#and a pack o lesbians
Imagine your siblings child referring your F/O as their Uncle/Aunt because you two have been together so long !!
You've been together practically their whole lives, whether your F/O is good with/likes kids, they were always around when you babysat (Because you live together. Maybe they were helping you with your niece/nephew! Maybe they were just watching TV in the same room and got dinner ready so you could continue keeping an eye on the baby. Maybe they hid away in your shared bedroom the whole time but the child always knew they were there), they maybe even went to family gatherings with you!- they have just been a constant in your niece/nephews life. Just like you.
In this kids mind, you and your F/O are a package deal.
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inky-quilled-dragon · 18 days
Those Genshin players: “Genshin isn’t gay.”
Those players: “you’re reading way too much into it”
Those players: “why does everyone have to be gay now anyways? Sexuality shouldn’t matter!”
Those players: “besides, Mihoyo’s a Chinese company, so of course they’d never put anything outright gay in.”
Those players: “right?”
Genshin Impact:
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tunemyart · 1 year
casey calling liz donnelly "elizabeth" has exactly the same tones of jim steele calling alex cabot "alexandra", change my mind
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howmanybees · 2 years
Twice this week I’ve been hit on by old men
:( this is why I hate going anywhere by myself
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ennabear · 3 months
gas station!ellie ;)
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i wrote this in like 10 minutes because i just saw a lesbian working the register at a gas station :o enna be normal challenge failed
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gas station!ellie who you always see on the drive home from your night shift when you stop in to fill your tank and grab another XL coffee for the ride home.
gas station!ellie who is always sporting her shaggy half-up and some gnarly knuckle tattoos. she wears chunky layered necklaces that are always accompanied by the plethora of pins on her apron.
gas station!ellie who offers to pick up more shifts just to see you every day. it’s so refreshing to see a pretty girl compared to the aggressive truck drivers that always come in.
gas station!ellie who always smells like weed and cigarettes.
gas station!ellie who becomes known by your friends as the “hot gas station chick” because you accidentally mentioned that you’ve sparked an interest in her.
gas station!ellie who mindlessly glances through playboy magazines when things get slow, admiring the women but but imagining you in those pictures instead.
gas station!ellie who taps her knuckles along to the 80’s pop that echoes through the speakers every night.
gas station!ellie who starts to pay for your drinks for you, saying it’s “on the house, babe.” (it comes directly out of her paycheck). sometimes she even throws in a free pack of cigarettes “for the road.” (she wants you so bad.)
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xxxdreamscapexxx · 11 months
Be mine
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Alpha! Natasha Romanoff x Omega!FemReader
Word count: 5.1k
Summary: Natasha may have lost some hoodies, but she gained a mate and in her eyes, that's a trade she'd be willing to make any day. Based on the above prompt, but with some twists ;)
Warning: NSFW, 18+, A/B/O universe, mutual pining, lesbian? relationship, heavy petting (clothed sex), oral sex (R receiving), penetrative sex, a tiny bit of breeding kink, mating, claiming, knotting. You'll have to forgive me if this isn't your typical A/B/O fic, but I haven't read many of those and I don't know much about the universe itself, so this may not be super accurate, but I did my best. I hope you guys will enjoy it none the less.
As soon as she entered the room, you could smell her. It was always the way with Alphas, their strong, musky scent was unmistakable, but with hers came a sense of relief. Natasha made you feel safe, made you feel protected, without being overbearing. You could always feel when she was looking at you and you knew she kept track in her head. She knew if and when you ate, knew if you drank water, and when she didn’t deem it enough, she would silently bring you some. She never forced you to drink it, never even said a word, she would just leave it in front of you and walk away. She also knew damn well that you drank it. She also knew that sometimes you were stubborn, but most times you were just anxious and she stayed with you during long nights, watching a movie, knowing that her presence calmed you, and when you finally fell asleep, she carried you back to your room and put you in your bed, so you’d rest, the way you should. Yes, Nat was a kind and caring Alpha and the way her smell filled your nostrils made you drop your shoulders, before you greeted her. “Good morning, Nat.” You smiled, turning around, holding a plate with your breakfast, only to see the woman in nothing but sweatpants and a sports bra. Not even shoes! Her bare feet slapped on the floor as she stepped confidently into the room and you immediately looked away, feeling shy. “Morning.” She grumbled distractedly, her eyes scanning the room for something. “Do you want some breakfast?” You offered, still avoiding her gaze and the absolute mouth-watering sight that was her torso. God, you loved those strong arms, with their well-defined muscles. Not to mention those abs. You wanted to straddle her and rub your pussy over those gorgeous abs and when you’re done, you’d lick them clean! But you tried to push that thought away, not wanting to spend the rest of your day with wet panties and smelling of desperation. “No…” Natasha answered absent-mindedly, barely even looking at you, when her head suddenly snapped at you. “Hey, you haven’t seen any of my hoodies, have you?” She asked with a curious expression.
Ah, yes, her hoodies. You knew damn well where they were. And, truthfully, you intended to give them back. When you first took one or two, you meant to give them back to her. But then things got out of hand. You would usually go on missions with her, you worked well together, and an unclaimed Omega, who knew how to handle herself, not to mention, who could resist an Alpha’s influence, the way you did, was a very useful thing to a spy. But then they told you, that you needed to go on a mission with a new Alpha. The Scarlet Witch, or Wanda to you, now that you knew her a little better, was not yet experienced enough and having a seasoned, well trained and collected Omega with her certainly helped your mission greatly. But it made your anxiety sky-rocket. So just before your mission, you took one of Nat’s hoodies. She had left it on the couch in the common room and it smelled like her so much, that you didn’t even think twice. You packed it in a separate, sealed bag and took it with you, placing it on your pillow each night, thinking that you’ll wash it and give it back to her upon your return. But things didn’t exactly go that way. Apparently, your mission with Wanda went better than expected and you were asked to train more with the other Alphas, to go to more missions and each time you thought of having to leave the compound, your anxiety and distress would spike. And that’s how you found yourself with most, if not all of Natasha’s hoodies in your nest. You’d take a new one each time you had to leave for a mission, promising yourself to give them back and then you’d get so attached, that you just couldn’t. “Your hoodies?” Presently, you pretended not to know what she talked about. “No, I… I have no idea.” You lied shamelessly and you walked away, completely forgetting your own breakfast, which is why you were there in the first place. Natasha only shrugged, scratching the back of her neck as her eyes continued to search the room, even though she knew that her hoodies weren’t here. Now if only she could figure out what happened to them… During the next few days, you could see Natasha asking various people about her lost hoodies and her eyes scanning training rooms and lounge arias and your anxiety had reached a new level. It wasn’t just that you knew that she’ll eventually find out about what you did, or having to make a fool of yourself by explaining that you wanted her desperately… You also didn’t want to give them up. You felt so attached to them now. So as a means to placate the woman and maybe get her off your trail, you went ahead and bought her new ones.
It wasn’t hard to guess what she’d like, considering that you had so many of hers and you made your way back with a happy smile on your face. Yes, you were sure this would work. The stunned expression on Natasha’s face, when you handed her the shopping bag and explained the content, was absolutely priceless. You watched with joy as she rummaged through the bag and took them out one by one, inspecting them and smiling. “These are great! They’re better than my old ones! Thank you!” She exclaimed, giving you a brief hug, before she returned to her new hoodies. “You’re very welcome, Nat.” You smiled, before trying to walk away, only to be stopped in your tracks by Wanda. “Hey, Y/N, that was a very nice thing you did. Why don’t you sit down, detka, I’ll make you something to eat. I bet you skipped lunch, since you were out shopping.” The disapproving look Natasha gave the witch did not go unnoticed by the Sokovian, but she only smiled, making her way to the fridge and picking out products for a quick meal. She suspected that you liked the spy, and she had a feeling that the infamous Black Widow had similar feelings and she also suspected that neither of you had the courage to say so. Natasha was a strong Alpha, in the field, she was mesmerising to watch, but in her personal life, she never believed to be worthy of a good, little Omega to make her own. And you? God, you had it bad for her, but an Omega needed to be claimed, so of course, you wouldn’t say a thing. But Wanda had the perfect plan to nudge you both in the right direction. Let’s see how much can Natasha sit back and watch her favourite Omega being flirted with. “What do you say I make you some pasta, hm?” Wanda turned to you with a gentle smile. “With that special sauce you like so much?” She suggested. “You don’t have to do that, Wanda… I can…” You were about to say that you can make your own meal, but you were quickly interrupted. “But I want to, pretty girl. You’re always so nice and sweet and you take care of us so much. Let someone take care of you for a change.” She said with a grin, loving the way Natasha’s eyes narrowed. “Come, sit down and pick a nice movie for us to watch, while I make you something to eat.” She continued, practically guiding you to the couch and seating you, handing you the remote, so you’d pick a movie, while she cooked, all while Natasha glared.
She couldn’t explain why she felt so irritated, you weren’t hers. But you had went out shopping for her, you had bought hoodies for her, it was meant to be her that now complimented you and pampered you, not Wanda. It almost felt like the witch took her moment and it pissed her off. Grumbling, unable to watch this much longer, Natasha took the shopping bags with her, carefully unpacking everything and putting a few hoodies into the washing machine, so they’d be clean for tomorrow. She had already picked which one she’ll wear, appreciating a shorter, white hoodie with an image of a black spider above her left breast. It was gorgeous. You had wonderful taste in clothes. But with the memory of the nice gesture you made, she also remembered that you were currently spending your time with Wanda, the young Alpha complimenting you repeatedly and the image of that brought a fresh wave of irritation. It didn’t sit right with her, the way she flirted with you. So, with a brisk step, Natasha came back to the common room, only to find Wanda seated right next to you, her arm extended around your shoulders and pulling you close, while she was telling you how beautiful you looked. “I thought you guys were watching a movie.” Natasha snarled from the doorway, her hands balled into fists. “We will. We’re just waiting for the food to get ready.” Wanda informed with a sly smile, pulling you even closer to her, almost into her lap it seemed. “There’s plenty of room to talk on the couch.” Natasha pointed out, her eyes fixed on Wanda’s proximity and especially her arm around you. “I thought I’d get to know Y/N a little better. After all, she’ll be coming on another mission with me the day after tomorrow.” She announced, causing both you and Natasha to stare at her. You didn’t know anything about a new mission, especially so soon after your last one. “No one told me that.” You said, a little stunned. “They debriefed me this morning while you were out. Steve has all the files for you when you’re ready.” Wanda explained calmly. “It’s nothing special. Just 10 days in Brazil. We’ll be going after a cartel that recently seems to have gotten enhanced weapons and technology. Their leader is famous for having an eye for unclaimed Omegas. He’ll be arriving a few days earlier, so we’ll follow his movements and find out who the seller is.” “Sounds easy enough.” You nodded, trying not to show your distress.
You always got a little antsy when you had to flirt your way into an Alpha’s operation like that. They were suspicious, territorial and often vicious. Some killed Omegas, when they thought they were being spied on. Some did even worse things. You always feared what your fate would be, should your team fail you one day. Not that something like this had ever happened. Despite putting on a brave face, Wanda could sense the way you tensed up, the tightening of your muscles in her hold. You were scared, she could tell and a part of her felt terrible for bringing up so many unpleasant feelings. “Don’t worry, malush, I’ll protect you. I won’t let anything bad happen to you.” She assured, her words honest. “I know, Wanda, thank you.” You nodded, relaxing a little in her hold and allowing her gentle fingers to run through your hair. “You better make good on that promise, Maximoff.” Natasha growled from her spot, watching the scene unfold with mind clouded by a deep sense of irritation. She was jealous. Undeniably so and she couldn’t stand to see you being soothed by another. It was meant to be her, who protected you, made you feel safe, made you feel cherished and loved. You were meant to be hers. If only she had actually made a move. But how could she? Why would someone like you ever want her? With the bitter taste of regret still on her tongue, Natasha turned on her heals and left the room, not even letting Wanda respond to her words. She’ll give the younger Alpha a stern talk about you later… If she was going to stand by and watch someone else court you, she was going to make sure that they knew the consequences, should they ever hurt you or your feelings. Feeling angry, Natasha entered her room and fell on the bed with a thud. Her head turned to the shopping bag, still full of clothes that you had went out to get just for her and her heart warmed at the sight. She really should thank you. Getting up, she ran to the nearest store, buying a box of your favorite chocolates and a beautiful card, writing a few words of gratitude inside, before she returned to the compound.
Natasha looked at her hands for a moment, thinking if she should interrupt your movie with Wanda, but decided against it in the end, so she went to your room, deciding to just leave the small package for you to find. She didn’t think much of the action, having been in your room many times before, so she just walked right in. She loved being here, surrounded by you and she closed her eyes briefly, savouring it, but her steps faltered almost immediately, when her eyes opened and landed on your bed and the pile of her hoodies on it. She could smell your sweet scent in the room, all around her, but especially the bed and as she got closer, she could distinctly smell the way you’d practically rolled around in her things. She could barely sense her own scent on them now. Some of these she’d missed for months. “So that’s where they went.” She heard herself saying. As soon as the recognition came, so did something else. A question. Why had you taken them?  Why did you want her scent on you? Could you… No! That simply couldn’t be… You wouldn’t be in love with her? Perhaps you simply got attached? Omegas were such sensitive souls sometimes. And the two of you had spent so much time together. But deep down she knew she was just denying the obvious. Just like she was denying her own feelings. Unsure of what to do and how to approach such a subject, she stood frozen in place, her thoughts racing wildly. She was lost in her own world of worry and regret, desire and longing, that she didn’t even hear the approaching footsteps, until you were in the room, gasping at the sight of her. “Natasha!” You exclaimed, your eyes filling with fear and panic, as you realized she’d seen your stash of stolen hoodies. “I can explain!” You started to say, but were interrupted, when she dropped the box in her hands and closed the distance between you in a few short strides, capturing your face in her hands and making you face her. “Tell me it’s true.” She said, pleading, too impatient to even explain what she wanted to hear, her eyes soft and full of so much hope. “Please?” She almost whined. “It’s true.” You nodded, some of the initial shock dissipating. “It’s always been true. How can you not know that?” You smiled, looking up at her with hopeful eyes. That soft smile and that sparkle in your eyes as you looked at her was all the confirmation Natasha ever needed and she leaned down eagerly, claiming your lips in a gentle kiss, pouring all her passion and love into it, hoping that she could convey just how much she had been dreaming of this moment with you. God, your lips against her felt divine. She could hardly contain the throaty little growl that left her as she deepened the kiss, her arms wrapping around you in an almost possessive manner, while she pressed herself firmly against you, letting you feel the bulge in her pants, that only seemed to grow and harden the longer she touched you.
“I love you.” She whispered, lifting you off the ground and crashing your bodies against the nearest wall. It seemed to take her no effort at all to hold you up with one hand, the other cupping one of your breasts, while she pressed and rubbed her clothed sex against you. “Fuck, you feel so good!” She gasped, her hips slamming into yours, her bulge teasing your pussy and making you grow even wetter and more desperate for her. “So good, baby.” She whispered, detaching her lips from yours, so she could start trailing kisses down your neck. You shivered and trembled in her hold, back arching, so you could feel more of her. You wanted to rip the clothes from her body, feel her skin against yours, feel trapped underneath her as she pounded into you, the way you’d been dreaming of all this time. “Natasha!” You moaned her name and it drove her even more desperate with desire for you. She pulled on your shirt, hearing it rip and starting to fall apart, until she had your breasts in front of her face. Those delicious nipples were just begging to be sucked between her lips, she was sure of it, and she didn’t hesitate to do just that. “Natasha, baby!” You almost screamed this time, feeling the pressure in your stomach grow with every thrust of her hips. “Take me to bed, please!” You begged, nails digging into her shoulders as she bit your nipple. She used her tongue to soothe it and she stole one last quick peck from you, before she moved, carrying you just as effortlessly to the bed and dropping you on the big pile of her hoodies, her own body following right after and trapping you eagerly. “Don’t worry, baby, from now on, you’ll always have my scent on you.” She smirked, positioning herself between your spread legs and rutting against you with the same fervour as before. “Fuck, Natasha!” You let out a little whine. She was getting you so close. You could feel the pleasure rising, even through the layers and you were approaching an embarrassing orgasm much faster than you ever thought possible. “Fuck, baby, you gotta stop, you’re gonna make me…” You tried to warn, but she was having none of it. “Me too, Y/N. Come with me, baby.” She gasped, pulling you as close as she could, her body sweating from the heat and the intensity of the moment.
She couldn’t hold it back. Fuck, she didn’t want to. She just needed a release. She was going to claim you properly after this, give you the pleasure you deserve, but she needed this first. “Oh God!” You practically screamed, holding on to her for dear life, while her movements grew more erratic. She was practically humping you, but it felt so good that you didn’t even care. You just wanted her any way she would let you have her. “Fuck!” She grunted, a short and forceful thrust signalling the beginning of her climax, while she kissed you deeply and it was all you needed to fall off the edge right along with her. Your bodies trembled in unison and you held onto her as you whined, feeling the throbbing of your clit as you came. You felt the way her cock spasmed as well. It twitched in her pants as she released, a sigh of relief falling off her lips as she did. Eventually you both slumped against each-other, the pleasure and the intensity of the moment making you feel drunk and you weakly cuddled up to her, closing your eyes and inhaling her deeply. Natasha felt you fall asleep against her almost immediately and she didn’t have the heart to wake you. Instead, she waited for you to fully relax, before taking a quick shower, discarding her ruined boxers and putting on just her sweat pants and taking her previous spot next to you on the bed, loving the feeling of you in her arms. Her mind was plagued by doubt and insecurity and as she watched you sleep, she wanted to savour every second, too scared that you’ll wake up and realize that you’ve made a huge mistake, that she might have ruined her chance to stay in your life, now that she’d done this. Eventually, exhaustion took over her as well and she allowed herself this moment of bliss, hoping it will never end, only to be woken by soft breathy whines and little whimpers, combined with your sex rubbing itself on any part of her you could reach in the limited space of her hold. Your scent was impossible to ignore in this state and she could smell the beginnings of your heat and the desperate way your body tried to relieve some of the unbearable pressure it felt. You were still asleep, and so beautiful, features dominated by pleasure in your peaceful sleep and she admired your beauty for a long moment, before she decided to wake you. “Wake up, pretty girl.” Natasha whispered, stroking your cheek. “Open those eyes for me.” She encouraged, watching the way you scrunched up your nose, as if the mere thought was offensive. “If you’re gonna use me like that, you have to at least look at me.” She added after a moment.
You blinked your eyes open in confusion, your face brightened up by the sight of her still in your bed, before you realized what you were just doing, momentarily stiffening. You opened your mouth to say something, but you were immediately shushed by a finger on your lips. “Don’t you dare apologize.” Natasha smirked. “I just need to know if you still want this.” She told you, some of her insecurity showing. She knew you were vulnerable right now, the uncomfortable feeling of your heat only growing with each passing second. It would be so easy for her to take you right now. But she didn’t want it that way. She wanted you to be sure. “Natasha… I have loved you for so long, wanted you more than you can know, I’ve spent countless days thinking of you, countless heat cycles moaning your name and wishing you would make it better. Alpha… Please make it better this time?” You practically whined, eyes filling with unshed tears as you felt your insides churning with need. You were sure you would die if she didn’t fuck you right this second. Natasha didn’t say a word this time, pulling down your pants and panties in one smooth motion, gasping at the gorgeous pussy that presented itself to her hungry gaze. You were so wet already, your sweet smell filling her nostrils once more as she ran a finger through your wet folds. “Alpha, don’t tease!” You whined again, your hips canting up for her. “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll take care of you.” She said, taking no time in finding her place between your legs and dipping her tongue in your wetness. “So delicious, baby.” She moaned at your taste, immediately needing so much more of it. She took her time cleaning you up first, savouring your taste with every flick of her tongue, before she finally wrapped her lips around your clit, drawing slow circles over it and driving you crazy with the way she made you feel. She ate you like a woman starved, sometimes sucking on your sensitive clit with fervour and drawing deep moans of pleasure each time. She could hardly keep your hips in place, not that she cared much to try, loving the way you rode her face with clear abandon and she wasn’t surprised when you reached your climax with a strangled cry and a chant of her name. “Fuck, so good!” She murmured, after helping you ride out your orgasm. She was just about ready to start all over again, her own pleasure entirely forgotten, even if she was humping the mattress, but your hand in her hair stopped her. “Yes, that was good… But I need you inside me now, Alpha.” You pleaded, your legs spreading even wider for her. “Only your cock can make it better, please.” You practically begged and it triggered something in the older woman.
She pulled down her sweats in one swift motion, showing you her cock for the first time. God, she was big! You could see the veins that ran along her length and the precum that dripped from her tip. She was perfect. And the look in her eyes was ravenous, so she didn’t hesitate for a second, easily flipping you over and putting you on your hands and knees, letting you present yourself like a proper little Omega for her. She rubbed her length at your opening, getting her cock slick with your juices while you squirmed, but her teasing couldn’t last. She had dreamt of having you this way just as much as you had and she needed to finally claim you. Needed to finally be inside you. “Please.” You begged once more, your hips chasing her and the brief feeling of pleasure and relief that she provided every time she rubbed herself on you. “Like that, baby?” She asked, pushing herself against your opening, her tip sliding inside easily. God you were so warm, so wet, so tight around her and it took everything in her to keep her pace steady. She wanted you to feel good, wanted you to enjoy every second of being with her, she wanted to be so good that you’d never even dream of any other Alpha ever touching you. Not that she’d allow it. Now that she had you this way, she was realizing what she was missing all this time and she wasn’t going to ever let you go. “Just like that, Natasha, please!” You gasped, pushing yourself against her and taking the rest of her cock inside you, all at once. “Fuck!” She grunted, her cock spasming at the feeling of being fully buried inside you. “Is that what you want little Omega?” She asked, she teeth gritted. “You want me to ruin that pretty pussy?” “Yes! God, Alpha!” You screamed, her pace picking up quickly. You could feel your ass bouncing off of her with every thrust, her cock hitting deep inside you each time, her hands squeezing your hips in a grip so tight, you were sure she’s leaving imprints and it was heavenly. She was so good. Better than you ever imagined she would be.
“Come here!” She growled, burying her hands in your hair and pulling you up against her. She held you close, her nose buried in your neck and breathing you in deeply. “You wanna be my little Omega? Want me to claim you, baby girl? Make you mine for good?” She asks, biting your neck gently, just scratching your skin, right on that sensitive spot that drove you wild. “I’ll take good care of you baby. I’ll protect you and keep you safe, I’ll make you happy.” She promised, words soft. She could feel her knot forming at the base of her cock, her release approaching quickly and she barely held it back. You could hardly respond, all your thoughts fading into nothingness at the feeling of her cock deep inside you. You just knew she’s right where she belongs, right where you need her most and you never want it to end. “Feels so good! Yes! Want to be yours! I’ve always been yours.” You pant, soft whimpers cutting off your words, as you felt your orgasm approaching. “I’m so close, baby!” Natasha panted behind you. “You gonna come with me?” She asked softly, pulling your head further back by your hair, to make sure that your neck is fully exposed to her. “Yes, so close! Please! I want you to come inside me, please!” Watching you beg her like that was truly the last straw, and with a final, sharp thrust, Natasha felt her knot slip into place, triggering her orgasm. Endless spurts of white flooded your pussy as she felt the best orgasm of her life. This was the best moment she just knew it, her teeth sinking into your neck to mark you for good, while her legs shook and her cock throbbed inside you, making her see stars. Her knot slipping in triggered your orgasm as well and you cried out, a deep sense of satisfaction washing over you when you felt the spurts of her cum fill you up to the brim. Not even a drop slipped past her as she still rutted against you, prolonging both your pleasure. But it was her teeth sinking in that really had you experience extasy, a second orgasm crashing over you, right after the first and you milked her of everything she had as you felt yourself being claimed. When it was all over, Natasha laid you down gently and settled on top of you, your bodies still perfectly connected, chests heaving. As you turned a little, trying to look up, Natasha did her best to accommodate you and after look down at you, eyes hooded from lust, she silently turned her neck, silently offering it for you to leave your own mark on her and seal your connection for good. You licked at her neck a few times, feeling her shiver in anticipation and you sunk your teeth into her, just as she had done, hearing her soft whimpers of pleasure at the action and you tried to soothe the wound as best you could, offering her little licks and kisses that she happily accepted, even if each one made her cock throb once more. “I don’t want you going on any more missions.” She finally said, her voice thoughtful. “Especially if I can’t be there to keep you safe. You’re my mate. My love. I don’t want you in danger. I don’t want other Alphas looking at you, thinking they can have what’s mine. Don’t go tomorrow, love?” She confessed, almost pleading with you to understand. “I’ll talk to Steve.” You nodded, placing a small kiss on her lips. “And I’ll talk to Wanda.” Natasha grumbled, remembering the other Alpha and the way she had her hands around you. Her words made you laugh and the older woman looked down at you confused. “What? You think I didn’t see her hands around you, touching your hair, talking to you like that. She can’t have you!” Natasha insisted, more firmly now. “Oh, baby…” You smiled, shaking your head in disbelief. “You really don’t know?” “Know what?” She squinted down at you. “She never wanted me. I know for a fact she has her eyes on a certain robot… But I sure am grateful she gave you a push.” You laughed and this time Natasha laughed with you. “Good luck mating him.” She joked, finally relaxing, allowing her eyes to close in content. She finally had her mate. _____________________________________________________
Dear anon, on the 12th of June you sent me this request... I don't know if you still use Tumblr, I don't know if you still follow my blog, or read my fics, hell, I don't even know if you remember sending me this, it was so long ago... But should you ever see your request and read this fic, I hope you'll enjoy it!
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katiemccabeswife · 8 months
Selflessness (Leah Williamson x FosterMum!Reader)
You always put your kids first but can’t miss the return of Leah back to football.
Another 4.7k words 😮‍💨, also how gorgeous is Leah is that photo? PSA; I have not read through this as it it 1:30 in the morning so I am hoping grammaly as done it’s job 👍🏼
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You had been seeing Leah for a few months now but you were still too nervous to tell her about your ‘part-time job’. Of course, she knew that you were a professional dance teacher but she didn’t know that you had a second ‘job'.
It was one that fell into your lap and you couldn’t turn it down. You had all the qualifications to look after children including medical certificates and you had always dreamed of being a mother. Being a lesbian meant that that would be harder than it was if you were straight and when you came across an article about the lack of foster parents in the London area, you decided to sign yourself up.
It took a long few months to get the remaining qualifications needed and go through the training programs but you always had your eye on the target and didn’t mind waiting a few more months if that meant that you were the safest hands a child could be in.
You had your first placement 2 years ago and ever since then your home has never been silent and your heart has always been full. Some children only stayed with you overnight, some stayed a few months, and some were more introverted than others but you always put 110% into making sure they felt comfortable when staying with you.
When you met Leah at the grocery store you were a mess. A particularly troubled child had been staying with you for about a fortnight and had just begun to open up to you when his mother came out of rehab. She had done the necessary lessons and paperwork whilst in the facility and so as soon as she was released, Theo had to move back in with his mother. He had confided in you that he was concerned about moving back in with her and that he was scared she would disappear again but there was nothing you could legally do to calm his anxiety.
The night at the grocery store was the night he went back to his mother’s and you were worried sick about the 7-year-old boy who cried in your arms. You knew you didn't look your best but you needed to restock your pantry after having a farewell feast for Theo.
You were dressed in pyjama pants and a hoodie with sleeves covered in tears and snot. Your hair was thrown into a haphazard ponytail and your eyes were red from both crying and rubbing.
You stood staring at the empty spot where the Oreos normally sit and a fresh set of tears began to roll down your cheeks. You never would have cried over something as trivial as not being able to buy a snack but your emotions were all over the place and you really wanted your comfort food.
You had fallen into a squat with your hands over your eyes, trying to hide the tears when a hand fell on your back, "Are you alright?"
You looked up to see a beautiful blond looking down at you concerned, you pointed pathetically to the empty spot and quickly realised how pathetic it was and quickly stood up, "I am so sorry," You laughed at yourself and wiped away your tears, "I am a mess right now and I really wanted some Oreos and they're out and," You tried to laugh it off again but it sounded more like a cry.
The tall blue-eyed woman reached into her basket and held out a pack of Oreos to you, "You can have mine if you'd like?" She offered kindly.
You rested your hand over your heart and looked at her like she was a miracle worker, "No, I couldn't you had them first. You keep them, I'll be fine I'm just- this is humiliating," You laughed at yourself and took a deep breath, "I am perfectly fine and you can keep the Oreos but thank you for the offer," You smiled appreciatively.
The woman was still looking at you concerningly, "Trust me it's, I shouldn't really be eating them anyways," She spoke as if it were secret and you naturally assumed she was watching her weight or something and when you noticed how fit she was you looked at her in awe.
"You are so perfect," You nodded at her and she looked even more confused, "You keep those Oreos and you eat all of them," You ordered.
The blonde laughed and seemingly caught on, "No, no, I really shouldn't I'm an athlete so I really should not eat the Oreos. Trust me you have them." She thrust them into your basket, "Seriously, take them," She used her 'captain voice' and you felt like you had no other choice.
Overcome with gratitude you thanked her sheepishly, "Thank you for being so kind. Again, I'm so sorry for being such a mess," You gestured to your hair and outfit and missed the way she looked at you as if you were dressed to the nines.
"And if I'm giving you the Oreos I think it's only fair you give me your number..." She trailed off trying to test the waters.
You examined her face to see if she was being serious, "Umm, yeah? I guess sure." You nodded and tried to convince yourself that this was actually happening.
You grabbed her phone which she presented to you and added your number and name; y/n <3. She took it back and smirked at you, "I will be sure to ask you how the Oreos taste, y/n," She teased.
You gained a bit of confidence to flirt back, "I'll be sure to respond..." You waited for her to tell you her name.
"Leah," She caught on.
"I'll be sure to tell you how delicious these Oreos are, Leah," You don't know where the confidence surged from but you winked at her before moving past her to continue your shopping.
From there on, you and Leah messaged back and forth and she joked about your emotional state at the grocery store and teased her about her attraction to you when you looked like rubbish. Now 4 months later and a shocking surprise later (finding out that Leah was in fact a world-known football star) you were trying to find the words to tell her that you wouldn't be able to attend her returning game from her ACL injury.
You had taken in two little girls a week ago, Vienna was 5 and her little sister Lilah was 2. The girls were supposed to have a visit with their father at the time of the game but their caseworker went to inspect the house and found him surrounded by bottles of alcohol therefore she had to cancel the visit.
The only other option was to bring the girls to the game and you were sure Vienna would love the atmosphere but you weren't sure how Lilah would deal. That and the fact that you would have to tell Leah the fact that you were a foster parent, not that you're embarrassed of your job but you were very aware of the fact that many people couldn't handle the inflexibility and last-minute change in plans that came with either being with or being a foster parent and you didn't want to lose what you had with Leah.
You were bought out of your thoughts by a tugging on your pant leg. Lilah was looking at you curiously, she could only speak limited words and since being in your care she limited the number of words she shared with you even further. You picked her up and put her on your hip, "Would like to go see a football game?" You asked, not expecting a response.
You were met with clapping from the toddler and a smile on her face and took that for a yes. You wandered over to where Vienna was doing Just Dance on the TV and put Lilah down to join her sister. You cheered both the girls on and laughed at Vienna's confidence in her dance moves, she had been quite the opposite of her sister and seemed to flourish in your care. The girl's social worker said that she was extremely introverted and had barely ever spoken to her but after only a day being in your hands she thrived and it seemed she almost never stopped talking.
Once the dance was finished you applauded the girls to which Vienna bowed and Lilah copied her sister, "That was fantastic! Where did you learn to dance like that?" You congratulated them and bent to a squat to be more their height.
Vienna blushed and swung her arms sheepishly, "My momma," She responded and your heart warmed, the girls had been in an accident while their mother was driving and she hadn't made it out of the car. Their father hadn't taken the news well and turned to drinking which landed the girls in your care.
"Well, I think she would be so proud of how well you dance," You complimented to which she beamed and Lilah clapped her hands, "Hey, would you like to go to a real-life football game?" You offered with your hands out.
Vienna ran over to you, slapped your hands and screamed, "YES!" She then took off running around the living room pretending to play with an imaginary ball.
"Wow! Well, we will have to get ready won't we?" You gave the girls a chance to make their own choice, "Would you like me to pick you out an outfit or would you like to pick your own out?"
Vienna seemed to think for a moment before deciding that she was going to dress herself. You encouraged her decisions and helped her get dressed before helping Lilah into her own clothes, "You girls look beautiful! I think you picked a better outfit than I ever could," You commended, "Right, I need to make a phone call and get dressed, how about your guys go and do 1 more dance and then we'll hop in the car and go, is that ok?"
Lilah clapped once again but spoke up for the first time that day, "YES!"
Your jaw dropped in shock before you clapped for the girl, "Yes!" You cheered, "Alright, I will be 4 minutes, off you go," You smiled as they ran to the living room holding hands.
You walked into your room, picked out your own outfit and rung up Leah. Once the phone was ringing you bit your thumbnail as you waited, anxious for the coming conversation.
Leah's cheerful voice came through the speaker and you found your anxiety slipping away, "Hey, y/n/n what's up?" You could hear the girls in the background and assumed that they were already in the changerooms.
"Hey Lee, umm would I be able to get 2 extra tickets to the game? I have umm a couple friends who came over unexpectedly and I can't leave them here alone and I really want to come to your game but I completely understand if it's too late but if it is, I am so sorry but I won't be able to come but I will be cheering you from here and-"
Your rambling was cut off by Leah laughing, "Of course, y/n/n I'll get it sorted. Don't worry about it," You let out a breath of relief.
"Thank god, thank you so much Leah. I will make sure to be cheering you on extra loud, and I'm sure my sidekicks will be as well," You laughed.
"Will I get to meet your sidekicks?" She teased, "It's only fair if I'm getting them free seats," She egged on.
You laughed nervously, "Umm, I'm sure they would be delighted to meet you," You noticed Lilah walking into your room, "Hey, I've gotta go, I wanna beat the traffic but I'll see you there, yeah?"
"Of course, see you soon," You bid farewell and hung up the phone, turning your attention to the little girl.
"You ready to go!" You picked Lilah up when she nodded and headed to get your things together, making sure you had enough snacks and water for the girls before herding them out the door and into your car.
The trip was spent singing various songs including Adele and Taylor Swift and the girls were buzzing by the time you reached the Emirates. Vienna forced you to skip in but you had to ask her to hold your hand, not wanting her to get lost. You made your way into the family and friends section. You were glad that Leah's mum couldn't make it to this game as you weren't overly eager to explain your situation to Leah, let alone her mum.
You had spent the time before the match running around with girls, trying to wear them out enough so they wouldn't feel the need to during the game. Once the players had started to line up in the tunnel you were just coming out of the bathroom with the girls, grateful for perfect timing and quickly made your way to your seats. Leah was only slightly worried when she didn't see you in the stands when she headed out to the bench.
You ended up having a spare chair due to Lilah wanting to be in your hold. You stood up when the teams started to walk out holding Lilah in one arm and having your other arm occupied by Vienna clinging on whilst standing on her seat. Even though Leah wasn't in the starting lineup, she was going to come on in the second half but you cheered on the girls you knew were close to her and Vienna was more than happy to help, Lilah sat in your arms confused but unbothered.
When the half-time whistle went you quickly got to your feet and walked briskly to the bathroom after Vienna told you she needed to use the toilet. After cleaning up you took the girls over to an open area and continued to let them run around and made sure Vienna knew that she would have to be stationary for another 45 minutes.
Leah's concern grew when she still couldn't find you in the crowd during half time and she became slightly pissed off that you'd told her you were coming, to get an extra 2 seats, and you weren't even there. Then she grew sad that you couldn't bother showing up to her first game in almost a year.
You had just settled Vienna again when the whistle blew for the commencement of that match and you cheered on the girls once again as the ball got kicked into play. Leah had gone over the rules of football with you a few times but you were still confused over the tackling and offside rules so you just cheered and booed when the Arsenal fans did.
However, when you saw Leah stepping up to the sideline and her number coming up on the substitution board in green, you stood up on your own and screamed as loud as you could causing a ripple effect throughout the stadium. Leah didn't turn around when she heard someone that sounded an awful lot like you cheer because she was in her head about you not being here and her being about to play the sport she loved for the first time in almost a year.
Every time Leah had the ball or made a successful tackle you and Vienna were on your feet cheering and even Lilah managed to expel something resembling a cheer, the poor girl being on the verge of sleep. Leah felt truly alive for the first time in 9 months, of course, she was alive throughout the course of the rehab but felt like she was only living so she could make it to this moment and now that she was in the moment she felt like she could run forever.
Once the game ended Leah had racked up 25 minutes of playing time, an assist and Arsenal won another 3 points for the ladder. She was elated and could feel the fans felt the same way throughout the stadium, especially through her teammates who were glad to have their teammate back on the pitch.
She took one last chance and looked over to the family and friends section to scan for your face and her elation only grew when she spotted it in the crowd. Her elation turned to confusion though when she caught sight of the toddler on your hip and the child you were dancing with. She was not aware you had any children nor any nieces and she was pretty sure she would recognise any of her teammate's kids or relatives and these children's faces were not ones she had seen before.
She started the trek over to you and once you caught sight of her you had to slightly shake your head and gesture to the tunnel. You weren't allowed to let the girls' faces be on camera and you didn't want anyone to witness the conversation you were about to endure with Leah.
You were trying to convince a security guard that you were meeting Leah in the tunnel but he was not having a bar of it, "Please sir, she'll be waiting for me. I'm already in trouble, just let me through!" You were growing frustrated and the girls were picking up on it. Vienna was tugging your hand as she wanted to go run on the pitch and Lilah was getting fussy as she was starting to get over tired.
You didn't see Leah walk in but she had spotted you a minute ago and had to take in what she was seeing for a minute. She had known you for 4 months and you had never mentioned any children in your life but it did make sense that you had kids, sometimes you would have to cancel dates very last minute but you always made sure to set another one up shortly after and apologised profusely.
"Hey, it's alright. She's with me," Leah made herself known and the guard backed off cautiously. Her attention was on your face and could see how you instantly relaxed but she could also see the toddler clinging to your shirt.
Vienna tugged on your shirt and gestured you to get down to your height and as much of a concern the conversation you had to have with Leah was, your kids came first so you bent down and waited for Vienna to speak her mind, "Was that one of the girls on the pitch?" She asked excitedly.
You stroked her arm and nodded with matching enthusiasm, "Yeah she was, she even helped them score a goal!" Vienna seemed pleased with your answer and made her way over to Leah.
You held your breath but let her do her thing. Leah looked to you when she gestured for Leah to bend down, just as you had a minute ago, and you nodded in permission, "Hello lovely, what's your name?" Leah asked.
"My name's Vienna, y/n/n is my step-in mummy!" Your heart warmed at the girl's claim, "I saw you play out on the big pitch!" She reached around to Leah's back and patted it gently, "You did a very good job, y/n/n and I cheered soo loud when you went on, even Lilah cheered!" She exclaimed pointing back towards you and her sister.
"Thank you, darling, I'm actually pretty sure I heard you cheering for me, you were very loud!" Leah complimented to which Vienna giggled.
"Hey V, why don't you take this and sit over there for a minute, I wanna talk to Leah. Is that ok?" You offered her a colouring book and some textas.
"Ok!" She took both and skipped over to where a table and chair were randomly set up.
"Hey..." You rocked slightly as Lilah had fallen asleep.
"Hi," Leah said with a tone of confusion.
"Umm so- yeah," Your free hand came out as if you were about to explain and then it dropped back to your side when you couldn't find the words.
Leah raised her eyebrows before looking between the girls and you.
"I foster kids in my spare time," You tried to joke but then heard how it sounded out loud and immediately began to backtrack, "Not in my spare time, that was stupid, I don't have spare time anymore. I foster kids! All the time, except when I'm not then I'm either working or with you but sometimes I do all three! And I didn't tell you; not because I'm embarrassed of my job but because I am so aware of the fact that many people can't handle the inflexibility and last-minute change in plans that comes with either being with or being a foster parent and I always feel so bad when I have to cancel plans but them I'm like there is a literal child who needs somewhere to stay and someone to take care of them and it makes me feel better but then I'm like, Leah! I didn't want to lose you because I know you're gonna have a busy schedule now that your back playing and I didn't want you to feel bad about calling this off because of what I do and-" You were running out of breath and were on the verge of tears when Leah bought you into a hug, keeping clear of the child perched on your hip.
Once you caught your breath and the hug broke off Leah grabbed your face between her hands, "You are a bloody amazing woman." She stated and you blushed, "I can not believe how selfless you are, you are doing something so incredible for these kids and you still take into account how I would feel? Of course, I wouldn't call this off because you chose to take in kids who need somewhere to stay! If anything it makes me love you more!" She didn't even register what she was saying until she said it. That didn't mean she regretted it.
She crashed her lips into yours and you reciprocated but broke free quickly, aware of the child in your arms and the other one not even 4 meters away from you. You were still slightly teary, her beautiful confession not helping, "I love you too," You laughed but quickly quietened when Lilah stirred in your arms, "Umm, would you like to come back to mine? I'll have to put these two down but it should only take 10 minutes,"
Leah was quick to agree and ran to get her kit from the changing room and had a fast shower. She sent off a quick message to the Arsenal girls excusing herself from post-match celebrations. She met you next to your car and noticed that you only had one kid running circles around you, "Lils was fast asleep so I've just put her in her seat, ready to go?" You asked Leah who nodded.
"Is Leah coming over to our house?" Vienna asked when you were clipping her into her car seat.
You glanced at Leah sitting in the passenger seat before nodding to Vienna, "Yeah, is that alright with you?" You were worried that she wouldn't be ok having someone else in the house with you and knew that if that was the case, you would have to once again reschedule to meet up with her.
"As long as she tells me a bedtime story!" Vienna giggled.
"I'm sure if you asked really nicely, she would be more than happy too!" She was content with your answer and broke out in humming a random tune. You laughed at her and went to the driver's side to take your girls home.
The drive home was fairly quiet as Lilah was asleep but Vienna kept humming her tune and you and Leah couldn't help but laugh when she got really passionate about her song.
"McDonald's for dinner?" You asked Leah who nodded her head. You turned your head slightly to catch the gaze of Vienna, "Hey V, do you want to get McDonald's for dinner?"
"Um yes please!" She spoke as if it were obvious, "Can I get a nugget happy meal?"
You nodded, "Umm of course?" You responded in the same tone she had before.
After teasing Leah about her bland food choices, Vienna talking Leah's ear off about nothing in particular in between eating her happy meal and Lilah having a bottle and being put to sleep, it was finally Vienna's time to go to sleep.
"Alrighty, teeth are brushed and jammies are on, what's next V?" You asked and she seemed to remember your conversation in the car and ran over to Leah who watched the scene in awe.
"Excuse me, Leah?" She patted her knee to get her attention, "Would you please tell me a bedtime story?"
Leah gasped, "I would love to have the honour!" She spoke proudly.
Vienna dragged her to her bedroom and quickly got under her sheets, "Could you please tell me a football story?" She asked politely.
"Those are my favourite stories, would you like to hear about when my team won a competition against all of the other countries in Europe?" Vienna nodded dutifully.
"Isn't there like a billion countries in Europe?" She was 5, give her a break.
Leah nodded, "Almost," She went off to tell her a shortened version of the Eruos in 2022 and Vienna was enraptured by the story but was slowly falling asleep.
"You must be really good if you beat a billion other countries, I like you, you're my favourite footballer," Vienna decided and patted Leah's hand that was resting on her leg. You watched the scene from the side with hearts in your eyes.
Once the story was over Leah bid Vienna goodnight and got up off the bed so you could say your goodnights. You made sure to tuck her in extra tight and checked under her bed for monsters and after concluding that there were none Vienna was ready to go to sleep, "Goodnight, munchkin, sweet dreams," You kissed her lightly on the forehead.
She returned the favour by kissing your nose and pulled in for another secret, "I really like Leah, she's pretty," She giggled.
You smiled at the small child and nodded, "I know," You laughed with your foster daughter and wished her goodnight once again flipping off the lights and turning on the night light, "Night night V," You waved.
"Night night y/n/n," She dozed off.
You left the door open slightly and jumped when you saw Leah waiting on the opposite side of the door, "Jesus, Lee," You pulled her into your bedroom not wanting to wake either girl, "Listen, I truly am sorry about not telling you about all this. I was just scared and didn't want to lose you is all,"
Leah took you in her arms, "I understand, love. Don't worry about it," She gave you a kiss on the side of your head and pulled away, "I loved watching you interact with them, you're so good at it. And you look beautiful while doing it," She flirted and pecked your lips.
You moved your arms to wrap around her neck, "I love watching you interact with them, didn't know you had it in you, Captain Grumpy Pants," You teased as Leah was known for her stern facial expressions.
Leah looked unimpressed, "Well at least V, thinks I'm pretty," She spoke triumphantly.
You pecked her lips, "I happen to think you are very pretty," You kissed her again but let it go even further and when you had to break apart for air, "Gorgeous really," You teased.
"Stop trying to one-up a child," She chastised sarcastically.
You smirked, "You might just have to shut me up, then," You flirted but it didn't end up going much further as the two of you ended up fast asleep within minutes exhausted from playing football, cheering and taking care of two children.
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ignoremyworld · 8 months
Mute!eddie and interpreter!steve
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Eddie finally got off his shift at the mechanic and went to this little bakery next to his shop. Walking in he could smell the fresh bread and pastries. Looking behind the counter he saw the absolute drop dead gorgeous man he’s ever laid his eyes on. Walking up to the counter the man saw him and walked over.
“Welcome in! What can I get for you?” Reading his name tag, Steve, said.
Eddie brings his phone out and typed something into his notes app
‘Can I get a loaf of sourdough and a few croissants?’
Steve looks at the phone and then back up at Eddie and signs
‘I know sign so there’s no need to type. I’ll get that out for you’
Eddie smiles, pays and walks to a table to sit and relax.
“Robin, robin, look. He’s the guy I was telling you about” Steve calls.
Curious Eddie looks over to see Steve talking to what he assumes is a coworker of his. Robin.
“He doesn’t seem that attractive to me.” Robin says, eyeing Eddie up and down.
“That’s because you’re a lesbian rob. I however appreciate men in their beauty. Especially ones that beautiful” steve looks over and waves.
Putting his hair over his face to try to hide his blush he waves back.
“Im gonna put my number in the bag so maybe he’ll call me” steve giggles.
A few minutes later steve comes up to Eddie to tell him his order is all packed up and ready to go.
‘Hi! Your order is ready and it’s right over there’ he signs smiling.
Eddie smiles back and walks up to get the bag. Before he leaves he turns to steve and signs ‘I heard what you said cutie, I’m mute, not deaf. I’ll definitely call you later handsome’
Steve, wide eyed, freezes. His face is red as he watches Eddie leave the store and get in his car.
“Nice job steve-o, finally got yourself a date” Robin says, elbowing steve in the side.
Steve smiles and says “yeah. A date.”
Sorry if this is a bit shit I’m still learning to write. If anyone has any advice I’m all ears! :3
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archangeldyke-all · 2 months
i’m so excited for halloween. i love all things fall/october.
could you write an autumn fic? 🍂
more specifically— i feel like the reader would have to force sev to wear some kinda costume for halloween >:) how do you think sev x reader would dress up? how would they spend their night together? ly mootie! ♡
my city's in the middle of a heat wave and it's HUMID too, it's horrible-- so yes, let's think about fall for a while hehehehe
men and minors dni
there is no doubt in my mind that fall's her favorite season.
and i think halloween is probably her favorite holiday too.
she's not a festive person, so even though she loves fall, she doesn't really indulge herself in things like decorating or baking.
but you do.
sevika doesn't realize how much she loves fall until she meets you. because you treat fall like it's your birthday or something. sevika's shocked to see how much you incorporate her favorite season into your day to day life. and even more surprising, she's shocked to find that she kind of loves it.
as the leaves start to change, you start making her coffee pumpkin flavored, sometimes adding a bit of hazelnut and cinnamon too. she fucking loves it, it's the best coffee she's ever had.
your apartment always smells like pumpkin pie or autumn leaves or flannel-- various candles burning and filling your space with the cozy smells and a lovely warm glow when the days start to grow dark earlier.
you start cooking hearty, warm meals-- stews and chilis and soups and curries-- sevika fucking adores it. there's nothing like a freshly baked slice of bread scooping up some kind of meaty sauce.
and your baking. sevika's almost cries the first time you hand her a plate of freshly homemade triple chocolate chip cookies, with a tall glass of milk.
she adores watching you start to get cozier as the days grow colder. your home becomes slowly filled with fuzzy blankets, you string up some fairy lights to flick on in the dark afternoons, pumpkin decor starts to decorate your tables and shelves.
she loves watching you cuddle into a hoodie, or pull a scarf up over your nose when you're outside and it's chilly. she especially loves cuddling with you under a blanket on the couch.
sevika just can't say no to you. she hates it. (she loves it.)
this means she ends up carving jack-o-lanterns for the first time in her life with you at the big age of forty three. she's surprised to find that she loves it-- scooping the guts of the pumpkin out is so satisfying, and she's always loved stabbing things. (what she loves most of all is the way you arrange your jackolanterns right next to each other on your front stoop, a scarf strung around the two of them, just like when you share your scarf with her.)
this also means that she wears a halloween costume for the first time in nearly thirty five years just for you.
obviously, it has to be a matching costume. sevika will not humiliate herself unless it's to show the world that she's yours.
i'm thinking about the classic lesbian couple costumes: werewolf and vampire.
sevika tries to get away with being a vampire by just drawing two little dots of red lipstick on her neck. you go all out-- buying a werewolf mask and gloves. and on the night of, when you reveal your costumes to each other, you pout at sevika until she rolls her eyes and gives in-- putting on the vampire costume you bought at the same halloween store you got your mask in.
you go to a party at silco's house, the adults drinking while the kids binge on candy, spooky music blasting, vander trying to jumpscare every guest by the end of the night.
you only show up for an hour before you decide to head home, both of you overwhelmed by the party.
sevika tugs on your sleeve as you wander through the leaf-covered sidewalks toward home. "babe, look." she whispers.
she swipes her vampire-cape to the side and reveals one of her fanny packs on her hip-- stuffed to the brim with candy she's stolen from the kids.
you burst into laughter and smack her shoulder, before pulling a kitkat out of her bag and crunching into it.
when you get back home, you spend the rest of the night smoking a joint on the front porch together, snuffing it out when kids approach and ask for candy.
sevika's shocked when you reveal the box of full size bars you'd bought to pass out, and you just shrug. "it keeps me on the good side of all the neighbor kids for the rest of the year."
she knows this isn't the real reason you do it though, you're too much of a softie. the real reason is the giant smiles and excited laughs the kids give the pair of you when you pass them the giant chocolates.
at one point, a little boy dressed in a dinosaur costume approaches with his parents trailing behind him. he seem's shy-- scared to run up onto your porch-- but with a bit of encouragement from you and his parents, he finally climbs the steps.
when sevika hands the boy the candy bar--nearly the size of his head-- his entire expression changes, a huge, toothless grin taking over his face. "thanks scary ladies!" he shouts, before running back down the stairs to show his parents his bounty. sevika chuckles to herself about this for the rest of the night.
by eleven, most of the kids have gone home. you and sev turn in, blowing out the jackolanterns, leaving the box of chocolate out for any teenagers looking to make trouble, hoping that they'll take the bribe and keep from egging or tp-ing your house.
you get in your (matching flannel) pjs and crawl into bed, snuggling and lazily making out as coraline plays on the tv.
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @realgreeniebeanie @k3n-dyll
@sevsdollette @ellieslob @xayn-xd @keikuahh @maneskinwh0re
@raphaellearp @iamastar @sevikitty
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calummss · 4 months
O Captain, My Captain | Nell Jackson
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summary: running away from a forced marriage you flee onto the ship of captain nell jackson
pairing: lesbian! nell jackson x lesbian! reader
words: 1.5k
a/n: to my fellow lesbians enjoy 🧡🤍🩷 i want credit for inventing pirate nell j🤓
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You had once hoped you would marry for love or at least find love in an arranged marriage like your mamma and papa. A kind of love that starts with a spark and grows into a small flame. That same flame can light a candle, a fireplace, if big enough it can even engulf entire cities. You hoped that someone would burn for but Mr. Norris didn’t love you. He wanted you. Like some prized possession to show off. The governor’s daughter, Lady Y/n Knightley. Diamond among the ladies of Jamaica. You wanted nothing more than to reject Mr. Norris’ advances but he insisted to your father that he was the perfect match. There was no persuading you. Once your father made up his mind there was nothing that could convince him otherwise. Your only plan to escape this marriage was to escape. Literally. You couldn’t bear the thought of looking that man in the face and pretending to like him. You had to run away.
You had packed a sack of a few items days before. Stealing hard cheeses, apples and bread in case you fell victim to food shortage. You weren’t quite sure how you would leave Port Royal, only that you would need to trespass on to a ship.
The next morning you woke up early, stars still in the sky, everyone else still asleep at this hour. You grabbed your sack and headed out the back door, careful to not come across any servants that were preparing breakfast.
Down at the harbour you noticed a ship, not too big, not too small. You saw that you were alone and took the illusion to hop on board, nearly losing your baggage to the ocean. It was quiet and only a few members of the crew paced the decks as they were getting ready to leave. You had gotten onto the ship without notice and prayed you wouldn’t attract notice until their next stop.
It was fiction if you believed that was what would happen.
“And who are you?” A voice sounded from above, grabbing you by the biceps with such force he almost lifted you up. “A ship hopper ey? Up you get. You’re gonna see the captain.”
You tried escaping him but his grasp was too tight. It had only been a few hours since you left shore and already you had been found.
“Please,” you tried wiggling. “Please I swear I’m not up to anything!”
“Tell that to ‘er.’ He said, throwing your forwards makes you stumble. Eye to eyes with a pair of black boots.
Looking up you saw the captain. A woman. She had long curly brown hair, hazel eyes. Such pretty eyes
“What are you doing on my ship?” Cockney accent, London, great you knew the ton in London perhaps it could help???
You stayed silent scared you might make yourself a fool.
“We can’t have ‘er on board, Nell.” The same man said. “Bad luck to ‘ave women on board.”
“Rupert, I literally have tits. You know that.”
“You’re different, Captain, same goes for the others on board. But she’s a real lady.”
She furrowed her eyebrows in response. “Are you saying I’m not a real lady?”
Rupert noticed the dominating tone. That he had pissed her off. He lowered his head and stepped back with a firm “Sorry, Ma’am.”
She turned around to face you, the sunset rising behind her making her look extraordinary. “What’s your name?”
“Y/n. Y/n Knightley.”
“And why is Y/n Knightley on my ship?”
“I had to run away, Captain.”
“From what?”
“What?” She repeated. “Understandably so. I myself don’t really understand it either. My name’s Nell Jackson by the way. Everyone calls me Captain, Ma’am or Nell.”
You nodded.
“But don’t call me Nellie.” She shook her head. “Don’t like that.”
“Yes, Captain.” You said with such uncertainty it sounded like a question, gathering sly laughter from the crew around you.
“Enough mesmerising our new ruby on board,” she called out. “Back to work ladies and gentlemen! You-,” she pointed at you, “with me.”
Everyone left at her command so you followed her to her office, still lit by the candles she used that night. Her office space was tidy except for the desk that bore many maps and figurines of ships.
“Are you a pirate?” You asked without thinking.
“Why yes I am.” She smiled as if you had just given her a compliment.
“You didn’t even try to hide it.”
“Why would I? I take pride in being captain of my very own crew and ship. Wouldn’t you?”
“I wouldn’t know.” You paced around the room, looking at various artefacts. “I’ve never really owned anything except for a baby lamb once. Then my father ate it.”
Her round eyes almost popped out of her skull. “How sweet,” she cleared her throat. “Look,” she came closer. “I don’t mind having you onboard as long as you follow my rules, okay?”
“Good. Now go ask Roxy to show you the food storage so you can have a proper meal and come back to me when you’re done.
“Thank you, Nell.”
“Go on.”
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You had decided that night that you would stay on board for as long as Nell allowed it. You grew fond of her and you thought she did the same. She treated you differently from the other woman on board. Like she cared differently…
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The red dress that Nell gifted you when she visited Tortuga on business fit you like a glove. It fit your chest and arms perfectly, supporting your chest yet loose past your ribs giving you free space to move about. It was perfect.
The night grew mild as the hot temperatures dropped to a more appropriate level, the night sky full of stars as the pale moonlight hit the deck. You felt like dancing. You didn’t know why or how but simply because. Taking off your shoes, you twirled into the middle of the deck as you started to lift your feet off the ground to an imaginary beat. The other’s simply stared , wondering if you were well. Your hair ribbon loosened leaving your hair flowing in the fresh air of the Caribbean. “I feel alive.” You giggled, beaming at the crew as you tried to convince them to join you. “Come on, Will!” You took his hands, pulling him in with no success.
Soon after more women and men started to join you. Simply letting the stress of tomorrow be stress for tomorrow.
A bottle of rum was being passed around, taking multiple big swigs yourself, you let the burning sensation work its magic.
Nell joined in and took sips of rum, danced, had fun.
Turning about the deck you came opposite Nell. Taking her hands you spun in circles for as long as you could without getting sick. Stumbling away from the rest you both let out a laugh as the candle light stopped illuminating. You could only see the twinkle of the stars in her eyes as you got closer. Her eyes the most remarkable shade of hazel, her eyes so big one could only stare. Heat arose from your stomach to your chest. Her lips were getting closer and your heart skipped a beat. You couldn’t move, like you were hypnotised. Your heart pounded, your knees grew weaker. The empty void that filled the space between your bodies slowly grew as she stepped even closer. Neither of you said anything. You knew what you wanted.
Your whole body tingled, the feeling of her frame leaning on yours, as Nell’s arms wrapped around you felt nearly forbidden. Her lips brushed against yours, softly, delicately, like you were a porcelain figure, one crack away from falling to pieces and being broken forever. You could only focus on how soft she felt against your mouth, how addictively she invaded all your senses. She kissed you long enough that she could inhale your breath, feel the warmth of your skin, and the taste of sea salt on your lips that would linger far after you had gone.
Realising what you had done you pulled away, squinting in embarrassment as you let out deep breaths. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me I—‘
‘—Don’t apologise for kissing me,’ Nell mumbled, placing her hands on your face, placing her lips back onto yours this time more rough. Like you were the air she breathed. The planet she rotated around. She wanted to kiss you and never stop.
Nell gently grabbed your chin, slowly pulling back from the kiss, deep down not wanting to break apart from you again. “Never apologise for kissing me again, Y/n.”
“Duly noted. O captain, my captain, kiss me again.” You giggled as you caught her lips again, throwing your arms around her neck.
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angyo · 1 year
Sucks to know that yuri hard sci fi is like a thing in japan but hard sci fi is such a fucking bitch to translate that almost none of it will ever be tl'd at this rate. I grew up reading my dad's old niven books before transitioning into lesbian fiction and the pain of knowing that this intersection of my interests exists yet it's completely inaccessible to me until i get really REALLY good at japanese.
I've read and enjoyed otherside picnic, last and first idol, and qualia the purple but i can see that I'm only getting a sliver of all the sci fi hijinks yuri that is still out there, no english available. Otherside picnic doesn't seem quite as packed with jargon as is common for the genre, so it gets an official translation. Last and first idol won that contest. Qualia the purple had some absolute madman in the 2010's who spent their free time translating all the jargon for free and put it on the map for publishers to pick up because, let's be real, absolutely no fucking way they're picking this shit up w/o knowing there's an audience for it.
Like we already know how closely official localizers watch the popular section on scanlation sites, they aren't slick. And sure they occasionally pick something up that didn't get scanlated first, but lesbian hard sci fi? It's a niche within a niche and i doubt many who can translate all the jargon involved here would settle for the shitty pay translators often get. And it won't get popular on the sites they frequent bc most ppl with Japanese that good probably don't feel like translating jargon for free just because they can.
Salute to translators who put in the effort to get us as much as we've got so far. Here's hoping we get more. Currently got my fingers crossed for an official twinstar cyclone runaways tl now that another yuri sci fi has gotten english fan attention
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vinylfoxtalks · 2 months
I fucking love Wayne. Like, he had my heart in the Alloy of Law but him in Shadows of Self really is just peak.
"I heard voices in my head once too, you know."
"You did?"
"Sure. Gave me a fright. I banged my head against the wall until I went unconscious. Never heard them again! Ha! Showed 'em good, I did. If rats move in, best thing to do is burn their nest and send 'em packing."
"And the nest... was your head?"
"I missed her. What did she leave for me?"
"Yes... she said I was to slap you." Darriance admitted.
"Aw, she does care. See that, Wax, she cares!"
Wax nodded absently as Wayne tried to force Darriance to slap him across the rear --
"Sir," Darriance said, turning away from Wayne's proffered posterior.
"Nice door," Wayne said softly, "Good wood." He kicked it open.
"Well, you know," Wayne said. "It's like I often say..."
"Greet every morning with a smile. That way it won't know what you're planning to do to it?"
"No, not that one."
"Until you know it ain't true, treat every woman like she has an older brother that is stronger than you are?"
"No, no... Wait, I said that?"
"Yes," Wax said, turning back to his notes, "It was a very chivalrous moment for you."
"Rusts, I should really write these things down."
"I believe that is another thing you often say." Wax made a notation. "Unfortunately, you'd first have to learn how to write."
"Now, that's unfair." Wayne said, walking over to Wax's desk and poking around in its drawers. "I can write--I know four whole letters and one's not even in my name!" (which is the funniest thing to me because this implies he only knows three letters in his name)
Wax smiled. "Are you going to o tell me what you always say?"
Wayne found a bottle in the bottom drawer and lifted it up, dropping in the lace he'd taken from outside as a replacement. "If you're going to have to do something awful, stop b Wax's room and trade for some of his rum first."
"I don't believe you've ever said that."
"I just did."
"Wanna piece of advice?"
"From you? Probably not. But please feel free."
"You should stop by Wax's room before you go." Wayne said, trailing toward the door, "and pinch some of his rum."
"The rum you just pocketed?"
Wayne hesitated, then took the rum out of his pocket, "Ah, mate. Sorry. Tough for you." He shook his head. Poor fellow.
Wayne is me, I am Wayne. I am a lesbian but that is my soulmate. Wayne can do no wrong, and when he does he pays for it in the most heart wrenching way (reading that part of the book killed me).
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Happy Wednesday everyone! Today we have eight fics in modern settings for you all! Have a look at them below the cut and if you end up checking some of them out on ao3, please don’t forget to leave kudos and comments! 🩷
Having Trouble Breathing In by Torchiclove (17,445 words, Teen) Pairing: Keyleth/Pike Trickfoot (Pikeleth) Warnings: None
‘The paramedic would take her breath away, if the asthma hadn’t done it for her.’ Keyleth falls for Pike in a modern AU.
Reccer Says: Enjoyable and well written fic of Keyleth falling for Pike in a modern AU. Explores Keyleth as a character with anxiety and it's a great, gentle depiction of falling in love with great characterisation despite the rare pair.
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Live your whole life on a might-have-been by Chrome (2,681 words, Teen) Pairing: Veth Brenatto/Caleb Widogast (Widobrave) Warnings: None
Just a very short and atmospheric peice set in a modern au where Caleb and Veth met at university, and he’s driving her part of the way home for the holidays.
Reccer Says: I can’t describe the feelings this fic gives me. It’s understated and bittersweet and so full of longing that you’ll want to die. It feels like a Hemingway story almost with the way it manages to pack so much meaning in between the words the characters actually say.
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And I became hypnotized by freckles and bright eyes by SunshineAndaLittleFlour (1,007 words, Teen) Pairing: Mollymauk Tealeaf/Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast (Shadowidomauk) Warnings: Drunk kissing
Molly didn’t realize he probably shouldn’t be kissing someone else’s partner until after he’d already started doing it.
Reccer Says: This fic, this whole series in fact, is absolutely wonderful! Its fun, flirty and emotional as well as smutty and one of the best stories/series for the purple boys and their ginger partner. Always a delight to read and this fic starts an awesome series off wonderfully!
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softly, softly by maricolous (837 words, Teen) Pairing: Fjord/Mollymauk Tealeaf (Fjolly) Warnings: None
Fjord comes home from his shitty retail job to Molly, his roommate-turned-partner. They make out about it.
Reccer Says: It’s very cute and sweet, with a side of what feels Fjolly-typical horniness. It’s a fun little fic!
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if we were a movie by burningdarkfire (8,800 words, Teen) Pairing: Jester Lavorre/Beauregard Lionett (Beaujes) Warnings: None
Jester decides to try and set Caleb and Essek up and ropes Beau into it. Cue many “friend” double-dates, a classic disaster lesbian Beau crush, attempts at coping with it, delightful romcom nonsense, a fun side of Shadowgast, and a very sweet ending.
Reccer Says: It’s silly, it’s fun, it’s heartfelt. Everyone’s voices are so on-point and every moment Feels like them. Beau is a mess and I love her, I want to squish Jester in my hands, and the wizards are menaces of a side pairing. Also the conversation between Beau and Essek at the maid cafe is so good.
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candy hearts (so sweet on you) by thaumasilva (5,149 words, General) Pairing: Jester Lavorre/Beauregard Lionett (Beaujes) Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Implied Stalking (not between Beaujes)
Beau keeps visiting the gift wrapping station at the mall to get her Winter’s Crest presents wrapped, and the cute tiefling working there keeps giving her candy hearts with flirty messages, or: Three times Beau wanted to ask Jester out, and the one time she didn’t have to.
Reccer Says: It's just a sweet as the name implies, aaaa it's so cute
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Intervention by VioletTeaTime (1,965 words, Teen) Pairing: Fjord/Caleb Widogast (Widofjord) Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Fjord intimidates the guy bothering bartender!Beau’s favorite customer into taking a hint and leaving. Then he gets flirted with and Beau complains about having to watch.
Reccer Says: ace fjord my beloved <3 also the boys' background friendships with Beau are very sweet
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all actions and reactions by grayintogreen (2,879 words, General) Pairing: Astrid Beck/Jester Lavorre (Jestrid) Warnings: Depression, Burn-out
One of her friends suffered a breakdown, the other found religion, and now Astrid Beck, suffering from burnout and stress and a myriad of other things a pre-law student can suffer, has found the cherry on her misery sundae. Someone keeps buying all of the cinnamon scones she loves, and now she must end them.
Reccer Says: An amazing translation of the characters into a Modern AU, and surprisingly sweet
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Thank you for joining us for our second recc list! All the love to everyone who submitted a fic 🩷 All enclosed recommendations were submitted by the community via our submissions form, which you can find here. All fic information is as it was provided by the reccer, so it may not be accurate to the author’s intent or the precise contents of the fic itself. Please assume good intent from all parties 🩷
Submissions for next week’s list are already open! We’ll be featuring Whump. If you have any you’d like to highlight, you can send them in here. The week after that, the theme is Pre-Relationship, and you can also submit fics for that now!
If you want more rarepair fic, check out @cr-summer-wildflowers and their event collections on ao3! If you want some friendship after all this romance, take a look at @critter-genfic-events and their recc lists! And if you’re interested in everyone’s favorite wizards, you can’t go wrong with the lists at @aeor-is-for-reccing !
Thanks all and have a lovely day/night/timezone! 🩷
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cursedcola · 1 year
Ok but will you do headcanons for the lovely protag of tears of themis, because if so I would love some cute Hcs of her having a cheerful and loving female s/o who runs a bakery and packs her cute little lunches everyday so she can have the energy she needs to work hard (•̀ᴗ•́)و
and sometimes Rosa (which is the code name we get in the game for our protagonist) gets special sticky pad notes in her lunchbox cheering her on when she’s had a bad day, and I just want some fluffy domestic hcssss
*cradles gently* I just love lesbian girlfriend hcs so much ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
A/N: Omg I'm gonna throw up I love this. It's too cute for my heart...ngl I simp for Rosa more than I do any of the boys. Can we romance ourselves? lol I'd pay Mihoyo to make it happen. TBH I ship Rosa x Kiki a bit since they just seem so much more on the same page with each other than our lovely gentlemen ( love Marius still tho frfr)
Our queen of justice would cherish her girlfriend so much let me tell you
Rosa has a habit of going above and beyond for the people she cares about. She’s normally the giver, and being on the other side of the coin is a whole new life
I can see it now. Every morning on her way to the Themis Law Firm she stops by her girlfriend's bakery. Rosa gets up extra early and brings her a cup of coffee/tea/etc. before the bakery opens.
She just loves to hear the jingle of the doorbell and see you arranging the display case behind the counter. Sometimes she'll pick up an apron and join you if she has extra time. Bonus points if your shop has a theme (like say you have a book café/bakery! And you dress to match the theme. You have a little knee length dress, mary-janes, and a bookish themed apron as the uniform. Maybe one of those cute little neck scarf/choker that you tie into a bow. Rosa would eat that up omg)
The first time she brought you a morning drink Rosa felt like an idiot because - well, duhh. You run a bakery! You sell this stuff! yet it became a bit of a trading deal. Rosa brings you your morning fix before the shop opens, and in exchange you pack her a few goodies.
It's such a ritual that Rosa now has a little thermos collection for you, and you have a lunch pail collection for her. It also gives you both a chance to see each other after work. On her way home (either after a shift or on her way to NYXX) she swings by your shop to drop off the pail and pick up her thermos. A quick goodbye smooch and she is on her way.
Lmao no. If she isn't going to NYXX then normally she stays back to help close the shop. If not then she begrudging leaves. Unfortunately you are not allowed to know about NYXX. It's too dangerous. You're aware that she works alongside Marius, Vyn, Luke, and Artem on the side - but are under the impression that it is for a special government case through Themis. They know about you as well. We love our ally kings. Sometimes you send Rosa off with enough goodies for all five of them when she swings by and can't stay.
Now. You know they all have/had a crush on her at some point. Especially Luke. The boy is a living golden retriever. Not to mention Artem who is just awful at masking. Thankfully your Rose is oblivious as hell, not that you're worried.
All it takes is the scent of one of your new recipes to have Rosa swooning in the palm of your hand. Before you started dating, you both were friends. You saw how she was always on a diet and depriving herself. Those little comments about her appearance making you the loving type of mad. Y'know, the type to passive aggressively eye her and be like "honey you are so beautiful that I have four men trying to steal my gf right now. Do not test me,". Which, of course, you'd only say the first part because that confrontation is not one needed considering the ally kings know their place.
Point being that we don't support that unhealthy diet culture. Big nono. She is going to eat good and she is going to like it.
Anywho. Back on topic. You know they like her and one way you casually tease is with loving treats. Yes, my dear Rose, please take this basket full of freshly baked bread to your meeting. The one with the ribbon on top. Why is it taped down? Oh, no worries my love. Just let one of the boys open it, okay? I have yours specially wrapped in a separate bag.
Meanwhile whichever poor soul opens that bag is going to get hit in the face with one of the sappiest and most suggestive love notes in all of Stellis.
"My lovely flower. Have a great day and be careful on the way home from your meeting! I have missed you so much and cannot wait to have you all to myself tonight. Enjoy the sweets with your friends" *insert a plethora of heart drawings*
Rosa will see them holding the note and simply think that you put it in the wrong bag. It's not abnormal for you to put those heartwarming notes in her lunches, so she apologizes. Vyn knows. They all know.
Dominance asserted, and your cute girlfriend is pleased by your loving note (and a bit embarrassed but it had to be done. Rosa deserves the abundance of affection. Her confidence needs to be boosted and she needs to recognize what a queen she is)
Did I mention that your shop is one of Rosa's favorite places? It's cozy, inviting, and she loves to study for her exams there. Sometimes if she's working on a case she'll claim a table for hours on end. Occasionally she sneaks glances of you working with customers and watches as a break. She'll blush if she gets caught, but it is so worth it.
Sometimes she takes her work breaks there as well. Occasionally you'll see her pop in with Artem, Celeste, Kiki, or perhaps another one of her acquaintances from work like that one Police Capitan. Darius, was it? That one always needs a triple shot of espresso. usually when you see him it means something serious is going down. It warms your heart when she boasts about your shop to them. She'll pick a table and like clockwork you'll come over to have a little chat before they get to work. It's so nice to feel included and to see her in the zone.
Whenever she is on a business trip she'll look for a little something to bring home for your shop too. Typically a decoration piece. Thanks to Rosa you have a little statue-esque tip jar from her trip to the desert, fairy lights above the main counter from a whimsical mountain, flower pots from an island trip, and more. You never question her many excursions because she always brings you home a surprise.
On one final note, your shop is her safe space. Sometimes she comes to your frustrated or nervous. It could be about exams, a particularly bad case...and sometimes she can't tell you. "Government case," she says and you know something really stressful happened. Those ones are the most worrisome. It's hard, being there when she disappears on a case that she can't tell you about. One of the gents are always there with her, but when she comes home in a near-shocked state you can't help but get anxious.
Yet Rosa knows you won't press it. She strolls in, most commonly near closing time, and you just know. You have a sixth sense for it, and without asking flip the shop sign to say 'closed' before preparing her a warm drink. Then you sit with her and let her talk. You don't question when she leaves things out, and let her vent.
You and your shop become like a second home to Rosa. Peace in a city like Stellis that never seems to rest.
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telekinetictrait · 1 year
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tfw youre a nonbinary lesbian and you just wanna raise goats with your weird girlfriend who only wears clothes inspired by the victorian age or nineties grunge
household for download here (sfs) or here (mediafire) !!!
i made ranch lesbians :) do whatever you want with them excluding: changing skintone/race, making ezra cisgender, making alise skinnier, and making either of them heterosexual. i will hunt you down they are lesbians and they are in love.
PACKS USED: cottage living, discover university, laundry day, horse ranch, cats and dogs, vampires, island living
cc you need to download SEPARATELY will be under the cut, along with creator tags. love u all :) mwah
CC NOT INCLUDED IN DOWNLOAD: jellymoo's dionne hair and scarf overlay / bellassims sunflower necklace / clumsyalien's magnolia blouse / clumsyalien's ava trousers / kijiko's ea eyelash remover + 3d lashes + 3d uncurled lashes / pepperoni-puffin's ophelia blouse / simtone's oxford heels / harmonia's lace trimmed cotton chemise
thank you to @myfawnwysimblr @qicc @ice-creamforbreakfast @teabaker @ayoshi @bellassims @chere-indolente @jellymoo @sforzcc @dreambot @clumsyalienn @emmibouquet @gilded-ghosts @saruin @pepperoni-puffin @the-crypt-o-club @deathpoke1qa @thepeachyfaerie @squea @hi-land @immortalysasims @lamatisse @luumia @ratboysims @missrubybird @sammi-xox @seaslugsims @vibrantpixels @yooniesim @okruee @renlishsims @uxji @kamiiri @dallasgirl79 @joliebean @nolan-sims @simtone @arowenc and any creators who arent on tumblr!
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a-noone · 5 months
Look, in some ways, A/B/O makes no sense, and particularly makes no sense in Star Trek.
In the first instance, the "Alpha Male" theory has been completely debunked. There aren't Alphas and Betas, there are parents and children. The wolf pack is family, and they love each other.
In Star Trek, if you want MPreg, there's magic, science, and transgender people.
Q could just snap his fingers and impregnate Picard. Hell, that sounds like something that could have been a canon TNG episode. Troi got magical-preggers. The Q need to repopulate after the war. Right?
You can 100% have Spock pregnant with Uhura's baby, if that's your ship. T4T is always an option.
Or in AOS in particular, because of the diminished number of Vulcans, maybe McCoy figures out a way to recombine Spock's DNA into fully Vulcan embryos, and then Kirk and McCoy carry them in temporary uteruses.
You want a fuck or die story where someone goes into heat? There's Pon Farr. It's the OG fuck or die.
You need knotting in your story, for some reason? Just make some stuff up about Vulcan D. Or have Odo use his shapeshifting to torment his little Ferengi boyfriend. Or maybe Julian Bashir has some weird augment features down there, IDK.
But in A/B/O lies the potential for the queerest stories ever told, because there are more dimensions of gender to be queer with.
Just decide that omegas can be gay for omegas, and the alphas can be gay for alphas. In a lot of ways, male/female is the secondary gender and has less to do with procreation than alpha/omega status.
Gimme a pair of sword-fighting lesbian omegas on the lamb from their oppressive alien government, and Kirk/Spock who are a bonded pair of gay alphas, commiserate with them. That sounds like quality content.
Or write a mutual pining story of Omega!Kirk and Omega!McCoy each of whom thinks they're the only one.
And what about intersex A/B/O, huh? Nature abhors monotony. What about a character who's physiologically an alpha, but has omega hormones? You could theoretically be double intersex in an A/B/O setting and I think that's great.
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