#and as it's a recent story and not something like a fairytale I think that any retelling would be considered essentially fanfiction
praisethelamps · 1 year
Hmmmm I'm thinking about writing essentially a retelling of another story that's done as a direct criticism of the author and how they handled their subject matter, but I can't decide if it would be better as a story that's upfront about being based on another, but is still it's own thing, or just make it a straight-up fanfiction
A parody would work well, as that's kind of what it is, but people wouldn't typically expect a parody to have a more serious tone, which I'd not just like it to have, but which I think it needs, at least in a lot of parts of it, given the criticisms I'm making.
Also, I know this would be 1000% less confusing if I would just say what it's a parody of or what I was criticizing, but I have to be vague for the time being lmao
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tofixtheshadows · 4 months
Hot take: Laios wouldn't actually mind an arranged marriage. Obviously "reluctant royal being pressured into marriage" is very fun for shipping purposes. But I have harlequin blood, so bear with me. Join me on this journey of character theorizing/shipping nonsense that makes it abundantly clear I have a Scrivener document I'm neglecting.
Laios was promised to someone from a young age. He and Falin both were; it's probably how their parents ended up together. They both broke it off by leaving their village, but it didn't seem to be a factor in Laios's own decision. And when Marcille, presumably, asks about his hypothetical love life (bicorn chapter), he not only brings it up readily, but actually seems kind of flattered? lmao
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I love when smug Laios comes out. Underrated factor of Laios's personality for me is how much he enjoys being seen as cool. I think you'd expect Laios to be embarrassed or uneasy over this line of questioning, and the fact that he isn't is fun to me.
So when Yaad and his other old advisors bring up his need for a wife, Laios is ready to go along with it. Not necessarily thrilled by the prospect, but he was raised to think of marriage as a business arrangement you do because it's beneficial for your household/bloodline (as was often the case historically). He's already made the big step to claim a throne, and the idea of becoming village chief after his father seemed to have been vaguely in the back of his head all his life. Besides, if he has to do it anyway, I think he'd take comfort that there was a formalized process for an otherwise socially messy undertaking.
This dovetails neatly with my personal headcanon that Laios is gay but unaware of it. He comes from kind of a repressed culture- or at least I can imagine he does based on context clues- and has spent most of his life being ostracized in one way or another, feeling like he's on the outside of humanity. So he doesn't realize that his lack of attraction to women is unusual- he assumes that nobody really enjoys romance that much. It's not like his own parents married for love. It's just something people play up for stories, right?
It's all tangled up with his fraught desire for human connection and platonic companionship anyway. Meanwhile he's blithely unaware that the things he says about Toshiro are not normal bro things. Oh you'd totally marry Toshiro, Laios? Tell me more.
I see this in Marcille too. Firstly due to her unstable development, which has only recently allowed her to reach maturity (I headcanon her as somewhere between 20-22) and secondly due to her being a half-elf (infertile+a too-long lifespan), I think she has the expectation that she's simply not destined for love. The half-elf character she relates to in her favorite books says as much. So she, too, confuses a genuine lack of heterosexual attraction with the belief that this is just because of her half-elf status distancing her from it. Plus, she spent over a decade as a student/researcher in a nice little sheltered academic bubble, at an all-girls academy populated by adolescents. She's the most sheltered of all the characters: she's only spent the past year in the "real world", and she still focuses all her romantic attention on living vicariously through her favorite characters or her friends (except for Falin, conveniently!).
And Marcille would absolutely want to live vicariously through Laios and his future wife. She would not want him to go through a dispassionate formalized process: she wants her bestie to have a fairytale romance! What is the point of being a heroic king in a mythic castle if you can't even get a love story for the ages out of it?
This would result in a lot of Laios meeting with eligible bachelorettes at Marcille's urging, looking to Kabru for help the entire time and being grilled by Marcille afterwards about what he liked best about each girl. "She had nice, um, teeth?" They're both so close to getting it.
Kabru, meanwhile, is agitating for Yaad and the other advisors not lock the country into a hereditary monarchy, they have the chance to do something radical here, to break away from the systems that the elves and dwarves uphold. At the very least, let Laios marry for love, or formally adopt an heir and name them his successor if he wants, he's already sacrificed enough for the sake of Melini. Don't make him jump through these circus hoops for the chance of some trade agreements, we can get those without a royal marriage. And even if Laios was willing to go along with it, he does look at Kabru like he's his hero for sticking up for him.
The vague unhappiness Kabru feels at the idea of Laios being married off is easy for him to ignore. Kabru didn't actually get better at honoring or even recognizing his own wants just because he's moved past the dungeon. And Laios hasn't gotten the hint about his crush on Toshiro and is still 50/50 on saying casually shocking things, so when he remarks that he doesn't need a wife anyway when he has Kabru, he has no idea why that gets him the looks it does. After all, where he's from, men marry women to run their households, but Laios has castle staff for that, and Kabru is handling the rest?
That comment alone ticks one month off their collective gay awakening countdown.
Anyway. How many repressed gays in their twenties does it take to run a country?
Answer: Yaad can tell you.
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cera-writes · 2 months
can you do a story gambit where reader is a mutant or just has the power to either travel through the multiverse or see into different universes and she’s in a relationship with remy and she sees that gambit and rogue are together in every universe except theirs and reader ignores him because she thinks that they should be together so basically some angst and shes comforted by remy maybe some smut? 🤗💕
A/N: thanks for requesting this! This was such an interesting prompt and I had fun writing it! Pairing: Remy LeBeau x F!Reader Tags: nsfw, angst, comfort/hurt, sweet reassuring smut
In this Universe
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You stand in the dimly lit room, your eyes fixed on the swirling portal that connects to countless alternate realities. The air around you crackles with energy, a tangible reminder of the power coursing through your veins—the power to see and traverse the multiverse. Your partner, Remy LeBeau, stands beside you, his hand resting reassuringly on your shoulder. His eyes, though masked by the shadows, betray a concern that mirrors your own inner turmoil.
"Qu'est-ce qui te tracasse, chere?" Remy's voice is soft, tinged with his usual Creole accent that still managed to wrap around your heart like a warm and inviting embrace.
You hesitate, torn between sharing your recent discovery and the fear it might shatter the fragile peace you've built together. "I... I've been seeing things, Remy. In other universes."
His grip tightens slightly, encouraging you to continue. "Go on, tell Remy."
"In every universe I've seen, you and Rogue are... together. Always." The words hang heavy in the air, laden with unspoken implications.
Remy's expression remains calm, but you can sense the undercurrent of tension. "And what does dat mean fo' us here?"
You turn to face him, searching his eyes for any hint of what he might be feeling. "It means... maybe we're not meant to be together. Maybe our story was written for someone else."
A muscle ticks in his jaw, but his voice remains steady when he speaks. "So, you think we should jus' give up because some versions of us didn't make it work?"
The question stings, not because of its sharpness, but because of its accuracy. You sigh, looking back at the portal. "I don't know what to think anymore."
Remy steps closer, tilting your chin up so you meet his gaze. "Listen to Remy, chere. Our love, it's real. It's ours. Not some borrowed fairytale from another world."
You want to believe him, to cling to the warmth of his words, but the images from those other universes keep flashing through your mind—Rogue and Gambit, laughing, fighting, loving. "What if we're just living out someone else's destiny?"
Remy shakes his head, his eyes burning with an intensity that surprises you. "No. Dis, us, it's ours to shape. Ours to fight for."
You feel a tear slip down your cheek, caught off guard by the depth of emotion in his response. "But how can we be sure?"
He brushes the tear away with his thumb, his touch gentle yet firm. "Cause I choose you, every day. And Gambit'll keep choosing you, no matter what those other worlds show."
His words resonate within you, stirring something deep and primal. "Remy..."
Before you can finish, he presses his lips to yours, a fierce declaration of intent that leaves no room for doubt. The kiss is passionate, desperate, as if he's trying to imprint himself upon you, to drown out the visions of other realities with the reality of his love.
When he pulls back, his eyes are dark with desire, his breath coming fast. "Let's make our own story, chere. One dat those other worlds will envy."
You nod, your resolve strengthening with each beat of your heart. "
"Please." You needed the distraction desperately to keep from coming apart at the seams. You needed him to ground you and make you really believe that this was your universe with him and that's all that mattered, otherwise, you don't think you could handle anymore of these visions.
"I'm right here, chere." He squeezed your hand.
Together, you turn back to the portal, hand in hand, ready to confront whatever challenges lie ahead, united in your decision to forge your own path, regardless of the echoes from parallel worlds.
You grip Remy's hand tightly as you step into the swirling portal, the sensation of being pulled apart and reassembled in a different reality washing over you like a tidal wave. The colors blur and merge, creating a kaleidoscope of visions that threaten to overwhelm your senses.
"Focus on me, chere," Remy's voice cuts through the chaos, steady and reassuring. You lock eyes with him, allowing his presence to anchor you as the world around you shifts and morphs.
Suddenly, the disorientation ceases, and you find yourselves standing in a lush, overgrown garden. The air is thick with the scent of blooming flowers, and the soft hum of insects fills the silence. You look around, recognizing this place—it's one of the alternate realities you've seen before, where Gambit and Rogue are deeply in love.
Remy seems to sense your unease. "Show Gambit what troubles you," he murmurs, leading you deeper into the garden.
As you walk, the scenery changes subtly, transforming into a scene from your visions. There, under a weeping willow, stands Gambit and Rogue, their bodies entwined in a passionate embrace. Your hands start to shake as anxiety takes over again. The sight stings, but before you can turn away, Remy pulls you close.
"Look at dem, but see us," he whispers against your ear, his breath warm and comforting. "Feel how our hearts beat as one."
You close your eyes, focusing on the solidity of Remy's body pressed against yours, the steady rhythm of his heart matching your own. When you open your eyes again, the vision of Gambit and Rogue fades, replaced by the vivid reality of Remy's intense gaze.
"I see only you," you confess, your voice barely above a whisper.
Remy smiles, a flicker of relief softening his features. "Good. Now, lemme show you why Gambit chose you."
He leads you to a secluded clearing, where the grass is soft and inviting. The sunlight filters through the leaves overhead, dappling the ground with golden light. Remy kneels, gently pulling you down with him.
"Here, in dis place dat isn't ours, we'll make it ours," he says, his hands tracing the curve of your waist. His touch sends shivers down your spine, igniting a fire within you that burns brighter than any multiverse illusion.
You reach up, tangling your fingers in his hair, pulling him closer. His lips meet yours in a searing kiss that speaks of promises and possession. The world around you melts away, leaving only the two of you, locked in a battle for dominance and surrender.
Remy's hands roam freely, exploring every inch of your body with a reverence that makes you arch into his touch. "You're beautiful," he murmurs against your skin, his voice rough with desire.
You gasp as his teeth graze your neck, marking you as his. "Remy," you breathe, your need rising like a tide.
He looks up, his eyes dark with passion. "Say it again, chere. My name," he commands, his voice a low growl.
"Remy," you repeat, more urgently this time, your body aching for more.
With a groan, he presses you back against the grass, his body covering yours. The weight of him feels perfect, grounding you in this stolen moment of reality. It almost doesn't feel real. His kisses trail down your throat, his hands mapping your curves with possessive strokes.
"You're mine," he asserts, punctuating each word with a sharp nip to your skin. "In every universe, you're mine."
The intensity of his declaration sends a thrill through you, fueling your own hunger. You wrap your legs around his waist, urging him closer. "Prove it," you challenge, your voice husky with arousal.
Remy grins, a feral spark lighting his eyes. "With pleasure, ma chere."
He shifts, aligning himself with your core, and with one powerful thrust, he shears through your barriers, claiming you completely. You cry out, a mix of pain and ecstasy ripping through you as he fills you, joining your souls in a union that transcends the multiverse.
"Y-yes... yes!" you pant, clawing at his back, desperate to feel every part of him.
Remy moves inside you, his strokes deep and relentless, each thrust a testament to his devotion. "Look at me," he demands, forcing you to meet his gaze. "See only me, darlin'."
You do, your vision blurring with tears of joy as you drown in the crimson and black of his eyes. "Always," you promise, your voice breaking with emotion.
His pace quickens, driving you both towards the precipice. "Together," he gasps, his forehead resting against yours. "Forever."
With a final, powerful surge, he pushes you over the edge, your bodies convulsing in unison as waves of pleasure crash over you. You cling to each other, bodies slick with sweat, hearts pounding in sync.
"Ours," Remy breathes, collapsing beside you, his chest heaving with exertion.
You turn to face him, your fingers tracing the contours of his face. "Ours," you agree, sealing your pact with a tender kiss.
As you lie there, wrapped in each other's arms, the garden around you begins to fade, the portal calling you back to your own reality. But for now, you're content to stay lost in this stolen moment, secure in the knowledge that no matter the multiverse, your love will always find its way home.
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mistyacorn · 1 year
you remind me of the main protagonist
sypnosis; dan heng and his odd way of saying “hey, i think i like you”
pairing(s); dan heng + fem! reader ⟿ featuring; pure fluff, really blank and super indirect dan heng, reader is compared to a female character (hence, fem! reader)
a/n; this was such a random write lol. im so sorry that it’s a bit of a mess, im still working on more clear storylines heheh . i hope it’s still enjoyable! ૮(ㅅ´ ˘ `) ♡ also i made beauty and the beast a canon fairytale here pffft u neva know
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⇢ DAN HENG is the type that literally nobody expects to like anybody, and therefore neither do you.
⇢ you’d probably even think that he dislikes you because whenever it’s just the two of you he never says a word. he’s dead silent. he only ever nods or gestures and barely looks you in the eye.
⇢ occasionally you’d get slightly jealous of how he speaks whenever march is with you guys (even though they always end up fighting verbally, it’s still talking!)
⇢ so you eventually take it as a ‘hint’ and try your best to move on.
⇢ though let’s be real, it’s not easy to move on from a crush if you see him almost everyday. especially when he has the most perfect emerald eyes and soft black hair….
⇢ one day, you’re in your room on the astral express and you’ve just finished the book you had borrowed from the express library recently.
⇢ you did borrow it without telling anyone though, so it kinda felt like you stole it haha…
⇢ but you definitely did not want to annoy dan heng with your request so stealing borrowing seemed like the best option.
⇢ you decide to head over to his room, hoping to secretly drop the book and go.
⇢ thankfully the boy is not in the room when you get there (which is super rare, go you!). you tiptoe as carefully as you can towards the bookshelf.
⇢ you quickly find the correct slot and insert the book.
⇢ just as you think you’ve accomplished your mission, you turn around and-
⇢ at the door stands dan heng, staring at you nonchalantly (as per usual). “hi.”
⇢ his sudden appearance immediately causes you to begin a five minute long explanation about how you got there. (yes, five minutes. idk how but you drag it on and on) its mostly bullshit you’re spitting out.
⇢ “…pom pom told me that there was this super cool book…. I just had to read it of course …..and it was really cool yeah yeah ….um about robots and science and…stuff….”
⇢ does pom pom even read?? you didn’t know!
⇢ and you definitely don’t notice amidst your frantic stories, but dan heng listens to you attentively in amusement. he actually has the smallest grin on his face, very well knowing you are making everything up.
⇢ to put it simply, he finds it endearing. he’s almost in a trance, just listening to you talk and talk and talk…
⇢ after you finish your story time, he snaps out of it quick enough for you to not notice anything.
⇢ and you bow repeatedly in embarrassment before dashing out of the room.
⇢ the following day, dan heng suddenly gives you a book out of nowhere. today, his signature cold face seems slightly nervous instead, but you don’t pay attention.
⇢ you see that the book is a fairytale, one that is right up your alley!
⇢ ‘Beauty and the Beast’.
⇢ you open the book to see a post-it note on the first page, with neat handwriting on it;
‘y/n, I saw you liked fairytales and the fantasy genre. I do not. But I stumbled across this book yesterday, and I remember reading the first three chapters sometime when I was younger. It seems like something you’ll like. The main protagonist reminds me of you. I hope you’ll like it.’
⇢ your face is red hot as you read his note. he wrote to you. he thinks of you. he said you reminded him of a princess. (what the fvck.)
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⇢ and secretly behind the scenes, dan heng is not as calm and collected as he seems.
⇢ after you put away the book and left that day, he took note of the book you had returned. fairytale…fantasy…
⇢ dan heng immediately started to think hard about any fantasy books he had read in his life. hours and hours of struggling later (he never reads fantasy, it’s too unrealistic for him), he finally remembers one.
⇢ he’d read the first few chapters of it before, and he remembers the main character all too clearly. she reminded him so much of you, yet he didn’t know why.
⇢ (truthfully, it was definitely because she was his first ever fictional crush. and now you were…… but he was never going to admit that to himself.)
⇢ he spends his night searching around the archives. 2am the next morning, he finds it.
⇢ dan heng goes to bed that night, heart thumping faster than usual, because now he realises just how much he likes you.
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© mistyacorn do not plagiarize or repost please, just enjoy it ykwim
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sunflowerkiwis · 1 year
charles leclerc x reader - part two
summary: you and charles are not the only ones with a fairytale love story but everyone’s still keeping a close eye on you two…
feedback is appreciated + requests are open!
enjoy xx
part one | part two | part three | part four
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yourbestfriend added to their story!
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yourusername girllll
yourusername who took the photo :0
yourbestfriend who do you thinkkk
yourusername danny?
yourbestfriend nopeee
yourusername …
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liked by carlossainz55, yourusername, and 632,849 others
yoursbestfriend mama, i think i’m in love
view all comments
user01 watcha doing here carlos🤨
yourusername ew no
yourusername stop
yourusername my eyes
user03 yn what do you know…
carlossainz55 lucky guy
charles_leclerc about time
liked by yourbestfriend
yourusername don’t encourage this
yourfriend omg congrats girl!!
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourbestfriend, and 908,432 others
carlossainz55 y te amaré con my vida❤️❤️
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yourusername translator here, he says he can’t stand you
user07 yn💀
carlossainz55 why won’t you let me be happy
charles_leclerc wow, i didn’t know you could do it
user11 not charles saying carlos gets no bitches
yourusername he doesn’t
user21 carlos soft launching is something i never knew i needed in life
user09 y’all… is that not yn’s friend @yourbestfriend??
user13 wait…
user07 omg look at her most recent post👀
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liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, and 1,293,168 others
yourusername round 2, @scuderiaferrari, let’s go❤️✨
tagged: yourbestfriend
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user15 we all agree carlos is here for @yourbestfriend and not yn, right
yourbestfriend 🤭😇
yourusername what?! omg @carlossainz55 eres un traidor
carlossainz55 no comment
charles_leclerc bellissima ♥️
yourusername ti amo ♥️
user17 i want what they have
carlossainz55 lucky charms
charles_leclerc first of all, back off
charles_leclerc second, right😍
yourusername added to their story!
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yourbestfriend i declare a war
yourusername oh you’re so on. get ready to lose😘
yourbestfriend added to their story!
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carlossainz55 ferrari looks good on you amor❤️
yourbestfriend thank you baby ❤️
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liked by 403,271 others
f1wags_ new possible wag? yn yln’s best friend, ybf seems to be getting quite close to carlos sainz. could this potentially mean something new blooming between the two?
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourbestfriend, and 998,247 others
yourusername days in with my Lover♥️
tagged: charles_leclerc
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danielricciardo everyone thought it’d be a cute post until the last slide
yourbestfriend think of the children
yourusername trust me… we are😉
liked by charles_leclerc
user19 YN
user23 CHARLES
user51 the fact that yn and charles have only interacted with the comments once is a bit concerning…
danielricciardo refer to the last photo
user47 💀💀
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liked by yourusername, scuderiaferrari, and 897,645 others
yourbestfriend days with you are the fullest❤️
view all comments
yourusername cute ig
liked by yourbestfriend
user19 @scuderiaferrari WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE
user67 ferrari fr outing carlos😭😭
carlossainz55 🌅🌅
user95 you ain’t slick
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liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, and 1,443,516 others
scuderiaferrari since they won’t do it we will. lots of love to our favorite couple, and a congratulations to the new couple!! (this was 💯 approved by both parties 🫶)
tagged: charles_leclerc, yourusername, carlossainz55, yourbestfriend
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user36 i’d just like to thank everyone who called me delusional 😌😘😘
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rayroseu · 6 months
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I know its been said that Lilia likes acting cheerful despite his nearing death because he doesn't want to look weak. But, I think the undertone of his reasoning is he doesn't want to spend his last days in tragedy and sadness so he copes it with being happy as much as he can.😭
Isn't that a more obvious behavior especially now that we know that Lilia's life only has been happy for the last 2 decades, or less. I'm saying that because I feel like the years where Malleus grows up was depressing too because he was badly excluded and only recently, in NRC, did he finally have "a group of people to be a part of with freely"
I feel like this is more like an understandable reason why he wants to go away as "he can still smile and act happy" before his age deteriorates him up, and makes him "look lifeless" to his family.
Rather than making Silver and Malleus remember his death, I think his version of a happy ending was that party where they'll all have fun together. I think Lilia wants them to remember *his happiness* the most. Because Lilia's life has mostly been a tragedy, and I don't think he wishes even after his death, that he would still be a "tragic person".
I feel like his line about "not wanting Malleus to be a hero of a fairy tale" reflects that. Because he did experience being the "hero of a fairytale". He saved Malleus from being killed and dying. He is, in the story, the rightful hero of Briar Valley.
TWST has always told that heroes in this world are perfect individuals with perfect morals and life, but Lilia as a hero, added more depth towards the concept of heroes in TWST...
To be a hero, you need to be facing the story's conflicts, you have to sacrifice a lot, and be in pain for doing the right thing just for you to "have something to be victorious over."
And, I feel like that's a nice parallel to the theme that "villains are people that can be redeemed/grow up even if they're messed up". Its like saying everyone struggles even if you're a hero or a villain, like there's never a perfect role or a perfect world where there's no sadness.... 😭
also, I know Lilia mostly said that line about "heroes in fairytales" because he wants Malleus not to die forgotten like Meleanor and Levan, but its GETS ME knowing he said that as well because he doesn't want to see Malleus in any kind of pain😭
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sorchathered · 8 months
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Sacred New Beginnings (part 1)
This is a story over the weekend of Mav and Penny’s wedding, you and Bradley had been engaged and it had all gone to shit, with you back in town for the impending nuptials will you find your way back to each other? Or will you realize you were meant to be with someone else all along?
Pairing(s)- Bradley Bradshaw x reader, Jake Seresin x reader
Warnings- drinking, language, mentions of cheating, eventual smut. 18+
Song inspo- I bet you think about me- ts, the story of us- ts, Cornelia street- ts (yes I’m very taylor coded with this series lmao)
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You’d begged Jake to keep it to himself, at least until you could get your bearings in North Island and talk to Bradley yourself. It had been 6 months since the two of you split, he’d put his mother’s ring on your finger and promised you a lifetime but it certainly didn’t turn out like either of you planned, crashing and burning before you ever got a chance to say I do. Now you were back in San Diego at the request of Maverick and Penny for their long awaited nuptials and no matter where you looked all you saw was Bradley Bradshaw.
Jake Seresin was your former front seater, the two of you flew a handful of missions together when you’d been stationed here before, you trusted each other in a way most people didn’t, going through countless near death situations will do that to someone. As you stepped out of the airport into the cool night air you could see him leaning against his ridiculous fully kitted Ford F-150, you could take the man out of Texas but he’d be a cowboy no matter where he went.
“There she is! Stormy girl you are a sight for sore eyes!” He scoops you up in a big bear hug and you finally feel yourself relax, tension melting away just being able to be with your best friend like this.
“Hey douchebag, missed you so much” you say punching his shoulder and letting him lead you into the truck, peeling out of the lot and onto the dark highway.
There’s just something about him that calms you down, everyone gets the big bad Hangman persona and while you’ve witnessed it more times than you can count he’s never once treated you that way. Being around him now feels like home and you need that more than ever knowing the heartache that’s bound to seep into what should be a fairytale weekend. You wring your hands nervously, you know you need to ask but you don’t want to pop the happy bubble you both are in. Time to rip off the bandaid.
“So please tell me you kept your damn mouth shut Jakey, last thing I want to do this weekend is cause a scene. Just want to watch Mav and Penny say I do and head back to Florida with no casualties.”
He frowns at you from across the console, mussing your hair with his hand, he loves having you back here, nothing has felt quite the same without you in his daily life. He knew you’d want to know about he who must not be named (yes Jake considers Bradley to be the Voldemort in your story, no he won’t apologize for it) but he had hoped you’d give yourself some time to adapt first.
“I promise darling, haven’t said a word, hand to God. We will make this weekend a blast and send you on back without a hitch, so long as ol’ Rooster keeps his nose clean we shouldn’t have an issue.”
Just hearing his name causes your heart to lurch, you’ve done so good about avoiding him; blocking his socials and refusing to stalk any of the daggers insta’s for pictures of your former lover.
“How is he?” You say quietly, inspecting your hands in your lap now, refusing to look up for fear that Jake will see your tells; he always does though.
He looks at you with furrowed brows, he wasn’t ready to break your heart again, so he rattled off a bare bones list of info you were looking for, not willing to succumb to the rumors floating around that would only rile you up. The last thing you needed was to spend the weekend drowning in what went wrong and what could have been.
“Recently got promoted to lieutenant commander, got a dog a few weeks ago, no I don’t know if he’s dating anyone and no I wouldn’t tell you if I did. We aren’t doing this to ourselves you hear me? You didn’t do anything wrong and self preservation isn’t a bad thing. Now you must be starving so let’s go get you some In and Out to celebrate my favorite girl being back home.”
Across town in a little craftsman style house by the beach, Bradley Bradshaw is pacing his halls. Mav asked him to be best man and he’s determined to make this speech perfect, but every time he tries to sit down and write out the words describing true love and destiny all he can think of is you. The two of you had been so happy, but then he *had* to go and fuck everything up. He knew you were the one from the minute he met you; all sharp tongue and attitude, truly the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on. It wasn’t easy to get you to come around, you’d made it a rule not to date in your squad but somehow he had broken down your walls, when a particularly dangerous mission left him with substantial injuries you’d been paralyzed with fear. If he was just a friend like you claimed then why did it feel like your heart would explode if you never saw him again? The two of you danced around each others feelings for weeks after until one night of partying at Phoenix and Coyote’s you’d kissed him.
A year later he was standing on the beach with roses and Carole Bradshaw’s wedding ring asking you to be his forever, you’d said yes before he could even finish talking; fully confident in the choice you were making. Standing in his house now, no wife and no family he couldn’t help the tears that spilled down his face, regret flooding his senses at how he’d let it all fall apart.
He let his hubris get the best of him, he was the best at what he did, always making sure he went the extra mile to prove himself; constantly fighting living in Goose and Maverick’s shadow. So when a mission came up and you and Jake had been chosen, he’d felt deflated; why hadn’t he been picked? What made Jake the better pilot? What made you more qualified? He went to higher ups to plead his case, never once thinking about the aftermath and how his choices in this would affect you. Needless to say it ended badly, you and Jake being grounded and Bradley flying the mission, someone had let it slip at the bar one night that he’d intervened, costing you an important promotion opportunity and choosing his career over you.
You’d felt betrayed, how could you trust him to be your life partner if he couldn’t even support you in your career? You’d requested an immediate transfer, packed your things and left the ring in your shared home, a note briefly explaining your reasoning and that you’d never wanted it to end this way. He had ruined everything, tried to convince Jake to give him your new number but Hangman could be ruthless when he wanted to be. Refused to help in any way and made sure Bradley knew that he’d been the getaway car, he would always choose you and your happiness unlike Bradley who’d chosen career over love.
Bradley hated him, but he knew he couldn’t fault him for his decision. If he’d just given that level of care when it counted he’d probably still have you, instead of an empty house and a head full of what ifs. He’d been a terrible fiancé, sure he’d doted on you and always told everyone you were his everything, but he also loved attention. So he’d let girls at the bar flirt sometimes, make excuses that it was just his personality and that he didn’t mean anything by it because of course you were the only one for him. But he’d dulled your shine to lift himself up far too many times and he knew deep down he didn’t deserve a second chance. Giving up on his speech for the night he poured another scotch and made his way to bed, there was no mental preparation on earth that would make any of this easier.
Friday morning came bright and early, you stumbled your way through Jake’s apartment letting the smell of coffee carry you to the kitchen. He’d left a post it on the carafe, telling you to be ready by 6 for drinks at the hard deck and you laughed, some things truly did stay the same. Six pm rolled around all too soon and you were dressed in your favorite sundress, hair and makeup set to perfection and Jake pulled the two of you into the lot of the beloved navy bar. Pulling you from your thoughts he gave your hand a reassuring squeeze.
“If you start feeling uncomfortable you just say the word and we’re out, no muss no fuss. Just relax and enjoy tonight with our friends.”
You smiled up at him, grateful that he always seemed to know what you needed to hear.
“Come on Tex let’s get in there and celebrate our friends.”
The bar was closed to only friends and family tonight, everyone near and dear to the happy couple congregating for their rehearsal dinner. Stepping inside it was like being transported back to the past; sounds, smells, everything was the same as it had been when you left. Jake goes in ahead of you, keeping an eye out for a certain mustached aviator but as you both made it to the bar the general consensus was that he hadn’t made it yet. You greeted Penny and Mav with hugs and congratulations, both so glad that you could make it. Mav caught your eye as you ordered a drink from Jimmy, and you knew what he had to say before he even started.
“I’m sure he does Pete. I wish it changed anything, but it doesn’t. This is your day, you don’t need to waste it worrying about the past, I’m ok I promise.”
He just wanted his godson to be happy, you knew that. But it wasn’t that easy, too much time had passed and you were uneasy enough thinking about having to see him tonight. So with a squeeze to his arm and a smile you made your way across the bar to the pool tables and your former squad.
Rowdy and full of mischief, that’s the best way you could describe them, whooping and cat calling you as you crossed the threshold, enveloping you in hugs and remarks at how you’d been missed. Phoenix sidles up to you now, bumps her hip against yours with a Cheshire Cat grin, the two of you had never lost contact during the past 6 months and you were grateful for another person looking out for you tonight.
“I’ve missed you cutie! It’s just not the same around here, still can’t believe you left me to take care of the kids by myself.” You both laugh at that, looking towards your boys now as they play fight and place bets at who can kick the others ass at pool, knowing without a doubt that Jake will take the winnings.
“It feels good to be home Nix, I didn’t realize just how much I missed everyone until I got here. Florida is nice, I love the group I have there but the daggers are my family.” You trail off, trying to suppress the tears threatening to leak from your eyes.
She pulls you in for another hug, kisses the side of your head. “It’s going to be a good weekend buddy, I can feel it.”
Bradley’s late. He knows he should have left earlier but he’d been dragging his feet. Mav had texted to tell him you were here and he had to pull over on the highway to empty his stomach. His nerves are shot, pulling the bronco into the lot with shaking hands he attempts to pull himself together, knowing you are just inside has him feeling faint.
“Get your shit together Bradshaw, don’t lose your cool.”
He sucks in a deep breath and opens the door.
After grabbing a beer and getting two pitiful sympathetic looks from Penny and Mav, he turns towards his group and lays his eyes on you. It’s like a punch to the gut, you have always been breathtaking but after having only the memories on his phone to look at he knows for sure they pale in comparison to the real thing. His feet begin moving of their own accord, brain hasn’t quite caught up to what he’s doing and it feels like a magnet is dragging him towards the one place he has longed to be. You are arm and arm with Coyote, animatedly telling him a story with sparkling eyes and Bradley is falling in love all over again. He skirts the outside of the group, settles in to a seat next to Bob and Fanboy hoping he can keep from startling you. But you feel his presence because of course you do, and he can tell the moment your energy shifts. You keep looking at him in the corner of your eye, arms wrapped tightly around yourself and it breaks his heart. His view is obscured by Hangman all too soon, leaning in to the table to catch his eye.
“We aren’t gonna have any issues tonight are we?” Jake asks with his signature smirk and lazy southern drawl, it’s charming to some but to Bradley it’s like nails on a chalkboard.
“I’m not here to make things uncomfortable bagman, just here to fulfill my duty to Mav as best man. Y/N is a big girl and doesn’t need a babysitter, if she wants to talk to me I’m happy to listen to anything she says, I’d be an idiot not to”
“You’re an idiot either way Bradshaw but if you make Stormy girl cry tonight you’ll be showing up to the ceremony tomorrow with a black eye, just keep that in mind.”
Jake blinks back the shock, didn’t expect Bradley to be amenable towards him at all. They have avoided each other at all costs in social gatherings ever since the split, Jake knew nothing good would come from stirring it back up and Bradley looked like a kicked puppy most of the time. Shrugging it off, Jake nods to the group at the table and heads back to where you are, encouraging hand on your shoulder. He’d be damned if someone ruined your night, so instead of letting you wallow he scooped you up to pick a song on the jukebox and took you to the dance floor. Spinning you and reveling in your giggles and bright eyes, it almost made him forget that he wasn’t supposed to look at you the way he was now. He’s been so good about keeping it together all these years, making sure to have a date to keep him occupied when you were cuddled up to Rooster and firmly planting himself in the friend zone. He knew that’s what you needed and he’d always go above and beyond to make you happy. Even if it meant he couldn’t have you.
You have no idea how long you’ve been here, speeches have been given and far too many shots have been had; the room is too hot and slightly spinning so you make your way outside for some fresh air. He’s there of course, smoking a cigarette and watching the waves. Looking him over now you can see the little changes, he’s not as bulky anymore, face and torso are definitely thinner than they used to be. He looks tired, to the bone judging by the dark circles under his eyes and the way he seems to slouch in on himself, no longer the larger than life persona he used to project. You think for a moment you should go back in, but as he flicks the used up cigarette into the wind you are both face to face, pain clearly etched in his features as he takes you in.
“Hi.” It’s all you can make out, you think of how ludicrous it is that after 6 months of heartbreak the best you can scrounge up is a measly hi.
“Hi Storm, it’s good to see you.”
“Y-yeah it’s good to see you too, it’s been a while.”
He runs his hand over his scarred chin, looking you over and it almost looks like he might reach out for you but he thinks better of it.
“I’m sorry Bradley- I can’t do this, I know what you’re gonna say and I feel it too but it doesn’t change anything. We’re the same people we were 6 months ago, and love isn’t going to fix it.”
You were trembling, tears pouring down your face and Bradley couldn’t stand it. He’d broken your heart and let you go, but he’d never once stopped thinking of you. Just two steps forward and you could be back in his arms, and he thought of Mav’s saying “don’t think, just do.” So he closed the distance and pulled you into his arms, your beautiful face cradled in his hands as he wiped away your tears.
“Baby, my sweet sweet girl I know I fucked it up, and I’ve spent every day of the last 6 months thinking of what went wrong. I don’t deserve it; I know that but please even if it’s just for tonight let me love you.”
You didn’t know if it was the alcohol spurring you on or the fact that you’d missed his touch so much it physically hurt, but pulling his lips to yours felt like the easiest decision you’d ever made.
You heard the door swing open behind you and someone cleared their throat, causing you to jump backwards out of his grasp, moment over as quickly as it had begun. You spun around to find Jake, eyes full of anger directed right at Bradley and then he looked towards you; disappointment clearly etched in his features.
“I couldn’t find you, Payback said you’d gone outside so I came to make sure you’re alright.”
You feel your cheeks redden with embarrassment, you had promised yourself you wouldn’t be alone with Bradley and yet here you are less than 24 hours later letting him kiss you.
Jake is still staring you down, you shift a little feeling extremely small between the two people you love most.
“Everything’s ok Jake, let’s uh- let’s go home ok? It’s late and I’ve had more than I should have.” You grab at his elbow to steer him towards the lot to the truck, steely gaze still focused on Bradley but he lets you move him, starting a fight isn’t going to fix a thing and he knows more than he’s let on. Maybe it was time to play his hand and let you know just how much of a piece of shit your so called “Prince Charming” really was.
The ride back was eerily quiet, tension flooding the cab of the truck while you spent every second overthinking. Why had you let it get that far? You’d done so good, it’d been half a year without any contact and you’d folded *so* fast, it was so embarrassing. Ugh and for Jake to be the one that found you?! You knew he’d be pissed and expected a thorough lashing but he didn’t say a word. Just stoically stared at the road, no smart ass remark to be found as he white knuckled the steering wheel. He pulled into the drive and bolted for the door, didn’t even stop to let you out like he normally does. Taking a deep breath and mentally preparing for a long ass night trying to drag his feelings out, you made your way into his townhouse.
He’s nowhere to be found when you step inside, probably holed up in his room so he won’t pick a fight; you know the routine fairly well. He hates hurting your feelings so he shuts down and lets himself cool off before he talks to you, normally just acts like nothing ever happened because he’d rather not bring it all back up again. But when you go to check his bedroom he’s not there either; door ajar and completely devoid of Jake. Finally you head to the back porch, he’s there slumped in one of the lounge chairs, already cracked open another beer and staring down at his phone, determined to look anywhere but at you.
You plop down into the chair next to him, knocking one of your knees with his, hoping if you needle him enough he’ll tell you what’s wrong.
“Don’t. Don’t do this right now Y/N, just let me be before I say something we will both regret.”
You know you should just let it go, but the harshness in his tone is so out of character but frankly you’ve had enough of everyone tiptoeing around you.
“No I want to do this now, what is it that you aren’t telling me? You seem to have forgotten that I know you better than your own mother Seresin and I can tell when you’ve been holding back. You looked like you wanted to beat Bradley into the ground earlier and I know I screwed up and let him get to me tonight but im a big girl Jake I can make my own mis-“
“You didn’t make any mistakes though!” He boomed, causing you to jump in your seat. “ you’ve spent this whole time blaming yourself for leaving, for not communicating but you have NO idea. This was never something to blame yourself for and the fact that you let him back in tonight knowing what I know makes me SICK.” He’s never had an outburst like this with you, chest heaving and shaking hands he can’t seem to stop, he knows it’s all about to bubble up but he can’t stuff the secrets back down.
“What do you mean, what you know? Jake what am I missing?” You whisper softly, you have a sudden glaring realization and it feels like everything is crashing down, it can’t be can it? You need him to say it to confirm but you wish the earth would swallow you both up; everything changes if he says what you think he will.
“He cheated on you, a month before the mission, and he thought he’d gotten away with it but apparently Fanboy caught him and Mirage fucking in the hard deck bathroom. He agreed not to say anything, but when you left she suddenly started showing up more, he wasn’t even trying to hide her y/n! Everyone knew he was taking her home after nights at the bar, and Fanboy couldn’t keep it in anymore so he told me. Bradshaw was jealous of your success, he took the mission away from you and to really stick it to you he fucked a fellow squad mate behind your back. As far as I’m concerned he’s dead to you, he has no right to come crawling back and you deserve to know it all so he doesn’t take advantage of you again.”
It all made perfect sense now, Bradley had had one too many late nights at work claiming he was shooting the shit with Mav, never interested in taking you to bed like he had been before the mission talk started up, but you’d chalked it up to stress. Always making excuses for him, assuring yourself that he wouldn’t dare cheat because why would he have given you his mother’s ring? He’d told you he wanted a love like Goose and Carole had, promised he’d love you forever. Of course he’d lied, he’d always been more concerned about his career path and his accomplishments, any time you did something of merit his congratulations always seemed tinged with something sour, but he was happy for you right? He loved you right? Now you didn’t know for sure.
You reeled back at the realization, all the puzzle pieces fitting together to make a heartbreaking story, and you felt a surge of nausea come up quickly rushing to the side of the yard to throw up. You could feel Jake’s cool hand holding your hair back, the other rubbing circles into your back telling you to breathe. He’d always been a safe haven in your life, steadfast no matter who he was seeing at the time. You came first to him, your friendship and partnership in the air like an unspoken vow between the two of you. You were being hit with one revelation after another tonight, and you jerked away from him suddenly; throat dry as the desert as you quickly made your way inside to the sink to rinse out your mouth.
“Hey hey, talk to me honey. I’m sorry, shit I’m so sorry you had to find out like this; I should have never let it get this far but you seemed happy in Florida and I didn’t want to open old wounds. Please Stormy, look at me baby I need to know we are ok.”
Now he’s the one wringing his hands, Hangman is never nervous, he’s always larger than life and the most confident person in the room. He looks so boyish now, standing in the dim light of the kitchen, the fear on his face so unnatural on his handsome face.
You couldn’t deny that he was beautiful, you’d always seen the way he attracted the attention of everyone in a room, like the definition of the word gorgeous come to life or the hero on the cover of a romance novel. Just classically handsome, and yes he was smug and he knew just how good he looked but he’d never put on any kind of mask when it came to you. Let himself be vulnerable, trusted you would keep his secrets and never make fun of him for his faults. Now looking at him in the quiet of his home, you realized that Bradley may have physically cheated; but maybe he wasn’t the only one that blew up your relationship. Some part of you from the day Jake Seresin had walked into your life had always belonged to him. Admitting it to yourself now was jarring; how long had you let yourself think he wasn’t everything to you? You found yourself terrified and excited at the thought, suddenly hyper aware of how close he was to you, knowing that if you crossed that line with him tonight you’d never be the same. You tilted your head up to look at him, reaching a hand out so he could close the distance, and watched him relax into your touch knowing you weren’t angry with him.
“Jake…Do you love me?”
He goes cold at the realization, oh God you had figured it out. He’d tried to suppress it for so long, but obviously with the clarity that had been gained tonight you seemed to be able to see the truth. He’d always been in love with you, but decided that having you in his life was more important than getting his feelings out so he’d gallantly put them aside. When he’d found out the truth about Rooster he’d been unmoored by the whole thing. How the hell could anyone ever hurt you like that? What kind of moron has the perfect girl and destroys her happiness? But he’d let you go, knowing you needed to run and find yourself in the aftermath; Jake was just grateful he could continue to be a part of your life in whatever way you needed. But oh God you knew now, he could see it on your face and since it had been a night for truth and honesty he told the consequences to fuck themselves, pulling you into his arms and pressing his forehead to yours.
“I could deny it, and we could just go back to the way things are if that’s what you need. We can continue this weekend like we have been and I’ll let you go back to Florida. Because you matter too much to me to be selfish with you, but oh angel I want *so* badly to be selfish. So you tell me what you need and I’ll do it.”
He’s so open, pouring his heart out to you and you can’t look away, his bright green eyes searching for any kind of reservation on your part, and when he doesn’t see any he grins that perfect lopsided grin of his, the one that makes your heart grow ten sizes. It’s not a rushed or sudden clashing of teeth and tongue, it’s a slow movement of lips molding together, hands mapping each other in a way that’s never been allowed before. It takes your breath away and as you gasp he slides his tongue against yours, reveling in the little noises you make as you grasp at the collar of his shirt, the need to have him closer overwhelming. After a while with the willpower of a god he pulls himself back from you a little, stroking your cheek and chuckling as you stagger forward trying to chase his kisses. He tilts your face to look at him and he’s warm all over, it’s everything he’s ever wanted and he has to tell you before he lets it get too far.
“I do Y/N, I love you. I always have baby. I want it all with you kid, and I know it probably feels sudden, but I can’t lie to you; I want everything with you. I’ll wait as long as you need because I’m in this no matter what, I don’t think I could stop if I tried.” He says with a watery laugh, and you realize he’s got tears in his eyes.
You are pretty sure you turned into a puddle on the floor, arms and legs feel like jello as he holds you up between himself and the counter. You could agree that yes it was sudden, hell you’d just let Bradley kiss you less than two hours ago, but you couldn’t deny that in all the times you’d kissed Rooster it had never felt like this. How were you ever supposed to go back to the way things were? Did you even want to? The thoughts were swirling around in your head now and he could tell you were lost. So he kissed you once more, just a featherlight peck and then stepped back from you.
“We’ve had a lot of big reveals tonight baby girl, how about we take a beat and sleep, let tomorrow figure it all out for us.”
He was right of course, it has been an overwhelming evening and you two should probably look it over with fresh eyes, so you let him lead you down the hall. He thinks you’re going to head to the guest bedroom but you surprise him, stepping into his bedroom and closing the door.
“Stormy, we can’t- not tonight honey you and i are wrung out-“
“Shhh, we aren’t doing anything tonight Jake, just hold me ok? I need to be close to you.”
He peels off his clothes and lets you change into one of his T shirts, tangling his arms and legs with yours as you snuggle up into bed. Drifting off to sleep, not knowing if he hears you, you whisper to him
“Jake I think I love you too.”
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Jake Seresin Masterlist
Tagging- @attapullman
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ghost-bxrd · 8 months
I’ve been getting really into magical stuff recently and also DC so I’m just gonna drop this here:
Fae Dick Grayson
okay so fae stories are special to me because I grew up on hearing pagan folklore and fairytales about fae and fae adjacent creatures as good night stories so hooo boy yes I adore that trope! (I mean, I made Dick a Banshee in my fic Shuck so… hehe)
Anyway, Fae Dick Grayson! There’s just so many things you can do with it ✨
Robin appears from one day to the next, following in Batman’s shadow like a mischievous sprite, so honestly rumors have been going wild about him since day one. Robin actually being something non-human doesn’t really come as a surprise!
The fae folk are known for being awfully good at blending in with regular humans when they put their mind to it, the only thing that puts them apart (in most stories) is their otherworldly beauty, and Dick Grayson? Well, he’s definitely got that in abundance.
Just sometimes, when the light reflects off a surface in just the right way, when someone pours a glass of water and you happen to look right through the spray, or when you think you catch a glimpse of something out of the corner of your eye and you spin around— but there’s only Dick Grayson, even if a second ago you could have sworn you saw eyes where there weren’t supposed to be any; colors that aren’t supposed to exist; feathers where only skin has any right to be.
And, gods, all the talking. Dick is terrifyingly good at talking to people without actually saying anything, to the point where you walk away from the conversation feeling utterly drained after spilling your entire life story but when you think back on it— you can’t remember him ever telling you anything about himself. You know there were the usual pleasantries of “hi” and “nice to meet you” and “how are you doing?” but anything beyond that just kinda… seemed to spill out of you? It’s very strange. It’s very unnerving. By the end of the evening you other convince yourself you’re overreacting or you simply push the incident out of your mind altogether.
And there’s another thing about Dick. His name.
He only ever introduces himself as Dick Grayson/Robin. Never Richard. Never. Especially not Richard John. Names are sacred for the fae folk, names have power, so while Richard John Grayson may not be Dick’s true name, he treats it as such to honor his parents. None are allowed to use it. None except Bruce or Alfred on special occasion.
Of course, Dick’s “true” name isn’t exactly a secret so when someone does happen to use it… well, Dick may be… other… but he’s still intrinsically good in a way many of his kind don’t have the patience to be. Dick judges on a case by case basis, just like his parents and Bruce taught him. And usually people do not mean it maliciously when they use his name so he kindly corrects them and that’s that. But oh man, if they still insist on calling him “Richard”? Well..
“Oh no, it seems your credit card is being declined, sir!”
“Sheesh, you tripped over a root? In Gotham?!”
“What do you mean ten birds flew into your window last night? You live on floor level!”
“Dude I’m telling you that rash doesn’t look normal.”
“I… don’t think crows are supposed to follow you like that.”
It’s little things (most of the time, unless you really pissed Dick off) but they keep piling up, slowly driving you insane. You feel like you’re being watched, but it’s just a bird sitting on the window sill again. You feel like someone moved all your furniture just slightly to the right even tho you checked all the cameras.
The fae are kind, but they are also vindictive when crossed.
(Thanks to Bruce, however, I think Dick’s bouts of “vengeance” rarely go much farther than that though.)
Dang ok that ended up being an entire rant… wow. Anyway, yeah. Fae.
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the-badger-mole · 11 months
On the Unredeemed
Unredeemed villains are important in fiction. I feel like that needs to be said. There is a trend in recent years (probably since Wicked became a hit) of people wanting to see monsters redeemed. I'm not against that (per-se... glowers in Maleficent), but also, I feel like we do lose something when we lean into the idea that the monster gets to make good.
Fiction can be really useful for teaching us about life. I remember seeing a quote some time ago on Pinterest or something that said something along the lines of "fairytales are important not because they tell us dragons are real, but because they tell us that dragons can be slayed". That has been on my mind a lot recently when I see discussions about characters like Azula and (more recently) Ozai. They are fictional characters with super magic fire powers, but they represent something real- they represent the cycle of abuse in families, and while I understand the impulse to absolve someone as young as Azula, I think it's also important to tell the story where she isn't redeemed.
One reason that most Azula redemption stories bother me is because of the responsibility they tend to place on Zuko as her older brother, despite the fact that she victimized him probably more than anyone in her life (that we get to see. I don't think her soldiers believed her death threat for no reason). There are plenty of stories about the victims of abuse needing to be the bigger person to keep their families together and being villainized when they don't (I think by now we all understand that Terri was not the villain of Soul Food). We need stories about knowing when it's okay to walk away, and that illustrate the idea that "the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb".
In a time when more people are talking openly about going low contact or completely cutting off family members- close family members- I personally think that seeing stories about coming out of the other side of it, of building a new family, healing from the past, and dealing with the residual guilt that comes with "turning your back on family" even when it's the right call, is helpful in the same way that those fairytales about slayable dragons are.
I'm not saying any of this to discourage Azula redemption stories. In fact I would love to see more. Stories that have Azula confronting what she did to the people she should have loved most, and have her considering what to do with the knowledge going forward, instead of just using her past abuse and mental health to gloss over the real harm she did. I want to see her grappling to accept the fact that no one- not her brother, not Iroh, not her friends- owes her forgiveness, and then dealing with all the complex emotions that come with just one of them actually forgiving her. But also, I want to see stories where Zuko gets to let go of his father and sister and go on to be supported in that decision. Because to him, they were dragons, and they were slain.
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 months
Roger Barel Main Route - Mad Love Chapter 25
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this. I’m doing this for archiving purposes and you can probably find a better translation out there.
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“Today, I’ll write down a recent story that I didn’t include in my report presented to Her Majesty.
I’ve been living in the darkness as Roger’s exclusive Fairytale Keeper since.
There’s still evil in Britain. And today—
~~ Flashback ~~
Roger: Haa, haa…, this time our target’s persistent.
Alfons: Illegal drug dealers are sent to jail when caught. It’s natural that they would run like a rat chased by a cat. …Oh my? Where are Lord El and Kate?
Roger: Ah.
Alfons raised a brow at Roger as he asked the question.
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Alfons: Don’t tell me you left your own lover behind. You are theeeee worst!
Roger: Says the guy who left El behind. Welp, that guy’s gonna be fine. Actually, they’ll both be fine.
Roger smiled and reloaded his rifle.
Roger: Hey, Al. Since this is the only time you’ll listen to me, I’m gonna tell you now. Your fate’s “to be forgotten by everyone after death.” But since there’s a chance I’m gonna die before you, I’m not gonna forget about you.
Alfons: …o_o
Roger: I feel like this is the only thing I can do for an old friend… Even if it won’t make you happy.
It’s not something extravagant like a will.
But it’s something he didn’t want to regret not telling him at the time.
Roger: Al, while I’m still alive, I’ll definitely find a way to remove curses from the Cursed. Just like I promised when we were kids. That way, you won’t be lonely.
Alfons: …o_o
This egoist of a man spoke as he pleased, as plainly as if there wasn’t a single cloud in the sky.
Alfons: Haaa. Are you stupid? Please don’t ever assume people’s feelings. It’s irritating. I couldn’t care less if you fulfilled your ambitions or not. Continue wandering through your living hell to fulfill your absurd ambitions.
You couldn’t escape fate.
That being the case—you’d live how you wanted until death.
Death came for both the Cursed and humans equally.
Roger: I’m gonna have to live long to wander through a living hell.
Alfons: Bad people have all the luck in life. A man like you won’t die even if you’re killed.
Roger: Pfft, without a doubt. Alright, done reloading. Kate and El are—
Kate: Roger. Alfons, are you okay?
He turned toward the voice and saw Kate making a beeline toward him like a loyal dog.
Roger: Kate, El. Are you two hurt?
Elbert: …Kate and I don’t have a single scratch on us…However…
Alfons: However?
Kate: The targets are bound in rope in the third warehouse.
Elbert: It’s thanks to Kate.
Kate: No, you’re the one that stepped on their shadows which let me do it.
Alfons: …Kate, don’t you think you’re becoming a little too strong?
Roger: Haha.
While in the carriage on the way back home…
Alfons: …The queen ordered for the huntsman to bring her the heart of the detestable Snow White.
Elbert: …Al?
Elbert, who was in the same carriage, slowly raised his gaze when he heard the murmur.
Alfons: But the hunter betrayed the queen by letting the girl go in the forest and instead, brought the queen a heart of an animal. After that, Snow White met a prince after her life was saved…
'Snow White'—
Elbert quietly listened to the story that was beautiful yet unsavory for the Cursed before speaking up.
Elbert: I’ve always…thought it was strange.
Alfons: What was?
Elbert: Why didn’t Snow White choose to be with the hunter who turned traitor and saved her life?
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Alfons: That is because— The happiness chosen by princesses in fairytales were generally conventional and boring. However, it doesn’t seem like Kate likes those endings. ‘Have a lovely rest of your life.’
—Fairytales will continue to be spun.
No one knew what would happen next.
Kate: …And we were once again misinformed when we were told “a Cursed One’s been found.”
After our mission, Roger and I went to check if the information that suddenly came to us was true.
(But it was a miss…)
Between missions, the two of us had continued to conduct research on the Cursed, but it hadn’t been easy.
Roger: …You feeling heartbroken?
Roger, who had unequipped his rifle and was now dressed down, smirked.
That day, I told Roger my answer to the question he had asked me long ago.
~~ Flashback within a flashback ~~
Roger: Would it be good or evil to make curses disappear from this world? You don’t have to answer me now. When it comes to you, let me know.
~~ End flashback within a flashback ~~
Kate: I want the Cursed to be able to choose how they live, and that thought will never change. And if I want that to happen, I can’t let things like this discourage me.
Roger: …O_O
Kate: Roger?
Roger: It’s nothing. Was just thinking about how you’ve become a fine woman.
With a hand on his chin, Roger looked at me fondly with dazzling eyes.
Kate: Don’t tell me I’ve become a fine woman for something like this. I plan to grow more! So keep your eyes on me. Closely.
Roger: Don’t have to tell me twice.
Roger was suddenly so close to me that our lips were almost touching…
My heart pounded as his eyes pierced through me.
When it comes to me, Roger’s never been one to hide his desires.
(Openly showing his desire just by looking at me…)
(It’s always made my mind and body ache like crazy)
It’s as if I took a potent drug called Roger.
Roger: Kate.
The second he said my name, he bit my lip.
Kate: Ngh, nnnn…
His tongue explored my mouth, the wet noises hit my ears—
Kate: Haaa…wait…please.
Roger: Do I have to?
Kate: Y-yes! Because…I’m scared.
Roger: After we’ve done this so many times?
Kate: That’s not it…
My breathing still hadn’t gone back to normal when I glared at Roger with teary eyes.
Roger: Sorry, I cut you off. …You’re talking about something else. Tell me, I’ll listen to everything. What’re you scared of?
Roger looked at me with a smile that enveloped all my weaknesses.
Kate: I chose to throw everything away and live with you. My hands were empty that day, like a newborn baby’s. But…suddenly, my hands were filled with you.
I closed my open palms.
Kate: I chose you so that I could be me. I don’t regret that at all. Despite that, sometimes I get scared…that I can’t live without you.
(...I never thought I’d be so deep in love)
Roger: And what’s wrong with that?
Kate: Because…
Nothing’s more important to me than you.
I would never find happiness like this again.
The surface of my ordinary life was so out of reach, and the moment I felt happiness, I’d sink further down into the bottomless lake.
Roger: Hey, that’s just called being in love. I think it’s too cute how you love me so much it scares you.
Kate: Maybe it is being in love, but I’m seriously worried about it, you know?
I glared at him but his shoulders just shook with laughter…
Roger: I already told you that I’m not letting you go. No matter what happens. Besides, I’m like you.
Kate: Eh?
Roger: “What you call romantic love’s just a dysfunction of the brain or a misunderstanding caused by sexual desire.” I had that theory set in stone. But then, Kate. You overturned it. You—changed me.
Kate: …I…changed you?
Roger: Who else? The other day, Victor told me “You’ve fallen for your fated love.”
Do you think it’s fate?
How lovely.
What was your response? +4 +4
Kate: …So, what was your response to that?
Roger: I think I said something along the lines of romantic expressions aren’t for me.
Kate: Hehe, I agree.
We looked at each other and laughed. Roger’s brows then furrowed in self-deprecation.
Roger: I’m also scared…of someone like that taking a spot in my heart. Me of all people. Scared of being in love…it’s so not like me, it’s funny.
An outstretched hand touched my hair; the gentle affection in his touch reached my heart.
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Roger: But worries like that are trivial. They’re nothing compared to the despair of not living with you. Nothing compared to the despair of not being able to love you as much as I want to.
Kate: …
Despair is always close by.
However, if we let ourselves be scared of it, something important will slip through our fingers.
(That’s why you give despair the finger and live how you want)
(I want to love you…)
It made me happy to know that Roger felt the same as me.
Filled with more than fear of loving this person, I nuzzled Roger’s hand.
Kate: …Roger, please touch me.
Roger: Is that okay?
Kate: Don’t need to be scared of anything, give me all your love.
Taking a sweet smile as a cue, our lips locked together.
Kate: Nnn…nnnn
Roger: Haaa…
Roger removed his glasses and kissed me deeper than before.
And then— 
We slowly fell back onto the bed, our hands woven together.
(I can hear Roger’s heartbeat…)
The moment the heart within that thick chest breaks, I might despair.
The despair was so deep and dark that I couldn’t even imagine it.
But—I still want and love.
Pull in that faint hope and pursue uncertain happiness.
Heart beating.
Living hopelessly.
Passionate, mad, together with our loved one in this world painted with despair.
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Roger: Kate. I’ll take you, satisfy you, love you. So…love me too.
Roger smiled.
No matter when, even when in the depths of despair, you’ll smile again—
Kate: Yes, Roger. I’ll love you…with all that I have.
I will protect your smile.
~~ End flashback ~~
This was the love story between me, a Fairytale Keeper, and a double-crossing hunter who lived in darkness.
Neither of us know how our love will end.
However, we seem fine with that.
Because I don’t want—
A fairytale that promises a happy ending.”
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archiveikemen · 7 months
Victor 1st Birthday Campaign: Story (2024)
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. I do not own any of the original content. Please support CYBIRD by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Warnings and FAQ
The darkness of the night was my friend, and death was myself.
Today too, I walked, and walked, and walked in the darkness.
Then, I suddenly turned around.
Look, over there – a bloodied, blissful look of death.
Kate: Victor, Harrison lent me a book recently, so…
I did my own work, while Kate did the work she had as the fairytale writer.
Working in the same office together and listening to her stories gradually became a part of my everyday life.
(... She looks happy. She’s become a true member of Crown now.)
Kate: Right, about the matter regarding the maid Marianne that I discussed with you a few days back—
Victor: Ah, give her a few days off work. Meeting up with a long-distance lover is a very important occasion.
When I told her that I had already settled the matter we were in the midst of discussing, she blinked in surprise.
Kate: Victor… at approximately what time do you usually go to sleep?
Victor: Usually?
Kate: I understand that you have a heavy workload, and that’s something I can never deal with.
Kate: But whenever I approach you for something I want to discuss, you immediately resolve the matter on your own…
Victor: Ehh~~ are you perhaps praising me? Goodness, I’m overjoyed!
Victor: But unfortunately, I need to sleep as well. I’m a human being, after all. I only have so much time in a day.
Victor: Which means, the matters you bring up to me are of extremely high priority compared to the other things I have on hand.
Kate: … Thank you, Victor.
Victor: I thank you too, for caring about the other staff working here.*
*Victor actually referred to them as “kids”
Kate: Also… you can forget that I said anything if it turns out to be a misunderstanding, but…
Victor: … Hm?
Kate: Do you have something that’s been bothering you lately, Victor?
Kate: Things that make you unhappy…
(This girl is very observant and sharp.)
Those sincere eyes of hers deserve a sincere reply.
Victor: I have a mission with William tonight, and it’s not one that puts me in a good mood.
I was made aware of the existence of an organisation hat made Her Majesty the symbol of their beliefs — in other words, they worship her like a god.
(People are entitled to their religious beliefs, and Crown has no rights to interfere on that, however…)
There was word that the organisation abducted women and imprisoned them to be worshipped, and those who held no physical resemblance to Her Majesty were killed.
Victor: Tonight, we will investigate the organisation and punish them if found guilty.
Kate: … To think they’d kill people over their religious beliefs.
Victor: Kate, because this mission might make you uncomfortable—
Not giving me a chance to finish my sentence, she responded with a stern look.
Kate: Victor, can you allow me to accompany you on this mission as the fairytale writer?
Out of respect for her wish, I accepted her request and we headed to the organisation’s base that night.
William: We found the belongings of the missing women, blood stains, and bodies. They have no way to defend themselves now.
Kate: Means to say… they’re guilty?
Tommy Yeager, aristocrat. Leah Rodríguez, congresswoman. Kevin Nicholson…
(This is a lot of important people.)
Out of greed for greater power, they worshipped the Queen and hoped that she would fulfil their wishes.
William: There are two possible venues for tonight’s ritual; one is the top floor of this mansion, and the other is the basement.
Victor: Kate and I will go down to the basement. We shall proceed immediately, in order to prevent any more sacrifices.
Kate: Okay…
William: Victor, how much “mercy” do you want to show tonight?
Victor: — No need for any. Their wrongdoings are deserving of condemnation. Give into your wickedness, Will.
Not wanting Kate to witness anything horrifying, I prayed that we weren’t headed for where our “prize” was.
(Ahh, turns out the basement is indeed where our “prize” is at.)
In the basement was what appeared to be an altar, candlelight flickering.
A group of people in masquerade surrounded the altar, laying at the centre was a young girl who looked of tender years.
(Is that the “substitute” for Her Majesty? … Utterly heinous.)
I noticed that one of the men was about to lower the candle in his hand onto the girl’s arm, and I reflexively took a step forward.
— But Kate beat me to it.
Kate: … STOP!
Masked Red-Haired Man: Wha– what’s with this woman!? Let go, get your hands off me…
Kate: Please let that girl go! Ahh…!
In that split second, Kate was shoved into the altar and instantly collapsed onto the ground.
Victor: Kate…? Kate…
(She’s alright, she’s still breathing. She only lost consciousness…)
— There was something on the ground next to her, it seemed that it fell out during her fall.
(Oh, this is…)
– Flashback Start –
Victor: Kate, you’ll be following Elbert and Roger on their mission tonight.
Kate: Okay. I’m still not used to this, I hope I won't get in their way.
Victor: I see. In that case, take this with you.
Kate: … A Cameo hair ornament?
Victor: May it keep you out of harm’s way.
Kate: Fufu, I feel safe knowing that you’re always on a lookout for me.
Kate: Thank you very much, Victor! I’ll be on my way.
– Flashback End –
(... This is the hair ornament I gifted you back when you first joined Crown.)
(You’ve been keeping it by your side like a protective charm…)
Kate lying unconscious on the ground, the girl on the altar, all the innocent women who died there—
Tonight, I had more than enough reason to show absolutely no mercy.
Masked Red-Haired Man: Pfft, haha. This is all because she disrupted our ritual!
Masked Black-Haired Man: … H-Hey. Hold on… this man is…
Masked Black-Haired Man: Isn’t this Sir Victor?
Masked Man with Freckles: I-It really is! How could the Queen’s right hand man show up in such a place!?
I took a good look at all of them, and my gaze focused on one person.
Victor: Was it you who pushed that girl?
Masked Red-Haired Man: Y-Yes… it was me, Sir Victor.
Staring at the man who scrambled up to me, I commanded.
(... It's time for death to come to you.)
Victor: In the name of … I command you. — Now, succumb to my wickedness.
In a trance, the man stared into space.
Masked Red-Haired Man: Ahh… somehow… I feel so happy… I… I…
The man wrapped his hands around his neck, immediately taking his own life.
Masked Black-Haired Man: Is he… dead? Why did he kill himself…?
I turned my gaze towards the alarmed and bewildered men.
Victor: … From right to left, say your names.
Masked Black-Haired Man: Tommy Yeager. … Ugh, gguhh…
I gave another death order.
Masked Man with Freckles: Leah Rodríguez. I- I… ahh!
And another.
All that was left was dead silence.
As though they had a blissful dream, the men died with peaceful expressions on their faces.
William: Is it over? Looks like there’s no chance for me to step into the spotlight.
Victor: Oh, Will. This is where the “prize” was.
William: They died with such peaceful faces, it’s almost as if they were possessed by a god.
(A god, huh.)
It was like saying that “Her Majesty The Queen” was no god.
Victor: … Humans can never become god.
William: Based on what you said, that will surely be the case.
With a calm smile, William picked up the girl on the altar.
William: You can entrust this girl to me. I’ll leave you to look after Kate.
William: Because it seems to me that your rage is heavily correlated to her.
Roger examined Kate upon our return to the castle, and he said that she would regain consciousness very soon.
I gently laid the unconscious Kate on her bed.
(Kate. … I’m so glad you’re safe.)
Looking at her face, I was reminded of the night we first met.
When I suggested that she become our fairytale writer, it was partially because I came up with that on the spot.
The other reason being… I anticipated the change she would bring to Crown.
Despite their differences, every member of Crown was a person of strong character.
It was precisely because of that, I believed that “change brought upon by others” was crucial.
Humans could only grow stronger in the presence of others.
(This change will guide those guys towards a more beautiful evil.)
And I would watch her from a distance — that was the original plan, at least.
(Unknowingly, you brought upon a change in me too.)
As William said earlier on, it was clear that seeing her hurt made me fly into a rage.
I felt alive, that was… a “human” emotion.
(Your presence has turned me from a spectator to a player.)
I gently placed the Cameo hair ornament back into Kate’s hair.
(Regardless of how lovely you are, I will always remain by your side as “Victor, Aide to The Queen”.)
(No more, no less.)
Or else, my darkness, and death — would swallow her whole.
I gave her hair a gentlemanly kiss.
Victor: Consider this a bad dream and forget everything. Be it nightmares or death, I will never let them reach you.
Victor: … Good night, Kate.
The next day, Kate regained her consciousness and came to me at the speed of light to apologise.
Kate: I’m truly sorry, Victor. I was to blame for rushing out without thinking it through…
(You’d still blame yourself even if I tell you I didn't mind, won't you?)
(Ah, that's right. In that case…)
Victor: Would you like to have lunch with me, Kate?
Victor: I was about to have a lonely lunchtime today, I’m so glad you’re here.
Kate: Can I make it up to you for last night with this?
Victor: Of course. I find joy in having a delicious meal with another person’s company.
Kate: Fufu, that’s good to hear.
(That captivating smile of yours is finally back.)
— Suddenly, it started drizzling.
Victor: It’s a passing shower. Come here, Kate. Let’s take shelter at the gazebo over there.
Kate: A-Alright…
(... That was surprising. The rainfall in London can be so unpredictable.)
Victor: Kate, are you alright—
Before I could ask, Kate wiped my cheeks with her hands.
Kate: I’m alright. You, on the other hand…
Victor: … (surprised)
Despite being drenched herself, she was still more concerned about me. The hands touching me felt so warm, almost like a gentle shower falling from the clear sky.
There it was “again” — the change in my heart.
Kate: Ah, I almost forgot. Liam told me that he has something for you.
Kate: I’m very curious about why he said in a frustrated tone that he was “supposed to give it to you yesterday”.
Victor: It was my birthday yesterday.
Kate: … Wait.
Kate: WHAT!?
That was likely the most shocked I had ever seen her from the day we met, I couldn't contain my laughter.
(I never intended to tell you myself, because I know you’ll get unnecessarily worked up over it.)
Kate: I-I’m so sorry I didn’t prepare a present for you, I didn’t know it was your birthday…
Victor: Haha, it’s okay. I already received one from you.
Kate: …?
Victor: You spent the whole day with me yesterday.
Victor: Although I genuinely only wanted to respect your freedom of choice, perhaps I also had the childish wish for you to stay by my side on my birthday.
Victor: … Thank you, Kate.
She looked up at the clear sky with a smile.
Kate: … Hey, Victor. I want to become stronger.
Victor: Why so?
Kate: I know that you’ll always protect me from harm, but… being the weakling I am…
She mumbled “I know there are many things in this world that are better off being left unbeknownst to me” under her breath.
Then, she continued, saying “but if it's things related to you, I want to know all about them”. And—
Kate: When you’re having a hard time, I don't want to just laugh it off and pretend I don’t know.
I was captivated by the way she said those words with a smile.
Not only did she change Crown and I, even she went through beautiful changes with every blink of an eye.
(... This girl is like a storm in springtime.)
Would I someday be caught up in that storm — and tell her the truth?
(But now is not the time.)
Victor: Don’t move too fast towards becoming stronger, I’ll feel lonely being left behind.
(Stay like this just for a little bit longer.)
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kurishiri · 2 months
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epilogue . . . “ the medical record of the love between the hunter and me ”
— this translation may not be 100% accurate or may contain creative liberties for characterization or narrative flow purposes. if you enjoy, please consider reblogging, but don’t repost or claim these as your own!
— this is the epilogue story for roger’s past records, which is available after sending hearts 700 times. this is told in kate’s point of view, and takes place after they become a couple, so i would personally recommend reading this after you've read at least one branch of his route. (but it's not necessarily required!)
— cw: roger without glasses 🤭, nsfw (fade to black), a bit unedited.
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It was the early afternoon, the weather clear, a little after Roger and I had become lovers.
“Your medical records could use some polishing, lil lady.”
That was what Roger said as he called me to the laboratory.
Roger: I asked Victor for your diagnostic tests, right? As for your weight——
Kate: Don’t read it out loud!
Roger: Humans are about the only living beings that care about every little thing about their weight.
Kate: Well, I can’t argue with that, but still...
Roger: It’s all well and good you grew up big.
Even after becoming lovers, it seemed Roger’s tendency to lack delicacy sometimes was going strong.
(Well, that said... I also love that about him too.)
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Kate: Wait, I’m pretty sure filling in my medical record won’t make much difference... there’s not much point...
Roger: ‘There’s not much point,’ you say?
Kate: I mean, what you want is data on the Cursed ones, right?
K: As much as I’d love to be of help to you, I’m not Cursed myself...
Roger: Hey now, don’t go saying sad stuff like that.
R: Kate, as my special fairytale keeper, you’ll need to continue to accompany me on missions from here on out.
R: And that’s already asking for more danger than a normal person. That’s all to say,
R: if I get to know you on an even deeper level, I can save you more.
With a broad grin, Roger’s canine tooth peeked out.
That smile alone was enough to make me happy...
(To think Roger’s thought this much about me!)
The happiness at having become his lover spread through my entire body, and I gave him a broad nod in turn.
Kate: If that’s the case, I’ll answer anything!
Roger: .........Anything, huh.
In my enthusiasm in answering, I missed Roger’s words, which came in a whisper.
Roger: Then, let’s start the examination.
Kate: Alright, I’ll be in your care!
Roger: What’s your type, lil lady?
Kate: Is... is that needed for the medical record?
Roger: Very much actually. I’m a former doctor, so you think I’d go around asking pointless questions?
Kate: W-well, besides, we are dating already, so do I really need to say my type out loud...
Roger: Your type could be different, even if we are dating. So I have to ask, just in case.
(Is... that true?)
There was no hesitation in Roger’s tone, so it would be strange not to be able to answer.
My type, huh——Roger’s figure popped into my mind then.
Kate: Uhm, I like to watch someone eat a lot, I think.
Roger: Eat a lot, you say? Ahh, so you mean me?
Kate: T-that’s not necessarily the case!
Roger paid no mind to how flustered I was from him hitting the bull’s eye, instead asking the next question.
Roger: Okay, next. What’s something you’ve found fun recently?
He asked the question so quickly to me, I felt I had to answer quickly.
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Kate: Something fun is... ah...
K: Yesterday, I had some very hot food, and it was so spicy I ended up laughing.
Roger: You’re talking about the one we were eating together, right? I remember that too.
Kate: ...Eh, ah...
Roger: Okay, next. Who in Crown do you find the most charming?
Kate: That...
I didn’t even have to mull over it; that was just how charming Roger was.
(...Oh no.)
——This is definitely not for filling in the medical records.
But by the time I realized, it was already too late.
Roger: What, keeping quiet? Then, let me ask a final question, for a bad patient.
Roger’s fingertips poked over where my heart was.
Roger: You’ve been teased so relentlessly, and yet your heart’s beating so fast... why is that?
Roger has the ability to hear sounds up to 100 yards away.
So it came as no surprise that he was aware how fast my heart was beating.
Kate: Please don’t listen in...
Roger: No can do, your heart’s the one that’s too noisy.
R: See, it’s going thump thump so fast, it’s pretty cute.
Kate: Uu...
Roger: Oh? You’re going to cry? In that case, by all means, feel free to. I’ll be happy about that.
(T-this man, I swear——!)
I threw him the sharpest glare I could muster at a grinning Roger.
Kate: I thought this before we got together, too, but why do you always have to do things like this!?
K: You say you don’t like doing anything unnecessary, but then you go and do exactly that!
Roger: That’s because I want to take care of you.
R: Because your crying face is cute.
R: Because I want to talk more with you.
R: And because, if it’s with you, I don’t find any of it unnecessary.
R: I’ve got loads of reasons up my sleeve. You wanna hear more?
He hit me with one sweet reason after another as if being shot by a gun, rendering me unable to respond.
No matter how frustrated I got at his teasing, I ended up on the palm of his hand,
and I end up wagging my tail in happiness, like a dog.
I really do like Roger.
(God... I really want to wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him right now.)
But, if I wag my tail so easily for him, I wouldn’t be any different than Ale.
(I’m the woman who’s been trained by Roger, so I need to have some kind of comeback.)
(After all, I’m not someone who just falls on the palm of others!)
Regaining my composure, I tried to act out a confident, capable woman.
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Kate: Haven’t we talked enough about me? Now you answer my questions.
K: It’s not fair if I’m the only one doing the answering.
Roger: Hmm? Okay then, ask away.
Kate: “What’s your type,” Roger?
I returned the question that had left me flustered before back at Roger, and I inwardly chuckled to myself.
(Hehe, it would be nice if I could make Roger feel the same way I did, even just a little.)
——But, my intentions were seen through all too soon, to my disappointment.
Roger: “My type” is someone who’s much like a dog, and someone who can think for themself.
R: And if you have the spirit to try and get back at me for what I did to you, all the better.
R: Ahh, come to think of it, someone like the one right before my eyes is really my type.
Kate: Wh...
Roger: “What’s something you’ve found fun recently?”
R: Right now, this moment.
Kate: Ah...
Roger: “Who in Crown do you find the most charming?”
R: If you count as a member of Crown——then it can only be you, Kate.
I could only blink in response as Roger’s strong arms wrapped around me.
My ears were pressed against his warm chest...
Roger: Here, listen to my heart.
Being hit with those sweet words on top of that, I felt myself going dizzy.
Kate: I think my heart’s being too noisy... so, I can’t tell.
Roger: Pfft, hahahaha!
R: Guess that makes it my win.
Seeing him laugh so happily while patting my head, that sort of innocence was rare coming from him, and I couldn’t help but laugh.
(...Jeez... I really am no match for him.)
Kate: Hehe, I don’t recall this ever having been a match, but I surrender.
I was always on the palm of his head, and that was so frustrating it was unbearable.
But, I’m not someone who will fall into anyone’s palm.
(Roger, you are the most special to me, and I wouldn’t replace you for the world.)
(That’s why, I will happily fall into the palm of your hand.)
Roger: What’re you talking about, isn’t it too early to surrender?
The hand that had been on my head slipped before grabbing and lifting my chin.
Roger: We’ve only just become lovers. So we have to get to know each other more.
The eyes before me pierced me with a heat that resembled a hunter aiming for his prey.
He didn’t even try to conceal that heat, and it brought out my desire as well.
Kate: ...What do we need to do, in order to get to know each other deeper?
Roger: Let’s see now, first of all...
Kate: Mn, nn...
While kissing me, Roger lifted me before pinning me down on the lab table.
Roger: Do I need to spell out the rest... lil lady?
Just thinking about what he was going to do made the bottom of my stomach throb.
As if seeing through my desire, Roger’s fingers traced my thighs before they made their way in my underwear.
Roger: ...Hm?
(Ahh, jeez...)
I removed Roger’s glasses, and in an attempt to divert him from my embarrassment, I turned my face away.
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Kate: ...I know, but still... tell me.
Roger: .........Alright, I’ll tell you everything.
—— Time skip ——
As the night deepened, Victor and Roger’s shadows were present in the lounge.
Victor: Oh, right, Roger. About Kate’s medical records...
Roger: Ahh, that. I have it here.
Victor: Thank you, that was quick as always. Oh? This date...
V: To think you’ve taken such detailed records on her since the day she started as a fairytale keeper...
Roger: Well, yeah.
Victor: I’m sure if Kate knew, she would be delighted.
Roger: No, best to keep that a secret.
R: Since the day I met her, the thing I liked the most was giving her a bit of trouble.
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← main story 👑 ecb story 🪞🍻
full masterlist 🍻
END NOTES: i believe this basically concludes my translation of roger’s past records! and a big big thank you to everyone who read to the end! i had fun translating this story, since in addition to roger, we can see a variety of other characters being featured — and they even feature a chapter where crown is just being the dysfunctional found family they are 🤭
i hope this story can serve as a good starting for roger’s route (and perhaps future routes too, though in the end we still don’t know too much about victor, haha). i’d love to hear your thoughts 🥹🙏
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so-many-ocs · 1 month
fifty creative writing warmups
1. search for lists of writing prompts, select one at random, and write from it for 15 minutes. the goal should be to write as much as possible, rather than trying to write something “good.”
2. read or watch a scene from a book/film/show/etc. and then rewrite it from memory.
3. choose one of the five senses (sight, smell, touch, taste, sound) and write a brief scene focusing primarily on that sense.
4. write an interview as if it were occurring between yourself and a character you’re writing about.
5. rewrite something you wrote a long time ago.
6. shuffle your favorite music and write something based on the first song that plays. 
7. choose a scene from your least favorite book and try to rewrite it in a way that you like. pay attention to the changes you make and why, in your opinion, they improve the scene.
8. choose an object in the same room as you and write as much as possible about that object: descriptions, history, personification, etc.
9. choose an author whose style you like and read one of their works for about twenty minutes before sitting down to write.
10. write a short scene with no adverbs (words ending in -ly such as quickly, hastily, quietly, dimly, etc.)
11. reread a scene from a book you like and write down what you think the author did well: characterization, use of literary devices, foreshadowing, dialogue, etc. then write down the characters, goals/motives, and conflicts of the scene.
12. go outside or look out a window and simply write what you see.
13. write a scene with no dialogue.
14. write a scene with only dialogue.
15. choose a scene from your current work in progress and rewrite it from a different character’s point of view.
16. without editing, reread the last couple of scenes you wrote.
17. describe a room where you live.
18. learn a new word and try writing a few different sentences that each use that word.
19. reread something you’ve written out loud. pay attention to things like sentence flow.
20. write an alternate ending for a piece of media you’ve enjoyed recently.
21. write a short story based on a side character in a piece of media you’ve enjoyed recently.
22. rewrite a classic fairytale, but find a way to turn it on its head.
23. go to a random word generator and write a quick scene based on the first word that comes up.
24. describe your day as if it were the first chapter of a book.
25. choose a book from your shelf. find the fifth word on the fifth page and write something based on that.
26. go for a walk. or, if you can’t do that, try to find a way to move your body around.
27. choose an emotion and write a scene where that emotion is the central focus.
28. rewrite a scene you’ve already written, but switch the perspective—so, if your story uses first person present tense (I, me, my, mine), try third person past tense (they, them, their, theirs), or second person present tense (you, your, yours).
29. rewrite an important scene in your work in progress from the point of view of a complete outsider with no stake in the plot.
30. read three pages of a random book, making note of the author’s style, and then try to write a page in that author’s writing style.
31. write a news article about one of your characters. what is the headline? what is the article about?
32. in public, transcribe a conversation happening near you.
33. write a short dialogue exchange, then choose an emotion to highlight and rewrite the dialogue with that emotion in mind.
34. choose an object near you and describe it three times. each time, try to capture a different emotion or vibe.
35. if you’re within earshot of a conversation, write down 2-4 lines of that conversation and then continue it by making up your own dialogue.
36. write brief, 1-2 sentence descriptions of people you see in passing.
37. pick something you love and write about it as if you hate it.
38. pick something you hate and write about it as if you love it.
39. read something you wouldn’t normally read: an author, genre, style, medium, or subject matter you’d usually avoid.
40. write a goodbye scene between two people three times to capture different emotions: somber, cheerful, angry.
41. find a random photograph online of a person or place and write a story about it. what is the history behind the image? how did the picture wind up being taken—why?
42. find a random image online and write 1,000 words describing it.
43. watch a scene in a tv show or movie and try to adapt it into a written format.
44. read a few pages of a book about writing.
45. describe your main character’s home.
46. describe a day in your main character’s life.
47. set a timer for five minutes and list as many words as you can think of.
48. write a page of pure stream of consciousness. put down anything that comes to mind.
49. write a page describing the appearance of a side character.
50. choose one of your characters and create a new character based on them. for every trait your character has, this new character will have its total opposite—so, generous → selfish, cowardly → bold, short → tall, etc.
psst check out radio apocalypse
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eremorte · 7 months
thronecoming heritage hall gifts (rewritten)
The Thronecoming heritage hall gifts bug me. Most of them don’t feel like a parent has gifted them. They are so uninspired for the biggest moment in their child’s life.
I’ve listed my replacements below. I’m hoping for the gifts to have a, if had-to-do-it-again-here’s-what-I’d-want vibe.
blondie lockes
OG gift: running shoes
rewritten gift: a new piece of tech that helps her with her mirror cast. A shiny new microphone or even just a cute news reporter accessory that acknowledges her unintended break from destiny (or rather extremely developed hobby/career because her story can be over in like 30 minutes) it also gives off the initial impression that blondie’s story is “just right” the way it is until.. boom! There’s a note.
That mentions that as Goldilocks has reflected on her role and how she regrets hurting the bears the ways she has* and with an extra perceptive daughter like blondie she is sure to find a worthy story (within bounds) that won’t cause baby bear to develop a complex. *insert long list of things here that blondie could comment on in her stead because the story book of legends didn’t write every worthwhile critique of the bear house and the bears despite “forgiving” her won’t let her talk to them about this* and a small comment of how she is super proud about blondie that hopefully eases some of her attention seeking behavior so she’s less of a brat later on.
cerise hood:
OG Gift: picnic basket with an electronic mirror lock.
revised gift: honestly I have no comment. This is a great gift. My only question is how recently the presents are placed in the hall seeing as how that basket spit up a whole bird leg. Maybe it has a special note of the picnic menu they have in celebration once the whole shebang is done.
o hair twins:
OG gift floating hair brushes
rewritten gift given how Rapunzel’s story is that she was locked away her whole life because her bio mom ate a magical plant while pregnant that the witch wasn’t sure of the side effects of and had to lock her away because damn sure bio parents couldn’t do anything if the witch was second guessing herself. What I think should be there are odd bits an bobs function like an Easter egg hunt of a map and post fairytale notes one what they are that Rapunzel is certain her girls can figure out because they have her plant powers (though probably diluted hence the helpful notes incase they have to solve things like their adoptive grandma ).
briar beauty
NOW FOR THE GIRL WHO INSPIRED THIS POST. Her gift makes me so angry. It is the most nothing gift of the whole bunch. You mean to tell me that a hundred year sleep doesn’t come with any regrets at all? Not one thing?
OG gift A neck pillow.
revised gift: A SCRAPBOOK. The first few pages could be filled with pictures of her family. Bonus points if they’re are people Briar wouldn’t have gotten the chance to meet but knows who they are by virtue of her mom. It hits home exactly how big her sacrifice is. Also all the storybook imagery? The intro? Imagine if there was a dark time line where we were being told everything that happen through briar who missed all of it and is trying to piece back something familiar?
either way, mental breakdown and existential crisis guaranteed.
also bonus. It’s totally merchandisable. Half the book mercy was essentially scrapbooks/concept art anyhow.
Cedar wood: revealer rays
it’s a good gift but something she wouldn’t be able to use in her story at all. They are not subtle and most everyone who knows about Cedar knows that Pinocchio didn’t mess up her eyes to the point she’d feasibly need glasses. Revised gift: letters from the blue fairy (well wishes, maybe an helpful hint or two) Gepetto and Pinocchio (things to to try (and not repeat) once she’s no longer wooden and how to lie effectively) I can’t think of a physical possession for Cedar to have. But I feel she’d appreciate these. Maybe a special cricket/donkey whistle?
duchess swan:
no gift shown but what I have in mind is a mix of briar and blondie’s gift.
a collection of letters (written on leaves and paper or something) from both her mom and her bio dad detailing the bitter sweet love in the tragedy to reassure duchess it’s not all bad. And a special pair of dancing shoes for her last night as a human. I imagine this gift would only make duchess mad.
Madeline hatter:
no gift shown and honestly idk what the mad hatter gives his daughter it’s probably perfect. An old hat that looks very normal actually? A crazy new teapot? Who knows?
raven queen:
og gift wand wishing well coin
honestly I want to know the logic behind the wand. Is it a back up battery in case apple thwarts raven through zapping away her powers somehow?
I have multiple suggestions
Something that contains directions to the true SBOL
recipe for the poison apple
something that originally belonged to someone in the Snow White family that she is proud enough to share with her daughter (raven would probably give it back).
*blondie branches out mentions how Goldilocks promised to be a better person.
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murfpersonalblog · 4 months
IWTV S2 Ep1 Musings - Daciana: History through Visual Context in Ploiești, Romania
I immediately fell in love with The Vampire Daciana & her Romanian castle, and wanted to know more about it all.
We already know how much the set/costume designers on IWTV looooove attention to detail; they tell whole stories just through architecture, furniture, clothes, etc. So I was like OK, AMC, I see you; lemme start doing some reading up on Romania, so I can try to figure out what might be going on with Daciana. (Warning: I know eff all about Romania or Eastern Europe.)
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Map of Romania. Ploiești's the dot just under Muntenia, north of Bucharest, the capital. Ploiești's part of Wallachia, the IRL kingdom of Vlad Tepes (aka Dracula). Louis & Claudia went there in the 1940s, so I hope this map is accurate enough. (There's this map, but I dunno the date.)
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The most obvious thing about her is that she's not dressed in the typical traditional Romanian folk clothing I see all over Google, full of white-red-blue/black palettes.
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Daciana's not following traditional 19th/20th-century Romanian nationalist images. Her green/brown palette & silhouette is telling, as she lacks the puffy white blouses & dark skirts. (Despite her name, I'm ruling out her being Dacian (X X)--you think you're FUNNY, AMC! But IDK about Cezare Romulo (X X); might do a Pt2!)
First thing's her trailing slashed open sleeves, which were screaming Medieval! at me. Here's some 15th century Renaissance examples, but with surcoats, which is different, but the sleeves reminded me of hers so IDFK.
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We could chalk this up to Daciana's design as just generic "medieval" fairytale stuff and keep it moving. But to give her a fair shake, I looked at local examples for anything similar that's more recent.
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Traditional clothing from Huedin, Romania (north Transylvania), (X X).
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Traditional clothing from Cluj, Romania (north Transylvania).
Keep Transylvanian/Muntenian cross-cultural contacts in mind when we get to Daciana's castle, cuz it's important!
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Wrt rarer non-puffy sleeves, the square cut (light blue) seems to be more prevalent in Wallachia/Moldavia/Bessarabia (southern & eastern Romania); while the rectangular cut (dark green) is all over Romania, but definitely has a concentration in Wallachia & Moldavia.
And this makes sense, cuz the style seems to also be prevalent in 19th - 20th century Bulgaria, just south of Wallachia. Hrm....
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Daciana's sleeves hang very long--the only example of super long sleeves I could find is a 19th century one at the Met (C.I.47.3.4a–d). The only example of slashed sleeves I could find is in this museum exhibit at Bran Castle (yes, THE Bran Castle--I'll get to it in a minute!)
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Belt, Bodice, & Fabric
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Daciana's belt is so plain compared to everything else. Is it supposed to be a leather Romanian chimir (worn by mountain/forest folk)? Those are only worn by men though? Or it depends? Or is it a just a plain cloth belt? It's reminding me of these examples (X X):
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I wish I could see more of Daciana's bodice, if there's any particular kind of cut or patterns. Is the diamond netted/knotted/roped pattern on her arms significant? Her fabric is interesting, too:
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What's this embroidery? Brocade? (Byzantine-Renaissance?) Damask? (c. 14th-16th century?) Lace? Something else? My brain wants to assume it's imported? Meaning: she's hella rich. Cuz like, the traditional Romanian blouse & skirt used to belong solely to peasants, b4 19th-20th century aristocrats started wearing it, too.
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IDKY--more reading led me to a whole bunch of complicated stuff, that can probably be simplified by just saying: The Ottomans. XD
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The pre-19th century Romanian aristocracy wore super opulent clothes, inspired by not just the Ottomans (X), but also the Byzantine Greeks (via 18th century Romanian Phanariote boyars (X X X)), etc. But aside from the hanging sleeves, Daciana's dress doesn't really resemble any of these foreign examples. However, it does track with my theory that Daciana predates the 19th-century Romanian nationalist/traditional clothes that became so iconic later on.
Like Louis & Claudia did, let's follow Daciana to her castle! ^0^
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I NEED to know if AMC filmed on location in Romania, or if Daciana's castle is just a studio set/green screen.
The interior's nowhere near what I expected, considering Daciana's haggard appearance. It's really nice--clean & tidy. No spiderwebs, no chipped plaster/paint, not even any bloodstains--but I've mentioned before that I think it's indicating that Daciana's a mother who takes better care of her home (and "child") than herself.
The first thing is the arch when they first come in (noticeable mostly cuz of how Louis had to bend down to get in, he's so tall).
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These types of doors/arches are called "shouldered arches," dating from the Medieval-Gothic periods, which Europeans adapted from Islamic architecture during the medieval Crusades. (Examples inc. Lainici Monastery in Wallachia, and the Academy of Art in Cluj-Napoca (north Transylvania).)
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The left pic's Biertan Fortified Church, in Sibiu (south Transylvania). (Another door.) The right pic's Bran Castle, in Brasov (south Transylvania). (Another door.) (Vlad Tepes/Dracula historically never owned this castle, but pop culture says otherwise.) Both places were built by the German/Saxon Transylvanians in the 14th-16th centuries; which might help date Daciana's castle, if not Daciana herself? (The Saxon Transylvanians were in Wallachia, too.)
Wall Ornamentation
The last thing I'll discuss is the wall ornamentation/decoration:
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The painted floral trim everywhere instantly reminded me of The Witcher 3, as found in Hungarian, Polish, Ukranian etc buildings. Apparently the designs are all related to fertility, growth/luck, and the Tree of Life. Walls (X X X) and doors (X X) were painted. You can see northern Romanian painted ornamentation in Suceava (Bukovina).
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There's painted wall designs in southern Romania, too.
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"The research of the popular interior in the Argeş and Muscel areas leads to the determination, along with a local specificity, and some Transylvanian influences, in the contact areas between southern Transylvania and northern Muntenia. In the researched areas, two lines of development of the popular interior can be observed, one relatively simple and the other complex. If the first is the prerogative of a typical Subcarpathian interior, the second represents a distinctly Transylvanian form, which was also imposed due to the presence of the Transylvanian population in the south of the Carpathians, settled in numerous villages." -- (Google Translated from Arta populară din zonele Argeș și Muscel, 1967)
(The website RomaniaDacia has A LOT to say about Transylvania, and the impact of the Germans, Saxons, Hungarians, etc on Wallachia & the rest of Romania.)
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Sure enough, I was finding way more carved ornamentation (X X X X X X) than painted ones.
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But I wonder if that's why a lot of southern traditional Romanian interiors I've been finding have totally plain whitewashed walls, too, with no painted ornaments, just tapestries (X X). I did find Romanian interior floral wall painted trims (X), but not nearly as much.
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Cuz actually, the closest comparanda I was finding for Daciana was Northern European rosemaling (X X), which is also giving me medieval vibes (X); specifically: trims on illuminated manuscripts like the Book of Hours (X X X)--which we know from Lestat in S01E06.
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And we do see some Romanian medieval fresco borders & frescoes that had been plastered over & whitewashed, in Biertan's 15th century churches, and in 13th-15th century Darjiu (Transylvania).
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So, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of Romanian buildings (especially castles with whitewashed plastered walls) were formerly painted similar to Daciana's. Unfortunately, I just can't find an example or figure out what AMC might've been inspired by--Romania has hundreds of castles & churches.
So, I'm tapping out--this is the most I could find so far. U_U
Results? Inconclusive! 😭 My Google-fu has failed me, LOL!
I still have no idea what time period Daciana could be from. We could go several routes:
Go by her name, and say she's ooooold AF, an actual Dacian. She's just been collating Eastern European culture as she ages, but stopped at some point (as her mind deteriorated)
She's medieval, somewhere roundabouts the 14th-16th century (making her ~500 years old, the same age as Armand--but she's weaker (as I've theorized b4), which is why she was able to burn herself up.)
Settle on her being a local Wallachian from Southern Romania, likely pre-19th century / pre-industrial early-modern Europe
Handwave everything aside as Renn-Faire fairytale fantasy; let the tale seduce you~!
OR, we can just bully AMC until they give us an extended BTS look at how Daciana was conceptualized, telling us all the tea about her! 😈
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merakiui · 11 months
could you tell us some of these ideas you have for malleus?
There are far too many thoughts... orz here are just a few that I have recently had.
✧ sleep paralysis demon malleus.
✧ a story in which you live at the edge of a forest that's slowly creeping closer and beginning to invade your property. and standing at the edge of the forest, unable to cross over, is a horned stranger dressed in a cloak of brambles. you try to voice your concerns to friends, but they won't believe you. you've been having trouble sleeping lately and you're starting to neglect your mental health, but you know you're not crazy. by the end of the month, you're certain the forest will swallow your quaint home whole. your only option to prevent that? investigate what it is the horned stranger could possibly want.
✧ phantom of the opera au with malleus as the phantom.
✧ idol group with malleus, idia, and azul and you're their manager. or maybe you're the fourth member being added to their ensemble. or maybe you're just a fan hehe. <3 either way, malleus is so whipped for you.
✧ this isn't exactly a malleus-centered thought, but you and sebek bond over your mutual admiration for malleus. you wish to get closer to malleus (because you love him) and sebek completely understands your desire to do so. who wouldn't want to associate themselves with someone as great as waka-sama!!!!!! but in helping you with this, sebek starts to grow romantically attached. he thinks he's dying because no ailment has ever made his heart beat this fast before. T_T malleus is distantly connected to this; essentially, cute love story between you and sebek. :D
✧ your kingdom and malleus's are at war and, in the midst of defeat, you're taken as a prisoner of war and forced to bear malleus's heir. <3 or you're simply forced into an arranged marriage. malleus wants to marry his enemy much to the utter shock of the kingdom, but no one will go against what their king wishes and so you are a captive spouse.
✧ befriending the kind dragon fae boy when you were young and offhandedly mentioning that you'd marry him when you were older. many years pass, the both of you grow and mature, and you've moved to another city to pursue work. one day, you receive a knock at your apartment door. standing there is the dragon fae with a ring and an entire royal entourage behind him. did you not remember the promise you made all that time ago? D: you're going to be wed now!
✧ king rollo and king malleus are at war and you're the poor royal stuck between them, as your kingdom is between both of theirs on the maps. orz and both of them want you to side with them, for they're both hopelessly infatuated with you. for extra drama: the three of you were inseparable childhood friends. >:)
✧ classic somnophilia thoughts. knocking you up while you're in deep sleep. malleus trapping you in a dream that feels like reality, in which you live a happy, domestic life with him. or being stuck in a strange dreamy time loop that you're desperate to break and get out of, but malleus is intent on keeping you here forever.
✧ classic fairytale scenario where you're sent to slay the dragon, but he slays you instead (by spearing you on his cocks!!!! <3).
✧ isekai manhwa sort of plot in which you wake as malleus's maid/advisor/spouse/guard, but according to the plot of the story you're fated to die at his hands because your character ultimately betrays him/does something that warrants death (or maybe you simply die because he threw a fit and you got caught in the raging crossfire). to change this destiny, you make it your mission to get on friendly, happy terms with him. unfortunately, you only give him more reasons to love you even more than he had before and so now you may have avoided death, but you can't escape the stifling obsession.
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