#and a staple in these baskets is a book
asteria-argo · 7 months
I have one extremely clueless friend, I love her dearly but she’s absolutely oblivious and that’s just in general, and then on top of that she is also straight which means she gets me hilariously ironic birthday presents like romance novels, not just any romance novel mind you, but dark romance novels, a genre that I personally cannot stand.
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wardenparker · 2 months
The Stars Re-Align, part 1
Frankie Morales x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst
Rating: M for Mature, but this blog is always 18+ Word Count: 12.1k Warnings: Reader is given an age and a grown daughter. Starts out as Santiago x reader. Cursing, food/alcohol, meddlesome friends, mentions of military service (obviously), glancing mention of Tom's death, past drug use, off-page abusive relationship, panic attacks, complicated relationships, family drama. Summary: When your daughter and your boyfriend talk you into having a birthday party, you are not prepared for all of the surprises that come your way. Notes: A little love triangle and 'one that got away' vibe for your Feral Frankie Friday!
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“Rachel!” Calling from the kitchen is an old, unbreakable habit by now, but dinner is almost ready and you know your daughter is in the living room studying. She has plans with her boyfriend tonight which means she’s getting her reading out of the way, and you’re proud of her for having such good habits and steady resolve. It’s not at all what you were like at her age, and you’ve worked hard to make sure that she has opportunities that you never could have. Being a young single mom was rough, but every second you have with your little-girl-turned-young-woman is worth it. “Supper’s ready, honey. Find your bookmark!”
“Sure thing!” There’s no point in reminding you that her book is a digital copy, no bookmark needed, but she dutifully saves the spot and closes her laptop. “It smells good.” She compliments, walking into the kitchen and over to the fridge to bust out the bottle of wine that had become a habit with dinner since high school. Nothing fancy, just a cheap sangria, but it was a ritual that both mom and daughter enjoyed. “Are you going out with Santiago tonight?” She asks as she gets down the glasses to pour.
“He might come over to watch a movie since you’re going out.” Your two-month-old relationship isn’t deeply committed or deeply anything yet, really, but you like him. He’s attentive, handsome, and funny, and deeply — okay there’s one deeply — good in bed. “Do you want the good parmesan, or the shaker can? We have both.” Spaghetti with onions, peppers, and sausage isn’t necessarily gourmet, but it’s a family staple. Something your dad used to make you when you were growing up in New York City and you have made for your daughter her whole life afterwards.
“Good parmesan.” She hums. “Let’s be fancy tonight.” Bringing the glasses over to the small kitchen table, she moves on to set out the silverware. A chore when she was younger, it’s now just become habit when you eat together. ‘Working together as a team’ is how you always phrased it and it’s something she loves about her relationship with you now. You’re a team. “I’m going to stay at Ben’s tonight, so you and Santiago can have wild sex.”
“Be safe.” She’s twenty-four, so you’re not going to quibble about her sleeping over with her boyfriend, but you do give her a meaningful look when you set down the plates on the table. “Don’t make me a grandmother and I won’t make you a sister.”
Rachel laughs, it’s the same statement you have been using since she was first dating boys after puberty. “But Mom!” She pouts playfully. “I really want a baby sister!”
“Think I’m getting a little too old for that option, honey,” you huff, but laugh anyway. “Ask Santa for one at Christmas.”
She grins at you, bringing over the basket of breadsticks that are an Olive Garden copycat. Plain frozen ones that you brush with butter and garlic salt. So many of the meals you have together are mocks of the restaurant meals she had wanted when she was younger and you couldn’t afford. As an adult, it’s humbling to see the lengths you went to in order to make her happy.
“You’re coming back tomorrow, though, right?” Though you typically aren’t one to make a big deal out of such things, Santiago had offhandedly mentioned to your daughter a few weeks ago that it was a shame you weren’t doing anything for your birthday and Rachel had jumped on board with talking you into a party. The backyard barbecue will be small, but a chance to meet your boyfriend’s friends and have a few of your own friends from work come over. “It was half your idea, after all.”
“Yeah, I’m going to be there.” She promises. “Oh, is it okay if I bring Ben?” She asks. “He’s got another party to go to if not, but he said he would rather spend time with me.”
“Yes, you can bring Ben.” He’s a few years older than Rachel and has had a very different life experience, but you like Ben Miller. He’s doing his best to make an honest way in the world and he treats Rachel with love and respect. And probably in ways that you want to know absolutely nothing about. “There’s going to be plenty of food. Santiago and I are managing that end.”
She snorts and shakes her head. “Of course you are cooking for your own party.” She huffs.
“Get sassy with me and I’ll send every stitch of leftovers home with other people,” you threaten, though it’s hollow and comes with laughter.
“Not like you won’t make enough to still bring home food.” She shoots back with a grin. If there was ever a party, you always made too much food. It might be pasta salad, but you and she would be eating it for a solid week after everyone had gone home.
“Nothing fancy,” you assure her even though you know she’s right. “Burgers and dogs. And veggie burgers for the few people that skip red meat. All the accoutrements. Santiago is in charge of the grill, which he’s very happy about. And I’m making that cheese dip you like along with my guac. Salsa is coming out of a jar despite protests.”
“Let Ben bring the salsa.” She volunteers immediately with a grin. “He’s got some recipe he got from friends he used to serve with.” She explains. “He was going to make it for their party but we can hijack it and bring it to yours.”
“Deal.” That’s one more thing off your checklist and you’re fine with that. “And the cake is coming from an actual bakery, not a supermarket. I do listen to your protests most of the time.”
“The buttercream is far superior.” She huffs happily and lifts her glass when you are both sitting down at the table. “To a wonderful birthday weekend.” She offers. “One you never forget.”
“Thank you, sweetheart.” You tap your glass against hers and smile. “Forty-two feels like it will be a good one.”
“We have the cake, the burgers are all ready to throw on the grill. Fish is bringing the baked beans, Ironhead is bringing the potato salad and you said Rach’s boyfriend is going to bring the salsa?” He arches a brow in concern. “What do you know about this guy? Is it good salsa? Because I’m going to be offended if it’s Pace.”
“I was told he has a recipe from somebody he served with.” The Pace is in its jars in the cupboard where Santiago can’t be offended by it, and you slip past him to look at your checklist taped to the cupboards one more time. “Coleslaw is made, cheese dip is made, and you filled up the outside fridge last night so that’s all set. I think we’re okay. The last thing is the guac and that only makes a few minutes.”
Santiago slides behind you and wraps his arms around your stomach and hums. “So we have time to go back to the bedroom?” He asks playfully, even if he would haul you back there if you said yes.
“Only if you’re planning on disappointing me,” you tease, knowing he never has and never would. Not on purpose. Still, you twist to kiss away the pout that has certainly formed there. “People are going to be here any minute.”
“We could always tell them to go the fuck away.” He laughs as he suggests it and then the doorbell peels out right afterwards. “That’ll be Ironhead.” He predicts. “Will’s always early.”
“Is that his real name? Will?” You call back when Santiago goes to open the door. You can make guacamole with your eyes closed due to the fact that you’ve had this recipe longer than your daughter has been alive, and you go to the fridge to get the ingredients.
“Yeah!” He calls back over his shoulder before he opens the door to find his friend on the doorstep. The smiles are genuine, almost guilty considering the shit they’ve gone through for the past five months since South America. Grief and sorrow have pulled at them, but it also has finally started to let them live again. “You made it!”
“Of course I did. You didn’t think I’d miss out on seeing your ass do something domestic, did you?” Will ‘Ironhead’ Miller slaps Pope’s shoulder. “Nice place she’s got. You tried to move in yet?”
Pope chuckles quietly and shrugs. “Maybe in another month.” He jokes. “Gotta get in good with the kid first.”
“Right, the kid.” With another friendly slap, Will Miller steps inside the house. It’s well-appointed, clean, and obviously loved. “She coming today?” He thinks so, but he can’t remember. Although a barbecue and pool party seems like a kid thing. But somehow Will remembers the kid not being kid. Teenager? He can’t remember now.
“She spent the night with her boyfriend, but she’ll be here.” Pope nods. “Although she’s already said she won’t call me daddy but I can take her for ice cream.”
“Nobody ought to be calling you ‘Daddy’,” Ironhead huffs.
Santiago laughs and shrugs. “You’re right.” He admits, knowing that he’s not father material. One of the reasons you were an attractive option was that your kid was grown. He didn’t have to play daddy, although from what he’s understood, the dad was your first love and was too immature to stick around. “Benny didn’t ride with you?”
“His girlfriend’s got a family thing today.” Will shrugs slightly, but honestly he’s impressed. His kid brother is crazy about this girl. It’s six months in and he’s starting to use some very committed language — which is fucking thrilling to Will as it signals Benny finally starting to grow up where sex and relationships are concerned. “He’s gonna come by later.”
“That’s good. I want him to come and have a few beers. Fish should be here shortly.” Pope will be happy to see everyone, it’s better than just checking in and having a beer. This will be a good time to really catch up. “How’s things with Marie?” He asks Will softly, knowing that Frank has been a little closed mouth about things between him and his lady. South America hadn’t been great for their relationship, although no one really likes her, she’s the one who was dabbling in drugs and got Fish hooked on coke.
“She was throwing some fit last night about Fish being out with another woman.” Which is obviously bullshit. Frankie would never step out on the mother of his child. But living in the apartment next to Frankie and Marie means he overhears plenty of bullshit. “All he was doing was asking if she wanted to come today. So who knows what kind of mood he’ll show up in.”
“Shit.” Pope sighs and shakes his head as he escorts Will though the living room and towards the kitchen where you are. “He needs to just bite the bullet and leave her.”
“We all know that. But it’s Fish. Too loyal for his own fucking good.” Will hadn’t been expecting to see anyone standing in the kitchen, let alone you, and he clears his throat. “Um—sorry, ma’am. Soldier’s habit,” he apologizes.
“It’s fine,” you promise him, actually laughing at the sheer display of manners. “I survived my daughter’s teenage years. You want to know who swears more than soldiers? Teenage girls.”
It’s been a long goddamn time since Will has been around teenage girls, but he just nods politely and offers his hand. “Will Miller.” He introduces himself. “Santiago has talked you up to be some kind of Wonder Woman, and it looks like he was underestimating your worth.”
"That's very kind of you, Will." You take his hand and introduce yourself easily enough, reflecting momentarily that Santiago has pretty friends. Blonde and blue-eyed isn't your type, but good looking is good looking. "Would you mind helping us get the last few things outside? And the pool is open, I hope Santiago told everyone."
“Absolutely, ma’am.” Like any good solider, Will is going to follow orders and he immediately picks up the heavier items to carry outside. “You have a beautiful home.”
"Thank you." It's something you worked hard for, and you continue to work hard for every day. Everything in your life has been to make sure your daughter is healthy, happy, and well taken care of. It was a lucky break that you got a well-paying job in your field to boot. "And you don't have to call me ma'am. Though I appreciate the manners."
“We need to give her a nickname before Taz does.” Will snorts.
"Taz?" You haven't heard that name before, and it piques your interest as Santiago helps you set things out on the table on the deck.
Will chuckles. “Youngest in our team.” He explains. “Short for Tasmanian Devil. Brother’s like a whirlwind of stirring up shit.”
"Got it." The Army nickname thing had taken you a second to get used to, but you're on board now. It's a brotherhood thing, and you like that Santiago has such a tightknit group of friends still. It's not something you've really had much of in your life, so you're glad to see when it happens for people you care about it. "Well, I told Santiago, but whenever your friends get here just let them into the backyard. The bathroom is off the living room, but everything else worth getting at is outside."
“Yes ma’am.” He smirks slightly when he says that again before disappearing out of the sliding glass doors.
"Are all your friends polite and helpful?" You glance back at the man you've been seeing for the last few months and crack a smile. "I'm glad you invited them. It's about time we started to meet each other's friends."
“Until they are assholes.” He jokes, giving you a bittersweet smile. “We lost a friend half a year ago and it seems like we’ve had a hard time getting back in the routine. Thought this might be the little jolt we needed.”
"Then we'll make sure it's a fantastic day." He hasn't confided too much about his years in the service or about where he was before moving back to Florida a few months ago, but this is probably a large part of the reason why. Either way, you slip your arms around him for a comforting hug. It's the least you can do, when he's gone through something terrible and is willing to open about it a little.
“It’s your day.” He protests, turning and kissing your lips. “It’s supposed to be good for you, not me. We will have a few drinks, have a few laughs and then…” He waggles his brows. “Well kick everyone out and I’ll make you cum until you pass out.”
The hum that forms in the back of your throat is as pleased as it is dirty, and you kiss him once more before your doorbell rings again. "I'll get it," you nudge his nose with yours and step back, albeit reluctantly. "Go hang out with your friend."
People trickle in little by little. Friends from work, mostly, and the one mom from Rachel's school days that you stayed friends with despite Rachel and her son never actually having been friends. Eventually the text comes through from your daughter that she's a few minutes away and that makes you smile brighter than just about anything else today.
Pope pulls out his phone and texts Frankie, wondering when he’s coming – or if he’s going to come at all. He is worried about him, knowing that he’s under a lot of pressure. Marie blames him for losing his license and then going down to South America for two weeks when it was only supposed to be one. He couldn’t even tell her what happened and that was causing issues.
Had to wait for the babysitter. On my way now. Says the text that comes through a few minutes later, but there is a temporary distraction from waiting for Catfish: Rachel's car pulls up and parks outside the house, expelling both your daughter and her boyfriend onto the front lawn.
“Come on, Ben.” Rachel grabs his hand and rushes him towards the door. They are running behind because of the pre-party activities he had talked her into and while she’s not regretting that in the least, she wants to get inside and wish you happy birthday.
“Sounds like everybody’s out back, baby,” he steers her toward the fence surrounding the backyard instead of the front door, but when that brings him closer to the actual driveway of his girlfriend’s house he frowns — deeply — in confusion. He shouldn’t recognize the two vehicles sitting behind Rachel’s car and her mother’s, but there they are: Pope’s slick vintage Corvette right next to Will’s jacked up picked up truck. There’s no denying the two vehicles, he’s seen them together far too often. “The hell?” Benny breathes, but Rachel doesn’t hear him. She’s too excited to see her mom and moving them through the gate before he can hang back to do a double take at the cars.
“Mom!” Pope looks up at soon as he hears a familiar happy cry but then he’s immediately frowning. Watching as Ben Miller moves through the fence gate with Rachel. “What the fuck?”
“I told you she was bringing her boyfriend, didn’t I?” Santiago’s level of confusion is confusing in its own right, but you ignore it in favor of meeting your daughter at the edge of the porch to give her a massive hug. “Hey sweet pea!”
It helps that Benny looks just as stunned as Pope does, Will stopping short when he sees his younger brother and doesn’t hesitate to call out. “You made it!” He huffs out and shaking his head at his brother’s fickleness. “Girlfriend’s family already kick you out?”
“Nooo…” Benny blinks against the sunlight, having left his sunglasses in his truck. “You’re at the wrong party, assholes.”
The ball busting smirk immediately slides off of Will’s face, due to the knowledge that there is no way they could be at the wrong party. “Benny…” He glances at a stunned Pope and sighs heavily. “We’re at the right party.”
It only takes about a second more, but by the time Benny breathes “Ohhh shit.” He’s also cackling with laughter. “Are you telling me—” The younger Miller brother looks around and drops his voice for the sake of not embarrassing the girl he adores. “Are you telling me Pope is banging my girl’s mom?”
Will snorts and shakes his head. “Looks like.” He agrees quietly. “Hell of a birthday surprise.” He hopes that it won’t change your daughter’s mind on dating him, Rachel has been fantastic for Ben.
“Fuck….” Pope snickers quietly, shaking his head at the irony. He should probably go spell this out for you so you don’t take it the wrong way. No one knew. Even after hearing about Benny’s girlfriend for months, only Will and Fish had met her so far.
Rachel pulls back and gives you a beaming smile. “Happy Birthday Mom.” She hums, winking at you. “Santiago spend the night last night since I was with Ben?” She’s not been paying attention to the guys, too focused on you.
“We fell asleep watching our second movie.” It’s mostly true — true enough that you can play it off as innocent because you did technically nod off during the second movie — but the empty bowl of popcorn and wine glasses in the living room had waited until this morning to be cleared away once you hauled each other off to bed. “Did Ben have a fight last night or did you guys just go out?”
“No fight.” She shakes her head. “Next weekend, so we just got to go out. Although he wants to know if you would like to come to the fight.” You’ve met Benny and she thinks you like him, but she wants you to get to know him better. Which is why she had suggested they go to your party today instead of his friends’.
“If you want me to.” You don’t feel too excited to watch your daughter’s boyfriend get beat up, but you do want to get to know him better. Rach is so obviously head over heels for him.
“It’s up to you.” She smiles and looks back at Ben, curious to find Will here. “Um— what’s his brother doing here?”
“Whose brother?” Turning to follow her eyes, your head tilts slightly in interest. Santiago and Will are deep in conversation with Benny already. “That’s one of Santiago’s friends. Will.”
“Mom…” Rachel’s eyes widen slightly. “That’s Will Miller…Benny’s older brother.”
“That…” You swallow, slowly registering the situation as you watch the men interact. “That makes things interesting…” You’re dating a man who served with your daughter’s boyfriend…this is going to get complicated…
“Oh god.” Rachel bites her lip as Benny and Pope quickly break away and come over to the two of you. “So…”
“So, this is interesting.” You repeat the phrase almost disbelieving.
“Kind of a funny coincidence, huh?” Benny wraps his arms around Rachel and plants a kiss in her hair.
“I didn’t know.” Rachel promises you with a small shake of her head. “Shit, Ben. I can’t believe I didn’t know it.”
“I think I know why.” You observe, clearing your throat and accepting the comfort of Santiago’s arm around your waist as you look up (and up) at Ben. “I’m going to guess that your nickname while you were serving together was Taz?”
“Yeah.” Benny nods and looks back between all the other men. “Oh fuck, we’ve been just using our nicknames and they didn’t know.” He groans. "I'm sorry baby." He turns to Rachel with an apologetic look. "Pope was talking about his new girl and spending as much time as possible with her, so he missed the last fight you were at."
“It’s a little unconventional,” you admit, wondering what Santiago thinks of all this. “But not terrible, right?” As close in age as you and Rachel are, it wouldn’t be the first time you have had mutual friends. Just the first time you were ever dating mutual friends.
"He's a good guy." Pope assures you, like it's the first time you've met Benny. "And we can kick his ass if needed."
Benny snorts and rolls his eyes. "You wish, old man."
“Rach?” Your fingers run through her loose curls gently and you give her a questioning look. While this isn’t the day you want to have — after all, you do like Santiago — it’s ultimately up to her. Everything is and always has been in your life, and you made that decision for a reason.
"I don't think that you need to stop seeing Santiago just because he knows Ben." She rationalizes. "I think it's fine, what do you think?"
“Just as long as you’re comfortable with it.” That goes for the men involved, too. But they don’t seem to mind beyond being apologetic.
Rachel snorts and shrugs. "Just as long as they don't share sex stories." She giggles and shoots Santiago a smirk. "And we won't either."
“I was not planning on it, sweet pea.” You might be close, but that’s a step too far even for you. “Never ever.”
Agreeing completely, she walks up to Pope and gives him a hug. "So if you make my mom cry, I'll have my boyfriend beat you up." She teases.
“Got it.” She’s a grown woman, but he can’t resist the urge to mess with her thick hair, watching her face wrinkle in disapproval before she moves back to Benny, who smooths the familiar curls with care. “Now we just need Catfish to get here and we’ll have everybody.”
"I'm here!" A hand appears over the fence before he opens it, hat pulled low, and he grunts when he picks up the cooler full of ice and beer that he had stopped and picked up on the way. "Sorry I'm late."
“Fish!” Benny kisses the side of Rachel’s head before peeling off to grab the cooler from him and take it to the porch so his friend can catch his breath. He doesn’t see the tick in the tilt of your head or the way your eyes widen just a second later.
'Fish', or Francisco Morales, looks up and smirks at Benny when he grabs the cooler. Thankful, although he wouldn't make too much of a fuss about it. Getting older sucked and he's still feeling the effects of that workout he helped the other man do just two days ago when his normal sparring partner was sick. "'Bout time you made yourself useful." He huffs playfully and looking towards Pope to wave. Freezing with his arm halfway up in greeting when he sees someone that he had never expected to see before – you.
The way you shrink into yourself immediately is instinct. As much shock as anything else. But within seconds you’re stepping forward to block Rachel from view and shakily a demand an explanation. “What the shit is going on?” You hiss, though you’re not exactly sure who you’re talking to, you just don’t want to make a scene in front of your coworkers. They consider you to be such a calm, collected woman.
Frowning, Pope turns towards you, reaching out to touch your arm and stepping closer to you. "Babe— what's wrong? What are you talking about?" He follows your gaze back to Fish and he grunts in confusion. "Fish? He's another teammate. One of my best friends."
“Fuck.” Deflating on the spot, you feel like you could just collapse where you stand but that wouldn’t help the situation any. “We—we, um—know each other,” you explain quietly. “But it’s been a long time.”
Feeling like he's been kicked in the chest by one of those fucking mules, Frankie stumbles forward and murmurs your name softly. "I— what are you doing here?" He asks, frowning slightly.
“This is my house.” You wonder if Santiago even explained where he was inviting him, or if you have a nickname to their group just like they all do to each other. “I wouldn’t expect you to still remember my birthday.”
All the blood drains from his face and it falls into a wounded look. Realizing that you have to be Pope's girl. "I— remembered." He murmurs quietly, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Seven billion people in the world. Figured someone else would have the same day too." It's almost a kick in the teeth, that comment of yours. Considering he had a fight with Marie because he had said your name this morning when he was talking to himself after waking up. You were the reason he had fought, again, with the mother of his child and she had pitched a fit and left. Making him wait on a babysitter so he could come to this party. To find out that it was for you. He's so fucking lucky that Marie isn't here. He clears his throat roughly and bites his lip. "Happy birthday, gatita." He uses the nickname from a million years ago and steps back. "I should go."
A press of overwhelming guilt and the instinct to stop him makes you reach out, grabbing his arm before you can stop yourself. “No. You shouldn’t.” You admit, even though it hurts.
"No," He shakes his head and gives you a wry smile. "I should." He sighs softly and looks over at Pope. "This is your girl, huh?" He asks, confusing the other man even more. "Keep her and take care of her." He tells him. "You'll regret it if you don't." He reaches for your hand and pries it off his arm gently, squeezing it before letting it go.
“Where’s Fish going?” Benny returns from the deck just a second too late, but just in time to watch Frankie leave again and see the bewildered looks on his friends’ faces.
"I don't fucking know." The entire day has been one big bag of surprises and Pope doesn't particularly like surprises. He turns towards you for some kind of explanation, although the nickname gatita sounds familiar, like Fish has mentioned it before. "You know Frank?"
“We grew up together.” It’s the best you can hiccup out before you take off like a shot, following Frankie through the gate. “Frankie!” He’s already down at the street, but he pauses when you call his name and it gives you time to catch up.
Waiting for you as you rush towards him, Frankie takes off his Standard Oil hat and scratches his hair. Struck by how nostalgic the moment is, waiting for you to catch up to him so many times once upon a lifetime ago. “Look, I’m sorry.” He sighs when you are closer. “I didn’t know, okay? I’m going.”
“I think you should stay.” Not as fit as you once were, you puff a little and put your arms around your waist. “We, uh—for Santiago, if nothing else. You’re his friend and I—I’m somebody you used to know.” And there is so, so much to tell him…
The idea that you might want him there makes him pause and he frowns slightly as he stares at you for a moment. “Only if you’re sure.” He still hesitates. “It’s your birthday after all.”
“It is.” And you’re not sure. You’re really not. But since he’s reappearing in your life almost twenty-five years later, the lump in your throat is winning over logic.
“Last time I saw you was on your birthday.” Frankie frowns, wondering how he could have been such a shit head back then. “Seems like the circle is complete.”
“Eighteen was a long time ago.” It was right before he left for boot camp, and you’d been pushing him to commit to you before he left. A stupid thing to do at such a young age. You know that now. But you were so stupid in love with him back then and there was so much going on.
“Yes it was.” He can admit that, biting his lip and shuffling slightly. “And I was an asshole.” He had broken his own damn heart, even if he hadn’t known it at the time.
“I shouldn’t have pushed you so hard.” Squeezing your eyes shut makes you feel like your heart is going to burst, but the universe has decided that it’s time to finally time to come clean. “I was scared. And I’m sorry.”
“I was stupid.” Frankie has so many regrets from that time of his life, just compounded over the years and he almost steps closer to you, but he doesn’t. He can’t, he doesn’t have that right anymore. “I proved you right. I didn’t come back.” The argument is still confusing in his memory, just as much as it had confused him then. You had pushed to get married before he left and he had wanted to wait. It had become a sticking point and in his stubbornness, he had broken up with you.
“You didn’t come back and you didn’t have a cell phone…and then your parents moved.” With their only child moved on, Frankie’s father had accepted a transfer upstate from the Standard Heating & Oil Co that both of your fathers worked for. “I had—I had no way to talk to you. To—to tell you—” Tears prick at the corners of your eyes, surprising you since you thought you had cried every last tear you had over Frankie Morales.
“Tell me?” Frankie frowns and he does step closer, hating to see tears in your eyes again on a birthday. Especially because they seem to be because of him again. “Tell me what, gatita?”
“Fair warning.” Wiping at the corners of your eyes, you can’t quite look him in his even when you straighten out again. “You’ll hate me. And you probably should, at this point.”
“I don’t think I could hate you.” Frankie admits quietly, unable to even imagine a world where he would.
“You might.” Wiping your hands down your face and breathing out a deep, frustrated groan, you look up again to see the eyes of the boy who was your first everything looking back at you, and you crumble. “I didn’t have any way to contact you,” you repeat again, knowing you could and should have tried harder anyway. “And I was scared of losing you because — because I was pregnant.”
The way his brows pull down is instantaneous and he immediately puts his hands on his hips and twists around as he absorbs your news. “You— you were pregnant?” He chokes out, looking back at you with a wounded expression. “I— what? No? What— pregnant?”
“That’s…that’s why I was pushing you so hard to propose.” You admit, eyes cast down at the ground.
“You didn’t say a word.” Frankie shakes his head. “Why— why didn’t you tell me? If I had known—”
“I thought if I told you that you’d only run away from me faster.” Which, at eighteen years old, had seemed like pretty sound logic to you. “By the time I was scared enough to just want you there regardless, it was too late. You were…you were gone.”
“By the time—” he shakes his head, eyes wide and he swallows harshly. “What happened? Don’t— I— what are you saying?”
"I'm saying that you have a daughter." A fact which sticks in your throat now like you had tried to swallow a pinecone. "Who is smart, and kind, and headstrong, and stubborn as hell. But she's doing so well for herself that a lot of that stubbornness just slides right by."
Frankie blanks out for a minute, staring at you before he turns away. Grappling with his emotions as he bends over and tries to take a breath, groaning slightly in disbelief. “No.” He shakes his head, turning back to you. “No! Don’t tell me that!”
"I'm sorry." It isn't worth much, as apologies go, but you kneel down beside him on the grass and wonder if he'll be mad enough to strike out if you put a hand on his back. "I really am. You should have known a long time ago."
“Twenty-four,” he chokes out. “You are telling me I have a twenty-four year old daughter?” His face screws up in the regret and tears. “Please tell me you’re fucking joking.”
"I had no way to tell you." It's a lame excuse, or at least it feels lame, and you do rest your hand on his back but it's so gentle you don't even know if he can feel it.
“Oh fuck….fuck, fuck, fuck…..” Frankie moans, closing his eyes and his fists bunch against his thighs. “I-I-I— don’t— I can’t –”
"Frankie?" His breathing sounds panicked, and you soothe one hand in circles around his back. "Breathe, okay? Just breathe. Everything's okay. She—she's grown. She's raised. No one is asking you to do anything."
“I—I missed it.” He manages. “I missed everything.” Closing his eyes as he realizes that his trajectory of his life would have been vastly different if he had known.
Oh. It's the opposite. The exact opposite. He's not panicked that you're going to expect him to stay, like you thought he was. He's upset that he missed Rachel's childhood. "There's...there's still the whole rest of her life ahead."
“I— I should have been there.” He drops his head down even more. “Fuck— you must hate me. She must hate me.”
"It's my fault you didn't know. Why would I hate you?" As much as it has ever hurt to lose him, you've never actually hated him. Just missed him. Which isn't the same although they can be confused for each other. "And Rachel— Frankie, she knows the truth. That we were young and lost touch."
“Rachel.” He shakes his head, focusing on her name and it’s so goddamn familiar. “Her name is Rachel?”
"My aunt Rachel died right before she was born," you explain, wondering if he even remembers meeting your mother's sister a million and a half times at different family functions while you were together. He was always invited for every holiday.
“God.” He closes his eyes and shakes his head, hating that he had been such a fucking idiot back then. “I’m so sorry.” He whispers.
"I am, too." More sorry than you can possibly say, but what else can you do at this point but try to move forward?
“So I managed to ruin another birthday of yours.” He pushes aside the grief and sorrow that is threatening to overwhelm him and locks it down. Compartmentalize, shutting down, it’s what he knows best. He can freak out about this later when he’s left.
"It's not ruined." It's awkward, and it's uncomfortable, and you're not really sure what to do now. But it's not ruined. "It's—it's not—I don't know what today is, but it's..." you sigh heavily and stand up again. "I don't know, Frankie. If you want to leave that's up to you. But our lives cross now, and I know...I know Rachel would want to meet you."
“Oh god. Is she— is she there? Here?” He asks, shaking his head. “Can I meet her?”
"If I wasn't going to let you meet her, I would have just kept my mouth shut about the whole thing," you needle him gently. Just wishing he could or would do as much as crack a smile. It seems desperately needed.
The huff, the quarter of a smile is almost involuntary. Almost in disbelief and he looks over at you with a heavy stare. “I want to meet her.” He tells you quietly. “If I had known, things would have been so different for us, gatita.”
"No use crying over spilled milk, I think." Twenty-four years of regret is a lot to process, but you nod in acknowledgement. Just a small motion of thanks that he is at least saying out loud what you suspected.
“Fuck.” He huffs again and uncurls his hands to wipe them on his jeans. “I’m nervous.”
"Telling you not to be seems cruel," you huff, though you're not sure what else to say. "No one planned this. No one saw this coming. It will be as much of a shock to her as it is to you. As—as it was to me to see you."
“Forty-two.” He shakes his head and looks back over at you in awe. “You don’t look a day over fucking eighteen.” It might be a small embellishment, but you look amazing and so much like the girl he has loved for so long.
"You're not so bad yourself." Santiago may be on the other side of that fence, but a part of your heart has always and will always belong to scrawny Frankie Morales from Brooklyn. Even if he isn't scrawny anymore – which is a thing you can't help but notice.
He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, centering himself before he nods. “We should go back.” He murmurs.
"I promise she's not scary." Although you'll understand when it is a complete shock to her. And to the others. "Just...let me tell her first? I ran after you so fast that I didn't explain to anyone else yet."
Both of you stand up and he scrubs his hands on his jeans again. “Sure, sure.” He agrees, knowing that it could be sort of a shock, even if she’s known about him her whole life.
"Remember to breathe," you advise him with a wry chuckle, even though it's good advice for you too.
“When I remember how.” Frankie snorts, slightly pacing in place as he glances towards the back yard gate.
"Come on." Nodding toward the yard, you take a step in that direction to see if it will spur him on. The urge to offer him your hand is misplaced, and you have to quell it by putting your hands in your jeans pockets. "We've kept them waiting long enough."
Frankie exhales roughly and trails along behind you, wanting you to take the lead. He has to tell you about Luna at some point, but he will do that after he meets the daughter he never knew he had.
“Sorry about that.” Once you’re on the other side of the gate again, you see Rachel standing in the midst of Santiago, Benny, and Will all looking concerned. “That was…unexpected? Shall we say?”
“Mom?” Rachel moves closer to you and frowns as her eyes slide back to where Frankie is hanging back. “Why are you upset with Fish?” She asks softly, looking back at the other three men and then back at you. “You said you knew him? When? I don’t remember you dating him.” Your dates had been few and far between, even rarer that she had met them, but she would have remembered someone called Catfish.
“I’m not upset, sweet pea. I’m just surprised.” It’s a lie, but a prudent one. You are upset, and it’s because your little slice of peace has been disturbed. But no one did that on purpose, so you’ll just have to live with it. “Why don’t we—we should talk about this inside.”
“No. Here. Now.” She has inherited her stubbornness both you and Frankie. And she’s eyeing the man she had met a few months ago and hung out with suspiciously. He looks like he’s about to be sick and she’s not above taking a baseball bat to his knees if needed, whether or not she had liked him before.
“Rach, I really don’t think that’s a good idea,” you murmur, looking around the backyard. Most people are milling about and a few are in the pool, but they obviously all know something is up.
Rachel stares at you for a minute and then she shoots Frankie a glare because you look so upset before she turns around and marches towards the house.
“You guys, too,” you decide, figuring it’s probably best to get all of this over with. Santiago is dating you, Benny is dating Rachel, and Will is bound to find everything out soon enough.
There’s not a lot of hope for him with the glare shot his way, so Frankie hangs back for a moment. Reconciling the fact that Rachel is the girl that Benny has been dating. His daughter is dating his friend. His friend who has been bragging about his girl to him. And their sex life. He’s going to throw up or punch Ben in the mouth.
Once everyone is inside, you check to make sure the bathroom is empty and close the sliding doors tightly. Everyone outside can wait. This is far more important. “Everything is okay,” you start, making sure that right off the bat Rachel knows you aren’t mad and Santiago understands you don’t hate his best friend. His best friend. Fuck. “It was just—as surprising as it was to find out Santiago and Ben are friends…this is an even bigger surprise.”
Frankie leans on the side of the wall, staring at the tip of his boot as he tries to wait for you to tell Rachel. He can’t blurt it out, she’s your kid. Not his— not really. He hasn’t done a goddamn thing to help raise her, but he has to admire the job you’ve done.
"The thing is, Rach." Blowing out a breath, you reach out for your daughter's hand and just pray she won't hate you. "You wouldn't remember when I dated Frankie. Because it was before you were born."
“Hermano.” Pope’s eyes widen and the nickname clicks. He knew he had heard it before. “Gatita? This is—” he whistles quietly. “Mierda.”
When Rachel still looks confused, you breathe deeply and try your best not to shake. Or to chicken out. "There are a lot of blanks to fill in along the way, but...sweet pea...Frankie is—" Oh god, you're going to throw up. You're absolutely going to throw up. "He's your father."
You could hear a pin drop, or a mouse fart, the room is so quiet. Every head snapping towards Frankie in judgement and he doesn’t pay them any attention, focusing on the one person right now that matters. His daughter.
"I don't understand." Rachel stands bog still, clutching your hand with eyes as wide as saucers as she looks frantically between you and Frankie. She had liked this man. He is a good friend to Ben. But now she doesn't know what to think.
“Your mom and I were high school sweethearts.” Frankie isn’t sure what you might have told her, but he’s going to tell her what he knows to be true. “More like middle school, but you know?” He shrugs. “I didn’t know she was pregnant.” He promises. “I swear I didn’t know.”
Will sighs from the other side of the room. “Oh shit.”
"Everything I ever told you about him was the truth." You had worked hard to always be fair to Frankie when you were raising Rachel, even if it led to never telling her very much about him unless she asked. "He didn't know, and I had no way of telling him. It's been...it's been twenty-five years since we even spoke to each other. So you can understand why I was surprised to see him walk in today."
“And he’s friends with your boyfriend and mine.” There’s a note of disbelief in her voice that Frankie doesn’t blame her for.
“We were on the same team for years.” Frankie explains. “I was their pilot.”
“That’s why we lost touch,” you remind your daughter gently. “He left for boot camp.” Considering Ben isn’t the first Army boy that Rachel has dated, you have always sort of had a suspicion that she was subconsciously searching for her dad in these men. It just never occurred to you that it would actually work.
She looks at him, almost accusatory in her gaze. “Why did you never come back?” She demands. “If you loved her, why did you just walk away?”
That makes Frankie wince, and he shoves his hands in his pockets again. “Have you ever done something dumb and been too goddamn proud to admit you were wrong?” He asks quietly, and Pope, despite his own feelings about the entire situation, won’t let Frankie’s daughter twist in the wind.
“He used to talk about his gatita.” He interjects. “Regretting not making up with her and wishing he could get in contact with her.”
“It was harder back then, honey.” The gentle reminder is important, because Rachel might not have grown up in a world of luxury but she’s definitely never known a world without cell phones or social media. “When I told your grandparents that you were coming, we moved. It was just a little further outside the city, but the place was bigger and the neighborhood was safer. Your grandma found a better job and— and with neither of our families still in Brooklyn, we couldn’t have found each other. Even if your dad had come back looking for me, or tried to call our old apartment? We wouldn’t have been there.” At least she hasn’t ripped her hand out of yours yet. You’re considering that a good thing “We were kids, and we made mistakes. Very big ones. But you know he didn’t leave because he didn’t love you.”
“I would have never.” He promises, his voice thick with emotions. He shakes his head and frowns slightly. He doesn’t know why he didn’t realize who she was to him now that he knows. She looks just like a perfect combination of you and him, with your nose, thank God. But her ears curl just like his.
“Oh god…” In trying to process everything, Rachel glances up and looks at Frankie’s hat again, groaning to herself and wiping one hand at the bottom of her neck just like he does — but neither of them ever noticed the simile gesture. “I always just thought the hat was a funny coincidence,” she admits with a huff.
“My hat?” He takes it off and scrubs his hair quickly before putting it back on his head. “Had it since I was a kid.”
The Miller brothers look confused, and you offer them a wilted smile with your explanation. "Both of our fathers, Rach's grandfathers...they both worked for Standard for forever. That's how Frankie and I met."
“Oh shit.” Benny frowns slightly and moves over to Rachel’s side, squeezing her hip supportively.
"I know this is a lot." It's a lot for everyone, but you're mostly just talking to Rachel. Your whole adult life has been lived for your baby girl and now emotions are unraveling at light speed. "But nothing has to change. You're a grown woman, sweet pea. And whatever relationship you want with your Dad is up to you."
“I’ve spent time with him.” She admits quietly. “After a fight of Benny’s.” She looks back at Frankie and bites her lip. “But I’d like to get to know him as my dad.”
"I know this just got sprung on everybody," you murmur again. The fact is that right now you have a yard full of people and all you want to do is disappear under your comforter and pretend it isn't happening. "But...life throws you curveballs, right?"
“Yeah.” Frankie huffs, crossing his arms over his chest and feeling like his entire world has turned on its head. Wishing like hell he could snort a line but he promised himself he wouldn’t touch that shit again.
"We should give you guys some privacy." When Will finally speaks up, it's to motion to his brother and to Pope that maybe they should step outside. There are a lot of emotions creating tension in this room and they're not going to be made easier by having an audience.
Pope shuffles slightly, wanting to stay, but he also needs to think about this entire thing. The situation is blowing up and he doesn’t want to make things worse.
"Maybe you could throw the burgers on the grill? And we'll be out in a few minutes?" He had offered to be in charge of the grill today but that was before everything had gone to hell and now you have no idea what he's thinking. "And I promise we'll talk through everything, too."
“Of course.” He nods and doesn’t lean in to kiss you like he might have just a few minutes before walking in this house. Feeling almost guilty for the entire situation right now.
That missing kiss is enough to tell you that everything has changed. Santiago has never shied away from affection or from public displays, and this is exactly the time that a partner might have offered that kind of comfort. Whatever you end up talking to him about later, you're now prepared for him to end things. But you can't fault him for that. You had a baby with his best friend – even if you didn't know each other then.
“Baby?” Benny looks at Rachel, checking with her before he leaves.
"It's okay," she promises him, going up on her toes to kiss the corner of his mouth. "I'll find you when we come back out." And she's going to find a White Claw or six in the garage fridge, too. Fuck.
“Okay.” He shoots Frankie a worried look, not liking the despair on his friend’s face and shuffles to the door.
"I figured it might be easiest to just tell them the facts up front and then let all of us talk," you tell them both, now wondering if that was the right move at all.
“Yeah.” Frankie nods, understanding why you did it, but he looks over at Rachel with regret and waits for her to say something.
"Do you, actually...do you mind if I talk to Frankie—" Rachel hums awkwardly over it, before reconsidering. "If I talk to my father alone for a few minutes?" She sort of feels like they're ganging up on him, and while she has questions and she's sure that you do, too...hers are going to be very different from yours.
“I don’t mind.” Frankie glances back over at you for approval.
"I should go make the rounds outside." As much as you don't want to, it is your party and they are your guests out there. Most of whom noticed that something odd has happened even if they don't know what. Still, you nod and lean over to hug your daughter. "Come back out when you’re ready. Ben looked like he'll worry until you do."
“I will.” She promises and Frankie catches your eye as you glance over at him.
“Thanks.” He murmurs, thanking you for the opportunity to talk to Rachel. He knows you could have been very different with this entire thing. Blowing out a breath when you walk out and shut the door, he looks back at his grown daughter. “So hit me with it.” He tells her.
For a second Rachel is dumbfounded. She just stands and stares at him, but then her shoulders slump and she shrugs and she blows out a long sigh. “I guess I know the real reason my middle name is Francine,” she poses, shaking her head. “Mom said it was because The Nanny is her favourite show and I completely fucking believe that because she worships Fran Drescher, but I’m willing to bet that’s one of only like six lies she’s ever told me in my whole life and it’s actually because of you.”
“Francisco Alberto Morales.” He introduces himself to her quietly, nodding and trying not to be humbled by the fact that you gave your daughter a version of his name. Something to connect the two of you.
“And you guys were…you were together for a long time?” She knows the story. She’s heard it from you over and over again. But something in her feels like she needs to hear it confirmed from him.
“Seventh grade until her 18th birthday.” He frowns at the way that makes him sound, how callous it could be construed. He has just walked away after so long.
“And she wanted to get married.” Rachel prompts, needing these landmarks of the story confirmed for her.
“We had a plan.” He shuffles slightly and looks around the neat and well decorated home. You’ve done well for yourself and it shows. “I was going to get through boot camp and my ‘A’ school while she started college and then when I got to my first duty station, she would transfer to a school nearby.” His shoulders round when he remembers that last fight, the missing piece now clicked into place and with maturity, he can see that you had been terrified, not overbearing. “Her birthday, she blind-sided me with getting married.”
“She wanted to skip forward and get married first, and you didn’t agree.” She can see it from both sides, now. As an adult it makes sense why an eighteen-year-old planning his life would think his girlfriend was just trying to trap him — or even that she wanted the wedding more than she wanted him. “But…you never got married at all? Even after Mom?”
“No.” Marie isn’t married to him, he couldn’t do that even if he had been inclined to. She was still technically married to some guy in her past, or so she claimed. “But….”
“Oh god, don’t say Marie.” Rachel bursts out, talking before she can even think. “She’s awful, and I’m not the only one who thinks so. I didn’t feel like I had a right to say anything before but I totally do now and she’s abusive and terrible, and I will absolutely help you leave her if you need help. I’ll babysit Luna anytime and — oh my god Luna is my sister—”
Frankie shuffles and looks down at his feet. Marie hadn’t been at her best the first time that Rachel had come to the bar after the fight. She had been pissed off because his hearing had been postponed again and he wasn’t closer to getting his pilot’s license back.
“Look, if you’re happy, it’s whatever.” Rachel shuffles, not realizing she’s moving the same way as Frankie, and shrugs. She senses she’s hit a nerve. “I’ll still help with Luna whenever you need. I—I always wanted a baby sister…”
“She’s not bad.” Frankie had dealt with her for a long time and it seemed harder to leave than it was to stay. “That was a bad night.”
“If you say so.” She doesn’t believe him, but the very first day she meets her father isn’t the day to push too hard.
He doesn’t know what to say, so he looks around the house again. “Did you and your mom struggle?” He asks quietly.
“My grandparents helped.” The short answer is yes, but she doesn’t want to make him feel guilty. “We lived with them when I was little, then we moved down here when I was about thirteen. Mom got a job with Disney.”
Frankie nods, frowning slightly. He has his retirement and his Thrift Savings Plan from the military, which he will hopefully be able to not use once he gets his license back. He’s not in the best position to offer any kind of help, but he will. “You’re in school, right?” He asks.
“I’m getting my masters at UCF.” Rachel nods again. “I still live with Mom. Here, I mean. She didn’t make me leave or anything when I started college.”
She’s dedicated. Frankie knows that college, especially graduate programs, are expensive. “That’s good.” He bites his lip and wonders if the offer would offend her. “I have my G.I. Bill.” He mentions. “I can gift it to a spouse – which I don’t have.” He shrugs. “Or a child.”
It's a very sweet offer, but that doesn't really surprise her. She already knows Frankie is a sweet guy. "Save it for Luna," she tells him. "I have great scholarships, and that way she'll be able to look forward to school without worrying about student loans."
It’s feels like a rejection, even though he knows it’s not. He nods and clears his throat. “That’s good.” He has an odd sense of pride for her achievements, even though he had done nothing to contribute.
"What do you want to know about me?" There's probably plenty, but now Rachel feels a bit self-conscious. She's at least heard stories about him. All he knows about her is whatever Ben has told him.
“Everything.” The word tumbles out before he can stop himself and he looks embarrassed. “I— I want to know everything.”
"Everything is a lot," she laughs, but understands. She wants to know everything about him too. She's wondered about her father forever. "What if...what if we did some father/daughter stuff? I could come over and spend time with you and Luna or we could grab a drink sometimes? Just...exist together. And all the get to know you stuff will come in time?"
“Yeah.” He nods eagerly and smiles at her, his eyes crinkling and his face lighting up at the idea. “I like that. Any time. Any time at all.”
“Okay.” She’s feeling bone tired by all of this so she can only imagine how you and Frankie feel, but as Rachel moves over to the notepad on the far table to write her number down for him, she purses her lips slightly and tilts her head. Her thinking face. “Don’t…please don’t be too hard on Mom?” She asks, holding the slip of paper out to him a second later. “She doesn’t ever say it, but I know she’s missed you. And she worked so hard to raise me alone, she just…she deserves the world.”
“I’m not mad at your mother, querida.” He promises, taking the paper and looking down at it before he folds it up carefully and tucks it into his pocket. “I’m mad at myself.” He explains. “Too goddamn proud to admit I was wrong, and I apparently missed out on a hell of a life.” He looks up at her with pride. “And a hell of a daughter.”
“Well shucks, Paw,” she laughs, obviously very touched by the sentiment. “I guess we both have a bunch to catch up on. But we can do that.”
He snorts and huffs out a grin. “By the way, I’m going to punch your boyfriend in the mouth.” He warns Rachel. “So don’t go screaming at me when it happens.”
“Benny?” She makes an audible huffing sound. “What did he do?”
“You’ll find out.” He won’t say now, but he shrugs. “He deserves it, and he’ll know it.”
“Seems weird, but okay.” Men do weird things sometimes. She’s not so young that she doesn’t know that.
He chuckles and sweeps his head off his head again. “You look like your mother when you wrinkle your nose.”
“It’s funny.” She wrinkles her nose again but consciously, wondering if she really does look like you that way. “She always said I had your smile. And your ears.”
Frankie reaches out and brushes her curls back behind her ears and smiles. “You do have my ears.” He admits.
“Is it weird? She asks, stifling a laugh. “To realize that?”
“Surreal.” He admits with a sigh. “I don’t know what to think. I went from being too old to have a six-month-old, to being the dad to a grown ass woman.”
“I was teasing Mom about wanting a little sister last night,” Rachel admits with a groan at the irony. “Shows me right.”
Frankie smirks slightly and shrugs. “Isn’t life sometimes a kick in the teeth?”
“What a Fucking kick in the teeth.” Will pushes out a sigh in the backyard, cracking open the beer he grabbed from the cooler Fish brought.
“Yeah.” Pope frowns at the grill, pushing the perfectly aligned burgers with the spatula. “Who would have thought?”
"What are you gonna do?" It's not as though Pope has had a lot of time to think, but Will knows him long enough to know that the wheels are already spinning. They have all heard Fish talk about his gatita, and now that they know who she is? It at least warrants a reaction.
Pope glances over at Will before he looks back at the grill, his movements a little stiffer than just a moment before. “What can I do?” He asks rhetorically. “She was his first.”
"Just because she was his first doesn't mean that he has to be her last," Benny offers, not quite sure what else to say. They all know that Pope had been starting to fall for you, even if it had never been said. Now he is very obviously pulling back.
"No, but she would want him to be." He admits quietly. "She had told me about her first love. She didn't tell me his name." He says pointedly when Benny opens his mouth to ask the obvious question. "But she told me enough to know that she's still in love with him. And we know that Frankie never got over her."
"So it's not about stepping back," Will observes, sipping his beer in the hot Florida sun. "It's about letting them be together."
Closing the grill, Pope sighs, hands on his hips as he looks around the backyard and comes to his decision. "Don't you think Fish deserves to be happy?" He asks quietly.
"Of course he does." The idea that Will might think otherwise practically makes him clutch his proverbial pearls.
"And fuck knows we want Marie gone," Benny huffs under his breath.
"His gatita is the one to make both of those wishes come true." He's sure of it and he will bow out like a gentleman. It's the least he can do since the last half year of hell in his personal life is partially his responsibility. He had pushed Fish to come to South America. Pope looks back at both of the other men. "Want to help me fix Fish's life?"
Benny is the first to smirk, clapping his hands together and rubbing them dramatically. "You gonna pull a binder out of your ass or are we talking this one through?"
"First, I'm going to get really drunk and pretend like I'm not falling on a sword." Pope snorts, snatching the beer out of Will's hand and taking a drink. "Then, we're gonna figure out how to get Fish custody of Luna." He tells them quietly. "That little girl is the reason he's still with Marie."
"We just need proof that she's the one with the drug problem." Will mumbles, not wanting to say those words too loud. "And we need his hearing to go through so he can get his damn license back."
"Yeah." He sighs and points at Will. "Can you talk to your ex?" Pope asks, knowing it's a big favor. "She's still working in the DA's office, right? Maybe she can help us? Or know someone who can?" Being a paralegal isn't the same as being an assistant DA, but she knows people.
"I'll see if she can at least point me in the right direction," Will nods in agreement, knowing that as uncomfortable as talking to his ex-fiancée will be, it's definitely the right course of action. "She always like Fish. It shouldn't be too hard to get her to give an e-mail or phone number of who can help."
“Marie isn’t going be happy learning about Rachel.” Pope glances at Benny. “You know that.”
"She's going to be furious." Ben agrees, wiping his hand through his hair and blowing out a raspberry. "She's gonna think Fish kept it from her on purpose."
“Poor bastard looked like he was about to fall over.” Pope sighs. “I hate this.”
"We're gonna make it work," Benny promises him. "Sorry you got shoved into the middle of it, though."
“It’s okay.” It wasn’t and it actually really hurt that he was going to have to end things with you and pretend that he’s just friends with you, but his brother is worth it.
"Better to find out now than a year from now," Will offers, knowing it isn't a whole lot of comfort. But at least it's honest.
“Yeah.” You walk out of the house and he immediately turns to watch you. “Better now.” Santi murmurs, his heart aching.
Most people leave around dinner time, splintering off to nighttime plans or to go home to their families. Santiago, Frankie, and the Miller brothers stayed long enough to help you clean up and Rachel is loading the dishwasher when you realize Santiago has gone temporarily missing. On a hunch, you go down the hall to your bedroom and frown to see him there, tucking things back into his duffel bag.
"Decided not the stay the night?"
He hates that you caught him and he stands tall after shoving in a t-shirt and tamping down the guilty feeling. “It’s been a…surprising day.” He tells you. “Figured it might be better to change the plan for tonight.”
"Just for tonight?" You have a feeling you know the answer, but you want it out in the open. No questions or doubts.
His eyes slide away from you and for a moment, he falters. Wondering if this is the wrong thing to do. “No.” He admits, walking over to you and cupping your cheeks in his hand. “I am— was— falling in love with you.” He won’t lie to you. “But you’ve been in love with Frank for far longer than you’ve loved me.”
It's enormously frustrating for him to be both presumptuous and right. The last thing you want is to admit it, especially as tears press at the back of your eyes, and so a protest comes out of your mouth instead. "He's with someone else," you point out, knowing that someone mentioned it earlier. One of the Miller brothers, you think. "He's—he's—it's so complicated, Santi."
“I know it is.” His brow pinches together and he leans forward to kiss your forehead. “And if it’s too complicated, I won’t let you twist in the wind.” He promises. “But you deserve to find out if your love for him is still there.”
"This isn't how I saw today ending." Overwhelmed and next to tears was definitely not on the docket, but you're not going to beg him to stay. That's not the kind of girl you are anymore. You haven't been in a long time. "What a shitty birthday."
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart.” Pope closes his own eyes and leans his forehead against yours. “I can stay if you want.” He offers in a whisper, feeling guilty all over as his resolve crumbles.
"You'd feel guilty if you did." He's a good man, that's why. It's part of what you liked so much about him when you met, and part of what's grown on you. "Like you were betraying Frankie."
“I would still stay.” He promises.
"You'd feel guilty and then you'd start to resent me." The defense mechanism of crossing your arms over your chest might guard you in spirit, but it doesn't stop you from feeling like utter dogshit in this moment. "Just...know that this isn't how I wanted things to go between us. That's all."
“I know.” He murmurs softly, the slight smile on his lips ironic. “I know, baby. I didn’t want this either.” He admits. “But I’m still going to be here for you. That won’t change.”
“Could I just ask you one favor before you go?” All things considered, it’s very minor and sort of the least you could possibly ask.
“Anything.” Pope would do anything for you, he’s proving that, but he wouldn’t deny you simple request if it’s in his power to take care of it.
“I don’t know if you’re going to see them at all tonight or not but just…don’t tell Rachel yet? She’s going to spend the night with Ben again and I know her. She’ll come straight home to be with me instead. I don’t want to ruin her night.”
He chuckles softly, aware of what that says about you as a mom. “You are a good woman.” He murmurs, leaning in kissing your forehead again. “I won’t say anything to her.”
“I’ll tell her tomorrow.” You promise him. It’s not that you want to hide things from her — it’s that you know she’ll act rashly out of loyalty to you if she finds out tonight. She might even break up with Ben, which is the last thing she actually wants or that you want for her.
“When you tell her is up to you.” He would never think that he should have an input on your relationship with Rachel or when you tell her. “Whenever you are comfortable.”
“Well…” A shrug and a half sigh are the best you can do, not really sure of what else to say. Maybe you’ll get on Pet Finder tonight and look for a cat. Or three.
“Oh…” Pope reaches into his bag and pulls out your gift. “I didn’t want to give this to you in front of everyone.” He tells you quietly. “But this is for you.”
“You didn’t have to.” Especially now. Especially with everything that’s happened today. But you still smile weakly and accept the bag. Yup. It’s gonna be me and three cranky, elderly cats. That’s my future. “I—um, thank you. It’s…very sweet of you. You’re a very sweet person.”
“No, I’m not.” Pope snorts as he steps back. “But you are worth the effort.”
Impulsively, it does make you want to ask why he’s leaving, then. But you know the answer. You know this is about you and Frankie having a past and that nothing is going to change Santiago’s loyalty to his best friend. What’s even more annoying is that you like that about him, it hits harder and hurts more. All you can say without letting the emotions through the floodgates is just to excuse yourself to grab the book of his that you borrowed because it’s downstairs in the living room.
Staring at the door, Pope sighs and pulls his phone out of his pocket to text Will. Deciding that he needs a drink after the emotional rollercoaster of the day.
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @haylzcyon   @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear @tanzthompson @emilianamason @bigsdinger @xocalliexo @pedr0swh0r3 @avaleineandafryingpan @charlyrmv @avidreader73 @iceclaw101 @loveslide @elegantduckturtle @becsworld @julesonrecord @its-nebuleuse @itsrubberbisquit @mikeyswifie @guelyury @lizzie-cakes @for-a-longlongtime @vabeachazn @purplerain04 @weho2kcmo @madnessofadaydreamer
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rendy-a · 1 year
Hi! I saw that your requests were, so don't mind me dropping in^^
I constantly see Malleus/or Sebek x Reader fics where they give reader a rock or smt for the dating ritual and reader is clueless- ye non of that.
Reader is the definition of Goblin core or just Goblin in general, the moment Malleus/or Sebek presents the rock, they run to Rumshackle to get their pretty rock and later reader is like "have a rock of love... My love for you"
Can I request something similar as a scenerio for Malleus and Sebek? (If you don't feel like both, then plz do Malleus)
Thanks for dropping by! It does feel like a fae would be one to gift something strange and mundane as an important gift. Here is your request of getting an unusually random item from the fae boys as a romantic gesture. Hope you like it!
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It wasn’t every day that one got courted by a fae prince.  You’d become somewhat of a legend among the first-years for taming the fearsome dragon prince.  When your dear Malleus happened to approach you while in a group, all the other students would freeze up, but you’d just smile at your sweetheart and wait to hear what he wanted.  It was usually to present you with some sort of gift.  You’d become used to receiving gifts, sometimes of immense value, as an everyday occurrence.  You’d just smile at the jewels or such and wish your boyfriend a happy day before going back to your business. 
Your friends, though, they were always eager to check out what you’d been gifted and bemoan their own luck at not receiving such riches.  “Ah,” sighs Ace, “my last birthday, I got socks.  Look at what you get for it just being Tuesday!”  Ace lifts the bejeweled…whatever…and moans again.  Sometimes, no one was quite sure what the gifts were, but each gem-encrusted piece gave off an air of sophistication.  You consoled Ace good-naturedly while also mentally planning a visit to see Lilia later and ask for more information on…whatever this was.
Lilia was always more than happy to invite you in and hear more about his ward’s courting progress.  “Ah, a gilded corset cover.  How nice.” Lilia smiles at you knowingly.  “I’m sure you were happy to add this to your ballroom staples for your future in Briar Valley.”  You pictured it; men and women dressed in elaborate clothes, decorated with such things as bejeweled corsets.  Well, you tried to picture it before shaking your head and leaving that in the category of ‘things you’d figure out later!’  You returned the short fae’s smile, “Ah yes.  I’ll just store that away with my other ballroom garments and accessories.” You flash him a tight smile and he chuckles at you before handing you a book.  “Thought you might be interested in this.  Many old fae customs and traditions in there.  For, oh I don’t know, someone looking to learn more, so they don’t have to go chatting up their grandpa every time they get a private gift.”
You’d smiled at him gratefully and accepted the book.  You were glad to read up on the culture of Briar Valley and found it quite fascinating.  There were even a few notes specifically on dragon fae.  In retrospect, you had recognized a few of the things mentioned in Malleus’s behavior already.  It felt good to be in the know for once instead of always running to Lilia for help. 
You were especially glad to have that knowledge before receiving the gift you’d gotten today.  You were hanging out with your friends in the Basketball Club, listening to Ace brag about things he’d actually done (scored 2 baskets from the 3-point line) and things he’d only imagined (breaking past Jamil).  That was when you noticed a sort of hush had fallen across the gym.  You closed your eyes and felt a sort of sensation, like electricity or a storm brewing, that you knew meant your sweetheart was nearby.  So, it was no surprise to you when you opened your eyes and turned to find Malleus at your side. 
You smiled up at him warmly and greeted him.  He returned your smile and greeting with a soft fondness that was characteristic of your relationship.  ��Dearest Treasure, I have today a boon for you.”  Saying this, he pulls from the air a branch and holds it out to you.  You gaze at the leafless twig and back up to his nervous expression.  He waits patiently but cautiously for your response.  A great grin spreads over your face and you accept the branch.  “Oh Malleus,” you say, barely containing a tremor in your voice, “this, this is wonderful.  Thank you, it was just what I was dreaming of.”  You beam up at him and show your branch to your friends.
“It’s just a stick,” you hear Ace whisper to Floyd.  Malleus’s mouth tightens a small bit and Jamil notices.  He immediately goes into full blown retainer panic mode.  “A stick of great quality!  Your Highness, I have never seen a stick of such fantastic proportion before.  Surely it is the greatest stick of all.”  Malleus preens at the praise.  Floyd tilts his head and only comments, “I don’t see it.  Land-dwellers sure are strange.”  You give your confused friends a small laugh before grabbing Malleus by the hand and leading him from the gym. 
You lean your head gently on his arm as you walk, smiling happily at your branch.  “It is a particularly nice branch, isn’t it?” you ask with a smile.  Malleus gives a contented hum from deep in his chest, “So what do you intend to do with it?” he asks carefully.  You look up at him surprised, “Why put is around my bed of course.  What else would I do with it?”  He laughs merrily, pleased by your response.  Yes, you know what this is.  The first branch of many that you will use to construct a dragon’s nest.  You can’t believe you’ve just received a proposal from a dragon.  You pull your treasured branch close to your heart and smile on.
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It was a rock.  A round sort (but not perfectly round), with a crack running along one side exposing some glints of the interior.  It was most certainly a rock.  “It’s a rock,” Grim offers, “If you can’t eat it, what good is it?”  You look over at your companion disapprovingly, “Plenty good.  Plus, you eat rocks all the time, so I don’t think you should be one to judge.”  He gives you a disdainful look, “Only the good smelling ones.”  Then he wanders off, leaving you alone in your Ramshackle room with the rock.
You smile and wander around the room, trying your special rock in many different places.  You finally settle on the mantle in front of the mirror, where you’d see it every day when you got ready.  It really was a nice rock.  You turned it around to look at it closer.  The crack along the seam appeared as a flaw at first, until you noticed how its jagged shape resembled that of a lightning bolt.  Through the little lightning bolt gap, a few green sparkles of the interior layers were visible, peridot, you thought.  It was perfect.
You remembered a conversation you’d had with Sebek long ago on books he’d read.  You’d asked him for some of the stories from his childhood and he’d told you a tale he read as a small child about a brave bird that walked to the ocean to find a pebble for its beloved.  It sounded like something you remembered from your own world, and you told him so.  He smiled and said that this was an old traditional tale in Briar Valley.  Now, you understood what sort of tradition it had created.  Smiling at your pebble, you set yourself to your own task.
“Here’s a pretty rock,” Deuce offers it to you.  You examine it carefully before tossing it back on the ground, “No, that’s nice but it’s not the right rock.”  Ace walks over to a pile and picks up another, “How about this one?”  You look at him and roll your eyes, “Ace that’s just a regular rock.” He tosses the rock down in frustration, “That’s a regular rock, this is a regular rock, your super special rock is just a regular rock; Prefect, they are all just rocks!”  You frown but continue to scan the ground below you.  “You don’t have to keep coming along if you don’t want to.”  You knew that to most people, it would seem like a pointless endeavor.  Finally, Ace heaves a large and exasperated sigh.  “No, I’m coming.  I just don’t get it is all.  How about this one.  If you turn it just right, it almost looks like a heart.”  You smile and obligingly look at the rock, already knowing it wasn’t YOUR rock.  “It’s nice.  Why don’t you keep this one?” 
He moves to toss it but then appears to reconsider and pockets the unusual-shaped rock; it was a neat rock.  You don’t say anything but smile to yourself.  That was Ace’s rock; sort of average looking but when you twisted it right, it was a solid heart.  You didn’t need Ace’s rock though; you needed your rock.  Just like Sebek had looked until he found one that perfectly represented himself, you’d look until you found one that fit you just right.  That was the point of it all.  To journey as long and far as the penguin of legend and find a representation of yourself to offer to your partner. 
You didn’t know how long it had taken Sebek to find that perfect rock, but you knew he’d have never settled for less than the best.  He’d have climbed a mountain and traveled great distance; anything it took.  So…you’d just have to do that as well.  One day, you smile to yourself, you’d be able to return the gesture and offer back a rock, and with it, your entire self to him.  Then you’d place the rocks on a mantle together, maybe in a little cabin of your own in Briar Valley and live happily ever after.
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a-d-nox · 10 months
wyrd web: what to gift a person based these three numbers
this is just a theory of mine because these bubbles of the matrix should represent earthly desires. this is not to say that you can't enjoy things not listed in your category / under your energetic number. this is simply what i believe people with these numbers would enjoy receiving as a gift.
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2 - the high priestess
things that support their spiritual practices, things that support feminine health (hum women's probiotics bundle, honey pot oral vaginal care probiotic, etc), bake goods / baking gear, barbecue sauce sampler / grilling gear (for the dads pt 2), bar in a jar (for those of drinking age) or really any beverage tester kit, bath/spa kit, beach vacation, boat, cruise, careof for brain support, truly nice melons boob butter, candles (it doesn't have to be yankee candle either - bent candles, spiced votive candle, etc) or candle making kit, imported cheeses, clothing staples (blue jeans, black turtleneck, etc), juice cleanse or other things that support digestive health, cooking classes or meal kits (hellofresh, homechef, etc), a tarot/astrology/mediumship reading, or outdoor cameras or other home security tools
3 - the empress
pillows, stuffed animals, rose quartz, personal celebrity cameo, clothing, tickets for an art museum tour, ballet tickets or classes, art supplies, makeup pallets and/or brushes, flowers, jewelry, candy/sweets, money, bells / wind chimes, clothing, designer pieces, cosmetics, dolls, a trip to a fancy restaurant, fruit basket / dried fruits, gardening supplies, jewelry, concert/orchestra tickets, poetry book, tickets to a play, a purse, lingerie (if y'all are close like that), trip to a vineyard (for those of drinking age), couples' dancing classes, or a wallet
4 - the emperor
skincare, rock climbing voucher or some other physical activity they enjoy, an adrenaline rush activity (skydiving, bungee jumping, etc), careof for brain support, crafted wooden objects (cutting boards, tables, etc), coffee trials/samplers, sunglasses, blue light glasses, hair care products/supplies, scalp treatments/care, oral health care (thera breath, whitening products, etc), meditation app subscriptions / in person sessions for meditation, or a planner
5 - the hierophant
moss agate (don't question how random that sounds this is some intuitive stuff), artwork, an architectural tour, beauty products/supplies, historically significant objects, pastries or sweets/candies, earrings, sour dough starter kit, jewelry in general, piano/organ lessons, singing lessons, a wallet, or any classes where they can learn something fun and new to them
6 - the lovers
car stuff (seat covers, cup holder coasters, etc), bicycle or bicycle accessories/gear, books (the more educational the better), briefcase / work tote, bus tickets for a day trip, gym membership or soulcycle classes, crystals, a standing desk / cute office supplies (for the work girlies both those who work in office and from home), hand & foot message, manicure voucher, newspaper subscription (i am a fan of new york times, washington post, and the new yorker), language classes or rosetta stone subscription, magazines subscription, merchandise from their favorite singer / group / tv show / movie, train trip, or we're not really strangers card packs
7 - the chariot
gardening supplies, hermit crab, baked goods, bath products / beauty products, boat, cruise, car stuff (seat covers, cup holder coasters, etc), truly nice melons boob butter, juice cleanse, gut health thrive market kit, glassware / blown glass, stuff they need / need for their home (security system, chest freezer, etc), hotel or bed & breakfast stay, kitchenware, lake trip, pearls, real estate / land, restaurant voucher / gift card, silver jewelry, shopping gift cards, a trip, or intention journal
8 - strength
amusement park tickets, supplies for their passion projects, ballroom dancing classes, tea sampler, games (video games or board games), movie theater gift card, personal celebrity cameo, flower garden supplies/seeds, stuff for their pet, or a belt
9 - the hermit
pet related gifts (if they have a pet that is), bookshelves (they probably need one), juice cleanse, gut health thrive market kit, a cat, clothing, oral health products (thera breath, whitening products, etc), stationary, emergency preparedness (ready to eat meals, fire blanket, etc), cook books, dining ware (new plates/bowls, cups / glassware, silverware, etc), food subscriptions (home chef, hello fresh, pickle of the month club, bokksu japanese snack box, etc), careof subscription, gloves, herb garden kit, a one way ticket to anywhere, or a hiking trip
10 - wheel of fortune
incense, cleansing herbs, bow and arrow, sapling, land, dried berries, budget book, gym/exercise membership, religious/spiritual/philosophical books, poker set, cloth (if they like sowing), wool (if they like weaving, crocheting, and/or knitting), wool clothing, a coat, trip to a country or place they have never been, oral health products (thera breath, whitening products, etc), etiquette classes/books (this is great for the traveler because they are often interested in learning customs before going on their trip), figs, fruit basket (like edible arrangements), honey sampler / royal jelly, horseback riding lessons, lottery tickets, merchandise from their favorite singer / group/ tv show / movie, shoes, really any game, any subscription they have not tried, things that support their spiritual practices, or book on positive mindset
11 - justice
personal celebrity cameo, tickets to a ballet or to an art gallery, air purifier, portable heating pad, spa voucher, cosmetics, lingerie (if y'all are close), closet organizational items (space saving hangers, linen bins, accessory hanger, etc), pastries and sweets, diamonds (perhaps propose to your lover), a dress, tickets to a fashion show or exhibit, flowers, a luxury chair, jewelry, concert tickets, poetry books, any quartz pieces, chocolates dipped strawberries, hair extensions, logic puzzles, a voucher for an escape room, or a kitchen/baking scale
12 - the hanged man
bar in a jar (if they are of drinking age), a book on angel numbers, a book on natural medical remedies, ballet classes or tickets to see a ballet, bath bombs and other bath goodies (salt, bath table, candles, sugar scrub, bath teas, etc), beach vacation, tea or coffee sampler, butterfly farm kit with caterpillars, disposable camera or a camera they would like (polaroid, filming, etc), scientific kits (geode kit, grow your own crystals, etc), cigars (for the dads in your life), unsolved mysteries or crime kit, dance classes, smutty/romance/fantasy books, fairy garden, a tarot/astrology/mediumship reading, budget book, makeup palettes or other cosmetic they enjoy, concert tickets, paint, poetry books, clue the board game, a pass to an indoor pool, a book on poppet making, meditation membership or a voucher for in-person sessions, or something to support their curiosity for new spiritual insight
13 - death
hermit crab, a jumping spider, a reptile, homeopathic books for natural cures and remedies, operation the game, butcherbox subscription, a book on how to cook and trim meats, beginners chemistry kit, a colon cleanse, sea monkeys, unsolved mysteries or crime kit, philosophy of death books, books on magic, magic the gathering the card game, period products (portable heating pad, the diva cup, etc), poisonous plants (belladonna, foxglove, lily of the valley, etc), a frog pond, a scorpion, a snake, a burr/boo basket (these people love seasonal stuff), or marie kondo's life changing magic of tidying up
14 - temperance
a hunting trip, bow and arrows, books on religion or philosophy, book of devotions, book on dream meanings (hello, freud haha), a certification course or college class, horseback riding lessons (for the newbie or a younger sibling or your child/niece/nephew), horse drawn carriage ride (for the couples *smirk*), logic puzzles, things that support their goals, or a book of angel number meanings
15 - the devil
a fan or air conditioning unit, if you have the land for it a cow/horse/goat, kinetic tape, arnicare bruise cream (this is a joke... unless...), coal or a diamond (this is also a joke... unless...), a clock or a watch, cuticle trimmer (and other nail care things), room darkening curtains, a happy lamp, lotion/cream, hat/scarf/gloves, hair products (extensions, shampoo subscription, etc), leather fashion-ware, gardening supplies, ice maker, or a juice cleanse
16 - the tower
tiger balm or other pain relieving ointment, acrobatic/gymnastic classes, homeopathic books for natural cures and remedies, first-aid kit, baking kits, barbecue sauce sampler, barbecue sauce sampler / grilling gear (for the dads), gift card for haircut, dollar shave club (for the dads pt 2), metal works (spoon handle rings, metal roses, etc), boxing lessons, boxing match tickets or monster truck tickets, butcherbox subscription, a book on how to cook and trim meats, crafted wooden objects (cutting boards, tables, etc), cactus plant, beginners chemistry kit, cookbook, pocket knife or leatherman/multitool, tool kit, jenga, emergency kit, food, first aid kit, merchandise for their favorite superhero(es), electric lighter, liqour or bar in a jar (if they are of drinking age), rock music (a vinyl or concert tickets), pepper plant, pipe for smoking (if they like to smoke that is - my grandfather had a collection), lego kit, or lincoln logs
17 - the star
friendship bracelets, a fan / ac unit, model airplane, flight lessons, compression stockings/socks, architectural tour, astrology reading, car stuff (seat covers, cup holder coasters, etc), club memberships (golf, racket ball, sam's, etc), electronic devices (a new phone, amazon fire stick, solar portable charger, etc), movie on blue-ray or dvd, movie gift card, a camera (polaroid or another type they have been eyeing), disposable cameras, camera gear, shadow work journal, aesthetically pleasing bluetooth retro radio, streaming service subscription, a book on health or mental health, or a book on positivity
18 - the moon
abstract art, bar in a jar (if they are of legal age), a fish, a fish tank, tickets to an aquarium, cocktail book (if they are of legal age), a fishing trip (for the dads), book of conspiracy theories, the conspiracy theory map, a crystal ball, unsolved mysteries or crime kit, a jellyfish, a tarot/astrology/mediumship reading, a camera (polaroid or another type they have been eyeing), disposable cameras, camera gear, poetry book, hydroponic starter system, games that involve bluffing (clue, poker, herd mentality, etc), shoes, sleeping eye mask, silk pillow cases, new bed sheets, bonnet, socks, a computer keyboard, typewriter, a book on shadow work, a puppy, or a book on dream meanings
19 - the sun
maine coon, autobiographical books, ballroom dancing lessons, poker set, oral health products (thera breath, whitening products, etc), card games, personal celebrity cameo, circus fruit basket, chocolate gold coins, classes that encourage creativity (create it and break it sessions, pottery classes, etc), jewelry or an engagement ring (if it's been more than 2 years y'all should know what you are doing at this point), flowers, indoor herb garden, tickets to race of some sort (cars, horse, sporting events, etc), sporting equipment, ivy plant, a pottery painting voucher / gift certificate, or something for their passion project / hobby
20 - judgment
a reptile, ant farm, a guide on astral projection, operation the game, the chameleon game, clue game, unsolved case files game, grand theft auto video game, assassins creed video game, dungeons and dragons the game, yahtzee, emergency preparedness kit, magician kit, poisonous plants (belladonna, foxglove, lily of the valley, etc), the divine comedy, puzzles, a rodent of some sort, or lingerie (if y'all are close)
21 - the world
gardening supplies, acoustic guitar, air conditioning or fan, architectural tour, teddy bear, snow globe, boots, calendar or planner, supergoop (sun protectant) products, wooden objects (cutting board, chest, box, etc), carpet, clay (air drying or via kiln), a clock or watch, compression stockings/socks, collectible coins, pain patches or kinetic tape, crystals, budget book, lotions for dry skin, dried fruits, gloves/mittens, hair care products, ice machine or ice making trays, ice cream subscription, pottery classes, rain coat, real estate or land, zen sand garden, sculpture, or snake
22 - the fool
flight lessons, model airplane, a flight to anywhere, car stuff (seat covers, cup holder coasters, etc), an astrology reading, bath products, biking gear, movie theatre gift card, clock or watch, club memberships (golf, racket ball, sam's, etc), mood lighting or strip lights, a train ride, fun magnets, motorcycle accessories/training, microphone (maybe they are filming or recording something), patterns for cross stitch / knitting / crocheting, a camera (polaroid or another type they have been eyeing), disposable cameras, camera gear, stuff for the tv (surround sound, sound bar, streaming subscription, etc), or classes for one of their interests
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wordywarriorwrites · 7 months
Life Is But A...
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Title: Life Is But A... | AO3 | Rating: T
Pairing: Frankie Morales x F! Reader
Summary: Frankie is ready to tell his daughter about you...
Warnings: Kissing. Mild-spicy thoughts. Mention of death and medical issues (not explicit).
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You’re flipping through the pages of a Little Mermaid coloring book – Cranberry Red crayon at the ready – when you feel a strong hand grip your calf.
“Got a minute?” Frankie’s deep voice rumbles through the air.  
You glance at his daughter and quirk a brow, “You’ll have to ask Her Royal Highness, Princess Isabella. We are very busy, after all.”
The three-year-old little girl, with beguiling brown eyes just like her father’s, looks up from her own artistic endeavors. She cranes her neck, gaze focused on her dad, and seems to consider his request. A purple and pink bejeweled crown perched precariously on her head, lips pursed, and brow furrowed – she’s clearly thinking hard, but it’s not until Frankie says the magic words, “pretty please,” that she finally acquiesces.
It takes only a few moments to scoot the basket of shared crayons closer to her and relinquish your own, much smaller tiara and white, feather boa. You roll your old bones back into order, elbow bumping up against the plastic cup and saucer from an earlier tea party as you move from lying on your stomach to sitting up.
Frankie’s knees pop when he stands, and as you look up at him, your mind immediately switches from coloring inside the lines of Sebastian, Flounder, and Scuttle, to appreciating the broadest set of shoulders you’ve ever had the pleasure of digging your nails into. He offers you a small, knowing smile and a hand up, and you admire the strength and the flex of his bicep, your heart stuttering a bit at the way his eyes sweep over you in return. Frankie makes a motion for you to follow him, and you do just that, tiptoeing over toys and around laundry baskets. His long strides eat up the length of the hallway to the master bedroom in no time, and you’re right on his heels, stepping over the threshold when he gestures for you to enter first.
The door is left slightly ajar, allowing you both to hear his daughter and the movie playing in the background. Woody has just called Buzz “a child’s plaything” when he reaches for your hand, guiding you forward until you’re seated at the foot of the neatly made bed.
“Wanna talk to you about something,” Frankie starts.
Spine straightening, you clasp your hands in your lap, “Alright. I’m all ears.”
There’s a discernible shift – the air suddenly a little tense, a bit more serious. Lips pressed into a hard line and eyes dark with an as-yet-to-be-revealed purpose; he paces the small space between the dresser and closet like a caged lion, and you consider asking him what’s wrong, but he doesn’t give you the chance.
“I want to tell her about us,” he says, tone low and certain. “If that’s okay with you?”
Your body is engulfed with a combination of relief and excitement, as well as a hefty dose of nervousness.
You’d agreed from the start that neither one of you wanted to confuse Isabella or cause her any pain. And that pact you and Frankie made was exactly why his daughter – who is currently belting her ABCs with all the power her toddler's lungs possess – still believes you’re simply “a friend of Daddy’s from work.”
In the beginning, it had been a casual thing; more about sex (great, mind-blowing sex) and adult conversation than anything else, really. But as with all things tended to with passion and kindness, it grew, gradually morphing into something more – something significant. You knew about Isabella from day one, met her officially at month three, and then, just like that, Frankie and you were no longer simply dating.
A couple became a trio, and you were given a drawer and space in the medicine cabinet. You had a car seat installed in your sedan and your apartment was no longer a “bachelorette pad,” but a kid-friendly spot for the occasional weekend getaway. Purse staples, like lipstick, gum, and perfume, were replaced with a toddler-friendly gamepad, snacks, and sanitizing wipes. There are boxes of goldfish and teddy grahams in your cabinets, and string cheese and apple slices in the fridge.
You’ve been part of the bedtime routine – helping Isabella get into her pajamas and reading her a story before turning on the nightlight. You know she hides her peas in her potatoes and that she’s allergic to penicillin. You’ve noticed she prefers to wash her hands by herself and favors the giraffe toothbrush over the whale one.
You’ve seen Frankie handle her meltdowns and marvel at her milestones. You know about the handmade bracelet beneath the band of his watch, and that his iPod has more specialized playlists and audiobooks for her than it does for him. You’ve seen the preschool brochures and are aware of the college fund her honorary uncles, Ben, Will, and Santi, have started for her.
You also know about Isabella’s mother – have listened with a heavy heart as Frankie told you stories about their complicated past and too short-lived time together. You know the circumstances that took her away from them – the unknown, undiagnosed cardiomyopathy that snatched a mother from a five-month-old baby girl who needed her. You have smiled, lash line brimming – honored to be asked to help decorate a frame for a photograph of the very woman with whom Isabella shares the same chin and nose. It’s buttercup yellow, decorated with assorted beads and shells, and it has held a place of prominence on the nightstand ever since she got her big girl bed, which you and Frankie built together.
Isabella refers to you by your call sign, Hawk, and will “kree” excitedly whenever she runs to greet you. To her, you’re a playmate. A grown-up friend. You fix broken helicopters and sometimes sneak her cookies before dinner. You show up for movies on weekends and occasionally pick her up from daycare if Daddy is running late. The two of you work as a team to beat Frankie at Don’t Break the Ice and Go Fish. Bumper bowling and band-aids. Flus and fairy tales. Pinkie promises and potty training.  
“What’re you thinking?” Frankie asks.
There’s a hole in the knee of your jeans, and you tug at a loose thread until it begins to unravel. “Is she ready?” you wonder, winding the string around your finger and pulling hard until it comes free. “Are you? Really?”
Frankie reaches for your hands. Yanks you to your feet. You meet his gaze, finding an unwavering sureness that somehow steadies you and makes the butterflies in your stomach take flight. Eyes narrowed and the corner of his mouth quirked, he switches his hold to your upper arms, giving you a squeeze and little shake for good measure. It’s all silent, affectionate admonishment for what he clearly thinks are very silly questions, but still, he follows up with a tender kiss to your forehead and softly spoken assurances.   
“I’ve been working up the courage to ask you since her birthday two months ago,” he admits. “And Isabella is braver than you, me, and her uncles combined.”
It’s an assertion you can’t argue with because it’s so very, very true, so, you don’t. You just smile and nod, which prompts a hug that brings forth tears, and then, Frankie’s kissing you – gentle pecks on your damp cheeks that morph into a lip lock full of relief and love and unrestrained happiness.
The rest of the afternoon is a blur of chores and games and nap time that’s more about reading books and cuddling than actual napping. Frankie oversees the grill, while you and Isabella, sous chef extraordinaire, put a tray of fries and tater tots in the oven and set the table. Halfway through dinner is when he broaches the subject, reaching for your hand and holding it tightly while he tries to explain in toddler-friendly, simple terms that you’re more than a friend.
“You understand what I’m trying to say, querida?” Frankie finally asks.
“Daddy loves Hawk,” she chirps, swiping her index finger through a glob of ketchup and bringing it to her mouth. “Duh.”
You let out a burst of surprised laughter, and that, combined with Frankie’s admonishingly bemused, “Oh, mija!” makes Isabella kick her feet and giggle wildly. She dances in her booster seat, and as she worries a fry between her teeth and pulls the cheese off her bite-sized cuts of burger, you can’t help but smile because you adore her.
A bite of food. A sip of milk. After she’s declared she’s full and can eat no more, it’s bathtime. You do the dishes while Frankie has the fun, undoubtedly overindulging on the bubbles and toys. Row, Row, Row Your Boat echoes off the bathroom walls, but in this version, life isn’t a dream – it’s a bowl of spaghetti. You join back up with them in time to see the exciting saga that is hair combing and teeth brushing before the three of you head into Isabella’s room to get her dressed for bed.
“Daddy read,” she insists as her head pops through the shirt collar of her moon and star-themed pajamas. “Hawk tuck.”  
Two books, a potty break, and another book. Then, she’s conked out, with her favorite stuffed moose in her arms and owl-patterned sheets up around her shoulders. Frankie asks you to stay the night, and you say yes, the two of you spending what remains of your evening on the couch, chatting about everything and nothing, silently agreeing that the “what now” conversation can wait for another day. By the time you climb into bed beside him, your heart is full to bursting and your cheeks hurt from smiling.
“Daddy loves Hawk,” he mimics with a snort. “That kid… Already actin’ like she knows everything.”
“Can’t imagine where she gets that from,” you quip.  
He grunts, mockingly indignant, and waits for you to stretch out beside him before wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you close. Nosing your hairline, he takes in a deep breath before exhaling a contented hum into the quiet, comfortable space between the two of you. You adjust your pillow, and when Frankie kisses you, it’s soft and sleepy, his mouth and bristly moustache brushing languidly against your lips and chin.
“I do love you,” Frankie rasps.
“I know,” you sigh. “And I love you.”
You nod, “You’re my bowl of spaghetti.”  
For a moment, he looks at you – all tired-eyes and quizzical brow – but it comes to him eventually, and when you start lightly humming the song, he groans low in his throat and gives your ass a playful swat.
“You know what?” he challenges.
You jut your chin, “What?”
A pause. A sigh. Another kiss – one that sizzles and lingers until he slowly pulls away.
“You’re my bowl of spaghetti, too.”
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mooodyblue · 2 years
I love your little E stories. Do you think you could do something about either you feeding him a warm bottle of milk to get him to sleep at night, or you and him finding a teddy bear/stuffie in the store that he wants and him fighting to not regress right there until he gets home? Thanks so much!
okay i am OBSESSED with this request, i had to write it immediately! hope you like it friend! <3
bear. | little!elvis x cg!reader
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warnings: little space, age regression, use of mommy
wc: 1k (FINALLY!)
masterlist | send a request or say hi :)
you just wanted a few things from the store, that's all. so when elvis begged to tag along, you caved and let him come with you. but knowing elvis, you'd come to regret that decision a little later on. all it took was one walk past a large stuffed bear sitting high up on the shelf in the isle you were standing in. as you were crouched down at the shelf looking for a specific brand of a spice you needed, elvis was behind you, looking up at the bear with wide eyes.
there were two ways he could go about this, look away from the bear and pretend it doesn't exist or ask you if he could buy it. the large, life-sized brown teddy bear was not a want, but a need. but something in his brain clicked, unable to make any decision whatsoever. he looked back at you then back up at the bear.
"can't believe they're out of garlic, the one staple to every meal." you shook your head and stood up. "alright, just a few more things and we can head out, that okay?" you asked, turning to elvis. "elvis?"
he was still looking up at the bear. the call of his name shook the thoughts from his head as he turned to you. "bear." he blurted out.
"that's a pretty big bear, isn't it?" you replied, glancing up at the bear. "just like you."
he let out a small giggle. he resembled the bear pretty well, big and cuddly. maybe that's why he wanted it so bad. "want it." he mumbled. "mommy, i want it."
you froze at the sudden name, panic settling in. "baby," you set down the small grocery basket and cupped his face. "are you feeling little? you think you can try and be big until we leave the store?"
"b-but mommy, i want the bear." he whined, stomping his feet. "don't wanna be big, wanna be baby today. want the bear!"
glancing around the isle checking if anyone was around, you took a breath in and exhaled to calm yourself down as he threw a tantrum in front of you. it's not necessarily something you'd reward him for but you could tell he was struggling. damn that stupid bear, it's all his fault. "okay, first things first." you bent down slightly to look him in the eyes. "what have i said about throwing a tantrum?"
elvis looked down at his feet sadly. "it's not nice."
"that's right, it's not nice." you used your finger to lift his chin and sighed. "how about this, you think you can reach that bear, baby? if you reach it you can-"
elvis rushed to the bear before you could finish your sentence and jumped up to snag at the leg, bringing the bear down into his arms. it was about half his size, elvis could barely carry it around the store, still trying to play the adult and not be stuck in his little headspace until he was out of the store. it was difficult when you stopped to look at something and he had to stand there holding the bear, the fur and softness of it comforting him. "we're almost done, you're doing so good." you said, patting his head softly.
checkout was rough on elvis, the cashier just assumed the bear was for you, seeing it as a cute romantic gesture and even calling you a cute couple. what she didn't know was the bear was his and he'd be hogging for the rest of the day. the moment you both walked out of the store, elvis felt a wave of relief wash over him, finally being able to be himself. "mommy-"
"i know, baby. i know."
he was glued to that bear the entire ride home, even at home. the bear sat with you at the dinner table, on the couch when he was watching a cartoon, on the floor when he was coloring in his coloring book. you even had to pry him away from the bear before bathtime. bedtime was real fun. you got him in his favorite pajamas and got him ready for bed, but he wouldn't sleep. he refused. that was until he mentioned that silly bear once again. you dragged it all the way up the stairs to place it with him in bed, tucking both elvis and the bear in. how elvis was going to sleep with a massive bear in his bed? who knows.
as you gave him a good night kiss and made your way out the bedroom, elvis sat back up. "mommy?"
you stopped in your tracks and turned around. "you need something else?"
elvis looked down at his hands, hesitant on asking you his question. "nevermind."
"no, baby. what's up? you can talk to me." you walked back to the bed, sitting on the edge carefully to not accidentally sit on the bear.
"um..." he brought his head back up to look at you. "bottle?" he asked, quietly.
you smiled at him "'course hon, give me a minute."
sometimes elvis would ask for juice or water before bed or even sometimes in the middle of the night. very rarely did he ask for a bottle. as much as he trusted you, he still had his moments where he was nervous about asking you for things while little. but after his fit in the store, he was more deeper in his headspace than usual.
you returned quickly with the warm bottle, going to his side of the bed and sitting back on the edge. "want me to do it?" elvis shyly nodded in response, sitting up slightly as you brought it to his lips, holding it tightly as he drank away as he started to finally grow tired. although you knew elvis was still sometimes embarrassed with having you do these things for him, you loved it. you loved him. his eyes began to flutter, ready to drift off and sleep. you took the bottle and laid him back down, giving him one final kiss and tucking him in tightly.
taglist: @flwersgarden @aconflagrationofmyown @butlersluvbot
want to be added to my taglist?
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24carrotcorner · 2 months
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uhh hi welcome to my blog :)
• i’m claiming this lil corner of the internet to immortalize the silly little things i do to get through living. not sure about the structure yet, but we’ll figure it out as we go i guess (pls note the title of this “episode”) •
some things about me:
i’m transmasc non-binary & use they/them pronouns 🤍
my queerness is pretty much my entire personality
i’m mentally ill & i’m on drugs
i have a very mean dog who is the light of my life
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on to the blog part:
since it’s the beginning of august, i thought it’d be fun to talk about the lil things i do when a new month starts.
reading challenges & goals
i’m a big reader, so i always look forward to refreshing my reading challenges & setting new goals each month!
i use storygraph (truly a game changing app for me— i can’t sing its praises enough) to log what i’ve read, my tbr, and my challenges/goals. there’s a really great blogger i found through the app (booksare42) (a hitchhikers guide to the galaxy reference that warms my soul), and they host a monthly tbr tackle challenge that includes 5 prompts usually based on canada’s international holidays.
i also have a couple reading challenges of my own, but only one that i update monthly. i’m a big fan of randomizing things thanks to my neurospicy big sis & all our games of neurotic barbies (more on that another day), so i made a randomized reading challenge. i use random (another great app i swear by) to get:
a letter — i have to read a book beginning with the letter i spin
a genre — self explanatory
a number (5-10) — # books to read
so far i’ve completed all of my monthly challenges, which always gives me a lil dose of dopamine :)
i’m relatively new to tarot & it never ceases to amaze me. at the beginning of the year, i did a 12 month spread that i reflect on at the beginning of each month. i really appreciate the insight— plus it’s like a lil here’s-what-to-expect treat :)
for the 8th month, i drew the king of wands. the themes of this card are “leader, visionary, intentional” and the guidebook suggested that i write all my ideas & dreams in a journal. i really love this idea bc i have so many plans and projects floating inside my head and in my note app, and having a complete & organized tangible list will be such a relief for my very loud inner monologue.
p.s. i use the queer tarot deck by ash & chess and OMG i love it!! i live by the guide book (all of the card interpretations and spread ideas are queer-centered, and it’s super helpful & accessible to folks new to tarot). not to mention the art is absolutely stunning— each card features a queer model (and the guide book lists their names & pronouns!!) it rly is just a lil deck of queer joy 🌈
cool things of the week
• this is the segment where i tell you about some cool things i’ve been enjoying this week •
song: casual, chappell roan
chappell has captured the hearts of just about everyone and good for her!! we stan chappell in this house, and i’ve had casual on repeat all week. it’s a staple of a new playlist i’m working on. speaking of playlists—
playlist: soundtrack to my bipolar ii
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i blasted this playlist through my car radio at least once every day during the past week, and i can’t blame me— it’s great ;) it’s full of songs that make me ✨feel✨ but there’s not a singular mood— it’s all over the place, like my bipolar cycle
• my phone is being dumb rn but i’ll update with the link when it gets it shit together •
book: the dark matter of mona starr by laura lee gulledge
here’s my review on storygraph, bc it sums up my thoughts:
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needless to say, i loved it
thing: gift basket from me to me
i’ve recently discovered that one of the best ways to love myself is with my own love language— gifts. i prepared a gift basket for myself the way i would for a friend, and i waited a few days to “give” it to myself so it would be a treat after a long work week :)
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gift basket contents:
cute lil bag of purse essentials, including travel hand sanitizer, lotion, & tissues and a tide pen
coupon for a free donut
set of micron pens
journal that i decorated with stickers
cute lil hardback spiral notepad
paperback notepad (i painted the cover!)
l.e.d. lights for my room (i put them up today & my soul is singing)
pink fuzzy socks ft dogs
handmade card w/ a sweet lil note
catstrology by luna malcolm (dollar tree find that is essentially a book of astrology cat memes and i love it)
rings (i immediately broke one them so that was cool)
choco chip cookies :))
that’s all folks
well, dear reader (if you’re out there), i hope you enjoyed the first episode of 24carrot corner :) i’m not entirely sure what next week’s post will look like bc of the aforementioned idk-what-i’m-doing thing, but hey, planning ahead is for losers anyway
pretty pls be nice to yourself in the coming week 🤍 you’re stuck with you so might as well, right?
k bye
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hebrewbyinbal · 6 months
One of the most joyful and beautiful traditions of Purim is known as משלוח מנות /meesh-'lo-akh ma-'not/.
This custom, rooted in the spirit of community and friendship, involves sending gifts of food to friends, family, and even strangers.
The tradition stems from the Book of Esther מגילת אסתר /mee-gee-'lat es-'ter/, which tells the story of the Jewish people's salvation from a plot aimed at their destruction (sounds familiar?)
/meesh-lo-'khey ma-'not/ משלוחי מנות - in plural - are typically baskets filled with a variety of foods and treats.
According to tradition, each basket should contain at least two different types of ready-to-eat foods or beverages. The reason? To ensure that the recipient can enjoy the feast of Purim right away.
Common items include pastries, fruits, and sweets, especially the triangular cookies known as Hamantaschen אזני המן /oz-'ney ha-'man/ (in plural), which are a Purim staple.
But these Purim gifts are much more than just gift baskets; they're a symbol of unity and mutual care within the community.
By sending these packages, individuals strengthen bonds, spread joy, and ensure that everyone, especially the less fortunate, has enough to celebrate the holiday.
It’s a practice that embodies the essence of Purim: joy, festivity, and the triumph of goodwill.
I remember both making and exchanging ones in school, and later in the 20's and 30's signing up to events of sending and getting ones from and to strangers in Israel... I loved it so much!
In the spirit of inclusivity and friendship, people often go beyond their close circles, reaching out to new acquaintances or those they might not interact with regularly.
This act of giving is not just about the items themselves but about the message they convey: You are not alone; we are together in joy and celebration.
The spirit of this tradition can be embraced in many creative ways, reflecting personal connections and contemporary lifestyles. Whether you're near or far from your loved ones during Purim, sending a gidt basket is a heartfelt way to bridge distances, spread happiness, and create a sense of community.
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charitet · 9 months
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prompt: magic system
— excerpt from the chapter 1 of godless
The sting of sugar root and raw nuts still linger on her tongue, the salty bitterness biting away at her teeth and throat. Yen sucks on the taste and focuses on the back of the guard’s head instead, as he leads her through the extricate passageways of the Tower. Young apprentices hastily rush past them, stacks of old strolls and leather books bundled under their arms, while older magicians shout out orders overhead. 
On any other day, the Tower would be quiet and vacant. Somber, like a Wither Beast watching over the city of Aberstwyth, but elegant. A staple of pride among newly graduates and recognized alumni from Caerleon in the spellcasting division. 
However, today was different. Everyone is adorned in the traditional cloaks and robes — sleek black on top, with galactic blue on the underbelly. No matter where Yen looks, she could see gold chains and accessories accompanying their clothes, glittering like luminescent stars against the beautiful night sky. As they got close to the grand kitchen, Yen catches onto the scent of freshly cooked honeydew buns and simmering pig meat. 
She slightly lifts her hood out of the way and sees a glimpse of dancing utensils on the tables. A young chief focuses intensely on the flying ingredients above her head, chiffon white flour and sticky dough patter hanging in suspended animation.
 On each corners they turn at, wicker baskets of island junipers and spirited easnies hang from the ceilings. Celebratory flowers, famous for their sweet and delicate fragnance. Staples of the Northern region. It must be a special occasion today for the magicians in the Tower.
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justsasuke · 2 years
Team Taka as things I've found on Pinterest; bedroom edition
see the beginning of this random series here. Based on nothing at all except The Vibes. This time with commentary.
Karin I feel like Karin is the type of person to collect a lot of memorabilia, and I imagine her room is going to have a lot of items with sentimental value--mostly a few things from her childhood and other things she has collected over the years from friends/family. She also seems like she'd have several different planners on her desk and of course a large perfume collection displayed on a shelf with her jewelry. Overall I think this photo embodies her borderline maximalistic, surprisingly soft style. (I also just really love the light brown, white, and pink hues for her idk. I've always felt like Karin would be surprisingly femme and soft, despite her outward, more "aggressive" appearing personality.) 11/10. didn't even need another photo to get the vibe across
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Suigetsu Okay, so the main commonality in these two photos is that there's a very geometric chair, so I've come to the conclusion that a weird chair is somehow the staple vibe when it comes to Suigetsu. I imagine Suigetsu's room to be a sort of messy-clean hybrid where everything has a place and it is organized, but his laundry basket is overflowing and his shelves are stuffed full or something like that. I think he would prefer cool toned bedsheets and carpet etc. and may or may not have a plant that he bought himself because he likes watering things. The only thing missing from these photos is the stack of swimming magazines he'd probably have in the corner. (I like the idea of Sugietsu having a record player with a stack of records he inherited from Mangetsu's old collection. He probably only ever listens to one though) Overall 10/10. I like how the rooms are clean but give off non symmetrical, chaotic, easy going vibes which I feel embodies Suigetsu perfectly.
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Juugo I feel like Juugo's room would be very neat and tidy--he organizes and tidies by habit. And at first glance it'd be pretty boring. But in reality it would be full of little things here and there that hold deep and significant meaning to him. Like a blanket from his grandmother, or a picture frame on his bookshelf with a photo of his closest friends, or a worn out copy of a book that he read when he was going through a hard time and still means so much to him. Just little things here and there, all carefully placed and carefully used and treasured. I think for Juugo his bedroom would be a very personal space that he never really lets anyone see because it's almost sacred to him. Overall 12/10 for how peaceful these bedrooms look. I love how plain they are because I feel like Juugo's bedroom would be very plain to everyone but him and maybe the one or two people (Sasuke) who know him intimately enough to understand all the little details.
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Sasuke I love the tatami floor in this one because it's such a traditional touch (most older houses in Japan have tatami flooring in all the rooms) and I feel like the Uchiha would definitely have lived in one of those big, old houses that probably belonged to Fugaku's grandmother. I imagine Sasuke spending a lot of time lying on the floor staring at the ceiling in between homework or after a stressful day at school--or maybe he'll read manga while lying on the floor with his arms outstretched in front of him holding the manga up so he can read until his arms start going numb... I love the neutral furniture and the dark bedspread for him too. Also the portable heater in the corner because he'd definitely use it when winter comes. Overall 10/10. idk this room just feels perfect for Sasuke. The only thing missing is the green Dino plush.
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OK this was random but I hope you liked it. (this kind of post is becoming a literal series, should I keep going??👀)
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creativeeventideas · 1 year
Boosting Team Cohesion with Fun Corporate Picnic Games & Ideas!
For the last three decades, I have been producing the most socially-dynamic, interactive corporate picnics on the planet, and the one thing that always comes standard in my book is field day games for team-building fun!
There's not a single corporate picnic quote that goes out without this ONE entertainment line item because it's the staple that puts the whole event together; creating strong team bonds and connections effortlessly.
So what makes field day games THE best game ideas for corporate picnics?
Field day games compel a group of employees to cohesively work together for a common goal and of course, friendly bragging rights among peers.
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Fun-Filled Corporate Picnic Games: Our Top Picks!
When we do a corporate picnic we bring enough field games for us to run the games for about 2.5 - 3 hours, this is a good amount of time for these activities without it getting repetitive or boring at your event.
This series of entertaining corporate picnic competitions improve teamwork, problem-solving, communication, and other skills by developing an atmosphere where employees can interact freely with each other.
3-Legged Race
This is one I think we all know and remember for those school field days. Participants run together with the left leg of one person strapped or tied to the right leg of another person.
Balloon Toss
Split the participants into two teams and form two straight lines with the teammates facing each other. Teams will need to be an even amount of players for this activity to work. A player on one side must toss their balloon to their teammate on the other side without breaking it. If the balloon breaks the two players must step out of the game and leave the remaining people. This is repeated until there is only a pair of participants left.
Frisbee Golf
Frisbee golf, also known as disc golf, is a recreational sport that combines elements of traditional golf with the concept of throwing a flying disc (frisbee) into a series of targets, typically metal baskets with hanging chains, in as few throws as possible. For your corporate picnic field games, you really only need two of these targets depending on the number of teams you have. The players on each team take turns throwing their discs toward the target. If they miss, they're out. The team with the most players to hit the target at the end of the set wins the competition.
Hula Hoop Contest
A hula hoop contest is a fun and entertaining game where employees compete to see who can hula hoop the longest without dropping their hoop. You can either decide on a time frame, 1 or 2 minutes or play to the death, to see who can go the longest without a time frame. The participants that lose control and drop their hoops must step out of the game leaving only the ones who are still going. The last remaining hooper wins. If it's a timed game, you can keep repeating until the last hooper is standing.
Horseshoe Toss
Horseshoe toss, also known as horseshoe pitching, is a field game that involves players taking turns trying to throw horseshoes around a stake in the ground. Points are scored based on the closeness of the horseshoe to the stake. The team player with the horseshoe closest to the stake (or with ringers) scores points for that round. The first team to reach the predetermined point goal (e.g., 21) is declared the winner.
Football Toss
Football toss is a field day game where participants throw a football at a target to score points. Participants will aim to throw the football through a target, like a hole in a board, to score points. The team that scores the most points wins the challenge.
Potato Sack Races
In this game, participants hop inside large, durable sacks (often resembling potato sacks) and compete by racing against each other to reach a designated finish line. Participants must remain inside their sacks at all times during the race. For team building, the race will be done in multiple rounds, with winners from each round advancing to a final round or championship race.
Ring Toss
Ring toss is a classic picnic game where players attempt to toss rings onto a target in an effort to encircle an object with the rings. Ring toss is a game of skill and accuracy and will require your employees and their staff to work together on their technique, spacial distance, and aim.
Relay Races
Picnic relay races are a fun and engaging way to add some excitement and physical activity to your picnic or outdoor gathering. They involve teams or individuals competing against each other in a series of relay-style challenges. These races can be adapted with different elements to make it more fun and exciting.
Sharp Shooter
Split the participants into two teams and form two straight lines with the teammates facing each other. One side will be given water guns and the other side a target of some sort to stop the water. The side with the target will also be given a bucket beneath them in order to redirect the water being shot at them into the bucket to fill it first. The players to fill their bucket to the line wins the challenge.
Magic Carpet Ride
A magic carpet ride refers to the fantastical experience of gliding on a potato sack or tarp across the field on a magical carpet. Participants line up at the starting line with their partners on the magic carpet. When the whistle blows, the race begins and the participants must do their best to give their teammates a magic carpet ride to the other side of the field without them falling off. If your teammate falls off, you're out. The game is repeated til there is only one set of team players remaining.
Tug of war is a test of physical strength and requires teamwork, strategy, and coordination among team members. Divide the players into two teams if you haven't already. Each team holds a specific end of the rope. The players usually stand side by side, with their feet braced and their bodies leaning back, using their combined strength to pull the rope. The team that successfully pulls the other team across the center line wins. Tug of War can be played in multiple rounds or as part of a larger team-building competition.
Get Your Game On: Leading the Fun at the Corporate Picnic
The most important thing you can do for your corporate picnic games is get the right game leader! A game leader that can engage and entertain a crowd is pure gold to your event entertainment because they increase participation and create a positive, memorable experience out of what would have just normally been outdoor field day games.
Anyone can grab a list of games and supplies off the internet and bring them to a corporate picnic and hope to have a fun-filled day of team bonding. It's really not that simple. You need an icebreaker. You need a comedic, spontaneous person to bring the games to life in order to develop the right atmosphere for the employees and their guests to feel comfortable joining in and letting go of their reservations.
The games at a corporate picnic should be exciting and fun for the participants and the spectators.
Rock Your Corporate Picnic with Audio & Stage Support!
Audio Support
The game leader is going to need to be loud in order to grab the attention of not just the participants but also the spectators (because you want to engage the entire crowd at the picnic, not just those playing the games).
There's the option to use a wireless mic and speaker set up OR for super small picnics, you could use a megaphone like a coach on the sidelines.
Presentation Stage
A small, mini-stage rental can add so much value to your corporate games because it allows you to have a place where the game leader can be above the crowd to give game instructions and do other announcements, and be seen in clear view.
Corporate Picnic Game Prizes: Rewarding Fun and Teamwork
One MEGA HUGE incentive to get a crowd to participate in the corporate picnic games is when you see there are prizes to be had.
Whenever I do a corporate picnic game package, I always include small prizes and a prize redemption table in clear view of the crowd. These small prizes (or big if you choose) will be of major value to the people at the picnic.
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felfiramoondesigns · 1 year
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Shigure's House - inspired by Fruits Basket
Part of the Build Your Own Book Stack 2.0 series collab, featuring places from some of our favourite books!
Something I wanted to make sure I did while planning both 1.0 & 2.0 of our BYOBS series was to include manga! It is a staple of what made me a reader so it was important to me to include ��
I realised I haven't posted any of 2.0 individually yet, just the group photo of them when they were available online lol 😂 seriously I need to get better organised in some areas.
Do you read manga? What have you been reading lately? I am trying to get Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card vol 13 from an indie preferably but it's proving hard to get a copy of ATM 🙃 so I haven't read much manga in the past couple weeks. (Would love so recs of manga featuring characters in their 20s/30s compared to high school if you have any 😘💜)
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sa7abnews · 2 months
Postcards from France - books and bouquinistes in Paris
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/06/postcards-from-france-books-and-bouquinistes-in-paris/
Postcards from France - books and bouquinistes in Paris
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Do you love reading about France? I absolutely do! I also like to read French classics in my own time but reading has to be its own pleasure and I have gradually become one of those readers who will put the book down if it just doesn't work out for me. I no longer plough through hoping that by chapter 23 it's going to improve.
I read a LOT of books about France as I build my Francophile library and so that I can share great books with you, my dear reader! I've shared the Top 10 French cookery books on the blog for those who want to explore regional French food and baking. I'm working on a few more "top ten" lists whether you're planning to travel within / to France, move there or want to be immersed in all things French and France wherever you are. Reflecting on the mix of books spilling out of my bookcases has been interesting…
So today, I want to share a moment with a book really. Whether at a café people-watching and intermittently reading, dining alone with a book, engrossed in some summer story by the pool or beach or curled up in a favourite chair with a new found gem, books transport us. None more so, I think, than the small paperback that's light and easy to carry with you. Handbag or pocket, bike bag or basket, the paperback is easy to take with you. Commuting endless hours on the métro or train makes it almost mandatory to have something to read and I suspect a paperback is a great prop for those conversations you don't want to have with strangely chatty tourists or people seated next to you too (hardened city commuter talking. )
Where do you like to read? In today's postcard from France, it's the handy little Livre de poche and some classic booksellers that we're revelling in. Have you heard of the bouquinistes?
Hachette launched these handy little volumes in the 1950s and they remind me a great deal of the Penguin Classics I used to search for in the secondhand bookshops of the Charing Cross Road in London. Or like the little paperbacks I'd always convince myself I needed to buy in Shakespare & Co, if nothing else because it's got a beautiful stamp inside to remind of where I bought it (they now ship worldwide with the book stamped inside too!)
Personally, I think a slow TER or high speed TGV train journey isn't complete without a good book. Don't you get tired of the endless scrolling, swiping and screen time? The simple pleasure of opening up a new paperback and diving into a new story or a familiar classic is just so wonderful. So it's no surprise that the Hachette Livres de poches launched in the 1950s have become a staple of bookselling in France.
Whisking you away on an adventure far away, or to a story set in France or the region you're travelling to – it's your choice!
Livre de poche
What I love about them is their versatile small format and the fact that you can find a huge general catalogue of works – from an Agatha Christie or a classic Maigret whodunit murder mystery to contemporary bestsellers in French and other langages. So whether you prefer Dan Brown or Ken Follett, Stephen King or Georges Simenon, you'd rather read Zola or Eat Pray Love in French, you can find something to enjoy in this format. If you absolutely have to charge up your reader, then nearly 1,000 titles are currently available as ebooks too.
Books for French Learners
What's your favourite book about France or by a French author? Perhaps you'e learning French and would love to read some of the classics in an accessible way? The Hachette FLE easy readers series is the one for you!
A great resource (that comes with a CD audio) which is immensely helpful for beginners as well as intermediate learners. You can read a Maigret mystery by Georges Simenon or the Adventures of Arsène Lupin by Maurice Leblanc or get adventurous with Jules Verne. Beginners can explore stories along the coast or the adventures of a cat and dog who go on adventures together. The Hachette 'Lire en français facile' books are great for all levels in the CEFR framework from A1 (beginners) up to B2 (upper intermediate.) with longer stories as you progress through the levels. I love them (my own copy of a Maigret classic below!)
The longest outdoor bookshop
Do you have a favourite bookshop? As well as these lovely paperbacks, I love exploring the secondhand and antiquarian books along the Seine in Paris dubbed the longest outdoor book shop, making the Seine a river encased between two bookshelves. Certainly, I love ambling along this outdoor book shop as much, if not more than, the next Francophile and I also love supporting small businesses and individuals passionate about their métier. Have you been to the bouquinistes? A Paris institution for 450 years that needs never to be taken for granted, it just would not be Paris without those dark green boxes painted 'vert wagon' after the colour for railway carriages (and of a fixed size since 1930.)
You can stroll along and explore specialisms in art, fashion, Russian literature, gastronomy or travel, meet booksellers from elsewhere who now tend their stall with passion or meet French bouquinistes who have worked at their stall for decades. You can also often find etchings, engravings and prints at many of the stalls (although bouquinistes are limited in the proportion of books to souvenirs/non-book materials.)
To find out about where you can walk and what you can explore, check out the map of the greatest open air bookshop and visit the tourism office's website.
Like so many people, booksellers and bouquinistes have struggled through the pandemic with such a huge drop in visitors and tourists and before that with the gilets jaunes protests. Find out more about their difficulties at France24. The past several years have been pretty hard but I for one do not want to see the bouquinistes disappear. It would be like bistros disappearing or no more boulangeries. Imagine that!
Do you have a favourite bookshop? If you'd like to support the riverside booksellers, one bouquiniste has setup a website where you can purchase books of a huge variety. Have a look and support a Parisian bibliophile tradition by finding a rare or wonderful book at the boutique.
Bookmark it for your next trip to Paris (sorry ) and explore the world from the comfort of your riverside strolls. Beats endless scrolling any day, doesn't it?
To explore more of the people and stalls that make this Paris bibliophile tradition live on today, check out Jeremy T. Iverson's excellent article at France Today magazine.
These postcards from France remind me of the happy times I've travelled through France and yet there's still more to discover. There's always another region, another town or beautiful village (officially a Plus Beaux Villages or not). There are customs and regional food and wine to discover as well as accents and words you might have never heard before.
Tell me, what book are you reading about France or French culture/language at the moment? Let me know by contacting me or on Instagram. I'd love to hear from you.
Before you go, dear Francophile…
For more France, why not join the curious Francophiles exploring France every month? The free newsletter goes out every first weekend of the month and includes events across France and often dips into delicious food, culture, travel, music, film, style and more. The France in Five feature brings together the month's top highlights with stories, links and classic French traditions.
It brings France to where you are. So if you're newly enamoured with France or a Francophile of long-standing passions, join us now!
By joining you'll also receive every Postcard from France delivered to your inbox in the blog digest. I'd love to talk France with you, so join me in France, wherever you are. Subscribers get all the podcast news before anyone else and are the first to get exclusive news, giveaways and future offers from Francophile-friendly courses and online stores too.
Sign up for the newsletter here (it goes without saying that there's absolutely no spam and your privacy is protected. You can subscribe at any time, but I hope you stay and make 2022 a year to delight in the country we love so much.)
Welcome to France Where You Are!
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rabbitcruiser · 2 months
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World Tofu Day
World Tofu Day is annually observed on July 26, in honor of tofu, a plant-based alternative to meat that is manufactured from soybeans. Tofu has seen a surge in popularity as more people switch to a plant-based diet. For vegans and vegetarians, it is particularly appreciated and enjoyed because they can avoid eating meat, but still get some much-needed protein from it. Even if you are not a vegetarian, but you’re curious about tofu, today is a good day to give it a try.
History of World Tofu Day
The Eastern Asian diet, which relies heavily on tofu, is a staple in many countries around the world. As important as dairy products like milk and cheese are to regular eaters, tofu is an indispensable part of every vegetarian diet. It may be newer in the West, but tofu dates back to 900 A.D. in Japan, where it is most popular.
Tofu, or bean curd in English, has several different names in the Chinese and Japanese languages. The term ‘tofu’ wasn’t coined until the 1800s when English translations of cookbooks began to appear. In the 1970s, as the meat replacement gained widespread acceptance in the West, cookbooks began to use ‘tofu’ as an official designation. People who prefer to adopt a vegetarian or vegan diet have grown to rely on tofu. It has become a classic meal and a nutritious alternative for them.
Each Japanese province has its distinct method of producing tofu, reflected in the wide range of ways it is consumed. When soybean production is executed well, it is enjoyed by a large number of people. Tofu is one of the most versatile and nutritious foods available worldwide. National Tofu Day seeks to highlight the numerous ways tofu has influenced people around the world while giving them the required nutrients.
World Tofu Day timeline
179 B.C. China Creates Tofu
During the Han Dynasty, China creates tofu as an affordable alternative for people who cannot afford meat.
8th Century A.D. The Tofu Production Technique Improves
During the Nara period, the Japanese adopt tofu and find the right technique to make them firmer and tastier.
1803 Tofu Gains Popularity in Japan
Tofu gains popularity in Japan when it becomes more widely accessible to people besides the rich.
1975 The Book of Tofu
“The Book of Tofu” is published, introducing tofu to the Western world and promoting vegetarianism and veganism.
2014 First World Tofu Day
The Society for the Protection of Animals organizes World Tofu Day as a worldwide celebration.
World Tofu Day FAQs
What is the purpose of the tofu in recipes?
Silken tofu, which is made by pureeing firm tofu to a silky paste, is used in a variety of dishes to enhance the creaminess and texture. It can also be used in place of eggs. Regular tofu, often known as bean curd or Chinese-style tofu, is much more widely available.
What's the best kind of tofu to use in a recipe?
If you’re looking for all-purpose tofu that can be sliced and cubed, extra-firm tofu should be your go-to. It can be used for pan-frying, stir-frying, baking, grilling, and scrambling.
Which method of cooking tofu is the healthiest option?
Tofu can be cooked in a steamer, which is the simplest and healthiest method. Line the steamer basket with paper or a cabbage leaf to keep the tofu from breaking apart.
World Tofu Day Activities
Make tofu dishes at home
Think outside the box
Host a gathering
Go online and search for tofu recipes to try out at home. There are several of them, including tikka masala, bibimbap, and more.
Think of tofu in a new light by introducing it into your meals. Tofu's adaptability implies that it can be cooked in a wide range of meals and will improve and enhance the flavors.
Hosting a gathering is a great way for other people to try tofu dishes. They can learn about the countries where tofu originated from too. Take it a step further by hosting a cooking competition if it’s a small gathering. The person who makes the best dish wins.
5 Interesting Facts About Tofu
Five types of tofu
Tofu in a mile
A cure for cancer?
Tofu for dessert
Color change
There are five main types of tofu: silken, extra soft, medium, firm, and extra firm.
One mile is equal to 12,672 blocks of tofu laid end-to-end.
Isoflavones, which are found in tofu, are known to lower the risk of cancer.
Tofu takes on the taste of whatever it is being cooked in, making silken tofu perfect for custards, pie, and making your chocolate cake moist.
When frozen, tofu takes on a yellowish color, but it returns to its original color once it thaws.
Why We Love World Tofu Day
It’s a healthy option
It is a versatile meal
Low-cost protein source
To make tofu, soybeans are separated into lumps and then pressed together again to form blocks. A good source of protein, tofu is low in fat and carbs. It is made up of fewer saturated fats, a good source of iron, magnesium, manganese, selenium, and calcium, as well as vitamins and minerals.
Many people believe tofu is tasteless which makes them unwilling to try it. When cooked properly and flavored with the right ingredients, tofu is very delicious. It acts like a sponge, soaking up the flavors of whatever it is cooked in. Tofu is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of dishes, from salty to sweet. It can even be used to make cheese.
Tofu is surprisingly affordable and relatively easy to make from scratch. Most supermarkets, grocers, and Asian specialty shops carry tofu. It's a great ingredient for large-scale meals for a large number of people.
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fashioneditswebsite · 2 months
How to style the summer tote
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Whether you’re reclining on the coast or persevering in the city – here are the tote styles you should be sporting. Once associated with museum merchandise and big food shops – the capacious tote has had a revival. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Vicky Montanari (@vicmontanari) This season, the humble bag has become an elevated staple. From beachy raffia to office-smart chic, here’s how to style the ever-so-versatile tote this summer. 1. Summer in the city View this post on Instagram A post shared by Rita Montezuma (@ritamontezuma) “Portuguese girl” fashion, the colorful TikTok trend reacting to the sleek and straightforward “Scandi aesthetic,” saw a rise in bold primary colors, maximalist prints, and chunky accessories. This trend saw the revamp of the classic canvas tote, elevating it with stripes and stitching. This colorful take on the innocuous tote is a great way to bring summer brights into your wardrobe, paired with a simple neutral base. LIZZIE PATCH JUMBO BAG 2. By the beach The world’s most popular and longed-for bag is undoubtedly the Hermes Birkin. But thanks to summer’s hottest trend, a close second is the late model’s other favorite bag: the raffia basket. Synonymous with French fashion and summer style, raffia and woven bags are no longer confined to the traditional basket silhouette. Slouchy totes have become a cult classic; styled with floaty summer dresses or smart tailored trousers, raffia is one of the most versatile totes for the summer. Oroton showcased a variety of raffia totes in their S/S Resort collection (Alamy/PA) NAGHED- Havana Medium Stripe Tote Bag $390 3. Means business While most of us would like to spend our summers by the beach with a tote filled with nothing but books, that isn’t the reality. A transitional leather tote must be in your summer style canon if you're going from the office to after-work forays. From slouchy suede to boxy leather, a neutral-toned tote can smarten up any outfit while accommodating your laptop and a change of shoes. The leather tote is the transitional staple for summer to autumn, paired with a lightweight blazer and casual court shoes. Quince Italian Leather Tall Zip Top Tote $119.90 4. Off duty If you’ve ever indulged in the ‘quiet luxury’ or ‘coastal grandma’ aesthetic, you’ve undoubtedly seen the American-branded L.L. Bean sturdy canvas tote served up on your newsfeed. Understated and practical, this tote is easy to miss, but it has led to a rise in plain white canvas accented with navy, scarlet red, or tan colors. A simple plain canvas often works a treat, conjuring images of Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy in the Hamptons, but if you want to elevate the bag for a more innovative look, opt for leather detailing. This helps the bag traverse from coast to city paired with a slouchy knit, plain shirt, and denim shorts. Lands’ End Extra Large Zip Top Canvas Tote Bag, 5. Evening plans Evening bags are usually associated with small, fiddly clutches that fit no more than an old iPhone 5 and lipstick. Thankfully, the rise of glamorous totes means you can add that extra layer to your bag. Bon-Bonite Silver gray leather handbag Metallic has stormed the style guides from sneakers to accessories – and the tote is no exception. The metallic tote is the perfect summer accomplice, paired with denim and chunky accents. Read the full article
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threadbaregypsysoul · 4 months
Farmhouse Living Room Ideas You Will love
The farmhouse aesthetic continues to reign supreme in interior design, offering a warm and inviting look for your living room. Characterized by its blend of rustic charm, cozy comfort, and natural elements, the farmhouse style evokes a sense of nostalgia and casual elegance. Whether you reside in a charming farmhouse  living room decor or a modern apartment, you can capture the essence of this style with a few key design choices.
This comprehensive guide dives into everything you need to know about creating the perfect farmhouse living room. We'll explore furniture selections, color palettes, decorating tips, and inspirational design ideas to help you transform your space. 
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 Farmhouse living room furniture  prioritizes comfort and functionality over sleek, modern lines. Look for pieces crafted from natural materials like wood, wicker, and wrought iron. Consider these options:
Sofas and Chairs:Opt for plush sofas with slipcovers or weathered leather. Wingback chairs, rolled-arm sofas, and armchairs with exposed wood frames all add to the rustic charm. 
Coffee Tables:Chunky wood coffee tables with a distressed finish or reclaimed wood pieces create a perfect centerpiece. 
Accent Tables:Side tables and console tables made from reclaimed wood, wrought iron, or even repurposed trunks add character and provide additional storage. 
Bookshelves:Open shelving crafted from wood or metal showcases books, decorative baskets, and other farmhouse-inspired accents. 
The farmhouse color scheme typically utilizes a neutral foundation of white, cream, beige, and gray, creating a sense of spaciousness and allowing for pops of color through decor and accessories. Consider incorporating these elements: 
White Walls:White or light-colored walls are a staple, reflecting light and creating a bright and airy feel. 
Accents:Introduce warmth with natural wood tones in furniture, exposed beams, or flooring. Soft greens, blues, and yellows can be used sparingly in throw pillows, rugs, or artwork for a touch of personality. 
Black Accents:A touch of black through hardware, metal accents, or picture frames can add a touch of sophistication and definition. 
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Farmhouse living rooms typically feature natural flooring materials that exude warmth and texture. Popular choices include: 
Hardwood:Stained or distressed hardwood floors are a classic option, offering durability and a timeless look. 
Engineered Wood:Engineered wood with a weathered or rustic finish provides a budget-friendly alternative. 
Luxury Vinyl Plank (LVP):LVP with a wood-look finish offers excellent water resistance and a comfortable feel underfoot. 
Rugs:Layered rugs add warmth, texture, and define sitting areas. Choose natural fibers like sisal, jute, or wool with geometric patterns or vintage-inspired designs. 
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Farmhouse lighting focuses on creating a warm and inviting ambiance. Here are some key elements:
Chandeliers:Consider a rustic chandelier made from wood, wrought iron, or mason jars.
Sconces:Wall sconces with exposed bulbs or antique-inspired designs add a touch of vintage charm.
Table Lamps:Table lamps made from ceramic, glass, or metal with burlap or linen shades add a warm glow on side tables and consoles. 
Floor Lamps:Floor lamps with tripod stands or a rustic base provide additional lighting in corners or reading areas.
Shiplap walls, a classic farmhouse element, add texture and visual interest. Paint them white for a clean look or embrace a weathered, distressed finish for a more rustic vibe.
Nothing says farmhouse living room quite like a cozy fireplace. If you have a fireplace, consider using reclaimed wood for the mantel, adding decorative brickwork, or flanking it with built-in shelves for displaying collections.
A chunky wood coffee table with a distressed finish or a reclaimed wood piece with a natural finish serves as the heart of the living room. Decorate it with a rustic tray, vintage books, or a bowl of greenery.
Create a warm welcome by incorporating a rustic entryway table or console. Display a vintage mirror, a galvanized metal bin for blankets, or a basket overflowing with throws.
Improve your farmhouse living room with these finishing touches: 
Woven Baskets:Use woven baskets for storage or displaying throw blankets and pillows. 
Metal Accents:Incorporate metal accents through lanterns, candle holders, or picture frames for a touch of industrial charm.
Vintage Finds:Embrace the farmhouse aesthetic with vintage finds like antique clocks, galvanized metal watering cans, or old suitcases repurposed as coffee tables.
Greenery:Introduce life and color with potted plants like fiddle leaf figs, succulents, or herb gardens in galvanized metal containers.
Textiles:Layer cozy textures with throw pillows and blankets made from natural fibers like linen, wool, or faux fur. Choose plaids, stripes, or floral patterns in neutral tones with pops of color.
Artwork:Adorn your walls with rustic artwork like vintage landscapes, botanical prints, or framed antique maps.
Creating a Modern farmhouse living room doesn't require a hefty budget. Here are some tips to achieve the look for less:
Shop Flea Markets and Thrift Stores:Hunt for vintage furniture pieces that can be refurbished or repurposed. You might find hidden gems like old trunks, side tables, or picture frames that add instant farmhouse charm. 
DIY Projects:Get creative with DIY projects! Build a rustic coffee table from reclaimed wood, create a shiplap accent wall yourself, or reupholster old chairs with farmhouse-inspired fabric. 
Embrace Natural Elements:Bring the outdoors in with branches, twigs, and greenery foraged from your own backyard or a local park. Arrange them in decorative vases or create a simple centerpiece. 
Focus on Lighting:Invest in lamps with a rustic aesthetic instead of a statement chandelier. Table lamps and sconces can create a warm and inviting ambiance without breaking the bank.
The beauty of the farmhouse style is its versatility. Here are some ways to adapt it to your personal preferences:
Modern Farmhouse:For a more contemporary take, incorporate clean lines, sleek furniture pieces with a rustic finish, and black metal accents. 
French Farmhouse:Embrace a touch of French elegance with ornate mirrors, light and airy colors like pale lavender or sage green, and floral patterned throw pillows. 
Industrial Farmhouse:Mix in industrial elements like metal chairs, exposed brick walls, and vintage lighting fixtures for a touch of urban grit. 
How do I make my living room look farmhouse-style? 
Incorporate natural materials like wood and wrought iron in furniture, create a neutral color palette with pops of color, choose natural fiber rugs, and add rustic charm with vintage finds and greenery. 
What style is replacing modern farmhouses?
While farmhouse remains popular, Japandi and organic modern styles are gaining traction. Japandi blends Japanese minimalism with Scandinavian functionality, while organic modern emphasizes natural materials, curved lines, and a connection to nature. 
What is the most popular farmhouse decor?
Shiplap walls, vintage signs, galvanized metal accents, woven baskets, and throw pillows with natural textures are all popular farmhouse decor elements. 
How do you decorate a cozy farmhouse?
Layer cozy textures like chunky knit blankets and faux fur throws, add warm lighting with table lamps and candles, and incorporate natural elements like wood and greenery.
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