#and a lot of the hairstyles don’t help combat that
yourqueenb · 1 year
Top 5 ugliest MCS
1. It Lives in the Woods - So even though I’ve never played this series, these MCs are without a doubt the worst I’ve ever seen. Even if I liked horror, I don’t think I could play this book because of how bad they are. And I’m sorry, but the white one is especially awful. She looks like she farted and is annoyed with herself because it smells really bad
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2. The Heist: Monaco - I’ve said this before, but these MCs are just really weird looking to me. I remember scrolling through the faces for so long when this book first came out because I was really at a loss about which one to pick
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3. High School Story - These ones look really off to me, and I can’t put my finger on why. And it doesn’t help that none of the hairstyles fit their heads properly. They all look like they just threw $30 synthetic wigs on top of their heads and called it a day
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4. Ride or Die - Ok so I don’t find all of these faces ugly. The middle two are actually pretty cute, but I’ve always hated the ones on the ends. They look sickly for like no reason
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5. These from TPS and ILB - I was trying to keep it to full sets of MCs from the same books, but I had to single these out because they’re far worse than the others in their stories
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And then an honorable mention goes to this MC from Witness
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I know this is just one of the TE faces in lipstick, but that’s why she’s here. They really did her ass dirty with that lipstick. I don’t think it’s her color at all. And she looks kinda clownish due to that in combination with her sharpie eyebrows
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Hello! I have a question regarding hair, more specifically hairstyles and hair care in general. What would a realistic approach look like for characters who don’t have much time to dedicate to hair care? The characters I’m designing exist in an urban fantasy kind of setting, so they have access to the same hair care an average person would, they just travel a lot and are frequently in combat situations. Basically; I don’t want to pick hairstyles all willy-nilly without consideration as to what would be actually be practical for someone in that situation. Thank you so much for the help!! :)
It depends on your character! How much effort are they willing to put in temporarily for long term ease? Do they want permanence like locs? Semi-permanence like braids? Or maybe they have an afro that has easy day to day requirements. I would take a look at your options, and then do further research into the things the longevity of the styles you want.
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rpgchoices · 6 days
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Sometimes I really want to read a short summary of what to expect from a game… and thankfully people can also submit their summaries of games they played and help me (and others) find games that cater to their interests!
submitted by @lairofsentinel
(click here for other videogames)
what to expect from THE THAUMATURGE
Isometric RPG-detective game with some [fake] choices. The story seems to be quite linear, and you have some factions/characters to pick in the last part of the game in order to obtain different combinations of endings.
It has a simple turn-based combat system.
Story set in a fantasy 1905 Warsaw (Poland), under the Russian Empire occupation, wrapped in a context of an imminent anti-tsar revolution.
The Slavic culture with which this game has been done gives it a unique, refreshing identity. 
The lore of the game combines historical events and historical polish figures of the time with mythological Slavic creatures and a concept of magic that makes it work in an interesting way.
You play as a thaumaturge: a person capable of reading and influencing people's thoughts, seeing thoughts and emotions imprinted on objects, and befriending demons called Salutors that you can use in your benefit to improve all these powers. 
The game is divided into chapters. It has a quest log that has everything perfectly organized: task quests, secondary quests, subplot quests, and main quests.  All the quests that are not Main and Subplot have an icon of a timer. Don’t worry about it. They are not “timed” in the sense that you need to complete them in X amount of hours, it means you need to complete them before advancing the main quest if you don’t want to fail them.
No real customization of the main character you play: Wiktor Szulski. You can only change hairstyle, beard, and the colour of the outfit.
Fully voiced, with a stern voice acting that has its charm.
Short game of 15 hrs if focused on the main story only. It extends to approx. 35 hrs if you explore secondary quests and tasks.
——- Plot? ——-
You play as Wiktor Szulski, a thaumaturge that is ill and has been looking for a healer all over Europe. He finds a cure in a far away town. However, soon after, he receives the news of a tragedy in his family and must return to his native Warsaw. Back home, he starts to investigate the case of this tragedy to understand the who, the what, and the why. 
——- Gameplay? ——- 
You interact with characters, and by using the powers of your Salutors, you can manipulate them in your favour. Failure usually ends up in a strange turn-based fight. 
——- Characters? ——- 
There are a lot of characters here. You meet all Wiktor’s family, and you can decide with your choices what kind of relationship he had with each of them. You also meet childhood friends.
 ——- LGBT? ——-
Nothing in the foreground. There is a quest of a man who lost his gay lover, and has been hiding this pain due to the shame these relationships gave people back in that time.
Wiktor’s sister also has some rumours around her that claim she is not interested in men. But this seems to be more a symptom of the patriarchal society she is in: she is one of the first Polish women wearing trousers and leading a business by her own.
——- Sadness level? ——- 
Low.  It may depend on your subjectivities. It's not the focus of the narrative.
——- Happy ending? Deaths? ——-
There is a lot of death, and you have a different combination of epilogues that depends on your choices along the game (but mostly at the end). 
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modern-inheritance · 6 months
Modern Inheritance: Debrief, Pt. 1 (Intro)
(A/N: Politics! Verbal bullshitting! Thinly veiled threats! Overabundance of accessories and unnecessary magic use! POLITICS!
To quote Arya off screen, "I'd rather go through Gil'ead three more times than deal with any of this political hellscape, but *singsong* here I am! Putting on a STUPID dress uniform, about to be, for all intents and purposes, fucking INTERROGATED about being ambushed, losing my mate, teleporting a dragon egg, getting TORTURED while, haha, I was being asked a series of questions, also known as being interrogated, becAUSE THIS WON'T BE TRIGGERING AT ALL! :D GLEN WHY THE FUCK HAVEN'T WE RENOUNCED OUR FUCKING CULTURE YET?!"
Arya is required to attend an official debriefing on the ambush and her captivity by the council of elf lords and ladies. She prefers when she gets stabbed from the front.)
“I still think this could be done on paper.” 
Glenwing patted his commander’s shoulder and pulled her into his side for a quick hug, never once faltering in their pace as they meandered to the great hall. “You’ll do fine. You can handle questions.” He paused, a grim tilt to his half smirk. “Don’t handle these questions like you did the last ones you got. You’re supposed to answer these ones.”
The dark humor drew a similarly tight lipped grin from her. “I’m not worried about that.” 
Arya raised a hand to run it over her hair and shot her medic a sheepishly appreciative look when he caught her wrist. It had taken both of them an almost embarrassing amount of time to remember how to tie the Flat Crest braid required of elven women when in dress uniform. It was even longer for Glen to do it neatly enough for Rhunön to give the plait a passing inspection, the smith’s obsession with perfection not helping matters. 
They both hadn’t voiced what was on their minds during the entire, rather exasperating, process. The real reason why they had so much trouble tying what should have been a hairstyle they knew by heart after all these years. 
Fäolin had always been the one to do whatever hairstyle was asked of them for official events, even before he joined their squad. He’d laugh at their attempts whenever they returned to the forest, usher them into a chair and deftly weave bright silver or midnight black strands into the designs required in seconds. Arya and Glenwing had simply never had to learn.
Arya let out a rough sigh and tucked her thumbs under either side of the shiny belt clasped around her waist. She missed Wyrda’s familiar weight on her right hip. “This is just another political stunt. I can manage Islanzadí, we’re…I don’t know, figuring it out, I guess. But all of them?” The young elf gestured helplessly, a hint of sharp restlessness and budding frustration in the movement. “Who in the hells knows what they’re going to ask. There’s too many strings here, tangled in too many webs.” She made a face at the metaphors. “At least I’m falling into the stupid formal language again easy enough.”
“And just like that, you’re out of it.” Glen gave the combat liaison another squeeze around the shoulders, pointedly ignoring the open stare of a lone elf sitting in an alcove as they passed. “You can count Iläin to at least be fair. And Rendir’s still pretty fond of you, even if you haven’t really talked since you got back. They’re not all against you, and this is just another debriefing, not some official trial for blame.” 
Arya snorted softly. “Oh, we both know blame is going to be a factor. Valaria looked incensed when I said I wasn’t sure how Durza got through the preliminary wards on the outskirts without triggering an alarm. She’s got a lot to explain, but it’s not like I can question her.” 
Glen bobbed his head in reluctant agreement. “Yeah…Valaria might be an issue. She was pretty harsh on me when I had my own debriefing.” The medic tapped the tip of each mechanical finger against the end of his metal thumb, running through nerve check after nerve check as he realized a troubling fact. “Däthedr reigned her in, but…”
“But he and the Queen probably won’t do the same for me.” Arya shook her head. “Too much personal history. Any interference could be seen as them interfering with the investigation and trying to shield me.”
“It’s pretty clear there’s nothing to blame you for, even a Mani’s Cave salamander could see that.” The image of Lady Valaria of House Teorann standing at her podium as an eyeless, bioluminescent salamander, constantly pushing the useless spectacles she wore just for show up her slimy tube of a snout, made Arya crack a genuine smile. “Just be polite, don’t give them anything to jump on.”
“Or you could light a fire under their asses, see how they like it.” Both elves looked up, startled that there was already someone waiting outside the doors to the great hall. Brom shook out the match still burning from lighting his pipe and tucked it into a small leather pocket sewn into the inside of his armored coat. “Not literally. Why do I always feel like I have to add that on with you?”
“Because you taught me too well.” Arya flashed her former mentor a sharp toothed grin. “What are you doing here? Don’t you have a remedial study hall to get to, old man?”
Brom grumbled into his beard, pipesmoke wafting up each time his lips parted. He had let the hairs grow again since they arrived, no longer quite as neat or well-kempt but passable as it grew out into a more formidable piece of facial hair. “As if I’d let you in there without an inspection. You’d probably go in with your boots untied and your shirt untucked if I wasn’t here.” He glanced at Glenwing. “Well, if Glen let you get away with it.” The medic gave him a grin of his own, knowing full well that was a lie. Brom cared far more than he ever wanted anyone to know, the sentimental old bastard. 
The old Rider gave his former ward a going over with his pipe clamped in his teeth. He tugged her sleeves straight and smoothed the lines of her shoulders, yanked the wrinkles out of the formal jacket by the hem. 
“Right. You pass.” His voice was gruff, but there was a certain warmth there. In a move only Glen or Brom could pull off, the man patted Arya’s cheek twice before he clasped her face in his hands. The gedwëy ignasia was rough and warm against her skin, tingling with everpresent magic despite his dragon’s passing. “You did everything you could and more, you hear me? Whatever those high and mighty idiots in there say, you’ve got nothing to be ashamed of and everything to be proud of. Understood?” 
Arya searched his face, the determination and buried worry etched into his skin above wild eyebrows and piercing blue eyes. The support she found meant multitudes, the support he had always shown, even when his rage and revenge was all he had in the world. She swore she’d never tell him, but despite the teasing they shared now, the arguments, the sometimes heavy handed tactics to try and prepare her for the world outside Du Weldenvarden…he had been more of a father to her than anyone. 
So of course there was only one response.
Brom felt the young elf just barely relax. She smiled at him, beaming, that little spitfire elfling again being reminded of her worth, of all the things she could do in the world. “Yes’sir. Understood.”
“Good girl.” The Rider released her and stepped back, giving her one last onceover. “Give them hell. I’m late for Oromis and Glaedr’s remedial lessons, or whatever you call them.” 
“Don’t pull a muscle, old man!” Arya called after his retreating back, getting an annoyed grunt in response. 
Glen checked the watch on his wrist as Arya’s smile faded. Two minutes. “You ready?”
The woman sucked in a breath and held it as she snapped to the familiar bearing of Attention, dropping into At Ease for a brief moment before letting the air out in a rush. “No. But it’s not like I can prepare for this bullshit.”
“I’ll be right here. Just yell and I’ll be in there in a heartbeat. Less, even.” Thirty seconds. Glen pulled his commander into one last quick hug before he smoothed out her uniform again. “Verrunsmal äthr.” 
Arya pushed her forehead against his and gave him a firm punch to the upper chest. “Verrunsmal äthr.” 
Then she turned, straightened with another steadying breath, and entered the great hall.
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ink-and-dagger · 10 months
You’re playing Baldur’s Gate 3 right? If Astrid were Tav (hope that makes sense), what would her class and backstory be? Who would she romance? :3c
I love this question – thank you so much for asking. I haven’t been able to play lately because the game keeps crashing on me sob sob so this has helped fill that BG3 shaped hole my my heart <3
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So obviously I had to try and make her in the character creator and thankfully the game stayed stable enough for me to make a base even though it took 5 failed launch attempts
None of the character faces or hairstyles were right, so I just picked the closest and fiddled around a bit on procreate.
I’m going to stick the rest of my ramblings under a read more because I don’t to submit any poor unwitting bugger to that if they’re just trying to scroll their dash in peace
*also potential small BG3 spoilers below so read at your own risk*
If we’re staying super loyal to OG Astrid’s character then she’d be a Bard, simply because she doesn’t really have any combat training and she’s highly adept at wielding her wit and her words. But if I were going to give her a fighting style, I think she’d multi-class as Rogue and Cleric. I can imagine her dual-wielding daggers or short swords, taking out her enemies with a wink and a witty one liner, and also having an affinity for light-based spells and divination.
Her set BG3 background would definitely be Entertainer - “You live to sway and subvert your audience, engaging common crowds and high society alike”. From a narrative perspective I’d say that she grew up in the lower city with her mother, and they didn’t have an awful lot of money. Astrid would be Half-Elf, and her mother a Wood Elf (although for some reason likely derived from snobbery she pretends that she’s a High Elf). Astrid wouldn’t know anything about her father other than he’s human. Years later, when she’s around 16 years old, she learns that her mother up and left with her as a baby and moved to Balder’s Gate to ‘avoid her getting too attached to a mortal parent’. This would be the straw on the camels back for Astrid and she cuts ties and moves out. She gets a serving job at The Blushing Mermaid in exchange for room and board - and gradually becomes a skilled mixologist. It’s also where she would learn any fighting skills, given that it isn’t the most salubrious establishment in the city. Gal’s gotta know how to protect herself after all.
As for who she’d 💜Romance💜 — I’ve pin-balled between several answers because I think there are multiple viable options. Astrid has this wonderful openness about her that means she could potentially forge a connection with a few of the companions…
She’d be very close with Karlach simply because they’re both so similar. They’re both bright and perky, with positive personalities. I think they’d be absolute best buddies and would cause infuriating amounts of trouble together. Sisters from other misters <3
I think she’d grow close to Wyll because of their shared history of Tricky Parents™️. There might even be a spark of attraction between them at the start, but the more they get to know each other, the more they realise that they ultimately aren’t suited to each other in a romantic sense. Wyll needs someone settled and reliable, and Astrid needs someone with an edge that keeps her on her toes.
She’d accept the advances of Lae’zel and Halsin - but these wouldn’t develop beyond casual flings. And she’d definitely have a big whooping fat crush on Raphael (although I don’t think she’d sleep with Haarlep - she’d only be interested in the real-deal devil).
I think she’d have a soft spot for Gale. But I can’t decide whether or not it would develop into something deeper. I think Astrid they’d have good banter and Astrid would absolutely love teasing him. I think she’d offer him a lot of support and advice when it came to Mystra, and she’d be a real source of comfort for him. I can see Gale developing a crush on her, but I think it would be one-sided and he’d eventually move on once he accepts that nothing can come of it.
Ultimately, I think she’d end up fully romancing Astarion surprise surprise. He shares a lot of similarities with Silco’s character that we know Astrid is drawn to - morally grey, tortured soul, sarcastic humour. They’re also both very used to masking their true feelings and avoid getting close to anyone out of a sense of self-protection. I also just think their personalities would mesh together really well, and they’d be best friends as well as lovers. The flirting would be insufferable. They’d definitely end up going down the non-ascended route too <3
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latibvles · 2 years
beautiful, tragic. // no hard feelings.
it's important to take a break sometimes.
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last update for this week i swear I just needed to get this out before I combust
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TAGLIST: @softguarnere , @liebgotts-lovergirl , @monalistastwin
SUMMARY: there are two distinct groups in the Nursing Company — those who go out and those who don't. Apparently, Daisy is meant to spend a night with the former.
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In their Company, there seems to be two distinct groups.
About twenty of their women belonged to some hospital prior to this one. Transfers from 128th, or 42nd, or whichever field hospitals dotted the shores of Normandy or even came from the cities themselves. The other fifty are fresh-faced 2nd Lieutenants, straight off the boat. She figured that one out when she stopped by Ginny’s billet one night to ensure their Captain hadn’t worked herself into an early grave.
After getting the numbers, it seemed to make itself more apparent in real life as well.
A lot of the newer women are absolutely enamored with the idea of going to the Bell, or the Boar when off-duty. Sometimes Daisy watches them hop into jeeps that will take them fifteen minutes into town. Sometimes she doesn’t. In the past two weeks — it’s become Rogers’ mission to get her to go with them ‘just one time!’
“I’m just sayin’! I think you could use a break! If you’re not with us you’re helpin’ Lieutenant McCarney or Captain Brant or doin’ somethin’ or other,” She hums out, as they carry their respective crates filled with new uniforms over to the supply office. “Could meet a couple boys, play a game — y’know Jane’s gettin’ real good at darts and I think it’s got half to do with that sergeant that’s been hangin’ offa her.”
Laura Rogers is a new nurse, dropped in and expected to keep up with the rest. Her features are soft and almost princess-like, big blue eyes and a near ever-lasting dreamlike smile on her face. Her hair is blonde, but even lighter than Ginny’s — a near platinum color. It came as little surprise to her when she learned that before this, Rogers had been an aspiring pin-up model. Couple it with her soft southern accent and the way that every step she takes is almost impossibly fluid, the woman honestly seems like a dream in and of itself.
Daisy decides to entertain the gossip, if only for a few moments.
“Sergeant? Do tell.” Laura smiles, giddy as a schoolgirl.
“Mm. Big blue eyes. Sweet talker. I think he likes chasin’ her around ‘cause she hasn’t given him a thing beyond that smile of hers and a peck on the cheek. Oh! And he’s got just the cutest crooked tooth when he flashes his smile. I’m tellin’ ya I think you’d really like the boys down there!”
Even when first reaching Europe, Daisy didn’t venture off hospital grounds much. It was neither here nor there — Rita would get off grounds when she could with the other women to venture out and meet people. Once, Ginny accompanied her and returned with a fond story of a quieter Lieutenant at the officer’s club that she had good conversation with. Daisy, on the other hand, spent a lot of time in the ward, helping out even if she didn’t have to, or writing letters home. 
Now, it seems that the universe had different plans for her.
“You just don’t take no for an answer, huh Rogers?” The woman smiles proudly once they set the boxes down, leaving them with the quartermaster.
“If I did I woulda never been a pin-up model or a combat nurse.” She declares, nose in the air and hands on her hips. Daisy chuckles to herself, smiling in spite of the woman’s antics. And to think just a few weeks ago, the woman could barely do the morning run.
It’s how she finds herself in front of a mirror on a Friday night, staring at herself in the mirror with a scrutinizing expression on her face. Brows furrowed, she’s tried her best to replicate one of the nicer hairstyles Patty has done on her countless times, always somehow managing to make her hair seem shorter than it actually is. She thinks she’s gotten it almost right, the ends pinned into loops at the base of her neck — she’s already sleeping in the Campbells’ son’s room, she isn’t going to ask for their hair curlers too.
In the reflection, she can hear Rita’s snickering. Daisy narrows her eyes.
“I’ve half a mind to leave you here, Miss McCarney.”
“It’ll be a cold day in hell before I let you keep the boys to yourself, Miss Clarke,” she rises to her feet and goes over to tug on Daisy’s ear. She snorts and swats at her friend half-heartedly, Rita grabbing her hand before she can strike her and promptly dragging her away. “Now quit fussing over yourself and lets go — been a long damn time since I’ve got a night off and I’ll be damned if I spend the whole of it watching you stress over your hair.”
Daisy doesn’t object, allowing the woman to drag her along. There’s a jeep waiting for them, a familiar freckle-faced woman in the passenger’s seat. Behind her, is a slightly less familiar woman, her hair a coppery color, drumming out a beat on the back of the driver’s seat. Daisy smiles at Patty, lets out a sigh of her own.
“If I knew you were coming I would’ve asked you to do my hair. Would’ve saved me a lot of harassment,” She gives Rita a blatant side eye, and the woman scoffs and sucks her teeth. Patty giggles, and Daisy shifts her gaze to Jane Gray, who nods in her direction as a form of acknowledgement, her hazel eyes pensive.
“Heard you’ve made a darts partner out of a sergeant.”
The girl’s cheeks flush, and she breaks eye contact.
“And I’m guessing you heard that from Rogers?” Daisy gets into the back and Rita takes the wheel, nodding as she does so. “...he’s uh, he’s somethin’ alright, I can say that much.” She’s short with the reply, giving Daisy something of a stiff nod.
Daisy can’t help but notice that Jane Gray is more… enigmatic in nature. Quiet, observant, a near polar opposite to Laura’s extroversion, and yet they travel arm-in-arm almost everywhere. Daisy had met introverted people, and it wasn’t anything that she wasn’t used to, but with Jane she can’t help but notice how quick she is to retreat from the conversation, continuing to drum her fingers on the seat as Patty and Rita chatter away in the front.
Not wanting to overstep her bounds — she lets the conversation die there.
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The Bell is busy. There’s laughter and the clinking of glasses and it doesn’t take long for her to spot Laura, chattering away to a very familiar and very flustered soldier. She isn’t sure if Malarkey’s cheeks are flushed from the drinks or from the way Laura’s excitedly holding onto his hands as she chatters away. Regardless, and unsurprisingly, she can pick out a few mildly envious gazes from a couple men in the room.
“She’s cast her spell, it seems,” Accompanied with a melodramatic sigh and a bemused smile, Catherine Ward walks over, reaching for Jane’s hand which she gladly takes. “We really ought to get her a wand, maybe a nice hat?” Rita snorts at that, rolling her eyes lightheartedly. Another woman from Sicily, Catherine was also a quieter type. She had inky black curls and dark eyes to match, even with a resting face — she always seemed stern, like a mother would. She’d also mentioned a thing or two about a pilot she was seeing before the war started — so the likelihood of her playing chaperone for the night is high, and a position Daisy would like to partake in if not for…
“You’ve gotta be shittin’ me!” At this point, the familiar tenor makes a smile creep onto her face. Liebgott saunters over, just as lanky and loud and full of grandeur as he does each time he demands her attention. His gaze flits between her, and then Rita. Catherine, Jane, and Patty had idled their way towards a table Catherine had been keeping warm. She doesn’t miss the twitch of the corner of his lip as his gaze lingers on Rita for a bit longer, who stares at him with a raised brow and arms folded across her chest.
He extends his hand to her in a gesture that’s slowly becoming more familiar. Daisy takes it, allowing him to spin her for a moment and whistle, low and teasing. She rolls her eyes.
“Was wonderin’ when you’d show up around here.”
“Cause I totally struck you as a party-goer, right?” Liebgott laughs at that, and then turns his attention fully to Rita to greet her.
“Lieutenant McCarney,” and then a pause that seems longer than what it actually is. She pretends not to notice how he looks Rita up and down, pausing at the shiny new bars on her collar. “First Lieutenant McCarney. Congratulations.” There’s something in the way he draws it out — how his smirk seems to grow, and she’s close enough to hear Rita let out a soft puff of breath, as though she’s resetting herself or stepping up to hit a baseball.
“How sweet. Thank you Lieb,” she hums out, his brows shoot up at the shortening of his name.
Daisy clears her throat.
“Right then, well I’m gonna—”
“Oh no you don’t,” Liebgott immediately interjects, and his hand goes to latch around her wrist loosely to keep her from slipping away. “I’ve missed my dart partner and you have some explaining to do.”
“You know, a grilling really isn’t the way I want to spend my night off,” The complaint, seemingly, falls upon deaf ears (as in, Liebgott certainly hears her, but she learned rather quickly that she attracts stubborn types, so he isn’t going to relent anyway). “Alright, fine, but if we lose again you bear the consequences.”
It starts out fairly merciful. And they aren’t losing at darts, either.
It’s mostly lighthearted teasing. She, properly, meets George Luz. Between rounds Liebgott leans against a table beside Rita to the point where they’re shoulder-to-shoulder, and after each shot Buck Compton looks at Daisy with a sort of smile she’s seen a million times before. Upon learning he’s a big-shot from UCLA, it all makes more sense. She hopes that the smile she gives him will be enough appeasement. Liebgott, lightheartedly, scolds her for not coming to see him sooner with a “You hidin’ from me or somethin’?” Daisy responds to it with a smile and a shrug and a “Maybe I was.”
He puts his hand over his heart as though he’s been wounded, and Daisy laughs. Buck steps out of the way, making a sweeping gesture that she figures is meant to be gentlemanly. She nods in acknowledgment.
“Careful Buck, never know when The Dog’ll come and whisk her away,” George warns, eliciting a few chuckles. Rita and Daisy, however, are utterly perplexed.
“The Dog?” She lines up her shot and—
“Oh, you know, ol’ Bloody Speirs.”
She misses. Her face feels hot.
“That’s not— you’ve got the wrong idea.” Luz’s grin only seems to grow in a boyish way, the kind that makes her want to tug on his ears or put him in a headlock. She won’t though, because he’s got two inches on her.
“I didn’t have any idea, sweetheart. Just saw you two walking together back at the bivouac. Should I have an—”
But what she does do is hurriedly rush over, clamping one of her hands over his mouth. The corners of his eyes seem to crinkle in amusement as she glares at him, knowing it’s not nearly as threatening as she wants it to be, and since she’s in his face, he can no doubt see the way her face is flushed, better than most. Daisy’s brows furrow and she huffs.
“‘Ey ease up on the girl wouldja?” Hand still clamped over George’s mouth, she turns her head to a dark haired man sitting at a nearby table. He has a thick Philly accent and dark hair. He looks even younger than her — maybe even fresh out of high school. It takes a moment for her to recall his name. “Who knows? Maybe he was on his way t’ take Alton out for good and doll face over here saved his fuckin’ life.” Bill Guarnere. That’s his name.
That seems to shift the attention off of her, as the men in the nearby vicinity begin to exchange stories about ‘Alton’ and pull Malarkey into the conversation. Malarkey, who looks like he just won the lottery with Laura standing between his legs as he sits on a barstool, his hands tentatively placed on her  hips. She doesn’t seem to mind.
Daisy does a very quick scan of the area. Patty seems to be talking to a man with pale blue eyes and a bashful smile on his face — he looks about as young as Guarnere. So it seems Jane's sergeant is none other than Floyd Talbert. He sits with her and Catherine and she doesn’t know what they’re talking about — but Jane seems to be amused at the very least. Daisy’s eyes land on Rita — and she immediately knows the expression on the woman’s face. Brows furrowed, lip between her teeth. Connecting dots.
She takes her hand off of George’s mouth. He’s still smiling. She can’t even be mad at him.
“Joe, would you just take your turn already? Since y’wanna laugh at me missing,” Liebgott straightens up, all smiles as he waltzes over and Daisy scurries back to take her spot by Rita. There’s a beat of silence. She feels the warmth of Rita’s hand wrapping around her arm for a moment.
“So that… guy you were talking to me about. Paratrooper? Was it—”
“And are you two…”
“We’re fine,” Daisy can feel her face flushing a deeper shade of red. She stares directly ahead. “We’re…friends. Have been for a while. That’s it.”
Another pause. Rita squeezes her arm.
It’s a momentary lapse, but no one seems to linger on it too long, not even Luz, who offers her an ‘apology pint’ and his best rendition of Taking A Chance on Love as reparations for flustering her — with his own whistles and all. She takes it in stride, with a half-hearted threat to tug on his ear if he tries it again. She and Liebgott (unsurprisingly) lose the game, but jokes and stories are shared. Apparently the same Sobel Ginny scolded was their former C.O, and so the boys are extremely amused at the idea of Sobel being yelled at over the telephone. She finds Eugene amongst them, and eventually the two sit back, observing for a moment at the mingling bodies.
He tells her about his fiancee, Vera, about how they’re planning to marry when the war’s over. She tells him about her brother’s apparent new girlfriend, and the new company. Two flies on the wall, they exchange smiles as Daisy makes her observations and make minimal, but warm conversation.
Rita and Liebgott exchange looks continuously — they aren’t subtle about it and, knowing Rita, she isn’t trying to be, but the way they… challenge each other is a little amusing to watch. Like they’re competing to see who’ll crack. Patty’s smile is radiant as ever, and she isn’t sure what the man next to her is saying — but it must be good from the way her face lights up. Jane and Talbert have taken their turn at the dart board, and after every throw Talbert looks as though to make sure she’s watching. Her face breaks from its pensive expression every time to give him a quirk of a smile. Catherine, on the other side, watches like a hawk. They make eye contact, smile in that sort of bemused way she imagines her old high school teachers must have felt watching them all at school functions.
She’s a little happy that she gave into Laura’s pestering after all.
They don’t get back until late, but Daisy makes a point to ensure everyone makes it to their billet. Lingering at the door, Rita looks her up and down.
“Don’t dilly-dally too long, alright?” She chides, and Daisy laughs.
“Uh huh, I won’t. Just have to tuck the Captain into bed. Read her a bedtime story. Forehead kiss. You know how it is,” Rita’s smile is a bit softer, and she nods.
“Damn right I do. Make sure our girl doesn’t work herself half to death, alright?”
Daisy nods, before making her way over to where she knows Ginny to be staying. It’s familiar territory. If it wasn’t her doing this, it’d be Rita — part of her wishes she could have convinced the woman to come with them, but she also knows just how bull-headed Virginia Brant truly is. She approaches, ready to knock on the door, when she hears footsteps behind her.
She turns around. Ginny stands there, her dress jacket in her arms to embrace the cool summer night. The full moon does the woman no favors — Daisy can clearly see the surprised look on her face, and what seems to be a pink tint glowing on her cheeks. Lips parted, but hair still neatly in its ringlets, as picturesque as she always is. Daisy smiles, leaning against the door.
“Came to check on you, make sure you didn’t fall asleep at your desk again,” she says simply, looking her friend over once again. Her grin shifts to something of a smirk. “Did you… go out? Take a break?” Usually, Ginny’s laugh is full of spirit, like the words she speaks — carrying weight. This comes out as light, airy. Daisy almost feels like a mother catching her daughter coming into the house after curfew.
“Yeah I… I did. Went down to the Blue Boar.” Daisy hums.
“I’m glad you took a break then, you deserve it more than anyone,” Daisy starts out, and she means it. “Did you have fun?” Ginny’s cheeks, somehow, seem to flush even more. Her gaze softens into something she’s beginning to recognize more amongst the women — in Jane, and Catherine, and even in Rita. Her very disposition is a rare sight.
“Yeah, actually, I did,” she manages, uncharacteristically shy. “I really did.”
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kevahaircare · 6 months
Hair Thinning Causes and Treatments
Hair is more than just strands; it’s a reflection of our health and well-being. Yet, thinning hair can be a cause of concern for many. But fear not! We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of tips and tricks to help you combat hair thinning and promote healthy hair growth. Let’s dive in!
Looking for effective solutions to combat hair thinning in Coimbatore? Explore the top-rated Hair Treatment Centers in Coimbatore for expert guidance and confidently rejuvenate your locks!
Causes of Thinning Hair
Hair thinning can result from various factors, including lifestyle habits, genetics, and underlying medical conditions. From overtreating your hair with harsh chemicals to experiencing chronic stress, there are plenty of reasons your locks might be losing their luster.
Home Remedies and Treatments
But don’t worry, there are remedies and treatments you can try at home. From enjoying a relaxing scalp massage to using essential oils like lavender, there’s a solution for everyone. Additionally, anti-thinning shampoos, multivitamins, and supplements like biotin and omega-3 fatty acids can work wonders in promoting thicker, healthier hair.
Moreover, incorporating certain dietary changes can significantly impact hair health. Including foods rich in essential nutrients like iron, zinc, and vitamins A, C, and E can nourish hair follicles from within, promoting stronger and thicker strands. Incorporate foods such as spinach, eggs, salmon, nuts, and fruits like berries into your diet to ensure your hair receives the vital nutrients it needs to thrive.
Additionally, practicing stress-reducing activities such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises can help reduce the impact of chronic stress on hair health. Managing stress levels can prevent excessive shedding and thinning, which are often linked to high cortisol levels.
Medical Interventions
Several medical treatments are accessible for individuals seeking advanced solutions. These options include FDA-approved medications such as minoxidil and finasteride, as well as prescription-strength treatments like spironolactone and corticosteroids. Additionally, at-home laser therapy offers a promising method for stimulating hair growth.
These medical treatments, along with ongoing research and advancements in the field of hair care, give hope to people experiencing hair thinning and loss. Visiting a qualified dermatologist or hair restoration specialist can help find the best treatment for each person’s needs and preferences.
Prevention Tips
Prevention is always better than cure. Maintaining a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients, quitting smoking, and effectively managing stress are crucial steps in preventing hair thinning. Moreover, practicing good hair care habits, such as avoiding tight hairstyles and excessive heat styling, can go a long way in preserving your precious strands.
When to Seek Medical Advice
It’s important to know when to see a doctor. If you’re losing a lot of hair or if your hair is suddenly getting thinner, it’s essential to talk to a healthcare professional. They can give you personalized advice and help with any medical issues that might be causing your hair problems.
At Keva Hair Care Clinic, our expert team specializes in diagnosing and treating various hair concerns. Book a consultation today and take the first step towards healthier, fuller hair!
Achieving thicker, healthier hair is within reach. You can achieve beautiful, healthy hair by making changes to your lifestyle, trying home remedies, and seeking medical treatments when needed. Your hair is an essential part of your appearance — take good care of it, and it will make you feel confident and beautiful!
For those ready to embark on a transformative journey to restore their crowning glory, Keva Hair Care awaits. With a promise of unparalleled excellence, it is the beacon of hope for many.
Keva Hair Care
Address: No 424K 3rd Floor, Harmony Complex, Diwan Bahadur Rd, above ICICI Bank, above Pandiyan Medicals, R.S. Puram, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641002
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gertlushgaming · 11 months
HumanitZ Preview (Steam Early Access)
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For this HumanitZ Preview, we play a co-op, top-down, open-world survival game in a world ended by the zombie outbreak. As one of the few human survivors, try to last as long as “humanly” possible. The past can’t be changed, but you can make a difference today for the future of humanity.
HumanitZ Preview Pros:
- Decent graphics. - 19.1GB Download size. - Steam achievements. - Graphics settings - resolution, v-sync, graphics quality preset, post-processing, foliage, shadows, textures, view mode, and max fps. - Full controller support. - Two ways to play - Single-player and multiplayer. - Zombie survival gameplay. - Eleven professions for your character - unemployed, mechanic, junior biodiesel researcher, emergency medical technician, apprentice gunsmith, amateur boxing, farmer, food service worker, Sunday fisherman, car salesman, and outdoorsman. These give buffs. - Character creator - male/female, face, skin, facial hair, hairstyle, upper wear, lower wear, and footwear. You can just randomize if you wish. - Optional tutorial prompt. Blood - on/off.  Mouse settings - cursor size, color, Invert zoom, and sensitivity sliders.  Two initial modes - Single-player, and multiplayer. (scenario mode shows but it is locked) The Survival Guide is basically the game manual offering tips and all the information from the game.  Optional replayable tutorial.  Game setup settings - permadeath, clear infection on death, disable eagle eye, airdrops, weapon break, respawn loot, loot respawn time, loot rarity, airdrop every X mins, zombie difficulty, hostile human difficulty, zombie amount multiplier, zombie respawn timer, animal respawn timer, starting the season, days per season, day duration, and vital rain.  Best played with a mouse and keyboard.  You get to choose your starting spawn point and get a brief bit of Intel before deciding.  You can basically loot anything from cars to coolers to toolboxes and houses.  Crafting can be done both at a table and freely from the menu.  Rebind able controls for the keyboard.  Zoom in and out.  A torch is important for night but it does run off batteries.  Vehicles can be driven if you manage to fix them first.  Space is king for you need to find backpacks etc so you can carry more.  Encumbered is in the game and every item has a weight tied to it.  Movement is done with the WASD keys and the mouse is for aiming.  You can stomp and kick down zombies.  All the meters are at play like food, hunger, health, etc.  Drag and drop inventory system but if you have space then you can auto-pick up.  Uses different weather types.  The map fills in as you explore but you do get a marker to show an objective.  Excellent sound effects and noises.  Save when you want.  Auto saves regularly.  You can pause in a single-player.  Play and do what you want.  A fantastic atmosphere.  Melee and ranged weapons.  Cars can trigger alarms that bring zombies in.  Earn exp and level up to get skill points to put into the three skill trees - survival, combat, and world.  When you eat or drink you can still move albeit at a much slower pace.  Multiplayer has a server browser and the ability to make a private room with a password.  Find items to make life easier like a compass to help the map Coordinates.  On the map, you can place your own markers.  Isometric view.  Make fires to cook food and purify water.  Toxic gas can hinder you unless you find a gas mask.  Has strong vibes of State of Decay but without a home base and a lot slower. HumanitZ Preview Cons: - When in big-picture mode, even if you don't touch the settings the screen size changes and never goes back. Using a controller is bad as all the prompts are not clear, the game would still require mouse input and the prompts were not shown for the controller buttons.  Not the best loading times.  Never clear what cars can be driven.  You have to be pinpoint and precise to interact with anything.  Sucks that you can repair certain cars but you cannot strip other cars and all car pieces are just random loot drops.  So much to take in.  The controls however you cut it are clunky and not that smooth.  Constantly having inventory issues with so little space.  All the writing is so small from items to the menus.  The music that is always playing is fine but very one note.  Hard to see at times not just at night but also in houses.  Takes a long while to get going from the slow speed to the constant resource management.  Related Post: Charrua Soccer Pro Edition Review (Steam) HumanitZ: Official website. Developer: Yodubzz Studios Publisher: Freedom Games Store Links - Steam Early Access Read the full article
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Female companions (+ Ellie) reacting to an F!Sole asking them to help manage her long hair (cutting it or helping to put it in a braid, bun, etc. — your choice)?
This one is so incredibly sweet and a perfect one for me to write!!! 💞💞💞 As someone with longer hair, I find it very relaxing when my hair gets done by someone else. I hope you don’t mind, but I ended up adding the boys as well. Just couldn't help myself, it was too cute to pass up!!!
Sole had always taken great pride and care for her extremely long and luscious hair. After the bombs fell, she decided against chopping it short wasteland style. Instead she chose to wear it proudly, coming up with alternate ways to keep it out of her way while working or in combat. After a long day out in the Commonwealth, Sole fluffed up the now jungle of her hair with a frown. She turned to her companion and asked for their help in getting it back under control.
The Girls:
Piper Wright: Goes over the moon with excitement. She’s helped Nat with her hair hundreds of times and has been dying to touch Soles extravagantly long hair. Piper is very coordinated when brushing out Soles hair, knowing all the tricks to get out any stubborn knots by alternating between a comb and her fingers. They both agree to put up Soles hair in a swirled half bun with a lovely little bow, letting the rest flow charmingly over her shoulders.
Curie: Very enthusiastic about helping Sole, although she doesn’t have much experience as her own hair is cut very short. She is very delicate in her work, taking extra time to properly moisturize and brush out Soles beautiful hair in sections. Her touch is so light and feathery that Sole barely feels her working from behind. Curies final French braids are a little messy and uneven in some areas, but it adds a little extra appeal to the whole hairstyle.
Cait: Ask if Sole is absolutely sure that she wants her to be doing her hair, as Cait isn’t really an expert on any kind of hair care. Her own Mother wasn’t all that careful when brushing her younger self's hair, often being overly rough and grumbly to get it over with. That poor mistreatment had left small bald patches in her hair, partly why she doesn’t put much effort into it. Despite that, she is very gentle in pulling the comb through Soles long hair. With lots of guidance, Cait is able to do it into a messy high bun running into little to no trouble. (Other than the fact that her finger somehow got tied in there at one point)
Ellie Perkins: Also flies over the moon with excitement and practically shoves Sole into her office chair so they can begin right away. She herself takes great pride in maintaining her own head of hair, so she is more than happy to give Soles rare kept locks such treatment. Ellie beautifully brushes and sculpts her hair into an elegant swirl on top of her head, finishing it off with a shinning star pin. Once she is done, Ellie hopes that Sole will return the favor by helping her with her own hair that sometimes goes out of wack.
Da Bois: (That’s how I’m spelling it, you can’t stop me)
Nick Valentine: Smiles warmly at Sole, gladly accepting the request. He already has experience with helping Ellie do her hair and memories of the old Nick watching Jenny practice doing her hairstyle for their wedding. First he makes sure that his exposed metal hand is covered by a glove so there isn’t a chance that her hair gets caught in it. (Would be a huge pain to untangle) Once they both are settled, Nick brushes then diligently works Soles hair into a graceful braided bun. He even brings out a flowered hairpin that he kept stored in his desk, gifting it to Sole to use in her new style.
Codsworth: More than happy to help Sole with managing her long hair, stating that it’s a nightmare whenever he gets a look at unkempt hair. Codsworth first trims off the dead ends and gives her a full spa hair wash, insisting that it’s necessary to give such a rare sight a fine treatment. He then moisturizes and wraps Soles hair into delicate curls like the prewar women often did, finishing it off with a ribbon headband. The poor sweet Mr Handy gets a little emotional at the end result, saying she reminds him of the more simpler times before the war.
Preston Garvey: He has helped other settlers and fellow Minutemen manage their longer hair, but this was Sole, his General and close friend who took great pride in maintaining her hair. He is shaky during the first part of brushing, constantly asking if he’s pulling anything too hard or if he is straining her neck. After Sole assured him it’s alright and he gets a little more comfortable and relaxed. Preston finds the gesture to be more relaxing. He settles on doing Soles hair into twin braids, nothing overly fancy but still sweet and charming.
Deacon: Dude grins a smile bigger than his confidence at Soles asking. He immediately has her sit in a chair away from any mirrors or reflections, saying that the final product will be a “surprise” and she must not peek. (Oh no) Sole just has to sit there will Deacon gently brushes her hair and occasionally snickers from behind her. She can feel that he is piling up her hair on top of her head, He finally brings out a handle held mirror, telling Sole to “behold” his creation. She looks into the mirror and bursts into hysterical laughter, her hair now up into a hornets nest complete with little paper hornets sitting around it.
Danse: Gets a bit of a lost puppy face when Sole asks for his help, but he accepts nonetheless. His entire face reads, I-don’t-know-what-I’m-doing-send-help-plz for the entire duration of the brushing period. The fear of pulling too hard or getting the comb tangled in Soles beautiful hair is a threatening presence over his head and he wants to avoid that at all cost. So every move he makes with his hands for the comb is delicate and perfectly planned. He swoops it up into the standard military bun, a little disappointed he couldn’t do something different for her. But Sole is still delighted and she thanks him so genuinely that it puts him at ease.
Hancock: He shrugs and snatches a brush, claiming that he will give it his best shot. Hancock hasn’t had to deal with hair for a long time, but he hasn’t forgotten how painful it is when tugged on too harshly. So he keeps his strokes on Soles hair light and slow with constant questioning if she is still with him and if he isn’t pulling Soles brains out. Twin ponytails is what he ends up doing after much debate, draping them over Soles shoulders before stepping back to admire his good work. Not gonna be great in combat, but for now she can enjoy the lovely look and feel of it.
MacCready: He is quick to jump aboard, having helped Lucy with her own hair so he knows what to do and what not to do. Not that he isn’t a little nervous, it’s been awhile so it does take a moment for him to remember how it goes. The trick of pinching sections of the hair while brushing comes back first, followed by everything else. MacCready brushes and gathers all of Soles hair into a high ponytail, making sure the rubber band isn’t squeezing the life out of her roots before securing it. The ponytail ends up being a little lopsided and it bothers him enough that he redoes it completely despite Sole insisting it was alright.
X6: Recoils a bit at Soles request, pushing back all facial emotions of shock. He’s a courser and a trained killer, not a barber. So why would she want or trust him to do her hair that she valued so deeply? After Soles insistence, he reluctantly agrees and picks up a brush. X6 has no idea what to exactly do or how to even start, but he catches on pretty quick just from memory of Sole doing her hair. He decides that a military bun would be the best style tactically and he achieves it almost flawlessly with a few loose flyaways. Although, Sole would look pretty nice with all her long silky hair down…
Strong: Stares Sole down for a long while with much thought on his face. Then factually tells her to rip it all off so it doesn’t get in her way in battle ever again. He's even nice enough to throw down a bloodied machete for her to use for this occasion. (Please don’t ask Strong for beauty advice)
Dogmeat: Borks happily and buried his wet nose in Soles hair, doing his best to flair it up into something nice for his favorite human. (My boy is really trying, give him credit)
Moral Of The Story: Long hair would be a nightmare in the post war Commonwealth, literally. You’d probably be walking around looking like Medusa 75% of the time, scaring everything in your path.
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chellestrash · 2 years
something different 
Frank Castle x GN!Reader 
Summary: Frank needs some help with his hair.
Warnings: none.
Word count: 886
A\N: @omgchloe​  and I came up with this the other day when we talked about how different Frank’s hair looks in season 2 vs season 1 and I decided to write a little thing based on that discussion we had, hope you'll like it! Thank you @garciamorales​ for proofreading!
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Frank was never really one to put much thought into the way he looked. Not in a messy or distasteful way, of course, he was just one of those guys who didn’t really care much. The same pair of black, heavy combat boots, a dark shirt and some jeans, sometimes a jacket thrown on top, were an honest description of his outfits almost every single day.
You didn’t mind that, why would you? His torso looked nice in the tighter long sleeved shirts he chose to wear, and his jeans hugged his ass in a very flattering way. There was nothing to complain about. He kept his hair short usually, the top only a bit longer than the shaved sides, it was easy to maintain, he didn’t mind the hair growing out a bit before he'd ask you to trim it again. But not this time.
Frank glances up at his reflection in the mirror quickly before looking back down to his phone resting against some bottles on the counter by the sink. He sighs frustrated before tapping the screen a couple of times, to replay the video.
“Jesus christ.”
He mumbles, rolling his eyes at the cringy intro, before skipping forward a bit to get to the part of the video that actually explained a way to style his hair. With another frustrated sigh he attempts to follow the steps again, reconsidering his, and partly your decision to grow out his hair and beard.
“God damn it.”
He curses under his breath when he pauses to turn his head and check the progress. His jaw clenched tight as he locks his phone before flipping the screen down on the counter.
The “quick and easy tips to style short hair” turned out to be a bit less quick and easy and a bit too annoying and frustrating. After a moment of consideration, he leans down to grab the electric razor out of one of the drawers.
“Hey Frank, can i-“
You push the bathroom door open and step inside, the unfinished sentence quickly slipping past, and your eyes glance from the mess on the counter to the clippers in Frank's hand.
“Midlife crisis?”
You joke and he squints his eyes, unamused.
“Very funny, came up with that one on your own?”
He asks, turning back towards the mirror, and you nod before walking over to him.
“Yeah, I'm just talented like that.”
You point out, and he scoffs at your answer, shaking his head slightly before plugging the razor in.
“You need help?”
You ask, pushing yourself up to sit on the counter next to the sink.
He answers quickly, turning his face to the side, but glancing right back at you a moment later.
You breathe out a laugh and lean over to the side, grabbing the trimmer from his hand.
“Thought you wanted to grow it out?”
You point out, looking up at him, and he sighs.
“Yeah, just…can't make it work.”
He shrugs, watching his hair in the mirror as he turns from side to side.
“You look like a poser.”
He scoffs again with an unimpressed expression, but you notice that tiny little smile right in the corner of his mouth.
”S’why I want it short again.”
He nods towards the razor, and you nod to agree with him. Gesturing for him to step closer to you, you put the clippers back on the counter before reaching your hands up to push your fingers through his hair.
“What were you trying to do?”
You ask, deciding to help him give his new hairstyle one more chance.
“Just…don’t want them in my face.”
He answers quietly, his hands resting on your thighs while he stands between your legs right in front of you.
“Okay, lets just-“
You start but don't finish, focusing on the task, attempting to tame Frank's thick, dark hair with some gel, a whole lot of hope and a pinch of improvisation. Trying your best not to get distracted by the way his eyes scan around your face, the way his face is only inches apart from yours, or how he rubs over the skin on your thigh with his thumb.
You pull your hands away after some time, smiling brightly at him, happy with the way you, in your opinion, managed to pull it off.
Frank looks up at the mirror behind you, and you watch his eyebrows raise, his mouth turning into that little pout he sometimes does when he agrees with or approves of something.
“How'd you do that?”
He asks, finally looking down at your face again. You grin, proud of your work and happy that you managed to get his hair to sit in a way that didn’t bother him.
“I just guessed, I'll show you tomorrow.”
He chuckles with a small smile when you shrug.
“You did good, sweetheart.”
He nods, turning his head from side to side and checking his hair in the mirror one last time.
“Well…it helps that you're so damn pretty.”
He scoffs loudly again, rolling his eyes and shaking his head at your words before tilting your head up slightly to pull you into a kiss, feeling his smile against your lips you relax into his touch, happy that tomorrow you'll get to do this again.
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thepastdied · 3 years
Absolutely don’t want kids, but I’d love an imagine about Kylo with a young daughter that wants to be as bad ass as him. 🔥⚔️ Pretty please!
I began writing the second I got the notification. I put the age at 10, but if you wanted her older/younger then just use your imagination😂.
I have never written something like this before but it is such a cute prompt.
Birthday Present
Kylo's empress would often tell their daughter stories of how strong her daddy is. She looked up to him so much that it made her mom feel jealous, but she was proud at the same time because it motivated her to be so strong. She would stick her face up against the glass case that held his lightsaber, steal his helmet, and even had the same hairstyle as him. Aside from her eyes and face shape matching her mother's, she looked a lot like Kylo. She remembers vividly the moment he agreed to train her.
It was her 10th birthday and she woke up to her dad crouched next to her bed.
Being just like his own father, he ended up shoving her and told her to 'wake up, kid'. She sleepily rubbed her eyes and sat up. Kylo smiled and kissed her forehead. He was rough with her, in a loving way, and it made her not so sensitive as her mother.
"Happy Birthday, little ewok,"
He helped her sit up and moved her messy hair from her face.
"You can wear my helmet all day as long as you behave. Mommy made breakfast, eat and we will begin your training."
Her eyes almost popped out of her head and she gave him the tightest hug causing him to lightly pat her back due to her strength. Just like her dad, he thought.  Something shiny caught her eye- it was his helmet that sat at the foot of her bed. She quickly pulled it over her head and jumped off the bed causing her to wobble a bit due to just waking up. Kylo grabbed the back of her shirt to steady her before she bolted to the kitchen. She stopped halfway down the hallway almost running right into him and reached her hand out toward her room. She closed her eyes and scrunched them tightly as her wooden lightsaber hilt that matched his own flew into her hands. Kylo smirked and muttered a "good job" as he patted her head. She smiled brightly up at him then continued down the hallway toward the kitchen.
They still lived on the Finalizer but Kylo made sure to make their quarters just like a large apartment. She was never couped up, though, and he brought her to any planet she wanted.
She sat down at the table and looked around, her hands having to repeatedly fix the helmet as it tipped over.
"How are you supposed to eat with the helmet on, hun." She looked over at her mother, or attempted to, and moved the helmet around to see her through the visor before lifting up the bottom and shoving bread in her mouth.
"Trust me, mama.. I got this." Her voice came out modulated and her mother laughed.
Kylo shook his head and walked over to his empress, giving her a kiss on each cheek and lastly the lips before sitting down next to her. They both watched as their daughter took each spoonful of food and tucked it under the helmet. She was trying to eat fast so they could start her training.
"Baby, slow down. The food isn't going to disappear." Kylo sighed and smiled as he ran his hands through his hair
Kylo lay on his back in the training room covered in sweat and heavily breathing. She sat next to him with her legs crossed.
"Daddy get up!"
He groaned and turned his head toward her. He had been teaching her basic hand-to-hand combat for the past 3 and a half hours. Being so young, she had all the energy any kid would have. She nudged him with her foot but he wouldn't budge.
"Fine, I'm gonna just punch Hux." She stood and began to walk toward the door.
Kylo stopped her with the force.
"Absolutely not."
She crossed her arms and pouted, the helmet sliding to one side.
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danurso · 3 years
Stung Knight: Jaune helping Yang teach Blake how to dance.
*writting RWBY again after so long feels weird 😂*
Yang: alright, and one, and two, and one and OWW!
Blake: sorry. . .
Yang: It 's fine. *stops the song* Thank the gods I have aura though, it's the seventh time you step on me.
Blake: I told you I have no idea what I'm doing.
Yang: How in the world have you never danced to a slow song before?
Blake: *raises an eyebrow while giving her a skeptic look*
Yang: Oh yeah, white fang, my bad.
Blake: This is so annoying, why do I need to dance?
Yang: You don't need to, but dancing is part of the fun of a ball! And I bet jaune is excited to dance with us.
Blake: *sighs* I bet he would laugh at me if he saw how I dance.
Jaune: Lies, I would never do that.
Blake: *blushes* j-jaune!?
Yang: Hey there ladykiller.
Jaune: *at the doorway* hey girls.
Blake: How long have you been there!?
Jaune: Just a few minutes. *shows them a notebook* I came to return Ruby's notes for the leadership class. *with a small smile* But I ended up seeing something really nice too.
Blake: *covering her face* ugh. . .
Yang: Glad to know my pain is funny to you.
Jaune: You laughed when Weiss kicked my ass in combat class, so it's only fair.
Yang: I'm sorry if it's a crime to laugh at the image of a small girl beating a guy almost twice her size.
Jaune: Yup, just like that, you know I love it when you step on my pride.
Yang: *grins* I know a lot of places you like to be stepped on too.
Jaune: aaaand i knew this conversation was going for too long without an innuendo, so before this gets out of hand. *walks up to blake, reaching out his hand* Mind if I help you out?
Blake: i. . .
Yang: She wouldn't! *sits down on the bed* my toes need a break from all the pain and agony.
Blake: i-it wasn't that bad.
Yang: tell that to my broken toes
Blake: *sighs* I guess I don't have a choice.
Jaune: Of course you do, no one will force you to dance this weekend, and I will still love you regardless, so you're not forced to do anything.
Blake: . . .you saying that is worse than just saying that I have to dance. *takes his hand*
Jaune: Alright, just put this hand on my shoulder and follow me.
Blake: alright *places hand on his shoulder*
Jaune: *holds her hand and her waist*
Yang: shouldn't her other hand be on your shoulder?
Jaune: nope, this way is more natural and easy to be guided.
Yang: I took ruby to our ball back in signal, that was the best way we found to dance.
Jaune: I know, which is why she and Weiss still dance like that on the balls. Ruby's dancing is quirky and as a dancer, Weiss can easily keep up with it. Blake is not a dancer but she's very flexible-
Yang: *grins*
Jaune: mind out of the gutter please.
Yang: I didn't say anything.
Jaune: But I can read your mind, and I know it just went to some dark places.
Yang: *chuckles*
Jaune: Continuing, Blake is not a dancer but she is very flexible, so dancing like this is going to be a lot better than Ruby's quirky dance style.
Blake: You know a lot about this.
Jaune: I also know how to cook, sew, wash clothes, braid, do makeup, hairstyle and clean a house like nobody else. Growing up with eight women in the house did had its perks.
Blake: i see.
Yang: It also taught you a lot about treating a girl the way she likes.
Jaune: Just play the music for us please.
Yang: Roger that. *hits play*
As the song started to play, Jaune started to guide Blake, going around the room with slow steps and only picking up pace when Blake felt comfortable. She stepped on his toe once but he ignored and kept patiently guiding her, and after a few minutes, they found their rhythm.
Jaune: Yeah, I think you got it.
Blake: W-what do I do now?
Jaune: Just keep following me and the music, *with a big smile* you're doing great though, so you can relax a little.
Blake: *pink* alright. . . *she leans closer, resting on his chest and calmly following him*
Yang: *grins* Hey! He said just a little you sneaky cat!
Blake: Can't hear you, I'm enjoying the moment.
Jaune: *chuckles*
They danced for a few songs, Blake managed to follow the music without more incidents, and ended more confident in her own dancing skill. It was a bit hard to let go at the end though, the rhythm was so calm and she felt so safe in his arms, she wished she could stay there forever.
Jaune: so, feeling more confident?
Blake: A little bit. . . *hugs his arm* I'm feeling more cold now though.
Jaune: Just give me a second to store my things back in my room, Pyrrha keeps everything clean in the room and I don't want her having the work to clean up my mess.
Blake: *pouts*
Jaune: I promise we can cuddle after that.
Blake: don't take long.
Jaune: i won't.
Yang: I feel left out.
Jaune: *chuckles* then hop in, we can see a movie too if you want, as long as it isn't "huntsmen: endgame" again. I'll be right back. *kisses them on the forehead and leaves*
Yang: Come on, how can you guys get tired after seeing a movie only eight times?
Blake: *on her bed, under the covers.* . . .
Yang: you okay, partner?
Blake: no, I need my knight.
Yang: I guess dancing classes weren't the only thing they didn't give you back in the white fang. At least you look cute when you're hungry for affection.
Blake: You wouldn't judge me if you had danced with him like that.
Yang: I'm not judging, and i already did, why do you think I'm so excited to dance this weekend?
Blake: *grumbles* . . .Yang?
Yang: yeah?
Blake: Why is Jaune so nice to hug?
Yang: Because our boyfriend is the human equivalent of a golden retriever, loyal, warm and cuddly.
Blake: nooo, don't compare him to a dog of all things! I can't stop thinking about it now!
Yang: And you're still going to cuddle with him, aren't you?
Blake: And I'll never let go.
Yang: dramatic, you're cute and dramatic, i think i like affection starved blake.
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moodywyrm · 2 years
fresh hot buns
another repost from my ao3 account (moodeymoone) This is one of my favorite fics, I just think it’s cute. It’s a bit suggestive near the end so MINORS DNI. Eddie Munson with his hair up <3 also I've since watched v2 since posting this on ao3 and im in pain
Pairing: Eddie Munson x GN!Reader
Word Count: 1k
Reader is implied chubby, gender neutral, and either same height or shorter than Eddie <3
The sun was beating down on Y/N as they pulled up to Eddie’s trailer for the fourth time that week. Hawkins was experiencing a freakish heatwave that refused to let up, spreading a pervasive crankiness and perpetual sweatiness across the town. To help combat at least the bad mood, Eddie and Y/N had been keeping each other company, bearing the heat together.
Y/N walked into the trailer, not bothering to knock since Eddie knew they were coming. As they locked the door behind them and walked to Eddie’s room, they paused. From where they were standing in the hallway, Y/N could see Eddie sitting on the floor of his room, pen and notebook in hand, DND manuals open around him. That was standard, Eddie was always working on his campaigns when he could, but what caught Y/N off guard was his hair. Eddie’s long, wispy, and usually musty hair was in a floppy bun on top of his head, only a few loose strands and his bangs hanging down. He looked good. Really fucking good.
While Y/N stood there gawking at their boyfriend, Eddie finally noticed their presence and looked up from his work.
“Hey, baby, why are you just standing there?” He asked, pushing to his feet before brushing off his lap and making his way over to his partner. It wasn’t until he waved his hand in front of their face that Y/N snapped out of it.
Heat ran up their neck, eyes darting away from Eddie’s hair and avoiding eye contact before answering, “Hi love, I was just, uh, it’s nothing.” They rushed past Eddie to his bed, adjusting the shorts which had begun to ride up their thighs in the sweltering heat. Eddie, absolutely not convinced by their answer, turned around and narrowed his eyes at them.
“Didn’t seem like nothing, you seemed pretty occupied,” He slowly made his way towards them, stepping in between their thighs and looking down at where they sat on the bed. He was wearing old sweatpants and a loose white t-shirt, allowing Y/N to get a glimpse of his tattoos through the fabric. The outfit combined with his new hairstyle and his signature jewelry was, well, a lot. It was, by all means, a completely normal outfit, his usual pajamas, but for some reason, it was really doing something to Y/N. Y/N, who was currently looking up at Eddie from their position on the bed and almost drooling at how pretty he looked. Eddie gazed down at them, noting his partner’s eye movement, a curious glint lighting his eyes as he leaned down.
“Is it the hair, baby?” Eddie smirked as he said it, far too cocky for a man whom Y/N has known to freak out and almost squeal when they bought him a new DND manual. Despite that, Y/N felt warmth climb back up their neck as they looked him in the eyes and nodded.
“It looks really fucking good hun, how come you’ve never put it up around me?” They said, hands moving to hold Eddie’s waist and flustering him for once. “I don’t know, I guess it just never came up. I’m so used to having my hair loose, but it’s too fucking hot right now,” His voice was slightly whiny, his head tipped up as he finished speaking.
“Like you,” Y/N giggled, knowing just how stupidly cheesy their attempt at flirting was. Eddie fake-gagged at the comment, but the blush on his cheeks deepened ever so slightly.
“That was way too cheesy, even for me,” He groaned, tipping onto the bed at Y/N’s side. He pulled them down with him, maneuvering Y/N on top of him. They tensed, unsure about their new position, but Eddie always assured them that their weight was no problem. The comforting movements of his hands on their thighs calmed Y/N down, settling fully on his lap as Eddie propped himself up on one hand.
Y/N laid one hand on his chest with the other on his shoulder, toying with the strands of hair at the base of his neck. Eddie kept one hand on their upper thigh, rubbing small patterns onto their skin while tracing his eyes over their body. For all that Y/N fawned over him, complimenting him in both cheesy and poetic ways, Eddie didn’t think he could ever express just how enamored he was. He was obsessed with every part of them, from their mind-boggling intelligence to their gorgeous, soft body, to how gentle they were with him and how passionate they were. Eddie didn’t think he could ever get enough.
As they sat there, Metallica playing in the background as the inspiration for Eddie’s newest campaign, Y/N moved both hands up to Eddie’s hair. “You’re so pretty, love, you know that?” They mumbled as Eddie sat up fully and placed both hands on their thighs.
“Mmm, you tell me every day, I’m finally starting to believe it. But I’ve gotta say, I’ve got nothing on you,” Eddie’s words were soft and full of warmth, mumbled into Y/N’s neck alongside gentle kisses. His hands trailed up their shirt, teasing at the warm skin underneath. Y/N’s breathing quickened as they threaded their fingers into Eddie’s hair before pulling away.
“As much as I would love to continue, pretty boy, it’s too fucking hot to be this close right now,” They whined as they moved off of Eddie’s lap, adjusting their shorts once again. Y/N moved to sit on the floor and look at Eddie’s notes while the boy flopped back onto the bed.
“That’s so not fair, baby,” Eddie groaned as he adjusted his sweats, picked himself up off the bed, and moved to sit next to Y/N. As he settled down onto the floor, he saw Y/N going over the notes he had written for his next campaign.
They huffed a laugh at Eddie’s dramatics before handing him his notes. “Yeah yeah, now explain the new campaign to me like I know you’re dying to do,” Y/N said, looking at him expectantly as a smile grew on his face and he picked up the manual.
“Alright, buckle up sweetheart, this is gonna be my best campaign yet.”
likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
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Penny Morris
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Bio sheet borrowed from @shenanigans-and-imagines​
Full Name: Penny Morris
Nicknames: Lucky, Pen
Age: 34 in Moon Knight, Season 1
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Ethnicity: English
Skin Tone: Fair
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Hairstyle: Straight
Makeup: The most basic of eye makeup at work, does not really bother with it unless she has to
Build: She is actually very well built and muscled for a women her size
Height: 5’5”
Style: She wears a lot of blue, given that she works at a museum, she usually wears a white undershirt and navy cardigan on top but that is not her ordinary preferred style of dress. She usually likes to wear tank tops and slacks, occasionally she wears button down shirts and scarves
General Personality Traits: Loyal, Dedicated, Compassionate
Strengths: Focused, Protective, Intelligent
Flaws: Mouthy, Guilty, Self-Sacrificing
Habits and Mannerisms: She sleeps without blankets (because she feels she doesn’t deserve them); Can’t fall asleep without white noise; She is very easy to make blush
Secrets: She is a former MI6 agent. She’s done things she is not proud of for Queen and Country, so much so that upon resigning the force, she changed her name from Penelope Morestead to Penny Morris. She keeps everything from this part of her life secret, partly out of necessity mostly because she doesn’t like to think about it
Regrets: There was a mission that came down to a race for the exit. She and her partner, Audrey Fox, had the information they needed and were on their way out when they were attacked. Penny made it out, Audrey didn’t. She doesn’t think about the events of that night to protect herself from it but not a day goes by that she doesn’t feel guilty about it.
Skills/Talents: Speaks French and Spanish and can read Latin; combat trained, excellent markswoman; very good at tracking/watching/reading people and zeroing in on information; cooking, specifically breakfast foods; origami
Likes: Nature documentaries, training with a punching bag, eating lunch with Steven
Dislikes: Being lied to, people threatening her friends, not being able to help
Sense of Humor: Snarky comments
Guilty Pleasure: She eats cookie dough
Defining Moment: Convincing Layla to let her come with her to Cairo, an insane world was just opened up to her and she realistically shouldn’t go but she realized not too long ago, she’s in love with Steven and she knew she had to go and help him and this Marc fella however she could.
Friends: Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Layla El-Faouly, Audrey Fox
Family: Peter Morestead (Father), Hope Morestead (Mother, Deceased)
Enemies: Arthur Harrow, Followers of Ammit, Donna (but not really)
Lovers: Audrey Fox (formerly), Steven Grant (eventually), Marc Spector (eventually), Layla El-Faouly (eventually)
Relationship Status: Single, crushing hard on Steven Grant
Reputation: Amiable, easy to get along with, just don’t piss her off (she’s ruthless)
Current Residence: London, England
Collections: Origami she’s made, sticky note pads, training gear
Accent: British
Voice: Strong but sweet
Signature Quote: “I’m here, just talk to me.”
Song: Not Used To Normal - Jillian Rossi
Penelope Morstead was a young recruit to the MI6 with the intention of defending the interests of her Queen and Country. She made a remarkable agent while employed in the service. However, one fateful mission, her partner got shot just as they were leaving. There was nothing she could do to save her and it haunts her everyday. 
She resigned from the force under the pretense that she is unfit for active duty and they let her go. After a few years not quite knowing what to do with herself, living with her father in Birmingham, she settled in London, finding a nice calm job teaching people wishing to walk through the British Museum. She legally changed her name to Penny Morris and carried on. 
Then she met Steven Grant of the gift shop, a sweet timid but incredibly intelligent man, and the two became fast friends. Penny was patient with him, something he had never really experienced from anyone before and he was sweet, a force she needed more than she is willing to admit. Eventually, through some strange surge of confidence from Steven, he asked her out on a formal date, not the lunch breaks they spend together, like a date-date.
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juchumice · 4 years
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ive been thinking abt this avatar au for SO LONG!! i know some other exists but i still really wanted to put my spin on it and make them younger so it could be a bit more contextually different, so they’re roughly 14 during the au!
AIZAWA: aizawa’s a waterbender from the northern water tribe. initially, many believed he was a nonbender as it took quite awhile longer for his bending to reveal itself than the other children. he has zero talent concerning waterbending, none at all. in fact, he was absolutely terrible at it initially. but, if there was one thing he was certain about in youth, it was being an excellent waterbender. when first applying to waterbending classes, he was considered far too inexperienced to join. the instructor was a stern type. he told aizawa that he had, “no potential,” and should focus less on waterbending and more on hand to hand combat to waste less time. instead of listening, aizawa practiced terribly. everyday, every moment, he would be waterbending from dusk to dawn till he stumbled from lack of sleep. he even founded his own method, drenching his scarf of spongey material in water and bending it as a weapon. after further practice, he finally got accepted into the course with pure hard work. the issue was that everyone in his class was younger than him, talented and brilliant. none of them worked as hard as he did. they all were children just playing around. as the bending moves increased in difficulty, aizawa began to fall behind again, so his whole day would be absolutely swallowed in practice, practice, and practice. he would be beaten constantly by his peers: during spars, general displays of moves, and learning, so he couldn’t rely on his own power, instead focusing on strength in addition to strategy and observation. it was this adjustment of tactics that led him higher in his studies. he was able to graduate the minor classes, but his instructor thought it was best to get more experience in bending rather than continually relying on his other strengths, so he was sent away from home to study abroad among the other kingdoms and view their bending techniques.
YAMADA: yamada is an air nomad, but he is one of the very few who does not appear to be capable of bending. due to the spiritual nature of the air nomads, there are very few who are unable to airbend, and yamada is one of them. but, everyone else was very supportive even without his bending. he was able to have many friends, however couldn’t join in their air bending games. that’s where he learned his talent for announcing. as the other kids would play their games of air ball and pie toss, he’ll be there on the sidelines, narrating every single thing with his peculiar flare that led to his popularity among the northern air temple. though, even with everyone’s supportive nature, yamada was unhappy with his position. ever since he was but a toddler, he really wanted to be an airbender, streaking across the sky on a glider and riding on air scooters, only to be sorely disappointed. sure, he was able to ‘fly’ with his flying bison’s, baito’s, help but it just wasn’t the same. after a bit, he ran from the northern air temple, sick and tired of living in such a small space. with far too many fantasies on his mind, yamada wished to explore the other nations. it was then he stumbled across the fire nation. they were fascinating. their own fierce power, their sense of fashion, their culture, everything drew yamada closer. he would watch their shows with undisguised excitement, even announcing for a couple of them. while announcing for one of the firebender shows, yamada was required to choose a volunteer from the crowd, which just happened to be aizawa. this led to the beginning of their interactions.
so that’s it i guess! my main ideas for the avatar au! yamada has a glider, but he uh... stole it. just carries it around a lot to ‘feel like an airbender’-- and it’s a great umbrella when it rains!
the au itself takes place before the 100 year war so no worries abt any firebenders just yet!! i might develop it more but this is where its at so farrr
also i wrote a lil small thing while i was playin with the idea: 
“You know… I always wanted to bend,” Yamada said. He kicked up the dust with a shoe, frowning at the cloud that billowed around his feet as if it could disappear with a simple scrutinizing look. But, it didn’t. Merely floated to and fro without a care of his whims. 
Aizawa examined him carefully. There was no sound made, just an invitation to continue.
Yamada blew at several pieces of hair that loosened from his bush that he called a hairstyle. “Yeah. Sounds ‘crazy’! But, it made total sense! Look, look, look, I would be an EPIC airbender. You have to admit. I mean, look how cool my poses are!” He proceeded to strike several different ‘airbending poses’ that neither suggested coolness nor airbending. 
“You’ve watched too many firebending shows,” Aizawa replied. 
“But that’s what makes it so cool! The fire just exploding into the sky like Pompeii, but you can only see these red sparkles and nothing goes wrong… Imagine doing that… Imagine…” He chuckled mirthlessly. “Being a bender must be fun, huh…” His staff loosened from his fingers to slide and clatter to the floor. “Don’t even use this DUMB thing! I dunno why I keep it all the time… Maybe, oh! Maybe every time I hold it I get a 1% increase in being an airbender or something! Yeah… tough luck. You know? You know how stupid it is when EVERYONE in the temple’s an airbender and you’re stuck being the only kid around-- believe me they’re all super nice about it-- BUT ME?? THE ONLY ONE!! Don’t feel bad for me or I’ll strangle you or something, but it still freaking sucks. Man, air scooters? I totally would’ve invented those if I was an airbender…”
On and on he jabbered. He could have done this if he was an airbender, or maybe he could have done this!  Aizawa was unsure what to respond with. He never understood. Sure, he understood hardship and running raggedly through the critics and holding one’s goals to heart. A waterbender who couldn’t bend water for crap? That’s what they called him, might as well give up they had said, but he powered through and became skilled with pure hard work. No luck, no cheats, and no talent. Yamada was the opposite case, full of supporting faces and ancient smiles, but just no bending in general. How could someone so hopeful be met with such a grisly fate? Yet, all that Aizawa could offer was a tongue-in-cheek, “Sorry.” 
Yamada stopped talking abruptly. “Huh?”
“I said sorry.”
“Oh. Yeah. Don’t say sorry, man! What’s the fun in that, too gloomy Aizawa, waaaay too gloomy. Y’know, it is what it is! I got a sweet gig going on anyway, I don’t need anything as stupid as airbending. Only saps use airbending, they probably think it’s cool or something, but it isn’t haha. Waterbending, firebending, earthbending, that stuff’s cool! Airbending’s just some playing around with wind or something.”
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zosonils-art · 3 years
Do you have a robot master OC (of the eight plus Drum) that you’d say is your favorite? If you haven’t done an infodump for them yet then you should do that one next
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i couldn't choose a favourite if i tried, i love them all, but since you mentioned drum i thought i'd give her some new art and a proper dedicated post too! infodrump [ayyy] under the cut
drum, serial number SWN-002, is my take on the popular [????? i'm still a bit of a mega man fandom newbie i don't know hjdfn] 'wily equivalent to roll' oc template! she keeps things running at the various castles and fortresses and hideouts and whatever else her dad holes up in, whether that's by doing housework, planning schemes, or dodging taxes. whenever wily is trying to take over the world, drum acts as his second-in-command, ensuring that everything goes according to plan and ordering around the latest group of robot masters
she's every bit the edgy mid-00s teenager she looks: sarcastic, apathetic, and always talking back to her dad. she's more obedient than bass is, but she doesn't care for her job at all and will resort to any flimsy excuse or act of malicious compliance she can come up with to slack off. due to her purpose as an organiser and commander, she's a bossy control freak who's quick to anger when things don't go exactly her way, although when she's off work the worst of these traits recede in favour of more conventional teenage apathy. she sees herself as above the time and effort it takes to go out of her way to be mean to people like wily and bass tend to do, but she's equally uninterested in being nice on purpose and her default attitude is squarely on the nastier side
when she doesn't have work to focus on - and sometimes when she does anyway - drum is the lead vocalist and guitarist in a garage band, of which she is [currently - a friend's ocs get involved later, but that's a whole different post] the only member. i'm not good with music terms but she's into whatever genre stuff like wake me up inside and crawling in my skin is [i know those aren't the names hdfjf it's just the words i know people will recognise]. the sort with the crunchy guitar and the very loud lyrics about being sad and/or angry. playing or blasting music helps her to calm down when she's in a bad mood, which is pretty much all the time. the first warning sign of a new wily plot is a spike in search popularity for my chemical romance
i haven't gotten around to designing it, but drum has a non-armoured form like most of the other more explicitly kid-like robots, which she mostly uses for loitering around malls when she has an excuse to not be at home. she rarely buys anything, just hangs out and radiates an aura that makes suburban white women hurry their three kids into the next shop. drum often ends up hanging out with like-minded teens in the same vague area of the goth/punk/emo venn diagram she occupies, and makes a bit of a game out of seeing how honest she can be about her life without revealing that she's one of the world's most wanted robots. she tells herself that it's just something she does out of boredom and curiosity towards humans, but it mostly stems from loneliness and the desire to have literally any friends that aren't her brother's dog
as a sort of contrast to the healthy and positive relationship between their lightbot counterparts, drum and bass absolutely DESPISE each other and make no secret of it. each of them thinks of the other as an insufferable prick and they'll get into petty arguments over just about anything, from whose turn it is on the xbox to who treble loves more. [for the record, it's drum. she lets him hang out in the kitchen while she's cooking and sneaks him food scraps when bass isn't looking. he's the only family member she has an even remotely positive relationship with.] pretty much the only thing that can get them to stop fighting is mutual hatred of a bigger prick, and so far the only person to consistently get them to put their differences aside like this is wily himself - as much as the wily kids hate each other, they hate their dad just a little more, and have a history of teaming up just to mess with him. sometimes mega man can spark that spiteful cooperation, but drum's total apathy towards the light-wily family rivalry means she usually sees him as not worth her time and just finds bass' obsession with beating him even more annoying
drum wasn't made for combat, and as such she doesn't have a signature weapon or any fancy tricks like the copy chip. usually she just orders other robots to do the fighting for her. however, she is equipped with a standard arm-mounted buster, and can hold her own in battle with a 'fight smarter, not harder' approach if she has to. she's also outfitted with the same treble adapter that bass has, so if she's backed into a corner she can call on him for a power boost. treble is capable of supporting both adapters simultaneously, so as an absolute last resort they can all combine into treble-boosted drum & bass, who theoretically has all the combat power of bass plus the strategic thinking from drum and the boost in power from treble. in practice, though, drum and bass are so at odds with each other that they can barely hold together in the same body without either fighting for control or outright splitting apart to argue harder. again, it takes a lot of spite to get them to work together, but if something draws their combined ire and convinces them to cooperate they're an utterly terrifying force to be reckoned with
the game idea i vaguely have in my mind would feature drum as the final-not-final boss before wily reveals he was the mastermind behind it all and surprises absolutely nobody. she was put in charge of the latest world domination attempt, probably as the result of a 'why don't YOU take over the world if you're so smart' conversation, and in true drum fashion she follows a standard wily plot outline to the letter - including the blatant flaws, like all eight of her chosen robot masters forming a rock-paper-scissors wheel just begging to be exploited by the copy chip, and making a clear path from just outside the death fortress to her base of operations. after she's defeated in combat, she sarcasically wonders aloud how mega man could have possibly bested her plan and then helpfully points rock directly to wily's castle. she didn't wanna do the stupid scheme in the first place
again, i love all my ocs too much to possibly choose a favourite, but i'd say drum was the most fun to come up with if only because i had the help of some mates in a discord server. someone was like 'hey if there's bass is there a roll equivalent called drum or something lol' and i SPRINTED to microsoft paint to rough out a character design and the next entire day was just a constant stream of all of us bouncing ideas off each other and creating the meanest girl in the universe. her design changed a little bit from the initial sketch, most notably she used to have the half-shaved hairstyle that every gay person tries at some point before that changed to a midpoint between phoenix wright and sonic the hedgehog, but overall everything about her as a character flowed really well from the start. while she's fallen mostly into my hands since the initial brainstorm, she absolutely wouldn't exist without those friends' input and i feel that that's important to mention!
i'm very tired and i've been working on this on and off for the past day so i'm gonna call the infodrump finished here - thanks for giving me the excuse to talk about her! unfiltered and transparent versions of the art below as always
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