#and a gamer might get around to drawing some
afriendofmara · 1 year
Something I hate and something I secretly enjoy and something I outwardly enjoy when its a wealthy person doing it: when I do something so simply kind or considerate for someone, something that is so easy for me to do, and they feel so bad about ?? Letting me help in the tiniest way?? That they promise to buy dinner or drinks or something. When its my friends or people I care about its like ????? My guy it comes with the service?????? You don't have to payback, I didn't do anything I didn't want to, I just care abt u. But when its an acquaintance that is wealthy and I know they are overly piled with money, im like :3 yesssss queen of course i will take a free dinner im so poor pls treat me for ???!?!?!? Staying 30mins later than we talked about???!?!!?!?
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occamstfs · 5 months
Gacha Bro
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Jk here's an actual video game TF haha! Bit of a trade with @artificial-transmutations ! Hope you enjoy this spin on a barbarian TF! -Occam
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Erik wouldn’t label himself a gamer really, sure he threw on a stream every so often and tried to at least keep abreast of what’s popular, but he just never really found a game to care all that much about. He is fairly confident that the game his friend Jack just sent him Achillean Dreams was sure to be another in a laundry list of mediocre games he’s had a go at. It looks like a standard Gacha game which he’s never really cared for, they’re quite pay-to-win and predatory. Though he supposes that a few of his friends quite enjoy Genshin Impact? Maybe it’ll be a little fun?
Jack says he needs Erik to download the app and start playing so he can get a free pull, and after grumbling that this is precisely why he hates gacha games he downloads the app from Jack’s link and starts at it. He’s greeted with a grandiose generic animation sweeping through some fantastical setting before being deposited at his first draw. Rolling his eyes that this is just a lottery app he clicks and watches as he grows slightly curious to what, or who rather, he would pull. The screen flashes a few times before light bursts from the screen before he hears a burly voice shout “Graugh! Let’s Go!”  as a barbarian burst onto his screen swinging an axe. It zooms into his face through a mist of sweat to land on his rage filled eyes and a barbaric smirk as text reads Congratulations! You Pulled Enki the Barbarian! The screen changes once more, this time showing Enki’s model just standing and posing with his axe, flexing at the camera as if to challenge the player. Erik blushes before grimacing.
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On the rare occasion he does decide to game he would never choose to play any kind of melee fighter type guy.  He taps through the menus to get to the gameplay so he can get this over with. Jack didn’t say exactly how much he needs to play but Erik is sure it’ll be clear. He starts maneuvering Enki through the world of the game, finding the controls incredibly intuitive as he finishes the tutorial and levels up. Doing so gives him a slight high, just enough of a rush to keep going. Might as well play a little longer considering he’s sure to never pick this game back up once he puts it down.
Entering the true starting area he goes around killing slimes and large spiders to get some experience points and level up. Each time he does so he finds himself growing more and more invested in the game, he can see why people like this after all, with each kill of some weak monster his warrior only grows more powerful which in turn helps him level up faster. He looks hungrily at his muscular character as he hears the chime of another level up and sees what new aspects and skills he has new access to.
In no time at all Enki is already level five and Erik uncharacteristically pumps the air in excitement before he shakes his head in shock at himself. He blushes as he sees Enki’s figure stretch in impatience on the level up screen. Man though, no wonder Jack wanted another pull in this game, it’s already quite addictive. He then hears his stomach grumble and is taken aback. He just ate didn’t he? He looks to the clock to confirm as the hunger overtakes him regardless of when his last meal was. He gets up to go grab food and finds himself shockingly sore. Jesus he needs to exercise more, or is he dehydrated? Just like Enki he stretches as he begins to make his way over to make a sandwich. 
He feels tensions familiar and new as he feels the pleasure in stretching his body to its limits. The hem of his shirt sits just a bit higher on him, exposing his thin waist and small treasure trail as his stomach grumbles once more. Alright already, he thinks as he throws together a meal and starts playing the game once more, just walking around and seeing what all the game has to offer. On the horizon he sees villages and castles that pique his interest as he struggles within his mind not to get too invested, he doesn’t want to throw money at this game.
Beginning his mindless grind for XP once more as he levels up his soreness starts to arise once more as he grumbles and adjusts his position. The couch creaks as his weight ever so slightly begins to increase, before once more his stomach demands his attention. “Jesus Christ! Why am I so hungry!?” He finds his blood starts to race as the irritation starts to rise. Perhaps he should give the game a rest. Deciding against having another meal he opts for junk and grabs a pint of ice cream. He’ll just hit the gym tomorrow.
Picking up a book he is taken aback as he realizes that thought just pushed itself into his mind. He has no gym membership, he’s never had one? He must have meant he’ll go for an, uh, hike or something? To distract his mind from that oddity he turns to start his book, quickly finishing his pint of ice cream as he struggles to sink his teeth into this book he thought he liked? He was quite invested last time he picked it up but at the moment he finds himself picking up and checking his phone an inordinate amount. His mind keeps thinking back to Enki’s muscular body as he impatiently taps his foot. He can’t seem to sit comfortably on the couch, be it the soreness or a rising anxiety in his body at sitting and reading this boring book. Ah, this book he quite liked, rather. He groans in irritation, and closes his eyes as he tries to work out what is going on with him.
Soon enough though, distraction arrives as Jack calls. “Dude you’ve gotta play more to get me my pull.” Erik opens his mouth to answer before noticing Jack sounds off, he asks, “Do you have a cold?”
He scoffs, “Erik, c’mon bro you just gotta get to level ten so we can both get good!” Erik again pauses as he listens closer to the other line, Jack is clearly amped about something more than this stupid little game, he then hears a familiar slapping sound and a deep grunt come from his friend and he calls out, “Jack dude! What? Are you mast-” Jack quickly interrupts him, “Chill bro of course not! Just, just uh. Here watch this level up thing and you’ll do it super fast, trust.”
The line goes dark as Jack apparently hangs up before sending a link to an ad for Erik to watch. Refusing to engage with the fact he was pretty sure his friend was masturbating just now he plays the ad and is shocked to find out it's for a partnership with a local gym!? His head sears with pain as he struggles to think of how weird this paired with him thinking about the gym earlier, but he is unable to make that leap as his eyes drink in muscular men pumping iron at the gym. It ends with a message saying players get a month trial. “God that’s bizarre.” 
He grimaces once more as he changes into pajamas and jumps into bed before taking advantage of his level up boost. He starts completing missions and defeating mobs as he approaches level ten at a rapid pace. He doesn't notice as his pajamas catch weird on his body as he lies there, his feet suddenly sticking out from beyond the blankets as he flexes his toes, not feeling as they surge a bit larger. As soon as he hits the milestone he lets out something between a yawn and a groan as he stretches, not noticing as he echoes deeper than he has ever sounded before. He finds no comfort in rest as he quickly drifts to sleep, his body tossing and turning in bed as he accidentally leaves his phone on, leaving Enki to accrue passive experience as continues to level up well into the night.
The root of Erik’s soreness makes itself apparent as he shifts in his bed, muscle starting to make itself known through his increasingly tight pajamas. He sweats completely through his clothes and leaves a deep pile of drool on his pillow as, unaware to him, he starts getting hard in his sleep as his cock grows larger than he has ever seen it before, his balls growing larger and hanging lower as he dreams of open fields and intense fights.
After no time at all however he wakes up with a start rocketing sweat into the room and tearing his pajama top. He is absolutely raring with energy that he needs to make use of. Before that though he sees a notification on his phone. Oh yeah, he didn’t use his pull did he. He smirks as he wonders what kind of hero he is to get next as he clicks through to roll hsi new character. As the light glimmers once more he hears a familiar grunt though as Enki once more dervishes with an ax through villains.
There is a slight disappointment in him as he sees he has somehow gotten this standard barbarian once more. Though seeing his stats improve as he now apparently has two starts sets him right as rain. His pulse races with excitement as he imagines how much better he will be. He quickly jumps out of bed, not noticing his pajama pants now rest at his mid-calf, and throws on some clothes to race to the gym to get his apparent free membership.
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He neglects to take an uber or a bus however as he instead just starts to jog to the gym, not pulling up directions either as he somehow is able to intuit his way. In a lingering act of curiosity at what other heroes he could have pulled he clicks through the mages and thieves and smirks as he is suddenly glad he didn’t get such weak looking characters. He feels his shoes tighten as his feet surge larger once more carrying him to his destination. Besides denigrating the classes he usually enjoys playing he finds his eyes also catch on one named “Sir Gilgar” some kinda kingly paladin type who is apparently close with Enki. He tilts his head with interest at this man as he arrives at the gym.
Standing still he suddenly notices that he forgot to put on deodorant at home. He sniffs at his pits wondering how much of an issue it is to be, he definitely smells worse than usual, though it’s definitely not worth the trip back home. He is called over by the man at the front desk who bears an odd resemblance to the bear of a blacksmith from the game. “Yo bro! You play A.D.?” Erik nods his head as the receptionist continues, “Enki yeah?” Erik stumbles back in confusion, “Uh Erik actually?” to which the man just laughs “hah, oh yeah that’s what I meant. You’re friend told me you might be in.”
There is then an arm around Erik's shoulder, though heavier and higher than any of his friends could possibly have. Before he can turn to see however he notices that his less than pleasant musk is immediately overshadowed by the stink coming from this pit right next to his face, and finds himself taken aback once more as he is jealous, at the stink, whispering “what the fuck?” as he turns to this mammoth of a man. 
The man before him is, familiar? He squints his eyes as he sees the chiseled chin and long wavy hair. Ah that’s why, he looks just like that paladin Erik just saw in game doesn’t he what was his name? “Gilgar?”
The man smiles and laughs heartily, a deep rumble that makes Erik blush as he looks down and pats him on the back. “Huhuh no bro,it’s me Jack! Thanks for downloadin’ the game dude it’s really helped me get uh, bigger? Yeah, huhuh! I was playin’ it all night.” Erik continues to stare the man up and down, struggling to find anything to reconcile that this is his friend Jack. As he does so though his memories quickly change as he hungrily stares at his defined chest and weighty biceps, this is actually what Sir Jack’s always looked like though? He then shakes his head to respond, “yeah I can tell dude, you certainly didn’t shower.” 
“Huh” Jack grunts as he raises his arm to smell his pit, exposing a deep bush that Erik can’t help but stare in to with a hungry jealousy. He laughs once more, this time though there is something more sinister in it as Erik realizes that he has been staring down back at him the entire time, with something ulterior in his eyes. Before he can start to inquire or investigate what that is though Jack messes with his hair and heads for the showers, “why don’t you go and get started Erik, gonna need a lotta work to catch up with me huhuh!” 
He turns and leaves Erik alone, as he feels a fire burn in his chest. He should use this. Erik puts the game away as he throws on a workout playlist and he starts going all out lifting weights and going at the machines. He doesn't wonder how he so perfectly knows how to carry his body and expertly perform flawless exercise at every turn. He smirks as his pulse continues to race as he goes all out to try and sculpt his body like Gilgar, er Jack did. There is an itch on Erik’s chest as he does so, hope it’s not a rash he thinks as he continues about the workout. He scratches at it as below his shirt hair begins to push out in the middle of his pecs. It swirls around aiming to cover them entirely as a similar itch starts winding his way up his stomach as his treasure trail expands thicker and darker, rising higher to connect his pubes to his increasingly expansive chest hair. The music on his phone changes without his notice to the songs from the game. Enki’s theme starts to rise in pitch as his grunts deepen with every thrust and pull of his workout. The deepest itch yet starts to emerge in his pits as he throws weights down to scratch at them  His hands absolutely rank with his pit sweat as he brings his hand to his nose and smirks as he looks down to his darker hair, smirking as he already feels more like a man.
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Erik then has the brilliant idea that if he switches to the treadmill where he’ll be able to play the game while still getting his blood pumping. Once he sets the treadmill going and pulls out the app, ignoring a picture sent from his friend, he sees that after starting his membership he has gotten another pull in game. He crosses his fingers this time desiring nothing more than to get himself, no, his Enki once more. He could not care about the improbability of it all as after the bright flash he hears the familiar grunt of Enki as he whispers under his breath along, still racing faster than he’s ever run before on this treadmill.
As he elevates his hero to three stars he finds himself running even faster on the treadmill. His stomps growing heavier as he continues to race faster and faster on the machine without lifting a finger or pushing a button to speed it up. He exhales through his nose like a bull as he feels his blood course through him, spreading a heat through the whole of his body. He clenches the arms of the treadmill just to exert further force upon it as his vision begins to grow red as he begins to outpace the fastest setting on the treadmill. Tears appear in his shoes and his thighs burst larger, absolutely tearing his shorts to shreds as he slams step after step into the track of the machine. He grasps at the knob of the treadmill trying to ratchet it faster than it’s max to little avail. 
His blood burns in his veins as he twists the button off the shoddy machine and every muscle in his body tenses and surges larger as he feels rage become impossible to control, displacing every thought in his mind. His shirt strains and then bursts as his chest flexes larger exposing the newly hairy curls on his still growing pecs as each expansive breath surges deeper and heavier. 
He strains to restrain himself  from enacting violence in the middle of the gym as he sees his phone fall to the floor, somehow midway through yet another pull without his input. He feels spit on his chin dripping through a beard he didn’t even notice he started growing as he breathes through his clenched teeth. It begins to push out even further, his jaw itching deeply from every angle as his stubble becomes a dense beard, thicker than he would have thought ever possible as Enki’s familiar theme begins to blare from the phone dropped on the floor. 
He pants as he struggles to hold back his rage though as the seconds pass he starts to wonder why he would ever do so, he is En- no he is Erik. He is a formidable, ugh. He clenches at his head as his legs push him higher into the air. He sees thick veins surge down his arms as they force themselves larger, hair darkening them up from his wrist and spreading up his biceps as his chest hair spreads to connect to his dense pits. His body begins to shake with the rage barely restrained.
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At this moment there is once more a friendly arm around his shoulder and a familiar musk immediately breaks through his mindless anger as he turns to see his friend. His rival? It is not worth interrogating, he closes his eyes and smells the musk of his long companion Sir Gilgar. He turns to look him directly in the eyes, finding himself directly at eye level despite being well below it when he first stepped into the gym. There is a cocky smirk plastered on his face as if he were used to being the most impressive man in the room. Erik finds himself readily agreeing with this assessment, as long as of course Enki himself does not hold the position, shaking his head as he flexes groans as his body struggles to expand even further. 
Erik shakes back to reality as he sees that Sir Gilgar has been talking to him, his eyes inscrutibly somewhere between a haughtiness and a hunger as he continues, “Sorry Enki are you not listening?” Erik feels his check burn and he groans as he responds, “I, I am Erik not ugh.” He feels his mind grow confused as he sees his friend, his bedfellow in front of him. Thoughts fly through his head from two worlds and he struggles to remember who, Erik is.
Seeing Erik’s eyes grow blank as drool begins to pool in his mouth Gilgar kneels to grab the phone and begins tapping through the menus of the game. Taking a moment to stare and smirk at his own reflection in the screen before navigating to a purchase menu for Erik. He sees the bulge in Erik’s shredded pants begin to grow heavier as he hands his phone to him and asks, “Why not get this over with Enki, just embrace it. Don’t you want to be with me? All you need to do is hit one button.”
Erik’s eyes blast back to focus as he grunts and his cock surges even larger in his underwear at the thought of being with the man in front of him. Without a thought he purchases one last pull and doesn’t even watch as he knows what is to occur. He feels his pulse begin to race as an itch spreads through his veins, every tendon and muscle in his body warms as he almost vibrates with energy. Gilgar leads him to the locker room as he continues to convulse and grow.
Memories of his life before this game fade without contest as he recalls life as Enki, the barbarian, the warrior. Pride surges through him as he remembers countless victories and the beyond countless days of training to ensure this. He recalls being the pride of his village, of his people, of Sir Gilgar’s eye. He remembers the fateful day they met and the wrestling match that ensued, the contest that locked them together ever more, and the subsequent wrestling matches that devolved into something even more primal.
These memories continue to surge into his head as he continues to follow his companion into the locker room. His suddenly confused at why he is in such a bizarre place, he is a warrior is he not? Enki scratches at his pit and sniffs the musty air before deciding not to care, thinking was more his friend’s purview. The only thing he is truly concerned about at the moment is the increasing weight in his crotch. Seeing Gilgar start to disrobe in the corner of this tiled room Enki’s lust grows beyond any ability to fight it as he pounces, not even thinking to remove his underwear as his cock pushes beyond the bounds anyway. The two then begin wrestling as they often do before it turns into the frotting that it always does these days.
Enki does not know or care for the game that he awoke obsessed with this morning. Nor will he ever again. In fact there are few things at all as he prefers to do anything but think. Though somewhere beyond his rage, beyond his lust, he will be grateful for that link sent by his companion for it has allowed him to experience truly mindless pleasure evermore.
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psychicreadsgirl · 2 months
Pick A Coffee Reading: How will you meet your next S/O?
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Pick the coffee that draws you most. Remember if you are drawn to 2, then you can feel free to look at both readings. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't behind. This is a general reading so not everything will apply to you!
You will likely meet your next S/O at some event or party. You will probably be introduced by someone or know each other from a mutual friend. You will likely meet in a more crowded/public area, so unlikely somewhere that's at home or familiar to you. This will feel more like an unexpected event as you probably had no plans to meet someone new that day.
You will probably meet on a colder day, perhaps not the winter but perhaps on a day that's oddly cold for the season. It could be windy as well, but it's definitely not the typical day for that month/season. The weather could also be rather bad like rainy or storm or thunder or tornado or hurricane. It's probably not the most ideal setting/time for the meeting.
You'll likely look not your best on that day. Perhaps you also had a bad day too. This will likely be one of those random encounters, possibly at a school event/field trip/work related event like a conference. It could also be like even at a grocery store/convenience store where you're just running errands. It seems to be a "typical" day but then the meeting is rather atypical.
It's possible that after the meeting you won't even get connected to them properly until later on. You might even forget about this meeting and think they are annoying. It seems like this meeting's first impression is not so good.
You will likely meet virtually/online. You will probably get connected through some interest or some activity online like they DM you on IG or you DM them on Twitter or something. You're also likely to befriend each other due to some common interest/goal like you might be wanting to study English or some other language so you become pen pals with them. You might be gaming and meet a fellow gamer friend who later becomes your S/O. You could also be introduced from a mutual online friend.
It's more likely that you will be friends with them first. The romance may also be slow burn, so even if you were to meet them online at first you might not even feel attracted to them at first. However after being friends for a while, you'll realize that they would be a good s/o.
You're likely to meet them while travelling abroad or going out somewhere in the city. You're likely to meet them while having fun abroad so it could be a club or maybe a restaurant or a mall even. You could even meet them at a hotel/hostel/cruise. It seems like you're on some adventure when you meet them.
This may feel like a whirlwind romance as you feel instantly drawn to them. They may even show you around their hometown or place or they could be travelling abroad too so you guys explore the area together.
This romance could perhaps end as quickly as it starts though. However, for some it may even lead to marriage and your love story would be quite interesting to others. You might even start an IG/Youtube or something that features your romance abroad.
You're likely to meet them at some place you often frequent. It could be a library where you often study or some coffee shop you often go to. The setting will be rather familiar to you.
The meeting could be either from an older person introducing you to them or from some mutual colleague/friend. It might even be like a blind date set up by your friends/family/parents. There seems to be some sort of "forced" situation here, and you likely already know you'd be meeting someone that day. There's some reluctance on your part to go this meeting and you will be pushed to go. You might even already have heard stories about this person and already made judgments about them before meeting them in person. It's sort of a situation where you already know the person's name but you don't know them personally.
This meeting will feel rather awkward at first. You will also probably be with someone else during this meeting so like a friend/family member will be there. It doesn't seem like a one-on-one meeting. It's unlikely that sparks will fly during this first meeting but I would say to give this person a chance and don't disregard them completely. While for some it is possible that this may not even turn into romance in the end, this person will be very beneficial to you somehow like could help you open doors for careers/give you a lot of advice/help you in some way/be very close to you.
You will likely meet them while you are attending a concert, theatre, movie, ballet, etc - some sort of arts-related event. You might also have a bad impression of them when you first meet like they cut in front of you or they talk really loudly during the performance or block your view. You're likely going to either be by yourself at this attendance or with a group of friends. If you're with a group of friends then you're likely to join their group of friends. If you're by yourself, you could confront them or someone in their group somehow. They, on the other hand, will likely attend this event with a group of friends.
It's even possible that you will have attended the same event but don't realize until much later.
You're unlikely to keep contact with them after this attendance or even realize they existed then, but then you will somehow bump into them later. It could be like days later, months later, or even a year to a couple of years later. Somehow they will be in your life later like they could become a new employee at the firm you work in or a new student at your school or your new boss or somehow work at a place you often frequent.
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WIBTA for telling someone i can't be friends with them and returning a gift?
buckle up gamers, this is gonna be a long one. so i (22nb but i present fem) was out at the bars the other night just kinda hanging out, and a girl (26f) came up and started talking to me. she didnt really seem...super present i guess? and i talked to her to be nice and she had a cool outfit on. well i was a little drunk and ended up giving her my phone number and meeting her husband (39m) and they walked me home. the whole time she was talking about how she doesn't have any friends and her ex friends just wanted to get with her husband. she told me she was bi and i was like hey me too but im not interested in sex so that was cool. she ended up walking me home w her husband bc it was late which was nice, but they seemed really shocked i lived in such a nice apartment(i do, its expensive but my parents pay for it. im really privileged to be able to do that).
i saw her again today because she kept texting me about wanting to hang out, so i went for ice cream with her bc it was in a public place and i wasnt super comfortable going back to her apt with her. i paid for her ice cream bc she said her card wasnt working, nbd bc my parents have money and her and her husband aren't really well off. i said she could pay me back sometime, buy me ice cream or whatever another day, but she really fixated on it. she told me her husband thought i was cute which made me a little uncomfortable but i laughed it of, and then she kept talking about how she was bi and would date a girl and how she approached me not to date but to be a friend and then 'see where it goes.' she also told me she did porn online to make money which is fine w me, that she's on disability but that the money isnt really enough to live on, and that she'd been raped in the past and drugged which yanno a little overshare-y considering ive known her for three days but she really seemed like she needed someone to talk to and im good at listening. well her husband showed up out of nowhere bc he apparently tracks her phone and we all went back to their apartment bc i couldn't say no(im a doormat. i know) and she ended up giving me two pieces of jewelry in return for buying her ice cream which felt a little like overkill. i tried to refuse but she said she wouldn't ever wear them again so it would be fine. it was really kind of her but now i kind of feel i owe her back for them. the whole time i was there they seemed really eager to get me to move in nearby, and while its true that area is definitely cheaper my parents are really fine paying for my expensive apartment bc my tuition is a lot cheaper than my sibling's. she and her husband walked me home again, mentioning they might be going on a cruise in november if they could save up the money and that they could bring a friend. i said id almost definitely have school which they seemed to accept. they kind of seemed to want to see my place, but i told them it was really messy(it is) i have anxiety around having people in my space(i do) and that maybe they could come up another day and i could make dinner, and she told me she didn't like people cooking for her bc she'd been drugged in the past and that i could go over to their apartment again instead.
my parents think theres some really big red flags going on and i should try to break this off sooner rather than later. i pretty much agree. im not gonna ghost her and they dont think i should either, but that i should somehow return the jewelry in a kind way and tell her i cant really be super close friends. my mom had the idea to draw myself wearing the jewelry and then say i still have a memory of it but to return it bc i cant accept such a nice gift which i could try to do.
to be clear i am shit at communication and setting boundaries, im very aware of that, and most of this can be solved by telling her hey i can't accept this gift and im really busy for school a lot and im sorry i cant be as much as a friend as you need. but i still kinda feel like tah for leading her on almost and then breaking it off like everyone else in her life. ive been under a lot of stress bc of school and my stepgrandmother passing and trying to take care of my grandfather so trying to be friends with someone that seems kind of high maintenance is not really tenable for me.
so, wibta if i tried to let her down gently?
What are these acronyms?
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owatazumi · 3 months
Ok this is a ff idea for Heeseung or maybe the whole hyung line…but I kinda wanna see how they would react to catching you singing in different scenarios
For example: Hee = u were laying in bed with ur headphones in. Jay = u were cooking. Jake = u were drawing/writing. Hoon = u were in your room dancing and thought u were home alone.
(Doesn’t have to be exact…I was just giving u some ideas)
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enha + reader best friends/relationship getting caught singing no warnings a/n: thank you squoxie for this cute request, omgomg i really hope you enjoy it !! i added all the members bc i feel like i don’t do headcanons and stuff like that enough so here you go !! hope you enjoy it nonetheless<3
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heeseung and you were on the way back home, the windows rolled slightly down, the breeze hitting softly against your face as you tap your foot to the song that hee put on… «i hear the secrets that you keep, when you’re talkin’ in your sleep» and as soon as you start singing along to the song, heeseung couldn’t help but smile at you in such a tender way. he liked the song and he especially liked you so this just made the whole ride home better…
“i never heard you talk in your sleep before, you know? maybe because you don’t hide secrets from me…”
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jay had been bugging you all week long to cook with him sometime, telling you that it would be a great way to bond further so eventually you give in and agree to his idea. a playlist of his and your favorite songs was playing in the background as you two run around the kitchen in a hustle, occasionally bumping into each other, maybe on accident, maybe not… «꼭꼭 숨었다가 웃으면 나타나, 어디서 온 걸까» but as soon as you started singing to dimple, jay stopped everything he was doing to listen carefully to your beautiful voice…
“i told you it would be great to cook together and i’m glad you agreed or i wouldn’t have heard your beautiful voice…”
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jake was pretty busy with his game, not paying much attention to what you were doing so you made yourself comfortable on his bed, softly humming and singing to the songs you put on that you found when he went with you through his playlists one time… «come closer, i’ll give you all my love, if you treat me right, baby, i’ll give you everything» and needless to say, he was immediately thrown out of his gamer mindset as soon as he heard your voice singing along to falling. jake turned around in his chair, putting down his headphones and made himself comfortable beside you on his bed, cuddling close to you as you chuckle softly since he was accidentally tickling you…
“this song reminds me of you… i always have to think about you when i listen to it and im absolutely not complaining.”
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sunghoon and you felt a weird craving for some snacks in the middle of the night, silently making your way to the kitchen to not wake up the other members. while he was rummaging through the shelves, searching for something that might interest him you were snacking on your cereal, phone in your hand, scrolling through socials as you sing a random song… «i want you to know, that if i can’t be close to you, i’ll settle for the ghost of you, i miss you more than life» sunghoon froze as soon as he heard you singing so softly, his heart doing jumping jacks. he noticed that you probably didn’t even notice that he heard you so he carefully sneaked up on you, looking over your shoulder with a soft smile…
“that wasn’t too bad, was it? mind singing the rest of the song for me?”
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sunoo wanted to have a movie night with you since he had a few days off and he wanted to spent some time with his best friend again. you actually knew one of the songs that played in the movie so you couldn’t help but sing along, feeling all excited about it… «우연히 너의 메일을 알게되면서,모니터 앞에 널 밤새 기다릴때» and sunoo immediately started singing along with you, smiling brightly as you two started swinging side to side slightly, vibing and even harmonizing to i think i did together…
“i’m so glad we chose this movie! i really like this song and it’s much more special when we enjoy it together, right?”
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jungwon had one earbud in his ear and you had the other one as you two walk along the river, the sky freckled with bright stars. he didn’t seem very focused on you, he was very relaxed, just enjoying the moment as you two casually walked together… «i knew it when i first read your lips, only angels speak like this» as if out of reflex, both of you turn your heads toward each other, your gazes connecting as the stars shine down on you…
“i’m glad you know this song too… it would be embarrassing if i told you that i think of you when i listen to it without you knowing the song.”
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ni-ki wanted you to come along to one of his late night practices, the vibes were different and you had the whole studio to yourselves so nobody was interrupting or annoying. you were both vining to one of the songs that he recommended you to play, laughter and chuckles echoing through the room as you two enjoy the time together… «sippin’ bubbly feelin’ lovely, livin’ lovely, just love me, just love me just love me» ni-ki had to stop for a second, mesmerized by both the way you moved so comfortably, trusting him enough to just dance however you wanted and the way you started singing along to the song as well…
“not bad, i have to admit. maybe we should do this more often, what’d ya say?”
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<33 @squoxle @echoofnoise00
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usetheeauthor · 2 years
Video Games (MDNI +18)
🎶I heard that you like the bad girls, honey? Is that true?🎶
Sub!Boyfriend!Arisu Ryohei x Dom!Reader
Summary: Your boyfriend games all day instead of paying attention to you. You know exactly how to get him out of his own world.
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A/N: Wrote another sub!Arisu fic because I’m horny and I want to slut this man out. He’s so underrated in the fandom and I don’t get why. Do you see that innocent face? This man is begging to be folding like a pretzel.
Word Count: 994 words
Warnings: smut, handjob, biting, hair pulling, choking, kissing/french kissing, saliva as lube, spit kink, cum eating, dacryphilia, daddy kink
You knew the disadvantages of having a gamer boyfriend but you figured that Arisu was more than worth it. Now you’re not so sure anymore.
Just how is it possible that this man could stay in front of a screen for hours on end, mindlessly shooting enemies? Not once has he looked up at you to make sure that you’re still there. You just might very well leave.
Except you were incredibly horny.
There was something about your boyfriend that just made you so insatiable. You’ve never had a sexual appetite this intense before but whenever you’re in his presence all you want to do is tie him to your bed and use him until you’re both spent.
Sometimes, you wondered if your boyfriend felt this way, too. You get that he enjoys sex but it’s almost as if he’d rather game than make love to you.
You huff out loud. He glances at you for a moment, unaware of your lust-filled thoughts. You guess you should test your theory.
Standing up from your seat on the couch, you alert him enough for him to do a double take. Nonetheless, he returns his attention back to the game, headphones over his ears as he shouts commands at his team.
You approach him from behind the couch, removing the headset and throwing them off to the side.
“Hanii, I’m a little busy, here.” Arisu groans, frustration pickled in his tone.
“I know,” You whisper seductively in his ear. “But I want you.”
A shiver goes down his spine. “I can’t leave the guys. We’re right in the middle of a serious game.”
“I just wanna play with you for a bit. Why should you get to have all the fun?” You pout, leaning over the couch a little to rub his clothed erection. He’s already starting to grow in your hands.
“Please…” Arisu rasps.
You kiss and suck his neck, now exposed from lowering his hoodie. Continuing to palm his thick length, you could feel the faint motion of his hips rolling up in a circle.
“Should I stop?” You ask, teasingly.
“Uh-uh.” He protests, eyes closed.
“That’s what I thought.” You say, pulling down his shorts and underwear with his assistance and free him of his restraints. Your mouth waters at the sight of his dick. It was just so pleasingly beautiful. Thick and decent in length, he knew exactly how to use it to hit the deepest parts of you.
You hold your palm out in front of him, signaling him to spit. Arisu obeys, whimpering once you began coating his cock with his saliva and slowly stroking him. His ragged breaths fill the air and it takes everything in you not to ravish him. Your free hand grabs a fistful of his hair, turning his head to the side for a kiss. Upping the theatrics of the kiss, you massage your tongue over his while moaning. It was absolutely pornographic.
Sucking on his bottom lip, you drag it along with you before letting it go with faint pop. Your grip tightens around him, focusing your clenched fist around the sensitive tip of his cock.
His mouth parts, eyes squeezed shut and head thrown back. He looks so amazing. How was it possible that you were his first girlfriend with beauty like that? You clasp a hand around his neck, applying enough pressure to choke out a sob.
You bite down on his earlobe, stroking him quicker. “Ryohei, don’t hold back. Make some noise for me.”
Arisu does as you say. No longer afraid to be vulnerable with being subservient to you. With every tug, he makes a soft ‘uh, uh, uh’ sound. He could feel his balls drawing up, the tension in the pit of his stomach building up.
“I’m gonna cum.” He whines.
“I wanna see your eyes when you cum. Please, daddy.” You were surprised yourself that you let that slip out. You’ve never called a guy that before especially not when you’re the dominant one in bed. But you were just so desperate to please him that he’d earned the title in that moment.
You could tell that it was just what he needed to let go, eyes open as you stare back at him intensely. He lets out a guttural moan, back arching as he spills over himself. His warm cum spurts out and runs down your fist and his tummy. You continue to jerk him, wanting to extend his pleasure for as long as he could take it.
“That’s it, daddy. Let go. Make a mess for me.” You kiss up his neck some more, it slightly sweaty from the exertion.
He begins to shudder and sob at the overstimulation. His nails sink into the couch cushion under him, searching for something to ground him. You have mercy on him, removing your hand and he can breathe again.
You make a show of licking his essence off your palm and fingers before crawling up the overhead of the couch, rolling onto the seat beside him. You plop your head in his lap, his dick still out but long gone soft. He hasn’t moved since his orgasm.
You stare up at him concern. “My love?”
He looks down at you in his lap with a blissed out smile and his hair was messy. “I’m back.”
“Good to know. I was worried I lost you there.” You giggle, soothing his hair.
He snaps out of his daze when he hears the notification sound from the TV. He quickly takes the controller to open the message.
“Dude, if you were going to abandon the game to get laid, at least give us a heads up. Also, your mic’s on.”
Arisu blushes profusely, taking a throw pillow to shove in his face. He muffles, “We forgot to turn off the mic! They’ll never let me live it down.”
“I’m sure they enjoyed the show.” You wink, rubbing his back.
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kiachiako · 2 years
carpe diem | l.hc
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pairing |  gamer!haechan x female!reader
synopsis | You know you’re in trouble when your heart starts beating a little faster around Lee Haechan, professional flirt and someone any of your friends would advise against falling for. Then why are you standing in front of his door at the dead of night, lured by his offer of games, marijuana, and quality time with the man himself?
content | gamer!haechan, coder!reader, fluff, angst, language warning, drug usage, suggestive
wc | 5.1k
song | let’s get lost — g-eazy ft. devon baldwin
a/n | wish i could put into words how much i adore the vibe in this fic :(( hope you enjoy it just as much and leave any and all feedback at the end, i love reading your thoughts <3 ly
[h__chan06, 11:23PM] come over
You glance over at your phone as it lights up next to you, letting your eyes adjust to the darkness as your attention is stolen from the code on your monitors. With a snap of your gum and a knowing smile, you return back to the task at hand after scanning the chat notification that disappears just as quickly as it came.
It’s 11pm, and you know your night has only just started; as a compsci uni student by day and someone’s whose late hours are reserved by more… underground jobs, you’re used to the twilight that accompanies you as you work. Seoul’s neon city lights illuminate your apartment on their own as your fingers fly across the keyboard in your lap, lips pursed as your gaze races over each line of code in concentration.
You sigh when your clean slate of java is interrupted by a call pop-up that inconveniently takes up the entirety of your main screen. You’re about to click the red decline button when another text pops up, h__chan06’s < u better pick up > pressuring you into accepting.
“Y/N,” Haechan’s voice echoes throughout your room, filling the previous silence with his raspy tone. It sounds like he just woke up, and frankly, you think it’s the most attractive thing you’ve heard all week.
You hum softly in response.
“I’m bored,” he complains lowly, the sound of rubbing fabric transmitting over your speaker letting you know that he’s probably swathed in blankets in true Haechan fashion. “Want you to come game with me.”
You look up through your eyelashes at the digital blue light time on your wall, groaning when you remember that you have a 2am shift in a few hours at the 24-hour PC Bang that you completely forgot about.
“You know I can’t game for shit, Haechan.”
You hear him scoff at that, his mumbled, “says the literal game hacker,” making you giggle. You swivel around in your comfy desk chair, pushing your way to one of the glass walls of your apartment.
“It’s just,” you continue, staring out into the night cityscape, “I’ve got code due tomorrow for Prof Jung and I really wanna finish it before my part-time at the internet cafe.”
And you might be a little scared of spending alone time with the boy that makes your heart flutter a bit too much, but you would never admit that out loud.
“Please, Y/N,” the boy pleads with you. “Umm, I also just rolled if you want some.”
Your ears definitely perk up at that. Even though your assignment isn’t finished and it’s never the best idea to show up high to your job, you find yourself shrugging on a zip-up and grabbing your keys before you can even register your own actions.
Only a few hours can’t hurt, right?
It’s been five minutes of standing in front of Haechan’s apartment door — which just happens to reside in the same complex as yours — and you’re starting to think this is a bad idea.
Actually, this was a bad idea starting from the very first time you were introduced to Lee Haechan.
You still remember that day so clearly in your head; Mark had texted you and your friend group to meet up at his new apartment just days before sophomore year of uni started a year ago, his title as your best friend winning your free time over immediately as you headed a few floors down from your own home with Jaehyun and Karina. You were elated to be in the same building with Mark Lee, because that meant free rides to your classes in his classy Mustang and not having to jog a few blocks down the campus residences for weekly rom com reruns anymore.
However, what you had not expected to see was a brand new face as the three of you entered the spacious apartment, an unfamiliar boy’s laugh ringing throughout the foyer as if he had known your friends for an entire lifetime.
You were introduced to Lee Haechan a few moments later, his relaxed nature and confident smile drawing everyone to him immediately. The integration of his presence into your circle of friends was almost instantaneous.
It turned out that Haechan was Mark’s new roommate (and new competition for the title of his best friend, unfortunately), and somehow had every girl on campus hanging on to the sweet words that dripped out of his pretty mouth; it was just too easy to get hooked on his saccharin voice. He was truthfully too attractive for his own good with his sharp wit and dazzling smile, his model-like dimensions and the headphones/hoodie duo that drove female classmates to their graves with his gamer boyfriend appeal.
It was mostly wariness that kept you from growing close with Haechan, not really sure of what to think of him and his flirty tendencies although he had been nothing but friendly with you in the presence of your now shared friends.
One particular night after exams, the lot of you were over at their place to unwind after such a mentally demanding past few months. A few of the boys were busy trying to concoct something edible in the kitchen (it was most definitely not edible, as you had the “pleasure” of experiencing a few hours later), while Karina and Taeyong were hooked up in the most intense match of Mario Kart you had ever seen in your life.
“Shit,” Mark had mumbled, groaning as his eyes raked over the contents of their empty fridge. “Y/N,” you lifted your head to glance at him as you snuggled up against Karina’s side on the couch, skirt splayed on the cushions while watching the game intently. “I told Haechan to buy the soju today, but this fucker can’t even remember his own address,” he stared pointedly at said boy, Haechan’s innocent expression throwing you off guard, “so I’m not surprised that he forgot the drinks. Can you run to the convenience store down the street real quick and get some?”
You reluctantly got up from your comfy spot on the couch and made your way over to Mark, pulling his free hoodie over your form and tracing a frowny face on his fore-arm as your best friend pulled you into an apology hug.
“He’ll go with you and pay,” Mark nodded to Haechan, who shrugged and grabbed his card before holding the front door open for you with a wicked grin. “Play nice, Hyuck.”
You shuffled a few steps behind him as the two of you made your way out of the apartment complex and through the city night’s light drizzle, hair dampening when you neglected to pull up your hood.
You remember glancing up to him in surprise when Haechan suddenly turned around and tugged you forward by the sleeve, rivulets of raindrops tipping his lashes and glistening down his neck as he pulled you into a run with a wide smile.
“Let’s race.”
It had come as a surprise to you how easily you complied, eyes creased in elation as the rain poured down on your sprinting forms. The two of you weaved through umbrella clad people hurrying to escape the oncoming storm, a boy you barely knew leading you through shallow puddles and blinking crosswalks.
You were soaked by the time you got to the 24-hour convenience store, expressions painted with pure giddiness as you stepped into its artificial lights. The cashier had eyed the two of you with the greatest disdain, his gaze burning into the small spot of growing water pooling at the entrance under your figures.
Following Haechan into the alcohol aisle, you startled when a soft ding of your phone interrupted your euphoric haze. An immediate grimace graced your face.
“What is it? A new assignment?” He leaned closer to peer at your phone, warm breath reaching your cheek as his shoulder brushed against yours. Noticing the shaky inhale you had taken, he leaned back, amused. “I make you nervous, don’t I.”
You looked at him, incredulous.
“Never,” you answered, mentally kicking yourself at how unsure you sounded. The butterflies that you felt like vomiting gave yourself away nonetheless. “I don’t even know you.”
Haechan raised an eyebrow at you before dragging a chair out at the little window table in the corner of the store. Patting the seat across from him, he poured you a shot of soju and brushed a wet strand of hair out of your eyes.
“Then let me.”
You had sat there with Haechan for far too long that night, discovering every little thing he was willing to give up: from his area of study (“I’ll give you my old Python notes for Prof Cho’s lectures,” he had offered. “As your resident game development major and a survivor of the infamous Cho experience, I hereby grant you the right to all of my past cheat sheets and tests) to his unwavering loyalty to grape juice of all things (“You monster.” You had simply taken one sip of your apple drink before pausing with your lips hovering over the straw, feeling absolutely violated with the kicked puppy look he was giving you. “Apple over grape? Monster.)
The two of you had returned to Mark and Haechan’s flat hours later than you were supposed to, the former blaming his roommate for distracting you because he knew Haechan and his tendencies much better than anyone else did. Jaehyun had immediately swept you away in a game of Jenga (you thought it was a mystery why he enjoys a children’s game so much, but is it really?), so you were left with no other chance to speak with Haechan that night, even though he would shoot you a secret smile every chance he got.
It never escalated further.
School resumed like normal and suddenly everyone was busy again. Sure, you and Haechan were still friendly, but you hung out with the other guys much more than you did with him. A part of you was just so unsure about the type of guy he really was; you heard of his midnight escapades far too often to think that he was ever sincere in any interaction with a girl, nonetheless with you. It seemed like the boy that had run with you in the thundering rain and shared his stance on grape juice with passion was simply a figment of your imagination, a fleeting moment among thousands for him. You weren’t hurt nor surprised, already warned of his flowery words that you assumed were customized for each pretty girl that had the fatal luck of meeting Lee Haechan.
But he never made a true advance on you. Whenever your friend group got together, it was just meaningless flirting: the kind that caused your heart to flare up that you desperately pleaded with it to not react to someone like that. It was a sort of game almost, the type where you joked around with him when the time came, but never enough that you would be left with him for more than ten minutes. He still scolded Mark for making fun of you and offered you to smoke with him on more occasions than you’d like to admit, but that was it. A few weak moments in your judgment when you would give in to his offer for help on coding assignments and a free blunt.
As those memories play in your head, you bring your fingers up to your temples in frustration with yourself. You’re always careful with your heart, and you know that his words do affect you in a way they really shouldn't. You’ve been trying to avoid Haechan lately because you think the flirting might have actually gotten to your head. And yeah, you’re probably hyper aware of the scent of his cologne and the mere way he carries himself, but you’re determined to never fall in the traps of your own rapid heartbeat and warming cheeks.
“So then why am I here-” your mumbles stop when the door to the apartment you’ve been standing in front of swings open, the culprit leaning against its frame as his eyes flick over to you.
“Because you get swayed too easily, angel,” Haechan grins at you, his sweatpants and oversized hoodie hanging off his figure so well that you actually think it’s unfair. “And c’mon. We all know that you’ve just been dying to see me.”
You just gape at him before he laughs and tugs you inside, hand reaching up to squish your cheeks together.
“Don’t do that,” you pout after a few moments, pushing his hands away as you feel your face warm.
“I couldn’t resist, love,” he drawls, a Cheshire like smile overtaking his visage as he gestures for you to follow him into the living room. You take a seat on the floor with your back against the couch as you watch him move around, picking up two game controllers from the console before flicking the TV on and returning to sit next to you. The glittering lights of Seoul’s nightlife casts an eerie glow on Haechan’s side profile, all the sharp lines and curves of his face highlighted as you observe him.
Curious, you pick up one of the controllers and fiddle with it before shifting your body towards him.
“Why’d you text me though? You have so many other friends that probably game better than I do.”
Haechan doesn’t take his eyes off the screen as he replies to your valid inquiry, patting the space next to him so you’d move closer.
“You’re the only one that lives near here besides Mark, who decided that late-night practicing for his drivers license test is more important than playing games with me,” he jokes, shooting you a small grin before booting up the game home screen.
Wait, no. That’s perfectly logical, you think to yourself.
…then why am I disappointed?
You hum in understanding before looking back up at the loading game.
“Want a hit?” the boy next to you offers, holding out a rolled joint between his index finger and thumb that wasn’t there before. You nod slowly and he takes the initiative to slot it between your lips, fingers grazing your chin in the slightest as he lights the end for you. You take a long pull, closing your eyes and sitting back as your insides fill with warmth with an exhale. Handing the joint back to him, he brings it to his lips and lets the smoke snake out his mouth before dissipating throughout the living room. “You needed that, hmm?”
Your glazed eyes tell him all he needs to know as he starts the video game on his TV, fingers busy setting up your characters and controls on the home screen. You watch his hands in a trance, not realizing that you’ve spaced out until he snaps his fingers in front of your face.
“Thinking about me already, angel,” he teases, hiding his hands behind his back. You hit him lightly and reach for the joint again.
“Shush, Haechan.” He simply blows a smoke ring towards your face in retaliation before reaching over to click a button on your own controller as your vision clears.
“Look here,” he instructs, positioning his fingers over yours so that he can guide you through each symbol and its uses. His cold skin leaves goosebumps as he leaves his palms resting against the back of your own hand. “This red one means shoot, and this one will allow you to pick up things. You press the back of the controller here,” Haechan maneuvers your fingers with his slowly as he talks, “to move forward. Makes sense?”
You nod with wide eyes, still shivering at the contact of his hands on yours. Haechan takes notice of the little bumps against your wrist as his pointer finger rubs against the back of yours.
“Aww, Y/N,” he coos, scrunching his nose at you, “you're nervous.” You protest and pull your hands away from his grasp, failing to come up with a coherent response. He chuckles under his breath at your attempt to escape him, instead grasping your arm and making you sit impossibly close to him so that you can feel the warmth radiating off his body.
With a dreamy look in his eyes and another long, hooded gaze in your direction, he takes another puff before grabbing his own controller. Silver bracelets clinking on his wrist, he shoots you a small smirk before starting the game with one click and settling forward so he can concentrate.
“I’m gonna lose so badly,” you grumble, watching the screen as the world spawns around your two avatars. Your character already seems like it’s suffering, taking hit after hit from the boy next to yours as she crumbles in ten seconds flat. “Kinda hate you right now, Haechan. And you too,” you squint at your girl’s name, “Widowmaker. What kind of person would call their character Widowmaker…” you add on with a mutter, frowning at her. You miss Haechan glancing at you with a small smile and a look of adoration in his eyes.
“I’m betting on it, angel,” he replies to your first words with a snicker after a few seconds, entirely shameless as he completely destroys whatever’s occurring on the TV. He sticks his tongue out to wet his lips as he immerses himself completely in the game. “You’re gonna give me something if I win, no?”
“I- what? When did I ever…?” you mutter with confusion as Haechan jumps to his knees with a shout. You watch with dread as blood splotches appear in your vision and the hearts that indicate your number of lives blink to a null gray, the girl that was supposed to help you win getting hit straight in the chest with her multitude of weapons and abnormally short crop top — you don’t know how her outfit was supposed to be of use, but you assumed that maybe Haechan’s character would have a moment of unclarity and propose or something.
“I won! And I even went easy on you, angel.”
And there it is in all its glory. A bright, green “You Win!” mocking you on his side of the screen while yours just flashes red as your character sinks to the ground in despair.
“Uh uh, Haechan,” you protest, turning towards him with your hands reaching for his controller. “We did not have a win-lose system set up and you know that I’m bad at this.” The said boy merely leans forward and taps his head with his finger pretending to think.
“I’ll give you my car for a week if you win,” he proposes, reaching for the controllers again. Your eyes widen.
“No fucking way,” you say, grinning as you lean forwards. “A month.”
“Two weeks, angel. Don’t push it.”
“A month.”
Haechan slumps against the couch, refusing to look at your pleading face and adorable expression.
“Fine,” he grumbles, defeated. “A month.”
“Yes!” you exclaim, shuffling in your spot with glee and crossing your legs to get ready for the next round. You are desperate for that car; having it would mean no more running to catch the train at 9pm after a botched lecture from your professors who seem to not know what a clock is. And, of course, midnight garlic bread runs without being scared shitless of what could be following you in the dark. “Need to focus…”
Haechan’s gaze zeros in on you, your tongue poking out of your tongue in concentration and your eyes enlarged with a newfound eagerness.
“Haa…” he breathes out, “cute.” You ignore your warming cheeks after hearing his words and nudge him to start the game, the soft look on his face catching you off guard to the point where you have to look away.
With a beeping countdown, another match of Overwatch starts and you’re left in the most concentrated state you’ve been since your last phase of, “I’m-going-to-get-all-perfect-marks-in-school-this-semester” (which isn’t actually saying much because you did not in fact get perfect marks that semester). With your gaze locked on your character and hands poised on your controller, you maneuver yourself carefully through the rotted terrain and hide from Haechan’s lingering avatar.
“I’m not letting you win,” you warn him with your most menacing tone, making your on-screen character do a 360 before shooting a warning shot into the far distance.
“Mm?” he hums, clicking rapidly on his own controller before turning to you, “you can’t win with me, angel.” You still at his words, scared to say something that will give away how truly nervous Haechan makes you. There’s something more in that sentence that you just can’t pinpoint.
After a moment of staring off into space, you regain consciousness and shake your head to clear your mind. “Focus…”
And that’s when you see it; Haechan’s avatar is crouched on top of a crumbling building at the corner of your vision, waiting for the perfect moment to shoot you down from above. He’s got his weapon aimed directly at you and the mere size of the thing scares you — and you’re not even the one being shot.
With dozens of quick solutions and methods running through your head to get out of your impending death, the worst possible thing you could do crosses your mind as you spy Haechan’s finger press down on the shoot button.
Just do it. You want to win? Just do it.
“Fuck it,” you whisper, pushing his controller out of his hands.
“Why would you-” he starts before stilling, the feeling of your fingers clutched around the fabric of his sweatshirt and being pulled in close to you shocking him into silence.
You let yourself lose all rational sense as you give him a tiny kiss, your body shuddering slightly at the simple feeling of his lips on yours. Only meaning to stall him for a few seconds, you reluctantly pull back and turn back to the screen to finish off the game. With one small click and a few splatters of blood on your display, you jump up with excitement as the “You Win!” finally appears for your victorious all-kill.
Before you can even turn to Haechan and taunt him with your victory, he twists his body so he can hover over you, pinning your wrists in one hand and bringing the other up to your face. You stare up at him with wide eyes with your noses just centimeters from each other, and you’re so close that you could connect your lips once again if you really wanted to. And you really want to.
Before you can fully process the position the two of you are in however, Haechan brushes his thumb against your cheekbone and switches his gaze between your eyes.
“You think you can just do that and not face the consequences? Hmm?” he whispers just next to your ear, his warmth breath reaching your neck as you shiver slightly under his touch. “Use your words.”
“The game?” you mumble dumbly, unable to pull anything coherent from your brain at the moment.
“I don’t care about the fucking game, Y/N,” Haechan replies, one of his hands smoothly moving up to hold the back of your neck. “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this moment… you’re going to make it up to me, angel.”
With that, he fastens his lips to yours once again, letting out a small groan when he pulls you into his lap and presses your body into his. His kisses are deep and hard as he pulls you in by the waist and slips your zip up off your shoulders, the feeling of his tongue slipping into your mouth making your head dizzy.
The taste of marijuana and raspberry lingers in your mouth when he pulls away briefly to take a breath, soon after tilting his head so he can deepen the kiss even more. His little sounds go straight to your core, the moans he lets out increasing when you lean into him to slide your hands down the skin of his neck and shoulders. The way he moves is mesmerizing under your touch.
You throw your head back when one of his hands finds its way up to your throat, his fingers lightly wrapping around the base as you swallow in pleasure. He’s such a good kisser that you can feel yourself drown in his movements, delicate and sensual. His teeth nip little bites on your jawline, and you already know that the red blooming all over your skin will stay there for weeks with how much pressure he’s applying on your skin.
Making his way back to your mouth, he graces the flesh of your lips with his tongue before tugging gently. The little sound you make in reaction has him reeling, pulling away to put his forehead against yours.
“Want more?” Haechan inquires with his infamous smirk, nuzzling his nose against your skin as you sit straddling his lap.
Barely able to respond, you mumble, “more,” before chasing after his sweet kisses once again. You could do this all day.
“Ah ah,” he shushes you with his finger, letting the tip sneak between your lips just a smidge before wrapping his arms around you and hugging your body to his. “Didn’t mean to get you addicted, baby.” And with a sweet kiss on the corner of your mouth, he holds you in his warm embrace and rocks you back and forth, refusing to let you taste him. “Wanna keep you like this.”
You comply, relaxing as you sink into his lap in utmost comfort with your arms around his neck and face tucked in the crook of his neck.
You don’t even notice when your eyes start to flutter close, a sudden tiredness taking over your figure. You’ve always struggled with insomnia, but you fade into dreamland as soon as Haechan lays you down with him, hand rubbing soothing circles across your back.
Even you can’t deny it as much as your heart wants to; you feel at home in his embrace.
You wake up groggy to a blaring in your left ear, the piercing sound of your ringtone forcing you to consciousness. Rolling over to reach for your phone, you don’t even look at the caller ID before sliding the green accept button and holding the device against your ear.
You can’t get a single word out before a familiar voice blares out of the speaker, making you flinch away from the sound immediately.
“Sunshine! Did you finally get with Haechan?” Mark talks excitedly from the other side of the line, his hyper tone evident without seeing his expression.
“Good morning to you too- Wait, how did you know I was with Haechan last night?” you say incredulously, suddenly very awake. “How’d your permit test go anyway?” You hear Mark scoff at your question in response.
“Y/N. Did you think I really didn’t have my license already,” he says with exasperation. “Do you not exploit my driving skills every other day or am I going insane?”
“I mean kind of, yeah. With the way you drive…”
“Oh, fuck both of you,” Mark laughs out. “Haechan’s lies never make any sense.”
“Lies?” you mumble, confused. Why did Haechan lie to you about Mark anyway? You’re not sure where you lie in Haechan’s spectrum of feelings, but you hope your heart won’t get crushed with how hard you fell just a few hours ago.
Mark sighs audibly.
“Mm, he wanted the apartment empty yesterday and he’s talked about you since forever, Y/N-ie, really. Hope you know he’s very serious about getting to know you,” you gape at your phone at Mark’s confession, surprised. No way Lee Haechan, downright playboy and professional flirt is interested in you in the way you’ve been falling for him too — and suppressing it.
But with the way he cared for me last night, you think to yourself. He seemed so sincere.
“He’s stopped seeing other girls for a few months now,” Mark adds on, easing the worries he knows are running laps in your mind. “He’s so serious about you, Y/N, I can tell you that much.”
You let that information sink in as you sit back in your own bedsheets, hands rubbing your arms with the morning chill as you let the thought of Haechan and you marinate.
Just as your doubts begin to surface again, you hear a delicate knock on your apartment door before the door swings open and reveals a familiar boy standing in the hallway.
Haechan grins at you from behind a pile of fluffy winter blankets in his arms, taking your growing smile as an invitation to enter. He goes straight for your bed, settling into the warm spot next to you and letting his body snuggle into your side. Taking the fleece blankets, he wraps you in the fabric before placing a shy kiss on your temple, your cheeks blushing rose at his adoring actions.
“My angel.”
2022 © kiachiako | all rights reserved.
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voldkat · 2 months
guess who figured out how to do botched 3d modeling . and continued doing so for the entire day . to feed the shape autism
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this was inspired by the fact that i have hyperspecific headcanons for how the geometry of their heads and antennae . like every time i draw them i picture their shapes in my brain and rotate them . it's so fucked up /silly
also note that none of their face patterns are dented into their heads !!! the website just kinda fucks up and gets confused sometimes when merging shapes lmao all of these mfs have flat faces
sorry unparalleled innocence fans inno is not here again because i am Still trying to figure out its colors ( getting distracted and forgetting to ) . i might make a follow up post with its model if i ever get around to it ( and might model my ocs along with it )
closeups of each iterator ( sorted by age ) + design notes for all of them + the tinkercad project link below the cut :3c
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MEWNIE !!! a fairly normal looking iterator head . spherical shape . flat cylindrical earpieces with slots to support the antennae . doesn't get any more standard than that WEHBHJF
her antennae are very much standard too !! average height , average width , rectangular little things with singular yellow strips near the end . just an average old model during a time when the ancients were still in the middle of figuring things out
and also the circle mark on her forehead looks more like a crescent moon or a pearl in my design . which is very cool ( symbolism for both her name having "moon" in it and the fact that she's in the scholar passage )
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ok . her design is also fairly standard but her antennae are a bit Strange . i figure this might be around the time the ancients are starting to experiment a little , but not as intensely as they do with the second gens
the rest of my iterator designs with antennae have sharp bends and are usually flattened prisms or extruded shapes , with the silly color patterns clear and visible on the side faces . sliver however . she's got ROUND !! almost like some sort of stretched out cylinder !!! AND her color patterns are on the top face and actually dented into the antennae , making it hard to spot them !!!! what a fucked up design . why is she like this /silly
nothing else of note to say tho so we're moving on :3c
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WE'RE IN GEN 2 NOW GUYS !!! i actually Don't have a hyperspecific headcanon on what their antennae look like so i just eyeballed it based on how i usually draw them . they're certainly a weird shape . rectangular-ish prism thing that gets wider at the top with an ellipse cut out of it . and the color patterns are at the base of the antennae instead of near the top like they usually would be . they look like fucked up bug horns almost
you see the front of the antennae ? where the oval cutout doesnt reach ? yeah . that's not a modelling mistake . that's intentional . there's one little section where the top is nice and flat . what the fuck is up with these tennas /silly
i may give them a secondary pattern on their face later like suns' Lines On Face (/ref) if i feel like making that a signature design choice for gen 2 iterators . but for now all you get is Peculiar Antennae
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OH BOY . EASILY the one with the weirdest head shape . extruded rounded square for a head . screen face . no antennae at all . fucking Gamer Headphones . he was built WAY too different . built correctly ( fit for his purpose ) but also not ( breaks every single known iterator puppet design convention ) /silly j
on a more serious note , his earpieces are significantly thinner ( more flush with his head ) than average , and don't have the antenna notches !! that's the only reasonable comparison i can make tho because he looks SO Fucking Different
there are other little details that i feel i have to mention . like his screen is dented inwards a little . his 'mic' thing isn't touching his face but only by a slim margin . his fucked up eyeball isn't flat or dented in but actually extends out in the shape of a semicircle ish thing . yeah that's about it honestly
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okay back to relative normalcy . except the shape of their antennae fucked me up SO bad that it was the sole reason i decided to model these fucks in the first place
they're almost triangular prisms but the outward facing triangle is like slanted inwards slightly . which makes the upright lateral faces weird right trapezoids instead of rectangles . but also they have extra joints at the base of their antennae which allow for more movement !! Thankfully those joints a pretty normal shape ( ordinary cuboid )
also another detail i want to mention is the Lines On Face . the lines bend at 90 degree angles . the left / right sides disappear below the earpieces but the bottom sides kinda just . Stop . after some point . idk that's all i have really
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AAAAND with gen 3 we've looped back to fairly standard looking !!! he looks just like his sister but with the colors swapped around , and longer thinner antennae . and the fuckass stripes on his face i guess . one of the newest models , yet with little to no thought put into customization , since his creators are getting tired of waiting
it's interesting to me how he's the only design without a symbol logo thing in the middle of his forehead . perhaps the ancients ran out of feasible forehead symbols ? or maybe just a staple of gen 3 iterators ? who knows . all i can do is speculate and make shit up
AND !! as promised , the link , except you'll have to make an account to see it for some reason :
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azsazz · 5 months
Hiii 👋 just wanted to say I adore your writing ☺️ I always get so happy when I see you’ve written something new 😁
I was curious to ask, what are some of your favourite modern AU jobs/roles for the bat boys (whether you’ve written about them or not)? Or just any ACOTAR characters?
CEO Rhys has been done a lot, but for good reason, it’s so perfect. He almost has to be effortlessly rich and/or in some position of power, like a prince, or a mafia boss.💰 I also kinda like to imagine him as a nepo baby set to take over his father’s company, but he breaks away or gets cut off, so with his very little actual job experience (as he was all set to inherit), he gets a barista job at a lil coffee shop. ☕️
Cass would definitely suit something physical, like an ice hockey player, or a firefighter, or a personal trainer. I could so see him being a gym teacher as well, imagine him coaching a kids ice hockey team. 💪🏽 He would SO volunteer to be a nude model in life drawing classes in his free time 😆 Though I hadn’t considered it before I read your stuff, I think he really fits a small town rancher too. I can so picture him in jeans, boots, and a flannel shirt, driving around in an old rusty faded red truck 👨‍🌾
Az could easily be in the FBI or something, but choosing something further away from his canon role, I seriously think he’d be an awkward computer programmer / software engineer nerd, or a twitch gamer, 👨🏻‍💻 with a secret anonymous OnlyFans or erotic audio patreon on the side. 😏 And I reckon he’d ride a motorcycle and tinker with it in his spare time, so might also enjoy working at a garage. 🏍️ I really love him in Midnight Muse, and think he suits a shy amateur artist / tattoo artist as well.
I also love the bat boy band idea I’ve seen a lot recently, where Rhys is the charismatic lead singer and guitarist, Az is the quiet songwriting bassist, and Cass is the energetic drummer. 🎶
Sorry it’s so long, I just love thinking about this stuff 😄
Hiiii!! Thank you so so much! I saw this message this morning but wanted to wait until I could give it my full attention and have my computer around, so thank you for your patience! 💙
Okay, some of my favorite AUs for the batboys? This is a wonderful question!
Rhys: Normally, I just think of Rhys as always having some sort of money/job inherited. So CEO, mafia, anything that puts him in a position of power, really, but i think it's mostly because those just reflect the books.
I do, however, love love love art school rhys. painter rhys. working at the local art supply degenerate rhys who still has wealthy parents but is trying to stick it to the man rhys. steals erasers and petty things from the art supply rhys. love him so much.
There's also something to be said about young adult rhys who's messing around with his little sister's best friend rhys. he gets me going too.
also captain of the hockey team rhys is a solid choice for him as well.
Cass: LOVE ME SOME RANCHER/COWBOY/SMALL TOWN CASSIAN. but, these are all very different. small town cass doesn't trust women, heart broken at a young age with the girl he thought was his forever. doesn't want to leave town, likes the ranch because its safe and its what he knows. cowboy cass or bull rider cassian, famous for breaking horses and backs. grumpy, gruff rancher cassian always gets me going tbh he's fucking hot as shit
i also always see him in a blue collar role like a mechanic or welder are the two i mostly attribute to him.
def something physical as well, we love hockey cass, rugby cass, wrestler (wwe lol) cass, dang i had another on my mind for sports cass but i forgot. sad. OH surfer cassian. jock type tho i can see him as. love the firefighter vibe for him too, he'd fill out the tight fire department t-shirt WELL LADIES and also volunteers for wet t-shirt contests. omg gym teach cass would be adorable as hell! oof another thought, contractor cassian ffs that would be so yummy
Az: Az i agree fits the FBI (stalker) vibes. i also like to think of him in finance or computer science too. omfg the erotic audio that's iconic and i'd def subscribe to that. hmmm what else could i see azzy doing...maybe something with music or writing...i could see him being a ghost writer of some sort and then one day his song plays on the radio and he's like hey i wrote that and literally no one believes him. something behind the scenes or where he can go unnoticed is mostly where i place him, tbh. honestly maybe even something military because he takes comfort in having a set schedule and people telling him what to do at every minute of the day. he'd fare well i think. perfect. operative because if the mission goes south and he gets captured he's not telling a soul anything.
Eris: idk why this thought came to my head but i was thinking about architecture but i think eris would be a fantastic interior designer lol. like i could see it. maybe i was just thinking about him furnishing az's new place and having a lil sparky. i could also see him as a lawyer too or something like that, something where he can be the know-it-all, smirking at them and looking down his nose at them...
Lucien: Architecture for sure. or professor. I could see him doing either of these. maybe even lawyer tbh, he would be good at that too, though i know he's immaculate at twisting stories and words so you gotta be careful of that.
Tamlin: poet? lol. professional gaslighter? jk i love tammy. maybe he installs security systems? haha just kidding just kidding. he's a tough one tho. idk why i added him but i guess also a musician but low-key soothing music, instrumental for sure...prob has a podcast where he just bullshits all day
hopefully i didn't rant for too long about this 🤭💙 this was so much fun though thank you for asking!
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ryuichirou · 2 months
A couple of replies, a longer one about fandom.
hadesdancehall asked:
YESSSSS YES YES I AM SO HAPPY YOU GET IT LOL Rook and Tettere are the same, the idea of this crossover was driving me crazy, I had to draw it. Look at him go, singing about continuously loving every single person until he finds the one…
Fun fact about this sketch: we have no idea why I drew Alte-Rose!Malleus there. It’s been a while since I drew this sketch, and I completely forgot… I guess she had to deal with this Tettere too, so it kind of fits lol
Anonymous asked:
I know you aren't really type to give information just gorgeous art. But in your last reply post you said you do traditional art and just coloured them digitally.
So I'm wondering... How do you do it!?
Because everytime I try to do that it looks so weird. I can't seem to get the colors as vibrant as I can when I'm only doing digital.
Thank you for praising my art! But Anon, I do give information :c I wrote a reply about this exact topic just a couple of days ago which is filled to the brim with links about everything in my art process + have a guide about exactly this topic.
Your colours might seem off for a number of reasons, it’s hard to tell exactly why by just guessing. It can be related to your software/display or directly to your choice of colours.
Anonymous asked:
Ryu, your dissatisfaction with Twisted Wonderland's age rating is very understandable! The game is allegedly a joseimuke game aimed at adult women, especially in light of the fact that this is a gacha game and that adults—who earn a regular income—will be the true target market. It's a little frightening that adults who play these kinds of games have to be so careful about how we express our affection for the characters lest we be labelled as predators or worse, p*dos. Making adult gamers feel bad for enjoying these "children" who are clearly meant to be adults. They're fictional, and most of them definitely don't look or act like boys their age. Some characters appear so mature; this really struck me as being university attendee coded. It's not like the ensemble is exclusively comprised of children, you know? The game revolves around attractive anime boys who are intentionally created to appear older than they actually are. Unfortunately, despite the fact that i enjoy Twisted Wonderland, it is the first fandom where i experienced Ageism in a fandom.
Trey is, if my memory serves me correctly, one of the most well-liked characters in the Japanese fandom (i remember there used to be a JP poll asking which character in Twist was the most loved). Most likely due to his personality, which again makes sense given that the majority of Twist users are grownups and Trey's portrayal of a character who, despite being a young adult, is quite mature.
Furthermore, even though I realise I'm going to sound like Idia, I detest how the "Normies" entered Nerd/Geek spaces after gaining popularity and then pretended to be uncomfortable with what they saw. You came to OUR space, dude! What did they expect?!
Anon! Sorry for replying late, and thank you! You’ve made so many very good points.
It really is an obvious joseimuke in how the game is written, how the game operates (the gacha system, like you mentioned) + even the type of merch that exists for this game. If you think about it, this is probably the best way to determine the actual target audience of any piece of media: just like Prince of Tennis is technically a classic Shonen Jump series, but all the merch they have is clearly aimed at adult women (purses, perfume, etc).
So yeah, even if that wasn’t the case, calling people predators over shipping themselves with Azul would be a bad thing to do, but in this situation especially it’s absurd to call people out for interacting with TWST pretty much the way it was indented…
What you said about the characters’ age and Trey specifically is so true. To be fair, this could be said about any joseimuke-like title with a big ensemble of boys, Prince of Tennis included. All the characters there are 12-15 years old, but god some of them look over 30.
I think it is important to keep in mind the intended age to a degree (= I dislike how the EN translation tries to dance around mentioning the boys’ age), and Twst does a good job at keeping these boys authentic when it matters, but it doesn’t mean that people won’t ship them with other characters or themselves. And no one questions it and no one finds it weird because it isn’t. It’s not that deep, it has nothing to do with how real teens look or act, this is a fantasy in people’s heads, it’s escapism, it so different and so far removed from the regular boring life it’s insane. It’s so difficult not to sound like Idia, SO I FEEL YOU ANON.  Someone called it the moe factor that some people just don’t get. So I guess it really is about people being normies sometimes lol I wish they would leave already.
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daily-rayless · 7 months
She Shines: 5 Years of Red
It's 2024 and it's time to celebrate another milestone year of me being obsessed with a character – this time it's Red, the silent-but-fierce hero of Supergiant Games' Transistor.
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January 2019
My first Red! The game doesn't take very long to play, so I didn't have to wait long to realize something big was happening in my brain.
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April 2019
I first played Transistor in late January 2019, five years ago. Which is also about the same time I started my art Tumblr. So the two events are somewhat tied in my mind. Getting an approving response from Tumblr's Transistor fandom was one of the first things that happened for me here, and it was such a nice welcome.
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May 2019
And even five years later, my Transistor art still does well. In fact, I see Transistor art generally still doing well. Us Red fans, we're devoted.
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September 2019
And why not? For one thing, she has one of my very favorite character designs of all time. She's gorgeous, electric, ferocious – the red hair, the bright blue eyes, the punk jacket, the torn dress – but still with her glimpses of tenderness and humor, the smiles, the soft gestures.
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March 2020
Even though she never speaks in the main body of the game, the gameplay, art, music, and the one-sided rapport from the Boxer all operate together. If they don't exactly detail Red's personality, I feel like they create a shape around her – you can construct an image of her with what the game gives you, allowing you to feel the emotional connection that's so integral to Transistor's story.
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October 2020
In a way, I like her silence because it offers the gamer some latitude – you can figure Red out, you can intuit and extrapolate personality traits, you can speculate over backstory, but you're not constrained by canon. Different artists and writers in the fandom will have different takes on Red. But the game still gives you enough that they feel like Red.
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March 2021
This isn't a player-proxy, a placeholder. This is an actual character.
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October 2021
Her music is a big part of that. Her songs are beautiful, but they're also emotional. And not just the emotions you might expect, love and grief. There's anger. There's pity, there's frustration. There's existential angst, so stylishly expressed.
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March 2022. I'm realizing I tend to draw Red in March.
Even on “Paper Boats”, which you might think is the most straightforward of the batch, a love song, Red has this dangerous edge. You can run but you can't hide. Maybe she's helpless against it. Maybe she's happy about it. But it goes against the grain.
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May 2022
And I like that there's that contrariness to Red. She's glamorous, but she's also a fighter, even if she's never had to fight before the night the game starts.
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December 2022
This is a woman who bikes, who boats, who finds herself flying over the city without batting an eye. She takes to the battlefield because she has no choice not to, and she thrives. She picks up this device she doesn't understand and in one night ends up mastering it.
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January 2023
But at her core, it's not about her being badass and competent. Video game protagonists are always badass and competent. I think it's her heart as a character that we find so compelling, her love and concern, her protectiveness for the Boxer, her determination to be with him.
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March 2024
Red's singled out by the Camerata because people are so drawn to her. That's true in Cloudbank – and, it would seem, here on the outside.
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theguardianace · 10 months
things of note that i think are fun.... nene and rui had major questioning phases pre-wxs about being aroace. i'd imagine nene being really confused why everyone around her seemed so interested in dating and romance and the whole amatanormative feel of dramatic media and such. it's in so many plays, and people get in so many shipping wars/draw suggestive art for games. it's hard to ignore as a theater kid and gamer. she didn't get it and felt isolated. she came across the term aroace online but had a hard time accepting that she might be that, but eventually silently embraced it. rui on the other hand knew full well he was not like other people. he's not the kind of guy who would pick and choose a crush that isn't there. being aroace and a middle/high schooler made him feel even more lonely and alienated from his peers. he agknowledged the fact he was aroace pretty easily, but it took him a lot longer to accept that isn't a bad thing at all.
emu and tsukasa had NO clue they were aroace. did not occur to them at all. emu had to be told it was a thing and she went "huh? OHHH THATS ME !!!! :D". skipped teh entire questioning/am i broken stage and went right to "hehehehehehe". (though other people don't believe her that often. emu is so full of love. how could someone like her not fall in love with other people? she's too young. she hasn't met the right person yet. it's just a phase. her siblings started off as ignorantly aphobic, but then realized the fault of their ways and learned.). my hc for tsukasa is a bit different than other peoples, but i am fully convinced he thought he was bisexual for teh LONGEST time. "guys and girls can both be good looking, so i must be bi! yeah the extent of my feelings is "they're cool" ... what do you mean that's not what a crush is". it was a shocking revelation to him that people actually want to kiss/have sex for real. he's accepted being aroace and actively embraces it, though he still feels connected to teh bi label. he'd like the concept of tertiary attraction and probably label as bi aroace, to honor both.
i like to think that tsukasa accidentally came out first (accidentally meaning he simply forgot to tell them and then was surprised when they were all surprised). emu was like !!!!! omg samsies and nene laughed and came out, too. wxs were the first people rui ever said the words "aromantic asexual" out loud to.
i personally think aroace polyshow never actually labeled themeselves as such, but BOY do tehy act like they're all married. they just care about each other soooooo much. its platonic its queer platonic its romantic its everything all blended together. if its them, they can do anything. with the shared knowledge of being aroace, they all also sort of feel more comfortable being openly affectionate, yknow? there's no risk of misinterpretation of intent- they love each other. they love each other in a way that they cannot describe and most people wouldn't understand. they are tied by their love of shows and their love of each other. emu is really physically affectionate and they all feel safe cuddling with her. rui lightheartedly flirts and half the time i dont think he even realizes he's doing it, the other half he's just trying to be silly. nene excels in the silent acts of love, making sure the stage is clean and there's always a few snacks backstage and honeslty just being there for everyone.
they have game night/sleepover every once in a while, usually during planning stages of shows. there's also a high likelyhood one goes to another's house at least once a week for some reason.
oh also they never do romance plays ever. it was a revelation tehy only came to after coming out. it just... never occured to them to do one. and now that they all know none of them can fall in love they actively try and avoid it. they've re-written fables to be about the power of friendship, or re-imagined the tale to the point romance wouldn't even be on anyone's mind. it's not a theme the audience ever picks up on, but at the same time they do? they don't realize the pattern but nobody ever comes out of a show with that interpretation. their shows are a hit every time, too. ("story" doesn't mean "romance", after all).
wonderlands x showtime isn't a romance. it's a love story.
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hughiecampbelle · 2 months
helloooo i saw ships were open! love your writing and thank you so much for opening this!
my name is shanti, im 21, they/them. 5’5. biracial. i dont have much of a preference on ships as long as it is not homelander, stormfront, or the deep.
i'm a very hard worker and aspire to be a history teacher one day. i love nerdy shit like the MCU and the Tolkien Universe. i am also a gamer and i love pvp games particularly. also RPGs. i love music but my favorite genres right now are probably rock, edm, and indie folk music.
some of my favorite things are the moon, sunsets, rocky beaches, staying in to watch movies and tv shows, reading and trying to draw haha. i am also a foodie and love going out to try new food from different cultures.
my aesthetic is a mix of crowcore and shabby chic (aka cottagecore).
personality wise i am an ENFP. I consider myself a friendly person. i love getting to know people and all their little quirks. i am generally pretty outgoing but i also like just keeping to myself sometimes. i can be pretty shy for a while as well when im first getting to know someone. when i open up around people i am pretty goofy and always happy to do anything with them!! i love to laugh.
i also have ADHD, sometimes it is debilitating lmao. i also worry a lot, probably part of the adhd thing or maybe thats my anxiety 🤔
i thiiinnkkk this is enough to work on. thanks again!!!!! 💖💖💖💖
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Hi my love! I ship you with: Annie January!!! She loves your nerdy side. From history to the Tolkien Universe, whatever you're interested in and passionate about, she could listen to you talk for hours. She genuinely pays attention and always has thoughtful questions you never would have thought of. All of your interests are really cute to her. In the car you two switch off playing songs and she even has a playlist with your name as the title full of the songs you've shown her that she loves. She's more of an indie girl, but appreciates all of the genres you've shown her. You love her outlook. Annie really thought her whole life would be The Seven, being a superhero, fighting crime. That image wasn't just broken, it was obliterated. She's had to come to terms with a lot, including how her life would look, who she was. Through it all though, she's put everything she had into her beliefs, her friendships and relationships. She's put everything she had into taking down Vought and Homelander. You appreciate that about her, that through it all she's adapted, but kept the same passion. Your relationship is kind of dramatic. Your work drama bleeds into your relationship and can create tension. It's nothing against one another. Rather, it's the shapeshifter and the Homelander performers and Firecracker that try to create a rift between you. You might have your moments of tension, but in the end, it's the two of you against the world. When your worries really get to you and it feels so overwhelming, Annie is the first person at your side, calming you down, reassuring you everything will be okay. It will all work out in the end. Your first date is at the beach. She knows how much you love the ocean and the both of you could use some downtime away from The Boys and Vought and everything. It wasn't intended to be a date, just some time for the two of you to get away, but you start talking and laughing as the ridiculousness of your lives and you end up spending hours there, watching the water, listening to the waves, decompressing together. Annie admits a lot to you, stuff she's too afraid to say in front of everyone else and you do the same. You guys get food and come back and lose most of the day to the sand and ocean. Only when the sun starts setting do either of you realize how much time has passed. When you're feeling overwhelmed or disconnected as a couple, you go back to that spot and are reminded why you care about one another. Relationship Headcanon: You and Annie, when you first met, were so shy with one another you could barely exchange three sentences. You couldn't believe the Startlight was your friend. You never would have guessed the reason she was so shy and awkward in front of you was because of her crush on you. Everyone could tell there was a mutual interest, and they thought about intervening, but M.M. talked them out of it. He had faith that the two of you would figure it out for yourselves eventually. When you do start dating, The Boys finally tell you they almost had a bet going for how long it would take one of you to admit your feelings. Frenchie would have won, but they decided it was cruel and unusual to bet on their friends dating life.
Hope you like it my love!!! Xoxoxo💜💜💜
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shirogane-oushirou · 7 months
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gonna continue to puzzle over specifics when i'm forcing myself to go offline LMAO but. poke.mon au!!
ren started his journey in kalos with a froakie, but didn't get far because 1) he wasn't actually that interested in battling, 2) he preferred photographing and studying the things and places he saw, and 3) his parents were pressuring him to do something else because his efforts could be "put to better use" elsewhere.
now he's working alongside many others across the world to find new medicinal and therapeutic purposes for various poke.mon (his focus of course being in fungus-based poke.mon + various kinds of spores). he's also skilled at treating spore-based illnesses. his current team helps him in his studies.
i just kinda gave my s/i the team i like when i'm playing the games (aside from scolipede, though i DO have a shiny scolipede that i love hehe). my initial idea was "ro gets through most of the johto league before getting into an accident that cuts their career short" but like. lbr. i've never been the adventuring type LMAO SLAJDNKJN, i've been a gamer and art kid since i was itty bitty, and any time outside was spent looking at cool plants and sticks and shit.
so while my team here was going to have a lugia in place of scolipede, i just don't think that makes sense. nah, more likely, i can imagine starting in johto with cyndaquil as a starter, mareep and magikarp as early catches, realizing the league isn't For Me, and moving to coumarine in kalos with family. once there, i could travel to places around lumiose and catch a venipede, be rescued by a gengar (based on a dream. as usual for me lol.)...
and i'm still working out the How, but i wuv sawk and need him on the team. i do get in some kind of accident at some point, so maybe he could help me-- actually that might work out sdkjkj i played b&w (and developed a surprising affection for sawk) just a couple of years before becoming ill, so it would Kinda Work with the irl timeline??? hmmmm!
but the basic idea is just: ren's passing through coumarine while on his way to one of the surrounding routes for his research. i'm drawing some pastel landscapes by the waterside, as a way to get some fresh air. i catch his attention, he starts up a conversation, and find we have quite a bit in common! and even though he has to go, he finds excuses to pass through the area more often... :3c just kind of "what if we were both Normal (tm) but also there were poke.mon?" lmao.
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sischan · 1 year
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Some artwork for my Naruto-Boruto Ocs in the Au I'm still working on for fun. My Ocs stories haven’t been adjusted to fit the story of Boruto as I’m still a few Episodes behind and I don’t read the manga.Mostly since Naruto’s manga ended, been reading mostly the light novels. Mostly are around my main oc Makura Uchiha, son of Sasuke and Sakura Uchiha. He is unknown to his parents, as he was Orochimaru last attempt at gaining the sharigan. Orochimaru kept Makura away from interaction with the leaf, but Makura learned quick of his family. As well the deeds Orochimaru done to make him, but he also knew what would happen if Orochimaru's secret was to be learned from his former student and his wife. Makura’s summoning is a Bear. Makura only entered the leaf twice, once as a child during a festival, and another for a chunin exam ^-^) My other Ocs that I have as well.
Diasuke, Haruna, and Genji Lee are the trio children of Rock Lee and TenTen. Diasuke, unlike most of his family, prefers to read and look after his mother's shop than to train. Haruna was once bullied for her eyes, but upon meeting Makura in a match, she doesn't let it hurt her no more. Genji is the youngest of the siblings, and like his mother is all about weapons. Genji likes to spend his time forging ninja weapons than train.
Siria Hatake is the daughter of Kakashi and Shizune, and her companion Pom-Pom is also the offspring of Ton-Ton. Siria spent much time with her uncle Might Guy due to her parents busy schedule during her father's time as Hokage. Siria is kept top-secret in the village to keep her safe. She likes Diasuke. Mariko is the orphan daughter of Jugo, she used to live with her mother until she passed due to illness. Mariko is a skilled gamer, and is occasionally challenged by Boruto to a video game match.
Ayumi Uzumaki is the daughter of Karin and Suigetsu. Orochimaru, after Sarada's birth, played match-maker with these two. Ayumi although dislikes her parents, but can be shown to abit for her father. She likes to argue with Makura, but actually likes him just as her mother once done to Sasuke. However Ayumi can become easily flustered when Eri gets angry at her.
Eri Hyuga is the son of Neji and (my naruto Oc) Ai Hyuga. Eri doesn't train in the gentle style like his father done, but instead uses a sword along with his byakugan. Ai, Eri's mother, is blind along with being part of a small branch family in the Hyuga Clan. Since she was as beautiful along with her barely talking, and her byakugan was seen to be weak. With her arranged to be wed at proper age, Ai was kept from the view of other people. Only her attendant was to see her, but one day a curious Neji happen across her. Comparing her to that of a trap Butterfly. Neji occasionally snuck to her area near the Hyuga estate. Mostly to keep her company as he felt she must've been lonely, but Neji learned that her ability for Sensing Chakra helped strengthen her byakugan to the point she could see the chakra network.  After the war arc, and discovering her pregnancy Ai was able to end her arrange marriage to have Eri. ^-^) Please excuse my rambling, I wrote the stories for these Ocs before Boruto and haven't worked on drawing these Ocs in a long while. ^-^) I've had fun working on these Ocs of mine again! Thank you for viewing my artwork and reading my rambling.
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pb-dot · 1 year
A little hardware rant
So today I went to a local electronics retailer to look for some thermal paste to soothe my poor overworked CPU's temperature problems. This, being a bit of a departure from the store's usual fare of prebuilt electronics actively hostile to modification, repair, or upgrades, I found no logical place for the thing, so I had to wander around a bit while waiting for someone who worked there to have a spare moment between hocking overpriced laptops to help me out on this.
So, being the impeccably efficient and very reasonable young man that I am, I decided to kill some time by browsing for a new keyboard. It's sad to say, but my current one has been with me since the days of the Party Rock Anthem, and it's getting a bit long in the tooth. So, what could this unnamed major Scandinavian electronics retailer offer me? Well, as it turned out my search would be more frustrating than I anticipated.
When it comes to pc parts, I'm reasonably utilitarian. As long as it lets me do what I want to do, it's doing its job. Keyboards are different though. I have preferences. As a writer, I like my keyboards to have the three following features:
Intuitive layout with some slight spacing between the letters to facilitate easier cleaning
A wired USB connection, this is non-negotiable. I don't want to fiddle with Bluetooth or whatnot.
No foofaraw. No fancy extra buttons, no lights, no fiddly gimmicks.
Now, do you want to know how many keyboards fulfilled all of my criteria in this big ol' store? Exactly none. I found an ergonomic one that seemed nice but was, unfortunately, wireless and one that was wired and had nice key placements but unfortunately also had this regrettable "Gamer"-branding and my old nemesis LEDs.
Now, if I may ask, what exactly is the purpose of LEDs on a keyboard? Are there scores of people who'd love to game in the dark if they could only see their input devices? It just seems alien to me since my ideal input device just lets me get into the zone while writing and stay there without disturbing me. This is, as one might expect, a taller task for a keyboard with pulsing RGB light and a dedicated button for playing the 2012 Skrillex hit Bangarang or whatever.
What frustrates me most about this is that I don't think my demands are particularly extravagant and that I assumed that having access to a wide range of Products was supposed to be the draw of living in this here late-capitalist hellscape that we navigate on the daily. It isn't the case though, as the selection of products that are deemed Most Profitable to sell to us narrows further and further. Sure, The Man could sell you parts to upgrade or repair your PC, but that's not as good of a deal (for them) as just selling you prebuilt underperformers that burst into flames if you even look at them with a screwdriver in hand. Similarly, there's no reason to say every goddamn keyboard has to be wireless now, but wireless tech is cheap enough (and harder for amateurs to repair) so it goes in everything. I'm convinced that is the reason you basically can't find high-end wired earbuds anymore.
Now, this is perhaps getting into a slightly conspiratorial headspace, but I do think there's something to this trend of consumer goods being less tailored to the needs of consumers and more kind of pushed through to the customer, which I don't love. Hell, I don't love the Faustian bargain of "live in an unsustainable unfair system that does a fuckery to our biosphere but you have infinite varieties of consumer goods to choose from to distract you," in the first place, but when that slowly gets replaced with "buy our garbage peasant" before my eyes, I can't help but wonder if I'm being played for an absolute fool.
So in short, capitalism bad, it's surprisingly hard to find the keyboard you want, perhaps the discontent of the masses should topple the fat cats of the world, turns out the place didn't have thermal paste in the first place, eat the rich, you know, that kind of stuff.
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