#and a lot of yall think that isnt good enough but let me tell you it IS good because these things take time!
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can i be fr for a minute?? sending abuse to people online for holding different views than you is not activism and in fact actively hurts your cause. most people are not extreme in their viewpoints, you can give them a new perspective if you're willing to spend some time explaining shit. if someone is saying something you disagree with and you rush in there to condescend to them and call them disgusting and subhuman and dont even TRY to explain calmly why their views are harmful, they're going to shut you out instantly and double down on their views.
most people are simply genuinely ignorant to the issues they're talking about - they just pick their views up from the news and the world around them and express opinions because that's what every person does. if you run in there and tell them they're scum for it, what then? if someone does that to you, are you going to think "maybe i should do some research" or are you going to think "this person is an asshole, im blocking them." a lot of you think you're activists and then refuse to do any kind of actual WORK to support your cause.
#this is not about the isr*el thing even tho thats obviously a huge issue rn#its just a pattern ive observed online#im not saying you have to be kind to people who oppress you dont twist my words#but if youre trying to support any cause and you think calling people names is going to help#youre a fucking idiot lol#people call themelves activists and pro-X cause because they called their opposition dirty c*nts online#how the hell is that meant to help anyone? theyre just going to retreat into their propaganda chambers because you proved what the leaders#of those spaces have been telling them#you can obvs block people if you dont want to deal w them but thats a neutral action. sending abuse harms ur cause.#text#like educating ignorant people is hard work! yeah! its also the entire fucking point of activisim#and if you think its too much effort then just stop pretending you give a shit tbh#like my parents managed to change our neighbour's very xenophobic stance on migrants with a calm conversation#some people will listen and some wont and shes not exactly going out to protests for migrants rights but shes not hostile anymore#and a lot of yall think that isnt good enough but let me tell you it IS good because these things take time!#unlearning things is MUCH harder than learning them in the first place and a lot of people grew up in environments that taught them#very discriminatory and conservative views and its actually not their fault. and its hard to educate yourself differently on something you#have no idea is not true. where do you start w that?
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Don't mind me back again with more thoughts and maybe a lil continuation of what I started the other night same tw
Gator inhaled on the vape pen, letting the smoke permeate his lungs. He exhaled slowly, watching the tendrils curl up and dissipate in the air. "I've told you not to smoke in my house!" You snap, causing him to jump.
He sits up at attention, eyes wide. "I'm not smoking." He swallows," It's vaping." Gator looks away from your glare, messing with the fringe on a throw pillow you have. "It still releases smoke dumbass," you sigh.
And that shouldn't turn him on. It really shouldn't. But he can't help but think of the last time you were a little mean. Called him out on his shit. You on your knees before him. The way your mouth felt around his dick. How warm and wet you were. He didn't even get the whole thing in your mouth and thought he was in heaven.
Gator is thankful you had moved on to finishing the task you were doing, not even sparing him a glance. If you did you would without a doubt see his sudden arousal. Gator grabs the pillow and holds it delicately in front of him. Not suspicious, and if you ask he can say his arm hurts and he's just resting it.
You ignore him. He's been here for an hour and very few words have been exchanged. Gator has tried talking some, but you're more focused on...whatever it is your doing. A slight drop of guilt fills him as he realizes he hasn't paid enough attention. He realizes he doesn't know your favorite color. Or flower.
But he does know your favorite scent. Because every time he smells it he thinks of you.
"What are you doing?" Gator clears his throat. You turn and look at him with a puzzled look," What you asked? You said you-" a look of realization hit. You smirk at him," You aren't here on official business are you?"
Gator's breathing picks up as you drop the papers in your hand on the table and stand, stalking towards him. "Why did ya come pretty boy?" You trail a finger down his jaw. "To see you." Gator can't help but tell the truth.
You're like a drug. Better then any vape pen he's hit. Better then the ecstasy he confiscated from that dickhead one time. Better then the time he saw his first pair of boobs in real life. You envelope all his senses and take him to new heights. Gator knows that yall crossed a line last time, and there was no going back for him. "You here because of last time?" Your voice is saccharinely sweet. He nods slowly, looking up into your eyes.
Your fingers tug on his vest," Come in here in your sheriff uniform. Need to feel big and strong?" Gator shifts as he feels his dick throb at your words. "Yeah, you want to be a big, strong man, dontcha Gator?" Gator nods again. You click your tongue and grab his jaw, forcing him to look up at you," You talk way too much and now you can't say a thing? Words Gator."
Your grip is firm and strong on him. He can feel his pants getting wet from the precum leaking out. He shouldn't be getting turned on from your touch, and yet he is. He wants your touch, gentle but firm, wrapped around his dick again.
"Did you forget the question? Wanna be a big strong man huh?" "Yes." "Good boy," you condescendingly pat his cheek as you let go of his jaw and-
Shit. Hearing you call him good? That's all he's ever wanted. To be good. Praised for a job well done. And of course, your perceptive eyes pick that up. "Oh you liked that didn't you baby?" You smile widely at him," I am gonna have a lot of fun with you." "Yes please." You chuckle at his response. He isnt sure if you are making fun of him or not.
You grab the useless pillow from his lap and toss it further down the couch. You unbutton his pants and he hurriedly lifts his hips off the couch to tug his pants down. Gator sighs in relief as his dick is freed from the confines of the fabric. The tip glistening in the light from how much cum he's already leaked, and you haven't even touched him.
You smirk at him, "You a big, strong, independent man, Gator?" "Yes." "Then touch yourself."
Your words sink in and Gator whines. He blushes slightly at the noise he let out but quickly covers it up by speaking fast," I thought you were gonna touch me?" "Well, I could. But you're so independent. So strong. You can handle this can't you?" You lightly trail a finger along his length, causing his hips to jut forward," Show me how good you are Gator. Pleasure yourself."
Gator swallows as he slowly wraps a hand around his length. His large hands seem to be a regular size compared to the size of his dick. He hesitantly strokes from the base up to the tip, slowly getting faster as he relishes in the feeling.
Your eyes watching him, admiring him? Fuck, he wants to put on a good show for you. Wants to be good for you. His logic, the little he had, is gone out the window. "This good?" He grunts out as he thrusts in time with his hand. You lay a hand on one knee, smiling at him," Very good Gator. You're doing such a good job."
At your words Gator moans," Fuck I'm gonna nng I'm-" "Already? Hmm...well, go ahead then. Be a good boy and come." And he does. Thick, heavy ropes of cum cover his hand and the bottom of his vest. He gasps and moans as he fucks his fist in front of you.
"I'm a good boy I'm good i-" Gator babbles as he pants heavily. "Yeah baby," you murmur as he comes down from his high.
He's about to ask for a tissue when you grab him by the wrist and lick his hand. His dick twitches again, and he thinks he could become hard again just at the sight of you. You lick his hand clean and he stares at you in awe. "You're the hottest thing I've ever seen," Gator declares. "Thanks babe." You smile at him," You're pretty hot yourself. But we gotta work on your stamina. I'm not gonna let you fuck me if you come in two seconds." "You're gonna let me fuck you?" "We'll see. You can't be a virgin forever..."
At this point, I am encouraging you to join us and make your own blog to post these! ;) You’re amazing, babe!
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Hypognosis character building, and Lynn's thoughts on role-playing
(If you don't know what this is, I'm writing about a game I'm making! you can read the introduction to it here!)
Alright so, when making a game, I think it’s important to establish your intentions. For one, when you do, you can write your drafts, step back, and compare your intention to the product, and see if you got lost down a rabbit hole along the way and missed the mark overall.
Second, since I'm going to be doing this planning process semi-publicly and giving updates along the way, it’s more important to show my thought process than it is to give you a few paragraphs of finished semi-technical info before it’s fully cooked. I want to get yall *excited* for this project, not tell you exactly how to play it at home, for the time being.
With that in mind, the goal is to make a speculative fantasy role-playing game where a group of strange and varied people ally together to go on quests. *groundbreaking,* right? So… what makes Hypognosis something that I’ve wanted to play for a few years now as I’ve been trying to write it? Let me try to show you by walking you through how I *want to* make Estver, the guy from the last post, into a playable character.
When I make a character in an RPG, i usually look to the classes (whatever form they take) as inspiration for what *sort* of character to make. It’s rare that I get completely taken by the lore of a setting enough to make a character completely seamless with it. Instead if I see that there are Holy Knights, it follows that there’s probably some sort of feudal system with a church. Since I have some experience with churches in my life and have read a lot of fantasy about holy knights, i get the idea of character’s I am *encouraged* to make. It’s like the game is giving me permission.
Now, you don’t need permission from a game system to make the sort of character you want of course. If the mechanics of said holy knight class would let me make a pretty good cowboy marshall type, I might find value in re-flavoring an existing thing to form my character, while making no mechanical changes. It’s fun to think about this sort of thing to me: if the mechanics in front of me were stripped of their flavor text, would I be able to tell what the class was supposed to be? Something to keep in mind.
Now, Estvar as I’ve written him is devout and traveling on a pilgrimage. He has training as a city guard, so he has some skill with weapons and armor, and he is faithful to his god. His character motivation is that he is devoted to a cause: that of the friend he made once years ago, thinking every day about the life he could live on the other side of the gate, eventually swearing to travel all that way. Is he a paladin in the making? Uh… No, actually. I don’t think so.
Do you see how, if I were playing 5E, all these little character details in the fluff of Estvar’s backstory would lead you toward making him a paladin? It would be a natural fit within that system and yet if I did, I would be dissatisfied because a paladin fights with a specific set of mechanics that *do not fit* in what I have in mind. I don’t think Estvar would ever cast a spell, even if it was a “holy” one. and his home city isnt really feudal, he's a soldier not a knight...
So since I’m making my own game, do I simply eliminate all the mechanics that might interfere with the story? I certainly could. Fiction-first games are popular for a reason. I’ve played and GMed for a few and they were great fun! But I think mechanics are great tools for telling stories when you the storyteller aren't too experienced with what *should* happen. What if I’m asked to describe exactly what my character does and im a bit exhausted that day? I want to play and be helpful but im just not up to being a *storyteller* atm. Well, a rule that lets me swing a sword with such-and-such dice to resolve what happens is useful.
Complicating that, I like rolling dice as more than a *resolution* mechanic. All too often when you ask an interesting question and roll a die, that die roll is the *end of play.* It is the deciding factor that resolves the tension so you can continue with the scene. I much prefer them to be a *complicating* factor in a compelling way, where my carefully planned ideal solution breaks and I have to scramble on the fly for a new plan. That’s what I find fun!
All this coming to the point: Hypognosis is my attempt to have a crunchy game that is crafted in such a way that someone who doesn’t have the same mental image of combat that I do going in, will *fall into a natural pattern* that the game describes that looks like that cool fight that I the author have in mind. That isn’t an uncommon goal for games. It really comes down to execution.
Getting back to Estvar, his cultural background is very textbook for the people of his home city of Buldren. He has a strict set of rules he’ll have to follow, notably a prohibition on spilling blood, and he’ll want to seek absolution in some way if he breaks them. His faith is a *morale* concern rather than a *magic powers* concern for him. If he comes into a situation where he’s forced to kill someone with a sword and comes out covered in their blood, he will suffer a mental wound. (distinct from just usual trauma) He’ll take that wound and either treat it after the battle with appropriate penance, or else will fester into a scar over time.
On the flip side, his home city has more modern technology and medical knowledge than their neighbors. He’ll have learned martial arts leveraging blunt weapons to crush an enemy rather than hacking them to pieces. In addition, with his soldier background, he’ll have moves that synergize well with allies standing shoulder-to-shoulder with him. He’s efficient and effective, not flashy.
In game terms, how do I select those options for Estvar? Each region in the world has specific traits you can select which make up your character’s Heritage. These are a wide-ranging suite of powerful options that come bundled with Complications. Not necessarily negative qualities, but consequences which are designed to conflict in interesting ways with other characters’ concerns in the party. His concerns are born from his home culture, and that culture will continue to be a part of him as he travels abroad.
From there, a character spends Time in order to select what their skills are. A character learns by doing. Since Estvar has his military background, he’s skilled in the sorts of things his home would find useful and spent years training him in. However because he is a member of a religious sect that is more strict than his home as a whole, he won’t wield the more technologically advanced weapons his home can field, as they are far too much like magic.
His is a pretty sparse background, the sort of life lived without much self-direction. Estvar is dutiful, but has not *pursued* a goal of his own. As such, he will fall behind a character built from the ground up to be the user of some powerful and arcane type of technology or the heir of some destiny.
So how to represent his actual *character?* there comes in the closest thing to a character class that this game has. A character’s Fate is a representation of their personal drive and the arc of their story. If a character’s skills tell you what number you have to roll on your dice to perform an action, a character’s *Fate* will let you manipulate the dice themselves in your favor. A Fate is a quality that can’t be quite defined in the fiction of the world itself. It’s a tilt to the world that makes unlikely happenstance occur suspiciously often.
Estvar’s Fate might be called that of The Pilgrim. He is just a traveller, stepping temporarily into the stories of others along the way, with a city in the far distance, so far away that he feels he might never reach it in his lifetime. It’s the journey that matters.
His journey is one of discovery, and as such he starts a little less capable than others. But his ears are open to other’s stories. When he eventually finds himself at the end of the road, he will look back on his journey as the same man who started, and yet profoundly changed.
Many of those changes will be in the form of new skills or in connections to other characters. He’ll build a web of relationships and pick up new goals, whether his own or shared with new companions. Perhaps he will even turn his back on his path, inverting his Fate and defying it, becoming a Wanderer, aimless. But there is no dual-classing in this game. If a character rejects their path, it will continue to loom over them as that inversion. A man avoiding the inevitable end of the road, but the city will ever be on the horizon, waiting.
But the other side of time passing is injury and hardship. Wounds tell a character’s story as much as the character’s goals do. Estvar starts with a mental scar that is difficult for him to recognize or overcome: a paranoia that if he does not undertake certain rituals, that bad things will happen as a result, an illogical fixation he can't overcome by fighting it. There’s no great reason behind it, he simply has this scar and will carry it for his journey.
As odd as it is to say anything can synergize with a mental illness, his faith gives him a way to mediate this problem by being Absolved when he feels that he has sinned in some way. Many of the sins he holds against himself are not ones that anyone else would worry about, but they weigh on him. And this is one way he can be free of them.
Physical injuries are handled the same way. If he breaks an arm, Estvar will need to get medical treatment for it and rest enough to recover. Should everything go well, the wound may heal without a trace. But equally, he might carry a scar for the rest of his life. Scars are permanent, and vary in severity. They tell a character’s story, and inform their future actions. They can be dramatic to roleplay, and sometimes they’re cool to look at.
And with that, without getting too far into any specifics, is Estvar. I’ll be talking about his home city and its allies next, but this is the end of this blog post. It’s an *intention.* calling my shot. These are the types of things I want a player to be thinking about when they make a character or try to bring a character over to this system.
and as for something a little further in the future... I never said Estvar was *human* now did I?
If you’re interested in hearing more, I’m aiming to make a post like this every week. If you’d like to contribute to this endeavor and help me pay rent, i have a Ko-fi! you can find it here, and every bit is appreciated:
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hi Evan! Big fan of what you do on your page. I very recently got a boyfriend who is also a trans man. Do you maybe have any tips on how I can make this relationship last more than a month? (Knowing my luck…)
-🦦(if I ask anything else)
there are some things that are in your control and some things that are out of them. its worth mentioning that if you have been abused before, its more likely that you will either perpetrate those behaviors, or on the flip side, allow people to perpetrate those behaviors against you
in my experience i have had a lot of unstable relationships where the instability wasnt necessarily caused by me (or me alone) as much as it was the other person being abusive to me and me letting it happen
so this advice IS coming from a place of "ive been abused," if this isnt applicable, my apologies
-communication is very important and remembering that people communicate in different (and sometimes incompatible) ways is also very important. you may be extremely direct and dating someone whos a little sensitive. you may want to de escalate an argument by being by yourself and they may want to talk about it. its important to be able to compromise sometimes and for them to compromise sometimes if your communication styles arent aligned. my girlfriend has to be very direct with me because shes learned that while we're both southern and she has learned to approach boundaries and conflict in a passive, sugar coating way, because im autistic, that approach doesnt work, for example
-how do you express love? how does your partner express love? its important to show your love in a way that is fulfilling to you, but its also important to show your love in a way that your partner receives it. ive heard mixed things about the "5 love languages" test but honestly i did the test and it was decently accurate and may be a good start, its also worth noting that neurodivergent people may also express love in different ways than the "norm"
-never stop dating your partner. yall like flowers? get each other flowers! go on cute dates! send each other memes that make you think of the other person! never stopping trying to impress your partner can make for a more fulfilling and exciting long term relationship
-time together, especially later in your relationship, is super important. distance can make the heart grow fonder (trust me, we're long distance lol) but you dont want to be away from them all the time. work and family obligations can make that hard, but having time to yourselves is important, me and caspian sleep together on the phone every night, and thats one of my favorite parts of the day
-specifically trans advice, but your trans partners transition should be a celebration. ive heard from one trans man that you should be responding to your loved ones transition like you would if someone was having a planned and wanted baby, and thats good advice. get excited! get funny with it! get romantic with it! my girlfriends excited for me to get top surgery and that makes me feel very good about my transition
(past this is longer term advice)
-i dont usually like those "3 weeks 3 months 1 year" rule stuff, but in my experience, you can usually tell if youre compatible with someone by 3 months. this is enough time for the "honeymoon phase" to chill out a bit and youre more receptive to their flaws. by some point you should be able to know if these flaws are a dealbreaker (unless youre like me and have a fawn instinct lol), and ive also found that i can tell when a relationship is unhealthy USUALLY by around 3 months, at least in my subconscious
-i knew i wanted to marry caspian by 6 months of us being together, and we're not getting married right now for a couple different reasons mostly boiling down to we're just not ready yet, but id recommend waiting 6 months before you start thinking seriously about a future with this person
-a rule ive had for a long time regarding marriage with anyone is that i want to have lived with them for a full year before we get engaged. i dont live with my girlfriend and wont until probably the end of this year (our 7 months os tomorrow!) but i have lived with a partner and have found that you can find out a lot about a person by living with them for an extended period of time
if i missed anything lmk, anyone else is also free to give advice in the comments (:
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I am once again reminded you are a real human being
My bad gang I’m sorry
Do not let them get to you
compiling these 3 specifically because theyre all probably about the fact that i said i was tired of getting intentionally trollish asks, so let me explain myself a bit more xP. its a lot because i love to talk
you guys shouldnt be too sorry! i did intentionally encourage these a few times, especially during the #mod 🫒's purgatory thing. because well, as a part of what i do on my blogs and streams I am a clown. i intentionally play as a sort of over-exaggerated feed-the-trolls fool because i think it makes me funnier. but the main issue is that I didn't set a proper boundary between intentionally goofy oliver and genuine human being oliver. This is a direct consequence of having everything be on my personal blog and not relegated to sperate spaces.
the sheer volume of asks ive been getting lately has made keeping up difficult and well. guys im kind of tired of answering nonsense or trollish asks. i'm not witty enough! i'm out of jokes! i've been riffing off of anons every day for like a month! and it is my fault for not just deleting stuff but i do appreciate when you guys want to joke around with me
okay. uh here is the part that is the Straws that Broke the Camel's Back. I can't tell when you guys are joking anymore. I can't gauge how much of the anon "hate" is jokes and how much of it is genuine. I can only tell for sure if it's like my friend saying it. If it isn't clear to me that a friend sent in an ask, it reads as if a stranger sent it. And I can't tell if a stranger is being genuine or not because I don't know you. a key example is the person who said something along the lines of "of course you're a skeleton if you're a vegetarian" which didn't read as a friendly jab but rather a stranger making assumptions about my diet to blame me for my body issues. i assume the anon just saw that those were both things the funny ask answering guy was talking about so they were free game for making fun of. kind of my fault though because as i said, there isnt enough of a boundary between when im being comedic and when i'm being genuine.
so like. tldr in conclusion i love receiving and answering asks and I did sort of have this policy of responding to Every Single One that I just can't do anymore and now I'm suffering from the horrible affliction that is "Bit That's Gone On For Way To Long" with a side effect of not wanting to go back on my word. and now that i actually want to be Real on Main people are going to try and bring it back to jokingly antagonizing me not realizing that it just becomes actual antagonizing when it's not about something i consider a joke. so im just gonna place down some boundaries
streams are a good time to send in silly asks, im in bit mode for that
i also dont take anything seriously on the oscc but please dont bother the other mods about it
im not responding to every ask anymore. Lol. if i cant think of anything funny its going into the void
might also start blocking anons who say shit that is Weird ! no more taking literally everything in good faith
you guys can still send silly asks i just want you to like. roll it back on the whole jokingly being mean to me thing. friends are exempt of course just make it clear that its YOU and not Internet Stranger #66951284
anyways love yall but also i dont know yall. or. most of yall. i accept the anon's apology👍
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Im not even religious but I will be praying for jmj live or tiktok every day until it happens istg, lets just hope we get a miracle, nothing wrong with getting a lot of audiz content i do love the bff dynamics we get with them and its very fun but cmon sm let jmj out of the basement and let them post more content!! They have expressed in the past how they have filmed content together but stoopid sm wont ever let it see the light of day, im praying for the whole aespa fandom and jmjers starting from today hope it works yall ✊️😔.
And also, i saw the anon talking about sm silencing them or pulling them apart or something like that, and I definitely agree, mainly because they want the girls to have a specific image to appeal to the public and wheneved we get any other pair that isnt jmj u can tell that they only give off good friends vibes and people like it, thats why they go with that image, but when jmj does content together there is this different vibe in their bond, and i have a feeling that sm has had to cut a lot of content from behind videos or just straight up havent posted special jmj content. They only use their dynamics when they want the public to see a pair of friends that have known each other the longest in the group, so they bring them to reality shows or interviews sometimes to show that dynamic, but i think its noticeable sm is tired of cutting so much content and making it tone it down and im sure they have told jmj to separate more than once in the past, its very sad cause even if other pairs are very fun and heartwarming (mingmingz is so cute thats the purest form of cutie patootie turns fierce when protecting another cutie patootie 💗) i think jmj is also a pair that can appeal to the public and everyone loves jmj cmon (regardless of shipping or not the pair) anyways enough rambling for today idek what i just wrote lmao
thank you for your prayers may they come true<3<3
honestly yeah jmj has been getting separated and i think its been obvious like jmj themselves called out them cutting their karaoke and all of their hugs got cut too.. i also think they were told to tone down skinship since they are moments of them hesitating to hold each other :(( they are sent to one show per cb to promote the cb as the popular duo and thats it. jmj is very much known with gp too like they can stop interacting for a year and koreans would still scream Karwin😭😭 thats why them not having official content and getting censored is very much sus like you're telling me they werent ever offered a duo photoshoot when even their fanfics blow up in korea😭😭
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rant about everything
I love my girlfriends i cant wait till i move down to their state. but i am really going to miss my irl friends, spend 24 hours with 2 of them split across the weekend in 12 hour chunks 2 of my other friends were there for one 12 hour chunk too. lot of card games mostly grand archive tcg drafting. i need to go to bed but like i could just watch youtube and porn till morning and just not sleep. not the worst idea i do like my mid-day naps. my play some balatro or mtg had a really good game a bit ago. Love playing my imoti deck on arena cause like all ramp and big guys is so good, like what is good deck building and removal and shit nah boss, just cheat out ulamog and win or anything else sometimes you dont even need a wincon drawing 15 and having 100 damage on board is enough for most people to scoop but like thats not fun let me take my extra turn. also listening to a mix of slut emo and faggot music. why did life have to get good as the world is ending? like i barely got a chance to live before we started to die. being to young and shit for the era of fucking around and being an adult at the start of the finding out era is a bitch and a half like god damn but that depressing. my chest hurts. i should stretch. god damn are my girlfriends the most cute and perfect girls in the world i love them so much so very much. I want to kiss each and every one of them and have a wholelife time to devote to each of them so i can be the very best i can be for them. I love this song heavy metal is so fun sometimes like realizing you can understand what the twink is saying is fun. and god damn is the twink cute. i really need to get this job im going for lol starting to rack up a debt already owe 85 bucks to a friend for covering a few things, like i have cash but only like 300 bucks that isnt savings and i really hate having debt especially with friends. i want my girls here with me to convince me to go to bed and cuddle up all nice and close with them and just hold whoever is warmest close to me, in my arms forever. i just love them so much. im suprised with how few typos i am having that, normally when im dumb tired i make a few billion typos but like grammar yes and using commas like periods yeah, but hey. i think i will go to bed soon i dont care enough to keep my eyes open much longer. that's what my whole life is i dont have the willpower to do x or i dont have the means, but i guess that is just about all of us aint it. I need to watch like a million things and read a couple books. i love how i can just type like this on here, like i enjoy bluesky but it has the bullshit word limit which i hate so much that twitter has too. like there is no good reason for it i have never heard a good word towards it or anything. but here i can rant forever but a cut at the top and call it good and like tagging is so amazing when used right. i dont trust people who capitalize i when used as like i do. like do you dont value your time my love. idk i dont even know where my fingers would go to do that and rather be shoot then figure it out. my tongue feels weird no clue why i love how my body does hey we doing this now but jokes on you dumbass we aint telling you why. I used to hate the words aint and yall when i was 7 boils down to not liking my cosins who lived in the south and used those words but fuck that weird ass shit not really a fan of those kids still but like the words are hella useful and its a silly reason to strip words out of my lexicon i will whatever i want thank you very much speaking in a way to make myself understood is useful but also like aint nobody care. ok i'm gonna say goodnight to the pookies and my girls, then stretch then eep. I'm an eepy little princess. goodnight to the zero people who got this far.
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Gotcha 37: the baby is you ( :( )
Im sorry I know its a serious scene, and honestly RIP to a real one, Skebows you will be missed. But, them carrying a skateboard corpse through the hallway like its a medical drama did send me. So funny im sorry.
Honestly this episode did a real great job of showing the part of Houtarou that goes to become Daybreak in the future. Im honestly sold on it. Also, Hopper1 trying to tickle him to make him laugh :( I think Chemies dont really understand the concept of death also, I saw on the production blog that they were gonna have something with Steamliner but scrapped it and im glad they did. I think its good to keep the Chemies as more nature aligned beings like animals. Hopper1 does know "sad is bad" "laugh is good" and its good to keep it simple like that, its charming. Lets leave the more complicated emotions to the others, dont burden yourselves.
As a fan of the show "Old Enough!" i loved seeing Hopper1s first errand... The voice actor, Fukuen, did her utmost voicing Hopper1 in this episode. The sounds coming out of it were so cute i tear up just thinking about it... My favorite one is the sneeze that came after it got drenched in water. It reminded me of Togepi from pokemon, i miss Togepi.
Im SO glad we got this quiet moment between Houtarou and his mom, it was a really touching scene. I think his mom is real sweet. Also honestly the part where baby mode Houtarou pours syrup on his pancakes did make me tear up. What a comforting scene.... You really made us think we were so back but it was already so over from the start... It really makes what happens in the later half of the episode more impactful, ive learned a lot. If Houtarou had been sad the whole time it wouldnt have hurt as much, yes... You guys are really good at twisting the knife...
Also i think i said in the previous post that i thought Daybreak that fought Gigist might have been the Houtarou Daybreak but i had completely forgotten about Houtarous dad maybe being Daybreak too and also that there mightve been other Kamen Riders since they knew about the concept. It was a good reminder thank you, ill try not to forget again.
We got more scenes of the seniors fighting!!! Thank you so much, i love them cause theyre so cute. Its nice that youre picking up the letters that got scattered, youre good kids...
Well thats something I didnt think wed get an explanation for but there we go. Hes been transmuting himself by using the philosopher stone in him this whole time. Whoda thunk it. My theory was that he was somehow doing it wrong but i guess not.
You know this is a funny coincidence but this came out in the same week that the Dungeon Meshi episode where Senshi asks Marcille why she compared the soul to an egg came out. Houtarou and his egg are now basically, um. like a breakfast burrito. I guess.
Interesting...! I see her alliance with Gigist isnt unconditional. I love that honestly. I love that she wants Geryon back so fucking bad. I think she and Rinne should be friends fr (but she should still try to kill her)
I find it really fun that now Spanner and Minato are their own team. Theyve been teaming up a lot lately and its cute i think. Also finally Spanner gets to defeat something, its been ages. This post is about Spanner:
Honestly. Hopper1 turning into CrossHopper just so they can DASH your last hopes that there might be a way out of it was cruel, i love it.
Can I be honest for a sec? The Hopper Malgam? Slaps absolute nuts. This shits tight as hell. Its so good holy shit. They were COOKING..
Also the locust final attack?!? Baller. Its so scary, 10/10.
Houtarou telling Hopper1 to kill him if that would ease his pain... that was rough yall. This was a rough episode. Im tearing up just thinking about it again. Hey...
The transition from the monstruous Hopper Malgam voice to the small and confused Hopper1 voice before it dies... Man. Man..!!!
Im honestly. Glad that they didnt do this with Hopper1 first. Like, leading up with Skebows, as an accident, was really rough, but it WAS an accident. AnTrooper was a good "confirmation" of how things work and also cemented pretty much where everyone else stood on the matter. The seniors and Rinne didnt want to make the choice for Houtarou, Spanner has grown a lot and came to respect Houtarous perspective, but like Minato he ultimately wont pull his punches to stop the Chemys from hurting people, and Houtarou was still having doubts.
But with Hopper1 its like. Its not an accident anymore, he KNOWS that if he stops it it WILL die. And he has to do it anyways with that burden because he also figured out that Hopper1 doesnt want to hurt anyone even on a Malgam form and to let it would also be cruel. This truly is Kamen Rider.
I read in the production blog that they wanted to explore the relationship between the Rider and the Monsters much like in Kuuga, they also had a quote saying that previously with Sabimarus transformation Houtarou had to face other peoples violence but in this episode he had to face his own violence. Banger episode. Everyone did a great job.
Anyways Houtarou becomes an egg... I know its a Philosopher Stone/Philosophers egg thing, but congrats on Houtarous gender i guess. Wish you couldve found out in a less aggressive way.
Junsei you did such a good job in this episode. I really feel bad for Houtarou. Next week things will be better for him, so hang in there!
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