#and always have been
redstonedust · 8 months
something something zedaph isn't part of demise 2 because he's already a reaper (zedeath) who hasn't been doing his job for years and isn't going to start now
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braverytattoos · 4 months
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dispatchwithlove · 7 months
In Your Arms Chapter 9: Heat
(old chapter, i just love this part)
When he’d first laid eyes on her it hadn't been her height that he noticed, but the immense quality of her spirit. From his desk, he and Nihlus had watched her approach. She wore black military-style boots, but shorter, just to the ankle. Black unbuttoned jacket, black pants, and a light blue shirt neatly tucked in but also defiantly loose. Her hair, shorter then, framed her face, brushing her cheeks as she turned to take in the room, her desk, him, with green, sharp eyes flicking from one place to the next. She was so warm, soft but searing. He’d immediately felt lulled, but also on edge, like something important was about to happen, and he better be ready for it.   
How do you tell someone they came into your life like a supernova, though, tipping an equilibrium, setting everything ablaze, without admitting that you’d been mesmerized by them ever since?
Measure it back, of course. “I thought you looked strong, and smart,” he said, voice steady but still too warm. “And when you told Nihlus to get his ass off your desk, and he actually listened to you, I thought I was luckier than all the other detectives, so I better hold on to you. Damned glad that I did.”
Her smile didn’t fade, but something happened, some shift in her demeanor that was so subtle, and so sudden, that he wasn’t sure if his words were the cause, or something else. The scattered starry warmth in her eyes gathered into sparkling clusters. 
Suddenly she felt too close, too close for him to keep her in a compartment where his feelings didn’t overtake the space between them. 
His chuckle was meant to wash away the awkward silence, but then he felt pulled into her so close and so tight, that the birds, the coffee shop, and all the quick-footed people shifting down the sidewalk blurred. It didn’t feel like he was sinking, or lifting, but spinning. The galaxy spun and all he felt was heavy and solid and all he saw was her. 
“Not going to share your actual first impression of me?” he asked, trying to settle despite the whirling. 
She was going to say something funny, thankfully, he could tell in the way she kept her face straight but hunched her shoulders an inch. Her hand rustled her hair.   
“My first thought was that they would’ve recruited more people if they'd sent you to Earth to stand next to the asari C-Sec rep.”
“The unhinged, uptight turian? Pardon my pessimism, but I’m doubting your sincerity.” 
She smirked. “Notice that I said stand there , not open your mouth . You’re pretty, but…”
A laugh pulled out of him, his mandibles fanning out wide. 
When they stopped chuckling she said, “I was terrified, honestly. But you kept your talons filed, and no one else did. And you lifted me up on crates when other humans were told to focus on evidence easier to get to. And you were funny. And you liked my cat, and you were so sweet to Gran and Papa when they wanted to get to know you. Didn’t take long to see that I got lucky, too.”
As the last note left her, everything slowed, but the heavy feeling persisted. How could she not know how easy it had been, being her partner? It should have felt like a struggle, like it did for everyone else, but it never felt that way to him.   
“Ed and Alice are wonderful,” he said. “ My family…”
“Is perfect.”
“Forced you to come over for dinner once a month.”
“It was nice enjoying a meal with a family. It was something to look forward to… Still is.”
They stopped talking then, only smiled with the chickadees over their heads hmming to each other. Just as Garrus thought it would take a cataclysm to pry their gazes apart the chickadees burst from their perch into the bright sun, Jane’s eyes sank down to her omni-tool, and he was left staring at her, pulling in a quick breath. 
“Shit, we’re late,” she said. 
He stood. “Yeah.” 
Everything stilled, finally. The sky-bound birds with flickering wings, the packed coffee shop, the rushing people, all settled, tethered by rigid rope to solid ground. 
His mind focused on maps, streets, traffic lights and travel times from point A to point B. A car shooting thruster patterns into free-growing grass, and a watch lying haphazardly on a wet concrete ledge. 
They had a case to solve with, so far, no leads. 
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not-poignant · 9 months
Hello Pia
How many times a month will Tradewinds be posted on Patreon? Will it one chapter per month like the others?
Hi anon,
It will be posted as a completed novel/e-book all at once, it won't be coming chapter by chapter. :)
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adlibitur · 2 months
benzo withdrawal bad, medical bullshit makes it worse
where is my jbp inspired withdrawal coma
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nr2driver · 2 months
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NO MORE “papaya family🥺🫶🏻🧡” WHO CHEERED
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helsex-moved · 10 months
There's this coworker who insists it's okay if he calls me the f slur because he's 'not that straight' only to then complain to me about a man flirting with him because it 'grosses him out' like buddy you can't have it both ways
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I've always been kinda neutral about Elain, but you've really made me rethink her character and now I'm super invested in where her story goes in the books. I mean, there has to be so much more to her than meets the eye, especially with her being Lucien's mate. Mates are equals and there's no way Lucien's mate is some timid, bland pretty face. No, she's got some fire in her, too.
You've also made me realize how criminally overlooked Jurian is! Omg he spent 500 years as a damn eyeball in a ring and yeah he might be a little deranged (but let's be honest, that's my type and makes him so much hotter) but he stayed true to his cause and is a gods damned hero.
Also, everything Lucien does in your fics is sexy af. Lucien is daddy and he has my heart. Him and Rhys are my favorites and you do their characters justice every time.
Anyway, just wanted to thank you for all that you give us. Fanfiction has been a life saver for me and an escape when real life is too much. I know people give you a hard time about your fics when they are particularly unhinged, but I just wanted to let you know that those are the ones I appreciate the most.
Take care and have a wonderful holiday season 💙
I want you (and everyone) to know that everytime someone gives me feedback that I made them like Elain, I grow more powerful. I see it and begin to write yet another fic in which Elain is the protagonist and everyone and everything revolves only around her. She is the sun, the stars, she is gravity itself.
Also the justice for Jurian tag on my blog is probably the only one I've ever maintained faithfully. I don't know why, it just worked out that way.
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unma · 1 year
So... I don't have anywhere to rant about the countless ideas in my head, thus asks are open! They've always been but shush.
Ask me anything about any of the AUs or fics I've written or created. If I have something to say, you get a nice long little answer, and I get to let my ramblings prompted onto the internet.
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homoquartz · 2 years
rewatching heartstopper to restore my soul and it has me remembering exactly when and where i was when i realized i was gay, and it was at a slumber party in 8th grade and my friend spoon-snuggled with me on the couch and i went privately insane
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unityrain24 · 1 year
how come getting diagnosed with anything is so hard. You go to the doctor and it goes one of two ways:
Mental Problem: they give you the vaguest 20 question survey in existence that somehow counts for both anxiety and depression. If you fill out enough boxes you have both. If you don't, then congratulations! you are perfectly well. No other mental illnesses exist.
Physical Problem: well, you sound fine to me. Everything you said sounds normal. maybe try loosing some weight?
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goldenpinof · 2 years
on behalf of the phandom i have to say this: friendship ended with Dan's promoter, now the venues are my best friends
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soufre-de-paris · 1 year
> torrent will take about 3 hours
> me: i know, let's add some more trackers!
> torrent will now take about 17 hours
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its so brave that you have such a 2012-coded url in this 2024 world
would you call a bear brave for standing in a new construction suburb or would you recognize the unfamiliar world they built around him
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goldensunset · 1 year
advice i think we should tell children is that when adults say stuff like ‘now that i’m an adult i get really excited about stuff like coffee tables and bathrooms and rugs etc’ they don’t mean ‘and now i don’t care about blorbo and squimbus from my childhood tv shows anymore’ bc your average adult still loves all the same pop culture stuff they always did; they just have a greater appreciation for the mundane as well. growing up just means you can enjoy life twice as much now. you can get really excited about a new stuffed animal AND about a new kitchen sponge. peace and love
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enbycrip · 10 months
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EDITED TO ADD: Sources from the OP in the comments
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