#and andrew is a reference to the breakfast club
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arrows-unofficial-ocs · 15 days ago
For the plot bunny ask game: Psych + Britt Robertson or Kathryn Newton or AnnaSophia Robb + Shawn Spencer x Juliet O'Hara’s daughter, please??
@dancingsunflowers-ocs 💖
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name: emma juliet spencer-o’hara
age: two years younger than gus’s son, charlie (named after dule hill’s the west wing character)
sexuality: bisexual
job: student
love interest: n/a
brief summary: the eldest child (by ten minutes!) of shawn spencer and juliet o’hara, emma was very much her father’s daughter. while her twin brother, andrew, took after their mother in every way except appearance, emma was their father. she might have looked like her mother, but as uncle gus and granddad henry said, looks can be deceiving. emma inherited the memory and the adhd and the craziness. and in the true sense of like father like daughter, emma’s best friend was luna/stella guster… who just so happened to be crushing on andrew, much to emma’s dismay.
5 adjectives to describe them: stubborn, intelligent, sarcastic, high energy, chaotic
faceclaim: kathryn newton
send me a fandom and i’ll create a plot bunny for it
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screamfome · 5 months ago
guys I maybe like John bender(John hcs)
I was watching the fresh prince of bel air and it was a Christmas episode I believe?? Idk but Hilary mentioned JUDD NELSON AND I ALMOST SCREAMED BUT MY MOM WAS IN THE ROOM SO I HAD TO ACT NORMAL BUT I WAS SMILING NONONONONONONONNO
John bender n you sharing a blunt
vampire John bender,
John bender fixit au where he was never abused by his family. John bender who still lives with the breakfast club as an adult.
John bender who grows up to be successful despite what Vernon and his father says.
John bender BECOMING BUCK TAYLOR FROM RELENTLESS 1989- my bad guys…I love connecting two of my favorite films together…(ahem ahem, STAND BY ME TURNS INTO THE LOST BOYS.- *cough cough* ACE MERRILL DIES AND BECOMES DAVI-*)
John bender who isn’t scared of horror at all because what he went through was scarier than Micheal Myers. John Bender who makes jokes to cope with his trauma.
John bender who doesn’t have a therapist and cannot afford it so one of the members is his therapist(bonus if he lays on their lap as they run their fingers through his hair AGHHHHHH).John bender who becomes a therapist for abuse survivors who went through the same thing he did. IN FACT ILL DO YOU ONE BETTER.
Bisexual/Pansexual John Bender(listen you can’t tell me that man is bisexual or pansexual,he’s just like ME.)
John who loves snakes.
John who actually WOULD hang out with the lost boys.
John and David would be best friends ABSOLUTELY.
John who stares at everyone on the first date(yeah that’s right)
John who hates cops.(they did nothing to help him and his dad was one so he doesn’t really like them)
John bender who stole a switchblade(then Allison took it)
John bender who hates birthdays and only remembered his birthday through his other family members that came by for a “Bender family reunion”.
John Bender who was jealous of everyone in the breakfast club. Especially Brian + Claire. Andrew related to him as did Allison.
John Bender who listens to all Grunge Bands.
John Bender who has an album of Jimi Hendrix(I NEED TO LISTEN TO MORE SONGS,I LIKE HEY JOE SO FAR)
John bender who would become famous by making a band and naming it “The Breakfast Club” to honor his friends. He would then make an album dedicated to each member,the last one being for himself.
John Bender who grew up too fast.
John Bender who slowly likes to read books.
John bender who’s more used to everyone calling him “Bender” but not John. Sometimes it’s used to differentiate him and other John’s , but most times people use it because they don’t respect him enough to call him by his first name. Because John acts like a jerk to others so they don’t even call him by John.
when he IS called “John” he is deeply confused and doesn’t even know you’re referring to him. Tbh he completely forgot that his name was John.
John is absent from school the majority of time due to his home life and sometimes he just skips school entirely. He only came whenever there was something that dealt with HIM in general. Until the breakfast club formed.
John bender who becomes a lawyer…and defends the wronged.
John Bender who is so scared of becoming a father and does not want a child. If he did have one however, he!d be frightened of being like his father to the point where he wouldn’t want to take care of the kid at all.
John bender with anger issues and does not bottle up his feelings at all.
John Bender who believes he’s a criminal and was trapped in the mindset of “if they think I’m a criminal,I’ll be the criminal.” And just does bad things to tick people off.
John who becomes softer with time.
John who will randomly point out random things like “Look” as he grows softer because I KNOW HE WOULD.
He doesn’t know affection and if you hugged him or something he would immediately think that you wanted something from him.
He never got a gift in his entire life other than Christmas and his 10th birthday.
If you saw him blush,no you didn’t. It’s the Sun.
John Bender who’s house is near A BASKETBALL COURT MY BOY IS BALLIN’.
John bender who’s like 6’1.
John Bender who’s fairly skinny under his clothes. John Bender who’s insecure about his looks because of it. He can’t even bear to look at himself.
John’s full name is John Abraham (short form:Abra) Bender…(@danyayeni2)
John Bender is a senior by the time the breakfast club movie events happened.
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myveryownfanfiction · 2 years ago
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warning: swearing, mentions of abuse, mentions of drugs (weed), bullying from the other members of the breakfast club
I looked around the room at everyone. They all tried to avoid my gaze before I shook my head and turned away from them.
“You should all be ashamed of yourselves. You shouldn’t have said anything.” I locked eyes with Andrew. “Anything.”
“How were we supposed to know?” He mumbled. Allison grabbed my sleeve of my jacket just as I lunged towards him. Andrew cringed back and I shook my head again.
“Pathetic.” I muttered out. Allison let go as I turned towards the staircase John Bender had made his home for the time being. I climbed up the stairs and made sure to make noise on each step. Stopping on the landing, I stood next to him, my fingertips just brushing his shoulder. “Bender? It alright if I sit here?” He nodded without looking up at me. I mirrored his position and sat down. It was quiet for a while before he turned to look at me.
“You didn’t have to do that you know.” I nodded. “I heard what you said to them. You didn’t have to.” Meeting his eyes, I shrugged.
“Let’s just say I’ve been there.” I drawled out. “I know how much it can hurt. Even if you won’t say it out loud.” John nodded before raising an eyebrow at me.
“Been there?” He supplied. “With people like them or…” I bit my lip.
“I know what it’s like to deal with shit parents and then play around with snot noses like them.” I jerked my thumb over my shoulder. “So I guess my answer is both. If you really wanted to know.” I rolled up my sleeve to show off a thin scar running the length of my forearm. John hestitated before reaching out and running a finger along the scar. “My sister. For existing.” I shrugged as I pulled the sleeve back down. I pulled my other sleeve up to my elbow. A small circular scar sat at the base of my bicep. John’s eyes widened. “My dad. For interrupting the sports game he was watching.” John reached out and pulled the sleeve down for me.
“How do you cope?” He asked. I shrugged.
“Same as you I suppose.” He smirked at me. “Copious amounts of dope.” I caught his eye and we started to laugh. “Honestly, that’s why I’m here most of the time. Sure it looks like shit on my transcript but my grades are good enough and it gets me out of the house.” John’s smirk came back and he shrugged to get more comfortable.
“Being bad feels pretty good, huh?” He chuckled.
“It’s even better when you get away with it.” We settled into a comfortable silence. Not long after, we trekked back down to join the others. It wasn’t long before we went on an excursion to John’s locker. “Nice.” I leaned down to look at the pictures he had posted in there while Andrew made some comment about how messy it was.
“My maids on vacation.” John shot back before tapping my back. He closed the locker and waved a little baggie in front of my face.
“John Bender. You sure know the way to someone’s heart.” I teased as we set off back to the library. After getting sidetracked by Vernon and losing Bender from our little gang in the library, I fingered the baggie in my jacket pocket. “Fuck it.” I muttered. I started to stand up when there was a loud crash.
“Oh shit!” I rolled my eyes and sat back down. John walked into the room rubbing his neck. “What? I forgot my pencil.” I shook my head as I stood up and started to head to the back of the library. John followed me and sat down next to me. "So do you have it all still? Or did Vernon catch you?"
"Your little reference to Johnson threw him off. I think he suspected but he's too scared to actually reach down and check." I chuckled. John swallowed and leaned in.
"Vernon threatened me. Told me to take a hit at him." My eyes widened. "I didn't. But he said that when I finally leave here I'm destined for jail. And he'd be there when I got out. Just to beat me. And if I told anyone, well you know his authority complex." I slowly held out my hand, palm up. John put his hand in mine, letting me squeeze it before drawing back just as Brian walked over. Everything became peaceful for the first time that day once we lit up. John and I ended up leaning against each other, watching the prom queen and the brain get high for the first time. We shared a look before going off on our own.
"What do you think you'll do when you leave here next year?" he asked. I shrugged as I settled into the chair in the office.
"Who knows. I'm not concerned just yet." I twirled around, using the desk to help propel me. "What about you?"
"Leave this deadbeat town." I nodded in agreement. “Figure it out from there.” It was silent for a bit while John reached for my hand and started to play with my fingers. A blush crept up my neck as I watched him. “Come with me.” I slowly raised my eyes to meet his.
“Seriously?” He nodded. “You really want me to come with you wherever you go?” John smiled and shrugged, looking away from me in the process.
“Why not?” He finally looked at me again. “I like you (Y/N).” He gently hit my shoulder with him. “In case you haven’t noticed. Besides you understand. Even if nothing comes from it, at least we’ll have each other.” I smiled at him before leaning in and kissing his cheek.
“I’d love to.” John blushed and I reveled in the fact that it was me who got him to do it. “Besides, if you haven’t noticed, I like you too John.” He smiled at me before leaning in and kissing my cheek in return.
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movieloversposts · 2 years ago
St. Elmo's Fire (1985) 8/10
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Fresh out of college, seven friends navigate the intimidating, freeing, and sexy world of being an adult, and life after post secondary. But not without a few heartbreaks, bumps, and mishaps along the way.
This film features a few members of the Brat Pack, some of which you'll know from The Breakfast Club in my last post. These members in this are Rob Lowe, Ally Sheedy, Emilio Estevez, and Judd Nelson. (There's a few more that I'm missing, but I'm referring to St. Elmo's Fire, specifically)
Young adults can definitely relate to this movie, even though it's very dated. The struggles of being out of high school or college, and trying to figure out who you are, and what you want, are topics covered relentlessly in this film. But they also show the more exciting side of being an adult, such as going out clubbing, and drinking alcohol (legally and responsibly, I hope). But it also emphasizes that it's okay if you're lost in life, and don't know what you want to do.
Friendships are also shown here, another thing the movie touches on. The friendships you have are important, and to keep the friends that make you a better person and allow you to grow. There's also one sided pining as well.
This isn't really a film to watch if you're still in high school, for example. Maybe not until grade ten, but eleven and twelfth, sure. It just wouldn't be understood too well at that point. But I feel like, in a way, everyone can relate to this film, not knowing what you want to do in life, and feeling like you're lost.
The plot is good, although Emilio Estevez's character Kirby Keager is kind of extreme. He's literally obsessed with a girl who barely has any idea who he is, and tries to get with her. Demi Moore's Jules has it all-the nice apartment, the good job, the parties- and is also a very sweet and sassy friend. Mare Winningham's Wendy Beamish is a wealthy girl, but also in love with Billy. Andrew McCarthy plays Kevin Dolenz, a writer for a newspaper who can be kind of withdrawn and sullen. Rob Lowe plays Billy Hicks, a husband and father, who can't quite break away from college life yet. Ally Sheedy is Leslie Hunter, who is an architect, and Judd Nelson plays Alex Newbury, who is pursuing a career in politics.
Despite their mishaps, they all get along and reconcile when it's needed. It's a heartfelt, tough, and funny movie. I feel like you would watch this on a rainy day, with nothing to do, it has that vibe to it.
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meetmeatthecoda · 3 years ago
I'm sorry but I saw this post of yours and immediately thought of White Palace (you know, that 90s film with our boy Jimmy and Susan Sarandon?)...
...and I think that's a rather interesting association, considering a number of very deliberate references to 80s/90s romcoms TBL gave us in the form of very deliberate Lizzington moments (like Red waiting for Liz after her exoneration scene that is too similar to the end of 16 candles to be coincidental, or their dance to the song from the Breakfast Club, or the fact that 20 or so episodes of TBL were directed by Andrew McCarthy who did, by the way, play in three movies with James back in the 80s...) in the past.
Hi, anon!! 🤗 Ahhh, that post of mine... LOL 😏 What can I say, I have a deep appreciation for that scene in particular bc, for me, it exists pretty much as explicit proof of Lizzington ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ But this is certainly an interesting connection!! I hate to say it but I've never seen all of White Palace BUT I know the scene you're talking about!! And you're so right, this definitely brings to mind all the classic 80s/90s romcom tropes that they wrote for Lizzington!! Kinda sus tbh if you ask me 😏🙃😉 And somehow also one of the most beautiful parts of the ship 🥲🥲🥲 Anyway, thanks for bringing this lovely little observation to my inbox, anon, I appreciate it & much love to you, my friend!! ❤️
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selkie-readsbooks · 5 years ago
Aftermath of AFTG
- Andrew gets better.
- It takes a long time.
- Andrew is the only one Neil tells about seeing Riko’s death
- Andrew just nods
- One day at breakfast, Nicky notices Andrew and Neil holding hands on the table, Andrew drinking his coffee and looking out the window. As soon as the conversation stops, Andrew begins to move his hand away, but Nicky pleads “no, I promise not to bring attention to it!” And Andrew puts his hand back.
- When they move back into the dorms, Kevin starts to hang out with Aaron, Matt and Nicky for a few hours a few days a week to leave Andrew and Neil alone
- It’s months before Andrew moves Neil’s hand inside his boxers.
- Neil kisses his neck the entire time
- They pant and are silent for a long time.
- Andrew kisses him and they sleep curled up
- Neil tells him he’s okay if they never go farther than where they are now.
- Andrew tells him it will take awhile, but he does want Neil inside him one day
- He says he wants that to make it a happier thing than his existing experiences
- Neil just smiles and tells him “it’s always yes”
- Andrew starts to smile again
- He even starts to joke
- Nicky quietly thanks Neil one day
- After everything, Andrew is super protective of Neil.
- Kevin starts telling people he has three dads. Wymack, Neil and Andrew. His tone is so serious people don’t expect him to say it.
- When the freshmen start, Kevin tasks Neil with training his own little group of new foxes.
- Andrew wordlessly threatens them if they ask about Neil’s scars.
- Aaron and Andrew get closer and Katelyn and Neil encourage them every step of the way
- Neil gives his first blowjob in the bathroom at Eden’s Twilight
- When Nicky sees their messed up hair after losing them in the club, he just grins.
- Andrew makes it a point to wear Neil’s jacket
- He accidentally wears it during a game
- The press ask Neil about it, not even insinuating a relationship
- Neil just says his boyfriend has a stealing problem
- Kevin clarifies Andrew is not actually a thief, but that Andrew and Neil are very much an item
- That was the first time Neil referred to him as his boyfriend
- Neil asks if that’s okay after the fact
- Andrew just shrugs
- After Neil puts himself in a stupid position that Andrew has to save him from, Neil tells Andrew he loves him but he’s okay if he never says it back.
- One night a few weeks later, when Andrew thinks Kevin and Neil are asleep, he practices saying I love you quietly in the dark.
- Neil turns around and just smiles at him.
- Andrew immediately tells him he hates him, he was talking to Kevin
- Neil just kisses him
- Aaron tells the foxes after one of their games that Katelyn is pregnant.
- Andrew actually smiles, though Aaron and Neil are the only ones that notice.
- The first time Andrew sees Jean again, he punches him for everything he let Riko do.
- Neil and Kevin stop him
- Andrew tells Aaron to name the kid after him, clearly joking
- When they name her Andrea, Andrew is furious
- Matt proposes to Dan, and while everyone is celebrating, Andrew slips away and Neil follows him.
- Neil asks if it scares him, and it’s okay if nothing like that ever happens for them, he’ll be here until Andrew doesn’t want him anymore
- Andrew asks if Neil wants that one day
- Neil says he doesn’t mind either way, he never thought he’d ever have a boyfriend let alone a husband
- Andrew quietly admits he used to dream of getting married but gave up the hope a long time ago
- They share a cigarette and think
- Before they go to join the others, Andrew tells Neil he wants to be the one to ask
- Andrew admits he told Renee to tell Neil he was gay
- And asked Renee about his reaction after the fact
- On the anniversary of Drake’s death, Andrew and Neil don’t get out of bed that day.
- The foxes somehow find out that Neil had helped pay for the Maserati
- And they tell Andrew it’s not fair to call it his car
- Andrew just says fine, it’s our car, despite the money being part of an agreement between them
- When Andrew and Neil decide to go a step further in their sex life, Andrew accidentally drop a bottle of lube out of his pocket in front of the rest of the foxes
- The room is dead silent
- Andrew picks it up slowly
- Kevin asks Matt about something to pick the conversation back up again.
- The first time Andrew and Neil try, Andrew freaks out but tells Neil to do it anyway
- Neil refuses and they kiss until they fall asleep.
- When they try again, all is well and both of them enjoy themselves.
- Renee and Neil go out to lunch right before she graduates, and she admits that Andrew talked to her about him a lot when he wasn’t around
- Jean begins to hang out with Kevin and Neil
- Jean talks Neil and Kevin into attending therapy with him
- Eventually Andrew asks Neil to come with him to a session with Bee.
- With Andrew’s assurances, Neil tells her everything that he can that wouldn’t legally affect him
- Bee just stares at him for a few moments before she speaks again
- Andrew is mostly silent as he drinks his hot chocolate but helps prompt Neil when needed
- Neil begrudgingly admits it was good to talk about it
- As they approach Andrew’s graduation, they discuss what happens if they aren’t on the same team
- Andrew says he’ll quit Exy
- Kevin overhears and is aghast
- Neil enjoys his last year, but calls Andrew every day and attends every game he can
- Andrew tells Neil he can’t make it to his last game as a Fox
- When Neil walks into the locker rooms and sees Dan, Matt, Kevin, Nicky, Erik, Aaron, Katelyn, Renee and Allison he begins to have a clue about what is going on
- And then Andrew proposes
- “You didn’t think I’d be that predictable, did you?”
- Wymack cries
- Neil does join the same team as Andrew, but they are rivals to Kevin’s team
- When Andrew blocks every single shot Kevin makes, Kevin just smiles afterward and hugs him
- Andrew stiffens but hugs him back
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bubbashawn · 5 years ago
Met Gala | vanity fair part ii
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author: This is so overdue. Damn, I’m sorry.
synopsis: After meeting Shawn at Vanity Fair Oscar Party, a relationship grows and the Met Gala brings all the memories back.
warnings: 3k of fluffy “I love you” confessions and a tad of anxiety. It’s part 2 of vanity fair (I linked it here) and I highly recommend you read that again before this because I make references back. I hope you like it :)
“Shawn, I don’t know about this.”
The boy you were talking to was in the bathroom, the water from the shower turning off before he walked into your shared hotel room at The Langham, New York.
It had been almost three months since you met your boyfriend at the Vanity Fair Oscar Party. He had gotten you through that night and just about every other red carpet since during award season. But this was different.
This was the Met Gala. It wasn’t even a red carpet. It was pink.
He’d been freaking out since the morning he woke up in his hotel with your smiling face inches from his own. The idea of taking anyone other than you to the Met was out of the question once he’d taken you to breakfast that morning and everyday for the rest of the week before flying back to Toronto.
The moment he walked into his meeting back home he pulled Andrew, his manager, to the side.
“Can you reach out to the design team at Tommy Hilfiger?”
“Yes,” Andrew looked at him weirdly, “what for?”
“I’m not taking Hailey.”
“Shawn, wait since when?”
“Well, actually, just last week.”
The man was looking at the Canadian singer like he had grown a second head.
“Can, um can I know why?”
“I want to take this girl I’ve been seeing and I’m not putting up with the publicity of dating Hailey to cover up for her and Justin. Last thing I need is for dating rumors to fly around.”
“Shawn, she’s a Met Gala pro at this point. Plus the publicity would look good and everyone expects you to go together.”
“Andrew,” he was basically begging, “I really, really like her. I’ve been getting breakfast with her in New York, that’s where I’ve been sneaking off too. It’s different than when I’m with Hailey. And I don’t want to risk something real for a girl who I never had in the first place.”
“Hailey knows yet?”
“I was gonna tell her after I got an ‘okay’ from you. I wouldn’t do that, I’m not stupid.”
“Better tell her then.”
Shawn’s grin stretched across his cheeks running out of the conference room and sliding into the elevator.
“Shawn! We have a meeting!”
“Yeah well I’ve got my girl to call!”
“Hailey first! And are you even together?”
The elevator doors shut and he was calling you moments later.
Hailey wasn’t shocked to hear that Shawn wouldn’t join her on the red carpet in May. She’d seen the way his arm was resting on your waist and he’d held you close whispering words only the two of you knew. The videos of your interactions and his awe from that night was warning enough.
She couldn’t blame him.
They were friends at best and she’d selfishly asked her to cover up her relationship with Justin Bieber while they tried to mend their love story in private. Now Shawn had the opportunity to fall in love for real, he wouldn’t risk it. He apologized profusely but it’s not like Hailey could be mad, he was a far too kind gentleman.
So that’s how you found yourself being prodded at with needles as they hemmed an all too perfect gown to your body. Shawn eyed you in the mirror as the bathroom door opened. He looked angelic even though your whole ensemble was supposed to make you look like an angel. Heavenly Bodies and all.
“Baby, you look beautiful.”
You couldn’t focus on his compliment, not when your heart was pounding like it was.
“I’m being serious,” your eyes wandering along the perfect chest of your boyfriend, “this is like the biggest red carpet in your career until you get nominated for a Grammy, which you will by the way, and I could barely handle the People’s Choice Awards so to even think I coul-”
“Remember the night we met?”
He looked down at you, looking into your eyes that popped with the natural smokey eye enhancing the highlights in your irises.
“When I nearly had a freak out? Yeah, thank you for reminding me.”
“Hey, no. You didn’t freak out and you looked absolutely stunning the moment I saw you step out of your car. You handled that with ease, eh? And I’m going to be there the whole time. I’m going to be with you for as long as you need me. As long as you’ll have me.”
“You won’t leave?”
“Not for a second.”
“Y’know, you were staring at me when I was at that first red carpet. Even before we met.”
He hummed not denying it.
“There’s a video of you looking back at me. Your fans have been trying to figure out where you were looking for months.”
“Looking at you, Baby. Eyes are always on you,” you kissed his lips liking the tingles his touch left you with, “I’ve got to change and then it’s you and I.”
He sent you one last smile and a kiss to your cartilage piercing he was obsessed with before heading to his stylist.
Shawn and you were heading into the black Bentley moments later. You greeted Jake, Shawn’s security guard, before slipping into the leather seats of the car your lanky boyfriend squished in after you.
The seven minute drive along fifth avenue was grueling, your pounding heart shutting Shawn’s soothing words of comfort out. His hand gripping yours once he realized he wasn’t getting into your panicked head.
Now stopped outside of the Metropolitan Museum of Art on the first Monday of May it all crashed on you. The hours of preparation didn’t seem nearly enough as Jake was stepping closer to Shawn's door.
The flashes were so bright each photographer wanted to get the headlining image as Shawn’s body left your grasp before leaning down to your eye level. His hand dipped your cheek and his thumb stroked your defining features; your high cheekbones, the scar just below your bottom lip, and the mole below your eyebrow.
“Baby?” he held your gaze, “your move.”
Your heel hit the pavement just outside the car before your brain processed the movement, Shawn’s hand holding your body flush to his whispering sweet nothings. You could feel your pulse pushing into your chest and down your fingers making your limbs tingle much like his touch on your bare back.
You would think you’d learn to not wear barebacked gowns because you couldn’t focus with Shawn’s hold on your skin but the feeling of his calloused fingers was addicting making you request the design every time.
Your boyfriend guided you down the carpet helping you pose with an ease and beauty you couldn’t have done alone. He made sure no one overwhelmed you during interviews by letting you hide in his side as he spoke for you both yet keeping you the center of the conversation. He was absolutely perfect.
“Inside we go. The worst is over, honey.”
Shawn was right. The gala itself was incredible, full of surprises and you felt comfortable with a reassuring arm rubbing your sides. The hours of chatter flew by and soon enough you were trying to change into a tight minidress for the after party.
Your arms were tangled in fabric when your boyfriend finally stepped in to help. His eyes unabashedly flitting over the smooth curves of your body. Hands gripping onto the material of your gown you’d finally changed out of. He watched the silky smooth skin of your shoulders, waist and thighs disappear under your dress.
“Christ, you’re so pretty.”
“Mmhmm,” his palms were prodding and massaging under your dress, “you’re absolutely perfect. Don’t know what you're doing with me.”
“I’d be hiding away in California if I wasn’t with you. I have to say this is much better.”
He smiled down at you, his pillow soft lips wet as his tongue slipped out of his mouth. He knew what he was doing and he knew it drove you crazy. Within the privacy of Up & Down, a night club thirteen minutes from the Met where Rihanna was hosting her party, Shawn didn’t waste a second before tilting your chin so his lips could press into yours.
Your hands found his chest mentally thanking his stylist, Tiffany, for convincing him to wear the sheer button down under his maroon suit jacket he’d left in the car. You ignored the stares and the shouts of approval from the celebrities dancing in the club and just enjoyed the weight of his arm resting on your chest. His hand still on your face, tracing the scar below your lip.
He broke away while the shiteating grins bloomed over both your flushed faces. Shawn grabbed your petite hand in his large tatted one before slipping through the crowd. You tried to focus on his sculpted back as your eyes scanned the crowd around you, celebrities pushed into your sides.
“Baby,” he came to a halt pulling you in front of him, chin rested against the crown of your skull, “I’m going to go say hi to a few people,” his hand left your waist to gesture at a couple familiar faces, “wanna come?”
You just nodded your head as Shawn urged you forward, the graze of his chest never leaving your back. He’d seen a couple gazes lingering on your perfect figure and jealousy was nagging the back of his brain but he also couldn’t blame them.
You looked absolutely stunning.
Your boyfriend introduced you to a few of the A-listers in the group, celebrities names you had admired rolled off his tongue like it was nothing. You guess it kind of was for him.
Soon enough you found a couple of models who were happy to chat back and forth with you complimenting your dress and airbrushed skin, you were happy to throw the same kindness back towards them.
You were so busy giggling with your new found friends you barely missed Shawn’s presence as he wandered feet away to chat with the girl’s dates and a few of his other friends until his breath was tickling the tip of your ear, next to the golden hoop looped into the skin.
“I’m grabbing a drink with a few of the guys, want anything?”
“Remember that drink you got me a while ago? The Canadian manhattan?”
He hummed smiling, remembering the night.
You had surprised him by flying out to Toronto from your place in Los Angeles completely on a whim. It had been less than two weeks since the Oscars but you had missed seeing him up close. He took you out that night and not a week later right before you left he’d asked you out.
“Baby,” his voice was so nervous as you stood on his balcony the city lights illuminating your features, “I know it's late for me to say this and you’re leaving tomorrow, but I was wondering if you’d like to be my girlfriend?”
Shawn smiled and nodded but he was lost in his head, eyes closed with a furrow in his brow.
“You can say no. Seriously, I won’t even be mad. I just want to take you out to breakfast tomorrow and be able to say ‘my girlfriend will have a mocha with three shots of vanilla’ because I can.”
“Bubba, yes. I’m all yours, Shawn, all yours. You can order my coffee and everything.”
He was smiling so much, his grin spreading from ear to ear.
“Oh, and Bub,” He looked down at you so fast you were worried he’d get whiplash, “your move.”
Shawn kissed you that night but it was different. He let his intuition disappear from his mind and just kissed you. He kissed you like he loved you.
“The Crown Royal one?”
He knew exactly which drink it was.
“Yes please.”
“Okay, I love you.”
Shawn was about halfway to the bar when he stopped short in his tracks. He hadn’t said those words yet.
Those three words.
Sure, he had felt it. He’d felt it since you started playing with the lapels of his suit on the red carpet that first night, big doe eyes staring up at him. He often thought about how he’d tell you and none of those ideas included a slipped out whisper at a party. But he had said then.
Those three words.
He had said them. Shawn fucking Mendes just told you he loved you so casually and it left you frozen in time. You absolutely adored the boy, you had since before you’d met him. You remember squinting at your phone in your dorm with a picture pulled up on instagram. Your feelings only grew once you’d met him and you were sure you loved him. You had felt the pull since the first morning at his hotel in California when he was sound asleep and your eyes scanned his face to memorize it until he woke up. You loved him and he had said those three words you were too scared to.
The girls you had met earlier were, obliviously, still talking but you were too far in a daze, in a shock really, to even begin processing their conversation.
Thankfully you didn’t have to.
Shawn was muttering short apologies to the models all while pulling you along behind him. His eyes were determined as he guided you threw the swarm of sweaty bodies in far too expensive clothes. He smiled greetings and farewells while keeping your figure pressed to his, your head resting between his shoulder blades like they had months ago. Your boyfriend continued his stride even after you exited Up & Down and entered the bustling streets of New York City.
“Bubba, where are we going?”
“Back to the hotel.”
“I want to be alone with you.”
Before you could say another word, Shawn was dialing a call. Your eyes caught his screen, the contact reading ‘Jake’.
“Hey man, could you send someone to pick us up?”
There was murmuring on the line.
“You’re here? Bless Andrew”
Shawn hung up before pulling you along the alley before the familiar black vehicle was in sight. He opened the door and stepped to the side pressing a kiss to your forehead as you slid into the leather interior.
“Thanks. Sorry for the confusion.”
“No problem at all. Are you heading to the Versace after party?”
“No, um actually back to the hotel.”
“Of course.”
The ride was silent. Shawn was gazing out the window until his eyes caught your stare. His hands found the curve of your waist and gently pulled you into his chest, his pout finding your forehead again. You didn’t question his quiet affection instead basking in his warmth and his arms as they wrapped around you.
It remained peacefully silent until your boyfriend was thanking Jake and offering his grasp to help you out of the car. You smiled at the older man before taking Shawn’s hand and walking into the glass entryway of your hotel.
You both offered soft, tired smiles to the lady in the lobby before slipping into the glass elevator. Your finger pressed the fifty-ninth floor and waited for the elevator to climb the tall building to the top floor.
“Are you going to tell me what’s happening?”
“Wait,” he pulled you into his arms feeling his eyes closed against your shoulder, “let’s go to bed and then we’ll talk, Baby, I promise.”
You nodded into his warm chest not bothering to argue with the sleepy boy slumped against you. Kissing his curls that were finally growing out after he cut them too short. You remember mourning the soft curls you always liked to finger through.
You two shuffled softly into the penthouse hotel room and began your sweet intimate routine you had familiarized yourself with since the first night. Shawn lifted you up onto the bathroom counter and washed your face until every touch of makeup was off your skin. He pulled his worn shirt, preferably his favorite Tom Ford one, from his suitcase and turned back to you.
Except it was different this time.
He could see the loving emotions in your eyes. The gaze he had dreamed of seeing after that night in Los Angeles when you chose to stay with him. He was so focused on admiring your features he nearly forgot you were waiting for him.
He smiled at the pet name before pulling his shirt over your goosebump covered body. Shawn slid under the silk sheets and made grabby motions with his hands until you were curling your figure into his bare chest.
Your fingers were sliding up and down his trained chest tracing shapes against the soft chest hair hoping he’d relax against your touch and say what’s on his mind.
“I love you.”
Your head shot up to look into his honey gaze.
“I’ve loved you for so long. I was so nervous, Baby, nervous to ever say anything because I didn’t want to mess up my chance with you. And I’ve been trying to figure out how to tell you. Aaliyah and my mom were giving me a bunch of tips but I wanted it to be perfect so I kept quiet. And then I just blurted it out like an idiot. I ruined it.”
“Shawn,” he stared into your eyes, “Bubba, I love you too. And you didn’t ruin it. I don’t care how you tell me as long as you do.”
“I love you so much I forget how to breathe.”
You giggled against him and left sweet kisses to his collarbone.
“M’sorry for pulling you away so quickly earlier, I just wanted to be with you. Wanted this moment to be special.”
“It is.”
Shawn pressed his lips to your shoulder where his shirt didn’t cover.
“I love you, Baby, so so much.”
“I love you too,” you slid your fingers against the scar on his cheek.
He slowly pulled his head from the crevice in your shoulder and kissed your cartilage again. He had an obsession with the piercing.
“Baby,” he smiled, “it’s still your turn.”
You quickly pressed your body against his own not hesitating to find his soft pout and press your lips to his.
“I think,” Shawn kissed you again interrupting your voice, “it’s your turn now.”
permanent taglist: @wholesomemendes @fallinallincurls @ashwarren32 @mendesficsxbombay @haute-shawn @turtoix @prncsnee @http-isabela
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arrows-unofficial-ocs · 3 days ago
OC Plot Bunnies, Vibes, and/or Rambles
Daughter of Kristoff and Anna, Joaquin Madrigal ship, Jean Radcliffe’s best friend, Katherine McNamara fc, possibly named Freya
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Son of Madam Mim, villain kid, Jean Radcliffe ship, Ryan Potter fc
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GILMORE GIRLS — Stars Hollow High School’s Hockey Team in addition to: Ricky, Levi, Carlos, Dean, Adam Kim, Josh Ellis, and Aaron Weatherford… still need five more fcs (one’s related to Taylor Doose, others are for a goalie, center, and two defensemen) to round out the team of 17. also shoutout to @dancingsunflowers-ocs for suggesting most of the fcs under here!
Matthew John “Matt” St. Clare. Right wing. Red Detroit Red Wings. Lucas Till fc.
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Nathan Scott Doose. Center forward. Pittsburgh Penguin. Related to Taylor. No fc yet.
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Samuel Alexander “Sam” Beaumont. Left wing. St. Louis Blues. Nicholas Galitzine fc.
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Evan Christian Murray. Left defender. Calgary Flames. Robbie Amell fc.
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Colin Walter Blackstock. Right wing. Washington Capitals. Grant Gustin fc.
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Trevor Jeremiah Payne. Right defender. New Jersey Devils. Cameron Monaghan fc.
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Sage Park. Bisexual. Obsessed with Batman. Will Gordon ship. Anna Cathcart fc.
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Erin Siobhan Tomlinson-Murphy. From Northern Ireland. River Cartwright ship. Outcast. Has a story somewhat similar to River’s (minus the family connection part). Saoirse Ronan fc.
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Andrew Gus Spencer. Shawn and Juliet’s son. Emma’s twin. Luna Guster ship. His mother’s son. Griffin Gluck fc. The “non-gifted” twin. The neurotypical twin. Straight. Plays both the Juliet and Lassiter to Emma’s Shawn and Luna’s Gus. Name is a reference to the Breakfast Club.
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caswlw · 4 years ago
is “hey andrew” an all for the game reference?😳🥺
it is Not but i do wanna read those books skdjs
the ref is a breakfast club one btw
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cheeze225 · 8 years ago
Dear Mr. Vernon, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. But we think you're crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us - in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain...  and an athlete... and a basket case... a princess... and a criminal...
The Breakfast Club (1985)
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giveamadeuschohisownmovie · 4 years ago
Imagine: RWBY / 80s movie AU
Aliens (1986)
1) Raven Branwen as Ellen Ripley (reasoning: warrior leader and also because of who I have Yang cast as) 
2) Taiyang Xiao Long as Corporal Dwayne Hicks (reasoning: Raven’s love interest and being an all-around good guy) 
3) Whitley Schnee as Carter Burke (reasoning: let’s say that the Schnee Dust Company replaces the Weyland-Yutani Corporation. In that case, it made sense that Whitley took the role of the slimy corporate exec) 
4) Penny Polendina as Bishop (reasoning: android assistant) 
5) Yang Xiao Long as Rebecca “Newt” Jordan (reasoning: Raven’s daughter. Although in this AU, Yang would be Raven’s daughter-figure) 
6) Cardin Winchester as Pvt. Hudson (reasoning: the arrogant, douchebag bully) 
7) Peter Port as Lt. Gorman (reasoning: I was thinking who among the adults could be an incompetent commanding officer and for some reason, Port kept coming to mind) 
8) Winter Schnee as Pvt. Vasquez (reasoning: badass female soldier who hates incompetence) 
9) James Ironwood as Capt. Apone (reasoning: the competent military officer)
10) Clover Ebi, Caroline Cordovin, Vine Zeki, Harriet Bree, Elm Ederne, Marrow Amin and one extra Atlas soldier as Drake, Frost, Ferro, Spunkmeyer, Dietrich, Crowe, and Wierzbowski aka the marines who get wiped out by the Grimm-Xenomorphs in the first ambush (reasoning: Atlas soldiers under Ironwood’s command) 
11) The Grimm take the place of the Aliens/Xenomorphs
Scarface (1983)
1) Adam Taurus as Tony Montana / Scarface (reasoning: minority facing discrimination, power-hungry asshole who becomes a violent leader / EDIT: Oh, I just realized, the name ‘Scarface’ could also reference the branding on his face)
2) Ilia Amitola as Manny Ray (reasoning: member of the White Fang. Also, I have Ilia as Manny mainly because of who I have Blake cast as)
3) Neopolitan as Elvira (reasoning: to keep with the themes of human-faunus relations, Elvira had to be a human character. Also, Neo is a crazy criminal, so she fit the role)
4) Blake Belladonna as Gina Montana (reasoning: one, to reference Adam’s unhealthy obsession with Blake and Blake’s initial fascination of Adam. Two, since Manny and Gina get together and Ilia has a canon crush on Blake)
5) Roman Torchwick as Frank Lopez (reasoning: Roman’s connection to Neo and Roman being a criminal mastermind) 
6) Jacques Schnee as Alejandro Sosa (reasoning: the big-name supplier, just switch cocaine with dust. Also, since Adam is the main protagonist, it made sense to have the Schnees as the main villains) 
7) Klein Sieben as the shotgun-wielding assassin who kills Tony (reasoning: works for the Schnee family) 
The Breakfast Club (1985) 
1) Cardin Winchester as John Bender (The Criminal) - reasoning: the asshole bully who harasses everyone
2) Weiss Schnee as Claire Standish (The Princess) - reasoning: the snobbish girl who thinks she’s all that 
3) Sun Wukong as Andrew Clark (The Athlete) - reasoning: this was a surprisingly hard role to fill in. Eventually, I just went with the character who I thought fit the mold of the “stock high school athlete”, which was Sun.  
4) Ruby Rose as Brian Johnson (The Brain) - reasoning: the goodie-two-shoes nerd who has trouble socializing with people
5) Blake Belladonna as Allison Reynolds (The Basket Case) - reasoning: the shy, introverted goth (well, closest to goth) girl who is seen as an outcast 
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ezraisangry · 4 years ago
It's been 7 years since Bender and Andrew have seen each other, and 7 years since their relationship came tumbling down. By chance, they meet at a bar, and learn about how the other had seemingly moved on.
A post-canon Breakfast Club one-shot with references to past Bender/Andrew
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neonlaynes · 5 years ago
I hadn't watched The Breakfast Club until recently either! Finally did because of all the references to it in Stranger Things fandom. Worth it! The character Bender is 100% Billy. Almost like.. fanfic Billy even. Steve is a mix of Claire and Andrew. I now really need someone to write an in depth Harringrove Breakfast Club AU with the Stranger teens lol.
oh dang by that logic I absolutely have to too ... weekend watch time 🐧😌😌😌 I kinda feel like I’ve seen something goin around w a Breakfast Club AU but you are completely correct, the need is real !!!
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ao3feed--bughead · 5 years ago
by latenightcoffeetalks
Cheryl separated herself from Toni to call out, “You know there’s not supposed to be any monkey business.”
Jughead lifted a leg and turned slowly to her on the other. “Young lady…” he said in a stern voice, pointing his finger at her, “have you finished your paper?”
Betty squeaked, and it took Jughead a second to realize it was a bad attempt to hide a laugh.
He leaned against the double doors, “What was that, Cooper?”
Betty lifted her head towards him, and he was once again reminded of how beautiful she was. If she weren’t such a bitch, Jughead would have tried to get with her long ago.
“Is that your Weatherbee impression?”
He smirked at her, “It is indeed. Pretty spot on if you ask me.”
She shook her head at him, and the look that she gave him was almost unreadable.
Was that…affection?
Jughead shook his head, snorting to himself at the unlikely possibility of it and turned back to the doors in front of him. He looked around cautiously and removed a screw from the door.
“What are you gonna do?” Betty questioned.
“Drop dead, I hope,” Archie muttered.
 Or, The Breakfast Club birthday fic I wrote for Ally's birthday!
Words: 6777, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Riverdale (TV 2017)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Betty Cooper, Jughead Jones, Cheryl Blossom, Toni Topaz, Archie Andrews, Waldo Weatherbee, Valerie Brown (mentioned), Veronica Lodge (mentioned)
Relationships: Betty Cooper/Jughead Jones, Cheryl Blossom/Toni Topaz, Archie Andrews & Betty Cooper & Jughead Jones
Additional Tags: Detention, Breakfast Club References, Serpent Jughead Jones, Jughead Jones Needs a Hug, Cheryl Blossom Needs a Hug, Nerd Cheryl Blossom, Toni Topaz Needs a Hug, Explicit Language, Bad Parent FP Jones II, Penelope Blossom's A+ Parenting, That was a joke - Freeform, you hobos, Penelope sucks, Light Angst, Angst and Feels, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Bad parent Fred Andrews
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theao3feed-bughead · 5 years ago
don't you forget about me (ill be alone dancing, you know it baby)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Ncm3mi
by latenightcoffeetalks
Cheryl separated herself from Toni to call out, “You know there’s not supposed to be any monkey business.”
Jughead lifted a leg and turned slowly to her on the other. “Young lady…” he said in a stern voice, pointing his finger at her, “have you finished your paper?”
Betty squeaked, and it took Jughead a second to realize it was a bad attempt to hide a laugh.
He leaned against the double doors, “What was that, Cooper?”
Betty lifted her head towards him, and he was once again reminded of how beautiful she was. If she weren’t such a bitch, Jughead would have tried to get with her long ago.
“Is that your Weatherbee impression?”
He smirked at her, “It is indeed. Pretty spot on if you ask me.”
She shook her head at him, and the look that she gave him was almost unreadable.
Was that…affection?
Jughead shook his head, snorting to himself at the unlikely possibility of it and turned back to the doors in front of him. He looked around cautiously and removed a screw from the door.
“What are you gonna do?” Betty questioned.
“Drop dead, I hope,” Archie muttered.
 Or, The Breakfast Club birthday fic I wrote for Ally's birthday!
Words: 6777, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Riverdale (TV 2017)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Betty Cooper, Jughead Jones, Cheryl Blossom, Toni Topaz, Archie Andrews, Waldo Weatherbee, Valerie Brown (mentioned), Veronica Lodge (mentioned)
Relationships: Betty Cooper/Jughead Jones, Cheryl Blossom/Toni Topaz, Archie Andrews & Betty Cooper & Jughead Jones
Additional Tags: Detention, Breakfast Club References, Serpent Jughead Jones, Jughead Jones Needs a Hug, Cheryl Blossom Needs a Hug, Nerd Cheryl Blossom, Toni Topaz Needs a Hug, Explicit Language, Bad Parent FP Jones II, Penelope Blossom's A+ Parenting, That was a joke - Freeform, you hobos, Penelope sucks, Light Angst, Angst and Feels, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Bad parent Fred Andrews
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Ncm3mi
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phroyd · 5 years ago
The National Rifle Association acted as a "foreign asset" for Russia in the period leading up to the 2016 election, according to a new investigation unveiled Friday by Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore.
Drawing on contemporaneous emails and private interviews, an 18-month probe by the Senate Finance Committee's Democratic staff found that the NRA underwrote political access for Russian nationals Maria Butina and Alexander Torshin more than previously known — even though the two had declared their ties to the Kremlin.
The report, available here, also describes how closely the gun rights group was involved with organizing a 2015 visit by some of its leaders to Moscow.
Then-NRA vice president Pete Brownell, who would later become NRA president, was enticed to visit Russia with the promise of personal business opportunities — and the NRA covered a portion of the trip's costs.
The conclusions of the Senate investigation could have legal implications for the NRA, Wyden says.
Tax-exempt organizations are barred from using funds for the personal benefit of its officials or for actions significantly outside their stated missions. The revelations in the Senate report raise questions about whether the NRA could face civil penalties or lose its tax-exempt status.
The National Rifle Association called the report "politically motivated," and suggested that the 2015 Moscow trip was not an official NRA trip.
"An avalanche of proof confirms that the NRA, as an organization, was never involved in the activities about which the Democrats write," said William A. Brewer III, counsel to the NRA.
Continued Brewer: "This report goes to great lengths to try to involve the NRA in activities of private individuals and create the false impression that the NRA did not act appropriately. Nothing could be further from the truth."
Attorneys general in the state of New York and the District of Columbia are conducting separate probes into alleged wrongdoing at the gun rights organization. These probes have a broader scope than the Senate report, which focuses on Russia.
Majority response: This is overblown
The Republican majority on the Senate Finance Committee, which was consulted periodically throughout the Democrats' investigation, said Friday the report was overblown.
In the Republicans' analysis of Wyden's report, the majority argued that it does not account for U.S.-Russia relations at the time and contains "much conclusory innuendo... and repeatedly attempts to paint a picture that does not exist."
The Republicans also argued that if the NRA committed any infractions, they would be small and do not put the NRA's tax-exempt status at risk.
"To the extent NRA funds were used improperly in any facts discussed in the [Democratic report led by Wyden], it appears to have been minor, hardly a rounding error for an organization with hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue each year and nothing that cannot be corrected with minor intermediate sanctions," the Republican analysis states.
Kremlin links were clear
Wyden's 77-page report centers on Butina — a convicted Russian agent now in federal prison — and Torshin, a former Russian government official who has been sanctioned by the United States.
The report indicates that top NRA officials were aware of Butina's and Torshin's links with the Kremlin even as they sought to work more closely together under the banner of gun rights.
In an email later circulated to two senior NRA staff members, Butina wrote that a purpose of the 2015 Moscow trip was that "many powerful figures in the Kremlin are counting on Torshin to prove his American connections" by showing he could bring prominent NRA officials to Russia.
At another point, Butina suggested to participants on the 2015 NRA trip to Russia that she might be able to set up a meeting between them and President Vladimir Putin, referring to him as "Russia's highest leader."
NRA facilitated political access
Despite these declarations about their ties to the Russian government, NRA officials paid for and facilitated Torshin and Butina's introduction into American political organizations.
Butina and Torshin received access to Republican Party officials at NRA events.
It was a explicit interest expressed by Butina: In one 2015 email to an NRA employee, Butina wrote, "is there a list of U.S. governors or members of Congress that might be present at some time during the [NRA] annual meeting?"
The employee responded with a list.
The NRA also helped them forge connections with groups such as the Council for National Policy, the National Prayer Breakfast, the National Sporting Goods Wholesalers Association and Safari Club International.
"NRA resources appear to have been used to pay for membership and registration fees to third party events for [Torshin and Butina] as well as to arrange for transit to and lodging for many of those events throughout 2015 and 2016," the report states.
Report contradicts NRA denials
The Senate report notes that in 2018, then-NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch repeatedly denied that the group leaders' 2015 trip to Moscow was sanctioned by the gun rights group.
But in a letter obtained by the committee, then-NRA President Allan Cors wrote to Torshin on NRA letterhead after consulting with NRA staff and former NRA President David Keene.
Cors designated two NRA figures to lead the trip: "Dave Keene and [top NRA donor] Joe Gregory will represent the NRA and our five million members better than anyone else," he wrote.
During the course of the investigation, Brownell's lawyer also told the committee that Brownell believed the trip was an official NRA event.
This view is further strengthened by the committee's evidence that NRA staff prepared itineraries, gathered briefing materials, applied for tourist visas, paid for some of the travel expenses, and provided the delegation with NRA gifts to give to Russian officials.
The gun rights group said on Friday afternoon that it was not an official NRA trip.
"Certain NRA members made the trip of their own accord. The record reflects it was not an official NRA trip," said Andrew Arulanandam, the NRA's managing director of public affairs. "NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre was opposed to it and, at his directive, no NRA staff members or employees attended."
The Senate investigation found evidence that the NRA tried to hide various payments related to the trip.
Brownell covered approximately $21,000 in expenses related to the trip; in June 2016, the NRA reimbursed Brownell just over $21,000.
After questions were raised about the trip in 2018, Brownell paid the NRA $17,000 — a transaction that Brownell's lawyer told the committee was requested by the NRA as a way of "getting the trip off the NRA's books."
NRA leaders sought business opportunities
The Senate investigation concludes that a number of NRA figures on the 2015 trip traveled to Russia "primarily or solely for the purpose of advancing personal business interests, rather than advancing the NRA's tax-exempt purpose."
Brownell, then a vice president of the NRA, is the CEO of a major firearms supplier bearing his last name.
In an email to a staffer at his business, Brownell described his trip as "an opportunity to be hosted in Russia to broaden our business opportunities ... to introduce our company to the governing individuals throughout Russia."
"The NRA directly facilitated Brownell's effort to travel to Moscow early to explore business opportunities with Russian weapons manufacturers," the report concludes.
Another member of the trip, NRA donor and then-Outdoor Channel CEO Jim Liberatore, told the Senate committee through his lawyer that his participation in the 2015 Moscow trip was "purely commercial."
Wyden seeks IRS probe
Wyden, the top Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee, said at the conclusion of his investigation that his staff had revealed information that shows that the National Rifle Association may have abused its tax-exempt status.
The next step, he says, is for the IRS to launch its own inquiry.
"The totality of evidence uncovered during my investigation, as well as the mounting evidence of rampant self-dealing, indicate the NRA may have violated tax laws," Wyden said. "The IRS needs to examine these findings and investigate other publicly reported incidents of potential lawbreaking."
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