#and also tbh i think if you have even ONE person
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apatheticsunday · 2 days ago
Idk, but I literally can't stop thinking about this lol
Like imagine Danny thrown into Gotham because of something-something-portal-shenanigans and suddenly he's a kid on the streets of Crime Alley. And there's this dude who's definitely half-dead running around shooting bad guys' kneecaps and gesturing threateningly with his gun to a particularly bat-shaped shadow while shouting about something. Whatever, Danny's not one to judge.
None of the other Crime Alley residents seem to care, either, just muttering amongst themselves: "Hood's at it with the Bat again?" "Yeah." "That's like the third time this week." "Apparently Hood didn't go to family dinner again." "Yeah, that'll do it."
Anyway, Danny tries to stay under the radar because clearly he's in another Haunt but it's kind of difficult when there's rumors of a new homeless kid who floats when he walks and can fly through walls.
So, yeah, Red Hood hears about this ghost kid and thinks, what the hell. Might as well figure out if he can help Danny "move on" or whatever. Maybe because Crime Alley is his territory and maybe, just a little bit, because Jason understands how how terrifying it is to die young and alone.
Danny suddenly bumps into the half-dead helmet guy everywhere. At the library? Helmet Guy is there speaking with a redheaded woman in a wheelchair. Danny's (kind of) shoplifting some food from the gas-station? Helmet Guy is violently telling off a robber (ironic, considering Danny is also technically robbing, sans the gun and ski mask).
He's literally so done when he flies through the roof of an abandoned building he found and sees Helmet Guy! Sitting on the ledge of his abandoned building! It's his favorite because of the super old gargoyle statue, how could he not like it, c'mon! (It's also Jason's favorite, although he'd never admit it's because it reminds him of hiding beneath Batman's cape on a similar ledge so many years ago.)
The secret's out so Danny - who's had his fair share of being hunted and stalked, was thrown head-first into a reality where he doesn't even know if he exists - just snaps, "What do you want from me?? Are you a freakin' creep?? Why can't you just leave me alone??" Because he's literally a kid. He's tired, scared, alone, and hungry. He misses his parents, Jazz, Sam, and Tucker.
And Jason... kinda sucks at the whole "comforting a ghost kid" thing. He's an angry something-year-old with serious daddy issues, he's defensive and what he says comes out with biting sarcasm or spiteful rage half the time. He still makes disturbing comments ("Remember that time you left me to fucking die? I think I can have the last cookie, old man.") to Bruce just so that he can watch the twinge of grief-guilt-pain in his expression because the resentment never fully went away. How is he supposed to talk to this kid?
He does, though. Tries to talk about how he understands because he died, too, and it was terrible. It was painful, scary, lonely, he felt betrayed by the people he loved - the people who swore to protect him. And it works! Of course, Jason doesn't know that talking about a ghost's death is very, very personal and basically akin to drunk girls sobbing in a bar bathroom together. That's basically a lifetime bonding experience right there.
Danny is horrified because holy Hells, this guy's pre-ghost life sucked. What kind of sicko beats a kid to death with a crowbar? But also -
"You actually got a grave?"
"Why? You want one?"
Yes. Yes, he does. He never did get a proper burial; his family never knew he died, so nobody grieved him. Nobody decorated his headstone with flowers, nobody whispered about missing him, and his Ghost feels that - absence, I guess. Even if Danny is technically still in "his" body, the body he was born with died.
And Jason's like, this is it! This is what'll make the ghost kid move on! (Tbh, this feels like fairly reasonable request. Jason half expected needing to hunt down and kill a couple people.)
Cue Jason in Central Park or something because Danny's like, "You can kind of see the stars through the smog over here!" Just. Digging a kid's grave. It's a little disturbing, but it's actually crime-free (not a lot of gas-stations for Joker's cronies to rob). And, hey, if Jason squints, he really can kind of see the stars. As long as the kid's happy.
And Danny is!! Because he has his own grave, just for him, and his Ghost finally settles for the first time since being thrown into this smog-filled city where he can't see the stars (he lied earlier, he was pointing to satellites, but it made Jason smile so he didn't correct himself). And as Jason gently puts a couple of pretty rocks they stole from the vicious geese at the Park's pond at the head of his grave, Danny thinks maybe everything's not so terrible.
(Several moments later, Jason asks, "So is this it?"
Danny's like, "What?"
"Are you moving on?"
"I thought you'd, y'know, feel complete. Move on or whatever?"
"I mean maybe for a full ghost, but I'm a half-ghost so I'm technically still human. It's nice to have a grave, though."
"You're human??")
Commence my Jason-adopts-Danny HC!!
Something something Danny learns that Jason died and crawled out of his own grave.
Danny, to Jason: You actually got a grave?
Jason: Why? You want one?
He doesn’t notice how this could potentially sound like a threat from an outsider’s perspective.
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loveliestofbugs · 3 days ago
☆ Arthur Morgan Headcanons! (Modern)
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☆ I could definitely see him working a blue-collar job tbh, like a mechanic or something. Either that or something involving animals/nature, like a park ranger!!
☆ I could see him liking a lot of older music, not necessarily from his childhood (which, in this case, he'd be a 90s kid) though he definitely does like some 90s music, but I could see him liking 70s music, specifically rock. I could also definitely see him liking folk music (for obvious reasons lol)
☆ The only indication that an account belongs to him on social media is that he makes the "nickname" or whatever its called his full name. Everything else is blank. No posts, no profile picture, username is something like "user192829201010". Literally does not gaf 😭 is rarely on social media too, so if you sent him a video it would take him DAYS to see it. You're better off just showing it to him irl.
☆ Victim of single man decor. His house is so plain looking it's kind of sad. Has a couple of decorations here and there, like pictures in frames and a couple of trinkets, but the house is mostly empty.
☆ Drives a pickup truck. Either red or blue, I don't make the rules.
☆ Smokes so many cigarettes, but lowk judges people for vaping 😭
☆ When out with friends, he'll drink but rarely get drunk. Mainly because he's able to stomach an ungodly amount of alcohol, making getting drunk unintentionally next to near impossible (Keep in mind I don't know how much alcohol is a lot, because I don't drink lmao)
☆ His phone is so bright, it's literally blinding. Also he got it for like $50 and it's a brand no one has ever even heard of.
☆ Absolutely a dog person. Has 2 dogs, something big but friendly like a golden retriever and then a tiny satan spawn named "princess" or something 😭. It's like 100 years old and bullies the bigger dog.
☆ Loves playing pool or darts on nights out with friends.
☆ Replies with 👍 to every. single. text. Either that or like a grammatically correct reply, fully punctuated and all.
☆ REFUSES to get therapy, even though he very clearly needs it. (Assuming his childhood went the same way as in canon, aside from his dad getting hung because obviously no one's getting hung over theft/larceny nowadays.) Thinks it'll do him no good.
☆ Assuming his father is still alive, I don't think he'd go no contact with him, but they'd definitely have a strained relationship. Not to say Arthur doesn't love him, he does, despite everything.
☆ Would probably have tattoos, to be honest. I could definitely him having a sleeve.
☆ I seen someone else say this but he would watch Judge Judy. That is so funny to me. I don't know why.
☆ Is bisexual, but that doesn't click with him. Just assumes everyone else feels the same way about the same gender because he has a preference for women, which "makes him straight" (Projecting heavily here)
I love Author wish he was reel 💔
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inameating · 3 days ago
TOKYO GHOUL CHARACTERS GOING OT THE DENTIST listen i dont fucking know if these people (well not rlly) go to the dentist i dont know how ghoul teeth work but im treating this with my knowledge of dentistry which is limited to the fact that ive been quite often the alst couple months so in short trust me bro real ones know i love stypid hcs so here is some the dentist question has only been raised by one person on reddit 10 years ago so im just going to treat this like ghouls are human people who go to the dentist
starting with the quinx girl if u think shirazu goes to the dentist ur dumb. he walks in and the receptionist goes 'aww are you here to get your veneers fitted?' because he has sharp teeth like when ppl get their teeth shaved for veneers i think .. his teet h probably yellow as FUCK im not saying that hatefully i just think he forgets to brush his teeth sometimes .. thts all
mutsuki is probably scared of the dentist or maybe im projecting but i jsut think he is . and thats ok.. (he doesnt go) (but his teeth r fine he brushes thrice a day and prob uses floss and mouthwash)
urie goes to the dentist i reckon .. probably uses those whitening toothpastes too .. idont think hes afraid of the dentist but i think he'd get that kind of 'ugh do i have to' feeling everytime an appointment is coming up
saiko might go to the dentist if its a pretty girl who can bring all her tools to her bedside! so no she doesnt but she makes sure to pick food out of her teeth
akira mado has never missed a dental appointment and i strongly believe that . every 6 months . she opens her mouth and it hurts to look at bcos they are WHITE not whitened but just like naturally white . shes probably the healthiest person in that institution tbh
ui either goes to some posh dentist with super comfy waiting room seats OR he goes like once every 4 years . i choose to believe the former bcos he probably would be upset to have 'smoker teeth' ... he probably hates the taste of mint though but still uses mint toothpaste and breath mints cus hes an idiot
hairu!!!!!!!!! she probably has those trendy toothpastes that r in diff flavours in the cute pastel packaging, i saw them on tiktok . she probably has flavoured floss and like pink mouthwash aww😭choosing to believe she dyed her hair pink and she is just cutiecore as fuck by the way . she probably brushes her teeth twice a day because she doesnt want them to get bad . aww aw ... also she probably is on really good terms with her dentist and probably texts them like theyre her buddy . she probably goes a normal amount so like once a year maybe once every 9 months
juuzou hates brushing his teeth . which is bad because he likes sweets!!!! id like to think that hairu would give him a toothpaste to try (while internally praying he does so because his breath fucking reeks) and i think he'd be ok with it . i think he'd keep forgetting but he'd try to make a routine of it at least every evening (god forbid he tries to take up even more time getting out of the door in the morning) . juuzou has also many several dentists . shinohara encourages him to go and then eventually drags him into the chair and they always end up having a 'juuzou you cant just keep biting shit' talk
i cant think of any more yap ill make a part 2 maybe
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softness-and-shattering · 2 days ago
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Oh thats important context, I skimmed the word because it was meaningless to me and didnt seem relevant like maybe oomf is a particular friend.
Yeah a friend and a follower are different. A moot too tbh, theres definitely a level of friendship but if we barely talk back and forth, I might think you're great company but I dont know you well enough to trust you with my house while I am not there, and absolutely not 3 bonus friends of yours - or followers of yours? How well do you know them?
Ive also had fairly close friends I wouldnt trust with my stuff.
Mm its that 2 question friendship metric,
1. Would you have a beer with them?
2. Would you leave your dog with them?
(Good friends are one or the other, great friends tend to be both.)
Theres no moral judgement re how good you are as a person, or how good of a friend, people have different personalities and we relate to every individual person and a little differently to everyone else and trust them differently too. Thats normal because we're all different and relationships do not fit neat boxes, they are strange and complex things.
I dont even know if Id let 3-4 close trusted friends to stay at my place while Im absent. In an absolute emergency for sure, but if there are other reasonable options?
Usually Im pro deeper friendship, tell your friends you love them, be brave and hang out with people you think are cool etc. But this isnt really that. Its not let a single friend sleep on your couch awhile. Help your homeless friend. Have a sleepover. Host someone for an important weekend. No this is one follower and 3 strangers and you are not present.
Saying no to that isnt bad friendship, there is no base friendship. Saying no to that is common sense protecting yourself. There are some extremely generous people who would say yes, I know those people exist and I dont fundamentally understand them or what their supports are that let them be so free with their things and, to me, their basic survival needs. You could come back to your place trashed, everything broken and destroyed and ruined, having very little functional. Or you show up and they were so polite youd never know theyd been and gone except they left you a gift basket on the kitchen table. But youre taking that risk. You dont know them and they dont know you, theyd face very little consequences and they have little reason to care about your stuff. Id hope theyd be grateful to your hospitality and respectful to your space but I wouldnt be able to extend that trust to four strangers.
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oacest · 3 days ago
Hi! I'm a big fan of your blog! I just this past week got into the gallaghers after stumbling across them on ao3. Every time I think i've found everything, a new surprising factoid comes out of the woodwork. They are so in love its inane and frankly quite worrying. I cannot believe more people dont see it with how obvious they're being.
That being said, I've noticed a thing about one of Liam's tweets and a song lyric he wrote. I cant find the tweet at the moment, but it's the one where someone asks if he loves Noel and Liam responds "yes I love him is that such a crime". I was listening to GGTIA and realized the lyrics "I'd get round to loving you, is that such a crime?" sounded awful familiar...He must have taken that response right from the song lol. Which makes me feel some sort of way. Especially with how awful (glorious) GGTIA is. The whole song is clearly a love song and yet Liam wrote it for Noel. And now Liam references his own song to say yes, he does love Noel.
God, I love them.
omg ahhhh congrats, welcome!! the first "wait.. hold on. wait wtf?? this can't be true.. oh jesus it's getting worse🤯" stage of getting into Them is a powerful powerful drug and tbh it never loses strength. we've been on this grind full-time for a year now (really no time at all in the grand scheme) and every day we're still going "holy shit WAIT WHAT??" about some new insane thing. (also how did you inadvertently stumble upon them on ao3?? what a trip.)
re liam's uhhh Everything. i regret(?) to inform you that ggtia is barely scratching the surface lol. the "crime" stuff in particular goes way deeper than that, ggtia is just one of many references back to a central core of sus shit. noel is a much worse offender in this arena actually. beyond his multiple ""jokes"" in the press about being attracted to/having sex with liam and the legality thereof, his most egregious act was writing this song, a demo nominally called "it's a crime" by fans bc he never actually released or named it, someone just leaked it in 2000. he later rewrote it and it became "let there be love," a trajectory we can all speculate on till the cows come home. he has since denied remembering this song even exists. (if you haven't clocked this yet, he's a pathological recreational liar and also has crazy bad memory issues, so even odds on whether this is true or not.)
also idk if you've dipped into any of liam's solo music or not, but ggtia was Baby's First Steps in terms of writing lovesick songs about one's brother. i can't necessarily recommend liam's music on any basis other than it being kinda catchy and p much all of it being incest anthems, so ymmv on enjoyment factor, but here's a brief playlist of SOME OF his more astonishing entries in the "im madly in love with my brother who hates me" oeuvre. (and then go watch the music video for "one of us," which might be the most excruciatingly raw thing anyone's ever done for an audience of millions, and is crammed beyond capacity with References.) there are a few of noel's songs on this playlist too, the ones i personally think are about liam, but diagnosing noel's music is a completely different exercise than diagnosing liam's. noel's very circumspect and art-first about his music, whereas it's pretty safe to assume most of liam's songs are explicitly about noel. the only one on this playlist with some potential wiggle room is "for what it's worth," which liam once claimed wasn't about noel, however his alternative very vague explanation was that it was possibly about his ex wife. which under the circumstances didn't really make sense. imo he just got a little embarrassed and backpedalled under scrutiny. here is noel acknowledging his awareness that all liam's songs are about him lol.
anyway! liam's a magical boy who believed in himself and never gave up and relentlessly wooed his big brother with mid music for years until that shit finally worked, so let this be a lesson to us all. NEVER have dignity, NEVER say die, ALWAYS kiss your brother on the mouth in public. the universe loves you 💖💖💖
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loveafterdeath-if · 2 days ago
Ngl, I personally don’t get the El love at all? Usually with ROs you play through at least several chapters of content to get to know them better and then finally decide, yep, this one’s the one, this one’s interesting. But with El we spend too little time with for me to get attached to them at all, they’re just this vague concept with barely any personality? Half of their screen time being an optional intimate scene also doesn’t help flesh them out, (because of how generic nsfw scenes are at their core, they are only ever gratifying when you know the character really well) the first time I reached it my reaction was “ok, but why would I want my mc to get intimate with this rando, I as a player have literally *just* met them”.
BTW, I can’t be the first one to say all of the above, right? Because I keep seeing anons bashing the actual ROs for this barely defined character and I go: “really??” (Btw, I know El would have been amazing had they equal amounts of content as other ROs)
You're the first one, actually, but I'm sure many might think like you! I get what you mean haha, even if 'with barely any personality' is harsh😭 Though, I do hope that you'll enjoy the ROs routes if you choose any!
I think it's fair for people to like or dislike any characters in LAD no matter how much screentime they got or not. It's about flavour, like, you don't like caramel so you take vanilla, but this other dude take chocolate because they can't stand caramel and vanilla. And there's those who like all flavours even if they tasted them just once for a few seconds. You know what I mean?
And about people bashing actual ROs... where? I don't remember people bashing ROs. Or maybe you're talking about L? I think L is a hit or miss person, tbh. They're a sweetheart for me, but I'm pretty biased, so.... And they're pretty nosy and persistent when they want to, so I understand it can rub people the wrong way.
Or was it when this anon said all ROs were assholes? It didn't feel like bashing, imo. Mmmh, maybe you're talking about something else? Or maybe I'm delusional, if that's the case then let me be delusional pls🤣
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chemyaart · 15 hours ago
Rant about the cookie run kingdom fandom
Okay, so I know I'm gonna get hated for this, but I don't care. Ignore if you're sensitive.
First, I just want to clarify that it's for every fandom, of course, bad apples exist everywhere. But at this point, I can't believe what I'm seeing. The more a media is cute, kid-friendly, the more the fandom is crazy (and not in a good way)
So, I want to adress the things that bother me a lot.
Firstly, I think the Beast Yeast update was both a good thing and a bad thing to happen. Let me explain. Of course, the enemies into lovers trope has always existed and it's the most popular trope, but I think that update actually flipped upside down the fandom. Toxic ships has always existed (like affocara, redpastry, etc..) but they weren't that common I think?
But after that update, it never became the same thing again. It honestly makes me uncomfortable how shippers say "hAhA ToXiC yAoI" for everything, especially Shadowvanilla. It makes me cringe (I like sometimes when it's funny cringy, but not uncomfortable cringe you know?)
I hate how CRK content mainly ships (like 90% of the time) it's sexual.
Of course, I guess sex jokes/suggestive jokes can exist, but it comes to a point where it's like everywhere. These shippers only think about these 24/7.
One thing that adds with the fandom, is how people love to woobify the characters. The misrepresent/misinterpret the character for something they're not. Headcanons are fine, but when I see Shadowvanilla, and purecacao fans... I'm really concerned. They woobify the characters into "b-b-b-but he's g-g-g-ood!" or "I'm j-just a-a innocent uwu gay boi" I understand if you're a kid/teen, but when I see adults doing that, I'm like actually scared.
Every character is complex, and it doesn't have to be romantic. I actually like the Shadowvanilla ship, but not to this extent. And I don't like them romantically. But I would love to see them grow.
Plus, not just woobifying the characters, but also just changing them entirely. Like their personalities, and just only keep one trait. For example, Pure Vanilla Cookie. He's the most popular cookie with Shadow Milk, and all I see is just him being all innocent and nice. Of course he is friendly and generous, but (especially purecacao shippers) think he's weak or something. But when you see him defeating Dark Enchantress ALONE in the video, he isn't WEAK at all.
Or Dark Cacao, all they make him is "manly man who is strong and protects his boi" or "neglectful dad bad dad". When it's much more complex than that. I'm shocked when their account is JUST about this ship. Like I like Purelily and Cacaolily, but I don't post to this extent about them. And even if I wish for Cacaolily to be real, I'm not delusional enough to repeat that they're canon like some shadowvanilla and purecacao fans do. Of course, you can say that they're joking, but there are actually people that seriously do this ☠️ (do what you want, but I just can't belive it myself)
Plus, the amount of times where these shippers also looked at the tiniest details of an interaction, and thought, "it's canon" it's actually crazy. Like I've seen a post about how Dark Cacao's face in the fight between the ancients and Dark Enchantress Cookie, meant that he loved Pure vanilla cookie in a romantic way ☠️
Obviously characters can care about eachother without liking them romantically. Plus, not only Dark cacao was saddened, but also Hollyberry and Golden Cheese. But you don't include that for your ship.
You guys can understand that I really hate Purecacao, right? Well, unlike Shadowvanilla fans, they don't attack me personally, and they're actually cool. The experiences I had with Purecacao shippers made me hate this ship.
Also, stop hating characters for no reason, because of misunderstanding or something. Whether it's Golden Cheese Cookie, where there are people who think she's selfish and as bad as the beasts, Lord Oyster, or anyone tbh. A lot of characters are hated for no reason, either from their design, or what they did. What I mean is, okay, hate a character, but PLEASE have a at least a reason why you hate the character, and not just because it blocks your ship 😭
It's actually crazy Kingdom fans hated Revel Cookie and Okchun Cookie just for their "simple" design? A lot of CRK fans are so narrow minded it's sad. I really hope your minds opens up more, especially to other ships. For example, rare pairs are cool, and I don't see the problem with it except if they're problematic like age gap, pdf things yk?
I hate Purecacao, Affocacao, but I just block their tag. They just love drawing them kissing and making out. As much as I hate them, I won't threaten them or sending death threats over it, you know? I'm really sorry if I was too rude, my emotions get over me, I really hope it didn't hurt you.
At the end of the day, do what you want. Just don't interact with me. And please improve yourself, a lot of you guys need therapy, myself included. I needed to rant.
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distortionenby · 2 days ago
A uni professor once took the time in a lesson regarding social language to explain what most of these actually mean and why they're used, so I'll try to help clarify the ones that are most confusing in your response, if that's okay? Most of the ones I clarified apply primarily to the work environment (especially as a worker, not a boss or higher-up), however they can be extrapolated to social situations too. They're also mostly regarding one's own sense of importance (either conscious or apparent), which allistics don't take very kind to, especially when there's an established hierarchy and you're "below" them.
Note: in these I use "you" in a general sense, not directly at the person who added the commentary.
Note: if I didn't clarify one, I either agree fully that it's easy-to-spot bullshit, it's been explained by prev already, or it's too self-explanatory and does not require further comment.
Note: I am autistic and have experienced the weirdness of these "rules" myself, so my professor (also autistic) did me a big one for that class.
1. To allistics this makes them think that the person sitting is being disrespectful by "feeling too important to make the effort to stand up as well and see eye to eye". It's kind of like a king on a throne won't stand for a peasant. I think it's utter bullshit tbh, especially for those that may not be able to stand or stand easily.
2. One thing is to have food issues and another thing is to insult the person who made the food. This is about the second option. It's under the premise that a person put effort in making the food/spent money buying it, and you're telling them "this is gross and you're stupid/bad for making/buying it". If the problem is a food issue (such as sensory issues, allergies, etc, or even that you just don't like eating this dish in particular), you can indeed say that you don't like it or won't eat it in a polite way, without making the other person's effort seem stupid. Again, this "rule" is about outright insulting the food a person made, or the person who made the food. If you (general you) feel entitled to make someone else feel bad for making food for you and inviting you to have it in their own home, you can go get your own food at your own place and avoid all the hassle.
4. The first part means to "protect" those less experienced than you, such as children or new people at work, as you know more and are likely to have more skills in the specific environment than them (such as a new person at a job may have a hard time working the register and it's nice to help them figure it out instead of letting them take a reprimand. Obviously, this would vary in hierarchy and time accessibility you have. Generally a boss/manager should be in charge of this in work settings not make it the obligation of a same-position coworker, tho I'm sure some of them won't mind helping, and for kids, they're obviously more at risk than adults in many things so adults should try to watch out for them if they see a lone kid, however it shouldn't be the job of a 10 y/o or even a 15 y/o to raise a 5 y/o, even though it happens). The second part means to not devalue those who are in your same position/age/level but rather to have mutual respect. They're supposed to be your equal and you are theirs, and you, nor they should not act like one is superior to the other when you are both in the exact same playing field or level. In a simplified example: you should not claim you're superior to your twin in looks and features, you're literally twins, you should have mutual respect for each other.
5. No typo. "You should never make the first offer in negotiation because the other person will try to take advantage of this to fuck you over or reject your offer. Especially if you're, say, looking for a job, if it's your first time in such a job and you don't know the salaries in this position, making the first offer may mean you're either way underestimating what you should earn (and they'll obviously take advantage of this and make you work for far less than you deserve), or they'll see you as "feeling superior" because you're asking too much and decide you're not worth the effort because they're either wanting to cut corners or don't trust you're worth that much. For example: average rates for X job are $5.00/hour. They ask for what you think your salary should be. You (inexperienced in the job market) say $1.00/hour, or worse, $5.00/day. Boss says "okay, that's great, you're hired" and they keep the other $4.00 an hour for themselves without ever telling you. If you say, however, that you want $20.00/hour, they'll mentally sneer at you lile "who does this bitch thing they are? The goddamn Michelangelo of this gig??? You can't earn more than me" And reject you, even if you have incredible certifications and recommendations.
7. Is entirely judgemental and classist. At the very core it means "don't dress with dirty/broken/offensive clothes", as in, if you have ripped and stained pants, your shoes have an unglued sole, or you wear a jacket with "cumslut" embroidered in the back, while at a job interview or visiting an elderly home, it either gives (them) the impression that you don't care about things, are unhygienic/unkempt, will be rude to people, or will overall present a bad image when presented to new people. Of course, however, people have taken this to outrageous heights where they think you should dress in high fashion or brand clothes and look expensive to be considered "good" nowadays, even if you can't afford it/don't feel comfortable like that/have a defined personal style. And while they cannot force you to do this, it's socially accepted for them to turn you away.
8. First half "say what you mean": allistic people will take only the truth that either benefits them or makes them feel flattered, if you talk honestly but cushion it or phrase it in a way they like hearing, they'll be okay with it. It's bullshit because if you mean to be rude and say something rude, it's looked down on but if you mean something rude but say it "nicely" they won't mind that much. Second half "mean what you say": basically "don't lie". If you say you can carry 50 bottles of water in one go, then you better mean it because they'll take it and expect you to deliver by carrying the 50 water bottles in one single trip. If you say you have a good grasp on guitar playing, you better play more than decently rather than barely knowing how to play isolated chords. If you say you have the skill to animate a short film on Blender, you better have Blender and know how to use it to animate.
9. This one is double: a) if you ask more than you answer, you show initiative and interest in what's happening, most people see this as a positive thing and are more likely to hire you/include you in stuff, it also makes you seem not self-centered in situations where you need to gain favour from higher ups. Once again, people in higher positions like bosses don't like their workers or even potential workers' sense of self-importance because it disrupts hierarchy. They're the boss, not you. And even if you know better, they're the boss, not you. (Bullshit, I know) And b) it's useful to get as much info as you can from stuff like a job interview, while not giving them literally all your information in exchange of nothing (because they may not even hire you yet they'll have all your info and you'll have nothing), however, if you ask a lot, you'll also have more referents for future endeavours of similar nature (like rates! If you learn in interview A and B that rates go between $4.20/hour to $6.00/hour, you'll be able to negotiate reasonably within that range in interview C!)
11. 12. and 13. Are all three regarding self-importance (again...)
11. Having your phone on the table makes it seem like you care less about the people you're sharing with during the meal than whatever is on your phone, and therefore your phone deserves "presence" despite being an object.
12. Allistic people (especially authorities) like feeling like the center of attention when they're speaking. They're very visual when it comes to their reassurances, so having eyes on them and being smiled at makes them feel like they're being given the importance they deserve because "wow, attention! And smiles are positives that imply this person agrees with me! Good". If you don't look at them (in the eye, especially) or don't show being "agreeable" by smiling, they interpret that as "this person feels superior to me (bad thing!) and feels that I'm not worth their unadulterated attention even though I'm their higher-up, so they think they're better than me and don't respect me".
13. If you ask to go to a party some coworkers from a different branch are organising, you seem like relatively exclusive events should make an exception for you specifically, and this is considered rude because "why should we invite you? You're not the target demographic yet you're pushing the door open to come in". A couple is going on a romantic date and you ask to go, it'll be intrusive to them since this was a date for them as a couple, you'd be third-wheeling. If your friend gets tickets for themself and their sibling for their birthday to see their favourite artist, and you ask to go as well, you're changing their whole plan because even if you pay for your part of everything, they'll now have to account for a bigger hotel room, maybe a different seating area at the concert because there weren't 3 consecutive seats where they initially placed themselves and it'd be rude to leave you on the other end of the stadium if you're going together, different meal plans, more luggage to take care of, etc. If someone's having a friend over because they got kicked out, and you ask to go as well like it's a sleepover, you're seen as not considering the painful, or even dangerous situation in which the person who got kicked out is (and why their friend is offering their place), and you're somewhat making light of it instead. Now, obviously, there's exceptions and when you start listing events to which you could invite yourself to, they can seem obvious, but generally if there's a plan that doesn't include you, to allistics (and some others) you'll be seen as if you should be given some priority over others if you ask to go with.
15. This is basically "no means no" but with the added bonus of "if you're begging on your knees for weeks after being told 'no' right to your face, you'll look desperate, pathetic or like you're harassing them, or all three". If a relationship is not meant to be because one side has made it clear they don't want it, the side that continues to beg looks bad.
1. Never shake hand while sitting. 2. Never talk bad about the food when you are the guest. 3. Don't eat the last piece of something you didn't buy. 4. Protect who is behind you and respect who is beside you. 5. Never make the first offer in a negotiation. 6. Don't take credit for the work you didn't do. 7. Dress well, no matter what the occasion. 8. Speak honestly: say what you think and mean what you say. 9. Ask more than you answer. 10. Leave the profane language for the less educated. 11. Avoid placing your phone on the table when eating with someone. 12. Listen, smile and most of all make eye contact. 13. If you're not invited, don't ask to go. 14. Never be ashamed of where you come from. 15. Don't beg for a relationship.
This is why it's so hard to be autistic.
Some of these are critical advice. Some of these are utter bullshit. But they're all on the same list and people regularly share lists like these as if they're gospel.
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frogiwi · 1 month ago
22 for fic writer asks 🖤
22. do you ever worry about public reaction to what you're writing? how do you get past that?
ooh honestly, i don't think so? i think i'm lucky in that for the last 3-4 years, the people i've managed to attract as an audience to my writing are people who have mostly similar tastes to me, and who enjoy similar types of characterizations and themes and stories. so i feel pretty confident about the stuff i write (aside from like... the typical writer spiraling during the process when i think everything is bad LOL) and while i'm writing it i don't think i ever get the feeling that it's going to bomb or turn people off or that people will generally dislike it. or rather than not getting the feeling, i don't really think about it all. it doesn't occur to me that ppl might not like it bc i don't care bc i like it😆 i haven't written too much stuff that's "out there" or controversial in some way in a few years now (rly want to though), but even when i did, i got great reactions from likeminded people, so i haven't ever really been scared out of it 🙏 it's my own procrastination and being daunted by my own ideas that's stopping me
if we're talking "reaction" in general like comments/engagement, i'm kind of used to writing for like, myself and my corner of 3-5 freaks, so i don't expect many reactions in the first place 😆 so any comment i get is always a joy and a surprise! these days i don't find it too demotivating to think only a few people are gonna read what i write bc i'm pretty focused on just wanting my ideas to exist in my writing style and if ppl happen to like it that's an extra perk. and also the few people who are gonna read it are gonna go apeshit about it so that's really all i need and i'm always grateful for it kjsdhgjksd
so overall i think i'm lucky that i have that kinda self assurance and comfort bc like, fearing how people will react to your art is one of the fastest paths to suppressing yourself and your creative instincts and it sucks a lot. but there are a lot of judgmental and closeminded people out there who can't accept that people have different tastes than them and it can be hard not to worry about people like that seeing your work and having something to say about it. but interacting with like minded people and trying to form a community with the same values goes a long way in finding people who will support you unconditionally and enthusiastically, and that seems to be the best way to stop caring what other people might think about your art!! "me and my 2 freak mutuals" will save you, trust me
✍️ fic writer asks
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choccy-milky · 4 months ago
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ty to @icedmatchawoatmilk13 for sending this to me! i may have gone a bit overboard but this was so much fun to fill out/think about BAHAHA💖 ill still never get over how perfect the song sarah smiles is for them...the lyrics AND the fact that its an alliteration...im gonna do an animatic about seb and clora to that song one day i swear 😩 ((blank template by oakwolves!))
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im-still-watching-anime · 9 months ago
trucy: hang on polly you have a hair on you—oh, it’s long and…blonde. again.
apollo, internally: oh my god they’re all going to think i’m STRAIGHT and that i’m sleeping with a WOMAN
trucy, athena, and wright all thinking: oh that’s for sure klavier’s :/
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biblically-accurate-dca · 8 months ago
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super disorganized sketch page because i do what i want
#my art#not sure if i wanna tag these... hrm#i wonder if alt text shows up in search results.... shudders#well anyway. i wanna ramble about these!!#for willy mafton: i've been working on designing more of the human cast. mainly all the big name important ones#it's been a slow process + a little challenging but i like getting the chance to practice drawing faces! :]#in regards to His design specifically.. it's very much based off of his movie apperance#but with a reference to that Classic sprite thrown in#bc i thought making him a little cartoony and inhuman would fit him :] but idk im not an expert on his character or anything#about the rabbit lady: i forgot how i had that idea initially but it ended up looking so fucking cool tbh#im always a fan of making her design less of a feminine eye candy type of design and more of a Spooky Murderer type >:3c#it also gave me the idea to try making some similar designs for the glams...#but if i do that im not gonna be giving them that vintage rubber mask look... since they're meant to be super flashy and high tech looking#so i was thinking they could have faces with more of a silicone texture.. and that have a style based more off of their in game art work :]#so they'd be like giant dolls with weird moving faces rather than having a vintage animatronic look#also that van in the bottom middle is 100% a homage to a specific user i wont be mentioning but iykyk HFJZJFJF#ANYWAY the 🌞🌜 stuff: dont be weird about it please HFJZJG#im aware that these tags are very easy to ignore but like. genuinely pls dont be weird about them#dont romanticize it. its not meant to be ''y/ndere'' or anything like that#its actually a bit personal to me so like... interpret it as you like but be aware its not meant to be a happy or positive thing#anyway i think thats all i have to say... i've been trying to branch out a tiny bit regarding the things i draw#it's always nice to challenge yourself even if its tough... especially if its tough!!#i mainly draw just for my own sake but i hope ppl see something they like here#these tags got so fucking long oops... i'll stop now JFKZJFKSJGKSJG
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greenleaf4stuff · 2 days ago
Hi and thank you for the tag @gauntletgirlie! <3 The tag game is a wonderful idea, but I want to spread the posivity both ways. So um - I will do it my own way. Aka, I will give the person who tagged me compliments and also compliment the people I am tagging. That way everyone in this post gets the positivity they deserve I feel like. <3
@gauntletgirlie: You already write so well for someone who has just shared their own writing for the first time; I love the way you wrote Adar's and Celebrimbor's dynamic in your silverscars fic, the way Adar tried to keep his distance and Celebrimbor gently but insistently got closer to him and coaxed him into giving into his desires; you had me sitting there like "ohhh I wish this continued" and "I hope she writes more!" after I finished reading <3
Now for the people I am tagging (absolutely zero pressure to respond btw! I mean it! I am doing this because I want to, not because I expect anything in return!):
@plotdesigner Your lore and world building for the uruk is absolutely stunning and wonderful an I love every little detail I learn about them in your fic(s); I love the way you alternate POVs between characters and manage to give them distinct, individual voices and rich inner lives, even going the extra mile to write Adar in the 2nd person POV; you have a lovely way of weaving in little bits of humor that feels very adequate for the circumstances and also humanizes the characters a lot!
@themalhambird Your Adar/Finrod fic had some very well-developed OCs that were very distinct and interesting to read about, each had their own individual voice; the pairing wasn't something I thought I would be interested in but I finished the little fic before I knew what had happened; the way you wrote the interaction between the main pair was sweet and heart-wrenching to the point it made me emotional (I mean that as a compliment!)
@thephoenixandthecrocodile I love the dynamic between Adar, Celebrimbor and Narvi, they all have their strengths and weaknesses and complement each other very well, I love how you give each character weaknesses and humanizing elements that make them so very relatable; I think it is so cool that your first fanfic is a multi-chapter one and already goes on for so long - that is quite the feat! (and that your 2nd is also multi chapter and finished! Congrats!); I'd love to see more of the way your throuple develops Mordor together, the concept of a dwarven/elvish/uruk construction sounds so cool! and also what their relationship will be like in the future!
@gingeragenda The one fic of yours I read (Adar/Balrog) took a concept that should have been difficult to pull off and made it seem effortless; the interaction (cough) between the two was very sexy; despite the fact that the Balrog got sent out for rather sinister purposes, there was a tenderness that I did not expect between the two characters that I quite enjoyed while reading!
@wowstrawberrycow I love how you want to give Adar good, soft and cute things always, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside; I loved the dynamic between him and Gil-Galad in your AU fic, how Gil is taking care of him as best as he can and is a rock for Adar; love the worldbuilding so far, despite the dire circumstances, there is hope shining through and the two are fighting so hard to carve out their happiness. It's really fascinating!
I think I as a writer I am somewhere between "good most of the time" and "every so often I have a good line" tbh; my lovely readers, mutuals and friends on here make me feel like I am a very good writer (TYSM!) while I myself would tend to believe I am...okay? Maybe? If I have a good day. ^_^'
Writing compliment for myself...I manage to write and share my works despite a lot of self-doubt, anxiety and perfectionism? Does that count?
I want to do a compliment exercise. I got the idea from a poll I saw.
First, vote on this poll:
Now, reblog and tag 5 writers that you would want to see do this (no pressure, of course)... and in your CAPTION (not tags), give 3 compliments to the person you reblogged this from's writing. In your TAGS (not caption), put what your answer was.
Give yourself at least one writing compliment too, while you're at it.
If you reblog it from me, don't worry about doing the compliments since almost none of you have actually read my writing (if any of you have 😅).
If you really want to do the compliments for me, you can compliment something else but it isn't necessary when reblogging from the original source.
Let's get a compliment/positivity/love thread going. ❤️
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revvethasmythh · 3 months ago
So I went and watched all the possible endings, and it confirmed something I had been thinking, which is that the redemption ending choice is, perhaps, the most immediately regretful one--but that they all come with some form of regret. In the redemption ending, Rook has to knowingly deny themselves the catharsis of retribution (should they desire it, which, at least for me it felt difficult not to) in order to offer Solas one last, painful chance to do the right thing. That willful denial of your own catharsis feels like an immediate regret. Giving Solas the opportunity to pursue atonement might very well be the best choice all around, but it is also incredibly painful to offer that to someone who has done so many terrible things (not a small amount to you personally). Why does he deserve another chance? Especially when so many dead (including a beloved mentor) lie in his wake? Which, I suppose, is the point: he doesn't. But you offer it anyway and it SUCKS ASS, because how could it not?
I don't know how this plays with other story choices (a sacrificed Davrin or a Harding who embraced her anger, for example), but within the context of my own choices, I can imagine an immediate satisfaction to either tricking or fighting him--especially the trick ending, where you can actively name drop Varric--but it feels like the sort of thing that would feel worse as more time passes. Once you've calmed down and are able to ask yourself if that's what the people you've lost really wanted. Varric, in Regret Superhell, didn't want vengeance. He just wanted his friend to walk a better path. And Harding always believed there was another chance for anyone, so long as you kept reaching a hand out for them--even when it sucked ass. So the redemption ending feels like a sort of indignance, an instant regret for not doing worse, for not getting comeuppance, for being forced to eschew satisfaction (related: I wonder if the Inquisitor feels those things as well coming out of this ending, considering how long they've lived under the shadow of Solas' actions). Conversely, the other two endings feel like an immediate satisfaction, because you got to trick the trickster with all the wits Varric taught you, or because you finally got to punch him in the face and it felt really good. But I feel like those endings would come with a creeping regret, something that sneaks up on you later, especially when remembering the fallen and what they would have wanted you to do. Ultimately, because of that, it feels like no ending is devoid of regret. Which I suppose, is rather thematic.
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skunkes · 21 days ago
i loooove when ocs unrealized development makes them feel like real people like no i dont know whether talon is genuinely attracted to women after years of both clinging to them for safety and years of putting them onto that untouchable idealized Perfect Protector Pedestal that must remain untainted by any bad experiences, so he doesn't even try to Be With any. He doesn't know either
#like i heart bisexual men so part of me is like no yeah he does like women. he literally loves women#>what if this is just love as general blind devotion solely on the basis of them not being men#we all know he likes men without much of what would be societal shame but he still grapples with it in that personal way#in the if i like men it means i like them despite what happened to me -> i secretly like what happened to me way#talon like i like men and women but i could never spend my eternal life with a man. as a way to just focus on one thing (finding said women#instead of letting himself think about anything else at all#oc text#ill let it float into my mind but idk because this would mess up his original plot before i kept him#though tbh i want to keep keeping him idk if ill ever let him go back home ykwim. long gone concept at dis point he's mine now. ours#talkys#also this makes things more interesting too in the way of#well it was previously thought that talon has a great interest in [smunker] because of smunkers Body#a sort of unintentional and subconscious rejecting of [smunker's] gender and seeing him#as not a man#now its like. what if its not that. it rly is just sole attraction to men because well al is also a pretty feminine guy#views challenged because no‚ men one way (bad) and women another way (good)#but theres TWO guys here who exhibit femininity so he's like wait hold onnnnnn waittttt#that subconscious conflict still exists though in the fearing al (at first) due to his body and both terrorizing and clinging to [smunker]#because of his#the terrorizing because talon sees his original self in smunker (weak and youthful‚ cherubic‚ naive)#theres so many layerssss#anyway yes. loving women as in of course i love women. beautiful and they keep me safe#but not in any way further than that... i love them i can and will kiss them and do much more but it doesnt feel The Same#i dont think i actually even have any fully gay guy characters [EXCEPT MAYBE THE SELF? LMAO IDK] bc i love bisexual men so much#groundbreaking...#wait sorry more oc rambling this actually would also make sense too because how i imagine talon with women is exaggerated#complete personality change to be pleasant and pliable and you can do whatever you want to me#when its also known that the reason he ''acts out'' with al and [smunker] is because he feels safe enough to drop any and all masks to do s#hmmmmmmmm i must keep thinking
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rosykims · 3 months ago
having a lavellan who is kind of an absolute demon in her own right is so much fun because sure that cut content of "oh solas didnt deserve a happy ending but lavellan did" is lovely and worth centering in the conversation.... but you know what else hits? "oh my god i dont even care anymore" "if this is what it takes for them to both fucking LEAVE thedas then good riddance"
#datv#oc: ashara#datv spoilers#insane rant incoming. this is very much abt ashara but like i hope u can all see the vision for lavellans in general#bc honestly... i am such a big fan of lavellans who ALSO deserve some fade prison time . JDFGJHKDFG#like obviously she could NEVER deserve it as much as solas and the evanuris do. but like. maybe a LITTLE... womens rights womens wrongs !!!#ashara having the potential to heal solas by being the inverse of mythal. everything mythal was NOT#........while still matching his own personal freak by several concerning markers😍#up until trespasser the inquisitor truly WAS one of the closest things this world had to a demigod. w all the power/authority#- and loss of personhood - that comes with it. and the inevitable OVERREACH.... the meddling in affairs that effect the world at large...#unwittingly setting in motion things that ruin lives! destroy cities and communities and worse! and u cant even stop to rectify it#bc ur too integral to the Big Picture. that bright clear line from A to B... stuck up on that lonely towering pedestal you were forced onto#cant get down now girl its too far to fall !!!!!#mistake after mistake after mistake... just like solas....#i love the line ''you two were good for each other'' that rook can say in act 3 bc yeah lavellan can fix solas but like#maybe solas could fix lavellan too. theyre BOTH better together. their spirits mirror and adapt.... IDK !!! IDK! !!!! FOOD FOR THOUGHT!!!!#i think its why i personally am able to enjoy the ending more than others might. bc if ashara was more blameless i'd feel worse for her#but tbh as it stands........... well. gestures to the crimes.#anyway this whole convo is irrelevant ultimately bc it quite literally wont be terrible if theyre together <3
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