#and among the most responsible
knightpetrichor · 5 months
yall ever think about how kunikida and tecchou are probably both at the airport waiting for partners that might not return
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hazelnutnebula · 1 year
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amongi peace and love on planet earth(worm)
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dear-ao3 · 5 months
hello former newsies fanfic writers of 2018 it is important you tell me which was your ships rn (I was a javey bitch)
ralbert, occasionally sprace, sometimes blush. i was suddenly-im-respecsable. katya had many urls but the last one i remember was racetrack-yeetgins
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Thinking again about how Blanky's clear guilt over helping guide the ships into the clutches of the pack as well as encouraging Fitzjames' Carnivale no doubt heavily influenced his decision to sacrifice himself to Tuunbaq on the others' behalf.
Thinking about how tragic it is, the idea that he would blame himself for things that were actually, realistically all but beyond his control.
But also thinking about how lovely it is and what it says about the profound growth he's undergone and the love that he has in him.
Remember, this is the only man who's done that kind of journey, that kind of death march before. Remember on that occasion that it brought him a hairs-breadth away from full madness and from splitting open another man's skull with an axe.
It's a hugely comforting thought then that, upon facing that horrific and insurmountable challenge again and all the negative emotions that would go with, he chose not to channel it all into violence but into the ultimate act of love and self-sacrifice.
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somecunttookmyurl · 1 year
fwiw my physiotherapist told me that people with eds apparently metabolise things faster than other people, so your fast metabolisation of medications/caffeine/etc could be in part linked to that?
yes people with EDS (and other forms of chronic pain) are highly likely to have the abnormal liver enzyme thing
we don't really know *why* but it's just. a thing.
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sea-owl · 1 year
I request a governess polin au, hell we can add kathony too.
So let's say that in this au, Kate never went to London and Penelope never had London debut. To help with the family finances Kate set out to become a nurse/governess (I am aware they are two different positions, but just roll with me.) After discovering Lord Featheringtons debts Portia only had enough money to debut one more daughter. After debating she decided to place her bets on Felicity. Neither ever met the Bridgertons.
Somehow Penelope ended up as a sort of apprentice/partner to Kate and the two found a good job within the house of the Duke and Duchess of Hastings. With two of them they are able to take care of the children, Auggie, and Amelia, when they are younger and later teach them as well as any other children the Duke and Duchess may have.
The two get along well with their employers and they have each other so the loneliness that usually comes with their kind of position isn't as bad.
Then comes 1816 aka the year without summer. Things were wet and cold, some of the ton had decided to forgo that season and stay in their country homes. One of those families was the Bassets, who decided to invite the family to Clyvedon for the rest of the season, with possibly taking some time to go to Aubrey Hall.
Of course Kate and Penelope are also at Clyvedon, helping take care of the young lord and ladies.
"Oh Kate, Penelope," Daphne greeted as she walked into the nursery. "You two can take a break for a little while. Just bring the children down to the drawing room, my family will be here soon and I'm sure they'll want to see the babies."
"Yes your grace," Kate and Penelope bowed.
"Thank you-," Daphne cut herself off with a yawn. "Oh forgive me on that."
"It is alright your grace," Kate said.
Daphne fought another yawn as she walked out of the nursery.
Kate and Penelope looked at each other before letting out soft giggles.
"I suppose we'll have another little one soon enough," Kate said as she held onto Auggie's leading strings in one hand and held Belinda in another.
"Good for us, it keeps us employed longer," Penelope joked. She gently bounces Caroline, while her other hand holds Amelia's leading strings. "Looks like you won't be the baby for long young miss."
Kate grinned. "That it does."
The two lead the children down to the family drawing room where Simon was waiting. After that they were temporarily free for probably most of the afternoon if this was like the other visits from the duchess' family. Not that Kate and Penelope haven't really had any more than brief glimpses at the infamous Bridgertons.
After that Kate went to take a walk while Penelope went down to the kitchen for some leftovers cook left since she missed breakfast.
Enter Anthony and Colin.
Anthony had ridden separate from his family as he had to make a stop on the way for business. Unfortunately this also meant that Anthony had gotten caught in the rain on his way. Colin had gotten back just in time for them to leave and had not yet had a chance to change out of his traveling clothes nor a chance to really eat anything. Suffice to say they did not really look like sons of a high bred family.
Kate just happened to be passing by when Anthony rode up to Clyvedon.
Kate had to stop herself from raising an eyebrow at the soaked man who was foolish to ride out into the rain. If she had to guess he may have been one of the tenets. Just as they always did during the first day of guest arriving, the duke and duchess gave strict orders that they are not to be disturbed.
"Excuse me," the man said. "You could you direct me to where Simon and Daphne are?"
Kate was taken aback. She has never heard of a tenet being so informal. "I'm sorry sir, but their graces are not seeing to any business today. The duchess' family had arrived today."
The tenet looked annoyed. "I assure you they are expecting me."
"Sir," Kare sighed, then yelled when he pushed past her. "Sir!"
That's when Kate heard the bell designated for the nurses and governesses. Well fine, she'll just let her employers handle the tenet.
Meanwhile Colin had sneaked down to the kitchen. He was a growing boy after all, and he hadn't eaten all day.
He was surprised to see a cute red down there happily eating an eclair.
"Is there anymore?" Colin asked her.
Penelope jumped, just barely catching the custard that fell. Turning towards Colin she did in fact raise an eyebrow. She has not seen this man before. Penelope could place almost all the servants at Clyvedon by face and she has seen this one. Plus his clothing does not look like anything any of the servants would be wearing. Nor is he looking at her food like anyone else she has met before.
"I'm sorry sir, but this was the only one Cook had set aside. The rest are being served to her grace's family," Penelope said.
The man's eyes lit up at the mere mention of more food. "Really? Oh must show me where they are!"
What was this man? Some kind of interloper? Penelope would rather not show him where the duke and duchess are, but blast. It looks like she might not have a choice. That was the bell to summon her and Kate. Well hopefully if he does follow the duke will take care of it.
Kate and Penelope met at the entrance of the drawing room both of them looking at their partner with a questioning look at the strange man following.
Before Kate or Penelope could stop them the tenet and the interloper both walk into the drawing room.
Oh fuck, Kate and Penelope knew those names. Those were the names of the duchess' brothers, the Viscount Bridgerton and the third Bridgerton. And now among the rest of their siblings Kate and Penelope could see the resemblance.
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queenlucythevaliant · 2 years
Some off-the-cuff thoughts on overspiritualizing patterns in science
I remember watching a talk in middle school youth group about laminin, the "molecule that holds your whole body together" which was supposedly shaped like a cross. The suggestion, basically, was that the cross's image was integral to our molecular makeup and that this was part of God's design in a very Significant way. I was a burgeoning STEM girl, so I taped a diagram of a laminin up next to my bed for a while.
(As I would later find out, the whole laminin thing had/has some reach among Christians. There are T-shirts and everything)
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Fast forever to spring of my freshman year as a microbiology student. I take my first course in cell bio, and I learn that laminins are actually one of many families of ECM glycoproteins. They aren't really any more significant in "holding the body together" than collagens, elastins, or fibronectins. They're very important, yes, but ultimately just one type of adhesive protein among many. And! They also do a bunch of other stuff that's way cooler than just. Adhesive.
While some laminins do bear resemblance to a cross when diagramed, it's really only because they have three subchains. Some are t-shaped, but others are y-shaped, and those don't look anything like a cross. Also, when they're in situ rather than in a nice, neat diagram, they tend to be all floppy and then they look even less cross-like.
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And when I learned about this I was oddly relieved. It felt like I was right about something that I couldn't even put into words, and that somehow the field of what I could call glorious had grown wider.
Christians are called to see and marvel at the presence of God in creation. I love doing that! I see God left and right through my scientific studies. Yet I also know that the human brain is pattern-seeking and that we are prone to pareidolia. I honestly don't know that there's a substantive difference between seeing the cross in some laminins and seeing Jesus on a piece of toast. It's all just seeing patterns that arise from something else (in the case of laminins, being able to bind three different molecules at once) and attributing spiritual significance. God is sovereign and maybe in the grand scope of his vision for creation it means something, but in terms of seeing God's hand in science I just find it so... small?
You could spin so many four-chain or four-domain proteins or goodness knows how many other molecules into images of the cross if you pick the right diagram. You could take every pattern of three in nature (and there are many!) as an image of the Trinity. If you really, really wanted to, you could take every six in organic chemistry as a sign of the beast, which would be hilarious in its misguidedness. It just becomes so literalistic and dull so very fast.
Look! Wouldn't you rather talk about the fact that laminins begin to appear along the edge of a developing lung at just ten weeks of human embryonic development, suggesting that they play a role in alveolar morphogenesis? That they're present in the neural stem-cell niche, which makes them an attractive candidate for helping to treat degenerative neurological conditions? I want to go back to whoever gave that talk that I watched in youth group and shake him and say, "God did that, and you're still hung up on the fact that laminins have three subchains?"
#God is so so big and as a result the horizons of science are ENORMOUS#very often when Christians talk about science it's with a tone of '#see! look we found it! the God molecule! incontrovertible proof of the divine!'#and like. my brothers and sisters in Christ. God didn't create the world for us to prove our way to him#he created a world that shouts and cries his name but we have to know HIM first! not the other way around#you're not gonna find God in Laminins if you're fixated on it being this big significant Thing that Proves that GOD SIGNS HIS HANDIWORK!#you can absolutely meet him there if you take the time to marvel at the glory of a molecule this versatile#about which we can ask questions! and draw closer to our creator by understanding his creation better!#just. i feel such a grave responsibility and a glorious joy towards promoting scientific literacy among Christians#it's hard to describe but in a lot of ways it's the thing i want most to do with my life#also to be clear: not trying to vague-post about anyone#Kaylie's post about quarks did inspire this but only insomuch as it skirted right up against this subject#about which i clearly have a lot to say#the original post was gleeful and charming and I'm so glad that you're enjoying your physics book!#just. i think it's important not to fixate on the symbols at the expense of the actual wonders of creation#wow I am such a woman in stem#good grief#pontifications and creations#all truth is god's truth#endless forms most beautiful
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valeriefauxnom · 8 months
Hey big fan. How tall do you think the androids in DL are?
Not gonna lie, it's always a bit shocking to hear one has made anything to earn a 'big fan', but thank you very much nonetheless!
As for your actual question, though, I think they're roughly about human height, judging by art? Of course I've gone over how art sometimes varied wildly in height, but as mentioned in that post if you have seen that, Dragalia did seem to try and keep a 'comparison heights' straight, at least. They might not have kept straight if Euden was 4'11 or 5'9 but he was shorter than Ranzal and Luca, etc.
And what we see in the wyrmprints, they seem consistently human in size:
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(Well, these are both with sylvans, but sylvans are human in height as well, ears notwithstanding, so the point stands).
As funny as it might have been if every android was big or really tiny, I think it probably makes sense that, being created and wished for them to be 'humans' by Maestro, they resemble humanity as much as possible.
Now, just because Laxi, Mascula, and the androids from their era are human sized, others might not be.
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They're a recreation of the older models in another case of Dragalia's humans trying to resurrect older tech, the same tech that made the dragons Very Displeased 1k years ago.
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Now, Eireene and Finni, who unfortunately have among my personal least favorite designs in Dragalia, don't really give any indication either of being a wildly different size than Laxi or Mascula. Like this art here, where they are about the same size as Laxi and in a similar 'dwarfed by Ranzal' category most everyone falls into to varying degrees.
That doesn't mean there aren't standouts.
Anassa, for example, seems to carry a much bigger presence in her art. Being something of a commander and command center for the 1k year old model androids, it stands to reason she might have more weapons built in, more data processors, or other things in greater quantity. While we don't have a model or comparative art to truly say for certain that she is bigger, she certainly looks it.
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(Does she even have legs??? Is she a roomba that would be foiled by anything over a 15° incline or a sudden height change, ex, stairs??? I mean yeah, doesn't she fly and drop down the one time, but even then, there's any number of environments that might make it awkward or impossible to use it to navigate a hazard.)
Ahem. Anyways, the point is that the general androids, be it Maestro's recreations or their elder Nier:Dragalia -er, Ex Machina, a part of the Humanoid Liberation Agency/the ones living in the sky, seem to be human sized. But there might be a few special model ones out there like Anassa who serve a unique and important purpose to justify the time, energy, and resources designing and creating them to fulfill their goal.
Now, admittedly, androids in Dragalia would be a weak point in my general knowledge since they never really quite struck a chord with me enough to inspire a fixation on them, but yeah, as far as I can tell, they're human-sized with perhaps some rare exceptions. The most I can say that might not be wholly normal is their apparent tendency towards a sort of gaunt build, which, to be fair, it's not exactly as if they can build muscle to change that.
Hopefully that answered your question satisfactorily!
#dragalia lost#dragalia#inbox responses#thanks for the ask!#While I uh 'majored' in the royal family I'm more than happy to try and sift through other lore!#So yeah I'm always down to talk Dragalia or Scaling or other video games like Tales of the Abyss!#...I suddenly realized that Dragalia and Abyss share another thing in common: endings that are very much in dispute for what happened.#It's probably one of the top two fastest ways to start an argument among players for Abyss#And while the Dragalia fandom isn't quite so occasionally hostile about differing interpretations it's a funny coincidence.#Anyways. Dragalia. One thing I have a bit of qualm with is how quick the new androids are accepted.#Like Finni 'the emotional one' of the pair you'd expect to be the bleeding heart will casually talk about rampant murder of innocents.#These are androids that have been told over and over that all non-Ark humans are not worthy of life and need to all be killed.#That's not something that completely disappears overnight. Yeah enemy of my enemy and all that but...#When EUDEN is the one expressing the most vague caution to saying 'welcome aboard' you know something's not quite right.#And that in this case is 'is bringing a pair of androids known to have been involved in committing genocide and one of whom has a tendency#...to go berserk into our castle a good idea?'#But yeah this is a rant in tags but. I just don't quite like how they handled that detail regarding the Ex Machina androids.
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pallas-cat · 4 months
it's so counter indicated and unhealthy to do, but i genuinely want to just cut everyone i know off until i reach the acceptable stage of adulthood where i can actually fucking relate to and be myself around people
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I’m just a grumpy old Two-Stater, but…
You see, the thing is, when I see University Protestors chant “Globalize the Intifada”, when I see them yell at Jewish students (their fellow members of the student body, no less) to “go back to Poland”, when I see them carry signs and make chants that invoke the Final Solution, when I see them drape themselves in the flags of Hezbollah or Hamas, when I see them refer to Hamas as “the resistance”, when I see them praise the Houthis for their “blockade of Israel” (when all that really happened was the indiscriminate firing of missiles at random civilian shipping belonging to other unrelated countries, and also a major ecological disaster), when I see them express support or sympathy or apology for these and other IRGC-backed terror organizations, when I see them engage in 10/7 denialism or even soft Holocaust denialism, when I see them claim that any Israeli civilian is a legitimate target for violent “decolonization”, when I see them imply that the only acceptable solution to the conflict is one that involves the expulsion of all Israeli Jews from the southern Levant…
I’m just forced to make a snap judgement as to whether these people are:
A) Actually Genuinely Evil, or
B) Severely misguided, under-informed people who are experiencing genuine (and correct!) horror at watching constant needless and horrific slaughter play out on every available source of information they have, and are responding to this horror the only way they know how, by gathering en masse and screaming at the only source of authority they have access to: their school administrations. Because that’s just what people in their social groups do in response to genuine and heartfelt outrage, and they just wind up going along with the antisemitic crap because of the “wisdom of the crowd” effect and because they don’t know any better.
And, to me, even after months of this, option B) still seems not only more likely to be actually correct, but also far more charitable.
But the thing is, when called out for all of that, they always double down. They equivocate and deflect and hide behind claiming that the above examples are all just “anti Zionism not antisemitism”, and they dismiss and demean the perspectives and fears of Jewish people and those of us who stick up for them.
And all of that just really makes me start to wonder about option A) after all.
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yay-depression · 2 years
the repressed neurodivergent experience of thinking “no one will ever love me with all of my neurodivergency the way i love them with their neurotypical-ness.”
#me my whole life: got made fun of for exhibiting ND traits among other stuff#me in middle school: well if i simply pretend i am neurotypical people will stop disliking me for being ND#spoiler alert: i was not very good at faking neurotypical-ness#me now: very very good at faking being neurotypical to the point that i am perceived as having very few distinguishable traits#my family my entire life: you are weird (aka neurodivergent) stop being weird#my family my entire life: if i simply do the thing that my child hates maybe they will grow out of hating it#another spoiler alert: no the FUCK i did not#tldr my entire life i’ve essentially suppressed most of myself to make the people i love comfortable bc that’s what they wanted from me#and in response they routinely ignore some of my most important boundaries and still try to act like they’re helping me#my therapist keeps telling me that one day i’ll get a family even if it’s found family#because sometimes found family is the best kind of family#but no one i’ve met is willing to actually put up with who i am as a person and not abandon me#every non-familial person in my life anytime i’ve shared deeply personal things with them: nope no thank you goodbye#and the deeply personal things were always just like ‘i’m actually pretty insecure in friendships and i feel deeply lonely’#it wasn’t even traumadumping bc they always seemed fine with that!! bonding over shared trauma was like a group activity#and then anytime i was like ‘hey could i maybe get some validate that y’all don’t hate me?’ everyone would be like#no. why would you need that we never said we hated you stop being over dramatic#my dad pulled that last one all the time!! except he added the ‘how could you even think i hate you when i’ve been nothing but good to you!’#come to think of it my friends did a lot of that too actually#anyways i have a core belief that i’m actually just unloveable and people just tolerate me and it’s been confirmed repeatedly
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ghostdrinkssoup · 2 years
If Hannibal played Among Us, would he be really good at it and win every time? Or would he be bad because he doesn’t play online games much (if at all) because he’s too busy hunting people down for their meat and listening to Vivaldi? Or would he pretend to be bad and lose every time he’s imposter because “ho hum, he’s just ur friendly neighborhood psychiatrist, he could never be hiding anything from anyone, look at how bad with technology and lying he is”?
Would he find and eat anyone who beat him at Among Us
Tell me, Will
hannibal would be a GOD at among us (that man owns an ipad… he’s undefeated and terrifying) but he would pick and choose when he wants to win. he can’t be too good, otherwise the fbi might realise he knows how to type fast and take a screenshot 😩 he’d frame other people constantly though and then kill anyone who was rude to him in chat later on (or anyone who betrayed him)
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kennys-parka-jacket · 9 months
Tbh I'm glad that sp artists dont do that "reblogs > likes" thing. I was a little worried when a few people put it on their posts a while back, but it died off pretty quickly.
#1) 'always reblog every single piece of fan art you interact with' wouldnt really work in this fandom since liking sp is considered-#-taboo on tumblr. Reblogging sp fan art requires admitting to your moots that you like sp. That's why a lot of popular sp fan art has-#-really high like to reblog ratios#2) from what i've seen most of the artists doing the 'reblogs > likes' people are fresh from twitter and mostly only care about the numbers#-tumblr is getting more traffic now than it did a few years ago; but it's still not where you want to go if reaching a lot of people-#-is all that you want#3) not too long ago i was in another fandom where begging for reblogs was common practice. Let me tell you how that turned out. -#-first it started as 'reblogs > likes' on every piece of fan art. Then it was posts going around saying that 1 to 10 reblogs to likes was-#-a pathetically sad ratio. Then it was 'always reblog because you are singlehandedly responsible for an artist's mental health'. -#-then it was putting 'please reblog; likes do NOTHING' on every fan art. Then it was begging for even more reblogs because-#-1 to 2 likes to reblogs ratio was pathetically sad. Then it was 'by not reblogging you are telling an artist to end it all' gaining-#-traction among rpf proshippers.#Look. I get it. I'm not as public about it anymore; but i'm a fan artist and fic author too. I sympathize with working hard on something-#-and wanting a lot of people to see it. But if people quiely appreciating your work is affecting you that much then maybe you need to-#-work on yourself instead of trying to control what a bunch of strangers on the internet do.#Also you need to learn how to enjoy creating without caring about the numbers. Because if you're creating just to watch-#-the numbers go up then you will never be happy. It's a miserable; joyless way to be an artist of any kind
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dnangelic · 9 months
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anytime i think about panelset i cry btw
#*・゚⊰ 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐒. ⊱ ✦ › OUT.#UUUU TOWA UUUU ARGENTINE#THEY'RE SO RESPECTFUL THEY'RE SO GRATEFUL TO HIM.#TO DARK. TO THE FIGUREHEAD. TO THEIR LUCIFER. THE EXALTED. NOBLE HALF OF THE KOKUYOKU#GUY WHO'S BEEN ALONE AND IN EXCRUCIATING PAIN FOR 2000 YEARS STILL DESPERATELY TRYING TO DO SOMETHING RIGHT FOR THE OTHER ARTWORKS#NO MATTER WHAT IT TOOK!!! TRYING TO MAKE UP FOR HIS OWN CREATION AND EXISTENCE!!#clinging to love and meaning no matter his own inherent lack of feeling!!!! doing what he wants n what feels RIGHT#even as krad tells him over and over he could just ignore it all and get away without blame or responsibility!!!#'just let [everyone] die' how could he possibly do that???? how could he possibly?? when manisumea helped him then was destroyed for it??#the instant he fell into betrayal against the hikari- fury and sorrow and his own tearful sense of betrayal too!!!#it's just the way i knoOOOW dark wished he could refuse it. esp since they've broken at this point#or the way he's just absolutely not used to it. the slightest kindness. anyone's /gratefulness/#rather than ignorant admiration or criminal cursing like the rest of azumano's populace#all these arts never even once being told they were important by anybody. except the niwa family#dark who always has so many troubles -saying- it and practically never does. but works the hardest#flings himself immediately and consistently into the most danger for anyone and anything he wants to protect#KINDNESS SOWN AMONG THE MEEK IS HARVESTED IN CRISIS!!!#power of love and friendship wins and explodes the enemy. GOD BLESS#the completed kokuyoku too always makes me think of the phrase 'love laying sorrow/hatred to rest'#it's heartbreaking for daisuke but for dark it's his penultimate moment. it really is#there's SO MUCH GOING ONNNNN UAAAAAA -goes to bed-#if i think about how in the published volumes dark actually starts cracking and breaking I'LL CRY.......... NOT MY HOT TOPIC EMO#HES MY BEST FRIEND </3#reference.
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withswords · 2 years
we need a corollary to hanlon's razor for like, never attribute to malice what can be explained by demographic data
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floralovebot · 2 years
Ive seen a lot of ppl say that Musa was whitewashed by the Fate: Winx saga, but while I agree an east asian actress should have been chosen, the actress Elisha Applebaum is jewish. From what Ive read, its controversial whether jewish ppl inherently count as poc or not so im not sure if I would call it "whitewashing"
Well, I'm not sure I'm the best person to talk to about this considering I'm not Jewish?
But from what I do know, this is an extremely controversial topic (like you said) that really doesn't have any one answer. There are Jewish people who fully consider themselves to be white (and Jewish of course but like... white too), and there are Jewish people who consider themselves to be poc. I think it's important to remember that a lot of the "Jewish people aren't poc if they aren't black/asian/dark-skinned/etc" comes from antisemitism or anti-zionism. A lot of poc in the west specifically say this because of antisemitism so a lot of the arguments for it are... not great to say the least.
In regard to Elisha specifically, she's ethnically Jewish so I think you could argue that it doesn't count as whitewashing, but that's really up to Jewish people to discuss. It's obviously still wrong for her to have been cast as Musa, that's not up for discussion, but whether she considers herself white, whether Jewish people consider her white, whether non-Jewish people (goyim?) consider her white and how much of that response is linked to internal antisemitism is all very personal and case by case. I'm not sure if there's a specific term for when people sort of... race or ethnicity change a character of color to a different but still not white race so like...?
But anyway, again there is no One specific answer because there's so much discussion and outright arguing over it. A lot of Jewish people do consider themselves to be poc and often West Asian/Middle Eastern (depending on who you ask) but there are a lot of arguments among themselves as well. This discussion really should be left up to them!
It's funny you mention this because I was actually discussing this with a Jewish mutual years ago! Here are some really interesting articles (written by Jewish people (as far as I'm aware)) that I found really helpful at the time: one, two, three, and four. There were others but I can't find them now :(
(There's also the matter of people converting to Judaism which is a similar but ultimately very different conversation so I do want to clarify that I'm specifically referring to ethnically Jewish people.)
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