#and a nepo baby
gimmeurmoneyagh ยท 14 days
๐๐‘๐ˆ๐Œ๐€๐ƒ๐Ž๐๐๐€ - ๐ŸŽ:๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ
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- Cleo De Nile
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โ€™What is that noise! Nefera must be annoying me again.โ€™ You open your eyes only seeing darkness, โ€™Oh fuck, fuck shit bitch no. Thisย goddessย doesย notย fuck with the dark!โ€™
โ€œCRAP! People are coming gotta get a uniform while...โ€œ
โ€™Uhm. What is that annoyingย ratย voice! Nefera doesnโ€™t sound like that! (itโ€™s close but still.)โ€™ย 
โ€œGrr! The lid is too heavy!โ€œ
โ€œTime for my secret move! GWUWAAH~~~!! There! ๐Ÿ˜ผโ€œ
Flames everwhere. It was all you could see, oh my rah you were actually hyperventilating. You didnโ€™t want to die!
โ€œHeehee! Now time to get...โ€œ
โ€™RAH! Does that personย outsideย every shut up, and why are they not helping a DE NILE!โ€™
A lid(?) opened and your eyes took a while to adjust to the light after your eyes were in fucking darkness.
It was a cat. A cat. What? Can catโ€™s breathe fire... and talk? It had dark grey fur and bright blue eyes.
โ€œAnd why do youย look like a furry expirement gone wrong,โ€œ You sneer down at the little freak.
The freak paused for a moment before glaring up at me โ€œEH?! HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT THE GREAT GRIM! Iโ€™M NOT AN EXPERIMEBT, LOWLY HUMAN!โ€œ
โ€œExcuse me! I am not a normieย Iโ€™m (Name) De Nile, of theย De Nileโ€™s. A mummy. Asshole.โ€œ You grumbled before looking around. (โ€œwhatโ€™s a de nileโ€™s?โ€œ it asked.)
Were you kidnapped? And why in ย a room with floating coffins? Casta wouldย loveย this place.
And what were you wearing? It was a purple robe with gold accents. Classy. But not usually what you would wear, you quickly checked if you still had your bandages and clothes on underneath. And you did. Good.
โ€œWell whatever! Gimmme your clothes!โ€œ Then it held itโ€™s paws(?) out making a grabby motion. โ€œOtherwise...ย Iโ€™ll roast yaโ€™!โ€œ
โ€œIโ€™m not stripping for a fucking raccoon.โ€œ you dead-pan, before sighing andย throwingย him across the room.
โ€œOWIE!โ€œ It cried, you snicker at the freak. Before spinning on your heel and sprinting out the room.ย 
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Where were you?ย 
Youโ€™ve been running for a while, and every room you passed made you realize the fact you may actually have been kidnapped!
You fled into a room with books inside- maybe a library? You paused to look through the books- if the place you were in hadย anyย culture there would be books on the De Nile family.
But all you found were stupid books about other worlds and stupid theories of alternate universes? Duh, everymonsterย knowsย other worlds are real. After all Astranova made a big entrace at Boo York.
Then the freak from earlier came in and put the room on fire.ย 
โ€œWha-?ย Are you stupid this is a library?!โ€œ
Hexes, Ghouliaโ€™s rubbing off on you, caring about books? How not... (Name) of you.
โ€œHeehee, Did you really think youโ€™d get away from my nose! Stupid human!โ€œ
โ€œIโ€™m not a normie!โ€œ you roar(f-f-furry alert!!) and pin the freak on the floor, trapping it under your heel. โ€œH-hey! Stop!โ€œ It whimpered.
A rope(?) wrapped all around you .
โ€œWhat in-! Whyโ€™s there a rope on me! Do you knowย who I am!โ€œ you grumbled.
โ€œThis is no mere rope! It is a lash of love!โ€œ A man with dark short hair, a bird mask and blinding yellow eyes zeroed in on us.
โ€™Gay-ahh name. Deffโ€™ hexts on men on MansterxManster. And also?? Is he ignoring what I said earlier? Stupid bitch. Probably wearing a mask because of how ugly he isโ€™
โ€œAhah! Found you at last, are you perhaps one of the new students!โ€œ
โ€œExcuse me! I am already attending a school. Monster High! One of the finest!โ€œ You glare at this manโ€™s audacity.
The man just chuckled โ€œIn all my years of living I have never heard of aย Monster High! How silly!โ€œ
You felt your face drop in a frown โ€™Okay fuck you too igโ€™
โ€œAhh! You gave me a good laugh, anywhoo! You shouldย notย do things like that! Leaving the gate on your own. How riduculous.โ€œ
โ€™Does he stop yapping? And in front of a De Nile no less? How infuriating!โ€™
โ€œNot only that, you have yet to tame your familiar. Whichย hasย broken quite an amount of school rules!โ€œ He narrows his yellow orbs, literally his eyes sockets are pitch-black.
โ€œGUWAH! HELP, SHEโ€™S HOLDING ME HOSTAGE!โ€œ Grim cried from under my heel, six inches goes a loooong way.
The man just waves him off with a giggle โ€œOh be quiet, that isnโ€™t evenย realย torture you can live through it!โ€œ
โ€œBut my, it is unexpected for a student to leave the Gate on their own. Uh there really was no need to be so impatentโ€œ
โ€™stfu before my family reports you for harrasment bird manโ€™
You roll your eyes at him, โ€œWhere evenย amย I? โ€™Cause this definetly isnโ€™t Monster Highโ€œ You flip your hair, and look him up and down.
He ignores your question โ€œThe entrance ceremony is already well under way. Let us head to the Hall of Mirrorsโ€œ He chirps.
โ€œman-whoreโ€œย You mutter, โ€œExcuse me can youย pleaseย unty me?โ€œ You gritt your teeth feeling uncomfortable with how tight the rope felt on you.
โ€œOh sevens! Sorry but as I am incredibly gracious I will let you go!โ€œ He nervously giggles (like a schoolgirl)
He unties you and you lift your heel to walk, Grim was about to scamper away before you snatched him and held him in the air.
โ€œKYA! Let me go!!โ€œ He waddles in the air, you groan โ€œBe quiet, Iโ€™m taking pity on you andย allowingย you to bask in my prescence,โ€œ You grin down at him.
He sweats bullets as you eye him, just why were you muttering about keychains and mumy-wrap (what even are mummies?).
The man who was watching the entire interaction clapped his hands together โ€œOh what fun, but however sir, you cannot keep a familiar here!โ€œ
You ignore him, and just walk into the hallways.
โ€œW-wait sir that is the wrong direction!โ€œ
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As you two walked (you put the freak on your shoulder) towards the room the ceremony would commence, when you started to ask where the fuck where you.
โ€œOh? Are you still dazed l? Mustbe the transportation magic,โ€œ He hummed โ€œBut it is fine as it happens often!โ€œ
โ€œI shall give you an explanation as I am incredibly gracious!โ€œย 
โ€œRight...โ€œ You resist the urge to roll your eyes again.
โ€œThis is Night Raven College, young man.โ€œ Did he not notice you were a ghoul aready?ย 
โ€œMageโ€™s graced with a... unique aptitude for magic gather from all over the world, here! At the most prestigous magical academy in Twisted Wonderland!ย Not like those pompus fools at Royal Sword.โ€œ He whispered the last part, smiling to himself.
โ€™Freak, I just wanna go back to Monster High. Wait do I have my wallet on me?โ€™
โ€œAnd I,โ€œ the man started, snapping you out of your thoughts โ€œAm the headmaster, appointed to take care of this academy by the board chairman. I am Dire Crowley.โ€œ He boasts
โ€œoh...,โ€œ You mutter, youโ€™ve already met witches and warlocks before so there was no need to get so excited over mages.
โ€œYes amazing isnโ€™t it! Only those mageโ€™s who are seen as worthy by the Dark Mirror can attend this schoolโ€œ
โ€™Does he ever stop talking?โ€™
โ€œChosen ones use the gate and are summoned here from around the worldโ€œ He yaps.
โ€œAn Ebony Carriage carrying a Gate should have gone to meet you as well,โ€œ
Is that why you were so sweaty? Or maybe it was because you were almost burned.
โ€œHuhh, I do remember Headmistressโ€™ Bloodgood horse staring at me a lot yesterdayโ€œ You thought aloud.
โ€œAh, you were chosen to come here, young man! That is truly a great honor for you to recieveโ€œ
โ€œMore like a great honor for your school to recieve meโ€œ you said, Croweley ignores the comment just pushing you behind him.
โ€œCome! Letโ€™s go into the entrance ceremony!โ€œ
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note: ppl on wattpad liked it so i decided to put it here :)))
side note: srry if mc is out of character :(( wait a minute i made her
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viriborne ยท 4 months
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Larsโ€™ chibis are so funny to me
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ioveultraviolence ยท 17 days
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I always wanted to be famous.
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ambrosiagourmet ยท 7 months
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Not sure how widely recognized this is but itโ€™s fucking wild to me that miss kui just quietly snuck in the fact that most (if not all) of the differences between races only exist because of wishes they made to the Winged Lion.
Dwarves being strong? Lion wish. Elves being good at magic? Lion wish. All lifespan differences???? Lion wish, babey!
Not that the elves superiority shtick isnโ€™t already BS, but itโ€™s even funnier with the context that the only difference between them and humans is that, thousands of years ago, their leaders made a greedier wish to the demon that wanted to eat them.
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swannsways ยท 8 months
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favorite Angus Tully's quotes, The Holdovers (2023) dir. Alexander Payne
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mysharona1987 ยท 3 months
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tmblrofshame ยท 29 days
dipcifica is so funny to me because dipper was literally nice to every other girl in that show but pacifica. like it was on fucking sight
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frownyalfred ยท 1 year
a random socialite: โ€œYour rude, spoiled children shouldnโ€™t be allowed at these events. They ruin every party they go to.โ€
Bruce, a rude, spoiled nepo baby currently in a secret competition with his children to see who can ruin this gala first: โ€œโ€ฆuh huh.โ€
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gods-favorite-autistic ยท 4 months
I think itโ€™s funny how at least one of the bad guys from each season has had personal beef with Riz Gukgak
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slightlyartist ยท 5 months
๐ŸŽถ The Bentley got the wrong Radio Ga Ga ๐ŸŽถ
(CEO Jesus my beloved...)
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moonlightmagical ยท 5 months
okay i KNOW alice didn't get that mocha for gwen but there was something so vulnerable and sweet in the way gwen thanked her. like you know girlie is not used to any sort of kindness and just a moment of unexpected thoughtfulness (even if it wasnโ€™t actually for her) shook her to her core
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gimmeurmoneyagh ยท 14 days
๐๐‘๐ˆ๐Œ๐€๐ƒ๐Ž๐๐๐€ - ๐ŸŽ:๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ‘
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- Cleo De Nile
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โ€œNYAH?! The heck is this!?โ€œ Grim frowned.
A half-red, half-black collor appeared around Grimโ€™s neck, Grim tried to claw at it to make it get off.
โ€œLaws of the Queen of Hearts: Number 23 โ€™One shall neverย bring a cat into a festivalโ€™!โ€œ He glared at you now, you were about to walk over and curse his entire bloodline when Riddle began to speak again.
โ€œYou being a cat means youโ€™ve broken the rule. I shall have you leave at once!โ€œ
โ€œIโ€™m not a cat!โ€œ Grim cried, โ€œIโ€™ll burn this collar right up and... EH! I canโ€™t use my fire!โ€œ
Riddle giggled but tried to pass it off as a chuckle (spoiler alert it did not convince anyone) to Grimโ€™s misfortune, โ€œHmph! You wonโ€™t be using anyย magic until Iย remove the collar. Just like an ordinary cat.โ€œ
โ€œWh-what?! Iโ€™m not some pet!โ€œ Grim tried to retort.
โ€œDonโ€™t worry Iโ€™d neverย keep a pet like youโ€œ Riddle sneered. โ€œIโ€™ll take it off when you get thrown out anyway.โ€œ
Azul butted into the conversation wearing a saccharine smile, โ€œWonderful as ever. Any and all magic gets sealed by your unique magic, Riddle. I want it..- *cough*ย No. I would never want that cast on me.โ€œ He nervously chuckled.
โ€™Real smoothโ€™ย you thought, frowning a bit when that failure of a person, Crowley decided to reprimand you (for what? you never make any mistakes youโ€™re practically perfect!)
โ€œYou must do something about this, (Name)! It isย your familiar!โ€œ He scowled. โ€œMaybe properly discipli-โ€œ
โ€œItโ€™s not mine,โ€œ You gritt your teeth in anger, you wanted out of this weirdo school. You missed Ghoulia and her doing your homework. ๐Ÿ˜ข
โ€œItโ€™s not yours...?โ€œ he pursed his lips, as you shook your head for a โ€™noโ€™.
โ€œYeah, If Iโ€™m supposed to be โ€™magiclessโ€™ how am I supposed to have a familiar?โ€œ You asked, motioning for him to answer.
โ€œEhhh..โ€œ He tugged at his coat and coughed into his hand, โ€œMy apologies! Anyway, letโ€™s get it out of the school. And as I am gracious we wonโ€™t cook it into a stew. My my, truly my kindess is boundless!โ€œ He smiled.
โ€™boundless my assโ€™ย 
โ€œSomeone help please!โ€œ at those words the entire crowd shuffled and went farther from him.
And honestly, same.
โ€œGYAH! LET ME GO!โ€œ Grim shrieked, still clawing at the collar โ€œI am- Iโ€™m going to become the greatest mage ever!!โ€œ
Two boys were pushed into the open and forced to through Grim out of the ceremony.
โ€™How annoyingโ€™ย you curled your lips downwards, eyeing Grim with distate. It was deserved as he was annoying and even almost burned you! You took immense satisfaction at his shouts (were you beefing with an animal? yes. do you care? no)
โ€œW-we may have had a bit of trouble along the way but this bring the entrance ceremony to a close!โ€œ Crowley loud ahh voice snapping you out of your thoughts.ย 
โ€œHousewardens, please show the new students back to the dorms!โ€œ He said, putting his hands on his hips and looking into space as if he was delivering a great speech.
He looked down at the students again before pausing, โ€œ...hmm? Now that I think about it, I donโ€™t see the dorm leader of Diasomnia, Mr. Draconia anywhere.โ€œ
โ€œThatโ€™s no different from usual, is it?โ€œ the were-lion(? you still werenโ€™t sure) snarked.
โ€œWhaat? Did nobody tell him about the ceremo....โ€œ
You tuned out and just looked around the room, you were busy looking at some cutie with white hair and purplish eyes when someone with a deep voice spoke up (LOUDLY! VERY LOUDLY! [it wasnโ€™t it really wasnโ€™t])
โ€œIt seems I was correctโ€œ people still talk like that?ย 
โ€œI thought he might come but Malleus really didnโ€™tโ€œ you turned your head to the direction of the voice and...
Draculaura?! Sheโ€™s here too?
Wait no that was a boy.
But uhm... why was he so fucking short. No short people-hate but you did notย expect that voice to come out of that.
You liked his hair though.
โ€œIt seems the invitation โ€™never arrivedโ€™ again...โ€œ He lamented.
Not being invited? hah. Could never happen to you. (you miss monster high, even if youโ€™ve only been gone for probably an hour)
โ€œMy dearestย apologies. I promise we didnโ€™t intend to exclude youโ€œ said Azul, putting a hand on his chest. (he seemed fake)
โ€œHis aura makes it hard for us to approach him.โ€œ Riddle defended himself (and the others ig).
Meanwhile you went back to looking at the cutie with white hair again.
โ€œItโ€™s fine. Members of Diasomnia can come follow me. I just hope this doesnโ€™t upset him...โ€œ
That was a weird interaction.ย 
You were standing blinking wide eyed wondering what just happened when- โ€œThen (Name), Iโ€™m terribly sorry about this but..-โ€œ
โ€œYouโ€™re making me leave? Yeah I figuredโ€œ (you really didnโ€™t but you would rather die then admit that)
โ€œ*ahem*ย Correct! Those without any talent for magic cannot be allowed to attend class hereโ€œ You shrugged at that you didnโ€™t really care about this place and if you were gone for too long that bitchย Torelai might steal your spot as fearleading captain.
โ€œHowever there is no need to worry. The dark mirror will send you directly back from whence you came fromโ€œ He motioned his hands toward the big mirror.
You smiled a bit at that one, who knew a clown could actuallyย make people smile!
โ€œEnter the gate and picture your home clearly in mind...โ€œ
โ€œOh Dark Mirror! Guide this one back to the place she belongs!โ€œ ย He belloed raising his hands ip
At that you scrunch your eye-lids tight causing some of those color/light spots. You thought of the sea Lagoonaโ€™s family came from, the normie town near Monster High, your room. Your room filled with clothes, posters, and burn books. You thought of your jewels and all your credit and debit cards. You missed your money already. And all your friends even Clawdeenโ€™s annoying little sister. Uhhhh... Growleen. Yeah her.
You even crossed your fingers and spoke an old egyptian chant for luck. (you however didnโ€™t notice someone jolting in surprise at the chant)
Crowley looked around (probably embarrased) โ€œOh... Uh once more. Oh Dark Mirror! Guide thi-โ€œย 
โ€œIt is nowhereโ€œย 
Thatโ€™s a lie. You wanted to go already. โ˜น๏ธโ˜น๏ธโ˜น๏ธ.
โ€œEh?โ€œ Crowley looked shocked โ€œThe place she belongs is nowhere in this world... It does not existโ€œ
What?! Now you were shocked, you were standing hunched over mouth open and your eye was twitching. This wasnโ€™t in (whatever Monster High world is called)?! And apparently (whatever Monster High world is called) doesnโ€™t exist here either?!
Where theย fuckย were you?! You missed your ghoulfriends...
โ€œWhat did you say? That is unbelievable! Hmm, well, the unbelievable has been on parade today.โ€œ Crowley hummed, putting stroking his chin again.
Meanwhile you were having an existential breakdown, iconically.
โ€œThis is the first time itโ€™s ever happened since I became headmaster, what should be..โ€œ Crowleyโ€™s sockets narrowed. โ€œWhereย exactlyย did you come from?โ€œ
โ€œAre you dumb? I told you earlier Monster High, which is located in (wherever the fuck Monster High world is called)โ€œ you stood straight up at the attention being brought back to you. Even if you were scared you had to make good impressions because you didnโ€™t have daddyโ€™s money anymore.
โ€œIโ€™ve never heard of such a placeโ€œ Crowley admitted. Yeah, you were absolutely screwed.ย 
โ€œI have a general grasp of where all the students came from but Iโ€™ve never even heard that name before. Let us do some research in the library.โ€œย 
And with a swish of his cloak he quickly motioned for you to follow him.
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emporium ยท 1 year
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Tumblr Logo Earrings โ€ข $12.00
You arenโ€™t going to find these earrings anywhere else. Seriously, who would be crazy enough to make them. They started their life as a request from a co-worker but turned into a real product that you can actually buy thanks to my mom.
Silver colored hardware
1โ€ณ tall and made from 1/8โ€ณ acrylic
About Maker
Normally this would be a weird situation but this is tumblr, anything goes. These earrings are handmade by my mother. She retired from teaching high school chemistry and needed something to do so I bought her a Glowforge and the things she creates make me equal parts proud and jealous. Her passion is earrings and I had to talk her into making some for me as I might have scared her a bit with stories about my tumblr experience, but she finally agreed.
All income she earns from these earrings will go towards feeding her little glutton of a puppy, Izzi, who is equal parts adorable and picky about what sheโ€™ll eat.
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Edit: Added Puppy Pic
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oceancentury ยท 2 months
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John โ€˜Jackโ€™ Bouvier Kennedy Schlossberg (only grandson of John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Bouvier) is Vogues new political correspondent.
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demadogs ยท 1 year
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ominous-horse-noises ยท 4 months
anyway i want to reiterate that i hope the rat grinders are tpk'd, revived and uncorrupted solely bc i want them to have to spend senior year together. 'redeemed' doesnt necessarily mean friendly with the bad kids and honestly? its so much funnier if they continue being bitchy to each other but without the trying to end the world stuff. they've built plenty of positive relationships w/ former villains now it's time for the next stage: uneasy alliance buzzing with the tension of both sides trying to hold back the urge to clown on each other
introducing, fantasy high senior year: the group project
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