#and a little fish next???!!!
iovetecchou · 2 years
So funny story:
I just made dinner, and since I had some leftover rice I put it into a bowl with sugar and milk in the microwave for a lil dessert. Like my fam has always done this with rice since I was a toddler so it‘s a totally normal, kinda “when ur too lazy for anything” recipe for me
But a while back I saw people discuss how weird this recipe is, and like I seriously couldn‘t understand why it‘s really tasty and I‘ve loved it since I can remember 💀 (since about 15 years)
And I was remembering it while I waited for the microwave when my thoughts shouted at me: This was your irl Tecchou moment
Guess I added a new kin to my list without knowing 🤷
On a side note: I‘m sorry if was kinda gone in the void for a few days I fell down a sewing rabbit hole, made a chonky frog yesterday now I‘m doing a lil fish plushie 💙
oh my goodness!! that is too adorable- please (‘: my darling stinky has told me that rice with sugar is actually really yummy, and now you’re saying it as well, so i’m taking this as my final sign to try it out for myself!!
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midoristeashop · 8 months
Heyy 🤓☝️so um httyd in the god of war universe (they’re aesir!)
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And have design stuff
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I rewatched god of war gameplays and felt very self indulgent so here they are <3
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onestellarghost · 11 months
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slaps you silly... it's sturgeon time (zine photos down below)
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mellow-lynx · 27 days
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went a little silly with the background :D
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jazzzzzzhands · 9 months
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I wanted to do a color pallette challenge thingy!! and well, i really really love fish ok?? Wally loves them too!!
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riemoi · 2 months
Twisted Wonderland Royalty Au
It's the fishes time!
Tw: Yandere, Ooc?, Cringey
Reader has no gender
OctaVinelle Characters, SavannaClaw Characters, Heartslabyul characters
Summary - You are royalty of a nation that each year holds a festival for all to come and enjoy. Guests are coming from everywhere to celebrate this joyous event! Even the sea.
Relationship with the kingdom — The wonderful kingdom of the sea. After the whole mermaid lady coming to land and marrying a dude happened. The sea kingdom has been making friends with every nation they can. Yours included. Despite the king and queen of the nation being known for always meaning well. Their people are known for being cunning, two faced assholes. who’s only motivation for doing anything is greed or maybe that's just the business fishes. Actually, no. It’s probably just them.
Azul Ashengrotto - Business owner
Ah, Azul. Where do I begin with him? Do you hate him or love him? You honestly don’t know. I mean, you know every person has flaws and goods no matter the species. But this man. Oh, this man. Let’s start off from when you first met him. You were nine at the time. Your parents always forced you to greet the guests that would be staying at the castle for the festival. Azul was with his family. They own a famous restaurant under the sea and came to serve food from said place for the festival. He was much different from now, he was more anxious, friendly, and sad. But most importantly he was cute! He had a cubby soft frame. Even back then you had to resist the temptation to hug and squeeze him. You guys didn’t interact much. Usually only having short moments together. But now. My god! He wouldn’t leave you alone. Unlike back then where he worked in the kitchen now he was a representative of the sea kingdom. Being successful in climbing the ranks. He now had time to bombard you with deals, advice and contacts that you should sign. (According to him)It annoyed you mostly because you don’t know how to feel about him. He was terrible. But admirable at the same time. Working hard to climb to the top, never stopping not no matter what takes. Even using people. You loved but hated that cunning smile where everyone always knew he was planning something but never what. Hey! Guess what! Did you know that, that! Mindset it the same one he uses for you. Can you guess how many disgusting, vomit inducing, ungodly worms he had stepped on just to be talking to you right now. To be able to walk through the door of your house and get to see you. No! No, you don’t. After all, you still insist on not signing the contract. Like come on, my precious shining pearl. Sign the marriage contract! He worked so hard to be here before you. Hurting so many people. Just to be able to catch a glimpse of you again. In my personal opinion dearest, I worked my ass off hard enough to be standing in front of you kneeling at ur feet but rather standing at your side as you rightful partner! As a child I knew when I first saw you sitting on your father’s throne, even if you were just playing. I knew right then and there that I was meant to be in the other one. (Your mother’s throne.) So excuse me rudeness but why is the one that should be kneeling kissing your feet. Standing right beside you? You aren’t going to choose that leech over him right? You cannot leave me. I refuse! So…please don’t go. Talk to me! Smile at me! Praise me! Not him.
Jade Leech - Butler? 
Jade and you officially met two years ago. At first you thought he was just an employee under Azul because he acts like the typical butler. But he isn’t. Jade is a picture perfect butler in every aspect. Might you say one “hell of a butler”.(lol get it…pls laugh) until Auzl mentioned his past with the twins and that Jade has always acted that way. You felt bad that you had just assumed he and his brother were servants and didn’t introduce yourself. Then Auzl mentioned his last name. Your face fell in horror. You dropped what you were doing and started running to the twins room. With Auzl yelling for you. You knew the leech family as they were famous for being related to the mafia or so people believed. In fact, one time the Leech’s asked for you to come to their son's birthday because they wanted to play with you, but your parents turned it down because your kingdom was dealing with important stuff. You finally made it to their room, knocking on the door Jade answered shortly after. You then introduced yourself and apologized to him. With a laugh he introduced himself too and that was the start to your guys friendship. He is quite a lovely person to be around if you turn a blind eye to his weird habits. He would save you from Floyd, go on nature walks, and even help with your work. You liked having him at your side. He likes it too, of course. He was not really interested in you at first, he mostly was interested in the effect you had on his brother. He still remembers the day before their birthday when his parents sent an invitation to your family at Floyd’s command request, never had his brother had and still hasn’t thrown such a tantrum before after hearing that you weren’t coming. But now… now he knows why his brother was so upset because hell, does he want you. He wants you so bad that he doesn’t know if he could share with Floyd. It’s just the way you react to things, the way you dress, the way you struggle with some of your work, it’s just you are so fascinating and beautiful. He doesn’t mind being a butler for you a bit longer as long as you make it worthwhile and you make him yours at the end and not his brother. I don’t want to see my brother as a rival but if he keeps clinging to you like that he just might have to take you away sooner but the way he makes Auzl feel just by standing next to you is just hilarious. Ok, just don’t be with his brother more than him. “Floyd you might break their bones if you squeeze that tight”.
Floyd Leech - A Leech
You also met this thing two years ago. He would leech onto you like crazy. If he wasn’t around you then he was around Riddle and heaven forbid if you two were together. My dude is everywhere, It’s scary. Usually when you're with people you would pray that they wouldn’t get bored of you. But with him! You were praying he would stop giving a fuck about you. That amount of times he would almost squeeze you to death is not even funny. You will always remember the first time he came to the festival, he was with you all time. Always muttering about not wanting to lose you or something? And when you were out of his sight even for a second! He would throw a tantrum, only stopping when he could see you. Not even his Jade could stop him. Anyway he is  just an annoying not so little bug in your ear. Though he was fun. The only thing you could predict was when he would make Riddle mad. Other than that you didn’t know what he would do next, making for annoying but fun adventures with him. Him on the other hand is always having the time of his life with you. Unlike you meeting him two years ago Floyd met/saw you at the age of ten at a firework show. Yearly a firework show happens on a beach by the coral sea for both merpeople and land people to enjoy. You went as a kid after begging your parents to bring you. That when Floyd saw you were playing by the water collecting shells. After a while of just watching you he decided to bring shells from the water, taking the shells to the shore. He was about to throw them at you to get your attention when his parents called for him. He didn’t listen till Jade grabbed him, dragging him back to his parents. Ever since then he's been trying to meet you. Throw tantrums every failed attempt, not now he is going to keep you at his side for eternity. You're too entertaining not to. He didn’t know why he was so insistent about meeting you. Now he knows why you were meant to be by his side. He hates the idea of you leaving him, not being by him. So what do you do when you don’t want something to go? You stay by them forever. They can’t leave you if you never leave them. So of course it takes hours to get him to go home after the festival is over. “Hey shrimpy! What Jade. oh I’m squeezing them too tight? I don’t think so. You’re just jealous I’m hugging them.” I usually don’t get mad at Jade, look at what you do to me shrimpy. Hey I know, let's go get food. I don’t like what that green guy made and since I’m on vacation I don’t have to listen to Azul! What do you mean you have work? No, you don’t. Because I said so.
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starmocha · 3 months
12:30 PM Checkup Zayne + Son | 767 words | AO3 Zayne has an appointment with a very adorable doctor. A/N: Maybe I’m ovulating or something lmao but I want this man’s babies. But since he’s fictional, I’ll settle for writing little self-indulgent ficlets. 🫠
It was one of Zayne’s very few days off, and unfortunately, he found himself at the doctor’s office for a routine checkup. It was fortunate, however, that the doctor was someone he was very familiar with and trusted completely with his health. As a matter of fact, the very esteemed doctor was his three-year-old son and the so-called doctor’s office was his son’s bedroom.
He watched with amusement as the little boy, a spitting image of his father minus the hair color, adjusted his doctor play clothes. Zayne could barely contain his chuckle when his son put on the faux round-rimmed glasses and walked over to him holding a clipboard while maintaining a comically stoic expression on his young face.
“Patient’s name is…Daddy!” the young doctor declared, looking expectantly at his patient.
Zayne chuckled and nodded. “Correct, Doctor.”
“I have to listen to Daddy’s heart,” the little boy said, holding up his toy stethoscope. He pressed the toy to his father’s chest, and looked thoughtful as he “listened” to the grown man’s heart. After a few seconds, he nodded approvingly. “Heart is good, Daddy.”
Zayne sighed in relief. “Thank goodness, Doctor.” He blinked in surprise as his son pulled out a reflex hammer.
“Daddy’s knee now!”
Over the next few minutes, the young doctor performed a thorough examination on his patient, checking his ear, eyes, throat, and so on, all while diligently scribbling his notes down onto his clipboard. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully as he reviewed the notes from the wellness exam.
“Well, Doctor,” Zayne started, looking at the young boy expectantly, “Is there a diagnosis?”
The boy nodded grimly. “Daddy is tired.”
Zayne held back his laugh at the child’s acute observation. “What would be your prescription for such an ailment then?”
“One strawberry candy every day,” his doctor replied, adding another scribble to his clipboard.
Zayne actually chuckled this time. “Consider it done.” His voice took on a serious tone as he looked at the little doctor concerned. “Doctor, I believe my insurance isn’t covered under your practice. May I use an alternative payment?”
The young doctor looked thoughtful as he rubbed his chin again before holding up three chubby fingers, answering with a serious expression, “Three macarons.”
“Outrageous!” Zayne exclaimed, mock-offended, “My previous checkup only costed me one box of apple juice.”
Zayne wondered belatedly if his tone and expression might have seemed a touch stiff when he realized his doctor was starting to tear up. He knelt down to his son’s level and wiped at the boy’s eyes, apologizing softly, “I didn’t mean to upset you. Daddy is just joking.” He smiled when his son calmed down and he rubbed the boy’s cheek affectionately, “Three macarons it is, but I am afraid payment will have to be postponed until after naptime.”
“No nap!” The boy crossed his arms defiantly. “I still have to check Mr. Seal and Pan-Pan and the Windy Carrots and—”
“Even doctors take naps,” Zayne interrupted with a firm voice before softening it again, “One might even argue that doctors enjoy naps the most.”
The boy looked up at him dejected. “Do you nap, Daddy?”
“Yes,” Zayne answered with a nod as he helped his son remove the doctor costume and put away some of the toys. He gathered his son into his arms as he carried the little boy to his bed. “Sometimes I nap in my car or office in between surgeries.” He tucked his son into bed, kissing his cheek. “Now, won’t you be a good boy and take your nap for Daddy?”
“Story?” his son gave him the most pitiful pout a three-year-old can muster.
Zayne sighed, half-exasperated and half-amused. “You are just like your mother,” he muttered to himself before sitting down on the edge of the boy’s bed. “Alright, one story.”
Zayne outstretched his hand, conjuring up snowy imageries as he spun a tale with evil carrots that had taken over an innocent kingdom. Thankfully, one brave seal stood up against this evil force and taken them down along with help from Happy Snowman and its friends.
The boy watched the snowy scenery with rapt fascination as it changed following Zayne’s storytelling. As Zayne neared the end of his impromptu story, he noticed his son’s sleepy face, catching sight of a yawn escaping. He smiled to himself and quickly wrapped up the story as he re-tucked the sleepy boy into bed.
“Sweet dreams,” Zayne whispered, kissing the top of his son’s head as the little boy finally dozed off, “When you wake up, Daddy will take you and Mommy out for macarons.”
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something something a supernova of heartbreak in a cold unforgiving universe etc
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cherrirui-official · 8 months
I FORGOT TO POST THESE HERE!!! But please take the sillies that i did a while back while i work on other art stuff!
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dunyun-rings · 2 years
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my favorite cephalopods
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daughterofsarenrae · 8 months
Absolutely horrible timing for me to acquire a fish but look at him. I couldnt just leave him for some dumbass customer to chuck him in a tiny shitty unheated tank. Meet Kal (better pics to come later hopefully)
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vaugarde · 23 days
watching a svtfoe ranking list and as someone who sorta just stopped watching consistently after the season 1 finale and just loosely kept up with plot important stuff afterwards, im kinda shocked at how the show premised on “weird little alien teen girl has to learn how to use magic and things get sillay!!!” shifted so quickly to “this girl needs to just stop using magic all the time lmao shes so immature”
like girl thats why i was watching. just let my girl cook!!!
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vorekody · 25 days
Just realized I didn't make this very apparent but Payton, Noon and Tatum all work/live on a little fishing boat/ house boat together
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sagestitches · 2 months
My Dredge earring collection is expanding!
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I made the top three earlier this year, and the bottom two I just made today! The top row is the cod/all-seeing cod, barreleye/voideye, and the boat. The bottom row is the congor eel/sprouting eel and the grey mullet/gleaming mullet. I’m aiming to have at least one pair themed around a fish from each area of the game (+the Pale Reach and open ocean)
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im-still-a-robot · 1 year
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Ascii art I did in my computer science class <33
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s0fter-sin · 4 months
Okay I'm coming out of anon hiding to say I adore your mermay ghoap drabbles,, would you allow me to write a little about them? There's something so beautiful about them coming together through veneration of gruesome acts. And im...
aksjfgshifjhsjkslf oh my god PLEASE i’d love if you wrote something with it!!!
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