#and also a couple good upstanding citizens.
razzadoop · 7 months
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I am cringe but I am free.
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mxtxfanatic · 1 year
One thing that I really appreciate about mxtx’s stories is that even though the common people are shown to have an understanding of hierarchy and a healthy skepticism—dare I say, disdain at times—for the elite class at the top of each world’s hierarchy, that doesn’t mean that their every judgment on the subject is right.
Tgcf is a perfect example of this in multiple arcs. The peoples of Xianle and Wuyong know that a person with money can bend the ear of a god, and the nobility of Xianle, specifically, even bar the poor from entering Xie Lian’s temples without first paying an entry fee. Lang Ying leads the Yong’an refugees to rebel because he sees the corruption girding Xianle society. However, these same peoples also believe in the hierarchy they despise for oppressing them. When the beloved princes of the respective kingdoms are unable to save their kingdoms from certain doom because they are unwilling to sacrifice the lives of others, those same citizens turn on them. Worse yet, Xie Lian and Jun Wu were the only gods who were about treating their worshippers equally regardless of status, while the gods who their former followers turned to for help were the very same ones that had watched them suffer, gleefully waiting for them to turn on their gods so that they could poach new worshippers. In the end, the people end up casting aside the gods who defied the heavens in an attempt to save them, in favor of worshipping the gods who wanted them to perish. We see this same level of misapplied understanding on smaller levels too: Mu Qing understanding classism but only taking issue with it when it negatively impacts him, personally; Lang Ying’s descendants devolving into the same kind of wasteful nobles that Lang Ying had deposed; the people in the temple who choose to stab Xie Lian to preserve their own life because “you’re meant to save us.”
Similar things happen in svsss and mdzs. In svsss, humans are reasonably wary of demons (who hunt and eat humans in this story) and look up to cultivators as their protectors, but broadly applying this allowed the corrupt Old Palace Master to weaponize that rightful wariness to harm his innocent targets: Su Xiyan, Tianlang-jun, Luo Binghe, and Shen Qingqiu. Had the common people witnessed a group of adult cultivators chasing a fearful toddler around be so convinced of the “righteousness” of the cultivators they admire? If so, would we, the audience, still look to the crowd as moral? At the same time in mdzs, the common people actually don’t look up to the righteous cultivation clans as inherently good, only a necessary expense—have you the funds—but even that is a weapon. Thirteen years after the first siege, a farming couple discusses how terrifying the power Wei Wuxian wielded was, grateful to the great cultivation clans for having killed him without any understanding that Wei Wuxian was the most upstanding cultivator of his generation.
In all of these examples, though the common people have an accurate understanding of systemic violence and the dangers present in their worlds, they are not always able to accurately apply that understanding on an individual or personal level, especially if their morals do not align with the idea that said violence is an inherent wrong. The common people in tgcf are not rioting against the concept of monarchies and nobility or the elitism of the gods, even as they know they suffer from it. The common people in svsss still shy away from demons, even though they’ve likely been harmed more times by a passing cultivator or rich person than they could even claim to have seen a demon. The common people in mdzs still turn to major cultivation clans for help and consider them to be overall moral people even with their publicly immoral behavior. None of these groups move to challenge the systemic violence despite knowing it exists on a personal level, which is what makes it very poignant when a character in these books does. Why did that person choose to speak up and stand out while most others didn’t? And what message is mxtx teaching us by showing us this character?
Knowledge, an understanding of systems of violence, and hierarchical placement does not make morality. Moral alignment paired with matching actions do. And without the latter, the former can be easily manipulated by bad-faith actors to reinforce the very systems that create the ills of society, regardless of what position one is born into on the social hierarchy.
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Tim and Sylvia Friendship Headcanons
-They both met at Buck’s when they were ten years old, Tim having just started dealing and Sylvia flirting with the old drunks at the bar so she could pickpocket them. Tim noticed how much money she was getting and tried to shake her down for it but when he flipped open his switch she just laughed at him and pulled out one of her own. They’ve been best friends ever since, even though it took ages for Tim to admit it
-Sylvia is the only person who can call him ‘Timmy’ without getting slugged and it’s mostly because she wore him down.
-Sylvia is a con artist extraordinaire and Tim’s a gang leader and somehow they know everything and nothing about each other at the same time
-Almost everyone in Tulsa thinks they’re an item/have hooked up at least once but their relationship has only ever been 100% platonic. Even if Tim wasn’t gay and Sylvia was capable of love they both just couldn’t ever look at each other that way
-Tim thought HE had a good poker face but his is nothing compared to Sylvia’s. The only thoughts or feelings people can read from Sylvia are the ones she wants them to 
-They both have a radar for when Curly and/or Angela are about to get into trouble even though Sylvia is better at dealing with problems AFTER they arise whereas Tim is all about stopping them from happening in the first place
-Sylvia will occasionally disappear for a few days or a week and Tim never asks where she’s gone, but once she was gone for nearly two months and when she showed back up (twenty pounds lighter and with a newly stitched stab wound) he almost cried- he didn’t, but he did hug her and she actually let him
-Sylvia has been locked up almost as many times as Tim has, and they have a joking competition where they keep track. Whoever has the most tally marks each new years owes the other a pack of cigarettes. Tim had the title for three years in a row before Sylvia beat him and he was genuinely kind of upset about it (mostly because she kept making smart remarks about him becoming a ‘model citizen’ and he has a reputation to keep)
-Curly got the idea to play chicken with Ponyboy from Sylvia because he overheard her make an offhand comment about she and her cousins used to do it
-Sylvia originally went on a date with Dallas Winston because she knew it would piss of Tim, and then kept going out with him because of curiosity (y’know that meme that’s like ‘i wanna study you in a lab but also share fries with you’- that’s how Sylvia views Dally)
-Tim also warned Dally he had no idea what he was getting into when he asked Sylvia out but he obviously didn’t listen 
-we all know Dally & Sylvia we’re a toxic ass couple, and I think a huge contributing factor is that Sylvia played dumb but she was actually way smarter than Dally ever gave her credit for so every time he thought he had her figured out, she’d do something or say something that would shake up how he saw her and it made him feel stupid (which we all know he hated) but also made him more desperate to figure her out 
-Sylvia thinks the Curtis brothers are strange and avoids them as much as possible because they’re genuinely upstanding guys and she’s not used to people who aren’t just out for themselves
-Sylvia lives in six inch stilettos and they make her the same height as Tim (Sylvia is already tall for a girl) and it annoys him to no end
-Sylvia and Steve absolutely loathe each other but because they’re both friends with Angela they try to be civil when she’s around. Tim finds Sylvia’s ire at the guy endlessly funny
-Sylvia was the first person to find out about Tim being gay. He was terrified but she just rolled her eyes and told him to hide his magazines better 
-Tim is the only person who knows anything about Sylvia’s parents that isn’t rumour based speculation, and he will take those secrets to his grave
-Sylvia was originally HORRIFIED when she realised Tim had a thing for Darry Curtis because she does NOT trust that guy he is too nice to not be hiding some dark secret. It’s the only time Tim didn’t at least take her advice into consideration (and Sylvia was eventually forced to grudgingly admit she was wrong about this one)
-Sylvia is a better marksman than Tim, but Tim is more patient than Sylvia, so when they go hunting Tim bags more animals, but when they’re target shooting Sylvia always has a better score
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luucypevensie · 11 days
🦣 + Thea Monroe, please??
@dancingsunflowers-ocs 💖
MY BB GIRL THANK YOU ALEXANDRA! tagging the glee moots @daughter-of-melpomene and @ginger-grimm
a summer trip they think of fondly: thea's grandparents took her to paris one summer when she was eleven and she never forgot it. going to the louvre, exploring versailles, reaching the top of the eiffel tower etc. she loved it so much that thea's parents' wedding gift to her and finn was their honeymoon in paris
their favorite disney princess: thea will forever and always (see what i did there haha) be a cinderella stan. she related so much to her message of having courage and being kind, it was what helped her get through freshman year of high school. she's also a big aurora fan and will defend her hotly if anyone makes a crack about her short screen time
the first song they would dance to with their partner at their wedding: you know, i think it would be incredibly cute if thea and finn danced to so this is love from cinderella because it just fits them so well and finn knows how much thea loves both the fairy tale and the disney movie, so he would absolutely want to incorporate it into their wedding somehow
if they have any piercings or tattoos: thea is NOT a tattoo girl (she just can't stand the thought of a needle putting something permanent like that onto her skin). she does, however, have two ear piercings on each ear though, but that's the extent of her piercings
the scariest moment in their life: when she fainted at junior prom due to her eating disorder returning (she noticed the gym beginning to blur right before fainting, and that was when the fear came in of something being terribly wrong)
if they would break the law: absolutely not; thea is an upstanding citizen who is not a fan of taking the law into her own hands
their favorite reality show (because everyone secretly has one): the bachelor/bachelorette because thea is a romantic through and through (though it's saddening for her when most of the couples don't last very long after the show)
if they have a favorite chore: doing the laundry (there's something about folding her clothes into neat piles while new girl is playing in the background that comforts her after a long day at mckinley)
if they like being in pictures and what faces they make in them: thea is NOT a picture girl; she prefers being in the background where no one can see her (then she will put a beautiful smile on her face because, even if the camera isn't directly on her, thea still prefers to look good than to make silly faces)
if they get along with kids: oh yeah, thea's really good with kids. everyone in betty and abby's friend group also really looked up to thea, and she's the best mom to her and finn's kids when they have them
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kissorkill16 · 4 months
When We Were Once Happy: A Hello Neighbor Fanfic
Summary: A story before Trinity moved to Raven Brooks.
Chapter 14
Aaron, Mya, Lucy and Nicky were laughing their heads off in the woods.
They had all recently made a prank machine out of spoons.
Some old guy lets his dog poop on Aaron's lawn almost every day, and never picks it up, so he deserves some comeuppance. They all came together and made a spoon catapult and put it in his mailbox.
It was pretty easy, all they had to do was distract him long enough so Nicky could put it in the mailbox.
They all hid behind a tree and laughed so hard as they watched him get a face full of dog shit.
"Do you think some got in his mouth?", Lucy asked in between giggles.
"Eww! I hope not!", Mya said before bursting into giggles again.
They all waited until their laughter died down before Aaron spoke up.
"So who do you guys want to prank next?", asked Aaron.
"Well there's not really a lot of fun people to prank here. You guys remember Principal Abanate's warning, right?", Lucy asked Aaron and Nicky. "She said you guys aren't allowed to be seen together at school anymore."
"Yeah yeah, I remember that. Unfortunately. But she didn't say we couldn't be seen together outside of school.", said Aaron.
Lucy nodded her head. They all sat in silence for a moment.
"I bought more Surviva Bars.", said Aaron, pulling out said bars from his backpack. "Who wants to fart their butts off?"
Lucy, Mya, and Nicky made grabby hands at the bars, getting one bar each. They all quickly tore off the wrapping and bit into the bars.
Soon enough, everyone was farting like crazy, like they sat on a couple of whoopie cushions. It wasn't too long before they were on the ground again, rolling around like beetles and laughing their heads off.
"So gross!", Mya laughed hysterically.
"But so funny!", Lucy replied.
Mya got up and started running behind a tree, "I think a little poop slipped out!", she said, her face red as a tomato.
"Eww!", said Lucy, turning to Aaron. "Aaron, do you have any toilet paper or paper towels?"
Aaron pulled out a roll of toilet paper, "I was gonna use it on Abanate's house, but I guess you need it more than I do.", he said, handing it to Lucy.
Lucy took it and went to give it to Mya, leaving Aaron and Nicky together.
"Anything on your mind, Nicky? You've been really quiet.", Nicky turned his head to face Aaron.
"I'm sorry, I'm just thinking about our next prank. Also, just thinking about how bad we are."
Aaron's eyes widened in shock. "Bad? How're we bad?", he asked. He didn't mean to sound like he was yelling, but it just slipped out.
"Aaron, I'm sorry, I -"
Aaron raised his hand to stop him. "You didn't do anything wrong, I'm just shocked.", he said. "But seriously, how're we bad?"
Nicky stared at his knees. "Well, I guess because of all of the things we do. I mean, we pull pranks on people, you have to admit that's not exactly upstanding citizen good."
Aaron rolled his eyes. "Sure, we may do stuff like that, but that's not exactly bad. We're just kids that like to have fun. That's not bad."
Nicky nodded, still staring at his knees.
"Nicky, look at me.", said Aaron. Nicky turned to look at Aaron, "Do you feel like you're bad?"
Nicky didn't want to answer that question, but it'd be rude to just ignore a question like that. "Kind of."
"Well...", Nicky felt his throat close up, but he did his best to answer. "Sometimes, I think I'm bad because I go places I'm not supposed to.", he said. Instantly, he recalled the night where broke his promise to Bubba about not going near the Peterson house, how he stumbled into Mr. Peterson's office, and how he went into the woods despite Bubba telling him not to.
Aaron took Nicky's hand and locked their fingers together.
"Nick, that doesn't make you a bad person, it just makes you curious.", he said. "But I guess that's probably the reason why they came up with the phrase curiosity killed the cat. But you're not bad, being curious doesn't make you a bad person."
Nicky tried to maintain eye contact with Aaron, "What does make a person bad then?", he asked.
Aaron looked Nicky in the eye, his eyes a dull flat brown, and without any emotion in his voice, he said "Being happy when bad things happen."
Then Aaron let go of his hand and stood up, Nicky stood up too, looking at the ground. "Cool. Cool. Good talk."
"Yeah, good talk.", said Aaron.
Nicky let out an accidental fart, and they both started laughing.
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caffedrine · 1 year
Have you seen the new Ikemen prince act 3 trailer where Gilbert is meeting with chevalier and Leon there is apparently a new threat that could take over the whole continent threatening obsssidian roudolite,jade and the other nation he’s want to work together with the other to stop this new threat how do you think the story will be now with Gilberta and mc on act 3 now with this new foe.
Oh my gosh, yes! Didn’t it look so cool?!
Gilbert: Oh, I’m sorry, did you think I was the final boss, and your greatest threat?
Gilbert: Nope! I’m going to be your favorite ally in the new season!
I agree with you, I am curious about how it’s going to go. From the preview, I’m guessing/hoping that they’ll do Chev/Leon/Gil sequel routes (if no one else) where they’ll introduce the new princes.
You can’t convince me they won’t do at least a Chev sequel.
They could go in any direction if they do a Gilbert sequel route. Is he still going to be his anti-monarchy self and undermine the ‘alliance’ with Emma stopping him?
Or maybe he will set aside his differences and become a power couple where Gilbert (with some of Chev’s help) handling the military while Emma handles the diplomacy.
I’m his route, he talked about how the princes we know (Rhodolite, Jade, and Benitoite) are good and upstanding people, but other monarchies (maybe the three new countries) are horrible (actively participate in the slave trade, murder their citizens, etc)
Maybe the possible sequel route will start off with delegations from the new countries trying to get Gilbert (and his military) on their side?
I’m also curious about what it will be like in Chev’s potential sequel route. In there, we don’t know Gilbert that well, and unless Gilbert makes some decisions, he is still operating under the deception of ‘my dad’s totally alive guys, he’s just recovering from an illness, no, you can’t see him’.
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Note: I apologize for taking so long (much longer than I wanted to take) to get this out for you to read; but I want to thank you for your immense patience and I hope that the quality of this imagine makes up for having to wait.
Also, I used a couple prompts you sent me which are highlighted in bold. Thank you for sending me the prompts.
Last note, I did try my best to edit the imagine but I'm not sure if I missed anything. If I did, please excuse the mistakes etc.
That about covers it. Please feel free to request again and feel free to be as details as you like, the more details the better.
Enjoy and Happy December 1st!
P.S: Please let me know your thoughts on this imagine❤️
Being an only child was one thing, but when you pair that with your father being high up in the echelon of the FBI, you have a recipe for disaster. Especially if you are anything like Y/N and the only way you could cope with your father's job was by falling in with the wrong crowd, eventually getting yourself arrested and charged with minor offenses. 
Sure, they weren't near as severe as former convicted criminal turned FBI operative James Keene's were, but they were still enough to make her father disappointed and feel as though he had to work harder to prove to his bosses that he was an upstanding and law-abiding citizen.
Y/N knew how much the FBI meant to her father, which is why she made it her mission to rewrite the wrongs she had done in her past. She wanted to make her parents proud and the best way she knew to do that was to follow in one of her parents' footsteps. In this case, it was her father's footsteps.
She had gone to her father one rainy afternoon, begging him to let her help with a recent case that was in jeopardy of going cold. She was good with problem-solving and she was amazing at investigating things. She had been since she was a small child. It's why her parents could never hide her Christmas gifts at their house and always hid them at Y/N's grandparents' house. 
Robert was reluctant but knew that Y/N wouldn't let it go until he accepted her pleas. He allowed her to look over the case files, and ever since that afternoon, Y/N began her job as an FBI operative. 
This takes us to today. Y/N sat in the passenger seat of an old beat-up truck with broken air conditioning, whilst the sweltering heat made beads of sweat cling to her brow. She wiped the sweat away and tied her hair up into a high messy bun in the hopes that it would help with the heat. It didn't. It only made things worse if you asked her. The baby hairs at the nape of her neck were forced into little ringlets, refusing to be tamed. She growled in annoyance and returned to the open map on her lap.
"This is ridiculous. Are we there yet?" Y/N groaned, hoping her partner on this case would tell her they were.
He turned his head to face her and looked at her over the rim of his dark sunglasses while his hair flopped in his face, clearly not appreciating the heat either.
"Why are you asking me that again?" Jimmy asked with a slightly annoyed tone.
Y/N continued looking at the map even though she could feel his lingering gaze on her.
"Is the pretty boy losing his marbles?" Y/N cooed sarcastically, smirking at him afterwards.
Jimmy rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to the road ahead of him.
"You're the one with the map, so if anyone knows how close we are to the town, it's you." He remarked, making Y/N roll her eyes this time.
She was about to reply when a large sign saying 'Welcome to Arizona' passed by them in a flash.
"Well, now we both know we are close." She said with sarcasm. 
Jimmy refused to say anything else. Normally he wouldn't mind working with others on a case but Y/N was starting to feel like a thorn in his side. She would sass him when he asked her a question, or she would remain silent and stare out her window and God forbid he ask her to look at a map. Oh and another thing, when he said he was driving and she wasn't, she scoffed and pouted.
He wasn't entirely sure if he wanted to yell at her or kiss that put off her face. He decided against both choices though as he knew he'd probably have ever loving shit out of him. Something told him that the woman beside him was a tough one and was a force to be reckoned with, especially with how well-known her father was. Jimmy was sure that Y/N could make his death look like an accident if she wanted to.
After another couple of hours of driving and bickering back and forth, Jimmy and Y/N arrived at their motel.
"Uh, are you sure this is it? It looks so-" Y/N started before Jimmy chimed in.
"Charming, American, yadda yadda." He said, listing off words, waving his hand in the air.
"No, I was going to say gross, dingy, dilapidated, and damn near abandoned." She answered, feeling nervous about what awaited them in the small office building with dirt and cobweb-covered windows.
"Oh come on, it's not that bad." Jimmy said confidently but Y/N could see through that confident facade. She knew he felt the same.
"Are you fucking blind Keene, it's beyond a shit hole and if we're the next victims of murder, I'm blaming you." Y/N said through gritted teeth as she followed him to the office.
Once they reached the tiny box that was the office, they stepped inside and instantly Y/N's hand flew up to cover her mouth as she attempted and failed at suppressing a gag. The smell of old urine, old smoke, musty carpets, mold, and other odors embraced every nook and cranny with their vile scents. Even Jimmy wanted to puke and he had seen and smelled some pretty intense things in his lifetime.
Jimmy looked behind him to make sure that Y/N was ok but by the fact that her complexion had turned white with a hint of green, he knew she needed air, however hot and suffocating it was outside.
He was about to tell Y/N to wait outside when a man resembling hamburglar walked out of what appeared to be a small room. He was covered in sweat and dirt. He smelt of old cigarettes and stale beer. His hair wet with sweat, stuck out at odd ends as it curled from the heat.
"She good?" The man asked through a mumble as he pointed at Y/N, clocking the way she was acting.
She looked at Jimmy and silently begged him to make something up or was it to let her wait outside, he couldn’t tell.
When she tried to hold another gag, he knew it was to let her wait outside, so he took the keys out of his pocket.
"Car sick. Takes her a while to get over it." Jimmy said, handing Y/N the keys, fully trusting her to not drive off without him.
She snatched the keys from him and hurried outside just in time.
The men watched the woman for a minute before they went on with the business of sorting out a room.
Thankfully It didn’t take too long to check in before Jimmy could rejoin the outside world. He was glad for that fact as the extremely pungent smell in the office was starting to get to him and turn his gills green.
Y/N watched the man breathing deeply and dramatically from where she was in the truck and chuckled to herself. He looked absolutely ridiculous huffing and puffing in his now off white tank top and blue Levi jeans. Why he chose to wear jeans in a hot climate was beyond her, especially since he opted to wear boots on his feet. Ones that didn’t look like they were made for the desert.
“Are you just going to stand there or can we actually go to our room?” Y/N asked as she pooped her head out of the passenger side window.
Jimmy ignored her but made his way over to the truck. He was eager to get to the room and see if it looked better or worse then the front of this so called establishment.
“Are you fucking kidding me, Keene?! I am not sharing a bed with you!” Y/N exclaimed as she and Jimmy stood in front of the only bed in the room. The bed that looked like no one had washed its sheets in decades…no, make that in centuries. 
“Sleep in the truck then.” Jimmy said as he put his bag on the bed. 
Y/N gasped and picked his bag back up. SHe was appalled that he wasn’t even questioning what the hell was going on here.
“Don’t do that, you don’t know what diseases are hiding there.” She told him. 
“I’m almost touched that you care about me.” He said.
“I care about the bag. Do you know how long bacteria can stay on something like your bag.” She shrieked, making Jimmy roll his eyes.
“Why don’t we drive around looking for another place to stay because I’m telling you right now, the FBI hates us.” Y/N said.
“Why don’t you just stop bitching about this place. It may not be ideal but it’s a place to rest and work.” Jimmy warned her.
“I am not bitching. This place is vile and I really don’t want to stay here.” Y/N replied.
“At least it’s not a prison.” He said. He had her there.
“With a choice between this place and prison, I choose prison.” Y/N said, looking at the man square on.
“You aren’t going to budge on this are you?” Jimmy asked.
“Not a chance in fucking hell. I’d rather lick Satan’s asshole than stay here.” Y/N said, making Jimmy chuckle.
“Alright, fine. Put the bags back in the truck. I’ll tell him we had family members insist we stay with them.”  Jimmy said, giving in.
Y/N threw her arms around him in a tight hug.
“Thank you!” Y/N said as she took their bags to the truck while Jimmy locked their room door.
25 minutes later, Jimmy and Y/N had found an even better motel. It was one that actually looked inviting and not like something straight out of a horror movie. The reception smelled clean, looked clean and the staff were so nice and less fat and sweaty. 
Unfortunately for Y/N, the only room they had available had one bed. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to share a bed because she hated Jimmy, rather it was the idea that if she was to sleep next to him, she may do things that were…unbecoming of a respectable woman shall we say and completely unprofessional. 
“Still?” Jimmy sighed, noticing the look on her face at the mention of their room only having one bed…again.
“You know what, no. Because you were my knight in shining armor back there and saved me from a night of horrors, I’ll keep my thoughts on sharing a bed quiet.” Y/N said, patting Jimmy on the shoulder.
Jimmy raised his brow at her and decided against replying. He’d save his remark for later.
“Come on Keene, I’m tired.” Y/N called over her shoulder as she walked toward the door. Jimmy shook his head and followed suit.
Finally settled in their room, Y/N sat on her side of the bed looking over a case file while Jimmy showered and rinsed off the last few hours. Y/N had previously done the same and boy, what a world of good that did her. She felt refreshed and happier.
“Did you know that this motel is closer to the prep’s house and to the route he took.” Y/N called as she heard the water shut off.
“We should scout it out.” Jimmy suggested as he walked out of the bathroom with a towel hanging loosely around his waist.
Y/N pretended not to notice how fit the man in front of her was but with how quiet Y/N became, Jimmy smirked to himself.
“What’s so funny?” Y/N asked, trying not to look up at him.
So many replies were flying around Jimmy’s mind but he didn’t want to embarrass Y/N or give her a reason to get all pissy with him.
“I spotted a burger king down the street.” He said as he slipped his clothes on back in the bathroom.
“And?” Y/N asked, refocusing on re-reading the paragraphs on the paperwork.
“Are you hungry?” Jimmy questioned as he padded back to the room and plopped on the bed next to Y/N.
Y/N stopped reading and looked at the tv on the wall, deciding if she was hungry or not.
“I could eat.” Y/N said after a minute. Jimmy nodded and stood up.
“Let’s go then.” He said as he got his things together.
“Oh, I thought you were going to get it and come back.” Y/N admitted, feeling dejected. She loved the idea of getting fast food and eating it in the motel bed while watching cartoons.
“I could do that or we could get it and eat in the restaurant and then go for a drive.” He suggested, loving the idea of seeing what else this town had to offer and maybe scouting out where the crimes took place.
“You go enjoy, I’ll just order a pizza or something.” Y/N said, putting her head back down.
“Suit yourself.” Jimmy said, shrugging his shoulders.
Y/N would be lying if she said she wasn’t disappointed and a little hurt that he would leave her alone on their first night here in favor of going for a  drive.
Jimmy walked out the door and got into the truck and felt a pang of guilt hit him in the chest. There was something about Y/N’s demeanor that told him she was excited at the possibility of a motel room picnic, if that’s what you want to call it that.
Taking a deep breath, Jimmy got out of the truck and unlocked the room door.
“Change your mind?” Y/N asked, now flipping through the tv for something to watch.
“What burger do you want?” Jimmy asked. 
Y/N’s gaze  shot to Jimmy and he could see a spark of joy shine in her eyes. 
“What about your drive?” She questioned. 
“Just answer the question before I change my mind Y/N.” Jimmy said and for the first time since meeting her, Y/N gave him a genuine smile and he’d be lying if he said his heart didn’t skip a beat. 
“You got a pen?” She asked, knowing that she wanted a few things.
Jimmy grabbed a pen from the small desk in the room and a piece of paper. 
“Hit me with it.” He told her.
“Ok, I want an extra large whopper meal, a large order of onion rings, an extra large chicken nugget meal and a chocolate sundae. I also want two cheeseburgers and a chicken burger.” She said, making Jimmy’s eyes bug out of his head.
“Damn.” Jimmy remarked.
“What? I’m thinking of breakfast tomorrow and if I know anything from traveling as a kid, it’s that burger king always tastes better cold and for breakfast the next morning.” She explained.
“Never thought of that.” Jimmy said as he finished writing her order. “Anything else or is that all?” He asked.
Y/N thought for a minute.
“One more thing?” She questioned.
“Fuck me, ok.” He said as he put pen to paper again.
“A caramel sundae as well as the chocolate one.” She said, remembering her mother’s tradition of mixing the caramel and chocolate sundaes together.
“To confirm, you want an extra large whopper meal, an extra large chicken nugget meal, a large order of onion rings, a chicken burger, two cheeseburgers, a chocolate sundae and a caramel sundae.” Jimmy said, reading the list carefully.
“Yup, that should do it.” She said proudly. She was excited for cartoons while she ate. It was going to be just as fun as when she was a kid and on holiday with her mom when her dad was away working.
“Awesome.” Jimmy said as he headed toward the door.
He barely had his hand on the doorknob when Y/N spoke up again.
“Jimmy?” Y/N asked. He turned to face her, waiting for her response.
“Thanks for getting all that.” She said, genuinely.
“You’re welcome.” He muttered, opening the door, heading to get their food.
While Jimmy was out getting their food and some other treats he wanted from the store, Y/N got the room ready for the night and for their fast food feast.
She untucked the blankets on the bed and set up a partition in the middle of the bed so their sides were clearly marked, she turned on the nickelodeon channel ready for the cartoon binge fest and she had changed into her cozy pj’s. She didn’t care that they were oversized and granny looking. The point was that she was comfortable and had room for all her food.
When she was done with all of that, Y/N sat back on the bed and watched spongebob. It was one of her favorite cartoons to watch while she was traveling. It gave her a sense of nostalgia.
This particular episode, spongebob and Patrick were up to their usual chaotic mischief and every moment of the episode, Y/N was in a fit of giggles so loud Jimmy could hear them as he came back with the mass amount of food.
“Uh, a little help.” Jimmy said as he struggled to balance the items in his hands.
“Oh my god Jimmy, that’s way more than what I asked for.” Y/N told him.
“Thank you captain obvious, I hadn’t noticed.” He sassed her.
“Ok, Ok, no need to snap.” She said.
Y/N set the burger king bags etc. on the bed and the rest of the things she placed on the small desk.
“That’s everything.” Jimmy said as he entered the room with four six packs of beer.
“Beer?” Y/N asked, surprised that Jimmy drank beer. She took him as a wine guy after all.
“It goes with the chips I got.” He said.
Y/N squinted at him.
“What kind of chips?” She questioned.
“Salt n vinegar and bbq.” He replied.
“I approve.” She said.
“Good to know.” He said. 
“So is it a split situation?” She asked.
“For what?” He asked in reply.
“For the beer.” She responded.
“Uh, yeah. 12 for me, 12 for you.” He said.
“Thank you.” Y/N said as she sat down to eat her melting ice creams.
Jimmy soon joined her in eating his food and the both of them laughed and reminisced while they watched cartoon after cartoon.
In fact, they’d go as far as saying they bonded over their festivities. Jimmy learned things no one knew about Y/N and Y/N learned things no one knew about Jimmy.
At 2am, Jimmy woke up with a start. It wasn’t a new thing. He had been having nightmares ever since he had left Springfield and as much as he tried to rid those thoughts and memories from his mind, it never seemed to do much good.
“What’s wrong?” Y/N muttered lowly, feeling Jimmy stir beside her.
He didn’t want Y/N to know the truth so he came up with a quick lie, hoping it would appease her.
“You were snoring.” He said hurriedly.
Y/N knew that she didn’t snore but she had to give him kudos for all the lies he was able to think up on the spot. It took some real talent to do that.
“I do not snore. You liar.” She scoffed.
Jimmy sighed.
“You don’t have to tell me but you don’t have to lie either.” Y/N said.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Jimmy replied, turning over to face her so that he could see her better.
“Don’t let this get in your head but you’re a good guy Jimmy and whatever is bothering you, you shouldn’t let it overtake the goodness you have.” Y/N said.
Jimmy smiled. He knew that she was right and it made him feel good to know that someone saw that he wasn’t just a pretty face like so many women had told him. Y/N could see something in him that held promise and that made his heart happy.
“Is there anything I can do that will help you go back to sleep?” Y/N asked, not knowing that Jimmy had already fallen asleep again. His body feeling exhausted from the day’s events.
“Rest easy Jimmy and don’t worry, I’m right here.” She whispered, kissing his cheek gently.
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**And anyone else who wants to be tagged in anything I write whether imagines or original work, let me know.**
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wrathofrats · 1 year
what’s your favorite pairing of ghouls?? and why?
You’ve opened a flood gate my friend bc there’s a couple
Probably the absolute most favorite is Swiss and dew. They’re fucking idiots and I want to shake both of them like a water bottle of crystal light, affectionately. They’re like two sides of the same coin chaos wise. (My own headcanons and pulling from a lot of diff creators here) I just love how they’re characterized together. Dew being a brat and a shithead, messing with people for his own entertainment and not being super open emotions wise. And then Swiss just knows him inside and out, and isn’t afraid to completely break him open and rub salt in his wounds, and dew loves it. It’s what he needs to ground him.
Kind of a pair but also not depending but Swiss and cumulus or Swiss and cirrus and cumulus. Swiss is just the biggest flirt and loves to mess with people, so I love imagining him always flirting with cumulus, constantly flattering her, and just submitting so well for her (or her and cirrus) when they get into the bedroom. Just imagining him being so submissive for her !!!!!!! Especially if both cirrus and cumulus are there to completely ravage him
MOUNTAIN AND DEW!!!!!! I’m am banging my fists on the floor at these two. Mountain being a fairly stoic more serious guy, just wants to do his work and be an upstanding citizen, and then dew just being a complete menace, again as I said before, a brat. And mountain has his patience, he knows dew will stop at some point if he doesn’t indulge, but sometimes he can’t help himself. He just has to teach the smaller ghoul a lesson. BUT ON THE FLIP SIDE imaging dew being good for mountain! And not even in a completely sexual sense, just dew being nice and sitting with mountain while he works in the green house, and listening to him talk, or cuddling with him. Ugh just dew being soft for him MY STOMACH HURTS
i could probably talk about every single pair like this, but these make me want to eat drywall when I see them paired together (affectionately)
I hope you enjoyed
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 1 year
Rare pair stuff, if you’re still open that. Got three pairs actually.
Sayaka and Mahiru. (I’m planning to pair them in a fic I’m working on)
Chihiro and Miu. (See above reason)
Kiyotaka and Nagito. (They have a friendly rivalry in the aforementioned fic.)
Idk, would love to see your thoughts on any and all of these pairs.
oh man i went long with these but les go!
Sayaka/Mahiru: Girlboss 4 Girlboss lol. Okay but these two are one of them duos that were just BOUND to meet. A literal popstar is in fact going to have/need a lot of photo shoots and who better to do that than the Ultimate Photographer? And y’know Mahiru would have a lot of enjoyment photographing Sayaka considering how much Sayaka genuinely loves being an idol and how she did it originally to bring a smile to people's faces (the way the idols she watched growing up would make her feel less alone with their smiles). Mahiru enjoys capturing people at their happiest and watching Sayaka on stage, surrounded by her team members (who are more family than anything else), inspiring others like she always dreamed of—well I think the sight would be breathtaking and sweep Mahiru off her feet. But it’s not like everything is rainbows and sunshine with Sayaka—she’s done things she’s not happy about to achieve her dream, but if there’s someone who can be sympathetic towards good intentions through questionable means, Mahiru would be one of them. I mean she was willing to not only forgive her friend for actual murder, but also help cover it up—yeah I think Mahiru is the type to really stick by someone even at their lowest if she knows that they really just wanted the best and didn’t intend for it to go that far. Honestly I think these two would be such a comfort to each other. 
Kiyotaka/Nagito: I’ve actually talked about this combo before! I dubbed them the “Law Abiding Citizens* (exceptions apply)” duo because yeah they both do seem to like upholding the rules! Of course, Nagito is the “exceptions apply”—Komaeda “murder and arson is okay but I draw the line at underage drinking” Nagito. To touch back on what the anon from before mentioned about them: both Nagi and Taka have a very “humbled” view of themselves but for widely different perspectives—Taka values hardwork first and foremost and discredits natural talent, Nagito views natural talent as the best indicator of worth, thus both viewpoints resulting in Nagi and Taka feeling like their respective talents aren't much to talk about for different reasons. Then there’s the pride they both have in Hope’s Peak and wanting to be the very best of an upstanding student for their school. There’s enough common ground for these two to simultaneously agree on one thing and then completely disagree on another within one sentence, which I think makes for some great interactions! A sort of agree to disagree mentality. So I can totally see how a friendly rivalry can spark between these two with Taka potentially trying to prove that hardwork is the best indicator of one’s purpose and Nagito inadvertently pushing his buttons by saying things like “just what you’d expect to hear from the Ultimate Moral Compass! Your talent to come to the defense of even lesser beings is truly inspiring. And to humble yourself to such an extent as belittling your own natural talent to give hope to the less fortunate—while I don’t agree in such a practice—is still quite admirable!” and the cycle continues.
Chihiro/Miu: Another ship I’ve (somewhat) talked about in a previous ask! Oooooo these two would be the nerdiest of nerd power couple. I just love that what would connect these two is a no brainer and everyone can automatically see how they’d wind up interacting (much like Sayaka and Mahiru)—Ultimate Programmer and Ultimate Inventor? OBVIOUSLY they're bound to talk at SOME point how can they not?? They’re talents are so complimentary it would be an absolute mistake not to get them to combine their forces! But with that being said, their personalities are just polar opposites in every way besides their mutual anxiety lol. But maybe it can be that type of relationship where one helps there other in an area they’re lacking in—Miu helps Chihiro become more confident with speaking their mind and Chihiro helps Miu learns how to keep her temperament to an extent (or least when Miu is around Chihiro). I also like to think that Miu—who’s quite comfortable in her skin, would help Chihiro become more comfortable in theirs too. While you’d think Chihiro would be the more positive influence between the two, funnily enough, I honestly think Miu’s influence would do Chihiro a world of great good.
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eien-no-gakusha · 2 years
Outen no Mon/Deep Sea
The Tale of Young Sugawara no Michizane
Outen no Mon the show made me want to read the manga.  Reading the synopsis, I originally joked with friends that this was just another Heian era swashbuckling mystery thriller or Onmyoji knockoff sans magic.  It is not just another Heian era swashbuckling mystery thriller, it is…different enough to be called unique.  Where Onmyoji was basically tale of a smartass, debauched sorcerer and straightlaced warrior who overcome their differences to save Heian-kyo to comical effect; Outen no Mon is about a smartass, bookworm scholar and playboy warrior who overcome their differences to save Heian-kyo.  As in any story set in Heian-kyo, it is haunted.  No wonder onmyoji business was booming during that era.  The difference is in Onmyoji the ghosts are real while in Outen no Mon the real danger lies in man.  As for the chick in the team, the immortal priestess is replaced with an imports and antique dealer who is probably also running a sweatshop of counterfeit goods.  But she has a good heart and uses her talents in service of the protagonists so don’t worry about it.
In summary we have the brains, the brawn, and the street smarts for our protagonist team of investigators.  They can also be classified as middle class (Sugawara no Michizane), aristocrat (Ariwara no Narihira), and peasant (Shouki).  They are performed by our triple moon tops:   Tsukishiro Kanato, Houzuki An, and Umino Mitsuki respectively.  (I just realized the tops and niibante of moon troupe all have moon in their name.  Coincidence? ^^;)  This is my second non-romantic Takarazuka show in a row.  First I got a politically-charged Chinese historical fiction and now I got a politically-charged Japanese historical fiction.  In other words, this show tends to focus on the mystery and we follow the friendship of Michizane and Narihira more closely than anything Shouki is doing.  Reiko and Chinatsu portrayed their respective roles and contrasted each other admirably.  Michizane as a character is a shut-in bookworm and apathetic to the machinations of the court, choosing to mingle with the commoners whom he feels kinship with.  This often manifests as dressing casually to see the Emperor.  In the manga, he is a classic shounen hero with a difficult, socially awkward personality but still a morally upstanding citizen.  Reiko’s version is a bit more socially competent and suave because she is a Takarazuka hero.  Her Michizane comes across as an introverted and introspective youth rather than full hikikomori.  Since we aren’t privy to internal monologue in this staging, this is probably a better approach for presenting the main character.
Then we have Chinatsu as Narihira, resident playboy and military officer responsible for the safety of Heian-kyo.  While being a nepo-baby nobleman, he does take his job seriously and is open-minded.  His haughtiness and discrimination against the peasants is a result of ignorance rather than him being a dick and his friendship with Michizane begins with him opening his eyes to the plight of the disenfranchised.  I feel the fanservice was toned down compared to usual Takarazuka fare.  Narihira is so blasé about his charms.  Instead of a dramatic pose or drawn out moment where he puts his flirt on, he’s just going about his day and doing his job.  He just throws out a wink or wave while on patrol but marches professionally on when he’s on the clock even if fangirls are present.  That strikes me as a different portrayal of playboy from the norm.  Houzuki An is certainly one who would know she is suave without overcompensating. XD  Her makeup didn’t photograph well in some angles and I think she was attempting an old man but sexy look as Narihira is considerably older than Michizane.  Chinatsu’s voice is divine and it’s strong enough to carry.  Couple times she nearly blew out her mic in both the show and revue.  Also, I swear she had more costume changes than the Top Star since she’s playing a man of society so we saw her in dress uniform, street uniform, casual ensemble, etc.  On the other hand, Michizane is a maverick scholar known to be a slob who even dares to come to court in the Heian version of sweatpants and T-shirt so Tsukishiro Kanato is usually in the same outfit.
As the political intrigue features heavily in the story, the show is a bit of a sausage fest so there isn’t much for musumeyaku to do.  There are only three named female roles of note so it makes sense that Eri would take the biggest female role.  Shouki is a fun character in her own right and has no romantic subplot as a shrewd businesswoman and an equal member of our intrepid trio.  She is the ingenious friend who provides the resources to make Michizane’s plans a reality.  It is a refreshing role for a musumeyaku, who usually get stuck as love interests.  Of course, there is star-crossed romance on the side in case seinen is not your genre.  Narihira and Takako were lovers who tried to elope in their youth but circumstances of birth have rendered their relationship forbidden.  They resolve this the mature, Japanese way (those of you who watch Japanese historical dramas know what I’m talking about).  For a side character and love interest, Takako is a complex character with her own personality and drive despite her vulnerable social circumstances that Amashi Juri brought to life.  Generally, the female characters were well-developed and interesting even if sparse.
Kazama Yuno as Fujiwara no Mototsune is practically a lead character and a complicated antagonist.  He doesn’t have much depth to him as cold and calculating Fujiwara Jr who does most of foster dad’s dirty work.  However, his relationship with everyone else makes him interesting.  He had a not-negative acquaintance with Kisshoumaru, Michizane’s deceased older brother.  However, his younger brothers were responsible for Kisshoumaru’s death.  Thus, Mototsune and Michizane’s relationship is awkward to say the least.  If his solo number is any indication, he really did consider the Sugawara brothers as friends and misses their childhood romps while regretful about the harm his dick younger brothers inflicted.  Mototsune hasn’t completely gone to the dark side yet, perhaps due to him being a distant relative adopted into the main branch of the Fujiwaras or his youth.  Him and Takako are on the same boat as adoptees from a lesser branch of the family so he is more sympathetic and softer towards her.  He’s also willing to give respect when it is due, even if it is for the opposition.
Those are the characters worth mentioning.  The supporting cast do their jobs.  The two child characters are comic relief running around to sing the praises of Michizane’s genius.  Groups of women serve to showcase how corruption has disenfranchised the poor or as fangirls to promote Narihira’s star stud status.  The Sugawara household are a wholesome and supportive family who are scholarly and down to earth.  The Fujiwara household is…evil.  I joke but they portray a toxic and strained family.  Half are spoiled, despotic fools hiding behind the family name while the other half are miserable, calculating souls forced to make sacrifices and make up the slack of the former.  The emperor is young, naïve, and weak.  But he is always that way in any media featuring the corrupt Fujiwara puppeteering the throne (an actual stretch of history Japanese media love to defer to).  Overall, a strong cast from Tsukigumi!
Story wise, it was a good opening but as the manga is ongoing and probably quite lengthy, it feels like we just completed an arc.  The arc is specifically about a demon parade harassing the streets of Heian-kyo that kills hapless citizens caught in its path.  By imperial decree among other circumstances, our main characters find themselves working together to stop the murders and uncover the truth of the matter.  The mystery of murder-ghosts was resolved but a lot of the interpersonal conflicts remained open-ended.  And what I mean by resolution is the streets are safe again now that the murderers are arrested but we never learn the motive or discover the mastermind.  In this respect, the musical did end a bit abruptly.  Regardless, I enjoyed the pacing, intrigue, and story immensely.
The plot was quite rich.  There is the main plot of why there’s a demon parade abducting people at night.  Michizane deduces this is a more earthly problem and together with his crew they catch the culprits.  Additionally, we are given lots of political intrigue with a naïve young Emperor being controlled by the Fujiwara clan.  Papa-Fujiwara is such a social climber he’s adopting all his country bumpkin relatives to be his pawns in court.  His heir is an adopted son and now he’s acquired a new daughter he’s trying to shove into the emperor’s harem.  Someone wants the emperor dead and someone is using the emperor for their own ends, all fingers point to the Fujiwaras but they are untouchable.  There are many layers to this show.
The character relationships are also complicated and the conflicts hit in the feels.  The main character is disenchanted with the Japanese court and is struck with wanderlust so strong he wants to go abroad and explore broader horizons.  He has big dreams and genius to match but is hampered by politics and domestic issues.  Reiko explains all of this in song form!  You have hard-working and practical Shouki who may be doing some shady business but the economy is bad and the system is against her.  Narihira and Takako are pining for each other, but are unable to reconcile their duty to family and their own pride.  Theirs is a bittersweet ending.  Mototsune has a lot of internal conflict to sort through but being a corrupt politician is hard work.  The list goes on.  I wasn’t moved to tears but was invested in the characters.
The musical is definitely plot driven.  I had more of an impression of that and the character development than I did of the musical numbers, which informed the story rather than serve as earworms.  The diegetic dance sequence in the imperial court was the only memorable number.  This was a grand dance number where Takako was meant to perform and seduce the emperor.  Then it transitions to the investigating trio being forced to duet together while they try to protect the emperor from assassination without ruining the banquet.  Lots of flashy bird costumes in this scene.  The court ladies are doing some sort of crane or heron dance with not-Takako at the center in a silver crane costume equipped with anachronistically showgirl style headdress.  Then Michizane and Shouki perform what appears to be a mandarin duck dance (based on the costume) but are interrupted due to Murphy’s law and lots of plots so Narihira has no choice but to take Shouki’s place.  Read into that what you will.  While the emperor has his attention on the stage within the stage, the audience is focused on the surrounding intrigue.
Overall, I quite liked it.  Now I will go read the manga and see how it compares.
The Carnival of the Sea Gods
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After such an amazing show, I was underwhelmed by the revue.  Deep Sea?  More like “Glitter Cabaret.”  The theme was very subtle, which can be creative genius or WTF.  It was leaning towards the latter for me.  There were some ideas I liked such as the jellyfish tailcoats and personified pearls representing inspiration, courage, and hope.  The Mariana Trench episode was an interesting direction… Not all the ideas hit.  There were some snappy tunes but nothing memorable.  Lots of spicy Latin flavor such as tango, frills, spurned lovers, etc as advertised.  This revue was very shiny.  Blindingly so at times.  That is my biggest impression of it.
The revue was a hit-or-miss, but that is just my opinion.  My neighbors were significantly more impressed.  Amazingly enough, I was surrounded by sweaty dudes.  One grandpa was camped out with all his binoculars including a piece of equipment fit for birdwatching.  He was regularly switching between binoculars during both show and revue.  Another gentleman was clearly looking for a specific seito, perking up at specific times.  All the gentlemen fans noticeably leaned forward during the rockettes number.  No judgment there, Takarazuka entertains all!
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acourtofthought · 2 years
I know you’re mainly for the Elucien ship in the ACOTAR world but it’s Gwynriel week and looking at the artwork makes me go—how could ANYONE not think that these two belong together. Think of all the fun they could have and the actual things they’d do with each other.
The same goes for Elucien really. When you look at just aesthetic, they belong together like no other. There’s no other way to put it. If you really stick the the character’s aesthetic E/riel don’t mesh as well. They keep putting her with Truth Teller too when we know for a fact that she returned it to him and walked away.
🥰🥰🥰 that’s all from me! Hope you have a good day!
Gwynriel just feels right, doesn't it? I love that they are both competitive in a playful way because I don't recall any SJM couple who shares in that trait quite so strongly. Nesta and Cassian definitely don't. Neither did Rhys or Feyre. Nor Aelin or Rowan. They are literally the couple that will constantly be trying to one up each other and that's just fun. And it makes me laugh when people trying to insult Gwyn by claiming she's "childish". Az is not some extremely upstanding, responsible, mature citizen 😂. Rhys and Feyre read as the Mom and Dad of the group while Cassian and Az remind me of the trouble making children. And Gwyn seems like she'd be right there at Az's side, being a lot brave and occasionally a bit reckless. Seeing Elain and Az interact as "love interests" brings about a feeling of discomfort. Gwyn and Az as "approaching the friendship stage" brings about a feeling of happiness and joy. And eventually that will cross over into love which is an excellent thing to have in your relationship. I'm sure they'll hit a few speed bumps along the way since SJM doesn't make relationships that easy but you can already tell the kind of playful that endgame Gwynriel will be. I also agree about Elucien. They are pretty unique to the SJM worlds. I don't know of two other characters who are such quiet, intelligent observers, who try to find paths that don't involve war and destruction, who tend to hold back what they're actually thinking in favor of a more diplomatic approach. It will be interesting for her to give us POVs for them because to me they are very different than anyone she's written about so far.
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keclan · 1 year
ALSO one confirmed homophobic. random lady asked if he was a couple with four and made the “huh? gay people? 🤨” dean winchester face, while #gayicon four blithely said they were a couple for a 10% off coupon
i have to believe that the writers knew he sucked and it was intentional, because all his behavior makes sense when you recontextualize with his backstory. for me its always that he goes from “we may have been bad people before but that doesn’t define us, we can all choose to be better now, we’re not those people anymore” straight to “but you’re all evil criminals unlike me, i’m a normal nice upstanding citizen, that’s why i’m built different, it’s in your nature to be evil i guess idk” as soon as he found out he wasn’t jace corso. that shit goes from ungodly annoying to actually good writing when you think about him as intentionally bad.
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enkisstories · 22 days
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The explorer duo entered the prison feeling more than a little uneasy. In the past they had dodged several laws and on occasion crossed into criminal territory. But there were no WANTED! - notices on their heads, so as far as the prison management was concerned, they were aiding a couple of upstanding citizens after a crash.
Brandon and Yuki briefly wondered whether they'd get their meals served in an office or would have to sit between the inmates. Turned out only a single prisoner was present in the messs hall and he had picked the seat closest to the entrance.
The duo took seats at the same table.
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The man seemed to be only dimly aware of his surroundings, and that didn't even change when the food's scent tickled his nose.
Armitage: Sausages! That's the good stuff the droids only bring out when an inspection is due. For the inspector, that is.
How easy it would be to simply give voice to that thought! Except for one who was not just a prisoner of Hoth for well over a year, but also of his own mind.
Yuki: "Is everything here automated?"
After a long while, Brandon and Yuki didn't expect an answer anymore, the prisoner opened his mouth. He spoke with a hoarse, not used in a long time, throat.
Armitage: "Yep. Only droids on site."
Brandon: "And the Republic keeps this facility running for a single inmate? What are you, man?!"
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Armitage: "You don't KNOW?"
Brandon: "Nope."
Armitage: "But... But I'm the Supreme Leader of the First Order!"
Brandon: "The one sliced through with a lightsaber, the one exiled to a moon or the one executed?"
Armitage: "Don't be ridiculous!"
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At this point Hux got up. He collected his own plate and Yuki's and went to do the dishes. Maaaan, they've really broken him.
Back at the table Brandon scraped the last bits of potatoe mash into his mouth, looking away - or back into a time far, far behind him.
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trappolia · 5 months
do you have any of your head canons for rhys and aenea :33 or information about their relationships with other characters :0 or or choices you’ve made within each playthrough.. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH I DONT UNDERSTAND 💗💗💗
i do in fact have some hcs about them !! tw once again for the long post </3
rhys is a neutral evil character !! it's why he got along so well w/ gortash (lawful evil character who could allow rhys access to many, many benefits) and crashed horribly w/ orin the red (chaotic evil). though he certainly has very violent tendences (see: his reign of terror as a child that accumulated in his foster father's death) and fantasises about gore and bloodshed more so than a regular bhaalspawn, he's actually very put-together if not provoked (or aroused, in gortash's case) — which is why he worked so well as a cog in the absolute scheme. he's a very serious character as well, and it shows in his taste (black coffee ... takes his whiskey neat ... only likes bitter food).
HOWEVER! if he has one downfall, then it is that he is horribly high-maintenance — more so than astarion, if you can even believe it. he was of noble background, so he was served by a whole team of staff all day every day until his downfall as a noble heir, and even after being taken to the temple of bhaal, he refused to sleep in that nasty, mouldy place ... stale blood is yuck, even if it is blood and gore and all the things the son of bhaal loves. scleritas fel has been mauled a few too many times for not finding a suitable place of boarding for the beloved son ...
oh, and don't even get me started on when rhys started sleeping w/ gortash. based on this post here, i love how it's basically canon that gortash spoiled durge rotten. it doesn't matter that rhys used to be cosplaying as a rich man like he was before, he's now legitimately rich. i'm talking about being gifted not only fresh corpses or terrified citizens to torment, but also jewels, fine fabrics, embroidered clothes — hell, even a whole suite in gortash's estate that is not fucking necessary because rhys sleeps with gortash in his chambers anyway. they are literally faerun's most annoying couple — but it is also vital to me that you understand this: gortash and rhys were truly, genuinely in love (even if it was a warped display of what love is) i literally think about them every day.
as for aerea ! she's a neutral good character; wyll's voicelines mention how she was generally an upstanding noble heiress growing up until any incident where her morals are being compromised ... duke ravengard has had to pull several strings to get her out of trouble, but she never got any proper scolding for it because she does have decent morals (unlike a certain brother of hers...) and so her acting out was actually called for. there have been incidents where aerea got overly attached and was unable to make a rational decision (see: gale's dilemma with the orb) but it all worked out in the end (he does not blow himself up in this playthrough, i promise).
like rhys, aerea is spoiled ... except she's really, properly spoiled. however, unlike rhys (who lacked a proper parental figure for FOREVER) she was taught manners, so she's generally better at sucking things up and keeping quiet about how she wants to be back in her estate at baldur's gate, sleeping on her silken bedsheets and feathered pillows ... evidently, she's been going through torture while on the road. she also shares rhys' love for the finer things in life, though her wardrobe palette is significantly ... well, lighter than his. she has a sweet tooth too! wyll used to sneak her sweets during lessons (they were tutored together).
aerea is also much, much more popular amongst the companions than rhys is in his own playthrough ... which is ironic because her nickname as a child was literally "the bitch princess" (reference to her general personality + her worship of the bitch queen umberlee). they adore this tiny half-drow with her odd tendencies and her self-sacrificial habits of throwing herself into the line of fire for any of them (she has known all of them except for wyll for a grand total of three days). the people's princess, truly.
but the siblings as a duo ... oh, what tragedy. rhys is canonically dead in aerea's playthrough, and rhys has no memory of aerea in his playthrough ... which would mean a blank slate for them to start anew as a proper family, if rhys had not chosen to become bhaal's special little boy and start on his rampage to massacre the entire fucking world. since aerea is somewhat exempt from his bloodlust, i feel that she'd somehow survive the shit that goes down in baldur's gate and start to gather forces to rebel against what was once her brother ... oh my god. oh my fucking god i don't even want to think about it. holds my head in my fucking hands.
but them as children !!! oh, what joy. i hc that they managed to stay together up until they were 10 or so ?? no older than 11, surely. they were raised as twins even though rhys is by right a few years older than aerea ... whether he just ages slow or she aged quickly during her youth, i haven't decided yet. but due to the circumstances of aerea's birth, they were very much attached at the hip !! it's actually the reason why scleritas fel separated them, since rhys couldn't achieve True Bhaalspawn form while his sister was nullifying his bloodlust ... bhaal's acolytes just really hate to see a decent pair of siblings (they preferred orin and her doing little lobotomies on her older brother ... fun). but before shit went down, they were so happy !! snuck around together a lot, ate snacks, played pranks on citizens passing by underneath the balcony (aerea has had to stop rhys from dropping a potted plant on their heads more than once) ... ah, bliss.
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dudeandduchess · 3 years
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College Professor!Kyō x Student!Reader: Library Sex (Smut, Kinktober, NSFW Scenario)
Warnings: Smut, Exhibitionism, Quickie, Standing Sex (Upstanding Citizen Position), Making Out, Creampie
“Oh god, right there, right there, Kyō.”
Yet again, (Y/n) and Kyōjurō had found themselves entangled in a pleasurable romp once more. That time, it had been meant to be an innocent kiss exchanged between the shelves of the library, until the blond professor had gotten it into his head to get down on his knees and eat his lover out.
If he were to be asked though, he would say that the fault wasn’t entirely on him— not because he would pin the blame on (Y/n), but because of that temptingly sexy dress that she wore.
That, and it had a little to do with the jealousy he felt, as he had seen a couple of students admire her a little too much. It was beneath him to resort to such petty acts, but he needed that tiny bit or reassurance that she was still his.
The way he went about his jealousy wasn’t exactly ideal, but it sure was enjoyable. Especially as he felt (Y/n)’s right hand clawing at the back of his neck, while the other hand held on tightly to his shoulder. Her hold on him only fueled his lust even more, to the point where he had to slam his lips against hers— just so he wouldn’t keep moaning aloud about how she felt so good around his cock.
On top of silencing his voice, he also had to go for short and rapid thrusts, just to avoid making wet slapping sounds; all from how wet (Y/n)’s pussy was. It was as if she was beckoning him to fuck her even harder.
Though, no matter how tempted he was to make her scream and beg for him, he couldn’t do it with all of the risks involved. They were already doing it in the library, with him holding her up by her thighs so that he wouldn’t have to push her up against a bookshelf. If they managed to make one topple over, it would spell disaster for both of them.
“Please, Kyō. Oh-“ The young woman managed to gasp out between heated kisses, thankful that his mouth was keen on staying fused to hers, because she was so close to screaming in pleasure.
Especially when Kyōjurō decided to give in and fuck her even harder; bouncing him on his cock for a brief while, and filling their little corner of the library with the sounds of sex.
The hands on the undersides of (Y/n)’s thighs even gripped her tighter, with the blond’s teeth gently nipping at her lips before he bounced her hard on his cock— eliciting a shaky gasp out of her. That had his cock twitching within her, as he found pleasure in making her lose control.
However, Kyōjurō inevitably went back to his shallow and rapid thrusting— knowing full well that they would attract unwanted attention if he kept at what he had been doing before. Still, gentling his pace down did nothing to quell the orgasm that was building up in him.
He was a little ashamed to admit that he was already going to cum, but he really couldn’t help it— especially when he pulled his lips away from (Y/n)’s so he could watch her pleasure flit across her features.
She was as breathtaking as the first day he had seen her; maybe even more so, since she was being brought to bliss— by none other than him.
“Oh fuck, you look so pretty, baby,” Kyōjurō uttered under his breath, before leaning in and pecking his lover’s lips. The smile that crossed his lover’s face at that had him returning the sentiment, before he picked up the pace and angled his hips in a way that it kept hitting (Y/n)’s favorite spot.
And as soon as he changed tactics like that, he felt her walls immediately clamping down on him, before a gush of wetness coated his cock. He wanted to stay in her pussy forever, yet he was also determined to cum— so he kept on moving within her.
Still, he wasn’t superhuman, and could already feel his strength leaving his legs the closer he got to his orgasm. So, in a swift move, he wrapped his right arm around his lover’s waist while his left hand gripped the shelf behind her for added support.
He put the last burst of his strength into his thrusts, merely holding on to chase after his own orgasm even as his knees wavered a little.
Thankfully, all his efforts paid off instantly, because after one, two, three thrusts he pushed all the way inside her and finally stilled— cock pressed against the deepest part of her, as his cum left him in thick ropes; filling (Y/n) up so much that she could only pull him in for a kiss to silence the pleasure moan that wanted to fall from her lips.
And when Kyōjurō had managed to come down from his high, he reluctantly set (Y/n) back down on the ground. His eyes momentarily closed, as both of them gasped at the sensation of his cock pulling out of her, but they immediately opened up so he could check on her.
“Are you okay, (Y/n)? Did I hurt you?” Kyōjurō asked softly, all while bringing a hand up to cup his lover’s cheek and rub his thumb affectionately against the curve of it.
At that, (Y/n) nuzzled into his touch and smiled up at him. All before turning her head and pressing a kiss against his palm. “You could never hurt me, Kyō. I trust you.”
There was something else that both of them wanted to say, something that ran so much deeper than trust, yet neither of them made any move to admit it. After all, to admit it would be to put more kindling into the fire… and they wanted to protect each other, as much as possible.
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quoththe-ravenn · 3 years
The Bastard Four - Leighton, Avery, Bailey and Remy:
Okay- so you know how Leighton, Avery, Bailey and Remy give off the same rich boy bastard energy? Yeah- all of them definitely went to school together. In different years - of course - but they all went to some really uppity private school in the countryside. Probably were in some nasty fraternity like the Bullingdon Club in Oxford. Leighton is the oldest, Avery was in the year below him, then Remy , then Bailey was the youngest.
Leighton, being the utter bastard that he is, has tag teamed more than one girl with Avery in his youth - I like to think this is where he discovered his love for recording and watching other people. Honestly- I could see him associating young people with the best time of his life (because we all know it went downhill for him after school) and that is partially why he preys on the children at his school.
Avery is the son of a politician. Change my mind :))
Avery and Bailey have beef because of something that happened in their youth, but I don’t know what yet. Probably has something to do with Bailey doing something that tarnished Avery’s reputation.
@magindaras has managed to convince me that Eden went to school with them for two years, and that’s how he met Bailey. I personally headcanon that he was pulled out of school by his Father and they all moved into the woods because his father had some kind of nervous break and became a hyper religious doomsday prepper. Eden has about seven different beaten up bibles in his cabin, and has become a bit of a doomsday prepper himself because of his upbringing.
Last but not least Avery gives off the same energy as Koku Hanabata from BNHA and I guarantee they look exactly the same :))
Ah gosh! These are all so soo good!! I'm gonna add onto it:
(Also I've never seen BNHA unfortunately 😔)
I think Bailey and Remy were in the same class. They never really got along but kind of grimly respected the other.
Leighton was most definitely bullied in school.
Avery was the snotty rich kid who threw parties at their house every weekend.
Their parents travelled a lot for work, but always expected him to attend their fancy events.
Remy was socially awkward, but like in the sense where he didn't see a reason to pretend he actually liked his classmates.
I believe Remy hates putting on a front. He acts how he's going to act. At least you don't have to read between the lines with him
Bailey was a child at the orphanage but was adopted by some rich couple. They abused him to try and "mold" him to be an upstanding citizen.
Probably hired a hitman to kill them and thats how he got his claws in the underworld.
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