#and a lot of that is through relating personal experiences to the situation at hand
divinesangel · 6 months
— 𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞
ps. there's a mini announcement on personal readings at the end of the post! so if you're interested in getting a reading from me, don't miss it out! ♡
— 𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐚 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞!
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— 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟏
your soulmate is a compassionate soul. they've always felt a deep calling to be empathetic and help others. their level of emotional sensitivity is rare in today's world, and they harness that energy to find clarity and purpose in life. i also see that this person can be very spiritual, finding meaning in everything and believing that things happen for a reason. i also see them being the type of person to care a lot about you and always trying to make sure that you're okay.
on the other hand, i can also see that this person takes their relationships very seriously. when they commit to something, they are fully invested. in matters of love, they're not the type to engage in casual flings or without a clear direction. they've experienced several heartbreaks in their love life because of this, perhaps encountering individuals who didn't take them seriously or neglected the relationship due to lack of commitment. they simply weren't on the same page or at the same level, as your soulmate is someone who dates with the intention of marriage.
this person is also someone strategic and knows how to deal with others. they are intuitive while also having a keen understanding of people based on how they handle themselves and their actions. they also love to travel and likely someone who, by the time you meet them, has already visited many countries and will always talk to you about their travels and experiences. it seems that their job is what keeps them constantly traveling and visiting new places. you're going to bring a lot of peace of mind to this person and be great company, finally putting an end to their years of loneliness.
— 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟐
the first thing that came to mind is that perhaps this person works in something related to law. it seems like they hold a fairly significant profession, and they're probably in a higher rank or position, which means they carry a lot of responsibility on their shoulders. this person has been through a lot, has had many experiences, and knows very well how the world works and what needs to be done to get to wherever you want to be. because of this, they've had to learn from a very young age that they must protect themselves and be always on guard to prevent others from getting too close or try to take advantage of them.
however, once you break through those barriers and start to get to know this person, you realize that they're actually quite open and very positive about the future. they're quite independent, and it seems like they've always been that way. i feel that much of this is because they've always been alone in all their battles and successes. it's somewhat difficult for this person to accept that others will be happy for them, that they will wish them the best, because they've been through many situations where others may have seen them as a rival or as someone who doesn't deserve what they have, when in reality, they do. it may also be that sometimes they don't feel entirely confident with their achievements and decide to keep them to themselves instead of celebrating them openly.
there's an energy in their lives regarding other people that is quite prominent. i see that they have had many problems with friendships in the past because these friendships didn't treat them entirely well, or perhaps there was a lot of negativity involved, envy, or similar. your soulmate has had to stay strong in all these circumstances and go through those disappointments of believing that someone has the best intentions for them and believing that someone was their friend when in reality, the other person thinks in a totally different way. they've had to go through a lot of negativity that has come from others, but now i see them manifesting what they desire and leading a quieter life.
when you meet them, you'll realize that this person is very good at communication and knows how to express themselves in any situation. i see that you're going to make this person very, very happy, but at the same time, you'll realize that they're someone who carries a lot of responsibilities and a heavy burden on them. this person will be able to find a kind of comfort in you because you'll know how to deal with it and how to make them feel better. it's going to be unusual for them, because they haven't experienced that type of feeling in their life, but they will gladly accept your love.
— 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟑
your soulmate seems to be someone who leans towards the more traditional side of things. they value romantic relationships, personal connections, and above all, building a family and having a solid marriage. family happiness and emotional fulfillment are of utmost importance to them, as they deeply cherish such relationships and the joy of a harmonious home. they're affectionate and loving, seeking that sense of completeness and emotional satisfaction in you. while others may perceive them as rigid or overly logical, they're actually quite tender and affectionate. however, this side of them is reserved only for the one they love. initially, they might come across as cold or aloof, but as you get to know them, you'll realize that this facade doesn't reflect who they truly are. they're also likely to possess excellent communication skills and can effectively communicate in any situation. once you're with them, you'll discover the immense love they have to offer and how seriously they take relationships. it's highly probable that they've held onto the idea of marriage and lifelong commitment from a young age, perhaps influenced by their parents or grandparents. there's an energy of someone much older than them, probably a grandparent, guiding them to prioritize lasting connections.
at the moment, i see them going through a period of emotional or spiritual disconnection. they might be facing a challenging time where they feel uncertain about their love life or what the future holds. they seem to be feeling quite stuck despite their efforts, but this phase is temporary and won't last forever. one of their biggest concerns is not being able to find someone who truly understands them. of course, this won't be the case once they meet you, but for now, they're waiting for a change in their life that doesn't seem to come. there's a sense of resentment within them, making them question if what they're hoping for is unattainable or unrealistic. in their mind, all they desire is someone who will be there for them emotionally. it's a type of connection they haven't been able to find with anyone else, and they're unsure of what else to do to feel that way. they long for emotional fulfillment, someone who understands their feelings and makes them feel complete, something they haven't experienced so far. they also hold onto the idea of soulmates, but they're uncertain if it's something real or just a concept from books or movies.
nevertheless, they're someone who remains consistent and stable. this may become more apparent much later because it seems they're currently laying the groundwork for their future stability. but by the time you meet, i see this person being well-established, holding a respected position in society, and commanding much more respect than they do now. they may feel somewhat emotionally empty, but that's where you come in :)
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𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭
hi! it's daphne here.
i'm currently offering personal readings for €5 ($5.43) so don't hesitate to send me a private message if you're interested!
thank you for being here!
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loveemagicpeace · 1 year
🫧🌙Astro notes🩵
🎸People who have 9th house placements usually struggle with where to live and where to find a place that belongs to them. It is also difficult for them to get used to the environment they live in, if it is not an environment they really like - they always look for a home somewhere else or feel more at home in a foreign country.
💫Libra placements can be mean in the sense that they are more or less concerned with how they will turn out in society and sometimes they do things they wouldn't do otherwise just to suit society. They put a lot on others and how they look. Because of this, many times they can come forward as fake people.
🍒Mars in gemini will start talking to someone again just to get the news. Because many times they are interested in what is happening - many times they are prone to attract many people who spread rumours.
🫀Pluto in 1st house people will always be mysterious in some way. I think this is one of the most mysterious placements, because it is directly related to your personality. Which means that part of their personality will always be hidden. Because there are people who will always play it safe and never let go of all the cards in their hands. They will trust you with things, love you and all, but they will always feel safer by not fully revealing themselves.
🍿Fire signs mars especially someone who has a leo or sagittarius will always find fun wherever they are. They will do crazy things and laugh about it. You can have the most fun with them and they are also signs that will always be in action. If I've ever had a really good time with anyone, it's them. You can feel the passion when you are with them.Also they are very random people haha.
🥨Earth mars signs are always burdened with how something will turn out and how they will look in public. Many times they are bothered if someone is too loud or lively. They like peace and quiet. They don't want people next to them to look inappropriate. Sometimes I think they forget to live a little. They are very good at organizing and planning things and staying stable in situations but sometimes they forget to live.
⛵️When u have mars in fire sign wherever you go there will always be something happening - because mars represents what is happening to you and wherever you go there will always be some adventure a long the way. When u have mars in water sign your day will always contain emotional situations or things. You will feel your way through life with feelings. When u have mars in air sign your days will always be full and there will never be not enough time to get everything done. Many times you will meet people with whom you will engage in debates . When u have mars in earth sign you will always have some duties to perform and a lot of responsibility for things You will never be able to rest and you will always be looking for work.
🍓9th house synastry - it can also be felt in the way that you have the feeling that the person is changing your views, perspective and the way you experience the world. This person helps you grow as a person and shows you a new way of looking at things. This house can also be transformative, but in a different way than the 8th house. The 8th house is about getting to know things seriously and going through an inner journey. To see the truth that you didn't see before. It is a deep house overall. The 9th house is about seeing things from a better perspective and finding light through what is happening.
🧸Venus in pisces people do a lot for the person they love. And they vocally show how much they love the person. Their way of loving is very sweet and beautiful. They will do anything for the person they love. Many times I notice that they go to tattoo the name of the person they love very much. Men with this placement often express their feelings in public and are not embarrassed to show that they are grieving for someone.
🩵Capricorn placements -these people do not show it so outwardly, but they love very deeply and quietly. Their love is permanent and they will never replace you for another person. On the other hand, it rarely happens that they go from one relationship to another (they really take time for themselves). And they will never blame the other person for the breakup of the relationship. They know how to take their blame. And that's what I really appreciate about Capricorns, how grown-up they are at accepting blame.
⭐️If you ever ask me about connections in synastry - and which ones are the strongest, they are definitely the Mars-Venus aspect and the 8th house, because with these connections you don't need to see, you just feel the energy and how something always draws you to this person. At the same time, it is very noticeable when you look at two people with these connections and how deeply this energy is felt. These energies are often challenging - because at one moment you can feel too much, but the key to a relationship.
🌙Scorpio moon are actually the most emotional moon of all water moons. They cry very quickly and show emotions quickly. They don't talk about them openly like cancer and pisces moon but show them much faster. Many times when I talked about a deep topic with someone who had a scorpio moon, he got so deep that he always started to cry. They feel a lot.
☀️You can learn from Aries how to be independent and independent. They will always know how to give you the best advice on how to be you and how to become confident in the things you do.
🌸🥨Your best friend is the 3rd house. And at the same time the person who will understand you best. Since this is the house of communication, thoughts and thinking, you will find the best communication with this person and share the same opinions. This person can also feel like they are your sister or brother.
🧚🏼‍♀️☕️The person with the sign you have in the 4th house will give you the greatest feeling of home. You will feel a warm and familiar feeling with this person. Also, the synastry you will have with this person may be difficult at the beginning or involve things related to the family, but in the end it will be the person who will give you the most support and will care about you the most.
🧁The degrees of the planets define and refine your personality. It is not only a sign, but also stands. For example: Venus in Sagittarius -degrees of the taurus: you will like to travel, discover new things, have a will to live and look for passion, which you will find through music, food, through material things - in general, you will like to enjoy things and take your time for them. Venus in Scoprio in degrees of gemini: you will find a deeper way of perceiving and understanding things. You will always look for the deeper meaning of everything, but try to understand it from several perspectives. You will enjoy deep conversations, good movies, good meaning of words.
🎸For personal readings u can sign up here: https://snipfeed.co/bekylibra 🎸
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brekkie-e · 1 year
I need more people talking about how the ideal thematic party is Wyll, Karlach, and Astarion. All three bound in the shackles of servitude in some capacity, all three in some stage of being sold to hell.
Karlach and Astarion being two sides of the same coin. Years of servitude, physical and emotional torment, and rage under their belt. Nothing but the burning desire for revenge and the desperate ache to live flowing through their veins. They're both drunk on freedom and life. They get the other person, despite responding to their new found freedom in completely opposite ways. You can see it in their banter though. They get it. There is not a lot of judgement between them. If Karlach needs to laugh hysterically because she's here on the material plane, walking in the sun, and just can't believe it? Astarion can't even bring himself to judge.
But Wyll? Wyll is careening towards joining them in their suffering. He's got one foot in the door. He already knows a little of the pain that comes with being on the end of a leash, but he has only just begun to fully feel the consequences he is destined to face. The thing about Wyll though is he's desperate to save everyone but himself. He's quick to back Karlach and Astarion in their fights against their tormentors. But when it comes down to it he's fairly passive in his quest to free himself of Mizzora. Atleast in my experience, it fell to Tav to capitalize on oppurtunities to out think her. It fell to Tav to push him to TRY. That's not a critique on Wyll, but when you put that thematically next to Karlach and Astarion who are near feral in their desperation for freedom- it is really interesting. And it's easy to imagine the two of them becoming determined to ensure he doesn't fall victim to the same fates they did. He's trying to save them, while they're trying to save him.
Or, countering my own point, imagine how frustrating that would be for Karlach and Astarion. Knowing that this great guy, this larger than life hero who always has a silly pun and a dashing smile on hand- doesn’t seem to understand the gravity of his situation. He’s still smiling. He’s still soldiering on as though nothing is wrong. He’s not taking the initiative to escape it, and he’s not coming up with any possible solution. He’s content to keep spending his time helping people and putting them before his own needs. Now, Wyll isn’t necessarily as fine as he seems. He’s by no means ignorant of or unafraid of the fate that awaits him. But he puts on a good front, with that big old Charisma modifier of his. And I imagine that could easily drive Astarion and Karlach mad.
That’s without going in to the fact that Astarion has an infernal pact carved on his back, and will be sold to hell as well if he doesn’t find a solution. And he hits the ground running the moment he finds out. He is not about to let that happen, and goes to great lengths to find out how to fix the situation. So there is a contrast with Astarion and Wyll not only in their reaction to their own tormenter’s, but with their goal of evading hell.
Because of how each of these guys’ situation is so closely related to their own, I think many moments would arise of stepping on each other’s toes while processing their trauma. Karlach and Astarion know better than most what Wyll is going to go through if he doesn’t take this seriously, and he makes PUNS? If they could go back to the day before their lives changed forever, they would do everything possible to make sure it never happened. They didn’t get a warning. He has his written on paper. In glowing ink. There could be so many incredible arguments between these three because personality wise- more often than not it would be Karlach and Wyll agreeing. Which would make the moments Karlach ends up siding with Astarion because Wyll made light of something at the wrong time all the more poignant. Karlach and Astarion agreeing on something and being a united front trying to drag Wyll to action would be such a powerful scene.
It becomes even more fun when you consider their personalities. Wyll and Karlach being the indisputably kindest characters of the group, but being so narratively tied to the one who is morally bankrupt. When someone is altruistically good and helps people for no reason Astarion usually gets frustrated with the fact they don’t understand how cruel the world is. He doesn’t do that with Karlach. He can’t do that with Karlach. Because she’s him. She’s the part of him who rages and screams and let’s every swear word fly and embraces how much hurt she is carrying and how entirely unfair it is. He sees that in her and I think some part of him is validated by it. So when she is unbearably kind and refuses to believe that there’s no good left in the world, who is he to tell her she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. She has just as much baggage to back her up as he does. He just walks off and let’s her have it in most of the banter I’ve heard. The flip side, he validates her own need for vengeance and doesn’t let her feel like a bad person for enjoying taking her anger out. She deserves it after everything that’s been taken from her.
Wyll is a similar situation. He is a constant example of the goodness of humanity. A reminder that it is more important to remain true to oneself even at the expense of power or comfort. He stays true to himself, and is forced to abandon his home. He stays true to himself, and is forced to endure a form that is foreign to him. He stays true to himself, and forsakes the safety of the material plane. In the process, he sacrifices the powers of his pact. He willingly gives up the position of Grand Duke so that he can be the tool for good that he thinks the world needs. Of course, a million points can also be made about all that he’s willing to sacrifice if you go the route of maintaining his pact- but I’m working off of what I personally saw play out, which was destroy the pact but save the Grand Duke.
Wyll’s personality playing off Astarion’s selfishness is so interesting. The first things Astarion reaches for in every situation are power and comfort. Silk sheets, a good wine, unholy ascension- whatever the whim of the day is. Being forced into the company of someone who constantly reminds him there is a vastly different approach to life would both be frustrating and eye opening. Especially when that example is backed up by Karlach whom Astarion can’t help but respect and find oddly comforting. Vice versa, as Wyll is an example of selflessness to Astarion, he is an example of selfishness to Wyll. Where Wyll and Karlach drag Astarion kicking and screaming towards recovery, he might have his own soft moments of begging Wyll to put himself first. Just once. Being selfish about your needs does not make you a bad person. A dynamic made even better by Karlach being the background example that being unapologetic about your needs is okay. All of these little elements play off each other so well.
Now how do these guys come through for Karlach? Stability. Which is a word I NEVER thought to use in reference to Astarion before. But I’m serious. Day one of freedom for him? Where is his mind? Completely focused on how to make sure it lasts. How does he secure the situation. How does he make himself safe permanently? He is a self proclaimed ideas man, not much of a planner. And yet, he IS coming up with ideas. He is thinking ahead about the future, and planning to take every chance he can to secure his freedom. Karlach is living in the moment, taking each day as a blessing and not letting fears of the future hold her back. And she deserves that. But it’s good for her to have someone pulling her back to earth and reminding her to do more than live in the moment when it comes to the big things. I’m serious, if they all three put their heads together and worked as a team not only would they be able to accomplish anything- the found family potential is absolutely limitless.
So- long story short. I personally find them to be the most satisfying and interesting party dynamic you can play with. It’s rewarding on a lot of levels, and also has some of the best friendship dialogues in the game. Which I’ve noticed there just isn’t a lot of friend-centric commentary or scenes in the base game, but this party does seem to get more than other’s I’ve worked with. I think that’s a larger issue than just which party build you run with, but I do enjoy that you can get a satisfying found family feel with this crew. Of course, romancing them as eachother also works pretty well too- the dynamics are just as good for that. Personally, I enjoy romancing Astarion and then keeping Karlach and Wyll as besties, but there’s a lot of ways you can run with it.
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hillbilly---man · 4 months
A list of the specific chronic illness/disability-related things in Saiki K that resonate with me personally
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(Your mileage may vary, my experiences are not universal, I recognize that some of this is kind of a reach etc etc)
The limiters
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Saiki’s powers have grown too strong for him to control, and before the creation of his limiters they were out of control and causing a lot of damage. Some examples cited include accidentally destroying his house in his sleep and having telepathy that reached all over Japan (something I imagine was many many times more distressing [disabling] than his current situation) The limiters weaken his psychic powers and keep them somewhat in check. It’s not perfect, and he still does have problems, but the situation is much worse without them.
This reminds me of the medication I take to keep my immune system under control. Before I started it, my immune system (thanks to MS) was causing lots of issues for me: it took the vision in my left eye, made it difficult to walk and use my arm for a few months, caused horrible leg spasms, et cetera. My medicine helps keep things in check and hopefully prevents future damage... But nothing is perfect. Of course, it’s a monthly shot instead of silly pink balls on my head! So that's a plus 👍
The way he struggles to control his body after Nendo removed his limiter unexpectedly
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After being hit with a shock to his system at the sports festival, Saiki struggles harder than usual to control his strength. We see him frustrated with this as he’s eating, his hand trembling as he holds his chopsticks. He tries to power through, but the issues don’t resolve.
I’m fortunate to usually be pretty functional most days (I do have my bad days though lol). However, when I go through significant stress - either mental or physical - it makes a lot of issues pop up that usually don’t bother me. Balance issues, vision stuff.. And hand tremors. Like, I was at a sushi restaurant after getting overheated at the pride festival last year struggling a lil with my chopsticks laughing at myself like “this is just like Saiki at the sports festival…”
Developing new powers unexpectedly
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A major source of stress for Saiki is being unpleasantly surprised by a new psychic ability. In the series, we see this a few times. The most notable to me is the time leap ability. He wakes up having accidentally traveled 20 years in the past (soon after it is revealed that his limiter has a defective part). Afterward, we learn when he’s stuck in the time loops with Nendo and Kaido that this time leap ability has been coming back randomly since then “As unexpected and frequent as getting the hiccups”. He spends the entire chapter trying to get control over this ability so he can continue his day as planned. In another chapter, his limiter is malfunctioning and he develops a series of useless powers that he cannot control. Clearly, the limiters are preventing new powers from developing (see my first bullet point!!)
So, another thing about conditions such as mine is that you really can just wake up one day and have some weird symptom you’ve never heard of before! I remember not long after my first big attack I was at Walmart and I just noticed that my index finger was completely numb, and it stayed that way for weeks. One time, my upper lip twitched constantly for like a month straight. Of course, more than just the relatively silly symptoms can and do pop up like that, too. For example, I had these really scary, uncontrollable spasms on my left side (paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia) that happened several times a day for about a week. For a LONG time afterward I would be terrified of them coming back. It's still in the back of my mind but I'm not losing sleep over it anymore at least. Reading those panels above re: the time leap stuff reminds me a lot of that time!
Neuroplasticity and the power remover device
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When Kusuke is explaining how the power remover works, he talks about how the brain rewires itself around damaged areas to compensate. The device is designed to more completely destroy the areas of his brain responsible for the psychic abilities. Of course, the device ultimately did not work permanently. The damage it did to his brain was quickly compensated for, and the abilities returned.
When small areas of the brain are damaged (such as… due to a neurodegenerative autoimmune condition), over time the brain can often restructure to work around it. It doesn’t mean that those areas are healed, and the process is often incomplete, but that rewiring can (completely or partially) restore abilities and function that was lost in the damage. They don’t say that explicitly in the series, but that’s surely what is happening to Saiki in the final chapters! Except, you know, in a magical shonen manga way.
Resistance to the idea of needing help
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After Saiki uses the power remover device, he loses his abilities and is suddenly much weaker and less capable than he was before. He was used to being extremely independent, but this change has brought him to a place where he cannot do everything on his own anymore. In the library, he struggles to get a book off the top shelf and in the process is reminded of his new limitations. He says to himself “What am I doing…!? Just get used to it already!” After the bookcase is tipped over onto him and Nendo protects him, Saiki is upset about having to be protected when he never needed it before: “I’m so useless now…” Nendo helps him realize that getting help from others is normal.
Helping each other out is one of the most fundamentally important parts of being human, but it can be hard to accept that support sometimes. This is especially the case when you’re thinking about the prospect of needing more help than you used to. I'm fortunate to be relatively unaffected most of the time so far, but I'm still grateful for when the people I love are understanding and don't make a big deal out of it. I hate the idea of being burdensome so I'm just gonna cross my fingers and hope things don't get worse lol
Conclusion: Saiki is just like me for real and I'm DEFINITELY not projecting my own problems into him at all...
we're ignoring the 20k word fic I wrote where I blatantly projected my problems onto him for seven chapters
thanks @justmagicalgirl for encouraging me last week to post this 👍
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dalishious · 6 months
Reclaiming Independence of the Dales
Before anything else, I’d just like to clarify that that vast majority of this is made of my own ideas, based on interpretation from the little canonical information provided, and a little inspired by my own people’s history and governing structure. Additionally, what I am presenting here is an ideal situation, not necessarily what I think is an immediately realistic outcome in the world-state established. So, please keep that in mind.
The Dales were established as a homeland for elves—a small piece of a continent that was once called their home in its entirety, before the humans colonized it—by Maferath in -165 Ancient. This was in reward for the eleven people’s participation in the fight against Ancient Tevinter. But in 2:10 Glory, Divine Renata I broke this treaty and declared an Exalted March against the Dales, ending in its annexation by Orlais.
[Related Post: All You Need to Know about the Exalted March of the Dales]
If Solas has very low approval with Inquisitor Lavellan, and Lavellan accuses him of not doing enough to help their people, he will say the following: “You could order Halamshiral returned to the Dalish, if you wished. But ultimately, you know that would fail. That even you cannot solve this.” I hate this with a burning passion. The reason I can’t do that, Solas, is because it’s not an option in the game! Why are you as a character angry at me, the player, for not doing something that is not an option for me to do? Why was this written? Just to push the point that it’s not worth it to try and fight back against oppression? Because if I refuse to accept hopelessness in real life, why would I in accept it in a video game where the story is made-up, and therefore anything is possible if the developers so wish it.
Regardless, according to Solas, the Inquisition has enough power to support the reclamation of an independent Dales. I imagine this would require a lot of political maneuvering within the Orlesian governance, and therefore I think the best opportunity to do this would be with Briala ruling through Gaspard. This would then later open the door for Briala to be the leader of the newly independent Dales, too. I would like to see Briala as ruler of the Dales not just because she is a favourite of mine, but because I genuinely believe she is the best established character fit for the job. She was trained in everything Celene was trained in, has first-hand experience in court, has extensive connections, and has demonstrated her ability and desire to utilize these skills and assets for the benefit of elven kind.
Briala’s blackmail on Gaspard may help prevent Orlais from invading again while under his rule, but to last longer, the Dales would need to establish itself as a strong, independent Nation with allies. This is why I believe it would also be important to have Leliana as Divine Victoria in such a world-state where this could happen. Leliana re-canonizes the Canticle of Shartan, and in making it available for the common person to understand, would ideally help sway the minds of the average Andrastian into supporting the Dales’s independence. The nobility would of course be much trickier, because they and the Chantry are the ones who actually benefitted from its annexation—but there is little they would be able to actually accomplish if they did not have the power of the people behind them.
As far as allies go, Ferelden could only gain from Orlais losing control of the Dales, because it would mean cutting Orlais off from a lot of Ferelden’s border, therefore reducing the threat of another invasion. Additionally, a leader with just plain good morals like say, Alistair, would easily accept the elven kingdom’s return. But even Anora is willing to grant part of the Korcari Wilds to the Dalish if Mahariel requests it, and while this sadly doesn’t last, it does show a positive sign into her potentially being open to the idea of an independent Dales as well.
I sincerely doubt that all Dalish clans would return to the Dales and re-settle down. After all, they have developed differentiating cultures over the years of wandering in separated groups, with different ideals and different ways of life that they might not want to give up. But many would return, and that would likely create conflict between the elves coming from the Dalish clans and the elves coming from the cities. We know that some prejudice exists against “flat-ears” as some Dalish call those from the city, and we know that city elves have adopted a lot of misinformation from humans into their views of the Dalish. It would take time and positive leadership to reconnect the people, without risking falling into some sort of hierarchy based on origin. This is why I do not believe one group or the other should single-handedly rule alone. Rather, I think there should be a Grand Council of High Keepers made up of those voted into the position each to represent a single district of the Dales. (I like the idea of there being seven High Keepers, not just because there are seven traditional districts of Mi’kma’ki, but because it works out that there seven of the Creators. So it makes sense that there would be seven High Keepers.) The Grand Council would meet and make decisions together, with one appointed leader at the head to act as the Council’s chair.
In terms of protection and order, the Emerald Knights should be reformed. This would include the Fade Hunters, to protect the people against demons and maleficarum, with there being no Circles or Templars.
Restoring the independence of the Dales would lead to a revival of elven culture in ways that could never happen before, because they would actually be free to pursue re-learning the language, re-discovering the history and culture, and sharing it all amongst each other. They would not have to fear arrest the crime of simply being an elf.  
But what of the other races presently living in the Dales? I see no reason why they would have to leave, so long as they would be willing to follow the Grand Council’s leadership. I imagine many nobility would flee to Orlais, simply because they would not stand for it. But for the average human or surface dwarf, their life wouldn’t really even change much; they’d still be managing their farms the same as always. Hell, it might even improve things for them, assuming the Grand Council gives fairer treatment than the nobility previously.
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orkbutch · 1 year
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Okay! time to add my accompanying essays with each image from this set of work about why I assigned which types of play to each set of characters, and how Baldur's Gate III supports these in the text of the game. Because I thought about all of this way too much im not joking
First, Context: All of these are drawings of consentual play happening between these characters after they have put aside any active conflicts between each other. Nontheless, they utilise the dynamics and emotional conflicts of these characters. Each of these characters are in some way violent people, deeply stressed out by their circumstances, and craving pleasure and connection. Sometimes you need a little pinch and squeal before the end of the world just to get through the night, you know?
Rough D/s sex/Breath play, Karlach (D) / Shadowheart (S)
A little clarification of what exactly is happening in this image: Karlach is strapping SH roughly, whispering very dirty things in hear ear, and using her hand and the weight of her body to gently restrict SH's breathing. Now you know. :) If you want to know what Karlach is whispering, I will be taking questions thank you.
The first thing Shadowheart says upon seeing Karlach is that she likes that Karlach looks strong and reliable enough to protect her in a pinch. This is because Shadowheart is horny and gay but ALSO. I wanted to explore this little glimpse of something unexpected about SH, especially that early in the game, but really revealing and true about her personality: Shadowheart understands and appreciates that relying on others is very important and shouldn't be avoided.
I think this part of SH is almost her saving grace from otherwise being totally absorbed by her Sharran faith; knowing she wants and needs other people. Because community has always been comforting to her, and because other people help you cope with life. It makes her loneliness far more profoud as well. She has not buried a need for other people (like Astarion for example), but lost people she knows she needs. She lost her Sharran peers on their mission, lost her memories, lost her family, lost the experience of being cared for in childhood. What does that have to do with SH getting pounded into the ground by a big hot woman, I hear you asking. Well, it's related to how I see Shadowheart's possible relationship to submission. I instinctively see SH as a dom because she just... Absolutely gives dominatrix energy. She basically got trained to be a particularly mean dominatrix, and I think she'd enjoy doing it a whole lot. But being a dom is a role of responsibility, reliability and authority; it requires you to plan and think and make decisions not just for yourself but for a whole additional person. Shadowheart clearly enjoys not having to do that sometimes. She knows the reliability, guidance and support of another person/people being there for her, and she craves it.
I think she'd like being taken away from the responsibility of their situation; to not have to think about the artifact, the tadpole, the fate of the world, what Shar wants, who she is, what her memories are, will she die tomorrow - a terribly stressful existence for someone as prone to anxiety as SH seems to be. What a luxury, to let someone force all the worries out of your head. To leave no space for those anxieties to find purchase through the weight and force of their presence. A big, hot, reliable warrior, squeezing you close, filling your head with what to think about, flooding you with pleasure and a little pain, enough to ground you to the moment. It's a rare treat. SH would love it.
On the other hand, I think Karlach would absolutely love this kind of role. Not because Karlach likes pure power - she seems kinda repelled by it actually - but because Karlach loves being capable, needed, and providing for people. To sweep SH off her feet and give her a moment of hot, rough, rejuvinating bliss through her strength and sexual prowess would be extremely up Karlach's ally.
Karlach is also just... such a rough houser. She's an excited dog at the park that plays too rough and feels bad until she finds a friend who actually loves it, and she's thrilled with the chance to use all that energy to its full potential. She likes a little grit and texture. Anything too slow or methodical and I think she'd get bored. To get to use her boundless energy and have that be deeply appreciated would be so fun for her.
For her to get to use her body and the traits that ended up landing her in slavery - her toughness, strength, skill at violence and knack for intimidation - to indulge, to provide pleasure, to make something good and deeply desired... I think that'd be very touching for Karlach. Intimacy is something she hasn't gotten to explore for a long time. She wants as much contact as possible, to feel others viscerally, to feel that she can be something that other people can not just handle/accept but enthusiastically want. Even after whats been done to her and what she was for ten years, she is the right thing for people, because of and not despite who she is after Avernus.
In conclusion: I think Shadowheart would love to be no thoughts head empty fucked brainless now and then, and I think Karlach would be thrilled to provide. And oh man, Karlach would be SO good at aftercare. So sweet, so warm to cuddle up against, super attentive. She'd ask for reassurance that she wasn't too rough or didn't say anything weird, and Shadowheart would reassure her that they could get far more depraved than that; it was exactly what she needed, and she wanted to go deeper next time. A little challenge to let Karlach embrace her role more completely. Oof. I am so excited to write this shit into the fic im working on LMAO
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Hello big brother Brainrot!! (Can I call you Kuya? It means big brother in Tagalog and I'm Filipino :D) I've been reading your headcanons for a while now and they're so well written! They bring me a lot of comfort and I've had a few good cries as well, and it's all been a big help for getting me through my days.
I've been wondering if you could do headcanons for an MC with Tourette's Syndrome and/or some other tic disorder? How the M6 would react to seeing it the first time, how long it takes them to get used to sudden outbursts or movement from MC, stuff like that.
I have personal experience with this sort of thing, and seeing you write for it would mean a lot to me!! Of course there's no pressure, do what inspires you!! (My DMs are also open if you have any questions/need resources to do research if that's something required)
Much love!!
The Arcana HCs: When MC has Tourette's Syndrome
~ @e1i-neverrests hi friend! I'd be honored if you called me Kuya :D Thank you so much for this prompt, it was so much fun talking about it with you! - brainrot ~
Do you have any idea what an absolute fountain of potential vocal tics this man is? How many funny little noises or striking ways of saying things he does on a daily basis? He's a library
Everything from his classic "Ohoho" laugh to his scandalized "what's this?!" to the "hmm"s, "haw"s, and "no no no no no"s that he mutters as he pours over his scrawled notes
To hear all of those repeated back to him at random intervals is an adjustment, surely, but not one he finds he minds too much
If you have a tic that involves smacking yourself anywhere, he's very quick to bundle up his coat and put it in harm's way to save you a bruise or two when he sees it making an appearance
Quick to offer to hold your things for you. He likes to do this for his friends and loved ones as it is, your tics are just an extra opening for him to demonstrate his love language and feel extra gallant
Genuinely doesn't mind getting accidentally hit. It's caused him to sputter in surprise once or twice, but otherwise he either doesn't notice or uses it as an excuse to check you over for any hurts
He's your doctor, okay? He loves any opportunity to give you attention, medical included if he can hold your hands to do so
Genuinely one of the most soothing presences, they've felt like home to you for as long as you can remember and they can bring your stress levels down in just about any situation
He's been giving you his arm to lean on or hand to lead you around for years now. If for some reason you feel the need to mask and a squeezable hand helps, he's all yours. Might gently squeeze back
If for some reason or another things are really acting up in public and you need a breather, they can and will whisk you into a quiet spot where you can have the space you need until it passes
Totally in love with your vocal tics. If it's just the two of you in the shop and he hears you say one that tickles his fancy, he's echoing it back to you in a very silly game of audio catch
Will also finish phrases to turn them into different sentences, each with a funnier meaning until you're both laughing
Always checks in on how you're doing physically if they've noticed frequent motor tics, especially if they might make your muscles sore or make you dizzy or give you bruises
Can massage the soreness out of anything and never gets tired of doing so after a long or stressful day
From the moment she's met you, she has never once remarked on your tics without you bringing them up first. She has never let them pose any obstacle to your conversations or connection
And she certainly doesn't tolerate any kind of rudeness. Valerius made the poor choice of making a cutting remark in your direction once and Nadia's comeback brought him close to tears
Nobody else has dared to give you grief in her presence since
One of the times that you brought up your Tourette's with her, she did ask if you had any related sensory preferences when it came to clothing so she could make sure you were dressed comfortably
She also paid attention to your more physical tics and you've noticed that any part of your body prone to getting bumped or thumped as a result has a subtle extra layer of padding on them
Makes sure you have plenty of big pockets to hold things for you when you're not using them actively
Always finds ways to make big events as low stress for you as possible, complete with little alcoves to duck into if you want a break from the crowds here and there
Totally unfazed if she gets accidentally whacked
You made him jump so many times the first few days he spent around you. He's not used to sudden - well, anything!
Which isn't to say that he had any particularly negative feelings about your tics. Even if you hadn't had them, he'd have still needed an adjustment period to hearing another voice nearby at night
There was a point later where you talked about it with him, and he compared you to a songbird. The sounds and motions you make are just another strain of the symphony of his forest home
(what he'll never admit to, though you do notice, is that sometimes a vocal tic will get stuck in his head, and then he'll start mumbling or humming it to himself randomly as he goes about his day)
He doesn't talk much as it is, and with how nervous it often makes him to share his thoughts, he did have a short learning curve as far as talking past or over your tics in conversation
Always happy to carry things for you, or give you his hand to squeeze. Genuinely doesn't notice half the times you accidentally whack him while you're holding hands
Regularly puts his hand between you and whatever you're at risk of smacking, without ever thinking or acting like it's a big deal
She can talk right past your tics to the point that anyone else in the conversation barely notices they're even happening
She didn't tiptoe around your Tourette's either - within a couple hours of knowing you, she bluntly asked about it, and once you explained it to her she nodded in understanding and kept on
Has the kind of reflexes that let her catch just about anything that accidentally starts to fall (or fly) from your hands
Known to echo your vocal tics, just for the sheer joy of it. You could mumble "hello" while you're doing the dishes and she'll cheerfully shout it back from where she's sweeping the floor
Super in tune to how you're feeling in social situations, and can pick up on anyone making you feel uncomfortable before you say anything about it. Ruthless at smacking down rude comments
Also has a knack for finding quiet spots if you start to feel a tic attack coming. She'll smoothly ask the host if they have a guest room to duck into and lead you there without batting an eyelash
Never really sure what to do with motor tics that get destructive, besides inviting you to lie in her lap and take deep breaths and let her put salve on any bruises or sore muscles later
It was a rough start, let's be real
Quite simply, he didn't understand why it happened, it was something about you that he'd never seen in anyone else, and it made for prime teasing material when he got annoyed or upset
He quickly snapped out of it and developed more empathy, of course, but it still took a while for him to learn how not to help
Trying to hold you back from motor tics, for example
Eventually he just learned to tune most of it out, to the point that he doesn't notice it's even happening half the time. That's just his partner's built-in soundtrack
The few times mimicking him has been one of your tics, he's been absolutely delighted and puffed out his chest whenever it happened. That's right! He's something worth imitating!!
Tried putting his metal arm in the way of potentially destructive motor tics a couple times, only to find out that hitting the metal often hurt you more than hitting yourself
Once or twice, over the course of his "become a better person" journey, he did adapt one of your vocal tics as a swear (mostly because it was stuck in his head) it was ... quite something
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How to Write Disability: SPOP vs ATLA
(TW: ableism)
(before i start talking about this, i have to tell you that i am not physically disabled so my observations may not be a 100% correct. i'm only writing this post in relation to my experience with autism. if you feel like something i've said is inaccurate or insensitive, please feel free to let me know!)
so the two characters i wanted to talk about, in reference to writing disabled/neurodivergent characters, is Entrapta from SPOP and Toph from ATLA.
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Entrapta is an autistic woman who grew up in solitude, only surrounded by robots. as a result, she is desperate for human etherian connection while at the same time, struggling with social interactions because of her autism.
she was pretty heavily autistic-coded, even before the writers confirmed that she was canonically autistic; she has a hyperfixation on tech and machinery, she is shown to stim a lot, she has a preference for tiny food (likely a sensory issue) and she is not good at reading social cues or communicating in a way that neurotypical people would understand. she is also an extremely intelligent and intuitive person who is not only good at handling tech but also shows love and affection towards people in her own way.
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Toph is a character from ATLA, who was born blind. not completely unlike Entrapta, Toph was also raised in solitude, although she had her parents and servants to look after her.
her parents were convinced that Toph was incapable of being independent, because of her blindness, and were unwilling to look past her disability and treat her as a person. as a result, Toph is extremely rebellious and stubborn. she is an incredibly capable individual who learned how to navigate her way through earthbending. however, she still faces difficulties due to her disability and has to rely on her friends every once in a while.
the trope that these two shows share in relation to their disabled characters is the humor. there are jokes made about Entrapta's and Toph's disability in both shows. however, the key element that differentiates these jokes is the target.
Toph was never the butt of a joke in ATLA. in fact, she was the one making jokes about her disability 90% of the time. Toph was comfortable enough with her blindness that she didn't mind joking about it or even pranking the others sometimes.
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in fact, one of the running gags in the series is that the other characters forget that Toph is blind because of how insanely capable she is.
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Toph is never the butt of the joke, she's the one making fun of the others for forgetting about her disability. and it's all done in good faith.
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and whenever someone is being ableist towards Toph, it's taken seriously. it's not played off as a joke and the narrative doesn't act like people mistreating Toph is this funny gag that everyone should laugh at.
now let's come to Entrapta. there are “jokes” in the show made about her disability as well, except these jokes are often made at her expense.
one of the most problematic parts of the show concerning Entrapta is the way Perfuma leashes her TWICE, because she was worried that Entrapta would get distracted and leave the group. so instead of holding Entrapta's hand or something like a normal person would, Perfuma decides that the best way to tackle this situation is to treat Entrapta like an animal and put her on a leash.
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this is shown as a joke and is never addressed seriously. the show writers think that Entrapta being dehumanized and infantilized is supposed to be funny and quirky. Entrapta never gets to confront Perfuma about this or gets any kind of closure.
this was the main example of ableism in the show but there are also other minor scenes where we see characters treat her in a way that other characters aren't treated.
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examples being Catra using Entrapta's trauma and loneliness to manipulate her, and Mermista literally yanking on Entrapta's hair and yelling at her, because she couldn't understand social cues.
there are also multiple examples of what i'd like to call the “translate nerd language” trope, where one of the other characters get irritated at Entrapta for using technical terms while speaking, and she has to dumb it down for them.
there's a way to write disabled characters and while Entrapta was a very relatable and sympathetic character, the ableism towards her is never addressed. the princesses are never called out on their actions, while Catra gets off scot-free after a vague apology.
when ableism was portrayed in ATLA, it was always taken seriously. Toph was allowed to leave her toxic parents and find people who accepted her for who she is, she was allowed to prove people wrong and be a powerful character in her own right. meanwhile, Entrapta was forced to be friends with the people who mistreated her and she was only kept around because she was useful.
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sabrgirl · 7 months
what's your love language? ♡
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our love languages are how we feel appreciated and loved based on our life experiences and our personalities, and they’re also how we love others too.
our relationship with Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ is our most important relationship of all and He communicates with us through our love languages based on the things we love doing and we also love Him with them too!
what's your love language? :)
praying brings you a lot of joy and comfort
being in sujood/prostration makes you feel comforted and loved by Him
you love to be in sujood for a really long time
you love to physically hold the Qur'an in your hands - an entire book filled with our Creator's exact words!
you love doing dhikr with tasbih beads or a dhikr counter to physically feel the remembrance of Allah
verses of the Qur'an bring you immense comfort when you need it, whether you're reading Qur'an yourself or come across a verse on social media that relates to a current situation/feeling
dhikr comforts your heart and makes you feel reassured that He's there for you
you love doing gratitude journalling to Him and thanking Him for all the favours He's bestowed upon you
you love to invoke Him with His 99 attributes during prayers and praise Him
waking up for tahajjud and spending alone time with Him when the rest of the world is asleep brings you closer to Him and makes your heart happy
you prioritise praying all your prayers on time and enjoy doing so
taking time after prayers to read Qur'an or make some dua makes you feel joy and peace
you like to do dhikr when you wake up in the mornings or before you go to bed
you love taking time to read the commentary of His words in the Qur'an and reflect on them and study them
you enjoy fasting and it brings you closer to Him and enhances the love you both have for each other
giving charity comforts your heart as you give your wealth to Allah and spend in the way of Allah
you receive true/religious/spiritual dreams from Him that you feel are signs from Him which brings you closer to Him
dressing modestly for Allah strengthens your relationship with Him
you love having sabr and struggling for His sake as you know that everything is a means of bringing you closer to Him
you like to beautify your recitation of Allah's words and take tajweed classes
you love to do things that you know will make Allah happy
He does things for you that He knows will make you happy
giving charity comforts your heart as you give your wealth to Allah and spend in the way of Allah
you're gifted with signs, people, or things that you know in your heart are directly from Him for a specific reason and related to something you're going through
He answers your prayers in beautiful ways
He makes you see a post on social media or sends your friend or family member to comfort you and give you advice when you're feeling sad
you love that He has gifted you with Islam
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Legionnaires #77 & #61
Random Jenni Ognats facts to give her more depth in your fics.
Every Flash fan loves Jenni, but regrettably I have found very few people have actually read the comics which she is from and spends most of her development in, and as such most of her characterization and character fundamentals comes from her appearances in Impulse, Young Justice (1998) or The Flash (1987). While people do get her 'cinnamon roll' personality correct, as she is lover above everything, there is a lot people miss out on that is important to her character and your creativity/understanding of her. She is much more than just Bart Allen's favorite cousin.
So here are some "lesser known" facts about Jenni that may assist you in how you approach her in transformative works, or just on your perception of her as The Lonely Speedster.
The Basics
1.) She is older than Bart - According to the The Flash: Secret Files & Origins #1 published in 1997 she is supposed to be 2 years older than Bart. Other sources are rather ambiguous when it comes to her age in relation to Bart, and some lead you to believe that she may be the same age (or younger) but in reading her comics and order of events her being 2 years older fits the narrative more.
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The Flash: Secret Files & Origins #1 (1997)
2.) She was born without speed, and only got her powers through a trauma response and (possible) experimentation** at the hands of The Dominators. This is generally known and is not a lesser known fact per-se, but the situation surrounding her powerlessness is generally not understood fully.
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Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) Annual 5
The Dominators at this time for Jenni really are the biggest boogeyman to Speedsters as they were (to her knowledge) the reason why her mother and uncle died, they had kidnapped Bart when he was an infant and experimented on him which may have been why he was rapidly aging in the first place, and now they have come back for her again. Jeven fled Earth to Arrok specifically to flee Earthgov, President Thawne, the U.P. and the Dominators who had an express interest in speedsters - so when they caught up to her this situation had to have been nothing short of terrifying.
In the end, after resigning herself that she was going to die there, she gains access to her speed in order to save her father who is the only known blood family she even connects with 30th century.
From then on she spent time with scientists on Arrok to control her speed until she was drafted to serve in the Legionnaires.
** we don't know if whatever tests the Dominators performed on her contributed to her eventual gaining speed powers.
3.) We're not sure how Jeven found out about Bart and Iris evacuated to the past, but she knew they were there. All her knowledge of the Flash Family comes directly from her father as it is unlikely she spent any time with her great-grandparents who were alive at least when she was 4.
4.) Likely because of Jeven fleeing governments to keep Jenni safe, Jenni has an acute understanding of interstellar political boundaries.
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Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) Annual #6
5.) She is a great pilot and has knowledge of interstellar communication - how she learned how to fly or to recognize various means of communication is unknown.
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Legionnaires #39
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Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) #106
6.) She almost draft-dodged being a Legionnaire because she was too afraid of what may happen - death is her family legacy and she knows, possibly better than all of them, how perilous they all are and how dangerous doing the types of things they are doing are. As a result of this, she very nearly fled which likely would have resulted in her being on the run - which is ironic considering Jeven was on the run with her when she was a small child. She likely knew very well what running would entail and it was worth it to her at the time.
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Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) #62
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Legionnaires #19
7.) Scaredy Cat to Guerrilla Solider. When Jenni first begins her journey as XS she is absolutely terrified of what may happen and is easily frightened even by innocuous things- but as the story progresses she becomes a fierce Legionnaire that fights against tyranny over and over again - most notably spending nearly a whole year on Xanthu undertaking guerrilla war tactics against assailing Robotica.
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Legion Worlds #4
8.) Lori Morning, the little sister figure. When Jenni travels to the 1990s she meets 10 year old Lori Morning who is slingshot through time to the 30th century as a long-term character. Jenni feels extremely close to Lori as a big sister and is frequently protective of her.
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Legionnaires #62
9.) Many crushes. Jenni has had many crushes during her run, the most notable one being Rokk (which the writers were considering making a canon couple but dropped).
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Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) ##75 Rokk was her first known major crush and love interest and he was her biggest inspiration to stay as a Legionnaire when she considered leaving (see point #6). Because she believed in him, because he believed in her, she was able to use him as inspiration and a weapon against her anxiety. As the series progressed her affection for him deepened and thanks to The Emerald Eye she got her wish for a kiss from him, but because it was all fake it was the starting point for her to let him go and move on.
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Legionnaires #44
Mon El "M'onel" was her second biggest crush which she admired from a distance. Mon El was always friendly with her and enjoyed her company, but nothing ever developed beyond them just being friends.
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Legionnaires #43
Dyrk Magz was her third and final main crush, but at first it was one-sided from Dyrk to her. Dyrk was a Legionnaire with the code name Magno, however he lost his powers and instead of being retired from duty he instead took up a position as the Monitor Officer in the Outpost. At first, Jenni does not even notice that Dyrk is into her as she rants to him about other boys and awkwardly pushes him away inadvertently. Despite this, and we don't see the development, they do grow closer as Jenni and Dyrk are seen embracing every now and then and even go on a small date. Unfortunately, after the Time Rift incident which closes the main series' titles we can assume they 'broke up' as Dyrk is written out of the story entirely to live on his home planet Braal as a Science Police Officer.
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Legionnaires #77
Honorable Mention: Kyle Rayner. This is more of an infatuation stemming from stories she was told about Barry and Hal being close, and Jay and Alan being close. Because she was a speedster, and he was a Green Lantern she let herself become enthralled with him due to tradition and 'destiny'. Naturally, it didn't last and Kyle was not about it.
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Green Lantern (1990) #98
10.) Fast rides and thrills don't do it for her. She prefers slower rides and attractions mostly because going fast is her 'job' and she has the added history of spending most of her life as a normal girl who grew to appreciate slower things.
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Legionnaires #77
11.) Time Trapper's meddling. It is never revealed but a Time Trapper (this character changes and morphs) once had a hidden plot that involved her and a cosmic destiny she was to fulfill.
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Legionnaires Annual #3
12.) Legion is her family. Despite multiple invites to live in the M2 era with Bart and company - she has rejected this in favor of staying with her team and her father. The only exception to this is at the end of Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds when she decides to break from her team "The Wanderers" to live in Earth Prime because Geoff, king of Retcons, decided to change everything about Jenni's place of birth and powers origin.
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Legionnaires #37
13.) She learned how to play the saxophone in the 20th century with Bart, and she continued to play it even in the 31st century.
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Impulse (1995) #12
14.) Red lips - makeup or permanent stain? We're not sure but there are very few instances after she becomes a Legionnaire where she is not without those iconic red red lips.
Now you know her a little better. Go forth.
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Legionnaires #39
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tower-girl-anon · 2 years
9th house and your experience through university
In this post will talk about the 9th house through the signs and your experiences, or possible experiences, through university and the all the careers that you could choose since one of the meanings of that house relates to our higher education. As always, I apologize for any mistake and don't copy or share this post without giving proper credit to the owner.
Note: please take this with a grain of salt. There are other things to consider such as planets in the house, aspects, and aspects to the ruler to define with most certainty about your time at university and the possibles career that you will choose to follow. The same can be said about the very general list of careers that I've put in each sign.
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Aries: throughout your university years you will face, or faced (depending on the situation), a lot of competition. Maybe you had to study very hard in order to enter to the university of your dreams. Most probably than not, you wanted to enter a career or university that has too many applications each year and that's why you had or have to study really hard in order to get accepted. In a way, you remind me of the indian movie "3 idiots" (I highly recommend you to see it) in which various engineering students have to basically compete to reach the highest score and those who doesn't reach or pass the mark each semester are expelled. On the other hand, maybe you will face a lot of movement, activities or competitions throughout your learning. A few careers or professions that I can think of are engineering, physics, athletism (you could try to compete in a specific sport), gimnastic teacher, firefighter and policeman.
Taurus: your journey through university could be a slow but steady one. Maybe throughout those years you will have to save or earn money, or maybe your family will do it, in order to access the career or university of your choice. Overall, those will take a lot of effort from your part. A lot of study and a lot of work but, unless there are malefic planets in the ninth house or hard aspects to the ruler, I can totally see that those years can be or could have been pretty much a smothly process for you in which you will probably create some stable but caring connections with the those whom you'll consider your friend. A few careers or professions for those who have this sign in that house can be of a sales man/woman, an artist, designer, an economist, a cook or a business person.
Gemini: for those who have this mutable sign as the ruler of your ninth house, let me start telling you that I can totally see you studying more than one subject. Those who have these signs are more prone to earn more than one degree due to the natural curiosity of the sign of different topics (is rulled by Mercury). Usually, since this sign rules communication, the natives will pursue a career that involves these topic. For example, periodism, literature, linguistics or maybe will try to work as a writer, on an editorial or transcripting texts and audios. Your journey through university will be filled with curiosity and you will like to spend time with people who have an inner curiosity of things like you. Maybe you will like meeting new people there because that will be a perfect oportunity to learn about other people too.
Cancer: for those who have this sign, your experience through university will be a very emotional one. You will remember every experience, every joy at recieving good notes or connecting with your friends, every sadness at not passing a test, every anger, every fright, every cry. No matter if you are conscious of it or not, the university period will be very much attached to your emotions, that´s why you will remember almost every second of that period in your life even if times passes. I can totally see someone looking at his/her diploma and crying with emotion while the memories run through his/her mind. In a way, you will like to study/work on anything that makes you emotionally satisfied or something that relates to emotions or children such as psychotherapy, nursery teacher, nurse, cooking, a teacher in general, etc.
Leo: if there are other planets and aspects that support this, your years through university could have been the best years of your life. Maybe those years gave you or will give you the time and space to shine, to show your abilities, knowledge and talents. You could have been very popular at that time or maybe those years will give you a boost in terms of self confidence, chances of meeting new people and forming romantic relationships. On the other hand, maybe you were able to study in one of the most prestigious universities of your country or you will be able to study in those in the future. One of the posibles careers or profession for those who have this sign are acting, politics, fashion, modeling, director, business, maybe you will like to be an entrepreneur or start your own business, etc.
Virgo: those who have this sign mutable sign as the ruler of this house, just like gemini, could have more than one degree or will want to earn more than one. But this sign is slightly different from Gemini even though they are both ruled by Mercury. And that difference reside in the fact that this sign is, most of the time, a perfectionist. It's a very detail oriented sign so that's why those who have this sign wants to learn more. To increase their knowledge in the area they choose to study. To improve demselves. In generall, they will try to study something that involves a lot of memory, details and technique such as medicine, nursing, editing, therapy, psychology, veterinary, etc. Throughout those years, you could have been or will be very strict with your time and hours of studying since most of the careers mentioned about requieres constant learning, technique and goos memory.
Libra: the journey of this individual through university could be a very balanced one. With this, I mean that they will know how to balance the times of studying and socializing when it's needed so they won't fall into the situation of overworking themselves to exhaustion or socializing too much to the point of being so hard for them to keep with their works and test. Since this sign reminds me so much of the Justice card in Tarot, I know that they are smart at putting a balance between fun and work during those years. In matters of possible careers and jobs to study for these individuals there is art due to Venus being the ruler of the sign, law, any career that involves the contact with other people and helping them such as a counselor, advicer, psychologist, etc.
Scorpio: your journey through university will complete change you. In my opinion, those who have this sign in this house will suffer some kind of transformation. It doesn't matter if it is good or bad, you will, somehow, change during the period of your university years. Of course, it also depends on the planets that resides in your ninth house but, just by looking the sign, it speaks of a life-changing and intense period of your life. You may struggle to keep the peace through all the subjects and lectures of your chosen career. Maybe there is a risk of loosing your chosen career due to bad grades or you won't like the path that you choose so you will change careers abruptly. Either way, it won't be easy but these changes can bring a huge potential of evolution and healing. A few careers or professions I see with this sign are a scientist, a healer, a banker, a politician, a terapist, astrologer, tarot reader or detective.
Sagittarius: for those who have the natural sign that rules the ninth house, your time at university could have been or will be pretty much an ejoyable time full of oportunities, grow and expansion. Of course, there is planets and aspects to the ruler to consider before trying to reach this conclusion but, with this sign, it can give you these effects since the planet of Sagittarius is Jupiter, the planet of expansion. Since this is also a mutable sign, you could have done more than one career. On another hand, there is a huge chance that you will travell aboard for your education. Maybe you will study or studied one semester or more in another university. Maybe it was a study exchange or, plainly, you did your hole career in another country. Possibles themes you could seek to learn are teaching, religion, turism, piloting, etc.
Capricorn: in the case of Capricorn as the ruler of the ninth house, you could struggle, or could have struggled, to enter to university because of circumstances. Maybe you don't have the resources. Maybe your culture or religion don't approve your choice. It could be anything. That could be one of the options that could unfold with this sign since his ruler, Saturn, create some karmic situations that seems to limit us or block us. On the other hand, your time at university or your career could be complicated and hard. You are responsable and hard working and yet there is a possibility of struggling with all your works, tests and evaluations. There is also a change of ending your chosen career and pursuing something else if there are other aspects that confirms it. Some possible themes I see you pursuing are ingeniering, medicine, law, bussiness, politics, history, etc.
Aquarius: there is a huge possibility that your chosen career to study is something totally different from what was expected for you. Maybe somebody believed that you were going to study something classic like medicine or law and you chose to follow arts. Or maybe you follow the path that was expected or you really liked to try but, one day, you've realised that you wanted to do something different and so you've changed your career abruptly. Those who have this sign will like to learn more about human kind, technology, any career that involves helping communities or something thats original and unique. Possibles examples are technician, influencer in social media, astronaut or investigator, actor/actress, director or worker of an humanitarian organization, etc.
Pisces: the foginess, mysterious and sometimes confusing energy of this sign can tell me that those individuals who have this in the ninth house struggles to find a topic or theme to study in the university. Or maybe they have a certain picture of themselves in the future with things they want to achieve but they don't know which path, career and university to chose in order to achieve their dreams. This confussion or uncertainty can make you to switch careers during your years at universuty. Maybe even more than one. On the other hand, maybe you have an inner interest in learning about the mysterious side of nature, the universe and life, that's why one of the many possibles careers or themes for you to study are alchemy, cience (especcially quimic), tarotism, astrology, etc.
This is all I have for you. I hope it resonates.
Love and light.
Tower Girl Anon.
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saschax · 5 months
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ghost headcannons.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: intense negative emotions (experiences strong feelingsof anger, resentment, anxiety, and stress), grudge holding (hold onto negative feelings), emotional surpression, isolation and touch deprivation (isolated and unaccustomed to phsyical contact, which he yearns for), trauma-related fear, sexual anxiety, mental distress (experiences a lot of mental distress and anxiety, which is exacerbated during intimate situations.) nsfw (sexual content)
safe for work.
ghost is an individual who is deeply angered, seeking vengeance, and filled with intense resentment.
contrary to the popular belief that ghost is understanding, compassionate, or forgiving, i personally perceive him as stern, and he has a tendency to hold onto grudges.
although he might seem “peaceful” on the surface, there’s a storm brewing within him, as he suppresses his anger. this is a detrimental habit of his. in general, his internal emotional state is typically dominated by anxiety, stress, hatred, and fury.
ghost is isolated…
in my opinion. he is deprived of physical contact, but it doesn’t help when he recoils or twitches every time someone accidentally brushes against him. ghost struggles to communicate that he doesn’t dislike the touch, he’s just not accustomed to it (and in fact, he yearns for it more than anything), but he keeps this to himself.
building on the previous point, he is fearful of intimate gestures.
such as hand-holding, close proximity (he doesn’t mind this if it occurs during missions, as long as it’s necessary. e.g., door breaching), and so forth. this fear stems from his traumatic experiences with such gestures…
i believe this is referred to as haphephobia?
ghost has a leaner physique.
in my view. he is strong, but not overly muscular. he’s not leaner than soap or any other guys, though, he’s still a bit more muscular than them.
his build aligns with the original ghost’s, just with a bit more muscle to support the current one.
ghost falls ill frequently.
since ghost doesn’t really take good care of himself, such as getting adequate sleep or consuming enough food/drinks, he tends to fall sick easily.
and he never discloses this to anyone and continues to carry out his missions.
ghost experiences nightmares during his sleep.
and because his dreams are so vivid, he temporarily forgets a person (like soap, if he is dreaming about soap. e.g., soap gets brutally attacked) for a while when he wakes up.
his brain temporarily suppresses certain memories of his to shield him from stress, but they always resurface later…
not safe for work.
ghost is timid, hesitant.
it’s already a small wonder if you somehow manage to have him above you, he’s not accustomed to being this exposed and he feels like he’s on the verge of being sick.
he’s just… unfamiliar with this, trembling the entire time.
this is the real him, a guy with full of anxiety, troubles. a guy who is told to "hide your fear", and don't show weaknesses. his whole fucking walls are falling down because of alot of things are going through his head.
he tends to pause frequently.
don’t worry if he pauses his thrusts, it’s just him reflecting on… certain matters.
you’ll need to gently draw him out of his thoughts if you want him to continue, his eyes fixated on the pillow, lost in thought, is making you worried.
P.S i always imagined ghost as person with mental problems, considering his backstory.
please let me know if this is not canon! i am german so i dont really know the plot very well, im still learning.
(i dont know english pronouncations, just how to type the words)
ill be posting a "dominant and needy" john price fanfiction tomorrow, unknown time. its nsfw.
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hkthatgffan · 2 months
How do you feel about the recent billford content? I honestly have a bit of mixed feelings
I think @stephreynaart posted a great explanation to it here.
It's not a case of romanticizing BillFord. I think as a fandom we have come far enough that Bill Cipher ships are more or less something we're all aware of about the toxic aspect of it. And it's more so a case of showing that this happened and is something to grow, learn and move on from for Ford to do.
In the book we see that. Ford grew, acknowledged his mistakes with Bill and was able to move on from that phase of his life and find happiness in his family. Bill on the other hand did not and is in denial and in turn that's led him to destroy himself and people around him with his toxic behavior.
He's an emotionally manipulative and abusive person. And that's something a lot of people can likely relate to. We've all probably been in a relationship, friendship, family or other situation where we've dealt with a person like Bill; emotionally manipulative, toxic, self fulfilling, dragging you down and lying to you, etc. And we've likely been pushed into their sphere and it took a long time to realize that and escape from it, even if it feels like the wrong choice at first (god knows I've been through such shit). And when going through that and escaping, you gotta find your way to move on and past that. Finding happiness and purpose with other people, better people; be it family, community, friends, significant other, etc, is part of that growth and recovery.
We all deserve to have an end like Ford and move on from such experiences in our life at the hands of our own Bill Ciphers. Because if not...then we're stuck with Bill in that spiral. That's what I feel the Billford content is showing.
I can't speak for all, but IMO, showing that is a way to show that Bill and Ford had a relationship that was wrong and not good. It happened and showing how Ford was able to break away and find his way through it and grow is the end message.
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This is a really short AITA but: AITA for encouraging my sister to relocate?
(I have received permission to send this AITA. This has been co-read and approved by my sister)
I live in country A, my sister lives in country B— she moved there about seven years ago. My sister has always struggled with mental health, as have I. Her 20s were the worst: locking herself in her house, cutting off all her friends, verbally attacking anyone who would try and help, and even impulsively boarding trains/buses and disappearing for a week or two if anyone pushed too hard or tried to arrange something like an intervention, along with other more self-destructive tendencies (let me be clear: i have never approved of interventions, I think they’re disgusting, ableist, and only do worse for the people involved).
After moving to country B, she met a guy and had kids. They waited a bit before having them because she wasn’t sure if she would be capable of raising kids, but the guy encouraged her to go to therapy and find ways to cope. After about four years, she was doing MUCH better and had found a good system of coping mechanisms.
She started relapsing (is that the right word?) about a year ago. She says it’s getting worse, and she says she no longer knows if she can act as a parent to her two kids (ages 13 and 9).
Her proposed solution to this is to move the family back to country A, where the rest of her family would be able to pitch in. (Her husbands family is unavailable for raising, she’s never met them. Apparently they suck). Her husband and kids are against the idea, especially the kids, who have friends in B and do not know A’s language very well.
My sister says that if they stay in B, they will only have one parent (her husband, who works a lot more than she does and is therefore less present at home) that’s able to be present in their lives, while in A they will have an entire family structure of uncles, aunts, grandparents, and family friends to pitch in when she isn’t mentally capable of caring for the kids.
Another complication: our parents are a little judgemental. They’ve never had a bad word to say about any of the little ones in the family (they spoil all their grandkids and grandnephews rotten, both the young and the adults), but are not above nagging their own kids or badmouthing their partners. And they do not like my sister’s husband. At all. (I don’t either)
She asked me for advice, and I encouraged her to go through with the moving-to-A plan because I genuinely think it’ll be better for the kids in the long run. After months of begging, her husband has agreed to move back. Everyone in A is elated, my sister is relieved, her husband is irritated, and her kids are furious. She usually calls me for mental health related issues since we’ve had similar experiences, but I have no partner or kids of my own (and intend to remain that way), so maybe I wasn’t the right person to give advice in this situation. The kids are young and will learn the language quick, and won’t risk neglect. However, moving from one town to another is scary enough, so I understand why her kids are upset about having to move to a country that speaks a different language. In addition, her husband will be in a family unit where most people are cautious at best and actively dislike him at worst
(Disclaimer: my sister is not handing the responsibility of raising her kids to the rest of the family. She will still be trying to raise them, but there is only so much she can do when her health/life is at risk)
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imaginedanvrs · 8 months
encrypted relations
part 8 l masterlist
summary: yelena belova x reader. when natasha takes you under her wing, she becomes like family, and the last thing you want is to lose that. but when you meet her younger sister who you know is off limits, you have to decide between what you really want and hope for minimal damage
word count: 2.7k
warnings: lots of graphic violence and descriptions of blood and gore, mentions of past sexual assault, kidnapping, lmk if i missed anything
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Several long days dragged by without you hearing anything from Yelena. It was hard, but everytime your gut twisted as you ached for the blonde you reminded yourself that she was no doubt feeling worse. You needed to fix things. Even if you couldn’t be together, you at least wanted to be able to talk to her again because her missing presence seemed to have created a noticeable hold in your life that you had no intention of filling with anyone else. 
  You were laying in your bed with your laptop next to you and Marty at your feet when your phone chimed with a text from Kate. As much as you loved your best friend, you were disappointed the message wasn’t from Yelena. 
  Kate: Melina did some digging and found something, if I don’t text till tonight can you walk Lucky?
  You: yep, be safe! 
  Melina had found something? You had presumed she had stopped looking into the files like you had since coming to the end of them. Had she gone back through? Maybe found additional files you couldn’t see? You tried to shrug off the thoughts, knowing that the older Russian knew what she was doing, but you were curious more than anything else. 
  You turned on your computer and opened up your email chain to Melina that had ended a few weeks ago when you both declared you had gone through everything. 
  Kate just told me you found a lead, how’d you do it?? You typed out and sent off the email. 
  Much to your surprise, Melina responded within a few minutes but you stopped short when you read the simple message. 
  I didn’t. You froze and reread the two words again. What? Kate wouldn’t lie to you about going on a mission. You frantically opened up your phone to message the archer again, unable to ignore the nagging feeling that something was very wrong.
  Me: where are you guys??
  You tapped your phone in your hand but you knew that if Kate was already on her way then she wasn’t going to be looking at her phone. So you turned back to your computer as your mind twisted between assuring you she was fine and telling you the worst case scenarios. Yelena’s experience wouldn’t lead her into a trap and even if it did she would know what to do. 
  You didn’t get the chance to reply to Melina, because another new email caught your attention first. The email handle looked to be a bot, but the subject line stated: hurry. An image was attached and you almost hesitated to open it. 
  “Fuck,” you whispered as you stared at a grainy image that was clearly Kate and Yelena in some come of abandoned warehouse. Below was a location that you knew you had no training to go to yourself. You scrambled with your phone to call Natasha, while forwarding the email to Melina, but she didn’t pick up.
  “Come on, come on,” you hissed as you paced your apartment and tried again. Nothing. “Fuck!” You tried Steve and got nothing. You tried Wanda and got nothing. You tried every single person you could think of until you became aware of how much time had passed since getting the email. No one was picking up and you had no idea why, which left only you. 
  You ran a shaking hand through your hair as you scanned your apartment for any hint of what to do and landed on an opened drawer you hadn’t noticed before. Paranoid, you warrily stalked towards the drawer and found a black handgun inside with a sticky note on top inscribed with the letter Y. After all her insistence of you getting a gun, she had gotten one for you. 
  You should’ve called the police, let them handle the situation. But what if they didn’t get there in time? You didn’t have time to keep thinking about the what ifs, so instead, you grabbed the gun and left the apartment. On your way down, you called the police, giving them a brief rundown of what you thought was happening and shared the address with them, hanging up before they could query much more. 
  Calling a cab once outside, you tried phoning each of the avengers again as the car started towards the warehouse. It wasn’t unusual for all of the avengers to go on a mission together, but something about the timing of it didn’t sit right with you. You couldn’t linger on what you couldn’t control though, instead forcing yourself to come up with some kind of plan. You came up blank. 
  I’m just a hacker, I should get this guy to turn around and let the police deal with it. You thought. But what if they got there too late? What if you got the call and news you had nightmares about receiving. You couldn’t lose them. You reminded yourself of that when the warehouse came into view and instructed the driver to stop round the corner.  
  Your heart rattled against your ribcage as you stood outside the warehouse and pulled your gun from inside your jacket. This is so goddamn reckless, you thought as you inched the main door open and slipped inside. You kept low, scanning the area for any signs of life. It was unnervingly quiet. Every step you took, no matter how gentle, bounced off of the walls. I really shouldn’t be here. 
Natasha leant forwards as she scanned over the email she had just received from Melina. “What’s up?” Yelena asked as she watched her sister’s brow furrow. Natasha showed her screen to the blonde who frowned as she took in the image of her and Kate in a location she couldn’t recall ever having been in with the archer. 
  “It’s from Melina. Y/n forwarded it to her,” Natasha explained as she looked through the text. “Apparently Kate told her you were on a mission there.” The pair paused, their brains connecting the same dots as Yelena pulled up Kate’s contact while Nat pulled up yours. Kate picked up, you didn’t. 
  “Kate Bishop, did you tell y/n we are on a mission?” Yelena demanded as she looked to her sister, seeing that you weren’t answering. 
  “No? Why?” The archer asked. Yelena cursed in Russian. 
  “Get ahold of her now,” she ordered and hung up. “You don’t think she’s gone there?” Yelena questioned, though they were both already grabbing their jackets. 
  “I do,” Natasha confirmed. “God, she’s an idiot.”
The hands that held the handgun in front of you were shaking and you knew it wasn’t just because of the cold. But with every step you took, you reminded yourself that Yelena and Kate had to be around the space somewhere and that you needed to get to them before someone else did. You had hoped to have heard the sirens already too. 
  “Long time no see,” you spun around on the spot, your eyes flickering across the space in the direction of the voice that you could never forget. “Hey, baby,” Rae greeted as she stepped out from behind a stack of crates, a menacing axe hanging loosely by her side. She sauntered towards you, an easy grin on her lips as you stood frozen. 
  “What? I don’t get a hello after all this time?” She asked with a fake pout. 
  “What are you…what?” You stared at the raven haired woman who you foolishly assumed you would never see again. 
  “How am I? Oh, I’m great thanks for asking, even after that stunt you pulled,” she hissed, continuing to stalk the area around you. “That got me in a lot of trouble, you know? All because you wanted to be selfish bitch,” as she spoke, she let the axe drop against the floor and scrape against the concrete next to her as she moved. You eyed the weapon warily, knowing you should use your own. 
  “Don’t you have anything to say?” You didn’t. You couldn’t rake your brain for anything to say to the woman before you. “No apology for abandoning your girlfriend?” 
  “Fuck you,” you hissed, taking you both by surprise. Rae chuckled, bemused by the agitation you had never shown her when you were together. 
  “Where was that bit of fight back when you needed it?” She asked with a mocking grin that made your stomach twist. Your hands began to rattle again as images of your past flashed in front of your eyes. 
  No, you couldn’t think about that. You couldn’t let her succeed in getting into your head. 
  “Shut up,” you tried to shout, but your voice wavered. Rae grinned more. 
  “Or what? You gonna shoot me? You never fought back when I hit you, or when I fucked you.”
  “Stop!” You managed to yell, though the tears threatening to spill through didn’t help. 
  “Maybe all those times you said no you actually wanted it.” 
  You fired. And missed. Rae was faster than you remembered her being, within a second she knocked the gun out of your hands and made you stumble to the floor. Your back collided with the dark concrete though you didn’t feel the pain of the impact because you were too concerned with putting as much distance between you and Rae as you could when she was sauntering towards you. She chuckled as she watched you try to scramble away. 
  “I knew you would come here when I sent you that email,” she told you. “You always were so curious, sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong. But you know what they say, baby, curiosity killed the cat,” she warned you in such a tell-tale way that didn’t expect her to bring the axe down on your leg a second later. 
  You screamed as the searing pain shot from your calf where the axe was embedded. Rae pulled the blade out with a grunt and you immediately made to get up until she swung again at your unguarded back, knocking what left like every last breath out of you. You collapsed and forced yourself onto your back to look up at Rae and try to dodge her next move. The weapon was heavy, she wouldn’t be able to be agile with it. 
  “You have no idea what consequences your fuck up had for me,” she told you, her anger coming to the surface in a way you couldn’t avoid. She brought the axe down again and you were unable to dodge it entirely, instead having it lodged in your side. You howled in agony, feeling the blade dig into your ribs so prominently that you didn’t even notice how wet the back of your shirt was with blood. 
  “The things I had to endure as punishment,” Rae continued as she pulled the axe free, taking what felt like a pound of your flesh with her. “I’ve waited years to give you your fair share of the pain, the least you could do is accept it.” You didn’t feel where the next hit fell. You only felt your body shake with the impact and the grotesque sound of it embedding itself in you. 
  “The…police…will come,” you struggled to tell her with a mouth full of blood that came bubbling up from your throat. When you heard her laugh in response, you knew you were fucked. 
  “Same way the Avengers will? You didn’t call the police, malysh. No one’s coming for you,” she told you, bringing the axe down again. 
  Natasha and Yelena didn’t exchange a single word as they stood either side of the entrance door. They had been through situations like that one enough times to rehearse it in their sleep and that was what they reminded themselves as they exchanged a swift nod: that it was a standard rescue mission. The moment they let it get personal was when mistakes would be made and they couldn’t afford any. 
  The Russian’s scanned the vast room as they stalked amongst the crates with long since faded brand imprints. Their footsteps were silent as they listened out for a single pin drop, anything to indicate where you could be. They didn’t hear a thing, though Natasha’s voice was the one to break through the tension. 
  “Get Stark down here now,” she ordered. 
  “What? What have you found?” Yelena asked as met her sister’s unnerved eyes and tried to look at the space she had come from. 
  “Yelena,” Natasha warned with a firm hand to the blonde’s chest. 
  “No, what is it?” She tried, shoving her sister away only for her to be pushed back in response. 
  “Don’t look,” Natasha pleaded. The waver in her voice made Yelena pause for a brief moment before she charged on to look around the other side of the crates, stumbling upon what she found. 
  “It’s alright,” Natasha assured, trying to reflect her confidence in her tone but it was difficult when she didn’t feel it herself. Yelena hardly heard, her focus entirely on the pool of crimson. “Stark has the technology to scan the area for her, she can’t be far,” the redhead continued as she placed a hand on Yelena’s hand, wanting her away from the scene you had left them. 
  Even as the blonde allowed herself to be turned around, the image of the deep red splatters stained into the crates several metres away from the main puddle lingered behind Yelena’s eyes. She didn’t listen as her sister called her billionaire friend, far too stuck in her own head and wondering what state she would find you in - because she would find you. 
  “Thanks, Tony,” Natasha said as she hung up the phone and took an anxious glance towards her sister. “He’ll be here in ten,” she told Yelena who didn’t respond. The redhead cursed internally, feeling the weight of the moment settle on both of their stomachs. 
  She had been too harsh with you that night, saying things she didn’t mean just as you had but making you suffer for it all the same, just because she could see that Yelena was. Natasha knew, then more than ever, that you would never set out to hurt her little sister, not when you were so quick to blindly save her. She would tell you all that when she saw you again, she promised herself. 
  Natasha was interrupted from those thoughts when her phone vibrated once in her hand. The redhead looked at her screen and saw she had a message from an unknown number. Frowning, she opened the text and immediately felt an anchor tied around her guts drop. On the screen was an image of you in the back of an unclear car, unconscious, shirt stained scarlet. There were wounds she couldn’t examine properly because bile was rising in her throat and she didn’t want her sister to notice. She couldn’t see that picture. Ever. 
  The redhead’s sickness subsided the moment she read the text beneath the picture, moving aside for the anger that began to rise and threatened to bubble over the surface. Natasha took a deep breath to steady herself as she glared at the screen, resisting the impulse to snap the device in half.
  Too late : (
  Stay calm, recall what you know. 
  That was what Natasha had taught you when you first met. She had taught you a lot, but in that moment that lesson was the only one you were capable of recalling. 
  You were fluctuating between consciousness. You were in the trunk of a car. You were being taken. You were badly injured. It was Rae. 
  Rae… the pain she had inflicted was unlike anything you thought was possible to experience. You had no idea how many times she had swung that axe down on you, some parts of your body hurt more than others, but there was an inescapable alarm going off amongst your nerves and major organs telling you that it was bad. Really really fucking bad. 
  She had hit muscle and bone, but you were unsure what else had been punctured. You knew that the blood in your mouth meant something critical had been attacked, but it couldn’t be something so significant because you were acutely aware of the fact that you were still alive. You may very well be dying, just not yet. 
  It would be okay, someone would come for you. You just weren’t sure they would come in time.
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ladykakata · 1 month
I just saw your post about ian’s disorder and how it distorts his reality and makes him question why mickey remains in his life and you really hit the nail on the head. people rarely talk about gallavich’s relationship battles from ian’s perspective unless it’s to criticise him and I think a lot of people find it difficult to relate to his issues ig? but mood disorders go hand in hand with anxiety, identity and confidence issues. but I also think its a writing issue because so little of ian’s experiences with his illness comes from his own perspective. so it makes sense the audience tends to sympathise more with mickey because we don’t get to see ian’s personal struggle or his reasoning for certain behaviors and s10 is one of the rare examples where he got to explain his issues and the audience still couldn’t understand. sorry this is ranty lol but I’m just happy to see more meta that defends some of ian’s actions 😊
Thank you <3 It makes me sad to see so many comments practically demonise Ian, and while Ian DOES do questionable things, he's no more or less blameless than Mickey.
A comment on my post mentioned that Ian fought for Mickey just as much as Mickey fought for Ian ... in the early seasons. Remember, Mickey literally beat Ian up in frustration over the situation with Svetlana and the forced marriage. Does him attacking Ian get him off the hook for what he did? No. Does it justify it? No. It's context, not justification, which can be two entirely different things. Ian refused to let Mickey go, he loved Mickey and was visibly heartbroken at the idea his man was slipping away, even if Mickey was trying to cover up his own upset by acting aggressively. Stans might paint Ian as in the wrong again, saying he should have been supportive of Mickey going through the forced marriage and understanding it's not as 'easy' as Ian makes it sound for Mickey to just deny his father. But bearing in mind, their relationship was still very young, Ian knows Terry is a disgusting and violent man, but the sense of doom and horror is not the same unless you've grown up with it and lived it like Mickey.
Ian fought for Mickey. And Mickey fought for Ian during his bipolar struggles. Keeping score is NOT wise in relationships, so I wouldn't call this keeping score, more them trading places in who is asking the other to stay or saying they love the other during dark times.
Another point is that this was all before Ian's bipolar condition really started to manifest, so Mickey must have been even more confused that the man who was distraught over him entering a meaningless marriage was suddenly pulling away and questioning his devotion. Emotional permanence is difficult in a lot of conditions, again I am not bipolar myself but DO have pretty erratic emotional issues that mean I can go from feeling adored to feeling like the scum of the Earth everyone hates, and there's the persistent background hum of feeling unwanted that's lifelong. Ian gets a triple-hit in that he's a middle child (younger than Fiona and Lip, older than Carl, Debbie and Liam), he's inherited Monica's bipolar disorder and his chronically unstable home life tends to lead to the idea of feeling wanted by his parents and forgotten by most. I wouldn't be surprised if he felt like his mother just rejected him/abandoned him considering how often she is gone, Frank has literally attacked him unprovoked and it was only when he grew in height and gained some confidence he really started to push back, and he is neither the baby of the family nor the parent figures that Fiona and Lip were forced to be. The people he tends to form relationships with tended to lean towards lust with no real chance at a stable, happy relationship (Kash, a married man with children, and Ned, who is the same albeit Jimmy is an adult) before Caleb and Trevor, which wouldn't surprise me if he again subconsciously thought he was disposable.
I guess I'm picking up on the side effects of Ian's neurodivergence, and it pairs with a comment remarking on how people are supportive of mental health disorders until their effects affect them, then suddenly everything is unacceptable. Again, some of Ian's actions are not justified - I'm once again referring to him baiting Mickey into a physical fight by calling him slurs - but he himself explains why he did it. Mickey looked past it, and I do wonder if he's realising that yeah ... Ian, the man HE knew and who was proudly gay with very little tolerance for homophobia, suddenly turning around and calling him slurs was incredibly out of character and likely another moment of Ian's brain lashing out.
Ian did negative things to Mickey, and he should apologise. Just as Mickey has done things to Ian and should apologise. One is not better than the other. Mickey's reasons for doing things can lie with his upbringing, PTSD and circumstances, Ian's reasons can lie with bipolar disorder, his upbringing and circumstances. But they are still well-intentioned for each other, and I think they do help bring out the best in each other.
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