#and angsty af
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comatosebunny09 · 3 months ago
— cw: adult content, cheating, shitty fiancé, self-indulgent madness, mdni — notes: i can’t sleep, and @alfredosaws got the gears turning in my head. sorry if this isn’t your jam. i was horny and needed to torture myself. — now playing: see through - amelia moore
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Imagine Sylus as your real estate agent, showing you and your fiancé around a potential home.
Your fiancé doesn’t seem too interested, busy typing away on his phone or occasionally stepping out to answer phone calls. You titter nervously, explaining to Sylus with a wry smile that your fiancé is a very busy man.
Still, Sylus continues showing you the rest of the house, pointing out parts that would appeal primarily to you.
“You see here? The master bedroom contains an en-suite bathroom with enough counter space to house all your skincare products. ”
“The bathtub has jets. Perfect for when you want to unwind after a long day on your feet. You look like you shoulder the world. You deserve to take a load off with a warm, soothing bath.”
“The sunroom would be great for your plants. You look like you have quite a green thumb. You strike me as a cultivator. A nurturer. Someone who should learn to sit down from time to time.”
“The counter space in the kitchen is immaculate. Perfect for when the love of your life wants to cook breakfast or have you for dessert.”
He’s so very flattering and handsome, and you find yourself falling prey to his charms. You rein yourself in when your fiancé returns, still as detached about the house as ever. You ask him for his opinion, to which he shrugs you off and remarks that he’s happy if you’re happy. Conveniently, his phone rings again, and he walks outside to take the call.
Sylus gives you a pitying look as if he knows there’s trouble in paradise. You smile awkwardly to dispel his worries.
Sure, your fiancé isn’t always present in your relationship. And maybe you agreed to his proposal out of fear, thinking you would lose out on your white picket fence if you refused him. But, who are you kidding? You haven’t felt like yourself in years. Haven’t genuinely smiled in a very long time, and your fiancé hasn’t helped improve your self-esteem, nitpicking when you’re a little bloated or leave the house without makeup.
You’ve recently caught him entertaining other women on his socials, and he would quickly gaslight you, exclaiming that you were looking for reasons to be upset. Deep down, you know he isn’t good for you, and you deserve better, but a sick part of you believes he is your punishment for some crimes you might’ve committed in a past life.
Sylus has read you like a book, and you’ve only worked with him for two months. You feel more comfortable in his presence than the man you’re about to marry, having known him much longer.
“Come with me, sweetheart,” says Sylus, his voice a sweet, sticky dolce as he takes your hand into his larger one.
He guides you up the spiraling staircase towards the main bedroom and lures you into the massive walk-in closet. And when you’re swathed in the darkness after he shuts the door behind you, he backs you up against a wall, your breaths intermingling whilst his mouth hovers over yours.
“You poor thing,” he whispers next to your ear, the hairs scattered across your body standing on end, pleasant tingles ricocheting through your extremities. He takes your hand in his, pressing it against the cool, textured wall overhead, tenderly twining your fingers together. “That Narcissist doesn’t deserve you, now does he?” His lips graze yours, the sensation making your legs tremble like a fawn.
“I can see it in your eyes.” A weighted palm smooths over your side, a devastatingly powerful knee sliding between the fat of your thighs, pilfering the breath from your lungs. He touches you with a reverence you’ve never known. “You don’t love him, do you? Not when I can touch you like this.”
He takes possession of your jaw, breathing hot and open-mouthed against your lips, nuzzling your noses together. And you’re dizzy, the closet suddenly feeling so cramped, and the warmth of his body permeating through the layers of your clothes. “You’re so beautiful. You deserve so much more. I can give you so much more. May I kiss you, sweetling?”
Despite the voice screaming somewhere far off in your mind that this is very much wrong, you find yourself nodding sluggishly in the darkness as if he can see you slowly turning to putty in his palms. He chuckles, the vibrations of it making your tummy flutter like you’re cresting down a hill.
Wordlessly, he pans in, startling you with a gentle kiss at first. Something deft and ghostly, so soft you wouldn’t believe it happened. When you make a gentle keen of protest after he pulls way, he takes that as his cue to kiss you again, this time more firm and full-bodied, the rigid pane of his body slowly anchoring you to the wall. 
Your unoccupied hand slides over his spine, concluding its excursion at the small of his back, and he’s strong here. Sturdy as if he could lift you one-handed if he so pleases. The idea makes you whimper, and he swallows the pretty little noises he invokes, his sweltering tongue pushing into your mouth to map out every ridge and crevice. 
He slips a warm, weighted palm into the crook of your knee, drawing your thigh up to rest on his hip. And, with this new angle, he presses fully against you, the stitching of his slacks scraping pleasantly over the inner cut of your thigh. He releases your hand once moored to the wall to hoist you into his arms, one of your heels clattering to the floor. Ten shaky fingers bury themselves in his hair, sifting through tufts of soft white to draw him ever closer to deepen your lip-lock. 
Despite the spacious closet, it’s growing uncomfortably warm. Too many clothes are in the way, so you tug his shirt from his slacks. Your fingers blindly scramble over his shirt buttons, eager to feel the smooth, supple glide of his skin beneath them. He chuckles something throaty and enrapturing, kissing you velvet-soft as his desire awakens to press against your thigh.
“So eager, aren’t you?” he husks, breaking away from your lips with a sticky click to blister your jaw and carotid with languorous kisses. “Has he ever touched you like this? Kissed you like this?” 
You crane your head back, your skull lightly thudding against the wall behind you. Your lashes shutter. The feeling of his mouth dragging over your skin and his weighted body nestled between your thighs is too much and yet not enough. You cling to his back, your grip white-knuckled, mouth parted slightly with wanton pleas for more more more.
But before he can grant your request, your fiancé’s voice beckons to you through the empty, sturdy walls of the house. The spell that befell you disperses, reality careening in. You push against Sylus’ lean chest with the heel of your palm, panting and gasping, squirming to be let down. Sylus reluctantly heeds you, gently setting you onto your feet. 
He helps you slide back into your discarded heel, kissing your ankle on his way back up, and you try to ignore how your body burns like an inferno at the attention. It takes all of you not to snatch him towards you once more, to kiss him and demand he take you, right then and there, with your fiancé calling for you downstairs. But, as much as it pains you, you feel remorse for how far you already let things go. 
Fixing your clothes and hair to some semblance of neatness in the darkness, the pair of you exit the closet. You don a rehearsed smile, answering your fiancé that you’ll be right down. Searing, slender fingers encircle your wrist before you can descend the stairs. You acknowledge Sylus with a look over your shoulder. He fixes you with a feverish stare that burns like a flame, revealing a deep desire for you. And the realization shoots straight to your center as his mouth draws into an unflinching line. 
Something in your chest pinches and pulls. And for a moment, you consider what your life would be like if you’d given yourself more credit and granted yourself a little more grace. But you brush away your thoughts, fixing Sylus with an unconvincing smile before pulling away from him to descend the stairs into the arms of your loving, soon-to-be husband.  
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sheikfangirl · 4 months ago
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Alternate Totk headcanon: Puppet Zelda won and and broke Link. He got entirely consumed by hatred and despair and is beyond saving now. No hope, no heart, unredeemable. Link is Puppet Zelda's corrupted knight. He is Dark Link.
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ifishouldvanish · 4 days ago
"The devil is easy to cheat."
So... I keep thinking about Mizrak and Emmanuel's conversation in the churchyard in S2E3, where Mizrak tries to appeal to Emmanuel to repent and turn against Bàthory. It's an interesting one, and worth a rewatch or two or three or seven. But the more I chew on it, the more I keep going back to the dialogue in the finale. Back to That Whole Scene™. Just, feeling this itch that there's something there. Some kind of dots to connect. And I think I'm ready to synthesize my thoughts here.
In episode 3, Emmanuel tells Mizrak, "You wouldn't question me if you'd glimpsed what I have of the other side. If you heard it sometimes in the twilight. Quiet laughter. Hell. Waiting. Whispering your name."
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The laughter part is interesting, right? Like he's clearly describing Old Man Coyote/Mephistopheles. But of course to Mizrak/the audience at this point, it's the Capital 'D' Devil—or at least his own guilty conscience driving him mad. But then Maria kills him, and we actually see Old Man Coyote collect his soul.
Later on in S2E7, when Mizrak gets hurt, Old Man Coyote appears again. And he's laughing, and Mizrak knows that laughter must be what Emmanuel was talking about. Must be the devil. He must be damned.
So let's hop back to the finale, to the scene where Olrox turns him. Mizrak asks him, "You've seen the devil then? Waiting for me?
And Olrox tells him, "No, not the devil."
Because he knows it's not the Capital 'D' Devil, but Old Man Coyote/Mephistopheles.
But he also says, "And I think he was waiting for someone else."
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I am absolutely convinced that "someone else" is Olrox himself.
Because let us go back to S2E5, when Olrox returns to the Night Creature-O-Matic. He's studying the book, and Old Man Coyote/Mephistopheles appears. Olrox says:
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"I know what promises you make, and how tempting they are. And I could make good use of a powerful patron. But this doesn't belong in this world. And nor do you."
At this, Old Man Coyote leaves. This scene establishes that Old Man Coyote is trying to get Olrox to barter with him. But Olrox is clearly not willing to in exchange for whatever promise of power Old Man Coyote is tempting him with.
I am absolutely convinced that when Mizrak gets wounded, Old Man Coyote is waiting for Olrox. Expecting that if he wasn't willing to barter his soul in exchange for power, surely he will for love. Surely he'll give in and strike a deal in exchange for Mizrak's life.
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So. Back to the Turning Scene. Again.
Olrox's insistence that it's not the devil, that he was waiting for someone else probably sounds to Mizrak like he's just trying to comfort him in his last moments. He kinda brushes it off with, "Still. The devil will be waiting. [...] I'm afraid, Olrox."
Which brings us to:
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"There's no need to be afraid, my love. Not the devil, at least. The devil is easy to cheat."
I think Olrox's use of "the devil" here is him basically adopting the name Mizrak knows this entity by. Mizrak understands Old Man Coyote to be the devil, so he's using that language so Mizrak will understand: There's no need to be afraid of the "devil" he sees/hears. That "devil" is easy to cheat.
On first viewing, this read to me as, "You, Mizrak, can cheat the devil, and I'm going to help you. You can't die and go to hell if you're immortal."
But on subsequent viewings, it reads to me as, "I, Olrox, can cheat the devil. I can have my cake and eat it too. By turning you, I get what I want (to keep you alive/not lose you) without having to pay the devil's price."
Which I LOVE, because it makes it all sooooo much more messy. The former lets you squint your eyes and shrug and say, "Yeah, it's not exactly a GOOD thing that Olrox turned him, but what else was he supposed to do?? Mizrak was gonna go to super hell!!"
But the latter??? Ohohohoooo man.
Mizrak wasn't actually about to be sentenced to eternal damnation (that we or Olrox know of, at least). The devil wasn't waiting for him. The devil was waiting for someone else and Olrox KNEW THIS and still turned him. Not to protect Mizrak's soul/life, but to spare himself the pain of losing the man he loves again.
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I've seen it said that the reason Olrox just lies back as Mizrak climbs over and bites him is because he expects that Mizrak will be upset about being turned, at least initially. But how much more appropriate does this body language become through the lens of a much deeper sense of guilt over what he's done? Of a subconscious need to punish, self-sacrifice, or otherwise try to absolve himself of that guilt? To "pay the price" on his own terms, so to speak?
And maybe Mizrak will be convinced he was going to super hell. Maybe this belief will bring him to sort of begrudgingly accept his new life as a vampire. But it will be a secret that casts a shadow over their every interaction for eternity. How long can Olrox keep that secret? How will Mizrak react should it ever to come to light? How badly will it hurt when Olrox loses him anyway—not because of death, but because his own scheme, once exposed, will likely prove to be a betrayal their relationship can never recover from???
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wikitpowers · 5 months ago
i don’t think some of ya’ll have grasped the fact that we will 100% be getting the “why did you leave?” angsty kitty scene… like imagine the yearning, the hurt, the feelings. oh that scene will be like no other.
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milksnake-tea · 1 year ago
good morning reaper kissers i bestow upon you amnesia angst
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"Sorry, do I know you?"
Instantly, something behind those red eyes shatters. The stranger's hand stills, and for a moment, time ceased to exist. Inside, you see blood welling from the cracks, a healed heart cut open once more. His mouth opens and closes, again and again, but no words find his tongue.
Your heart squeezes. Already, you want to take your words back, to throw away all reason and embrace this stranger and tell him that everything is alright. But your body refuses to move, frozen on the empty street.
You don't know this man.
That is something you know for sure. No matter how much your heart may weep, no matter how badly it screams at you to comfort the white-haired stranger, to love him, you yourself have no recollection of him.
And so you stand there, staring at the man you've forgotten.
He stutters. He hesitates. He curls back, back into his shell. You don't know why, but you hate the tears forming in his eyes, glistening like pools of water.
Your hand reaches towards him, but you pull it back.
"I'm sorry." You step back.
He shakes his head, his gaze dropping. "Don't... Don't be. I should be the one apologizing."
Despite his calm facade, his voice quivers. His shoulders shake, trembling like a leaf in the autumn wind. Again, your heart screams, twisting at the mere sound of him.
"No, it's okay," you say, your voice soft in an attempt to ease his worries. "That person, they must mean a lot to you."
Broken eyes meet yours once more.
"They... were everything."
You can't help but think he meant to say something else.
Bleeding red burns into your irises, expecting something, anything that would indicate - even by the smallest bit - that "you" were still there.
But you could never give him what he wanted.
You try for a smile. "Well, I hope you find them."
He doesn't answer to that. Grief swirls in his eyes in a whirlpool of mourning, trying to pull you into them, trying to pull you back.
But something keeps you from diving in.
Your feet move on their own. By the time you finally come to, you've already left him.
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reblogs w comments are appreciated !!
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dreamlandcreations · 6 months ago
Imagine finding Sauron after the defeat of Morgoth...
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Imagine finding Sauron after the defeat of Morgoth and somehow becoming his guiding light, only for him to realise that it will eventually doom you to darkness...
He didn't notice the change in you for centuries but as he finally started to feel like he was truly free from the suffocating darkness clouding his mind he began to see the scales of this odd balance tipping between you.
He tried to find a solution, reverse it, stay away from you... but nothing worked. Desperate, and consumed by fear, he begged the Valar for help. He thought if the plea is for your sake not his own at least one of them would answer, he was sure if no one else then Nienna would take pity. He was wrong.
The Valar did not come, someone else answered.
Eru led him to understand, for who else could but the one who coveted order above all other creatures of his.
The darkness of Morgoth remains in Arda until the world is remade. To defeat the source of darkness and corruption, men above all else have to overcome true evil in this world, for they can make a path of their own unlike any other before. For this, theirs is the Gift of Death.
The unimaginably difficult part to accept is that darkness needs a host that men and the other races can fight and defeat.
Knowing he would never let you go through that, Sauron grieves the loss of you before he can properly accept his fate, only asking that you shouldn't have to witness what he'll become. Eru grants his wish and departs with you, and with a heavy heart he waits for the day he can see you two reunite in the light.
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puredaydreaming · 9 months ago
what is it with the winchester bros and being so damn dramatic with their breakups?
dean: hey, i'm taking off, i will leave your ass, you hear me?
sam: that’s what i want you to do. (not really, please stop me)
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*they stare at each other for a bit*
dean: goodbye, sam.
sam: :(
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and then there's this:
dean: i'll find gadreel. and i will end that son of a bitch. but i'll do it alone.
dean: i can't... i won't... drag anybody through the muck with me. not anymore.
dean: (face screaming 'please stop me')
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*they stare at each other*
sam: go. i'm not gonna stop you.
dean: :(
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script: "DEAN's face falls in defeat and surrender"
⬆️ lmao bro, just stay then. if you want him to stop you so badly, just don’t go. both of you.
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mari-lair · 4 months ago
For Change It Up, does Siffrin still get a missing eye from some incident? Is there a missing eye equivalent, for Siffrin or someone else? (Losing an important body part defending the family?)
sif does not miss an eye at any point.
Plans are still a bit blurry but Odile may get a missing eye equivalent
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crimsonlovebartylus · 11 months ago
rosestarkiller is cute, until you realize that Barty loses the two love of his life and ends up alone, while Evan experiences his first heart break when Regulus dies, and Regulus dies with the guilt of leaving evan and barty without an explanation but with the memory of their final moments together.
and while Evan and Regulus reunite in the afterlife, they both have to watch as Barty will never join them. a very tragic love story.
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sourour-rl · 3 months ago
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Have this smiling Stan
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azurlily · 2 years ago
Hi, can I get what dating Azula would include? Please
Well hii!! Sure, I got you!
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Dating Azula Would Include:
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Azula isn't...the nicest. She's kind in the way that she loves you, but also wouldn't hesitate to laugh at your mistakes.
Azula, to say the least, is a good lover. As long as you get over being a massive bitch sometimes. She'll laugh or snicker at some servant or pedestrian doing something stupid.
Dating Azula means being friends with Mai and Ty lee. You have no choice. Once the two girls learn about you, it's all over, this is your life now. You have no choice.
Dating Azula means you get recognized a lot, meaning people see and know who you are. Just one glance at you, and you're recognized by everyone around you.
Dating Azula means you get kisses at the randomest times of the day. You two could be walking around and she'll pin you to a wall and pull you into a deep kiss. She then prances off, acting like she didn't just kiss your lips off.
Azula is only affectionate in private or around people she trusts. She allows Mai and Ty lee to see her kissing, touching, loving you.
Azula doesn't share. By no means are you allowed near ANYONE she would consider competition. Mai and Ty lee are on that list too. She has no issues keeping you away from anyone she doesn't like.
Azula has a hard time expressing her love, with the life she has lived it's understanding. She more than likely buys you things, things she deemes worthy of your touch. So you see a dress or a peice of jewelry you like? Just ask.
Azula tries her hardest not to be a bitch when your feeling down. Dating her means you see the vulnerable side of her, she knows you'll show that side of yourself too. In her eyes seeing the real you, it's a pleasure and a bit overwhelming.
Azula gets her red lipstick all over your face when she kisses you. Make out sessions are very evident to those who pass by you. All they see are red smudges and an even redder face. Too bad she enjoys seeing you all quiet and flustered.
As your girlfriend, Azula takes care of many things for you. She knows that being in a relationship with her is hard, so she takes the workload off you. This is one of the many ways she says 'I love you' without actually saying it.
She doesn't care if her father approves of you. It doesn't matter, I mean at first it did. Now though, now she'll do anything you say. If you say it nice enough.
Azula will take you everywhere with her. She's paranoid that you might get hurt without her. So, the obvious option is to bring you with. She's so smart.
As your girlfriend, she doesn't get a little control happy. She decides who gets to give you attention, she decides what you eat, everything. Although that's just her paranoia and control complex. Dont worry, after about 5 to 6 months of dating, that's stops.
While she hates people wanting you, she loves to show you off. Oh? There's a big important banquet coming up? You're coming with.
"You look amazing, it doesn't matter what they think so hurry up. I know what I said- shut up!"
You more than likely make fun of her. For what? For her getting embarrassed by the fact that you're holding hands in public. She might not seem it, but trust me, once you two are in private. That bright blush comes out of her cheeks.
Azula gets angry when you think bad about yourself. If you're good enough for her, you are 10 times better than anyone else. That is just a fact.(in her eyes)
"Am I supposed to care? I don't care that you think your fat, you're better than any man or woman. The fact that I love you, is more than enough proof."
Aggressively loving. She gives you everything aggressively. Her love, her anger, her joy and happiness, her lust. Everything is aggressive. Thata how it should be though.(wink wink)
If you two were to ever break up, it's more than likely because of her status or controlling nature. She feels the need to prove she loves you, even if it's a bit crazy sometimes.
She'd be mad about the breakup, she'd do anything to get you back. I mean anything, she'd give you the world. Azula is more than definitely scared of losing you, not like she'll admit it.
Azula will yell, scream, fight. She'll do anything except admit she's afraid of losing you.
If you two get back together, she's even worse. Not for long though, especially if you already had a very long term relationship. She'll feel weak for letting you almost leave. She's angry, but at the same time afraid. Azula takes measures to make sure you never leave her again.
She is loving person...just ask Ty lee and Mai.
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Hoped yall likes this. I'm finally getting back into writing!! I'm going to be doing as many requests as possible. I more than likely wont finish any of the yandere month challenges on time. So I'll do them when I want to and I'm getting back on requests. Have a good day/night yall!!
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himluv · 2 days ago
Days Without You
Chapter 50(?!) of Say My Name (Say it Twice) is here! I hope you have your angst popcorn ready! Because, in this one, Lucanis wakes up after Tearstone Island...
Also, this is the single longest chapter I've ever written, so you'll only find an excerpt below – please read the rest on AO3!
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He sat up, despite both Neve and Emmrich insisting he stay prone on the cot, as his final memory surfaced and slid into place. Rook, screaming his name. 
Lucanis turned fearful eyes on Neve. “Where is Rook?”
She refused to meet his gaze and Emmrich opened his mouth, then shut it as he searched for what to say. 
Rook. Is. Gone, Spite whispered. 
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hot-claws · 5 months ago
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Sketches while I was on hold on the phone. Inspired by Weapon by Name, a fic by CNWrites on AO3.
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xiaokuer-schmetterling · 1 month ago
podlet lucky #13 is 🆙
what am i reading? this tumblr post thread started by @maelstrom-of-emotions and riffed on by @undercover-stories also featuring comments from @sun-ashes and @crowbrained
time commitment: about 1 hour
i will share this lan sizhui found family feels video until the day i die probably
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consumeroflemoans · 10 months ago
Aeons are fucking hilarious because what do you mean you laughed so hard at a baby falling you became god
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iwasbored777 · 1 year ago
If you need me I'll be watching this on repeat the whole evening this always makes me so weak
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