#and also the yearly gettering
pure-bubblegum · 8 months
TW: jehovas wittnen
Dunno if anyone will find this intresting but here goes.
A few days ago my jehovas Wittness mom came to me saying she had good news so ofcourse l ask her what it was.
"Do you still have contact with G?" G is my childhood friend since 6 to around 12 years old. Haven't spoken to her since, I'm 19 now. Well aperently her last ex boyfriend was in the same situation as me, jehovas wittnen parents but not that himself and now she has Bible studies with her mom, and my mom talked with the sister G studies with and connected the dots that we knew eachother since before.
My mom looked so proud, G had told the sister she studies w that the reason she got interested in the truth was because of me, that l used to preach to her early in our childhood, untill G's mom said l would not be allowed to see G if l keeped doing that. And now that she has her own apartment she decided to pic it up again.
"This is a sign from Jehova that even the smallest of seeds becomes trees in the end"
And in the moment l didnt really know how to feel, my first initial feeling was to congratulate, then l just feelt conflicted. How ironic isn't it that l who introduced this to her left the organization.
I still remember the day l first introduced the 'truth' to her. l told her we all had a chance to revive and live in paradise after death, she begun absolutely sobbing cuz her grandmother had just passed away.
My mom asked me how l felt and if l was proud of this.
No, no absolutely no!
"Yeah.. l guess?"
And for a few days l feelt so conflicted, didn't really know if l was going to be happy for her or feel guilty. And what if l when l go to the memorial this year and see her? What will l say, if she finds out I'm not a jw will she feel discouraged? If l don't go will my parent lie and say l was simply busy? (Most likely) at the same time do l have an obligation as ex-jw to like warn her?
Today l told my friend about this and he concluded in the end that, that was her choice and l had noting to do with this, l may have been her introduction to this but in the end as an adult she made her choice. He also told me that he himself grew up with a Muslim best friend he used to pray togheter with and he himself didn't turn Muslim.
I feel better now thay he told me this, honestly this had bothered me so much these past few days.
Eitherway, don't think l will go to the memorial this year, it will be the first one l miss ✌️💗🤍
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disneytva · 2 months
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Hulu's Animayhem Returns to SDCC With a Factory of 20th Television Animation
Disney is once again bringing the Hulu Animayhem to San Diego Comic-Con. Last year, the streaming service created a hub for all of its adult animated favorites, from Futurama to Solar Opposites, the Bob's Burgers, and The Simpsons.
This year's activation is designed like a factory with all the characters of your favorite animated shows working to crank out some of the best series the medium has to offer. Mock-ups show a floor filled with references to Animayhem's flagship programs, with Bob Belcher, Homer and Bart Simpson, Fry and Bender, Hit-Monkey and Bryce, and more flying through the gears and conveyer belts that make it all work. Deeper inside the factory is where the real magic lies, however, with a selection of immersive activities based on the shows and exclusive collectible memorabilia that can only be found at the yearly convention
Key among the factory's many moving parts is a replica of Futurama's Slurm Factory. The highly addictive soft drink, which may or may not be made from the slime excreted from the butt of an alien slug queen, is Fry's favorite drink in the year 3000 and the episode "Fry and the Slurm Factory" gives him and the Planet Express crew a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see how it's made. Animayhem's replica recreates the factory as it appeared in the beloved episode, from the Willy Wonka-inspired music to the borderline copyright-infringing Grunka Lunkas and, of course, the Slurm Queen herself for some unique photo opportunities.
Past that is the Cutawayland Storage, a special 25th-anniversary celebration of Family Guy full of all the best cutaway gags from the Seth MacFarlane show's long history. Fans can pick up 2D objects that correspond with specific jokes and take them to viewing stations to see the cutaway play out on the spot. Add in some cutouts of the Griffin family in their signature yellow tuxedos from the show's iconic intro sequence, and the station has no shortage of photo opportunities to commemorate such a major milestone.
Slurm isn’t the only treat fans can see the making of. Another area replicates The Simpsons LardLad Donut Factory where Homer Simpson's favorite pink-sprinkled sweets are made. As part of a partnership with the SoCal staple Randy’s Donuts, attendees can pick up ready-made donuts with suspiciously green icing that may be toxic waste from Mr. Burns's power plant.
From there, the factory opens up with a bevy of interactable activities including a chance to sing along to the end credits songs of Bob's Burgers and get a shareable video from Bob's Record-O-Matic, take a Solar Opposites-themed Goobler stress test and get a corresponding Goobler stress ball based on the results, and search for the Bonsai Master's Sword in a Hit-Monkey-themed katana factory to win an SDCC-exclusive set of pins.
American Dad fans can also come to the rescue of the show's disguise-loving extraterrestrial star, Roger. His cries for help will ring throughout the activation as he's stuck in a CIA lab and being dissected. Following Stan and Francine's example from "The Scarlett Getter," participants will have to quickly reassemble the alien in an Operation-like game, a task easier said than done with his strange organs scattered all over the place. Whether that operation is successful or not, a photo opportunity with Roger's golden turd will be available thereafter
For anyone who needs a quick rest after all the adult animation activity, the Animayhem Factory is stocked with a break room courtesy of three of 20th Television Animation - The Great North. A fridge in the room can be opened for some refreshing cold air during the red-hot summer while also providing a view of the Tobin family's idyllic Alaskan cabin.
Hulu's Animayhem activation opens on July 25 from 11:30 a.m. through 7 p.m., July 26-27 from 9:30 a.m. through 7 p.m. daily, and July 28 from 9:30 a.m. through 5 p.m. Stay tuned here at Collider for all of our coverage of SDCC throughout the weekend. Get an exclusive look at the Animayhem factory in the gallery above.
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fluff-writing · 2 months
Sudden mating fever in High Heaven and Santuary. Run your imagination wild xD and for more fun cantakerous meet omegaverse? :D
Okay the funny thing is
This was a thing for Fluffy Angels. They didn't have heats or anything. Once every year or so they had a big orgy and then the Arch created a feedback loop of Light Energy so that both It and The Angels could spawn.
Hell learned the hard way to leave Heaven the heck alone when the angels were multiplying. Everyone is already high on lust-rage, plus over-alert due to the Arch's vulnerability, and cockblocking half the populace is just bad strategy all around.
(A few lucky 'cubi have gotten themselves roped into the whole mess a few times. When mating fever his the Dimension of Hair, no one is safe.)
Roughly half of all nephalem inherited the Yearly Banging Instinct, including one bird-Rat. He and Muffy had lots of fun every October. Kalan made very sure to give them ample time and space to be nasty without interruption.
Cantankerous and Omegaverse are kinda on opposite ends of the seriousness spectrum. One is pure crack + smut, the other is my longfic that I try to keep relatively serious. CantankerRat might be vaguely interested in the biological differences between the dimensions, but he's also busy trying to kill his mother and doesn't have time to get involved in that nonsense. Mat barely knows what a penis is. Remember, angels in Cantankerous are strictly asexual, and reproduce by way of Arch unless demons are involved (and even then, Lilith just bled some Mysterious Light Goo out of Inarius and used that to implant a baby in herself. She's a real go-getter.) Rat hasn't gotten around to giving Malthael The Talk on account of the whole Matricide thing. Alpha-Rat would try, and likely confuse poor Mat even more than usual. Omega-Malthael is laughing at all of them.
If we stick Cantankerous Inarius and Beta-Inarius in a room together long enough they will hatch a plan to detonate Sanctuary. Doesn't matter which Sanctuary. Heaven too while they're at it. And Hell. Actually, throw all of reality away, they're starting everything over from the top.
If Cantankerous Lilith and Alpha-Lilith enter a room together, only one is leaving that room alive.
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hi dear :) just saw that you wanted to practice reading birth charts so here’s mine:
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oh and off topic but i think that the synastry between you and your crush is very cute and has a lot of great potential!
take care and stay safe 🤍
Thank you so much sweetie! ☀️☀️
So I see your mars in the second house of value and in capricorn. Very much a go getter aspect for earning money and a creer ! It corresponds greatly with your taurus moon in fifth. Your emotional ‘relaxing’ world, your inner child comes forth when you’re having fun, like doing leisure activities. In taurus, ruled by venus, it flourishes when you’re relaxing, indulging in beauty and coming to rest on a say vacation or fun trip to enjoy. You’d be the ideal person to have a very serious and high end corporate career and enjoy your yearly bonus in the bahamas. You’d be the ideal person to live that life, completely fulfilled unlike some others who were pretty much born to not fit into that scheme kind of scheme. Your mars is focused on ‘getting that bag’, your moon is focused on really just enjoying herself, and together they live in harmony in this perfect exact trine. Your libra sun in your tenth (!!) house trine your saturn creates this perfect charming and professional individual you’d like your company be introduced to. Your mercury in libra in eleventh makes you great at diplomatic small talk. All i’m saying is that you’d be the perfect CEO😂 fair and agreeable, but really about the business, which will create a square tension with your mars, but I believe in this case it will be good tension. Your uranus and lilith in third house make you voice certain revolutionar ideas that are sharp, interesting and make a lot of impact. And you know how to make those ‘rebellious’ thoughts into action and agreement, and overal the discipline to make them work with uranus trining saturn. That makes us 2002 kids (more or less) a funny year with not as much typical ‘youth culture’ but revolutionary social media posts that happened to inspire thousands of people to become activists, in just a simple few characters. This what I’m talking about in our generation, coincides a lot with those points like lilith and uranus falling in the third house, which makes those young people sag risings with pluto in first. Very magnetic individuals with a lot of ‘all or nothing’ style in their way of being. Optimistic sag plutonians with an almost intrusively expansive power to teach and educate anyone anywhere. Your chart ruler jupiter is in your 8th house and your venus is in the house op jupiter, the ninth, in virgo which is ruled by chiron and mercury. You have that notorious BDE and knowledge thirst 😂 To travel and gain understandings of the world. You might be somewhat of an intellectual even! I bet you’d love backpacking around the south of asia, getting to know every single culture and eating with strange people and learning all about foreignity, but the thing that’s stopping you fear of getting bedbugs bugs or getting sick from eating street food.. I also see mars apart from trining your moon exactly, opposing your jupiter exactly and that jupiter is sextiling that moon exactly! With mars opposing jupiter, you may feel that whatever it is your after and you’re passionate about/you’ve achieved, it’s never enough. Another great career woman aspect 😂 god. This can be a good thing, but I also see this aspect in a lot of men who cheat in their relationships and are womanizers. That trining and sextiling your moon, also with a venus trining your moon wider, there’s a lot that you can love and like that moves you, that can really nurture that emotional world in the fifth house of yours. You might fall in love easily because you feel passionate easily, and you might come to a point in your life where going after something will mean building a whole new emotional base skeleton and leaving your old ground behind, and you will feel it’s worth it. Leaving that job for another one, moving to another country, falling in love with a different person and then divorcing, you’re a person who gets easily inspired to make such radical movements. It may be hard on your psyche, because humans can’t really choose what they feel.
Now you goal in life: your north node is conjunct your path of fortune, both in cancer and the seventh house. Now I’m not telling you to find a husband and get married and be like a mooney cancer to fulfill your spritual path, instead find a sense of guardianship and sensitivity in the things you care about. Create that long lasting relationship that has an actual impact on your life. Work is not the only thing that takes work. Relationships and family do too! And paying attention to taking on those qualities will bring you success and fulfillment in life 💞💖
I love to see a chart with a lot of aspects. I think it creates a dynamic person with a lot of vibe and stuff to discover. 🦋🦋
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sailormoonandme · 1 year
Since his secretary had fallen ill they'd been left all alone. That was 'highly irregular' as he phrased it. Or rather, as he would have phrased it, if he'd bother to talk to her. Not that Rei minded. She was certainly not about to speak up herself.
The silence stretched on and on.
Rei tried to find the silver lining. Yes, her father's annual visits to her were the low point of her year. Yes, his secretary's absence made this year awkward in addition to just plain painful. Yes, this yearly 'tradition' made her actively dread her birthday. But on the other hand...
Rei sighed, the silver lining having completely eluded her. The noise caused her father's eyes to narrow behind his glasses.
"How are your studies progressing?"
Rei groaned, although only internally. She wasn't about to give him the satisfaction.
His face remained completely still, exempting the tiniest raising of his eyebrow.
"I expect a little more than 'fine' considering what I pay for you to go there."
Rei leaned in ever so slightly.
"It's just wonderful."
His lip formed into a sharp, thin line. A few moments elapsed before he spoke again, as though he'd restrained himself.
"I trust your social life doesn't get in the way of your work?"
Rei almost laughed.
Half the school thought she was a hotheaded, yet inspiring go-getter. The other half thought she was a cold, distant psychic weirdo. Between the two perceptions Rei had at best a handful of acquaintances, but the closest things to friends were her beloved crows.
Realizing how pathetic that sounded she was tempted to lash out. Possibly by taking the ridiculously expensive food in front of her and hurling it in her father's face. Maybe it'd spoil their meal, but the press would certainly eat that up. But she knew in the end that'd jus make life more difficult for her.
"No. It doesn't," she replied curtly.
It might've been her imagination, but she was sure she'd spotted her father's hands tense just a little bit.
"Unlike most girls your age, you won't have to worry about the high school entrance exams."
"Why? Have you pre-paid for me to pass?"
She mentally kicked herself for losing her cool.
"...Because your academy automatically lets you progress."
Rei fought hard to keep her face stoic. She'd known that already of course, but her disdain was getting the better of her.
"I trust you also know the academy offers a college level education too. Have you given any thought as to what subjects you'd like to pursue?"
"Who says I want to continue education after high school?"
This time she was sure her father's hands had tensed.
"You will be attending T.A.'s college courses." His tone was flat and cold.
"I want to be a shrine maiden." Rei's own tone was rather chilly.
They locked eyes, neither breaking their resolve for a full minute. Finally, Rei ended the contest.
"Doesn't your party value tradition? It might not play well with your voters if Takashi Hino's daughter was going to college to study medicine."
She fought down the urge to smirk. Rei didn't need to be psychic to detect the conflict within her father.
It took a few seconds for him to regroup. "Why medicine?"
"Because you need to know about medicine if you want to be a doctor or a nurse."
"Did you not just say you wanted to be a shrine maiden?"
Rei shot him a sarcastic shrug.
"Medicine is my backup plan."
Her father let out a small, very controlled breath from his nostrils.
Robotically, he pressed on. "And why medicine?"
"Well," Rei leaned forwards on the table, lacing her fingers together, deliberately mimicking her father's pose. "I was really impressed and inspired by watching all the doctors and nurses hard at work. They were really nice to be at the hospital. But you probably don't remember that seeing as you never visited me...Or Mom..."
Despite all his experience with the press, her father had been well and truly skewered. Typically that would've made Rei want to punch the air. Unfortunately, her jibe had reminded her of...
She sighed again and prayed her father's secretary wouldn't be unwell next year…
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hellofanappetite · 3 years
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Selena Quintanilla-Pérez
Born on April 16, 1971
4+1+6+1+9+7+1 = 29 = 2 + 9 = 11
*Life Path Number 11 (master number)
*luminaries (sun&moon) are in fire signs = active personality as well as her inner self ❤️‍🔥
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Aquarius ♒︎ Rising
Selena’s rising is in Aquarius this means that her outer expression revolved around her individuality/freedom/truth
Aries ♈︎ Sun
Sun ☉ is vitality, Aries are go-getters
Selena radiated (sun) a hustler (Aries) personality
Sagittarius ♐︎ Moon
Moon ☾ is emotions, instincts, comforts
Selena drew her audience in with her deep need for adventure (Sagittarius moon)
Pisces ♓︎ Venus
Venus ♀ represents aesthetic/taste/values
her exalted Pisces Venus gave her a divine aesthetic, she wanted a spiritual bond above all else, with the planet of beauty sitting in her first house—she was a goddess.
Also, this placement explains her love for fashion & her opening up her own boutique
Capricorn ♑︎ Mars
Mars ♂ represents ones drive & motivation
Mars is exalted in Capricorn (it works well in this sign)
Selena had an impressive work ethic, she never wanted to take a day off while on tour.
Taurus ♉︎ Mercury
When it comes to Selena’s writing style I will be discussing the Mercury ☿ sign since Mercury is how one communicates
Her mercury is in the sign of Taurus, the archetype is the musician, her Taurus Mercury is governed by Venus in Pisces (exalted placement). Her love for writing music extended beyond her physical reality
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In the docu-series Selena: The Series, Selena talked about how when you look at famous artists they have their own thing going & that’s what she wanted to achieve, a *unique* style.
Personal note: she really did that because she’s celebrated yearly and remembered every March 31. also I would say her music was and still is ahead of its time.
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roseapprentice · 7 years
A few days ago I was most of the way through applying for new insurance and I was like, “Wow, this is hard but much less hard than I thought it would be!”
It was all lies. It is more hard. I am no longer much of the way through applying for medical insurance. I may have to let my insurance lapse for a while right in the middle of trying to get diagnosed for an autoimmune disease, because it is impossible to make sense of US medial insurance.
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crazybus1997 · 4 years
How to Develop an Invention Organisation Plan for Success
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A reliable Invention Service Strategy is an inventor's ideal tool for successfully navigating through the invention process. As a knowledgeable investor, I have discovered that an idea is not perceived as a practical company opportunity until it can be efficiently communicated on paper (or any type of another legible style). before continue reading you can also find out more help by visiting https://kulturehub.com/inventhelp-support-inventors/
When submitting my concepts to invention hunts, accrediting representatives, manufacturers, stores, designers, as well as the patent workplace, I was asked many different kinds of questions. The concerns ranged from "What trouble does it resolve?" to questions that required substantial research such as "That is your target audience?"
Luckily, with my entrepreneurial background and experienced writing service proposals, I was acquainted with responding to such concerns. For that reason, to save time, I decided to combine all of these concerns right into a universal format that could be used and/or adapted for any type of audience within the invention process.
In this short article, I go over exactly how to establish a functional yet compelling organization prepare for innovators as well as their inventions. I discuss its relevance, primary elements, exactly how as well as where to locate content, and also its many usages. I likewise offer real examples adjusted for 3 typical functions: for filing a provisional patent, for becoming part of an invention search, as well as for submitting to other key individuals. Other crucial customers might consist of sellers, suppliers, commercial engineers, financiers, and licensing representatives. By sharing my insights and also instances, I wish to aid inventors like you to establish your product to properly communicate as well as offer your invention to the many different users within the invention process.
The Significance
An Invention Service Plan is a reliable communication device for offering a clear and substantial summary of your invention while conveying its stability and worth. It tells an in-depth tale regarding your invention including what it is, exactly how it works, and also why your invention is a credible business opportunity. It can usually be described as an arranged all-in-one vault of everything you understand or have discovered your invention. It consists of every angle concerning your invention to be made use of as a recommendation point for the growth and/or entry of audience-specific requests. Having a broad target market range allows it to be utilized as a collection of info that can after that be changed or adjusted according to the target market in which it serves.
Invention Business Strategy Example: The Main Components
Many different readers and also audiences require to see your idea in composing. You will certainly be surprised how many various concerns will certainly be inquired about your invention. To efficiently respond to such inquiries, the paper ought to be created such that it functions as a thorough yet functional overview and also resource to be used by a wide audience. Thus, the aspects and also material of your strategy should be both extensive (i.e. can address most questions concerning your invention) as well as versatile (i.e. can be conveniently customized) for a specific use or target market. The suggested components for an extensive and also versatile record are as adheres to:
Short Summary: A summary (1-3 sentences) of what your invention is (name), what it does, and also exactly how it serves.
Abstract: A basic summary of your invention, its market, as well as its advantages. Include the target audience, just how your invention resolves an issue, or how it is useful to your market.
Fit: Just how does your invention fit right into an existing merchant or maker's product mix? Crucial marketing advantages might consist of up-sell possibility, a shelf attention-getter, cutting-edge disruptive top qualities, and/or fills up an underserved market specific niche. Customer advantages might include simpleness, the comfort of use, automates a hands-on job, conserves time as well as steps, and/or solves an existing unmet demand.
Comprehensive Summary: This is where you explain the main parts or elements that make up your invention, just how your invention works or what it does, its primary attributes, and also technique or purpose of usage. Instances of main functions may include dishwashing machine risk-free, automatic functionality, ease of usage, etc.
If the invention integrates the job of 2 or even more existing products on the market, provide the price of using those products individually as well as after that demonstrate exactly how your invention is priced such that it conserves the customer time as well as money. Whereas your invention, the food processor, is priced much less than all of those things incorporated, plus you have included worth of ease and time savings.
Approximated Manufacturing Expense: The ideal situation is to contract manufacturers to obtain an estimate of how much it would certainly set you back to build your invention. However, this can be hard if you don't have specific specifications. The various other recommended general policy is to divide your Suggested List price by an element of 4. As an example, if your recommended retail price is $80, then your Estimated Manufacturing Cost is $20.
Problem/Challenge It Resolves: Talk about the details about the trouble or test your invention fixes. Include market fads and also truths drawn from reliable sources. Describe how your invention is far better than existing products. What are the defects or failures of existing products and also how does your invention address those problems? Utilizing the food mill invention as an example, you would claim currently it takes 20 minutes to reduce veggies for dinner making use of typical methods (knives as well as reducing board). The food processor would reduce that time to 2 minutes.
What Makes It Cutting-edge: Exactly how does your invention stand-out or just how is it far better than existing products or conventional methods? Given that there is no demand to use several knives and also reducing boards for reducing vegetables for supper, you conserve clean-up time and counter space.
Competition: Checklist existing similar products or alternative approaches presently offered or used on the market. Describe how your invention has a competitive advantage over these existing alternatives.
Market Placement or Target Market: What are the target customers and/or target buyers? Who are the target retailers or manufacturers? What are the main circulation channels (online, brick and mortar stores, both)? Listing instances.
Product packaging Pointer: Just how do you want to package your product such that it orders the attention of the target user/buyer? Will your product be included as part of a set of other products, or will it be a stand-alone product?
Product Expansions, Variations, and also Attachment Suggestions: What other shades, layouts, or designs can your invention have? Do you want to provide a warranty for your invention?
Copyright: Give a patent number or provisional patent number if you have one. Provide the day and just how you came up with the invention. Make Use Of the USA Patent Office internet site research other relevant prior art. Listing and define that related prior art. List the history of the invention if any kind of. You can find descriptions of the history of any one of the prior art instances. Note its key parts, provisionary claims, and also offer illustrations or schematics of its style. Use prior art instances as your overview. You might determine to employ an industrial engineer, in which instance, include those designs here.
Exactly how as well as Where to Discover Web content
While the majority of the content needs to be in your own words, the leading five suggested content sources for discovering inspiration and also ideas as they associate with the above aspects include:
A relevant store or maker's 10-Q (Quarterly Declaration) or 10-K (Yearly Declaration)- for Market Research, Problem/Challenge It Addresses, Competition, and Target Users. 10-Q's and also 10-K's can be discovered on the internet site of many public companies, or look for business on the Safety and security as well as Exchange Compensation's (SEC.gov) website.
Relevant licenses from the USA Patent and Hallmark Workplace (USPTO.gov) - for Abstract, Thorough Description, Parts, Quality, Techniques, Intellectual Property Research Study, Patent Results, and Illustrations and also Style.
Profession organization websites, publications, and also various other professional products - for Marketing research, Competition, and Target Users. A well-known trade organization is the International Housewares Association (IHA).
Internet sites of retailers or makers - for Packaging Suggestion, Product Variations, Trick Marketing Advantages, Secret Consumer Advantages, Recommended Market Price, Production Cost (general rule: separate the retail price by 4).
Usefulness and also Target market
The invention process entails revealing your invention to a variety of readers. As discussed, such a document is a beginning factor or layout for offering future material worrying the many various readers as well as target markets for which you will certainly need to interact with your invention.
As an example, invention pursues industrial developers or engineers, stores, suppliers, certifying agents, legal representatives, marketing firms, and the United States Patent Workplace.
With a well-documented plan, you can comfortably adjust or change it relying on its primary usage or target market, therefore, saving you time and actions. As a basic policy, nonetheless, be conventional about what you divulge. Only supply information that is asked for or required. I likewise recommend consisting of a non-disclosure contract (even if a provisionary patent is filed).
Final thought
In summary, an Invention Company Strategy is utilized for lots of reasons. It is an essential part of the invention process. It helps inventors effectively convey an idea right into a tangible, understandable, and understandable service opportunity. I want you much success with your invention endeavors.
More Resources:
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off-off-off · 4 years
how to Establish an Invention Business Plan for Success
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An effective Invention Service Strategy is an inventor's ideal tool for effectively navigating with the invention procedure. As a seasoned capitalist, I have learned that an idea is not perceived as a feasible organization opportunity up until it can be effectively communicated on paper (or any other readable style). Despite exactly how terrific your idea is, many people expect that you have it jotted down. When I was new to creating, I had no concept of what that implied. I searched around however really did not discover any universal layout for recording my ideas.
When sending my concepts to invention pursues, certifying representatives, manufacturers, retailers, engineers, as well as the patent office, I was asked various sorts of inquiries. The questions varied from "What issue does it resolve?" to concerns that required substantial study such as "That is your target market?"
The good news is, with my entrepreneurial history and experience writing organization proposals, I was extremely accustomed to addressing such questions. Consequently, to save time, I determined to settle all of these inquiries into a universal format that could be used and/or adjusted for any type of target market within the invention process.
In this article, I talk about how to develop a versatile yet compelling company strategy for developers and their inventions. By sharing my insights as well as instances, I hope to assist innovators like you develop your material to properly interact and also present your invention to the several various customers within the invention procedure.
The Significance
An Invention Service Plan is a reliable interaction tool for giving a clear and also concrete summary of your invention while communicating its viability and also value. It tells a detailed story regarding your invention including what it is, how it functions and why your invention is a credible organization chance. It can generally be referred to as an arranged all-in-one depository of whatever you know or have found out about your invention. It includes every angle concerning your invention to be used as a referral point for the development and/or entry of audience-specific demands. Having a wide audience range permits it to be used as a collection of information that can then be customized or readjusted according to the target market in which it offers.
You can also find out more advice: https://www.macobserver.com/why-turn-to-inventhelp-with-your-tech-invention-idea/
Invention Business Strategy Instance: The Main Elements
You will be surprised exactly how numerous different questions will certainly be asked concerning your invention. Thus, the elements and material of your strategy need to be both detailed (i.e. can answer most inquiries concerning your invention) and also adaptable (i.e. can be conveniently customized) for a particular use or target market.
Short Summary: A summary (1-3 sentences) of what your invention is (name), what it does, and how it serves.
Abstract: A basic description of your invention, its market, and also its benefits. Include the target market, just how your invention resolves a problem, or exactly how it works to your market.
Fit: How does your invention fit right into an existing store or producer's product mix? Key selling benefits may include up-sell possibility, a rack attention-getter, ingenious disruptive high qualities, and/or fills up an underserved market specific niche. Consumer advantages may consist of simplicity, the convenience of use, automates a hand-operated job, saves time and steps, and/or addresses an existing unmet requirement.
Detailed Summary: This is where you explain the main parts or components that make up your invention, how your invention works or what it does, its main attributes, and also technique or intent of usage. Examples of main features may include dishwasher secure, automated capability, simplicity of use, and so on.
Suggested Retail Price: If the invention integrates the task of two or more existing products on the market, offer the price of utilizing those items individually and also after that demonstrate just how your invention is priced such that it saves the consumer time and also cash. Whereas your invention, the food processor, is priced less than all of those things incorporated, plus you have the included worth of ease and time cost savings.
Approximated Manufacturing Expense: The perfect situation is to acquire makers to get a price quote of just how much it would cost to build your invention. If your suggested retail cost is $80, then your Estimated Production Expense is $20.
Estimated Manufacturing Cost: Describe exactly how your invention is far better than existing items. What are the defects or failures of existing items and also how does your invention fix those issues? Utilizing the food cpu invention as an instance, you would certainly say currently it takes 20 minutes to reduce veggies for supper utilizing typical methods (blades and cutting board).
What Makes It Cutting-edge: How does your invention stand-out or exactly how is it better than existing items or standard methods? For instance, the food mill conserves users' time, cash, steps, and also cooking area mess in the cooking procedure. Since there is no demand to make use of multiple knives and also cutting boards for reducing veggies for dinner, you save cleaning time and counter area. Rather, customers obtain a compact easy to use the device with an automated motor for cutting vegetables to the wanted size.
Competitors: List existing similar products or alternate methods currently marketed or made use of on the market. Clarify just how your invention has a competitive advantage over these existing options.
Market Setting or Target Market: Who are the target users and/or target buyers? List examples.
Packaging Idea: How do you want to package your item such that it gets hold of the attention of the target user/buyer? Will your product be included as part of a set of other items, or will it be a stand-alone product? Will it be packaged in a box, a bag, with or without a tag? What are your suggested plan layouts and message? For ideas, research study plan styles by other stores or suppliers.
Product Extensions, Variants, as well as Attachment Suggestions: What various other shades, layouts, or styles can your invention have? Do you want to give a warranty for your invention?
Copyright: Give a license number or provisionary license number if you have one. List the day and how you thought of the invention. Make Use Of the United States License Workplace web site to research various other relevant prior art. Listing as well as describe that related prior art. List the history of the invention if any type of. You can find descriptions of the history of any one of the prior art examples. Provide its main parts, provisional insurance claims, and also offer illustrations or schematics of its design. Use prior art instances as your guide. You might decide to employ an industrial designer, in which situation, include those designs right here.
How and Where to Find Web content
While the majority of the material needs to be in your own words, the leading five suggested material sources for finding motivation as well as suggestions as they connect to the above components consist of:
An associated retailer or supplier's 10-Q (Quarterly Statement) or 10-K (Yearly Statement)- for Marketing Research, Problem/Challenge It Solves, Competition, as well as Target Individuals. 10-Q's and 10-K's can be discovered on the site of many public companies, or search for a business on the Safety and security and Exchange Compensation's (SEC.gov) internet site.
Relevant licenses from the USA Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO.gov) - for Abstract, In-depth Description, Parts, Features, Methods, Intellectual Property Study, License Results, as well as Illustrations as well as Layout.
Profession association web sites, magazines, as well as other professional materials - for Market Research, Competitors, as well as Target Users. For instance, a well-known profession association is the International Housewares Organization (IHA).
Internet sites of merchants or suppliers - for Product packaging Suggestion, Product Variations, Key Selling Advantages, Secret Consumer Advantages, Recommended List Price, Production Price (general regulation: separate the retail price by 4).
Efficiency as well as Audience
The invention procedure entails revealing your invention to a wide array of viewers. As stated, such a file is a beginning point or theme for supplying future products concerning the many different visitors as well as target markets for which you will certainly need to connect your invention.
As an example, invention pursues commercial developers or designers, sellers, producers, certifying representatives, legal representatives, advertising and marketing firms, as well as the USA License Workplace.
With a well-documented plan, you can conveniently adjust or customize it relying on its key usage or audience thereby conserving your time and also actions. As a general guideline, however, be conventional regarding what you disclose. Only give information that is asked for or required. I also suggest consisting of a non-disclosure arrangement (even if a provisionary license is filed).
In summary, an Invention Organisation Plan is utilized for numerous reasons. It is a crucial part of the invention process. It helps inventors efficiently communicate a concept into a tangible, reasonable, and understandable organization opportunity. I desire you much success with your invention endeavors.
You can also check https://blog.chron.com/frugalconfessions/2020/03/how-much-can-you-make-from-patenting-your-idea/
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macrabreakyou · 4 years
Life has been a riot. Not only did I start out 2020 with what I imagine was my forever person, I had zero idea of what was to come. I remember my only worry of 2020 was if my alcoholic breath would cause my sober boyfriend to become drunk. I remember being so stressed over the amount of alcohol that I would consume and how it would affect my probability for a midnight kiss on new years that I didn't even realize how little problem that would become. If only I would have known that a month later my, now ex, boyfriend would begin drinking again and our relationship would begin to crumble. Why am I writing a blog post about this man when it has been five months broken up? Because I am learning that healing is hard. Healing during COVID-19 is harder. I am hoping that by taking it way back to the start of our problems that I will understand myself and how I feel. Also, I'm hoping that this gets me up to speed to start an actual journal to vent about my daily problems and not just yearly ones.
When my ex began drinking again, I noticed that he was no longer the goal setting, eager to get out there guy that I had fallen in love with. He turned complacent. He was okay with never seeing the world. He became okay with never wanting to move on from his job. I became naggy. I became someone who wanted to push him to be better when all I really was pushing him was off the ledge of our relationship. I never realized that when I want what I believe is best for someone, I don't stop to think if that is what that person wants. It's like I automatically assume that I know what's best for someone when I have zero idea what is even best for me.
I'm a go getter. I want to make plans and see the world. I want the big house and kids, along with marriage. I want to be the mom at hockey, football, basketball, soccer who wears an embarrassing shirt. And I kept thinking that's what he wanted too. Plot twist, I was wrong. I remember sitting in his family's living room after a holiday (honestly was it even a holiday?? I only remember it was spring and well we were at his parents house) and he told me he didn't want kids. He actually claimed that he never had wanted kids and I made it up in my head that he did. If I made this up, what else would I have made up in my mind to think our relationship was the one? I actually think about this more often than I would like to admit..
Moving along, I went to Maine to visit a friend. The whole time there they told me to just break it off. I realized I was venting and complaining about him changing so durastically and I even convinced myself that it was probably time to end the relationship. As we all know, being 500 miles away really can help you want to drop everything and move on, but on my flight home, I just wanted to be with him. I quickly realized I'm a fucking psycho who loved someone more than herself. Little did we know, COVID would hit and we would become closer than ever.. aka living together and only hanging out with eachother for the next couple of months.
WE FOUGHT ALL THE TIME. I was depressed. He was, probably, also depressed. I actually blacked a lot of this time out. I heard the other day that the brain is chemically designed to forget pain, and I'm quite certain that this is exactly what happened. I recall wanting to finally learn the ukele and well, he hated it lmao. He found it annoying and preferred that I practiced when he was at work (since I worked from home). I also did a lot of puzzles, and he helped.... kindof, but one day I recall finishing the puzzle minus the last five pieces and I was so angry when he tried to grab the last piece before i did.. I almost killed him. It was shortly after that, that he came home packed up all of his things and left me.
Devestated. He was the one I loved so deeply I thought things would work themselves out. But here we are.. not together.
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1-800-444-tune · 5 years
Capricorn yearly horoscope for 2019
You are a go-getter, Capricorn. That's for sure. Ambition is a hallmark of your sign, and like the goat that is the symbol of your sign, you are able to scale challenges easily and overcome obstacles quickly as you pursue success. You have an agile mind and a tireless spirit, which enhances your ability to win at any challenge you take on. This year, there could be many exciting possibilities that will not only challenge your intellect but will also intrigue you in other ways as well. When you want something, nothing stops you. Even when you don't have the resources or the connections that would usually stop other people in their tracks, you keep going - making difficult endeavors seem easy. Although you are kind and quite generous, you are also materialistic. This year, you may set your goals very high with the main purpose of acquiring a more luxurious lifestyle, and you can certainly succeed at this if you maintain your usual work ethic. Good luck will also play a role in your good fortune. Even when you experience a failure you are able to move forward with great dedication. Don't let failure erode your self-confidence, and don't allow disappointments to depress you or slow you down. Your self-assurance inspires confidence in others, and you are often a great source of inspiration for the people who look up to you - and there are more than you think.
Although you sometimes have a tendency to appear detached, aloof, and uninterested, your passion runs deep, Capricorn. It may take a little while for you to trust a romantic partner, but once you do, you are loyal, loving, and affectionate. You make a great romantic partner because you are dedicated, trustworthy, and dependable. A romantic partner can usually rest assured that a life with a Capricorn will be peaceful and fulfilling. This year, your love life should be quite stable and enjoyable. You thrive best in a loving home, and you make that a priority. This instills trust and harmony between you and your mate, and that, of course, leads to a satisfying romantic life. If you are single, you may have a hard time finding someone early in the year who reflects the values that are so important to you. Although you could meet someone quite interesting and charming in the first half of the year, your initial impression may be based on appearances rather than values. Discovering that you are not on the same page in that way may be a disappointment, but you'll recover from it quickly. You should soon after meet someone who does seem to be the epitome of what you are looking for in a mate. If, however, you are already attached, this should be an especially rich and rewarding year for you. The investment you have made in your partnership will bring good times, a strong communion and camaraderie, and really all of the rewards that a good relationship can bring to your life. You should consider taking a long trip this year and just relax with your significant other in a way that you find most soothing and enjoyable. You don't have to go to museums if all you want to do is lie at the beach and vice versa.
You are devoted to your family, Capricorn. Your family comes first in every way. Likewise, you have lifelong friends who over time may become like family members to you, and you treat them with loyalty and devotion as well. Even though your complete devotion to your friends and family is deep, you don't always show how much you care with demonstrations of your love in other ways. But when someone needs you, you come through immediately. This year, you may have to support and encourage a family member who is at odds with something you believe in or who you disagree with on an important matter. This person may need you as they work through a complicated situation, and if you can set aside your differences, you can be extremely helpful to this person. Later in the year, a family member may express interest in doing something with you as a partnership in business or finance. Even though you may recognize how much this person needs a helping hand, and you may be able to see how a partnership could help out, this might not be the wisest thing to do. Your innate ambition may clash quite hard with your dedication to your family. Getting involved in this way could create a serious conflict. Instead, try to find other ways to help this person up and out of their predicament if you find yourself in such a situation.
You come off as quite knowledgeable, capable and driven, which validates the trust others have in you. And your keen sense of humor is always great for lightening difficult situations and making yourself more endearing to decision makers and powerful people. Even when someone first meets you, you give a trustworthy impression. There is just something so reliable and solid about you. This is all great for business. You are a realist, but you are also a dreamer. So, when you come up with a goal - no matter how lofty - it is usually grounded in realistic hopes and expectations. If you work for someone else, you want to be recognized for the great job you do, and you want your efforts to be rewarded through monetary means. This year, you may feel that a superior is not giving you the attention or the credit you deserve, which could prompt you to go over their head to make the situation known. Although this might seem like a very practical approach to you, beware because it could backfire. Instead, consider doing what you do best, and you will ultimately be noticed by someone in authority. If you are in business for yourself, you may need to cultivate closer social connections and be more amiable in your dealings, even though that may seem counterintuitive to you.
-- #mys6ticangelic 2019
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homesmithsae · 2 years
5 Tips for Creating a Beautiful Home Office
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With the lockdown extending on and off for over two years, all of us have made ourselves a space in our place of stay to function exclusively for work. It’s great if you have set aside a room for the purpose or maybe you had to carve out a corner of the apartment with zero distraction to serve as your workplace. What started off as a space with your laptop, a sipper and a diary, would have over time snowballed into a cluttered mass. This is pretty normal to have since we spend most of our time at our home office and it ends up being the place that seems to attract all sorts of odd items (especially if you have kids). Organization and storage solutions for home office becomes important, as, in all honesty, disorganized desks, and clutter can really make you lose focus over work.
It’s not rocket science but the devotion of some thoughts and hours for your home office organization that can make it a beautiful and ambient place for working again:
1.  Sweep it Clean and Assort Items
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​If you haven’t taken a look at your work desk and pin-up board for weeks or worse still—for months, you need to get your hands dirty and dig up those stashed-up papers, notices, bills, forms, etc that have been occupying chunks of space. Dust and sweep the dirt that has been accumulating for days. Rip down those expired to-dos, myriad post-its, the paid bill receipts, and remove the documents that do not deserve the precious desk top space. Once you remove the unwanted stuff, start assorting. You have probably struggled to find a marker or a tape all this while so coop up similar accessories. Assort the diaries, loose sheets, markers, pens, tapes, pins, refills, everyday need documents, files, etc. The same goes for the cabinets and drawers.
2.  Get in Place a System for Organization
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​The second step to home office organization is finding storage solutions. The good news is the storage solutions for home office come in different ways and you can customize them according to your needs. You can use pen stands, paper holders, storage trays, etc for your tabletop. Spruce it up with some neat or funkily designed accessories available for storage solutions. If you use printers, scanners, or other bulky equipment, it is wise to devote a corner table for these. If you have room enough, try using the walls for shelves or cubicle drawers. A system of drawers, shelves or storage cabinets can add the extra space you were looking for and keep your things organized in different spaces. Sometimes such storage supplies and accessories come in a range of similar designs or colors which can add a seamless look to your overall home working place.
3. Use a Planner or a Customizable Wall Calendar
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​We already have a lot of excel sheets and Jira tasks to overload our senses in the digital sphere. Sometimes using a traditional method with a physical touch gives the necessary change. Use the wall for setting up planners and working calendars as part of your home office organization. These are available as monthly, quarterly or even half-yearly versions. They can be reused and marked and highlighted with stickers or something that comes along with them. These are great when you are keeping track of some milestones and do not want to look at the screen again and again. You stand up for a stretch, walk up to it and review it. It gives a separate space dedicated to planning and also a relief from digital planners.
4.  Use Motivational Quotes and Posters as Decor
The home office organization is not only about assorting and filing and keeping things neat and tidy. Use the surrounding space like the walls or door to put up some peppy, inspirational messages. A home workplace can get lonely for those who are social butterflies and crave the in-office environment. Apart from opting for storage solutions for home office, a go-getter quote or a beautiful motivational artwork right in front of your eyes can make a big difference. It adds to the aesthetic and breaks your gaze from the usual paraphernalia of office items.
5.  Notch it up With Some Aesthetic Items
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Yes, the workplace isn’t probably a place for displaying your potted plant or your favorite rock band poster but it actually can be a great idea to do so. Besides investing in storage solutions for home office, bringing some small show pieces, quirky posters, decorative items or even plants around you can create a beautiful working ambience. 
A beautiful home office is a mix of elegance, organization and how artistic you can get to make it match your work mood. Homesmiths covers storage solutions for home office and home office organization as listed above and much more. Explore and get organizing your home office today!
Source: ​https://www.homesmiths.ae/blog/post/5-tips-for-creating-a-beautiful-home-office
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zombietango · 7 years
A guide to the Devilman franchise and whats available
Chronological list of the various Devilman media taken and updated from a article i wrote a while ago. I will update it regularly.
Demon Lord Dante: A precursor to the series, featuring many elements later to feature in Devilman and the various sequels. (Translated)
Raijin Thunder: An incredibly early draft for the Devilman anime, little of it is incorporated into the final draft of the show. (Currently Untranslated)
Devilman (Manga): The original series following several aspects from Dante, it follows the young Akira Fudoand the mysterious Ryo Asuka as they battle against the demon race and later humanity itself. (Translated)
Devilman (Anime): Following a far lighter tone than the manga does, the monster-of-the-week style anime follows the titular Devilman as he fights against the Demon Tribe. (Translated)
Devilman (Hiruta Manga): One of the two manga adaptations of the anime, it was written and drawn by Mitsiru Hiruta following a similar style battling a new foe each chapter. (Translated)
Devilman (Isako Manga): The second of the two anime adaptations, written by Masaru Isako, it follows a similar format to the anime but has several original Demons. (Currently Untranslated)
Mazinger Z vs Devilman: A crossover film taking elements from both the Devilman and Mazinger Z anime series. (Translated)
Mazinger Z vs Devilman (Manga): A adaptation of the film, it it a part of Gosaku Ota's Mazinger Z manga. (Currently Untranslated)
Violence Jack: Post apocalypse series set in fallout of the events in Devilman. It follows various characters as they try to survive the hellscape with the mysterious Jack frequently serving as something of a framing device. It serves as one of two possible sequels to the original Devilman, the other being Devilman Lady. (Currently Untranslated)
Shin Devilman: The first sequel to the original Devilman, it follows Akira Fudo and Ryo Asuka as they travel through time battling the demonic forces. (Translated)
True Devilman: A novelization series of the original manga, written by Go Nagai's brother Yasataka Nagai, it follows a similar structure to the original manga with some small differences, it also gave name and backstory to some characters like the Makimura parents and Massami Izumi aka Devilman Puffurle. (Currently Untranslated)
Violence Jack: Harlem Bomber: The first Violence Jack OVA, follows a original story and cast with Jack himself having only a small amount of screen time. (Translated)
Violence Jack: Tokyo Metsubo Hen: Written by Yasutaka Nagai and illustrated by Go Nagai, this was the first of two novels by the duo. (Currently Untranslated)
Devilman: The Birth: The first of Umanosuke Iida OVA's it was based on the earlier True Devilman novels. (Translated)
Deluxe Edition of Devilman. (Partially translated)
Devilman: One Summer Day: A short story set during the events of Devilman, following Akira as he fights the demon Doelamale, while Ryo has visions of the future. (Translated)
Devilman: Fallen Angel: Another short story which has Ryo begin to remember his origins as Satan. (Translated)
Violence Jack: Kanto Slum-gai Hen: The second Violence Jack novel by Yasutaka Nagai. (Currently Untranslated)
Violence Jack: Evil Town: The second Violence Jack OVA, based on the 'Evil Town' story arc which has Jack help a group of survivors escape a shopping mall that was submerged during the great earthquake.  (Translated)
Devilman: The Demon Bird: The second of Iida's two Devilman OVA's. (Translated)
CB Chara Go Nagai World: A three part OVA series that acted as a super deformed crossover between Devilman, Mazinger Z and Violence Jack. (Translated)
CB Chara Go Nagai World (Manga): A short manga set alongside the OVA series. (Currently Untranslated)
Violence Jack: Hell's Wind: The third and final OVA, Jack assists a small town againt a rougeish motorcycle gang. (Currently Untranslated)
Violence Jack: Golden City: The last Violence Jack novel, written by Tatsuhiko Dan and illustraited by Nagai.
True Demon Lord Dante: A remake of the original Demon Lord Dante written by Akira Fuuga. (Currently Untranslated)
Devilman Lady: The first official sequel to the original Devilman since Shin, it follows a new protagonist Jun Fudo as she battles Devilbeast and Demon alike. It is the longest series to date. (Translated)
Toshin Devilman: A manga writen by Yoshihiro Iwamoto, it follows a new protagonist Kei Kamishiro. (Currently Untranslated)
Devilman Lady (Anime): An anime adaptation based on Nagai's manga, taking certain elements from it while following a formula similar to the '72 Devilman anime in a much darker tone. (Translated)
Devilman Ghost: A side story in the Devilman Lady manga that has Akira Fudo fight Devilbeasts in his temporary ghostly form. (Translated)
Neo Devilman: A large compilation of various short stories by different authors. (Translated)
Devilman in the Dark: A short manga that follows the young girl Akemi from Devilman Lady as she follows Akira Fudo through Hell. (Translated)
Amon: The Darkside of the Devilman: A manga set in a new timeline from the original manga, taking twists on the original, and expanding on earlier scenes with the demon Amon taking the center spotlight. (Translated)
Amon: The Apocalypse of Devilman: A loose adaptation of the initial arc of the Darkside manga, it is intended to be in the same story line as the Iida OVA's. (Translated)
Devilman (Playstation): A video game loosely following the origonal manga, it also had a special storyline based on the Toei anime unlockable after beating the game once. Many characters and demons from the manga make appearences here.  (Translated)
Violence Jack: Demons in a War Torn Land: A special one-shot manga, fairly short and ended very abruptly, even for Go Nagai standards.  (Translated)
New Demon Lord Dante: The second remake of Demon Lord Dante, this time by Nagai himself. (Currently Untranslated)
Demon Lord Dante: A adaptation of Nagai's Dante remake, however there are still elements that stick closer to the original. (Translated)
Dynamic Heroes: A large scale crossover featuring many of Dynamic Pro more iconic series. (Currently Untranslated)
Devilman (Film): A live action tokusatsu styled Devilman, it was panned by critics, fans and the public alike. (Translated)
Devilman: Strange Days: A short one volume manga by Yu Kinutani the same author/writer of the Darkside manga. It follows the struggling band The Flyers as the end of humanity looms. (Translated)
Shin Violence Jack: A very surreal series following a amnesiac Jack through the wastes of Japan. Full to the brim of Devilman refrences.  (Translated)
Akuma Kishi: aka Demon Knight, it was published in three parts yearly. Set before the original Devilman in the very first timeline, it follows Sirene, Amon, and Satan in their rebellion against God. (Translated)
Sirene: Tanjo Hen: A short story that follows Sirene as she infiltrates the human world before attacking Akira in the original manga. (Currently Untranslated)
Devilman vs Getter Robo: A crossover manga that featured the Getter crew and Akira Fudo teaming up to battle the alliance between Emperor Gore and Sirene. (Translated)
Gekiman: An autobiographical manga about Go Nagai's creation with its first arc detailing the creation of the original Devilman manga and the TV series. (Currently Untranslated)
Demon Lord Dante VS Getter Robo G: A crossover manga in which Ryoma Nagare the pilot of Getter-1 accidentally fuses with the titular Dante. (Currently Untranslated)
Devilman Grimoire: Written and illustrated by Takato Rui, Devilman Grimoire is a new story, that has callbacks to many previous series, with most characters based on an already existing character in an old Nagai or Devilman work. (Translated)
Sirene-Chan: A very short gag comic series which features Sirene as a young schoolgirl. (Currently Untranslated)
Devilman vs Hades: A manga by Team Moon that has Akira travel through Hell in search for Miki Makimura, encountering old foes and new ones also, many characters from Mazinger Z and Great Mazinger also appear. (Currently Untranslated)
Cutie Honey vs Devilman Lady: A crossover manga in which Jun Fudo teams up with Honey Kisaragi to fight Devilbeasts and Panther Claw. (Translated)
Devilman Saga: A manga by Go Nagai that is the final chapter of the Devilman series starting from Devilman to Devilman Lady. It features Yuki Fudo as he is employed by a company using ancient but advanced armor used by the demons in the ancient past. (Currently Untranslated)
Cyborg 009 vs. Devilman: A crossover OVA featuring the main characters from the prolific series of Shotaro Ishinomori and Go Nagai coming from Studio Actas. (Translated)
Cyborg 009 vs. Devilman: Treacheries: The Traitors: Prequel novel to the OVA's. (Currently Untranslated)
Cyborg 009 vs. Devilman: Breakdown: A manga adaptation released to further promote the OVA's, however it uses a different plot to them. (Translated)
Devilman Crybaby: An anime series that roughly follows the story of the original manga. Released on the streaming site Netflix in early January. (Translated)
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plucare · 3 years
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“Hi! I'm Nurul and as of now, my role is a project manager for the Digital Entrepreneur programme by Me.reka. I stand for empowerment of positivity, women, youths, our differently-abled friends, and of course the environment too! In terms of career growth, the recent biggest achievement is to be given the opportunity to lead my team together with me on this youth empowerment journey to teach them skills to adapt themselves in these ever-changing times while being a full-time stay-at-home mom! I feel so happy when I see my participants flourish and apply things they learn. It is truly a dream job. Personally, my biggest achievement is birthing my son naturally (a 29-hour unmedicated Labor.) I get to love him for the rest of my life and that tops everything else I do in my life ]
I have several things to share when it comes to overcoming difficulties in my life but in the topic of empowerment, a memorable time I hold dearly was when I left my first corporate job at 23 to pursue purpose. Some people told me off as being silly and some said I was brave. I joined another remarkable woman, Shyam Priah in the journey of sustainability from environmental to women empowerment. We did public cleanups, repurposed things, gave some small job opportunities to single moms, built a tiny house with our bare hands, organized fundraisers, and many more. It wasn't easy as we were just two souls with a bunch of awesome volunteers trying to make a change. Not paid monetarily but we're extremely blessed!
We kept giving, yet we also kept receiving! I can't put in words how that felt like. I was living one of my best life yet I wasn't earning. I was still realistic too (I’ve got bills and a car to pay for!) so I divided my time between my passion and another two part-time jobs. It was tough but so worth it. It thought me to keep giving no matter what my situation is! Another part of me is more personal. But I felt like I've lost myself to the motherhood fog. I was at the brink of depression as I felt some sort of “loss of identity” as I focused solely on my child. I wanted him to see me thrive. I wanted him to have a happy mama. So with support from my partner and family, I prayed, sought and was blessed with this career where I get to give back and be well.
I would love to think that if I can do something, so can you! As a project manager for the Digital Entrepreneur programme my voice is relevant to tell everyone that we can lead our youth by nurturing in them independence, knowledge, fun, and patience in everything they do. Do it the Nurul way and just go for it! (With calculated risks assessed beforehand!) Don't lose your innocence, be idealistic yet realistic. conflicting? I think no. have balance in everything you do! Go and pursue your gig jobs but keep hustling till you meet your monthly and yearly goals! YOU got this!
My message to women is simple, women you are strong. Even in your lowest, if you can find it in you to keep giving to others, you can find it in you to give to yourself too. Pause and reflect sometimes, take a breather, and go for it! My story is remarkable because of Perseverance and adaptability. (That's two things.. but that's me! ) Finally, I am remarkable because I've consciously surrounded myself with other remarkable women in my life. My loving mom, my fantastic nenek (Still giving at this age!), my strong sisters (I have 4 sisters!) My genius mom-in-law, one of my mentors who has the biggest heart; Shyam, my go-getter programme director, Ambika, all the impactful and amazing ladies I work with at Me.reka. and my high achieving best friends too! I am remarkable because I've had the chance to be uplifted by them!
(Nurul Rahim,Project Manager, Me.reka)
#RemarkableWomenSeries #NurulRahim #DigitalEntreprenuership #ProjectManager #Mereka #YoungMother #WomanInDigital #KeepGiving #StayBlessed #DoSomethingForOthers #YouCanDoItToo #GiveToYourselfToo #LoveYourself #IamRemarkable
Find out more about Me.reka here, https://www.mereka.my/
(Disclaimer: The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed here are the individual’s own and not necessarily related to the individual's employer and organization.)
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sheponders · 4 years
Cancer Yearly Horoscope for 2021 by Daily Horoscope (http://comitic.com/dh)
The phrase “home is where the heart is” could just as easily say “home is where the Moonchild is.” Yes, you are the heart of every home you inhabit, and what’s more, you are the feeling of home to everyone who knows you. You radiate warmth, safety, comfort, and reliability. But while many see you as a quiet and sensitive soul who prefers to fly under the radar and who offers a cozy welcome to those who are lucky enough to be in your inner circle, there is so much more to you than just that. You are highly intuitive – some would even go as far as calling you psychic. You can also be very dreamy and imaginative. You are generous and empathic. You are also extremely deep, which makes it hard to know you. Although you come on soft rather than coming on strong, you are quite ambitious. This year, you might be especially ambitious because opportunities that are hovering around you are there for the grabbing, and this will bring out your dynamic, go-getter spirit. Remember that the Crab is the symbol of your sign, and once you get your pincers into something, you are not one to let go. Therefore, due to the way the stars align during 2021 – this could be a very successful year for you. In fact, good fortune will be with you in all areas of your life in 2021, and it’s been a long time coming. For that reason, you will find yourself feeling very grateful and blessed.
When in love, the person born under the sign of Cancer is a wellspring of emotion, caring, passion, and faithfulness. You are in tune with the most important power and resource on the planet – water – and that means that there is a hypnotic flow to your romantic life. But sometimes you can also be jealous and possessive when you feel insecure. Choosing the right partner is important for everyone, of course, but this is especially true for you. If someone can’t anticipate your ways, that can be somewhat unpredictable and sometimes moody, or if someone flirts with someone else – even innocently – you may never be able to forgive and forget. This year, if you are already happily ensconced in a committed relationship, your union can go deeper and become even more passionate – but that will take constant effort on your part. If you are willing to put in the time and devotion (and let’s face it, you always are) then this can be a year of sensual closeness that will see you experiencing a true partnership of mind, body, and soul. If you are single, you will most certainly be searching for the special one who can handle your intensity and your need for attention, but who can also benefit from your gallantry, steadfast loyalty, and poetic approach to love and romance. This year, for all Cancer lovers, there will be something to celebrate.
Your family is perhaps the biggest part of your soul, Cancer. Even if you are someone who does not have much family, the feeling of being surrounded by loved ones is something you feel the need for and therefore crave when you lack it. And you are the one who holds things together in the family. You are the one that others confide in, believe in consistently, and turn to both in times of trouble and times of joy. This can be an especially great year for family matters for you. There may be multiple chances to spend long periods of time together and become involved in projects that will help forge an even closer bond. One close family member may turn to you for guidance in a relationship or perhaps in business, and for this, you will feel proud and grateful to know that you are so highly thought of. You may also take under your wing a younger family member who needs some advice or mentoring. A serious matter involving a monetary transaction could threaten the trust of a family bond, but if you don’t become paranoid and you treat this objectively, it will ultimately be successfully resolved. A skeleton in the family closet could come dancing out this year, but to your surprise, it might be more endearing than embarrassing. You may even wind up being the spokesperson for this relative’s foibles, shedding light and clarity on this secret.
You are loyal to a fault, sweet Cancer, but this year, you must give your highest loyalty to yourself. Your career is ready to blast off whether you are in business for yourself or work for someone else. But to make the most out of this auspicious time for your work or business, you must do what is best for you rather than what is best for others. This means taking on opportunities that could make it impossible for you to help someone who seeks out your assistance, or opportunities that would be less beneficial to others than they would be to you. You need to prioritize your interests and objectives. A huge leap forward is possible in whatever work-related venture is closest to your heart. This is especially true for Cancerians who wish to start their own business or produce something artistic or creative with the goal of making a profit while engaging in something quite challenging but something that has the potential to be very positive for the environment or others. A disappointment that you experience – maybe around the mid-year mark – could be overwhelmingly impactful. But even though this happening seems very negative at first, it could connect you with something much bigger and far more significant than you could have known. That’s why you need to take every bump in the road with grace and gratitude.
Copyright © Daily Horoscope.
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kartichoq · 4 years
10 Profitable Ideas To Be Your Own Boss
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They say that folks seldom quit jobs; instead, they quit bosses. handling a nasty boss or set of managers can bring a miserable work experience, which is why many of us choose instead to travel into business for themselves. have you ever ever considered being a  freelancer? If so, you'll have an interest in these 10 lucrative ways to be your boss.
1. Event Promoter
Average Pay: $20,000 – $200,000
Events are getting a replacement marketing tactic for businesses and you'll make a reasonable penny by helping business owners plan them. Events also can include festivals, bar mitzvahs, weddings, and other personal soirees that people are prepared to distribute the large bucks.
For large, expensive events, an occasion promoter is required to plan the event, work with the talent, and market the event effectively. You don’t need a degree to become an occasion promoter, but until you get an excellent reputation, you won’t make those six figures. Once you’re skilled, however, you'll make great money and work totally on your schedule.
2. designer
Average Pay: $42,000
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If you would like to figure for yourself and make great money, a career in interior design might be for you. If you would like to mix your career with art, you'll enjoy the creative side of your business while earning an honest yearly wage. You’ll need a university degree to figure as an indoor designer, but if you begin your own business, you get to be your boss—and you get to figure inside some fabulous homes and offices!
3. Personal Trainer
Average Pay: $36,000
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If you're keen on the thought of helping people get healthy, a career as a private trainer might be right up your alley. a private trainer doesn’t need a university degree, although they are doing need some sort of training in fitness, and lots of like better to get further education in nutrition or exercise science.
As a private trainer, you'll start your gym, meet clients at your home, or help them train at the park or other public areas. You’d get to be your boss – and you’d stay in pretty fine condition as a bonus.
4. Makeup Artist
Average Pay: $66,000
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You don’t need a university degree to become a makeup artist; you only need to be specialized at what you are doing. If you're keen on the thought of doing makeup for clients, then being a self-employed makeup artist could be perfect for you.
It’s a high paying gig, and if you’re skilled, you'll observe money. If a makeup artist can work their high into celebrity circles, their pay is even higher.
5. Administrative Assistant
Average Pay: $15,000 – $62,000
The internet is providing several latest job opportunities. one among the simplest is administrative assistant work. An administrative assistant can work from home, with multiple different clients or one business. The pay scale is everywhere the map; however, after a couple of years within the business, you'll be making a superb salary.
6. Caterer
Average Pay: $18,000 – $42,000
If you're keen on to cook and have a knack for organizing events, being a self-employed caterer might be the work of your dreams. you'll specialize in catering to small events, like quaint dinners inside a client’s home, otherwise, you can go all-out and become a caterer who focuses on 500-attendee weddings or galas. Either way, you’ll get to present beautiful food and be your boss.
7. Graphic Designer
Average Pay: $42,000
To be a graphic designer, you’ll need training in graphic design and certain programs like InDesign and Illustrator, but not necessarily a university degree. While you would possibly not make the salary listed above without a university degree, you'll nevertheless start your graphic designer career from scratch.
You can freelance for businesses, sell your designs online, or contract your services to a corporation. Graphic design may be a good way to mix a passion for art with a lucrative career.
8. Life Coach
Average Pay: $62,000
Life coaches are like uncertified therapists: they assist people to unlock their true potential and transform their lives. they could do anything from fitness training to home design suggestions, but everything is geared at helping clients become their best selves. While life coaches can make tons of cash, they need to figure hard at advertising and finding clients to tug it off.
9. Accountant
Pay: $65,000
As long as there are money and taxes, accountants will always be in high demand. While you'll work for lots of companies with a degree in accounting, you'll also start your firm and work from home or a little office. You’d be helping clients with tax preparation, business accounting, and more. this is often a high-paying and satisfying career for those that like to crunch numbers and have great attention to detail.
10. land Agent
Average Pay: $46,000
If you're keen on the thought of finding and selling houses for clients, then being a true realtor is that the career you ought to consider. To become a true realtor, you've got to require a pre-licensing course and pass the licensing test. Once you’re certified, you've got to plug effectively and earn new clients, which suggests you would like to be a go-getter and not afraid to listen to the word “no.” land agents get to line their hours and be their boss, so if you’re trying to find independence and adaptability, you’re looking within the right place.
In this day and age, there are more ways than ever to form money being an independent contractor. Simply explore your passions and find how to show your strengths into money within the bank.
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