#and astronomy. i genuinely have no idea
maeamian · 2 months
Been trying to read Jules Verne's Journey to the Moon because it was one of my grandfather's favorite books, but it's also just fuckin chalk full of technical details about the orbit of the moon that I have already memorized for class ages ago and I am wondering if it is maybe the compilation of technical details that he loved more than the story.
#The story is good tbf it's just also told to some degree around the technical stuff#Which is definitely given a pretty central role in the story#IDK maybe it's less like that after chapter 6#I am just having trouble maintaining steam through the third chapter of stuff I memorized for one of the two astronomy classes I took#One in high school and one at a college level#Anyhow I will get to and through this book it's just tough mentally#Cause of how much some of it feels like school#lol tbf some of these details I memorized by playing a bunch of Kerbal Space Program#I've been playing a real solar system mod pack and that not class is where I learned the delta v budget you need to get to the moon#Which they spend all at once but also which matches my understanding of the number pretty well#Barring an extra km/s that Verne probably is using to account for the extra drag of the cannon approach vs the rocketry approach#And also tbf I do not know the technical details about cannon manufacture at all beyond some of the basic materials physics stuff#They compel me less than the space details I do know tho#I also do very much love that the premise of the whole thing is 'Americans sure do fuckin love their guns'#Like the character stuff is genuinely fun and well done#It's just against every other chapter being a technical manual on some aspect of the thing#And a technical manual whose details I either know or know are outdated by better newer understandings#Like the creation of the planet section is kinda right but mostly wrong by modern understandings#But also does reflect the best understanding of the time but also I know the history of these ideas anyhow
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ruth-odyssey · 3 months
༺✩༻ Taking what's not yours
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theodore nott x fem!reader
wc. 1.5k 
summary: in which reader has a bad habit of taking her boyfriend's things.
tw. reader is a Gryffindor, some italien pet names
a/n. I genuinely have no idea how far from the Gryffindor common room the astronomy tower is soooo….
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“Where in the world are you going at this hour?” You turn around, bag over your shoulder and a blanket in hand. Ron, Harry and Hermione are sitting around a table in the common room, Harry is looking at you clearly confused, eyes darting between you and blanket. “I'm going to the astronomy tower, I've got to finish up my star map for Trelawney.” Ron raises his head, looking at you as if the prospect of actually taking Trelawney’s homeworks seriously – which you had to do since you cannot bullshit your way through a star map – was unfathomable.
“We don't need to go to the astronomy tower for that homework?” Narrowing your eyes at Ron, you deadpan. “The homework is to draw a star map, meaning you have to see the stars Ronald. Unlike you two I won't settle for less than an A.” Harry snorts at that, clearly not caring one bit about said homework. He smiles at you, eyeing your blanket. “Where did you get that blanket from?  I don't think I’ve ever seen this one before.” You glance at said blanket, the soft, fuzzy fabric already warming up your hand. “It’s – You knit your eyebrows, trying to come up with something. – it's kind of old so I don't use it much? Yeah that's why I’ve never seen it before.” You add more confidently. Hermione looks up from her own work, offering you a tired smile. “I think it's great that you’re putting in the work.” She glares at the two boys at that – while Hermione still thought that the study of divination was absolutely ridiculous, she didn't like how easily Harry and Ron would fake their way through their work (usually by predicting their own death) – You roll your eyes, heading towards the portrait. “I'll see you guys later!” You exit the common room, and start making your way to the astronomy tower. 
Okay, maybe you should have brought something warmer. You’re currently freezing your ass off in the astronomy tower, your divination homework already done, sitting on your laps, forgotten. Trying to concentrate on anything but the biting cold brought by the late october night, your ears fail to pick up the sound of footsteps. You snap your head towards the stairs, the sound of someone tripping and cursing bringing you back to reality. You get up as a figure appears. “Theo!” You smile and run up to him, finding comfort – and warmth – in his embrace. Your nose is filled with the smell of his cologne. “I'm sorry I'm late Bella, Draco and Mattheo keep asking me for help with the Arithmetic homeworks.” He apologizes, deep voice softer than usual, a tone he only uses with you. You leave his embrace, just enough to get a look at his face. The moonlight illuminating his features, green eyes, staring at you lovingly. His gaze travels from your face to the rest of your body. He smiles, taking in the blanket on your shoulder. “I was looking for that.” He says, his finger grazing the soft fabric of the blanket. You smile letting out a soft laugh. “Yeah Harry was wondering where I got it from.” “Cara mia you need to be more cautious, you did the same thing last week with my sweater. At this rate, your friends will soon find out about us.” As much as you loved your friends, you couldn't bring yourself to tell them about you and Theo. You simply couldn't tell Harry and Ron since they are convinced every single Slythrin are pure evil and with Hermione, – who you knew would be the most understanding – you had tried, only for her to tell you Draco had called her a mudblood yet again on the day you had planned to tell her. Theo’s hand finds your face, finger softly grazing your cheek. “Are you alright?” You nod, silently pulling his hand to sit down. 
He sits down beside you, one arm around your waist, the other inside his pocket due to the biting cold. Man, I wish I had pockets right now. You flex your fingers, desperately trying to warm them up, when an idea pops into your head. You discreetly stuff your hands in Theo’s pocket, cuddling further into him. Theo raises an eyebrow as you shove your hands in his pockets. “What are you doing, trying to steal my pockets now?” He teases, you send him a scandalized look, a smile teasing the corner of your lips. “Stealing???! I’ll have you know I am simply borrowing it, since I’m cold!” Theo smiles, looking up at the sky. “Semantics… – he pauses and looks at you – So what are you gonna steal from me next? You’ve already got my heart, my blanket, my pocket… what's next on the list.” “Your family name.” Theo’s eyes widened a bit, clearly caught off guard by your answer. He quickly regained his composure, a smirk on his face. “I’ll be happy to oblige when we graduate cara mia.” You smile and he leans in, your lips meeting in a tender kiss, gentle and sweet, like the first snowfall of winter. Pulling away, you rest your head against his shoulder, content to spend some time with your boyfriend. Suddenly, Theo's head snapped to the side. You raise your head to look at him confused when he puts a finger over his lips. There. It's unmistakable; someone is coming up the stairs to the astronomy tower. Your eyes widen and you look at Theo, panicked. Could it be Filch? Or maybe a student? He silently gestures for you to get up and follow him. The both of you somehow manage to make it down, only to find Filch and Norris, blocking the very staircase leading to the Gryffindor common room. You turn to Theo who's been surveying the staircase, as if staring would make Filch leave faster. “What do we do, it's already late.” Theo’s eyes meet yours. “You could come to the Slytherin common room with me.” You open your mouth to protest but he stops you. “I’ve got my own room. You can sleep with me tonight and tomorrow I'll sneak you out early.” Thinking about it for a bit you nod – while you were still anxious about the whole thing there was absolutely no way in hell you’d pass up the opportunity to sleep with your boyfriend. – “Okay fine, let's go.” 
Theeo’s room is exactly how you imagined it would be. Chaotic but at the same time organized, papers and discarded cups of coffee on his desk and stacks of books next to his bed. You remove your Gryffindor robes in favor of one of Theo’s t-shirts and slide beneath the soft, warm sheets. You sigh as Theo lays down behind you, his arm finding your waist. He places a kiss on the crown of your hair whispering a small good night. 
You wake up a few hours later. It's been a while since you’ve slept that well. You hear Theo shift behind you, his hand lazily draped over your waist. Letting out a deep breath, you shift your head slightly looking at the clock next to the bed. 8:35…. 8:35???!!!!! You bolted upright, the realization hitting like a bucket of ice water. You were late. Very late. “THEO, THEO WAKE UP!!!!” Theo let out a groan, shielding his eyes from the sun peaking through the curtains. You get out of bed, looking for your uniform. You enter the bathroom, quickly wash your face. Going back in the room, you rummage through your bag trying to find your mascara, concealer and some lip gloss, hoping none of your friends would question where you had spent the night. You glance at the bed where Theo is still half asleep. He opens his eyes a bit, just enough to look at you. “Cara mia what's going on?” “Theo, my love, it's currently – you look at the clock – 8:40, we are VERY late.” Theo’s eyes snap open. “WHAT.” He turns towards the clock, and groans, scrambling out of bed. He almost trips in his haste, putting on his pants and shirt. The both of you somehow manage to leave the Slytherin common room without being seen by anyone. Reaching the Great Hall, you give Theo a quick peck on the cheek, walking a little faster not to seem suspicious. You quickly make your way to the Gryffindor table, sitting next to Ron. Hermione looks up, smiling. She opens her mouth, eyes darting to your neck. You hold up a hand “Yes yes I know, I’m late, I’m sorry,” You grab a piece of toast, and serve yourself a cup of coffee, throwing a discreet glance at Theo, who’s currently talking with Draco. You make eye contact and his eyes linger on your neckline, he smirks and turns back to his conversation. You narrow your eyes, wondering what that was about. “Y/n?” You start buttering your toast. “Yes Hermione?” “Care to explain why in the name of Merlin you are wearing a Slytherin tie?”
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dcxdpdabbles · 4 months
Love you writing, though i don't have a favorite Alfred's boy is in my current list to reread. I had an idea that i saw about Dick and his taste in partners and Jazz fits the type competent red heads. Anyway my prompt is Dick gathering his exes (Wally, Babs, and Kori) to meet help him woo his current crush Jazz Fenton. From there it could btanch off many different ways like Jazz showing off Wack Fenton shenanigans or maybe like midway he sees one of his brothers making more progress with their crush on Danny. Or adding a twist of a deaged Dani or Danny.
"Don't make it obvious, but she just walked in," Dick whispers to his friends. However, Babs is the only one who actually listens since both Wally and Kori nearly break their necks by how fast they turn around.
A woman with long, fiery hair walks in with an adorable pair of five-year-old twins. She again carries the books the teens had borrowed and makes a beeline for the return box.
Like clockwork, once the books are returned to the metal box, the twins tug her toward the astronomy section, babbling about star facts in perfect sync.
Her hair bounces with each step, swinging behind her like a waterfall made of sunsets.
It was her long smooth hair that had first captured Dick's attention (he has a type sue him) when the small family had first started appearing at Gotham's public library. He had been bringing Babs some lunch that day, hidden behind the counter so Babs' boss wouldn't see him, and had been in prime position to watch one of the twins flout up to reach a book on the top shelf.
He was intrigued by the boy's apparent meta abilities, but what really surprised him was how easily he used his powers. Maybe it was due to his young age or how the woman didn't discourage his powers.
She reminded him to use "Indoor flying" in the same tone he heard parents tell their kids to use their "indoor voice". Metas weren't as rare as people wanted them to be but to see someone so casual about them was.
It was honestly uplifting to see a family so open about it. The little girl with her also seems to be a meta, for not even minutes later, she phases through an aisle instead of walking around, and the woman doesn't even bat an eye.
She only sticks her hand out the aisle to tell the little girl to not walk away from the science fiction section.
Dick hadn't been able to take his eyes off her, even when she made the little girl blow her nose using tissue from her purse or when she had started lecturing the children for running around in a foreign language.
Since then, he has returned to visit Babs every Thursday at two. The woman would bring the twins every week at the same time and even thought Dick had attempted to walk over to her, it seemed as if the universe it self got in the way.
She would get a call. The kids would need the bathroom. She began reading to the children, or they would rush in and out. He didn't want to come off as creepy, so he didn't follow her around, only watching her when she wandered back into sight.
To avoid being a creep, he also refrained from asking Babs any information about her. He wanted to introduce himself to the Libary goddess himself.
He found himself daydreaming of her. Fantastic conversations and dates. Could even picture introducing her to Bruce and the others. It wasn't long before he let it slip about his fast-developing crush to his friends- and exes- who were excited to see the first civilian he's ever been interested in.
Walley and Kori had strong-armed him into bringing them along this week, insisting they could help him speak to her. It's not that Dick couldn't. It's been so long since he genuinely wanted to flirt with a civilian.
He long ago mastered the art of flirting, but it was to make a watered-down version of Brucie Wayne. It was nothing but a mask to keep his second life a secret. He was worried he had gotten too used to dating heroes and would scare her off before they could really be something.
"I said don't make it obvious!" He hisses as Babs chuckles. She is typing away on her laptop, not bothering to raise her eyes as she waves her hand.
"Relax, they aren't even looking at us."
"She's gorgeous!" Kori gasps.
"She's a redhead," Wally observes with a smirk. "Why am I not surprised? Who are the little ones?"
"Her younger siblings," Babs answers, surprising Dick. He had thought she was their mother by the way she behaved. He had been a bit worried she was married or already had a boyfriend, but if she had been a single mother, he would be happy and willing to step in as a father. "The whole family just moved to Gotham. Their parents are opening a new business here I think."
"What kind of business?" he asks, his eyes tracing the way her face lights up with a laugh. He can't hear what the little boy says, but it must have been humorous since she is chuckling for a while with him.
His heart flutters a little. He's never seen a smile so perfect and genuine before.
"Ecto-research and Ecto-defenses," Babs says with a straight face.
"What is that?" Kori asks, leaning on the counter to read over Bab's shoulder. Technically she shouldn't be sitting on the counter like this, nor should Dick or Wally be on the other side with Babs, but her boss was out for the day.
And Bruce owned the building.
"I'm not sure. I've been trying to look into it since Jazz told me about it on Monday." Babs replies, clicking between a webpage titled Fenton Works and Ectobeings. "It's not that they hidden the information, but it's a bit out there. The term ghost appears a lot, so I'm assuming they are ghost hunters and researchers."
"A daughter of ghost hunters.....almost as odd as a son of circus performers." Wally nudges Dick with his elbow, making the other smile, even if he blushes a little when the little girl snaps her gaze at them. "You have a change, Wonder Boy!"
"Please don't call me that. People are going to think I'm associated with Wonder Woman."
"Please, as if Wonder Woman would waste her time on you," Wally laughs, then leans closer. "I bet you could ask her about the family business over dinner."
"That would be a great opener," Kori agrees. "From my personal experience, men become much more attractive if they show interest in my family business."
"Your family business was being royal warlords," Babs tells her, which makes Kori stand up with pride.
"We had a long history of battle!"
Dick opens his mouth to answer, only to have a young voice cut him off. "You're royalty, too?"
In shock, he glances down, not realizing the little girl had sneaked up on them. She blinks large blue eyes at him with an innocent expression that only children this young can make. She is holding a book about the fictional Prince Dorathea and her tales of the Dragon necklace.
It was a new young adult novel by an anonymous author, taking the fantasy genre by storm. Dick should know since he was obsessed with reading the series too.
"I am. Princess Kori, heir to the throne." Kori tells her with a smile. She had never been that worried about her secret identity even though she appeared human right now- she was wearing a glamor necklace that Zatanna had whipped up for her so she could walk around like a regular person. She then winks, "Don't tell the government."
The little girl nods seriously as if she would take the secret to the grave. She's adorable. "I won't. I'm hiding from them too."
"Why's that?"
"I'm a princess." She says, lowering her voice into a stage whisper. Dick's heart melts. "My brother's the king."
"Danielle Fenton, what did I say about wandering around?" The goddess herself demands, striding over to them. Floating behind her is the little boy staring at the adults with wide, gleeful eyes.
Instead of becoming scared of a scolding like most children, Danielle throws a fist into the air. "I shall not be contained!"
The woman snorts. "I'll ground you."
"Let's not be too hasty," Danielle answers quickly as the little boy starts laughing, slowly turning in the air with his laughter. Dick watches, intrigued. It almost seems as if he was lying in an invisible hammock.
The redhead rolls her eyes, turning her gaze to the rest of the adults with an apologetic smile. "Sorry about her."
"No worries, Jazz. Danielle wasn't a bother, but you should listen to your sister and not walk around alone." The last part is directed at the little girl who starts to float upwards. "By the way, these are my friends. Wally, Kori, and Dick."
"Nice to meet you all." Jazz replies, and Dick can only offer her a wave as his tongue seems to have become lead. What is wrong with him?! "I'm Jasmine Fenton but call me Jazz. This is Danny and Danielle. Can we check these books out?"
"Sure. Guys, move out of the way for a bit." As Babs helps her, Wally yanks Dick to the side.
"Dude, are you okay?"
" I think I'm in love."
"Oh no." Says Kori with wide eyes. "We lost him.
None of the three notices the glowing blue eyes of a flouting little boy watching their huddle, nor do they notice the immense power resting behind such a youthful face.
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Cass joins Team Phantom
So, we all know how Cass escaped her terrible dad at the age of 8 right? And how she is adopted by Batman at the age of 16-17 right? Well, what happened in between that time?
Cass has been on the run for Years now. She is 13, and at this point she has been on the run for nearly half of her entire life. So it's really no wonder that when she finally got to a relatively safe place after weeks of little food, little rest, and constant attacks by her pursuers, she accidentally fell asleep.
She woke up in a nice comfy bed, in a room that looked like an Astronomy Geek's dream. Once the people who found her noticed she was awake, they explained what had happened.
Their son, a boy named Danny, had found her passed out in their Shed the previous day while cleaning up. He had quickly brought her in and offered his Room so she could rest comfortably.
Cass doesn't really trust them, and tries to run more than once, but her weeks of constant exhaustion have finally caught up with her and she is stuck staying with them until she is fit to leave.
And unfortunately for her, the Fentons are very Endearing.
By the time she is healthy enough to leave, she genuinely wants to stay. So they unofficially adopt her, letting her stay in their house and sharing a room with Jazz (Danny did kind of need his room back, and Jazz was a good sister like that)
She ends up going to the same school as Danny and ends up befriending both of his friends, Tucker and Sam.
The day of the Accident, Cass is right there alongside Tucker and Sam as the Portal kills Danny.
After the Accident, she is a great help in teaching him some calming routines and meditation techniques so he can get a handle on his Powers much easier.
They also find out that standing in front of a Portal as it rips reality apart is just as bad as being inside of it. They all end up extremely liminal and get Powers. Tucker has Technomancy, Sam has Plant Powers, and Cass gets Shadow Manipulation (or whatever you think fits her)
She is having the best time of her life, but unfortunately it can't last forever.
About 2 years after the Accident, the GIW get a lucky shot on Danny. They were using one of the inventions the Fenton's had made before the Reveal (which was a good one) one that made Ghost Powers weaker for easier capture. While it didn't hurt Danny too much, it did weaken him enough that he flickered into his Human Form for just long enough for the GIW Agents to see him.
Now with Danny's identity exposed, the GIW could track down the Identities of the Humans who had been helping him all this time, aka, Tucker, Sam, and Cass.
During a Raid on Fenton Works, they all got seperated somehow.
Danny got injured protecting the Team, and had to be rushed to the Ghost Zone by Jazz, a stray shot from the GIW blowing up the Portal behind them. They ended up in the Far Frozen, to get Danny fixed up.
Tucker was arrested and sent to prison for a little while before a glitch in his cells Security System allowed him an opening to use his Powers to escape.
Sam was chased out of the Town by the GIW and ended up in the Forest nearby. She had to use her Powers to run away, disappearing too deep into the Woods for the GIW to follow.
Cass managed to sneak out, and ended up trying to save Tucker on his way to prison. She failed though, and the GIW chased her all the way to New Jersey before loosing her trail.
This is how she ended up in Gotham, and got adopted by Bruce Wayne. But she would never forget her first Family, and would try for years to see if she could find where they ended up.
Potential Part 2? Maybe, I have some ideas...
What do you think?
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theemporium · 1 year
can i request james potter smut? maybe where they have a secret relationship
thank you for requesting!🖤
To the world, James Potter was a single man. 
He was charming and flirtatious and suave. He would laugh and joke and wave off the jokes the boys would make about how he needed to get laid, and how he needed to get some action. He went about his day knowing that to the student body of Hogwarts, he was carefree and single and nonchalant. 
But to you—he was your boyfriend. 
It was actually your idea to keep the relationship a secret. 
James had been flirting with you constantly during classes. He started sending notes and little gifts until eventually you gave into the feelings you tried so hard to deny. 
But even after the first date you shared, you were wary. You knew what people said about James Potter. You knew that he was a charmer, a bit of a ladies man, the one that everyone wanted. And whilst you knew his feelings for you were genuine, you were still cautious. 
You didn’t want to fall hard for the boy, only to be left in the dust a few weeks later.
And he understood. He knew how you felt and he respected it and he would do whatever it took to show you that he was in it for the long run, that his feelings for you were beyond a few weeks fling. 
Plus, the sneaking around was hotter than he cared to admit. 
It had started off as a wholesome date. Because of the secrecy of your relationship, a lot of the dates you shared together were later in the evening when most people wouldn’t notice your disappearance. However, that never stopped James from planning the best dates he could–-tonight’s being a picnic at the top of the astronomy tower to stargaze. 
The wholesome part of the date lasted a solid thirty minutes before James was all over you. 
“Shit,” you moaned, uncaring of how loud you truly were as your fingers tugged on his curls. Your mouth fell open in a silent scream as his lips wrapped around your clit, sucking until your thighs were squeezing his head. 
“Mmm, my pretty girl,” he groaned against your cunt, his glasses fogged up and his cheeks flushed but he didn’t care—he was right where he was meant to be. His hands gripped your thighs, keeping your legs open as he licked a long strip from your entrance to your clit. “Knew what you were doing wearing that bloody dress, didn’t you?” 
“James,” you whined, pulling on his hair but it just caused the boy to moan against you. 
The dress was a harmless decision. Just a little something you never thought you would get the chance to ever really wear with the Scottish weather. But you wanted to feel pretty tonight and a warming charm would keep you from the nipping wind at the top of the tower, or at least that’s what you told yourself. 
You never expected a cute sundress would send your boyfriend into such a frenzy. You had already came twice and it didn’t even seem like James was ready to stop anytime soon. 
“Please, please, please,” you breathed out on repeat like a mantra, your muscles and body tensing up as you felt yourself tip over the edge once again. 
“C’mon, baby, make a mess of my face,” he grunted, his tongue eagerly lapping the release that was dripping from your cunt and down your thighs. One of his hands slid up, tugging on the neckline of your sundress until he could grope your tit in his hand. “I wanna see my pretty girl be fucked dumb.” 
It was safe to say the sundress was a favourite of his from that night onwards, and James would happily spend his full trust fund on those pretty dresses if he got to see you in them forever.
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rosesareredrosa · 17 days
Memories of Friendship and Suprise
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Slytherin boys and Pansy x fem reader (platonic)
Summary: Its my birthdayy today so decided to make a fic about y/n having a surprise birthday
w/c: 1010
The dungeons of Hogwarts were typically cold and unwelcoming, but tonight, the Slytherin common room was filled with warmth and anticipation. The usually dark space was transformed, decorated with shimmering green and silver streamers, flickering candles, and a massive banner that read "Happy Birthday, Y/N!" hanging above the fireplace.
Pansy Parkinson stood in the center of the room, directing the final touches with a sense of urgency. Draco Malfoy lounged on a nearby sofa, twirling his wand lazily, but with a smirk that showed he was pleased with their work. Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott were hanging the last of the enchanted decorations, while Mattheo Riddle leaned against the wall, watching everything unfold with a thoughtful expression. Lorenzo Berkshire was fussing over a magnificent cake, ensuring every detail was perfect.
"Is everything ready?" Pansy asked, her voice tinged with excitement.
"Relax, Pansy," Draco drawled, his smirk widening. "Y/N won’t suspect a thing."
Pansy rolled her eyes but couldn’t hide her smile. "It just has to be perfect."
"It will be," Blaise assured her, adjusting a flickering candle on the table. "Y/N’s going to love it."
As the clock neared midnight, they all took their positions, ready to surprise their friend. The lights dimmed, and the room fell into a hushed silence as the door to the common room creaked open.
Y/N stepped inside, looking tired from a long day but instantly confused by the darkened room. "Hello?"
In an instant, the lights flickered on, and the room erupted in a chorus of cheers.
Y/N’s eyes widened in shock as they took in the decorated common room and the grinning faces of their friends.
"Oh my god, you guys!" Y/N laughed, clearly touched by the effort that had gone into the surprise.
Draco was the first to approach, handing over a small, wrapped box with a smirk. "Happy Birthday, Y/N."
"You didn’t have to do all this," Y/N said, though the smile on their face showed how much they appreciated it.
"Of course, we did," Pansy said, pulling Y/N into a tight hug. "It’s your birthday, and we wanted to make it special."
As everyone settled into the cozy room, with the fire crackling warmly, Pansy clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention.
"Alright, listen up! Since it’s Y/N’s birthday, I thought it’d be nice if we each shared a memorable moment we’ve had with her. What do you think?"
Y/N blushed, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. But they couldn’t deny the warmth that spread through their chest at the idea.
"Who wants to go first?" Pansy asked, looking around.
Draco Malfoy, ever confident, spoke up first. "I’ll go," he said, his smirk turning into a genuine smile as he looked at Y/N. "Remember our first Potions class together? Snape paired us up, and you practically saved my skin. Goyle’s cauldron had exploded, and I was ready to hex the entire class until you figured out the antidote. I don’t think I ever properly thanked you for that."
Y/N chuckled, recalling the chaotic scene. "You were so annoyed. I thought you were going to curse the whole dungeon."
"I might have," Draco admitted, his eyes glinting with amusement. "But you managed to calm me down. That’s when I realized you were someone I could trust."
Blaise Zabini was next, his deep voice resonating through the room. "Y/N, do you remember when we snuck out to the Astronomy Tower to watch that meteor shower? Filch almost caught us, but you were the one who pulled me behind that tapestry just in time."
Y/N grinned. "How could I forget? My heart was racing the entire time."
"Exactly," Blaise said, shaking his head in admiration. "You were so calm under pressure. That’s when I knew you were someone special."
Theodore Nott spoke softly, his voice almost shy. "There was a day when I was having a really rough time, and you found me in the library. You didn’t say anything, just sat with me. It was exactly what I needed, and I’ve never forgotten that."
Y/N smiled warmly at Theo. "Sometimes just being there is enough."
"It was more than enough," Theo said, a small smile playing on his lips.
Lorenzo Berkshire leaned forward with a mischievous grin. "Remember when we pranked the Gryffindor Quidditch team? You came up with the idea to charm their robes to flash neon pink."
Y/N burst out laughing. "They were furious!"
"Best prank ever," Lorenzo declared. "And totally worth the week of detention we all got."
Mattheo Riddle, who had been quiet until now, finally spoke. His voice was low, almost hesitant. "There was a day after I had a fight with my father. I was by the lake, and you sat with me. You didn’t ask questions, just stayed there. I’ve never forgotten that."
Y/N reached out, placing a hand on Mattheo’s arm. "You needed a friend."
"And you were there," Mattheo said simply, his dark eyes reflecting the flickering light of the fire.
Finally, Pansy spoke, her voice filled with affection. "Y/N, from the moment we met in our first year, you’ve been like a sister to me. We promised to stick together no matter what, and we have. I wouldn’t have survived Hogwarts without you."
Y/N felt tears welling up in their eyes as they looked around at their friends. "Thank you, all of you. This is the best birthday I’ve ever had."
Draco smirked, trying to hide the sentiment in his expression. "We had to make sure it was memorable."
"And it has been," Y/N replied, their voice full of emotion. "I’m so lucky to have you all in my life."
As the night continued, filled with laughter, stories, and the warmth of their friendship, Y/N knew that this was a moment they would treasure forever. In the heart of the Slytherin common room, surrounded by the people who had become their family, Y/N felt truly at home.
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chaifootsteps · 3 months
I'm falling in love with Stellizt too just because it'd be so funny to me, plus Stolas would HATE it, which immediately makes it top tier. But I also like to think about how they would treat the other's daughter.
Octavia and Blitz would definitely have a rocky relationship at first because she can't help but still view him as the reason her family fell apart, but she can see her mom is genuinely happy with him In a way she never was with Stolas. I think it'd take her her a long time to fully accept it but she will, eventually. Especially once she old enough to fully grasp at the circumstances behind stolas and Stella's marriage. I can see her trying to keep contact with him, which leads to him feeding her lies and exaggerations which bred more tensions between her, Stella and Blitz. Idk exactly how this would go down, but I can see her going no contact once she realized how toxic he is. Blitz doesn't really understand taxidermy or astronomy but is super supportive and she eventually grows fond of horses and drawing as well.
Stella and Loona, in comparison, would have a significantly easier time. (Its in Part due to how little they have going on in canon) but they bond over them both enjoying parties. I think it'd be fun if it's Stella that helps Loona reign in her drinking habits a bit. Loona is defined weirded out at first, especially at now having access to the finer things in life without much issue. I think their relationship could help Stella gain more class awareness.
Idk if Stella and Blitz would ever have a kid together tho I think the idea is cute
Skibidi toilet anon
I absolutely love this...love the idea of them all supporting one another, love all of it. Speaking of Loona's drinking, I can actually see Stella reining it in too, albeit without realizing it. She still loves her wine and consumes plenty of it, but she finds she doesn't need a glass in each hand the way she used to when she was married to Stolas. There's just not as much pain to numb.
If Blitz and Stella ever did have a kid together, you know it would be the cutest thing. One thing both Stolas and Stella have going for them, they make cute fanbabies.
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garagepaperback · 11 days
top 5 drarry headcanons
1: harry actually cares about how he looks and has a decent fashion sense. i KNOW, but. we're basing the idea that he's a 35 yr old man who doesn't know the shape of his own torso on his being a kid who grew up only with access to cousin ill-fitting handmedowns. i think conflating an interest in your own appearance with vanity is a reductive jo-era handmedown. i don't think he's 'five walk-in closets' malfoy but he knows what he looks like and feels good about himself looking good
2: harry is funny
3: he's quick, clever mean funny honestly!!!! and more so not a handsome golden retriever, not stupid. i think he gets the dumb end of the stick the way draco gets the delicate end of the stick, which uh i love dumb i love delicate! but once, i heard this thing about how it's hard to write a man as good. lets say tom cruise in top gun for no reason. it's harder to show the audience he's good based on plainly displayed qualities, and it's easier to just show the other men around him being worse. so it's not an inherent quality, but just feels like one, in comparison. i think often to make draco funny/smart/etc, harry gets less of those qualities by default. and same for draco, who gets fragility to emphasize harry's strength. not for nothing because contrast makes for funner sex/romance/etc, and i absolutely have done this but
4. hjp is 3 inches shorter minimum
5. i don't buy in love from the beginning! i can be convinced a hundred different ways about everything, and lord knows i love a confusing whats-anger-whats-horniness adolscence (aren't they all) but. i genuinely don't think they liked each other and also, grow up to be fate-haters. there's nothing soul-mated about them and if there was, i think both of them, after being mangled by lack of choice for literal years (mr sacrificial lamb? mr ferret backed into a corner aka astronomy tower?) would want to be very intentional about their choices, fully-grown. i don't think they'd do a good JOB. but i think they would both want that.
6. okay bonus bc i can't not: they are at their undoubted best as confusing, too-close and still mean to each other exes. divorce ideally
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i think a lot about Rui being like a (second after Tsukasa) older brotherly figure to L/n
Rui listening very carefully to Ichika's ramblings about Miku, finding that she reminds him a lot of himself when he starts going on about his inventions (as well as genuinely being invested in the tech side of Vocaloid.) when she gets embarrassed about it, he makes sure to immediately shut down any insecurities, not wanting to see a fellow passionate soul be ashamed of their interests- as people tried to do to him. this makes her so very happy that someone other than L/n shows interest in the things she likes. they also discuss plants together and Rui teaches her everything he learns during his time at the greening committee, in hopes to help her with her cacti
Rui becoming especially fond of Saki as she reminds him both of her brother and Emu. he finds out about her passion for hair and make-up and happily offers for her to try all sorts of styles on him, with his unique hair and eyes. if she uses mobility aids, he regularly checks them over to make sure they're in order and lends her the metal paint he uses for his robots so she can customise them. if ever there are days where she's feeling down and unable to make it to watch a show, he and Tsukasa will always organise a way to bring the show to her afterwards- several W x S performances have taken place in the Tenma living room. he shows concern about her health, tends to ask Tsukasa how she's doing once in a while
Rui once finding Honami close to tears because she thinks her baking skills have mysteriously worsened as the food she makes isn't quite as good anymore, but he finds out that it's just her oven that's become faulty and fixes it up immediately, so she's soon all smiles again. having some knowledge about cooking, Honami tries (keyword: tries) to find a way for him to eat vegetables as she's quite concerned upon finding out that he refuses to. alas, she has little luck. Rui strikes me as the type who had a space phase when younger, so gladly listens to Honami talking about astronomy
Rui, despite seeming very different to her on the surface, relating heavily to Shiho's experience of becoming isolated from peers due to them not understanding the extent of her passion for music- in his case, the same having been caused by his ambitious show ideas. he sees right through her and recognises her secret interest in cute things, and he may or may not be the reason that limited edition Phenny merch is magically still available when she has the time to go to PXL- however, he does make an attempt to get her to be less embarrassed about liking cute mascots, trying to explain that it doesn't damage her tough image. however, Shiho quickly turns the tables on him by pointing out how he's a fanboy of Shizuku MMJ! secretly which makes him shut up (she gets him MMJ! tickets in return for the Phenny merch)
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jacobsbigmelons · 1 year
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drunken’ fools
Jacob Custos x male reader
nsfw, face fucking, blow jobs, fingering, slight voyeurism, both parties consented, facial, Alcohol consumption.
yay new blog new writing time, and yes what better way to start off my page with the most scandalous fic ever 😏
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The sounds of children quickly subsided once they were instructed to return to their cabins and begin to head to bed. You had just returned your batch of kids after showing them your telescope, after all, the kids gotta start on astronomy at some point so why not show them the moon to start? You collapsed your telescope and put the strap around your arm, the kids still slightly ranting to each other about either how boring this was, how much they wanna go to sleep or the occasional few who sounded like they were genuinely interested in what you showed them.
You noticed the rest of the councilors were gathering all the kids in their respected cabins which ranged from last name, you were responsible for the MN/Z kids. Thought what seemed like forever, everyone was finally in their respective cabins as the lights finally dimmed and it was bedtime…for them at least. The councilors of course have their own place to sleep and as adults that means they probably aren’t going to just stay put.
You shared a small cabin with Dylan, though Ryan, Jacob and Nick all had to cram into one somehow just because of ongoing renovations, plus Mr.H said that’s what we’re gonna do so that’s what we’re gonna do. You rested your head on your pillow as you laid on the top bunk of your bed, trying to get a peek through the window but only being able to see the dirt ground from where you were. It felt like an eternity as you were finding just anything to occupy yourself with, anything to help make you fall asleep just milliseconds faster but to your chagrin for what felt like hours…nothing.
You swore you were keeping a mental note of the time though your idea of what time it could be was so wrong. Though there was only one yet risky idea but you just needed to expend this energy somehow. “Dylan…!” you whisper yelled, silence coming from below you. you slightly moved as your foot rested on the wooden ladder as you stepped down only a few steps before calling out again. “Dylan…?” again, no response.
you quickly turned yourself around as you descended the ladder and met with the image of Dylan’s back towards you, perfect. You practically slid down the ladder instead of putting any force on the wooden pegs incase they would creak. Though the sound of the floorboards creaking would prove your careful footwork on the ladder fruitless if there was just gonna be noise anyways. You took wide strides as you opened the front door and stepped out quickly, of course shoes were the least of your worries and a pebble getting stuck in ur toes is way more worth it than making all that racket inside.
You remember seeing a dock nearby which could use some company, the nighttime breeze pushing your hair around slightly, it was way better than whatever the silent cabin had to offer. You walked your way down towards what you recalled was the dock, and after what felt like forever of being paranoid someone would catch you and overall frustration of not knowing where the dock was, you finally made your way down the planks and sat as you watched your reflection slightly distort in the water.
“Yo dude what the fuck are you doing out here!?” A familiar voice spoke in the dark of night, you felt your eyebrows jump to the top of your head as your body went cold before you connected who’s voice it was. Jacob. “jesus christ! if you’re gonna come and say hi maybe do it in a less oh I dunno scary way??” You whispered though slightly louder just because of how far the cabins were from you two. “Yeah yeah whatever dude, what’re you doing out here anyways?” you watched as he spoke while making his way down to you, was he holding something? looks kinda big? the lamp next to you illuminated the area enough to see he had brought his beer stash which was probably going to be just for him.
“Couldn’t sleep, cabin was too hot, silent, I could keep going really but I don’t think you want to hear all that. What about you? seems like you were prepared.” You smiled as you let the words leave your mouth, as much as you may hide it, you were practically steaming at the cheeks. But you had a good enough facade to act like you didn’t have a crush on the one councilor who you see the least, and have 0 reason to like.
“Uhh, yeah so- I was originally just gonna drink a bit and like head back but if you want you can join man” You considered his words as he finally sat next to you and offered up one of his beers. Oh how much you despised the taste of it, though that didn’t stop you from drinking it whenever you had a the chance. “So what you were gonna limp back to camp and possibly have a run in with Mr.H and explain how you’re not y’know…drunk?” His mind blanked as he just stared with his mouth open just a bit, “uh…yeah…okay so maybe it isn’t the best plan but cmon it’s better than sleeping or whatever, besides you don’t seem like you wanna go back either so I don’t wanna hear it.”
You took the drink from his hands as you snapped it open, Jacob doing the same process with his own drink. You two talked about your days as the buzz began to make its way around your guys’s bodies. “No dude, some kid or whatever got hit with a football today, Kaitlyn was called like…3 more times because of these kids bro.” That’s right, the supposed to be nurse never did get to show up, you drunkenly raised your eyebrows at the information, you didn’t know Kaitlyn took up the title of Nurse.
Whatever was in these beers, they had to be stronger than whatever you would drink in your spare time that wasn’t at a camp, you’ll have to try and remember what these are called when you get back home. There were already two cans crushed on both Jacobs and your side of where you two were sitting, though at this point you both moved back because falling into the water is the last thing you two needed.
“Yeah…uh, th-that really uh sucks Jake” your words were practically slurring as you felt that numbing sensation go through your body, relief. Wait, when did you two get so close to each other? When did you guys begin to lay down and just stare at the sky? albeit very spread out with Jacobs arm practically using your neck as a resting spot, though your leg used his stomach as a throne. More time passed before some more drunken speech came around. “D-don’t mansplain what stars are dude, You’re talking to th- the one with the telescope here.” You giggled at your statement as he just scoffed, his feeble attempt to jumble what smart words he knew with what little knowledge about stars he had didn’t work.
“Shut- shut up, I act- hic actually know a few things” he spoke trying to keep what pride he has in his drunken state. “Keep that attitude and Harvard will come looking for you.” You pushed his arm off your neck as you tried looking for the beer you didn’t know was already finished off. As you sat yourself up you moved your leg which felt like it was pressed up against something, though you laid your leg on his stomach right? You slowly moved your foot which must’ve slithered its way down to his shorts because there was a very big and visible tent.
“You seem…excited” you stared down at him, your vision practically creating 1 maybe 2 more Jacobs? “Huh? oh, my bad dude, I don’t really know why i’m hard” He laughed it away, genuinely confused as to why he’s pent up. “Yo dude, your dick is pretty hard too” he bluntly spoke, as you quickly tried to see what he was talking about, why would you be hard at a time like- oh.
“Fuck.” Your voices coming to a halt as the situation began to get just a bit awkward, plus discreetly staring at Jacob’s dick and seeing it twitch probably isn’t the best sight for trying to get rid of your hard on. You felt your body shift from a numb peaceful feeling to a hot, lustful feeling. But there was no way in hell, drunk or not you would be courageous enough to ask anything regarding this situation- right?
“Can uh- can I maybe suck you off?” Okay maybe you can. You immediately look down and scratch your neck in embarrassment? Shame? The silence wasn’t reassuring and looking at the gross face probably plastered on Jacobs face was the last thing you wanted to see before making a move. “That’s kinda hot” he said, his hand scratching around his happy trail.
“I mean, uh, are you good at this sorta thing?” Jacob said, trying to divert the attention from his random lustful comment he made. “A mouths a mouth? plus I uh- h-haven’t rrrrealy done it- like a-at all” You said, letting your brain kinda just run on its own, if you were sober you would be kicking yourself for how much is being said. “But you- you do want me to…y’know?” he moved his lip in a manner as if he was thinking before nodding a yes.
You both got up before poorly hiding the beer and throwing the crushed cans in the water, something about this felt like it was happening way too casually but you’re both drunk so the filter is kind of gone so who knows, maybe this is what it’s like to not have to worry about what you have to say to the person you wanna say it to. You both moved the the nearby woods before hearing a slight snap behind you, you looked but god forbid your vision be good enough to see that far.
You kept walking as you found Jacob taking his jersey off as you got to business pretty quickly, you found yourself on your knees as you pulled his shorts off, there was a tiny bit of tension but none the less you found his dick almost basically whip out almost hitting your face. It wasn’t the biggest but it was definitely girthy and that’s just fine. You basically redid what you saw in porn, you tried to take it as far as you could as you heard the whining curses come out of Jacobs mouth.
“Ohhh, fuck fuck…fffffuck dude” he began to thrust in your mouth faster and faster, your gag reflex hanging on by a thread. “Fuck dude your throat feels soooo fucking good” As good as it felt seeing the effect you had on him you did need to breath, you pushed on his thigh though his hand just gripped your hair but he eventually got the picture as he pushed your head off of him. After a few coughs and some seconds to catch your breath you went right back to business “Fuck me while I get you off?” you both were practically heaving, “how am I gonna do that if you got my cock on your mouth?” he looked dumbfounded before you motioned an ‘ok’ sign and pushed your finger in it. It didn’t hit him until a few seconds later.
He sat down in the dirt floor as you went right back to bobbing on his dick, his fingers roaming your ass, the more you moaned the vibrations only made Jacob closer to busting. Though despite how good he made you feel and likewise, you’re loud pleasurable sounds only would get at least a tiny bit of attention. That’s all Dylan needed when he hid in the trees as he saw you two going at it. His face was hot and other parts.
‘this is not what I expected when I applied to be a councilor…’
Jacob was practically shoving you all the way to his base with ever thrust or push of your head. His fingers in you only contributed to the good feeling for both of you. It wasn’t until you were about to get up to breath you felt him shove you off as his now nude body straddled the top part of you as he was moaning way louder than he was just a few minutes ago. (and they were loud)
His cum practically sprayed all over your face and into your mouth before he was heaving right on top of you, you swore you heard rustling from a bush but it could just be an animal, even if it’s not whoever or whatever it was got quite the show. “Oh my fucking god jesus that was the best nut I busted in a minute” Jacob spoke quickly. Your guys’s sobriety began to make its way back to one another as the endorphins gave that rush yet pleasurable feeling.
“let’s…let’s get cleaned up and y’know, maybe try not to be too obvious of what happened.” you shyly spoke as he got off of you, he grabbed his underwear, shorts and jersey before putting them back on. He’ll change when he can but for now the endorphins just need to ware away. Jacob quickly got back to the poorly hidden beer stash as he untimely goes to put it back to wherever a jock brain thinks is a good place. And you need to head back before Dylan or anyone else wakes up. Eventually you two got back to your designated places and you found Dylan back in the same spot as you last saw, alls well as you climb back up to your bunk and fall soundly asleep.
though let’s just say Dylan was in fact not asleep.
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it’s 3am I woke up from a nightmare time to post abt my isat fanfic
really this is just notes abt chapter 1 of ouroboros (a not-quite postmortem if you will)
[spoilers for isat and twohats below the cut]
So if you couldn’t tell/didn’t know this fic actually takes place in the version of twohats where you lose the battle against loop! I’ve always kind of liked this version better? I think the emotional impact of loop deciding, even after having siffrin’s life literally within their grasp, that they don’t want to kill them hits so much harder for me. Also, feels a bit more realistic in the context of this fic as a sick/recovery fic. Siffrin definitely did NOT have enough energy to take on a fully-charged and pissed off Loop in their condition.
I’ll probably make a larger post about siffrins physical condition in this fic later, but in the case of chapter 1 there’s a few fun things to note. One is that siffrin’s handle on pain is kinda fucked! “Not as bad as it could have been” is pretty literal in this case. I think they’re simultaneously very desensitized to recognizing and acknowledging their pain but also prone to being acutely aware of it when it’s in tandem with their shitty mental state. When they’re Being Normal it kind of fades into the background buzz, but when they’re spiraling and can feel how close they are to falling apart I imagine it’s a lot more overwhelming and obvious.
the stars and ocean connection to the forgotten island has been pointed out before but I’m being a little more heavy handed with this fic bc. In my mind the reverence for the stars goes hand in hand with the idea of an island where the ocean has a major impact on the daily life??? The idea of stars being used to guide sailors comes to mind, but also the idea of vastness, reflections, and a “void” feeling also feel right. A lot of naval navigation tools have a lot to do with physics, astronomy, and atmospheric stuff, and given the island’s technological and scientific method of displaying the universe I don’t think it’s too far fetched to extend that to the ocean as well!
CARRYING SIFFRIN. BRIDAL STYLE. Isabeau is so fun to write????? I don’t think I expected to enjoy his chapter as much as I did. Reaaaaly leaning into Freaksabeau energy but also. I think a lot about how Isa feels has such a strong protective and comforting personality? Throughout the game it’s expressed a lot, but the fact that it comes out of his deep childhood insecurities makes it feel all the more painful… not to mention that siffrin targeted these insecurities pretty harshly! Even if Isa forgives him, I imagine that it’s very hard for him not to internalize it. He’s a coward, and he knows it, but having someone acknowledge that and show how it can hurt others and himself is an entirely different beast. Hence why Isa ruminates a lot over it during his section.
Odile is THE #1 isafrin shipper. She’s also homophobic/j
Bonnie. Boniface. Bon Bon. My heart and soul. Writing them is so fun. I know a lot of people (me included) have trouble with them, bc writing kids can be hard. Still, I have such a deep respect for their characterization that I really spent a lot of time making sure they felt right. In this case, it was acknowledging that they are!!! NOSY!!! Like many kids are!!! But not maliciously, just out of worry and curiosity! They’re not dumb either! They know that siffrin’s whole situation is fucked- maybe not the fullest extent of understanding, yes, but they seem to grasp the seriousness, even if it is through the forever school metaphor. It was also kinda important for me to show that they take their role in the party as Tonic Carryer and Chef Cooker VERY SERIOUSLY. Odile complimenting them on their foresight is feels all the more genuine that way.
I think by now we all kinda realize that. The idea of camping out in the clock tower. Where siffrin spent countless sleepless nights mulling over their sins. While maybe marginally better than being forced to stay in the house, is…. An oversight, to say the least. See chapter 5 for more context on that. It’s better, yeah but only by proxy of not having hundreds of deaths associated with it.
I’m also gonna be focusing a lot on the inter-party dynamics outside of siffrin in this fic! Because!!! The friendships of the others mean a lot to me!!! Odile and Isabeau’s friendship comes up the most in this chapter; I think Odile has a bit of an inkling about Isabeau being a bit smarter than he lets on, and even if she spends a larger portion of their interactions in game teasing him for his crush, I also think that they have a pretty close bond for Odile to feel comfortable being the one that isabeau goes to about his feelings. So I thinks he has a better read on him as a whole, and does her best to keep him from spiraling.
Bonnie and Isa also come to mind- they aren’t talked about nearly as much as I think they should be???? Like, Bonnie sees Isa as a younger sibling (which. Stares in Middle-Child Isa Enjoyer), and Isa is the other person who uses Bon Bon, which is a pretty important nickname in the context of Bonnie’s character??? They have less interactions than the rest of the party but I like to think that Isa humors Bonnie a lot and also sees them like a younger sibling which makes their whole teasing and nagging dynamic all the more realistic to me!
ah, the Favor Tree Void Space. My sweet beloved. My magnum opus of imagery in this fic. In my mind, this represents Siffrin’s subconscious connection to The Universe and wishcraft, even after the loops. Favor Trees are obviously something culturally important for The Universe (given that the wishes it grants are so powerful and that the book detailing all wishcraft rituals has a favor tree on the cover), so I thought that it would be fitting to place it here. It’s simultaneously part of siffrin’s trauma from the loops, but also a safe space, a haven offered by Loop where they can simply just. Be. At least for a little while, anyways. Also drew back to the ocean/sky imagery with the ground having some kind of water qualities.
writing about the stars, I emphasize the idea of their??? Aliveness very often. As facets of the universe, thousands of granted and ungranted wishes, an audience and plot device in one. I can’t say much on them in this chapter, mainly bc I go a little more into it chapter 3 and onwards, but keep in mind the idea of music and the chorus of a theatre production, as well as a captive audience. That’s kinda the vibes.
anyhoo- I’m tired again. Gonna try and sleep a bit more before work! toodles!
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hwallazia · 9 months
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synopsis . in which wrapped in seonghwa’s warmth, you discover your home in his embraces, where tears are jewels of love.
pairing . park seonghwa & gn!reader
genre . fluff —so much it’s actually disgusting—, comfort, established relationship, non idol!au
word count . 0,7k
DISCLAIMER! none! just many metaphors relating love to astronomy and ofc, tooth rotting fluff.
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You were lying next to Seonghwa, your partner, feeling how some uncomfortable yellow flowers caressed your skin, tickling you and causing you the need of moving in your place, but you stayed still, being too comfortable to move. Your irises shone as if a thousand galaxies were collapsing inside them, but don't worry, it was just his reflection in your eyes. You felt so serene and… loved.
Yes, loved.
It was the fact of waking up next to him and seeing those beautiful crescent moons smiling at you that made you happy. It was his warmth, his affection, and his presence. All that mixed together, along with the fact that he was just perfect, made you fall more in love with Park Seonghwa with each passing day. And you hated him for the exact same thing.
You hated staying up until three in the morning thinking about how perfect he is for you, how unreal his existence seems to you and how far you would go for him. You would break any promise, rob any bank or die at any moment. Only for him. And you hated having to spend those nights alone, without that excellent mantle that is his arms.
You felt like a fool for going to such limits for a boy, but… Oh, how you loved him. That boy was definitely your religion, and you were his ultimate devotee.
Yes, you were devoted to his love. To his existence.
Returning to reality after having walked through the Saturn rings of your mind, you could feel a hand slip under your arm to perfectly hug your waist and give it a minimal squeeze, bringing you even closer to him.
“Look at the sky. It's starry.” you directed your gaze to the night sky, your eyes burning with stars and glow.
You let out a sigh, letting yourself sink in the feeling of comfort, security and warmth. Park Seonghwa was definitely the person you could call “home,” and you felt more than special for being the only one with that privilege.
“You have no idea of how much I love you.”
You tried to say with a lump in your throat. You weren't good with words, and to this day you think that you will never be good at expressing your genuine feelings verbally. Therefore, a few tears of love and affection slid down your cheek, minimally wetting Seonghwa's shirt.
“Oh, sweetheart. Don't cry.” he hugged you tighter, holding you safely in his arms. He happily embraced all your pain— as if it was his life purpose.
You lifted up your gaze to murmur sweetly.
“Never leave my side. You seriously have no idea how much you mean to me and how happy I am by your side. I can say with certainty that I spend the happiest moments of my life with you.”
“I will never leave your side, starlight. I promise” he took your hand to intertwine your pinkies. “You are my Moon, and I want you to always remember it” he grabbed your chin delicately, as if he was afraid of breaking it, and he lifted it towards the sky.
“Look, the Moon always shines and illuminates even the darkest night. And if you look a little closer, you will realize that it is always accompanied by a star, no matter how small it may be.”
Now both were connecting glances. A spark of softness lit up Seonghwa's eyes and you started to feel drunk at its gaze.
“I want to be that star for you, and be the only star that accompanies your Moon.”
A tear fell again from your precious orbs, so that in moments it became a valley. Seonghwa hugged you and gently patted your back.
Without a doubt, he's your serendipity. A light— no, a star that came into your life to light up your path of happiness and to comfort you in times of need and to love you and celebrate you throughout your life. Of course Seonghwa would protect you at all costs from any evil that this heartless world has included, and of course you would allow him.
“I know you've been through a lot, and I want you to know that you don't have to carry that cross alone. Not anymore. Let me love you how you're supposed to, let me teach you what unconditional love is, my darling.” a soft kiss was placed on your lips.
“Let's hide in the moonlight and allow me to worship you properly.”
| masterlist
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jomiddlemarch · 3 months
For there is nothing lost, that may be found, if sought
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“You’ll be late for practice, Blythe,” Charlie said, once again using Gil’s surname as if they hadn’t known each other since their mothers had had them in lace-trimmed dresses. Gilbert scowled, partly at Charlie’s attempt at bluff heartiness, but mostly at the lines in front of him, which wouldn’t scan. Or rhyme. Or behave in any way as a sonnet should, which Gilbert, who genuinely enjoyed reading Spenser and Donne as much as attending biology lecture, knew well enough.
As Anne would know even better.
Queen Anne, his own Faerie Queene, with her glorious bright hair and her shining eyes, her delicate eyebrows drawn across her fair skin like chalk—
Like chalk. It was drivel. Worse than drivel—senseless and thumping and everything Anne was not. He slashed through the words instead of crumpling up the paper and throwing it aside. He’d wasted too much already, his mother would frown most decidedly and then snort if he admitted what he’d been doing, reminding him the stable could use a good mucking out if he wanted much to do with manure.
Charlie was likely to snort as well, unless he was still doing the Redmond act he’d whipped up after the first fortnight away from Avonlea, right around the time he started growing a mustache and using slang with an affected nonchalance.
The mustache was more convincing.
“We have a little time left,” Gilbert said. Perhaps the answer was to drop the reference to her eyebrows. Nothing rhymed with eyebrows, unless he picked the singular and then used “highbrow,” but Anne would laugh and then offer to never speak of the sonnet to anyone, not even Diana, whom Gilbert was fairly certain would give him credit simply for attempting to write a poem for Anne, rather than the actual product.
Your eyes my North Star, he wrote, then lifted the pen. There was something there, but how her two eyes equaled one North Star was an offense to astronomy as well as being markedly short on iambs and dactyls. 
At the very least, his growing frustration might be useful on the practice field, where the coach often complained Blythe was too careful of his fellows and wouldn’t be prepared when it came time to challenge an opposing team. Charlie leaned in, peered over and managed to read a little before Gil pulled the page back.
“You don’t forget mine own wingéd creature nearly brained you for pointing out she was a redhead,” Charlie remarked.
“She still is,” Gilbert said. “And she didn’t nearly brain me. I had a worse goose-egg from that time Moody chucked a ball at me after Sunday School—”
“She did break her slate,” Charlie said. “Anne of the wings and the whatchamacallit, gleaming albatross—”
“Alabaster, you dunderhead!”
“She had quite an arm on her, we all thought she’d take your head off,” Charlie said. 
“I know. I was there. I still liked her then and I do now,” Gil replied, letting his exasperation with his lack of poetic ability find a release in sniping at Charlie Sloane. Anyone in Avonlea would have understood the satisfaction therein, except maybe for Josie Pye at her Pye-est, as Anne would say. 
“Come on, leave it, go to practice with me and then to the pub,” Charlie said. “Your chicken-scratch epic on Anne Shirley’s orange symphony of tresses will be waiting and maybe you’ll have a better idea. In vino veritas, they say.”
“I’d have to be drunk to keep writing this,” Gilbert said.
“That’s the spirit, Blythe! Come to practice, get pleasantly addled with me, and then see what poetic flight of fancy a pint of ale makes possible.”
Years later, some golden afternoon at Ingleside when the children were all running about in Rainbow Valley and Anne was left to her own devices and a garden that required no deadheading, Gilbert returned home to find her at his desk in the library, squinting as she leafed through a collection of yellowing pages; she had finally embarked upon her long-awaited plan to organize their college memorabilia, which he knew was a polite way of saying clearing out some more space for the latest shipment of books Paul Irving was sending up from New York.
“Does this say ‘albatross,’ Gil?” she asked, her amusement only lightly mixed with the confusion engendered by his poor handwriting. She often said he could have no other career than medicine, given the hand he wrote and the physician’s reputation.
“Alabaster,” he said. “I was a poor enough poet, but I would never have compared you to an albatross.”
“It might have been an allusion to Coleridge,” she said.
“It wasn’t,” Gil replied.
“You poor dear darling man. Boy really, this was our first year at Redmond, yes?” she said, those grey eyes of hers bright, still his North Star though he’d never resolved the quantity issue to his satisfaction.
“Yes. But before you console me too generously, I’ll have you know someone else also thought it read albatross,” he said.
“Who?” she said, a puckish smile on her lips, one that would make Susan Baker shake her head at Mrs. Doctor’s incomprehensible ways and then serve even larger slices of her strawberry rhubarb pie to set the world straight.
“Charlie Sloane,” Gilbert said.
Anne burst out laughing and Gilbert joined her. When they’d both caught their breath, she spoke first.
“That’s me put in my place.”
“Not quite,” Gil replied. “You’re too far away—”
“Shall I fly to you then? For I am a wingéd creature,” she replied.
“You’re a belle dame sans mercy and well you know it, Anne-girl,” he said.
“I can be merciful,” she said. “I’ll show you. I’ll pack all these poetical endeavors away and I won’t show the children until we’re very old and very grey.”
@gilbertsmustache see what thou hast wrought! Or, be careful what you prompt for :)
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hufflefluff-stuff · 1 year
HCs: HL Characters reacting to an MC who wears a mask to hide their scars after the dragon attack
Note: A little self-indulgent since my MC wears the ceramic mask (fav cosmetic tbh) throughout most of my gameplay so far. Although I gave her the scars in the customization screen at the start,,,,I like the idea of her gaining them after the dragon attack and using the mask to hide them.
First time writing these guys so enjoy!!
Characters: Amit, Garreth, Poppy, Ominis, Sebastian
Amit Thakkar
When he first meets you in Astronomy Class, he's a little unnerved by the mask you wore.
You asked if you could borrow the telescope and he jumps nearly 10 feet in the air when he meets your eyes.
He's also confused, too. Won't it be harder to look through it with the mask on?
Fortunately, you don't have much trouble as you easily identified the constellation (much to his delight).
Then he forgets being afraid of you altogether when you ask him what he saw in the sky, befriending you after class and telling you about the astronomy tables.
While the mask makes you appear emotionless on the surface, your voice tells a different story whenever you both go on excursions to Hogsmeade, meet peaceful Goblins, stargaze together, and work on assignments.
You're genuinely nice and share his fascination with the stars!
It doesn't take Amit too long to deduce that you probably didn't escape that dragon attack 100% unscathed and likely had burns/scars to show for it (and prefer not to).
But he won't ask about it unless you're comfortable, respecting your choices to keep the mask on.
Garreth Weasley
He thinks your mask is neat tbh. Hardly asks any questions about it.
Since you only really see each other in potions class, he thought you only wore it to protect your face from potential explosions.
So he lets you take the lead in stirring if you're paired-up...just in case the cauldron's contents are being particularly volatile.
Basically made you a human shield until you point out to him that your eyes are unprotected.
Professor Sharp has def deducted Gryffindor points for this bc he only ever sees Garreth slacking off.
He does wonder how you drink the potions, though, esp after learning you still wear the mask outside of class.
The time you both had to kill spiders for their fangs, he blinked once and suddenly you downed an entire endurus potion.
"How did you do that, MC????"
"..I used magic to instantly transport it into my stomach."
You secretly just took a giant swig of it with your mask off while he was distracted gathering leaping toadstool caps, but you like messing with him.
Lucky for you, he never sees your cheeky grin under the mask.
Poppy Sweeting
When you first met her in beasts class, the "wannabe poachers" were harassing both her and Persephone.
But they're immediately creeped out by your mask and walk away after you silently stare at them.
You lowkey scared her initially (considering she never really talks to any other student and this new fifth-year had "mysterious" written all over them).
But she eventually comes to realize you shared similar views about protecting/caring for beasts.
She gained the courage to be your friend not long after that!
You seemed quite distressed about the illegal dragon fighting ring and returning the egg to its mother--in part due to the attack that led to you covering your scars.
It made you rather afraid of dragons in general, thoroughly freaking you out when you came face-to-face with the maternal dragon at her nest.
Poppy takes notice, and reassures you that your fears are valid, especially after learning you wear the mask because of that incident.
She does ponder about it possibly intimidating certain beasts when she learns you've been rescuing many from poachers as of late.
Though you can confirm from your time in the Vivarium that they've all gotten used to your looks and aren't afraid in the slightest.
Ominis Gaunt
Although he can't see your face, he did overhear whispers of the "strange" new fifth-year who wore some "creepy" mask.
He didn't like that kind of gossip, but at the time didn't know too much about you even though you two shared a few classes together.
Then he discovers you leaving the Undercroft.
Despite the rocky start, you both become more acquainted with each other as the year continues.
When you, him, and Sebastian all went into the Slytherin Scriptorium, you tried easing his nerves by talking about what your mask looks like and where you found it.
The next time Ominis visits you in the Undercroft, his wand detects a recent enchantment you've added to your mask (Cushioning III, to be exact) ...and his concern is immeasurable.
"MC, I get you fought an armored troll in Hogsmede, but it sounds like you're deliberately trying to pick fights with them."
"No...I was trying to do a good deed by putting down a troll that this lady tried to "tame"....and it almost shattered my mask. But it's fine now. I'm gonna test it later. I need more troll boogeys anyways."
"Why don't you just buy some off of somebody?"
"....I can't afford any right now."
"Oh, but you can afford to risk your life???"
If this poor guy wasn't already worried about Sebastian dabbling in the Dark Arts...now it's you going around practically begging to get clobbered by a troll's club.
Sebastian Sallow
Honestly? He's all for the mysterious vibes you got going on. From your ceramic mask to your ancient magic that you've shared scarce details of.
Still, he wants to know more.
He gets that the dragon attack spurred you to wear it at the start of the year, but wishes you didn't feel the need to hide your face from the rest of the world.
Nevertheless, he won't push you to reveal yourself.
Anybody who gives you a hard time about it in or outside of class will just get a glare from him (and maybe a small hex as a prank).
Throughout all the duels and fights with poachers, spiders, and loyalists you've both been involved with...he marvels at how your mask never breaks or cracks even once.
He's fully convinced you knew transfiguration long before coming to the school and just turned a very strong piece of armor into a fragile porcelain mask...or maybe it's your "ancient magic" hard at work and you just don't know it.
Whether or not you're in the same house, he thinks that's both clever and deceptive--typical Slytherin qualities.
You'll let him believe whatever he wants about it. It's amusing.
If you learn any Unforgivable Curses, he wonders what you're thinking underneath the mask as you cast them.
Your commands are firm and confident, but what's your expression like?
Are you smiling? Fueled by anger or fear?
Or...do you perhaps feel nothing at all?
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Obsessed with how you portray father Cygnus (I hate black sisters abuse theories) please give us all your headcannons for him!
You and me both, anon! My headcanons list for daddy warbucks is ENDLESS so here are a good chunk. Enjoy!
 ◜    ۞    ◞   he’s a Black through and through. Tall, broad, grey eyes, black hair, classically handsome even as he gets older and older. Behind Tom Riddle he was certainly one of the most handsome boys at school despite that he’s 2 years younger than Tom. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   his best subjects were arithmancy, astronomy and alchemy. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   his magical expertise is astounding — of course it is, he’s a Black — he can recall histories of ancient lineages in his sleep and he practices rune mapping regularly. His skin is littered in runes, though admittedly, not as deeply as Orion’s is. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   like all Blacks he relies on his name more than anything else. They’re arrogant but they’re not show-offs like the Malfoys. They’re haughty but not snooty like the Rosiers. More than anything he knows how steeped in ancient and dark magic the Blacks are and he draws on that heavily, investing himself deeply in their unique, powerful, dark magic. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   he also loves hunting (muggle hunting is a favourite), wizards chess, collecting dark artefacts — which he’s been doing for as long as he can remember, having ludicrously expensive things imported from all over the world. It was a hobby of his fathers which he shared interest in. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   Speaking of his dad, he and Pollux had a lot in common but Pollux’s pride and joy was always Walburga.
 ◜    ۞    ◞   Pollux pushed him for a career in magical law with the Ministry. Irma wanted him to become an alchemist. Alchemy was his passion, a passion he later shares with his eldest daughter, Bellatrix. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   He excelled in magical law enforcement anyway, taking additional studies to become a magilawyer. He climbs quickly in the Ministry, moving from junior to senior within the space of about four years. By the age of 30 he’s the head of magical law enforcement, the youngest wizard in Ministry history to reach that position. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   For a long time he remains magilawyer primarily keeping purebloods out of Azkaban and supporting the imprisonment of mudbloods. Yes he’s a corrupt wizard, no he does not care. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   he’s heir (English side, Orion is the French side’s heir) to the wealthiest family in the world. He has more gold than he knows what to do with. When he returns from the continent he invests it heavily in Lord Voldemort, who he’s always thought has absolutely the right ideas about blood purity and whom he genuinely admires (despite that he was not invited to become a knight at school). 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   Cygnus refuses to take the mark unlike many of his former classmates. Voldemort would’ve killed him for refusing him but Cygnus is useful and loyal despite his refusal to play destroy for him. Voldemort immediately uses him for keeping his death eaters out of prison if they’re ever caught, which isn’t often — and for writing new rules into the law systems of magical Britain. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   he and Druella were a love match, though she is his complete opposite. His father approved of the match (she’s a good standing pureblood witch after all) but his mother didn’t and wanted him to marry a Black, likely his cousin Lucretia. She relented because of Walburga, who made the point of — what does it matter? His children will still be Blacks. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   onto his babies!!! He’s very very proud to be a girl dad. He adores his three witches, every single one of them is the absolute light of his life and he understands them completely. He gets Bellatrix’s adventurous mind and rebellious spirit, he gets Andromeda’s academic mind and quirky spirit, he gets Narcissa’s pristine mind and sweet spirit. He adores them for their uniqueness and very much encourages them to explore and pursue their passions.
 ◜    ۞    ◞  baby Narcissa curled up on his chest is guaranteed to make him fall asleep within seconds. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   Druella definitely marks him down as the reason Bellatrix takes the mark and Andromeda becomes politically minded against their way of life. Cygnus takes none of the blame because his girls have always been single-mindedly passionate to what they believe in.  
 ◜    ۞    ◞   Andromeda’s leaving wounds him deeply, but only furthers his closeness to Bellatrix and Narcissa, remaining very much a deep and fixed part of their lives. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   he’s daddy as fuck. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   100% Alphard was his best friend. He did not approve of him being disowned for giving Sirius gold, though he did heavily disapprove of Sirius’s actions against the family. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   Walburga is the love of his life, he adores his big sister though he finds her intolerable at times (as all siblings do). He bends over backwards for her and does it without thinking twice. He is also exceptionally protective of her — cut to Cygnus decking Orion in the face for calling her a stuck up bitch and Walburga telling him she ‘wanted to do that herself!’
 ◜    ۞    ◞   Narcissa has done him the most proud for her family values and her integrity.
 ◜    ۞    ◞   Bellatrix has done him the most proud for her strength, ability, power and position in society.
 ◜    ۞    ◞   he approved of Bellatrix being taught magic by Voldemort when she’s 15 — after all, she’s practically a child and Voldemort is older than him what’s the worst that could happen? 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   He didn’t realise how in love with him she was until he hears them conversing when she’s 19 and engaged to Rodolphus Lestrange. He didn’t mean to listen in, but he overhears her begging him not to marry her to Rodolphus and take her instead. He says no but that it won’t change things between them, she’ll always be his first. It stilts Cygnus entirely and he leaves quickly. He never shares what he hears with anyone, even Bellatrix.
 ◜    ۞    ◞   he finds out about Orion and Bellatrix’s affair first. He finds them asleep together when they’re in Orion’s home in France. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   if he could, he’d have had her marry Sirius and keep the Black family name. As it is, he was too young for her and also she seems dead set against having children anyway — and he doubts Sirius could change her mind, so he relents against his preferences for her marriage. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   as for Rodolphus I have two ideas for how this could go: either way he loves his son in-law, they have an excellent relationship and they’re both dangerously protective of Bellatrix. 1. Rodolphus and Bellatrix have been best friends since their childhood, it makes sense they marry each other. Bellatrix doesn’t mind so much, he’d make for an easy enough match and she does seem to adore the wizard. It’s an easy engagement, easy marriage, and they make a beautiful couple. 2. Rodolphus is Cygnus and Voldemort’s age, a former peer of theirs. Rodolphus never marries and never shows he’s interested in Bellatrix. Bellatrix expresses her interest in him directly to a very surprised but perfectly pleased Cygnus who agrees he’s an exceptional wizard and would make for a brilliant husband. Plus if Orion proves anything, he knows his girl has always liked her older wizards. They court for some time, get engaged within a year and married in the next — again they make a beautiful couple. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   he is not keen on Lucius Malfoy despite that he seems to dote on Narcissa and bend to her every whim. Narcissa deserves far better — but honestly no one would be good enough for his most precious girl, so fine.
 ◜    ۞    ◞   He knew about Bellatrix and Voldemort’s affair and did everything in his power to keep it from ruining his daughter’s reputation which he felt she was being reckless about. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   he tried to talk her out of it multiple times but it only seemed to further her closeness to Voldemort and Voldemort’s iron-tight grip on his daughter. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   one day when he finally confronts him, Voldemort says if he wanted to make his pretty little daughter his personal whore he would, and who would stop him? Certainly not Cygnus Black. Cygnus (in his very characteristically Black temperament) pulled all Black funding from under Voldemort’s feet and found himself on the other end of Voldemort’s wand. When Cygnus refused to relent despite the threat of death, Voldemort turned his wand onto Bellatrix. He had the choice — continue giving him the gold he wanted or lose his heiress. He didn’t think he could actually kill her given how close they were and how heavily involved with everything Bellatrix was (and quite frankly, how obsessed and possessive of Bellatrix Voldemort appeared to be) but Cygnus complied.
 ◜    ۞    ◞   he once more risked Voldemort’s wrath by demanding the man at least have the decency to marry his daughter when he gets her pregnant. Voldemort only laughed and Cygnus lost what little respect for him he had left after that. Though he continues supporting the cause, he actively avoids Voldemort unless he can’t. Even then, he speaks to him with a candour and freeness no one else (except Walburga and Pollux) seem able to. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   Despite that, he absolutely adores his little granddaughter (more than his grandson, sorry Draco). Delphini means the world to Cygnus and he’s grateful to Walburga for legitimising her. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞  the most devoted, hands-on grandfather you will ever come across. Absolutely spoils his girl rotten just like he did her mother.
 ◜    ۞    ◞  he continues hunting well into his older age, almost always solely with Bellatrix. It hurts him just a little she goes with Voldemort more than him. During the height of the war he never sees her without him nor him without her. 
 ◜    ۞    ◞   he loses his job when he fights for Bellatrix’s release from Azkaban prison. He’s disbarred and revoked of his positions and titles. He’s heart broken and inconsolable at his daughter’s imprisonment, his most beautiful, shining star chained behind bars. He misses her beyond belief and not Walburga, Druella or Narcissa are able to pull him from his grief.
 ◜    ۞    ◞   he dies from the heartbreak of losing Bellatrix to Azkaban and then soon after, Walburga’s death. No one is with him when he passes, but his hand is tight around the picture he keeps of Bellatrix with him all the time. Delphini takes the picture and keeps it herself. 
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antebunny · 8 months
So there's a subgenre of fics in the Harry Potter fandom wherein a person conceived while one of their parents is under the influence of a love potion will become aroace at birth. The origin, afaik, are two insidiously awful decisions of JKR combining: 1) she reinvented date rape drugs/roofies aka love potions, without realizing it I guess, and 2) she said that Voldemort was asexual, because she's never seen a marginalized identity she didn't spit on.
Since Merope Gaunt (Voldemort's mother) used a love potion on Tom Riddle Sr. (Voldemort's dad) I guess people got the idea that what if love potions caused asexuality? And asexuality + aromanticism, of course, meant evil. Here's an excerpt from one of those fics in which Bill Weasley explains being aro/ace to Hermione:
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"No. I just dated because that was what you did. I never really felt anything for them. A few kisses, plenty of hand-holding. I made out in a few broom closets, and had one very uncomfortable make-out session up the top of the Astronomy Tower that I eventually ended by pretending I heard Filch coming past on a patrol. I even tried making out with a guy once in case that was it–nothing. I never told mum about that, of course. Good wizards don't shame their families like that."
"There's nothing wrong with being gay, you know."
He shrugged. "It doesn't apply to me anyway. I'm not gay. I wasn't anything, and I was trying to accept that and be content with it. It was good enough. Until I met Fleur." His eyes lit up with joy as he spoke about her.
[Second Image ID]
"Look, the point is with her allure from being part-Veela, I love her. Like I can never love anyone else. I don't want to lose that. You don't understand what it's like to go through life feeling nothing for anyone else. I've dated people I said I cared for, but I wouldn't have died for them. Well, out of logical choice I might risk my life, but not from love. But I would die for Fleur. Do you understand? She makes me a better person. I would do anything to make her happy. I'm not alone in the world anymore."
She nodded slowly. "I see." It wasn't so much him manipulating Fleur, as him permitting her to manipulate him. Into feeling. "I didn't realise it could be that bad." She still thought he should confess, but it didn't sound like he was hurting Fleur–he really did love her.
[End Image ID]
I read this fic years ago, and at the time I genuinely had not thought about my sexuality at all. I would've never called myself aro or ace. Still, reading this felt like being repeatedly punched in the face. I kept on waiting for Hermione to say something similar to what she said after Bill made a homophobic comment. After all, she went out of her way the first time, didn't she. Instead, what I got was essentially:
Bill: I don't usually feel romantic or sexual attraction. So there's something wrong with me.
Hermione: Yeah lmao. But there's nothing wrong with being gay!
I've been (reading) on Ao3 since 2016, and in all that time I've seen plenty of subtle racism, sexism, etc. But I've never seen anything as plainly stated as this. To this day I have yet to hear any aro/ace people describe the experience of being aro/ace in any of the following ways: "How could I forgive myself if we brought a child into the world to suffer the emptiness I lived with my whole existence[?]" /"You should be unable to love." / "You don't understand what it's like to go through life feeling nothing for anyone else."
I could not understand why Bill described it as "emptiness" or "feeling nothing." I still cannot find a single aro/ace person who would describe themselves as empty. The most I have ever heard is: "I wish I was normal" (meaning I wish I fit in, I wish to be accepted by other people). Historically, many aro/ace people married and had kids, conforming to societal norms, and I am sure many believed there was something wrong with them or hoped to grow out of it. I was one of them. On a very personal note, I suspect that my father is too. I am certain that he's never heard the terms asexual or aromantic in his life. But if you think I'll ever discuss his sexuality with him, you're out of your damn mind.
Now, I know it's really easy to find this fic from these quotes. I chose to include them anyways because I think it's important to show how blatant it was. My Tumblr blog isn't exactly a platform, but for the five people reading this: please, please do not go after the author. I truly believe that they had no ill-intent. In the comments of this fic, a few people bring up variations of "it sounds like Bill is just aro/ace" and the author is consistently understanding. Here are some of the author's comment on that fic:
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I very much understand what you're saying. It's a tricky thing for me to address, however. For the core idea I'm playing with is basically the evilness of "love potions". And part of that is exploring JKR's idea that Voldemort, being unable to love due to his mother using a love potion on his father, was a *monster* because of that. Perhaps that doesn't come across very clearly (there's a little bit more of it in the prequel), that it's one of the assumptions I'm trying to undermine. ("Love potions are funny/romantic", "Voldemort is a monster because he could not love", "Harry's power was that he could love - he's not a monster like Voldemort", "There's nothing wrong with selling love potions to teens/adults because it's not 'real' love".)
I feel like I'm already poking at the inherent problem of framing "people who cannot love" as "monsters/psychopaths" by showing Bill and Harry's struggles with self acceptance, and Bill finding a way to love (though do note he'd been making peace with the idea he wasn't attracted to anyone, prior to meeting Fleur). I really don't like the canonical take on love-redeems/love-is-the-best-power/the-loveless-are-monsters, so I'm messing with it a bit. Exploring other people than Voldemort, ones we admire, who are also dealing with being unable to love. Does that make sense? Now, that doesn't mean I'm doing a perfect job at it, but I'm trying my best to explore that theme around the edges of my Dramione story.
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The author's intention was to show how other characters, made aro/ace via love potion like Voldemort, were not evil or sociopaths. I don't know why all the characters were so aro/acephobic, but sometimes fics get away from you and you don't address everything you wanted to. I don't know why the aro/ace characters had so much internalized shame and hatred when the term bachelor has been in use for centuries, but we fanfic authors love writing self-esteem issues and I would be a hypocrite to say otherwise. I don't know why the author never tagged acephobia or internalized acephobia, but no one HAS to tag anything.
I don't know if the author ended up writing that fic where Harry comes to accept his aro/asexuality. It's totally understable if they didn't; I have failed to write many fics that I really did want to write. Sometimes it's just like that. I really, truly believe that the author had the best of intentions and is not aro/acephobic, just severely misled on what that experience is like.
My beef is not with this author. I used their words to highlight a reoccurring and popular sentiment that I hate. My real beef is that this fic is popular. This is an entire subgenre of Harry Potter fics. I actually decided to write this post because some random person on the internet said, a few days ago, something along the lines of: "Remember when JKR invented a date rape drug that turned people into sociopaths? Yeah…" (And also because I was up until 3 am last night writing a dumb trash angst one-shot about it).
I'd wager that the vast, vast majority of people who write or read those fics don't feel the same way. But the condescension is baked into the very premise of that trope. "Oh poor you, it must be so hard, so lonely going through life without ever loving another person. You must feel so empty inside."
It's actually people who say similar things that make me feel isolated. Most of the time I feel free, like I've cracked this secret code, like I'm able to see things clearly that people so hung up over sex and romance can't. Other times I feel so left out I wish I was "normal." Mostly, being aro/ace is lonely, annoying, exhausting, and liberating.
It wasn't until last year that a friend told me that some people actually do have trouble speaking to someone they've never met before, just because they find that someone attractive. I thought that only happened in stories. But I don't want to get nervous meeting new people based on their looks, I don't want to treat people differently based on how much I want to have sex with them. I wish my friends in high school had never pressured me to come out as bisexual. I wish all the other similarly liberal, queer communities I've found since didn't insist on associating sex and dating with emotional comfort. I wish I could magically stop my parents from expecting me to ever get married and have kids.
But I can't.
Anyways, that's it for today. I'm not sure what the point of writing this was. I really don't want anyone to get hurt or attacked because of it. This is not a callout, or a hate brigade, or any sort of call-to-action. I don't want people to get up-in-arms about this. I'm just tired. I suppose I just wanted to put my feelings out there, and well, this is my Tumblr.
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