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mercless · 3 days ago
@essence-flux-primed explains: "Look, normally I only repurpose things from tombs, or people who steal from tombs, but it's been a long time since I last had a hot shower, and I'm willing to compromise my morals for a private moment with some conditioner and a bar of soap. So." He holds the map protectively in one hand, just out of grabbing distance from his new reticent friend. "Maybe we can come to a deal."
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They had moved toward him in an attempt to snatch the map away while he was babbling on, only for it to slip past their reach, past the point without getting uncomfortably close to one another. Realising how frustratingly childish it all was they step back from the treasure hunter. The thought of threatening or even just slitting a throat passes fleetingly; but he is useful alive, and talkative, still. Talon can manage to be cordial for this exchange. ... They note his sometimes strange use of words.
The assassin is still as they thought, cloaking shadows cast about threatened to pull them back into the darkness. It was nowhere near the strangest barter they'd encountered - one of the more backhanded ones, though. Believing him to be nothing more than a plucky foreigner searching out the thrill of adventure would be a beginner's mistake. "There will be many things you can repurpose. From conquests before either of our time. Things better taken from those who keep them, if that helps your morals." There was so much kept hidden, forgotten, or locked away in these twisting caverns, Talon is certain there will be something to pique his interest. Confident in their offering, they step forward and hold out a gloved hand. For the map.
"I will share the directions to a fine bathhouse."
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mercless · 4 days ago
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having a 'guy whose only seen boss baby watching a second movie' moment
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mercless · 7 days ago
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rat mention !
this wasn't what i was expecting at all and yet these lines are great. bonus other du couteau siblings lines under the cut
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mercless · 15 days ago
odyssey talon train sketches under the cut... i think i wanna try out 1-2 more outfit ideations before i stick to one
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mercless · 17 days ago
like him relating to talon and kat for similar and also different reasons........ talon honed into marcus' image and dealing with that empty hole in their life now and kat taking after him physically and in the same profession, living life without him in it pretty well after once striving to be just like him and eventually being haunted by everything he did to her.....
she said that I make expressions like him my waist and my posture like him like him like him, like him, like him....
mama, I'm chasin' a ghost I don't know who he is
I'm everything that I've strived to be so do I look like him? do I look like him?
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mercless · 21 days ago
🗡 rotating odyssey and battle academia in the mind... might try to draw some ideas in my sketchbook omw to class
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mercless · 23 days ago
and just when you think you’re at your absolute lowest a blonde motherfucker comes along and makes everything so much worse
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mercless · 29 days ago
okay actually this is a very nothing complaint and I can figure it out but when abouts exactly is the talon reckoner skin supposed to be from?
because this will decide on what's happening in the du couteau drama as well like if it's after/around the same time as the masque of the black rose party we can assume it's also while katarina is working close with swain, and so after her comic. in which case, for talon, are they following kat's movements closely like in the last short story we got? after going to soreana in shurima did talon then go back to noxus prime and... what, pick up assassin guild jobs and get the one that leads to killing a reckoner? is it in one of the assassin guilds katarina is in charge of?
or is this just a 'this happened once and is related to reckoners' thing where it could have happened anywhere in the timeline, including before katarina uncovered her father's schemes? literally riot does not care about the details like this but /I/ do when theres no reason to! because the rell skin is related to the [REDACTED] and the alistar skin is part of his past when he was FORCED into the pits.
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mercless · 30 days ago
"Little bird."
"Strange artist."
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mercless · 1 month ago
anyone else slutting it up this wednesday evening
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mercless · 2 months ago
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@dolls-runeterran-dollhouse's continued from here ・゚✦
The reflex conjuration has the guard retreating, quickly. Boots lifting off the ground as they spring away in shock. They are thankful, at least, having the foresight to keep weapons sheathed from reality. Hands are held open until the elder's apology, lowering with an breath of relief. "My apologies for startling you so." Their heart beats through their uniform as fingers smooth formed wrinkles. Talon's second attempt at shortening the distance is stopped again after a step with his accusatory finger. The poetic omen has teeth roll lips, painting a similar sight for what was seen in their reflection. At least, from last they looked. They had been so preoccupied, looking... at nothing...
"Advisor?" Talon attempts another step forward, confusion clouding their tone, "What are you saying?" Turning from side to side, they search for this supposed thread Lee Sin had found tensing at the thought of being discovered. Perhaps continuing to be so open with tensions already so high would only put them in more danger. Especially with the wiser members of the order were shaken, leaving their rooms and studies.
A hand gestures down a hallway, trying to move the elder's attention elsewhere. Anywhere but on them. "I was overseeing the threads of fate just earlier. Be at ease. Perhaps an afterimage, or a muddled reading troubles you."
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mercless · 2 months ago
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The barking had died down eventually, but even without looking Talon knows it's not because the dog had lost interest in catching the person who disturbed it's rest between alley dumpsters. It was for the best, keeping it in one area at least. And nobody was walking around the parking lot, luckily. For their own safety, and Talon's. A run-in with security was the last thing they needed. In summary; the less eye witnesses, the better.
Once their heartbeat had returned to speeds that weren't worrying, they'd gotten comfortable along the concrete roof ledge and shifted their cap to cover their face. If it weren't for the circumstances, they could even consider this relaxing. Whether or not that worker from the pound was a no-show, they could probably find a way out of the situation. Had plenty of time to think on it.
Until they hear shoes across asphalt, getting their head to raise and a hand adjusting their hat. Their other is raised to get his attention, in case someone on the roof of a building wasn't eye catching enough.
They are being very calm, which is perhaps why Kayn is so stunned at the whole reaction. Truly, each job he gets seems to attract weirder and weirder people. Shouldn't they be at least a little panicked?
... Anyways, he supposes it doesn't really matter. There's a dog on the loose, and if it's aggressive, there's a good chance that it's going to be caught by someone who's a lot less understanding than him. It's not that Kayn thinks he's an expert at communicating with dogs at all, it's just that no one else treats them with the kindness they fucking deserve. Kayn will never understand why human lives are so prioritized when humans are often the ones who mistreat animals to act like, well... Like this.
But he doesn't have time to get angry about it right now. He grabs his coat and roots around in the shelter's desk drawers for a sign that says Be Back At:. He doesn't know when he'll be back, so he just leaves it at the time it was already set to. Doesn't really matter, anyways.
"Yeah. I can help." A spare leash, a collar, and of course, a couple bags of treats get shoved in his jacket pockets too. "Where are you at?"
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mercless · 2 months ago
save me characters doing fucked up things out of self-preservation…..characters doing fucked up things out of self-preservation save me………..
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mercless · 2 months ago
🗡 my days got busy quickly and my queue overtook my writing, but I will try to get it up and running again. i think i much prefer it, besides the making mutuals wait for replies part...
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mercless · 2 months ago
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Practiced patience simmers their nerves, even as it seems their words of warning are simply disregarded. Well, not like she was the first to ignore the foretold judgement. It wasn't only mortal hubris that deafened ears. From beneath their hat, Talon can barely share a flash of teeth in return to the witch's bravado. They've seen many a bounty hunter with the same amount of confidence. How many more will there be before the end?
Not that it's ever misplaced; they will be far from the first demon to disrespect a hunter's tallies. Once the blade had left their hold, Talon retreats a few paces, hands empty and visible. Knowing well the look upon her face; of contempt and odium. "Don't doubt it. You're the only things that'll hunt 'em, after all." Choice vocabulary were left on their tongue. With their brimstone claws lowering, it finds the coat and slithers back into the sleeve like a reserve shedding. Wrapped in a wrinkled and old skin.
"Not lookin' to get tangled in your reward. Just that the job gets done." A weary arch for the station's cover is leaned upon, and beneath their hat and eyes fighting to stay open, lips curl as a musing escapes.
"We've all got a part to play."
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"Hmmm?" Was all Samira offered as a response to the stranger, watching as they approach her. Still standing in that arrogant and cockey stance. Thumping her boot on the wooden floors repeatedly. Listening with barely an inkling of interest. Observing the stranger with a scrutinizing eye. "Best give up on your gambling days, amigo. You're not winning any money on this round!"
Cackling the gunpowder witch tilts her head and spits on the rails again; getting rid of any remnants of chewing tobacco in her mouth. Tongue drawing across her teeth as her eye snap-turns to the pathetic creature. Reaching out to take the heated blade from their grasp and balancing the grip on her index finger with perfect balance.
"You want a piece of the action, I won't stop you: little broken toy. But the bounty is mine. So long as you understand that then you're welcome to join in the brawl... But a word of advice from a mortal."
With a twisted grin and an eye filled with a hunger for danger she stares them down. "Don't underestimate a mortal, amigo. We can surprise even the most weary of Devils."
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mercless · 2 months ago
"Something evil and wicked lays buried beneath Prime. Dread chokes the air in those passages."
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mercless · 2 months ago
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Lips peel back, a thin line of teeth across their face appearing in agreement. His study of them was expected, prepared for even the way the stranger tenses, but keeps their embered glare on the engineer, too. His additional limb was a sight. "Gladly." Unease washes over their shoulders and down their back, prickling their skin. The agonising passage of time and nothing to show of it was making them reckless. But they had to play the guest. And so Talon enters too quietly, peering around the workshop with whole body turns to keep Viktor in their peripheral.
"Wondered what the King would need a doctor for when I heard word," A winded exhale tries to play the part of a chuckle. "Wasn't all that aware of the materials you worked with, at first." Their glance flickers toward the workbench he had appeared from, looking for contraptions.
"How goes your work?"
viktor picks up one of the gears littering his workbench ; dulled, brass, it rolls across his knuckles as he considers the intruder. the demon—whether they know it or not—preys on the one thing viktor can still truly call his own: his curiosity. what could they want enough to seek him out and risk his master's ire? mordekaiser owes no favours — he only collects.
if they want a royal execution, who is viktor to deny them? ❛ … very well. it'll be your hide tied to the train tracks. ❜
heavy, dragging steps take viktor closer to the entrance, where he peers at the demon on his doorstep. he makes no effort to hide the way his gaze sweeps over their form, lingering on their arm, before the doctor takes half a step back and gestures for the other to enter. ❛ so? will you walk into my parlour? ❜ — said a spider to a fly.
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