#and also a frog 🐸
crescentmoonrider · 4 months
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げろげろ 🐸
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bakingmoomins · 4 months
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frog watching of the day started succesfully, already saw three frogs
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t4tstarvingdog · 10 months
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picture for u
THE WAY I JUST LAUGHED. like i was choking oh my god
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authenticaussie · 3 months
WIP Wednesday
(except my in-office day is Wednesday so I need a different day instead and one day I Will find a fun alliteration for it but for now it's Fuck it Friday). Game snagged from @suzukiblu
It’s time for a little accountability, sharing fic, and getting a kick in the pants.
Here’s how it works:
Make a list of five (5) of your WIPs for your followers to chose from.
Post a snippet from one of your fics that you've worked on in the past week.
Your followers get to send an ask with one of the five listed WIPs!
You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event or gift fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post.
If you’re reading this, you’re invited!
If you see someone posting a WIP Wednesday Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write. 👀🔥
I will say I love the "filenames not titles": my doc names are either a) the fic title or b) VERY RARELY a random title that I use to keep all my drabble/short fic/reqs in (even if they have their own titles. Like, my yj98 fics are all under "Core4 Shenanigans" even though there are like, six separate fics in there. jumanji au my beloved.)
file names:
Spiderkon, aka eight legs hit the wall (even more aka: yj98 shenanigans ft. Spiderman au) <- this one is a bang project so I will either post sections that are Not part of the bang or other Kon related fic :3
blogging (and other dangerous activities likely to get you adopted by the Batman) <ao3 link> Tim has made a slightly terrible mistake and now has to Lie To Batman. Oop. 😳
keep me in your Pocket (yj98 soulmates au ft. Kon in a pod and some Angy™ pockets)
Show me Skies on Fire <ao3 link> (....don't look at me?)
Randomiser - I have a bunch of my wip fics on a wheel and will just spin and dump 🤭
snippet from the Stray!Dami au, which features Batman: TAS!Selina and Damian's love of animals continuing no matter What universe alterations occur.
"And who's this little stray creeping around?" purrs a voice from behind him, and Damian barely manages to restrain his yelp, quickly turning and shoving the screwdriver behind him. The costume declares quickly that it's not a guard, but his voice still cracks when he says, "Catwoman?"
She winks behind her mask, overconfident and proud of it, and his hands feel sweaty on the handle of his screwdriver. He feels distinctly underprepared for his heist now, when comparison has shown up so obviously, but-
“I’m not here to get in the way,” he says, tilting his chin up. “Whatever you're here to steal, I don't care. But you're not allowed to call the alarm on me freeing these bengals, either.”
She doesn't blink at him, but it seems like a near thing; her posture straightens just barely from her languid sprawl, and he shifts one foot behind him so she won't get both if she decides to use her whip to trip him up. “And why would a little thing like you want to cause that much chaos?” she asks, and he bristles.
“I know your intent is always to humiliate your victims,” he retorts, and he wishes he had the teeth of the cats behind him, to bare at her and snarl. “But none of these animals deserve to be mistreated just because you're more interested in a grudge. Go steal whatever you're here for and leave me alone.”
“Kitten,” says Catwoman, a hint of a smile curling her lip. “I’m here to steal those cats.”
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I love Robin so much he's literally my son
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livvyofthelake · 3 months
and you’re thinking beth you have too many characters named emma. yes. well there is nothing i can do about that why don’t we start taking that up with writers. emma is for fantasy girls what like. buck or tommy or johnny is to men’s war media. it’s what samantha shortened to sam is for men trying to write a cool tomboy dream girl. let me and all my emmas live…
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myheadisemptyffonly · 2 years
Halloween-night 🐸🎃
The Slytherins in their common room sitting around the fire, Dorcas dressed as Tiana, Pandora as Lottie and the other three as frogs.
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candycryptids · 4 months
Happy Birthday
Teehee~ Thank youuu~
Did you know frogs have special patches on their tummies and inner thighs specifically meant for absorbing water? This isn’t related. But I thought you’d find it neat!!!!
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moontxt · 4 months
okayyy guys update time. so basically things have been going well since graduation. the only problem has been trying to find a job, which was sooo stressful but now I interviewed for this position and I feel really good about it?!?! HR emailed me like a week after the interview and requested references “as part of the hiring process”…..like does that mean I got it? as long as my references check out? all of them already submitted so now im just waiting and I really hope it works out!! I also have a phone interview tmrw for this really interesting job that I definitely think could be really cool….so I also have that which is really nice!! I just really hope one of them works out. I’ve also been getting very spiritual again lately, I mean im always a witch but sometimes im more active and I’ve been doing a lot of divination and spell work and it’s been great! I even recently did a spell with FIVE people. alsoooo I’ve been trying to be more social lately and SILLY. I have such a hard time being silly and im so scared of people. but im finding that isolating myself doesn’t really make me feel better. so yes im trying to be more loving and connected to others!! anyway that’s my update. I’m a little nervous rn because my gf went to sleep and sometimes I get nervous when im up by myself :/ but I think everything’s actually fine!! things are going well and im trusting the universe and trying to stay present and be compassionate to myself so yeah that’s what im gonna do!!!
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staggeringsmite · 1 year
saw a frog maybe an inch big last night. btw
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starlightkun · 1 year
the fact that they changed sungtaro's government assigned emojis when they re-debuted..........they rlly just gave these men completely new identities like the past 3 yrs of 🦦 and 🦌 just never happened
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lovethisfatcryptid · 5 months
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I love my little blueberry 🫐 cow squish so much. He's so pretty and perfect to snuggle 🫐🐮💙
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mickgaydolenz · 2 years
Feel free to ignore me but I have a request because of a random thought I had; Modern Peter in one of those frog bucket hats
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peber ft his boyfriend davy ( @reignoerme and i have this running hc that peber loves to match with davy so had to include him sorry 💖☺️)
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t4tstarvingdog · 4 months
(re: ur last post) already done 🫡
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this is us ⬆️
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thecrazycreation · 1 year
Saw a frog 🐸 hop into the street while I was on the phone with my brother. He said he'd run it over if he was here(/j). I said it doesn't deserve that. All frogs are good. #AFAG 💚
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maegalkarven · 2 years
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The most important thing from today's playthrough: we have a frog now! 🐸
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