#and baked them at 400 degrees for 30 mins
yo9urt · 3 months
i could be the next international man of food
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nbula-rising · 9 months
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CHICKPEA SHAWARMA SALAD Prep time 10 mins Cook time 20 mins Total time 30 mins Serves: 2
CHICKPEAS 1 15-ounce (425 g) can chickpeas, rinsed, drained and dried in a clean towel 1 Tbsp (15 ml) olive oil Heaping 1 tsp cumin Heaping 1/2 tsp smoked paprika Heaping 1/2 tsp turmeric Scant 1/2 tsp sea salt 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon 1/4 tsp ground ginger Pinch each black pepper, ground coriander + cardamom
SALAD 5 ounces (141 g) spring mix lettuce (organic when possible) 10 cherry tomatoes, chopped (organic when possible) 1/4 cup (28 g) red onion, thinly sliced 3/4 cup (45 g) fresh parsley 20 (~60 g) pita chips, slightly crushed (store bought or homemade*)
DRESSING 1/2 cup (120 g) hummus 3 cloves garlic (1 1/2 Tbsp or 9 g), finely minced or grated 1 tsp dried dill (or 2 tsp fresh dill) 1 lemon, juiced (2 Tbsp or 30 ml) Water to thin
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (204 C) and position a rack in the middle of the oven. Add washed and dried chickpeas to a mixing bowl. Add olive oil and all seasonings and toss to combine. To help them cook faster and disperse the seasonings more easily, lightly mash half the chickpeas with a fork (leaving the other half whole). Sample a chickpea and adjust seasonings as needed (I added more salt, cumin, and ginger). Then arrange in a single layer on a bare baking sheet and bake for 20-22 minutes, or until golden brown and crispy. Then set aside. In the meantime, prepare all salad ingredients and add to a bowl (reserving pita chips for later). Set aside. To prepare dressing, add hummus, garlic, dill, and lemon juice to a small mixing bowl and whisk to combine. Then add warm water and whisk until pourable. To serve, add baked chickpeas and pita chips to the salad, along with half of the dressing. Toss to combine. Divide between serving dishes and serve with remaining dressing. For best results, store leftovers separately (chickpeas in a container at room temperature, salad ingredients in refrigerator, dressing in a container in refrigerator, pita chips in a container at room temperature). Keeps for 2-3 days, though best when fresh. Notes *To make your own pita chips, slice 2-3 pieces of pita into triangles and brush or spray both sides with grape seed or coconut oil. Lightly season with sea salt and garlic powder and toss. Then arrange on a baking sheet in a single layer and toast on each side for 3-5 minutes in a 400 degree F (204 C) oven. This can be done while the chickpeas are baking to save time!
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rickashay-spirit · 3 years
Love and Peace Vegan Almond Cookies
These cookies can be charmed for love of any kind (my favorite being self love when I’m in the need of a pick me up), or for peaceful rest when you’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed.
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🍪 purpose / intention 🍪
Either a.) to bring love, sweetness, and abundance back into the lives of those who munch and enjoy this treat, and/or b.) to encourage and aid in peaceful rest - whether it’s sleep or general rest. 
prep & cooktime 
30 min total, max
this batch makes about 15 small cookies
🍪 you will need 🍪
for the cookie
1/2 cup vegan butter (soft, but still cold. I pop mine in the microwave for 5-10 seconds)
3/8 cup white sugar - for sweetness
3/4 teaspoon almond extract (for sweeter cookies, add more, and vice versa) - for healing, abundance, love, and fertility
1 cup flour
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/8 teaspoon salt
for the topping
powdered sugar, almond extract to taste, vegan milk OR water. 
* for the restful version, lavender buds - for rest and relaxation *
🍪  method  🍪
 Preheat oven to 400 degree
Mix butter, sugar, and almond extract in bowl
In separate bowl (I usually do the same after the first is mashed) combine flour, baking powder, and salt
Mix together until well combined
Roll into balls, roll into a sheet to cut once out of the oven, cut shapes, or form shapes of dough. Place 1 in from others on baking pan. They shouldn't spread.
bake about 7-10 minutes. The edges should just barely be getting golden brown before you take them out.
When they are baking, combine powdered sugar, almond extract, and milk or water in a bowl. Add in lavender if you'd like. Should form a drizzley, but not watery thickness.
Fresh out of the oven, drizzle the sugar sauce on top of the cookies. If you didn't add the lavender into the sauce and would still like to, press the lavender buds onto the tops of the cookies.
magickal tips
Always stir clockwise.
Think of the ingredients significance and your intention when adding them together and mixing.
When combined, hold bowl in your hands and imagine your energy of your intention fusing into the cookie dough.
Stir intention or a sigil into the sugar sauce before drizzling. Drizzle in the direction or shape of a sigil (won't appear on the cookie since the icing is rather runny).
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lailoken · 4 years
“:Pharmacopoeia: [Pt. 1]
Basil. (Ocimum basilicum). Infusions of Basil are employed in. Voudou magics as a Fertility charm for men, the potion sprinkl'd on the conjugal bed, the phallus liberally anointed. The Herb is traditionally favour'd by the Matron of Abundant Love, Erzulie. Cold infusions made by kneading and pulverization of the Leaves in Water serve as an external invigorator of the Serpent's Inner Fire.
Blackberry. (Rubus fruticosa). Arabian sorcerers esteem'd strong infusions of Blackberry leaves as a basis for love-potions. The ratio of 40 grams of fresh leaves, or 25 of the dried, to a litre of boiling water, is sufficient in strength to deliver the essence of the Thorn'd Herb, although its action, both in terms of pharmacological and sorcerous vigour, is comparatively weak. Thus it is best employed in admixture with such resonant Herbs as Damiana, Muripuama, and petals of Sunflower. The fruits also possess great power: they may be tinctur'd in high-proof spirit with enough Aqua Vitae to cover, and the resulting Amethystine waters used as a foundation for the addition of other Herbs.
Caraway. (Carum carvi). Caraway potions were a common love magic in medieval Europe, having the especial Virtue of addressing fickleness in lovers. The seeds have likewise featured prominently in Love-Potions to ensure Fidelity. Employ a decoction using 35 grams of seeds in 400 millilitres of boiling water. Using seeds which are still green and ripening is preferr'd, as the Upward Solar Fire has not peak'd; such are of great glory.
Chicory. (Cichoryum intybus). Known in medieval folklore as an Herb of Love, the roots and fresh flowers of Chicory were used as an ingredient of potions of Attraction. The Roasted Root is commonly available, though in this form the Radix often loses some of its Virtue for the Philtre through destruction by Fire. The Plant is easily grown and, once established, will repopulate the garden-beds with glad vigour. Of the fresh root, make a decoction of 15 grams in 500 ml. of boiling water; of the roasted root, employ similar proportions, or slightly more, depending on the degree to which the root has been baked, and its age. Of the fresh flower, harbouring a sublime secret, make an infusion with 30 grams of the blossom to 550 ml. of boiling water. Cold water infusions may also be employ'd.
Chocolate. (Theobroma cacao). The generic nomenclature of Our Tree, Theobroma, decrypted, renders the meaning "Food of the Gods". The ancient Aztecs employed the ground, roasted seeds in combination with Cinnamon, Chile Peppers, Piper species, blossoms of Quararibea funebris, Vanilla, and the solanaceous Cup of Gold (Solandra spp.) in their cacahuatl, an aphrodisiac Philtre that was drunk sweet or salty. This philtre has also been employ'd as a vehicle for the sacramental ingestion of Psilocybin Mushrooms. Other species of Theobroma were used in central and south America as admixtures to various phytognostic preparations, such as snuffs and masticatory tobacco mixtures. Pharmacologically, Cacao contains caffeine and theobromine, both stimulants of the Central Nervous System. Cacao in the form of Cocoa readily imparts its blessings to rectified spirits, and is especially exalted in a menstruum of Rum.
Cinnamon. (Cinnamomum zeylanicum). Cinnamon's chief action upon the body, when consum'd, is to produce heat, that is, increase circulation, sweating, and raise body temperature. It is an invaluable adjunct to the Love-Philtre for flavouring, and has a tendency to mildly potentiate the effects of other Herbs, probably due to increas'd circulation. For flavouring, it blends well with Herbs of a bitter or resinous nature, such as Damiana, softening their bite on the tongue and, sparingly blended, uplifts their more palatable components. As a general rule, use one whole stick of Cinnamon to every litre of Philtre, increasing as desired. Rectified spirit brings out the goodness of Our Bark in tincture without rendering it overweening. Most commercial Cinnamon is in fact Cassia or Bastard Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia), and is not only inferior in Virtue for the Philtre, but somewhat unkind to the body. Demand True Cinnamon from the Apothecary, there can be no substitute for its sublime gifts. By all means avoid consumption of Essential Oil of Cinnamon.
Clary Sage. (Salvia sclarea). Licentious Queen of the Sages, Clary is also known as Muscatel Sage, and its unique scent corresponds in the most beguiling of ways to the Divine Musk of Feminine Arousal. The mere inhalation of the fresh, sticky blossom has been known to evoke Erotic Gnosis of the Green, and may be used in this way as a catalyst for Imaginal Arte. Known for centuries as a stupefacient and aphrodisiac, Clary is a potent adjunct to any Nectareum Succubus. It is identified by the chymist as containing chlorogenic acid, a principle known to arouse the flames of passion. Its virtues are best extract'd in alcohol, in tincture or cordial. For cordial, several fresh-harvested inflorescences may be added during primary maceration or the final "cooling" phase, to a sealed Hermeticus containing 1 litre of the ripening philtre. Alternatively, 30 ml. of strong tincture may be added per 500 ml. of Philtre. Have a care with this Lady, however, as excess may degrade a draught of Venus to the rank of Neptunian stupor. Few Herb-merchants deal in Clary, save for its Essential Oil, as some of the Virtue of the Herb degrades over time after drying. The wildlands of its native habitat in France have been greatly reduc'd, thus are we obliged, by Love and Virtue, to grow this Beauty in our physick-garden, reserving for Her a sunny plot with intermittent dryness and wet. Culture from seed is variable and sometimes prob- lematic, but most nurseries will obtain hardy starts which, when lovingly trans- plant'd, will delight and reward with their arousing potencies.
Coriander. (Coriandrum sativum). Dioscorides recommended Coriander seeds steeped in Wine to increase the semen, and this was also a popular medieval Philtre. In her Modern Herbal, Maude Grieve assures us that "If used too freely, the seeds become narcotic." For nostrums of aphrodisiac capacity, gather the seeds during the final quarter of the lunar cycle, as traditionally they are thought to be inundated with their greatest powers of Venery at this time. The leaves possess similar Virtues, though to a lesser degree.
Fennel. (Foeniculum vulgare). A Philtre compounded of Vervain and Fennel makes a most effective Lust Enchantment. Employ the leaves in infusion; 30 grams to 500 ml. boiling water, steep'd 20 minutes. Fennel also readily imparts its virtues to spirits, and tinctures made from Roots, Leaves, and or Blossoms, are also a profitable adjunct, added freely.
Ginseng. (Panax schinseng). In ancient Chinese pharmacology, a preparation known as Spring Wine was used as an aphrodisiac Philtre, containing, among other specifics, Deerhorn shavings and antler resin, Ginseng, powdered ass, and human remains, infused together in wine for a year. The Root alone may be added to a bottle of spirit and steeped for several months, this precious elixir may be taken in small quantities of 5 ml. on a daily basis, or in slightly larger ones 15-40 ml. for use as a stimulating love-philtre. As Ginseng horticulture is extremely difficult, the Brother or Sister of Arte is advised to purchase Ginseng from a reputable Chinese herbalist. Quality of the Root varies widely on the market, and it is well-worth developing a rapport with the local Rhizotomist. The action of Ginseng on the corpus is extremely warming and stimulating, and, for the purposes of the Love-Philtre, more sympathetic to men. Tinctures and standardized extracts may be employed in Our Brew.
American Ginseng. (Panax quinquefolius). This sister of the Asian Root differs slightly in action but is well worth seeking in wild woodlands for its properties. Segments of fresh root, may be brewed into a decoction with or without other aphrodisiac adjuncts. If using fresh roots, individuals of at least three years in age, or having roots 2 cm. in diameter, should be used. There is much profit in using dried Roots as well: steeping them in spirits for tincture is preferr'd to brewing. The wildcrafted material taken from Nature, as opposed to cultivated American Ginseng, is more potent, and its higher price reflects this, although such wild material may well be the result of poaching or overharvesting, as this offense against Nature is common with Our Root.
Kava Kava. (Piper methysticum). The Warm delights of Kava readily manifest in a Philtre of the Sensualist, as it gives rise to pleasure of touch, conviviality, and general euphoria. Traditional use of the Herb in Oceania is as a Euphoriant Philtre and involves the mastication of the Root pulp and lower stems, often by a virgin youth, then adding the pulp to water or coconut milk for the desired consistency. For a Philtre for two persons, grind 30 grams of the dried Root to powder and add 50 millilitres heavy cream, 75 millilitres of cold water, 125 millilitres of coconut milk, and 1000 mg. of Lecithin. Whisk gently, then strain through a fine mesh sieve. Add 35 ml. of rum and whisk again, strain, and serve.
Lettuce. (Lactuca sativa). Lettuces were, from antiquity to medieval times, thought to harbour great powers of arousing erotic desire; ancient Egyptians associat'd the Herb with the virile god Min, He of the Ever-Erect Phallus. The Virtues of the Herb found a natural niche in Love-Philtres and charms of Attraction. Lactucarium, or lettuce-opium, was at one time employ'd as a mild narcotic in the absence of Juice of Poppy. It is with sadness that we witness the degrading of the Lettuce's aphrodisiac powers with its domestication. By nature it is actually a bitter plant, and its bitter principles contribute to its efficacy as a provocateur of Passion. For a Love-Philtre, let the Green Sorcerer shun those sweet, succulent leaves peddl'd as food and hunt the Wild Lettuce in its domain, taking care to harvest the entire plant just prior to bolting. Alternatively, wild- gathered seeds may be planted in the garden, so long as their rustic proclivities are encouraged. The Virtues are concentrated in the plant's crown, the junction of Root and Leaf, and can be extracted into spirit, as well as infusion.
Lovage. (Levisticum officinale). In sorceries of Love and Lust, the fresh Root has been employed as a major ingredient in Philtres of Arousal. Infusions of the leaves, stem, and crown may be made in varying strengths, or the juice of the Root and leaves expressed by pounding. A friendly Companion in the Garden, Lovage is hardy and easily grown, long suffering, and generous of fragrance. As with Lettuce, it is best to gather the Herb before it flowers.
Marjoram. (Origanum marjorana). Hallow'd of the goddesses of Lust as widely as Myrtle and Pomegranate, the Genius of Marjoram is one of the happiest and most promiscuous sprites found in Nature. Both the leaves and blossoms of this fragrant Ally are an indispensable (but easily used to excess) addition to Love and Lust Philtres. For tincturing in alcohol, use a 1:l menstruum to marc ratio; for a simple infusion, employ 13 g. of fresh Herb to 500 ml. of boiling water.
Mistletoe. (Viscum album). A classic medieval Philtre of Vervain and Mistletoe leaves was regarded to inflame Lust. For a tincture, several drops of which are suitable for adding to a Philtre, cover 1 volume of dried leaves with 4 volumes of rectified spirit. Let the Vessel of Tincturing enjoy the solitude of one moon, then filter and save the menstruum. Avoid the Berries; they have a venomous propensity and are better employ'd in leechcraft to combat pernicious tumours and cancers.
Muira Puama. (Liriosma ovata). This potent Tree belongs to the Olive family, known as Oleaceae, from which so many beneficial and virtuous Herbs proceed, so we may take refuge in its noble lineage. In South America it has an ancient reputation as a rouser of the affinities of Priapos, not only contributing erectile engorgement in both sexes but also a mild euphoria. Though a strong decoction of the bark, brew'd long, is of merit, it is far better to tincture the wood in some spirit of alcohol, and employ this in Philtre manufacture, or, in combinațion with other virtuous Herbs, particularly Rose Hips. A standard tincture may be made by macerating the bark in just enough distill'd spirit to cover, for the duration of two moons. One may, with diligent seeking, find tinctures or standardized extracts of Muira Puama on the Apothecary's shelf.
Mullein. (Verbascum spp.). Mullein is a suitable addition to brews of Love and Lust. The leaves may be thus employed, but the flowers, when available, are doubly good. An infusion of blossoms may be made with 22 g. of the flowers, steep'd in 500 ml. of boiling water; use the same proportions with leaves.
Orchid (Orchis spp.). Occasionally Orchis mascula or Early Purple Orchid in some regions carried associations with Death, but far more often it was an Herb of Lust and Attraction, much like its other Orchid-kin. Pounded or ground, the thriving portion of the Root was a common ingredient of Love and Lust Philtres. Long regarded as a multiplier of semen, Orchid brews, serv'd up in the great Salep Houses of Europe, once rivaling the popularity of coffee. The blossoms may also be employed for these purposes. For prepared Salep root, make a decoction of 10 grams of the root to 750 ml. water; bring to boil, simmer in a covered vessel for 15 minutes. For flowers, infusions are best. Depending on the species, use 7-23 flowers, steeped in a 400 ml. of boiling water.
Periwinkle (Vinca minor). A common medieval love-powder was comprised of equal parts dried Leaves of Cinquefoil, Vervain, and Periwinkle; and the Herb was also frequently used in Lust-Philtres. 5 grams of this powder are added to 750 ml. of wine, then left to steep for 12 hours, then strained before serving. Extracts of Vinca and isolated chymical constituents are currently enjoying a revival, and some of these preparations are attributed with aphrodisiac qualities. However, due to the guileful and often deadly nature of many plants in the Dogbane Family (of which Our Herb is an esteem'd member) caution is advis'd.
Rose (Rosa spp.). Like Cinnamon, Rose may benefit the Love-Philtre by addition as a sympathetic and potentiating flavouring agent. Associated with Love and Lust from time immemorial, the buds and blossoms are in every way suitable and sympathetic to Our Arte. Its Virtue is especially suited to cordials, numerous fresh petals added during the cooling phase. Only the most fragrant blossoms should be added, with care taken to gather from pure plants that have not been infested with deleterious chymical pesticides. The magician is directed to hardy varieties that do well without them, such as rambling roses and climbers that have retain'd much of their ability to fight off pests. One may also use Rose Water, the hydrosol which is the aqueous product of rose-oil distillation, taking care not to heat. True hydrosols, labeled as such, are best, but one may also use food-grade Rose Water if such is the only option. Additionally, Rose Otto (steam distill'd Essential Oil of Rose) may be added in the quantity of 3-11 drops per 500 ml. of cordial or Philtre, to great benefit.
Saffron (Crocus sativus). The stigmas of this Holy Crocus are an excellent Cordial and proven Exhilarant; the Herb has been shown to have estrogenic effects in women. As an amorous Philtre, steep 6-10 stigmas infused in a 125 ml. of boiling water. Saffron can also manifest as a poison, damaging the Central Nervous System and kidneys. 10-15 grams of stigmas is consider'd a fatal dose.
Solomon's Seal (Polygonatum multiflorum). In Medieval Europe, the tiny white flowers of the scented variety were used in Love and Lust Philtres. A generous handful of these fresh blooms should be added to 400 ml. of cold water, steeped patiently for six hours then strained, to make a cool infusion. The flowers are especially useful in combination with Lettuce and Chicory.
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus). A piquant Philtre of Lust was brew'd by the ancient Maya from an extract of the petals, and Sunflower was used as a love and lust charm in England and the American Colonies until relatively recently. Like Clary, the flower petals contain chlorogenic acid. The virtues of the Solar Herb are best extracted in mild spirits such as white wine or mead, in the amount of 40 grams of the fresh petals to 750 ml. of spirit, but if one has access to large fields of the flowers, infusions may be made freely to one's heart's content, in such strengths as befits the work and the capacity of the Cucurbite.
Terror of the Earth (Tribulus terrestris). This enthorn'd member of the Caltrop family, belligerent in appearance, and also called Puncture Vine, is becoming increasingly known to Natural Magicians as a provocateur of hormonal tides, as well as a kindly Ally of the Heart. As a Philtre for the Delights of Venus, the fruit, roots and leaves are mixed together in a pot with enough water to cover and boiled for seven minutes. Strained and cooled, the mixture is drunk twice a day. Like Periwinkle, prepared extracts of Tribulus are now appearing in varied forms on the Apothecary's Shelf, employed especially for promoting sustain'd erection in men with increased sensation, as its action is androsterogenic.
Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia). Besides its supreme value as a flavouring, Vanilla possess magical and pharmacological tendencies toward Venerie. While ready- made extracts are easily available from Herb Merchants, they often dishonour the Genius of the plant by adulteration with vanillin. Behold, a Bean without guile: one may glorify her sovereignty in tincture form to the betterment of all Works. Some beans are now available organically-grown. Its virtues are especial- ly extalted in the form of a Plant Syrup.
Woodruff, Sweet (Galium odorata). The Master of the Woods, as it is known to the Curren, is small in stature, growing in verdant whorls deep in the shade. Long valued for its powers of Peace, Triumph, and Protection in Battle, Our Fragrant Herb gives rise to a Tonick of good physick and great value, in every way uplifting to the spirits. The Stems, Leaves, and Flowers of this member of the Madder Family, when dried, grow more fragrant with age, and with wisdom may be tinctur'd, well-pack'd, with sufficient Spirits of Wine. The resulting coumarin-rich medicine is then used in small amounts to fortify other Nectareum Succubi when additional potency is requir'd.
Yohimbe (Corynanthe yohimbe). The bark of this West African Tree has long been used in ecstatic rites of sexual magics, marriage and nubility rituals. Of late its powers have been increasingly exploit'd by allopathic medicine for combating impotence. More than sexual arousal and erection, Yohimbe also contributes a component of ecstatic euphoria unparalleled in other Herbs. Use of the bark must be attend'd with caution, however, as it neutralizes the Monoamine oxidase enzyme which, by the artifice of Nature, destroy certain amines which would otherwise be hostile to the body. Thus a strict taboo on certain foods should be observed for twelve hours prior to and following use of the Philtre. These include cheeses, wines and beer, canned fish, chocolate, pineapple, bananas, as well as amine-bearing principles common to visionary plants such as mescaline and dimethyltryptamine. Alcoholic beveragesare ill-advised. A simple Philtre of Lust can be made by boiling one handful of Yohimbe bark in one litre of water for 30 minutes, straining, and adding 1000 mg. Ascorbic Acid. This should be allow'd to cool and drunk by the cupful until desired ecstasis is achiev'd. Standardized extracts of Yohimbe are also of Great Value.”
4: ‘Of The Nectareum Succubus’
Ars Philtron:
Concerning the Aqueous Cunning of the Potion and Its Praxis in the Green Arte Magical
by Daniel A Schulke
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zaviyar · 3 years
Roasted Pepper Pesto & Pasta 🍝 
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I loveeee roasted red peppers. How about you? I made a yummy vegan pesto using them & here’s the recipe:
💚 Please Follow Our Page to have such a mouth-watering 🍅 Recipes on Daily Basis
What you need: 
1 lb box of pasta, 
2 red bell peppers quartered lengthwise (stems taken off and seeds removed), 
1 pint of grape tomatoes halved, 6 oz  mushrooms sliced, 
1 cup packed basil, 
1/4 cup pine nuts, 
1/4 cup oil, 
2 garlic cloves, 
2 tlbs nutritional yeast, 
salt & pepper to taste, 
some extra basil and pine nuts for garnish
1️⃣ Cook Pasta according to directions, and reserve 1/2 cup pasta water for later
2️⃣Place peppers skin side down, along with tomatoes, & mushrooms on a large lined baking sheet. Mist with olive oil and roast at 400 degrees F for 30-40 min 
3️⃣Toast pine nuts in sauté pan (which you will later use for the pasta) on stovetop at medium until golden about 3 min
4️⃣ In food processor combine red peppers, basil, pine nuts, garlic, nutritional yeast, salt & pepper to taste, then add olive oil slowly until all combined 
5️⃣ Add Pasta & pesto to sauté pan, heat at medium, and pour in the reserved pasta water and  combine well until heated through 
6️⃣ Divide into pasta bowls and Top with roasted mushrooms, tomatoes, toasted pine nuts, & extra basil for garnish.... and maybe just maybe you will have some extra for lunch tomorrow (which didn’t happen in my case 😆)#vegancommunity
By @thevegansara
Did you know you can get 100+ recipes just like this easy Sheet Pan Meal by 💚 Simply Click the ✨ for all of our mouth-watering ebooks ~ only $11.95!😍
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grubloved · 4 years
pretzel time
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made pretzels again! these RULE. they are so so so good hot that i always just scarf them all down immediately after they come out of the oven :')
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recipe under the cut!
500g bread flour (all purpose works too but will be less stretchy)
7g instant yeast
15g sugar or baking malt
10g salt
30g softened butter
mix, then add 300g water.
knead until smooth and supple, abt 10-20 minutes (get a friend to help!). cover & let rise 1 hour or until doubled.
preshape: split into 8 balls. cover & let rest ~10 min. flatten balls, then roll up into little teeny baguettes. cover & rest ~ 15 min.
shape them by rolling them out against a countertop. u usually want it to be thick in the middle and tapered to the ends. twist them into whatever shape you like.
boil 1.5 L water and stir in 30g baking soda until dissolved. gently plop in the shaped pretzels, letting them boil for 30 sec per side. place them on a parchment-paper lined baking sheet, brush with extra baking soda water.
top with salt, cinnamon sugar, sesame seeds, or whatever else you like.
bake at 400 degrees F for 15-20 minutes or until they're deep gold-brown. brush them with butter and destroy them in your manner of choice (i just shove them in my face, but cheese is nice).
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vivaciouseats · 4 years
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With the daylight hours getting shorter I've been feeling majorly crunched for time and in need of quick dinners. Anyone else feeling the days are just slipping away? ⏳ .. My favorite fast dinner lately has been oven baked tacos! Wrap a small stack of corn tortillas (4-6) in damp paper towels, microwave for 1 min 30 seconds, fill with your favorite taco fillings & some refried beans to stick everything together, fold them over, and bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes or until the tortillas are crispy! .. This batch is filled with @ortegataco refried beans, some leftover canned pumpkin, kale, nutritional yeast, mexican seasonings, and hot sauce. Using up things in the fridge and getting in some hidden veggies! 🥬🌮
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nilim · 4 years
For the AI Dungen recipes, just based on what I made yesterday: 200 gr chicken 3 Bell peppers 1 ts oregano & basil mix dessert: 1 sheet of puff pastry (bought premade LOL it's way too difficult to make from scratch) 125 grams of rhubarb jelly
Alright, here we go. Going to make two AI generated recipes. We got this.
I fed your ingredients into AI dungeon and it spit out the below recipes. The chicken one was quite a long and surprisingly coherent recipe. 
The first part is my input, anything bold is what the AI generated: 
200 gr chicken 3 bell peppers 1 ts oregano & basil mix 2 ts garlic powder 1/4 cup of water salt and pepper to taste
And then we just follow whatever the AI wants us to do in steps until it seems the recipe is done:
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and let it sit for at least an hour or overnight.
(Note: I left the bell peppers out of the ‘mix all the ingredients’ step, because they show up later again in the recipe.)
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Well, it did say mix all the ingredients. 
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Wet chicken. Which we let rest for an hour (or overnight). Alright. 
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Cut the chicken into small pieces, place them on a baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes. After they are done cooking, take out of the oven and set aside to cool down completely before you start assembling your sandwich
Oh cool, so we are making a sandwich? Good to know.
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I was hesitant about baking the wet chicken without any oil, but it was..... ok.
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For the lettuce: 1 bunch of romaine lettuce (about 1 lb)  1/2 tsp salt + more to taste  Combine all the ingredients in a large mixing bowl and add some salt if needed. Toss everything together until well combined. You can also use a fork to break up any clumps. Serve immediately.
Ah yes, the famous salted lettuce.
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“Serve immediately.”
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For the garlic aioli:  1/2 cup mayo 115 gr 1/2 tsp garlic powder  Combine all the ingredients in a small bowl and mix until well combined. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until you are ready to serve the sandwich. You can make the mayo a couple of days in advance.
You can make it a couple days in advance y’all. You know, if you want to save time. 
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“Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate“
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For the roasted bell peppers:  3 red bell peppers  1 TBSP oil  Mix the oil and salt in a medium bowl and add the bell pepper strips. Toss everything together until well combined.
This is why I didn’t add the peppers to the chicken. 
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Since it mentioned ‘pepper strips’, I cut them up before mixing them with the oil. 
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Transfer to a baking sheet and cover with aluminum foil. Roast in the oven at 475 degrees F for about 30 minutes, until the bell peppers are charred all around the edges. Let the bell peppers cool down to room temperature. You can roast the bell peppers a day in advance. Store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
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I roasted them for 10 mins like this and then realized the foil was sealed too tight, and I was basically steaming the peppers in their own moisture and not charring them, so I loosened the edges so the moisture could get out and returned it to the oven for the other 20 mins. 
They came out terrifyingly normal. I thought I’d have charred crisps. But they were quite good.
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To my surprise, the AI actually finished up by telling me how to assemble the sandwich, and it actually used the correct ingredients.
Assembling the sandwich: 
Cut the baguette in half lengthwise. Spread a generous layer of garlic aioli on both sides of the bread. Add the chicken, some roasted bell peppers, lettuce and top with some more aioli. Enjoy!
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It was honestly surprisingly good, I kinda enjoyed it even though it was a lot of mayo. It’s just... a very coherent recipe and end product which is very impressive, 9/10, point deducted for the wet chicken.
Now. For the dessert:
1 sheet of Puff pastry 125 grams Rhubarb jelly (I used the regular kind) 2 tablespoons sugar 150 ml (5 fl oz) heavy cream 3 eggs, beaten 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Roll out puff pastry. Cut into 4 equal pieces and place on a baking tray lined with parchment paper.
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Bake for 10 minutes or until golden brown.
At this point I realized those ‘3 eggs, beaten’ in the ingredients list is never mentioned again anywhere in the recipe, so I decided to use them to make two batches of the puff pastry, one without an egg wash as the recipe indicated (left), and one with (right). 
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   Remove from oven and let cool completely before filling.
So after 10 minutes they were neither golden brown nor done, but I took them out anyway considering I would have to put them back into the oven later on in the recipe.
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In a saucepan over medium heat combine rhubarb jelly, sugar and cream. Bring to boil then reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes or until thickened slightly.
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Pour into a bowl along with whipped cream and stir well to incorporate. Add vanilla extract and fold through.
Whipped cream??? The recipe list didn’t say anything about whipped cream. Luckily, I had some cream leftover and made it into whipped cream.
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I feel like the 'whipped’ part isn’t going to matter after I’m done mixing these two....
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Hmmm delicious slurry!
Spread onto cooled puff pastry sheets and bake in preheated oven for 25-30 minutes or until set but still jiggly when poked with a finger. 
Considering that the recipe called the slurry ‘filling’ earlier on, I decided to ‘spread’ the slurry across half the pastries like the recipe instructed, while filling the other half.
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And now to bake them for 25-30 minutes. I sat in front of the oven the entire time, afraid they might catch fire. But they didn’t. 
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After 10 minutes, filling began to escape from the ones in front.
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After 20 minutes, things began to look slightly singed.
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And done. Not burned! A win.
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I took 4 to eat. 2 with and without filling, and with and without egg wash.
The ones without the filling but with the spread tasted purely of pastry. Just. A whole lot of effort for a square of store bought puff pastry. 
The ones with filling were just liquid inside with weird clumps. Surprisingly sour. Burned my tongue.
5/10, mostly because I thought it might burn my house down and I was delighted it didn’t! Yay!
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edey63 · 3 years
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𝑬𝒂𝒔𝒚 𝑳𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏 𝑪𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒏 Serves: 6 Prep Time: 5 min Cook Time: 30 min Calories: 465 𝐈𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: 4 Boneless chicken breasts (roughly 2.5 lbs) 1/4 cup Olive oil 2 tsp Oregano, dried 2 tsp Thyme, dried 2 tsp Garlic powder 2 tsp Salt, divided ½ tsp Black pepper 1/2 cup Dry white wine 2 tbsp Minced garlic (6 cloves) 1 tbsp Lemon zest (2 lemons) 2 tbsp Lemon juice, freshly squeezed 1 tbsp Brown sugar 1 Lemon, cut into 6 slices, optional 𝐃𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: 1. Heat the oven to 400 degrees F. 2. Pat the chicken breasts dry and place them in a 9 x 13 baking dish. 3. In a small bowl, mix the olive oil, oregano, thyme, garlic powder, 1 teaspoon salt and pepper to create a thick marinade/paste. Coat the chicken breast with seasoning paste. 4. Using the same bowl mix together the white wine, garlic, lemon zest, lemon juice, sugar and remaining 1 teaspoon salt. Pour over chicken breast. https://www.instagram.com/p/CTvUoTwPyHf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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diabetesinsider · 3 years
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Seitan Rice Bean Casserole
Tip- kidney beans...check them for no added sugar, they’re out there you just have to look.
1 lg. onion, chopped
1 lg. bell pepper, seeded, chopped
1 - 8 oz. pkg. Seitan Italian seasoning, crumbled
1 - 15 oz. can tomatoes, crushed
1 - 15 oz. can kidney beans, drained
4 c. cooked brown rice
2 c. cheddar cheese, shredded coarse
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  In a large fry pan add oil, onion and bell pepper sauteing until just tender.  Add onion/bell pepper to large baking dish along with Seitan, tomatoes, beans and rice.  Toss together baking for 30 min.  Sprinkle cheese on top baking for another 15 - 20 min. until the cheese is melted. 
When I’m not serving up steaming hot vegetables to my family, I’m sewing cotton pocket aprons for my online shop - www.etsy.com/shop/topdrawerthreads and www.amazon.com/handmade/topdrawerthreads . 
Or I’m merrily working upcycled yarns into knitted cowls for my other shop - www.etsy.com/shop/topdraweryarns .
My daughter’s have an online shop - www.etsy.com/shop/yesdesigns - where they design and sew colorful stretch knit leggings in size x small to 2X. 
My older daughter has an online shop - www.etsy.com/shop/wildwovenwomen - where she pairs colors and textures to hand knit into lovely striped afghans to curl up into.
My younger daughter has an online shop - www.etsy.com/shop/shroombloombags - where she crochets upcycled yarns into mushroom inspired neck pouches.
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entirebodyexercise · 4 years
96 ways to keep your heart healthy and strong
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1. Substitute puréed prunes or applesauce for butter in cooking recipes.
2. Workout! Study shows top aerobic athletes often tend to live 5 years longer.
3. Decrease your salt intake by replacing canned veggies with frozen.
4. See the glass as half full. Positivity is related to a more powerful heart.
5. Pick potassium! This mineral helps cancel sodium levels (a major wrongdoer in destructive our hearts).
6. Take pleasure in a square of 70 percent dark delicious chocolate. It has potent antioxidant as well as anti-clotting properties.
7. Do you recognize the signs and symptoms of high blood pressure? Trick concern: There aren't any! Have a pharmacologist or doctor check yours this week.
8. Replace your workdesk chair with a medicine ball. It's a terrific means to shed additional calories and also raise core strength.
9. What inspires you to stay healthy and balanced? Compose the factors on sticky notes as well as publish them at the workplace as well as at residence to remind and influence you.
10. Learn how to say no. Claiming yes to every little thing can result in anxiety as well as poor health.
11. Experiment with whole grains: Attempt hulled barley, teff, millet, buckwheat, quinoa as well as wheat bulgur or berries.
12. Go nuts! Studies discover a handful five times per week assists lower heart problem risk.
13. Maintain your cool. When your temper increases, your high blood pressure could also increase.
14. Serve lentils, beans or tofu as the primary rather than meat. With a little seasoning they really shine!
15. Grab a pedometer. Try including 100 steps to your overall every week.
16. Avoid sugarcoated. Flavour your coffee or tea with cinnamon instead.
17. Devote to health and fitness: Stroll any distance that's 10 mins away or less.
18. Supply your fridge with low-fat or skim milk products.
19. Lease a romcom. Science web links watching funny flicks with advantageous blood flow throughout your body.
20. Do exactly what you enjoy. A solid heart is emotionally and also literally fit.
21. Inning accordance with leading heart docs, workout is like sleep: you can't save it up. Rise, obtain going!
22. Stretch it out! Versatile muscle mass imply adaptable arteries.
23. LOL ASAP: Giggling actually is the finest medicine. It relieves anxiety as well as improves your immune system.
24. Start a brand-new practice this Thanksgiving. Make time for a stroll with buddies and also household to take pleasure in the colours of fall.
25. Eat out! Search for vital words like baked, broiled, grilled, poached or steamed on the menu.
26. Lift weights: For every single extra pound of muscular tissue you develop, you'll melt an added 10 calories each day.
27. Brighten a cool morning. Make a low-cal London Fog with Earl Grey tea, vanilla essence as well as steamed low-fat milk.
28. Huge up on B vitamins-- they increase good cholesterol by 15 to 35 percent.
29. Do a stress inventory. Take 5 mins to see where you hold stress and anxiety: jaws, shoulders, neck. Now breathe, stretch, relax!
30. Schedule much more suppers in. Households that dine with each other make much healthier selections together.
31. Allow go of stress and also perfectionism. Loosen up, as well as care for yourself.
32. Ditch that soft drink. A pop a day can add up to 15 extra pounds in a year!
33. Offer a dish of low-sodium, broth-based soup.
34. Treat on raw vegetables rather than chips when you're craving a little crunch.
35. Usage smaller sized bowls and layers in the house. Portion control secures your heart.
36. Moms-to-be that do low-impact workout provide babies a head start on heart health.
37. Stressed? Get a pen. Discussing difficult events could help you release negative feelings and feel better.
38. Create a hassle-free bedroom. Lower the thermostat as well as try ear plugs as well as light-blocking curtains.
39. Test new heart-healthy oils, like soybean, safflower and sesame.
40. Attempt an anytime, anywhere fitness break. Stash stretchbands as well as skipping ropes in your purse.
41. Today, have a cozy movie night. Serve low-fat cocoa as well as air-popped snacks seasoned with Cajun spices.
42. Feeling emphasized? Talk it out with a buddy. It'll make you feel much better as well as maintain harmful stress and anxiety degrees down!
43. Neglect frying! Try steaming, broiling, or cooking your food for healthier dishes, as a first program. It loads you up without adding mega calories!
44. Throw some chia seeds on your salad for a hit of heart-healthy fiber as well as omega-3s.
45. Set up an once a week exercise date with a close friend. Studies reveal you'll lose more weight together!
46. Easy on the salt! Go for no even more than 2,300 mg a day (that's one teaspoon).
47. Inflate the volume! Hearing songs releases feel-good hormones.
48. Release anger: Hanging on to aggravation injures your heart. Repetitive rounds can thicken artery walls.
49. Smile! When you beam on the outdoors, you beam on the inside also. Research links joy with solid hearts.
50. Change screen time with face time. Limit TV to 2 hours a day.
51. Reach out to friends and family. Interacting socially is fantastic for your heart!
52. Schedule leisure right into your week. Try tai chi, yoga exercise, reflection or a quiet stroll in the park.
53. Appreciate Loss's bounty: Get some fennel, okra, beans, corn, shallots and also late summertime squash on your plate.
54. To earn waiting less stressful, maintain Sodoku problems, weaving or a book in your bag.
55. Suppress cravings with healthy and balanced snacks: Low-fat cheese as well as grapes or celery, or a handful of nuts and a pear.
56. Leave the cars and truck in the house! Try strolling, biking, or public transportation to obtain where you have to go.
57. Window-shopping is good for you! When it's unpleasant outside, hit the shopping centers for Thirty Minutes of quick walking.
58. Even if it's margarine, doesn't imply it's heart-healthy. Examine the label: It must be non-hydrogenated as well as trans fat free.
59. Relocate your feet with motivation: Authorize up for an enjoyable run or a charity stroll for a good cause.
60. Can not state no to a friend? Pledge your BFF you'll obtain energetic with her - you'll be more probable to go!
61. Discover your city with a led walking tour, or take a mid-day to check out a new neighbourhood on foot.
62. Obtain examined! Half of females have high cholesterol.
63. Stress less regarding the future. Excess stress and anxiety might emphasize your heart.
64. State many thanks! Revealing gratitude reduces stress, which could help take added stress off your heart.
65. Replacement lean turkey for ground beef. It has less saturated fat.
66. Include more colour to your plate. You can boost heart wellness immediately by upping your fruit and veg intake.
67. Envision a much healthier you. It's the primary step towards making long-term changes.
68. Measure your blood pressure at the drug store. Fifty percent of people who have high blood stress do not know it.
69. Purée additional vegetables into sauces as well as soups for a sneaky health boost!
70. Adhere to low GI foods. They may trigger fewer spikes in blood sugar, which indicates much less strain on your heart.
71. Eat whole fruits, rather of alcohol consumption fruit juices, to get insoluble fibre.
72. Make it a practice when dining in a restaurant: constantly take home a dog bag.
73. Put on your own initially. Stay smoke-free, consume right and workout, these are some way of living changes that could reduce the danger of heart problem as well as stroke by up to 80 percent.
74. Relax. It's good for your heart and also soul.
75. Explore a brand-new Indian dahl recipe. Legumes never ever tasted so good!
76. Healthy sex lives create healthy hearts. An attractive session could be as good for your heart as a vigorous walk.
77. Try tabbouleh! It's a great means to obtain in even more yummy whole grains.
78. Experience new spreads: Attempt peanut, hazelnut or almond butter on bread.
79. Join a community yard in your area. Gardening minimizes stress and anxiety and also can shed 400 calories each hour!
80. Stopped cigarette smoking-- no butts about it! Smokers are three times most likely to pass away of heart disease.
81. Absorb the sunlight! A great dose of vitamin D keeps heart cells healthy.
82. Put sleep initial (go for a minimum of 7 hrs). Pleasant dreams produce satisfied hearts.
83. Brush and also floss! They do even more than freshen your breath. Great oral health and wellness could minimize cardiac arrest risk.
84. Inspect nourishment labels: If sugar is the initial or 2nd component, simply say no! It's not a healthy choice.
85. Work in workout whenever you can. At the workplace, squat till you're almost remaining on your chair. Do 15 reps. Easy!
86. Reside in a heart-healthy 'hood. Supermarket and also parks within strolling range encourage casual exercise.
87. Fret less concerning the future. Excess anxiety could worry your heart.
88. Ordinary popcorn is a heart-healthy snack!
89. Bear in mind every bite. Reduce down and also indulge in the flavour.
90. Ditch deep-fried foods as well as business baked products. They seriously increase the danger for heart disease!
91. Excel to your heart currently. The seeds of disease are planted early. Stop them prior to they take root.
92. Usage healthy fats like cold-pressed, extra-virgin olive oil on your salad.
93. Start roughing it! Fibre-rich foods are one of the finest methods to assist prevent heart disease.
94. Construct a far better brekkie. Oatmeal is a heart-healthy start (reward factors for sprinkling flax seeds ahead).
95. Make time for hugs. A limited capture could help reduce your high blood pressure and lower stress.
96. Play a sport you like! A fit heart is a delighted heart.
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bisexualamy · 4 years
29. a favourite easy recipe: 5 ingredients or less, or takes less than 30 min to make
This is perfect I love to cook!! I’ll give you the meatballs I made for my roommates two nights ago. It makes like 15-20 depending on how you size them out and they’re delicious.
You need:
~1lb ground beef
½-1 small onion, diced
½ cup bread crumbs (i use italian style)
¼ cup milk
an egg
garlic to taste
worcestershire sauce to taste
salt and pepper, i also season with basil, oregano, and thyme (all to taste)
optional: parmesan cheese to taste
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F
Mix all of the above in a bowl
Get out a parchment paper lined baking tray. Portion out into about 15-20 meatballs
Bake for 20 min until they’re no longer pink inside
As a bonus, here is what I do when I Cannot Be Assed To Cook But Must Consume A Vegetable. I used to bulk cook this in college. This stir fry is a head of broccoli cut into florets, 1-2 bell peppers cut into strips (I prefer orange or red), and 2-3 carrots cut into coins. Also a diced onion.
I will add whatever protein I have to this, cut into lil cubes. If I’m on top of my shit I’ll marinate it in a ziploc with that store bought soyaki stuff. But if I’m making this I’m probably not on top of my shit.
Throw the onions and some garlic in a big ass walled saute pan, or anything that’s relatively flat but can hold a lot of shit. Once you can smell them sizzling, add your protein first, then broccoli, then carrots, then bell peppers. When they’re almost cooked, add your soyaki. You can cover this while it cooks, or not. I alternate. Serve it over rice.
stay at home asks !
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nbula-rising · 3 years
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Vegan Lentil Quinoa Loaf Prep Time 20 mins Cook Time 1 hr 10 mins Total Time 1 hr 30 mins Servings: 4
Loaf:    1/2 cup brown lentils    1/3 cup uncooked quinoa or use millet or other similar cooking grain    1 bay leaf    2 1/4 cups of water    2 tsp oil    3/4 cup chopped onion    3 cloves of garlic finely chopped    1 jalapeno chopped (optional)    1/2 cup celery finely chopped    1/2 cup carrots thinly sliced or grated    1/2 tsp dried thyme    1/2 tsp dried oregano    1/4 cup raisins add less for less sweet    2 tbsp flax meal or chia seed meal    1 Tbsp vegan Worcestershire sauce or use a 1/2 tsp of tamarind paste, a tsp of molasses, vinegar and a 1/2 tsp ground mustard to make soy-free    2 to 3 Tbsp ketchup    1 to 2 Tbsp tamari or use coconut aminos to make soy free    2 Tbsp tahini    1 to 2 tbsp nutritional yeast    1/4 tsp coarsely ground fennel seeds    1/2 cup breadcrumbs or use coarsely ground oats or gf breadcrumbs to make gf
   1/4 cup ketchup    1 tsp or more hot sauce to taste    2 tsp maple    1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
   Combine lentils, bay leaf and water in a pan over medium heat. Bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes. Wash the quinoa, add to the pan, partially cover and continue to cook until both are very tender and easily mashed (You want to slightly over cook the lentils). Stir after 10 minutes so they don't stick to the pan. Total 10 to 15 mins. *Drain any excess water, remove bay leaf and transfer to a bowl.    Heat oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add onions, garlic and jalapeno and cook for 5 minutes. or until translucent    Add celery, carrots, thyme, oregano, and mix well. Cook for 5 minutes or until the veggies are tender. Add in the raisins, and mix. Cook for 2 minutes. Take off heat.    Add the cooked veggies and flax meal to the bowl and mix in. Mash the mixture using potato masher or hands, so that at least half the lentils and quinoa get well mashed. (you still want some whole lentils)    Add in the sauces, tahini, nutritional yeast, fennel seeds and mix well. Taste and adjust salt and flavor. Add more sauces, herbs and salt if needed.    Add breadcrumbs or coarsely ground oats and mix in. (To check if the mixture is the right consistency, make a burger patty. If the mixture is too sticky or pasty, add more breadcrumbs. If it is too crumbly and doesn't stick easily, add some wet ingredients or a flax egg)    Prepare the loaf pan with parchment lined with parchment edges over the pan. Medium bread loaf pan (8.5 by 4.75 inch)    Press the mixture into the pan. Pack well and even it out.    Make the glaze and spread over the top of the loaf.
   Cover the loaf with foil and bake at 375 degrees / 190ºc for 25 to 30 minutes. Bake uncovered for 5 to 10 minutes. Then let it rest for 15 minutes before slicing.
Recipe Notes
To make the loaf less crumbly, cook the lentils really well. then mash them really well. Larger veggies or lentils in the mixture will make the loaf crumbly. Use finely chopped veggies. Add only enough breadcrumbs to make the mixture like a soft somewhat wet dough and not dry.
To Make Ahead: Cook the lentils and quinoa and add all the seasoning. Mix in and refrigerate. On the day you want to bake. Add in the breadcrumbs, taste and adjust salt and seasoning, pack into a loaf, glaze and bake as in the Instructions.
If for some reason the mixture is not the right consistency or you don't have a loaf pan, shape the mixture into large patties by hand or by packing into a 3.5-inch cookie cutter. Brush the glaze on the patties. Bake at 400 degrees F for 20 to 30 minutes. Or Bake the loaf for 25 minutes and refrigerate. Bake for 15 minutes before serving.
To use precooked lentils/quinoa: Use 1 1/4 cup cooked lentils and 1 cup cooked quinoa and proceed with the rest of the recipe.
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cowonaverse · 4 years
Breakfast: Baked Apples
Picked the two largest apples from the farm share this week.
Scooped them into bowls and stuffed with vanilla granola, butter, dried cranberries and a little honey.
Loosely wrapped in foil and baked for 30 mins @ 400 degrees.
Heaped a large spoonful of plain yogurt on top :9
Also Saul and I split a piece of bacon while they cooked because he couldn’t wait.
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kitchenconfession · 5 years
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Sunday Sides! ⁣ ⁣ It’s not a thing, just thought it would grab your attention 😁 So I roasted up a few veggies and now I’m calling them ZESTY ZA’ATAR ZINGERS. ⁣ ⁣ I’m sorry, I’ll stop now 😳⁣ ⁣ ⁣ New potatoes, quartered | 2 large carrots, peeled and sliced on the diagonal | 1 medium onion, diced | 3 garlic cloves, whole | ⁣ Brussel sprouts, trimmed and halved | 1 teaspoon za’atar | 1 teaspoon harissa | 1 teaspoon sumac | Salt and pepper to taste | Olive oil | 1/2 fresh lemon⁣ ⁣ {Pre heat oven 400 degrees F⁣ Into a large bowl add carrots, potatoes, onion, and garlic, sprinkle spices over top, drizzle olive oil and mix . Pour veggies on to a parchment lined rimmed baking sheet and roast for 10 minutes. Remove from oven add prepared brussels sprouts, salt and pepper mix and back into the oven for 30 min. Remove after 15 min, stir and return to the overnight for the remaining 15 min or until fork tender. Remove from oven, squeeze 1/2 a lemon overtop mix and serve}⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #kitchenconfession #roastedveggies #rootvegetables #savoury #vegetarian #plantbased #foodwinewomen #thekitchen #torontolifestyle ##foodandwine #bonappetit #easyrecipe #foodphotography #f52gram #cuisineworld #wherewomencreate #realsimple #recipeshare #potato #brusselsprouts (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B69T8ljJCds/?igshid=1x2ygud7vuelm
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Kolks Food For Folks
Here are some recipes for yummy baked goods to share with friends and family. Happy Spring!
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Gluten Free and Dairy Free Blueberry Scones
Adapted from A Saucy Kitchen
• 1 3/4 cup | 220g gluten free all purpose flour blend
• 1 1/4 teaspoon xanthan gum OR 1 teaspoon psyllium husk
use only if your flour blend does not already contain any
xanthan) (Soak psyllium husks for a few mins in milk)
• 1/4 cup | 50 g coconut sugar (can sub with cane sugar)
• 1 tablespoon baking powder
• 1/4 teaspoon salt
• 1/4 cup | 55 g coconut oil (creamy and somewhat solid – not
melted or in a liquid state)
• 1 cup 170 g fresh blueberries
• 1 cup | 225 g coconut milk, full fat & from a can
• course turbinado or cane sugar, optional for sprinkling on top
of the scones
Maple Glaze (optional)
• 1/2 cup | 56g sifted powdered sugar
• 1-2 tablespoons | 15-30 ml maple syrup
1. Whisk together the flour sugar, baking powder and salt
together in a large mixing bowl and combine.
2. Add the coconut oil to the flour and use a fork to mix into the
flour. Mix until the coconut oil is well combined. Your mixture
should be powdery & dry.
3. Add the coconut milk to the bowl and stir until a soft dough
forms. Fold in the blueberries.
4. Turn the dough out onto a sheet of lightly floured parchment
paper. Mould the dough into a round disk, about 7 inches
wide and 1 1/2 -2 inches tall. Cut the dough into 6 wedges.
5. Place the dough in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. Don’t
skip this step – the coconut oil needs to harden up so the
scones don’t spread too much while baking.
6. Preheat the oven to 400°F/200°C. When you’re ready to
bake transfer the dough to a baking sheet, pull the wedges
apart leaving space between each wedge (at least 2 inches).
Sprinkle with course sugar and bake for 20-22 minutes until
the scones have risen and are golden in colour.
Maple Glaze
1. Mix together the powdered sugar and maple syrup in a small
bowl until you get a thick glaze. Start with 1 tablespoon of
maple and add an additional tablespoon if you need a more
fluid glaze. Drizzle the glaze over the top and enjoy!
Prep times includes 30 minutes of chilling the dough.
If you use xanthan gum just mix it in with the rest of the dry
ingredients. If you use psyllium husk mix it into the coconut milk
and let sit for a couple of minutes before adding the coconut milk.
These are best enjoyed fresh the day you make them. If you have
any leftovers warm up on a low heat in the oven before eating.
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Brazilian Cheese Rolls (Cow Dairy and Gluten Free)
• 1 large egg
• 1/3 cup olive oil
• 2/3 cup coconut milk (or rice)
• 1 1/2 cups tapioca flour
• 1/2 cup sheep feta
• 2 tsp salt
• cooking spray
Preheat oven to 400 degrees
Add all ingredients except cooking spray to a blender and blend
on low to combine. Scrape down the sides of the blender to
combine all ingredients.
Spray a mini muffin tin with cooking spray. (I used regular size
and filled half way)
Divide batter evenly among 24 cavities and bake for 20 mins., or
until rolls rise and are firm to touch. Serve immediately.
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Vegan Almond Flour Shortbread Cookies 
No added sugar (GF)
Inspired by HolyCowVegan
• 1 cup super fine almond flour
• 1/2 cup medjool dates pitted and raisons mixed. Soak in
water for 30 minutes and drain.
• 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
• 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
• A pinch of sea salt or pink salt
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
2. Place the dates and raisons in the bowl of a food processor
and puree until you have very small pieces.
3. Add the remaining ingredients to the food processor and
process until the dough comes together.*
4. Divide the dough into 12 portions and roll each portion into a
5. Arrange the dough balls on a baking sheet, about an inch
apart. Then, using the tines of a fork, press down on each
ball once and then once again at a right angle, to make a
crosshatch design.
6. Place the cookies in the oven and bake for 13-14 minutes or
until they turn lightly golden on the sides and the top.
Remove, and let the cookies cool on the sheet.
*If you don’t have a food processor, puree the dates coarsely in a
blender and then mix with the other ingredients in a bowl using a
For more recipes, her visual art, and a peek into her world, go here: SARAH KOLKER
Sarah Kolker, a graduate of Sarah Lawrence College and Moore College of Art and Design, was born and raised in Philadelphia and has studied health and wellness practices in Philadelphia, Jamaica, SF Bay Area and New York City. Sarah is an Artist, Educator, Chef, and Certified Yoga Instructor.
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