#and a better contouring kit
essektheylyss · 2 years
also cuz I was complaining about makeup yesterday, my phone camera kinda smothered the green color in this (and it should be brighter. i will make it brighter.) but yes i did go to Salem for cider on the eve of Halloween Month looking like PSL Barbie, as is my god-given right
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one thing I DO know about this: it’s something big bc of who’s in the chat, it’s something positive, and above all else, it means that I can finally make a comeback (albeit as a totally different person than when I last did anything in September last year) and be passionate about something again.
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listofwhyyouloveher · 22 days
could you do the gang attempting to do female readers makeup for her?? 🫶🏻
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Summary: The greaser attempt to do your makeup.
Warnings: none
Authors note: sorry that uploading has been spotty, I'm just in such a slump rnn but like what's new
PONYBOY would actually be pretty darn good at makeup. You would question where he got this cosmetic knowledge from but he says he's just got a steady hand and some artistic abilities. He actually eats down every time he does your eyeliner, you almost want to ask him to always do it for you. He's also down to let you try out products on him, as long as you guys aren't going anywhere. He likes feeling close to you and you doing his makeup gives him tingles.
JOHNNY would be OK at normal makeup things, but lip liner, eyeliner and mascara would be actual he'll with him because his hands are always shaking slightly. It's not like he's afraid it's just that he has really unsteady hands and isn't super artistic. He gets mascara and eyeliner everywhere so you end up layering and layering concealer under your eyes. He really likes doing it though, he sees why you do it so often because it's kind of fun seeing everything come together. He gets really happy if you actually wear the makeup he did out instead of wiping it off.
SODAPOP would usually watch his mom get dolled up when he was young, he's got some really sweet core memories about it. He'd prefer to just watch you do your makeup but he'd love to blend your foundation and stuff like that because he thinks beauty blenders are an absolute marvel. Him doing your makeup always ends in a bunch of giggles and a crazy new eyeliner and eyeshadow look. He's actually pretty artistic and can be really good, but he tries to make everything crazy.
STEVE is terrible at makeup, he knows what to do but he just can't figure out how to use each product. He tried to apply your foundation with your powder puff and you had to shriek to get him to not. You have to slowly walk him through everything, showing him what each thing does like a salesperson. He asks you to help him get better so he could do your makeup more often so you give him a couple of old products to practice with. Sodapop walks into work the next day with a full face done by Steve.
TWO BIT knows what he's doing somewhat. His sister has that kids makeup kit and he sees her apply her glittery eyeshadow everyday. He tries to help you but everything is a lot different than a kit, he smears your lip product all over his hands by accident because he thought it was one of those pot ones where you pick up the product with your fingers. He's also super clumsy, especially with the dark coloured things, like for example, he missed the tube of the mascara and ends up getting products along the side of it and on his fingers. The next day he brings his sisters makeup kit and does your glittery eyeshadow which he is much better at.
DARRY knows what to do, but he fumbles because he gets nervous. He dropped your blush onto his carpet and stained it. He felt super bad for wasting product and staining his rug but you promised it was fine and that after he did your makeup you could clean it together. He's actually very good at giving you a nice and put together look. The eyeshadow and lip colour he chose complimented your hair and eyes perfectly. Secretly, while he wasn't paying attention, you got some blush and patted it on his cheeks. He was immediately nostalgic because his mom used to do that and you brought back a core memory for him.
DALLAS is terrible at makeup. You'd think with the amount of girls he wooed he would know a thing or two but he's completely oblivious. He tried to put contour as your foundation before realizing it didn't match your face colour and then tried to use highlighter. After the first few times he actually became some what of a pro and started swiping high-end luxury cosmetics. Sometimes he also steals your contour to make himself look cooler and define his muscles and jawline.
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catfern · 1 year
she will destroy you.
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pairing: abby anderson x afab!reader
music: crack baby or bag of bones ( or anything from puberty 2 ) - mitski
word count: 3.3k (i'm exhausted)
summary: rumours are swirling, fighting their way through your front door. you hope to keep your work and private life separate, but your proximity with your boss threatens to catch up with you.
warnings: mean!toxic!abby, cheating, porn with a LOT of plot, swearing, tipsy sex, fingering, oral (r!receiving), zero ( i mean ZERO ) aftercare, angst-ish
an: a quick intermission from cowboy!ellie because LORD. i read one page from one book abt a butch teacher yearning for the headmaster's wife and suddenly I NEED AFFAIRS!! I NEED YEARNING!! I NEED SECRECY!! and who better to do that with than a rlly mean ceo!abby who has a PhD in fucking bitches.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
A line of scarlet trickles onto the warm printer paper and settles. You drop your paperwork on an unknown desk and suck your finger, hissing through your teeth at the sting. Your phone buzzes impatiently in the back pocket of your work pants, and you fumble with your non-bleeding fingers to pull it out.
we’ll talk abt this when u get home
see u after ur party i guess
A shit fucking day.
You hall back to your desk, defeat slumping heavy on your shoulders. The Office makes an effort not to stare as you walk by, low whispers hot on your feet like coals in a firewalk. You pretend very poorly not to see the half-lidded, secretive looks shared between your old work friends by the water cooler. Water off a duck’s back, your mom used to say in a nonchalant way when you cried to her about mean girls at school. Not that you ever really knew what that meant.
You were never really thankful to be shut off from the rest of the cubicles, until now. A fortress of frosted glass and a heavy door, your desk was the secluded gateway to a place dreaded. Just you and The Boss, which you guess didn’t help the flying tongues of the old, bored fucks in accounting, but it kept people away. Away from you, with their knowing looks and unknowing laughs.
You huff, settling into your uncomfortable desk chair and digging out a small first aid kit your dad bought you when you first started. Pulling the seal off the small tin, you eye its contents. Disinfectant, thermometer, some loose aspirin and bandaids. You whine lightly as you wrap one tightly around your ring finger, feeling it throb and pulse, like a complaint. Get over yourself, you tell your body.
A sharp - ahem - breaks through your mumbling silence. She’s never sick, she never coughs. It’s a bodiless beckoning, a call into the wild, it’s the wordless agreement you have with her. You pick up your notebook, and the nearest working pen, and shuffle quickly through the open door into her office.
The opaque shades are drawn, the natural light greying and dying on the dark, decaying herringbone floor. 
Abby is bathed in the orange light of her desk lamp. With impeccable, almost effortless posture, she’s resting her forearms on her desk, one hand scratching notes into her diary, the other distractedly tapping on the leather top. You follow the shadows that the folds in her dress shirt create, your eyes falling on the contour of her body. 
You know she frequents a few gyms. You’re the one who schedules late night international calls around her evening runs, and her weights sessions, and her triweekly spin class. But now, the results of her efforts are on display, tightly wrapped in expensive cotton, perfectly tailored, down to the very last stitch, to her existence. You swallow an uncomfortable feeling when she deigns to meet your eye.
She looks you over in the way she always does, an uncaring, but judgemental once-over, like an army sergeant inspecting a uniform. she hones in on the bandaid,
“Workplace injury?”
Her voice has the warmth of a dying cigarette, rolling like well-spoken honey off her lips. You almost feel ashamed, your finger so offensive to her you could chop it off. You almost feel like you wouldn’t even mind. You start picking at the ends of the bandaid with your thumb.
“Paper cut.” Your voice is always so out of place here. An echo of something that does not belong. She nods her head, ever so slightly, as if she understood.
“Don’t think you can go claiming compensation for that.” It’s a joke you’re not allowed to laugh at. You smile lightly instead. It’s short-lived, “I need you to correct some seating arrangements for tonight.”
Yes, of course. No problem. In wordless agreement, Abby starts listing off adjustments, complaints and warnings from guests about not being seated next to their five ex-husbands, or their whining step-children, or ex-business partners fallen from grace. your pen fingers begin to ache as the whole process draws out.
“And I’m going to need you seated at my table, to keep track of my evening itinerary.”
Uncertainty quickly sows its seeds in your stomach. The unopened messages from your girlfriend burn their way through pocket, searing at your legs like a brand on cattle. Everyone knows, everyone will know. Every detail of your life will be laid bare, and you’ll be tried publicly and without mercy. Your bandaid begins to unravel as you rub anxiously at the glue underneath.
You need to do something, something to get things back under control.
“Actually,” You start, unsure. Abby meets your eye quickly, without hesitation, “I don’t think I’ll be able to make it tonight.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.” It’s quick, and condescending. Undercutting any sudden courage you may have had, she meets your eye and stares you down, pinning you under ice, almost imploring you to feel terrified. And then she looks away, busy packing away the seating chart, and you wonder if she even looked at you at all.
She stands, and you try to meet her, your hands clutching your notebook.
“Your attendance tonight is mandatory.” She says it slowly, harshly, like it’s hard for you to understand. Her eyes chase quickly over your outfit, “It’s a black tie event.”
You’re left alone in a dark office, hyperventilating.
The apartment is empty and cold when you arrive home. 7 unanswered texts to your girlfriend tell you she doesn’t want you near her, but she isn’t packed. You expect her to come home, hopefully in the hour you have before you have to go again, and you contemplate just blowing the gala off to wait.
Abby’s voice is sharp in your head, a familiar dedication wringing your body. You can’t leave her. She needs you there.
You put off the conversation with your girlfriend into the furthest parts of your mind, allowing yourself to be swallowed in the minor decisions of clothes and hair and accessories. It’s not until you’re throwing your shoes on, and three times you think you hear her keys in the door, that you give up.
The phone rings 5 times before going to voicemail.
Hey. Listen. I know we said we weren’t going to talk until we were face to face but..
Whatever Maria told you wasn’t true, okay? I promise-I fucking promise you, nothings happened. Baby, okay? People are fucking bored, and I love you, so so much. I’ve gotta go to this one thing tonight - i tried to get out of it i swear -, and i’ll come home and we can talk, and we can fix this. Okay? Jus-Just, gimme some time to explain. Okay. I love you. Bye.
Echoes of quiet chatter uncomfortably ebb and flow off the walls of the ballroom. Too many people. Shoes scuff the cheap marble as the rich make their rounds, with light touches and reused laughter. They all hate each other.
Abby is a familiar sight. Wearing the same thing she has all day, she looks staggering. Hands just breaching her suit pockets, comfortably falling at her side, her hair in a calculated braid, designed to make her look approachable. 
 The air here agrees with her, her smile wide and effortless. You know she’s come straight from a meeting, and you suppose that adds to her charm. The Working Woman, a success story. Her rich friends, who spend their inheritances on shares and indoor tennis courts, lap it up. She’s a foreign object, something unfamiliar and wild.
You don’t interrupt, skimming the sidelines to get to your table. You can feel her glance, without substance, before returning to her conversation. Your event planner ( a shitty flip notebook that fits in every small clutch you own ) sits on the tablecloth at your seat, and you wait. Eyeing the glasses at the placemats next you, you can tell a few drinks has been shared, raking your eyes over Abby’s looser disposition.
She’s happy, and charming. She’s been drinking bourbon. Mint, with ice and syrup, the way you serve it to her in her office, when the occasion calls for celebration. 
Her conversation finishes, her soft hands bidding gentle, kind goodbyes to the couple as they move on. She’s a friend to the people that matter.
“I expected you here before me.”
She doesn’t bother to look at you as she sits, instead fixing her napkin to her lap. You watch as the veins in her neck rise and fall as she talks, “Doesn’t matter now. Run me through everything.”
Right, fuck. You open your notebook and run your fingers over the scratchy writing. Your days leading up to this were spent copying details from obscure emails, tidbits you thought Abby needed to remember. Late nights at the office, life abandoned, deciphering biographies and 2 hour youtube deep dives. You can watch yourself fall asleep from the future, your handwriting slipping, long and longer strokes, spelling dissolving, long words abandoned. your pen fell to the floor, and you slept at your desk. Twenty missed calls. You argued when you came home in the morning.
“The Ambassador is arriving around 8:00pm with his new wife, also named Rebecca. Oh, Old Rebecca emailed asking why she didn’t receive an invitation.”
She’s slowly sipping at another whiskey, a different cocktail she ordered just as you’d arrived. The orange peel brushes her nose as she tilts the glass, her jaw tightens as she swallows, “Tell her the venue was at capacity. Send some flowers.”
It continues like this for a bit. Quiet and attentive, she listens to what you have to say, as her eyes follow the crowd. You too, spy people that you know, a few slimy execs that share a whisper and a boisterous laugh as they look your way. You order gin.
Soon enough, Abby checks her watch. An inexpensive, vintage piece of leather and quartz. She excuses herself with a measure of politeness. It’s time for an hour of speeches that don’t matter, before you’re finally allowed to eat. You sigh.
A quiet buzz rips through the growing silence. You open your clutch and hide your phone under the silk tablecloth, away from the disapproving elderly eyes.
i told u to leave me alone
jesus christ
A pit in your stomach. Dark, pressing, ever present. Your saliva is heavy in your mouth, and you feel like shrinking away. Luckily, the waiter isn’t far. Drinks are discounted for the company staff.
Finally, speeches finish. Abby looked nice on the stage, effervescent under the lights. Her hair catches warm light nicely in the strands.
The food comes, but people disregard it for shallow conversations. Plates are taken away full, apart from slim, polite pickings. Your table orders more drinks, and syrupy laughter echoes as anecdotes about private schools and hedge funds are shared. You don’t belong here. Your body becomes unsteady, restless. Your legs shaking, a hand finds you thigh in the veiled secrecy of the table cloth.
Abby’s not looking at you, too engaged in tipsy conversation to draw attention. A nice gesture, but it’s not. It’s wordless agreement. Her thumb traces the outside of your thigh mindlessly, her jaw clenching as she feels your gaze.
You hesitate.
What else did you have to do? Apart from go home and wait for an argument.
You let her touch you a little longer, soft, ghostly. It’s kind, unmistakably. You let yourself revel in it, in her uncommon affection, before excusing yourself to the bathroom.
Abby follows not long after. She’s confident, her position charismatic, not unlike the other times she finds a drink, and then goes to find you. She doesn’t stop, so sure that you’ll follow her trail as you’ve done so often before. But you hesitate, again.
She turns back to you, a look on her face that’s hard to decipher. You stumble in your reasoning.
“It’s just-, my girlfrien-“
“Are you coming? Or not?”
Your palms itch, you swallow.
What kind of sick sacrifice. Unfair to have both, some would say, but some don’t know you. How wicked it is to taste both fruit and have to choose the sweeter. Fuck. The drinks settle in your stomach.
Your girlfriend wasn’t coming home tonight anyway, not really.
She’s leading you up the stairs, hands flush to her body. You grip the cold handrail to hold you steady. She’s already steps ahead, the appropriate distance. 
A quiet corner doesn’t need to be found. She’s been here before. You’ve been here before. The holy emptiness of the second floor is an accustomed comfort.
She’s quick and calculated, despite the mix of drinks on her breath. One hand pushing you to the wall, the other finding the zipper for your dress. It falls off you like it never belonged to you, kicked away and piled into a corner, forgotten.
Gripping you like you’d run away, she palms your tits and presses crescent moons into your hips. She holds her head away from you, watching you down her nose as you squirm. Abby has always remained detached, carefully groomed a distance between you that now feels too sacred to break. You long to feel her kiss you, to feel her intimately, to run your hands along her arms and feel every curve, every outline. You’ve needed to touch her since the moment you met her. Craved it.
Abby is disrespectful, impatient. She cups your pussy, still hidden in slick panties, letting the rough ball of her palm grind against your clit. It sets you on fire, and she chases it with a hand on your mouth to keep you quiet.
“Get rid of them.”
You strip fast, in a very unflattering way, you’re certain, and throw your underwear close to the ghost of your dress. She moves against you again, her hand softer as it wraps around your lips and cheeks. You look at her, hoping to see that softness echoed on her face, but her eyes are elsewhere, too focused on the movement your tits make as she holds you against the wall. 
Painstakingly, her fingers slide inside you, her hand pressing down on your mouth as you moan around the feeling of her, the intoxication. Your hands lock and unlock, your nails digging at scratching at the wood boards on the wall as you try to balance yourself.
Merciless. She rocks into you, letting you fall into step with her, find her pace, a relentless one. You feel her melting into your core, her fingers curling and stretching your walls as she pounds into you, again, again, again. You sound pathetic, behind the mask of her hand, whining as she leaves, and nearly screaming when she returns.
Abby watches as your face contorts around her fingers, feels you wrap around her. If she feels even a fraction of what she gives you, you wouldn't know. Her eyes remain unkind, left at a distance, but her breathing is staggered. short, laboured. she looks over you, you feel it, feel as her eyelashes rise as she rakes over your body.
You need it to be desire in her eyes. You need her to starve. To crave, like you do. Desperation.
Her hand moves from your mouth, your whimpering breath filling the room fast, the quiet broken. Her pace slows, and you almost rest on her fingers, left to wonder what she’s playing at. Instead, it comes down on your shoulder, still warm and wet with your breath, and she pushes you down onto her fingers, deep, deep. you feel her at the very centre of yourself, your eyes wide as the pressure builds inside you, her fingernails leaving a trail, evidence of her in your walls. She lets your ragged moans echo, hurt and pleasure. It’s an unkind end to things.
You don’t want to let it to end. You can’t.
The distance is broken. You reach out and grasp flesh, firm under your nails. You’re still riding the ecstasy pulse, the heat in your pussy, and Abby lets you stay, holding onto her as if you would fade otherwise. Your cheeks are almost touching, her breath hot on your ear, you hear her for the first time, raspy groans as you squeeze around her. She’s been holding back.
Damn it all.
“Everybody knows. Please. Please, fuck me like you know you should.”
You meet her gaze. Everything is foreign now. Her skin feels different to how you had imagined it. Softer. Her eyes are more uncertain, more than you’d ever seen before. Hesitance.
“Fuck it.”
Whiskey, and a sip of your gin, and tobacco. You didn’t even know she smoked, but you taste it on her like its the only thing she ever did. The smell of pine came in a wave as she moved, hooking her hands under your legs and hoisting you up. For months, you’ve yearned for her to kiss you, begged for it even. And now, her lips are rough, and bloody, and everywhere. Ghosts tracing your neck, unkind, stinging, exhilarating. 
She moves you to the floor without fuss, holding herself over you, your legs spread around her. She’s smiling, and you become so sure that there’s something not quite right with this side of Abby. You’re quickly aware that you’ve landed in hostile territory, vulnerable, needy.
She usually didn’t like it when you begged.
Her tongue is like the rapture on your clit, spitting fire through your veins, in your nerves. You feel it creep up in your body, twisting and tightening through you like something invasive, moans and prayers dripping from your lips that only push her. her name a curse, fallen on your body. You feel her laugh against your slick walls and it jolts you.
Abby, suddenly so aware of you, so kind, so attentive, shifts her posture, “Oh, you’re so needy.” A hand grabs your face, pulling it up from the floor in a dead lull. Her name rolls off your pretty lips once more, “What? You beg for me, and now you can’t take me?” Her tone is mocking, “Which is it? Hm?”
A cacophony. You, you, you. Your head foggy, unsure of what she wants to hear, you beg for again, telling her you can it take it. I can, please, abby.
Her laugh is cruel, mocking as her mouth finds you again, sending cold vibrations up your legs. Slut echoes against your clit.
Inside of you, she feels like a god. Her fingers stretching your walls, pressing deep against your centre at an excruciating pace, and her tongue lazily laps up all that you give her. 
“Fuck! Fu-uck, fuck!”
It’s clear to Abby that the caution she so carefully designed was useless now. People knew, and fuck it if they knew. Fuck it if they heard you dripping on her fingers, calling out her name. Fuck it if they stop the music, and turn to listen - fucking perverts - because it’s her. And you’re the one begging for her.
Stars creep in through the haze in your vision, and Abby’s trying to ask you something harsh, but you don’t hear it. You’re tethered to the feeling of her fingers, your whole body knotting around her like a planet in orbit of the sun. 
You’d burn if she wanted you to, happily.
You’re so fucking tight around her fingers, your legs shaking and a vicious call ripping through your body. Her Name.
The warmth from your body is too much, and the cool of the floor is lulling, soothing, as you collapse. Abby’s fingers leave you empty, incomplete. You whine as she leaves you, your walls tightening around the absence of her. She wipes your cotton slick on your leg.
She stands, and rolls her shoulders. Fixes the few hairs that fall out of place. Guiltless.
“Get dressed, before someone sees you.”
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this is so deranged and depraved but andrei and one of those dick mold kits 👀
the idea is yours after andrei catches you using a vibrator that in his mind doesn’t measure up to the size of his cock
he fucks you deep into the mattress, muttering how his cock is the only one that can make you feel good, can make you cum, the only thing big enough to make you satisfied
after you’re in a totally fucked out state, andrei reminds you that he’s off on a two week road trip, leaving in a few days, and he trails his fingers over your still sweaty skin saying, “don’t even think about using that silly little toy while i’m gone. want you dripping for my cock when i’m home”
the next morning, when your orgasm haze is a distant memory, you realize what you agreed to. two weeks, no orgasms? no chance.
if andrei thinks only his cock is good enough for you, an evil little thought occurs to you.
you place the order and thanks to amazon prime, you’ve got your hot little hands on the kit two days later
andrei’s playing video games with neci, headset on and shouting into the microphone, when you dance into the den, kit hidden behind your back
he looks at your briefly before flicking his gaze back to the screen, clocking your mischievous expression and worrying just slightly about it
you wait patiently for him to die in the game, shifting your weight on the balls of your feet, bursting with excitement until andrei finally puts the controller down and lets the headset rest around his neck
“what has you like a…a…” he waves his hand in the air, looking for the expression. “jumping bean? cat that ate the canary? energizer bunny?” you supply options. “jumping bean works,” andrei huffs, furrowing his brow at the strange expression
“so you know how you said i’m not allowed to use my vibrator while you’re gone?”
“a silly piece of plastic isn’t going to make you as satisfied as i do, solnyshka”
“okay but what if the piece of plastic was as big as you are? contoured just like you, with that amazing vein on the underside?”
andrei looks at you like you’re crazy and then when you show him the kit, his eyebrows shoot up into his hairline and he shakes his head. “what is that?”
“it’s a kit, we mix up this gel stuff and then you stick, you know, your dick into it to make an impression and then i can pour silicone in there and tah dah! my very own piece of you while you’re on the road”
andrei’s deadpan. “no”
you wheedle and whine and complain that two weeks with only using your fingers to get yourself off is cruel and unusual punishment and at least he has his fist to fuck
andrei sighs and takes the box from you, studying it. you can see him considering it and you change tack, “obviously it wouldn’t be as good as your cock, not as hard and i love it when you cum in me, but it’s going to be better than my silly little vibrator. and! when you’re back you can fuck me with it too or i’ll suck on it while you fuck me…”
it’s that mental image that seems to send andrei over the edge on his decision. he nods, a little twinkle forming in his eyes. “okay, we’ll do it. but i get to be the one to use it on you first, yes?”
you’ll agree to anything so your head bobbles on a nod and you take the kit back, already skipping off to the kitchen to mix up the ingredients for the mold
andrei leans back on the couch, legs spread wide, lazily palming his cock while he watches you work. he’s more than half hard by the time you finish and he grins at you, “come finish the job, solnyshka. long way to go before i’m ready for that kit”
you leave the kit on the counter and practically dance over to the couch, settling yourself on your knees in front of the couch, andrei’s legs bracketing your body. you eye him hungrily, “i don’t think i’ll have to do too much work,” you grin
andrei shrugs, leaning back and draping his arms over the back of the couch. he gestures at his cock with one hand, “get your hands on me”
you don’t have to be told twice, leaning up on your knees so you can reach for the waistband of his basketball shorts. you pull them down, tapping his thighs so he’ll lift his ass off the couch so the pants will come down. his cock springs free from its confines and you snicker a little at the realization that he was going commando “were you hoping to get lucky later, mr. svechnikov?”
“didn’t have to wait until later, did i?” he asks, hissing when you brush your thumb over the sensitive head of his cock
you hum thoughtfully before licking your palm and wrapping your hand around his shaft
andrei’s hips buck off the couch and he groans at your touch, you keep stroking him until he’s as hard as you know he’s going to get, the head of his cock angry and red and leaking
for good measure, you wrap your lips around the head of his cock and suck gently, enjoying the way he groans your name and tangles his hand in your hair. you pull your head back and press a little kiss to his slit, making andrei moan deep in the back of his throat. “stay still,” you grin wickedly up at him
“i’m going to come in that silly gel,” andrei grunts, fingers gripping the couch cushions
“you can’t, not until it’s set and i have my toy,” you grab the tube and after a little gymnastics and a lot of giggling, andrei’s hard cock is in the tube, the gel leaking out all around the sides and over your hands while you hold it in place
he complains about the temperature and the sensation but you climb onto the couch and distract him with your mouth on his while it sets
after you take him out, he grimaces and rubs his hand over his cock to get the feeling of the gel off, bringing himself close again
this time you take pity on him and wrap your hand around his base and your lips around his head
andrei finishes in your mouth with a grunt of your name and he slumps back into the couch, spent
“thank you for your service,” you giggle hoarsely, dancing off into the kitchen to pour the silicone into the mold
later, when the toy is ready (a perfect replica of andrei’s cock, right down the the veins) he’s true to his word, using it to fuck you to a wet and fast orgasm
“god, wish it were hotter,” you whine around his fingers, stuffed in your mouth, “not the same”
it feels good, so much better than your other toys, but it doesn’t throb inside of you like andrei’s cock
“good,” he growls, “nothing but my cock for my solnyshka”
he ends up having you suck on the toy while he fucks into you hard and fast with the real thing
stuffing you from both ends and seeing you run your tongue over the replica of him, makes andrei see stars when he comes inside of you
definitely loves to get the videos and pictures of you using the toy when he’s on the road but always makes sure to remind you that nothing feels as good as his cock
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wheredafandomat · 1 year
No but imagine discovering Loki has a slight breeding kink 🤭
18+ | contains smut, breeding kink, nsfw stuff
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There was nothing quite like the thrill of potentially getting caught whilst having sex with Loki that turned you on more. There was something about hushed giggles and stifled moans that just made you achingly aroused. It didn’t help that Loki was always in the mood to fuck you, it made sneaking away together almost part of your routine when having to socialise with others like now, during your parents barbecue. Loki had spent the last half an hour speaking with your dad and some of his friends about something otherworldly whilst subtly glancing at you. Everytime your eyes met, it felt like the first. You had to have him.
It didn’t take you long to pull him up the stairs into the bathroom before your lips were pressed to one another’s. His hands smoothed over the material of your slinky dress, settling on the contours of your hips as he pulled you against him, lips moving to your neck.
“We don’t have time Loki.” You urged, wanting to just feel him inside of you. When he continued kissing your neck, you ran your hand against his bulge, knowing that it’d make him harder, more susceptible to just burying himself inside of you giving you both what you desperately needed.
“I don’t have any condoms.” He admitted, lips moving to your ear.
“You didn’t bring any condoms?” You huffed in annoyance “just don’t, you know.” You answered, sitting on the edge of the sink as you pulled your dress up. Loki efficiency freed his length, palming it a few times as he guided it towards your entrance. Silencing your moan with a kiss, he pushed inside.
There was something different about this time, something that felt sensational. You couldn’t quite work out whether it was the way Loki was grinding his hips into you or the way you were positioned on the sink but this time felt titillating, more gripping, you didn’t want it to end. Wrapping your arm around the back of his neck, you pulled him down to kiss you as your moans grew louder. Your walls clenched around him, leaving him almost at the pinnacle of release as he pulled away from the kiss.
“I’m going to—” he warned as you continued clenching your walls.
“Don’t pull out” you murmured, Loki’s brows kitting in confusion “cum inside me.”
Loki’s eyes widened as he stilled for a moment at the request. Sure he had done things like that before, there were a fair few orgies in Asgard that he had attended in his centuries but not here, not with a midgardian, not with you. The thought surprisingly made him more aroused but before he could proceed, he needed to be certain.
“Are you sure?”
“Fuck yes!” You accidentally yelled before lowering your tone “one time isn’t going to hurt anybody besides, I’ve just finished my period so I can’t get pregnant.” You assured.
“I’m not quite sure that’s how it works—”
“Please Loki.”
Between the sound of your whining, the feeling of your walls pulsating around him and the thought of risking that with you, he couldn’t help but fuck you with ardour as he thrusted deeper, pulling out before thrusting inside of you again. You could barely contain your moans as your head hit the cabinets behind you, bottles falling out and crashing into the sink. He thrusted a few more times before he hit his peak, stilling his movements as he ejaculated inside of you, teeth bared as he shuddered. He stayed like that for a few moments, unable to deny that this was one of the best orgasms he had ever had. He wondered if knowing that there was a risk, a risk that you could end up carrying his spawn was what made it better. No matter how unlikely, he enjoyed the excitement that it stirred in him.
Since then, you and Loki were back to always using protection despite how much he desired to have you like he had done that day. He didn’t want to pressure you into it but he couldn’t deny that it had awoken something inside of him. Something primal. Whenever you were away from him for the night, he’d stroke himself to completion, imagining his lubricated hand was the walls of your pussy. He’d blow his load, imagining he was releasing deep inside of you, filling you. Breeding you. It wasn’t until one evening when you found yourselves in the same position that he was able to give into his more carnal urges.
“We don’t have any protection.” You frowned.
“That’s never stopped us before.” Loki grinned, kissing your neck as he rubbed his fingers against your clit.
“Fuckk Loki” you mewled, eyes closing as your head fell back against the mirror behind you “but we c-can’t r-risk it.” You insisted. Practically growling, Loki’s kisses against your neck turned into a sharp bite as he sunk his teeth in, the pain leaving you even more aroused as he entered you with his fingers.
“Say that again.” He purred in your ear.
“We can’t risk it Loki.” You repeated, confused as to why he’d want you to say that again as he curled his fingers upwards, hitting that perfect spot. His lips were sucking bruises onto your neck before it hit you, eyes rounding in surprise. “You like this don’t you” you smirked “the idea of impregnating me, the risk.” You teased.
Wordlessly, Loki’s eyes darkened as he pulled his fingers out of you. Your gazes met as he licked them clean before he moved his hand to hold his length. Moments later, he was entering you, your back hitting the mirror behind you as his hips pushed your body further and further into it. You watched him, sweat beading on his brow as he looked down at himself thrusting into you.
“Fuckk Loki, just like that.” You moaned, squeezing your walls around him.
“You feel so good” he praised, voice almost strangled “norns, I can feel your walls clenching around me, begging me to fill you.” He continued, pressing the palm of his hand against the mirror whilst the other rested against your hip.
“Are you going to let me pump you full of my seed? Mhmm?” He uttered in your ear “yes, you’d like that wouldn’t you.” He almost sniggered.
“Do you want my cum? Tell me you want it. Tell me you want me to fuck a baby into you.”
“Lokiii I’m so closeee.” You near cried.
“Tell me you desire my seed. Beg for it.” He spoke through gritted teeth.
“Please, pleaseee Loki—fuck, I want your baby—I want.” You moaned, words leaving you as Loki began playing with your clit “fuckk!” You screamed as pleasure engulfed you.
“I can’t wait to see you round with my spawn.” He panted, still fucking into you as his precum mixed with your slick “everyone’s going to know, they’ll all know ‘twas me who impregnated you, me who gifted you my seed, that you let me—norns, you let me cum inside this pretty pussy.”
“Loki.” You whimpered, approaching another climax. His thrusts grew sloppy as he reached his peak, entering deep inside of you before he came, shooting his hot seed into you. You clung to him desperately as your thighs shook, both of you overwhelmingly sated and sensitive as you caught your breaths back.
“We’ve got a lot to unpack.” You chuckled as your breathing steadied.
“Okay mrs can I call you daddy?” Loki answered, kissing your forehead causing you to gasp.
Meanwhile in meeting room 1A:
“So where’s Loki and y/n?” Bucky asks, sitting at a chair.
“They needed to use the restroom.” Steve answers.
“Together?” Natasha smiled.
“Yes.” Steve nods confused.
“You let them leave and go into a bathroom together?” Bucky chuckles.
“I don’t see the prob—oh.” Steve pales.
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@lokiprompts @mischief2sarawr @lulubelle814 @lokisgoodgirl @mochie85 @eyesbluelikethetitanic @vickie5446 @mcufan72 @fictive-sl0th @peaches1958 @lokilvrr @evelyn-kingsley @strangelockd @xorpsbane @lovingchoices14 @donaweasley @sailorholly @lokidokieokie
1K notes · View notes
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Pairing: John Price x fem!oc (3rd person pov)
Word count: 4.4 K
Warnings/tags: smut, p in v sex, established relationship, pet names, suggestive dialogue, swearing, drinking, caught in the rain, stuck in a blackout, couple plays truth or dare, super long winded set up for porn, and a slightly rushed ending
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NSFW taglist [opt in/out]: @imogenkol @illmetbymoonlight @roofgeese @efingart @inafieldofdaisies
@raresvtm @evvie-a @an-drawer @clicheantagonist @rc-dragons
@la-grosse-patate @direwombat @solstheimart @statichvm @cassietrn
@lady-eudaemonia @strafethesesinners @thedeadthree @voidika @mutantthedark
@strangefable @simplegenius042 @writeforfandoms @quantum-lover @heroofshield
Rain pelts down on the concrete streets of London, the scent of cool drops hitting hot pavement one of the rare scents that could only be attributed to summer in the middle of the city – not quite petrichor, but that bleach clean scent of ozone remained apparent as the storm builds to its height. Thunder booms, shrouding once sunny skies in clouds the colour of deep bruises, shades of purple and green, while lightning cracks in bright luminescent streaks worthy of ancient beliefs in Thor or Zeus’ wrath.
Amongst the masses splashing through the quickly pooling puddles, John rushes Rory inside their townhouse, his jacket held over their heads as a deterrent from the rain, though it does little good as the precipitation pours with the steady flow of a broken faucet on full blast, an absolute deluge coming down at once. They're soaked. Drowned rats with matted hair and sopping wet layers of clothing glued to their forms. 
Once inside the four walls meant to shelter them, they are no safer from the clutches of the storm. Rory flicks at the switch by the front door – click-click, click-click – doing nothing at all. The interior of the townhouse left tenebrous, shadows creeping in from the darkened corners. “Bollocks,” she mutters under her breath, heading to the coat closet and grabbing the candles and battery-operated lamps in her power outage kit – even in an unplanned crisis the woman is never unprepared. 
Water sloshes off of her as she moves about, dripping down the contours of her face from her drenched hair as John grumbles, peeling off waterlogged shoes and socks by the front door, his jacket in no better shape. “Worse spots we could be in, love. At least we’re at ‘ome, liquor cabinet stocked, gas is still on so we can cook the perishables.” “Yes. Yes, I know. Ever the pragmatist, John,” she snarks before heading to the kitchen for the lighter. “Comes with being a Captain.”
His reply is muffled as he moves down the hall, the sound of wet bare feet slapping on hardwood floors following after him, and she rolls her eyes. “Well make sure ‘the captain’ mops up after himself, yeah? Don’t need puddles on my floor,” she calls back. Rory begins lighting candles and placing them around the kitchen, filling the space with the warm amber glow of firelight flickering as a draught from the open window flows throughout. Entering moments later, John rubs a towel through his hair and tosses it at her after she places the last candle on the table in the corner nook. 
“Cheers.” She runs the terry cloth through damp strands, rustling it back and forth, leaving her hair a wild, haphazard mess of waves. “So, what do we do to pass the time for the next however many hours?”
A smirk is the only reply she receives from the bulky man in her periphery. Piercing eyes, normally steely and hard while focused on war and staying alive, sparkle with playful intent. A life to them that Rory only finds in their moments alone. The man who, when they’re miles away from base, gets to fold up and pack away things like duty and honor the way he does his clean laundry neatly into drawers.
“Fuck off, you do not have the refractory period of a 15 year old boy, pillock.” Tossing the soggy towel back at him with a grin, it slaps against his barrel chest like a dead octopus. A hearty chuckle fills the room, blue eyes sparkling from behind crinkled lines in his face. “Mind out o’the gutter, my girl. Was just gonna say we could take a nap.” Bouncing on his heels, proud as a peacock with the way he grins at her. 
She hums skeptically, “Is that so?” Her fingers curl around her hips as she stands before him, challenging him like always. “And Soap doesn’t have a bloody rolodex going of numbers he gets from the bar.” “That may be so,” John purrs, drawing closer, dropping off the soggy towel onto the top of the kitchen island. Strong arms wrap around her waist as he stands behind her, drawing her closer to him, grinding his hips against her backside. His mouth near her ear, the bristles of his beard tickle her cheek. “But I think we can both agree after going a round or two together, a rest is often necessary,” he breathes seductively, voice rough and low with desire. “Isn’t that right, love?” “So much for my mind being the one in the gutter.”
He tips his head to the side, angling it to better kiss the side of her neck, plush lips softly pressing to sensitive skin. “Could do something else instead with our time,” Rory offers.
“Like what?” He mumbles against her, lost in his own advances while nuzzling against her slick flesh. Collecting drops of rainwater that roll down the smooth column of her neck on his whiskers.
“Truth or dare? Share a bottle of whiskey while we do it?”
His laugh is a deep rumble in his chest, vibrating against her slender body and through her back as his hands knead at moist clothing cleaving to her frame. “You want to play a bloody kid’s party game?” 
Rory shrugs, nonchalant. “Why not?” “Sure know how to drive a hard bargain, Sinclair,” he snickers.
“Oi, on your bike.” Her elbow moves to gently nudge him in the stomach, her nose wrinkling as she plays up her mock annoyance.  
“Fine. Are we playin’ ‘7 minutes in Heaven’ while we’re at it then?” A lopsided smile pulling at his mouth as his brow cocks.
“That’s for afterwards.” With a frisky wink she grabs a bottle of whiskey and two glasses from the counter. “Now, come on.” Placing them on the floor, she sits with her back resting against a cabinet and pours them each a double. The amber liquid streaming in carefully controlled twists of her wrist, she’s a woman well-practiced in the art of a properly measured dram. John sighs and slowly lowers to the floor, careful with his knees and lower back as he settles, his long legs stretched out between his place against the oven door and the kitchen island in front of him. She slides one of the drinks across the tiles towards him and they clink their glasses together in a toast. “To the most ridiculous way two grown military officers could possibly spend their time together.” A bright, lilting giggle fills the space between them as dimples carve into her cheeks. 
“Haven’t done this since before I was at Sandhurst,” he muses quietly, lifting the glass and bringing it to his lips, taking a hefty sip. “Without the drink, ‘course.”
“Oh, of course.”
Sitting in the dark of their kitchen, candles aglow, it was more intimate than it likely should have been considering their choice of entertainment for the foreseeable future while the power was out. Sipping at their drinks, enjoying the smooth, warm burn of the top shelf liquor Rory always had in her collection, they sat together as if it were any other Saturday evening. “Right, sweetheart. Truth or Dare?” John asks, breaking the silence first.
“Really?” Placing the glass down on the floor beside him with a gentle crystal chime against the dark marble. “Right off the bat, not even going to go for a little danger? What happened to my brave Lieutenant, eh?” His crooked grin appears all the more sinister in the dampened light.
“Yeah, and if I hadn’t said ‘truth’ you would have given me shit about ‘not trusting you’. So piss off, you bloody prat.” He laughs once more, nodding. “Probably right, I just might’ve.” Blue eyes roam around the ebony wood cabinets of the kitchen as he thinks of a fitting question for Rory’s first choice of truth. “Our very first time together – would we have still ended up in the stall if I had the mutton chops?”
Rory, choking on the sip of whiskey she was currently drinking, coughs up the alcohol as she pats her hand against her chest, laughing. Her voice a throaty croak as she speaks, “Fucking hell, not pulling any punches, are we?” “Well?” He remains stoic, waiting for her answer, the brusque response of the Captain and not John. A barely visible curl pulls at the corner of his lips. 
“Probably.” She angles her head to the side and examines him in detail, roaming over him, imagining the baby-faced Lieutenant she met all those years ago with her future husband’s choice of facial hair. “Not exactly a look most girls are used to seeing, however. Few men can pull off the style of someone who would blend in rather nicely in an old west saloon.” A smirk pulling at her full lips as she jokes with him. 
“Probably?” John’s heavy brow furrows as his penetrating gaze lands on her, burning into her like a laser sight.
“Don’t know how the 23-year-old me would’ve felt about them.” Her one shoulder lifts in a shrug. She’s never been anything but honest with him, John having always appreciated her bluntness.
“Ah, so it takes a more mature and refined woman to respect ‘em, yeah? Not worthy of a bathroom stall, but a romp in a tent suits ‘em just fine?”
Laughing, her head tosses back, amplifying it. “Fine, you got me there.” Stretching out from her cross legged position, prodding his shin with her toes, she taunts him, continuing the schoolyard antics that started with the choice of game.
However, she’s met by the swift response of John leaning towards her and taking her hand in his. Her dainty one overwhelmed by his grip as he brings her knuckles to his lips, kissing them softly, the stubble of his beard brushing against her soft flesh. “Glad I waited to grow ‘em out then.”
“Wouldn’t have you any other way now.” Hazel eyes sparkle as she gazes at him, reflecting the candlelight in the amber flecks of her emerald depths. 
“Suits me, my girl.”
A cozy moment of silence settles between them, smiling at one another, rapt in one another’s shared attention. Six years together. It wasn’t all bliss, but it certainly suited them, with enough memories to fill several albums. Love, the most earnest either of them had ever felt, and it was only for each other. “Truth or Dare?”
“Dare,” John answered, not hesitating for a moment as he released her hand.
“Find the most embarrassing item of clothing you have in the closet, and tell me why.”
“Cheatin’.” He points his finger at her, suddenly a stickler for the rules. “Tha’s a truth and a dare.”
“Maybe so, but fuck it, if we’re gonna play a teenager’s game we might as well have teenager’s rules.”
Steely eyes narrow, his mouth purses making his mustache twitch in response. “Is this just a chance f’you to make fun of that Christmas sweater mum got me last year?”
Shaking her head, she works to hold in a chuckle that tries it’s hardest to sneak past tight lips. “I didn’t say dorky, I said embarrassing. Something with a little more meaning behind it than a big reindeer head with a light up nose – as adorable as that was on you,” she teases.
Jaw clenching, his nose wrinkles as he grimaces. “Fuckin’ ‘ell.” Rising with a grumble, he uses his mobile flashlight to find his way through the darkened home. In the silence, free from the usual electrical hum of appliances, Rory relaxes against the cupboard and sips her drink. Quiet and her weren’t usually on good terms. Unlike John, her peace was found through noise, chaos. Silence simply let the ghosts that haunted her seep in, her usual means of coping keeping them at bay. But, for once, she seems to enjoy the relative calm. A certain sensory deprivation about the stillness and the dark, the peaceful hypnotic dance of candle flames flickering around her, keeping her from drifting too far into the shadows in her head. 
Arriving back in the kitchen several minutes later, John unfurls an old Motorhead tee shirt, the once black material now worn out and grayed with age. 
“Motorhead?” Her brow lifts. “How is that embarrassing? I already know your music taste, love.” A cheeky smirk pulls at her lips as she crosses her arms over her chest.
He sighs and drags a hand through his hair. “You wanted the story behind it, yeah?” His brow lifts to meet hers, staring at her from under the ridge, frustration apparent on his face. “So, let me tell it.”
“Go on then.” Holding out her hand in an invitation to him to sit and tell the tale. As he sits, her hands return to the space between her lap, cupping the glass that sits nestled between her thighs, body heat warming the last sips of liquor inside.
“Right. So, before we met – the first time, I mean – there was a bird. Had just gone and seen the band live in concert on my leave, been sweating and fighting my arse off in Iraq before that, meant to give this to her before I left again,” he says, gripping the shirt tight in his fist like he’s choking the life from it, the tendons in his arms standing out in stark relief. “Didn’t work out, for several reasons.” By the tone of his voice, she can already tell it was less than amicable. No wonder he had been looking for a quick hook up the same way she had all those years ago. “But I liked the shirt,” he shrugs, “Had it sitting at the back of the closet for years now.” Tossing the shirt away from him, it skids across the floor in a crumpled mess. Rory’s eyes follow it’s trajectory, attuned to the movement like it's a target in the sight of her scope. Her gut churns, annoyed with herself for making him dredge up the past. She glances back at him, chewing on her lip, her brows knitting together as that natural predilection to be a smartass to cover for the tension boils up inside her. But she can’t. Not like this. 
“You’re a better person than I. Would have burned the damn thing, good riddance too. The bitch,” she snarls.
A smirk plays at the corner of John’s mouth at her reaction. Glancing up, he grunts, the little growl from the back of his throat a response to the possessive hint in Rory’s tone as he lifts his glass to take another drink. 
Sparks flare in her eyes, an idea coming to mind, the little fireball John’s madly in love with coming out to play. She could never sit idly by when she had the chance to solve a problem. “Tell you what, you and me, we’re going to make a good memory with it.”
Wiping his mouth with the side of his hand after swigging back his last sip, his voice is hoarse with the burn. “What the ‘ell are you on about?”
“Well, we’ve made very good memories together quite often, haven’t we?” She purrs, implying the obvious as she snatches the shirt from its puddle of material it landed in on the floor. “There is no way I am letting some slag ruin this for you, my darling.” “What d’you suggest then, sweetheart?” he asks with a cocky lift of his brow. “Clothes are wet anyhow.” 
Peeling off her damp shirt like a second skin, Rory then unhooks her bra. Tossing both articles of clothing to the side as she smiles at him, her intense doe-eyed stare seemingly bottomless in the shadowy kitchen. “Bloody good start, love.” His heated gaze roams over her exposed chest, a sight he’s seen a thousand times before, and still that predatory stare residing just below the surface comes creeping back up to the forefront. Skin the complexion of peaches and cream glows, illuminated by dancing flames licking at wicks, shadows and highlights forming over the scars that blemish her skin from combat. Standing, she unbuttons her trousers, letting the wide legged black pants fall to the ground and drape around her feet. John’s hand deftly sneaking in before they pool around her ankles to grab her glass on the floor, finishing off the last dregs of it himself. Slipping her panties down next, stepping out of the pile of wet clothes, she kicks them away and grabs the oversized band tee. The threadbare cotton hugging her lithe form as she stands over him, hands on her hips. 
“Even better, you ask me.” His stare sparkles mischievously up at her from his spot on the floor, unmoved. Square jaw going slack as he swallows thickly, pushing the glasses away from him, his steadily stiffening erection growing more evident by the moment as it strains against the material of his gray sweatpants.
A quiet, breathy giggle leaves her as she lowers to sit in his lap, legs straddled on either side of his thick, muscular thighs. Her forehead resting against his as she gazes into his eyes and whispers, “When you see this shirt in future, I just want you to think of that time you shagged your wife-to-be thoroughly on the kitchen floor during a blackout.”
“Can do, my girl,” John rumbles as his hands lift to rest on the curve of her waist, gripping her tight.  
Cocking her head to the side, angling it to better mark his mouth with her lips, she kisses him ardently. The rough pads of his fingers curl under her chin as he pulls her closer to him, their lips meet in a searing embrace. 
With little coaxing, the waistband of his sweatbands rolls down his hips. His cock hard, ready to be made of use, thick and heavy. Eyes smoldering with desire, he watches her every move as she settles down on his length, her tight sex enveloping him in its velvet grip. Wet heat. Pure bliss. Groaning – a low, guttural sound – he buries his face in the crook of her neck. Hot breath fanning against her, the skin below becoming moist, his beard burning against sensitive flesh. She starts to move, and his hips rise to meet her, thrusting to drive deeper with each roll of her hips and lift of her toned thighs. Breaths are punched from her lungs as he buries himself inside her, muscles visibly flexing with each shift of her body. A dance, one they've perfected over the years, a rhythm that brings them both to that sweet edge.
As if on cue, John begins to lavish her in praise. Give and take. The ebb and flow of the ever shifting landscape of who leads and which one follows, a comfortable equality within their dichotomy that never fails to work for both parties, knowing exactly what works for each of them to reach that inevitable peak.
"Fuck, Rory," he growls, grabbing at her for leverage. "So fuckin’ perfect f’me.” 
Large, rough paws grip at her waist possessively, pulling her close as if he needs the anchor. He bucks his hips, desperate to delve deeper, but her pace remains deliberate, maddening. A sense of control that causes a smile to tug at the corner of his mouth as he watches her ride him, the sight of her body undulating over his, a work of art.
Flesh meets at several points of contact, penetrated folds and warm hands sliding up the curves of her body send sparks through her nerves. Goosebumps rise, left behind along his ascent towards the firm peaks of her breasts, gentle swells hidden by the excess material of his oversized shirt. As deft fingers tease at her pebbled nipples below the shirt, pinching and pulling, Rory increases the pace in his lap, rocking with a meter that matches the pounding of her heart.
"Yes, just like that, my girl. Doin’ so good, sweetheart,” he groans, hoarse and panting. 
Encased in her body, control slipping, needs demanding to be met, the rhythm builds, sounds of lovemaking growing louder. 
"God, I love you," John mumbles as he nuzzles against her once more. The words, heavy with emotion, fall from his lips, a testament to the bond they share. In this moment, there is no war, no death, no fear - only the two of them, entwined in passion. Rory moans, breathless, her desire carrying her forward. Her arms wrap around his broad shoulders, and her fingers card through cropped hair at his nape. “Love you too, my darling,” she whispers against the shell of his ear. Her soft breaths against him fanning the flames between them.
It’s not a sentiment that is often shared aloud, one saved for moments of life or death or intense vulnerability. But, as he looks up at her, there is a depth of adoration in his eyes that cannot be denied, a devotion and desire that is as fierce as it is tender. This is a man who has killed for her and will likely do so again – when he says love, she knows he means it. Their mouths collide, tongues sliding against each other, lips wrapped in a tight seal that lets not a single breath escape. Sounds of pleasure pass between them as they share everything else in their lives. Home. In his arms she finds solace from bullets flying overhead or silent nights marred by guilt-ridden dreams; this sanctuary exists nowhere else on Earth but right here between them.
John carefully lowers her to the floor, his hand cradling the back of her head, protecting her like some fragile prize as she comes to rest against the tile floor, supine. His mouth refusing to leave hers – firm, adamant kisses claim her lips. A low groan coming from him as he kneels on the hard floor between her thighs. His touch trails up her body, tracing curves he’s felt a hundred times before and still never gets enough of. 
She watches him the whole way down to the floor, her eyes locked on his in a heated exchange. He’s the one, she thinks, and her heart confirms it as it races, her chest rising and falling with short, heavy breaths. She’s never been more sure of anything in her life, of anyone – just him. 
His strong hands slide up her arms, lifting them to bring them up over her head, held there as their hands clasp together. His scarred knuckle brushing against the gold, diamond-set band on her ring finger, a stark reminder of the life they have planned together, entangled forever. The needy head of his cock nudges against her entrance, pushing against her slick folds, as it begs for re-entry. Aching for him, the momentary emptiness felt deep within her. Whimpering together at the gentle pressure before her heat welcomes him in once more, inch by inch, he slides in until their hips meet, taking her slow and deep on the floor of their kitchen. Her back arches, lifting to unite with him. Mewling desperately, not caring if the neighbors hear. Every touch of his mouth and tongue along her jawline and down her throat towards her collarbone drives her wild as she sinks further into her choreographed submission, a practiced performance, knowing the steps forwards and backwards and never showing signs of needing another partner. 
“John,” she breathes his name as his hips continue to move against hers, their chests pressed together with only a shirt that had once left a bad taste in his mouth between them, now slick with their combined sweat. 
“Yeah, love?” He looks down at her, his brow furrowed with concentration, jaw flexing below his scruff as his adam’s apple bobs with each heavy breath and thick swallow. 
Her body begins to show the tell-tale signs of her impending climax, her muscles tightening in her legs, toes curling, the flush that grows from her chest to her cheeks warming her from the inside out and melding with the heat of his body pinned to hers on the cold kitchen tiles. Her stomach muscles flutter, her cunt clenching down on the thick of him. “I’m so close,” she whines. “I know, darlin’,” he husks as the tip of his nose nudges at the side of her neck where her pulse thunders. His lips sucking on her salty flesh stained with sweat, rasping against her, “Come for me, Rory.”
She clings to his hands held to hers, nails digging into the tendons and scars on the back of them. Long, toned legs wrapping around his waist as her body begs to be even closer to him, linked as one. Her breath hitches just before she cries out and her vision blurs, her eyes rolling back as each pulse from her core floods her body, weaving its way up her spine. 
Lost for a moment, unable to find her way in the dark, forgetting where she is, she succumbs to the ravages of John’s single-minded focus on her body. Letting their dance sweep her away as he continues to thrust, chasing his own release. Her body heavy, weighted with the pleasure of release, sinks into the sturdy floor below and she enjoys the jolts of sensation that build up inside her once again with his attention.
The slick of them moving together, the rise and fall of their bodies in unison, the tight contractions around him, drives the two ever nearer to the end of their waltz. His grip on her hands tightens in return, holding her in place as each pump of his cock becomes more erratic. More urgent. 
“Fuck, Ror,” he grunts, “Nearly fuckin’ there.”
The wet noises of their coupling echo through the kitchen, meeting with the incessant patter of rain outside the window. A convergence in tempo with his last surging thrust as he can no longer hold back, cumming deep inside her.
He releases his hold on her, their palms both sweaty and red from the grip they had on each other. Pulling her into his arms, their sweat mingles as he cradles her close. "Tha's my girl," John murmurs, his fingers running through her hair as his hand snakes up the back of her neck. “Gonna need you to wear that shirt more often now, I s’pose.”
It’s a simple comfort, the afterglow of passion, basking in it while the storm continues to rage outside, but they were right where they were supposed to be. They belong to each other, plain and simple, and neither would have it any other way.
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stevethefishdotnet · 2 months
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Argo Nauts 1:72 Y-Wing sofubi build update August 7th, 2024
I had posted a scan of this kit's box a few months ago. This is a sofubi (soft vinyl) kit with some brass, pewter, and resin pieces. The main body is vinyl, the disk ventrals at the tail ends of the nacelles are resin, the nacelle beams are brass, and the guns and landing gears are pewter (I think).
This picture above is a quick dry fit of what it looks like so far. I didn't tape the pieces together or anything, but just quickly assembled it for this picture. I later realized that I had hastily attached the nacelles upside-down. I just threw this quickly together to take a photo.
The kit does not come with any decals, so I gave it my own, unique paint scheme. This is a Blue Squadron Y-Wing and I am happy with the stripes I fashioned on my own with masking tape. I painted the vinyl parts with V-Color paints, which are made specifically for painting sofubi kits and toys. This paint is great because when applied properly to vinyl, you cannot scratch it off. It's extremely durable and flexible paint.
I first mixed Light Gray in with Black to make my own German Gray color which I used as an undercoat. I splotched Mr. Masking Neo in areas with a sponge for paint chipping, then went over it with Light Gray. I used Blue and Pastel Blue for the trim, and Orange Yellow to have one panel be a replacement. For the non-sofubi parts, I used Mr. Color 325 (JASDF Gray, IIRC) which is a good match for the V-Color Light Gray. The engine cans were painted a mixture of V-Color Gloss Black and Silver, resulting in a nice gunmetal color.
I later decided to not go with the pastel blue trim for the nacelle tips and re-masked and re-painted them with the matching medium blue I'd used on the cockpit fuselage, which you can see in the photo below. It was a bit tricky, but I also added a small ring of Flesh 1 color on the sensor domes. V-Color has its own clear Smoke color. I made sure to use the Smoke to stain the area around the proton torpedo launchers on the underside. After applying that and a clear gloss top coat, I applied a wash. You cannot use enamel paints on vinyl since they do not react well to each other. Instead I used some Turner Acryl Goache paints, some black with a bit of gray mixed in. Turner paints can be found at any stationery store here in Japan and elementary students use these paints for their classroom art projects. (The jibungous Tsutaya mega bookstore in Maebashi has a great hobby section that has a wide selection of these paints as well as artist oils, pastel chalks, and plenty of other hobby supplies.) I thinned it with Mr. Hobby's Weathering Paint Goache Solvent. (I don't know what "goache" means because I forget... Go look it up if you care.) This is made for making a wash out of acrylic paints. Simple water or acrylic thinner can cause the paint to dry in splotches, but this solvent is made to help the paint run into contours and stay still instead of spreading into splotches.
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There is no flat clear V-Color paint, so I had to create my own with Clear and Flat Base and tested it out on some spare vinyl until it looked right. I think maybe it might be a bit too flat, but I'm alright. After this flat coat, the blue looks considerably subdued and blends in better with the light gray.
The photo above is just another sloppy dry fit. Thus, it doesn't look straight. So far I have only glued the nose cannons to the cockpit pod, the sensor array domes to the nacelle tips, the engine cans and the exhaust shrouds that cover them to the engine pods, and I have glued the disk vectrals to the support pylons at the ends of the nacelles. I have yet to secure these beams to the engine pods, which are also not glued to the engine pylons. Nor have I glued the fuselage, cockpit, canopy, and such.
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To quote Han Solo, "Here's where the fun begins." While this kit provides brass rods for the support pylons, you have to provide your own wires for the piping and bend them all into shape. If I don't get this part right, the model won't look good. So, I am a bit nervous. I am using Wave's C-Line brass rods. Since I have seen some Y-Wing builds in which the pipes were painted a metallic color, I think I might just leave mine unpainted. A viewer on YouTube suggested to me to paint the wires a metallic color for scale, but I think it looks fine as it is. What do you think? They look a bit too shiny since the fluorescent light is shining directly onto them in this picture. I will apply a wash on the brass rods and I was thinking that I will hand-brush Mr. Metal Primer since it is clear and the enamel or whatever should stick to it better after that. Maybe I'll use that Games Workshop Nuln Oil as a wash over the pipes. The pipes should add the bonus value of acting like pins to keep the pieces together. 
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So far, my only complaint is the cockpit canopy. It was difficult to cut out the windows and I think it really should have been molded in resin. The Astromech was painted V-Color Gloss Black and masked off. I will paint its trim with Mr. Hobby Aqueous Gloss White. I also need to paint the cockpit instrumentation with various colors too.
I'm really enjoying this build and as a result I'm getting back into the three Nadia sofubi kits by Tsukuda that have been languishing for years as shelf queens. I've made good progress with those and I will post an update on those soon. I've also begun working on a Deedlit sofubi kit by Kaiyodo.
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furinabakery · 5 months
Neuviyuri au!
F/F Neuvifuri, a little genderfuckery, modern school AU
When Furina asked Neuvillette of this, it was simply out of desperation. Her determination to ensure that their theater club's major project would be a success prompted her to try all methods possible— even if that included being shameless enough to ask Neuvillette to play the lead role of a male judge.
But really, Furina was not expecting a yes for an answer. After all, Neuvillette has already done her a huge favor simply by agreeing to be part of this club, during the start of the school year. All clubs need to reach a minimum number of members for them to be recognized by the school, and back then, the theater club was on the brink of being dissolved— until Neuvillette, Furina's ever-gracious best friend, came to the rescue.
"I know you don't like being in the spotlight," Furina noted, after expressing her gratitude, "so I assure you you don't have to be in one to contribute meaningfully to the club! The ones working behind the scenes are just as important as those onstage. So there's no need to worry; as your club president, I'll make sure that you'll only ever do things you're comfortable with!"
Well. That was still true, alright. Furina was perfectly capable of respecting Neuvillette's decision had she said no. All she planned to do was try; it would have been a waste not to, when Neuvillette is the most qualified member of the club for the role. Neuvillette was dedicated, diligent, and she had a temperament similar to the character— she would master the role in no time.
And another important aspect was Neuvillette's physique. She was tall, slender, had broad shoulders; she had always been the sort of lady to look better in button-ups than dresses. Apart from that, there was also this certain aura in the way she carries herself... and ever since Furina became hyper-aware of these, she could no longer shrug off the vision of Neuvillette playing the strong and mighty judge in their play.
And so, after a lot of hesitations, of stuttering from Furina's part when she asked Neuvillette the question— they now found themselves here.
One aspect to pay attention to in ensuring Neuvillette's effective portrayal of the role was her makeup and wardrobe. So this weekend, Furina decided to pay Neuvillette a visit in her home, and help her pick suitable clothes from the ones she already owned. Furina also brought her makeup kit, intending to teach Neuvillette the most fitting look for the role she will play.
The wardrobe part was easy enough. Neuvillette's clothes mostly consisted of suits and button-ups, which were definitely in-character of a judge. What was a little challenging, however, was the makeup part, for the art of painting faces was not something that Neuvillette frequently dabbled on. Furina had to teach her the basics, before they could proceed with the specifics.
And at some point, Furina's more experienced hands had to be the ones to put the makeup on Neuvillette's face.
"Like this, Neuvi..." Furina said as she applied the contour on Neuvillette's face. "This will make the bone structure of your face more prominent... more— hm... more traditionally masculine...?"
"Hm," Neuvillette said, attention full on Furina. One of her hands was on Furina's waist to help her balance. "Just like the thick eyebrows?"
"Yeah, I mean... there are definitely men with thinner eyebrows and softer facial features, but... well... there are some... standards to adhere to..." Furina trailed off, her focus wandering. "But you know what I think, honestly? Even without this makeup you can pass off as a man..."
Absentminded, Furina took a few moments to realize what she had just said, the possible offensiveness of it. So, nervously, she looked at Neuvillette, tried to gauge her reaction.
But Neuvillette only looked back at her, only continued drawing circles on Furina's waist.
Furina swallowed.
"Done." She stepped away, prompted Neuvillette to face the vanity mirror. "What do you think?"
Neuvillette stared at her reflection for a while.
Then, her face went through a myriad of emotions that Furina had never seen before.
Furina did not quite have the words to describe them. There was softness, and then there was disbelief, then wonder, fascination... Could the most meticulously-planned and scripted plays ever produced by the school's theater club pull on her heart, the way Neuvillette's rawest and realest expressions did so in this moment? Furina doubted it.
In fact, Furina doubted she could find a greater beauty anywhere else, than the one this woman now possessed.
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queenmabsim · 3 months
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rice twins lookbook
@thebramblewood put out a call for more vampires that I simply had to answer, and thus my two new favorite thembos were born. you can find an introduction to them and a little biography of their life and death over here.
I will admit this is terribly unorganized and I apologize for that, but I probably will not do any better. if I missed something you want to know about, shoot me a message. ~
teeth | eyebrows | makeup | freckles | sunglasses [tsr link] | earrings | eyeshadow [tsr link] | formal top | knee pads | face kit | blush | hairline | contour [I think. hard to tell with how they name things. ] | eyeliner | skin details | necklace | socks | boots | hoodie & jeans | tattoos | other eyeshadow | hairline | accessory shirts | accessory skirt | another accessory shirt | hair | hot weather fit | sandals | sweater | skintones
accessory shirts & gloves | eyebrows | sunglasses | hair | pants | formal bottoms | eyeshadow | bottoms | hot weather bottoms
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carvinylcarl · 4 months
What Should be Part of Your Vehicle Wrapping Kits?
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Vehicle wrapping kits can help improve the visual appeal of your car or unify your fleet vehicles. There are also other benefits, such as car protection and advertisement potential.
Whatever you want your vehicle wrap to achieve, it will only serve its intended purpose when you have an effective vehicle wrapping kit. Good vehicle wrapping kits typically include high-quality materials and the necessary tools to ensure a smooth and professional application.
Here are the key elements of good vehicle wrapping kits:
High-Quality Vinyl Wrap: there are 4 factors that determine the quality of vinyl wrap: durability, flexibility, thickness, and adhesiveness. The vinyl should be durable, withstanding harsh weather conditions, UV rays, and car washes without fading or peeling. Good vinyl is also flexible enough to conform to the curves and contours of the vehicle without cracking. A thicker vinyl (around 3-4 mm) provides better coverage and durability. And finally, the adhesive of wrap should be strong enough to hold the vinyl in place but also allow repositioning during application.
Application Tools: There are 2 especially useful tools which will aid in the application process. Squeegees, which help smooth out the vinyl and remove air bubbles. Then there are utility knives, which are essential for trimming off excess vinyl.
Cleaning Supplies: Cleaning the vehicle's surface ensures that the wrap has the best chance of sticking to the vehicle's body. Cleaning products available to you include microfibre cloths, which clean and dry the surface without leaving scratches. There are also alcoholic cleansers, which will rid a vehicle's surface of any debris or dirt.
Application Solution: An application fluid or mix of water and a small amount of soap will help position the vinyl before it sticks firmly.
Heat Guns: A heat source is crucial for making the vinyl pliable around curves and edges. More pliability means that the wrap will be able to neatly fit around corners and dents in a vehicle.
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Brands and Quality:
Investing in reliable brands, such as 3M, Avery Dennison, VViViD, or ATC is a good idea as they offer high-quality products with proven performance
A good vehicle wrapping kit combines durable, flexible vinyl with the right tools and accessories to guarantee a smooth, bubble-free application. Look for kits that have an array of important tools and accessories, as well as durable vehicle wrap. It would also be beneficial to find a kit with instructions if you are a beginner.
When you're armed with the ideal vehicle wrapping kit, then you will have the best chance of a successful vehicle wrap application. And when wrap is properly applied, then its benefits can be reaped.
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jesusbutbetterrr · 9 months
Hi Jesus !!! Use this ask as ur personal ticket to dump about whatever you want! I wanna listen!!!
ok so this is mainly just gonna be about makeup and shit bc it's one of my favorite things. So like half of this is issues I have and then the other half is my screaming about stuff. The yelling is first, issues at the bottom. All below cut
We need to start normalizing colors in every day makeup.
"You look like a clown!" Good, did I scare you?
It kinda breaks my heart to see someone decide against a blue eyeshadow look because it's "too much" or whatever. I hate the amount of times I've been complimented on my makeup for looking "so natural" I get it's said in nice intentions, but my goal was drag queen low-key.
Also I want people to feel free to try out different things with makeup, it's not something you need to look alive or shit. It's too put on for fun and to look cool and awesome and express yourself.
You like that color? Go paint half of your face with it!!! (Ok I feel like it just should be said tho, do not paint your whole face in black, just don't)
You love glitter? Put it everywhere!!
Fan of a certain shape? Like doodling? By the gods, try out graphic liner!!!!!
just wear it, I feel like we need to do that more
ok maybe don't do certain shit tho, like please don't put stuff in places if it says not to. Don't ask me about pressed pigments, it's literally just eyeshadow that could possibly land cosmetic companies into lawsuits, that's why when they add pressed pigments into eyeshadow palettes they tell you not to put it near your eyes. I hate to tell you, but it's going near my eyes. Almost on a daily basis. Chose your own journey.
um I feel like I got most my ideas out.
I mean if its something really cool and specific to the brand and everything checks out for it to be good, go ahead, treat yourself.
For the issues n stuff:
I have an issue with a lot of tiktok makeup trends due to the fact that half of them are the same thing with maybe one or two changes to them, but suddenly everyone has to 'jump on' to the trend even tho they did the same thing three videos ago.
I'm also tired of a lot of the clean girl shit simply because a lot of the people who do it make it seem like that is the only way makeup should be done. Like the whole idea that makeup should be natural or made to look just like skin or whatever is bull shit to me simply because the people who say that tend to like push the idea instead of just kinda bring it up. Im not saying everyone does, but there are a lot who do.
Another issue I have is like a lot of fancy ass brands and shit. Like a lot of these brands will release new things like eyeshadow palettes and it's only like 6-24 or so of the same nude/neutral colors that can be found in so many other palettes. I just don't really see the point in it. Also like half the time I see people paying like more than half a lower class pay check for a cosmetic product that preforms just about as well as a makeup kit from Claire's. Like what's the fucking point.
I don't like the fact that we're in the year 2024 and people sit dont widen the shade ranges for darker skin tones and shit. Im glad we're learning about all the different undertones for people and all that, but like for the love of god, can y'all quit making a total of 4-6 shades for dark skin colors and also stop making them all warm toned. I will say though, there are brands starting to get better, but I'm so tired of seeing a foundation go viral only for a POC to not find their own shade in that product.
This also goes for things outside of foundation or concealer. Face powders, bronzers, contour, blushes, lipsticks even. Like this issue goes past the more basic things. This is why I literally hate hearing about Charlotte Tilbury's pillow talk lipstick. "But what about pillow talk medium?" It can burn in hell. Also like seeing POC only have about one or two blush choices half the time is more than disappointing. The darkest bronzer of a new product that could literally be used as face powders for them, actually depressing.
Anyways yea, I feel like I've gone on long enough, people need to widen the shade ranges, it's actually not that hard.
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♟ and 🙃
board games/arts and crafts inside + someone to share their suffering with
i did a card game instead of a board game hope you don't mind 😩
“You’re cheating.”
“I am not cheating!”
“Are too. Memorizing the deck is cheating.”
Nicholas grinned impishly, shifting on his hips as he sat across from Rhonda. They were playing cards. They’d started with poker, but had changed to go fish after Number Two lectured them for using her chocolate candies as betting chips.
“I memorize everything I see, Rhonda,” Nicholas explained teasingly. “I can’t help it.”
Rhonda heaved a dramatic sign. “Fine. Give me your kings.”
“Go fish.”
Rhonda said something unfit for print.
After that, the game was forgotten, both of them too caught up in their laughter. Nicholas fell asleep and dropped his hand of cards all over his lap and the table and the floor. They fluttered through the air in a comedic contrast to the way Nicholas’s head thunked against the table— Rhonda was a split second too late to catch him. He groaned a little as he awoke, almost unused to the pain throbbing in his forehead, the feeling of a blooming bruise.
“Oh, Nicholas,” Rhonda said, her laughs quieting. She stood up from her seat and moved to stand beside Nicholas’ chair, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Are you alright? That didn’t sound good.”
Nicholas nodded, trying to shake off the pain. “I’m just fine, dear. It’s nothing I’m not used to.”
Rhonda looked at him for a long moment. Her face, soft and contoured, examined the creases beneath his eyes and the wild state of his hair, even messier than typical after his episode. She kept her hand on his shoulder. Her fingers rubbed small, tender circles into his skin, touching at the knots in the muscles beneath. Nicholas turned to look at her with wide eyes.
“It worries me, sometimes,” she began. “When you brush off your pain. Whether emotional or physical.”
Nicholas stared like a deer in headlights.
“It’s okay to say it hurts. We all hurt, don’t we, in one way or another?”
“That is true. Very wise, as always, dear,” Nicholas said, his voice sounding rather clipped.
“This morning I stubbed my toe. On that awful box of files we haven’t found a better place for—”
“—oh, that one’s gotten me too, we’ve really got to move it,” interrupted Nicholas, in the quick and muttering way he often did. Rhonda smiled.
“We do. The point is, Nicholas— my toe was exploding. It was agony. And what did I do? I whined to Number Two about it.”
Nicholas chuckled. He could imagine Rhonda, hobbling dramatically, claiming she’d been mortally injured. Number Two would give a fond smirk and go find the first aid kit.
“And when Milligan was sick last month? What did you do?” Rhonda prompted.
“Changed his bedsheets,” Nicholas recounted. “Made his favorite dinner. Kept track of when he’d last taken medicine— ah. I may…see where you’re headed.”
Rhonda hummed. “And you know what, Nicholas?”
He looked at her.
“You deserve that treatment, too. You’re a part of our family.”
Nicholas smiled softly, his eyes watering a little. This time, Rhonda saw him begin to sway. He caught him when he fell. A moment later, he woke up in her arms, his head slumped against her shoulder.
“Mmm. Twice in a few minutes. Not a great record.”
Rhonda laughed. “Time for some rest on the couch, maybe?”
Nicholas nodded. “My, um—”
He hesitated, for a moment, trying to form the words in his mouth. They felt clumsy and sticky and fixed to the back of his throat.
“—my head hurts,” he finished, and Rhonda, in spite of the bad news, smiled.
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5 Important Makeup Brushes Every Makeup Artist Should Carry in Their Kit
As a professional makeup artist, having the right tools is just as important as having the right products. Your makeup brushes are the foundation of a flawless look, and whether you're working on a bride, a model, or creating editorial looks, having the right set of brushes can make all the difference. With so many brushes on the market, it can be overwhelming to know which ones are essential for your kit. Here's a guide to the top 5 makeup brushes that every makeup artist should carry, with expert recommendations from Jawed Habib Academy, Laxmi Nagar Delhi (9266610366).
1. Foundation Brush A foundation brush is an essential tool in any makeup kit. It can be a flat, dense brush or a pointed brush, both of which help apply liquid or cream foundation smoothly for an even and flawless finish. This allows you to blend the foundation evenly into the skin, creating a perfect canvas for the rest of your makeup. It is important to use a brush made of synthetic fibers, as they work better with liquid products and offer better precision.
2. Powder Brush After applying foundation, it is essential to set it with a good setting powder for long-lasting wear. A large fluffy powder brush is ideal for evenly applying powder or bronzer. The soft bristles help the product spread smoothly across the face, without disrupting the base makeup. Opt for a high-quality powder brush with soft bristles to achieve a light and natural look.
3. Blending Eyeshadow Brush A blending brush is crucial for eye makeup. This soft, tapered brush allows for easy blending of color on the crease and lid, creating a professional and diffused look. It can be used with both matte and shimmer shades, making it a versatile tool for any makeup artist. Whether you're going for a soft smoky eye or a bold crease, a blending brush will provide a smooth transition between colors.
4. Angled Brow or Eyeliner Brush An angled eyebrow brush is an essential tool for creating sharp lines with precision. It is perfect for filling in brows with powder or pomade as well as creating precise winged eyeliner with gel or cream products. This brush allows for controlled and neat application, ensuring that brows and eyeliner are always well aligned.
5. Blush/Contour Brush A blush or contour brush is essential for adding definition and warmth to the face. This medium-sized, angled or rounded brush is perfect for precise application of blush, contour, or highlight. It helps sculpt and define the face, giving it dimension and a healthy glow. To achieve the best results, choose a soft but dense brush that can pick up and blend pigmented powders without leaving streaks.
Invest in Your Craft with Jawed Habib Academy Laxmi Nagar Delhi
Having essential brushes in your makeup kit is crucial for both experienced artists and beginners. The right tools can enhance the quality of your work and boost your confidence. Jawed Habib Academy in Laxmi Nagar Delhi provides courses to help individuals learn and improve their makeup skills. Contact 9266610366 & Email: [email protected] for more information on how to elevate your makeup. Follow them on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube and Twitter for updates and more.
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elenagold236 · 16 days
The Essential Guide to Freshwater Fishing Knives: Choosing the Perfect Tool for Your Angling Adventures
Freshwater fishing is a beloved pastime that brings relaxation, excitement, and a deep connection with nature. However, having the right gear can make all the difference in enhancing your fishing experience. One crucial tool for any angler is the freshwater fishing knife. This versatile piece of equipment is essential for various tasks, from cleaning your catch to handling bait. In this guide, we'll explore the key features of freshwater fishing knives, how to choose the right one, and why investing in a quality knife can elevate your fishing adventures.
Why You Need a Freshwater Fishing Knife
A freshwater fishing knife is designed specifically for the unique demands of freshwater fishing. Here’s why this tool is indispensable for any angler:
Precision and Efficiency: Fishing knives are crafted to handle the delicate task of filleting fish. Their sharp, flexible blades make it easier to remove bones and skin, ensuring clean, precise cuts. This efficiency is crucial for preparing your catch for cooking or storage.
Versatility: Beyond filleting, a fishing knife can also assist with other tasks such as cutting lines, trimming bait, and even preparing camping food. This multifunctionality makes it a valuable tool in your fishing kit.
Safety: Using a dedicated fishing knife helps ensure that you’re equipped with the right tool for the job, reducing the risk of accidents. A properly designed fishing knife minimizes the chance of slips and cuts, which is especially important when handling sharp blades.
Durability: Freshwater fishing knives are built to withstand the rigors of outdoor use. They are made from high-quality materials that resist corrosion and maintain their sharp edge, even after extended periods of use.
Features to Look for in Freshwater Fishing Knives
Choosing the right fishing knife involves considering several key features to ensure it meets your needs. Here’s what to look for:
Blade Material: The material of the blade impacts its performance and longevity. Stainless steel is a popular choice due to its resistance to corrosion and ease of sharpening. Some high-end knives use carbon steel for superior sharpness, though these may require more maintenance.
Blade Flexibility: A flexible blade is ideal for filleting as it allows for smooth, precise cuts along the contours of the fish. Look for knives with a blade that offers the right amount of flexibility for your preferred style of filleting.
Blade Length: The length of the blade should match the type of fish you commonly catch. A longer blade is suitable for larger fish, while a shorter blade offers better control for smaller species. Generally, a blade length between 6 to 9 inches is ideal for most freshwater fishing applications.
Handle Design: Comfort and grip are crucial for safety and efficiency. Choose a handle that feels comfortable in your hand and provides a secure grip, even when wet. Handles made from materials such as rubber or textured polymers offer excellent traction and comfort.
Sheath: A sheath is important for protecting the blade and ensuring safe storage. Look for knives that come with a durable sheath that securely holds the knife and prevents accidental injuries.
Ease of Maintenance: Regular maintenance is key to keeping your fishing knife in top condition. Opt for a knife that is easy to clean and sharpen, with a blade that maintains its edge over time.
Top Freshwater Fishing Knives to Consider
When selecting a freshwater fishing knife, consider the following popular models known for their performance and durability:
Rapala Fish ‘n Fillet Knife: This classic choice features a flexible, stainless steel blade and a comfortable, ergonomic handle. It comes with a matching sheath and sharpener, making it a versatile and convenient option for anglers.
Bubba Blade 9” Fillet Knife: Known for its high-quality construction and impressive sharpness, the Bubba Blade offers a non-slip grip and a full-tang design for strength and durability. Its long, flexible blade is perfect for filleting larger fish.
Gerber Controller Fillet Knife: This knife combines a razor-sharp blade with an ergonomic handle designed for comfort and control. It includes a protective sheath and is ideal for both novice and experienced anglers.
Wüsthof Gourmet Fillet Knife: For those seeking a premium option, the Wüsthof Gourmet series offers exceptional quality with its precision-forged blade and comfortable handle. It’s a great choice for those who demand the best in performance and durability.
How to Properly Maintain Your Freshwater Fishing Knife
To ensure your fishing knife remains in excellent condition, follow these maintenance tips:
Clean After Each Use: Rinse the knife with fresh water immediately after use to remove any fish residue. Use a mild soap and water to clean the blade, and dry it thoroughly to prevent rusting.
Sharpen Regularly: Keep the blade sharp with regular honing and sharpening. Use a sharpening stone or electric sharpener to maintain the edge. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for sharpening angles and techniques.
Store Safely: Always store your knife in its sheath or a protective case to prevent damage and accidental cuts. Keep it in a dry place to avoid rust and corrosion.
Inspect for Damage: Regularly check the knife for any signs of damage or wear. Replace or repair any parts that are compromised to ensure the knife remains safe and effective.
Where to Buy Freshwater Fishing Knives
You can find a range of freshwater fishing knives at various retailers, including:
Specialty Fishing Stores: Many fishing tackle shops offer a selection of high-quality fishing knives. The staff can provide personalized recommendations based on your needs.
Outdoor Gear Retailers: Stores specializing in outdoor gear and equipment often carry a range of fishing knives. These retailers may offer additional fishing accessories and gear.
Online Retailers: Websites like Amazon, Bass Pro Shops, and Cabela’s provide a wide selection of fishing knives with customer reviews and detailed product descriptions. This option offers convenience and a broader range of choices.
Local Markets and Craft Fairs: For unique, handcrafted knives, check local markets and craft fairs where artisans may offer custom fishing knives.
Conclusion: Elevate Your Fishing Experience with the Right Knife
A freshwater fishing knife is more than just a tool; it’s an essential piece of gear that enhances your fishing experience. By choosing a high-quality knife with the right features, you ensure that you’re well-prepared for handling and preparing your catch. Whether you opt for a classic model or a premium choice, investing in a reliable fishing knife can make your angling adventures more enjoyable and successful. So, gear up with the perfect fishing knife and get ready to make the most of your time on the water.
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Innovative Trends in Dentistry Changing Smiles
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Dentistry is a field in constant evolution. From the earliest tools used to clean teeth to today’s high-tech equipment, the journey has been remarkable. But what’s driving this change now? Innovative trends in dentistry are reshaping the way we approach oral health, making treatments more efficient, comfortable, and personalized. Whether you’re a future dental professional or just curious about what’s new in dental care, this blog post will guide you through the latest advancements transforming smiles everywhere.
1. Advancements in Dental Technology
Digital Impressions and 3D Imaging
Imagine walking into a dental office and having your teeth scanned without the goopy mess of traditional impressions. Digital impressions and 3D imaging have revolutionized this aspect of dentistry. Instead of messy molds, these technologies use a digital scanner to capture precise details of your teeth and gums.
Accuracy: Digital impressions provide highly accurate images, reducing the chances of errors.
Comfort: No more discomfort from traditional molds.
Efficiency: Faster process, leading to quicker results and less time spent in the chair.
With 3D imaging, dentists can visualize the entire oral structure in three dimensions, enhancing diagnostic capabilities and treatment planning. For instance, before placing a dental implant, a 3D image helps in assessing bone structure and planning the precise placement of the implant.
Laser Dentistry
Lasers have become a game-changer in various medical fields, and dentistry is no exception. Laser dentistry uses focused light beams to treat various oral conditions.
Soft Tissue Surgeries: Lasers can be used for gum contouring and removal of soft tissue lesions.
Cavity Preparation: For some cavities, lasers can eliminate decay without the need for a drill.
Reduced Pain: Many patients experience less discomfort compared to traditional methods.
Quicker Healing: Lasers often lead to faster recovery and less bleeding.
Robotic-Assisted Dentistry
Robotic systems in dentistry are making precise procedures even more accurate. For example, robotic-assisted surgery allows for meticulous placement of implants with greater precision.
Precision: Enhanced accuracy in surgical procedures.
Consistency: Reduces the potential for human error.
Advanced Planning: Robots can help plan complex procedures with great detail.
This technology is still evolving, but its potential to transform dental surgeries is immense.
2. Cosmetic Dentistry Innovations
Veneers and Bonding Materials
Cosmetic dentistry continues to push boundaries with new materials and techniques. Veneers and bonding have seen significant improvements in recent years.
New Materials:
Porcelain Veneers: These are more durable and mimic the natural appearance of teeth better than ever.
Composite Bonding: Modern composites blend seamlessly with natural teeth and are more resistant to staining.
Enhanced Aesthetics: These materials provide a natural look and feel.
Durability: Improved materials offer longer-lasting results.
Whitening Treatments
If you’ve ever wanted a brighter smile, advancements in whitening treatments offer more options than ever.
In-Office Whitening: Uses stronger agents for quicker results.
At-Home Kits: Modern kits are more effective and come with improved formulations.
Pros and Cons:
In-Office: Fast and highly effective, but can be pricier.
At-Home: More affordable, but takes longer to see results.
Orthodontic Innovations
Traditional braces are no longer the only option for aligning your teeth. Clear aligners have become increasingly popular.
Custom Fit: Made using digital impressions for a more precise fit.
Predictive Software: Helps plan the entire treatment and visualize results before starting.
Aesthetic Appeal: Less noticeable than metal braces.
Comfort: Fewer adjustments and less irritation.
3. Minimally Invasive Procedures
Air Abrasion
Air abrasion is a technique that uses a stream of air mixed with fine particles to remove tooth decay.
How It Works:
A small, precise stream of particles is directed at the decay to remove it.
This method is less invasive than traditional drilling.
Preserves Healthy Tooth Structure: Only the decayed portion is removed.
Less Discomfort: Many patients find it less painful.
Microdentistry focuses on repairing teeth with minimal intervention.
Small-Scale Repairs: Using tiny instruments and materials to fix small cavities or damage.
Preservation: Maintains more of the natural tooth structure.
Precision: Allows for highly accurate repairs.
Biomimetic Dentistry
Biomimetic dentistry is about replicating the natural properties of teeth.
Mimicking Natural Teeth: Using materials and techniques that closely resemble the natural tooth structure.
Longevity: Results in more durable and functional restorations.
Functionality: Restorations behave more like natural teeth.
4. Personalized and Preventive Care
Genetic Testing and Oral Health
Genetic testing is making waves in various health fields, including dentistry.
How It Helps:
Personalized Care: Genetic information can guide tailored treatment plans.
Risk Assessment: Identifies predispositions to certain dental conditions.
Gum Disease: Genetic testing can help predict susceptibility to gum disease, allowing for preventive measures.
Smart Toothbrushes and Oral Health Apps
Technology has made it easier to maintain good oral hygiene.
Features of Smart Toothbrushes:
Sensors: Track brushing habits and provide feedback.
Connectivity: Sync with apps for detailed analysis.
Role of Oral Health Apps:
Monitoring: Keep track of brushing habits and oral health.
Guidance: Offer tips and reminders for better care.
Preventive Measures and Customization
Preventive care is increasingly personalized.
Tailored Care Plans:
Custom Recommendations: Based on individual oral health needs and risks.
Effective Prevention: Customized plans are more effective in preventing dental issues.
Improved Outcomes: Personalized care leads to better overall health.
5. Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Dentistry
Eco-Friendly Dental Products
Sustainability is becoming a priority in dental care.
Types of Products:
Biodegradable Materials: For items like toothbrushes and floss.
Green Practices: Implementing eco-friendly protocols in dental offices.
Environmental Impact: Reduces waste and supports sustainable practices.
Patient Safety: Ensures products are safe and non-toxic.
Waste Reduction Practices
Dental practices are adopting new methods to reduce waste.
Recycling: Implementing recycling programs for materials used in the office.
Waste Management: Proper disposal methods to minimize environmental impact.
6. The Future of Dentistry
Emerging Technologies
The future of dentistry is bright with emerging technologies on the horizon.
Artificial Intelligence: AI in diagnostics and treatment planning.
Nanotechnology: Potential for advanced repair materials and methods.
Potential Impacts:
Enhanced Treatment: More accurate and effective dental care.
Improved Experience: Better patient experience and outcomes.
Tele-dentistry is changing how we access dental care.
How It Works:
Virtual Consultations: Allows patients to consult with dentists remotely.
Diagnostic Tools: Use of digital tools to aid in remote assessments.
Accessibility: Makes dental care more accessible, especially in remote areas.
Convenience: Reduces the need for in-office visits.
The field of dentistry is evolving rapidly, driven by technological advancements and a focus on personalized care. From digital impressions and laser treatments to sustainable practices and tele-dentistry, these innovations are transforming how we approach oral health. Staying informed about these trends can help you make better decisions about your dental care and even inspire you if you’re considering a career in this exciting field.
By embracing these cutting-edge developments, we’re not just changing smiles—we’re enhancing lives and contributing to a healthier future.
What are digital impressions and how do they benefit dental procedures? Digital impressions use advanced technology to create precise, digital models of your teeth and gums, improving accuracy and comfort compared to traditional molds.
How does laser dentistry compare to traditional methods in terms of pain and recovery? Laser dentistry often results in less pain and quicker recovery times due to its precision and minimally invasive nature.
What are some recent advancements in cosmetic dentistry? Innovations include improved veneers, advanced whitening treatments, and custom clear aligners for orthodontics.
How do clear aligners differ from traditional braces? Clear aligners are less noticeable and often more comfortable, while traditional braces are more visible and can cause more irritation.
What is air abrasion and how does it help in dental treatments? Air abrasion uses a stream of particles to remove decay with less discomfort and preservation of healthy tooth structure.
What is biomimetic dentistry and why is it important? Biomimetic dentistry focuses on replicating the natural structure and function of teeth, resulting in more durable and effective restorations.
How can genetic testing impact dental care? Genetic testing can provide insights into susceptibility to certain dental conditions, allowing for more personalized and preventive care.
What features should I look for in a smart toothbrush? Look for features like sensors for tracking brushing habits, connectivity to apps, and real-time feedback to improve your oral hygiene.
How are dental practices becoming more eco-friendly? Practices are adopting biodegradable products, implementing recycling programs, and using sustainable methods to reduce environmental impact.
What are the benefits and challenges of tele-dentistry? Tele-dentistry offers increased accessibility and convenience but may face challenges with diagnostic accuracy and patient engagement.
By exploring these innovative trends, you can gain a deeper understanding of how dentistry is evolving and how these advancements can enhance both patient care and your own experiences in the field.
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