#and a constant slightly sinister feeling
sword-swallower-pin · 2 years
december is such a paul time
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nottsangel · 6 months
the red means i love you — r.c.
pairing: dark!rafe cameron x dark!reader
warnings: 18+ smut, murder, vaginal sex, extreme violence, stabbing, blood, knifeplay (carving), bloodplay, possessive and obsessive behaviour (reader and rafe), fingering, hair pulling, slight spanking, toxic relationship, reader and rafe are both fucked in the head
word count: 5k
summary: in a relationship fueled by hidden obsession and jealousy, you and your boyfriend are more alike than you initially thought.
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You hummed along to the song blasting from your speakers, stretched out on your stomach while absentmindedly scrolling through TikTok, your long nails tapping against the screen. With your boyfriend away on their annual family vacation, you were left restless and bored. Since you started dating him a year ago, you've spent practically every moment together, causing your hobbies and personal interests to gradually fade, along with your sense of individuality. He was the centre of your world, everything in your life revolved around him— you were willing to go to any lengths for him, and you knew he would do the same for you. What you both didn’t know, was how far you would be willing to go for each other.
Yawning while watching the nth slime scoopability video on your TikTok for you page, a notification popped up on your phone— rafe_cameron posted a new picture! You instantly tapped on it, having notifications turned on for a reason only to find a photo of your boyfriend on a yacht, clad in nothing but his blue swimsuit. Fuck. His defined abs, the tight shorts showing his bulge through the fabric, his hair messy and slightly wet— you instantly felt an ache between your legs, prompting you to rub your thighs together.
Though it had only been a few days since you had last seen him, his absence weighed heavy and the picture didn’t help. You found yourself analysing every single detail of the picture, but your focus kept going back to his bulge as you could practically feel his cock filling you up so perfectly like he does every night again, except for tonight. You were desperately craving his touch, and just as you were about to reach your hand into your shorts to relieve the achy feeling, your mood was ruined when you checked the comment section.
oliviaprentiss4: looking good Cameron! 😍
Bang. You threw your phone aggressively at the wall while letting out a piercing scream as your breaths grew shallow and fast, anger coursing through your veins. Fucking bitch. Of course it’s Olivia, who goes after your man every chance she gets. Despite Rafe's constant assurances that she's just a friend and nothing more, as a girl yourself, you can't help but notice the subtle flirtations — the way she twirls her blonde locks while gazing up at him with fuck-me eyes whenever they talk. You're not stupid.
You fixed your gaze intently on the wall, attempting to collect your thoughts and calm your breathing as a plan dawned upon you. Swiftly grabbing the lip gloss from the bedside table next to you, you hastily reapplied it before gathering your phone from the ground and switching to the camera app. You raised your phone in the air, pushing your tits up and pulling your top down just a tad bit, leaving nearly nothing to the imagination as you snapped a few pictures while switching poses.
Brandon is gonna fucking love these, you thought to yourself while scrolling through your camera roll, referring to a fratboy you met at a party before you started dating Rafe. You hooked up with him once, seeing him as nothing more than just a one-night stand, but he became obsessed with you after that— replying to your Instagram stories daily and asking you to hang out at least once a week. You knew he would comment if you posted a few sexy pics, and you were right.
brandontheman: cute top, but im more interested in whats under it ;)
You bit your lip as an amused but sinister smile spread across your face, knowing it would infuriate Rafe. Clicking back on his profile to check the new picture once more, you noticed new comments had been added. Your smile abruptly vanished as you glanced at Rafe's comments section again, feeling the anger that had started to subside returning with force.
rafe_cameron: @ oliviaprentiss4 Thanks liv.
Liv. He fucking calls her Liv. Fucking asshole. You muttered curses under your breath, fists clenching as your breathing quickened and your jaw tightened again. He could've simply ignored her. Or deleted her comment. Or blocked her when you started complaining about the bitch four months ago. But no— the fucking idiot calls her Liv, for everyone to see, including you.
With hands trembling from sheer rage, you redirected your attention to your phone before switching profiles. rafe_cameron. Now, you wouldn't exactly label yourself as toxic for having his profile logged in on your phone. You're just, you know, keeping an eye on him, with the best intentions after all. Even though he was unaware that you peeked into his phone to get his password when he was showering. Hmm. Okay, maybe you were a little toxic, you can admit that much. But being toxic means being smart so you went to settings and disabled notifications, ensuring Rafe wouldn’t suspect a thing before tapping on his chat with Olivia.
As you scrolled through the chat, nothing new caught your eye, which didn't come as a surprise given that you checked his profile on a daily basis. It was the usual— Olivia showering him with compliments whenever he posted a picture of himself, and him graciously thanking her. You shook your head in disbelief, your jaw tensing with anger at his consistent responses to her. She was a big problem— a serious threat to your relationship, and you desperately needed to get rid of her. You took a deep breath, hoping your plan would succeed, before typing out a message.
rafe_cameron: hey liv.
oliviaprentiss4: hey rafey!
Rafey. Oh, this bitch really wants to die.
rafe_cameron: my girlfriend is out of town tonight. wanna come over?
oliviaprentiss4: sounds good! I’ll be there at 9!! 🤍
Not a girl’s girl, huh? You scoffed at how easily she agreed to a man cheating on his girlfriend, yet a small smile tugged at your lips as it seemed that your plan was starting to take work. Now you just had to figure out how to get inside Tannyhill, but let’s be real— breaking in is the easiest part of it all.
The moon hung low in the sky, casting eerie shadows across the Cameron’s estate except for a few lights that you hastily switched on when you arrived five minutes before nine. It was quiet; the only sounds in the eerie mansion were the ticking of a clock and a few birds chirping outside.
You were impatiently sitting on the couch, waiting for Olivia, with your knee bouncing up and down— not from nerves though, but rather, excitement. A wicked grin spread across your face as you heard the doorknob turn, followed by cautious footsteps on the wooden floor. Olivia gasped audibly when she spotted you, her face flushing bright red as she stumbled over her words, too stunned to articulate a coherent sentence.
“I- Sorry, Rafe said- I mean. I thought you wouldn’t-“ “You thought what, exactly? That you could fuck my boyfriend without me knowing? God, you really are such a stupid, fucking bitch.”
Your words hit her hard, causing her to freeze in place as she fiddled with her fingers nervously. She realized she fucked up bad when she caught the insane, psychotic glare in your narrowed eyes, which was filled with unmistakable hatred directed at her. It sent shivers down her spine— she came to the stark realization that you were more than simply a jealous girlfriend; she was fearing for her life.
You rose from the couch and marched towards her, causing her to take steps back in panic, her eyes widening in terror. But you were quicker, consumed by rage. She cried out in agony as you seized a handful of her blonde hair, and violently hauled her towards the ground until she smashed into the floor with a loud thud.
“Tsk, so many men, and still, you had to choose mine. Dumbest decision you could make, Liv. And you’re gonna fucking regret it.” You hissed as you straddled her. She slowly opened her eyes, feeling disoriented from her head hitting the floor as she confusedly gazed up at you. It was over for her. You knew it, she knew it. The poor girl gulped when you took a knife out of your back pocket— the pocket knife that Rafe bought you to defend yourself from men. Oh, if only he knew. Thank you baby, best present ever.
“Here’s what I’m gonna do. I will use this cute little knife to stab you, okay? Not just once though, no, there’s no fun in that.” Now, this was the moment where she broke down in tears, pleading for you to let her go. You revelled in the sense of power, devoid of any trace of empathy, as you observed the girl's panicked state with streaks of mascara running down her face. What the fuck did she expect? It’s the consequences of her own actions.
You gripped her face tightly, sharp nails pressing into her skin as you forced her to meet your gaze, her eyes wide with fear and brimming with tears as they met yours. She was frozen in place, paralyzed by an overwhelming sense of dread. “Hey, hey, just shut up for a moment and let me do my thing, okay? This is my moment and I can’t have you fucking it up. I’ve been looking forward to this.”
You paused and slowly closed your eyes, savouring the momentary bliss until Olivia interrupted you, prompting an irritated exhale and forcing your eyes to reopen. “Let me go, please! I wasn’t even gonna do anything with him! I promise!” she attempted and pleaded for one last time, despite knowing deep down that it wouldn't change anything. Your hatred was too strong, as evidenced by your eyes— the psychotic look on your face caused goosebumps to form all over her body.
“You think…” you started, breath quickening in growing anger as your jaw tensed, shaking your head and snickering in disbelief, “…you can fucking LIE TO ME?” you screamed before raising the knife in the air, not wasting any more time as she only fuelled your rage further, followed by bringing it back down, right into her chest next to her silver necklace with the letter ‘O’ attached to it. She let out a piercing scream out of agony before you quickly pulled the knife out, blood spurting in every direction possible just like in slasher movies, making you forget for a moment that this was real life. You were so caught up in the moment— it felt therapeutic in a way to finally release all of your pent-up rage.
“Don’t” stab. “touch” stab. “my” stab. “man, Liv.” stab, stab, stab.
Your heart raced as you witnessed the life drain from her ocean-blue eyes, a rush of power and exhilaration consuming you as you smiled down at her with a manic glint in your eyes. You experienced a strange sense of peace along with a wave of relief washing over you. Problem solved.
Standing up again, you had to steady yourself as you felt slightly lightheaded with adrenaline rushing through your body. You wiped the remaining blood from your face with your shirt before hearing a faint scream coming from upstairs, making you gasp as your heart beat out of your chest. What the fuck? You were convinced that no one was home, the entire Cameron family on their yearly vacation far, far away.
The screams came to an abrupt halt followed by a loud thud before hearing a person grunt, as if they were struggling while carrying something heavy. Fuck fuck fuck. This was when you started to panic. Whoever it was coming down the stairs right now was about to witness you fully covered in blood with a fucking dead body lying next to you on the floor. It was over.
“Shit man… why’s it never the skinny, short guys she fuckin’ falls for?” you heard a familiar voice complain, making you blink your eyes a few times as you saw your boyfriend descend the stairs while dragging a lifeless body behind him. “…Rafe?” you uttered, making him snap his head to the side, startled by your sweet-laced voice calling out his name.
First, his gaze fell on you, locking his blue eyes with yours, both widening in shock while staring at each other. Oh, he really fucked up, he thought, until he noticed the corpse next to you with the knife in your right hand, fresh blood dripping from it onto the floor. He then turned to face the body he was dragging down the stairs, blinking several times as he attempted to process the bizarre situation.
“Oh shit. We’re like that one Spiderman meme, babe.” you chuckled, cocking your head to the side as you watched the body comically fall down each step with a thud, leaving a trail of fresh blood behind. Rafe looked at you in astonishment, before his face quickly turned into one of absolute fury with nostrils flaring and his eyes narrowing. You knew that look on your boyfriend’s face— he was about to freak the fuck out. “ooohh my god, oh my god… what— what the FUCK are you doing?!”
Your face instantly dropped as you scoffed at the hypocrisy, “What the fuck am I doing? What the fuck are YOU doing?” you hurriedly marched towards him, casually stepping over the girl’s lifeless body with the bloody knife still in your right hand. With your faces merely inches away, you stared into his enraged, narrowed blue eyes before turning your attention to the body resting against the stairs. Brandon. The poor boy has been beaten to death with what you assume Rafe’s baseball bat, which has been sitting in the corner of his room untouched for quite some time, always leaving you wondering why he still had that thing. Well, that question was answered now. Brandon’s face was nearly unrecognisable, it was not a nice sight. He was covered in blood from head to toe, and it was clear Rafe used Brandon’s body to get all his aggression out.  
Your attention was then drawn to the once-white carpet he was standing on, which was now ruined and completely covered in blood. “Oh, and real smart, Rafe. Letting a body bleed all over your fucking carpet. What are you gonna tell your family, huh?” You snorted, taking in the mess that Rafe had made all over the house.
“That’s… that’s what you’re fuckin’ worried about here!? Just… I—  I don’t know, say you were on your period or some shit, jesus.” he rolled his eyes and shook his head, obviously not thinking about the fucking carpet right now as his mind raced with a thousand thoughts while squinting his eyes, still trying to figure out who the body was on the other end of the room.
Rafe briefly closed his eyes and rubbed his temples, attempting to block out your exasperating voice but failing miserably as it was the only thing he could hear at that moment. His breathing accelerated and his eyes narrowed as his frustration reached its boiling point, his vision blurred with a red haze of anger before punching a hole in the wall, the impact echoing throughout the room, sending shockwaves of sound outward. “FUCK! Why do you— why you always gotta fuck things up for us, huh? Can’t you just be a normal fucking girlfriend for once? Jesus fucking christ.”
A normal girlfriend? Your heart shattered into a thousand pieces at his words. Each syllable fell like a knife to the heart, leaving you more vulnerable and hurt. In that moment, you realized with a sense of sorrow that no matter how much you loved him, it would never be enough. Tears from sheer rage and heartache began to well up in your eyes as your grip on the knife tightened. You felt so misunderstood— why couldn’t he just see that no girl could ever love him the way you do? That everything you do is for him?
“I— I did this for you, Rafe, for us. Can’t you fucking see that? She was gonna— fuck—  she was gonna ruin what we have!” you spoke in a trembling but urgent voice, swaying the knife in front of his face as blood splattered all over the walls, fat tears rolling down your cheeks. “I’d do anything for you, you hear me? ANYTHING! Nothing is ever gonna get between us, Rafe. And no one— no one will ever love you more than I do.” His eyes were eerily still, devoid of any trace of humanity, as he stood frozen, listening to your ramblings. It only fuelled your rage more, as you so desperately tried to get it through his head that you did it for him, with the best intentions, but Rafe gave no reaction.
“I just—  I just don’t get it… How the FUCK is this my-“ you continued with tears streaming down your face but gasped when you were abruptly interrupted by Rafe grabbing your face, leaving a red blood imprint on your cheek before pushing you against the cold wall followed by his lips meeting yours in a fervent urgency. His body was pressed against yours with his hand gripping the back of your head, pushing you deeper into him to intensify the kiss as your tongues danced together. At that moment, all your surroundings melted away as you were lost in the overwhelming need for each other.
Because oddly, it turned him on— your insanity turned him on. It stirred a sensation of warmth, a tingling feeling, and a deep sense of gratitude within him. Knowing someone loved him to the point of being willing to do anything for him, even if that meant killing— that was all Rafe needed in his lonely existence, longing for someone to love him with the same intensity he felt for them. Rafe Cameron just needed to be loved.
“You’re— you’re… fuckin’ perfect.” Rafe whispered, his voice laced with an unfamiliar sweetness as his blue eyes intensely gazed into yours. Perfect? You blinked a few times as you shook your head, unable to process the sudden change in demeanour. “W-what?” you stared at him before he cupped your face with both hands, a look of solace and devotion on his blood-stained face. “Listen to me, yeah? ‘m never gonna let you go, I fuckin’ promise that. I’d do anything for you— anything, you hear me? Gonna take good fuckin’ care of my girl, a’ight?”
A relieved smile graced your lips, a chuckle escaping as you found comfort before you leaned in to kiss him once more, the embrace deeper and more intense than before, filled with longing and desire. He pushed you towards the couch, making you stumble backwards while feeling more aroused with each step you took. It was a bizarre scene— both of you covered in fresh blood, hungrily touching every part of each other’s bodies, with two corpses on the floor next to you, still bleeding all over. But that wasn’t any of your concern at that moment. All you cared about was how his skilled hands moved over your skin, making you crave him even more.
Rafe, on the other hand, felt he still had something to prove— as if murdering a man wasn’t enough. He needed you to know how good he could make you feel. He needed you to understand that no man on this planet could treat you better than him. You could see it in his lustful eyes as he pushed you back on the couch, followed by him crawling on top of you and attacking your still blood-covered neck with hungry kisses. The ticklish feeling of Rafe’s mouth made you giggle as the metallic tang of blood flooded his senses, coating his tongue with an iron bitterness that lingered long. He didn’t know whose blood it even was, maybe both of theirs together mixed with yours, by the way he was so aggressively biting and sucking on your skin.
“Mine. All fuckin’ mine. Got it?” he snarled as he withdrew and grasped your face tightly, forcing you to look him into his intense eyes. You agreed with a nod, flashing a naughty smile as you gazed up at him coyly through your lashes. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Don’t wanna go around killin’ the entire neighbourhood.” He growled, before trailing his lips to your earlobe, gently sucking on it as his expensive cologne filled your nostrils. “But I will if I have to.” His voice raspy as he spoke, making you become wetter with each passing second.
“Hm, i don’t doubt that.” You remarked before a moan escaped your lips caused by Rafe’s hand groping your tits under your shirt, massaging them over the laced bra that he bought for you. “But know that I would kill the entire female population of the Outer Banks.” He couldn't help but let out an amused chuckle, still wrapping his head around just how insane his girlfriend truly was. “You’re so fucked in the head, shit.“ he whispered, pulling your bra down and toying with your nipples, making you bite your lip, “Just how I like it.”
Rafe then grabbed the knife from where you had dropped it next to the couch, skilfully twirling it a few times. You observed him with a rush of anticipation, uncertain of his intentions. He slid the knife beneath your top, eliciting a gasp as he swiftly sliced through the fabric, ruining your clothes, before repeating the action with your shorts.
“Rafe, what the fuck!” You hissed in annoyance as he destroyed your clothes. “Those were my favourites! Oh, don’t you fucking dare do the same with my underwear” It was evident he wasn't taking you seriously, the smug smile on his face only grew bigger before he slipped the knife under your bra and cut it open as well in one swift motion.
“Don’t be fuckin’ stupid. You know I can buy you anything you want, yeah?” Your lace underwear was next, leaving you inwardly agitated as he cut the fabric and flung it across the room. Seeing your dejected expression, he released an exasperated sigh. “Stop with the whining. I’ll take you shopping tomorrow, a’ight?”
He seized you by the hips and quickly turned you around, pressing your face into the cushion before you could comprehend what was happening as in an instant, you found yourself face down with your ass up, angled towards him. “Fuckin’ soaked already, huh?” He suddenly grabbed a handful of your hair and raised your head, then stuck his blood-covered fingers into your mouth. You swirled your tongue around his digits with a mixture of blood and drool running down your chin while feeling his clothed boner press against your bare ass. “Yeah— that’s right baby. Lick my fingers clean like a good fuckin’ girl.” You could feel yourself dripping down your inner thighs before Rafe scooped it up with his now clean fingers and slipped them into you from behind, making you let out a hitched breath at the sudden sensation as you moaned his name.
It didn’t take long for his digits to find your g-spot as he skilfully rubbed against it, bringing you closer and closer to the edge. Your pornographic moans combined with the wet sounds of his fingers pumping in and out of you made it difficult for him to control himself any longer, so he abruptly pulled out, causing you to whine at the sudden loss of contact. “You bitch! I was so fucking close!” Rafe’s hand reeled back before you felt a stinging pain on your ass, making you jolt forward on the couch. “Watch that fuckin’ mouth if you wanna cum.”
You heard the unbuckling of a belt behind you followed by feeling Rafe’s erection teasing your folds, dragging the tip up and down as his precum mixed with your wetness. Growing increasingly impatient, you tried to push yourself back onto his cock, to no avail as he held your hips firmly. “Aww, poor girl wants it bad, huh?” his voice laced with faux sympathy. “Then beg for it.”
“Rafe just fucking do-“ your words were quickly interrupted by him grasping your hair and leaning down to your eye level. “I said fuckin’ beg for it.”
“Fuck. Please, okay! I need to feel you! Just, please, fuck me” Rafe pushed himself into you in one quick thrust, swallowed by your warmth as he watched his cock disappear into your body. He gave you no time to adjust as he stretched you out completely, causing a brief sensation of pain that was quickly replaced by pleasure. He let out a sigh at the feeling, one hand on your lower back and the other on your hip as he quickly set a brutal pace— deep, erratic thrusts hitting your sweet spots so perfectly. Your nails scraped against the leather of the couch, nearly tearing it apart as you pushed yourself back onto Rafe’s cock, making him grunt at the sight. He massaged your inner walls so perfectly, making you moan his name loudly over and over again.
Rafe suddenly stopped in his tracks, cautioning, “Stay still or this will hurt, like bad, a’ight?”, causing you to furrow your brows in confusion before hearing him reach for the knife once again from next to him, sending a gulp down your throat. You tensed, anticipating the sensation, well aware of what was about to happen, just as you felt the sharp edge of the blade against your delicate skin while he was still balls deep inside of you. “So fuckin’ pretty all covered in blood, shit.” You could feel the letters he was etching into your skin— R.C., his initials. Once he was done, he tossed the knife on the floor before quickly pulling out, causing you to whine at the sudden empty feeling as he leaned down, licking up your blood that was dripping from the fresh wounds, mingling with Olivia's still-stained blood on your skin. “Forever mine.”
Rafe slapped your ass once again, causing you to cry out from the stinging pain of his hand making contact with the fresh carvings on your skin. “Now, where were we?” He slipped into you again as he mercilessly continued his thrusts, strangled noises leaving your mouth at the sudden feeling. He noticed your moans were muffled by the pillow so he grabbed a handful of your hair and tugged it firmly, pulling you back to meet his thrusts.
“Shit, look at ya now. Not so tough anymore, huh?” Rafe groaned as he pounded into you, his brutal thrusts making your eyes roll to the back of your head as your vision started to blur. “Shut— up.” You muttered in between his thrusts, your mind all fuzzy as his tip repeatedly hit your cervix. You clenched around him when he kept hitting that one spot inside you, the pleasure building as you could feel his cock twitching inside you.
You arched your back with your eyes fluttering shut as felt your orgasm approaching. “I’m— I’m so fucking close, oh my god” You moaned out with your mouth agape, nails digging deep into the skin of his arm that was wrapped around your body as the sensation became too much for you.
“Come f’me, doll. Gonna fill you up so fuckin’ good” Rafe’s hand snaked around your body to rub fast circles on your sensitive clit, making you moan loudly as your orgasm abruptly struck you, causing you to clench hard around his cock with buckling knees. All your muscles tensed as you saw stars, a wave of pleasure fully overtaking you with Rafe still pounding into you, chasing his own orgasm. He came not too long after you, slow and drawn-out curses spilling from his lips with his head thrown back as you could feel the familiar pool of warmth fill you up to the brim, completely emptying himself inside of you as his orgasm hit him.
He rode out his high before he carefully pulled out as your chest rose and fell in a frantic rhythm, each breath a struggle to fill your lungs with air while trying to regain your breath. “My pretty, pretty girl.” Rafe praised, staring at your cum-dripping cunt with a grin on his face.
As you opened your eyes, the harsh reality crashed over you like a wave, sending a shiver down your spine at the sight of the lifeless bodies lying across the floor. Panic laced your voice as you turned to face Rafe, desperation evident in your words. "Rafe? What the fuck are we going to do with the bodies?"
His response was surprisingly calm, his tone carrying an unsettling assurance. "Don't worry ‘bout that. I'll take care of it, a’ight?"
The eerie composure in his voice sent a chill down your spine, hinting at a familiarity with murdering that made your stomach churn. "What? How— how do you know how to clean up bodies?"
A sinister smirk crept onto his handsome features, causing you to furrow your brows in confusion and disbelief before his blue eyes stared deep into yours, holding you in their gaze with an intensity that made your heart skip a beat. “Princess, what do you think happened to poor Jake last month? And Dylan before that?”
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any feedback, reblogs and comments are very appreciated !! ♡
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bandgie · 2 months
Forbear | Armageddon Event
Request: Chastity | Han Jisung (SKZ) by anon song!
warnings: MDNI18+, fem!reader, dom!reader, sub!han, strap-use, han says it hurts (it doesn't), reader is a little mean, edging/orgasm denial
657 words
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“Nope. Nope. Nope.” You pin Jisung’s arms to the side. His sneaky little fingers tried to find their way to his cock. They weren’t quick enough, however. And now, he’s forced to withstand his hard, dribbling cock that bounces with every thrust you give him.
He acts like it’s torture. His boba eyes pool with tears and saliva clings to his lips as he cries.
“I just wanna cum. Pleeaase. Just let me cuumm.” 
Crocodile tears, of course. You know better than to listen to anything Jisung has to say when you’re the one who knows the ins and outs of his body. He cums best when he doesn’t cum at all. Just on the verge of that high, never reaching the peak or coming down. It makes him fists the sheets beneath and his chests blossom with pink.
Having his wrists in your hold gives you better leverage to thrust. You slightly lean forward, lifting his hips just a few inches so you could really drive in. It’s only a silicone cock, but you swear you can feel him clenching. You can feel his rim twitching and spasming with every heavy stroke.
Jisung chokes on his breath. The force of your hips is too strong and too deep in his stomach. It’s a constant feeling of pressure that only grows when you see how he can’t stand it.
“Baby! Babybabybaby. You’re hurting me.”
You can’t help but laugh a little. It makes your hips stutter, but that seems to work in your favor from Jisung’s panting. “Hurting?” You smile a little too sinister for his liking. “Hurting where? Here?” You release one of his wrists to press on his lower abdomen. 
Stars erupt in his vision. Jisung can’t feel anything but blinding pleasure as your palm presses harder and harder on the space below his belly button. His cock twitches pathetically, more pre-cum oozing from his tip that drips onto your hand and his tummy. 
He nods. He shakes his head. He doesn’t know the right answer. The bubbling orgasm feels so close, so near, but he knows he won’t be able to reach it. No matter how hard you fuck him or let him squeeze your strap, he just can’t.
The fact you’re fucking him so earnestly only makes him more restless, and because you can read Jisung like the back of your hand, it urges you more.
“You know why it hurts, Jisung-ie?” Your tone makes him shiver. “It’s ‘cuz you wanna cum. But you know you can’t. I mean, you know you shouldn’t. You’d be such a nasty boy if you came all over yourself. And you don’t wanna be messy, do you?”
Something like a wounded cry tears through his throat. You watch his chest heave, his dark tattoos being a huge contrast to the flush.
“I-” he sobs. “I wanna be good.”
Your cunt throbs. You have to still your hips deep in his ass to keep yourself from finishing. 
“Fuck.” You squeeze his wrist. “Be good and take it then.” Without warning, your hips pick up speed again. Jisung yelps and slaps his free hand over his mouth. 
Normally, you’d care about him silencing his sounds, but you find yourself enjoying his muffled moans and the drool seeping through his trembling fingers.
You release his other wrist and position your hands under his thighs. He squeals when you spread him apart, giving yourself a perfect view of your cock burying itself in his hole. White strings of lube cling onto your strap from his ass. It looks like he’s creaming, and shit, you start thinking that maybe he is.
He looks too good like this. How could you ever stop fucking him when he pleads so prettily? When his moans and gasps only make you drive to the hilt?  You know what he wants, even if he can't say it himself.
“You don’t really wanna cum, do you Jisung-ie?”
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crimsonbubble · 1 year
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cw. nsfw, gn!reader, knife kink, vibrator, blood and wounds, marking of sorts, hair pulling, sadomasochism, use of mami, poorly translated spanish *not proofread, just pure horny
[wanted to try writing for valeria so heres to hoping this goes well 🤞🤞]
kinktober masterlist
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"Aww, mi preciosa. Mira que bonita eres." [Aww, my precious. Look how pretty you are.]
From where Valeria sat, she had a clear view of her cutest toy. She sat back in her chair as her eyes wandered all over you, fiddling with the knife between her fingertips. Your body writhed against the bed you were lying on, the sheets crinkling under you. The vibrator pulsed against your sensitive walls, hitting a spot that made your back arch painfully off the bed.
In Valeria's hands is now a remote, the one for the pretty purple vibrator that's buzzing away inside you. The speed and intensity change rapidly. The constant up and down, faster and slower, harsher and softer left you more sensitive as the seconds ticked by.
Valeria stood up, crawling up the bed to straddle your hips. She tilts her head up, looking down at you over her nose. "Are you gonna be good for mami now?" There's a sinister look in her eyes as she presses her knife's blade flat against your throat. You all but whimper, your hands fisting the sheets. She tilts the blade, nicking your skin slightly as she does so. "Words. Now."
Your mouth seems to only produce slutty moans as the toy was nestled right against your sweet spot. The toy slows to a near stop, a vibration so light you barely feel it. Valeria tugs your head back by your hair, her fingers curling around the strands. She pressed the knife into your skin again, a menacing look swirling in her eyes as she awaited your response.
"I'll be good, I promise." The toy ramped up again, higher moans and whimpers falling from your lips as Valeria eased the toy out and pushed it back in. She drops the knife by your head, her finger swiping over the small cut agaisnt your neck. She brings her finger to her mouth, licking the droplet of blood as she continued to hump the toy into your fluttering hole.
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prettyflyforawhitelie · 7 months
Hi! Drunk Husk confession please! Maybe he doesn't remember the next day and his crush flirts with him and he gets all flustered and stutters so she shuts him up with a kiss 😚 and tells him that she feels the same way he does. Thank you!!
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Ahh this is so cute! I love this!
Pairing: Husk x Reader
Warnings: Alcohol
Word count: 1910
Authors note: I actually quite like this one, but if you were looking for anything different just message me and let me know! This was very roughly proofread, so apologies for any mistakes.
A Drunk Mind Speaks a Sober Heart - Husk x Reader
Ever since you decided to give redemption a shot and stay at the Hazbin Hotel, you quickly learned which of your fellow roommates (hotel-mates?)  you could have the most fun with. Charlie was always cheery and go-lucky, but good luck trying to get her to do just about anything that would jeopardize the hotel’s reputation of a sin-free environment. Vaggie wasn’t exactly one for going out (or even hanging around with any of you, except for Charlie, of course), so she was off the table. Alastor was… well, Alastor was creepy as Hell, so even if he did want to go out, you would have a sneaking suspicion that he was planning something more sinister. Sir Pentious could go both ways. He always rejected going out, but if you managed to drag him to a bar and he got drunk, it was actually the funniest thing ever. Nobody ever invited Niffty out because… God knows what would happen if she escaped your line of sight.
This left Angel and Husk. Angel always knew how to have a good time, but after learning of the abuse that he has to endure during work, you realized that his constant drinking and partying was just a way for him to cope with his trauma. Feeling awful for him, it left you mostly turning to Husk whenever you wanted to have some fun.
At first glance, Husk was kind of a prick. He always seemed uninterested with anything that anybody had to say, constantly complaining every time he was forced to do one of Charlie’s eccentric “bonding exercises”. But you’ve had enough late nights at the bar to know that if you really got to know him, Husk was a sweetheart. He was fiercely protective of his friends and gave excellent advice, never turning you away when you've had a shitty day and just need to talk.
When you first arrived at the hotel, you were so very grateful for the free lodging, but still felt like you were isolated from the already-established friend circles of the group. At the end of the day, though, Husk, however standoff-ish he wants to appear, never turned you down for a drink and a good conversation. As embarrassing as it is to admit… you think you've developed quite an attraction towards him. Not only was he a great listener and the only person who seemed to give a damn about what you had to say, but he was adorable, too. The way his wings flapped slightly when he laughed, the little ear-twitches he gets when he’s startled, everything. Out of all the sinners in Hell, he seemed like the only guy that still had a bit of humanity left in him.
This is the driving factor that left you sitting at his bar, still striking conversation with him through the early hours of the morning, almost every night. Tonight was no different, either. 
Walking to the bar and taking what you have now claimed as “your stool”, you don't see Husk doing his normal barkeeping chores. In fact, you don't see him at all. That is, until he bursts through the main door of the hotel carrying some crates filled with bottles of a green-looking drink. You rush over to him to lighten his load, a sigh of relief escaping his mouth. As you both reach the bar and set down the crates, you ask, 
“So… what’s this?” 
As he unloads the bottles from the crates to the bar, he responds, 
“Apparently some good shit! I struck a deal with the owner of the club down there, apparently their bar is the only place that sells it, until now! Cost me a pretty penny, but it's supposed to have you seeing stars after only a couple glasses. Wanna give it a try? Shit, I think we’ve got ourselves enough to last until we all get redeemed!”
“Sure, why not.” you reply. 
I mean, it’s not often that anything exciting happens in Hell, and this was the closest to an “exciting” experience that you’ll get for a while. When he finished unloading the crates, he placed two glasses on the bar and filled them to the brim with the green liquid. 
“Absinthe, it looks like. Hopefully Charlie won't be too pissed, at least it'll bring more drunks like you and I into this shithole” he says and laughs. 
While he immediately downs his glass, cringing at the taste, you smell it suspiciously. 
“Are you sure this is safe? I mean, you bought it from a club owner you’ve never met.” you ask. “Doll, what the Hell’s gonna happen? We're gonna double die?” 
Well, he has a point. Plugging your nose, you sip from the glass, suppressing a small gag. This better be worth it. 
While carrying on your normal random conversations, you noticed Husk slowly becoming more unkempt and loud. This was a very odd sight, as he could hold his liquor like nobody's business. To be fair, though, he had downed about 3 glasses in the past hour. You were still working on your first. If this stuff is as strong as he said it was, he may genuinely be wasted right now. You could not only tell this from his progressively increasing volume, but also from the topics that he was talking about. Normally, he preferred being the listening ear, the shoulder to cry on. He did chime in every now and then, but nothing intensely personal. But tonight, he seemed ready to tell you just about anything. While you guys were on the topic of money, you were quickly brought to the topic of gambling.
“So, you've talked about all the gambling you did when you were alive… but I don't think I've ever seen you gamble, or, Hell, even play a card game. What happened?” you ask.
As you ask this question, you can see something change in Husk’s look. Did you say something wrong?
“I- I dont wanna talk about it.” he manages to hiccup out.
“What, didya lose that bad?” you chuckle. “Must've been a ton of money if you're still this upset.” you say. 
He looks into the distance, fixating on anything but the current conversation. You weren't used to him actually avoiding conversation like this.
“Oh, um… Look, I’m sorry if I said something-”
“Don’t apologize.” he cuts you off. “I figure I should tell you anyway.”
“Tell me what?” you ask.
“I quit gambling because, well -” he hesitates, thinking of the right words to say without dropping the entire mood of the room.
“I- I used to be an overlord.”
Huh? What?! Husk? The drunk bartender… used to be an overlord?
“Really?” you ask. “I have - so many questions. But… but why did that force you to quit gambling?”
“Well, you could say that I relied on luck for much of my power. I would collect souls and gamble them away to increase my status among the other overlords. That was until… that was until I met him.” he motions to the Radio Demon’s room. 
“Alastor?” you ask. 
“He made me an offer that was too enticing to refuse. If I won, he would grant me power beyond my wildest dreams - all the souls I could possibly make use of.”
“And if you lost?” you wonder.
“He - He would get my soul.”
Realization hits when you see where this conversation is leading to. So Alastor… owned Husk? No wonder he seemed miserable! Suddenly, you felt bad for all the times you ran to complain to him and ask for advice, poor thing was probably dealing with enough of his own trauma. 
“Oh, Husk. I- I don’t know what to say.”
“It’s okay Doll. What's done is done, no use in dwelling over it now.” he sighs.
“Besides,” he says, “he can have my soul. I think the only thing that still gets me through every day is knowing I have a heart. That’s what really matters. So, it doesn't matter who has my soul, but who I can trust with my heart.” 
Wow. Wasted Husk is… insightful? Sweet? You had never heard him become so open about his backstory, his emotions. 
“That’s…sweet, Husk. I hope that you know that you can always trust me, with your heart and anything else.”
He blushes at your words, smiling. “Y/N, you already have my heart. You’ve had it since the very first day you walked into this hotel. Ever since you first spoke to me, I’ve had something to look forward to at the end of the day. You give me a reason to actually enjoy this shit hole. Thank you, y’know, for being here.”
There’s no way he just said that! Does Husk… like you too?! Taking this pure honesty as a sign of his obvious inebriation, you take away his fourth glass from him. 
“Alright, mister, I think it’s time we both head to bed. We’ve got a long day of ‘trust exercises’ to look forward you” you say while taking his hand and guiding his stumbling body to his room. As you lead him to his door and part ways from him, you swear you could hear him say something under his breath.
“I love you, Y/N”
********************THE NEXT MORNING…********************
When you awoke from your deep slumber, you could hear the voices of essentially everyone else in the lobby. As you leave your room to greet them, you see everybody but Husk.
“Where’s Husk?” you ask.
“Maybe the bitch finally got up and left like he always says he’s going to!” Angel replies, laughing.
You roll your eyes, going back into the hallway and knocking on Husk’s door. When you hear no reply, you peek into his room. He’s passed out on his bed, not even underneath the covers. Damn, I guess that stuff really is strong. You slowly approach his bed and stroke his head, softly saying,
“Husk! It’s time to get up. If we aren't out for Charlie’s exercises she may just kill us.”
He groans, slowly opening his eyes, clearly flustered that you are in his room and seeing him like this.  
“Oh Satan, uh, yeah, I guess it is that time.” he mumbles.
As you move to leave his room, you turn back.
“Hey, Husk. I really appreciate what you said last night. I don't know if I made it clear, but… I’m glad you told me.”
He blinks slowly at you, clearly confused.
“Wh- What did I say last night?” he says, internally panicking. If he drunkenly confessed to you, he will literally crumble into a ball right here.
“Y’know, that stuff about me being the only one who has your heart, the one who makes ‘this shit hole’ bearable?”
His eyes widened. He could literally die of embarrassment right here, right now. 
“Oh my Satan I didn’t mean to say that - I mean, I did, but just not in that way - you really don't have to say that you feel the sa-” Husk is cut off by your lips meeting with his in a sweet embrace, one that he never wants to leave.
“Husk. It’s okay. I… I feel the same way. I’m so glad you told me, whether in a drunken rant or not.” you giggle, leading him by the hand out of his room. Whatever faced you today would be bearable simply because you knew that at the end of the day, you will always have Husker.
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the sun + the sand- pt. two - peach
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↳PAIRING: bff!rafe cameron x fem!reader
↳SUMMARY:you have a stalker, but your best friend rafe won't let anything happen to you, even if he has to come clean about how he really feels.
↳WARNINGS: mentions of stalking, blackmail, inappropriate behavior (not from rafe), protective!rafe, etc.
↳A/N: this is a repost from my old blog @illicitfixations + @lovelornanonymity. all of my works are being reposted to this one + the previous blog has been deactivated.
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You stood next to the fire, ruby red lips turned up into a smile as you laughed at something stupid one the two stooges had said. You had only come tonight to see Rafe, but as the minutes turned into hours and he still was nowhere to be found, you wondered if John B’s bed would make it sting any less – the promise of seeing Rafe was usually enough to numb everything else, but you couldn’t help to be hurt at his absence. He was the glue that held your broken heart together and tonight he was the hand that held the hammer as it crashed into the fragile glass of it. The jeans that clung to your waist in all the right ways were his favorite, you’d made sure to pick something out that would make you more appealing to the eye, to his eye. You weren’t an idiot, you knew you were beautiful, enough of the island boys had told you so. But, the one boy you wanted to hadn’t and you wondered sometimes if it was because he didn’t think you were. The self-conscious thoughts continued to bloom like flowers on a vine inside your head as you waited, pretending to laugh at Topper’s really bad jokes. You loved Topper, but he had never been funny and his constant trying made you want to gag.  
“I’m gonna get another drink.” 
You muttered, breaking the laughter that previously bellowed from deep within your belly. The boys nodded in your direction, saluting you with the cups in their hands as you made your way to the kegger. You stopped to stand in line and noted the girl in front of you had on a hot pink frilly tank top, one that you found rather beautiful and just as you went to tap her on the shoulder, you noticed Rafe wrap his arm around her from her side. She turned slightly and his eyes met yours, a shiver went up your spine. 
“Peach, what are you doing here?” 
He questioned, as if you hadn’t previously texted about meeting up in this exact spot. 
“Nothing, I was just leaving.” 
You spoke in a short manner, eyes locked on the ground again before you turned toward the trash can and threw your cup away. He didn’t chase after you like in the movies, though you wished he had and instead of wallowing in the despair that reality caused you, you went in search of your pogue prince. Rafe watched as you walked away, unsure of whether or not you wanted to be chased. He also wasn’t sure if he had the energy to chase you tonight. Would it be so wrong to look for love in someone else when you were never going to give him the time of day anyways? The thought left as quickly as it had come and he felt an immense amount of guilt for it, knowing that as selfish as he was, he could never stop loving you, not really. He watched your hips sway as you retreated from him and his eyes quickly darted locking eyes with none other than JJ Maybank as he stared at your figure crossing the beach in between sips out of a red solo cup. Rafe couldn’t put his finger on what it was, he just knew that the look JJ wore was sinister and something wasn’t right. 
You leaned up from the bed, your feet draping over the side as you planted them on the floor and moving to the wooden chair in the corner of John B’s room where your clothes lay. You wore his shirt, quickly taking it off as you slid your jeans and shirt back over your body. 
“Well that was fun.” 
He said with a sly smirk, laying on his side with one hand propping up his head. His floppy hair was dreamy and accentuated his features nicely, but it was nothing compared to Rafe’s. You pulled out your phone and texted Rafe, even though you were sure there was someone much more worthwhile lying underneath him. You couldn’t bring yourself to care about that detail at the moment, you just wanted to get away from the situation you were in. 
Peach:  It’s okay if you’re busy and can’t, but can you pick me up? 
You finally responded, voice monotone, lacking any real sense of enjoyment. Because frankly, you weren’t enjoying it. John B was cute but five minutes in and he was cumming, not caring anything about your needs. You thought that after the first time, it couldn’t get worse so you continued seeing him, but you were wrong and you had yet to get any real release. You made your way out of the makeshift fishing shack and pulled up Rafe’s contact again as you made your way down the steps. 
Rafey: Sorry, I can’t. 
Rafe felt guilt rise in the bottom of his stomach, leaving you stranded. 
Peach: Okay :) 
You responded almost instantaneously and that worried him, the thought of you being so urgent for his answer led his brain down a rabbit hole. 
Rafey: I can send someone to get you. Send me your location. 
He replied, hoping that his offer would be enough to make you feel safe. 
Peach: it’s okay, i can walk 
The thought of you walking anywhere after eleven pm made him sick to his stomach, especially with the way JJ had previously been staring at you and speaking of JJ – where the fuck was he? He wondered as he looked around the party, unable to spot him. 
Rafey: Walk?? From where?? 
He questioned, bile rising up in his throat at the thought of you being vulnerable and unknowing of the danger that loomed in the night. 
Peach: John’s. 
You replied, but he already knew the answer. The Life 360 app on his phone giving your location away.
Rafey: Stay there, I’m coming. 
Peach: It’s okay, I don’t want to ruin your night. Have fun, I'll see you tomorrow. 
The text made you uneasy, as you felt guilty ruining another night for him. You knew deep down he didn’t view it that way, but it didn’t make you feel any less shitty. 
Rafey: Dammit, y/n. Stay there. 
Like every other day, you didn’t listen to Rafe. Instead, you started your seven mile walk home, disappointed that Rafe had told you no. He had never told you no before, even when he was caught up with Ward, so it must’ve meant he was having a good time with the girl from the party. You shrugged it off, as you continued walking, the heels you had worn to the party leaving blisters on the backs of your heels like bruises against abused skin. You looked at your feet as you walked, trying not to let yourself wallow in the despair of it all. Though, you hoped that wherever Rafe was and whoever he was with, that he was happy. You didn’t have time to blink before you heard tires screech as they passed you, slamming on breaks quickly. You looked up, taking in the midnight blue truck that was etched into your brain – that would always linger like a tattoos kiss; it was Rafe and you smiled to yourself that he came. But, you were angry at yourself that you had ruined yet another night for him. You wondered why he hadn’t discarded you like everyone else and why he was always the hero of your story; you wondered if he always would be. You looked back and kept walking, deciding that the most selfish thing that you could do was get in the truck and while usually that wouldn’t bother you, you wouldn’t let it happen tonight. He turned his vehicle around, and began riding beside you on the pavement. 
“Sweetheart, get in the truck.” 
He spoke softly, yet it was a command and it made the hair on the back of your neck stand up. You felt your knees grow weak, but couldn’t bring yourself to look at him so you did what any self respecting simp would, you kept walking. 
“y/n, get in the truck.” 
He spoke again, with a deeper growl and more command. This was the voice he used during team huddles and when he was angry with Sarah. He had only used it on you a few times and the fact that he was using it on you tonight, meant that he was angry and the thought of him being angry at you brought tears to your eyes. You kept walking wanting the feeling of your skin crawling to cease immediately. He watched as your shoulders slumped, unsure of what was plaguing you, he just knew something was wrong. So, he threw the truck in park and climbed down, catching up to your moving frame. It wasn’t hard with the blisters that littered your feet. He grabbed your shoulder and spun you around to face him, taking in your flushed cheeks and the tears that were cascading down them, he placed your cheeks in his hands. 
“What’s the matter, peach?” 
He asked, his voice as soft as it could possibly be. You swallowed thickly before attempting to look down at your feet, but he stopped you, bringing your chin up with his forefinger and thumb. 
“Peach, baby, what’s the matter? Did John B hurt you?” 
Your eyes went wide in response and you quickly shut down that notion, knowing what Rafe was capable of when it came to the people he loved. 
“Uh, no. No, not really. I hurt myself.” 
He looked confused as he scoured your body for cuts, bruises, and broken bones. 
“Where, sweetheart? Why didn’t you call? Did you fall? Do you need me to take you to the hospital?” 
He asked urgently, the words flying from his mouth like a bat flying out of hell’s grasp. 
“No, I’m fine. I mean emotionally, I hurt myself.” 
“What happened?” 
He questioned. 
“Nothing that I didn’t already expect.” 
You muttered. 
“Why do you let these boys treat you so badly, sweetheart?” 
He questioned, kindly, dropping his large frame in front of your face, pushing the hair away from your face. 
“Because no one else wants me.” 
You whispered into the cool October air, shivering and Rafe took off his pullover, draping it over your form. 
“What did you just say?” 
He asked, shocked at your revelation. You couldn’t meet his eye, swallowing thickly as you dropped your gaze to your feet. 
“Come on, Rafe. I know what people say.” 
You said, flatly. 
“And what do they say, peach?” 
He questioned, innocently, though, probing you to be vulnerable with him. 
“That I’m a – you know what.” 
You grimaced as the words left your lips. 
“What do they say, y/n?” 
He asked, more urgently. 
“That I’m a slut, okay? You’re not stupid, you know what they say and you know that’s why no one but pogues like me. That’s why I don’t even like myself!” 
You finally shouted back at him, frustratedly as you cried. 
“Hey, come on, you know that’s not true, Peach.” 
He cooed, pulling you into his warm embrace and placing a kiss on your temple. You couldn’t do anything but cling to him in that moment, scared that he’d see you for what you truly were, scared that he'd change his mind. For a moment, you had the boy you loved in your arms and you didn’t want him to go away again. 
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As always, if you'd like to be added to the taglist, please let me know <3
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lewdlodge · 6 months
Lately I’ve been thinking about having a phrogger in your house. Originally they meant to stay for just a day or two, but as they watched you glide throughout your house completely carefree in nothing but panties, more sinister thoughts came to their mind:
Normally you stay up late playing video games, and watching your favorite shows. Indulging in a couple beers throughout the night. Oddly, the past few nights you’ve been getting extremely sleepy after just one. At first you think it is just the all nighters finally catching up. But, on the third night, you wake up with your panties gone and a wet spot on the bed.
It’s impossible to explain it though, you just shove it to the back of your mind, and wash the now dirty sheets. The next night arrives and you try your damndest to stay awake. You manage to obtain an extra 30 minutes before you’re completely knocked out. However, this night is different, you slightly wake up a bit in the middle of the night.
The shaking of the bed causes you to try to open your eyes, but they feel too heavy. You manage to get them open just enough to see a shadowy figure hovering over you, but then you fall back asleep. The next morning your head is pounding, and you can’t remember if what you saw was a dream or real. You decide it’s best to shrug it off as another one of the dark fantasies you dream about occasionally.
During the day that dream doesn’t leave your mind. Keeping you in a constant emotional state of fear and neediness. Right before dinner you hear a bang in the ceiling, so loud you thought a tree landed on the house. Getting nervous, you call your guy best friend over, hoping he’ll help you feel safe.
The next night comes around and as usual you’re knocked out early. When you wake up your body is ravaged. Your shirt is ripped open, legs spread, and cum leaking out of you. Naturally, you freak out. “How the hell did I not wake up?”. You look at your “best friend”, blaming him for taking advantage of you in your sleep. The police get involved, arresting him, and allowing you to spend a few nights at the station to feel safe. When you recover from the experience you find yourself back at the house.
It’s terrifying, but you have nowhere else to go. Because of all that’s happened you find yourself drinking more, intoxicated and unable to even stand without a prop. A couple hours pass and you slowly wake up to the sounds of moans in the background. You attempt to reach for the tv remote, assuming it’s just some movie. But, your arm is clung tightly to your back. Your heart begins to pound and suddenly your hangover is cured. Your eyes open and immediately drift to the living room TV in front of you.
You watch intently for a moment, terrified of the realization. “That’s me?” You begin frantically attempting to break out of the restraints you’re placed in. Then you freeze. A creak in the floorboard occurred behind you. “Oh, is my doll finally awake?”
He slowly walks towards you, and you can’t help but jump as each loud footstep slams against the floor. Your mind blanks, and before you know it he has your face firmly in his hand. “Hi beautiful, do you like our movie?” He delivers a kiss to your forehead, and places himself directly behind you, his hands slowly exploring your body.
“I’ve so been looking forward to this, I knew you loved me when you intoxicated yourself last-night. I knew you needed me.” His fingers start to softly rub your clit, and you burst into tears. “P-please. Don’t hurt me.”
He lets out a gasp, “I would never hurt you. I only want to give you pleasure. Look at the movie. See how good you feel.” Suddenly a loud moan of yours comes from the TV. One you never remember screaming. “J-just. Please don’t do this.”, you murmur.
His fingers hasten on your parts. “You’re just being dumb. Here. Let me show you daddy’s love.” His firm dirty hand grips your face, forcing you to watch the TV in front. His other hand never stops rubbing you relentlessly. Unfortunately, it feels good. “Watch”, he commands. Your body is shaking, not feeling strong enough to disobey. “Yes, I’ll watch.”
Previously your eyes would not dare watch the TV. You only listened to the sounds. But, now that there is no choice you begin to question yourself. In the movie you’re doing as your told. Opening your legs and mouth when commanded. Moving your hips into his thrusts. You love it. The tape skips forward a bit, cutting to the night your best-friend took advantage of you. It all clicks in your mind.
You watch intently as this strange man fucks you violently right beside your best friend. He gropes your chest and kisses your lips mere feet away from the person you blamed it all on. The movie ends right as he shoves himself deep inside you, filling you with his cum. You just watched yourself get breed by an unknown man, yet, your parts are even more soaked. His fingers are starting to build you up, and you can’t help yourself. “P-please, can I cum?” He lets out a laugh, kissing and then biting your neck. “Cum, doll.”.
As you let go you feel yourself becoming brainwashed. It feels so good, but his fingers still never stop. You need more and right now he can give it. “What are you princess?”, he whispers. Without hesitation you reply in a monotone voice, “I’m your cum doll daddy. Please, please fill me up.”
He forces you facedown into the floor and fucks your holes until dawn. This time not even giving you the decency of cleaning up. He simply leaves you on the floor covered in filth. This time there is no doubt it’s real. But, how can you be sure? What’s one more night, just to be positive. It may have all been a dream.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Would you be willing to write something with MXES where the reader wears the mask and sees MXES but isn’t afraid of them, and maybe Helpy is urging the reader to run, or deactivate the system but they’re curious about this big scary bunny… hopefully no animatronics get called to the scene if their interaction…
-glitch phone
"Erm, I'd advise that you RUN away from the Entity. You should not approach it under any circumstances!"
Ignoring Helpi's constant warnings of danger, curiosity overtook and and all instincts to flee as you walked close to M.X.E.S, still wearing the security mask. You weren't all that scared of it, instead wanting to have a better look.
The tall and sinister-looking black hare just stared down at you, tilting its head. It, too, was curious about your intentions.
While its purpose was to stop you from tampering with the parent node behind you, it couldn't help but wonder why you turned away from your task the second you felt its presence.
For whatever reason...you weren't freaking out despite it sending Monty after you once before.
You barely got away without getting your ankles bitten off by that feral gator!
You knew very well it could summon him again, but you weren't scared at all.
Pocketing the Faz Wrench, you stopped and waved your hand, awkwardly smiling at the entity. "Hello, there." You spoke, surprised by the brief disappearance of its usual grin, as though your actions confused it entirely.
But it then waved back, before disappearing into a cluster of glitches, vanishing from your sight altogether.
Suddenly, you heard an awful static noise and turned around to see it now mere inches from your face, its grin returning and looking wider than ever.
You winced slightly as you felt another migraine coming on...no thanks to you wearing the mask for so long.
Yet besides that...you didn't scream or flinch.
M.X.E.S thought for sure that little scare would've intimidated you enough to back away from the node. Maybe then it wouldn't have to call an animatronic to your location, and you'll leave the Pizzaplex's systems alone.
It's grown unusually protective over them, even though you were authorized to use the mask and access the AR world.
For a few moments, you had an intense staring contest, unsure of who was going to do what.
But you only became further fascinated by this creature the longer you gazed upon it. You had no clue which one of your coworkers designed it, but...they sure did a hell of a job making it look so real despite being a simulation.
Then you wondered something...and it was something you hoped to try.
And wanted to try something.
Helpi kept babbling inside your brain that making direct contact with the Entity would likely result in "death and dismemberment", adding the company wasn't responsible for that should it happen. You just rolled your eyes, knowing he didn't need to remind you of that shitty excuse of a "policy".
Instead, you slowly reached out to M.X.E.S' face, surprised when your hand rested on its muzzle. You could feel cold steel, fur, wiring, and static buzzing beneath your fingertips.
Although it couldn't see it, your eyes were wide in awe, and you had a huge smile that nearly rivaled the one on the mask.
This entity was solid. It was a creature you could actually touch, now that you were both on the same plane of existence.
Its eyes widened, yet it didn't react violently or fearfully...it simply remained perfectly still, allowing your hands to roam and pet it.
"Oh wow..haha.." You laughed softly, bringing both hands to the sides of its jaw. "Didn't expect you to be so soft and cuddly. You take after Bonnie well, huh?"
M.X.E.S isn't sure what overcame its programming in that moment, but...it began to like your touch.
It's never known gentle hands, not even from its own maker, until now.
That alone caused it to abandon its current directive as its shoulders relaxed, closing its eyes with content. Then it leaned its head down slightly so you could gently rub its ears--which were also made of metal and fur and static.
Shrinking its size down a bit enabled you to fully cradle its head in your arms, and you smiled, looking over at the glowing blue bunny node that stared back at you.
Meanwhile, Helpi had gone radio silent, much to your relief. That little bear probably crashed because this scenario was so unexpected, so unusual that he simply couldn't compute.
You silently chuckled at that thought, deciding that you'll stay like this for a little while.
The parent node didn't really need maintenance, anyways.
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elysiaheaven · 12 days
𝐇𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐢𝐬-𝟒-𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝗼𝘅'𝘀 𝗪𝗲𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴- 𝗝𝗶𝗮𝗼𝗾𝗶𝘂 𝘅 𝗙.𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
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While you floated beside Jiaoqiu, your ethereal presence a constant reminder of the peril he had unknowingly dragged himself into.
You were silent for a while, letting the distance between you and the others grow just enough before you made your move. Your eyes glinted with mischief as you suddenly floated closer to Jiaoqiu, your fingers ghosting over his arm before you started creeping along his hands, your touch unnervingly soft. He shuddered under your fingertips, feeling the unnatural cold of your presence.
"You never answered my question..." you whispered, your voice dripping with a flirtatious tone that sent shivers down his spine. You leaned in, brushing your lips near his ear as you spoke. "Why did you save me, Jiaoqiu? You could've left me to the curse, to the statues. Yet, here I am, free... and married to you."
Your hands slid up his arms, fingers trailing over his shoulders as you circled around him, playful but ominous. "Come on... you *know* the truth." Your lips curled into a sly smile, and your eyes darkened as you leaned closer. "Tell me, darling, was it because Of little Mozey?"
Jiaoqiu swallowed hard, his heart pounding in his chest as you haunted him, each word feeling like a hook digging deeper into his mind. He couldn't shake you—your presence was everywhere, suffocating him with your teasing flirtations and dark insinuations.
Feixiao and Moze turned slightly, noticing how close you were to Jiaoqiu, their expressions shifting into something cautious.
Feixiao raised an eyebrow, clearly trying to figure out your dynamic. "I was surprised when I heard you got married from Baliu..." Feixiao's tone was neutral, but his sharp gaze missed nothing.
You turned your head slightly, giving them a knowing smile, but your attention never really left Jiaoqiu. They couldn't hear the secret conversation between you two, the sinister undertones of your haunting voice, the way your hands crept around him like a shadow that wouldn't leave.
But Jiaoqiu knew. He felt it in every breath, every beat of his heart. He knew what you were saying wasn't just harmless flirting.
It was a threat wrapped in seduction.
You leaned even closer, your lips brushing the skin near his neck, sending chills down his spine. "Tell them, Jiaoqiu," you whispered softly, almost mockingly. "Tell them what *really* happened. Tell them how you saved me... and doomed yourself."
Jiaoqiu's hands clenched into fists, his pulse racing, but he couldn't speak. His throat felt tight, words failing him. You were too close, too overwhelming. He wanted to shake you off, to push you away, but fear and uncertainty rooted him in place.
You laughed softly, the sound echoing in his ears like a melody designed to drive him mad. "You'll break eventually," you murmured, almost too quietly for him to hear. "And when you do, darling... I'll be right here."
"Well, Since you two are whispering so sweetly me and Moze will walk forward." Feixiao turned her heel with a smirk thinking she was teasing Jiaqoiu
His gaze was intense, and as he looked up at you, a flicker of resolve passed through his eyes. You could see the struggle within him, the conflict between his fear and his determination.
"Red strings," you murmured softly, letting the words slip from your lips like a whisper. "They bind us together, you know."
Jiaoqiu's eyes met yours, and for a moment, silence fell between you two. His expression was a mask of cold resolve, though the flicker of pain and desperation was evident in his eyes. Without warning, he closed the gap between you, his lips crashing against yours in a desperate, forceful kiss.
"Be quiet," he said, his voice low and urgent against your lips. "It won't take a second for me to expose you, to tell everyone what you really are."
His kiss was fierce, almost violent, but it held an undercurrent of something deeper, a twisted mixture of anger and sorrow. When he pulled back, his eyes were steely, filled with a chilling hatred.
"You deserve to die," he said coldly, his voice like ice. "You are a monster."
You giggled, the sound both innocent and sinister as it escaped your lips. "Oh, Jiaoqiu," you whispered, your voice dripping with amusement. "You think that's going to change anything?"
Without hesitation, you leaned in again, capturing his lips in another kiss. This one was softer, almost tender, as if to mock the bitterness of his words. You could feel his resistance, but he didn't pull away. Instead, he stood there, caught between the desire to fight and the undeniable pull you had over him.
When you finally broke the kiss, you looked at him with a playful smile. "It's cute," you said, "how much you hate me. It's almost endearing."
Jiaoqiu's face twisted with frustration and disgust, but you could see the resignation in his eyes. 
"Let me remind you," you said softly, your voice a seductive whisper, "no matter how much you hate me, you're bound to me now. If you try to run, You'll die!"
You floated away, the shadows of your smile lingered, leaving Jiaoqiu alone with his turbulent emotions.
You floated through the dimly lit place. The weight of your emotions pressed heavily on you as you reached a secluded corner where the air was thick with silence. Tears streamed down your face, a strange mix of sorrow and bitterness.
"You did it, Eiji!" you cried out, your voice echoing through the empty space. The words were directed at an unseen presence, a ghost of the past that you couldn't quite escape. "You made me into the villain!"
Your sobs were punctuated by a haunting, melancholic laughter. It was a bitter sound, filled with a sense of tragic irony. "You made me look like the monster, the one to be feared and despised. And all the while, I've been alone, suffering in a way that no one could ever understand."
You sank to your knees, the delicate folds of your kimono cascading around you. The tears continued to fall, mingling with your laughter as you looked up, your gaze unfocused and lost. "You turned me into this... this villainous spirit," you murmured, a hint of anguish in your voice. "You made me the scapegoat for all the wrongs that happened. And now, here I am, trapped in this role, abandoned by everyone."
The sorrow in your voice was genuine, a reflection of the pain you felt deep within. Despite the cruel smile you often wore, the reality of your situation was harsh and unforgiving. You were not just a villain, but a being cursed to wander alone, misunderstood and despised.
In the silence that followed, you composed yourself, wiping away your tears with a trembling hand. The sorrowful laugh faded, replaced by a quiet, resigned acceptance. You knew that the path you were on was one of solitude, a path you had been forced to walk. 
Standing up, you took a deep breath, your resolve hardening. "If I'm to be the villain," you said softly to the emptiness around you, "then I will embrace it fully. But remember, Eiji, it was you who created this fate for me. And now, I'll live it to the fullest, for better or worse."
As you prepared to face whatever lay ahead, the sorrow and bitterness in your heart remained, a constant reminder of the complexities of fate and the roles that you had been forced to play.
There's no point in telling what happened in the past, Will people even believe you?
Feixiao looked at Jiaoqiu with a mix of concern and confusion as he handed her the bowl of soup made from the herb. The atmosphere was heavy with unspoken words, and the air seemed to crackle with tension.
Feixiao took a careful sip of the soup, her eyes narrowing slightly. "This herb... it came from the abandoned part of Luofu," she said, her voice calm but her gaze sharp. "Why would you go to such lengths to obtain it?"
Jiaoqiu, standing nearby, looked visibly broken. His shoulders were slumped, and his usually confident demeanor had crumbled. He took a deep breath, his eyes filled with a mixture of guilt and resignation.
"Because... because I had no choice," Jiaoqiu admitted, his voice trembling. "I had to do something for you, and to do that, I had to go to that place. Remember this herb will make your condition less problematic."
Feixiao's eyes widened in concern. "But what else happened there? What are you not telling me?"
Jiaoqiu's gaze fell to the floor. "I married someone," he said quietly. "Someone who... helped the Foxians enslaved by Borisin."
The revelation hit Feixiao like a thunderclap. Moze's expression hardened, his eyes narrowing with finally Jiaoqiu telling the truth, Feixiao looked at Jiaoqiu, her face a mask of disbelief and concern.
"You married her?" Feixiao asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "The one who helped enslave the Foxians?"
Jiaoqiu nodded slowly, his face etched with pain. "Yes. She's... she's the one who has caused so much suffering, and yet, I found myself bound to her by fate."
Moze stepped forward, his eyes cold and unyielding. he said sharply. "You should have known better. We need to deal with this—"
"No," Jiaoqiu interjected, his voice firm despite his distress. "I made the choice. I married her to save you, Moze. To save you, and now... I must deal with the consequences of my actions."
Feixiao's gaze softened slightly, though the worry in her eyes remained. "You've done everything you could, Jiaoqiu. But we need to address this situation carefully. We can't let the past mistakes dictate our future."
Jiaoqiu nodded, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. "I know. I just..."
Feixiao's eyes widened with fear and determination as she realized the full extent of the curse tied to Jiaoqiu's marriage. The curse not only bound Jiaoqiu but also threatened his life should anything happen to you.
"Jiaoqiu," Feixiao said urgently, "you can't tell anyone about this. We need to find a way to break the curse without revealing too much. For now, just focus on getting better."
Jiaoqiu, still reeling from the emotional toll, nodded, but his gaze was distant and pained. Feixiao took a deep breath and drank the soup, feeling its healing warmth spread through her. The soup seemed to take effect quickly, easing her discomfort.
Suddenly, you reappeared, your presence marked by an unsettling, ghostly aura. You floated in, a distorted smile stretching across your face like a doll's mask. Without a word, you wrapped your arms around Jiaoqiu from behind, your embrace cold and unnervingly tight.
Feixiao's face turned into a grimace of anger and fear. "Stay away from him!" she shouted. "Or I'll—"
"Or you'll what?" you cut her off with a laugh that sent shivers down everyone's spines. "You're forgetting something crucial. If anything happens to me, Jiaoqiu dies too."
Feixiao's expression hardened. "We'll help Jiaoqiu break free from this curse. We're not letting you win."
You gently kissed Jiaoqiu's foxian ear, causing it to twitch involuntarily at your touch. The tender gesture contrasted starkly with the menacing gleam in your eyes. As you floated toward Feixiao, your gaze was cold and unfeeling.
"All those pretty ears of yours," you said with a sinister edge, "don't always hear the truth. And now, I have something to achieve." Your voice was low and almost hypnotic. "I need to become human again. I'll do whatever it takes to make that happen."
You dragged Jiaoqiu closer to you, your grip firm and inescapable. "Twenty days," you declared, "that's all the time I need to reclaim my humanity. And in that time, I'll break him completely, if necessary. I suppose in the dream, you saw thirty days...Jiaoqiu..Nope, It's 20!"
Jiaoqiu's eyes filled with dread as he looked at you, understanding the gravity of your words.
"Well, after you become human, Will you leave him alone?"
"I'll go to my house now..." Jiaoqiu cut off everyone.
"We'll come with you." Feixiao came forward with Moze too, You looked at them with cold eyes.
You all made your way back to Jiaoqiu's house, the atmosphere was thick with tension. Jiaoqiu walked ahead, his steps hesitant, weighed down by the knowledge of the curse and the creeping dread that you had invoked. But as you floated close behind him, your eyes were fixated on his delicate foxian ears.
You couldn't resist.
Hovering closer, you reached out with gentle fingers, lightly brushing the tip of one of his twitching ears. Jiaoqiu flinched, his body stiffening at the touch, but he didn't pull away. Your fingers played with the soft fur, a mischievous grin creeping across your lips. Each flick of his ear under your teasing touch sent shivers down his spine, though he tried his best to ignore it.
"You're so...adorable," you whispered, your voice dripping with both sweetness and danger, your breath brushing against the back of his neck. "How can I not want you?"
Jiaoqiu swallowed hard, his fists clenching by his sides. He was trying to keep his composure, but it was becoming harder with every playful touch.
"Stop," he muttered through gritted teeth, though the word held no power.
You leaned in closer, your lips grazing the edge of his ear. "But why should I stop?" you purred. "Aren't we bound together now? Doesn't that make you mine?"
Feixiao and Moze were ahead, oblivious to the torment you were putting Jiaoqiu through. With each teasing touch, each soft whisper, his resistance weakened.
"You're mine now, Jiaoqiu," you murmured, brushing your lips against the ear again. "You can't escape me. And I won't stop until you fully understand that."
His breathing became uneven, his mind fighting against the pull you had over him. He hated this, hated how you had tied his fate to yours, but the way your touch lingered on him... it was as if a part of him was slowly giving in.
They neared the house, you pulled back slightly, but not before running your fingers one last time over his sensitive ears, making sure he felt every lingering touch. Your smile was predatory, knowing you had an effect on him.
"Let's go inside," you said softly, a hint of laughter in your voice. "We have... so much to discuss, don't we?"
Jiaoqiu stayed silent, his mind racing with dread. You were relentless, and he knew that no matter how hard he tried, you weren't letting him go. 
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skxllz · 1 year
category ❚ blurb
warnings ❚ nsfw, smut. p in v. fem! reader, fem! nicknames. degrading.
summary ❚ unnecessary.
date posted ❚ 6. 22. 23.
big, bulging arms wrapped around your middle, holding your arms down in the process to keep you from budging. seated in his lap, his elbows indented in the fat of your thighs, while his hips rapidly pounded upwards into you.
your ‘ ah, ah, ah! ’ s filled the room, as well as the clapping of his heavy sack against your skin. tightened balls, so big, that each time they smacked against your conjoined sex’ you couldn't help but feel a swelling in your lower tummy.
“ there you go.. ” he mumbled, voice so low and velvety in your ear. his chin resting on your shoulder, lips pressing harsh kisses to the side of your neck. “ takin’ all o’me like a good little slut. that's what you are, aren't you? ” a rough, throaty chuckle left him. his glowing amber eyes rolling upwards to stare at your fucked out expression. “ a little fucking whore. so hungry for my dick, huh? ”
you didn't seem to hear him over the constant lewd noises your bodies produced, along with your loud moaning and rapidly beating heart. that left dwayne agitated, causing him to buck his hips upwards one last time, harshly, before stilling.
“ answer me. ” he growled, one hand fisted into your tresses with an iron grip. mouth already fell open, plush lips sticky with thick saliva, you whined out in painful pleasure.
“ ‘idn't hear you, daddy. ” you mumbled, tears surfacing from the throbbing itch at your scalp. your nose slightly scrunched up. you still couldn't move due to his, now singular, arm holding down your own. the only movement available was scratching at his forearm.
“ you didn't hear me? ” his eyes narrowed, while a sinister grin stretched across his lips. “ I said, ” dwayne leaned towards your ear, only to nip at the lobe harshly. you yelped, fearing blood split. “ you're just a little fucking whore hungry for my dick, huh? ”
this time, lips trembling and a incoherent babble stuck in your throat, you nodded. eyes screwing shut, wet lashes pressed to the underside of your waterline, only for more tears to fall freely. “ y-yes. you're little whore. all yours.. ” your voice was barely above a whisper, but he heard every word.
“ that's right... ” his hips slowly started moving again, cock moving out from between your puffy pussy lips. “ all mine, baby. ”
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megistusdiary · 9 months
y'all seen arlecchino's hands???? she is definitely going to dig them deeper into your thighs to hold you still as she goes down on you, and that's sometimes is going to leave you either bleeding or on other times it will only leave scratching marks. whatever the case that aftermath of it is just a constant reminder of the amazing times you head together <333
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arlecchino is literally so yummy wtf. i need her so bad???
when i found out her hands had that gradient going up her arms, i literally MELTED. i could talk about her for hours tbh.
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like are yall seeing this wtf 😻😻 she's so mf FINE
also, for you, a little arlecchino drabble i cooked up from your idea (i like that little pun at the end...very nice) yall got me feeling so inspired lately
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thoughts on arlecchino's hands ⋆.࿔*
dom!arlecchino x sub!fem (anatomy/pronouns) reader
warnings: smut (mdni), wlw content, cunnilingus (sub receiving), overstim, rough play, scratching, mentions of blood, dacryphilia
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it's been what seems like ages as arlecchino holds you firmly on the bed. she's got your thighs spread wide for her, hands pressing into your skin as she laps at your clit.
she allows you to rest your hands in her hair, but you most definitely know better than to yank at the silky strands. well, unless she's given you permission to do that too.
today, however, it seems she's not so much in the mood to play games with you. she'd rather have you exactly where she wants you: writhing and whining beneath her.
but, when you start to squirm ever so slightly too much for her liking, she's reining you back in with a firm squeeze of your thighs. your whines jump to a higher pitch briefly when you feel her sharp nails digging into your skin. they were most certainly leaving indents.
tears prick at the corners of your eyes, but you can't bring yourself to even lie and say you dislike the sensation. she's paired that pain deliciously with her lips on your clit, your head spinning between the starkly contrasting treatments of your body.
ever the observer, she smirks into your pussy at the sight of your glassy eyes. "crying already?" the vibrations run through you from her little jab. you remove a hand from her head to wipe them off.
before you can wipe the tears on the bed, she's removed her hand from your leg, grabbing your wrist and tugging your hand closer to her.
her tongue, still warm and wet from resting on your cunt, laps up the tears, kissing your fingertips so sweetly before she harshly presses your thighs back open. then she's back to teasing your clit, tracing your lips, dipping her tongue into your hole, all while watching you with the ghost of a sinister smirk on her lips.
she digs her nails in ever so slightly further, glancing up at you as you squirm, but maintain your control. her hand gently lifts up, cooing softly at the marks she's left, but particularly at the blood beading up from them.
"such a pretty little mess all for me, doll." it isn't a question, it's a statement. you are hers. all hers to make a mess of.
once she's finally pushed you over the edge to her satisfaction, she's enamored with the marks she's left.
pretty scratches, remnants of blood, some left beneath her nails as she caresses your face so gently. those same sharp, dangerous nails on those equally dangerous hands, so gentle when she wanted them to be.
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queenofdragons12 · 1 month
Deep, Deep | Ghost and König
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Upon receiving the esteemed invitation to join Task Force 141, you found yourself moving into your new living quarters, which you would be sharing with two of the most formidable members of the elite squadron. As you entered the room, you couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation as you were met with the stoic gazes of your roommates, König and Ghost, who were already comfortably settled in their respective beds. The atmosphere was palpable with tension, their silence a stark contrast to the chaotic anticipation that usually accompanied a newcomer's arrival.
Ghost broke the silence with a remark that resonated with the gravity of his British accent, "You're quite the silent type, aren't you, rookie?" His eyes, a haunting shade of grey, bore into yours from behind the sinister skull mask that was a signature part of his intimidating persona. You couldn't help but feel a shiver run down your spine, yet you managed to maintain a cool demeanor, recognizing the importance of not allowing them to see you as a pushover.
Turning your attention to the imposing figure of König, who was lounging on his bed, you noticed that his sniper hood was pulled low, casting his face in shadow. His gaze, however, was unmistakable and intense. You chuckled slightly in an attempt to ease the tension, "Well, I like to keep my cards close to my chest, Ghost. And I don't just spill my life story to every Tom, Dick, and Harry I meet."
König, with a head nod, acknowledged your words before speaking up with his thick Austrian drawl, "You seem rather young, new recruit. What is your age?" The question hung in the air, his piercing gaze never leaving yours as you felt a slight knot form in your stomach. You replied calmly, "I'm 24, or so I believe." The uncertainty in your voice was a subtle defense mechanism, a way to keep them guessing.
The room remained still, the only sound being the rustling of your belongings as you unpacked. Ghost's gaze lingered over you, his eyes flicking from your face to the various items you pulled from your duffel bag. His curiosity was evident, and it was clear he was sizing you up, trying to determine what kind of person, and more importantly, what kind of soldier you were.
"Ah, so you're a spring chicken," Ghost mused, a hint of amusement in his tone. "What's the command's logic in assigning a whippersnapper like you to our care?"
König's head tilted slightly, his eyes narrowing as he studied you. His silence was more unnerving than the constant barrage of questions and comments. You met Ghost's gaze with a determined look, standing up straight. "Maybe they think I've got something to offer. Or maybe they just don't want me to get bored." You delivered the line with a cocky grin, your eyes never leaving his.
The dynamic between the three of you was charged with a strange mix of competition and curiosity. As you finished unpacking, you felt their eyes on you, assessing your every move. You decided to take the initiative and introduced yourself. "The name's Rookie. Or at least, that's what they're calling me today."
The tension grew thicker as Ghost took a step closer, invading your personal space. "And what makes you think you can handle the kind of work we do here, Rookie?" His eyes searched yours, looking for any sign of weakness or doubt.
You remained unfazed, pushing back against his intimidation. "I've got what it takes," you asserted, poking him in the chest with a firm finger. "And just because I'm not as chatty as you two doesn't mean I'm not capable."
The smirk that played on Ghost's lips grew as he took a step back, conceding the moment. "We'll see about that," he murmured, his voice low and enticing.
König, ever the observant one, had been watching the exchange with a knowing look. He chuckled under his breath, the sound muffled by his mask.
You decided to break the awkward silence with a declaration. "Alright, I'm going to hit the gym and work off some of this nervous energy. Time to show you two what I'm made of." With that, you grabbed a water bottle and a hair tie, and began to pull your hair back into a tight ponytail. The simple act of tying your hair out of your face made you feel more in control, more ready to tackle the challenges ahead.
As you turned to leave, you threw a smug smile over your shoulder. "See you boys around." With that, you sauntered out of the room, leaving your roommates to ponder the enigma that was their new addition to Task Force 141. The click of the door closing behind you was the only sound in the room, and as you walked away, you could feel their eyes on you, curious and, perhaps, a little intrigued by the mystery that was you.
Upon entering the spacious and well-equipped gym, you are greeted by a familiar and authoritative figure, none other than your commander, John Price. His firm yet friendly demeanor fills the room as he approaches you with a warm, "Hello there, Y/N. How are you finding the new day?" The question lingers in the air as you gracefully take a seat on a nearby dumbbell, feeling its cool metal against your skin.
"They seem alright," you reply, a hint of a smile playing on your lips as you think of your recent interactions with your dormmates. "My dormmates are quite pleasant, actually."
John chuckles, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Ah, yes, I can see the curiosity in your eyes. Ghost and König are indeed a fascinating pair to say the least," he comments, clearly aware of the reputation the two men have garnered.
His smile widens into a knowing grin, reflecting the countless tales of their escapades that he's undoubtedly witnessed. "They're quite the duo, I'm sure you'll find them intriguing," he adds, patting you on the back reassuringly.
You nod thoughtfully, considering his words. "They certainly are. It's like they have a silent language of their own," you muse, referring to their apparent ability to communicate without words, which you've observed since your arrival.
John's gaze lingers on you for a moment before he speaks again, "Just remember, they can be as complex as they are charismatic. They're both very adept at reading people, which is essential for what they do." His tone is a mix of admiration and caution, hinting at the depth of their skills.
With that, he excuses himself, leaving you to your workout routine in the vast, mostly deserted space of the gym. As you begin to warm up, you feel the comforting solitude that comes with being the first to arrive. You start with some light stretches, feeling the tension in your muscles gradually ease as you prepare for the more strenuous exercises ahead.
Midway through your workout, the door to the gym opens, and in stride two figures that immediately command attention: Ghost and König, your enigmatic dormmates. Ghost is clad in a simple T-shirt and a pair of workout pants, which hug his muscular form, showcasing his well-defined biceps and the contours of his abs. Meanwhile, König opts for a black tank top and jogging shorts, displaying his own physique with confidence.
Ghost's piercing gaze sweeps the room, searching for the perfect spot to begin his training. His eyes fall on you, and for a brief moment, you hold his gaze before you continue with your weights, giving him a curt nod of acknowledgment. He returns the gesture, a silent understanding passing between you as you both focus on your respective activities.
The two men set up nearby, their movements fluid and efficient as they begin their workout. Despite their own exercises, their eyes seem to be magnetically drawn to you. They watch you intently, studying your form as you move from one piece of equipment to the next, your workout clothes clinging to your body in a way that leaves little to the imagination.
Feeling their gaze, you decide to give them a show they won't forget. You head over to the bench press, a piece of equipment that you've mastered over the years. As you begin your set, you're acutely aware of their eyes upon you, scrutinizing your technique, and you revel in the attention.
The clank of the weights and the rhythmic sound of your breathing fill the air as you push through your reps. Ghost and König don't miss a beat, their eyes never leaving your body as you lift the barbell with ease. They seem particularly captivated by the way your muscles flex and the determination etched on your face.
Once you've completed your set, you wipe the beads of sweat from your forehead and glance over at them. With a self-assured smile, you hoist the barbell back onto the rack and make your way to the mat. You collect your phone and other personal items before standing up straight, giving them a respectful salute.
Their eyes follow you as you exit the gym, and you can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction as you notice their lingering stares on your retreating figure. As you leave, the sound of the gym door closing echoes behind you, leaving the two men to their own devices.
In the aftermath of your departure, you can almost feel their gaze burn into your back as you saunter out of the room. It's not lost on you that they enjoyed the show, but you know better than to engage in any banter with them, at least not yet. They are, after all, men of their own world, and you respect their boundaries.
As you walk away, you catch a murmur of German from König, which is met with a playful smack on the arm from Ghost. The subtle interaction between them makes you wonder what they're saying about you. You can't help but feel a bit flattered, though you know it's best to keep your guard up.
Their nods of acknowledgment as you leave are the last thing you see before you step out into the hallway, feeling the cool air wash over your heated skin. As you make your way back to your dorm, you can't help but think about the complex dynamics that lie ahead with your new living arrangements. It's clear that you're in for an interesting experience with these two enigmatic individuals, and you're eager to see how it all unfolds.
It’s been a few weeks since your arrival at Task Force 141, and it seems to be a place where you’ve truly found your niche. You’re growing increasingly fond of the camaraderie and the shared sense of purpose that comes with being part of such an elite unit. As you sit in the mess hall, the familiar aroma of subpar military coffee fills the air as you engage in a light-hearted conversation with Samantha Maxis. Her words resonate with the ease of friendship that’s been blossoming between you, and the atmosphere is one of comfortable companionship, filled with laughter and the occasional ribbing.
Ghost and König are positioned nearby, their backs to you, but you can feel their eyes lingering over your form as you chat. They’ve been doing so frequently, especially after catching you during your intense workout sessions. Your physique has not gone unnoticed, and it’s clear that their interest in you extends beyond mere professional respect. As you sip on the coffee, the taste reminiscent of the sacrifices made for the sake of duty, you can’t help but feel a slight thrill at the attention you’ve been receiving from your comrades.
Samantha leans in after a particularly amusing anecdote, her expression growing a tad more serious. "You're aware they're into you, right?" she says with a knowing smile. You feel your heart skip a beat, and you play it off with a chuckle. "What? Ghost and König? No way," you reply, feigning ignorance. Her laugh is a bit too knowing for your comfort, and she gives you a look that says she’s seen right through your act.
“Oh, come on, don’t be so naive. They’ve been ogling you like you’re the last piece of meat on Earth for the past couple of weeks,” she teases, her voice dripping with mirth. The visual makes you blush, and you take a long sip of your coffee to hide your embarrassment. "Well, that’s flattering," you concede with a sigh. "But let’s be realistic here. It’s not like anything can come of it."
Samantha’s smile fades a bit, and she looks at you with a mix of amusement and exasperation. "Why do you say that? You’ve got two of the most eligible bachelors in the entire task force drooling over you. That’s the kind of thing most girls would kill for."
You can’t help but blush deeper into your cup. "Because if they do decide to make a move, I'm pretty sure I'd be overwhelmed by their… enthusiasm," you admit, trying to keep the conversation light. "Besides, I'm not exactly relationship material. I'm a little too…complicated for that."
Her eyes narrow as she considers your words. "Don't sell yourself short. They're not just any soldiers, they're the crème de la crème. If they've set their sights on you, it's because they think they can handle you, in every sense of the word."
You stand up, the chair scraping against the floor as you do so, and you offer her a warm smile. "Thank you, Samantha," you say, trying to keep the doubt from seeping into your voice. "But I think I'll just keep things as they are for now."
As you turn to leave, you cast a quick glance at the table where Ghost and König are seated. Your gaze meets theirs, and you offer them a tentative smile, one that holds a hint of the nervousness you feel. They return the gesture, Ghost's smile a crooked smirk that speaks volumes of his interest, while König nods with a look that’s a blend of respect and something else, something that makes your stomach flip.
Their eyes follow you as you make your way out of the mess hall, tracing your every step. You can feel the weight of their gazes, and it sends a shiver down your spine. Samantha's words echo in your mind, and you can't help but wonder if there's any truth to her teasing.
Once you're out of earshot, Samantha marches over to the duo, slapping her hands down on the table with a thud that makes them both jump. "What the—?" Ghost starts, but she cuts him off with a glare.
"You two need to get your heads out of your asses and make a move," she says bluntly. "Y/N is a catch, and if you don’t do something about it, someone else will."
They exchange a look, and you can see the wheels turning in their heads. Ghost seems skeptical, his arms crossed over his broad chest. "What makes you think she'd go for us?" he asks, his voice gruff.
Samantha smirks. "Oh, please. You're both blind if you can't see it. She's into you both, and she's just as out of your league as you think she is."
König seems more open to the idea, his eyes lighting up with hope. "But how do we know for sure?"
Samantha rolls her eyes before dropping a bombshell. "Tonight’s the ball. Ask her out. Show her a good time, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll get lucky." With that, she struts away, leaving the two men to stew in their thoughts.
Ghost watches you leave, his expression pensive. He's convinced that you're too beautiful, too perfect for someone like him. Meanwhile, König is more optimistic, holding onto the possibility that maybe, just maybe, Samantha's words are true. They sit in silence for a moment, the cacophony of the mess hall fading into the background as they mull over their conversation.
Ghost finally breaks the silence. "She’s right, you know," he says, his voice low. "You are too good for us."
König nods slowly, his eyes still on the spot where you exited. "But we can't just sit around and do nothing," he argues. "We have to at least try."
The two of them sit there, contemplating the gravity of their feelings and the potential consequences of acting on them. They're both aware of the risks involved in pursuing someone like you, someone who's as much of a force to be reckoned with as any of the missions they've undertaken together. But the allure is too strong, and the thought of letting you slip away is unbearable.
The ball is tonight, and with it comes the opportunity to take the first step. Whether it leads to love or heartbreak, one thing is certain—life in Task Force 141 is about to get a whole lot more interesting.
Standing before the ornate, full-length mirror, you can't help but feel a sense of regal grandeur wash over you. The intricate decorations adorning your hair shimmer and dance as they catch the light, perfectly complementing the sleek and sophisticated gown that clings to your body. It's as if you've been transformed into a queen from a distant, opulent kingdom. You gaze at your reflection, admiring the way the fabric hugs your figure and pools elegantly around your feet.
Samantha laughs softly, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she regards your reflection. She stands by your side, grinning. "You truly look like a goddess," she says, her voice filled with a hint of amazement. Your eyes wander over her own stunning visage, noticing the way her own attire clings to her curves. "You're not so bad yourself," you reply with a smile, feeling the warmth of camaraderie and shared excitement.
With a playful bump of your fists, the anticipation of the evening ahead builds. You then reach up and clasp the grand, golden dragon pendant around your neck. It settles in place, nestled just above the valley of your cleavage, adding a touch of mythical allure to your ensemble. The dragon seems to come alive, its eyes gleaming with an inner fire that matches the passion you feel.
Samantha's mischievous smile widens as she takes in the sight of you. "We're going to have those guys worshiping the ground we walk on," she predicts, her confidence infectious. You giggle, feeling the thrill of the challenge. You offer her your hand, adorned with rings that glint and shimmer. "Let's go show them what we're made of," you say, a mischievous glint in your own eye.
As you lead the way out of the room, you both glide through the doorway, your movements as graceful as if you were floating. The ballroom that awaits is a vision of opulence and splendor. The walls are draped with luxurious fabrics, the chandeliers cast a warm glow upon the gleaming floor, and the air is alive with the hum of anticipation and the sweet scent of exotic flowers.
You make your way to the drink table, intending to sample the beverages on offer, when you feel the warmth of hands on your shoulders. You whirl around to find Ghost and König standing behind you, their gazes raking over your form with unabashed admiration.
Ghost's eyes rove over your attire, lingering on the delicate hair decorations and the gown that frames your figure so exquisitely. "You're absolutely radiant," he murmurs, his voice thick with appreciation. Your cheeks color slightly at the compliment. "Thank you," you reply, "You two clean up rather nicely yourselves."
König's eyes twinkle with amusement as he looks at you. "Liebling," he says, his accent wrapping around the word like a caress, "You look absolutely stunning." Despite the sudden warmth that floods your body, you maintain your poise, tilting your head slightly as you process his words.
The two men escort you to the far end of the ballroom, where a set of four plush chairs beckon. As you sit, they position themselves on either side of you, their arms wrapping around your waist as if claiming you as their own.
John Price takes the stage, his voice echoing through the grand chamber as he begins his speech. But even as you watch him, you're acutely aware of the hands that continue to explore your body. Ghost's fingertips trace a delicate path along your thigh, sending shivers up your spine and causing your pussy to clench with desire.
König notices your reaction and follows suit, his own hand moving higher, his touch a silent promise of the pleasure to come. You struggle to ignore the heat building within you, focusing instead on the words of the evening's host.
The speech concludes with a flourish, and the room erupts into applause. As the clapping dies down, Ghost leans in, his breath a warm whisper against your ear. "We have something we need to discuss with you," he says, his tone hinting at secrets and hidden desires.
You nod, the anticipation making your heart race. As the crowd around you mingles and laughs, you can feel their eyes on you, but it's the hands of Ghost and König that hold your full attention.
When you turn to face them, they look at you with a mix of excitement and uncertainty. "What is it you wish to tell me?" you ask, your voice steady despite the tumult of emotions within.
They exchange a knowing look before Ghost speaks. "We've noticed that we can't help but stare at you, and it's not just because of how beautiful you are."
König nods in agreement. "We've been feeling this… connection," he adds, his voice low and seductive.
You smile, a knowing look in your eye. "And what is this connection you speak of?"
Ghost clears his throat. "We both… We've both been thinking about you a lot, and we wondered if you might consider… exploring a relationship with us."
Your heart skips a beat, but you play it cool. "What type of relationship are we talking about?"
They look at each other before Ghost continues. "A very intimate one," he says, his hand tightening on your thigh. "We want you, in every way possible."
You laugh lightly, your hand brushing against the scales that now cover your skin. "Oh, you mean having me in your bed between your legs?"
They both smirk, their eyes gleaming. "We're not talking about a one-night stand," Ghost says, his voice dropping to a growl. "We want all of you."
König's thumb traces a gentle path on your hip. "And we know that you're not like other women," he murmurs, his eyes on your chest where the scales have begun to emerge. "We're aware of your… unique qualities."
You lean back against the wall, the cold stone a stark contrast to the heat of your skin. "You think you can handle a dragon born?"
Ghost's eyes narrow. "You're not just saying that to tease us, are you?"
You shake your head. "You'll find out soon enough," you reply coyly.
The room goes dark for a moment, and when the lights come back up, you're standing by the dance floor, next to a tall, silver pole. The DJ nods to you, and a slow, sensual song begins to play.
With a smirk, you beckon the two men closer. "Let's see what you've got," you challenge.
Their eyes widen as you begin to dance, your movements sinuous and mesmerizing. As you strip away the layers of your clothing, scales emerge, glinting under the soft light. Your eyes flash gold, and your snout elongates slightly, a hint of the creature you truly are.
Ghost and König are frozen in place, their eyes locked onto you as if you were the most exquisite treasure they've ever laid eyes on. They watch as you wrap your body around the pole, your scales shimmering and your tail slithering along the floor.
You lean back, the scales now covering your entire body, and address them with a smoldering gaze. "You can take me now, my loves," you purr.
Ghost recovers first, his hunger evident in his eyes. He approaches you, his hands claiming your hips with a possessive grip. "You're going to be the end of me," he murmurs.
You smile, your sharp claws tracing a line down his chest. "Maybe," you say, "But first, you'll have to show me what you're made of."
With a growl, he leans in, his teeth grazing your neck as you wrap your legs around him. You guide him closer, eager to feel the fullness of his desire.
König watches from the sidelines, his own need clear in his eyes. "You sure you can handle this?" he asks, his voice a rumble of desire.
You look at him over your shoulder, your eyes flashing gold. "You'll just have to wait and see," you say, your voice filled with the promise of untold pleasure.
And with that, you lean back and let Ghost claim you, his passion a fiery embrace that leaves you both breathless and wanting more. The ballroom fades away, replaced by the heat of the moment and the promise of a night that will be remembered for centuries to come.
As your gaze meets his, a mischievous smile graces your lips before you decisively pull his pants apart to reveal his already erect cock. "Damn, Ghost," you murmur with a mix of awe and excitement, your eyes widening slightly at the sight of his impressive arousal. Without wasting another moment, you lean in and wrap your eager mouth around his length, eliciting a deep, guttural groan from him. His head falls back as he succumbs to the sensation, his fingers digging into the flesh of your hips as if trying to anchor himself in the face of such intense pleasure.
The tension in the room is palpable as you notice the Nanasko standing nearby, his own pants removed, stroking his erect cock with a vigor that mirrors your actions on Ghost. He seems to be watching the scene unfold with a hungry gaze, which only serves to fuel your desire. You can feel his eyes on you, his arousal almost tangible as he observes the passionate display before him.
Ghost's eyes never leave yours, a storm of lust and need swirling in their depths. His chest rises and falls rapidly as he tries to maintain some semblance of control. "Scheisse, darling," he grunts through gritted teeth, the German expletive rolling off his tongue like a declaration of war on restraint. His body jerks slightly with every stroke of your tongue, and you can see the effort it takes for him to hold back.
With a knowing smirk, you open your legs wider, offering yourself to the advancing Nanasko. "That's the idea," you murmur around Ghost's cock, the vibrations of your voice sending tremors through him.
König's hands come to rest on your hips, his touch firm and possessive. He seems to be fighting the urge to take over, to claim you fully in that moment. "Scheisse," he whispers, his voice barely audible over the sounds of your passionate encounter. His body presses against yours, his erection a clear sign of his desire.
You continue to work your magic on Ghost, your mouth and tongue moving in a tantalizing dance that has him on the edge. He hisses as you let out a moan of your own, his hands tightening around your hips in response. "You're gonna make me come like I'm in heat," he gasps, his words a desperate plea for more.
König's chuckle is dark and filled with promise from behind you. "Ready for this, darling?" he asks in a low, seductive tone, his accent thick with desire. The way he speaks his mother tongue sends shivers down your spine, and your pussy clenches around his cock involuntarily.
You pull back slightly, your mouth still wrapped around Ghost's shaft, and hum in response to his question. He groans at the sensation, his eyes practically begging for release. "Scheisse," he curses again, his voice strained. "You're going to make us both lose it like a couple of uncontrollable teenagers."
König leans in closer, his warm breath tickling your ear. "Can you even understand him when he talks dirty in German?" he asks playfully, his English tinged with a hint of his native language. You feel his hand slide up to cup your breast, his grip firm yet gentle, his thumb flicking over the sensitive peak.
With a smirk, you pull back and swivel your hips slightly, releasing Ghost's cock with a pop. "No," you admit with a cheeky grin, before leaning back down to continue your oral ministrations. "But it's hot as fuck."
Ghost's eyes roll back in his head as you begin to use your tail, wrapping it around his cock and moving it in tandem with your mouth. "God damn," he whispers, his voice a ragged mess of pleasure.
König's response is a low growl, his own hands moving to caress your other breast. "Ich habe so lange gewartet, um dich so hart zu machen," he says, his voice thick with want.
Ghost's grip on your hips tightens to the point of pain, his eyes snapping back to you. "Fuck," he hisses, his body trembling as you continue to tease and pleasure him with your tail and mouth.
The sound of their combined moans fills the air, creating an erotic symphony that sends your own arousal soaring. You revel in the power you hold over these two powerful men, their bodies yours to command and manipulate as you see fit. The anticipation of what's to come is almost too much to bear, but you're not one to shy away from a challenge. You eagerly await the moment when you can feel both of them inside you, claiming your body in a frenzy of passion that knows no bounds.
Your body's response is escalating rapidly, as the intensity of the moment causes you to emit a series of agonized moans from the profound pain that seems to resonate deeply within your core. Kkonig, the relentless force behind your current predicament, is in no hurry to relent, continuing his unyielding assault without a moment's pause. His powerful manhood, a symbol of his primal dominance, penetrates you with a ferocity that leaves no room for doubt as to his intentions. Each thrust feels like a hammer driving into the very essence of your being, demanding your submission to the raw, unbridled passion that fuels his every movement.
With an unwavering dedication to the task at hand, your tongue wraps itself around the thick shaft of Ghost's erection, the muscles coiling and uncoiling in a dance of unparalleled skill. His manhood, already swollen with the need for release, seems to pulse with excitement at the touch of your warm, wet flesh. You can feel the tension building within him, his body a coiled spring ready to unleash a torrent of ecstasy. And just as you manage to swirl the tip of your tongue around the sensitive ridge of his cock, you feel the beginnings of his climax.
The room is filled with the sounds of passion and pleasure as both men reach the pinnacle of their desires simultaneously. Kkonig's powerful strokes become more insistent, each one driving deeper into your quivering pussy, his cock swelling even further with the imminent release of his seed. Meanwhile, Ghost's hips jerk forward as he succumbs to the overwhelming sensation of your expert oral ministrations. The precum that has been steadily gathering at the tip of his penis now gathers into a pearly bead, signaling the onset of his orgasm.
Both men, lost in the throes of passion, let out their respective cries of release. Kkonig's deep, guttural grunts echo through the room, a testament to the power of his climax as he fills you with his hot, sticky essence. At the same time, Ghost's body convulses, and you feel the warmth of his semen as it spurts forth, coating the back of your throat and leaving you gagging slightly from the sheer volume of his load.
The shared moment of ecstasy is palpable, the air thick with the scent of sex and the musky aroma of male release. You're both thoroughly spent, your bodies trembling from the exertion and the intensity of the shared experience. Yet, the bond between you seems to have grown stronger, the intimate connection forged in the heat of passion leaving an indelible mark on all involved.
With a sense of reluctance and satisfaction intertwined, you slowly shake your head from side to side as if to clear the fog of pleasure that has overtaken you. In response to this subtle yet commanding gesture, Konig gently pulls out of your slick, swollen pussy, the sound of your flesh releasing his cock echoing through the air with a tantalizing pop that seems to resonate within the very fabric of the room. The sudden absence of his thick member from within you sends a small shiver down your spine, but it's a shiver of delight rather than one of coldness.
As if in a trance, you release your grip from around Ghost's rock-solid erection, allowing it to spring back slightly as it's freed from the confines of your tight fist. You then lower yourself down to the cool, solid surface of the stage with a grace that belies the intense intimacy that has just transpired between the three of you. Your legs, still trembling slightly from the aftershocks of your recent climax, give way slightly, and you find yourself sitting down, the stage floor feeling surprisingly comforting against the sensitive skin of your naked backside.
"Wow," you murmur, your voice a soft, breathy exclamation of wonder that seems to carry on the very air currents around you. "That was… much better than I could have ever imagined." You pause for a moment, your eyes closing briefly as you revel in the feeling of your body's natural fluids mingling with the sticky evidence of your arousal. You can't help but let a small, contented smile play upon your lips as you reach down with your fingers, gently tracing the path of the cum that's slowly trickling out of your pussy. You lift one leg with a coy grace, allowing the fluid to flow more freely and giving you better access to the sweet mess. You bring your hand to your mouth, licking the mixture of your own juices and the men's cum with a deliberate slowness that speaks volumes of your satisfaction.
The two men, unable to contain their amusement at your brazen display, laugh heartily, their eyes never leaving the erotic sight you present. "Careful there, darling," King warns playfully, his voice thick with desire as he reaches out a hand towards you. "Don't go making us hard again so soon. We've got a whole night of partying ahead of us, and we wouldn't want to miss out on all the fun, now would we?"
In a swift, almost teasing move, your tail, a mesmerizing blend of power and elegance, snakes around King's wrist before he can make contact. You give it a gentle squeeze, a silent reminder of the boundaries you've set for the evening. "Ah, ah," you chastise lightly, the sound a soft, seductive purr that seems to dance around the room. "You two have had your fun for now. It's time for us to get back to the party. We've got plenty of entertaining to do, and I'm not about to let a little thing like this distract us from the main event," you say, your tone playful yet firm.
Their laughter subsides, but the smoldering hunger in their eyes remains, a testament to the passion that still lingers in the air. They know that while you may have set the pace for now, the night is far from over, and there will be plenty of opportunities for them to indulge in the pleasures you so readily offer. For the moment, however, you stand firm, your resolve unshaken as you prepare to continue the festivities, leaving them to wonder what other delightful surprises you have in store for the both of them as the evening unfolds.
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 16 days
Hey!!!:) I can’t really remember if I've requested this before, but just in case, I’m sending it again. 😭
could I ask for a story where reader and Donna are struggling to have a baby? They’ve been trying for some time, but nothing seems to be happening, and they’re feeling really desperate to make it work.
Maybe reader starts to feel a bit insecure and scared, worried that Donna might lose patience and idk throw her out if she doesn’t get pregnant. She thinks that Donna is disappointed in her and blames the situation on her.
But at the end, it finally works out, and they’re overwhelmingly happy!
Thank you, and I wish you well, as always! ;)
Yesss!!!! I don't remember a similar request, but thank you for it!!!! I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes!!!! :)))))
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Fem! Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst (G!P Donna slightly implied)
Word count: 6,827
Summary: You wanted to give her a baby, to start a family, but you didn't know if you could...
N/A: Sorry about the language mistakes!!! Requests are open!!! I'm waiting yours!!! I love you all!!! :))
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You paced back and forth, nervous, thinking about what the best words would be to confront the problem, wondering if those words really existed in your entire vocabulary. You were nervous, alone in that big house, with your mind too busy to be aware of the passage of time.
You were already accustomed to the darkness of a place that once seemed sinister to you, a dark, isolated and almost forbidden house.
A couple of years ago you decided to face your own fears, to enter the forest which gave you nightmares, that forest no one entered, and from which no one ever returned.
It could be that you were born in that place, in that village isolated from the world, under the protection and mercy of the Black Gods. Neither they, nor Mother Miranda, nor the Lords were reasons for you to think your life was safe, for you to believe you were nothing but a simple human being in a strange place.
You were not the most devout villager, nor the most helpful, nor the most sociable. You were simply you. A girl lost in a dark world, surrounded by legends, by fears that your family instilled in you over time.
Perhaps you could have lived differently if your parents had not been the cause of your fears. They, faithful devotees of the Cult, took care to warn you of all the dangers that the masses said didn’t exist, of that shadow that always hovered over you, over the creatures protected by those absurd Gods.
That extreme fear, that trembling in your legs every time the Lords were near, caused one of your most characteristic traits to be cowardice, cowardice that, when you turned 19, you decided to forget.
What was the best way to do it? Facing your fears.
The forest seemed the ideal place for it. There were no lycans. There was no constant danger as could be in the castle. That place was always uninhabited. It could even seem that there was no danger behind that wooden bridge.
You were wrong. You knew who lived there. You knew what could happen if she caught you. Donna Beneviento was the youngest, the most mysterious of the Lords and the owner of that forest, of those ramshackle cabins.
A dark woman, with a dark past, with serious problems in her mind, with the ability to make anyone who disturbed her suffer and wipe them off the map while screaming in terror. You knew it and for some reason, you assumed that it wouldn’t happen to you. But, again, you were completely wrong.
After walking around that place, telling yourself that everything was okay, that you hadn't done anything wrong, you tripped and fell into a small ditch, hurting your foot.
Asking for help was absurd, and moving, too.
When that black shadow, when that woman in black appeared before your eyes with a stoic pose, covered by the black veil, watching you, you could only close your eyes.
Nothing happened to you. Lady Beneviento was nothing like anything you had heard. Yes, she was a quiet woman, uncommunicative, but... Well, she helped you without reason. She healed your wounds under an almost sepulchral silence. Something unexpected, but that would lead to many more encounters, to questions with a hoarse, whispering voice.
It wasn't long before the fear disappeared and you began to feel other things towards that woman. A mutual feeling that settled in your heart after seeing her true face for yourself, the thing she was ashamed of. Beauty was something subjective but… In that case, you didn't think it was like that at all.
Then the kisses came, the hugs, the pleas for you to stay a little longer, just a little longer. You didn't care about anything, not the deformity of her face, not her body, altered by the the Gods’ whim … Nothing, nothing prevented you from falling madly in love with her.
And so two years passed, the two best years of your life.
But, like everything, nothing could be perfect, not that day, the day in which you had to expose to the brunette the worries you had for several days.
In your mind you rehearsed the conversation over and over again, the way to tell her what was happening to you, what that could mean. You could have tried to keep hiding it from her, but it was pointless.
Donna wasn't a bad person. She was kind, caring and understanding. Her problems didn't mix with yours and besides, you had learned to deal with those crises. You shouldn't be afraid, right?
After a while, the door of the mansion opened, letting in the woman of your life, covered in that horrible black veil, holding the fun and irreverent Angie in her arms.
“Oh, Donna, you're early,” you said nervously, walking towards her while she got rid of the cloth that covered her beauty. Her serious face sketched a smile as she saw how you approached, how you kissed her quickly.
“It was just a meeting like any other,” she explained, gently grabbing your waist, returning more quick kisses, unfortunately for the doll, who let out a furious growl.
“I'm glad to hear it,” you sighed, letting your head rest on her shoulder.
Any moment was good to express the love you felt for her, to melt with her hugs, but that day was different, that day her arms were not romantic, they were more like a refuge.
“Were you bored?” Donna asked, kissing your head and finally pulling away, putting her veil in a drawer. You sighed, shaking your head.
“No, I’ve been sorting out the books in the living room,” you explained, walking next to her, who listened intently to your words, nodding slowly.
“It was not necessary,” she whispered in a tender voice, taking your hand, noticing it was shaking. “(Y/N), tesoro… You’re shaking.”
“Oh, well,” you said, pulling your hand away quickly, too quickly, affirming your concerns. “It’s nothing.”
Donna looked at you with a frown. You weren’t the best of liars, and she wasn’t stupid. You couldn’t fool her or lie to her, she would always know.
“What’s wrong?” she asked again, facing you and placing a lock of hair behind your ear. “Something’s worrying you…”
“Th, the truth is… Yes,” you sighed, finally confessing, continuing your mental search for the right words, one that was fruitless. “Come, I have, I have to tell you something,” you said, taking her hand and leading her to your favorite reading corner, indicating that she should sit down.
“Okay… Dimmi, (Y/N),” she whispered with a low voice, broken by the nerves she fought against every time you had something to tell her.
You could say that Donna, in her own way, was also quite a coward, although her only fear was always the same, losing you.
“Um, I… I don't really know how to tell you,” you stammered, scratching the back of your neck but not separating your hand from hers. “I'm, I'm a bit… scared.”
“Scared,” Donna repeated, with a marked accent that betrayed her own concern. “What are you scared of, tesoro?”
“Scared is perhaps not the right word…” you murmured, looking at the ceiling, anywhere except at her bright eye. “Let's say… Worried?”
“Well, in that case, tell me what's worrying you,” the lady in black said, nodding understandingly.
You took a breath, unable to find those magic words, ones that weren't dangerous, that wouldn't make the lady nervous.
“I'm late,” you finally said, closing your eyes and opening them slowly, cowardly checking her reaction. She seemed calm, her face didn't change.
“You're late…” she repeated cautiously, blinking erratically.
“Yes, I… I should have gotten my period last week and… Well, I’m a week late,”you said in a whisper that was becoming increasingly inaudible.
“Um…” Donna murmured, smiling nervously. “What do you mean, (Y/N)?”
“Well, I mean, I mean…” you stammered, your body shaking from that fear, that thing you didn't want to think was possible, even though deep down, you knew that it was, of course it was possible.
“Amore mio,” Donna said, with a surprised but radiant face, taking your hands, squeezing them affectionately. “Sei incinta?”
“What?” you asked confused, trying to figure out what she had asked. After all that time with her, you didn't have to think about it too much anymore. “Oh, I… I don't know.”
“Tesoro…” Donna sighed, cupping your face in her hands, with a radiant smile, of sincere happiness, something that relaxed you a bit. “Are we going to have a baby?”
“I don't know, Donna, I… I've always, always been regular like a clockwork and… Well, I don't really know but… Yes, it's quite likely,” you murmured, pleasantly surprised by her reaction, which was, of course, what you feared the most.
“That's wonderful news, (Y/N), a baby…” she said, radiating happiness, kissing you quickly, excited.
“Is it?” you asked confused, laughing at her quick kisses, at that tender nervousness of the brunette.
“Of course, tesoro,” she said, nodding, settling down next to you on the couch
“Wow, you've taken it well,” you sighed in relief, dodging the hundreds of kisses that attacked you mercilessly. “I didn’t know you were so excited about it.”
“Honestly, I didn’t either,” the lady said, shaking her head, still caressing you. “But thinking about it makes me... It makes me happy.”
“Does it? Well, that's a relief,” you joked, thinking about how stupid you were to think that somehow it would be bad news. “Anyway, it's just a delay, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit.”
“You said you were regular like a clockwork,” she said, visibly nervous. “It's incredible... A baby...”
“I don't know if I'm ready for it,” you said somewhat fearfully, with a lot of new worries assaulting your mind, a lot of things that were going to happen and that you didn't know how to handle.
“Certo, I guess no one is ready enough but... Don't worry, I'll help you with everything you need,” she sighed, with her hand on your cheek, with her eye shining with emotion. “And, and we will be... A family, a real one.”
“Family? It sounds great,” you said amused as Donna bit her lower lip, unable to hold back a tear of emotion.
“You make me so happy…” she sighed in a sweeter voice, kissing you again, this time more slowly, enjoying the contact. “Oh, oh, there are so many things to think about…”
“Yes,” you laughed amused, wiping away a tear that was running down your cheek. “So many things…”
“Yes, I… I'll have to make some clothes for it and, well, we should think about where it’s going to sleep and… Is it a boy or a girl?”
“How would I know?” you asked, shaking your head and arching your eyebrows. “Donna, relax, it's too early for that.”
“No, no, no, you're the one who has to relax and rest. A, from now on I'll take care of you as if you were a princess… My princess…” the lady sighed, brushing her nose against yours. “Amore mio, ti amo così tanto…”
“Me too, Donna, me too…”
At least it was good news for her. You couldn't hide that incipient fear of being a mother, that strange nervousness. A baby wasn't exactly something you had in mind. It was something improvised, a surprise.
Donna, for her part, was elated, excited, smiling; eager to meet that life she created inside of you. Everything had to be perfect for baby Beneviento and, from what you had seen, it was going to be.
Her fears, problems or worries didn't seem to overshadow that emotion, the joy of having a family, of starting one with you.
In your mind you thought about the consequences, the reality of your situation, how it would change your life. After thinking about it, you came to the same conclusion as the lady in black, it was wonderful news.
But, as if it had been nothing but a joke of fate, everything went wrong one morning. Just when you could already feel that same emotion as your girlfriend, the harsh reality hit your feelings; it had been a false alarm.
Your period came back to mock you, to mercilessly crush that happiness you were no longer able to stop feeling. It was a disappointment, a terrible disappointment that you had to tell her. Again, you didn't know how.
“Donna...” you murmured, slowly opening the doors of the workshop where she worked on her dolls. She turned around with a smile, indicating you to come closer.
“Ciao, tesoro, come, look at this,” she said, with that same smile, showing you what looked like a small, very small garment. “Do you like it?”
You took in your hands what looked like a small pajama, decorated with animals, hand-embroidered in an extraordinary way, although it shouldn't surprise you.
“It's nice,” you whispered, suppressing a sob.
No, you just didn't see yourself capable of giving her the bad news. You had never seen her so happy, not even the day you told her you loved her for the first time.
“I made it with grey fabric, and before you tell me, no, it's not a sinister vice on dark tones,” Donna joked, picking up the pajamas again and running her hands over the embroidery. “I chose grey because I don't know if it's going to be a boy or a girl, and besides, that pink and blue nonsense is a bit old-fashioned, isn't it?”
“Old-fashioned? But Donna…” you said amused, with a sad smile. “Aren't you over 50?”
The lady in black, as clueless with jokes as ever, looked up, as if she was seriously considering her answer.
“I couldn’t tell you,” she said seriously, focused again.
You rolled your eyes, bending down to give her a soft kiss on the cheek, one that made her smile back, you didn’t know for how long.
“Donna, I…” you began, sighing.
“I thought that the baby would sleep with us until it was old enough,” the doll maker interrupted, leaving you a second away from telling the truth. “Yes, yes, I know that the guest room is far from the basement but don’t worry, Angie will take care of it.”
“Hey!” the doll protested, with a high-pitched squeak. “If I’m going to babysit a crying child, I demand compensation.”
“Compensation? I gave you the gift of life,” Donna said amused, looking at you in a complicit manner.
The doll growled as she walked towards you comically.
“You're going to take it away from me by making me endure your child: Mom! Where's Mom? I'm afraid of the dark! Angie, come to the bathroom with me, that lady in the painting scares me! That's not free, silly Donna,” the puppet mocked.
Donna laughed tenderly, shaking her head. You took a breath, closing your eyes.
“Donna,” you said in a more serious tone.
“Don't pay attention to her, she's looking forward to having someone to play with,” the lady said, carefully folding the pajamas.
“Your life will be like hell!” Angie shrieked again, apparently furious. “We'll be your worst nightmare, you tireless copulators!”
The lady in black sighed with the same tenderness in her smile.
“Honey, listen to me for a moment,” you said, slowly losing your patience. It was as if deep down, Donna was ignoring you on purpose, as if she didn't want to know what you had to say to her.
“Mm?” she murmured, leafing through a book on sewing patterns, a book about baby clothes. “Oh, look at that crib... We'll have to ask the carpenter to make us one and...”
“Donna, listen to me,” you said abruptly, holding her shoulders, forcing her to look at you. Her eye widened with a confused look and she nodded. “I'm not pregnant.”
“Cosa?” she asked in a small voice, frowning, beginning to tremble.
“Non, sono, incinta,” you repeated, dragging out your words, demonstrating everything you had learned in those two years.
You wanted to be no doubt, to be clear. You may have been a bit abrupt, but it was necessary. When Donna got something in her head, it was very difficult to her to get it out.
“No?” she sighed, looking down, her smile slowly disappearing. “But, but… What happened?”
“Nothing, nothing happened,” you said in a somber voice, hurt by that reaction, by seeing the sadness in her eye again. “It was a false alarm, that's all.”
“Oh, um… Okay, I…” Donna stammered looking away, breathing nervously, disappointed. “I, I need a moment.”
“Donna, honey,” you said affectionately, running a hand over her cheek, which she gently pushed away.
“Please, go away,” she whispered, in a voice that warned of an imminent crisis. “Leave me alone.”
“My love…” you sighed, shaking your head.
“Get out!” she shouted nervously, forcing you to obey her, sobbing. You didn't want to argue, that was the last thing you needed at that moment.
It was a horrible day, and, after it, time didn't change that bitterness.
Donna didn't seem the same. She had gone back in time. She had become surly again, always with that sad look, with that darkness on her face. For you it had been a bad experience but for her, for her it was much worse.
You really didn't think she would accept it that much, you didn't even know that she was that excited about having a child with you. In your thoughts there was only one question, one that you asked yourself every night, one for which you still had no answer: What if we have a child?
After thinking about it thoroughly, having that kind of respite thanks to that scare, you were able to think things through better, think pros and cons before making a decision. It didn't take long for you to know what you wanted to do, what you could do.
Starting a family wasn't in your short-term plans, but little by little, you began to want it, to look to the future with a smile. Yes, of course you did, you wanted a child, a child with her. You wanted that happy family you began to dream of.
“Honey?” you asked one morning, peeking into the kitchen.
Donna was there, preparing food with that same sad expression, one she'd had for weeks and that you couldn't erase. She looked at you out of the corner of her eye, with a fake smile, gesturing for you to come closer.
“Mm, it smells so good,” you said sighing, grabbing her waist from behind. She laughed shyly, offering you a sample of that delicious sauce.
“Do you think it needs some more salt?” she asked concentrated while you tasted it, shaking your head.
“No, it's perfect, darling,” you said, nodding with a genuine smile.
Donna imitated your gesture, moving so you would let her go.
“Am I disturbing you?” you asked a bit nervously, again, not knowing what words to use to express your decision. She looked at you briefly, shaking her head.
“No, you’re not,” she said with a cold voice, but trying not to lose her tenderness.
“Good, because… Because, I have to talk to you,” you said, tilting your head so she would look at you, something she did briefly, returning to the food right after. “Seriously.”
“Talk, tesoro,” she whispered, stirring that delicious sauce.
You rolled your eyes, taking her hand away from the wooden spoon and leaving it on the counter, turning her body.
“(Y/N), I'm, I'm cooking,” Donna protested, still holding your hand but with an annoyed expression. “Can't we talk another time?”
“No, hey, listen, I've been thinking…” you said, gesturing with your other hand.
“I can listen to you while I cook,” she murmured, letting your hand go and picking up the spoon again.
You groaned, snatching it back from her. A bad idea, since Donna was more irritable than usual. Poor thing, she probably had no idea. You were going to cheer her soul up again.
“No, I really want you to listen to me,” you insisted, now taking both of her hands, holding her in front of you.
The lady sighed and nodded in defeat.
“I thought that… Well, maybe, maybe it's not such a bad idea to have a baby,” you said, letting your nerves speak for you. She stared at you, frowning.
“What do you mean?” she asked confused, studying your gestures.
“I mean that, well… I saw you so excited that time that… Yes, Donna, I want, I want to have a baby with you, one, one that we want, you know…” you said with a mischievous look, playing with her hands. “If it's okay with you, of course.”
“Are you serious?” she asked, with that bright smile briefly returning to her face. “Do you want… Do you want to have a baby with me?”
“Yes, Donna, of course I want,” you nodded smiling, relaxed by seeing the happiness on her face again, by seeing the illusion that disappeared so abruptly.
“You make me so happy…” the lady sighed, resting her forehead against yours, kissing you slowly. “So, so happy…”
You laughed amused, hanging on her neck, biting your lip.
“How about you turn off the gas, stop preparing that delicious meal for a moment and get to it?” you asked, whispering in her ear. She looked at you, breathing nervously, turning the kitchen faucet.
“With pleasure,” she whispered back, taking you in her arms by surprise, walking out of the old kitchen among timid laughs.
At least that illusion, that desire to fight, to love, to live, returned to Lady Beneviento. You were also excited, waiting for events to develop on their own.
You always considered yourself a lucky girl. In your 21 years you had been very lucky with your decisions, very lucky to meet Donna, to win her love… You thought that chance was in your favor, ready to compensate you for so many years of darkness, for that fearful and lonely childhood.
You didn't know why when you were happiest, luck seemed to abandon you.
“Well?” the lady in black asked, nervously playing with her hands, waiting for the result, like every month.
“Boy or girl, silly?” Angie asked too, while you approached slowly, with a sad look.
“Nothing,” you murmured, showing the horrible result of that test. “Negative.”
“What? L-Let me see,” the lady said, frowning and snatching the test from your hands, confirming your failure.
“What do you have to do with it? It's a damn line, Donna,” you said frustrated, letting yourself fall on the couch.
Of course, you weren't lucky anymore.
Yes, well, it would have been too much of a coincidence if it had worked on the first try. On the first, maybe the second, but not on the fourth.
Nerves, anxiety began to take their toll on your body. You weren't getting pregnant, no matter how many times you tried. Fate was no longer on your side.
You tried everything, reading books, taking your temperature... None of those methods seemed useful to you. You knew that giving up was cowardly, but, little by little, you began to lose hope.
Donna seemed calm, understanding, but deep down, you knew that she wasn't, causing you to be in a constant nervous state, an irritability more typical of the lady in black than of yourself.
It wasn't anger at Donna. She was doing everything she could. That anger, that frustration was only directed at one person, you.
“Shit...” you hissed, crossing your arms, shaking your head.
“She said shit,” Angie sang, pointing at you mockingly.
“Hey, leave me alone, will you? Get lost,” you said sharply to the doll, who stopped laughing immediately, surely due to the coldness of your gaze, an unusual one.
“Don't take it out on Angie, tesoro,” Donna said, sitting next to you and leaving that failed test on the table. “It's okay, we'll try again.”
“Surely everything would be easier if that piece of wood and porcelain stopped being unnaturally alive!” you shrieked furiously, causing the doll to flee in terror.
“(Y/N)…” the lady sighed, controlling the trembling of your hands. “Come on, amore mio, relax.”
“I'm relaxed, can't you see it?” you growled, pulling your hands away from hers, frustrated, terribly frustrated. She tilted her head with a sad look.
“Nobody said it was easy… We must, we must be patient,” Donna told you, with a soft and tender voice, enduring your brusqueness, your bad mood.
Meanwhile your head was thinking about what the reason for your failure could be; why life didn't seem to want to make its way into your body. You didn't want to think it was your fault, anything but that.
On other occasions you would have swallowed your accusations, but the pressure was already too strong.
“What if it's your fault?” you murmured with a frown, moving away from the woman in black, who pointed at herself, confused.
“Mine?” she asked, surprised by your accusation.
“Yes, yours, who tells you that you can have children?” you asked irrationally, taking it all out on poor Donna. She was very patient with you.
“Oh, well, I, I…” she stammered with a shy look, with an embarrassed smile.
“You, what?” you insisted, with a tone that was too arrogant.
“Oh, (Y/N), it's not possible... Nothing's wrong with me, everything's fine,” she said, making you frown distrustfully at seeing her nervousness.
“No? How can you be so sure?” you asked inquisitively, narrowing your eyes.
“Well, because... Oh, I forgot that I had to do something and...” Donna said, getting up nervously from the sofa. You no longer had any doubts.
“Hey, hey, hey! Come here, Beneviento,” you said furiously, grabbing the lady by her wrist, contemplating the lie hidden in her bright eye. “Spit it out, what are you hiding from me?”
“I, niente...” she stammered, giving herself away even more.
“Niente? So I guess I have to believe your word,” you hissed with a dangerous look, leaving the lady in black with no way out, who moved nervously. “Donna…”
“I had to do it, okay?” she finally said, walking further away from you.
“Do what?” you asked impatiently, stamping your foot on the floor, furious for no reason, angry at Donna, at your own failure.
“I had to know if… If I won't be able to get you pregnant because… Because of me,” she whispered, avoiding your gaze.
“What have you done?” you asked again, through clenched teeth, making your lover more and more nervous.
“I, I told Mother Miranda to… Well, to… do some tests to me,” Donna confessed, lowering her gaze. You were left breathless, your heart struggling to calm down.
“What? Her? What tests?” you insisted nervously.
Donna shrugged, blush visible on her cheeks.
“Nothing out of the ordinary, just some analysis,” she explained with a shaky voice, with a marked accent, trying to get away from you again.
You made a face of disgust, shaking your head in disbelief.
“Analysis? Oh, no, I don't think you let that witch manipulate your…” you hissed, upset.
“What did you want me to do?” she protested, more sure of herself, clenching her fists on both sides of her hips. “I should wait again and again just to see us fail?”
“You're the one who says that we have to be patient,” you reproached, annoyed by her words.
“Yes, but, but… I wanted, I wanted to make sure, (Y/N), and you know what? I'm perfectly fine, I'm fertile,” Donna said, with a cockier tone, nervous, nervous just like you.
“Oh, I'm happy for you…” you mocked with an ironic tone. “Then it's my fault, right?”
“I didn't say that,” the ventriloquist hissed, with a cold look. “But if you agreed to let Mother Miranda to check you, maybe…”
“No! No way!” you shouted nervously, terrified by that possibility. “We've already talked about it, although I see what it was for… You've ignored it.”
“Why are you so stubborn?” Donna asked, with a calmer fury, with pain in her eye, not resentment. “I just want her to take a look at you.”
“Sure, sure…” you murmured, nodding ironically. “I thought I made it clear. I didn't want that kind of mutant crow to know we were going to have a baby.”
“Why not? She has a right to know,” the lady said, increasingly nervous.
“Shit, Donna, because I say it!” you shrieked, echoing off the old walls. “You told me that she wants to resurrect her daughter, how can you be so stupid?”
“Perché mi stai insultando?” she sobbed, with a tear sliding down her cheek. “(Y/N)…”
“Donna, wake up,” you said, without the slightest regret for her apparent crisis, selfishly ignoring her feelings. “Miranda wants a daughter, we want a baby. They are dangerously common interests, don't you understand?”
“She would never hurt our child,” the lady in black hissed, changing her sobs into furious gasps.
“No? Are you completely sure?” you asked mockingly, with your conscience screaming for you to listen to it.
“Although, even if she wanted to, I would never allow it,” Donna whispered, clenching her fists again. “You have to listen to me, (Y/N), let her examine you and…”
“I said no,” you said in a calmer voice, but confident in yourself. “We will keep trying, I have time.”
Your hatred towards Mother Miranda seemed to be the only reason for your refusal, but you knew it wasn't. You were scared and terrified. You couldn't know if you were to blame, if your body refused to take that step, if there was a biological or physical reason for so much failure. If so, what would Donna think? How would she react to the possibility that you couldn't have children?
Just thinking about it made your stomach clench. If you didn't know how excited she was, you wouldn't have given it any importance, but you knew that Donna wanted a baby, she wanted to start a family with you. If she couldn't do it, what made you think she would want to continue with you?
“Donna, wait,” you said in a whisper, when the lady in black turned around furiously, mad at you, with your terribly unfair attitude. “Wait, darling.”
She stopped, turning around again slowly, her breathing labored. You gestured for her to come closer and she reluctantly obeyed.
“I'm sorry,” you whispered, hugging her tenderly. “I'm sorry, my love, I didn't mean to insult you. I'm just… I'm nervous. I didn't think it would be that difficult.”
Donna sighed in your ear, hugging you back, holding you tightly against her body.
“I know, I'm nervous too,” she murmured, holding your face, brushing your hair away from your face, looking you straight in the eyes. “But don't worry. Everything will be fine, you'll see.”
“I don't want her to see me, or touch me, or... No, I don't want to...” you sobbed, burying your head in her dress, letting those tears of frustration soak the black fabric as she rocked you with a soothing whisper.
“It's okay, it's okay, tesoro, I'm not going to force you,” she said softly, comforting your crying, your helplessness, your frustrated desire to give her the family she deserved.
Everything seemed to calm down, but that little haven of peace didn't last long. You kept trying, you kept failing.
The most likely cause would be your body. You would be the one to blame. You couldn't find another possible reason, something to excuse yourself with. You tried everything, and you just kept failing.
The insecurity that was already beating strongly in your subconscious came to light. A horrible depression loomed over you, over you two. You only saw disappointment in your lover's eye, failure, your failure.
Her spirits were also dampened by all these fruitless attempts. Donna was sad, but you were terrified. Nightmares began to plague your sleepless nights, the most horrible images you could see appearing in your dreams, images of Donna with another woman, with a precious baby in her hands, with that she wanted so much and you couldn't give her.
The constant torture of your mind passed to your body. You didn't feel like eating, sleeping, living... Not even in the moments when you mixed your bodies you could stay focused. That act of love, of passion between two people was reduced to a simple routine, to a few programmed movements and endings.
Everything stopped making sense to you, everything became cloudy, disappeared.
You even pretended to fall asleep on the couch to avoid sharing a bed with Donna. You had no right to do so, you were a disappointment, a failure. Shadows began to hover over you, over your relationship, or at least, that was what you saw, what her gaze told you.
“No?” Angie asked, sitting next to your lying body on the couch, trying to cheer you up. It was something worthy of admiration, but you couldn't even appreciate it.
You shook your head, unfazed by that senseless joke.
“Okay... Oh, oh... How about this one? Let's see, (Y/N), can you tell me the difference between a toilet and a car?” the doll asked, with a voice worthy of the best comedian.
“I have no idea,” you sighed, shrinking more into yourself.
“Easy, in the car you sit to run, but in the toilet you run to sit…” Angie said, making the sound of a drum roll.
Well, at least she managed to get a smile out of you, even if it was a sad, lifeless one.
“You laughed, silly!” the puppet shrieked, amused.
“Thanks, Angie…” you murmured, rubbing your arms due to the cold you felt, the pain in your body from having slept there so many nights.
“Don’t thank me,” she mocked. “You have to get up from there, you're going to get moldy,” she said amused, pushing you with her ridiculous strength to get you to stand up, something she naturally failed to do.
“Leave me alone, will you? I've heard enough stupid jokes for today…” you murmured, turning around.
“Oh, Donna, Donna, the fool laughed!” the doll said suddenly, when the sound of heels interrupted that conversation.
“Did she?” a soft voice asked, the lady in black, who sat next to you, caressing your hair affectionately. “Amore mio… how are you?”
“I can tell you I'm not… Pregnant,” you sighed, suppressing a sob, not daring to look at the lady, shrinking even more.
“Have you taken the test?” Donna asked softly, ignoring your increasingly frequent ironies. “Have you had your period?”
“No, I haven't taken the test,” you whispered, shaking your head. “What for? I already know the result.”
“Have you bled?” she asked again.
You shook your head again.
“No, but that doesn't mean anything, it's just that I'm eating wrong,” you explained, shivering with a chill.
“You're freezing, tesoro, let me cover you,” Donna commented with another tired sigh, unfolding a warm blanket and putting it over you.
“Thanks…” you whispered, briefly looking at the brunette, who sketched a tired smile as she continued her caresses on your hair.
“(Y/N), you have to cheer up…” she murmured after a few minutes of silence. “You don't know how much it hurts me to…”
For some reason you didn't know, you stood up furiously, misinterpreting her words.
“What hurts you, Donna? Does it hurt you that I'm a failure?” you asked abruptly, irrationally, unhinged. “Does it hurt you that I'm not able to get pregnant?”
“No…” she sighed, with her eyebrow arched, keeping the softness of her gaze. “No, tesoro, it hurts me to see you in that condition.”
“Relax, it will pass,” you commented, sitting on the sofa, with that blanket clinging to your body. “I suppose everything has an end, right?”
“What do you mean?” Donna asked, in a small voice.
“Come on, Donna, stop pretending that you care about me,” you hissed, pointing at her unpleasantly.
“Pretend? What are you talking about?” she asked confused, playing nervously with her hands.
“Oh, please, stop it,” you protested, crossing your arms. “Look, if you're going to leave me, do it now, don't make me suffer.”
“I don't understand you, leave you?” the lady in black asked again, blinking nervously.
“Yes, of course you do…” you whispered, nodding mockingly. “It's very clear. I can't get pregnant, I'm useless to you. You're probably looking for another stupid girl to let you impregnate her, to give you what I can't. That's it, isn't it?”
“Why do you say so? Tesoro, you're rambling, you have to calm down. Do you want some tea?”
“I don't want a fucking tea!” you screamed furiously, making the lady back away. “I want you to tell me the truth, to tell me that you don't need me anymore, that you're going to kick me out of your house! Because I'm useless.”
“No, non è vero…” Donna murmured, trying to take your hands, trying to make you reason. “I love you…”
“Do you love me? Please… You can't love me, I'm a failure,” you said, dragging out the words, letting the tears leave your eyes again.
“Basta, (Y/N). I can't stand to hear you say those things,” Donna said, darkening her gaze. “You're not a failure, do you hear me?”
“You can't stand, what else can't you stand? You should throw me out right now and start the family you want with another woman, a better one,” you said with a calmer voice, but hurt.
“I don't want another woman, I love you…” she sighed, more and more nervous, but keeping her composure. “Please, tesoro, stop… Saying those things…”
“It's the truth,” you said, shaking your head. “I'll pack my bags.”
“What? No!” the lady shrieked, furious, grabbing you by the shoulders. “Please, (Y/N), come back to your senses. I don't love you because you can give me a baby, I love you for who you are, I'm crazy about you, and… I, I don't care that you can't get pregnant. It's not that important to me.”
“You say that now, I can see your disappointed face,” you said, ignoring her words.
“I'm not going to deny that I would like to have a child with you, that I would like it more than anything, but… Listen to me, I'm not losing hope, besides, we can adopt,” she said, holding your nervous hands, slightly lifting your chin.
You nodded, letting the air out of your lungs, closing your eyes, regretting your attitude.
“Don't lose hope,” you repeated sobbing, playing with the fabric of the blanket.
Donna shook her head with a reassuring smile.
“Everything will be fine, amore mio, trust me,” she whispered tenderly, kissing you slowly, letting her lips silence your crying.
“How can you be so sure?” you asked, a little more relaxed, leaning on her shoulder.
“Intuition...” she sighed, kissing your hair and getting up from the couch. “Come on, tesoro, take the test.”
“What for?” you asked listlessly, rubbing your eyes with your fingers.
“Just do it. I have a good feeling about it,” she said, with a sincere smile, pulling you up, giving you the object after a quick kiss.
You really didn't expect anything. You took the test so you could continue to regret it, so you could continue to sink into your failure.
“And now that damn line will appear and…” you said while washing your hands, with the test visible in the sink. You had to look at it several times, it didn't look like always. “One… Two…” you counted the lines that appeared, you counted them several times. “One… Two…”
You put it face down, you looked at it carefully. There was no doubt. Two lines.
“One… And…” you murmured, opening your eyes wide. “Gods… Gods! Donna!”
You ran towards the stairs, going down them almost doing acrobatics, almost tripping clumsily.
“Donna…” you gasped, leaning against the living room door. The lady in black looked at you, blinking in confusion at your attitude.
You didn't say anything, you simply approached the sofa, sitting next to her and handing her the test.
“Uno, due... Can you see it?” you said amused. “Look, Donna, look, one... And two...”
“Tesoro...” the lady sighed, mouth agape, observing the test like you, looking for the mistake somewhere. There wasn't one.
“Donna, I'm pregnant,” you said with the widest smile you'd ever had in your entire life, crying with joy and throwing yourself into her arms.
“Amore mio!” she exclaimed, with that same expression, hugging you tightly, laughing erratically, unable to contain her joy.
“Yes, Donna... A baby...” you sobbed, hugging her, squeezing her body in a comical way. You had done it.
“Sono così contenta…” she murmured, giving you as many kisses as she could, making you laugh, making you feel happy again.
“Baby, baby!” Angie squealed, joining in your displays of affection.
“Donna, I think this is the happiest day of my life…”
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valkyriexo · 4 months
Invasion of Privacy | Ep. 4 - Smarter Baby, Smarter
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ᑉ³SYNOPSIS; In the dazzling world of fame, you have it all—a beautiful home, devoted fans, and Chan, the love of your life. But when cryptic messages start arriving, the line between adoration and obsession blurs. With each note, you feel increasingly unsafe. Now, you're on a dangerous journey to uncover the truth before it's too late.
ᑉ³PAIRING; Chan x Idol! reader. Ft. Stray Kids
ᑉ³GENRE; Smau, FF , Angst, Hurt, Comfort, mystery
ᑉ³GENERAL WARNINGS ;Violence, Sasaeng (Stalker). Mentions of a knife, mentions of blood, Home invasion, cursing, Kissing, Pain, death, Implied female reader, Certain episodes may be Suggestive MDNIᑉ³ EPISODE WARNINGS;  Nightmares
AUTHOR'S NOTE ; Episode 4! So close.. yet so far...
If you enjoyed this episode, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Whether it's through comments, reblogs, or sending an ask, your feedback means the world to me. Remember, none of this is real. It is a story. It is fiction. You can choose not to read it if it will make you uncomfortable.
Master Post | Teaser | Suspect Cards
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The days that followed were filled with a heightened sense of vigilance and an ever-present undercurrent of dread. Chan, determined not to leave you alone, had practically moved in, bringing along a few essentials and making himself a constant presence in your home. His presence was meant to provide you with a sense of comfort and security, but instead, it only served to magnify your growing paranoia.
At night, sleep became a luxury. Your dreams were plagued with nightmares, each one more vivid and terrifying than the last. You found yourself running through dark, endless corridors, the echo of your footsteps growing louder as the pursuer drew nearer. Their heavy breathing seemed to echo through your bones, sending chills down your spine. You could feel their gaze, cold and invasive, piercing through the darkness as they closed in on you. Each corner you turned offered no escape, only deeper shadows and the suffocating sense of impending doom.
Each time you jolted awake, drenched in sweat and heart pounding, you found Chan by your side, his concern overwhelming. "Are you okay?" he'd ask, his voice gentle yet filled with worry.
You'd nod, forcing a smile to reassure him, but the fear never truly left your eyes. "Just a bad dream," you'd reply, your voice trembling slightly. The truth was far more sinister, though. Even in the safety of your home, you could never shake the feeling of being watched. Windows felt like portals for prying eyes, and every creak of the floorboards seemed to announce an intruder's presence.
During the day, Chan's presence was a double-edged sword. While his company was comforting, the gnawing suspicion that had taken root in your mind made it difficult to fully relax around anyone, even him. The stalker's intrusion had cast a shadow over everyone in your life, and you couldn't help but question their intentions.
Despite the situation, the boys did not stop coming around.
Most of them, at least.
There was a noticeable shift in their behavior. Instead of the usual group gatherings where everyone showed up at once, it was now one or two of them at a time making appearances, checking in to ensure you were okay. Their visits were staggered, almost as if they were trying not to overwhelm you, but the absence of the usual selves only heightened your sense of isolation.
Han and Felix were the most frequent visitors, their cheerful demeanor brightening the otherwise gloomy situation. They brought food, shared jokes, and tried to lift your spirits, but even their presence couldn't dispel the unease. The dynamic had changed, and you couldn't help but wonder if they sensed something too.
One afternoon, as you sat in your living room pretending to read a book, your mind kept drifting back to everything that had happened. The pages blurred before your eyes as your thoughts raced, piecing together fragments of memories and moments that seemed to lead nowhere. You tried to focus on the words in front of you, but the letters swam together in an incomprehensible jumble
From the kitchen, you could hear the sound of a knife rhythmically hitting the cutting board. Seungmin was there, slicing up some fruit for a snack. Chan was helping him, occasionally stealing glances at you, his worry evident despite the lighthearted conversation he was trying to maintain with Seungmin.
You forced yourself to turn a page, but the words remained incomprehensible. Your gaze involuntarily shifted to the kitchen.
Seungmin looked so... normal, so innocent as he carefully arranged the fruit on a plate. Yet, the nagging suspicion in your mind refused to be silenced.
Where was he during the investigation?
"Hey, you okay over there?" Chan's voice broke through your thoughts. Startled, you looked up to see Chan leaning against the counter, watching you with a mix of concern and curiosity.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you lied, forcing a smile. "Just trying to distract myself," you said standing up and joining them in the kitchen.
Chan's eyes narrowed slightly, his intuition picking up on the unease you couldn't quite hide. He exchanged a glance with Seungmin, who was now looking at you with a worried expression as well.
"Want some fruit?" Seungmin offered, holding up the plate with a hopeful smile. "Thought it might help you relax."
You shook your head gently, offering a small, apologetic smile. "Thanks, Seungmin, but I'm still full from breakfast. Han and Felix brought over food this morning. I'm not really hungry right now."
Seungmin's face fell slightly, but he quickly masked it with understanding. "No worries. If you change your mind, it's here."
You nodded, appreciating the gesture despite your lack of appetite. The tension in the room was palpable, and you knew you couldn't continue to dance around the issue any longer. Your thoughts were a chaotic whirl, and you needed clarity.
Chan's eyes lingered on you, sensing something wrong. As Seungmin turned to wash his hands at the sink, Chan leaned in closer to you, his voice dropping to a whisper. "Are you sure you're okay?"
You glanced nervously at Seungmin's back before meeting Chan's eyes. "I don't feel safe right now," you murmured urgently, your voice barely above a whisper. "I have a bad feeling... it's him."
Chan furrowed his brow in concern, his eyes searching yours for clarity. "Him? Seungmin?" he questioned, his voice tinged with disbelief and concern. "Why do you think that?"
You swallowed hard, the weight of your suspicions heavy in your chest. "I don't know... it's just a gut feeling," you confessed, the words tumbling out in a rush. "But everything... it all seems to point to him."
Chan's expression darkened, his worry deepening as he glanced over at Seungmin, who was still engrossed in his task at the sink.
"No, it can't be him," Chan replied, his voice tinged with disbelief. "That wouldn't make sense."
But before he could continue, you felt a surge of determination. The weight of your suspicions had become too much to bear, and you couldn't ignore the nagging feeling in the pit of your stomach any longer.
"Seungmin," you called out, your voice louder than you intended, causing him to turn around, his hands still wet from washing.
"Y/n.." Chan said trying to stop you.
Ignoring Chan's attempt to intervene, you locked eyes with Seungmin, the intensity of your gaze cutting through the air.
"Seungmin," you repeated, your voice firm.
Seungmin's expression shifted, a hint of confusion flickering across his features as he took in the gravity of your tone. You took a deep breath, steeling yourself for what was to come. "I need to ask you something," you began.
"Have you been following me? Watching me?"
Seungmin's eyes widened in surprise, his hands instinctively curling into fists at his sides. "What? No, of course not," he protested. "Why would you even think that?"
"Why have you been acting so strange lately?" you replied, your voice firm as you confronted Seungmin. "You have evidence pointing against you… I can't ignore it."
His eyes widened, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features. "What evidence?" he asked.
"I think you're the one who's been stalking me," you blurted out, the words spilling out in a rush. "Every time something happens, you're somehow involved or conveniently not there."
Chan stepped in, raising his hands in a calming gesture. "Whoa, let's take a step back here," he said, looking between you and Seungmin. "We need to handle this carefully."
Seungmin's face went from shock to hurt. "You think I'm stalking you?" he asked, his voice trembling. "I would never do something like that.... I'm your friend."
You could see the pain in his eyes, but the fear and paranoia that had been building up inside you couldn't be ignored. "Then explain the letters, Seungmin.
Seungmin nodded, his expression serious. "I want to clear this up. I don't know why you think I'm involved, but I'll do whatever it takes to prove that I'm not."
"One thing at a time, Y/N," Chan interjected gently, trying to keep the situation from escalating further.
"When I received that first letter, it was Seungmin who handed it to me," you explained, your voice shaking slightly.
Seungmin took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. "The letter with the gift basket? Minho handed it to me," he began. "He found it outside the front door and thought it might be important, so he gave it to me to give to you. I had no idea what it was at the time."
You frowned, trying to process his explanation. "And what about the second letter? You came over to give your condolences for my friend's passing, and that's when I found it."
Seungmin nodded again. "I came over because I wanted to be there for you. I had no idea there was another letter until you found it. I swear, Y/N, I have nothing to do with this."
Chan looked at you, his expression thoughtful. "It does make sense...."
You felt a flicker of doubt. Could it be that your paranoia had gotten the better of you? "And what about when the letters went missing, and the third one arrived? You weren't around then either."
Seungmin nodded, his expression resolute. "I was doing a photoshoot that day. I have pictures and timestamps to prove it. I can show you the evidence right now if it helps."
Chan looked at you, his eyes steady. "Let's see the photos, Seungmin. If you're telling the truth, this will clear things up."
Seungmin quickly pulled out his phone and scrolled through his gallery, finding the pictures from the photoshoot. He handed the phone to Chan, who examined the images carefully. The timestamps matched the dates and times you had noted.
Chan turned the phone towards you, showing the pictures. "He's telling the truth, Y/N. These photos prove he wasn't here when the letters went missing or when the third one arrived."
You stared at the photos, feeling a mix of relief and confusion. Seungmin's explanation seemed plausible, his earnestness evident in his words and actions. The evidence was clear, but the fear and paranoia still gnawed at you.
Tears welled up in your eyes, and you felt your body begin to tremble. "I'm sorry," you said, your voice thick with emotion. "I just want this to stop." The reality of the situation, coupled with the weight of your suspicions, was overwhelming. "I've been so scared....I don't know who to trust anymore."
Seungmin's eyes met yours, filled with sincerity. "I would never hurt you, Y/N. Please, believe me."
Your vision blurred as tears spilled down your cheeks. You took a deep breath, trying to absorb the reality. "I… I believe you, Seungmin. I'm sorry for doubting you. It's just… this whole situation has made me so paranoid."
Seungmin stepped closer, his expression softening. "I understand... If I were in your shoes, I'd probably feel the same way. We're all just trying to protect you."
At that moment, your phone buzzed on the coffee table. The sudden noise made you jump, your heart racing. Your hands shook as you reached for your phone, your fingers trembling. An unknown number flashed on the screen, and a sense of dread settled in the pit of your stomach.
With trembling fingers, you opened the message. The room seemed to close in around you as you read the words, your breath catching in your throat. The message was brief but chilling, a reminder that the nightmare was far from over.
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You gasped, dropping the phone as if it had burned you. Chan and Seungmin were immediately at your side, concern etched on their faces as they reached out to support you. "What is it?" Chan asked urgently, picking up the phone and reading the messages.
Seungmin's eyes narrowed as he read the message. "Well, at least they've gone digital. We're saving trees," he remarked, attempting to inject a note of levity into the tense atmosphere.
Chan shot him a withering look, his expression grave. "Seungmin, not the time," he chided, his carrying urgency as he turned his attention back to you. The room seemed to close in around you, the walls pressing in.
Seungmin's voice carried a tone of frustration as he gestured to his phone. "I just want to point out that my phone is nowhere near me. So logically, it can't be me sending those messages."
Chan nodded in agreement, his brows furrowed in concentration. "He's right. Whoever this is, they're trying to frame him."
You felt a chill run down your spine as you stared at the cryptic message on your phone screen. "So, what do we do now?"
Chan took a deep breath, his expression determined as he reached for the phone. With a steady hand, he composed a message, his fingers flying across the screen.
"I'll handle this," Chan declared, his voice resolute. "We need to find out who's behind these messages."
He pressed send, and you held your breath, the tension in the room palpable as you waited for a response. You watched anxiously as the seconds ticked by, each moment stretching into eternity as you waited for a reply. Finally, the familiar chime of an incoming message broke the silence, and Chan's eyes darted to the screen.
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You exchanged a worried glance with Chan. The cryptic message only added to the sense of unease that hung heavy in the air.
"What game?" you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper, but the question lingered unanswered, the sender remaining a mystery.
Seungmin's jaw clenched in frustration, his eyes darting between you and Chan. "We can't just sit around waiting for them to make a move," he asserted. "We need to take action."
Chan nodded, his expression serious. "We need to figure out who this is and why they're targeting you."
Just as he finished speaking, your phone buzzed again. The three of you looked at it in unison, a sense of dread creeping over you.
The same message from the same unknown number appeared on the screen.
Seungmin's frustration deepened. "They’re just trying to rattle us," he said through gritted teeth. "We shouldn't give them the satisfaction."
Chan agreed, but as he started to speak, your phone buzzed again. The same message repeated:
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"It's like they’re not going to stop until we do what they want," you said, anxiety making your voice tremble.
Chan placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "Stay calm baby. We need to think this through."
But the phone buzzed yet again. The same message and link. The sender was relentless, bombarding you with the same demand over and over.
"Play the game."
Seungmin shook his head, his frustration giving way to a more resolute expression. "Maybe we should see what’s behind the link. But we have to be careful. It could be a trap."
Chan nodded. "We’ll open it on a separate device, one that’s not connected to any personal information. We need to see what we're dealing with."
You watched as Chan pulled out an old laptop from the closet, one that hadn’t been used in ages. He connected it to a public Wi-Fi network and opened the link, your heart pounding in your chest as the page began to load.
The screen flickered for a moment before revealing a dark, ominous website with a single line of text that read:
"Welcome to the game. Let’s see if you’re clever enough to survive."
You all exchanged weary glances. You had no choice but to see this through. With a nod from Seungmin and a deep breath from you, Chan pressed the "Play" button.
The screen transitioned to a new page, revealing what looked like a puzzle.
"Is this a joke?" Seungmin said, his voice tinged with frustration.
"It doesn't look like it," Chan replied, his eyes narrowing as he studied the screen.
You took a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves. "Let's just get through this. We need to see what they're after."
The first puzzle appeared simple, but it required careful thought and teamwork. You, Chan, and Seungmin huddled closer, your minds working in unison to decipher the clues. Each solution unlocked the next puzzle, the difficulty ramping up with each new screen.
Seungmin leaned back, his brow furrowed. "It looks like this is a series of puzzles. Each one is more difficult than the last."
Chan nodded, his fingers hovering over the keyboard. "They’re testing us, pushing us to see how far we can go."
You bit your lip, feeling a mix of fear and determination. "But why? What’s the goal here?"
"I don’t know," Chan said, his voice steady despite the tension. "But were going to have to play the game to find out."
With a shared glance, you all knew there was no turning back. You had to see this through, no matter the risks.
"And play the game we will," you replied.
With that, you all turned your attention back to the laptop.
The sender may have set the rules, but you were determined to control the outcome.
Play the game
Play the game
Play the game
Play the game
Play the game
Play the game
Play the game
Play the game
Play the game
Play the game
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ઇଓ EP.5 - Draw me like one of your french girls
ઇଓ Taglist in the comments! If you want to be removed from the taglist send me a dm!
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sinner-sunflower · 7 months
A HH Lucifer-centric AU 12/?
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 13, PART 14, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22
Fun fact:
I was supposed to include Heaven in this. The og plot was like Heaven was already friendly with them- like Luci's siblings, and they were supposed to be in the meeting back in chapter 4 and 5.
The argument would have been that Heaven is bound to help because Roo won't stop at Hell and it will eventually reach Heaven, making it their problem too.
But obviously I had a change of plans and I think this plot would be better.
A plot fit for a possible sequel, one might say.
Apologies for the shortness of the chapter but thank you still for the constant support! Your likes, reblogs, and comments are the things that give me inspiration to do this every day!
The good news is the problem has not reached any of the upper rings in his absence. The bad news? Sloth is almost devoured.
Overgrown roots have enveloped the main city's buildings, he can't even see the Goetia territory anymore. The blood-red flowers are still spewing black miasma and he can feel it slightly burn his skin.
Lucifer thinks that this is what real Hell looks like.
This means that everyone is just exerting enough power to keep it at bay but not enough to fully stop it. Lucifer was right in his decision to look for Goodie. Speaking of Goodie- the embodiment of good barely reacts. If she's being burned by the mist, she's doing a pretty good job of not showing it.
Goodie: Oh my. What trouble you are causing, Roo.
A fucking understatement but Lucifer won't argue. This is trouble, but a million times worse.
Lucifer: Let's go.
At one corner of Sloth, the Sins and the other higher powers of Hell have just finished another round of the sealing ritual. They've been going at it a month straight, there is no end in sight, and they are exhausted. Even Alastor is mostly drained as he is leaning a lot on his cane.
Beelzebub: Fuck! I knew this wasn't going to be easy but what the fuck?!
Someone scoffs.
Vox: Maybe if our dear king is here this would be over. Like, where the fuck is he huh??
Leviathan: Don't forget who you are speaking to, filthy sinner!
Vox: Oh boohoo. If we're all gonna die anyway, why should I be afraid of you? Should've known that absentee of a ruler left us all to rot after damning us here in the first place-
Vox suddenly finds a giant hand wrapped around his throat. It took him a few seconds of reconfiguration before he clearly saw who the fuck-
Vox: Fuckin- gah! Alastor!
Alastor has transformed into a taller, lankier, and more sinister of himself. Eyes turned into radio dials, face, and body adorned with glowing green stitches like a puppet whose master has on a string.
Alastor: Shouldn't frivolous televisions come with a silent setting?
Vox: Fuck! Off!
Alastor: Hahaha! What is the matter, Vox? You seem to have developed the illusion that you are the strongest person in the room. Shall I remind you of what came about your moth friend?
Velvette: You better let him go, old man!
Velvette yelled to back up Vox. She flinches as Alastor turns his head in her direction with a sickening snap of his neck.
Not wanting to back off, she was about to argue more when Carmila stepped in.
Carmila: Velvette! Cease this at once. Do you and the Vees have no self-preservation??
Velvette: Well- I- Vox's right and you lot know it! Great Lucifer called us all here, basically threatened us to help him fix a mess he caused, then fucks off to God knows where leaving us to practically kill ourselves for a mess, again, HE CAUSED!
The Sins and Goetia's have now transformed into their more monstrous forms at hearing the disrespect the lowly sinner said about their King.
Velvette and Vox are saved from near-permanent death by a commanding voice.
Lucifer: Kneel.
Everyone's bodies acted on their own. Their knees bled from the sudden contact on the ground.
None of them could move- try as they might. Their air became heavier, plus with the miasma, a lot of them were gasping for air. Nothing is coming in. They can't breathe. They can't-
They look up to see the King of Hell and an unknown woman. Unknown to most but the Sins very much recognize her as indicated by the widening of their eyes.
Satan: Goodie!
The woman giggles and waves cheerfully as if there wasn't a looming threat in the air.
Goodie: My, my. What big mouths you have~
What to look forward to in Part 13:
Some talks and reprimanding.
Another round of ritual.
The situation becomes worse.
Lucifer and Goodie's solution.
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lvrcpid · 2 years
PICK YOUR SIDE (rewrite)
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includes : fem!reader. cursing. implied death. older sister!reader. younger sister!reader. reader is older than lo’ak but younger than neteyam. angst. read with caution (?). i’m leaving this on a cliffhanger.
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they say a picture is worth a thousand words. you beg to differ. the smiles of your family members made your mouth go sour. who knew it would go so wrong so quickly.
your fingers trailed over the family photo in your hand, stopping over neteyam’s face. he was such a bright soul, he must’ve been so scared.
it’s been a few years since neteyam had passed. three to be exact. the family went somewhat back to normal but the home you all once shared felt more dull and dim than normal.
you all left neteyam’s things untouched. his bow still in the same place. his pillow positioned in the same way. you all just couldn’t move it, feeling like you were slowly removing parts of neteyam by touching his things.
your family all grieved him in different ways. some ways were healthy and some were questionable. but you didn’t feel the need to bring it up. you were dealing with your own feelings. you felt hurt, betrayed, guilty and most of all, angry. your anger was a force to be reckoned with per-say. you did a good job at hiding it, pushing it down for 3 years straight.
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your father experienced the most change out of all of you. becoming more protective of the rest of you all, never wanting to experience that kind of loss ever again. so when quartich and the rda came back, he immediately shut down the idea of helping them fight.
‘but father please i-‘ ‘y/n that’s final. you will stay here with lo’ak and tuk.’ yet again your father dismissed you, your mother flashing you a pitiful expression as she followed your father.
it wasn’t fair. you deserved just as much as a chance as they did. you could help them. you could avenge your brothers death. neteyam didn’t deserve to die in vain.
lo’ak appeared behind you, a large hand on your shoulder. lo’ak grew into such a mature young man, he was 17 now, a true warrior. he mirrored neteyam so much it brought tears to your eyes.
‘go. i’ll watch tuk. go help them fight’ he said, placing something in your hand. it was neteyam’s bow and a few of his arrows. ‘lo’ak no i can’t-‘. lo’ak said nothing as he pushed you out of your home, giving you a small smile before running back in.
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you quickly caught up to your parents. jake didn’t speak as he figured you would come anyways despite his warning. he knew you were just like lo’ak, hard headed and stubborn. neytiri didn’t want to admit it but she was glad you were there.
the three of you managed to make your way deeper into the forest, your bodies on constant high alert. your ear twitched as you heard a twig snap, neck snapping towards the noise as you quickly lined up the arrow with his bow, whispering a quick ‘make this one count neteyam..’ before the figure jumped out at you, holding its hands up and yelling ‘don’t shoot it’s me!’ you instantly recognized the voice as spider, lowering your bow and sighing. ‘you’re lucky i didn’t kill you’ not knowing the events that would take place there shortly afterwards.
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your dad had alerted you that they had found quartich a few moments later, turning your attention from spider and bolting your way towards the cliff they were on, spider hot on your tail.
you watched as your father and the man who’s tortured your family for years tussled, both men slightly wounded from the brawl. ‘mom! dad!’ you yelled, turning their attention to you. just then quartich quickly kicked jake off of him, radioing in for the helicopter to come down and get him.
your father rubbed his nose and your mother ran up to you, screening for any injury. ‘mother i am fine..’ the winds from the helicopter propellers made your hair fly into your face, watching as your father just let him go. ‘you son of a bitch i thought we killed you already!’ he yelled over the noise.
quartich just let out a sinister laugh, looking behind them and winking. ‘you have my boy to thank! saving his old man like a son should!’
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your world froze. your blood went cold. the sound of the bow and arrows hitting the floor like blocks on a carpet. you couldn’t help but slowly turn around, horror painted across your face as you met eyes with the boy who you thought of as a friend. as a brother.
‘boy..is this true’ jake said, the noise was gone as quartich flew away. spider was silent. the 3 year long feeling of guilt eating away at his insides as he put his head down, shame written all over his face.
neytiri said nothing, afraid she was going to severely harm the boy yet again, she stayed silent, yet her eyes told a million words at once.
you felt like you couldn’t breathe. you felt like the world was caving under you as you stalked over to the boy. ‘did you..really?’ you asked, your voice nothing short of a whisper. he met eyes with you, giving a shameful nod.
in that moment you felt nothing but rage. 1,065 days of rage. the nights and days you stayed up sobbing, wishing to yourself that it was you. praying to eywa to bring your brother back. 3 years of suppressed anger bubbling over like tea in a kettle.
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everything moved in an instant. one minute you were in front of the boy, now you are dangling him from the cliff, his cries and pleads with you to spare his life were muffled as your mind was spinning every which way.
‘y/n no!’ your father tried to rush over to you but neytiri was quick to stop him. while she disliked the human boy, her body tensed up watching you hold him over the ledge. one wrong move and you both were done for. ‘ma jake..if you go..they will both fall’ she said, holding a tight grip on her husband. jake looked surprised at you. you couldn’t even hurt a fly if you tried and here you were, on the verge of killing spider.
he felt bad for both parties. spider was just a boy protecting his family, as jake does with his own family. and you were his grieving daughter. he felt for you but he also felt for spider
‘y/n just think about this..you don’t have to do this..killing him won’t bring neteyam back..you gain nothing from this..’ he said, breaking from neytiris grip, stalking over to you with his hand extended, hoping you would break out of this trance and realize what you’re doing.
‘father..you really want to save this human? he’s the reason your son is dead.. your precious golden child..and you want to save him?” you looked back at your father, leaning spider over the edge even further, almost slipping in the process.
‘y/n!’ your mother called, now behind jake as she’s trying desperately to pull you back, afraid to lose another child.
‘i’m going to give you both a choice..pick your side..me?’ you said turning to them, angry tears now streaming down your face. you slowly turned your head to the now sobbing boy as he continued to beg and plead for his life.
‘or the bitch im gonna kill?’
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tags 🏷️: @23victoria @avtprint @bucky12345 @boilingpots @Marcswife21 @elegantkidfansoul @itsyogurl @stars4deku @stvpidscvpid @uniltsatirey @urdeadpoet @annamarieisbae @graysonmalik2550 @blueberryfailureclinic
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