#and ahhhhh. i can't tell if it's still me coming down from it or if i genuinely feel Legitimately Unsafe or just. ableism-linked discomfort
camellia-thea · 2 months
i'm still thinking about the conversation i witnessed last night :/
#didn't weigh in when it was happening because Brain and just witnessing it was enough to trigger Fear:tm: and fight/flight#lots of complicated feelings about it#all bad feelings#but just. sometimes you witness things that just annihilate your opinions of someone so fast#and i just. don't want to see or talk to her again.#which is a problem because she's tried to initiate a weird romance-flirtation thing over the course of three years.#which i initially reciprocated then gently started to discourage#(she was like ''no romance between us i don't want to do anything long distance'' proceeds to ask me to fly up to see her.#offers to pay for flights and have me stay with her. asks me out on a date (that i didn't know was a date until she kissed me)??)#and ahhhhh. i can't tell if it's still me coming down from it or if i genuinely feel Legitimately Unsafe or just. ableism-linked discomfort#like. i don't think she'd hurt me. maybe. but i also know that she will not examine why she has isolated and harmed two of her friends.#but this has also completely put into doubt the idea of her *not* causing harm? so i don't know anymore#she also said that one of the most harmful recent representations of my disorder was ''humanising'' :///#(which was immediately preceded by her calling it infantilising. :) )#and then did not listen when it was called out as Active Harm#and then! tried to compare it to a fucking kids film from thirty years ago! about capacity for influence!#and it's just. i'm so fucking tired of trying to correct her#because i am aware that i have a little more influence over her opinions because she has said that she wants me to think well of her#and i have witnessed it with her backtracking hard on things i've criticised even if she's just been supporting whatever was there#and like. i don't want to talk to her anymore. that's a solid thing. i just don't. but i don't want to not explain why?#because that doesn't allow capacity for change and growth and i don't think it's productive#for me at least? i'd prefer for her to know why#but also. she's a significant presence in our social circle and her brother is too#and i don't want to isolate him because he's great and i love him#but. how do you deal with that???#i don't even know.#i keep circling around it.
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lee-laurent · 2 months
June Bug - Trevor Zegras
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Summary: June keeps a big secret. Trevor wonders why June Hughes stopped talking to him.
content: pregnancy, mentions of unsafe sex, angst, casual relationships, arguing, premature birth, fluff
wc: 3.5k
notes: cliche ahhhhh plot, but i've had this written for like a year. finally finished it and decided why not add it to the blog
"Are you doing okay, dear?" Ellen asked, watching as her daughter struggled to isit up on the lounge chair.
"Yes, Mama. Just trying to get comfortable," June sighed, setting her book down on her baby bump.
"Well, the boys should be home soon with your snacks. Just call me for dad if you need anything."
"Thanks, Mama," Jane gaver her mom a tight-lipped grin. She knew her parents were still a bit disappointed in her for falling pregnant at 22, but they were there for her nonetheless. She was hoping once the baby came, their relationship would start to go back to the way it was.
"JUNE BUG! We've got your pickles!" Luke shouted, sliding open the door to the patio. June groaned, pushing herself up on her elbows. She smiled up at her younger brother, tilting her head towards the table next to her. Luke laughed, placing the jar of pickles down for her.
"How's baby Hughes treating you?"
"He likes to kick me in the ribs and make me have to pee every fifteen minutes."
"Sounds like a blast. Just so ya know, Jack actually told me and Q that's proud of you."
"That's nice of him. But I'd appreciate it if he said it to my face. Oh, and didn't pretend that I'm not 7 months pregnant."
"You've still got me and Quinnifer. And Mom and Dad. Mom's been shopping for baby clothes. She's excited to have you at home again."
"She wouldn't have to live at home if she'd just tell the baby daddy," Quinn commented, joining his siblings in the backyard.
"It's fine, Lukey. He's just telling the truth. But I can't ruin his career like that. He's got a lot going for him right now. Plus, Mom siad I don't have to do anything that I don't want to."
"I know, Mom. But it's her fault that I can't even invite him here. He's gonna think we hate him or something," Jack loudly complained to his mom.
"Jack, just tell him that it's a family only vacation. It's going to be his way until June figures out what she wants. We shouldn't stress her out right now. It's not good for her or the baby."
"But Mom," Jack whined.
"Jack Rowden Hughes. That's enough. Go spend time with your siblings."
Jack shook his head, stomping up to his room. He slammed the door and called back his best friend.
"Mom says it's a family only vacation."
"Why? It's not like she's losing June this year. Isn't she moving back in with your parents?"
"Yeah, it's hard to explain. I'll see you when Cole and I come to visit."
"Okay, I'll talk to you later. Bye, man."
"Bye, Z."
"Please stop kicking Mama. She's trying to relax," June muttered to her stomach, rubbing a hand over where her baby decided to continuously kick her. The baby didn't listen, kicking even harder. "You're just like your dad, huh? You never listen."
June's pregnancy so far had gone fairly smoothly. But as soon as she hit the seven month mark, the baby decided that she needed to be sitting down or sleeping at all times. If she wasn't sitting, she was puking or feeling lightheaded. She had had to convince Ellen to let her come to the lake house. She wasn't allowed on the boat and spent most of her time lounging on the back patio with a book. She felt bad as Jim and Ellen had forbidden the boys from bringing any friends over this year, since June hadn't announched her pregnancy to anyone except her family and her best friend. She still hadn't told anyone the story of how she ended up pregnant, but her family was aware of who the father was. Her oldest and youngest brother were supportive, albeit a bit angry with the dad. Her twin, however, was pissed with her and not the dad.
"June, dear! Oh my goodness, are you okay?" Ellen exclaimed, listening as her daughter threw up for the tenth time that morning.
"Mama, I messed up."
"Junie, what's wrong? You know you can tell me anything."
"I-I'm pregnant."
Ellen was silent for a few seconds, before she noticed her daughter was sobbing. She quickly wrapped her into a tight hug, rocking her back and forth.
"Oh, June. It's going to be okay. Do you want to tell me what happened?"
June shook her head, burying her face in her mom's neck.
"Does the dad know?"
June shook her head again.
"Is it someone at your school? I'm sure if he's in California, we can still get ahold of him."
"It's Trevor, Mom."
"Trevor? As in Trevor Zegras?"
"Yes," June squeaked out before she started sobbings again.
"It's going to be okay, love. Everything will be fine."
June stood in front of her three brothers. Jim and Ellen had wrangled them into the living room, promising to be there for June in case anything went wrong.
"What's going on, June Bug?" Quinn asked, flashing her a small smile.
"June has some exciting news."
"You're moving to Jersey?!" Luke exclaimed.
"No, Luke. I- um, I'm pregnant."
"You're what?!"
Jack remained silent.
"Who did this to you? Huh? I'll beat the shit out of him," Quinn threatened.
"You'll be doing no such thing. He- he doesn't know. And I'll be keeping it that way."
"Who? Who's the dad?" Jack finally spoke up.
"Um..." June turned to her parents for reassurance. Ellen gave her a nod. "It's Trevor."
"Zegras?! You slept with Zegras?!" Jack shouted. "There's no fucking way! I told you to stay away from my friends, June! But you didn't listen, did you? And now look where you've got yourself. God, you're such a dumb slut, June."
June placed a hand over her mouth, tears threatening to spill.
"Jack! Do not speak to your sister like that!" Jim's voice boomed, pulling the attention off June and onto their very angry father. "We are going to support June in her decisions. If June wants to keep this a secret, then we will all be keeping it a secret. Is that a understood?"
"Yes, Dad," Quinn and Luke mumbled. Jack, however, shook his head and disappeared to his room.
Jack's solution to this problem was just pretending that it never happened. He acted as if June wasn't pregnant, because to him that was the easiest thing to do. Although he wouldn't lie and say that he wasn't beyond pissed when he found that June was moving back in with their parents in Michigan instead of going back to California to even attempt to get support from Trevor. Keep the secret from his best friend was killing him, but he knew that his parents would actually kill him if he did let it slip. Because everything revolved around June now.
Trevor was blissfully unaware of everything happening in the Hughes' family world. Sure, he was confused as to why he couldn't come to the lake house. And he was confused why he hadn't heard from June in months, especially because he thought that maybe they liked each other. They spent almost every day together while she was at school in California, but one day she went home to see her parents and she didn't come back. He'd reached out a few times, but received radio silence and gave up. And when Jack told him she wouldn't be returning to school after the summer break, he was left alone with no idea what happened to the girl he liked.
"Can I buy him a Devils jersey?" Luke smiled, placing a hand on his sister's stomach.
"No, he'll be a Canucks supporter," Quinn retorted,
"He'll be staying far away from hockey, thank you very much," June sneered, moving her brother's hand to where her son continued to kick.
"Damn, Baby Hughes can kick!"
"Yeah? Imagine that while you're trying to sleep," June laughed.
"No wonder you're always so grouchy," Quinn joked.
"Now, if you two are done bothering me, Baby Hughes wants pickles."
"This is like your third jar of pickles since we got here."
"Shh. The baby gets what baby wants."
"That's actually so gross," Luke cringed as June ate half a pickle spear in one bite.
"Mmm. It's so good. You just don't get it, Lukey."
"Nasty," Luke walked back off into the house.
"Quinn! Come play pool!" Jack shouted from inside.
"Call me if you need anything, Junie. Hope your pickles are as good as you imagined."
"Thanks, Quinn. Love you," June smiled.
"Love you too, June Bug."
June lay in bed, scrolling through her social media. All her friends were on vacation, drinking cocktails, and taking hot bikini pics. She was in bed, drinking water, wearing her brothers' clothes because they were the only non-maternity clothes she had that still fit. She was just about to turn off her phone and attempt to sleep, when a notification popped up on her screen.
Hey, June. Jack said you're for sure staying in Michigan with your parents this year. I was wondering if you wanted to come visit when Jack came. You know, see you one last time.
Fuck. Trevor had stopped reaching out months ago. Why did he decide to text her now? She was considering blocking his number, but morally that felt wrong. She was already hiding his son from him, blocking him just felt even worse. Even just thinking about what she was keeping from him made her feel sick. Even if it was her body, it was his kid too. It takes two to tango. Suddenly she felt bile climb up her throat, juimping from the bed, running down the hall to the bathroom she shared with her brothers.
She held her hair back with one hand, her other clutching the toilet bowl. She couldn't tell if it was the baby not liking her dinner or her guilt of not telling Trevor, but everything felt wrong in that moment. She began to cry, not just from the vomiting but the stress that receiving that text had on her.
"Fuck. Are you okay, June?" Quinn asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. June didn't answer, just sobbing harder. "Junie. Shh. Is Baby Hughes doing alright?"
June nodded.
"Then what's going on, June? Was it dinner? I noticed dinners havent been sitting well with you."
"It- It's Trevor."
"What about Trevor? What did he do? I'll kick his ass."
"He didn't do anything, Quinn. It's me. Why didn't I tell him? What's he going to think when he sees me with a baby in a couple months? I have to tell him. Do you think he's still awake? I should call him."
"Woah, June. Calm down. You're not thinking rationally right now."
"No, Quinn. I need to tell him."
"You're not listening!"
"Shh. You're gonna wake up Mom and Dad."
"June, baby, what's wrong?" Ellen asked from the doorway.
"She wants to call Trevor and tell him," Quinn replied.
"Oh, Junie. If you're sure that's what you want, go give him a call. Should I tell Jack?"
June shook her head, "Only after I talk to Trevor."
June sat with her phone propped on her desk in front of her. She sat so that her bump was hidden from the camera.
One. Two... Three. She clicked the FaceTime button. It only rang three times before Trevor's face took up her screen.
"Holy shit. Hey, June. Long time no see," he smiled.
"We need to talk."
"Woah. Okay? What's going on, Bug?"
"I- um, you remember last time we hung out?"
"Yeah, of course I do. Jamie was out, we had the place to ourselves. I-"
"I'm pregnant."
"Wh-what? Is this a joke?"
"No. Look," she stood up, fitting her swollen stomach into frame.
"There's- I... How?"
"We didn't use protection? I don't know. That's usually how that happens."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I was going to, I-"
"That was seven months ago! You're seven months pregnant? And you didn't think to tell me? Jack didn't think to tell me?!"
"Don't," June gulped, "Don't blame, Jack. I- I kept him from saying anything
"I'm getting the next flight out."
"What?! No! No! Don't do that! Trevor!"
"June, don't you dare tell me what to do! I... We need to talk in person. Figure this out."
"Trevor," she sobbed, shaking her head.
"Too late June. I'll see you in the morning."
"Trev-" he hung up. "FUCK!"
June sat the island in the kitchen, her leg bouncing violently. Trevor was supposed to arrive any minute and she just wanted the world to open up and swallow her whole.
"Stress isn't good for you or the baby," Ellen sighed, making her daughter a smoothie.
"Luke, can you get me more pickles?"
Luke grabbed the half empty jar from the fridge, sliding it across the counter to his sister. Without taking her eyes off the door, she bit into one. Praying that Trevor had changed his mind. Praying that he wasn't about to walk through that door. Praying that-
Knock. Knock! KNOCK!!
Jack opened the door and a very disheveled looking Trevor walked in immediately. His eyes met June's and she started to cry, dropping her pickle back into the jar. He wasn't even sure what to say. What do you say to the mother of your child when you didn't even know she was pregnant until a few hours before?
"Trev," her voice wavered, tears falling down her cheeks.
"It's okay, Junie. Shh, you're okay," Quinn whispered, rubbing her back.
Trevor just scoffed, dropping his duffle bag on the floor. He made his way into the kitchen, standing across from June. He had fury in his eyes and it made her shake even more.
"How could you keep this from me, June?!"
"I... I didn't want to ruin your career, Trevor. I didn't want us to be a burden. Something else for you to worry about," she sobbed.
"I deserved to know! It's my baby too! I-" he pulled at the roots of his hair, "I can't fucking believe you. You've done some stupid shit, June. But this... this takes the fucking cake. How... how far along are you?"
"30 weeks. I-"
"30 weeks. You've kept my child a secret from me for 30 weeks?"
"I- I didn't know until I was a month and a half. I was going to tell you and then..."
"Then what? You decided you wanted to be my saviour? I didn't fuck need that! I needed the girl that I fell in love with to-"
"You love me?"
"That's not the point, June! Oh my fucking God!"
"Let's all calm down, please," Quinn sighed.
"I-" June was cut off by a sharp inhale. She gripped her stomach and the room fell silent.
"What's wrong, Bug?" Luke asked worriedly.
"It hurts! Mama, it hurts so much," she wailed. Another sharp pain and she felt liquid trickle down her leg.
"Shit! Look what you fucking caused, Trevor!" Quinn snapped, helping his sister off the stool she was sat on.
"My hospital bag isn't here," she sobbed, "It's too early! He can't come yet!"
"We have time to get your bag, love. If your water just broke they'll just send you home. You won't be dilated enough for them to do anything," Ellen tried her best to mediate the situation.
"It's too early! He isn't supposed to come yet! He can't! I'm not ready!"
"June, you need to calm down. Let's get you on the couch," Jim offered.
Trevor was in shock. He had just found out he was going to be a father and now the baby was coming. He had caused so much stress that his son was being born a month and a half early. God, he wasn't ready to be a father. But June needed him right now, so he'd have to man up.
"I need new pants," June cried, allowing her brothers to move her to the sofa.
"Luke, go get your sister some sweatpants."
"On it."
"Trevor sit with June. And don't argue anymore, we don't need this baby coming out in the house."
Trevor cautiously sat on the cushion that June wasn't laying on. He placed her feet on his lap, rubbing gingerly at her shins. She narrowed her eyes at him, but stopped when the pain started again. His eyes widened and he gave her a hand to hold while her body tensed.
"Are you sure it's too early to go to the hospital, Ellen?" Trevor asked.
"They'll just send her home, Trevor. They aren't going to waste a bed on someone that'll be there for at least 24 hours."
"24 hours?!" June gasped, "I can't do this for 24 hours!"
"At least 24 hours," Jack pointed out, getting a stern look from his parents.
"Let's try walking around, Junie. That'll help speed up the process... according to Google," Trevor offered. Luke and Quinn had left to drive home and get the hospital bag. Jim and Ellen were trying to give the couple some space. And Jack, well... Jack was sitting on a chair facing the couch, judging every little move Trevor and his sister made.
"But it hurts."
"I know, June. But if we want our baby to come then we should try moving around."
"I heard sex helps," June offered.
"Hell no!" Jack spoke up, narrowing his eyes at Trevor.
"Let's just try walking," Trevor offered sheepishly.
"We're back!"
"Finally! Can we go now, Mom?"
Ellen nodded, "Why don't you and Trev go? We'll meet you there once you've got a room?"
"June. You two need to learn to work as a team. Go."
Trevor threw the bag over his shoulder, helping Quinn get the carseat installed correctly. June sat in the passenger seat, texting her best friend updates. She couldn't believe her son was coming already.
"Ready, June?"
"I've been ready," she rolled her eyes, tapping away at her phone.
"Right... let's go then."
The car ride was awkwardly silent except for a few moments where June would gasp from the pain. Once they'd settled into a room, Trevor decided to talk.
"I, uh, I'm sorry for freaking out, June. I just... I'm scared."
"I was scared at first too. I guess I forgot that you were just learning. And going through the same thought process I did. I just... I shouldn't have kept this from you."
"You shouldn't have, but I can forgive you. Especially once I've met our little guy," he smiled.
"Not sure he'll be so little. Nurses said I look like I'm 9 months," she giggled.
"Do you think they'll take him to the special room for babies?"
"The NICU?"
"Yeah, that."
"Depends on how he's looking. But they said he's measuring above average. Maybe him coming early is a blessing to my body."
"Maybe," Trevor laughed.
A nurse knocked at the door, "You ready to push, Mama?"
June nodded, gripping Trevor's hand a little tighter.
"Is he okay?" June asked worriedly, watching as the nurses and doctor placed him down.
"He's fine," Trevor reassured her.
"You've got a 5 pound baby at 30 weeks, Miss Hughes. Quite impressive," the doctor smiled. "He's looking healthy, but we'll just take him to run a few tests. Just to make sure everything is developed alright seeing as he's premature."
"Can I hold him?"
"Of course you can," the nurse grinned, placing the baby on June's chest.
"Trevor, look at him."
"I see him, Junie. I see him," he wiped his eyes, not wanting to cry in front of June.
"He's perfect."
"He is. Just like his mom."
June blushed, handing the baby to Trevor before the nurses took him to run some tests.
"Can we come in?" Quinn asked, knocking on the doorframe.
"Come in," Trevor smiled. He was sitting shirtless in a chair, the baby on his chest. June was fast asleep, light snores leaving her mouth.
"How's Junie doing?" Jack asked, shocking everyone.
"Good. She's good. She, uh, she needed a nap. So Beau and I are chillin."
"Yeah. Hughes family meet Beau Quintin Zegras."
"Quintin?" Quinn felt his eyes water.
"Yeah. June insisted on it," Trevor chuckled.
"Can I hold him?" Jack was quick to ask, looking Beau in awe.
"Sure. Just wash your hands."
"Okay. Okay."
"Hey, Junie. How're you feeling?" Ellen asked, stroking her daughter's hair.
"Tired. But isn't Beau just the cutest? He got Trevor's blue eyes and I don't think I could possibly love him any more than I do."
"He's adorable, love. The perfect mix of the two of you. How'd the doctors say he's doing?"
"They said he looks like a full term baby," she giggled, "He's big and strong. And figured out how to eat pretty quickly."
Ellen laughed, "Glad to hear it. We're gonna head back to the house soon. I thought maybe you and Trev would head back to the actual house. He don't have a place for Beau to sleep here."
June nodded, letting her mom press a kiss to her forehead, "We're all proud of you, June. So so proud of you."
"Thanks, Mama."
"You ready?" Trevor asked, reaching out to hold June's hand.
"As ready as I'll ever be."
"Let's do this baby."
"Flight 335 to Anaheim is now boarding!"
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pandagyaru · 1 year
"Jasper, don't you think this is a little risky? And high?" You ask, clutching onto his shirt. Your finger nails catching onto the fibers. He grabs your hand, taking it off his shirt and into his own.
"Would I ever put you in a situation where you get hurt?" He asks, nuzzling into you. You look below you, at the ground covered in sparkling layers of snow. From up there in the trees it looks quite pretty, you stare at it for a short while; contemplating what you're going to say. (Completely not getting blinded by it)
"No, but I don't see how jumping from tree to tree is supposed to be fun for me" You deadpan, looking up at him and falsely glaring; a puff of air coming out of your mouth. His gold eyes watching as it disappears.
"You'll see pumpkin" He declares, grabbing your waist with one arm and jumping to the next set of trees with the other.
"You do realize if you DROP me. I won't just get up and walk it off like you would, right?" You whimper to him, grabbing him tighter as not to perish in the snow below.
"Well good news, we're where I wanted to go" He brushes branches out of the way to reveal a beautifully reserved clearing, which you assumed would have flowers covering it fully if it weren't for the snow. Jasper turns to tell you something but he stops at the sight of you staring in awe at a deer. It slowly walks into view, sniffing the ground as it looks for a place to just lay down and relax.
"Jasper! Look at it! Isnt it cute!?" You whisper to him, watching to make sure the deer doesn't hear you. He's still looking at you, a smile appearing on his face.
"Yeah it is" He whispers back. You turn to look at him and sees he's staring right back at you. Your face burns from the contrast of the cold air and your now warm face.
"The deer! Not me!!" You hit him on the arm. He chuckles and tightens his grip on you so he can jump down from the tree. The sound of his feet hitting the snow scares away the deer, causing you to pout. He sets you down.
"You scared it away!" You yell at him, walking into the clearing and just plop yourself down in the snow. The crunching of newly laid snow fills the silence. (You ever see people write "a pregnant pause" motherfucker what?!) You lay back and put your hands out above you, the sky is a cloudy grey color compared to the white on the ground and trees.
"Looks like it's about to snow again sugar" Jasper states, coming to lay next to you. You turn your head to make eye contact with him. (I hate eye contact 😭😭)
"Hey wait. Since your body temp is cold, do you not get cold from the snow?" You ask, starting to flail your arms about in a snow angel formation.
"Not really. Doesn't mean I won't bundle up in blankets tho" He tells you, turning on his side and propping his head up with his arm. You stop making snow angels and just stare at him. The beauty of his sparkly skin with the sparkling white snow, you wish you had brought your phone. (Wait, I know like non twilight vampires can't show up in pictures, is it the same for twilight vampires?? If it is the same, shhhhh)
"Should we be heading back? You're shivering" He asks, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into him.
"Maybe, I can already not feel my fingers" You muttered, blowing hot air onto your hands. He chuckles.
"Let's go home then beloved"
At home
"Ahhhhh" you sighed out as Jasper wrapped another blanket around you. He stands up and looks over you.
"You warm?"
"Like a damn burrito" You joke, sticking your hand out of the blanket and reaching for him.
"Are you sure you need me up against you?"
"I always need you up against me" You tease, grabbing him. He rolls his eyes but then he smiles.
"You're dirty"
"Yeah but you like it"
It's kinda short but I have no idea how to write for this man. LOVE YA
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strawnarrries · 3 months
Can you please please do some kind of smut with Niall body worship. He would be single in this scenario. And maybe it's after a show and one of the venue workers does not care for him for whatever reason, but she ends up alone with him, and he's all sweaty in his tank top, and he seduces her and gets her to feel all his arms and then his chest. And then he has her take his clothes off and he's super patronizing and condescending, and then he has her suck him off, and he's laughing because she can't take it all. AHHHHH!!!
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"Who is performing tonight? Why is everybody freaking out?" you asked your coworker as you helped set up the buffet for the musician and their team arriving soon.
You worked as a runner backstage during music concerts for the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, TN. It wasn't the best-paying job but you liked it. Nights usually go pretty smoothly but for some reason, the air was tense tonight. Everybody was frantic and your managers were extra particular about everything being perfect. You felt like you were constantly being pulled in every direction.
"Y/N, you don't know? It's Niall freaking Horan! He's literally gonna be here in like an hour!" she replied excitedly.
"Oh," you replied, not impressed.
"You don't like Niall Horan?"
"Eh, I've never really liked him. I've heard he's super cocky and kind of an asshole."
"Oh my gosh, don't even say that! I never fangirl over artists but I'm so excited about tonight. He's literally so hot!"
"I guess," you replied with a shrug.
"There's a rumor Noah Kahan is making a guest appearance too."
"Y/N!" she scolded and you giggled before she added, "For someone who works backstage at concerts, you'd think you'd be more into music."
Your workload tonight picked up even more once Niall and his team arrived. You were assigned to work with his team to help set everything up, make sure sound production was working, as well as doing little things to make sure everything was running smoothly.
Niall was actually quite pleasant to be around. Although you could definitely tell he had his cocky side, he was friendly and had a great sense of humor. The concert itself was magnificent. With all the shows you've worked for, this crowd was one of the loudest you have ever witnessed. They adored him and you now understood why. He was insanely attractive and so talented. You hadn't ever noticed until tonight.
It was after the show and everybody had started the cleanup process. You were instructed to go to Niall's room and double-check that he was okay and to get him anything he needed. You knocked on the door, nervously awaiting his response.
"Come in," he yelled.
Opening the door, you walked through and was met face to face with him. A man has never looked so good packing up his belongings after doing a show. He had taken off his leather vest and was just wearing his jeans and his black tank top. He was still sweaty from the show, slightly breathless. His biceps looked huge, glittering with sweat and you couldn't help but stare a little bit, wanting so badly to feel those muscles.
"Hey, I was told to come check on you and see if you need anything from us."
"Uh, I think I'm okay, thanks." His accent was so thick, it made your thighs involuntarily clench together.
"Okay, let me know if you need anything then," you replied, getting ready to walk back out the door before he stopped you.
"Wait," he called.
"C'mere, I wanna talk to you."
"You wanna talk to me?" you asked, slightly shocked by his words.
"Yeah, close the door."
You closed the door behind you, taking a couple steps closer to him. Butterflies were swarming violently in your stomach, nervous that you were alone with Niall and even more nervous that he wanted to be alone with you.
"Did you like the show?" he asked, sitting down on a stool near the counter in his room. He crossed his arms over his chest, and you couldn't help but let your eyes flick down to his biceps.
"I did actually. You're really talented," you complimented.
"Did you notice me watching you?" he added.
"You were watching me?" you asked surprisingly.
"Yeah. I know you were working but I could see how badly you wanted to dance, to sway those pretty little hips to my songs."
"O-oh," you replied, feeling embarrassed.
"What's your favorite song of mine?" he asked.
"Not sure. I've never really listened to your music."
"Ouch, love," he feigned being hurt, placing a hand over his heart, "Why not?
You giggled softly at his reaction, "I don't know, I've always thought you were a little cocky."
"Ouch again!
"Well, now that I've met you I understand why," you explained.
"Oh really? Elaborate for me."
"Well, you're very attractive and a great performer. Plus if I was a guy and had all those girls screaming for me, I'd be the same way."
You felt your eyes continuing to stray from his and land on his arms. His biceps were flexing with each movement of his arm, the veins on his forearm peeking out and causing your mouth to water.
"Oh you think I'm attractive," he smirked.
"Stop, that's not the point of what I was saying," you giggled shyly.
"If it makes you feel better, I can tell you think I'm attractive."
"What? How?"
"Well for one thing, you haven't stopped staring at my arms this entire conversation," he grinned.
"O-oh, no, I-I didn't," your heart fell into your stomach; you were completely shocked and embarrassed you got caught ogling.
"You wanna feel them?" he asked, throwing you for a complete other loop.
"I-I don't-." You didn't know what to do. Of course, you wanted to feel them. But this was Niall Horan and you were on the clock. You felt like you were dreaming honestly.
"Come on, come feel them," he smirked, cocking his head.
This was never something you ever imagined you'd be doing, especially on the clock at work, but you soon found yourself moving towards him, your palms wrapping around his thick bicep. His skin was warm to the touch and his muscles were strong as you squeezed them. The next thing you knew, your hands mindlessly traveled towards his torso, his damp tank top clinging to his abs and outlining them perfectly for you. You traced them, fingers soon traveling down to the hem of his top and teasing it, wanting to badly to feel what was underneath.
Your dreams came true when you heard the words, "take it off."
But you didn't believe it. There's no way he just told you to take his shirt off, "W-what?"
"Go on, take off my tank top."
You didn't respond, just slowly slipped your hands under his top and pulled it up, over his head and oh my gosh it was so much better than you could have imagined. His chest was glistening with sweat, hair lining every inch, making him look so sexy and manly. And you didn't even want to get started on his muscles. His pecs and abs were so clearly defined, that it was obvious that this man spent a lot of time in the gym. You have never felt so turned on so quickly.
You ran your hand over his damp skin. You could feel every ridge of his muscles, the coarse chest hair slightly rough against your soft skin. You watched in awe as your hands explored his body, your mouth watering at the sight.
"Close that mouth, pretty girl, you'll catch flies."
You hadn't even noticed that your mouth had fallen open. Your cheeks immediately reddened in embarrassment as your jaw closed and he chuckled at you, "You like what you see?"
"Mhm," you hummed, nodding your head.
Lifting his hand, he used his curled index finger to lift your chin up to look at him. You stared into his gorgeous blue eyes that were covered by lust. You traced every inch of his face with your eyes, landing on his lips looking so soft and kissable. It was taking everything in your power not to kiss him.
"I can tell you wanna kiss me."
Were you being that obvious?
You didn't even reply this time, just in complete awe of the man standing in front of you. He was so cocky but ugh he had every right to be.
"Go on. Kiss me."
You smirked softly, not giving in just yet.
"You better kiss me first because, in a couple seconds, I'm not gonna be able to resist not kissing you."
"Maybe I want you to kiss me first," you challenged.
His lips immediately covered yours and oh my gosh you could not believe you were kissing Niall Horan. His lips were so soft and fuck, he was such a good kisser. You parted your lips and allowed him to lick into you, tasting you and asserting his dominance over you. You grabbed onto his waist, holding him to your chest as your lips moved in sync with his. The kisses were hot, deep, passionate, sexy, all of the above. You melted against him, feeling your abdomen clench and your panties dampen as he angled his head, kissing you deeper.
"Fuck," he mumbled against your lips.
You continued to kiss, his hands beginning to roam your entire body and you let him. He reached down and cupped both of your ass cheeks in his large palms, squeezing roughly. You whimpered slightly against his lips, chills running up your spine as he nipped softly on your lower lip.
"Get on your knees," he demanded, "Wanna feel those sexy lips wrapped around my cock."
You have never been on your knees so fast for a guy before. Your fingers fumbled with his belt buckle, trying to undo it so you could free him from his pants. You were frenzied and nervous and excited, so much that you could not get it unbuckled for the life of you.
Niall began laughing, "I got you so flustered that you can't even do a simple task like unbuckle my belt. Do I make you that nervous?"
You didn't reply, your hands getting even shakier as the seconds went by.
"Come on, sweet girl, let me help you." he hummed, reaching down and messing with his belt, easily unbuckling it and pulling it out of the loops in his jeans.
"See how easy that was?" he commented and you were just glad you could finally get your hands on what you've wanted this whole time.
Unzipping his pants, you wasted no time and pulled them down his legs, letting his pants and briefs pool at his feet. His hard member was revealed to you and oh my gosh it was so much bigger than you had ever expected.
He laughed at you as you grabbed onto his member; he was so thick you just barely were able to wrap your entire palm around him, "You look scared."
"No, I just wasn't expecting you to be so big," you hummed, hating yourself for inflating his ego even more than it already was.
He was so hard. His red, swollen tip was peaking out from under his foreskin, precum oozing from his slit, practically screaming at you to do something. You began to pump him, squeezing slightly once you got to the tip, running your thumb over it and using his precum as a lubricant as you mentally prepared yourself for what was to come.
"Stop stalling. Go on and wrap those pretty little lips around my big cock."
Obeying him, you wasted no more time and took him in until he hit the back of your throat. You barely had half of him in your mouth before you began gagging, eyes watering in response.
You heard him rumble with laughter, amusement written all over his face, "Can't take it all, huh?"
"Fucking hell," you muttered mostly to yourself as you came off of him, a string of spit following you.
He smirked at your response as you took a deep breath before taking him in your mouth again. He gathered all your hair in his palms, pulling it up into a ponytail to hold it out of your face. You innocently looked up at him through your lashes, watching as his body reacted to your warm mouth wrapped around his most sensitive area. You bobbed your head up and down, your palm wrapped around what you couldn't fit in your mouth.
He pressed both hands against the side of your head and added pressure to stop your movements. Relaxing your throat, you let him take control, thrusting his hips so his member slid in and out of your warm mouth. His tip hit the back of your throat and you gagged with each thrust. His balls slapped against the underside of your chin and he grunted with each thrust of his hips.
"Fuck, this is so fucking sexy. Look at you actually taking it all," he grunted.
Tears began to slowly slide down your cheeks the more you gagged on him. You looked up at him through blurry eyes and felt your panties dampen at the sight above you. He was so sexy. A thicker layer of sweat was glittering across his skin, enhancing the look of his muscles. Chest hair was sprinkled throughout his torso, his happy trail leading down to the patch of hair tickling your nose every time he bottomed out. His face was scrunched in pleasure, eyes crinkled and mouth ajar as he watched in awe as his member was soaked in your saliva, your throat constricting around him and bringing him closer to the edge by the second.
His thrusts began to get sloppy and you could tell he was close to finishing, his words soon confirming your belief, "Jesus christ, I'm gonna cum so fucking hard. Gonna swallow it all? Like the good girl you are?"
You hummed in response, preparing yourself for his load. It was only seconds later when he left his balls contracting and his orgasm ripping throughout his entire body. He grunted in pleasure as his load shot down your throat, warming your insides. Pulling out, he stroked himself a couple times to finish off his orgasm, tugging the last spurts of his load onto your tongue. Once he had come down from his high, he let out a heavy breath and watched as you swallowed every last drop of him.
"Jesus," he breathed, running a hand through his sweaty hair, "fuck, I think that was one of the best blowjobs I've ever had."
Your confidence rose as you stood on your feet in front of him, smirking at him, "Oh yeah?"
"Mhm," he hummed as he placed his hands on your hips, eyes trailing down to your lips, "you're really sexy."
"So are you," you grinned, letting his lips engulf yours before pushing him off, "As much as I wanna continue this, I am still on the clock."
He giggled at your statement before bending down and pulling his pants back up, "Give me your number and maybe we can meet up next time I'm in town."
You smiled, "Okay."
What the hell just happened?
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the-fiction-witch · 10 months
Breathless P2
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Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Sweet
Requested: That was great please can we have a part two, also absolutely love your writing Part 2? Warnings: Medical emergencies / Asthma attacks / medical instruments / medication
I lay in the little cheap metal hospital bed, the white enamel paint flicking and flaking off, the sweet sheets around my body, the scent of cleanliness in the air. I had been here for the amount a week now and so far I had been taken excellent care of, Jack was my doctor and he would check up on me almost on the hour or close to it, to check I was alright, he even gave me my own room so I wasn't on the ward with other people. 
"Hey, how are you feeling?" Jack asked as he opened my door and came inside, shutting the door behind him.
I blushed a little to see him again as I had only seen him about an hour ago, and given the time this would likely be the last time he visited, but I noticed his clothes adjusted and hair fixed since the last I saw him. His hands are a little dirty with blood.
"What did you do today?" I asked looking at his hands, 
"Humm? Ohh, bandaging." He answered pushing up his sleeves and showing his hands off, he went to the side and washed up his hands, "So? How are you feeling?"
"The same. Wheezy, tight chest, coughing nothing up." I explained, 
"Alright, You're not getting any better it's concerning me." He said coming to sit on my bed briefly fixing some hair from my face, "Come on. I'll be quick." I nodded and sat up turning to the window as he took his little listening tool and carefully slipped it up my nightie but I gasped 
"You alright?"
"It's cold," I complained 
"Ohh sorry" he chuckled taking it off and breathing on it a little and then putting it back, a little warmer 
"Good girl, In... and out. just breathe with me, In and out" He whispered  "And around the front" He said moving his tool to my front still under my nightie "In... and out." He muttered "Alright" he sighed moving away 
"What about the other tests?" I asked
"Still waiting." He said "Go on lay back down" he reassured 
I nodded and laid back in bed "Can't I have a cigarette?"
"No." he glared
"Half a one?"
"... can I breathe next to a leaf?"
"No. Those damn things were only making you worse" 
"A pipe then?"
"No. I'm not telling you again" He warns 
 "What is it you're scared of Jack?"
"...Nothing." He answered clearly lying to me "Get some rest, I'll check up on you tonight." He said tapping my hand and giving it a little kiss before he headed to the door 
"Yeah?" he asks turning to face me 
"You'd tell me if you knew something was wrong... wouldn't you?"
"I'm a doctor. I have to give bad news... as much as it might hurt." He said, "Get some rest." 
"Yes doctor" I nodded, his words stung my heart leaving me breathless, I felt like he was lying to me, but I didn't want to push him perhaps I was wrong. 
I sat in bed with my book listening to myself wheeze when the door opened, 
"I come baring soup" Jack smiled setting the soup on my table "It's not great I admit but, there is enough spice in that soup to jump the heart of a toad, so hopefully it should clear your airways a little, if nothing else... you'll certainly feel the air a lot more" he chuckled sitting on the bed with me "How are we?"
"The same" I coughed into my tissue the moment I stopped he glared clicking his fingers and offering his hand so I handed the tissue over
"Thank you," he said stuffing it in his pocket to run tests on later "I also have something else for you"
"Ohh noo... Please no more bellows Jack" I pleaded 
"No, no more. I don't know why I listened to him about that" He sighed "Medicine," He said getting the bottle from his pocket 
"What will it do?"
"I don't know. I hope it's going to stop you from wheezing..."
"But... it may cause you to have a heart attack."
"Ahhhhh" I whined 
"I'm only going to give you a tiny. Tiny about barely even half a teaspoon, if it dulls the wheeze I'll give you more if it doesn't I'll be here to stop the heart attack"
"I don't much like being your experiment Piglet" I pouted 
"I know you don't,"
"Do I have to?"
"Do you want to get better?"
"Yes" I sighed 
"Good, besides your too cute to be a piglet" He winked  "Come on, for me?" He cooed getting the little spoon for me 
I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth
"Good girl" He cooed pouring the tiniest about from the bottle into the spoon and letting me take it "There, not give it a minute I will get the Spirometer."
"Do you have to?" I whined 
"Yes." he glared fetching the little contraction from my table it was basically a tube, a glass, and a weight, the weight sat in the glass filled with water and the rubber tube offered to me, I had to breathe as much as I could to cause bubbles to push up the weight which Jack would then read and write down "Big big breath for me," he says I took the tube and did as he asked even if I almost felt like passing out "Ummm... that is, actually a small improvement over yesterday" he smiled giving my nose a kiss "Right, in a few hours We'll check again" 
I sat at the window blowing the smoke out the window but I heard the familiar footsteps, so I quickly put it out threw it out the window and climbed back to bed grabbing my perfume spraying it around the room and me, as the door opened to Jack, "afternoon," He smiled 
"afternoon," I smiled back 
"What's that smell?" He asked as he came over getting the Spirometer from the table and sitting it beside the bed 
"Ohh uhhh wild English rose. My perfume" I smiled giving my bottle another spritz and trying to smile innocently 
"No, I like your perfume." he said coming over to my bed sitting on my bed and glaring at me as he came closer "Y/n."
"Yes, Jack?"
"Where are they?"
"Where's what?"
"You know what."
"I'm sure I don't."
"Yes you do."
"What are you talking about?"
"Where. Are. They."
"Where are what" I pouted
"The cigarettes."
"I don't have any." I snapped 
"Don't you?" he warns 
I couldn't help but glance at my hiding spot but he noticed and rushed to grab them before I did leaving us fighting over who could get their hand under my bed the quickest and I lost. 
"HA! You lied to me." He snapped grabbing the box of asthma cigarettes my father dropped off yesterday when he came to visit "What did I tell you about these." He warns getting up and dropping the box, stepping on them hard to destroy them, as he knew if he merely threw them away I'd get them out the bin, he picked up the wrecked box and threw it out the window before turning his attention to me, so I sheepishly pulled the covers to my nose trying to hide "the only reason you are not getting bent over that bed and getting the absolute worst bloody spanking of your life y/n. Is because I know you'll tell your father and he'll have me hanged."
"eep" I whined hiding under the covers like a ghost "Don't hurt me Jack" I giggled 
he sat on my bed again and tried to remove the covers but I held them too tight, so he sighed and moved the covers over his own head to join me in my tent of fear "I'm not doing it to be mean, I know your struggling, but they are making you so so much worse you know they are."
"I know." I nodded 
"Hey, come on," he cooed stroking my cheek "A little smile for the doctor?"
I forced a smile but ended up having to cough 
"We're gonna have to up your dose"
"No. Jack please it tastes like bones"
"I know but it'll make you better."
"No. I won't."
"Please. for me."
"You're taking it. either you open your mouth or I'm fetching the funnel." 
"Noooooo" I whined 
"You gonna take your medicine?"
"Fine" I huffed 
"Good girl" he cooed getting the bottle from his pocket and giving me a full spoonful as my dose had only been getting larger "Open up come on" he smiled and I sighed opening my mouth and taking it 
"Ehhhh!" I complained about the terrible taste 
He smiled looking at me a moment before he closed the gap between us and kissed me I had to admit, it was so very nice indeed. His lips were so smooth and gentle, and his slightly metallic woody smell filled my nose, barely any light reached my eyes, our bodies still under the cover like children in a fort, the only issue was such a kiss took my breath away... figuratively and literally. when he pulled back I wheezed and coughed "Is it worse?" he asked a little worried
"You really thought that would help?" I glared with a wheeze throwing the covers off "Yes make the asthmatic hold her breath and both one of her breathing holes with your own mouth"
"Good point." He nodded
"I know you've been waiting for those test results a while jack, I didn't think you'd resort to testing with your own tongue"
"I will do whatever is necessary" He smirked 
"I bet you would" I glared
He smiled kissing my nose before he got up "I'll see you later?"
"I'm not going anywhere." 
"you know what I mean." He glared "Be good. I'll see you later. Ohh and uhh don't tell your father about this-"
"I suppose I could..." I smiled innocently he gave me a look and I just pouted my lips he smirked and held my cheeks giving me another kiss 
"Good girl, I'll see you for dinner" He said stroking my cheek before he headed off back to work. 
I woke up clutching my chest trying desperately to breathe in but no matter how much I gasped nothing arrived in my lungs, I sat up in a rush clawing at my throat as I took in as much as I could but nothing quelled this feeling of needing air, like drowning but above water. 
"Whoa, Whoa, slow. Slow down" Jack told me as I woke him up, he grabbed my face sat on my bed and walked me through some breaths through my nose which did allow air in just not as much as I needed, and once I relaxed I was able to breathe as normal as ever. "You alright?" he asked and I nodded "That's the third time this week." He said fear in his words 
For a moment or two, we just sat following one another breaths, I felt bad seeing the tiredness in his eyes, I had woken him, ever since these night-time attacks Jack would come down to deliver my dinner and sit in the chair by my bed for the rest of the night, I know he mostly slept in the chair but it still left him exhausted, and that was before me waking up breathless in the night which would wake him too and then he would struggle to be able to sleep again merely sitting up all night to watch skin and ensure I was still breathing. 
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah... chipper." 
"Come on, lay down." he said "Get yourself back to sleep."
"what if it happens again-"
"Then I will be here, and I will make sure you okay," he said "Now come on get some sleep"
I laid down as he asked me to "You need to sleep too."
"No, I don't."
"Yes, you do." I told him tapping my bed 
"I shouldn't-"
"Come on. For me?"
"Alright" He chuckled a little at me using what he so often said back to him, he climbed in with me and laid down slowly and gently holding me, our noses touching  
"You think I'm dying, don't you?"
"...No." he lied
"How much longer on those tests you've been running?"
"I got the results back weeks ago."
"Which are?"
"... I can't"
"You're my doctor. You have to tell me bad news."
"You really can't think of a reason I wouldn't want to tell you" he whispered "After... all our time together, I- I care about you too much now to tell you the truth..."
"I'd tell you. If I knew... Because I care about you." 
"... Your lungs are inflamed and I don't know why. the bronchioles in your lungs aren't working, it's like there being strangled."
"My lungs are disintegrating?"
"More or less. They are heavily damaged and only getting worse, I'm worried you could have full-on Pneumonia but ... I can't tell for sure."
"What can be done?"
"....Nothing. I open you up you'll die of shock. or blood loss before I knew where I was and what I was doing, even so... I can't go into your lungs and fix it- I put a hole in your lying you're as good as dead." 
"So what? You're just going to stay here, and cuddle and kiss me till I die?" 
"Don't you think this hurts... I'm a surgeon. and the one person I can't save is you." He said, "Don't you think that tears my heart in two?"
"Is there anything?" I asked
he shook his head "If it was possible, I would tear out my lungs and give them to you."
"That would kill you, Jack-"
"I know that. I would... if it meant you survived." 
"I know you would" I nodded "Is there any chance?"
"....I don't know" He answered giving my lips a sweet kiss "Come on, get some sleep."
"Will you stay with me?" I asked nuzzling into his chest
"Always. I promise" He answered 
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theebubblegumbitch · 1 year
i have been thirsting, extremely dehydrated beyond repair for the past three days now bc of Chad Meeks Martin. i beg of you, i need more content, he’s just.. so pretty.
hi hi so if it’s not too much to ask, perhaps could i request a fic where the reader is more so friends with Tara and Mindy since she’s a bit more shy and they invite reader over for the movie night and that’s when she meets Chad?? and he’s being his usual beautiful and charming self and she’s just overwhelmed and flustered
xtra brownie points if they give off bratz doll gf x himbo jock bf pls 🥺🫶🏽💞 i love your fics, your writing is inspiring tbh ahsjwjd
Girl's Night Interruptions~
Chad Meeks Martin x fem!reader
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Request: ahhhhh you’re a GENIUS bunny!! I love this idea!! also i’m so happy to hear that my writing inspires you! ngl that almost made me cry- anyway I hope you love it gorg <333
Synopsis: At first you were reluctant, but when your two closest (and only) friends Tara and Mindy convince you to come to a movie night, you realize sometimes meeting new people is a good thing…
Warnings: none really since this is basically just fluff, use of profanity, Chad being an absolute himbo, reader being a flustered mess!
Series: Pt.1 , Pt.2
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You weren't really sure why you agreed to this. You had told Mindy and Tara time and time again that you didn't really like the idea of parties, or gatherings, or anything of the such. It's not that you were super anti-social, you just- had problems starting conversation is all. Which is why the only friends you had made all of freshman year were Mindy and Tara, who were really good at easing you out of your tiny little comfort zone. Today that came in the form of convincing you to join them for a movie night. They promised it would be super chill and fun, the perfect girl's night to end the year off! So of course, you accepted.
You were now all about halfway through the first movie on the list, Legally Blonde, which was one of your favorites. All three of you quickly ran out of popcorn to share, prompting Mindy to get up to refill the bowl. "I'll be right back guys, pause it please!" Mindy had called out on her way to the kitchen. You were now left with just Tara, who quickly filled the silence by asking you questions. "Soooo how's your college love life been going so far? Had any steamy hookups?" She asked with a laugh as she nudged your arm. You felt your face get warm quick. "Cmon Tara, you know I don't like talking about that stuff." You said casually, not really mad at her for asking. "I know, I know, I was just curious." Just as Tara said that you heard Mindy walking back into the living room, and it sounded like she was talking to someone. "NO Chad, I already told you it's a girl's night. That means you can't join." Mindy had now taken her place sitting next to Tara again, leaving who you assumed was Chad standing in front of the couch.
Did Mindy have a brother? You didn't remember her ever mentioning him. "Cmon please, you know I'm not gonna bother y'all I just wanna watch the movie!" He was looking directly at Mindy as he gestured to the still paused TV, his request being promptly ignored. "You want to watch Legally Blonde? Really Chad?" Tara was questioning him, not fully believing his motive for joining the three of you. "Yes okay? It's one of my favorites I have like half of it memorized." Mindy scoffed at that, but from the look on her and Chad's faces you could tell it was probably true. "It's still a no Chad." He didn't seem to like that answer, continuing to practically plead Mindy to join in. "Ya know what fuck this, I'm watching it." And just like that he plopped down on the couch, right next to you. It was a fairly small couch and even just the three of you had barely any wiggle room, but with the addition of Chad you were definitely squeezed together. Chad didn't seem to mind though, quickly settling in and draping his arm over the back of the couch. Mindy, feeling defeated, grabbed the remote with a sigh as she accepted the crashing of girl's night.
"Fine, I guess you're staying..." She rolled her eyes at him, and he only grinned back. "Thanks, sis!" It was only now that he realized he was sitting next to a completely random girl as he raised his eyebrows at you. "OH I'm sorry, have we met before?" He asked, hoping the answer was no so he didn't have to be embarrassed. "Oh right, no you haven't. Chad this is our friend Y/N; Y/N, this is my idiot brother Chad!" Mindy quickly answered Chad's question, being sure to emphasize the word idiot. "Well thank you Mindy for that, charming- introduction, but I was asking Y/N, not you." He gestured to you as he said your name, now making direct eye contact with you. He was probably waiting for you to say something, considering you had been silent thus far. "O-oh yea I'm Y/N and uh Mindy never mentioned she had a brother." You stuttered out, hoping you didn't offend him in the process.
"Oh she didn't huh? Well now you know!" He said as he shot Mindy a glare and then you a grin. "Anyway it's lovely to meet you, and don't listen to Mindy about me being dumb okay? What I lack in brains, I make up for with Hobbs and Shaw here." Chad flexed each of his arms as he said that, and you now realized how attractive he was. Your felt your face get warm again, now hyper aware of how close the two of you were sitting. "Ah yes classic Chad, flex your muscles within the first five minutes of meeting a girl." Tara had said snarkily, perhaps hoping to annoy him into leaving the three of you be. "Hey they're my greatest accomplishment okay! Plus I'm sure she doesn't mind, do you?" Oh you definitely didn't mind. "N-No it's fine I don't mind." You were sure your voice sounded shaky as hell as you spoke. The longer this gorgeous man was next to you, the more flustered you got. So much for a peaceful girl's night...
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Some time had passed as the four of you watched the movie in what was mostly silence, besides the occasional comment Chad had made on Elle Woods being a "girlboss" and Mindy having something snide to say in return. Their dynamic made you glad you were an only child. You had now reached the scene where Elle Woods figured out that it was actually the daughter who had killed her dad. You loved this scene, and you had the monologue memorized since you were a little girl. You quickly went to match Elle word for word. You didn't even notice that Chad had gotten excited about the scene too. "...at the risk of deactivating the amonium thyglocilate!" You had both said, or rather yelled it, at the TV in perfect unison. You saw Mindy and Tara's heads snap to the both of you in shock. "I guess he really does like the movie..." Tara said as she grabbed another handful of popcorn. "I told you it's one of my favorites!" Chad said before turning his eyes back to the screen. The shared moment between you two made you feel more at ease, so you went to agree with him.
"Yea it's mine too." You were still pretty soft spoken, but at least you had found some more confidence. You had also found hunger. "Hey Tara, can you pass me the popcorn." She swiftly handed it to you and you set in your lap, going to grab a handful. Just as your hand reached the inside of the bowl, you felt Chad's hand bump against yours as he also went to grab popcorn. It was brief, but his hands were so pretty and soft that you felt like you would remember those two seconds for the rest of your life. You were basically gawking down at the popcorn bowl now, hand still in it. "Oh, sorry." Chad said, muffled through his mouthful of popcorn. God he was so cute."Oh it's fine, don't worry about it." You said as quickly as possible, avoiding looking directly at him. He only shrugged as his attention went back to the movie. It was only silent for maybe ten minutes before Chad spoke again.
"Okay it is literally so hot in here. Is the AC broken or something?" Chad asked as he looked towards Mindy. "Yea it stopped working like two days ago, I have to call and have it fixed." Mindy replied, still not taking her eyes off of the movie. "Well it's like unbearable, I don't know how y'all are wearing jeans." He gestured towards you and Tara as he said that. You didn't realize it was hot, you probably thought it was just him. But to be fair you were wearing your favorite bell bottoms and your thin pink tank-top with a black star in the middle. So it wasn't a very warm outfit to begin with. While you were busy reflecting on your clothing choices Chad had found time to stand up in front of the couch. And now he was taking his shirt off...
You thought you were going to pass out. "Cmon seriously Chad! Do you have to find every excuse to take your shirt off?" Mindy yelled out at him. "What I'm hot okay! Leave me be." He sure was hot. Way too hot... You almost wished it was just you and him so- "Hey! You okay there? You were kinda staring off." Chad said as he waved his hands in front of your face. Oh shit. You were staring, and everyone had definitely noticed now... "Oh my god Y/N! Were you staring at Chad's abs?" Tara asked in an almost squeely voice. You wanted the ground to swallow you, mainly because she was right. "What no! I was staring at the movie!"
You rushed to defend yourself, hoping it was believable enough of an excuse. Chad wasn't buying it though. "It's okay if you were I totally get it, I would stare at me too." You were definitely blushing now. Mindy once again rolled her eyes at Chad's comment, causing them to exchange another death glare, which gave you time to change the topic. "Anyway, we should probably keep watching the movie." Chad jumped a little as you said that, realizing he was missing it and going to sit back down next to you. You now realized what Chad meant by it being hot. You only hoped you weren't sweating from the intense shared proximity.
The rest of the movie went well, although there was one moment where Chad went to adjust next to you, spreading his legs open just a little wider so that he was touching yours. You swore you almost passed out. Finally the credits rolled and Chad stood up to start clapping, it was kinda cute. "Wooooo great movie! Gets better every time!" Chad yelled as he turned to face the three of you. "Yea whatever Chad, you done bothering us now?" Mindy asked as she also stood up with now once again empty popcorn bowl in hand. "Yes in fact I am, I will leave you ladies to the rest of your girl's night." Chad said as he grabbed his shirt off of the coffee table. He went to walk back to his room before stopping to lock eyes with you. "And hopefully I'll see you again later Y/N." He said with a wink that hopefully Mindy and Tara didn't catch.
Oh yeah. You would definitely be seeing him again.
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A/N: ahhhhhhh I love this one so much! i hope i did the prompt justice even though i struggled with the Bratz vibes thing. also i feel like i could totally turn this into a series if y'all wanted, just say the word! Happy reading my gorgeous babes!
-With love, Miss Grace<33
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thevulturesquadron · 4 months
Okay okay I have many thoughts and I apologise if this is gonna end up very incoherent and disjointed but I NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT BECAUSE AHHHHH
You know what the episode did very well (the writers, man)? Make the audience feel like they're taking crazy pills. There's this almost cognitive dissonance from the rest of the squad (Charles esp) with the way they say and behave because as Rogue stated "none of you were there". This is SO good in showcasing that you can be as understanding as you want, be literally a part of the same group... and STILL it's not enough because you didn't have the (in this case unfortunate) exact experience. The previous episode is a great addendum to this. The rest of humanity's (majorly the big wigs of course but you get what i mean) scared and at worst callous and apathetic reaction to the genocide. They're not scared because of what happened to those mutants, they're scared because of what Magneto would do in retaliation. Cooper is another example of how much actual experience can wholly change a person. She's not a mutant... but she was THERE. Erik and Rogue were there... right in the middle of it. How does anyone expect SOMETHING to not happen. You know who else saw what happened? Us, the audience. The latest episode felt frustrating and cathartic in the best way. It felt like decades of repressed righteous anger spilling in the most messiest manner, but it's OUT there. It needed to be said. Rogue's rant at the group before joining Erik, Erik's iconic "SHUT UP" line (yo lemme tell you istg i said the EXACT thing after that drivel Charles said). That's another thing that was so well done. Showcasing that no matter how well meaning Charles is... sometimes it feels like the dude's not LISTENING (Erik talks about watching a child be eviscerated in front of his very eyes, and I feel like all he's getting from others is an 'aw im sorry thoughts and prayers now can you please CHILL out') and does need this slap in the face. And the consequences keep piling up (the last big thing being what happened to Logan). Nothing will ever be normal and it's sad and scary and I'm very much looking forward to what comes next.
On a small note, showing how Roberto's decision was unsure with him trying to apologise to Jubilee and then his shocked reaction at her not wanting to hear him was so sad. It truly felt like a boy who only realised how massive of a consequence he's facing but just wanting his friend back.
I'm pretty sure I had more things to say and a more thoughtful way of saying them but anyway... 10/10. VERY ANGERING AND FANTASTIC. I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE LAST EP!!!
HI!!! ✨SAME!! 💜💜💜💜 thanks for coming in kicking the door down and shouting my way cause I needed that!! My brain has been stuck on a loop with the events in E9.
I love, love, love this episode exactly because of the strong emotions it made me go through. To see the division, to see where everyone stands, to see what matters most to them: what they are going through or an ideal? It. Was. So. Good! It was skin itching to see it at the same time. Each episode has continued to take me by surprise and go beyond my expectations.
I love how well the writers have been able to portray the difference between people who have been through horrible events, and those who have seen them ‘on screen’. Remember in episode 7 when Amelia said 'a survivor is the last thing I’d wanna be.’? Now it resonates even more than ever. It’s poetry. And yes, Cooper isn’t just someone who ‘saw it Magneto’s way’. No. She was one of the perpetrators caught in the middle.
So that when Scott goes around saying ‘Magneto is responsible for this.’ When Wolverine is out for blood - it should make you angry cause it feels like the crimes that Bastion has orchestrated are secondary to the X-men's agenda of 'righting a wrong'. Bastion is just a battle, another villain they need to defeat. But the call was coming from inside the house all along.
I’ve seen people online saying that this episode did Magneto dirty. But I think it’s the opposite. Magneto had always been capable of awful things in his pain and anger, but that’s not the point the writers are trying to make. The name of the episodes is ‘Tolerance is extinction’ - the whole point is to put the viewer in the uncomfortable position of understanding Magneto’s anger, but knowing his actions have big consequences, all the while making you lose your mind at how backwards and ignorant Charles' side seems. People are dying because ultimately his dream is more important than the people the dream is made for. And Rogue and Magneto are calling him out on it. The beauty of it is that Charles is preaching an ethical way where everyone matters, but how entitled and arrogant he must come across when everyone else around him is just ‘sacrifices he is willing to make’ for the sake of an ideal. It’s beautiful and awful that the cry for battle and survival is coming from the mouth of those that have nothing left but violence in them, while the champions of the just offer shackles and tell those that suffer to endure more for the greater good.
Yes this episode is supposed to make people angry and confused. And I think it succeeds.
If there is one less positive thing to say about the show, it's the pacing. You can feel that they were forced to put everything in just 10 episodes because there are a lot of moments throughout the show that are either missing or rushed. (For ex. in this last episode I would have liked to have scene with Rogue and Roberto on Asteroid M, in a similar fashion to what we got for the two X-men squads; just a glimpse at how things are impacting them instead of immediately seeing them in a 'villain guards' roles.) But I am not going to hold it against the show; from what they've delivered it reads a lot like cuts that they needed to live with.
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scourgeofgotham · 1 year
Canary and Jaybird
chapter three
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Warnings: SMUT 18+
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Graphic Sexual Content, Crying, Unresolved Trauma, Spitting, Degradation, Dom/Sub, Slapping, Praise! Kink, Begging, DD/LG, Breeding, Stockholm Syndrome, Reader has PTSD, Mentions of Rape
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A/N: okay in AK when Jason reveals himself to Bruce, he's like “I'm hurt.” AHHHHH I'm drooling, I'm crying, I'm wet. his tone and how he talks makes me sopping wet.
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It was Jason’s 16th birthday, 7 months since he was missing. It hurt her every day knowing that her Jaybird wasn't coming home. Why did he have to go after Joker alone? She was suited up as Batgirl standing on top of the Trigate bridge starting at the Asylum. This was the fifth time now.
She pondered, wondering if Jason could be locked up in Arkham. This was the night she decided to follow through and listen to her heart. She went around each wing silently, trying not to make noise. There was a wing being guarded by an Arkham officer, just as she was walking away she heard the doors open, walking out was the Joker.
Her heart started to ache, wanting her to go and check it out. There's probably nothing in there. It took her a solid 10 minutes trying to figure out how to get in there without alerting the officer. She found a vent in the very top and climbed up there and used her grapple hook to pull it off, once it was off she climbed down silently and dropped it on one of the exposed air vents. She climbed in and found an air vent opening. She looked around wondering what was in there and saw a figure tied to a chair. She surveillance the room to see if anyone else was in there and the only other person was Harley Quinn
She dropped down behind Quinn trying to be quiet and crouched right behind her and knocked her out.
“It-It can't be you.” the voice called out.
It can't be.
She looked up at the body and saw a body wrapped in barbwire. She saw on the suit the Robin symbol. She stepped closer and saw her beloved. He was bruised, covered in blood with a horrendous ‘J’ on his cheek below his eye. “Jason.” she ran towards him wanting to kiss him. “Get. Away. From. Me.” Jason growled. “It's been months since I was captured and now you wanna rescue me?” he sounded so broken and afraid.
“Jay, I've been looking for you. I've been trying so hard to find you. Lemme get you out of here and I can help you.” she softly spoke. “Where is Bruce?” he hissed. “Does he even care?” She wanted to cry. “He's been looking too, I just thought maybe in Arkham and tonight I finally got past all the guards baby. Let me take you home.” She was the broken one, crying trying to stay calm. “I gotta get you out. The Joker is gonna come back soon and I gotta get you out.”
She tried to get the barbwire off of him but Harley started waking up, and she could hear the Joker coming back. “I'll be up in the air vent baby. I love you, I'm gonna get you out.” She kissed him, one last time. She got up to the air vent before the doors opened. The Joker walked up to Jason moving the barbwire off of him. “We’re gonna make a little video for Batman. Harley?” “I don't know what happened Mr. J! I was watching Birdbrain over there and I fell unconscious,” Harley confessed. “Do better Harley or I'm gonna replace you with Batsys pet.” The Joker hissed.
“Alright, Jason look into the camera for Daddy.”
“State your name.”
“My name is Jason Todd.”
“Who do you hate?”
“You know I never asked. What's the big secret? Who is the big bad bat?”
“His name. Tell me.”
“Of course sir, it's-”
She got a sign that he was still alive not too long ago. She saw millions of dollars being drained out of one of Bruce’s many bank accounts. One day after school she saw a Tenderheart bear, brand new with tags on it sitting on her bed. Alongside a copy of her favourite book Wuthering Heights. Inside a quote, “She burned too bright for this world.”
She immediately knew that only Jason would buy that for her.
“What do you say, Princess? You wanna thank Daddy for rescuing you from Bruce? So you can be Daddy’s little slave forever and never have to go outside again? I can bring you everything you want and need.”
“How do y-” “Jason was never good at keeping secrets princess.” he interrupted her. “Don’t stray away from what I asked. You wanna be Daddy’s Princess forever?”
She contemplated, knowing that Jason was probably killed. She saw him get shot and after, she still hoped he survived.
“What happened to Jason?” she asked, still wanting to know. “Okay, Nancy Drew, if you wanna ruin the moment, I'll tell you.” He spat. “Deathstroke killed him. There I said it. He's been dead for so long now that you need to stop hanging on and get over it.”
It felt like a knife was digging into her heart and twisting. “No...” her whole world shattered.
“I got a sign from him, He left me presents. I saw money being drained out of Bruce's accounts.” “Wrong. I got out every single piece of information from him before we tossed his body into the water. I got you your favourite book sweetheart. All of those love notes and flowers were from me. The money, however, Jason paid to not be killed. However, we got everything we wanted out of him.” He confessed. “Now, I've been waiting, and you don't have anyone to save you.” He hissed. He grabbed her face and let go grabbing her neck instead. “Be my rapeslut, there's nothing you can do to make me stop.” The distorted voice made it hard to hear how upset he was.
He's gone forever...
He positioned himself at her opening, “Daddy?” she said softly, causing him to stop and look at her. “Yes, Peanut?”
“Thank you for rescuing me, Daddy.” she sounded broken. “Can you kiss me?” she asked, putting her hands up to his helmet. “Let me blindfold you, Princess.” he got off of her finding something to blindfold her with. “Alright lift your head up.”
She lifted her head and saw he was wrapping a piece of cloth around her head. “Can you see me?” “No Daddy.” She lied she could see just a little bit but not clearly enough.
She heard the Knight push the button on his helmet and saw the shadow of it coming up. She giggled, “Please kiss me, Daddy.” “Of course Belle.” His voice, it was so smooth and silky. It sounded so raspy but sweet. She swear she heard his voice before. She felt his soft lips kiss hers, and she melted. She grabbed his head pulling him in by his helmet, and wouldn't him go, she kept kissing him. The two made out for what seemed like years. She was in heaven, his soft buttery lips against hers. She felt a tongue brush up against hers and moaned. She wanted him to never wear that stupid helmet around her again.
She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him in. “Daddy.” she moaned. She pulled away “Can I please take off your mask? I wanna grab your hair. I promise I'll be good.” she begged. “I promise Daddy.”
“You want it off? Beg,” he commanded. “Please Daddy, I won't ever try to escape again. There's nothing out there for me, I don't wanna think anymore. I don't want to have to fight criminals anymore, I wanna be all yours and have you take care of me. I'll let you breed me, I'll be yours. I wanna stand alongside you and sleep in the same bed as you, I love you, Daddy. I don't even know what you look like, but you know me. You know how I wanna be touched, you know what I want to hear. Please, Daddy.” she begged, tears collecting in the blindfold.
He took off his mask, pleased at what she confessed. He tossed it on the bed next to them. He started kissing her neck leaving hickies scattered across her skin. She moaned and ran her hands up his neck feeling that he took it off. She tugged on his hair lightly, making him bite her shoulder. When she felt his teeth sink in, she gasped “More.” He took this as an invitation and moved her on her stomach, taking turns in between biting her, kissing her, and giving her hickeys. “Such a good girl.” He mumbled.
He decided he couldn't wait any longer and put his throbbing tip in her tight hole. He started sinking in, splitting her puffy swollen lips open. “Fuck” He gasped. “Daddy, it hurts.” she mumbled, “You can’t fit,” she whispered. “I'm gonna fit sweetheart, I'm gonna split you in two.” He thrusted, making her gasp. “Told you,” he mumbled. He was so big, and she hasn't had sex in years. “Fuck” she moaned, he grabbed her by her hair and lifted her against his body, and slapped her across her face. His voice was so smooth and commanding, she was drunk on his voice.
He held her against him with his arm across her throat, his other hand toying with her throbbing clit. “Look so good Belle, stuffed full,” he mumbled. She was mewling with enjoyment, he was so big, so dominant. “Love you, Daddy” she coos, her voice all of a sudden high-pitched. Her right hand holding his arm, and her left is holding his hand that's making circles with her puffy and swollen clit. She kept getting more aroused and started leaking out of her stuffed cunt. “Princess, you're making a mess.” he teased. She started whining. “I love those little sounds of yours” he gasped. She started giggling, “Daddy, feel so good.” she took her right arm and placed it behind her trying to touch him, she leaned back into him. “Kiss?” she coos. “Course,” he mumbled. Leaning into her to give her a kiss. “Change?” she said softly. “Mhmmm?” he hummed. “Want you differently” she whispered.
He left her weeping abused cunt, taking his arm off her neck and moving his arm away from her swollen clit. He shoves her on the bed making her gasp. He flips her over and lifts her legs on his shoulders shoving his throbbing member into her abused cunt. He placed his hands on her legs holding her legs up, she had her hands on his legs.
She gasped. “Daddy” Whining loudly. He pulled out, then slammed himself back in, over and over. He leaned over to her face, “Open” he commanded. She opened up her mouth and he spat in it. “Swallow baby.” She did as she was told giving a toothy, fucked out smile.
He found her secret spot making her dig her fingers into him, making him grin. “Feel good? Right here?” he teased, pushing his head against the exact spot, making her whine and squirm. He kept doing it over and over again making her pull her hand off of his leg and shoving it in her mouth to bite on to hold back her moans. She started screaming from the pleasure, thank god the blindfold is on or he would see her eyes barely being able to keep open.
He pulled her hand out and slapped her again, “Lemme hear those moans” he spat. “Don’t you dare keep those from me” he growled. He took his hand and started rubbing her swollen clit. She bit her lip wanting to keep them in. She couldn't contain it anymore once she felt like she was nearing her second orgasm. “Daddy?” she asked.
“Cum?” she couldn't think of full sentences anymore.
“Almost Princess,” he could feel himself getting close.
“Fucked out of your mind?” he teased.
“Mhmm, thank you.” she coos.
Almost at her limit, her eyes rolling around in her head, drool coming out of her mouth a little bit. Just barely letting go of the Knight’s legs. He is almost at his limit as well, panting and groaning from her tight walls spasming. “Cum together?” She mumbled.
“Yeah, Belle.”
A minute later he reached his climax, “Okay Princess you can cum.” He said letting her tip him over the edge. He filled her walls with his cum, making sure her cunt gets every drop. “Thank you.” she coos. He pulled out of her watching as some of their fluids pour out, taking his fingers and pushing their cum back in. “Filled you up,” he said. “Have baby soon?” she whined, still cockdrunk. He chuckled. “So fucked out.” He laughed, moving up to kiss his little girl once more before the helmet went back on.
“Love you, Daddy. Thank you for taking care of me.” her soft high pitched voice confessed.
“Love you too, Belle.”
She finally accepted her fate.
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reverieblondie · 3 months
*slinks back into your asks* Um... Hey... 👋😅
"... I really want to do a Rolan and scratch drawing!"
One, that sounds adorable. Two, does this mean Scratch would get magical doggie-doors to teleport him around the tower? Three, why do I get the feeling that Rolan would be a 'I don't want the stupid dog' person who ends up spoiling said dog?
~Sweet Anon
aHHHHH!!!!! yEss!
Rolan for sure is the I don't like dogs person before he actually gets a dog. And when I tell you I have been thinking about this a lot, I mean I HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT THIS NON STOP!
Picture this, Rolan and Tav are new to their relationship and Tav is still doing side adventures for people, well lets say for some reason Scratch can't join for this mission so Tav comes over to ask their darling bo Rolan if he can watch scratch while they are gone. on the inside Rolan is like 'ugh, dogs...messy smelly drooly...' but Rolan really likes Tav so he agrees.
Cut to Rolan in sundries with scratch at his side and Rolan looks down at a so excited they are wiggling Scratch and Rolans just like "hey, don't drool on anything...and use the portals to get into the tower."
I should say Rolan is never mean to scratch but he's just not used to dogs at all. so lets say Cal and Lia really take to Scratch letting him follow them around and sleep in their bed but Rolan is the one who feeds scratch. For some reason I see scratch really trying to get Rolan to like him but Rolans just kinda missing the signals. UNTIL ONE DAY!
One day Rolan is laying on his bed not feeling well part he's worried Tav has been gone for a week and half that man works himself to the bone. So as Rolan is laying their Scratch nudges through the doors and he sees Rolan. So being the Good boy that he is he hops on the bed with Rolan. Rolan is all "Oh No, No dogs on the bed. Off. Down." but scratch ignores him and cuddles up to Rolan laying his head on his chest staring at him. Rolan is slightly peeved but this is kinda nice...
"okay you can stay...just this one time...and don't lick me." Scratch immediately licks Rolans face and Rolan just laughs, "Your just like Tav, they like to mess we me too."
So Tav comes back to collect her dog and when she comes back she sees Scratch glued to Rolans side and rolan is all smiles and Petting him. and Scratch like has a job like Rolan will be with a customer and Rolan will go "Scratch we need one feather fall!" cut to scratch trotting up to Rolan with the scroll in his mouth to give Rolan and receiving all the praise from Rolan, "Very good Scratch, someone is well on their way to star employee of the month."
Cal Yells, "HEY! I though i was getting that this month?"
Rolan Yells back "If you would stop sneaking off to make out with Lae'zel you could have! try being reliable like scratch."
Tav just laughs and gives her two best boys a kiss upon her return.
The end of the trip Rolan tells Tav he can watch scratch anytime, and he even sets up a Portal doggie door from tavs place to the Tower so Scratch can come to work (might I add always on time) everyday.
And finally when tav and Rolan move in together Scratch sleeps at the end of the bed every night as they lay their head in Rolans tail.
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tojisangrylittlething · 4 months
supernova - megumi fushiguro x fem!reader
chapter four: the cursed womb must die
tw: canon typical violence, character "death", cussing
wc: 3.9k
a/n: AHHHHH i know it's been forever :( but please take this as a token of my gratitude. chapter four done and chapter five on the way :3
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"if i had known it was going to rain like this i would have brought an umbrella." nobara grumbles, rubbing her arms to try and gain some warmth from her palms.
you chuckle under your breath, not wanting to interrupt ijichi speaking.
nobara, megumi, yourself, and your brother yuuji are all standing outside of a detention center, in the pouring rain. ijichi goes on about a curse inside and the evacuation process, but you're only half paying attention to the words coming out of his mouth.
"we'll be inside in no time," you say to her, an attempt to reassure your friend while also attempting to make the time pass. your comfy dorm bed and the latest episode of your favorite show calling your name.
nobara huffs and rolls her eyes, jabbing you with her elbow lightly, "easy for you to say, i don't understand how you're not freezing."
you shrug your shoulders with a shake of your head, "i don't know either, maybe you just have a skill issue."
nobara's face morphs into a scowl and turns to you fully, "hey!-"
you begin to laugh at her antics as someone clears their throat, interrupting the bickering between you and your new best friend.
you both face the sound, noticing the boys and ijichi looking at you with blank stares. immediately, you and nobara straighten up, placing your hands at your sides.
you smile reassuringly at ijichi, "sorry, what were you saying?"
ijichi sighs and looks at the rest of your party, continuing on, "as i was saying, do not fight under any circumstances. if you encounter a special-grade, your options are to either run or die."
you held a determined look on your face but you can't ignore the growing pit forming in your stomach. if it was this dangerous, why are they sending four first-year students? before you could sink into the possibilities any further, a voice filled with worry cuts you off.
"excuse me? where is tadashi?"
all eyes are drawn to a woman who stands behind a barricade of other jujutsu officials. she's waving her hand in the air and looks panicked.
you can hear all of them ordering her to stay back and to not come any closer, but she is a relentless woman. she happens to catch your line of sight as you look at her.
"please, my son, tadashi. is he all right?"
you can't help but feel sympathy for her, just a concerned mother looking for her son, wanting to ensure his safety.
you go to open your mouth but ijichi steps forward to handle the situation. the rest of you can't help but watch, hearts going out to the poor woman.
you can tell that the more ijichi talks to her, the less it does to ease her nerves. she begins to cry and collapses to the ground, weeping into her hands.
the sight is too much for you to witness and you turn your back toward the scene, closing your eyes and biting your lip, swallowing back any emotions that may come to the surface.
"we're gonna save them."
you turn to see your brother rolling up his sleeves, preparing to go into the detention center. he watches you intently and you nod back at him, not trusting your voice right now.
with that, all of you make your way into the building, unsure of what waits for you within.
you knew that by becoming a jujutsu sorcerer, you would have to see some things that no teenager should have to see.
however, finding a body that only has the waist up was not on the list.
the man is propped up against a wall, fear is etched permanently into his skin and he's still warm to the touch. megumi and nobara keep their distance while you and yuuji approach him, holding onto the hope that he's still alive somehow.
yuuji crouches down and pulls at his shirt, reading the name tag on his chest. you leaned over him from above, unable to tear your eyes away from what you're seeing.
okazaki tadashi
your brain flashes back to the mother outside, she said her son's name was tadashi right?
"let's take this body back."
"what?" megumi questions, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"that woman from outside, this her son." yuuji says flatly, gripping the material of tadashi's shirt tightly.
"but-" nobara starts, but it's you who cuts her off this time.
"his mother isn't going to accept if we just tell her he's dead, but we have no body."
megumi walks toward the two of you and yanks yuuji back by his collar, accidentally knocking yuuji into you in the process. you stumble backwards and catch yourself, glaring slightly at megumi.
"we have to find and verify two more. leave that body behind."
yuuji looks at megumi as if he lost his head, flailing his arms around, "are you crazy? we won't be able to come back for it!"
megumi feels his head beginning to ache, there's surely a vein throbbing on his forehead. "i didn't say to come back for it! i said to leave it behind! i have no intention of risking my own life to save someone i had no intention of saving in the first place!"
you can physically see yuuji's body deflate at megumi's words, body sagging in his grip and eyes downcast.
you clench your fist and walk toward the two of them, effectively shoving megumi away from your brother. he looks at you for a moment with shock, but it quickly reverts back to annoyance.
"no intention of saving him? what the fuck do you mean by that huh? are we just supposed to assume that any civilian ensnared by these incidents are dead? that no one can be saved?"
megumi lets the words spill out of his mouth like a raging fire, unable to fathom the stupidity he believes you're exuding, "jujutsu sorcerers are always given the information beforehand, okazaki tadashi? he hit a little girl on her way home from school while driving without a license, it was his second offense."
megumi then turns back to yuuji, a scowl somehow forming even deeper in his mouth, "i know you're stuck on saving lots of people and guiding them to proper deaths. but what are you going to do when someone you saved kills someone else in the future?"
yuuji pauses for a moment, taking in megumi's words. his brows crease as he opens his mouth, taking a step toward megumi, "then why did you bother saving me? or my sister? whatever the fuck is going on with us, i'd hate to see what we can do with no limits."
megumi closes his mouth and frowns, eyes burning into yuuji's.
"i think you should stop talking to my brother like that."
megumi and yuuji both turn to you, eyes growing wide with what they see.
you are once again engulfed in energy, all color in your eyes replaced with a harsh, white glow.
nobara finally pipes up, frantically walking toward you all while waving her hands, "cut it out! all of you! you're all idiots, think about the time and place before you-"
nobara is abruptly cut off by something pulling her into a ghostly hole in the floor.
the three of you watch on and quickly come back to reality, remembering why you were all on this mission in the first place.
your eyes dart around the room, trying to sense every single thing you could, bracing yourself for any possible attack.
"my dog, he should've sensed-" megumi's own gasp stops anything else from coming out of his mouth.
your eyes are drawn to him when he stops talking, he's looking straight ahead. his eyes are wide with fear and his mouth is agape, completely dismayed at what he's seeing.
you follow his line of sight and can't help the choked gasp you let out, your entire body grows cold.
the head of megumi's dog is sticking out from the wall, blood oozing out of its mouth and eyes void of any life.
as if he feels your gaze on him, he turns toward you, clearly in distress.
"we're running! we'll search for kugisaki la-"
megumi sees it then, the bipedal shadow standing behind you and yuuji.
this is not going to plan.
you see megumi staring past you, eyes fixated on something behind you. you look at him confused and slowly turn your head around, wondering what's oh so interesting back there.
you feel its presence before you spot it. you can't stop the wave of fear from washing over you, all anger from earlier vanishing.
there stands a curse, much bigger than any of you. large, beady eyes and a horrific grin plastered on its face.
you expect it to lunge at you or throw some sort of attack, but it just stares back at you. it is simply observing from where it stands.
time seemed to stop in this moment, nobody moving a muscle for what felt like an eternity.
it's yuuji who makes the first move, whipping out his cursed tool and turning to slash the curse.
what you expected to see was the curse's head going flying and its body collapsing into dust.
what you didn't expect to see was yuuji's arm go flying instead.
you feel his blood spray onto your clothes, which brings you out of the trance you were in, too shocked at what you were seeing to think clearly.
you look down and blink slowly, unable to stop thinking about how warm your brother's blood is on your skin. you bring your hands up to examine them, slowly turning them to inspect every single speck.
you look back up at him and your eyes are void of any emotion, brain unable to comprehend what happened just moments before.
you hear eerie giggling and you are harshly thrown back into reality upon hearing the sound, focus now drawn to it. you're violently reminded of the serious situation you've all landed yourselves in.
the curse is unphased, finding the situation amusing. it claps and giggles, the curse is enjoying this.
you face the curse and hop into a defensive stance, feeling a new wave of energy surge through you. your entire being shines with a white hue and you feel stronger. you want nothing more than to protect your brother and megumi, that's all that matters right now.
"hey sukuna! if i die, you die too right?"
wait a minute, he's not-
"if you don't want that, then help me out."
you keep your eyes on the curse but scream over your shoulder at yuuji, "what the hell are you thinking?"
a chill crawls up your spine, a hazy fog filling the room. the air is thick with dread, you can't help but gag as the vile scent fills your lungs.
sukuna's one word held so much weight, one syllable creating a tidal wave across the room.
"even if the parts of me inside you die, there are eighteen other fragments of my soul."
"you will feel the grip of my hand."
"i will never let you go."
you hear a voice whisper from the depths of your brain, small flashes of light playing behind your eyes. you think you faintly see familiar black, cat-like nails and another hand placed over it.
you shake your head, willing the voice to go away. now is not the time, you have a job to do. you most uphold the duties of a jujutsu sorcerer and exorcise this curse.
you hear a menacing laugh and finally look back at yuuji, sukuna's eye on his cheek targeted at you. his grin only grows wider when he notices your attention is now focused on him.
"she speaks to you doesn't she?"
you can't help but feel nauseated at sukuna's words, your heart is pounding and you break out in a cold sweat. how would he know that?
"she has such a lovely voice, a shame i can't hear that witch sing anymore."
you grit your teeth in anger as you begin to realize that sukuna has something to do with what's happening to you. you don't know how but you know in your gut that he knows something, at the very least, he's involved. you take a step forward, ready to end sukuna then and there.
you hear megumi shouting at you and you turn back to the curse, it has charged up an attack and is shooting it directly at you.
all of a sudden you are about 6 ft to the left of the spot you once were, like you appeared straight from the air. that spot now being taken over by the raw energy from the curse's attack, sending dirt and rocks everywhere.
"what the fuck." you mumble to yourself, confused at what just happened.
"did you just teleport?"
you look up and see megumi staring at you in alarm, smoke swirling everywhere.
"i think so." you look down at your hands and flip them back and forth, in awe of the newfound technique.
you both turn to yuuji, who looks at you both with an intense look. sweat is pouring down his temple and his nose is scrunched up, yet his face is eerily calm.
"take my sister and kugisaki and get the hell out of here!"
"what? no, brother, i-"
yuuji cuts you off with a shake of his head, a resolved look on his features as he has decided what he has to do, "i'll keep this one busy until you're all out."
he turns to megumi, "as soon as you're out, give me some kind of signal. once you do, i'll switch with sukuna."
you and megumi both scream in protest, desperately moving toward yuuji, "you know you can't do that!" "are you out of your fucking mind?"
the two of you scream over each other while attempting to talk some sense into your brother, yuuji is barely able to make out what you both are saying. you and megumi are yelling so frantically and loudly, it makes his head hurt.
yuuji decides to cut you both off, fixing his sight back at the curse. "look at it, it's toying with us. i can at least buy you some time."
you immediately shake your head, shooting the idea down. "no way yuuji, i'm not leaving you here by yourself."
yuuji turns to you and smiles softly, "please, y/n."
you look at him and sigh, shaking your head once more. "i think i've shown that if anyone can handle sukuna, it's me. i'm not leaving you with him, i don't trust him."
yuuji turns to megumi pleadingly, hoping he'll be able to talk some sense into you. he knows that you and megumi have become more comfortable with each other since starting at jujutsu tech, maybe there's a chance you'll listen to him.
your gaze is now focused on megumi as well and he doesn't know what to do. he can see the anguish in your eyes, begging him to let you stay. his eyes dart back and forth, the decision being an impossible one to make.
"fushiguro, go find kugisaki. i'll stay and help my brother."
the smile you give him is soft but unsure, nobody knowing how this is going to play out.
he glances at yuuji once more, then back to you. he knows you well enough that when you're like this, it's best to agree with you than to fight. he nods his head at you and turns to leave, "be careful." megumi's figure grows smaller the further he goes.
you and yuuji face off with the curse, eyeing it up and down.
"if i lose control of sukuna, you need to leave sister. promise me that."
you turn to yuuji who looks at you pleadingly, needing you to say it back in this moment.
you let out a small smile and hold your pinky out to him, "i promise."
yuuji smiles back at you and links his pinky finger with yours, sealing the deal.
"so how should we-"
within the blink of an eye, you and yuuji are slammed into a wall with brute force. the impact forcing air to leave your lungs, making you feel winded. you can feel blood dribbling down your chin and pooling in your lap.
you look to your right and yuuji looks the same as you, he seems delirious from the contact.
as you look back up, the curse has now gotten closer and there's another attack aimed at the two of you.
noticing the incoming stike, you gathered energy in your hands and threw them up in front of you, hoping to create a shield from the attack. while it softened the blow, it still threw you and yuuji through the same stone wall you were viciously slammed into.
you both land on your backs, gasping for air and attempting to reorient yourselves. the curse moves so fast, it's hard for either of you to play defense.
you look toward the hole in the wall and see the curse stalking toward you now, the power it possesses being present in each step it takes.
you roll over onto your stomach and push yourself up onto your hands and knees. you begin to crawl toward yuuji, but you have to stop at the pain shooting down your spine.
you crumple to the floor and curl in on yourself, whimpers of pain escaping your lips.
you hear yuuji groaning from beside you and feel his hand on your back, "come on y/n, you got to get up."
you close your eyes and take a deep breath, letting it out slowly. you open yours eyes and grit your teeth together, forcing your aching limbs to move.
as you're trying to pick yourself up with yuuji's encouragement, you hear what sounds like a howl off in the distance.
is that megumi?
"what a thoroughly annoying brat."
you feel your heart jump straight to your throat and you're blood is rushing loudly through your ears. you know that sukuna has come out to play, so it's your time to go. you made a promise.
"you, however, are far more interesting."
you force yourself up onto your knees and turn toward yuuji, who is now sukuna. he looks down at you with a wolfish grin, enjoying being let out of his cage for once.
sukuna walks toward you slowly, he's patient and confident in his movements.
you close your eyes and begin to focus, trying to remember how you teleported earlier.
"she has gone quiet hasn't she?"
you hear sukuna's footsteps getting louder the closer he gets, you refuse to open your eyes. you are too intent on the task at hand, getting yourself out of here.
you begin speaking to her in your head, picturing the woman's face vividly in your mind. you beg her to help you out of here and to show you the way.
you feel the energy consume your body again and feel as if you're floating, which makes your eyes flutter open.
you are actually hovering in midair except now you are the one who looks down at sukuna, who smiles at your awakened form.
"there she is."
"ryomen sukuna, i promised i would follow you forever."
before he can say or do anything else, you disappear from sight.
megumi stands outside of the detention center. he just finished loading nobara up into the car and is now speaking to ijichi, who sits inside of the vehicle.
"and what about you fushiguro?" ijichi says, slightly worried for the teenager.
"i'm going to wait for the itadori twins to return." megumi says, he had a lot of time to think about what you and your brother said. he feels as if a new fire awakened inside of him, now starting to come to some realizations that he had never previously thought of before.
"i see. after i take kugisaki to the hospital, i'll return as quickly as possible." megumi nods at ijichi who then drives off into the night with nobara in the backseat.
megumi turns back toward the building, if the worst case happens then it's my responsibility to end it.
he sighs and sticks his hands in his pockets, beginning the journey of locating you and yuuji.
megumi is so lost in his thoughts of what he might have to do that he almost misses the burst of light appearing above him.
he looks up and watches someone emerge from the portal, they fall onto all fours in front of him. megumi takes in their appearance, recognizing the uniform and hair color.
"itadori." there's a small smile on megumi's face upon seeing you, the sight helping ease a bit of his anxiety.
however, the smile falls when you finally look up at him.
there are tears pooled in your waterline, soot and blood covering you from head to toe. you look distressed and your breathing is coming out in heavy pants.
"we need to call gojo-sensei."
megumi can't help but look at you confused for a moment, then it dawns on him. he was too relieved seeing you to forget one important missing link, yuuji.
"what happened?"
megumi moves toward you slowly, he can tell your adrenaline is still pumping so he doesn't want to startle you.
"a lot fucking happened." you say, unable to look at him as you stare off into the distance. megumi can see the memory playing behind your eyes in real time.
he kneels down next to you and grabs your hands softly, glancing over them and inspecting the injuries. the touch relaxes you slowly and you can feel all the tension leaving your body. you finally get your eyes to move and gaze over at the source. you can't recall a time where megumi was this gentle, except maybe with his shikigami.
you simply watch him assess each and every wound he could see as you tell him what happened after he left. the curse, sukuna, and what happened with you.
megumi sits back on his knees, he's satisfied that he noted all the damage done to you. he flits his gaze at you and sees you're already staring back at him. you look defeated and completely exhausted.
"do you have any idea who she is or how she knows sukuna?"
you look away from him this time and shake your head. you appear to be thinking and megumi can't help but think you look cute when you do, even covered in blood.
"there has to be a way to find out, right?"
megumi honestly doesn't know for sure, but he thinks he might know someone who might.
he sends you a small, reassuring smile "i'm sure gojo-sensei will know."
this seems to settle you a bit as you send megumi the faintest nod.
he stands from the ground and dusts off his knees, stretching slightly then looking down at you.
"come on let me help you up, ijichi should be back soon."
you nod your head once more and megumi moves to stand behind you, scooping you in his arms to help you stand.
you're a bit wobbly on your feet but megumi keeps a firm grip on you, not wanting you to fall over.
you mumble a thanks to him as you find your footing. he still keeps a loose grip on you and you find it very sweet, even in this state.
"now we just need yuuji to-"
"sorry, but he's not coming back."
megumi's breathing quickens as your body is overcome with alarm.
"don't be so frightened." sukuna says, leering over at the two of you with a sickening grin.
"i'm in a good mood right now. let's chat, shall we?"
sukuna turns and is now facing you both fully with his hands in his pockets, staring at the both of you.
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tags: @kasumitenbaz @ay0nha
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emmyrosee · 1 year
AHHHHH I just found new brain rot! Okay okay. So. The Try Not To Kiss trend on TikTok where you're supposed to lay on your partner like you're going to make out, get as close as possible to kissing, and see how long you can last until one of you breaks. I can't even begin to choose from any of the HQ guys because honestly, I love them all. But I think Bokuto would cave INSTANTLY! Atsumu and Oiks would try to tease the absolute shit out of their partner but would be dying. I feel like Sakusa would last the longest? Maybe Suna because he's a little demon.
I don't know I'm losing it over here.
Also Suna/Sakusa got just the smallest, littlest bit heated, reader discretion is advised!!
Bokuto doesn’t stand a chance my guy. He’s merely watching tv, sprawled in his sweats after his shower and you have the NERVE, the AUDACITY, the GUMPTION to DO THIS TO HIM??? WHEN HE CAN BARELY KEEP HIS PAWS OFF OF YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE???
The minute you snake over to his side, an arm tosses over your shoulder to bring you close. You hum happily and gently nose at his temple, relishing in the smell of his clean skin. “You’re warm,” you murmur.
“I take hot showers,” he chuckles, turning his head to kiss you. You duck away slightly, and there’s a flash of confusion that crosses his face for a moment. “Why?”
“Why what?”
“I wanted to kiss you… don’t you want to kiss me?”
There’s no shot of doing this. Not when his mind revolves around kissing you constantly, always, feeling his lips dominating yours in eagerness, teeth clacking together with need and desire and-
Your thoughts are cutoff when he captures you in a kiss exactly so, one hand coming up to cradle the back of your head, the one around your shoulders pulling you close. You can’t help but purr, and even if now there’s a failed tiktok recording, it’s worth it whenever the Bokuto Koutarou starts kissing you.
“You think too loud,” he teases with a nip of your lip. “Hate when you hesitate. I just want to kiss you forever, babe…”
Who would you be to deny him?
Oikawa is a little different, same with Atsumu. Because he constantly craves you too, he’s obsessed with you. But who is he to back from a challenge? Especially when you swing your leg over his lap, settling against his thighs contently, and he looks up with an amused smile.
“Comfy?” He teases, and you laugh before lacing your fingers in his fluffy hair. He mewls and angles his touch, and when you start to lean forward to simulate a kiss, he leans over to meet you, but he’s confused when you don’t meet in the middle. One brown eye opens up to peek at you, and when you’re gazing back down at him with challenge glimmering in your eyes, he exchanges the kiss with a smirk and a bite of his lip.
“You wanna play this game?” He mumbles softly, and you snicker as your hands scratch at his scalp. “You don’t want to kiss me?”
“Of course I want to kiss you,” you assure, nudging your nose with his. His hands cradle your hips as they gently smooth up and down, thumbs stroking over the meat. “I want to kiss you so bad.”
“Then kiss me,” he pants. In truth, your teases only make you more tantalizing, and there’s nothing more that he’d like to do than make you mewl from his kissing, a complete putty in his hands just because he’s the only one who can. “I won’t tell anyone.”
You laugh out loud at his words, feeling the mood slip slightly, but he’s not budging other than his coaxing words. The hand in his hair moves to instead cradle his jaw, and he needs to kick it up a notch.
In faux submission, and in an attempt to make you crumble, he leans even closer and whimpers softly close to your mouth, panting needily and eyes flicking up to you as if you’re the bad guy here, denying him. And you gotta give him credit- he does look delicious.
“You’re evil,” You whisper, but you still try to hold strong, thumbs caressing his jawline. Your head angles and you sigh in return against his lips, biting your lip enticingly.
You’re not sure who finally connected the kiss. But what you do know, is it wasn’t appropriate for tiktok.
Sakusa. Sakusa and Suna. My beloved menaces. They would have ABSOLUTELY no problem withholding longer than you, sheerly because if you start something, he’s gonna make you finish it. Not to mention Suna having the knowledge of the viral trend HA-
If you want to break him? You gotta start before you film the tiktok.
He’s in the kitchen, literally just grabbing a glass of water, when you’re up against him, arms wrapped lowly around his waist and eyes peering up at him. He chuckles down at you and wraps his own arm around your waist. “Missed me that much?”
“I did,” you whine, resting your chin against him to look up at him, and you see a glimmer of dominance flicker in his gaze. “Always miss you so much…”
“I’m coming right back to the couch, my love,” he says, humming softly. “Come on. We can go cuddle.” You’re practically clinging to him as you make your way to the couch where he was reading. One of his legs folds over the other for a small perch for you to sit in, and when you settle in, he flips back to the page he was reading.
That is, until your hand gently reaches up for his jaw, turning his head back towards you with a needy whimper. He smirks as his eyes flick up and down, “are you demanding my full attention now?” He asks, and you nod softly. “Too bad. You can wait until I finish this chapter.”
That, certainly, wasn’t the reaction you’d been anticipating. “But… but…” your fingers slip down to fist the collar of his tee shirt, tugging softly. “But I want your affection…” to entice him further, you lean closer and bite your lip, internally cheering when he leans forward as well. But before you can connect the kiss, he purrs out a teasing ‘no.’
“You constantly have my affection,” he says softly, confidence in his voice. “You will live for five extra seconds without it.”
“You’re being mean!” You pout.
Then, you gasp when one of his hands shoots to the back of your neck, gently slipping his fingers over the shorter hairs and fisting the locks dominantly. His lips finally ghost over yours as he snarls out against them, and you know he’s not going to break but god, this whole ordeal was almost worth it when he speaks.
“I’ll show you mean if you keep acting like an entitled brat.”
You squeak and tip your head back to try and ease the pull, relishing in the excited rage that flicks in his eyes when you mumble back, the war now being waged.
“You promise?”
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
Use this ask to ramble about anything, better if it's about Roach 🪳💖
(btw I think I found you in twitter by accident, I'm not sure, too anxious to follow anyway)
I haven't gotten to yell about my boy by himself in so long omggggg
Oh also before I forget, you probably did find my Twitter! I haven't really made any posts about it cause, tbh, I still have no idea what I want to post there, but I do indeed have a Twitter! It is here for anyone who wants to follow me. Right now I've just really been dropping random cod thoughts and reposting a lot of artists content, but who knows maybe I'll start doing some Twitter exclusive stuff or thread fics or something (has no idea how thread fics work). Anyways on to the boy:
I'm using this as an opportunity to just talk about whatever comes to mind and the first thing I wanna start with are like some alternate ideas I had for Roach's family before I landed on the Sanderson dynamic that I have now:
Roach from a military family
Imagine how fun it would be if Roach was raised in a military family, especially if they still had that overprotective aspect to them. Like baby boy who was raised around the military so he's been intimately familiar with it
Maybe he had some different talent and his family wanted him to go down a different path and not go military like them
He says fuck that and joins the military and fucks around and ends up joining taskforce 141
Extra funny points if his family don't realize that he's on a specialized taskforce cause he was so nervous about telling them and they find out in dramatic fashion
Maybe he drops in to save them on a mission or something like 🤭 the drama of it all I love it
Also side note but I was thinking so hard about the Sanderson boys (Johnathan and Eddie) and I can't draw so I have to snatch some Face Claims for them so this is what I think Roach's older brothers look like:
Johnathan is played by Lee Pace don't test me this man is tall and probably acts as his own security at his bar and also is a goofball and idk Lee Pace is perfect (this should not detract from me also thinking that Lee Pace is a perfect fc for König)
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Eddie to me has to look something like Luke Norris idk I feel like he needs a softer and more like nervous/panicky energy than Johnathan and this man fits don't test me don't test me
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Also for anyone who is wondering: No, I still don't have a face claim for my Roach. In my mind he changes so much I see so many different artists versions of Roach in my brain at all times so choosing an actor for him is so hard. I have...thoughts, but idk that anyone would enjoy the thoughts that I have so we'll pretend I don't have them.
More on Roach cause he's my lil guy, my lil dude, my lil buddy
Listen y'all know Southern Roach is my bias but also also also have been falling in love more and more with the idea of Russian Roach. He would be so funnn like he works with Nik beforehand maybe he was undercover with the ultranationalists. I also enjoy the idea of him cursing Shepherd and/or Makarov out in Russian I think it would be fun.
However Southern Roach rains supreme I was thinking so hard about a ghostroachsoap au recently based loosely on the song "Farmer's Daughter" by Rodney Atkins. (Y'all let me know if you want the full au its really just farm au cuteness)
Thinking so hard of Roach just being beloved in his small town as this Golden Child precious little dude then he goes off to the military and finally let's that feral side come out a little. Imagine how funny it would be for Ghost and Soap to go home with Roach and see their boyfriend pu on this innocent act and listen to people describe him as this perfect little guy when they know for a fact that Roach is like borderline feral two steps away from being considered a wild animal.
"He's such a good boy, would never hurt a fly."
Ghost and Soap who watched Roach tear a man's throat out with his teeth last week:
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Also taking the opportunity to say that we as a community need to start acknowledging hoe canonically skilled Roach is with weapons! Like this is a boy who had both Price and Soap cursing because they couldn't get any kills because he was killing them to fast. This is a boy who beat Ghost (his luitenant) on a rifle test by a wide margin and on the test that ghost beat him he only fell behind four points.
Roach canonical has several extremely brutal takedown moves that he can do, including the pickaxes and the little fucking kick thing he does to the one guy before stabbing him. Also he's like straight up flipping his guns and doing tricks with them and shit in his weapons inspections, Soap talks about how good he is with C4 and shit.
Like I think people see the like spots where he got into trouble and nearly died in the campaign and take that to mean that he's like not as good as Ghost and Soap and needed their help a lot but like honest to God all of the trouble he gets in to is less because he fucked up and more because the world seems to have it out for him.
The roof breaking out from under him, the ice cracking on him, explosions happen to rock his ass just as soon as he hits an open field. Like someone was trying to kill this little fuck and two outta the three times they failed.
And like its not like Roach doesn't help himself during these situations. Like when he fell yeah he had Soap guiding him but he was the one having the run and slide and do all that shit like no amount of Soap's guiding could have made that easy for him.
Also this boy almost falls off a cliff but is able to get himself back on track enough that he not only finishes climbing the cliff but then does a whole ass stealth mission basically invading a Russian military base on his own???
Roach is a very talented and skilled bug and we should all be patting him on the head for how cool he is.
Also I think its absolutely funny cause In my mind he's smaller than Soap and Ghost both like height and build wise (not small, just smaller than those two behemoths) and so when the trio of them are together people like tend to underestimate him meanwhile Ghost and Soap are like "Uh, no, no you uh hey dude no" because they know that Roach will gladly fuck people up.
I also love the idea of Roach appearing out of nowhere like a fucking cryptid. There is no talking behind Roach's back or keeping secrets he is everywhere at once and will appear out of thin air. Ghost and Soap have to like fully leave base if they want to plan a surprise for him and even then both of them have no trust that Roach won't somehow pop into existence next to them waahahhahaha
Alright thats all for my rambling for now
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navibluebees · 2 years
What if Y/N were quaritch sister and Y/N is shy like y/n is so shy she would walk behind quaritch to hide her face she's mostly quiet letter other people speak but y/n and Lyle are dating y/n would blush and laugh at Lyle stupid jokes but quaritch doesn't know that y/n and Lyle are dating until one day quaritch walked in seeing Lyle and y/n kissing and boy quaritch would grab Lyle by the ear dragging him into a different room telling y/n that its time for a man to man talk y/n would think she got him in trouble (had this stuck in my head for a long time I can imagine that quaritch is like a over protective brother like a over protective father would act in front of there kids/siblings so y/n is like the quiet type and she wants to be like quaritch but nice kind and sweet but quaritch knows she can get hurt easy so he would protect her no matter what even if he has to look at a man/women in the eye not saying a word just given them a death stare just smirking hell knowing quaritch he would make sure that y/n doesn't go on mission with him but he can't help by giving in to his sister asking none stop when y/n is on a mission with quaritch and his teammates he would make sure to keep a close eye on y/n and stay close to her) (that's all I got in my head keep up the great work make sure you eat sleep and rest!) Stay healthy!
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Please read before interacting.
AHHHHH I squealed reading this ask!! Such a fun idea~ Also thank you for the well wishes. I'm trying my best. 🥺
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You were hovering near Miles' shoulder. You called him Colonel most times around other people, but he was still the ass of an older brother who'd wrestled you for the remote when you were kids. Eventually that energy transferred into intense protection that had only increased when you first brought a date home. He'd side-eyed them so hard, muscles bulging from his military training, that your date had fled and never looked back.
Your lips pursed, trying to keep a laugh in. A huff came from across the table and your eyes snapped to meet Lyle's. He cocked his head slightly, questioning your amused energy. You shook your head and dropped your gaze down his solid form. He preened under your gaze, tongue flicking out to sweep across his lower lip.
Your eyes widened and you fought the blush creeping up your cheeks, looking back to the map that Miles was discussing. The rest of the brief passed without any disturbances aside from Lyle circling the table to stand behind you, tail brushing the back of your thighs. You shivered imperceptibly and tried your best to focus.
You were half turned to go back to your bed for the night when he came up behind you. "Hey, I had a question about the supplies. Can you come with me so you can make sure I've got everything checked off for my pack."
You sighed, noting your brother's attentiveness to your exchange. "Fine, fine, Lyle. I'll help you. This time."
Your back hit the shelves as soon as the door to the supply closet hissed shut behind you. Lyle's lips were already trailing down your neck, hands pawing at you through your clothes. You giggled, pushing him away a bit.
"Alright, alright, slow down!"
He grinned devilishly at you. "I can't help it. You're so fucking delicious and we never get time alone with your brother always around every corner." His lips continued their attack on your neck, moving up to your mouth and kissing you with a bruising force.
You sighed into his mouth, pulling him closer, hands gripping his shoulders for dear life. He yanked your leg up around his hip, leaning into you and pressing you harder against the shelf. Your head fell back and he gently kissed along your neck to your collarbone, tugging down the strap of your tank top.
He tilted his head and moved to under your ear, knowing it was the most sensitive spot for you. Goosebumps came over your whole body, and your legs trembled. He clutched you tighter, not about to let you anywhere away from him.
"Mmm. Lyle.." you sighed. "Lyle.."
Your brain turned foggy, unable to comprehend anything around you with his lips and tongue continuing their movements around your ear. Your eyes fell on the door as it hissed open, ready to tell off whatever human had come upon the two of you. Your heart buzzed, about to leap from your chest as you made eye contact with your brother.
His body bristled under your gaze as he took in the scene. Lyle's head raised up, eyes cutting over to the door. His ears and tail instantly drooped. "Oh. Heh. Colonel. Fancy.. uh. Fancy meeting you here. Your sister was just showing me the goods- I- NO! That's not what I meant-"
His voice cut off as his head jerked down, Miles' strong fingers gripping Lyle's ear as he tugged him out the door. You took off, straightening your shirt strap and chasing them down the hall, your brother's long legs already powering into his office. He started shutting the door as you shouldered into it, leaning your whole weight into the gap.
He turned and let go of Lyle in the process, pushing you back into the hall with his palm on your forehead. "Calm down. We're just gonna have a chat, little sister." The door hissed shut and you heard the beep of a code punched in to lock it.
Miles turned around, Lyle looking sheepishly back at him. He crossed his arms, eyeing the younger man. He sighed and rubbed his brow with a groan. His hands landed on his hips. "Alright, Lyle. I know you're a good guy. A good man. A good soldier. I wouldn't have promoted you if I didn't think so. But that-" -he jerked his thumb toward the hallway- "That's my sister out there and if you fuck with her, I swear to God-"
Lyle sprang up, hands out in supplication. "Colonel. No. I swear. I promise to you. Your sister is everything to me. We were seeing each other casually-" He shrank back at Miles' narrowed eyes. "I mean.. it well it was a bit more serious for me than her, I think. It was the first time around. Then, well you know what happened. When we came back we saw each other in our new bodies and just.. That was that. I really care about her. I'm not messing around, I promise... Sir."
Miles leaned back against his desk. "I'll be keeping an eye out for you. And don't let me catch you in the supply closet again. I don't need to see you all over my baby sister like that. Ever." He shuddered and waved Lyle out of the office.
Lyle stepped out after punching the unlock code in and reeled back as your fist swung at him. He caught it in his palm. "Ah. Scrappy, I see."
You looked past him, eyes honed in on Miles. "Sorry. Thought you were him."
He shook your fist gently in his palm and put it down by your side, slinging an arm across your shoulder. He guided you down the hall. "I think he gave his blessing of a sort, so let's not push it, Y/N."
Your face got redder and redder as you got closer to your bed in the recom quarters. Lyle was following close behind you, expression daring the others to say something. He flopped down familiarly in your spot and pulled you down with him. Your eyes settled close as his arms tightened around your waist, holding you close.
"Miles! Let me gooooo. I'm literally the supply person. What if you run out of something??"
"Well, they should have packed everything so we shouldn't have that problem."
"Okay okay BUT I could bring extra! And come for moral support!!" Your grin widened, batting your eyes at him in a pleading expression.
He snorted and pushed your face away gently. "Fine, get your gear. We're leaving now."
You were walking through the forest, a spring in your step, so eager to be out and in the world. You kept alert, but playfully bumped Lyle with your hip. A low growl rolled up his throat and he turned to you, a smirk playing across his lips. "Lyle! Get up here!"
His smile dropped and he grunted. "You're going to get me in trouble." His tail whipped out to touch your thigh as he made his way up to your brother.
The group shifted and Walker took up the place beside you. Her face turned into a shit-eating grin. "Looks like big brother can't handle the attention you're getting, huh?"
Miles' ears were folded back, straining to hear your conversation. When Lyle's steps fell in with his, he cut his eyes over at the younger soldier, baring his teeth weakly. "You're going to be the death of me, Wainfleet."
Lyle barked out a laugh and slapped a comforting hand on his shoulder. "It's alright, Colonel. I've got your back. I'll take care of your sister."
"Yeah, yeah that's what I'm afraid of you, knucklehead."
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addie-henderson · 5 months
I’m such a slut for clarisse, she’d kick my ass for no reason and I’d thank her😭
her holding down your hips while eating you out, AHHHHH😖
“Shh, sit still.. damn..” She whispers softly, her breath blowing air onto your puffy clit “be a good girl..” she murmurs lowly, holding your hips down onto the bed as she licks at your wet pussy.
not my best work but it'll do
clarisse la rue smut
cw: jealousy
She was a jealous person. That much you'd known even before dating. she was jealous, protective, and mean in nature, often possessive and rough. you knew that. you had to have known that. everyone knew that. campers new and old wonder maybe if you'd lost your mind to be playing such a dangerous game, smiling and chatting with some other girl that wasn't your girlfriend at the campfire. Eyes bounce between the scene and the continuous image of Clarisse glaring daggers from across the fire, her knee bouncing in irritation and her eye almost twitching in a cartoonish manner periodically.
she was pissed and everyone around her could tell. she watches as you look up from your conversation and seem to scan the crowd before pointing to her and waving. she grunts an annoyance to herself but she can't help that her glare softens when her eyes are only on her girl. she stands to her full height with crossed arms and in the glaring light of the fire her muscles look magical. the thought of her holding you seemed printed in your mind as she stomped over. you don't bother to stand when she's finally hovering over you just glance up half through your lashes to look at her. "Hi Clar." you smile and her face flushes but remains its look of annoyance. "let's go." her hands uncross from her chest one hand loops its thumb around the back of her belt buckle and rest there as the other extends to assist you in standing. "but I was-" she raises an eyebrow and you pause taking her hand silently. you open your mouth to say goodbye to the new camper you'd been accompanying but Clarisse started pulling you along. "Clarisse-" nothing else is heard from surrounding campers as you're dragged towards the mostly deserted cabins. the familiar dark red building of the Ares cabin comes into view. by now you're far enough that the fire is nothing but a glowing Dot from the distance and you expect her to pull you inside but instead she tsks and pulls you to the side of the building far into the shadows of the late night. your back hits the worn wood and she grunts, it's a familiar sound "what was that?"
"what was what?" you ask confusion evident in your voice. "don't play dumb with me. what was that? all the smiling and giggling and screwing each other with your eyes."
"I was not screwing her with my eyes."
"that's what it looks like to me." she growls
"then maybe you need glasses." you finally say with a huff pushing at her shoulders to get from the compromising position of your back literally being against a wall. she clicked her teeth in annoyance but doesn't budge, so you shove her again.
"will you stop that?"
"will you stop being paranoid?" you shove again, this time much harder actually making her take a small step to center herself.
"WILL YOU JUST-" her voice begins to raise as she grabs your wrist pinning them roughly to the wood behind you. she's quick to try and find her calm her chest raising and falling with heavy breaths as she tries to control her temper. it's hard for her and you sympathize but still wiggle to get loose.
"let. me. go."
"no. " she says simply
"I mean it, La Rue."
"oh I'm La Rue now?" she raises an eyebrow
"shut up." you huff.
"you're in control huh?"
"shut up." you demand again.
"is that all you can say baby? nothing else? no more denying you were screwing her in your head" she tilts her head in faux curiosity.
"I was not! " you screech
"you were."
"I would never do that I don't want anyone but you Clar. " you slump in defeat with a sigh
"no one?" she asks
"no one."
"good girl." she smiles pressing her lips to yours. she was still clearly fuming not gentle and kind but rough and hastily clashing your mouths together.
"im-" you begin to start talking only to get interrupted with her lips on yours again
"I'm still" and again
"clar stop." you finally whine "I'm trying to be mad at you."
"why the hell would you be mad at me?"
"you just accused me of liking some girl I've known for like 10 hours."
"no, I accused you of eye fucking a girl you've known for like 10 hours." she corrects moving her lips down your neck making you gasp and tangle your fingers into her hair.
"is that what you think of me?"
"let me show you what I think of you." she smiles against your skin and you shiver humming half heartedly the stiffness and frustration melting from your body. Her hand runs in-between your thighs "that sounds nice hm? "
"..sounds nice..." you agree softly.
"and we should take these shorts off?" she asks
"here?" you look at her with wide eyes glancing around the space.
"that a problem?" she smiles, undoing the button of your shorts
"i- uh- nono please touch me." she doesn't hesitate tuggy down your shorts letting them drop down to your ankles as she lifts you up into her arms pulling your legs over her shoulders
"CLARRISE." you shout in shock only to be shushed before she buried her face between your thighs, Gently she pushes your panties to the side and runs the rough callous pad of her thumb across her bare clit. she lowers her head between your aching thighs, tongue curious for just a taste of the familiar taste of your sweet cunt. she began probing and sucking on your clit spinning in expert circles causing you to attempt to grind your hips closer.
"Shh, sit still.. damn.." She whispers softly, her breath blowing air onto your puffy clit "be a good girl.." she murmurs lowly, holding your hips down against the wall as she licks at your wet pussy.
"I can't-" you whimper softly pulling her hair making her groan her mouth falling open.
"yes you can." she lines her thick finger up with your achingly empty dripping cunt and pushes it in.
"clar I can't."
"just let me make you feel good and stay still."
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madrone33 · 7 months
Listened to the Circe Saga last night! (I'm in the superior timezone, 15 hours before the americans lol /j) Absolutely incredible, did not disappoint!
Here's the notes I hastily typed out during and afterwards lol:
The plucked guitar in that melody, thinking of Polites fr fr
Eurylochus sounds less autotune than in the snippet. Musta been compression.
Fuck i can't believe i'm actually listnening to it!!!
The time skip is wind I think?
"Inside we heaard a voiiice!" SO GOOD! SO SMOOTH! I LOVE IT!
Those deep strings tho- oof so good!
"What." HAHA add it to the count XD
CIRCE! It's fucking Circe!!!! Her little riff on "Go ahead and rest where-ver you liiiike!"
The party music is really cool
Her voice at "This is the price" is angelic!
Huh. The party music comes back in the Eury and Ody second verse, but it's weirdly off beat.
Second vese is a bit different from the old snippet. Ody is less... soft sounding?
Ok time to write down the overlapping lyrics.
Yeah I still don't really understand Circe's lines rip
Also, Ody's final line is strangely not emphasised a lot? It's easy to miss behind Circe.
Wouldn't You Like:
Hermes giggles are so mischievous lmao
Ody is shocked and awed at seeing his Great-Grandfather while Hermes is just there for the lols
OOOF YES! The fucking amazing bass in the first chorus!!
The rising and descending harp!
"She can TURN you into an a-ni-mal!" I'm smiling so hard rn, it's HERMES
Here in the root of this flower! So smooooth
That high note on "bEING of your cre-A-tion!" Hell yes!
Not how I imagined that Holy Moly part ngl. Thought it'd pause for a beat to let the joke sink in with Ody's "Ah." being very dry, but whatever, it works, I'm sure I'll get used to it!
Also the beat transition to the end chorus reminds me of Micheal Jackson? Or- wait. Did I just get rick rolled??
The end chorus with all the harmonising vocals and the chorus and Ody' high riffs!! It's so damn GROOVEY
Ody sounds so happy and grateful awww
Pffft Hermes that's cold bro. So blase and teasing. Also yeah, lowkey King George vibes lol.
Done For:
Ody is so sassy passive agressive lmao
The LFOs!!
The chimera roar snarl is very cool!
Ody is one cocky snarky mf
Circe is bitching and sassing and sounds so done with Hermes and Ody both lmao
The LFOs and electric guitar mixing!
The sound effects of the BOSS BATTLE! The heavy thuds of footsteps and the snarls. Also that's one sharp sounding sword
There Are Other Ways:
The waltzy sounding strings are so pretty!
Que the key change! And more fantastic overlapping hamonising vocals!
The... hand- drum thing? Took me off guard, still not sure if I like it.
The abrupt "I CANT." YOU TELL HER ODY!! Bro I was so tense without know how he was gonna get out of that.
Not the Penelope stringssss!! *adoring sigh* The Penelope strings... It's so fucking cool how you can just immediately tell exactly who he's thinking about.
"She's my everything... My Penelope..." AHHHHH
Just now realising that Ody tells Circe "Back at home my wife awaits for me" and Circe respects that and helps him, while him telling Calypso that Penelope's his wife doesn't deter her in the slightest. Yeah.
"12 long years" Timeline lore? Write that down write that down!
God of Tides is such a cool epithet
The "Circe" and "mercy" rhyme took me off guard in the best of ways.
And then he hits me with the breathy high "let us puppets leeeave" like bro COME ON
Nylon strings my beloved!
The deep piano drop at "Problem is, this prophet is DEAD" lmao
The return of the LFOs lesss goooo!!!!
Ody sounds so baffled and hopeful and excited like SAME BRO
"There are many ways of persuasion" as in, he managed to pursuade her in a way she didn't expect!!
"Maybe showing one act of kindness, leads to kinder souls down the road..." HOLY FUCK! HOLY FUCK! Circe's on the mercy end of the ruthlessness scale?? Also took it to mean if she shows him mercy, maybe he won't turn and become like those strangers that dealt a heavy loss to her nymphs.
"I have been in love once before" 👀 Circe lore??
"Maybe one day the world will need a puppeteer no more..." When I realised where this was going! The END FUCKING RIFF IT'S FROM THAT CLIP! THE HIGH NOTES I LOVE IT!!!!
Odysseus and Circe friendship is real!!
I love it! The Circe Saga is out, and it's amazing! Thank you Jorge and Talya and Troy and Armando, and everyone else who worked on this amazing project to show us this incredible music, thank you so so much! You should all be proud!
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bigdreamerpeach · 3 months
Make a Jester laugh
We all know Bittergiggle
He is always try to make anyone happy and laugh , he is funny and a friendy guy , but today he feels sad .. really sad
After failing a Joke he feels terrible . Nobody laughs , they not even grinning or chuckle
He walks around himselfs
Meanwhile Syringeon doing some Doctorwork and other stuff.
After 5 minutes he hear sobbing and crying noices. He try to find out where the sounds coming from, he walks around , looking in many rooms and floors. And then he saw it
Bittergiggle sitting there, hugging himself and crying.
Poor Bittergiggle was Syringeon thinking , he never saw him so sad before. He feels bad for him , he wanna go to him but on the other side he want to finish his work .. but he goes to Bittergiggle and sitting next to him
"Hey , you're alright ??". He ask him
But Bittergiggle only shake his head and keeps crying
" Hey , you can talk with me buddy , i'm listening ". He put a arm around bittergiggles neck and with the other arm on the same side he rubs his back to clam him down .
" Well... i try to telling my new Jokes but First of All i forget them , then all string at me and ...and then i fall down my face .. " He allmost cried again , But Syringeon pull him into his arms , hugging him
" Its okay Bitter , anyone have a bad day." Bittergiggle hugs back, sniffing
" I know its not easy but i belive you are a good Jester , even when you have a bad day." He try his best do cheer hin up, but it doesn't work
" Well, i better watch your face ,because not if there something broke ". Syringeon told Bittergiggle
Both are going to a room , Bittergiggle lay down a Bed . Bittergiggle was a bit scared as he saw al the ... doctor work thing
"..Sy..Syringeon.. i Scared.. would it hurt?".
" Aww don't worry , it wouldn't hurt i promise".
He starts to look ,if there something hurt or broke, Bittergiggle shake his head
Then Syringeon move down Bittergiggles sides
He giggles
" Huh? Whats so funny?"
"N..Nothing .. sorry "
Then he touch his sides again, Bittergiggle starts giggling again and hug hisself
" Bittergiggle, hold still ...waaaait , can that be you arw ticklish?". He ask him
" Well...Yeah i am ticklish, maybe a bit to much." He told him
Then a though comes up Syringeons head . He starts touching Bittergiggles sides again, this makes him laugh.
"Hehehe , whats wrong hm?"
"SYRIHIGIINGEHEHEON!!!! PLEASE DON'T!!!! IT TICKLES , IT TICKLES!!!! EEEE!!! NOT THERE!!!". Bittergiggle yelled as Syringeon touch his ribs.
"Where , here?"
Syringeon smiles , he likes the way how Bittergiggle laughs .. loud, high and cute at the same time, Bittergiggle try to get free but hw can't
After a while Syringeon stops and let Bittergiggle breath
" hehehe , you okay??"
"Sorry for this but i need to do something to make you laugh and cheer you up buddy".
Bittergiggle hugs him again, this was a surprise for Syringeon but he hugs back .
" If you need someone to talk, come to me okay? "
" hehehe , okayyy."
Bittergiggle needs a little cheering up ,and he get it
This is my first tickle fic with garten of banban
Hope you like it
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