#and asked for a sacrifice
Novice sewing pattern: Cut out shapes. Line up the little triangles on the edges. Stitch edges together. We've also included step-by-step assembly instructions with illustrations.
Novice knitting pattern: yOU MUSt uNDerstANd thE SECret cOdE CO67 (73, 87, 93) BO44 (63, 76, 90) 28 (32, 34) slip first pw repeat 7x K to end *kl (pl) 42 * until 13" (13, 13, 15) join new at 30 pl for 17 rows ssk 27 k2tog mattress lengthwise BO and sacrifice a goat to the knitting gods. WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WANT "INSTRUCTIONS," I JUST GAVE THEM TO YOU
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stealingpotatoes · 2 months
How do the rest of TL4J feel about Ezra’s army of loathcats and is murley a part of them?
tl4j all love the lothcats (until they cover their robes in fur) and no, Murley's on Mandalore with our beloved Countess Wren!!
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(donation doodles! // tip jar)
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meanbossart · 3 months
is du drow the little spoon? like on one hand he does have that vibe but on the other hand astarion is very much the guy who insists he’s the big spoon but becomes a soft pile of love goop when he’s the little spoon
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Sorry to be the bearer of Boring news but Astarion strikes me as a guy who won't ever shut up about the crook on his neck the next day if you make him be the big-spoon.
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s0fter-sin · 6 months
soap and ghost, after months of flirting, of having each other’s backs and saving each other’s lives, of knowing the other better than they know themselves, finally getting together
ghost letting himself free fall onto the bed, soap following, always following his lead. they barely pull apart enough to get their shirts over their heads, hands running over muscles and scars and holding close
soap kisses every new scar that’s revealed to him, from the thick keloid divot over his ribs from some kind of puncture to the innumerable slashes and stitch wounds holding his torso together until he’s mouthing over his collarbones; the tips of his fingers lightly caressing the edges of his mask
ghost who’s been so quiet, so overwhelmed by soap’s touch that all he can do is sink into him, panting gasping breaths, finally pushes out, “don’t ask me. please…”
soap freezes, mouth hovering over his skin. “ghost…?”
ghost’s face is tilted away, eyes held so tightly shut they tremor while the rest of his body stays lax beneath his. desperate. resigned. “please don’t ask me, johnny.”
soap lets his hand fall from the mask, coming to run soothing circles over his clothed hip. “why?”
“because i’ll say yes,” he confesses and it’s great and terrible; a warning and a relinquishment laid at soap’s feet. “i’ll always say yes to you.”
for a long moment, there’s nothing but their shared breaths, nothing but their hearts beating for the other. until soap finally leans down to press a kiss to the corner of his hidden mouth; his lips meeting faint raised scar tissue he might never see
“i’ll never ask.”
ghost’s eyes drift open and they catch on soap’s; on a sea of promise and fierce protection
“i swear… i’ll never ask, ghost.”
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sparring-spirals · 1 year
okay. i mean this with the utmost affection. but. while imogen and laudna telling each other "im you're anchor. you're my tether" as reassurance about going "dark" or giving into the lure of power is very meaningful and important. it also kind of struck me like. hey wait one of you anchoring the other. fine. possibly-functional. but doesnt BOTH of you tethering to each other risk creation of a spinning centrifugal blur whirling down the road to power.
and like yes yes this isnt an original thought and the proper terminology for this is probably like "dual corruption arc" or in CR "i broke the world for you" yes but. i wanted to share the specific imagery my brain provided for this train of thought, which is roughly:
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like. thanks. brain. i guess.
bonus thought that popped up when drawing this:
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bananadramaaa · 3 months
cant remember the timestamp in the film, but i keep thinking of human mimzy doing her roots with a lil brush and a bottle of straight peroxide like roxie in Chicago
I didn't watch that film so I needed to do a quick research. Google said that the main events took place in 1924 so it fits 😌
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ask-the-pioneer · 26 days
good luck finding breakfast Marbles! hopefully it won't be too difficult for you
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"Way ahead of you!"
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batsyheere · 1 year
I keep imagining this one scene- usually its Jason or Tim or Damian, or all the Batboys or the Batfam sitting there with cultists or the league trying to summon the ghost king- but put it as just Dick who is a little surprised that he passed the requirement of having died so he can be used to summon this eldritch being that rules the dead.
And when he's bound, placed in front of a Lazarus pit and everyone is still trying to reach him, the being is summoned- and Danny just lurches through the pit hacking and spitting and cursing because this ectoplasm is nasty, what have you people been doing to it?
And the cultists are expecting Pariah Dark. They demand he takes them to the real ghost king. And Dick just has to watch this being with snow white hair and glowing green eyes start to float up and take this sheen of other to him as he goes "yeah no".
And Dick is maybe a little drugged, and has a concussion, but he feels he has an excuse for what comes out of his mouth.
"Nightwing, come in. What's going on?"
"B, I think I found your next kid. I'm gonna marry him. Even if he climbed out of a Lazarus pit and looks a little spooky."
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barblaz-arts · 2 months
We saw Charlie lose her temper with others during her fallout with Vaggie, but what do you think would happen if someone succeeded in seriously harming Vaggie and Charlie was unable to prevent it? Imagine the hell Charlie would raise. But, I love angst and love your last analysis and would like your thoughts.
What I want to happen is for Charlie to go batshit over it, even more than she did when Pentious died. She would be so mad that she almost kills the perpetrator, only for Vaggie to stop her not because she thinks the person doesn't deserve it, but because Vaggie knows Charlie would hate herself for killing anyone. To show that Charlie's love would go as deep as being willing to taint her soul for Vaggie, and that Vaggie loves Charlie too much to let that happen.
Like that trope where one character goes berserk and the other character desperately tries to calm them down so they don't kill anyone?
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I want a scene like these for them so bad
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respectthepetty · 3 months
The entire episode was about growing up, and San Pang started it by stating that not only had Yuan grown up, but that Qian had also.
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He pointed out how Qian is taking care of himself in small ways like cutting up the fruit, which ironically only Yuan gets to enjoy.
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Then when Yuan tries to speak to Qian, Qian gets upset that Yuan knocks instead of just coming in and states that Lili and Yuan are grown now, so they can do whatever. But Qian is upset about it.
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Xiong reminds Qian that Lili and San Pang are adults and implies Qian is the one being childish about this by hiding out in the office and giving Lili and San Pang the silent treatment.
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Even though Lili is upset, Yuan reminds her that this is Qian's norm. Qian will pick silence and avoidance rather than crying or screaming.
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Which is why Yuan is leaving space for Qian to directly state what he needs.
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Yuan waited until Qian told him he could come home before he came home
Yuan left Qian's room and closed the door instead of staying with him
Yuan waited for Qian to say something when Qian woke up before he revealed he was awake as well
Yuan gave everyone else a drink first (because Qian never asked for one)
Yuan knocked on Qian's door and waited to be told he could enter
Yuan didn't ask Qian to go out even though it was his idea and he told Lili to do it, but he waited until Qian texted him to ask
Yuan said they could cancel the fishing trip and made Qian state that he still wanted to go
Yuan didn't put on Qian's seat belt, then asked Qian if he wanted him to do something
Yuan has only passively mentioned the confession, but he waited until Qian directly brought it up on the fishing trip to address the lingering question - do you want me too?
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For the entire episode, we kept hearing about "growing up" and being a "grown up." San Pang confirmed that Qian has grown. Qian, just like Yuan's cactus that he took care of, might still be prickly, but he has grown significantly over the course of the series.
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Qian sent Yuan away through San Pang. He never spoke to Yuan about it directly. Then, he kept Yuan away by never speaking to him.
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Qian's norm is to shut down, which is why he was a great enforcer for the mafia. He disconnects and goes into survival mode, but now he is no longer just surviving. He is taking care of himself. He is stating what he wants and what he doesn't want. And it's soooo tiny that it seems unremarkable, but for a guy who never asks for anything for himself, it's huge!
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Qian doesn't have a selfish bone in his body. He has done everything for his family, even sending Yuan away. He was a victim of abuse. He has boundaries, but he also doesn't believe he has a right to ask of anything beyond a good family. Everyone being healthy is a blessing in itself, so what else could he ask for?
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Yuan can come back home, but Qian can't ask for Yuan to come back to him. That's selfish. Lili asked for family time, and this is Yuan's only available time, so Qian can't cancel. That would be selfish. He can't ask his brother or sister with bright futures to stay with him. That would be selfish. He can't ask to be loved when his own parents couldn't do that. That would be selfish.
Yet Yuan is going to show Qian it's okay to selfish.
And make him ask for what he wants.
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phantomrose96 · 2 months
Your sham sacrifice fic is so good! Jack and Maddie's reaction to the idea that they killed Danny is particularly haunting. I am curious though - how did they decide that it probably wasn't Jazz? Was it because of her response to all of this?
(Sham Sacrifice: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2)
Thank you!!! 🥰
I think there are a lot of things that point to Danny over Jazz... The math says that one of their children died in the portal well... which one? Their daughter who's maintained absolute top marks in school, who's shown no real change in demeanor, happiness, energy, engagement, reliability, ever since the portal opened?
...Or their son, whose grades have plummeted ever since the portal opened, who comes home late or not at all, who's become cagey, unreliable, secretive, and impossible to really connect with anymore?
And only one of them has a dead-ringer ghost who appeared with the portal opening.
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dailysubwaybossemmet · 3 months
Emmet having upside-down time
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day 65
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cerealboxlore · 1 year
(this is for the divine twitch chat au my beloved)
captain marvel, at 3am: *preparing a goat for an ancient sacrificial ritual in the watchtower kitchen*
jl member of choice who just wanted a quick break from watchtower duty: hey uhh.. cap? buddy? whatcha.. what are you uh doing there?
cap, basically hissing: the voices, they’re winning
queue misunderstandings and rumours spread among the heroes
This ask had me cackling like a mad man ever since I got it, omg 😂😂😂
There's some hilarity in Billy holding a goat 🐐 like the Billy goat, hahahahaha
This is both hilarious and horrifying, bc if a JL member saw that, it'd be an immediate report to HR or batman. Does the JL even have a HR? Oh man
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The divine twitch chat AU certainly is expanding and I am here for it!
Also, I hope that goat ends up being safe in the end and getting taken care of By Damian.
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(Xerxies Wing AU)
I got an ask a while back about Hohenheim’s wings and whether or not Father would have a pair, as an imitation, as well as Edward’s left wing being returned to him after Alphonse’s sacrifice but tumblr mcfrickn ate the ask and for the life of me I Cannot Find It but I have Thoughts
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whumpster-dumpster · 9 months
Do you have any prompts for older sibling whump?
Sure, here are a few!
Having nightmares about losing their younger sibling(s)
Trading themself to the enemy for the younger's freedom
Stressing/overworking themself to take care of the younger
Parent(s) favoring the younger and neglecting the older's needs
Younger Sibling shocked to see Older Sibling cry for the first time
Older Sibling weakly giving Younger instructions on first aid for them
Whumper blackmailing them by threatening their younger sibling(s)
Throwing themself in front of a blow that was meant for the younger
Younger trying to use the same comfort techniques Older always uses for them
"You told me you were okay! You lied to me! Why?" "I'm your big sibling. It's my job to be okay."
Sibling rivalry escalates too far. Now Younger's actually hurt Older Sibling and is scrambling to fix it
Whumper forcing Younger Sibling to torture the older, Older tries to keep a brave face and assure them they can take it
Younger pranking Older Sibling with something they fear and realizes it's too far when Older totally panics/breaks down
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robinmage · 3 months
one thing i really appreciate about jinshi's character is how he has NEVER once actually had any intention of succeeding the throne. every time the idea is brought up he immediately detests it. so hes giving maomao as much as he possibly can, even though maomao has many qualms about it due to their difference in social status, but jinshi DOESNT CARE because hes NEVER cared about or wanted the status of crown prince! its been nothing but a burden to him! from his perspective the ONLY thing keeping the two of them apart are outside influences. he has no doubt within himself-- hes horribly down bad, in fact. but unfortunately his stupid JOB is getting in the way of him skipping off into the sunset with his favourite little cat
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