#and be able to rest my muscles ahhh
kylos-starlight · 3 months
I cannot wait for moving to be over with. Day 3 of sorting and getting rid of stuff. My body is literally screaming to stop. My muscle hurt so bad and my back is stiff. x.x just today and tomorrow (and a probably July 1st)
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Hey lovely, would you a do a jealous!Muzan x female!reader.. He doesn’t realise that he’s in love with her until he tasked her with getting something off someone (you chose who) and the way she does that is by seducing said person. Muzan gets super pissed off with her and starts ignoring her, reader decides to flirt with the upper moons just to piss off Muzan for ignoring her and all hell breaks loose. You decide what ends up happening, but they do end up getting together 😊
Ahhh Omg I love this idea!! Thank you sooo much for requesting (ur my first request ever!!) sorry if it’s not very fluent but I was so excited to write this :D!!
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The town was bustling even though it was night, Muzan had sent you out to retrieve a few ingredients for his most recent attempt at being able to walk in the sun. You duck and weave through countless people till you finally reach the shop you were looking for “hello sir I need three nightshade flowers.” You state politely, the man looks you up and down before gathering them into a little bag “That will be 300¥” you sigh“oh I don’t have any money on me, could I pay you in another way?” You ask with a sly smirk resting on your face. His cheeks are dusted with a rosy color as you begin to move towards him. He smiles and grabs your hip firmly “oh yeah? And how so would you be paying me?” As you begin to undo his belt the door slams open and money is thrown on the counter. Muzan snatched the flowers, grabs your wrist, and drags you out to the woods, “What on earth where you doing?” He questioned, a sneer resting on his face. Confusion grows in your head “I was doing as you said and getting the nightshade,” you mutter, it ended up sounding more like a question making your confusion evident “What I walked in on was a mockery of the twelve kizuki, and demons in general.” Before you could respond he was gone and you were left to your thoughts.
As you headed to your home in the woods you kept going over the events from that night in your head, “Why was he so mad? I’ve seen him encourage many demons to do anything and everything to get less important things than that, so what makes it different when I do it?” You finally realized right before the sun rose, Lord Muzan was jealous. You and Muzan had always had a complicated past, for the last few centuries you had grown feelings for him wishing he would reciprocate those feelings, you would try to create conversation and pay him all your attention lovingly. Sadly he hardly even responded and when he did it was short and snippy. Unknown to you Muzan adored the attention you gave him, he enjoyed your stories of fighting demon slayers and finding trinkets on the ground to keep and decorate your home with, would he ever admit to you or himself that he felt the exact same way no not for now.
Realizing he was jealous you decided to take advantage of this and see if you could finally win his heart over. The next upper moon meeting you started with Douma, “Hello Douma, your hair looks lovely today have you done something to it?” You ask in a sweet tone trying your best to make your eyes look as attentive as possible “Ah Y/N thank you! I have recently eaten a much younger woman than usual she was 19 years old and I’ve noticed my hair and skin has been much smoother ever since,” he responded with his usual fake smile. You sent a quick glance towards Muzan and felt your heart begin to race as you saw him glaring down at Douma, you thought to yourself “it’s working!” As a grin grew on your face. “So has the younger girl helped with your muscle definition too? Because your pecs and arms look more muscle-ey than they did last meeting, can I feel?” You ask with a flirtatious giggle he responded in the same tone “of course my dear!” You grabbed his pecs and arms and made sure to giggle as you glanced up at Muzan. Anger was evident on his face, if looks could kill Douma would be six feet under, deciding to spare Douma any more issues with Muzan you moved to Akaza.
“Akaza you’re so strong, we should train together tomorrow,” you giggle giving him a glance up and down, unlike Douma, Akaza doesn’t care for small talk as much responding with a sneer “No thank you. I have better things to do.” As you continue to try and talk to him Muzan glares at a distance. His whole body is hot almost erupting with rage, He begins the meeting with an aggressive yell. The entire meeting you tried to focus but all you could take note of was Muzan’s angry demeanor. His eyebrows twitched as he snapped out orders at the rest of the upper moons, while you were left neglected.
At the sound of Nikime’s Biwa you were transported to a dark office, as far as the eye can see was books and documents. You walked over to a big desk covered in test tubes and equipment to make anything that would help concur the sun. The light snapped on and you quickly turn around, you stared at Muzan with a light smile, he stared back but with a cold glare. He saunters over to you, eyes drinking in your figure, “What were you doing before the meeting? Ignoring me is not a good decision Y/N.” You snicker quickly and respond “What are you talking about my lord? I wasn’t ignoring you, I just took the hint you didn’t want me wasting your time with my stupid stories and questions so I left you alone.” His features soften quickly as he moves closer, he gently grabs you face as he says quietly “I love your stories and your questions, what ever made you feel that way?” Placing your hands of his hard chest you whisper “You never responded, or seemed to care so I gave up,” you finally meet his eyes as he says “I care, I care about everything you do and say. I care so much that I would burn the world if you wished, I love you.” And with that You kiss, both silently acknowledging your shared love.
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dark-frosted-heart · 4 months
Get Drunk, Get Me Drunk, Drown - Roger Barel
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
NSFW, Minors DNI
I parted ways with Liam, who was on going to the theater, and started heading home when—
(That back…)
Before I could even tap his shoulder, Roger turned around and grabbed my hand.
Roger: You must’ve really wanted to see me if you saw me and came running, huh?
Kate: N-no!
(That’s right, Roger must have known I was behind him because he could hear my footsteps…)
Roger: If you’re just passing through, let’s have a drink.
Roger pulled me toward a seat.
The beer in his hand looked like it was glittering.
Roger: By the way, what’re you doing out here all alone?
As I told Roger how I ended up here, he nodded along and drank his beer—
Kate: Aren’t you drinking too much…?
Seeing as how the alcohol was disappearing faster than usual, I was going to check on him when he suddenly grabbed my cheeks.
Kate: Mn?!
Roger: You two really are alike.
Roger’s face looked red.
Kate: W-what are you talking about?
Roger had a strong grip on my face and I couldn’t turn away as he stared at me—
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Roger: Dog.
Kate: Huh?
Roger: Didn’t I tell you? You look just like the family corgi. If you became an animal, you’d definitely be a corgi.
Kate: I’m human! How can I turn into a dog?!
As he cackled, I felt my face turn red as I downed my drink.
Roger smiled at how well I drank, but…
(I drank too much while we were bantering…)
Roger: We’re here. Jeez, you drank too much.
The way he roughly patted my head made me smile involuntarily.
Roger: What’s up?
My heart leapt as he looked at me with unusual gentleness.
Kate: I’m…glad that I’m a person… If I were a dog, then I wouldn’t be able to talk or drink with you the way I do now. So I’d rather be with you as a human.
(What am I even saying?)
(It’s like…)
Roger: Kate.
His large body shrouded me in darkness as I sank into the bed.
Kate: Roger?
His eyes burned with lust.
Roger: Sounds like you wanna do stuff with me that dogs can’t do.
Kate: Huh? Nnnnn…
Greedy kisses stole my breath and melted away any sense of reason.
Roger: I definitely don’t think a woman who unconsciously gets someone worked up like this is a dog. 
I couldn’t detangle my hands from the sheets.
Kate: Roger…ahhh
Roger: A simple kiss gets you like this.
He drew out a sweet cry as he pinched what poked through my blouse. 
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Roger: You like a little pain. 
Kate: Aahhh
As he said that, he bit my nipple, making my body jolt.
Roger: See? Just like I said.
I couldn’t help but be captivated by Roger’s sexy, muscular body as I looked up at him through my tears.
When I realized our size difference, I felt wetness between my thighs.
Roger: …Let me tell you something nice.
A hand reached out and rested on my underwear.
Roger: Your footsteps aren’t the only thing I can hear. Your heartbeat gets louder when you’re with me, Kate.
Kate: Nn, aahhh!
Wet sounds echo in the air as thick fingers slip through my underwear and into my core.
Kate: No, Roger.
I writhed in pleasure and squeezed the hand that pinned mine to the sheets, but it seemed like that action backfired—
Kate: Aaahhh!!
—As his fingers pumped faster, making me see white.
The moment I caught Roger’s gaze in the midst of my half-conscious state, I realized something.
(He’s going to consume me)
He was like an animal with his sight set on his prey, with his gleaming eyes, hot breath, and large stature blocking my freedom.
Like a small cage.
Kate: Don’t. I won’t do it.
Roger: Even though you look like you wanna?
Kate: I’ll only do that with my lover!
After denying him with what little sense of reason I had left, Roger let out a sigh after a moment and leaned over me.
Kate: Ugh…
Roger: Go to sleep.
He removed his glasses and hugged me with those strong muscles of his.
Kate: …Do you want help?
Roger: I’d love to get off now, but you don’t want to do that.
Kate: I see…
Roger: Also, going back to my room’s a pain. Just go to sleep.
The small cage that withheld my freedom was now gently surrounding me.
The rhythmic tapping on my back put me at ease—
The next time I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw were pecs.
Kate: ?!
(I fell asleep against Roger’s chest)
I had felt so safe and protected that I had let go of my consciousness.
(What a night…Not to mention, Roger’s body)
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Roger: Your heart’s pretty loud this morning.
Kate: Roger!
Roger laughed as I broke free from his arms in a panic.
Roger: What were you agonizing over?
Kate: I wasn’t!
Roger: You can say whatever you want, but sounds won’t fool me.
I got up and faced him, but—
(I can’t look at him after remembering what happened yesterday…)
Roger: …Kate
Kate: Yes?!
When he called my name, I instantly looked up and was nipped on the nose.
Kate: ?!
When I froze, Roger burst into laughter like a boy.
The genuine smile that lacked its usual teasing nature made my body heat up.
Roger: You really are like a dog.
I don’t think I’ll ever sober up from this intoxication.
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spacebaby1 · 8 months
RIGHT POSITION (Law Trafalgar x Reader)
(Law helping you sleep right) Fluff (also, this is heavily inspired to an actual even that happened to me, Lmao) ENJOY!!
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He told you to not sleep like that but the thing about you is that you just can't get comfortable sleeping on your side, you had to sleep on your stomach and bend your head to direction that made him gasp when he would see you sleep, sometimes when Law entered the bedroom he's eyes would widened at the way you were sleeping as if you were ready to crack your own neck so it wasn't surprising when one day he jumped at your loud crying from the bedroom when he was in the study room working on a new case.
He got up and rushed to your shared bedroom only to find you holding your head to side and holding your neck on the other, it was clear you were in pain. He sighed but worriedly rushed towards you, "Law, I can't move my head to left," you cried heavy tears.
He whipped your tears, "Don't cry, let me see." He gently held your head trying to move it to left but the shooting pain through your body made you cry harder and you jumped, "IT HURTS!"
"I'm sorry, Darling" He stood up, "Don't move I'll be right back, okay?" You nodded still crying making his heart ache at your sobbing. He went to grab the cold pad from the freezer that he always kept there for emergencies.
He came back and gently placed it on your neck after moving your hand away from where you were holding your neck, "ahhh, I am gonna be stuck like this," you cried harder and now he was trying to not laugh at the nonsense you were saying while crying, "I will never be able to move my head, I will die like thi-"
"Hush, don't say such things, you'll be just fine, Darling."
"Law, are you gonna leave me if my neck gets stuck like this forever?" You cried harder, and more tears fell from your eyes, Law couldn't help but find your little brainstorming the situation adorable. You were not thinking right because of the small pain, but he knew that it probably hurt a lot since he knew you had high pain tolerance. "No baby, I'll still love you even if you can't move your head forever," he said holding back his laughter still examining your neck, he found the muscle that you twisted because of your sleeping position.
You were busy crying and he knew if he did it quickly you won't feel that much pain so when you had your eyes closed crying he held your head and moved it to the left causing you to scream loudly holding his shirt, you opened your eyes still sniffing and stopped for a minute to blink before carefully moving your head side to side with Law's tattooed hands carefully rested on either side of your head; the pain was gone.
You smiled wide still tears streaming down your cheek, "LAW YOU FIXED IT, YOU MADE THE PAIN GO AWAY!" You hugged him crying which made him chuckle and rub the back of your head, "You alright now?" He asked with a smile, "does it still hurt, sweetheart?" You shook your head thankful to your doctor boyfriend.
Later that night Law came to the room to yet again find you asleep in the same position on your stomach and head position to uncomfortable side. He face palmed himself before getting under the sheets and pulling you towards him carefully to the side, resting your head on his arm and nuzzling your face under his chin so you won't dare to sleep that way with his arms around you like that trapping you in his embrace.
"Sleep well, sweetheart." He whispered, kissing your head. You groaned, trying to nuzzle your head on his arm, but he pulled you right back closer to him. He was determined not to let you sleep on your stomach.
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winterrrnight · 1 year
congratulations on 100! i love your works and i’m very excited for your future ones 💘
could i please get a before the coffee gets cold; rafe with number 11?
ahhh thank you sooo much!! <33 you've been so supportive throughout it all and that just means the whole world to me 🫶🏻🫶🏻 this fic, it's so different than what I usually write, so it's definitely experimental. I'm nervous about what kind of feedback it will receive, so I really hope you like this!
I can't get enough
PAIRING: soft!rafe cameron x gn!reader
SUMMARY: Rafe simply cannot get enough of you.
WARNINGS: intimate moments between reader and Rafe, but they aren't written with a sexual intent, fluff (kinda tooth rotting fluff 🫢)
EDITH SPEAKS: this is either very well written and one of my best, or it's so cringey and horrible that all it's traces should be removed from the internet. which one do you think this is 😃
PROMPTS REQUESTED: "I know I've kissed you like, 10 times, but just like another 10, please."
100 followers celebration (now closed) || navigation
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The moonlight shines in through the curtains, cascading a sliver glow throughout the entire room. You're lying on the bed with Rafe sitting in your lap, as he leans in to press kisses against your lips. For a moment, his lips linger on yours for more than just a few seconds, and you feel his heavy breathing mixing with yours, your limbs entangled with his.
You gently pull back and hold his face in your hands, softly brushing his hair out of his eyes. He closes his eyes at your warm touch, just feeling your hands trace his skin.
Rafe holds one of your hands in his and presses a kiss to your palm, slowly kissing up your arm and reaching your shoulder. You giggle when you feel his hair tickle your cheeks. He now reaches where he had started: your lips.
With swollen lips and a heavy heart, you pull Rafe back from you. He looks at you with a pout.
"What?" You giggle at his cute expression.
"I just want to keep on kissing you right now, you just look so kiss-able," he says softly. You gently intertwine your hand with his, your gaze never leaving his.
"I don't think that's a word," you mumble, your other hand moving to his hair and your fingers instantly twirling the strands of his silky hair.
"Let me just. . ." he whispers, attaching his lips back to yours and you smile into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer. You take in the taste of the apple pie he had just less than an hour ago, his own sweet taste mixing with that of the pie to create a symphony of a sugary mess.
When you both feel yourself running out of breathe, Rafe pulls back again and just looks at you. Your hand now rests against his waist, and with a gentle push, you help him get off your lap. He lays next to you, and you instantly lay your head on top of his chest, your fingers tracing shapes onto his bare skin.
Even in this silence, Rafe's lips just cannot leave your skin. He's pressing butterfly kisses to your forehead and cheeks constantly, whispering little sweet nothings to you with each kiss.
"You're my everything, you know that right?"
"I cannot think of living a life without you."
"You and me, forever and always."
"I love you so much, I'll do anything for you."
You let your eyes flutter shut as you feel heat rush to your cheeks on hearing these words. His relaxed voice creates a calm aura around you, all your body muscles relaxing immediately.
You look at him to see him already looking at you, a gentle smile on his lips.
"I know I've kissed you like, 10 times, but just like another 10, please," he says, his hand resting against your cheek. You press a kiss to his bare chest and shift yourself in his lap.
"I think you've kissed me a lot more than just 10 times," you giggle, "but yes, kiss me some more. Please." His lips are pulled in the biggest grin and it doesn't even take him a second to pull you so close to him, his arms wrapped tightly around you as he wishes to never let you go.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
TAGLIST: @runningfrom2am @ragingsammie @maybankslover @totalswag @madelynie @chenslucy @ietss @elle-mp3 @viawritesstuff
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thebardisabird · 1 year
Alright Sunday sinners, take this and reflect on your downbadness (I refuse to change). Thank you to my peeps who fueled this fire! Needless to say - this is nsfw as FUCK. The matsus when they’re completely pussydrunk, under the cut:
Osomatsu likes to talk to you while he has you. Whether that means he’s balls deep inside of you or if he’s got a mouthful of your heat he’s always mumbling things like “That feel good, baby? I know it does, I hear you whining” “Ohhhh shit this pussy is so wet for me, isn’t it?” or his personal favorite “C’mon baby, tell Oso whose pussy this is”. He groans like his life depends on it, expletives flying out of his mouth like a second language, and he is so focused on the soaked schlat schlat sounds of your snatch that his eyes snap shut because if he doesn’t he might literally bust all to quick, he’s that lost in how good you feel. 
Karamatsu is more in his feelings. When he’s curling his tongue within your walls, you feel it in the way he grips your thighs. Even moreso in the way he pushes your knees to your chest and stuffs his face full of your pussy, the incensed need to taste you taking over him and forcing him to hold you still so he can just enjoy you. He can’t get enough, even saying so himself when he parts from your nether lips for a mere second for air before slinking his wet muscle back in for seconds. When he slides home though? He’s extremely vocal: moans, grunts, pants, whines, you name it. He keeps one eye open so he can watch himself disappear inside your wetness, trying desperately not to let his eyes roll into the back of his head in the process. He’s singing the praises of you - the divinity of your body, how lucky of a man he is to reach the precipice of heaven like this, how much his heart sings for you in a way no one else can hear - he very much falls into a lovey dovey serenade when he’s this close to cumming. Catch him on a sentimental day and he may actually cry mid-sex. 
It’s all in the expressions for Choromatsu. His eyes legitimately do roll back, he is so overwhelmed by the feeling of your cunt sucking him the way it does that he’s shaking wherever he’s holding onto you. When he gets like this, you swear you see his pupils take on a heart shaped when you do see them. His mouth open, he’s whining very noisily and his tongue is lolled out, pretty reminiscent of the ahegao if you had to put it to name. If he’s going down on you, his lovesick gaze may accidentally make eye contact with you - those he shuts his eyes quick. While he loves watching you come undone on his tongue, he’s far to shy to ever ask you to look directly at him. Still, that does not stop him from wanting to spend the rest of his day eating you for lunch and dinner. 
Ichimatsu is a gripper. He has to have his claws somewhere on your body, holding you still because there’s no escaping him. Especially when he’s got lips gobbling up your wetness, your thighs are spread as much as possible because he needs and wants it no way else - your pussy is life essence right now and he’s a very greedy man. He’s a growler by far, teeth grit, with an occasional “fuck!” or “shit!” slipping out at all the right times. Every once in a while he likes to bite - leaves marks on your neck, shoulders, or your thighs, a testament to how primal he can get when it comes to down to how bad he wants you. The best part? When he’s close to nutting, he whimpers significantly, and he spews a whole jumbled up string of “IloveyouIloveyouIloveyou” ‘s before he finishes. 
Jyushimatsu - whew, this boy. Another one where his eyes roll back into his head when he’s fucking you. The only difference is when that happens, he’s taking you down with him. He’s a strong man, so if you’re under him, you’re getting pinned that way. If you’re above him? The grip on your hips becomes bruising. Jyushimatsu is very loud, though his moans and groans are incoherent. The only word you’ve ever been able to decipher was “Unghh, ahhh a-amaziiiiing”. If you managed to have him between your legs, that tongue of his is otherworldly, you feel him everywhere on you. His eyes become dark when they’re drunk off your pussy, and he’s the opposite when he loses himself in you - his voice drops in timbre to this rough, almost wolf-like tone. 
Todomatsu tries his hardest not to let himself slip when he’s tongue-fucking you, but he just finds it so so difficult because your pussy is just so pretty and the noises you make are so cute and he just has to have more of you. Having hearts swirling in his eyes isn’t uncommon for him, he falls victim to his lust when he’s inside you pretty fast. Todomatsu will tends to pay you compliments in the forms of teasing, often saying things like “Oh? Right there?” or “I didn’t hear you, maybe you should make that noise a little louder, hm?” - but it’s when he gets breathless and mewl-y that you know that the way you squeeze around him is sending him into a downward spiral. His hands will massage your thighs, hips and stomach, pressing sobs of “Oh god” and begging “Please please please” into your skin as he rails you because despite him dicking you down - it’s what between your legs that holds allllll the power over him. 
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sea-lanterns · 1 year
But there's so much fun with the idea of the Empress and court going to Sumeru! Just like yea Nilou being able to play guide for them, getting all kinds of looks im sure from the Courtesans. But even beyond that!
Imagine if on top of Nilou, Dehya had been hired for extra security. Suddenly Beidou and Shenhe may feel a touch threatened in their place as the physically strongest in the heram. Even more so if they see Dehya's glances toward the Empress that the Empress herself likely won't be noticing happen.
Of course, with limited beds, only so many people can sleep with their beloved. Whether it be nightly arguments or making some form of schedule based on the time they'll be in Sumeru. Its a whole event none the less.
However, could you imagine for a moment, if against all odds, despite the hired mercenary, the attentive dancer turned guide, and the numerous courtesans. The Empress gets lost. Lost in the city, and separated from her many lovers. The panic, the rush to find her, some are ready to start pulling out weapons to find their wonderful Empress!
And then they find her, just walking along, being lead hand in hand by a small girl, a child gently speaking to the Empress to help guide her back to her court. Nilou and Dehya both freezing in place upon seeing the pair. Because against all odds, not only did they lose the Empress, but now Nahida is the one helping her.
But oh, does our lovely Empress not look so natural in the way she walks and talks with this child? How many of the Courtesans can even hope to resist asking themselves, would the Empress look that at peace with her own child?
🐁 anon back at it again with the best empress au ideas ever! Dehya being hired as an extra bodyguard is such a clever way of adding her to the harem without making her an official courtesan (yet). I love it!
sfw under the cut—————————
Not only does the harem have to watch out for Nilou, they have to watch out for Dehya as well because she’s got her eyes on you. Out of all the other courtesans, Beidou and Shenhe are probably the most jealous as Dehya rivaled their strength and muscle and impressed you with how easily she could pick you up.
Although they didn’t want to start a fight, they couldn’t help but glare holes into her head as she guided you around Sumeru with Nilou beside her. Beidou deciding to bicker with Dehya throughout the tour, as the rest of the courtesans sighed and tried to calm her down before a fight escalated.
As this happened however, the harem and your two guides were too busy to notice you wandering off and accidentally getting lost in the process, leaving their sights until Courtesan Ganyu finally noticed your disappearance.
“Uhm, everyone? Where is our beloved?”
Everyone looked around slowly, to the right, then to the left, then to each other, and then…
“Ahhh we lost the empress!”
Ganyu panicked and everyone immediately stopped bickering. Yelan snapped back to reality as she had zoned out a few moments prior, and Shenhe already had a murderous glint in her eyes as she was ready to stab a person for taking the empress away.
Their darling empress was now lost in a foreign region and they had no idea where they were. Reluctantly, the courtesans + Dehya and Nilou would have to work together and search for you throughout the city. Hoping you didn’t get kidnapped, or worse; even harmed.
As they searched for what seemed like hours, they were starting to get desperate when they spotted the familiar bright fabric of their empress’ robe. A wave of relief washing over everyone as they ran up to you.
“My empress!”
They all stopped however when they saw you holding the hand of a small child. Dehya and Nilou nearly passing out as the sight of their archon holding the hand of their empress was just too shocking to bear.
Meanwhile, Nahida was smiling and pointing to your harem, speaking in a soft and gentle tone. “I think your courtesans found you.” She hums, slowly dragging you over to them.
While Dehya and Nilou were too busy trying to get over their shock, the courtesans were all busy fussing over you and giving you relieved kisses and hugs. So glad to have found you after losing you for so long.
“Don’t wander off again.” Ningguang lectures, before kissing your cheek affectionately.
“We were so worriedddd” Ganyu sniffles, almost about to tear up.
“I knew where they were this whole time.” Yelan shrugs.
Nahida just smiled at the sight of you being swooned by affection and ran up to you to hug your legs as well. Surprising all of your courtesans as this strange, young child just cuddled up to you right away. Despite Nahida being but a stranger to them, they couldn’t help but think about how sweet it looked to have their empress so soft around a child.
It made them wish to have heirs of their own with you at some point in their life, but that’s another story for a different day :)
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deuxcherise · 4 months
Collar Crimes: All Bark, No Bite (1/2)
C/w: Unhealthy behavior (?) | Yandere | Female OC | Gender Neutral Reader | Reader is a bit of a… gold digger here (pun intended lol) | Comfort (?) | Fluff (?) | Slight Angst (near the end)| Swearing | Includes a cute pic of a Golden Retriever x German Shepherd mix dog for reference
A/n: So a long time ago, before reader met Eris, reader met a certain dog~ Hint, hint: she was mentioned in the last chapter (can I call it a chapter? It was in part 2). It’s not the bartender, by the way. So this is going to be a two parter because it got too long. Huh… Is it just me or are these getting longer and longer? Even the animal is getting bigger lol. Enjoy~
Masterlist | Part 0, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (1/2) (you’re here!), Part 3 (2/2)
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[Seven years ago…]
“Hiiiii~ Welcome to Petal Blush Cafe, dear guest. We’re so happy-happy to see you~”
“Oh, what do we have here? I heard a lot of great things about you. Come give Papa a big ol’ smile, why don’t cha?”
You keep your ever present resting blank face on, place your index fingers together in front of your mouth and drag them apart in an upward curve. You throw in a tilt of your head, as a bonus.
He throws his head back in ecstasy. “AHHH! So it’s true what they say. I feel so refreshed. Papa’s got an appetite for some sandwiches… unless you’re on the menu today?”
“Oh my~ You flatter me~ But unfortunately, nooooo sir~” you say with a high-pitched cutesy voice that heavily contrasts your stiff-robot face, fanning yourself for show.
You’ve always hated these kinds of customers– actually you really hated this job in general. Not only were you forced to wear a ridiculously, scandalously short pink waitress dress uniform regardless of your gender, but you had to listen to yourself talk with an ear-gratingly high-pitched tone because that’s what sells the performance here.
It’s not like you can just leave, as much as you wanted to. Where else would they pay you enough to make rent? Besides, with who runs this cafe, do you think you’d be able to leave scot-free? No.
Ah… if only someone with a lot of money could just… sweep you off your feet. Someone kind. Someone considerate. Someone polite.
Pff. Like that’s ever going to happen.
You take his usual order on your paper notepad. As you leave, you feel something heavy slap against your behind, the action sending a jolt through the rest of your body. You glance behind you and see him don a sleazy smirk, which further adds to your disgust and increasing resentment for this place and this man, as you pick up the pace to hand over the order to the chef. You slam the paper down onto the counter with a little more force than expected, warranting Remy’s attention.
“Which table?” he nonchalantly asks, cracking a couple of eggs onto the pan.
Somehow, despite wearing the same outfit as you, he maintains an extremely powerful look with his exposed bulging muscles and trimmed beard held by his hairnet. You envy the man.
“Table 13,” you grumble.
“Special sauce?”
“Special sauce.”
“Got it.”
The bell rings and in comes a trio of brothers in fancy suits, three of your most loyal customers, along with an unfamiliar face. Upon their request, the hostess leads them to a table in your section. You grab four menus before walking over and greeting them as usual.
“Hiiiii~ Welcome back to Petal Blush Cafe, dear guests. We’re so happy-happy to see you~” you say, with your iconic blank face.
The three men roar with delight. The lady with them, wearing the same kind of suit, simply pinches and pulls at her sleeve as she keeps her face downcast. One of the brothers turns to the lady with them while pointing at you. “Hey, Sis. Whatcha think of (Y/n), huh? That straight face and cute voice– combo’s real nice, ain’t it?”
“O-oh… um…” The woman makes eye contact with you for a split second before she looks away, a blush appearing on her face. She nods animatedly, releasing another roar from the men, much to your confusion.
“Oh right! (Y/n). You already know the three of us: Dante, Vergil and Nero. This,” Dante says, placing an arm around the lady’s shoulders, “is our baby sister, Lyn. She may look shy right now, but put a weapon in her hand and–” He whistles before chuckling.
“Ah. Happy-happy to have you, Lyn~” you say, cutely wiggling your fingers.
“... T-thank you… (Y/n).”
“Good girl,” one of the brothers sitting across pats her on the head. She reminds you of a golden retriever, with her blond hair and gentle, round eyes.
“Yay~ Now, what will it be today~?” you ask, clicking your pen.
They order some sandwiches and some drinks. You place the order in exchange for picking up the order for that sleazy customer who calls himself Papa. You and Remy exchange knowing looks before you deliver the food.
“Oooh. This looks delicious. Thank you very much, sweetheart.”
You nod and start walking away, before your arm is grabbed by a meaty hand. You turn your head around to see the man grinning at you maliciously. 
“Now, wait a gosh darn second. I heard that this establishment offers a… special service. Now… you aren’t holding off on me, are ya?”
You rip your arm out of his grasp, used to being grabbed by unscrupulous individuals like this man. You answer, “Oh~ The special service~ Sorry, hon~ That’s a privilege only reserved for customers who have dined here more than ten times~ Since you’ve come here once, that means you’ll have to come back nine more times.”
The special service in question refers to asking any server to sing the cafe’s jingle and perform a cutesy dance for the customer asking. Everyone who works here must learn this song and dance before they can be placed on the floor. Each server adds their own twist to it, of course, thus providing a unique experience.
The man slams a fist on the table and stands up, his face red with anger. “WHAT? I CANCELLED AN IMPORTANT MEETING FOR THIS. NOW IF YOU DON’T GIVE ME THE SPECIAL SERVICE, I AM GOING TO–”
Both your heads turn to the side to discover Lyn pointing a loaded revolver with one hand just a feet away, aimed directly for the man’s skull. Her eyes are sharp and narrowed, unlike the gentle, round ones you were introduced to earlier.
She raises her eyebrows. “Is there a problem here, sir?”
“D-do… do you know who you’re pointing that gun at, lady?” the man stutters, sweating beading up on his forehead.
Lyn shrugs. “Does it matter?”
“O-of course it does! Shoot me and you’ll have the West Razors going after you and your entire family.”
She raises an eyebrow. “... Never heard of them before.”
“What? Who are you then, huh bitch? Some don’s lady?”
She scoffs to the side. Her eyes widen, pupils contracting, as she cocked her head with a smirk. “Lyn Aurem-Diavolus. Of the May Devils.”
The man gasps and immediately lowers his knees, Lyn’s gun following. The man clasps his hands together in a prayer as he begs for his life. “I didn’t know! I didn’t know! Please forgive me! I didn’t know this server was your lover!”
…Who? Is what now?
Lyn’s eyes soften back to their round shape, her face darkening to a red hue as she stutters, “E-eh?”
“That’s right!” Dante pipes up with a smirk, coming behind Lyn, followed by the other two brothers. “Mess with (Y/n) again, and we’ll send you straight down to hell, capisce?” He gives the man a thumbs down with a frown. “Now scram.”who want to get on the bad side of the May Devils. The less competition, the better anyway.
Lyn replaces the safety lock before she puts it back into a hidden holster. She bashfully asks you, “Are you okay… (Y/n)?”
You nod and give a thumbs up. “Yeah. Thank you, Lyn~”
“N-no, well I mean yes, that too. But what I meant was–”
“Ooh, free sandwiches,” says Dante. “Don’t mind if I do–”
You throw a hand out. “No, wait!”
Ever since the brothers introduced you to Lyn, she has been visiting the cafe every day you’re scheduled to work for months now. Sometimes she comes with the brothers, sometimes by herself if they’re too busy dealing with… probably mafia stuff.
“Hiiiii~ Welcome to Petal Blush Cafe, dear guest. We’re so happy-happy to see you~”
“H-hi… (Y/n).”
At this point, there is no need to provide her with a menu anymore. She always orders a peanut butter milkshake and a plate of chocolate cake. Somehow, aside from the extreme sweet tooth she possesses, you always feel weird about giving her the chocolate cake. She’s definitely human but… she really does remind you of a very shy golden retriever… with perhaps a German shepherd side to her.
“Okay~ Here is your milkshake and your cake. Will there be anything else you’d like today, Lyn-Lyn~?”
You expect her to say no as per usual, but this time it seems she has something on her mind. Based on the way her face has turned red and her eyes look like they’re panicking.
“O-oh! U-um… (Y/n)?”
“Yes, Lyn-Lyn?”
“Do you… what time do you get off work? D-do you have time after work?”
That catches you off guard. “Why~?”
“UH… UM… I… I-I have something… to tell you! Come meet me behind the cafe.”
“Oh… kay. Okay~” you answer.
“Alright. Good job, everyone! Have a safe trip going home!”
“Yeah!” “Thank you! “Yes!” “Uh-huh.” “See ya!”
The day has ended and all of the customers have left. Your boss leaves first, but you and your coworkers stick around and begin making conversation.
“Oooh, you gonna go meet lover girl in the back, (Y/n)?”
You roll your eyes at a coworker’s words. “Ha ha. Real funny.”
“What does she wanna talk about anyway?”
You shrug, closing your locker. “Beats me.”
“Ooh, do you think she’s going to confess?”
You scoff. “No. Where’d you get that idea from?”
Your coworkers exchange looks before bursting into laughter.
Ever since that day when the don of the West Sharpies or something assumed you were Lyn’s lover, your coworkers have never let you live it down, especially with Lyn’s daily visits. She is… kind, considerate, polite, and she was pretty hot when she defended you back then. However! You do not have such a relationship with her, nor any kind of feelings like that.
You’re the last one to leave, the only one to leave through the back door to meet with Lyn. You see her leaning against the wall, dressed in her suit as always. The moment she spots you, she blushes again. She has never seen you in civilian clothes before, but you look so… beautiful. More so without the pink outfit.
“Sorry, did I keep you waiting?” you ask in your regular voice, out of character. Your face is still stiff though.
“O-oh, not at all, not at all. Um, here.”
She manifests a flower bouquet from behind for you. You take the bouquet, entranced by the largeness of it and how beautiful the colorful flowers look in the alleyway’s streetlight. When your eyes finally break away from the flowers, you find Lyn kneeling down on one knee and looking up at you with a very serious expression.
”(Y/n). Over these past several months,” she starts off, “I have been trying to figure out my feelings. I’ve thought about it over and over, tries to rationalize it as… as just infatuation, but… I know what’s in my heart. And I’ve finally come to a conclusion. Ever since I first met you, you have… captured my heart. I am in love with you, (Y/n).”
You stare at her with wide eyes. “Huh?”
She clears her throat and starts glancing between you and the surroundings, embarrassed. “I-I know you may not feel the same. My brothers… and everyone else have told me already. And it’s not like I’ve really done anything to win your affection…” She mumbles something in between before continuing. “But if you give me the chance, I can show you what I’m capable of. As your potential girlfriend.”
She holds out a hand to you. “Will you… go out with me?”
Do you want to try going out on a date with one of the May Devils, the youngest one too? You didn’t have any prior romantic feelings for the girl, which makes you feel bad. What if you never develop any feelings for her? What if she stops showing up to the cafe? What if you accidentally do something that triggers the entire famiglia after you?
In the midst of your thoughts, something dark emerges from you. A devil. It sits on your shoulder and whispers into your ear, “What if this is your chance to get out of here? She has money. You need money. It’s a match made in… well, ya know?”
You smile, an expression Lyn hasn’t seen before but is entranced by, as you place your hand onto hers.
“I would love to.”
You hadn't expected to enjoy going out on dates with her, but you were sure glad that you said yes.
“(Y/n)! Look what I got for you!” Lyn excitedly says, holding a neatly wrapped box for you over your shoulder.
“Another one?” you chuckle, accepting the gift as she hugs you from behind and nuzzles the back of your neck. “Designer clothes. Designer bags. Luxuries cars. Lyn-Lyn, you're spoiling me too much. You're going to go bankrupt!”
She shakes her head, her hair tickles the back of your neck. “Mm mm mm mm. You're not being spoiled! You're being pampered! By me. Your loving, romantic girlfriend. Who regards you dearly very, very much! Forget about the money. Just let me enjoy spending it on you.”
You giggle and place a hand on her cheek, turning your head so you can share a kiss with her. Of course, Lyn starts planting lots of kisses on your face afterwards, like the lovely puppy she is.
You both fall into bed, full of laughter and joy until you both settle down to cuddle with each other. With your fingers interlocked with hers, Lyn gazes into yours with so much adoration, it makes you shy. You turn away and hide your face against the pillow.
“(Y/n), look at me,” she whispers.
You refuse, for a moment, but you make eye contact. You both gaze into each other's eyes, lovingly, until Lyn breaks the silence.
“I love you, (Y/n).
It makes you freeze, hearing those three words fall from her mouth for the first time in your relationship.
What shocks you more is that…
The thing is… normally… 
You're… supposed to say it back, right?
You open your mouth but not a single noise leaves it. You avert your eyes in shame, biting your lip.
Why can't you say it? After all she's done for you so far?
“I-It's okay, (Y/n),” Lyn suddenly says, making you look at her. Her eyes and voice are filled with sadness. “I know… that it takes time for a person to develop feelings for someone. I mean, it took time for me to realize my feelings too, and… I did ask you out knowing that you might not… reciprocate my feelings. At least not yet. That's why people date, right? To get to know each other and hopefully fall in love. So… I'll wait for you. Besides, we’ve only dated for a month, right? I’ll do my best to make you fall in love with me. Okay? Prepare yourself~”
You nod, happy that Lyn still wants to be with you even if you can't say those three words back to her yet.
“Who are you talking to?”
You look up from your phone. “Oh! One of my old coworkers. He was just asking how I'm doing now since I've left the cafe. Thanks to you,” you answer, with a playful smile.
Lyn’s face doesn't share your expression. “Oh. Okay.”
You pout, wondering what's going on with Lyn lately. She'd catch you on the phone, ask you who you're talking to, and then ignore you until she finds something else to ask.
You crawl towards her on the bed and ask, “Lyn, I know you're upset. Do you want to talk about it?”
Lyn looks at you, looks away, and then looks back at you again before she leans forward and catches your lips with a kiss. She pushes you down onto the bed before releasing you from her lips and just looks at you.
Her eyes move from your eyes to your lips to your exposed collarbone before going back up to your eyes. She sighs before laying her entire weight on you, her head nestled in the crook of your neck.
“I love you, (Y/n)... Do you love me?”
“I…” Your voice catches in your throat for nth time.
You feel her breath as she sighs. “I know.”
Tears start to fill up your eyes out of frustration. “I'm sorry…”
She pops back on her elbows, worried. “Oh no, it's okay. Shh shh. It's okay. (Y/n). My (Y/n). I'm sorry,” she coos, caressing your cheek and wiping your tears.
For some reason, no matter what she did, nothing could spark you to say those three damned words back to her. It isn't your fault but…
It is starting to drive her insane.
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rafedaddy01 · 11 months
Can we get a part two of the hand cuffing rafe to the bed?🤍
I had, I think, like 3 of these. So I chose to do this one
Ahhh! Pretty proud of this. Hope you like it 😊
It was the middle of the night. I woke up too someone holding my wrists up. My eyelids fluttered open and I see her, hovering over me with a devilish smirk. “Did I wake you baby?” She tilts her head to the side as the click of the cuff echos in the quiet room.
It’s been days since she last cuffed me to the bed and I told her I don’t want to do it ever again. But she’s a little minx and whatever she wants she gets.
“Y/n.. let. me. go” I say as calmly as I can.
Her grin grows wider as she positions her naked body on top of mine. Her wet, bare pussy dragging along my skin. I lay my head back and swallow hard, there was no getting out of this. She enjoyed torturing me so much last time and she plans on doing it again.
“Baby please! Please let me go”
“You know I love it when you beg” she fake pouts at me and leans down for a kiss.
My cock is already growing between us and as our lips intertwine her dainty fingers travel down to it and grasp it firmly.
I moan into the kiss and her lips pull into a smile. “I knew you liked it” she mumbled between our kiss.
She’s right. Even if some part of me hated this, I couldn’t hate seeing my girl happy. And if being in control once in a while made her happy then I could put on a show.
“Baby, baby, baby please” I begged as she pulled her lips away. “Please what?” She asks as she starts grinding her pussy on my lower stomach, leaving a trail of her wetness.
“Please fuck me” I tell her as I stare into her beautiful eyes which light up at my request.
“How about you watch me get off first, and try not to cum” she taps my nose like I’m some little kid being told what to do, but I obey and watch.
She grinds her swollen clit on my hot skin, creating friction for herself as she rolls her hips just the way she does when she rides me. Fuck, I’m not gonna be able to hold back. “Fuck baby” I moan as I watch her mouth part in ecstasy. “Rafe!” She moans my name and cums all over my skin, coating me in her juices that I wish I could lick off her right now.
“Ride my face baby, please. I need to taste you!” I say as I lick my lips. “What?” She says perplexed as she comes down from her high. “Please?” I ask as I pop my lower lip out in a pout.
She smirks as she turns herself around and her gorgeous, my gorgeous, cunt hovers over my face. She places her hands on my thighs and I dart my tongue out to lick up the dripping arousal. She hums a moan then sinks fully down onto my face. Man I wish I could grip her thighs and pull her closer to me to the point of suffocation.
I lick a long strip of her pussy until I get to her entrance and I tongue fuck my girl. I hear her moan my name and a string of curse words as her muscles contract and I slow my tongue. She groans and squeezed my thighs. She hates being teased. I guess I’m in no position to tease but I can’t help it, it’s who I am.
I pick the pace back up and continue sucking and slurping and licking until a gush of wetness coats my face and a final shriek leaves my girls lips. She slumps over and rests her head on one of my thighs.
I catch my breath but quickly gasp when her finger starts toying with my slit, a bit of pre cum escaping which she collects and sucks off her finger. “Baby..” I say in a pant. “Hmm?” She doesn’t turn around, instead she grips my tip with two fingers and slowly strokes, rubbing the slit with her thumb occasionally. Oh how I’d love to be free right now so I could spank this perfect ass that’s covering my view.
“Fuck!” A strained moan escapes my throat.
“Such a good boy for not cumming” she talks, but it’s so quiet I barely hear her. Her tongue darts out and licks, almost like she’s testing the waters to see how I’ll react.
Just as I’m about to lose it and demand she fuck me or else, she gets off me and turns around straddling my lap. “Don’t worry, you deserve some attention too” that devilish smirk is back as she grips the base of my cock and strokes before aligning it up to herself and sinking down.
I watch as she grips her tits and massaging. she starts moving up and down, side to side and back and forth. Just using my cock as her personal dildo and it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I’d refuse my own orgasm a million times if it meant that my girl got what she wanted.
I lay back and enjoy her using me. She leans down and leaves kisses up and down my jaw before whispering in my ear, “I love you rafey”
Fuck, I lose it right then and there. My cum seeps out of my like a fountain and I explode deep inside her, triggering her own orgasm as she continues riding me and gripping my neck. “Fuck!” We both moan out as the high washes over.
We lay like that for a minute, her body on mine and her hand drawing circles on my chest. She turns her head to look up at me and smiles. Not her usual devilish glint, but an actual genuine smile. I can’t help but stretch my own lips in a ginormous smile as she leans up and captures my lips. I kiss her like she is my supply of oxygen, because she is.
There is not life without this woman and I’ll spend everyday reminding her of that. Even if it means being cuffed to the bed.
She hums as she pulls her lips away and rests her head back on my chest. I kiss the top of her head “I love you more baby”
@f4ll-for-you @v21sstuff @rafeysworldim19 @baby19sthings @eventualoptimism @drewstarkeysbae @sevenwivesofrafecameron @rxfecameronsslut @findapenny @r1vrsefx
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Mer fic has been read and thoroughly enjoyed!! \o/
I simply love how you adapted the world to an underwater environment! From the weapons and the ways of life, to the way the vocabulary shifts in the vigilante’s inner dialogue that reflects how they perceive the world!
Of course, we start off with y/n being very smug about sabotaging Eclipse hehe XD Which thankfully, despite his later arrival, was not in vain since the weapons seem to be now unretrievable. Too bad this deal was important enough that the boss himself arrived to see it through.
And oh. My goodness.
Mer Eclipse does not hold back! However, he does indeed hold, as the vigilante can attest to gflñghfd I mean, tentacles are after all pure muscle. And this guy has no problem showing how strong he is, seeing how he both just outright threw his trident so hard it got stuck into a rock wall, and then effortlessly got it out of it too. (I am very normal about that by the way glfkdgjl) And I have a feeling Main verse Eclipse would be ecstatic to leave as many marks as this one did in one go oof. 
(sidenote: I love that he refers to them as Pearl, because it makes so much sense with their pearly scales! Oh and I love that you kept the black and white color scheme so characteristic of them!)
And ahhh it fits so well that he is an octopus like mer! With how touchy he is, and I’ve said before how he is so imposing and takes space and attention, so this form definitely lets him do that physically at a next level! But I also kept thinking how an octopus can technically fit itself into very tiny spaces! So what if y/n at one point is fleeing from him and gets through a tiny fissure that they are sure Eclipse’s massive figure couldn’t go into, but then surprise! Not only is he squeezing through, he’s doing so with ease and there is a wide sharp grin approaching very fast as he claws at the walls for momentum and y/n can only hope there’s an exit they can find at the other side… 
(But I digress, back to the fic XD)
He seems even more willing to use lethal force against y/n too!It really seemed he was going for a join me or die approach, even if the vigilante was assuring themselves that he wouldn’t. Even I was unsure for a moment there, whew!
And oh, that was so smart how they used their own blood to entice him into listening to them. With how blood stays in the water I can only imagine Eclipse has had more than enough encounters with y/n to grow addicted to the smell of theirs. Freaky but useful to entrance him enough to make him more agreeable. Though I can’t see that working next time with the way he delivered that ultimatum.
And then aaaahh!!! Sun and Moon!
(Oh but before I get to that, I really like the way you handled the conflict of the two sides that were originally humans and animatronics, with the humans being the sunlight mers, and the animatronic being the twilight mers, though that really has me itching to know the backstory for the celestial trio!) 
I laughed at Sun’s exasperation at having a wide open entrance but y/n chooses the cool risky one XD I know they were trying to not get detected, but to Sun it must look like so extra for no reason other than to show off (and you just know he loves it all the same >:3c). And he glows gold!! That’s so fitting and so cute and he really shines like the Sun!! And smart as ever, he does not let the vigilante brush off what happened so easily, and even manages to get them to rest when they obviously wanted to go in and out. But also as fluster-able as ever too with that cheeky bed comment gfkdhgkfdjhg
And oh my gosh, the part that caught my attention the most with Moon was when he was warning y/n about getting involved (more than they are) with Eclipse and y/n responded that “he can’t hold me”, while guiding Moon to hold them. And ahhh that means so much, because it’s a silent way of telling him “you can, though.” Him and Sun, because Sun was also asked to stay when they were lying down for rest and aaaaahhh that has my heart melting into a puddle. But also Moon’s defeated “you are going to leave” had me clutching my chest a bit. I know he probably knew that the moment he went for the snapper they would be gone but aaagh you can just hear the yearning and so many things unsaid in that statement.
As a final note, I adored how you incorporated the similarities between the three brothers! The fact that Sun shares the same venomous spikes that Eclipse does (and yet they do not worry y/n as Eclipse’s do), and that Moon has a crown of tentacles he hides, that Eclipse also has (and I wonder if he hides them specifically to not make their familiarity obvious, since spikes might be common among the mer, but maybe tentacles surrounding the head is a bit more specific?), and not to mention the photophores that are in a similar pattern to Eclipse! Since they are organic in this Au, this means they very well can be birth brothers, with Eclipse inheriting both the traits of which Sun and Moon got only one each. But since he has the octopus theme and Sun and Moon have tails, I wonder if in this one he also did adopt them at first and they are just similar species and the photophores sync with those they have chosen as family? Hmmmm, this au has me thinking so many possibilities about how they grew up!
…And god dang it now I have the image of a baby octopus mer Eclipse and then an older but still young one being responsible for baby mer Sun and Moon and why does my brain give me cute when I just read this man do what he did XD
Anyways, I loved reading SJ mermaid style, Naff! Amazing work as always! <3
Ahhh, Chaotik! I'm so happy you enjoyed it, babe! ♥
Thank you! I love writing about a mer Y/N, especially with the vigilante, and it was so fun to figure out the little tidbits in the ocean.
Ah, yes, unfortunately for the vigilante, twilight mers have great strength. I didn't work this line into the fic, but Y/N would never dare try to throw their trident for the fearing of not having it in their hands and that they don't have the strength to throw an object like that through the water at a strong enough speed. Eclipse, however, can.
EEE thank you! I wanted to keep the vigilante's essence as much as possible hehe
Oh gosh, with Eclipse squeezing into a narrow space because of flexibility, your comment made me think of this meme:
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Eclipse was a bit upset when he found out what the vigilante had done, to say the least. He wanted to make it known how he felt. You're right to be concerned about the same trick not having the same effect next time around ;-;
Ahhh, I'm really glad the human/animatronic conflict translated well to the sunlight/twilight mers! I had to think about how to go about it to keep the prejudice against the boys and figured that would do the trick.
Sun and Moon are doing their best, and oh, how they endure their sweet little vigilante! I'm glad Sun's light hit well and Moon's little comments had an impact, ahhh!
Okay, I'm so glad you're curious about the boys' backstory and talked about their physical similarities because I've been itching to talk about it! I'm going to tuck it under the read more as I warn that it involves Death and Sickness.
The boys' mother is Comet and the boys' father is Quasar.
Comet is an octo twilight zone mer. She has deep purple and dark blue flesh and yellow suckers. She also has heterochromia eyes, one of red and one of blue, and black sclera. She has tentacles on the back of her skull and her face has a crescent marking.
Quasar is a fish twilight mer. He has pale yellow and silver flesh, broad fins adorning his long tail with a crescent-shaped tail fin, golden scales with scarlet patches like stars, venomous spikes crowning his head, and yellow irises and pale sclera for his eyes.
The twilight zone is a dangerous place, even for the mers that inhabit it. Predators, wicked mers, and the darkness prove lethal to even the most skilled and adapted.
Comet and Quasar loved Eclipse, and he was so clingy as a babe. He had the rare inheritance of both of their head features. Eclipse doesn't remember this time except for the vague care and tenderness that permeates dreams. It was happy.
Quasar was killed by a gang of twilight zone mers before Sun and Moon hatched. Comet did everything to take care of her children alone, at times going hungry but ensuring her little ones had full bellies.
Comet taught Eclipse to always take care of his little brothers. She made certain that he knew that he and Sun's venomous spikes could never hurt anyone they were related to by blood. She also showed Eclipse how to tuck away his head tentacles and that one day, they'll show Moon how to do the same as well.
Eclipse always had a deep connection to his baby brothers, gazing at them in his mother's arms as she cooed and sang lullabies. Eclipse missed his father terribly, but his mother's expectations made it clear that they would make it, they would survive.
A few years later, Comet became deathly sick while they were still young. She instructed Eclipse to go to the Reef to ask for aid. He took his still baby but not-so-small brothers with him. When they ventured to the edge of the corals, they were met with scorn and chased off before he ever had a chance to beg for medicine for his mother.
When he returned, she was laying still, cold, the current tugging on her weightless body.
Eclipse took care of his brothers, finding food and shelter, keeping them safe from dangerous mers and hungry predators alike. His hatred for the Reef and the sunlight zone mers festered, and Sun and Moon longed to escape the darkness, and at last, things changed. The twilight zones could live among the sunlight zone mers.
Eclipse couldn't stand it. Sun and Moon tried to convince Eclipse to leave the darkness behind and stay with them, but he wouldn't.
Tragic backstory aside, baby octopus mer Eclipse is very cute, and oh, he did take care of his younger brothers. Though they have different body types, that never separated them. It was Eclipse's choices later in life that tore the family apart, but they all survived. Eclipse made sure of that.
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stormflypirateskin · 2 years
hiii! i’ve been reading your lasts works and they’re so lovely i wanted to request something (‘: would you mind doing overworked 707 falling asleep on readers’s arms? thank youu ♡
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Overworked Saeyoung Falling Asleep On Reader's Arms!
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Ahhh, a request!! Thank you so much for requesting, I hope you like this! I had fun making it! Tell me if there was something you didn't like and I can rewrite it.^^
I'm still a bit sick currently but I have the energy to start writing again~
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You knew that Saeyoung wasn't exactly the type that rests, especially when he is overworking himself.
He had gotten a new job on Jumin's company, mostly the security or other work which some of them he worked at home.
Thankfully he tended to finish his work quite fast so he was always by your side through the rest of the day. But this was the first time he had a big task and was overworking himself in his room!
You tried constantly to get him to take breaks and even bringing him food and water so he doesn't collapse right there and he would only give you a smile and tell you that he would finish soon.
Not really liking that, you wanted to try once again, last time you saw him, he was already looking like he hasn't taken a break in months now. It made you feel sad that he wasn't taking care of himself.
A sigh left your lips as you went inside the room and found him hunched over at his desk. Slowly, you made your way towards him and rested your hand on his shoulder, which made him jump slightly before relaxing as he saw you.
"Ahh, Y/N! What brings my special angel here~?" It was cute how he was attempting to flirt but you could see how tired he was close enough. Even though he was exhausted, he still made your heart skip a beat.
"You. You need to take a break, Saeyoung." You said immediately, your soft eyes were enough to get his heart racing and his face blushing. "I know you have a lot of work but seeing you so overworked worries me." You had grabbed one of his hands as spoke.
He let out a soft exhale as he looked down, quite embarrassed. You were right, if he continued on with how he was currently, he won't be able to get off his chair from exhaustion.
"Please? Even for a while?" Your pleading eyes made his face the same color as his hair. "G-Gahh..!! T-Too cute.. alright alright!! I surrender..!! I can't resist you.. haha.." He let out a shaky laugh as he let himself get dragged out of his chair by you.
The redhead didn't even realize himself how bad his back had gotten, he couldn't help but stretch, eyes widening a bit as he realized how much time had passed. Focusing back on you, he felt warm as you laid down on the bed and gestured to him to lay down as well.
Saeyoung slowly climbed over you before lowering himself and laying fully on top of you, trying his best not to hurt you or anything. Thanks to how soft and warm you were, he was able to relax his muscles some more. Taking off his glasses before his head was exactly over where he hears your heartbeat, making him blush some more.
"You're so waaaaaarmmm.. and cuteeee.. and pretttttyyyyyy.." He smiled as he nuzzled his head on you, smiling wider now that you are so close to him. Just being here with him is enough to make him feel so soft and warm and so comfortable like this.
His muscles were starting to rest and Saeyoung completely melted when you reached out and gently rubbed his shoulders, making him let out a sigh of relief as he literally started to purr like a real cat.
"You are so good at.. this.." He closed his eyes slowly as he let you do your magic. His purring slowing down as you felt his breathing and him staying still. He felt like he was on cloud nine as he rested in your arms. You are the only one who makes him feel so nice, so warm.
It wasn't long before you heard a soft snore coming from him and you melted right there completely. He had fallen asleep! On you! He really deserved the rest after all the work he did and you couldn't be happier than seeing him get the rest he needs.
He also looks so cute while he sleeps. You reached a hand out to stroke his curly hair gently, not wanting to wake him up. It made you grin happily as he nuzzled more into you.
You loved this man so much and you knew that he loved you back, too. It was cute how you made each other feel like this and you two couldn't be happier.
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stormyweaver · 7 months
The Jake + Adam Series 1/0
So! Like I said in an earlier post, having a new laptop has significantly increased my drive to write. This one's actually a commission for the lovely @bigsnzstanacct that I wrote a bit ago but am finally posting!
This definitely won't be the last seen of these two, I became rather fond of them quickly but I'll come up with a better title for their adventures a bit later. Anyways, this was a joy to write for you dear, and I hope everyone else enjoys as well! ;3
Adam had been idly flipping through a magazine when it happened. It wasn’t even an interesting article - something about the benefits of kale vs spinach because apparently that was a debate now? Eh, the world was always coming up with some new bullshit, he supposed. 
But his attention was immediately arrested by the sudden clang of pots and other cookware in the kitchen. Their living room was just on the other side, of a doorway and, considering their tiny apartment, he likely would have heard the clamor either way. He certainly heard the sudden, panicked gasp that followed, along with an equally frantic call of his name. “A-hahhhdam? N-need you in here huhhh’un!” Oh. Oh fucksicles.
All but sprinting up from his place on the couch, the brunette sped into the kitchen, and wasn’t surprised at the sight that lay before him. His boyfriend - his wonderful, spritely, gorgeous blonde-haired angel Jake - who had his back to Adam, but even then it didn’t take a rocket scientist to know just what had Jake hollering for his assistance. Well… maybe a rocket scientist would actually have come in handy, all things considered. As it was, Jake’s broad shoulders were shuddering up and down unsteadily, back muscles spasming beneath his tight, gray v-neck. Even without stepping closer, Adam could see that the poor thing’s frame was dotted in some kind of… substance, and– yep. There was the unmistakable scent of cayenne. Well, that explained a lot. Far more when Jake peeked over a shivering shoulder, and Adam felt his heart ache and also nearly leaped out of his chest at his boyfriend. “Oh, babe…” Jake’s flaxen, wavy hair had speckles of red along it’s tresses and Adam swore he could even see a bit dusting the bridge of his long nose. Which… shit, right, that had to be taken care of – like, NOW. Before Jake could gasp out another word - the poor thing always tried to talk, even though he knew it only made things worse - a firm index finger was rushed beneath his flaring nostrils. Adam shushed him gently, the other hand resting on his hip as he tried to soothe his boyfriend’s nose before it went absolutely nuclear. “You’re okay, baby, we just gotta wash you off real quick, okay? Nod if you can make it to the sink– yeah? Okay, here we go…” Still with a firm pressure beneath the wriggling mass of hyper-sensitive flesh and nerves, Adam gently but steadily urged Jake towards the waiting sink. Thank goodness they had cleaned it out prior - not being able to get Jake all the way beneath the tap would prove to be a real problem. Yeah, as if your boyfriend about to sneeze the entire spice-cabinet to smithereens isn’t considered a ‘real problem’, Adam mused. Although, knowing Jake’s habits, it’d likely be a bit more than just the spice rack. Jeez, they really couldn’t afford to replace the entire upper cabinet space… “HAAHH…!! Ahhh- Adhhahham, I c-c-ahhn’t–!” Pupils shrunk as he felt Jake’s back arch, wincing as a cloud of the aforementioned spice puffed into the air around his boyfriend’s tear-stricken face. His nose lifted from Adam’s finger and he swore at this angle, he could practically see the grains being hovered into the widened, quivering ovals of Jake’s nose.
Adam swallowed thickly. Now was not the time to be both undeniably worried AND incredibly horny. DAMN IT BRAIN, PICK ONE! “Shit baby, please, you gotta try! Just lemme– fuck–” This time, Adam tried to pinch Jake’s massively flared nostrils shut but even that was a struggle all it’s own. The wings protested vehemently, alive with wriggles and flexing that threatened to breach the plug of his index finger and thumb. Despite his urgent panting, Jake’s shoulders loosened a bit, the lift of his chest deflating bit by bit. 
Adam released a breath he hadn’t been aware he was holding. “Just a little more… 'atta boy, here we go…” It took a bit of finagling- mainly to avoid 1. Getting MORE spice into areas where it definitely would irritate Jake’s face and 2. Readying himself for when Jake inevitably did blow, because at this rate there was no denying that his boyfriend would need to get the already trapped spice out somehow. 
And there was only one way they’d both found to truly rid his nose of the most cloying, tantalizing of irritants… “Just tap when you’re about to let loose, k? That way I can get the towel ready,” Adam rubbed his back reassuringly, his other hand almost hovering over the aforementioned cloth. Sure enough, Jake’s slightly damp head lifted a bit, a shaky hand rapping atop the sink counter. Okay, showtime, Adam supposed.
Once he was sure Jake had the towel steady within his grasp, Adam braced himself for what was next to come. The blonde’s back arched once again, but his head and face were still hovering over the towel in preparation. Chancing a glance over a shoulder, Adam felt his cheeks flood with color at Jake’s expression: desperation soaked every single inch of freckled skin, lower lip trembling as his jaw went slack, gulping in breath after behemoth breath. His poor eyes were flooded with tears, the tracks leaking down his own flushed cheeks threatening to be permanent. 
And his poor nose… Christ on a bike, had he ever seen his nostrils flare so massively? 
In all likelihood, yeah. But something about seeing Jake gear up for a sneeze never failed to strike awe into his very being. Sure there was… something else besides awe but, that could wait. For a while. Hopefully. “hHuuhhh… hHHUHHH…” Adam gulped as he saw Jake’s nose quiver intensely, upper lip catching in a tickly snarl. He opened his mouth, thinking that maybe he should urge Jake to go ahead and let it out - but apparently, a verbal allowance was nowhere near necessary. “HUHHHH…!!! HHHRRRRSSCHHHHHH’HIIIIIEEEEEWWW!!!!”
The sound reverberated off the walls of the small space like a bouncy ball, and Adam couldn’t help but wince at how Jake’s large frame nearly tried to snap in half. But he knew there was at least one or - dear God he hoped not - two more in his lover. “hHHAHH–?! IIHHH– HHRRRSSSCHHHH’IIIUUEEE!!! IISSCHHHHUUUEEE!!!”
Ah, yep. Two was a fair bet. Adam felt his own nose twinge in sympathy, speeding up his rubbing across the expanse between Jake’s heaving shoulders. “There ya’ go, baby… get it all out… Christ, might need to reinforce the walls again after that…” He quipped, only once he was sure Jake had indeed finished. The thick, but hopefully relieving emptying of his sinuses into the towel affirmed his suspicions, and he couldn’t help but flash a cheesy half-grin at Jake’s not-so-subtle dead-pan across the damp cloth. “Seriously? SDFK! You’re one to talk, as if we didn’t have to send like… three pies out to the neighbors when you had a cold last month,” Adam felt his cheeks darken at the memory, brushing a thumb against his nose with a shy sniff. “Fair, fair. But we’re talkin’ about you now, big guy. Sure ya’ got all of that shit outta your system?” Jake hummed in thought, scrubbing at his flushed nostrils carefully before exhaling with a nod. “Yeah, think that’s all of it… Geez, we gotta get an actual spice rack, Adam. That thing’s a hazard,” To you at least, Adam mused with a rueful smile. However Jake definitely noticed his musing, and he rose a brow. “Or maybe you’re hoping this’ll happen again…?” If not for the obvious teasing tone, Adam would have likely combusted on the spot. Which was always one of Jake’s favorite fucking pastimes - making Adam blush until he was essentially a walking red crayon.
Asshole… loveable, but still an asshole.
“Tch, no. Absolutely not! What would you’ve done if I hadn’t been here in the first place, huh? Thanks for the assist, Adam! Oh, you’re so welcome, Jake!”
Jake simply rolled his eyes, though there was a fondness within the reaction, only further reinforced when he cupped one of Adam’s overheating cheeks. “My knight in shining armor, I dare say I wouldn’t ever know~ Better?” Adam swallowed past his suddenly tight throat, subtly leaning into the large palm. “... better. Now c’mon, let’s get you outta here before there’s a repeat performance… your highness,”
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flowercitti · 2 years
Hello, my dearest <3
I also found you on ao3 and decided to follow you here. You're doing great job! Thank you for all your works ♡ Can I request headcanons for Papas with their short f!s/o who has an athletic build? Like, she clearly has strong arms and legs and has abs.
Thank you <3
Ahhh thank u sooo much for the kind words! And thank u for the ask, I’m so sorry this took so long! 🖤🖤 but here it is, finally, I hope you enjoy! 🖤
Has a healthy respect for your strength. Is just simply impressed by you.
Would ask you to carry his potted plants for him.
Tilts your head up by the chin when he wants a kiss. Or he cups your jaw, gently leading you up.
Would watch you work out for moral support, but would insist that he would not be able to handle joining. He’s probably right.
Would tease you for being shorter, because he’s the type of ass to do that. But he likes that he can hug you from behind, leaning down to put his chin on your shoulder.
Likes your thighs around him. Definitely a thigh guy, would let you squeeze the life out of him.
Likes that you easily fit between his legs when you sit. Wraps his arms around you from behind and leans his head between your shoulders.
Would tease you into leaning up to kiss him, raising his head until you had to rise up onto your toes if you’re that much shorter than him.
Would never admit that he loves that you’re stronger than him, but he very much does.
Unabashedly asks you to carry things for him. Partially because he likes to tease, and partially because he likes to watch your arms flex when you hold something heavy.
Likes to lean his entire weight against you, draping himself over you and leaning his face against your head. Likes it even more that you can usually take him easily without stumbling even with your height difference.
Does something similar to Secendo when he teases you for a kiss, but instead he likes it more when you’re the one to tug him down, pulling him to your level.
Lies against your stomach, running his hands over your toned legs. Very much willing to sit there and praise you.
Rests his chin on top of your head when you hug. Likes when your arms wrap around his waist.
Likes when you pick him up just a bit during hugs, just enough so that his toes scrape the ground.
Really likes your muscles, so he absolutely loves it when you wear cropped shirts and shorts. Will stare more than usual, respectfully.
Would be the type to fawn over how impressive he thinks you are too. Likes watching you work out just to see you, and would even be willing to join you. Tires easily, but he certainly has the spirit.
And that’s all! Thank you for reading. Hc/fic requests are still open to anyone who wants to shoot me an ask! And ig I should put my ao3, Some_Dead_Guy, for some of my longer writing 🖤
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brownhairedbookworm · 25 days
Anya grins as she makes her way forward, still leading the way for Monika. Technically, Monika may know her way around from years before, but surely a little bit has changed after Sayori moved out. Probably her parents able to move things around without Sayori trying to stop them!
"Well, it'll be just like a muscle as you go, hon. Just try not to do anything stupid until you've got the basics down, hm? And definitely keep the book. It is clearly meant for someone like you, more than someone like me~." Wiggle mom as she ducks her head under a doorframe. Ahh, they still gotta replace some of them, maybe.
"Ahhh, yes. I heard little Natsuki got herself quite the baking empire going there, from Sayori. I'd love to have her over when we have the chance to have her~! I dunno if we'll have a bake-off, per se, but I'd love to see her again. It's been too long~!" Happy clapping as they come into the kitchen.
"Darling, I am not accusing you of not eating enough. I am worrying if she is, hahaha~!" Griiiiiiiiiin.
It's mostly an easy navigation, but it's been so long! Monika happily sticks close to Anya, keeping just behind until they make it to the kitchen. A nice, familiar place with... Well, new hardware in a couple of places, but the shape is still the same.
"Mhm, no kidding. I've definitely got a lot to read, now. And I'll do my best to take it slow." She looks down at her bracelets. Definitely new, and definitely magical, but there's nothing to work them on, just yet. Something about them feels weapon-y.
"Natsuki's bakery is lovely~ She works hard, making sure she only bakes the best. Whether or not you two have a little contest, I know you would enjoy sharing company for a while." Monika smiles, resting her hands behind her back as they get into place.
"She is, she is~ I promise!" Monika grins back.
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blackvahana · 8 months
10/1/23 pt3
“God lmfao. Decided to just fuck off fly to the middle of nowhere in dragon form, that was something
Ever present watchful huge eyes in the background of the stars which I knew was Ahi/Lev which.......... Finding out now I'm back in my body instead of talking through spirits lmfao that yeah art was drawn of... That. Oough
There's a special relationship between Consciousness and Matter, I tend to slide more into the mental/stay in the real of consciousness but I was really pushing myself out into forming a concrete, vivid body strung between concrete external laws. Spirits here telling me I'm really vivid and real rn lmfao... Yeah god. It's so weird though bc I keep thinking I'm tired but then I'm realising I'm not? It's weird to go from "ah god I just flew like several miles purposely not using the Void to slide through reality, ahhh tired muscles" to "wait no I'm not tired?"”
It’s an astonishing pushback. To interact with the world as Shiva does, to touch Shakti, to feel what substance feels like. The cozy, smothering, soft warm skin on pads of fat and muscle, the smoothness of a goddess’ skin… She’s rough though, the air streaming underside leather wings trying to push you, the weight of the air trying to pull you down, the constant turbulence of suggestive chatter as she flirts with you by brandishing herself as a weapon - oh, she is one. She is the cause of every death, little or big.
Weight. Pushing. She grabs with a force of a strongwoman, the vicious, dominating smiling eyes keenly watching for any mess up. Make a mistake? Watch her laugh as she toys with your falling body… I wouldn't have it any other way.
Today, I push back into her. Take the form of a scaled thing, not merely “draconic” but dragon in every sense of the word! No suggestion or evocation of dragons, not a slithery, maddening, black thing that crawls into and out of suggestion suggesting to you it’s a dragon, but a heavy beaste.
I flew so far. “Here's to you, younger me: You who was forever stuck between knowing and not being able to do anything about it. You, the child who was forced to know it had wings but who was confined to her, held too tightly… Well, I am confined to her and I fly.”
I flew to a wooded area and landed less when I felt I was tired and more, since I follow fate, when I felt it was time in tonight’s story to rest. A pale, bright forest, the trees were like vascular systems growing from points I could not see. Alien shapes, but they made cohesive steps. They were like piano notes represented across a page in splattering of repeated stamps tap tap tap tap all arranged together… Oh, but the plasma brims at my throat.
Hermes joined me after checking in with Lev. Sitting in the bright white sunlight, hoppity hop goes the forest critters marching in a row. We sat and watched. He was stewing on something hidden behind his eyes. Pale rust red.
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1-25 Weighin Eve
Weigh-in eve is a tough day. I'm always worried about the amount of sodium I am consuming, how much bulk food, if I'm overeating, ect. This is why I would never do this on a Fri or sat or sun - the possibility of the night before being a big eating night are always strong. But Wed usually are pretty tame. Tonight was taco salad. I splurged and added a half of an avacado for 3 points. (well, more like a third.) The rest was nothing - salsa, 99% ff ground turkey, lettuce, cherry tomatoes, and some scallions. Actually, fairly enjoyable, but the sodium content could cause me to retain water for tomorrow's wi. We shall see. I'm not doing any exercise, so my muscles shouldn't retain but also, I haven't really had enough water to drink, so I may not be flushing out the crap. I should start drinking some more after I'm done with this entry.
Tonight I am going to my chorus. I really am still on the fence about joining. My friend is also on the fence. If neither of us are happy, this will be a last time. More enjoyable than this is the singing lessons I started. I know I probably won't be able to afford to keep continuing with them, but I am loving them right now. Eventually, I will bow out and use the money to put my daughter in the band that they offer. I would love to see her finally shine somewhere. I don't know if this is finally the thing for her or not, but I am hoping it is. I wanted so much more for my kids, and I feel neither really have a strong path. I feel like a bit of a failure in that sense. I should have been more forceful with making them stay with the things they were joining. ahhh, regrets.
The ring that I bought and lost in the house or down a drain has been repurchased and just arrived today. Its beautiful and it reminds me that I want to stay on this journey. Every day I will take it off and put it in my jewelry box. Every morning, I will recommit as I put it back on. That daily ritual is my regular marriage to health - my very best promise that I will do everything in my power to get a hold of my overeating, to find healthier ways to handle my issues that don't involve binge eating and drinking alcohol. I want to be around a lot more years, and I want those to be quality years. I just can't have quality and quantity if I am actively engaged in bad eating and alcohol abuse.
So, this is day 19 of sobriety. Day 4 without a binge. Day 25 on Weight Watchers, with active logging. Changing my life one day at a time.
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