aiden deserves it 
Pete’s abusing Jessie - calling it now 
Fuck Nicholas man - walkers got Noah because Nicholas is a coward 
Pastor man thinks that Satan is at play in the walls of Alexandria - through Rick and his family 
Carol also thinks Pete is abusing Jessie 
“The day will come when they’ll put their own lives before yours and everyone else’s and they will destroy everything you have here, everything you’re working so hard to build.” 
“You’re gonna have to kill him.” Uh.. ok. 
S5, ep 15
The music is a vibe 
Sasha sweetie you ok? 
Light off in the distance - Daryl leave it alone 
Nicholas you piece of shit 
Also don’t trust Spencer 
Actually - I don’t trust any of the people in Alexandria 
She knew he was beating his wife and she did nothing about it - get fucked 
They’ve been fighting for so long they need it 
Who’s hacking up walkers ????
‘W’ again 
“If it’s gotten worse, it means he’s killed you.” Facts 
Rick why this chick ??
Don’t lie Rick, you have done this shit foe others 
“Someone who’s trying not to kill you.” I get it, but like.. please do 
“We’re the ones who live.” 
“We have to control who lives here.” “Thats never been more clear to me than right now.” So Rick’s gotta go but the wife beater can stay? Get fucked 
S5, ep 16
Who’s the dick with the gun? 
Y’all are getting yo asses beat 
Why’d you roll up on a man with a gun that doesn’t work?????
“Because these people are children and children like stories.” 
Sasha what the fuck are you doing? 
Are the people they sent away going to cause problems ???
Side note: Carl and Rick have the same eyes - the casting director did a good job there 
Using the chain fuckkkkk
‘Trap. Bad people coming. Don’t stay.’ Well fuck 
“And then who would believe I did it because I didn’t like you?” Carol my queen 
“You’re a small, weak nothing.” Slay 
Why in the FUCK would you make it so the wife beater can see his wife’s house when you’ve separated him ?????
Ayeeeeee we got a Daryl chuckle !!!!
Please let the Pastor man die 
Rosita meddling to get Abraham and Eugene to talk - mother of 2 shitty kids behaviour 
Don’t fucking leave Glenn to die you bastard 
“I’m still with you.” Obviously 
“I think I wanna die.” Sasha you’ve been through hell and you’re not back yet. 
Pastor man can rot 
Oh thank god Glenn 
Who shot the walker on Rick ??? Sasha ????
“Simply put, there is a vast ocean of shit that you people don’t know shit about. Rick knows every fine grain of said shit and then some.” Yes, yes he does. 
Rick, bby, that’s not how you do this 
Nicholas begging for his life - as he should 
‘W’ has photos of Rick and Carl -  fuck 
Pete killing Reg 
“Rick.. do it.” Oh so he can kill when its convenient for YOU 
Daryl and Aaron bringing Moran to Rick, just as Rick kills Pete 
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meganwasbored · 2 years
The Dragon Prince Thoughts Season 3 Episodes 3 and 4
Episode 3
-I’m sorry I know what Rayla’s parents did is probably a huge deal in Xadia but she had the audacity to say that she wishes her parents were dead when the boys are literally orphans now
-woah Callum that’s cultural appropriation cancelled
-“have you had a change of heart”
“No, but there’s something I want to tell you that might change your heart”
You see to me this came off as a burn but then you remember it’s Ezran and he’s probably being sincere
-Ezran being half Prince Kasef’s height is funny but also Kasef is a jerk and I want him to either go home or die because I can’t stand his attitude anymore
-who’s this dude and what’s he up to
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-I was literally smiling and giggling at my phone like a 6th grade girl because of how cute that scene was but now it’s ruined because apparently she’s a ghost???
-“Soren could’ve died!”
“That doesn’t matter!”
I’d say what I think of you but as a Christian woman I don’t even feel comfortable typing the words that are in my head right now
-we’re gonna ask Runaan? Is he not the one that is inside a coin as we speak?
-well that was sad, but I saw it coming
-we already knew Amaya had guts but dangggg
-also the fire elf lady almost looked like she felt bad that the queen is going to kill Amaya
-“he’s gone because you abandoned them” she’s a CHILD what the heck was she supposed to do that the other assassins couldn’t do
-“Claudia, did you really think I would ask him to do such a thing? Surely you know your brother is… easily confused” it’s the gaslighting for me
-he’ll really take any opportunity to insult Soren that he can get
-I swear if one more person makes Soren feel stupid
-oh this dude again
-he addressed Viren with respect and called him High Mage so obviously he’s in on all this
-“my heart goes out with this one”
“I promise I will return your heart to you”
imagine your otp
-if the literal fire elves can’t look at the light how is she supposed to
-we’re just gonna ignore the fact that it is humanly impossible for her to still be able to see at all ever again after that
-runaan’s flower isn’t all the way down which means they have to be freeing him from the coin eventually, I’m holding them to that
Episode 4
-bruh it literally just started and I already had to watch the pretty message bird die (ik it’s not actually alive but it screeched in pain when it was hit and that hurt me)
-big feelings time, that’s freaking adorable but also I’d rather die than unload my thoughts on someone else that’s what tumblr is for
-Zym: “uh oh mom and dad are fighting”
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Look at his FACE
-bro literally what’s stopping you from going to war on Xadia without Katolis he never tried to stop you he just said that Katolis would not be a part of it you have three armies why would you waste valuable time and resources fighting with us
-also what does that have to do with Viren
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-there isn’t any connection I just wanted to point out that Nyx is the ancient goddess and personification of night in Greek mythology
-it’s giving “hey little girl I’m your mom’s friend just get in this car and I’ll take you to her *wink wink*”
-obviously we don’t want people to die but just as many, probably more, people will die if we do what the Prince Kasef wants but then it will be doing something that we don’t even believe in, he brought other armies into your kingdom without permission and they all want to attack you right now why can’t we just attack them now?
-I just reread that and realized it makes no sense but it’s 1 am and I can’t think of another way to word it so good luck ig
-just want to acknowledge how pretty this giant giraffe/camel is
-this poor kid is going through the biggest ethical dilemma of his life because one man with the attitude of a toddler didn’t like being told no
-literally who even is this dude and what game is he playing
-I’m probably supposed to remember what the boomerang has to do with this but I’m drawing a blank
-why can’t we just let Bait be happy
-everything here is just so pretty all the time
-#1 rayllum shipper at the moment
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-so like he’s still trapped in the mirror…but not? Even if this this is like a ghost of his body and the real one is still in the mirror, if his brain or soul or whatever you want to call it can go outside of the mirror, is he really trapped at all?
-now the question is, is she making this face because she thinks they’re cute, or because she’s about to do something shifty and is glad that they’re leaving
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(edit: that was sarcasm but i just realized that that isn’t clear at all over text, obviously i know she’s up to something)
-y’all stop being so ominous and tell me what you’re going to do
-he really just went on a whole rant to a girl about how incredible she is and got surprised when she kissed him
-Callum you’re a freaking idiot
-you see I should be giggling at my phone like a 6th grade girl again rn but there’ll be time for that later because Ezran is in JAIL for NO REASON
-Nyx kidnapped Zym didn’t she, I feel like she’s someone who would do that
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hyrulecollective · 1 month
Alr seem I'm stuck in front for a while now, which I guess I shouldn't be surprised by considering nobody else planned getting sleep, so I'm back with responses and yet more questions for y'all. Responses are not in order.
I like fnaf music as well, if you got any you can recommend Charlie you'd have my gratitude cause I got a playlist of like 30 of em and I want new ones as well.
Would ya believe me if I told ya as soon as I typed that question about the sword, I just Immediately had a thought that “I bet on [amount of money] that he probs just lost attachment with reality and thought those times as a man were just daydreaming or some shi”? And 17 is considered an adult in most cases. Definitely not the “allowed alcohol” sorta adult, but “I can handle myself” sorta adult. probs should've phrased myself better or smth, that's on me.
I don't write poetry too often either, it's a frustrating thing when you realize you're just looking for rhymes instead of expressing feelings in random words which per obvious feels forced and kinda uhh “closed off” ig?, but ig that's also considered part of poetry. I have an old poem I made for the birthday of our rather recent LU time Introject we got in one of the other subsystems (you can ask about subsystems if you're curious or smth, they're pretty difficult considering I don't know everyone but I can describe it pretty well with the info I'm allowed to share), and I can show that poem to you as well old geezer/lh/dir
Something is telling me you're gonna like what's written in there.
Our innerworld is confusing af and most of the time you don't know where ya are, but I can relate to that “empty space” area, we got one as well in my subsystem's innerworld and that place is like top dangerous to anyone lower than a specific rank (yes my subsystem have an hierarchical structure, that's some messy shi). Maybe it's dormancy or like uhhh, they're parts of subsystems ya'll just aren't aware of and that's why you barely meet ‘em? Ik personally I can count on two hands the amoun’ of interactions I got with people outside my own group, which ain't little by any means. And I been here for at least like 2 years that I remember vividly.
Don't pressure yourself in it ‘rule, you'd figure it out eventually, and so long you ain't in like dangerous dangerous situation where stuff like roles and shi need to be decided quickly even if they don't fit ya for the long run, I think you should enjoy it. How does it manifest if ya tried using it? Is it like, for mental wounds? Idk shit about medical care honestly.
Good luck with the wood carving then g'mate, and be careful not loosin’ a finger, believe me even if back there it was easy and natural to ya, if your body currently doesn't have muscle memory with knives it's best being cautious than sorry. I speak from experience cause we almost lost a finger once from someone who tried making a salad because “I used weaponry all my life, a knife come to me naturally”. Motivation problems sadly is a thing, we have someone whose whole job is just raising motivation for writing and finishing it in case we don't cause of deadlines and shi, writing a book Series that takes over your entire focus comes with its costs ig. As for creativity, poetry comes in many shapes and forms, believe me that I speak from experience. If ya got nthing to write about just write about the trees and nature, or the skies and the sun, or literally anything from nature. You can write about wood carving for example, it's a topic ya like. Write about “carving your own life path” or smth like that. Dang now I'm inspired to write smth myself again.
Personally, I don't think source memories really comes up only when Fronting, but stuff vary from place to place so maybe for y'all ya need the mental stabilization of Fronting to remember stuff (going off the hook that was mentioned with your innerworld being pretty small and emptiness surroundin’ it). Anyhow, I personally think don't force it, it'll come on its own accord, and maybe ya just aren't meant to have any either, we got a couple like that too, and that ain't less validating than having memories from places. If it still bother ya, you can try triggering some of ‘em with influence of like a song or a smell or other stimuli that y'know existed in there. Like I'd give an example even. We got someone who we knew were a descendant of Atlantis people, but she couldn't remember anything for shit. What did she do? She constantly listened to ASMR of sea waves and bought candles that smell like sea salt, and eventually the memories came back to her. Personally ik at least some of ‘em weren't pleasant and she probably wouldn't have minded forgetting them, so make the decision for yourself if ya wanna try outside triggers or nah.
As for the songs, d'ya want me to list it out on a long list in a separate ask for ya or just haul all names on a playlist and just send ya a link to it once I'm done? Cause I got over 40 songs (some I personally heavily associated with your character in mind when listing them to myself through the weeks, so you could use them as ‘triggers’ if ya want for the memories)
We literally have bluey playing on the TV rn and I'm so distracted I can't keep writing so I'll send more questions probably with my next responses and questions, if I remember to, cause I'm probably gonna be out either way. I hate bluey so much..
- X {He/Him}
Ah it’s fine! I mean that in a way of, most of our links are seventeen and I can tell you emotionally they are kids, these are NOT adults/silly
I… I wanna see it..
(Also we have all of one sub sys, and that’s four.. he’s got FIVE alters. Yeah, four is FIVE)
Our inner world is.. weird. We have a very small amount of alters, maybe like, twenty that are still here. On paper, we have fifty in all but most of them are dormant
And our inner world looks like the inside of the body’s head, it’s like a skull floating in space. I swear I’ve been outside of it, I don’t know how I got there but I know I have
Only the botw and Totk links go out there often, because the light dragon circles headspace and they like to ride on her head
Mostly you’ll find dormant alters out there
I mean, I’ve never had to! So I guess I would just be playing with it! We don’t get hurt in headspace, I couldn’t tell you how or why but people have been tackled, knocked out (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) and came out fine!
Also medical stuff is our special interest WERE GOING TO BE A NURSE!!!!!!!!!
Oh worry, I’ll be careful!
It doesn’t help that the body has adhd and depression, and I have narcolepsy..
The main problem is I keep going in an out of dormancy. So. Also, if you could just send me a playlist that would be great thank you/gen
-Maybe Time? Time
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Part Eight. "If you're the imposter, you are canonically Bugsy Siegel."
warnings: swearing word count: 2k (not including pictures)
behind the screen (irl dream xf!reader) series masterlist ultimate masterlist
A/N: ahehahehoho ik sapnap didn't fly to dreams house before they moved in together but this is a fanfic and therefore what i say goes and i say he did :) hope you enjoy!!!!!!
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"SAPNAP!" Y/n yelled into her phone, smiling against the cool device.
"Bugsy!" he said with a laugh.
"You're with Dream?"
"Yeah, you wanna say hi?"
"No, give the phone to Patches!!"
"She literally hates me. She runs away when I see her."
Y/n laughed and heard a voice of protest in the background.
"Dream claims it's because she's shy but she literally hissed at me in my nightmares so I think we have bad blood."
Y/n giggled and balanced the phone between her shoulder and cheek. "You're still on for Among Us tonight, right?"
"Yeah, why? What's up?"
"I was just checking since you're visiting Dream apparently. I don't want to take away from your bro time or whatever."
"Oh, nah, it's good. I'm only here so we can look at places to live together and stuff. He told you I'm moving in with him soon, right?"
"Yeah! That's awesome!"
"Yeah. But, yeah, I love playing games with you! Besides, he has his stupid George plug-in to finish still so I'll be bored. So yes, of course I'm still playing, Bugsy!!!!"
"I've never made a lobby before so I'm just nervous," she said, the feeling evident in her voice.
"Don't worry, I'll make sure none of them pull that stupid prank we pull with Quackity all the time when we tell him we're leaving and pretend like he's muted. It always drags on for like half an hour."
"Okay, good. I'm literally so scared already I don't need hooligans messing with me."
"Don't worry, I got you, Bugsy."
"Thanks. Hey, can you tell Dream he sucks?"
Sapnap groaned. "I don't wanna be your messenger for your love letters to each other."
"Sapnap!" she exclaimed. "No, just... tell him he sucks."
She listened as Sapnap's voice became muffled and she heard him relay the message. A loud, "BUGSY!!" was heard in Dreams voice and she giggled.
"He's dramatically appalled. He said—you know what, no. You guys can talk to each other on your own phones. I'm not being a delivery boy."
"Boo, no fun. I'll let you go so you can hang out with Dream but I can't wait for the game!"
"Me too! See ya Bugsy, love you."
"Love you, Sap!!"
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Y/n drummed her fingers lightly against her desk as she waited for people to join her stream. She was muted, her viewers only left with the sounds of the music she played and the image of her commissioned "starting soon!!" screen. She double-checked the Discord call she was deafened and muted in to make sure her friends were actually there before unmuting her stream and welcoming everyone.
"Chat!!" she announced happily. "Hi! Hello! Welcome one and all to my stream!" She glanced at the chat which was filled with welcomes and announcements of everyone's excitement. She thanked everyone that had donated and gifted subs before checking her surroundings, even though it wouldn't be shown on stream.
She was bundled in a hoodie, her comforter from her bed wrapped around her and trapping her in a cocoon. The lights were off except a candle on her desk and her fairy lights around her room. It was all very serene. She was ready.
A dono came through and she laughed at the question. "Why isn't Dream joining? Um, because he said no. He doesn't have time for me," she joked, recalling them teasing each other about making time for one another. "This just in: Dreamwastaken hates BugsyGames."
Moments later, a $20 dono came through from Dream saying, "not true".
"Dream!" she exclaimed with a laugh. "You can donate and stalk my stream but not play with us? Very rude. Get off my stream and go finish coding, nerd." Despite her words, she couldn't stop smiling.
"Alright, folks! Listen up, today is gonna be so fun. We got Karl, we got Quackity, we got Tubbo, Ranboo, Sapnap, George, Schlatt, Corpse, Sykkuno," she took a dramatic breath and paused, making sure she wasn't forgetting to mention anyone. "Okay? It's gonna be so fun and I'm very excited!" She glanced at chat and smiled at all the positivity.
user5: corpse!!!!!! T_T
user2: omg watch out dream, we got another faceless man he might come for ur girl
user7: omg is this the first time bugsy is playing with tubbo and ranboo???
"Yes, I'm very excited to have Corpse and Sykkuno play today! I haven't played anything with them or Schlatt yet but I have played Minecraft with Tubbo and Ranboo not too long ago. So it should be fun!! Okay, let's join the vc!!"
She typed in the text channel that she was joining before unmuting and undeafening herself. Her headphones were immediately filled with voices speaking over each other, one louder than the rest.
"—aren't, but come on, there has to be something! We aren't blind!" It was Quackity. "Well, George is colorblind but—"
"Hey!" George protested of Quackity's fit of laughter.
"I think they'd be cute," Tubbo said.
"Me too!" Sykkuno's sweet voice rang.
"Quackity!" Karl shouted, exasperated. "I promise you they aren't actually dating! Like actually!!! She's my best friend and she would tell me if something was going on!!" His voice was desperate, almost as if he felt like Quackity was doubting his friendship with whoever he was talking about. Wait, Y/n was Karl's best friend. Were they talking about...
"Yeah, that and I'm literally in his house right now," Sapnap said. "That's two people who are close with the sources who haven't heard anything. I've literally asked Dream straight up to his face and he said no. And he's a terrible liar so I would be able to tell if he and Bugsy—"
"Hi everyone!!" Y/n said quickly, snapping out of wanting to listen to the gossip when she remembered she was streaming. She was worried about how detailed everyone would go into their theories and opinions of what sounded like her and Dream dating.
Where did they get that idea? she thought.
She didn't dare look at her chat in case they picked up on what the boys were talking about, which was very likely.
Quackity and Corpse started laughing loudly at Y/n's entrance while Tubbo stammered out an awkward, "Hel-hello Bugsy!" as if he had been caught doing something wrong. Oh, Tubbo, my sweet son, you could never do anything wrong.
"What are... you guys, haha, uh... talking about?" she asked slowly, hoping they would lie if they were talking about what she thought they were.
"The weather," Sapnap lied.
"Uh, uh, uh," Corpse stammered with a small laugh at the end.
"Tax evasion!" Ranboo shouted.
"Don't let these pricks lie to you, Bugsy," Schlatt said casually, his mouth clearly full of food. Probably a corndog or quesadilla or something. She tensed at his honestly, praying he wasn't going to blurt what they actually— "They're talking about you and Dream."
"M-me and Dream?"
"Are you dating? Yes or no?" he asked bluntly.
"Wha—n-no! No, we aren't."
"TOLD YOU!" Karl and Sapnap both yelled.
"Can we just.. play?" she asked with a laugh. She usually liked chatting with everyone before they played things on other people's streams but she was certain the topic was going to stay on her and Dream and she didn't want that. Bugsy and Dream... that has a nice ring to it, she thought before shaking her head to rid it from her mind. Weird.
"I do have one question, Bugsy," Schlatt said. "Bugsy... what is that? All I can think of is Bugsy Siegel."
"Because you're the most New York New Yorker on the planet," she groaned with a small laugh. "Bugsy just sounded cute, don't compare me to a mobster."
"Then don't name yourself after one."
"Please can we play?" Y/n groaned. "I just wanna play."
"Me too!" Tubbo agreed.
"This is why you're my favorite, Tubbo."
"Yeah, let's get this shit over with," Schlatt sighed among all the agreeing to start. "If you're the imposter, you are canonically Bugsy Siegel."
"TUBBO!" Y/n yelled as the defeat screen appeared. The boy laughed as he sputtered out a defense. "You and Ranboo?? My own sons?! How did you guys get away with that? I literally said from the beginning that it was Ranboo and NO ONE listened to me!!"
"Sorry, mother," Ranboo apologized before laughing.
"I don't trust women," Schaltt said.
"Schlatt, why would I target Ranboo or Tubbo if I didn't have solid evidence it was them? I'd blame someone like Sapnap if I was imposter, not my own sons."
Tubbo laughed loudly and George giggled.
"You can't be trusted, Bugsy!" Quackity yelled. "You lie every other goddamn round!"
"BECAUSE I KEEP GETTING IMPOSTER!" she defended as she raised out of her chair slightly. She had never been so angry than when playing Among Us. It was a dangerous game for her. Her covers were thrown off of her body, abandoned at her feet, and her hoodie sleeves were pushed up. Good thing she didn't use a facecam because she looked like she could murder someone right then. "I have no choice but to lie!!!"
A new game started and she relaxed at the sight of her being crewmate again. She had already been imposter three or four times and they had only played six rounds.
She headed straight for the reactor to do her first task, closing out to see Sapnap silently standing behind her.
"Ah!" she yelled, jumping slightly. "You scared me, dude. Why... why are you being so cryptic?" No answer. "Ssssssssap.....nap?" she asked softly, confused by his uncharacteristic silence.
George walked in and stopped. "Why are you guys just staring at each other?"
"I was doing my task and turned around and Sapnap was here and he hasn't said anything. Sap?"
Shuffling was heard from his mic before he started moving again. "Hey guys!" he chirped as if he hadn't been super creepy moments before. "I was AFK, Dream brought me Chick-fil-a."
"Oh," Y/n breathed. "You looked super sus for a minute there, bud."
"Nah, I just got food," he said, voice muffled by said food to confirm. "Dream! Come say hi to your girlfriend!"
Wasn't Sapnap one of the ones that literally just argued with the group that Bugsy and Dream weren't dating?
Without further explanation, Y/n could hear footsteps coming from Sapnap's mic before Dream's voice came through. "Hi, Bug. Hi, George."
Y/n laughed, glad he greeted George too. Maybe that's who Sapnap meant in the first place? Why did she assume they were talking about her? Ugh, everything was confusing when she had butterflies in her tummy at the mention of Dream's name.
"I'm his favorite girlfriend," George teased, circling around Y/n's character.
"Also his only girlfriend," she said.
"Oh also," Dream's voice appeared again. "Sapnap's imposter."
Y/n and George ran away screaming, heading straight for the emergency button.
Later that night, stream over and Y/n tucked into bed, she scrolled through Twitter and laughed at a Tweet Dream had posted. It was like it was made for her. She ran through her camera roll and found her favorite memes that applied to the request.
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She smiled widely and giggled at the butterflies in her stomach when moments later, she received a text from the boy himself. Looks like he wanted her number for more than just to make a cabin vacation group chat (which had yet to be made, she noted).
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tags: OPEN (at the time) (if your name is in BOLD i couldnt tag you sorry!)
@hydrate-tion​​ @loraleiix​​ @tinaswagbd​​ @charsdummb​​ @smileyyuta​​ @1ghoste1​​ @cerberus-hellhound @gaysludge​​ @queestionmark​​ @carnations-red​​ @letsloveimagines​​ @the-fictionwriters-hairdo​​ @boiled-onionrings​​ @a-cryptic​​ @fee-btheweeb​​ @erwinss​​ @just-a-stan​​ @axths​​ @kayleigh2703 @furiouspockettoad​​ @sometimeseverythingsucks​​ @powerpuffyn​​ @itshaileyn​​ @millavalntyne​​ @automaticcomputerpaper​​ @nikkineeky​​ @fivedicksinatrenchcoat​​ @sprucekot​​ @jabby16​​ @mae-musicbitch​​ @hungoverhellhound​​ @dreamyteam​​ @kuroo-icedtea​​ @stuffforreferences @menacingaesthetic @sapphic-soot​​ @fangeekkk​​ @haseulreturns​​ @queenwastaken​​ @peteysgf​​ @losingvienna​​ @bi-narystars​​ @zero-nightshade​​ @erinitoburrito @sparklykeylime​​ @youhyakuya​​ @danny-devitowo​​ @clubfairy​​ @loser-keiji​​ @oi-itsemily​​​ @alm334​​​ @the-katastrophe​​​ @wreny24​​​​ @applecakeradio @unicornblood4ever @brendalopez99​​ @spacecluster​​ @justonemoreepisode​​ @strawbrinkofdeath​​ @aikochan4859​​​ @chaotic-tieflings​​​ @dreamsofficialwife​​​ @where-thesundoesntshine​​
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sageinacage · 3 years
lee!charlie and ler!quackity, that is all,, since charlie doesnt know much, quackity teaches him what tickling is and charlie is just enjoying it sm
Discovery (creative title ik /s) summary: charlie doesn't know what tickling is, and quackity is more than happy to teach his friend about it. a/n: lee charlie slimecicle my beloved. *holds him gently* warnings: i think like one swear word LOL w/c: 1.6k DSMP, Platonic
“Quahackity s- stoHOHOP IHIT!” Purpled wailed, kicking his legs out behind Quackity who was on top of him, his fingers relentlessly scribbling into a sweet spot right beneath Purpled’s ribs. “But I’m having so much fun, Purpled! We’re just getting started.” Quackity sneered, cooing as his ‘victim’s’ laughter grew an octave as his nails skittered against the sides of his stomach.
“Noho we ahaharen’t- NONOHOHO Q- QUACKIHIHITHIHIHIY!” The boy screeched when a long raspberry was placed over his waist, small raspberries then peppering across his belly to reach his other side.
“You’re more ticklish than I remembered! Huh, this is good news- well, for me at least.” Quackity snickered as he watched his friend trash under him and smiled to himself as high-pitched cackles tore through the room.
In the room next door, a fellow named Charlie was deep in thought studying the new machine Sam built in the Casino. It would be a lot easier to think if he didn’t hear bloody murder in the room next door, though. “What is all of that about? Is someone in trouble?” He spoke to himself, peeking out in the hallway to make sure the coast was clear.
The worried boy glanced inside the room he heard all the yelling from, only to see his two friends... wrestling? “Are you okay?” He called out, Purpled about to yell for help before Quackity drilled his fingers into the sides of his belly. “Yeah, all good in here, bud!” The one clad in a dark beanie grinned widely. The slime hybrid nodded; as curious as he was to what they were both doing, he went back to trying out the new machines Sam had worked hard on.
Eventually, the laughter and yelling died down and Las Nevadas went back to calm (well, as calm as it gets). Charlie was still curious and seeking answers to what Quackity was doing to Purpled, as it looked quite fun as he learned quickly that laughter is a positive thing friends do together.
He walked around, peeking in each room he came across until he stepped in front of the door of Quackity’s office. Charlie knocked on the door, smiling as he heard his best friend inside. “Can I come in, Quackity?” He asked sweetly, excited to see his friend. “Of course, come in!” Quackity smiled fondly, permitting him.
The door flung open, the boy running to Quackity to pull him into a hug. “Alright, alright.” Quackity laughed, unfolding Charlie’s arms that were tight around him. “Okay, I’ve been thinking. Very hard, in fact. What were you and Purpled doing earlier?” Charlie asked straight to the point, pushing his glasses up that was a bit tilted from the tight hug.
“I was giving him a piece of my mind for trying to cheat against me in a game of cards.” Quackity chuckled softly, organizing more papers on his desk. “Cheat?! That’s no good!” Charlie put his hands on his hips, tilting his head down to look at his friend. “And that’s exactly why I tickled him.” He smiled up at Charlie.
“Tickled?” He asked, putting a finger to his chin. “You don’t know what tickling is? Ohoho…” Quackity devilishly giggled, then cleared his throat. “I mean- I can show you, but at your own risk.” He offered, the slime hybrid immediately shaking his head excitedly. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you though! Alright, can you lay down over there for me? It’ll make it easier.” Quackity motioned towards the couch in his office.
Charlie obliged, practically skipping towards the soft couch and laying down. “This should be fun.” Quackity thought out loud, before going over to Charlie. In all honesty, Quackity is expecting Charlie to either not be ticklish because hell, can a slime even be ticklish? Or just dip out immediately, because that’s what most people do when tickled.
“Reeeady?” Quackity drew out, wiggling his fingers over Charlie’s sides. The confused boy nodded, moving his hands out of the way. Right as his fingers made contact with Charlie’s sides, he immediately squealed and laughed out. Though, as he squirmed out of instinct, he never tried to squirm away.
“Ah, so you are ticklish!” He exclaimed, his fingers drumming against Charlie’s upper ribs. “Ihit- *hic* feheheels fuhuhunny!” Light-hearted laughter poured out of the hybrid, the sensation new but it honestly felt nice.
“Yeah? I bet it does. How does this feel, though?” The casino owner sniggered evilly as he fluttered his nails down his ribs, then tracing into his waist. “Feheheels nihihice…” Charlie’s sugar-sweet giggles filled up the room. Quackity paused, sitting up with an eyebrow raised.
Charlie stumbled on his words, stuttering nervously. “I- Is thahat a bahad thing?” He panicked, still feeling the sensation of a few fingers continuously wiggling around his side. “No- no. It’s not, definitely not. It’s endearing if you ask me.” Quackity smiled down at his friend, putting his other hand to use and gently squeezing his hip. Happy laughs emitted from Charlie again, untensing his body as he enjoyed himself.
“Charlie- I do have one question, though.”
“Whahahat is ihihit?”
“How many ribs do you have? Y’know, as a good friend I need to make sure that you have all of them.”
“I dohohon’t k- knohohow?” Charlie giggled as Quackity playfully clicked his tongue and shook his head, properly straddling him. “I’m gonna count them then, alright? If you dare push me away then I’ll have to start alllll over, got it?” For emphasis, Quackity dragged his nails down all of his ribs and wiggled them along Charlie’s lower ribs.
Charlie nodded, his laughter growing as excitement overtook him. Quackity internally ‘awwed’ at the sight, but not letting himself get all soft as he massaged his fingers into Charlie’s lowest ribs. “QuahAHACKITY!” The hybrid’s laughter grew as his friend’s hands slowly rose to his ribcage, starting to feel more and more sensitive.
“Charlie!” Quackity playfully retorted, looking up at Charlie’s face then cooing at the sight. Charlie’s cheeks were bright green, and his hair was messy and disheveled, while his glasses were crooked on his face and tipping off his nose. He was adorable, to say the least.
“N’awww, is somebody having fun?” Quackity teased, a smirk growing on his face. “Does somebody love the tickles? This is so much fun!” Charlie swore he felt something flutter in his stomach. Is that what butterflies were that everyone talks about? The name matches, that’s for sure.
Wanting to be honest to his best friend, Charlie nodded as his face grew an even brighter hue. “I’m so glad, I could honestly listen to your laugh forever, y’know.” Quackity chuckled as his fingers finally reached near the top of Charlie’s ribs. His laughter grew hiccupy and squeaky, a sweet spot being hit.
“It’s sohoho… hahahAHAPPY!” Charlie squealed as fingers continued to vibrate into his top ribs. “Happy?” Quackity asked, tilting his head. This boy was going to be the death of him, Quackity decided. “YEHEHAH! HAHAP- *snort* HAHAPPY!” Charlie nodded, smiling with content.
This went on for a bit until Quackity thought that Charlie deserved some sort of ‘Grand Finale’. “I think I know someone that wants to meet you, Charlie.” Quackity tittered, his smile growing. “A nehehew friehend?” He smiled excitedly when Quackity nodded. “Yep! It is I, the tickle monster!” Quackity said in a booming voice, wiggling claw hands at Charlie.
“Wh- where’s Quahackity?!” Charlie’s eyes widened, staring at who is now apparently the ‘tickle monster’. “Whahat did you doho to my friend?!” He panicked, Quackity unable to keep up the act as he burst out laughing. “Don’t worry Charlie, it’s me! I was Quackity the whole time!” He giggled, smiling at the relaxed sigh from Charlie. “You scared me, friend!” He exclaimed.
“I’m so sorry, let me make it up to you.” Quackity smiled, sneaking his hands up Charlie’s t-shirt to dance his fingers along his belly. Charlie couldn’t stay grumpy for long as his adorable giggles started up again, filling the room with the feeling of fondness and happiness.
“Hey Charlie, out of curiosity- do you know what a raspberry is by any chance?” Quackity asked, pausing his fingers. “N- Nohoho? I dohon’t think soho!” He tilted his head like a curious puppy, making the other chuckle to himself. “Alright, prepare yourself then.” Quackity laughed before leaning his head down, earning a confused look from Charlie.
Before Charlie knew it, a raspberry was blown right in the center of his belly, the vibrations from it shooting through every nerve in his body. “QUAHAHAHACKITY!” Charlie convulsed, his back involuntarily arching in surprise. He felt Quackity smile into his stomach before blowing yet another raspberry. Another shriek escaped the hybrid, gently pushing at the tickler’s head.
“Quackity are yo- oh. Alright.” Purpled paused in the doorway, his antennae drooping down a bit in surprise at the sight, and sound in that fact. “Oh, came back for round two, bud?” Quackity raised an eyebrow at the boy in the purple hoodie, his antennae immediately flicking up. “No, I am not doing a stupid round two, you ass. I came for revenge, obviously!” He sassed, crossing his arms.
“Alright Charlie, how about I teach you how to tickle someone, yeah? Seems like fun?” Quackity urged, smiling at the slime hybrid. “I get to make my other friend laugh? Yes! Teach me, Quackity!” He excitedly sat up and approached the alien, who decided to bolt.
“Alright! Step one: the chase. Pretty straightforward. Let’s catch him!”
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lavenderbau · 4 years
criminal minds headcanons
-is a player bc it helps him move on from what happened when he was a kid but if someone even HESIATES he immediately stops
-goes to defense classes with garcia so she’s not embarrassed
-the headphones he always wears? classical music all day long bitches
-sends part of his paycheck to ellie spicer’s mom (she doesn’t know but he’s happy to do it)
-fiercely protective of hotch bc he'll be damned if he lets jack grow up with a father (or if he loses a dad again but we don’t talk abt it)
-he takes a personal day on the day matt spicer died to spend the day with ellie (who’s hanks favorite cousin)
-after emily’s “death” he gets a tattoo of a crown on his ribs (bc he called her princess)
-goes to a different team members house monthly to fix something wrong with their house
-after he retires he teaches self defense class
-makes weekly bets with emily on who can get in more trouble with hotch for the week
-a god at mario kart
-goes to a widow support group right after hayley died (dave told him it still counted and that it would help)(dave was right)
-he has garcia makes jack’s bday cake every year bc jack wants a homemade one but he cant bake for shit
-he tries harder not to be self sacrificial bc emily pointed out if he wants reid to stop doing it he has to first (he asked what’s gonna get her to stop and he got slapped upside the head)
-jack goes to a white lies party when he’s in high school and his shirt says “i have a good relationship with my mother” that leads hotch to go on an hour lecture and threaten a therapist and emily slides him a 20 for making him go on his longest lecture yet (sorry if this is offensive my friend made a shirt like this for a party she went to and ik people use humor to cope and everyone is different!)
-has to take away the aux cord after emily kicks derek in the balls for pausing her taylor swift
-is the teams emergency contact
-only has social media to stalk jack and the team (little does he know that they all have spams he doesn’t follow)
-has the messiest handwriting in the world
-often cant sleep because he feels his mind is too active and has trouble slowing it down
-tried to destroy emily’s headstone bc she said she wanted to be cremated but only broke his toe bc stone is hard
-sleeps with a night light
-lactose intolerant but is obsessed w dairy
-cant pronounce shit because he reads most of the words he learns so he always mispronounces stuff
-worst gift wrapper in the world
-she goes to a pro-choice protest every year
-gets yelled at weekly by hotch for eating raw cookie dough
-she becomes a foster parent after she retires
-the most talented artist on the team if they don’t have a sketch artist available and are in a rush, emily’s there to save the day
-emily loses at least $10 every case to the “i fucking hate men” tip jar
-has a tattoo of wheels up in cursive
-on nye the team is on agreement that after her 3rd glass of champagne they all secretly switch her to kids champagne
-every time she has to flirt with an unsub she makes the boys buy her a round of drinks
-somehow is never the designated driver on team night out
-has the splits and will randomly do it in the office
-she drags spencer to a women’s march in dc multiple times over the years (AS FRIENDS)
-multiple times shes turned in a report to hotch and its henry’s drawings
-when she and will are fighting she mocks his accent
-blasts taylor swift all day long
-had a meltdown when she was pregnant with henry when she thought he was going to be a virgo man
-goes on runs with derek weekly
-accidently confused hotch’s number one dad mug with her number one mom mug and she never lived it down
-always called in to settle an argument between the “kids” of the office
-makes a killer margaritia 
-she has plants named after everyone who’s ever been on the bau team
-she stress knits (everyone on the team has at least 3 blankets from her and they’re the softest shit in the world (besides the bau team))
-takes sergio whenever emily is on overnight cases (it’s part of their custody agreement)
-decorates everyone’s office on their birthdays
-has gotten everyone in the bau into astrology
-she’s the person who started the party in the usa scene from pitch perfect reenactment
-has no social media whatsoever
-secretly puts fake plants in hotch’s office to liven up the place (its not a secret but hotch likes it)
-makes the best christmas cookies
-is tiktok famous for reading karen tweets in a monotone voice
-after particularly hard cases members of the team will go to his house to play with Mudgie
-his name in emily’s phone is papa pasta
-made the team get a life360 circle and stalks them religiously
-actually has to take cooking lessons for anything other than italian
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