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Heartbeat | one shot
Dr. Michael “Robby” Robinavitch x pregnant wife!doctor!reader
Summary: You get called in to assist with the mass casualty event on your day off and you’re grateful to be there when your husband finally breaks.
Note: episode 13 hurt a lot so I wrote this to cope. Likely will write more specific stuff after I’ve fully processed.
Word Count: 4.4k+
Most of my works are 18+ due to adult language and content
Warnings: age gap (16ish years, I have a problem okay? The age gap trope feeds me), hospital/medical inaccuracies, hurt/comfort, panic attack, foul language, angst (it’s who I am), gore/gun violence (Pittfest), vague details from ep. 11-13, pet names (baby, my love), non-graphic shower scene, fluff at the end because we deserve it after that episode???
not beta read
You had met Dr. Robinavitch when you started in the ED as an attending. While your love blossomed slowly, it bloomed into so much more than you were expecting. It had been a bit of a whirlwind, from dating secretly to Dana and Jack finding out only a month after, to getting engaged just a year later.
You had done what you could to keep it from the hospital administration, but the time came where you got married and paperwork needed to be filed. You kept your maiden name to ensure there was no confusion, plus it added to your privacy. Everyone you worked with knew you were married, just not to each other, but it was more of an open secret to some of the nurses and other attendings.
Gloria nearly moved you to a different department. She tried separating you by shifts, maybe hoping you would leave and find work in a different hospital. Michael was technically your boss, after all. In her reports, however, she found that when you two were on shift together, it was seamless. Like you two operated on a frequency that no one else was even aware of.
Despite the bumps in the road, and Michael’s aversion for talking about his feelings, you made it work. Some shifts could be frustrating, and that sometimes got carried home, but you respected each other immensely. Michael was not keen on letting such a good thing in his life go that easily, and eventually opened up about Adamson and the toll the pandemic had taken on him.
After that hurdle, everything else was easy. Eventually, you decided to grow your family, and you got pregnant not even five months later.
On the fourth year anniversary of Adamson’s death, you were surprised to find Michael preparing for a shift.
“Didn’t you take off?” You asked, watching him dress into his scrubs.
“Yeah,” he said, not looking at you. “Peterson had a family thing, and I know they’re short staffed.”
You frowned, “You could’ve asked me.”
“No, no, it’s fine.” He said, turning to look at you and his heart swelled at the sight. “I don’t want you to cancel your appointment.”
You sat on that for a moment. For as busy as you both were, Michael had made time for every appointment you had after finding out you were pregnant.
“I know, I know. I promise I won’t miss the next one.”
That satisfied you. For all Michael was, someone to break his promise was not one of them.
“I was hoping to find out the gender today,” you said with a tiny smile. “But a little anticipation never hurt anyone.”
He looked grateful at your words, moving to kiss you. He tasted like mint, holding your head so gently in his hands. Your hands moved to his chest, wanting to hold him against you, but you released him.
“Jake know yet?”
He smiled, “Yeah. He asked to take his girlfriend instead.”
You raised an eyebrow and grinned, “Oh?”
You and Jake had gotten close slowly, him being like a step-son to Michael, but now you loved the kid.
“If you need anything, just call, alright?”
He nodded, grabbing his coffee, giving you one last lingering kiss before heading out the door.
Your day was mildly uneventful, taking your time with a handful of chores before sitting out on the balcony to have lunch. Your OB appointment had gone well, and you got a recording of the heartbeat, knowing Michael might need to hear it after his shift.
As time moved, you missed that Michael had not been able to be there with you. You missed his touch and his presence beside you. Dinner came with a takeout box of your latest craving, before your phone rang.
Jack Abbott’s name flashed on your screen. You still worked a few shifts with him from time-to-time, but Michael had you mostly scheduled for days, with him.
“Hey,” you said when you answered.
“Did you hear?”
“That’s so specific, Jack,” you said, opening the fridge to scan your snack options.
“There was a shooting at Pittfest, unknown number of casualties. Closest trauma center is PTMC.”
Your heart stuttered to a stop, “What?”
“Heard it on the scanner. You’ll likely get an alert that it’s all hands on deck, but I wanted to give you a heads up before traffic got too bad.”
Despite not being super close with Jack, you were still friends and you knew he had your back. While you hated being treated with careful hands at work now that you were pregnant, part of you still appreciated the gesture of it. It was like something unspoken had happened between Michael and Jack months ago, both of them moving to take the more combative patients whenever you were around.
“Shit, Jack.” You breathed out, rushing into your bedroom to grab your scrubs. “Fuck, Jake is at Pittfest. Let me try to reach him.” You fumbled through your drawers, taking a deep breath through your nose. “I’ll be in. See you soon.”
“Drive safe!” He said before the call disconnected.
After changing, you moved to grab a few odd snacks and water bottles, stuffing them into your lunch bag, along with your cell phone charger. Who knew how long this was going to take, or if Michael had had the chance at any point today to eat. He hadn’t texted or called, but that was not uncommon. The Pitt never made it easy, which was why you were grateful that you worked most of your shifts with your husband.
You tried reaching Jake, leaving a voicemail and a text message before reaching out to his mother. You briefly explained the situation and asked for an update as soon as she heard anything, before you promised the same.
When you got into your car, you took a deep breath to steady your heart before beginning your way to PTMC.
Michael called you, your phone ringing through the car’s Bluetooth.
“Hey, don’t have much time, but I need you.” He told you, his voice quiet but full of so much emotion.
“I’m already on my way. Abbott called ten minutes ago. Tried calling out to Jake, too, he didn’t answer. Told his mom to reach out to either of us if she heard anything.” You said in a rush, coming to a stop at a light. Almost there.
He let out a breath that almost sounded like relief.
“I’ll see you in a few minutes, I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
The mass alert came through your phone as soon as he hung up. Thank fuck for Jack.
You made it into the parking garage, waving at the security guard now posted at the entrance. You sat in your car for just a minute to get your bearings, knowing tonight was going to be a shitshow.
As you entered the Emergency Department, you saw patients leaving, escorted by nurses and admin staff — and you moved quickly into the back. It was a circus, but you spotted Michael and Jack and beelined for them.
Michael’s brown eyes caught you as you approached and his face relaxed, though his shoulders were still tense. Dana was beside them, and her usual quip of “Oh I get Dr. R squared today?” did not fall from her lips, but she was sporting a black eye. You looked at her in alarm, but she waved it off.
“Just another happy customer.” She said, but you only frowned at her.
Michael spoke next, introducing you, and then quickly running down the new faces to you: Dr. Mel King, an R2, Dennis Whittaker, an M4, Victoria Javadi, an M3, and Dr. Trinity Santos, an intern. You tried to remember their names, but knew you would not likely remember them in the chaos.
You went to quickly put your stuff down, and when you turned around, Michael was standing there. To everyone else, he appeared neutral, controlled, normal. To you? He was wearing his shift all over his face and you could see plainly that it had not been a good one.
“This is going to be stressful, I should’ve let you stay home—”
While you appreciated his concern, you would have come anyway. “I promise, if I get too stressed out, I’ll let myself take a few minutes. But you have me. What can I do to help?”
“I need you in pink zone.” He told you, moving right back to business. “You’ll be with McKay and Javadi, and incoming night shift. But I need you at the head of it.”
“You got it.” You said, honored he was trusting you to run point on your zone.
While the victims did not stop coming, you found yourself moving mostly on instinct. Assessing, treating, moving along — trying to do your best to teach when you came across any of the new faces. You flitted into red zone when there was a particularly bad patient and then moved to triage so Dr. Shen could take a quick bathroom break.
When you assisted Michael, you moved together like a well oiled machine — and despite the tragedy, it came to you both naturally. You only barely registered the tension between Michael and Dr. Frank Langdon — a senior resident, and someone Michael had taken under his wing. You would have to remember to ask about it.
Time moved by in a blur, but you were painfully aware of every minute, every patient that came under your care. All the blood, all the death, all the tragedy.
It only got worse when Jake arrived, thought were thankful he was alive. He was asking about his girlfriend when you approached.
“Jake?” You got his attention as you began to take in his appearance. Jesus Christ, he was covered in blood.
“It’s mostly her blood,” he told you blankly, eyes moving around the room at the carnage. “It’s mostly her blood.”
You called for a wheelchair, your gaze searching for Michael. He was working on a patient, giving CPR from the look of it, the patient blocked from your view by the charge desk.
“Take a seat, Jake.” You told him softly, gently touching his shoulder. “Let me take a look at you, yeah?”
He sat down, his head swiveling around to locate his girlfriend. “I think—I think I got hit in the leg.”
You nodded, moving him into the yellow zone so you could bandage him up. You were not related and there were no official familial ties, so there were no problems of ethics — at least that was what you told yourself.
He moved to stand, and you pushed his shoulder back down.
“Let me assess you and then I promise I’ll go check on your girlfriend, okay?”
Jake nodded numbly and moved onto the gurney so you could look at his leg. His injury was not as bad as you had feared, and while you knew he would need stitches, you made do with some bandages for the time being.
“What’s her name?” You asked, trying to bring his attention back to you.
“Leah,” he told you, voice heavy with emotion. “I need to see her.”
While you did not understand the full panic he was experiencing, you knew Leah was in good hands.
“She’s with Robby, Jake. Leah is getting the best care.”
He was still not looking at you, and you got him set up with an IV antibiotic drip.
“Jake? Jake, can you call your mom for me? Cell service might not be great right now, but can you try? She’s worried about you.”
He took that information in slowly, before nodding.
The call did not go through, but you made him promise to keep trying while you assured him you were going to check on his girlfriend.
By the time you reached Michael, he was calling time of death and your heart constricted. You wanted to scream. By the look in his eyes, you can see he wanted to as well. You could feel Jack’s gaze on you and when you turned, he simply shook his head at you. You easily translated that to ‘your husband is not doing good’.
“I couldn’t save her.” Michael whispered, and only you caught it.
You gave his hand a subtle squeeze.
Jack was there then, reading the situation perfectly, “No one could have saved her. Maybe if this was a normal day, but it tore right through her heart. There was not much we could do.”
Fuck, you thought, she’s so young. You hoped she did not suffer.
Michael moved to find Jake and you followed him, but he stopped you.
“Can you take over for me in red so I can let Jake know?”
Every part of you screamed to go with him, but you nodded, turning to step back into pace with the work. You tried to push away your emotions, packaging them away to deal with later, but compartmentalizing was tough. You felt guilty for never meeting this girl, someone Jake had so obviously cared a lot about.
You attempted to get lost in the work, but you caught sight of Michael wheeling Jake out of Peds — the current place they have been putting the deceased — and the look on your husband’s face made your heart plummet. He had moved back into the room, leaving Jake just outside and you quickly gestured to a passing nurse to get him back to yellow.
The security guard did not make any comment when you walked into Peds, and you were devastated at what you found. Aside from the deceased, the number of them slowly ticking upwards, it was the sight of Michael on the floor in tears that truly struck you.
After ripping the curtain closed behind you, to block the view into the hall, and give you both just a small amount of privacy, you moved back toward Michael. It had been a long time since you had seen him like this. He had broken down when he told you about Adamson and the weight of his choice, and once he had even broken down after a particularly bad argument, but nothing like this.
“Baby, baby, hey,” you crouched down beside him, but you did not move to touch him.
His breath caught in his throat, but his sobs continued, hyperventilating with his arms pulled across his bent knees.
“Michael,” you tried, a name you had never called him when within the walls of the hospital.
His watery gaze met yours for just a moment, before his eyes were back in his lap, face scrunched. His ears were red, as well as his face, with red rimmed eyes that broke something in you.
“Michael.” You stressed again, moving so your hands hovered just above his arms. “Can you look at me?”
“I—I—I couldn’t—fuck—I didn’t save her.” His breaths came in short bursts, in in in out, in in out, tears coming down his face, his cheeks red.
You found yourself at a loss on how to help him — you knew none of his thoughts were rational at the moment, and anguish rushed through your veins, feeling so helpless. So useless.
An odd idea struck you, and you pulled out your phone before you could doubt yourself. You flipped through a few of your apps before settling on the one you had used to record your baby’s heartbeat.
“Can you take a deep breath with me?” You asked gently. You took a deep breath in through your nose and then out through your mouth.
You didn’t give him time to respond before you were pressing play on the recording. The sound of it filled the room with something other than Michael’s panic, and he quieted just enough to listen to it.
“That’s our baby.” You told him, though the sound of it was obvious enough, racing steadily like hoof beats.
His eyes found yours, and while he was still breathing quickly, he seemed to have returned to the reality around you, rather than stuck in his head. Relief took a bit of the weight from your shoulders.
“Can you breathe with me?” You asked again, finally touching his arm.
His hand found yours immediately and squeezed, but he nodded. You took a few more deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth, watching as he mirrored you.
Aside from the quick beats of your baby’s heart, the deep breaths you both took filled the room. You desperately tried to ignore the dead around you, trying to solely focus on the man in front of you. When the recording came to a stop, Michael’s hand twitched toward your phone.
“Can you play it again?”
You nodded, pressing play and handing him your phone. The fast heartbeat filled the space again, and he cradled your phone like it was a lifeline. Maybe it was.
“Very active today.” You told him. “Wouldn’t sit still.”
A ghost of a smile passed over his lips, but it was gone in a moment.
“I have a video file that they sent me from today, but I didn’t want to look at it without you. Figured if either of us looked long enough, we’d be able to tell the gender ourselves.”
“Can we?” He asked, looking at you with tears still in his eyes.
You smiled, moving to sit next to him. You did not know how long the moment was going to last — sooner or later, someone was going to come looking for either of you. You tried to ignore it, trying to center yourself in this moment with Michael, forgetting about the outside world for just a moment.
Clicking on the video you had saved, you both sat quietly watching your baby move. Michael grabbed your hand in his and held it close to his chest. This was only going to be a bandaid, but any distraction was a welcomed one in that moment.
“They’re healthy. Measured 6.6 inches, 11 ounces.” You rattled off, moving your other hand to his head and running your nails along his scalp and through his hair. Any time in the past that he had had a panic attack in your company, you found that at the tail end of it, he enjoyed the feeling of your hands on him. Like it was grounding.
Michael’s hyperventilating had fully stopped, though a handful of tears still slipped through. His face was still scrunched in pain, but he watched the video attentively.
“You did all you could, my love,” you whispered. “No one could have saved her. Not even if it was all of us and just her. I’m so sorry.”
You hushed him, “Jake is still in shock. He’s grieving. Whatever he said to you, he didn't mean it.”
“No, no, he does. I didn’t save her. I told him I would. I told him.”
You brought your lips to his temple, closing your eyes and willing no tears to come. You couldn’t, not now.
Michael tapped on the video again, watching as your baby moved, kicking against your womb like it was their job.
“It’s not your fault.” You told him, moving across the floor until you met his gaze. “I would never lie to you, you know that. I promise. If anyone could have saved her, it would have been you.”
His face scrunched again like he was going to cry.
You held him in your arms, squeezing him tight to your chest, hoping perhaps the more you squeezed, the more he would believe you.
You held his face in your hands, and willed him to look at you. “I love you so much, Michael. This was not your fault. Blame the shooter, they caused this whole thing. Jake will see that eventually, you haven’t lost him.”
Brown eyes held steady on yours, searching them with a gaze that nearly made you shy away. But you hold strong, wiping away the tears on his cheeks with your thumbs.
“Robby! Robby!” Dana’s voice came through the curtain, before it was pushed aside.
Dana only blinked at the sight of you, you knelt in front of your husband, both of your faces twisted and pained.
You found your voice, “Just two minutes, Dana. Please.”
She only nodded, closing the curtain again and disappearing.
“I can’t promise the rest of this is going to be any easier, but,” You paused. “Fuck it, if you want to leave, we can blame me right now. Say I have high blood pressure and you want to make sure I get home safe. I don’t care. Just tell me what you want and I’ll do it.”
You remembered all the times he covered for you when your morning sickness made you late, or when he had taken time away from the hectic flow to talk you through a bad case, or a death. When he shouldered the weight of an abrasive family member or aggressive patient, even before you were married. The times he let you leave early when you were having a bad day, or encouraged you to take breaks even when he didn’t.
“Let me try to take care of you right now. Please. Whatever you need.”
Michael took a long breath, rubbing his eyes. “Let me just splash some water on my face. After…stay by my side?”
“Done. If you need a minute, tell me to take a break and come with me. I can shoulder that right now.”
You did not say it because you thought he was weak, but simply because you felt you had the capacity to bear the brunt of the remainder of this shift. People knew he was going to worry about you regardless of the situation, so him ‘checking in’ would not phase them.
“Michael,” you started as you both moved to stand, him offering a hand to help you, “You’ve always been so great with Jake, just give him some time.” You paused, “You’re going to be an amazing father to our child.”
Tears flooded his eyes again and you felt like you had just made it worse while trying to make it better.
“You’re the best thing to ever happen to me. How on earth did I—”
You cupped his cheek and hushed him again, bringing his face to yours until your foreheads touched. “I’m the lucky one.”
He kissed you softly, before bringing you into a hug, careful of your growing bump.
When you parted, he took one last deep breath before facing the chaos that awaited you both out in the ED. You knew the heavier parts of your conversation were going to have to be shelved until you got home.
Michael moved toward the closest bathroom and you rushed back to red zone. There were no words to exchange with Jack, but with a knowing glance at him, he seemed to understand.
“Robby’s moving me to red. Bilal’s got pink covered.” You told him, referencing the night attending.
Abbott only nodded.
When Michael returned only a minute later, you watched him — had you not known him that well, you might not have been able to guess what had just transpired. You were thankful no one else in the hospital knew him as well as you did.
You got back to work, busying your hands to try to stop your mind from worrying too much. Whatever he had done in the bathroom, he had clearly thrown his panic attack into a bag and stuffed it deep inside his mind. It made your heart ache, but you would help him unpack it once you were both in the safety of your home.
Michael still made sound decisions, and not once did you feel the need to question his judgement. Jack was steadfast with you both, and you were grateful for him.
It was 10pm by the time the dust began to settle and the situation finally simmered to a more controllable level. You were beat and you had only been there a few hours, Michael encouraging you to take a seat and have some water while he checked on a handful of things. You took that moment to find Jake — who now had been stitched up and was with his mom.
“I’m so sorry, Jake. I really wish I could have met her.”
He nodded numbly, “You would’ve really liked her.”
A sad smile formed on your lips, “I’m sure I would have.”
You wanted to tell him to go easy on Robby, but the words did not form on your tongue. It was still too soon, and while you did not want Jake to blame him, you knew it wasn’t the time or place.
You parted from them sadly, before going to check on the med students and finally finding Michael with Jack.
It was a half hour later that you both finally left, Michael following you silently to your car. You were still digesting it all, wondering how the hell you were even going to begin processing it.
At home, you both quickly discarded your scrubs to the floor and made your way to the bathroom. It went unsaid that you both needed to wash this shift off, more so mentally than physically, but being clean would certainly make you feel better.
It was amazing how well you had learned to read each other, and you held onto him under the warm water for a long moment. He kissed the side of your head before grabbing the soap, sudsing up his hands and gently cleaning your skin. You relished in the feeling of him.
Once you rinsed off, you returned the favor. You moved your hands over his arms, his chest and then his back. You added a kiss here and there, knowing he enjoyed your touch just as much. He held your belly in his hands, eyes faraway again — but you brought your hand to his face to get his attention.
You kissed him, holding onto him and trying to translate all the things you felt into it. He returned the kiss and you felt yourself sigh in contentment.
It was quiet, but cathartic.
You both dried off, and changed before collapsing into your bed, Michael immediately pulling you close. You rested your head on his chest to listen to the calming sound of his heart.
Moving off his chest, you pulled him close to you and let him rest his head on you, his hand going to your belly. His breathing was slow and controlled, but you knew his mind was racing. You held him tight, your fingers going to his hair.
“I’d like to talk about today.” You said. “Not right now. Maybe not even tomorrow, or this week. But eventually.”
He was quiet, fingers absentmindedly drawing shapes on your stomach. “We can do that.”
“I’m here when you’re ready.” You told him.
He moved to press his lips to yours, peppering your face with kisses, before bringing you back to his chest. He held you for a long time and you did not even dare let go.
“I saw what it was.” He said.
“Oh?” You questioned against his chest, leaning your head back to look at him.
“Our baby.”
“Well don’t leave me in suspense.”
He grinned and kissed you deeply. Truth was, it didn’t matter. And as you held each other, you knew it was all going to be okay.
All Dr. Robby Content: @cherriready
I need to give him a hug
#the pitt#michael robinavitch#dr robby#michael robinavitch x female reader#michael robinavitch x reader#pregnant reader#female reader#the pitt episode 13#the pitt spoilers#the pitt x reader#asxgard writes#dr robby x reader
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a beautiful little lie. [chapter 3] l Harry Castillo
Summary: you are the personal assistant of Harry Castillo, a wealthy entrepreneur who asks you to go with him to his friend's wedding. there you meet your ex-boyfriend and things get out of hand
Warnings: fluff, a little bit of angst, friends to lovers (maybe?), some wine, mentioning ex-boyfriend,
A/N: my head has been having bad days lately. it took me a long time to start this chapter and I had moments of doubt whether it makes sense at all. but here it is and although it's not perfect I'm giving it to you. I hope that at least a few people will like it. thank you for reading my scribbles.
your feedback is very important to me and I want to thank you for all the reblogs, comments and likes. I secretly hope you like this story.🖤 sorry for all the mistakes
[my masterlist] [Harry Castillo masterlist] [a beautiful little lie- series masterlist]
Harry Castillo: Is everything okay between us?
You: Sure! Don't worry.
He stared at those three words with childish hope, even though his insides were full of fears and worries. You were his assistant, his friend, and he really cared about you. The situation that had arisen that evening was a bit awkward, and Harry was even ready to apologize to you for it. But maybe he shouldn't have mentioned it at all?
He breathed a sigh of relief when the door opened at the appointed time and you stepped out. The dress you were wearing beautifully accentuated your figure, which moved gracefully as you walked to the car.
“Stay.” Harry said quickly to the driver and got out of the car, then went to open the door for you. “Hi. You look stunning.”
A shy smile appeared on your lips. "Thank you. You don't look too bad either." You replied.
A few seconds later, you were both sitting on the leather couch in the back of a limo as the driver drove you through the crowded city. The silence between you wasn't unbearable, but it certainly wasn't natural. You could feel Harry's quick glances at you, but it took you a few minutes to decide to say something.
"Mrs. Kruger-Waltz should be here after the weekend. I got an email this morning."
Speaking of work, a safe topic. Harry cleared his throat. “Good. Sorry you had to deal with that today, you probably had a lot of work to prepare for.”
"Not really. I just put on what was hanging somewhere in the back of my closet. You should be glad it's not my prom dress."
You both chuckled and the tense atmosphere seemed to ease a little.
"I wanted to apologize." This time, Harry spoke up. "I made you feel awkward yesterday. That could have been very uncomfortable for you."
“It’s fine, really.” You replied, looking at him as if you were waiting for him to finally end this conversation. “We know perfectly well that nothing will happen. You and I, we only work together.”
"Right. But either way... I'm sorry."
You instinctively reached out and lightly squeezed his forearm. "It's fine."
You exchanged uncertain smiles. In reality, you had all night to think about everything that had happened. The conclusion was simple - you had both succumbed to the moment, but luckily your brain reacted at the last moment before it became a disaster. It was comforting, because you really liked Harry and you didn't want something like this - stupid? irrelevant? pointless? - to ruin a really great relationship. Besides, Castillo was your boss, and no normal person kisses their boss, even if he looked like...
You quickly glanced at Harry sitting next to you. He looked really good in that suit that was tailored to his order. No matter if you saw him in a formal or casual version, the man always looked good, even though he put in minimal effort. How on earth had no woman ever kept him around for longer? It was a mystery to you.
"Get ready." He said as the car pulled up in front of the building. Brown eyes looked at you and after a moment he added. "If you want to leave, just say so. There's nothing keeping us here."
You nodded, feeling your stomach twist into knots.
Even though you and Harry had been to a few of these types of parties, you hadn't learned to behave yourself around the distinguished guests alone. Suddenly, the dress you were wearing looked cheap and boring, and you certainly weren't as pretty as most of the women there.
But Harry was always there, making sure you didn't get lost among the people and every now and then throwing in some funny remarks that relieved some of the stress.
“You have to come visit us sometime, Harry. L.A. will give you everything you want.” Mr. Murphy, the older man Castillo was talking to, patted him on the shoulder paternally. “And bring your lovely companion. Have you ever been to the City of Angels, young lady?”
You smiled at him over your glass of champagne. “I haven’t had the chance.” Harry shot you a quick, furtive glance. “But I trust your word, it’s certainly stunning.”
"Not like you, not like you!" Murphy laughed "I have to apologize now. I see Mr. Donovan is heading our way, and I need to talk to him."
You said your goodbyes and were alone again for a while. The party really wasn't that bad, except for a few boring speeches and weak toasts. Harry was often approached by guests, and you politely stepped aside, trying not to bother them. However, when another businessman approached him, you quickly signaled to him that you were going to the toilet and disappeared among the crowd.
The clock in the lobby showed that it was slowly approaching 11pm as you passed more and more people. You enjoyed watching them. Perfect looking, dressed in expensive clothes, adorned with jewelry straight from the best jewelers, smelling of the most exclusive perfumes. It was Harry Castillo who gave you the opportunity to see this part of the world, and you still felt like a tourist there.
"We've been running into each other a lot lately, don't you think?"
You turned around and spotted him immediately. Daniel was smiling as he walked over to you. The knot you had in your stomach the entire party tightened even more.
"Daniel!" you plastered a smile on your face, "It's nice to see you again."
The man looked around, then leaned in slightly towards you. "You're not alone here, are you?"
"No. I'm here with Ca... With Harry." At the last moment, you bit your tongue, and warmth crept up to your chest. You didn't want to continue with this lie, but the situation demanded it. "And you? Is Beth here too?"
He shook his head. "She wasn't feeling well today. It would have been better to stay home."
You looked at each other for a moment until Daniel finally offered to walk you to the hall where the guests were gathered and where you had left Harry. You were going through all the possible sentences you could say to get rid of Daniel when someone gently took your arm.
You turned to see Mr. Murphy, who was smiling politely at you. “Sweetheart, please tell Mr. Castillo I’ll call him next week. Of course, my offer still stands—I think your boss should take you to Los Angeles with him. We’d love to have you over for dinner.”
"Of course, Mr. Murphy. I'll tell him everything. Are you leaving now?"
"Yeah, yeah. I've got an early flight and I'd like to catch a nap. These parties..." he looked around the room and laughed, "they're all for the young. Take care of yourself, darling."
He bowed once more and quickly walked away towards the exit. Only when he disappeared from your sight did you realize that Daniel had been listening to you the whole time, and now he was watching you closely.
"Are you Castillo's assistant?" he asked.
"Yeah, I am. We work together." you replied, feeling a cold shiver run down your spine. "Is something wrong?"
"No." Daniel shook his head and smiled uncertainly. "I just thought that you and him... I thought that you..."
"Oh! I finally found you."
You felt a familiar scent and a strong arm wrap around your waist. Harry. You didn't know he had been watching you since you entered the room, and Daniel's presence next to you intrigued him a little. He decided to appear next to you the moment he noticed your figure becoming more tense. He knew your body language very well.
"Mr. Castillo." Daniel nodded, greeting the man. "Again, I met your lovely companion first."
"Careful, I'm starting to suspect you want to steal her from me." Harry joked, his fingers lightly squeezing your side to signal 'I'm here with you'.
Daniel smiled again, his eyes darting between you as if he wanted to catch any little gesture or grimace that might tell him something more. “Don’t worry, I already have my own assistant. Although I assure you, yours is just as good.”
“She's the best, right, honey?”
You were so surprised by what Daniel had said that it took a split second for you to realize Harry had leaned down and brushed his lips against your temple. It was barely noticeable, but it achieved its purpose because something in Daniel's gaze changed. You could almost see his brain working overtime.
You didn't know what to do, how to escape this place. But Harry was by your side, which was a small relief. You weren't alone. The lie continued.
“Forgive us, Daniel.” Castillo spoke again. “We wanted to go home. It’s been a long day.”
"Of course. It was very nice to see you again, Mr. Castillo."
They nodded at each other, and then you felt Harry steer you toward the exit. Your legs struggled to carry you down the hallway. The knot in your stomach was so bad you were sure you were going to throw up. If bad things came in pairs, that was likely.
"He's watching."
Harry's quiet voice echoed by your ear. You turned your head slightly and looked at him in surprise. "Who?"
"Daniel." Harry replied. "He's watching us. I think he's starting to suspect something."
You blinked quickly, taking a deep breath. “Does it still matter? Murphy told him I was your assistant.”
"That doesn't have to change anything."
You stopped at the door to let a larger group of guests pass. You didn't dare look at Daniel, you couldn't. But you saw Harry's face and there was something indescribable in it. A mixture of concern, support for you, kindness.
"Do you want him to think you're just an assistant?" he asked. "Of course, you're more than that, but he doesn't know that."
"He thinks we're together." you mumbled, looking down. "Just take me home, Harry. I feel bad enough for tonight."
When he took your chin between his thumb and forefinger, you didn't even flinch. Harry gently tilted your face up to look at him, it seemed so natural that you didn't know what to say or how to react.
"You don't owe him anything." he said, his voice quiet and warm, soothing. "And you can definitely give him something to think about."
"You think so?" your voice was close to a whisper.
"Yes. That's a brilliant idea."
Harry leaned in, your lips inches apart, until you finally felt his warm breath. You didn't resist, you didn't run away. It was so intoxicating that you even waited for it. When your lips touched, you felt something incredible happen. A soft and tender kiss, just a brush of lips. Nothing that would make you uncomfortable, but it was hard not to sink into it completely.
When Harry pulled away a quiet sigh escaped your chest.
"Come on, I'll take you home."
You didn't know why you cared that Daniel Stevens, your ex-boyfriend who broke your heart, thought you and your boss, Harry Castillo, were together. It didn't make any sense at all. But lately, fate really hadn't been on your side, and every time you'd met up, you felt like you were sinking deeper into a senseless lie.
God! It wasn't even a lie at first. Just an understatement. Now everything was changing faster and faster. You were losing control of everything.
That kiss, it shouldn't have happened at all. Harry was your boss and you really liked him, but it wasn't right. But when you got in the car, neither of you said a word. The emotions and thoughts were so intense inside you that you preferred to keep your mouth shut before something you might regret later slipped out.
The car drove you home, Castillo opened the door for you again, and you said goodbye. No more words, no sign that he was thinking the same thing. Lying in bed, you almost envied him—your head felt like an amusement park in the height of the season, and he was probably already asleep.
"Please, hold the elevator!"
At the last moment, a hand held the door open, allowing you to slip inside. You gasped, “Thank you,” leaning against the cold metal wall as someone next to you shifted, then said your name.
“If I didn’t know you worked for Castillo, I’d think you were stalking me.” Daniel stood next to you, smiling nonchalantly as if this meeting was the most normal thing in the world.
“Sorry, I didn’t see you.” You replied, embarrassed, straightening up. “At this hour, I’m a bit…”
"Yeah, I know." He finished for you.
The elevator slowly began to rise, and you were silent for a few more floors. Finally, you spoke up. Maybe too nervously, but you had to ask. “I’ve never seen you in this building before. Do you have a meeting here?”
"Yes!" Daniel smiled and lifted his briefcase. "My client is already here."
"Oh. That's good."
But when the elevator stopped on your floor and you got off, you realized that Daniel was next to you again. The anxiety in your heart grew with each step, and when you reached your desk, you heard Daniel talking to Susan.
"I got a message that Mrs. Kruger-Waltz is already here. She's waiting for me."
"Yes, please hold on a moment." Susan reached for the receiver and dialed Castillo's internal number. Soon her voice filled the room again. "Mr. Stevens is here... Yes, she's already here too... Of course. Thank you."
With a soft click, the receiver returned to its place. “Mr. Stevens, you may come in.” And then your name was called. “Mr. Castillo is expecting you as well.”
Susan smiled politely, not even realizing that you felt like she was inviting you to the gallows. But you couldn’t refuse, so you grabbed the bare necessities and headed for the glass doors, trying to remember to breathe.
The office was brightly lit, and you immediately noticed Harry, who was sitting in a comfortable chair by the coffee table. He smiled when he saw you, then nodded towards the woman sitting on the couch. She was beautiful. Long blonde curls fell over her shoulders, and ruby lipstick adorned her lips. She looked like a classic beauty, dressed in a well-fitted dress.
“This is Mrs. Diane Kruger-Waltz,” Harry said, and the woman nodded politely. “And I think we already know each other?”
Only then did you remember that Daniel had come in with you.
“Yes! Good morning, Mr. Castillo.” They shook hands, and the man moved toward Kruger-Waltz to sit some distance away from her. “I hope I didn’t miss anything.”
“Easy, Daniel.” The woman laughed lightly, showing white teeth. “It was just a very nice chat for now. You didn’t tell me that Mr. Castillo was such a charming man.”
"I asked you to call me Harry." Your boss reminded her, and then he showed you the other chair.
You sat up, feeling like you had “liar” written all over your forehead, and you hadn’t even done anything wrong. But you couldn’t let anything show. As conversation filled the office again, you took a deep breath and opened your notebook, ready to write down everything that was said there.
You were an assistant after all. Castillo was your boss. And this was your job.
Thank you for your time.
taglist: @nrschuster30 @maried01 @lunariantears @thatesqcrush @suzysface @youkeeno @legoemma @nuo0n @sarahhxx03 @hazzzy418 @pedrofan @peepawispunk @readingiskeepingmegoing @maryfanson @anoverwhelmingdin @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi @axshadows @picketniffler @underneath-the-sky-again @kaysfanficcorner @noisynightmarepoetry @xmaykeca @orcasoul @sincerelywithheartt @southernbe @chaoticfestninja @telumendilsoul @hermionelove @paleidiot @lemon-world1
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flights, not feelings [jake x male reader]
════════════════════════════════════ ✦ . ⁺ . ✦ . ⁺ . ✦ . ⁺ . ✦ . ⁺ . ✦ . ⁺ . ✦ . ︶⊹︶︶୨୧︶︶⊹︶︶⊹︶︶୨୧︶︶⊹︶︶⊹︶︶୨୧︶︶⊹︶︶
Synopsis: Busy, busy, busy. Those are the words your life would speak if it had a voice. You were on your way to catch a flight, ready to embrace a corporate life for a change. A job where you’d be filing some paperwork, working in an office, and having dinner with coworkers was all something you thought suited your personality as it mellowed out. But on your way there, you bumped into your ex. The two of you didn’t end on bad terms, and were in love while it lasted, sharing a bittersweet conversation. But, now it was all just a ghost of the past, and you had a flight to catch.
Top! Jake
Bottom! M/n
Angst, w/lil bit of fluff
Post-breakup, denying feelings
2.4k words
Inspired by aespa - Flights, Not Feelings
You know, you hadn’t actually gotten the chance to sit down and take a break for a while, but now that you had a moment to yourself, it was lonelier than you’d expected.
You sat in the waiting lounge of the airport, looking to your left as the airplanes behind the terminal glass wall of the airport hovered towards the horizon, soon to take off to unknown destinations. The sun was setting, casting a temperate orange glow on the rows of empty seats in front of you, illuminating how the only person there, was you - M/n L/n.
You’d recently resigned from your job as a human resources manager, because you were always occupied managing the interactions of fed-up employees against tyrannical managers, and barely had time for yourself. It’s actually why you booked this flight. You were gonna go to Toronto, have a fresh start, and live a better, corporate life for yourself. Of course, you were already somewhat in the corporate life, but now, your hours of work would strictly be kept from 9 to 5, and would never spill into your home life.
As you grew and got worn out by the world, you began to mellow out. You lost a lot of ambition and were comfortable reaching for the basic office life. Moreover, you began losing some of the things you’d valued most in your life and yourself.
Your passion for the arts, extinguished by your family ages ago, the brightness of your personality, deemed ‘too much’ for others, and the right to feel worthy of love, wiped clean from your esteem. You were in a shit position right now, and no, you didn’t wanna talk about it. M/n was the guy who made jokes about his life, and didn't tell anyone how his decaying soul lies dormant within the ribs of his slender chest.
Suddenly, you were caught off guard by an announcement going off over the speakers. “We would like to announce that Flight AC456, with service to Toronto, Canada, is boarding at Gate 12F in 15 minutes.” After taking a look at yourself in the glass wall’s reflection, fixing up your long charcoal cotton coat, and ensuring your navy sweater and beige pants rested coherently under its embrace, you made sure your suitcase was all zipped up and began to make your way to your gate. Your outfit wasn’t actually that bad at all; it added an edge to you, without washing out your (S/c) skin color, or making you look cold and antisocial. Your silver necklace sat immobile on your chest, adding a little bit of bedazzle. Nice outfit, M/n. You didn’t flop your choice for the airport.
You began to take off, looking around to see any signs that indicated Gate 12F was nearby at all. You looked to your right, noticing how there was an increase in people going towards a particular hall that you hadn’t seen that densely crowded before. That must’ve been where your flight was. The closer you walked to what you began to realise was a corridor, you saw a sign saying ‘GATE 11J-12H’, and you knew that you were in the right place. Bless those strangers’ hearts for taking you there.
Eventually, you were met with another large, longue-looking area, and found yourself reaching in your pocket to hold onto your passport, for reassurance. To your horror, you couldn’t find anything. As people walked all around you in numerous different directions, and anxiety slithered all up in your body like a snake made of icy slime and tar, you were close to being overstimulated. You properly started rummaging with your both hands in your large coat pockets, and were now regretting the choice of wearing it at all today.
That’s all that ran through your head at that moment. Everything and everyone should’ve just gone to hell. You felt yourself spiral, and just when you couldn’t get anymore lost in your thoughts, you started sinking in an episode of self-doubt and self-loathing. You wouldn’t have been so depressed about this a few years back. You’d probably have laughed, and got a random stranger to help you. That stranger would’ve had fun, too.
You’d make someone’s day and all you’d have done was smile. You tend to do that less nowadays. But before you could fully drown in your thoughts, you fell to the floor when you felt a thud against you.
“Oh shit, I’m sorry!” You heard a male voice call out, and for a split second it felt somewhat familiar to you. Maybe you were overthinking it. When you turned to look up, an exuberant light behind his head and the suitcase in front of you blocked you from seeing his face. He reached out his hand to you, and you took it after a moment of regaining clarity.
“Ah.. it’s okay..” You said. Well, at least after all these years, you were still a polite person.
“I should have seen where I was going, man, I just..” You stood up, and as you did, you could finally begin to make out who it was. You knew him. And you didn’t know if that was a good thing. “I dunno, are you alright?” He asked. He looked up at you as you got up, your height a bit taller than his. Yeah, you knew him.
His Aussie accent was unmissable, alongside his slightly longer, yet nevertheless ethereal face. His eyes were large and almond shaped, expressive and captivating, just like you’d remembered. His nose was straight and well-sized with a soft tip, his cheekbones and jaw decently prominent, and his pink lips decently full for a dude. This being said, his visual was boyish, and attractive. He looked young, yet chiseled, and ready for anything, which was exactly what he was.
The man in front of you was Sim Jake, your ex. And you watched as his eyes widened and features softened as he looked at you in a mixture of surprise and wistfulness.
“Hey, Jake..” You said, your face shifting to a muted, half-smile; a grin with a bit of regret to it.
“Hey…” He said, clearly a bit unsure. “You okay?” He asked, after a moment of hesitation. You could feel the tension dissipate at a moderate pace, but while it lasted, it was more than notable.
“Yeah, I’m.. I’m fine.” There was a bit of a pause, and you two were sort of awkward in that moment. You decided to try and make a bit of conversation. “How’ve you been, Jake?” You inquired placidly.
“I’ve not been bad, what about you?” The way he said those words in his thick, milky accent - ‘whaute abaut you’ - just reminded you of the memories where all you’d known was how much you loved him. The two of you broke up due to a difference in schedules, is what you liked to tell yourself. But you knew it was all your fault.
You were a bright, pure soul, not too long ago. People treated you like shit, and your heart started graying from then into the carcass it was now. He ached seeing you lose your light, and you took his care for you as pity, and broke up with him. You should’ve known it was love. Now, you were resilient, but at the cost of your inner glow. You wondered what he would think if you’d stayed with him. Maybe you’d have been able to retain your light but still be resilient. The thought just depressed you, cause you knew you made the wrong decision, and you didn’t wanna dwell on that. Not at all.
“Not bad, actually. Thanks.” You said the last part with a bit more gratitude than you’d usually offer. You felt a warm smile creep up onto your face, and the tension was lifted for sure now. After all, he was a great person to you.
“That’s great, babe.” A pause arose at the use of the latter word. He let out an embarrassed scoff. “Sorry.”
“That’s okay.” You smiled, chuckling. He laughed with you. You remembered the way his undereye would crease when he smiled, and his teeth bared themselves in a beautiful surrender.
“Where you flying, M/n?” He asked. Again, you also forgot how much you liked it when he said your name. Just the way the sounds flew in the ripples of his unique tone, becoming nothing but a cozy collection of consonants against the cadence of his voice.
“Toronto. I’ve got a job there as an office worker. I start in two months.” You smile at him, and he nods, pouting his lips in awe. But underneath that, you could detect him feeling a bit of loss at the thought of you going away. It made you sad, but you told yourself to ignore it. “What about you, Jake? Where are you heading?”
“Back to Seoul. I’m visiting my family. It’s been a minute. But that’s great, ba-” He bit his lip, shaking his head, trying to not say ‘baby’. He would say it so casually before. “I meant M/n.”
“That’s cool. I’m happy for you.”
“I know, I’m really excited, can't lie.” Caunte lie. There’s the accent, again. “So yeah… I’m… I’m happy for you. You’re gonna go to Toronto. Is that far?” He asked, kind of hoping you’d say no, even though he probably knew it was. It was clear you both were over each other, but it was also clear that you missed what you had. I mean, it’s not like either of you did anything to hurt one another, so that was more than warranted.
“It is. You’re probably not gonna see me for a while.” You said, not rudely. You offered him a polite smile to compensate. After all, you had nothing but respect for him.
He nodded, looking down at his feet, his hand fidgeting a little. He bit his lip. You felt bad. A silence arose.
“You know, you can call me baby.” You said to him. “It doesn’t have to mean anything. You can just say it for fun.” You smiled softly whilst tilting your head, trying to reassure him a little. He looked up, and wore a wistful smile. He appreciated it, but obviously knew the true meaning behind it was in the past. You knew you should have been going to board your plane, but for the first time in your stick-up-the-ass life, you’d remained there, feet firmly planted in the ground. You didn’t wanna part ways at the current moment. You were meeting Jake again, and there clearly wasn’t any tension at all. It was a comfortable vibe, with a comfortable resolution to the post-breakup tensions, if there even were any.
“Do you wanna get going?” He asked, feeling bad.
“Not at all. It’s okay.” You replied. “We have time.”
“We would like to announce that Flight AC456, with service to Toronto, Canada, is boarding at Gate 12F right now. Please arrive as soon as possible.” The speaker called out. You and Jake both looked up at the roof, as if trying to find the voice over the speakers.
“Fuck..” You laughed. He laughed too, undereyes creasing adorably and everything.
“You gotta go, huh?” He chuckled, the sound a bit defeated. “Happens, mate.”
“Well, this is where we part ways.” You smiled at him, as warmly as you could in that moment. “Thanks for this. It was… it gave me clarity.” You said, taking a deep, composed breath. You were hurting as well, but kept it subdued although not hidden, whereas he showed it without much filter.
“Me too. You’re a good dude. Know that, yeah?” He mustered up a smile, his care for you genuine, and his regret very real. You kept telling yourself that he was completely over you, but he clearly still had a place for you in his heart. A small enough gap to operate normally, but big enough to still be thinking of you on a cold, lonely winter night.
You offered a final smile, and just as you turned to walk away, you heard his voice again.
“M/n, wait.” You turned. “Can I… can I have a hug before you go?” He asked, and you couldn’t say no, especially given the look in his eyes; vulnerable and longing. You could deduce that he might have wanted a kiss, or a second chance, but you recognised the fight in him to not ask for anything more than either of you were comfortable to do in that moment. He truly was a solid individual.
You nodded, walking into him without hesitation, and felt yourself sink into his warmth. He was a bit shorter than you for sure, but you still felt safe in his arms. Jake was always the protector of the relationship. You can’t lie, you’d wanted to kiss him, just this one last time. But you didn’t.
“M/n. If you need anything - if you need me -,” He paused, and hearing his dejected voice muffle into your coat pulled a fair bit at your heartstrings. You felt yourself falter for a moment. “You just let me know. Okay?” He asked, and it sounded more vulnerable than you’d have expected. It hurt your heart hearing him like that.
Eventually, after a long breath, the two of you untied from each other's arms, and you flashed him the last soft smile, not knowing if you’d ever see him again, before turning your back and walking to your gate. The last thing you’d seen from him was his faltering smile as he watched you walk off into the distance. As you walked away, you felt something move in your pocket. When you reached in to pull the object out, you found it, right there; your passport. For a second, you caught yourself wishing it would do it’s little passport magic and you’d meet Jake once again. Admittedly, part of you didn’t want that moment to end.
But you weren’t going to call him. You didn’t want to. And you’re not sure if you ever would, but you knew you weren’t going to soon. The thought of reaching out to him didn’t deter you the way you thought it would, but you just decided in the current moment that you were never going back just to hurt him again. At least not now. You had to hold onto that. You just had to. Just for now.
Because after all, you had to catch a flight, not feelings.
#fanfic#mlm#kpop#enhypen#enhypen jake#jake sim#enhypen jaeyun#jake imagines#jaeyun sim#jaeyun scenarios#jake x male reader#jaeyun x male reader#x male reader#x male bottom reader#kpop x male reader#angst
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Some Win or Lose things on my mind:
- in Frank’s episode when he’s texting the girl he met online right before his ex is about to walk in, the blaring alarm going off. Like.. as a viewer I understand it as a warning that *something* is about to happen. (That something being the sudden appearance of Monica). But it was the first time we saw a story telling element like that. The whole thing with Frank’s episode was focused on armor, vivid flashbacks and video game animation for the dating app. So the red flashing alarm confused me for a bit. At first I didn’t know if it was a real alarm going off in the school or a narrative device 💀
- Some people theorize that the woman Frank was texting was Vanessa’s mom??? I didn’t get that impression at all and rewatching the show I still don’t see any signs point to that??
- so does Tom lowkey have a crush on Rochelle? Based on the convo with her mom
- Very specific but I like that we see some of the parents calling it baseball when it’s softball 💀 it just seems like an accurate parent slip to make
- the job interview where Zane attacks the guy after saying “so uh, how flexible are you 😏” didn’t expect that at all but it really be like that irl
- now I know Kai’s story was supposed to focus on her experience transitioning but the creators had to scrap that main story and opted to represent it in a more subtle fashion. Idk how much of that episode was cut/edited and rewritten but when it comes to the scenes of her scratching off what presumably was her deadname on her old glove and her looking fondly at her new one that says “Kai” some people thought that the last episode was the first time James called her Kai. Cause like Kai’s story relies on the dynamic between her and her father and whether or not he accepts her. But actually he already calls her that at the start of her episode. So I’m wondering if maybe some clarity was lost with her timeline because the creators had to switch up the focal point of story.
- Rinna always going off to Brian in Korean? 💀💀 does Brian understand Korean????
- Frank being Rochelle’s favorite teacher, and Rochelle being Frank’s favorite student confirmed 🥹
- there’s an awkward pause when Rochelle is venting to Laurie. The: “do I look buff? Girl yes have you been juicing?! No….” And then there’s a beat of silence lmaoo. What was that??
- okay so the last episode showed the final inning, they’d already had 2 outs and needed a win. Laurie avoided striking out and causing them that 3rd out by making base and then Kai sadly got out after her and everyone lost their minds. So I thought that was the end of the game??? But after everyone calms down they get back on the field to continue the play?? We don’t on screen confirmation of who won the championship but like?? Do I just not know softball cause if that was the final out in the final inning….doesn’t that mean the game is over??
- okay so yeah middle schoolers think high schoolers are cool but like does Rochelle lowkey have a crush on that one highschool girl we saw???
- why is Rochelle’s episode called raspberry? I get the others but hers is going over my head
(Adding on things as I remember them)
- in Vanessa’s episode she has her own little driving service Van’s Van and we see Francis as a passenger in one of the montages. Now I’ve been seeing people say Francis was apart of Frank’s imagination so does this prove he’s real?
- so the bleacher creatures bait Rochelle to try and get her keys to the snack shack but like what was their plan??? They say let us borrow your keys and then we give them back with your $200 bucks and that’s all….soooo did they actually have $200 bucks to pay her or were they planning on stealing the money she needed from her OWN JOB to give to her??? But that doesn’t make sense. Were they never intending to pay her at all?? Cause they get the keys anyway and we see in the end they were just gonna steal the cash box before Ira takes it and runs. What were they gonna do with the money?
- I loved seeing the bleacher creatures’ friendship with Ira before the end 🥺 like they actually listened to him and let him be himself. As a weird kid and the youngest sibling, that’s all we be wanting
- the barista purposely looking Frank straight in the eyes as she says “he’s like a brother to me you guys” 😭😭😭
#win or lose#frank win or lose#bleacher creatures#rochelle win or lose#vanessa win or lose#kai win or lose#laurie win or lose#taylor win or lose#yuwen win or lose#tom win or lose#ira win or lose
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One night Mina said she wanted to have sex. We hadn't been intimate in about 4 months. She had a new bull. His cock was huge. (Yes, I know how big it was because he took my boi pussy one night. She needed a break, he was horny, my pussy was available. So yeah, he was big.) But she didn't have a current bull so she texted me to come to her room. "Babe, I know you are gay now, but I need you to fuck me." I just said OK. "Mina, it will take me a bit to get hard though" I said. "Go watch your gay porn, I will wait" she replied.
So I went back to my room, got my laptop, and came back to her room. She looked very pretty. It is just that I couldn't get hard for women any more. I wanted to. But I couldn't. She unlocked my cock cage. It stayed soft. "I am sorry Mina" I said. "About what" she replied. "My little clitty, it just stays soft all the time." She said not to worry, but to go ahead and get hard.
So I got on the bed and started watching gay porn. I always imagine myself on the receiving end. After all, I am a total bottom. I stroked, but my little clitty just wouldn't get hard. I was so used to having sissygasms now. My clit just didn't get hard. Then she said she was really horny and asked how much more gay sex porn I needed to watch. It was already about 30 minutes. I kept stroking my little clitty but it just wouldn't get hard.
"Babe, I will get you the strap on. You can fuck me with that" she said. I must have looked dejected because she added "Look babe, I can't wait all night. I am really, really horny. I need a cock in me. If you can't perform then just use the strap on. It is bigger than you are anyway. With your little pee-pee you aren't even going to be able to stay in my pussy with how Marquis stretched it out. So go on, get the strap on. I am waiting."
So I went and got the strap on. I put it on. I then crawled between her legs and entered her. She moaned like I have never heard her moan before. I of course couldn't feel a thing. But I knew I was making her happy. She kept writhing and finally said don't stop, don't stop. I could tell she was about to cum and then her whole body shook. She came as I plunged deep into her pussy. When she recovered she pushed me off her. "Go down on me and clean my pussy" she said. I did as I was told. Then she kissed me and thanked me. "Jennifer you are such a wonderful woman. It is good that you finally realized that you were no longer a man" she said. With that she kissed my forehead and sent me back to my room. She added "lock your clitty up in your cage before you go to sleep." I just said, OK.
Gay porn or not, I can no longer get hard for women. But spreading my legs apart for a man makes me have an instant hard on. I guess I was always meant to be the girl. I am glad Mina helped me realize this. I. LOVE. MINA.

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Thoughts of Tokyo Debunker Ch15
Hello hello~ have finished the recent chapters and wanted to share my thoughts on the chapter.
This does contains spoilers from Chapter 15 these are just my thoughts and rambles for the chapter.
This is my first time writing something like this, so please handle with me with some repeating things or just mindless rambles, I am typing five minutes after I just finished the chapter
First off I want to say, I am so happy they added in some Rui and Haku lore together, even if was for a short while.
Also I am not sure where it was theory at, but I do recall there being theories about Haku being from Frosthiem before going to Hotarubi. I do wish they would have added why Haku transferred out, what is so bad about Frosthiem than it being some winter wonderland where BOTH Haku and Yuri both transferred out, in different years. But Haku being the one confirmed in the canon characters who has transfer dorms the most ( Been in three different dorms) if he is a third year does that make it where he switches every year? I know Clementia might have had a different case due to the clash most likely, but who is to say if there is another year (like a fourth year) in the academy who is to say he won't transfer out of Hotarubi?
I do want to talk more about Subaru Kagami as well. There was another name that he could have mentioned in the chapter called Kagami Fujino. Sure this could have been a false name but could it also be someone in his old troupe group. I know there was a mention of a name, Koki Arisu who is confirmed on a hiatus due to an incident. But there is something in the air that could have someone named Fuijino under a different last name or same. Maybe someone related to Subaru's family? Really could have been a false name since Subaru was a previous actor being undercover, and with rumors like that I would not blame him not wanting it to resurface in front of the director, on a mission for Darkwick! But this is Tokyo Debunker, anything is possible in this game.
There is now something about Subaru before Darkwick in his old troupe group the reason they are on hiatus because of said incident. The stranger lady's voice called Subaru an 'abuser'. Now, looking at Subaru I could not believe it at first.
I hope they press more on both topics for both Subaru and Haru's sake.
But the last panel at the end of Chapter 15:
Yeah Subaru you are not helping your case here sweetie.
He either is possessed or he might be some sadistic person that we haven't seen yet -
I have always been someone who was not a fan of Subaru and had hell beef with him over a fic.
But I can say this, I do have some interest of him. He is one of the most secretive characters in the cast and I do wish the game didn't just drop this in and breeze over.
It has been a bit of a bad habit of the game recently, I don't know if it is intentional or so they can continue it in a different chapter.
It is the same thing when it came to Haru's hand reveal. A casual drop at the end of Chapter I forgot,,, I am typing this and I really don't feel like looking back on the previous chapters at the moment but if you know you know.
Also I won't lie, I have been under the assumption that the Honor Roll was a first year, even though their case is special I really thought they were a first year, but it turns out the Honor Roll is a second year along with Kaito and Lucas so it does make me happy that the Honor Roll is in the same year with their buddies (I know I am a little dumb because we do have some classes with them but shhhhh) I am just happy they did confirm their year.
Last thing,
I have not got a scare from the game in such a bit since chapter 2 that made me cover my phone. But when the sprites for Hanae Numata ( Red Woman ) and Hanao Numata ( Little Ghost Boy ) came on screen, I have a little scream - not in like a jump scare way but in a way where I was happy we got that horror effect like the one with Takeru in Chapter 2 and the ghost boy in Chapter 5. I missed the little thing like that. I wish they kept those themes since the game was a horror game.
I downloaded the game due to the ad I saw on Tumblr
of a pixelated man. But again, this game with it's ads... It's always a miss, since they are never about what the game is about - So I was ready for some horror, I got a bit sad with previous chapter since they weren't on a level like Chapter 2. I also do miss the longer chapter, but also I don't.... I think they are trying to find a middle ground since recently we have only got to like Chapter 25-28 but now we are hitting into the 30. Now this doesn't mean Chapter 16 with Sinostra could be shorter or they might make it longer, I only wish they make it longer so they can actually add in the lore they need and not drop a brief on us and move on and not mention it until a later chapter. I cannot take the suspense ;-; but I don't mind short one since it does save me a search for screen shots for the drive.
Last thing ( this time I swear), very small,
I wish they talked more on Zenji's death.
All we know was that he is dead. Both chapters didn't really provide us anything on how he died. Could he have been the victim of the Killer Case that some of the casts are suspects in? If so, that could have mean someone in the cast killed Zenji -
I hope that is not the case, but would it be interesting,,,, Yes -
Now some small mentions that I am not going to provide a lot of talk on:
Haku's little 'ahhh' in the chapter where they are talking about the ghost stories and it was his turn to tell a tale -
Thank you for taking your time to read this, I will be updating the drive here shortly with the photos!
#tokyo debunker#haku kusanagi#tokyo debunker haku#tkdb#tokyo debunker subaru#subaru kagami#tokyo debunker zenji#zenji kotodama
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Top 5 drinks? ☕
i am about to confess. i am a terminal water-drinker SKFJHG i'm not super into sweet things and don't mind the taste of just plain water? so i don't often have any beverages at all, so this list is about to be the most hyper-specific list of beverages known to man 😂
hot water: i would argue this counts as a drink, because most people i know don't drink hot water, i'm just very chinese lol. it's nice! feels less shocking to the system than cold water. i do not like cold water.
taro bubble tea: truly the most bestest of bubble teas. it's purple! it has edible tadpoles! yum. idk unpopular opinion though, every time i get it from a place where they actually serve legitimate taro inside their taro bubble tea, i hate it. i want the artificial stuff that comes in powder form, that is probably like 90% sugar by weight
there's this corn juice that T&T sells that's really good. is also probably 90% sugar by weight. corn!
okay i have to admit that i do like the starbucks coffee cappuccino frappuccino whatever stuff that comes in the sealed glass bottles that you can get. again, definitely mostly sugar and milk by weight (i am not a hardcore coffee person. i'm not even a coffee person really), but they taste really good. i haven't had one in years and i'm not about to break that streak now! but i do remember really liking it.
another asian beverage, there's this pineapple beer stuff that is mostly non-alcoholic (the alcohol % is super low) that is really good. ALSO most DEFINITELY 90% sugar by weight, i swear it tastes kinda like caramel and nothing like pineapple. still good tho!
#asks#i swear the pineapple beer stuff used to be better though#like now i can taste this caramel-y aftertaste to it#which is fine it's not bad but it's not what it used to taste like#so i demoted it to 5#i don't like ANY other starbucks thing and esp now i refuse to go to starbucks#but for some reason those glass bottle boys are like. littol treat. somehow very good.#might just be that i have really low standards. in college i used to drink coffee strictly for the caffeine#so i would make the most godawful concoctions known to man#little bit of cheap instant coffee in a mug lot of hot water a bit of sugar to make it a little less caustic to swallow and voila#you now have a recipe for Olive's Caffeine Beverage From Hell: Also Known As Coffee Question Mark?#or i would dump some grounds into a french press and drown it in hot water#then walk away and forget about it for an hour#come back and pour out my cold garbage into a mug and microwave it#add sugar. serve.#yes it still had little bits of coffee grounds in it always. it was disgusting. do not do this.#oh maybe more cursed though is that with the french press method i'd always make way too much#so i would take the extra stuff and put it in the fridge for later#where it would ofc undergo the microwave + sugar treatment#again. don't do this.#and i hear you asking 'olive. why not add a little milk. please. at least don't drink it black and cursed with the ghost of sugars past.'#to which i reply: the grocery store we went to in college only had big 2L things of lactose free milk#and that was way too much milk for me to drink before it went bad#and also. more importantly. if i added milk to the mug that was less caffeine water in the mug therefore not enough caffeine.#and look at the above recipes. this was bad coffee EVEN with milk. i did not want to be drinking it either.#usually i would end up shotgunning the last 25% of the mug of cold sugar caffeine water because i would've forgotten it for an hour by then#how did i end up talking about this#ANYWAYS thank you for the ask!!!! :D#would recommend trying the above beverages in the list#would not recommend trying cold sugar caffeine water
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Reasons why I absofuckinglutely loved First Frost:
Okay, it's 1 a.m., and I just finished First Frost. I need to unload all my emotions, thoughts, reviews—everything—because there’s a LOT.
First of all, it has been a hot minute since I’ve enjoyed a Chinese drama this much. But First Frost reminded me why I love East Asian dramas in the first place. It pulled me in, chewed me up, and spat me out in the best way possible.
And since I’m now a full-fledged adult (ugh), I no longer have my childhood bestie to call on our landline at 2 a.m. to scream about a new drama. So here I am, dumping my thoughts onto the internet instead.
Reasons why I absofuckinglutely loved First Frost:
1. Wen Yifan is NOT your average female lead. She’s layered, mysterious, and in my opinion, the series's hero. Sang Yan, while being the main male lead, honestly felt more like her love interest. We see everything through her lens, and unlike many dramas where the male lead gets all the depth, First Frost had its focus on our complex female lead.
Sang Yan? We know a little bit about his character—but we don’t really get to know him beyond his role in Wen Yifan’s life. And honestly? I find that dynamic super refreshing.
2. People say Wen Yifan is "boring"— IMO: she’s real. Some might say she’s too quiet or reserved, but that’s what makes her character so compelling. She had died so many times in her lifetime through numerous heartbreaks at such a young age, so I don't think it's very fitting to see a typical bubbly female lead.
If there’s a sun in this drama, it’s Sang Yan (don't let his cold demeanor fool you, he is actually very warm).
3. Wen Yifan standing up to her mother was everything. As a Filipino, I understand how deep family ties run. But I also know that family is more than just blood—it’s about who actually shows up for you. So when Wen Yifan didn’t just blindly forgive her mother for being her mother, that was one of the most satisfying moments in the entire series.
<<SPOILER ALERT>> Wen Yifan cutting off her mom? BADASS. And completely justified. Asian culture often pushes the narrative of the ever-filial child, but this drama made an important statement: Parents have a duty to their children, too.
4. The plot is THICC. It’s not just romance. Not only do we get the layered, slow-burn romance between Wen Yifan and Sang Yan (which, by the way, is the epitome of first love-to-mature love evolution), but this drama also tackles:
Family issues (Wen Yifan’s mom, Su Haoan’s family struggles)
Sexual harassment (Subplot of a crime, can you believe it?)
The reality of enduring love is not all butterflies and roses. It goes through pain, patience, and healing before it can stand the test of time.
It’s a deep, emotionally rich story with multiple subplots that actually get proper resolution (a rarity in dramas, let’s be real).
5. Their time apart was NECESSARY Yes, it hurts that they didn’t date for six years. But let’s be honest—if they had, they wouldn’t have grown into the people they needed to be for each other. Their separation made their reunion even stronger, and it set them up for a long and enduring love with lots of understanding and deep connection.
6. Su Haoan & Zhong Siqiao? Adorable!!! Their relationship added just the right amount of fluff when things got too emotionally heavy. There are times when I look forward to watching these two, because I can't wait to see how their love story unfolds.
7. The intimacy was perfectly done. Not over the top, not underwhelming—just right. Through their long embrace and sweet (and hot) kisses, you can feel their yearning for each other after being apart for 6 years. ALSOO DARE I SAY, by East Asian drama standards? Those make-out scenes were intense. Bless.
8. I was on my toes the whole timeee!! The ending tied up every loose thread beautifully. No plot holes, no random forgotten side stories (we are fully aware that other dramas introduce subplots just to ghost them).
9. The acting? EXQUISITE. Bai Jing Ting and Zhang Ruo Nan understood the assignment. Bai Jing Ting’s micro-expressions are on point! Specifically, I love how his eyebrows are very expressive. While our girl Zhang Ruo Nan’s ability to embody Wen Yifan's quiet, reserved, shy, but also assertive demeanor is just chef's kiss!
10. The OST? Absolute banger.
The story does not end yet:
I just found out that First Frost is a spin-off of Hidden Love! Which makes SO much sense because I knew there was something familiar about Sang Zhi and Duan Jiaxu. And now? I need to:
✔ Read the First Frost and Hidden Love novels ✔ Watch Hidden Love ✔ Read the First Frost manhua (Eternal Love)
So yeah. I am deep in this rabbit hole now, and I have no regrets.
10/10. Would spiral into obsession again.
Wen Shuangjiang, don't you get it? After all these years, I still only like you.
The First Frost 难哄 (2025) dir. by Chu Yu Ning [upcoming]
#first frost#the first frost#cdrama#bai jingting#zhang ruonan#edward chen#zhang miaoyi#sang yan#wen yifan#I am just a fan that can't get over how beautiful First Frost it#I don't know how else to cope
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like him relating to talon and kat for similar and also different reasons........ talon honed into marcus' image and dealing with that empty hole in their life now and kat taking after him physically and in the same profession, living life without him in it pretty well after once striving to be just like him and eventually being haunted by everything he did to her.....
she said that I make expressions like him my waist and my posture like him like him like him, like him, like him....
mama, I'm chasin' a ghost I don't know who he is
I'm everything that I've strived to be so do I look like him? do I look like him?
#‡ ooc#tbd .#talon and kat asking 'do i look like him?' im going to be sick#paces back and forth within my chamber#we need to kill him again. bring him back and kill him again.#this has been taking up so much of my thinking i have to put it somewhere#unrelated talon stars as a possible 'special guest' in the arena gamemode who says things in a little speech bubble/square abt the matches#im slowly collecting everything for my records and havent seen another source for them yet 🤔#adding this on because i just connected the dots but i was watching a funny little video that had a bit at the end that involved the#pov accidentally killing their parent (its supposed to be funny in context i promise) but it freaked me out so bad u.u#so to deal with that im thinking abt how kat might go through times of wondering if she could have saved marcus. or that it was his own#fault and comeuppance. or that if she had just done Something different--#and talon thinking the same but about how its their fault marcus is dead because they failed their mission against kat Again#kat 🤝 mel: killing your parent (mournful)
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Y'all are gonna get Sons of The Stars (Abby's version)(from the vault) like this week at this rate aksksks
#I just redrew the wardobe and I ended up changing so of the looks a little bit so I was going in to change the appropriate-#-outfit descriptions accordingly to be accurate with the new and tbh fr final designs and now I'm just adding a whole bunch of shit aksksk#like I'm completely overhauling chazz and alexis's relationship rn like the whole last 10 chapters of their interactions have to be changed#because of something I added in during chapter 14#I wasn't planning on doing any if this extra stuff but well here we are akskskksksks#hey sustained by hate (abby's version)(from the vault) really elevated that one so you can imagine what's happening here hehehe#I love this one so much already too I can only love it more#I'm on chapter 20 and when I finish I'm probably gonna back up to the first half a little bit before I publish these updates but MAN#there's some good shit in here#abby's fanfic writer power hour#yugioh gx fanfiction
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i can't sleep and i want to fight youtube
#been seeing posts abt them targeting adblockers and now specifically firefox users#and i ended up thinking about and going down the mental rabbit hole of how they've obfuscated info over time#like back when they added ads to yt they used to show where they were in the video timeline w a lil yellow thing#and it was only one ad. that you could immediately skip if you wanted#over time they made it so you had to wait to skip. and then they made some ads unskippable#and then they made it two ads. i swear at one point i had seen Three but that was shortlived or i may be mistaken#but i never realized when it happenee but they did at some point remove those ad indicators. now they just#they just Happen. and a lot of the time they're placed in breaks in the video but not always#but that's not the problem. the problem is they used to give us that heads-up that ads were coming#and now they Don't. they just appear and we Have to watch them at least a little bit#its like the same shit with the dislike bar. that was incredibly relevant information that just got Axed one day#its info that they have and they had provided it for you before but now they decided hey. :> its not important#when it really fucking is actually#i got particularly incensed yesterday when trying to watch a video where theyre playing a card game#the rounds are really short and last like a minute each. and in between each round they would play ads#i only know this because my phone does not have an adblocker#i don't like it much in general but that was a truly egregious experience and i legit could not watch it. i stopped entirely#THIS is precisely why i use an adblocker and that is what youtube wants to push onto you#it makes me really mad just remembering what once was and how it's gotten so bastardized at this point#fuck google tbh the only thing i condone of theirs is gmail and drive#and its a shame that they have such a monopoly on internet video hosting that there is no alternative anyway#mrah im tired and angry
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Hi! Alek here, wanna share a bit of my side of the story.
We met through a sourcelist Nikolai had posted, where I answered and we began chatting. Nearly immediately he started with the whole “you’re so mature for your age” and “no one understands me like I do”. Red flag, but due to my trauma I thought this was normal. He started being more romantic/sexual, eventually asking me out, saying that because i was above the age of consent it was okay. Immediately, he began cutting me off from friends and family. I couldn’t be in servers, have anyone added on discord, he would track my snap score and my location and become very aggressive if he thought I was talking to literally anyone, which he said was “micro cheating”.
We had arguments daily. I’m not even kidding, and obviously my mental health began to decline rapidly. He would use tactics I told him in confidence that my abuser had used on me. I was utterly dependent and fully convinced I needed him. I was missing school because he couldn’t bear to be apart from me for so long. I couldn’t talk to friends or do anything, couldn’t do things I enjoyed because it meant I couldn’t talk to him. This was not conabuse. I only knew he was a paraphile when he shared his tumblr, after we started dating.
Like Permahunter mentioned, he had my address and school email, and full name. He’d constantly threaten to email them with proof of our conversations, or call the police on me. He knew how damaging this was to me. I wasn’t allowed to have discord, let alone talk to people due to complications with the child exploitation team and social services I work with. This would’ve ruined my life, and he knew that. He would constantly tell me to hurt/kms, threaten me with things like sharing my address online so people could come to my house and “turn me into a child prostitute again”. Once more, not consensual
We constantly broke up and got back together again. I couldn’t stay away and neither could he, I was pretty obsessed and he quickly became my fp. I was convinced he could do no wrong until Permahunter snapped me out of it.
What really drove us away, was when he got on phone call with us, something he knew we were already uncomfortable with, while drunk, he knows we’re a recovering alcoholic, flashed his tits, once again we explicitly said any nsfw call stuff is a massive trigger with us, and proceeded to roleplay being fucked by us over call. As you can imagine, we didn’t do too great with that. Then he demanded we switched, something we struggle to do on command, got mad when we said we couldn’t, started yelling and screaming at a little until they had severe flashbacks and was sobbing to him over the phone, and then gaslit us about the whole event for weeks after. Not very pleasant.
We did threaten to kill ourselves. Because he told us to kill ourselves. Many times. And seemed to enjoy our distress around the subject. Eventually, a programmed alter did try and commit, and we ended up with a lovely ambulance ride and overnight stay in the hospital. Thanks for that. Which he didn’t seem to care about at all
No matter how many times he apologises for getting with us, he has never stopped flirting, being sexual, or asking us out. He’s just as obsessive as ever. And cannot leave us alone.
He talks about “paraphiles not sticking to their words”, but got unreasonably upset every time we mentioned unhealthy coping mechanisms, like self harm and drinking, something we rely heavily on. He is a hypocrite and a liar. He could not handle our emotions nor our disorders, even though he claimed to. He abandoned us whenever we showed symptoms. And is overall not a good person
He’s also admitted to being a Nazi and hanging out with neonazis???? So like. There’s that ig
This isn’t all of it, just all I can think of and bear to type out right now. Enjoy
up early in the morning with this, but as the little over 80 something of you guys know, my name is deimos. im seventeen and i’m a concept writer, a reblogger, and am currently new to transid coining and things of that such.
yesterday i was informed about my ex, Nikolai/Lucas, known as @sacrificalhandler/@traumaarchivo/@sermilitares talking about me. obviously i went to read it and i was understandably pissed, i hate people making up lies about me, and i damn sure wasn’t about to let some pervert lie on me to some gullible people on tumblr LOL. a majority of you saw the post made after but had asked me for the full story, here this is.
i met him little over two weeks ago in a partner system server of my own making, he joined, we talked, we dated. there were multiple instances when he was overly aggressive with me under the guise of it being some mental health problem he had. then came when i joined tumblr with him, i got an anonymous messages saying he was a liar and cheater, obviously im confused. ive come to understand it was my now friend @cannibalcvnt warning me, in my own mind though, i ignored it, and sent a friend of mine to talk to him using the @ he sent me, my friend told me he was talking nothing important, so i assumed it was a troll and moved on.
we broke up because i found out he was cheating on me with alek / @cannibalcvnt, who’s sixteen years old, and in my opinion, more emotionally susceptible to manipulation. nikolai had aleks location ( mine as well, but no threat was there as he was halfway across the world ), his school email, nudes he had forced alek to send him, and more. obviously i was disgusted with this, and alek was scared of him. it took a few days of talking back and forth but by the end of it both alek and i had him blocked. during this time as i was getting information on him i could contact the authorities as well as make a cyber tip about him, i got in touch with someone he knew irl, so said he tried to stab his ex and then raped them. currently this is an allegation, but considering how he is i wouldn’t put it past him.
days went by and i personally watched in real time as he targeted @derwiintersoldat.
i’d like to preface that alek, myself, and soldat are all ramcoa complex did systems, who are programmed/have programmed alters, he used this heavily against alek, he used it against soldat, who he claims consented to it, but he hasn’t brought forward any substantial proof, and soldat a headmate steven would like it to be known soldat was manic and going through an episode, therefore this was under the guise of concent by someone who was already laying their affection on them heavy, which nikolai is known to do.
you all already know how this story with soldat and nikolai ended so i wont push it further, he was in a “conabuse” relationship but there was no consent, so it was just abusive. he made a post saying that both me and alek had agreed to a similar relationship, we didn’t. from what i understand alek met him in a sourcemates server and they started off as friends before nikolai preyed on them ( and this happened little over a month ago, he has no idea how to take a break between these crimes i guess ) and ive already said that our relationship was purely romantic until towards the end our winter soldier introject, sengphet, started dating their rumlow introject.
i think it’s disgusting, i think it’s sick. if you’re coming from his page YES i was manipulating him last night, YES i was lying to him, and yes i do stalk him, he’s talking about people being posers but can’t take a few extra eyes on him and he lost his already shriveled mind, practice what you fucking preach. i wanted a fucking laugh and more evidence so i could make this post, lmao. never in my seventeen years would i want to be friends with a fucking loser like that.
if this guy is your follower/mutual, do yourself a favor and block him because the tl:dr is —
nikolai is a pro contact pedophile who got sexual with a 16 year old at his big age of 19, talks to minors constantly under the guise of being “friends,” lies, abuses programmed people to get himself off, and he’s running all around Europe to evade the authorities, because he’s wrong, and he knows it.
ALL screenshots and such will be my next post, this is already long as hell.
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"Waiting, waiting... Ooooh!"
Here comes a proper concept illustration of Odysseus’ wifey!
Since Penelope is very underdeveloped in Epic, it’s hard to pin down what her personality is in the musical, so I’ve drawn a lot of inspiration from the original Odyssey and added some of my own ideas. Initially, I liked the idea of portraying her as a graceful queen, someone who always smiles despite how rudely the suitors treat her. But then I realized I really liked using visual language to show how Odysseus remembers Penelope from his sweetest memories.
Because of all the trauma he experiences on his journey, Penelope becomes more of an "end destination" for him, a symbol of hope. To Odysseus, once he gets back to Penelope, everything will be fine. In his visions or memories, Penelope with a warm smile, little bit soft on the edges. But the real her, the one we meet in The Challenge, looks tired and constantly angry, except, of course, when she thinks about Odysseus. This contrast helps the audience see that she has changed as well, both in how she looks and how she acts, compared to how Odysseus idealizes her.
I also really like the idea that the reason Penelope didn’t kick out the suitors wasn’t out of respect for some tradition that puts her in a position of servitude and compromise. Instead, it’s because Zeus himself came down and told her that if she kicked them out, he would smite Odysseus or Telemachus. That interpretation does fit how Epic the musical portrays Zeus so.....
This puts her in a position where she endures all of this to protect the ones she loves, rather than just following a tradition that don't even respect her due to she is a woman.
Also, funny thing, my first drawing of her was that reveal shot from the Thunder Bringer animatic!
And of course, she gets a veil! Similar to Hera and Circe! This choice is rooted in the tradition where married women wore veils, or at least something to cover their hair, when male guests entered their home. If Penelope walked around without a head covering in front of the suitors, it would signal that she was available, which is literally the opposite of what she wanted, don’t you think?
That said, I think I’ll design her veil a little differently. The one I drew here is kind of just a test.
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THAT BOY IS A MONSTER! - sukuna with a tongue piercing making you sit on his face!
"i told you to stay still" sukuna growled against your skin from underneath you, his voice barely audible thanks to you squishing him with your thighs. that’s right, you were sat on his face, while he drove you mad with just the licks and flicks of his tongue. ryomen sukuna was not only the king of curses, but also an enigma— a king of surprises. so when he came home one day with not one but two tongue piercings, he only proved the title fitting yet again.
" 'kuna ah-" you whimpered helplessly, feeling his pierced tongue swirl playfully around your clit. he had a possessive grip on your thighs on either side of his head, holding you down so he could tongue fuck you as he pleased. sukuna was not patient. no, it was almost impossible to convince him to wait until his piercings healed before he ate you out—his frustration and need growing exponentially with every day you had him wait. but not to worry, now you'd be a good girl and pay for your mistakes.
"please ‘k-kuna it’s too much" you moaned, desperately digging your nails into the hard flesh of his arms wrapped around your thighs. he had just started and you were already whining pathetically, drowning in the overstimulating sensation. he flicked your clit with his thick tongue, sending a shiver of pleasure through your core. "nngh- please" you mewled again, unable to keep your whiny protests to yourself. he dragged his tongue up and down the soft flesh around your clit, the metal balls on the ends of his piercings only adding on to the already intoxicating sensation of being eaten out like this. "stop fuckin’ whining" he said with a grunt of displeasure, continuing to flick your clit despite your pathetic defiance. the man wanted to eat and you weren't letting him do it peacefully.
you felt his teeth graze over your clit lightly before he bit down, a cry tearing free from your throat. "w-what was that for?" you asked breathlessly, looking down at him with the cutest little frown on your face. "for being such a fuckin' brat. you can't seem to shut up can you?" he growled in response, locking eyes with you, his tone both erotic and angry. " 'm sorry 's just too much" you mumbled in between shaky breaths. he had you wrapped around his finger, that was for sure— and he would bend and break you as he much as he desired. he moved his tongue down to your dripping hole, lapping up your slick like a fucking dog. you mewled softly, feeling another flutter of arousal settle deep in your core. the still foreign sensation of his tongue piercings dragging across your skin had you trembling with uncontrollable need.
nothing brought sukuna more satisfaction than seeing you in this fucked out state. head thrown back, thighs clenching against his head, hands digging into the hard, muscular flesh of his bare chest behind you. it was truly a sight worth seeing. a moan escaped your parted lips as he stuck his pierced tongue inside you, exploring every inch of your tight, dripping, wet cunt. he licked quickly and desperately, as though it was his last time getting a taste of what your sweet heaven felt like. because we all know that heaven was not where sukuna really belonged.
you felt him ease his grip on your thighs and pull his tongue out momentarily, "go on, ride my face princess, 'n ride it well", he said in a hoarse voice, his breath ragged. "y-yes 'kuna" you mumbled, hearing him inhale sharply before his tongue was back inside you, relishing in the sweet, sweet taste of your pussy. your head fell forward, and before you knew it you were grabbing the sheets above his head with one hand, while clutching onto his soft, pink, disheveled strands with the other. you began to roll your hips slowly, finally earning a groan of approval from him.
and that's how it went on for the next little while. he squeezed orgasm after orgasm out of you, making you moan, whimper and cry. oh yes, to sukuna, it wasn't good sex until he made you cry. "p-please can't, n-no more 'kuna, no m-more" you stammered, chest heaving from your shallow breaths, slowing your hips down to a stop. oh but he didn't like that. no, even on top of his face you weren't in control. he spanked you, and you felt a familiar sharp sting settle in the soft flesh of your ass. "slow down again and you won't leave this room alive" he threatened before continuing. no, sukuna wasn't very nice but, the thrill of his threat was enough to quickly send your sore hip muscles moving again. he bit you, sucked you and licked you so raw, your poor pussy lips were all puffy from the harsh treatment.
you rode out until you felt your pulse quicken and your thighs twitch from the overexertion. you let go for a third time, toes curling as your sweet cum spilled out of you, and all over his face. you tumbled to the side, falling flat onto the bed beside him. "ah ah, you know the rules" he purred, pulling your limp body onto your knees and moving across the bed, leaning his back up against the headboard. your vision was blurry from the salty tears in your eyes and your brain was so fucked out—you couldn't even think straight, but you knew better than to disobey him.
you slowly moved to the edge of the bed, watching him through glossy, half lidded eyes as you began to crawl across it towards him. you stopped in front of his chest, kneeling in between his big thighs as you began kitten licking your sweet and salty cum off his chin, moving your tongue slowly up to his cheeks, then his nose and finishing off with his lips. "good girl" he whispered deeply against your lips before dragging his wet, pierced tongue across them. you whimpered softly, cut off by him capturing your lips in a rough, wet kiss. get ready, because this night was far from over. he may have gotten his sweet taste of your heaven, little kitty, but now it was his turn to show you what hell truly felt like.
#☆ may writes jjk!#jujutsu kaisen smut#jujutsu kaisen#jujustsu kaisen x reader#jjk#jjk smut#jjk x reader#jjk x you#jjk sukuna#sukuna x reader#sukuna x you#sukuna#ryomen sukuna#jjk ryomen#jujutsu kaisen sukuna#jujutsu sukuna#ryomen smut#sukuna smut#jjk gojo#jjk nanami#jjk geto#jjk toji#jjk fanfic#sukuna fanfic#gojo smut
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you were right!
a/n: okay, i know you guys might be tired of me doing these but this is my last one! i hope you all like it 😜 gifs from @rafeyscurtainbangs
The blazing Moroccan sun beats down on Rafe, its intensity mirrored by the firestorm raging in his mind. Dust hangs in the air around him, adding to the harshness of the moment as he stands over the well. Below, Groff coughs and groans, his face contorted in pain, but Rafe barely spares him a second glance. His rage overpowers everything else, even the satisfaction he should feel. He narrows his eyes, voice laced with anger and finality.
“Checkmate, bitch!” he yells down, his words slicing through the hot, tense air. The motorcycle engine he’d used to get out here sits idle a few feet away, rumbling like his frustration.
He turns on his heel, muttering a curse, fists clenched. As he stalks away from the well, he pulls out his phone and dials Sofia’s number, his chest tight with the realization that everything he thought he knew was a lie.
Sofia answers after two rings, her voice as casual as if he hadn’t just found out about her betrayal. “Hey, babe, what’s up ?”
Rafe’s voice is steely, cold. “Is it true? Is it true, what Groff just told me? Is it?”
The silence on her end is all he needs. He can practically hear her scrambling for words, but she never manages to answer. His face twists in anger.
“Pack your shit. Get out of my house,” he snarls, a final, unforgiving edge in his voice. “God, after everything I did for you? We’re done. Done.” He hangs up before she can say another word, shoving his phone back into his pocket with a bitter scoff. Betrayed, twice over—and he’d ignored the only person who saw it coming.
He stands there, baking in the Moroccan heat, his mind racing back to a month ago in Kildare, when you and he had argued over Sofia. You’d warned him that she wasn’t who she seemed. He’d brushed you off, accusing you of jealousy—knowing damn well that there was more to it. You were his best friend, but it was complicated; that line had already been crossed too many times, with late-night kisses and tangled sheets. But you two hadn’t spoken since that fight, since the way he’d brushed you off had hurt deeper than either of you cared to admit.
Taking a breath, he pulls out his phone again, fingers hovering over your name. He hesitates, swallowing his pride, before finally pressing call.
The phone rings, and you pick up after a few moments, your voice tight with annoyance. “What, Rafe?”
Your tone makes him pause, but the way you sound almost comforts him, even with the irritation clear in your voice. You’re there—back in Kildare, probably sitting cozy in your little apartment. Meanwhile, he’s out here under the scorching sun, alone, trying to piece together his pride.
He clears his throat. “Hey… princess,” he says, voice softened, the pet name slipping out before he can stop it. He can almost feel you rolling your eyes on the other end, but he presses on, the words weighing heavy on him. “I—uh… Look, I’m sorry. You were right.”
There’s a surprised pause, and he hears you shift in your seat as if you’re debating whether to hang up or let him speak. When you do answer, your tone is a bit softer, cautious.
“What happened?”
Rafe lets out a dry, humorless laugh. “Turns out Sofia was exactly who you said she was. A snake. And here I was, thinking you were just being… petty. But I guess I’m the idiot, huh?”
You breathe out, and he can picture you shaking your head, lips pressed together. “You wouldn’t listen,” you say quietly, as if the words hold more hurt than anger.
He sighs, running a hand through his hair, the frustration evident in his voice. “I know. I was so damn sure you were just jealous. I mean—” He pauses, grappling with how to say it. “Hell, I thought you were jealous because you… I don’t know. I thought you didn’t want me with her because we…” His voice trails off, but the implication lingers between you.
“Yeah,” you say softly, almost to yourself. “I get it.”
Rafe bites his lip, letting the words sink in. “Can I see you? I’m done here in a few days, and I could be back in Kildare very soon. I could stop by, explain… properly.”
A beat passes, and when you finally speak, it’s careful, guarded. “After everything you said last time, why should I?”
He laughs softly, almost self-deprecating. “Because I think you might be the only person I can trust right now. And… I miss you.” His voice drops, laced with a warmth he can’t help. “Even if you’re just going to gloat and rub it in my face.”
You chuckle, and he smiles, savoring the sound. “I don’t know if I miss you or if I just feel sorry for you,” you tease, but the playfulness is back in your tone, if only faintly.
“Yeah, yeah,” he says, amusement lacing his words. “Act like you don’t care. But come on, you miss me. Admit it.”
A small silence follows, and he imagines the way your lips twitch into a smile. Finally, you relent. “Maybe a little. But you’re bringing wine. Good wine.”
“Oh, don’t worry, baby,” he says, the flirtation back in his voice. “Only the best for you.”
You scoff, but he hears the hint of a laugh. It’s the closest thing he’s had to a good moment in a long time. He takes a breath, savoring the thought of leaving this mess behind and getting back to Kildare—back to the only person who knew him well enough to call him out, and care anyway. As the call ends, he puts his phone in his pocket, a grin spreading across his face, motivating him to get that crown and go to his princess.
taglist: @namelesslosers @princessslutt @averyoceanblvd @iknowdatsrightbih @starkeysprincess @sixrosberg @anamiad00msday @ivysprophecy @wearemadeofstardust0 @kissrotten @rafesangelita @sstargirln @rafedaddy01 @soldesole @bakugouswaif
#rafe x you#rafe outer banks#rafe fic#rafe#rafe x reader#rafe cameron x reader#outerbanks rafe#rafe cameron#rafe imagine#rafe obx#rafe cameron fanfiction#rafe fanfiction#rafe cameron blurb#obx fic#obx season 4#obx#obx4#outer banks season 4#obx cast#outer banks#obx fanfiction#obx spoilers
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“ please don’t. I would like to have kids some day “ ford replied as he glanced to his twin with a surprised look on his face. He understood the concern but Ford couldn’t let himself drop it. Not when his family refused to let him live it down either. Maybe they were all jokes from them but ford couldn’t help but forever feel like the family sell out. He was a professional liar when it came down to it and it made him realize as he got older that him and his dad were maybe a little closer than he’d one thought. “ that’s true. Most people in reality tv are actually worse in real life. “ he’d own plenty of people who were way worse. A few that were better but it was rare. “ you know, in the beginning it wasn’t a character right? “ he admitted. “ I was actually that mad and volatile and a pain in this ass. I think cause I was mad about the stuff with dad and then because I left home I didn’t have as easy of contact with you and the others. I think that’s why I have a hard time living it down. It’s not who I am now , but it wasn’t exactly a lie either “
“ wait so we’re admitting my idea wasn’t the worst thing to ever happen?” Ford asked at the comment his twin had made in regards to his reality tv run. He smiled a bit and didn’t dwell too much on it.
“ fuck I shouldn’t have opened my mouth “ ford added shaking his head. There of course was someone but how could he really get into it all yet when he was still figuring some stuff out. “ there is someone though. Do you remember Iris Alderidge? She went to school with us. Maybe the grade above us? I think she used to date that guy who ended up an actor? She’s back in town and we reconnected and I don’t know? We were friends back then and now it just feels different. Like we’re both different and I really like her, please don’t laugh “
Ford understood the idea of being caught in the moment. Kenny and him may have been different in other ways but that was something the twins shared. He knew exactly what it looked like when he got caught up in a moment. “ I get it. “ Ford began as soon as the story had wrapped. He hadn’t been there in person but he understood the fears of being trapped. It was so funny though because all ford wanted in life was to be ordinary now but his siblings had other plans. But none of them were ever gonna be ordinary. They were Tamblyns and with that came a flair for the dramatic. “ You will never be ordinary even if you’re stuck in Aurora Bay dealing with all of us. “ he teased. “ I know we’re not the family to talk about this stuff but, if you ever feel alone or sad again, I’m around for you “ he noted trying to it to think too much about it but he understood how it felt to be in a place and just feel so completely alone. It was why he quit Nepo babies. “ that’s the main reason why I quit the show. Filming kept me away from you guys cause I didn’t wanna suck you and Vi, and the others into the show and I felt trapped. The situations are different but I think our family has this thing where we want to avoid feeling so stuck. It’s in our nature to run from being trapped“
“What a thought, right? “ he laughed before glancing at them again. Kenny didn’t answer about the whole dying together joke and he assumed that meant somewhere between yes and shut up. @kennyxtamblyn
"Ford, if you say you're like him again I'm going to kick you in your balls." Kenny rolled their eyes with a huff. "You're not like him. Even if you lied about stuff for your little reality show it doesn't make you like him. The difference is that on the reality show you were playing a character-- acting. Besides, anyone who thinks reality tv is one hundred percent real clearly still needs a reality check." Kenny paused, realizing how weird that sounded. "Whatever. You know what I mean. You're not like him. Dad wasn't playing a character, he was lying to everyone and... well, he sucks. You played a character on a show. I'm not going to let you sit here and continue to compare yourself to him." Kenny teased their twin relentlessly but that didn't mean they didn't love and care for him.
"A real girlfriend?" Kenny's brows rose, happy to change the subject from their crappy father to something more interesting. "Will you ever get a real girlfriend or will you forever wallow in your self pity for taking a job that kept food on the table?" That just may be the closest Kenny would come to admitting that Ford wasn't a sell out but did what he had to do to survive. "Pray tell, is there a real girlfriend I don't know about yet?"
When the conversation turned back on Kenny and their ex-- well, on their spouse, they shifted their weight. It wasn't exactly something Kenny talked about much. Sure, the marriage was impulsive and it was probably due to the excitement of being in a romantic setting after having filmed a wedding for a couple in Italy, that led them to make the rash decision to get married on a whim. It didn't mean Kenny didn't care about the person though, it was just that Kenny didn't want to settle down and they felt weird talking about that sort of thing. However, if Kenny was going to talk to anyone about it, it would be to Ford.
"I think it was me being caught up in the moment and thinking I wanted something I really didn't. Well, not that I didn't want them, it was just... I don't know. I think we were too caught up in everything to realize that we wanted very different things. I want to keep traveling and exploring and they wanted to find a place a stay and settle down. Be... normal." Kenny said the word like it pained them to even think about having a somewhat normal life. "It's not that I don't like them or that we weren't good for each other, I just don't want to feel..." Kenny paused, trying to decide if they wanted to allow that little wall to come down so they could share something personal with their brother. "I didn't want to feel trapped. I don't want to live an ordinary life where I'll be alone and sad all the time but I can't stand the idea of staying in one place for too long." It was a bit ironic because Kenny was now living in Aurora Bay and had been for nearly a year now. It was different though because Kenny never felt alone with their siblings.
"You? A Tamblyn? Getting their shit together? Don't think it's possible." Kenny grinned.
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