#and WHAT do I take to the family reunion this weekend
nimblermortal · 1 year
@unfavorableinstigation I need your professional help, I am suffering from Too Many Books
-500 page library sci fi on terraforming Mars (Red Planet) -800 page medieval history book (Heimskringla <3) -400 page Translation State -hold came in at the library a week ago for my book on Reconstruction-era politics -avoiding all of this by rereading the Accidental Warlord series, about which I have complicated feelings, but it's good because I'm writing fic and also trying to trick YouTube's algorithm into feeding me music composition education videos -incidentally still several weeks behind on CritRole -want to see what Shadowen's doing on Patreon
How do I resolve this crisis in the most beneficial way for the library? Return Red Planet, pick up hold, return it without reading it, and check them both out again once I've finished Heimskringla and Translation State?
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gatorinator · 1 year
Can God translate me. Just for like 3-5 business days. I just need a little break—I’ll come back I promise.
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Logan x Reader pt.5
The long awaited reunion
This isn't the last one don't worry
<< Part 4 Part 6 >> Masterlist
You were the last to exit and as though rehearsed your family parted to the left and right revealing him.
Logan was standing next to Wade with a sincere grin. His eyebrows had risen and he let out a shaky breath. It took less than two steps for him to be in your space and scooping you up. Crushing you in a bear hug, one hand caressed your spine, whilst the other tangled in your hair.
“You came.” He breathed into your ear, taking a deep breath.
“Of course, I missed you.” You whispered back, tugging him closer.
Logan pulled back slightly to observe your face, hand sliding down to cup your cheek. He didn't care about his ‘bad boy/couldn't care less’ reputation anymore. He had lost you twice! He loved you and he needed the world to know. “It took a full month to convince the TVA to bring you back and B-15 told us she'd give you the option of staying, I was terrified I'd never see you again.”
The pain behind his eyes was heartbreaking.
“It's okay.” Your hands on his back rubbed small circles, trying to calm him. “I'm here.”
“I love you.” He declared.
And in that moment it didn't matter that he wasn't your first love because you knew he'd be the last. He would be there for you and you'd be there in turn. “I love you, too.”
Logan bent his neck and kissed you. It was easy, slow. He didn't need to rush. He had you now. You were back in his arms.
“Wooooo-hooooo!” Wade cheered. “Gosh guys I'm so emotional I need some tissues… and some lotion… and a gag.”
Logan growled which went straight to your abdomen. Shit. That was hot. He was hot. Fuck you were done for.
El shoved Wade but was chuckling.
“Glad to see you.” You spoke over Logan's shoulder.
“So am I, I tell ya, the moping this guy has done.” He clapped Logan's back. “I'm sure the Cavillrine wouldn't have been such a pussy.”
“The who?” You scrunched your eyebrows in confusion but let Wade babble on about ‘Superman’ and ‘oh my god him in the Witcher?!’.
As Wade yapped he led you all out of illuminati headquarters. He told you that the apartment block which had been brought for you was one that he and Logan currently resided in. He then went on to tell you about his blind roommate and that they were going to throw you a housewarming party at the weekend.
The apartments weren't far, but Wade had booked a - far too small - taxi for you. Resulting in six suited up heroes standing on the sidewalk just staring blankly at him.
“Dopinder, I swear on Blanche, Dorothy, Sophia and Rose, I will beat you.” He threatened the man, taking his mask off to give an unsettling amount of eye contact. “I told you there would be seven!”
“Mr Pool, you know the type of Taxi I drive.” Dopinder argued back. “I can do two trips but it won't be cheap.”
“You sexy little bastard.” Wade's eyes narrowed.
“It’s okay.” Logan interrupted another round of flattering insults. “We can walk back.” He gestured to you and himself.
“Uh, peanut. I may still be at a third grade reading level but seven minus two is five.” Wade used his fingers animatedly to show the maths. “We won't all fit!”
“I can... go with them.” Laura suggested. She looked a little awkward about the idea but she stood by it.
“Aww! Y/N and her Wolverines!”
You frowned. “Why do you pronounce my name like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like Y/N. My name is Y/N.”
“Yeah, exactly!”
The man baffled you but you shook your head letting it go. The others piled into the small vehicle and waved at you as they pulled away from the curb.
“How long’s the walk?” You asked, genuinely curious. You were in New York, that was obvious, the sun beat down on midday traffic, there was the constant buzz of life and you felt at ease. This was familiar in a way which had long been forgotten.
“Give or take twenty minutes.”
You nodded and gestured for him to lead the way. Logan took hold of your hand and pulled you along.
“So, Laura this is New York.” You smiled at her, her eyes were darting around taking everything in.
“It's busy.” She commented.
You chuckled. “This is fairly quiet, or at least for my world it is.”
Laura took the information in, decowling herself. You smiled wider and reached out for her hand.
“Logan, what's it been like living here?”
“I won't say exactly the same.” He scratched his head. “But it isn't really different. The News is on at 4 o’clock rather than 5. For me it's warmer.” For you and Laura it was cooler, years of that boiling wasteland had acclimatised you both. “I like the milkshakes from Joey's.”
“Have you ever had a milkshake?” You all stopped at a crossing. Laura frowned at the lights and you explained what was happening, you also told her the gesture to thank the cars. “Laura, baby, have you had a milkshake?”
She shook her head. “I don't think so.”
“Well, we'll have to pick some up.” You declared.
The walk was pleasant. Your Wolverines were awkward around each other and for some reason that was the cutest thing. They both were at ease with you though so you operated as their interpreter.
Every now and then you stopped to admire a building or a tree or even just look in a shop window, mostly for you but it was also for Laura. You knew she was born in a different time to you. She wasn't used to this level of civilization. She had told you once, when she had snuck into your room after a particularly bad nightmare, that she was raised in a facility. That a nurse had broken her out and handed her off to Logan. That he hadn't been too kind but Charles was. That they spent time on the road and he had died for her. That her and others had to escape to EDEN. But EDEN wasn't all it was cracked up to be, they were safe but they were poor. They were needy and eventually they were transported to the Void.
She was mesmerised by a little sausage dog. You asked the elderly lady if she could pet it and the woman eagerly agreed.
Laura was cautious but after watching you stroke the little fella she did. A surprised grin formed. “He's cute.”
“He's called Harold.” The lady told you as Harold flopped onto his back. “After my late husband.”
“That's very sweet.” You rubbed his belly.
“Why are you lot dressed like that?” She wondered. "You aren't heroes are you?"
Images of backlash and abuse bombarded your mind. Would this lady suddenly hate you like others had? Wait, were you still a second class citizen because you were a mutant? No. That couldn't be true. Not when you had Captain America and Ghost Rider and Venom. How could people love them but hate mutants? “We're going to a fancy dress party.” The excuse tumbled from your mouth. Two sets of wide eyes glanced at you and then each other.
“Well, I'm sure you'll win.” She tutted at Harold. “Come on, fat boy, let's get a move on.”
Harold didn't seem like he wanted to but did eventually follow her, plodding away.
“You don't have to be worried.” Logan reassured you as you rose from the crouched position. “Being a Mutant isn't a bad thing here.”
“It isn't?”
“No. Not here.”
“So you tell me it's warmer but not that being a Mutant is okay?”
He didn't have an answer for that. He had been in as much shock as you that it was alright but he had settled in remarkably easy. He wasn't turned away from bars or eyed suspiciously in the street and he loved it.
“What's a fancy dress party?” Laura questioned.
“It's a party where people dress up as characters or animals or things.”
“And a party is when people are together and eat?”
“Yeah, eat, drink, have fun.” You resumed the journey.
“Okay.” She watched a pigeon fly overhead. “And Wade is having a party for us?”
“Yeah.” Logan grumbled. “His parties are a bit weird but his friends are okay.”
The apartment was nice. There was a safety deposit box which contained your keys, you and Laura had separate homes. You all did. That was daunting. No one else lived in the building except for you seven (plus Blind Al and a pretty ugly dog) so, once you'd exited the elevator, it didn't surprise you at all to find each person's front doors were open.
You followed the sound of Wade nattering on and found everyone crowding a kitchen counter. This must be Wade's house as it was lived in. It wasn't blank and pristine like the others were. Wade stood with the dog - Mary Puppins - cradled in his arms, next to Blind Al. Gambit was to her left, leaning against the counter. El and Blade's backs were facing you.
“And then Blind Al and I found a buttload of- oh hey!” Blind Al’s face swivelled over in your direction. “Al, sweetheart, you know our beefcake Logan, well, there's a mini version of him with boobs and the one he's been a little bitch about.”
“Ah, Y/N.” She gave you an unenthusiastic wave. “Wish I was deaf and blind the way he was going on. Real pussy drier.”
You hadn't expected her to be as crude as Wade but then you really thought about it. If these two lived together yeah they were bound to be alike. They would rub off on each other. That thought amused you because you could literally imagine Wade trying his luck.
“Yes.” El had caught the look on your face as Al spoke, she tried to steer the subject. “They've been telling us about their relationship and how they met.”
“I li’ ‘em. Both a’ bad a’ ‘ch other.” Gambit placed an arm around Al's shoulders. “I li’ her t’ best.”
“Get off my roommate you perve.” Deadpool spoke with the dogs tongue in his mouth, then he addressed you three. “Basically explaining the first two movies. My relationship with Vanessa and how that's going.”
Blade whistled in a way that sounded like it descented. “Poorly.”
“Vanessa?” You glanced around at each member in the room. “Aren't you with Spiderman?”
“Ah.” He placed the dog on the counter. “So movieverse Deadpool has to be straight presenting or the dude bros will bomb it. I can be as gay as I want if I have a girlfriend.”
You filed that into the "this makes no sense to you but you didn't have the energy to argue with him" drawer. In your universe Deadpool had a crush on Spidey and it was plain, to anyone that looked, they liked each other.
“So, the living situation…” You stroked the dog's head when it twaddled up to you. “How are we feeling?”
“It's ‘lotta space.” Gambit voiced your own opinion.
“It'll be nice to have privacy but I won't lock my door.” Blade's eyes had scanned each of your faces and landed on Wade's. “If you're knocking it's locked.”
“I have my own key.” Laura commented. “I've never been alone.”
“How many rooms are they?” You asked the group.
“One bedroom, one bathroom.” El supplied.
That wasn't what you wanted to hear. You and Laura could've shared if there were separate rooms. “If you're scared we can bunk together.”
Wade burst out in maniacal giggles. He had to clutch his stomach to calm himself. “I-I’m so-sorry. Did-did you see the- the way Peanuts face-” He took a deep breath. “Oh, that's good shit. He realised there'd be no sex tonight. Damn, that was hilarious." He wiped a nonexistent tear from his eye.
Blind Al smacked his head with surprising accuracy. “Can I bunk with one of you?”
The TV was on, lowly creating background noise as Laura channel surfed. She was wearing one of the outfits provided. It was a pair of grey joggers and a vest top. She had taken the matching hoodie off a while ago.
“So this is what people do?” She called from the couch as you made a quick pasta dish. It wasn't difficult to boil a pot and throw some pesto and cheese at it but it felt so foreign to be making this, not to be cracking open a tin of spam or fruit salad. To be actually making food.
“Uh huh,” You added salt to the boiling water. “It's like a pretty big pastime.”
She huffed and flicked over to a voice you never thought you'd hear again. Judge Judy. You padded over, barefoot, to the front room. You were wearing a pair of black joggers and a white tee, your feet were cold. “My mom and I used to watch this.”
“She's loud.” Laura looked up at you.
“Yeah, she always put them in their place, though.” You crossed your arms. “My nan, as well. I'd come home and my mom would be passed out watching this. You could just switch it on and she'd fall asleep instantly.” You extenuated the last word with a snap of your fingers.
“What was her name?” Laura's eyes were big.
You told her your mother's name and then your nans. “I don't know if they'd even be alive in this universe.”
“How would we- check?” Laura jumped as Judy yelled ‘baloney’.
“I dunno, I suppose Facebook?” Laura made a face and you waved her off, you'd explain social media at a later date. “We'll have to get phones tomorrow. Start buying clothes as well, get you into music and TV and all the usual teenage shit.”
The door opened and Logan kicked it shut. “I'm back.” He juggled the plastic bags.
“Hi.” You greeted him, helping with the bags.
“We didn't know when you were arriving.” He blushed. You were both standing in ‘your room’, you had begun to pack away your clothes. “I'm sorry, I have some pasta at mine, I can run down the road and get sauce and cheese and other things.”
“Okay, that would be really helpful.” You took your gloves off and chucked them on top of the duvet. “Thank you. Don't get too many things, though, 'cause I'll have to do a big shop tomorrow.”
Logan’s hand twitched to catch yours. No. He needed to leave, he couldn't get distracted. Despite the fact that he really wanted to get distracted with you. No. He couldn't. Laura was currently in the shower, using the imperishable goods that had been provided and he didn't know how long you two would be alone.
“I got a few basics.” Placing the bags on your counter. The layout of your apartment was the same as Wade's, as everyone's, but the colour scheme was slightly different. Your counter was oak, where Wade's was marble.
“A few.” You mocked him watching him unload.
There was the pesto and cheese along with bread, butter, eggs, bacon, bottles of water, two fizzy drinks, chocolate bars, cereal, a multi bag of chips, cookies, all the feminine products in the store and fuzzy socks.
"You knew my feet were cold." Your fingers grazed the socks.
He shrugged, a red tint on his cheeks. "I saw you didn't have many socks and they were in the store so I thought..." He trailed off.
You kissed his cheek and thanked him. He caught your elbow and captured your lips. His lips were soft and delicate, taking you in. Logan pulled back, reluctantly, and placed a final kiss to your temple.
You let your eyes fly to Laura she was pointedly watching Judy, to give you some privacy.
“Laura look!” You picked up the cereal, it was the same brand she favoured in the Void. She looked over and almost split her face with a grin. Laura stood and bounced over to you both. She made a move to open the cereal and you stopped her. “No, missy. Tomorrow morning you can have it how it's meant to be eaten but tonight we have pesto pasta. We have to try and work out what you like so we can buy more food.”
“It's-" Her brows pulled. "We can just buy food.” She looked down. “We don't have to…” She then turned her head away, upset. “Why am I sad?”
“Oh baby.” You rounded the counter and pulled her in. She hugged you tight and sniffled.
“You'll be okay, kid.” Logan spoke. You looked up at him and extended an arm, he took your hand and you eased him into the hug. Logan kissed your forehead and stroked her hair.
“I love you both.” You leaned fully into them, into your man and your child. They were all yours and that was brilliant.
“I love you.”
“Love you, more.” They both replied at the same time.
A hissing noise interrupted the moment and you cursed, scrambling to the pot that boiled over. You turned the oven down and stirred the pasta.
“Logan, can you show Laura where everything goes?” You asked over your shoulder. “We can open both of the drinks, see what Laura likes best?”
He agreed and eased himself into the role of ‘father’ so easily. It suited him so well. He was born to care, either as a dad or a teacher or a friend.
When you previously shared a bed, Laura and you always slept facing each other and tonight was no different. You both went to each individual door and bid goodnight to your family - Logan telling you three times that he was only next door - then came back and settled down.
She held your hand and was able to sleep almost immediately. It was the softness of the blankets, the comfortable pillow, the fresh sheets, the glass of warm milk you'd made for her, the fact that she was full for the first time in years.
She was content.
You, however, were the opposite.
It was too soft, too comfy, too good to be true. You were waiting for the rug to be pulled from under your feet, waiting for someone to tell you this wasn't real. Cassandra had created this as a cruel illusion, you were really back in the Void with her.
Taking meticulous care, you extracted yourself from the bed, she deserved a good night's sleep. She deserved so much more.
You waddled to the fire escape and opened the window. The night was beautiful. Thousands of multicoloured lights shone, illuminating the roads. There was still life on the streets, still takeaways open and people milling about. You wouldn't have had a sight so gorgeous a week ago. It was cockroaches and murderers.
“Hey.” Logan spoke, causing you to jump. He was sitting on the steps to your left, smoking a cigar. He wore pyjama bottoms and nothing else. Fuck me. He was fucking ripped. You would never get used to how perfect his body was.
“Hi.” You climbed through, sitting back on the window sill, crossing your legs for completely innocent reasons.
“Can't sleep?”
You shook your head. “You?”
“I figured you'd find it hard to sleep.” He took another puff.
“What, so you've been out here all night?” You joked and except for the quirk of a brow, his face didn't move an inch, he just kept looking at you as you realised, “you have been.”
“I wanted to be here if you needed me.” He exhaled, smoke swirling towards the sky.
You stood from the sill and were in front of him in seconds, standing between his knees, hands cupping his cheeks. “Has anyone ever told you you're really cute?”
Logan rolled his eyes but smirked at you. “You'd be the first.”
“You are.” You vowed and bent your head.
This was the first time you initiated a kiss. You had told him to kiss you in the Void and you had kissed him back every other time, and you'd kissed his cheek but this was the first time you controlled an actual kiss.
You were tempted to heat it up but a small voice in the back of your head told you to take it slow. You knew you loved Logan and he loved you but you didn't know him. This version was different. You didn't actually know this man. Imagine if he was allergic to prawns or something?
You pulled away and found he chased after you, releasing a shaky breath against your lips.
“Do you want to come shopping with us tomorrow?” You whispered, lips touching his. His hands had found purchase at your thighs and he gave them a frustratingly good squeeze.
Licking his lips just so his tongue grazed yours. “Of course.” He pecked you. “Anything.”
Part 6
@geeksareunique @lovelyvaderx @melissa-ashe @st1nkabutt @maximumchilddreamland @ravenmedows @vulgarfuckinvirgo77
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satorhime · 1 year
. ・。・ right where you left me ࿐gojo satoru.
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── ◜ ⪩⪨ ◞ content : angst, fluff, dad!gojo (reader ‘n’ gojo have a daughter), set in 2018 and 2023, reunion, beach trips, established relationship ! f!reader. ・。・ w.c. 3.7k & not proofread.
── ◜ ⪩⪨ ◞ synopsis : time remains the one enemy gojo can’t defeat. ໒꒰ྀི ´ ꒳ ` ꒱ྀིა notes: ik there’s a gazillion reunion fics but this has been sitting in my drafts since oct n i suddenly felt like finishing n sharing so i hope u enjoy <333 ‘m gna go cry over this fic now ;u;
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satoru is having a damn good day.
it’s suspicious, it feels like a fever dream, and he can’t really pinpoint where the dubiousness comes from. maybe it’s because he feels as if he doesn’t deserve it, like if he allows himself to relax like this something terrible will happen while he slacks off. or maybe, it’s because he’s only ever had those truly good days in his youth when he was devil may care and his concerns for the wellbeing of the world slid off his shoulders weightlessly, like sheets of rain on a rooftop. a wild and selfish kind of happiness that begun in spring and ended too quickly in winter.
but today is a good day. he forgot to charge his phone last night, he is in the best mood he’s been in all year, and he can’t stop fucking smiling. gojo satoru is thriving, on top of the world, a little bit of that nostalgic, adolescent joy warming up his chest.
and it’s all because it’s a sunny day, the water is cool, and he’s on the beach with you and his baby girl.
the three of you decided to steal away on a spontaneous trip to okinawa that forced him out of his work uniform and into swim trunks with a bare chest, simply because you burst into his office with big droplets of tears in your eyes declaring yourself a terrible mother because you realized that your daughter was already three years old and she had never seen the ocean before.
it had taken him ten minutes to book three first class tickets and secure the private family villa for the weekend, fifteen to get packed, and twenty to board after hearing that.
he would do anything to please his girls, after all.
“‘anna go into the bathtub, mama!” your baby whines impatiently from the embrace of your arms, squirming and squiggling for you to let her down as she points towards the rolling ocean waves behind you. ever since she learned how to walk, she’s lost all patience for her doting parents carrying her around— especially when something catches the attention of those big, pretty blue eyes. it didn’t take long for her to become enamored with the sea, wanting nothing more than to get out of your hold and toddle towards the shallows.
“it’s called an ‘ocean’, cupcake,” you correct her, voice full of amusement and affection as you crane your head forward to kiss the soft skin of her chubby cheek, bouncing the toddler in your arms. “too bad we’re being held hostage by dada right now.”
“i heard that,” satoru mumbles with a pout, his third melon popsicle of the day hanging from one side of his mouth. droplets of green slush drips onto the broad planes of his chest in a sticky mess as it melts but he’s wholly focused on the two of you, one summer blue eye winked closed as the other peers through the lens of the polaroid camera looped around his neck. “but wait, just one more photo of my two favorite girls!”
“you’ve been taking photos for the last twenty minutes, satoru,” you huff. “we aren’t going anywhere, you know. you don’t have to take so many.”
“our baby needs to see what the three of us looked like in our prime, before we grow old and gray together.”
“you’re so ridiculous, gojo satoru.”
but despite your exasperation, you remain put. it’s hard not to feel the same way he does on a perfect day like this— contentment, light in the heart and full of love because of this little trip. the camera focuses in on you and your daughter before the shutter clicks, each snap immortalizing the sight of you and your baby girl illuminated by the lazy autumn sun.
“and done!” he cheers, catching the polaroid in his palm as it slides from the slot. it wobbles between two of his fingers as it develops, but he can already see that it’s a perfect picture. he feels his heart sink in his chest, melting into a syrupy sweet puddle of happiness that makes him lightheaded and anxious.
oh, you’ve never looked as pretty as you do right now. like a dream, a forever kind of love he never plans to let go of. wearing that cute little swimsuit he likes so much with his sunnies perched on top of your head and his baby propped up on your supple hip. the two of you are beaming, cheeks squished together, your daughter’s hand cupping your face fondly.
it’s the kind of picture that others would coo at and fawn over if he framed it in a museum, but satoru retrieves his wallet from the pocket of his swim trunks, tucking the polaroid safely in the trifold for his own selfish keeping.
“i think she really likes the beach,” you tell him, squatting to set your daughter on her feet. she waves to you and satoru before waddling toward the shallow surf, her little legs stumbling in the thick body of sand. “this was good of you, satoru.”
“what? you think i’d miss the opportunity to spend time with my best girls?” he asks you, a hand on his chest with an affronted look on his face. you resist the urge to snort as the two of you follow closely behind your stumbling toddler, rushing towards her every time she gets distracted and attempts to eat the sand or chase one of the seagulls.
“you’ve been busy lately, that’s all,” is how you respond, the accusation washed out of your tone for the gentle words instead. you don’t bring up how many milestones, how many little memories he’s already missed, just by being who he is— that no matter what, he’ll always belong to his duty first and his family second. no, you’ve always shown patience and understanding. never complaining when his side of the bed is empty before morning or your girl requests for her father to read a bedtime story in that animated, comical way you can never replicate for her. making her settle for your offkey, wobbly lullabies instead.
“i know,” he says quietly, suddenly serious— keeping one eye on your baby girl who is currently splashing her hands around in the sand and water. “one of my first year’s a vessel so the curses are getting more pesky. i don’t think that’s a coincidence.”
“you think something’s about to happen?” you ask, looking up at him, but he presses a kiss to your temple and you wrinkle your nose at the sticky feeling of his lips.
“nah,” he replies, and you almost roll your eyes because you know he’s lying. even though satoru has done his best to keep you hidden from his world, you’re no fool. you already know why he rarely comes home at night, why he was absent for christmas last year, why your daughter has never met her paternal grandparents. you know that with the reappearance of several ancient cursed objects, there is thunder crackling among the clouds. “don’t worry your pretty little head about that.”
satoru turns up the volume on the waterproof boombox half-buried in the sand next to your belongings. he can’t stand your choice of music, finds it noise most of the time, but it’s the distraction the atmosphere needs to throw off your questioning. he pulls you to sit down between his legs, your back pressed against his chest and his arms wrapped around your body.
ocean foam splashes against the tips of your toes as the two of you sit at the surf of the tide in peaceful silence, time getting away from you both in the warm sun as your baby girl plays, her energy endless— waddling around and squealing at the different curiosities and wonders the beach has to offer.
whatever will happen, satoru won’t allow it to be today.
“satoru,” you call after a long quiet, craning your neck to look up at him. “if you—”
“what, you think i’m gonna croak sometime soon?” he shoots back, already knowing where the conversation is heading. so he holds you tighter, his strong arms a protective cage around your body as his shades slide down the attractive slope of his nose. he cracks a grin at you, another obvious deflection because he knows you can’t resist when he looks at you that way. not with his hair mussed from humidity, a strip of sunscreen on his nose as he chews on that damn wooden stick from his ice pop earlier.
“i know what you’re doing,” you shake your head. “and it’s not working. i’m just worried, i’m allowed to, as your wife. you think you’re invincible but if something happens to you that’ll… it’ll—” it will break us.
satoru’s smile fades, but he thankfully doesn’t need to reply because your daughter is waddling up to the both of you now, her sand-caked hands full of seashells and stones that glimmer in the sunlight. he wants to scoff because if anyone understands the consequences of failing those you love, it’s him— it’s all he’s ever known.
“what ya got there, princess?”
“fish—!” she cries in her sweet, babyish voice. some of the shells tumble from her hands, and you watch as her expression switches from happiness to dismay to finally confusion. you have to bite your lip to hold back laughter when instead of picking them back up, she dumps the rest of the seashells in your lap. “now i don’t have any fish.”
“i think those are seashells, princess,” gojo says with a grin, picking up a shell that rests on top of your thigh and holding it up to the sunlight. “this shell looks like it belongs to a hermit crab, like your megumi-nii.”
“you’re a terrible influence on our daughter, you know.”
“i’m just setting up future dynamics, angel face,” he grins.
“look look look!” your daughter gasps, bringing your attentions back to her. “this swee-shell looks like dada—!” she squeals excitedly, her new finding held delicately in her little sand-covered palm. she stands up on your thighs to reach her father sitting behind you, holding an iridescent blue seashell next to gojo’s eyes, her tiny mind comparing the colors in wonder. meanwhile, satoru wears a smile that burns so wide it hurts his cheeks.
“it looks like you too, princess,” he boops her nose, gently taking the seashell and holding it to her eyes next. her answering giggles sound like a sweet bell calling him home to heaven, but he can’t answer it because there are two people on this earth who laugh and smile at him like he hung the moon and painted the stars. “if you put it in your pocket now, the ocean won’t call the cops on you for stealing it.”
“no, this one ‘s for dada,” she insists, shoving the pretty blue seashell back into his hand.
“thank you, my mini angel,” he ruffles her hair, and you smile softly at the little exchange because though she may be enamored with her new discoveries at the beach, her father will always be one of her favorite wonders of the world.
“i ‘anna go find one for mama now!” she announces, and you wonder how she hasn’t run out of energy yet, but you nod and stand to your feet, dusting the sand away from the bottom of your swimsuit. your baby’s entire hand curls around your pointer finger, and she pulls you along with great effort.
you glance back at satoru and find that he’s watching the two of you head closer to the water, that uncharacteristically genuine smile still on his face, and you part your lips to call him to your side— where he’s always supposed to be.
“you didn’t think we’d let you slack off, did you? finding seashells is serious business, satoru!” you tease, pretty eyes crinkling with unbridled happiness, haloed by the waning sun and the orange dreamsicle sky that holds it. “hurry up!”
“wait for me just a little while, i’m coming to you,” he calls back, a lopsided grin spreading across his mouth before he raises the polaroid camera to his face, snapping one last candid photo of the two of you before he jogs towards his little piece of heaven.
but he doesn’t think he’s imagining things when the distance between heaven and earth keeps growing further and further apart—
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“satoru, you can’t stand outside forever,” your voice is gentle as it speaks behind him, your hand laid delicately on his back in comfort; breaking the sorcerer out of deep reverie, the edges of the old memory fading, replaced by the pink paint of his daughter’s bedroom door that he’s been standing in front of for the last thirty minutes. his thumb brushes over the polaroid in his hand, the one that had been his salvation and his undoing in the prison realm. he’d taken it out without knowing, his eyes reading over the date written in his handwriting.
october 30, 2018
the picture of you with your daughter on your hip that he took at the beach all those years ago— that had been the last time he’d seen her.
four, no, five years?
his feet are nailed to the floor because change makes satoru shut down, and everything has changed since then.
while time was immeasurable and immovable inside of the prison realm for him, the clock had ticked on outside of it and just like that, his little girl is no longer three years old, giving him seashells that matches his eyes or hitting the back of his ankles with her big wheel or—
“you can’t keep doing this to yourself,” you sigh. “you’ve been unsealed for months. you’re her father, no matter what.”
“i’m a stranger to her,” and to you, but he doesn’t say it. you had waited for him, in every aspect of the word. held out on hope and faith in his strength that he would return to your side, where he’s always supposed to be.
“you’re n—” but you’re cut off when the door opens to reveal your daughter standing on the other side. the child standing before him is almost unrecognizable. she’s much taller and older, wearing track pants underneath her school dress with ribbons in unruly waves of white hair. the last time he’d seen his daughter, she had been three years old and still learning things like colors and sight words and that feeding megumi’s demon dogs her vegetable purée was against the rules. now, gojo satoru was the father of an eight year old and he’d missed everything because of a mista—
“you can come in,” she says, blinking up at satoru with an expression void of emotion. “but i’m not finished with my homework so if you stay too long, you’ll bug me.”
“how did you know i was outside?” he whistles nonchalantly, unbothered by the attitude that she gives him. it fills him with bitter satisfaction that she isn’t excited to see him, that someone is angry that he failed, regardless if he won in the end. he can handle bratty children who hate him and only look at him as a tool for their success, he can’t handle a daughter who cried herself to sleep every night waiting for him while he was losing his sanity away in a cube.
or at least, that’s what he tells himself.
“i could see you and mama through the door, duh,” she replies, hip cocked to the side in an amount of sass she had to pick up from you. “mama says i have your eyesight. i don’t really get it, but it makes it easy to cheat on tests.”
he could see it in the bright blue of her eyes, even if she hadn’t confirmed it. plain as daylight, she’s exactly like he was at that age. easily irritable and bratty, cocky and spoiled rotten. suffering from the weight of being an uncontested heir to an ancient dynasty at the age of elementary.
“i used six eyes to cheat on tests too,” he relates with pride, and then he bends down to her height, waving his palm. “sooo you probably got some questions about where i was—”
“not really. grandfather said you were sealed because you’re foolish and let weakness distract you.”
“you shouldn’t say things like that,” you scold, “apologize.”
“why? i don’t want to.”
your daughter turns, disappearing back into her room after that and seeming like she doesn’t care if satoru follows or not. your hand travels up the long expanse of satoru’s back in a soothing circle as you step closer.
“huh, that’s new.”
“sorry, she’s… i don’t know if acting out is the right term,” you say, pain in your voice. “she doesn’t really understand why she’s so different, or why you were … gone for so long. i know you didn’t want her around your family so i kept her away as best i could, but she started to have crippling migraines because she didn’t know how to use her ability and well… they were the only ones who knew how to help. filled her head with foolishness every time she visited the estate, though and it’s changed her.”
“huh,” is all he says, a broken record, tongue running across his inner lip in thought.
“do you need me?”
“what, you think i can’t handle her?”
“well, you were outside the door for a half hour, ‘toru.”
he shoots you a lopsided grin before he’s stepping into his daughter’s bedroom, glancing around at the unfamiliarity of it all. you follow close behind, watching with a heavy heart as he takes in the difference eight years can make.
her tiny baby crib has been traded for a poster bed decorated with a sanrio duvet and various stuffed animals where a laptop and study papers lay scattered on top. the angel themed decorations, along with her first ultrasound photo you and satoru had hung up in her nursery had been replaced by pink paint and pictures of her with a group of friends from school and a photo of her on a volleyball team.
he has to rip his gaze away.
“so,” he starts, standing in the center of the room and trying not to feel like an intruder, desperate for something to say— something to relate to her with. “how many episodes did i miss? did aya-chan ever get married?”
“i’m too old to play with dolls now, father,” she huffs, scrunching up her nose, and though satoru expected that exact answer, it doesn’t stop his heart from shattering into a million pieces. he feels that familiar itch, anger welling in his body until it burns at his fingertips because this is no one’s fault but his own. “don’t you know anything about me?”
“my bad, you’re a big kid now,” he snorts, even as his chest aches. he sits on the edge of her bed, flipping up one edge of the coloring book laying next to her laptop. “maybe you should start paying taxes.”
“i’m also too young to pay taxes. you really don’t know anything about me anymore,” she snaps, and she’s right— he doesn’t and it burns like saltwater on a wound. now he knows why you asked if he needed you; he’d hide behind you if he could, but he settles for flickering his eyes up to you helplessly.
you realize that neither of you can be upset with her for being angry that one of her favorite people vanished out of thin air. that while he was sealed, his clan had taken advantage of his absence and your powerlessness against them, and had begun spoiling your child rotten, teaching her how to use her ability— plumping her up for the inevitable day that she becomes her father’s successor, turning her against him.
“i think,” you say softly, leaning against the frame of the door. “that your dada— your father— would like to learn, though. he’s missed a lot, baby.”
she considers this for a long while, then she heaves a great sigh, hackles lowering. she scoots off the bed and before satoru can feel the hurt of figuring she doesn’t want to be near him, she does something unexpected. she moves one of her trophies out of the way to open her closet door, rummaging around for the longest before she yanks out a cardboard box you had labeled ‘donate one day since my snotty kid is a hag now’— it’s a box full of old dolls, covered in dust. she sits on her knees in front of the box, peering inside.
“aya-chan didn’t get married, but hinata-chan did,” she explains with an exasperated sigh and a roll of her eyes, taking out the dolls one by one and setting them on the floor in front of satoru’s feet.
“to the mailman that lived in your ugliest dollhouse?”
“you remember,” her eyes widen a little in surprise before her expression shutters again, smoothing out the doll’s colorful polyester dress before reaching back into the box and retrieving a brush covered in synthetic hairs. she looks at it for a while before extending her arm and offering the brush to her father. “aya-chan decided to be independent and explore the world. she’s planning to go on a trip soon so she needs to get ready. do y’wanna brush her hair?”
satoru is sliding off the bed and sitting cross-legged on the floor before he knows it, barely wanting to breathe because he doesn’t want to shatter the fragility of the moment between them. he takes the brush, and seconds later she hands him one of the dolls that had once upon a time been her favorite one that no one was allowed to touch. you would giggle at the delicate way he brushes the doll’s hair with utmost care and precision if you weren’t about to cry at the scene instead. “oh, and where’s she headed?”
“ponytail or messy bun then?” you don’t think you’re imagining the wobble in his voice. “to compliment her swimsuit.”
a tiny, hopeful smile twinkles over your lips at the two of them on the floor, babbling away to each other about the outlandish stories they’ve created together with her dolls. how many times had you offered to play with her, only for her to burst into tears because it wasn’t the same? you know that this won’t bridge the gap between the years that have been lost, but it’s a start. just hearing the soft murmurs of their conversation, the sound of your little girl giggling for the first time in ages, makes your heart swell.
time may be an undefeated opponent, and with it comes change that no one can control, but something tells you that as long as the three of you are together— everything will be okay.
you tiptoe out of the room, because they need time to catch up and apologize and reconnect, to learn one another once more, but before you close the door, you don’t think you’re mistaken when you hear, “can we go back to the beach too, dada?”
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bad268 · 7 months
can I request a clingy Kimi Antonelli
where he’s obsessed with kissing reader and overall being affectionate to the point he does not want to let go of her before the race and Toto is like “leave the poor girl alone Kimi” while Susie is like “you were like that before”.
Clingy Antonelli (Andrea Kimi Antonelli X Reader)
Clingy Antonelli Universe
Fandom: RPF/Formula 2/3
Requested: Clearly (I loved this too much lol I'd be down to do a Clingy Antonelli series and we need some fluff after this race lol)
Warnings: none.
POV: Second POV (You/your, but it does say 'poor girl' once)
W.C. 1025
Summary: Sweet reunions bring Clingy Antonelli to the surface.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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It was a common occurrence that you were in the paddock with Kimi. Ever since you decided to attend school entirely online, you were by his side, and it may (or may not) have been because of the begging you received from Kimi.
It started when he was in karting, and he just wanted someone familiar to talk to. Then, when he moved to championships, he was always one of the youngest ones competing, and it was weird being the odd one out. Around the same time, you were given the option to switch to online school. He begged you to do it, so you could travel with him. How could you say no?
Not to mention, you loved taking pictures, especially of your favorite person, and PR from both Prema and Mercedes would pay you for some of the pictures. It was just easier to pay you since you always took pictures of Kimi. 
But that’s beside the point. You were doing what you normally did whenever Kimi was a guest on the F1 paddock: sit beside him silently as he listened in on a meeting. Sure, it was not your favorite thing to do, but it was a standard. And most of the time, the meetings did not even concern Kimi; he just had to sit in them because he was their junior driver.
You were sitting in the back of the room, holding his hand and not paying attention at all. That is until Kimi started pulling at your hand to get your attention. You turned your head and met his eyes. The look he gave you was one you recognized immediately, a silent plea for you to sit on his lap. With a joking sigh, you moved onto his lap as he smiled laid his head on your shoulder after giving you a kiss on your cheek.
“You’re more clingy today,” you whispered to him, “What’s up?”
“You’re going to leave for two weeks,” he complained as his arms tightened around your waist. “I know you miss your family and friends, but I won't see you again until right before the race.”
“Don’t worry, amor (love),” you consoled as you rubbed his arms, leaning further back into his hold. “I’ll be back before you know it, and we’ll be back traveling in no time.”
“Yay,” he chuckled before cutting himself short, “And I’m not clingy.”
“Oh come on,” you replied in disbelief, turning your head to meet his eyes. “Clingy Antonelli is my favorite.”
Despite being with your family for once, Kimi would call you at any chance he could. He just needed to hear your voice and see you before doing anything racing-related. It was one of his superstitions, and you did not plan on standing in the way of it. 
Flash forward to when you finally came back. Due to the time difference, it was only 12 hours from the last time you talked to Kimi, but for him, it was nearing 20 hours. He knew that he had to give you space at some points, but this? Nope. He was sure that your plane should have landed ages ago, yet you still were not on the track. You had yet to answer his calls or texts, and he was starting to get anxious. 
He was pacing around the garage, half listening to his strategy team go over the plan for the race. He half-registered some Mercedes personnel walk into the garage but did not think anything of it since he remembers them saying they wanted to see him in action this weekend. Little did he know it was Toto and Susie Wolff in the flesh. They talked a little bit with the team before they turned their attention to Kimi.
“Is he always this nervous before a race?” Susie asked Toto, knowing that he had seen Kimi racing in FRECA before, but she did not remember him saying that Kimi got nervous.
“Not that I remember,” Toto responded just as confused before he turned to Kimi’s race engineer with a questioning look, gesturing in Kimi’s area.
“He’s missing his lucky charm,” Anthoine laughed, shaking his head. It’s said when you talk about someone, they appear, and that’s exactly what happened. Like clockwork, Kimi’s head snapped toward the garage door as he heard your unmistakable laugh. Kimi immediately took off, trying to find you. It did not take long because you were right around the corner, about to walk in with Ollie. Kimi wasted no time, picking you up in a tight embrace as he peppered kisses all over your face. Anthoine chuckled again as he pointed at the two, “Oh, look. They’re back.”
They all let you have your moment in peace. Kimi needed it. His nerves were through the roof, everyone could tell, so despite knowing that he needed to get in the car as soon as possible, they stepped back. The last thing they needed was an anxious driver on the track.
You could not even hear what Kimi was saying, just a bunch of anxious thoughts coming to light. You let him rant as much as he needed before he finally set you down and placed a long kiss against your lips. He pulled away all too quickly for your liking before leaning against your forehead, whispering, “you’re never leaving me again.”
“My flight got delayed, and my phone died,” you whispered back as he went back to placing butterfly kisses all over your face. “I wanted to call you.”
“It doesn’t matter now,” he sighed, hiding his face in your neck and breathing you in “You’re here now, and that’s what matters.”
“Leave the poor girl alone, Kimi,” You heard a voice behind Kimi chuckle, causing you to look over his shoulder. It was Toto and Susie Wolff, which caused your eyes to widen and your face grew red in embarrassment. Immediately, Susie’s arm came up to smack Toto in the shoulder.
“Oh, leave them alone,” She countered, “You were just like that before we were married.”
“Oh, he’s just being Clingy Antonelli,” you laughed, nervously. “I’ll get him into the car, don’t worry.”
Part 2 ->
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margotw10bis · 6 months
Welcome Back.JJK [m]
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bestfriend!Jungkook x female Reader
Genre: drabble; smut (basically just porn)
Words: 3.6k
Synopsis: After almost two years of military service, you finally meet your best friend again. While you have planned a cosy night, his plans are a little bit on the physical side.
Warnings: oral sex (f. receiving); dom!jk/sub!reader; unprotected sex; rough sex; praising kink; big dick jk; hair pulling; spanking; crying of how good sex is; choking
Part 2
18 months.
You've waited 18 months to see him again. You diligently mark each day on your calendar, waiting for him. The few weekends he was allowed in the civil life weren't enough to do everything you wanted and honestly, he was so tired that most of the time he just ate and slept.
But today it's different. Because Jungkook is finally free from service. You finally have your best friend back.
You've planned everything for your encounter: cake, embarrassing sign saying 'I CAN TAKE MY BUNNY HOME' and a whole night of snacks, games and movies, just like you used to do before Jungkook got into the army.
You're not the only one waiting for a loved one. A small group of friends and family have gathered in front of the military base, waiting for the soldiers to get off duty for good.
You are clearly feeling impatient, bouncing on one foot to the other. When some squeaks are heard from the crowd, you try to get a visual on the men coming outside by standing on your tiptoes but it's in vain. The only thing you see is a bunch of shaved heads...
It's only when some reunions decide to step aside that you finally see him. And gosh, you are so happy that you could fly. A big fat smile paints your face and Jungkook mimics you when he notices you and your sign.
He looks a little bit tired but he looks good anyway. The months he has spent in the army got him buffer — even though he was already a gym rat — and his military uniform just increases that. His hair is definitely short but he clearly let it grow a little. Honestly, he looks like a kiwi. A cute kiwi.
And his bunny smile is just the same: sweet and feeling like home.
When Jungkook walks to you and hugs you tight, you can't help but shed a tear.
"I missed you so much" You whisper, tightening your arms around his neck — you don't care if you're strangling him at this point
"Missed you too" He whispers back
"And..." You say as you are scooting away to grab the box you left on the ground "I got you a cake!"
Your excitement peaks through your voice, making Jungkook chuckles.
It really feels like old times.
Jungkook's apartment hasn't changed at all. Well, you've been there a few times just to make sure that there wasn't any leaks from the upper flat, or to open the windows to change the air. But you missed it with Jungkook inside. It's like the whole place takes his energy.
As Jungkook takes care of his bag in his room, you settle everything you have prepared on his coffee table: cake and games. Several times a week, you were spending evenings together and you really want to find back this atmosphere.
You happily clap in your hands when your best friend appears in the living room. You light up the candles on the cake and start singing — not so good but you don't care — 'Welcome back, Kookie'.
Jungkook blows the candles and sits next to you on the couch. He has changed his clothes, opting for a style you know very well: baggy black t-shirt and oversized black sweatpants. He must feel good to finally dress as he wants.
"So" You start, already excited about this night "I have UNO, Monopoly, Cluedo but we can also play something on your Switch or we can watch a movie. I heard that the new one with Ryan Gosling is very n—"
"Y/N" Jungkook stops you
You can see he is a little embarrassed at the way he scratches his neck.
"Yes? Tell me" You encourage him, your usual sweet smile on your lips
"I don't want to be rude or anything, because it's super sweet what you've done but..." Your best friend chews on his lower lip — he used to chew his lip rings but they're gone "It's just that... I haven't done it for almost two years and I was expected to, you know, do it tonight"
Jungkook has a light blush on his cheeks that indicates that he is not as relaxed as his manspreading on the couch lets think.
But you're a little confused. You don't understand what he is trying to say.
"You don't want to play the games?" You try and Jungkook shakes his head lightly but doesn't dare to look at you "And you want to 'do it'? You mean going live on Twitch?"
Jungkook growls in frustration. It's so weird to talk about that with you. You're his best friend, it's not really the kind of conservations you two have.
"No!" He whines "God, Y/N, I want to fuck!"
You're speechless. And blushed. Because gosh, you never talk about that and you're also embarrassed not to have thought about it. You totally get that Jungkook wants to... blow off some steam.
You just didn't realize that he might have called one of the numerous girls that were crushing on him before he went to the army and asked her to join him tonight.
"Oh" You manage to say "I—" You clear your throat "I'll get going then. You can call me tomorrow or whenever"
You quickly stand up and try to hide the redness of your face. But Jungkook grabs your hand and pulls you down. You clumsily land on his lap, setting your knees on both sides of his hips last second to avoid hurting him.
Your heart stops at the intimate position. Never in a billion years you could have imagined being like this with your best friend. Your breathing stops too as you get to see Jungkook's face so close, maybe for the first time in your four years of friendship. He is handsome, always has been, so you don't know where to look: his eyes — not in their usual doe shape but way more intense —, his cute bubble nose or his lips. Yeah, your eyes definitely settle on them, especially when he slyly licks them and coats them with a thin and shiny layer of saliva.
You gulp and don't really know what to do. Yet, it seems very easy for Jungkook because his big and warm hands caress your waist, sending shivers down your spine.
"Let me fuck you. Please"
You don't know if he is begging or ordering because his voice is so hoarse. It's really, really hard to resist. And maybe his hot breathe caressing your face makes you a little high because you nod.
You fucking nod at your best friend asking if he can fuck you.
Worse, you feel aroused by the idea if you consider how your pussy is getting wet.
In just one second, Jungkook's lips are on yours. The kiss is not sweet at all, it's rough and urging. You're never witnessed this side of Jungkook and you already can tell that he loves being in control. He always has been the nice and caring friend but right now, he is like a starved man. His inked hand settles at the back of your neck, preventing you from escaping but you have absolutely no willing to do so.
His mouth literally owns yours, pressing his lips so hard that your teeth clink but it's not like you really care — this awesome kiss fogs your brain with horniness. He slides his tongue between your lips and you hum at his velvet muscle against yours.
His hands tightens their grip, bringing you closer to him. Your boobs are pressed against his torso and there is no another place for your arms but around his neck. His short hair tickles your fingers but it feels so soft at the same time. Too bad the kiss completely occupies your brain that you can't appreciate the sensation in your fingertips.
As Jungkook abandons your swollen lips for your neck, his hands are traveling down to rest on your hips as they urge you to grind on his hardening cock. You roll your hips, pressing your core against his crotch and gosh, it feels good. You are so, so glad you've chosen leggings today because you can feel his bulge. You press harder and harder against it, trying to satisfy the need of friction your throbbing clit demands. You are so, so wet that it's embarrassing.
You can't help a sweet moan from escaping your lip and it seems to make Jungkook crazy. He lifts up your body to make you lay on your back and grabs the hem of your leggings, tugging on them and your panties at the same time. You're surprised that he doesn't slide your clothes all the way down but stops mid-thighs, just enough to get a full view of your cunt, already glistening with arousal.
You don't even have time to grow embarrassed at the idea of your best friend looking at your pussy because Jungkook is in a rush.
"Pretty" He whispers with a hot smirk right before he dives into it
His hands strongly maintain your legs up against your chest while his tongue rolls around your clit. It feels so fucking good that you can't think straight. Maybe that's why you can't have enough sense to mutter your loud moans.
Jungkook changes his pattern by taking a big fat lap from your entrance, gathering on his tongue your arousal that was starting to drop through your hole. Your head rolls back and your hips buckle up just to feel more of him.
"Taste fucking sweet" He praises and you don't know why you feel so proud of it
The wet sounds of his mouth on your cunt are sinful and at this point, you don't know if your pussy is covered by your arousal or Jungkook's spit but you don't care. It's even hotter than he is eating you out so messily. The sloppy sounds are scandalous but it arouses so much that you feel like going crazy.
When he harshly sucks on your sensitive bud, you gasp and shut your eyes close. Your hands desperately try to hold on something but there is nothing to help you down the path of this pleasure.
"Oh god, oh god, oh god" You keep moaning
You're close, you know it. Your pussy keeps clenching around nothing and Jungkook's tongue doesn't slow down. His hands grips the flesh of your thighs harder, surely marking you with bruises, so you don't escape from the unbearable pleasure. And then, Jungkook decides to bring you straight to Heaven when his wet muscle enters you as deep as possible, making his nose bump into your clit. Your restrained legs due to your leggings and his grip only add to your arousal. You've never felt so overwhelmed by pleasure before but here you are: being eaten out by your best friend.
"Kookie, wait, I'm gonna— I'm gonna—" But you never finish your sentence
You scream something that sounds like his name as your legs shake in his grip and you cum on your best friend's face. Your walls clench around his vicious tongue that happily gathers your arousal pouring from your hole. You even feel him smirking against your cunt while he takes a final lap.
"Sweet juicy pussy" He says, making your blush "You're cute when you cum on my tongue, baby"
You don't really have time to catch your breathe because Jungkook grabs your waist and tosses you around so you're on your knees. He makes sure to bring your ass up, landing a harsh spank on your flesh. The stinging pain brings tears to your eyes but wetness to your pussy.
You rest your head on your couch, obediently waiting for Jungkook to pursue his needs.
"You're so fucking cute like that, your pussy full on display for me only, right?" He praises and claims you and doesn't miss how you clench
You both didn't know you had a praising kink but Jungkook will sure use it.
"You're gonna be a good girl and let me fuck you dumb, aren't you?"
You can feel the heat on your cheeks and you grow impatient to feel him inside you. Jungkook's hot, that's a fact. And the way he is acting right now makes you know that you won't be disappointed in his sex skills — not really surprising since Jungkook is good at everything.
You nod to answer, afraid to moan rather than to form words but it doesn't satisfy Jungkook. Another spank, way rougher than the first one, lands on your asscheek, making your jolt. A red mark in the shape of his palm instantly appears on your plump skin in the hottest way possible for your best friend. A sob leaves your mouth but you don't have time to realize it because Jungkook's tattooed hand goes up to gently caress your cheek, swiping away the tears.
"Talk when I ask you to"
His tone is quite severe and you're surprised how sexy you find it. You're never witnessed the dominant side of your best friend before, since you always saw him as a cute bunny.
"Yes" You reply, so politely, so innocently while your ass is up for your fucking best friend
"Good girl"
You hear some rustling of clothes, a sign that Jungkook is getting rid off of his shirt and slides down his sweatpants and briefs mid-thighs too.
You turn your head just enough to watch him pumping his absolutely huge cock. Your eyes widen as you wonder if you'll be able to take him. You haven't had a lot of partners but they surely can't compare with Jungkook's size.
The slight fear on your face is delightful for your best friend. He can see your pussy is tight and he can't wait to stretch your hole like it deserves to be. Honestly, he didn't plan to fuck you tonight. He thought he was going to text a random girl but after all, you're his best friend and you're the one who has planned a welcoming party.
Grabbing his thick dick at its base, Jungkook pats your sensitive clit with his tip. You jolt but moan, instinctively pushing your hips towards him. Some sticky links connect your pussy and his member in the most sinful way. Jungkook teases you again, rubbing his angry tip against your clit just to hear you groan his name.
However, he knows he won't last long and he has waited too long for a teasing game.
His free hand roughly grabs your asscheek, spreading it so he can fully see your beautiful cunt clenching. He lets a blob of spit slide along your puckered hole and down your pussy so he can penetrate you easily — actually, you are wet enough for that but your best friend just likes it messy.
He brings his cock to your entrance and pushes in. The tip is enough to stretch you out so much that the air is kicked out of your lungs. Your mouth opens, unable to make any sound, and your hand desperately grabs his forearm.
"You're so big" You gasp, another tear rolling down your cheek
It doesn't help that you're in this position: you can feel him better like this, aware of every since inch inside you.
"Too much?" Jungkook asks, genuinely worried
Despite how horny he is, he doesn't want to hurt you. If you tell him right now to stop, he'll do. Even though the way your walls throb are so fucking good, and he has just put the tip.
"No, it's okay. Just—" You take a deep breathe "Just wait a sec" You say
Jungkook nods and draws some soothing circles on your asscheek. And it works: he can feel you relaxing which allows him to slide more inches of his cock into your tight cunt.
You won't lie: the stretch is almost unbearable but the sensation of being so full makes you high. Way beyond clouds. You're feeling completely euphoric of your best friend's dick inside you.
"Fuck, you fill me up so good" You can't help but confess
"You're such a good girl, baby, taking me all" He smirks, rewarded you with a nice spank on your already red ass
When all his length is swallowed by your dripping cunt, you feel him deep, deep inside. You need a minute to get used to his size but it's damn hard for Jungkook to stay still when he has been waiting for so long and when you poor dripping cunt squeezes him so tightly. He can't control how his dick twitches, making you moan and clench tighter.
Your best friend attempts a faint dick stroke, earning a gasp or a moan from you, he can't define but the bliss on your face is unmistakable. This spurs him to pull out more, until just his tip is caged between your walls, and to slam back inside completely.
"Fuck, Kookie" You moan
"You like that, uh?" You nod frenetically, especially when Jungkook provides a rough cock stroke "Who knew you were such a good slut"
You don't quite know what to respond when Jungkook fucks you so good that your brain can't work. You just moan loudly, not caring one bit about Mrs. Kim, his 83 year-old neighbor.
The strength of Jungkook's poundings makes you jolt and if he wasn't holding you tight by digging his nails into the flesh of your ass, you'd be completely resting on your stomach by now. Even though his grip will surely bruise you, you absolutely don't give a fuck, not when you have such a good dick inside you.
"Fuck, you feel so fucking good, baby" He hisses when you clench around him
You're not sure you'll last long. And maybe your body is not connected to your head anymore because it only seems to seek for your release. You start to bounce back on Jungkook's cock, slapping your ass against his lap each time.
Your best friend watches in awe how naughty you become despite your usual innocence and he just wants to see your fucked up face more. For that, he grabs a good amount of your hair and tugs on it. Your back is so fucking arched that it feels like you're going to break in two but you don't care. The only thing you can feel is this good cock in you.
"Kookie, I'm so close" You whine
Jungkook might have the same goal as you: making you cum, because he wraps his other arm around your chest and lifts up against his torso. He makes sure to have a strong hold on you and forcefully provides you his amazing dick strokes.
The new angle is the perfect one, his cock hitting your sweet spot repeatedily and you have no other choice than to gasp. You've never been fucked this good and you don't even know how to breathe correctly anymore.
Jungkook's growls of pleasure as he buries his face in the crook of your neck and the sound of your skins clapping fog your brain. You grab his tattooed hand and place it around your throat. Jungkook gets the message and chokes you.
"You're such a naughty girl" He teases you, bitting your skin as he gives you powerful poundings "I'm sure that you like being fucked dumb, right baby?"
"Yes!" You scream despite your blocked throat
You're high on sex and low on oxygen: the perfect mix to bring you on cloud nine. It's like Jungkook already knows all the things you love about sex. But he is your best friend, he knows everything else so why not that? And if he is so good with you, then you don't mind sharing all your secrets with him.
"You're gonna come for me?"
You nod at that but almost bend over when Jungkook's vicious fingers find your clit despise your tied legs. He is circling it so fast that your legs shiver. Thankfully, his large palm around your air column prevents you from escaping his delightful treatment.
"Fuck, Kookie" You sob, shaking in his hold
"Cum for me, cum on my cock" He urges you "I know that you're a good girl and good girls cum when they are told to do so"
The specific knot builds inside you, and you don't know what you are saying anymore. You are not even aware of your tears on your cheeks and the drool at the edge of your mouth anymore. Your toes curl and you dig your nails in his forearms when you reach your high. White dots paint your vision, even though your eyes are closed.
You might be screaming Jungkook's name but you're not sure. You are just too far gone.
You fall miserably on your couch, trying your best to keep your ass up because your best friend hasn't stopped nor slowed down one bit. He has pushed you all the way through your orgasm and even beyond, so much that it's almost barely impossible for you to take him anymore. His dick is just too big, stretching your walls that are begging to clench.
"Please, Kookie" You beg, tears of overstimulation appearing on your face "Come now, I can't— I can't anymore"
"I'm almost there, hold on for me" Jungkook reassures you, his voice a little softer
He knows that you are taking more than you can right now: the way your body shakes is a clear sign. He is close too and a last slap on your abused ass helps him.
He pulls out suddenly, leaving your hole gaping and stupidly empty, and pumps his soaked with your juices cock to cum on your ass. The contrast between your red asscheeks and his thick white seeds is perfect. Jungkook pants while he looks at his masterpiece, a satisfied smirked on his lips.
Exhausted, you fall on his couch, almost falling asleep right after.
"You're okay?" He worries
"Uhm, uhm" You nod
"It's the best welcome party ever" He brightly smiles at your tired face and you can't help but give his smile back "Thank you so much, Y/N"
Part 2
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starkwlkr · 1 year
the leclerc babies never fails to make me smile!! i ADORE and LOVE them sm <33
also here's an idea. The Leclercs have a whole family weekend with charles and readers family over and they play family games. Idk if you saw those videos where the youngest kid runs to their favourite family member to see who's their least favourite. Same scenario but with Matheo/Ruby being on the run?
Sending in much love to you talented jen🫶🏼🫶🏼 hope you doing well and taking care of yourself💛
arthur the favorite | charles leclerc
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hi lovely!! sorry for the wait 🥲 🫶🏼 also y/n’s parents are just going to be called grandma and grandpa lol. thank you for the request and the support!! love uuuuuuuu
Ruby and Mathéo were seated on the swing set in their backyard enjoying an ice cream cone that their mother had given them. The family reunion was something both kids were looking forward to. Their mother’s family would be coming over from (your country) and the kids were excited to spend time with their grandparents.
“Rubes, Théo, grandma and grandpa are here!” Y/n shouted as she waited for her babies so they could all greet their family.
“Wait! My ice cream is melting!” Ruby yelled, running as fast as she could while licking the melted ice cream.
“I’m coming, maman!” Théo said, following his sister. Inside the Leclerc house, Charles greeted his in-laws.
“Grandpa, Grandma!” The kids yelled as the shoved their ice cream in Charles’ hands. Each grandparent greeted one kid then switched.
“Oh, my babies are getting so big.” Grandma said as she kissed Mathéo’s cheek.
“I’m taller than Théo!” Ruby said.
“You’re both tall, stop growing!” Grandpa placed Ruby on the floor.
After a while, more family members arrived. Arthur was one of the last people to arrive since he had a team meeting. Ruby was the first to spot him enter the house so she ran up to him and hugged his legs because of her height.
“I was waiting for you,” Ruby took his hand and led him to the backyard where most of the family was. “I saved you some ice cream.”
Arthur’s heart melted. Ruby was serious about her ice cream. She didn’t share with anyone, but for some reason, Arthur was the lucky one the receive some of her ice cream.
After eating the food that Y/n and Pascale had prepared, everyone decided to play games to pass the time. Y/n’s cousin suggested playing a game she learned on tiktok with Ruby and Mathéo.
First, Charles and Y/n stood beside each other to see which parents the kids ran to. Both kids ran to both parents and hugged them both. Then it was the grandparents then it was time for the uncles.
Arthur was a bit nervous. Ruby and Mathéo had always said Pierre or Lorenzo were their favorite uncles. He knew it was just a silly little game, but he prayed that at least one kid would run to him.
Ruby ran faster than before and tackled Arthur to the ground. Arthur was caught off guard so when he realized it was Ruby who had run towards him, he was slightly confused.
“Are you okay?” Arthur asked the little girl.
“I’m alive.” Ruby giggled.
Arthur helped the girl to her feet and dusted himself off. “I’m your favorite?” He questioned her. “Is it because Pierre isn’t here?”
Ruby shook her head. “He is my favorite, but guess what? You’re my most favorite person, uncle, driver, friend, and blonde person.”
“Wait, let’s go with your papa so you can say everything you just said, but in front of him!”
2K notes · View notes
tkwrites · 4 months
Summer Decisions - Quinn Hughes x ofc
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gif from gabelandeskog
Title: Summer Decisions - Quinn Hughes x ofc
Author: Tory / @tkwrites 
Relationship: Quinn Hughes x Sarah Roberts
Warnings: Highly emotional, angst. mild fighting, lots of anxiety, swearing, crying, fluff. If I missed anything, please let me know. 
Summary: An invitation to his family reunion over the fourth of July has Quinn and Sarah tumbling into a long conversation about their future in the off-season and beyond. Though the ensuing fight is resolved, the reality of their commitments vs. their love for each other is put to the test.
Word Count: 4,600
Comments: I’m back with some highly emotional goodness. This fic was halfway done for a long time until your overwhelming reactions to my WIP ask game really got me in gear to start writing again. I really like the way this turned out, and I hope you do, too. It's, like, 98% dialogue. So if that's not your thing, I won't be offended if you skip this one. But it is setting up all of our off-season fics.
If you enjoyed this, please let me know by commenting, reblogging, or sending in an ask. Your encouragement and comments truly inspire me to keep writing. 
I love Quinn and Sarah, and I’m constantly blown away that so many of you love them, too.
Summer Decisions
A Quinn & Sarah Snapshot
“My parents want to know if you want to come to our family reunion over the 4th of July. It’s in New Hampshire.”
“Oh,” she said, voice quiet. 
“Is that not okay?” 
“It’s just a big step,” she said, “meeting your whole family.” 
“I’m meeting your family in June, aren’t I?” he asked.
They’d discussed him coming to visit when she went home for a few weeks after school. Were it not for the Canucks making it into the playoffs, she would have bought a ticket for the Monday after her classes would be done. Instead, she pushed her visit back until mid-June, wanting to be in Vancouver to support him through the entirety of their run, however long it may be.
“Yeah, I guess that’s true.” 
It was a little strange to her how comfortably serious they were, but she couldn’t imagine life with Quinn any other way. It was that fated belonging she’d talked about so much when they first met. Even still, it was a little jarring to think about him meeting her family or meeting his before they even hit the six month mark. 
The phrase, ‘when you know, you know,’ never made sense until she met him. She knew, and even though it felt too fast and scary sometimes, she knew it would all turn out okay. 
“So we’ll fly out from Van, what? The night before?”
“I’ll have to fly out from Michigan.” 
“Michigan? Why?” 
“I thought I told you we train in Michigan in the summer.”
“You did, but I thought… I thought maybe that changed?” 
“Because of us?” she gestured between them. 
“I mean, I’d love for you to come with me.” 
“I can’t do that, Quinn.”
“Why not?”
“I can’t just pack up and move to Michigan. I still have my research work, and if I’m not working or in school for more than 6 weeks in a quarter, it violates my education visa. Not only will I have to move back to the States, I won’t be able to finish my degree.” 
“Then I’ll fly you out every weekend.” 
Pricked, the old wound split open, and she couldn’t quite hide the annoyance in her voice, “so it’s up to me to fly to you?” 
Shit. He hadn’t taken her schedule into account again. “Sorry, no. Of course I’d come here, too.”
The annoyance still fresh in her mind she found herself asking, “why do I have to remind you my time matters for you to take it into account?”
Quinn winced. “I know your time matters. I’m sorry, it’s not fair for me to assume you could just pack up and move or fly out every weekend.”
“Then don’t bring it up again,” she said. 
Okay then. 
“I’m trying here, Sarah. This is all new to me, too.” He’d never felt close enough with June to figure out a summer situation. They saw each other once or twice when he was gone, and that was enough. Looking back, that should have been a huge sign about the trajectory of their relationship.
“And yet, I assume because I have a vagina, I was raised to take other people into account.” 
“That’s not fair,” he said. 
“No? Then why do you always jump into me coming to you? Into me changing my plans? Into me inconveniencing my life before you do?” 
Fuck. This wasn’t supposed to go this way. This was supposed to be a nice, light conversation about how he wanted her to meet everyone he loved. 
“Maybe we should just break up for the summer,” she said when he didn’t say anything.  
“What? No!” Quinn sucked his bottom lip into his mouth, hurt and disgruntled she would even suggest such a thing. 
“What would you suggest, then?”
Instead of answering her question, he asked one of his own. “Do you want to date someone else?” His voice was hesitant as he braced himself for the blow. 
“No. Of course not.” 
“Then why do you want to break up?” he asked through the relief easing his mind. “Why would you even say that?” 
“Because we won’t be together.”
“That doesn’t mean we should just call it off. Why do you always jump into ‘we should break up’ or ‘I should go’ when something hard comes up?” 
“I…” Sarah broke off, caught. “I don’t know.” 
“Maybe you should figure that out because I’m willing to put in the work here,” he said, gesturing between them. 
“That’s not fair.”
He raised his eyebrows instead of throwing her words back in her face. 
“I’m sorry, Quinn. I am trying, and I know you’re trying.” Tears pricked at her eyes, “I’ve just…” her mind whirred, trying to find the right explanation. In the end, as it always did with Quinn, the truth won out. “I’m scared I’m going to fuck it up and I don’t want to lose you.” 
Bridging the space between them with one big step, he pulled her against him. When they boiled down to the heart of the problem, they were both scared of the same thing. 
Tucking his nose into her hair, he breathed in the calming, smokey scent that was uniquely hers. “I don’t want to lose you, either,” he said. “We can still be together. Just separately.”
A laugh snorted from her nose, and she pulled back, “what?” 
“Long distance?”
It was Sarah's turn to suck on her lip. “I’ve never done that before.”
“I have. It's not easy. But I think we're both committed enough to make it work. Plus, we'll see each other pretty often.”
She had her thinking face on as a pregnant pause passed, so Quinn didn’t interrupt.
“What would that look like?” she asked, finally. 
“We’d talk on the phone and video chat a lot. I can come see you every weekend.”
“That doesn't make sense, Quinn. You go to Michigan to train and be with family. If you're flying back here every weekend, won't that mess with those things?”
“Probably, but —”
“Then it's out of the question. You need to do what you need to do.” 
He felt whiplashed. “I thought you wanted me to come here.” 
“Only in equal measure to me coming to you. I won’t let you give up your summer training for me.” 
It stuck him how much care and understanding were laid out in that statement. 
“Just like I know you wouldn’t want me to give up my research for you. It wouldn’t be fair.” 
Still wrapped in each others arms, Sarah rested her head on his shoulder as they thought. 
Tucking his face into her hair again, Quinn breathed deeply. As always, that smokey, vanilla scent was so calming to him. He couldn’t ever get it out of his mind. 
“This fucking sucks,” he said, voice muffled.
“I know,” she agreed. “I wish it could be different."
It couldn’t. They both had commitments that needed to be fulfilled, and they just didn’t match up.
“I wish I’d known. I would have made different plans.” 
“How would you have known?” she asked. “We only met four months ago.” 
“Has it only been that long?” he asked. The reality of the swiftness of their relationship hit him full force. “I feel like I’ve known you forever.” 
“I know. I do too.” 
“I don’t want to go the summer without you,” he said, caressing her cheek with the backs of his fingers. 
“I don’t either,” she agreed, “but it’s not like it’ll be five months where we just don’t see each other.” 
“Four,” he corrected. 
“Four months, I come back in September.” 
Well, that was a relief. 
“Okay, four months. I mean, we already have stuff planned. Let’s talk through what we do have,” she suggested, breaking away from him all together and pulling her planner from her bag. Flipping to the summer months, she lay it on top of her comparative physiology textbook and sat at the table. The urge to make a plan itched beneath her skin. 
He sat next to her, leaning in.
“So we have my family in June,” she said, pointing out the 10 days she had blocked out for her visit, “I sort of expected you’d come on the weekend?”  
“Yeah, that sounds good. And our reunion over the forth,” he said, flipping the page. “Then, we’re going to Hawaii at the end of July. You can come. I’ll get you a ticket.” 
“Hold on, have you talked to your family about this?” 
“No, but it’ll be fine.” 
She shook her head. 
He couldn’t believe she was turning down the option to spend two more weeks together. 
“That’s your family vacation, Quinn. I’d love to come, but I don’t want to go inserting myself —”
“You’re not inserting yourself, I’m inviting you.” 
“And I’m telling you I won’t come unless all your family is okay with it. Including Jack.” 
Even though Quinn had assured her Jack was a good guy and very devoted to his family and would come around once they met, he was still aloof anytime she happened to be around when he and Quinn were talking. Even Ellen had said as much, but Sarah still felt hesitant. Until she saw it from Jack himself, she wasn’t about to jump into an already planned vacation. She knew what it was like having a new person join the family. She didn’t want to make it any harder than it had to be. 
Quinn huffed. 
“The last thing I want is to come between you and your brothers,” she said gently.
His expression softened. “Okay. I’ll talk to them about it when they’re here.”
“So, it looks like we’ll see each other every three weeks or so, depending on when you come to Nevada and what Hawaii looks like. At least until August.”
Every three weeks felt like too long. He could hardly stand a week on the road, and they weren’t even living together. Yet. 
“I’d like you to come out to Michigan,” he said, “meet the guys. See the house.”
“Okay,” she agreed. “And you can come back here sometime here,” she said, her finger circling over a few weeks in August. 
Quinn nodded. It certainly wasn’t going to be easy, but it did feel better to have a plan.
“Are you renting this place out for the summer,” she asked, “while you’re gone?”
“I kind of thought you might move in here.”
“I mean, it’s just going to be empty, and I’d really like to live with you when I move back.” 
She couldn’t believe he could drop such a huge bomb so easily. As she tried to reconcile what he was saying, she repeated, “what?” 
“I mean…” he paused, voice and expression suddenly hesitant, “only if you want to.” 
Her brain finally caught up, “it’s not that. It’s just…we haven’t even talked about living together, and now you have this whole plan about how I should live here over the summer.” 
“I just thought there’s no real need for you to pay for rent anymore, since you spend so much time here anyway.” 
“I…” she was struck with the care in that statement, “that’s really sweet, Quinn.” 
He beamed.
“But I can’t live here alone all summer.” 
Expression falling, he opened his mouth.
“I just —” she interrupted before she lost her nerve. What was one more in a series of already vulnerable conversations? “I’d love to live here with you, but I can’t…I don’t know how my depression will act up if I live alone for that long. I’ve never lived on my own before, and I don’t think a summer where I’m missing my boyfriend is the best time to start.” 
The thought that she’d be here alone hadn’t crossed his mind. Not in a concrete way. Like, he knew she’d be here, and he knew he’d be in Michigan, but he never thought about it like she would be the only one in the apartment.
“Oh,” he whispered, taking her hands in his, “then of course not.” 
His immediate acceptance made tears rush to her eyes. 
“What’s wrong?” Quinn asked as she took a hand back to wipe her face. 
Smiling despite the tears on her cheeks, she shook her head. “I just really love you.” Her voice sounded full, almost like she had a cold.
“I love you, too,” he said, feeling a little confused, “but I don’t know why you’re crying.” 
“Just…” How could she explain something like this? “The way you accept and trust my needs. It’s really nice.”
“The last thing I want is for you to be unhappy, Sarah.” 
This brought on a new wave of tears, and she tucked her head into his shoulder, trying to pull herself together. 
Quinn still felt a little whiplashed but tried to roll with it, running a soothing hand over her back. 
“What?” he asked when she mumbled something into his shirt. 
Pulling back, she wiped her nose before repeating, “I’ll have to sign a new lease. It comes up in July.” 
“I’ll buy you out of it,” he said as if it was the simplest, easiest solution to any of the problems they’d discussed that day. 
“I can’t let you do that, Quinn. That’s a lot of money.” 
He hated having this conversation, but it needed to be had. It was actually a little surprising to him that it’d taken this long for it to come up. June had asked him about it a month into dating.
“Sarah, I make eight million dollars a year. I can buy out your lease.” 
Her eyes went wide. They’d never discussed money so concretely. She knew he made big bucks. All pro athletes did, but, “eight million?” she asked. “What do you do with it?” 
“I have a financial advisor who’s helped me invest most of it,” he said, “and I don’t really have all eight million available all the time. But I paid off my parents and some of our families’ houses, and I give quite a bit to charity.” 
She’d seen the way he was with money. He never worried about it, but he certainly didn’t throw it at anything and everything. He wasn’t irresponsible. 
Opening her mouth to say something, she found her mind still reeling and closed it again. 
The annoyed look he would give her when she paid the dinner bill flashed in her mind. No wonder. He made so much more than she did. All the same, she wasn’t about to become some sugar baby. That went against nearly everything her parents had taught her.
“I still want to pull my weight,” she said.
Quinn was a little taken aback by the fierceness in her voice, “what?” 
“If we move in together, I still want to pull my weight.” 
His lips pursed, and he held back his initial response in favor of gathering more information. “What do you mean?” 
“Like, if I make $80,000 a year, I want to pay whatever percentage that is of what you make.”
“You only make $80,000 a year?” he asked. 
“No. Right now, I make $50,000 a year from my research stipend. It pays for my schooling, too, so it’s technically more, but $80,000 is a general base salary for a marine zoologist.” 
“You’ve been living on $50,000 a year?” 
“Yes, and I’ve been fine,” she said, giving him a look that stifled any follow-up questions he may have had. “My point is that if —” she paused to correct herself, “when we live together,” he beamed and she lost her thought for a moment before continuing, “I want to pull my weight, even if it is just a small percentage of the household. I don’t want to be some beholden trophy wife.” 
“Beholden?” he repeated, an amused smile playing on his lips.
“Yes, I don’t want to be some kept woman. A lot of financial advisors that I listen to say you should split the household and each pay the percentage compared to your salaries. How much do you pay here a month? Do you rent? Is it a mortgage?” 
“It’s a rental. It’s not really smart for me to buy a place when there’s a chance I may get traded in three years. It’s not enough time to build adequate equity on a home.” 
Sarah stuck a mental pin in that to come back to, “and how much is your rent?” 
“A year?” she found herself asking, even though she knew that couldn’t possibly be the answer.  
“A month,” he said with an indulgent smile, knowing it was her shock speaking more than anything else.
She wasn’t quite sure why, but this fact struck Sarah harder than anything else they’d talked about. She knew she’d never be able to afford an apartment like this on her own, but this was insane. More than a fifth of her yearly salary went to Quinn’s rent each month. She counted herself lucky to find a private room for under $2000.
“Okay, so if I make,” she paused, doing mental calculations - moving decimal points. Her voice was flat when she spoke again, “one percent of what you do…” She trailed off, looking into his face, “Quinn, this is insane.” 
“I know,” he agreed. “I’m happy to just pay, but if you would feel better paying whatever, I’m happy for you to do that, too.” 
 “So, I’d pay one percent of the household expenses.” Saying it out loud, it sounded so silly. One percent? That seemed minuscule, too insignificant to matter. “Maybe I could pay ten percent? One feels too tiny.”
“Sure,” Quinn said, knowing this was important to her. Unless she was storming in, trying to take over all the bills, he was happy to have her contribute in whatever way she wanted. “If you want to do that, let’s do that. Whatever you’re comfortable with.” 
They sat quietly for a moment, and he gathered his thoughts.
“I know it’s important to you to contribute,” Quinn said gently, “and I’m not saying you shouldn’t - but I just want you to know I’m happy to pay for things. I know I’m insanely blessed to make the kind of money I do to play a sport that I love. I’d really, really like to live together once I move back. So if that means I need to buy out your lease, I’m happy to do it if you’re comfortable with that.”
Pulling her bottom lip between her teeth, she thought. If Quinn paid off her lease, she wouldn’t have to put off moving in with him or live on her own in this giant apartment or find a place to live for the two months between when he was home and when her lease was up. 
She wondered if this was one of those instances her grandmother often talked about. “Sometimes,” she would say while they were cleaning the basement or kneading dough, or working in the garden, “life showers you with blessings. And it’s up to you to catch them.” 
She always accompanied this wisdom by shaping her hands into a bowl as if to fill them with water. 
Sarah did the same now, pulling her other hand out of Quinns to cup them together. 
Eyebrows knitted together, he glanced from her hands to her face. 
She giggled and told him the story. 
“I should start doing that every morning,” he said, cupping his own hands together. 
“Every morning?” she repeated. 
“Well, every morning that you’re here. When I wake up next to you, I feel like the luckiest guy alive.” 
Despite it being incredibly cheesy, Sarah couldn’t help feeling moved. “Quinn that’s really sweet,” she said. “I feel like that, too,” she paused, feeling like she needed to add a caveat. “And I want you to know your money isn’t part of that. I would love you no matter how much money you were making.” 
“I know,” he said, leaning in to brush his lips over hers, “I’ve known that from the start.” 
His hands found her waist as their lips connected. 
A while later, that pin she’d stuck in for later snapped back into her mind, and Sarah pulled away. “What did you mean about getting traded?”
Well, they might as well have all the hard conversations all at once. “I’m in contract for the next three years, but after that, or even before, there’s always a chance I could get traded.” 
The trade deadline had already passed for the season, and Sarah had watched, fascinated, as players were moved around from club to club, like pieces on a chess board as organizations tried to build the best teams possible. Now, she had a new level of understanding, knowing lives and families were being uprooted in the process.
“But they love you here.”
His smile was wide and genuine, “I love it here, too. I don’t really expect I’d be traded anytime soon, but I can’t say never with what I do. I could get seriously injured, or my game could crash.” 
She gave him an incredulous look. 
“Its happened before.” 
“To you?” 
“No, but it has to people I know. I really like it here, but I can’t guarantee I’ll play here forever, or even for the next three years. I think I will, but I can’t say for certain.”
“What happens if you get traded while I’m still finishing my degree?”
“I don’t think that will happen, but I guess we’d make it work apart until you were done. Most players get traded right at the end of their contract, so we’d be apart for the rest of the season, and then we’d decide what to do moving forward. If I was moving clubs by choice, we’d decide where to go together. ”
She nodded. “Do you get any say in trades?” 
“I think I probably would, but it doesn’t always work out that way. I mean, Bo had a monster year last season, but they couldn’t come to an agreement, and so he got traded, and I know he would have liked to stay. It’s just never guaranteed.” 
“How do you live your life like this?” she asked. 
He shrugged, “you just kind of have to get used to the idea that things could change tomorrow.” 
“That sucks.”
The concerns his parents had expressed when they were here snapped into place, and a sudden, consuming worry that she might not want this kind of life overwhelmed him.
“Are you,” he paused to lick his lips, trying to find the right phrasing, “I mean, do you think you could be okay with that?” 
Even as it was racing with anxiety, the worried look on his face melted Sarah’s heart. It was difficult to reconcile the fact that while it felt steady now, his life had the possibility of being in flux all the time, and that where he chose to work was only partially up to him. At the same time, she didn’t want to be without him. The pull between them was too strong, too fated in a way she couldn’t deny. She was too in love with him to be scared of the reality of his life. 
There was only one thing for it. “It’ll take some getting used to, but I think I can,” she said. Perhaps this wasn’t even something she needed to be worried about. Thoughts buzzing, she tried to think of players on Quinn’s level who’d been traded recently. She couldn’t remember any off the top of her head. She’d have to look it up. 
He gave her a relieved smile, and she saw moisture shining in his eyes. 
“Oh, Quinn,” she said, her hands coming up to cup his face. The course hairs of his beard tickled her palms. “I think I’d probably move to the ends of the earth with you.” The words just fell out of her mouth, and once they were out there, spoken aloud for everyone to hear, she realized how true they were. For someone so practical, it was strange for her to have such a frivolous thought mean so much. 
His face split into a beaming smile, and he pulled her into a hug. Tucking his nose into her hair again, he let a few grateful tears fall. “I don’t know what I ever did to deserve you,” he said. 
“I don’t know either.” 
A sudden, surprised laugh barked from his chest, and he pulled back with a raised brow.
“Oh no,” her hand went to her mouth as a blush blazed over her cheeks. “I meant that I feel the same way.” Shaking her head, she wondered if she had ever said something so stupid. “You’re the most understanding, accepting man I’ve ever met, Quinn. I’m so glad the Universe brought us together.” 
He nodded, “me too.” 
Looking into his eyes, which seemed more hazel than usual to the point that she could almost see a ring of green near the iris, the reality of what was coming hit her square in the chest, “this summer is gonna fucking suck.” 
“I know,” he said, pulling her into his lap. 
Arms around his shoulders to bring herself closer, her feet hung awkwardly off the sides of the chair. Though she knew her toes would be tingling from lack of blood flow within a matter of minutes, she didn’t readjust, savoring the feeling of his solid chest against hers. 
The deep breath she sighed out moved her whole body against his. “We’ll get through it together, right?” 
Tightening his grip, Quinn agreed. 
As the minutes passed, his hands traveled over her back in slow, calming waves that put her totally at ease. 
“Do you have homework?” he asked quietly, almost as if he didn’t want to hear the question himself. 
“Yeah, but it can wait a while.”
A pleased little hum filtered up his throat, and he pulled her tighter against him. 
“Can we move to the couch, though?” she asked. “My feet are falling asleep.” 
Laughing, he stood, hands cradling her butt to keep her wrapped around him. When she hooked her ankles around his back, Quinn filed the position away to try later. 
Halfway up the stairs, Sarah unwound herself from him. Sure, he was an athlete, but carrying her up the stairs was still taking a toll. 
She lay down on the suede couch and held her arms open for him. He gratefully lay on top of her, his head on her chest. 
Running her fingers through his hair, Sarah replayed their relationship in her mind. Knowing what she knew now, both about Quinn’s celebrity status and his quiet nature, the fact that he came up to her at all was a miracle. He could have any woman in the city, and he’d stuck his neck out for her. It was overwhelming to think about sometimes. She hoped she was living up to his expectations. 
Half an hour later, Quinns phone chirped with a notification, bringing them out of their sleepy reverie. By that time, they’d switched places, and Sarah was draped over him. 
“It’s 6,” he whispered into her hair. “I’ve got to get up to make dinner.”
Even as she whined, Sarah pushed herself up. This soft, caring version of Quinn was always her favorite, and she didn’t want to let him go. “I love you,” she said, looking down at him.
“I love you, too,” he said, standing and hugging her to him again before they had to get back to real life.
Her arms tightened around him. “I don’t know what I ever did to deserve you, Quinn Hughes, but I’m so glad you’re mine.” 
Tucking his face into her neck, he pressed a few soft kisses there before telling her, “Sarah Roberts, you are the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
Want more Quinn & Sarah? Check out the Snapshots Masterlist
To read all my fics, check out the Fanfiction Masterlist
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daisynik7 · 1 year
Afternoon in Heaven
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Word Count: ~800 words
cw: smut - vaginal sex (missionary position), breeding kink, pet names (sweetie, honey), explicit language – MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
Summary: You and your husband spend a relaxing afternoon together. 
Notes: I’m ovulating, so this is why I’m writing this LOL. Title inspired by the song Afternoon in Heaven by Magdalena Bay, listen to set the mood right. Likes, reblogs, and/or comments are always appreciated! Thanks for reading! 
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Sunday afternoon is your favorite time of the week. This is especially true ever since you’ve been married to your husband, Kento Nanami. It’s become a special tradition to nap during this window of time, with the sunlight streaming through the curtains, cuddled in each other’s arms, letting the worries of the upcoming work week dissolve even just for an hour or two. It’s been a while since you were granted a lazy Sunday, what with all the recent events you’ve had to attend. Birthday parties, family reunions, hanging out with friends. A weekend afternoon feels just like heaven when you need to relax and unwind. 
This is especially true when your husband is fucking you into your king-sized mattress, sending you into total, utter bliss.
“You’re so beautiful, sweetheart. So beautiful when you take me like this,” he says, voice laden with lust. He has you spread apart, one leg propped on his shoulder, the other sprawled on the bed. He kneels between your thighs, pumping his cock in and out of your wet cunt. 
You reach down, fingers trembling towards your clit. He smirks. “You want to come already?”
You nod, biting your lip. 
“Let me watch you, then. Come on. Play with yourself while I’m deep inside you.” He thrusts his hips forward, staying pressed to your pussy, not moving, staring at you from above. “Go on, honey. Make yourself come.”
“Oh fuck, sweetie,” you moan, rubbing your needy clit while he has you stuffed full of his dick. “Oh fuck.” You orgasm, tightening around his thick cock buried inside you. He watches you touch yourself until your bud is too sensitive, and you let up. With a satisfied hum, he starts fucking you again, slowly. He turns his head to place a wet kiss on the inside of your knee, still resting on his shoulder. “You’re so beautiful, honey. My beautiful, perfect wife.”
“I love you, sweetie,” you breathe out, reaching for him, longing to feel his fingers entwined with yours.
“I love you too, honey,” he says, holding your hand. “You want my cum inside you? Want me to breed this pretty pussy?”
You giggle, squeezing him. “Yes.”
Ever since the two of you decided to try for a baby, Nanami has had the nastiest breeding kink. Today is no exception. He increases his pace, penetrating you deep, balls slapping noisily on wet skin with each brutal thrust.
“You’re going to make the perfect mother, you know that? Can’t wait till your pregnant. I’m going to spoil you rotten.”
“Yeah?” you ask lazily, placing his palm to your chest. He pinches gently at your nipples, causing you to whine in pleasure. “How will you spoil me?”
He grins, placing another smooch on your leg. “I’ll give you whatever you want. Foot rubs, massages, late night cravings. I’ll do whatever to make you happy.”
“I don’t need any of that. I’m already the happiest I can be because I’m with you.”
The smile on his face grows as he slides his hand down to your swollen bud, caressing it tenderly with his thumb. “You’re my everything,” he whispers, pausing his thrusts. He helps you lower your leg from his shoulder, your thighs still spread wide for him. He pulls out, leaning forward to be on top of you, guiding his cock back in easily. You wrap your arms around his neck, kissing him on the lips. 
“I want you like this,” he growls, his mouth grazing your ear. 
You coil your legs around his waist, bodies molded together seamlessly. He’s hitting your sweet spot, your puffy clit brushing against him ever so slightly, stimulating you into your second climax. His erratic breathing and rapid thrusts indicate that he’s close too. 
He faces you once more, slipping his tongue inside your mouth, greedy for your spit. “I’m going to come.”
“Give it to me, sweetie. Breed me. Get me pregnant.”
He kisses you sloppily, hips jerking as he pumps you full of his cum. When he’s done, he doesn’t pull out, relaxing his body against yours. “You think we did it this time?” he asks, nuzzling his nose into the crook of your neck.
“We’ll see,” you answer. You think about the date, trying to remember if you’re ovulating today. Too fucked out to process anything properly, you leave it to chance, enjoying the rest of the day pleasantly spent.
Two weeks later, on another lazy Sunday afternoon, you walk out of the bathroom and into the kitchen to show your husband two positive pregnancy tests. He picks you up and swings you around the room, ecstatic. 
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chipthekeeper · 7 days
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Velcinta September, Weekend #2 - connect
Cinta and Vel stay connected by a window motif throughout the second half of the season. More meta thoughts on the symbolism under the cut.
Starting with Gorn’s description of the Eye, Vel and Cinta’s story is always connected by the motif of windows. Cinta watches from the ground as Vel and the others escape through the Eye, aka “the window to the galaxy.” They reunite on Ferrix but soon after have to separate again – Vel takes the shuttle to leave, staring out the window down at the city; Cinta watches the Andor place through the window in the nearby room. We get a blurry view of Vel and her cousin through Mon’s window on Coruscant. And of course in the finale, Vel returns to Ferrix and pleads with Cinta to “come away from the window” and relax for a moment. Cinta does, even if slowly.
From what I can tell, there are two main things symbolized by windows in stories – freedom and escape, and a portal between one’s inner and outer worlds. I’d say sometimes these blur together within the symbol as well. In this case the first mostly pertains to Cinta, even though Vel was the one to escape Aldhani through the window of the Eye. She longs for an escape from the pain she has suffered at the hands of the Empire, for freedom from its oppression. It is her singular focus, underlined by the intense stare out the window in episode 8 and later 12. She cannot take her eyes away from the window, from the chance to get closer to freedom.
The barrier between the inner and outer worlds applies more to Vel, the character with the most stark contrast between the self they present to the world (or at least the world that once knew them) and who they really are or want to be. Even in the scene with Mon – which starts with that blurry, rainy window – Vel cannot be fully herself and tell Mon what she’s done on Aldhani. And all the rest of her family knows her only as some spoiled rich kid who just likes to go off traveling.
So what does this symbolism and connection mean for their arcs? I find it interesting that when we first meet them it’s out in the wild on Aldhani, where there really are no windows. Out there in the highlands they have work to do of course, but compared to the rest of their lives this is a place where they can be free and escape, where their inner and outer lives don’t have such a barrier between them. Then the Eye comes, closing the window between them rather literally. Vel escapes, leaving behind the most important part of her inner life. And Cinta is left watching, trapped there on the planet and literally wrapped in the uniform of her oppressors.
In episode 8 during their reunion in the cafe, they’re on a bit more even ground with Cinta having also escaped Aldhani, but now the windows are there and they are still on opposite sides of them. The escape Vel craves is not the same one Cinta does, and Cinta points this out to her with the iconic mirror line: “I’m a mirror, Vel. You love me because I show you what you need to see.” And the thing is, they BOTH reflect what the other needs – Vel to look outwardly toward the fight, Cinta to look inwardly to a connection that will keep her from losing herself to that fight.
When they part again they are very beautifully shown looking through the windows between them, seemingly at each other – like reflections in a mirror – but not really. Because this is about windows, not mirrors. Again, they’re each looking toward the thing they want, the thing the window is either a portal to or a barrier in the way of: freedom from the Empire for Cinta, who is surrounded by the Empire and longing to take the fight to them; and the comfort of her inner life for Vel, who knows she has to go back to Chandrila and pretend to be the spoiled rich girl. This all culminates in the final big scene for them, when in the finale Vel asks Cinta to come away from the window. She has gone back to Coruscant and used Cinta’s words to help keep Mon’s focus on the fight, and she’s returned to help finish this job now. She even tells Cinta that she was right to miss picking her up in favor of keeping an eye on the ISB. She’s now looking outward at the fight and what needs to be done, but Cinta still needs to turn around and look inside, look at her inner life and how dark it’s become. Vel gently orders Cinta to turn around, turn away from that window she’s kept her eyes on all this time. And she does, and finally they are looking at each other but also in the directions they’ve avoided until now – Vel facing the window, Cinta facing inside. They both still have some work to do, but at least now they're looking and moving in the right direction. The window both separates them and connects them the whole time, and finally they are on the same side of it, even if only for a while.
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tvgals · 10 months
Hey I don’t know if your taking requests at the moment but I was thinking about a somewhat emotional piece . I was thinking about connie x bestfriend y/n reunion where they haven’t seen each other since 10th grade. Like y/n was on her way to a family event that was hosted at her parents house and like everyone knew the whole surprise thing he wanted to do so she walks in seeing everyone recording so she look confused and then he walks up behind her holding flowers and a teddy bear. ( I’m so sorry this is long but no pressure )
you and connie haven’t seen each other in over four years, imagine your face of surprise when he comes to see you.
𓈒 ﹒ ☆ 𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭ ࣭
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you’d never felt the same as you did during tenth grade. you had a loyal bestfriend and a huge crush you still haven’t managed to get over. you sit up in your bed and rub your eyes, picking up your phone. you tap the screen to see new messages from your sister.
‘don’t forget abt that reunion td!!!’
‘momma says wear pink!’
you grin and take off your bonnet, letting your hair rest on the middle of your back. you get out of the bed and stretch, walking to the bathroom.
your train of thoughts ran about this morning, it seems as if you can’t get connie off of your mind these days. you already couldn’t let go of him, but it’s more than usual this month. you missed him an indescribable amount, wishing he’d text or call you. you’ve been thinking he’s more than likely forgotten about you, that he’s moved on and is living life freely. it hurt your heart to think about things like this, that he doesn’t care about you, but it was infact the opposite.
connie’s pov :
connie had a dopey grin on his face. a week or so ago, he’d gotten a dm from your sister on instagram, asking if he wanted to come and see you for the weekend. connie thought it was some joke, that he was being pranked, but once he saw all of the post’s including your beautiful face, he practically started kicking his feet. he texted back with an enthusiastic response, a smile on his face.
connie threw on a pair of dunks, a pair he bought a while ago because they reminded him of you, and headed out the door. he slid into his all black hellcat and made his way to your family home. your sister texted a few times, an even bigger smile making its way onto his face.
‘y/n is on her way now!!’
‘make sure you hide real good’
connie pulls up to your house and parks across the street. he looks over to his passenger seat and sighs before picking up the roses and chocolates, a teddy bear holding $200 in 20’s in front. he picks them up and gets out the car, walking to the side of your house where he’s sure he won’t be seen. five minutes or so went by before he saw your pink porsche pull into the driveway, you getting out dressed in a beautiful pink strapless two piece. connie smiles to himself.
you walk up the stairs to your house and when you open the door connie can hear the mumbles and laughs of your family members.
your pov:
you walk into the house to see everyone with their phones out, smiling and giggling.
“what are y’all recording for?” you giggle nervously. your sister comes up to you and tells you to close your eyes and turn around. you scrunch your face up in confusion but comply, turning around and squeezing g your eyes shut. connie got a text of ‘CMON!!’ from your sister and he walks up the stoop to your house, opening the door with a grin. “open your eyes!” you sister yells, laughing. you open your eyes to see connie holding all those thoughtful gifts for you.
“connie?” you laugh, a shocked look on your face. “hey, y/n.” he responds smiling. you throw yourself into a hug with connie. tears starting to roll down your face. “don’t cry, pretty girl.” connie says, hugging you back. you pull back from him and wipe your tears, looking at his hands. “is that for me?” you ask, looking back up at him. “of course.” he says, handing you your gifts.
“i thought you forgot about me..” you admit, looking at him. “of course not. i’ve been thinking about you for the past 4 years, pretty.” connie replies, hugging you once more.
“i missed you so much, connie.”
“i missed you more, y/n.”
i hope you enjoyed this… i’ll probably redo it but i felt the need to get it out.
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najlepsiznajlepsich · 4 months
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pairing: lando norris x reader
word count: 2.7k
warnings: alcohol consumption, cursing, angst (a bit), lando and reader are teenagers (for the most part)
author's note: im sorry for any mistakes, or if i missed a warning, this was supposed to be really inspired by Taylor Swift's cardigan but i got kind of lost in the plot lmao
Oh. How you loved this. Giggles of you and your friends were echoing through the house. No one even had an idea of what they were talking about, and half of the words coming out of their mouths were slurred. You weren’t sure about what was going on. Except for Lando’s burning touch on your shoulder. It felt too good. 
Being completely lost in the moment, you nearly didn’t even hear your phone ringing. You reached for it and walked into a different room. You didn’t read the name of the caller, and you should’ve, because when you picked up, your mom started berating you. 
She hung up and you walked back to where your friends were having the time of their lives. “I’m going home, guys.” You said and grabbed your jacket that was thrown over the sofa. The ‘why’s’ of your friends were filling your ears. “I’ll drive you.” Lando jumped up and dragged you out of the house. 
“Mom. Don’t worry I’ll come home in a few hours.” You blurted out. “Oh no, young lady. You’re coming home right now!” she raised her voice and continued.
"When you’re an adult you can do whatever you want! But you’re not, so you’re coming home!” You sighed. Really? “Okay. I’ll be home in a bit.” 
“For who did you get all dressed up like that? I’m surprised you can even walk in them.” Lando commented on your heels as they clicked against the cobblestone path. You just giggled and sat in the passenger’s seat. “You seem too happy, did you want to get out of there or something?” you asked as he started driving. 
“Well, you know I prefer 1 on 1 conversations. That was too much chaos.” “I doubt that you party lion.” He smiled. The car fell into a comfortable silence. As you stopped at a traffic light you felt Lando’s eyes scanning you. 
“I’ve never seen you wearing that t-shirt. Is it ne-“ “Oh no. It was my mom’s.” You cut him off and giggled. “Vintage. So adorable.” You both exploded into laughter at the mean girls reference. He stopped in front of your house and you wished that the ride would last longer. You thanked him and got out of the car. 
You felt his eyes following your silhouette as you walked inside. The front door shut and you leaned against it. “Mom already went to sleep,” your dad said and you exhaled deeply. “Oh, Lando drove you home. He’s such a nice young man isn’t he?” You rolled your eyes and rushed towards your room. 
Lando knew you too well. Putting on those high heels was one of your biggest regrets and they were kicked off immediately. You could barely bring yourself to remove your makeup and change your clothes. But somehow you did. Finally, the bed sank under your body and your mind was already drifting off. 
Your phone beeped. Lando. 
Hope you can hang out next weekend :). 
Oh shit. You totally forgot you’re turning 18 next weekend. 
I def can, mom didn’t say anything. You giggled to yourself as you sent the message. 
She was asleep. Wasn’t she?  
You burst out laughing.  Yeah, and? 
His message popped up immediately: Go to sleep Y/N. Well, why argue.
That week went by too fast. School didn’t give you a chance to take a break. But, Saturday rolled around, and now you’re 18. Isn’t it crazy? Only, if you could actually enjoy it. 
There were so many family members in your house, half of them you didn’t even know. And now you were thinking if your mom hasn’t just turned your birthday party into a family reunion. It was too boring. The time went by even slower than when you were in school. You just did your job. Talked to everyone, you even smiled at them politely. 
After a long long time, it was finally silent. Just you, your dad and your mom. And you probably jinxed it, because your phone started ringing. “Ugh, another cousin calling.” You thought before you picked your phone up. Could not be more wrong. 
It’s Lando. 
“Yeah?” you picked up. 
“Don’t you want to go somewhere? Somewhere out?” He spoke slowly.
 “Oh. Uhh, sure? Where are you right-““Outside your house, come out.” He laughed into the phone and hung up. 
You grabbed the closest thing you could put on and walked outside. Your mom’s cardigan. Your feet carried you outside, while your brain wasn’t sure of this. Whatever. 
“Hii!” Lando yelled and hugged you. “Happy birthday! Come on!” He started walking away instantly. “Hey! Where are we going?” You ran after him. “Don’t you want to relax by the lake?” He said, shutting you up immediately.  
Like always, it was quiet. Ducks floated on top of the lake and some insects you weren’t able to recognize flew around you. This was so peaceful. It was like a whole new world. That's just what you needed.
“Look at what I got you,” Lando spoke up. He pulled out two small bottles of alcohol from his pocket and threw one into your lap. “Come on” he muttered as he unscrewed the cap off his bottle. You let him open yours too. 
“I really want to see your reaction,” he laughed as he handed it back to you. You didn’t waste any time as you brought it to your lips and took a sip. Your nose scrunched instantly, and that’s all Lando needed to burst into laughter. “Try mine.”
One sip turned to two, and then it went downhill pretty quickly. “Come on Lando!” You whined as you dragged him behind you. “I have to get home!” You giggled. He pulled you into a hug, which you didn’t mind. Your whole body was cold, and he had a warmth you couldn’t explain. 
It was dark already and the only light that illuminated you was a streetlight right above you. “You’re so warm. I’m freezing.” Lando grunted. Huh? “No, you’re the hot one.” You forgot how to think, and it was obvious by now. “Wow. Thank you.” He just chuckled while you were endlessly defending yourself. Ugh, it’s not like he’s a genius when he’s drunk too. 
And just right after you both calmed down, a song started to play from a nearby house. “How loud did he put it on, if we can hear it here?” You burst out laughing. “Don’t laugh. Dance with me.” Well, who were you to deny that request?
His touch was a tingling sensation on your skin, something you wished you could feel forever. He danced slowly, probably to not make you throw up from the moves. And while you felt sick, it all felt like a beautiful dream. Something not real. It was just too good. 
“Lando…Home” you whispered into his neck, and without a protest he started walking you home. Supported you, caught you when you stumbled, then opened the front door of your house. You kicked off your shoes and sat on the floor. “Okay, goodnight, pretty.” He said in a hushed voice as he shut the door behind him and blood instantly rushed into your cheeks.
“Had a nice night out, young lady?” Your tired dad walked out of the kitchen and went to pick you up from the floor. “Let’s get you to bed.” He suggested and you exhaled. “Please don’t tell mom, please dad.” “I won’t, just go to bed.”
And it’s Monday again. Ugh. You hated your Monday classes, especially physics. Your brain couldn’t understand anything at this hour. You nearly fell asleep numerous times, and your blinking turned into microsleep. Your phone, which wasn’t charged from last night, vibrated in your pocket and you reached for it.
Of course, it's Lando. 
Are you free after school?
Yeah. You typed out a quick response and stuffed your phone back into the pocket. 
And until lunch you were walking around with the biggest grin on your face. Like a little kid with a lollypop. Except, you needed to show Lando's response to your girls.
I'll wait for you in front of the school, ok? You read the message aloud to them, who couldn’t refrain themselves from aww-ing. “He definitely wants you.” Your best friend giggled and you rolled your eyes. A chorus of agreement came from all sides of the table. “We’re just friends, I swear.” “Yeah… But you’re in love with him.”
Finally, out of the school. Seeing Lando wait there for you made your heart jump a bit. Maybe your friend was right. “Come on, they're waiting for us.” Lando smiled and started walking. “Who? If I can ask?” “Oh, right, just some of my friends.”
Well, you found out that you have a different definition for “some friends”. You expect just your closest friend group. Not another 10 people. And you had no idea who they were. You and Lando sat down on the grass next to them. 
“I need to do my homework.” Lando proclaimed and you burst out laughing. “You? Homework? Good joke.” “It’s actually important, you know?” Lando said with a quiet voice while everyone was laughing. But they moved on from that really quickly. Now they were gossiping about some random people.
Lando kept scribbling into his notebook. Scribbling a whole lot of nothing. “What the hell are you doing?” You whispered and he shushed you. “I don’t want to be here.” He muttered and started doodling on your arm. “Aren’t these your friends?” “I don’t like them.” You scoffed but didn’t question him further. 
As you were sitting there for longer and longer, more messy stars and hearts appeared on your arms. Lando was studying you instead of that homework. “When did you get this one?” He asked and you could hear the tiredness in his voice. “Remember when I tried to learn how to skateboard?” He giggled. “No way.” He yawned, and you continued telling him that story.
It didn’t take long and he was already sleeping on your shoulder. How were you going to get him home? You answered your own question almost instantly. Well, that’s just a future you problem. 
Lando calling you to hang out on the weekends became a routine. A comfortable routine that you loved and appreciated. Until it stopped. Unannounced. And you had no idea why. The thought lingered around in your mind. Maybe, he just got bored of you.
Then one weekend hangouts were revived. He called you. Your heart stopped for a second. 
“Hi. You wanna go somewhere out?” he asked, the connection breaking towards the end of the sentence.
“Sure.” You said into the phone, trying so hard to be cool. 
“I’ll come pick you up in 10.” He blurted out and ended the call. 
You haven’t talked to him in so long. Now he sounds totally different. You put on some random clothes that were thrown over the chair and bolted outside. Surprisingly, Lando arrived sooner than he promised. No problem.
But just as you were about to open the passenger door, you noticed a girl sitting there. Okay, so now you’ve been demoted to the backseat. You jumped there and Lando turned around to look at you. 
“Okay, so the teachers said I have to show her around the town. You don’t mind being my assistant, do you?” Lando explained the situation very quickly. Too quickly. “No, not at all,” he smiled and the girl smiled back.
It was the foreign exchange student. You had English with her. The reason you remember her is just because she always talked about her weekend with Lando. Yeah, you were jealous. And what? 
He started driving around showing her all your spots. Where you had the best times of your lives. And now she knows them too. Ugh. Your secret spots weren’t secret anymore. And of course, she has to be the one who sees them. While sitting in your seat.
You were seething and you hated it. This wasn’t fair. You just couldn’t take it. 
"Lando, can you drop me off home… My mom wants me to do something." He responded calmly. "Sure." Fuck. He really had no idea. As soon as that car stopped by your house, you jumped out. No goodbye, no see ya.  Nothing.
You stomped your way inside and when the door shut behind you. Tears poured out of your eyes. And for once in your life you were happy your mom wasn’t asleep when you came home. She just hugged you, not asking a single question. “Boys are assholes, that one definitely did not deserve you.”
The rest of your high school life went by fine. You and Lando stayed friends, just not as close as before. Somehow, he could not figure out why. 
The graduation day was something you were looking forward to. You liked having someone by your side, but no one could actually understand you. So the plan was to ghost them. Maybe too harsh, shame that you didn’t give a fuck. You were waiting for your parents so you could go to lunch together. Until you felt a hand on your shoulder. 
“Hey, Y/N.” Lando. Of course, it has to be him. “So… This is going to sound absolutely crazy, but…” You rolled your eyes and waited for whatever shitty idea he was about to introduce you to.  “Do you want to travel around the country with me?” He asked, not sure if you were even listening. “I have classes I don’t have to attend and I’ll do my assignments on the road.”
“I can’t do that, are you crazy? I got into a good university and I won’t do some random shit with you, just because you want to.” You snapped at his unawareness. “I actually value my education-“ “I do too, please, it would be so fun.” He whined out. “How about you go ask your perfect best friend. I’m sure she'd love to go with you” His eyes went wide. 
“Is this all because of her?” “All? What is that?” you asked, clearly mocking his voice. “You’re avoiding me, not wanting to hang with me and now you’re a bitch about it. I didn’t know you were so jealous.” He scoffed and walked away from you. 
“Enjoy that dumb trip!” You can’t believe this is how your friendship ends. You can’t believe that you’re still in love with that asshole.
And as pathetic as that sounds, every day of your university life you regretted saying no to Lando. That little crush didn’t go away. Your mom just couldn't stop showing you photos from his social media accounts (that you had blocked). And it was like he was haunting you. 
When you were walking through your hometown, you were thinking about the good memories you made. 
Men who wore cologne like his made you stop in your tracks. 
The conversation on that graduation day was like a song you couldn’t stop playing in your mind. 
You wished that the stars he drew on your skin were permanent tattoos.
You cursed him out for not being more convincing that day. You cursed out that girl for blinding you with jealousy. You didn’t see the truth because of the dark green haze.
He was everywhere, but still nowhere. You were sure you had developed hallucinations by now. 
And there wasn’t a night you weren’t thinking about what could’ve happened if you said yes. If wouldn’t cut him off. If you both just matured and stopped acting like nothing was wrong. If you started dating instead of tiptoeing around a label. 
Fuck. If only you weren’t dumb teenagers.
Back home for holidays. And everything reminded you of him. Even your house wasn’t safe. Your parents decided to visit your neighbors, and you swore you’d go crazy in that time. 
It’s hard being always correct. All the photos you hung up on the wall were with Lando and you didn’t know if to smile or cry. But, you decided to stop emotionally destroying yourself and went to the living room. You couldn't handle being in own room. That sounds crazy. Just as you got comfortable, the doorbell rang over the opening of your favorite TV show. 
Aren’t they home just too soon? Maybe they just forgot something. But as you opened the door you nearly got a heart attack. 
“What are you doing here?” You asked, your voice soft like never before.
“You’re here. I can’t believe it.” He stammered.
“Of course, I’m here. Why are you so shocked?” you responded. It was like both of you were on thin ice. One bad word or move and you’ll both fall apart.
“I’ve been trying to apologize to you for so long, but you’re never here.” His voice trembled. 
“You’ve been waiting for me?” Your eyes were full of tears and a smile formed on your quaking lips.
“Of course, I always loved you.” 
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ilovehugslikealotalot · 6 months
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req: basically r pulled an Emily and died on everyone, just to add to the trauma she died in Emily’s arms because that’s a great start to a Emily Prentiss x fem!r fic right?? So, she not dead really but people don’t know that. Basically Emily’s just missing her more than usual until the Attorney General reveals that y/n had been on a mission and stayed low. Nobody in the team knew about it, in order to make sure there were no distractions at all. Emily basically just doesn’t know how to feel.
WARNING: angst, sad!emily, r is gone for 8 months, reunion, betrayl?, trauma bc it’s Criminal minds, cursing, implied smut, wife!emily
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Today marked the anniversary of y/n’s death. In truth, all of the team died a little that day, it was just a matter of how much. For most it took over a month, at least. For Emily..no, she couldn’t get over it.
She found herself at the Shooting range for hours at a time just trying to get her mind off of the hell she was living.
No matter how hard she tried, she experienced the love of her life die in her arms. It haunted her more than anything in her life had. She once told some, “After being assaulted, drugged, and killed in the line of duty, I figured what’s the worst that could happen.”
This. This is the worst.
She could still vividly remember the smell of blood that overloaded her senses, she could hear her own screaming, she tried so hard to stop the bleed but it just kept coming. ———
“no, no, no, no. Baby, stay with me, please!” Emily sobbed, she tried putting as much pressure as she could as she screamed for a medic, someone, anyone to help her.
“Em, hey, look at me..” she said weakly, holding her wife’s face, “Calm down, it’ll be alright” she whispered, brushing her hair out of her face. Blood covered her vest, sirens glared outside, “Help is here, you’re going to be okay! I love you so much, please don’t die on me, I can’t lose you too” Emily held her close and sobbed, she could feel your breathing become shallow. The paramedic swiftly but quickly took y/n away. Leaving Emily soaked in a pool of her own wife’s blood.
“Emily? You get that?” JJ asked, holding her arm, the section chief nodded and skimmed through the file. “Okay so, the Attorney General asked us to take a rest from cases and finish up some reports and paper work. We all have a meeting with her back here at 7:00” Emily announced, Shooting up from her chair and walking to her office locking it behind her. Her blind were already shut so she just plopped down on her chair.
She felt a burning in her eyes as she flipped through files. Her breath seemed to get caught in her throat while her vision blurred. Emily gripped her pen, angrily snapping it and throwing it down on te ground the ink splattering on the ground next to her, it was red, reminding her of the blood…so much blood. Affer y/n’s death, she wasn’t really the same, she was the shell of the person she once was. Her temper was shorter and her work hours seemed to add up.
She was almost never home the smell reminding her of y/n and the love she could never have again. But, she came home most weekends wanting to just sleep in her clothes all day. The house wasn’t a mess because she hadnt touched anything since she died that day. But she did get the strength to clean dishes once in a while. But there was never much considering she lived on coffee and granola bars.
Emily stared at the framed photo of her and y/n reminding herself that they never got the chance to start a family. They were thinking about adoption and hopefully raise the kid as their own.
She let out a sob, her head in her hands as she wailed, her throat closing up as she struggled to compose herself.
She couldn’t do this.
No, not without her
The night that y/n passed on was the hardest, she refused to believe she was gone, telling herself that it was just some sick joke. She cursed everything and cried for months blaming herself for not acting quicker. Some people told her to just move on, Emily had lived without her once, she could do it again.
No. She couldn’t just move on. That was before she knew that y/n was the one person that she needed, the one person that she truly wanted. Her heart ached if she was gone from her for even a moment, she couldn’t last a day without giving her a call. At this point she must’ve called her so many times, each time she held onto the hope she would answer. That her sweet voice would be at the other side.
It wasn’t possible to forget her wife, not when she gave her so much to remember. It pained her that she waited for a love that would never comeback, she was pissed at the world and herself.
It should’ve been her instead of y/n that night, she could vividly remember the sound of y/n’s laughter which quickly melted into horrified and pained screams. She could hear the killer’s voice in her ear, he taunted Emily and blindfolded her, letting her only hear the screams of terror as he stabbed her wife. Her y/n.
She could’ve untied the ropes faster, gotten her to sit up off of the floor faster, she could’ve killed him sooner.
Emily clearly recalled y/n telling her to move on and be happy, it was the only thing she asked of her before her passing. How could she ask such a thing?
Emily practically fell in love the moment she saw her, how could she ever feeling the same way about someone else. No one could replace her. Ever.
Thinking back to the memories, she sniffled but smiled a little knowing not all of her was gone.
“Oh, Emily this is our new Agent, Y/n Y/l/n” Hotch introduced, letting y/n shake the other woman’s hand, “Hello, it’s so nice to finally meet you, I’ve heard of your case, you’re brilliant” she complimented, drawing a deep blush from the older woman. She stuttered for a second trying to register the words. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you too, I’m Emily Prentiss”
It wasn’t long before the team began to meddle with their blossoming love, JJ, Garcia, and Rossi being the most active with their witty remarks about the two. It wasn’t long before Hotch left and Emily stepped up that they got together.
It was supposed to be a secret, that was until Emily forgot to lock the door mid make out session and Tara happened to walk in.
She wiped at her eyes, trying to stop the tears from falling like rain. It was close to the meeting and she couldn’t let anyone see her like this. So, she cleaned herself up and stepped out of her office for the first time that day. Tara was the only one in the bullpen, the others, she assumed were out somewhere getting coffee.
“Hey, you been crying again?” The doctor asked, opening her arms up for the other woman. Emily nodded, fighting back the resurfacing tears. “I know it’s the anniversary of her death, Em. If it helps, I’ll come with you to her grave after the meeting” Tara smiled sadly, the team all came in, JJ handing Emily a warm cup. Deep down, they all felt sorry for Emily. They knew how much they loved each other and how much they’ve sacrificed. As 7:00 approached they all filed into the debriefing room, an extra chair was out for the Attorney General, Deborah, and there was an empty chair next to Emily. Y/n’s old chair..
As much as they hate to admit it, they pretend she’s still sitting their with her giddy smile and optimistic nature. “Hello, Agents, I thank you for coming in,” Deborah said with confidence and authority radiating off of her, “As you know, Agent Y/l/n had sadly passed on the field approximately 8 months ago, it has also come to my attention that you are all aware of Project Morning Glory, correct?” They nodded their heads some flinching at the mention of y/n, who they all had tried to not think about all day.
“The Project has been fulfilled and the target has been neutralized. We needed absolutely no distraction for her whatsoever, so I ordered for her to fake her death” Luke was the first to speak out, “what?” He let out a sigh of relief and astonishment, “she’s alive?”
”Yes, Agent Alvez, y/n is very much alive” Everyone was completely and utterly flabbergasted, Emily blocked everyone out the thoughts in her brain being incoherent as she played it all back to the moment she held her wife close, screaming at the Lord above for any kind of help. “I saw her bleeding out, I smelled the blood, I felt her go limp, she’s dead” Emily had refused to believe it, the tears pooling in her eyes for what seemed like the billionth time that day. She had been close to accepting that that she was gone, now this?
“If you have concerns, please, direct them toward me-“ Deborah began but was sharply cut off by a hurting Emily Prentiss. “Concerns? I have concerns, alright! For 8 months my team has been struggling, I’m struggling!” Emily stood up from her seat, her hands gripping the round table. Everyone lowered their heads a bit, even though her wrath hadn’t reached it’s peak yet. “Case after case, do you know what we’ve gone through? The sacrifices? Yes, I have concerns!”
JJ felt tensions rise, as she picked her head up to see Emily spilling tears, “I begged for her to come back. As a shadow, even in a dream. You took my wife from me, you are sick” Emily said through gritted teeth, the Attorney General looked guilty for a moment before smiling at the door.
“Agent Y/l/n, it’s nice to see your face”
Emily frozed, she wasn’t ready, when everyone turned around and cried during the reunion, Emily didn’t turn, the 8 months she had replaying in her head in a constant loop. Her lack of motivation and depressive episodes got worse, she needed y/n and now it seemed like she was just stabbed the in the back.
Nothing could stop this Internal war she was having with herself, she couldn’t believe her ears, it was like she wanted to move but her body refused to. “Emily? Honey?” Y/n called out, her sweet voice a little more tired sounding. Her hair was still the same, assuming she had to maintain an image while being undercover as a secretary to a high-stakes business man. A small cut was above her forehead, her lips were swollen light she had just taken a beating. She had hoped for a more sweet reunion but deep down she knew Emily needed time.
Emily was angered, she couldn’t take the sight of anyone, so instead of getting a sweet kiss and a long hug she stormed out her head full of thoughts she could hardly process, while people tried calling out or going after her, Y/n stopped thme knowing her wife would need time. ——
In her office, Emily knocked her files off the desk with a loud grunt, she slammed her fist down on the desk and yelled cursed as she tore books from the sheleves, and even threw the framed photograph of her and y/n across the room. She rested her herself on the table behind her desk. She sighed, as she felt a cut on her knuckle she brushed it off and sniffled, straightening her blazer when the door opened.
“Emily? I know you might not be ready to talk, I just wanted to let you know I was sorry, I was going to reject the offer but he was gonna go after you, I just…I couldn’t risk that.” Y/n admitted closing the door softly, noticing the room looking like a tornado had hit it, she smiled softly seeing the framed picture and picked it up.
“I mourned you, I lost the one person I loved most in this world, I finally got what I wanted, what I needed. Then, you just got ripped away from me, I couldn’t handle it” Emily sobbed, hurriedly walking over to her wife and sobbed between words, “I couldn’t move on, just thinking about it made me sick, I blamed myself for it everyday, and every night the same nightmare.” The emotional state the Unit Chief was in was overwhleming to say the least, the woman was shaking as she buckled at the knees. “I’m here to stay, for as long as you’ll have me”
“Stay forever then?” She sniffled, kissing her lips softly, the world disappearing around them, right now, it was just Emily and Y/n, no cases, no missions, no death. Just love.
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rafesapologist · 8 months
the set up — rafe cameron; part twenty three
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summary: you've been one of the pogues since childhood, and your loyalty has always lied within your friend group, who is practically your family. when a threat by the name of rafe cameron begins to threaten the pogue's plans, they assign you to gain the trust of the dubious kook and keep an eye on what he's up to. however, now it's been six months since your friends set you up to spy on the kook prince himself, but what you didn't anticipate was to fall head over heels for the boy. your relationship had soon become inviolable shortly after your guys' first exchanges, much to your friends' dismay, and you two became practically inseperable. that was, until rafe discovers the truth.
warnings: swearing, drug use, mentions of alcohol, suggestive themes, angst
author's note: thank you to the person who said y/n and rafe remind them of two ghosts by harry styles, yet another reason to cry over them
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In the soft glow of the television, casting a muted ambiance across Rafe's room, he lay on his bed with Sofia resting against his chest. A quiet tension lingered in the air, intensifying in the days following the unexpected reunion with you at the restaurant.
Sofia, sensing Rafe's distance, absentmindedly traced circles on his chest with her fingers, attempting to bridge the growing gap between them. Tilting her head to look up at him, concern filled her eyes.
"Rafe, is everything okay?" Sofia's voice was soft and caring.
With a sigh, Rafe kept his gaze fixed on the TV screen, his mind clearly elsewhere. "Yeah, just… thinking about stuff, you know?"
Propping herself up on her elbow, Sofia studied his face. "You've been so distant lately. Is there something you want to talk about?"
Caught between the truth and the fear of causing more turmoil, he hesitated. "It's just a lot going on, Sof. I've got some things on my mind."
Understandingly, Sofia nodded, her fingers now tracing gentle patterns on his arm. "You know you can talk to me about anything, right?"
He nodded, appreciating her support but unsure if he could share the complexities of his emotions. Sensing his reluctance, Sofia decided to change the subject, attempting to lighten the mood.
"Maybe we could do something fun this weekend, take your mind off things," she suggested, a hopeful smile playing on her lips.
Managing a faint smile in return, Rafe appreciated her effort. "Yeah, maybe. We'll see."
As the TV flickered in the background, the room held an unspoken tension. Sofia rested her head back on Rafe's chest, contemplating the subtle shifts in their dynamic. While she tried to be patient, a nagging feeling lingered – a realization that something had changed, and she couldn't quite put her finger on it.
However, as her gestures intensified, Rafe's patience wore thin. The unspoken tension in the room became palpable, creating an invisible barrier between them. Sofia nestled against him, attempting to intertwine her fingers with his. Growing increasingly irritated, Rafe pulled away, his brow furrowing.
"Sof, can you just give it a rest for a bit?" he muttered, the irritation evident in his tone.
Looking up at him, Sofia's eyes reflected a mix of confusion and hurt. "Rafe, what's going on? You've been distant, and now you're pushing me away. Did I do something wrong?"
With a sigh, frustration etching his features, Rafe admitted, "It's not about you, okay? I've got a lot on my mind, and I can't deal with all this right now."
She sat up, giving him some space but still visibly hurt. "Rafe, we used to be so close. If something's bothering you, I want to be there for you."
His annoyance grew as he struggled to find the right words. "I just need some space, okay? I can't have you all over me every second."
Tears welled in Sofia's eyes, hurt by the sudden change in his demeanor. "Fine, Rafe. If you need space, I'll give it to you. But this… it's not like you."
He didn't respond, his gaze fixed on the distant wall. The room felt heavy with unresolved tension, and as Sofia excused herself, the air between them lingered with unspoken words and a growing sense of unease.
Rafe's frustration reached its peak as he watched Sofia leave, the door closing behind her. He sighed heavily, pacing the room as if trying to escape the overwhelming emotions within. His hands ran through his disheveled hair, fingers gripping the strands tightly.
"Why can't anything just be easy for once?" he muttered to himself, a bitter edge to his voice.
The echo of his own words seemed to mock him, and he felt a surge of anger building up inside. Without thinking, he lashed out, his fist connecting with the wall in a raw display of frustration. The impact reverberated through the room, and a sharp pain shot through his hand. Rafe winced but welcomed the physical pain as a distraction from the emotional turmoil.
"Damn it!" he cursed, shaking his hand as if to ward off the sting.
Alone in the room, Rafe grappled with the conflicting emotions swirling within him. The weight of recent events, the encounter with you, and the strained relationship with Sofia created a volatile mix that he struggled to navigate. The room felt smaller, suffocating, as if closing in on him.
As Rafe nursed his throbbing hand, he sank onto the edge of his bed, overwhelmed by a flood of memories. The room became a stage for the ghosts of moments shared with you, and he found himself dwelling in the bittersweet nostalgia of your presence.
He closed his eyes, trying to summon the sensory details that clung to those memories. The way your hair smelled faintly of the ocean breeze, the melodic cadence of your laughter that echoed in his ears, and the warmth of your touch that lingered on his skin. Each recollection was a sharp pang, a reminder of a time when everything seemed simpler, when he didn't have to navigate the complexities of heartache and regret.
In that solitary moment, he romanticized the past, replaying the scenes where you and he were entangled in a dance of shared glances and whispered confessions. The room seemed to echo with the ghostly laughter that once filled it, now haunting him with the absence of your presence.
Sorrow tightened its grip on his heart as he wallowed in the vivid tapestry of your shared experiences. The weight of regret bore down on him, and he couldn't escape the haunting realization that he might have let something truly precious slip through his fingers. Yet, amid the pain, there was an undeniable longing, a yearning for a time when love felt uncomplicated, and the future held the promise of shared tomorrows.
As Rafe dwelled in the recesses of his imagination, he allowed the alternate reality to unfold before him like a hazy daydream. In this envisioned world, he saw a life where he had granted you that second chance on that fateful day, a life that diverged from the current path of heartache and solitude.
In this imagined narrative, the two of you flourished against the backdrop of sun-kissed memories, navigating the complexities of love with a newfound understanding. The island, once a confined stage for your relationship, now became a mere prologue to the grander story of your shared journey.
He envisioned the passage of years, the gentle erosion of the once-familiar island landscape replaced by the changing seasons of a more expansive world. The whispers of shared dreams resonated through the cozy northern town you had made your own, a place where the echoes of laughter and love were woven into the fabric of everyday life.
There, in this imagined haven, you and he found solace in the simplicity of shared sunsets and the warmth of a home built on the foundation of forgiveness and resilience. The weight of regret lifted, replaced by the buoyancy of a love that had weathered storms and emerged stronger on the other side.
Yet, even in the reverie of this idyllic existence, a sense of loss lingered. Rafe couldn't shake the awareness that this alternate reality was a mere mirage, a poignant testament to the choices made and the irreversible course of time. The ache in his heart deepened as he contemplated the chasm between the life he had envisioned and the reality that now unfolded before him.
As Rafe's mental anguish escalated, he found himself teetering on the precipice of despair. The weight of regret, coupled with the sting of recent events, drove him to a breaking point. A torrent of emotions overwhelmed him, and tears blurred his vision as he grappled with the haunting echoes of your presence in his mind.
In a desperate attempt to numb the pain, Rafe sought solace in the familiar rituals that had become a coping mechanism, albeit a destructive one. With trembling hands, he reached into his nightstand, fingers closing around a small baggy containing a white substance. The act was mechanical, a reflex born out of habit and the relentless pursuit of an elusive escape.
The substance, once a temporary reprieve from the tumult within, now became a symbol of the deeper turmoil eating away at Rafe's soul. As he prepared to indulge in this fleeting escape, the room became a silent witness to the unraveling of a fractured spirit, a soul caught in the relentless undertow of its own despair.
The room, cloaked in the dim glow of despair, witnessed Rafe's descent into the abyss of his own making. Each inhalation of the numbing substance became a fleeting attempt to drown the sorrows that threatened to consume him. Tears, unbidden, streamed down his face, a silent testament to the profound ache that had settled within his heart.
As the chemical haze wrapped around him, he found himself lost in a vivid tapestry of memories. Images of you, smiling and carefree, intertwined with an alternate reality where he had chosen a different path that led to a shared future. The bittersweet agony of those imaginary moments intensified with every heartbeat, each line etching a painful reminder of what could have been.
In the midst of the solitary ritual, Rafe grappled not only with the substance but also with the weight of regret, longing, and the haunting specter of a love lost. The room bore witness to the silent struggle, a sanctuary of solitude shattered by the echoes of a heart breaking, one line at a time.
The substance's bitter sting lingered in Rafe's nostrils as he leaned back, the remnants of his chosen escape method still coursing through his veins. The room, once a sanctuary of solitude, now held the hushed aftermath of his self-imposed oblivion. A fleeting sense of relaxation swept over him, a momentary reprieve from the weight that had settled on his shoulders.
As he waited for the high to envelop him completely, Rafe's mind teetered on the precipice between reality and the numbing embrace of the chemicals. The echoes of memories, both real and imagined, lingered in the corners of his consciousness, competing with the euphoria that sought to drown them out. In this fragile interlude, he clung to the fragile promise of escape, a respite from the relentless ache that seemed to define his waking hours.
The sun hung high in the cloudless sky as you and JJ embarked on the boat ride, the rhythmic hum of the engine providing a soothing backdrop to the gentle lapping of waves against the vessel. The salty sea breeze tousled your hair as you sat beside JJ, your thoughts still swirling with the tumultuous events of the past days.
JJ, always attuned to your emotions, attempted to break the heavy silence that lingered between you. "You know, a day out here is gonna do wonders for the soul. Trust me."
You managed a small smile, appreciating JJ's effort to lift your spirits. The boat cut through the water, leaving behind a trail of frothy waves, and soon, the coastline faded into the distance.
As the boat sailed further into the vast expanse of the ocean, the horizon opened up before you, a boundless canvas of blues and greens. The vastness of the sea seemed to mirror the complexities of your own emotions. JJ, ever the optimist, nudged you playfully.
"Come on, Y/N! Let's make today a good one. Leave all that drama on the shore."
You nodded, silently vowing to try and embrace the fleeting escape from the troubles that haunted your thoughts. The boat sliced through the water, carrying you both away from the island, if only for a moment, and you allowed the gentle rocking to lull you into a tentative sense of peace.
As the boat glided through the sunlit waters, you could feel JJ's gaze on you, his eyes tracing the contours of your tanned skin as it absorbed the warm, golden rays. The sunlight played with the strands of your hair, creating a halo of light around you. Despite the turmoil in your mind, you found solace in the soothing embrace of the sun, its radiant touch becoming a balm for the wounds that lingered within.
JJ, perceptive as always, recognized the subtle shift in your demeanor. "Sunshine suits you, Y/N," he remarked with a grin, attempting to sprinkle a touch of lightness into the moment.
You chuckled softly, the genuine warmth in his words resonating with the gentle caress of the sun on your skin. For a fleeting instant, the weight on your shoulders seemed to lift, carried away by the sea breeze as the boat continued its leisurely journey across the open waters.
JJ glanced at you, concern etched across his features as he steered the boat through the gentle waves. "Y/N," he began, the hum of the boat's engine providing a backdrop to his words, "how have you been handling everything? I mean, after seeing Rafe and all."
You sighed, your gaze fixed on the horizon. The vast expanse of the ocean seemed to mirror the complexities of your emotions. "It's been tough, JJ. I didn't expect it to hit me that hard," you admitted, fingers absentmindedly playing with the edge of your sundress.
JJ nodded, understanding evident in his eyes. "If you ever need to talk about it or anything else, you know I'm here, right?"
A small smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you met JJ's sincere gaze. "Yeah, JJ. I appreciate that more than you know."
The boat sailed on, carving a path through the water as you navigated the currents of your emotions. JJ, a steady presence at your side, offered a reassuring anchor in the sea of uncertainty.
JJ grinned, his eyes reflecting the sunlight as he steered the boat. "You know, despite everything, I'm really glad we got past our previous issues and are still friends. Life's too short for unnecessary drama."
You chuckled, appreciating JJ's positive outlook. "Yeah, JJ, me too. You make everything a little bit easier."
The Chateau's atmosphere was thick with tension as you stormed through the door, your eyes ablaze with anger. JJ followed you, attempting to explain himself, but the hurt in your heart drowned out his words.
"You had no right, JJ!" you shouted, turning to face him. "You ruined everything!"
He held up his hands, a pleading look in his eyes. "I was just trying to be honest. Rafe had to know the truth, he's a fucking dick."
Your laughter was bitter and filled with frustration. "Honesty? You call this honesty? You destroyed my relationship with Rafe, and for what? To play the hero? You had no right meddling in my life!"
JJ's expression hardened. "I did it because I care about you! Rafe was gonna know the truth about the plan eventually."
Your fists clenched at your sides. "Well, congratulations, JJ. You've not only lost me my boyfriend, but you've also made sure Rafe will never trust me again. Is that what you wanted?"
He took a step forward, his voice lowering. "I wanted you to be free of the lies. I could see what it was doing to you and I was so pissed at Rafe and I-."
You scoffed, your tone dripping with sarcasm. "And what about hurting me, JJ? Did you even think about that?"
The room felt suffocating as the weight of the argument hung in the air. You turned away, frustration and betrayal burning in your eyes. JJ reached out, attempting to touch your shoulder, but you shrugged him off.
"Don't touch me, JJ," you hissed.
The tension escalated as JJ tried to justify his actions, his frustration mirroring your own. "You don't get it, Y/N. Rafe was pushing me. What was I supposed to do? Let him continue to walk around like he was hot shit?"
You scoffed, disbelief and anger painted across your features. "So, what, you just decided to spill everything? Betray me in the process? You had no right, JJ!"
He crossed his arms, his own frustration mounting. "He was asking for it. All I did was tell him the truth."
Your eyes narrowed. "And you think this is the way to deliver the truth? By ruining everything? You had no right to play hero, JJ. This was my mess to handle."
JJ's voice grew more intense. "He was getting under my skin, Y/N. Taunting me, pushing me to a point where I had to say something."
Your hands clenched into fists. "So, what, you just decided to throw me under the bus? And for what? To prove a point to Rafe?"
JJ's frustration turned into desperation. "I didn't want to hurt you, Y/N. But he needed to know what was going on. You can't keep playing both sides."
Your anger flared, and you took a step closer, glaring at JJ. "I never asked you to play hero, JJ. You took it upon yourself to destroy everything. And for what? To assuage your guilt?"
JJ's expression shifted to guilt as he realized the extent of the damage. "I just thought he deserved to know the truth."
You shook your head in disbelief. "Well, congratulations. The truth is out, and everything's gone to hell. I hope you're happy with what you've done."
The air in the room grew heavier as the argument reached a boiling point, the consequences of JJ's actions and your frustration colliding in a painful clash.
Tears streamed down your face as you hastily packed your belongings, anger and betrayal consuming you. JJ entered the room, concern etched across his face. "Y/N, please, just listen—"
You cut him off, your voice shaking with rage. "Listen? You've done enough, JJ. All you do is ruin everything. I can't believe you thought you had the right to destroy everything I had left."
JJ's eyes pleaded for understanding, but your frustration was uncontainable. "You had no right to tell him, JJ. It was my choice, my secret to keep. And you just trampled all over it."
He took a step closer, trying to calm the storm. "I just wanted him to know the truth, Y/N. He was pushing me, and I couldn't keep lying."
Your voice was sharp and unforgiving. "And look where it got us. Congratulations, JJ. You've successfully dismantled any chance I had left."
As the weight of the situation settled, JJ's remorse deepened. "Y/N, I didn't mean for it to go this way. I just thought he deserved to know the truth."
Your eyes flashed with anger. "Deserved to know? No, JJ, this wasn't your call to make. You don't get to play the hero in my life. Now, I need you to leave me alone. I can't deal with this right now."
JJ's attempts to mend the situation fell on deaf ears as you continued packing, each item a painful reminder of the life you had built on the island, now crumbling under the weight of betrayal and shattered trust.
JJ's voice cut through the tension as he yelled your name, desperation evident in his tone. "Y/N, stop! You're not going anywhere."
Your steps faltered briefly, but the fire within you refused to be extinguished. Turning to face him, you shot back, "Watch me, JJ. I can't stay here. Not after what you've done."
He closed the gap between you, his eyes pleading for understanding. "Y/N, please. We can work through this. You don't have to leave."
But the pain and anger were too fresh, too overwhelming. You shook your head, a bitter laugh escaping your lips. "Work through this? You destroyed everything, JJ. There's no going back."
The porch seemed like a battleground, emotions swirling in the air. You pushed past him, determination in every step. JJ called after you, his voice desperate and broken. "Y/N, I messed up, but running away won't fix anything. We can figure this out together."
You paused at the edge of the porch, a mixture of emotions playing on your face. "No, JJ. I need to go. I need to find some semblance of peace away from this mess. Goodbye, JJ."
And with that, you walked away, leaving JJ standing on the porch, helpless and haunted by the consequences of his actions.
JJ's question pulled you back from the brink of painful memories, and you turned your attention to him. The rhythmic sounds of the boat and the gentle waves around you provided a soothing backdrop to the present moment.
JJ's eyes studied your face, concern evident in his expression. "Hey, you've been through a lot lately. How about we take a break from everything and go to a party tonight? Just let loose and have some fun?"
With a forced smile, you responded, "Sure, JJ. A party sounds like a good distraction right now."
He grinned in response, seemingly content that you were willing to join in. The boat ride continued, the vast ocean offering a temporary escape from the troubles that haunted both your minds. Little did you know, the night would bring new challenges, pushing you to confront the ghosts of your past once more.
The pulsating beat of the music filled the air as you navigated through the crowded house party. The dim lights flickered in time with the rhythm, casting a hazy glow on the revelers around you. The atmosphere buzzed with energy, and you could feel the bass thumping in your chest.
Taking another shot, you let the warmth spread through you, momentarily drowning out the weight of your thoughts. The scent of alcohol and a mix of perfumes hung in the air as you weaved your way through the dancing crowd.
JJ, your steadfast companion for the evening, kept a watchful eye on you. He had insisted on staying close, sensing that the party might stir up emotions you were trying to escape. Despite the chaos around you, the two of you found a moment of solace by a makeshift bar.
As the night unfolded, laughter and conversations melded into a symphony of chaos. The partygoers, a mix of pogues and tourons, created a dynamic blend of backgrounds and stories. You attempted to lose yourself in the music, letting the beat guide your movements on the makeshift dance floor.
JJ leaned in, his voice just audible over the music. "You doing okay?"
You nodded, the alcohol lending you a temporary sense of detachment. "Yeah, just trying to have a good time."
The night wore on, and the boundaries between reality and the rhythmic pulse of the party blurred. The fleeting moments of joy were punctuated by glimpses of faces that triggered memories — reminders of a past you were desperately trying to escape.
As you lost yourself in the music and the swirling lights, a tall, mysterious stranger approached with a confident smirk on his face. He interrupted your dance, his presence commanding attention. The beat of the music provided the backdrop for his invitation, and you looked up to meet his gaze.
His dark, expressive eyes locked onto yours, and a sly smile played on his lips as he smoothly asked, "Care to dance?" Intrigued by the invitation and the allure of the moment, you returned his smile and nodded, ready to let the rhythm take over and momentarily drown out the complexities of your life.
The tall brunette man's confident smirk widened as you accepted his invitation to dance. The music pulsed through the air, setting the rhythm for your impromptu dance floor connection. You felt the beats vibrating through your body as you turned around to face him, a playful smile dancing on your lips.
The two of you fell into sync, bodies moving to the rhythmic pulse of the music. The dim lights cast shadows on the dance floor, creating an intimate atmosphere. As you swayed to the music, the world around you faded, and the only thing that existed in that moment was the connection between you and the mysterious stranger.
The crowd around you seemed to blur, and the pulsating energy of the party heightened. Your movements became more fluid, and the stranger mirrored your rhythm effortlessly. The playful grinding intensified, creating a charged atmosphere between you two.
As the music enveloped you, you closed your eyes, allowing the rhythmic beats to guide your movements. The stranger's hands found their place on your hips, skillfully leading you in a dance that transcended the bounds of reality. The song's title and the faces around you blurred into insignificance, and for a moment, you embraced the blissful ignorance the dance offered—a temporary escape from the complexities that weighed heavy on your mind.
The tall brunette boy effortlessly spun you around, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. In a bold move, he leaned in, capturing your lips in a heated kiss. His hand found its place on your neck, the warmth of the moment enveloping you as you willingly succumbed to the sensation.
The intoxicating mix of alcohol and the heat of the kiss had your mind swimming in a fuzzy haze, and your body responded, almost getting carried away in the moment. The pulsating beat of the music seemed to synchronize with the rhythm of the kiss, creating a surreal and blissful escape. With your eyes tightly closed, you surrendered to the intensity of the kiss, allowing the thumping music to envelop you in a world of its own. Each passing second seemed to stretch into a timeless embrace, and the chaotic surroundings of the party faded away as you became immersed in the shared desire of the moment.
Your eyes slowly opened after the passionate kiss, only to be confronted with a sight that sent a jolt through your entire being. It felt as though Rafe's face had seamlessly replaced the boy's, staring back at you with an intensity that made your stomach churn. Shocked and unsettled, you instinctively threw your hands over your eyes, attempting to shield yourself from the surreal vision.
The boy, his brows furrowed in confusion, asked with genuine concern, "Hey, is everything okay?"
You shook your head, as if trying to dispel the unsettling image from your mind. With a forced smile, you told him, "I'm fine, just need to grab some water. Be right back."
As you stumbled through the crowded house, the disorientation intensified. The unfamiliar faces seemed to blur together, and the thumping music resonated in your ears. In your hazy state, you navigated the halls in search of a bathroom. A fleeting glimpse of a couple passionately making out in the hallway caught your attention, causing you to pause for a moment.
Suddenly, the faces morphed into Rafe and Sofia, and you winced at the surreal sight. Horror gripped you as the couple noticed your presence and looked at you with confusion. The disconcerting illusion lingered for a moment before you shook your head and hurriedly moved away, desperately seeking refuge from the unsettling images.
"Oh my God," you mumbled to yourself as you stumbled away from the confusing scene. Frantically, you found the bathroom and hurriedly stepped inside, locking the door behind you. Sliding down the door, you lowered your head into your palms, overwhelmed by sobs as you questioned your sanity. The disconcerting images and the weight of the emotions you had been trying to escape crashed over you, leaving you in a state of confusion and despair.
Your bloodshot eyes scanned the bathroom, the running mascara on your face revealing the sorrow you had tried to avoid for months. Pulling your phone out of your pocket, you unlocked it with trembling hands, uncertain about where you were going with it. Frantically scrolling through your contacts, you searched for a sense of comfort in somebody. Eventually, you landed on Rafe's contact name. Your finger hovered over it as your hands shook, tears streaming down your face. The inner turmoil and the overwhelming emotions pushed you to the edge, and the idea of reaching out to him seemed like the only lifeline in that moment.
The room echoed with the sound of the ringing phone as you sniffled, your heart pounding with each passing second. The uncertainty of whether Rafe would answer or not intensified the anxiety that already gripped you. Each ring felt like an eternity, and in the midst of your emotional chaos, you questioned the wisdom of making that call.
The familiar voice sent a jolt through your system, and for a moment, you were paralyzed with a mix of relief and fear. "Rafe?" you uttered, your voice shaky and vulnerable.
There was a brief pause on the other end, as if Rafe was processing the unexpected call. "Yeah, it's me. Are you okay?" His voice carried a mix of concern and confusion.
Torn between the impulse to lie and the desire for honesty, you took a deep breath and decided to open up. "I… I'm not okay, Rafe," you admitted, your voice quivering with emotion. "I saw something, and I just needed someone to talk to."
Concern laced Rafe's response. "What happened? Are you in trouble?"
Your throat tightened as you recounted the strange encounter at the party, the hallucination that overlaid familiar faces onto strangers. "I don't know, Rafe. Everything is a mess, and I feel like I'm losing my mind."
Rafe's tone softened. "Where are you right now? I'll come get you."
You hesitated, unsure whether you wanted to involve him in your chaotic emotions. But, deep down, a part of you yearned for his presence. "I'm at a party… I don't even know whose house this is. Can you just… talk to me?"
Rafe assured you, "Okay, okay just relax. Send me the address and I'll be there in a few minutes. Hang tight, okay?" With that, the call ended, leaving you in the bathroom, the echoes of the party outside muffled by the closed door.
You heard knocking on the door suddenly, which made you flinch. You stood up and flung the door open, met with the sight of a random couple looking at you with confusion as they noticed your mascara running down your face. You pushed past them and made your way down the staircase. The pounding music and flashing lights disoriented you as you navigated through the crowded house. The staircase seemed never-ending as you descended, your mind clouded with a mixture of emotions. Finally, you reached the ground floor and burst through the front door, stepping into the cool night air.
The front yard offered a temporary escape from the overwhelming atmosphere inside. You took deep breaths, attempting to steady yourself. The grass beneath your feet felt cool and damp as you moved away from the entrance, finding a quiet corner of the yard to gather your thoughts.
As you leaned against the side of the house, you heard the distant thumps of the music echoing through the walls. The sounds of laughter and chatter were muffled in the open air, providing a brief reprieve.
The tears flowed freely as the memories of nights spent stargazing with Rafe flooded your mind. The stars above seemed to mock you, their distant twinkles resembling the fragments of your shattered heart. Alone in the darkness, you held your knees to your chest, unable to contain the sobs that wracked your body.
Each breath felt like a struggle, and the weight on your chest grew heavier with each passing moment. The cool night air did little to soothe the burning ache within you. It was as if the universe conspired to amplify your pain, echoing the emptiness you felt in the vast expanse of the night sky.
You wished for a moment of respite, a break from the relentless waves of sorrow crashing over you. Yet, in that isolated corner of the front yard, surrounded by the distant sounds of the party, you couldn't escape the overwhelming loneliness that consumed you.
Amidst the chaos of the party, you remained oblivious to the passing onlookers, their glances carrying a blend of confusion and judgment. The world seemed to close in around you, suffocating you in its relentless grip. Each heartbeat resonated with the pain echoing through your chest, and the weight of the night pressed down on you, making it hard to breathe.
The disapproving stares from strangers blurred into the background as your own internal turmoil took center stage. The universe felt indifferent to your suffering, and the isolation in the midst of a crowd intensified the sense of despair. It was a moment of vulnerability, a raw display of emotions that transcended the boundaries of the party atmosphere.
You clung to the hope that, perhaps, the night would offer some solace. Yet, as the minutes passed, the agony within you showed no signs of relenting. The facade of composure shattered, leaving you exposed to the harsh realities of heartbreak and longing. In that moment of profound vulnerability, you wrestled with the overwhelming pain that threatened to consume you entirely.
The cacophony of your breakdown was abruptly interrupted by a familiar voice cutting through the chaos, calling out your name with a mix of concern and shock. Startled, you halted your sobbing, slowly lifting your tear-streaked face to meet the gaze of the person before you.
There, standing in front of you, was Rafe. His expression revealed a cocktail of emotions—worry, surprise, and a hint of something else. His eyes, once filled with an intensity that was familiar to you, softened as they locked onto yours. The party's chaos seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you in that moment of unexpected reunion.
As the night air hung heavy with the remnants of your tears, you and Rafe stood there, the unspoken weight of your shared history lingering between you. The world around you momentarily ceased to exist, and the only sound that mattered was the echo of your name in his voice.
taglist: @ellesalazar, @champomiel, @vadinaleme, @kys4-20, @gills-lounge, @allsmilesreally7, @sublimepenguinpeach-blog, @sp00ky-spr1te, @bibliophilewednesday, @haroldpotterson, @i-love-rafe, @ellesalazar, @calmoistorm, @abundantxadorations, @fals3-g0d, @gillybear17, @oiiviagrande, @hockeybabe87, @augustlikesdeath, @wpdailyminimeta, @palmwinemami, @loxleys-blog, @ikisscline, @flyestvenustrap, @ilovesteveharrngton, @ijustwanttoreadlols, @fastlovela, @wickedlovely121, @fals3-g0d, @givemylovetoall, @lucfics, @briefwinnerpersonaturtle, @maybankslover, @peachy4u2, @hockeybabe87, @yeosxxx
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bedsyandco · 13 days
⭑     …     ❝ 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐂𝐎 ❞ ; mat barzal
𝓹airing , leclerc!sister x mat barzal
in which the paddock’s favourite sister arrives at the Monaco GP with a new guest
꒰ 𝓷ote , this is very self indulgent and I hope you like it as much as I do . . . ꒱
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f1wags: our favourite girl has returned to the paddock; and this time it’s with a guest! Y/N leclerc shows up to the monaco track with who I presume to be her bf, and sits down for lunch with her brothers. the first time we’ve seen the entire leclerc family together in a while since Y/N has been in New York for work.
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user15: family reunion🥺
user19: my royal family of Monaco fr
user77: I’m so happy to see them all together again. I just know Charles missed her so much🥲
user66: I read an article that said Y/N came straight from the airport so this is the first interaction they’ve had in months!
f1wags: he hugged her for a good ten minutes before he let anyone else get a chance
user51: um- are we gonna skip over the bf part??
user16: how do we know it’s her bf tho…
f1wags: they were very affectionate since the moment they got out of the together. the car that arrived from the airport, so assume he’s american and flew with her. they also kissed and it looked like he was meeting her family (charles, arthur, lozenzo, pascal) I mean we won’t know 100% until she confirms it but it sure looks like they’re together. . .
user77: nooo… my wife is taken 😔
user11: I really wanna know who her bf is tho cause I’m sorry but he’s fineeeee
user62: I expected nothing less from a leclerc sibling. they always bag the prettiest people
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liked by charlesleclerc, ynleclerc, matbarzal and others.
lando.jpg: boat day with the bestie(s?) 🛥️
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user23: DID HE JUST—
user65: HE DID😭😭
user21: did lando just hard launch Y/N’s relationship?
user57: yep. tagged the guy and everything💀
user66: he’s such a little menace
user22: I’m not complaining I’ve been trying to figure out who it is for days🙏 thank you lando
ynleclerc: oh lando🫤
landonorris: don’t “oh lando” me, you didn’t say it was a secret????
ynleclerc: what do you think the words NOT PUBLIC means??
landonorris: the lad had his hands ALL over you in the paddock, it was gonna be public news by the end of the weekend… at least this way it came from a reliable source🤷‍♂️
user62: don’t let the fact that Y/N is dating some hot hockey player from New York distract you from the fact that the besties are reunited!!! I’ve been missing this duo so much
user90: and they’re causing chaos as usual🥲
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liked by charlesleclerc, matbarzal, and others.
ynleclerc: since we were little, I’ve always been your biggest supporter and that will never change charlie. watching you achieve a dream you’ve worked your whole life to achieve is something so magical and all I could ever wish for you as a sibling. congratulations C! I love you endlessly❤️💌
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user13: “watching you achieve a dream you’ve worked your whole life to achieve is something so magical and all I could ever wish for you as a sibling” UM— EXCUSE ME WHILE I GO SOB😭😭
charlesleclerc: I couldn’t possibly do any of this without your love and support. my lucky charm, always. je t'aime❤️❤️❤️
ynleclerc: ❤️
user76: he finally did it😭🙏
user66: these are so beautiful… did you take them?? @.ynleclerc
ynleclerc: I did! I’ve never been so grateful that I carry my camera with me EVERYWHERE. I feel so honoured that I got to capture this entire weekend. I’ll cherish it forever😚
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liked by charlesleclerc, jackhughes, and others.
matbarzal: starting the off-season right ❤️
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noahdobson: just casually posts a picture with charles leclerc and lando norris 🧍‍♂️
matbarzal: I’ll still remember you when I’m famous😘
user72: what. the. fuck.
user77: all of us rn cause this is the wildest crossover I could ever imagine between F1 and hockey😭
user11: they’re both so hot it’s kind of unfair
ynleclerc: ❤️
matbarzal: je t'aime❤️
user55: I wonder if she made fun of Mat’s awful canadian french 😭😭
mattymarts: you expect us to believe you did laundry? I don’t think you even know how
charlesleclerc: I won. guess you’re gonna have to come to every race now 🤷‍♂️
matbarzal: should’ve never told you about superstitions 😔you don’t need them, that win was all you bro😉
charlesleclerc: miss you guys already. gonna have to come to a hockey game next season
matbarzal: you should! we’d be honoured to have you
user77: did someone say bromance??
user19: someone check on beau
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liked by charlesleclerc, matbarzal, and others.
ynleclerc: monaco❤️
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matbarzal: red is definitely your colour baby❤️🥵
scuderiaferrari: we agree😌🏎️
charlesleclerc: thanks for coming sis❤️
arthurleclerc: miss you already🥺❤️
sydneymartin: so iconic😍
ynleclerc: says the ms. iconic herself 🥰
user21: UM— Mat looks so good OMFG
user72: she definitely dressed him
user62: YN please keep the Mat content coming🙏
user14: if I was YN leclerc all my life problems would be solved
ynleclerc: If I had your lashes all my problems would be solved. you’re stunning 😚
user16: you know those couples that just make sense? they’re definitely one of those
user88: can’t wait to see her at games and stuff
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so-many-sainz · 1 year
amigos de la infancia — carlos sainz jr
social media au
carlos sainz jr x childhood bestfriend!yn
📍Monte Carlo, Monaco
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Liked by yninstagram, landonorris and 430.492 others
carlossainz55 Eventful race, next stop home. ❤🇪🇸
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reyesvdc 😍❤🇪🇸
yninstagram yesssss I'm ready to get back home for the spanish gp 🤓🙏🏻
↪ anasainzvdec get back home now you have a wedding to attend ↪ carlossainz55 you better
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📍 Barcelona, Spain
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Liked by carlossainz55, reyesvdc and 80.202 others
yninstagram aaaaaa mi querido fútbol club barcelona 🤩❤💙 (my dear FC Barcelona)
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anasainzvdec stop trying to give your dad a heart attack
carlosonoros nononono🥴
ynsbestfriend madrid madrid madrid hala madrid
↪ yninstagram nasty 🚫
carlossainz55 🤨 para ya (stop now)
landonorris see you soon missy
↪ yninstagram fucking finally, one meeting per year is not ideal, our club won't survive ↪ p1_coach the carlos's annoying friends club annual reunion is taking place this weekend????? ↪ carlossainz55 didn't you get an invite, ruperto?
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yninstagram and anasainzvdec added to their story
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Liked by anasainzvdec and 1.357.435 others
carlossainz55 Friday en casa 🌶❤🇪🇸
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p1_coach yes baby!!!! 🌶🌶
anasainzvdec vamos carlitosss🌶😍
yninstagram Team 55 🧸❤
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Liked by blancasainzv and 47.503 others
yninstagram que finde!!! 😎🧸🌶 almost forgot how much I love the engine's sound❤❤❤❤
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robertomerhi jjajajaa que personaje!! (idk how to translate it)
blancasainzv miss you peque😍
fanuser omggggg look at him!!!🥺🥺🥺
landonorris how come I didn't get see you?
carlossainz55 🌶🧸❤
reyesvdc 🐶🐶🐶🐶💗💗💗
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Liked by yninstagram and 8.392 others
team55_ Carlos this weekend in his home race via yninstagram
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fanuser 😍😍😍
fanuser so handsome
fanuser who the hell is sheeeee👹👹👹👹👹
↪ team55_ family friend!!!
fanuser omg the things I would do to be in her instagram close friendss💀💀💀💀
fanuser dont be shy @yninstagram give us more
fanuser yn took soooo many pics this weekend, I saw her taking a good carlando shot, WHERE IS IT???😭😭😭
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Liked by carlossainz55 and 67.896 others
yninstagram my cute old friend got married today, wish you all the happiness blanqui 💗
✅ got the bouquet, missing the groom ⁉️
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anasainzvdec 💗💗💗💗😭 preciosisima estas
ynsbestfriend we can arrange a thing or two about what's missing 🤭🤭🤭
fanuser no way
carlossainz55 jajajajaja no groom no wedding
↪ yninstagram I missed that detail too
guzmandeman I know some volunteers yninstagram
reyesvdc ❤❤❤
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4 weeks later...
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